Derived Text You are viewing a derived text.
    • The Sinner .
    • The Ignoramus .
    • The Saint .
    • The Woman Worldly Wise .
    • The Hermit .
    • A Series of Dumb Shows .
    • Ballet Infernal .
A pool in the heart of the primeval forest. Close beside it, a human habitation — half lodge, half chapel. The pool is fed by a small stream which, rising high above, forms a waterfall over a ledge of rock; and it is emptied by means of a wider stream which flows into a lake lying many feet below. Close to the edge of the pool a flock of lambs are grazing, and two or three swans, with their young, float upon its surface. The spot is closed in by a chain of mountain-peaks pink in the latest moment of the sunset glow, and upon the lightly ruffled bosom of the pool itself one sees the dancing double of the evening star.
Present: the Saint and The Sinner . She is robed in a fluttering tissue of celestial blue; he is clad in penitential garb and reclines on a rustic couch beside which rests his harp; he has left some of his best years behind him, and his face shows the scars and flushes of a hundred strange sins.
The Saint .

Note: Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 58 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 40 words in 2 sentences using 204 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 29 words in 3 sentences using 142 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 26 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 59 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 22 words in 1 sentence using 112 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 31 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 34 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 44 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 12 words in 1 sentence using 60 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 35 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 88 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 47 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 50 chars.

The Sinner
( with a start of joy ).

Note: Contains 38 words in 4 sentences using 214 chars.

[The Saint seats herself at her wheel and softly croons a little melody.]
The Sinner .

Note: Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 80 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 9 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 24 words in 2 sentences using 115 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 98 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 29 words in 3 sentences using 147 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 92 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 71 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 76 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 31 words in 2 sentences using 152 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 18 words in 1 sentence using 84 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 33 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 21 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 34 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 68 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 10 words in 1 sentence using 48 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 34 words in 3 sentences using 198 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 46 words in 3 sentences using 232 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 8 words in 2 sentences using 39 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 39 words in 3 sentences using 224 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 22 words in 3 sentences using 98 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 7 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 39 words in 2 sentences using 214 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 74 chars.

[Nevertheless, the misty veil of the waterfall is parted and reveals a rocky recess behind it. The walls of this recess take upon themselves the semblance of a subterranean dungeon; a rack is visible, and close beside it a figure like that of the Sinner himself directs the horrible procedure of the torture-chamber. At the same time a wild cry is heard.]
The Sinner
( starting ).

Note: Contains 34 words in 5 sentences using 165 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 36 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 28 words in 2 sentences using 151 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 74 chars.

[Notwithstanding this, the veil of the waterfall parts a second time and reveals a shipwreck festering on a wide waste of stagnant waters. Two living figures struggle feebly for the last crumb of bread and the last drop of water. One of them, in the likeness of the Sinner himself, stabs the other and pushes his body overboard into the sea.]
The Sinner
( groaning deeply, after having cast a sidelong glance in the direction of the waterfall ).

Note: Contains 7 words in 3 sentences using 30 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 10 words in 2 sentences using 49 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 43 words in 4 sentences using 220 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 17 words in 2 sentences using 74 chars.

[But his silence does not prevent the parting of the watery veil for yet a third time. There appears the street of a city given over to sack and slaughter. A frenzied figure, like that of the Sinner's self, rushes hither and thither with a dripping sword, and the pavement is red with the blood of defenseless women and of suckling infants. Again a cry is heard — louder and more piercing.]
The Sinner
( placing himself between the Saint and the waterfall ).

Note: Contains 4 words in 3 sentences using 25 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 16 words in 3 sentences using 89 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 101 chars.

[He rises with a sudden start. But his wound breaks out afresh and his bandages are dyed with blood. He sinks back panting.]
The Sinner .

Note: Contains 8 words in 3 sentences using 39 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 29 words in 4 sentences using 157 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 37 words in 4 sentences using 189 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 29 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 76 chars.

[Yet the merciless veil of the waterfall parts for a fourth time. It reveals an orgy in a vast and splendid banquet hall. A figure like that of the Sinner forms the center of the revel; one arm holds aloft a wine-cup; the other encircles a jeweled wanton's waist.]
A Voice .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 19 chars.

[The Woman Worldly Wise advances from the edge of the darkening forest.]
The Sinner
( groaning in anguish alike of body and of spirit ).

Note: Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 7 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 32 words in 4 sentences using 165 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 4 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 16 words in 2 sentences using 84 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 14 words in 3 sentences using 74 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 34 words in 5 sentences using 196 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 111 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 6 words in 3 sentences using 33 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 20 words in 2 sentences using 82 chars.

[The Saint , despite herself, turns her eyes toward the waterfall, which she contemplates long and earnestly with an expression of puzzled questioning.]
The Saint .

Note: Contains 21 words in 2 sentences using 106 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 28 chars.

The Sinner
( with his hand on his wound, yet in a tone of triumph ).

Note: Contains 14 words in 3 sentences using 75 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise
( to the Saint ).

Note: Contains 26 words in 2 sentences using 137 chars.

The Saint
( with her hand upon the rope of her bell ).

Note: Contains 27 words in 1 sentence using 130 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 19 words in 4 sentences using 105 chars.

[The Hermit emerges from the forest and advances slowly, leaning on his staff.]
The Hermit .

Note: Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 49 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 11 words in 1 sentence using 53 chars.

The Hermit .

Note: Contains 39 words in 5 sentences using 205 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 27 words in 3 sentences using 142 chars.

The Hermit .

Note: Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 38 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 16 words in 1 sentence using 89 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 35 words in 4 sentences using 191 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 55 chars.

[The early moon has risen. Its beams lie slantingly upon the waterfall and weave a rainbow from its spray. The swans have sought their beds along the sedgy shores of the pool, and the lambs are folded in the shelter of a wide-spreading tree.
Suddenly the Ignoramus , holding a half-tamed lion in leash, comes bounding down the mountain-side. In his belt he carries a knife and a flower indescribably brilliant and pungent. He stands regarding the group before him with an expression of vacant good-nature.]
The Sinner .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 18 chars.

The Hermit .

Note: Contains 46 words in 3 sentences using 245 chars.

The Sinner
( fretfully ).

Note: Contains 25 words in 2 sentences using 118 chars.

The Hermit
( to the Ignoramus , toward whom he extends the harp ).

Note: Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 24 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 9 words in 2 sentences using 38 chars.

[The Ignoramus snatches the harp with a glad curiosity. Within a moment he has snapped its strings, crushed its frame, and has thrown its fragments, with a chuckle of fond delight and of challenged approval, upon the ground.]
The Sinner .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 13 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 24 words in 2 sentences using 122 chars.

The Hermit .

Note: Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 10 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 30 words in 5 sentences using 170 chars.

The Sinner
( groaning in pain and vexation ).

Note: Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 24 words in 3 sentences using 108 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 29 chars.

The Hermit .

Note: Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 15 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 5 words in 2 sentences using 28 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise
( pointing to the Saint ).

Note: Contains 3 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 35 chars.

The Hermit .

Note: Contains 15 words in 3 sentences using 87 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 35 words in 3 sentences using 193 chars.

[The Ignoramus , who has been standing in smiling doubt, suddenly draws his knife, seizes one of the lambs, slits its throat, and throws its body to the lion. The lion retires with its booty within the dark edge of the wood.]
The Saint
( with a faint cry ).

Note: Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars.

The Sinner
( with a shout of helpless rage ).

Note: Contains 11 words in 3 sentences using 56 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 23 words in 4 sentences using 108 chars.

The Hermit .

Note: Contains 25 words in 3 sentences using 128 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars.

The Hermit .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 17 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 20 words in 4 sentences using 95 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 39 words in 5 sentences using 201 chars.

Ballet . — The veil of the waterfall parts once more and shows the cavern aflame with an unearthly light and a-swarm with many madly-swirling figures. Lines of staggering bacchantes weave to and fro, to the piercing notes of reeds and viols and to the delicate tingle and clang of brasses. — A vast burning heart bursts asunder, and Temptation herself, robed in clamorous scarlet and crowned with flaring flames, comes whirling to the fore.]
The Woman Worldly Wise
( to the Sinner ).

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 14 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 18 words in 3 sentences using 92 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 13 words in 2 sentences using 62 chars.

[The Hermit , meanwhile, sunk on his knees and with his hands pressed against his eyes, tremblingly strives to stammer out a prayer. The Ignoramus , starting forward with a fierce joy dawning upon his face, emits inarticulate cries of rapture at the spectacle, and in anticipation of other spectacles yet to succeed. The Saint glances from one to another of the group with an air of plaintive questioning.]
The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 7 words in 2 sentences using 40 chars.

[The plants that fringe and frame the waterfall now expand into gigantic blooms of amazing brilliancy; their crinkled edges flame with hell-fire. Within the cavern, bands of fauns and satyrs, accompanied by bassoons and cymbals, sweep in giddy circles round a whited sepulcher. The sepulcher is suddenly rent in twain, and Perdition , powdered with gold and clad in voluminous swirls of floating black gauze, comes reeling through their ranks. Her eyes flash and scintillate with exultant terrors; and The Hermit , trembling in every limb, falls half prostrate on the ground, while the Ignoramus , with a wild shout of rapture, snatches the blossom from his belt and throws it at her feet.]
The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 23 words in 3 sentences using 106 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 23 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 11 words in 2 sentences using 52 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 10 words in 3 sentences using 46 chars.

[Pas de Deux. — Through the floor rise Ruination and Damnation (a man among women) decked in desperate convolutions of red and black and yellow. They swirl and swing and swoon, before a shifting array of imps and devils. A fierce light beats upon their gyrations, but the throne behind them still remains in shadow.]
The Sinner .

Note: Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 40 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 19 words in 2 sentences using 96 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 6 words in 2 sentences using 27 chars.

[Pas Seul by the prima assoluta, Torment-Everlasting . She is clothed in the coruscations of clear combustion, all crisp and crinkling and crimson. To the screams of violins, the shrieks of trumpets and the shivers of drums she trips and twists with an unconquerable and inexhaustible agility through ranks and rows of quivering flames; her limbs are distorted by tendons racked and strained, and her face is wreathed with an endless succession of agonizing smiles. The Hermit , with his hands writhing in a locked twist, lies prostrate upon the chapel steps, while the Ignoramus is seen madly floundering through the pool toward the cavern.]
The Sinner .

Note: Contains 9 words in 1 sentence using 42 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 34 chars.

[The inner stage is invaded by a flood of nymphs, sirens, bacchantes, satyrs, amoretti, imps and demons. They presently flow to right and left in two great waves, and leave an open way up to the steps that rise to the canopied seat.]
The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 35 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 17 words in 4 sentences using 84 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 2 words in 1 sentence using 8 chars.

The Sinner
( now standing close beside the Saint ).

Note: Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 24 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise
( to the Saint ).

Note: Contains 20 words in 3 sentences using 99 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 32 words in 2 sentences using 164 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 37 words in 4 sentences using 190 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 33 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 4 words in 2 sentences using 19 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 15 words in 2 sentences using 87 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 70 chars.

[The throne is suddenly illumined. It is empty. The Woman , with a shriek of rage and mortification, falls half fainting to the ground.]
The Saint .

Note: Contains 18 words in 3 sentences using 83 chars.

[She rings it. The throng within the cavern vanishes. The rainbow again spans the waterfall, and in its spray the Ignoramus , beslimed with mud and torn by the jagged rocks, is seen in a gasping struggle for his life.]
The Sinner
( taking the hand of the Saint ).

Note: Contains 44 words in 4 sentences using 231 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 8 words in 1 sentence using 39 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 25 chars.

The Hermit
( rising on his elbows ).

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise
( struggling to her feet ).

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars.

The Ignoramus
( in a vain repetition, as he drags himself to land ).

Note: Contains 4 words in 1 sentence using 16 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 26 words in 3 sentences using 149 chars.

The Woman Worldly Wise .

Note: Contains 23 words in 3 sentences using 119 chars.

The Sinner
( to the Saint ).

Note: Contains 14 words in 2 sentences using 65 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 3 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 6 words in 1 sentence using 32 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 20 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 1 word in 1 sentence using 8 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 7 words in 1 sentence using 35 chars.

The Sinner .

Note: Contains 12 words in 2 sentences using 63 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 67 chars.

The Sinner
( with a flush ).

Note: Contains 14 words in 1 sentence using 73 chars.

The Saint .

Note: Contains 5 words in 1 sentence using 24 chars.

[They pass over on the rainbow and take in the moonlight the upward path. The Three who remain behind slink back with downcast mien into the dark forest.]

Holder of rights
Mathias Göbel

Citation Suggestion for this Object
TextGrid Repository (2024). American Drama. The Cure of Souls. The Cure of Souls. American Drama Corpus. Mathias Göbel.