CONTAINING The Names, Trades, and Situation of the Ware⯑houſes, Shops, &c. of the people in Trade in the Town and County of Newcaſtle upon Tyne, and Gateſhead, in the County of Durham,—Halls of the ſeveral Companies in the Town and County of Newcaſtle,—Lodges of Free Maſons,—Charity Schools,—Rates of Carriage of Goods, as ſettled by the Ma⯑giſtrates,—Regulations of the Poſt at New⯑caſtle,—Abſtract of an Act what Inn-holders may allow Soldiers quartered on them, inſtead of Meat,—The Coaches and Flys, where they ſet out from, and at what hour,—A Liſt of all the Carriers,—Likewiſe a Travelling Table between London and Edinburgh, &c.
NEWCASTLE: Printed by T. LAWSON, Vine Entry, Fleſh-market, and Sold by the Bookſellers, in Newcaſtle, Durham, Sun⯑derland, North Shields, and Morpeth.
(To be continued every two Years.)
Whitehead's Newcastle and Gateshead DIRECTORY.
FOR 1782.
[]REpairs Muſical Inſtruments in the neateſt manner, and Turning work in Metals, Ivory, Bone, Horn, and Hard Woods in every Branch; Walking Canes mounted in Silver, Metal or or any other manner; Book-binders Fillets turn⯑ed; Fiſhing Rods made; Ladies' Fanſticks made and mended; Screw and plain Bows for Violins and Violincellos; Tailpieces, Bridges, and P [...]s for ditto; ſold wholeſale or retail at the loweſt prices: With many other articles executed in Metal. Ivory and Wood on the ſhorteſt notice; Bows haired, &c.
N. B. His new invented Swell for the Piano Forte, which has been ſo greatly approved of, at the uſual price
- THE Right Worſhipful EDWARD MOSLEY,
- Eſq Mayor, Manſion-houſe, Cloſe, m.
- Chriſtopher Fawcett, Eſq Recorder, Weſtg.-ſt. m.
- Sir Matt. W. Ridley, Bart. Weſtgate-ſtreet, h.
- John Simpſon, Eſq Pilgrim-ſtreet, m.
- Matt. Bell, Eſq Weſtgate-ſtreet, m.
- Aubone Surtees, Eſq near White-croſs.
- John Eraſ. Blackett, Eſq Pilgrim-ſtreet, h.
- John Baker, Eſq Weſtgate-ſtreet, m.
- Francis Forſter, Eſq near Nun-gate.
- Charles Atkinſon, Eſq foot of Side.
- John Hedley, Eſq Northumberland-ſtreet, h.
- Hugh Hornby, Eſq Pilgrim-ſtr. m.
- Geo. Colpits, Eſq SHERIFF, Pilgrim-ſtr. m.
- George Colpits, Eſq as above.
- Mr James Liddle, Pilgrim-ſtreet, f.
- Mr Chriſtopher Wilkinſon, Weſtgate-ſtreet, f.
- Mr William Yielder, Low-friar-chair, m. 1
- [4]Mr Frances Johnſon, Weſtgate-ſtreet, m.
- Mr Wm. Cramlington, St Ann's-ſtreet.
- Mr James Tho. Loraine, Weſtgate-ſtreet, f.
- Mr Robert Clayton, foot of Side.
- Mr James Wilkinſon, Saville-row, m.
- Mr Iſaac Cookſon, Hanover-ſquare.
- Mr William Surtees, Charlotte-ſquare.
- Mr Ogle Wallis, eaſt ſide Sandhill.
- Mr. Snow Clayton, Pilgrim-ſtreet, m.
- Mr. Shaftoe Coulter, Weſtgate-ſtreet, m.
- Mr Joſeph Saint, Pilgrim-ſtreet, f.
- Mr Wm. Bacon, Roſe-mary-lane.
- Mr Alex. Adams, Northumberland-ſtreet, f.
- Mr George Stephenſon, eaſt end of Cloſe.
- Mr Richard Chambers, Pilgrim ſtreet, m.
- Mr Thomas Bullman, Middle-ſtreet, m.
- Mr Henry Scott, Pilgrim-ſtreet, f.
- Mr Robert Hedley, weſt end, Saville row.
- Mr Thomas Harbottle, Weſtgate-ſtreet, h.
- William Maxwell, Eſq Pilgrim-ſtreet. f.
- William Stalker, Eſq foot of Side.
- William Gibſon, Eſq Weſtgate-ſtreet, m.
- George Stephenſon, Eſq eaſt end Cloſe.
- Mr Henry Shadforth, foot of Silver-ſtreet.
- Mr Nath. Bayles, St Nicholas' church-yard.
- Mr William Watſon, near Barras-bridge.
- Mr Thomas Harle, Newgate-ſtreet, h.
- Mr Richard Owen, Denton-chair, m.
- Mr Iſaac Busfield. Fenkell-ſtreet, h.
- Mr William Cox, Caſtle-yard, m.
- Mr Hawdon Brumell, Garth-heads.
- Mr Thomas Cooper, near Black horſe pant.
- Mr George Codling, White-croſs.
- Mr Joſ. Curry, foot of Butcher-bank.
- Mr Robert Scott, Fleſhmarket, h.
- Mr Thomas Jackſon, Fleſh-market, f.
- Mr John Finley, Sheriff's Serjeant, Pilgr.-ſtr. f.
- Mr Edward Manners, New Bridewell, foot Ma⯑nor Chair.
- Mr John Patterſon, Cloſe, m.
- Mr Thomas Gill, foot of Tuthill-ſtairs, Cloſe.
- Mr John Finley, Magdalene's, near Bar. bridge.
- Mr Stephen Parkinſon, without Pilgrim-gate.
- Mr John Young, near Cloſe-gate.
Alphabetical LIST of the people in Trade, &c. in Newcaſtle.
- Abbs Rich. Bryan, Surgeon, Pudding-chair, m.
- Adams Alex. fitter-office, Stoney-hill, br [...]-chair.
- Adams Geo. ſpirit-dealer and publican, grey-horſe, Quayſide, m.
- [6]Adams Andrew, publican, ſhip, North Shore.
- Addiſon and Davidſon, glaziers and painters, Side, f.
- Alder Thomas, butcher, Vine-lane
- Alder Joſh. cheeſe-mong. & bacon-deal. Side, m.
- Alder George, butcher, Gallowgate, h.
- Allon John, gun-ſmith, Painter-heugh, m.
- Allies Grand, office, Cloſe, m.
- Allen Thomas, merch. office, Quayſide, m.
- Allen James, ſtay-maker, head of Side.
- Allen Mrs, publican, Turk's head, without Pil⯑grim-gate.
- Allen John, grocer and tea-dealer, Broad-ch. h.
- Ainſley William, taylor, Bailiff-gate, m.
- Ainſley Jacob, woolen-draper, Caſtle-yard, m.
- Air Thomas, publican, three tuns, Pilgrim-ſtr. f.
- Airey, Cookſon, & Co. glaſs-warehouſe, with⯑out Cloſe-gate.
- Airey William, woollen-draper, Biggmarket, f.
- Alexander Thomas, publican; eaſtend Bailiff-gate, Duke Cumberland's head.
- Alexander Thomas, glaſs-cutter and engraver, without Cloſe-gate.
- Allcock Sam. publican, cannon, Fleſhmark. f.
- Alderſon William, cheeſe-monger, and grocer, middle-ſtreet, h.
- Allinſon William, attorney at law, and notary publick, Side, f.
- Ameers John, publican, griffin, Pilgrim-ſtr. m.
- Anderſon Wm. merchant and broker, Side, f.
- Anderſon and Son, peruke-makers, Middle-ſt. f.
- Anderſon Edward, merchant, Side, f.
- Anderſon George, builder, Weſtgate-ſtr. m.
- [7]Anderſon Bart. builder, ditto.
- Anderſon Richard, baker, Manor-chair, m.
- Anderſon John, ſurgeon, Pilgrim-ſtreet, m.
- Anderſon Charles, peruke-maker, Side, m.
- Anderſon John, weaver, Ouſburn.
- Andrew and J. Harriſon and Co. iron-mongers, Skinner-burn.
- Angas Caleb, coach-maker, Biggmarket, m.
- Angus Thomas, printer, eaſt ſide, St Nicholas church-yard.
- Angus Anthony, herd, Gallowgate, h.
- Aſkew John, writting maſter, Spital.
- Atkinſon John, cooper, near Black horſe pant, and ſalmon pickler, and dryer of ditto, Plum⯑ber-chair, Quayſide.
- Atkinſon Jacob, butcher, High-friar-chair, m.
- Atkinſon Charles, Eſq iron and tar-merchant, Side, f.
- Atkinſon, L. & Son, ſhip and inſurance-brokers, Quay-ſide, m.
- Atkinſon and Rutherford, rope-makers, Quay⯑ſide, m.
- Atkinſon Jane, publican, black horſe, Spicer-lane, h.
- Atkinſon Joſeph, bookſeller, binder, ſtationer, & muſical inſtrument-dealer, Groatmarket, h.
- Atkinſon Joſeph, peruke-maker, Back-row.
- Archbold James, ſlater, Gallowgate, m.
- Archbold Richard, gardener, ditto, m.
- Arrowſmith Joſ. publican, roſe, Grindon-chair.
- Aviſon Charles, organiſt, and teacher of muſic, Fleſhmarket, m.
- [8]Bailey, the Rev. John, Academy, Groatmar, m.
- Bailey Wm. publican, unicorn, Quayſide, m
- Baker John, Eſq fitter's office, Broad-chair, m.
- Baker John, dyer, &c. Cloſe, m.
- Bainbridge Wm. gardener, Forth-banks, h.
- Bancks J. teacher of dancing, Weſtgate-ſtr. f.
- Bancks Adam, carver and gilder, ditto.
- Bank, the Old, oppoſite Painter-heugh, Pilgrim-ſtreet, f.
- Bank, the Exchange, head of Silver-ſtreet, ditto.
- Bank, the Tyne, near north end, Tyne-bridge, Cloſe.
- Barber Martin, bookſeller, binder, and circu⯑lating library, Side, h.
- Barber John, attorney at law, without Pilgrim Gate.
- Barker Robert, perfumer, and flint-glaſs ware⯑houſe, Middle-ſtreet, f.
- Barker and Woolfall, merchts. n. ſide, Sandhill.
- Barron John, ſtay-maker, Silver-ſtreet, h.
- Barnes Joſ. publican, ſhip, Cloſe, m.
- Barras John, merchant, office, Fenwick's-entry, Quay-ſide.
- Barkas Robert, ſhoe-maker, Union-ſtreet, h.
- Barkas Edward, butcher, Low-friar-chair, f.
- Barkas Wm. peruke-maker, Pudding-chair, h.
- Barkas —, grocer and tea-dealer, middle-ſt. m.
- Barkas Wm. tanner, near the White-croſs.
- Barkas Thomas, flater, Pilgrim-ſtr. m.
- Baths, the new medicinal, without Weſt Gate.
- Bearpark J. publican, red lion, Pandon.
- Bayles Cha. and Co. fitter's office, near Broad-chair, Quayſide.
- [9]Baxter John, cheeſe-monger and bacon-dealer, Side, h.
- Beilby and Bewick, engravers and plate-printers, Amen-corner, St Nicholas' Church-yard.
- Bell Wm. publican, peacock, Quayſide, m.
- Bell Wm. portrait-painter, above Nun-gate.
- Bell Wm. painter and glazier, Newgate-ſtr. h.
- Bell Joſeph, painter, above Nun Gate.
- Bell David, publican, bell, near the Black Gate.
- Bell James, merchant, Side, f.
- Bell Wm. ſlater, Broad-gar. ſeven ſtars, Quayſide.
- Bell Jeram. and Co. tallow-chandlers, Broad-chair, f.
- Bell Rob. hearſes, mourning-coaches and chaiſes, to any part of Great-Britain, Side, h.
- Bell John, land-ſurveyor, eaſt end of the Low-friar-chair, or at Mr Charnley's, bookſeller.
- Bell M. and W. hair-dreſſers and perfumers, Biggmarkett, h.
- Bell John, merchant, Side, f.
- Bell Matthew, Eſq fitter's office, Quayſide, m.
- Bell Ralph, butcher, Butcher-bank, h.
- Bell Joſeph, grocer and tea-dealer, ditto.
- Bella Alexander, portrait-painter, fleſhmark. f.
- Bellany James, baker, head of the Side.
- Berry Henry, baker, Cowgate.
- Benney John, publican, ſhip, North Shore.
- Beech Patrick, goldſmith and hardware-dealer, Side, h.
- Blakey Wm. taylor, Groatmarket, f.
- Blakey Paul, patten-maker, Side, m.
- Blackett Chriſt. ſpirit and hop-merchant, Side, h.
- Blackett Tho. ſhoe-maker, Middle-ſtr. h.
- [10]Blenkinſop Th. ſen. houſe-carpenter, Pilg.-ſtr. m.
- Boag Wm. patten-maker, Side, m.
- Boak Wm. woolen-draper, eaſt ſide Sand-hill.
- Bollam Rob. joiner, Caſtle, in Caſtle yard.
- Booth Mrs. maltſter, Manor-chair, h.
- Bowker Tho. thread manufacturer, and Man⯑cheſter-warehouſe, Butcher-bank, f.
- Boyd Henry, attorney at law, Butcher-bank, h.
- Brand Rev. John, curate of St Andrew's church, Spital.
- Bracken John, cabinet and joiners' tool-maker, High-bridge.
- Brewſter Sam. coach-maker, Weſtgate-ſtr. h.
- Brelsford Rich. ſtocking-weaver, Pandon, m.
- Brodie Hugh, inn-keeper, turk's head, Bigg-market, h.
- Braſs Sam. cork-cutter, Sandgate, m.
- Brown A. gingerbread-baker, Cloſe, m.
- Brown James, taylor, High-bridge, m.
- Brown Ralph, upholſterer, Side, m.
- Brown —, phyſician, Pilgrim-ſtr. h.
- Brown Geo. attorney at law, Painter-heugh, m.
- Brown the Rev. John, curate of St John's church, and ſchoolmaſter, ſouth end of St John's lane.
- Brow J. taylor, North Shore.
- Brockhouſe Rob. cooper, eaſt end Quayſide.
- Brown Rich. wine-merchant, head of Side.
- Brown Thomas, book-binder, Groatmarket, f.
- Brown Mich. tanner, Darn crook, or Hanover-ſq.
- Brown John, whip-maker, without Weſt Gate.
- Brown E. publican, Ouſeburn.
- Brown Thomas, flour-dealer, Nun Gate.
- Browel Matthew, joiner, &c. Fenkel-ſtreet, h.
- [11]Bruce Wm. ſurveyor, Garth-heads.
- Brummell Geo. cabinet-maker, Pilgrim-ſtreet, m.
- Brummell Wm. ſhoe-maker, Middle-ſtreet, m.
- Brunton Benj. ſhoe-maker, Side, f.
- Brunton John, tanner, near White-croſs.
- Brunting Rich. breeches-maker, King-ſtreet.
- Bryan Miſs, ſchool, Pilgrim-ſtreet, m.
- Buck John, peruke-maker, eaſt corner, Sandhill.
- Buckham James, publican, half-moon, Ouſeburn
- Bullman Tho. ſhoe-maker, Middle-ſtreet, m.
- Bullman Miſs, linen-draper, Middle-ſtreet, m.
- Bullman John, ſadler and hardware-man, Side, h.
- Bulmer Tho. butcher, Gallowgate, h.
- Burn James, taylor, Weſtgate-ſtreet, f.
- Burn Joſh. flax-dreſſer and cheeſe-monger, High-bridge, m.
- Burnett Rob. carpenter and mill-wright, Pilgrim Gate.
- Burnep M. publican, bay horſe, Barris-bridge.
- Burnep John, cart-wright, &c. without Weſt Ga.
- Burton Tho. taylor, head of Long-ſtairs.
- Burrell John, taylor, head of Side.
- Burrell James, houſe-carpenter, Ballaſt-hills.
- Burrell Rich. publican, Adm. Rodney, Side, h.
- Burdon Tho. and Co. brewery, peacock-entry,
- Byker-Office, near Folly, Sandgate.
- Callender Mich. and John, nurſery and ſeed-men, Middle-ſtreet, h.
- Callender Rob. nurſery-man, Pudding-chair, m.
- Cameron and Stephenſon, grocers and tea-deal⯑ers, Middle-ſtreet, f.
- Campbell Charles, builder, Pilgrim-ſtreet, f.
- [12]Cant Rob. butcher, Butcher-bank, h.
- Cannaway Walter, carver and gilder, Fleſh-m. h.
- Cansfield Geo. maſon, Fenwick's-entry, Quay-ſi.
- Carr and Widderington Meſſrs. merchants; of⯑fice, Hanover-ſquare.
- Carr Wm. ingroſſer and writer to attornies, Weſtgate-ſtreet, m.
- Carr Mrs. grocer and tea-dealer, Middle-ſtr. h.
- Carr John, dyer, near Stock-bridge.
- Carr Matt. grocer and tea-dealer, Side, m.
- Carr John, peruke-maker, near Glaſs-houſe-bridge, North Shore.
- Carr Rich. weaver, Ouſeburn.
- Carr Bewly, maſt, block, and pump-maker, Quayſide, h.
- Carr John, cooper, Scale-croſs.
- Carr Cha. cooper and ſalmon-pickler, Grindon-chair.
- Carr James, publican, bear, Sandgate Gate.
- Carr David, wharfinger and ſpirit-dealer Scale-cr.
- Carus Iſabella, ſilk-dyer, &c. Cloſe, m.
- Cargill James, houſe-carpenter, Ballaſt-hills.
- Carnton Mrs. peruke-maker, fleſh-market, h.
- Carnton Ann, grocer and tea-dealer, Quayſide m.
- Carſe Wm. ſhip-wright, near Glaſs-houſe Bridge.
- Carter and Gibſon, milleners, Pudding-chair, h.
- Carter C. publican, Love-lane, f.
- Catchiſide John, ſadler and hardware-man, Side, f.
- Cathey Wm. tallow-chandler, Sandgate, h.
- Carver James, publican, ſhip, ditto, f.
- Cay Wm. bookbinder, High-bridge, m.
- Cay Ely, publican, dun cow, Sandgate, h.
- [13]Chapman John, joiner, &c. Biggmarket, m.
- Chapman Lewis, publican, ſhip, Stock-bridge.
- Chapman, Wm and John, Folly, Sandgate.
- Chappell Wm. cutler and ſurgeon's inſtrument-maker, eaſt ſide St Nicholas' church yard.
- Charnley Wm. bookſeller binder, and ſtationer, Groatmarket, m.
- Charlton Geo. corn & brandy-mercht. north end of Tyne-bridge.
- Charlton John, muſtard-manufact. Pandon-dean.
- Charlton Wm. ſhip-wright, North Shore, f.
- Chambers Rich. and Rob. tanners, White Croſs.
- Chambers Miſs, milliner, head of Side.
- Chein John, ſurveyor and ſchool-m. Trinity-ch.
- Chicken Andw. butcher, Butcher-bank, h.
- Chipchaſe Tho. cooper, Cloſe, m.
- Clark James, publican, croſs-keys, Newgate-ſt.
- Clark —, phyſician, Pilgrim-ſtreet, m.
- Clark John, ſhoe-maker, Bailiff-gate, m.
- Clark James, ſhoe-maker, Side, h.
- Clark Ann, linen draper, ditto.
- Clark John, bacon and cheeſe-dealer, Side, m.
- Clark John, taylor, Biggmarket, m.
- Clark Cuth. lecturer on aſtronomy, North Shore.
- Clark Wm. publican, black horſe, Groatmarket:
- Clapham and King's brewery, Javel-group.
- Clayton Nath. attorney at law, Weſtgate-ſt. m.
- Clayton Robert, merchant, Side, f.
- Clayton and Hornby, Eſq woollen-drapers, north ſide of Sandhill.
- Clennel John, hatter, Side, f.
- Coates Fran. book-ſeller, binder, and ſtationer, Biggmarket, h.
- [14]Codling George, publican, ſhoulder of mutt [...], White-croſs.
- Cooke, —, taylor, Silver-ſtreet,.
- Cowans Wm. flour dealer, Quayſide, m.
- Cockburn John, grocer and tea-dealer, Side, [...]
- Cockburn Geo. beadle of St John's church, St John's Lane.
- Cook Benjamin, woollen-draper, eaſt ſide Sandhill
- Cook Wm. ſtay-maker, Broad-chair, m.
- Cook Wm. flour-dealer, White Croſs.
- Coulſon Wm. merchant, Side, f.
- Coulſon Thomas, butcher, Silverſtreet, h.
- Coulſon John, butcher, Butcher-bank, h.
- Couzans Wm. publican, Grindon-chair.
- Cowle John, joiner, &c. Fleſhmarket, h.
- Collingwood Miſs, milliner, Roſe-mary Lane.
- Cooper Margaret, weaver, gen. hoſpital, Manors
- Cooper Thomas, peruke-maker, Biggmarket, h.
- Colpits Geo. Eſq fitter's office, Spicer-lane, h.
- Colpits Joſ. butcher, High-friar-chair, m.
- Coulter, Shaftoe and John, merchants, north ſide Sandhill.
- Coleman John, publican, black houſe, Pilg.ſt. m.
- Cooper Geo. joiner's tool-ma. & turner, Fleſhm. h
- Common Francis, publican, Marquis of Granby, Quayſide, m.
- Cowley John, beadle of St. Nicholas' church, eaſt ſide of church yard.
- Cowling Edward, inn-keeper, ſpread eagle, Groatmarket, f.
- Coatſworth James, butcher, Pilgrim-ſtreet, f.
- Coventry Wm. clock and watch-maker, Low Br.
- Cook Roger, butcher, Fleſhmarket, m.
- [15]Cook Thomas, patten-maker, Middle-ſtreet, m.
- Cox Geo. peruke-maker, Side, f.
- Cox Wm. braſs founder, Caſtle Yard, m.
- Cram —, ſhoe-maker, Pilgrim-ſtreet, m.
- Cramlington Wm. roper and fitter, office end of Broad-chair.
- Crawford James, gold-ſmith and jeweller, Side, h
- Crawford David, gold-ſmith and jeweller, ditto, f
- Crawford Ralph, ſhoe-maker, Side, h.
- Crawford Mrs. publican, cock, Percy-ſtreet, h.
- Crowe R. ſpirit-dealer, Quayſide, m.
- Criſp Daniel, ſmith, Fenkle ſtreet, h.
- Curry J. appraiſer and auctioneer, George-ſtairs.
- Curry T. ſhip-builder, Wide-open, North Shore.
- Curry Robert and co. upholſterers, Scale Croſs.
- Curry Thomas, maſon, Quayſide, m.
- Curry Wm. ſchool-maſter, St Ann's ſchool.
- Curry Mrs, publican, globe, Spicer-lane, h.
- Cutty Tho. furrier, and Anderſon's pill-maker, White Croſs.
- [...]arnel Wm. wine-merchant, Side, m.
- [...]ale Shallet, attorney at law, Saville-Row, m.
- [...]aviſon John, hoſier, eaſt ſide, Sandhill.
- [...]aviſon Wm. gardener, Conduit-head.
- [...]aviſon Edward, butcher, Butcher-bank, m.
- [...]viſon Wm. weaver, Ouſeburn.
- [...]viſon Anthony, butcher, Grindon chair.
- [...]viſon John, weaver, High bridge, m.
- [...]viſon Thomas, butcher, Butcher-bank, m.
- [...]viſon John, tobacconiſt, Side, h.
- [...]viſon Jas. publican, ſhip, King-ſtreet.
- [...]vidſon Thomas, attorney at law, and collec⯑tor [16] of ſtamp duties for Newcaſtle, Northum⯑berland, and Berwick, Biggmarket, m.
- Davidſon John, attorney at law, and clerk of the peace for county of Northumb. Bigg-m. m.
- Daviſon Joſ. butcher, Butcher-bank, h.
- Daviſon Tho. attorney at law, High-bridge, m.
- Daviſon —, publican, Adm. Keppel, Broad-ch.
- Davis Mary and Son, cheeſe-wareh. Cloſe, m.
- Davenport J. paper-hanging manufact. Scale Cr.
- Davenport James, flax-merchant, Side, h.
- Dawſon Thomas, ſhoe-maker, Middle-ſtreet, m.
- Dawſon Thomas, joiner, &c. Fleſhmarket, f.
- Dickſon Wm. Ladies hair-dreſſer, High-br. h.
- Dixon Joſ. publican, three kings, Quayſide, m.
- Dixon Mrs, publican, Balliſt-hills.
- Dixon Robt. ſhoe-maker, eaſt end High-bridge.
- Dixon John, plumber, Weſtgate-ſtreet, h.
- Dixon R. publican, crown and cannon, Side, m
- Diſpenſary public, Pilgrimſtreet, m.
- Dobinſon Mrs. publican, croſs keys, Spicer Lane
- Dobſon S. perſumer, Pilgrim-ſtreet, h.
- Dockwray the Rev. Dr. Charlotte Square
- Dodds Anthony, tanner, White Croſs.
- Dodd Wm. peruke-maker, weſt end High. br.
- Dodds John, land-ſurveyor, Fleſhmarket, h.
- Donaldſon J. organ-builder, Northumb. ſtr. m.
- Doughty and Parker, chymiſts and druggiſts, Biggmarket, h.
- Douglaſs Wm. gardener, publican, &c. boar head, without Weſt Gate.
- Dove Roger, plumber, &c. Biggmarket, h.
- Dow Cha. broker and taylor, Caſtle-yard, m.
- Drummond Robt. publican, George, Fleſhm.
- [17]Dryden Benjamin, gold-ſmith and jeweller, north ſide Sandhill.
- Duke John, publican, harp & crown, Sandgate, h
- Duncan Tim. inn-keeper, black bull, Fleſhm. h.
- Duntze Wm. white-ſmith, Pilgrim-ſtreet, m.
- Dunn Wm. publican, black boy, Sandgate, m.
- Dunn Anth. butcher, Butcher-bank, f.
- Eaſterby A. grocer & tea-dealer, eaſt end of Cloſe.
- Eden-Fra. cabinet-ma. and joiner, George-ſtairs.
- Edwards J. publican, ſmith's arms, Skinner-burn.
- Edwards Fra. buckle-maker, Groatmarket, m.
- Edwards J. wool-comber, Low-bridge.
- Edinburgh tea and ſpirit warehouſe, Middle-ſt. m
- Eldridge Wm. painter, Stock-bridge.
- Elliot Joſ. wire-wo. glaſshouſe-bridge, No. Shore.
- Elliot Robt. publican, queen's head, Cloſe, m.
- Elliot Walter, white-ſmith, Newgate-ſtreet, h.
- [...]lliot Mrs. publican, unicorn, Biggmarket, m.
- [...]lliſon Rev Mr. curate of St Nicholas' church, and ſurrogate for granting marriage licences, Green-court, m.
- [...]lliſon Rev Nath. lecturer of St Andrew's, eaſt end of Saville-Row.
- [...]tringham John, tin-plate-worker, and brazier, Union-ſtreet.
- [...]liſons Miſs, milliners, north ſide St Nicholas' church yard.
- [...]mmerſon Nich. hatter, Silver-ſtreet, f.
- [...]mmerſon John and Geo. iron-founders, Side, f.
- [...]ngliſh John, weaver, Ouſeburn.
- [...]rington and Ward, fitter's-office, Quayſide, f.
- [18]Fadkin Wm. butcher, Butcher-bank, m.
- Fairbridge Geo. beadle of St Andrew's, White cr.
- Fairlam A. publican, Ballaſt-hills.
- Fairlam and Smith, glaziers and painters, Glaſs-houſes, North Shore.
- Fairlam Mich. bone-ſetter and publican, New-caſtle arms, Quayſide, m.
- Falconer Alex. ſchool-maſter, eaſt corner St Nicholas' church yard.
- Farrington Rich. carver and gilder, Painter-h. b.
- Faucus Anth. butcher, Gallowgate, h.
- Faucus Geo. houſe-carpenter and joiner, Ouſeb.
- Fawcett Chriſt. Eſq counſel at law, Weſtgate-ſtreet, m.
- Fawcett and Doubleday, merchants, Side, h.
- Fawcett and Doubleday, ſoap-makers, near the Cloſe Gate.
- Featherſtonhalgh John, iron-monger, eaſt end of the Cloſe.
- Fearnley Ann, hardware-dealer, &c. Side, f.
- Fenton Wm. clock and watch-maker, Groatm. f.
- Fenton Eliz. dealer in houſehold furniture, palls, cloaks, &c. ditto.
- Fenton Tho. appraiſer and auctioneer, Painter⯑heugh, h.
- Fenwick Martin, ſkinner, Northumberland-ſt. f.
- Fenwick John, town's-ſurveyor, Pilgrim-ſtr. h.
- Fenwick John, attorney at law, Pilgrim-ſtreet, m.
- Fenwick John, ſhoe-maker, Quayſide, f.
- Ferguſon James, ſhoe maker, Low-bridge.
- Fife John, publican, bulls' heads, Caſtle yard.
- Fife Geo. cabinet-maker, Poſtern.
- Fife John, ſtay-maker, Caſtle yard, m.
- [19]Finley James, clock and watch-maker, Unionſtr.
- Finley John, weaver, and captain of the watch, near Barras-bridge.
- Findley Daniel, publican, cock and anchor, Sandgate, m.
- Firth Wm. publican, blue poſts, Pilgrimſtreet, f.
- Fiſher Rich. clerk of St Nicholas' church, circulating library, Fleſhmarket, f.
- Fiſh John, and co. merchants and factors, Pil⯑grimſtreet, m.
- Flemings Miſs, milleners, eaſt ſide Sandhill.
- Flemings Mrs. publican, Rodney's head, High bridge, h.
- Flintoff John, linen-draper and mercer, Side, h.
- Fiddes John, ſhoe-maker, eaſt ſide St Nicholas' church yard.
- Fontonelle John, teacher of French, Fleſhm. f.
- Forbes John, ſhoe-maker, Broad-chair, f.
- Forſy the Tho. ſlater, Pilgrimſtreet, h.
- Forſy the —, woollen-draper, Caſtle yard, m.
- Fothergill A. publican, ſhip, North Shore, f.
- Forſter Fran. Eſq and co. ſugar-refiners, Javel-group, Cloſe.
- Forſter Mich butcher, Butcher-bank, m.
- Forſter Geo. peruke-maker, Cloſe, m.
- Forſter James, peruke-maker, near Glaſshouſe-bridge, North Shore.
- Fordyce William, wooll-comber, north ſide St Nicholas' church yard.
- Forteſcue —, publican, roſe, Caſtle yard.
- Francks Rich. taylor, Groatmarket, m.
- Frazer John, white-ſmith, Long-ſtairs.
- Fryer John, ſurveyor, Weſtgate-ſtreet, m.
- [20]Galloway A. publican, Jacob's-well, Sand⯑gate, h.
- Gale John, tallow-chandler, Biggmarket, h.
- Garton Mrs. paper-warehouſe, Caſtle-ſtairs, f.
- Garrett John, peruke-maker, Groatmarket, h.
- Gaire —, ſhoe-maker, Low-friar chair, m.
- Gaul Thomas, wine-merchant, end of Javal-group, Cloſe.
- Gaddes —, ſchool-maſter, near White-croſs.
- Giles Andrew, cooper, near Execution-dock.
- Gibſon William, publican, vine, Fleſh-mar. h.
- Gibſon William, butcher Butcher-bank, f.
- Gibſon Benjamin, linen-draper, Woolmarket.
- Gibſon Thomas, butcher, Grindon-chair.
- Gibſon Henry, ſurgeon, Weſtgate-ſtreet, f.
- Gibſon Robert, taylor, High-bridge. m.
- Gibſon Eſther, cheeſe-monger, northſide, Sand-hill.
- Gibſon Joſeph, butcher, dog-bank, m.
- Gibſon Lancelot, butcher, Fleſhmarket, m.
- Gillin W. publican, Sandgate, h.
- Good fellow Joſ. publican & maſon, near Ouſeb.
- Goodrick J. cabinet-maker, Pudding-chair, m.
- Gordon James, woollen and linen-draper, weſt end of Quay.
- Gordon Mrs, grocer and tea-dealer, Wh. croſs
- Gowland Wm. grocer and tea-dealer, weſt end of Quay.
- Gray J. ſail-maker, Broad-chair, f.
- Gray Gilbert, book-binder, Stock-bridge.
- Grey John, White-ſmith, Fleſhmarket, f.
- Grey John, taylor, Long-ſtairs, h.
- [21]Grey George, taylor, near Ouſeburn.
- Grey Robert, taylor, head of Side.
- Grey Robert, builder, above White Croſs.
- Green Wm. iron-monger, &c. Groatmarket, m.
- Greenwell T. tallow-chandler, Fleſhmarket, f.
- Greenwell Tho. tallow-chandler, cheeſe-monger, ſalmon-pickler and dryer, Side, f.
- Greenwell Robert, merchant, Side, f.
- Greenwell James, attorney at law, White Croſs.
- Greenhill Thomas, hatter, Side, m.
- Graham J. Brewery, Pilgrim-ſtreet, h.
- Graham Tho. woollen-draper, Biggmarket, f.
- Graham T. publican, three kings, Quayſide, m.
- Graham Wm. gingerbread-baker, Cloſe, m.
- Graham Richard, cork-cutter, weſt end, Quay-
- Gregg Ivie, teacher of dancing, north ſide, High bridge, m.
- Greaves Mrs, publican, roſe, Quayſide, m.
- Greatrex J. publican, queen's head, near Cloſeg.
- Griffith A. Tho. merchant, eaſt end of Cloſe.
- Greaves Thomas, clock & watch-maker, Quay⯑ſide, m.
- Griffin D. chairman, Low-friar-chair, m.
- Grundy Anth. houſe-carpenter, Pandongate.
- Guthrie Tho. warehouſe-keeper, Pilgrim-ſtr. m.
- Guthrie A. taylor, ſouth ſide, St Nicolas' church yard.
- Guthrie D. peruke-maker, Biggmarket, f.
- Haigh John, gardener, Blackett's lane.
- Haggie John, ſailcloth-manufactory, Garth-hds.
- Hales Wm. hackney hearſes, coaches, &c. Low-friar-chair, h
- [22]Hall John, linen-draper, Kingſtreet.
- Hall — phyſician, Pilgrimſtreet, h.
- Hall Matth. inn-keeper, Cock, head of Side.
- Hall William, publican, dog & duck, Fleſhm. f.
- Hall Mrs. publican, bay horſe, Fleſhmarket, h.
- Hall Mrs. publican, white ſwan, ditto.
- Hall Edwd. butcher, Butcher-bank, f.
- Hall M. poulterer, High-bridge.
- Hall Mrs, publican, ſun, Percy-ſtreet, m.
- Halliday Wm. brick-layer and plaiſterer, Fleſh-market, h.
- Halbert William, woollen draper, Caſtleſtairs, h.
- Hamilton, Rogerſon and Scott, ſhip and inſu⯑rance-brokers, Quayſide, m.
- Hamilton David, ladies' ſhoe-maker, Denton-ch.
- Hamilton Mrs, paſtery-cook, High-bridge, m.
- Hamby Mary, publican, rope-makers, Sandg. f.
- Hancock Tho. ſadler and hardware-man, north end of Tyne-bridge.
- Handaſyde Cha. ſhoe-maker, corner of King-ſtr.
- Harris Joſ. china, glaſs, and Staffordſhire ware-houſe, Biggmarket, f.
- Harbottle Tho. merchant, north ſide Sandhill.
- Hardy Iſabella, paſtry-cook, north ſide, St Ni⯑chols' church yard.
- Harle Tho. cooper, Newgate-ſtreet, h.
- Hervey Thomas, attorney at law, Fenkle [...]r. h
- Herveys, Miſs, milliners, ditto.
- Harriſon John, ſailcloth-manufactory, Wall-knoll
- Harriſon Jaſper, attorney at law, Pilgrim-ſtreet, h
- Harriſon John, baker, head of Side.
- Harriſon John, clock and watch-maker, ditto.
- [23]Haſtie and Tinwell, ſchool-maſters, Pilgrim-fir. f.
- Haſtey R. publican, bull and crown, Sandgate, m.
- Hawden Matthias, organiſt and muſic-teacher, Northumberland-ſtreet, f.
- Hawden Thomas, ſurgeon, Pilgrim ſtreet, f.
- Hayes John, tallow-chandler, and fruit-dealer, Low Bridge, m.
- Hedley Jacob, cheeſe, butter, and flour-dealer, Groat-market, h.
- Hedly John, Eſq fitter's office end of Trinity-chair, Quayſide.
- Hedley Wm. butcher, Low-friar-chair, h.
- Hedley Tho. pavior, Low-friar-chair.
- Henderſon Geo. publican, D. of Cumb. Cloſe, m.
- Henderſon John, grocer and tea-dealer, eaſt end Low-bridge.
- Henderſon Mrs, hoſier, Low-bridge.
- Henderſon Rich. peruke-maker, Fleſhmarket, h.
- Hendry John, ſhoe-maker, near White Croſs.
- Henzell John, publican, ſhip, near New-bridge.
- Henzell Mrs, publican, black ſwan, Fleſhm. f.
- Henzell Tim. publican, red lion, Ballaſt-hills.
- Henzell John, publican, ſtone cellar, No. Shore.
- Heron Thomas, butcher, All Saints church yard.
- Heron Ralph, attorney at law, Pilgrim-ſtreet, h.
- Heſlop M. publican, white hart, weſt end of Quayſide.
- [...]ethrington James, gold-ſmith and jeweller, Groatmarket, f.
- [...]eward —, linen-draper, Middle-ſtreet, f.
- [...]eward —, linen-draper, Side, m.
- [...]illcoat William, earthen-ware houſe, weſt end of Quayſide.
- [24]Hewitſon John, butcher, Butcher-bank, m.
- Hills Wm. ſhoe-maker, Quayſide, m.
- Hill John, glazier and painter, ditto.
- Hindmarſh and Blaylock, raff-merch. Pandon, m.
- Hindmarſh Ralph, clerk of St Andrew's church, Gallowgate, m.
- Hodgkinſon Charles, flour and bacon-dealer, near Nun Gate.
- Hymers Mich. cooper, Side, f.
- Hodgſon Ann, cheeſe, butter, and bacon-dealer, Love-lane.
- Hodges Rowland, anchor-ſmith, Glaſs-houſes, North-ſhore.
- Hogg Wm. joiner, High-bridge, h.
- Hogg John, taylor, Groatmarket, m.
- Hogg John, cheeſe-monger, north ſide Sandhill.
- Hogg Edward, butcher, Execution-dock.
- Holmes Solomon, oil-leather-factory, Northum⯑berland-ſtreet, m.
- Hope James, publican, half-moon, Blythe's-nock.
- Hopper Moſes, publican, dun lion, Fleſhmar. m.
- Hornby Tho. ſtay-maker, Low-bridge, m.
- Horſley Rob. butcher, Glaſs-houſe Bridge, North-ſhore.
- How Geo. hardware-man, Groatmarket, m.
- Hoſpital, St Luke's, north ſide of Leazes.
- Hudſon John, ſpirit-dealer, ſouth ſide St Nicho⯑las' church yard.
- Hudſon Mrs. millener, Fleſhmarket, f.
- Hudſpeth and ſon, cutlers and ſurgeons' inſtru⯑ment-makers, north ſide St Nicholas' church [...]y.
- Hudſpeth Joſ. teacher of muſic, ditto.
- Hudſpeth Miſs, millener, High-bridge, h.
- [25]Humble and Roddam, bookſellers and ſtationers, Side, f.
- Humble Edward, licenſed ſtate-lottery office, and circulating library, ditto.
- Humble Geo. publican, Hon. Cha. Fox, Cloſe, m.
- Huntley Roger, pavior, Silver-ſtreet, h.
- Huntley John, pavior, High-bridge, h.
- Hume James, inn-keeper, north end Tyne-br.
- Hume James, publican, ſhip, Sandgate, h.
- Hunter Ja. publican, ſhip, Sandgate, h.
- Hunt Thomas, tin-plate-w. and brazier, Side, m.
- Hunter John, grocer and tea-dealer, Quayſide, m.
- Hunter Geo. publican, croſs keys, ſouth end of Grindon-chair.
- Hutchinſon Mrs, boarding-ſch. Weſtgate-ſtr. m.
- Hutchinſon Miſs, boarding-ſch. near Nun Gate.
- Hunter Mrs, publican, Ouſeburn.
- Hutchinſon John, butcher, Butcher bank, m.
- Hutchinſon Wm. butcher, ditto.
- [...]gham Wm. ſurgeon, Biggmarket, m.
- [...]firmary, head of Firth-banks.
- [...]ackſon Paul, merchant and manufacturer of ear⯑then ware, Pilgrim-ſtreet, m.
- [...]ackſon Tho. ſhoe-maker, Middle-ſtreet, h.
- [...]ackſon Tho. publican, half m. Fleſhmarket, f.
- [...]ackſon John, hackney horſe-keeper, Poſtern.
- [...]ackſon Tho. butcher, Butcher-bank, h.
- [...]mes John, tobacconeſt and cheeſe-monger, eaſt ſide of Sandhill.
- [...]meſon Thomas, engraver and plate-printer, eaſt corner of St Nicholas' church-yard.
- [26]Jameſon J. butcher, Low-friar-chair, f.
- Jameſon J. china-dealer, hoſier, hardware-man, &c. Groatmarket, m.
- Jameſon Wm. white-ſmith, cloſe, m.
- Jefferſon Henry, cooper, Broad-chair, m.
- Jefferſon Geo. grocer and tea-dealer, north ſide Sandhill.
- Jinkens Tho. dyer, foot of Tuthill-ſtairs.
- Johſon Mrs, publican, Side, h.
- Johnſon Anthony, hatter and hoſier, weſt end of High-bridge.
- Johnſon S. publican, ſhip, Pandon, m.
- Johnſon Stephen, butcher, Butcher-bank, f.
- Johnſon Jacob, butcher, High-friar-chair.
- Jolly Tho. weaver, Ouſeburn.
- Joplin R. publican, fox and lamb, Pilgrim-ſt. f.
- Joplin Wm. tinplate-worker, Side, m.
- Jubbs —, publican, Scots' arms, Biggmark.
- Kay R. ſchool-maſter, eaſt end of Bailiff gate.
- Kay Edward, taylor, Manor-chair, f.
- Kell Thomas, ſhoe-maker, Middle-ſtreet, h.
- Kelly Mich. peruke-maker, Biggmarket, m.
- Kelly Mrs, publican, ſun, Quayſide, m.
- Kennedy Rob. peruke maker, Biggmarket, h.
- Kearton Th. braſs-founder, &c. Highbridge, m.
- Keenlyſide Wm. ſurgeon, Pilgrim-ſtreet, f.
- Kent Bart. Upholſteer, &c. Side, m.
- Kidd John, flax-merchant, eaſt end, Cloſe.
- Kidd Thomas, flax-dreſſer and cheeſe-monger Groatmarket, h.
- Kidd George, ſpirit-merchant, burnt-houſe en⯑try, Side.
- [27]Kent Wm. fitter, Pilgrim-ſtreet, m.
- Kidd & Milburn, raff-merchants, Trinity-chair
- Kidd David, publican, golden anchor, Sandg. m.
- Kidd —, linen draper, butcher-bank, f.
- Kinear Andrew, taylor, Mount, Caſtle-yard.
- King, J. & Co. earthern-ware-manufactory, St. Anthony's.
- Kinlock Adam, teacher of dancing, Groatm. h.
- Killear John, taylor, near Stockbridge.
- Kirton Philip, ſail-maker, Quayſide, m.
- Kirſop John, linen-draper, Middle-ſtreet, m.
- Kirſop John, attorney at law, & notary public, head of Side.
- Kirſop —. ſmith, Percy-ſtreet, h.
- [...]aing Eliz. muſtard-manufactory, Broad-garth, Quayſide.
- [...]ake Wm. Sam. attorney at law, Silver-ſtreet, h.
- [...]amb & Waldie, ſoap-makers, near Cloſe Gate.
- [...]amb T. carpenter and mill-wright, Barras-bri.
- [...]ambert Jacob, attorney at law, Green-court.
- [...]anglands and Robertſon, gold-ſmiths and jew⯑ellers, Side, m.
- [...]andell and Chambers, iron-mongers and hard⯑ware-men, Groatmarket, f.
- [...]andell Mrs, hardware-dealer, north corner, Sandhill.
- [...]andell G. joiners, tool-maker, Groatmark. m.
- [...]auder George, tea-dealer, &c. Pilgrim-ſtreet m.
- [...]awton Samuel, wharfinger, cheeſe-monger, & London agent, Folly, Sandgate. h.
- [...]aws Wm. publican, king's arms, Fleſhm. m.
- [28]Lawſon Thomas, printer, Vine-entry, Fleſh-market, m.
- Lawſon Thomas, butcher, Middle-ſtreet, h.
- Lawſon Mrs, publican, beehive, Fleſhma. m.
- Lawſon Wm. taylor, Caſtle-yard, h.
- Lawſons Miſs, milleners, eaſt end Lowbridge.
- Laws Wm. butcher, Butcher-bank, m.
- Lee Cuth, butcher, Vine-lane.
- Lax Wm. herd, Barras-bridge.
- Lee Robert, butcher, Butcher-bank, h.
- Lee John, butcher & public. without Weſt Gate
- Lee Edw. publican, ſun, pandon, h.
- Leighton John, ſurgeon, Queen-ſtreet, m.
- Leighton Wm. ſhoe-marker, Caſtle-yard, f.
- Leighton John, clogger, foot of Caſtle-ſtairs.
- Leighton John, ſhoe-maker, Low-bridge.
- Lamb T. carpenter & will-wright, Barras-bridg
- Leiſhman Wm. ſadler, Biggmark, f.
- Leiſhman Wm. publican, blackbull, Quayſi. m.
- Leſlie James, baker, Quayſide, m.
- Leſlie Wm. ſhip-builder, Muſhroom.
- Levy Iſ. glaſs-engraver, & cutter, Woolmarket
- Learmond R. publican, 3 caſtles, Sandgate, f.
- Liddell James, fitter's-office, Water-gate, Sandh.
- Liddell and Tallentire, raff-merchants, Broad-chair, h.
- Liddell Joſ. flax-merchant, foot of Long-ſtairs, f.
- Liddell J. publican, ſun, Spicer-lane.
- Lippit John, taylor, Mount, Caſtle Yard.
- Liſle Robt. Eſq fitter; office Broad-chair, h.
- Liſle Devirgy, cabinet-maker, Pilgrim-ſtreet, m
- Littlejohn James, weaver, Ouſeburn.
- Liveſtone D. publican, red lion, Sandgate, m.
- [29]Loftus Wm. inn-keeper, white hart, Fleſhmar. m
- Lockley Rich, carver and guilder, Poſtern.
- Loggie W. publican, golden anch. Grindon ch.
- Longſtaff R. clerk of All Saints, Pilgrim-ſtr. f.
- Longſtaff Geo. attorney, ditto.
- Long Miſs, hoſier and perfumer, Union-ſtreet.
- Lowdon John, painter, Armourers-ch. Quayſide.
- Lowe David, weaver, Ouſeburn.
- Lowrey Tho. publican, George, Quayſide, m.
- Lowry-Rob. whip and pocket-book-maker, Pep⯑percorn-chair, Quayſide.
- [...]upton Tho. peruke-maker, Pilgrim-ſtreet, f.
- [...]umfden John, hardware-man, &c. Cowgate.
- [...]uke Alex. publican, cannon, near Cloſe Gate.
- [...]unatic Hoſpital, Back-lane, without Weſt Gate.
- [...]'Donald, Donald, wine-mercht. Quayſide, m.
- [...]'Gill Tho. publican, ſhip, Sandgate, f.
- [...]'Nab Cha. grocer and tea-dealer, Union-ſtreet.
- [...]'Nees Rich. ſhuttle and ſlay-maker, Ouſeburn.
- Mackenzie John, ſchool-maſter, Cowgate, m.
- [...]addiſon Tho. builder High-bridge, m.
- [...]arr —, joiner, Groatmarket, m.
- [...]arſhall Tho. glazier and painter, ſouth ſide of St Nicholas' church yard.
- [...]arſhall Mrs, publican, crown, Fenkle-ſtreet.
- [...]arſhall Miſs, paſtry-ſchool, Low-bridge, m.
- [...]arſhall Geo. butcher, north ſide St Nicholas' church yard.
- [...]arley W. publican, three tuns, eaſt ſide Sandh.
- [...]aughan Miſs, milliner, Biggmarket, f.
- [...]aughan Edward, nett-maker, High-bridge, m.
- [30]March Wm. builder and publican, Glynn's head, Weſtgate-ſtreet, f.
- Martin David, ſpirit-dealer, eaſt end of Quayſide.
- Maxwell Wm. ſurgeon, eaſt corner, Sandhill.
- Maſon Wm. butcher, High-friar-chair, m.
- Menham and Hodgſon, iron-manufacturers, weſt end of Cloſe.
- Meinard L. teacher of French, Weſtgate-ſtr. f.
- Meggiſon Geo. butcher, Fleſhmarket, h.
- Melroſe Alex. ſchool-maſter, near White Croſs.
- Melroſe Tho. taylor, head of the Side.
- Mewburn Henry, ſurgeon, Bigg-market, f.
- Mewburn Wm. butcher, Gallowgate, h.
- Mickle Wm. baker and hackney-horſe keeper, Sandgate Gate.
- Middlemas Wm. publican, queen's head, Rue⯑caſtle-chair, Quayſide.
- Milburn Wm. plumber, tin-plate-worker, bra⯑zier, &c. High-bridge, m.
- Milburn John, flour-dealer, Cowgate.
- Mills Iſaac, breeches-maker, Caſtle-yard, m.
- Miller Wm. book-binder, Fleſhmarket, m.
- Miller John, publican, croſs-keys, Stock-bridge
- Mitchell, Rob. linen-draper, Side, f.
- Moiſes, Rev Mr, lecturer of All Saints, Spital.
- Moſes Thomas, butcher, Butcher-bank, m.
- Moody Wm. taylor, Quayſide, m.
- Moody —, currier, Caſtle, Caſtle Yard.
- Moor T. inn-keeper, nag's head, Butcher-b. f.
- Monckhouſe and Hopper, wine-merchts, Side, f
- Mordue M. inn-keeper, pack horſe, Side, f.
- Morlin John, taylor, Groat market, m.
- Moralee Wm. rope-maker. Fleſhmarket, h.
- [31]Morriſon Wm. turner, Fleſhmarket, f.
- Morriſon D. publican, orange tree, South Shore.
- Morris Tho peruke-maker, near Ouſeburn.
- Morton Ralph, publican, hare and hound in Ar⯑morer's-chair.
- Morton Edw. butcher, Blind-lane.
- Moſley Eſq and Airey; fitter's office eaſt end of Quayſide.
- Moſſman George, publican, hen and chickens, Butcher-bank, h.
- Motley and Mills, chymiſts and druggiſts, Mid⯑dle ſtreet, f.
- Mould Hugh, wheel-wright, Low-bridge.
- Mowtrey W. publican, anchor, Sandgate, m.
- Murray Fra. butcher, Butcher-bank, h.
- Murray Alex. ſchool-maſter, Garth-heads.
- Murray Reginald, white-ſmith, Painter-heugh.
- Murdoch J. girth and twine-maker, Northum⯑berland-ſtreet, h.
- Mowbray Daniel, flax-merchant, Side, m.
- Myers W. publican, A. Rodney, Armoure [...]s ch.
- Naters Joſ. brewery, Sandiford-ſtone.
- Neſbit Wm. policy and ſhip-broker, ſouth end of Broad-chair.
- Neſbit Roger, peruke-maker, Pilgrim ſtreet, m.
- Neſbit Thomas publican, lion, Newgate-ſtreet, h.
- Nelſon J. inn-keeper, black bull, weſt end of High-bridge.
- Nelſon John, hat-manufacturer, Side, m.
- Neile John, ſkinner, and oil-leath [...]r-dreſſer, High friar-chair, m.
- Nellum Henry, turner, Bank-ſide.
- [32]Newton Wm. architect, Charlotte Square.
- Newton James, publican, ſun, eaſt end of Cloſe.
- Nicholſon Mrs, pub. boar's head, Trinity-chair.
- Nicholſon Matt. taylor, Black-boy-chair, h.
- Nicholſon John, linen-draper, Union-ſtreet.
- Nicholſon Mrs, milliner, Groatmarket, h.
- Nicholſon Wm. ſadler, Biggmarket, h.
- Nichole Anth. wharfinger, high crane, Quayſide.
- Nixon and Fiſh, linen-drapers, Side, f.
- Nixon, Dale, and Naters, wine-merchants, Pil⯑grim-ſtreet, m.
- Notman Ja. leather-cutter and grocer, Nun Gate.
- Oliver Robt. linnen-draper. Side, f.
- Oliver John, publican, angel, Butcher-bank, f.
- Oliver Ja. hackney-horſe keeper, Sandgate Gate.
- Ord Jacob, peruke-maker, Quayſide, m.
- Oſwald W. lace and fringe-weaver, Groatm. m.
- Oxley Hen. butcher, Silver-ſtreet, h.
- Parkins Joſ. hoſier, Groatmarket, h.
- Parker George, at Miſs Smith's, Pilgrim-ſtr. m.
- Parſonage Miſs, milliner, High-bridge, m.
- Patterſon John, white-ſmith, High-bridge, m.
- Patterſon J. malſter, Silver-ſtreet, m.
- Patterſon R. publican, Fleſh-mar. m.
- Patterſon Dorothy, publican, Cowgate.
- Park, R. publican, blue bell, Side, h.
- Parrot Ant. attorney at law, Painter-heugh, h.
- Patrick Tho. flour-dealer, Quayſide, m.
- Pattiſon & Young's Mancheſter ware-ho. Side, f.
- Pearcy Wm. publican, pack horſe, Pilgrim-ſt. m.
- Pearſon Tho. clock and watch-maker, Fleſhm. h.
- [33]Peel John, chair-man, Pilgrim-ſtreet, m.
- Pemberton —, phyſician, Weſtgate-ſtreet, f.
- Peacock and Smith, rope-makers, Quayſide, m.
- Peacock Joſ. anchor-ſmith, Sandgate Gate.
- Peters Wm. attorney at law, Pilgrim-ſtreet, h.
- Permit Office, foot of Side.
- Philipſon Miſs, millener, Pilgrim-ſtreet, f.
- Philip David, publican, cock, Low-bridge.
- Pigg Cuthbert, houſe-carpenter and joiner, Groatmarket, m.
- Plummer Philoman, ſtay-maker, Black Gate.
- Pinkney and Scott, gold-ſmiths and jewellers, Side, h.
- Pinkney Rob. grocer and tea-dealer, near poſt-office, head of Side.
- Pinkney Mrs. grocer and tea-dealer, Fleſhmar. h.
- Pitt Geo. taylor, Quayſide, m.
- Pollard Wm. flax-merchant, head of Side.
- Pollard James, flax-merchant, Fleſhmarket, h.
- Pollard Wm. baker, Caſtle Yard, m.
- Pollock John, dyer and cloth-dreſſer, Cloſe, m.
- Potts Thomas, book-binder and publican, uni⯑corn, Byker-chair, m.
- Potts Wm. ſurgeon, Groatmarket, m.
- Potts Wm. publican, hackney horſes and chaiſes, fighting cocks, Biggmarket, h.
- Potts Mrs. peruke-maker, Execution dock.
- Potts Mrs. ſpirit-dealer, eaſt corner Sandhill.
- Preſton Tho. flax-merchant and thread-maker, eaſt end Quayſide.
- Pringle Matth. baker and flour-merchant, Den⯑ton-chair.
- Price Tho. farrier, Garth-heads.
- [34]Proctor John, chymiſt and druggiſt, head of Side.
- Pryor Matth. aſſay-maſter, Side, m.
- Punſhon Nath. attorney at law, Weſtgate-ſtr. f.
- Punſhon Tho. butcher, Percy-ſtreet, h.
- Purvis Peter, publican and hackney-horſe keeper, cannon, eaſt end of Quayſide.
- Purvis John, cork-cutter, weſt end of Quayſide.
- Radcliff Tho. breeches-maker and glover, Gal⯑lowgate, h.
- Raiſbeck Wm woollen-draper, Groatmarket, f.
- Rankin John, cabinet-maker, near White C [...]. s.
- Rankin Rob. merchant, Biggmarket, m.
- Rankin Ann, confectioner, Middle-ſtreet, f.
- Rayne John, weaver, Ouſeburn.
- Rayne Cha. publican, Robin Hood, Pilgrim-ſt. f.
- Redford Burdus, joiner and cabinet-maker, Dog-bank, m.
- Reed John, joiner and looking-glaſs-maker, Pilgrim-ſtreet, f.
- Reed Joſhua, hackney-horſe keeper, Fleſhmar. h.
- Reed Colin, gardener, near Conduit-head.
- Reed Miſs, millener, Groatmarket, h.
- Reed John, mercer and linen-draper, Union-ſtr.
- Reavely —, linen-draper, Middle-ſtreet.
- Rennoldſon Geo. publican, Highlander, Sand-gate, h.
- Rewcaſtle John, publican and joiner, goat, nea [...] Nun Gate.
- Richardſon Tho. glazier and painter, Painter heugh, h.
- Richardſon Wm. butter-dealer, Black-boy-chair
- Richardſon David, linen-draper, Side, h.
- [35]Richardſon Joſ. ſalt-office, north ſide Sandhill.
- Richardſon P. publican, bull's head, Weſtg. ſt. f.
- Richarby Latus, ingroſſer and writer to attornies, Pudding-chair.
- Richley John, publican and hackney horſe keep⯑er, angel, Biggmarket, m.
- Richey Wm. publican and ſpirit-dealer, king's head, Groatmarket, h.
- Ridley Rev. Mr. lecturer of All Saints, Charlotte-ſquare.
- Ridley Geo. publican, blue bell, North Shore.
- Riddle Mary, grocer and tea-dealer, eaſt end of Quayſide.
- Robb Alex. peruke-maker, weſt end Denton-ch.
- Roberts & Spencer, wollen-drap. Quayſide. m.
- Roberts J. hair-dreſſer and perfumer, weſt end High-bridge.
- Robertſon John, glover and breeches-maker, Groatmarket, h.
- Robertſon John, breeches-maker and cheeſe-monger, Pilgrim-ſtreet, f.
- Robertſon Peter, haberdaſher, Side, h.
- Robertſon Dan. publican, North Shore.
- Robſon Lionel, publican and maltſter, Broad-chair, h.
- [...]obſon Tho. printer and bookſeller, Groatm. h.
- [...]obſon Cha. taylor, Back-row, m.
- [...]obſon Tho. taylor, Pilgrim-ſtreet, f.
- [...]obſon Wm. peruke-maker, &c. Queen's-ſtreet.
- [...]obſon Cuth. butcher, Northumberland-ſtr. f.
- [...]obinſon Tho. and Co. merchants, Scale Croſs.
- [...]obinſon John, bruſh-maker, eaſt ſide St Nicho⯑las' church yard.
- [36]Robinſon Tho. publican, ſun, Spicer-lane, m.
- Robinſons Miſs, milleners, Biggmarket, m.
- Romney John, linen-draper, &c. Middle-ſtr. m.
- Ronald R. ſhoe-maker, Middle-ſtreet, h.
- Roper Mrs. hoſier, weſt end of Quayſide.
- Rotherham —, phyſician, Weſtgate-ſtreet, f.
- Roſs Tho. teacher of muſic, Groatmarket, h.
- Rowe Wm. merchant, Broad-chair, h.
- Roy Alex. currier, Biggmarket, h.
- Rudman James, merchant, eaſt ſide Sandhill.
- Rumney Rob. paper-warehouſe, Bewick's-entry, Cloſe, m.
- Rowell Geo. butcher, High-friar-chair, m.
- Ruſſel John, ſpirit-merchant and publican, Old Cuſtomhouſe-entry.
- Rutherford Rich. butcher, Silver-ſtreet, m.
- Rutherford Wm. butcher, Shield-field.
- Rutherford Mary and Son, wine-merchants, Scale Croſs.
- Rutherford Edmund, bell man, Cloſe, m.
- Rutherford Tho. breeches-maker and glover, King-ſtreet.
- Rutherford Geo. heckle-maker, without Weſt G.
- Rutherford Mrs. publican, crown and cannon, Sandgate, m.
- Rutter Wm. attorney at law, Weſtgate-ſtreet, m.
- Saint Tho. printer and bookſeller, Pilgrim-ſt. m.
- Sadler George, pewterer, &c. Side, h.
- Salmon Catherine, cheeſe-monger, Butcher-b. f.
- [...]anderſon George, publican and upholſterer, crown, Biggmarket, m.
- Sanderſon Wm. weaver, Percy-ſtreet, h.
- [37]Sayer Thomas, hair-merchant, Plummer-chair, Quayſide.
- Saunderſon G. publican, halfmoon, Caſtle-yd. f.
- Scott Geo. publican, queen's head, Gr. mar. m.
- Scott T. ladies' hair-dreſſer & perfumer, Pud. c.
- Scott Wm. linen-draper, head of Side.
- Scott Tho. writting-maſter, Weſtgate-ſtreet, f.
- Scott Wm. clock and watch-maker, Quay-ſi. m.
- Scott John, clock & watch-maker, Sandg. Gate.
- Scott John, publican, Wilkes's head, Fleſh-market, f.
- Scott Wm. publican, blue bell, Sandgate, h.
- Scott David, ſcourer and dyer, near Wh. Croſs.
- Scott Wm. cart-wright, without Weſt Gate.
- Scott J. publican, crown & thiſtle, dog-bank, h.
- Scouler J. muſtard-maker, Garth-heads.
- St Clair Mrs, teacher of muſic, head of Side.
- Seymour Wm. attorney at law, eaſt end of Cloſe
- Seymour Wm. jun. chair-man, Low-friar-ch. f.
- Seymour Wm. ſen. chair-man, Groatmarket, h.
- Shepherd Matth. breeches-mak. Low-friar-ch. m.
- [...]hadforth Rob. ſail-maker, Broad garth.
- [...]hadforth Hen. captain of the pilots, Silv. ſtr. f.
- [...]hadforth Rob. teacher of muſic, Middle-ſt. m.
- [...]aw Hilton, attorney at law, Fleſhmarket, m.
- [...]aw John, pewterer, Side, f.
- [...]een Tho. upholſterer and auctioneer, end of Javel group, Cloſe.
- [...]evil Ralph, ſhoe-maker, Side, h.
- [...]otton George, taylor, Back-row.
- [...]otton Wm. cabinet-maker, Fleſhmarket,
- [...]otton Roger, tanner, without Weſt Gate.
- [...]rader —, hair-dreſſer, Biggmarket, h.
- [38]Silvertop & Dunn, brandy & hop-merchants, weſt end, Quayſide.
- Simm James, weaver, Ouſ [...]burn.
- Simpſon & Blackett, Eſqrs. fitter's office, Broad-chair, h.
- Simpſon James, publican, and hackney-horſe keeper, flying horſe, Side, h.
- Simpſon John, organiſt and muſic-teacher, Northumberland-ſtreet, h.
- Simpſon Tho. publican, three tuns, Sandg. m.
- Singleton John, publican, grapes, Fenkel-ſt. h.
- Skelton Jonathan, dry-ſalter, Cloſe, m.
- Skipſey Thomas, taylor, Lowbridge.
- Slack Thomas, printer and bookſeller, Union-ſtreet, and inſurance-office from fire.
- Slater Wm. Mancheſter-warehouſe, Pilgr. ſtr. f.
- Slater J. D. attorney at law, Pilgrim-ſtreet, f.
- Smales George, attorney at law, and notary public, Broad-chair, f.
- Smiles Wm. glazier & painter, Quayſide, m.
- Smith Ralph, ſlater, Pilgrim-ſtreet, h.
- Smith Mrs, Paſtry-ſchool, ditto.
- Smith W. currier and leather-ſeller, Caſtle-yd.
- Smith Wm. ſurgeon, head of Side.
- Smith Wm. tobacconiſt, Side, f.
- Smith and Batſon, merchants, eaſt end of Cloſ [...]
- Smith R. cheeſe and flour-dealer, Quayſide, m
- Smith Hen. grocer and tea-dealer, Newgate-ſt.
- Smith Matt. publican, bull, Sandgate, h.
- Smith grocer and flour-dea. without Pilgrim [...]
- Smith, Harvey and Co. earthen-ware-manufa [...] near Stepney.
- Smith Miſs, milliner, near Nun Gate.
- [39]Saunders Peter, ſchool-maſter, near Stock-bridge.
- Smallum J. taylor, Bank-ſide.
- Smith John, and Co. paper-warehouſe, eaſt end of Cloſe.
- Smith John, publican, Grindon-chair, h.
- Snowdon Lancelot, publican, red lion, Newgate-ſtreet, h.
- Snowdon —, ſail-maker, Quayſide, m.
- Snaith John, grocer and tea-dealer, Quayſide, m.
- Soulſby John, woollen-draper, north ſide Sandhill.
- S [...]rſbie Jonathan, merchant, Pilgrim-ſtreet, m.
- Spence Tho. ſchool-maſter, St Ann's ſchool.
- Spence Tho. grocer and tea-dealer, King-ſtreet.
- Spencer and Liddel, fruit-dealers, Cutter's en⯑try, Cloſe.
- Spencer Rob. cooper and ſalmon-pickler, Side f.
- [...]talker & Mitchiſon, goldſm. & jewellers, Side f.
- [...]arch manufact. Barker and Co. Pilgrim-ſtr. m.
- [...]ead T. publican and cart-wright, black horſe, near White Croſs.
- [...]tephenſon, Rev. Mr, curate of All Saints church, Northumberland-ſtreet, h.
- [...]tephenſon John, joiner, cabinet-maker, &c. Long-ſtairs, h.
- [...]ephenſon Ja. pipe-maker, Pandon Gate.
- [...]ephenſon & Verty, linen-drapers, Middle-ſt. f.
- [...]phenſon Jon. ſhoe-maker, Middle-ſtreet, m.
- [...]wart Dan. chairman, Groat-market, m.
- [...]phenſon Miſs, milliner, near White Croſs.
- [...]ward Alex. ſhoe-maker, eaſt end of Cloſe.
- [...]bbs John, auctioneer, Biggmarket, m.
- [...]bbs John, glazier and painter, Pudding-ch. h.
- [40]Stoddart Babington, clock and watch-maker, Middle-ſtreet, h.
- Stoddart J. and Co. rope-makers, Quayſide, m
- Stoddart Edm. woollen-draper, Groatmarket, h
- Stodhart D. farrier, High-bridge, m.
- Stokoe John, ſcrivener, Silver-ſtreet, m.
- Story Tho. cooper, Middle-ſtreet, h.
- Story Nich. ſchool-maſter, Fleſhmarket, h.
- Story Robt, tanner, Northumberland-ſtreet, f.
- Story Joſ. grocer and tea-dealer, above Whi [...] Croſs.
- Story John, leather-ſeller, eaſt corner, Sandhill
- Story Robert, leather-ſeller, Side, m.
- Strachan Archib. clock and watch-maker, Hig [...] ⯑bridge, m.
- Straker Joſ. houſe-carpenter, Ballaſt-hills.
- Summers Ra. ſchool-maſter, High-bridge, m.
- Summerbell Tho. peruke-maker, Butcher-b.
- Summerbell John, butcher, Spicer-lane.
- Surtees Aubone, Eſq and Co. iron-foundry, Skinner-burn.
- Surtees, Johnſon, and Dale, wine-merchants, Cloſe, m.
- Surtees and Liddle, raff-merchants, Pandon Ga [...]
- Surtees Wm. taylor, Pilgrim-ſtreet, m.
- Sutton David, grocer and tea-dealer, Quayſide,
- Swann Margt. publican, ſhip, near Ballaſt-hil [...]
- Swarley R. inn-keeper, black boy, Groatma.
- Sweet W. baker and flour-dealer, Caſtle Yard
- Swinbourn Wm. butcher, Butcher-bank, h.
- [41]Taylor Anth. enameller on glaſs, near Cloſe G.
- Taylor John, writing-maſter, Weſtgate ſtreet, f.
- Taylor Martin, pavior, Fleſhmarket, m.
- Taylor Joſ. joiner's tool-maker, Pudding-ch. h.
- Taylor John, taylor, Denton-chair.
- Taylor Geo. cheeſe and flour-dealer, eaſt corner Sandhill.
- Taylor —, publican, waggon, near Cloſe Ga.
- Taylor Joſ. peruke-maker, without Weſt Gate.
- Taylor Henry, beadle of All Saints, church yd.
- Tate Tho. hatter and hoſier, Groatmarket, f.
- Tate John, publican, black bull, Pilgrim-ſtr. h.
- Temple Geo. printer, Burnt-houſe entry, Side.
- Temple P. ſhoe-maker, Peacock entry, Quayſide.
- Temperley John, grocer and tea-dealer, north corner of Sandhill.
- Thiſtlewaite Fran. tallow-chandler and grocer, Quayſide, m.
- Thompſon Bart. glazier and painter, Fleſhm, m.
- Thompſon John, breeches-maker, and teacher of muſic, Side, h.
- Thompſon J. teacher of mathematics, Pandon, f
- Thompſon James ſhoe-maker, head of Side
- Thompſon W. clock and watch-maker, north ſide of St Nicholas' church yard.
- Thompſon John, brewery, Broad-chair, f.
- Thompſon Wm. peruke-maker, Queen-ſtreet.
- Thompſon Geo. inn-keeper, queen's-head, Pil⯑grim-ſtreet, f.
- Thompſon Tho. publican, ſun, North Shore.
- Thomlinſon, Lloyd, and Burdon, iron and tar⯑merchants, Water Gate, Sandhill.
- [42]Tickle W. clock and watch-maker, Woolmarket.
- Tindall John, weaver, Ouſeburn.
- Todd Ann, mourning coaches, hearſes, & chaiſes, Pudding-chair, h.
- Todd Suſannah, perfumer, &c. eaſt ſide of St Nicholas' church yard.
- Todd Dorothy, hatter, perfumer, and mineral water-warehouſe, Side, m.
- Todd Cha. white-ſmith, High-bridge, m.
- Todd John, taylor, Cloſe, m.
- Turner Cha. new inn, Pilgrim-ſtreet, m.
- Turner Rob. butcher, Fleſhmarket, m.
- Turner, Eliz. coffee-houſe, north corner Sandhill
- Turner —, ſchool-maſter, Low-bridge.
- Turner James, looking-glaſs-maker, &c. Pilgrim-ſtreet, m.
- Turner Wm. taylor, above White Croſs.
- Turnbull Ja. tobacconiſt, weſt end Quayſide.
- Turnbull John, publican, half moon, eaſt ſide Sandhill.
- Turnbull Mrs, publican, crown, without We [...] Gate.
- Turnbull Joſ. ladies ſhoe and clogg-maker, Black-boy chair.
- Turnbull Mrs, bookſeller, Low-bridge, m,
- Turnbull J. publican, three bulls heads, Broa [...] ⯑chair, m.
- Turnbull W. houſe carpenter & joiner, Stock- [...]
- Tweedale Edw. cork-cutter, Scale Croſs.
- Umfreville Tho. clerk of St John's, weſt end Denton-chair.
- Urron Abraham, publican, ſun, Nun Gate.
- [43]Valens Alex, weaver, Ouſeburn.
- Veitch John, heel-maker, Fleſhmarket, f.
- Vickerſon Ralph, cabinet-maker, Pilgrim-ſtr. m.
- Vickerſon Mark, ſhoe-maker, Middle-ſtreet, m.
- Vickerſon Joſ. cheeſe and flour-dealer, Middle-ſtreet, m.
- Vogan Fra. cork-cutter, eaſt corner, Sandhill.
- Wakeman Joſ. ſilk-dyer, Javel-group, Cloſe.
- Wallis Ogle, wine-merchant, eaſt ſide Sandhill.
- Wallis R. ſmith and farrier, Pudding-chair, m.
- Wallace Geo. glover and breeches-maker, King⯑ſtreet.
- Walker Mrs, muſtard manufactory, Side, m.
- Walker Jane, clock and watch-maker, eaſt end of Cloſe.
- Walker J. ſadler and hardware-m. Middle-ſt. m.
- Walker, Fiſhwick, and Co. white lead manufac⯑tory, above Skinner-burn.
- Walker Tho. coffee-houſe, north ſide Sandhill.
- Walker & Bulmer, carpenters and mill-wrights, White Croſs.
- Walker W. publican, white ſwan, Newgate ſt. b
- Wallace T. carpenter and joiner, Biggmark. m.
- Wallace Matt. peruke-maker, Cowgate.
- Wallace Wm. grocer and tea-dealer, Black Gate
- Walton Tho. ſlater, High-friar-chair.
- Wanlaſs Tho. bricklayer, Dent's-hole.
- Ward Gilfred, woollen-draper, Groatmarket, m.
- Wardle and Smith, joiners and cabinet-makers, Weſtgate-ſtreet, f.
- Wardle Joſhua, peruke-maker, Pilgrim-ſtreet, f.
- [44]Wardle Wm. flour-dealer, Gallowgate, f.
- Wardle Rich. butcher, Butcher-bank, m.
- Warran Wm. ſhoe-maker, near Execution-dock.
- Warburton J. earthen-warehouſe, Quayſide, m.
- Waterwood Nelly, coffee-houſe, north ſide of the Sandhill.
- Waters Matt. Eſq fitter's office, Fenwick's entry, Quayſide.
- Waters Ra. ſen. painter, Biggmarket, h.
- Waters Ra. jun. drawing-maſter, ditto.
- Watſon Sarah, leather-cutter, grocer and tea-dea⯑ler, Groatmarket, m.
- Watſon Geo. peruke-maker, High-bridge, h.
- Watſon G. inn-keeper, bird in buſh, Pilgrim-ſtr
- Watſon James, white-ſmith, Caſtle-yard, f.
- Watſon Wm. publican, Fleſhmarket, m.
- Watſon Wm. plumber, &c. High-bridge, m.
- Watſon John, cabinet-maker, Roſe-mary-lane,
- Watch-chryſtal-manufactory, Beilby and Co. Painter-heugh, m.
- Waugh Mrs, ſadler, Middle ſtreet, m.
- Waugh Edw. ſhoe-maker, Butcher-bank, f.
- Weatherhead Luke, publican, queen's head, without Weſt Gate.
- Weatherhead J. publican, and ſlater, three tun [...] Fleſhmarket, f,
- Weatherly Peter, ſhoe-maker, head of Side.
- Weddell Geo. peruke-maker, Broad-chair, f.
- Weddell Ja. ſchool-maſter, ſouth ſide of St N [...] ⯑cholas' church yard.
- Weſtgarth Geo. butcher, Darn-crook.
- Weſtgarth M. linen-draper, &c. Newgate-ſtr.
- Weſtgarth J. beadle of All Saints, Butch. ba.
- [45]Weſtmoreland R. publican, cannon, Cloſe.
- Wharton J. peruke-maker above Nun Gate.
- Wharton Lanct. cheeſe-monger, Cloſe, m.
- Wheatley Tho. ſhoe-maker, near the glaſs-houſe bridge, North Shore.
- Wheeler Mrs, cheeſe-monger, Middle-ſtreet, f.
- Whitehead John, baker, High bridge, m.
- White T. glazier and painter, High-bridge, m.
- Whitehead Wm. muſical inſtrument-maker and turner, ditto.
- Whitefield Joſeph, book-binder, and ſtationer, &c. north end Tyne-bridge.
- Whitefield Matth. publican, golden lion, Bigg-market.
- Wibberſley John, merchant, Side, f.
- Widderington M. ſhoe-maker, Fleſhmar. m.
- Widdrington Robert, Middle-ſtreet, f.
- Wightman Ralph, tin-plate-worker, Side, h.
- Wilkes Tho. bleacher, &c. north corner, Leazes.
- Wilkin Ann. peruke-maker, Quay-ſide, m.
- Wilkinſon W. attorney at law, High-bridge, m.
- Wilkinſon Chriſt. iron-merchant, ſouth ſi. Sandh.
- Wilkinſon J. woollen-draper, eaſt ſide, Sandh.
- Wilkinſon Rich. attorney at law, Percy-ſtr. h.
- Wilkinſon Wm. farrier, Pilgrim-ſtreet, m.
- Wilkinſon John, ſtay-maker, end of Queen-ſtr.
- Wilkinſon Fenwick, tin-plate-worker, brazier, &c. Pilgrim-ſtreet, f.
- Wilkinſon Wm. butcher, Low-bridge, m.
- Wilkinſon Steph. book-binder, eaſt end, Cloſe.
- Wilſon John, taylor, Corner-houſe, Queen-ſtreet.
- Wilſon Rev. Mr, curate of St Nicholas' church [46] and ſurrogate for granting marriage licences, Green Court.
- Wilſon Ann, inn-keeper, crown and thiſtle, Groat-market, m.
- Wilſon Mich. ſlater, Bailiff-gate, m.
- Wilſon Mich. ſhoe-maker, Middle-ſtreet, h.
- Wilſon Rowland, merchant, Side, f.
- Wilſon John, tobacconiſt, north ſide Sandhill.
- Wilſon J. publican, plough, Spicer-lane, m.
- Wilſon Wm. grocer and tea dealer, Pilgr [...]ſt. m.
- Wilſon John, clock and watch-maker, cuttler, &c. Fleſh-market, f.
- Wilſon Jacob, publican, Balliſt-hills.
- Wilſon Wm. plumber, &c. Pilgrim-ſtreet, f.
- Wilſon Cath. bruſh-maker, painter-heugh, f.
- Wilſon John, hatter, Fleſhmarket, m.
- Wilſon Robert, taylor, ſouth ſide, St Nicholas' church-yard.
- Willis —, wheel-wright, Sandgate, f.
- Williamſon W. grocer & tea-dearer, Bigg-m. f.
- Williamſon Mrs, publican, bay-horſe, near Barras-bridge, m.
- Wilkie Wm. taylor, High-bridge, m.
- Wingate John, ſadler, &c. Middle-ſtreet, h.
- Windram Wm, taylor, without Weſt Gate.
- Windram Ralph, hatter, Side, h.
- Winter Simon, lace-weaver, and worſted-deale [...] Groatmarket, h.
- Winſhip Edw. publican, black bull, Dog-b. h
- Winſhip Tho. wire-worker, Denton-chair, m.
- Winſhip Jane, appraiſer and auctioneer, ditto
- Wood Tho. publican, engine, near St Ann's.
- Wood A. publican, ſhip, ſouth end Broad-ch.
- [47]Wood John, publican, new bridge, eaſt end of Quayſide.
- Wood Lancelot, butcher, High-friar-chair, m.
- Woodman John, publican, roſe and crown, Biggmarket, h.
- Woodville Iſaac, Iriſh-factor, &c. Fleſhmark. m.
- Worthington John, cheeſe-monger, Side, f.
- Wren and Airey, attornies at law, Pilgrim-ſtr. f.
- Wright John, attorney at law, Saville-row.
- Wright Jane, coffee-houſe, eaſt corner Sandhill.
- Wright John, publican, white bear; Sandgate. f.
- Wright Percival, butcher, Butcher-bank, m.
- Wright John, butcher, ditto.
- Wright John, butcher, Silver-ſtreet, h.
- Yielder Wm. tanner, Low-friar-chair.
- Yooll Graham, Anderſon's pill-maker, and ſuc⯑ceſſor to her father, the late James Yooll, weſt end Quayſide.
- Yooll Andrew, gardener, Poſtern Gate.
- Young Rob. cooper, &c. Side, f.
- Young Rob. attorney at law, oppoſite Nun Gate.
- Young James, weaver, Fenkel-ſtreet, f.
- Young Ralph, taylor, Queen-ſtreet, f.
- Young Richard, publican, carpenters' arms, Silver-ſtreet, h.
- Younger Henry, peruke-maker, near Stock-br.
[]- ALLEN Andrew, diſtiller of waters, above Tolbooth.
- Allanſon S. publican, below Tolbooth.
- Andrews Nich. tallow-chandler and hopp-mer⯑chant, Pipewelgate, m.
- Anderſon Tho. ſhoe-maker, Battle-bank, h.
- Anderſon Geo. weaver, above Tolbooth.
- Anderſon Steph. publican, and apparator to th [...] ſpiritual court of Durham, near Tolbooth.
- Anſell Mary, pipe-manufactury, Low-church chair.
- Atkinſon John, attorney at law, Battle-bank, h
- Atkinſon John, grocer, tea-dealer, &c. Battle bank, h.
- Atkinſon John, lace-dealer, ditto.
- Atkinſon Joſ. clock and watch-maker, Battle-b. h
- Atkinſon and Proctor, grocers and tea-dealers Battle-bank, m.
- Armſtrong —, ſchool-maſter, below Old Chape [...]
- Bainbridge Ralph, grocer, tea-dealer, &c. Battle-bank, f.
- Barras Mrs. ſadler and iron-monger, Battle-b.
- Bates J. publican, blue bell, Pipewelgate, m.
- [49]Beck Tho. taylor, below Tolbooth.
- Bell Tho. publican, queen's head, Pipewelg. h.
- Birch John, publican, half moon, Battle-bank, h.
- Black David, publican, blue bell, Hilgate, m.
- Bowman J. pariſh-clerk, Oakwelgate.
- Bowlt John, boat-builder, eaſt end Hilgate.
- Brown Chriſt. peruke-maker, Battle-bank, h.
- Bullman Geo. grocer and tea-dealer, Battle-b. f.
- Bullman A. publican, blue anchor, Battle-ba. h.
- Chambers Geo. clock and watch-maker, Pipe⯑welgate, h.
- Chambers Mrs. dyer, Battle-bank, f.
- Charlton Grace, corn and ſpirit-dealer, Hilg. m.
- Charlton Geo. merchant, Battle-bank, m.
- Charlton John, maſon, Oakwelgate.
- Clark John and Co. ſtove-grate-makers, Battle-bank, h.
- Clark Wm. grocer and tea-dealer, Battle-ba. h.
- Clark Lancelot, cabinet-maker, ditto.
- Clogan James, medical profeſſor, Pipewelgate, h.
- Cowing W. publican, fountain, Pipewelgate, h.
- Croſſier Joſ. publican, Duke of Cumberland, Battle-bank, h.
- Cuthbertſon's H. and. W. brewery, near Fellon⯑hole, South Shore.
- Davie Joſeph, publican, croſs keys, Pipewelg. m.
- Dagliſh Wm. cabinet-maker, below Tolbooth.
- Dimpſey C. publican and joiner, Pipewelgate, h.
- Dipper Tho. ſhoe-maker, ditto.
- Dobſon John, tallow-chandler, Battle-bank, h.
- Dodſhan Wm. builder, Hilgate, m.
- [50]Donkin N. maſt, block and pump-maker, Hilg. h.
- Donkin Lewin. joiner and carpenter, ditto.
- Dunn James, publican, half moon, Battle-b. f.
- Duncan Mrs. publican, blue bell, ditto.
- Dungett Rich. inn-keeper, George, ditto.
- Fairbairn Adam, ſhoe-maker, above Royal-oak.
- Fairliſs James, baker and flour-dealer, Pipewel⯑gate, m.
- Ferier, Rev. Mr, curate, near church gate.
- Finley Wm. publican, ſhip, South Shore.
- Foggin R. publican, red lion, High-church-chair.
- Gibſon Meſſrs. and Bedlingtons, brewery, Pipe⯑welgate, f.
- Gallon Wm. publican, three horſe ſhoes, abov [...] Tolbooth.
- Gibb Geo. publican, vine, Battle-bank, h.
- Green John, merchant, ditto.
- Grey Wm. ſchool-maſter, ditto.
- Grundy Wm. carpenter, above Tolbooth.
- Guthrie Tho. publican, nag's head, below ditt [...]
- Hall John, publican, royal oak, Battle-bank, h
- Hall Tho. publican, fountain, Pipewelgate, m
- Haggerſton Tho. ſhoe-maker, Battle-bank, f.
- Hamilton —, peruke-maker, ditto.
- Hardy W. publican, artichoke, Gateſhead, h.
- Harvey's raff-yard, eaſt end of Rope-walk.
- Harriſon Ralph, braſs and iron-foundery, Pipe⯑welgate, m.
- [51] [...]aggerſton John, beadle, Battle-bank, f.
- [...]eadlam Tho. Emmerſon, ſhip-builder, South Shore.
- [...]eadlam C. publican, ditto.
- [...]enderſon John, cooper, Battle-bank. h.
- [...]eppel Geo. brewery, Hilgate, m.
- [...]ill John, glazier and painter, Battle-bank, m.
- [...]olliday R. taylor, Pipewelgate, m.
- [...]untley James, chymiſt and druggiſt, Battle-b. f.
- [...]untley John, attorney at, law, near Tolbooth.
- [...]utchinſon Rob. merchant, Battle-bank, h.
- [...]uthwaite Sam. chymiſt and druggiſt, ditto, m.
- [...]erton Cha. attorney at law, ditto, f.
- [...]pling Iſaac, marble and free-ſtone-cutter, ditto, h.
- [...]rdan John, publican, ditto.
- [...]yce and Duffield, nurſery and ſeeds-men, above Old Chapel.
- [...]bourn Rob. publican, ſhip, Pipewelgate.
- [...]ſhley T. publican, ſun, Hilgate, m.
- [...]ycock Joſ. white-ſmith and hinge-maker, near Tolbooth.
- [...]gat John, ſcale-beam-maker, and repairer of ditto, Battle-bank, m.
- [...]abane Mrs, ſhoe-maker, ſouth end Tyne Bridge.
- [...]arley John and Co. brewery, below Tolbooth.
- [...]arſhall Tho. pipe-manufactory, Hilgate, h.
- [...]arſhall Geo. cheeſe and flour-dealer, Battle-bank, h.
- [52]Martin David, publican, ſhip-launch, Battle⯑bank, f.
- M'Leod John and Co. brewery, below Tolbooth
- Midford Edward, peruke-maker, Battle-bank, h
- Midford Tho. ditto, ditto.
- Miller G. clock and watch-maker, Battle-b h.
- Murray Alex. publican, Shakeſpeare's head below Tolbooth.
- Newton Wm. grocer, tea-dealer, and ſalt-office Battle-bank, h.
- Nicholſon Ann, publican, fox, Pipewelgate, m.
- Niſsbett David, glazier and painter, above Duk [...] of Cumberland.
- Parkinſon R. publican, ſmiths' arms, Pipewe [...] gate, m.
- Patten Tho. woollen-draper, ſouth end Tyne B [...]
- Poſt-office, Battle-bank, h.
- Potts John, publican, three tuns, above Tolbooth
- Rawling Ralph Richardſon, watch-chryſtal ma⯑nufactory, Low-church-chair, h.
- Rawling Geo. publican, ſhip, South Shore.
- Redpath Wm. ſhoe-maker, Battle-bank, f.
- Ridley Sam. iron-monger, ditto.
- Robſon Wm. ſhoe-maker, above Tolbooth.
- Robſon John, plaiſterer, Oakwelgate, f.
- Robſon Joſ. flour-dealer, Battle-bank, b.
- Roddam John, linen-draper, &c. Battle-bank, [...]
- Rutherford John, ſtay-maker, ditto.
- [53]Scott Adam, hair-merchant, near Tolbooth.
- Scotland A. ſchool-maſter, near old chapel.
- Simpſon John, taylor, Low church-chair.
- Sharp Char. peruke-maker, Pipewelgate, f.
- Sharp John, ſhoe-maker, Battle-bank, h.
- Smith Henry, cheeſe-monger, &c. ſouth end Tyne-bridge.
- Smith J. publican, turk's head, Pipewell-gate.
- Smith R. publican, queen's head, Battle-bank, h
- Softley Ed. publican, rope-makers, ſouth-ſhore.
- Stark John, weaver, Oakwell-gate, m.
- Storey M. joiner, &c. above Tolbooth.
- Stuart Edward, attorney at law, below ditto.
- Summers John, ſhip-builder, ſouth-ſhore.
- Taylor T. & W. iron-mongers, Pipewell-gate. h.
- Thompſon J. public. Glynn's head, Battle-b. h.
- Thorp, Rev. Mr, rector, Oakwelgate, f.
- Trotter Mrs. publican, goat, Battle-bank, h.
- Turnbull —, flour & bacon-dealer, Battle-b. m.
- Watſon R. ſhoe-maker, Battle-bank, h.
- Wake Thomas, publican, cock & anchor, High church-chair.
- Weatherby Nich. woollen-draper, Battle-ba. f.
- Wheldon Wm. breeches-maker, Battle-bank, h.
- White John, ſchool-maſter, Battle-bank, h.
- Wilſon Edw. ſhoe-maker, Battle-bank, h.
- Wilſon G. publican, qeen's head, Pipewelgate, h
- Woodward Geo, brick-layer, Battle-band, h.
- Woodward Rob. diſtiller of waters, above Tolb.
Appendix A From the difficulty which always attends a work [...] this kind, eſpecially when done alphabetically the following names have been omitted in the [...] proper places.
[54]- AINSWORTH Tho. brackham-maker, nea [...] head of Fenkell-ſtreet.
- Alder Caleb, upholdſterer, Groatmarket, h.
- Atkinſon Henry, fitter's-office, Quay-ſide, m.
- Aubone Thomas, Sun-Fire-office, Cloſe, m.
- Bainbridge Wm. publican, Firth-Banks, h.
- Bilton Wm. glover, High-bridge, m.
- Boutflower John, flour-merch. Butcher-ba. f.
- Bryſon James, ſhoe-maker, Weſtgate-ſtreet, m.
- Coates Mrs, tin-plate-worker, &c. Side, f.
- Greenwell & Brown, iron-mongers and Sadle [...] Middle-ſtreet, f.
- Humble Edward, Royal Exchange, Inſurance office from Fire, Side, f.
- Hadderwick Aaron, ingroſſer and writer to a [...] ⯑tornies, eaſt end of Quayſide.
- Luſhington, Rev. Mr, vicar, Weſtgate-ſtreet, [...]
- Smith Alex. china-mender, Northumb. ſtr. m.
- Young —, grocer and tea-dealer, Side, m.
- Mitchel Alexander, flour-dealer, Pipewelgate, [...]
- Bell Mrs, publican, Pipewelgate, f.
- Bowman John, pariſh clerk, Oakwelgate, m.
- Craig James, peruke-maker, Pipewelgate, h.
- [55]Emmerſon Nich. peruke-maker, Pipewelgate, m
- Falcon Rev. John, curate and ſchool-maſter, Hilgate, m.
- Hawks Wm. and Co. iron-mongers, anchor⯑ſmiths, and founders, Battle-bank, h.
- Henderſon G. publican, Ad. Rodney, Battleb f.
Appendix B ERRATA.
- Page 3, line 8, for Pilgrim-ſtreet, read Charlotte-ſquare.
- Page 21, line 13, for T. read James.
[56]- MERCHANTS —Eaſt end adjoining th [...] Guild-hall, Sand-hill.
- Skinners and Glovers.—Weſt corner of the Friar near Weſt Gate.
- Taylors.—Head of Manor-chair, Pilgrim-ſtree [...]
- Bakers and Brewers.—North corner of Friar near Weſt Gate.
- Tanners.—Eaſt ſide of Friars, near Weſt Gate.
- Cordwainers.—Foot of the Fleſhmarket.
- Sadlers.—Weſt ſide of the Friars, near Weſt Ga [...]
- Butchers.—South ſide of the Friars, near W [...] Gate.
- Smiths.—Eaſt corner of the Friars, near W [...] Gate.
- Fullers and Dyers.—Eaſt corner of the Fria [...] near Weſt Gate.
- Maſters and Mariners.—Trinity Yard, head of t [...] Broad-chair.
- Barber-Surgeons.—Eaſt end of the Hoſpital, n [...] Carliol-croft.
- Ship Wrights.—Head of the Wall-knolls, Ga [...] Heads.
- [57] Coopers.—Weſt end of the Guild-hall, Sand-hill.
- Houſe Carpenters — Weſt Gate.
- Maſon [...].—Eaſt ſide of the Carliol-croft.
- Joiners —Pilgrim Gate.
- Felt-makers and Curriers. —Wall leading from Weſt Gate to Newgate.
- Paviors. —Wall leading from Weſt Gate to Newgate.
- Plumb [...]rs, Pewt [...]rers, and Glaziers. —Wall lead⯑ing from Weſt Gate to Newgate.
- Slaters. —Weſt end of the Guild-hall, Sand-hill.
- Hoaſtmen.—Mayors' Chamber, Guild-hall, Sand-hill.
- Bricklayers and Plaſterers.—Poſtern-gate.
- [...]pe-makers.—Foot of the Carliol-croft.
- Weavers.—Head of the Carliol-croft.
- [...]pholſterers, Stationers, & Tin-plate-workers. Above the Guild⯑hall, Sand-hill.
- [...]riveners.—Above the Guild-hall, Sandhill
- Goldſmiths.—The middle of Painter-heugh.
- John's.—Middle of the Low friar-chair.
- Nicholas.—Robert Patterſon's, middle of the Fleſhmarket.
- Nicholas.—Mr Charleton, maſter, foot of Fleſhmarket.
- Saints.—Mr Johnſon, maſter, near Freeman's hoſpital.
- John's.—Mr Coulſon, maſt. head of Fenkel-ſt.
- Andrew's.—Mr Thomſon, maſter, Nun-gate.
Appendix D The RATES of CARRIAGE from LONDON to NEWCASTLE, alſo from NEWCASTLE to other TOWNS, as ſettled by the Magiſtrates. To NEWCASTLE.
[58]FROM London, for every parcel ſix pounds or under, 1s. Above ſix pounds, and not exceeding twenty-one pounds, 2d. per pound. Exceeding twenty-one pounds, 14s. per cwt. From Doncaſter, 11d. per ſtone. From York, 8d. per ſtone. From Pontefract, 7d. per ſtone, From Rippon, 5d. per ſtone. From Leeds, 6d. From Edinburgh, 9d. per ſtone. From Hexham, one penny and three-farthings per ſtone. From Carliſle, 4d. per ſtone.
And for every parcel under ſeven pounds brought from London into any part of Durham the ſum of 10d.
‖§‖The above weights are averdupois.
Arrives from Lond. | Goes out to Lond. | Arrives from Scotl. | Goes out to Scotl [...]. |
Sunday | Sunday | Sunday | Sunday |
Monday | Monday | Tueſday | Monday |
Tueſday | Tueſday | Wedneſd. | Tueſday |
Thurſday | Wedneſ. | Friday | Thurſd [...] |
Friday | Friday | Saturday | Friday |
Saturday | Saturday |
‖=‖ The South Poſt arrives between two a [...] four o'clock in the afternoon, and goes out nine at night—The North Poſt ſets out imme⯑diately after the arrival of that from the ſou [...] and comes in about nine at night.
Appendix E LIST of CARRIERS, that come weekly to NEWCASTLE.
[]Place from. | Carrier's Name. | Quarters. | Go out. | At home. |
Hexham | J. Corbet* | Pack-horſe, Side. | That day | Tueſday aftern. at Hexham. |
Hexham | J. Johnſon | |||
Allendale & Aldſton | ||||
Durham and Stockton | Robert Lamb‖ | Sandhill | Ditto | That night at Durham |
John Hewiſon | ||||
Tho. Harbert | ||||
Mark Hall | ||||
Cheſter | Mark Scott§ | Ditto | Ditto | That night |
Lancheſter | Wm. Toward† | Gateſhead | Ditto | Ditto |
Alſton | Tho. Potts | Sandhill | Ditto | Thurſd. aftern. |
Allendale | Ralph Shields | |||
Carliſle | Nich. Wright Ra. Pickering | Pack-horſe, Side | Ditto | Saturday at Carliſle |
Dumfries | ||||
Cockermouth | ||||
Whitehaven, &c | ||||
Haltwhiſtle | Ro. Pickering | Ditto | Ditto | Wedneſday |
Morpeth | John Ruſſel‡ | Oatmarket. | Ditto | Same night |
Cath. Simpſon | ||||
[...]ho. Bruce | ||||
Felton, Alnwi. & Warkworth | Wm. Graham | Fox & lamb | Ditto | Wedneſday at Alnwick |
Wm. Horſley | Bird in buſh | |||
Sunderland | Thomas Douglas‡ | Pack h. Side | Ditto | Same night |
Brough |
Appleby | ||||
Kirbyſteven | ||||
Penrith | ||||
Kendal, &c. |
Wakefield | Richard and John Pickerſgill | Pa. horſe, Side | Same day | At Mancheſter on Thurſday following, & at Leeds on the Saturday ſe'enight fol⯑lowing. |
Leeds | ||||
Sh [...]ffield | ||||
B [...]rmingham | ||||
Hallifax | ||||
B [...]ckburn | ||||
Mancheſter | ||||
Liverpool, &c | ||||
Brampton | Thomas Bell | Sandhill | Same day | Saturday |
Carliſle |
| Pa. horſe, Side | Ditto | Monday morn⯑ing at Car⯑liſle |
Dumfries | ||||
Whitehaven, &c | ||||
Chappel |
| H-m. Gatſhd. & Pack horſe, Side |
| Saturday |
Stanhope in Weardale | ||||
Wolſingham | John Dobſon | Half m. Garſhd. & Pa. h [...]r. Side | Frid. morn. | Friday night |
Thropton and Rothbury | John Potts7 | Pack horſe Pilgrim-ſtr. | Same day | Ditto |
Felton | Cath. Horſley | Blue poſts, Pilſt. | That day | At Alnwick on Friday night |
Alnwick | ||||
W [...]rkworth | ||||
Belford | Mrs Guthrie | Bird in buſh | Ditto | Saturday night at Berwick |
Berwick | ||||
Haddington, &c | ||||
Wooler and Kello | And. Riddle | Fox and lamb | Ditto | Ditto at Kelſo |
Brough |
| Nag's h [...]ad, & pa. horſe, Side | That morning | Saturday night |
Ki [...]byſteven | ||||
Middleton, &c. | ||||
Barnard Caſtle |
| Sandhill, and pa. horſe, Side | That day | At Bar. Caſt. on Saturday night |
Kendal | ||||
Lancaſter, &c. | ||||
H [...]mſterly | Wm. Henderſon | Half. m Gatſhd. & pa. ho. Side | Saturday morn. | That night |
Stockton | George Maxon goes through. | Pa horſe, Side. | Same day | Saturday at Darlington |
Richmond | ||||
Darlington | ||||
York, Hull | ||||
Nottingham, &c | ||||
B [...]ſh [...]p A [...]kl. &c. | Welſh and Loggie | Sandhill | That day | Saturday night |
Felton | John P [...]ak | Oat-market | Ditto | Saturday night |
Je [...]bur. & Selkirk | James Partis | Pa. horſe, Side | Ditto | Ditto |
Jedburgh | George & James Ormſtone | Ditto | Ditto | Thurſd. foll. at Eginb. |
Edinbugh | ||||
Hawick | Tho. Thompſon | Nag's head and pa. horſe, Side | Sat. morn. | Tueſday morn. |
Wooler | Henry Howey | Pilgrim-ſtr. and Pa. horſe, Side | Sat. morn. | Thurſday fol⯑lowing at Edinburgh. |
Edinburgh | ||||
Glaſgow or any part of Scotland | ||||
LONDON, o [...] any part of that road | Fran. Ridley | Bird in Buſh | Sat. morning | At London on that day four⯑teen days |
J. Jackſon | ||||
Fran. Ridley | ||||
Tho. Jennings |
Appendix F What Inn-holders may allow Soldiers quartered on them, inſtead of Meat. Abſtracted from the Act in that caſe made and Provided.
[59]PROVIDED always, That in caſe any inn-holder, or other perſon on whom any non-commiſſion officers or private men ſhall be quar⯑tered, by virtue of this Act, (except on a march, or employed in recruiting, and likewiſe except the recruits by them raiſed, for the ſpace of ſeven days at moſt for ſuch non-commiſſioned officers and ſoldiers who are recruiting, and recruits by them raiſed), ſhall be deſirous to furniſh ſuch non-commiſſion officers, or ſoldiers, with candles, vinegar and ſalt, and with either ſmall-beer or cyder, not exceeding five pints for each man per diem, gratis, and allow to each non-commiſſion officers or ſoldiers the uſe of fire, and the neceſ⯑ſary utenſils for dreſſing and eating their meat, and ſhall give notice of ſuch his deſire to the commanding-officer, and ſhall furniſh and allow the ſame accordingly; then, and in ſuch caſe, the non-commiſſion officers and ſoldiers ſo quar⯑tered ſhall provide their own victuals; and the officer to whom it belongs to receive, or that does actually receive the pay and ſubſiſtence of ſuch non commiſſion officers and ſoldiers, ſhall pay the ſeveral ſums herein after-mentioned, to be payable out of the ſubſiſtence-money for diet and ſmall-beer, to the non-commiſſion officers and ſoldiers aforeſaid, and not to the inn-holder, or [60] other perſon on whom ſuch non-commiſſion offi⯑cers and ſoldiers are quartered; any thing here⯑in contained to the contrary notwithſtanding.
- For a commiſſion officer of horſe, being under the degree of a captain, for ſuch officer's diet and ſmall-beer, per diem, 2 s.
- For one commiſſion officer of dragoons, being un⯑der the degree of a captain, for ſuch officer's diet and ſmall-beer, per diem, 1 s.
- For one commiſſion officer of foot, under the de⯑gree of a captain, for ſuch officer's diet and ſmall-beer, per diem, 1 s. and if ſuch office [...] ſhall have a horſe, or horſes, for each horſe or horſes, for their hay and ſtraw, per diem, 6 d.
- For one light-horſeman's diet and ſmall-beer per diem, 6 d. and hay and ſtraw for his horſe per diem, 6 d.
- For one dragoon's diet and ſmall-beer, per diem 6 d. and hay and ſtraw for his horſe, per diem 6 d.
- For one foot ſoldier's diet and ſmall-beer, pe [...] diem, 4 d.
N. B. Perſons aggrieved by being quartere [...] on, may complain to any Juſtice, and be re⯑lieved.
Appendix G REGULATION OF THE FLYS, COACHES, &c. that ſet out from Newcaſtle.
[61]THE Newcaſtle and London Poſt Coach (with a guard) ſets out from Mr Nelſon's, [...]he Bull and Poſt-Boy-Inn, Newcaſtle, every [...]ay (Sundays excepted) at 3 o'clock the ſaid [...]ornings, by way of Boroughbridge and Wea⯑ [...]erby: Carries ſix inſide paſſengers; each to [...]ay 2l. 2s.
A Diligence ſets out from Mr Nelſon's as a⯑ [...]ove, every day in the week, (Sundays excepted) [...]ach paſſenger to pay 1l. 14s. to Edinbugh: [...]arries three inſide paſſengers.
A Diligence ſets out from Mr Hall's, the [...]ock Inn, Newcaſtle, every evening about [...] o'clock (Saturdays excepted) each paſſenger to [...]y to London 2l. 10s.—To Leeds 1l. 5s.— [...]rom Leeds to Mancheſter 14s. 6d.—From Mancheſter to Liverpool 8s.
A Coach ſets out from Mrs Wilſon's, Crown [...]d Thiſtle Inn, Groatmarket, Newcaſtle, [...]ondays, Tueſdays, Wedneſdays, Thurſdays, [...]d Fridays, at eight o'clock in the mornings, [...] Sunderland: Carries four inſide paſſengers; [...]th-paſſenger to pay 3s. 2d. and paſſengers [62] that return the ſame day to pay only 5s.—Seats are taken at Mr Robert Bell's, head of Side; or at Mr Hall's, the Royal Oak, Gateſhead.— N. B. A carriage ready on call every Saturday and Sunday.
A Coach ſets out from Mr Mordue's, Pack-Horſe-Inn, Newcaſtle, for London, every morn⯑ing at 3 o'clock (Sundays excepted): Carries ſix inſide paſſengers, each paſſenger to pay 2l. 10s.—A Diligence ſets out every morning as above, from the above place, for London, by way of York: Carries three inſide paſſengers each paſſenger to pay to York 1l. 1s. and to London 3l. 3s.
A Diligence ſets out from Mrs Wilſon's, th [...] Crown and Thiſtle Inn, Groatmarket, wit [...] a guard, Newcaſtle, by way of York for Lon⯑don, every day in the week (Sundays excepted at 3 o'clock each morning: Carries three inſid [...] paſſengers; each paſſenger to pay from Newcaſt [...] to York 1l. 1s.—From Newcaſtle to Londo [...] 2l. 10s.
A Diligence ſets out from the above place [...] 1 o'Clock in the morning for Edinburgh, b [...] way of Wooler and Kelſo, every day in the we [...] (Sundays excepted): Carries three paſſenger [...] each paſſenger to pay from Newcaſtle to Edi [...] ⯑burgh 1l. 14s.
Appendix H REGULATION of the different COACHES, &c. that ſet out from NEWCASTLE for NORTH SHIELDS.
[]WINTER. | SUMMER. | ||||
Proprietors Names. | Sets out from. | Forenoon | Afternoon | Forenoon. | Afternoon |
Robt. Bell, | 3 Kings, Quayſide | 8 o'Clock | 3 o'Clock | 8 o'Clock | 2 o'Clock |
Robt. Bell, | Roſe, Quayſide | 9 o'Clock | 4 o'Clock | 9 o'Clock | 3 o'Clock |
Cuthbertſon and Younghuſband, | Peacock, ditto | 11 o'Clock | 5 o'Clock | 11 o'Clock | 5 o'Clock |
J. Clemmiſon | Queen's Head, ditto | 8 o'Clock | 3 o'Clock | 8 o'Clock | 5 o'Clock |
G. Ditchburn* | Peacock, ditto | 3 o'Clock | 4 o'Clock |
Appendix I REGULATION of the Different COACHES, &c. that ſet out from NEWCASTLE for NORTH SHIELDS.
[]SUMMER. | WINTER. | ||||
Proprietors Names. | Sets out from. | Forenoon. | Afternoon. | Foren. | Aft. |
N. SHIELDS. | |||||
Robert Bell, | 3 Kings, Quayſide. | 8 o'Clock. | 3 o'Clock. | 8 o'Clock | 2 |
Robert Bell, | Roſe, Quayſide. | 9 o'Clock | 4 o'Clock | 9 o'Clock | 3 |
Cuthbertſon and Younghuſband, | Peacock, Quayſide. | 11 o'Clock | 5 o'Clock | 11 o'Clock | 5 |
John Clemenſon, | Queen's Head, ditto | 8 o'Clock. | 3 o'Clock. | 8 o'Clock | 5 |
George Ditchburn* | Peacock, ditto. | 3 o'Clock. | 4 |
Appendix J TABLE OF EXPENCES, Occurring in travelling poſt from EDINBURGH to LONDON, At NINE-PENCE per Mile.
[]Names of the Stages. | Miles | Chaiſe hire at 9d per m. | Chaiſe Tolls. | Expences per ſtage. | Perſonal Expences. | Hoſtlers and Drivers. | ||||||||||
£. | s. | d. | £. | s. | d. | £. | [...]. | d. | £. | s. | d. | £. | s. | d. | ||
Blackſhiels | 14 | 0 | 10 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 10 | 10 | ||||||
Norton | 11 | 0 | 8 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 9 | 7 | ||||||
Greenlaw | 11 | 0 | 8 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 8 | 9 | ||||||
Cornhill | 12 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 6 | 0 | 10 | 6 | ||||||
Woolerhaughead | 14 | 0 | 10 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 6 | ||||||
Whittingham | 11 | 0 | 8 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 3 | ||||||
Morpeth | 19 | 0 | 14 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 6 | 0 | 15 | 9 | ||||||
Newcaſtle | 14 | 0 | 10 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 11 | 6 | ||||||
Durham | 15 | 0 | 11 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 1½ | 0 | 12 | 4½ | ||||||
Darlington | 18 | 0 | 13 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 14 | 7 | ||||||
Northallerton | 15 | 0 | 11 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 3 | ||||||
Borrowbridge | 19 | 0 | 14 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 15 | 3 | ||||||
Weatherby | 12 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 9 | 6 | ||||||
Ferrybridge | 16 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 13 | 3 | ||||||
Doncaſter | 15 | 0 | 11 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 3 | ||||||
Barnby Moor | 14 | 0 | 10 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 6 | 0 | 12 | 0 | ||||||
Scarthing Moor | 12 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 0 | ||||||
Newark | 12 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 0 | ||||||
Grantham | 14 | 0 | 10 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 0 | 12 | 3 | ||||||
Witham Common | 10 | 0 | 7 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 8 | 3 | ||||||
Stamford | 11 | 0 | 8 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 9 | 0 | ||||||
Stilton | 14 | 0 | 10 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 11 | 9 | ||||||
Buckdon | 14 | 0 | 10 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 11 | 3 | ||||||
Biggleſwade | 16 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 12 | 9 | ||||||
Stevenage | 14 | 0 | 10 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 11 | 6 | ||||||
Hatfield | 12 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 9 | 6 | ||||||
Barnet | 9 | 0 | 6 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 5 | 11 | ||||||
London, & two Miles for Streets | 12 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 9 | 7 | ||||||
380 | 14 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 10½ | 15 | 8 | 10½ |
NOTE. There is alſo one Toll on Newcaſtle Bridge; and the Gates next London pay double Toll on Sundays.
Appendix K TABLE OF EXPENCES. Occurring in travelling poſt from EDINBURGH to LONDON, at 1s. 6d. per Mile.
[]NAMES of the STAGES. | Miles | Chaiſe hire at 15 d. per mile | Carriage Tolls. | Saddle-ho. hire at 3 d per mile. | Saddle-ho. Tolls. | Expences per Stage. | Perſonal Expences. | Hoſtiers and Drivers. | |||||||||||||
£. | s. | d. | £. | s. | d. | £. | s. | d. | s. | d. | £. | s. | d. | £. | s. | d. | £. | s. | d. | ||
Blackſhiels | 14 | 0 | 17 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 3 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 11 | ||||||
Norton | 11 | 0 | 13 | 9 | 0 | 2 | 10 | 0 | 2 | 9 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 19 | 8 | ||||||
Greenlaw | 11 | 0 | 13 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 9 | 0 | 1½ | 0 | 17 | 7½ | ||||||
Cornhill | 12 | 0 | 15 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0½ | 0 | 4½ | 1 | 1 | 4½ | ||||||
Woolerhaughead | 14 | 0 | 17 | 6 | 0 | 3 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ||||||
Whittingham | 11 | 0 | 13 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 16 | 6 | ||||||
Morpeth | 19 | 1 | 3 | 9 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 9 | 0 | 4½ | 1 | 11 | 10½ | ||||||
Newcaſtle | 14 | 0 | 17 | 6 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 6 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 3 | ||||||
Durham | 15 | 0 | 18 | 9 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 9 | 0 | 4½ | 1 | 5 | 10½ | ||||||
Darlington | 18 | 1 | 2 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 6 | 0 | 4 | 6 | 0 | 2½ | 1 | 8 | 8½ | ||||||
Northallerton | 15 | 0 | 18 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 9 | 0 | 2½ | 1 | 3 | 11½ | ||||||
Borrowbridge | 19 | 1 | 3 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 4 | 9 | 0 | 2½ | 1 | 9 | 11½ | ||||||
Weatherby | 12 | 0 | 15 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 19 | 1 | ||||||
Ferrybridge | 16 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 8 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 10 | ||||||
Doncaſter | 15 | 0 | 18 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 0 | 3 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | ||||||
Barnby Moor | 14 | 0 | 17 | 6 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 6 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 4 | ||||||
Scarthing Moor | 12 | 0 | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1½ | 1 | 0 | 1½ | ||||||
Newark | 12 | 0 | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1½ | 1 | 0 | 1½ | ||||||
Grantham | 14 | 0 | 17 | 6 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 6 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 3 | ||||||
Witham Common | 10 | 0 | 12 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 6 | 0 | 1½ | 0 | 16 | 1½ | ||||||
Stamford | 11 | 0 | 13 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 9 | 0 | 1½ | 0 | 17 | 7½ | ||||||
Stilton | 14 | 0 | 17 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 0 | 3 | 6 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 11 | ||||||
Buckdon | 14 | 0 | 17 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | ||||||
Bigleſwade | 16 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 6 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 7 | ||||||
Stevenage | 14 | 0 | 17 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 6 | 0 | 3 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 7 | ||||||
Hatfield | 12 | 0 | 15 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 19 | 1 | ||||||
Barnet | 9 | 0 | 11 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 13 | 9 | ||||||
London, & two Miles for Streets | 12 | 0 | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 3½ | 0 | 19 | 1½ | ||||||
380 | 23 | 15 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 11 | 4 | 11 | 6½ | 4 | 8 | 30 | 16 | 7 |
NOTE. There is alſo a Toll on Newcaſtle Bridge; and the Gates next London pay double Toll on Sundays.
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- TextGrid Repository (2016). TEI. 5466 The Newcastle and Gateshead directory for 1782 83 and 84 Containing the names trades and situation of the warehouses shops c. . University of Oxford, License: Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License [].