

Equitable Repreſentation NECESSARY TO THE Eſtabliſhment of LAW, PEACE, and GOOD GOVERNMENT: SHEWN IN SOME Extracts from Mr. PRYNNE'S Brevia Parliamentaria Rediviva, (Printed in 1662, and dedicated to K. Charles II.)

RELATIVE TO Examples of joint Elections for Knights, Citizens, and Burgeſſes, for whole Counties, by the ſame Electors, at one Time and Place.

WITH SOME OCCASIONAL REMARKS thereupon, Concerning the Neceſſity as well as the Means of reforming the enormous Inequality of Repreſentatives which the Borough-Voters enjoy to the Prejudice of the Counties and great Cities.


EXTRACTS FROM Mr. PRYNNE'S Brevia Parliamentaria Rediviva, Printed in 1662, and dedicated to King CHARLES II. WITH SOME Occaſional Remarks concerning the Neceſſity, as well as the Means, of promoting a more equal Repreſentation of the Commons in Parliament.


MR. PRYNNE informs us, in p. 175, ‘that in ſundry counties the elections of knights, citizens, and burgeſſes, were antiently made all together, in the county-court of the [8]ſhire, on the ſame day, and all retorned together in and by one indenture, between the ſheriffs and their electors; which I ſhall exemplifie,’ (ſays he,) ‘by theſe enſuing preſidents, inſtead of ſundry others, which I ſhall remember or recite in the enſuing ſections, in due place.’

"I ſhall begin," (ſays Mr. Prynne,) ‘with the indenture for Cumberland and Karliſle, anno 2 Hen. V.’ And he cites the form of the indenture at length, but it is not here copied, becauſe the example is not ſo full to the point as ſome others, in pages 176, 177, and 178: Viz.

KENT. Anno 12 Hen. IV. Indent. pro militibus Kanciae.

Haec indentura facta apud Cantuar. die lunae prox ante feſtum apoſtolorum Simonis et Jude, prox ſequent. poſt recept. brevis domini regis huic [9]indent. conſut. Inter Johem Darrell, vic. com. praed. et Robtum Clifford, Valentinum Baret," (and ten more,) qui ad elegend. Milites et cives ad parliament. domini regis tenend. apud Weſtm. in chraſt. animarum prox futur. praemuniti fuerunt, pretextu ejuſdem brevis domini regis in hac parte eidem vic. directi aſſenſu totius com. illius, eligerunt Reginaldum Pympe et Willum Notebem, Milit. pro communitate com. praedict. Willum Hikham et Willum Roſe, Cives pro communitate civitatis Cantuar. Roger Langford et Johem Everard, Cives pro communitate civitatis Roffs. In cujus rei teſtimonium tam praefatus vicecom. quam praefati Robtus, Valentinus, &c. ſigilla ſua alternatim appoſuerunt die et anno ſupradictis.

[10] ‘The like indenture, for Kent, I find’ (ſays Mr. Prynne) ‘in 2 H. V. — Haec indentura facta apud Roucheſtre," &c. reciting it at length; after which he remarks as follows: "In theſe two indentures and others, the knights of Kent and citizens of Canterbury [11]and Rocheſter were all elected and retorned together in the county-court by the ſame electors and indentures.

"To theſe I ſhall add" (ſays Mr. Prynne) "this indenture of the ſheriff "of Wiltes, anno 1 Hen. V.

* Haec indentura facta apud Wylton IN PLENO COM. WILTES TENTO die [12]Martis proximo ante feſtum Matthei apoſtoli anno regni regis Henrici Quinti poſt conqueſtum primo inter Eliam de la Mire vic. com. praedict. ex parte una, et Thomam Bonham, Willum Daungens,’ (and twenty-four more,) ‘ex altera parte teſtatur, quod praedict. Thomas Bonham, et omnes alii ſuperius nominati ad diem et locum ſupradict, exiſtentes et per praedictum [13]vic. virtute brevis domini regis eidem vic. direct. et huic indenturae conſut. ſingulariter examinati, eligerunt Willum Molyns, chlr. et Walterum Hungerford, MILITES pro communitate COM. PRAED. et ſimiliter eligerunt Waltum Shirle et Johm Beckot, CIVES pro communitate CIVITATIS NOVAE SARUM, Johem Valeys ſeniorem, et Jobem Harleſton, BURGENSES pro communitate BURGI de WILLTON, Thomam Covintre, et Robtum Smyth, burgenſes pro communitate BURGI DE DEVISES, Johem Charleton et Johem Randolph, burgenſes pro communitate BURGI DE MALMESBURY, Thomam Hatheway et Willum Alclyff, BURGENSES pro communitate BURGI DE MARLEBURGH, Robtum Salman et Robtum Ronde, BURGENSES pro communitate BURGI DE CALNE, Robtum Lany et Willum Cheſterton, BURGENSES pro communitate [14]BURGI VETERIS SARUM in com. praedicto, ad omnia et ſingula juxta tenorem brevis praedict. in parliamento dicti domini regis apud LEICESTRE, ultimo die Aprilis prox. futur. aſſignat. ſimul cum aliis communicand. tractand. faciend. ſimiliter et terminand. prout praedictum breve exigit et requirit. In cujus rei teſtimonium,’ &c.

"There is the like indenture" (ſays Mr. Prynne) ‘for Wiltſhire, where the knights, citizens, and burgeſſes, are joyntly elected and retorned together. An. 2 Hen. V.’


THE circumſtances of thoſe antient times are ſo totally different, in many reſpects, from the preſent times, that it is difficult to determine whether any ſuch joint elections of knights, citizens, [15]and burgeſſes, (by the united equal ſuffrages of all the electors together, of every degree, in each county,) can now be made; and, of courſe, it is doubtful whether ſuch a meaſure is even adviſeable. Many laws have ſince been enacted reſpecting elections, all of which muſt firſt be well weighed and conſidered; for, if any thing therein is incompatible with the neceſſary alterations, it muſt be repealed by the ſame authority which ordained it; becauſe non eſt recedendum a forma per ſtatutum preſcripta; and, again, nil temere novandum eſt.

Yet, as the injuſtice and fatal conſequences of the preſent enormous inequality of repreſentation in favour of petty venal boroughs (to the diſadvantage of the counties and great cities) is notorious and undeniable, ſome prudent remedy is ſurely become neceſſary, and ought to be moſt earneſtly ſought after [16]by all lovers of peace and good government.

The ruinous effects of a long continued parliamentary corruption, and of its baneful companion, national reprobacy, (which is the ſure harbinger of public misfortune and approaching ſlavery,) have made ſuch haſty advances of late, that many people begin to be alarmed, and to talk ſeriouſly concerning the neceſſity of endeavouring to obtain. a more equal repreſentation of the commons in annual parliaments, as the true legal means of reſtoring public credit, and of ſaving the ſtate.’ Such a diſpoſition, towards parliamentary reformation, I have perceived in ſeveral places, amongſt people who have not the leaſt connexion with each other, ſo that it ſeems to be the moſt natural and obvious concluſion of common ſenſe upon the preſent alarming ſtate of public affairs; and will, probably, (if matters [17]ſhould grow worſe,) become more and more general, till the meaſure be irreſiſtibly demanded by the voice of the people; in which caſe, all thoſe perſons, who have been moſt concerned in the management of the public treaſury, muſt expect to undergo a ſevere ſcrutiny! Or, if any ſudden invaſion of our natural enemies ſhould be really intended, (which there is but too much reaſon to ſuſpect,) the people, it is to be feared, as ſoon as they are informed of the public danger, will be ſo tranſported with ſudden indignation againſt particular perſons, whoſe meaſures may ſeem to have contributed to the national weakneſs, that they will not eaſily be reſtrained from violent and inconſiderate acts of perſonal reſentment! And it is not at all probable that the people will be thoroughly or ſufficiently united to act againſt the common enemy, until they have taken ſuch ſteps as they may think [18]effectual to inſure a reformation of government, (in caſe their endeavours againſt the common enemy ſhould prove ſucceſsful,) and to prevent the like calamities in future.

Thoſe ſtate-miniſters, therefore, who ſhall have ſufficient courage to give up, in time, all reliance on undue parliamentary influence, and ſhall prove that their regard for good and legal government is ſincere, by promoting ſome legal means of reſtoring to the electors of counties and great cities their due proportion of repreſentation and conſequence in the great national aſſembly, thoſe miniſters, I ſay, howſoever their former meaſures may have been diſliked, will, by ſuch a proof of their ſincerity in reformation, inſure to themſelves the public eſteem and confidence: for there is a general diſpoſition in Engliſhmen to overlook all differences of opinion in politics, and to forget all party animoſities [19]againſt thoſe perſons, who, by a change of conduct, give proofs of a future regard for popular and conſtitutional rights. And the almoſt certain advantages to the crown, by adopting and promoting ſuch a meaſure, will be the recovery of a great and extenſive empire; * for no ground of accommodation will be ſo effectual and certain as ſuch "a proof of ſincerity" in the ſovereign, that he deſires to rule his ſubjects at home according to the ſtricteſt rule of legal and conſtitutional principles, and is willing to drop all meaſures [20]or deſigns which cannot obtain the uninfluenced aſſent of his great national council: and the king's miniſters are never anſwerable for meaſures, howſoever unſucceſsful, after the ſame have obtained the ſanction of a free and uninfluenced parliament. By ſuch righteouſneſs as this the throne ſhall be eſtabliſhed: whereas an obſtinate perſeverance and continuance in the contrary mode of adminiſtration will, of courſe, occaſion what is vainly called a ſtate-neceſſity for advancing ſtill farther in violent and unpopular meaſures; which, like the caſe of Richard II. * muſt inevitably end in deſtruction! No reformation, however, can be ſafely made reſpecting a [21]more equal repreſentation of the commons, until the mode of doing it hath been firſt adopted and approved by the majority of the ELECTORS themſelves in each county; but, when their conſent is once obtained, the oſtenſible propoſers and promoters of the meaſure will be amply ſecured from all blame, in caſe the alteration ſhould not prove effectual; and, on the other hand, they will certainly enjoy the principal credit of the amendment, in caſe the meaſure ſhould be found to anſwer the deſirable purpoſe.

[22]The king might ſafely ſignify (in a ſpeech to his parliament or by proclamation) his earneſt deſire to be more accurately informed of the ſentiments of his people; and that he therefore wiſhes to promote, by legal and conſtitutional means, a more equal repreſentation of all perſons who are at preſent entitled to vote for knights, citizens, and burgeſſes, in parliament, that elections may be made in an equitable and juſt proportion to the NUMBERS of thoſe who vote for each denomination, without leſſening the total number of repreſentatives ſent up at preſent from each county; and he might refer the conſideration of the moſt juſt and unexceptionable means of doing this to the very perſons whoſe rights are concerned, by authoriſing his ſheriffs to ſummon grand-juries, in their reſpective counties, to conſider and propoſe the moſt equitable mode of ſending the preſent number of knights, [23]citizens, and burgeſſes, for each county, in an equal proportion to the whole number of electors; and afterwards to ſubmit the reſult of their conſultation to a general-court or aſſembly of all the electors, in each county, for their aſſent or amendment; or to a choſen committee, appointed by a majority of all the ſaid electors that ſhall think fit to attend the aſſembly, agreeably to the firſt example in the indenture for the county of Kent, wherein the twelve perſons named in the indenture, are ſaid to have choſen (eligerunt) the two knights for the county, and four citizens for Canterbury and Rocheſter: for it is manifeſt that the twelve perſons named acted only in truſt, as a committee for the electors of the whole county; becauſe the election is expreſſly declared to have been made ‘ASSENSU TOTIUS COMITATUS ILLIUS.’ * And, in the [24]other example for the county of Wilts, wherein only twenty-ſix perſons, named in the indenture, are ſaid to have choſen ſixteen repreſentatives (viz.two knights, two citizens, and twelve burgeſſes) in one joint election; yet we muſt not conſider the ſaid twenty-ſix perſons as the only electors, but rather as an acting committee, empowered by the whole body of electors in that county; for, though the words "aſſenſu totius comitatus illius" are omitted, yet the beginning of the indenture expreſſly informs us that it was made "in pleno com. Wiltes tento, *" &c. And, likewiſe, it is not improbable that the ſaid twenty-ſix electors (who are expreſsly named in the indenture with the ſheriff, but "exaltera parte") were conſidered as the manucaptors or ſureties for the appearance of the elected; which will account for their making the indenture [25]with the ſheriff; for no manucaptors are mentioned as ſuch in theſe indentures, though the appointment and expreſs mention of manucaptors were generally eſteemed a neceſſary precaution in thoſe ancient times, of which more ſhall be ſaid hereafter.

The moſt obvious means of reformation are either to divide each county into ſo many equal diſtricts as may moſt conveniently be repreſented by 2, 3, or 4, deputies, ſo as to include the whole number now ſent from each county; or elſe to chooſe the whole number of knights, citizens, and burgeſſes, by the joint ſuffrages of all the electors together, at the county-court, agreeably to the ancient examples already cited. By theſe regulations, indeed, the borough-voters might complain that they would be injured by loſing a large proportion of their borough Repreſentation; that is, they would certainly loſe that unreaſonable proportion of repreſentation which is [26]injurious to the rights and freedom of their neighbours; but they would be ſo far from loſing any juſt and equitable right, really due to themſelves, that they would actually gain thereby a right of voting for all the knights and citizens, as well as for all the other deputed burgeſſes, of their reſpective counties; to which, at preſent, (as mere burgeſſes of one borough,) they have no pretence. The experience alſo of late years has ſhewn that it is become neceſſary to enforce the ancient laws, which ordain that both the electors and the elected ſhall be in eodem comitatu commorantes et reſidentes. (3) And alſo to renew the ancient cuſtom of [27]obliging the perſons elected to find ſureties (or manucaptors before-mentioned) for their appearance AND CONSTANT ATTENDANCE, (conſtant attendance being ſometimes expreſſly required by the writs, (4)) in order to prevent ſuch [28]ſhameful and unmeaning ſeceſſions from public buſineſs as have lately been made [29]by the gentlemen in oppoſition to miniſtry as well as by many who profeſs to be the miniſters friends. A parliament ſo far reformed (viz. by having an equal repreſentation of all the electors in each county) might be well qualified to conſider of ſome farther regulations to render the repreſentation of the counties themſelves more equal and proportionate, with reſpect to each other, according to the number of inhabitants. For, in ancient times, ALL MEN, in each county, that were free, howſoever poor, enjoyed a ſhare in the legiſlature; which may be clearly proved by the very act of parliament (5) which unjuſtly deprived them of that right!

[30]The nation has ſeverely felt the bad effects of that unjuſt innovation: witneſs the preſent iniquitous practices at [31]conteſted elections and the helpleſs and endleſs manner of adjuſting them, beſides the ruinous expence of influencing a majority when choſen, (which, at preſent, is conſidered as a meaſure of ſtate neceſſity,) and compare theſe modern corruptions with the happy manner of conducting elections, in general, for near two hundred years before that period, as related by Prynne, in his Brev. Parl. Rediv. p. 137.— ‘Sundry perſons of eminency, quality, parts, and wiſedom,’ (ſays he,) ‘in moſt counties [32]were elected knights of the ſhire, by the unanimous conſent of the gentry, freeholders, AND PEOPLE, not only twice or thrice, but 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, times or more, after another, to ſerve in parliaments, without any emulation, polling, feaſting, or canvaſſing, for voyces; or future complaints, conteſts about their elections, polls, undue or double retorns, which, of late times, have diſturbed the counties peace, and interrupted the parliaments proceedings: there being not above two or three caſes of elections queſtioned or complained of from 49 Hen. III. till 22 Edw. IV. for ought (that) appears by the retornes or parliament rolls, and not ſo much as one double retorn or indenture wherewith all the LATE bundles (Prynne wrote in the reign of king Charles II. and the corruption hath notoriouſly increaſed ſince that time) of writs are ſtored, and [33]the Houſe of Commons and late Committees of privileges peſtered, perplexed, to the great retarding of the more weighty publick affairs of the king and kingdom.’ Let it alſo be remembered, that, by the before-mentioned unhappy deprivation of the common people's rights, the king has loſt the advantage of the proper legal balance againſt the dangerous power of rich and ambitious men, and overgrown landholders; the fatal want of which has lately been moſt notoriouſly demonſtrated in the unhappy ruined kingdom of Poland; for, as the authority of a king is amply ſufficient to defend the common people from the oppreſſion of the rich and great, by a due exertion of the laws, provided the common people be allowed a due ſhare in the legiſlature; ſo the latter, in return, and for their own ſakes, will always be ready to exert their legiſlative authority, as well as their ſtrength and power in a [34]free militia, (6) to maintain the king and the laws, which (by their union with the crown) they will always be able to do whenever the ariſtocratical power requires any juſt limitation.





Being an Extract from SHARP'S Declaration of the People's natural Right to a Share in the Legiſlature, printed in 1774, P. 157 to 170.

WHEREIN IS SHEWN, That the Statutes of 4 Edw. III. c. 14. and 36 Edw. III. c. 10. which ordain, that a Parliament ſhall be holden every Year one, &c. muſt neceſſarily be underſtood to mean,—A NEW ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES, every Year once, and more often if need be.




THE editor earneſtly recommends the ſubject of the following pages to the conſideration of the public, becauſe he conceives that the reſtoration of Elections, ‘every year once, and more often, if need be,’ (and thoſe in a more equal proportion of deputation according to the number of Electors in each county,) is the only meaſure that can be ſafely adopted, for a ſolid and firm baſis of that political reformation, which, at preſent, is almoſt univerſally acknowledged to [xxxviii]be neceſſary, as well for the ſecurity of the people, as the dignity and ſafety of the crown. The unhappy effects of modern deviations from that fundamental rule do clearly demonſtrate, that it was not only an ancient right of the Commons, but even an indiſpenſable right, without which peace and good government cannot be maintained.

Mos retinendus eſt fideliſſimae vetuſtatis. Quae praeter conſuetudinem et morem majorum fiunt, neque placent, neque recta videntur. 4 Coke, 78.

‘As often as any thing is doubtful or corrupted, we ſhould recur to firſt principles.

Loft's Elements of Law, No 8.



—THE authority of the nominal Legiſlature in 1650 was entirely illegal, as well as that in 1653, both of them having been ſet up and maintained by the ſame unconſtitutional arbitrary power; and both of them totally void of the indiſpenſable Repreſentation of the people: for though the wretched remains of the Long-Parliament in 1650 (being [40]about 80 Repreſentatives or Members, inſtead of 513 that had been elected at the beginning of that Parliament) were indeed choſen by a ſmall part of the people of England, yet the legal Repreſentation, even of that ſmall part, was out of date and void, from the length of time that the ſaid Repreſentation had continued without Re-election, which was about ten years; whereas it is well known that the due effect, or virtue, of popular Repreſentation, was formerly ſuppoſed to be incapable (like ſome annual fruits) of being ſo long preſerved in uſeful purity, without a ſeaſonable renewal, from time to time; ſo that our more prudent Anceſtors (imitating nature) required alſo an annual renewal of their parliamentary Repreſentation, as being neceſſary for the maintenance of public virtue.

Sir Edw. Coke, in his 4th Inſt. p. 9, ſpeaking of "the matters of parliament," [41]informs us of the reaſons uſually expreſſed in the writs for calling a new Parliament, as ‘pro quibuſdam arduis urgentibus negotiis, nos ſtatum, et defenſionem regni noſtri Angliae, et Eccleſiae Anglicanae concernentibus quoddam parliamentum noſtrum, &c. teneri ordinavimus,’ &c. And he adds, in the next paragraph, ‘Now, for as much’ (ſays he) ‘as divers Laws and Statutes have been enacted and provided for theſe ends aforeſaid, and that divers miſchiefs in particular, and that divers miſchiefs in particular, and divers grievances in general, concerning the honour and ſafety of the King, the State, and Defence of the Kingdome, and of the Church of England, might be prevented, an excellent Law was made, anno 36 Edw. III. c. 10. which, being applied to the ſaid Writs of Parliament, doth, in a few and effectual words, ſet down the true ſubject of a Parliament in theſe words: [42] For the maintenance of the ſaid articles, and ſtatutes, and redreſs of divers miſchiefs and grievances, which daily happen, A PARLIAMENT SHALL BE HOLDEN EVERY YEAR, as another time was ordained by a ſtatute.’ Which Statute, here referred to, was made in the 4th year of the ſame reign, cap. 14. ‘Item, it is accorded, that a Parliament ſhall be holden EVERY YEAR ONCE, and more often if need be. But Sir William Blackſtone ſuppoſes that the King never was ‘obliged, by theſe Statutes, to call a new Parliament every year; but only to permit a Parliament to ſit annually for the redreſs of grievances, and diſpatch of buſineſs, if need be. (1 Com. c. 2, p. 153.)

It is too true, indeed, that our Kings, in general, did not think themſelves "obliged, by theſe Statutes," (as they ought in conſcience to have been, for the ſafety of their ſouls,) ‘to call a new [43]Parliament every year: nay, it is certain that many of them would never have called a Parliament at all, had they not been "obliged" by neceſſity and the circumſtances of the times. But by what authority could a repreſentative in one Parliament take his ſeat in the next annual Parliament, without re-election, before any laws were made for lengthening the duration of Parliaments? And beſides, if the King did only permit a Parliament to ſit annually,’ &c. by what authority could the Parliament be convened at all, under ſuch a circumſtance, ſeeing that a mere permiſſion to ſit excludes the idea of a prorogation from year to year? However, the learned commentator himſelf very juſtly obſerves, in a preceding page, (150,) concerning "the manner and time of aſſembling," that the ‘Parliament is regularly to be ſummoned by the King's Writ, or Letter, iſſued out of Chancery.’ And [44]it is well known that theſe Writs are not addreſſed to the knights, citizens, and burgeſſes, elected for any former Parliament, but to the Sheriffs alone, to cauſe Knights, Citizens, &c. to be elected; for, when the ſaid Acts were made, ſuch an abſurdity in politics had never been conceived in England, as that of truſting the Repreſentation of the people, for a term of years, (as at preſent,) to the perſons elected! On the contrary, when the buſineſs of each Seſſion was finiſhed, the Parliament, of courſe, was at an end; and therefore Lord Coke did not ſpeak in vain, when he mentioned "the excellent Law" (viz. the Act for annual Parliaments) being applied to the ſaid Writs of Parliament, &c. before recited.

A man of ſo much good ſenſe, learning, and judgement, as Sir William Blackſtone is maſter of, muſt be well aware of the pernicious effects of inveſting [45]the Repreſentatives of the people with a legiſlative power, beyond the conſtitutional term of A SINGLE SESSION, without Re-election; and therefore I cannot but be ſurprized at the unguarded manner in which he has expreſſed himſelf in his Comment on the two excellent Statutes of Edward III. for annual Parliaments; viz. that the King is not, ‘or ever was, obliged by theſe Statutes to call a new Parliament every year,’ &c. He has cauſed the word new to be printed in Italics, as if he meant thereby to inſinuate, that the Legiſlatures of thoſe early times were not unacquainted with our modern idea of conferring on the popular Repreſentation a kind of continued ſenatorial dignity, without Re-election, for ſeveral years together; whereas he certainly muſt have known that this corrupt modern practice has produced a new order of men amongſt us, a moſt dangerous increaſe of ariſtocratical power, which was entirely [46]unknown to our Anceſtors in the glorious reign of Edward III. If he could ſhew that there ever was a Parliament, in thoſe times, that was not a NEW Parliament, his Comment might be juſtified! But it is notorious that Writs were iſſued to the Sheriffs, for new Elections, almoſt every year during that whole reign: The Writs, for the moſt part, are ſtill preſerved with the Returns upon them. In the catalogue of Election-Writs, which Prynne has given in his Brevia Parliamentaria Rediviva, p. 4 to 6, there is an account of Writs iſſued for new Elections in every year of that King's reign, between his 34th (when the laſt Act for annual Parliaments was made) and his 50th year, except 3, viz. the 40th, 41ſt, and 48th, years; in which years the Records of Summons to the Prelates and Lords of Parliament are alſo wanting, as appears by Sir William Dugdale's ‘perfect [47]Copy of Summons to Parliament of the Nobility,’ &c.

And yet this affords no abſolute proof that Parliaments were not holden in thoſe very years for which the Writs are wanting; becauſe the bundles of Writs for the ſaid years may have been loſt or miſlaid. The only wonder is, that more have not been loſt, when we conſider the very little care that had been taken of them; for Prynne found many of theſe Writs diſperſed among a vaſt miſcellaneous heap of other records on various ſubjects, (as he himſelf relates in his Epiſtle-Dedicatory to King Charles II. of his Brevia Parliamentaria Rediviva,) calling the ſaid heap a confuſed Chaos, under corrding putrifying cobwebs, duſt, and filth, in the darkeſt corner of Caeſar's Chapel in the White Tower, as mere uſeleſs Reliques not worthy to be calendred, &c. And, in page 103 of that ſame work, he ſpeaks of 117 [48]Bundles of Writs, whereof 97 had only been then lately diſcovered, filed, and bundled, by himſelf: ‘But many of theſe 117 Bundles’ (ſays he) ‘are not compleat, above half or three parts of the Writs being either rotted, conſumed, maymed, torn, or utterly loſt, through careleſſneſs, wet, cankers, or other caſualties; and ſome of them have not above two, three, or four Writs, and one or two but one Writ and Retorn remaining.’

But that there were really Writs for Parliaments, even in thoſe three years, which appear to be wanting, at leaſt in two of them, is very certain; becauſe it was in the 40th year of this reign, as Sir Edward Coke informs us, (4 Inſt. p. 13,) that the Pope demanded homage for the kingdoms of England and Ireland, and the arrears of revenue granted by King John to Pope Innocent III. ‘whereupon the King, in the ſame [49]year, calleth his Court of Parliament, * &c. as Sir Edward Coke proves from the Parliament-Rolls of that year, No 8, remarking, at the ſame time, that the Act then made was "never yet printed." See the margin, 4th Inſt. p. 13.

And it appears that a Parliament was held alſo in the 48th year of this reign, becauſe ſupplies were in that year granted to the King by Parliament, as related by Sir Richard Baker, in his Chronicle, p. 173, viz. in his eight and fortieth year, IN A PARLIAMENT, is granted [50]him a 10th of the Clergy, and a 15th of the Laity.’ So that there is but one year, out of ſo many, in which we cannot trace the meeting of the annual Parliaments: And annual Writs for new Elections were regularly iſſued for the firſt 18 years of the following reign, (as appears by Prynne's ‘2d part of a brief Regiſter and Survey of the ſeveral kinds and forms of parliamentary Writs,’ pages 116 and 117,) till Richard II. (that wretched perjured monarch) had rendered himſelf abſolute. *

After conſidering theſe unqueſtionable evidences of the iſſuing Writs annualy for new Elections, it will be difficult to comprehend the meaning of Sir William Blackſtone's Comment on the ſaid two [51]Acts for annual Parliaments: ‘Not that he (the King) is, or ever was, obliged by theſe Statutes to call a new Parliament every year; but only to permit a Parliament to ſit annually for the redreſs of grievances and diſpatch of buſineſs, if need be. — Theſe laſt words’ (ſays he) ‘are ſo looſe and vague, that ſuch of our monarchs, as were inclined to govern without Parliaments, neglected the convoking them, ſometimes for a conſiderable period, under pretence that there was no need of them, &c.

But "theſe laſt words" are not ſo looſe and vague as either to juſtify his own explanation of the ſaid Statues, (viz. not ‘to call a new Parliament every year, but only to permit a Parliament to ſit,’ &c.) or to excuſe, in the leaſt degree, the criminal neglects of thoſe depraved monarchs who were inclined to govern without them: for the words, [52] "if need be," cannot, according to the moſt obvious ſenſe of the Act wherein they are found, be applied to the main purpoſe of the Act, (the holding annual Parliaments,) but merely to the remaining part of the ſentence, viz. and more often: that is, ‘and more often, if need be.’ The Order, that a Parliament ſhall be holden EVERY YEAR ONCE,’ is abſolute; and the diſcretionary power, expreſſed in the words if need be, relates apparently to the calling Parliaments "more often:" for, if the ſaid diſcretionary words, "if need be," could, with any propriety, be applied to the whole ſentence, the Act itſelf would have been nugatory; which could never be the intention of the Legiſlature: but the true meaning and ſenſe of the Legiſlature is very clearly proved by the hiſtories of thoſe times: for it is manifeſt, not only that new Repreſentatives were elected every year (with only one exception) for a [53]conſiderable number of years after the laſt of the ſaid Acts was made, (which confirms the main purpoſe of the Acts, viz. the holding annual Parliaments,) but it is alſo manifeſt, that Parliaments were frequently holden "more often" than once a year; * which amply confirms alſo what I have before ſaid, concerning the meaning of the diſcretionary power, expreſſed in the ſaid Act, by the words "if need be."

Theſe very frequent Elections (ſometimes two, three, and four, times IN ONE YEAR) ſufficiently prove that the power, delegated by the people to their Repreſentatives, continued no longer in force than during the Seſſion of the particular Parliament to which they were [54]ſummoned; which being once determined, (ſays Prynne, iſt part of Brief Regiſter, &c. of Parl. Writs, p. 334.) they preſently ceaſed to be Knights, Citizens, Burgeſſes, Barons, in any ſucceeding Parliaments or Councils, unleſs newly elected and retorned to ſerve in them, by the King's NEW Writs, as our Law-Books (referring to 4 Ed. IV. f. 44. Brook, Officer, 25.34 Hen. VIII. c. 24.) "and experience reſolve," &c. And therefore Judge Blackſtone's inſinuation, againſt the calling of a new Parliament, has no real foundation: for, if it was the intention of the Legiſlature, in the two Acts abovementioned, that the King ſhould ever ſummon any Parliament at all, they muſt neceſſarily be underſtood to mean a new Parliament on all occaſions; i. e. not only that the regular Parliaments, which they ordained to be holden every year once, ſhould be new Parliaments, but alſo thoſe that [55]ſhould be ſummoned upon any extraordinary unforeſeen occaſions; which is ſufficiently expreſſed in the 1ſt of the ſaid Acts, by the words, and more often, if need be. The meaning of the Act is unqueſtionably proved by the actual iſſuing of writs, to the Sheriffs, for electing Knights, Citizens, &c. for two, three, and ſometimes four, new Parliaments, in one year, as mentioned above: And if any perſon ſhould object, that ſuch very frequent Elections muſt be attended with inſuperable difficulties and inconveniences, we may quote the experience of all ancient times, as affording ample and ſufficient proofs to the contrary; ‘there being not above two or three caſes of elections queſtioned, or complained of, from 49 Hen. III. till 22 Edw IV.’ (that is, more than 200 years,) ‘for ought that appears by the Retornes or Parliament-Rolls, and NOT SO MUCH [56]AS ONE DOUBLE RETORNE or INDENTURE, wherewith all the late Bundles, or Writs, are ſtored, and the Houſe of Commons, and late Committees of Privileges peſtered, perplexed, to the great retarding of the more weighty public affairs of the King and Kingdom.’ Prynne, Brevia Parl. Rediv. p. 137. This enormous evil, the retardment of buſineſs, by undue Returns, will not (I may venture, without the ſpirit of prophecy, to aſſert) be remedied by the new Regulation for that purpoſe. The Commons were never (in ancient times of Freedom) eſteemed the proper Judges of their own Elections, but the King alone, that is, in his limited judicial capacity, by his Juſtices and his ſworn Juries, in the Courts of Common-Law. If my countrymen will ſeriouſly conſider all theſe points, they muſt be convinced that the only ſure method of healing the alarming diſtempers [57]of our political Conſtitution * is to reſtore to the people their ancient and juſt Right to elect a new Parliament, every year once, and more often if need be.

No Parliament could have any right to deprive the people of this ineſtimable Law, unleſs the Repreſentatives had expreſſly conſulted their reſpective conſtituents upon it; as the alteration was of too much moment to be intruſted to the diſcretion of any Repreſentatives or Deputies whatſoever, being infinitely more important than any new device, moved on the King's behalf, in Parliament, for his aid, or the like; for the moſt [58]eſſential and fundamental Right of the whole body of the Commons (I mean the Principals, not the Deputies or Agents) was materially injured by the fatal change, and the people's power of controul, for the general good of the kingdom, was thereby apparently diminiſhed! ſo that, if it is the duty of Repreſentatives (even in "any new device" of mere aid, or the like) to conſult their Conſtituents, how much more, upon the propoſal of ſo material an alteration in the Conſtitution, ought they to have anſwered, that, in this new device, they DARE NOT AGREE WITHOUT CONFERENCE WITH THEIR COUNTRIES!’ Theſe are the words of Lord Coke, who mentions them as the proper anſwer, * when any new device is moved, &c. and he adds, ‘whereby it appeareth’ (ſays he) ‘that SUCH [59]CONFERENCE is warrantable by th law and cuſtome of Parliament, 4th Inſt. p. 14; ſo that no Repreſentative can be juſtified (according to the Law and Cuſtome of Parliament) who refuſes to receive the Inſtructions of his Conſtituents, notwithſtanding that ſeveral very ſenſible, worthy, and (I believe) ſincerely patriotic, gentlemen have lately declared themſelves to be of a contrary opinion; but, when they peruſe the ſeveral authorities which I have cited, concerning the abſolute neceſſity of a very frequent appeal to the ſenſe of the whole body of the people, I truſt, in their candour and love of truth, that they will alter their ſentiments.

Loft's Elements of Law, No 8.

Kent. In the 12th Year of Henry IV. Indent for the Knights of Kent.

This indenture made at Canterbury, on Monday the next before the feaſt of the apoſtles Simon and Jude, next following after the receipt of the brief" [or writ] "of the Lord the King, annexed to this indenture. Between John Darrell, ſheriff of the ſaid county, and Robert Clifford, Valentine Baret, John Broke, James Dingley, Thomas Lane, William Lans," (and ſix more,) "who to chooſe Knights and citizens for the parliament of the lord the king, to be holden at Weſtminſter on the morrow of All Souls, that next ſhall be, were impowered, by virtue of the brief" [or writ] "of the ſame lord the king, in this behalf, addreſſed to the ſame ſheriff, BY THE ASSENT OF ALL THAT COUNTY, have choſen Reginald Pympe and Wm Notebem, knights for the community" [or commonalty] "of the aforeſaid county; Wm Hickham and Wm Roſe, citizens, for the community" [or commonalty] "of the city of Canterbury; Roger Langford and John Everard, citizens, for the community" [or commonalty] "of the city of Rocheſter. In witneſs whereof, as well the aforeſaid ſheriff as the aforeſaid Robert, Valentine, &c. have alternately affixed their ſeals the day and year above-mentioned.

‘This indenture made at Wylton IN FULL COUNTY’ [court] ‘of Wilts, holden on Tueſday the next before the feaſt of Matthew the apoſtle, in the firſt year of the reign of king Henry V. after the conqueſt, between Elias de la Mire, ſheriff of the aforeſaid county, on the one part, and Thomas Bonham, Wm Daungens,’ [and twenty four more,] ‘of the other part, witneſſeth, that the aforeſaid Thomas Bonham and all the above-named,’ [perſons,] ‘preſent on the day and at the place abovementioned, and by the aforeſaid ſheriff, by virtue of the brief’ [or writ] ‘of the lord the king to the ſame ſheriff addreſſed, and to this indenture annexed, ſingly examined, have choſen Wm Molyns, knight, and Walter Hungerford, Knights for the community [or commonalty] of the aforeſaid county; and likewiſe have choſen Walter Shirle and John Beckot, citizens for the community [or commonalty] of the city of New Sarum; John Valeys ſenior and John Harleſton, Burgeſſes for the community [or commonalty] of the borough of Wilton; Thomas Coventry and Robert Smyth, Burgeſſes for the community [or commonalty] of the borough of Deviſes; John Charleton and John Randolph, Burgeſſes for the community [or commonalty] of the borough of Malmeſbury; Thomas Hatheway and Wm Acliff, Burgeſſes for the community [or commonalty] of the borough of Marlborough; Robert Salman and Robert Ronde, Burgeſſes for the community [or commonalty] of the borough of Calne; Robert Lany and Wm Cheſterton, Burgeſſes for the community [or commonalty] of the borough of Old Sarum, in the aforeſaid county; to all and every,’ [thing,] ‘according to the tenor of the aforeſaid brief, in the parliament of the ſaid lord the king, at Leiceſter appointed to be, on the laſt day of April next, together with others, to confer, treat, act, and likewiſe conclude, according as the aforeſaid brief exacts and requires. In witneſs whereof, &c.
Memorandum. Theſe Remarks were written in March, 1777. The author had previouſly informed a nobleman in adminiſtration, that the Americans were inclined to a re-union, even under the crown, on conſtitutional principles, provided his majeſty's miniſters could give a proof of their ſincerity in treating, by adopting ſome legal means of political reformation at home, and that the proper conſtitutional terms, conſiſtent with the natural rights of Britiſh ſubjects, would certainly be accepted, if tendered within two or three months; but that no terms ſhort of independency would or could be accepted after the expiration of ſix months from that time. The deſire of pointing out ſuch a plan of reformation, as might be ſuitable to the propoſed reunion, occaſioned theſe remarks.
‘But the king was not ſatisfied with theſe repeated declarations: he thought his power and dignity very precarious, while it depended on the authority of parliament. He dreaded the popular party, and the effects of oppoſition and reſiſtance, which he had ſo lately experienced; and could not bear the reſtraint, which theſe apprehenſions laid him under. His whole views therefore were from this time directed to one end; to ſet himſelf above all oppoſition and reſiſtance: firſt, by making peace and gaining firm alliance abroad, and then, by eſtabliſhing an uncontrollable power at home. In conſequence of this deſign, he entered with more earneſtneſs upon a treaty of peace with France, &c. See the learned biſhop Lowth's Life of William of Wykeham, p. 232. King Richard's obſtinate perſeverance in ſuch erroneous and dangerous notions produced thoſe very evils of which he was moſt afraid, viz. the loſs of his crown, his liberty, and his life; for the Machiavelian policy of his miniſters, in promoting parliamentary corruption and in maintaining a ſtanding army of Cheſhire time-ſervers, ſerved only to precipitate the monarch's deſtruction, and to haſten the revolution.
"By the aſſent of the whole county."
"In plain ſhire" (or full county, meaning a full county-court) "of Wilts, holden," &c.
"In the ſame county dwelling and reſident." * ‘Quod milites Com. infra regnum noſtrum Angl. eligend. adveniend. in parl. ex tunc tenend. eligantur in quolibet Com. per homines in eodem Com. commorantes et reſidentes, &c.—Et quod illi, qui eligendi fuerint, ſint ſimiliter in eiſdem Com. commorantes et reſidentes, &c.’ Extract from the copy of a writ, in p. 133 of Prynne's ſecond part of a brief Regiſter, &c. of parl. writs. See alſo an act of parliament to the ſame purpoſe, which is ſtill in force, viz. 1 Henry V. chap. 1.
‘That the knights of the Shires within our kingdom of England, to be choſen to come to the parliaments from henceforth to be holden, ſhould be choſen in every county by men dwelling and reſiding in the ſame County, &c. And that they, who are to be choſen, be likewiſe dwelling and reſiding in the ſame Counties, &c.
* ‘Rex Vic. Kanc. ſalutem. — Quia ſuper quibuſdam arduis et urgentibus negotiis, &c. parliamentum noſtrum apud Weſtm. die, &c. — tenere ordinavimus, &c. Tibi praecipimus firmiter injungentes, quod de Com. praedicto duos Milites gladiis cinctos, &c. et de qualibet civitate ejuſdem com. duos Cives, et de quolibet burg. duos Burgenſes, de melioribus et validioribus et diſcretioribus Militibus, Civibus et Burgenſibus Comitat. Civitatum et Burgorum praedictorum eligi, et eos uſque Weſtm. die, &c. — venire facias ibidem, et tunc durante parliamento praedicto CONTINUE MORATUROS,’ &c. Prynne's 2d part of a brief Regiſter, &c. p. 105. — ‘The uſual old formes’ (ſays Prynne elſewhere) ‘being to retorn on the back of the Writ or a Cedule, nomina Militum, Manucaptores I. S. militis, Man. N. F. Militis, or alterius militis; or that two perſons were elected milites, or duos milites, (naming both their Chriſtian and ſirnames,) of the county of B. and that ſuch and ſuch were their manucaptors, they having for the moſt part two, four, ſome ſix, manucaptors apiece, that they ſhould appear at the day and place appointed in the writ; ſome few of them now and then refuſed to find manucaptors, whereupon their goods and cattle were deſtreined, to cauſe them to appear in parliament at the time and place preſcribed by the writs,’ &c. (Prynne's Brevia parliamentaria rediviva, p. 137.) So that men of known abilities and integrity (howſoever fond of their own eaſe and private amuſements) might then be compelled to ſerve their country in parliament, though their electors were alſo compelled to pay them wages; and perhaps the renewal of both theſe antient uſages would contribute much to the national welfare, that uſeful talents of private gentlemen might neither be unemployed nor unrewarded.
‘The King to the Sheriff of Kent, greeting. — Foraſmuch as on certain difficult and urgent affairs, &c. we have appointed our parliament to be holden at Weſtminſter on the day, &c. — We command you, ſtrictly enjoining, that you cauſe to be choſen of the aforeſaid County two Knights, gift with ſwords, &c. and of every city of the ſame county two Citizens, and of every borough two Burgeſſes, of the beſt, and moſt able, and moſt diſcreet, Knights, Citizens, and Burgeſſes, of the County, Cities, and Boroughs, aforeſaid, and cauſe them to come to Weſtminſter on the day, &c. there and then, during the aforeſaid parliament, CONTINUALLY TO REMAIN,’ &c.
— 8 Henry VI. cap. vii. Whereby the right of voting was limited ‘to thoſe who have land or tenement to the value of fourty ſhillings by the year at the leaſt, &c. The preamble of this act, however, ſufficiently proves the fact, that all the common people thought themſelves entitled to vote at elections for knights of ſhires. ‘Whereas the elections of knights of ſhires to come to the parliaments of our lord the king, in many counties of the realm of England, have now of late been made by very great, outrageous * and exceſſive number of people dwelling within the ſame counties, &c. of the which moſt part was of people of ſmall ſubſtance and of no value, whereof every of them pretended a voice equivalent, as to ſuch elections to be made with the moſt worthy knights and eſquires dwelling within the ſame counties, whereby manſlaughter, riots, batteries, and diviſions among the gentlemen and other people of the ſame counties, ſhall very likely riſe and be, unleſs convenient and due remedy be provided, &c. But the inconveniences here alledged (for which the iniquitous remedy of depriving the common people of their right of voting at county elections was provided) deſerve to be no otherwiſe eſteemed than as ſo many mere imaginary pretences to excuſe the injuſtice of the act: for, if any ſuch manſlaughter, riots, batteries, &c. had ever been really occaſioned by the former popular elections, the framers of this act would not have failed to cite the examples; for they could not ſay that any ſuch miſchiefs had ever happened (before that time) but only that they ſhall very likely riſe and be — unleſs convenient and due remedy be provided;’ whereas, ſince their iniquitous remedy hath taken place, all theſe baneful circumſtances do notoriouſly attend it, though the framers of the act could not cite a ſingle example of ſuch miſchief before that unhappy alteration. — It is therefore high time to repeal that act.
It is very eaſy to give hard epithets, without proofs of their propriety and truth.
The value of our Chriſtian brethren before God, both in church and ſtate, is ineſtimable! For, all Chriſtians, that are not convicted of crimes, ought ſurely to be equally eſteemed the adopted brethren of Chriſt, and members of that everlaſting building, the church of God, whereby they are entitled to judge, not only of things in the preſent world, but alſo in that which is to come! For, if they ſhall hereafter have authority even to "JUDGE ANGELS," how much more things that pertain to this life? (1 Cor. vi. 3) For herein conſiſts that NATURAL EQUALITY OF ALL CHRISTIANS, which ſome political writers aff [...]ct to deny.
Memorandum. A militia cannot be free, if the individuals of it are compelled, under the terrors of martial law, to be withdrawn from their families, their ordinary callings, and even from their counties, for ſix months, or more, without return; for, by theſe means, they are withdrawn alſo from their civil capacity in the ſtate, and are apt to become mere ſoldiers, or mercenaries: for, when a man loſes his trade, or ordinary occupation, together with his family and local connexions, on which his maintenance depends, he may juſtly be ſaid to loſe his civil capacity; becauſe he is thereby rendered dependent on his military ſold, or pay, like the common ſoldiers of all ſtanding armies; and, therefore, whenever the public defence requires the national militia to form an army in the field, the ſervice ought to be ſupplied by a regular military roſter, or rotation, circulating monthly, in due and equal proportions, throughout all the counties: by which means no man would be ſo long withdrawn from his home as to be injured either in his family or occupation, and yet the moſt diſtant parts of the kingdom would be defended, by the returning diſciplined troops; and military vigour would be circulated by the roſter (like the blood of life) throughout the whole body of the nation, which would give it (under God) ſuch internal ſtrength as muſt render all attempts of foreign invaders fatal only to themſelves.
In this Parliament it was unanimouſly agreed, by the Prelates, Dukes, Counts, Barons, and Commons, ("et la Commun," and again, "et Communes,") ‘that the ſaid King John, nor no other, could put himſelf, nor his Realm, nor his People, in ſuch Subjection, without their Aſſent ('ſans aſſent de eux'); and, if it was done, it was done without their Aſſent,’ (that is, without the Aſſent of the Common; for the Aſſent of the Barons was expreſſed in the Charter,) ‘and contrary to his Oath at his Coronation,’ p. 14. Whereupon Lord Coke remarks, in the margin, that ‘no King can put himſelf, nor his Realm, nor his People, in ſuch Subjection, without Aſſent of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, &c.
His arbitrary proceedings very ſoon afterwards occaſioned his own Loſs of Power, and total Fjectment from the Throne; ſo that, notwithſtanding his boaſted Firmneſs in executing his favourite meaſures, he was at laſt reduced to the moſt abject acknowledgements of his own unworthineſs to reign.
Writs were iſſued for electing 3 new Parliaments in the 6th year of Edw. III. 2 in his 11th year, 3 in his 12th year, and even 4 in his 14th year; and there appear to have been 2 new Parliaments in the 7th of Rich. II. See Prynne's Brevia Parliamentaria Rediviva, p. 5 & 6.
Viz. the enormous national Debt; the numerous Penſions; the ſecret parliamentary Inſluence; a ſtanding Army of near 100 Battalions of Foot, beſides Cavalry, in time of Peace! [this was firſt printed in 1774] &c. &c. &c. which muſt render the Eſtates and Property of individuals precarious and inſecure, or finally EAT THEM UP with growing burthens, if theſe fatal ſymptoms of the moſt dangerous political conſumption are not ſpeedily checked and thrown off, by the wholeſome preſcriptions of a free and equal Repreſentation of THE PEOPLE annually elected.
See alſo the anſwer of the Commons in 13 Edw. III. (as reported in Sir Robert Cotton's Abridgement of the Records, &c. p. 17.) almoſt in the ſame words.
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Zitationsvorschlag für dieses Objekt
TextGrid Repository (2016). TEI. 5428 The legal means of political reformation proposed in two small tracts viz The first on Equitable representation and the legal means of obtaining it The second on Annual parliaments the ancien. . University of Oxford, License: Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/]. https://hdl.handle.net/11378/0000-0005-DF4D-B