[] Methodiſm diſplayed, AND Enthuſiaſm detected; Intended as an Antidote againſt, and a Preſervative from the deluſive Principles and unſcriptural Doctrines of a modern Sett of ſeducing PREACHERS; AND As a Defence of our regular and orthodox CLERGY, from their unjuſt Reflections.

Hold faſt the Form of ſound Words. 2 Tim. i. 13.
Be no more toſſed to and fro, and carried about with every Wind of Doctrine, by the Slight of Men, and cunning Craftineſs whereby they lie in wait to deceive. Eph. iv. 14.
Believe not every Spirit—Many falſe Prophets are gone out into the World. 1 John iv. 1.

LONDON: Printed for HENRY COOKE, under the Royal Exchange. M DCC LVI.

[Price Six-pence.]

[] IT being preſumed, this ſhort Addreſs is calculated to preſerve the Well-Meaning and Unwary, from being miſled and deluded; therefore ſuch of the Clergy, &c. who are inclined to give them away, may have them at 25s. per Hundred.

Pro Bono Publico.

Methodiſm diſplayed, AND Enthuſiaſm detected, &c.


CHRISTIANITY is a pure, perfect, rational, conſiſtent Syſtem; it is a Revelation worthy the God of Truth and Wiſdom to diſpenſe; its Doctrines have a direct Tendency to moralize the Powers and Faculties, and to enoble and dignify the human Nature; it ſets its true Profeſſors free from ridiculous Abſurdities, and enthuſiaſtic Deluſions; for its divine Author taught no Doctrines, enjoined no Precepts, but ſuch as will bear the ſtricteſt Scrutiny, and muſt be owned by every truly wiſe and judicious Perſon, to be well adapted, and nicely calculated, at once to diſplay the Power and Mercy of God, as well as to enrich, conſolate, and make happy the Mind of every true Chriſtian.

But how an Inſtitution, thus wiſely deſigned, ordered and eſtabliſhed, ſhould be ſo greatly miſtaken, ſo unhappily perverted, and ſo groſsly miſrepreſented, is no leſs ſurprizing than true; and therefore how much [4] to be deplored and lamented! But why is this? How muſt we account for the many deluſive Tenets and deſtructive Errors, which are induſtriouſly propagated by a Sett of modern Teachers, and readily embraced, by ſo many Profeſſors of Chriſtianity. How? why, as the Papiſts miſtakenly aſſert Ignorance to be the Mother of Devotion, we may truly ſay, Ignorance is the Parent of Error, Folly and Deluſion.

But to what Kind of Ignorance may we aſcribe the Miſtakes of the Teachers, and the Folly of the People in being thus deceived? Doubtleſs to an Ignorance of the Word of God, the holy Scriptures, which are the only ſure Guide, the beſt Standard, and the moſt certain Criterion, whereby to diſcern Truth from Falſhood, Right from Wrong; but through Neglect of ſearching thoſe ſacred Pages, the poor People eaſily become a Prey to every ignorant enthuſiaſtic Preacher that comes in their Way; hence we ſee ſuch a plentiful Production of Novel Doctrines, and ſuch an abundant Fruitfulneſs of extravagant Follies, and deſtructive Errors, which are ſo prevalent among us at this Day.

Men, Brethren and Fathers, ſee ye not what an Inundation of Error and Deluſion hath broken in upon us? Obſerve you not the Overflowings of Immorality and Vice, which like a Torrent is overſpreading our Land? Can you be unconcerned, when [5] the dreadful Effects, and baneful Conſequences, are ſo viſible and evident? Alas Virtue reclines her fainting Head! Morality is almoſt baniſhed but in Name! The golden Rule of doing to others as we would be done by, is neglected and diſregarded! How few advert to the plain Requiſition of the Prophet, To do juſtly, love Mercy, and walk humbly before the Lord? Surely it is too plain to be denied, we have forſaken the true Principles of the Goſpel. Chriſtianity has loſt its powerful Influence upon us; and therefore the Practice of Morality and Good Works, is ſo much neglected, ſo little attended to. O ye Miniſters, ye profeſſed Teachers, and Inſtructors of Mankind, will not ye attempt to ſtem the rapid Torrent, which threatens to carry all before it? There is no Way left, but to retreat to the primitive Doctrines of the Goſpel, the eſtabliſhed Principles of the Reformation. Theſe, theſe conſtantly inſiſted on, and powerfully inculcated will, nay, theſe only can be, attended with the happy Effects of reclaiming the People from Error, rectifying their Principles, and effectually producing Chriſtian Practices. As for you my Brethren, Brethren Profeſſors of the ſame Goſpel, let me entreat and conjure you, if ye would be true Proteſtants againſt the Fallacy and Deceit of the Church of Rome, as you would deſire to be Proof againſt all Doctrines of Novelty, all erroneous [6] Principles, all dangerous and deluſive Tenets; would you perceive and detect, and ſo beware of deceiving Teachers, falſe Prophets, hypocritical and pretended Miniſters; in one Word, are ye ſollicitous to come to the Knowledge of the Truth as it is in Jeſus, that ſo ye may be ſaved? ſearch the Scriptures. Make this your conſtant Practice; for be aſſured ye are in the utmoſt Danger of being miſſed and deceived, never more ſo than at preſent. On the one Hand by the proud, ſelf-preſuming, God-reſiſting Infidel, on the other by the credulous, unſcriptural, unmeaning Enthuſiaſt. While the former is an open Enemy to the Doctrines of the Goſpel, totally rejects every Article of the Chriſtian Faith, acts as far wide from the moralizing Precepts of the Goſpel as from Humility; the latter, the Enthuſiaſt, deceives himſelf and others, by his meer Pretences to Inſpiration; profeſſes to have received the Gifts of the Spirit, but gives no Evidence to aſcertain the Truth of it; makes ſolemn Declarations of being inwardly moved by the Holy Ghoſt, to preach to you, and only pretends to pray to God for ſpiritual Operations, Influences, and Impreſſions, but after all 'tis plain to the Eye of diſcerning Reaſon, he means nothing but to make Gain of his Pretenſions to Godlineſs; for, contrary to his moſt ſolemn Pretenſions and Profeſſions, he utterly denies any true, real, inward Motion, Operation, and [7] Influence of the Spirit: And hence doth he bewilder, amuſe, and perplex the Ignorant and Unwary, by teaching unſound, unſcriptural Doctrine.

Take heed to yourſelves. Beware of ſuch pretended Teachers; for you are liable to be led by ſuch, into a Maze of Antichriſtian Errors, and a Wilderneſs of unſcriptural Perplexities; ſo as that your Danger, through their Means, may not eaſily be eſcaped, nor ever rectified. It is not a trifling Affair I am now addreſſing you about; but it is, my Brethren, of the utmoſt Concern, and of the greateſt Importance, no leſs than your Souls are at ſtake, nothing leſs than an Eternity depends upon your being wiſe unto Salvation. For your Sakes, and in Regard to your Safety, ſuffer me here to introduce ſome of the truly ſcriptural, orthodox Articles of the Eſtabliſhed Church of England, which as they are a Kind of Epitome, or Abridgment of the Goſpel, I ſhall ſelect ſuch of them as may beſt ſerve our preſent Purpoſe, namely, to try and examine Doctrines and Teachers by, to detect Error, and diſcover Truth. By theſe let us determine our aſſent to, or diſſent from, ſuch Doctrines as are propoſed to us, and I am verily perſuaded, we ſhall eſcape Error, avoid Deluſion, and be freed from Miſtakes.

Perhaps a fond Attachment to our excellent Eſtabliſhed Church (of which I am a [8] Member) may influence me rather to fix on this Form of ſound Words, than any other of Human Compoſition; be it ſo, I am (I think) herein juſtified, foraſmuch as theſe Articles are ſupported by, and built upon, the Holy Scriptures. Therefore I am unconcerned what our modern Teachers, and new pretended Divines, think or ſay of me; if they diſlike, and are aſhamed of our Articles, I am not. For all our Chriſtian Biſhops (Heavens bleſs them!) and all our Church Parſons (Lord have mercy on them!) they all own them, and ſubſcribe to them, ay and ſwear to them too; and they are publickly printed in all our Common-Prayer Books; for what Uſe think ye? but that we ſhould read them, know them, be inſtructed in them, and always abide in them. God grant, Brethren, that we may! For if we are happily intereſted in the great Truths they contain, vain will be all the artful Attempts, ſubtile Deſigns, and nefarious Stragems, of Men deſtitute of the Truth, to miſlead, pervert, or delude us.

To this End, I ſhall now lay the Articles before you, make ſome Strictures upon them, and draw ſome Applications from them as I go along; God give us a right Judgment! We begin with the Doctrine of Original, or Birth Sin, Article the 9th.

‘Original Sin ſtandeth not in the following of Adam (as the Pelagians do vainly [9] talk) but it is the Fault and Corruption of the Nature of every Man that is gendered of the Offspring of Adam, whereby Man is far gone from Original Righteouſneſs, and is of his own Nature inclined to Evil.’

This the Pelagians of old denied, and this the modern Pelagians, who pretend to great Knowledge, while ignorant of themſelves, and Strangers to the Corruption and Depravity of their own Hearts, diſown. At the ſame Time they are ſtanding Monuments of the Truth of this Doctrine, and whether they believe or confeſs it or not, their outward Actions plainly evince the inhering Power of Original Sin; their not ſeeing, not knowing, and not feeling it, is only one of the ſtrongeſt Proofs of their being under original Blindneſs and Inſenſibility. And yet ſuch as theſe truly, ſet up for Guides and Teachers of others. Know them, Brethren: Diſcern them you may, you ought; and for your Soul's Sake avoid ſuch. Attend not to their ſweet Syrens Songs, leſt you are thereby lulled aſleep upon the Waves of Deſtruction. Take theſe Marks with you. Yourſelves, Brethren, judge of their Doctrines by them: For our Articles plainly declare the miſerable State and Condition of Man, of every Man that is born into this World; Firſt, in the Loſs of original Righteouſneſs, or the Image of God; and Secondly, as poſſeſſed with a contrary Image; therefore is of his own Nature inclined [10] to Evil. Here behold the true Picture of the ſo much boaſted Dignity of human Nature! Thus is Man painted out by our Article, thus is Man deſcribed by the Oracles of Truth; and to this melancholy Account doth every true Chriſtian readily ſubſcribe, and every carnal, natural Man's Actions fully demonſtrate it. Ay, but, ſay our new Doctors, and modern Teachers, this is too dark a Shade, too ſable a Dreſs, too degrading of the human Nature, and therefore they tickle the Ears, pleaſe the Pride, and flatter the Vanity of the human Mind, with their unedifying Jargon, unſcriptural Harangues, and falſe Encomiums on the Moral Rectitude, Virtue, and Dignity of Man. But Brethren, would ye avoid an unſkilful Quack in Surgery, who inſtead of ſearching and probing a Wound, in order to procure the Soundneſs and Health of the Body, ſhould ſlightly heal and ſkin over the Parts aggrieved, while Putrefaction and Rottenneſs is at the Bottom, whereby the Life of the Patient is deſtroyed? So theſe Quacks in Divinity are much more to be dreaded, inaſmuch as the Life of the Soul is of infinitely more Value than that of the Body. I have heard our true, ſtaunch, Church Miniſters, diſtinguiſh ſuch Flatterers of human Nature by the Appellations of ſleek Divines, downy Doctors, and velvetmouthed Preachers. Pretty and ſignificant truly! And the Apoſtle deſcribes ſuch, as [11] ſerve not the Lord Jeſus but their own Bellies, with fine Words and fair Speeches deceiving the Hearts of the Simple: For as they don't preach agreeable to the Articles, ſo neither do they chuſe Scripture Language, nor Apoſtolic Diction, in their Compoſitions. For our Article next declares,

‘Therefore in every Perſon born into the World, it deſerves God's Wrath and Damnation.

What a ſtrange Phraſe is here, God's Wrath and Damnation. ‘Ah, ſay our newfangled Teachers, our flimſy Divines, thank God we are not ſo uncharitable, to ſuppoſe any Perſon in the World deſerving of God's Wrath and Damnation. What unpolite, uncouth Sett of Men were the Compilers of theſe Articles!’

Say ye ſo? Pray let me obſerve, That however unfaſhionable this Doctrine may be thought by ſome, however obſolete and harſh, the Expreſſions may ſeem to others of our airy faſhionable Preachers, Truth it is. It is the Doctrine of Scripture, and thoſe venerable Compilers ſpake as the Oracles of God. And is it not better, far better, for the Sinner to hear and be made ſenſible of his Danger, and deſerving of God's Wrath and Damnation, ſo as to eſcape it now, than to be blinded by flattering Deceivers, till he falls a Sacrifice to God's Wrath and Damnation, [12] in dreadful Eternity hereafter? This you muſt aſſent to, this you will not deny?

But our Article farther declares, ‘This Infection of Nature doth remain, yea in them that are regenerated.’ Regenerated, how? By Infant Baptiſm only? No, the Regenerate have received not the outward and viſible Sign only, but are made Partakers of the inward and ſpiritual Grace alſo. By the quickening and purifying Operations of the Holy Spirit, a Principle of ſpiritual Life is implanted in them (and take this by the Way, without experiencing this, Infant Baptiſm will not, cannot profit any Perſon to Salvation:) So that ſuch, and ſuch only, are ſenſible of the different luſtings of the Fleſh and of the Spirit; and though there is no Condemnation for ſuch as believe with a Faith of divine Operation, and are baptized with the Baptiſm of the Holy Ghoſt, ‘yet Concupiſence and Luſt, ſaith the Apoſtle (that is, inward Deſires and Luſtings) hath the Nature of Sin.’

But alas! in theſe Days of Modification and Refinement, if ſo be the outward Actions are ſomewhat decent, moral, and regular, no Thought or Concern is taken about inward Depravity and Heart-Wickedneſs. But what amazing Horror, what trembling Dread, will ſeize on ſuch, when a Heart-ſearching God ſhall diſcover before Angels and Men the Vileneſs, Hypocriſy, and Deceitfulneſs [13] of the Heart, and to the ſpeechleſs Condemnation of all miſerable Dawbers and Soul-Deceivers, they ſhall be forced to own (when too late to be rectified) that their inward Parts were very Wickedneſs, and therefore ſtood in Need of being changed and renewed, as well as the outward Actions to be reformed and moralized.

And as the former Article ſhews the Wretchedneſs and Sinfulneſs of our Eſtate by Nature, the next Article (10) aſſerts the Helpleſſneſs and Inſufficiency of our Condition.

‘The Condition of Man ſince the Fall of Adam is ſuch, that he cannot turn and prepare himſelf by his own natural Strength and good Works, to Faith and calling upon God. Wherefore we have no Power to do good Works pleaſant and acceptable to God, without the Grace of God by Chriſt preventing us, that we may have a good Will, and working with us when we have that good Will.’

Deceivers will come, ſaith the Scripture; we believe it ſaith our Church; and therefore we eſtabliſh Articles, at once to ſettle the Judgment of our Members, and to guard them from erroneous Novelty. And are not theſe Deceivers already come? Is not their Name Legion? Do not Arminian Teachers ſwarm among us? Who teach, that Man has Free-Will and Power to turn and prepare [14] himſelf, and to do good Works, by which he is to recommend himſelf to the Favour of God. Are not theſe the favourite Doctrines of this Day? Don't we conſtantly hear ſuch Unſcriptural, Antichriſtian Tenets daily advanced, both from Pulpit and Preſs? Aſk that reverend Gentleman in Black, Sir, what muſt I do to be ſaved? And you will find his Anſwer as novel and as modiſh as the Faſhion of his Periwig. He's too polite to dictate the old Scriptural Anſwer, Believe on the Lord Jeſus. But ‘practice Morality, and do good Works, and you are ſafe.’ Was you to reply, Sir I have no Power to do good Works, pleaſant and acceptable to God, without the Grace of God by Chriſt—‘Pſha, pſha, prithee don't tire and teaze me with your Methodiſtical Rant, and Enthuſiaſtical Nonſenſe,’ would be your Anſwer from his Orthodox Reverendſhip. Man's Power, natural Ability, and Free-Will, are his favourite Themes, inſtead of free Grace, ſupernatural Power, divine and ſpiritual Aſſiſtance. Lord have Mercy on the Sheep that are under the Care of ſuch a Shepherd!

But, Brethren, let me plainly and briefly apply myſelf to you on the two foregoing Articles. Do ye know yourſelves? Are ye ſenſible of your real State? Are ye made acquainted with your true Condition? Do ye know and feel your Miſery and Want as Sinners? Are ye ſenſible of your own Weakneſs [15] and Inſufficiency to turn and prepare yourſelves? Do you ſee your Inclination and Proneneſs to all Evil and Sin, and your Averſion and Diſaffection to all Holineſs and Godlineſs? If you do not, have not thus ſeen yourſelves ſtript of all Good, and full of all Evil, deſerving God's Wrath and Damnation, it is plain you are blind even unto this Day, and farther, you never prayed in all your Life. Nay, don't ſtart; 'tis plain Truth: You cannot, you dare not deny it before God, and your own Conſcience, if you conſider Prayer as a breathing out the Wants of the Soul before God, in and under a Senſe of the ſame, and an humble Dependence on him, for Relief and Redreſs. But how could you pray to be delivered from Sin, Evil, and Danger, when you never ſaw it, never felt it, and was never ſenſible of it, and conſequently could have no Deſire to be delivered from it?

But you ſay you have gone to Church, and prayed—that you have gone to Church, and repeated the ſolemn Words of our excellent Liturgy, is not denied; but even then and there you offered the Sacrifice of Fools, and ſolemnly mocked God, while you pretended to addreſs and worſhip him. Elſe how could you dare to tell God you was a miſerable Sinner, deſire him to have Mercy upon you, tell him there is no Health in you, that you are tied and bound with the Chain of your Sins, [16] and that the Remembrance of your Sins is grievous unto you, and the Burden is intolerable, while you neither feel nor experience ſuch a State? Surely the moſt dreadful Hypocriſy this! The moſt fatal and dangerous Deluſion poſſible!

But if not only your Heads are enlightened, and your Judgment informed, but your Hearts alſo truly convicted and humbled before the Lord, with a View of yourſelves as deſcribed by our Scripture Articles; bleſſed Knowledge! Happy Senſibility! For this you are indebted to the Divine Grace, and Heavenly Teachings of the Holy Spirit, of whom you learn to ‘caſt away all human Confidence, all Dependence on the Arm of Feſh only, and to fly to Chriſt for Help and Succour—with a Lord ſave, or we periſh; for the Heart of Man by Nature is eſtranged and alienated from God and Chriſt, would try every other Means, and ſeek for Salvation in any Way, rather than accept it as a free Gift from Chriſt. To caſt away all Self-Righteouſneſs is grievous to the Heart in its natural State of Pride, and Affectation of Independency. Man would ſtill be as God, ſtill work out and merit for himſelf his own Salvation: And he muſt be driven to the laſt Extremity, ſee the Inſufficiency of Law and SELF, of Morality and Works, before he can caſt away all other Confidence, and apply to Jeſus [17] with a Lord ſave or I periſh. It is Faith alone which can avail the Soul, and thus we muſt apply, if we would obtain the Gift of God in Chriſt, utterly renouncing all Self-Dependence, and perfectly aſſured, that he is able and willing to ſave to the uttermoſt *.’ Yea, God for Chriſt's Sake will enrich your Souls, and comfort your Spirits with the abundant Conſolations adminiſtered in the 11th Article, which runs thus:

‘We (all true Believers) are accounted righteous before God, only for the Merit of our Lord and Saviour Jeſus Chriſt; by Faith, and not for our own Works and Deſervings: Wherefore that we are juſtified by Faith only, is a moſt wholſome Doctrine, and very full of Comfort, as more largely is expreſſed in the Homily of Juſtification.’

Here is true Proteſtant, Anti-Romiſh Doctrine. Bleſſed are the Miniſters of our Church, that know and preach thus! Happy [18] every Soul that can ſet to his Seal to the Truth of theſe Words! God will ſuffer no Fleſh to glory in his Preſence: Therefore in the Juſtification, Pardon, or Acceptance of a Sinner, he will magnify the Riches of his free Grace. To be juſtified freely through the Redemption that is in Chriſt Jeſus, and to be accounted righteous for the Righteouſneſs of Jeſus Chriſt only, is the only Doctrine that can yield Comfort and Conſolation to penitent humble Sinners, and Glory and Praiſe to the God of Mercy and Grace. But ‘no, ſay our modern Theologiſts, it is by our own good Works and Faith; Chriſt's Blood, Righteouſneſs, and Merits, are not ſufficient of themſelves to avert the Wrath, procure the Favour, and recommend our Perſons to the Acceptance of God.’ Be aſtoniſhed O Heavens! Be amazed O ye Sons of God! Be confounded O ye Enemies of all Righteouſneſs! at the Blindneſs, Vanity, and Pride of relying on, or joining the imperfect Works, and ſullied Obedience of fallen Man, with the perfect Righteouſneſs, all-atoning Merits, and all-ſufficient Sacrifice of the infinitely divine and holy Jeſus. O how long will ye thus pervert the right Ways of the Lord! How long will ye trample on the precious Blood, depreciate the only-availing Righteouſneſs, and ſet at nought the all-prevailing Merits of the Sinner's Friend, the dear and loving Jeſus! Be filled, O my [19] Soul, be warmed, O my Friends, with a holy Indignation at the daring Inſult and impious Affronts that are offered to Jeſus your Saviour and your God, whoſe Blood and Righteouſneſs is your only Plea! We don't preach Juſtification by Faith only, ſay the Papiſts. We are agreed with you, ſay their Confederates in Error, our pretended Proteſtant, but ſeducing Preachers. But why? Becauſe it tends to deſtroy good Works, ſay both. It is falſe, ſays our Church; we experience the contrary, ſay all its true Chriſtian Members. But truly the Papiſts Teachers are honeſt upright Men, when compared with theſe modern Deceivers: For it is the avowed Tenet of their Church to deny and explode the Doctrine of Juſtification by Faith only, and the imputed Righteouſneſs and Merits of Jeſus Chriſt—but our only pretended Proteſtant Teachers, aſſent to it in the Articles of our Church as a moſt wholſome Doctrine, and very full of godly Comfort, and yet afterwards publickly preach and inveigh againſt it, and brand and ſtigmatize the Contenders for this Scripture Truth as a Sett of Madmen, Enthuſiaſts, and Deceivers. Pretty this truly, thus to cry out W—e firſt! Surprizing is ſuch a Share of Aſſurance! Amazing ſuch Want of Modeſty! Is this a Specimen of their good Works? Alas, alas, where is common Honeſty, candid Judgment, and impartial Determination fled! O [20] ye ſelf-confident, ſoul-deceiving Teachers, how can ye look on this Article without being filled with Shame and Confuſion of Face? If Conſcience performed its Office, bluſh ye muſt, ye would, at ſuch a monſtrous Behaviour and inconſiſtent Practice.

But does our Church depreciate good Works, or deny their Uſefulneſs? No; neither do any of its true Miniſters or Members, they all aſſent to the Doctrines of the 12th Article, that

‘Good Works are the Fruit of Faith, and follow after Juſtification (not go before, in order to procure Juſtification) they cannot put away our Sins, nor endure the Severity of God's Judgment, yet are they pleaſing and acceptable to God in Chriſt, and do ſpring out neceſſarily of a true Faith, inaſmuch as by them a lively Faith may be as evidently known as a Tree by its Fruit.’

O Brethren, what a Conſiſtency of Doctrine! What a Harmony of Divine Truth! What a Chain of Scripture Tenets, do our excellent Articles afford us! Thank God for antient, orthodox, Chriſtian Compilers! From modern, heterodox, unchriſtian Teachers, good Lord deliver us! And let all our Church Members ſay Amen.

You ſee Brethren, that good Works are the Fruits of Faith. Have you received of God the Gift of Faith? Faith in our Lord [21] Jeſus Chriſt, whereby you are juſtified? Is the Condemnation and Guilt of your Sins taken away? And do ye poſſeſs Pardon and Peace from God? Then I am ſure you muſt love God, and Love is the moſt powerful and availing Principle to produce good Works, ‘"pleaſant and acceptable to God in Chriſt,"’ for only in Chriſt Jeſus is it our Works are accepted; the beſt Work we can perform can't put away our Sins, and endure the Severity of God's Judgment: ‘But good Works ſpring out neceſſarily of a true Faith,’ they are true Marks and Evidences of a lively Faith, as the Fruitfulneſs of a Tree is an unanſwerable Proof of the Life and Soundneſs of the Root. Hence ye ſee, Brethren, by the plain Senſe of the Articles, that without a true juſtifying Faith in our Lord Jeſus, no good Works can be produced; and yet truly we find many, who pretend to be the only true orthodox Teachers of our Church, conſtantly exploding and vehemently denying the Doctrine of Juſtification by Faith only. Therefore it is a plain Conſequence and natural Deduction, that the only Marks ſuch give of their Orthodoxy is, that they have neither Faith nor good Works, notwithſtanding all that prating and Noiſe they make about good Works. And this is more fully proved by Article 13, which aſſures us,

[22] All ‘Works done before the Grace of Chriſt, and the Inſpiration of his Spirit, are not pleaſant to God, foraſmuch as they ſpring not of Faith in Jeſu Chriſt; neither do they make Men meet to receive Grace, or (as the School Authors ſay) deſerve Grace of Congruity: Rather for that they are not done as God hath willed and commanded them to be done, we doubt not but they have the Nature of Sin.’

The Grace of Chriſt, and the Inſpiration of the Spirit! Why this is the very Mark and Characteriſtic of an Enthuſiaſt, to talk of being inſpired, ſay our new Lights and modern Deceivers. But no, it is the only Principle of true Chriſtian Practices. He is not a Chriſtian who is not inſpired by the Spirit of God, neither are any Works pleaſant and acceptable to God, but what ſpring from Inſpiration, ſays our Church. Inſpiration ſignifies a Breathing inward: What? Why the Vitality, Power, and Graces of the Holy Spirit; and from this inward Principle only, outward Actions good and pleaſant to God, and profitable to Man flow.

But to avoid Prolixity, I ſhall not enlarge, as I find I have much exceeded my firſt Intentions; but really our excellent Articles afford ſuch a Field of Argument to ſupport Truth, and detect Error, that they are pleaſing and delightful Themes to dwell on, though I doubt not but what I have advanced [23] is ſufficient, in the Judgments of the ignorant and prejudiced Profeſſors of Chriſtianity, to determine me a Methodiſt and an Enthuſiaſt. Reader, let me appeal to thee: Have I ſtrained one Sentence of our Articles from its natural Senſe and plain Meaning? Well, if for a ſteady Adherence and firm Attachment to the Doctrines of the Church of England, I am accounted a Methodiſt, I am content, may I live and die a Church of England Methodiſt! A Methodiſt! Why really its a ſimple and inoffenſive Name, and I don't ſee much Reaſon to be aſhamed of it; for I have often thought, and its well worth Notice, that the World don't uſually fix this Apellation upon Perſons of an openly wicked and ſcandalouſly finful Life: Hence a gaming, pleaſure-taking, Playhouſe-frequenting Perſon, who lives in Debauchery and Exceſs of drinking, is ſure to eſcape the Name of Methodiſt.

Nor has a Miniſter that Name given him, who notwithſtanding his ſolemn Declarations, Subſcriptions, and Oaths, to aſſent to and abide by the Articles of our Church, preaches contrary to them; denies the Fall of Man, Original Sin, contends for Juſtification by Works inſtead of Faith, is an Enemy to the Doctrine of imputed Righteouſneſs; from whoſe Sermons you ſeldom or never hear the Name of Jeſus, nor the Agency and Influence of the Holy Spirit, unleſs utterly to [24] deny, inveigh againſt, and explode all ſpiritual Inſpiration and inward Feeling: Theſe and ſuch ſort of Preachers eſcape free from the Imputation of Methodiſm.

So again that decent regular Perſon, who freed from the irkſome Care of Souls, comfortably lolls in his Chariot, thinks 'tis Time for him to have done with the Labour and Fatigue of praying and preaching (for he is turned of Forty) therefore has left off Trade, is content with a bare ſingle 1000l. per Annum Church Preferment; he loves, wiſhes well to the Church (not without Reaſon by the by) rails at your popular, Mob-driving Preachers (as he terms them) is ſure they would not take half the Pains they do, if Views of Money-getting were not at the Bottom: Theſe ſort of Gentlemen too, ſtand very clear of being deemed Methodiſts.

Reader, what doſt thou think of all ſuch? I appeal to thee, and every honeſt Mind, and unprejudiced Judgment, to determine whether a worſe Name doth not properly belong to them?

Well, it is plain that Principles and Practices, ſuch as are contrary to the ignorant, formal, ſinful, Antichriſtian Miniſters and Profeſſors of the Age, and to abide by and contend for the orthodox Articles of our Church, is thought ſufficient to conſtitute a Perſon a Methodiſt: Therefore, Reader, let me here preſent thee with a juſt and plain [25] Deſcription of what the World mean by a Methodiſt. ‘He is one whom God hath choſen in Chriſt out of Mankind, to deliver from Curſe and Damnation, and to bring by Chriſt to everlaſting Salvation; he is called according to God's Purpoſe, by his Spirit working in due Seaſon; he through Grace obeys the Calling; he is juſtified freely; he is made a Son of God by Adoption; he feels in himſelf the working of the Spirit of Chriſt (none but Methodiſts indeed talk thus, ſay the formal Profeſſors) mortifying the Works of the Fleſh, and his earthly Members, and drawing up his Mind to high and heavenly things; he is made like the Image of Chriſt, walks religiouſly in good Works, and at length by God's Mercy attains everlaſting Felicity.’

O happy Methodiſts! Bleſſed Deſcription! Thoſe who chuſe to give a better are at their Liberty; for my Part, I am tenaciouſly fond of our Church Language, and therefore have tranſcribed the Words of our 17th Article.

And here, Brethren, may we not obſerve how highly dignified, how undeſignedly honoured all the faithful, ſcriptural, orthodox Miniſters of our Church are, by Miniſters and Perſons of a contrary Character?

Tell me ye blinded by Prejudice, ye heated with Reſentment, ye pretended Miniſters and Members of our Church, tell, prove to the World if ye can, wherein the ingenious Romaine, the judicious Murden, [26] the zealous and laborious Jones, the learned and much-admired Dod, and ſuch like conſcientious Miniſters, have departed from, or advanced any one Tenet contrary to, the orthodox Articles of our Church. If they have, look them in the Face, and by the Judgment and Determination of the Scripture and Articles, correct and refute them.

But if not (and no ſuch Charge has hitherto appeared) how mean, baſe, and deſpicable is it, to attempt to load them with Odium, Contempt, and Infamy behind their Backs? Is it their Crime to be ſo unpolite as to make Conſcience of their Oaths and Subſcriptions, and to preach and abide by the excellent and Apoſtolic Doctrines of our Church? Is it for their Love to, and Zeal for, the Salvation of precious and immortal Souls? Is it becauſe the Sheep know their Voice, and follow them as true Shepherds, therefore do ye Hirelings hate, contemn, and deſpiſe them? Weep O my Soul in Secret before the Lord, on Account of that Oppoſition to the Goſpel of Jeſus, and Unkindneſs to his Miniſters! Rejoice O my Soul! Be thankful O my Fellow Sinners, to the great Shepherd and Biſhop of our Souls, in thus careing for, and ſending forth theſe beſt Friends, trueſt Sons, and moſt faithful Miniſters of our Church!

And bleſſed be the Name of the Lord for enduing them with that Spirit of Boldneſs [27] and Conſtancy, whereby they declare the whole Counſel of God, no Man making them afraid. I know and am perſuaded all that love our Lord Jeſus in Sincerity, will feel the ſame Warmth of Zeal and fervent Affection to theſe, and all ſuch true Miniſters, and will (as I do from my Heart) honour, reverence, and eſteem them highly in Love, for their Works Sake.

It matters very little to hear the many envenomed Throats croaking out Enthuſiaſm. Reader, take Knowledge of that Thing, he is Parſon of St.—'s Church, and leſt the People ſhould be ſeduced and deceived, by hearing the Doctrines of the Church of England preached, he denies theſe true Miniſters the Pulpit, and ſays they are Enthuſiaſts; and the People, as ignorant as himſelf, join the Cry.

An Enthuſiaſt! What is that? O 'tis the cant Word of the Day for the many-headed Monſter, the Bugbear of the Times.

‘Ah, ſays a conſtant Church-goer, I heard one of theſe Preachers at our Church; he preached ſuch a Sermon! almoſt an Hour long, and ſaid downright, That all unconverted People were in a State of Damnation, and would go to Hell, if they did not believe on the Lord Jeſus! Truly he ſet the Pariſh in an Uproar, for we are not uſed to ſuch ſort of preaching. Thank God for a good Parſon ſay I; for next Sunday our Parſon (God bleſs him) [28] preached a Sermon againſt ſuch Doctrine, and though he was no longer than a Quarter of an Hour, yet he made us all eaſy again; he told us we were in no Danger of going to Hell, and that there was no Fear of our being damned, for we were all good Chriſtians, if we pay every one their own, and do as we would be done by.’

Why truly Reader, ſuch is the preaching of too many who call themſelves Miniſters of our Church; but beware of them, for they are Heathens in Diſguiſe.

‘But your Ethuſiaſts pretend to, and contend for, Inſpiration of the Spirit.’ A heavy Charge this indeed! And is this what you mean by Enthuſiaſm? Are all that pretend to be inſpired by the Spirit Enthuſiaſts? O yes, doubtleſs, ſay our modern Teachers, and unchriſtian Profeſſors! Why then if ſo, is not every Miniſter of our Church an Enthuſiaſt or a Deceiver? For they all at their Ordination, ſolemnly profeſs to be inwardly moved by the Holy Ghoſt, to take on them the holy Function; and alſo the Biſhop pronounces on them, Receive ye the Holy Ghoſt. Hence 'tis plain our Church pre-requires the Neceſſity of an inward Call and Inſpiration of the Spirit to the Work of the Miniſtry, (which if they pretend to and have not, they are Deceivers) and therefore 'tis expected they receive the powerful Influences and Operations of the Holy Ghoſt, as though without [29] them they could not be true Miniſters of the Goſpel of Jeſus Chriſt: And it has been before proved, from the plain Declarations of our Articles, that without the Inſpiration of the Holy Spirit none can be a true Chriſtian, or do any good Works.

But if by an Enthuſiaſt is meant a Deceiver, one that fancies himſelf and pretends to be what in Reality he is not: I declare to you Reader, I do not know a worſe Sort of Enthuſiaſm, nor a more dangerous Sett of Enthuſiaſts and Deceivers, (Deceivers both of themſelves and others, let common Senſe and right Reaſon determine the Point) than thoſe Miniſters who ſolemnly profeſs to be inwardly moved by the Holy Ghoſt, pretend to receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit at their Ordination, aſſent, ſubſcribe, and ſwear to the Articles of our Church, in which the Neceſſity of Inſpiration is ſo ſtrongly inſiſted on; uſe the moſt excellent Form of our Church Liturgy; conſtantly pray to God for the Inſpiration, Guidance, and Operations of the Holy Spirit: And yet after all this (O dreadful Hypocriſy before God! O amazing Soul-Deluſion!) can jeſt, jeer at, and ridicule all ſpiritual Influences and inward Operations; deſpiſe and contemn the honeſt, faithful, ſpiritual Miniſters of our Church. Surely an honeſt Heathen would bluſh at ſuch Behaviour. No Wonder ſuch are ſo much deſpiſed and ſet at [30] nought, who make themſelves by their Abſurdity contemptible in the Sight of Men.

But it is farther urged againſt our truly reverend and Goſpel Miniſters, ‘That they are not content with the common and ordinary Operations of the Spirit, but they talk of, and contend for, the extraordinary and miraculous Gifts of the Holy Ghoſt; therefore they are Enthuſiaſts. This is falſe; they neither expect, nor ſee any Neceſſity for the miraculous Gifts of the Holy Ghoſt: But they contend for (agreeable to Scripture) the promiſed inward Gifts and Graces of the Holy Spirit, to enlighten, convince, convert, and make happy, the true Chriſtian, by his indwelling Witneſs and comfortable Preſence to the Soul.

Neither is their Pretenſions to Inſpiration ‘ungrounded and unwarranted (as others object, and therefore ſay) they are Enthuſiaſts. This Kind of Pretenſion may be reduced to two Sorts for Matter, and for Manner. For Matter, when Perſons pretend to Inſpiration of God for things contrary to Scripture, which God hath given us as a ſtanding Rule to the World's End. But our Miniſters pretend to no ſuch Inſpiration, ſeeing they conſtantly inculcate the Doctrines of our Church, which are agreeable to the Scriptures: Yea, they preach ſuch Inſpiration only, which the Word of God promiſes to every true Chriſtian. Therefore they are not Enthuſiaſts.

[31] For Manner, when Inſpirations are expected to exclude and ſuperſede the Uſe of Reaſon, Scripture, and all Divine Ordinances. Such as pretend to theſe are proper Enthuſiaſts. But our faithful and orthodox Miniſters preach the rational Scripture Doctrines of the Goſpel only. They don't ſet up Heathen Morality inſtead of Chriſtian Practices, nor do they teach Man's natural Ability, to the Excluſion of God's Divine Grace, nor the Works of Righteouſneſs of ſinful Man, in order to ſuperſede and ſet at nought the meritorious Sacrifice and Righteouſneſs of Jeſus Chriſt. No; but they inſiſt on the Reaſonableneſs of being endued with ſpiritual Life and ſpiritual Power, in order to produce ſpiritual Actions; they ſcripturally teach, that Faith, and every other good Gift and Grace, is of the Spirit's Inſpiration; and they therefore direct Souls to a diligent Attendance, and conſtant Waiting on the Ordinances, and to eſteem them as Channels, wherein God is uſually pleaſed to inſpire into the Soul Divine Grace and ſpiritual Influences. Therefore they are not Enthuſiaſts.

And now Reader, by ſuch plain, ſcriptural, and infallible Marks, we may know and diſcern the true Goſpel Miniſters of our Church from Enthuſiaſts, becauſe they aſſert and preach that true Chriſtianity is wrought in the Soul, by the Infuſion and Inſpiration of the Spirit only, authorized by the Word [32] of God, and agreeable to the Voice of our Church, they conſtantly declare, No one can be a Miniſter of Chriſt without being called to and qualified for the preaching of the Goſpel, by the Spirit of Chriſt only. Neither can any Perſon be a true Chriſtian, but through the animating Power and Agency of the bleſſed Spirit. For all godly Miniſters and Chriſtians do enjoy this in the Working and Increaſe of ſupernatural Grace: For Grace is not the Work of Nature and Reaſon (let heretical Pelagians and modern graceleſs Seducers ſay what they pleaſe) but of the Spirit only.

The Gifts and Graces of the Holy Spirit are promiſed in the Goſpel to be with Chriſt's Church through all the ſucceeding Ages; to what End? But to carry on, and effectuate and apply, the Bleſſings and Comforts of Chriſt's Redemption to the Soul of every Member; to give them an Earneſt of the purchaſed Inheritance in their Hearts here, and to qualify and prepare them for the Enjoyment of the Kingdom of our Lord Jeſus, in a bleſſed Eternity hereafter? This the Word of God aſſures us of; this every true Chriſtian happily knows by bleſſed Experience; and this our truly Chriſtian Church teaches us conſtantly to pray for and expect, in her Offices and Inſtitutions; yea, in the Communion Service it is aſſerted of all her true Members, ‘We dwell in Chriſt, and [33] Chriſt in us; we are one with Chriſt, and Chriſt with us.’

But by Men of corrupt Minds, deſtitute of the Truth, theſe antient Doctrines of the Bible, and of our Church, now are deemed New Doctrines, the Preachers of them railed againſt as Innovators, and from many Pulpits the People are told (by Way of Prejudice againſt them) that ‘they draw People away from the Church, and cauſe Schiſm and Diviſion.’ Draw People from the Church, and cauſe Schiſm! Might they not with equal Propriety call them Preſbyterian Papiſts, and ſay they ſet the Stone Walls of the Church on fire? For

Nonſenſe can never be underſtood; but the Diſcerning and Judicious will always reject Abſurdity and Falſhood. Is it Schiſm conſtantly to preach and inculcate the avowed Doctrines and Tenets of the Church? And 'tis obvious even to an Offence to ſome, that at whatever Church the faithful Goſpel Miniſters preach, numerous and crouded Congregations attend. Now is not this a ſtrange Way of drawing People from the Church?

‘But then who are thoſe that follow them?’ Why perhaps many of your Pariſhioners go to hear them. ‘Ay, that is it, they draw People away from their own Pariſh Churches.’ Do they ſo? Why really Mr. Parſon, Truth is a very deſirable thing, and never more ſo, than when Religion is concerned. Now the Caſe is plainly [34] this: When a Perſon is not content to take up his Religion upon Truſt, but reads with Attention and Diſcernment the Word of God, compares the Doctrines of our Church with the Bible, and obſerves the great and fundamental Truths therein contained, either not preached at all in his own Pariſh Church, or what is worſe, openly inveighed againſt, denied, and exploded. Such as the Doctrines of Original Sin, the Inſufficiency of Works to juſtify the Sinner, the Merits and Righteouſneſs of the Lord Jeſus, and Juſtification through the ſame by Faith; the Neceſſity of inward Holineſs and Sanctification by the Holy Spirit, &c. I ſay, when a Perſon ſees the Weight and Importance of theſe ſacred Scripture Truths, it is the very Delight of his Soul to hear them preached; he becomes a Church of England Man not by Profeſſion merely, but on Principle chiefly.

And 'tis eaſy to be accounted for, that he takes ſome Pains to follow the Voice of the Church, and to attend the Sound of her Doctrines at other Churches, and even thinks it an Unhappineſs he can't hear them preached at his own Pariſh Church.

Now Doctor you ſay 'tis wrong, and you blame People for rambling away from their own Churches; but is it not worſe in you to forſake your own Church Doctrines? 'Tis true, they ſometimes forſake the Stone Walls and Buildings of their Pariſh Churches; but why? For this very Reaſon, becauſe their [35] own Pariſh Prieſts have departed from the conſtituent Principles and eſtabliſhed Doctrines of our Articles, Homilies, and Liturgy. And pray now, who is in Fault? Not thoſe Miniſters who preach the Doctrines of the Church of England, nor thoſe who are ſo attached to the ſame as to follow them; but thoſe who drive them away from their own ſtated Pariſh Churches, by preaching contrary to the venerable Scripture Truths, and can't be content with the Religion of their Forefathers, the Doctrines of the Reformation, but muſt broach ſome new-fangled Tenets, and preach only the poor, dry, unavailing Syſtem of Heatheniſh Morality, inſtead of the lively, animating, powerful, truly-moralizing Truths of the Goſpel.

Therefore let Clericus and his Brethren, who are ſo often haranguing againſt Schiſm and Separation, know that the Schiſm reverberates and the Charge of Separation recoils back upon themſelves, while they are guilty of Schiſm in Doctrine, and ſeparate from the precious Truths, the avowed Tenets of our excellent Eſtabliſhment.

But there is one Expedient, which from my hearty Zeal for our Church, and warm Affection to the Clergy, I would humbly recommend to them (and may the Almighty God, who alone worketh great Marvels, incline them all to put it in Practice.) It is this, to preach conſtantly, maintain ſteadily, inculcate fervently, the eſtabliſhed Doctrines of [36] our Church, the glorious Truths of the Reformation. Now who would think there could be any Objection againſt this Method? Nay there can be none; and I am ſure it will be practiſed by thoſe who have ſo much Conſcience, as to believe ſolemn Promiſes, Oaths, and Subſcriptions, are binding and obligatory upon them.

Beſides this, conſider Reverend Sirs, pray conſider that beſides diſcharging your Conſcience in the Sight of God, clearing yourſelves from the Imputation of Schiſm and Diſaffection to the Truths of our Eſtabliſhment, you may alſo aſſure yourſelves theſe happy Effects will be the Conſequence of ſuch a Practice: Your reſpective Flocks will be kept together, they will punctually attend their Miniſters at their own Pariſh Churches, ignorant Profeſſors will be inſtructed in the ſaving Doctrines of the Goſpel, eſtabliſhed in the Truth as it is in Jeſus, and will be thereby preſerved from being miſled by Error, and perverted by Deluſion; a glorious Spirit of Reformation will overſpread our Land, the Practice of Morality and good Works will abound, and our Church will ſoon become the Glory of the whole Earth.

O happy Period! A Time how much to be deſired! May the God of Truth and Power haſten it for his Mercy's Sake!

Theſe truly ſpiritual and experimental Sentences I have taken the Liberty to extract from the 6th Diſcourſe of the Rev. and pious Mr. DOD, who is obliging the World with a Sett of Sermons, in which inward vital Chriſtianity is inſiſted on, the Religion of the Heart, and the Experience of Divine Grace in the Soul, are ſcripturally and beautifully diſplayed. And in theſe Sermons we may obſerve, Miniſters will not be aſhamed of the Goſpel of Chriſt, when they experience it in their own Souls to be the Power of God unto Salvation.
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TextGrid Repository (2016). TEI. 3353 Methodism displayed and enthusiasm detected intended as an antidote against and a preservative from the delusive principles and unscriptural doctrines of a modern sett of seducing preachers and as. . University of Oxford, License: Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/]. https://hdl.handle.net/11378/0000-0005-D142-4