[]IN endeavouring to diſplay the good and bad effects occaſioned by Enthu⯑ſiaſm, I might have drawn many ſignal inſtances from that inexhauſtible mine, the Greek and Roman ſtory; but it appeared to me more eligible to work upon materials hewn from the modern quarry only: the ſubject, thus treated, I conceived would come more home to the feelings of the reader. With regard to the execution, that reſts entirely on the judgment of the [] Public, into whoſe preſence I now enter, impreſſed with a mingled ſenſation of hope and apprehenſion.
BEYOND th' exalted ſun's meridian ſite,
Beyond the glimm'ring ſtars ethereal height,
A brighter realm immortal ſpring diſplays,
Mid the ſoft breathing of unclouded days:
Where ſacred minds to virtue high allied,
Aerial beings, orient forms abide,
Seraphic people! miniſters of grace,
Prompt to defend and cheer the human race:
The mighty mother earth who bears mankind,
Is to their care and guardian pow'r conſign'd.
When claſhing waves ſwell high, and angry Fate
Toſſes the lab'ring veſſel of the ſtate,
[2]The choſen Angel of th' appointed realm
Haſtes from his throne, and graſps the trembling helm:
To ſome the honor'd privilege is giv'n
To waft the clay-diveſted ſoul to heav'n,
Weed from the feeling heart the riſing ſigh,
And ſweep with viewleſs hand the clouded eye:
Each in his turn deſcending from above,
Performs the generous miniſtry of love.
BEHOLD ſuperior to the ſun-rob'd quire
A female form to regal pow'r aſpire!
High on a throne, in brighter beams array'd,
Reigns in full pomp th' enthuſiaſtic Maid!
Daughter of Energy, who boldly leads
The hallow'd few to great and ſplendid deeds:
Who urges man the ſteep aſcent to climb.
And lifts the ſoul to virtue's height ſublime.
Thus when of late to fam'd Iberia's coaſt*
Sail'd o'er the wond'ring main th' unnumber'd hoſt,
[3]Swift from her ſeat th' impatient Goddeſs ſprung,
And o'er the ſpot with anxious boſom hung,
Till ſhedding on her ſons, to fame conſign'd,
Some emanation of her dauntleſs mind,
She ſaw the valiant long-enduring band
(Whoſe fall confederated nations plann'd)
Achieve that deed which time ſhall ſtill revere,
That Britiſh miracle to glory dear!
LONG had th' Enthuſiaſt held her rank ſupreme,
Belov'd, ador'd, of every voice the theme;
At length the blaſt of ſatire dimm'd the rays,
Whoſe ſoft effulgence play'd around her praiſe:
The throne encircling frequent murmurs flew,
And buſy charges trimm'd in motley hue:
Yet then confiding in her god-like plan,
Which warms, invigorates, and hallows man,
She dares her foes, ſhe dares the hoſtile train
To ſhake the pillars of her ſtedfaſt reign:
Urg'd by her innate energy to meet
The gath'ring war, ſhe quits her lofty ſeat,
[4]At Reaſon's bar preſents her holy form,
Provokes the thund'rers, and demands the ſtorm.
A living creſcent the bright pow'rs diſplay,
Rank above rank in terrible array:
While trembling ſilence breathes upon the train,
And expectation throbs in ev'ry vein,
Amid this ſcene th' accuſing Angel roſe,
On his ſtern brow bold indignation glows;
Some troubling viſion, with diſaſter fraught,
Employs, detains, alarms his wond'ring thought:
—"What riſing ſtructure ruſhes on my ſight,
Of bulk enormous, of aſpiring height*?
Th' Enthuſiaſt, haſt'ning thro' the regal porch,
Waves in the eye of day a raging torch:
See (impious ſpectacle!) ſhe fires the pile,
And hails the ſparkles with a greedy ſmile:
Wide and more wide th' imparted flame extends,
And now in dreadful victory aſcends.
[5]Not ſumptuous palaces, not awful fanes,
Nor of old time the proud, auguſt remains,
Not airy villas, nor majeſtic tow'rs,
High maſſive bulwarks, nor gay pleaſure's bow'rs,
But to th' unhallowed blaze I ſee conſign'd
The ſplendid temple of the poet's mind.
Ah! lov'd TYRTAEUS*, tow'ring ſon of fame,
Thy pages ſhrivel at th' inſatiate flame:
The glorious workings of thy pregnant heart,
The ſallies from the inmoſt breaſt that ſtart,
Eloquent threats that lawleſs pow'r controul,
Thy burſts of rage, and vehemence of ſoul.
Unrivall'd leader of th' ecſtatic train,
Farewell (for ever loſt) thy forceful ſtrain:
Farewell (for ever loſt) the Spartan ſong,
Which rouz'd to conqueſt the dejected throng:
Did not deſpondence, like a gath'ring ſhow'r,
Hang o'er thy countrymen in evil hour?
Say, did ſhe not her fenny pinions ſpread,
And on each boſom chilling fear-drops ſhed?
[6]Thou like the ſun a cheerful radiance threw,
And from the ſoil the noxious vapour drew,
Till the fall'n ſoul upriſing from her death,
Inhales once more th' invigorating breath.
Thy voice—'Tis honor's call on virtue's train:
Thy voice—Yes, Sparta hears th' inſpiring ſtrain;
To that vindictive with bold ſtep ſhe ſpeeds,
And reaps the harveſt of immortal deeds.
UNRIVALL'D leader of th' ecſtatic quire,
Peace to the manes of thy war-bred lyre,
If peace can be while with licentious pow'r
The hungry fires thy laſt remains devour:
Methinks thy lucid, unſubſtantial frame,
Now hovers o'er the wide deſtructive flame,
I ſee thee toſs thine airy arms on high,
I hear at times thy ſhrill, deſpairing cry:
So the fond mother-bird, alarm'd, diſtreſt,
Indignant flutters round her peopled neſt,
While (piteous ſight!) a ruthleſs hand invades,
And bears away the muſic of the ſhades.
SEE to the dome (thro' many an age rever'd)
The ſtar-illumin'd dome which ſcience rear'd,
The fiery deluge rolls with threat'ning roar,
And ſweeps away the long-collected ſtore:
Alluring apologues addreſs'd to youth,
Pure maxims moulded in the breaſt of truth,
Which from the holy lips of ſages breath'd,
Rich moral legacies to man bequeath'd:
Celeſtial thoughts, which (like the fav'ring gales
Whoſe gentle preſſure ſwells the gladſome ſails)
Waft the dejected mind, with toil o'erſpent,
To the gay-winding harbor of content.
NOW Hiſtory with a heart-felt ſigh ſurveys
Her themes, her annals, midſt the ſounding blaze:
Fame ſmiles no more, but with an alter'd mien,
Stands trembling at deſtruction's growing ſcene:
And now methinks ſhe views thro' fancy's eye,
Her burniſh'd battlements that kiſs'd the ſky:
Her glitt'ring pinnacles, her golden tow'rs,
That vaunting dar'd old Time's devaſting pow'rs:
[8]Aſcending obeliſks that point to heav'n,
Triumphal arches to the conq'ror giv'n:
She views theſe honors of her gorgeous ſtate
Diſmantled, torn, and bending to their fate;
Ah, now they yield, they fall with deaf'ning ſound,
And in tumultuous havoc ſpread around!
At length, deſcending like a low-hung cloud,
Oblivion o'er the waſte expands her ſhroud,
Beneath whoſe dark'ning canopy is caſt
The fond remembrance of tranſactions paſt:
Of youthful warriors, who, by glory led,
Bold in the clam'rous van of danger bled,
Who, midſt the ſtorms of ſtate and home-born wars,
Gleam'd thro' the thick'ning ſhade like morning ſtars,
Till flung untimely from their radiant height,
Down, down they hurried to eternal night:
Of patriots, who, to honor cloſe allied,
In times diſaſtrous ſtood their country's pride!
How theſe ſublime ſtate-columns, tempeſt-proof,
Upheld, midſt burſting clouds, the ſacred roof,
[9]Firm to their cauſe, and obſtinately great,
No voice of mortal ever ſhall relate:
Nor ſhall the voice of mortal e'er diſplay,
Or annals uſher to the eye of day,
The various orders of the female train
Diffus'd like flow'rets o'er the ſmiling plain,
Who, like thoſe flow'rets in their beauty's glow,
Were harſhly mangled by the ſcythe of woe.
HERE then, to keen reflection's crowded eye,
As in a deep ſepulchral manſion lie,
In iron ſlumber wrapt and dread repoſe,
A train of human virtues, human woes:
This moral loſs the world muſt now ſuſtain,
Swells o'er the boundary of domeſtic pain,
Calls down the guſhes of the bleeding mind,
And claims th' expanſive ſorrow of mankind."
HE ceas'd.—A Seraph, to his cauſe allied.
And firm to battle on th' accuſing ſide,
[10]Reſum'd the theme! his arm exalted high,
A wild fire flaſhing from his pregnant eye—
"What numerous fugitives arreſt my view*,
Their cheek diſcolour'd with dejection's hue?
What ruthleſs pow'r the wanton act decreed?
What led the monarch to this deſp'rate deed?
Behold—th' Enthuſiaſt at the regal chair
Breathes her inflaming whiſpers on his ear:
Now, now ſhe urges his reluctant hand
To ratify the terrible command:
O hapleſs, loſt, exterminated race,
What can atone this unprovok'd diſgrace?
Ye venerable men with ſilver hair,
Gall'd by the heavy yoke of thornful care,
With dauntleſs ſoul, enſhrin'd in feeble forms,
Ye meet the thunders of the ruſhing ſtorms,
Prompt a bold war for virtue's ſake to wage
Againſt the comforts of repoſing age:
[11]Friends, honors, kindred, country ye diſclaim,
The ſmiles of patronage, the wreaths of fame,
Firm to endure the perſecuting rod,
And in th' abyſs of grief to ſeek your God.
Ye too, ye fair, on virtue's liſt enroll'd,
Whom Nature faſhion'd in her ſofter mould,
In pale adverſity's rude ſcience vers'd,
Your feeling ſoul with ſorrow's dart tranſpierc'd,
I ſee you ſlowly move a length'ning train,
Far from the bounds of your domeſtic plain:
Imagination renovates the hour
Ye fell the victims of relentleſs pow'r,
How ſtill ye linger'd on your native ſtrand,
Enclos'd by friendſhip's ſmall but ardent band,
How as ye wept, careſſing and careſs'd,
Your babes were raviſh'd from your throbbing breaſt.
BUT now, intruding on my wond'ring ſight,
My ſtrong abhorrence other ſcenes excite.
Beneath the roof, where Death's chill banners ſpread,
An agonizing fair reclines her head:
[12]Around the mournful couch of languor ſtand
(In hallow'd veſtment) a monaſtic band!
Yet not to act affection's ſacred part,
With lenient hand to draw the rankling dart,
Thro' hope's gay perſpective command to riſe
A ſoothing proſpect of the opening ſkies;
Ah! not for heav'nly charity's beſt end
The gloomy fathers o'er the ſuff'rer bend,
But from th' alarm'd reluctant mind to wreſt
The coy aſſentment to the hateful Teſt*.
AT this the mourner lifts her drooping head—
'While here I languiſh on affliction's bed,
Say, is it thus ye miniſter relief,
And whiſper comfort to the ſoul of grief?
Diſgrac'd, accurs'd with hearts untaught to feel,
O iron progeny of barb'rous zeal!
When harraſs'd nature with herſelf at ſtrife,
The laſt gleam fading on the lamp of life,
[13]When to the ſtorm ſucceeds the welcome calm,
When angel hands reach out the victor's palm,
Muſt I that bliſs, that heav'nly prize forego,
And whelm my ſpirit in immortal woe?
Yet then my infants, by pale Famine led,
Muſt aſk from Pity's hand the ſcanty bread;
Methinks I ſee them now expos'd to ſcorn,
Their little boſoms pierc'd with ſorrow's thorn:
O what an image to a mother's ſight,
The view tranſports me into madd'ning fright;
I yield, I yield, unfold the fatal creed,
And Mercy from his thought efface the deed!'
AT theſe dread words, that clos'd th' eventful ſcene,
Religion bluſh'd and veil'd her awful mien:
Yet on the crime, from tyrant edicts born,
By nature from the dying mother torn,
Wrung from the boſom, by diſtraction riv'n,
Forgiveneſs dropt the holy tear of Heav'n.
NOW to my view, by terrors undiſmay'd,
The glory of the prieſthood ſtands diſplay'd!
[14]The virtuous Paſtor * of the ſuff'ring race,
Proud of his wrongs and patient of diſgrace:
Him the unhappy fugitives encloſe,
While thus he ſpeaks—'Ye partners of my woes,
O Strenuous found in perſecution's day,
Ye faithful, dear companions of my way,
I now behold you as the ſnow-wing'd dove,
Expell'd the ancient manſions of her love,
Whoſe plumes, while clouds o'ercanopy her flight,
Aſſume the ſplendor of a purer white.
Here pauſe—and, while we view th' expanding main,
Salute the breeze that flies to freedom's plain;
Acroſs the waves ere yet our courſe we ſteer.
One duteous moment let us linger here,
And, tho' rejected, (ſtill to nature true)
Sigh to our parent-land the fond adieu:
Ah! far from us remove that breaſt of ſteel,
Whoſe rooted principle is not to feel,
[15]Which, like the ſapleſs oak's time-moulder'd form,
Nor heeds the vernal air or wintry ſtorm.
On man beſtow'd, and to the brute denied,
The tear of nature ſure is nature's pride.
Ev'n He, the general victim of mankind,
Who each diſgrace, each torture predeſign'd,
Ev'n He, when grief and agony drew near,
Felt on his cheek the ſelf-compaſſion'd tear.
Does not dim obloquy attaint our birth?
Are not our temples levell'd with the earth?
Are not our kindred, friends in fetters bound,
Plung'd in the terrors of the cavern'd ground?
And we, meek victims, as we paſs'd along,
Endur'd we not the loud upbraiding throng.
While the looſe ſoldiery added to theſe woes
With jeering inſults and degrading blows?
It ſeem'd as nature mark'd us for diſgrace,
The outcaſt offals of the human race.
O thou*, by all theſe horrors unappall'd,
Whom with delight I royal maſter call'd,
[16]Thou to remembrance now no longer dear,
Whom as the ſcourge of Heav'n I ſtill revere,
Farewell!—Thou too, by partial fortune bleſt,
All Nature's off'rings breathing at thy breaſt,
Thrice happy FRANCE, farewell!—theſe eyes no more
Shall view thy charms that ſpread from ſhore to ſhore:
Thy harveſts waving with a ſtately pride,
Thy vintage bluſhing on the mountain's ſide.
Original and ſelf-exuberant ſoil,
Refuſing nothing to the hand of toil,
And where the Arts, a bright harmonious band,
Refine, exalt, and decorate the land,
Where Mirth, the native of thy ſocial bow'rs,
Sheds on each lip his faſcinating pow'rs;
With thee may bliſs ſtill undiminiſh'd dwell,
Hail, O my country, and a laſt farewell!'
THE Paſtor ceas'd.—Then ſorrow burſt its bound,
With fervent lips ſome kiſs'd their parent-ground,
Some with the ſame tormenting thought impreſt
Tore the wild graſs and flow'rets from her breaſt,
[17]To bear a relic of their natal plain
To ſcenes unknown, and realms beyond the main.
So firm, ſo pow'rful on the heart of man
(Above inconſtancy's relenting plan)
Is fix'd, enthron'd by Nature's hallow'd hand,
The glowing paſſion of his native land.
THESE are the evils (woe ſucceeding woe)
Which from th' Enthuſiaſt in long order flow:
Yet not for theſe does terror daunt her ſoul,
Mark that proud eye impatient of controul,
See riding on that brow imperial will,
And tyranny the miniſter of ill.
Let then reſentment fierce, terrific, loud,
Burſt like the thunder from the rifted cloud:
The courſe of her devaſting ſteps I've run;
My journey's o'er, the mournful tale is done."
[18]NOW roſe a Seraph, by affection led,
A wreathing glory hovers o'er his head,
His flowing accents ſpotleſs candour own'd,
And on his brow ſat energy enthron'd:
He ſpeaks—"The vulture haſt'ning to his prey,
With ſounding pinions wins his diſtant way,
Regardleſs of the charms that Nature's hand
In gay profuſion ſcatters o'er the land,
And, ſummon'd by the peſtilential gale,
Speeds to the carcaſe feſt'ring in the vale:
So theſe accuſers in their rav'ning mood
Appear to emulate the gory brood,
Unmindful of the virtues that ſurround
The ſpot on which their cenſures moſt abound.
NOW deeds long paſt like exhalations roll,
Now nearer move, now open on the ſoul:
I ſee the pale-ey'd citizens convene,
In Hiſt'ry's drama high-recorded ſcene*!
The dread reſolve from EDWARD's boſom ſprung,
Wild conſternation o'er the city flung:
With chilling, blood-recoiling thoughts impreſt,
Entrancing terror deadens ev'ry breaſt.
At length from out the ſilent depth emerg'd
An ardent chief, by glory's impulſe urg'd:
Th' Enthuſiaſt wraps him in her wak'ning fires,
And thus he utters what her ſoul inſpires:
'Ye firm aſſociates in the higheſt cauſe,
On whom poſterity will ſhow'r applauſe,
Who, while calamity ſeverely reign'd,
Well the long labours of the ſiege ſuſtain'd!
[20]Deign to accept what my affections give,
And bid your kindred, friends, and children live:
This, this will cheer me in the trying hour,
When I ſhall bend at the ſtern tyrant's pow'r,
And the doom'd victim (as his rage decreed)
On the pure altar of my country bleed:
Ah! ſhould my ſtrong forebodings tell me true,
Paſs one ſwift moment, theſe glad eyes ſhall view
The deſtin'd number of the victims riſe,
To ſwell the rites of patriot ſacrifice!'—
Theſe words prophetic were not ardor's rant,
Five kindred boſoms warm for glory pant,
Theſe youths th' Enthuſiaſt, fev'ring from the reſt,
Informs, and breathes herſelf into their breaſt,
And now envelop'd in her active flame,
The daring chiefs the pond'rous honor claim.
See, thro' th' applauſes of the grateful throng,
The ſelf-devoted heroes move along.
To EUSTACE now advanc'd a beauteous maid,
In the rude garb of negligence array'd,
[21]Her auburn treſſes ruffling to the wind,
Her eye expreſſive of her tortur'd mind:
'Say, deſp'rate youth,' the wild'ring fair exclaim'd,
'What dire conception has thy boſom fram'd?
O death-importing ſcenery! ſight abhorr'd!
Whence this attire, this ignominious cord?
Impell'd by frenzy whither doſt thou tend?
Relent, relent, thine impious ſteps ſuſpend!'—
With a calm fortitude the chieftain ſaid,
'The path that climbs to honor's height I tread:
Theſe joyful loud acclaims that rend the air
Wouldſt thou convert to howlings of deſpair?
Ev'n love commands—with eager ſtep I go
To ſhield JOANNA from impending woe.'
'What peace,' ſhe anſwers, 'can I thence derive?
The lover murder'd, ſay can joy ſurvive?
While famine, ſickneſs, terrors I endur'd,
Was this the future bliſs that hope aſſur'd?
To length'ning care, to ſorrow ſtill allied,
Behold JOANNA ſtands Misfortune's bride:
[22]What time her fluſh'd expectancies drew near,
She meets her bridegroom on the hopeleſs bier.
Had Mercy, heav'n-deſcending Mercy ſtole
Her gentle radiance o'er the conq'ror's ſoul,
This day, eſcap'd from wide affliction's wreck,
This day might I, reclining on thy neck,
Have utter'd EDWARD's praiſe—that thought is flown,
And each fond project of my heart o'erthrown.
When from thy wound I drew the Britiſh dart,
And with theſe lips embalm'd th' envenom'd part,
Would that the poiſon like a ſubtile flame
Had ſcorch'd my entrails, and diſſolv'd my frame!'
She ceas'd—her eye emits a weaker glance,
While her dim reaſon fades into a trance:
The youth, as if indignant of delay,
Drops her pale hand, and turns abrupt away:
Then to the partners of his fate he cried,
'Ye willing victims, to my ſoul allied,
Forgive, if paſſion's all-ſubduing pow'r
Dare to profane this high important hour;
[23]Now, free of weakneſs, clear of love's controul,
I lead the way that runs to virtue's goal.'
ARRIV'D at EDWARD's tent, the dauntleſs youth
Reſum'd—'Inveſted in this garb uncouth,
If, at thy bidding, thus we meet thine eye,
For grace (the coward's hope) we heave no ſigh:
Since acts of ſlaughter are thy ſoul's beſt food,
O gorge thy rav'ning appetite of blood!'—
Now with the glowing youths, of equal mind,
In one reſolve, one hope, one peril join'd,
He ſtands, unaw'd by death, ſublimely great,
True to his cauſe, rejoicing in his fate.
BUT other ſcenes of high illuſtrious fame
Burſt on my ſoul, impatient of their claim:
Behold! th' Enthuſiaſt, freedom to regain,
Leads her ſtern Barons o'er the ſacred plain;
'Tis glory's chaſe! how eagerly they ſpeed
O'er the fam'd ranſom-ground of RUNNYMEDE!
[24]To the proud Monarch daring they complain—
'Say, haſt thou not polluted ALBION's fane,
And plunder'd thence, with ſacrilegious ſtealth,
The brighteſt gem, our pride, our better wealth.
Fair Freedom's heav'nly form? Of her bereft,
Life is a burden, not an envied gift.
The bending ſeer, with ſorrow's weight oppreſt.
Who beats in his deſpair his wither'd breaſt,
Shall ſooner from his tortur'd mind efface
The wretch who plung'd his daughter in diſgrace,
Who in his ſight compell'd her to his arms,
And rudely raviſh'd her untaſted charms,
Than we forgive thy violating pow'r,
That wreſted Freedom from her native bow'r:
Licentious Monarch, thy approaching hand
Profanes the ark, and deſecrates the land!'
They ſpoke—each battle-axe, now rear'd on high,
(Catching the ſplendor of th' unclouded ſky)
Caſt on th' illumin'd field a ſudden light,
Whoſe rapid flaſh o'erpower'd the monarch's ſight:
[25]Upbraiding thoughts his wav'ring mind aſſail'd,
And fear, the tyrant's curſe, his aſpect pal'd:
At length he ſeals, with mean, reluctant ſoul,
(To BRITAIN ever dear) th' immortal ſcroll.
Hail, welcome inſtance of ſubmitting pow'r,
Hail, holy Freedom's ſacramental hour,
In which that offspring of indulgent Heav'n
Was with dread pomp to ENGLAND's ſons regiv'n.
Now thro' diſcloſing ſkies th' angelic train
Pour on th' enraptur'd ear the choral ſtrain,
'Be cheerful praiſe, be ſalutations paid,
'And hymns ſymphonious, to the godlike Maid,
'Whoſe energy reſiſts the tyrant's plan:
'Joy be to Saints, and liberty to Man!'—
FROM Time's dark gulph, revolving back to light,
What new-born image ruſhes on my ſight?
The bold COLUMBUS dedicates his ſail
To the wild breathing of a ſtranger gale:
Th' Enthuſiaſt bids his dauntleſs ſoul explore
Realms unreveal'd, and ſeas unplough'd before:
[26]The hour now ripening in the womb of time,
Th' inſpir'd adventurer reach'd the point ſublime,
The long-obſcuring veil for him was furl'd.
And on his viſion burſt another world!
Ecſtatic Wonder heard the proud event,
And o'er the ocean the glad tidings ſent:
Then Induſtry, as by electric ſtroke,
From her enduring ſleep inſtinctive broke:
With brighteſt omens of her future reign,
This better VENUS riſing from the main,
Saw from all harbours, ruſhing with the tide,
Unnumber'd veſſels at her beck'ning glide:
Did it not ſeem as if the ſever'd earth,
Like two fair ſiſters parted from their birth,
Acknowledging at length their kindred race,
Felt the warm tranſport of a firſt embrace?
NOW the ſame age a different ſcene preſents,
And the bold viſion labours with events:
Methinks I ſee, extending wide around,
A tow'ring wood with crowding leaves imbrown'd;
[27]Beneath whoſe vaſt diſplay of deadly ſhade
Her liſtleſs length lethargic EUROPE laid:
There Superſtition her deep plan deſign'd
Againſt the awful ſanctuary of the mind:
There the wan ſorcereſs, haggard fiend of hell,
Midſt her dim orgies mutter'd the dread ſpell.
The ſun abhors to pour his radiant flood
O'er the dumb horror of the ſlumb'ring wood;
Yet thro' the gloom of ſacerdotal night
One peerleſs ſtar reveals a cheerful light:
Ah! why in myſtic ſtrains eclipſe his name?
Demand, O LUTHER, thine unbounded fame:
Advance, advance, thou elder ſon of Truth,
Sublime, all-daring, reſtleſs, ardent youth!
I now behold th' enthuſiaſtic Maid
Ruſhing impetuous to her fav'rite's aid:
She reaches to his lips a cup of fire,
Whoſe living drops the leaping pulſe inſpire,
O'er each thrill'd artery entracing roll,
And ſublimate the high-aſpiring ſoul.
[28]Revealing now his miſſion from the ſkies,
He utters to the torpid world—'Ariſe!'
The ſullen foreſt, wrapt in tenfold night,
Swift thro' a thouſand viſtas drinks the light:
Th' impriſon'd tenants burſt the mental tomb,
While from their eyes recedes the maſſive gloom:
The flaky clouds admit an orient ray,
And laughing morn unlocks the gates of day.
Prompt Apprehenſion ſends her view around,
While her bold thoughts o'erleap their former bound,
And Joy proclaims throughout th' applauding earth.
The hallow'd feſtival of Reaſon's birth.
NOW the couch'd mind reveals its ſpotleſs eye,
Weak to ſuſtain the ſplendor of the ſky,
Till ſtrength'ning at th' irradiating gleam,
It meets unblenching Truth's refulgent beam:
So when the keenly-glitt'ring darts of light
Pierce the looſe film that dims the eaglet's ſight,
Firſt with an ignorant and coy ſurvey
The dazzled bird admires the ſtranger day,
[29]Then glancing on the ſun with tow'ring gaze,
Kindles his viſion at the noon-tide blaze.
NOW Science hears a voice unknown before—
'Haſte, pilot, pilot quit the drowſy ſhore;
The fav'ring winds thy deſtin'd hour proclaim,
Diſplay thy ſails, and launch into thy fame.'
MEEK Toleration, heav'n-deſcending maid,
A vernal rainbow glitt'ring o'er her head,
Smooths the rough path deſtructive feet have trac'd,
Adorns and peoples Perſecution's waſte:
She, like the FLORA of the Pagan reign,
Sprinkles with roſes the enamell'd plain,
Bids ev'ry flow'r of ev'ry clime ariſe,
And freely breathe its incenſe to the ſkies.
SEE Superſtition, madd'ning at th' alarm,
Extend in thunder cloath'd her threat'ning arm,
But with'ring at the heart ſhe rues the hour
That harſhly ſevers her diminiſh'd pow'r:
[30]Thus as the ſerpent, ſleeping on the plain,
Feels the rude preſſure of the loaded wain,
With apt revenge, and indignation ſtung,
She rears her creſt, and darts her fiery tongue,
But impotent of rage, her trailing wound
She languiſhingly ſweeps along the ground."
HERE clos'd the Seraph his illuſtrious theme,
Which on his audience flaſh'd conviction's beam.
—And now th' Enthuſiaſt, with her hand high-rear'd,
Expreſs'd a look demanding to be heard:
The circling Hierarchy, with one acclaim,
Urge her to vindicate her injur'd fame;
She, to their judgment fearleſsly conſign'd,
Thus pour'd th' effuſion of her glowing mind:—
"BOLD on a tow'ring rock, with ſoul elate,
I ſaw BRITANNIA ſit in regal ſtate,
Around the globe ſhe threw her vaſt ſurvey,
And mark'd the realms devoted to her ſway:
[31]Her weſtern clime, her oriental reign,
Her glory's theatre th' unbounded main:
I thus addreſs'd her—'Hail, immortal dame,
Who high-exalted crowd'ſt the ſeat of fame,
Suſpend the thoughts of thine imperial ſtate.
And liſten to th' event that heaves with fate:—
A proſp'rous mother (ſo did Heav'n ordain)
Bleſs'd and ennobled by a numerous train,
Beheld (a ſtranger to affection's tie)
Her youngeſt born with a diſclaiming eye,
And, breaking looſe from ev'ry moral band,
Stretch'd o'er th' innocuous babe an iron hand,
And hard'ning in her wrath, the helpleſs child
Was from her preſence and her thought exil'd:
This little outcaſt lately I ſurvey'd,
As mid the flow'rets of the wild he play'd
Artleſs and gay, himſelf the wilder flow'r,
Bare to the with'ring heat and quenching ſhow'r.'
BRITANNIA quick return'd with loud acclaim,
'O piteous infant, O inhuman dame!
[32]Where, where does ſhe abide, that I may dart
The ſhaft of death into her wolfiſh heart?'
'TWAS then I added with indignant air—
'Diſmiſs thy threats, thy warm reſentment ſpare,
Or droop thyſelf beneath a flood of ſhame,
Thine, thine the child, and thou th' inhuman dame.'
I ſaid—and throwing back my flowing veſt,
Diſclos'd the infant clinging at my breaſt:
'Behold,' I cried, ' this flow'ret of the wild,
This orphan nurſling, this rejected child,
Mark how around his brow of virtue's mold,
The ſigns of greatneſs dare ev'n now unfold;
How on the vigorous eye the morning ray
Preludes the ſplendor of meridian day:
Marvellous infant, doom'd to act my plan,
AMERICANUS, haſten into man!
O doom'd to act what Heaven's dread thought devis'd,
Thou at the font of Energy baptis'd,
Whoſe rigid waves thy conſcious ſoul encreas'd,
Myſelf at once the ſponſor and the prieſt——'"
'ENOUGH,' th' abruptly-riſing Quire exclaim,
'Aſpire, Enthuſiaſt, to thy wonted fame;
Thy virtues, claims, and eminence we own,
Reſume thy dignities, aſcend thy throne:
Still to frail man thy daring ſtrength impart,
Still flame th' incentive ſeraph of his heart;
And when the ſcenes of earth ſhall fade away,
And man ſhall need no more thy active ray,
Then, ſacred object of our praiſeful theme,
Bright emanation of th' eternal beam,
Thou ſhalt regain thy native, dread abode,
And glow for ever in the breaſt of GOD.'
The ALEXANDRIAN LIBRARY, conſiſting of four hundred thouſand ma⯑nuſcripts, was burnt in the ſixth century by the order of OMAR, whoſe enthuſiaſtic zeal for his religion forced from him this memorable ſaying: "If the books contain only what is in the CORAN they are uſeleſs, and dangerous if they contain any thing elſe."
TYRTAEUS reanimated the dejected minds of the SPARTANS with the irre⯑ſiſtible power of his poetry, accompanied by the harp.
Alluding to the revocation of the Edict of NANTES, in conſequence of which the HUGONOTS quitted the kingdom.
This relates to a penal law which confiſcated the eſtates of thoſe who did not, at their deaths, renounce the reformed religion.—See SAURIN's SERMONS, vol. i. page 152.
JAMES SAURIN, the celebrated preacher at the HAGUE, where he reſided ſeveral years, and was at once the edification and comfort of his exiled brethren.
EDWARD III. was ſo exaſperated at the long and gallant reſiſtance he met with from the citizens of CALAIS, that he threatened to put all the inhabitants to the ſword: he deſiſted from this atrocious deſign, on the condition that ſix perſons ſhould be ſent to him for the purpoſe of immediate execution. He required that they ſhould approach his preſence bare-footed, cloathed in mourning, with ropes round their necks.
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- TextGrid Repository (2016). TEI. 3750 Enthusiasm a poem In two parts By Mr Jerningham. . University of Oxford, License: Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/]. https://hdl.handle.net/11378/0000-0005-D2ED-3