
A PINDARIQUE ODE, Humbly Offer'd to the QUEEN, ON THE Victorious Progreſs of Her MAJESTY's Arms, under the Conduct of the Duke of MARLBOROUGH.

To which is prefix'd, A DISCOURSE on the PINDARIQUE ODE.


—Operoſa parvus
Carmina fingo.
Hor. Ode 2. L. 4.
Tuque dum procedis, Io triumphe
Non ſemel dicemus, Io triumphe
Civitas omnis; dabimuſ (que) Divis
Thura benignis.

LONDON: Printed for Jacob Tonſon, within Grays-Inn Gate next Grays-Inn Lane. 1706.



THE following Ode is an Attempt towards reſtoring the Regularity of the Ancient Lyrick Poetry, which ſeems to be altogether forgotten or unknown by our Engliſh Writers.

There is nothing more frequent among us, than a ſort of Poems intituled Pindarique Odes; pretending to be written in Imitation of the Manner and Stile of Pindar, and yet I do not know that there is to this Day extant in our Language, one Ode contriv'd after his Model. What Idea can an Engliſh Reader have of Pindar, (to whoſe Mouth, when a Child, the Beesa brought their Honey, in Omen of the future Sweetneſs and Melody of his Songs) when he ſhall ſee ſuch rumbling and grating Papers of Verſes, pretending to be Copies of his Works?

The Character of theſe late Pindariques, is a Bundle of rambling incoherent Thoughts, expreſs'd in a like parcel of irregular Stanza's, which alſo conſiſt of ſuch another Complication of diſproportion'd, uncertain and perplex'd Verſes and Rhimes. And I appeal to any Reader, if this is not the Condition in which theſe Titular Odes appear.

On the contrary, there is nothing more regular than the Odes of Pindar, both as to the exact Obſervation of the Meaſures and Numbers of his Stanza's and Verſes, and the perpetual Coherence of his Thoughts. For tho' his Digreſſions are frequent, and his Tranſitions ſudden, yet is there ever ſome ſecret Connexion, which tho' not always appearing to the Eye, never fails to communicate it ſelf to the Underſtanding of the Reader.

The Liberty which he took in his Numbers, and which has been ſo miſunderſtood and miſapply'd by his pretended Imitators, was only in varying the Stanza's in different Odes; but in each particular Ode they are ever Correſpondent one to another in their Turns, and according to the Order of the Ode.

All the Odes of Pindar are Songs of Triumph, Victory or Succeſs in the Grecian Games: They were ſung by a Chorus, and adapted to the Lyre, and ſometimes [] to the Lyre and b Pipe; they conſiſted oftneſt of Three Stanza's, the firſt was call'd the Strophé, from the Verſion or circular Motion of the Singers in that Stanza from the Right Hand to the Left.c The ſecond Stanza was call'd the Antiſtrophé, from the Contraverſion of the Chorus; the Singers, in performing that, turning from the Left Hand to the Right, contrary always to their Motion in the Strophé. The Third Stanza was call'd the Epode, (it may be as being the After-ſong) which they ſung in the middle, neither turning to one Hand nor the other.

What the Origin was of theſe different Motions and Stations in ſinging their Odes, is not our preſent buſineſs to enquire. Some have thought that by the Contrariety of the Strophé and Antiſtrophé, they intended to repreſent the Contrarotation of the Primum Mobile, in reſpect of the Secunda Mobilia; and that by their ſtanding ſtill at the Epode, they meant to ſignifie the Stability of the Earth.d Others aſcribe the Inſtitution to Theſeus, who thereby expreſſed the Windings and Turnings of the Labyrinth in celebrating his Return from thence.

The Method obſerv'd in the Compoſition of theſe Odes, was therefore as follows. The Poet having made choice of a certain Number of Verſes to conſtitute his Strophé or firſt Stanza, was oblig'd to obſerve the ſame in his Antiſtrophé, or ſecond Stanza; and which accordingly perpetually agreed whenever repeated, both in number of Verſes and quantity of Feet: He was then again at liberty, to make a new choice for his third Stanza, or Epode; where, accordingly, he diverſify'd his Numbers as his Ear or Fancy led him; compoſing that Stanza of more or fewer Verſes than the former, and thoſe Verſes of different Meaſures and Quantities, for the greater Variety of Harmony, and Entertainment of the Ear.

But then this Epode being thus form'd, he was ſtrictly oblig'd to the ſame eMeaſure, as often as he ſhould repeat it in the order of his Ode, ſo that every Epode in the ſame Ode is eternally the ſame in Meaſure and Quantity, in reſpect to it ſelf; as is alſo every Strophé and Antiſtrophé, in reſpect to each other.

The Lyrick Poet Steſichorus (whom f Longinus reckons amongſt the ableſt Imitators of Homer, and of whom g Quintilian ſays, that if he could have kept within bounds, he would have been neareſt of any Body, in Merit, to Homer) was, if not the Inventer of this Order in the Ode, yet ſo ſtrict an Obſerver of it in his Compoſitions, that the Three Stanza's of Steſichorus became a common Proverb to expreſs a thing univerſally known, h ne tria quidem Steſichori noſti; ſo that when any one had a mind to reproach another with [] exceſſive Ignorance, he could not do it more effectually than by telling him, he did not ſo much as know the Three Stanza's of Steſichorus; that is, did not know that an Ode ought to conſiſt of a Strophé, an Antiſtrophé, and an Epode. If this was ſuch a mark of Ignorance among them, I am ſure we have been pretty long liable to the ſame Reproof; I mean, in reſpect of our Imitations of the Odes of Pindar.

My Intention is not to make a long Preface to a ſhort Ode, nor to enter upon a Diſſertation of Lyrick Poetry in general: But thus much I thought proper to ſay, for the Information of thoſe Readers whoſe Courſe of Study has not led 'em into ſuch Enquiries.

I hope I ſhall not be ſo miſunderſtood, as to have it thought that I pretend to give an exact Copy of Pindar in this enſuing Ode; or that I look upon it as a Pattern for his Imitators for the future: Far from ſuch Thoughts, I have only given an Inſtance of what is practicable, and am ſenſible that I am as diſtant from the Force and Elevation of Pindar, as others have hitherto been from the Harmony and Regularity of his Numbers.

Again, we having no Chorus to ſing our Odes, the Titles, as well as Uſe of Strophe, Antiſtrophe, and Epode, are Obſolete and Impertinent: And certainly there may be very good Engliſh Odes, without the Diſtinction of Greek Appellations to their Stanza's. That I have mention'd 'em here, and obſerv'd the Order of 'em in the enſuing Ode, is therefore only the more intelligibly to explain the extraordinary Regularity of the Compoſition of thoſe Odes, which have been repreſented to us hitherto, as the moſt confus'd Structures in Nature.

However, tho' there be no neceſſity that our Triumphal Odes ſhould conſiſt of the Three afore-mention'd Stanza's; yet if the Reader can obſerve that the great Variation of the Numbers in the Third Stanza (call it Epode, or what you pleaſe) has a pleaſing Effect in the Ode, and makes him return to the Firſt and Second Stanza's, with more Appetite, than he could do if always cloy'd with the ſame Quantities and Meaſures, I cannot ſee why ſome Uſe may not be made of Pindar's Example, to the great Improvement of the Engliſh Ode. There is certainly a Pleaſure in beholding any Thing that has Art and Difficulty in the Contrivance; eſpecially, if it appears ſo carefully executed, that the Difficulty does not ſhew it ſelf, 'till it is ſought for; and that the ſeeming Eaſineſs of the Work, firſt ſets us upon the Enquiry. Nothing can be call'd Beautiful without Proportion. When Symmetry and Harmony are wanting, neither the Eye nor the Ear can be pleas'd. Therefore certainly Poetry, which includes Painting and Muſick, ſhould not be deſtitute of 'em; and of all Poetry, eſpecially the Ode, whoſe End and Eſſence is Harmony.

Mr. Cowley, in his Preface to his Pindarique Odes, ſpeaking of the Muſick of Numbers, ſays, which ſometimes (eſpecially in Songs and Odes) almoſt without any thing elſe makes an Excellent Poet.

Having mention'd Mr. Cowley, it may very well be expected, that ſomething ſhould be ſaid of him, at a time when the Imitation of Pindar is the [] Theme of our Diſcourſe. But there is that great Deference due to the Memory, great Parts, and Learning of that Gentleman, that I think nothing ſhould be objected to the Latitude he has taken in his Pindarique Odes. The Beauty of his Verſes, are an Attonement for the Irregularity of his Stanza's; and tho' he did not imitate Pindar in the Strictneſs of his Numbers, he has very often happily copy'd him in the Force of his Figures, and Sublimity of his Stile and Sentiments.

Yet I muſt beg leave to add, that I believe thoſe irregular Odes of Mr. Cowley, may have been the principal, tho' innocent Occaſion of ſo many deformed Poems ſince, which inſtead of being true Pictures of Pindar, have (to uſe the Italian Painters Term) been only Caricatura's of him, Reſemblances that for the moſt part have been either Horrid or Ridiculous.

For my own part I frankly own my Error, in having heretofore miſ-call'd a few irregular Stanza's a Pindarique Ode; and poſſibly, if others, who have been under the ſame Miſtake, would ingenuouſly confeſs the Truth, they might own, that never having conſulted Pindar himſelf, they took all his Irregularity upon truſt; and finding their Account in the great Eaſe with which they could produce Odes, without being oblig'd either to Meaſure or Deſign, remain'd ſatisfy'd; and it may be were not altogether unwilling to neglect being undeceiv'd.

Tho' there be little (if any thing) left of Orpheus but his Name, yet if * Pauſanias was well inform'd, we may be aſſur'd that Brevity was a Beauty which he moſt induſtriouſly labour'd to preſerve in his Hymns, notwithſtanding, as the ſame Author reports, that they were but few in Number.

The Shortneſs of the following Ode will, I hope, attone for the Length of the Preface, and in ſome meaſure for the Defects which may be found in it. It conſiſts of the ſame Number of Stanza's with that beautiful Ode of Pindar, which is the firſt of his Pythicks; and tho' I was unable to imitate him in any other Beauty, I reſolv'd to endeavour to Copy his Brevity, and take the Advantage of a Remark he has made in the laſt Strophé of the ſame Ode, which take in the Paraphraſe of Sudorius.

Qui multa paucis ſtringere Commode
Novere, morſus hi facile invidos
Spernunt, & auris menſ (que) pura
Omne ſupervacuum rejectat.


DAughter of Memory, Immortal Muſe,
Calliope; what Poet wilt thou chuſe
Of ANNA's Name to Sing?
To whom wilt thou thy Fire impart,
Thy Lyre, thy Voice, and tuneful Art;
Whom raiſe Sublime on thy Aetherial Wing,
And Conſecrate with Dews of thy Caſtalian Spring?
Without thy Aid, the moſt aſpiring Mind
Muſt flag beneath, to narrow Flights confin'd,
Striving to riſe in vain:
Nor e'er can hope with equal Lays
To celebrate bright Virtue's Praiſe.
Thy Aid obtain'd, even I, the humbleſt Swain,
May climb Pierian Heights, and quit the lowly Plain.
High in the Starry Orb is hung,
And next Alcides Guardian Arm,
That Harp to which thy Orpheus Sung,
Who Woods, and Rocks, and Winds cou'd Charm.
[3] That Harp which on Cyllenes ſhady Hill,
When firſt the Vocal Shell was found,
With more than Mortal Skill
Inventer Hermes taught to ſound.
Hermes on bright Latona's Son,
By ſweet Perſuaſion won,
The wond'rous Work beſtow'd;
Latona's Son, to thine
Indulgent, gave the Gift Divine:
A God the Gift, a God th' Invention ſhow'd.
To that high-ſounding Lyre I tune my Strains;
A lower Note his Lofty Song diſdains
Who Sings of ANNA's Name.
The Lyre is ſtruck! the Sounds I hear!
O Muſe, propitious to my Pray'r!
O well known Sounds! O Melody, the ſame
That kindled Mantuan Fire, and rais'd Maeonian Flame!
Nor are theſe Sounds to Britiſh Bards unknown,
Or ſparingly reveal'd to one alone:
Witneſs ſweet Spencer's Lays
And witneſs that Immortal Song,
As Spencer ſweet, as Milton ſtrong,
Which humble Boyn o'er Tiber's Flood cou'd raiſe,
And mighty William Sing, with well-proportion'd Praiſe.
Riſe, Fair Auguſta, lift thy Head,
With Golden Tow'rs thy Front adorn;
Come forth, as comes from Tithon's Bed
With chearful Ray the ruddy Morn.
Thy lovely Form, and freſh reviving State,
In Cryſtal Flood of Thames ſurvey;
Then bleſs thy better Fate,
Bleſs ANNA's moſt Auſpicious Sway.
While diſtant Realms and neighb'ring Lands,
Arm'd Troops and hoſtile Bands
On ev'ry Side moleſt,
[5] Thy happier Clime is Free,
Fair CAPITAL of Liberty!
And Plenty knows, and Days of Halcyon Reſt.
As Britain's Iſle, when old vex'd Ocean roars,
Unſhaken ſees againſt her Silver Shoars
His foaming Billows beat;
So Britain's QUEEN, amidſt the Jars
And Tumults of a World in Wars,
Fix'd on the Baſe of Her well-founded State,
Serene and ſafe looks down, nor feels the Shocks of Fate.
But Greateſt Souls, tho' bleſt with ſweet Repoſe,
Are ſooneſt touch'd with Senſe of others Woes.
Thus ANNA's mighty Mind,
To Mercy and ſoft Pity prone,
And mov'd with Sorrows not her own,
Has all her Peace and downy Reſt reſign'd,
To wake for Common Good, and ſuccour Human-kind.
Fly, Tyranny, no more be known
Within Europa's bliſsful Bound;
Far as th' unhabitable Zone
Fly ev'ry hoſpitable Ground.
To horrid Zembla's Frozen Realms repair;
There with the baleful Beldam, NIGHT,
Unpeopl'd Empire ſhare,
And rob thoſe Lands of Legal Right.
For now is come the promis'd Hour,
When Juſtice ſhall have Pow'r;
Juſtice to Earth reſtor'd!
Again Aſtrea Reigns!
ANNA Her equal Scale maintains,
And MARLBRÔ wields Her ſure deciding Sword.
Now could'ſt thou ſoar, my Muſe, to Sing the MAN
In Heights ſublime, as when the Mantuan Swan
[7] Her tow'ring Pinions ſpred;
Thou ſhould'ſt of MARLBRÔ Sing, whoſe Hand
Unerring from his QUEEN's Command,
Far as the Seven-mouth'd Iſter's ſecret Head,
To ſave th' Imperial State, Her hardy Britons led.
Nor there thy Song ſhould end; tho' all the Nine
Might well their Harps and Heav'nly Voices join
To Sing that Glorious Day,
When Bold Bavaria fled the Field,
And Veteran Gauls unus'd to yield,
On Blenheim's Plain imploring Mercy lay;
And Spoils and Trophies won, perplex'd the Victors way.
But cou'd thy Voice of Blenheim Sing,
And with Succeſs that Song purſue;
What Art cou'd Aid thy weary Wing
To keep the Victor ſtill in view?
For as the Sun ne'er ſtops his radiant Flight,
Nor Sets, but with impartial Ray
To all who want his Light
Alternately transfers the Day:
So in the Glorious Round of Fame,
Great MARLBRÔ, ſtill the ſame,
Inceſſant runs his Courſe;
To Climes remote, and near,
His Conq'ring Arms by turns appear,
And Univerſal is his Aid and Force.
Attempt not to proceed, unwary Muſe,
For O! what Notes, what Numbers could'ſt thou chuſe,
[9] Tho' in all Numbers skill'd;
To Sing the Hero's matchleſs Deed,
Which Belgia Sav'd, and Brabant Free'd;
To Sing Ramillia's Day! to which muſt yield
* Cannae's Illuſtrious Fight, and Fam'd Pharſalia's Field.
In the ſhort Courſe of a Diurnal Sun,
Behold the Work of many Ages done!
What Verſe ſuch Worth can Raiſe?
Luſtre and Life, the Poet's Art
To middle Vertue may impart;
But Deeds ſublime, exalted high like Theſe,
Tranſcend his utmoſt Flight; and mock his diſtant Praiſe.
Still wou'd the willing Muſe aſpire,
With Tranſport ſtill her Strains prolong;
But Fear unſtrings the trembling Lyre,
And Admiration ſtops her Song.
Go on, Great Chief, in ANNA's Cauſe proceed;
Nor ſheath the Terrors of thy Sword,
'Till Europe thou haſt freed,
And Univerſal Peace reſtor'd.
This mighty Work when thou ſhalt End,
Equal Rewards attend,
Of Value far above
Thy Trophies and thy Spoils;
Rewards even Worthy of thy Toils,
Thy QUEEN's juſt Favour, and thy COUNTRY's Love
Pauſan. Boeotic.
Pind. Olym. 10.
Or from the Left to the Right, for the Scholiaſts differ in that, as may be ſeen in Pind. Schol. Introduc. ad Olymp. And Alex. ab Alexandro, L. 4. C. 17. ſpeaking of the Ceremony of the Chorus, ſays, Curſum auſpicati a Laeva dextrorſum— [...]ox a dextra Laevorſum. But the Learned Schmidius takes part with the firſt Opinion, as more conſiſtent with the Notions of the Ancients concerning the Motions of the Heavenly Spheres, and agreeable to Homer there cited by him. See Eraſ. Schmid. Prolegom. in Olymp. & de Carmin. Lyric.
Pind. Schol. & Schmid. ibid.
Vid. Jul. Scal. Poetic. ad Fin. Cap. 97. l. 3.
Longin. de Sub. c. 13.
Quint. Inſt. l. 10. c. 1.
[...], de vehementer indocto & imperito dici ſolitum. Eraſm. Adag.
Boeotic. pag. 588.
Orpheus was ſaid to be the Son of the Muſe Calliope. The Poetical Fiction of the Harp of Orpheus is this. Mercury, the ſame Day that he was born of Maja in Cyllene, a Mountain of Arcadia, found a living Tortoiſe, which he carried home with him to his Cradle, and immediately compos'd a Harp of the Shell. A little after he ſtole the Oxen of Apollo; this caus'd ſome Difference between the Deities, but the Matter being referr'd to Jupiter, he order'd Mercury to return the Oxen to the right Owner; on this there follow'd not only a Reconciliation but Friendſhip, and Apollo expreſſing an extream Pleaſure at the Invention of the Harp, Mercury beſtow'd it on him as a Pledge of his future Friendſhip. Of this Homer, in his Hymn to Mercury, ſpeaks at large. Afterwards Apollo inventing another Inſtrument call'd the Cithera, gave the Lyra to Orpheus. The Muſes, after the Death of Orpheus, Tranſlated his Harp into Heav'n, where it became a Conſtellation, and is plac'd between the Knee and Left Arm of Engonaſis or Hercules.
Nova Zembla, a miſerable Region in the Frigid Zone, where there is neither Tree nor Herb, but perpetual Froſt and Snow, and where, for one half of the Year, it is continual Night.
Lucan in his Third Book, V. 202. gives it the indefinite Epithete of Multifidi Iſtri. But Ovid, Triſt. 2. Solus ad ingreſſus miſſus Septemplicis Iſtri. And Sidonius Apollinaris gives it the ſame Epithete, on the like Occaſion with this Ode, when in his Panegyrick to Majorianus Caeſar, he tells him,
Illicet aggrederis, quod nullus tempore noſtro
Auguſtus potuit, rigidum Septemplicis Iſtri
Agmen in arma rapis—
The Ancient Geographers differ'd very much in their Account of the Riſe of this River; ſo that on a double account the ſame Epithets may be appropriated to it as are uſual to the Nile.
Belgia need not only be ſtrictly underſtood of the Seven Provinces, call'd Belgium Foederatum, by the Diſtinction made in the Time of Phil. 2. but may alſo be interpreted with reſpect to that which was anciently call'd Belgium, comprehending the lower Germany, in regard of the great Conſequences attending ſuch a Victory.
Cannae, as inconſiderable a Village as Blenheim, 'till in like manner made Memorable and Illuſtrious by the great and intire Victory which Hannibal obtain'd there over the Romans.
Pharſalia, famous for the Overthrow of Pompey by Julius Caeſar; a wonderful Victory, but may juſtly be ſaid to yield to that of Ramillies: For the Deſign and End of the firſt was to enſlave Mankind, the manifeſt Aim and Event of the latter has been to ſet 'em at Liberty.
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TextGrid Repository (2016). TEI. 4090 A pindarique ode humbly offer d to the Queen on the victorious progress of Her Majesty s arms under the conduct of the Duke of Marlborough To which is prefix d a discourse on the pindarique ode. . University of Oxford, License: Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/]. https://hdl.handle.net/11378/0000-0005-D4C3-F