Derived Text You are viewing a derived text.
    • The Noble Spinster .
    • The Youth's Mother .
    • The Girl's Father .
    • Others of his Family.
    • The Girl's Mother .
    • The Intendant of the Monument.
    • The Girl's Uncle .
    • Others of her Family.
    • A Band of Sailors.
    • The Girl's Betrothed .
    • A Train of Servants and Attendants.
    • The Youth's Father .
A hilltop. A white marble wall, before which is drawn up an inexorable array of Doric columns. In the middle of the wall is a single doorway, which leads to darkness save for the occasional reflection of red flames from within. On either side of the doorway there stands a burned-out brazen funeral torch, and under the colonnade, as well as on the steps which rise to it, are stationed several black-draped groups that look out toward the horizon-line of the sea. They are waiting. It is evening, and above the tops of the cypress-trees which lead, in a long avenue, up to the foot of the Monument the stars are shining — shining coldly, serenely, patiently, impersonally: they do not care — they have seen too much. They give no heed to the Monument, nor to the convent-isle that whitens in their light a league from shore.
The Girl's Mother
( moaningly, as the flames once more light up the doorway ).

Note: Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 19 chars.

The Girl's Father
( who carries a rich golden urn in his hand ).

Note: Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 40 chars.

The Youth's Mother
( on the other side of the doorway ).

Note: Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars.

The Youth's Father
( who holds a plain earthen urn within the hollow of his arm ).

Note: Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 85 chars.

The Youth's Mother .

Note: Contains 28 words in 6 sentences using 144 chars.

The Youth's Father .

Note: Contains 18 words in 3 sentences using 90 chars.

The Youth's Mother .

Note: Contains 18 words in 3 sentences using 89 chars.

The Youth's Father .

Note: Contains 14 words in 3 sentences using 72 chars.

The Youth's Mother .

Note: Contains 13 words in 3 sentences using 69 chars.

The Youth's Father .

Note: Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 45 chars.

The Youth's Mother .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars.

The Youth's Father .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars.

The Youth's Mother .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars.

The Youth's Father .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars.

The Youth's Mother .

Note: Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars.

The Youth's Father .

Note: Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 59 chars.

The Youth's Mother .

Note: Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars.

[The breeze stirs the tree-tops; it has rippled hillward over the sea.]
The Girl's Mother
( to the Father , who is intently gazing waterward ).

Note: Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 57 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 34 chars.

The Girl's Mother .

Note: Contains 22 words in 3 sentences using 108 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 23 words in 4 sentences using 101 chars.

The Girl's Mother .

Note: Contains 22 words in 4 sentences using 95 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars.

The Girl's Mother .

Note: Contains 42 words in 6 sentences using 187 chars.

The Girl's Father
( turning again toward the sea ).

Note: Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars.

The Girl's Mother .

Note: Contains 14 words in 3 sentences using 58 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 25 words in 4 sentences using 119 chars.

The Girl's Mother .

Note: Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 41 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 35 chars.

The Girl's Mother
( turning away ).

Note: Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars.

The Girl's Mother .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars.

The Girl's Mother .

Note: Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars.

The Girl's Mother .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 27 chars.

[A small ship makes its way landward. Both masts carry full sail, and a white-robed figure waves greeting from the prow.]
The Girl's Betrothed
( to her Father ).

Note: Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 45 chars.

The Girl's Mother .

Note: Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 29 chars.

The Girl's Betrothed
( taking the urn from her Father ).

Note: Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 38 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 50 chars.

The Girl's Mother .

Note: Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 71 chars.

The Girl's Uncle .

Note: Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 57 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 54 chars.

The Girl's Mother .

Note: Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 43 chars.

The Girl's Uncle .

Note: Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 36 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 48 chars.

The Girl's Grandmother .

Note: Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 42 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 37 chars.

The Girl's Uncle .

Note: Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 84 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 45 chars.

The Girl's Mother .

Note: Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 36 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 64 chars.

The Girl's Uncle .

Note: Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars.

The Girl's Grandfather .

Note: Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 80 chars.

The Girl's Mother .

Note: Contains 20 words in 2 sentences using 92 chars.

[The sound of a prow crunching on the shingle of the shore. The last faint glow illumines the lintel of the doorway. The breeze freshens; it is still from the sea.]
The Youth's Father .

Note: Contains 3 words in 2 sentences using 16 chars.

The Youth's Younger Brother .

Note: Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 35 chars.

The Youth's Mother .

Note: Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 58 chars.

The Youth's Father .

Note: Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 29 chars.

The Youth's Sister .

Note: Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars.

The Youth's Brother .

Note: Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars.

The Youth's Mother .

Note: Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars.

The Youth's Father .

Note: Contains 20 words in 3 sentences using 109 chars.

The Youth's Aunt
( bitterly ).

Note: Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 48 chars.

[The Intendant appears in the doorway of the Monument.]
The Intendant
( to the Girl's Father ).

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars.

The Youth's Father .

Note: Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars.

The Youth's Mother .

Note: Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars.

The Youth's Brother .

Note: Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 28 chars.

The Youth's Sister .

Note: Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 30 chars.

The Girl's Father
( advancing with his urn ).

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars.

The Youth's Father
( also advancing ).

Note: Contains 14 words in 3 sentences using 67 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 37 chars.

The Youth's Brother .

Note: Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars.

The Youth's Mother .

Note: Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 50 chars.

The Intendant .

Note: Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 61 chars.

The Girl's Uncle .

Note: Contains 15 words in 3 sentences using 72 chars.

The Youth's Mother .

Note: Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 61 chars.

The Girl's Mother .

Note: Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 66 chars.

[A figure in white appears at the lower end of the cypress-avenue and comes up rapidly, accompanied by the scuffling of many feet.]
The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 34 chars.

The Intendant .

Note: Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 44 chars.

The Girl's Father
( to his major-domo ).

Note: Contains 15 words in 1 sentence using 75 chars.

The Youth's Mother .

Note: Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 37 chars.

The Youth's Father .

Note: Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 46 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 13 words in 3 sentences using 56 chars.

[The Noble Spinster , in the full habit of a nun, and with damp and disheveled hair, arrives panting at the lowest of the marble steps.]
The Spinster
( mounting; the sailors remain behind ).

Note: Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 67 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 51 chars.

The Girl's Uncle .

Note: Contains 15 words in 3 sentences using 77 chars.

The Girl's Mother .

Note: Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 34 chars.

The Spinster .

Note: Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 57 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 28 chars.

The Girl's Mother .

Note: Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 51 chars.

The Girl's Uncle .

Note: Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 51 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 26 words in 3 sentences using 131 chars.

The Spinster .

Note: Contains 45 words in 7 sentences using 222 chars.

The Girl's Mother .

Note: Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 21 chars.

The Spinster
( suddenly, as she glances at the young man beside the Girl's Father ).

Note: Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 12 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars.

The Spinster
( with shrill laughter ).

Note: Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 59 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars.

The Spinster
( with shriller laughter ).

Note: Contains 14 words in 3 sentences using 64 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars.

The Girl's Betrothed .

Note: Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 5 chars.

The Spinster .

Note: Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 46 chars.

The Youth's Father
( advancing ).

Note: Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 11 chars.

The Spinster
( frantically ).

Note: Contains 28 words in 5 sentences using 121 chars.

The Youth's Father .

Note: Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars.

The Spinster .

Note: Contains 22 words in 3 sentences using 106 chars.

The Youth's Mother .

Note: Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 6 chars.

The Spinster .

Note: Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 95 chars.

The Girl's Uncle .

Note: Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 50 chars.

The Spinster .

Note: Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 39 chars.

The Captain of the Sailors .

Note: Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 77 chars.

The Spinster .

Note: Contains 20 words in 4 sentences using 87 chars.

The Girl's Mother .

Note: Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 37 chars.

The Spinster .

Note: Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars.

The Girl's Betrothed .

Note: Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars.

The Spinster
( to the Girl's Betrothed ).

Note: Contains 44 words in 9 sentences using 214 chars.

The Girl's Betrothed
( stammeringly ).

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars.

The Spinster .

Note: Contains 58 words in 9 sentences using 265 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 5 words in 3 sentences using 28 chars.

The Spinster .

Note: Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 67 chars.

The Girl's Betrothed .

Note: Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 37 chars.

The Spinster .

Note: Contains 10 words in 3 sentences using 46 chars.

The Girl's Uncle .

Note: Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars.

The Spinster .

Note: Contains 35 words in 4 sentences using 166 chars.

The Youth's Mother .

Note: Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 32 chars.

The Youth's Father .

Note: Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 35 chars.

The Spinster .

Note: Contains 69 words in 9 sentences using 345 chars.

The Girl's Uncle .

Note: Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 41 chars.

The Spinster .

Note: Contains 23 words in 6 sentences using 116 chars.

The Intendant .

Note: Contains 14 words in 4 sentences using 69 chars.

The Spinster
( trying a second time ).

Note: Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 27 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 9 words in 3 sentences using 49 chars.

The Spinster .

Note: Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 42 chars.

The Girl's Uncle .

Note: Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 39 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 22 chars.

The Intendant .

Note: Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars.

[He receives the two urns at the same time from the hands of the two Fathers and retires through the doorway.]
The Captain of the Sailors
( looking aloft ).

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars.

The Spinster
( clasping her hands over her streaming hair ).

Note: Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars.

The Captain .

Note: Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 29 chars.

The Spinster .

Note: Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 66 chars.

The Captain .

Note: Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 46 chars.

The Spinster .

Note: Contains 18 words in 2 sentences using 109 chars.

[The Intendant appears in the doorway with an urn in each hand. The two families advance to receive them.]
The Spinster
( springing forward ).

Note: Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 44 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 6 chars.

The Girl's Betrothed .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars.

The Girl's Uncle .

Note: Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 37 chars.

The Youth's Father .

Note: Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 51 chars.

The Spinster
( snatching at the covers of the two urns ).

Note: Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 74 chars.

The Intendant .

Note: Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars.

The Youth's Mother .

Note: Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 39 chars.

The Spinster .

Note: Contains 22 words in 3 sentences using 118 chars.

[The Spinster wrenches the two urns from the hands of the Intendant , and attempts to empty the contents of the earthen one into the golden one. A sudden gust of wind sweeps through the colonnade, and a bright beacon-light flares on the topmost tower of the convent. The Spinster, blinded by the blowing of her own hair, or by the swirling ashes, drops both urns with a crash upon the marble pavement. The wind sweeps the hilltop wildly and makes for the open sea.]
The Youth's Mother .

Note: Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 33 chars.

The Girl's Father .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars.

The Captain of the Sailors .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars.

The Spinster
( laughing wildly ).

Note: Contains 36 words in 8 sentences using 182 chars.

[The Spinster , followed by her Sailors, runs rapidly down the cypress-avenue. The launching of her ship is heard above the protests and lamentations of those who are left behind. The Intendant enters the Monument, and shuts the door.]

Holder of rights
Mathias Göbel

Citation Suggestion for this Object
TextGrid Repository (2024). American Drama. The Love of Love. The Love of Love. American Drama Corpus. Mathias Göbel.