

By which ALL, or MOST, of the Principal Texts of Scripture may be eaſily found out.

BY JOHN BROWN. Miniſter Of the Goſpel at Haddington.

Search the ſcriptures; for—they teſtify of me, John 5. 39.
The Bereans were more noble—in that they—ſearched the ſcriptures daily, Acts 17. 11.

EDINBURGH: Printed by and for GAVIN ALSTON. Sold by J. MATTHEWS, Strand, London. M.DCC.LXXXIII.

To the READER.


(1.) THAT this Concordance doth not pretend to comprehend more than any other larger ones, but to contain the principal ſubſtance of the ſmall in little room. (2.) By obſerving what is One or More principal words of any remembered text, and what are the three firſt letters of them, and ſearching under anſwerable words in the Concordance, the ſentence will be found. (3.) The original words, whether Nouns or Verbs, are marked in CAPITAL or double letters, and theſe derived from them come after in Italics. (4.) Where words are found in many places, the plural is diſtinguiſhed from the ſingular, and the parts of verbs ending in —ed,eſt,eth, from their original. But when the examples are few, no ſuch diſtinction is made, but may be eaſily obſerved. (5.) The Concordant words, except the firſt are marked by the firſt letter a. b. c. &c. and the names of the — mark ſtands for ſeveral words above marked in Italics, divine Perſons by anſwerable capitals. (6.) Even other words, eſpecially names of divine Perſons, are often marked by one or more of their firſt letters, that the ſenſe of the line might be more complete. (7.) Notwithſtanding conſiderable care, both in writing and printing, ſometimes one figure of a number is omitted, as in 4. for 14, or one like figure is put for another as 16. for 26. &c. But by remembering this, the place of the text may be eaſily found.


  • ABASE, make low, &c. Job 40. 11. every one proud a. him Iſ. 31. 4. lion will not a. himſelf Ezek. 21. 26. exalt low and a. high Dan. 4. 37. walk in pride able to a. Mat. 23. 12. himſelf ſhall be abaſed Phil. 4. 12. how to be a. and how to 2 Cor. 11. 7. offence in abaſing myſelf
  • ABBA father, Mark 14. 36. Rom. 8. 15. Gal. 4. 6.
  • ABHOR, greatly hate and lothe. Lev. 26. 11. my ſoul ſhall not a. you 15. If your ſoul a. my judgments 30. my ſoul ſhall a. you Job 30. 10. they a. me, they flee 42. 6. I a. myſelf, and repent in Pſal. 5. 6. Lord will a. bloody men 119. 163. I hate and a. lying Jer. 14. 21. not a. for thy name's ſake Amos 5. 10. they a. him that ſpeaketh 6. 8. I a. the excellency of Jacob Nic. 3. 9. ye that a. judgment Rom. 12. 9. a. that which is evil Exod. 5. 21. made our favour abhorred Lev 26. 43. their ſoul a. my ſtatutes Deut. 32. 19. when the Lord ſaw it he a. 1 Sam. 2. 17. men a. the offering of L. Job 19. 19. all my inward friends a. me Pſal. 22. 24. nor a. affliction of afflicted 78. 59 wroth, and greatly a. Iſrael. 89. 38. haſt caſt off and a. anointed 106. 49. he a. his own inheritance. Prov. 22. 14. a. of the Lord ſhall fall Lam. 2. 7. Lord hath a. his ſanctuary Ezek. 16. 25. made thy beauty a. Zech. 11. 8. their ſoul a. me Rom. 2. 22. thou that abhorreſt idols Job 33. 20. his life abhorreth bread. Pſal. 10. 3. covetous whom Lord a. 36. 4. he a. not evil 107. 18. ſoul a. all manner of meat Iſ. 49. 7. him whom the nation a. 66. 24. be abhorring to all fleſh
  • ABIDE, continue, bear. Exod. 16. 29. Abide every man in place Num. 35. 25. a. in it unto the death of 2 Sam. 11. 11. ark and Iſrael a. in tents Pſ. 15. 1. who ſhall a. in thy tabernacle 61. 4. I will a in thy tabernacle 7. he ſhall a. before God for ever 91. 1. a. under ſhadow of Almighty Prov. 7. 11. her feet a. not in her houſe 16. 23. that hath it ſhall a. ſatisfied Hoſ. 3. 3. ſhall a. for me ma [...]y days 4. Iſrael ſhall a without a king Joel 2. 11. day is terrible who can a. is Mal. 3. 2. who may a. day of his coming Mat. 10. 11. there a till ye go thence Luke 19. 5 to-day I muſt a. at thy houſe John 12. 46. ſhould not a. in darkneſs 14. 16. comforter, that he may a. 15. 4 a in me, and I in you ver. 7. 10. ye ſhall a. in my love Acts 20. 23. afflictions a. me 1 Cor. 3. 14. if any man's work a. 7. 8. it is good if they a. even as I 20. man a. in the ſame calling 24. is called, therein a. with God Phil. 1. 24. to a. in the fleſh is needful 25. know I ſhall a. with you 1 John 2. 24. let that therefore a. in you 27. 28. ye ſhall a in him Pſal. 49. 12. man in honour abideth not 55. 19. even he that a. of old 125. 1. like mount Zion which a. Eccl. 1. 4. the earth a. for ever John 3. 36. wrath of God a. on him 8. 35. ſervant a. not, but the Son a. 12. 24. except it die it a. alone 34. Chriſt a. for ever 15. 5. a. in me brings forth fruit 1 Cor 13. 13. now a. faith, hope, &c. 2 Tim. 2. 13. yet he a. faithful 1 Pet. i. 23. word of God a. for ever 1 John 3. 6. who ſo a. in him ſinneth not 24. hereby we know he a. in us John 5. 38. not his word abiding in you 1 John 3. 15. no murd. hath eter. life a. John 14. 23. make our abode with him
  • ABJECTS, baſe men, Pſal. 35 15.
  • ABILITY, in ſtrength, wealth, &c. Lev. 27. 8. Ezra 2. 69. Neh. 5. 8. Dan. 1. 4. Mat. 25. 15. to every man according to his a. Acts 11. 29. 1 Pet. 4. 11. as of the a. God giveth
  • ABLE men, ſuch as fear God, Ex. 18. 21. Lev. 14. 22. ſuch as he is a. to get Deut. 17. 18. every man give as he is a. 2 Chr. 10. 6. no [...]e is a. to withſtand Ezek. 46. 11. as he is a. to give Dan. 3. 17. our God is a. to deliver us 4. 37. walk in pride he is a. to abaſe Mat. 3. 9. God is a. of theſe ſtones to raiſe up children, Luke 3. 8. [6] Mat. 9. 28. believe ye I am a. to do this 10. 28. are not a. to kill the ſoul 19. 12. a. to receive it let him 20. 2 [...]. are ye a. to drink of cup. Mark 4 [...] 32. as they were a. to hear John 10. 29. no man a. to pluck Rom. 4. 21. promiſed, a. to perform 14 4. God is a. to make him ſtand 1 Cor. 3. 2. neither yet now are ye a. 10. 13. tempted above that ye are a. 2 Cor. 9. 8 a. to make all grace abound Eph. 3. 20. a. to do exceeding abund. Phil. 3. 21. a. to ſubdue all to himſelf 2 Tim 1. 12. a. to keep that commit. [...]3. 15. Scripture a. to make wiſe Heb. 2. 18. a. to ſuccour tempted 5. 7. a. to ſave him from death 7. 25. a. to ſave to the uttermoſt 11. 19. a. to raiſe him from dead Jam. 1. 21. a. to ſave your ſouls 4. 12. a. to ſave alive and deſtroy Jude 24. a. to keep from falling
  • ABOLISHED, made to ceaſe. Iſ. 2. 18. idols he ſhall utterly aboliſh 51. 6. righteouſneſs not be aboliſhed Ezek. 6. 6. your works may be a. 2 Cor. 3. 13 to the end of that a. Eph. 2. 15. having a. in his fleſh 2 Tim. 1. 10. [...]. C. who hath a. death
  • ABOMINABLE, very hateful, Lev. 7. 21 & [...]1. 43. & 18. 30. Iſ. 14. 19. & 65. 4. Jer. 16. 18. 1 Chron. 21. 6. king's word a to Joab Job 15. 16. how much more a. is man Pſ. 14. 1. have done a. works, 53. 1. Jer. 44. 4. do not this a. thing I hate Ezek. 16. 52. thy ſins more a. than Nah. 3. 6. I will caſt a. filth on thee Tit. 1. 16. in works deny him, being a. 1 Pet. 4. 3. walked in a. idolatries Rev. 21. 8. unbelieving and a.
  • ABOMINATION, what is very filthy, hateful, and lothſome, As ſin, Iſ. 66. 3. idols, Exod. 8. 26. Prov. 6. 16. ſeven things a. to the Lord 11. 1. falſe balance is a. to Lord 20. they of froward heart are a. 12. 2. lying lips are a. to Lord 15. 8. ſacrifice of wicked an a. 26 thoughts of wicked are a. 16. 5. proud is a. to the [...]. 3. 32. 20. 23. divers weights are a. to L. 28. 9. his prayer ſhall be a. 29. 27. unjuſt is a. to juſt, &c. Iſ. 1. 13. incenſe is an a. to me Dan. 11. 31. a. that maketh deſolate 12. 11. Mat. 24. 15. Mark 13. 14. Luke 16. 15. is a. in ſight of God Rev. 21. 27. whatſoever worketh a. 2 Kings 21. 2. abominations of heathen Ezra 9. 14. join with people of theſe a. Prov. 26. 25. ſeven a. in his heart Jer. 7. 10. delivered to do all theſe a. Ezek. 16. 2. cauſe Jeruſalem to know her a. 20. 4. & 23. 36 Ezek. 18. 13. done all theſe a ſhall die Dan. [...]. 27 for overſpreading of a. Rev. 17. 5. mother of harlots and a.
  • ABOVE, higher, heaven, upon. John 3. 31. cometh from a. is a. all 8. 23 I am from a. ye from beneath 19. 11. power g [...]ven thee from a. Gal. 4. 26. Jeruſalem which is a. Eph 4. 6 one God who is a. all Col. 3. 1. ſeek things which are a. 2. ſet your affections on things a. Jam 1. 17. every perfect gift from a. 3. 15. 17. wiſdom from a is pure
  • ABOUND, become very full, large, Prov. 8. 24. Rom 3. 7. Prov. 28. 20. faithful ſhall a. bleſſings Mat. 24. 12. becauſe iniquity ſhall a. Rom. 5. 20. offence might a. ſin abounded, grace much more a. 6. 1. continue in ſin that grace a. Cor. 9. 8. able to make all grace a. may a. in every good work Phil. 1. 9. that your love may a. 4. 12. I know how to a. and how 17. fruit that may a. to your acco. 18. I have all and a. 1 Theſſ. 3. 12. L. make you a. in love 2 Pet. 1. 8. theſe things [...]e in you & a. Eph. 1. 8. he hath abounded toward us 1 Cor. 15. 58. alway abounding in Col. 2 7. a. therein with thank [...]giving
  • ABSENT, one from another, Gen. 31. 49. 2 Cor. 10. 1. 1 Cor. 5. 3. as a. in body, but preſent 2 Cor. 5. 6. in body, a. from the L. 8. rather to be a. from [...]ody 9. that whether preſent or a. Col. 2. 5. though I be a. in the fleſh
  • ABSTAIN from, Acts 16. 20. 1 Theſſ. 4. 3. a. from fornication 5. 22. a. from all appearance of evil 1 Tim. 4. 3. command. to a. fr. meats 1 Pet. 2. 11. a. from fleſhly luſts Abſtinence from meat, acts 27. 21,
  • ABUNDANCE, great fulneſs and plenty, Job 22. 11. & 38. 24. Deut. 33. 19. 1 Chron. 22. 3. 4. 14. 15. Deut. 28. 47. for a. of all things Eccl. 5. 10. loveth a. with increaſe 12. a. of the rich will not ſuffer Iſ. 66. 11. delighted with a. of her glory Mat 12. 34. out of a. of the heart the mouth ſpeaketh, Luke 6. 45. 13, 12. ſhall have more a. 25. 29. Mark 12. 24. have caſt in of their a. Luke 12. 15. life conſiſteth not in a. 2 Cor. 8. 2. a. of their ioy abounded 12. 7. through a. of revelations
  • ABUNDANT in goodneſs, truth. Exod. 34. 6. 2 Cor. 4. 15. & 9. 12. 2 Cor. 11. 23. in labours more a. 1 Tim. 1, 14. grace of L. exceeding a. [7] 1 Pet. 1. 3. his a. mercy hath begotten Job 12. 6. God bringeth abundantly Pſ. 26. 8. ſhall be a. ſatisfied with Song [...]. I yea drink a. O beloved Iſ. 55 7. h. will a pardon John 10 10. might have life more a. 1 Cor. 15. 10. laboured more a. than all Eph. 3. 20 able to do exceeding a. Tit. 3. 6 ſhed on us a. through J. C. 2 Pet. 1. 11. entrance miniſtred more a I ABUSE not my power, 1 Cor. 9. 18. 1 Cor 7. 31. uſe world as not abuſing
  • ACCEPT, receive kindly, into favour, Gen. 24. 28. Acts 24. 3. Lev. 26. 41. a puniſh. of iniquity, 43. Deut. 33. 11. a. work of his hands 2 Sam. 24. 23. Lord thy God a. thee Job 13. 8. will ye a. his perſon, 10. 32. 21. let me not a. any m. perſon 42. 8. ſervant Job: him will I a. Pſ. 119. 108. a. free-will offerings of Prov. 18. 5. not good to a. perſon of Ezek. 20. 27. I will a. you [...]aith Lord Mal. 1. 13. ſhould I a. this of your hand Gen. 4. 7. ſhalt thou not be accepted 19. 21. a. thee concerning this Lev. 1. 4. ſhall be a. for atonement Luke 4. 24. no prophet a. in his country Acts 10. 35. worketh righteouſneſs is a. 2 Cor. 5. 9 we may be a. of him 6. 2 heard thee in a time a. 8. 1 [...]. is a. accord. to what man hath Eph. 1. 6. made us a. in the beloved Luke 20. 21. neither accepteſt perſon Job 34. 19. leſs to him—accepteth not Eccl. 9 7. God now a. thy works Hoſ. 8. 13. Lord a. them not Gal. 2 6. God a. no man's perſon Heb. 11. 25. not accepting deliverance Acceptable day to the Lord. Iſ. 58. 5. Pſ. 19. 14. meditation of heart a. Eccl. 12. 10. ſought out a. words Iſ. 49. 8. in an a. time I heard thee 61. 2. to proclaim a. year, Luke 4. 19. Dan. 4. 27. let my counſel be a. Rom. 12. 1. ſacrifice holy a. to God 2. know good & a. will of G. Eph. 5. 10. proving what is a. to Lord Phil. 4. 18. ſacrifice a well pleaſing 1 Pet. 2. 5. a. to God by Jeſus Chriſt Heb. 12. 28. ſerve God acceptably 1 Tim. 1. 15. worthy of all acceptation
  • ACCESS, admiſſion through Chriſt, Rom. 5. 2. Eph. 2. 18. & 3. 12.
  • ACCOMPLISH, perform fully, finiſh. Lev. 22. 21. Job 14. 6. Pſal. 64. 6. a. a diligent ſearch Iſ. 55. 11. it ſhall a. that I pleaſe Ezek. 6. 12. thus will I a. my fury Dan. 9. 2. would a. ſeventy years Luke 9. 31. deceaſe would a. at Jeruſ. 2 Chr. 36. 22. word L. be accompliſhed Pr. 13. 17. deſire a. is ſweet to ſoul I [...]. 40. 2. her warfare is a. her ſin is Luke 12. 50. am I ſtraitened till it be a. John 19. 28. all things were now a. 1 Pet. 5. 9. ſame affliction a. in breth. Heb. 9. 6. accompliſhing ſervice of G.
  • ACCORD, hearty agreement. Acts 1. 14. & 2. 1. 46. & 4. 14. & 15. 25. Phil. 2. 2. of one a. of one mind
  • ACCOUNT, reckoning, eſteem. Job 33. 13. giveth not a. of his matters Pſ. 144. 3 that makeſt a. of him Eccl. 7. 27. to find out the a. Mat. 12. 36. give a. in day of judgment 18. 23. would take a. of his ſervants Luke 16. 2. give a. of thy ſtewardſhip Rom. 14. 12. give a. of himſelf to God Phil. 4. 17. fruit may abound to your a. Heb. 13. 17. watch for ſouls as give a. 1 Pet. 4. 5. ſhall give a. to him that Pſ. 22. 30. accounted to L. for genera. Iſ. 2. 22. wherein is he to be a. of Luke 20. 35. a. worthy to obtain world 21. 36. a. worthy to eſcape 22. 24. which ſhould be a. greateſt Gal. 3. 6. a. to him for righteouſneſs Heb. 11. 19. accounting G. able to raiſ.
  • ACCURSED, devoted to ruin. Deut. 21. 23. hanged is a. of God Joſh. 6. 18. keep yourſelf from a. thing Iſ. 65. 20. ſinner 100 years ſhall be a. Rom. 9. [...]. wiſh myſelf a. from Chriſt 1 Cor. 12. 3. no man by Sp. calls Jeſ. a. Gal. 1. 8. 9. preach other goſpel be a.
  • ACCUSATION. Ezra 4. 6. Mat. 27. 37 Luke 6. 7. & 19. 8. John 18 29. Acts 25. 18. 1 Tim. 5. 1. againſt elder receive not a. 2 Pet, 2, 11. bring not railing a. June 9.
  • ACCUSE, charge with crimes. Prov. 30. 10. a. not ſervant to maſter Luke 3, 14. neither a. any falſely John 5. 45. that I'll a. you to Father 1 Pet. 3. 16. falſely a. good converſat. Tit 1. 3. not accuſed of riot Rev. 12. 10. a. them before our God accuſer of brethren is caſt down Acts 25. 16 have accuſers face to face 2 Tim. 3. 3. falſe a. Tit. 2. 3. John 5. 45. one that accuſ [...]th you Rom. 2. 1 [...]. thoughts accuſing or exc.
  • ACCUSTOMED, Jer. [...]3 23
  • ACKNOWLEDGE, own, confeſ [...] Deut. 33. 9. neither did he a brethren Pſ. 51. 3. I a. my tranſgreſſion Prov 3. 6. in all thy ways a him Iſ. 33. 13. ye are ne [...]r, a. my might 63. 16. though Iſrael a. us not Jer. 3. 13. only a. thine iniquity 14. 20. we a. our wickedneſs Hoſ. 5. 15. until they a. their offence 1 Cor. 16. 18. a. them that are ſuch Pſ. [...]2. 5. I acknowledged my ſin 1 John 2. 23. that acknowledgeth Son 2 Tim. 2 25. acknowledging the truth Tit. 1 1. a. of truth after godlineſs Col. 2. 2. acknowledgement of myſtery
  • ACQUAINT thyſelf wt. him, Job 22, 21. [8] Pſ. 1 [...]. 3. acquainted with my ways Iſ. 53. 3. a. with grief. Acquaintance. familiar friends or companions. Job 19. 13. & 42. 11. Pſ. 31. 11. Pſ. 55. 13. 88. 8. 18.
  • ACQUIT, hold innocent, Job 10. 14. Nah. 1. 3 will not at all a. wicked.
  • ACTS of the Lord. Deut. 11. 3. 7. Iſ. 28 21. a. his ſtrange a. John 8 4. taken in adult. very a. Jude 5. 11. rehearſe right. acts of L. 1 Sam. 12. 7. reaſon of all right. a. of L. Pſ. 106. 2. utter mighty acts of L. 145. 6. ſpeak of thy mighty a. 150. 2. praiſe him for his mighty a.
  • ACTIONS weighed, 1 Sam. 2. 3.
  • ACTIVITY men of, Gen. 47. 6.
  • ADAMANT, Ezek 3. 9. Zech. 11. 12.
  • ADD fifth part, Lev. 5, 16. & 6. 5. & 27 13. 15. 19. 27. 31. Deut. 4. 2. ſhall not a. to the word 29. [...]9. a. drunkenneſs to thirſt 1 Kings 12. 11 I'll a. to your yoke Pſ. 69. 27. a. iniquities to their iniquity Prov. 30. 7. a. not to his words Iſ. 30. 1. may a. ſin to ſin Mat. 6. 27. can a. one cubit, Luke 12. 27. Phil. 1. 16. to a. affliction to my bonds. 2 Pet. 1. 5. a. to your faith virtue Rev. 22. 18. If any man a. G. ſhall a. Deut. 5. 22. he added no more 1 Sam. 12. 19. a. to all our ſins this Jer. 36. 32. were a. many like words 45. 3. a. grief to my ſorrow Mat. 6. 33. all theſe things ſhall be a. Luke 12. 31. be added to you Acts 2. 41. ſame [...]ay were a. 3000 47. L. a. to church ſuch as ſh. 5. 14. believers were more a. to L. 11. 24. much people was a. to L Gal. 3. 19. Law was a. becauſe of tranſ. Prov. 10. 22. addeth no ſorrow with it
  • ADDER, poiſonous ſerpent. Gen. 49. 17 Pſal. 58. 4. & 91. 13. & 1. 10. 3. Prov. 23. 32. Iſ 14. 29.
  • ADDICTED, gave up, 1 Cor. 16. 15.
  • ADJURE, charge under pain of God's curſe, 1 Kings 22. 16. 2 Chron. 18. 15. Mat. 26. 63. Mark 5. 7. Act 19. 13. Joſh 6. 26 1 Sam. 14. 24.
  • ADMINISTRATION, 1 Cor. 12. 15. 2 Cor. 0. 12. & 8. 19 20. adminiſtred
  • ADMIRATION, high eſteem, Jude 16. or, wonde [...] & amazement, Rev. 17. 6. 2 Theſ [...] 10. admired in -that believe
  • ADMONISH, warn, reprove, Rom. 15. 14 able to a. one another 1 Theſ 5. 12. over you, & a. you 2 Theſ. 3. 15 a. him as a brother Ecl. 12. 12. by theſe be admoniſhed 4. 13. fooliſh King will no more be a. Jer. 42. [...]9. know that I have a. you. Act 27. 19 Paul a. them Heb. 8. 5. as Moſes was a. of God, Col. 3. 16. admoniſhing one another 1 Cor. 10. 11. written for our admonition Eph. 6. 4. bring them in the a. of the L. Tit. 3. 10. after 2d & 3d a. reject
  • ADOPTION, putting among God's child. Jer. 19. 3. 19. 2 Cor. 6. 18. Rom. 8. 15. receive ſpirit of a. 23. a. redemption of our body 9. 4. to whom pertaineth the a. Gal. 4. 5. might receive a of ſons Eph. 1. 5. predeſtinated to a. of child.
  • ADORN, deck out, Iſ. 61. 10. Jer. 31. 4. Luke 21. 5. 1 Tim. 29. women a. themſelves in modeſt apparel, 1 Pet. 3. 5 Tit. 2. 16. a. doctrine of God Saviour Rev. 21. 2. as a bride a. for her huſband 1 Pet. 3. 5. whoſe adorning let it not
  • ADVANTAGE hath Jew, Rom. 3. 1. 2 Cor. 2. 11. leſt Satan get an a. Luke 9. 25. what is a man advantaged.
  • ADVERSARY, oppoſer, enemy. Exod. 23. 22. I will be a. to thy a. 1 Kings 5. 4. neither a. nor evil occurrent Job 31. 35 my a had written a book Mat. 5. 25. agree with thy a. quickly Luke 18. 3. avenge me of mine a. 1 Tim, 5. 14. give no occaſion to a. 1 Pet. 5. 8 your a. the devil is a roring 1 Sam. 2. 10. adverſaries of L. broken Lam. 1. 5. her a. are the chief Luke 21 15. all your a. not be able 1 Cor. 16. 9. and there are many a. Pſ. 1. 28. in nothing terrified by your a. Heb. 10. 27. ſhall devour the a.
  • ADVERSITY, affliction, miſery. 2 Sam. 4. 9. redeem my ſoul from all a. Pſ. 10. 6 I ſhall never be in a. 31. 7. haſt known my ſoul in a. 35. 15. in my a. they rejoiced 94. 13. give reſt from days of a. Prov. 17. 17. brother is born for a. 24. 10. if thou faint in day of a. Eccl. 7. 14. in day of a. conſider. Iſ. 30. 20. give you the bread of a. 1 Sam. 10. 15. ſaved you out of all a. 2 Chron. 15. 6. God did vex with all a.
  • ADVICE Judg. 19. 30. 1 Sam. 25. 33. 2 Sam. 19. 43. Prov. 20. 18.
  • ADULTERER put to death, Lev. 20. 10. Job. 24. 15. eye of a. waits for twilight Iſ. 57. 3. ſeed of a. & whore Jer. 23. 10. land is full of adulterers 5. 2. Hoſ 7. 4. be all a. Mal. 3. 5 I'll be ſwift witneſs againſt a. 1 Cor. 6. 6. neither a. ſhall inherit K. Heb. [...]3. 4 whorem. [...] a. God will judge James 4. 4. ye a. & adultereſſes Prov. 6. 26. adultreſs will hunt for life 32. commits adultery lacks under Mat. 5. 28. committeth a in his heart 2 Pet. 2. 14. having eyes full of a. Mat. 15. 19. out of heart proceed adulteries, fornications, Mark 7. 21. Prov. 30. 20. way of adulterous woman Mat. 12. 39 adulterous generation ſeeketh a ſign, 16. 4. Mark 8. 38. Advocate with Father, 1 John 2. 1.
  • [9]AFAR off, Gen. 22. 4. & 37. 18. Pſal. [...]5. 5. 138. 6. proud he knoweth a. 139. 2. underſt [...]ndeſt my thoughts a. Jer. 23. 23. at hand, not a God a. Acts 2 39. promiſe is to all a. & Eph. 2. 17. preached peace to you a. Heb 11. 13. having ſeen promiſes a. 2 Pet 1. 9 blind, and cannot ſee a.
  • AFFAIRS, Pſal. 11 [...]. 5. [...] Tim. 2. 4.
  • AFFECT, incline, move. Gal. 4. [...]7. they zealouſly a. you 18. good to be zealouſly affected Lam. 3. 51. mine eye affecteth my heart Rom. 1. 31. natural affection Col. 3. 5. mortify inordinate a. Rom. 1. 26 them up to vile affections Gal. 5. 24. crucify fleſh, with a. Rom. 12. 10 be kindly affectioned 1 Theſſ. 2. 8. affectionately deſirous
  • AFFINITY, relation by marriage, 1 Kings 3. 1. 2 Chron. 18. i. Ezra 9 4.
  • AFFLICT, grieve, trouble, Gen. 15. 13. Exod. 1. 11. & 22. 22. Lev. [...]6. 29. 31. ſhall a. your ſouls 23. 27. 32. Numb. 29. 7. & 35. 13. Ez. 8. 21. that we might a. ourſelves Iſ. 58. 5. day for a man to a. his ſoul Lam 3. 33. doth not a. willingly 2 Sam. 22. 28. afflicted people thou wilt ſave, Pſ. 18. 27. Job 6. 14. to a. pity ſhould be ſhewed 34. hears the cry of the a. Pſ. 22. 24. not abhorred affliction of a. 119. 67. before I was a. I went aſtray 71. it is good that I have been a. 75. in faithfulneſs haſt a. me 107. I am very much a. 140. 12. wilt maintain cauſe of a. Prov. 15. 15. all days of a. are evil Iſ. 49 13. he will have mercy on a. 53. 5. ſmitten of God and a. 7 he was oppreſſed and a. 58. 10. ſatisfy the a. ſoul Mic. 4. 6. gather her I have a. Jam. 5. 13. is any a. let him pray. Ex. 3. 8. ſeen affliction of people 2 Kings 14. 26. Lord ſaw a of Iſrael Job 5. 6 a. cometh not out of duſt 36. 8 holden in cords of a 15. delivereth poor in his a. 21 this choſen rather than a. Pſ. 25. 18 look on my a. & pain 107. 10. [...]ound in a. and iron 39 brought low through a. 119. 50. this is my comfort in a. 92. ſhould have periſhed in a. Iſ. 48 10. choſen thee in furnace of a. 63. 9. in all their a. he was afflicted Hoſ. 5. 15. in their a. they will ſeek Am. 6. 7. not grieved for a. of Joſeph Obad. 13. not have looked on their a. Nah. 1. 9. a. riſe not up ſecond time Z [...]ch. 1. 15. helped forward the a. 2 Cor. 4. 17, our light a. which is Phil. 4. 14. communicate with my a. 1 Theſſ. 1. 6. received word in much a. Heb. 11. 25. chooſing rather a with Jam. 1. 27. to viſit fatherleſs in their a. Pſ 34. 19 many are afflictions of right. 132. 1 remember David and all his a. Acts 7. 10. deliver him out of all a. 20. [...]3. bonds and a. abide me Col. 1. 24. which is behind of a. of Ch. 1 Theſſ. 3. 3 no man moved by theſe a. 2 Tim. 1. 8. partaker of a. of goſpel Heb 10. 32. endured great fight of a. 1 Pet. 5. 9. the ſame a. accompliſhed
  • AFRAID, Lev. 26. 6. Num. 12. 8. Job. 13. 21. Pſ. 56. 3. & 119. 20. Not be afraid, Pſ. 56. 11. & 112. 7. Iſ. 12. 2. Mat. 14. 27. Mark 5. 36. Luke 12. 4. 1 Pet. 3. 6. 15. Heb 11 23.
  • AFRESH crucify Son of God, Heb. 6. 9.
  • AGE is as nothing before thee. Pſ. 39. 5. Jo [...] 5. 26. come to grave in full a. John 9. 21. he is of a. aſk him Heb. 5. 14 ſtrong meat to thoſe of full a. 11. 11. Sarah when ſhe was paſt a. Tit. 2. 2. 3 aged men be ſober Ages, Eph. 2. 7. & 3 5. [...]3. 21. Col. 1. 20 myſtery hid from a.
  • AGREE, Amos 3. 3. Acts 5. 9. Mat 5, 25. a. with adverſary quickly 18. 19. if two ſhall a. on earth 1 John 5. 8. theſe three a. in one Am. 2. 3. walk together except agreed Iſ. 28. 15. with hell at agreement 2 Cor. 6 16. what a. has temple of G.
  • AIR, 1 Cor. 9. 26. & 14. 9. Eph. 2. 2. 1 Theſſ. 4. 17. Rev. 9. 2. & 16. 7.
  • ALIEN, ſtranger, Exod. 18. 3. Job 19. 15. Pſ. 69. 8. heathens, Deut. 14. 21. Iſ. 61. 5. Lam. 5. 5. 2. Heb. 11. 34. Eph. 2. 12. a. from common w. of Iſrael Eph. 4. 18. alienated from life of God. Col. 1. 21. were ſometimes a.
  • ALIVE, Gen. 12. 12. Num. 22. 33. Rom. 6. 11. a. to God through J. Chr. 1 Sam. 2. 6. kills and makes a. 15. 8. he took Agag a. Luke 15. 24. Son was dead and is a. Rom. 6. 13. as thoſe a. from the dead 7. 9. I was a. without the law once 1 Cor. 15. 22. Chriſt ſhall all be made a. 1 Theſſ. 4. 15. 17. we who are a. & rem. Rev. 1. 18 I am a for evermore 2. 8. was dead, and is a.
  • ALLEDGING, Acts 17. 3.
  • ALLEGORY, Gal. 4. 24.
  • ALLOW deeds of fathers. Luke 11. 48. Acts 24. 15. which themſelves a. Rom. 7. 15. what I do I a. not 14. 22. in that which he alloweth 1 Theſſ. 2. 4. as we are allowed of God
  • ALLURE, Hoſ. 2. 14. 2 Pet. 2. 18.
  • ALMS, Acts 3. 2. 3. & 21. 17. Mat 6. 1. do not your a before men Luke 11. 41. give a. of ſuch things Luke 12. 32. ſell that ye have give a. [10] Acts 10. 2. gave much a. to people 4. thy a. are come up for memorial 9. 26. Dorcas hill of a. deeds
  • ALMIGHTY GOD. Gen. 17. 1. & 28 3. & 35. 11. & 43. 14. & [...]8. 3. Exod. 6. 3. 2 Cor. 6. 18. Rev. 4. 8. & 15. 3. & 16. 14. & 19. 15. & [...]1. 22. Job 15. 15. what is A. that we ſerve 22. 25. A. ſhall be thy defence 26 ſhalt have delight in A. Pſ. 91. 1. under ſhadow of A. Rev. 1. 8. is to come, the A.
  • ALMOST all things, Heb. 9. 22. Exod. 17. 4. a. ready to ſtone me Pſ. 73. 2. my feet were a. gone 94. 47. Soul had a. dwelt in ſilence Pro. 5. 14 was a. in all evil in congr. Acts 26. 28. a. perſuade me to be C.
  • ALONE, Gen. 32. 24. Deut. 32. 12. Lord a. did lead them Gen. 2. 18. not good for man to be a. Num. 23. 9. people dwell a. D. 33. 28. Pſ. 136. 4. a. doth great wonders Eccl. 4. 18. wo to him that is a. Iſ. 5. 8. that they may be placed a. 63. 3. trodden wine preſs a. John 3. 16. I am not a. 16. 32. 17. 20. neither pray I for theſe a. Gal. 6. 4. rejoicing in himſelf a. Ex. 32. 10. let me a. that my wrath Hoſ. 4. 17. Ephraim idols let him a. Mat. 15. 14. let them a.— [...]e blind
  • ALTAR, Deut. 7. 5. & 12. 3. A. to L. Gen. 8. 20. & 12. 7. & 22. 9. & 35 1. 3. Ex. 30. 27. 40 10. Judg. 6. 24. thrown down a. of Baal. 1 K [...]ngs 13. 3. Cried agt. a. [...] 2. a. Pſ. 26. 6. So will I compaſs thy a. 43. 4. will I go to a. of God Mat. 5. 23. if bring gift to a. and Acts 17. 23. found a. with inſcript. 3 Cor. 9. 13. wait at a. partakers of 2. 10. 18. Heb. 13. 10. we have an a. whereof. Rev. 6. 9. Saw under a. ſouls of 8. 3. & 9. 13. golden a.
  • ALWAY, Deut. 7. 20. Job 7 16. Gen. 6. 3. my Spirit not a. ſtrive Deut. 14. 23. learn to fear L. a. 1 Chr. 16. 15. be mindful a. of coven. Job 27. 10. will he a. call on God 32. 9. great men are not a. wiſe. Pſ. 9. 18. needy not a. be forgotten. 16. 8. I ſet L. a. before me. 103, 9. he will not a. c [...]ide Pr. 5. 19. raviſht a. with her love 28. 14 happy man that feareth a. Iſ. 57. 16. neither will I be a. wroth. Mat. 26. 11. have poor a. with you. 28. 20. I am with you a. to end Luke 18. 1. men ought a. to pray John 8. 29. I do a. things to pleaſe him 11. 42. I know thou heareſt me a. Acts 10. 2. Cornel. prayed to G. a. 2 Cor 6. 10. yet a. rejoicing Eph. 6. 18. praying a. with all prayer. Phil. 4. 4. rejoice in the Lord a. Col. 4. 6. ſpee [...]h be a. with grace I AM that I AM, Exod. 3. 14. Rev. 1. 8. Ambaſſador Prov. 13. 17. Iſ. 33. 7. 2 Cor. 5. 20. Eph. 6. 20.
  • AMEN ſo come Lord Jeſus, Rev. 22. 20. 2 Cor. 1. 20. promiſes in him a. Rev. 3. 14. theſe things ſaith the a.
  • AMEND your ways Jer. 7. 35. & 26. 13. your doings 35. 15.
  • AMIABLE thy tabernacles, Pſ 84. 1.
  • AMISS, 2 Chr. 6. 37. Luke 23. 41. James 4. 3 Dan. 3. 29. With ANCIENT is wiſdom. Job 12. 12. Dan. 7 9. the Ancient of days did ſit Pſ. 119. 100. I underſtand more than a.
  • ANGEL. Angel who redeemed me Gen. 48. 16. 24. 7. ſend his angel before me Exod. 23. 23. my a. ſhall go before thee Iſ. 63. 9. a. of his preſence ſaved Dan. 3. 28. ſent his a. and delivered 6. [...]2. ſent a. and ſhut lions mouth. Hoſ. 12. 4. had power over the a. John 5. 4. a. went down at ſeaſon. Acts 6. 1 [...]. Stephen as face of an a. 25. 8. Sadd. ſay neither a. nor ſpirit. Angel of the Lord, Pſ. 34. 7. Zech 1 [...]. 8. Acts 5. 19. & 12. 7. 23. Job 4. 18 his angels charged with folly Pſ. S. 5. little lower than a. 68. 17. chariots of G. thouſands a. 78. 25. man did eat a. food 103. [...]0. his a. excel in ſtrength 104. 4. maketh his a. ſpirits Mat. 4. 11. a. came and miniſtered 13. 39. reapers are the a. 18. 10. their a. alway behold 24. 36. no not the a. in heaven. 25. 31. all holy a. with him, 24. 31. Mar. 12. 25. are as a. in heaven. 13. 32. Luke 20. 36. equal to the a. Acts 7. 53. the law, by diſpoſition of a. 1 Cor. 6. 3. we ſhall judge a. Col. 2. 18 beguile worſhipping of a. 2 Theſ. 1. 7. with his mighty a. 1 Tim. 3. 16. ſeen of a. preached Heb. 2. 16. took not the nature of a. 12. 22. to an innum. company of a. 13. 2. entertained a. unawares 1 Pet. 1. 12. a. deſire to look into 2 Pet. 2. 4. G. ſpared not a. that ſinned 11. a. greater in power and might Jude 6. a. who kept not their firſt ſtate Rev. 1. 20. angels of ſeven churches Angels of God Gen. 28 12. & 32. 1. Matth 22. 30. Luke 12. 8. & 15. 10. John 1. 51.
  • ANGER, of the L. wax hot, Exod. 32. 22. Deut. 29. 24. means heat of this a. Joſh. [...]. 26. from fierceneſs of a. Job 9. 13. if G. will not withdraw a. Pſ. 27. 9. put not away ſervant in a. [11] Pſ. 30. 5 his a. endures but moment 37. 8. ceaſe from a. & wrath 77 9. hath h [...]n a. ſhut up 78. 38. turned he h [...]s a. away 50. he made a way for his a. 85. 4. cauſe a toward us to ceaſe. 90 7 we are conſumed by thy a. 11. who knows power of thy a. 103. 9. keep a. forever Jer. 3. 5. 12. Eccl. 7. 9. a. teſts in the boſom of fools. Iſ. 5. 25. for all this his a. is not turned away, 9. [...]. 17. 21. & 10 4. Hoſ. 11 9. not execut. fierceneſs of a. 14. 4. my a. is turned away from him Mic. 7. 18. retaineth not a. for ever Nah. 1. 6. can abide fierceneſs of a. Eph. 4. 31. let all a. be put away Col. 3. 8 put off all theſe a. wrath Slow to a. Neh. 9. 17. Pſ. 103. 8. Joel 2. 13. Jon. 4. 3. Nah. 1. 3. Jam. 1. 19. Pſ. 106. 32. they angered him at waters. Gen. 18. 30 let not Lord be angry Deut. 1. 39. L. was a. with me for 9. 20. L. was a. with Aaron 1 King 11. 9. L. was a. with Solmon Ezra 9. 14. wouldſt not be a with us. Pſ. 2. 12. kiſs ſon leſt he be a. 7. 11. G is a. wt. wicked every day. 76. 7. who may ſtand when thou a. Pr. 14. 17. is ſoon a. dealeth fooliſhly Pr. 22. 24. no friendſhip wt a. man 2 [...]. 2 [...]. a. man ſtirreth up ſtriſe Eccl. 7. 9. be not haſty to be a. Song 1. 6. mothers childr. were a. Iſ. 12. 1. tho' thou waſt a. with me Jon. 4. [...]. I do well to be a. even Mat. 5. 22. whoſo is a. with brother Eph. 4. 2 [...] be a. & ſin not Tit. 1. 7. biſhop muſt not be ſoon a.
  • ANGUISH, exceſſive pain. Gen. 42. 21. ſaw the a. of his ſoul Exod. 6. 9. harkened not for a. of ſpir. Pſ. 119. 143. trouble and a. take hold Jer. 6. 24 a. taken hold of us John 16. 21. rememb. not a. for joy Rom. 2 9. tribulat. & a. on every ſoul
  • ANCHOR Acts 27. 30. Heb. 6. 19.
  • ANOINT, rub with oil, appoint to, qualify for office of king, prieſt, prophet, Exod. 28. 41. Dan. 9. 24. to a. the moſt holy. Amos 6. 6. a. with chief ointments Mat. 6. 17. when faſteſt a thy head Rev. 3. 18. a. eyes with eye ſalve 1 Sam. 24. 9. anointed o [...] Lord Pſ. 45. 7. a. thee with oil of gladneſs Iſ. 61. 1. L. a. me to preach, Luke 4. 18. Zech. 4. 14. two a. ones before L. Acts 4. 27. Jeſus whom thou haſt a. 10. 38. how G. a. Jeſus of Nazareth 2 Cor. 1. 21 who hath a. us is God Pſ. 2. 2. Lord and his a. 18. 50. 2 Sam 22. 51. 1 Sam. 2. 10. Pſ. 20. 0. & 28. 8. 1 Chron. 16. 22. touch not my a. Pſ. 105. 15. & 13 [...]. 17. 2 Chron. 6. 4 [...] turn not away face of thy a. Pſ. 132. 10. & 84. 9. & 89. 38. 51. H [...]b. 3. 13. Pſ. 23 5. an [...]inteſt my head with oil. Iſ. 20. 27. becauſe of anointing or oil 1 John 2. 27 the a teacheth all Jam. [...]. 14. a. him with oil.
  • ANSWER, Gen. 41. 16. Deut. 20. 11. Pr. 16. 1. a. of tongue from the L. Job 19. 16. he gave me no a. Pr. 15 1. Soft a. turns away wrath Song 5. 6. he gave me no a. Mic. 3. 7. there is no a. of God. Rom. 11. 4. what ſaith the a. of God. 2 Tim. 4. 16. at my firſt a. no man. 1 Pet. 3. [...] ready to give an a. to 21. the a. of a good conſcience Job 40. 4. what ſhall I a. thee Pſ. 10. 2. 2. a. me ſpeedily 143. 1. in thy faithfulneſs a. me. Pr. 6. 4. 5. a. fool accord. to his fully Iſ. 14. 32. what ſhall one then a. meſſ. 50. 2. when I called was none to a. 58. 9. ſhalt call and Lord ſhall a. 66. 4. when I [...]a [...]led n [...]ne did a. Dan. 3. 16. not careful to a thee Mat. 25. 37. then ſhall righteous a. L. Luke 12. 11. what thing ye ſhall a. 13. 25. he ſhall a. I know you not 21. 14. meditate not what to a. 2 Cor. 5. 12. have ſome what to a. them Col. 4. 6. know how to a. every man. Job 14. 15. thou ſhalt call and I will a. Job. 13. 22. Pſ. 9. 15. Iſ. 65. 24. Jer. 33. 3. Ezek. 14. 4. 7. Job 9. 3. he cannot a. one of, 40. 5. Pr. 1. 28. Iſ. [...]6. 21. & 65. 12. Pſ. 18. 41. to L but he a. not 81 1 [...]. I a. thee in ſecret place [...]9. 6. called on the Lord and he a. Pr. 18 [...]3. rich anſwereth roughly 13. he that a. matter befo [...]e heareth 27. 19. as face a. to face in a glaſs Eccl. 10. 9. money a. all things Gal. 4. 25. a. to Jeruſalem that now is Tit. 2. 9. not anſwering again.
  • ANT, Pr 6. 6. & 30. 25.
  • ANTICHRIST, 1 John 2. 18. 22. & 4. 3. 2 John 7.
  • APART, Pſ. 4. 3. Zech. 12. 12. Jam. 1. 21.
  • APOSTLE, miniſter ſent by God, or Chriſt, infallibly to preach the goſpel, and found churches, Rom. 1. 1. 1 Cor. 1. 1. & 12. 28. Rom. 11. 13. I am a. of Gentiles. 1 Cor. 9 1. am not I a. free. 2. 15. 19. not meet to be called an a. 12. 12. ſigns of an a wrought Heb. 3. 1. conſider the A. and high prieſt Mat. 10. 2. names of the 12. apoſtles Luke 11. 49. I will ſend prophets & a. 1 Cor. 4. 9. G. hath ſent forth us a. 15. [12] [...] Cor 15. 9. I am leaſt of the a. 2 Cor. 11. 13. ſuch are falſe a. Eph. 2. 20. built [...]n foundation of a. 4. 11. gave ſome a. ſome prophets Rev. 2. [...] [...]ay they are a [...] are not 18. 20. holy a. & prophets. Eph. 3. 5. 22. [...]4, names of 12 a of the Lamb Acts 1. 25 part of this apoſtleſhip. Rom. 1. 5 received grace and a. 1 Cor. 9. 2. ſeal of my a. are ye. Gal. 2 8 to a of circumciſion
  • APPAREL, Iſ. 63. [...]. Zeph. [...] 8. 1 Tim. 2. 9. 1 Pet. 3 3. Jam. 2 2
  • APPEAR, Gen. 1. 9. Heb. 11. 3. Ex. 23. 15. None ſhall a. before me empty, 34. 2 [...]. Deut 10. 16. 1 Sam. 2. 27 did I a to houſe of father 2 Chron. 1. 7. did God a. to Solomon Pſ. 42 2. when ſhall I a. before God 90. 16. let work a. to ſervants. Iſ. 1. 12. when ye a. before me who 66. 5. ſhall a. to your joy, but they Mat. 6. 16. may a. to men to faſt 23. 27. a. beautiful outwardly Luke 19 11. K. of G. immediately a. Rom. 7. 13. ſin that it might a. ſin 2 Cor. 5. 10. we muſt all a. bef. judgt. Col. 3. 4. when Chriſt ſhall a. ye alſo a. 1 Tim. 4. 15. thy profiting a. to all Heb. 9. 24. to a. in preſ. of God for us. 28. a. 2d. time without ſin to ſalv. 1 Pet. 5. 4 when chief ſheph. ſhall a. 1 John 3. 2. not yet a. what we ſhall be Tit. 2. 11. grace hath a. to all men Heb. 9. 26, he a. to put away ſin. 1 Sam. 16. 7. man looks,—appearance John 9. 24. judge not according to a. 1 Theſ. 5. 22. abſtain from all a. of evil 1 Tim. 6. 14. till a of our Lord J. C. 2 Tim. 1. 10. manifeſt by a. of J. C. 4. 1. judge quick and dead at his a. 8. all them that love his a. Tit 2. 13. look for glorious a. of God 1 Pet. 1. 7. unto praiſe at a. of Jeſus
  • APPETITE Pr. 23. 2. Iſ. 29. 8.
  • APPLE of eye, Deut. 32. 10. Pſ. 17. 8. Pr. 7. 2. Lam. 2. 18. Zech. 2. 8. Apple-tree, Song 2. 3 & 8. 5. Apples, Pr. 25. 11. Song 2. 5. & 7. 8.
  • APPLY heart to wiſdom, &c. Pſ. 90. 12. Pr. 2. 2. & 22. 17. & 23. 12. Eccl. 7. 25. & 8. 9. 16. Hoſ. 7. 6.
  • APPOINT, Gen. 43. 42. & 30. 28. Iſ. 61. 3 a. to them that mourn in Zion Iſ. 26. 1. ſalvation will G. a. for walls Mat. 24. 51. a. him portion with hyp. Luke 22. 29. I a. unto you a kingdom. Job 7. 1. is there not appointed time 14. 14. all the days of my a. time 30. 23. to houſe a. for all living Pſ. 79. 11. preſerve thoſe a. to die Jer. 5. 24. reſerve a. weeks for harveſt Mic. 6. 9. hear rod, and him who a. it Hab. 2. 3. viſion is for an a. time 1 Theſſ. 5. 9. God has not a. us to wra Heb. 9. 27. a. to men once to die 1 Pet. 2. 8. whereunto they were a,
  • APPREHEND, take faſt hold of. Phil. 3 2. 13 Acts 2. 4. 2 Cor [...]. 32.
  • APPROACH, come near to, marry Lev. 1 [...]. [...]. a. none near of kin, 20. 16. Iſ. 65. 4. bleſſed whom cauſeſt to a. Jer [...]0. 21. engageth heart to a. to me 1 Tim. 6. 16. light to which none can a. Iſ. 58. 2. delight in approaching to G. Heb. 10 2 [...] as we ſee the day a.
  • APPROVE, like, commend. Pſ. 49 1 [...]. poſterity a. their ſayings Phil. 1. 10. may a. things excellent Acts 2. [...]2 man approved of God Rom 14. 18. acceptable t [...] God, a. of 16. 10. Apelles a. in Chriſt 1 Cor. 11. 9 are a. may be manifeſt 2 Tim. 2. 15. ſhew thyſelf a. to God Rom. 2. 18. approv [...]ſt things excellent Lam. 3. 36. to ſubvert L. approveth not 1 Cor 6. 4. in all things approving our
  • APT to teach, 1 Tim. 3. 2 2 Tim. 2. 24.
  • ARAY, in order of battle, 2 Sam. 10. 9. Job 6. 4. Jer. 50. 14. Aray, to clothe, [...]th. 6. 9. Job 40. 10. Jer. 43. 12. Mat. 6. 29. 1 Tim. 2. 9. Rev 7. 13. & 17. 4. & 19. 8.
  • ARE ſeven years, Gen. 42. 26. 27. 1 Cor. 1. 28. to bring to nought that a. 30. of him a. ye in Chriſt Jeſus 8. 6. of whom a. all things Heb. 21 10. for and by whom a. all Rev. 1. 19. write things that a. 20. a. angels; a. ſeven churches
  • ARGUE, Job 6. 25. and 23. 4.
  • ARIGHT ſet not heart, Pſ. 78. 8. 50. 23. ordereth converſation a. Prov. 15. 2. uſeth knowledge a. Jer. 8. 6. they ſpake not a.
  • ARISE for our help, Pſ. 44. 26. 1 Chron. 22. 16. a. be doing, & L. with Pſ. 68. 1. let God a. and enemies be ſeat Am. 7. 2. by whom ſhall Jacob a. 5. Mic. 7. 8. when I fall I ſhall a. Mal. 4. 2. Sun of righteouſneſs a. with Pſ. 112. 4. to upright ariſeth light Mat. 13. 21. perſecution a. becauſe
  • ARM of fleſh with him, 2 Chr. 32. 8. Job. 40. 9. haſt thou an a. like God Pſ. 44. 3. own a. did not ſave them 89. 13. haſt a mighty a. ſtrong Iſ. 33. 2. be thou their a. every 51. 5. mine arms ſhall judge: on my a. 9. put on ſtrength a. of Lord. 52. 10. Lord made bare his holy a. 53 1. a. of Lord revealed, John 12 38. 62. 8. L. hath ſworn by a. of ſtrength 63. 12. led them by his glorious a. His arm, Pſal. 98. 1. Iſ. 40. 10. 11. & 59. 16. Jer. 17. 5. Ezek. 31. 17. Zech. 11. 17. Luke 1. 51. Stretched out arm, Exod. 6. 6. Deut. 4. 34. & 5. 15. & 7. 19. 11. 2. & 26. 8. 2 Chron. 6. 32. Pſ. 136. 12. Jer. 27. 5. & 32. 17. 21 Ezek. 20 33 34. Gen. 49. 24. arms of hand made ſtrong Deut. 33. 27. underneath everlaſting a. [13] 1 Pet. 4. 1. arm yourſelves with ſame Lu [...]e 1 [...]. 21. ſtrong man armed keepeth
  • ARMIES of living God, 1 Sam. 17. 26. Job 25. 3. any number of his a. Pſ 44. 9. goeſt not forth with our a. 60 10. & [...]8. 11. Song 6. 13. company of two a. Rev 19 14. a. in heaven followed
  • ARMOUR of light, Rom. 13. 11. 2 Cor. 6 7. by a. of righteouſneſs Eph. 6. 11. put on whole a. o [...] God
  • ARROGANCY, preſumptuous ſelf-conceit, 1 Sam. 2. 3. Prov. 8. 13. Iſ 13. 11.
  • ARROWS of the Almighty, Job 6. 4 Deut 32 23. I will ſpend my a. upon Pſal. 3 [...]. 2. th [...]ne a. ſt [...]rk [...]aſt in me 45. 5. thine a are ſharp in hearts [...]am. 3. 12. ſet me as a. mark for a. 2 Kings 13. 1 [...]. arrow of L. deliverance Pſ. 9 [...]. 5. nor for a. that ſheth by day
  • ASCEND into hill of Lord, Pſ. 2 [...]. 3 139. 8. i [...] I a. to heaven. Rom. to. 6. John 20. 17 I a. to my Father and your Pſ 68. 18. haſt aſcended on high Prov. 30. 4. who hath a. into heaven John 3. 13. no man hath a. up to heav. Eph. 4. 8. when he a up on h [...]gh Rev. 8. 4. ſmoke of incenſe a. bef G. 11. 12. a. up to heaven in a cloud Gen. 28. 12. angels aſcending and deſcending, in Son of man John 1. 51
  • ASCRIBE greatneſs to God, Deut. 31. 2. Job 36. 3. I'll a. righteouſneſs to Maker Pſ. 68. 34. a. ſtrength to God
  • ASHAMED and bluſh to liſt, Ezra 9. 6. Gen. 2. 25. man and wife naked not a. Ezek. 16. 61. remember ways and be a. Mark 8. 38. ſhall be a. of me & my word Rom. 1. 16. I am not a. of goſpel 5. 5. hope maketh not a. becauſe 6. [...]1. whereof ye are now a. Not be aſhamed, Pſ. 25. 2. & 119. 6. 80. Iſ. 49. 23. Rom 9. 33. 2 Tim. 2. 15.
  • ASHES, Gen. 18. 27. Job 2. 8. & 13. 12. & 30. 19. & 42. 6. Pſ. 102. 9. Iſ. 44. [...]0. & 61. 3. Jer. 6. 26. Ezek. 28. 18. Mal. 4. 3.
  • ASK the way to Zion, Jer. 50. 5. Iſ. [...]5. 1. ſought of—aſked not for me Jer. 6. 16. aſk for good old paths Mat 7. 7. a. and it ſhall be given 11. give good things to—a. him Mat. 20. 2 [...]. ye know not what ye a. Luke 12. 48. of him they will a more John 14. 13. 14. whatſoever ye a. in my name, & 15. 10 & 16. 23. 16. 24. a. and ye'll receive—asked Eph. 3. 20. above all we can a. or Jam. 1. 5. wiſdom let him a. of God 6. let him a. in faith, not way. 4. 2. 3. a. not; a. receive; a. amiſs 1 John 3. [...]2. whatſoever we a. we rec. 5. 14. 15. a. according to his will
  • ASLEEP, 1 Cor. 15. 6. 1 Theſſ. 4. 15.
  • AS [...] poiſonous ſerpent, Deut. 32. 33. Job 20. 14. 16. Iſ. 11. 8. Rom. 3. 13.
  • ASS knows maſter's crib, Iſ. 1. 6. Job 11. 12. man born as a. colt Zech. 9. 9. riding upon an a. Mat. 21. 5. John 12. [...]5.
  • ASSEMBLY of wicked, Pſ. 22. [...]6. 89. 7. God feared in a. of his ſaints Heb. 12. 23. general a. of firſt-born Eccl. 12. 23. nails faſtened by maſter a. Iſ. 4. 5. create on her a. a cloud Heb. 10. 2 [...]. forſake not aſſ [...]mbling
  • ASSURANCE, firm perſuaſion. Iſa. 32. 17. effect of righteouſneſs—a. Col. 2. 5. riches of [...]ulla. of underſtand. 1 Theſſ. 1. 5. goſpel came in much a. Heb. 6. 11. to full a. of hope to end 10. 22. in full a. of faith 1 John 3. 19. aſſure our hearts before
  • ASTRAY, Pſ. [...]9. 176. Iſ. 53. 6 Mat. 18. 12. Luke 15. 4. 1 Pet. 2. 25.
  • ASSWAGE, Gen. 8. 1. Job 16. 5. 6.
  • ATHIRST ſore, and called, [...]udg. [...]5. 18. Rev. 21 6. Give to him a. of fountain [...]2. 17. him that is a come take wa [...].
  • ATONEMENT pacifying ſatisfaction for ſin, Lev. 17. 1. & 23 [...]7. 28. & 25. 9. Exod. 30. 16. Num. 8. 4. 9. 9. 28. 3. & 28 22.
  • ATTAIN to wiſe counſels, Prov. 1. 5. Pſ 139. 6. high, I cannot a. to it Ezek. 46 7 according as hand ſhall a. Phil. 3. 12. 13. a. to reſurrection of dead; not already attained
  • ATTEND to my cry, Pſ. 55. 2. & 61. 1. 66. 19. & 86. 6. & 142. 6. Prov. 4. 1. a. to know underſtanding 20. a to my words, 7. 24. 5. 1. a. to my wiſdom, bow ear Acts 16. 14. ſhe attended to—ſpoken Attendance, 1 Kings [...]. 5. 1 Tim. 4. 13. Heb. 7. 13. Rom. 13. 6. Attentive, 1 Chron. 6. 40. & 7. 15. Neh. 1. 6. & 8. 3. Pſ. 130. 2. Luke 19. 38.
  • AVAILETH, Eſth. 5. 13. Gal. 5. 6. & 6. 15. James 5. 16.
  • AVENGE not, nor, Lev. 19. 18. 16. 25. ſhall a. quarrel of covenant Deut. 32. 13. he'll a. blood of ſervants Iſ. [...]. 24. I'll a. me of my enemies Luke 18. 7. ſhall not God a. his elect 8. he will a. them ſpeedily Rom. 12. 19. a. not yourſelves Rev. 6. 10. doſt thou not a. our blood Jer. 5. 9. 29. ſhall not my ſoul be avenged on ſuch a nation, 9. 9. Rev. 18. 20. God has a. you on her Avenger, Numb. 35. 12. Pſ. 8. 2. & 44. 16. 1 Theſſ. 4. 6. 2 Sam 22. 48. God avengeth me Judg. 5. 2 Praiſe L. for avenging Iſrael
  • AVOUCHED, Deut. 26. 17. 18.
  • AVOID it, paſs not by it, Prov. 4. 15. Rom. 16. 17. cauſe diviſions, a. them Tit 3. 9. a. fooliſh queſtions
  • AUTHOR of confuſion, 1 Cor. 14. 33. Heb. 5. 9. a. of eternal ſalvation [14] [...]2, [...]. Jeſus a. and finiſher of our faith
  • AUTHORITY, power to govern. Mat. 7. 29. taught as one having a. John 5. 27. given him a. judgment 1 Cor. 15. 24. down all a. and power 1 Tim. 2. 2. prayer for all in a. Tit. 2. 15. rebuke with all a. 1 Pet. 3. 22. angels and a. ſubject R [...]v. 1 [...]. 2. dragon gave him a.
  • AWAKE for thee, Job 8. 6. Pſ. 35. 23 a. to my judgment 139. 18. when I a. I am ſtill with Rom. 13. 11. high time to a. out ſleep [...] Cor. 15. 34. a. to righteouſneſs Eph. 5. 14. a. thou that ſleepeſt Pſ. 78. 65. Lord awaked out of ſleep 73. 20. when thou awakeſt ſhalt deſpiſe
  • AWE: ſtand in a. ſin not, Pſ 4. 4. 33. 8. would ſtand in a. of him 119. 161. heart ſtands in a. of word
  • AX, Deut. 29. 5. 1 Kings 6 7. 2 Kings 6 5. Iſ. 10. 15. Jer. 51. 20. Axes, 2 Sam. 12. 31. Pſ. 74. 5. 6. Jer. 46. 22.
  • BABE leaped in womb, Luke 1. 41. Heb. 5. 13. unſkilful in word is a b. Hoſ. 8. 2. out of mouth of babes 17. [...]4. reſt of ſubſtance to b. Iſ. 3. 4. b. ſhall rule over them 1 Cor. 3. 1. as unto b. in Chriſt 1 Pet. 2. 2. as new-born b. deſire
  • BABBLER, Eccl. 10. 11. Acts 17. 18. 1 Tim. 6. 20. avoid vain babling 2 Tim. 2. 16. Prov. 23. 29.
  • BACK to go from Samuel, 1 Sam. 10. 9. 1 Kings 14. 9. caſt me behind b. Pſ. 129. 3. plowers plowed on back. Prov. 26. 3. rod for fool's b. Iſ. 38. 17. caſteſt ſins behind thy b. 50. 6. gave my b to ſmiters Jer. 2. 27. turned the b. 32. 33. 18. 17. I'll ſhew them b. not face Neh. 9. 26. caſt law behind backs Exod. 33. 23. ſhall ſee my b. parts Pſ. 19. 13. keep b. thy ſervant from 53. 6. when God brings b. captivity Hoſ. 4. 16. Iſrael ſlideth b. as backſlid. Acts 20. 20. kept b. nothing profitable Backbiters, haters of God, Rom. 1. 30. Pſ. 15. 3. backbiteth not with tongue Prov. 25. 23. backbiting tongue 2 Cor. 12. 20. ſtrifes, backbitings Backſlider in heart, Prov. 14. 14. Jer. 2. 19. thy backſliding reprove 3. 6. 12. return thou b. Iſrael, 6. 8. 11. 14. 22. & 31. 22. & 49. 4. 5. 6. backſlidings are increaſed 8. 5. ſliden back by perpetual b. 14. 7. b. are many, we ſinned Hoſ. 11. 7. my people are bent to b. 14. 4. I will heal their b. love Gen. 9. 23. went backward & covered Iſ. 1. 4. they are gone away b. 59. 14. judgment is turned away b. John 18. 6. went b. and fell to ground
  • BAG, ſack or pouch, Deut. 25. 13. Job 14 17. Prov. 16. 11. Mic. 6. 11. Hag. 1. 6. Luke 12. 33.
  • BALD, 2 Kings 2 23. Jer 16. 6. & 48. 37. Ezek. 27. 31. Mic. 1. 16. Baldneſs, Lev. 21. 5. Deut. 14. 1. Iſ. 3. 24 & 15. 2. & 22. 12. Ezek. 7. 18.
  • BALANCE, Job 31. 6. & 6. 2. Pſ. 62. 9. Iſ. 40. 12. 15. & 46. 6. Dan. 5. 27. Prov. 11. 1. falſe b. abomination to the Lord, 20. 23. 16. 11. juſt weight and b. are Lord's Hoſ. 12. 7. b. of deceit are in hand Mic. 6. 11. count pure with wicked b.
  • BALM, Gen. 37. 25. & 43. 11. Jer. 8. 22. is there no b in Gilead, 46. 11. & 51. 8. Ezek. 27. 17.
  • BANNER, Iſ. 13. 2. Pſ. 20. 5. Pſal. 60 4. b. to them that fear thee Song 2. 4. his b. over me was love 6. 4. terrible as army with banners
  • BAPTISM of water, Mat. 3. 3. Baptiſm of John, Mat. 21. 25. Mark 11. 30. Luke 7. 29. & 20. 40. Acts 1. 22. & 19. 37. & 18. 29. & 19. 3. 4. Baptiſm of repentance, Mark 1. 4. Acts 13. 24. & 19. 4. Baptiſm of ſuffering, Mat. 20. 22. 23. Mark 10. 38. 39. Luke 12. 50. Rom. 6. 4. buried with him by baptiſm. Col 2. 12. Eph 4. 5. one faith, one b. 1 Pet. 3. 21. b. doth now ſave us Heb. 6. 2. doctrine of baptiſms
  • BAPTIZE with water, with the Holy Ghoſt, Mat. 3. 11. Mark 1. 8. Luke 3. 16. Acts 1. 5. John 1. 26. 28. 31. 33. Mark 1. 4. John did b. in wilderneſs 5. were all baptized of him, 8. 9. Jeſus was b. of John, Mat. 3. 13. 14. 16. Luke 3. 21. Mark 16. 16. believeth and is b. Luke 3. 7. muſt came to be b. 12. 7. 29. 30. publicans b. lawyers not John 4. 1. Jeſus b. more diſciples 2. tho' Jeſus himſelf b. not, but Acts 2. 38. repent and be b. every one 41. received his word were b. 8 13. Simon believed, and was b. 10. 47. that theſe ſhould not be b. 48. Peter command. them to be b. 18. 8. believed and were b. 22. 16. ariſe and be b. waſh aw. Rom. 6. 3. as many as were b. were b. into his death 1 Cor. 1. 13. were ye b. in name of 14. I b. none—b. in own name, 15. 10. 2. were all b. unto Moſes 12. 13. are all b. into one body 15. 29. are b for the dead Gal. 3. 27. as have been b. into Chriſt Mat. 28. 19. baptizing in name
  • BARE you on eagles wings, Ex. 19. 4. Iſ. 53. 12. he b. the ſins of many Mat. 8. 17. himſelf b. our ſickneſſes [15] 1 Pet. 2. 24. b. our ſins in his own body
  • BARN, Mat. 13. 30. Prov. 3. 10. Mat. 6. 26. Luke 12. 18. 24.
  • BARREL of meal, 1 Kings 17. 14.
  • BARREN, Gen. 11. 30. & 25. 21. and 29. 11. Judg. 13. 2. Luke 1. 7. Exod. 23. 26. nothing ſhall be b. 1 Sam. 2. 5. b. hath born ſeven Pſ. 113. 9. b. woman to keep houſe Song 4. 2. none is b. among, 6 6. Iſ. 54. 1. ſing O barren Gal. 4. 27. Luke 23. 29. bleſſed are b. wombs 2 Pet. 1. 8. neither b. nor unfruitful
  • BASE in my own ſight, 1 Sam. 6. 21. 1 Cor. 1. 28. b. things of this world 2 Cor. 10. 1. who in preſence am b. Ezek. 29. 14. 15. bafeſt of kingdoms Dan. 4. 17. ſet up baſeſt of men
  • BASTARD not enter Deut. 23. 2 Zech. 9. 6. b. ſhall dwell in Aſhdod Heb. 12. 8. without chaſtiſement b. not
  • BATTLE not to ſtrong Eccl. 9. 11. Jer. 8. 6. as horſe ruſheth into b. Pſ. 140. 7. covered head in day of b.
  • BEAM out of timber Hab. 2. 11. Mat. 7. 3. conſidereſt not b. in own eye Song 1. 17. b. of our houſe are cedar
  • BEAR, Gen. 49. 15. Deut. 1. 9. 31. Prov. 9. 12. and 30. 21. Lam. 32. 7. Gen. 4. 13. puniſh. greater than I can b. Num. 11. 14. not able to b. all this peo. Pſ. 75. 3. I b. up the pillars of it 91. 12. b. thee up in their hands Prov. 18. 14. wounded ſpirit who can b. Amos 7. 10. land not able to b. words Mic. 7. 9. I'll b. indignat of L. becauſe Luke 14. 27. whoſo doth not b. his croſs 18. 7. tho' he b. long with them John 16. 11 ye cannot b. them now Rom. 15. 1 ſtrong b. infirmit. of weak. 1 Cor. 3. 2. hitherto not able to b. it 10. 13. that may be able to b. it Gal. 6. 2. b. one another's burdens 5. every man b. his own burden 17. I bear in body marks of L. J. Heb 9. 28. offered to b. ſins of many Rev. 2. 9. canſt not b. that are evil Bear fruit, Ezek. 17. 8. Hoſ. 9. 16. Joel 2. 22. Mat. 13. 22. Luke 13. 9. John 15. 2. 4. 8. Pſal. 106. 4. favour thou beareſt to Rom. 11. 18. b. not root but 13. 4. beareth not ſword in vain 1 Cor 13. 7. charity b. all things Heb. 6. 8. b. thorns and briers Pſ. 126. 6. bearing precious ſeed Rom. 2. 15. conſcience b. witneſs 9. 1. He [...] 13. 13. b. his reproach
  • BEASTS, animals, without reaſon. Gen 1. 24. 25. & 3. 1.—for—miniſters Rev. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9.—& 5. 6. 14. & 6. 1. 3. & 7. 11. & 14. 3. & 15. 7. & 19. 4. —for antichriſt Dan. 7. 11. Rev. 11. 7. & 13. 1. 11. & 15. 2. & 16. 13. & 17. 8. 11. 4. & 19. 19. & 20. 10. Pſal 49. 12. like b. that periſh 20. 73. 22. I was a b. before thee Prov. 9. 2. wiſdom killed her b. Dan. 7. 17. four b. are four kings 1 Cor 15. 32. I fought with b. at Epheſ.
  • BEAT, Prov. 23. 14. Iſa. 3. 15. Luke 12. 47. 48. 1 Cor. 9. 26.
  • BEAUTY, Exod. 28. 2. 1 Chron. 16. 29. in b. of holineſs 2 Chro 20. 21. Pſ. 29. 2. & 96. 9. & 110. 4. Pſal. 2 [...]. 4. to behold b. of the Lord 39. 11. makeſt his b. to conſume 45. 11. king greatly deſire thy b. Prov. 20. 29. b. of old men gray head 30. 3. favour deceitful b. is vain Iſa. 3. 24. he burning inſtead of b. 33. 17. ſee the king in his b. and land. 53. 2. no b. that ſhould deſire him 61. 3. give them b. for aſhes Zech. 11. 7. two ſlaves one called b. Beautify, Pſ. 149. 4. Iſa. 60. 13. Beautiful, Eccl. 3. 11. Song 6. 4. & 7. 1. Iſa. 52. 1. 7. & 64. 11. Jer. 13. 20. Ezek. 16. 12. 13. Mat. 23. 27. Acts 3, 2. Rom 10. 15.
  • BED, ſet for him 2 Kings 4. 10. Pſal 41. 3. make all his b. in ſickneſs Song 3. 1. by night on b. I ſought Iſa. [...]8. 20. b. is ſhorter than Heb. 13. 4. marriage b. undefiled Rev. 2. 22. I'll caſt her on a b. Iſa. 57. 2. reſt in their beds Amos 6. 4. lie on beds of ivory
  • BEFORE, in ſight, Gen. 20. 15. & 43. 14. Exod. 22. 9. 1 Kings 17. 1. & 18. 15. 2 Kings 3. 14.—time in place Gen. 31. 2. Job 3, 24.— Joſh. 8. 10. Luke 22. 47. 2 Chron. 13. 14.—indignity 2 Sam. 6. 21. John 1. 15. 27. Phil. 3. 13 thoſe things which are b. Col. 1. 17. he is b. all things and by
  • BEG Pſal. 179. 10. & 37. 25. Prov 20. 9. Luke 16. 3. & 23. 52. John 9. 8. Beggar 1 Sam. 2. 8. Luke 16. 20. 22. Beggarly clements Gal. 4. 9.
  • BEGIN at my ſanctuary Ez. 9. 6. Exod. 12. 2. beginning of months Gen 49. 3. 6. of ſtrength Deut. 21. 17. Pſal. 111. 10. fear o [...] L. is b. of wiſdom Prov. 1. 7. & 9. 10. Eccl. 7. 8. better is end than b. Mat. 24. 8. theſe are b. of ſorrows Col. 1. 18. who is b. and firſt born Heb. 7. 3. neither b. of days nor end 2 Pet. 2. 20. letter end worſe than b. Rev. 1. 8. I am Alpha and Omega b. & ending 21. 6. & 22. 13. 3. 14. ſaith b. of creation of God
  • BEGOTTEN drops of dew, Job 38. 28 pſal. 2. 7. this day have I b. thee [16] Acts 13. 33. Heb. 1. 5. 6. John 1. 14. only b. of Father 18. John 3. 16. ſent his only b. ſon 18. 1 Cor. 4. 15. have b. you through goſp. Philem. 10. I have b. in my bonds 1 Pet. 1. 3. b. us again to lively hope 1 John 4. 9. ſent only b. ſon—live 5. 1. loveth him that is b. Rev. 1. 15. firſt b. from dead and prince
  • BEGUILE, Col. 24. 18. Gen. 3. 15. 2 Cor. 11. 3 2 Pet. 2. 14.
  • BEGUN to fall Eſth. 6. 12. Gal 3. 3 having b. in ſpirit Phil. 1. 6. hath b. a good work in God
  • BEHAVE myſelf wiſely Pſal 101. 2. Pſal. 131. 2 I b. myſelf as a child 1 Tim. 3. 2. biſhop of good behaviour Tit. 2. 3. in b. as becometh holineſs
  • BEHELD not iniq. in Jacob Num 23. 22. Luke 10. 18. I b. ſatan fall like lighten. John 1. 14. we b. his glory as glory Rev. 11. 12. their enemies b. them
  • BEHIND, Lev. 25. 51. Judg. 20. 40. Exod. 27. 26. not an [...]oof left b. Neh. 9. 26 caſt law b. their backs Pſal. 39. 5. beſet me b. and before Iſa. 38. 17. caſt [...]ns b. thy back 1 Cor 1. 7. ye come b. in no gift Phil. 3. 13. forgetting things b. & bef. Col 1. 24. fill up that b. of ſufferings
  • BEHOLD with, Deut 3. 27. Job 19. 27. my eyes ſhall b. and not Pſal. 11. 4. his eyes b. his eye lids try 7. countenance b. upright 17. 15. I'll [...]. thy face in right 27. 4. deſired to b. beauty of Lord 37. 37. b the upright man 113. 6. humbles himſelf to b. Eccl. 11. 7. pleaſant to b. ſun it is H [...]b. 1. 13. o [...] purer eyes than to b. Mat. [...]8. 10. their angels b. face of John 17. 24. that may b. my glory 19. 5. b. man, 14. 26. ſon 27. moth. 1 Pet. 3. 7. b. your chaſte converſation Pſal. 33. 13. L. beholdeth all ſons of James 1. 24. he b. himſelf and goeth Prov. 15. 3. beholding evil and good Pſal. 119. 37. turn eyes from b. vanity Eccl. 5. 11. ſave b. of them with eyes 2 Cor. 3. 18 with open face b. as in gl. Col 2. 5. joying and b. your order James 1. 23. like man b. natural face
  • BEING, Pſ. 104. 33. & 146. 2. Acts 17. 28.
  • BELIEVE, credit a teſtimony. Exod. 4. 1. & 14. 11. Numb. 20. 12. Deut. 1. 32. ye did not b. L. your God [...] Chron. 20. 2. b. Lord b. his prophets Iſa. 7. 9. If ye will not b. ſurely not eſt. Mat. 9. 28. b. ye I am able Ma [...]k 1. 16. repent and b. goſpel 9. 23. if thou canſt believe all poſſible 24. b. [...] b. help my unbelief 11. 24. b. that ye receive them Luke 8. 13. for a while b. & afterwards 24. 25. ſlow of heart to b. all John 1. 12. even to them that b. 6. 29. ye b. on him whom he ſent 69. we b. and are ſure thou art Chriſt 7. 39. they that b. ſhould receive 8. 24. if we'b not that we ſhall die 11. 42. may b thou haſt ſent me 12. 36. b in the light while ye have 13. 19. may believe that I am he 14. 1. ye b. in God b. alſo in me 17. 20. who ſhall b. through their word 20. 31. written that ye might b. Acts 8. 37. I b. J. Chriſt is Son of God 13. 39 all that b. are juſtified 16. 31. b. on L. J. and ſhalt be ſaved Rom. 3. 22. on all them that b. 10. 9. ſhall b. in thine heart 14. how ſhall they b. on him 2 Cor. 4. 13. we b. and therefore ſpeak Phil. 1. 29. not only to b. but ſuffer 2 Theſ. 2. 11. that they ſhould b a lie 1 Tim. 4. 10. eſpecially thoſe that b. Heb. 10. 39. b. to ſaving of the ſoul 11. 6. cometh to God muſt b. that he i [...] James 2. 19. devils alſo b. and tremble 1 Pet. 2. 7. to you who b. he precious 1 John 2. 23. his command that we b. Believe not, Iſa. 7. 9. John 4. 44. & 8. 24. & 10. 26. & 12. 39. & 16. 9. 20. 25. Rom. 3. 3. 2 Cor. 4. 4. 2 Tim. 2. 13. 1 John 4. 1. Gen 15. 6 believed in Lord and he counted Rom. 4. 3. Gal. 3. 6. Jam. 2. 21. Pſ. 27. 13. fainted unleſs I had b. 116. 10. I b. therefore ſp. 2 Cor. 4. 13. 119. 66. I b. thy commandments Iſa. 53. [...]. who hath b. our report John 12. 38. Rom. 10. 16. Dan. 6. 23 becauſe he b. in his God Jon. 3. 5. people of Nineveh b. God Mat. 8. 13. as thou haſt b. ſo be it 21. 32. publicans and harlots b. him John 4. 53. himſelf b. and whole houſe 7. 48. any of Phar f. b. on him 17. 8. have b. thou didſt ſend me 20. 29. bleſſed —not ſeen and yet b. Acts 4. 32. that b. were of one heart 8. 13. Simon b. and was baptized 11. 21. great number b. and turned 13. 12. deputy b.—aſtoniſhed 4. 8. as were ordained to etern. life b. Rom. 4. 18. againſt hope b. in hope 13. 11. ſalvation nearer than when b. Eph. 4. 13. after ye b. ye were ſealed. 1 Tim. 3. 16. G.—b. on in the world 2 Tim. 1. 12. know whom I have b. Pſ 78. 22. 32. believed not [...]06. 24. Luke 24. 41. Acts 9. 26. Rom. 10. 4. 2 Theſ. 2. 12. Heb. 3. 18. Jude 5. Believers, Acts 5. 14. 1 Tim. 4. 12. Believeſt, Luke 1. 21. John 1. 50. 11. 26. & 14. 10. Act 8. 37. Jam. 2. 19. Acts 8. 37. if thou b. with all thy heart 26 27. b thou prophets—thou b. Believeth. Job 15. 22. & 39. 24. Prov. 14 15. ſimple b. every word Iſ. 28. 16. that b.— not make haſte [17] Mark [...]. 3 all things poſſible to—b. 16. 16 he that b. ſhall be ſaved he that b. not ſhall be damned John 3 [...]5. 16. b. on him ſhall not periſh 16. he that b is not condemned he that b. not is condemned already 36. he b. on Son hath everlaſting life he that b. not ſhall no [...] ſee life 5. 2 [...]. b. on him that ſent me 6. 35. 8. on me ſhall never thirſt 40. ſeeth and b. has everlaſting life 47. 7. 38. b on me out of his [...]elly 11, 2 [...]. b. in me tho' he were dead 26. he that b. in me ſhall never die 12. 14. b. on me b. not on me but 46. b. on me ſhall not abide in dark. 14. 12. b. on me, works that I do Acts 10 43. b. in him—receive remiſſion Rom. 1. 16 power of G.—to every that b. 3. 26. juſtifier of him that b. in Jeſus 4. 5. worketh not, but b. on him 9. 33. b. on him—not aſhamed 10. 11. 10. 4. end of law for right to—b. 10. with heart man b. to righteouſneſs 14. 2. one b. he may eat all things 1 Cor. 7. to wife that b not 13. huſband which b. not 13. 7. charity b. all things 14 24. come in one that b. not 2 Cor. b. 15. he that b. with infidel 1 Tim. 5. 10. that b. have widows 1 Pet. 2. 6. b. on him ſhall not be conf. 1 John 5. 1. whoſo b. that I: is come 5. overcomes world, but he that b. 10. he that b on ſon of God hath —b. not G. hath made him liar becauſe he b. not record that G. Mat. 21. 22. in prayer believing John 20. 27. be not f [...]ithleſs but b. 31. that b. ye [...]ght ha [...]e life Acts 16. 34. b. in G. with all houſe 24. 14. b. al. things written Rom. 15. 13. all joy pray. and peace in b. 1 Tim. 6. 2. have b. maſters 1 Pet. 1. 8. yet b. ye rejoice, with joy 2 Theſſ. 2. 13. belief of the truth
  • BELIAL, devil, furious and obſtinate in wickedneſs Deut. 13. 13. Judg. 19. 22. & 20. 13. 1 Sam. 1. 16. & 2. 12. & 10. 27. & 25. 17. 25. & 30. 22. 2 Sam. 16. 7. & 20. 1. & 23. 6. 1 Kings 21. 10. 13. 2 Chr. 13. 7. 2 Cor. 6. 15.
  • BELLOWS, burnt Jer. 6 29. On BELLY ſhalt go Gen. 3. 14. Numb. 5. 21. b. to ſwell and thigh rot 25. 5. thruſt them through b. Job 3. 4. when I came out o [...] b. 15. 2. fill his b. with eaſt wind 35. their b. prepareth deceit 20. 15. God call the [...] out of his b. 20. not feel quietne [...]s in his b. Pſ. 17. 14. whoſe b. thou filleſt with 2 [...]. 10. my G. from mother's b. 44. 45. [...]ur b. cleaveth to the earth Prov 20. 27. ſearch inward parts of b. Iſa. 46. 3. born by me from the b. Jon. 1. 17. in b. of the fiſh Mat. 12. 40. 2. 1. prayed out of the fiſh's b. 2. out of b. of hell cried I Hab. 3. 16. my b. trembled that I Luke 15. 16. fill his b. with huſks John 7. 38. out of his b. ſhall flow Rom. 16. 18. ſerve their own b. 1 Cor. 6. 13. meats for b. and b. for meat [...] Phil. 3. 19. whoſe God is their b. Rev. 10. 9. make thy b. bitter Tit. 1. 12. Cretians ſlow bellies
  • BELONG, Lev. 27. 24. Luke 23. 7. Gen 40. 8. interpretations b. to God Deut. 29. 29. ſecret things belong to L. things revealed b. to us and children Pſ. 47. 9. ſhields of earth b to God 68. 20. to God b. iſſues from death Dan 9. 9. to L. b. mercies and forgiven. Mark 9. 41. becauſe ye b. to Chriſt Luke 19. 4 [...]. things that b. to thy peace [...] Cor. 7. 32. carfulneſs for things b. to L. Deut 32. 35. to me b. vengeance Pſ. 94. 1. Heb. 10. 30. Rom 12. 20. Ezra. 10. 4. this matter b. to thee Pſ. 3 8. ſalvation b. to God 62. 11. power b to God 12. b. mercy Dan. 9. 7. righteou [...]neſs b. to thee 8. to us b. confuſion of face Heb. 5. 14. ſtrong meat b to them
  • BELOVED—other hated Deut. 21. 15. 33. 12. b. o [...] Lord ſhall dwell in ſafety Neh. 13. 26. Solomon b. of his God Pſ. 60. 5. thy b. may be delivered 127. 2. Lord giveth his b. ſleep Song. 1. 4. my beloved 2. 3. 9. 10. 17. & 4. 10. & 5. 2. 6. 10. 16. & 6. 2. 3. & 7. 10. 13. Iſa. 5. 1. Song 5. 9. thy b. more than another b. Dan. 9. 22. greatly b. 10. 11. 19. Mat. 3. 17. my b. Son 17. 5. Rom. 9. 25. b. which was not b. 11. 28. b. for the fathers ſake 16. 8. Amplias b. in the Lord Eph. 1. 6. accepted in the b. 2 Pet. 3. 15. b. brother Paul Rev. 20 9. compaſſed b. city
  • BEMOAN, Jer. 15. 5. & 16. 5. & 22. 10. & 48. 17. & 31. 18.
  • BEND bow Pſ. 11. 2. & 64. 4. & 58. 7. & 7. 12. & 37. 14. La [...]. 2. 4. & 3. 12. Iſa. 5. 28. Jer. 9. 3. b. their tongues like a bow Iſa. 60. 14. afflicted thee come b Hoſ. 11. 7. people bent to backſliding Zech. 9. 13. I have b. Judah for me
  • BENEATH, Prov. 15. 24. John 8. 23.
  • BENEFACTORS, Luke 22. 25.
  • BENEFITS, Pſ. 68. 19. leadeth us Pſ. 103. 2. forget not all his b. 1 [...]6. 12. render to the L. for all his b.
  • BENEVOLENCE, [...]e 1 Cor. 7. 3.
  • [18]BEREAVE, ſoul of good Eccl. 4. 8. Jer. 15. 7. b. them of children 18. 21. Gen. 43. 36. & 43. 14. Ezek. 5. 17. & 36. 12. 13. 14. Lam. 1. 20. Hoſ. 9. 12. & 13. 8.
  • BESEECH, God to be gracious Mal. 1. 9. 2 Cor. 5. 20. as tho' God did b. you by
  • BESET, me behind and before Pſ. 139. 15. Hoſ. 7. 2. own doings have b. them Heb. 12. 1. ſin doth ſo eaſily b. us
  • BESIDE, waters Pſ. 23. 2. Iſa. 32. 20. Song 1. 8. b. feed kids b. ſhepherds tents Iſ. 56. 8. others b. I have gathered
  • BESIDESELF, Mark 3. 21. Acts 26. 24. 2 Cor. 5 13.
  • BESOM, of deſtruction Iſa. 14. 23.
  • BESOUGHT, the Lord Deut. 3. 28. 2 Sam. 12. 26. 1 Kings 13. 6. 2 Kings 13. 4. 2 Chron. 33. 12. Ezra 8. 23. 2 Cor. 12. 3.
  • BEST, eſtate is vanity Pſ. 39. 5. Mic. 7. 4. b. of them as a brier Luke 15. 22. bring forth b. robe 2. Cor. 12. 31. covet earneſtly b. gift
  • BESTEAD, hard Iſa. 8. 21.
  • BESTOW a bleſſing Exod. 32. 29. Luke 12. 17. room to b. my fruits 1 Cor 12. 23. we b. more abund honour 13 3. b. all my goods to feed the poor John 4. 38. beſtowed no labour 1 Cor. 15. 10. his grace b. on me 2 Cor. 1. 11. gift b. on us by means 8. 1. gra [...]e of God b. on churches Gal. 4. 11. left b. labour in vain 1 John 3. 1. love the Father hath b. on us
  • BETIMES, 2 Chr. 36. 15. Job 8. 5. & 24. 5. Prov. 13. 24. Gen. 26. 31.
  • BETRAY, Mat. 24. 10. & 26. 21. Mark 13. 12. & 14. 18.
  • BETROTH, Deut. 28. 30. Hoſ. 2. 19. 20.
  • BETTER, than ten ſons 1 Sam. 1. 8. Judg. 8. 2. gleanings b. than vintage 1 Kings 19. 4. I am not b. than my father Prov. 15. 16. b. is little with the fear of L. 17. b. is a dinner of herbs with love 16. 8. b. is little with righteouſneſs than 16. how much b. to get wiſdom than 17. 1. b. is a dry morſel with quietneſs 27. 10. b is a neighbour near than Eccl. 4. 9. two are b. than one 13. b. is a poor and wiſe child than a 6. 9. b. is ſight of eyes than wandering 7. 1. b. is good name than precious 2. b. to go into a houſe of mourning 3. b. is ſorrow than laughter 5. b. to hear rebuke of the wiſe than 8. b. is the patient than proud 9. 16. b. is wiſdom than ſtrength 18. wiſdom is b. than weapons of war Mat. 6. 26. are ye not much b. than they Song 4. 10. how much b. thy love than w. Rom. 3. 9. are we b. than they 1 Cor. 9. 15. were b. for me to die 11. 17. meet not for b. but worſe Phil. 1. 23. with Chriſt is far b. 2. 3. eſteem others b. than themſelves Heb. 1. 4. made ſo much b. than angels 6. 9. perſuaded b. things of you 7. 19. bringing in of a b. hope doth 22. I made ſurety of a b. teſtament 8. 6. mediator of a b. covenant eſtabliſhed on b. promiſes 10. 34. a b. and enduring ſubſtance 11. 16. deſire a b. country 35. obtain a b. reſurrection 40. provided ſome b. thing for us 12. 24. blood ſpeaks b. than of Abel 2 Pet. 2. 21. b. not to have known the way
  • BETWEEN, thy ſeed and her Gen. 3. 15. 1 Kings 3. 19. diſcern b. good and bad 18. 21. long halt b. two opinions Ezek. 22. 26 no difference b. holy & prof. 44. 23. & 34. 17. Lev. 10. 10 Phil. 1. 23. in a ſtrait b. two having 1 Tim. 2. 5. one man b. God and men
  • BEWARE, of men Mat. 10. 17. Mat. 7. 15. b. of falſe prophets 16. 6. b. of leaven of Phariſees 11. Mark 8. 15. Luke 12. 5. Luke 12. 15. b of covetouſneſs Phil. 3. 2. b. of dogs b. of evil workers b. of the conciſion Col. 2. 8. b. left any man ſpoil you
  • BEYOND, or defraud 1 Theſſ. 4. 6.
  • BI [...]BER, Prov. 23. 20. Mat. 11. 19.
  • BID, Mat. 22. 9. & 23. 3. Luke 14. 1 [...]. 24. 2 John 10. 11.
  • BIDE, not in unbelief Rom. 11. 25.
  • BILL, Deut. 24. 1. 3. Iſa 50. 1. Jer. 8. 9. Mark [...]0. 4. Luke 16. 6 7.
  • BILLOWS, Pſ. 42. 7. Jon. 2. 7.
  • BIND, ſweet influences Job 38. 31. 31. 36. I would b. it as a crown Pſ. 105. 22. to b. his princes at pleaſure 118. 22. b. the ſacrifice with cords 149. 8 to b. their king with chains Prov. 3. 3. b. them about thy neck Iſa. 8 16. b. up teſtimony ſeal the law 61. 1. b. up broken hearted to proclaim Hoſ. 6. 1. ſmitten us and he will b. us up Mat. 12. 27. firſt b. ſtrong man and 13. 30. b. the tares in bundles 16. 19. thou b. on earth 18. 18. 22. 13. b. him hand & foot and caſt them 23. 4. b. heavy burdens and lay Bindeth, up Job 5. 18. Pſ. 147. 3.
  • BIRD, haſteth to ſnare Pro. 7. 23. Pſ. 124. 7. eſcaped as b. out of the ſnare Eccl. 10. 20. b. of air tell the matter Iſa. 46. 11. ravenous b. from the caſt Jer. 12. 9. heritage as ſpeckled b. Birds, Gen. 15. 16. & 40. 17. Lev. 14. 4. 2 Sam 21. 10. Pſ. 104. 17. Eccl. 9. 12. Song 2. 12. Iſa. 31. 5. Jer. 5. 27. & 12. 4. 9. Mat. 8. 20.
  • BIRTH, 2 Kings 19. 3. Eccl. 7. 1. Iſa. 66. 9. Gal. 4. 19. Ezek. 16. 3. Birth day, Gen. 40. 20. Mat. 14. 6. [19] Birthright, Gen. 25. 31. 32. 33. & 27. 36. & 43. 33. 1 Chr. 5. 1. Heb. 12. 16.
  • BISHOP, 1 Tim. 3. 1. 2. Tit. 1. 7. 1 Pet. 2. 25 return to b. of ſouls Phil. 1. 1. w [...]th biſhops and deacons
  • BITE, Num. 21. 6. 8. 9. Eccl. 10. 8. 10. Jer. 8. 17. Am. 9. 3. Heb. 2. 7. Prov. 23. 32. at laſt it b. like a ſerpent Mic. 3. 5. prophets b. with teeth Gal. 5. 15 if ye b. & devour one another
  • BITTER made their lives Ex. 1. 14. 12. 8. with b herbs eat it Num. 9. 11. Deut. 32. 24. devoured with b. deſtruc. 32. their grapes of gall cluſters are b. 2 Kings [...]4. 26. affliction was very b. Job 3. 20. why is life given to b. in ſoul 13. 26. writes b. things againſt me Pſ. 64 3. their arrows even b words Pro. 27. 7. every b. thing is ſweet Eccl. 7. 26. woman more b. than death Iſa. 5. 20. wo to put b. for ſweet Jer. 2. 19. evil thing and b. that Col. 3 19. wives be not b. againſt them James 3. 14. have b. envying againſt Rev. 10 9. It ſhall make thy belly b. Judg. 5. 23. curſe bitterly inhabitants Ruth [...]. 20. Almighty dealt b. with me Iſa. 22. 4 I'll weep b. 33. [...]. Ezek. 27. 30. ſhall cry b Zeph. 1. 14. Hoſ. 12. 14. provoked him moſt b. Mat. 26. 75. wept b. Luke 22. 62. Bitterneſs, of ſoul 1 Sam. 1. 10. 15. 32. b. of death is paſt 2 Sam. 2. 26. it will be b. in end Prov. 14. 10. heart knows its own b. Zech. 12 10. in b. for firſt born Acts 8. 23. in gall of b. and bond of Rom. 3. 14. mouth full of curſing and b. Eph. 4. 31. let all b. be put away Heb. 12. 15. root of b ſpringing up
  • BITTERN Iſ. 14. 23. & 34. 11.
  • BLACK, 1 Kings 18. 45. Mat. 5. 36. Song 1. 5. I am b. but comely 6. Blackn [...]ſs, of darkneſs Heb. 12. 18. Jude 13.
  • BLAME, Gen. 43. 9. & 44. 32. 2 Cor. 8. 20. Eph. 1. 4. Blamed, 2 Cor. 6. 3. Gal. 2. 11. Blameleſs, Gen. 44. 10. Joſh. 2. 17. Judg 15. 3. Mat. 12. 5. Phil. 3. 6. 1 Tim. 5. 7. Luke 1. 6. in all the ordin. of the L. b. 1 Cor. 1. 8. be b in the day of our Lord Phil. 2. 15. b. harmleſs children of God 1 Theſſ. 5. 23. be preſerved b. 1 Tim. 3. 2. biſhop muſt be b. Tit. 1. 6. 7. 10. office of deacon found b. 2 Pet. 3. 14. without ſpot and b.
  • BLASPHEME, reviſe God &c. Pſ 74. 10. enemy b. thy name Mark 3. 27. b. againſt H. G. not forgiven Acts 26. 11. compelled them to b. 1 Tim. 1. 20. might learn not to b. James 2. 7. do they not b. that name Lev. 24. 11. ſon blaſphemed name L. 16. 2 Kings 19. 6. ſervant b. me Iſa. 37. 6. Pſ. 74. 18. fooliſh people have b. Iſa. 52. 5. my name continually is b. Rom. 2. 24. name of God is b. thro' you 1 Tim. 6. 1. name of G doctrine not b. Tit. 2. 5. word of God be not b. Rev. 16. 9 11. 21. b. God of heaven who Lev. 24. 16. blaſphemeth put to death Pſ. 44. 16. for voice of him that b. Mat. 9. 9. ſaid this man b. Luke 12. 10 to him that b. againſt H. G. Blaſphemer, 1. Tim. 1. 13. 2 Tim. 3. 2. Blaſphemy, 2 Kings 19. 3. Iſa. 37. 3. Mat 12. 31. Mark 7. 22. Col. 3. 8. Rev 2. 9. & 13. 1. 6.
  • BLAST, Ex. 15. 8. 2 Sam. 22. 16. 2 Kings 19 7. Job 4 9. Iſa. 25. 4. Blaſtine, Deut. 28. 22. 1 Kings 8. 37.
  • BLEMISH without, Ex. 12. 5. & 29. 1. Lev. 1. 3. 10. & 4. 23. Dan. 1. 4. children in whom no b. E [...]h. 5. 27. holy and without b. 1 Pet. 1. 19. as a lamb without b.
  • BLESS him that b. thee, Gen. 12. 3. 22. 17. in bleſſing P [...]l b. thee 32. 26. not let go except thou b. me Exod. 23. 25. b thy bread and water Num. 6. 24. Lord b. thee and keep thee 1 Chr. 4. 10 O that thou b. me indeed P [...]. 5. 12. wilt b. the righteous 28. 9. b. thine inheritance feed them 29. 11. will b. his people with peace 67. [...]1. be merciful to us and b. us 115 13. he will b. them that fear 132. 15. I will abund. b. her proviſion Mat. 5. 44. b. them that curſe you Luke 12. 14. b. them that perſecute you Acts 3. 26. ſent him to b. you in turning 1 Cor. 4. 12. being revi [...]ed we bleſs Bl [...]ſs the Lord Deut. 8. 10. Judg. 5. 9. Pſ. 16. 7. & 34. 1. & 103. 1. 21. 22. & 104. 1. 35. & 26. 12. Bleſs thee God Pſ. 63. 4. & 145. 2. 10. Gen. 1. 22. God bleſsed them and 2. 3. God b. the ſeventh day Exod. 20. 11. God b. the ſabbath day Pſ. 33. 12. 13. b. whoſe God is Lord 49. 18. he bleſſeth his ſoul P [...]ov. 10. 7. memory of the juſt b. Mat. [...]3. 16. b. are your eyes for they ſee Luke 10. 23. 24. 46. b. is that ſerv when L. cometh Luke 12. 37. 38. 43. Mark 10. 16. took up in arms and b. God Luke 1. 28. 42. b. art thou among wom. 48. all generations ſhall call me b. 23. 29. b. are the barren and wombs Acts 20. 35. more b. to give than receive Rom. 1. 25. Creator b. for ever 9. 5. 2 Cor. 11. 31. Eph. 1. 3. 1 Pet. 1. 3. 1 Tim. 1. 11. glorious goſpel of b. God 6. 15. b. an [...] on [...]y p [...]ten. John 12. 13. Pſ. 2. 12. b. are they that truſt in him [20] Pſ. 33. 12. b. whoſe God is the Lord 84. 4. they that dwell in thy houſe 106. 3. they that keep judgment 119. 1. 2. undefiled [...]keep his teſtim. Prov. 8. 32. are they that keep my ways Iſa. 30. 18. that wait for him Mat. 5. 3. 11. are the poor in ſpirit —mourn—meek—hunger and thirſt—merciful—pure in heart—peace makers— perſecuted—when men reviſe you Luke 6. 21. 22. Luke 11. 28. that hear the word and do John 20. 29. have not ſeen and yet bel Rom. 4. 7. whoſe iniquities are forgiven Rev. 19. 9. called to marriage ſupper 22. 14. are they do his commandments Num. 24. 9. bleſſed is he that bleſseth Pſ. 32. 1. whoſe tranſgreſſion is forgiven 41. 1. that conſidereth the poor Dan. 12. 12. waits and cometh Mat. 11. 6 who ſhall not be offended 21. 9. cometh in the name of the Lord 23. 39. Mark. 11. 19. Luke 13. 35. Rev. 1. 3. that reads—doth 16. 15. that watcheth and keepeth 20. 6. hath part in the firſt reſurrection 22. 7. that keeps the ſayings of book Pſ. 1. 1. bleſſed is the man that walks not in the way of ungodly 32. 2. to whom the L. imput not ſin 34. 8. truſteth in him [...]4. 12. 40. 4. maketh the Lord his truſt 64. 4. whom thou chooſeſt 8 [...]. 5. whoſe ſtrength is in thee 94. 12. whom thou chaſteneſt and 112. 1. feareth the Lord delights Prov. 8. 34. heareth me watching Iſa. 56. 2. doth this and ſon of man Jer. 17. 7. truſteth in the Lord James 1. 12. endureth temptation Bleſſedneſs, Rom. 4. 6. 9. Gal. 4. 15. Gen. 12. 2. thou ſhall be a bleſſing 27. 35. taken away my b. 36. 28. 4 give thee the b. of Abraham Deut. 11. 26. ſet before you a b. and a curſe 30. 19. James 3. 9. 10. 23. 5 turned curſe into b Neh. 13. 2. Neh. 8. 5. exalted above all b. Job 29. 13. b. of him ready to periſh Pſ. 3. 8. thy b. is upon thy people 109. 17. delighted not in b. 129. 8. b. of the Lord be upon you Prov. 10. 22. b. of the Lord maketh rich Iſa. 65. 8. deſtroy it not a b. is in it Joel 2. 14. leave a b. behind him 1 Cor. 10. 16. cup of b. which we bleſs Gal. 3. 14. b. of Abraham might come Bl [...]ſſings, Gen. 49. 25. 26. [...]oſh. 8. 34. Pſ. 21. 3. Prov. 10. 6. & 28. 20. Mal. 2. 2. Eph. 1. 3.
  • BLIND, Ex. 4. 11. Lev. 21. 18. Job 29. 15. I was eyes to the b. Pſ. 146. 8. openeth the eyes of the b. Iſa. 42. 7. to open the b. eyes 18. 19. who is b. but my ſervant Iſa. 43. 8. b. people that have eyes 76. 10. his watchmen are b Mat. 11. 5. b. receive [...]ight Luke 7. 22. 23 16. wo to you b guid [...] 24. Luke 4. 18. recovery o [...] ſight to the b. 2 Pet. 1. 9. lacks theſe things is b. Rev. 3. 17. thou art b. and naked John 12 40. blinded their eyes Rom: 11. 7. the reſt were b 2 Cor. 3. 14. their mind [...] were b. 4. 4. God of this world hath b. minds 1 John 2. 11 darkneſs hath b. eyes
  • BLOOD of grapes Gen. 49. 11. Job. 16. 18. cover thou not my b. Pſ. 9. 12. maketh inquiſition for b. 72. 14. precious their b. in his ſight Iſa. 26. 21 earth ſhall diſcloſe b. Ezek. 3. 18. his b. will I require 9. 0. the land is full of b. 16. 6. polluted in thy own b. Hoſ. 4. 2. break out b. toucheth b. Mic. 3. 10 build up Zion with b. Mat. 26. 28. b of New Teſta. Mark 14. 24. Luke 22. 20. 1 Cor. 11 [...]5. Mat. 27 8. field of b. Acts 1. 19. 25 his b. be on us and our children Luke 13. 1. whoſe b. Pilate mingled 44. ſweat great drops of b. fall [...]ng John 1. 13. born not of b. nor of fleſh 6. 54. 56. and drinketh my b. ſhall 55. my b. is drink indeed 19. 34. of his ſide came b. and water Acts 17. 26. made of one b. all nations 18. 6. your b. be on your head 20. 26. I am pure from b. of all men 28. God purchaſed with his own b. Rom. 3. 25. through faith in his b. 5. [...]. juſtified by his b. 1 Cor. 11 27. guilty of body b of Lord Eph. 1. 7. redemption through his b. even forgiveneſs of ſins Col. 1. 14. Col 1. 20. peace through b of croſs Heb. 9. 20. this is the b of the teſtament 22 without ſhedding of b. no remiſſion 10. 19. into holieſt by b. of Jeſus 12. 4. have not reſiſted unto b. ſtriving 24. b. of ſprinkling—ſpeaketh better 1 Pet. 1. 2. ſprinkling of the b. of Jeſus 19. with precious b. of Chriſt 1 John 1 7 his b. cleanſeth us from all 5. 6. came by water and b. Rev. 1. 5 waſhed us in his own b. 6 10. doeſt thou not avenge our b. 7. 14. white in the b. of the lamb 8. 7. fire mingled with b. 12. 11. overcame by the b. of the Lamb 16. 6. given them b to drink for they 17. 6. drunken with the b. of ſaints Blood guiltineſs, Pſ. 51. 14. Bloody, Ex. 4. 25. 26. Pſ. 5. 6. & 5 [...]. 23.
  • BLOSSOM mans rod Num. 17. 5. Iſa. 5. 24. their b go up as duſt 27. 6. Iſrael ſhall b. and bud 35. 1. deſert ſhall b. as the roſe 2. It ſhall b. abundantly and rejoice [21] Ezek. 7. 10. rod hath b. pride budded Hab. 3. 17. the fig-tree ſhall not b.
  • BLOT, Job 31. 7. Prov. 9. 7. Exod. 32. 32. 33. b. out of thy book Num. 5. 23. Pſ. 69. 28. Rev. 3. 5. Blot out their name or remembrance Deut. 9. 14. & 25. 19. & 29. 20. 2 Kings 14. 27. Pſal. 109. 13. Blot out ſin, tranſgr. iniquity Neh. 4. 5. Pſ. 51. 1. 9. & 109. 14 Iſa. 43. 25. & 44. 22. Jer. [...]8. 23. Acts 3. 19. Col. 2. 14. b. out the hand writ. of Lord
  • BLOW on my garden Song 4. 16. Hag. 1. 9. I did b. upon it John 3. 8. wind b. where it liſteth
  • BLUSH to lift up my face Ezra 9. 6. Jer. 6. 15. neither could they b. 8. 12.
  • BOAST Pſ. 10. 3. & 34. 2. & 49 6. & 32. 1. Prov. 20. 14. & 25. 14. James 3. 5. 1 Kings 20. 11. b. as he that puts it off Pſ. 44. 8. in God we b. all the day long Prov. 27. 1. b. not of to-morrow Rom. 11. 18. b. not againſt the branches Eph. 2. 9. not of works leſt any ſhould b. Boaſting Acts 5. 36. Rom. 3. 27. James 4. 16. b. all ſuch rejoicing is evil Rom. 1. 30. proud boaſters 2 Tim. 3. 2.
  • BODY of heaven Exod. 24. 10. Job 19. 26. worms deſtroy this b. yet in Mat. 6. [...]2. b. full of light Luke 11. 34. 10. 28. that kill the b. Luke 12. 4. 26. 26. this is my b. [...] Cor. 11. 24. Rom. 6. 6. that b. of ſin be deſtroyed 7. 4. dead to the law by the b. of Chriſt 24. deliver me from this b. of death 8. 10. b is dead becauſe of ſin 13. thro' the ſpirit mortify deeds of b. 23. adoption the redemption of our b. 1 Cor. 6. 13. b. is not for fornication but for the Lord and the Lord for the b. 18. every ſin that a man doth without b. 19. your b. is the temple of the H. G. 7. 4. wife hath not power of her own b. 9. 27. I keep under my b. leſt that by 10. 16. communion of the b. of Chriſt 11. 27. guilty of the b. and blood of L. 29. not diſcerning the Lord's b. 12. 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 20. 22. 23. 24. 25. 27. ye are the b. of Chriſt 15. 35 with what b. do they come 44. ſown a natural b. a ſpiritual b. 2 Cor. 5. 8. to be abſent from the b. Eph. 3. 6. fellow-heirs of the ſame b. 4. 12. for edifying the b. of Chriſt 5. 23 and he is the Saviour of the b. Phil. 3. 21. who ſhall change our vile b. Col. 1. 18. he is head of the b. church 2. 11. putting off the b. of ſins of fleſh 17. ſhadow of things—but b. is of Chriſt 23. neglecting of the b. not in honour 1 Theſſ. 5. 23. ſpirit ſoul and b. be preſ. Heb. 10. 5. a b haſt thou prepared me James 3. 6. able to bridle the whole b. Jude 9. diſputed about the b. of Moſes John 2. 21. his own b. 1 Cor. 6. 18. 1 Pet. 2. 24. 1 Cor. 5. 3. in the b. 2 Cor. 5. 6. 10. & 12. 2. Phil. 1. 20. Heb. 13. 3. Deut. 28. 11. 18. 55. fruit of the b. & 309. Pſ. 132. 11. Mic. 6. 7. Rom. 8. 11. quicken your mortal b. 12. 1. Preſent your b. a living ſacrifice 1 Cor. 6. 15. your b. are members of C. Eph. 5. 28. huſbands love wives as own b. Heb. 10. 22 b. waſhed with pure water Luke 3. 22. H. G. deſcended in bodily ſh. 2 Cor. 10. 10. his b. preſence is weak Col. 2. 9. dwelleth the fullneſs of G. b. 1 Tim. 4. 8. b. exerciſe profiteth little
  • BOLD as a lion Prov. 28. 1. 2 Cor. 10. 1. abſent am b. toward you 11. 21. if any is b. I am b. alſo Phil. 1. 8. I be much b. in Chriſt 14. Mark 15. 43. went boldly to Pilate Eph. 6. 10. 20. open my mouth b. Heb. 4. 16. come b to throne of grace 2 Cor. 7. 4. great is my boldneſs of ſpeech Eph. 3. 12. in whom we have b. acceſs Heb. 10. [...]9. b. to enter into the holieſt 1 [...]ohn 4. 17. b. in the day of judgment
  • BOND of covenant Ezek. 20. 37. Acts 8. 23. in gall and b. of iniquity Eph. 4. 3. unity of ſpirit in b. of peace 1 Cor. 12. 13. bond and free Gal. 3. 28. Eph: 6. 8. Col. 3. 11. Rev. 6. 15. & 13. 16. & 19. 18. Pſ. 116 16. haſt looſed my bonds Job 12. 8. he looſeth b. of kings Acts 20. 23. b. and afflictions abide me 23. 29. worthy of death or b. 26. 29. ſuch as I am except in theſe b. Eph 6. 20. I am an ambaſſador in b. Phil. 3. 16. to add affliction to my b. Col. 4. 18. remember my b. 2 Tim. 2. 9. ſuffer trouble even unto b. Phil. 10. whom I've begotten in my b. Heb. 10. 34. compaſſion in my b. 11. 36. trial o [...] b and impriſonments 13. 3. remember them that are in b. Exod. 13. 3. houſe of bondage 20. 2. 1. 14. lives bitter with hard b. 2. 23. ſighed by reaſon of the b. Rom. 8. 15. received again ſpirit of b. 1 Cor. 7. 15. broth. or ſiſter is not in b. Gal. 4. 24. Sinai which gendereth to b. 5. 1. intangled with yoke of b. Bond woman, Gen. 21. 10. Gal. 4. 23. 30.
  • BONE of my bone, and fleſh of my fleſh. Gen. 2. 23. & 29. 14. Judg. 9. 2. 2 Sam. 5. 1. & 19. 13. 1 Chron. 11. 11. Exod 12. 46. not break a bone of it John 19. 36. b. of him not be broken Job 10. 11. fenced me with b. & ſinews Pſ. 51. 8. b. broken may rejoice Eccl. 11. 15. how b grow in womb of Mat. 23. 37. full of dead men's b. His bones, Pſ. 34. 20. Eph. 4. 30. Job 20. 11. Ezek. 32. 27. Prov. 12. 4. Pſ. 6. 2. my bones are vexed 22. 14. all my b. are out of joint 31. 10. my b. are conſumed 32. 3. my b. waxed old thro' roaring [22] 35. 10. all my b. ſhall ſay Lord who is 38. there is no reſt in my b. 102. 3. my b. are burnt as an hearth 5. my b. cleave to my ſkin
  • BOOK, Gen. 5. 1. Eſth 6. 1. Exod. 32. 32. blot me out of thy b. Jo [...] 10. 23. O that it printed in a b. 31. 35. adverſary had written a b. Pſ. 40. 7. in volume of b. Heb. 10. 7. 56. 8. tears are they not in thy b. 139. 16. in thy b. all my members Book of life, Phil. 4. 3 Rev. 3. 5. & 13. 8 & 17. 8. & 10. 12. 15. & 21. 27. & 22. 19. Books, Eccl. 12. 12. Dan. 7. 10. [...] 9. 2. John 21. 25. 2 Tim. 4. 13. Rev. 30. 12.
  • BOOTHS, Lev. 23. 42. 43. Neh. 8. 14.
  • BORDER of garment, Mark 6. 56.
  • BORN to trouble man is, Job 5. 7. Pſ. 58. 3. go aſtray as ſoon as b. 87. 4 this man was b. there 6. [...]. this and that man—b. in her Prov. 17. 17. brother is b. for adverſity Eccl. 3. [...]. time to be b. and die Iſ. 9. 6. u [...]to us a child is b. a Son 66. 8. ſhall a nation be b. at once Jer. 15. 10. b. me a man of ſtrife Mat. 11. 11. among that a [...]e b. of w. 26. 24. better if I had not been b. John 3. 4. be b. when he is old 5. b of water and of ſpirit 6. born of fleſh, is fleſh b. of ſpirit Rom. 9. 11 children not being yet b. 1 Cor. 15. 8. one b. out of due time Gal. 4. 2 [...]. b. after fleſh 29. 1 Pet. 2. 2. as new b. babes deſire Job. 14. 1. b. of a woman 15. 14. & 25. 4. Mat. 11. 11. Luke 7. 28. b. again John 3. 3. 5. 7. 1 Pet. 1. 23. Born of God, John 1. 13. 1 John 3. 9. & 4. 7. & 5. 1. 4. 18.
  • BORROW, Deut. 15. 6. & 28. 12. Exod. 22. 14. Neh. 5. 4. but aſk for it, Ex. 3. 22. & 11. 2. & 12. 35. Pſ. 37. 21. wicked b. and pays not Prov. 22. 7. bor. is ſervant to the lender Iſ. 24. 2. as with [...]ender ſo with b. Mat. 5. 42. from b. of thee turn not
  • BOSOM, Exod. 4. 9. Gen. 16. 5. Num. 11. 12. carry them in b. Deut. 13. 6. wife of b. 28 54. 56. Pſ. 35. 13. prayer return unto own b. 74. 11. pluck thy hand out of b. Prov. 5. 20. embrace b. of ſtranger 6. 27. take fire in his b. and not 17. 23. gift out of b. 21. [...]4. 19. 24. hides hands in his b. 26. 15. Eccl. 7. 9. anger reſts in b. of fools Pſ. 40. 11. carry them in his b. 65. 6. 7. recompenſe into their b. Pſ. 79. 12. Jer. 3 [...]. 18. [...]c. 7. 5. her that lieth in thy b. [...]ke 6. 38. men give into your b. [...]6. 23. carried into Abraham's b. John 1. 1 [...]. who is in b. of Father 13. 23. leaning on Jeſus b.
  • BOTH, Gen. 2 25. & 3. 9. & 9. 36. Zech. 6. 13. counſ. of peace betw. b. Eph 2. 14. our peace made b. one 16. that might reconcile b. to God 18. we b. have acceſs by one ſpirit
  • BOTTLE, Gen. 21. 14. 15. 19. Pſ. 56. 8. put my tears into thy b. 119. 83. I am like b. in the ſmoke Jer. 13. 12. every b. filled with wine Job 38. 37. bottles of heaven Mat 9. 17. new wine into old b. Mat. 2. 22. new wine into new b
  • BOUGHT Gen. 17. 12. 13. & 33. 19. Deut. 32. not father that b thee Mat. 13. 46. ſold all and b. it 1 Cor. 6. 20. b. with price 7. 23. 2 Pet. 2. 1. denying Lord that b. them
  • BOUND Iſaac, Gen. 2 [...]. 9. Job 36. 8. if they be b. in fetters Pſ. 107. 10. being b. in affliction Prov. 21. 15. fool. b in heart of child. Iſ. 61. 1. opening of the priſon to b. Mat. 16. 19. whatſoever ye bind on earth ſhall be b. in heaven 28. 18. Acts 20. 22. I go b. in the ſpirit Acts 21. 13. ready not to be b. only Rom. 7. 2. wiſe is b. by the law to her husband 1 Cor. 7. 30. 1 Cor. 7. 27. art b. to a wife ſeek not 2 Tim. 2. 9. word of God is not b. Heb. 13 3. in bonds as b. with them Iſ. 1. 6. cloſed no [...] bound up Ezek. 30. 21. not b. up to be healed 34. nor have ye b. up broken Hoſ. 13. 12. iniquity of Ephr. is b. up
  • BOUNTY, 1 Kings 10. 13. 2 Cor. 9. 5. Prov. 22. 9. Iſ. 32. 5. bountiful Pſ. 13. 6. dealt bountifully with me 116. 7. & 11 [...]. 17. & 142. 7. 2 Cor. 9. 6. ſows b. ſhall reap b.
  • BOW in the clouds Gen. 9. 13. 14. 16. 49. 24 his bow abode in ſtrength Joſh. 24. 12. not with ſword —bow 2-8 am. 1. 18. teach children uſe of b. Pſ. 7. 12. he hath ſent his b. and made 11. 2. lo wicked bend their b. 44. 6. I'll not truſt in my b. 78. 57. turned aſide like deceit f. b. Jer. 9. 3. bend tongue like b. for lies Lam. 2. 4. bent h [...]s b. like enemy 3. 42. bent his b ſet me as mark Hoſ. 1. 5. break the b. of Iſrael 7. I will not ſave them by b. nor 7. 16. turned like deceitful b. 1 Sam. 2. 4. Pſ. 37. 15. bows & 64. 3. & 78. 6. Jer. 51. 56. Bow down thy ear 2 Kings 19. 16. Pſ. 31. 2. & 86. 1. Prov. 22. 17. Job 31. 10. let others—upon her Pſ. 95. let us—and worſhip Gen. 23. 12. Abraham bowed down himſelf before the people 27. 29. Judges [...]5. —on their knees to dri [...] [23] Pſ. 38. 6. I am— greatly I go mourning 41. 25. ſoul is—to duſt 57. 5. 145. 14. raiſeth up all—146. 8. Iſ. 2. 11. haughtineſs of men—17.
  • BOWELS did yern Gen. 43. 30. 1 Kings 3. 26. 2 Chron. 21. 15. 18. Pſ. 71. 6. took me out of mothers b. Iſ. 63. 15. where ſounding of thy b. Jer. 4. 19. my b. my b. I am pained 31. 20. my b. are troubled for him Lam. 1. 20. & 2. 11. Song 5. 2. Acts 1. 18. all his b. guſhed out 2 Cor. 6. 12. ſtraitened in own b. Phil. 1. 8. I long after you in b of Chr. 2. 1. if any comfort b and mercies Col. 3. 12. put on b. of mercies Philem. 7. b. of ſaints refreſhed 12. my own b. to refr. my b. in Lord 1 John 3. 17. ſhuts up b. of compaſſion
  • BOWL, Num. 7. 85. Eccl. 12. 6. Zech. 4. 2. 3. & 9. 15. & 14. 20.
  • BRAKE the tables Ex. 32. 19. & 34. 1. 9. Deut. 9. 17. & 10. 2. Judges 7. 19. b the pitchers 9. 5 [...] b. his ſkull 16. 12. Samſon b. the new ropes 1 Sam. 4. 18. Eli b. his neck and died 1 Kings 9. 11. wind b. in pieces rocks 2 Kings 11. 18. b. Baal's images 10. 27. 18. 14. b. the brazen ſerpent 23. 14. b. images 2 Chr. 3 [...]. 1. Job 29. 17. b. the jaws of wicked Pſ. 76. 3. b. he the arrows 105. 16. b. whole ſtaff of bread 107. 14. b. their bands aſunder Jer. 31. 32. my cov. they b. Ezr. 17. 16. Dan. 2. 1. his ſleep b. from him 34. ſtone b. them to pieces [...]5. 6. 24. b. all their bones to pieces Mat 14. 19. bleſſed. & b. & gave 15. 36. & 26. 26. Mark 6. 41. & 8. 6. & 14. 22. Luke 9. 16. & 22. 19. & 24. [...]0. 1 Cor. 11. 24. Mark 14. 3. b. box and poured oint. Brake down images—houſe altars of Baal 2 Kings 10. 27. & 11. 18. 2. Chr. 14. 3. & 23. 17. & 34. 4. —wall of Jeruſalem 2 Kings 14. 13. & 25. 10. 2 Chron. 25. 23. & 36. 19. Jer. 39. 8. & 52. 14. houſes of Sodomit, high places, altars, altar of Bethel 2 Kings 23. 7. 8. 12. 15. Pſ 74. 13. 14. breakeſt heads of dragons
  • BRAMBLE, Judges 9. 14. Luke 6. 44.
  • BRANCH with cluſter of grapes Num. 13. 23. Iſ. 17. 9. & 18. 5. Job 15. 32. his b. ſhall not be green 18. 16. his b. ſhall not be cut off Pſ. 80. 15. b. thou made ſtrong for ſelf Prov 11. 28. righteous flouriſh as a b. Iſ. 4. 2. b. of Lord be beautiful 9. 14. cut off b. and root 19 15. 11. 1. b. ſhall grow out of his roots 14. 19. caſt out like abominable b. 25. 5. b. of terrible be broken 62. 21. b. of my planting 61. 3. Jer. 23. 5. to David a righteous b. 33. 15. cauſe b. of righteous to grow Ezek. 8. 17. put b. to the noſe Zech. 3. 8. bring my ſervant the b. 6. 12. man whoſe name is b. Mal. 4. 1. leave neither root nor b. Mat. 24. 32. when b. is tender John 15. 2. every b. in me bears fruit 4. as b. cannot bear fruit except 6. caſt forth as a b. wishered Lev. 23. 40 take branches of Palm-trees Neh. 8. 15. John 12. 13. Job 15. 30. flame dry up his b. Pſ. 80. 11. her b. to the river 104. 12. ſing among the b. Iſ 16. 8. her b. ſtretched out 17. 6. four or five in outmoſt b. 18. 5. ſhall cut down b. 27. 10. Jer. 11. 16. b. are broken Ezek. 17. 6. 7. & 19 10. 14. Dan. 4. 14. new trees cut of his b. Hoſ. 14. 6. his b. ſhall ſpread Zech. 4. 12. what be theſe two olive b. John 15. 5. I'm the vine ye are b. Rom 11. 16. if root be holy [...]o are b. 17. ſome b. be broken off 19. 18. boaſt not againſt b. 21. God ſpared not natural b. 24.
  • BRAND. Judges 15. 5. Zech. 3. 2.
  • BRASS, Gen. 4. 27. Dan. 5. 4. Num. 21. 9. I make ſerpent b. Deut. 8. 9. whoſe hills mayeſt dig. b. 28. 23. heaven over head be b. Job. 6. 12. is my ſtrength of b. 41. 27 eſteem [...] b. as rotten woop 107. 16. broken gates of b. Iſ 48. 4. neck iron brow b. 60. 17. for wood I'll bring b. Dan. 2. 32. belly and thighs of b. Zech. 6. 1. mountains of b. 1 Cor. 13. 1. become as ſounding b. Rev. 1. [...]5. feet like fine b. 2. 18. Braſen, Num. 16. 39. 2 Kings 18, 4. & 25. 13. 2 Chron. 6. 13. Jer. 1. 18. & 15. 20. & 52. 20. Mark 7. 4.
  • BRAWLER, 1 Tim. 3. 3. Tit. 3. 2. Prov. 21. 9. & 25. 24. brawling
  • BRAY, Job 6 5. Prov. 27. 22.
  • BREACH be upon thee Gen. 38. 19. Num. 14. 34. know my b. of promiſe Judges 21. 15. L. made b. in the tribes 2 Sam. 6. 8. Lord made b. on Uzza 1 Chron. 18. 11. & 15. 13. Job 16. 14. breakeſt me b. upon b. Pſ. 106. 23. Moſes ſtood in the b. Iſ. 30. 13. this iniquity ſhall be as b. 26. in day Lord bindeth up b. of people 58. 12. repairer of the b. Lam. 2. 13. b. is great like the ſea Pſ. 60 2. heal breaches thereof
  • BREAD ſhall be fat Gen. 49. 20. Exod. 16. 4. I'll rain b. from heaven 23. 25. he'll bleſs thy b. and water Lev. 26. 1 b. of their God they offer 8. Num. 14. 9 they are b. for us 21. 5. ſoul lothes th [...]s light b. [...] [24] Deut. 8. 3. not live by b. only Mat. 4. 4. Luke 4. 4. Ruth 1. 6. viſited his people giving b. 2 Sam. 2. 5. hired themſelves for b. 25. 11. take my b. and my wine 1 Kings 18. 4. fed them with b. & water Neh. 5. 14. b. of governor 18. 9. 15. gaveſt b from heaven Pſ. 37. 25. nor feed begging b. 78. 20. can he give b. alſo 80. 5. feedeſt them with b. of tears 102. 9. I've eaten aſhes like b. 104. 15. b which ſtrength. mans heart 132. 15. ſatisfy her poor with b. Prov. 9. 17. b. eaten in ſecret is pleaſant 20. 17. b. of deceit is ſweet 22. 9. giveth of his b. to the poor 31. 27. ſhe eats not the b. of idleneſs Eccl. 9. 11. nor yet b. to the wiſe 11. 1. caſt thy b. upon the waters Iſa. 3. 1. whole ſtay of b. 7. 30. 20. Lord give you b. of adverſity 33. 16. b. ſhall be given and water 55. 2. ſpend money for that is not b. 10. give ſeed to ſower and b. to eater 58. 7. deal thy b. to the hungry Lam. 4. 4. young children aſk b. Ezek. 18. 7. given his b. to the hungry Hoſ. 2. 5. give me my b. and water 4. ſacrifices as b. of mourners Amos 4. 6. want of b. in all your places Mal. 4. 7. offer polluted b. on my alter Mat. 4. 3. theſe ſtones be made b. 6. 11. day our daily b. Luke 11. 11. 7. 9. if his ſon aſk b. give him a ſtone 15. 26. meet to take the childrens b. [...]6. 5. forgotten to take b. 11. 12. 26. 26. took b. and bleſſed it Mark 8. 4. ſatisfy theſe with b. Luke 7. 3 [...]. neither eating b. nor drink. 15. 17. ſervants have b. enough 24. 35. known in breaking of b. John 6. 32. Moſes gave you not that b. 33. b. of God is he that cometh 34. evermore give us this b. 35. I am the b. of life 48. true b. 32. 41. I am the b. which came down 50. this b. that comes down 58. 13. 18. that eateth b. with me Acts 2. 42. breaking of b and in prayers 46. breaking b. from houſe to houſe 20. 7. came together to break b. 27. 35. took b. and gave thanks 1 Cor. 10. 16. b. we break is it not 17. we being many are one b. all partakers of that one b. 11. 23. night he was betrayed took b. 26. as often as ye eat this b. 27. 2 Cor. 9. 10. miniſter b. for your food Deut. 16. 3. bread of affliction 1 Kings 22. 27. 2 Chr. 18. 26. Iſa. 30. 20. Gen. 3. 19. bread will eat 28. 20. Pſ. 14. 4. & 127. 2. Prov. 25. 21. Eccl. 9. 7. Eccl. 12. 9. Mark 7. 5. Luke 1 [...] [...]5. 1 Cor. 11. 26. 2 Theſ [...]. 3. 12. [...] Sam. 2. [...]6. [...]iece of bread Prov. 6. 26. & 28. 21. Jer. 37. 21. Ezek. 13. 19. Lev. 26. 26. break ſtaff of bread Pſ. 105. 16. Ezek. 4. 16. & 5. 16. & 14. 13. Gen. 19. 3. unleavened bread Exod. 12. 8. 15. & 13. 6. 7. & 18. 20. Mark 14. 12. Luke 22. 7. Acts 12. 3. 20. 1 Cor. 5. 8.
  • BREAK Gen. 19. 9. Exod. 34. 13. Ezra 9. 14. ſhould we again b. command. Pſ. 2. 3. let us b. their bands aſunder 9. ſhalt b. them with a rod of [...]rod 10. 15. b. thou the arm of the wicked 58. 6. b. their teeth in their mouth [...]9. 31. if they b my ſtatutes 34. my covenant I will not b. 141. 5. ſmiting not b. my head Song 2. 17. till day b. and ſhadows 4. 6. Iſa. 42. 3. bruiſed reed not b. 12. 20. 58. 6. that ye b. every yoke Jer. 14. 21. b. not thy covenant with us 15. 12. ſhall iron b. the northern iron 33. 20. can b my covenant of the day Ezek. 4. 16. b. the ſtaff of bread 5. 16. & 14. 13. Pſ. 105. 16. 17. 15. ſhall he b. the co [...]. and be del. Hoſ. 1. 5 b. the bow of Iſrael 2. 18. Zech. 11. 10. might b. my covenant 14. might b. the brotherhood Mat. 5. 19. b. one of theſe leaſt com. Acts 21. 13. mean to b. my heart 1 Cor. 10. 16. bread which we b. Exod. 23. 24. break down Deut. 7. 5. Pſ. 74. 6. Eccl. 3. 3. Jer. 31. 28. & 45. 5. Hoſ. 10. 2. Exod. 19. 22. 24. break forth Iſa. 55. 8. Jer. 1. 14 Gal. 4. 27. Iſa. 14. 7. break forth into ſinging 44. 23. & 49. 13. & 54. 1. & 55. 12. & 52. 9. Dan. 4. 27. break off thy ſins by righteouſ. Exod. 22. 6. break out Iſa. 35. 6. Hoſ. 4. 2. Amos 5. 6. Job. 19. 2. break in pieces & 34. 24. Pſ. 72. 4. & 94. 5. Iſa. 45. 2. Jer. 51. 20. 21. 22. Dan. 2. 40. 44. & 7. 23. Exod. 19. 21. 24. break through Mat. 6. 19. 20. where thieves— Jer. 4. 3 break up your fallow ground Hoſ. 10. 12. Gen. 32. 26. let go—day breaketh Job 9. 17. he b. me with a temp [...]ſt 16. 14. he b. me with breach upon Pſ. 29. 5. voice of the Lord b. cedars 46. 9. b. the bow and burns chariot 119. 20. my ſoul b for the longing Prov. 25. 15. ſoft tongue b. the bones Eccl. 10. 8. whoſo b. a hedge Jer. 19. 11. as one b. potters veſſels 23. 29. like a hammer that b. rocks Hoſ. 13. 13. place of breaking forth of children 1 Chron. 14. 11. Luke 24. 35. known by b. bread Acts 2. 42. b. of bread 46. Rom. 2. 23. thro' b. law diſhonour. God
  • BREASTS Gen. 49. 25. Job 3. 12. [25] Job 21. 24. his b. are full of milk Pſ. 22. 9. I was upon my mothers b. Prov. 5. 19. let her b. ſatisfy thee Song 1. 13. lye all night between my b. 4. 5. two b. like two roes 7. 3. 7. 7. thy b. to cluſters of grapes 8. 8. [...]. fucked the b. of my mother 8. little f [...]er and ſhe hath no b. 10. I am a wall and b. like towers Iſa. 28. 9. drawn from the b. 60. 16. ſuck the b. of kings 40. 23. 66. 11. ſatisfied with b. of conſolation Ezek. 16. 7. thy b. are faſhioned 23. 3. there were their b. preſſed 8. bruiſed b. of her virginity Hoſ. 2. 2. adult. from between her b. 9. 14. give miſcarry. womb & dry b. Joel 2. 16 gather thoſe that ſuck b. Luke 23. 48. ſmote upon their b. Rev. 15. 6. their b. girded with golden Exod. 28. 4. breaſt-plate Rev. 9. 9. 17. Iſa. 59. 17. put on right as a b. Eph. 6. 14. b. of righteouſneſs 1 Theſſ. 5. 8. b of faith and love
  • BREATH of life Gen. 2. 7. & 6. 17. & 7. 15. 22. Iſa. 2. 22. Hab. 2. 19. Job 2. 10. in hand all b. of mankind 17. 1. my b. is corrupt, days extinct 19. 17 my b. is ſtrange to wife 33. b. of the almighty given me life Pſ. 33. 6. made by b of his mouth 104. 29. away their b. they die 146. 4. his b. goes forth he returns 150. 6. that hath b. praiſe the Lord Eccl. 3. 19. they have all one b. Iſa. 2. 2 [...]. whoſe b is in his noſtrils 11. 4. with b. of lips ſlay wicked 42. 5. giveth b. to the people Lam. 4. 20. the b. of our noſtrils Dan 5. 23. in whoſe hand thy b. is Acts 17. 25. life b. and all things Pſ. 27. 12. breathe out cruelty Ezek. 37. 9. b. upon theſe ſlain John 20. 22. b. on them receive Acts 9. 1. breathing out ſlaughter
  • BRETHREN we be Gen. 13. 8. Pſ. 133. 1. for b. to dwell together Mat. 23. 8. all y [...] are b. Acts 7. 26. Mark 10. 29. left houſe b Luke 18. 29. Acts 11. 29. ſend relief to the b. Rom. 8. 29. firſt-born among many b. 1 Cor. 8. 12. ſin againſt the b. 15. 6. of above 500 b. at once Gal. 2. 4. falſe b. crept into 1 Tim. 4. [...]. put the b. in rememb. 5. 1. intreat the younger as b. Heb. 2. 11. not aſhamed to call 'em b. 1 Pet. 1. 22. unfeigned love of b. 3. 8. love as b. be pitiful courteous 1 John 3. 14. becauſe we love the b. 16. ought to lay down our lives for b. 3 John 10. neither doth receive the b. Gen. 49. 26. ſeparated from his brethren Deut. 33. 16. Deut. 17. 20. lift up above his b. 33. 9. n [...]r acknowledge his b. 24. let him be acceptable to— 1 Chr. 4. 9. more honour. than his b. 5. 2. prevailed above his b. Hoſ. 13. 15. fruitful among his b. John 7. 5. did his b. believe in him 1 Cor. 6. 5. to judge between his b. Heb. 2. 17. made like to his b. Job 6. 15. my b. have dealt deceitfully 19. 13. put my b. far from me Pſ. 22. 22. declare name unto my b. 69. 8. I am ſtranger to my b. aliant 122. 8. for my b. and compan. ſake Mat. 12. 48. who are my b. 25. 40. 45. leaſt of theſe my b. 28. 10. [...]0 tell my b. that they John 20. 17. go to my b & ſay I aſc. Rom. 9 3. accurſed from C. for thy b. Gen. 27. [...]9. thy brethren 48. 22. & 49 8. Deut. 15. 7 & 18. 15. 1 Sam. 17. 18. Mat. 12. 47 Mark 3. 32. Luke 8. 20. & 14. 12. & 22. 32. Jer. 12. 6. thy b. have dealt treacherouſly Rev. 19. 10. I am of thy b. 22. 9. 1 Kings 12. 24. your brethren 2 Chron. 30. 7. 9. & 35. 6. Neh. 4. 14. fight for your b. Iſa. 66. 5. your b. that hated you Mat. 5. 47. if ſalute—only Acts 3. 22. raiſe up of—prophet like unto me 7. 37. Deut. [...]8. 15.
  • BRIARS Judg. 8. 7. 16. Iſa. 7. 23. 24. 25. & 32. 15. Heb 6. 8. Mic. 7. 4. Iſa. 5. 6. come up b. and thorns 9. 18. wicked ſhall devour b. 10. 17. 27. 4. ſet b. againſt me in battle 55. 13. inſtead of b. ſhall—myrtle Ezek. 2. 6. tho' b. & thorns be with thee 28. 24. no more pricking b. to houſe
  • BRIBES 1 Sam. 8. 3. Amos 5. 12. 1 Sam. 12. 3. have I received any b. Pſ. 26. 10. right hand full of b. Iſa. 33. 15. hands from holding b. Job 15. 34. tabernacles of bribery
  • BRICK Gen. 11. 3. Exod. 1. 14. & 5. 7. 8. 14. 16. 18. 19. Iſa. 65. 3. & 9. 10. 2 Sam. 12. 31. brick-kiln Jer. 43. 9. Nah. 3. 14.
  • BRIDE binds her ornaments Iſa. 49. 18. Iſa. 61. 10. as a b. adorns herſelf Jer. 2. [...]2. can a b. forget her attire Joel 2. 16. b. go out of her cloſet John 3. 29. he that hath b. is bridegroom Rev. 21. 2. as a b. adorned for huſband 9. I'll ſhew thee the b. the Lambs wife 22. 17. ſpirit and b ſay come Mat. 9. 15. bride-chamber Mark 2. 19. Luke 5. 34.
  • BRIDEGROOM Joel 2. 16. John 2. 9. Pſ. 19. 5. as a b. coming out of Iſa. 61. 10. as a b. decks himſelf 62. 5. as the b. rejoiceth over the bride Jer. 7. 34. ceaſe the voice o [...] b and bride 16. 9. & 25. 10. & 33. 11. Rev. 18. 23. Mat. 9. 15. as long as the b. is with them Mark 2. 19. 20. Luke 5. 34. 35. Mat. 25. [...]. went [...]orth to meet the b. 6.
  • [26]BRIDLE for aſs Prov. 26. 3. Pſ. 32. 9. mouth held with b. 39. 1. keep my mouth with a b. Iſa. 37. 29. put my b. in thy lips 30. 28. 2 Kings 19. 28. Rev. 14. 20. James 1. 26. bridleth not his tongue 3. 2. perfect able to b. the whole body
  • BRIGHTNESS 2 Sam. 22. 13. Ezek. 1. 4. 27. 28. & 8. 2. & 28. 7. 17. Job 31. 26. moon walking in b. Iſa. 62. 1. righteouſneſs go forth as b. Ezek. 10. 4. court full of b. Lord's glory Dan. 12. 3. wiſe ſhall ſhine as the b. of Amos 5. 20. dark and no b in it Ha [...]. 3. 4. his b. was as the light Acts 26 13 a light [...]ove b. of the ſun 2 Theſſ. 2. 8. Lord deſtroy with b. of Heb. 1. 3 being the b. of his glory
  • BRIMSTONE Gen. 19. 24. Deut. 9. 23. Job 18. 13. Pſ. 11. 6. Ezek. 3 [...]. 22. Luke 17. 29. Rev. 14. 10. & 19. 20. & 21. 8. Iſa. 30. 33. & 34. 9.
  • BRING a flood Gen. 6. 17. Joſh. 23. 15. b. upon you all the evil [...] Kings 8. 32. to b his way on own head Jo [...] 14. 4. who can b. a clean thing 33. 20. to b. back his ſoul from the pit Pſ. 60. 9. who will b. me into ſtrong city 68. 29. kings ſhall b. preſents to thee 72. 10 Iſa. 60. 9. & 66. 20. 72. 3. mountains b. peace to people 94. 23. b. on them their own iniquity Eccl. 11. 9 G. will b. thee into judgment 12. 14. Job 14. 3. & 30. 23. Song 8. 2. b. thee to my mothers houſe Iſa. 1. 13 b no more vain oblations 43. 5. I'll b. thy ſeed from eaſt 6. b. my ſons from far no. 9. 46. 13. I b. near my righteouſneſs 66. 9. ſhall I b to birth and no [...] cauſe Hoſ. 2. 14. allure and b. into wilderneſs Zeph. 3. 5. every morning b his judg. Luke 2 10. I b you good tidings 8. 14. b. no fruit to perfection John 14. 26. b. all things to remembrance Acts 5. 28. intend to b. this mans blood 1 Cor. 1. 28. to b. to nought things are 4. 5. b. to light hidden things of dark. 1 Theſſ. 4 14. God will b. with him 1 Pet. 3. 18. that he might b. us to God Gen. 1. 11. 20. 24. bring forth & 3. 16. Mat. 1. 21. Job 39. 1. Exod. 3. 10. 2 Kings 19. 3 there is not ſtrength— Job 15. 3 [...]. conceive miſchief—vanity Pſ. 37. 6. he ſhall—thy righteouſneſs [...]2. 14. ſ [...]l [...]—fruit in old age Prov. 27. 1. what a day may— Iſa. 41. 21.—your ſtrong reaſons 42 1.—judgment to the Gentiles 4. 59. 4. conceive miſchief and—iniquity 66. 8. made to—in one day Zeph. 2. 2. before the decree— Mark 4. 20.—fruit ſome thirty-fold Luke 3. 8 —f [...]uits worthy of repent. 8. 15.—fruit with patience. John 15. 2. that it may—more fruit Pſ. 1. 3. bringeth forth fruit in its ſeaſon Hoſ 10. 1. b. forth fruit to himſelf Mat. 3. 10. b. not forth good fruit 7. 19. & 12. 35. Luke 12 35. John 12. 24. if it die, it—much fruit Jam. 1. 15. it—ſin—death
  • BROAD Num. 16. 38. 39. Nah. 2. 4. Mat. 23. 5. Job 36. 16. out of ſtrait into b. place Pſ. 1 [...]9. 96. thy command. is exceed. b. Iſa. 33. 21. Lord a place of b. rivers Mat. 7. 13. b. is the way to deſtruction
  • BROKEN my covenant Gen. 17. 14. Pſ. 55. 20. Iſa. 24. 5. & 33. 8. & 36. 6. Jer. 11. 10. & 33. 21. Ezek. 44. 7. Pſ. 34. 18. nigh to them of b. heart 44. 19. ſo [...]e b. us in place of dragons 51. 8. bones which b. may rejoice 17. b. ſpirit b. and contrite heart 147. 3. heals the b. in heart Iſa. 61. 1. to b [...]nd up the b. hearted Jer. 2. 13. hewed out b. ciſterns 5. 5. altogether b. the yoke Dan. 2. 42. partly ſtrong and partly b. Hoſ. 5. 11. Ephraim is b. in judgment Mat. 21. 44. fall on ſtone—be b. John 10. 35. ſcripture cannot be b.
  • BROOK Num. 13. 23. Deut. 2. 13. Pſ. 110. 7. drink of the b. in the way Jo [...] 20. 17. b. of honey and butter Iſa 19. 6. b. of de [...]ence ſhall be emptied
  • BROTHER born for adver. Prov. 17. 17. 18. 19 a b. offended is harder to won 24. there is a friend ſticks cloſer than b. 27. 10. near than b. a far off Jer. 9. 4 truſt not in b. for every b. Mat. 10. 21. b. ſhall deliver up b. to death Mark 13. 12 Mic. 7. 5. 6. 1 Cor. 5. 11. any called b. be fornicator 6. 6. fault. b. goes to law with b 7. 15. b or ſiſter is not in bondage 8. 11 ſhall thy weak b. periſh 2 Theſſ. 3. 15. admoniſh him as b. James 1. 9 let b. of low degree rejoice Pſ. 35. 19. my brother Song 8. 1. Mat. 12. 50. & 18. 21. 1 Cor. 8. 13. Pſ 50. 20. thy brother Mat. 5. 23. 24. & 18. 15 Rom. 14. 10. 15. Gen. 45. 4. your brother Rev. 1. 9. Zech. 11. 14. brotherhood 1 Pet. 2. 17. Amos 1. 9. remember not brotherly co [...]. Rom. 12. 10. affectioned with b. love 1 Theſſ. 4. 9. as touch b. love ye Heb. 13. 1. let b. love continue 2 Pet. 1. 7. to godlineſs b. kindneſs
  • BROUGHT in hitherto 2 Sam. 7. 18. Neh. 4. 15. God b their counſel to 9. 33. juſt in all that is b. on us Pſ. 45. 14. b. to the king in ra [...]ent 79. 8. we are b. very low 106. 43. b. low for their iniquities 107. 39. b. low through oppreſſion 116. 6. I was b. low and he helped me Iſa. 1. 2. nouriſhed and b. up children Mat. 10. 18. b. before governors Mark 13. 9. Luke 21. 12. [27] 1 Cor. 6. 12. not be b. under power Gal. 2. 4. falſe brethren unawares b. in 1 Tim. 6. 7 b. nothing into this world Pſ. 107. 12. brought down Mat 11. 23. Deut. 33. 14. brought forth Pſal. 18. 19. & [...]0. 2. Iſa. 66. 7. James 5. 18.
  • BRUISE head—heal Gen. 3. 15. Iſa. 42. 3. b. reed not break Mat. 12. 20 53. 5 he was b. for our iniquities 10. It pleaſed the Lord to b. him Rom. 16. 20 God of peace b. Satan Ezek. 23. 8. 21. bruiſe breaſt teats
  • BRUIT report Jer. 10. 22. Nah. 3. 19.
  • BRUTISH man knows not Pſal. 92. 4. 94. 8. underſtand ye b. among people Prov. 30. 2. I am more b. than any Jer. 10. 14. every m. b. in his k. 51. 17.
  • BUCKLER to all that truſt Pſ. 18. 30. 2. my b. and horn of ſalvation 91. 4. his truth ſhall be thy b. Prov. 2. 7. a b. to that walk uprightly
  • BUFFETED 2 Cor. 12. 7. Mat. 26. 67. 1 Cor. 4. 11. 1 Pet. 2. 20.
  • BUILD walls of Jeruſalem Pſ. 51. 18. 102 16. Lord ſhall b up Zion 127. 1. except the Lord b the city 147. 2. Lord doth b. up Jeruſalem Eccl. 3. 3. time—to b. up Mic. 3. 10. b. up Zion with blood Acts 20. 32. able to b. you up Job 22. 23. if thou return ſhalt be b. up Pſ. 89. 2. mercy ſhall be b. up for ever Mat. 7. 24. b. his houſe on a rock Eph. 2. 20. ye're b. on foundation of ap. Col. 2. 7. rooted and b. up in him Heb. 3. 3. he that b. all things is God 1 Pet. 2. 5. b. up a ſpiritual houſe Heb. 11. 10. builder and maker is God Pſ. 118. 22. ſtone which b. refuſed Mat. 21. 42. Mark 12. 10. Luke 20. 17. Acts 4. 11. 1 Pet. 2. 7. 1 Cor. 3. 10. maſter builder Joſh. 6. 26. curſed buildeth this city Prov. 14. 1. every wiſe woman b. houſe Jer. 22. 13. woe to him b. houſe by Amos 9. 6. b. his ſtories in heaven Hab. 2. 12. b. a town with blood 1 Cor. 3. 10. another b. thereon 1 Cor. 3. 9. ye are God's building 2 Cor. 5. 1. we have a b of God Eph. 2. 21. [...] the b. fitly framed Heb. 9. 11. tabernacles not of this b. Jude 20. b. up yourſelves in faith
  • BULLS compaſſed me Pſ. 22. 12. 50. 13. will I eat the fleſh of b. 68. 30. re [...]u [...]e multitude of b. Heb. 9. 13. if blood of b. and goats 10. 4. blood of b. cant take away ſin Pſ. 69. 31. than bullock with horns Jer. 31. 18. as a b. unaccuſtomed to yoke Pſ. 51. 19. offer b. on thy alter Iſa. 1. 11. delight not in blood of b.
  • BULRUSHES Ex. 2. 3. Iſa. 18. 2. & 58. 5.
  • BULWARKS Pſ. 48. 13. Iſa. 26. 1.
  • BUNDLE G [...] [...]2. 3. Acts 28 [...]. 1 Sam. 25. 29. bound up in b. life with L. Song 1. 13. b. of myrrh is my well-belov. Mat. 28. 30. bind tares in b. burn. them
  • BURDEN 2 Kings 5. 17. & 8. 9. Exod. 18. 2 [...]. ſhall bear the b. with thee Numb. 11. 17. 23. 5. aſs lying under his b. Deut. 1. 12 how can I bear your b. 2 Sam. 15. 33. thou [...]e a b. to me 19. 35. ſervant be a b. to my Lord 2 Kings 5. 17. two mules b. earth 9. 25. Lord laid this b. on him 2 Chron. 35. 3. not be b. on ſhoulders Neh. 13. 19. ſhall be no b brought in on ſabbath-day Jer. 17. 21. & 22. 24. 27. Job 7. 20. I am a b. to myſelf Pſ. 38. 4. a b. too heavy for me 55. 22. caſt thy b upon the Lord 81. 6. I removed his ſhoulder from b. Eccl. 12. 5. graſhopper ſhall be a b. Iſa. 9. 4. broken the yoke of his b. 10. 27. his b. taken from thy ſhoulder 30. 27. the b. thereof is heavy Zeph. 3. 18. reproach of it was a b. Mat. 11. 30. my yoke eaſy b. light 20. 12. born the b and heat of day Acts 15. 28. no greater b. than neceſſary Gal. 6. 5. every man bear his own b. Rev. 2. 24. put on you no other b. Zech. 12. 3. all that b. themſelves with 2 Cor. 12. 16. I did not b. you but 5. 4. groan earneſtly being burdened 8. 13. not others eaſed and you b. Iſa. 13. 1. burden threatning of heavy judgments 14. 28. & 15. 1. & 17. 1. & 19. 1. & 21. 1.11. & 22. 1. & 23. 1. Ezek. 12. 10. [...]ah. 1. 1. Hab. 1. 1. Zech. 9. 1. & 12. 1. Mal. 1. 1. Gen. 49. 14. burdens Exod. 1. 11. & [...]. 11. & 5. 4. Iſa. 58. 6. to undo the heavy b. Lam. 2. 14. ſeen for thee falſe b. Mat. 23. 4. b [...]nd heavy b. Luke 11. 46. Gal 6. 2. bear one anothers b. Zech. 12. 3. burdenſ [...]me 2 Cor. 11. 9. & 12. 13. 14. 1 Theſſ. 2. 6.
  • BURY my dead out of Gen. 2. 34. 49. 29. b. me with my fathers Pſ. 79. 3. there was none to b them Mat. 8. 21. firſt to go and b. my father 22. let dead b. their dead Luke 9. 60. Rom. 6. 4. buried with him by baptiſm into death Col. 2. 12. 1 Cor. 15. 4. he was b. and roſe again Gen. 23. 4. a poſſeſſion of a b. place 4 [...]. 30. b. me in the burying place M [...]rk 14. 8. a [...]oint my body to b. John 12. 7. againſt day of my b. ſhe did 2 Chron. 26. 23. burial Acts 8. 2. Eccl. 6. 3. that he have no b. Iſa. 14. [...]0. not joined in b. Jer. 22. 19. buried with b. of an aſs Mat. 26. 12. ſhe did it for my b.
  • BURN upon altar Exod. 29. 13. 18. 25. Lev. 1. 9. 15. & [...]. 2. & 3. 5. 11. 16. & 5. 12. & 6. 15. & 9. 17. Gen. 44. 18. thy anger b. againſt [28] Deut. 32. 22. ſhall b. to the loweſt hell Iſa. 27. 4. go through them and b. them Mal. 4. 1. day ſhall b. as an oven Luke 3. 17. chaff he'll b. unquench. fire 24. 32. did not our heart b. within us 1 Cor. 7. 9. better to marry than to b. 2 Cor. 11. 29. offended and I b. not Rev. 19. 16. eat her fleſh and b. her with Exod. 3. 2. body burned not conſumed Deut. 9. 15. mount b. with fire Pſ. 39. 3. while I was muſing the fire b. 1 Cor. 3. 15. if any mans work be b. 13. 3 I give my body to be b. Heb. 6. 8. whoſe end is to be b. 12. 18. not come to mount that b. Pſ. 46. 9. burns the chariot in the fire 83. 14 as fire burneth the wood 97. 3. b. up his enemies round about Iſa. 9. 19. wickedneſs b. as the fire Rev. 21. 8. lake which b. with fire Gen. 15. 17. burning lamp paſt between Jer. [...]0. 9. his word was as b. fire Hab. 3. 5. b. coals went forth at his feet Luke [...]2. 35. loins girt and lamp b. John 5. 35. a b. and ſhining light Exod. 21. 25. b. for b. wound for wound Deut. 28. 22. ſmite with extreme b. 29. 23. land brimſtone ſalt b. Iſa. 3. 24. b. inſtead of beauty 4. 4. by the ſpirit of judgment and b. Amos 4. 11. fire-brand pluckt out of b. Iſa. 33. 14. dwell with everlaſting b. Gen 8. 20. burnt offerings Deut. 12. 6. 1 Sam. 15. 22. Pſ 50. 8. Iſa. 1. 11. & 56. 7. Jer. 6. 20. & 7. 21. 22. Hoſea 6. 6. knowl. of God more than b. Mark 11. [...]0. more than all b. He [...]. 10 6. in b. for ſin hadſt no pleaſure Pſ. 74. 8. burnt up all the ſynagogues 10 [...]. 18. the flame b [...] up the wicked Iſa. 64. 11. our beautiful houſe is— Mat. 22. 7. armies and—their city 2 Pet. 3. 10. works therein be—
  • BURST thy bands Jer. 2. 20. 5. 5. broken yoke. b. bands 30. 8. Prov. 3. 10. preſſes b. out with wine Mark 2. 22. new wine doth b the bottles Luke 5. 37. Job 32 19. Acts 1. 18. b. aſunder in midſt bowels
  • BUSH is not burnt Exod. 3. 2. 3. 4. Acts 7. 30. Mark 12. 26. Deut. 33. 16. good will dwelt in b.
  • BUSHEL Mat. 5. 15. Luke 11. 33.
  • BUSHY and black Song 5. 11.
  • BUSINESS Gen. 39. 11. Rom. 16. 2. Pſ. 107. 23. do b. in great waters Prov 22. 29. a man diligent in his b. Eccl. 5. 3. dream thro' multitude of b. Luke 2. 49. be a [...] cut my fathers b. Acts 6. 3. to appoint over this b. Rom. 12. 11. not ſlothful in b. 1 Theſſ. 4. 11. ſtudy to do own b.
  • BUTTER and milk Gen. 18. 8. Deut. 32. 14. Judg. 5. 25. 2 Sam. 17. 29. Prov. 30. 33. Job 20. 17. brooks of honey and b. 29. 6. waſhed my ſteps with b. Pſ. 55. 21. words ſmoother than b. Iſa. 7. 15. b. and honey ſhall he eat 22.
  • BUY the truth Prov. 23. 23. Iſa. 55. 1. b. and eat yea b. wine 1 Cor. 7. 30. they that b. as tho' poſſ. James 4. 13. b. and ſell and get gain Rev. 3. 18. I counſel to b. gold Rev. 13. 17. no man might b. or ſell Prov. 20. 14. naught ſaith buyer Iſ. 24. 2. as with b. ſo with ſeller Ezek 7. 12. let not b. rejoice nor Prov. 31. 16. conſiders field and b. it Mat 13. 44. ſells all and b. the field Rev. 18. 11. no man b. her merchandiſe
  • BYE [...] by Mat. 13. 21. Mark 6. 25. Luke 17. 7. & 11. 5. By word among all nat. Deut. 28. 37. 1 Kings 6. 7. Iſreal ſhall be a b. 2 Chron. 7. 20. make this houſe a b. Job. 17. 6. made me a b. of people 30. 9. I am their ſong and their b. Pſ. 44. 14. makeſt us b. among heathen
  • CAGE Jer. 5. 27. Rev. 182.
  • CAIN & Abel Gen. 4 1.—17. Mat. 23. 35. Heb. 11. 4. & 12. 24. Iohn 3. 12. Jude 11
  • CAKES, Gen. 18 6. Judg. 6. 19. Judg. 7. 13. c. humbled into loftineſs 1 Kings 17. 12. have c. but handful Jer. 7. 18. make c. to queen of Heaven 44. 19. make c. to worſhip her Hoſ. 7. 8. Ephraim is a cake not turned
  • CALAMITY at hand Deut. 32. 35. Joh 6. 2. my c. laid in the balance 30. 13. mark path ſet forward my c. Pſ. 18. 18 prevent me in day of c. 51. 1. till theſe c. be overpaſt 141. 5. my pr. ſhall be in their c. Prov. 1. 26. I'll laugh at your c. 6. 15. his c. ſhall come ſuddenly 19. 13. fooliſh ſon is c of his father 27. 5. that is glad at [...] ſhall not 24. 22. their c ſhall riſe ſuddenly 27. 10. into [...]r. houſe in day of c. Jer. 18. 17. thy face in day of thy [...]. 45. 21. day of thy c. is come [...]8. 16. & 49. 8, 32. Ezek. 35. 5. Ob. 13.
  • CHALDEANS, Job 1. 17. Iſ. 43. 14. & 48. 20. Jer. 38. 2. & 39. 8. & 40. 9. & 50. 35. Ezek. 23. 14. Dan. 1. 4. & 9. 1.
  • CALDRON, 1 Sam. 2. 14. Job 41. 20. Ezek. 11. 3. 7. 11 Mic. 3. 3. Jer. 52. 18.
  • CALEB, & Joſhua Numb. 13. 30. & 14. 6. 24. 38. & 26. 65. & 32. 12.
  • CALF, Gen. 18 7. Job 21. 10. Pſ. 29. [...]. Iſ. 17. 10. Rev. 4. 7. Exod. 32. 4. made a molten c. 15 Deut. 5. 10. Neh. 9. 18. Pſ. 106. 21. Iſ. 11. 6. c. & young lion together Jer. 34. 18. when cut c. in twain Hoſ. 8. 5. thy c. O Sam. hath caſt thee [...]. c. of Sa [...]aria ſhall be broken [29] Luke 15. 23. bring hither fatted c. 27. killed the fatted c. 30.
  • CALL them what held Gen. 2. 19. 24. 57. we'll c. the damſel & enquire 30. 13. daughters 'll c. me bleſſed Deut. 4. 7. all that we c. on him for 26. I c. hear. & ear. to witneſs 30. 19. 1 Sam. 3. 6. here I am for didſt c. me 1 Kings 8. 52. in all they c. to thee for 1 [...]. 18. to c. my ſin to remembrance 1 Chron. 16. 8. c. upon his name Job 5. 1. c. now if there be any 13. 22. c. thou and I'll anſ. 14. 15. 27. 10. will he alway c. upon God Pſ. 4. 1. hear me when I c. O God 14. 4. they c. not on Lord 53 4. 49. 11. c. their land after names 72. 17. all nations ſhall c. him bleſſed 77. 6. I c. to remembr. ſong in night 80. 18. we'll c. on thy name 86. 5. plent. in mercy to all that c. 145. 18. nigh to all that c. upon him Prov. 31. 28. children c. her bleſſed Iſ. 5. 20. Wo to them that c. evil good 22. 12. in day L. did c. to weeping 55. 6. c. upon him while he is near 58. 9. ſhalt thou c. & I'll anſwer 65. 24. before they c. I'll anſwer Jer. 25. 29. I'll c. for a ſword Joel 2. 32. remnant whom Lord ſhall c. John 1. 6. ſleeper c. upon thy God Zech. 13. 9. they ſhall c. upon my name Mal. 3. 12. all nations ſhall c. you bleſſed 15. behold we c. the proud happy Mat. 9. 13. I came not to c. righteous but ſin. repent. Mark 2. 17. Luke 5. 32. 22. 3. to c. them that were bidden 23. 9. c. no man father on earth Luke 1 48. all gener. ſhall c. me bleſſed 6. 46. why c. ye me Lord, Lord 14. 12. 13. dinner c. not fr. c. poor John 4. 16. c. thy husband & come 13. 13. ye c. me maſter & well 15. 15. I c. you not ſervants but friends Acts 2. 39. as many as Lord ſhall c. 10. 15. God cleanſed c. not thou com. 24. 14. way that they c. hereſy Rom. 9 25. I'll c. them my people 10. 12. L. rich in mer. to all c. on him 14. how ſhall c. on him not believed 2 Cor. 1. 23. I c. God for a record on ſoul Heb. 2. 11. not aſh. to call them brethren James 5. 14. c. elders of the church 1 Pet. 1. 17. if ye c. on the Father Call on the name of the Lord Gen. 4. 26. & 12. 8. & 13. 4. & 21. 33. & 26. 25. 1 Kings 18. 24. 2 King 5. 11. Pſ. 116. 4. 13. 17. Joel 2. 32. Zeph 3. 9. Acts 21. Rom. 10. 13. 1 Cor. 1. 2. I will call unto, o [...] on the Lord, 1 Sam. 12. 17. 2. Sam. 22. 4. Pſ. 18. 3. & 55. 16. 86. 7. Call upon me, Pſ. 50. 15. 91. 15. Prov. 1. 28. Jer. 29. 12. Gen 21. 17. Angel God called to Hagar 2 [...]. 12. An. b. c. to Abr. out [...]rea [...]. 15. Exod 3. 4. God c. to him out of buſh 19. 3. Lord c. to him out of mount Judg. 15. 18. athirſt and c. on the Lord 2 Kings 8. 1. L. c. famine Pſ. 105. 16. 1 Chron. 4. 10. Jabeſh c. on God of Iſ. 21. 26. David c. on Lord and he anſ. Pſ. 17. 6. I have c. upon thee 31. 17. 18. 6. in my diſtreſs I c. upon the Lord 79. 6. not c. on thy name Jer. 10. 25. 88 9. I have c. daily upon thee 118. 5. I c. upon the Lord in diſtreſs Prov. 1. 24. I have c. ye refuſed Song 5. 6. I c. him but no anſwer Iſ. 41. 2. who c. him to his foot 42. 6. I Lord c. thee in righteouſneſs 43. 1. I have c. thee by thy name 22. thou haſt not c. upon me 48. 1. c. by name of Iſreal. 44. 5. 15. I have c. him—brought him 49. 1. Lord c. me from the womb 50. 2. when I c.—none to anſwer 51. 2. I have c. him alone 61. 3. be c. trees of righteouſneſs 62. 4. be c Hephzi-bah Beulah 65. 12. when I c. ye did not anſwer 66 4. Jer. 7. 13. Lam. 1. 19. I c. for my lovers but 3. 55. I c. upon thy name Hoſ. 11. 1. [...] c. my Son out of Egypt Am. 7. 4. Lord c. to contend by fire Hag. 1. 11. [...] c. for a drought on land Mat. 20. 16. many c. few choſen 22. 14. Mark 14. 2. Peter c. to mind word of L. Luke 15. 19. not worth to be c. thy Son John 1. 47. before that Philip c. thee 10. 35. if he c. them g. to whom word 15. 15. I have c. you friends Acts 9. 41. when he had c. ſaints widows 21. deſtr. them that c. on this name 10. 23. 24. c. in—c. together kinſmen 11. 26. diſciples were c. Chriſtians 13. 2. for work whereto I c. them 15. 17 on whom my name is c. 19. 40. in danger to be c. in queſtion 23. 6. & 24. 13. 20. 1. Paul c. to him the diſciples 17. c. elders 28. 17. c. chief of Jews Rom. 1. 1. c. to be apoſtle 1 Cor. 1. 1. 6. c. of Jeſus Chr. 7. c. to be ſaint [...] 2. 17. thou that art c. a Jew 8. 28. the c. [...]ocord. to his purpoſe 30. predeſtinate them he alſo c. 9. 24. u [...] whom he c. Jews Gentiles 1 Cor. 1. 9. God faithful by whom ye c. 24. unto them who are c. power 26. not many wife noble are c. 5. 11. if any man c. a brother 7. 15. God hath c. us to peace 17. as Lord hath c. every one 18. c. uncircumciſed 21. 22. c. ſervants 24. every man wherein—c. abode 15. 9. I not meet to be c. an apoſtle Gal. 1. 6. removed from c. you 15. God who c. me by his grace 5. 13. ye have been c. to liberty Eph. 2. 11. who are c. uncircumciſion [30] 4. 1. of vocation wherewith ye are c. 4. ye are c. in one hope of calling Col. 3. 15. to which ye are c. in one body 1 Theſſ. 2. 12. c. you into h [...]s kingdom 4. 7. God hath not c. us to unclean. 2 Theſſ. [...]. 4. above all that is c God 11 he c. you by our goſpel 1 Tim. 2. 12. whereto thou art c. 2 Tim. 1. 9. c. us with an holy calling Heb. 3 13. while it is c to day 5. 4 c. of God as was Aaron [...] 10 c. of God an high prieſt 9. 15. they who are c. may receive 11. 16. not aſhamed to be c. their God 24. refuſing to bee the Son of Phar. James 2. 7 worthy n. by which ye are c. 1 Pet 1 15. as he that c. you is holy 2. 9. who [...]. you out of darkneſs 21. hereunto were ye c. 5. 10. c. us to his eternal glory 2 Pet. 1. 3. [...]. us to glory and virtue 1 John 3 1. we ſhould be c. ſons of God Jude 1. preſerved in C. J. and c. Rev. 17. 14. with him c. and faithful 1 [...] 9. bleſſed are c. to marriage 2 Chron 7. 14. Called by my name, Iſ. 43. 7. & 65. 1. Jer. 7. 10. 11. 14 30. & 25. 29. & 32. 34. & 34. 15. Am. 9. 12. 1 Kings 8. 13 Called by thy name, 2 Chron 6. 33. Iſ. 4. 1. & 43. 1. & 45. 4. [...] 63. 19. Jer. 14. 9. & 15. [...]6. Dan. 9. 18. 18 19. 1 Kings 8. 43. to all that the ſtranger calleth for 2 Chro [...] 6. 33. Job [...]. 4 who c on God and he anſw. Pſ. 42. 7. deep c unto deep 147 4 c. them all by their names 1 Iſ. 40. 26 Iſ. 59. 4. none c. for juſtice [...]64. 7. none c. upon thy name Hoſ. 7. 7. [...]one am. them c. unto me Am 5. 8. c. for wat. of ſea 9. 6 Luke 15. 6. c. tog [...]ther his friends 9. John 10 3. he c. his ſheep by name Rom. 4. 17. c thoſe th. whi [...]h be not 9. 11. not o [...] works but of him that c. Gal. 5. 8. perſw. not of him c. you 1 Theſſ. 5. 24. faithful is he that c. you Rom 11. 29. gifts and calling of God are without repentance 1 Cor. 1. 2 See your c. brethren 7. 20 abide in ſame c called Eph. 1. 18. what is hope of his c. 4 4 called in one hope of your c. Phil 8. 14. prize of high c. of God 2 Theſſ. 1. 11. count you worth. of c. 2 Tim. 1. 9. called with. an holy c. Heb. 3. [...]. partake of heavenly c. 2 Pet. 1. [...] make c. and elect. [...]ure Iſ 41. 4. c. the gener. from begin Mat 11. 16. ſetting and c. to fellows Mark 11. 21. Peter c. to remembr. Acts 7. 59. Stoned Steph. c upon God 2 [...]. 16. w [...]ſh away ſins c. upon name 1 Pet. 3. 6. obeyed Abr. c. him Lord
  • CALM, Pſ. 107. 29. Jona 1. 11. 12. Mat. 8. 26. Mark 4. 39. Luke 8. 24.
  • CALVE Cow Job 21. 10. hinds 39. 1. Pſ. 29. 9. Jer 14. 5. 1 Kings 12. [...]8. two calves of gold Hoſ. 14 2 render c. of our lips Mi [...]. 6. 6. [...]ome with c. of year old Mal. 4. 2. grow up as c of the ſtall Heb. 9 22. blood of goats &c. 19.
  • CAME, Pſ. 16. 6. & 88. 17. Mat. 1. 18. & 9. 13. & [...]1. 34 John 1. 7. 11. & 8. 14 42. & 18. 37. Rom. 5. 18. & [...]. 5. 1 Tim. 1. 15. 1 John 5. 6. Came down 2 Kings 1. 10. 12. 14. 2 Chron. 7. 1. 3. Lam. 1. 9. John 3. 13. & 6. 38. 14. 51. 58. Rev. 20. 9. Came forth, Numb. 11. 20. Judg. 14. 14. Eccl. 5. 15. Ezek. 10. 4. John 16. 28. I came from the Father
  • CAMEL, Gen [...]4. 19. Lev. 11. 4. Mat. 3. 4. raim. of c. hair Mark 2. 6. 19. 24. eaſier for a c. to go through 23. 24. ſtrain at gnat ſwallow c.
  • CAMP, Exod. 32. 17. & 36. 6. Exod. 14. [...]9. Angel went before c. 16. 13. quails covered the c. Numb. 11. 26. they propheſy in c. 31. let the quails fall by the c. Deut. 23. 14 Lord walks in midſt of c. therefore ſhall the c. be holy Judg. 13. 25. move him in c 2 Kings 19. 35. ſmote in c. of Aſſyrians Heb. 13 13. go to him without c. Rev. 20 9. compaſſed the c. of ſaints
  • CAN we find ſuch a one Gen [...]1. 38. Deut 1. 12. how c. I alone bear 32. 39. neither any c. deliver out 2 Sam. 7. 20. what c. David ſay more 2 Chron. 1. 10. who c. judge this peop. Eſth 8. 6. how c. I endure to ſee the deſtruction of my people? Job. 8. 11. c. ruſh grow without water 22. 1. c a man be profitable to God 25. 4. how c. a man be juſtified wt. G. 34. 29. qu [...]etn. who c make trouble Pſ. 40. 5. more than c. be numbered 49. 7. none c. by any means redeem 7. 20. c. he give bread alſo 8 [...]. 6. who c. be compared to thee Eccl 4. 11. c. one [...]e warm alone Iſ 49. 15. c. a woman forget ſucking Jer. 2. 32. c. a maid forget ornaments Ezek. 22. 14. c. thy heart endure 37. 3. c. theſe dry bones live Amos 3. 3. c. two walk together Mat. 12. 34. how c. ye ſpeak good 19. 29. who then c. be ſaved Mark [...]. 7. who c. forgive ſins but God 19. c. children of bride chamber faſt 3 [...]7 no c. enter into ſtrong man's 9. 38 c. ye drink of my cup John 3. 4. how c. a man be born ag. 9. how c. theſe things be L. 1. 34. 5. 19. Son c. do nothing of himſ. 30. 6 44. no man c. come to me except 60. 26. hard ſaying who c hear it 9. 4. night when no man c. work [31] [...]4. 5. how c. we know the way 15. 4. no more c ye except y [...] 1 Cor. 12. 3. no man c. ſay that Jeſus 2 Cor 13. 8. c. do nothing againſt truth 1 Tim. 6. 7. we c. carry nothing out Heb. 10. 11 c. never take away ſin James 2. 14. c. ſaith ſave him Rev. 3. 8. door and no man c ſhut it Gen. 32. 12. which cannot be numbered for multitude 1 Kings 3. 8. Hoſ. 1. 10. Num. 23. 20. bleſſed I c. reverſe it Joſh. 24. 19. ye c. not ſerve the Lord 1 Sam 12. 21. vain thing [...] c. profit 1 Kings 8 27. heaven of heavens c. contain thee [...] Chron 6. 18. Ezra 9. 15 we c. ſtand before thee Job 9 3 he c. a ſw. for one of thouſand 12. 13. he breaketh it [...]. be [...]uilt 14. 15. app. bounds that he c. paſs 23. 8. 9. I c. perceive c behold him 28. 15 it c be gotten for gold 36. 18. great ranſom c. del [...]ver thee 37. 5. which we c. comprehend Pſ. 40. 5 they c. be reckoned up. 77. 4 troubled t [...]at I c. ſpeak 9 [...]. 1. eſtabl that it c. b [...] moved 139. 6. too high I c. attai [...] to it Iſa. 38. 18. grave c. praiſe thee 44. [...]8. c ſee c. underſtand 20. he c. deliver his ſoul 45. 20. pray to God that c. ſave thee 50. 2. ſhortned that it c. redeem 56. 11. ſhepherds c. underſtand 59. 1. ear heavy that it c. hear Jer. 4 19. I c. hold my peace 6. 10. uncircumciſed they c hearken 7. 8. lying words that c. profit 14. 9. mighty man that c. ſave 18. 6. c I do with you as potter 29. 17. vile figs that c. be eaten 33. 22. hoſt that [...] be numbered Lam. 3. 7 hedged that I c. get out Mat. 6. 24. ye c. ſerve God and mammon Luke [...]. 13. & 7. 18. good tr [...]e c br forth evil fruit 19. 11. all men c receive this ſaying 26. 53. thinkeſt I c. now pray to Father 27. 42. himſelf he c ſave Mark [...]5. 31. Luke [...]4. [...]6. c. be my diſciple 27. 33. 16. 26. paſs from hence to you c John 3. 3. c. ſee kingdom of God 5. he c. enter into kingdom of God 7. 34 thither ye c. come 3 [...]. & 8. 21. 22. & 13. 33. & 8. 43. ye c. hear my word 10. 35. ſcripture c be broken 14. 17. whom the world c. receive 15. 4. branch c. bear fruit of itſelf 16. 12 ye c. bear them n [...]w Acts 4. 2 [...]. we c. but ſpeak things ſeen 5. 39. i [...] of God ye c. overthrow it 27. 31. abide in ſhip ye c. be ſaved Rom. 8. 8. they in fleſh c pleaſe God 2 [...]. groanings which c be uttered 1 Cor. 7. 9. if they c. contain let marry 10. 21. ye c. drink cup of L. & o [...] dev. 15. 40. fleſh and blood c. inh. k. of G. 2 Cor. 12. 2. or out of body I c. tell Gal. 5. 17. ye c. do things ye would 2 Tim. [...]. 13. [...]e c deny himſelf Tit. 1. 2. God who c. he hath promiſed 2 8. ſound ſpeech c be condemned Heb. 4. 15. high prieſt c. be touched 9. 5. we c now ſpeak particularly 12. 27. things that c. be ſhaken 28 kingdom that c. be moved Jam. 1. 13. God c. be tempted with evil 1 John 3. 9. he c. ſin becauſe bo [...]n of God Exod. 33. 20. canſt not ſee my face Deut. 28. 27. c not be healed Job 11. 7. c. by ſearching fi [...]d out God 8. what c. thou do—c. know 22. 11 darkneſs that thou c. not ſee Mat 8. 2. wi [...]t c. make me clean Mark 9. 22. if c. do any th [...] have comp. John 3. 8. c. not te [...]l whence it comes 13.31. thou c. not follow me now
  • CANDLE ſhall be put out Job. [...]8 6. & 2 [...]. 17. Prov 24. 20. 29. 3. when his c. ſhined on my head Pſ. 18. 28 Lord will light my c. Prov. 20. 27. ſpirit of man is c. of Lord 31. [...]8 her c. goeth n [...]t out by night Mat 5. [...]5. do men light a c. & put it Mark [...]. 21. Luke 8. 16. & 11 33. Luke 11. 36. ſhining of c doth give 15. 8 light a c and ſweep houſe Rev. 18. 23. light of c ſhine no more at all Jer. 25 10. 22. 5. they need no c neither Zeph. 11. 2. ſearch Jeruſ. with candles Exod. 25. 31. candleſtick—34. 37. 17. 20. Lev. 24. 4. Num 8. 2. 2 Kings 4. 10. Dan 5. 5. Zech. 4 2. behold a c. all of gold Mat. 5. 15. but on a c. [...] it gives light to all Mark 4 21. Luke 11. [...]3. Rev. 1. 20 ſeven c. ſeven churches [...]5. I'll remove thy c. out of place
  • CANKER, [...] Tim. 2. 17. James 5. 3.
  • CAPTAIN, Num. 2. 3. & 14. 4. Joſh. 5. 14. 15. c. of Lord's hoſt I come 2 Chron. 13. 12. God himſelf is our c. Heb. 2 [...]0. c of their ſalvation perfect.
  • CAPTIVE, Gen. 14 [...] 4. & 34. 29. Judges 5. 12. lead thy captivity c. Iſa. 49. 24. or lawful c. be delivered 51. 14. c. exhile haſtens to be looſed 52. 2. O c. daughter of Zion Jer. 22. 12. die where led him c. Amos 7. 11. Iſrael ſhall be led away c. 2 Tim. 2. 26 taken c. by him at his will 3. 6. lead c. ſilly woman laden Deut. 30. 3. I'll turn thy captivity Job 42. 10 Lord turned the c. of Job Pſ. 14. 7. Lord brings back the c. 68. 18. led c. [...]aptive Eph. 4. 8. 78. 61. delive [...]ing his ſtrength into c. 85 2. brought back the c. of Jacob 126 [...]. turned again the c. of Zion 4 turn again out c as ſtreams Jer. 15. 2. ſuch as for c. to c. 42. 11. 29. 14. I will turn away your c. [32] 30. 3. bring again c. of my people Hoſ. 6. 11. returned c. of my people Zeph. 2. 7. turn away their c. Rom. 7. 23. bringing me into c. to 2 Cor. 10. 5. bring into c. every thought Rev. 13. 10. lead into c. go into c.
  • CARCASE, Mat. 24. 28. Luke 17. 37.
  • CARE, Luke 10. 40. 1 Cor. 7. 21. Mat. 13. 22. c. of this world choke Mark 4. 19. Luke 8. 14. & 21. 34. 1 Cor. 9. 9. doth God take c. for oxen 12. 25. have ſame c. one for another 2 Cor. 11. 28 the c. of all the churches 1 Tim. 3. 5. ſhall he take c. of church 1 Pet. 5. 7. caſting all your c. on him Pſ. 142. 4. no man cared for my ſoul John 12. 6. not that he c. for poor Acts 18. 17. Gallio c. for none of Mat. 22. 16. canſt Mark 4. 38. 1 Pet. 5. 7. for he careth for you Deut. 11. 12. land L. thy God c. for John 10. 13. hireling c. not for ſheep 1 Cor. 7. 32 33. 34. unmarried c. for things of L. ma [...]. c. for things of world 2 Kings 4. 13. been careful for us Jer. 17. 8. not be c. i [...] the year of Dan. 3. 16. not c. to anſwer thee Luke 10. 41. art c. & troubled about Phil. 4. 6. b [...] c. for nothing but in everl. 10. c. but lacked opportunity Tit. 3. 8. be c. to mantain good women Ezek. 12. 18. 19. carefulneſs 1 Cor. 7. 32. 2 Cor. 7. 11. Iſa. 32. 9. careleſs daughters 10. 11.
  • CARNAL ſold under ſin Rom. 7. 14. 8. 7. c. mind is enmity againſt God 15. 27. miniſter to them in c. things 2 Cor. 3. 1. not ſpeak but as to c. 3. yet c. are ye not c. and walk 9. 11. if we reap your c. things 2 Cor. 10. 4. weapons are not c. Heb. 7. 16. law of a c. commandment 9. 10. c. ordinances impoſed till Rom. 8. 6. to be c. minded is death
  • CARPENTER, 2 Sam. 5. 11. Iſa. 41. 7. Jer. 24. 1. Zech. 1. 20. Mat. 13. 55. Carpenter's ſon Mark 6. 3.
  • CARRY us not up hence Exod. 33. 15. Num. 11. 12. c. them in thy boſom Eccl. 10. 20. bird of air ſhall c. voice Iſa. 40. 11. c. lambs in his boſom 46. 4. c. & to hear hairs I'll c. you Luke 10. 4. c. neither purſe nor ſcrip John 21. 18. c. thee whither thou w. not 1 Tim. 6. 7. can c. nothing out Luke 16. 22. carried by angels into Abr. Eph. 4. 14. c. about with every wind Heb. 13. 9. c. about with divers doctrine Rev. 17. 3. c. me away in ſpirit 21. 10.
  • CART is preſſed full Amos 2. 13. Iſa. 5. 18. as with c. rope
  • CASE, Exod. 5. 19. Pſ. 144. 15.
  • CAST thy law behind backs Neh. 9. 26. Pſ. 22. 10. c. upon thee from womb 55. c. thy burden on the Lord Prov. 1. 14. c. thy lot among us 16. 33. lot is c. into the lap but Eccl. 11. 1. c. thy bread on waters Iſa. 2. 20. a man ſhall c. his idols of 38. 17. haſt c. all my ſins beh. back Ezek. 23. 35. c. me behind thy back Dan. 3. 20. c. them into fiery furnace 6. 16. c. them into den of lions Jonah 2. 4. I am c. out of thy ſight Mic. 7. 19. c. all their ſins into the ſea Neh. 3. 8. I'll c. abomin. filth on thee Mal. 3. 11. vine not c. her fruit Mat. 3. 10. hewn down & caſt into the fire 7. 19. Luke 3. 9. 5. 25. thou be c. into priſon 29. 30. c. it from—c. into hell 18. 8. 9. 7. 6. neither c. pearls before ſwine 13. 42. c. them into a furnace 50. 15. 26. childrens bread c. it to dogs 18. 30. c. him into priſon till 22. 13. c. him into utter darkneſs 25. 30. c. the unprofitable ſervant Mark 11. 23. he thou c. into ſea Mat. 12. 44. ſhe c. in all Luke 21. 4. Luke 1. 26. ſhe c. in mind what 12. 5. power to c. into hell, fell 58. left officer c. thee into priſon John 8. 7. let him firſt c. ſtone at her Acts 16. 23. they c. them into priſon Rev. 2. 10. devil ſhall c. them into priſon 22. I will c. her into a bed and children 20. 3. c. him into bottomleſs pit Lev. 26. 44. I will not caſt away 2 Sam. 1. 21. ſhield is vilely— Job 8. 20. G. will not — a perfect man Pſ. 2. 3. let us — their cords 51. 11. c. me not away from thy Iſa. 41. 9. I'll not c. thee away Ezek. 18. 31. —all your tranſgreſſion Rom. 11. 1. hath God — his people 2. Heb. 10. 35. c. not away your confiden. 1 Cor. 9. 27. myſelf be a caſt-away 2 Chr. 25. 8. God has power to caſt-down Job 22. 9. when men are—then lifting up Pſ. 37. 24. though he fall ſhall not be— 42. 5. why art thou—11. & 43. 5. 102. 10. lifted me up and—again 2 Cor. 4. 9.—but not deſtroyed 7. 6. comforts thoſe that are— Pſ. 44. 9. thou haſt caſt off 23. c. us not off for ever 71. 9. c. me not off in old age 77. 7. will the Lord—forever 89. 38. thou haſt—Lord abborred 94. 14. Lord will not—his people Jer. 31. 37. I will c. off all [...]eed of Iſrael Lam. 3. 31. L. will not c. off forever Hoſ. 8. 3. Iſr. hath c. off thing is good Rom. 13. 12. let us c. off works of dark 1 Tim. 5. 12. they c. off their firſt love Gen. 21. 10. caſt out this bond-woman and her ſon Gal. 4. 38. Exod. 34. 25. I'll c. out the nat. bef. thee Lev. 18. 24. which I c. out before thee Deut. 7. 1. c. out many nat. before thee Pſ. 78. 55. he c. out heathen before them 80. 8. c. out the heathen & planted it [33] Prov. 22. 10. c. out ſcorner & contention Iſ. 14. [...]9. thou art c. out of thy grave 26. 19. earth ſhall c. out the dead 58. 7. poor that are c. out to thy houſe 66. 5. c. you out for my name ſake Jer. 7. 15. I'll c. you out of my ſight 15. 1. c. them out of my ſight 16. 13. I'll c. you out of my land Mat. 7. 5. firſt c. the beam out 8. 12. children of kingd. ſhall be c. out 12. 24. doth not c. out devils but by 21. 12. c. out them that ſold & bought Mark 9. 28. why could not we c. out him 12. 8. c. him out of the vineyard 16. 9. he had c. out ſeven devils 17. in my name ſh. they c. out devils Luke 6. 22. c. out your name as evil John 6. 37. that com. I'll in no wiſe c. out 12. 13. prince of this world be c. out Rev. 12. 9. the dragon was c. out Pſ. 73. 18. thou caſtedſt them down Job 15. 4. thou caſteſt off fear Pſ. 50. 17. c. my words behind thee 88. 14. why c. thou off my ſoul Job 21. 10. cow caſteth not her calf Pſ. 147. 6. c. wicked down to ground Jer. 6. 7. ſo ſhe c. out her wickedneſs Mat. 9. 34. he c. out devils through Beelzebub Mark 3. 22. Luke 11. 15. 1 John 3. 18. perfect love c. out fear 3 John 10. c. them out of church Job 6. 21. ye ſee my caſting down Rom. 11. 15. if the c. away of them be 2 Cor. 10. 5. c. down imaginations 1 Pet. 5. 7. c. all your care on him
  • CASTOR and Pollux Acts 28. 11.
  • CATCH every m. his wife Judg. 21. 21. Pſ. 10. 9. [...]n wait to c. the poor 35. 6. in net hid c. himſelf 109. 11. extort. c. all that he hath Jer. 5. 26. ſet a trap they c. men Mark 12. 13. to c. him in his words Luke 5. 10. henceforth thou ſhalt c. men
  • CAUGHT him & kiſſed him Prov. 7. 13. John 21 3. that night they c. nothing Acts 8. 39. Sp. of Lord c. away Philip 2 Cor. 12. 4. c. up into paradiſe 16. crafty I c. you with guile 1 Theſ. 4. 17. c. up together with them Rev. 12. 5. her child was c up to God
  • CATTLE on 1000 hills mine Pſ. 50. 10. 104. 13. graſs to grow for c. Ezek. 34. 17. I judge between c. &c. John 4. 12. drank thereof and his c.
  • CAVE and Stone lay on it John 11. 31. Gen. 1. 9. Lot dwelt in c. & daughters 23. 19. buried Sarah in the c. 25. 9. Abraham 49. 29. Jacob Joſh. 10. 16. hid themſelves in a c. Kings hid them by fifty in c. 13. Iſ. 2. 19. go into c. for fear of Lord Ezek. 33. 27. die that he in the c. Heb. 12. 38. wandered [...]n c. of earth
  • CAUL, Iſa. 3. 18. Hoſ. 13. 8.
  • CAUSE come before judges Exod. 2 [...]. [...]. 23. 2. not ſpeak in a c. to decline 3. not counte [...]. poor man in his c. 6. nor wreſt judgment of poor in c. Deut. 1. 17. c. that is too hard 1 Kings 8. 45. maintain their c. 49. Job 5. 8. to God would I commit my c. Pſ. 9. 4. haſt mantained my c. 35. 2 [...]. awaken to my c. my God 27. Prov. 18. 17. that is firſt in his own c. 25. 9. debate thy c. with neighbour Eccl. 7. 10. what is c. that former days Iſa. 51. 22. pleads the c. of his people Jer. 5. 28. judge not c of fatherl. 2 [...]. 16. 11. 20. to thee I revealed my c. 20. 12. Lam. 3. 36. to ſubvert a man in his c. Mat. 19. 3. put away wife for every c. 2 Cor 2. 16. for which c. we faint not 5. 13. if we be ſober it is for your c. Exod. 9. 16. for this cauſe Mat. 19. 5. Eph. 5. 31. John 12. 27. & 18. 37. Rom. 1. 26. & 13. 6. 1 Cor. 11. 30. 1 Tim. 1. 16.—I obtained mercy Pſ. 119. 161. without cauſe Prov. 3. 30. Mat 5. 22. John 15. 25. Job 6. 24. cauſe me to underſtand Pſ. 10. 17. wilt c. thy ear to hear 67. 1. c. his face to ſhine 80. 3. 7. 16. 85. 4. c. thy anger to ceaſe 143. 8. c. me to know the way Iſa. 3. 12. lead thee c. thee to err 9. 16. 58. 14. I'll c. thee to ride on high places 66. 9. and not c. to bring forth Jer. 3. 12. not c. my anger to fall 7. 3. c. you to dwell in this place 7. 15. 4. c. them to be removed into 11. c. the enemy to treat thee well 18. 2. c. thee to hear my words 32. 37. c. them to dwell ſafely 44. c. their captivity to return 33. 7. 11. 26. & 34. 22. & 42. 1 [...]. Lam. 3. 32. though he c. grief yet he'll Ezek. 36. 27. c. you walk in my ſtatutes 37. 5. c. breath to enter into you Dan. 9. 17. c. thy face ſhine on ſanctuary Rom. 16 17. mark who c. diviſions Prov. 7. 21. fair ſpeech cauſeth yield 10 5. ſon c. ſhame 17. 2. & 19. 26. 18. 18. lot c. contentions to ceaſe 19. 27. ceaſe to hear inſtruction c. to err Mat. 5. 37. c. her to commit adultery 2 Cor. 2. 14. always c. us to triumph Prov. 26. 2. curſe cauſeleſs not come
  • CEASE not day nor night Gen. 8. 22. Deut. 15. 11. poor never c. out of land Neh. 6 3. why ſhould the work c. Job 3. 17. there the wicked c. troubling; Pſ. 37. 8. c. from anger and wrath 46. 9. he makes the wars to c. Prov. 19. 27. c. to hear inſtruction that 23. 4. c. from thine own wiſdom Iſa. 1. 16. c. to do evil learn to do well 2. 22. c. ye from man whoſe breath Acts 13. 10. wilt thou not c. to pervert 1 Cor. 13. 8. tongues they ſhall c. Eph. 1. 16 c. not to—thanks for you Col. 1. 9. c. not to pray for you 2 Pet. 2. 14. cannot c. from ſin Pſ. 12. 1. godly man ceaſeth [34] Prov. 26. 20 no tale bearer, ſtrife c. 1 Theſſ 5. [...]. p [...]a [...] [...]ithout ceaſing 2. 13. 1 S [...]m. [...]. 23 Acts 1 [...]. 5. Rom 9. 2 Tim. [...]. 3.
  • CEDAR Le [...]. [...]4 [...]er 22. 14. 15. 2 Sam. 7 2. I dwell in houſe o [...] c. but 2 Kings 14. [...] thiſt [...]e [...]ent to c. in Leban. Pſ. 29. 5. v [...]i [...]e of the Lord break [...] the c. 92 12. grow li [...]e a c. in Lebanon Song 1. [...]7. beams of our houſe are c. 5. 15. hi [...] countenance exc [...]l as the c. Iſa. 9. 10. we'll change them into c. Ezek. 17. [...]. 23 of c goodly c. 31 3. Aſſyrian a c. in Lebanon Amos 2. [...]. Amorites as height of c.
  • CELEBRATE [...]th c [...]nnot Iſa. 38 18.
  • CELESTIAL 1 Cor. 15. 40.
  • C [...]AFF wicked as [...]ob 2 [...]. 18. Pſ. [...]. 4. & 5. 5. Iſa 5 24. & 17. 13. & 2 [...]. 5. & 4 [...]. 15. Dan. 2. 35. Hoſ. 13. 3. Luke 3. 7 Iſa. 33 11. ye ſhal conceive c Jer. [...]3. 28 what is the c to wheat Z [...]ph 2. 2 before day pa [...]s as c. Mat. 3. 12. burn up c. in unquench. fire
  • CHAIN Gen 41 4 [...]. Dan. 5. 7 Ezek 19 [...] 9 Mark 5 3. 4. Pſ. 73. 6. pride compaſſeth them as c. 149 8 b [...]d th [...]ir kings with c. Prov 1. 9. ſhall be c abou [...] thy neck Song 4. 9. with one c. of thy neck Acts 28 2 [...]. for [...]ope of Iſrael—this c. 2 Tim. 1. 16 not aſhamed of my c 2 P [...]t [...]. 4 delivered into c. of darkneſs Jude 6 reſerved in everlaſting c
  • CHAMBER Pſ. 10. 5. Joel 2. 16 Job 9 9. makes the c. of the ſouth Pſ. 1 [...]4. 2. bea [...] of in w [...]ters Prov 7. 27. going down to c. of death Song 1. 4. kings brought me into his c. Iſa 26. 20 enter into thy c. ſhut M [...]t. 24. 6. he is in the ſecret c. Rom 13. 1 [...] not in chambering and
  • CHANCE h [...]ppens 1 Sam 6. 9. E [...]cl. [...]. 1. 2 Sam. 1. 6. Luke 10. 31.
  • CHANGE [...]raiment Judges 14. 12. 13. Zech. 3. 4. Iſa [...] 22. Job 14. [...] w [...] till my c come 1 [...]. 17. c and war are againſt me Pſ. 55. 19. they have no c. therefore Prov. [...] 21. m [...]ddle n [...]t with giv [...]n to c. H [...]b 7. 12. made of ne [...]eſſity c. o [...] law Job 17. 1 [...]. they night into day Iſ 102. 26 ſhall thou c. them Jer 13. 23 can Ethiopian c. his skin or Dan. 7. 2 [...]. t [...]s to c. times and laws Ma [...]. 3. 6. I am the Lord I c. not Rom. 1 20 women did c. natural uſe Phil 3. 21. who ſhall c. our vile body 1 S [...]m. 21. 13. changed behaviour P [...] 0. [...]26. and they ſhall be c. Jer. 2. 1 [...]. hath a nation c. their gods Rom. 1. 23. c. the glory of— God 25. c. the truth of God into a lie 1 Cor. 15. 51. ſhall all be c. 52. 2 Cor. 3. 18. c. into ſame image Pſ 15. 4. ſwears and changeth not Dan. 2 21. he c times and ſeaſons Mark 11. 15. money changers Mat 21. 12. John 2. 14. 15.
  • CHARGE Gen. 26. 5. [...] [...]8. 6. Pſ. 91. 1 [...]. give angels c. over thee Acts 7 60. lay n [...] this ſin to the [...] c. Rom. 8. [...]3 any thing to c. of Gods elect 1 Cor. 9 [...]8. make goſpel wit [...]out c. 7 goes a warfare at his own c. 1 Tim. 1. 18 this c. I commit to thee 2 Tim. 4. 6. not laid to their c. Song 2. 7. I c. you O daughters of Jeruſ [...]lem 3. 5. & 5. 8. & 8. 4 1 Tim. 6. 17. c. them that are rich Job 1. 22. nor charged G [...]d fooliſhly 4. 18. c. his angels with folly 1 Theſſ. 2. 11 c. every one as a father 1 Cor. 1. 9. chargeable 1 Theſſ. 2. 6. 2 Theſſ 3. 8.
  • CHARIOT Gen 41. 43. & 46. 29. Exod. 14. 25. took off their c. wheels 2 Kings 2. 11. appeared a c. of fire 12. my father the c. of Iſrael 13. 14. Song 3. 9. S [...]lomon made himſelf a c. of Mi [...]. 1 13. bind c. to ſwift beaſt Acts 8. 29. join thyſelf to this c. Pſ 20. 7. truſt [...]n chariots—horſes 68. 17. c. of God are twenty thouſand Song 6. 12. made me like c. of Ammin. Hab. 3. 9. r [...]de upon thy c. of ſalvation
  • CHARITY edifieth 1 Cor. 8. [...]. 13. [...]. if I have not c. nothing 2. 3. 4. c. ſuffers long 8. c. never fails 13. now abideth faith hope c. 16. 14. let all—be done with c. Col. 3. 14. above all things put on c. 1 Theſſ. 3. 6. —tidings of your c. 2 Theſſ. 1. [...]. c. of every one aboundeth 1 Tim. 1. 5. end of commandment is c. 2. [...]5. if they continue in faith c. 4. 12. be thou an example of bel. in c. 2 Tim. 2. 22. follow righteouſneſs faith c. 3. 10. known my doctrine faith c. Tit. 2. 2. [...]ound in faith, in c. 1 Pet. 4. 8. have fervent c. among yourſ. c. ſhall cover multitude of ſins 5. 14. greet with a kiſs of c. 2 Pet 1. 7. add to brotherly kindneſs c. 3 John born witneſs of thy c. Jude [...]2. ſpots in your feaſts of c. Rom. 14. 15. walkeſt not charitably
  • CHARMED Jer. 8. 17. Deut. 18. 11. charmers Pſ. 58. 5. Iſa. 19. 3.
  • CHASTE v [...]rgin 2 Cor. 11. 2. Tit. 2. 5. to be diſcreet c. 1 Pet. 3 2. your c. converſation
  • CHASTEN with rod of men 2 Sam. 7. 14. Pſ. 6. 1. neither c. me in thy 38. 1. Prov. 19. 18. c. thy ſon while hope Dan. 10. 12. to c. thyſelf before God Rev. 3. 19. as many as I love I c. Pſ. 118. 18. Lord has chaſtened me ſore 69. 10. I c myſelf with [...]aſting 73. 14. been c. every morning 1 Cor. 11. 32. we are c. of the L. that we [35] Heb. 12. 10. for a few days c. us after Pſ. 94. 12. bleſſed whom thou c. 2 Cor. 6. 9. as c and not killed Deut. 8. 5. as a man c. his ſon ſo the L. c. Prov. 13. 24. loves him c. betimes Heb. 12. 6. whom the Lord loveth be c. 7. what ſon whom the father c. not Job 5. 17. deſpiſe not chaſtening of the L. Prov. 3 [...]1. Heb. [...]2. 5. Iſa. 26. 10. when thy c. was upon them Heb. 12. 7. if ye endure c whereof 11. no c. for the preſent is joyous
  • CHASTISE you ſeven times Lev. 26. 28. Deut. 22. 18. elders ſhall c. him 1 Kings 12. 11 I'll c. with ſcorpions 14. Hoſ. 7. 12 c. them as their congregation 10 10. deſire that I ſhould c. them Luke 23. 16 c. him and releaſe him 22. 2 Chron. 10. 11. 14. father chaſtiſed with whips chaſtiſeth Pſ. 94. 10. Deut. [...]1. 2. not ſeen chaſt [...]ſement Job 34. 31. I have born c I will not Iſa. 53. 5. the c. of our peace was on Jer. 30. 14. with c. of a cruel one Heb. 12. 8 if ye be without c.
  • CHAPTER like a crane Iſa. 38. 14.
  • CHANT to ſound of the viol Amos 6. 5.
  • CHEEK 1 Kings 22. 24. Job 16. 18. Iſa. 50. 6. Lam. 3. 30 Mic. 5. 1. Mat. 5. 39. Luke. 6. 29. Deut. 18. 3. Song. 1. 10. thy c. are comely with rows 5. 13 his c. as bed of ſpices flowers
  • CHEER be of good Mat. 9. 2. & 14. 27. Mark 6. 50. John 16. 33. Acts 23. 11. & 27. 22. 25. Prov 15. 13. cheerful Zech. 9. 17. 2 Cor. 9. 7. cheerfulneſs Rom. 12. 8. Acts 4. 10. cheerfully anſwer for myſelf
  • CHERISH Eph. 5. 29. 1 Theſſ. 2. 7.
  • CHERUBIMS between 1 Sam. 4. 4. 2 Sam. 6 2. 2 Kings 19. 15. 1 Chron. 13. 6. Pſ. 80. 1. & 99. 1. Iſa. 37. 16
  • CHICKENS, hen gathers Mat. 23. 37.
  • CHIDE not always Pſ 103. 9.
  • CHIEF, Ezra 9. 2. Neh. 11. 3. Mat. 20. 27. will be c among you Luke 22. 26. that is c. as that ſerveth Eph. 2 20. Jeſus C. himſelf being the c. 1 Tim. 1. 15. ſinners of whom I am c. Song 5. 10. chiefeſt among ten thouſand Mark 10 44. will be c. ſhall be ſervant Rom. 3. 2. chiefly Phil. 4. 22. 2 Pet. 2. 10.
  • CHILD is not and I Gen. 37. 30. Exod. 2. 2. ſaw he was a goodly c. 2 Sam. 12. 19. David beſought God for c. Pſ. 131. 2. quieted myſelf as c. weaned Prov. 29. 15 c. left to himſelf brings Eccl. 4. 8. hath neither c. nor brother 10. 16. Wo when thy king is a c. Iſa. 3. 5. c. behave himſelf proudly 9. 6. unto us a c. is born— a ſon 11. 6. a little c. ſhall lead them 49 15. woman forget her ſucking c. Jer. 1. 6 cannot ſpeak for I am a c. 31. 20. a dear ſon is he a pleaſant c. Hoſ. 11. 1. when Iſrael was a c. then Mat. 18. 2. Je [...]us called a little c. 23. 15. two fold more the c. of hell Mark 9. 30 took a c and ſet him [...] 10 15. receive kingd. of G. as a little c. Luke 1. 66. what manner of c is this 2. 43 c Jeſus tarried behind Acts 4. 27. aga [...]nſt thy holy c. Jeſus 30. 13. 10 thou c. of the devil thou enemy 1 Cor. 13 [...]1. when I was a c I ſpake as a c. Gal. 4. 1. as long as a c. differs [...]o [...]ning 2 Tim. [...]. 15. from a c. haſt known ſcrip. Rev. 12. 4. to devour her c. as ſoon as it 5. her c was caught up to God and 1 Tim. 2. 15. child-bearing Eccl. 11. 10 childhood, youth, vanity 1 Cor. 13. 11 childiſh things Gen 15. 2. childleſs Jer. 2 [...] 30. Gen. 25 22. child [...]en ſtruggled [...]0 1 give me c or elſe I die Pſ. 17. 14. they are full of [...]. 102. 28. c of thy ſervants ſhall continue 113. 9. a joyful m [...]ther of c 1 [...]7. 3. c. are an heritage of the Lord Prov. 17 6 glory of c. their fathers Song 1. 6 mothers c. were angry Iſa. [...]. 2. I brought up c. and they 3. 4. give c to be their princes 12. c are their oppreſſors 8. 18. I and the c. whom the Lord hath given me Heb. 2. 3. 30. 9. lying c. that will not hear 63. 8. c. that will not lie [...]o [...]e was Mal. 4. 6. tur. the hearts of fathers to c. Luke 1. 17. Mat. 3 9. of ſtones to raiſe up c. 15. 26 not meet to taxe c. bread Luke 6. 35. ſhall be c. of the higheſt 16 8. c. of this world wiſer than the c. Acts 3 25. ye are c of the prophets Rom. 8. 17. if c. then heirs [...] of God 1 Cor. 7. 14. elſe were your c. unclean 14. 20. be not c. in underſtanding 2 Cor. 12. 14. c. ought not to lay up Eph. 2. 3. by nature c. of wrath 4. 14. be no more c. toſſed to and fro 5. 6 wrath of God upon c. of di [...]obedience Col 3. [...]. Eph. 2. 2. 6. 1. c. obey your parents Col. 3. 20. Heb. 12. 5. exhortation ſpeaketh as to c. 1 Pet. 1. 14 as obedient c n [...]t [...]ſhioning Rev. 2. [...]3. kill her c. wit. death Exod. 31. 7. childrens child [...]en Jer. 2. 9. Pſ. 103. 17. & 12 [...]. 6. Prov. 13. [...]2. Prov. 17. 6. c c are crown of old men Mat. 5. 9. child [...]en of God Luke 2 [...]. 36. John 11. 52. Rom 8. 21. & 9. 8. 26. Gal. 3. 26. 1 John [...]. 0 & 5. 2. Pſ. 89 30. his children [...]3 1 [...]. Prov. 20. 7 1 Tim. 3 4. Luke 16. 8. children of light John 12. 36. Eph 5. 8 1 Theſſ. 5. 5 Mat 18. 3. litt [...] children 19. 14. Mark [...]0. [...]4. Luke 18. 1 [...]. [...]ohn 13. 33. Gal. 4. 19. 1 John 2. 1. 1 [...]. 13 & 4. 4. Rom. 9. 8. children of promiſe Gal. 4. 28. [36] Pſ. 128. 3. 6. thy children 147. 13. Iſa 54. 13. Mat. 23. 37. Luke 13. 34. 2 John 4. Pſ. 115. 14. your children Mat. 7. 11. Luke 11. 13. Acts 2. 39 Job 19. 18. young children Lam. 4. 4. Nah. 3. 10. Mark 10 13.
  • CHOKE Mat. 13. 7. 22. Mark 4. 7. 19. & 5. 13. Luke 8. 14. 33.
  • CHOOSE life that, Deu [...]. 30. 19. Joſh. 24. 15. c you wh [...]m ye'll ſerve 2 Sam. 24. 12. c [...]ne of them that I Pſ. 25. 12. the way that he ſhall c. 47. 4. c. our inheritance for us Prov. 1. 20. know [...] did not c. fear of L. 3. 31. c. none of his ways Iſa. 7. 15. c. the good and refuſe 16. 56. 4. c. things that pleaſe me 65. 12. c. that wherein I delight. not 66. 4. I will c their deluſions Phil 1. 22. what I ſhall c. I wot not Pſ. 65. 4. man thou chooſeſt and cauſeſt Heb. 11. 25 chooſing rather to ſuffer Joſh. 24. 2 [...]. ye have choſen the Lord 1 Chron. 16. 13 child of Jacob his c. ones Job 36. 21. haſt c rather than affliction Pſ. 33 12. c. for his own inheritance 105. 6. children of Jacob his c. 43. Prov. 16. 16 rather to be c. than ſilver 22. 1. good name rather to be c. than Iſa. 66. 3 have c. their own ways Jer. 8. 3. death c. rather than life 49. 14. who is c. man that 50. 44. Mat. 20. 16. many called few c. 22. 14. Mark 13. [...]0 elect whom he hath c. Luke 10. 42. Mary has c. that good part John 15. 16. ye not c. me I c. you Acts 9. 15 he is a c. veſſel to me 22. 14. God [...] hath c. thee that thou 1 Cor. 1. 27. God hath c fooliſh things Eph 1. 4. hath c. us in him before 2 Theſſ 2. 13. from begin. c you to ſalv. 1 Pet. 2. 4. c. of God and precious 9. ye are a c generation royal Rev. 17. 14. called and c. and faithful Iſa. 41. 9. I have choſen 43. 16. & 58. 6. Mat. 12. 18. Pſ. 119. 30.—way of truth 173.—thy precepts Iſa. 44. 1. 2. Iſrael—Jeſhurum whom— 48. 10.— thee in furnace of affliction John 13. 18. I know whom— 15. 16. 19.—you out of world
  • CHRIST ſhould be born Mat. 2. 4. 16 16. thou art c. Son of living God 23. 8. one your maſter—c. 10. Mark 9. 41. becauſe ye belong to c. Luke 24. 26. ought not c.— ſuffered 46 it behoved c. to ſuffer John 4. 25. Meſſias called c. 7. 26. thi [...] is the very c. 12. 34. that c. abideth for ever Acts 8. 5. preached c. to them Rom. 5. 6 c. died for the ungodly 8. yet ſinners, c. died for us 8. 9. have not the ſpirit of c. 10. if c. be in you the body is dead 9. 5. of whom c. came who is over 10. 4. c. is the end of the law for right. 15. 3. c pleaſed not himſelf 1 Cor. 1. 24. c. the power of God and 3. 23. ye are c.'s and c is Gods 5. 7. c. our paſſover is ſacrifice 2 Cor. 6. 15. what concord c. with Belial Gal. 2. 20. c. liveth in me and life I live 3. 13. c. hath redeemed us from 4. 19. till c. be formed in you 5. 24. that are c 's have crucified Eph. 2. 12 ye were without c. 3. 17. that c. may dwell in your hearts 4. 20. ye have not ſo learned c. 5. 14. c. ſhall give thee light 23. as c. is head of the [...]hurch 6. 5. in ſingleneſs as unto c. Phil. 1. 21. to me to live is c. 23. I deſire to depart and be with c. 3. c. that I may win c. 4. 13. can do all things through c. Col. 1. 27. c. in you the hope of glory 3. 4. when c. who is our life 11. c. is all and in all Rom. 8. 1. to them in Chriſt Jeſus 2. law of the ſpirit of life in c. j. 1 Cor. 1. [...]0. of him are ye in c. j. 2. 2. ſave j. c. and him crucified 2 Cor. 13. 5. how that j. c. is in you Gal. 2. 28. ye are all one in j c. 26. 5. 6. in c. j. neither circumciſion avails Eph. 1. 1. ſaints and faithful in c. j. 2. 10. created in c. j. unto 1. [...]. Phi [...]. 2. 11. confeſs that j. c. is Lord 3. 3 rejoice in c. j. and have no 12. for which apprehended of j. c. Col. 2. 6. received j. c. the Lord 3. 24. 1 Tim. 1. 15. that j. c. came into world 2 5. one mediator the man c. j. 2 Tim. 2. 2. good ſoldier of j. c. 3. 12. will live godly in c. j. Heb. 13 8 j c. the ſame yeſterday Rom. 12. 5. one body in Chriſt 16. 3. 7. were in c. before me 10. 1 Cor. 1 [...]. 18. fallen aſleep in c. 19. in this life only have hope in c. 2 Cor. 5. 17. if any man be in c. 19. God was in c. reconciling the world 12 2. I knew a man in c. Gal. 1. 22. churches which were in c. Phil. 1. 13. my bonds in c. are manifeſt 2. 1. if any conſolation in c. Col. 1. 2. faithful brethren in c. 1 Theſſ. 4. 16. dead in c. ſhall riſe firſt John 1. 25. that Chriſt 6. 69. Mat. 16. 20. the Chriſt 26. 63. Mark 8. 29. & 14. 61. Luke 3. 15. & 9. 20. & 22. 67. John 1. 20. 41. & 3. 28. & 4. 29. 42. & 7. 41. & 10. 24. & 11. 27. & 20. 31. 1 John 2. 22. & 5. 1. Rom. 6. 8. if we be dead with Chriſt 8. 17. heirs of God joint-heirs with c. Gal. 2. 20. I am crucified with c. Eph. 2. 5. quickened us together with c. Phil. 1. 23. deſiring to be with c. [37] Col. 2. 20 if ye be dead with c. why 3. 1. if ye be riſen with c. ſet affection 3. dead and life is hid with c. in God Rev. 20 4. reigned with c. a 1000 years Acts 11. 26. firſt called chriſtians at Anti. 26. 28. almoſt perſwadeſt me to be c. 1 Pet. 4. 16. ſuffer as a c. let him
  • CHURCH Acts 14. 27. & 15. 3. 1 Cor. 4. 17. & 14. 4. 23 3 John 9. Mat. 16. 18 on rock will I build my c. 18 17. tell is to c hear the c. Acts 2. 37 Lord added to the c. daily 5. 11. fear came on all the c. 8. 1. great perſecution againſt the c. 11. 26. aſſembled themſelves with c. 14. 23. ordained elders in every c. 15. 22 pleaſed elders and whole c. 1 Cor. 14. 4. 5. that c. may receive edif. 16. 19. c. in houſe Col. 4. 15. Phil. 2. Eph. 1. 22. head over all things to c. 3. 10. known by c. manifold wiſd. of G. 5. 24. as c. is ſubject to Chriſt 25. as Chriſt loved the c. and gave 27 preſent to himſelf a glorious c. 29. cheriſheth it as Lord the c. 32. concerning Chriſt and the c. Phil. 3. 6. zeal perſecuting the c. 4. 15. no c communicated with me Col. 1. 18 head of his body the c. 24. for body's ſake which is the c. 1 Tim [...]. 16. let not the c. be charged Heb. 12. 23. general aſſembly c. of firſt-b. 3 John 6. teſtified of charity before c. Acts 7. 38. in the church 13. 1. 1 Cor. 6. 4. & 11. 18. & 12. 28. & 14. 19. 28. 35. Eph. 3. 21. Col. 4. 16. Acts 20. 28. the church of God 1 Cor. 1. 2. & 10. 32. & 15. 9. 2 Cor. 1. 1. Gal. 1. 13. 1 Tim. 3. 5. Acts 9. 31. then had the churches reſt 15. 41. confirming the c. 16. 5. ſo were the c. eſtabliſhed in faith Rom. 16. 16. c. of Chriſt ſalute you 1 Cor. 7. 17. ordain I in all c 11. 16. no ſuch cuſtom nor c. of God 14. 33. as in all c. of ſaints 34. women keep ſilence in the c. 1 Theſſ. 2. 14. followers of the c. 2 Theſſ. 1. 4. glory in you in the c. Rev. 1. 4. ſeven c. in Aſia 1 [...]. 20. angels of the ſeven c. and the ſeven candleſticks are the ſeven c. 2. 7. hear what the ſpirit faith to the c. 11. 17. 29. [...] 3. 6. 13. 2. 2.23. that all the c. may know 22 16. teſtify theſe things in c.
  • CHURL Iſ. 32. 5. 7. 1 Sam. 25. 3.
  • CIRCUIT 1 Sam. 7. 16. Job 22. 14. Pſ. 19. 6. Eccl. 1. 6.
  • CIRCUMCISE the fleſh Gen. 17. 11. Deut. 10. 16. c. the foreſkin of your heart 30. 6. Lord will c. thy heart Joſh. 5. 2. c. again Iſrael 4 Joſhua did c. Jer. 4 4. c. your ſelves to the Lord Gen. 17. 10. every male ſhall be circumciſed 14. 23. 26. Phil. 3. 5. 21. 4. Abraham c. Iſaac Joſh. 5. 3. c. the children of Iſrael Jer. 9. 25. puniſh c. with uncircumciſed Acts 15. 1. except ye be c. after 5. 24. ye muſt be c. and keep the law 16. 3. c. him becauſe of the Jews Gal. 2. 3. neither compelled to be c. 5. 2. if ye be c. Chriſt profit nothing Col. 2. 12. in whom ye are c. John 7. 22. Moſes gave circumciſion Acts 7. 8. God gave him covenant of c. Rom. 2. 25. c. profits if thou keep the law 29. c. is that of the heart in ſpirit 3. 1. what profit is there of c. 30. juſtify the c. by faith and uncircum. 4. 9. cometh this bleſſedneſs on c. 11. he received ſign of c. a ſeal of 15. 8. Chriſt a miniſter of c. for truth 1 Cor. 7. 19. c. is nothing but the keeping Gal. 2. 7. goſpel of the c. was committed 5. 6. net. c. nor unc. av. 6. 15. Col. 3. 11. Phil. 3. 3. we are c. who worſhip God Col. 2. 11. circ. with c. without hands Tit. 1. 10. eſpecially they of the c.
  • CIRCUMSPECT Exod. 23. 13. Eph. 5. 15. walk circumſpectly
  • CISTERN Prov. 5. 15. Eccl. 12. 6. Jer. 2. 13 hewed c. broken c.
  • CITY Cain built Gen. 4. 17. Pſ. 107. 4. found no c. to dwell in 7. might go to a c. of habitation 122. 3. as a c. that is compactly built 127. 1. except the Lord keep the city Song 3. 3. I'll go about the c. in ſtreets Iſa. 1. 21. faithful c. became harlot 22. 2. tumultous c. joyous c. 23. 7. your joyous c. crowning c. 8. 26. 1. we have a ſtrong c. ſalvation 33. 20. the c. of our ſolemnities 62. 12. ſought out c. not forſaken Jer. 3. 14. one of c. two of family 29. 7. ſeek the peace of the c. Amos 3. 6. be evil in a c. and Lord not Zeph. 2. 15. the rejoicing c. that dwelt 3. 1. filthy, the oppreſſing c. Zech. 8. 3. c. of truth and mountain Mat. 5. 14. c. on hill cannot be hid 23. 34. perſecute them from c. to c. Luke 10. 8. into what c. ye enter 12. tolerable for Sod. than for that c. 19. 41. he beheld the c. & wept over it Heb. 11. 10. he looked for a c. which 16. he hath prepared for them a c. 12. 22. to the c. of the living God 13. 14. have here no continuing c. Rev. 3. 12. write name of c. of my God 20. 9. camp of ſaints beloved c. Neh. 11. 1.18. holy city Iſa. 48. 2. & 52. 1. Dan. 9. 24. Mat. 4. 5. 27. 53. Rev. 11. 2. & 21. 2. & 22. 19. Num. 35. 6. cities of refuge Joſh. 20. & 21. 13. 21. 27. 32. 38. Amos 4. 8. two or three c. wandered Mat. 10. 20. to upbrand c. where he Luke 19. 17. authority over ten c. Acts 26. 11. perſecuted unto ſtrange c [38] 2 pet. 2. 6. turning the c. of Sod. & Gom. Rev. 16. 19. the c. of the nations fell Luke 15. 15. citizen & 19. 14. Eph. 2. 19 fellow citizens with ſaints
  • CLAMOUR, Eph. 4. 31. Prov. 9. 13.
  • CLAY, Job 27. [...]6. & 38. 14. Job 4. 19. dwell in houſes of c. 10. 9. thou haſt made me as the c. 13. 12. your bodies to bodies of c. 33. 6. I am formed out of the c. Pſ 4 [...]. 2. brought me out of miry c. Iſa. 64. 8. we are c. thou our potter 45. 9. Jer. 18. 6. Dan. 2. 33. part of iron part of c. Hab. 2. 6. ladeth himſelf with thick c. Rom. 9. 21. has not pott. power over c.
  • CLEAN beaſt Gen. 7. 2. & 8 20. Lev. 10. 10. betw. unclean and c. 11. 47. Ezek. 22. 26. & 14. 23. Job 14. 4. who bring c. thing out of unc. 15. 14. what man that he ſhall be c. 25. 4. be c. that is born of woman Pſ. 19. 9. fear of Lord is c. for ever Prov. 16. 2. ways are c- in his eyes 20. 9. ſay I have made my heart c. Iſa. 1. 16. waſh ye, make you c. put away 52. 11. be c. that bear veſſels of Lord Jer. 13. 27. wilt thou not be made c. Ezek. 36. 26. ſprinkle c. water ye be c. Mat. 8. 3. I will, be thou c. Luke 5. 13. 23. 25. make c. outſide of Luke 11. 39. Luke 11. 41. all things are c. to you John 13. 11. ye are c. but not all 15. 3. ye are c. through the word Rev. 19. 8. fine linen c. and white Job 17. 9. clean-hands Pſ. 24. 4. Pſ. 51. 10. clean-heart & 73. 1. Pſ. 18. 24. according to the cleanneſs Amos 4. 6. give you c. of teeth in all Pſ. 19. 12, cleanſe me from ſecret faults 51. 2. c. me from my ſin 119. 9. ſhall a young man c. his way Jer. 33. 8. I will c. them from all ſin Ezek. 36. 25. from filth. idols I'll c. you Mat. 10. 8. heal ſick c. lepers, raiſe dead 23. 26. c. firſt that within 2 Cor. 7. 1. let us c. ourſelves from Eph. 5. 26. c. it with waſhing of water Jam. 4. 8. c your hands, purify hands 1 John 1. 9. to c. us from all unrighteouſ. 2 Chron. 30. 19. tho' not cleanſed accor. Pſ. 73. 13. I have c my heart in vain Ezek. 36. 33. c. you from all iniquities Mat. 11. 5. lepers are c. deaf hear Luke 17. 17. were not ten c. where 9. Acts 10. 15. what God hath c. 11. 9. 1 John 1. 7. bl. of J. C. c. us from all ſin
  • CLEAR the guilty Exod. 34. 7. Pſ. 51. 4. c. when thou judgeſt Song 6. 10. looks forth c. as the ſun Zech. 14. 6. light ſhall not be c. nor
  • CLEAVE to his wife Gen. 2. 24. Mat. 19. 5. Mark 10. 7. Eph. 5. 31. Deut. 4. 4. ye did c. to the Lord 1 [...]. 20. & 11. 22. & 13. 4. & 30. 20. [...]oſh. 25. 5. & 23. 8. Pſ. 44. 8. belly c. to the earth 119. 25. ſoul c. to the duſt 137. 6. tongue c. to roof of mouth —jaws 22. 15. Ezek. 3. 26. Acts 11. 23. purp. of h [...]th. would c. to L. Rom. 12. 9. c. to that which is good
  • CLIMB, Jer. 4 29. Joel 2. 7. 9. Amos 9. 2. though c. up to heaven John 10. 1. c. ſome other way is a thief
  • CLOKE, Mat. 5. 40. Luke 6. 29. Iſa. 59. 17. clad with zeal as a c. John 15. 22. have no c. for their ſin 1 Theſſ. 2. 5. nor uſed c. of covetouſneſs 1 Pet. 2. 16. liberty for c. of maliciou [...].
  • CLOTHE, Mat. 6. 30. Luke 12. 28. Job 10. 11. clothed me with skin Pſ. 35. 26. be c with ſhame 132. 18. 104. 1. c. with honour and Majeſty 109. 18. he c. himſelf with curſing 132. 9 let prieſts be c. wt. righteouſneſs 16. c. with ſalvation Iſa. 61. 10. c. me with gar. of ſalvation Ezek. 16. 10. I c. thee with broid. work Zeph 1. 8. c. with ſtrange apparel Mat. 11. 8. c. in ſoft [...]aim. Luke 7. 25. 25. 36. naked and ye c. me 43 c. not 2 Cor. 5. 2. to be c upon with our 3. if ſo be that being c. we not 4. unclothed but c. upon 1 Pet. 5. 5. be c. with humility Rev. 3. 5. raiment that mayeſt be c. 11. 3. propheſy c. in ſackcloth 12. 1. woman c. with the ſun 19. 13. c. in a veſture dipt in blood 14. c. in fine linen clean and white Job 22. 6. clothing 24. 7. Mark 12. 38. Acts 10. 30. Jam. 2. 3. Pſ. 45. 13. her c. is of wrought gold Prov. 31. 25. ſtrength and honour her c. Iſa. 59. 17. garment of vengeance for c. Mat. 7. 15. come in ſheeps c. 11. 8. that wear ſoft c. are in
  • CLOSET, Joel 2. 16. Mat. 6. 6.
  • CLOUD, Gen. 9. 13. Iſa. 18. 4. Iſa. 44. 22. blots out as a c. thy tranſgr. 1 Cor. 10. 1. our fathers under the c. [...]. baptized unto Moſes in the c. Heb. 12. 1. ſo great a c. of witneſſes Rev. 11. 12. aſcended to heaven in a c. Hoſ. 6. 4. morning-cloud & 13. 3. Judges 5. 4. clouds dropped with water 2 Sam. 23. 4. as a morning without c. Pſ. 36. 5. faithfulneſs reacheth to c. 57. 10. truth to the c. 108. 4. 104. 3. who maketh c. his chariot Eccl. 11. 4. regardeth c. ſhall not reap Mat. 24. 30. coming in c. of heaven 26. 64. Mark 13. 26. & 14. 62. 1 Theſſ. 4 17. caught up in c. to meet L. 2 Pet. 2. 17. c. carried with tempeſt Jude 12. c. without water carried about Rev. 1. 7 he cometh with c. and
  • CLOVEN tongues Acts 2. 3.
  • COAL, 2 Sam. 14. 7. Iſa 47. 14. & 6. 6. Lam. 4 8. Pſ. 18 8. 12. & 120. 4. & 140. 10. Prov. 6. 28. can one go on hot coats [39] 25. 22. heap c. of fire on hd. Rom. 12. 20. 26. 21. as c. to burn c. ſo contentious Song 8. 6. c. thereof are c. of fire
  • COAT, Gen. 3. 21. & 37. 3. Ex. 28. 4. Song 5. 3. put off my c. how put it on Mat. 5. 40. if take away thy c. let him
  • COLD, Gen. 8. 22. Job 24. 7. & 37. 9. Mat. 24. 12. love of many wax c. Rev. 3 15. neither hot nor c. 16.
  • COLLECTION, 1 Cor. 16. 1.
  • COME not into ſecret Gen. 49. 6. Exod. 20. 24 I will c. and bleſs thee 1 Sam. 17. 45. I c. to thee in name of L. 1 Chr. 29. 14. all things c. of thee 12. Job 22. 21. good ſhall c. unto thee 37. 13. cauſeth it c. for correction 38. 11. hitherto ſhall thou c. but Pſ. 46. 7. lo I c. Heb. 10. 9. 22. 31. they ſhall c. and ſhall declare 65. 2. to thee ſhall all fleſh c. Eccl. 9. 2. all things c. alike to all Song 4. 16. north wind c. thou ſouth Iſa. 26. 20. c. my people enter into 35. 4. God he will c. and ſave you 55. 1. c. to the waters, yea c. buy 3. incline your ear and c. to me Ezek. 33. 31. c. to thee as the people c. Mic. 6. 6. wherewith ſhall I c. before L. Hab. 2. 3. it will ſurely c. not tarry Mal. 3. 1. ſuddenly c. to his temple 4. 6. leſt I c. and ſmite the earth Mat. 8. 11. many ſhall c. from Eaſt and Weſt Luke 7. 16. 20. Mat. 11. 3. he that ſhould c. Gen. 49. 10. 28. c. to me all ye that labour 16. 24. if any man will c. after me 22. 4. ready c. to the marriage Luke 7. 8. I ſay c. and he cometh 54. 20. married a wife I cannot c. John 1. 39. c. and ſee 46. & 4 29. Rev. 6. 1. 3. 5. 7. & 17. 1. & 21. 9. 5. 40. ye will not c. to me — have life 6. 44. no man can c. to me except F. 7. 37. if thirſt let him c. to me and I 14. 18. not leave—I'll c. to you Acts 16. 9. c. over and help us 1 Cor. 11. 26. Lord's death till he c. 2 Cor. 6. 17. c. out from among them Heb. 4. 16. let us c. boldly to the throne 7. 25. ſave all that c. to God by him 10. 37. he that ſhall c. will c. Rev. 18. 4. c. out of her my people 22. 7. I c. quickly 12. 20. 17. ſpirit and bride ſay c.—will c. 20. amen even ſo c. Lord Jeſus Pſ. 118. 26. cometh in name of Lord to Eccl. 11. 6. all that c is vanity Iſa. 63. 1. who this c. from Edom Mat. 3. 11. c. after me is mightier Luke 6. 47. whoſo c. to me and heareth John 3. 31. that c. from above 6. 35. c. to me ſhall not hunger 37. c. to me I will in no wiſe caſt out 45. learned of Father c. unto me 14. 6. no man c. to Father but by me Heb. 11. 6. that c. to God muſt believee James 1. 17. gift c. down from the Father Heb. 10 1. comers perfect Pſ. 19. 5. coming 37. 13. 121. 8. Lord ſhall preſerve thy c. Mal. 3. 2. who may abide day of his c. 4. 5. before the c. of the great day Mat. 24. 3. what be the ſign of thy c. 27. ſo ſhall c. of Son of man be 37. 39. 48. my Lord delays his c. Luke 12. 45. John 1. 2 [...]. c. after me is preferred bef. 1 Cor. 1. 7. waiting for c. of our Lord J. 15. 23. that are Chriſt at his c. 1 Theſſ. 2. 19. Jeſus Chriſt at his c. 3. 13. & 5. 23. 1 Pet. 2. 4. to whom c. as to living ſtone 2 Pet. 1. 16. power and c. of our L. Jeſus 3 12. haſting unto c. of day of God Coming of the Lord 1 Theſſ. 4. 15. 2 Theſſ. 2. 1. James 5. 7. 8.
  • COMELY, 1 Sam. 16. 18. Job 41. 12. Pſ. 33. 1. praiſe is c. for upright 147. 1. Prov. 30. 29. yea four are c. in going Song 1. 5. I am black but c. 10. thy cheeks are c. with rows 2. 14. thy countenance is c. 6. 4. thou art c. as Jeruſalem 1 Cor. 7. 35. for that which is c. 11. 13. is it c. that a woman pray Iſa. 53. 2. no form nor comlineſs Ezek. 16. 14. perfect through my c.
  • COMFORT in my affliction Pſ. 119. 50. Mat. 9. 22. be of good c. Mark 10. 49. Luke 8. 48. 2 Cor. 13. 11. Acts 9. 31. walking in c. of Holy Ghoſt Rom 15. 4. and c. of the ſcriptures 1 Cor. 14. 3. to exhortation and c. 2 Cor. 1. 2. the God of all c. 7. 4. I am filled with c. Col. 4. 11. have been a c. to me Pſ. 94. 19. comforts Iſa. 57. 18. Job 7. 13. my bed ſhall comfort me Pſ. 23. 4. thy rod and ſtaff c. me 119. 8. when wilt thou c. me Song 2. 5. c. me with apples for I Iſa. 40. 1. c. ye c. ye my people 51. 3. Lord ſhall c. Zion Zech. 1. 17. 61. 2. to c. all that mourn Jer. 21. 13. I'll c. and make rejoice Lam. 1. 2. none to c. her 13. 21. 2 Cor. 1. 4. be able to c. them Eph. 6. 22. might c. your hearts 1 Theſſ. 4. 18. c. one another with theſe 5. 11. c. yourſelves together 14. c. the feeble minded ſupport weak, 2 Theſſ. 2. 17. c. your hearts and ſtabl. Iſa. 40. 2. comfortably Hoſ. 2. 14. 2 Sam. 19. 7. 2 Chr. 30. 22. & 32. 6. Gen. 24. 67. comforted & 37. 35. Pſ. 77. 2. my ſoul refuſed to be c. 119. 52. I have c. myſelf Iſa. 49. 13. God hath c. his people 54. 11. toſſed afflicted and not c. Mat. 5. 4. mourn they ſhall be c. Luke 16. 25. now he is c. and thou torm. Rom. 1. 12. I may be c. togeth. with you 1 Cor. 4. 31. learn and all may be c. [40] 2 Cor. 1. 4. wherewith we ourſelves c. 7. 13. we are c. in your comfort Col. 2. 2. their hearts might be c. 1 Theſſ. 3. 7. were c. over you in all John 14. 16. 26. comforter 15. 26. & 16. 7. Job 16. 2. comforters Pſ. 69. 20. Iſa. 51. 12. I am he that comforteth you 2 Cor. 1. 4. c. us in all our tribulations 7. 6. c. thoſe that are caſt down John 14. 18. comfortleſs
  • COMMAND Exod. 8. 27. & 18. 23. Gen. 18. 19. he'll c. his children and Lev. 25. 21. I'll c. my bleſſing Deut. 28. 8. the Lord ſhall c. the bleſſing Pſ. 42. 8. Lord will c. his loving kindneſs 44. 4. c. deliverance for Jacob Iſa. 45. 11. work of my hands c. ye me Mat. 4. 3. c. theſe ſtones be bread John 15. 14. whatſoever I c. you 2 Theſſ. 3. 4. things which we c. you 1 Cor. 7. 10. to the unmarried I c. 1 Theſſ. 4. 11. theſe things c. and teach Pſ. 68. 28. G. has commanded thy ſtrength 111. 9. he hath c. his covenant 119. 4. thou haſt c. us to keep 133. 3. c. the bleſſing even life for ever 148. 5. Lord he c. they were created Mat. 28. 20. whatſoever I have c. you Heb. 12. 20. not endure what was c. Lam. 3. 37. when Lord commandeth not Acts 17. 30. now c. all men every where Gen. 49. 33. end of commanding ſons 1 Tim. 4. 3. c. to abſtain from meats Num. 23. 20. commandment to bleſs Pſ. 119. 96. thy c. is exceeding broad Prov. 6. 23. the c. is a lamp Hoſ. 5. 11. willingly walked after the c. Mat. 22. 38. firſt and great c. love Lord John 10. 18. this c. have I received of Fat. 12. 49. as Father gave me a c. I ſay 50. his c. is life everlaſting 13. 34. a new c. give I unto you 15. 12. this is my c. that ye love one Rom. 7. 8. ſin taking occaſion by c. 9. when the c. came ſin revived 12. c. is holy juſt and good 1 Tim. 1. 5. end of c. is charity Heb. 7. 16. law of a carnal c. 2 Pet. 2. 21. turn from holy c. delivered 1 John 2. 7. an old c. which ye had 8. 3. 23. this is his c. that we believe Exod. 34. 28. wrote ten commandments Deut. 4. 13. & 10. 4. Pſ. 111. 7. all his o. are ſure 112. 1. delight greatly in his c. 119. 6. reſpect unto all thy c. 10. not wander from thy c. 19. hide not thy c. from me 21. do not err from thy c. 32. I will run the way of thy c. 35. make me to go in the path of thy c. 47. I will delight myſelf in thy c. 48. thy c. which I had loved 66. I have believed thy c. [...]3. give underſtanding—learn thy c. 66 all thy c. are faithful 98. thy c.—made me wiſer 127. I love thy c.—131. longed for thy c. 143. thy c. are my delight 151. all thy c. are truth 166. I have done thy c. 172. all thy c. are righteouſneſs 176. I do not forget thy c. Mat. 15. 9. for doctrines the c. of men 22. 40. on theſe two c. hang all Mark 10. 19. knoweſt the c. Luke 18. 20, Luke 1. 6. walking in all the c. of the L. Col. 2. 22. after the c. of men 1 John 3. 24. keepeth his c. dwelleth in 2 John 6. love that walk after his c. Num. 15. 40. do all,—theſe,—my, -his c. Deut. 6. 25. & 15. 5. & 28. 1. 15. & 19. 9. & 27. 10 & 30. 18. 1 Chron. 28. 7. Neh. 10. 29. Pſ. 103. 18. 20. & 111. 10. Rev. 22. 14.
  • COMMEND Gen. 12. 15. Rom. 16. 1. 2 Cor. 3. 1. & 5. 12. & 10. 12. Luke 23. 46. into thy hands I c. my ſpirit Acts 20. 32. I c you to G. and to word 14. 23. commended them to the Lord Luke 16. 8. Lord c the unjuſt ſteward Rom. 5. 8. G. commendeth his love tow. us 1 Cor. 8. 8. meat c. us not to God 2 Cor. 10. 18. not he that c. himſelf is approved but whom Lord c. 4. 2. commending ourſelves to—conſci. 6. 4. c. ourſelves as miniſters of God 2 Cor. 3. 1. commendation Ezra 8. 36. commiſſion Acts 26. 12.
  • COMMIT adultery Exod. 20. 14. Deut. 5. 18. Mat. 5. 27. & 19. 18. Rom. 13. 9. Lev. 5. 17. Gen. 39. 8. 22. or to give in charge Job 5. 8. to God would I c. my cauſe Pſ. 31. 5. into thy hands I c. my ſpirit 37. 5. c. thy way unto the Lord Prov. 16. 3. c. thy works to the L. and he Luke 12. 48. c. things worthy of ſtripes 16. 11. who will c to your truſt John 2. 24 did not c. himſelf to them Rom. 1. 32. c. ſuch things worthy of death 1 Tim. 1. 18. this charge I c. to thee 1 Pet. 4. 18. c. the keeping of their ſouls 1 John 3. 9. born of God doth not c. ſin Jer. 2. 13. committed two great evils Luke 12. 48. men have c. much 1 Tim. 1. 11. goſpel c to my truſt 1 Cor. 9. 17. Tit. 1. 3. Gal. 2. 7. 2 Cor. 5. 19. 1 Tim. 6. 20. keep that which is c. to thee 2 Tim. 1. 12. which I have c. to him 14. good thing c. to thee keep by H. G. 1 Pet. 2. 23. c. himſelf to him that judgeth Jude 15. which they have ungodly c. Pſ. 10. 14. poor committeth himſelf to thee John 8. 34. who c. ſin is the ſervant of ſin 1 John 3. 8. who c. ſin is of the devil
  • COMMON Num. 16. 29. 1 Sam. 21. 4. 5. Eccl. 6. 1. Ezek. 23. 42. Acts 2. 44. had all things c. 4. 32. 10. 15. what God cleanſed call not c. 1 Cor. 10. 13. temptation c. to men Tit. 1. 4. ſon after the c. faith [41] Jude 3. write of the c. ſalvation Eph. 2. 12. common-wealth of Iſrael Mat. [...]8. 15. commonly 1 Cor. 5. 1.
  • COMMUNE with your own heart Pſ. 4. 4. & 77. 6. Eccl 1. 16.
  • COMMUNICATE to him that teacheth in all good things Gal. 6. 6. Phil. 4. 14. c. with my affliction 1 Tim. 6. 18. diſtribute willing to c. Heb. 13. 16. to c. forget not Gal 2. 2. communicated to them the goſpel Phil. 4. 15. no church c with me in 2 Kings 9. 11. communication Mat. 5. 37. let your c. he yea, nay Eph. 4. 29. let no corrupt c p [...]oceed Col. 3. 8. let no filthy c. proceed Luke 24. 17. what manner of c. are theſe 1 Cor. 15. 33. evil c. corrupt good man. 1 Cor. 10. 16. communion of the blood of Chriſt—c. of the body of Chriſt 2 Cor. 6. 14. what c. hath light with dark. 13. 14. c of the H. G. be with you all
  • COMPACT Pſ. 122. 3. Eph. 4. 16.
  • COMPANY Gen. 32. 8. [...]. Pſ. 55. 14. to the houſe of God in c. Prov 29. 3. keepeth c. with harlots Song 6. 13. as the c of two armies Acts 4. 23. went to their own c. Rom. 15. 24 firſt filled with your c. 1 Cor. 5. 11. not to keep c. with 2 Theſſ. 3. 14. have no c. with him Heb. 12. [...]2. an [...]nnume [...]able c. of angels Pſ. 119. 63. I am a companion [...]f all [...]ear Prov. 13. 20. c. of fools ſhall be d [...]ſtroyed Mal. 2. 14. thy c and the wiſe of [...]ven. Phil. 2. 25. Epaph [...]od. my c in labour Rev. 1. 9. your c in tribulation Pſ. 45. 14. companions that follow her 122. 8. for my c ſakes—peace be within Song 1. 7 aſide by flocks of thy c. 8. 13. c. hearken to thy voice Iſa. 1. 23. princes c. of thieves Heb 10. 33. became c of them
  • COMPARE Iſa. 40. 18. & 40. 5. Pſ. 89. 6. who in heaven can be c. to L. Prov. 3. 15. not to be c. to wiſdom 8. 11. Song 1. 9. I have c my love to company Rom. 8. 18. not worthy to be c. 1 Cor. 2. 13. c. ſpiritual things with ſp. 2 Cor. 10. 12. c. ourſelves. c. themſelves Judg. 8. 2. compariſon Hag. 2. 3. Mark 4. 30.
  • COMPASS Exod. 27. 5. & 38 4. 2 Sam. 5. 23. 2 Kings 3. 9. Prov. 8. 27. Pſ. 5. 12. with favour c. him about 26. 8. ſo will I c. thy altar 32. 10. mercy ſhall c him about Iſa. 50. 11. c. your ſelves with ſparks Jer. 31. 22. a woman ſhall c. a man Hab. 1. 4. wicked doth c. about righteous Mat. 23. 15. ye c. ſea and land to make Pſ. 18. 4. for. of death compaſſed me 116. 3. 40. 12. innumer. evils have c. me about 118. 10. 11. 12 all n [...]tions c. me about Jon. 2. 3. ſtoods c. me about 5. Heb. 12. 1. we are c. about with cloud Pſ. 73. 6. pride compaſſeth them 139 3. thou c my path and Hoſ. 11. 1 [...]. Ephr. c. me about with lies 1 Kings 8. 50. compaſſion 2 Chron. 30. 9. 1 John 3. 17. Mat. 9. 36. moved with compaſſion 14. 14. & 18. 27. Pſ. 76. 38. full of compaſſion 86. 15. & 111. 4. & 112. 4. & 145. 8. Deut. 13. 17. have compaſſion 30. 3. 2 Kings 13. 23. 2 Chron. 36. 15. Jer. 12. 15. Lam. 3. 32. Mic. 7. 19. Rom. 9. 15. Heb. 5. 2. & 10. 34. Jude 22. Lam. 3. 2 [...]. his compaſſions fail not
  • COMPEL them to come in Luke 14. 23, Either 1. 8. drinking none did c. 2 Chron. 21. 11. compelled Judah thereto Acts 26. 11. I c. them to blaſpheme 2 Cor. 12. 11. I am a fool- ye c. me Gal. 2. 3. not c. to be circumciſed 14. why compelleſt Gent. to live as Jews
  • COMPLAIN Num. 11. 11. Job 7. 11. Lam. 3 39. why doth a living man c. Num. 11. 1. complainers Jude 16. Pſ. 144. 14. complaining in ſheets Job 21. 4. complaint 23. 2. Pſ. 142. 2.
  • COMPLEAT in him Col. 2. 10. 4. 12. ſtand c. in all the will of God
  • COMPREHEND Job 37. 5. Eph. 3. 18. Iſa. 40. 1 [...]. John 1. 5. Rom. 13. 9.
  • CONCEAL his b [...]ood Gen. 37. 26. Job 27. 11. with Almighty I'll not c. 41. 12. I'll not c. parts nor proportion Pſ. 40. 10. I have not c. loving kindneſs Prov. 12. 23. prudent c. knowledge 15. 2. glory of God to c a thing
  • CONCEIT own Prov. 18. 11. & 2 [...]. 5. 12. 16. & 28. 11. Rom. 11. 25. & 12. 16.
  • CONCLIVE Judg. 13 3 Luke 1. 31. Job 15. 35 they c. miſchief Iſ. 59. 4. Pſ. 51. 5. in ſin mother c. me Iſ. 7. 14. a virgin ſhall c. a ſon 33. 11. ye ſhall c. [...]haff 59. 13. c. words of falſehood Num. 11. 12. have I c. all this people Pſ. 7. 14. hath c. miſchief—falſehood Song 3. 4 chamber of her that c. me Jer 49. 30. c a purpoſe againſt you Acts 5. 4. why haſt thou c. in thy heart Jan c, 1. 5. luſt hath c. it bringeth forth
  • CONCISION Phil. 3. 2.
  • CONCLUDED them all in unbelief, Rom. [...]. 32. under ſin Gal. 3. 22. Eccl 12. 11. concluſion of matter
  • CONCUPISCENCE ſinful luſt Rom. 7. [...]. Col 3. 5. 1 Theſſ 4. 5.
  • CONDEMN wicked, Deut. 25. 1. Job 9. 20. my own mouth ſhall c. me 10. 2. I will ſay to God do not c. me Pſ. 37. 3 [...]. nor c. him when he is judged 94. 21. they c. innocent blood Iſa. 50. 9. L. will help me who ſhall c. me 54. 17. tongue -thou ſhalt c. Luke 6. 37. c. not and ye ſhall not be c. John 3. 17. G. ſent not Son to c. wo [...] 8. 11. neither do I c. thee; go thy way [42] 1 John 3 20. heart c. us 21. Mat. 12. 37. by words—condemned John 3. 18. who believes is not c. Rom. 8. 3. for ſin c. ſin in the fleſh 1 Cor. 11. 32. not be c with the world Tit. 2. 8. ſpeech that cannot be c. 3. 11. being c. in himſelf Prov. 17. 15. condemneth the juſt Rom. 8. 34 who is he that c. 14. 22. c. not himſelf in that Luke 23. 40. fame condemnation John 3 19. this is the c. that light 5. 24. ſhall not come into c. Rom. 8. 1. no c to them in Chriſt 1 Tim. 3. 6. fall into c. of devil James 3. 1. receive the greater c. 5. 12. ſwear not leſt ye fall into c. Jude 4. of old ordained to this c. Rom. 12. 16. condeſcend to—low degree
  • CONFESS Lev. 5. [...] & 16. 21. Lev. 20. 40. if they c. their iniquities 1 Kings 8. 33. c. thy name 35. Pſ. 32. 5. I will c. my tranſgreſſions Mat. 10. 32. ſhall c. me before men Luke 12. 8. him will [...]e. before Father Rom. 10. 9. c. with thy mouth L. Jeſus & 14. 11. & 15. 9. Phil. 2. 11. James 5. 16. c. your faults one to another 1 John 1. 9. if we c our ſins he is faithful 4. 15. c. Jeſus is Son of G. 2. 3. 2 John 7. Heb. 11. 13. confeſſed Ezra 10. 1. Prov. 28. 13. confeſſeth and forſaketh Joſh. 7. 19. confeſſion 2 Chron. 30. 22. Ezra. 10. 11. Dan. 9. 4. Rom. 10. 10. c. is made to ſalvation 1 Tim. 6. 13. witneſſed a good c.
  • CONFIDENCE Job 4. 6. & 31. 24. Pſ. 65. 5 c. of all the ends of earth 118. 8. than to put c. in man Prov. 3. 26. Lord ſhall be thy c. Mic. 7. 5. put not c. in a guide Prov. 25. 19. Ezek. 28. 26. & 29. 16. Phil. 3. 3 have no c. in the fleſh Heb. 3. 6. if we hold faſt the c. 14. 10. 35. caſt not away your c. 1 John 2. 28. appear we may have c. Pſ. 27. 3. Confident Prov. 14. 16.
  • CONFIRM feeble knees Iſ. 35. 3. Dan. 9. 27. ſhall c. the covenant Rom. 15. 8. to c. the promiſes 1 Cor. 1. 8. ſhall c. you to the end 2 Cor. 2. 8. c. your love toward him Iſ 44. 26. confirmeth word of his ſervant Acts 14. 22. confirming ſouls of diſciples
  • CONFLICT, Phil 1. 30. Col. 2. 1.
  • CONFORMED to image Rom. 8. 29. 12. 2. be not c. to this world
  • CONFOUND language Gen. 11. 7. Jer. 1. 17. le [...]t I c. thee before them 1 Cor. 1. 27. fooliſh things to c. wiſe Pſ. 57. 7. confounded that ſerve images Jer. 17. 8. let not me be c. Ezek. 16. 52. c. and bear ſhame 54. 63. c. and never open mouth more 1 Pet. 2. 6. be [...]ieveth ſhall not be c. Ezra 9. 7. confuſion of face Dan. 9. 7. 8. Pſ. 44. 15. mv c. is contin. before me 71. 1. let me never be put to c. 1 Cor. 14. 33. G. is not the author of c.
  • CONGREGATION, Lev. 4. 21. Job 15. 34. c. of hypocrites deſolate Pſ. 1. 5. ſinners in c. of righteous 26. 5. hated c. of evil doers 75. 2. receive c. I will judge uprightly 74. 19. forget not c. o [...] thy poor 82. 1. God ſtands in c. of mighty 89. 5. faithfulneſs in c. of ſaints Prov. 21. 16. remain in c. of dead Hoſ. 7. 12. chaſtiſe as c. hath heard Joel 2. 16. ſanctity the c.
  • CONIES, Pſ. 104. 18. Prov. 30. 26.
  • CONQUER. Rev. 6. 2. Rom. 8. 37. more than conquerers
  • CONSCIENCE, John 8. 9. Acts 23. 1. Acts 24. 16 a c. void of offence Rom. 2. 15. c. bearing witneſs 9. 1. 13. 5. not for wrath— for c. ſake 2 Cor. 1. 12. teſtimony of our c. 1 Tim. 3 9. myſt. of faith in pure c. 4. 2. having their c. ſcared as hot iron Tit. 1. 15. mind and c. is defiled Heb. 9. 14. purge c. from dead works 10. 2. worſhippers no more c. of ſin 22. hearts ſprinkled from evil c. Acts 23. 1. good conſcience 1 Tim. 1. 19. Heb. 13. 18. 1 Pet. 3. 21.
  • CONSENT with one Pſ. 83. 5. Zeph. 3. 9. Luke 14. 18. 1 Cor. 7. 5. Prov. 1. 10. entice thee c. thou not Rom. 7. 16. I c. to the law that good 1 Tim. 6. 3. if any c. not to wholſom Pſ. 50. 18 conſentedſt to thief Acts 8. 1. conſenting 22. 20.
  • CONSIDER, Lev. 13. 13. Judg. 18. 14. Deut 4. 39 c. it in thine heart 32. 29. O that— c. their latter end Pſ. 8. 3. when I c. the heavens 50. 22. c. this ye that forget God 64. 9. wiſely c. of his doings Eccl. 5. 1. c not that they do evil 7. 13. c. the work of God 14. in duty of adverſity c. Iſ 1. 3. my people doth not c. 5. 12. neither c. operation of hands Hag. 1. 5. 7. L. c. your ways 2. 15. 18. 2 Tim. 2. 7. c. what I ſay and L. give Heb. 3. 1. c. apoſtle and high prieſt 7. 4. c. how great this man was 10. 24. c. one another to provoke 12. 3. c. him that endured ſuch Job 1. 8. haſt thou conſidered my ſervant Job 2. 3. Pſ 31. 7. haſt c. my trouble 77. 5. have c. days of old Mark 6. 52. c. not miracle of loaves Rom. 4. 19. c. not his own body dead Mat. 7. 3. conſidereſt not the beam Pſ. 41. 1. bleſſed conſidereth the poor Prov. 31. 16. ſhe c. a field and buyeth it 44. 19. none c. in his heart Heb. 13. 7. conſidering end of converſation
  • CONSIST Cor. 1. 17. Luke 12. 15.
  • [43]CONSOLATION, Acts 4. 36. & 15. 31 Luke 2. 25. waited for c. of Iſrael 6. 24. wo rich have received your c. Rom. 15. 5. God of c. grant you to be 2 Cor. 1. 5. ſo our c. aboundeth by C. Phil. 2. 1. if any c. in Chriſt 2 Theſſ. 2. 16. given us everlaſting c. Heb. 6. 18. might have ſtrong c. Job 15. 11. conſolations
  • CONSTRAIN, Gal. 6. 1 [...]. Acts 16. 15, 2 Cor. 5 14. love of Chriſt c. us 1 Pet 5. 2. not by conſtraint
  • CONSUME. Deut. 5. 25. & 7. 16. Exod. 33. 3. left I c. thee in the way Pſ. 37. 20. they ſhall c. into ſmoke 39. 11. his beauty to c. 49. 14. 78. 43. days did he conſume in vanity Ezek. 4. 17. c. away for iniquity 2 Theſſ. 2. 8. L. ſhall c. with ſpirit James 4. 3. c. It upon your luſts Exod 3. 2. buſh was not conſumed Pſ. 90. 7. we are c. by thy anger 119. 39. my zeal hath c. me Prov. 5. 11. thy fleſh and body are c. Iſ. 64. 7. c. becauſe of our iniquities Lam. 3. 22. of L. mercy we are not c. Gal. 5. 15. be not c. one of another Deut. 4. 24. L. is c. [...]ing fire Heb. 12. 29. Lev. 26. 16. conſumption Deut. 28. 22 Iſ 10. 22. 23. & 28. 22.
  • CONTAIN, Ezek 23. 32. &. 45. 11. 1 Kings 8. 27. heaven of heavens cannot c. thee 2 Chron. 2. 6. & 6. 18. John 21. 25. world not c. the books 1 Cor. 7. 9. if they cannot c. let marry
  • CONTEMN, God—wicked Pſ. 10. 13, Ezek. 21. 13. if ſword c. the rod 10. Pſ. 15. 4. a vile perſon is contemned Job 12. 21. he pours contempt on princes Pſ. 107. 40. 123. 3. filled with c. 4. Dan. 12. 2 ſome to everlaſting c. Mal. 1. 7. table of L. is contemptible 2. 9. made you c. before all people 2 Cor. 10. 10. his ſpeech is c.
  • CONTEND, Deut. 2. 9. Job 9. 3. Iſa. 49. 25. I'll c. with them that c. 50. 8. who will c. with me 57. 16. for I will not c. for ever Jer. 12. 5. how canſt c. with horſes Amos 7. 4. Lord called to c. by fire Jude 3. c. earneſtly for faith Job 10. 2. cauſe why thou contendſt 40. 2. that c—eth with Almighty inſtr. H [...]b. 1. 3. contention Acts 15. 39. Phil. 1. 16. 1 Theſſ. 2. 2. Prov. 13. 10. by pride cometh c. 17. 14. leave off c. before it be 18. 6. fools lips enter into c. 22. 10. caſt out ſcorner and c. ſhall Jer. 15. 20. born me a man of c. Prov. 18. 18. 19. contentious 19. 13. & 23. 29. & 27. 15. 1 Cor. 1. 11. Tit. 3. 9. Prov 21. 19. contentions 26. 21. & 27. 15. Rom. 2. 8. 1 Cor. 11. 16.
  • CONTENT, Gen. 37. 27. Luke 3. [...]4. Phil. 4. 11. ſtate therewith to be c. 1 Tim. 6. 8. raiment let us be c. Heb. 13. 5. he c. with ſuch things 3 John 10. with malicious words not c. 1 Tim. 6. 6. godlineſs with c.—ment
  • CONTINUE, Exod 21. 21. Lev. 12. 4. 1 Sam. 11. 14. c following the Lord 1 Kings 2. 4. Lord may c. his word Pſ. 36. 10. c thy loving kindneſs 102 [...]8. child. of ſervants ſhall c. 119. 91. c. according to thy word John 8. 31. if ye c. in my word 15. 9. c. ye in my love 10. Acts 13. 43. to c. in grace of God 14. 22. to c. in the faith Rom. 6. 1. ſhall we c. in ſin becauſe gr. 12. 22. if thou c. in his goodneſs Col. 1. 23. if ye c. in faith and not 4. 2. c. in prayer and watch 1 Tim. 2. 15. if they c. in faith 4. 16. doctrine c. in them 2 Tim. 3. 14 c in things learned Heb. 13. 1. let brotherly love c. Rev. 13. 5. to c. 42. months Gen 40. 4. continued Neh. 5. 16. Luke 6 12. c. all night in prayer 22. 28. c. with me in temptation Acts 1. 14. c. with one accord in prayer 2. 42. c. ſtedfaſt in Ap doctrine and 20. 7. c. his ſpeech till midnight Heb. 8. 9. c. not in my covenant 1 John 2. 19. would have c. with us Job 14. 2. ſhadow and continueth not Gal. 3. 10. that c. not in all things 1 Tim. 5. 5. c. in ſuppl. and prayer Heb. 7. 24. this man becauſe c. ever James 1. 25. looketh into law &c. not Jer. 30. 23. continuing Rom. 12. 12. Acts 2. 46. Heb. 13. 14.
  • CONTINUAL, Exod 29. 42. Numb. 4. 7. Prov. 15. 15. Iſ. 14. 6. Rom. 9. 2. Gen. 6. 5. only evil continually Pſ. 34. 1. his praiſe c. in my mouth 52. 1. goodneſs of God endureth c. 71. 3. I reſort c. praiſe c. 14. I will hope c. and praiſe more 73. 23. yet I am c. with thee 119. 44. keep thy law c. for ever 117. reſpect to thy ſtatutes c. Prov. 6. 31. bind them c. on thy heart Iſ. 58. 11. Lord ſhall guide thee c. Hoſ. 12. 6. wait on thy God c. Acts 6. 4. give ourſelves c. to prayer Heb. 13. 15. Sacrif. of praiſe to God c. Deut. 28. 50. continuance Pſ. 139. 16. Iſ. 64. 5. Rom. 2. 7.
  • CONTRADICTING—ION, Acts 13. 45. Heb. 7. 7. & 12. 3.
  • CONTRARY. Eſth. 9. 1. Mat. 14. 24. Lev. 26. 2. walk c. to 22. 27. 28. 40. 41. Acts 18. 12. c. to the law [...]3 3. 26. 9. many thing c. to name of Jeſus Rom. 11. 24. graſſed c. to nature 16. 17. c to the doctrine received Gal. 5. 17. are c. one to the other 1 Theſſ. [...]. 15. are c. to all men [44] 1 Tim. 1. 10. is c. to ſound doctrine
  • CONTRIBUTION, Rom. 15. 26.
  • CONTRITE heart or ſpirit Pſ. 34. 18. & 51. 17. Iſ. 57. 15. 16. [...]66. 2.
  • CONTROVERSY, Deut. 7. 8. & 21. 5. & 25. 1. L Chron. 19. 8. Ezek. 44. 24. Jer. 25. 3. L ha [...] a c. Iſ. 34. 8. Hoſ. 4. 1. &. 12. 2. Mic 6. 2. 1 Tim. 3. 16. without c. great is myſt.
  • CONVENIENT, [...]er 40. 4. 5. Acts 24. 25. Prov. 30. 8. feed with food c. for me Rom. 1. 18. to do things- not c. Eph. 5. 4. talk and jeſting not c. Phil. 8. to enjoyn thee what is c.
  • CONVERSATION, Gal. 1. 13. Eph. 2. 3. & 4. 22. Heb. 13. 7. 1 Tim. 4. 12. Pſ. 27. 14. ſuch as be of upright c. 50. 23. orders his c. ar [...]ght I'll ſhew 2 Cor. 1 12. in ſincerity had our c Phil. 1. 27. let c. be as becometh goſpel 3. 20. our c. is in heaven whence Heb. 13. 5. let c. be without covetou [...]n. James 3. 13.ſhew out of good c. works 1 Pet. 1 15. holy in all manner of c. 2. 12. having c. honeſt among Gentiles 3. 1. won by ch [...] c. of wives c. 16. accuſe your good c. in Chri 2 Pet. 2. 7. vexed with filthy c of weked 3. 11. in all holy c. and go [...]line's
  • CONVERSION of Gentiles Acts 16. 3.
  • CONVERT and be healed Iſa. 6. 10. James 5. 19. err and one c. him 20. Pſ. 51. 13. ſinners—converted to thee Iſa. 60. 5 abundance of ſea c to thee Mat. 13. 15. ſhould be c. and I heal them 18. 3. except ye be c. & be [...]ome as ch. Luke 22. 32. when thou art c. ſtrengthen Acts 3. 9. repent and [...]e c ſins blotted out Pſ. 19 7 converting the ſoul
  • CONVINCE Tit. 1. [...]. Jude 15. Job 32. 12. convinced Acts 18. 28. 1 Cor. 14. 24 Iames 2. 9. John [...]. 46. who convinceth me of ſin
  • CORD Joſh 2. 15. Mic. 2. 5 Job 30. 11. he hath looſed my c. Eccl. 4. 12. a threefold c. is not broken 12. 6. ere ſilver c. be looſed Iſa. 54. 2. lengthen thy c. and ſtrengthen Job 36. 8. holden in cords of affliction Pſ. 2. [...]. caſt away their c. from us 129. 4. cut aſunder c. of wicked Prov. 5. 22. holden with c. of his lips Iſa 5. 18. draw iniquity with c. of vanity Hoſ. 11. 4. drew them with c. of a man
  • CORN Gen. 41. 57. [...] 42. 2. 19. Joſh. 5. 11. eat of the old c of the land 12. Job 5. 26. as a ſhock of c. cometh in Pſ. 65. 13. valleys covered with c. 72. 16. handful of c. in the earth 78. 24. given them c of heaven to eat Prov. 11. 26. withholdeth c. people curſe Iſa. 62. 8. I'll no more give c. to e [...]emies Ezek. 36. 29. call for c. and increaſe it Hoſ. 2. 9. take away my c. in time of it 10. 11. loveth to tread out the c. 14 7. ſhall revive as c. and grow as lily Zech. 9. 17. c. make young men cheerful Mat. 12. 1. to pluck the ears of c. John 12. 21. except c. of wheat fall into
  • CORNER Prov. 7. 8. 12 Lev. 21. 5. Prov. 21. 9. better dwell in c. 25. 24. Iſa 30. 20. teachers removed into c. Zech. 10. 4. came forth the c. Mat. 21. 42. become head of c. Acts [...]. 11. 1 Pet. 2. 7. Pſ. 118. 22. corner ſtone Iſa. 28. 16. 1 Pet. [...]. 6. Eph. 2 20. Mat. 21. 42.
  • CORRECT thy ſon and he Prov. 29 17. Pſ. 39. 1. with rebukes doſt c. man for 94. 10. chaſtiſeth heathen not c thee Jer. [...]. 10. own wickedneſs ſhall c. thee 10. 24. c. me but with judgment 30. 11 c. in meaſure 46. 2 [...]. Job 5. 17. happy is the man whom God c. Prov 3 12 whom the Lord loveth he c. Iob 37. [...]3. whether for correction Prov. 3. 11. be not weary of his c. 22. 15. rod o [...] c ſhall drive fooliſhneſs 23. 13 withhold not c. from the child Jer. 2. 30. they received not c. 5. 3. &. 7 28. Zeph. 3. [...]. H [...]b 1. 12. eſtabliſhed them for c. [...] Tim. 3. 16. ſcripture profitable for c.
  • CORRU [...]T Job 1 [...]. 1. Pſ. 38. 5. Gen. 6. 11. 12. earth c. before God Pſ. 14. 1. they a [...]e c. 5. 1. & 72. 8. Mal. 1. 14. ſacrificeth to Lord a c thing Mat. 7. 17. 18. c tree b [...]ings—fruit 12. 33. make tree c. and fruit c. Eph 1. 22. old man which is c. 29. let no c communication proceed 1 Tim. 6 5 of c minds 2 Tim. 3. 8. Mat. 6. 19. ruſt doth c. 20. 1 Cor. 15. 3. evil com. c. good manners 2 Cor 2. 17. a [...] many who c. word Jude 10. 11. thoſe they c. themſelves Gen. 6. 12. all fleſh had c. his way Deut 9. 12. thy people c. themſ. 32. 5. Hoſ. 9. 9. have deeply c. themſelves 2 Cor. 7. 2. we have c. no man 1 Cor. 9. 25. corruptible & 15. 53. 1 Pet. 1. 18. [...]3. Job 17. 14. corruption Pſ. 16. 10. & 49. 9. Iſa. 38 17. Dan. 10. 8. Ion. 2. 6. Acts 2. 27. 31. & 13. 34. 37. Rom. 8. 21. 1 Cor. 13. 42. 50. Gal. 6. 8. 2 Pet. 1. 4. & 2. 12. 19.
  • COST 2 Sam. 19. 42. & 14. 24. 1 Chron. 21 24. Luke 14. 28.
  • COVENANT Gen 17. 2. & 26. 28. Gen. 9. 12. token of the c. 13. 17. 17. 4. my c. is with thee 7. 19. 11. a token of the c. betwixt 12. my c. ſhall be in the fleſh 14. he hath broken my c. Exod. 2. 24. G. rem. his c. with Abram 31. 16. ſabbath for a perpetual c. 31. 28. wrote words of c. Lev. 26. 15. ye break my c. Judg. 2. 1. never break c. with you 1 Chron 16. 15. alway mindful of his c. Pſ. 111. 5. & 105. 8. [45] Neh. 9. 38. we make a ſure c. Job 31. 1. I made a c. with mine eyes Pſ. 25. 14. Lord will ſhew them his c. 44. 17. not dealt falſly in thy c. 50. 5. made a c. with me by ſacrifice 55. 20. broken his c. Iſa. 33. 8. 74. 20. have reſpect to the c. 78. 37. not ſtedfaſt in his c. 10. 80. 3. I have made a c. with my choſen 28 my c. ſhall ſtand faſt 34. 132. 12. children will keep my c. Prov. 2. 17. forgetteth the c. of her God Iſa. 28. 18 your c. with death 42. 6. given thee for c. of people 49. 6. 54. 10. nor c. of my peace be removed 56. 4. take hold of my c. 6. Jer. 14. 21. break not c. with us 31. 31. make a new c. with Iſrael 50. 5. to Lord in a perpetual c. Ezek. 20. 37. bring into bond of c. Dan. 9. 27. confirm c. with many Hoſ. 6. 7. have tranſgreſſed the c. 10. 4. ſwearing falſly in making c. Mal. 2. 14 the wife of thy c. 3. 1. meſſenger of the c. Acts 3. 25. the children of the c. Rom. 1. 31. c. breakers 2 Tim. 3. 3. Heb. 8. 6. mediator of a better c. 7. 9. Gen. 9. 16. everlaſting covenant 17. 7. 13. 19. Lev. 24. 8. 2 Sam. 23. 5. 1 Chron. 16. 17. Pſ. 105. 10. Iſa. 24. 5. & 55. 3. & 61. 8. Jer. 32. 40. Ezek. 16. 60. & 37. 26. Heb. 13. 20. Gen. 17. 9. 10. keep, keepeſt, keepeth, covenant Exod. 19. 5. Deut. 9. 12. & 29. 9. & 33. 9. 1 Kings 8. 23. & 11. 11. 2 Chron. 6. 14. Neh. 1. 5. & 9. 32. Pſ. 25. 10. & 103. 18. & 132. 12. Dan. 9. 4. Gen. 15. 18. L. made covenant Ex. 34. 27. Deut. 5. 2. 3. 2 Kings 23. 5. Job 31. 1. Jer. 31. 31. new covenant Heb. 8. 8. 13. & 12. 24. Gen. 9. 15. remember covenant Exod. 6. 5. Lev. 26. 42. 45. Pſ. 105. 8. & 106. 45. Ezek 16. 60. Amos 1. 9. Luke 1. 72. Lev. 2. 13. covenant of ſalt Num. 18. 19. 2 Chron. 13. 5. Deut. 17. 2. tranſgreſſed the covenant Joſh. 2. 11. 15. & 23. 16. Judg. 2. 20. 1 Kings 18. 12. Jer. 34. 18. Hoſ. 6. 7. & 8. 1. Rom. 9. 4. covenants Gal. 4. 24. Eph. 2. 12. covenants of promiſe
  • COVER Exod. 10. 5. & 40. 3. Exod. 21. 33. dig a pit and not c. it 33. 22. I'll c thee with my hand Deut. 33. 12. Lord ſhall c. him all day 1 Sam. 24. 3. c. his feet Judg. 3. 24. Neh. 4. 5. c. not their iniquity Job 16. 18. c. thou not my blood Pſ. 91. 4. c. thee [...] with his feathers Iſa. 58. 7. naked that thou c. him 11. 9. as the waters c. the ſea Hab. 2. 14. Hoſ. 10. 8. ſay to mountains c. us Luke 23. 30. Rev. 6. 16. 1 Cor. 11. 7. man ought not to c. head 1 Pet. 4. 8. charity ſhall c. multitude ſins Job 31. 33. if I covered my tranſgreſſion [...] Pſ. 32. 1. whoſe ſin is c. Rom. 4. 7. 85. 2. haſt c. all their ſin Lam. 3. 44 c. thyſelf with a cloud Mat. 10. 26. nothing c. that ſhall not Pſ. 104. 2. covereſt thyſelf with light 73. 6. violence covereth them as garm. Prov. 10. 12. love c. all ſins Jam. 5. 20. 28 13. that c. his ſins—not proſper Iſa. 28. 20. covering 1 Cor. 11. 15. Iſa 4. 6. covert 16. 4. & 32. 2. Pſ. 61. 4. Jer. 25. 38.
  • COVET Exod. 20. 17. Mic. 2. 2. 1 Cor. 12. 31. c. earneſtly beſt gifts 14. 39. c. to propheſy and forbid not Acts 20. 33. coveted 1 Tim. 6. 10. Prov. 21. 26. coveteth Hab. 2. 9. Pſ. 10. 3. wicked bleſſeth covetous Luke 16. 14. Phariſees who were c. 1 Cor. 5. 10. or with the c. 11. 6. 10. nor c. ſhall inherit kingd. of G. Eph. 5. 5. nor c. who is an idolater 1 Tim. 3. 3. biſhop muſt not be c. 2 Tim. 3. 2. in laſt days c. boaſters 2 Pet. 2. 14. exerciſed with c. practices Exod. 18. 21. hating covetouſneſs Pſ. 119. 36. to teſtimonies and not to c. Prov. 28. 16. hateth c. ſhall prolong day [...] Ezek. 33. 31. heart goeth after their c. Luke 12. 15. beware of c. for man's life Col. 3. 5. c. which is idolatry Heb. 13. 5. converſation without c.
  • COUNSEL Num. 27. 21. & 31. 16. Job 5. 13. c. of froward carried headlong 12. 13. he hath c. and underſtanding 21. 16 c. of wicked far from me 22. 18. 38. 2. who this that dark. c. by words without knowledge 42. 3. Pſ. 1. 1. walks not in c. of ungodly 16. 7. bleſs Lord who given me c. 33. 10. 11. c. of Lord ſtands for ever Prov. 19. 21. Iſa. 46. 10. 11. 55. 14. we took ſweet c. together 73. 24. guide me by thy c. while here 83. 3. taken crafty c. againſt people Prov. 1. [...]5. ſet at nought all my c. 8. 14. c. is mine and found wiſdom 11. 14. where no c. is people fall 20. 18. purpoſe eſtabliſhed by c. 21. 30. no wiſdom nor c. againſt Lord 24. 6. by wiſe c. make war 27. 9. ſweetneſs- by hearty c. Iſa. 11. 2. ſpirit of c. and might 28. 29. L. wonderful in c. and excel. 40. 14. with whom took he c. 44. 26. performs c. of his meſſengers Jer. 32. 19. God great in c. mighty Zech. 6. 13. c. of peace between them Luke 7. 30. rejected c. of God againſt Acts 2. 23. by determinate c. 4. 28. 5. 38. if this c. be of men it ſhall 20. 27. to declare all the c. of God Eph. 1. 11. after c. of his own will Ezra 4. 5. counſellors 7. 14. Job 3. 14. & 12. 17. Dan. 3. 24. Pſ. 199. 24. thy teſtimonies are my c. [46] Prov. 11. 14. in multitude of c. is ſafety 24. 26 & 15. 22. 12. 20. to c of peace is joy Iſa. 1. 26. reſtore thy c. as at beginning 9. 6. wonderful c mighty God 10. 11. wiſe c. of Pharaoh—brutiſh
  • COUNT Exod. 12. 4. Lev. 23. 15. Num. 23. 10. who can c. the duſt of Jacob Job 31. 4. doth not he c. all my ſteps Pſ. 139. 18. if I c. them—more than 22. hate thee I c. them my enemies Acts 20. 24. neither c. I my life dear to Phil. 3. 7. 8. 9. I c. all things loſs—dung 13. I c. not myſelf to have apprehended James 1. 2. c. it all joy when ye fall into 5. 11. we c. them happy who endure Gen. 15. 6. counted to him for righteouſneſs Pſ. 106. 31 Rom. 4. 3. Iſa. 40. 17. c to him leſs to him nothing Hoſ. 8. 12. of law c. as a ſtrange thing Luke 21. 36. c. worthy to eſcape Acts 5. 41. that c. worthy to ſuffer 2 Theſſ. 1. 5. c. worthy of the kingdom 1 Tim. 1. 12. he c. me faithful putting 5. 17. c. worthy of double honour Heb. 3. 3. c. worthy of more glory 10. 20. c. blood of covenant unholy
  • COUNTENANCE Gen. 4. 5. & 31. 2. Num. 6. 26. lift up his c. on thee 1 Sam. 1. 18. her c. was no more ſad 16. 7. look not on his c. or height Neh. 2. 2. why is thy c. ſad Job 29. 24. light of my c. they caſt Pſ. 4. 6. lift up light of thy c. 80. 3. 7. 90. 8. ſetteſt ſecret ſins in light of c. Song 2. 14. let me ſee thy c comely Mat. 6. 16. as hypocrites of a ſad c. Acts 2. 28 full of joy with thy c.
  • COUNTRY far Mat. 21. 33. & 25. 14. Mark 12. 1. Luke 15. 13. & 10. 12. & 20. 9. Prov. 25. 25. Heb. 11. 9. declare they ſeek a c. 16. they deſire better c.—heavenly 2 Cor. 11. 26. countrymen 2 Theſſ. 2. 14.
  • COURAGE Joſh. 2. 11. Acts 28. 15. Num. 13. 20. be of good courage Deut. 31. 6. & 7. 23. Joſh. 1. 6. 7. 9. 18. & 10. 25. & 23. 6. 2 Sam. 10. 1 [...]. & 13. 28. 1 Chr. 22. 13. & 28. 20. Ezra 10. 4. Pſ 27. 14. & 31. 24. Iſa. 41. 6.
  • COURSE Acts 13. 25. & 16. 11. Acts 20. 24. finiſh my c. with joy Eph. 2. 2. according to c. of this world 2 Theſſ. 3. 1. may have free c. and be 2 Tim. 4. 7. I have finiſhed my c.
  • COURT Exod. 27. 9 Iſa. 34. 13. Amos 7. 13. Bethel is kings c. Pſ. 65. 4. may dwell in thy c. 84. 10. day in thy courts better 92. 13. flouriſh in c. of our God 100. 4. enter his c. with praiſe Iſa. 1. 12. who required to tread my c. 60. 9. drink it in c. of my holineſs Luke 7. 25. delicate are in kings c. Rev. 11. 2. c. without temple leave out 1 Pet. 3. 8. be pitiful courteous Acts 27. 3. courteouſly 28. 7.
  • CRAFT Dan. 8. 25. Mark 14. 1. Acts 18. 3. & 19. 25. 27. Rev. 18. 22. Job 5. 12. diſappointeth devices of crafty 15. 5. utt. iniq. chooſeſt tongue of c. Pſ. 83. 3. taken c. counſel againſt 2 Cor. 12. 16. being c. I caught with guile Job 5. 13. craftineſs 1 Cor. 3. 19. Luke 20. 23. 2 Cor. 4. 2. Eph. 4. 14.
  • CREATE Gen. 1. 1. 21. 27. & 2. 3. Pſ. 51. 10. c. in me a clean heart Iſa. 4. 5 c. upon every dwelling place 45. 7. I form light and c. darkneſs I make peace and c. evil 57. 19. I c. the fruit of the lips peace 65. 17. I c. new heavens and new earth 18. rejoice in what I c. I c. Jeruſalem Pſ. 104. 30. ſpirit they are created 102. 18. people which ſhall be c. 148. 5. commanded and they were c. Iſa. 43. 7. I have c. him for my glory Jer. 31. 22. c. a new thing in earth Mal. 2. 10. hath not one God c. us Eph. 2. 10. c in C. J. unto good works 3. 9. c. all things by Chriſt Jeſus 4. 24. after God is c. in righteouſneſs Col. 1. 16. all things were c. by him 3 10. image of him that c. him 1 Tim. 4. 3 which God c to be received Rev. 4. 11. haſt c. all—are and were c. 10. 6. c. heaven and things therein Amos 4. 13. createth the wind Mark 10. 6. creation 13. 19. Rom. 1. 20. & 8. 22. Rev. 3. 14. Rom. 1. 25. creature—creator Eccl. 12. 1. rememb. thy c. in days Iſ. 40. 28. c. of ends of earth 43. 15. Lord c. of Iſrael your king 1 Pet. 4. 19. as to a faithful c. Gen. 1. 20 creature Lev. 11. 46. Mark 15. 16. preach the goſpel to every c, Rom. 8. 20. c. was ſubject to vanity 19. c. waiteth 21. c. be delivered 2 Cor. 5. 17. man in Chriſt is a new c. Gal. 6. 15. availeth—but a new c. Col. 1. 15. firſt born of every c. 1 Tim. 4. 4. every c. of God is good Heb. 4. 13. nor any c. not manifeſt Iſ. 12. 21. creatures James 1. 18. Ezek 15. 19. living creatures 3. 13. Rev. 4. 6. 9. & 5. 6. 11. 14.
  • CREEP Lev. 11. 31. Pſ. 104. 20. 2 Tim. 3. 6. who c. into houſes Jude 4. crept in unawares
  • CRIB, Prov. 14. 4. Iſ. 1. 3.
  • CRIME, Job 31. 11. Ezek. 7. 23.
  • CRIMSON,—as wool Iſ. 1. 18. Jer. 4. 30. 2 Chr. 2. 7 & 3. 14.
  • CROOKED generation Deut. 32. 5. Pf. 125. 5. aſide to their c. ways Prov. 2. 15. whoſe ways are c. Eccl. 1. 15. that which is c. cannot be made ſtraight 7. 13. Iſ. 40. 4. c. ſhall be made ſtraight 45. 2. & 42. 16. Luke 3 5. 59. 8. made c. paths Lam. 3. 9. [47] Ph [...]. 2. 15. in midſt of c. generation
  • CROSS, John 19. 17.—31. Luke 23. 26. Mat. 10. 38. takes not up his c. and follows 16. 24. Luke 9. 23. & 14. 27. 1 Cor. 1. 17 leſt the c. of Chriſt be made 18. preaching of c. is to them fooliſhn. Gal. 5. 11. then is offence of c. ceaſed 6. 12. ſuffer perſecution for c. of Chriſt 14. glory ſave in c. of Lord Jeſus Chriſt Phil. 2. 8. obedient to death of c. 3. 18. they are enemies of c. of Chriſt Col. 1. 20. peace through blood of his c. 2. 14. took—nailing it to his c. Heb. 12. 2. for joy—endured the c.
  • CROWN, Lev. 8. 9. Eſth. 1. 11. Job 31. 36. bind it as a c. to me Pſ. 89. 39. haſt profaned his c. Prov. 12. 4. virt. woman is c. to huſband 14. 24. c. of wiſe is their riches 16. 31. hoary head is c. of glory 17. 6. childrens child. are c. of old men Song 5. 11. behold king Solomon with c. Iſ. 28. 5. Lord of Hoſts for c. of glory 62. 3. thou ſhalt be a c. of glory 1 Cor. 9. 25. to obtain corruptible c. Phil. 4. 1. my joy and c 1 Theſſ. 2. 19. 2 Tim. 4. 8. ſaid up—a c. of righteouſn. James 1. 12. receive a c. of life 1 Pet. 5. 4. receive a c. of glory Rev. 2. 10. give thee a c. of life 3. 11. that no man take thy c. Pſ. 8. 5. crowned with glory and honour Heb. 2. 7. 9. Pſ. 21. 3. Prov. 14. 18. prudent are c. with knowl. Prov. 65. 11. crowneſt year with goodneſs 103. 4. crowneth with loving kindneſs Zech 6. 11. 14. crowns Rev 4. 4. 10. & 9. 7. & 12. 3. & 13. 1. & 19. 12.
  • CRUCIFY, Mat. 20. 19. & 23. 34. Luke 23. 21. John 19. 6 15. Acts 2. 23. crucified and ſlain 4. 10. Rom. 6. 6. our old man is c. with him 1 Cor. 1. 13. was Paul c. 23. Chriſt c. 2. 2. ſave Jeſus Chriſt and him c. 2 Cor. 13. 4. was c. through weakneſs Gal. 2. 20. I am c. with Chriſt nevertheleſs 3. 1. Chriſt ſet forth c. among you 5. 24 Chriſt have c. the fleſh with aff. 6. 14. world is c. to me and I to world Rev. 11. 8. where alſo our Lord was c.
  • CRUEL, Prov. 5. 9. &. 11. 17. & 27. 4. Gen. 49. 7. curſed wrath for it was c. Job 30. 21. thou art become c. to me Prov. 12. 10. tend. mere. of wick. are c. Song 8. 9. jealouſy is c. as grave Iſ. 13. 9. day of Lord cometh c. with Jer. 6. 23. c. and have no mercy 50. 42. Heb 11. 36. had trial of c. mockings
  • CRUMBS, Mat. 15. 27. Luke 15. 21.
  • CRY, Exod. 5. 8. & 3. 7. 9. Gen. 17. 21. to the c. that is come up Exod. 2. 23. their c. came up to God 22. 23. I'll ſurely hear their c. 2 Sam. 22. 7. my c. did enter into ears Job 34. 28. he hears c of afflicted Iſ. 9. 12. he forgets not c. of humble 34. 15. his ears are open to their c. 145. 19. he will hear their c. Jer. 7. 16. neither lift up c. not prayer for them 11. 11. 14. Mat. 25. 6. at midnight a c. made Pſ. 34. 18. righteous c. and Lord heare Iſ. 40. 6. voice ſaid c.—what c. 42. 2. not c. nor lift up voice 58. 1. c. aloud ſpare not ſhew tranſgr. Ezek. 9. 4. that c. for all the abomin. Joel 1. 19. to thee will I c. Jonah 3. 8. c. mightily to God Mat. 12. 19. ſhall not ſtrive nor c. Luke 18. 7. c. day and night to him 19. 40. ſtones would—c. not Rom. 8. 15. Spirit- c. Abba Father Pſ. 22. 5. cried and were delivered 34. 6. this poor man c. and Lord hear [...] 119. 145. I c. with my whole heart 138. 3. I c. thou anſweredſt me Lam. 2. 18. their heart c. to Lord Hoſ. 7. 14. not c. with their heart Prov. 2. 3. if thou crieſt after knowledge Gen. 4. 10. brother's blood crieth Prov. 1. 20. wiſdom c. without Mic. 6. 9. Lords voice c. to the city Prov. 19. 18. crying Zech. 4. 7. Mat. 3. 3. Heb. 5 7. Rev. 21. 4.
  • CUBIT to ſtature Mat. 6. 27.
  • CUMBER, Luke 10. 40. & 13. 7.
  • CUP, Gen. 40. 11. & 44. 2. Pſ. 11. 6. portion of their c. 16. 5. Lord is portion of my c. 23. 5. my c. runneth over 73. 10. waters of full c. wrung out 116. 13. take c. of ſalvation Iſ. 51. 17. c. of trembling 22. Zech. 12. 2. Jer. 16. 7. nor give c. of conſolation 25. 15. wine c. of fury 17. 28. Lam. 4. 21. Ezek. 23. 31. 32. Hab. 2. 16. c. Lords right hand Pſ. 75. 8. Mat. 10. 42. c. of cold water only 20. 22. able to drink of the c. 23. 25. make clean outſide of c. 26. 39. let this c. paſs from me John 18. 11. c. which my F. hath given 1 Cor. 10. 16. c. of bleſſing which we 21. drink c. of Lord. and c. of devils 11. 25. this c. is new teſtament 26. drink this c. 27. 28. Luke 22. 20. Rev. 16. 19. c. of his wrath 14. 10.
  • CURIOUS, Exod. 35. 32. Acts 19. 19. Pſ. 139. 19. curiouſly wrought
  • CURSE them 5. 18. 19. 22. 24. 27. Gen. 27. 12. bring a c. upon me 13. on me be thy c. my ſon Deut. 11. 26. bleſſing and c. 30. 1. 23. 5. turned c. into bleſſ. Neh. 13. 2. Prov. 3. 33. c. of Lord in houſe of wick. 26. 2. c. cauſeleſs ſhall not come Mal. 2. 2. ſend a c. upon you 3. 9. ye are curſed with a c. Iſ. 65. 15. for, or to be a c. Jer. 24. 9. & 25. 18. & 29. 18. &. 42. 18. & 44. 8. 12. & 26. 6. & 49. 13. Gen. 8. 21. I'll not again curſe ground [48] 12. 3. c. him. that curſeth thee Exod 22. 28. nor c. ruler of thy people Lev. 19. 14. ſhall not c. the dear Numb. 22. 6. come c. me this people 17. Deut. 23. 4. hired Balaam to c. Joſh. 24. 9. Neh. 13. 2. Judg. 5. 23. c. ye Meroz c. bitterly 2 Sam. 16. 10. let him c. becauſe L. 11. Job 1. 11. he'll c. thee to face 2. 5. 2. 9. c. God and die 1. 5. Pſ. 109. 28. let them c. but bleſs thou Prov. 11. 16. people ſhall c. him 24. 24. Eccl. 10. 20. c. not the king in chamb. Jer. 15. 10. every one doth c. me Mal. 2. 2. I'll c. your bleſſings Mat. 5. 44. bleſs them that c. you Rom. 12. 14. bleſs and c. not Gen. 49. 7. curſed be their anger Job 3. 1. Job opened e. h [...]s day 8. 5. 3. I c. his habitation 24. 18. Pſ. 119. 21. proud are c. 37. 22. Jer. 11. 3. c. be man that obeys not 17. 5. c. be man that truſteth in man 48. 10. c. doth work of L. deceitfully Deut. 30. 19. curſing Rom. 3. 14. Heb. 6. 8. Pſ. 10. 7. & 59. 12. & 109. 17.
  • CUSTOM, Gen. 31. 35. Rom. 13. 7. Luke 4. 16. 1 Cor. 11. 16. Jer. 10. 3.
  • CUT, Lev. 1. 6. 12. &. 22. 24. Zech. 11. 10. cut aſunder Mat. 24. 51. Luke 12. 46. Jer. 48. 2. & 50. 23. Pſ. 129. 4. Luke 13. 7. 9. cut down Job 22. 16. 20. Job 4. 7. cut off 8. 14. Pſ. 31. 2. & 37. 9. 28. & 76. 12. & 90. 10. & 101. 5. Prov. 2. 22. Mat. 5. 30. & 18. 8. Rom. 11. 22. 2 Cor. 11. 12. Gal. 5. 12. Acts 5. 33. cut to heart 7. 54.
  • CYMBAL, Ezra 3. 10. Pſ. 150. 5. [...] Cor. 13. 1. I am become tinkling c.
  • DAINTY, Job. 23. 20. Prov. 23. 6. Gen. 49. 20. yield royal dainties Pſ. 141. 4. not eat of their d. Prov. 23. 3. not deſirous of his d.
  • DAMNED who believe not Mark 16. 16. 2 Theſſ. 2. 2. Rom. 14. 23. doubteth is d. if he eat 2 Pet. 2. 1. damnable hereſies Mat. 23. 14. greater damnation 33. how can ye eſcape d. of hell Mark 3. 29. in danger of eternal d. John 5. 29. riſe to reſurrection of the d. Rom 3. 8. whoſe d. is juſt 13. 2. receive to themſelves d. 1 Cor. 11. 29. eateth and drinketh d. to 1 Tim. 5. 12. having d. becauſe caſt 2 Pet 2. 3. their d. ſlumbers not
  • DANCE turned to mourning Lam. 5. 15. Pſ. 30. 11. Luke 15. 25.
  • DANDLED on knees Iſ. 66. 12.
  • DANGER of the judgment Mat. 5. 21. 22. d. of council—hell-fire Mark 3. 29. in d. of damnation Acts 19. 27. caſt in d. 40. we in d.
  • DARE, 1 Cor. 6. 1. 2 Cor. 10. 12. Rom. 5. 7. ſome would d. to die
  • DAKK, Gen. 15. 17. Job 18. 6. & 24. 16. Lev. 13. 6. if plague be d. 21. 26. Numb. 12. 8. ſpeak not in dark ſpeeches 2 Sam. 22. 12. d. waters Pſ. 18. 11. Pſ. 49. 4. d. ſayings 78. 2. 74. 20. d. places of earth full of 88. 12. wonders known in d. Dan. 8. 23. underſtanding d. ſentences 2 Pet. 1. 9. light ſhines in d. place 1 Cor. 13. 12. through a glaſs darkly Exod. 10. 15. darkened Eccl. 12. 23. Pſ. 69. 23. let eyes be d. Rom. 11. 10. Zech. 11. 17. his right eye utterly d. Rom. 1. 21. foollſh heart was d. Eph. 4. 18. having underſtanding d. Gen. 1. 2. 5. 18. darkneſs 15. 12. 2 Sam. 22. 29. Lord will lighten my d. 1 Kings 8. 12. L. dwell in thick d., Job 34. 22. no d. where workers Pſ. 104. 20. makeſt d. and it is night 139. 12. d. and light are alike to thee Iſa. 5. 20. put d. for light and light for d. 45. 7. I form light and create d. Mat. 6. 23. whole body full of d. 8. 12. outer d. 22. 13. & 25. 30. John 1. 30. d. comprehends it not 3. 19. men loved d. rather than light 12. 35. leſt d. come upon you Acts 26. 18. turn them from d. to light Rom. 13. 12. caſt off works of d. 1 Cor. 4. 5. hidden things of d. 2 Cor. 4. 6. light to ſhine out of d. 6. 14. communion hath light with d. Eph. 5. 8. were ſometimes d. but now 11. no fellowſhip with works of d. 6. 12. rulers of d o [...] this world Col. 1. 13. deliver from power of d. 1 Pet. 2. 9. called you out of d. 2 Pet. 2. 4. reſerved in chains of d. 1 John 1. 5. in him is no d. at all 2. 8. d. is paſt true light ſhineth 11. d. hath blinded his eyes Jude 13. blackneſs of d. for ever Deut. 28. 29. in darkneſs 1 Sam. 2. 9. Pſ. 107. 10. & 112. 4. Iſa. 9. 2. & 50. 10. Mat. 4. 16. & 10. 27. John 1. 5. 1 Theſſ. 5. 4.
  • DARLING Iſ. 22. 20. & 35. 17.
  • DARTS fiery of devil Eph. 6. 16.
  • DASH 2 Kings 8. 12. Exod. 15. 6. Iſa. 13. 16. 18. Hoſ. 10. 14. & 13. 16, Pſ. 137. 9. Jer. 13. 14. Pſ. 2. 9. d. them in pieces like potters 91. 12. leſt thou d. thy foot againſt a [...].
  • DAVID for Chriſt Pſ. 89. 3. Jer. 30. 9. Ezek. 34. 23. 24. & 37. 24 25. Hoſ. 3. 5. Iſa. 55. 3.
  • DAY Gen. 1. 5. & 32. 26. Pſ. 19. 2. d. unto d. utters ſpeech 84. 10. a d. in thy courts is better 118. 24. this is d. which Lord made Prov. 27. 1. what a d. may bring forth Amos 6. 3. put far away evil d. Zech. 4. 10. deſpiſed d. of in all things Mat. 6. 34. ſufficient to d. is evil of it 25. 13. know neither d. nor hour [49] John 8. 56. rejoiced to ſee my d. 1 Cor. 3. 13. the d. ſhall declare it Phil. 1. 6. till d. of J. Chriſt 20. & 2. 16. 2 Theſſ. 2. 2. 1 Cor. 1. 8. 1 Theſſ. 5. 5. children of the d. Mat. 10. 15. Day of judgment & 11. 22. 24. & 12. 36. Mark 6. 11. 2 Pet. 2. 9. & 3. 7. 1 John 4. 17. Iſa. 2. 12. day of the Lord 13 6. 9. & 34. 8. Jer. 46. 10. Lam. 2. 22. Ezek. 30. 3. Joel 1. 15. & 2. 1. 31. & 3. 15. Am 5. 18. Obad. 15. 1. 8. 18. & 2. 2. 3. Zech. 1. 7. & 14. 2. Mal. 4. [...]. 1 Cor. 5. 5. Rev. 1. 10. 2 Cor. 1. 14. 1 Theſſ. 5. 2. 2 Pet. 3. 10. P [...]. 20. 1. L. hear thee in day of trouble 50. 14. call on me in d. of tr. 91. 15. 59. 16. my def. and refuge in d. of tr. 77. 2. in d. of troub I ſought the Lord 86. 7. in d. of trouble I call on thee Iſa. 37. 3. it is a d. of trouble and rebuke Ezek. 7. 7. time is come d. of tr. is near Nah. 1. 7. L. is good a ſtrong hold in— Hab. 3. 16. I might reſt in d. of trouble Zeph. 3. 15. a d. of tr and diſtreſs, deſol. Job 8. 9. days on earth as a ſhadow 14. 1. o [...] [...]ew d. and full of trouble 22. 7. d ſhould ſpeak and multitude Pſ. 90. 12. teach to number our d. Prov. 3. 16. length o [...] d. is her right hand Eccl. 7. 10. [...]orn er d. better than there 11. 8. remember d. of darkneſs, many 12. 1. while evil d come not Jer. 2. [...]2. forgotten me d. without num. Mat. 24. 22. except thoſe d. be ſhortened Gal. 4. 10. obſerve d. months, and years Eph. 5. 16. becauſe the d. are evil 1 Pet. 5. 10. would ſee good d. Gen. 49. 1. laſt days Iſa. 2. 2. Mic. 4. 1. Acts 2. 17. 2 Tim. 3. 1. Heb. 1. 2. James 5. 3. 2 Pet. 3. 3. Num. 24. 19. latter days Deut. 31. 29. Jer. 23. 20. & 30. 24. Dan. 10. 14. Hoſ. 3. 5. Job 10. 20. my days 17. 1. 11. 7. 6. my d. are ſwifter than a ſhuttle 16. I clothe it my d are vanity 9. 25. my d. are ſwifter than a poſt Pſ. 39 4. know meaſure of my d. 5. made my d. as a hand-breadth 102. 3 my d. are conſumed like ſmoke 11. are like a ſhadow 23. are ſho [...]tened Iſa. 39. 8. peace and truth in my d. Jer. 20. 18. my d. conſumed with ſhame Pſ. 61. 8. daily perform my vows 68. 19. who d. loads us with benefits Prov. b. 34. watching d. at my gates Iſa. 58. 1. ſeek me d. and delight in Acts 2. 47. added to church d. —ſaved Heb. 3. 12. exhort one another d. Job 9. 33. days man or umpire Job 38. 12. day-ſpring Luke 1. 78. 2 Pet. 1. 19. day ſtar ariſe in hearts
  • DEACON, Phil, 1. 1. 1 Tim. 3. [...]. 10. 12. 13.
  • DEAD, Gen. 20. 3. & [...]3. 3. Num. 16. 48. ſtood betw. d. and living 1 Sam. [...]4. 14. after a d. dog, after Pſ. 88. 10. ſhall d. praiſe 115. 17. Eccl. 9. 5. the d. know not any thing 10. 1. d. [...] cauſe ointment to ſtink Mat. 8. 22. let the d. bury their d. 22. 32. not God of d. but of living Luke 8. 52. maid not d. but ſleepeth John 5. 25. d. ſhall hear voice of S. of G. 11. 25. tho' he were d. yet ſhall he live Rom. 6. 8. d. with Chriſt 11 d. to ſin Gal. 2. 19. I through law am d. to law Eph. 2. 1. who were d. in treſpaſſes Col. 2. 13. being d in your ſins 3. ye are d. and your life hid with Chr. 1 Theſſ. 4. [...]6 d. in Chriſt ſhall riſe firſt 2 Tim. 2. 11. d with him we ſhall live Heb. 11. 4. being d. yet ſpeaketh Rev. 14. 13. bleſſed are d. —in the Lord Pſ. 7. 9. deadly Jam. 3. 8 Rev. 13. 3.
  • DEATH, Gen. 2 [...]. 16. Exod. 10. 17. Num. 23. 10. me died of righteous Deut. 30. 18. ſet before you life and d. Pſ. 6. 5. in d. no remembrance of thee 33. 19. deliver ſoul from d 116. 8. 68. 20. Lord bel [...]g the iſſues from d. 73. 4. have no ba [...]s in their d. 89. 48. liveth and ſhall not ſee d. 116. 15. precious—is d. of ſaints 118. 18. not given me over to d. Prov. 2. 18. her houſe inclines to d 8. 36. they that hate me love d. 18. 21. d and life in power of tongue Eccl. 7. 20. more bitter than d. woman 8 8. hath no power in day of d. Iſa. 25. 18. ſwallow up d. in victory 28 15. made covenant with d. 38 18. d. cannot celebrate thee Jer. 8. 3. d. cho [...]en rather than life [...]1. 8. way of life way of d. Ezek. 18. 3 [...]. no pleaſure in d. 33. 11. Hoſ. 13. 14. O d, I will be thy [...]ting Mat. 10. 28. not taſte of d. Luke. 9 27. 26. 38. ſorrowful even unto d. John 5. 24. paſſed from d. to life 1 John 3. 14. John 8. 51. ſhall never ſee d. 12. 33. what d. he ſhould the 2 [...]. 19. Acts 2. 24. looſed the pains or d. Rom. 5. 12. ſin entered and d. by ſin 6. 3 baptized into his d. 4. buried by baptiſm into d. 5. p [...]anted in the likeneſs of his d. 9. d. hath no more common over 21. end of theſe things is d. 23. wages of ſin is d. but gift of God 7. 5. bring forth hurt unto d. 8. 2. free from law of ſin and d. 6. to be carnally minded is d. 38. d. not life ſhall ſeparate from 1 Cor. 3. 22. or life or d. or preſent 11. 26. ye ſhew Lord's d. till he come 15. 21. by man came d. and by 54. d. is ſwallowed up in victory 55. O d. where is thy ſting 56. ſting of d is ſin and ſtrength of ſ [...]n 2 Cor. 1. 9. had ſentence o [...] d. in ourſelv. 10. delivered from to great a d. 2. 16. we are the ſavour o [...] d. unto d. 4. 1 [...]. delivered [...] [50] 12. d. worketh in us but life in you Phil. 2. 8. obedient to d. the d. of croſs Heb. 2. 9. teſted d. for every man 15. through fear of d. are ſubject to 11. 5. ſhould not ſee d. Luke 2. 26. James. 1. 15. ſin finiſhed brings d. 5 20. ſave a ſoul from d and bide 1 Pet. 3. 18. put to d. in the fleſh 1 John 5. 16. there is a ſin not to d. 17. there is a ſin unto d. I do not ſay Rev. 1. 18. I have the keys of hell and d. 2. 10. be faithful to the d and I'll 12. 11. loved not their lives unto d. 20. 6. ſecond d. hath no power 21. 4. ſhall be no more d. nor ſorrow
  • DEA [...], Exod. 4. 11. Pſ. 38. 18. Iſa. 29 18. [...] 35. 5. Mic. 7. 16. Lev. 19. 14. ſhalt not curſe the d. Iſa. 42. 18. hear ye d. and look ye blind 19. who is as d as my meſſenger 43. 8. d. people that have ears Mat. 11. 5. d. hear dead are raiſed
  • DEBATE, Prov. 25. 9. Iſa. 27. 8. & 58. 4. Rom. 1. 29. 2 Cor. 12. 20.
  • DEBT, Rom. 4. 4. Mat. 6. 12. 18. 27. Ezek. 18. 7. 11. debtor Gal. 5. 3. Rom. 1. 14. & 8. 12. & 15. 27. Luke 7. 41. Mat. 6. 12.
  • DECEASE, Luke 9. 31. 2 Pet. 1. 15.
  • DECEIT, Jer. 5. 27. & 9. 6. 8. Pſ. 72. 14. redeem their ſoul from d. 101. 7. worketh d. ſhall not dwell Prov. 20. 14. bread of d. is ſweet Iſa. 53. 9. any d. in his mouth Jer. 8. 5. they hold faſt d. and refuſe Col. 2. 8. ſpoil you through vain d. Pſ. 35. 20. deceitful 109 2. Pro. 11. 18. & 14. 25. & 23. 3. & 27. 6. Pſ. 5. 6. abhor bloody and d. man 55. 23. d. men ſhall not live half 78. 57. turn like a d. [...]ow Phil. 7. 16. Pſ. 1. 0. 2. from a d. tongue 52. 4. Mic. 6. 12. Zeph. 3. 12. Prov. 31. 30. favour is d. & beauty vain Jer. 17. 9. heart is d. above all things Eph. 4 22. according to d. luſts Mat. 13. 22. through d. or ſin Iſ. 24. 4. deceitfully Jer. 48. 10. Job 13. 7. 2 Cor. 4. 2.
  • DECEIVE, 2 Kings 4. 28. & 18. 29. Prov. 24. 28. d. not with thy lips Mat. 24. 4. take heed that no man d. you 24. if poſſible d. the very elect 1 Cor. 3. 18. let no man d. himſelf 1 John 1. 8. we d. ourſelves 2 Theſſ. 2. 10. deceivableneſs Deut. 11. 16. heart be not deceived Job 12. 16. d. and deceiver are his Iſa. 44. 20. a d. heart hath turned Jer. 20. 7. O Lord thou haſt d. me Ezek. 14. 9. I the Lord have d. that pr. Obad. 3. thy pride hath d. thee Rom. 7. 11. d me, and by it ſlew me 1 Tim. 2. 14. Adam was not d. but 2 Tim. 3. 13. deceiving and being d. Gen. 27. 12. deceiver Mal. 1. 14. 2 John 7. 2 Cor. 6. 8. Tit. 1. 10. Prov. 26. 19. deceiveth Rev. 12. 9. Gal.6. 3. when he is nothing d. himſelf James 1. 26. d. his own heart 22.
  • DECENTLY, 1 Cor. 14. 40.
  • DECLARE, Gen. 41. 24. Iſa. 42. 9. Pſ. 22. 22. I'll d. thy name unto brethren 38. 18. I will d. my iniquity and 50. 16. what to do to d. my ſtatutes 78 6. may d. them to their children 145. 4. ſhall d. thy mighty acts Iſa. 3. 9. they d. their ſin as Sodom 53. 8. who ſhall d. his generation Mic. 3. 8. to d. to Jacob his tranſgreſſion Acts 17. 23. worſhip him I d. unto you 20. 27. not ſhunned [...]od. all counſ. of G. Rom. 3. 25. to d. his righteous for remiſſ. Heb. 11. 14. ſay ſuch things d. plainly 1 John 1. 3. ſeen and heard d. we unto Rom. 1. 4. declared—S. o [...] G. with power 2 Cor. 3. 3. mani. d. to be the epiſt. of C. Amos 4. 13. d. to man what his thought 1 Cor. 2. 1. d. to you teſtimony of God
  • DECLINE, Pſ. 119. 51. 157.
  • DECREE, Ezra 5. 13. 17. & 6. 1. 12. Iſ. 2. 7. I will declare the d. Prov. 8. 15. princes d. juſtice Iſa. 10. 1. that d. unrighteous decrees Zeph. 2. 2. before d. bring forth Iſa 10. 22. Decreed, 1 Cor. 5. 37.
  • DEDICATE, Deut. 20. 5. 2 Sam. 8. 11. 1 Chron. 26. 20. 26. 27. Ezek. 44. 29. Numb. 7. 84. dedication Ezra 6. 16. 17. Neh. 12. 17. John 10. 22.
  • DEED, Gen. 44. 15. Judg. 19. 30. Rom. 15. 18. obedient in word and d. Col. 3. 17. what ye do in word or d. 1 John 3. 18. love in d and in truth Neh. 13. 14. wipe not out my good deeds Pſ. 28. 4. give them according to them d. Jer. 25. 14. Rom. 2. 6. 2 Cor. 5. 10. John 3. 19. becauſe their d. were evil 8. 41. doth the d. of your father Rom. 3. 20. by d of law no fleſh be juſti. 2 John 11. partaker of his evil d. Jude 15. o [...] all their ungodly d.
  • DEEP, Gen. 1. 2. Job 38. 30. Pſ. 36. 6. judgments are a great d. 42. 7. d. call unto d at the noiſe 1 Cor. 2. 10. all yea, d. things of God 2 Cor. 11. 25. I have been in d. Iſa. 31. 6. deeply revolted Hoſ. 9. 9. d. corrupted themſelves Mark 8. 12. ſighed d. in ſpirit
  • DEFAME, 1 Cor. 4. 13. Jer. 20. 10.
  • DEFENCE, 2 Chr. 11. 5. Iſa. 19. 6. Num. 14. 9. their d. is departed Job 22. 25. the Almighty ſhall be thy d. Iſ. 7. 10. my d. is of God who ſaveth 59. 9. G. is my d. 16. 17. & 62. 21. 6. 89. 18. & 94. 22. Eccl. 7. 12. wiſdom is a d. money is a d. Iſa. 4. 5. on all the glory ſhall be d. 33. 16. place of d. the munitions 23. 10. made conformable to his d. Tim. 1. 10. hath aboliſhed d. and [...],
  • [51]DEFER, Eccl. 5. 4. Iſa. 48. 9. Dan. 9. 19. Prov. 13. 12. & 19. 11.
  • DEFILE, Lev. 11 [...]4. & 15. 31. Song 5. 4 how ſhall I d. them Dan. 1. 8. would not d. himſelf Mat. 15. 18. they d. the man 20. 1 Cor. 3. 17. if d the temple of God Mark 7. 2. eat bread with defiled hands Iſa. 24. 5. earth is d. under inhabitants Titus 1. 15. that are d. and unbelieving their mind and conſcience is d. Heb. 12. 15. thereby many be d. Rev. 3. 4. have not d. their garments 14. 4. are not d. with women 21. 27. any thing that defileth
  • DEFRAUD Lev. 19. 13. Mark 10. 19. 1 Cor. 6. 7. 8. & 7. 5. 1 Theſſ. 4. 6. 1 Sam. 12. 3. 4. 2 Cor. 7. 2.
  • DELAY Exod. 22. 20. & 32. 1. Pſ. 119. 60. I delayed not to keep com. Mat 24. 48. my Lord delayeth his coming
  • DELICATE Deut. 28. 56. Iſa. 47. 1. Jer. 6. 2. Mic. 1. 16. Jer. 51. 34. 1 Sam. 15. 32. delicately Prov. 29. 21. [...]am. 4. 5. Luke 7. 25.
  • DELIGHT Gen. 34. 19. Num. 14. 8. Deut. 10. 15. Lord had d. in thy fathers 1 Sam. 15. 22. hath Lord as great d. Job 22. 26. have thy d. in Almighty 27. 10. will he d. himſelf in Almighty Pſ. 1. 2. [...]is d. is in the law of the Lord 16. 3. ſaints in whom is all my d. 37. 4. d. thy ſelf [...]n Lord he'll give 40. 8. I d. to do thy will O my God 94. 19. thy comforts d. my ſoul 119. 24. thy teſtimonies are my d. 174. Prov. 11. 20. upright are his d. 12. 22. 15. 8. prayer of unright is h [...]s d. Song 2. 3. under ſhadow with great d. Iſa. 55. 2. let your ſoul d. it ſelf in fatneſs 58. 2. d. to know—take d. in approach. 13. call ſabbath a d. holy of L. honour. Rom. 7. 22. I d. in law of God after inw. Pſ. 112. 1. deli [...]hteth greatly in his com. Prov. 3. 12. ſon in whom he d. Iſa. 42. 1. elect in whom my ſoul d. 62. 4. Hephzi-bah Lord d. in thee Mic. 7. 18 becauſe he d. in mercy Pſ. 119 92. thy law had been my delights 143. Eccl. 2. 8. Prov 8. 31. my d. with ſons of men Song 7. 6. how pleaſant O love f [...]r d. Mal. 3. 12. for ye ſhall be a delightſom land
  • DELIVER Exod. 3. 8. & 5. 18. Job 5. 19. d. thee in ſix troubles and in 10 7. none can d. out of thine hand Pſ. 35. 19. to d. their ſoul from death 50. 15. I'll d thee and thou 91. 15. 56. 13. wilt thou not d. my feet 74. 19. d. not the ſoul of thy turtle 91. 3. d. thee from ſnare of fowler Ec [...]l. 8. 8. ſhall wickedneſs d. thoſe that Ezek. 14. 14. ſhould d. but own ſoul 34. 10. I will d. my flock from their m. Dan. 3. 17. our God is able to d. us Hoſ. 11. 8. how ſhall I [...]. thee Iſrael Rom. 7. 24. who ſhall d. me from body 1 Cor 5. 5. to d. ſuch a one to Satan 2 Tim 4. 18. Lord ſhall d me from evil Heb 2. 15. d. them who through fear 2 Pet 2. 9. L. knows how to d godly out 2 Kings 5. 1. deliverance 13. 17. 2 Chron. 12. 7. Eſther 4. 14. Pſ. 3 [...]. 7. & 44. 4. Iſa. 26. 18. Joel 2. 32. Obad. 17. Luke 4. 18. Heb. 11. 35. Gen. 45. 7. great deliverance Judg. 15. 18. 1 Chron. 11. 14. Pſ 18. 50. Ezra 9. 13. given us ſuch d as this Heb. 11. 35. not accepting d. Prov 11. 8. righteous is d [...]livered out of trouble and wicked cometh 9. 21. 28. 26. walketh wiſely ſhall be d. Iſa. 38. 17. is love to ſoul d. it from pit 49. 24. 25 lawful captive—prey be d. Jer 7. 10. d. to do all theſe abominations Ezek. 3. 19. haſt d. thy ſoul 21. & 33. 9. Dan. 12. 1. thy people ſhall be d. Joel 2. 32. call on name of Lord—be d. Mic. 4. 10. Babylon there ſhalt thou be d. Mat. 11. 27. all things are d. to me of Fa. Acts 2. 23. d. by determinate counſel Rom. 4. 25. who was d. for our offences 7. 6. we are d. from the law that 8. 32. God d. him up for us all 2 Cor. 1. 10. who hath d. doth d. & 'll d. 4. 11. alway d. to death for Jeſus ſake 1 Theſſ. 1. 10. who d. us from the wrath 1 Tim. 1. 20. whom I have d. to Satan 2 Pet. 2. 7. d juſt Lot vexed with filthy Jude 3. faith once d. to the ſaints
  • DELUSION 2 Theſſ. 2. 11. Iſa. 66. 4.
  • DEMONSTRATION 1 Cor. 2. 4.
  • DEN Judg. 6. 2. Job 37. 8. Heb. 11. 38. Rev. 6. 15. Pſ. 104. 22. Pſ. 10. 9. den of lions Song 4. 8. Dan. 6. 7. 24. Amos 3. 4. Nah. 2. 12. Jer. 7. 11. den of robbers -of thieves Mat. 21. 13. Mark 11. 17. Jer. 9 11. den of dragons 10. 22.
  • DENY 1 Kings [...]. 16 Job 8. 18. Prov. 30. 9 left I be full and d. thee Mat. 10. 33. ſhall d. me before men 16. 24. let him d. himſelf and take 26. 3 [...]. before cock crow thou d. me 3 [...]. I will not d. thee Mark 14. 31. 2 Tim. 2. 11. if we d him he will d. us 13. abideth faithful—cannot d. himſelf Tit. 1. 16. in works they d. him 1 Tim. 5. 8. hath denied the faith Rev. [...]. 13. haſt not d. my faith 2 Tim. 3. 5. godl [...]neſs denying the power Tit. 2. 12. d. ungodlineſs and worldly luſts 2 Pet. 2. 1. d. the L. that bought them
  • DEPART from Job 21. 15. & 22. 17. 28. 28. to d. from evil I underſtanding Pſ. 24. 14. d. from evil 37. 27. Prov. 3. 7. & 13. 19 & 16. 6. 17. Hoſ. 9. 12. wo to when I d. from them Mat. 7. 23. d. from me ye that work 21. 41. d. from me ye curſed into Luke 2. 29. letteſt [...]hy ſervant d in peace 5. 8. d. from me—a ſinful man O Lord [52] Phil 1. 23. having a deſire to d. and be 1 Tim. 4. 1. ſome ſhall d. from faith 2 Tim. 2. 19. name of Chriſt d. from iniq. Pſ. 18. 21. wickedly departed from my God 119. 102. 2 Sam. 22 22. Prov. 14. 16. fears and departeth from ſin Iſa. 59 15. d. from evil makes himſelf Acts [...]0. 29. after my departing wolves H [...]b 3. 12. unbelief in d from living G. [...] Tim 4. 6. departure Ezek. 26. 18.
  • DEPTH Job 28. 14. & 38. 16. Prov. 8. 27. Mat 18. 6. Mark 4. 5. Rom. 8. 39 nor d. ſeparate us 11. 33. O the d of the riches of wiſdom Eph. 3. 19. d. of the love of Chriſt Exod. 15. 5. 8. depths Pſ 68. 22. & 71. 20. & 1 20 1. Prov 2. 20. & 9. 18. Mic. 7. 19. caſt ſins into d. of ſea Rev. 2. 24. known d. of Satan
  • DERISION Job 20. 1. Pſ. [...]. 4. & 44. 13. & 50 8 & 119. 51. Jer 20. 7. 8.
  • DESCEND Exod 19. 18. & 22. 0. Pſ. [...]. 17. glory ſhall not d. after him Iſa. 5. 14. rejo [...]ceth ſhall d. into it 1 Theſſ. 4. 6. Lord ſhall d. from heaven Gen. 28. 1 [...] angels of God aſcending and deſcending John 1. [...]1. Mat. 3 16. ſpirit of God d. like a dove Mark [...]. 1 [...]. [...]ohn 1. 32. 33. Rev 2 12 city d. out of heaven from G.
  • DES [...] [...]od 3. 1. & 19. 2. Num. 20. 1. Iſa. 2. 1 & 35. 1. & 10. 3. & 43. 19. & 5 [...]. 3 Jer 25. 24. & 50. 12. Ezek. 1 [...] 8. Mat 24. 26.
  • DESIRE Deut 18. 6. & 21. 11. Gen. 3. 16. [...]hy d. ſhall be to thy huſband 4. [...]. to thee ſhall be h [...]s d. and thou Exod. 34. 14 nor any man d. thy land Deut 18. 6. with all the d. of his heart 2 Sam. 23. 5. this is all my d though he 2 Cor. 15. 15. with their whole d. Neh. 1. 11 who d. to fear thy name Job 14. 15. wilt have a d. to work of hands 21. 11. we d. not knowledge of thy Pſ. 38. 9 all my d is before thee 7 [...]. 25. one that I d. beſides thee 145. 16. fulfill the d. of them fear him Prov. 10. 24. d. of right. ſhall be granted 11. 23. d. of righteous is only good 13. 19. d. accompliſhed is ſweet 21. 25. d. of ſlothful killeth him Eccl. 12. 5. d. ſhall fail becauſe man Iſa. [...]5. 8. d of ou [...] ſoul is to thy name Ezek. 2 [...]. 16 take the d. of thy eyes Hag. 2. 7. d. of all nations ſhall come Luke 22. 15. with d. I have deſired James 4. 2 d. to have and cannot obtain Rev. 9. 6. d. to die, and death ſhall free Pſ. 19. 10. more to be deſired are 27. 4. one thing have I d and I'll Iſa. 26. 9 with my ſoul have I d. thee Jer 17. 16 nor have I d. woful day Hoſ 6. 6. I d. mercy and not ſacrifice Zeph 2. 1. gather O nation not d. Pſ [...]7. 4. give the deſires of heart Eph. 2. 3 fulfilling the d. of the fleſh Pſ. 51. 6. thou deſireſt truth in the inward 16. thou d. not ſacrifice elſe would I Job 7. 2 ſervant earneſtly deſireth ſhadow pſ. 34. 12 what man d. life and loveth 68. 16 hill which God d. to dwell in Prov. 12. 12 wicked d. net of evil men 13 4. ſoul of ſluggard d. and hath not 21. 10. ſoul of wicked d. evil
  • DESOLATE 2 Sam. 13. 20. Job 15. 28. & 16. 7. Pſ. 25. 16. Iſa 49. 21. & 54. 1. Mat 23. 38. Rev. 17. 16. Iſa. 49. 6. deſolations 61. 4. Jer. 25. 9. 12. Ezek. 35. 9. Dan. 9. 2. 18. 26.
  • DESPAIR 2 Cor 4. 8. & 1. 8 Eccl. 2. 20. 1 Sam. 27 1. i. e. to be paſt hope Job 6. 26. deſperate Iſa. 17. 11. Jer. 1 [...]. 9. deſperately wicked
  • DESPISE my ſtatutes Lev. 26 15. 1 Sam. 2. 30. that d. me ſhall be lightly Job [...]. 17. d. not chaſtn. of L. Prov. 3. 11. Pſ 102. 18. will not d. their prayer Prov. 23. 22. d. not mother when old Amos 5. 21. I hate I d. your feaſt days Mat. 6. 24. hold to one and d. the other Rom. 14. 3. d. him that eateth not 1 Tim. 4. 12. no man d. thy youth Tit. 2. 15. Gen. 16. 4. miſtreſs was deſpiſed in heart 2 Sam. 6 16. ſhe d. him in her heart Prov. 12. 9. is d. and hath a ſervant Song 8. 1. kiſs thee I ſhould not be d. Iſa. 53. 3. he is d and rejected Pſ. 22. 6. Zech. 1. 10. who d. day of ſmall thing Luke 18. 9. righteous and d others Heb. 10. 28. that d. Moſes law died Acts 13. 41. deſpiſers [...] Tim. 3. 3. Rom. 2. 4. deſpiſ [...]ſt thou riches of goodn. Job 36. 5. God deſpiſeth not any Prov. 11. 12. void of wiſdom d neighb. 13. 13. d. the word ſhall be deſtroyed 14. 21. that d. his neighbour ſinneth 15. 32. refuſeth inſtruction d. his ſoul 19. 16. that d. his ways ſhall die 30. 17. eye d to obey his mother Iſa. 33 15. d. gain of oppreſſion 49. 7. whom man d. nation abhorreth Luke 10. 16 d. you d me d. him ſent me 1 Theſſ. 4. 8. d. not man but God Heb. 12. 2. deſpiſing the ſhame 10 29. done deſpite to ſpirit of grave
  • DESTROY, Gen. 18. [...]. & 19. 13 Pſ. 101. 8. I'll d. all wicked of earth Prov. 1. 32. proſperity of fools d. them Ec [...]l. 7. 16. why d thyſelf before time Mat. 5. 17. not come to d but to fulfil 10. 28. able to d. both ſoul and body 21. 41. miſerably d. thoſe wicked men John 2. 19. d. this temple and I will raiſe Rom. 14. 15. d. not him with thy meat 20. for meat d not work of God 1 Cor 3. 17. if defile temp. him will G. d. 6. 13. God ſhall d both it and them James 4. 10. able to ſave and to d. 1 John 3. 8. might d. works of devil Hoſ. 4. 6. my p. are d for lack of know. 13. 9. Iſrael thou haſt d [...]ſtroyed thyſelf 2 Cor. 4. 9. caſt down but not d. [53] Job 15. 21. deſtroyer Pſ. 17. 4. Prov. 28. 24. Jer. 4. 7. 1 Cor. 10. 10. Eſth. 4. 14. ſhall be deſtroyed Pſ. 37. 38. & 92. 7. Prov. 13. 13. 20. & 29. 1. Iſa. 10. 27. Dan. 2. 44. Hoſ. 10. 8. Acts 3. 23. 1 Cor. 15. 26. Deut. 7. 23. deſtruction 32. 24. Job 5. 22. at d. and famine ſhalt laugh 18. 12. d. is ready at his ſide 26. 6. d. before him hath no covering 31. 23. d. from G. was a terror to me Pſ. 90. 3. thou turneſt man to d. 91. 6. d. that waſteth at noon-day Prov. 10. [...]9. d. ſhall be to workers of iniquity 21. 15. Job 21. 30. & 31. 3. 15. 11 hell and d. are before the Lord 16. 18. pride goeth before d. 18. 12 before d. heart of man haughty 27. 20. hell and d. are never full Jer. 4. 20. d. upon d. cried for land ſpoil. Hoſ. 13. 14. O grave I will be thy d. Mat. 7. 15. way that leads to d. Rom. 3. 16. d. and miſery are in all 1 Cor. 5. 5. for the d. of the fleſh 2 Cor. 10. 8. not for your d. 13. 10. 1 Theſſ. 5. 3. peace ſudden d cometh 2 Theſſ. 1. 9. puniſhed with everlaſt. d. 2 Pet. 2. 2. bring on themſelves ſwift d. 3. 16. wreſt ſcriptures to their own d.
  • DETERMINED 2 Chron. 25. 16. Job 14. 5. Iſa. 10. 23. & 28. 22. Dan. 9. 24. Acts 2. 23. & 4. 28. & 17. 26.
  • DETESTABLE, Deut. 7. 26. Jer. 16. 18. Ez. 5. 11. & 7. 20. & 11. 18. & 37. 23. 1 Cor. 2. 2.
  • DEVICE Eccl. 9. 10. Job 5. 12. Pſ. 33. 10. Prov. 1. 31. & 12. 2. & 14. 17. & 19. 21. Jer. 18. 11. 12. 18. 2 Cor. 2. 11.
  • DEVIL Mat. 4. 5. 8. 11. & 9. 32. Mat. 4. [...]. to be tempted of the d. 11. 18. they ſay he hath a d. 13. 39. enemy that ſowed is the d. 25. 11 fire prepared for d. and his ang. John 6. 70. twelve and one of you is a d. 7. 20. thou haſt a d. 8. 48. 8. 43. of your father the d. 44. 13. 2. d. having now entered 27. Acts 13. 10. thou child of the d. Eph. 4. 27. neither give place to d. 1 Tim. 3. 6. fall into condemnation of d. 2 Tim. 2. 26. recover out of ſnare of d. Jam. 4. 7. reſiſt the d. and he'll flee 1 Pet. 5. 8. your adverſary the d. goeth 1 John 3. 8. to deſtroy the works of d. 10. children of G. and children of d. Jude 9. Michael contending with the d. Rev. 2. 10. d. ſhall caſt ſome of you into Lev. 17. 7. offer ſacrifices to devils Deut. 32. 17. they ſacrifice to d. 2 Chron. 11. 15. prieſts for the d. Pſ. 106. 37. ſacrificed their ſons to d. Mat. 4. 24. poſſeſſed with d. 8. 16. 28. 33. Luke 4. 41. & 8. 36. 10. 8. raiſe the dead, caſt out d. Mark 16. 9. caſt out ſeven d. Luke 8. 2. Luke 10. 17. even d. are ſubject to us 1 Cor. 10. 20. have fellowſhip with d. ſacrifice to d. 21. cup of d. table of d. 1 Tim. 4. 1. doctrines of d. lies James 2. 19. d. believe and tremble
  • DEVISE not evil againſt Prov. 3. 29. 14. 22. do they not err that d. evil 16. 9. mans heart d. his way but Lord 30. ſhutteth eyes to d. froward Jer. 18. 18. come let us d. devices Mic. 2. 1. wo to them that d. iniquity
  • DEVOTED Lev. 27. 21. 28. Num. 18. 14. Pſ. 119. 38. ſervant who is d. to thy [...]ear Acts 17. 23. I beheld your devotions
  • DEVOUR Gen. 49. 27. Iſa. 26. 11. Mat. 21. 14 ye d. widows houſes 2 Cor. 11. 20. if a man d. you Gal. 5. 15. if ye bite and d. one another Heb. 10. 27. which ſhall d. adverſary 1 Pet. 5. 8. ſeeking whom he may d. Iſa. 1. 20. ye ſhall be devoured 24. 6. hath the curſe d. the earth Jer. 3. 24. ſhame hath d. the labour 30. 16. that d. thee ſhall be d. Hoſ. 7. 7. d. Judges 9. d. ſtrength Mal. 3. 11. I'll rebuke devourer Exod. 24. 17. devouring fire Iſa. 29. 6. & 30. 27. 30. & 33. 14. Pſ. 52. 4. loveſt all devouring words
  • DEVOUT Luke 2. 25. Acts 2. 5. & 10. 27, & 17. 4. 17. & 22. 12.
  • DEW Gen. 27. 28. Deut. 32. 2. Pſ. 110. 3. haſt the d.of thy youth Iſa. 26. 19. thy d. is as the d. of herbs Hoſ. 6. 4. goodneſs is early d. 14. 5. I will be as d. to Iſrael Mic. 5. 7. Jacob—as d. from Lord
  • DIADEM Job 29. 14. Iſa. 28. 5. & 62. 3. Ezek. 21. 26.
  • DIE Gen. 5. 5. & 6. 17. Gen. 2. 17. thou ſhalt ſurely d. 3. 4. & 20. 7. 1 Sam. 14. 44. & 22. 10. 1 Kings 2. 37. 42. Jer. 26. 8. Ezek. 3. 18. & 33. 8. 14. Job 14. 14. if a man d. ſhall he live again Pſ. 82. 7. ye ſhall d. like men 118. 17. I ſhall not d. but live Prov. 23. 13. with rod he ſhall not d. Eccl. 3. 2. there is a time to d. 7. 17. why ſhould d. before thy time Iſa. 22. 13. to-morrow we ſhall d. Jer. 31. 30. every one d. for his own Ezek. 3. 19. d. in his iniquity 33. 8. 18. 4. ſoul that ſinneth ſhall d. 31. why will ye d. O h. of Iſrael 33. 11. Jonah 4. 3. better for me to d. than live Mat. 26. 35. though I ſhould d. with thee Luke 20. 36. neither can d. any more John 8. 21. ye ſhall d. in your ſins 24. 11. 50. exped. that one d. for the peo. Rom. 14. 8. d. we d. unto the Lord 1 Cor. 9. 15. better for me to d. than 15. 22. as in Adam all d. ſo in Chriſt Phil. 1. 21. to live is Chriſt to d. is gain Heb. 9. 27. it is app. for men once to d. Rev. 3. 2. that are ready to d. 14. 13. bleſſed are dead who d. in L. Rom. 5. 6. Chriſt died for the ungodly [54] 8. while yet ſinners Chriſt d. for us 6. 10. that he d. he d. to ſin once 9. being raiſed he d. no more 7. 9. ſin revived and I d. 14. 7. no man d. to himſelf 9. to this end Chriſt d. and roſe again 1 Cor. 15. 3. Chriſt d. for our ſins and 2 Cor. 5. 15 he d. for all that they 1 Theſſ. 5. 10. who d. for us that whether Heb. 11. 13. theſe all d. in faith not 1 Cor. 4. 10. dying 6. 9. Heb. 11. 21.
  • DIFFER who makes, 1 Cor. 4. 7. Phil. 1. 10. that d. Rom. 2. 18. Lev. 10. 10. difference Ezek 22. 20. & 44. 23. Acts 15. 9. no difference Rom. 3. 22. & 10. 12.
  • DILIGENCE 2 Tim. 4. 9. 21. Prov. 4. 23. keep thy heart with all d. Luke 12. 58. in way give d. that 2 Pet. 1. 5. giving all d. add to faith 10. give d. to make calling and elect. Jude 3. I gave all d. to write unto you Deut. 19. 18. diligent Joſh. 22. 5. Prov. 10. 4. hand of d. maketh rich 12. 24. hand of d. ſhall bear rule 27. ſubſtance of d. precious 13. 4. ſoul of d. ſhall be made fat 21. 5. thoughts of d. tend to plenty 22. 29. man d. in his buſineſs he 27. 23. be d. to know ſtate of flocks 2 Pet. 3. 14. be d. to be found in him Exod. 15. 26. wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord Deut. 11. 13. & 28. 1. Jer. 17. 24. Zech. 6. 15. Deut. 4. 9. keep thy ſoul d. 6. 7. teach them d. to thy children 17. d. keep the commandments 11. 22. 24. 8. that thou obſerve d. and Pſ. 119. 4. to keep thy precepts d. Heb. 11. 6. rewarder of d. ſeek him
  • DIMINISH Deut. 4. 2. Prov. 13. 11. Rom. 11. 12. d. of them riches of Gent.
  • DIMNESS of anguiſh Iſa. 8. 22. & 9. 1.
  • DIRECT Eccl. 10. 10. Iſa. 45. 13. Pſ. 5. 3. will I d. my prayer to thee 119. 5. ways were d. to keep Prov. 3. 6. he ſhall d. thy paths 16. 9. man deviſeth Lord d. his ſteps Iſa. 40. 13. who hath d. the ſpirit of Lord 61. 8. he'll d. their work in truth Jer. 10. 23. that walks to d. his ſteps 2 Theſſ. 3. 5. L. d your hearts into love
  • DISCERN Eccl. 8. 5. 2 Sam. 14. 17. & 19. 35. 1 Kings 3. 9. 11. 1 Cor. 2. 14. Mal. 3. 18. d. between right. and wicked Heb. 5. 14. to d. both good and evil 4. 12. diſcerner of thoughts 1 Cor. 11. 29. not diſcerning Lord's body 12. 10. to another d. of ſpirits
  • DISCHARGE in war Eccl. 8. 8.
  • DISCIPLE John 9. 28. & 19. 38. Mat. 10. 24. d. is not above maſter 42. in the name of a d. Luke 14. 26. ye cannot be my d. John 8. 31. then are my d. indeed [...]0. 2. other d. whom Jeſus loved Acts 21. 16. an old d. with whom
  • DISCORD ſoweth Prov. 6. 14. 19.
  • DISCRETION Pſ. 112. 5. Prov. 1. 4. & 2. 11. & 3. 21. & 11. 22. & 19. 11. Iſa. 28. 26. Jer. 10. 12.
  • DISEASE Pſ. 38. 7. & 41. 8. Eccl. 6. 2. Mat. 4. 23. & 9. 35. & 10. 1. Ex. 15. 26 Deut. 28. 60. 2 Chron. 21. 19. Pſ. 103. 3. who healeth all thy d. Ezek. 34. 4. diſeaſed have ye not 21.
  • DISFIGURE bodies Mat. 6. 16.
  • DISGRACE not Jer. 14. 21.
  • DISHONOUR Pſ. 35. 6. Prov. 6. 33. Mic. 7. 6. ſon d. his father Pſ. 71. 13. clothed with ſhame and d. Rom. 1. 24. to d. their own bodies 9. 21. another to d. 2 Tim. 2. 20. 1 Cor. 15. 43. it is ſown in d. raiſed in 2 Cor. 6. 8. by honour and d.
  • DISOBEDIENCE 2 Cor. 10. 6. Eph. 2. 2. & 5. 6. Col. 3. 6. Rom. 5. 19. by one mans d. many made
  • DISOBEDIENT, 1 Kings 13. 26. Neh. 9. 26. Luke. 1. 17. d. to wiſdom of juſt Rom. 1. 30. d. to parents 2 Tim. 3. 2. 10. 21. d. and gainſaying people Tit. 1. 16. abominable and d. 3. 3. d. deceived ſerving luſts 1 Pet. 2. 7. 8. ſtumble being d. 3. 20. who ſometimes were d.
  • DISORDERLY, 2 Theſſ. 3. 6. 7. 11.
  • DISPENSATION, 1 Cor. 9. 17. Eph. 1. 10. & 3. 2. Col. 1. 25.
  • DISPERSED Pſ. 112. 9. Prov. 5. 16. Iſa. 11. 12. Zeph. 3. 10. John 7. 35.
  • DISPLEASED Gen. 38. 10. 2 Sam. 11. 27. 1 Chron. 21. 7. Zech. 1. 2. 15. Iſ. 59. 15, Mark 10. 14. 1 Kings 1. 6. Pſ. 60. 1. Deut. 9. 19. hot or ſore diſpleaſure Pſ. 2. 5. & 6. 1. & 38. 1.
  • DISPOSING is of Lord Prov. 16. 33. Acts 7. 53. diſpoſition of angels
  • DISPUTE, Job 23. 7. Mark 9. 33. Acts 6. 9. & 9. 29. & 17. 17. & 19. 8. 9. Jude 9. Rom. 14. 1. doubtful diſputations Phil. 2. 24. diſputings 1 Tim. 6. 5.
  • DISQUIETED Pſ. 39. 6. & 42. 5. 11. & 43. 5. Prov. 30. 21. Pſ. 38. 8.
  • DISSEMBLE Joſh. 7. 11. Jer. 42. 20. Gal. 2. 13. Pſ. 26. 4. Prov. 26. 24. Rom. 12. 9. diſſimulation Gal. 2. 13.
  • DISSENSION Acts 15. 2. & 23. 7. 10.
  • DISSOLVED Pſ. 75. 8. Iſa. 24. 19. 2 Cor. 5. 1. 2 Pet. 3. 11. Job 30. 22.
  • DISTINCTLY read law Neh. 8. 8.
  • DISTRACTED ſuffer terrors Pſ. 88. 15. 1 Cor. 7. 35. diſtraction without
  • DISTRESS Gen. 42. 21. Deut. 2. 9. 19. Neh. 9. 37. Luke 21. 23. 25. Gen. 35. 3. anſwered in day of my d. 2 Sam. 22. 7. in my d. I called on Lord Pſ. 18. 6. & 118. 5. & 120. 1. 1 Kings 1. 29. redeem. my ſoul out of all d. 2 Chr. 28. 22. in his d treſpaſſed more Pſ. 4. 1. enlarged my heart in d. Prov. 1. 2 [...]. I will mock when d. cometh [55] Iſa. 25. 4. ſtrength to needy in d. Zeph. 1. 15. that day is a day of d. 17. Rom. 8. 35. ſhall d. ſeparate from Chriſt 1 Sam. 28. 15. diſtreſſed 30. 6. 2 Sam. 1. 26. 2 Cor. 4. 8. 2 Cor. 6. 4. in diſtreſſ [...]ſs 12. 10. Pſ. 25. 17. out of my diſtreſſes 107. 6. 13. 19. 28. Ezek. 30 6. 2 Cor. 6. 4.
  • DISTRIBUTE, Luke 18. 22. 1 Tim. 6. 18. 1 Cor. 7. 17. Iob 21. 17. Rom. 12. 13. Acts 4. 35. diſtribution 2 Cor. 9. 13.
  • DITCH, Job 9. 31. Pſ. 7. 15. Prov. 23. 27. Iſa. 22. 11. Mat. 15. 14. Luke 6. 39.
  • DIVERSITIES, 1 Cor. 12. 4. 6. 28.
  • DIVIDE, Gen. 1. 6. 14. Job 27. 17. 1 Kings 3. 25. d. living child 26. Pſ. 55. 9. deſtroy—d. their tongues Iſa. 53. 12. I'll d. him a portion with Luke 12. 13. to d. inheritance with 14. 22. 17. d. it among your ſelves 2 Sam. 1. 23. in death not divided Dan. 2. 44. kingdom ſhall be d. 5. 28. thy kingdom is d. and given Mat. 12. 25. kingdom, houſe d. againſt itſelf not ſtand 26. Luke 11. 17. 1 Cor. 1. 13. is Chriſt d. was Paul crucified 12. 11. dividing to every man ſeverally 2 Tim. 2. 15. rightly d. word of truth Heb. 4. 12. to d. aſunder of joints Judg. 5. 15. 16. diviſions Luke 12. 5. Rom. 16. 17. 1 Cor. 1. 10. & 3. 3. & 11. 18.
  • DIVINE ſentence Prov. 16. 10. Heb. 9. 1. ordinance of d. ſervice 2 Pet. 1. 2. his d. power hath given 4. partakers of a d. nature Mic. 3. 11. prophets d. for money Num. 22. 7. divination 23. 23. Deut. 18. 10. Acts 16. 16. Deut. 18. 14. diviners Iſa. 44. 25. Mic. 3. 6. 7. Zech. 10. 2. Jer. 29. 8.
  • DIVORCE, Jer. 3. 8. Lev. 21. 14. & 22. 13. Num. 30. 9. Mat. 5. 32. Deut. 24. 1. 3. divorcement Iſa. 50. 1. Mat. 5. 31. & 19. 7. Mark 10. 4.
  • DOCTOR, Acts 5. 34. Luke 2. 46. & 5. 17. Deut. 32. 2. doctrine ſhall drop as rain Iſa. 28. 9. make to underſtand d. 29. 24. Jer. 10. 8. ſtock a d. of vanities Mat. 7. 28. aſtoniſhed at his d. 22. 3. Mark 1. 22. & 11. 18. Luke 4. 12. Mat. 16. 12. beware of d. of Phariſees Mark 1. 27. what new d. is this John 17. 17. ſhall know of the d. Acts 2. 42. apoſtles d. and fellowſhip Rom. 6. 17. form of d. which was delivered 16. 17. contrary to d. ye have learned Eph. 4. 14. with every wind of d. 1 Tim. 5. 17. labour in word and d. 6. 3. d. according to godlineſs 2 Tim. 3. 16. profitable for d. 4. 3. will not endure ſound d. Tit. 2. 7. in d. ſhewing uncorruptneſs 10. may adorn d. of God our Saviour Heb. 6. 1. principles of d. of Chriſt 2. d. of baptiſms and laying hands Mat. 15. 9. teaching for d. command. Col. 2. 22. after doctrines of men 1 Tim. 4. 1. giving heed to d. of devils Heb. 13. 9. carried about by ſtrange d.
  • DO, Gen. 16 6. & 18. 25. & 31. 16. Mat. 7. 12. men ſhould d. to you d. ye John 15. 5. without me ye can d nothing Rom. 7. 15. what I would not, that d. I Phil. 4. 13. I can d. all things through C. Heb. 4. 13. with whom we have to d. 10. 9. come to d. thy will Pſ. 40. 8. Rev. 19. 10. ſee thou d. it not 22. 9. Rom. 2. 13. d [...]ers of it ſhall be juſtified James 1. 22. be ye d of word and not 1 Chron. 22. 16. doing Pſ. 6 [...]. 9. & 66. 5. & 118. 23. Prov. 20. 11. Iſa. 1. 16. Jer. 7. 3. 5. & 18. 11. & 26. 13. & 35. 11. Zech. 1. 4. Ezek. 36. 31. Zeph. 3. 11. Mic. 2. 7. Mat. 24. 46. Rom. 2. 7. well-doing Gal. 6. 9. 2 Theſſ. 3. 13. 1 Pet. 2. 15. & 3. 17. & 4. 19.
  • DOG, Exod. 11. 7. Deut. 23. 18 1 Sam. 17. 43. am I a d. 2 Kings 8. 13. Prov. 26. 11. d. ret. to vomit 2 Pet. 2. 22. Eccl. 9. 4. living d. better than lion Iſa. 56. 10. all dumb d. 11. greedy d. Mat. 7. 6. caſt not that which is holy to d. [...]5. 27. d. eat of crambs Mark 7 28. Phil. 3. 2. beware of d. evil workers Rev. 22. 15. without are d. ſorcerers
  • DOMINION, Gen. 27. 40 & 37. 8. Num. 24. 19. he that ſhall have d. Job 25. 2. d. and fear are with him Pſ. 8. 6. have d. over works of thy hands 19. 13. not have d. over me 119. 133. 49. 14. upright have d. over them 72. 8. his d. from ſea to ſea Zech. 9. 10. 145. 13. thy d. endureth thro' all gen. Iſa. 26. 13. other lords had d. over us Dan. 4. 3. his d. is from gener. to gener. 34.—an everlaſting d. 7. 14. 7. 27. all d. ſhall ſerve and obey him Rom. 6. 9. death has no more d. 14. ſin ſhall not have d. over you 2 Cor. 1. 24. not we have d. over faith Col. 1. 16. thrones or d. or principalities Jude 8. deſpiſe d. and ſpeak evil of dig. 25. to G. d. 1 Pet. 4. 11. & 5. 11. Rev. 1. 6.
  • DOOR, Judg. 11. 31. & 16. 3. Gen. 4. 7. ſin lieth at the d. Pſ. 84. 10. d. keeper in the houſe of God 141. 4. keep d. of my lips Prov. 26. 14. as d. turns on hinges Hoſ. 2. 15. valley of Achor d. of hope John 10. 1. entereth not by d. is a thief 7. I am the d. of ſheep 9. I am the d. Acts 14. 27. opened d. of faith 1 Cor. 16. 9. great d. and effectual is 2 Cor. 2. 12. a d. was opened to me Col. 4. 3. God open a d. of utterance James 5. 9. judge ſtands before d. Rev. 3. 8. I ſet before thee an open d. 20. I ſtand at d. and knock if any man Pſ. 24. 7. lift up ye everlaſting doors Prov. 8. 34. waiting at poſts of my d. Mal. 1. 10. ſhut ye the d. for nought Mat. 24. 33. near even at the d.
  • [56]DOTING, 1 Tim. 6. 4. Ezek. 23. 5. 20.
  • DOUBLE, Exod. 22. 4. Deut. 21. 17. 2 Kings 2. 9. d. portion of thy ſpirit 1 Chron. 12. 33. not of a d. heart Job 11. 6. ſecrets d. to that which is Pſ. 12. 2. with d. heart they ſpeak Iſa. 40. 2. d. for all her ſins Jer. 16. 18. 61. 7. ye ſhall have d. Zech. 9. 12. Jer. 17. 18. deſtroy with d. deſtruction 1 Tim. 3. 8. deacons not d. tongued 5. 17. elders worthy of d. honour Jam. 1. 8. d. minded men 4. 8. Rev. 18. 6. d. to her fill to her d.
  • DOUBT, Deut. 28. 66 Gal. 4. 20. Mat. 14. 31. of little faith why doſt d. 21. 21. have faith and d. not Mark 11. 23. have no d. in his heart Rom. 14. 23. he that d. is damned 1 Tim. 2. 8. without wrath or d. Luke 12. 29. be not of doubtful mind Rom. 14. 1. not to d. diſputations
  • DOVE, Pſ. 55. 6. & 68. 13. & 74. 19. Song 1. 15. & 2. 14. & 5. 2. & 6. 9. Mat. 3. 16. Luke 3. 22. John 1. 32. Iſa. 38. 14. mourn as d. 59. 11. Ezek. 7. 16. Nah. 2. 7. Iſa. 60. 8. flee as d. to their windows Hoſ. 7. 11. Ephraim alſo is like a ſilly d. Mat. 10. 16. as ſerpent harmleſs as d.
  • DOWN ſitting Pſ. 139. 2. Iſa. 37. 13. down-ward Eccl. 3. 21.
  • DRAGON, Pſ. 91. 13. Iſa. 27. 1. & 51. 9. Jer. 51. 34. Ezek. 29. 3. Rev. 12. 3. —17. & 13. 2. 4. 11. & 16. 13. & 20. 2. Deut. 32. 33. dragons Job 30. 29. Pſ. 44. 19. & 74. 13. & 148. 7. Iſa. 13. 22. & 34. 13. & 43. 20. Jer. 9. 11. & 14. 6 Mic. 1. 8. Mal. 1. 3.
  • DRAW, Gen. 24. 44. 2 Sam. 17. 13. Job 21. 33. every man ſhall d. after him Pſ. 28. 3. d. me not away with wicked Song 1. 4. d. me we will run after thee Iſa. 5. 18. wo to d. iniquity with cords Jer. 31. 3. with loving kindneſs I d. John 6. 44. except Father—d. him 12. 32. I will d. all men to me Heb. 10. 38. if any man d. back 39. Pſ. 73. 28. good for me to d. near to G. Eccl. 12. 1. years d. nigh when ſay Iſ. 29. 13. d. near me with their mouth Heb. 7. 19. by which we d. nigh to God 10. 22. let us d near with a true heart Jam. 4. 8. d. nigh to G. and he'll d. nigh Pſ. 18. 16. drew me out of many waters Hoſ. 11. 4. I d. with cords of love
  • DREAD, Exod. 15. 16. Job 13. 11. 21. Deut. 1. 29. d. not nor be afraid 1 Chron. 22. 13. be ſtrong d not, nor Iſ. 8. 13. let him be your fear and d. Dan. 9. 4. great and dreadful God Gen. 28. 17. how d. is this place Mal. 1. 14. my name is d. among 4. 5. great and d. day of the Lord
  • DREAM, Gen. 37. 5. & 40. 5. & 41. 7. Gen. 20. 3. G. came to Abraham in a d. 31. 11. angel ſpake to Jacob in a d. 24. God came to Laban in a d. Num. 12. 6. ſpeak to him in a d. 1 Kings 3. 5. L. appeared to Sol in a d. Job 33. 15. in a d. in a viſion of night Pſ. 73. 20. as a d. when one awaketh 126. [...]. were like them that d. Eccl. 5. 3. d. comes through multitude Iſ. 29. 7. that fight—be as a d. Jer. 23. 28. who hath a d let tell a d. Dan. 2. 3. I d. a d. 4. 5. ſaw a d. Mat. 1. 20. angel appeared in a d. 2. 11. Joſeph warned of God in a d. 27. 19. ſuffered many things in a d. Acts 2. 17. old men ſhall d. d. Joel 2. 28. Job 7. 14. ſcareſt me with dreams Eccl. 5. 7. in multitude of d. and words
  • DRINK, Exod. 15. 24. & 32. 20. Job 21. 20. d of wrath of Almighty Pſ. 36. 8. d. of the river of pleaſure 60. 3. d. wine of aſtoniſhment 80. 5. giveſt them tears to d. 110. 7. d. of the brook in the way Prov. 4. 17. d. the wine of violence 5. 15. d. waters out of own ciſtern 31. 4. it is not for kings to d wine 5. leſt they d. and forget the law 7. d. and forget his poverty Song 5. 1. d. yea d. abundantly O belov. Iſ. 22. 13. let us eat and d. 1 Cor. 15. 32. 43. 20. to give d. to my people 65. 13. my ſervants ſhall d. but ye Hoſ. 4. 18. their d. is ſowre com. whored. Amos 4. 1. ſay to m. bring and let us d. Mat. 10. 42. give to d. to one of little 20. 22. able to d. of cup 23. 25. 35. I was thirſty and ye gave me d. 26. 27. d. ye all of it this is my blood 29. I'll not henceſ. d. of fruit of vine 42. except I d. it thy will be done John 6. 56. my blood is d. indeed 18. 11. cup F. hath given ſh. I not d. it Rom. 14. 17. kingdom of God is not d. 1 Cor. 10. 4. drank ſame ſpiritual d. 21. cannot d. cup of Lord and of devils 11. 25. as often as ye d. it in remember. 12. 13. all made to d. into one ſpirit Lev. 10. 9. not d. wine nor ſtrong drink Judg. 13. 4. 7. 14. 1 Sam. 1. 15. Prov. 20. 1. ſtrong d. is raging 31. 4. not for princes to d. ſtrong d. 6. give ſtr. d. to thoſe ready to periſh Iſ. 5. 11. follow 22. mingle ſtrong d. 28. 7. prophet erred through ſtrong d. Mic. 2. 11. propheſie to them of ſtrong d. Job 15. 16. drinketh iniquity like water John 6. 54. d. my blood hath eternal life 56. that d. my blood dwells in me 1 Cor. 11. 29. eateth and d. unworthily Heb. 6. 7. earth which d. in rain Eph. 5. 18. be not drunk with wine Rev. 17. 2. made d. with wine of forn. Deut. 21. 20. glutten and drunkard Prov. 23. 21. d. ſhall come to poverty 26. 9. thorn goeth up into hand of d. Iſa. 24. 20. earth ſhall feel like a d. 1 Cor. 5. 11. with railer and d. not eat [57] Pſ. 69. 12. drunkards Iſ. 28. 1. 3. Joel 1. 3. Nah. 1. 10. 1 Cor. 6. 10. Job 12. 25. ſtagger like a drunken man Pſ. 107. 27. Jer. 23. 9. Iſ. 19. 14. Iſ. 29. 9. d. not with wine 51. 21. Acts 2. 15. theſe are not d. as ye ſuppoſe 1 Cor. 11. 21. one hungry another is d. 1 Theſſ. 5. 7. they that be d. are d. in nig. Deut. 29. 19. drunkenneſs Eccl. 10. 17. Jer. 13. 13. Ezek. 23. 33. Luke 21. 34. Rom. 13. 13. Gal. 5. 21.
  • DROP, Deut 33 28. Judg. 5. 4. Deut. 32. 2. doctrine ſhall d as the rain Pſ 65. 11. thy paths d. fatneſs 12. Prov. 5. 3. d. as honey-comb Song 4. 11. Song 5. [...]. my hands dropped myrrh Iſ. 40 15. all nations as a d. of bucket Song 5. 2. locks with drops of night Luke 2 [...]. 44. ſweat as great d. of blood
  • DROSS, Pſ. 119. [...]9. Iſ. 1. 25. Ezek. 22. 18.
  • DROWN, Song 8. 7. 1 Tim. 6. 9.
  • DROUSINESS clothe Prov. 23. 21.
  • DRY, Judg. 6. 37. 39. Job 13. 25. Prov. 17. 1. Iſ. 44. 3. & 56. 3. Jer. 4. 11. Ezek. 17. 24. & 37. 2. 4 Hoſ. 9. 14.
  • DUE, Lev. 10. 13. Deut. 18. 3. 1 Chr. 15. 13. ſought him not aft d. order 16. 29. give Lord glory d. to his name Pſ. 29. 2 & 96. 8. Prov. 3. 27. withhold not—whom its d. Mat. 18 34. ſhould pay all that was d. Luke 23. 41. we receive the d. reward Rom. 13. 7. dues to whom tribute is d. 1 Cor. 7. 5. tender d. benevolence Pſ. 104. 7. meat in due ſeaſon 145. 15. Mat. 24. 45. Luke 12. 42. Prov. 15. [...]3. words ſpoken in— Eccl. 10. 17. princes eat in—for ſtrength Gal. 6. 9. in—ye ſhall reap if faint not Deut. 32. 35. foot ſhall ſlide in due time Rom. 5. 6. in—Chriſt died for ungodly 1 Cor. 15. 8. as one born out of— 1 Tim. 2. 6. to be teſtified in— Tit. 1. 3. hath in—manifeſted
  • DULL of hearing Mat. 13. 13. Acts 28. 27. Heb 5. 11.
  • DUMB, Hab. 2 18. Mark 9. 17. Exod. 4. 11. who maketh d. or deaf Pſ. 38. 13. I was as a d man 30 2. I was d. with ſilence 9. Prov. 31. 8. open thy mouth for d. Iſa. 35. 6. tongue of d. to ſing 53. 7. ſheep before ſhearers is d. 56. 10. watchmen are all d. dogs
  • DUNG of ſolemn feaſts Mal. 2 3. Phil. 3. 8. I count them but d. to win C.
  • DURABLE riches and right. Prov. 8. 18. Iſa. 23. 18. merchandiſe for d. clothing
  • DUST thou art and to d. Gen 3. 19. 18. 27. who am but d. and aſhes Job 30. 19. I'm become like d. and aſhes 34. 15. man ſhall turn again to d. 42. 6. and repent in d. and aſhes Pſ. 22. 15. brought me into d. of death 30. 9. ſhall the d. praiſe thee 102. 14. ſervants favour the d. thereof 103. 14. remem. that we are d. wind 104. 29. die and ret. to d. Eccl. 3. 20 119. 25. ſoul cleaveth to the d. Eccl. 12. [...]. then ſhall d. return to d. Mat. 10. 14. ſhake of d. of your feet Luke 10. 11. Acts 13. 51.
  • DUTY of marriage Exod. 21. 10. 2 Chr. 8. 14. as d. of every day requires Eccl. 12. 13. this is whole d. of man Luke 17. 10. which was our d. to do
  • DWELL in thy holy hill Pſ. 15. 1. 23. 6. I'll d. in houſe of Lord forever 25. 13. their ſoul ſhall d at eaſe 27. 4 may d in houſe of Lord and 84. 10. than to d. in tents of wickedn. 120. 5. that I d. in tents of Kedar 132. 14. reſt here will I d. for deſired 133. 1. good for br. to d. together in Iſa. 33. 14. who ſhall d. with devouring fire—d. with everlaſting burnings 16. he ſhall d. on high his place Rom. 8. 9. ſpirit of God d. in you 11. 2 Cor. 6. 16. I will d. in them Ezek. 43. 7. 9. Zech. 2. 10. 11. Eph. 3. 17. that Chriſt may d. in hearts Col. 1. 19. in him ſhould all fulneſs d. 3. 16. word of Chriſt d. in you richly 1 John 4. 13. that we dwell in him Rev. 21. 3. he will d. with them John 6. 56 dwelleth in me and I in him 14. 10. Father that d. in me 1 [...]. he d. with and ſhall be in you Acts 7. 48. d. not in temples 17. 24. Rom. 7. 17. ſin that d. in me [...]0. 18. in my fleſh d. no good thing 8. 11. by his ſpirit that d. in us 1 Cor. 3. 16. ſpirit of God d. in you Col. 2 9. in him d. all fulneſs of Godhead 2 Tim. 1. 14. Holy Ghoſt who d. in us James 4. 5. ſpirit which d. in us luſteth 2 Pet. 3. 13. wherein d. righteouſneſs 1 John 3. 17. how d. love of God in him 24 that keeps his command d in him 4. 12. G. d. in us and his love is perfect 15. confeſſ. J. is S. of God, G. d. in him 16. d. in love d in God and G. in him 2 John 2. truths ſake which d. in us 1 Tim. [...]. 16. dwelling in light Heb. 11. 9. d. in tabernacles with 2 Pet. 2. 8. righteous man d. among Pſ. 87. 2. more than all the d. of Jacob 94. 17. almoſt dwelt in ſilence John 1. 14 word made fleſh and d. among Acts 13. 17. d as ſtrangers in it 2 Tim. 2. 5. faith d. firſt in grandmother
  • EAGLE ſtirs up neſt Deut. 32. 11 Job 9. 26. as e. haſteth to prey Prov. 23. 5. fly away as e tow. heaven Jer. 49. 16. makeſt neſt i [...]gh as e. Ezek. 17. 3. great e. with great wings Obad. 4. though then exalt thyſelf as e. Mic. 1. 16. enlarge baldneſs as e. Rev. 12. 14. to women given wings as e. Exod. [...]9. 4. have you on e wings 2 Sam. 1. 23. ſwi [...]ter than eagles [58] Pſ. 103. 5. youth renewed like e. Prov. 30. 17. young e. ſhall eat it Iſ. 40. 31. mount up with wings as e. Jer. 4. 13. horſes ſwifter than e. Lam. 4. 19 our perfec. ſwifter than e. Mat. 24. 28. there e. he gath. together
  • EAR, Num. 14. 28. Exod. 9. 31. Exod. 21. 6. bore his e. Deut. 15. 17. 2 Kings 19. 16. bow down e. Pſ. 31. 2. Neh. 1. 6. let thy e. be attentive 11. Job 12. 11. e. try words 34. 3. 36. 10. opens e. to diſcipline 42. 5. heard by the hearing of the e. Pſ. 10. 17 cauſe thy e. to hear 58. 4. adder that ſtops the e. 94. 9. planted the e. ſhall he not hear Prov. 18. 15, e. of wiſe ſeek knowledge 20. 12. hearing e. and ſeeing eye 28 9. turns away e. from hearing Eccl. 1. 8. nor e. filled with hearing Iſ. 50. 4. awakeneth my e. to hear 59. 1. neither his e. heavy Jer. 6. 10. their e. is uncircumciſed 9. 20. let your e. receive the word Mat. 10. 27. what ye hear in the e. 1 Cor. 2. 9. eye ſeen nor e heard Rev. 2. 7. he that hath an e. let him hear 11. 17. 29. & 3. 6. 13 22. & 13. 9. Mat. 11. 15. & 13. 9. 43. Exod. 15. 26. give ear Deut. 32. 1. Judges 5. 3. Pſ. 5. 1. & 17. 1. & 39. 12. & 40. 1. & 78. 1. & 80. 1. & 54. 2. & 84. 8. & 141. 1. Iſ. 1. 2. 10. & 8. 9. 28. 23. & 32. 9. & 42. 23. Jer. 13. 15. Moſ. 5. 1. Joel 1. 2 Pſ. 55. 1. & 86. 6. Pſ. 17. 6. incline ear 45. 10. & 71. 2. & 88. 2. & 102. 2. & 116. 2. Iſ. 27. 17. Dan. 9. 18. Pſ. 49. 4.—to a parable 78. 1.—to words of my mouth Prov. 2. 2.- to wiſdom 4. 20.—to my ſayings Iſ. 53. 3.—and come unto me Jer. 11. 8. nor inclined their ear Iſ. 17. 23. & 25. 4. & 35. 15. Deut. 29. 4. L not given ears to hear 1 Sam. 3. 11. both ears ſhall tingle 2 Kings 21. 12. Jer. 19. 3. 2 Sam. 22 7. cry did enter into his e. Job 32. 16. open the e. of men Pſ. 34. 15. his e. are open to their cry 40. 6. my e. haſt thou opened 44. 1. we have heard with our e. Iſ. 6. 10. make their e. heavy leſt hear 35. 5. e. of deaf ſhall be unſtopped 43. 8. have e. and hear not 9. Mat. 13. 15. their e. dull of hearing 16. bleſſed are your e. for they hear Luke 9. 24. ſayings ſink down into e. 2 Tim. 4. 4. turn away their e. from 2 Chron. 6. 40. thine ears be open to Pſ. 10. 17. came thine e. to hear 130. 2. let thine e. be attentive Prov. 23. 21. apply—to words of knowl. Iſ. 30. 21. thine e. ſhall hear a word Ezek. 3. 10. hear with—40. 4. & 44. 5. Gen. 45. 6. earing Exod. 34. 25. 1 Sam. 8. 12. ear-ground Iſ. 30. 24. Exod. 9. 31. in the ear Mark 4. 28. Job 42. 11. gave ear-ring of gold Prov. 25. 12. as an e. of gold ſo is
  • EARLY, Gen. 19. 2. John 18. 28. & 20. 1. Pſ. 40. 5. G. helper and that right e. 57. 8. will awake right e. 108. 2. 63. 1. my God e. will I ſeek thee 78. 34. returned e. after God 90. 14. ſatisfy us e. with mercy 127. 1. vain to riſe e. or ſit late Prov. 1. 28 ſeek me e. and not find me 8. 17. that ſeek me e. ſhall find me Iſ. 26 9. with my ſpirit I ſeek thee e. Jer. 7. 13. riſing up e. 25. & 11. 7. & 25. 3. 4. & 26. 5. & 29 19. & 32. 33. & 35. 14. 15. & 44. 4. 2 Chron. 36. 15. Hoſ. 5. 15. in affliction will ſeek me e. 6. 4. good as e. dew goeth away 13. 3. James 5. 7. receive e. and latter rain
  • EARNEST of ſpirit given 2 Cor. 1. 22. & 5. 5. Eph. 1. 14. e of your inherit. Rom. 8. 19. e expectation of creature 2 Cor. 7. 7. told us of your e. deſire 8. 16 ſame e. care into Titus Phil. 1. 20. acc. to my e. expectation Heb. 2. 1. give the more e. heed Job 7. 2. ſerv. earneſtly deſires ſhadow Jer. 11. 7. I e. proteſted to your fathers 31. 20. I do e. remember him ſtill Mic. 7. 3. do evil with both hands e. Luke 22. 44. agony prayed more e. 1 Cor. 12. 31. covet e. the beſt gifts 2 Cor. 5. 2. in this we groan e. James 5 17. prayed e. it might not Jude 3.e. contend for the faith
  • EARNETH wages Hag. 1. 6.
  • EARTH was corrupt Gen 6. 11. 12. 13. e. is filled with violence 11. 1. whole e. of one language 41. 47. e. brought forth by handfuls Exod. 9 29. e. is the Lords Deut. 10. 14. Pſ. 24. 1. 1 Cor. 10. 26. 28. 15. 12. the e. ſwallowed them up Numb. 16. 32. e. opened her mouth 26. 10. Deut. 11. 6. Pſ. 106. 17. Deut. 28. 23. e. under thee be iron 32. 1. O e. hear the words of my mouth Judg. 5. 4. e. trembleth and heaven 1 Sam. 2. 8. pillars of e. are the Lord's 2 Sam. 18. 8. e. ſhook and trembled 1 Chron. 16. 31. let e. rejoice Pſ. 96. 11. Job 9. 6. ſhakes e. out of her place 24. e. is given into hand of wicked 11. 9. longer than e. broader than ſea 16. 18. O e. cover not my blood 26. 7. hangeth e. upon nothing 28. 5. out of e. cometh bread and 30. 8. baſe viler than the e. 38. 4. I laid foundations of e. Pſ. 33. 5. e. is full of goodneſs of Lord 65. 9 viſiteſt e. and watereſt it 67. 6. e. ſhall yield her increaſe 85. 12. 72. 19. whole e. filled with his glory 75. 3. e. and inhabit. diſſolved Iſ. 24. 19. [59] 78. 69. like e. eſtabliſhed for ever 89. 11. heaven and e. are thine 97. 4. e. ſaw and trembled 104. 24. e. is full of thy riches 13. 114. 7. tremble O e. at preſence of L. 115. 16. e given to children of men 119. 64. e. is full of thy mercy 139. 15. in loweſt parts of the e. Prov. 25. 3. e. for depth is unſearchable Eccl. 1. 4. e. abideth for ever Iſ. 6. 3. whole e. is full of his glory 11. 4. ſmite e. with rod of his mouth 9. e. full of knowl. of Lord Hab. 2. 14. 13. 13. e. ſhall remove out of her place 24. 1. Lord maketh the e. empty 4.e. mourneth and fadeth 33. 9. 5. e. is defiled under inhabitants 19. e. utterly broken down and diſſolv. 20. e. ſhall reel and ſtagger like 26. 19. e. ſhall caſt out her dead 21. e. ſhall diſcloſe her blood and 66 1. e. is my footſtool where Jer. 22. 29. O e. e. e. hear word of Lord Ezek. 34. 27. e. ſhall yield her increaſe 43. 2. whole e. ſhined with his glory Hoſ. 2. 22. e. ſhall hear the corn Hab. 3. 3. e. was full of his praiſe Mat. 13. 5. ſtony gr. had not much e. John 3. 31. that is of e. earthly Heb. 6. 7. c. which drinks in rain Rev. 12. 9. e. opened and drank flood Pſ. 67. 2. way known upon earth 73. 25. none—I deſire beſides thee Eccl. 5. 2. God is in heaven and thou— 7. 20. there is not a juſt man upon e. 10. 7. walking as ſervants— Luke 5. 24. Son of man—power— Col. 3. 5. mortify your members - Lev. 6. 28. earthen Jer. 19. 1. & 32. 14. Lam. 4. 22. 2 Cor. 4. 7. John 3. 12. 31. earthly 2 Cor. 5. 1. Phil. 3. 19. James 3. 15. 1 Cor. 15. 47. 48. 49. earthy 1 Kings 19. 11. 12. earthquake Iſ. 29. 6. Amos 1. 1. Zech. 14. 5. Mat. 24. 7. 27. 54. & 28. 2. Acts 16. 26. Rev. 6. 12. a great e. & 8. 5. & 13 19. & 16. 18.
  • EASE, Job. 12. 5. & 16. 12. & 21. 23. Pſ. 25. 13. 123. 4. Deut. 28. 65. Iſ. 32. 9. 11. Jer. 46. 27. & 48. 11. Ezek. 23. 42. Amos 6. 1. Zech 1. 15. Luke 12. 19. take thine e. be merry Iſ. 1. 24. I will e. me of mine adverſaries Mat. 11. 30. my yoke is eaſy and burden Prov. 14. 6. knowl. is e. to underſtandeth 1 Cor. 14. 9. words e. to underſtand James 3. 17. gentle, e. to be intreated Mat. 9. 5. eaſier 19. 24. Luke 16. 17. 1 Cor. 13. 5. Ch. is not eaſily provoked Heb. 12. 1. ſin—doth ſo e. beſet us
  • EAST, Gen. 28. 14. & 29. 1. Mat. 2. 1. 2. Pſ. 75. 6. & 103. 12. Iſ. 43. 5. bring thy ſeed from e. Mat. 8. 11. many ſhall come from e. Rev. 16. 12. way of kings of e. may be Gen. 44. 6. eaſt wind Exod. 14. 21. Iob 27. 21. Pſ. 48. 7. Iſ. 27. 8. Hoſ. 12. 1. & 13. 15. Hab. 1. 9.
  • EAT. Gen. 3. 5. 6. 12. 13. & 18. 8. & 19. 3. Gen 2. 16. of every tree freely e. of tree of knowledge ſhalt not e. in day thou e.—ſhalt ſurely die 17. in ſorrow ſhalt thou e. o [...] it 3. 14. duſt ſhalt thou e all d ays Neh. 8. 10. e. the fat drink the ſweet Pſ. 22. 26. meek ſhall e. and be ſatisfied 52. 4. e. up my people as bread 14. 4. 78. 25. man did c. angels food 29. they did e and and were filled Prov. 1. 31. e. fruit of own way Song 5. 1. e. O fr [...]ends drink abund. Iſ. 1. 19. if obed. e. good of land 3. 10. ſhall e. fruit of doing [...] Iſ. 55. 1. buy and e. yea come buy 2. e. that which is good and let ſoul 65. 13. my ſervant ſhall e. but ye Dan. 4. 33. did e. graſs as an ox Hoſ. 4. 10. ſhall e. and not have enough Hag. 1. 6. Mic. 6. 14. Mic. 3. 3. e. fleſh of my people Mat. 6. 25. what ſhall we e. and drink 26. 26. take e. this is my body Mark. 14. 22. 1 Cor. 11. 24. 26. 28. Luke 10. 8. e ſuch things as are ſet 15. 23. let us e. and be merry 17. 27. they did e. they drank 28. John 6. 26. becauſe ye did e. of loaves 53. except ye c. fleſh of Son of man Acts 2. 46. did e.—with gladneſs 1 Cor. 5. 11. with ſuch, no not to e. 8. 8. if we e. are we the better 10. 3. e. ſame ſpiritual meat 31. whether ye e. or drink do all 2 Theſſ. 3. 10. if work not neither c. 2 Tim. 2. 17. e. as doth a canker James 5. 3. e. your fleſh as fire Rev. 17. 16. ſhall e. her fleſh and burn Pſ. 69. 9. zeal of thy houſe hath eaten me up John 2. 17. Pſ. 119. 139. Prov. 9. 17. bread e. in ſecret is pleaſant Song 5. 1. e. my honey-comb with honey Hoſ. 10. 13. having e. the fruit of lies Luke 13. 26. e. and drink in preſence Acts 12. 23. Herod was e. up of worms Judges 14. 14. out of eater came meat Iſ. 55. 10. give bread to e. and feed to Nah. 3. 12. fall into mouth of e. Eccl. 4. 3. eateth his own fleſh Mat. 9. 11. why e. your Maſter with publicans and ſinners Luke 15. 2. John 6. 54. whom e. my fleſh and drink 57 he that e. me ſhall live by me 58. he that e. of this bread, live Rom. 14. 6. he that e. e. to the Lord 20. evil to who e. with offence 1 Cor. 11. 2 [...]. e. and drinketh unworthily e. and drinketh damnation [...]7 Mat. 11. 18. John- came neit [...]er eating nor drinking Luke [...]. [...]. 19. Son of man came [...]. and drinking [60] 24. 38. were e. and drink. Luke 17. 27. 26. 26. as they were e. Jeſus took 1 Cor. 8. 4 concern. e. of theſe things
  • EDIFY or build up, Rom. 14. 19. 1 Theſſ. 5. 11. 1 Cor. 8. 1. & 10. 23. & 14. 17. 4. Acts 9. 31. Rom. 15. 2 pleaſe neigh. to edification 1 Cor. 14. 3. ſpeak unto men to e. 2 Cor. [...]0. 8. Lord hath given us for e. and not for deſtruction 13. 10. 1 Cor 14 12 excel. to edifying of Ch. 26. let all things be done to e. 5. 12. 2 Cor. 12. 10. we do all for your e. Eph. 4. 12. for e. of the body of Chriſt 1 [...]. increaſe to e itſelf in love 20. but what is good to uſe of e. 1 Tim. 1. 4. miniſtr. queſt. rather than e.
  • EFFECT, 2 Chr. 34. 22. Ezek. 12. 23. Iſ. 22. 17. e. of righteouſneſs quietneſs Matth. 15. 6. comm. of G. of none effect Mark 7. 13 making word of God— Rom. 3. 3. make faith of God - 4. 14. promiſe made—Gal. 3. 17. 9. 6. not as though word hath— 1 Cor. 1. 17. leſt croſs of Chriſt be— Gal. 5. 4. Chriſt is become to you 1 Cor. 16. 9. door and effectual is opened 2 Cor. 1. 6. which is e. in enduring Eph. 3. 7. the e. working of his power 4. 16. according to the e. working of Phil. 6. faith may become e. James 5. 16. e. fervent prayer of right. Gal. 2. 8 effectually 1 Theſſ. 2. 13.
  • EFFEMINATE, 1 Cor. 6. 9.
  • EGG, Deut. 22. 6. Job 6. 6. & 39. 14. Iſa. 10. 14. & 59. 5. Jer. 17. 11. Luke 11. 12.
  • ELDER, Gen. 10. 21. 2 John 1. 3. John 1. Gen. 25. 23. e. ſhall ſerve younger Rom. 9. 12. Mal. 1. 1. 2. 1 Tim. 5. 1. rebuke not an e. but 2. intreat e. women as mothers 19. againſt an e. receive not accuſation 1 Pet. 5. 1. elders I who am an e. 5 younger ſubmit yourſelves to e. Deut. 32. 7. aſk thy e. they'll tell thee Ezra 10. 8. according to counſel of e. Joel 2. 16. aſſemble e. Pſ. 107. 32. Acts 14. 23. ordained c. in every church 15. 23. e. and brethren ſend greeting 6. 20. 17. called the e. of the church 1 Tim. 5. 17. acc e. that rule well wor. Tit. 1. 5. ordain e. in every church Heb. 11. 2. e. obtained good report James 5. 14. ſick call for e. of church Rev. 4. 4. four-and-twenty e. fitting 10. & 5. 6. 8. 11. 14. & 11. 16. & 19. 4. & 7. 11. 13. & 14. 3.
  • ELECT, choſen, choice one Iſa. 42. 1. e. in whom my ſoul delighteth 45 4 for Iſrael my e. I have called 65. 9. my e. ſhall inherit it 22. my e. ſhall [...]ong enjoy work Mat. 24. 22 for e. ſake days ſhortened 24. if poſſible deceive very e. 3 [...]. gather [...]og his e. from [...]our winds Luke 18. 7. God avenge his own e. Rom. 8. 33. to charge of Gods e. Col. 3. 12. put on as the e. of God 1 Tim 5. 21. charge thee before e. angels 2 Tim. 2. 10. endure all things for e. Tit. 1. 1. according to faith of Gods e. 1 Pet. 1. [...]. e ac [...]. to foreknowl. of God 2 6. corner-ſtone e. precious 2 John 1. e. lady 13 e. ſiſter 1 Pet. 5. 13. church elected with you Rom. 9. 11. purp. of God ac [...] to election 11. 5. remnant a [...]cording to e. of grace 7. e. hath obtained it and reſt blinded 28. t [...]uching e. they are beloved 1 Theſſ. 1. 4 knowing your e. of God 2 Pet. 1. 10. make call and e. ſure
  • ELEMENTS, Gal. 4. 3. 9. 2 Pet. 3. 10. 12.
  • ELOQUENT, Ex. 4. 10. Iſ. 3. 3. Acts 18. 24.
  • EMPTY, Gen. 31. 42. & [...]7. 24. & 41. 27. Exod. 23. 15. none ſhall appear before me e. 34. 20. Deut. 16 16. Deut. 15. 13. not let him go away e. Judg. 7. 16. with e. pitchers lamps 2 Sam. 1. 22. ſword of Saul return. not e. Hoſ. 10. 1. Iſrael is an e. vine he brings Luke 1. 5 [...]. rich hath he ſent e. away Iſa. 34. 11. ſtones of emptineſs
  • EMULATION, Rom. 11. 11. Gal. 5. 20.
  • END of all fleſh is come Gen. 6. 13. Deut. 32. 20 ſee what their e. ſhall be Pſ. 37 37. e. of that man i [...] peace 39. 4. make me to know my e. 73. 17. then underſtood I their e. 102. 27. thy years have no e. 119. 96. ſeen an e of all perfections Prov. 5. 4. her e. is bitter as wormwood 14. e. thereof are ways of death Eccl. 4. 8. no e. of all his labour 7. 2. that is the e of all men 8. e. is better than beginning Iſa. 9. 7. of his government ſhall be no e. Jer. 5. 31. what will ye do in e. thereof 17. 11. at his e. ſhall be a fool 29. 11. to give an expected e. 31. 17. there is hope in thy e. Lam. 4. 18. our e. is come our e. is near Ezek. 7. 2. 6. 7. 10 12 Amos 8. 2. Ezek. 21. 25. when iniq. ſhall have an e. Dan. 8. 19. at time appoint. e. ſhall be 12. 8. what ſhall be e. of theſe things 13. go thy way till the e. be Hab. 2. 3. at e it ſhall ſpeak and not tarry Mat. 13. 39. harveſt is e of world 24. 3. what ſign of e. of world 6. but e. is not yet Luke 21. 9. Rom. 6. 21. e. of thoſe things is death 22. ye have the e. everlaſting life 10. 4. Chriſt is e. of law for righteouſneſs 14. 9. to this e. C. both died and roſe 1 Tim. 1. 5. e. of command is charity Heb. 6. 8. whoſe e. is to be burned 16. oath—make an e. of all ſtrife 7. 3. beginning—nor e. of life 13. 7. conſidering e. of their converſation James 5. 11. ſeen the e of the Lord 1 Pet. 1. 9. receiving e. of your faith 4. 7. e. of all things is at hand [61] 17. e. of thoſe that obey not goſpel Rev. 21. 6. beginning and e. 22. 13. & 1. 8. 1 Sam. 3. 12. Jer. 4. 27. make a full end 5. 10. 18. & 30. 11. Ezek. 11. 13. Num. 23. 10. laſt end Jer. 12. 4. Lam. 1. 9. & 4. 18. Dan. 8. 19. & 9. 24. Deut. 8. 16. latter end 32. 29. Job 42. 12. Prov. 19. 20. 2 Pet. 2. 20. Pſ. 119. 33. unto the end Dan. 6. 26. Mat. 24. 13. & 28. 20. John 13. 1. 1 Cor. 1. 8. Heb. 3. 6. 14. & 6. 11. Rev. 2. 26. 1 Tim. 1. 4. endleſs Heb. 7. 16. Pſ. 22. 27 all ends of world remember 65. 5. confidence of all e. of earth 67. 7. all e. of earth ſhall fear him 98. 3. all e. of earth have ſeen ſalvation Prov. 17. 24. eyes of fool in e. of earth Iſa. 45. 22. be ye ſaved all e. of earth 52. 10. all e of earth ſhall ſee ſalvation Zech. 9. 10. his dominion to e. of earth Acts 13. 47. for ſalvation to e. of earth 1 Cor. 10. 11. on whom e of world come
  • ENDOWED, Gen. 30. 20. 2 Chr. 2. 12. 13. Luke 24. 49. James 3. 13.
  • ENDURE, Job 8. 15. & 31. 23. Gen. 33. 14. as children are able to e. Pſ. 30. 5. weeping may e. for a night 102 26. they periſh but thou ſhalt e. Prov. 27. 24. doth crown e. to every gen. Ezek. 22. 14. can thy heart e. or hands Mark 4. 17. no root and e. but for a time 13. 13. that ſhall e. to end be ſaved 2 Tim. 2. 3. e. hardneſs as good ſoldier 10. I e. all things for elects ſake 4. 3. they will not e. ſound doctrine 5. watch thou c. afflictions, do Heb. 12. 7. if ye e. chaſtning James 5. 11. we count happy who e. Pſ. 81. 15. ſhould have endured for ever Rom. 9. 22. e. with much long-ſuffering 2 Tim. 3. 11. what perſecutions I e. Heb. 6. 15. had patiently e. he obtained 10. 32. ye e. a great fight of afflictions 11. 27. he e. as ſeeing him who is inviſ. 12. 2. e. the croſs 3. e. contradiction Pſ. 30. 5. his anger endureth but a mom. 52. 1. goodneſs of God e. continually 100. 5. his truth e. to all generations 145. 13. thy domin. e. throughout all Mat. 10. 22. that e. to end ſhall be ſaved 24. 13. Mark 13. 13. John 6. 17. meat which e. unto life 1 Cor. 13. 7. charity e. all things James 1. 12. bleſſed that e. temptation Pſ. 9. 7. endure for ever the Lord 102. 12. 26. & 104. 31. his name Pſ. 72. 17. his ſeed 89. 29. 36. 1 Chr. 16. 34. 41. endureth for ever his mercy 2 Chron. 5. 13. & 7. 3. 6. & 20. 21. Ezra 3. 11. Pſ. 106. 1. & 107. 1. & 118. 1. 2. 3. 4. 29. & 136. 1.—26. & 138. 8. Jer. 33. 11. Pſ. 111. 3. his righteouſneſs—112. 39. 10 his praiſe—117. 2. truth of Lord— 119. 12. [...]0. every one of thy judg.— 135. 13. thy name— 1 Pet. 1. 25. word of Lord— Pſ. 19. 9. fear of Lord enduring for eve [...] Heb. 10. 34. in heaven e. ſubſtance
  • ENEMY, Exod. 15. 6. 9. Pſ. 7. 5. Exod. 23. 22. I'll be an e. to thy enemies Deut. 32. 27. I feared wrath of the e. 1 Sam. 24. 19. find his e. will he let Job 33. 10. counteth me for his e. Pſ. 7. 5. let e. perſecute my ſoul 8. 2. mighth ſtill the e. and avenger Prov. 27. 6. kiſſes of e. are deceitful Iſa. 63. 10. he turned to be their e. and 1 Cor. 15. 26. laſt e. deſtroyed is death Gal. 4. 16. am I become your e. 2 Theſſ. 3. 15. count him not as e. James 4. 4. friend of world e. to God 1 Kings 21. 20. mine enemy Pſ. 7. 4. Mic. 7. 8. 10. Job 16. 9. Lam. 2. 22. Exod. 23. 4. thy enemy Prov. 25. 21. Rom. 12. 20. Mat. 5. 43. Mic. 7. 6. man's enemies are men of Rom. 5. 10. if when e. we were recon. 1 Cor. 15. 25. put all e. under his feet Phil. 3. 18. e. to the croſs of Chriſt Col. 1. 21. e. in your minds by wicked Gen. 22. 17. his enemies Pſ. 68. 1. 21. & 112. 8. & 132. 18. Prov. 16. 7. Iſa. 59. 18. & 66. 6. Heb. 10. 13. Deut. 32. 41. my enemies Pſ. 18. 17. 48. & 23. 5. & 119. 98. & 139. 22. & 143. 12. Iſa. 1. 24. Luke 19. 27. Deut. 32. 31. our enemies Luke 1. 71. 74. Exod. 23. 22. thy enemies Num. 10. 35. Deut. 28. 48. 53. 55. 59. & 33. 29. Judg. 5. 31. Pſ. 21. 8. & 92. 9.& 110. 1. Mat. 22. 44. Heb. 1. 13. Gen. 3. 15. I'll put enmity between Rom. 8. 7. carnal mind is e. againſt God Eph. 2. 15. aboliſhed e. 16. ſlain e.
  • ENGAGETH his heart, Jer. 30. 21.
  • ENJOY, Num. 36. 8. Deut. 28. 41. Lev. 26. 34. land e. her ſabbaths 43. Acts 24. 2. we e. great quietneſs 1 Tim. 6. 17. giveth richly all th. to e. Heb. 11. 26. e. pleaſures of ſin for
  • ENJOIN, Phil. 8. Eſt. 9. 31. Job 36. 23. Heb. 9. 20.
  • ENLARGE, Exod. 34. 24. Mic. 1. 16. Gen. 9. 27. God ſhall e. Japheth Deut. 33. 20. bleſſed be he that e. Gad 2 Sam. 22. 37. e. my ſteps Pſ. 18. 36. Pſ. 4. 1. e. me when in diſtreſs 25. 17. troubles of my heart are e. 119. 32. when thou ſhalt e. my heart Iſa. 5. 14. hell hath e. herſelf 54. 2. e. the place of thy tent 60. 5. thine heart ſhall fear and be e. Hab. 2. [...]. e. his deſire as hell 2 Cor. 6. 11. our heart is e. 13. Eſth. 4. 14. enlargement
  • ENLIGHTEN darkneſs, Pſ. 18. 28. Pſ. 19. 8. command. is pure e. the eyes Eph. 1. 18. underſtanding being e. Heb. 6. 4. impoſſible for thoſe once e.
  • ENOUGH I have, Gen. 33. 9. 11, [62] 45. 28. it is e. Joſeph is alive Exod. 36. 5. bring more than e. 2 Sam. 24. 16. ſaid to angel it is e. 1 Kings 19. 4. it is e. take away Prov. 30. 15. 16. ſay not it is e. Hoſ. 4. 10. eat and not e. Hag. 1. 6. Mat. 10. 25. it is e. for diſciple Mark 14. 41. it is e. the hour is come Luke 15. 17. bread e. and to ſpare
  • ENQUIRE after iniquity, Job 10. 6. Pſ. 27. 4. to e. in his temple 78. 34. returned and e. early after God Eccl. 7. 10. thou doſt not e. wiſely Iſa. 21. 12. if ye will e. e. ye Ezek. 36. 37. for this I'll be e. of by Zeph. 1. 6. have not e. for him Mat. 2. 7. Herod e. of them diligently 1 Pet. 1. 10. of which ſalv. pro. have e. Judg. 20. 27. enquired of Lord 1 Sam. 23. 2. 4. & 30. 8. 2 Sam. 2. 11. & 5. 19. 23. & 21. 1. Jer. 21. 2. Prov. 20. 25. after vows make enquiry
  • ENRICHED, 1 Cor. 1. 5. 2 Cor. 9. 11. Pſ. 65. 9. thou e. it with river of God
  • ENSAMPLE, 1 Cor. 10 11. Phil. 3. 17. 1 Theſſ. 1. 7. 2 Theſſ. 3. 9. 1 Pet. 5. 3. 2 Pet. 2. 6.
  • ENSIGN, Iſa. 5. 26. Zech. 9. 16. Iſa. 11. 10. ſtand for e. to people 12. Pſ. 74. 4. ſet up their e. for ſigns
  • ENTER, Gen. 12. 11. Num. 4. 23. Judg. 18. 9. Dan. 11. 17. 40. 41. Job 22. 4. will he e. into judg. 34. 23. Pſ. 100. 4. e. into his gates with praiſe 118. 20. gate into which right. ſhall e. Iſa. 2. 10. e. into rock and hide thyſelf 26. 2. open righteous nation may e. 20. e. into thy chambers and ſhut 57. 2. he ſhall e. into peace Mat. 5. 20. in no caſe e. into k. of heaven 6. 6. when prayeſt e. into cloſet 7. 13. e. at ſtrait gate Luke 13. 24. 21. ſhall e. into kingdom of heaven 18. 8. better to e. into life halt 19. 23. rich man hardly e. into k. of h. 24. than for rich man to e. into kingdom of heav. Mark 10. 25. Luke 18. 25. 25. 21. e. thou into joy of thy Lord Mark 14. 38. watch and pray left ye e. into temptations Luke 22. 46. Luke 13. 24. ſeek to e. but not able 24. 26. ſuffered and e. into his glory John 3. 4. can he e. the ſecond time 5. he cannot e. into kingdom of God 10. 9. by me if any man e. in Acts 14. 22. thro' much tribul. e. k. God Heb. 4. 3. believed do e. into reſt 10. 19. e. into holieſt by blood of Jeſus Rev. 15. 8. none able to e. into temple 21. 27. e. into it any thing defileth 22. 14. e. thro' the gates into the city Pſ. 143. 2. enter not into judgment Prov. 4. 14. e. not into path of wicked 23. 10. e. not into fields of fatherleſs Mat. 26. 41. that ye e. not into tempta. Pſ. 119. 130. entrance 2 Pet. 1. 11. Luke 11. 52. ye entered not yourſelves John 4. 38. ye e. into their labours 10. 1. that e. not by door but climbeth Rom. 5. 12. ſin e. into world 20. law e. that offence might abound Heb. 4. 6. e. not in becauſe of unbelief 10. that is e. into his reſt he ceaſed Mat. 23. 13. entring Luke 11. 52. Mark 4. 19. & 7. 15. 1 Theſſ. 1. 9. Heb. 4. 1.
  • ENTERTAIN ſtrangers, Heb. 13. 2.
  • ENTICE, Exod. 20. 16. Deut. 13. 6. 2 Chron. 18. 19. 20. 21. Prov. 1. 10. Job 31. 27. enticed James 1. 14. 1 Cor. 2. 4. enticing words Col. 2. 4.
  • ENVY ſlays ſilly one, Job 5. 2. Prov. 3. 31. e. not the oppreſſor 14. 30. e. is rottenneſs of bones 23. 17 let not thine heart e. ſinners 27. 4. who is able to ſtand before e. Eccl. 9. 6. their e. is periſhed Iſa. 11. 13. e. of Eph. depart not e. Judah 26. 11. ſhall be aſhamed for their e. Ezek. 35. 11. do according to thine e. Mat. 27. 18. for e. they delivered him Acts 7. 9. moved with e. 17. 5. 13. 45. Jews filled with e. ſpake Rom. 1. 29. full of e. murder Phil. 1. 15. preach Chriſt of e. 1 Tim. 6. 4. whereof cometh e. Tit. 3. 3. living in e. hateful and hating James 4. 6. ſpirit in us luſteth to e. 1 Pet. 2. 1. laying aſide all e. Gen. 26. 14. Philiſtines envied him 30. 1. Rachel e. her ſiſter 37. 11. his brethren e. him Num. 11. 29. e. thou for my ſake Pſ. 106. 16. they e. Moſes in the camp Eccl. 4. 4. man is e. of his neighbour 1 Cor. 13. 4. charity e. not vaunteth not Rom. 13. 13. not in ſtrife and envying 1 Cor. 3. 3. there is among you e. 2 Cor. 12. 20. debates envying Gal. 5. 21. envyings murders 26. e. one another James 3. 14. ye have bitter e. and ſtrife 16. where e. is there is confuſion Pſ. 37. 1. envious 73. 3. Prov. 24. 1, 19.
  • EPHOD, Exod. 39. 2. Judg. 8. 27. & 17. 5. 1 Sam. 2. 18. & 21. 9. & 23. 9. & 30. 7. 2 Sam. 6. 14. Hoſ. 3. 4.
  • EPISTLE, Acts 15. 30. & 23. 33. Rom. 16. 22. 1 Cor. 5. 9. 2 Cor. 7. 8. Col. 4. 16. 1 Theſſ. 5. 27. 2 Theſſ. 2. 15. & 3. 14. 17. 2 Pet. 3. 1. 2 Cor. 3. 2. our e. written in our hearts 3. ye are declared the e. of Chriſt 2 Cor. 3. 1. epiſtles 2 Pet. 3. 16.
  • EQUAL, Job 28. 17. 19. Pſ. 17. 2. & 55. 13. Prov. 26. 7. Lam. 2. 13. Iſa. 40. 25. to whom ſhall I be e. 46. 5. to whom will he make me e. Ezek. 18. 25. way of Lord is not e. 29. & 33. 17. 20. their way is not e. Mat. 20. 12. made them e. to us Luke 20. 36. e. to the angels John 5. 18. making himſelf e. with God [63] Phil. 2. 6. no robbery to be e. with God Col. 4. 1. give that which is juſt and e. Rev. 4. 16. length, breadth and height e. Gal. 1. 14. equals Pſ. 55. 13. 2 Cor. 8. 14. equality Pſ. 99. 4. equity doſt eſtabliſh 72. 2. judge poor with e. 98. 9. Prov. 1. 3. receive inſtruction of e. 2. 9.ſhall underſtand judgment e. 17. 26. to ſtrike princes for e. Eccl. 2. 21. whoſe labour is in e. Iſ. 11. 4. reprove with e. for 59. 14. truth ſtands e. cannot enter Mic. 3. 9. that prevent all e. Mal. 2. 6. walked with me in e.
  • ERRAND, Judg. 3. 19. 2 Kings 9. 5.
  • ERR, 2 Chr. 33. 9. Iſa. 19. 14. Pſ. 95. 10. e. in heart Heb. 3. 10. 119. 21. do e. from thy commandm. Prov. 14. 22. do they not e. deviſe ill 19. 27. inſtruction that cauſeth to e. Iſa. 3. 12. lead—cauſe to e. 9. 16. 30. 28. bridle cauſing them to e. 35. 8. way faring men ſhall not e. 63. 17. why made us to e. from way Jer. 23. 13. prophet cauſe to e. by lies 32. Hoſ. 4. 12. of whored. cauſed them to e. Amos 2. 4. lies cauſed them to e. Mic. 3. 5. proph. make my people to e. Mat. 22. 29. ye e. not knowing ſcriptures Jam. 1. 16 do not e. my brethren 5. 19. if any e. from the truth Num. 15. 22. if ye have erred 1 Sam. 26. 21. I have e. exceedingly Job 6. 24. underſtand wherein I have e. 19. 4. be it that I have e. my error Pſ. 119. 110. yet I e. not from precepts [...]ſa. 28. 7. have e. through wine, prieſt and prophet have e. thro' ſtrong drink 29. 24. they that e. in ſpirit 1 Tim. 6. 10. have e. from the faith 21. e. concerning faith 2 Tim. 2. 18. Prov. 10. 17. erreth Ezek. 45. 20. 2 Sam. 6. 7. error Job 19. 4. Eccl. 5. 6. & 10. 5. Dan. 6. 4. Pſ. 19. 12. who can underſtand his e. Iſ. 32. 6. will utter e. againſt the Lord Jer. 10. 15. vanity work of e. 51. 18. Dan. 6. 4. neither was any e. found Mat. 27. 64. laſt e. be worſe than firſt Rom. 1. 27. recompenſe of their e. Heb. 9. 7. for the e. of the people Jam. 5. 20. ſinner from e. of his way 2 Pet. 2. 18. them who live in e. 3. 17. led away with e. of wicked 1 John 4. 6. know we the ſpirit of e. Jude 11. after the e. of Balaam
  • ESCAPE, Gen. 19. 17. 22. & 32. 8. Ezra 9. 8. leave a remnant to e. Eſth. 4. 13. think not that thou ſhall e. Job 11. 20. but wicked ſhall not e. Pſ. 56. 7. ſhall they e. by iniquity 71. 2. deliver me and cauſe me to e. 141. 10. let wicked fall whilſt I e. Prov. 19. 5. witn. ſpeaks lies ſhall not e. Eccl. 7. 20. pleaſeth God ſhall e. her Iſ. 20. 6. we flee—how ſhall we e. 37. 32. that e. out of mount Zion Jer. 11. 11. evil—not be able to e. Ezek. 17. 15. ſhall doth ſuch things e. Mat. 23. 33. how can ye e. dam. of hell Luke 21. 36. accounted worthy to e. Rom. 2. 3. e. the judgment of God 1 Cor. 10. 13. wt. temp. make a way to e. 1 Theſſ. 5. 3. deſtruct. they ſhall not e. Heb. 2. 3. how ſhall we e. if neglect 12. 25. much more ſhall not we e. Ezra 9. 15. we remain yet eſcaped Job 4. 15. 16. 17. 19. I only am e. to tell Pſ. 124. 7. ſoul is e. we are e. Iſa. 45. 20. ye are e. of the nations John 10. 39. he e. out of their hands Heb. 12. 25. if they e. not who refuſed 2 Pet. 1. 4. e. corruption of world 2. 18. thoſe that were clean e. 20. have eſcaped pollution of world
  • ESCHEW evil Job 1. 8. & 2. 3. 1 Pet. 3. 11.
  • ESPECIALLY, Deut. 4. 10. Pſ. 31. [...]1. Gal. 6. 10. good e. to houſehold of faith [...] Tim. 4. 10. e. of them that believe 5. 8. e. for them of his own houſe 17. e. thoſe that labour in word and
  • ESPY, Num. 14. 7. Ezek. 20. 6.
  • ESPOUSALS, Song 3. 11. Jer. 2. 2. 2 Cor. 11. 2. eſpouſed to Chriſt
  • ESTABLISH, Num. 30. 13. 1 Kings 15. 4. Deut. 28. 9. Job 36. 7. Gen 6. 18. my covenant 9. 9. & 17. 7. 9. 21. Lev. 16. 9. Deut. 8. 18. 1 Sam. 1. 23. the Lord e. his word 2 Sam. 7. 12. I'll e. his kingdom 13. 25. e. the word forever and do as ſaid 2 Cor. 9. 8. God loved Iſrael to e. them 7. 18. e. throne of kingd. 1 Chr. 17. 12. Pſ. 7. 9. but e the juſt 48. [...]. 89. 2. faithfulneſs ſhall e. in heaven 4. thy ſeed will I e. for ever 90. 17. e. work of our hands e. 99. [...]. doſt e. equity executeſt judgm. 119. 38. e. thy word to thy ſervant Prov. 15. 25. he will e. border of widow Iſa. 9. 7. to e. it with judgm. and juſtice 49. 8. give thee for coven. to e. earth 62. 7. no reſt till he e. Jeruſalem Ezek. 16. 60. I'll e. an everl. coven. 62. Rom. 3. 31. yea we e. the law 10. 3. go about to e. their own right. 16. 25. that is of power to e. you 1 Theſſ. 3. 13. may e. your hearts unbl. 2 Theſſ. 2. 17. e. you in every good word 3. 3. Lord ſhall e. you and keep you Jam. 5. 8. patient e. your hearts 1 Pet. 5. 10. God of all grace e. you Gen. 41. 32. thing is eſtabliſhed Exod. 6. 4. I e. my covenant with them 15. 17. which thy hands have e. Pſ. 40. 2. on rock he e. my goings 78. 5. he e. a teſtimony in Jacob 93. 1. world alſo is e. that cannot 2. thy throne is e. of old 112. 8. his heart is e. truſting 119. 90, haſt e. the earth and i [...] [64] 140. 11. let not evil ſpeaker be c. 148. 6. hath e. them forever Prov. 3. 19. Lord hath e. the heavens 4. 26. let all thy ways be e, 12. 3. man ſhall not be e. by wickedn. 16. 12. throne is e. by righteouſneſs 20. 18. every purpoſe is e. by counſel 30. 4. e. all the ends of the earth Iſa. 7. 9. if believe not—not be e. 16. 5. in mercy ſhall throne be e. Jer. 10. 12. c. world for wiſdom 51. 15. Hab. 1. 12. e. them for correction Mat. 18. 16. two or three witneſſes e. 2 Cor. 13. 1. word may be e. Acts 16. 5. ſo were the churches e. Rom. 1. 11. to the end you may be e. Col. 2. 7. built up—e. in the faith Heb. 8. 7. e. upon better promiſes 13. 9. good the heart be e. with grace 2 Pet. 1. 12. e. in the preſent truth Lev. 25. 30. ſhall be eſtabliſhed Deut. 19. 15. 2 Cor. 13. 1. Pſ. 89. 21. 2 Chron. 20. 20. believe in God ſo ye— Job 22. 28. ſhall decree a thing and it— Pſ. 102. 28. their ſeed—before thee Prov. 12. 19. lips of truth— 16. 3. commit to Lord thy thoughts— 25. 5. his throne—in righteouſ. 29. 14. Iſa. 2. 2. Lord's houſe—Mic. 4. 1. 54. 14. in righteouſneſs thou— Jer. 30. 20. their congregation- Prov. 29. 4. king by judg. eſtabliſheth land Hab. 2. 12. wo to him e. city by iniquity 2 Cor. 1. 21. who c. us with you is God
  • ESTATE, Gen. 43. 7. Eſth. 1. 7. 19. Pſ. 3. 9. man at beſt e. is vanity 136. 23. remember us in our low e. Prov. 27. 23. know e. of thy flocks Mat. 12. 45. laſt e. of that man is worſe than the firſt Luke 11. 26. Luke 1. 48. regarded low e. of handmaid Rom. 12. 16. condeſcend to men of low e. Phil. 4. 11. in whats. e. I am— content Jude 6. angels kept not firſt e.
  • ESTEEM, Job 36. 19. Iſa. 29. 16. 17. Deut. 32. 15. lightly e. the rock of ſalv. 1 Sam. 2. 30. deſpiſe me—lightly e. Job 23. 12. I have e. words of his mouth Pſ. 119. 128. I e. all thy precepts right Iſa. 53. 3. deſpiſed—we e. him not 4. did e. him ſtriken, ſmitten, of God Luke 16. 15. is highly e. among men Rom. 14. 5. e. one day above another, another e. every day alike 14. to him that e. it to he unclean it is Phil. 2. 3. e. each other better than 1 Theſſ. 5. 13. e. them very highly in C. Heb. 11. 26. e. the reproach of Chriſt gr.
  • ESTRANGED, Job 19. 13. Jer. 19. 4. Pſ. 58. 3. wicked are e. from womb 78. 30. not e. from their luſts Ezek. 14. 5. they are all e. from me
  • ETERNAL G. thy refuge. Deut. 33. 27. Job 60. 15. make thee an e. excellency Mark 3. 29. in danger of e. damnation Rom. 1. 20. even his e. power and Godh. 2 Cor. 4. 17. exceed. e. weight of glory 18. things not ſeen which are e. 5. 1. have houſe e. in the heavens Eph. 3. 11. according to the e. purpoſe 1 Tim. 1. 17. to the king be e. honour 2 Tim. 2. 10. ſalvation with e. glory Heb. 5. 9. author of e. ſalvation 6. 2. baptiſms and of e. judgment 9. 12. obtained e. redemption for us 14. through the e. ſpirit offered himſ. 15. promiſe of e. inheritance 1 Pet. 5. 10. called us to e. glory Jude 7. vengeance of e. fire Mat. 19. 16, that I may have eternal life Mark 10. 17. Luke 10. 25. Mat. 25. 46. righteous ſhall go into— Mark 10. 30. in world to come— John 3. 15. not periſh but have— 4. 36. gather fruit to eternal life 5. 39. in ſcriptures ye think ye have— 6. 54. hath—and I'll raiſe him 68. thou haſt the words of— 10. 28. I give unto them— 12. 25. ſhall keep it unto— 17. 2. ſhould give—to as many 3. this—to know only the true God Acts 13. 48. ordained to—believed Rom. 2. 7. who ſeek for glory and— 5. 21. grace might reign to— 6. 23. gift of God is—through J. Chriſt 1 Tim. 6. 12. lay hold on- 19. Tit. 1. 2. in hope of—which God— 3. 7. heirs according to hope of— 1 John 1. 2.—which was with Father 2. 25. promiſe promiſed even— 3. 15. no murderer hath— 5. 11. record God hath given to us— 13. might know that ye have— 20. the only true God and— Jude 21. for mercy unto—
  • ETERNITY that inhabits Iſ. 57. 15.
  • EVEN balances Job 21. 6. Pſ. 26. 12. foot ſtands in e. place Song 4. 2. flock ſheep e. ſhorn Luke 19. 44. lay thee e. with ground
  • EVEN or EVENING, Gen. 19. 1. & 1. 5. 8. 31. Exod. 12. 6. 18. 1 Kings 18. 29. at e. ſacrifice Ezra 9. 4. 5. Pſ. 141. 2. Dan. 9. 21. Hab. 1. 8. e. wolves Zeph. 3. 3. Zech. 14. 7. at e. time ſhall be light
  • EVENT, Eccl. 2. 14. & 9. 2. 3.
  • EVER a long time, conſtantly, eternally, Joſh. 4. 7. & 14. 9. Deut. 19. 9. to walk e. in his way Pſ. 5. 11. let them e. ſhout for joy 25. 15. my eyes e. toward the Lord 37. 26. he is e. merciful and lends 51. 3. my ſin is e. before me 111. 5. will e. be mindful of covenant 119. 98. thy command are e. with me Luke 15. 31. Son thou art e. with me John 8. 35. in houſe ſon abideth e. 1 Theſſ. 4. 17. we ſhall be e. with the Lord 5. 15. e. follow that which is good 2 Tim. 3. 7. e. learning and never [65] Heb. 7. 24. this man continueth e. 25. he e. lives to make interceſſion Jude 25. to God be glory now and e. Gen. 3. 22. eat and live for ever Deut. 32. 40. I lift up hand and live for e. Joſh. 4. 24. fear Lord your God— 1 Kings 10. 9. the Lord loved Iſrael— 11. 59. afflict ſeed of David but not for e. Pſ. 9. 7. Lord ſhall endure— 12. 7. thou wilt preſerve them— 22. 6. your hearts ſhall live— 23. 6. I will dwell in houſe of Lord— 29. 10. on [...]oods Lord ſitteth King— 30. 12. I will give thanks to thee— 33. 11. counſel of Lord ſtandeth— 37. 18. their inheritance ſhall be for ev. 28. ſaints are preſerved for ever 29. in land righteous ſhall dwell for ev. 49. 9. not redeem that ſhould live— 52. 9. I will praiſe thee for ever 61. 4. I'll abide in thy tabern. for ever 73. 26. God is ftr. and my port. for e. 47. 19. forget not congr. of poor for e. 81. 15. their time ſhould endure for e. 92. 7. that they may be deſtroyed— 102. 12. thou Lord ſhalt endure for e. 103. 9. L. will keep his anger for e. 105. 3. remember his covenant for e. 111. 9. hath commanded his cov. for e. 112. 6 righteous ſhall not be moved— 119. 111. teſtimonies as an heritage— 132. 14. this is my reſt—I have 146. 6. who keepeth for ever truth Prov. 27. 24. riches are not crown Eccl. 1. 4. the earth abideth for ever Iſ. 26. 4. truſt in Lord- for in Lord is 37. 17. quietneſs and aſſurance for ever 40. 8. word of Lord ſhall ſtand for ever 57. 16. I will not contend for ever 59. 21. my words ſhall not depart— Jer. 3. 5. will he reſerve anger—12. 17. 4. kindled fire ſhall burn for ever 32. 39. that they may fear me for ever Lam. 3. 31. Lord will not caſt off for ev. Mic 7. 18. retaineth not his anger for e. Zech. 1. 5. prophets do they live for ev. John 6. 51. eateth ſhall live for ever 58. Rom. 1. 25. Creator who is bleſſed for e. 9. 5. over all God bleſſed for ever 2 Cor. 9. 9. his righteou [...]n remaineth— Heb. 13. 8. J. C. ſame yeſterd. and for e. 1 Pet. 1. 23 word of God liveth abid.— 25. word of L. endureth for e. Iſ. 40. 8. 1 John 2. 17. doth will of God endur.— Exod. 15. 18. L. reigns for ever and ever 1 Chron. 16. 36. bleſſed be God—29. 10. Neh. 9. 5. Dan. 2. 20. Pſ. 10. 16. the Lord is king for e. and e. 45. 6. thy throne O God is—Heb. 1. 8. 48. 14 this God is our God—and guide 52. 8. I will truſt in God for e. and e. 111. 8. command ſtand faſt for e. and e. 119. 44. I will keep thy law for e. and e. 145. 1. I will bleſs thy name—2. 21. Dan. 12. 2. they ſhine as ſtars for e. and e. Mic 4. 5. walk in name of G. for e. and e. Gal. 1. 5. to whom be glory for e. and e. Phil. 4. 10. 1 Tim. 1. 17. 2 Tim. 4. 18. Heb. 13. 21. 1 Pet. 4. 11. & 5. 11. Rev. 1. 6. & 5. 13. & 7. 12. Rom. 11. 36. & 16. 27. Rev. 4. 9. who liveth for e. and e. 10. & 10. 6. & 15. 7. Dan. 4. 34. & 12. 7. 22. 5. they ſhall reign for e. and e.
  • EVERLASTING hills, Gen. 49. 26. Gen. 17. 8. Canaan an e. poſſeſſion 48. 4. 21. 33. called on name of e. God Ex. 40. 15. e prieſthood Numb. 25. 13. Lev. 16. 34. this ſhould be e. ſtatute Deut. 33. 27. underneath are e. arms Pſ. 24. 8. be lifted up ye e. doors 41. 13. bleſſed be God from e. to e. 90. 2. thou art from e. to e. 106. 48. 100. 5. his mercy is from e. 103. 17. mercy of Lord from e. to e. 112. 6. righteous ſhall be in e. rememb. 119. 142. thy righteouſneſs is e. 144. right. of thy teſtim. is e right. 139. 24. lead me in the way e. 145. 13. e. kingdom Dan. 4. 3. Prov. 10. 25. righteous as an e. found. Iſ. 9. 6. mighty God the e. Father 26. 4. in Lord Jehovah is e. ſtrength 33. 14 who dwell with e. burnings 35. 10. ſhall come to Zion with Songs e. joy 51. 11. & 61. 7. 40. 28. e. God Creator fainteth not 45. 17. Iſr. ſaved in L. with e. ſalvation 54. 8. with e. kindneſs will I gather 55. 13. to Lord for a name an e. ſign. 56. 5. an e. name 63. 12. 16. 60 19. Lord ſhall be an e. light 20. Jer. 10. 10. true living God e. king 20. 11. e. confuſion never forgotten 23. 40. I'll bring e. reproach upon 31. 3. I loved thee with an e. love Dan. 4. 34. e. dominion 7. 14. 9. 24. to bring in e. righteouſneſs Mic. 5. 2. goings forth of old from e. Hab. 1. 12. art thou not from e. my God 3. 6. e. mount. ſcattered his ways e. Mat. 18. 8. caſt into d. fire 25. 44. 25. 46. thoſe ſhall go into e. puniſhment Luke 16. 9. receive into e. habitation 2 Theſſ. 1. 9. puniſhed with e. deſtruct. 2. 16 God hath given us e. conſolation 1 Tim. 6. 16. to whom be power e. 2 Pet. 1. 11. e. kingd. of our Lord J. C. Jude 6. reſerved in e. chains of darkneſs Rev. 14. 6. having e. goſpel to preach Dan. 12. 2. awake to everlaſting life Mat. 19. 29. ſhall inherit— Luke 18. 30. in world to come e. life John 3. 16. not periſh but have—36. 4. 14. well ſpringing up to— 5. 24. heareth [...]y word hath— 6. 27. meat which endureth to— 40. whoſo believeth may have e. life 49. that believeth on me hath— 12. 50. his commandment is— Acts 13 46. yourſelves unworthy of— Rom. 6. 22. may have the end e. life [66] Gal. 6. 8. ſow to ſpirit of ſpirit reap— 1 Tim. 1. 16. believe on him to—
  • EVERMORE. Pſ. 16. 11. 105. 4. & 133. 3. John 6. 34. 2 Cor. 11. 31. 1 Theſſ. 5. 16. Rev. 1. 18.
  • EVERY imagination evil, Gen. 6. 5. Pſ. 32. 6. for this e. one godly pray 119. 10. refrained feet from e. evil way 104. I hate c. falſe way 128. Prov. 2. 9. underſtand e. good path 14. 15. ſimple believeth e. word 15. 3. eyes of Lord are in e. place 30. 5. e. word of God is pure Eccl. 3. 1. a time for e. purpoſe Iſ. 45. 23. e. knee bow and e. tongue Rom. 14. 11. Phil. 2. 11. 8 Tim. 4. 4 e. creature of God is good 2 Tim. 2. 21. prepared to e. good work 4. 18. Lord deliver from e. evil work Tit. 3 1. ready to e. good work Heb. 12 1. lay aſide e. weight and ſin 1 John 4. 1. believe not e. ſpirit
  • EVIDENCE, Jer. 32. 10. Heb. 11. 1. Job [...]. 28. evidently Acts 10. 3. Gal. 3. 1. 11. Phil. 1. 28. Heb. 7. 14. 15.
  • EVIL, Gen. 2. 9. 17. & 3. 5. 22. Deut. 29. 21. I'll ſeparate him to e. 30. 15. ſet before thee death and e. Joſh. 24. 15. if it ſeem e. to you Job 2. 10. we receive good and not e. 5. 19. in trouble no e. touch thee 30. 26. looked for good e. came Pſ. 23. 4. I'll fear no e. for thou 34. 21. e. ſhall ſlay the wicked 51. 4. have done this e in thy ſight 52. 3. loveſt e. more than good 91. 10. no e. ſhall befall thee 97. 10. ye that love the Lord hate c. Prov. 5. 14. I was almoſt in all e. 12. 21. no e. ſhall happen to juſt 15. 3. beholding the e. and the good 31. 12. will do him good and not e. Eccl. 2. 21. vanity and a great e. 5. 13. ſore e. riches kept to hurt 9. 3. heart of men is full of e. Iſ. 5. 20 call e. good and good e. 7. 15. know to refuſe the e. 16. 45 7. I make peace and create e. 57. 1. right. taken from e. to come 59. 7. feet run to e. and make haſte Jer. 17. 17. art my hope in day of e. 18. 11. I frame e. againſt you 29. 11. thoughts of peace and not of e. 44. 11. ſet my face againſt you for e. 27. I'll watch over them for e. Lam. 3. 38. proceeds not e. and good Ezek. 7. 5. an e. and only e. is come Dan. 9. 12. on us a great e. 13. 14. Amos 3. 6. ſhall there be e. in a city 5. 14. ſeek good and not e. that live 15. hate e. love good Mic. 3. 2. 9. 4. ſet mine eyes on them for e. Hab. 1. 13. o [...] purer eyes than behold e. Mat. 5. 11. all manner of e. againſt you 6. 34. ſufficient to day is e. of it Rom. 2. 9. upon every ſoul doth e. 7. 19. e. I would not that I do 21. I would do good e. is preſent with 12. 17. recompenſe no man e. for e. 21. be not evercome of e. but overc. e. 16. 19. ſimple concerning e. 1 Cor. 13. 5. charity thinks no e. 1 Theſſ. 5. 15. let no man render e. for e. 1 Pet. 3. 9. 12. abſtain from all appearance of e. 1 Tim. 6. 10. love of mon. is root of all e. Tit. 3. 2. to ſpeak e. of no man Heb. 5. 14. diſcern both good and e. Gen. 6. 5. thoughts only e. 8. 21. 47. 9. few and e. have been the days Prov. 14. 19. e. bow before the good 15. 15. all days of afflicted are e. Iſa. 1. 4. a ſeed of e. doers 14. 20. Mat. 5. 45. ſun to riſe on e. and good 7. 11. if ye being e know Luke 11. 13. 12. 3 [...]. how can ye being e. ſpeak good Luke 6. 35. kind to unthankful and e. John 3. 19. becauſe their deeds were e. Eph. 5. 16. becauſe the days are e. 2 John 11. follow not that which is e. Jude 10. ſpeak e. of thoſe things
  • EUNUCH, 2 Kings 9. 32. & 20. 18. Iſa. 56. 3. let not e. ſay I am a dry tree Mat. 19. 12. ſome e. born made e. Acts 8. 27. e. had come to Jeruſalem 39.
  • EXACT, Deut. 15. 2. 3. Pſ. 89. 22. Iſa. 58. 3. Luke 3. 13. Job 39. 7. exactor Iſa. 60. 17.
  • EXALT, Dan. 11. 14. 36. Obad. 4. Exod. 15. 2. my father's God I'll e. him 1 Sam. 2. 10. e. horn of his anointed Pſ. 34. 3. let us e. his name together 37. 34. e. thee to inherit the land 99. 5. e. the L. our G. for he is holy 9. 107. 32. e. him in congrega. of elders 118. 28. my G. I will e. thee Iſa. 25. 1. Ezek. 21. 26. e. him that is low 1 Pet. 5. 6. may e. you in due time Num. 24. 7. his kingdom be exalted 2 Sam. 22. 47. e. be God of my ſalvation Neh. 9. 5. e. above all bleſſing and praiſe Job 5. 11. e. to ſafety 36. 7. Pſ. 89. 16. in righte. ſhall they be e. 17. Prov. 11. 11. by bleſſing of upright city e. Iſa. 2. 2. L. houſe e. above hills Mic. 4. 1. 11. Lord alone ſhall be e. 17. & 5. 16. & 30. 18. & 33. 5. 10. 40. 4. every valley be e. and mountain 49. 11. my high-ways ſhall be e. 52. 13. my ſervant ſhall be e. Hoſ. 13. 1. Ephraim was e. in Iſrael 6. Mat. 11. 23. Cap. e. to heav. Luke 10. 15. 23. 12. humbleth himſelf ſhall be e. Luke 14. 11. & 18. 14. Luke 1. 52. e. them of low degree Acts 2. 33. by right hand of God e. 5. 31. 2 Cor. 12. 7. leſt I be e. above meaſure Phil. 2. 9. God hath highly e. him Jam. 1. 9. low rejoice that he is e. Prov. 14. 34. righteous exalteth a nation Luke 14. 11. e. himſelf abaſed 18. 14. 2 Cor. 10. 5. calling down e. itſelf [67] 2 Theſſ. 2. 4. e. himſelf above all God
  • EXAMINE, Ezra. 10. 16. Luke 23. 14. Acts 4. 9. & 12. 19. & 22. 24. 29. & 28. 18. 1 Cor. 9. 3. Pſ. 26. 2. e. me O Lord prove and try 1 Cor. 11. 28. let a man e. himſelf and ſo 2 Cor. 13. 5. e. yourſelves prove ſelves
  • EXAMPLE, 1 Theſſ. 1. 7. Jam. 5. 10. Mat. 1. 19. not make her a public e. John 13. 15. I have given you an e. 1 Cor. 10. 6. theſe things were our e. Phil. 3. 17. ye have us for an e. 2 Theſſ. 3. 9. make ourſelves an e. 1 Tim. 4. 11. an e. of believers Heb. 4. 11. fall after ſame e. of unbelief 8. 5. e. ſhadow of heavenly things 1 Pet. 2. 21. Chriſt leaving us an e. 5. 3. not lords be e. to the flock 2 Pet. 2. 6. making them an e. Jude 7. Sodom—ſet forth for an e.
  • EXCEED, Deut. 25. 3. 1 Kings 10. 7. Mat. 5. 20. except your right e. right. 2 Cor. 3. 9. miniſtration of righteouſn. e. Gen. 17. 6. exceeding fruitful 15. 1. I am ſhield e. great reward 27. cried with e. bitter cry Num. 14. 7. land is e. good 1 Sam. 2. 3. why talk ſo e. proudly 1 Kings 4. 29. wiſdom e. much 1 Chron. 22. 5. houſe e. magnifical Pſ. 43. 4. I'll go to God my e. joy Mat. 5. 12. rejoice and be e. glad 26. 38. my ſoul is e. ſorrowful to death Rom. 7. 13. ſin might become e. ſinful 2 Cor. 4. 17. work a far more e. weight 7. 4. I am e. joyful in all tribulation 9. 14. for the e. grace of God in you Eph. 1. 19. e. greatneſs of his power 2. 7. ſhew the e. riches of his grace 3. 20. able to do e. abundantly 1 Tim. 1. 14. grace was e. abundant 1 Pet. 4. 13. rejoice glad with e. joy 2 Pet. 1. 4. e. great precious promiſes Jude 24. preſent you with e. joy Gen. 13. 13. ſinners before the Lord exceedingly 1 Sam. 26. 21. 2 Sam. 13. 15. Pſ. 68. 3. let righteous rejoice e. 119. 167. thy ſtatutes I love e. 1 Theſſ. 3. 10. praying e. that 2 Theſſ. 1. 3 faith groweth e.
  • EXCEL, Gen. 49. 4. 1 Kings 4. 30. Pſ. 103. 20. his angels that e. in ſtrength Prov. 31. 29. thou e. them all Eccl. 2. 3. wiſdom e. folly as far 1 Cor. 14. 12. ſeek that ye may e. 2 Cor. 3. 10. by reaſon of glory that e. Gen. 49. 3. excellency of dignity and e. Exod. 15. 7. in greatneſs of thy e. Deut. 33. 26. rideth in his e. on the ſky Job 13. 11. his e. make you afraid 37. 4. thunders with voice of his e. 40. 10. deck thyſelf with c. Pſ. 47. 4. e. of Jacob whom he loved 68. 34. his e. is over Iſrael and ſtrength Iſa. 35. 2. ſee glory and e. of our God Amos 6. 8. I abhor the e. of Jacob 8. 7. the Lord hath ſworn by e. of Jacob 1 Cor. 2. 1. not with e of ſpeech 2 Cor. 4. 7. e. of power may be of God Phil. 3. 8. count all loſs for e. of Chriſt Eſth. 1. 4. excellent majeſty Job 37. 23. Pſ. 8. 1. how e. is thy name in earth 9. 16. 3. ſaints e. in whom all delight 36. 7. how e. is thy loving kindneſs 141. 5. ſmite it ſhall be an e. oil 148. 13. Lord for his name alone is e. Prov. 12. 26. righteous is more e. than 17. 27. man of underſt. is of e. ſpirit Iſa. 12. 5. Lord hath done e. things this 28. 29. wonder. in counſel e. in work. Ezek. 16. 7. art come to e. ornaments Dan. 5. 12 an e. ſpirit in Daniel 6. 3. Rom. 2. 18. approved things more e. 1 Cor. 12. 31. ſhew you more e. way Phil. 1. 10. approve th [...]ngs that are e. Heb. 1. 4. obtained a more e. name 8. 6. obtained a more e. miniſtry 11. 4. offered a more e. ſacrifice 2 Pet. 1. 17. heard a voice from e. glory
  • EXCESS, Mat. 23. 24. Eph. 5. 18. 1 Pet. 4. 3. 4.
  • EXCHANGE, Mat. 16. 26. Mark 8. 37. Mat. 25. 27. exchangers
  • EXCLUDE, Rom. 3. 27. Gal. 4. 17.
  • EXCUSE, Luke 14. 18. 19. Rom. 1. 20. & 2. 15. 2 Cor. 12. 19.
  • EXECRATION, Jer. 42. 18. & 44. 12.
  • EXECUTE, Num. 5. 30. & 8. 11. Exod. 12. 12. execute judgment Deut. 10. 18. Pſ. 119. 84. Iſa. 16. 3. Jer. 7. 1. & 21. 12. & 22. 3. & 23. 5. Mic. 7. 9. Zech. 7. 9. & 8. 6. John 5. 27. Jude 15. Pſ. 149. 7. e. vengeance Mic. 5. 15. Hoſ. 11. 9. not e. fierceneſs of anger Rom. 13. 4. revenger to e. wrath
  • EXERCISE, Pſ. 131. 1. Mat. 20. 25. Acts 24. 16. 1 Tim. 4. 7. 8. Heb. 5. 14. & 12. 11. 2 Pet. 2. 14. Jer. 9. 24. Lord e. loving kindneſs
  • EXHORT, Acts 2. 40. & 11. 23. & 15. 32. & 27. 22. 2 Cor. 9. 5. 1 Theſſ. 2. 11. & 4. 1. & 5. 14. 1 Tim. 2. 1. 2 Tim. 4. 2. Tit. 1. 9. & 2. 6. 9. 15. 1 Pet. 5. 1. 12. Jude 3. 2 Theſſ. 3. 12. we command and e. by C. Heb. 3. 13. e. one another daily 10. 25. e. one another and ſo much Luke 3. 18. exhortation Acts 13. 15. & 20. 2. Rom. 12. 8. 1 Cor. 14. 3. 2 Cor. 8. 17. 1 Theſſ. 2. 3. 1 Tim. 4. 13. Heb. 12. 5. & 13. 12.
  • EXPECTATION, Luke 3. 15. Acts 12. 11. Pſ. 9. 18. e. of poor ſhall not periſh 62. 5. for my e. is from him Prov. 10. 28. e. of wicked ſhall periſh 11. 7. dieth his e. ſhall periſh 23. e. of the wicked is wrath 23. 18. e. ſhall not be cut off 24. 14. Iſa. 20. 5. be aſhamed of their e. 6. Zech. 9. 5. her e. ſhall be aſhamed Rom. 8. 19. e. of creature waiteth Phil. 1. 20. according to my earneſt e. [68] Jer. 29. 11. give you expected end
  • EXPEDIENT for us that one man die for the people John 11. 50. & 18. 14. John 16. 17. e. for you that I go away 1 Cor. 6. 12. all things not e. 10. 23. 2 Cor. 8. 10. this is e. for you 12. 1. it is not e. for me to glory
  • EXPERIENCE, Gen. 30. 27. Eccl. 1. 16. Rom. 5. 4. 2 Cor. 9. 13. by the experiment of
  • EXPERT in war, 1 Chron. 12. 33. 35. 36. Song 3. 8. Jer. 50. 9. Acts 26. 3. know thee e. in all cuſtoms
  • EXPOUNDED riddle, Judg. 14. 19. Mark 4. 3 [...]. Luke 24. 27. Acts 11. 4. & 18. 26. & 28. 23.
  • EXPRESS, Heb. 1. 3. 1 Tim. 4. 1.
  • EXTEND mercy, Ezra 7. 28. & 9. 9. Pſ. 109. 12. Pſ. 16. 2. my goodneſs e. not to thee Iſa 66. 12. I'll e. peace to her like a river
  • EXTINCT, Job 17. 1. Iſa. 43. 17.
  • EXTOL, Pſ. 30. 1. & 66. 17. & 68. 4. & 145. 1. Iſa. 52. 13. Dan. [...]. 37.
  • EXTORTION, Ezek. 22. 12. Mat. 23. 25. Pſ. 109. 11. extortioner Iſa. 16. 14. Luke 18. 11. 1 Cor. 5. 10. 11. & 6. 10.
  • EXTREME, Deut. 23. 27. Job 35. 15.
  • EYE for e. Exod. 22. 24. Lev. 24. 20. Mat. 5. 38. Deut. 32. 9. as apple of his e. Pſ. 17. 8. Job 24. 15. no c. ſhall ſee me Pſ. 33. 18. e. of L. on them that fear him 94. 9. formed the e ſhall he not ſee Prov. 20. 12. ſeeing e. Lord hath made Eccl. 1. 8. e. not ſatisfied with ſeeing 4. 8. Iſa. 64. 4. neither has e. ſeen 1 Cor. 2. 9. Mat. 6. 22. light of body e. Luke 11. 34. 18. 9. if thy e. offend thee 5. 29. Rev. 1. 7. every e. ſhall ſee him Prov. 23. 6. evil eye 28. 22. Mat. 6. 13. & 20. 15. Mark 7. 22. Luke 11. 34. Job 16. 16. eye-lids 41. 18. Pſ. 11. 4. & 132. 4. Prov. 4. 24. & 6. 4. 25. & 30. 13. Jer. 9. 18. Rev. 3. 18. eye-ſalve Eph. 6. 6. eye-ſervice Col. 3. 22. 2 Sam. 22. 25. eye-ſight Pſ. 18. 24. Luke 1. 22. eye-witneſſes 2 Pet. 1. 16. Gen. 3. 5. your eyes ſhall be opened Job 10. 4 haſt thou e. of fleſh 29 15. I was e. to the blind Pſ. 15. 4. in whoſe e. a vile perſon 145. 15. e. of all things wait on thee Eccl. 2. 14. wiſe mans e. are in his head 6. 9. better is fight of e. than wander. 11. 7. pleaſant for e. to behold the ſun Iſa. 3. 16. walk with wanton e. 5. 15. e. of loſty ſhall be humbled 2. 11. 29. 18. e. of blind ſhall ſee out of obſc. 32. 3. e. of them that ſee ſhall 35. 5. e. of the blind ſhall be opened 42. 7. to open blind e. and give 43. 8. blind people that have e. Jer. 5. 21. have e. and ſee not Iſ. 42. 20. Dan. 7. 20. horn that had e. Hab. 1. 13. of purer e. than to behold Zech. 3 9. on one ſtone ſhall be ſeven e. Mat. 13. 16. bleſſed are your e. for ſee 18. 9. having two e. to be caſt into Mark 8. 18. having e. ſee ye not Luke 4. 20. e. were faſtened on him 10. 23. bleſſed are the e. which ſee John 9. 6. anointed e. of blind man Rom. 1 [...]. 8. e. that they ſhall not ſee Gal. 3. 1. before whoſe e. J. C. has been Eph. 1. 18. c of your under. enlightned Heb. 4. 13. all opened to e. of him 2 Pet. 2. 14. e. full of adultery 1 John 2. 16. luſt of e. pride of life Rev. 1. 14. his e. as a flame of fire 2. 18. & 19. 12. 3. 18. anoint e. 4. 6. full of e. 8. 5. 6. lamb having ſeven horns ſeven e. Deut. 13 18. right in the eyes of the Lord 1 Kings 15. 5. 11. & 22. 34. Gen. 6. 8. Noah found grace in e. of L. 1 Sam. 26. 24. life ſet by in e. of the L. 2 Sam. 15. 25. find favour in e. of the L. 2 Chr. 16. 9 e of the L. run to fro thro' Pſ. 34. 15. [...] are on righteous 1 Pet. 3. 12. Prov. 5. 21. ways of man are bef. e. of L. [...]5. 3. e. of L are in every place behold. 22. 12. e. of L. preſerve knowledge Iſa. 49. 5. I ſhall be glorious in e. of L. Amos 9. 8. e. of L. are upon ſinful kingd. Zech. 4 10. e. of L. which run to and fro Pſ. 25. 15. my eyes are ever towards Lord 101. 6. my e. ſhall be upon faithful 119. 123. my e. fail for thy ſalvation 148. my e. prev [...]nt night watches 141. 8. my e. are unto thee O G. L. Iſa. 1. 15. I will hide my e. from you 38. 14. my e. ſail with looking upward 65. 12. did evil before my e. 66. 4. Jer. 9. 1. O that my e. a fount. of tears 13. 17. my e. ſhall weep ſore becauſe 14. 17. my e. run down with tears 16. 17. my e. are upon all their ways 24. 6. my e. ſet upon them for good Amos 9. 4. I will ſet my e. on them for evil Luke 2. 30. my e. have ſeen thy ſalvation Pſ. 123. 2. ſo our eyes wait on Lord Mat. 20. 33. that our e. may be opened 1 John 1. 1. that we have ſeen with our e. Deut. 12. 8. right in his own eyes Judg. 17. 6. & 21. 25. Neh. 6. 10. caſt down in their own e. Job 32. 1. righteous in his own e. Pſ. 139. 16. thine eyes did ſee my ſubſt. Prov. 23. 5. ſet thine e. on that which is not Song 6. 5. turn away thine e. from me Iſ. 30. 20. thine e. ſhall ſee thy teachers Jer. 5. 3. are not thine e. upon the truth Ezek. 24. 16. take away deſire of th. e. 25.
  • FABLES, 1 Tim. 1. 4. & 4. 7. 2 Tim. 4. 4. Tit. 1. 14. 2 Pet. 1. 16.
  • FACE, Gen. 3. 19. & 16. 8. Lev. 19 32. honour f. of old man Num. 6. 25. Lord make his f. to ſhine 2 Chr. 6. 42. turn not away f. Pſ. 152. 10. [69] Pſ. 17. 15. I'll behold thy f. in righteouſn. 31. 16. make thy f. ſhine 119. 135. 67. 1. cauſe his f. ſhine on 82. 3. 7. 19. 84. 9. beh. f. of thine anointed 132. 10. Ezek. 1. 10. f. of a man a lion Rev. 4. 7. Dan 9. 17. cauſe thy f. to ſhine on ſanc. Hoſ. 5. 5. teſtify to his f. 7. 10. Mat. 11. 10. my meſſenger before thy f. Mark 1. 2. Luke 7. 27. & 9. 52. Acts 2. 25. ſet the L. always before my f. 1 Cor. 13. 12. but then ſee f. to f. 2 Cor. 3. 18. all with open f beholding 4. 6. glory of God in the f. of Jeſus C. Jam 1. 23. his natural f. in a glaſs
  • FADE we all as a leaf, Iſa. 64. 6. Jam. 1. 11. rich man f. away in 1 Pet. 1. 4. inheritance that fadeth not 5. 4. receive crown of glory that f. not
  • FAIL, Deut. 28. 32. Job 11. 20. Deut. 31. 6. L. will not f. nor forſake 8. Joſh. 1. 5. 1 Chron 28. 20. Pſ. 12. 1. faithful f. from among men 69. 3. my eyes f. while I wait for my G. 77. 8. doth his promiſe f. for ever Lam. 3. 22. his compaſſions f. not Luke 16. 9 when ye f. they may receive 7. one title of law to f. Mat. 5. 18. 22. 32. prayed that thy faith f. not Heb. 12. 15. leſt any f. of grace of God Song 5. 6. ſoul failed when he ſpake Pſ. 31. 10. my ſtr. faileth 38. 10. & 71. 9. 40. 12. my heart f. me 73. 26. 143. 7. hear me my ſpirit f. Luke 12. 33. lay up treaſure that f. not 1 Cor. 13. 8. charity never f. Deut. 28. 65. for failing of eyes Luke 21. 26. mens hearts f. them for
  • FAINT, Deut, 25. 18. Judg. 8. 4. 5. Iſa. 1. 5. head ſick whole heart is f. 40. 29 he giveth power to the f. 30. youths ſhall f. and be weary 31. wait on Lord walk and not f. Luke 18. 1. to pray always and not f. 2 Cor. 4. 1. received miniſt. we f. not 16. Gal. 6. 9. due time reap if we f. not Heb. 12. 5. nor f when rebuked of him Pſ. 27. 13 I had fainted unleſs believed Rev. 2. 3. haſt laboured and not f. Pſ. 84. 2. ſoul fainteth for courts of Lord 119. 81. my ſoul f. for thy ſalvation Iſ. 40. 28. everlaſting God creator f. not
  • FAIR, Gen. 6. 2. & 24. 16. Prov. 7. 21. f. ſpeech Rom. 16. 18. Song 1. 15. behold thou art f. 4. 1. 7. & 2. 10. & 6. 10. & 7. 6. Gen. 12. 11. 4. 10. how f. is thy love, better Jer. 12. 6. they ſpeak f. words Acts 7. [...]9. Moſes was exceeding f. Gal. 6. 12. deſire make f. ſhew in fleſh Pſ. 45. 2. thou art fairer than children of Dan. 1. 15. their countenance appeared f.
  • FAITH, Acts 3. 16. & 13. 8. Deut. 32. 20. children in whom is no f. Mat. 6. 30. O ye of little f. 8. 26. & 16. 8. & 14. 31. Luke 12. 28. 8. 10. not found ſo great f. no not 17. 20. had f. as a grain of muſtard 21. 21. have f. and doubt not 23. 23. omitted—mercy and f. Mark 4. 40. how—that ye have no f. 5. 22. Jeſus faith have f. in God Luke 7. 9. ſo great f. no not in Iſrael 17. 5. Lord increaſe our f. 6. if he had f. might ſay to this 18. 8. Son of m. ſhall he find f. on earth Acts 2. 16. the f. which is by him 6. 5. Stephen a man full of f. 8. 7. company of prieſts obedient to f. 11. 24. good man full of H.G. and of f. 14. 9. he had f. to be healed 22. exhorting to continue in the f. 27. G. opened door of f. to the Gent. 16. 5. churches eſtabliſhed in the f. 20. 21. f. toward our Lord Jeſus Chriſt Rom. 1. 5. for obedience to f. among all 17. right. of God revealed from f. to f. 3. 3. make f. of God without effect 27. by law of works, law of f. 4. 5. his f. is counted for righteouſneſs 11. circum. a ſeal of righteouſneſs of f. 12. in ſteps of that f. of Abraham 16. 13. thro' righteouſ. of f. 9. 30. & 10. 6. 14. if of law heirs f. is made void 16. of f. that by grace promiſe ſure 10. 8. word of f. which we preach 17. f. cometh by hearing and hearing 12. 3. God dealt the meaſure of f. 6. according to proportion of f. 14. 22. haſt thou f. have it unto 23. eats not of f. not of f. is ſin 16. 28. made known for obed. of f. 1 Cor. 12. 9. to another f. by ſame ſpirit 13. 2. tho' I have all f. remove mount. 13. now abideth f. hope, charity 2 Cor. 4. 13. we have ſame ſpirit of f. Gal. 1. 23. preach the f. which once 3. 2. received ſpirit by hearing of f. 15. 7. they which are of f. 9. 12. law is not of f. but the man that 23. before f. came we were under law 25. after that f. is come we are no 5. 6. but f. which worketh by love 22. the fruit of the ſpirit is f. 6. 10. do good to all houſehold of f. Eph. 4. 5. one Lord, one f. one baptiſm 13. till we come in the unity of f. 6. 16. above all take ſhield of f. 23. love with f. from G. F. and L. J. C. Phil. 1. 25. I'll abide to your joy of f. 27. ſtriving together for f. of goſpel. 1 Theſſ. 1. 3. remember your work of f. 5. 8. putting on breaſt plate of f. love 2 Theſſ. 1. 4. we glory for patience and f. 11. fulfil work of f. with power 3. 2. for all men have not f. 1 Tim. 1. 5. charity out of f. unfeigned 14. exceeding abund. with f. and love 19. holding f and a good conſcience concerning f. have made ſhipwreck 3. 9. holding myſt. of f. in pure conſ [...] 4. 1. in laſt days ſome depart from [...] 6. nouriſhed up in words of f. [70] [...]. 8. denied f. 12. caſt off firſt f. 6. 10. erred from f. 21. concerning f. 12. fight the good fight of f. 2 Tim. 1. 5. unfeigned f. dwelt in thee 2. 18. overthrow f. of ſome 22. follow righteouſn. f. charity. peace 3. 8. corrupt reprobate concerning f. 10. fully known my doctrine f. 4. 7. fought good fight kept f. Tit. 1. 7. according to f. of God elect 4. my ſon after the common f. Heb. 4. 2. word not prof. not mixed wt. f. 6. 1. principles of f towards God 10. 22. draw near in full aſſurance of f. 23. hold faſt profeſſion of our f. 11. 1. f. is ſubſt. of things hoped for 6. without f. impoſſible to pleaſe God 12. 2. J. author and finiſher of f. 13. 7. whoſe f. follow conſidering Jam. 2. 1. have not f. of our Lord J. C. 14. ſay that he hath f. can f. ſave 17. f. if it hath not works is deed 26. 18. thou haſt f. and I works ſhew f.—f. 22. f. wrought by works f. perfect 5. 15. prayer of f. ſhall ſave him 2 Pet. 1. 1. like precious f. with us 1 John 5. 4. overc. world even our f. Jude [...]. contend earneſtly for the f. 20. build up yourſelves on holy f. Rev. 2. 13. haſt not denied my f. 19. I know thy works and f. 13. 10. here is the f. of the ſaints 14. 12. which keep the f. of J. Chriſt Hab. 2. 4. juſt ſhall live by faith Rom. 1. 17. Gal. 3. 11. Heb. 10. 38. Acts 15. 9. purifying their hearts by f. 26. 18. ſanctified by f. that is in me Rom. 1. 12. comforted by mutual f. 3. 22. righteouſn. which is by f. of Chr. 28. conclude a man is juſtified by f. 30. juſtify circumſt.—uncl [...]. thro' f. 5. 1. being juſtified by f. we have peace 2. have acceſs by f. Eph. 3. 12. 9. 32. ſought it not by f. but works 11. 20. ſtandeſt by f. be not high minded 2 Cor. 1. 24. your joy by f. ye ſtand 5. 7. we walk by f. and not by ſight Gal. [...]. 16. juſtified by f. 3. 24. 20. I live by f. of the Son of God 3. 22. promiſe by f. might be given 26. ye are all child. of G. by f. in C. J. 5. 5. wait for hope of righteous by f. Eph. 3. 17. C. may dwell in heart by f. Phil. 3. 9. right. thro' f. right. of G. by f. Heb. 11. 4. by f. Abel 5. by f. Enoch &c. 7. heir of righteouſneſs which is by f. Jam. 2. 24. juſtified by works not by f. Rom. 4. 19. not weak in faith 20. ſtrong in f. giving glory to God 14. 1. him weak in f. receive ye, but 1 Cor. 16. 13. ſtand faſt in f. quit you 2 Cor. 8. 7. ye abound in f. in utterance 13. 5. examine whether ye be in f. Col. 1. 23. if ye continue in f. grounded 2. 7. built up in him eſtabliſhed in f. 2 Tim. 1. 2. Timothy my own Son in f. 4. godly edifying which is in f. 2. 7. teacher of Gentiles in f. and verity 15. if they continue in f. and charity 3. 13. purchaſe great boldneſs in f. 4. 12. be example in f. in purity 2 Tim. 1. 13. of ſound words in f. and love Tit. 1. 13. that may be found in f. 2. 2. 3. 15. greet them that love us in the f. Heb. 12. 13. all theſe died in f. not having Jam. 1. 6. let him aſk in f. nothing waver. 2. 5. poor, rich in f. heirs of kingdom 1 Pet. 5. 9. whom reſiſt ſtedfaſt in f. Mat. 9. 2. Jeſus ſeeing their faith Mark 2. 5. Luke 5. 20. Acts 3 16. through faith in his Son Rom. 3. 25. propitiation thro' f. in his blood 9. 32. do we make void law thro' f. 30. Gal. 3. 8. G. would juſtify heathen thro' f. 14. receive promiſe of ſpirit thro' f. Eph. 2. 8 by grace ye are ſaved thro' f. Col. 2. 12. thro' f. of the operation of G. 2 Tim. 3. 15. ſalv. thro' f which is in C. J. Heb. 6. 12 thro' f. and patience inherit 11. 3. thro' f. we underſtand world were 11. thro' f. Sarah receiv. ſtr. to conceive 28. thro' f. Moſes kept paſſ. and ſprink. 33. thro' f. ſubdued kingd. wrought 39. obtained a good report—2. 1 Pet. 1. 5. kept by power of God thro' f. Mat. 9. 22. thy faith has made thee whole Luke 8. 48. & 17. 9. 15. 28. O woman great is thy f. be it Luke 7. 50. thy f. hath ſaved thee 18. 42. 22. 32. I have prayed that thy f. fail not Phil. 6. communication of thy f. Jam 2. 18. ſhew me thy f. without works Luke 8. 25. where is your faith Mat. 9. 10. accord. to your f. be it to you Rom. 1. 8.—is ſpoken of through world 1 Cor. 2. 5. that your f. not ſtand in wiſd. 15. 14. your f. is alſo vain 17. 2 Cor. 1. 24. not dominion over your f. 10. 15. when your f. is increaſed we ſhall Eph. 1. 15. after I heard of—Col. 1. 4. Phil. 2. 17. offered upon ſervice of your f. Col. 2. 5. behold ſtedfaſt. of your f in Chr. 1 Theſſ. 1. 8. your f. to God-ward is ſpread 3. 2. to eſtabl. comfort you conc. your f. 5. I ſent to know your f. leſt tempter 6. brought us good tidings of your f. 7. comforted in affliction by your f. 10. perfect what is lacking in your f. 2 Theſſ. 1. 3. your f. groweth exceedingly Jam. 1. 3. trying of—works patience 1 Pet. 1. 7. trial of—being precious 9. receiving end of—ſalvation 21. that—and hope might be in God. 2 Pet. 1. 5. add to—virtue, knowledge
  • FAITHFUL, 1 Sam. 2. 35. & 22. 4. 2 Sam. 20. 19. Neh. 13. 13. Dan. 6. 4. 1 Tim. 6. 2. 1 Pet 5. 12. Num. 12. 7. f. in all my houſe Heb. 3. 2. 3. Moſes f. in all as ſervant Deut. 7. 9. f. G. which keeps covenant Neh. 7. 2. a f. man and feared God 9. 8, found his heart f before th [...] [71] Pſ. 12. 1. the f. fail from among men 31. 23. Lord preſerveth the [...] 89. 37. as a f. witneſs in heaven 101. 6. my eyes be upon f. in land 119. 86. thy commandments are f. 138. thy teſtimonies are very f. Prov. 11. 13. of a f. ſpirit concealeth 13. 17. a f. ambaſſador is health 14. 15. a f. witneſs will not lie 20 6. a f. man who can find 25. 13. ſo is f. meſſenger to ſend him 27. 6. f. are wounds of a friend 28. 20. f. man abound with bleſſings Iſa. 1. 21. how f. city became an harlot 26. city of righteouſneſs f. city 8. 2. I took f. witneſſes to record 49. 7. L. is f. and holy one of Iſrael Jer. 42. 5. L. be a true and f. witneſs Hoſ. 11. 12. Judah is f. with ſaints Mat. 25. 21. well done f. ſerv. 24. 45. 23. haſt been f. in a few Luke 19. 17. Luke 12. 42. who is that f. ſteward 16. 10. f. in leaſt is f alſo in much 11. not f. in unrighteous mammon 12. not f. in what is another mans Acts 16. 15. judge me f. to the Lord 1 Cor. 1. 9. God is f. by whom called 4. 2. required in ſtewards they be f. 17. Timothy who is f. in the Lord 7. 25. obtained mercy of L. to be f. 10. 13. God is f. and will not ſuffer Eph. 1. 1. ſaints and f. in C. J. Col. 1. 1. 6. 21. f. miniſter Col. 1. 7. & 4. 7. 9. 1 Theſſ. 5. 24. f. is that calleth 2 Theſſ. 3. 3. Lord is f. and ſhall eſtabliſh 1 Tim. 1. 12. he counted me f. 15. this is a f. ſaying and worthy 4. 9. 2 Tim. 2. 11. Tit. 3. 8. 4. 11. wives grave ſober f. in all 2 Tim. 2. 2. heard commit to f. men 13. he abideth f. cannot deny himſelf Tit. 1. 6. blameleſs having f. children 9. holding faſt the f. word as Heb. 2. 17. might be a f. high prieſt 3. 2. who was f. to him appointed 10. 23. f. is he that promiſed 11. 11. 1 Pet. 4. 19. as unto a f. Creator 1 John 1. 9. he is f. to forgive all Rev. 1. 5. f. and true witneſs 3. 14. 2. 10. be f. to death 13. f. martyr 17. 14. they are choſen and f. 21. 5. words are true and f. 22. 6 1 Sam. 26. 23. render to every man his faithfulneſs Pſ. 5. 9. no f. in their mouth 30. 5. thy f. reacheth to clouds 40. 10. declared thy f. 89. 1. 88. 11. ſhould thy f. be declared deſtr. 89. 1. make known thy f. to all gen. 2. thy f. ſhalt eſtabliſh in heavens 5. praiſe thy f. in great congregations 8. who like thy f. round about thee 24. my f. ſhall be with him 33. I'll not ſuffer my f. to fail [...]2. 2. to ſhew thy f. every night 119. 75. in f. thou haſt afflicted me 90. thy f. is to all generations 143. 1. in thy f. anſwer me and Iſ. 11. 5. f. is the girdle of his [...]ns 25. 1. thy counſ. of old are f. and truth Lam. 3. 23. mercies new, great thy [...]. Hoſ. 2. 20. I'll betroth thee to the in f. Mat. 17. 17. O faithleſs and perverſe generation Mark 9. 19. Luke 9. 41. John 20. 27. be not f. but believing
  • FALL, Numb. 11. 31. & 14. 29. 32. Gen. 45. 24. ſee ye f. not out by the way 2 Sam. 24. 14. let us f. into hand of God Pſ. 37. 24. though he f. he ſhall not 45. 5. whereby they f. under thee 82. 7. f. like one of the princes 141. 10. let wick. f. into their own nets 145. 14. Lord upholds all that f. Prov. 11. 3. wick. f. by own wickedneſs 24. 16. wicked ſhall f. into miſchief 26. 27. digs a pit to all f in it Eccl. 10. 8. 28. 14. hardneth his heart ſhall f. Eccl. 4. 10. If they f. one will hit up Iſ. 8. 15. many ſhall ſtumble and f. 40. 30. young men ſhall utterly f. Dan. 11. 35. ſome ſhall f. to try them Hoſ. 10. 8. mountains and hills f. on us Luke 23. 30. Rev. 6. 16. Mic. 7. 8. rejoice not when I f. Mat. 7. 27. great was the f. of it 10. 29. ſparrows not f on ground 15. 14. blind both f. into pit 21. 44. upon whom faith. f. Luke 20. 18. Luke 2. 34. ſet for f. and riſing of Iſrael Rom. 11. 11. ſtumbled they ſhould f. thr [...] their f. ſalvation is come to Genti [...]e. 14. 13. occaſion to f. in his brothers w. 1 Cor. 10. 12. ſtands take heed leſt he [...]. 1 Tim. 3. 6. f. into condemn. of devil 6. 9. rich f. into temptation Heb. 4. 11. f. after ſame example 10. 31. fearful to f. into hands of God Jam. 1. 2. when ye f. into divers tempt. 2 Pet. 1. 10. if theſe, ye ſhall never [...]. 3. 17. leſt ye f. from your ſtedfaſtneſs Luke 8. 13. in time of tempt. fall away Heb. 6. 6. impoſſible if they- to renew Gal. 5. 4. ye are fallen from grace Pſ. 16. 6. f. to me in pleaſant places Hoſ. 14. 1. haft f. by thine iniquity Rev. 2. 5. rem. from whence thou art f. Prov. 24. 16. juſt falleth ſeven times Rom. 14. 4. to his own maſter he f. Pſ. 56. 13. thou haſt delivered my feet from falling 116. 8. 2 Theſſ. 2. 3. come a f. away firſt Jude 24. able to keep you from f.
  • FALLOW, Jer. 4. 3. Hoſ. 10. 12.
  • FALSE, Jer. 14. 14. & 37. 14. Exod. 23. 1. not raiſe a f. report 7. keep thee far from a f. matter Pſ. 119. 104. hate every f. way 128. Prov. 11. 1. f. balance abomina. 20. 23. Zech. 8. 17. love no f. oath Mal. 3. 5. ſwift witneſs againſt f. ſwearers Mat. 24. 24. f. Chriſts and f. prophets 2 Cor. 11. 13. 26. f. apeſt. f. breth. [...]al. 2. 4. [72] 2 Tim. 3. 3. f. accuſers Tit. 2. 3. 2 Pet. 2. 1. f. prophets f. teachers Pſ. 119. 118. their deceit is falſehood 144. 8. whoſe right hand—of f. Iſa. 59. 13. from heart words of f. Lev. 6. 3. ſweareth falſely 19. 12. Pſ. 44. 17. neither dealt f. in covenant Hoſ. 10. 4. ſwearing f. in making coven. Zech. 5. 4. thief and that ſwears f. Mat. 5. 11. evil againſt you f. for my ſake Luke 3. 14. neither accuſe any f. 1 Pet. 3. 16. f. accuſe your good converſ. Acts 13. 6. falſe prophet Rev. 16. 13. & 19. 20. & 20. 10. Mat. 7. 15. falſe prophets 24. 11. 24. Luke 6. 26. 2 Pet. 2. 1. 1 John 4. 1. Exod. 20. 16. falſe witneſs Deut. 5. 20. & 19. 16. Prov. 6. 19. & 12. 17. & 14. 5. & 19. 5. 9. & 21. 28. & 25. 18. Mat. 19. 18. & 15. 19. Rom. 13. 9. 1 Cor. 15. 15.
  • FAMILIAR, Job 19. 14. Pſ. 41. 9. Lev. 19. 31. & 20. 6. 27. Iſ. 8. 19.
  • FAMILY, Gen. 10. 5. Lev. 20. 5. Zech. 12. 12. mourn every f. apart Eph. 3. 15. whole f. in heaven and earth Pſ. 68. 6. ſetteth ſolitary in families 107. 41. maketh him f. like a flock Amos 3. 2. known of all the f. of earth
  • FAMINE, Gen. 12. 16. & 41. 21. Job 5. 20. in f. he ſhall redeem thee Pſ. 33. 19. keep them alive in f. 37. 19. in days of f. they be ſatisfied Ezek. 5. 16. evil arrows of f. 6. 11. Amos 8. 11. not a f. of bread but of words
  • FAMISH, Gen. 41. 55. Prov. 10. 3. Iſa. 5. 13. Zeph. 2. 11.
  • FAN, Iſa. 41. 16. Jer. 4. 11. & 51. 2. Mat. 3. 12. Luke 3. 17.
  • FAR, Exod. 8. 28. Neh. 4. 9. Exod. 23. 7. keep f. from falſe matter Pſ. 73. 27. f. from thee ſhall periſh Amos 6. 3. put f. away evil day Mark 12. 34. not f. from kingdom of God Phil. 1. 23. with Chriſt which is f. better Eph. 2. 13. ſometimes f. off now nigh
  • FARTHING, Mat. 5. 26. & 10. 29.
  • FASHION, 1 Cor. 7. 31. Phil. 2. 8. Job 10. 8. thy hands have faſhioned me Pſ. 119. 73. Pſ. 139. 16. in continuance were f. Ezek. 16. 7. thy breaſts are f. Phil. 3. 21. be f. like his glorious body Pſ. 33. 15. he faſhions their hearts alike Iſa. 45. 9. clay ſay to him that f. it 1 Pet. 1. 14. not faſhioning yourſelves
  • FAST, 2 Sam. 12. 31. Eſth. 4. 16. Iſa. 58. 4. ye f. for ſtrife; not f. as ye do Jer. 14. 12. when they f. I'll not hear Zech. 7. 5. did ye at all f. unto me Mat. 6. 16. when ye f. be not as hypocrite 18. appear not to men to f. 9. 14. why do we f. and thy diſc. f. not 15. can children of bride-chamber f. bridegroom taken—then ſhall they f. Mark 2. 18. 19. Luke 5. 34. 35. Luke 18. 12. I f. twice a week I give 1 Kings 21. 9. proclaim a faſt 12. 2 Chron. 20. 3. Ezra 8. 21. Iſa. 58. 3. 5. 6. Jer. 36. 9. Joel 1. 14. & 2. 15. Jonah 3. 5. Zech. 8. 19. Acts 27. 9. Judg. 20. 26. faſted that day 1 Sam. 7. 6. f. all that day 31. 13. f. ſeven days 1 Chr. 10. 12. 2 Sam. 1. 12. they wept and f. till even 12. 16. David f. and lay all night in ſack. 1 Kings 21. 27. Ahab f. and lay in ſacke. Ezra 8. 23. we f. and beſought the Lord Iſa. 58. 3. why have we f. and thou Zech. 7. 5. when ye f. in fifth and ſeventh Mat. 4. 2. when he had f. forty days Acts 13. 2. miniſtred and f. 3 f. and prayed Neh. 9. 1. aſſembled with faſting Eſth. 4. 3. were f. and weeping 9. 31. Pſ. 35. 13. humbled ſoul with f. 69. 10. 109. 24. my knees are weak through f. Jer. 36. 6. read the roll on f. day Dan. 6. 18. king paſſed the night f. 9. 3. to ſeek by prayer with f. Joel 2. 12. turn ye to me with f. Mat. 15. 32. not ſend them away f. 17. 21. this kind cometh not out but by prayer and f. Mark 9. 29. Luke 2. 37. with f. and prayers Acts 10. 30. was f. till this hour 14. 23. ordained elders prayed with f. 1 Cor. 7. 5. give yourſelves to f. 2 Cor. 6. 5. in f. often 11. 27.
  • FASTENED, Job 38. 6. Eccl. 12. 11. Iſa. 22. 25. Luke 4. 20.
  • FAT is the Lords, Lev. 3. 16. & 4. 8. Prov. 11. 25. liberal ſhall be made f. 13. 4. ſoul of diligent ſhall be made f. 15. 30. good report maketh bones f. 28. 25. truſt in Lord ſhall be made f. Iſa. 25. 6. f. things full of marrow Iſa. 11. 6. fatling Mat. 22. 4. Gen. 27. 28. G. give thee of fatneſs of earth Job 36. 16. table ſhould be full of f. Pſ. 36. 8. ſatisfied with f. of thy houſe 63. 5. ſhall be ſatisfied as with f. 65. 11. all thy paths drop f. Iſa. 55. 2. let your ſoul delight itſelf in f. Jer. 31. 14. ſatiate thy ſoul with f. Rom. 11. 17. root and f. of olive tree
  • FATHER, Gen. 2. 24. & 4. 20. 21. Gen. 17. 4. be a f. of many nations 2 Sam. 7. 14. I'll be his f. Heb. 1. 5. Job 29. 16. I was a f. to the poor 31. 18. he with me as with a f. 38. 28. hath the rain a f. and who Pſ. 68. 5. a f. of fatherleſs is God 103. 13. as a f. pitieth his children Iſa. 9. 6. everlaſting f. Prince of peace Jer. 31. 9. I am a f. to Iſrael and Ephraim Mal. 1. 6. if I be a f. where is honour 2. 10. have we not all one f. John 5. 19. what he ſeeth the F. do 20. F. loveth the ſon 3. 35. 21. F. raiſeth the dead and quickneth 22. F. judgeth no man but 26. F. hath life in himſelf 8. 16. F. bears witneſs of me [73] 29. F. hath not left me alone 44. devil is a liar and f. of it 16. 32. I am not alone F. is with me Acts 1. 4. promiſe of the F. 7. times F. hath put in his own power Rom. 4. 11. be the f. of all that believe 12. f. of circumciſion 16. f. of us all 17. might be a f. of many nations 1 Cor. 8. 6. the f. of all things 2 Cor. 1. 3. G. and f. of our L. J. C. f. of mercies & G. of comſ Eph. 1. 3. 1 Pet. 1. 3. 6. 18. I will be a f. to you and ye Eph. 1. 17. G. and f. of L. J. C. f. of glory 1 Tim. 5. 1. intreat him as a f. Heb. 1. 5. I will be to him a f. and 12. 9. ſubjection to the f of ſpirits James 1. 17. gift from f. of lights John 5. 17. my father works and I work 10. 30. I and my F. are one 14. 20. I am in my F. 10. 28. my F. is greater than I Ezek. 16. 45. your father an Amorite Mat. 5. 16. glorify your F. in heaven 45. 48. & 6. 1. 9. 32. & 7. 11. 23. 9. call no man on earth your f. John 8. 41. ye do deeds of your f. 44. ye are of your f. the devil 20. 17. I aſcend to my F. and your F. Exod. 15. 2. my f. God I'll exalt Neh. 9. 9. our fathers dealt proudly Pſ. 22. 4. our f. truſted in thee 39. 12. ſojourner as all our f. 44. 1. our f. have told us 78. 3. Lam. 5. 7. our f. have ſinned Acts 15. 10. our f. not able to bear Exod. 22. 22. not afflict fatherleſs Deut. 10. 18. execute judgment of f. Pſ. 10. 14. thou helper of the f. 68. 5. a father of f. is God in habitation 82. 3. defend the poor and f. do juſtice 146. 9. Lord relieveth the f. and widow Iſa. 1. 17. judge f. plead for widow Hoſ. 14. 3. in thee f. findeth mercy James 1. 27. viſit f. in affliction
  • FAULT, Gen. 41. 9. Exod. 5. 16. Pſ. 19. 12. cleame from ſecret f. Mat. 18. 15. if treſpaſs tell him his f. Luke 23. 4. I find no f. in him 14. John 18. 38. & 19. 4. 6. 1 Cor. 6. 7. utterly a f. among you Gal. 6. 1. if brethren be overtaken in a f. James 5. 16. confeſs your f one to anoth. 1 Pet. 2. 20. buffeted for your f. Jude 24. able to preſent you faultleſs
  • FAVOUR, Gen. 39. 21. Deut 33. 23. 1 Sam. 2. 26. Samuel in f. with L. and m. Job 10. 12. granteſt me life and f. Pſ. 5. 12. with f. wilt thou compaſs 30. 5. in his f. is life weeping may 106. 4. remember me with f. that Prov. 31. 30. f. is deceitful and beauty Luke 2. 52. in f. with God and man Pſ. 41. 11. know thou favoureſt me
  • FEAR, Gen. 6. 2. Exod. 15. 16. Pſ. 53. 5. in f. where no f. was 90. 11. according to thy f. ſo wrath 119. 38. ſervant devoted to thy f. 120. fleſh trembleth for f. of thee Prov. 1. 26. mock when your f. cometh 29. 25. f. of man bringeth a ſnare Iſa. 8. 12. f. not their f. nor be afraid 13. let him be your f. Gen. 31. 42. 29. 13. their f. toward me is taught 63. 17. hardened our heart from thy f. Jer. 32. 40. put my f. in their hearts Mal. 1. 6. if maſter where is my f. Rom. 13. 7. render f. to whom f. 2 Tim. 1. 7. ſpirit of f. but of power Heb. 2. 15. who through f. of death 12. 28. with revren [...]e and godly f. 1 Pet. 1. 17. time of ſojourn. here with f. 1 John 4. 18. no f. in love, caſt out f. Gen. 20. 11. fear of God not in this place 2 Sam. 23. 3. ruling in— Neh. 5. 15. [...]o did not I becauſe of— Pſ. 36. 1. no—bef his eyes Rom. 3. 18. 2 Cor 7. 1. perfecting holineſs in— Job 28. 28. fear of Lord that is wiſdom Pſ. 19. 9.—is clean enduring for ever 34. 11. children I will teach you— 111. 10.—is beginning of wiſdom or knowledge Prov. 1. 7. & 9. 10. Prov. 1. 39. they did not chooſe— 8. 13.- is to hate evil 10. 27.—prolongeth days 14. 26. in—is ſtrong confidence 27.—is a fountain of life 15. 33.—is the inſtruction of wiſdom 16. 6. by—men depart from evil 19. 23.—tendeth to life ſatisfied 22. 4. by—are riches, honour, life 23. 17. be thou in- all day long Iſa. 33. 6.—is his treaſure Acts 9. 31. walking in—and comforts Pſ. 2. 11. with fear Phil. 2. 12. Heb. 11. 7. Jude 23. ſave— Deut. 4. 10. learn to fear me 5. 29. ſuch an heart that would f. me 28. 58. mayſt f. this glorious name 2 Kings 17. 39. Lord your God ye ſhall f. 1 Chr. 16. 30. f. before him all the earth 2 Chr. 6. 31. that they may f. thee 33. Neh. 1. 11. ſervant deſire to f. thy name Pſ. 23. 4. I'll f. no evil for thou art with 81. 19. goodn. laid up for thoſe that f. 61. 5. heritage of thoſe that f. thy name 86. 11. incline my heart to f. thy name Jer. 10. 7. who would not f. thee O king 32. 39. heart that may f. me for ever Mal. 4. 2. to you that f. my name ſun [...] Luke 12. 5. f. him who can caſt Mat. 10. 28. Rom. 8. 15. not ſpirit of bondage ag. to f. 11. 20. be not high minded but f. Heb. 4. 1. us f. left a promiſe being left 12. 21. Moſes I exceed. f and quake Rev. 2. 10. f. none of the e things that 11. 18. ſaints them that f. thy name Gen. 42. 18. this do and live for I fear God Exod. 18. 21. ſuch as—men of truth Pſ. 66. 16. come hear all ye that— Eccl. 5. 7. dreams, vanities, f. thou God 8. 12. ſhall go well with them that— [74] 12. 10.—and keep his commandments Job 37. 24. therefore men do fear him Pſ. 25. 14. ſecret of L. with them that— 33. 18. eye of Lord upon them that— 34. 7. angel of L. encamps about them— 9. there is no want to them that— 85. 9. his ſalv. is nigh to them that— 103. 13. as father pities ſo L them that— 17. mercy everlaſting on them that— 111. 5. giveth meat to them that— 145. 19. fulfil the deſire of them that— 147. 11. L. takes pleaſure in them that— Mat. 10. 28.—who is able to deſtroy Luke 1. 50. his mercy on them—from gen. Deut. 6. 2. mighteſt fear the Lord 13. thou ſhalt—thy God 10. 20. 24.—our God for our good always 10. 12.—thy God walk in his ways 14. 23. learn to—thy God always 17. 19. & 31. 12. 13. Joſh. 4. 24. that ye might—your God 24. 14. therefore -ſerve in ſincerity 1 Sam. 12. 14. if ye'll -and ſerve him 24. only—and ſerve him in truth 1 Kings 18. 12. thy ſervant did—2 Kings 4. 1. 2 Kings 17. 28. how they ſhould— Pſ. 15. 4. he honoureth them that- 22. 23. ye that—truſt in him 115. 11. 33. 8. let all the earth— 34. 9. O—ye his ſaints, no want to f. 115. 13. he will bleſs them that— 118. 4. let them that—ſay his mercy 135. 20. ye that- bleſs the Lord Prov. 3. 7.—and depart from evil 24. 21. my ſon—and meddle not with Jer. 5. 24. let us now—giveth rain 26. 19. did not he—and beſought Lord Ho [...]. 3. 5. return and—and goodne [...] Jonah 1. 9. [...]—the God of heaven Gen. 15. 1. fear not I am thy ſhield 20. 4 —for I am with thee Num. 14. 9. Lord is with us—them Deut. 1. 21.—neither be diſcouraged nor diſmayed 31. 8. Joſh. 8. 1. & 10. 25. Pſ. 56. 4. I'll not—what fleſh can do 118. 6. Heb. 13. 6. Iſa. 41. 10.—for I am with thee I will help thee 13. & 43. 5. 43. 1.—for I have redeemed thee Jer. 5. 22. f. ye not me ſaith the Lord 30. 10.—O my ſervant Jacob and be not diſmayed 46. 27. 28. Mat. 10. 28.—them that kill body Luke 12. 32.—little flock for it is your Fa. Exod. 1. 17. midwives feared God 21. 14. 31. people f. Lord and believed L. 1 Sam. 12. 18. all people f. Lord greatly 1 Kings 18. 3. Obadian f. Lord greatly 12. Neh. 7. 2. Hanani f. God above many Job 1. 1. one that f. G. and eſchewed ill Iſ. 76. 7. thou art to be f. who [...]9. 7. G. is greatly to be f. in aſſembly 96. 4. Lord is to be f. above all gods 130. 4. forgivenneſs that mayſt be f. Mal. 3. 16. they that f. Lord ſpake often Acts 10. 2. one that f. Lord with houſe Heb. 5. 7. was heard in that he f. Gen. 22. 12. that thou feareſt God Job 1. 8. that feareth God 2. 3. Pſ. 25. 12. what man is he that f. Lord 112. 1. bleſſed is man that f. Lord 118. 1 every one that f. the Lord Prov. 28. 14. happy is man that f. alway Iſa. 50. 10. who among you f. L. and Acts 10. 22. one that f. G. and of good 35. he that f. G. and works righteouſn. 13. 26. whoſoever among you f. God Exod. 15. 11. fearful in praiſes Mat. 8. 26. why are ye f. Mark 4. 40. Heb. 10. 27. certain f. looking for of 31. f. thing to fall into hands living G. Rev. 21. 8. f. and unbelieving ſhall be caſt Pſ. 55. 5. fearfulneſs and trembling Iſ. 33. 14. f. hath ſurpriſed hypocrites Pſ. 139. 14. I'm fearfully and wonderfully
  • FEAST, Gen. 19. 3. & 21. 8. Prov. 15. 15. merry heart has continual f. Eccl. 10. 19. a f. is made for laughter Iſa. 25. 6 L. make to all people a f. of fat 1 Cor. 5. 8. let us keep f. not with
  • FEEBLE, Gen. 30. 42. Job 4. 4. Pſ. 105. 37. not one f. perſon among Iſa. 35. 3. confirm the f. knees Zech. 12. 8. he that is f. ſhall be as David 1 Theſſ. 5. 14. comfort the f. minded Heb. 12. 12. lift up the f. knees
  • FEED fed, Gen. 25. 30. & 30. 36. Pſ. 28. 9. f. them and lift them up 37. 3. verily thou ſhalt be f. 49. 14. death ſhall f. on them Prov. 10. 21. lips of righteous f. many Iſa. 58. 14. f. thee with heritage of Jacob Jer. 3. 15. paſtors f. you with knowledge Acts 20. 28. to f. church of God which 1 Cor. 13. 3. give all my goods to f. poor 3. 2. I have f. you with milk and not Rev. 7. 17. Lamb in throne f. them 1 Kings 22. [...]7. f. him with bread of afflic. Prov. 30. 8. f. me with food convenient Song 1. 8. f. thy kids beſide ſhepherds Mic. 7. 14. f. thy people with thy rod John 21. 15. f. my lambs, ſheep 16. 17. Rom. 12. 20. if enemy hunger f. him 1 Pet. 5. 2. f. flock of God among you Iſa. 44. 20. he feedeth on aſhes a Song 2. 16. he f. among lilies 6. 3. Hoſ. 12. 1. Ephraim f. on wind eaſt wind Mat. 6. 26. heav. Fat. f. them Luke 12. 24. 1 Cor. 9. 7. who f. a flock and eats not
  • FEEL feelings, Gen. 27. 12. Acts 17. 27. Eph. 4. 19. Heb. 4. 15.
  • FEET, Gen. 18. 4. & 19. 2. & 49. 10. 1 Sam. 2. 9. keep f. of his ſaints Neh. 9. 21. their f. ſwelled not Job 12. 5. is ready to ſlip with his f. 29. 15. eyes to blind and f. was I to lame Pſ. 73. 2. my f. were almoſt gone 116. 8. delivered my f. from falling 119. 59. turned my f. to thy teſtimonies 101. refrained my f. from evil way 105. thy word is a lamp to my f. Prov. 4. 26. ponder the path of thy f. [75] Iſa. 59. 7. their f. run to ill and make Luke 1. 70. guide our [...]. into way of Eph 6. 15. f. [...]hod with preparation goſp. Heb. 12. 13. ſtraight paths for your f. Rev. 11. 11. they ſtood upon their f.
  • FEIGNED, 1 Sam. 2. 13. Pſ. 17. 1. 2 Pet. 2. 3. feignedly Jer. 3. 10.
  • FELLOW, Gen. 19. 9. Exod. 2. 13. Eccl. 4. 10. if fall, one lift up his f. Zech. 13. 7. man that is my f. Acts 24 5. a peſtilent f. 22. 22. Rom. 16. 7. my f. priſoner Col. 4. 10. 2 Cor. 8. 23. my f. helper 3 John 8. Eph. 2. 19. f. citizens 3. 6. f. heirs Col. 1. 7. f. ſervant 4. 7. Rev. 6. 11. & 19. 10. & 22. 9. Phil. 4. 3. f. labourers 1 Theſſ. 2. 3. 2. 25. f. ſoldier Phil. 1. 2. 24. Pſ. 45. [...]. oil of gladneſs above f. Heb. 1. 9. 94. 20. have fellowſhip with thee Acts 2. 42. contin. in apoſtles doct. and f. 1 Cor. 1. 9. G. by whom called to f. of J. C. 10. 20. ſhould have f. with devils 2 Cor. 6. 14. what f. hath right. wt. unr. 8. 4. f. of miniſtring to ſaints Gal. 2. 9. gave us right hand of f. Eph. 5. 11. no f. with unfr. work of dark. Phil. 1. 5. for your f. in the goſpel 2. 1. if there be any f. of the ſpirit 3. 10. know him and f. of his ſufferings 1 John 1. 3. f. with us our f. with Father 6. we have f. 7. f. one with another
  • FERVENT in ſpirit, Acts 18. 25. Rom. 12. 11 f. in ſpirit ſerving the Lord 2 Cor. 7. 7. your f. mind toward me Jam. 5. 16. f. prayer of righte. man avails 1 Pet. 4. 8. have f. charity among yourſ. 2 Pet. 3. 10. melt with f. heat 12. Col. 4. 12. Epaphras always labouring fervently for you in prayers 1 Pet. 1. 22. love one another f.
  • FEW, Gen. 29. 20. Pſ. 105. 12. Mat. 7. 14. way to l [...]fe f. find it 20. 16. many called but f. choſen 22. 14. 25. 21. been faithful in a f. things Rev. 2. 14. I have a f. things againſt thee 3. 4. thou haſt a f. names in Sardis
  • FIDELITY all good, Tit. 2. 10.
  • FIERCENESS of anger, Deut. 13. 17. Joſh. 7. 26. 2 Kings 23. 26. Job 4. 10. & 16 10. & 39. 24. & 41. 10. Pſ. 85. 3. Jer. 25. 38. Hoſ. 11. 9.
  • FIERY law, Deut. 33. 2. Num. 21. 6 f. ſerpents 8. Deut. 8. 15. Pſ. 21. 9. make them as a f. oven Eph. 6. 16. quench f. darts of devil Heb. 10. 27. f. indignation devour 1 Pet. 4. 12. not ſtrange f. trial
  • FIGS, Gen. 3. 7. Iſa. 24. 4. & 38 21. Jer. 24. 2. very good f. naughty f. 29. 17. Mat. 7. 16. do men gather f. of thiſtles Jam. 3. 12. can f. tree berries or vine f. Judg. 9. 10. fig-trees Kings 4. 25. Mic. 4. 4. Iſa 36. 16. Hoſ. 9. 10. Nah. 3. 12. Hab. 3. 17. Zech. 3. 10. Mat. 21. 19. & 24. 32. Luke 13. 6. 7. John 1. 48. 50. Rev. 6. 13.
  • FIGHT, 1 Sam. 17. 20. Exod. 14. 14. Acts 5. 29. found to f. againſt God 23. 9. let us not f. againſt God 1 Cor. 9. [...]6. ſo f I not as one 1 Tim. 6. 12. f. the good f. of faith 2 Tim. 4. 7. I have fought a good f. Heb. 10. 32. a great f. of affliction 11. 34. waxed valiant in f.
  • FIGURE, Rom. 5. 14. 1 Cor. 4. 6. Heb. 9. 9. 24. & 11. 19. 1 Pet. 3. 21.
  • FILL, Job 8. 21. & 23. 4. Pſ. 81. 10. open mouth wide-I will f. it Jer. 23. 24. I f. heaven and earth Rom. 15. 13. God f. you with all joy Eph. 4. 10. aſcended might f. all things Col. 1. 24. I f. up that behind of ſufferings Pſ. 72. 19. earth filled with his glory Luke 1. 53. hath f. hungry with good Acts 9. 17. f. with H. G. 13. 9. 52. & 4. 8. 31. & 2. 4. Luke 1. 15. Rom. 15. 13. f. with all knowledge 2 Cor. 7. 4. I am f. with comfort Eph. 3. 19. f. with all fulneſs of God 5. 18. not with wine but f with ſpirit Phil. 1. 11 f. with fruits of righteouſneſs Col. 1. 9. f with knowledge of his will 2 Tim. 1. 4. mindful of tears f. with joy Eph. 1. 23. fulneſs of filleth all in all
  • FILTH, Iſa. 4. 4. 1 Cor. 4. 13. Job 15. 16. more filthy is man Pſ. 14. 3. altogether become f 53. [...]. Iſa. 64. 6. all our righteouſ. as f. rags Col. 3. 8. put off f. communication 1 Tim. 3. 3 greedy of f. lucre 8. Tit. 1. 7. 11. 1 Pet. 5. 1. 2 Pet. 2. 7. vexed with f. converſation Jude 8 f. dreamers defile fleſh Rev. 2 [...]. 11. that is f. let him be f. ſtill James 1. 21. lay apart all filthineſs Ezek. 36. 25. from all your f. I'll cleanſe 2 Cor. 7. 1. cleanſe ourſ. from all f. of
  • FINALLY, 2 Cor. 13. 11. Eph. 5. 10. Phil. 3. 1. & 4. 8. 2 Theſſ. 3. 1. 1 Pet. 3. 8.
  • FIND, Gen. 19. 11. & 38. 22. Num. 3 [...]. 23. your ſin ſhall f. you out Job 11. 7. who by ſearching f. out God Prov. 1. 28. ſhall ſeek me and not f. me Song 5. 6. I ſought but could not f. him Jer. 6. 16.ye ſhall f. reſt to your ſouls 29. 13. ſhall ſeek me and f. me when Mat. 7. 7. ſeek and ye ſhall f Luke 11. 9. 14. way to [...]ife few that f. it 10. 39. f. life loſeth life ſhall f. it 16. 25. 11. 29. I ſhall f reſt to your ſouls John 7. 34. ſeek me and ſhall not f. me Rom. 7. 18. how to do good I f. not 2 Tim. 1. 18. may f. mercy in that day Heb. 4. 16. may f. grace to help Rev. 9. 6. ſeek death and ſhall not f. it Prov. 8. 35. whoſo findeth me f. life 18. 22. who f. a wife f. a good thing Eccl 9 10. whatſoever hand f. to do Mat. 7. 8. that ſeeketh f. Luke 11. 10. Iſa. 58. 13. not finding own pleaſures Rom. 11. 33. his ways paſt f. out
  • [76]FINE, Job 28. 1. Iſa. 3. 23. Lev. 2. 1. Pſ. 81. 16. Prov. 25. 4.
  • FINGER of God, Exod. 8. 19. & 31. 18. Deut. 9 10. Luke 11. 20. 1 Kings 10. 12. my little f. ſhall be thicker Pſ. 8. 3. heaven is work of thy f 144. 1. he teacheth my f to fight Prov. 6. 13. he teacheth with his f Luke 11. 46. touch not with one of f. John 20. 27. reach hither thy f.
  • FINISH tranſgreſſion, Dan. 9. 24. John 17. 4. I've f work 10. 20. it is f. Acts 20. 24. f. my courſe with joy 2 Cor. 8. 6. would f. in you this grace 2 Tim. 4. 7. I [...]ave f. my courſe James 1. 15. ſin when f. brings forth death Heb 12. 2. author and finiſher of faith
  • FIRE, Exod. 3 2. & 19. 18. & 40. 38. Gen. 19. 24. Lord rained f and brimſtone Pſ. 11. 6. rain f. and brimſtone on wicked 39. 3. while muſing the f. burned Prov. 6. 27. can man take f in boſom 25. [...]. heap coals of f. on h Rom. 12. 20. Song 8. 6. coals of f. vehement flame Iſa. 9. 18. wickedneſs burneth as a f. 10. 17. light of Iſr. for f for a flame 31. 9. Lord of hoſts whoſe f in Zion 33. 14. who ſhall dwell with devour. f. 43. 2. walkeſt thro' f not be burnt Jer. 23. 29. is not my word like f 2 [...]. 9. Amos 5. 6. left Lord break out like f. 7. 4. Lord God called to contend by f. Hab. 2. 13. labour in very f for Zech. 2. 5. I will be a wall of f. round 3. 2. brand pluckt out of f. Amos 4. 11. Mal. 3. 2. he ſhall be as a refiners f. Mat. 3. 10. cut down and caſt into f. 7. 19. 12. burn with unquenchable f. Mark 9. 43. 44. 46 48 Luke 3. 17. Luke 9. 54. command f to come down 12. 49. I came to ſend f. on earth 1 Cor. 3. 13. revealed by f. f. try every 15. Heb. 12. 29. our God is a conſuming f. Jude 23. pulling them out of f. hating Mat. 5. 22. hell fire 18. 9. Mark 9. 47. Lev. 10. 1. ſtrange fire Num. 3. 4. & 26. 16.
  • FIRST, Mat. 10. 2. Eſth. 1. 14. Iſ. 41. 4. I the L. the f. and the laſt 44. 6. & [...]8. 12. Rev. 1. 11. 17. & 7. 8. & [...]2. 13. Mat. 6. 33. ſeek f. the kingdom of God 7. 5. f. caſt out the beam Luke 6. 42. 19. 30 and many that be f. ſhall be laſt 20. 16. Mark 10. 31. 22. 38. this is f. and great command. Acts 26. 23. f. that ſhould riſe from dead Rom. 11. 35. who has f. given to him 1 Cor. 15. 45. f. Adam 47. f. man of earth 2 Cor. 8. 5. f gave their own ſelves to L. 12. accepted if there be f. willing mind 1 Pet. 4 17. if judgment f began at us 1 John 4. 19. becauſe he f. loved us Rev. 2. 4. leſt 1. love [...]. do f works 20. [...]. this is f. reſurrection 6. Mat. 1. 25. firſt born Luke 2. 7. Rom. 1. 29. f. among many brethren Col. 1. 25. f. of every creat. 18. f. fr. dead Heb. 12. 23. to gen. aſſem and church of f. Rom. 11. 16 if firſt fruit be holy Prov. 3. 9. honour the Lord with f. of all Rom. 8. 23. having firſt fruits of ſpirit 1 Cor. 15 20. C. f. of them that ſlept 23. Jam. 1. 18 we a kind of f. of creatures Rev. 14. 4. redeem. are f. to G. and Lamb
  • FISH, Ezek. 20. 4. 5. & 47. 9. 10. Jer. 16. 16. fiſhers Ezek. 47. 10. Mat. 4. 18. 19. John 21. 7. Iſ 19. 8.
  • FLAME, Exod. 3. [...]. Judg. 13 20. Pſ. 104. 4. mak. miniſt. f of fire Heb. 1. 7. 106. 18 f. burnt up wicked Num. 16. 35. Iſ. 10. 12. holy one of Iſrael for a f. 2 Theſſ. 1. 8 in f. fire taking vengeance
  • FLATTER, Pſ. 78. 3 [...] Prov. 2. 16. & 20. 19. Job 32. 21. 22. 1 Theſſ. 2. 5.
  • FLEE, Iſ. 10. 3. & 20. 6. Heb. 6. 18. Prov. 28. 1. wicked f. when no man purſ. Mat 3. 7. who warned you to f from 1 Cor. 6. 18. f. fornication 10. 11. f idolat. 1 Tim. 6. 11. man of God f. theſe things 2 Tim. 2. 22. f. youthful luſts Jam. 4. 7. reſiſt devil, hell f. from you
  • FLESH, Gen. 2. 21. 1 Cor. 15. 30. Gen 1. 24. they ſhall be one f. Mat. 19. 5. 1 Cor. 6. 16. Eph. 5. 31. Job 10. 11. clothed me with ſkin and f. Pſ. 56. 4. what f. can do to me 78. 39. remember that they were f. Jer. 17. 5. curſed maketh f. his arm Mat. 26. 41. ſpirit is willing but f weak John 1. 14. the word was made f. 6. 53. eat f. of Son of man 52. 55. 56. 63. f profits noth. words ſp. and life Rom. 7. 25. ſerve with f. law of ſin 8. 12. debtors not to f. to live after f. 9. 3. kinſmen according to the f. 5. of whom concerning the f. C. came 13. 14. make not proviſion for f. 1 Cor. 1. 29. that no f. ſhould glory 2 Cor. 1. 17. purpoſe according to f. 10. 2. walked according to the f. Gal. 5. 17. f. luſts againſt ſp. and ſp. ag. f. 24. Chr. have crucified f. with affection [...] Eph. 6. 5. maſters according to f. Heb. 12 9. we had father [...] of our f. Jude 7. going after ſtrange f 2 [...]. hating garment ſpotted by f. John 8. 15. ye judge after the fleſh Rom. 8. 1. walk not—but after ſpirit 9. 5. they that are—mind things of f. 13. if ye live—ye ſhall die 12 1 Cor. 1. 26. not many wiſe men af. the f. 10. 18. Iſrael af. the f. Rom. 9. 6. Gal. 6. [...]6. 2 Cor. 5. 16. know no man—known C.— 10. 3. walk in f. not war after the f. 2 Pet. 2. 10. walk—in luſt of unclean Pſ. 65. 2. to thee ſhall all fleſh come Iſ. 40. 6. all f. is graſs 1 Pet. 1. 24. 49. 26. all f. ſhall know that I thy Red. Jer. 32. 27. I am Lord the God of all f. Joel 2. 28. I'll pour my ſpirit on all f. Luke 3. [...]6. all f. ſh. ſee ſalv. of G. Pſ. 98. 3. John 17. 3. give him power over all f. Rom. 7. 5. where we were in the fleſh [77] 8 8. that are in the f. cannot pleaſe G. 1 Tim. 3. 16 great myſt. G. manif. in the f. 1 Pet. 3. 18 he was put to death—4. 1. Gen. 2. 23. my fleſh 19. 14. Job 9. 26. Pſ 63. 1. & 119. 20. John 6 51. 55. 56. Rom. 7 18. John 1. 13. born not of will of the fleſh 3. 6. that which is born of the f is f. Rom. 8 5. after f minds things of the f. Gal. 5. 19. works of the f. are manifeſt 6 8. ſows to f. ſhall of the f. reap cor. Eph 2. 3. luſts of the f. deſires of the f. 1 Pet. 3. 21. not putting away filth of f. 1 John 3. 16. luſt of f. of eye, pride of Mat. 16. 17. fleſh and blood not revealed 1 Cor. 15. 50 f. and bl. cannot inherit k.G Gal 1. 19. I conferred not with f and bl Eph. 5. 30. mem. of his f and bl. and bones 6. 12. we wreſtle not ag f. and bl. but Heb. 2. 14. child. are par. of f and blood 2 Cor. 1. 12. not with fleſhly wiſdom Col. 2. 18. puffed up by his f. mind 1 Pet. 2. 11. abſtain from f. luſts
  • FLOCK, Gen. 32. 5. Pſ. 77. 20. Iſ. 40. 11. & 63. 11. Jer. 13. 17. 20. Zech. 11. 4. feed the f of ſlaughter 7. Luke 12. 32. fear not little f. it is Acts 20. 28 take heed to all the f. 9. 1 Pet 5. 2. feed the f. of God among you
  • FLOURISH, Iſ 17. 11. & 66. 14. Pſ. 72. 7 ſhall the righteous f. 16. & 91. 12 13. 14. Prov. 11. 28. & 14. 11. Pſ. 92. 7. when workers of iniquity f. 132. 18. on himſelf ſhall crown f.
  • FOLLOW, Gen 44. 4. Exod. 14. 4. Exod. 23. 2. ſh. not f a mult. to do evil Deut 16. 20. that is juſt ſha [...]l thou f. Pſ 38. 20. I f. thing that is good Iſ. 51. 1. my peop. that f. after righteouſ. Hoſ. 6. 3 know if we f on to know Lord Rom. 14. 19. f. things that make for peace 1 Cor 14. 1. f after charity deſire gifts Phil [...]. 1. but I f. after that I apprehend 1 Theſſ 5. 15. ever f. what is good 1 Tim. 6. 11. f. aſ. righteouſ. godlin. faith 2 Tim. 2. 22. f. right. faith, charity, peace, Heb. 12. 14. f. peace with all men 13. 7 whoſe faith f. conſidering 1 Pet. 2. 2 [...]. example ſhould f. his ſteps 3 John 11. f. not evil but that is good Rev. 14. 13. their works do f. them Pſ. 23. 6. goodn. and mercy ſh. follow me Mat. 4. 19. f.me 9 9. & 19. [...] Luke 5. 27. & 9. 59. John 1. 43. & 21. 19. Mat. 16. 24. take up croſs and f. me Luke 18. [...]2 ſell that thou haſt and f. me John 12. 26. if m. ſerve me let him f. me Num. 14. 24. hath followed me fully 32. 12. wholly f. the Lord Deut. 1. 36. Joſh. 14. 8. 9. 14. Rom. 9. 30. f not af. right 31 law of righ. Pſ. 63. 8 ſoul followeth hard after thee Mat. 10. 38. taketh up croſs and f. me Mark 9. 38 he f. not us Luke 9. 49.
  • FOLLY wrought in Iſrael, Gen. 34. 7. Deut. 22. 21. Joſh. 7. 15. Judg. 20. 6. Job 4. 18. angels he charged with f. Pſ. 49. 13. their way is their f 85. 8. let them not turn again to f. Prov. 26. 4. 5 anſ. fool according to his f. 2 Tim. 3. 9. their f. ſhall be manifeſted
  • FOOD, Gen. 3. 6. Deut 10. 18. Job 23. 12. words more than neceſſ. f. Pſ. 78. 25. men did eat angels f. 136. 25. who giveth f. to all fleſh 146. 7. who giveth f. to the hungry Prov. 30. 8. feed with f. conven. for me Acts 14. 17. fil. our heart with f. and gl. 2 Cor. 9. 10. miniſtered bread for your f. 1 Tim 6. 8. having f and raiment
  • FOOL ſaid in heart, Pſ. 14. [...]. & 53. 1. Jer. 17. 11 at end of days ſhall be a f. Mat. 5. 22. who ſhall ſay to br. thou a f. Luke 12. 20. thou f this night thy ſoul 1 Cor. 3. 18. let him become a f. that 2 Cor. 11. 16. think me a f. 23. as a f. Pſ. 75. 4. fools deal not fooliſhly 94. 8. ye f. when will ye be wiſe 107. 17. f becauſe of their tranſgreſſions Prov. 1 [...]. f. deſpiſe wiſd 22. hate knowl. 13. 20. companion of f be deſtroyed 14. 8. folly off is deceitful 9. f. make a mock at ſin 10. 22. inſtruction of f. is folly Eccl. 5. 4. he hath no pleaſure in f. Mat. 23 17. ye f. and blind 9. Rom. 1. 22. profeſſing wiſe became f. 1 [...] or. 4. 10. we are f. f [...]r Chriſt's ſake Eph. 5. 15. walk circumſpectly not as f. Deut. 32. 6 fo [...]liſh people and unwiſe Pſ. 5. 5. f. ſhall not ſtand in thy ſight 73 22. lo f was I and ignorant Mat. 7. 26. on ſand like to f. man 25. 2. virgins five were wiſe and five f. Rom. 1. 21. their f. heart was darkened Gal. 3. 1. O f. Galatians who bewitched Eph. 5. 4. filthineſs nor f talking Tit. 3. 3. were ſometimes f diſobedient Gen. 31 28. done fooliſhly Num. 12. 11. 1 Sam. 13. 13 2 Sam. 24. 20. 1 Chr. 21. 8. 2 Chr. 16. 9. Pr. 14. 17. 2 Cor. 11. 21. Job 1. 22. Job ſinned not nor charged G.f. 2 Sam. 17. 31. turn counſ. into fooliſhneſs Prov. 12. 23. heart of fools proclaims f. 14. 24. f. of fools is folly 15. 2. 14. 22. 15. f. is bound in heart of child 24. 9. thought of f. is ſin 27. 22. bray fool f. not depart 1 Cor. 1. 18. preach of croſs is f. to periſh 21. G. by f. of preaching to ſave 24. Chriſt crucified to Greeks f. 25. f. of God is wiſer than men 2. 14. they are f. to him neither 3. 19. wiſdom of world is f. with God
  • FOOT ſhall not ſtumble, Prov. 3. 23. Eccl. 5. 1. keep thy f. when goeſt to God Iſ. 58. 13. turn away f. from ſabbath Mat. 18. 8. if thy f. offend thee cut it off 1 Cor. 12. 15. if f. ſay becauſe I'm not h. Heb. 10. 29. trodden under f. S. of God
  • FORBEAR, Exod 23. 5. 1 Cor. 9. 6. Rom. 2. 4. goodneſs, forbearance 3. 25.
  • FORBID, Mark 10. 14. Luke 18. 16. [78] & 6. 20. Acts 24. 23. & 28. 31. 1 Tim. 4. 3. forbidding to marry 1 Theſſ 2. 16. f. us to ſpeak to Gentiles
  • FORCE, Mat. 11. 12. Heb. [...]. 17. Iſ. 60. 5. f. of the Gentiles ſhall come 11. Job 6. 25. how forcible right words
  • FOREFATHERS, 2 Tim. 1. 3. Jer. 11. 10.
  • FOREHEAD, Exod. 28. 38. Lev. 13. 41. Jer. 3. 3. thou haſt a whores f. Ezek. 3. 8. thy f. ſtrong againſt their f. Rev. 7. 3. ſealed in their f. 9. 4. 13. 16. mark in their f. 14. 9. & 20. 4. 14. 1. Fathers name written in f. 22. 4.
  • FOREKNOW, Rom. 8. 29. & 11. 2. Acts 2. 23. foreknowledge of G. 2 Pet. 1. 2.
  • FOREORDAINED, 1 Pet. 1. 20.
  • FORERUNNER, Heb. 6. 20.
  • FORSEETH, Prov. 22. 3. & 27. 12.
  • FOREWARN, Luke 12. 5.
  • FORGET L. Judg. 3. 7. 1 Sam. 12. 9. Pſ. [...]8. 11. f. his works and won. 106. 13. 106. 21. f. God their Saviour Lam. 3. 17. I f. proſperity Hoſ. 2. 13. f. me ſaith the Lord Deut. 9. 7. remem. and forget not how Job. 8. 13. paths of all that f. God Pſ. 45. 10. f. thy own people and 50. 22. conſider this ye that f. God 59. 11. ſlay not leſt my people f. 103. 2. f. not all his benefits 110. 16. I'll not f. thy words 83. 93. 109. 141. 153. 176. Prov. 3. 1. my ſon f. not my law Iſ. 49. 15. can woman f. her ſuck. child Jer. 2. 32. can maid f. her ornaments Heb. 6. 10. G. not un [...]. to f. your work 13. 16. to do good and com. f. not 2. be not forgetful to entertain Jam. 1. 25. be not a f. hearer Pſ. 44. 24 thou forgetteſt our affliction 9. 12. h. f not the cry of the afflicted Prov. 2. 17. f. the covenant of her God Jam. 1. 24. f. what manner of man Phil. 3. 13. forgetting thoſe things behind Pſ. 10. 11. God hath forgotten 42. 9. why haſt thou f. me 77. 9. hath God f. to be gracious 119. 61. I do not f. thy law Iſ. 17. 10. haſt f. the G. of thy ſalvation 49. 14. Zion ſaid my Lord hath f. me Jer. 2. 32. my people have f. me days 3. 21. have f. their G Deut. 32. 18. 50. 5. covenant that ſhall not be f. Heb. 12. 5. f. the exhortation
  • FORGAVE their iniquity, Pſ. 78. 38. Mat. 18. 27. f. him his debt 32. Luke 7. 47. frankly f. them both 43. love moſt to whom f. moſt 2 Cor. 2. 10. f. any thing I f. it in perſ. C. Col. 3. 13. as Chriſt f. you ſo f. ye Pſ. 32. 5. for [...]aveſt the iniquity of 99. 8. thou waſt a God that f. them Exod. 32. 32. now forgive their ſin Pſ. 86. 5. thou art good and ready to f. Iſ. 2. 9. therefore f. them not Jer. 31. 34. I will f. their iniquity 36. 13. Mat. 6. 12. f. us our debts as we f. 14. if ye f. men 15. if you f. not 9. 6. S. of Man has power on earth to f. Luke 6. 37. f. and ye ſhall be f. 17. 3. if he repent f. him 4. 23. 34. Father f. them for they kn. not 1 John 1. 9. faithful to f. us our ſins Pſ. 32. 1. whoſe tranſgreſſion is forgiven 85. 2. f. the iniquity of thy people Iſ. 33. 24. people ſhall be f. their iniquity Mat. 9. 2. good cheer thy ſins be f. thee 12. 31. all manner ſins f. 32. not be f. Luke 7. 47. to whom little is f. loveth Rom. 4. 7. bleſſed whoſe iniquities are f. Eph. 4. 32. as G hath f. you Col. 3. 13. Jam. 5. 15. conf. his ſins they ſhall be f. John 2. 12. your ſins are f. you Pſ. 103. 3. who forgiveth all thy iniquity 130. 4. is forgivenneſs with thee Dan. 9 9. to our Lord bel. mercy and f. Mark 3. 29. hath never f. but Luke 12. 10. Acts 5. 31. to give repen. and f. of ſins 2618. may receive f. of ſins by faith Eph. 1. 7. f. of ſins according to riches Col. 1. 14. redemption even f. of ſins Exod. 34. 7. forgiving iniq. tranſ. and ſin Num. 14. 18. Mic. 7. 18. Eph. 4. 32. f. one another Col. 3. 13.
  • FORM, Gen. 1. 2. 2 Sam. 28. 14. Iſa. 53. 2. hath no f. nor comelineſs Rom. 2. 20. haſt the f. of knowledge 6. 17. obeyed from heart that f. of doct. Phil. 2. 6. who being in f. of God thought 7. took on him the f. of a ſervant 2 Tim. 1. 13. hold faſt f. of ſound words 3. 5. having f. of godlineſs but denying Iſa. 45. 7. I f. the light and create darkn. Deut. 32. 18. forgotten God that formed Prov. 26. 10. God that f. all things Iſa. 27. 11. f. them will ſhew no favour 43. 21. this people have I f. for my ſelf 44. 2. I f. thee from the womb 24. 54. 17. no weapon f. againſt thee proſp. Rom. 9. 20. thing f. ſay to him f. it Gal. 4. 19. till Chriſt be f. in you Pſ. 94. 9. that formeth the eye Zech. 12. 1. f. ſpirit of man within Jer. 10. 16 he is former of all th. 51. 19.
  • FORNICATION, 2 Chr. 21. 11. Iſ. 23. 17. Ezek. 16. 15. 26. 29. Mat. 5. 32. put away wife for cauſe of f. 19. 9. except it be for f. John 8. 41. we be not born of f. Acts 15. 20. abſtain from f. 29. & 21. 25. Rom. 1. 29. filled with all f. wickedneſs 1 Cor. 5. 1. there is f. among you ſuch 6. 13. body not for f. 18. flee f. 7. 2. to avoid f. let every man his wife 10. 8. neither let us commit f. 2 Cor. 12. 21 not repented of their f. Gal. 5. 19. work of fleſh, adultery, f. Eph. 5. 3. but f. and all uncleanneſs Col. 3. 5. mortify f uncleanneſs 1 Theſſ. 4. 3. ſhould abſtain from f. Jude 7. giving themſelves to f. Rev. 2. 14. taught to commit f. 20. [79] 21. I gave her ſpace to repent of her f. 9. 21. neither repented of their f. 24. 8. of wine of her f. 17. 2. 17. 4. a [...]min. and filthineſs of her f. 18. 3. commit f. with her 9. 19. 2. corrupt the earth with her f. Ezek. 16. 15. fornications Mat. 15. 19. 1 Cor. 5. 9. fornicators 10. 11. & 6. 9. Heb. 12. 16.
  • FOREIGNERS, Exod. 12. 45. Deut. 15. 3. Obad. 14. Eph. 2. 19.
  • FORSAKE, Deut. 12. 19. & 31. 16. Deut. 4. 31. Lord thy G. will not f. thee 31. [...]. 8. 1 Chron. 28. 20. Heb. 13. 5. Joſh. 1. 5. I'll not fail thee nor f. thee Iſa. 41. 17. & 42. 16. Heb. 13. 5. 1 Sam. 12. 22. Lord will not f. his people 1 Kings 6. 13. I'll not f. my people 8. 57. let him not leave not f. us 2 Chron. 15. 2. if ye f. him he'll f. you Pſ. 27. 10. father and mother f. me 94. 14. neither will he f. his inheritance Iſa. 55. 7. let wicked man f his way Jer. 17. 13. that f. thee ſhall be aſhamed Jonah 2. 8. f. their own mercy Pſ. 71. 11. God hath forſaken him 22. 1. my G. why f. me Mat. 27. 46. 37. 25. I've not ſeen righteous f. Iſa. 49. 14. L. hath f. my L. hath forgotten 54. 7. ſmall moment have I f thee Jer. 2. 13. f. me fount. of liv. w. 17. 13. Mat. 19. 27. we have f. all 29. f. houſe 2 Cor. 4. 9. perſecuted but not f. Prov. 2. 17. forſaketh the guide of her 28. 13. confeſſeth and f. ſhall find Heb. 10. 25. not f the aſſembling Deut. 32. 15. he forſook God which made Pſ. 119. 87. I f. not thy precepts 2 Tim. 4. 18. all men f. me
  • FORTRESS and rock Lord is, 2 Sam. 22. 2. Pſ. 18. 2. & 31. 3. & 71. 3. & 91. 2. & 144. 2. Jer. 16. 9.
  • FOUND. Gen. 26. 19. & 31. 37. Eccl. 7. 27. this have I f. that 29. 28. one man among a thouſand have I f. Song 3. 1. I f. him not 4. I f. him Iſa. 55. 6. ſeek the L. while he may be f. 65. 1. I am f. of them that ſought not Ezek. 22. 30. I ſought a man but f. none Dan. 5. 27. weighed and f. wanting 2 Cor. 5. 3. ſhall not be f. naked Phil. 3. 9. f. in him not having my 2 Pet. 3. 14. may be f. of him in peace Mat. 7. 25. founded on a rock Pſ. 24. 2. Prov. 3. 19. Iſa. 14. 32. Pſ. 11. 3. if foundation be deſtroyed Job 4. 19. whoſe f. is in the duſt Prov. 10. 25. righteous man everlaſting f. Iſa. 28. 16. I lay in Zion a [...]ure f. Rom. 15. 20. not build on others f. 1 Cor. 3 10. laid f. 12. build on this f. Eph. 2. 20. built on f. of prophets 1 Tim. 6. 19. lay up a good f. for time 2 Tim. 2. 19. the f. of God ſtands ſure Heb. 11. 10. a city which hath f. Rev. 21. 14. twelve f. garniſhed 19. Mat. 13. 35. foundation of the world 25. 34. John 17. 24. Eph. 1. 4. 1 Pet. 1. 20. Rev. 13. 8. & 17. 8. Pſ. 104. 4. Prov. 8. 29. Iſa. 51. 13. 16.
  • FOUNTAIN, Gen. 7. 11. Deut. 8. 7. Deut. 3. 28. f. of Jacob on a land of Pſ. 36. 9. with thee is f. of life 68. 16. bleſs the Lord from f. of Iſrael Prov. 5. 18. let thy f. be bleſſed 13. 14. law of wiſe is a f. of life 14. [...]7. fear of Lord is a f. of life Eccl. 12. 6. pitcher broken at the f. Song 4. 12. f. ſealed 15. f of gardens Jer. 2. 13. me f. of living waters 17. 13. 9. 1. that my eyes were a f. of tears Joel 3. 18. a f. out of houſe of Lord Zech. 13. 1. be a f. opened for houſe Rev. 21. 6. give of f [...]e freely 22. 17.
  • FOXES, Judg. 15. 4. Pſ. 63. 10. Song 2. 15. Lam. 5. 18. Ezek. 13. 4. Mat. 8. 20. Luke 13. 32.
  • FRAGMENTS, Mat. 14. 20. Mark 6. 43. & 8. 19. 20. John 6. 12. 13.
  • FRAIL I am, Pſ. 39. 4.
  • FRA [...], Pſ. 50. 19. & 94. 20. & 103. 14. Iſa. 29. 16. Jer. 18. 11. Eph. 2. 21. Heb. 11. 3.
  • FREE, Exod. 21. [...]. Lev. 19. 20. 2 Chr. 19. 31. of a f. heart offered Pſ. 51. 12. uphold with thy f ſpirit 88. 5. f. among the dead like ſlain John 8 32. truth ſhall make you f. 30. if Son make f. ſhall be f. indeed Rom. 5. 15. ſo alſo is f. g [...]t 16. 18. 6. 7. f. from ſin 18. 22. f. from righte. 20. [...]. 3 f. from law 8. 2. f. from law of ſin 1 Cor. 7. 22. the Lords f. man C. ſervant Gal. 3 28. neither bond nor f. Col. 3. 11. 5. 1. Chriſt hath made us f. not en [...]ang. 2 Theſſ. 3. 1. word may have f. courſe 1 Pet. 2. 16. as f. and no [...] uſing liberty Hoſ. 14. 4. I'll love them freely Mat. 10. 8. 1. ye have received f. give Rom. 3. 24. juſtified f. by his grace 8. 3 [...]. with him f. give us all things 1 Cor. 2. 12. things f. given us of God Rev. 21. 6. of fountain of life f. 22. 17.
  • FRET, Pſ. 37. 1. 7. 8. Prov. 24. 19. Prov. 19. 3. his heart f. againſt the Lord Ezek. 16. 43. has frette [...] me in all
  • FRIEND, Jer. 6. 21. Ho [...]. 3. 1. Exod. 33. 11. [...]o Moſes as a man to his f. Deut. 13. 6. f. which is as own ſoul 2 Sam. 16. 17. is this kindneſs to thy f. 2 Chron. 20. 7. Abraham thy f. Iſa. 41. 8. Jam. 2. 23. Job 6. 14. pity ſhould be ſhewed from his f. Prov. 17. 17. [...]. loveth at all times 18. 2 [...]. a f. that ſticks cloſer than br. 27. 10. own [...]. and fathers [...]. forſake Song 5. 16. this is my beloved and my f. Mic. 7. 5. truſt not in a f. keep door John 15. 13. lay down life for his 1. 14. ye are my [...]. [...] 15. called you f. Jam. 4. 4. [...]. of world is enemy of God Jam. 4. 4. [...] of world [...]m. w [...]. G. [80] Prov. 22. 24. make no f. with angry man 18. 24. hath f. muſt ſhew friendly
  • FROWARD, Job [...]. [...]3. 1 Pet. 2. 18. Deut. 32 20. a very f. generation Pſ. 18. 26. with f. ſhew thyſelf f. 101. 4. f. heart ſhall depart from Prov. 4. 24 f mouth 6. 12. & 8. 13. 10. 3 [...]. f. tongue 11. 20. f heart 17. 20. 3. 32. f. is abomination to the Lord Iſa. 57. 17. went on frowardly Prov. 6. 14 frowardneſs is in him
  • FRUIT, Gen. 4. 3. Lev. 19. 24. Gen. 30. 2. withheld f. of womb Ex. 21. 2 [...]. 2 Kings 19. 30. bear f upward Iſa. 37. 31. Pſ. 92. 14. ſhall being furth f. in old age 127. 3. f. of womb is his reward Prov. 11. 30. f. of righteous is tree of life Song 2 3. his f. was ſweet to my taſte 4. 13. pleaſant f. 7. 13. f of valley 6. 11. Iſa. 3. 10 eat the f. of their doings 27. 9 all the f to take away ſin 57. 19. create f. of the [...]ps, peace, peace Hoſ. 10. 1. empty vine brings f. to himſ. 14. 8. fir-tree from me is [...]y f. found Mic. 6. 7. f of my body for ſin of my ſoul Mat. 7. 17. good tree good f. 18 19. 12. 33. f. good tree known by his f. 26. 29. not drink of f. of vine till Luke 1. 42. bleſſed is the f. of thy womb John 4. 36. gathers f. to eternal life 15. 2. bears not f. bears f. more f. Rom. 6. 21. what f. had 22. f to holineſs Gal. 5. 22. f. of ſpirit is love, joy, peace Eph. 5. 9. f. of ſpirit is in all goodneſs Phil. 4. 17. deſire f. that may abound Heb. 12. 11. peaceable f of righteouſneſs 13. 15. ſacrifices of praiſe f. of our lips Jam. 3. 18. f. of righteouſneſs is ſown in Rev. 22. 2 yields f. every mouth Mat. 3. 8. bring fruits meet for repent. 7. 16. ſhall know them by their f. 2 Cor. 9. 10. increaſe the f. of righteouſn. Phil. 1. 11 filled with f. of righteouſneſs Jam. 3. 17. full of good f. without hyp.
  • FRUSTRATE, Iſa. 44. 25. Gal 2. 21.
  • FULL, Gen. 15. 16. Exod. 16. 3. 8 Deut. 34. 9. Joſhua f of the ſpirit of wiſd. Ruth 1. 21. I went out f. and returned 1 Sam 2. 5. that were f. hired out Job 5. 26 come to grave in f. age 14. 1. of few days and f. of trouble Pſ. 17. 14. they are f. of children Prov. [...]7. 7. f. ſoul lotheth honeycomb 30. 9. leſt I be f. and deny the Lord Luke 4. 1 Jeſus being f. of the Holy G. 6. 25. wo to you that are f. for John 1. 14. Son of G. f. of grace and truth 1 Cor. 4. 8 now ye are f now ye are rich Phil. 4. 12. know both to be f and to be Col. 2. 2. riches of f aſſurance 2 Tim. 4. 5. f proof [...]f thy miniſtry Heb. 6. 1. diligence to f. aſſur. of hope 10. 22. draw near in f aſſur of faith Gen. 29. 27. fulfil Exod. 23. 26. Pſ. 145. 19. f. the deſire of them that Mat. 3. 15. it becometh [...] to f. all right. [...]. 17. not to deſtroy law but to f. Acts 13. 22. who ſhall f. all my will Luke 21. 24 till times of Gentiles be f. Gal. 5. 14. ſaw is f in one word 16. ſhall not f. luſts of the fleſh 6. 2. bear burden and ſo f. law of Chriſt Eph. 2. 3. f. deſires of fleſh and mind Phil. 2. 2. f. ye my joy like-minded Col. 4. 17. miniſtry that f it in Lord 2 Theſſ. 1. 11. f all the good pleaſure James 2. 8. if ye f. the royal law Rev. 17. 17. put in their h. to f. his will Job 20. 22. in fulneſs of ſufficiency in ſtrait [...] Pſ. 16. 11. in thy preſence is f of joy John 1. 16. but of his f. have we received Rom. 11. 25. till f. of Gentiles be come in 15. 2 [...]. f. of bleſſing of the goſpel Gal. 4. [...]. when [...]. of time was come Eph. 1. 10. diſpenſation of f. of times 23. [...]. of him that filleth all in all 3. 19. ye may be fi [...]led with f of God 4. 13. perfect man to ſtature of f. of [...]. Col. 1. 19 in him ſhould all f. dwell 2. 9 in him dwells all f. of godhead
  • FURY is not in me, Iſa. [...]7. 4 [...]9. 18. repay f. to his adverſaries Jer. 6 11. I'm full of [...]. of Lord weary 10. 25. pour out thy f. on [...]athen Prov. 22. 24 with furious [...]an not go
  • FURNACE, Deut. 4. [...]0. Jer 11. 4. Pſ. 12. 6 Iſa 31. 9. & 48. 10. Dan. 3. 6 11. Mat. 13. 4 [...]. 50. Rev. 1. 15.
  • FURNISHED, Deut. 15. 14. Prov 9. 2. 2 Tim. 3. 17. throughly f to all good w.
  • GABRIEL, Dan 8. 16. & 9. 21. Luke 1. 19. 26.
  • GAIN, [...]rov. 3. 14. Job 22. 3. Job 27. 8. hypocrite when he hath g. Iſa. 33. 15 deſpiſeth the g. of oppreſſions Phil 1. 21. to live is Chriſt to die is g. 3. 7. what were g. to me I counted loſs 1 Tim [...]. 5. ſuppoſing g is godlineſs 6. godlineſs with contentment is greatg. Mat. 16. 26. i [...] ſhould g whole world 18. 15. thou haſt g thy brother Luke 19. 16. thy pound has g ten pound 1 Cor. 9. 19. he came all that g. the more Tit 1 9. convince gainſayers Acts 10. 29. gainſ [...]ing Rom. 10. 21. g. peo. Jude 11. g. of Kore
  • GALL, Job 6. 13 & 20. 14. 25. Deut. 29. 18. root bears g. and wormw. 32 32. their grapes are grapes of g. Pſ. 69. 21. gave me g. for Mat. 27. 34. Jer. 8. 14. given us water of g 9 15. Lam. 3. 19 rememb wor [...]w. and g. 5. Acts 8. 23. thou art in g of bitterneſs
  • GA [...] to ſtand in, Ezek. 22. 30.
  • GARDEN, Gen. 2 [...]5. [...]3. & 13 10. Song 4. 12. a g incloſed my ſiſter 16 blow on my g. 5. 1. & 6. 2. 11. Jer. 31. 12. ſoul as watered g Iſ. 58. 11.
  • GARMENT, Joſh. 7 [...]. Ezra 9. 3. Job 37. 17. how thy g. are warm Pſ. 22. 18. parted my g. among them [81] Iſa. 9. 5. battle with g. rolled in blood 59. 17. put on g. of vengeance 61. 3. g. of praiſe for ſpirit of heavineſs Joel 2. 13. rent hearts and not g. Mat. 21. 8. ſpread their g. in way Acts 9. 39. ſhewing g Dorcas made James 5. 2. your g. are moth eaten Rev. 3. 4. have not defiled their g. 16 15. watcheth and keeps his g.
  • GATE, Gen. 19. 1. [...] 34. 20. 24. Gen. 22. 17. poſſeſs g. of his enemies 28. 17. this is houſe of G g. of heaven Job 29. 7 I went to g. prepared Pſ. 118. 20. this g. of Lord into which Mat. 7. 13. enter ſtrait g. Luke 13. 24 Heb. 13. 12. ſuffered without the g. Pſ. 9. 13. up from gates of death 24. 7 lift up your heads O g. 9. Iſ. 26. 2. 87. 2. Lord loveth g. of Zion more 100. 4. enter h [...]s g with thankſgiving 118. 19. open for me g of righteouſneſs Iſa. 38. 10. to go to g of the grave Mat. 16. 18. g. of hell not prevail
  • GATHER thee from all nations, Deut. 30. 3. N [...]h. 1. 9. Jer. 29. 18. Pſ. 26. 9. g. not my ſoul with ſinners Zeph. 3. 18 g. them that are ſorrowful Mat. 3. 12. g. his wheat into gather 7. [...]6. do men g. grapes of thorns Eph. 1. 10. to g into one all things Exod 16. 18. he that gathered much g. little no lack 2 Cor. 8. 15. Mat. 23. 37. g. thy children as hen g. John 4. 30. g. fruit unto eternal life
  • GAVE, Gen 14. 20. Exod. 11. 3. Job 1. 21. Lord g and Lord taketh away Pſ. 81. 12. I g. them up o hearts luſt Eccl. 12. 7. ſpirit return to God that g. it Iſa. 42. 24. who g. Jacob for a ſpoil John 1. 12 he g. power to beco [...]e ſons 3. 16. God g. h [...]s only begotten Son 1 Cor. 3. 6. God g. the increaſe 7 2 Cor. 8. 5. firſt g. themſelves to the Lord Gal. 1. 4. who g himſelf for our ſins 2. 20. g. himſelf for me Tit. 2. 14. Eph. 4 8. g gi [...]ts to men 11. g. apoſtles 1 Tim 2 0. g himſelf a ranſom for all Pſ. [...]1. 4. aſked life thou gaveſt it John 17. 4. work thou g. 22. glory g. 6. nen thou g. me 12. 18. words g. me
  • GENEALOGIES, 1 Tim. 1. 4 Tit. 3. 9.
  • GENERATION, Gen 2. 1. & 6 9 Deut. 32. 3. a perverſ and c [...]ooked g. 20. a very froward g. in whom Pſ. 14. 5. God is in g. of righteous 22. 3 [...]. accounted to the Lord for a g. 24. 6. this is the g. of them that ſeek 102. 18. writt [...]n for g to come 112. 2. g. of upright ſhall be bleſſed 145. 4. one g. praiſe thy works to g. Iſa. 53. 8. who declare his g. Acts 8. 33. M [...]t. 3. 7. g. of vipers 12. 34. & 23. 33. Luke 16. 6. wi [...]er in their g. Acts [...]3. 36. had ſerved his g. according. 1 Pet. 2. 9. a choſen g. to ſhew praiſes Pſ. 33. 11. thoughts to all generations 45. 17. name to be remembred in all g. 72. 5. fear thee throughout all g 79. 13. ſhew forth thy p [...]a [...]e in all g. 85. 5. draw out thy anger [...]. all g. 89. 4. [...]uild thy thi [...]ne to all [...]. 90. 1. our dwelling place in all g. 100. 5. his truth e [...]dures to a [...] g. 102. 24. thy years are [...] all g. 119. 90. thy fai [...]hfulneſs is to all g. 145. 13. dominion endureth to all g. Col. 1. 2 [...] myſtery hid from ages and g.
  • GENTILES, Gen. [...]0. [...]. Jer. 4 7. Iſa. 11. 10. to it ſhall the g. ſeek 42 6. a light to g. 4 [...]. 6. Luke 2. 32. Acts 13. 4 [...]. 60. 3. g. ſhall come to thy light 62. 2. g. ſh [...]ll ſee thy righteouſneſs Mat. 6. [...]2. after the [...]e do g. ſeek Luke 2 [...]. 24. trod [...]n [...]f g times of g. John 7. [...]5 to diſperſed among the g. Acts [...]. 40. lo we turn to the g. 11. 27. opened door of faith to g. Rom. 2. [...]. g. which have not the [...] 3. 29. is he not alſo G. of g. yes of g. 11. 25. till fulneſs of g. be come in 15. 10. rejoice [...] with his people 12. in his name g. truſt Mat. 12. 21. Eph. 3. 0. g be fellow-heirs and partakers 8. preach [...]. g. un [...]e [...]h. riches of C. 1 Tim. 2. 7. teacher of g. 2 Tim. 1. [...]1. 3 16. g. in manifeſt in fle [...]h preached to g.
  • GENTLE among you, 1 Theſſ. 2. 7. 2 Tim. 2. 24. ſervant of Lord muſt be g. Tit 3 [...]. g. ſhewing all meekne [...]s James 3. 17. [...]iſdom from above is g. 1 Pet. 2 18 not only to g. but froward Pr. 8. 35. thy gentleneſs made me g [...]e 2 Cor. 10. 1. beſee [...]h by the g. of Chri [...] Gal. 5. 22. fruit of love, joy, g. Iſa. 40. 11. gently lead thoſe with young
  • GIFT, 1 Cor 1. 7. & 7. 7. Exod. 23. 8. take no g. for the g. blinds the wi [...]e Deut. 16. 19. 2 Chr. 19 7. Prov. 17. 8. a g. is as a precious ſtone 23. 18. 16. a mans g. maketh room 21. 14. a g. in ſecret pacifieth anger Eccl. 7. 7. a g. deſtroys the heart Mat. 5. 24. leave there thy g. and be John 4. 10 if thou kneweſt the g. of God Rom. 6. 23. g. of God is eternal life Eph. 2. 18. thro' faith it is the g. of God Phil. 4. 17. not becauſe I deſire a g. 1 Tim. 4. 14. neglect not g. in thee 2 Tim. 1. 6 ſtir up g. in thee given Heb. 6. 4. taſted of heavenly g. James 1. 17 every good and perfect g. Pſ. [...]8. 8. received gifts for men Mat. 7. 11. give good g. to your children Rom. 11. 29. g. and caſting of G. without Eph 4. 8. led captive and gave g. to men
  • GIRD with ſtrength, Pſ. 1 [...]. 32. 30 11. g. me with gladneſs Luke 12 35. loins g. 1 Pet. 1. 13. Eph. 6. 14. having your loins g. with truth Iſa. 11. 5. girate Rev. 1. 13. & 1 [...]. [...].
  • GIVE, Gen. 12. 7. & 30. 1. [82] 1 Kings 3. 5. ask what I ſhall g. thee Pſ. 2. 8. I will g. thee the heathen 29. 11. Lord will g. ſtrength to his peo. 37. 4. g. thee the deſires of thy heart 84. 11. L. will g. grace and glory and no 104. 27. mayſt give them their meat 109. 4. I g. myſelf to prayer Jer. 17. 10. to g every man according to his works 32. 19. Rev. 22. 12. Hoſ. 11. 8 how ſhall I g. thee up Luke 6. 38. g. and it ſhall be given you John 10. 28. I g. to them eternal life Acts 3. 6. ſuch as I have I g. thee 2 [...]. 35. more bleſſed to g. than receive Rom. 8. 32. freely g. us all things Eph. 4. 28. to g. to him that needeth 1 Tim. 4. 15. g. thyſelf wholly to them 2 Sam. 22. 50. give thanks 1 Chron. 16. 8. 34. 35. 41. Neh. 12. 24. Pſ. 35. 18. & 79. 13. & 92. 1. & 105. & 107. & 118. & 136. Pſ. 6. 5. in grave who—to thee 30. 4.—at rem. of his holineſs 97. 12. 119. 62. at midnight I'll riſe to— Eph. 1. 16. ceaſe not to—1 Theſſ. 1. 2. 2 Theſſ. 2. 13. Col. 1. 2. 1 Theſſ. 5. 18. in every thing—Phil. 4. 6. Mat. 13. 12. to him ſhall be given 11. it is g. to you to know the myſteries Luke 12. 48. to whom much is g. John 6. 39. of all which he hath g. me 65. can come to me except it be g. him 19. 11. exc. it were g. thee from above Rom. 11. 35. hath firſt g. to him and it 1 Cor. 2. 12. [...]n. things freely g. us of G. 2 Cor. 9. 7. God loves cheerful giver Pſ. 37. 21. ſhews mercy and giveth Prov. 28. 27. g. to poor ſhall not lack Iſa. 40. 29. g. power to the faint 4 [...]. 5. g. breath to the people on 1 Tim. 6. 17. g. us richly all things Jam. 1. 5. g. to all men liberally and 4. 6. he g. more grace to humble [...] Pet. 4. 11. of the ability that God g.
  • GLAD my heart is, Pſ. 16. 9. Pſ. 31. 7. I'll be g. and rejoice in thy 64. 10. righteous ſhall be g. in the Lord 104. 34. ſweet I'll be g. in the Lord 122. 1. I was g. when they ſaid to Luke 1. 19. glad tidings 8. 1. 15. 32. Acts 13. 32. Rom. 10. 15. Mark 6. 20. heard him gladly 12. 37. Luke 8. 40. people g. received him Acts 2. 41. that g. received his word 2 Cor. 12. 15. I g. ſpend and be ſpent Pſ. 4. 7. put gladneſs in my heart 30. 11. haſt g [...]ded me with g. 45. 7. anointed with oil of g. Heb. 1. 9. 51. 8. make me to hear joy and g. 97. 11. g. [...]own for upright in heart 102. 2. ſerve the Lord with g. 106. 5. rejoice in the g. of thy nation Iſa. 35. 10 ſhall obtain joy and g. 51. 11. 51. 3. joy and g. ſhall be found in it Acts 2. 40. [...]at their meat with g. 14. 17. [...]g their h, with food and g.
  • GLASS we ſee through, 1 Cor. 13. 12. 2 Cor. 3. 18. beholding as in a g. James 1. 23. behold natural face in a g. Rev. 4. 6. a ſea of g. 15. 2. 21. 18. city was pure gold like clear g.
  • GLOOMINESS, Joel 2. 2. Zeph. 1. 15.
  • GLORY, Gen. 31. 1. Pſ 49. 16. 1 Sam. 4. 21. g. is departed from Iſrael 1 Chr. 29. 11. thine power and g. Mat. 6. 13. Pſ. 8. 5. crowned with g. and hon. Heb. 2. 7. 73. 24. afterward receive me to g. 89. 17. art the g. of their ſtrength 145. 11. ſpeak of the g. of thy kingdom Prov. 3. 35. wiſe ſhall inherit g. 16. 31. hoary head is a crown of g. 20. 29. g. of young men is their ſtrength 25. 27. to ſearch his own g. is not g. Iſa. 4. 5. upon all the g. ſhall be a defence 23. 9. L. purpoſed to ſtain pride of all g. 24. 16. ſongs even g. to the righteous 28. 5. Lord ſhall be for a crown of g. Jer. 2. 11. changed their g. Pſ. 106. 20. Ezek. 20. 6. g. of all lands 15. Hoſ. 4. 7. change their g. into ſhame Hag. 2. 7. I'll fill this houſe with g. 9. g of this latter houſe ſhall be greater Zech. 2. 5. g. in midſt 8. after g. ſent 6. 13. build houſe and bear the g. Mat. 6. 2. may have g. of men 16. 27. come in g. of his Father 24. 30. Luke 2. 14. g to God in the higheſt 32. light of Gent. g. of thy people Iſrael John 1. 14. his g. as g. of only begotten 17. 5. g. me with that g. I had 22. g. which thou gaveſt I've given Rom. 2. 7. ſeek for g and honour 11. 36. to whom be g. for ever Gal. 1. 5. 2 Tim. 4. 18. Heb. 13. 21. Rom. 16. 27. to God be g. thro' Chriſt 1 Cor. 11. 7. woman is g. of man g. of G. 15. 43. in diſhonour it is raiſed in g. 2 Cor. 3. 18. changed from g. to g. 4. 17. exceeding eternal weight of g. Eph. 1. 6. praiſe of g. of his grace 3. 21. to him be g. in the church 13. my tribulations for you is your g. Phil. 3. 19. whoſe g. is in their ſhame Col. 1. 27. Chriſt in you the hope of g. 3. 4. appear with him in g. 1 Theſſ. 2. 12. hath called you to g. 20. ye are our g. and joy 19. 1 Tim. 3. 16. received up into g. 1 Pet. 1. 8. joy unſpeakable full of g. 11. ſuff. of C. and g. ſhould follow 21. 4. 13. his g be revealed 14. ſpirit of g. 5. 1. partaker of the g. be revealed 4. ye ſhall receive a crown of g. 10. called us to eternal g. by Chriſt J. 2 Pet. 1. 3. called us to g. and virtue 17. came a voice from the excellent g. Rev. 4. 11. worthy to receive g. 5. 1 [...]. Rom. 16. 27. 1 Tim. 1. 17. 1 Pet. 4. 11. Jude 25. Joſh. 7. 19. give glory to God or Lord 1 Sam. 6. 5. 1 Chron. 16. 29. Pſ. 29. 2. & 90. 8. & 115. 1. Luke 17. 18. Rev. 14. 7. [83] Pſ. 19. 1. glory of God Prov. 25. 2. Acts 7. 55. Rom. 3. 23. & 5. 2. 1 Cor. 10. 31. & 11. 7. 2 Cor. 4. 6. Rev. 21. 11. Exod. 16. 7. glory of the Lord Num. 14. 21. 1 Kings 8. 11. Pſ 104. 31. & 138 5. Iſa. 35. 2. & 40. 5. & 60. 1. Ezek. 1. 28. & 3. 12. 13. & 43. 5. & 44. 4. Luke 2. 9. 2 Cor. 3. 18. Pſ. 29. 9. his glory 49. 17. & 72 19. & 113. 4. & 148. 13. Prov. 19. 11. Iſa. 6. 3. Hab. 3. 3. Mat. 6. 29. & 19. 28. & 25. 31. John 2. 11. Rom. 9. 23. Eph. 1. 12. & 3. 16. Heb. 1. 3. Job 29. [...]0. my glory Pſ. 16. 9 & 30. 12. & 57. 8. & 108. 1. Iſa. 42. 8. & 48. 11. & 43. 7. & 60. 7. & 66. 18. John 8. 50. & 17. 24. Exod. 33. 18. thy glory Pſ. 8. 1. & 63. 2. Iſa. 60. 19. & 63. 15. Jer. 14. 21. 1 Chr. 16. 10. glory ye in his holy name Pſ. 64. 10. upright in heart ſhall g. 106. 5. I may g. with thy inheritance Iſa. 41. 16. ſhalt g in holy One of Iſrael 45. 25. ſeed of Iſrael be juſtified and g. Jer. 9. 24. that g —g. in this know L. Rom. 4. 2. hath to g. but not before God 5. 3. we g. in tribulation 1 Cor. 1. 31. that glorieth g. in the Lord 3. 21. let no man g. in men 2 Cor. 5. 12. g on behalf g. in appearance 11. 18. many g. after the fleſh 12. 1. it is not expedient for me to g. 9. I'll rather g. in my infirmities Gal. 6. 14. G. forbid I g. ſave in the croſs Iſa. 25. 3. ſtrong people ſhall glorify thee 60. 7. I will g. the houſe of my glory Mat. 5. 16. g. your Father in heaven John 12. 28. F. g. thy name 17. 1. g. thy S. 21. 19. by what death he ſhould g. God 1 Cor. 6. 20. g. G. in your body and ſpirit 1 Pet. 2. 12. g. God in day of viſitation Rev. 15. 4. who not fear and g. thy name Lev. 10. 3. before all peo. I'll be glorified Pſ. 50. 23. offereth praiſe g. me Mat. 9. 8. they g. God 15. 31. Luke 7. 16. John 7. 39. Jeſus was not yet g. 15. 8. herein is my Father g. much fruit 17. 10. all mine are thine I am g. in them Acts 3. 13. God of our Fat. hath g. his Son 4. 21. all men g. God for that was done Rom. 1. 21. they g. him not as God 8 30. whom he juſtified them he g. Gal. 1. 24. they g. God in me 2 Theſſ. 1. 10. ſhall come to be g. in 3. 1. word of L. may free courſe & be g. Heb. 5. 5. even Chriſt g. not himſelf to 1 Pet. 4. 11. God in all things may be g. 14. on your part he is g. Rev. 18. 7. how much ſhe hath g. herſelf 1 Cor. 5. 6. glorying 9. 15. 2 Cor. 7. 4. & 12. 11. Exod. 15. 6. glorious in power fearful 11. who is like thee g. in holineſs Deut. 28. 58. fear this g. and fearful Lord 1 Chron. 29. 13. praiſe thy g. name Pſ. 45. 13. kings daughter all g. within 66. 2. make his praiſe g. 72. 19. bleſſed be his g. name Neh. 9. 5. 76. 4. art more g. and excellent 87. 3. g. things are ſpoken of city of G. 111. 3. his work is honourable and g. 145. 5. ſpeak of g. honour of majeſty 12. make known his g. majeſty Iſa. 4. 2. branch of the L. ſhall be g. 11. 10. his reſt ſhall be g. 22. 23. be for a g. throne to fathers houſe 30. 30. cauſe his g voice to be heard 32. 21. g. Lord will be to us a place of 49. 5. I ſhall be g. in eyes of the Lord 60. 13. make place of my feet g. 63. 1. who this g. in his apparel 12. his g. arm 14. a g. name Jer. 17. 12. a g. high throne from Rom. 8. 21. g. liberty of children of God 2 Cor. 3. 7. miniſtration g. 8. 10 11. 4. 4. light of g. goſpel ſhould ſhine Eph. 5. 27. preſent to himſelf a g. church Phil. 3. 21. vile body like his g. body Col. 1. 11. according to his g. power 1 Tim. 1. 11. accord. to g. goſp. of bleſ. G. Tit. 2. 13. looking for g. appear. of God Exod. 15. 1. gloriouſly Iſa. 24. 23.
  • GLUTTON, Deut. 21. 20 Prov. 23. 21. Mat. 11. 19. gluttonous Luke 7. 34.
  • GNASH, Job 16. 9. Pſ. 35. 16. & 37. 12. & 112. 10. Lam. 2. 16. Mark 9. 18. Mat. 8. 12. gnaſhing of teeth 13. 42. 50. & 22. 13. & 24. 51. & 25. 30. Luke 13. 28.
  • GNAT and ſwallow, camel. Mat. 23. 14.
  • GNAW, Zeph. 3. 3. Rev. 16. 10.
  • GO, Judg. 6. 14. 1 Sam. 12. 21. Mat. 8. 9. Luke 10. 37. John 6. 68. Job 10. 21. I go Pſ. 39. 13. & 139. 7. Mat. 21. 30. John 7. 33. & 8. 11. 21. 22. & 15. 33. & 16. 5. Exod. 4. 23. let people go 5. 1. Gen. 32. 26 not let go Exod. 3. 19. Job 27. 6. Song [...]. 4. Exod. 23. 23. ſhall go 32. 34. & 33. 14. Acts 25. 12. 1 Sam. 12. 21 ſhould go Prov. 22. 6. Judg. 11. 35. go back Pſ. 80 18. Num. 22. 18. go beyond 1 Theſſ. 4. 6. Gen. 45. 1. go out Pſ 60. 10. Iſa. 52. 11. & 55. 12. Jer. 51. 45. Ezek 46. 9. Mat. 25. 6. John 10. 9. 1 Cor. 5. 10. Deut. 4. 40. go well with thee 5. 16. & 19. 13. Prov. 11. 10. & 30. 29. Job 34. 11. ſeeth all his goings Pſ. 17. 5. hold up my g. in thy way 40. 2. ſet my feet and eſtabliſhed my g. 68. 24. ſeen thy g. O God in ſanctuary 121. 8. Lord preſerve thy g. out and in Prov. 5. 21. ponders all his g. 20. 24. mans g. are of the Lord Mic. 5. 2. whoſe g. are of old from
  • GOAT, Lev. 3. 12. & 16. 8. 20. 21. Iſa. 1. 11. delight not in blood of goats Ezek. 34. 17. Judge between rams and g. Dan. 8. 5. he g. 8. rough g. 21. Zech. 10. 3. I puniſhed the goats Mat. 25. 3 [...]. 33. ſet g on left hand [84] He [...] [...] blood of g. 10. e. [...]. G [...] [...] for [...] repreſenting God [...] 6. 8 [...] [...]. 1. & 22. 28. [...] 82. [...]. 6. [...] for idols which are out in [...] Deut [...]2. 21. Judg. 6 2 [...]. [...] [...]ther places; for devil God of [...] world 2 Cor. 4. 4. and for true [...] times G [...] [...] I am almighty G. Job 36. 5. [...] 22 [...]8. [...] thee and ſeed [...]. 6. 7. [...] everlaſting [...] Deut 33. 22. [...] 2. Iſa 1 [...] [...]. Sam. 1 [...]. 26. [...]. 10 none like L. ou [...] G. 1 Kings [...]. 13. P [...] 35. 10. [...] 80. 6. [...]. 18. [...]. [...]. is greater than all gods [...]. 10. 1 [...]. G of gods Joſh. 22. 22. [...]. Pſ. 136 2 [...] [...]9. there is no G. with me [...] Kings 8. 22. 2 K [...]ngs 5. 15. 2 Chron. 6. [...] 22. 15. Iſa. 43. 10. & 44. 6. 8. & 15. 5. 14 21. 22. Job 2 [...] [...]2. G. is greater than man 36. 26. [...] 18. 21. who is G. [...]ave Lord 8 [...] 10 D [...]. [...]. [...] great and dreadful G Neh. 1. [...]. Mic. [...] 18. who is a [...] like to thee Mat. 6. 24. not ſerve G and mammon [...]. 17. none go [...] [...] one G. Mark 12 27. not G. of dead but living [...]2 there is one G. and none other John 1 [...]. [...]. [...]ee only true G. 1 John [...] [...]. Acts [...]. 2. G of glory appeared to Abraham Rom. 3. 4. let G be true and every man 8. 31. if G be for us who can be againſt 9 [...]. over [...]ll G bleſſed f [...]rever 15. 5. G. of patience 12. G of hope 1 Cor. 15. 2 [...]. that G may be all in all 2 Cor. 1. 3. G. of all comfort 2 Theſſ. 2. 4. above all call. G. Dan. 11. 36. 1 Tim. 3. 16. G manifeſt in th [...] freſh Heb. 8. 10. I will be to them a G. 1 Pet. [...]. 10. G of all grace when 1 John 4. 12. no man ſeen G John 1. 18. Deut. 10. 17. great God [...] Sam. [...]. 22. 2 Chron. 3. 5. Job 36. 26 Neh. [...] 5. Prov. 26. 10. Jer. 22. 18. 19. Dan. 9. 4. Tit. 2. 13 Rev. 10. 11. Deut. 5. 26. living God Joſh. 3. 10. 1 Sam. 1 [...]. 26 36. 2 Kings 19. 4. 16. and 22 other places Exod [...] 5. God merciful Deut. 4. 31. 2 Chron. [...]. 9. Neh. 9. 31. Pſ. 116. 5. Jonah 4 2. Gen. 29. 24. mighty God Deut 7. 21. & 10. 17. Neh. 9 31. Jo [...] 26. 5. Pſ 50. 1. & 132. 2. 5. Iſa. 9. 6. & 10. 21. Jer. 32. 18. Hab. 1. 12. 2 Chron [...]. true God Jer. 10. 10. John 17. 3. [...]. 1. 9 1 ſo [...] 5 20. Gen. [...]0. [...]. do this wickedneſs and ſin a [...] God Num. 21. 5. Pſ [...]. 10. Hoſ. 12. 16. Acts 5 29 & 23. 9. Rom. 8. 7. & [...]. [...]0. Rev 13. 6 Dan. [...]1. 26. Pſ. 3 [...]. [...]. before God 4 [...]. 11. & 6 [...]. 7. & 68. 1. Eccl. 2. 26. Luke 1. 6. Rom. [...]. 1 [...]. & 3. 1 [...]. 1 Tim. 5. 21. Jam. 1. 2 [...]. Rev. 3. 2. John 9. 16. of God Acts c. 39. Rom 9. 16. 1 Cor. 1. 30. & 11. 12. 2 Cor. 5. 18 & 3. 5. Phil. 1. 28. 1 John 3 10. & 4. 1. 3. 6. & [...]. 10. 3 John 1. Exod. 2 23. to God Pſ. 43. 4. Eccl. 12 7. Iſa. [...]8. 2. Lam. [...]. 41. John 13. 3. Heb. 7. 25. & 11. 6. & 12. 23. 1 Pet. 3. 18. & 4. 6. Rev. 5. 0. & 12. 5. Gen. 5. 27. with God 24. & 6 [...]. & [...]2. 28. Exod. 19. 17. 1 Sam. 14. 45. 2 Sam 23. [...]. Job [...]. 2. & 25 4. Pſ. 78. 8. Hoſ. 11. 12. John 5. 18 Phil. 2 6. Gen. 28. 21. my God Exod. 15. 2. Pſ. 22. 1. & 31. 14. & 91. 2. & 118. [...]8 Hoſ. 2. 13. Zech. 1 [...]. 9. John [...]0. 17. 28 and about 120 other places Exod. 5. 8. our God Deut. 31. 17. & 32. [...]. Joſh. [...]4 18. 2 Sam. 22. 32. Pſ. 67 6. and 180 other places Exod 20 2. thy God 5. 7. 10. 12. Pſ 50. 7. & 81. 10. and about 340 other places Exod 6. 7 your God Lev. 11. 44. & 19. 2. 3. 4. and 140 other places Exod. 32. 11. his God Lev. 4. 22. and abo [...]e [...]0 other places Gen. 17. 8 their God Exod. 29. 45. Jer. 24. 7 & 31. 33. & 32. 38. Ezek. 11. 20. & 24. 2 [...]. & 37. 27. Zech. 8. 8. 2 Cor. 6. 16 Rev. 21. [...]. and [...]0 other places 2 Chron. 36. 23. God of heaven Ezra 5. 11. [...]6. 10. [...]7 12. 23. Neh. 1. 4. & 2. 4. Pſ. 136 26. Dan. 2. 18 19. 44. Jon. 1. 9. Rev. 11. 1 [...]. & 16. 11. Exod. 24. 10. God of Iſrael Num. 16. 9. Joſh. 7. 1 [...]. [...] 1 [...]. 1 [...] & 22. 16. 24. & 74. 23. Judg. 11. 2. Ruth 2 12. Iſa. 41. 17. Jer. 31. 1. Ezek 8. 4. Mat. 15. 31. Rom. 15. 32. God of Peace [...]6. [...]0. 2 Cor. 13. 11. 1 Theſſ. 5. 23. Heb. 13. 23. Pſ. 24. 5. God of his ſalvation, of our ſalvation 65. 5. & 68. 19. 20 & 79. 9. & 85. 4. & 95. 1. Acts 17. 29. Godhead Rom. 1. 20. Col. 2 9.
  • GODLY, Pſ. 4. 3. & 12 1. & 32. 6. Mal. 2. 15. 2 Pet. 2. 9. 3 John 6 2 Cor. 1. 12. in g ſincerity we had 7. 9. ſorrow after a g. manner to 11. Tit. 2. 12. live g. ſoberly right. g. in w. Heb. 12. 28. ſerve G. accept. with g fear 1 Tim 2. 2. quiet life in all godlineſs 10. & 8. 16. & 6. 3. 5. 11 [...] Tim. 3. 5. 4. 7. exerciſe thy ſelf to g. 6. 11. 8. g. is profitable to all things 6. 3. doctrine accord. to g. Tit. 1. 1. 6. g. with contentment is great gain 2 Tim. 3. 5 having a form of g. but 2 Pet. 1. 2. all that pertain to life and g. 6. add to patience g. 7 to g. br. kindn. 3 11. what ought ye to be in all g.
  • GOLD, Gen. 2. 11. & 13. 2. Iſa. 2. 7. Job 23 10 I ſhall come forth like g. 31. 24. if I made g. my hope. fine g. Pſ. 19. 10. more deſired than g. fine g. 119. 127. love com. above g. fine g. 72. Prov. 8. 19. my fruit is better than g. Iſa. 13. 12. man more precious than g. [85] Zech. 13. 9. I'll try them as g. is tried 1 Cor. 3. 12. if build g. ſilver prec. ſtones 1 Tim. 2. 9. adorn not with g. 1 Pet. 3. 3. 1 Pet. 1. 7. trial of f. more prec. than g. Rev. 3. 18 buy of me g. tried in fire
  • GOOD, Deut. 6. 24. & 10. 13. Gen. 1. 31. all things were very g. 2. 18. it is not g. for man to be alone 32. 12. ſaidſt I'll ſurely do thee g. 50. 20. God meant it unto g. 45. 5. 7. 2 Kings 20. 19. g is word of L. Iſ. 39. 8. Pſ. 34. 8. taſte and ſee that L. is g. 73. 1. truly God is g. to Iſrael 85. 12. L. will give what is g. 84. 11. 86. 5. thou L. art g. ready to forgive 106. 5. I may ſee the g. of thy choſen 119. 68. thou art g. Lord doſt g. 145. 9. Lord is g. to all 136. 1. Lam. 3. 25. L is g. to ſeeketh wait Mic. 6. 8. he ſhewed thee what is g. Mat. 19. 17. why call me g. none g. but Rom. 3. 8. do evil that g. may come 7. 18. how to perform g. I find not 1 Theſſ. 5. 15. follow g. 3 John 11. Neh. 2. 18. hand for this good work Mat. 26. 10. wrought a—on me John 10. 33. for a—we ſtone thee not 2 Cor. 9. 8. abound to every— Phil. 1. 6. begun a—will finiſh it Col. 1. 10. fruitful in every— 2 Theſſ. 2. 17. ſtabliſh you in every— 1 Tim. 5. 10. followed every— 2 Tim. 2. 21. prepared to—Tit. 3. 1. Tit. 1. 16. to every- reprobate Heb. 13. 21. perfect in every— Mat. 5. 16. may ſee your good works John 10. 32. many—have I ſhewed you Acts 9. 36. Dorcas was full of— Rom. 13. 3. not a terror to— Eph. 2. 10. created in Chriſt Jeſus to— 1 Tim. 2. 10. but with—prof. godlineſs 5. 10. well reported of for— 25. the—of ſome are manifeſt Tit. 3. 8. be careful to maintain—14. Heb. 10. 24. provoke to love and to— 1 Pet. 2. 12. may be your—which Exod. 33. 19. make my goodneſs paſs 34. 6. L. G. abundant in g. and truth 2 Chr. 6. 41. let ſaints rejoice in g. Neh. 9. 25. delight themſelves in thy g. 35. not ſerved thee in thy great g. Pſ. 16. 2. my g. extends not to thee 23. 6. g. and mercy ſhall follow me 27. 13. believed to ſee g. of L. in land 31. 19. how great is thy g. Zech. 9. 17. 33. 5. earth is full of g. of L. 145. 7. 52. 1. g. of God endureth continually 65. 4. ſatisfied with g. of thy houſe 11. crowneſt year with thy g. Iſ. 63. 7. great g. beſtowed on Iſrael Hoſ. 3. 5. fear the Lord and his g. Rom. 2. 4. g. of God leads to repentance 11. 22. behold g. and ſeverity of God Eph. 5. 9. fruit of ſpirit all g. Gal. 5. 22.
  • GOSPEL, Mark 1. 1.15. & 8. 35. Mat. 4. 23 preaching g. of kingdom Mark 16. 15. preach g. to every creature Acts 20. 24. g. of the grace of God Rom. 1. 1. g. of G. 15. 16. 1 Tim. 1. 11. 1 Cor. 1. 17. but to preach the g. 4. 15. I have begotten you through g. 9. 14. that preach g. live of g. 2 Cor. 4. 3. if our g. be hid. 4. glor. g. 11. 4. another g. which ye Gal. 1. 6. Gal. 1. 8. preach any other g. 9. Eph. 1. 13. g. of ſalv. 6. 15. g. of peace Phil. 1. 27. becometh g. faith of g. Col. 1. 5. truth of g. Gal. 2. 5. 23. hope of g. Phil. 1. 5. fellowſh. in g. 1 Theſſ. 1. 5. our g. came in power Heb. 4. 2. unto us was g. preached 1 Pet. 4. 6. g. was preached to dead Rev. 14. 6. having everlaſt. g. to preach
  • GOVERNMENT, Iſa. 9. 6. 7. & 22. 21. 1 Cor. 12. 28. 2 Pet. 2. 10.
  • GRACE, Ezra 9. 8. Eſther 2. 17. Pſ. 84. 11. Lord will give g. and glory Prov. 3. 34. gives g. to lowly Iſa. 4. 6. Zech. 4. 7. with ſhoutings g. g. to it 12. 10. ſpirit of g. and ſupplications John 1. 14. Son of F. full of g. and truth 16. of fulneſs we received g. for g. 17. g. and truth came by Jeſus Chriſt Acts 18. 27. helped them believed thro' g. Rom. 3. 24 juſtified freely by his g. 5. 20. g. did much more abound 21. g. reigned thro' righte. to eternal Rom. 6. 14. not under law but g. 11. 5. according to election of g. 6. if by g. then not of works otherwiſe g. is no more g. 2 Cor. 12. 9. my g. is ſufficient for thee Eph. 2. 5. by g. ye are ſaved 8. 7. ſhew exceeding riches of his g. 1. 7. 4. 29. miniſter g. to hearers Tit. 3. 7. juſtified through his g. Heb. 4. 16. come boldly to throne of g. 12. 28. let us have g. whereby 13. 9. that heart be ſtabliſhed with g. 1 Pet. 3. 7. heirs of g. of life 5. 5. he giveth g. to humble 2 Pet. 3. 18. grow in g. and knowledge Rom. 1. 7. grace and peace to you 1 Cor. 1. 3. 2 Cor. 1. 2. Gal. 1. 3. Eph. 1. 2. Phil. 1. 2. Col. 1. 2. 1 Theſſ. 1. 1. 2 Theſſ. 1. 2. Phil. 3. 1 Pet. 1. 2. 2 Pet. 1. 2. Jude 2. Rev. 1. 4. Luke 2. 40. grace of God Acts 11. 23. & 13. 43. & 14. 3. 26. & 15. 40. & 20. 24. 32. Rom. 5. 15. 1 Cor. 1. 4. & 3. 10. & 15. 10. Eph. 3. 2. 7. Heb. 2. 9. & 12. 15. 2 Cor. 1. 12. by—we had converſation 6. 1. receive not—in vain 8. 1. of—beſtowed on churches 9. 14. for the exceeding—in you Gal. 2. 21. I do not fruſtrate— Col. 1. 6. knew—in truth 1 Pet. 4. 10. ſtewards of manifold— 5. 12. this is true—in which we ſtand Jude 4. turning—into laſciviouſneſs Acts 15. 11. grace of our Lord Jeſus Chriſt [86] 1 Rom. 1 [...]. 20. 24 1 Cor. 16. 23. 2 Cor. 8. 9. & 13. 14. Gal. 6. 18. Phil. 4. 23. 1 Theſſ. 5. 28. 2 Theſſ. 3. 18. Phil. 25. Rev. 22. 21.—be with you all Gen. 43. 29. God be gracious to thee Exod. 22. 27 I will hear for I am g. 33. 19 I'll be g. to whom I'll be g. 34. 6. L. G. merciful and g. 2 Chr. 30. 9 Neh. 9. 17. 31. Pſ. 103. 8. & 116. 5. & 145. 8. Joel 2. 13. Num 6. 25. Lord be g. 2 Sam. 12. 22. Job 33. 24. then he is g. to him Pſ. 77. 9. hath God forgotten to be g. 86. 15. full of compaſſion and g. 111. 4. & 112. 4. & 78. 38. Iſa. 30. 18. Lord wait that he may be g. [...]9. he will be very g. to thee [...]3. 2. Am. 5. 15. may be the Lord will be g. Jonah 4. 2. knew that thou art g. God Mal. 1. 9. beſeech God be g. Iſa. 33. 2. 1 Pet. 2. 3. if ye taſted that Lord is g. Gen. 33. 5. graciouſly 11. Pſ. 119. 29. Hoſ. 14. 2. receive us g.
  • GRAFF, Rom. 11. 17. 19. 23. 24.
  • GRANT, Job 10. 12. Pſ. 140. 8. Prov. 10. 24. Rom. 15. 5. Eph. 3. 16. 2 Tim. 1. 18. Rev. 3. 21.
  • GRAPES of gall, Deut. 32. 32. Song 2. 13. tender g. 15. & 7. 7. of g. Iſa. 5. 4. wild g. Ezek. 18. 2. [...]our g. Mic. 7. 1. ſoul deſireth firſt ripe g.
  • GRASS, Pſ. 37. 2. & 90. 5. & 92. 7. & 102. 4. 11. Iſ. 44. 4. & 51. 12. Pſ. 103. 15. man's days are like g. Iſa 40. 6. all fleſh is g. 7. 8. 1 Pet. 1. 24. James 1. 10. 11. Mat. 6. 30. if God ſo clothe the g. Rev. 8. 7. green g. 9. 4. hurt g.
  • GRAVE, 1 Kings 2. 9 & 14. 13. 1 Sam. 2. 6. Lord brings down to g. Job 5. 26. come to thy g. in full age 14. 13. hide me in g. 17. 1. 13. Pſ. 6. 5. in g. who ſhall give thanks 30. 39. Lord brought my ſoul from g. Prov. 1. 12. ſwallow up alive as g. Eccl. 9. 10. no wiſdom in g. whither Iſa. 38. 18. g. cannot praiſe thee Hoſ. 13. 14. power of g. O g. I'll be deſtr. 1 Cor. 15. 55. O g. where is thy victory Zech. 3. 9. I'll grave the graving Job 19. 24. graven with iron pen Iſa. 49. 16. I have g. thee upon palms Jer. 17. 1. ſin g. on tables of their hearts 1 Tim. 3. 4. 8. 11. grave Tit. 2. 2. 7.
  • GRAY, Pſ. 71. 18. Prov. 20. 29. Hoſ. 7. 9.
  • GREAT, Gen. 12. 2. & 30. 8. Deut. 29. 24. g. anger 2 Chron. 34. 21. 1 Sam. 6. 9. great evil Neh. 13. 27. Eccl. 2. 21. Jer. 44. 7. Dan. 9. 12. Pſ. 47. 2. great king 48. 2. & 95. 3. Mal. 1. 14. Mat. 5. 35. Job 32. 9. great men Jer. 5. 5. Exod. 32. 11. great power Neh. 1. 10. Job 23. 6. Pſ. 147. 5. Nah. 1. 3. Acts 4. 33. & 8. 10. Rev. 11. 17. Exod. 32. 21. ſo great Deut. 4. 7. 8. 1 Kings 3. 9. Pſ. 77. 13. & 103. 11. Mat. 8. 10. & 15. 33. 2 Cor. 1. 10. Heb. 2. 3. & 12. 1. Rev. 16. 18. & 18. 17. Job 5. 9. great things 9. 10. & 3. 7. 5. Jer. 45. 5. Hoſ. 8. 12. Luke 1. 49. Gen. 6. 5. great wickedneſs 39. 9. Job 22. 5. Joel 3. 13. 2 Chron. 28. 13. Job 33. 12. God is greater than man Mat. 12. 42. a g. than Solomon is here John 1. 50. ſee g. things than theſe 4. 12. art thou g. than 8. 53. 10. 29. my Father is g. than all 14. 28. my Father is g. than I 1 Cor. 14. 5. g. is he that propheſieth 1 John 4. 4. g. is he that is in you 3. 20. 5. 9. witneſs of God is g. 1 Sam. 30. 6 David was greatly diſtreſſed 2 Sam. 24. 10. I have ſinned g. in that 1 Kings 8. 3. Obadiah feared the Lord g. 1 Chron. 16. 25. great is the Lord and g. to be praiſed Pſ. 48. 1. & 96. 4. & 145. 3. 2 Chron. 33. 12. Man. humb. g. bef. G. Job 3. 25. thing I g. feared is come Pſ. 28. 7. my heart g. rejoiceth 47. 9. God he is g. exalted 89. 7. God is g. to be feared in aſſem. 116. 10. I ſpoke I was g. afflicted Dan. 9. 21. O man g. beloved 10. 11. 19. Mark 12. 24. ye do g. err not knowing Exod. 15. 7. greatneſs of thy excellency Num. 14. 19. pardon acc. to g. of mercy Deut. 32. 3. aſcribe ye g. to our God 1 Chron. 29. 11. thine is g. 2 Chr. 9. 6. Neh. 13. 22. ſpare accord. to g. of mercy Pſ. 66. 3. g. of thy power 79. 11. Eph. 1. 19. 145. 3. his g. is unſearchable 6. Iſa. 63. 1. travelling in g. of his ſtrength
  • GREEDY of gain, Prov. 1. 19. & 15. 27. Iſa. 56. 11. they are g. dogs never enough 1 Tim. 3. 3. not g of filthy lucre 8. Eph. 4. 19. work unclean. wt. greedineſs
  • GRIEF, Iſa. 53. 3. 4. 10. Heb. 13. 17. Gen. 6. 6. grieved him at his heart Judg. 10. 16. his ſoul was g. for miſery Pſ. 95. 10. forty years long was I g. with 119. 158. I beh. tranſ. and was g. 139. 21. Iſa. 54. 6. woman forſaken and g. in ſpirit Jer. 5. 3. ſmitten they have not g. Lam. 3. 33. nor g. children of men Amos 6. 6. not g. for affliction of Joſeph Mark 3. 5. being g. for hardneſs of heart 10. 22. went away g. for he had great Rom. 14. 15. if brother be g. at thy meat Pſ. 10. 5. his ways are always grievous Mat. 23. 4. burdens g. to be born Acts 20. 29. death ſhall g. wolves enter Heb. 12. 11. no affliction is joyous but g. 1 John 5. 3. his command. are not g. Mat. 8. 6. grievouſly tormented 15. 22.
  • GRIND faces of poor, Iſa. 3. 15. Mat. 21. 44. it will g. him to powder Eccl. 12. 3. grinders ceaſe becauſe few 4.
  • GROAN earneſtly, 2 Cor. 5. 2. 4. John 11. 33. Jeſus groaned in ſpirit Rom. 8. 22. whole creation groaneth Pſ. 6. 6. weary with my groaning [87] 38. 9. my g. is not hid from thee 102. 20. to hear the g. of priſoners Rom. 8. 26. g. that cannot be uttered
  • GROUNDED or correcting ſtaff, Iſ. 30. 32. Eph. 3. 17. rooted and g. in love Col. 1. 23. if continue in the faith g.
  • GROW, Gen. 48. 16. 2 Sam. 23. 5. Pſ. 92. 12. g. like a cedar in Lebanon Hoſ. 14. 5. ſhall g. as lily 7. g. as vine Mal. 4. 2. ſhall g. up as calves of ſtall Eph. 2. 21. g. unto an holy temple 4. 15. may g. up into him in all things 1 Pet. 2. 2. milk that ye may g. thereby 2 Pet. 3. 18. g. in grace and knowledge
  • GRUDGE, Lev. 19. 18. Jam. 5. 9. 1 Pet. 4. 9. grudging 2 Cor. 9. 7.
  • GUIDE unto death, Pſ. 48. 14. Pſ. 73. 24. ſhalt g. me with thy counſel 112. 5. g. his affairs with diſcretion Prov. 2. 17. forſaketh g. of her youth Iſa. 58. 11. L. ſhall g. thee continually Jer. 3. 4. my F. thou'rt g. of my youth Luke 1. 79. g. our feet into way of peace John 16. 13. g. you into all truth 1 Tim. 5. 14. bear children g. the houſe
  • GUILE, Exod. 21. 14. Pſ. 55. 11. 2 Cor. 12. 16. 1 Theſſ. 2. 3. Pſ. 32. 2. in whoſe ſpirit is no g. 34. 13. keep lips from g. 1. Pet. 3. 10. John 1. 47. Iſraelite indeed in whom no g. 1 Pet. 2. 1. laying aſide all malice g. 22. neither was g. found in his mouth
  • GUILTY, Lev. 4. 13. & 22. 27. Exod. 34. 7. by no means clear the g. Num. 14. 18. Gen. 42. 21. Rom. 3. 19. all the world g. before G. 1 Cor. 11. 27. g. of body and blood of L. Jam. 2. 10. offend in one point g. of all Exod. 20. 7. not hold him guiltleſs
  • GULF fixed, Luke 16. 26.
  • HABITABLE parts, Prov. 8. 31.
  • HABITATION, 2 Chron. 6. 2. & 29. 6. Deut. 26. 15. look down from thy holy h Pſ. 68. 5. Jer. 25. 30. Zech. 2. 13. Pſ. 26. 8. loved h. of thy houſe 71. 3. be thou my ſtrong h. 74. 20. full of the h. of cruelty. 89. 14. are h. of thy throne 97. 2 91. 9. haſt made the moſt High thy h. 107. 7. led them to a city of h. Prov. 3. 33. he bleſſeth h. of juſt Iſa. 33. 20. ſee Jeruſalem a quiet h. 63. 15. behold from h. of thy holineſs Jer. 31. 25. O h. of juſtice and mountain Luke 16. 9. receive you into everlaſt. h. Eph. 2. 22. h. of God through the ſpirit Jude 6. angels left their own h. Rev. 18. 2. h. of devils, hold, cage
  • HAIL, Iſa. 28. 2. 17 Rev. 8. 7. & 16. 21.
  • HAIR, Job 4. 15. Song 4. 1. Pſ. 40. 12. more than h. of my 69. 4. Hoſ. 7. 9. gray h. are here and there Mat. 5. 36. make one h. white or 10. 30. h. of your head numb. Luke 12. 7. 1 Cor. 11. 14. if man have long h. 1 Tim. 2. 9. not with broidered h. 1 Pet. 3. 3. not of plaiting the h.
  • HALT between two, 1 Kings 18 21. Mic. 4. 6. I'll aſſemble her that halts Jer. 20. 10. watched for my halting
  • HAND, Gen. 3. 22. & 16. 12. Deut. 33. 3. all his ſaints are in thy h. Ezra 7. 9. good h. of his G. upon him 8. 23. h. of our G. is on them for good Job 20. 10. into whoſe h. G. bring abund. Prov. 10. 4. h. of diligent—ſlack h. 11. 21. though h. join in h. 16. 5. 12. 24. h. of diligent ſhall bear rule Iſa. 1. 12. who required this at your h. Mat. 22. 13. bind him h. and foot and ca [...] John 3. 35. given all things into his h. 1 Pet. 5. 6. humble under mighty h. of G. Numb. 11. 23. is Lords hand waxed [...]ore 2 Sam. 24. 14. let us fall into—not of m [...] Job 2. 10. rec. good at—and not rec. evil 12. 9. hath wrought all this Iſ. 41. 20. 19. 21. have pity for—hath touch. me Iſa 40. 2. received of—double for all 59. 1.- is not ſhortened that it cannot Pſ. 16. 8. he is at my right hand I ſhall 11. at thy- are pleaſures for evermore 18. 35. thy right h. hath holden me up 48. 10. thy—is full of righteouſneſs 73. 23. haſt holden me by my— 110. 5. L. at thy—ſhall ſtrike kings 137. 5. let my- forget her cunning 139. 10. thy h. lead and—hold me Prov. 3. 16. length of days is at her— Eccl. 10. 2. wiſe mans heart at his— 9. 1. wife and their work are in h. of G. Song. 2. 6. his—doth embrace me 8. 3. Mat. 5. 30. if thy—offend cut it off 6. 3. left h. not know what thy— 20. 21. one on—and another on left 25. 33. ſheep on—goats on left 34. 41. Mark 14. 62. ſitting on—of power 16. 19. ſat on—of G. Rom. 8. 34. Col. 3. 1. Heb. 1. 3. & 8. 1. & 10. 12. 1 Pet. 3. 22. Acts 2. 33. & 7. 55. 56. Pſ. 31. 5. into thy hand I commend ſpirit 145. 16. thou openeſt—and ſatisfieſt Prov. 30. 32. lay- upon thy mouth Eccl. 9. 10. whatſoever—findeth to do Iſa. 26. 11. when—is lifted up they will Mat. 18. 8. if- or thy foot offend Acts 4. 28. to do whatſoever—and counſ. Gen. 27. 22. hands are the h of Eſau Exod. 17. 12. Moſes h were heavy Job 17. 9. hath clean h. ſhall be ſtronger Pſ. 24. 4. hath clean h. and a pure heart 76. 5. men of might found their h. 119. 73. thy h. made and faſhioned me Prov. 31. 20. reacheth forth h. to needy 31. give her of the fruit of her h. Iſ. 1. 15. ſpread forth your h. I'll hide Mic. 7. 3 do evil with both h. earneſtly Mat. 18. 8. having two h. or two feet Luke 1. 74. deliv. out of h of our ene. 9. 44. delivered into h. of men John 13. 9. but alſo my h. and my head 2 Cor. 5. 1. houſe not made with h. [82] [...] [83] [...] [84] [...] [85] [...] [86] [...] [87] [...] [88] Eph. 4. 28. working with his h. 1 Tim. 2. 8. where lifting up holy h. Heb. 9. 11. tabernacles not made with h. 10. 31. fearful to fall into h. of living G. Jam. 4. 8. cleanſe your h. ye ſinners 1 John 1. 1. our h. have handled word Col. 2. 14. hand-writing of ordinances
  • HANDLE me and ſee, Luke 24. 39. Col. 2. 21. taſte not h not which 2 Cor. 4. 2. not h. word of G. deceitfully
  • HANDMAID, Pſ 86. 16. & 116. 16. Prov. 30. 23. Luke 1. 38. 48.
  • HANG, Pſ. 137. 2. Joſh. 8. 29. Deut. 21. 23. h. is accurſed Gal. 3. 13. 28. 66. thy life ſhall h. in doubt Job 26 7. he h. the earth on nothing Mat. 18. 6. mill-ſtone h. about his neck 22. 40. on theſe h. all law and proph. Heb. 12 12. hands which h. down
  • HAPPEN, Jer. 44. 23. Rom. 11. 25. Prov. 12. 21. no evil ſhall h. to juſt: Pet. 3. 13. Eccl. 2. 14. one event h. to them all 8. 14. h. according to work of 9. 11. time and chance h. to them all 1 Cor. 10. 11. all theſe h. for examples
  • HAPPY I for daughters, Gen. 30. 13. Deut. 33. 29. h. art thou O Iſrael 1 Kings 10. 8. h. are thy men thy ſerv. Job 5. 17. h. is man whom G. corrects Pſ. 127. 5. h. man has his quiver full 128. 2. h. ſhalt thou be and it be well 137. 8. h. he that rewards thee 9. 144. 15. h people whoſe God is Lord 146. 5. h. he that hath G. of Jacob for Prov. 3. 13. h man that finds wiſdom 18. 14. 21. that hath mercy on poor h. is 16. 20. whoſo truſts in L. h. is he 28. 14. h. is man that fears alway 29. 18. that keepeth the law h. is he Jer. 12. 1. why are they h. that deal Mal. 3. 15. we call proud h. tempt God John 13. 17. h. are ye if ye do them Rom. 14. 22. h. he that condemns not Jam. 5. 11. count them h. which endure 1 Pet. 3. 14. ſuffer for righte. h. are ye 4. 14. reproached for name of C. h. ye 1 Cor. 7. 40. happier if ſhe ſo abide
  • HARD, Gen. 35. 16. 17. Exod. 1. 14. & 18. 26. 2 Sam. 13. 2. Pſ. 88. 7. Gen. 18. 14. is any thing too h. for Lord 2 Sam. 3. 39. ſons of Zeru. too h. for me 2 Kings 2. 10. thou aſkeſt a h. thing Pſ. 60. 3. ſhewed thy people h. things and Prov. 13. 15. the way of tranſgreſſors is h. Jer. 32. 17. nothing is too h. for thee 27. Mat. 25. 24. thou art a h. man Mark 10. 24. how h. is it for that truſt John 6. 60. this h. ſaying who hear it Acts 9. 5. h. for thee to kick 26. 14. 2 Pet. 3. 16. ſomethings h. to be under. Jude 15. of all their h. ſpeeches
  • HARDEN, Exod. 4. 21. Deut. 15. 7. Joſh. 11. 20. Job 6. 10. & 39. 16. Job 9. 4. who hath h. himſelf againſt G. Prov. 21. 29. h. his face 28. 14. h. heart 29. 1. h. his neck deſtroyed without Iſa. 63. 17. h. our heart from thy fear Mark 6. 52. their heart was h. Rom. 9. 18. whom he will he h. Heb. 3. 8 h. not your heart as in the provocation 15. & 4. 7. Pſ. 95. 8. Heb. 3. 13. leſt any be h thro' deceitful. Prov. 18. 19. a brother offended is harder Jer. 5. 3. made faces h. than a rock Ezek. 3. 9. h. than flint thy forehead Mat. 19. 8. bec. of hardneſs of your h. Mark 3. 5. grieved for h. of their hearts Rom. 2. 5. after thy h. and impenitent h. 2 Tim. 2. 3. endure h. as good ſoldier
  • HARLOT, Gen. 34. 31. Joſh. 2. 1. Judg. 11. 1. Prov. 7. 10. Iſa. 1. 21. & 23. 15. Jer. 2. 20. play the h. 3. 1. 6. 8. Ezek. 16. 15. 16. 41. Hoſ. 2. 5. & 4. 15. Mat. 21. 31. h. go into k. of G. before 32. 1 Cor. 6. 16. joined to h. is one body Heb. 11. 31. by faith h. Rahab periſhed not Jam. 2. 25. was not Rahab h. juſtified Rev. 17. 5. mother of h. and abomina.
  • HARM, Gen. 31. 52. Acts 28. 5. 1 Chron. 16. 22. do my prophets no h. Pſ. 105. 15. Prov. 3. 30. Jer. 39. 12. 1 Pet. 3. 13 who is he that will h. you Mat. 10. 16. harmleſs Phil. 2. 15. Heb 7. 26. holy h. undefiled ſeparate
  • HARVEST, Gen. 8. 22. & 30. 14. Exod. 34. 21. in h. thou ſhalt reſt Iſa. 9. 3. joy before thee acc. to joy of h. Jer. 5. 24. reſerv. appointed weeks of h. 8. 20 h. is paſt ſummer ended and we 51. 33. h. is come Joel 3. 13. Mat. 9 37. h. plenteous 38. pray L. of h. 13. 39. h. is the end of the world Rev. 14. 15. h. of earth is ripe Joel 3. 13.
  • HASTE, Exod. 12. 11. 33. Iſa. 52. 12. Pſ. 31. 22. I ſaid in my h. 116. 11. 38. 22. make h. to help me 40. 13. & 70. 1. 5. & 71. 12. & 141. 1.119. 60. I made h. and delayed not Song 8. 14. make h. my beloved Iſa. 28. 16. believeth ſhall not make h. 49. 17. thy children ſhall make h. Pſ. 16. 4. haſten after another God Iſa. 5. 19. let him h. his work that we 60. 21. I the L. will h. it in his time Jer. 1. 12. I'll h. my word to perform Prov. 14. 29. haſty of ſpirit Eccl. 7. 9. 21. 5. thoughts of h. only to want 29. 20. h. in words more hope of a [...] 20. 21. inherit. gotten haſtily not bleſ.
  • HATE, Gen. 24. 60. Deut. 21. 15. Lev. 19. 17. ſhalt not h. thy br. in heart Deut. 7. 10. repays them that h. him 1 Kings 22. 8. I h. him for he never Pſ. 68. 1. let them that h. him flee 97. 10. ye that love the Lord h. evil 119. 104. I h. every falſe way 128. 113. I h. vain thoughts 163. h. lying 139. 21. do not I h. them that h. thee Prov. 8. 13. fear of Lord is to h. evil 36. all they that h. me love death Jer. 44. 4. this abomin. thing that I h. Amos 5. 10. they h. him that rebuketh [89] 15. h. the evil and love the good Mic. 3. 2. who h. the good and love evil Luke 14. 26. and h. not his f and mother John 7. 7. world cannot h. you but me it 15. 18. if world h. you it hated me bef. Rom. 7. 15. what I h. that do I 1 John 3. 13. marvel not if world h. you Rev. 2. 6. deeds of Nicol. which I h. 15. 17. 16. theſe ſhall h. the whore and Prov. 1. 29. for that they hated knowl. 5. 12. and ſay how have I h inſtruction Iſ. 66. 5. your br that h. you ſaid let Mal. 1. 3. I h. Eſau Rom. [...]. 13. Mat. 10. 22. ſhall be h of all men Mark 13. 13. Luke 21. 17. Luke 19. 14. his citizens h. him John 15. 24. it h. both me and my F. 18. Eph. 5. 29. no man ever h his own fleſh Rom. 1. 30. backbiters haters of God 2 Sam. 19. 6. hateſt friends and loveſt Pſ. 5. 5. h. all workers of iniquity 50. 17. ſeeing thou h. inſtruction Exod. 23. 5. aſs of him that hateth thee Prov. 13. 24. ſpares the rod h. his ſon John 12. 25. h. his life in this world 1 John 2. 9. h. his brother is in darkneſs 11. & 3. 15. & 4. 20. Exod. 18. 21. hating covetouſneſs Tit. 3. 3. hateful and h. one another Jude 23. h garment ſpotted by the fleſh
  • HAUGHTY my heart is not, Pſ. 131. 1. Prov. 16. 18. h ſpirit before fall 18. 12. 21. 24. proud and h ſcorner dealeth Zeph. 3. 11. no more be h. becauſe of Iſ. 2. 11. haughtineſs 17. & 13. 11. & 16. 6.
  • HEAD, Gen. 2 10. & 40. 13. Gen. 3. 15. it ſhall bruiſe thy h. 49. 26. bleſſings on h of him ſeparate from his brethren Deut. 33. 10. Ezra 9. 6. iniq. increaſſed over our h. Pſ. 38. 4. iniquity gone over my h. Prov. 16. 31. hoary h. is crown of gl. 20. 29. beauty of old men is gray h. Eccl. 2. 14. wiſe man's eyes in his h. 9. 8. let thy h. lack no ointment Song 5. 2. my h. is filled with dew 11. his h. is as moſt fine gold locks Iſ. 1. 5. whole h. is ſick and heart faint 6. from ſole of foot to crown of h. Jer. 9. 1. O that my h. were waters 48. 37. every h. ſhall be bald Ezek. 9. 10. recomp. way on h 64. 43. Dan. 2. 28. viſions of thy h. on thy bed 38. thou art this h. of gold 32. Zech. 4. 7. bring forth h. ſtone of it Mat. 8. 20 not where to lay his h. 14. 8. give me the h. of John Baptiſt Rom. 12. 20. coals fire on h. Pr. 25. 22. 1 Cor. 11. 3. h. of man is Chriſt h. of woman is man h. of Chriſt is God 4. h. covered diſhonoureth h v. 5. Eph. 1. 22. gave him to be h. over all 4. 15. grow up in all to h. even C. 5. 23. huſh. h. of wife C. of the church Col. 1. 18. he is h. of the body 2. 19. Rev. 19. 12. on his h. many crowns Pſ. 24. 7. lift up your heads O gates 9. Iſ. 35. 10. everl. joy on their h 51. 11. Luke 21. 28. lift up your h. for day of Rev. 13. 1. ſeven h. and ten horns Job 5. 13. head long Luke 4. 29. Acts [...]. 18. 2 Tim. 3. 4. heady high minded
  • HEAL her now O God Numb. 12. 13. Deut. 32. 39. I wound I h. and I kill 2 Chr. 7. 14. I will h. their land Pſ. 6. 2. h. me for my bones are vexed 41. 4 h. my ſoul for I have [...]ed 60. 2. h. breaches for land ſhaketh Iſ. 57. 18. I've ſeen way and I'll h. him Jer. 3. 22. I'll h. your backſt Hoſ. 14. 4. 17. 14. h. me and I ſhall be healed Hoſ. 6. 1. hath torn and he will h us Luke 4. 18. h. the broken hearted 23. ye'll ſay phyſician h. thyſelf John 12. 40. converted and I ſhould h. 2 Chron. 30. 20. h. healed the people Pſ. 30. 2. I cried and thou haſt h. me 107. 20. ſent his word and h. them Iſ. 6. 10. convert and be h. Acts 28. 27. 53. 5. with his ſtripes we h. 1 Pet. 2. 24. Jer. 6 14. [...]. hurt of daughter 8. 11. 15. 18. wound incur. refuſeth to be h. Hoſ. 7. 11. when I would have h. Iſrael Mat. 4. 24. he h. them all 12 15. & 14. 14. Heb. 12. 13. let it rather be h. James 5. 16 pray that ye may be h. Rev. 13. 3. his deadly wound was h. Exod. 15. 26. I am L. that heal [...]th thee Pſ 103. 3. who h. all thy diſeaſes 147. 3. he h. the broken in heart Iſ. 30. 26. L. h. ſtroke of their wound Jer. 14. 19. looked for a time of healing 30. 13. thou haſt no h. medicine Mal. 4. 2. with h. in his wings Mat. 4 23. h. all mann. of ſickn. 19. 25. 1 Cor. 12 9. to another the gifts of h. Rev. 22. 2. leaves are for h. of nations Pſ. 42. 11. health of my count. 43. 5. 67. 2. thy ſaving h. among all nations Prov. 3. 8. it ſhall be h. to thy navel 12. 1. the tongue of wiſe is h. Jer. 8. 15. looked for a time of h. 30. 17. I'll reſtore h. and heal thee
  • HEAP coals Prov. 25. 22. Rom. 12. 20. Deut. 32. 23. I'll h miſchiefs on them Job 36. 13. hyp. in heart h. up wrath Pſ. 39. 6 he hea [...]eth up rich. and know. 2 Tim. 4. 3. h. to themſelv. teachers James 5. 3. ye have heaped treaſures for Judges 15. 16. heaps on h. with jaw bone
  • HEAR, Gen. 21. 6. & 23. 6. Deut. 30. 17. if heart turn away not h. 1 Kings 8 30. h. thou in heaven thy dw. 2 Kings 19. 16. [...]ow down thy ear and h. 2 Chr. 6. 21. h. from thy dw [...]lling p [...]ace Job 5. 27. h. it and know it for thy good Pſ. 4. 1. h my prayer 39. 12. & 54. 2. & 51. 1. & 84. 8. & 101. 1. & 1 [...]3. 1. Dan. 9. 17. 19. Pſ. 4. 3. L. will h. 17. 6 & 145. 19. Zech. 10. 6. 10. 17. thou will came thy ear to h. 51. 8. cauſe me to hear joy and g [...]ad [...]. [90] 5 [...]. 7. who ſay they doth h. 10. 11. 66. 10. come and h. all ye that fear G. 115. [...]. ea [...]s but they h. not 135. 7. Prov. 19. 27. ceaſe to hear inſtruct. that Eccl. 5. [...]. be more ready to h. than Song 2. 14. let me h. thy voice 8. 13. Iſ. 1. 2. h. O heavens and give ear O ea. 6. 10. leſt they h. with ears Deut. 29. 2. 25. 3. h. and your ſoul ſhall live Mat. 10. 27. what ye h. in the ear 13. 17. to h. thoſe things ye h. 17. 5. this is my beloved Son h. ye him 18. 17. if he neglect to h. them tell it Mark 4. 24. take heed what ye h. 33. ſpake word as they were able to h. Luke 8. 18. take heed how ye h. 16. 29. Moſes and proph. let h. them John 5. 25. they that h. ſhall live Acts 10. 33. to h. all command. of God James 1. 19. let every man be ſwift to h. Rev. 2. 7. let him h. what Spirit ſaith to churches 11. 17. 29. & 3. 6. 13. 22. 3. 20. if any h. my voice and op door Exod. 2. 24. God heard their groaning Pſ. 6. 9. Lord hath h. my ſupplication 10. 17. haſt h. deſire of humble 34. 6. 34. 4. I fought Lord and he h. me 61. 5. thou haſt h. my vows 116 1. 66. 19. verily God hath h me 18. 6. 118. 21. I'll praiſe for thou haſt h. me 120. 1. I cried to L and he h. me Iſ. 40. 28. haſt thou not h. not known 64. 4. from beginn. men have not h. Jer. 8. 6. I hearkened and h. but they Jonah 2. 2. I cried to L. and he h. me Mal. 3. 16. Lord hearkened and h. Mat. 6. 7. be h. for much ſpeaking Luke 1. 13. thy prayer is h. and thy John 3. 32. what he hath ſeen and h. 8. 6. wrote as though he h. them not Rom. 10. 14. of whom they have not h. 1 Cor. 2. 9. eye not ſeen nor ear h. Phil. 4. 9. what h. and ſeen in me do Heb. 4. 2. with faith in them that h. it 5. 7. he was h. in that he feared James 5. 11. ye h. of patience of Job Rev. 3. 3. rem how haſt h. and hold faſt Exod. 3. 7. I have heard their cry 6. 5.—groaning Acts 7. 34. 16.—murmurrings Numb. 14. 27. 1 Kings 9. 3.—thy prayer and ſupplication 2 Kings 19. 20. & 20. 5. & 22. 19. Job 42. 5.—of thee by the hearing 49. 8. in accept. time—thee 2 Cor. 6. 2. Jer. 31. 18.—Ephraim bemoaning Pſ. 65. 2. thou that heareſt prayer John 11. 42. knew thou h. me always 1 Sam. 3. 9. ſpeak Lord for thy ſervant h. Prov. 8. 34. bleſſed is man that h. me Mat. 7. 24. whoſo h. thoſe ſayings of Luke 10. 16. he that h. you h. me John 9. 31. God h. not ſinners but h. 1 John 5. 14. aſk acc. to his will he h. Rev. 22. 17. let him that h. ſay come Rom. 2. 13. not hearers but doers of Eph. 4. 29. miniſter grace to the h. James 1. 22. be doers of word not h. 23. a h. of word and not a doer 25. not forgetful h. but a doer bleſſed Job 42. 5. of thee by hearing of ear Prov. 20. 12. h. ear and ſeeing eye 28. 9. turneth his ear from h. of law Mat. 13. 14. h. they hear not Acts 28. 26. Rom. 10. 17. faith comes by h. and h. by Heb. 5. 11. ſeeing ye are dull of h. 2 Pet. 2. 8. in ſeeing and h. vexed
  • HEARKEN to his voice, Deut. 28. 16. 28. 1. if thou h. diligently 30. 10. 1 Sam. 15. 22. better to h. than fat of Pſ. 21. 11. my people would not h. to 103. 20. angels h. to voice of his word Iſ. 46. 12. h. unto me ye ſtout hearted 51. 1. h. unto me ye that follow right. 55. 2. h. diligently eat good and delight
  • HEART, Exod. 28. 30. & 35. 5. 1 Sam. 1 13. ſhe ſpake in her h. 10. 9. God gave him another h. 16. 7. but Lord looketh on the h. 24. 7. David's h. ſmote him after he 1 Chron. 16 10 let h. of them rejoice that ſeek the Lord Pſ. 105. 3. 22. 19. [...]et your h. to ſeek L. your G. 2 Chr. 17. 5. his h. was lifted up in ways L. 30. 19. prepares his h. to ſeek God of Pſ. 22. 26. your h. ſhall live for ever 69. 32. 34. 18. Lord nigh to them of broken h. 37. 31. law of his God is in his h. 51. 17. a brok. and contrite h. Iſ. 66. 2. 64. 6. and the thought and h. is deep 78. 37. their h. was not right with him 112. 7. his h. is fixed truſting in Lord Prov. 4. 23. keep thy h. with all diligence 10. 20. h. of wicked is little worth 16. 9. a man's h. deviſeth his way but 27. 19. h. of man anſwers to man Eccl. 7. 4. h of wife in houſe of mourn. 10. 2. wiſe man's h. at his right hand but a fools h. is at his left hand Song 3. 11. in day of gladneſs of his h. Iſ. 6. 10. make h. of this people fat 57. 15. to receive h. of contrite ones Jer. 11. 20. trieſt reins and h. 17. 10. 12. 11. no man taketh to h. Iſ. 42. 25. 17. 9. h. is deceitful above all things 24. 7. I'll give them a h. to know me 32. 39. I'll give them one h. Ez. 11. 19. Lam. 3. 41. lift up our h. with hands Ezek. 11. 19. take ſtony h.—h. of fleſh 18. 31. make ye a new h. and new ſp. 36. 26. new h. ſtony h. h. of fleſh Joel 2. 13. rent your h. not your garments Mal. 4. 6. turn h. of fathers to children Mat. 6. 21. there will your h. be alſo 12. 34. out of abund. of h. mouth ſp. 35. out of good treaſ. of h. Luke 6. 45. 15. 19. out of h. proceed evil Mat. 7. 21. Luke 2. 19. pondered them in her h. 51. 24. 25. O fools and ſlow of h. to believe 32. did not our h. burn within us John 14. 1. let not h. be troubled 27. Acts 5. 33. were cut to the h. 7. 54. 11. 23. with purp. of h. cleave to the L. [91] 13. 22. found man after mine own h. Rom. 10. 10. with h. man believeth Cor. 2. 9. nor entered into h. of man 2 Cor. 3. 3. in fleſhy tables of h. 1 Pet. 3. 4. in hidden man of h. 1 John 3. 20. if h. cond. G. great. than h. Deut. 11. 13. ſerve him with all thy h. Joſh. 22. 5. 1 Sam. 12. 20. 13. 3. love Lord your God—30. 6. Mat. 22. 37. Mark 12. 30. 33. Luke 10. 27. 26. 16. ſtatutes keep and do them— 30. 2. turn to the Lord—and ſoul 10. 2 Kings 23. 25. Joel 2. 12. 1 Kings 2. 4. walk before me in tr.—8. 23. 8. 48. return to thee—2 Chron. 6. 38. 2 Chron 15. 12. ſeek G. of f.—15. ſworn— 22. 9. ſought Lord—31. 21. did— Pſ. 86. 12. I will praiſe thee— Prov. 3. 5. truſt in Lord -and be not Jer. 29. 13. ſearch for me— Zeph. 3. 14. ſing be glad rejoice— Acts 9. 37. if thou believeſt— Pſ. 45. 1. my heart is inditing good 57. 7.—is fixed O God is fixed 108. 1. 61. 2. what time—is overwhelmed 73. 26. my fleſh and—faileth but G. is 84. 2. my fleſh and—crieth for liv. G. 109. 22. my h. is wounded within me 131. 1. Lord—is not haughty nor eyes Song 5. 2. I ſlept but—waketh Jer. 3. 15. give paſtures according to— Hoſ 11. 8.- is turned within me my 1 Kings 8. 61. heart perfect with Lord 11. 4. & 15. 3. 14. 2 Chron. 15. 17. 2 Kings 20. 3. and with—2 Chron. 19. 9. 1 Chron 28. 9. ſerve him with h. p. 29. 9. 2 Chron. 16. 9. in behalf of whoſe— Pſ. 107. 2. I'll walk in houſe with— Pſ. 24. 4. clean hands and fine heart Mat. 5. 8. bleſſed are the pure in h. 1 Tim. 1. 5. charity out of a pure h. 2 Tim. 2. 22. call on L. out of pure h. 1 Pet. 1. 22. love with pure h. fervently Pſ. 9. 1. praiſe him with my whole heart 111. 1. and 138. 1 Pſ. 119. 2. ſeek him—10. favour, 5. 8. 34. obſerve—69 keep pr. 145. cried Jer. 3. 10. not turned with my wh. h. but Col. 3. 23. do it heartily as to L. and not
  • HEATH, Jer. 17. 6. & 48. 6.
  • HEATHEN, Lev. 25. 44. & 26. 45. Pſ. 2. 1. why do h. rage Acts 4. 25. 8. give h. or gentiles for inheritance Mat. 18. 17. let him be as on h. man Gal. 3. 8. juſtify the h. through faith
  • HEAVEN of h. cannot contain thee 1 Kings 8. 27. 2 Chron. 2. 6. & 6. 18. Pſ. 103. 11. as h. is high above earth 115. 16. the h. even heavens are the L. Prov. 25. 3. the h. for height and earth Iſ. 66. 1. h. is my throne Acts 7. 49. Jer. 31. 37. if h. above can be meaſured Hag. 1. 10. h. over you is ſtayed fr. dew Mat. 5. 18. till h. and earth paſs 24. 25. Luke 15. 18. ſinned againſt h. and in 21. John 1. 51. ſee h. open and angels aſcend Pſ. 73. 27. whom have I in heaven but Eccl. 5. 2. God is in h. and thou on earth Heb. 10. 34. have in h. a better ſubſtance 1 Pet. 1. 4. inherit. reſerv'd in h. for you Pſ. 8. 1. conſider the heavens the work 19. 1. the h. declare the glory of God 89. 11. the h. are thine and earth alſo Iſ. 65. 17. I create new h. and new earth 66. 92. 2 Pet. 3. 12. Rev. 21. 1. Acts 3. 21. h. muſt receive him till time 2 Cor. 5. 1. we have houſe eternal in h. Eph. 4. 10. aſcended f [...]r above all h. Mat. 9. 14. heavenly Father 26. 32. & 15. 13. & 18. 35 Luke 11. 13. 1 John 3. 12. if I tell you of h. things 1 Cor. 15. 48. as is h. ſuch are the h. 49. Eph. 1. 3. in h. places 20 & 2. 6. & 3. 10. 2 Tim. 4. 18. unto his h. kingdom Heb. 3. 1. partakers of the h. calling
  • HEAVY, Numb. 11. 14. Job 33. 7. Pſ. 38. 4. as an h. burden too h. for me Prov. 31. 6. to thoſe of h. hearts Iſ. 6. 10. make their ears h. and ſhut 58. 6. faſt to undo the h. burden Mat. 11. 28. that labour and are h. laden 23. 4. bind h. burdens and grievous to Pſ. 69. 20. I am full of heavineſs 119. 28. my ſoul melteth for h. Prov. 12. 25. h. in heart makes it ſtoop 14. 13. the end of that mirth is h. Iſ. 61. 3. garm. of praiſe for ſpirit of h. Rom. 9. 2. I have great h. and ſorrow of 1 Pet. 1. 6. are in h. thro' manifold trib.
  • HEDGE, Job 1. 10. Prov. 15. 19. Iſ. 5. 5. Hoſ. 2. 6. Job 3. 23. Lam 3. 7.
  • HEED, 2 Sam. 20. 10. 2 Kings 10. 31. Deut. 2. 4. take good h. to yourſ. 4. 15. Joſh 22. 5. take diligent h. to do the Pſ. 119. 9. by taking h thereto accord. Eccl. 12. 9. preacher gave good h. to Jer. 18. 18. not give h. to any of his w.
  • HEEL his thou ſhalt bruiſe, Gen. 3. 15. Pſ. 41. 9. lift up his h ag. n. e John 13. 8. 49. 5. iniquity of my h. ſhall compaſs Hoſ. 12. 3. he took his brother by the h.
  • HEIFER. Num. 19. 2. Jer. 46. 20. & 48. 34. Hoſ. 4. 16. & 10. 10. Heb. 9. 13.
  • HEIR, Gen. 15. 4. & 21. 10. Prov. 30. 23. handmaid h. to her miſtreſs Jer. 49. 1. hath Iſrael no ſons no h. Mat. 21. 38. this is the h let us kill him Rom. 4. 13. that Abr. ſhould be h. of w. 8. 17. if child. h. of G. joint h. wt. C. Gal. 3. 29. childr. h. according to promiſe 4. 7. if a ſon then an h of God Eph. 3. 6. Gentiles ſhould be fellow h. Heb. 1. 2. G. hath appointed h of all th. 6. 17. might ſhew to the h. of promiſe 11. 7. became h. of the right. by faith 1 Pet. 3. 7. h. together of grace of life
  • HELD, Pſ 94. 18. Song 3. 4.
  • HELL, Mat. 18. 9. Mark 9. 43. 45. Deut. 32. 22. burn to loweſt h. 2 Sam. 22. 6. ſorrows of h. compaſſed Job 11. 8. it is deeper than h. what 26. 6. h. is naked before him and deſt. [92] Pſ. 9. 17. wicked ſhall be turned to h. 16 10. not leave my ſoul in h Acts 2. 7. 55. 15. let them go down quick into h. 86. 13. deliver. my ſoul from loweſt h. 116. 3. pains of h. got hold on me 139. 8. if I make my bed in h. thou Prov. 5. 5. her ſteps take hold of h. 7. 27. her houſe is the way to h. 9. 18. her gu [...]ſts are in the depths of h. 15. 11. h. and deſtruction are before L. 24. that he may depart from h beneath 23. 14. ſhalt deliver his ſoul from h. 27 20. h and deſtruc. are never full Iſ. 5. 4. h hath enlarged herſelf 14 9 h from beneath is mov. to meet 15. ſhalt be brought down to h. 28 [...]5. with h are at agreement 18. 57. 9. debaſe thyſelf even to h. Ezek. 3 [...]. 1 [...]. 17. & 32 21 [...]7. Amos [...]. [...]. though they dig into h. Jonah [...]. 2. out of belly of h. cried I Hab 2. 5. enlargeth his deſire as h. Mat. 5. 22. he in danger of h. fire 29. body be caſt into h. 30. & 18. 9. Mark 9 43. 45. 47. Mat. 10. 28. doſt both ſoul and body in h. 11. 23. brought down to h. Luke 10. 5. 16. 18. gates of h ſhall not prevail ag. 23. 15. twofold more child of h than 32. how can ye eſcape damnation of h. Luke 12. 5. power to caſt into h. 16. 23 rich died in h. lift up his eyes Acts 2. 31. his ſoul not left in h 27. Jam. 3. 6. tongue ſet on fire of h. 2 Pet 2. 4. caſt them down to h. Rev. 2. 18. having keys of h and death 6. 8. death and I followed with him 20. 13. death and h deliv. up the dead 15. death and h were caſt into lake of
  • HELMET, 1 Sam. 17. 5. 2 Chr [...]n. 26. 14. Iſa. 59. 17. an h. of ſalvation on his head Eph. [...]. 17. take the h. of ſalvation 1 Theſſ. 5. 8. for an h the hope of ſalva.
  • HELP meet for him, Gen. 2. 18. Deut. 33. 29 L. the ſhield of thy h. Judg. 5. 23 came not to h. of the L. ag. Pſ. 27. 9. thou haſt been my h. 33. 20 he is our h. and ſhield 40. 17. my h. and deliverer 70. 5. 46. 1. God a preſent h. in trouble 60. 11. vain is h. of man 108 12. 71. 12 make haſte for my h. 89. 19. laid h on one that is mighty 115. 9. L. is their h. and ſhield 10. 11. 124. 8 our h. is in name of the Lord Hoſ. 13. 9. but in me is thy h. Acts 26. 22. having obtained h. of God 1 Cor. 12. 28. helps governments 2 Chron. 14. 11. nothing with thee to h. Pſ 40. 13. make haſte to h. me 70. 1. Iſa. 41. 10. I'll h. thee 13. 14. & 44. 2. 63. 5. I looked there was none to h. Acts 16. 9. come over into Maced. and h. Heb. 4. 16. find grace to h. in time of 1 Sam. 7. 12. hitherto hath L. helped us [...]. [...]8 13. I might f [...]ll but L. h. me Iſa. 49. 8. in day of ſalvation I h thee Zech. 1. 15. h. forward the affliction Acts 18. 27. h. them much who believed Rev. 12. 16. the earth h. the woman Rom. 8. 26. ſpirit helps our infirmities Pſ. 10. 14. art helper of fatherleſs 54. 4. God is my h Heb. 13. 6. Job 9. 14. proud h. ſtoop under him 2 Cor. 1. 24. we are h. of your joy 3 John 8. fellow h. to the truth
  • HEM, Mat. 9. 20. & 14 36.
  • HEN, Mat. 23. 37. Luke 13. 34.
  • HERESY, Acts 24. 15. 1 Cor. 11. 19. Gal 5 20. 2 Pet. 2. 1. Tit 3. 10. a man that is an heretic
  • HERITAGE appoint by God Job 20. 29. Pſ. 16. 6. I have a goodly h. 61. 5. given me h. of them fear thee 119. 111. teſtim. taken as h. for ever 127. 3. [...]o children are h. of Lord Iſa. 54. 17. this h. of ſerv. of L. 58. 14. Jer. 3. 19. goodly h. of hoſts of nations Joel 2. 17. give not thy h. to repr. 3. 2. 1 Pet. 5. 3. not as lords over Gods h.
  • HEW tables of ſtone, Ex. 34. 1. Deut. 12. 3. Jer. 2. 12. hewed them out ciſterns Hoſ. 6. 5. I have h. them by prophets Mat. 3. 10. hewn down 7. 19. Luke 3. 9.
  • HID themſ. Ad. and wife, Gen. 3. 8. Pſ. 119. 11. word have I h. in my heart Zeph. 2. 3. may be ye ſhall be h. in day Mat. 10. 26. h. that ſhall not be known 11. 25. h. theſe things from wiſe and prudent Luke 10. 21. 2 Cor. 4. 3. if goſpel be h. it is h. to loſt Col. 2. 3. in whom are h. all the treaſur. 3. 5. your life is h. with Chriſt in God Pſ 83. 3. conſulted ag. thy hidden ones 1 Cor. 4. 5. to light h. things of darkneſs 1 Pet 3. 4 h. man of heart not corrupt. Rev. 2. 17. give him to eat of h. manna Gen. 18. 17. ſhall I bide from Abraham Job 33. 17. he may h. pride from man Pſ. 17. 8. h. me under ſhadow of wings 27. 5. in time of trouble he ſhall h. me 30. 7. didſt h. thy face and I troubled 31. 20. wilth them in ſecret of preſence 51. 9. h. thy face from my ſin 143. 9. I flee to thee to h. me 7. Iſa. 26. 20 h thyſelf for little moment Jam. 5. 20. h. a mult. of ſins 1 Pet. 4. 8. Rev. 6. 16. h. us from face of him Job 13. 24. why hideſt thou thy face Pſ. 30. 7. & 44. 24. & 88. 14. & 143. 7. Iſa. 45. 15. art a God that h. thyſelf Job 34. 29. when he hideth his face who 42. 3. who this h. counſel without kn. Pſ. 139. 12. darkneſs h. not from thee Iſa. 8. 17. I'll wait on L. that h. his face H [...]b. 3 4. hiding of his power Pſ. 32. 7. h. place 119. 114. Iſ. 32. 2.
  • HIGH, Deut. 3. 5. 12. & 28. 43. Deut. 26. 19. make thee h. above all 1 Kings 9. 8. at this houſe which is h. 1 Chron. 17. 17. ſtate of man of h. degree Job 11. 8. as h. as heaven what canſt. [93] Pſ. 39. 2. hea [...] low and h. rich and poor 80. 13. ſtrong hand and h. thy right hand 97. 9. thou L. art h. ab. all earth 113. 4. 123. 11 as heaven is h. above the earth 131. 1. not in things too h for me 138. 6. tho' L. be h. yet hath reſpect Prov. 21. 4. a h. look and pr [...]ud heart Eccl. 12. 5. afraid of that which is h. [...]. 57. 15 I dwell in h. and holy place Ezek. 21. 26. abaſe him that is h. Rom. 12. 16. mind not h. things 2 Cor. 10. 5. every h. thing that exalteth Phil. 3. 14. for the prize of h. call. of G. Num. 24. 16. moſt high Deut. 32. 8. 2 Sam. 22. 14. Pſ. 7. 17. & 9. 2. & 21. 7. & 46. 4. & 50. 14. & 52. 2. & 56. 2. Pſ. 47. 2. L. moſt h. is terrible great King 83. 18. Jehovah art moſt h. over all e. 92. 8. thou art moſt h. for evermore Iſ. 14. 14. I'll aſcend and be like the moſt h. Hoſ. 11. 7. called to m. h. but none exalt. Acts 7. 48. m h. dwelleth not in temp. Job 5. 11. ſet up on high thoſe be low 16. 19. witn. in heav. and my record— Pſ. 107. 41. ſets poor on h. from afflict. 113. 5. like our G. who dwells on h. Iſ 26. 5. brings down them dwell on h. Luke 24. 49. endued wt. power from on h. Eccl. 5. 8. there be higher than they Iſ. 55. 9. heav. h than earth my ways h. H [...]b. 7. 26. made h. than the heavens Pſ. 18. 13. higheſt gave his voice 87. 5. h. himſelf ſhall eſtabliſh her Eccl. 5. 8. he that is higher than [...]he h. Luke 1. 35 power of the h. overſhadow 2. 13. glory to G. in the h. 19. 38. 6. 35. ſhall be the children of the h. 14. 8. [...]it not down in the h. room Luke 1. 28. art highly favoured 16. 15. which is h eſteemed am. men Rom. 12. 3. not think of himſelf more h. 1 Theſſ. 5. 13 eſteem them very h. in 2 Tim. 3. 4. heady high-minded Rom. 11. 20. be not h. minded but fear 1 Tim. 6. 17. that they be not h. m. Job 22. 12. heighth Rom. 8. 39 Eph. 3. 18.
  • HILL, Exod. 24. 4. Pſ. 68. 15. 16. Pſ. 2. 6. ſet king on holy h. of Zion 3. 4. & 15. 1. & 43. 3. & 68. 15. & 99. 9. Gen. 7. 19. all high h. under heav. cov. 49. 26. utmoſt bound of everlaſting h. Num. 23. 9 from h. I behold him Pſ 65. 12. little h. rejoice on every ſide 6 [...]. 16. why leap ye, ye high h. h. of G. 98. 8. let h. be joyful together 114. 4. little h. ſkipped like lambs Hoſ. 10 8 h. fall on us Luke 23. 30. Hab 3. 6. the perpetual h. did bow
  • HIND, 2 Sam. 22. 34. Pſ. 29. 9. Prov. 5. 19. Song 2. 7. & 3. 5. Hab. 3. 19.
  • HI [...]E, Deut 24. 15. Iſa. 3. 18. Mic. 1. 7. & 3. 11. Luke 10. 7. Jam. 5. 4. Job 7. 1. an hireling John 10. 12. 13.
  • HITHERTO L. helped us, 1 Sam. 7. 12. Job 38 11. h. ſhalt thou come but no John 16. [...]4. h. ye aſked not h. in my name 1 Cor. 3. 2. h. ye were not able to bear it
  • HOLD, Gen. 21. 18. Exod. 9. 2. & 20. 7. Judg. 9. 46. h. of the houſe of god Berith Job 17. 9. righte. ſhall h. on his way and Iſa. 41. 13. I'll help I'll h. thy right hand 62. 1. for Z. ſake I'll not h. peace 42. 14. Jer. 2. 13. ciſterns can h. no water Mat. 6. 24. h. to one and deſpiſe the other Rom. 1. 28. h. truth in unrighteouſneſs Phil. 2. 29. h. ſuch in reputation Heb. 3. 14. if we h. begin. of our confid. 1 Theſſ. 5. 21. try all hold faſt what is good 2 Tim. 1. 13. h. f. form of [...]ound words Heb. 3. 6. if we h. f. the conſid. of hope 4. 14. let us h. f. our profeſſion 10. 23. Rev. 2. 25. what ye have h. [...]. till ſome 3. 3. remember h. f and repent 11. h f. that thou haſt that no man Pſ. 77. 4. holdeſt my eyes waking Rev. 2. 13. h. faſt my name and not Job 2. 3. ſtill holdeth faſt his integrity Pſ. 66. 9. which h. our ſoul in life Prov. 17. 28. fool when he h. his peace is Jer. 6. 11. I am weary with holding in Phil. 2. 16. h. forth the word of life Col. 2. 19. not h. the head from which 1 Tim. 1. 19. h. faith a good conſcience 3. 9. h. myſt. of faith in pure conſci. Tit. 1. 9. h. faſt the faithful word
  • HOLY ground, Exod. 3. 5. h. ſabbath 16. 23. & 31. 14. 15. h. nation 19. 6. & 28. 38 h. gifts 1 Pet. 2. 9. Exod. 29. 6. h. crown 30 25. h. ointment Lev. 16. 33. h. ſanctuary 27. 14. houſe h. 30. h. tithes Numb. 5. 17. h. water 31. 6. h. inſtruments Lev. 11. 45. be ye h. for I am h. 20. 2. 7. 1 Sam. 2. 2. there is none h. as the Lord 21. 5. veſſels of young men are h. Pſ. 22. 3. thou art h. that inhabiteſt 99. 5. worſhip at footſtool for he is h. 145. 17. the L. is h. in all his works Prov. 20. 25. ſnare to devour what is h. Iſa. 6. 3. h. h. h. L. is of hoſts Rev. 4. 8. Ezek. 22. [...]6. differ. between h. and prof. Mat. 7. 6. give not what is h. to dogs Luke 1. 35. h. thing born of her Acts 4. 27. thy h. child Jeſus 30. Rom. 7. 12. law h. com. h. juſt, good 11. 16. if firſt fruit be h. lump alſo h. 12. 1. ſacrifice h. acceptable to God 1 Cor. 7. 14. childr. unclean but now h. Eph. 1. 4. be h. and without blam. 5. 27. 2 Tim. 1. 9. called us with h. calling 3. 15 haſt known h. ſcriptures Tit. 1. 8. ſober, juſt, h. temperate 1 Pet. 1. 15. be ye h. in all manner 16. 2. 5. an h. prieſthood 9. h. nation 2 Pet. 1. 21. h men of G. ſpake as mov'd 3. 11. h. in all converſa. and godlineſs Rev. 3. 7. ſaith he that is h. and true 4. 8. h. h. h. Lord God almighty 1 [...]. 4. for thou only art h. all nations 20. 6. bleſſed and h. is he hath part 22. 11. he that is h. let him be h. ſ [...] Exod 26. 33. moſt holy place 34. & 29 [94] 37. & 40. 10. 1 Kings 6. 16. & 7. 50. & 8. 6. Ezek. 44. 13. & 45. 3. Lev. 6. 25. moſt holy offering 7. 1. 6. & 10. 17. & 14. 13. Num. 18. 9. 10. Ez. 48. 12. Lev. 27. 28. moſt holy things Num. 4. 4. 19. 1 Chr. 6. 49. & 23. 13. 2 Chr. 31. 14. Lev. 21. 22. moſt h. bread 2 Chron. 3. 8. moſt h. houſe Ezek. 43. 12. the whole limit ſhall be m. h. Dan. 9. 24. 79 weeks to anoint the m. h. Jude 20. building up ſelves in m. h. faith Pſ. 42. 4. with mult. that kept holy day Iſa. 58. 13. Col. 2. 16. Exod. 25. 2. Mat. 1. 18. with child of Holy Ghoſt [...]20. that conceived in her is of h. G. 3. 11. baptize you with h. G. Mark 1. 8. John 1. 33. Acts 12. 5. & 11. 16. Mat. 12. 21. blaſphemy againſt h. G. 32. 28. 19. baptize in name of F. Son and H.G. Mark 12. 36. Dav. ſaid by h. G. Acts 2. 16. 13. 11. not ye that ſpeak but h. G. Luke 1. 35. h. G. ſhall come upon thee 2 25. h. G. was upon him 26. revealed unto him by the h. G. 3. 22. h G. deſcended in bodily ſhape 12. 10. blaſphemeth againſt h. G. 12. h. G. ſhall teach you in ſame hour John 7. 39. for h. G. was not yet given 14. [...]6. comforter which is h. G. whom the Father will ſend 15. 26. & 16. 7. [...]. 2 [...]. receive ye the h. G. Acts 1. 2. through h G. had given com. 6. after that h. G. is come upon you 2. 33. promiſe of the h. G. 38. gift of h. G. 10. 45. 5. 3. Satan filled heart to lie to h. G. 32. we are his witneſſes and alſo h G. 7. 51. ye do alw. reſiſt h. G. as fathers 8. 15. receive h. G. 17. 19.—given 18. 9. 31. walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the h. G. 10. 38. anointed Jeſus with h. G. 44. h. G. fell on all them 11. 15. & 15. 8. 47. received the h. G. 19. 2. be any—6. 13. 2. h. G. ſaid ſeparate unto me Saul 4. they being ſent forth by the h. G. 15. 28. it ſeemed good to h. G. & to us 16. 6. forbidden of h. G. to preach in 20. 23. ſave that which h. G. witneſſ. 28. flock over which h. G. made over. 21. 11. thus ſaith h. G. ſo ſhall the Jews 28. 25. well ſpake the h. G. by Eſalas Rom. 5. 5. love of G. ſhed abroad by— 9. 1. conſcience bearing witneſs in— 14. 17. righteouſ. peace and joy in— 15. 13. abound in hope thro' power— 16. offering of Gentiles ſanctified by— 1 Cor. 2. 13. in words which—teacheth 6. 19. temple of -which is in you 12. 3. can ſay Jeſus is L. but by— 2 Cor. 6. 6. by—by love unfeigned 13. 14. communion of—be with you 1 Theſſ. 1. 5. in—much aſſur. 6. joy of— 2 Tim. 1. 14. keep by—which dwells Tit. 3. 5. not by works but by renew. of— Heb. 2. 4. miracles and gifts of— 3. 7. wherefore as—ſaith to day 6. 4. made partakers of- 9. 8.—thus ſignifying that the way 10. 15. whereof- is a witneſs to us 1 Pet. 1. 12. preach with—ſent down 2 Pet. 1. 21. holy men of G. moved by— 1 John 5. 7. Father, word and—are one Jude 20. building up praying in— Luke 1. 15. filled with or full of the Holy Ghoſt 41. 67. Acts 2. 4. & 4. 8. & 6. 3. 5. & 9. 17. & 11. 24. & 13. 9. 52. Pſ. 51. 11. take not thy Holy Spirit from Iſa. 63. 10. rebelled and vexed his— 11. where is he that put his -within Luke 11. 13. give- to them that aſk Eph. 1. 13. ye were ſealed with -of pro. 4. 30. grieve not the—of God 1 Theſſ. 4. 8. who hath given us his— Pſ. 87. 1. holy mountain Iſa. 11. 9. & 56. 7. & 57. 13. & 65. 11. 25. & 66. 20. Dan. 9. 16. & 11. 45. Joel 2. 1. & 3. 17. Obad. 16. Zeph. 3. 11. Zech. 8. 3. Lev. 20. 3. holy name & 22. 2. 32. 1 Chr. 16. 10. 35. Pſ. 33. 21. & 103. 1. & 111. 9. & 145. 21. Iſ. 57. 15. Ez. 36. 20. 21. Deut. 33. 8. Holy One Job 6. 10. Pſ. 16. 10. & 89. 19. Iſ. 10. 17. & 29. 23. & 40. 25. & 43. 15. & 49. 7. Hab. 1. 12. & 3. 5. Mark 1. 24. Acts 3. 13. & 4. 27. 30. 1 John 2. 20. 2 Kings 19. 22. Holy One of Iſrael Pſ. 71. 22 & 78. 41. & 89. 18. Iſa. 1. 4. & 5. 19. 24. & 10. 20. & 12. 6. & 17. 7. & 29. 19. & 30. 11. 12. & 31. 1. & 41. 14. & 45. 11. & 47. 4. & 49. 7. & 55. 5. & 60. 9. 14. Jer. 50. 29. & 51. 5. Deut. 7. 6 holy people 14. 2. 21. & 26. 19. & 28. 9 Iſa. 62. 12. Dan. 8. 24. & 12. 7. Exod. 28. 29. holy place Lev. 6. 16. & 10. 17. Eccl. 8. 10 and about 30 other texts Pſ. 5. 7. holy temple 11. 4. & 65. 4. & 79. 1. & 138. 2. Jonah 2. 4. Mic. 1. 2. Hab. 2. 20. Eph. 2. 21. Iſa. 65. 5. I am holier than thou Heb. 9. 3. holieſt 8. & 10. 19. 1 Theſſ. 2. 10. how holily and juſtly Exod. 15. 11. glorious in holineſs 28. 36. h. to L. 39. 30. Iſa. 23. 18. 1 Chron. 16. 29. in beauty of h. Pſ. 29. 2. & 96. 9. & 110. 3. 2 Chron. 20. 21. 2 Chr. 31. 18. ſanctified themſelves in h. Pſ. 30. 4. at remembrance of his h. 97. 1 [...]. 47. 8. God ſits on throne of his h. 48. 1. in mountain of his h. Jer. 31. 23. 60. 6. God has ſpoken in his h. 108. 7. 89. 35. I have ſworn by my h. 93. 5. h. becometh thine houſe Iſa. 23. 18. her hire ſhall be h. to the L. 35. 8. it ſhall be called way of h. 62. 9. drink it in courts of my h. 63. 15. habit. of thy h. 18. peop. of h. Jer. 2. 3. Iſrael was h. to the Lord 23. 9. becauſe of L. and words of his h. Amos 4. 2. Lord hath ſworn by his h. Obad. 17. on mount Zion ſhall be h. Zech. 14. 20. on horſe bells h. to L. 21. [95] Mal. 2. 11. Judah has profaned h. of L. Luke 1. 75. in h. and righte. before him Acts 3. 12. as though by our h. we had Rom. 1. 4. Son of G. accord. to ſpirit of h. 6. 19. yield memb. ſerv. to righte. to h. 22. fruit unto h and end everlaſt. life 2 Cor. 7. 1. perfecting h. in fear of God Eph. 4. 24. created in righte. and true h. 1 Theſſ. 3. 13. unblameable in h. bef. him 4 7. called not to unclean. but to h. 1 Tim. 2. 15. in faith love h. ſobriety Tit. 2. 3. behaviour as becometh h. Heb. 12. 10. partakers of his h. 14. h. without which no man ſee Lord
  • HOME, Gen. 39. 16. & 43. 16. Pſ. 68. 12. tarried at h. divided ſpoil Eccl. 12. 5. man goeth to his long h. 2 Cor. 5. 6. while we are at h. in body Tit. 2. 5. chaſte keepers at h.
  • HONEST and good heart, Luke 8. 15. Acts 6. 3. men of h. report full of H. G. Rom. 12. 17. provide things h. in ſight 2 Cor. 8. 21. providing for h things 13. 7. ſhall do that which is h. Phil. 4. 8. whatſoever things are h. 1 Pet. 2. 12. have your converſat. h. am. Rom. 13. 13. walk honeſtly as in day 1 Theſſ. 4. 12. walk h. to w. them without Heb. 13. 18. willing in all to live h. 1 Tim. 2. 2. in all godlineſs and honeſty
  • HONOUR be not united, Gen. 49. 6. 1 Chr. 29. 12. both riches and h. come Pſ. 7. 5. lay my h. in the duſt 8. 5 crowned him with glory and h. 26. 8. place where thy h. dwelleth 49. 12. man being in h. abideth not 20. man that is in h. and underſtandeth 149. 9. this h. have all his ſaints Prov. 3. 16. in her left hand riches h. 15. 33. before h. is humility 18. 12. 26. 1. h. is not ſeemly for a fool 29. 23. h. ſhall uphold the humble Mal. 1. 6. if a father where is my h. Mat. 13. 57. prophet not without h. ſave Mark 6. 4. John 4. 44. John 5. 41. I receive not h. from men Rom. 2. 7. ſeek for glory, h. immortality 9. 21. make one veſſel to h. and ano. 12. 10. in h. preferring one another 13. 7. give h. to whom h. is due 2 Cor. 6. 8. by h. and diſhonour 1 Tim. 5. 17. elders worthy of double h. 2 Tim. 2. 20. ſome [...]o h. and ſome to diſ. Heb. [...]. 4. taketh this h. to himſelf but 1 Pet. 1. 7. found to praiſe and h. 3. 7. giving h. to wife as weaker veſſel Exod. 20. 12. h. thy father and mother Mat. 15. 6. 1 Sam. 2. 30. them that h. me I will h. Prov. 3. 9. h. L. with thy ſubſtance and Iſa. 29. 13. with lips they do h. me John 5. 23. ſhould h. Son as they h. F. 12 26. if ſerve me him will my F. h. 1 Pet. 2. 17. h. all men love brotherhood Pſ. 15. 4. he honoureth them that fear L. Mal. 1. 6. a ſon h. his father Mat. 15. 8. h. me with lips Mark 7. 6. Heb. 13. 4. marriage is honourable in all
  • HONEY, Gen. 43. 11. Lev. 2. 11. Judg. 14. 8. 18. 1 Sam. 14. 26. 29. Pſ. 19. 10. ſweeter than h. and h. comb 119. 103. Prov. 25. 27. not good to eat much h. ſo Song 4. 11. h. and milk are under thy Iſa. 7. 15. butter and h. ſhall he eat 22. Mat. 3. 4. his meat was locuſts wild h. Rev. 10. 9. in thy mouth ſweet as h. 10. 1 Sam 14. 27. dipt in honey comb Prov. 5. 3. & 16. 24. & 24. 13. & 27. 7. Song 4. 11. & 5. 1. Luke 24. 4 [...].
  • HOOF, Ex. 10. 26. Lev. 11. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
  • HOOK, Ex. 26. 32. Ezek. 29. 4. & 38 4. Iſa. 2. 4. prunning hooks 18 5. Mic. 4. 3.
  • HOPE in Iſrael concern. this, Ezra 10. 2. Job 8. 13. hypocrites h. ſhall periſh 11. 20. their h. as giving up the ghoſt 27. 8. what is h. of hypocrite when G. Pſ. 78. 7. might ſet their h. in God 146. 5. whoſe h. is in the Lord their G. Prov. 10. 28. h. of righte. ſhall be glad [...]. 11. 7. the h. of unjuſt periſheth 13. 12. h. deferred makes heart ſick 14. 32. righteous hath h. in his death 19. 18. chaſten ſon while there is h. 26. 12. more h. of a fool than 29. 20. Iſa. 57. 10. ſaidſt there is no h. Jer. 2. 25. & 18. 12. Ezek. 37. 11. Jer. 14. 8. O the h. of Iſr. 17. 13. & 50. [...]. 17. 7. bleſſed man whoſe h. the Lord [...] Lam. 3. 29. if ſo there may be h. Hoſ. 2. 15. valley of Achor door of h. Joel 3. 16. L. will be the h. of his people Zech. 9. 12. turn to ſtr. hold priſ. of h. Acts 24. 15. have h. towards God which Rom. 5. 4. experience h. 5. h. maketh not 8. 24. we are ſaved by h. and h. 15. 4. comf. of ſcrip. might have h. 1 Cor. 9. 16. huſband. partak. of his h. 13. 13. now a [...]ideth faith h. and charity 15. 19. if in this life only h. in Chriſt Gal. 5. 5. wait for h. of righte. by faith Eph. 2. 12. having no h. without God Col. 1. 23. not moved from h. of goſpel 27. riches of gl. C. in you the h. of gl. 1 Theſſ. 4. 13. ſorrow as others have no h. 5. 8. for an helmet the h. of ſalvation 1 Tim. 1. 1. Jeſus Chriſt who is our h. Tit. 2. 13. looking for that bleſſed h. 3. 7 according to h. of eternal life Heb. 6. 11. to the full aſſurance of h. 19. which h. we have as an anchor 1 Pet. 1. 3. begotten us again to lively h. 21. that your faith and h. might be in G. 3. 15. give a reaſon of the h. in you 1 John 3. 3. he that hath this h. purifieth Pſ. 16. 9. my fleſh reſt in hope Rom. 4. 18. againſt h. believed in— 5. 2. rejoice—of glory of God 12. 12. Tit. 1. 2.—of eternal life which G. prom. Pſ. 39. 7. my hope is in thee 71. 5. thou art—Jer. 17. 17. Pſ. 22. 9. make me hope when I was [96] 31. 24. all ye that h. in the Lord 33. 18. on them that h. in his mercy 22. 42. 5. h. thou in God for 11. & 43. 5. 119. 49. thou haſt cauſed me to h. 81. I h. in thy word 114. & 130. 5. 43. I have h. in thy judgments 74. I have h. in thy word 147. 106. I have h. in thy ſalvation 130. 7. let Iſrael h. in the Lord for with 147. 11. fear him that h. in his mercy Lam. 3. 26. good that a man ſhould h. Rom. 8. 25. if we h. for that we ſee not Heb. 11. 1. faith ſubſt. of things h. for 2 Pet. 1. 13. gird up loins h. to the end 1 Cor. 13. 7. charity hopeth all things Luke 6. 35. lend hoping for nothing ag.
  • HORN of my ſalvation, Pſ. 18. 2. Pſ. 75. 4. lift not up the h. 5. 10. 92. 10. my h. ſhalt thou exalt as h. 148. 14. exalt the h. of his people Luke 1. 69. raiſed up an h. of ſalvation Mic. 4. 13. I'll make thy horns iron and hoofs braſs Dan. 8. 20. h. kings [...]1. Hab. 3. 4. had h. coming out of his hand Rev. 5. 6. Lamb having ſeven h. 13. 1. beaſt having ten h. 17. 3. 7. 11. had two h. like to a lamb
  • HORRIBLE, Pſ. 11. 6. & 40. 2. Jer. 5. 30. & 18. 13. & 23. 14. Hoſ. 6. 10.
  • HORROR, Gen. 15. 12. Job 18. 20. Pſ. 55. 5. & 119. 53. Ezek. 7. 18.
  • HORSE and rider thrown, Exod. 15. 21. Pſ. 32. 9. be not as horſe or mule 33. 17. h. is a vain thing for ſafety 147. 19. Lord delights not in ſtr. of h. Prov. 21. 31. h. is prep. for day of battle Eccl. 10. 7. I have ſeen ſerv. on h. and Jer. 8. 6. as h. ruſheth into battle 12. 5. how canſt contend with h. Hoſ. 14. 3. we will not ride upon h. Zech. 1. 8. & 6. 2. 3. 6. h. red, white, black Rev. 6. 2. 4. 5. 8. & 9. 14.
  • HOSPITALITY, Rom. 12. 13. 1 Tim. 3. 2. Tit. 1. 8. 1 Pet. 4. 9.
  • HOST, Luke 10. 35. Rom. 16. 23. Pſ. 27. 3. & 33. 16. & 103. 21. & 108. 61. 11. & 148. Iſ. 40. 26. Luke 2. 13.
  • HOT, Pſ. 38. 1. & 39. 3. Prov. 6. 28. Hoſ. 7. 7. 1 Tim. 4. 2. Rev. 3. 15.
  • HOUR, Dan. 3. 6. 15. & 4. 33. Mat. 10. 19. ſhould be given you in h. 24. 36. of that day and h. knows no m. 25. 13 ye know neither day nor h. Luke 12. 12. H. G. teach you in ſame h. 22. 53. this is your h. and power of John 2. 4. my h. is not yet come 4. 23. h. cometh and now is 5. 25. 7. 50. his h. was not yet come 8. 20. 12. 27. ſave me from this h. this h. Rev. 3. 3. not know what h. I will come 10. I'll keep thee from h. of temptation 17. 12. power as kings one h. with 1 [...]. 10. in one h. is thy judgm. come
  • HOUSE, Exod. 20. 17. Lev. 14. 36. Exod. 12. 30. not an h. where none dead Job 21. 28. where is the h. of the prince 30. 23. to grave h. appoint. for all liv. Prov. 3. 33. curſe of L. is in h. of wicked 7. 27. her h. is the way to hell going 12. 7. h. of righteous ſhall ſtand 19. 14. h. and rich. are inherit. of [...]ath. Eccl. 7. 2. go to h of mourning than to 12. 3. the keepers of h. tremble ſtrong Song 2. 4. brought me to long h. Iſ. 5. 8. wo to them that join h. to h. 60. 7. I will glorify h. of my glory 64. 11. our holy and beautiful h. in Mat. 10. 13. h. worthy 12. 25. h. divided 23. 28. h. left deſolate Luke 11. 17. & 13. 35. Luke 12. 3. proclaimed on h. tops John 14. 2. in my F. h. are many manſ. Rom. 16. 5. church in their h. 1 Cor. 16. 19. Col. 4. 15. Philem. 2. 2 Cor. 5. 1. earthly h. h. not made with hands. 2. h. from heaven 2 Tim. 1. 16. give mer. to h. of Oneſiph. Heb. 3. 3. built h. hath more hon. th. h. 2 John 10. receive him not into your h. Pſ. 105. 21. made him L. of all his houſe 112. 3. wealth and riches ſhall be in his h. John 4. 53. his whole h. believed Acts 10. 2. feared God with all his h. 16. 34. believed in God with all his h. 1 Tim. 5. 8. eſp. for thoſe of his own h. Heb. 3. 2. faithful in all his h. 5. 6. 11. 7. made an ark for ſaving his h. Joſh. 24. 15. as for me and my houſe 2 Sam. 23. 5. tho' my h be not ſo with G. Pſ. 107. 2. I'll walk with. my h. with perf. Iſ. 56. 7. joyful in my h. of prayer Mat. 21. 13. Mark 11. 7. Luke 19. 46. Mat. 12. 44. return to my h. Luke 11. 24. Acts 16. 15. if me faith f. come into my h. Deut. 6. 7. when ſitteſt in thy houſe Pſ. 26. 8. I loved habitation of thy h. 36 8. ſatisfied with latn. of thy h. 65. 4. Iſ. 38. 1. ſet thy h. in order for thou Acts 11. 14. thou and all h. ſaved 16. 31. Gen. 28. 17. houſe of God or Lord Pſ. 42. 5. & 55. 14. & 22. 1. & 27. 4. Eccl. 5. 1. Iſ. 2. 3. Mic. 4. 2. 1 Tim. 3. 15. 1 Pet. 4. 17. Exod. 23. 19 Joſh. 6. 24. and about 100 other places Job 4. 19. dwell in houſes of clay Pſ. 49. 11. h. ſhall continue for ever Mat. 11. 8. in ſoft linen ſit in kings h. 19. 29. forſaken h. lands Mark 10. 29. 23. 14. devour widows h. Luke 20. 47. Luke 16. 4. may receive me into h. 1 Cor. 11. 22. have ye not h. to eat in 1 Tim. 3. 12. ruling our h. well 2 Tim. 3. 6. creep into h. and lead Tit. 1. 11. ſubvert whole h. Acts 16. 15. baptized and her houſehold Gal. 6. 10. h. of faith Eph. 2. 9. h. of G. Mat. 13. 52. like houſeholder 20. 1.
  • HOW long, Pſ. 6. 3. & 23. 1. & 74. 9. & 79. 5. & 80. 4. & 89. 46. Iſ. 6. 11. Jer. 4. 14. Dan. 8. 13. & 12. 6. [97] Mat. 17. 17. Luke 9. 41. Rev. 6. 10. Job 15. 16. how much more Prov. 21. 27. Mat. 7. 11. Luke 12. 24. 28. Heb. 9. 14. Mat. 18. 21. & 23. 37. how oft Luke 13 34. Job 21. 17. Pſ. 78. 40.
  • HOWL, Iſ. 13. 6. & 14. 32. Jer. 4. 8. Joel 1. 5. 11. 14 James 5. 1. Hoſ. 7. 14. Deut. 32. 10. Amos 8. 3.
  • HUMBLE perſon ſave Job 22. [...]9. Pſ. 9. 12. forgetteth not cry of h. 10. 12. forget not h. 17. deſire of h. 34. 2. h. ſhall hea [...] of it and be glad 69. 32. h. ſhall ſee this and be glad Prov. 16. 19. to be of h ſpirit with lowly 29. 23. honour ſhall uphold h. in ſpirit Iſ. 57. 15. of contrite and h ſpirit to revive ſp. of h. and heart of contrite James 4. 6. gives grace to h. 1 Pet. 5. 5. Exod. 10. 3. if thou refuſe to h. thyſelf Deut. 8. 2. to h. thee and to prove [...]. 16. 2 Chron. 7. 14. ſhall h themſelves and 34. 27. becauſe didſt h. thyſelf bef G. Prov. 6. 3. h. thyſ. and make ſure friend Jer. 13. 18. h yourſelves ſit down Mat. 18. 4. whoſo h. himſelf ſhall be exalted 23. 12. Luke 14. 11. & 18. 4. 2 Cor. 12. 21. my G will h. me among James 4. 10 h. yourſelves in ſight of L. 1 Pet. 5. 6. h. yourſelves therefore under Lev. 26. 41. if uncirc. heart be humbled 2 Kings 22. 19. haſt h. thyſelf before L. 2 Chr. 12. 6. princes and kings h. themſ. 12. he h. himſelf 32. 26. & 33. 12. 33. 12. [...]3. h. not himſ bef. L. 36. 12. Pſ. 35. 13. I h. my ſoul with [...]aſting 113. 6. L. who h. himſelf to beh. th. Iſ. 2. 11. lofty looks ſhall be h. 9. 17. 5. 15. mighty m [...]n ſhall be h. and eyes of the lofty ſhall be h. 10. 33. high and haughty ſhall be h. Jer. 44. 10. they are not h. unto Lam. 3. 20. my ſoul is h. in me Dan. 5. 22. haſt not h. thy heart Phil. 2. 8. h. himſelf and became obed. Deut. 21. 14. humbled her 22. 24. 29. Ezek. 22. 10. 11. Col. 3. 12. put on humbleneſs of mind Mic. 6. 8. walk humbly with thy God Prov. 22. 4. by humility are riches and honour 25. 32. & 18. 14. Acts 20. 19. ſerving Lord with all h. Col. 2 18. in a voluntary h. 23. 1 Pet. 5. 5. be clothed with h.
  • HUNGER, Exod. 16. 3. Deut. 28. 48. Pſ. 34. 10. young lions ſuffer h. Prov. 19. 15. idle ſoul ſhall ſuffer h. Jer. 42. 14. nor have h. of bread Lam. 4. 9. better than ſlain with h. Deut. 8 3. ſuffered thee to hunger Iſ. 49. 10. ſhall not h. nor thirſt R. 7. 16. Mat. 5. 6. bleſſed are they that h. after Luke 6. 21. bleſſed are ye that h. now 25. wo to you th. are full for ye ſhall h. John 6. 35. come to me ſhall never h. Rom. 12. 20. if enemy h. feed him 1 Cor. 4. 11. we both h. and thirſt 11. 34. if any man h. let him eat Pſ. 107. 9. fills hungry with goodneſs 146. 7. giveth food to h. Lord looſeth Prov. 25. 21. if enemy be h. give him 27. 7. to h. every bitter is ſweet Iſ. 58. [...]. to deal thy bread to h. 10. if draw out thy ſoul to h. 6 [...]. 13. ſhall eat but ye ſhall be h. Ezek. 18. 7. given his bread to h. 16. Luke 1. 53. filled h. with good things Phil. 4. 12. how to be full and to be h.
  • HUNT, 1 Sam. 26. 20. Job 38. 39. Job 10. 16. thou h. me as a fierce lion Pſ. 140. 11. evil doth h. violent man Prov. 6. 26 adult will h. for pre [...]. life 12. 27. ſloth roaſts not what he took h. Ezek. 13. 18. ye h. ſouls of my people
  • HURT, Gen. 4. 23. & 26. 29. Joſh. 24. 20. I'll turn and do you h. Pſ. 15. 4. ſwears to his h. and change Eccl 5. 13. riches kept to owners h. Jer. 6. 14. healed h of daught. 8. 11. 21. Rev. 2. 11. ſhall not be h. of [...]d death 6. 6. h. not oil and vine 7. 3. & 9. 4. Ezek. 4. 15 hurtful Pſ. 144. 10. 1 Tim. 6. 9. fall into fooliſh and h. loſts
  • HUSBAND, Gen. 3. 6. 16. & 29. 32. Exod. 4. 25. bloody h. art thou to me 26. Iſ. 51. 5. thy Maker is thy h. L. of hoſts Jer. 31. 32. though I was an h. to them Mark 10. 12. if wom. put away her h. John 4 17. I have no h. 18. had five h. 1 Cor. 7. 11. unbel. h. is ſanctified by 34. careth how ſhe may pleaſe her h. 14. 34. let them aſk their h. at home 2 Cor. 11. 2. eſpouſed you to one h. Eph. 5. 22 wives ſubmit to own h as 23. for the h. is the head of wife 24. 25. h. love your wives as C. Col. 3. 19. 33. ſee that wi [...]e reverence her h. Col. 3. 18. wives ſubmit yourſ. to own h. 1 Pet. 3. 1. ſubject to their own h. 7. ye h. dwell with them accordingly
  • HUSBANDMEN my Father is John 15. 1. 1 Tim. 2. 6 h. that labours muſt be James 5. 7. h. waits for precious fruits 1 Cor. 3. 9. ye are God's huſsbandry
  • HYMN, Mat. 26. 30. Eph. 5. 9. Col. 3. 16.
  • HYPOCRISY, Iſ. 32. 6. Mat. 23. 28. Mark 12. 15. Luke 12. 1. 1 Tim. 4. 1. 2 James 3. 17. 1 Pet. 2. 1. Mat. 7. 5. hypocrite Luke 6. 42. & 13. 15. Mat. 6 2. hypocrites 5. 16. & 15. 7. & 16. 3. & 23. 13., 29. Job 8. 13. h. hope ſhall periſh 15. 34 congreg. of h. ſhall be deſolate 20. 5. joy of h. is but for a moment 27. 8. what hope of h. in day when 36. 13. h. in heart heap up wrath Iſ. 9. 17. every one is an h. ill doer 33. 14. fearfulneſs hath ſurpri [...]ed h. Mat. 24. 51. app. his portion with h.
  • IDLE they be, Exod. 5. 8. 17. Prov. 19. 15. i. ſoul ſhall ſuffer hunger Mat. 12. 36. of every I. word account [98] [...]0. 3. ſtanding i 6. why ſtand i. Luke [...]4. 11 words [...]eemed a [...] i. t [...]les 1 Tim. 5. 13. they learn to [...]e [...]. [...]. but Prov. 31. 27 idleneſs Eccl. 10. 8. Ez. 16. 49.
  • IDO [...], 2 Chron. 15 16. & 33. 7. Iſ. 60. 3. as if he bleſſed an i. Zech. 11. 17. wo to the 1. ſhepherd 1 Cor. 8. 4. an i is nothing in world Pſ. 96. 5. gods of nations are idols Iſ. 2. 8. land is full of i. they worſhip Jer. 50. 38. are mad upon their i. Hoſ. 4. 17. Ephraim is joined to i. let Acts 15. 20. abſtain from pollutions of i. Rom. 2. 22. thou that ab [...]orreſt i. 1 Cor. 8. 1. touching things offered to i. 2 Cor. 6 16. agreem [...] temple of G. with i. 1 John 5. 21. keep yourſelves from i. Rev. 2. 14. to eat things ſacrificed to i. 9. 20 worſhip devils and i. of gold 1 Cor. [...]. 10. [...]. idolater 6. 9. & 10. 7. Eph. [...]. 5 Rev. 21. 8. & 22. 15. 1 Sam. 1 [...]. 23 rebell. as miq. & idolatry Acts 17. 16. city wholly given to i. 1 [...] or. 10. 14 dearly beloved flee from i. G [...]l. 5. 20. [...]. witchcra [...]t, ha [...]red Col. 3. 5. c [...]vetouſneſs which is i. 1 [...]et. 4. 3. walked in abominable i.
  • JEALOUS God I am Exod [...]0. 5. [...] 34. 14. Deut. 5. 9. & 6. 1 [...]. Joſh. 24. 19. [...] Kin. 19. 20. I have been very j. for L. 14. Ezek. 39. 25. be j. for my holy name Joel 2. 18. will Lord be j. for his land Nah. 1. 2. G. is j. and Lord revengeth Zech. 1. 14. I am j for Jeruſalem 8. 2. 2 Cor. 11. 2. j. over you with godly j. Deut. 29. 20. jeal [...]ſy ſhall ſmoke 32. 16. provoked him to j. with ſtrange Gods 21. 1 Kings 14. 22. Pſ. 78. 58. Pſ. 79. 5. ſhall thy j. burn like fire Prov. 6. 34. j. is the rage of a man Song 8. [...]. j. is cruel as the grave Rom. 10. 19. provoke them to j. 11. 11. 1 Cor. 10. 22. do we provoke Lord to j.
  • JEHOVAH, Exod. 6. 3. Pſ. 83. 18 Iſ. 12. 2. & 26. 4. Gen. 22. 14. Exod. 17. 15. Judg 6. 24 it is about 2000 times tranſlated LORD in capitals
  • JERUSALEM for the church Iſ. 24. 23. & 6 [...]. 1. & 60. 10. 13. Jer. 3. 17. Joel 2. 32. & 3. 16. 17. Zech. 12. 23. & 8. 22. Gal. 4. 25. 26. Heb. 12. 22. Rev. 3. 12. & 21. 2.
  • JESHURUN i. e. Iſrael Deut. 32. 15. & 33. 5. 26. Iſ. 44. 2.
  • JESUS or Joſhua Acts 7. 45. Heb. 4. 8.
  • JESUS the Saviour of men Mat. 1. 21. & 2. 1. & 8. 29. & 14. 1. & 27. 37. 1 Cor. 12. 3. 2 Cor. 4. 5. Eph 4. 21. Heb. 2. 9. & 12. 2. Rev. 2 [...]. 16. and in about 6 [...]0 other places
  • JEWS firſt and alſo Greeks Rom. 1. 16. & 2. 9. 10 28. j. not a j. which is one outwardly but who is one [...]rdly 9. 10. 12. no difference betw. j. and Gent. 1 Cor. 9. 20. to j. I became as a j. Gd. 3. 28. neither i. nor greek Col. 3. 11. Rev. 2. [...]. ſay they're j. and are not 3. 9.
  • JEWELS, I make up Mal. 3. 17.
  • IGNORANCE ſin thro' Lev. 4. 2. 13. 23. 27. Numb. 14. 24. 25. Acts 3. 17. Acts 17. 30. t [...]es of thi [...] i. G. winked a [...] Eph. 4 16. alienated through i in them Pſ. 73. 22. ſo fool [...]ſh was [...]and ignorant Iſ. 63. 16. though Abra [...] be i. of us Rom. 10. 3. being i. of G's righteouſneſs 1 Cor. 14. 38. if any be i let h [...]m be i. Heb. 5. 2. have compaſſion on the 1. Acts 17. 23. ignorantly 1 Tim. 1. 13.
  • ILLUMINATED, Heb. 10. 32.
  • IMAGE, Lev. [...]6. 1. D [...]n. 2. 31. Gen. 1. 26. let us make man in our own image 27. & 5. 1. & 9. 6. Col. 3. 10. 5. 3 Adam begat a ſon after his i. Pſ. 73. 20. thou ſhalt deſpiſe their i. Mat 22. 20. whoſe i. is this Luke 20. 24. Rom 8 29. conformed to i. of his Son 1 Cor. 15. 49. have born i. of earthly 2 Cor. 3. 18. into ſame i. from gl. to glory 4. 4. Ch. who is the i. of G. Col. 1. 1 [...]. Heb. 1. 3. expreſs i. of his perſon Rev. 13. 14. make an i. to the beaſt Exod. 23. 24. break down images 34. 13.
  • IMAGINE, Pſ. 2. 1. Acts 4. 25. Nah. 1. 9. Zech. 7. 10. & 8. 17. Pſ. [...]8. 2. & 62. 3. Gen. 6. 5. imagination of thought evil 8. 21. Deut. 29 19. Rom 1. 21. 2 Cor. 10. 5. Prov. 6. 18. Lam. 3. 60. 6 [...].
  • IMMEDIATELY, Mark 4. 15. Acts 22. 23.
  • IMMORTAL inviſible 1 Tim. 1. 17 [...] Rom. 2. 7. ſeek for immortality 1 Cor. 15. 53. mortal put on i. 1 Tim. 6. 10. who only hath i. 2 Tim. 1. 10. brought [...]. to light by goſpel
  • IMMUTABLE, Heb. 6. 17. 18.
  • IMPART, Luke 3. 11. Rom 1. 11. 1 Th. 2. 8.
  • IMPENT [...]ENT heart, Rom. 2. 5.
  • IMPERIOUS whoriſh wom. Ezek. 16. 50.
  • IMPORTUNITY, Luke 11. 8.
  • IMPLACABLE unmerciful Rom. 1. 31.
  • IMPOSSIBLE, Mat. 17. 20. & 10. 26. Luke 1. 37. with God nothing is i. 17. 1. it i [...] i. but offences will come Heb. 6. 4. it is i. for thoſe once enlight. 18. in two things it is i. for God to lie 11. 6. without faith it is i. to pleaſe G.
  • IMPUDENT, Prov. 3. 13. Ez. 2. 4 & 3. 7.
  • IMPUTE, 1 Sam. 22. 15. Lev. 7. 18. Pſ. 32. 2. to whom L. i. not iniquity Rom. 4. 6. i. righteouſ. without works 8. bleſſed to whom L. will not i. ſin 11. righteouſneſs might be i to them 22 i to him for righteouſneſs 3. 24. 5. 13. ſin is not i. w [...]re is no law 2 Cor. 5. 19. not i their treſpaſſes Jam. [...]. 23. i. to him for righteouſneſs
  • IN Chriſt, Acts 24. 24. Rom. 12. 5. & 16. 7. 9. 10. 1 Cor. 1. 2. 30. & 3. 1. & [...]5. 18. 22. 2 Cor. 1. 21. & 2. 14. & 3. 14. & 5. 17. 19. & 12. 2. Gal. 1. 22. Eph. [...]. 1. 3. 10 12. 20. & 2. 6. 10 12. Phil. 1. 1. 13. & 2. 1. [...]. & 3. 14. Col. 1. 2. 4. [99] 1 Theſſ. 1. 1. in God 4. 16. John 3. 21. Col. 3. 3. Gen. 15. 6. in the Lord Pſ. 4. 5. & 31. 24. & 34. 2 & 35. 9. & [...]7. 4. 7 [...] 45. 17. 24. 25. Jer. 3. 23. Zech. 12. 5. 1 Cor. 1. 31. & 4. 17. & 7. 2 [...]. 3 [...]. Eph. 2. 21. & 6. 10. Phil. 4. 2. 4. Col. 3. 18. & 4. 7. 17. 1 Theſſ. 5. 12. Philem. 16. [...]0. Rev. 14. 13.
  • INCHANTMENT, Lev. 19. 26. Num. 23. 23. Eccl. 10. 11. Iſa. 47 9.
  • INCLINE heart, Joſh. 24. 23. Judg. 9. 3. 1 Kings 8. 58. Pſ, 119. 36. [...]. & 141. 4. Pſ. [...]8. [...]. incline ear 40. 1. & 116. 2. Prov. 2. 2. & 5. 13. Jer 7. [...]4. 26. & 11. 8. & 17. 23. & 25. 4. & 32. 14. & 35. 15. & 44. 5. Iſa. 55. 3.
  • INCLOSE, Pſ. 17. 10. & 22. 16. Song 4. 12. & 8. 9. Lam. 3 9.
  • INCONTINENT, 1 Cor. 7. 5. 2 Tim. 3. 3.
  • INCORRUPTIBLE God, Rom. 1. 23. 1 Cor. 9. 25. to obtain an i. crown 15. 52. dead raiſed i—on incorruption 42. 50 53. 54. 1 Pet. 1. 4. begot. to an inheritance i. 23. not of corruptible ſeed but i.
  • INCREASE, Lev. 19. 25. & 25. 7. Lev. 25. 36. take no uſury nor i. 37. Num. 32. 14. riſen an i. of ſinful men Deut. 16. 15. bleſs thee in all thy i. Pſ. 67. 6. earth yield her i. 85. 12. Prov. 3. 9. with firſt fruits of all thy i. Iſa 9. 7 of the i. of his govern. no end Ezek. 18. 8. nor taken any i. 13. 17. 1 Cor. 3. 6. planted God gave the i. 7. Col. 2. 19. increaſeth with i. of God Pſ. 62. 10. i [...] riches i. ſet not heart 115. 14. L. ſhall i. you more and more Prov. 5. 1. wiſe will i. learning 9 9. Eccl. 5. 11. when goods i. they are Iſa. 29. 19. meek ſhall i. their joy in L. Luke 17. 5. Lord i. our faith John 3. 30. he muſt i. but I decreaſe 1 Theſſ. 3. 12. L. make you to i. in [...]ove 2 Tim. 2. 16. will i. to more ungodlineſs Ezra 9. 6. iniquities are i. over heads Iſa. 9. 3. multiplied nations not i. the joy 26. 15. haſt i. nation Lord haſt i. nation Luke 2. 52. Jeſus i. in wiſdom and favour Acts 6. 7. the word of G. i. and number Rev. 3. 17. rich and i. with goods Eccl. 1. 18. increaſeth knowl. i. ſorrow Iſa. 40. 29. to no might he i. ſtrength Col. 2. 19. whole body i. with i. of God 1 Chr. 11. 9. David went on increaſing Col. 1. 10. i. in knowledge of God
  • INCREDIBLE thought, Acts 26. 8.
  • INCURABLE wound, Job 34. 6. Jer. 15. 18. Mic. 1. 9.—bruiſe Jer. 30. 12. 15.
  • INDEED, 1 Kings 8. 27. 1 Chr. 4. 10. Mat. 3. 11. Luke 4. 24. John 1. 47. & 4. 42. & 6. 55. & 8. 31. 36. 1 Tim. 5. 3. 5. 1 Pet. 2. 4.
  • INDIGNATION, Neh. 4. 1. Eſther 5. 9. Pſ 69. 24. & 78. 49. & 10 [...]. [...]0 Iſa. 10. 5. [...] in your hand is my 1. 25. 26. 20. hide thee till i. he overpaſt Mic. 7. 9 I'll bear the i. of Lord becauſe Na [...]. 1. 6. who can ſtand before his i. Mat. 20. 24. moved with i. [...]6 8. had i. Rom. 2. 8. i and wrath tribulation and 2 Cor. 7. 11. yea what i. what fear Hen. 10. 27. fiery i. which ſhall devour Rev. 1 [...]. 10 poured into [...]up of his 1.
  • INDI [...]NG a [...]ood matter. Pſ. 4 [...]. 1.
  • IN [...]ABL [...] O man. Rom 2. 1.
  • INFALLIBLE proofs many, Acts 1. [...].
  • INFANT, 1 Sam. 15. 3 Job 3. 1 [...]. Iſa. 65, 2 [...]. Hoſ. 13. 16. Luke 18. 15.
  • INFIDEL, 2 Cor 6. 15. 1 Tim. 5. 8.
  • INFINITE iniquities, [...]ob 22. 5. Pſ. 147. 5. his underſtanding is i. Nah. 3. 9. her ſtrength and it was i.
  • INFIRMITY this is my, Pſ 77 10. Prov. 18. 14. ſpirit of man 'll ſuſtain his i. Mat. 8. 17. himſelf took our i. and Rom. 8. [...]6. ſpirit helpeth our i. 15. 1. ſtrong ought to bear i. of weak 2 Cor. 12. 9. gl. of my i. to pleaſure in i. 1 Tim. 5. 22. drink wine for thy often i. Heb. 4. 15. with feeling of our i. 5. 2. himſelf is compaſſed with i. 7. 28.
  • INFLAME wine idols, Iſ. 5. 1 [...]. & 57. 5.
  • INFLI [...]TED puniſhment, 2 Cor. [...]. 6.
  • INFLUENCES of Pl [...]des, Job 38. 31.
  • IN [...]RAFTED word receive, Jam. 1. 21.
  • INHABIT, Prov. 10. 30. Iſa. 65. 21. 22. Pſ. 22. 3. inhabiteſt praiſes of Iſrael Iſa. 57 15. lofty one inhabiteth eternity
  • INHERIT, Gen. 15. 8. Pſ. 82. 8. 1 Sam. 2. 8. to make them i. throne of Pſ. 25. 13. his [...]eed in [...]ll i. the earth 37. 11. meek ſhall i. earth Mat. 5. 5. 29. righteous ſhall i. the land I [...] 60. 21. 82. 8. O God thou ſhall i. all nations Prov. 3. 3 [...]. wiſe ſhall i glory but 8. 21. love me to i. ſubſtance Mat. 19. 29. forſaken ſhall i. everlaſt. life 25. 34. i. kingdom prepared for you Mark 10. 17. what goodthing do that I may i [...] eternal life Luke 10 25. & 18. 18. 1 Cor. [...]. 9. unright. not i. king. of G. 10. 15 50. fleſh and blood cannot i. k. G. Gal. 5. 21. do ſuch things not i. k. of G. Heb. 6. 12. through faith i. the promiſes 1 Pet. 3. 9. that ye ſhould i. a bleſſing Rev. 21. 7. overcome [...] ſhall i. all things Num. 18. 20. I L. am thy inheritance Deut. 10. 9. & 18. 2. Ezek. 44. 28. Deut. 4. 20. [...] people of 1. 9. 26. 29. & 32. 9. 1 Kings 8. [...]. Pſ. 28. 9. & 33. 12. & 68. 9. & 74. 2. & 78. 62 71. & 79. 1. & 94. 14. & 106. 5. 40. Iſa. 19. 25. Jer. 10. 1 [...]. & 51. 19. Pſ. 16. 5. [...]. is portion of my i. and cup 47. 4. Lord tha [...] chooſe our i. for us Prov. 19. 14. ri [...]es are i. [...] Eccl. 7. 11. wiſdom is goo [...] [...] an i. Acts [...]0 32. i. among [...] 26 [...]8. Eph. [...]. 1 [...]. [...]. whom we [...]d an i. [...] 5. [...]. [...]. [100] Col 1. 12. partakers of i. of ſaints 3. 24. ſhall receive the reward of i. Heb. 9. 15. receive promiſes of eternal i. 1 Pet. 1. 4. to an i. incorruptible [...]de.
  • INIQUITY, Gen. 15 10. & 19. 15. Exod. 20. 5. viſiting i. o [...] fathers on children [...]4. 7. Num. 14. 16 Deut. 5. 9. 31. 7. fo [...]g. i tranſg. ſin Num. 14. 18. [...]. 26. 41 accept puni [...]h. of your i 43. Num. 23. 21 hath not behe [...]d i in [...]acob Deut. 32. 4. God of truth without i. juſt Job 1. 8. that plow i. reap the ſame 5. 8. i. ſtop her mouth Pſ. 107. 42. 11. 6. leſs than thy i. deſerve [...] 9. 13. 15. 16. drinks up i. like water 22. [...]3. put away i. far from thee 31. 32. if have done i. I'll do no more Pſ. 32. 5. thou forgaveſt the i. of my ſin 3 [...]. 11. when rebukeſt man for [...] 49. 5. when [...]. of my heels compaſs 51. 5. behold I was ſhapen in i. 66. 18. if I regard i. in my heart 69. 27. add thou i. to their i. 119. 3. they alſo do no i. walk in 123. let not any i. have dom. over me Prov. 22. 8. ſows i ſhall reap vanity Eccl. 3. 16. place of right. i. was there Iſ. 1. 4. a people laden with i. ſeed 5. [...]. wo to that dra [...] i. with cords 27. 9. by this ſhall i. of Jacob be purged 33. 24. people ſhall be forgiven their i. 40. 2. her warf. a [...] comp. her i. pard. 53. 6. L. laid on him the i. of us all [...]7 [...]7 for i. of his covet. was I wroth Jer. 2. 5. what i. have your fathers ſound 3. 13. only acknowledge thine i. 31. 30 every one die for his own i. 50. 20. i. of Iſrael be ſought for and not Ez. 3. 18. d [...]e in his i. 19. & 18. 18. & 33. 8. 18. 30. ſo i. ſhall not be your ruin Dan. 9. 24. make reconciliation for i. Hoſ. 14. 2. take away all i. and receive us Mic. 7. 18. who is a G. like thee pard. i. Hab. 1. 13. holy one canſt not look on i. Mat. 7. 23. depart from me ye that work i. [...]4. 12. becauſe i. ſhall abound love of Acts 8. [...]. in gall of [...]itt. and bond of i. Rom. 6. 19. ſerv to uncl. and to i. unto j. 1 Cor. 13. 6. charity rejoiceth not in i. 2 Theſſ. 2. 7. myſtery of i. already work. 2 Tim. 2. 19. let nameth C. depart ir. i. Tit. 2. 14. to redeem u [...] from all i. Jam. 3. 6. tongue is a world of i. Pſ. 18. 23. my iniquity 25. 11. & 32. 5. & 38. 18. & 51. 2. Job 34. [...]. workers of iniquity Pſ. 5. 5. & 6. [...]. & 14. 4. & 92. 7. Prov. 10. 29. & 21. 17. Luke 13. 27. Lev. [...]6. 21. confeſs all the iniquities 26. 39. in their i. and i. of fathers pine Ezra 9. 6. our i. are increaſed over [...]. pun [...]ed us leſs than i. deſerve N [...]h. 9. 2 confeſſ [...]d i. of their fathers Jo [...] [...]1. 26. [...]o poſſeſs i. [...] my youth Iſ. 38. 4. my i. are gone over my head 40. 12. my i. have taken hold of me 51. 9. hide—my ſins blo [...] out all my i. 65. 3. i. prevail againſt me, as for 79. 8. remember not f [...]rmer i. 90. 8. thou ſetteſt our i before thee 103. 3 who forgiveth all thine i. 10. not rewarded us a [...] cord, to our i. 107. 17. fools becauſe of i are afflicted 130. 3. if thou L. ſhouldſt mark i 8. he ſhall redeem Iſrael from all his i. Prov. 5. 22. his own i. ſhall take wicked Iſa. 43. 24. [...]oſt we [...]ried me with thy i. 53. 5 wounded—bruiſed for our i. Jer. 14. 7. though our i. teſt [...]fy againſt us Dan. 4. 27. break [...] thy i. by mercy Mic. 7. 19. he will [...] our i. Acts 3. 26. bleſs in turning from i. Rom. 4. 7. bleſſed w [...]o [...] i. are forgiven Rev. 18. 5. G. hath remembered her i. Iſa. 53. 11. he ſhall bear their iniquities Jer. 33. 8. I will pardon all their i. Ezek. 43. 10. may be [...]ſham. of all th. i. Heb. 8. 10. th. i. I'll rem. no more 10. 17. Numb. 14. 34. ſhall ye bear your i. Iſ. 50. 1. for your i. have ſold yourſelves 59. 2. y. i. have ſepar. betw. you and G. 65. 7. y. i. and the i. of your Fathers Jer. 5. 25. y. i. have turned [...]w. the [...]eth. Ezek. 24. 23. ye ſhall pine aw. for your i. 36. 31. loath yourſelves for all your i. 33. I ſhall have cleanſed you fi [...]ally. i. Amos 3. 2 I'll puniſh you for all your i.
  • INJURED not me Gal. 4. 12. 1 Tim. 1. 13. a perſecutor and injurious
  • INK, 2 Chron. 3. 3. 2 John 12. 3 John 13.
  • INNER, 1 Kings 6 27. Eph. 3. 16.
  • INNOCENT, Pſ. 19. 13 Prov. 28. 20. Gen. 20. 5. in innocences of hands I done Pſ. 26. 6. waſh my hands in i. 73. 13. Dan. 6. 22. bef. him i. was found in me Hoſ 8. 5. how long ere they attain to i.
  • INNUMERABLE, Job 21. 33. Iſ. 10. 12. Luke 12. 1. Heb. 11. 12. & 17. 22.
  • INORDINATE, Ezek 23. 11. Col. 3. 5.
  • INQUISITION, Deut. 19. 18. Pſ. 9. 12.
  • INSCRIPTION to unkn. G. Acts [...]7. 23.
  • INSPIRATION, Job 32. 8. 2 Tim. 3. 16.
  • INSTANT, Iſ. 29. 5. & 30. 13. Jer. 18. 7. Rom. 12. 1 [...]. 2 Tim. 4. 2. Luke 7. 4. beſought him inſtantly Acts 26. 7. i. ſerving God day and night
  • INSTRUCT, Deut. 4. 36. & 32. 10. [...]eh. 9 20. good ſpirit to i them Job 40. 2. ſhall h [...] that cont. with Al. i. Pſ. 2. 10. be i. ye judges of [...]he earth 16. 7. my reins 1. me in the night 32. 8. I'll i. thee and teach t [...]ee Song 8. 2. I had who would i. me Iſ. 8. 11. L. inſtructed me with a ſtr. hard 28. 26. his God doth i. h. to diſcret on Pan. 11. 33. underſtand ſha [...]l i. many Mat. 13. 52. every ſcribe i. to ki [...]gdom 1 Cor. 2. 16. of Lord t [...]at he may i. [...] Phil. 4. 12. in all [...]hings I am i. b [...] 2 Tim. 2. 25. 1. t [...]o [...]e that [...]ppo [...] [...] Rom. 2. 20. an inſtructor [...] 1 Cor. 4. 15. have ten thouſa [...] [...] [101] Job 33. 16. ſeals their inſtruction Iſ. 50. 17. hateſt i. and caſteſt my I [...]rov. 4. 13. take faſt hold of i. keep her 5. 12. how have I hated i. and have not 19. 27. ceaſe to hear i. that cauſeth 23. 12. apply thy heart to i. and ears 2 Tim. 3. 16. profitable for i in righteous
  • INSTRUMENTS of cruelty, Gen. 49. 5. Pſ. 7. 13. prepared for him i. of death Iſ 32. 7. the i. of the churl are evil Rom. 6. 13. memb. i. of unr. i of right.
  • INTANGLE, Mat. 21. 15. Gal. 5. 1. 2 Tim. 2. 4. 2 Pet 2. 20.
  • INTEGRITY of my heart, Gen. 20. 5. Job 2. 5. ſtill he holdeth faſt his i. 27. 5. I'll not remove my i. from me Pſ. 7. 8. according to my i. that is in me 25. 21. let i. and uprightn. preſerve me 26. 1. I have walked in my i. Prov. 11. 3. i. of upr. ſhall guide them
  • INTERCESSION, Jer. 7. 16. & 27. 18. Iſ. 53. 12. made i. for the tranſgreſſors Rom. 8. 26. ſpirit makes i. for us 27. 34. who alſo makes continual i. for us 11. 2. Elias makes i. to G. againſt Iſr. 1 Tim. 2. 1. prayers and i. be made for Heb. 7. 25. he ever lives to make i. Iſ. 59. 16. wondered no interceſſor
  • INTERMEDDLE, Prov. 14. 10. & 18. 1.
  • INTERPRETATION, Gen. 40. 5. & 41. 11. Judg. 7. 15. Dan. 2. 4. 7. 36 1 Cor. 12. 10. & 14 26. 2 Pet. 1. 20. Job 33. 23. interpreter one among 1000
  • INTREAT, Gen. 12. [...]6. & 23. 8. Exod. 8. 8. & 9. 28. & 10. 17. Jer. 15. 11. 1 Sam. 2. 25. who ſhall i. for him 1 Cor. 4. 13. being defamed we intreat 1 Tim. 5. 1. but i. him as a father James 3. 17. eaſy to be intreated 2 Cor. 8. 4. praying us with much i. Prov. 18. 23. poor uſeth intreaties
  • INTRUDING into Col. 2. 18.
  • INVENT, Amos 6. 5. Rom. 1. 30. Pſ. 99. 8. tookeſt veng. on their i—ions 106. 29. provoked him with their i. 39. went a whoring with their own i. Prov. 8. 12. find out knowl. of witty i. Eccl. 7. 29. ſought out many i.
  • INVISIBLE, Rom. 1. 20. Col. 1. 15. 16. 1 Tim. 1. 17. Heb. 11. 27.
  • INWARD friends, Job 19. 19. Pſ. 5 9. inward part 51. 6. Prov. 20. 27. Jer. 31. 33. Luke 11. 39. Rom. 7. 22. inward man 2 Cor. 4. 16. 2 Cor. 7. 15. inward [...]ffection Pſ. 62. 4. curſe inwardly Mat. 7. 15. i. w. Rom. 2. 29. Jew inwardly
  • JOIN, Exod. 1. 10. Ezra 9. 14. Prov. 11. 21. hand j. in hand 16. 5. Iſ. 5. 8. wo to th [...] that j. houſe to houſe Jer. 50. 5. let us j. ourſelves to Lord in Acts 5. 13. durſt no man j. himſelf 9. 26. aſſayed to j. himſelf to diſciples Hoſ. 4. 17. Ephr. is joined to idols let Numb. 25. 3. Itr. j. himſ. to B. P. Pſ. 106. 28. Eccl. 9. 4. j. to all living is hope Zech 2. 11. many nat. ſhall be j. to Lord Mat. 19. 6. what God hath j. let not man 1 Cor. 1. 10. be perf. j. tog. in ſame mind 6. 17. he that is j. to Lord is one ſpirit Eph. 5. 31. ſhall be j. to his wife 30. Col. 2. 19. all body by joints and bands Heb. 4. 12. divid. aſunder of j. and marr.
  • JOURNEY, Numb. 9. 13. Rom. 1. 10.
  • JOY, 1 Chron. 12. 40. 2 Chron. 20. 27. Neh. 8. 10. the j. of Lord is your ſtrength Eſth. 8. 17. Jews had j. and gladneſs Job 20. 5. j. of hyp. but for a moment Pſ. 16. 11. in thy preſence is fulneſs of j. 30. 5. but j. cometh in the morning 43. 4. I'll go to God my exceeding j. 51. 8. make me hear j. and gladneſs 12. reſtore to me j. of thy ſalvation 126. 5. who ſow in tears reap in j. 137. 6. prefer Jeruſalem above chief j. Eccl. 9. 7. eat thy bread with j. Iſ. 9. 3. increaſed j. acc. to j. in harveſt 12. 3. with j. ſhall ye draw water out 35. 10. j. obtain j. everl. j. on 55. 11. 61. 3. give oil of j. for mourning 7. everlaſting j. ſhall be to them 66. 5. Lord ſhall appear to your j. but Zeph. 3. 17. Lord will j. over thee with Mat. 2. 10. rejoiced with exceed. great j. 13. 20. hear word and with j. rec. it 25. 21. enter into j. of thy Lord 23. Luke 1. 44. leaped in my womb for j. 15. 7. j. ſhall be in heaven over one 24. 41. they believed not for j. and John 15. 11. that your j. might be 16. 24. 16. 20. your ſorrow be turned into j. 22. your j. no man taketh from you 17. 13. have my j. fulfilled in themſ. Acts 20. 24. finiſh my courſe with j. Rom. 14. 17. right. peace and j. in H. G. 15. 13. fill you with all j. and peace 2 Cor. 1. 24. we are helpers of your j. 2. 3. my j. is the j. of you all Gal. 5. 22. fruit of Sp. is love j. peace Phil. 4. 1. my j. and crown ſtand faſt 1 Theſſ. 1. 6. rec. word with j. of H. G. Heb. 12. 2. who for the j. ſet before him 13. 17. give acc. with j. not with grief James 1. 2. count it all j. when ye fall 1 Pet. 1. 8. rejoice with j. unſpeakable 4. 13. rej. be glad with exceeding j. 1 John 1. 4. I write that your j. be full Gol. 2. 5. joying and behold. your order Heb. 12. 11. no affl. joyous but grievous Ezra 6. 22. Lord had made them joyful Pſ. 35. 9. my ſoul ſhall be j. in Lord and 63. 5. I will praiſe thee with j. lips 80. 15. bleſſed that know j. ſound Eccl. 7. 14. in day of proſperity be j. Iſ. 56. 7. make them j. in houſe of pray. 61. 10. my ſoul ſhall be j. in my God. 2 Cor. 7. 4. exceeding j. in all our tribul. Deut. 28. 47. ſerve Lord with joyfulneſs Col. 1. 11. long-ſuffering with j. Eccl. 9. 9. live joyfully with wife of thy Heb. 10. 34. took j. ſpoiling of go [...]ds
  • IRON ſharpeneth iron, Prov. 27. 17. [102] Eccl. 10. 10. if the i. be blunt, put to Iſ. 48. 4. neck is an i. ſinew and Jer. 15. 12. ſhall i break northern i. Dan. 2. 33. legs of i. feet of i and clay 1 Tim. 4. 2. conſci. feared with a hot i.
  • ISSUES from death, Pſ. 68. 20. Prov. [...]. 23. out of heart are i. of life
  • [...]T [...]HING ears, 2 Tim. 4. 3.
  • JUDG [...], Deut. 17. 9 & 25. 2. Gen. 18. 2 [...]. ſhall not the j. of earth do Exod. 2. 14. who made thee a j. Acts 7. [...]7. Judges 11. 27. L. the j. be j. this day 16 5. 1 Sam. 2. 25 the j. ſhall judge him but Pſ. 6 [...]. 5. Father of father [...] j. of widows 57. 7. but God is the j. he putteth 50. 6. Iſ. 33. 22. Lord is our j. L. our lawgiver Luke 12. 14. who made me a j. or Acts 10. 42. to be j. of quick and dead 2 Tim. 4. 8. Lord the right. j. ſhall give Heb. 12. 2 [...]. to G. the j. of all and to j. James 5. 9. j. ſtands before the door Gen. 16. 5. L. j. between me and thee 1 Sam 24. 12. Deut. 32. 36. the Lord ſhall j. his people Pſ. 13 [...] 1 [...] Heb. 10. [...]0. Pſ. 7. 8. L. ſhall j. the people j. me O L. 9. 8. Lord ſhall j. world in righteouſn. [...]. 13. & [...]8. 9. Acts 17. 31. Mi [...]. 3. 11. heads thereof j. for reward Mat 7. 1. j. not that ye be not judged John 5. 30 as I hear i j. my judgment 12. 47. I came not to j. the world but Acts 23. 3. ſitteſt to j. me after the law Rom. 2. 16. when God ſhall j. ſecrets of 3. 6. how then ſhall God j. the world [...]. 22. why doſt thou j. thy brother 1 Cor. 4. 3. [...]j. not mine ownſelf 5. j. nothing before the time until the 6. 3. know ye that we ſhall j. angels 11. 31. if we would j. ourſ. ſhall not 14. 29. let proph. ſpeak and others j. Col. 2. 16. let no man j. you in meat 2 Tim. 4. 1. who ſhall j. the quick and the dead 1 Pet. 4. 5. James 4. 11. if ye j. law not doer but j. Pſ. 51. 4. judg [...]ſt Rom. 14. 4. Jam. 4. 12. Pſ. 7. 11. God judgeth the righteous 58. 11. he is a God that j. in the earth John 5. 22. F. j. no man but hath com. 1 Cor. 2. 15. ſpiritual man j. all things 4. 4. he that j. me is the Lord Mat. 19. 28. judging 12 tribes Luke 22. 30. Deut. 1 17. the judgment is God's 32. 4. all his way [...] are j. a G. of truth Pſ. 1. 5. wicked ſhall not ſtand in the j. 9. 16. Lord is known by the j. which 101. 1. I will ſing of mercy and j. 119. 66. teach me good j. for I 1 [...]3. 2. enter not into j. with thy ſerv. 149. 9. to execute upon them the j. Prov. 21. 15. it is joy to juſt to do j. [...]. 26. every man's j. comes of Lord Eccl. 11. 9. G. will bring into j. 12. 14. Iſ. 1. 27. Zion ſhall be redeemed with j. 28. 17. j. alſo will I lay to the line 30. 18. L. is a C. o [...] j. job 35. 14. 42. 1. bring forth j. to Gent. 3. j. unto 53. 8. he was taken from priſon and j. 61. 8. i the L. love j. hate robbery for Jer. 5. 1. if there be any th. executeth j. 8. 7. they know not the j. of the Lord 10. 24. correct with j. not with anger Dan. 4. 37. all whoſe ways are j. 7. 22. j. was given to the ſaints Hoſ. 12. 6. keep mercy and j. and wait Amos 5. 7. who turn j. to wormood 24. let j. run down as water and Mat. 5. 21. be in danger of the j. 22. 12. 20. till he ſend forth j. unto victory John 5. 22. F. committed all j. to Son 27. given him auth. to execute j. 9. 3 [...]. for j. I am come into world 16. 8. ſhall reprove world of j. Acts 24. 25. reaſoned of j. to come Rom. 5. 18. j. came on all men to cond. 14. 10. muſt all ſtand bef. j. ſeat of Ch. Heb. 9. 27. men to die and after this i. 1 Pet. 4. 17. j. muſt begin at houſe of G. Jude 15. to execute j. upon all ungodly Rev. 17. 1. ſhew thee j. of great whore Pſ. 10. 9. judgments of Lord are true and 36. 6. thy j. are a great deep, O Lord 119. 75. I know that thy j. are right 108. O Lord teach me thy j. 120. I am afraid of thy j. Iſ. 26. 8. in way of thy j. we waited 9. when thy j. are in earth inhab. Jer. 12. 1. let me taſk with thee of thy j. Rom. 11. 33. unſearchable are his j.
  • IVORY, 1 Kings 10. 18. & 22. 39. Pſ. 45. 8. Song 5. 14. & 7. 4. Ezek. 27. 6. Amos 3. 15. & 6. 4. Rev. 18. 12.
  • JUST man was Noah, Gen. 6. [...]. Lev. 19. 36. j. balance j. weights and a j. ephah Deut. 25. 15. Ezek. 45. 10. Deut. 16. 20. altogether j. ſhalt thou foil. 32. 4. a God of truth j. and right is he 2 Sam. 23. 3. ruleth over men muſt be j. Neh. 9. 23. j. in all brought upon us Job [...]. 17. can man be more j. than God 9. 2. how ſhall man be j. with God Prov. 4. 18. path of j. as ſhining light 10. 6. bleſſings are on head of the j. 11. 1. but a j. weight is his delight 12. 21. no evil ſhall happen to the j. 17. 26. to puniſh the j. is not good 18. 17. firſt in his own cauſe ſeems j. 20. 7. a j. man walketh in his integrity 21. 15. it is joy to j. to do judgment 24. 16. j. man falls ſeven times and ri [...]. Eccl. 7. 15. j. man that periſheth in his 20. there is not a j. man on earth 8. 14. be j. men to whom it happens Iſ. 26. 7. way of the j. is uprightneſs moſt upright doſt weigh path of j. 45. 21. beſide me a j. G. and a Saviou [...] Ezek. 18. 9. he is j. he ſhall ſurely live Hab. 2. 4. j. ſhall live by his faith Rom. 1. 17. Gal. 3. 11. Heb. 10. 38. Zeph. 3. 5. j. Lord is in midſt thereof Zech 9. 9. King j. and having ſ [...]lvation Mat. 1. 19. Joſeph—being a j. [...]an [103] 5. 45. ſendeth [...]ain on j. and unjuſt Luke 15. 7. more than over 99 1. perſ. 20. 20. who ſhould feign them [...] j. m [...]n John 5. 30. my judgment is j. becauſe Acts 7. 52. coming of j. one 22. 14. 24. 15. reſurr. both of j. and unjuſt Rom. 2. 13. not hearers of law are j. 3. 26. that he might be j. and juſtifier 7. 12. commandment holy j. and good Phil. 4. 8. whatſoever things are j. Col. 4. 1. give that which is j. and equal Heb. 2. 2. received a j. recomp. of rew. 12. 23. ſpirits of j men made perfect 1 Pet. 3. 18. ſuffered once j. for unjuſt 1 John. 1. 8. j. to forgive us our ſins and Rev. 15. 3. j. and true are thy ways Mic. 6. 8. to do juſtly and love mercy Luke 23. 41. we indeed j. for we rec. 1 Theſſ 2. 10. how j we behaved ourſ. Gen. 18. 19. to do juſtice and judgment Job 37. 23. excellent in plenty of j. Pſ. 89. 14. j and judgm. are habitation of throne [...]7. 2. & 9. 4. 7. Prov. 8. 15. by me princes decree j. Jer. 31. 23. O habitation of j. 50. 7. Ezek. 45. 9. exec. judm. and j. Jer. 22. 5.
  • JUSTIFY not the wicked, Exod. 23. 7. Deut. 25. 1. they ſhall j. the right. and Job 9. 20. if I j. myſelf my mouth cond. 27. 5. that I ſhould j. you till I die 33. 32. ſpeak for I deſire to j thee 5. 23. wo to j wicked for reward 53. 11. my right. ſervant ſhall j. many Luke 10. 29 he willing to j. himſelf ſaid 16. 15. ye are they which j. yourſelv. Rom. 3. 30. G. ſhall j. circumſion and Gal. 3. 8. G. would j. heath. thro' faith Job 13. 18. I know I ſhall be juſtified 11. 2. ſhould a man full of talk be j. 25. 4. how can man be j. with God 32. 2. he j. himſelf rather than God Pſ. 51. 4. mightſt be j. when thou ſpeak. 143. 2. in ſight no man living can be j. Iſ. 43. 9. that they may be j. 26. 45. 25. in Lord ſhall ſeed of Iſrael be j. Jer. 3. 11. hath j. herſ. more than Judah Ezek. 15. 51. j. thy ſiſters in all 51. Mat. 11. 19. wiſd. is j. of her children Luke 7. 35. 12. 37. by thy words thou ſhalt be j. Luke 7. 29. j. G. being baptized of John 18. 14. went j. rather than the other Acts 13. 39. are j. from all things from which could not be j. by law of Moſes Rom. 2. 13. doers of the law ſhall be j. 3. 4. might be j. in thy ſayings 3. 20. ſhall no fleſh be j. in his ſight 24. being j. freely by his grace 28. man is j by ſaith without deeds 4. 2. if Abr. were j. by works he had 5. 1. being j. by faith we have peace 9. being now j. by his blood, ſaved 8. 30. whom he j. he alſo glorified Lor. 4. 4. yet am I not hereby j. 6. 11. j. name of L. J. and by Sp. of C. [...]l. 2. 16. not j. by works of the law might be j. by the faith of Chriſt 17. 3. 11. that no man is j. by law it evid. 24. that we might he j. by [...]ith 5. 4. j. by the law are fallen fr. grace 1 Tim. 3. 16. G. manifeſt. in fleſh j. in Sp. Tit. 2. 7. that being j. by his grace James 2. 21. was not Abr. j. by works 24. by works a man is j. and not by f. 25. was not Rahab j. by works when Prov. 17. 15. that juſtifieth wicked Iſ. 50. 8. he is near that j. me Rom. 4. 5. God that j. the ungodly 8. 33. it is God that j. who is he that 3. 26. the juſtifier of him that believeth 1 Kings 8. 32. condemning the wicked and juſtifying the righteous 2. Chr. 6. [...]3. Rom. 4. 25. raiſed for our juſtificator 5. 16. gift of many offences unto j. 18. gift came on all men to j. of the
  • KEEP, Gen. 2. 15. & 33. 9. Gen. 18. 19. they ſhall k. way of Lord 28. 15. I am with thee to k. thee 20. if God will be with me and k. me Exod. 23. 7. k. thee far from a falſe mat. 20. I ſend an angel to k. thee in way Numb. 6. 24. Lord bleſs thee and k. thee Deut. 23. 9. k. thee from every wick. [...]. 29. 9. k. words of this cov. and doth. 1 Sam. 2. 9. he'll k. feet of his ſaints 1 Chron. 4. 10. wouldſt k. me from evil Pſ. 25. 10. to ſuch as k. his cov. 103. 18. 20. k. my ſoul 17. 8. k. me as apple 39. 1. I will k my mouth that I ſin not 89. 28. my mercy will I k. for him 91. 11. angels to k. thee in all thy ways 103. 9. not chide nor k. anger for ever 106. 3. bleſſed that k. judgment and 119. 2. k. teſtimonies 4. k. precepts 17. 33. 34. 57. 63. 69. 88. 100. 106. 129. 136. 146. 127. 1. except Lord k. the city 140. 4. k. me. 141. 3. k. door of lips 4. Eccl. 5. 1. k. thy foot when thou goeſt Iſ. 26. 3. L. will k. him in perfect peace 27. 3. I the L. k. it, I'll k. it day and Jer. 3. 12. I'll not k. anger for ever Hoſ. 12. 6. k. mercy and judgment Mic. 7. 5. k. doors of thy mouth from Mal. 2. 7. prieſts lips k. knowledge Luke 11. 28. hear word of God and k. John 12. 25. hateth his life ſhall k. it 14. 23. man love me will k. my words 17. 11. holy F. k. thro' thy own name 15. ſhouldſt k. them from the evil 1 Cor. 5. 8. let us k. the feaſt not with 11. not to k. company with [...]uch 9. 27. I k. under my body and Eph. 4. 3. endeavour to k. unity of Spir. Phil. 4. 7. peace of G. ſhall k your heart 2 Theſſ. 3. 3. L. ſhall eſtabliſh and k. you 1 Tim. 5. 22. of others ſins k. thy [...] pure [...]. 20. k. truſt that is committed to thee 2 Tim. 1. 12. able to k. that which is 14. good thing com. to thee k. by H. G James [...]. 27. k. himſelf un [...]potted from [104] [...]. 10. k. whole law and offend in one Jude 21. k. yourſelves in love of God 24. who is able to k. you from falling Rev. 1. 3. bleſſed are they that hear k. 3. 10. I'll k. thee from hour of tempt. 22. 9. br. of them that k. ſayings [...]ev. 26. 3. if ye keep commandments Deut. 6. 17. diligently—alway 11. 1. 22. 13. 4.—and obey his voice 11. 8. 119. 60. I delayed not to— Prov. 4. 4.— and live 7. 2. Eccl. 12. 13. fear God and— Mat. 19. 17. if will enter into life— John 14. 15. if ye love me— [...] John 2. 3. we know him if we— 5. 3. this is love of God that we— Rev. 14. 12. here are they that— Judges 3. 19. keep ſilence Pſ. 35. 22. & 50. 3. 21. & 83. 1. Eccl. 3. 7. Iſa. 41. 1. & 62. 6. & 65. 6. Lam. 2. 10. Amos 5. 13. Hab. 2. 20. 1 Cor. 14. 28. 34. 2 Kings 8. 23. who keepeſt covenant and mercy 2 Chron. 6. 14. Neh. 9. 32. Deut. 7. 9. which keepeth cov. Neh. 1. 5. Pſ. 121. 3. that k. thee will not ſlumber 146. 6. he k. truth for ever Prov. 13. 3. that k. his mouth k. his life 29. 18. he that k. the law happy is he 1 John 5. 18. k. himſelf and the evil Rev. 16. 15. bleſſed is he that k. garm. 22. 7. bleſſed that k. ſaying of this book Exod. 34. 7. keeping mercy for 1000's Pſ. 19. 11. in k. of them is great reward Dan. 9. 4. k. the covenant and mercy 1 Pet. 4. 19. commit k. of their ſouls Pſ. 121. 5. the Lord is thy keeper Eccl. 12. 3. when k. of houſe tremble Song 1. 6. made me k. of vineyard 5. 7. k. took away my vail Tit. 2. 5. chaſte k. at home good obed. Deut. 33. 9. they kept thy covenant 32. 10. k. them as apple of his eye Joſh. 14. 10. Lord that k. me alive to 2 Sam. 22. 22. k. [...]ways of Lord Pſ. 18. 21. 24. k. myſelf from my iniquity Job 23. 11. his ways have I k. Pſ. 17. 4. k. me from paths of deſtroyer 30. 3. k. me alive that not go down Song 1. 6. own vineyard have I not k. Mat. 19. 20. theſe have I k. from youth Luke 2. 19. Mary k. all theſe things 51. John 15. 20. if they have k. my ſayings 17. 6. they have k. thy word [...]2. all that thou gaveſt me I have k. Rom. 16. 25. k. ſecret ſince world began 2 Tim. 4. 7. I've ſought k. the ſaith 1 Pet. 1. 5. k. by power of G. thro' ſaith Rev. 3. 8. haſt k. my word and not den.
  • KEY of David, Iſ. 22. 22. Rev. 3. 7. Mat. 16. 19. k. of the kingdom of heaven Luke 11. 52. taken away k. knowledge Rev. 1. 18. I have k. of hell and death [...]. 1. k. of the bottomleſs pit 20. 1.
  • KICK, Deut. 32. 15. 1 Sam. 2. 29. Acts 9. 5. & 26. 14.
  • KID, 11. 11. 6. Luke 15. 29. Song 1. 8. feed thy k. beſid. ſheph. [...]ents
  • KILL thou ſhalt not, Exod. 20 13. Deut. 32. 39. I k. I make alive 1 Sam. 2. 6. Lord k. and makes alive 1 Kings 21. 19. haſt thou k. and taken 2 Kings 5. 7. am I G. to k. and make al. Pſ. 44. 22. k. all day long Rom. 8. 36. Eccl. 3. 3. time to k. and time to heal Mat. 10. 28. fear not them k. body but are not able to k. the ſoul 23. 37. thou that k. the prophets Luke 13. 34. Mark 3. 4. to ſave life or to k. Luke 12. 5. after he hath k. hath power John 16. 2. who k. you ſhall think Acts 3. 15. k. prince of life and deſired 10. 13. riſe Peter k. and eat 2 Cor. 3. 6. letter k. but Spirit giveth life 6. 9. we are chaſtened and not killed 1 Theſſ. 2. 15. both k. Lord and proph. Rev. 13. 10. k. ſhall be k. with ſword
  • KIND, Gen. 1. 11. 2 Chron. 10. 7. Luke 6. 35. he is k. to the unthankful 1 Cor. 13. 4. charity ſuffers long and is k. Eph. 4. 32. be k. one to an. rom. 12. 10. 1 Sam. 20. 14. ſhew me the kindneſs of L. 2 Sam. 9. 3. may ſhew the k. of G. to him 16. 17. is this thy k. to thy friend Neh. 9. 17. G. ſlow to anger and o [...] g [...]. k. Pſ. 117. 2. his merciful k. is great 141. 5. right. ſmite me it ſhall be a k. Prov. 19. 22. deſire of man is his k. 31. 26. in her tongue is law of k. Iſ. 54. 8. with ever [...]. k. will I have 10. my k. ſhall not depart from thee Jer. 2. 2. I remember k. of thy youth Joel 2. 13. God of great k. Jonah 4. 2. Col. 3. 12. put on bowels of mercy k. 2 Pet. 1. 7. to godlin. brotherly k. and to Pſ. 25. 6. remember thy loving kindneſs 36. 7. how excellent is thy— 10. O continue thy—to ſuch as know 63. 3. thy—is better than life 103. 4. who crowneth thee with— Iſ. 63. 7. I'll mention—of Lord his— Jer. 9. 24. I am Lord which exerciſe— 31. 3. with— have I drawn thee 32. 18. ſheweſt—to thouſands Hoſ. 2. 19. I'll betroth thee in—and in
  • KINDLE, Prov. 26. 21. Iſ. 10. 16. 2 Sam. 22. 9. coa [...]s k. by it Pſ. 18. 8. Pſ. 2. 12. if his wrath is k. but a little Iſ. 30. 32. breath of Lord doth k. it 50. 11. walk in light of ſparks ye're k. Hoſ. 11. 8. my repentings are kindled Luke 12. 49. fire what if it be already k.
  • KING, Gen. 14. 18. & 36. 31. Job 18. 14. bring him to k. of terrors 34. 18. fit to ſay to k. thou art wicked Pſ. 10. 16. Lord is k. for ever and ever 24. 7. k. of glory ſhall come in 9. 10. 33. 16. no k. ſaved by multit. of hoſt 47. 7. God is k. of all the earth 6. 74. 12. God is my k. 5. 2. & 44. 4. Prov. 30. 31. k. againſt whom no riſing up Eccl. 5. 9. k. himſelf is ſerved by fie [...]d [105] 8. 4. where word of k. is there is power Song 1. 4. k. brought me into his cham. 12. while k. ſits at his table my ſpik. 7. 5. k. is held in galleries, 3. 9. 11. Iſa 22. 1. a k. ſhall reign in righteouſn. 33. 22. L. is our lawgiver our k. and 43. 15. creator of Iſrael your k. Jer. 10. 10. L. is true G. and everlaſt. k. 23. 5. a k. ſhall reign and pro [...]per 46. 18. ſaith the k. whoſe name is the Lord of hoſts. 51. 17. Hoſ. 3. 5. ſeek Lord and D [...]vid their k. 7. 5. in day of our k. the princes 13. 11. I gave them a k. in my anger Zech. 9. 9. rejoice O Z [...]on thy k. cometh Mat. 25. 34. the [...] ſhall the k. ſay, 40. Luke 23. 2. that he himſelf is Chriſt a k. John 6. 15. come by force to make him k. 10. 14. beh. your k. 15. no k. but Ceſar 1 Tim. 1. 17. to the k. eternal immortal 6. 15. K. of kings and Lord of lords, Rev. 17. 14. & 16. 1 [...]. 1 Pet. 2. 17. fear G. honour the k. 13. Rev. 15. 3 juſt and true thou k. of ſaints Pſ. 76. 12. terrible to kings of earth 72. 11. 10 [...]. 15. k. o [...] earth ſee thy glory Iſ. 62. 2. 144. 10. that giveth ſalvation to k. 149. 8. to bind their k. with fetters Prov. 8. 15. by me k. reign and princes Hoſ. 8. 4 they ſet up k. but not by me Mat. 11. 8. ſoft clothing are in k houſes Luke 22. 25. k. of Gent. exerciſe lordſhip 1 Cor. 4. 8. reigned as k. without us 1 Tim. 2. 2. for k. and all in authority Rev 1. 6. made us k. and prieſts to G. 5. 10. 16 12. that way of k. of eaſt prepared Exod. 19. 6. be a kingdom of prieſts 1 Sam. 10. 25. Samuel told manner of k. 1 Chron. 29. 11. th [...] is k. O L. Mat. 6. 13. Pſ. 22. 28. for the k. is the L and he is Dan. 2. 44. in laſt day G. ſet up a k. 4. 17. G. rules in k. of men 25. 32. [...] 7. 27. whoſe k. is an everlaſting k. 14. Mat. 12. 25. every k. divided ag. itſelf 13. 19. hears word of k underſt. not 38. good ſeed are children of k. 25. 34. inherit k. prepared for you Mark 11. 10. bleſſed be k. of our fa. Day. Luke 12. 3. F. pleaſ to give you the k. 19. 12. to receive for himſelf a k. 22. 29. I appoint unto you a k. as my John 18. 36. my k. is not of this world 1 Cor. 15. 24. have delivered up the k. Col. 1. 13. tranſlated us into k. of Son 2 Tim. 4. 18. preſerve me to heavenly k. Heb. 12. 28. we receive a k. not moved Jam. 2. 5. rich in f. heirs of the k. 2 Pet. 1. 11. into everlaſting k. of our L. Rev. 1. 9. in k. and patience of Jeſus C. 11. 15. k. of world become k. of our L. 17. 17. to give their k. to the beaſt Mat. 6. 33. kingdom of God 12. 28. & 21. 43. Mark 1. 15. & 10. 14. 15. & 12. 34. & 15. 43. Luke 4. 23. & 6. 20. & 9. 02. & 10. 9. 11. & 13. 29 & 17. 20. 21. & 18. 16. 17. 29. & 2 [...]. 10. John 3. 3. except born again can. ſee—5. Rom. 14. 17.—is not meat and drink but 1 Cor. 4. 20.—is not in word but power 6. 9. unright, ſhall not inherit— 15. 50 fleſh and blood cannot inherit— Eph. 5. 5. hath any inheritance in— 2 Theſſ. 1. 5. be counted worthy of— Rev. 12. 10. now is come—and power Mat. 3. 2. kingdom of heaven 4. 17. & 10. 7. & 5. 3. 10. 19 20. & 7. 21. & 8. 11. & 11. 11. 12. & 13. 11. 24. 31. 52. & 16. 19. & 18. 1. 3. 23. & 20. 1. & 22. 2. & 23. 13. & 25. 1. 14.
  • KISS the ſon leſt he be angry, Pſ. 2. 12. Pſ. 85. 10. tight. and peace k. each other Prov. 27. 6. k. of an enemy are deceitful Song 1. 2. let him k. me with k. of his Luke 7. 38. k. his feet and anointed Rom. 16. 16. ſalute with holy k. 1 Pet. 5. 14. greet with k. of charity
  • KNEES, Gen. 30. 3. & 41. 43. Job 4. 4. feeble k. Iſ. 35. 3. Heb. 12. 12. Iſ. 45. 23. eve [...]y k. bow Rom 14 11. Phil. 2. 10. Mat. 27. 20. Eph. 3. 14. N [...]h 2. 10. k. ſmite together Dan. 5. 6.
  • KNIFE, Prov. 23. 1. & 30. 14.
  • KNIT. 1 Sam. 18. 1. Col 2. 2. 19.
  • KNOCK, Mat. 7. 7. Rev. 3. 20.
  • KNEW, Gen. 3. 7. & 4. 1. & 42. 7. Gen. 28. 16. G. is in this place I k. it not Deut. 34. 10. whom L. k. face to face Jer. 1. 5. before formed in belly I k. thee Mat. 7. 23. dep [...]rt I never k you John 4. 10 if thou k. the gift of God Rom. 1. 21. when they k. G. they glori. 2 Cor. 5. 21. made him ſin who k no ſin 12. 2. I k. a man in C. about 14 years Deut 8. 2. know what was in thy he [...]rt Joſh. 22. 2 [...]. G. of G. k. and Iſr. he ſhall k. 1 Sam. 3. 7. Samuel did not yet k. the [...]. 1 Kings 8. 38. ſhall k. plague of his heart 1 Chr. 28. 9. k. thou the G. of thy fathers Job 5. 27. k. thou it for thy good 8. 9 we are of yeſterday and k. nothing 13. 23. make me to k. my tranſgreſſions 22. 13. how doth G. k. Pſ. 73. 11. Pſ. 4. 3. k. that L. hath ſet apart 9. 10. that k. thy name will truſt 39. 4. make me to k. my end and 46. 10. be ſtill and k that I am God 51. 6 ſhalt make me to k. wiſdom 73. 16. when I thought to k. this hard 89. 15. bleſſed that k. joy [...]ul ſound 139. 23. k. my heart k. my thoughts Eccl. 11. 9. k. thou that for all theſe th. Iſa. 58. 2. delight to k. my ways Jer. 17. 9. heart deceitful who can k it 22. 16 was not this to k. me ſaith L. 24. 7. I'll give 'em an heart to k. me 31. 31. ſaying k. the [...] all ſhall k. me 44. 28. ſhall k. whoſe words ſtand Ezek. 2. 5. ſhall k. that a proph. 33. 33. Hoſ. 2. 70. I betroth thou ſhalt k. the [...]. Mic. 3. 1. is it not for you to k. judgment Mat. 6. 3. left hand k. what right doth 7. 11. k. how to give g. gi [...]ts Lu. 11. 13. [106] John 4. 42. we k. this is indeed the Chriſt Mat. 13. 11. given to you to k. myſt of k. John 7. 17. he ſhall k. of the doctrine 10. 4. ſheep follow for k. his voice 14. I k. my ſheep and am k. of mine 1 [...]. 7. k. not now but ſhall k. hereafter 17. if k. thoſe things happy if ye do 'em 35. by this ſhall [...]en k. ye my diſciples Acts 1. 7. it is not for you to k. times Rom. 10. 19. did not Iſrael k. yes, verily 1 Cor. 2. 14. neither can he k. them for 4. 19. I'll k. not ſpeech but power 8. 2. k any thing k. nothing as he ought to k. Eph. 3. 19. to k. love of C. which paſſeth 1 Theſſ. 5. 12. to k them who labour Tit. 1. 16. profe [...]s that they k. G. Exod. 4. 14. i know Job 9. 2. 28. & 13. 18. Gen. 18. 10.—him that he will command 22. 12. now—that thou feareſt God 2 Kings 1. 27.—thy abode and going Job 19. 25.—that my Redeemer liveth Pſ. 41. 11. by this—that thou favour. me Jer. 10. 23.—that way of man is not in 29. 11.—thoughts that I think Mat. 25. 12.—you not Luke 13. 25. 27. John 13. 18.—whom I have choſen Acts 26. 27.—that thou believeſt Rom. 7. 18.—that in me in my fleſh 1 Cor. 4. 4. though—nothing by myſelf 13. 9. we know 12.—in part Phil. 4. 12.—how to be aba [...]ed 2 Tim. 1. 12.—whom I have believed 1 John 2. 4. that ſaith—him and Rev. 2. 2.—thy works 9. 13. 19. & 3. 1. 8. 15. Hoſ. 6. 3. we know 8. 2. John 4. 22. 1 Cor. 2. 12. 1 John 2. 3. 5. John 16. 30 thou knoweſt all things 21. 17.—all th [...]—that I love thee 15. 16. Pſ. 1. 6. Lord knoweth way of righteous 94. 11. L. k. thoughts of man vain 103. 14. he k. our frame that we duſt 130. 6. proud he k. a [...]ar off 139. 14. my ſoul k. right well Eccl. 9. 1. no man k. love or hatred Iſa. 1. 3. ox k. his owner and aſs his Jer. 8. 7. [...]ork k her appointed times 9. 24. underſtandeth and k. me Lord Zeph. 3. 5. unjuſt k. no ſhame Nat. 6. 8. k. what things ye need 24. 36. of that day and hour k. no man 1 Cor. 8. 2. k. any thing k. nothing as 2 Tim. 2. 19. Lord k. them that are his Jam. 4. 17. that k. to do good and not 2 Pet. 2. 9. L. k. how to deliver godly Rev. 2. 17. name which no man k. Pſ. 9. 16 L. is known by the judgment 31. 7. haſt k. my ſoul in adverſity 67. 2. thy way may be k. on earth Iſa. 45. 4. thou haſt not k. me 5. Amos 3. 2. you only have I k. of all Pat. 10. [...]6. hid that ſhall not be k. Luke 8. 17. & 12. 2. Luke 19. 42. if thou hadſt k. in this day Acts 15. 18. k. unto G. are all his works Rom. 1. 19. that which may be k. of G. 7. 7. I had not k. ſin but by the law 1 Cor. 8. 3. ſame is k of him 13. 12. Gal. 4. 9. k. G. or rather are k. of God 2 Tim. 3. 15. from child k. holy ſcrip. Rev. 2. 24. not k. depths of Satan Gen. 2. 17. knowledge of good and evil 1 Sam. 2. 3 L. is G. of k. by him actions 2 Chr. 1. 10. give me wiſdom and k. Pſ. 19. 2. night unto night ſheweth k. 73. 11. is there k. in Moſt High 94. 10. he that teacheth men k. 139. 6. ſuch k. is too wonderful for me Prov. 8. 12. I find k. of witty inventions 9. 10. the k. of the holy is underſta [...]d. 14. 6. k. is eaſy to him that underſt. 19. 2 ſoul be without k. is not good 30. 3. I have not the k. of the holy Eccl. 9. 10. no device nor k. in grave Iſa. 28. 9. whom ſhall he teach k. 53. 11. by his k. ſhall my right. ſervant Jer. 3. 15. paſtors ſhall feed you with k. Dan. 12. 4. to and fro and k. be increaſed Hoſ. 4 6. deſtroyed for lack of k. H [...]b. 2. 14. earth filled with k of L. Iſ. 11. 9. Mat. 2. 7. prieſts lips ſhould keep k. Rom. 2. 20. haſt a form of k. in law 3. 20. for by the law is the k. of ſin 10. 2. zeal for G. not according to k. 1 Cor. 8. 1. all have k. k. puſſeth up Eph. 3. 19. love of C. which paſſeth k. Phil. 3. 8. loſs for excel. of the k. of C. J. Col. 2. 3. treaſures of wiſdom and k. 3. 10. renewed in k. after image 1 Pet. 3. 7. dwell with 'em accord. to k. 2 Pet. 1. 5. add to virtue k. to k. temp. 3. 18. grow in grace and in k. of J. C.
  • LABOUR, Gen. 31. 42. & 35. 16. Pſ. 90. 10. their ſtrength l. and ſorrow 104. 23. man goes to his l. till even 128. 2. ſhalt eat of l. of thy hands Prov. 14. 23. in all l. there is profit Eccl. 1. 8. all things are full of l. 4. 8. yet there is no end of his l. Iſ. 55. 2. ſpend your l for ſatisfieth not Hab. 3. 17. though l. of olive ſhould fail 1 Cor. 15. 58. your l. is not in vain in L. 1 Theſſ. 1. 3. work of faith and l. of love Heb. 6. 10. G. not forget your l. of love Rev. 14. 13. dead may reſt from their l. Prov. 23. 4. l. not to be rich ceaſe from Mat. 11. 28. come all ye that l. and are John 6. 27. l. not for meat that periſheth 1 Theſſ. 5. 12. l. am. and are over you in L. 1 Tim. 5. 17. honour eſpe. who l. in word Heb. 4. 11. l. to enter into that reſt Iſ 49. 4. I have laboured in vain John 4. [...]8. other men l. and ye entered 1 Cor. 15. 10. i l. more abund. than all Phil. 2. 16. not run nor l. in vain Prov. 16. [...]6. laboureth l. for himſelf Eccl. 5. 12. ſ [...]eep of labouring man ſweet Col. 4. 12. I papl [...]ras l. fervently in prayer Luke 10. 7. labourer worthy of his [...] 1 Tim. 5. 18. [107] Mat. 9. [...]7. but l. are few Luke to 2. 1 Cor. 3. 9. we are l. together with God
  • LACK, Hoſ. 1. 6. Mat. 10. 20. 21. 2 Cor. 11. 9. 1 Theſſ. 3. 10. [...]am. 1. 5.
  • LADEN with iniquity, Iſ. 1. 4. Mat. 11. 28. heavy l. I'll give [...]eſt 2 Tim. 3. 6. ſilly women l. with ſins
  • LAMB, Gen. 22. 7. 8. Exod. 12. 3. 2 Sam. 12. 3. nothing ſave one ewe l. Iſa. 11. 6. wolf dwell with the l. 53. 7. he is brought as a l. to ſlaughter John 1. 29. behold L. of God which 36. 1 Pet. 1. 19. as a l. without blemiſh Rev. 5. 12. worthy is l. that was ſlain 6. 16. hide us from face of the l. 7. 14. white in blood of l. 1 [...]. 11. 17. l. in midſt of throne feed them 13. 8. l. ſlain from foundation of world
  • LAME, Lev. 21. 18 Mal. 1. 8. 13. Job 29. 15. eyes to blind and feet to l. Prov. 26. 7. legs of the l. are not equal Iſ. 35. 6. l. leap as heart 33. 23. Heb. 12. 13. left that l. be turned out of
  • LAMP, Gen. 15. 17. Exod. 27. 20. 1 Kings 15. 4. Mat. 25. 1. 3. 4. 7. 8. 2 Sam. 22. 29 thou art my l. O G. L. Job 12. 5. as l. deſpiſed of at eaſe Pſ. 119. 105. thy word is a l. to my feet 132. I have ordained a l. for anointed Prov. 6. 23. command. is l. law light 13. 9. l. of wicked ſhall be put out Iſ. 62. 1. ſalvation as a l. that burneth Exod. 25. 37. ſeven lamps 37. 23. Num. 8. 2. Zech. 4. 2. Rev. 4. 5.
  • LAND, Eccl. 10. 16. 17. Iſa. 5. 30. Deut. 19. 14. remove land marks 27. 17. Prov. 2 [...]. 28. & 23. 10. Job 24. 2.
  • LANGUAGE, Gen. 11. 1. Neh 13. 24. Pſ 81. 5. Iſa. 19. 18. Zeph. 3. 9.
  • LANGUISH, Iſa. 24. 4. Pſ. 41. 3.
  • LASCIVIOUSNESS, Mark 7. 22. 2 Cor. 12. 21. Gal. 5. 19. Eph. 4. 19. 1 Pet 4. 3. Jude 4. turn grace of God into l.
  • LAST end be like his, Num. 23. 10. Lam. 1. 9. remembered not her l end Luke 11. 26 l. ſtate worſe than firſt 1 Pet. 1. 5. laſt time 20. 1 John 2. 18. Jude 18. ſhould be mockers in the—
  • LATTER day, Job 19. 25. l. end Prov. 19. 20. l. houſe Hag. 2. 9. l. time 1 Tim. 4. 1. 2 Tim. 3. 1.
  • LAUGH, Gen. 17. 17. & 18. 12. 15. 2 Chr. 30. 10. they l. them to ſcorn Job 5. 22. at deſt. and fam. thou ſhalt l. Pſ. 2. 4. he that [...]ts in heaven ſhall l. 37. 13. L. ſhall l. at him bec. he ſeeth 52. 6. righteous ſhall ſee and l. at him 59. 8. thou O L. ſhall l. at them Prov. [...]. 26. I'll l. at your calamity and Luke 6. 21. bleſſed that weep, ye ſhall l. 25. wo to that l. now, ye ſhall mourn Job 8. 21. he fill thy mouth with laughing Pſ. 126. 2. mouth filled with laughter Prov. 14. 13. in l. heart is ſorrowful Eccl. 7. 3. ſorrow is better than l. 2. 2. J [...]m. 4. 9. let your l. be turned to mourn.
  • LAW, Gen. 47. 26. Prov. 28. 4. Deut. 33. 2. from his hand went fiery l. Neh. 8. 7. cauſed people to underſt. the l. 10. 28. ſeparated themſelves to the l. Job 22. 22. receive l. from his mouth Pſ. 1. 2. in his l. doth he meditate 19. 7. l. of L. is perfect converting 37. 31. l. of his God is in his heart 78. 5. appointed a l. in Iſrael 10. 119. 72. l of thy mouth is better than Prov. 6. 23. l. is light 13. 14 l. of wiſe 7. 2. keep my l. as apple of eye 28. 8. turns away from hearing l. 29. 18. keepeth the l. happy [...] he Iſ. 2. 3. go forth l. Mic. 4. 2. 8. 16. ſeal the l. among my diſciples 20. to the l. and the teſtimony if 42. 21. magn [...]fy l. and make it honour. 51. 7. people in whoſe heart is my l. Jer. 18. 18 l. ſhall not p [...]r [...]h from prieſt 31. 33. I'll put my l in inward parts Ezek. 7. 26. l. ſhall periſh from prieſts Hoſ. 8. 12. written great things of my l. Mal. 2. 7. people ſeek l. at his mouth Luke 16. 16. l. an [...] prophets till John John 1. 17. l. was given by Moſes but 19. 7. we have a l. and by our l. he Acts 13. 39. not juſtified by l. of Moſes Rom. 2. 12. ſin. without l. periſh with. l. 13. not hearers of l. but doers of l. 14. having not l. are a l. to themſelves 3. 20. by deeds of l. no fleſh juſtified [...]or by l. is knowledge of ſin 27. excluded by l. of works l. of faith 31. do we make void l. by faith G. forb. 4. 15. l. works wrath no l. no tranſgr. 5. 13. ſin not imputed where no l. 7. 7. had not known ſin but by l. 8. for without the l. ſin was dead 9. l was alive without the l. once 12 l. is holy, juſt, and good 14 l. is ſpiritual but I carnal 22. l delight in l. of God after inward 23. l. in my members l. of mind 25. 8. 2. l. of ſpirit of life, l. of ſin and death 10. 4. C. is the end of l. for righteouſ. 5. r [...]ghteouſ. of l. 9. 31. 32. Phil. 3. 9. 1 Cor. 6. 1. dare any of you go to l. 6. 7. Gal. 2. 16 not juſtified by works of l. 19. l thro' the l. am dead to l. that I 3. 10. of works of l. under curſe 12. l. is not of faith but the man 13. Chriſt redeemed us from curſe of l. 5. 23. love, joy, peace, ag. ſuch no i. 1 Tim. 1. 8. l. is good if uſe it lawfully 9. l. not made for right. [...]ut lawleſs Heb. 7. 19. l. made nothing perfect 10. 1. Jam. 1. 25. l. of liberty, 2. 12. 8. royal l. 1 John 3. 4 ſin tranſ. l. ſin is tranſ. of l. N [...]h. 9. 26. caſt toy laws behind back Pſ. 40. 8.—is within my heart 94. 12. bleſſed teacheſt h [...]m out of— 119. 18. behold wondrous things out of— 70. l delight in—77. 9 [...]. 17— 97. I love—113. 163. 167. 167. Ezek. [...] 5. do that which is lawful and [108] right 33. 14. 19. 1 Cor. 6. 12 all things are l to me 10. 23. Iſ 33. 22. Lord lawgiver Jam. 4. 12.
  • LAY, Gen. 9. 33. 35. Job 29. 19. Eccl. 7. 2. living will l. it to heart Iſ 26. 16. I l in Zion a tried ſtone Mal. 2. 2. I cur [...]ed ye l. it not to heart M [...]t 8. 20 had not where to l. his head Acts 7. 60. l. not this ſin to their charge 15. 28 to l. on you no greater burden Rom. 8. 33. who l. any thing to charge Heb. 12. 1. l. aſide every weight and ſin Jam 1. 21. l apart all filthineſs and [...]upe [...]ſtuity of naughtineſs 1 Pet. 2. 1. John 10. 15. lay down life, 13. 37. & 15. 13. 1 John 3. 16. 1 Tim. [...]. 22. lay hands, Heb. 6. 2. 1 Tim. 6. 20. lay hold on eternal life H [...]b. 6. 18. on hope ſet before us Mat 6. 20. lay up for yourſelves treaſ. 2 Cor. 12. 14. child. not—for parents Pſ. 62. 9. to be laid in balance they 89. 19. I l. help on one mighty Iſa. 53. 6. L. l. on him iniquities of us all Mat. 3. 10. ax l. to root, Luke 3. 9. 1 Cor. 3. 10. I have l. foundation, 11. Heb. 6. [...]. not l. ag. found. of repentance 1 Sam. 21. 12. David laid up theſe words Pſ. 31. 19. how great—for that fear thee Song 7. 12. pleaſant fruits—for thee Lu [...]e 1. 66.—in their hearts 12. 19. much goods—for thee ſoul Col 1. 5 hope—for you in heaven 1 Tim. 6. 19 —in ſtore good foundation 2 Tim. 4 8.—for me a crown of right. Job 21. 19. G. layeth up his iniq for chil. 24. 12. yet G. l. not folly to them Prov. 2. 7. l. up wiſdom. 26 24. l up dec. Iſa. 56. 2. bleſſed that l. hold on it 57. 1. no man l. it to heart, 42. 25. Jer 12. 11. land deſolate becauſe no man l. it to heart
  • LEAD, Exod. 15. 10. Job 19. 24. Zech. 5. 7. 8. Gen. 33. 14. Exod. 13. 21. Pſ. 5. 8. l. me in thy righteouſneſs 25. 5.—in thy truth 2 [...]. 11.—in plain path 61. 2.—to rock higher than I 139. 24.— in way everlaſt. 143. 10.—land of upr. Song 8. 2. I'd l. thee into mothers houſe Iſa. 11. 6. a little child ſhall l them 40. 11. gently l. thoſe with young Mat. 15. 14. if blind l. blind, Luke 6. 39. 1 Tim. 2. 2. may l. a quiet life in all Rev. 7. 17. Lamb ſhall l. to living fount. Pſ. 23. 2. leadeth me beſide ſtill waters Iſa. 48. 17. L. thy G. which l. by way 42. 16. & 49. 10. & 57. 18. Jer. 31. 9. Mat. 7. 13. gate l. to deſtr. 14. l. to life John 10. 3. calleth ſheep and l them out Rom. 2. 4. goodneſs of G. l. to repent. Gen. 24. 27. Lord led 48. Exod. 13. 18. & 15. 13. Deut. 8. 2. & 29. 5. & 32. 10. 12. Neh. 9. 12. Pſ. 79. 20. & 80. 1. & 78. 14. 53. & 106. 9. & 136. 16. & 107. 7. Iſa. 48. 21. & 63. 13. 14. Jer. 2. 6. 17. Rom. 8. 14 led by ſpirit, Gal. 5. 1 [...]. Iſa. 55. 4. leader to people, 9. 16.
  • LEAF, Job 13. 25. Ez. 47. 12. Rev. 22. 2 [...]
  • LEAGUE with the ſtones, Job 5. 23.
  • LEAN not to own underſtand. Prov. 3. 5. Job 8. 15. ſhall l. on his houſe, but it Song 8. 5 goeth up l on her beloved Mic. 3. 11. yet will they l. on the Lord John 13. 2 [...]. l. on Jeſus boſom 21. [...].
  • LEANNESS, Job 16 8. Pſ. 106. 15. [...]a. 10. 16. & 24. 16. my l my l.
  • LEAP, Song 2. 8. Iſ. 35. 6. Zeph. 1. 9. Luke 1. [...]1. & 6. 23 l. for joy
  • LEARN to fear me, Deut. 4. 10. & 5. 1. & 14 23. & 31. 12. 1 [...]. Pſ. 119. 71. might l. thy ſtatutes, 73. Prov. 22. 25. leſt thou l. his ways Iſa. 1. 17. ceaſe to do ill l. to do well 26. 10. yet he will not l. righteouſn. Jer. 10. 2. l. not way of heathen Mat. 9. 13. l. what that means I'll have 11. 29. l. of me for I am meek & lowly 1 Tim. 2. 11. let women l. in ſilence Tit 3. 14. let ours l. to maint. good w. Rev. 14. 3. no man could l. that ſong Pſ. 106. 35. learned their works Iſa. 50. 4. L. G. given me tongue of l. John 6. 45. that l. of Father cometh to me Acts 7. 22. Moſes was l. in all wiſdom Eph. 4. 20. ye have not ſo l. Chriſt Phil. 4. 11. I have l. in whatſoever ſtate Heb 5. 8. tho' ſon yet l. he obedience Prov. 1. 5. wiſe will increaſe learning 9. 9. Acts 26. 24. much l. makes thee mad Rom. 15. 4. was written for our l. 2 Tim. 3. 7. ever l never come to knowl.
  • LEAST of thy mercies, Gen. 32. 10. Jer. 31. 34. know me from l. to greateſt Mat. 11. 11. l. in kingdom of G. is great. Luke 16. 10. faithful in l. faithful in gr. 1 Cor. 6. 4. ſet who are l. eſteemed in 15. 9. I am l. of all the apoſtles Eph. 3. 8. leſs than l. of all ſaints
  • LEAVE father and mother and cleave to wife, Gen. 2. 24. Mat. 19. 5. Eph. 5. 31. 1 Kings 8. 57. let him not l. us nor forſ. Pſ. 16. 10. not l. my ſoul in hell nor 27. 9. l. me not neither forſake Mat. 5. 24. l. thy gift before the altar 23. 23. theſe done not l. other undone John 14. 18. I'll not l. you comfortleſs 27. peace I l. with you, my peace I give Heb. 13. 5. I'll never l. nor forſake Acts 14. 17. leſt, Rom. 9. 29. Heb. 4. 1. Jude 6. Rev. 2. 4.
  • LEAVEN, Exod. 12. 15. Lev. 2. 11. Mat. 13. 33. kingdom of heaven like l. 16. 6. beware of l. of Phar. Luke 1 [...]. l. 1 Cor. 5. 7. purge out old l. malice 8. 6. little l. leavens lump Gal. 5. 9.
  • LEES, Iſa. 25. 6. Jer. 48. 11. Zeph. 1. 12.
  • LEGS, Pſ. 147. 10. Prov. 26. 7.
  • LEND, Exod. 22. 25. Deut. 23. 19. 20. 1 Sam. 1. 28. I have l. him to the L. Pſ. 37. 26. merciful and l. 112. 5. Prov. 19. 17. giveth to poor l. to Lord [109] 22. 7. borrower is ſervant to l. Jer. 15. 10. I neither l. on uſury nor Luke 6. 35. do good and l. hoping noth.
  • LEOPARD, Song 4 8. Iſa 11. 6. Jer. 5. 6 & 12. 23. Hoſ. 13. 7. Hab. 1. 8.
  • LESS, Ezra 9. 13. Job 11. 6. Iſa. 40. 17. Heb. 7. 7. Eph. 3. 8. Gen. 32. 10.
  • LETTER, Rom. 7. 6. 2 Cor. 3. 6.
  • LETTEST, Luke 2. 29. 2 Theſſ. 2. 7.
  • LEVIATHAN, Job 41. 1. Pſ. 74. 14.
  • LIBERAL, Prov. 11. 25. Iſa. 32. 5. 8. 2 Cor. 9. 13. 1 Cor. 16. 3. liberality, 2 Cor. 8. 2. James 1 5. gives to all liberally
  • LIBERTY, Lev 25. 10. Jer. 34. 8. Pſ. 119. 45. I'll walk at l. for I ſeek Iſ. 61. [...]. anoint. me proclaim l. to cap. Luke 4. 18. to ſet at l. the bruiſed Rom. 8. 21. into glorious l. of Sons of G. 2 Cor. 3. 17. where Sp. of L. is there is l. Gal. 5. 1. ſtand faſt in l. wherewith C. 13. l. uſe not l. for an occaſion to fleſh Jam. 1. 25. looks not into law of l. 2. 12. 1 Pet. 2. 16. not uſing your l. for a cloke
  • LIE, Lev. 6. 3. & 19. 11. Job 11. 3. Pſ. 58. 3. wicked go aſtray ſpeaking l. 62. 9. men of high degree are a l. 101. 7. that telleth l. ſhall not tarry Hoſ. 11. 12. compaſſeth me about with l. 2 Theſſ. 2. 11. that ſhould believe a l. 1 Tim. 4. 2. ſpeaking l. in hypocriſy Rev. 22. 15. lov. and makes al. 21. 8. 27. Num. 23. 10. G. not a man that ſhould l. Iſa 63. [...]. children that will not l. Hab. 2. 3. it ſhall ſpeak and not l. Col. 3. 9. l. not one to another, Eph. 4. 25. Tit. 1. 2. G. that cannot l. hath promiſed Heb. 6. 18. impoſſible for God to l. Pſ. 116. 11. all men are liars Iſ. 44. 25. fruſtrateth tokens of l. John 8. 44. he is a liar and father of it Rom. 3. 4. let G. be true & every man l. Tit. 1. 12. the Cretians are always l. 1 John 1. 10. we make him a l. 5. 10. 2. 4. keeps not command. is a l. 4. 20. Rev. 2. 2. tried and found them l. 21. 8. all l. have their part in lake Pſ. 119. 29. remove from me way of lying 163. I abhor l. but love thy law Prov. 12. 19. l. tongue but for a moment Jer. 7. 4. truſt not in l. words temp. of L. Hoſ. 4. 2. by ſtealing and l. they break out Jonah 2. 8. obſerve l. vanities forſake
  • LIFE, Gen. 2. 7. 9. & 42. 15. & 44. 30. Deut. 30. 15. ſet bef. you l. and d. chuſe l. 32. 47. it is not vain it is your l. 1 Sam. 25. 29. ſoul bound in bundle of l. Job 10. 2. granted me l. and favour Pſ. 16. 11. thou'lt ſhew me path of l. 21. 4. he aſked l. of thee and thou gaveſt 30. 5. anger but mom. in his ſav. is l. 36. 9. with thee is fountain of l. 63. 3. loving kindneſs is better than l. 60. 9 holds our ſoul in l. and ſuffereth 91. 16. with long life I'll ſatisfy him Prov. 8. 35. whoſo findeth me findeth l. 15. 24. way of l. is above to wiſe 18. 21. death and l. in power of tongue Iſ. 57. 10. haſt found l. of thy hand Mat. 6. 22. take no thought for your l. Luke 12. 15. mans l. conſiſts not in ab. John 1. 4. in him was l. and the l. was 3. 36. believ. on Son has ever l. l. 15. 16. 5. 40. not come that they might have l. 6. 35. I am bread of l. 48. 40. 47. 54. 51. my fleſh I give for l. of world, 53. 63. words I ſpeak are ſpirit and l. 8. 12. follows me ſhall have light of l. 10. 10. come that they might have l. 11. 25. I am the reſurrection and the l. 14. 6. I am the way the truth and l. Rom. 5. 17. reign in l. by Jeſus C. 18. 21. 8. 2. law of Sp. of l. in C. J. hath made 6. to be ſpirit. minded is l. and peace 2 Cor. 2. 16. Saviour of l. unto l. 3. 6. letter kills, ſpirit giveth l. 4. 11. l. of Jeſus might be made manif. 5. 4. mortality might be ſwal. up of l. Gal. 2. 20. the l. which I now live in fleſh Eph. 4. 18. alienated from l. of G. thro' Col. 3. 3. your l. is hid with Chriſt in G. 4. which C. who is our l. ſhall appear 1 Tim. 2. 2. lead a peaceable l. in godlin [...] 4. 8. godli. hath prom. of l. that now is 2 Tim. 1. 10. brought immort. and l. to 2 Pet. 1. 3. that pertains to l. and godlin. 1 John 5. 12. hath Son has l. not S. not l. Job 2. 4. all man hath will give for his life Prov. 13. 3. keepeth his mouth keepeth— Mat. 20. 28. Son of man give—a ranſom Rom. 5. 10. much more ſaved by— 1 Kings 19. 4. to take away my life, 14. Pſ. 26. 9. gather not—with bloody 27. L. is the ſtrength of—of whom Jonah 2. 6 brought up—from corruption John 10. 15. I lay down—for ſheep, 13. 37. Acts 20. 24. nor count I—dear to myſelf Pſ. 17. 14. this life, Luke 8. 14. & 21. 34. Acts 5. 20. 1 Cor. 15. 19. & 6. 3. Deut. 30. 20. he is thy life and length Pſ. 103. 4. redeem—from deſtruction Jer. 39. 18.—ſhall be for a prey, 45. 5. Prov. 10. 16. tends to life, 11. 19. & 19. 23. Mat. 7. 14. John 5. 24. 1 John 3. 1 [...]— Acts 11. 18. Rom. 7. 10. Heb. 11. 35.
  • LIFT up his count. on thee, Num. 6. 26. 1 Sam. 2. 7. L. brings low and—again 2 Kings 9 14.—prayer for remn. Iſ. 37. 4, 2 Chr. 17. 6. heart—in ways of Lord Pſ. 3. 3. my glory and—of my head 4. 6. L.—light of thy counten. on us 7. 6. L.—thy ſelf becauſe of the rage 24. 7. gates—heads be—doors, 9. 25. 1. to thee I—my ſoul, 86. 4. 75. 4.—not horn, 5. 83. 2.—heads 102. 10. thou—me and caſteſt me down 121. 1.—mine eyes, 123. 1. 147. 6. L.—the meek but caſts wicked Prov. 2. 3.—thy voice for underſtanding Eccl. 4. 10. one will—the other Iſ. 26. 11. L. when thy hand is—they 33. 10. now I'll be exalted now—myſe [...] [110] 42. 2. he ſhall not cry nor—his voice Jer. 7. 16. nor—a prayer for them, 11. 14. Lam. 3. 41. let us—our hearts with hands Hab 2. 4. his ſoul which is- is not right Luke 21. 28.—your heads for day of red. John 3. 14 ſo muſt Son of man he—12. 3 [...]. [...]. 28. when ye have—Son of man 12. 32. if [...] [...]e—I will draw all men Heb. 12. 12.—hands which hang down [...]am. 4. 10. humble and ſhall—you Pſ. [...]. 2. lifting up of hands, 1 Tim. 1. 8.
  • LIGHT, Num. 21. 5. Deut. 27. 16. Judg. 9. 4. [...] Kings 16. 31. Ezek. 8. 17 & 22. 7. Iſa. 4 [...]. 6. it is a l. thing to be my ſervant Zeph. 3 4. her prophets l. and treacher. Mat. 11. [...]0. yoke eaſy and burden l. [...] Cor. 4. 17. l. affliction endures but for Pſ. 62. 9. lighter than va [...]ity Jer. [...]. 9. lightneſs of whoredoms, 23. 32.
  • [...]IGHT, Gen. 1. 3. 4 5. 16 & 44. [...]. Job 18. 5. l. of wicked ſhall be put out 25. [...]. upon whom doth not his l. 32. [...]0. enlightened with l of the living 38 19. way where l. dwells and darkn. Pſ. 4. 6. [...] up l. of thy coun [...]e [...]. on u [...] 36. [...]. in thy l. ſhall we ſee l. 43. 3. O ſend out thy l. and truth [...]0. 8. ſet. ſecret ſins in l. of thy coun. 9 [...]. 11. l. is ſown for the righteous 104. 2. covereſt thyſelf with l. as 112. 4. to upright ariſeth l. in darkneſs 119. 105. thy word is a l. to my paths 139. 1 [...]. darkneſs and l. are both alike to Prov. 4. 18. path of juſt as ſhining [...] 6. 23. [...]aw is l. and reproofs way of life 13. 9. l. of right. rejoiceth but lamp of 15. 3. the l. of the eyes rejoiceth heart Eccl. 11. 7. l. is ſweet and a pleaſant th. Iſ. 5. 20. darkneſs for l. and l. for darkn. 30. l. is darkened, Job 10. 22. 8. 20. if ſpeak notacc.—no light in them 9. 2. walked in darkneſs ſeen great l. l. [...]0. 26. l. of moon a [...] l. of ſun l. of 7 days 4 [...]. 6. cov. of people l. of Gent 49. G. 45. 6. i form l. and create darkneſs 50. 10. walketh in dark. and hath no [...]. [...]1. walk in l. of your fire and ſparks 58. 8. ſhall thy l. break forth as noun 60. 1. ariſe [...]hine thy l. is come, 19. 20. Zech. 14. 6. l. not clear 7. at even be l. Mat. 5. 14. ye are l. of world, 16.l. ſhine 6. 22. l. of body eye ſingle—full of l. Luke 2. 32. a l. to lighten the Gentiles 16. 8. ch. of world wiſer than ch. of l. John 1. 4. life was l. of me [...] true l. 9. 3. 19. men loved dark. rather than l. 20. cometh not to l. 21. comes to l. 5. 35. John a burning and ſhining l. [...]. 12. I am l. of the world l. of life 12. 35. walk in l. while have l. Acts 12. 47. I have ſet thee for l. to Gent. 26. 18. turn them from darkneſs to l. Rom. 13. 12. put on armour o [...] l. 1 Cor. 4. 5. bring to l. hidden things 2 Cor. 4. 4. leſt l. of goſpel ſhould thine [...]. 14. what comm. has l. with darkn, Eph. 5. 8. walk as children of l. 14. awake ſleepeſt C. ſhall give thee [...]. 1 Theſſ. 5. 5. ye are all children of l. 1 Pet. 2. 9. called to his marvellous l. 1 John 1. 5. G. is l. and in him no dark. Rev. 21. 23. Lamb is the l. thereof, 11. Pſ. 136. 7. lights, Ezek. 32. [...]. Luke 12. 35. Phil. 2. 15. Jam. 1. 17. 2 Sam. 22. 29. lighten, [...] 19. 8. Pſ. 13. 3. & [...]4. 5 Rev. 21. 23. Exod 19. 16. lightening, Pſ. 18. 14. Mat. 28. 3. & 24. 27. Luke 10. 18.
  • LIKE men quit you, 1 Cor. 16. 12. Heb. 2. [...]7. to be made l. his brethren 1 John 3. 2. appear we ſhall be l. him P [...]ſ. [...]. 2. like-minded 20. no man— Gen. 1. 26. after our likeneſs, 5. 1. 5. 3 Adam begat a [...]on in his own l. Pſ. 17. 15. I'll he ſatisfied with thy l. Rom. 6 5. planted in l. of his de [...]th l. of 8. 3. in l. of ſinful fleſh, Phil. 2. 7.
  • LILY, Song 2. 1. 2. 16. & 4. 5. & 5. 13. & 6 2. 3. & 7. 2. Hoſ. 14 5. Mat. 6. 28.
  • LINE upon l. l. on l. Iſ. 28. 10. 13. [...]7. judgment will I lay to the l. 34. 11. ſtretch on it l. of confuſion 2 Cor. 10. 16. [...]aſt in another man [...] l. Pſ. 16. 6. l. are [...]allen in pleaſant places
  • LINGER, Gen. 1 [...]. 16. 2 Pet. 2. 3.
  • LION, Gen. 49. [...]. Judg. 14. 5. 18. Joh 1. 10. 11. & 10. 16. & 28. 8. Pſ. 7. 2. & 1 [...] 12 & 10. 9. & 22. 13. Iſ. 38. 13. Prov. 22. 13. there is l. in way, [...]6. 13. 28. 1. righteous are hold as a l. Eccl. 9. 4. living dog better than dead l. Iſ. 11. 6 calf and young l. 7. & 65. 25. 35. 9. [...] l. be there nor [...]us Ezek. 1. 10. face as a l. 10. 14. Rev. 4. 7. [...]a [...]. 5. 14. be as young l. [...]. 3. 10. Mic. 5. 8. remnant of Jacob be as a l. 2 Tim. 4. 17. delivered [...]ut of mouth of l. 1 Pet. 5. 8. devil as a roaring l. [...]eek [...] Rev. 5. 5. l. of tribe of Judah prevailed
  • LIPS, Exod. 6. 12. 30 Prov. 16. 10. Pſ. 12. 3. flattering l. 4. l. our own 17. 1. not feigned l. 31. 18. lying l. 120. 3. Prov. 10. 18. & 12. 22. & 17. 4. 7. Iſa. 59. 3. Pſ. 63. 5. I'll praiſe thee with joyful l. Prov. 10. 21. l. of righteous feed many 26. 13. burning l. and wicked heart Song 7. 9. l. of thoſe aſleep to ſpeak Iſ. 6. 5. man of unclean l. peo. of uncl. l. 57. 19. create fruit of l. peace Hoſ. 14. 2. ren. calves of our l. Heb. 13. 15. Mal. 2. 7. prieſts l. ſhould keep knowled [...] Pſ. 51. 15. open thou my lips and 63. 3.—ſhall praiſe thee, 71. 23. 141. 3. keep the door of— Pſ. 17. 4. thy lips, 34. 13. & 45. 2.
  • LITTLE, Ezra 9. 8. Neh. 9. 32. Pſ. 2. 12. when his wrath kindled but a 8. 5. l. lower than angels, Heb. 2. 7. 37. 16. a l. that a righteous hath Prov. 6. 10. l. ſleep l ſ [...]umber, 24. 33. 10. 20. heart of wicked l. worth [111] 15. 16. better is l. with fear of L. 16. 8. Iſa. 28. 10. here a l. and there a l. 13. 54. 8. in a l. wrath I hid myſelf Ezek. 11. 16. I'll be a l. ſanctuary Zech. 1. 15. I was but a l. diſpleaſed Mat. 6. 30. of l. faith, 8. 26. & 14. 31. & 16. 8. Luke 12. 32. fear not l. flock it is 19. 17. haſt been faithful in very l. 1 Tim. 4. 8. bodily exerciſe profits l. Rev. 3. 8. haſt l. ſtr. and kept my word
  • LIVE, Gen. 3. 22. & 17. 18. Lev. 18. 5 if man do he ſhall l. Neh. 9. 29. Ezek. 3. 21. & 18. 9. & 33. 13. 15. 10. 19. Rom. 10. 5. Gal. 3. 12. Deut. 32. 40 live for ever, 1 Kings 1. 31. Neh. 2. 3. Pſ. 22. 26. & 49. 9. Dan. 2. 4. & 3. 9. & 5. 10. & 6. 21. Zech. 1. 5. John 6. 51. 58. Rev. 4. 9. & 5. 14. & 10. 6. & 15. 7. Job 14. 14. if man die ſhall he l. again Pſ. 55. 23. bloody not l. half their days 63. 4. bleſs thee while I l. 146 2. 118. 17. I ſhall not die but l. and praiſe Iſ. 38. 16. by theſe th. men l. and make l. 55. 3. hear and your ſoul ſhall l. Ezek. 16. 6. when waſt in blood l. 18. 32. turn yourſelves and l. 33. 11. Hab. 2 4. juſt l. by faith, Rom. 1. 17. Mat. 4. 4. man not l. by bread, Deut. 8. 3. John 14. 19. becauſe [...] l. ye ſhall I alſo Acts 17. 28. in him we l. and move and Rom. 8. 13. if l. after fleſh ye ſhall die 14. 8. whether we l. we l. to Lord and 1 Cor. 9. 14. preach goſpel l. of goſpel 2 Cor. 5. 15. whol. ſhould not l. to themſ. 6. 9. as dying and behold we l. 13. 11. be o [...] one mind l. in peace Gal. 2. 20 I l. yet not I but C. l. in me 5. 25. if we l. in Spir [...]t walk in Spirit Phil. 1. 21. to me to l. is C. to die, 20. 2 Tim. 3. 12. all that will l. godly Tit. 2. 12. ſhould l. foberly righteouſly Heb. 13. 18. willing to l. honeſtly 1 Pet. 2. 24. ſhould l. to righteouſneſs 1 John 4. 9. might l. through him Acts 23. 1. lived in all good conſcience Jam. 5. 5. ye have l. in pleaſure Rev. 18. 9. l. deliciouſly, Luke 7. 25. 20. 4. they l. and reigned with Chriſt Job 19. 25. I k. that my Redeemer liveth Rom. 6. 10. in that he l. he l. to God 14. 7. none l. to himſelf or dieth to 1 Tim. [...]. 6. l. in pleaſure dead while ſhe l. Heb. 7. 25. ever l. to make interceſſion Rev. 1. 18. I am he that l. and was dead 3. 1. name that thou l. and art dead Acts 7. 38 receive the lively oracles 1 Pet. 1. 3. begotten again to a l. hope 2. 5. ye as l. ſtones are built up 1 John 3. 16. lives, Rev. 12. 11. Eccl. 7. 2. living will lay it to heart Iſ. 38 19. the l. the l. ſhall praiſe thee Jer. 2. 13. L. the fountain of l. waters Mat. 22. 32. G. is G of l. for all l. 44. all her l. Luke 21. 4. & 8. 43. John 4. 10. given thee l. water, 7. 28. Rom. 12. 1. preſent bodies l. ſacrifices 14. 9. that be L. of both dead and l. 1 Cor. 15. 45. firſt Adam made l. ſoul Heb. 10. 20. by a new and l. way conſec. 1 Pet. 2. 4. coming as to a l. ſtone Rev. 7. 17. lead them to l. fountains
  • LOAD, Pſ. 68. 10. Iſ. 46. 1.
  • LOATH themſelves for evils, Ezek. 6. 9. & 16. 5. & 20 43. & 36. 31. Jer. 14. 19. l—ed Zion, Zech. 11. 8. l. them Num. 21. 5. ſoul loatheth, Prov. 27. 7. Pſ. 38 7. loathſome diſeaſe
  • LOFTY eyes, Pſ. 131. 1. Prov. 30. 13. Iſa. 2. 11. l. looks humbled, 5. 15. 57. 15. high and l. one that inhabiteth
  • LONG. Pſ. 91. 16. Eccl. 12. 5. Mat. [...]3. 14. Luke 18. 7. Jam. 5. 7. Exod. 34. 6. Lord G. long ſuffering, Num [...] 14. 18. Pſ. 86. 15. Jer 15. 15. Rom 2. 4. & 9. 22. 1 Tim. 1. 16. 1 Pet. 3. 20. 2 Pet. 3. 9. 15. Gal. 5. 22. fruit of Spirit is—Eph. 4. 2. Col. 1. 11. & 3. 12. 2 Tim. 3. 10. & 4. 2.
  • LONG, Joh 3. 21. & 6. 8. Rom. 1. 11. Pſ. 63. 1. my fleſh l. for thee 84. 2. my ſoul l. for courts of Lord 119. 40. I have l. after thy precepts 131.—for thy comm. 174.—for thy ſalv 20. ſoul breaks for the longing it hath 107. 9. ſatisfieth the l. ſoul
  • LOOK, Gen. 13. 14. Exod. 10. 10. Pſ. 5. 3. direct my prayer and will l. up Iſa. 8. 17. wait for L. and l. for him 45. 22. l. unto me and be ſaved 66. 2. to this man will I l. poor Luke 7. 19. do we l. for another, 20. Mic. 7. 7. I'll l. for L. wait for God 2 Cor. 4. 18. while we l. at th. not ſeen Phil. 2. 4. l. not every one on own thing [...] 3. 20. heaven whence we l. for Saviour 2 Tim. 4. 8. to them that l. for his app. Heb. 9. 28. to them that l for him 1 Pet. 1. 12. angels deſire to l. into 2 Pet. 3. 14. ſince we l. for ſuch things Gen. 29. 32. L. looked on my affliction Exod. 2. 25. & 3. 7. & 4. 31. Deut. 26 7, Pſ. 34. 5. they l. to him and were light. Song 1. 6. l. not ſun hath l. on me Iſ. 5. 7. he l. for judgment and oppreſ 2, 22. 11. hath not l. to the maker of it 64. 3. terrible things we l. no [...] for Jer. 8. 15. we l. for peace but, 14. 19. Obad. 13. ſhouldſt not have l. on Hag. 1. 9. ye l. for much and it Luke 2. 38. that l. for redemption 22. 61. L. l. on Peter and he remem [...] Heb. 11. 10. l. for a city which found. 1 John 1. 1. which we have l. on and 1 Sam. 16. 7. man looketh on outward appearance but L. l. on the hea [...]t Pſ. 33. 13. L. l. down from heaven, 14. [...]. Prov. 14. 15. prud. l. well to going, 31. 27, Song 2. 9 he l. forth at windows, 6. 1 [...]. Mat. 5. 28 l. on woman to [...]ſt af [...]er 24. 50. come in a day he l. nor for [112] Jam. 1. 25. l. into perfect law of liberty Pſ. 18. 27. bring down high looks Iſ. 38. 14. mine eyes fail with looking up. Luke 9. 62. no man l. back is fit for king. Tit. 2. 13. l. for that bleſſed hope and ap. Heb. 10. 27. a certain fearful l. for of 12. 2. l. to J. the author and finiſher of 15. l. diligently left any fail of grace of [...] Pet. 3. 12. l. for and ha [...]ing to-day of G. Jude 21. i. for mercy of G. to eternal life
  • LOOSE, Deut. 25. 9. Joſh. 5. 15. Pſ. 146. 7. L. l. the priſoners 102. 20. to l. them appointed to death Eccl. 12. 6. before ſilver cord be l. Iſ. 58. 6. faſt choſen to l. bands of wick, Mat. 16. 19. l. on earth l in heaven, 18. 18. Acts 2. 24. having l. pains of death 1 Cor. 7. 27. married ſeek not to be l.
  • LORD aſcribed to man, Gen. 18. 12. & 23. 11. Iſ. [...]6. 13. 1 Cor. 8. 5. 1 Pet. 5. 3. and in about 14 other places, and to God. Gen. 28. 16. Exod. 5. 2. 1 Cor. 12. 5. and in about 3000 other texts Exod. 34. 6. the L. L. G. merciful and Deut. 4. 35. L. is G. 39. 1 Kings 18. 39. 6. 4. L. ou [...] G. is one L. 10. 17. L. of l. Dan. 2. 47. 1 Tim. 6. 15. Rev. 17. 14. & 19. 16. Neh. 9. 6. art L. alone, Iſ. 37. 20. Pſ. 118. 27. God is the L. 100. 3. Zech. 14. 9. one L. and his name one Mark 2. 28. Son of Man L. of ſabbath Acts 2. 36. made him L. and Chriſt Rom. 10. 12. ſame L. over all, Acts 10. 36. 4. 9. L. of dead and of living 1 Cor. 2. 8. L. of glory, 15. 47. L. from 8. 6. one God and one L. Jeſus Chriſt Eph. 4. 5. one L. one faith one Gen. 15. 6. believed in the Lord 1 Sam. 2. 1. heart rejoice—Pſ. 32. 11. & 33. 1. & 35. 9. & 97. 12. & 104. 34. Iſ. 41. 16. & 61. 10. Joel 2. 13. Hab. 3. 18. Zech. 10. 7. Phil. 3. 1. & 4. 4. 2 Kings 18. 5. truſt—Pſ. 4. 5. & 11. 1. & 31. 6. & 32. 10. & 37. 3. & 115. 9. 10. 11. & 118. 8. & 125. 1. Prov. 3. 5. & 16. 20. & 28. 25. & 29. 25. Iſa. 26. 4. Zeph. 3. 2. [...]. 31. 24. hope—130. 7. & 131. 3. 34. 2. ſoul make her boaſt in L. 37. 4. delight thyſelf—7. reſt— Iſ. 45. 17. Iſrael ſhall be ſaved— 24.—have I righteouſneſs and ſtrength 25.—ſeed of Iſrael juſtified and glory Rom. 16. 12. labour—1 Cor. 15. 58. Eph. 6. 10. be ſtrong—and power of 1 Theſſ. 5. 12. over you—Col. 1. 7. 17. Rev. 14. 13. bleſſed dead which die—
  • LOSE, Eccl. 3. 6. Mat. 10. 39. 42. & 16. 26. John 6. 39. 2 John 8. Prov. 23. 8. 1 Cor. 3. 15. loſs, Phil. 3. 7. 8. Pſ. 119. 176. aſtray like loſt ſheep Ezek. 37. 11. our hope is l. and we Mat. 5. 13. if ſalt have l. its favour 10. 6. go to l. ſheep of Iſrael, 15. 24. Luke 15. 4. Mat. 18. 11. ſave that which was l. Luke 19. 10. Luke 15. 32. thy br. was l. and is found John 18. 9. of gaveſt me I've l. none 2 Cor. 4. 3. goſpel hid to them are l.
  • LOT, Lev. 1 [...]. 8. 9. 10. Joſh. 1. 7. 1 Sam. 14. 41. G. gave a perfect l. 42. Pſ. 16. 5. thou maintaineſt my l 22. 18. on my veſture they did caſt l. 125. 3. [...]od of w [...]ck. not reſt on l. of r. Prov. 16. 33 l. is caſt into lap but the 18. 18. l. cauſeth contentions to ceaſe Acts 1. 26. l. fell on Matthias and he was 8. 21. haſt neither l. nor part in
  • LOVE, Gen. 27. 4. 2 Sam. 13. 15. 2 Sam. 1. 26. paſſing the l. of women Eccl. 9. 1. knows either l. or hatred by Song 2. 5. I am ſick of l. 5. 8. 7. 12. there I'll give thee my loves 8. 6. l. is ſtrong as death, jealouſy Iſ. 38. 17. haſt in l. to my ſoul delivered Jer. 2. 2. remember l. of thy eſpouſals 31. 3. loved thee with an everlaſting l. Ezek. 16. 8. thy time was a time of l. 33. 31. with mouth ſhew much l. Hoſ. 11. 4. drew them with bands of l. Mat. 24. 17. l. of many ſhould wax cold John 15. 9. continue in my l. 10. 13. greater l. hath no man than Rom. 8. 35. who ſep. us from l. of C. 39. 12. 9. let l. be without diſſimulation 13. 10. l. is the fulfilling of the law 15. 30. for L. J. C. ſake and l. of the Sp. 2 Cor. 5 14 l. of Chriſt conſtraineth us Gal. 5. 6. faith which worketh by l. 13. by l. ſerve one another 22. fruit of Spirit is l. joy, and peace 1 Theſſ. 1. 3. your labour of l. Heb. 6. 10. 5. 8. breaſt-plate of faith and l. 2 Theſſ. 2. 10. received not l. of truth Heb. 13. 1. let brotherly l continue 1 John 3. 1. what manner of l. Fa. hath 4. 7. l. is of G. 8. dwell in l. G. is l. 16. 18. perfect l. caſts out fear, perfect l. Rev. 2. 4 thou haſt left thy firſt l. Eph. 1. 4. without blame in love 3. 17. grounded—4. 2. forbearing one another—15. ſpeaking truth—16. 5. 2. walk—as Chriſt hath loved us Col. 2. 2. knit together—and unto 1 Theſſ. 3. 12. abound—5. 13. eſteem— 1 John 4. 16. dwells—dwells in God Luke 11. 42. love of God, John 5. 42. Rom. 5. 5.—is ſhed abroad in our hearts 2 Cor. 13. 14. l. of God be with you all 2 Theſſ. 3. 5. direct hearts into l. of God 1 John 2. 5. in him is—perfected 3. 16. perceive we—17. how dw.—in him 4. 9. in this was manifeſted—towards us 5. 3. this is—keep his commandments Deut. 7. 7. his love Zeph. 3. 17. Pſ. 91. 14. Iſ. 63. 9. John 15. 10. Rom. 5. 8. Lev. 19. 18. thou ſhalt l. neighbour as thyſelf, 34. Mat. 19. 19. & 22. 39. Rom. 13. 6. Gal. 5. 14. James 2. 8. Deut. 6. 5. ſhall l. Lord thy God with all [113] thy heart, Mat. 22. 37. Luke 10. 27. 10. 12. to fear the Lord and to l. him Pſ. 31. 10. O l. the Lord all ye ſaints 97. 10. ye that l. the Lord hate evil 145. 20. L. preſerve them that l. him Song 1. 4. the upright love thee Mic. 6. 8. to do juſtly and l mercy Zech. 8. 19. l. the truth and peace Mat 5. 44. l. your enemies bleſs them John 13. 34. l. one another, 15. 12. 17. Rom. 13. 8. 1 John 3. 11. 23. & 4. 7. 11. 12. 1 Pet. 1. 22. 14. 23. if man l. me my [...]. will l. him 1 Cor. 16. 22. if any man l. not L. J. Ch. Eph. 5 25. l. your wives, Col. 3. 19. 2 Tim. 4. 8. to them that l. his appearing 1 Pet. 1. 8. whom have not ſeen ye l. 2. 17. l. the brotherhood, 3. 8. 1 John 2. 15. l not the world nor things 4. 19. we l. him becauſe he firſt loved us Pſ 116. 1. I love the Lord becauſe, 18. 1. 119. 97. how—thy law, 113. 11 [...]. 127. 159. 163 167. & 26. 8 Iſ. 43. 1. John 21. 15. loveſt me—the, 16. 17. 2 John 1. whom—in the truth. and not Rev. 3. 19. as many as—I rebuke Deut. 7. 8. becauſe Lord loved you. 33. 3. 1 Sam. 18. 1. l. him as own ſoul, 20. 17. 2 Sam. 12. 24. Solomon and Lord l. him 1 Kings 9. 3. Solom. l. L. 10. 3. L. l. Iſreal [...]oſ. 11. 1. Iſreal a child then I l. him Mark 10. 21. I beholding him l. him Luke 7. 47. much forgiven. l. much John 3. 10. God ſo l. world that he gave 19. men l. darkneſs rather than light 11. 36. behold how he l. him, 3. 5. 12. 43. l. the praiſe of men more 13. 1. having l. his own he l. them 23. one of his diſciples whom Jeſus l. 19. 26. & 20. 2. & [...]1. 7. 20. 14. 21. l. me bel. of my F I'll l. him 28. if ye l. me ye would rejoice 15. 9. as F. l. me ſo have I l. you 16. 27. Father loveth you bec. ye l. me 17. 23. I l. them as thou haſt l. me 26. l. wherewith thou haſt l. them Rom. 8. 37. conquer. thro' him that l. us 9. 13. Jacob I l. Eſau I hated, Mal. 2. 2. Gal. 2. 20. Son of G. who l. me and gave Eph. 2. 4. great l. wherewith he l. us 5. 2. as Chr. l. us 25. as Chr. l. church 2 Theſſ. 2. 16. God our Father hath l. us 2 Tim. 4. 10 having l. this preſent world Heb. 1. 9. haſt l. right. and hated, Pſ. 54 7. 2 Pet. 2. 15. l. wages of unrighteouſneſs 1 John 4. 19. not we l. G. he l. us firſt Rev. 1. 5. that l. us and waſhed us in his 12. for they l. not their lives unto Pſ. 11. 7. the righteous Lord l. righteouſn. 146. 8. Lord l. the righteous Prov. 3. 12. whom L. l. corrects, Heb. 12. 6 17. 17. a friend l. at all times 21. 17. who l. pleaſure ſhall be poor Song 1 7. whom my ſoul l. 3. 1.—4. Mat. 10. 37. l. fath. or mo. more th [...] me John 3. 35. P [...]l. the Son and given, 5. 20. 16. 27. Father himſelf l. you, 12. 21. 2 Cor. 9. 7. God a chearful giver 3 John 9. l. to have preeminence Rev. 22. 15. whoſo l. and maketh a lie 2 Sam. 1. 23 lovely, Song 5. 16. Ezek. 33. 32. Phil. 4. 8. Pſ. 88. 18. lover, Tit. 1. 8. Pſ. 38. 11. Hoſ. 2. 5. 2 Tim. 3. 2. 4.
  • LOW, Deut. 28. 43. Ezek. 17. 24. 1 Sam. 2. 7. Lord brings l. and lifts up Job 40. 12. look on every proud bring l. Pſ. 49. [...]. bo [...]h [...]igh and l rich and poor 136. 23. rememb. us in our l. eſtate Prov. 29. 23. man's pride ſh. bring him l. Iſ. 26. 5. lofty city he lays l. 25. 12. 32. 19. the c [...]ty ſhall be l in a l. place Luke 1. 48. regarded the l. eſtate of his 52 exalted them of l degree, Job 5. 1 [...]. Ezek. 21. [...]6. James 1. 9. 10. Luke 3. 5 every mountain be made l. Rom 12. 16. condeſcend to men l. eſtate Pſ. 63. 9. lower parts of the earth, 139. 15. Iſ. 44. 23. Eph 4. 9. Pſ. 138. 6. Lord hath reſpect to lowly Prov. 3. 34. giveth grace to the l. 1 [...]. 2. pride ſhame with l. is wiſdom Mat. 11. 29. learn of me I'm meek and l. Eph. 4. 2. lowlineſs, Phil. 2. 3.
  • LOINS girt, Prov. 31. 17. Iſ. 11. 5. Luke 12. 35 Eph. 6. 14. 1 Pet. 1. 13.
  • LUCRE filthy, 1 Tim. 3. 3. 8. Tit. 1. 7. 1 Pet. 5. 2.
  • LUKEWARM art, Rev. 3. 16.
  • LUMP, Iſ. 38. 21. Rom. 9. 21. & 11. 16. 1 Cor. 5. 6. 7. Gal. 5. 9.
  • LUST, Ex. 15. 9. Pſ. 78. 1. 18. Jam. 5. 2. Pſ 81. 12. gave up to own heart l. Mat. 5. 28. looks on women to l. after Rom. 7. 7. not known l. except 1 Cor. 10. 6. not l after evil things Gal. 5. 16. ſhall not fulfill l. of fleſh 1 Theſſ. 4. 5. not in l. of concupiſcence James 1. 15. when l. hath conceived 1 John 2. 16. l. of fleſh l. of eye Mark 4. 19. luſts of other things choke John 8. 44. l. of your fathers ye will do Rom. 6. 12. ſhould obey it in l. thereof 13. 14. for the fleſh to fulfill l. thereof Gal. 5. 17. fleſh l. againſt Sp. and Sp. l. ag. 24. crucified fleſh with affections and l. Eph. 3. 3. l. of our fleſh and mind 1 Tim. 6. 9. fooliſh and hurtful l. 2 Tim. 2. 22. flee youthful l. follow 3. 6. laden led away with divers l. Tit. 2. 12. denying ungodlin. wordly l, 3. 3. ſerving divers l. and pleaſures J [...]mes 4. 3. conſume it on your l. [...] 1 Pet. 2. 11. abſtain from fleſhly l. 4. 2. longer live to l. of men 2 Pet. 3. 3. walk after own l. Jude 16. 18.
  • MAD, Deut. 28. 34. 1 Sam. 21. 13. Eccl. 2. 2. I ſaid of laughter it is m. Jer. 50. 28. they're m. upon their idols Hoſ. 9. 7. prop. fool ſpirit man is m. John 10. 20. he hath a devil and is m. [114] Acts 26. 11. exceedingly m. againſt them 21. much learning makes thee m. Deut. 2 [...]. [...]. madneſs, Eccl. 1. [...]7. & 2. 12. & 9. 3. & 10. 13. Zech. 1 [...]. 4. Luke 6. 11. 2 Pet. [...]. 16.
  • MADE, Exod. 2. 14. 2 Sam. 13. 6. Pſ. 104. 22. works in wiſdom m. all 130. [...]. I am wonder [...]uly m. Prov. 16. 4. Lord in all things for himſ. John 1. 3 [...] t [...]ings were m. by him Rom. [...] 4. m. of ſeed of David accord. 20. underſtood by things m. 1 Cor. 1. 30. Chr. [...]. of God m. unto us [...]. 2 [...]. in all things to all men Col 4. [...] [...] of woman m. under law [...]l. 2 [...]. m. in [...]en [...]ſs of men
  • MAGNIFY. Joſh. [...]. 7. 1 Chron. 29. 25. Job [...] 1 [...]. wh. man that ſhouldſt m. him 30. 24. remember to m. his work which Pſ. 34 3 [...]. m. Lo [...]d with me let us exalt 69. 30. m. h [...]m with th [...]n [...]giving Iſ. 42. 21. m. the law and make honour Luke 1. 46 my ſoul doth m the Lord Acts 10. 46. ſpake with tongues and m. Rom. 11. 13. ap. o [...] Gent I m. my office Gen. 19. [...]9. magnified thy mercy 2 Sam. 7. 26. thy name be m. for ever Pſ 35. 27. Lord be m. 40. 16. & 70. 4. 135. 2. haſt m. thy word all thy name Acts 19. 17. name of Lord I was m. Phil. 1. 20. Chriſt ſhall be m. in my body
  • MAID, Gen. 16. 2. Deut. 22. 14. Job 3 [...]. 1. Jer. [...]. 32. Amos 2. 7. Zech. 9. 17.
  • MAJESTY, Dan. 4. 30. [...]6. & 5. 18. 19. Job 40. 10. Pſ. 21. 5. & 45. 3. 4. 1 Chron 29. 11. thine O Lord is the m. Job 37. 22. with God is terrible m. Pſ. 29. 4. voice of God is fu [...]l of m. 92. 1. Lord is clothed with m. 104. 1. 145. [...]. glorious honour of thy m. 12. glor [...]ous m. o [...] his kingdom Iſ. 2. 19. hide thee for glory of his m. Heb. 1. 3. [...]ght hand of m. on high 8. 1. o [...] thr [...]ne of m. in heavens 2 Pet. 1. 16. eye witneſſes of his m. Jude 25. to only wi [...]e God be glory m.
  • MAINTAIN cauſe, 1 Kings 8. 40. 45. Pſ. 9. 4. & 146. 12. Job 13. 15. Tit. 3 8. careful to m. good works 14. Pſ. 16. 5. thou maintaineſt my lot
  • MAKE, Gen. 1. 26. & 3. 6. 21. Deut. 32. 35. 1 Cor. 4. 15. 1 Sam. 20. 38. Job 4. 17. man be purer than Maker 32. 22. my M ſoon take me away 35. 10. none ſays where is God my M. 36. 3. I'll aſcribe righteouſn. to my M. Pſ. 95. 6. kneel before Lord our M. Prov. 14. 31. reproacheth his M. 17. 5. 22. 2. rich poor Lord is M. of them all Iſ. 17. 7. ſhall man look to his M. 45. 9. wo unto that ſtriveth with his M. 51. 13. forgetteſt Lord thy M. 22. 11. 54. 5. thy M. is thy huſband God Heb. 11. 10. whoſe builder and M. is God
  • MALE or female, Gen. 1. 27 Numb. 5 3. [...]. 1. 14. Mat. 19. 4. Gal. 3. 28.
  • MALICE leaven of, 1 Cor. 5. 8. 14. 20. in m. be childr. in underſtand. Eph 4. 31. put away with all m. Col. 3. 8. 1 Pet. 2. 1. Tit. 3. 3. living in m. and envy hateful Rom. 1. 29. filled with all maliciouſ [...]ſs malignity, 1 Pet. 2. 1.
  • MAMMON, Mat. 6. 24. Luke 16. 9.
  • MAN, Gen. 1. 26. [...]7. 2 Kings 9. 11. Job 4. 17. ſhall mortal m. be more juſt 5. 7. m. is born to trouble, 14 1. 7. 17. what is m. that thou ſhould 9. 2. how ſhall m. be juſt with God 11. 12. vain m. would be wi [...]e though 14. 1 m. born of wom. is of f [...]w day [...] 15. 14. what m. that be clean 25. 4 m juſtified 6. m. a worm 28. 28. unto m. he ſaid behold Pſ. 8. [...]. what is m. that mindful of m. 10. 18. m. of earth no more opp [...]eſs 25. 12. what m. fears Lord him chooſe 49. 12. m. being in honour abideth 90. 3. turneſt m. to deſtruct [...]on 104. 23. m. goes forth to his work 118. 6. not fear what m. can do to 144. 3. what is m. that takes knowl. Prov. 20. 24. m. 's goings are of Lord Eccl. 6. 10. known that it is m. 7. 29. God made m. upright but 12. 5. m. goeth to his long home Iſ. 2. 22. ceaſe ye from m. whoſe Jer. 17. 5. curſed be m. truſts in m. Zech. 13. 7. awake ag. the m. my fellow Mat. 4. 4. m. not live by bread alone [...]6. 7 [...]. I know not the m. John 7. 46. never m. ſpake like this m. Rom. 6. 6. old m. crucified with Chriſt 7. 22. delight in [...]aw after inward m. 1 Cor. 2. 11. what man knows th. of a m. 2. 14. natural m. receives not th of G. 11. 8. m [...]n not of wom but wom. of m. 15. 47. firſt m. earthy 2d m. Lord 45. 2 Cor. 4. 16. outw. m. periſh inw. m. [...]. Eph. 4. 22. off the old m. corrupt 24. put on new m. renewed, Col. 3. [...]. 10. 1 Pet. 3. 4. be the hidden m. of the hea [...] Exod. 19. 3. Lord is a man of war Numb. 23. 19. God not—to lie nor S. of Iſ. 47. 3. I'll not meet thee as— 53. 3.—of ſorrow and acquainted Jer. 15. 10. born me—of ſtrife 31. 22. a woman ſhall compaſs— Mat. 8. 9. I am—under authority 16. 26. what ſhall—give in exchange John 3. 3. except—he borne again, S. Acts 10. 26. I myſelf alſo am— 2 Cor. 12. 2. I know—in Chriſt, 3. Phil. 2. 8. in faſhion as—he humbled himſ. 1 Tim. 2. 5. the m. Chriſt Jeſus Prov. 30. 2. if any man, Mat. 16. 24: Joh [...] 6 51. & 7. 17. 37. Rom. 8. 9. 2 Cor. 5. 17. Gal. 1. 9. Rev. 22. 19. Pſ. 39. 5. every man, Prov. 19 6. Mic. 4. [...] & 7. 2. Gal. 6. 4. 5. Col. 1. 28. Heb. [...]. Pſ. 87. 4. this man, Iſ. 66. 2. Mic. 5. 5. Luke 19. 14. John 7. 40. James 1. [...]6 [115] Prov. 1. 5. a wiſe man will hear 9. 8. rebuke—and he 'll love thee 14. 16.—fears and depart from evil 17. 10. reproof enters into— Eccl. 2. 14 wiſe m. eyes are in his head 7. 7. oppreſſion makes a wiſe m. mad [...]0. 2. wiſe m. he [...]rt at right hand Jer. [...]. 23. let not wiſe m gl. in his wiſd. James 3. 13. who i [...] wiſe m. among you D [...]ut. 33. 1. man of God, Judges 13. 6. 8. 2 Kings 1. 9. 13. 1 Tim. 6. 11. 2 Tim. 3. 1 [...].
  • MANDRAKES, Gen. 30. 14. Song 7. 13.
  • MANIFEST, Eccl 3. 18. 1 Cor. 15. 27. Mar. 4. 2 [...] nothing hid ſhall be m. John 14. 21. m. myſelf unto him, 22. 2. 11. m. forth his glory and diſciples 17 6. I have m. thy name to men 1 Cor. 4. 5. make m. counſels of heart Gal. 5. 19. works of fleſh are m. 2 Theſſ. 1. 5. a m. token of the righteous 1 Tim. 3. 16. God was m. in the fleſh Heb. 4. 13. not creature not m. in ſight 1 John 3. 5. he was m. to take aw. ſin, 8. 10. in this children of G. m. and child. 4. 9. in this way m love of God Luke 8. 17. made manifeſt, John 3. 21. 1 Cor. 3. 13. 2 Cor. 4. 10 & 5. 11. Eph 5. 13. Rom. 8. 19. manifeſtations of Sons of G. 1 Cor. 12. 7. m. of the Spirit 2 Cor. 4. 2. but by m. of the truth
  • MANIFOLD mercies, Neh. 9. 19. 27. Pſ. 104. 24. how m. are thy works Amos 5. 12. I know your m. tranſgreſſ. Luke 18. 30. m more in this preſ. time Eph. 3. 10. known the m. wiſd. of God 1 Pet. 1. 6. in heavineſs thro' m. tempt. 4 10. as good ſtew. of m. grace o [...] G.
  • M [...]NNA, Exod. 16. 15. Numb. 11. 6. Deut. 8. 3. 16. Jo [...]h. 5. 12. Neh. 9. 20. Pſ. [...]8. 24. John 6. 31. 4 [...]. 58. Rev 2. 17. to overcometh give hidd. m.
  • MANNER, 1 Sam. 8. 9. 11. Iſ. 5. 17. Jer. 22. 21. 1 Theſſ. 15. 9. 1 John 3. 1. 2 Kings 17. 34. manners, Acts 13. 18. 1 Cor. 15. 53. Lev. 20. 23. Heb. 1. 1.
  • MANSIONS in Fathers houſe, John 14. 2.
  • MARK ſet me as, Job 7. 20. & 16. 12. Lam. 3. 12. Gal. 6. 17. bear marks Ezek. 9. 4. ſet a m. on foreheads Rev 13. 16. 17. & 14. 9 & 19. 20. Phil. 3. 14. I preſs toward m. for prize Pſ. 37. 37. m. the perfect man 130. 3. If thou ſhouldſt m. iniquity Job 10. 14. Jer. 2. 2 [...]. Rom. 16. 17. m. which cauſe diviſions Phil. 3. 17. m. them which walk ſo
  • MARRIAGE, Gen. 38. 8. Deut. 25. 5. Iſ 62. 5. man m. virgin ſons m. thee Jer. 3. 14. I am m. to you ſaith the Lord Luke 14. 20. I've m. a wi [...]e and cannot 17. 27. they dr [...]nk m. and given in m. 1 Cor. 7. 9. better to m. than to burn 1 Tim. 4. 3 for [...]idding to m. 5. 14. th [...] younger woman m. Mat. [...]. 2. king made m. for his ſon 25. 10. they ready went m with to m [...] H [...]b. 13. 4. m. is honour [...]ble in all Rev. 19. 7. m. of Lamb is come, 9.
  • MARROW to bones, Prov. [...]. 8 John 21. 24. Pſ. 63. 5 ſoul ſatisfied as wi [...]h m. Iſ. 25 6. feaſt of [...]at things full of m. Heb. 4. 12. divid. aſunder [...]ts and m.
  • MARTYR, Act. 22. 20. Rev. [...]. 13. & 17. 6.
  • MARVEL not, Eccl. 5. 8 John 5. 28. Acts 3. 12 1 John 3. 13. Pſ. 48. 5. they marv [...]lled, Mat. 8. 27. & 9 8. 33. 21. 20. & 22. 22. Luke 1. 6 [...]. Acts 2. 7. & 4. 13. Mat. 8. 10. Jeſus m. Mark 6. 6. Job 5. 8. doth marvellous things 10. 16. ſhewed thyſelf m. againſt me Pſ. 17. 7. ſhew me thy m. kindneſs, 31. [...]1. 98. 1. done m. things, [...]c. 7. 15. 118. 23. 'tis m. in our eyes, Mat. [...]. 43. 1 Pet. 2 9. called from dar [...] into m. light 1 Chr. 16. 12. remember his marvellous works, Pſ. 105. 5. & 9 1. 139. 14. m. are thy works, Rev. 15. 3.
  • MASTER, [...]1. 24. 2. Mal. 1. [...]. & 2. 12. Mat. 23. 10. one is your m. even Chriſt Mark 10. 17. good m. what ſhall I do John 3. 10. a [...]t thou a m. in [...]r. and [...]n, 13. 13. ye call me m. and ſay well 14. if then I your m. have wa [...]hed Rom. 14. 4. to his own m. he ſt [...]nds Eccl. 12. 11. m [...]ſters of [...]ſem [...]ltes Mat. 6. 24. not man can ſerve two m. 23. 10. neith. be ye called m. [...]am. 3. 1. Col. 4 1. m. give your ſervant, Eph. 6. 9. 1 Cor. 3. 10. I as a maſter builder
  • MATTER, Exod 18. 22. & 23. 7. 1 Sam. 10 16. Job 1 [...]. [...]8. & 32. 18. Pſ. 45. 1, Dan. 7. 28 2 Cor. 9 5. Job 33. 13. account of any of his m. Pſ. 131. 1. exerciſe [...] ſin high m. Mat. 23. 23. ommitted the weigh [...]ier m. 1 Pet. 4. 15. bu [...]y body m. othe [...] mens m.
  • MEAN what, Exod. 12. 26. Deut. 6. 20. 24. Joſh. 4. 6. 21. Ezek. 17. 12. Acts 17. 20. & 21. 1 [...]. Ezek. 37. 18. Jonan 1. 6. Gen. 50. 20. ye thought [...]ll G. meant good Pſ. 49. 7. by any means, Jer. 5. 37. 1 Cor. 9. 21. Phi [...]. 3. 11. 1 Theſſ. 3. 5.
  • MEASURE, Lev. [...]9. 35. Deut. 25. 15. Job 11. 9. m. longer than earth and br. Pſ 39. 4. know m. of my days Iſ. 27. 8. in m. wh [...]n is ſhoots forth Jer. 30. 11. correct thee in m. 46. 28. Mat 7. 2. with what m. ye met 23. 32. fi [...]l up m. of your fathers John 3. 34. gives not Sp. out m. to him Rom 12. 3. gives to every one the m. 2 Cor. 1. 8. were preſſed out [...] m. 12. 7. leſt I ſhould be exalted above m. Eph. 4. 7. according to m o [...]g [...] of Chriſt 13. to m. [...] of fulneſs of Chr [...]ſt Rev. 11. 1. m. temple of God and altar
  • MEAT, Job 6. 7. Pſ. 42. 3 & 69. 21. Pſ. 104. 27. give m. in due ſeaſon 145. 15. 111. 5. giveth m. to them that fear him Prov. 6 8. provide m. in [...]ummer, 30. 25. [116] Hoſ. 11. 4. I laid m. unto them Hab. 1. 16. portion fat and m. plenteous 3. 17. though fields yield no m. Hag. 2. 13. touch m. ſhall it be holy Mal [...]. 12. his m. is contemptible Mat. 6. 25. life is more than m. 10. 10. workman worthy of his m. John 4. 32. I have m to eat that 34. my m. is to do will of my Father 6. 27. labour not for m. that periſheth 55. my fleſh is m. indeed blood drink Rom. 14. 15. deſtroy not him with m. 17. kingdom of G. is not m. and drink 1 Cor. 6. 13 m. for belly and belly for m. 8. 8 m. commends us not to God 10. 3. did all cat ſome ſpiritual m.
  • MEDDLE, 2 Kings 14. 10. Prov. 17. 14. & 20. 3. 19 & 24. 21. & 26. 17.
  • MEDIATOR not m. of one, Gal. 3. 20. 19. ordained by angels in hand of m. 1 Tim. 2. [...]. one m. betw. G. and men Heb. 8. 6. he is m. of a better covenant 9. 15. m. of new te [...]. 12. 24. of new cov.
  • MEDICINE, Prov. 17. 22. Jer. 30. 13. [...] 46. 11. Ezek. 47. 11.
  • MEDITATE Iſaac went to, Gen. 24. 63. Joſh. 1. 8. m. in law day and night Pſ. 1. 2. & 1 [...]9 15. 23. 4 [...]. 78. & 14. 8. Pſ. 63. 6. in. on thee in night watches 77 12. I'll m. of thy works, 143. 5. Iſ. 33. 18. your heart ſhall m. terror Luke 21. 14. not m. before what anſwer 1 Tim. 4. 15. m. upon theſe th [...] give thyſ. Pſ. 5. 1. conſider my meditation 19. 14. let m. my heart be acceptible 49. 3. m. of my heart [...]ſh be of underſt. 104. 34. my m. of him ſhall be ſweet 119. 97. it is my m. all the day 99. thy teſtimonies are my m.
  • MEEK Moſes was very, Numb. 12. 3. Pſ. 22. 26. m. ſhall eat and be ſatisfied 25. 9. m. will be guide in judgment 37. 11. m. ſhall inherit the earth 76. 9. Lord roſe to ſave all m. of earth 147. 6. L. lifts up m. and caſts wicked 149. 4. L. will beautify m. with ſalvat. Iſ. 11. 4. reprove, for m. of the earth 29. 19. m. [...]hall increaſe their joy 61. 1. preach good tidings to m. Amos 2. 7. turn aſide way of m. Zeph. 2. 3. ſeek Lord all m. of the earth Mat. 5. 5. bleſſed are m. for the 11. 29 I am m. and lowly in heart 21. 5. thy king comes m. and having 1 Pet. 3. 4. ornam. of m. and quiet [...]p. Zeph. 2. 3. ſeek righteouſn ſeek meekneſs Pſ. 45. 4. ride proſp. becauſe of m. 1 Cor. 4. 21. come in ſpirit of m. 2 Cor. 10. 1. beſeech you by m. of Chr. Gal. 5. 2 [...]. m. temperance againſt no law 6. 1. reſtore him in ſpirit of m. Eph. 4. 2. with all lowlineſs and m. Col. 3. 12. put on m. long-ſuffering 1 Tim. 6. 11. follow after patience m. l 2 Tim. 2. 25. in m. and inſtructing thoſe Tit. 3, 2, ſhewing all m. to all men Jam. 1. 21. receive with m. ingrafted w. 3. 13. his works with m. of wiſdom 1 Pet. 3. 15. of hope in you with m.
  • MEET help for him, Gen. 2. 18. Job 34. 31. it is m. to be ſaid to God Mat. 3. 8. fruits m. for rep. Acts 26. 20. 1 Cor. 15. 9. not m. to be called ap [...]ſtle Col. 1. 12. m to be partak of inherit. 2 Tim. 2. 21. veſſel m. for maſters uſe Heb. 6. 7. m. for them by whom d [...]eſled Prov. 22. [...] rich and poor m. together Iſ. 47. 3. I'll not m. thee as a man 64. 5. thou m him that rejoiceth Hoſ. 13 8. I'll m. thee as bear robbed Amos 4 12. prepare to m thy God 1 Theſſ. 4. 17 caught up to m. L. in air
  • MELODY in heart to Lord, Eph. 5. 19.
  • MEMBER body not one, 1 Cor. 12. 14. Jam. 3 5 tongues a little m. Pſ. 139. 16. in book all my m. written Mat. 5. 29. one of thy m. ſhall periſh Rom. 6. 13. yield your m as inſtrument [...] 7. 23. I ſee another law in my m. 12. 5. every one m. one of another 1 Cor. 6. 15. your bodies are m. of C. 12. 12. body is one and hath many m. Eph. 4. 25. we are m. one of another 5. 30. m. of his body fleſh and bones Col. 3. 5. mortify your m. on earth
  • MEMORY cut off, Pſ. 109. 15. 145. 7. utter m. of thy gr [...]at goodneſs Prov. 10. 7. the m. of juſt is bleſſed Eccl. 9. [...]. m. of them is forgotten Iſa. 26. 14. made all their m. to periſh 1 Cor. 15. 2. if ye keep in m what l. Exod. 3. 15. my memorial to all genera. 13. 9. he for a m. between thy eyes 17. 14. write this for a m. in book Pſ. 135. 13. thy m. through all genera. Hoſ. 12. 5. L. G. of ho [...]s Lord is his m. Mat. 26. 13. be told for a m. of her Acts 10. 4. come up for a m. before God
  • MEN, Gen. 32. 28. & 42. 11. Pſ. [...]. 20. know themſelves to be but m. 17. 14. m. thy hand m. of this world 62. 9. m of low degree are vanity m. of high degree are a lie 82. 7. ye ſhall die like m. and fall Eccl. 12. [...]. ſtrong m. ſhall bow themſ. Iſ. 31. 3. Egypt. are m. not G. Ez. 28. 2. 46. 8. remem. ſhew yourſelves m. Hoſ. 6. 7. they like men have tranſgreſ. Rom. 1. 27. m. with m. working that Eph. 6. 6. m. pleaſers, Col. 3. 22. 1 Theſſ. 2. 4.
  • MENSTROUS, Iſa. 30. 22. Lam. 1. 7. Ezek. 18 6. come near a m woman
  • MENTION, Exod. 23 15. Job 28. 18. Pſ. 71. 16. I'll make m. of thy righteouſ. Iſ. [...]6. 13. by thee only make m. of thy 62. 6. ye that make m. of L. keep not Rom. 1. 9. make m of you in my prayer [...] Eph. 1. 16. 1 Theſſ. 1. [...]. Phile [...]. 4.
  • MERCHANT, Hoſ. 12. 7. Mat. 13. 45. Iſ. 23. 18. merchandiſe holineſs, Mat. [...]2. 5. John 2. 16. 2 Pet. 2. 3.
  • [117]MERCY, Gen. 19. 19. & 39. 21. Exod. 34. 7 keep m. for thouſands Deut. 7. 9. 1 Kings 8. 23. Neh. 1. 5. & 9. 32. Dan. 9. 4. Num. 14. 1 [...]. Lord is of great m. Pſ. 23. 6. goodneſs and m. ſhall follow 25. 10. all paths of L. are m. and truth 33. 18. that hope in his m. 147. 11. 52. 8. I truſt in m. of God for ever 57. 3. G. ſhall [...]end forth his m. and truth 66. 20. not turned away his m. from me 86. 5. plenteous in m. to al [...]. 103. 8. 101. 1. I'll ſing of m. and judgment 103. 11. great is his m. to [...]ear, 57. 10. 17. m. of L. from everlaſt. to everlaſt. 106. 1. his m. endureth for ever 107. 1. & 118. 1. & 136. 1.— [...]6. 1 Chr. 16. 34. 41. 2 Chr. 5. 13. & 7. 3. 6. & 20. 21. Ezra 3. 11. Jer. 33. 11. Prov. 16. 6. by m. and truth iniq. purged 20. 28. m. and truth preſerve the king Iſ. 27 11 that made them will not have m. Hoſ. 6. 6. I deſired m. and not ſacrifice 10. 13. reap in m. 12. 6. keep m. 14. 3. in thee fatherleſs finds m. Jonah 2. 8. forſake their own m. Mic. 6. 8. God requires but to love m. 7. 18. delights in m. 20 m. to Abraham Hab. 3. 2. in wrath remember m. Luke 1. 50. his m. is on them that fear 78. thro' tender m. of our G. day ſpring Rom. [...]. 23. on veſſels of m. prepared 15. have m. on whom he will have m. 11. 31. thro' your m. they obtain m. 15. 9. may glorify God for his m. 2 Cor. 4. 1. as we receive m. we faint not 1 Tim. 1. 13. I obtained m. bee. I did it 2. m. & peace, Tit. 1. 4. 2 John 3. Jude 2. 2 Tim. 1. 18. may find m. in that day Tit. 3. 5. according to his m. he ſaved us Heb. 4. 16. may obtain m. and find grace Jam. 2. 13. m. rejoiceth againſt judgment 3. 17. full of mercy and good fruits 5. 11. Lord is pitiful and of tender m. Jude 21. looking for m. of Lord Jeſus to Gen. 32. 10. not worthy of the leaſt of m. 1 Chron. 21. 13. great are his me [...]cies Pſ. 69. 13. in multitude of thy m. 16. Iſa. 55. 3. ſure m of David, Acts 13. 34. Lam. 3. 22. of L. m. we are not conſum. Dan. 9. 9. to L. belong m. and forgiv. 18. Rom. 12. 1. I beſeech you by m. of God 2 Cor. 1. 3. F. of m. and G. of all comfort Col. 3. 12. put on bowels of m. Pſ. 25. 6. tender mercies, 40. 11. & 51. 1. & 77. 9. & 79. 8. & 103. 4. & 119. 77. 156. & 145. 9. Prov. 12. 10.—of wicked are cruel Gen. 19. 19. thy mercy, Num. 14. 19. Neh. 13. 22. Pſ. 5. 7. & 6. 4. & 13. 5. & 25. 7. & 31. 7. 16. & 33. 22. & 36. 5. & 44. 26. & 85. 7. & 86. 13. & 90. 14. & 94. 18. & 108. 4. & 57. 10. & 119. 64. & 143. 12. Exod. 34. 6. Lord God merciful and gra [...], a Chron. 30. 9. [...]. 9. 17. 31. Pſ. 103. 8. Joel 2. 13. Jonah 4. 2. Pſ. 18. 25. with merciful ſhew thyſelf [...]. 37. 2 [...]. he is ever m. and [...]ends 117. 2. his m. kindneſs is great Prov. 11. 17. m. man doth good, 12. 1 [...]. Iſ. 57. 1. m. men are taken away Jer. 3. 12. I am m. and not keep anger Mat. 5. 7. bleſſed are m. obtain mer [...]y Luke 6. 36. be m. as your Father is m. Heb. 2. 17. he might be a m. high p [...]t 8. 12. I will be m. to their unrighteouſ.
  • MERRY heart, Prov. 15. 13. & 17. 22. Eccl. 9. 7. [...]a. 24. 7. Luke 12. 19. be m. 15. 23. 24. 29. 32. Jam. 5. 13. is any m. let him ſing pſ [...]lms
  • MESS [...]GE from God, Judg. 3. 20 Hag. 1. 13. 1 John 1. 5. & 3. 11. Job 33. 23. if there be a m [...]ſſ [...]ger an inter. Iſ. 14. 32. what anſwer the m. of nations 42. 19. blind or dea [...] as my m. I ſent 44. 26. performs counſel of his m. Mal 2. 7 he is m. of L. of hoſts [...]. 1. I ſend my m.—m. of covenant
  • MESSIAH, Dan. 9. 25. 26. John 1. 45. & 1. 25.
  • MIDST, Pſ. 22. 14. & 46. 5. & 110. 2. Prov. 4. 21. Iſ. 4. 4. & 41. 18. Ezek. 43. 7. 9. & 46 10. Joel 2. 27. Zeph. 3. 5. 12. 15. 17. Phil. 2. 15. Rev. 1. 13. & 5. 6. & 7. 17. L [...]mb in m. of throne
  • MIGHT, Gen. 49. 3. Num. 14. 13. Deut. 6. 5. love the Lord with all thy m. 2 Kings 23. 25. turned to L. with all m. 2 Chr. 20. 12. no m. ag this company Pſ. 76 [...]5. none of men of m. ſound hands 145. 6. ſpeak of the m. of thy acts Eccl. 9. 10. to do, do it with all thy m. Iſ. 40. 29. have no m. he increaſeth [...] Zech. 4. 6. not by m. but by my Spirit Eph. 3. 16. ſtrength. with m. by his ſpirit 6. 10. be ſtrong in power of his m. Col. 1. 11. ſtrengthened with all m. D [...]ut. 7. 23. with a mighty deſtruction 10. 17. a great God a m. and terrible Judg. 5. 23. to help of L. againſt the m. Pſ 24. 8. the Lord m. in battle 89. 19. laid help on one that is m. Iſa. 5. 22. m. to drink wine, men of m. 63. 1. ſpeak in righteouſneſs m. to ſave Jer. 32. 19. m. in work, Iſa. 49. 26. 1 Cor. 1. 26. not many m. are called 2 Cor. 10. 4. m. through God to pulling Pſ. 93. 4. Lord mightier, Mat. 3. 11. Acts 18. 28. mightily, Col. 1. 29. 19. 20. ſo m. grew the word of God
  • MILK, Gen. 18. 8. & 49. 12. Job 10. 10. haſt poured me out as m. Song 4. 11. honey and m. under tongue 5. 1. drunk my wine with my m. Iſ. 55. 1. buy wine and m. without money Joel 3. 18. all the hills flow with m. Heb. 5. 12. ſuch as have need of m. 1 Pet. 2. 2. deſire ſincere m. of word
  • MIND, Gen. 26. 35. Lev. 24. 12. 1 Chr. 28. 9. ſerve him with a willing m. Neh. 4. 6. people had a willing m. [118] Job 23. 13. he is of one m. and who Iſ. 26. 3. whoſe m. is ſtayed on thee Luke 12. 29. be not of doubtful m. Acts 17. 11. receiv. word with read. of m. 20. 19. ſerving L. with all humil. of m. Rom. 7. 25. with m. I ſerve law of God 8. 7. carnal m. is enmity againſt God 11. 34. who knows m. of L. 1 Cor. 2. 16. 12. 16. be of ſame m. one to another 1 Cor. 1. 10. joined together in ſame m. 2 Cor. 8. 12. firſt a willing m. it is accep. 13. 11. be of one m. live in peace Phil. 1. 27. & 2. 2. & 4. 2. 1 Pet. 3. 8. 2 Tim. 1. 7. ſpirit of faith and ſound m. Tit. 1. 1 [...]. their m. and conſci. is defiled 1 Pet. 5. 2. not for lucre but ready m. Rom. 8. 5. of fleſh m. things of fleſh 12. 10. m. not high things Phil. 3. 16. m. ſame th. 19. m. earthly th. 2 Cor. 3. 14. their minds were blinded Phil. 4. 7. keep your hearts and m. Heb. 10. 16. in their m I'll write them 12. 3. leſt ye faint in your m. 2 Pet. 3. 1. ſtir up your pure m. Rom. 8. 6. to be carnally minded is death, ſpiritually m. is life and peace 11. 20. be not high m. but fear 15. 5. G. of pati. grant you to be like m. Tit. 2. 6. exhort to be ſober m. Jam. 1. 8. a double m. man, 4. 8. Pſ. 111. 5. ever mindful of his covenant, 1 Chron. 16. 15. Pſ. 105. 8. 115. 12. Lord hath been m. of us, 8. 4.
  • MINISTER, Joſh. 1. 1. Luke 4. 20. Mat. 20. 26. let him be your m. Acts 26. 16. to make thee a m. and witn. Rom. 13. 4. he is the m. of God to thee 15. 8. Chriſt was a m. of circumciſion 16. I be a m. of Jeſus C. to the Gentiles Gal. 2. 17. is Chriſt the m. of ſin Eph. 3. 7. I made a m. according to gift 1 Tim. 1. 6. ſhall be a good m. of J. C. Heb. 8. 2. a m. of the ſanctuary Pſ. 103. 21. ye miniſters of his that do 104. 4. makes his m. a flam. Heb. 1. 7. Iſa. 61. 6. men call you the m. of our G. Joel 1. 9. m. of L. mourn, weep, 2. 17. Luke 1. 2. from begin. m. of the word Rom. 13. 6. they are Gods m. attending 1 Cor. 3. 5. m. by whom ye believed 4. 1. account of us as m. of Chriſt 2 Cor. 3. 6. made us able m. of New Teſt. 6. 4. in all app. ourſelves as m. of G. 11. 23. are they m. of Chriſt ſo am I Rom. 15. 25. m. to the ſaints, Heb. 6. 10. 27. m. to them in carnal things 1 Cor. 9. 13. who m. about holy things 2 Cor. 9. 10. m. ſeed to ſower and bread Eph. 4. 29. may m. grace to hearers 1 Pet. 4. 11. if any man m. let him Mat. 4. 11. miniſtred, Luke 8. 3. Gal. 3. 5. Heb. 6. 10. 2 Pet. 1. 11. Luke 1. 23. miniſtration, Acts 6. 1. 2 Cor. 3. 7. 8. & 9. 1. 13. Heb. 1. 14. all miniſtring ſpirits Rom. 15. 6. m. goſpel of God, 12. 7. Acts 6. 4. give ourſelves to miniſtry of w. 20. 24. I might finiſh my m. rec. of L. J. 2 Cor. 4. 1. we have this m. faint not 5. 18. committed to us m. of reconcil. 6. 3. that the m. be not blamed Col. 4. 17. take heed to m. fulfill it 1 Tim. 1. 12. putting me into the m. 2 Tim. 4. 5. make full proof of thy m. Heb. 8. 6. obtained a more excellent m.
  • MIRACLE, Mark 6. 52. & 9. 39. Luke 23. 8. John 2. 11. & 6. 26. & 10. 41. & 11. 47. Acts 2. 22. & 4. 16. & 6. 8. & 19. 11. 1 Cor. 12. 10. 28. 29. Gal. 3. 5. Heb. 2. 4.
  • MIRTH, Prov. 14. 13. Eccl. 2. 2. & 7. 4. Iſa. 24. 8. 11. Jer. 7. 34. & 16. 9. & 25. 10. Hoſ. 2. 11. Ezek. 21. 10.
  • MISCHIEF, Gen. 42. 4. & 44. 29. Job 15. 35. they conceive m. Pſ. 7. 14. Pſ. 10. 14. beholdeſt m. and ſpite requite 28. 3. m. is in their hearts, 10. 7. 36. 2. he deviſeth m. on his bed 94. 20. frameth m. by a law Prov. 10. 23. ſport to a fool to do m. 11. 27. ſeeks m. it ſhall come to him 24. 16. wicked fall into m. Pſ. 7. 16. Acts 13. 10. full of all ſubtility and m.
  • MISERY, Job 3. 20. Lam. 3. 19. Judg. 10. 16. ſoul grieved for m. of Iſrael Prov. 31. 7. drink and rem. m. no more Eccl. 8. 6. m. of man is great on him Rom. 3. 16. deſtr. and m. in all their ways Job 16. 2. miſerable comforters ye all 1 Cor. 15. 19. of all men moſt m. Rev. 3. 17. knoweſt not thou art m.
  • MOCK when fear comes, Prov. 1. 26. Prov. 14. 9. fools make a mock at ſin 1 Kings 18. 27. Elijah mocked them 2 Chr. 36. 16. they m. meſſengers of G. Prov. 17. 5. whoſo mocketh the poor rep. 30. 17. eye that m. at his father Prov. 30. 1. wine is a mocker and ſtrong Iſ. 28. 22. be not mockers leſt bands be Jude 18. ſhould be m. in laſt times
  • MODERATION known, Phil. 4. 5.
  • MODEST apparel, 1 Tim. 2. 9.
  • MOMENT, Exod. 33. 5. Iſa. 27. 3. Num. 16. 21. conſume them in a m. 45. Job 7. 18. try him every m. 20. 5. joy of hypocrite is but for a m. Pſ. 30. 5. his anger endureth but for a m. Iſ. 26. 20. hide thee as for a little m. 54. 7. for a ſmall m. I forſaken thee 1 Cor. 15. 52. in a m. in the twinkling 2 Cor. 4. 17. afflict. which is but for a m.
  • MONEY, Gen. 23. 9. & 31. 15. Eccl. 7. 12. wiſdom defence m. is a def. 10. 19. m. anſwers all things Iſ. 55. 1. he that hath no m. come 2. why ſpend m. for that is not bread Mic. 3. 11. prophets divine for m. Acts 8. 20. thy m. periſh with thee 1 Tim. 6. 10. love of m. is root of evil
  • MORROW, Exod. 8. 23. & 16. 23. Prov. 27. 1. boaſt not of to m. for Iſ. 22. 13. to m. we ſhall die, 1 Cor. 15. 32. [119] 56. 12. to m. ſhall be as this day and Mat. 6. 34. take no thought for to m. Jam. 4. 14. know not what be on the m.
  • MORTAL man be juſt, Job 4. 17. Rom. 6. 12. not ſin reign in m. body 8. 11. raiſed C. quicken your m. body 1 Cor. 15. 53. this m. put on immortal. 2 Cor. 5. 4. mortality ſwallowed up Rom. 8. 13. mortify deeds of body Col. 3. 5. m. your memb. on the earth
  • MOTE, Mat. 7. 3. 4. 5. Luke 6. 41.
  • MOTH, Job 4. 19. & 27. 18. Pſ. 39. 11. Iſ. 50. 9. & 51. 8. Hoſ. 5. 12. Mat. 6. 19. 20. Luke 12. 33.
  • MOTHER, Gen. 3. 20. & 21. 21. Judg. 5. 7. 2 Sam. 20. 19. 1 K. 3. 27. Gal. 4. 26. Job 17. 14. to worm thou art my m. Pſ. 27. 10. when father and m. forſake 71. 6. took out of m. bowels, 139. 13. Mat. 12. 49. behold my m. and my br.
  • MOVE, Exod. 11. 7. Judg. 13. 25. Acts 17. 28. in him we live m. and 20. 24. none of theſe things m. me Pſ. 15. 5. ſhall never be moved, 21. 7. & 46. 5. & 55. 22. & 62. 2. 6. & 66. 9. & 112. 6. & 121. 3. Prov. 12. 3. Col. 1. 23. be not m. from hope of goſp. 1 Theſſ. 3. 3. no man be m. by theſe af. Heb. 12. 28. a kingdom which can. be m. 2 Pet. 1. 21. ſpake as m. by the Holy G. Rom. 7. 5. motions, Prov. 5. 6. moveable
  • MOURN, Neh. 8. 9 Job 5. 11. Iſ. 61. 2. to comfort all that m. Mat. 5. 4. bleſſed are they that m. Jam. 4. 9. be afflicted m and weep Mat. 11. 17. we have m—ed and ye not lam. 1 Cor. 5. 2. have not rather m. Eccl. 12. 5. mourners go about the ſtreets Iſ. 57. 18. reſtore comforts to his m. Pſ. 30. 11. turned my mourning into Iſ. 22. 12. that day Lord called to m. 61. 3. to give oil of joy for m. Jer. 9. 17. call for the m. women 31. 13. turn their m. into joy Joel 2. 12. turn to me with m. Jam. 4. 9. laughter be turned into m.
  • MOUTH of babes and ſucklings, Pſ. 8. 2. 37. 30. m. of righteous ſpeak. wiſdom Prov. 10. 14. m. of fooliſh near deſtruct. 31. m. of juſt brings forth wiſdom 12. 6. m. of upright ſhall deliver them 14. 3. m. of fools is a rod of pride 15. 2. m. of fools pours out fooliſhneſs 18. 7. a fools m. is his deſtruction 22. 14. m. of ſtrange wom. is a deep pit Lam. 3. 38. out of m. of moſt High pro. Mat. 12. 34. out of ab. of heart m. ſpeaks Luke 21. 15. give you a m. and wiſdom Rom. 10. 10. with m. confeſſion made 15. 6. with one mind and m. glorify G. Prov. 13. 3. keepeth his mouth keeps his Lam. 3. 29. putteth—in duſt if hope Mal. 2. 7. they ſhall ſeek the law at— Pſ. 17. 3. my mouth ſhall not tranſgreſs 39. 1. I'll keep—with a bridle while 49. 3.—ſhall ſpeak of wiſdom 51. 15.—ſhall ſhew forth thy praiſe, 63. 5. 71. 15.—ſhall ſhew forth thy righteouſ. Eph 6. 19. I may open—boldly as Pſ. 81. 10. open thy mouth wide and I 103. 5. ſatisfies—with good things Prov. 31. 8. open—for the dumb Eccl. 5. 6. ſuffer not—to cauſe fleſh
  • MULTITUDE, Gen. 16. 10. & 28. 3. Exod. 12. 38. & 23. 2. Num. 11. 4. Job 32. 7. m. of years ſhall teach wiſdom Pſ. 5. 7. m. of mercies 10 m. of tranſgr. 33. 16. no king ſaved by m. of an hoſt 51. 1. according to m. of thy tender mercies, 69. 13. 16. & 106. 7. 45. 94. 19. in the m. of my thoughts thy Prov. 10 19. in m. of words wants not ſin 11. 14. in m. of counſellors is ſafety, 15. 22. & 24. 6. & 27. 9. Eccl. 5. 3. m. of buſineſs—of words Jam. 5. 20. hide m. of ſins, 1 Pet 4. 8.
  • MURDER, Rom. 1. 29. Mat. 15. 19. Gal. 5. 21. Rev. 9. 21. Job 24. 14. murderer riſing with light John 8. 44. devil was a m. from begin. Hoſ. 9. 13. bring forth children to m. 1 Pet. 4. 15. none ſuffer as a m. or 1 John 3. 15. who hateth his brother is a m. no m. hath eternal life abiding in
  • MURMUR, Deut. 1. 27. Pſ. 106. 25. Jude 16. Exod. 16. 7. Phil. 2. 14.
  • MUSE, Pſ. 39. 3. & 143. 5.
  • MUSIC, Lam. 3. 63. Amos 6. 5.
  • MUSTARD ſeed, Mat. 13. 31. & 17. 20.
  • MUZZLE, Deut. 25. 4. 1 Cor. 9. 9.
  • MYSTERY of kingdom, Mark 4. 11. Rom. 11. 25. ignorant of this m. 16. 25. according to revelation of m. 1 Cor. 2. 7. wiſdom of God in a m. 4. 1. ſtewards of the m. of God 13. 2. prophecy and underſtand all m. 14. 2. in ſpirit he ſpeaketh m. 15. 51. I ſhew you a m. we not all die Eph. 1. 9. made known m. of his will, 3. 3. 3. 4. my knowl. of m. 9. fellowſhip of m. 5. 32. this is a great m. concerning C. 6. 19. make known m. of goſpel Col. 1. 26. m. which hath been hid 27. glory of this m. among Gentiles 2. 2. to acknowledging of m. of God 4. 3. utterance to ſpeak m. of Chriſt 2 Theſſ. 2. 7. m. of iniquity works 1 Tim. 3. 9. hold the m. of the faith 16. great is the m. of godlineſs, God Rev. 1. 20. the m. of the ſeven ſtars thou 10. 7. the m. of God ſhall be finiſhed 17. 5. m. Babylon the great, mother, 7.
  • NAIL, Judg. 4. 21. & 5. 26. Ezra 9. 8. give us a n. in holy place Eccl. 12. 11. n. faſtened by maſters of Iſa. 22. 23. as a n. in a ſure place Zech. 10. 4. out of him came the n.
  • NAKED, Gen. 2. 25. & 3. 7. 11. Exod. 32. 35. the people were n. 2 Chron. 28. 19. made Judah n. Job 1. 21. n. came I out of mothers womb [120] Mat. 25. 36. I was n. and cloth. me. 38. 44. 1 Cor. 4. 11. hungry, thirſty, and are n. 2 Cor. 5. 3. may not be found n. Heb. 14. 13. all things are n. and open Rev. 3. 17. miſerable, poor, blind and n. 16. 15. keep garments leſt he walk n.
  • NAME, Exod. 34. 6. Lev. 18. 21. Pſ. 20. 1. let n. of God of Jacob defend 109. 13. let their n. be blotted out Prov. 10. 7. n. of wicked ſhall rot 22. 1. good n. is rather to be choſen Eccl. 7. 1. a good n. is better than preci. Iſ. 55. 13. ſhall be to Lord for ſign and n. 56. 5. a n. bet. than of ſons and daugh. 62. 2. ſhalt be called by a new n. Jer. 13. 11. for a people n. and a praiſe 32. 20. made thee a n. as that this day 33. 9. be to me a n. of joy, a praiſe and Mic. 4. 5. we will walk in the n. of L. Mat. 10. 41. a prophet in n. of a prophet Luke 6. 22. caſt out your n. as evil Acts 4. 12. none other n. under heaven Rom. 2. 24. n. of God is blaſphemed Eph. 1. 21. every n. that is named, Ph. 2. 9. Col 3. 17. do all in n. of Lord Jeſus 2 Tim. 2. 19. nameth n. of Chriſt depart Heb. 1. 4. a more excellent n. than they 1 Pet. 4. 14. if be reproached for n. of C. 1 John 3. 23. ſhould believe on n. of Son 5. 13. you that believe on n. of S. of G. Rev. 2. 17. a n. written which no man 3. 1. haſt a n. that liveſt and art dead 12. write on him n. of my God, n. of 14. 1. fathers n. on foreheads. 22. 4. Pſ. 76. 1. his name is great in Iſrael 72. 17.—ſhall endure for ever 106. 8. he ſaved them for—ſake Prov. 30. 4. what is—and what ſons n. Iſ. 9. 6.—ſhall be called wonderful Zech. 14. 9. L. ſhall be one and—one John 20. 31. might have life through— Rev. 3. 5. confeſs—before my Father 13. 17. number of his n. 15. 2. Exod. 23. 21. my name is in him 3. 15. this is—for ever and memorial Judg. 13. 18. aſkeſt after—Gen. 32. 29. Iſ. 48. 9. for—ſake I will defer anger Ezek. 20. 9. wrought for—ſake, 14. 22. Mal. 1. 14.—is dreadful among heathen 2. 2. lay to heart to give glory to— Mat. 10. 22. hated of all for—ſake 19. 29. forſaken houſes for—ſake John 14. 13. aſk in—15. 16. & 16. 23. 26. 16. 24. aſked nothing in— Acts 9. 15. choſen veſſel to bear— Rev. 2. 3. for—haſt laboured 13. holdeſt faſt—3. 8. not denied— 2 Chr. 14. 11. in thy name we go againſt Iſ. 8. 1. how excellent—in all earth, 9 9. 16. that know thy n. will put truſt 48. 10. accord. to thy n. ſo is thy praiſe 75. 1. thy n. is near thy wondrous 1 8. 2. magnified word above all thy n. Song 1. 3. thy n. is as ointment poured Iſ. 26. 8. deſire of our ſoul is to thy n. 64. 7. none that calleth on thy n. ſtirs Jer. 14. 7. do it for thy n. ſake, 21. Dan. 9. 19. Joſh. 7. 9. Pſ. 79. 9. Mic. 6. 9. man of wiſdom ſhall ſee thy n. John 17. 12. kept them in thy n. 26. Exod. 23. 13. make no mention of the names of other gods, Deut. 12. 3. Pſ. 16 1. Ex. 28. 12. Aaron [...]ear their n. before L. Pſ. 49. 11. call land after their own n. 147. 4. ſtars he calls by their n. Luke 10. 20 your n. written in heaven Rev. 3 4. haſt a few n. in Sa [...]s
  • NARROW, 1 Kings 6. 4. Prov. 23. 27. Iſ. 28 20. & 49. 19. Mat. 7. 14.
  • NATION, Gen. 15. 14. & 21. 13. Gen. 20. 4. wilt thou ſlay a righteous n. Num. 14. 20. make of thee a great n. 2 Sam. 7. 23. what n. is like thy people Pſ. 33. 12. bleſſed is n. whoſe G. is Lord 147. 20. hath not dealt ſo with any n. Iſ. 1. 4. ah ſinful n. people laden 2. 4. n. not lift up ſword againſt n. 49. 7. whom the n. abhorreth 66. 8. ſhall a n. be born at once Jer. 2. 11. hath a n. changed their God Mat. 24. 7. n. ſhall riſe againſt n. M. 13. 8. Luke 7. 4. he loveth our n. and built Acts 10. 35. in every n. he that fears G. Rom. 10. 19. by a fooliſh n. I'll anger you Phil. 2. 15. in midſt of a crooked n. 1 Pet. 2. 9. ye are an holy n. Exod. 19. 6. Rev. 5. 9 redeemed us out of every n. Gen. 10. 32. nations, 17. 4. 6. 16. Deut. 26. 19. high above all n. 28. 1. Pſ. 9. 20. n. may know themſelves men 113. 4. Lord is high above all n. Iſ. 2. 2. all n. ſhall flow unto it 40. 17. all n. before him are nothing 55. 5. n. that knew thee not ſhall Jer. 4. 2. n. ſhall bleſs themſelves in him Zech. 2. 8. many n. be joined to Lord in Mat. 25. 32. before him gathered all n. Acts 14. 16. ſuffered all n. to walk Rev. 21. 24. n. of them that are ſaved
  • NATURE, Rom. 2. 27. Jam. 3. 6. Rom. 1. 26. into that againſt n. 2. 14. do by n. things contained 11. 24. olive wild by n.—contrary to n. 1 Cor. 11. 14. doth not n. itſelf teach Gal. 2. 15. Jews by n. and not ſinners of 4. 8. ſerved by n. are no gods Eph. 2. 4. by n. children of wrath Heb. 2. 16. took not n. of angels 2 Pet. 1. 4. partakers of divine n. Deut. 34. 7. natural, Rom. 1. 26. 27. 31. & 11. 21. 24. 1 Cor. 2. 14. & 15. 44. 46. 2 Tim. 3. 3. Jam. 1. 23. 1 Pet. 2. 12. Phil. 2. 20. Jude 10.
  • NAUGHT, Gen. 29. 15. Deut. 13. 17. Prov. 20. 14. it is n. it is n. ſaith buyer Iſ. 41. 12. ſhall be as a thing of n. 49. 9. I have ſpent my ſtrength for n. 52. 3. [...]old yourſelves for n. Pſ. 44. 12. Amos 6. 13. rejoice in a thing of n. Luke 23. 1 [...] Herod and men ſet him at n. Acts 19. 27. Diana in danger to be ſet at n. Rom. [...]4. 1 [...]. why ſet at n. thy brother [121] Jam. 1. 21. all ſuperfluity of naughtineſs
  • NEAR, nigh, Pſ. 119. 151. & 148. 14. Iſ. 55. 6. & 57 19 Jer. 12. 2.
  • NECESSARY, Job 22. 12. Acts 13. 46. & 15. 28. Tit. 3. 14. Heb. 9. 23. Rom. 12. 13. neceſſity, Acts 20. 31. 1 Cor. 9. 16. 2 Cor. 6. 4 & 9. 7. & 12. 10. Philem. 14. Heb. 9. 16.
  • NECK, Song 1. 10. Iſ. 48. 4. Rom. 16. 4. 2 Kings 17. 14. harden necks, Neh. 9. 9. 16. 17. Jer. 7. 26. & 17. 23. & 19. 15. Acts 15. 10. put yoke on n. of diſciples
  • NEED of all theſe, Mat. 6. 32. 9. 12. whole n. not a phyſician but ſick Luke 15. 7. righteous n. no repentance Eph. 4. 2 [...]. give to him that n. 2 Tim. 2. 15. n. not be aſhamed of Heb. 4. 16. grace to help in time of n. 1 Pet. 1. 6. if n. be ye are in heavineſs 1 John 2. 27. n. not that any teach you Rev. 3. 17. rich having n. of nothing 21. 23. no n. of ſun 22. 5. n no candle Luke 10. 42. one thing is needful Pſ. 9. 18. needy not always be forgotten 72. 12. he ſhall deliver the n 13. 82. 3. do juſtice to afflicted and n. 4. 113. 7. he lifts n. out of dunghill Iſ. 14. 30. n. ſhall lie down in ſafety Jer. 22. 16. judgeth cauſe of n. 5. [...]8.
  • NEGLECT to hear, Mat. 18 17. 1 Tim. 4. 14. n. not gift in thee Heb. 2. 3. if we n. ſo great ſalvation
  • NEIGHBOUR, Exod 3. 22. & 11 2. Exod. 20. 16. not bear falſe witn. ag. n. Lev. 19. 13. ſhall not defraud thy n. 17. not hate n. in heart, rebuke 18. love n. as thyſelf, Mat. 19. 19. & 22. 39. Rom. 13. 9. Gal. 5. 14. James 2. 8. Mat. 7. 12. Heb. 13. 3. Pſ. 15. 3. nor doth evil to his n. Prov. 27. 10. better is a n. near than Jer. 22. 13. uſeth n. ſerv. without wages 31. 34. teach no more his n. Hoſ. 8. 11. Luke 10. 29. who is my n. 36. Rom. 15. 2. every one pleaſe his n.
  • NEIGH, Jer 5. 8. & 8. 16. & 13. 27.
  • NEST, Job 29. 18. Pſ. 84. 3. Prov. 17. 8. Iſ. 10. 14. Hab. 2. 9. Mat. 8. 20.
  • NET, Job 18. 8. & 19. 6. Pſ. 9. 15. & 25. 15. & 31. 4. & 35. 7. 8. & 57. 6. & 66. 11. Iſ. 51. 20. Hab. 1. 15. 16. Mat. 13. 47. Pſ. 141. 10. Eccl. 7. 26.
  • NEW things Lord make, Numb. 16. 30. Judges 5. 8. choſe n. gods, Deut. 32. 16. Eccl. 1. 9. no n. thing under heaven, 10. Iſ. 65. 17 n. heavens and n. earth, 66. 22. 2 Pet. 3. 13. Rev 21. 1. 5. Jer. 31. 22. created a n. thing on earth Lam. 3. 23. his mercies are n. ev. morn. Ezek. 11. 19. I'll put n. ſpirit within you 18. 31. make you n. heart and n. ſpirit 36. 26. n. heart I'll give n. ſp. I'll put Mat. 9. 16. putteth n. cloth on old garm. 17. n. wine in old bottles 13. 52. out of treaſ. things n. and old Mark 1. 27. what n. doctrine, Acts 17. 19. John 13. 34. n. command. 1 John 2. 7. 8. Acts 7. 21. to hear ſome n. thing 1 Cor. 5. 7. ye may be a n. lump 2 Cor 5. 7. if in Chriſt he is a n. creature Gal. 6. 15. nor circum. nor unc. but n. cr. Eph. 4. 24. put on n. man, Col. 3. 10. 1 Pet. 2. 2. as n. born babes deſire milk Rev. 2. 17. a n. name wr. 3. 12. Iſ. 62. 12. 5. 9. ſung a n ſong, 14. 3. Pſ. 33. 3. [...] Rom. 6. [...]. walk in newneſs of life 7. 6. ſerve in n. of ſpirit not oldneſs
  • NIGH, Lev. 25. 49. Numb. 24 17. Deut. 4 7. who hath God ſo n. them 30. 14. word is n. thee, Rom. 10 8. Pſ. 34. 18. L is n. them of broken heart 85. 9. ſalvation is n. them that fear 14 [...]. 18. Lord is n. to all them that call Mat. 15 8. draws n. with mouth, Iſ. 29. 13. Eph. 2. 13. made n. by blood of Chriſt 17. peace to them are n. Iſ. 57. 19.
  • NIGHT, Gen 1. 5. 14. & 26. 24. Exod. 12. 42. this that n. of the Lord P [...]. 19. 2. n unto n. ſhews knowledge 3 [...]. 5. weeping endure for a n. 139. 11. n. ſhall be light about me Iſ. 21. 11. what of the n. what of the n. Jer. 14. 8. wayfaring man to tarry a n. Luke 6. 12. continue all n. in prayer 12. 20. this n thy ſoul be required John 9. 4. n. comes when none work Rom. 13. 12. n. is far ſpent day is at hand 1 Theſſ. 5. 5. childr. not of n. nor of dark. Rev. 21. 25. no n. there, 22. 5. Pſ 134. 1. by night, Song 3. 1. John 3. 2. & 7. 50. & 19. 39. Job 35. [...]0. giveth ſongs in the night Pſ. 16. 7. inſtruct me- ſeaſons 42. 8.- his ſong ſhall be with me 77. 6. call to remembrance my ſong— 119 55. remember thy name— Iſ. 26. 9. my ſoul deſired thee— 30. 29. ye ſhall have a ſong as— 59. to ſtumble at noon day as— John 11. 10. if a man walk—9. 4. 1 Theſſ. 5. 7. ſleep—are drunk— Pſ 63. 6. night watches, 119. 148.
  • NOBLE, Eſth. 6. 9. Jer. 2. 21. Luke 19. 12. Acts 17. 11. Ex. 24. 10. Numb. 21. 18. Neh. 3. 5. nobles put not necks to work 13. 7. I contended with n. of Judah Pſ. 149. 8. bind n. with fetters of iron Prov. 8. 16. by me princes rule and n. all Eccl. 10. 17. bleſt land king is ſon of n. 1 Cor. 1. 26. not many n. are called
  • NOISOME, Pſ. 91. 3. Rev. 16. 2.
  • NOISE, Prov. 30. 33. Iſ. 65. 5. Iſ. 2. 22. breath in noſtrils, Lam. 4. 20.
  • NOTHING, Gen. 11. 6. Exod. 9. 4. & 12. 10. Numb. 6. 4. & 16. 26. Joſh. 11. 15. 2 Sam. 24. 24. offer to L. which coſt men. 1 Kings 8. 9. n. in ark ſave tables Neh. 8. 10. for whom n. is prepared Job 6. 21. ye are n. 8. 21. know n. 26. 7. hangs earth on n. 34. 5. proſ. n. Pſ. 17. 3. tried me and ſhalt find n. [122] 39. 5. my age is n. before thee 49. 17. when dieth ſhall carry n. away 119. 165. great peace n. offend them Prov. 13. 4. ſlugg. deſireth and hath n. 7. that makes himſ. rich and hath n. Iſ. 40. 17. all nations n. leſs than n. Jer. 10. 24. leſt thou bring me to n. Lam. 1. 12. is it n. to you all ye that Hag. 2. 3 in compariſon of it as n. Luke 1. 37. with God n. is impoſſible John 8. 28. I do n. of myſelf but as 14. 30. prince of this world hath n. in 15. 5. without me ye can do nothing 1 Cor. 1. 19. bring to n. the underſtand. 13. 2. I am n. 2 Cor. 12. 11. having n. 2 Cor. 6. 10. 1 Tim. 6. 7. brought n. into world carry
  • NOVICE, not a, leſt, 1 Tim. 3 8.
  • NUMBER out days teach, Pſ. 90. 2. Iſ. 65. 12. I'l [...] n. you to the ſword Rev. 7. 9. mult. no man could n. Iſ. 53. 12. was numbered with tranſgreſſors Dan. 5. 26. God hath n. thy kingdom Hoſ. 1. 10. cannot be n. Jer. 33. 22. Job 14. 16. thou numbereſt my ſteps 71. 15. not knowing numbers of it Rev. 13. 17. n. of his name, 18.
  • NURSE, 1 Theſſ. 2. 7. Iſ. 42. 23.
  • OATH, Gen. 24. 8. & 26. 3. 28. 1 Sam. 14. 26. people feared the o. 2 Sam. 21. 7. Lords o. was between them 2 Chron. 15. 15. rejoiced at the o. of God Eccl. 8. 2. keep com. in regard of o. of G. 9. 2. him fears and him ſwears an o. Ezek. 16. 59. deſpiſed o 17. 18. 19. Luke 1. 73. o. he ſware to our fathers Heb. 6. 16. o. for confirm, is end of ſtrife James 5. 12. ſwear not by h by any oth. o.
  • OBEY, Gen. 27. 8. Exod. 5. 2. Deut. 11. 27. a bleſſing if ye o. comm. 13. 4. walk after L. and o. his voice Joth. 24. 24. his voice will we o. 1 Sam. 12. 14. ſerve him and o. his voice 15. 22. to o. is better than ſacrifice Jer. 7. 23. o. my voice and I'll be your G. 26. 13. am. your ways and o. Zech. 6. 15. Acts 5. 29. ought to o. God rather than Rom. 2. 8. contentious and o. not truth 6. 15. his ſervants ye are whom ye o. 17. 0. from heart that form of doctrine Eph. 6. 1. Chriſt o. parents in L. Col. 3. 20. Col. 3. 22. ſervants o. your maſters 2 Theſſ. 1. 8. that o. not goſpel of L. J.C. 3. 14. if any man o. not our word Tit. 3. 1. put in mind to o. magiſtrates Heb. 5. 9. of ſalvation to all who o. him 13. 17. o. them that have rule over 1 Pet. 3. 1. if any o. not the word he 6. Sarah o. Abraham calling him lord 4. 17. what end of that o. not goſpel Iſ. 50. 10. obeyeth voice, Jer. 4. 3. 1 Pet. 1. 22. purified in obeying the truth Rom. 1. 5. obedience to faith among all 5. 19. by o. of one many made right. 6. 16. yield o. unto righteouſneſs 16. 19. your o. is come abroad to all 26. myſtery made known for o. of faith 1 Cor. 14. [...]4. women comm. to be und. o. 2 Cor. 7. 15. remember the o. of you all 10. 5. every thought to o. of Chriſt 9. revenge diſobed. when o. is fulfilled Heb. 5. 8. learned o. by things he ſuffered 1 Pet. 1. 2. ſanctification of ſpirit into o. Exod. 24. 7. will do and be obedient Numb. 27. 2 [...]. childr. of Iſrael may be o. Deut. 4. 30. be o. to his voice 8. 20. periſh be [...] not o to L. your G. 2 Sam. 22. 45. ſtrangers be o. to me Prov. 25. 12. wiſe reprover upon o. ear Iſ. 1. 19. if ye be o ye ſhall eat good 42. 24. they were not o. to his law Acts 6. 7. prieſts were o. to the ſaith Rom. 15. 18. Gent. o. by word and deed 2 Cor 2. 9 whether be o. in all things Eph. 6. 5. ſervants be o. to your maſters Phil. 2. 8. he became o. to death Tit. 2. 5. women be o. to own huſbands 9. exhort ſervants to be o. to maſters 1 Pet 1. 14. as o. childr. not faſhioning
  • OBSCURITY, Iſ. 29. 18. & 58. 10.
  • OBSERVE, Exod. 12. 17. & 34. 11. Gen. 37. 11. his father o. the ſaying Exod. 12. 42 a night to be much o. Pſ. 107. 43. who wiſe and will o. th. things 119. 34. o. it with my whole heart Prov. 23. 26. let thy eyes o. my ways Jonah 2. 8. o. lying vanities forſake Mat. 8. 20. teaching them to o. all Mark 6. 20. Herod feared John and o. him 10. 20. all theſe I o. from my youth Gal. 4. 10. ye o. days and months Luke 17. 20. k. of G. not with obſervation
  • OBSTINATE, Deut. 2. 30 Iſ. 48. 4.
  • OBTAIN favour of Lord, Prov. 8. 35. Iſ. 35. 10. o. joy and gladneſs, 51. 11. Luke 20. 35. worthy to obtain that world 1 Cor. 9. 24. ſo run that ye may o. Heb. 4. 16. o. mercy and find grace 11. 35. might o. a better reſurrection James 4. 2. ye deſire and cannot o. Hoſ. 2. 23. had not obtained mercy Acts 26. 27. having o. help of God Rom. 11. 7. election hath o. it reſt were Eph. 1. 11. in whom we o. an inheritance 1 Tim. 1. 13. I o. mercy becauſe, 16. Heb. 1. 4. o. a more excellent name, 8. 6. 6. 15. patiently—o. the promiſes 9. 12. o. eternal redemption for us
  • OCCASION, Gen. 43. 18. Judges 14. 4. 2 Sam 12. 14. given o. to enemies of L. Job 33. 10. he findeth o. againſt me Jer. 2. 24. in her o. who can turn her Dan. 6. 4. could find no o. nor fault, 5. Rom. 7. 8. ſin taking o. by the com. 11. 14. 13. o. to fall in his brothers way 2 Cor. 11. 12. cut off o. from them Gal. 5. 13. uſe not for an o. to the fleſh 1 Tim. 5. 14. give no o. to adverſary 1 John 2. 10. no o of ſtumbling in him
  • OCCUPY, Luke 19. 13. Heb. 13. 9.
  • ODOUR, Phil. 4. 18. Rev. 5. 8.
  • [123]OFFENCE, 1 Sam. 25. 31. Iſ. 8. 14. Eccl. 10. 4 yielding pacifieth great o. Hoſ. 5. 15. acknowledge their o. and ſeek Mat. 16. 23. thou art an o. to me 18. 7. wo to world becauſe of o. o. muſt come wo to him by whom o. cometh Acts 24. 16. conſcience void of o. tow. G. Rom. 4. 25. delivered for our o. and 5. 15. not as o. ſo gi [...]t—o. of one, 16. 17. by one mans o. death came, 18. 9. 33. rock of o. 1 Pet. 2. 8. Iſ. 8. 14. 14. 20. is evil for him eateth with o. 16. 17. cauſe diviſions and o. contrary 1 Cor. 10. 32. give no o. neither to Jew 2 Cor. 6. 3. giving no o. in any thing 11. 7. commited an o. in abaſing Gal. 5. 11. then is o. of croſs ceaſed Phil. 1. 10. without o. till day of Chriſt
  • OFFEND I'll not any more, Job 34. 31. Pſ. 73. 15. o. againſt generat. of thy child. 119. 165. nothing ſhall o. them Jer. 2. 3. all that devour him ſhall o. 50. 7. we o. not bec. they've ſinned Hoſ. 4. 15. Iſrael play harlot not Judah o. Mat. 5. 29. right hand, eye o. 30. 13. 41. gather out of kingd. all that o. 17. 27. yet leſt we ſhould o. give it 18. 6. ſhall o. one of theſe little ones 8. if hand, foot, eye o. Mark 9. 43.—47. 1 Cor. 8. 13. if meat make brother to o. James 2. 10. o. in one point guilty of all 3. 2. in many th. we o. all o. not in w. Prov. 18. 19. brother offended is harder Mat. 11. 6. bleſſed who is not o. in me 26. 33. tho' all be o. I'll never be o. Mark 4. 17. immediately they are o. Rom. 14. 21. o. or is made weak 2 Cor. 11. 29. who is o. and I burn not Iſ. 29. 21. make man offender for word
  • OFFER, Gen. 31. 54. Lev. 1. 7. Pſ. 50. 14. o. to G. thankſgiving, 116. 17. 23. who o. praiſe glorifieth me Mal. 1. 11. inſenſible o. to my name Mat. 5. 14. come and o. thy gift Phil. 2. 17. o. upon ſacrifice and ſervice [...] Tim. 4. 6. ready to be o. and time Heb. 9. 14. o. himſelf without ſpot 28. Chriſt once o. to bear ſins of many 11. 4. by faith Abel o. to God a more acceptable ſacrifice 17. Abr. o. up Iſaac 13. 15. let us o. ſacrifices of praiſe [...]ev. 8. 3. o. it with prayer of ſaints Eph. 5. 2. offering and ſacrifice to God of Heb. 10. 5. ſacrifice and o. thou wouldſt 14. by one o. hath perfected for ever
  • OFFSCOURING, Lam. 3. 45. 1 Cor. 4. 13.
  • OFFSPRING, Acts 17. 28. Rev. 22. 16.
  • OFTEN reproved hardens, Prov. 29. 1. Mal. 3. 16. ſpeak often one to another Mat. 23. 37. how o. would I have gath. [...] Cor. 11. 26. as o. as ye eat this bread [...]il. 3. 18. of whom I have told you o. Heb. 9. 25. needed not offer himſelf o.
  • OIL, Gen. 28. 18. Exod. 25. 6. [...]ſ. 45. 7. with o. of gladneſs, Heb. 1. 0. 89. 20. with my holy o. have I anointed 92. 10. ſhall be anointed with freſh o. 23. 5. 104. 15. o. to make his face ſhine 141. 5. o. which not break my head Iſ. 61. 3. give o. of joy for mourning Mat. 25. 3. took no o. 4. took o. 8. give us of your o. for our lamps Luke 10. 34. pouring in wine and o.
  • OINTMENT, Pſ. 133. 2. Prov. 27. 9. 10. Eccl. 7. 7. & 10. 1. Song 1. 3. Iſ. 1. 6. Amos 6. 6. Mat. 26. 7. Luke 7. 37.
  • OLD, Gen. 5. 32. & 18. 12. 13. Pſ. 37. 25. young and now am o. 71. 18. when I am o. and gray headed Prov. 22. 6. when o. he'll not depart Jer. 6. 16. aſk for the good o. paths Acts 21. 16. M [...]aſon an o. diſciple 1 Cor. 5. 7. purge out the o. leaven 2 Cor. 5. 17. o. things are paſt away 2 Pet. 1. 9. purged from his o. ſins Gen. 25. 8. old age, Judges 8. 23. Job 30. 2. Pſ. 71. 9. & 92. 14. Iſ. 46. 4. Rom. 6. 6. old man, Eph 4. 22. Col. 3. 9. Prov. 17. 6. of old men, 20. 29. Rev. 1. 8. Alpha and OMEGA, 11. & 21. 6. & 22. 13.
  • ONE, Gen. 2. 24. Mat. 19. 5. Jer. 3. 14. o. of a city and two of family Zech. 14. 9. ſhall be o. Lord and name o. Mat. 19. 16. none good but o. that is G. 1 Cor. 8. 4. none other God but o. 6. 10. 17. we being many are o. bread Gal. 3. 20. med. not of o. but God is o. 1 John 5. 7. theſe three are o. Joſh. 23. 14. not one thing hath ſailed Pſ. 27. 4.—have I deſired I'll ſeek after Mark 10. 21.—thou lackeſt go ſell all Luke 10. 42.—is needful better part Phil. 3. 13.—forgetting them behind
  • OPEN thou my lips, Pſ. 51 15. 81. 10. o. thy mouth wide I'll fill it 119. 18. o. thou mine eyes that I Prov. 31. 8. o. thy mouth for dumb Song 5. 2. o. to me my ſiſter my ſpouſe Iſ. 22. 22. o. and ſhut, Rev. 3. 7. 42. 7. to o. blind eyes, Pſ. 146. 8. Ezek. 16. 63. confounded never o. thy Mat. 25. 11. Lord o. to us Luke, 13. 25. Acts 26. 18. to o. their eyes and turn Col. 4. 3. o. to us a door of utterance Rev. 5. 2. who is worthy to o. book, 3. 9. Gen. 3. 7. eyes of both were opened Iſ. 35. 5. eyes of the blind ſhall be o. 53. 7. he o. not his mouth Mat. 7. 7. knock and it ſhall be o. L. 11. 9. Luke 24. 45. then o. he their underſtand. Acts 14. 27. o. door of faith to Gentiles 16. 14. Lydia whoſe heart the Lord o. 1 Cor. 16. 9. great door effectual is o. to 2 Cor. 2. 12. door was o. to me of Lord Heb. 4. 13. naked and o. to eyes of him Pſ. 104. 28. openeſt thy hand, 145. 16.
  • OPERATION, Pſ. 28. 5. Iſ. 5. 12. Col. 2. 12. 1 Cor. 12. 6.
  • OPINION. Job 32. 6. 10. 1 Kings 18. 21.
  • OPPORTUNITY, Mat. 26. 16. Gal. 6. 10. Phil 4. 10. Heb. 11. 15.
  • [124]OPPOSE, 2 Tim. 2. 25. 1 Theſſ. 2. 4.
  • OPPRESS, Exod. 3. 9. Judges 10. 12. Exod. 22. 21. o. not a ſtranger, 23. 9. Lev. 25. 14. o. not one another, 17. Deut. 24. 17. nor o a hired ſervant Jeb. 10. 3. is it good thou ſhouldſt o. Prov. 22. 22. neither o. afflicted in gate Zech. 7. 10. o not widow or fatherleſs Mal. 3. 5. in witneſs againſt thoſe that o. James 2. 6 do not rich men o. you Pſ. 9 9. L. will be a refuge for oppreſſed 10. 18. judge fatherleſs and o. that Eccl. 4. 1. tears of ſuch as were o. Iſ. 1. 17. relieve the o. 58 6. 38. 14. I am o. undertake for me 53. 7. he was o. and afflicted yet he Ezek. 18. 7. not o. 10. hath o. 12. & 2 [...]. 29. Acts 10 38. Jeſus healed all o. of devil Prov. 22. 16. oppreſſeth 1 [...]. 31. & [...]8. [...]. Deut. 26. 7. L. looked on our oppreſſion 2 Kings 13. 4. L. ſaw o of [...]r. that it great Pſ. 12. 5. for o. of poor and fighing of n. 62. 10. truſt not in o. in robbery not Eccl. 7. 7 o. makes a wiſe man mad Iſ. 5. 7. but behold o.—a cry 33. 15. deſpiſeth gain of o. Pſ. 72. 4. oppreſſor, 54. 3. & 119. 121. Prov. 3. 3.31. & [...]8 16. Iſ. 13. 12. & 14. 4. & 51. 13.
  • ORACLES of God, Acts 7. 38. Rom. 3. 2. Heb. 5. 12. 1 Pet. 4. 11.
  • ORDAIN, Iſ. 26. 12. Tit. 1. 5. Pſ. 8. 2. haſt ordained ſtrength 132. 17. o. a lamp for my anointed Iſ. 30. 33. Tophet is o. of old for king Jer. 1. 5. o. thee a prophet to nations Hab. 1. 12. o. them for judgment Acts 12. 48. as were o. to eternal life 14. 23. o. them elders in every church 17. 31. judge by that man whom he o. Rom. 7. 10. com. which was o to li [...]e 13. 1. powers that be are o. of God 1 Cor. [...]. 14. L. o. that they who preach Gal. 3. 19. o. by angels in hand of Med. Eph. 2. 10. which God before o. to walk 1 Tim. 2. 7. o. a preacher and teacher Heb. 5. 1. o. for men in things pert. to G. Jude 4. before o. to this condemnation
  • ORDER, Gen. 22. 9. Job 33. 5. Job 23. 4. o. my cauſe before him, 13. 18. Pſ. 40. 5. be reckoned up in o. 50. 21. ſins ſet them in o. bef. thee 119. 133. o. my ſteps in thy word 1 Cor. 14. 40. all done decently and in o. Col. 2. 5. joying and beholding your o. Tit. 1. 5. ſet in o. things wanting 2 Sam. 23. 5. everlaſt. cov. ordered in all Pſ. 37. 23. a good man's ſteps o. by the L. 50. 23 that orders his converſation
  • ORDINANCE of God, Iſ. 58. 2. Rom. 13. 2. 1 Pet. 2. 13. ſubmit to every o. of man Neh. 10. 32. made ordinances for us Iſ. 58. 2. aſk of me the o. of juſtice Jer. 31. 35. o. of the moon and of, 36. 33. 25. appointed o. of heav. Job 38. 33. Ezek. 11. 20. keep my o. and do, 43. 11. Lev. 18. 4. 30. & 22. 9. 1 Cor. 11. 2. Luke 1. 6. walking in all o. of Lord Eph. 2. 15. law contained in o. Col. 2. 14. hand-writing of o. againſt us 20. why are ye ſubject to o. Heb. 9 1. and o. of divine ſervice, 10.
  • ORNAMENTS, Exod. 33. 5. Prov. 1. 9. & 25. 12. Iſ. 40. 18. & [...]. 10. Jer. 2. 32. Ezek. 16. 7 11. 1 Pet. 3. 4.
  • OVEN, Pſ. 21. 9. Hoſ. 7. 4. Mal 4. 1.
  • OVERCHARGE, Luke 21. 24 2 Cor. 2. 5.
  • OVERCOME, Gen. 49. 10. Numb. 13. 30. Song 6. 5. thine eyes have o. me John 16. 33. I have o the world Rom. 12. 9. not o. of evil o. evil with 1 John 2. 13. have o. the wicked one, 14. 4. 4. of God ye have o. them becauſe Rev 17. 14. Lamb ſhall o. them 1 John 5. 4 overcometh the world Rev. 2. 7. to him o I'll give to eat, 17. 11. [...]. ſhall not be hurt of ſecond death 26. to that o. I'll give power over nat. 3. 5. that o. ſhall be clothed in white 12. him that o. I'll make pillar 21. to that o. I'll grant to fit with me 21. 7. he that o. ſhall inherit all things
  • OVERMUCH, Eccl. 7. 16. 17. 2 Cor. 2. 7.
  • OVERPAST, P [...]. 57. 1. Iſ. 26. 20. Jer. 5. 28.
  • OVERSEER, Prov. 6. 7. Acts 20. 28.
  • OVERSIGHT, Gen. 43. 12. 1 Pet. 5. 2.
  • OVERTAKE, Exod. 15. 9. Amos 9. 13. Hoſ. 2. 7. Gal. 6. 1. 1 Theſſ. 5. 4.
  • OVERTHROW, Deut. 12. 3 & 29. 23. Job 12. 19. Pſ. 140. 4. 11. Pr. 13 6. & 21. 12. Am. 4. 11. Acts 5. 30. 2 Tim. 2. [...].
  • OVERTURN, Ezek. [...]1. 27. Job 9. 5. & 12. 15. & 28. 9. & 34. 25.
  • OVERWHELMED, Pſ. 55. 5 & 61. 2. & 77. 3. & 124. 4. & 142. 3. & 143. 4.
  • OVERWISE not make ſelf, Eccl. 7. 16.
  • OUGHT to do. Mat. 23. 24. Jam. 3. 10.
  • OURS, Gen. 26. 20. Num. 32 32. Mark 12. 7. inherit. ſhall be o. L. 20. 14. 1 Cor. 1. 2. C. our L. both theirs and o. Tit. 3. 14. let o. learn to maintain good
  • OUTCASTS of Iſrael, Pſ. 147. 2. Iſ. 56. 8. Iſ. 11. 12. aſſemble o. 16. 3. hide [...]. 4. 27. 13. o in land of Egypt, Jer. 30. 17.
  • OUTER, Ezek. 46. 21. & 47. 2. Mat. 8. 12. & 22. 13. & 25. 30.
  • OUTGOINGS, Joſh. 17. 9 Pſ. 65. 8.
  • OUTSIDE, Ezek 40 5. Mat. 23. 25.
  • OUTSTRETCHED arm, Deut. 26. 8. Jer. 21. 5. & 27. 5.
  • OUTRAGIOUS, Prov. 27. 4.
  • OUTWARD, 1 Sam. 16. 7. Rom. 2. 28. 2 Cor. 4 16. & 10. 7. 1 Pet. 3. 3. Mat. 23. 28. outwardly, Rom. 2. 28.
  • OWE, Rom. 13. 8. Mat. 18. 2 [...]. 28.
  • OWL, Job 30. 29. Pſ. 102. 6. Iſa. 13. 21 & 34. 11. 15. & 43. 20. Mic. 1. 8.
  • OWN, Deut. 24. 16. Judg. 7. 2. John 1. 11. to his o. and his o. rec. not 1 Cor. 6. 10. ye are not your o. but 10. 24. let no man ſeek his o. 13. 5. Phil. 2. 4. look not on o. things 21. all ſeek their o. not of Jeſus Chr.
  • [125] [...]X knoweth owner, Iſ. 1. 3. & 11. 7. Pr. 7. 22. & 14. 4. & 15. 17. Pſ. 141. 14. oxen, Iſ. 2 [...]. 13. Mat. 22. 4. Luke 14. 19. John 2. 14. 1 Cor. 9. 9.
  • PACIFY, Eſth. 7. 10. Prov. 16 14. [...]ek. 1 [...]. 63. when I am p. toward thee Prov. 21. 14 gift in ſecret p. anger Eccl. 10 4. yielding p great offences
  • PAIN. Iſ. 21. 3. & 26. 18. & 66 7. Jer. 6. 2 [...]. Mic. 4. 10 Rev. 21. 4. Pſ. [...]. [...]. p of hell got hold on me Acts 2. 24 looſed the p of death Pſ 55 4. my heart is ſore pained Iſ. 23 5. Jer. 4. 19. Joel 2. 6. Rev. 12. 3. travailing p to be delivered Pſ. 23. 16. painful, 2 Cor. 11. 27.
  • PAINTED, 2 Kings 9 30. Jer. 4. 30. & 22. 14. Ezek. 23. 40
  • PALACE, 1 Chron. 29. 1. 29. Pſ. 45. 8. 15. Song 8. 9. Iſ. 25. 2. Phil. 1. 13.
  • PALM tree, Pſ. 92. 12. Song 7. 12.
  • PANT, Amos 2 7. Pſ. 38. 10. & 42. 1. & 119. 131. Iſ. 21. 4.
  • PARABLE, Pſ. 40. 4. & 78. 2 Pr. 26. 7. 9. Ez. 20. 40. Mic. 2. 4. Mat xiii. Luke v.—xxi.
  • PARADISE, Gen. 2. 15. Luke 23. 43. 2 Cor. 12. 4. Rev. 2. 7.
  • PARCHMENTS, 2 Tim. 4. 13.
  • PARDON our iniquity, Exod. 34. 9. 23. 21. he will not p your tranſgreſſions Numb. 14. 19. p. iniq. of this people, 20. [...] Sam. 15. 25. p. my ſin, 2 Kings 5. 8. [...] Kings 24. 4. which Lord would not p. [...] Chr. 30. 18. good L. p. every one that Neh. 9. 17. a God ready to p. gracious [...]ob 7. 21. why doſt not p. my tranſgr. [...]ſ. 25. 11. for names ſake p. mine iniq. [...]. 40. 2. cry that her iniquity is p. 55. 7. to our G he will abundantly p. [...]. 5 7. how ſhall I p. thee for this, 1. 33. 8. I will p. all there iniquity 50. 20. I will p. whom I reſerve Lam. 3. 42. we tranſgreſs and thou not p. [...]. 7. 18. a God that p. iniquity
  • PARENTS, Luke 2. 27. & 8. 56. Mat. 10. 21. children riſe up againſt p. Luke 18. 21. no man hath left p. 21. 16. ye ſhall be betrayed by p. John 9. 2. who ſin this man or his p. Rom. 1. 30. diſob. to p. 2 Tim. 3. 2. [...] Cor. 12. 14. ch. lay up for p. but p. for Tim. 5. 4. learn to requite their p.
  • PART they it ſhall be, Exod. 29 26. [...]umb. 18. 26. I am the p. and inherit. [...] 5. 9. their inward p. is wickedneſs 51. 6. in hidden p make me to know 118. 7. L. takes my p. with them help [...]uke 10. 42. choſen that good p. which [...]ohn 13. 8. waſh not haſt no p. in me [...]cts 8. 21. haſt neither p. nor lot in this [...] Cor. 13 9. know in p propheſy in p. 10. that wh. is in p. ſhall be done away
  • PARTAKER with adulterers, Pſ. 50. 18. [...] 1 [...]. 27. p. of the [...] ſpiritual thing [...] Cor. 9. 10. p. of his hope, 13. p. with altar 10. 17. p. of one bread, 21. p. L. tables 30. if I by grace be a p. why evil Eph. 5. 7. be not p. with them 1 Tim. 5. 22. be not p. of other men's ſins Heb. 3. 14. p of Chriſt. 6. 4. p. of Holy G. 12. 10. might be p. of his holineſs 1 Pet. 5. 1. a p. of the glory revealed 2 John 11. is p. of his evil deeds
  • PARTIAL, Mal 2. 9. James 2. 4. 1 Tim. 5. 21. partiality, James 3. 17.
  • PASS, Exod. 33. 19. Ezek. 20. 37 Zeph. 2. 2. Zech. 4. 4. 2 Pet. 3. 10. Mark 14. 35. hour might p. from him Luke 15. 17. eaſier for [...]eav. and earth p. 1 Pet. 1. 17. p. time of ſojourning here John 5. 24. isp. fr. death to life, 1 John 3. 14. Iſ. 43. 2. when thou p through waters Mic. 7. 18. paſſeth by tranſgr. of people 1 Cor. 7. 31. faſhion of th [...] world p. away Eph. 3. 10. love of Chriſt which p. knowl. Phil. 4. 7. peace of God wh. p all under. 1 John 2. 17. world p. away and luſts of it
  • PASSION, Acts 1. 3. & 14. 15.
  • PASSOVER, Exod 12. 11. Deut. 16. 2. Joſh. 5. 11. 2 Chron. 30. 15. & 35. 1. 11. Heb. 11. 28. 1 Cor. 5. 7. Chr. our p. is ſacrificed for us
  • PASTORS, Jer. 3. 15. & 17. 16. Eph. 4. 11. Pſ. 74. 1 ſheep of thy paſture, 79. 13. & 95. 7. & 23. 2. & 100. 3. Iſ. 30. 23. & 49. 9. Ezek. 34. 14. 18. John 10. 9.
  • PATH, Numb. 22. 24. Job 28. 7. Pſ. 16. 11. thou wilt ſhew me p. of life 27. 11. lead me in a plain p. becauſe 119. 35. go in p. of thy commands 139. 3. comp. my p and lying down Prov. 4. 18. p. of juſt as ſhining light 26. ponder p of thy feet and let 5. 6. leſt thou ponder p. of life Iſ. 26. 7. doſ [...] weigh p. of the juſt Pſ. 17. 4. keep me from paths of deſtruct. 5. hold up my goings in thy p. 25. 4. ſhew ways teach me thy p. 10. all paths of L. are mercy and truth 65. 11. all thy paths droop fatneſs Prov. 3. 17. all her p. are peace Iſ. 59. 7. deſtruction are in all their p. 8. they have made them crooked p. Jer. 6. 16. aſk her old p. good way Hoſ. 2. 6. ſhall not find her p. Mat. 3. 3. make her p. ſtreight, Iſ. 40. 3. Heb. 12. 13. make ſtreight p. for feet
  • PATIENCE with me, Mat. 18. 26. 29. Luke 8. 15. bring forth fruit with p. 21. 19. in your p. poſſeſs ye your ſouls Rom. 5. 3. tribul. works p p. experience 8. 25. if hope with p. wait for it 15. 4. that thro' p. we might have hope 5. God of p. grant you to be like-mind. 2 Cor. 6. 4. as miniſt. of God in much p. 12. 12. wrought among you in all p. Col. 1. 17. unto all p. and long ſuffering 1 Theſſ. 1. 3. p of hope in our Lord Jeſus 2 Theſſ. 1. 4. for your p and faith 1 Tim. 6. 11. follow after p. meekneſs 2 Tim. 3. 20. my long-ſuffer. charity p. [126] Tit. 2. 2. ſound in faith charity p. Heb. 6. 12. through p. inherit promiſes 10. 36 have need of p. that after 12. 1. run with p. race ſet before us James 1. [...]. trying of faith worketh p. 4. let p. have her perfect work 5. 7. hath long p. for it till he receive 10. take prophets an example of p. 11. ye have heard of the p. of Job 2 Pet. 1. 0. to temper. p. to p. godlineſs Rev. 1. 9. br. in trib. kingd. and p. of J.C. 2. 2. I know thy p. 19.—haſt p. 3. 13. 20 hath p. of ſaints, 14. 12. Eccl. 7. 8. patient in ſpirit bett th. proud Rom. 2. 7. by p. continuance in well do. 12. 12. p. in tribulation inſi [...]t in pray. 1 Theſſ. 5. 14. be p toward all men 2 Theſſ. 3. 5. into p waiting for Chriſt 1 Tim. 3. 3. not greedy of but p. 2 Tim. 2. 2 [...]. gentle apt to teach p. James 5. 7. p. therefore, 8. alſo p. Pſ. 3 [...]. 7. wait patiently [...]or Lord. 40. 1. Heb. 6. 15. after he had endured p. 1 Pet. [...]. 20. buffeted ye take it p.
  • PATRIARCH, Acts 2. 29. & 7 8. Heb 7. 4.
  • PATRIMONY his, Deut. 18. 8.
  • PATTERN. 1 Tim. 1. 16. Tit. 2. 7. Ezek. 43. 10 Heb. 8. 5. & 9. 23.
  • PAVILION, Pſ. 27. 5. & 31. 20. & 18. 11. 1 Kings 20. 12. 16. Jer. 43. 10.
  • PAY, Mat. 18. 28. Pſ. [...]. 21.
  • PEACE, Lev. 26. 6. Numb. 6. 26. Job 22. 21. acqu. [...]yſ. with G. be at p. Pſ. 34. 14. ſeek p. and purſue it 37. 27. the end of that man is p. 85. 8. he will ſpeak p. to his people 10. mercy and truth right. and p. kiſſed 119. 165. great p. have that love law 120. 6. hateth p. 7. I am for p. but 122. 6. pray for p. of Jeruſalem 125. 5. p. ſhall be on Iſrael, 128. 6 Prov. 16. 7. his enemies be at p. with him Iſ. 9. 6 everlaſting Father prince of p. 26. 3. keep them in perfect p. 27. 5. may make p. with me make p. 45. 7. I make p and create evil 48. 18. thy p. had been as a river 22. no p. to the wicked, 57. 21. [...]7. 2. enter into p. reſt as in beds 19. I create the fruit of thy lips p. p. 50. 8. way of p. they [...]n not, Rom. 3. 17. 60. 17. make thy officers p. and exact. 66. 12. I'll extend p. to her like a river Jer. 6. 14 ſaying p. p when no p. 8. 11. Ezek. 13. 10. 2 Kings 9. 18. 22. 8. 19. looked for p. but no good, 14. 19. 29. 7. ſeek p. of city in p. have p. 11. thoughts I think are thoughts of p. Mic. 5. 5. this man ſhall be the p. Zech. 8. 19. love the truth and p. Mat. 10. 14. I am come not to [...]end p. Mark 9. 50. have p. one with another Luke 1. 79. guide feet into way of p. 2. 14. on earth p. and good will 29. now letteſt thy ſervant depart in p. 19. 42. things that belong to thy p. John 14. 21. p. I have my p. I give 16. 33 in me ye might have p. Rom. 5. 1. have p. with God thro' L. J. C. 8. 6. ſpiritually minded is life and p. 14. 17. k. of G. right. p. and joy in H. G. 15. 13. fill you with p. and joy in bel. 1 Cor. 7. 15. God hath called us to p. 2 Cor. 13. 11. live in p. and God of p. be Gal 5. 22. fruit of Spirit is love, p. Eph. 2. 14. he is our p. 15. making p. Phil. 4. 7. let p. of G. which, Col. 3. 15. 1 Theſſ. 5. 13. be at p. among yourſelves Heb. 1 [...]. 14. follow p. with all men James 3. 18. ſown in p of make p. 1 Pet. 3. 11. ſeek p. and enſue it 2 Pet. 3. 14 found of him in p. 1 Tim. 2. 2. lead a peaceble life Heb. 12. 11. yields p. fruits of righteouſn. James 3. 17. is firſt pure then p. gentle Rom. 12. 18. live peacebly with all men Mat 5. 9. bleſſed are the peace-makers
  • PEARL of great price, Mat. 13. 46. 7. 6. caſt not p. before ſwine 1 Tim. 2. 9. or p. or coſtly array Rev 21. 21. twelve gates were twelve p.
  • PECULIAR treaſure, Ex 19. 5. Pſ. 135. 4. Eccl. 2. 8. p treaſure of kings of the pr. Deut. 14. 2. p. people, 26. 18. Tit. 2. 14. 1 Pet. 2. 9.
  • PEN of iron, Job 19. 24. Jer. 17. 1. Iſ. 45. 1. tongue is p. of ready writer
  • PENURY, Prov. 14. 23. Luke 21. 4.
  • PEOPLE, Gen. 27. 29. Exod. 6. 7. Pſ. 144. 15. happy is p. whoſe God is L. 148. 14. Iſrael a p. near to him Iſ. 1. 4. ſinful not p. laden with iniquity 10. 6. ag. p. of my wr. 34. 5. p. my cu. 27. 11. it is a p. of no underſtanding Hoſ. 4. 9. like p. like prieſt Pſ. 73. 10. his people return hither 100 3. we are—and ſheep of his paſture Mat 1. 21. Jeſus ſhall ſave—from your ſin [...] Rom. 11. 2. God hath not caſt away Pſ. 50. 7. hear O my people and I'll 81. 11.—would not hearken, 8. 13. Iſ. 19. 25. bleſſed be Egypt—and Aſſyria 20. 20. come—enter into chambers 63. 8. ſurely they are—children not lie Jer. 30. 22. ye ſhall be—and I'll be your God, 31. 33. & 24. 7. & 32. 38. Ezek. 11. 20. & 36. 38. & 37. 27. Zech. 2. 11. & 8. 8. & 13. 9. 2 Cor. 6. 16. Hoſ. 1. 9. ye are not—10. & 2. 23. Heb. 11. 25. people of God, 1 Pet. 2. 10.
  • PERCEIVE, Deut. 29. 4. 1 John 3. 16.
  • PERDITION, John 17. 12. Phil. 1. 28. 2 Theſſ. 2. 3. 1 Tim 6. 9. Heb. 10. 33 2 Pet. [...]. 4. Rev. 17. 8. 11.
  • PERFECT, Deut. 25. 15. Pſ. 18. 32. Gen. 6. 9. Noah was a juſt man and p. 17. 1. walk before me and be thou p. Deut. 18. 13. ſhalt be p. with Lord thy G. 32. 4. his work is p. juſt and right he 2 Sam. 22. 31. his way is p Pſ. 18. 30. Job 1. 1. man was p. and upright, 8. & [...]. 3 Pſ. 19. 7. law of Lord is p. converting [127] 37. 37. mark p. man latter end Ezek. 16. 14. was p. through my comel. Mat. 5. 48 be p. as your Father in his p. 19. 21. if thou wilt be p. go ſell all 1 Cor. 2. 6. wiſdom among that are p. 2 Cor. 12. 9. ſtr. is made p. in weakneſs 13. 11. be p. be of good comfort Eph. 4. 13. to a p. man ſtature of Phil. 3. 14. not as though I were alr. p. 15. as many as be p. thus minded 15. preſent every man p. in Chriſt Jeſus 4. 12. may ſtand p. and compleat 2 Tim. 3. 17. that man of God may be p. Heb. 2. 10. capt. of ſalvat. p thro' ſuffer. 7. 19. law made nothing p 12. 23. ſpirits of juſt men made p. 13. 21. make you p. in every good James 1. 4. be p. and entire, 17. p. gift 1 Pet. 5. 10. make you p. ſtabliſh 1 John 4. 18. p. love caſteth out fear Rev. 3. 2. not found thy works p. 2 Cor. 7. 1. perfecting holineſs in fear Eph. 4. 12. for the p. of the ſaints Job 11. 7. find out Almighty to perfection Pſ. 119. 96. ſeen an end of all p. Luke 18. 14. bring no fruit to p. 2 Cor. 13. 9. we wiſh even your p. Heb. 6. 1. let us go on unto p. Col. 3. 14. bond of perfectneſs
  • PERFORM, Gen. 26. 3. Ruth 3. 13. Job 5. 12. hands cannot p. their Pſ. 119. 106. I've ſworn and I'll p. it 112. inclined my heart to p. thy Iſ. 9. 7. zeal of Lord of hoſts will p. this [...]4. 28. ſhall p. all my pleaſure Mic 7. 20. he'll p. the truth to Jacob Rom. 4. 21. promiſed able alſo to p. 7. 18. how to p. that which is good Phil. 1. 6. he'll p. it to day of God 1 Kings 8. 20. Lord hath performed word Neh. 9. 8. haſt p. thy words for righteous Iſ. 10. 12. when L. hath p. his whole work Jer. 51. 29. every purpoſe of L. ſhall be p. Pſ. 57. 2. God that performeth all things Iſ. 44. 26. p. counſel of his meſſengers
  • PERILOUS times, 2 Tim. 3. 1.
  • PERISH, Gen. 41. 36. Lev. 26. 38. Numb. 17. 12 we die we p. we all p. Eſth. 4. 16. I will go in and if I p. I p. Pſ. 2. 12. ye p. from the way if once 119. 92. have p. in my affliction Pr. 29. 18. where no viſion is people p. Mat. 8. 25. L. ſave us we p. Luke 8. 24. John 3. 15. believeth ſhould not p. 26. 10. 28. I give eternal life they'll nev. p. 1 Cor. 18. 11. thro' thy knowl. weak p. 2 Pet. 3. 9. not willing any ſhould p.
  • PERMIT if Lord. 1 Cor. 16. 7. Heb 6. 3. 1 Cor. 7. 6. by permiſſion not commandm.
  • PERNICIOUS ways, 2 Pet. 2. 2.
  • PERPETUAL, Jer. 50. 5. & 51. 39. 57.
  • PERPLEXED, 2 Cor. 4. 8. Iſ. 22. 5.
  • PERSECUTE me, Pſ. 7. 1. & 31. 15. Job 19. 22. why do ye p. [...]e as God, 28. Pſ. 10. 2. wicked doth p. the poor 35. 6. let angel of the Lord p. them 71. 11. p. and take him for none to de [...]. 83. 15. p. them with thy tempeſt Lam. 3. 66. p. and deſtroy them in ang. Mat. 5. 11. bleſſed when men p. you 44. pray for them that p. you 10. 23. when they p. you in this city Rom. 12. 14. bleſs them who p. you Pſ. 109. 16. perſecuted the poor 119. 161. princes p. me without cauſe 143. 3. enemy hath p. my ſoul hath John 15. 20. if they p. me they'll p. you Acts 9. 4. why p. thou me, 15. 16. 22. 4. I p. this way to the death, 7. 8. 26. 11. I p. them to ſtrange cities, 16. 1 Cor. 4. 12. being p. we ſuffer it 15. 9. becauſe I p. the church of God 2 Cor. 4. 9. p. but not forſaken caſt Gal. 1. 13. beyond meaſ. l p. church of G. 4. 29. p. him born after the Spirit 1 Theſſ. 2. 15. hath p. us and pleaſe 1 Tim. 1. 13. who was a blaſphem. a p. 2 Tim. 3. 12. live godly ſuffer perſecutions
  • PERSEVERANCE watching, Eph. 6. 18.
  • PERSON, Lev. 19. 15. Mal. 1. 8. will he accept thy p. Mat. 22. 16. regardeſt not p. of men Acts 10. 34. God is no requiter of p. Deut. 19. 17. Gal. 2. 6. Eph. 6. 9. Col. 3. 25. 1 Pet. 1. 17. Heb. 1. 3. expreſs image of his p. 12. 16. fornicator or profane p. as Eſau 2 Pet. 3. 11. what manner of p. ought ye Jude 16. having men's p. in admiration
  • PERSWADE we men, 2 Cor. 5. 11. Gal. 1. 10. do l p men or God Acts 3. 43. p. them to continue 21. 14. when he would not be p. 26. 28. alm. thou p. me to be Chriſtian Rom. 8. 38. I am p. that neither death Heb. 6. 9. I am p. better things of you 11. 13. having ſeen were p. of them Gal. 5. 8. this perſuaſion cometh not of
  • PERTAIN, Lev. 7. 29. 1 Cor. 6. 3. 4. Rom. 9. 4. Heb. 2. 17. & 5. 1. & 9. 9. 2 Pet. 1. 3. Acts 1. 3. pertaining
  • PERVERSE, Numb. 22. 32. Deut. 32. 5. Job 5. 30. Prov. 4. 24. & 12. 8. & 14. 2. & 17. 20. Iſ. 19. 14. Mat. 17. 17. Acts 20. 30. Phil. 2. 15. 1 Tim. 6. 5.
  • PERVERT judgment, Deut. 24. 17. & 16. 19. 1 Sam. 8. 3. Job 8. 3. & 34. 12. Prov. 17. 23. & 31. 5. Mic. 3. 9. Job 33. 27. and perverted that was right Prov. 19. 3. fooliſhneſs of man p. his way Jer. 3. 21. they have p. their way Luke 23. 2. found this fellow p. the nat. Mat. 13. 10. not ceaſe to p. right ways Gal. 1. 7. ſome would p. goſpel of Chriſt
  • PESTILENCE, 2 Sam. 24. 15. 1 Kings 8. 37. Pſ. 78. 50. & 91. 3. Jer. 14. 12. Ezek. 5. 12. Amos 4. 10. Hab. 3. 5. Mat. 24. 7. Acts 24. 5. found him peſtilent fellow
  • PETITION, 1 Sam. 1. 17. E [...]h. 5. 6. Pſ. 20. 5. petitions, 1 John 5. 15.
  • PHILOSOPHY vain, Col. 2. 8.
  • PHYLACTERIES, Mat. 23. 5.
  • [128]PHYSICIAN of no value, Job. 13. 4. Jer. 8. 22. is there no balm no p. Mat. 9. 12. whole ned not a p. Luke 4. 23. ſay to me p. heal thyſelf Col. 4. 14. Luke the beloved p.
  • PIECE of bread, Prov. 6. 26. & 28. 21. Ezek. 13. 19. Mat. 9. 16. no man puts piece of new cloth Luke 14. 18. bought a p. of ground
  • PIERCE, Numb. 24. 8. 2 Kings 18. 21. Pſ. 22. 15. they pierced my hands and Zech. 12. 10. look on him whom p. Luke 2. 23. ſword ſhall p. through thy 1 Tim. 6. 10. p. therof. thro' with ſorrows Rev. 1. 7. they alſo which p. him Heb. 4. 12. piercing to the dividing aſund.
  • PILTY at home, 1 Tim. 5. 4.
  • PILGRIMS, Heb. 11. 13. 1 Pet. [...]. 11. Gen. 47. 9. p—mage, Exod. 6. 4. Pſ. 119. 54.
  • PILLAR of ſalt, Gen. 19. 26. Exod. 13. 21. by day in p. of cloud by night in p. of fire. Numb. 12. 5. & 14. 14. Deut 31. 15. Neh. 9 12. Pſ. 99. 7. Iſ. 19. 19. a p. at the border thereof Jer. 1. 18. I will make thee iron p. 1 Tim. 3. 15. p. and ground of truth Rev. 3. 12. overcometh I'll make a p. Job. 9. 6. pillars therefore tremble 26. 11. p. of heaven trembl Pſ. 75. 3. I bear up the p. of it Prov. 9. 1. hewn out her ſeven p. Song 3 6. p. of ſmoke, 5. 15. p. or marble 3. 10. p of ſilver, Rev. 10. 1. p. of fire
  • PILLOW, Gen. 28. 11. Ezek. 13. 18.
  • PINE, Lev. 26. [...]9 Ezek. 24. 23.
  • PIPE, Zech 4. 2. 12. Mat. 11. 17.
  • PIT, Gen. 14. 10. & 37. 20. Exod. 21. 33. if man dig a p. 34. Numb. 16. 30. go down quick to p. 33. Job 33. 24. deliver ſoul from going to pit Pſ. 9. 15. ſunk into p. they digged 28. 1. go down to p. 30. 3 & 88. 4. & 143. 7. Prov. 1. 12. Iſ. 38. 1 [...]. 40. 2. horrible p. 55. 23. p. of deſtruct. 119. [...]5 proud digged p. for me againſt Prov. 22. 14. ſtrange women deep p. 23. 27. is a narrow p. 28. 10. fall in his own p. Eccl. 10. 8. Iſ. 38. 17. delivered it from p. of corrupt. 51. 1. and to hole of p. whence ye digg. Jer. 14. 13. came to p. and found no water Zech. 9. 11. priſoners out of p. no water Rev. 9. 1. key of bottomleſs p. 20. 1.
  • PITY, Deut. 7. 16. & 13. 18. & 19. 13. Job 6. 14. to afflicted p. ſhould be ſhewed 19. 21. have p. on me have p. O friends Pſ. 103. 13. as fath. p. ch. L. p. fear him Prov. 19. 17. have p. on poor lendeth Iſ. 63. 9. in his p. he redeemed them Ezek. 36. 21. I had p. for my holy name Mat. 18. 33. as I had p. on thee James 5. 11. pitiful, 1 Pet. 3. 8.
  • PLACE, Exod. 3. 5. Deut. 12. 5. 14. Pſ. 26. 8. p. where thy honour dwells 32. 7. thou art my hidden p. 119. 114. 90. 1. haſt been our dwelling p. Prov. 15. 3. eve [...] of L. in every p. Eccl. 3. 20. all go to one p. 6. 6. Iſ. 66. 1. where is p. of my reſt, 18. 4. Hoſ. 5. 15. I'll return to my place until John 8. 37. my word has no p. in you 11. 48. take away our p and nation Rom. 12. 19. avenge not I've p. to wrath 1 Cor. 4. 11. have no certain dwelling p. 11. 20. come together in one p. not Eph. 4. 27. neither give p to devil 2 Pet. 1. 19. light that ſhines in dark p. Rev. 12. 6. hath a p. prepared her of God Job 7. 10. neither ſhall his place know him, 20. 29. P [...]. 37. 10. diligently conſider his—and Iſ. 36. 21. Lord comes out of—Mi [...]. 1. 3. Acts 1. 25. Judas tranſgr. might go to— Pſ. 16. 6. lines fallen [...] pleaſant places Iſ. 40. 4. rough p. ſhall be made plain Eph. 1. 3. in heavenly p. 20. & 2. 6. & 3. 10. Eph. 6. 12. high places, Hab. 3. 19. Am. 4. 13. Hoſ. 10. 8. Prov. 8. 2. & 9. 14.
  • PLAGUE, 1 Kings 8. 37. 38. Pſ. 89. 23. Hoſ. 13. 14. plagues, Rev. 16. 9. & 18. 4. 8. & 21. 7. & 22. 18.
  • PLAIN man Jacob was, Gen. 25. 27. Pſ. 27. 11. lead mein a p. path Prov. 8. 9 word all p. to him that und. 15. 19. way of righteouſneſs is made p. Zech. 4. 7. before Zerubbabel became p. John 16. 29. now ſpeakeſt thou plainly 2 Cor. [...]. 12. we uſe great plainneſs of Sp.
  • PLAISTER, Lev 14. 42. Iſ. 38. 21.
  • PLAIT, Mat. 27. 29. 1 Pet. 3. 3.
  • PLANT, Gen. 2. 5. Job 14. 9. Pſ 128. 3. childr. like olive p. 144. 12. Iſ. 53. 2. he'll grow up as a tender p. Jer. 2. 21 turned into degenerate p. 18. 9. concern. kingd to build and p. it 24. 6. p. them and not pluck up, 32. 10. Ezek. 34. 29. raiſe up a p. of renown Pſ. 1. 3. like a tree planted by a river 92. 13. that be p. in the houſe of Lord 94. 9. that p. ear ſhall he not hear Iſ. 40. 24. yea they not be p. Jer. 2. 21. I p. thee a noble vine wholly 17. 8. as tree p. by waters ſpreads Mat. 15. 13. p. my heav. Fa [...]. hath not p. 21. 33. p. a vineyard and let it out Rom. 6. 5. p. tog. in likeneſs of death 1 Cor. 3. 6. I p. Ap. watered, 3. that p. 9. 7. who p. a vine yard and eats not Iſ. 60. 21. my planting, 61. 3. p. of Lord
  • PLAY, Exod. 32. 6. 2 Sam. 2. 14. & 10. 12. Ezek. 33. 32. 1 Cor. 10. 7.
  • PLEAD for Baal, Judges 6. 31. Job. 13. 16. who will p. with me, 9. 19. 16. 21. O that one p. for me with Go [...] 23. 6. he p againſt me with gr. powe [...] Iſ. 1. 17. p for widow, 43. 26 let us p. 66. 16. by fire and ſword L. p. with fleſh Jer. 2. 9. I'll p. with you and [...]h. p. 35. 29. wherefore will ye p. with me 12. 1. righteous art thou L. when I p. 25. 31. L. p. with all fleſh, Ezek. 3 [...]. 2 [...] Hoſ. 2. 2. p. with your mother p. [129] Joel 3. 2. I'll p. with them for my peo.
  • PLEASE, 2 Sam. 7. 29. Job 6. 9. Pſ. 69. 31. this ſhall p. Lord better than Prov. 16. 7. when mans ways p. the L. Iſ. 55. 11. it ſhall accompliſh that I p. 56 4. chooſe things that p. me Rom. 8. 8. are in fleſh cannot p. God 15. 1. ſtr [...]ng ought not to p. ourſelves 2. let everyone p. his neighbour to edif. 1 Cor. 7. 32. how to p. L. 33. p. his wife 10. 33. as I p. all men in all things Gal 1. 10 if ſeek to p men not ſervant 1 Theſſ. 4. 1. how to walk and to p. G. Heb. 11. 6. without faith impoſ. to p G. Pſ. 51. 19. thou be ple [...]ſ [...]d w [...]th ſacrifice 115. 3. L. do whatſoever he p. 135. 6. Eccl. 7. 26. whoſo p. God ſhall eſcape 8 3. [...]e doth whatever p. him Iſ. 42. 21. L. is well p. for his right. ſake 53. 10. it p. L. to bruiſe him, put him Mic. 6. 7. will the L. [...]e p. with thouſands Mat. 3. 17. belov S. in whom well p. 17 5. Rom. 15. 3. Chriſt p not himſelf Col. 1. 19 p. the Fa [...] th [...]t in him all fuln. Heb. 13 16. with ſuch ſacri G. is well p. Phil. 4. 18. a ſacrifi [...]e well pleaſing to G. Col. 1. 10. worthy of Lord unto all p. 3 20. obey parents is well p. to Lord 1 Theſſ. 2. 4. not as p. men, Eph. 6. 6. Col. 3. 22. Heb. 13. 21. work in you that well p. 1 John 3. 22. do things p. in his ſight Gen. 2. 9. pleaſant, 3. 6. Mic. 2. 9. 1 Sam. 1. 23. Saul and Jonathan were p. Pſ. 16. 6. lines fallen to me in p. places. 133. 1. how p. for brethren to dwell [...]og. 147. 1. it is p praiſe is comely, 135. 3. Prov. 2. 10. knowledge is p. to thy ſoul 5. 19. let her be as loving [...]ind and p. roe 9. 17. bread eaten in ſecret is p. Eccl. 11. 7. p for the eyes to behold ſun Song 1. 16 behold thou art fair yea p. 4. 13. p. fruits, 16. & 7. 13. 7. 6 how p. art thou for delights Iſ 5. 7. men of Judah his p plant Jer. 31. 20. is Eph. dear ſon is he p child Dan. 8. 9. p. land, Jer. 3. 19. Zech. 7. 14. Prov. 3. 17. wiſd. ways are w. of p.—neſs Gen. 18. 12. ſhall I have pleaſure 1 Chron. 29. 17. haſt p. in uprightneſs Pſ 5. 4. not a G. that hath p. in wicked. 35. 27. hath p in proſperity of ſervants 51. 18. do g [...]od in thy good p. to Zion 102. 14. ſervants take p. in her ſtones 103. 21. miniſters that do his p. 111. 2. ſought out of, have p. therein 147. 11. L. takes p in that fear, 149. 4. Prov. 2. 17. loveth p. ſhall be poor E [...]cl. 5. 4. he hath no p. in fools 12. 1. ſhall ſay I have no p. in them Iſ. 4 [...]. 28. ſhall perform all my p. 53. 10. p of Lord ſhall proſper in hand 58. 13. not finding thy own p. in Jer 22 28 veſſel wherein no p. Hoſ. 8. 8. Ezek. 18. 32. have no p. in death, 33. 11. Mal. 1. 10. I have no p. in you Luke 12. 32. fear it is F. good p. to give k. 2 Cor. 12. 10. I take p. in infirmities Eph. 1. 5. according to good p. of his will Phil. 2. 13. to will and do of good p. 2 Theſſ. 1. 11. fulfil all good p. of his good. Heb. 10. 38. my [...]oul have no p in him 12. 10. chaſtened us after their own p. Rev. 4. 11. for thy p. they are created Pſ. 16. 11. at right hand pleaſures everm. 36. 8. ſhall drink of river of thy p. 2 Tim. 3. 4. lovers of p. more than of G. Tit. 3. 3. ſerving divers luſts and p. Heb. 11. 25. than to enjoy p. of ſin
  • PLED [...]E, Exod. 22. 26. Deut. 24. 6.
  • PLE [...]DES, Job 9. 9. & 38. 11.
  • PLENTY, Job 37. 23. Prov. 3. 10. Pſ. 86. 5. plenteous in mercy, 103. 8. 130 7. with him is p. redemption Mat. 9. 37. harveſt is p. labourers few
  • PLOW, Deut. 22. 10. Prov. 20. 4. Judg. 14 8. except p. with my heifer Jo [...] 4. 8. they that p. iniq. and ſow wick. Pſ. 129. 3. plowers p. on my back Prov. 21. 4. p. of the wicked is ſin Iſa. 28. [...]4. doth plownian p. all day Jer 26. 18. Zion ſhall be p. as a field, Mic. 3. 12. Hoſ. 10. 13. have p. wickedneſs, reaped Luke 9. 62. no man put hand to p. 1 Cor. 9. 10. ploweth ſhould p. in hope Amos 9. 13. plowman, Iſ. 61. 5. Iſ. 2. 4 plowſhares, Joel 3. 10. Mic. 4. 3.
  • PLUCK out, Pſ. 25. 15. & 52. 5. & 74. 11. Amos 4. 11. Zech. 3. 2. Mat. 5. 29. & 18. 9. John 10. 28. 29. Gal. 4 [...] 15. 2 Chr. 7. 20. pluck up, Jer. 12. 17. & 18. 7. & 31. 28. 40. Dan. 11. 4. Jude 12. Ezra 9. 3. pluck off, Job 29. 17. Iſa. 50. 6. Ezek. 23. 24. Mic. 3. 2.
  • POISON, Deut. 32. 24. 33. Job 6. 4. & 20. 16. Pſ. 58. 4. & 140. 3. Rom. 3. 13. Jam. 3. 8.
  • POLLUTE, Numb. 18. 32. Ezek. 7. 21. Mic. 2. 10. Zeph. 3. 1. Mal. 1. 7. 12. Acts 15. 20. pollutions, 2 Pet. 2. 20.
  • PONDER path of feet, Prov. 4. 26. Prov. 5. 21. he p. all his goings, 6. 21. 2. Lord p. the hearts, 24. 12. Luke 2. 19 ſhe p. them in her heart
  • POOR may eat, Exod. 23. 11. 30. 15. p. ſhall not give leſs than Lev. 19. 15. not reſpect the perſon of p. Deut. 15. 4. when no p. 11. p. never ceaſe 1 Sam. 2. 7. L. maketh p. and mak. rich 8. raiſeth p. out of duſt, Pſ. 113. 7. Job 5. 16. p. hath hope and iniquity 36. 15. deliver p. in his affliction Pſ. 10. 14. p. commits himſelf to thee 68. 10. prepared of thy goodneſs for p. 69. 33. L. hears p. and deſpiſeth not 72. 2. he ſhall judge thy p. 4. 13. 132. 15. I'll ſatisfy her p. with bread 140. 12. L. will maintain right of p. Prov. 13. 7. there is maketh himſelf p. 14. 20. the p. is hated of his neighbour 31. oppreſſeth p. reproacheth maker [130] 19. 4. p. is ſeparated from neighbour 7. all brethren of the p hate him 22. 2. rich and p. meet together, L. is 22. [...]h not p. becauſe he is p. 30 9. not poverty l [...]ſt I be p. and ſteal Iſ. 14. 32. p. or his people ſhall truſt 29. 19. p. a [...]ny men ſhall rejoice 41. 17. when p. and needs [...]eek water 58. 7. bring p. c [...]ſt cut into houſe 66. 2. that is p. and of contrite ſpirit Jer. 5. 4. ſurely theſe are p. for [...]i [...] Amos 2. 6. [...]old p. for a pair of ſhoes, 8. 6. Zeph. 3. 12. leave afflicted and p. people Zech. 11. 11. p. of fl [...]ck waited on me Mat. 5. [...]. bleſſed are p. in ſpirit 11. 5. p. have go [...]pel pre [...] [...] to them 26. 11. [...] p. alw [...] wth y [...] [...] 2. 8. Luke 6. 20. bleſſed [...]. f [...]r yours 14. 13. call the p. [...] a [...]med half 2 Cor. 6. 10 as p. yet [...] [...]hing ma [...]y rich 8. 9. rich [...] your ſakes be ye [...]a [...]e p. [...]. 9. he [...] given to p. P [...]. 112. 9. Gal. 2. 10. that we ſhou [...]d remember p. Jam. 2. 5. G. hath choſen p. o [...] this world Rev. 3. 17. knoweſt not that ar [...] p.
  • PORTION, Deut. 2 [...]. 17. & 33. 21. Deut. 32. 9. L. p. is his peop [...]e [...]acob is 2 Kings 2. [...] let a cou [...]le p. of t [...]y ſpirit Job 20. [...]9. this is p. of wicked from God 24. 18. their p. is [...] in earth 26. 14. how little a p. is heard, 27. 13. 31. 2. what p of God is from above Pſ. 16. 5. L. is p of their inheritance and 17. 1 [...]. have their p. in this life 63. 1 [...]. ſhall be a p. for [...] 73. 26. G. is my p for ever, 110. 57. 142. 5. thou my p. in land of living Eccl. 11. 2 give p to ſeven and to eight Iſ. 53. 12 di [...]de him a p. with great 61. 7. ſhall rejoice [...] their p. Jer. 10. 16. p. of [...]aco [...]r [...]ot like them, 21. 19. Lam. 3. 22. L. is my p. [...]aith my ſoul Hab. 1. 16. becauſe by them their p. is fat Zech. 2. 12. L. ſhal [...] i [...]herit Judah his p. Mat. 24. 51. appo [...]nt him his p with hyp. Neh. 8. 10 for a [...], 9. 19. 22.
  • POSSESS, Gen. [...]2. 17. Judg. 11. 24. Job 7. 3. made to p. [...] o [...] varſity 13. 26. make [...] the p. iniq. of my youth Luke 21. 19. in your pat. p. your ſoul 1 Theſſ. 4. 4. know [...]ow to p. his [...] Pſ. 139. 13. had poſſeſſ [...]d my [...]eins Prov. 8. 22 Lord p. me in beginning Iſ. 63. 18. people of thy [...]. p. it a little Dan. 7. 22. faints p the [...]ingdom, 18. 1 Cor. 7. 30. as [...] gi. they p not 2 Cor. 6. [...]. having nothing ye [...] p all th. Eph. 1. [...]4. [...] [...]p o [...] [...] [...]ſ [...]ſ [...]on Gen. 14. 19. [...] G. poſſeſſor of [...]
  • POSSIBLE all things with G. Mat. 19. 26. Mat. 22. 24. if p. de [...]erve the very elect Mark 9. 23. all things p. to that [...] 14. [...]6. Father of all things are p. to thee Luke 18. 27. in. poſ. will. [...] p. with G. Rom. 12. 18. i [...] p. as much as in you [...]ies Heb. 10. 4. no [...] p. that [...] of [...] and
  • POSTERITY, Gen. 45. 7. Pſ. 49. 15.
  • POT, Exod. 16. 33. Pſ. 68. 13. & 81. 6. Jer. 1. 13. Zech. 14. 21. Job 2. 8. potſherd, Pſ. 22. 15. & 2. 9. Prov. 26. 23. Iſ. 45. 9. Rev. 2. 27. Iſ. 29. 16. potter, 64. 8. Jer. 18. 6. Lam. [...]. 2. Rom. [...]. 21.
  • POTESTATE bleſſed, 1 Tim. 6. 15.
  • POVERTY, Gen. 45. 11. Prov. 11. 24. Prov. 6. 11. ſo ſhall thy p. come as, 24. 34. 1 [...] 15. deſtruction of poor is their p. 20. 13 love n [...]t ſleep leſt come to p. 23. 21. drunk. and glut. ſhall come to p. 36. 8. give me neither p. nor riches 2 Cor. 8. 2. their deep p. abounded to 9. ye through his p might be rich Rev 2. 9. I know thy p. (but art rich)
  • POUND, Luke 19. 13. John 19. 39.
  • POWDER, Exod. 32. [...]. Deut. 28. 24. 2 Kings 23. 1 [...]. Song 3. 6. Mat. 21. 44.
  • POWER with God as prince. Gen. 32. 28. Gen. 49. 3. excellency of dignity and p. Lev. 26. 19. I'll break pride of your p. Deut. 8. 18. gives thee p. to get wealth 32. 26. when ſeeth their p. is gone and 2 Sam. 22. 33. G. is my ſtrength and p. 1 C [...]r. 29. 11 thine is the p. and glory Ezra 8. 2 [...]. his p and wrath is againſt Job 26. 2. he [...] him that is without p. 14. thunder of hi [...] p who can underſt. Pſ. 62. 11 p. belongs to G. alſo mercy 90. 11. who knows p. of thy anger Prov. 3. 27. when it is in p. of thy hand 18. 21. death and life are in p. of tongue Eccl. 8. 4. where word of a k. there is p. [...]. no man has p ſpirit to retain it Iſ. 40. 29. giveſt p. to ſa [...] and to no might Jer. 10. 12. made earth by his p. 51. 15. Hoſ. 12. 3. by his ſin he had p. with G. 4. Mic. 3. 8. I'm full of p. by ſpirit of Lord Hab. 1. 11. imputing his p. to his God 3. 4. there was the hiding of his p. Zech. [...]. 6 not by might nor by p. Mat 9. 6. [...]ath p. on earth to forgive ſins 8. glorified [...] who'd given p. to ſuch 22. 2 [...] not knowing ſcrip. nor p. of G. 28. 18. al [...] p. is given to me in heaven Mark 9. 1. kingdom of G. come with p. Luke 1. 25. p of the higheſt come upon 4. 32. his word was with p. 5. 17. p. of Lord preſent to heal them 22. 53. your hour and p. of darkneſs 24. 49. till ye be endued with p. John 1. 12. to them gave p. to become 10. 18. p. to lay it down p. to take up 17. 2. has given him p. over all fleſh 19. 10. p. to crucify p to rel. no p. 11. Acts 26. 18. turn them from p. of Satan to Rom. 1. 10 p. goſpel is p. of G. to ſalva. 2 [...]. his eternal p. and godhead, 4. 9. 22. willing to make his p. known 13. 1. higher p. no p. but of G. 2. 1 Cor. 1. 24. C. p. of G. and wi [...]d. of G. 18. [...]. 4. in demonſtr. of ſpirit and of p. 4. 19. I'll know not ſpeech but p. 5. 4. gathered toge. with p. of L. J. C. [131] 6. 12. I'll not be brought under p. of 9. 4. have we not p. to eat and drink 2 Cor 4. 7. excellency of p. may [...]e of G. 8. 3. to their p. yea beyond their p. 13. 10. according to p L. gave me for Eph. 1. 19. exceeding greatneſs of his p. 2. 2. prince of p of air works in 6. 12. againſt principalities and p. 1. 21. Col. 1. 16. & 2. 10. 15. 1 Pet. 3. 22. Phil 3. 10. may know p. of his reſurrect. Col. 1. 11. according to his glor [...]ous p. 13. delivered us from p. of darkneſs 1 Theſſ. 1. 5. goſpel not in word but in p. 2 Theſſ. 1. 9. from glory of his p. 11. good pleaſure work of faith with p. 2 Tim. 1. 7. ſpirit of p. of love and of a 3. 5. form of godli. de [...]ving p. thereof Heb. 1. 3. uphold all th. by word of p. 2. 14. deſtroy. him that had p. of death 6. 5. taſted word of G. and p. of world 1 Pet. 1. 5. kept by p. of G. thro' faith to 2 Pet. 1. 3. as his divine p. hath given Rev. 2. 26. I will give p. over nations 4. 11. worthy to receive p. 5. 13. & 7. 12. & 19. 1 1 Tim. 6. 16. Jude 25. Rev. 11. 3. give p. to my two witneſſes 17. take [...] to thee thy great p. 12. 10. kingd [...] of our G. and p. of his 16. 9. that had p. over theſe plagues Exod. 15. 6. in power, Job 37. 23. Nah. 1. 3. 1 Cor. 4. 20. & 15. 43 Eph 6. 10. Pſ. 63. 2. thy power, 110. 3. & 145. 11. Pſ. 29. 4. powerful, Heb. 4. 12.
  • POUR, Job. 36. 27. Lev. 14. 18. 41. Pſ. 62 8. p. ou [...] hearts bef. him, Lam. 2. 19. 79. 6. p. out thy wrath on heathen 69. 24. Jer. 10 25. Zeph. 3. 8. Prov. 1. 23. I'll pour out my ſpirit on you Iſ. 44. 3. p. water on him athiſt, is my ſpirit on thy ſeed and bleſſing on offsp. Joel 2. 28. p. out my ſpirit on all fleſh Job 10. 10. poured me out as milk 12. 21. p. contempt on p. in. Pſ. 107. 4. 16. 20. my eye p. out tears to God 30. 16. my ſoul is p. out in me, Pſ. 42. 4. Pſ. 45. 2. grace is p. into thy lips Song 1. 3. name is as ointment p. forth Iſ. 26. 16. p. out a prayer when thy 32. 15. till ſpirit be p. out on us from h. 53. 12. p. out his ſoul unto death Jer. 7. 20. my fury ſhall be p out 42. 18. & 44. 6. Iſ. 42. 25. Ezek. 7. 8. & 14. 19. & 20. 8. 12. 13. 21. & 30. 15. Rev. 16. 1.—17. p. vials of Gods wrath
  • PRAISE, Judg. 5. 3. Pſ. 7. 17. Deut. 10. 21. he is thy p. and thy God Neh. 9. 5. exalted above all bleſs and p. Pſ. 22. 25. my p. ſhall be of thee in cong. 33. 1. p. is comely for upright, 147. 1. 34. 1. his p. continually bein my mouth 50. 23. who offers p. glorifies me 65. 1. p. waits for thee in Zion 109. 1. hold not peace God of my p. Prov. 27. 21. ſo is a man to his p. Iſ. 60. 18. call walls ſalvation gates p. 62. 7. make Jeruſalem a p. in earth Jer. 13. 11. for a p. and for a glory 17. 14. art my p. 26. ſacrifice of p. Hab. 3. 3. earth was full of his p. John 12. 43. lov. p. of men more p of G. Rom. 2. 29. whoſe p. is not of m. but G. 2 Cor. 8. 18. whoſe p. in goſpel thro. ch. Eph. 1. 6. to p. of glory of his grace, 12. Phil. 4. 8. if there be any p. think on Heb. 13. 15. offer to G. ſacr. of p. conti. 1 Pet. 2. 14. for p. of them that do well Exod. 15. 11. praiſes, Pſ. 22. 3. & 78. 4. & 149. 6. Iſ. 60. 6. & 63. 7. 1 Pet. 2. 9. Pſ. 30. 9. ſhall du [...] praiſe t [...]ee, 12. 42. 5. I ſhall p. him for help, 11. & 43. 5 63. 3. my lips ſhall p thee 88. 10. ſhall dead ariſe and p. 115. 17. 119. 164. ſeven times a day will I p. thee 145. 10. all thy works p. thee Prov. 27. 2. let another p. thee not own 31. 31. her works p. her in gates Iſ. 38. 18. grave not p. living p. 19. Dan. 2. 23. I thank thee and p. thee Joel 2. 26. eat and be ſatisfied and p. L. Pſ. 9. 1. I will praiſe thee, 111. 1. & 138. 1. & 35. 18. & 52. 9. & 56. 4. & 118. 21. & 119. 7. & 139. 14. Iſ. 12. 1. 2 Sam. 22. 4. worthy to be praiſed 1 Chr. 16. 25. greatly to be p. Pſ. 48. 1. & 96. 4 & 145. 3. & 72. 15. 2 Chr. 5. 13. praiſing, Ezra 3. 11. Pſ. 84. 4. Luke 2. 13. 20. Acts 2. 46.
  • PRATTING, Prov. 10. 8. 10. 3 John 10.
  • PRAY for thee and thou live, Gen. 20. 7. 1 Sam. 7. 5. I'll p. for you to L. 12. 19. 23. 2 Sam. 7. 27. found in h. to p. this prayer Job 21. 15. what profit if we p. to him 42. 8. Job ſhall p for you him I'll accep [...] Pſ. 5. 2. my God to thee will [...] p. 55. 17. even. and morn. and noon I'll p. 122. 6. p. for the peace of Jeruſalem Jer. 7. 16. p. not for this peo. 11. 14. & 14. 11. Zech. 8. 22. ſeek L. and p. before L. of h. Mat. 5. 44. p. for that deſpitef. uſe you 26. [...]1. watch and p. that enter not Mark 11. 24. what th. ye deſire when p. 13. 3. watch and p. for know not Luke 11. 1. teach us to p. as John 18. 1. men ought always to p. and not 21. 36. watch and p. always that may John 16. 26 I'll p. the F. for you, 14. 16. 17 9. I p. for them I p. not for world 20. neither p. I f [...]r th [...]ſe alone but Acts 8. 22. p. God if perhaps thoughts 24. p. ye to the Lord for me 10 9. Peter went on houſe top to p. Rom. 8. 26. know not what ſhould p. for 1 Cor. 14. 15. I'll p. with the ſpirit, 14. 2 Cor. 5. 20. we p. you in Chriſts ſtead Col. 1. 9. do not ceaſe to p. for you 1 Theſſ. 5. 17. p. without ceaſing 25. p for us, 2 Theſſ 3. 1. Heb. 13. 18. 1 Tim. 2. 8 I will that men p. every Jam. 5. 13. is a [...]y afflicted let him p. 16. p. for one another, Eph. 6. 18. Luke 22. 32 I have [...]ayed for thee 44. in agony he p. more earneſtly [132] Acts 9. 11. behold he prayeth 10. [...]. gave alms and p. to G. always 20. 36. Paul p. with them all Jam. 5. 17. he p. earneſtly that it not Dan. 9. 20. praying, 1 Cor. 11. 4. 1 Theſſ. 3. 10. night and day p. exceed. Jude 20. building up p. in Holy Ghoſt 1 K [...]ngs 8. 44. hear their prayer 2 Sam 7. 27. found in heart to p. this p. 1 Kings 8. 28 have reſpect to p of thy 38. what p. and ſupplication ſoever 2 Chr. 30. 27. their p. came up to God Neh. 1. 6. mayeſt hear p. of thy ſervant 4. 9 we made our p. to our God Job 15. 4. thou reſtraineſt p. before God Pſ. 6 [...]. 2. that heareſt p. to thee ſhall 102. 17. he'll regard p. of deiti. their p. 109. 4. I give myſelf to p. Prov. 15. 8 p. of upright is his delight 20. but he heareth p. of righteous 28. 9. his p ſhall be abomin. Pſ. 10 [...]. 7. Iſ. [...]6. 1 [...]. poured out a p when chaſten. 56. 7. joyful in houſe of p. for all peo. Jer. 17. 16. lift up cry nor p. for them [...]. 3. 44. our p. ſhould not paſs thro' [...]an. 9. 3. ſeek by p and ſupplication Mat. 17. 21. not out but by p and f [...]ſting Act [...] 3. 1. went to temple at hour of p. 6. 4. give ourſelves continually to p. 12. 5. p. was made without ceaſing 16. 13 where p. was wont to be made 1 Cor. 7. 5. give yourſelves to faſt. and p. 2 Cor. 1. 11. helping togeth. by p. for us Eph. 6. 18. praying always with all p. Phil. 4. 6 in every thing by p. and ſupp. 1 Tim. 4. 5. ſ [...]nctified by word and by p. Jam. 5. 15. p. of faith ſave ſick, 16. fer. p. 1 Pet. 4. 7. watch unto p. Col 4. 2. Luke 6. 12. continued in prayer Acts 1. 14. Rom. 12. 12. Col. 4. 2. Jo [...] 16. 17. my prayer, Pſ. 5. 3. & 6. 9. & 17. 11. & 35. 13. & 66. 20. & 88. 2. Lam. 2 8. Jonah 2. 7. Job 22. 27 thy prayer, Iſ. 37. 4. Luke 1. 13. Acts 10. 31. Pſ. 72. 20. prayers of David ended Iſ. 1. 15. when make many p. I not hear Mat. 23. 14. for pretence make long p. Acts 10. 4. thy p. and thy alms are 1 Tim. 2. 1. firſt of all p. interceſſions 1 Pet. 3. 7. that your p. be not hindered 12. his ears are open to their p. Rev. 5. 8. which are p. of ſaints, 8. 3.
  • PREACH at Jeruſalem, Neh. 6. 7. Iſ. [...]1. 1. an [...]inted me to p. good tidings Jonah 3. 2. p. the preaching I bid thee Mat. 4. 17. Jeſus began to p. k. of heaven 10. 7 p. ſay. kingdom of heav. at hand 27. what hear in ear p. on houſe tops Mark 1. 4. p baptiſm of repentance Luke 4. 1 [...]. to p. liberty to captives. 19. 9. 60. go thou and p. kingdom of God Acts 10. 42. comm. us to p to people 15. 21. in every city them that p. him Rom. 10. 8. word of faith which we p. 15. how ſhall they p. except ſent 1 Cor. 1. 23. we p. Chriſt crucified 15. 11. ſo we p. and ſo ye believed 2 Cor. 4. 5. we p. not ourſ but C. J. L. Phil. 1. 15. ſome p. Chriſt of envy Col. 1. 2 [...]. whom we p warning every 1 Tim. 4. 2. p the word be inſtant in Pſ. 40. 9. I have [...]ached righteouſneſs Mark 2. 2. he p. the word unto them 6. 12. he p that men ſhould repent 16. 20. p. every where the word. 15. Luke 4. 44 be p. in ynag. of Galilee 24. 47. remiſ. of ſins be p in his name Acts 8. 5. Philip p. Chriſt unto them, 40. 9. 20. Soul p. Chriſt [...]n [...]ynagogues 13. 38. thro' [...] man is p to you 1 Cor. 9. [...]. [...] to others 15. 12. if Chriſt be p. that he roſe 2 Cor. 11. 4. p. another l [...]s we not p. Gal. 1. 23. p. faith he once deſtroyed Eph 2. 17. p. peace to you [...] and near Col. 1. 23. which was p. to every creature 1 Tim. 3. 16. G. in fleſh p to Gent. bel. Heb. 4. 2. word p. did not profit not 1 Pet. 3. 19. p. to ſpirits in priſon Eccl. 1. 1. preacher, 2. 12. & 12. 8. 9. Rom. 10. 14. how ſhall they hear with. p. 1 Tim. 2. 7. I ordained a p. 2 Tim. 1. 11. 2 Pet. 2. 5 ſaved No [...]h a p. of righteouſ. Acts 10. 36. preaching peace by J. Chriſt 11. 19. p. word to none but Jews 1 Cor. 1. 18. p. of eroſs to them is fooliſh. 21. by fooliſh. of p. to a [...]e that bel. 2. 4. my p. was not with enticing 15. 14. th [...]n is our p. vain and faith
  • PRECEPT, Neh. 9 14. Jer. 35 18. Pſ. 119. 4. com. us to keep thy p. dilig. 15. I will meditate in thy p. 78. 27. way of thy p. 40 long after p. 45. I ſeek thy p. 87. I forſook not p. 93. 56. I kept thy p. 6 [...]. 69. 100. 134. 94. I ſoug [...]t thy p. 104. thro' p. get un. 110. I erred not fr [...]m thy p. 128. I eſteem all thy p conc. all things 141. I do not forget thy p. 93 159. I love thy p. 173. choſen thy p. Iſ. 28. 10. p. muſt be on p. p. on p. 29 13. fear is taught by p. of men
  • PRECIOUS things of heaven, &c. Deut. 33. 12. 14. 15. 16. I Sam. 3. 1. word of L. p in thoſe days 26. 21. my ſoul was p. in thine eyes 2 Kings 1. 13. let my life be p. in ſight Pſ. 49. 8. redemp. of ſoul is p. ceaſeth 72. 14. p. ſhall their blood be in ſight 116. 15. p. in fight of L. death of ſaints 126. 6. weeping bearing p. ſeed 139. 17. how p. are thy thoughts to me Eccl. 7. 1. good name better p. ointment Iſ. 13. 12. a man more p. than gold 28. 16. foundation p. corner ſtone 43. 4. ſince thou waſt p in my ſight Jer. 15. 19. if take forth p. from v [...]e Lam. 4. 2. p. ſons of Z. earthen pitchers Jam 5. 7. huſbandmen waits for p. fruit 1 Pet. 1. 7. trial more p. than gold 19. redeemed with p. blood of Chriſt [133] [...]. 4. ſtone choſen of God and p. 6. 7. to them who believe he is p. 2 Pet. 1. 1 obtained like p. faith 4. exceeding great and p. promiſes
  • PREDESTINATE, Rom. 8. 29. 30. Eph. 1. 5. predeſtinated, 11.
  • PREFER, Pſ. 137. 6. John 1. 15. 27. 30. Rom. 12. 10. prefering, 1 Tim. 5. 21.
  • PREHEMINENCE hath, Eccl. 3. 19. Col. 1. 18 3 John 9.
  • PREMEDITATE not, Mark 13. 11.
  • PREPARE, Exod. 15. 2. & 16. 5. 1 Sam. 7. 3. p. your hearts to Lord 1 Chr. 29. 18. p. their heart to thee 2 Chr. 35. 6. p. your brethren that Job 11. 13 if thou p. thy heart and Pſ. 10. 17. thou wilt p. their heart 61. 7. O p. mercy and truth preſerve Prov. 24. 27. p thy work without Iſ. 40. 3. p. ye the way of the Lord Amos 4. 12. p. to meet thy God O Iſrael Mic. 3. 5. they p. war againſt him Mat. 11. 10. ſhall p. thy way before thee John 14. 2. I go to p. a place for you 2 Chr. 19. 3. haſt prepared thy heart 27. 6. he p. his ways before L. his G. 29. 36. God had p. the people 30. 19. pardon every that p. his heart Ezra 7. 10. Ezra had p. his heart to ſeek Neh. 8. 10. for whom nothing is p. Pſ. 23. 5. thou p. a table before me 65. 9 p. them corn. 68. 10. p. goodneſs 147. 8. who p. rain for the earth Iſ. 64. 4. what G. hath p. for, 1 Cor. 2. 9. Hoſ. 6. 3. his going forth is p. as morning Mat. 20. 23. given to for whom it is p. 22. 4. I have p. my dinner my oxen 25. 34. inherit kingdom p for you Luke 1. 17. ready people p for the Lord 12. 47. knew L will and p not himſelf Rom. 9. 23. veſſels of mercy p. to glory [...] Tim. 2. 21. p. to every good work Heb. 10. 5. a body haſt thou p. me 11. 7. p. ark to ſave houſe, 1 Pet. 3. 20. 16. called their G. p. for them a city Rev. 12. 6. into wildern. a place p. of G. 21. 2. new Jeruſ. p. as a bride for huſ. Prov. 16. 1. preparations of heart in man Mark 15. 42. it is p day before Sabbath Eph. 6. 15. [...]hod with p. of goſpel of peace
  • [...]RESBYTERY, 1 Tim. 4. 14.
  • [...]RESENT help in trouble, Pſ. 46. 1. [...]cts 10. 35. all here p. before God [...]om. 7. 18. to will is p. 21 evil is p. 8. 38. nor things p. nor, 1 Cor. [...]. 22. [...] Cor. 5. 3. abſent in body p. in ſpirit [...] Cor. 5. 8. to be p. with the Lord [...] 9. whether p. or abſent we may be [...]al. 1. 4. deliver us from this p. world [...] Tim. 4. 10. having loved this p. world [...]eh. 12. 11. for p ſeemeth joyous but gr. [...] Pet. 1. 12. be eſtabliſhed in p. truth [...]om. 12. 1. p. your body a living ſacri. [...] Cor. 11. 2. p. you as a chaſte virgin [...]ol. 1. 22. to p. you holy and unblame. [...] 28. may p. every man perfect in C. J. Jude 24. p. you faultleſs before the L. Gen. 3. 8. hid themſ. from preſence of L. 4. 16. Cain went out from p. of Lord Job. 1. 12. & 2. 7. Pſ. 114. 7. Jer. 4. 26. Jonah 1. 3. 10. Zeph. 1. 7. Jude 24. Job. 23. 15. I am troubled at his p. Pſ. 16. 11. in thy p. is fulneſs of joy 31. 20. hide them in ſecret of thy p. 51. 11. caſt me not away from thy p. 100. 2. come before his p. with ſinging 114. 7. tremble earth at p of the Lord 139. 7. whither ſhall I fly from thy p. 140. 13. upright ſhall dwell in thy p. Iſ. 63. 9. angel of his p. ſaved them Jer 5. 22. will ye not tremble at my p. Luke 13. 26. eaten and drunken in thy p. Acts 3. 19. times of refreſh. from p. of L. 1 Cor. 1. 29. that no fleſh glory in his p. 2 Cor. 10. 1. in p. am baſe am. you, 10. 2 Theſſ. 1. 9 everl. deſtr. from p. of L. Rev. 14. 10. p. of holy angels and Lamb
  • PRESERVE, Gen. 45. 7. Pſ. 12. 7. Pſ. 16. 1. p me O G. for I truſt in thee 25. 21. let integrity and truth p. me 32. 7. thou ſhalt p. me from trouble 41. 2. L. will p. and keep him alive 61. 7. prepare mercy to p. him 64. 1. p. my life from fear of enemies 79. 11. p thoſe appointed to die 86. 2. p. my ſoul for I am holy 121. 7. L. ſhall p thee from all evil 140. 1. p. me from violent men Prov. 2 11. diſcretion ſhall p thee Luke 17. 33. will loſe his life ſhall p. it 2 Tim. 4. 18. will p. me to his heavenly k. Joſh. 24. 17. preſerved us in all the way 2 Sam. 8 6. L. p. David whitherto went Job 10. 2. thy viſitation has p my ſpirit Pſ. 36. 6. Lord thou p. man and beaſt 97. 10. he p. the ſouls of his ſaints 116. 6. L. p. ſimple, 146. 9. p ſtrangers 145. 20. Lord p. all that love him Prov. 2 8. he p. the way of his ſaints 1 Theſſ. 5. 23. ſoul and body p blameleſs Jude 1. p. in Chriſt Jeſus and called Job 7. 20 O thou preſerver of men
  • PRESS, Gen. 40 11. Judg 16. 16. Pſ. 38. 2. thy hand preſſeth me ſore Amos 2. 13. I am p. as a cart is p. Luke 6. 28. good [...]eaſ. p. down ſhaken 16. 16. k of G. every ma [...] p unto it Acts 18. 5 Paul was p. in ſpirit 2 Cor. 1. 8. we were p above meaſure Phil 3 12. I p. toward mark for prize
  • PRESUMPTUOUS, Pſ. 19. 13. 2 Pet. 2. [...]0. Numb. 15. 30. Deut. 17. 12 13.
  • PRETENCE, Mat 23. 14. Phil. 1. 8.
  • PREVAIL, Gen. 7. 20. Judg. 16. 5. Gen. 32. 28. power with G and men haſt p. Exod. 17. 11. Moſes held up hand lir. p. 1 Sam. 2. 9. by ſtrength ſhall no man p. Job 14. 20. thou p for ever againſt him Pſ. 9. 19 ariſe O Lord let not man p. 65. 3 iniquities p. againſt me but Eccl. 4. 12. if one p. againſt him Hoſ. 12. 4. power over angel and p. [134] Mat. 16. 18. gates of hell not p. ag. it Acts 19. 20. word of God grew and p.
  • PREVENT, Job 3. 12. Pſ. 59. 10. & 79. 8. & 88 13. & 119. 148. Amos 9. 10. 1 Theſſ. 4. 15. 2 Sam. 22. 6. prevented, 19. Job 30. 27. & 41. 11. Pſ. 18. 5. 18 & 21. 3. & 119. 147. Iſ. 21. 14. Mat. 17. 25.
  • PREY, Gen. 49. 9. 27. Eſther 9. 15. 16. Pſ. 124. 6. not given us a p to their teeth Iſ. 49. 24. ſhall p. be taken fr. mighty, 25. 59. 1 [...]. dep. from evil makes himſ. a p. Jer. 21. 9. life for a p. 38. 2. & 39. 18. & 45. 5.
  • PRICE, Lev. 25. 16. Deut 23. 18. Job 28. 13. man knows not p. of it Pſ 44. 12. not increaſe wealth by their p. Prov. [...]7. 16. why is a p. in [...]and of fool Iſ. 55. 1. buy wine and milk without p. Mat. 13. 46 pearl of great p. Acts 5. 2. kept [...]ack part of p. 1 Cor. 6. 20 bought with a p. 7. 23. 1 Pet. 3. 4 in ſight of God of great p.
  • PRICKS to kick ag. Acts 9. 5. & 26 14. Pſ. 73. 21 pricked, Acts 2. 37.
  • PRIDE of heart, 2 Chr. 32. 26. Pſ. 10. 4. Job 33. 17. he may hide p. from man Pſ. 10. 2. wicked in his p. doth perſecute 21. 20. hide them from p. o [...] man 73. 6. p. compaſſeth them about Prov. 8. 13 p. and arrogance do I hate 11. 2. when p comes cometh ſhame 13. 10. by p. cometh contention 16. 18. p. goeth before deſtruction 29. 23. man's p. ſhall bring him low Iſ. 23. 9. L. purpoſed to ſtain p. of all gl. Jer. 13. 17. weep in ſecret for your p. Ezek. 7. 10. rod hath bloſſomed p. budded 16. 49. this iniq. of Sodom p. fulneſs Dan 4. 37. walk in p. he can abaſe Hoſ. 5. 5. p. of Iſrael teſtify to face, 7. 10. Obad. 3. p. of thy heart deceived thee Mark 7. 22. blaſphemy, p. fooliſhneſs 1 Tim. 3. 6. leſt lifted up with p. he fall 1 John 2. 16. luſt of eyes and p. of life
  • PRIEST, Gen. 14. 18. Exod. 2. 16. Lev. 6. 20. 26. & 5. 6. & 6. 7. & 12 8. Iſ. 24. 2. as with people ſo with p. 28. 7. p. and prophet have erred Jer. 23. 11. prophet and p. are profane Ezek. 7. 26. law ſhall periſh from p. Hoſ. 4. 4. like thoſe that ſtrive with p. 9. like people like p. Mal. 2. 7. p. lips keep knowledge Heb. 5. 6. a p for ever, 7. 17. 21. Lev. 21. 10. high prieſt, Heb. 2. 17. & 3. 1. & 4. 14. 15. & 5. 1. 10. & 6. 20. & 7. 26 & 8. 1. 3. & 9. 11. & 10. 21. Pſ. 132. 9. let thy prieſts be clothed 16. I'll clothe her p. with ſalvation Iſ. 61. 6. ye ſhall be named p. of the L. Jer. 5. 31. p bear rule by their means 31. 14 ſatisfy ſoul of p with fatneſs Ezek. 22. 26. p. have violated my law Joel 1. 9. p. L. miniſters mourn, 2. 17. M [...]. 3. 11. p teach for hire and prophets Mat 12. 5. p. in temple profane ſabbath Acts 6 7. great company of p. obedient Rev. 1. 6. kings and p. to G. 5. 10. & 20. 6. Exod. 40. 15. everlaſting prieſthood Heb. 7. 24 he hath an unchangeable p. 1 Pet. 2. 5. ye are an holy p. 9. royal p.
  • PRINCE, Gen. 23. 6. & 34. 2. Gen. 3 [...]. 28. as a p. haſt power with G. Exod. 2. 14 who made thee p. over u [...] 2 Sam. 3. 38. a p. and great man fallen Job 31. 37. as a p. I'd go near to him Iſ. 9. 6. everlaſting Father p. of peace Ezek. 34. 24. my ſervant David a p. among them, 37. 24. 25. & 44. 3. & 45. 7. & 46. 10. 16. Dan. 9. 25. Dan. 10. 21. Michael your p 12. 1. gr. p. Hoſ. 3. 4. many days without a p. John 12. 31. now p. of w [...]rld be caſt out 14. 30. p. of this world cometh and hath 16. 11. bec p. of this world is judged Acts 3. 15. ye killed the p. of life 5. 31. to be a p. and a Saviour Eph. 2. 2. accord. to p. of power of air Rev. 1. 5. p. of kings of the earth Job 12. 19. leads princes away ſpoiled 21. pours contempt on p. Pſ. 107. 40. 34. 18. is ſit to ſay to p. ye're ungodly 19. to him accepts not perſon of p. Pſ. 45. 16. children make p. in all earth 76. 12. he'll cut off ſpirit of p. 82. 7. ye ſhall fall like one of the p. 118. 9. than to put confidence in p. 119. 23. p. did ſpeak againſt me 161. p. perſecuted me without cauſe 146. 3. put not truſt in p. nor in Prov. 8. 15. by me p. decree juſtice, 16 17. 26. not good to ſtrike p. for equity 28. 2. for tranſ. of land many are p of [...] 31. 4. not for p. to drink ſtrong drink Eccl. 7. 10. I've ſeen p. walk on earth Iſ. 3. 4. give children to be their p. Hoſ. 7. 5. p. make king ſick with wine 8. 4. they made p. and I knew it not Mat. 20. [...]5. p of Gentiles exerciſe auth 1 Cor. 2. 6. wiſdom of p of this world 8. none of the p. of this world knew Prov. 4. 7. wiſdom is the principal thing Eph. 1. 21. principality and power Col. 2. 10. Jer. 13. 18. Rom. 8. 38. Eph. 6. 12. Col. 2. 15. Tit. 3. 1. Heb. 5. 12. principles, 6. 1.
  • PRISON, Gen. 39. 20. Eccl. 4. 14. Iſ. 42. 7. bring out priſoners from p. 53. 8. he was taken from p. and judge 61. 1. opening of priſon to the bound Mat. 5. 25. and thou be caſt into p. 18. 30. caſt into p. till he ſhould pay 25. 36 I was in p. and ye came 1 Pet. 3. 19. preached to ſpirits in p. Rev. 2. 10. devil caſt ſome into p. Luke 21. 12. priſons, 2 Cor. 11. 23. Pſ. 79. 11. fighing of priſoner come 102. 20. L. to hear the groaning of Eph. 4. 1. I p. of the L. beſeech you, 3. Job 3. 18. there priſoners reſt together Pſ. 69. 3 [...]. Lord deſpiſeth not his p. [135] 146. 7. giveth food L. looſeth the p. Zech. 9. 11. ſent forth thy p. out of pit 12. turn to ſtr. holds ye p. of hope
  • PRIVATE, 2 Pet 1. 20. Gal. 2. 2.
  • PRIVY, Deut 23. 1. Acts 5. 2. Pſ. 10. 8. privily, 11. 2. & 101. 5. Acts 16. 37. Gal 2. 4. 2 Pet. 2.
  • PRIZE, 1 Cor. 9. 21. Phil. 3. 14.
  • PROCEED, 1 Sam. 7. 12. Jer 30. 21. Job 40. 5. twice ſpoken I'll p. no further Iſ. 29. 14. I'll p. to do a marvellous work 51. 4. a law ſhall p f [...]o [...] me Jer. 9. 3. they p. from ev [...]l to evil Mat. 15. 19. out of heart p. evil thoughts Luke 4. 22. gracious words that p. out of John 8. 42. I p. forth and came from G. Eph. 4. 29. no corrupt com. p. out of 2 Tim. 3. 9. they ſhall p. no further Gen 24. 50 thing proceedeth from Lord Deut. 8. 3. by every word that p. out of 1 Sam. 24. 13. wickedneſs p. from wi [...]ked Lam. 3. 38 out of m. L. p. not evil and John 15. 26. ſp. or H. G. which p from F. Jam. 3. 10. out of ſame mouth p. Rev. 11. 5. fire p. out of their mouth
  • PROCLAIM, Lev. 23. 2. Deut. 20. 10. Exod. 3. 19. I'll p. name of Lord, [...]4. 6. Prov. 20 6. moſt men will p his own 12. 23. heart of fools p. fooliſhneſs Iſ. 61. 1. to p. liberty to captives 2. to p. the acceptable year of Lord
  • PROCURED, Jer. 2. 17 & 4. 18.
  • PROFANE not name of L. Lev. 18. 21. & 19. 12. & 20. 3. & 21. 6. & 22. 9. 15. Neh. 13. 17. p. ſabbath, Mat. 12. 5. Pſ. 89. 39. thou haſt p. his crown Ezek. 22. 8. haſt p. my ſabbaths 26. put no differ. between holy and p. Amos 2. 7. to p. my holy name Mal. 1. 12. ye have p. it in that ye ſay 2. 10. by p. the covenant of our fathers 11. Judah hath p. holineſs of Lord 1 Tim. 1. 9. for unholy and p. for 4. 7. refuſe p. and old wives fables 6. 20. avoiding p. babblings Heb. 12. 16. fornicat or p. perſon as Eſau
  • PROFESS, Deut. 26. 3. Tit. 1. 16. [...] Tim. 6. 12. profeſſion, 13. Heb. 3. 1. & 4. 14. & 10. 23.
  • PROFIT, Prov. 14. 23. Eccl. 7. 11. Jer. 16. 19. 1 Tim. 2. 14. Heb. 12. 10. [...] Sam. 12. 21. not profit, Job 33. 27. & 34. 9. Prov. 10. 2. & 11. 4. Iſ. 30. 5. & 44. 9. 10. & 57. 12. Jer. 2. 8. 11. & 7. 8. & 23. 32. John 6. 63. 1 Cor. 13. 3. Gal. 5. 2. Heb. 4. 2. Jam. 2. 14. [...]ob 22. 2. profitable, Eccl. 10. 10. Acts 20. [...]0 1 Tim. 4. 8. 2 Tim. 3. 16. Tit. 3. 8. Philem. 11. [...] Tim. 4. 15. thy profiting appear
  • [...]ROLONG days, Deut. 4. 26. 40. & 5. 16. 33. & 6. 2. & 11. 9. & 17. 20. & 22. 7. & 30. 18. & 32 47. Prov. 10. 27. & 28. 16. Eccl. 8. 13. Iſ. 53. 10.
  • PROMISE, Num. 14. 34. Neh. 5. 12. [...]. 77. 8, doth his p. fail for ever 105. 42. he remembered his ho [...]y p. Luke 24. 49. I ſend the p of my Father Acts 1. 4. wait for the p of the Father 2. 39. p. is to you and to your children Rom. 4. 16. that p. might be ſure 9. 8. children of p 9. Gal. 4. 28. Eph. 1. 13. ſpirit of p. 2. 12. coven. of p. 6. 2. which [...]s firſt command. with p. 1 Tim. 4. 8. p. of the life, [...] Tim. 1. 1. Heb. 4. 1. leſt a p. being left us 6 17. heirs of p. 11. 9. 9. 15. might receive p. of eternal life 2 Pet. 3. 4. where is the p. of his coming 1 John 2. 25. p. he promiſed eternal life Luke 1. 72. Rom. 1. 2. & 4. 21. Tit. 1. 2 Heb. 10. 12. & 11. 11. & 12. 26. Rom 9. 4. to whom pertain promiſes 15. 8. to confirm p. made to fathers 2 Cor. 1. 20. all the p. are yea and amen 7. 1. having theſe p. let us clean [...]e Gal 3. 2. is the law againſt the p. Heb. 6. 12. inherit p. 8. 6. better p. 11. 13 not received p 17. 33. [...] Pet. 1 4. exceeding great and precious p.
  • PROMOTION, [...]ſ. 75. 6. Prov. 3. 35.
  • PROOF, Acts 1. 3. 2 Cor. 2. 9. & 8. 24.
  • PROPER, 1 Chron. 29. 3. Heb. 11. 23.
  • PROPHECY, 1 Cor. 12. 10. 1 Tim. 4. 14. & 1. 18. 2 Pet. 1. 19. 20. Rev. 1. 3. & 11. 6. & 19. 10. & 22. 7. 10. 18. 19. 1 Kings 22. 8. doth not propheſy good, 1 [...]. Iſ. 30. 10. ſpeak ſmooth p. deceits Jer. 14. 14. prophets p. lies in my name Joel 2. 28. ſons and daughters ſhall p. Am. 2. 17. p. not, 3. 8. who can but p. 1 Cor. 13. 9. we p. in part, 14. 1. rath. p. 31. all may p one by one, 39 cov to p. Rev. 10. 11. muſt p. again before people a Num. 11. 25. they propheſied not ceaſe Jer. 23. 21. I not ſpoke to 'em yet they p. Mat. 7. 22. we have p. in thy name 11. 13. law and prophets p. until John, Luke 16. 16. John 11. 51. he p. that Jeſus ſhould die 1 Pet. 1. 10 prophets p. of the grace Jude 14. Enoch p. of theſe, behold Lord Ezra 6. 11. propheſying, 1 Cor. 11. 6. & 14. 6. 22. 1 Theſſ. 5. 20. Gen. 20. 7. pray for he is a prophet Exod. 7. 1. Aaron thy b [...] ſhall be thy p. Deut. 18. 15. will raiſe up a p. 18. 2 Kings 5. 13. if p. had bid thee do Pſ. 74. 9. there is no more any p. Ezek. 33. 33. know that a p hath been Hoſ. 9. 7. the p. a fool, ſpiritual man mad 12. 13. by a p. was he preſerved Am. 7. 14. I was no p. nor p. ſon Mat. 10. 41. receiveth a p. in name of a p. 11. 9. ſee a p. and more than a 13. 57 a p. is not without honour ſave Luke 7. 28. there is not a greater p. 13. 33. a p. periſh, 24. 19. p. mighty in John 7. 40. this is the p. 1. 21 & [...]. 14. 52. ſearch for out of Galilee ariſeth no p. Acts 3. 22. a p. ſhall the Lord raiſe, 23. Tit. 1. 12. even a p. of their own ſaid [136] 2 Pet. 2. 16. aſs forbad madneſs of the p. Numb. 11. 29. all the L people prophets 1 Sam. 10. 12. is Saul among p. 19. 24. Pſ. 105. 15. do my p. no harm Jer. 5. 13. the p. ſhall become wind 23. 26. they are p. of the deceit of Lam. 2. 14. thy p. have ſeen vain things Hoſ. 6. 5. I hewed them by the p. Mic. 3. 11. p. divine for money Zeph. 3. 4. her p. are treacher. perſons Zech. 1 5. the p. do they live for ever Mat. 5. 17. cannot deſtroy raw or p. 7. 12. this is the law and the p. 13. 17. many p. have deſired to ſee 22. 40. on theſe hang all the law and p. 23. 34. I ſend you p. and wiſe men Luke 1. 70. ſpake by mouth of holy p. Acts 3. 18. 2 Pet. 1. 20. Luke 6. 23. ſo did their fathers to the p. 16. 29. they have Moſes and p. 31. 24. 25. to believe all that p 27. 44. John 8. 52. Abraham is dead and p. dead Acts 3 25. ye are the children of the p. 10. 43. to him give all p. witneſs that 13. 27. knew not the voice of p. 26. 27 believeſt thou the p. 22. Rom. 1. 2. promiſed by his p. in holy for. 3. 21. righteouſ. witneſſed by law and p. 1 Cor. [...]. 28. G. ſet ſome in the church apoſtles p. 29. Eph. 2. 20. & 4. [...]1. 14. 32. ſpirits of p. are ſubject to p. 1 Theſſ. 2. 15. who killed their own p. Heb 1. 1. God ſpake to fathers by p. Jam. 5. 10. take p. for example of ſuffer. 1 Pet. 1. 10. of which ſalv. the p enquired Rev. 18. 20. rejoice over her holy ap & p. 22. 6. L. G. of holy p. hath ſent angel 9. fellow ſervant and of brethren the p.
  • PROPITIATION, Rom. 3. 25. 1 John 2. 2. & 4. 10.
  • PROPORTION of faith, Rom. 12. 6.
  • PROSELYTE, Mat. 23. 15. Acts 2. 10. & 6. 5. & 13. 43.
  • PROSPER, Gen. 24. 40. Neh. 1. 11. Gen. 39. 3. L. made all to p. in his h. 23. Deut. 29. 9. may p. in all, Joſh [...]. 7. 2 Chr. 20. 20. believe proph. ſo ſhall yep. Job 12. 6. tabernacles of robbers p. Pſ. 1. 3. whatſoever he doth ſhall p. 122. 6. they ſhall p. that love thee Prov. 28. 13. covers ſins ſhall not p. Iſ. 53. 10. pleaſure of the L. ſhall p. in 54. 17. no weapon formed ag. thee p. 55. 11. it ſhall p. in the thing whereto I Jer. 12. 1. wherefore do way of wicked p. 23. 5. a king ſhall reign and p. 1 Cor. 16. 2. lay by him as G. hath p. him [...] John 2. mayſt p. even as thy ſoul p. Job 36. 11. ſpend their days in proſperity 1 Kings 10. 7. thy wiſdom and p. exceeds Pſ. 30. 6. in my p. I ſaid, never be moved 73. 3. when I ſaw the p. of the wicked 118. 25. ſave now O L. ſend now p. 122. 7. p. be within thy palaces, 35. 27. Prov. 1. 32. p. of fools ſhall deſtroy them Eccl. 7. 14. in day of p. be joyful Jer. 22. 21. I ſpake to thee in thy p. Gen. 24. 21. journey proſperous Joſh. 1. 8. Pſ 45. 4. Rom. 1. 10.
  • PROTEST, Gen. 43. 3. 1 Sam. 8. 9. Jer. 11. 7. Zech. 3. 6. 1 Cor. 15. 31.
  • PROUD, Job 9. 13. & 26. 12. & 38. 11. & 40. 11. 12. Pſ. 12. 3. Pſ. 40. 4. reſpecting not p. nor ſuch 101. 5. a p. heart I will not ſuffer 138. 6. the p. he knoweth afar off Prov. 6. 17. a p look and lying tongue 21. 4. high look and p. heart, 28. 25. Eccl. 7. 8. lowly better than p. in ſpirit Mal. 3. 15. we call p. happy, 4. 1. Luke 1. 51. ſcattered p. in imagination 1 Tim. 6. 4. he is p. knowing nothing Jam. 4. 6. God reſiſts p. 1 Pet. 5. 5. Exod. 18. 11. wherein they dealt proudly 1 Sam. 2. 3. talk no more ſo exceed. p. Neh. 9. 10. knoweſt they dealt p. 16. Pſ. 17. 10. they ſpake p. 31. 18. Iſ. 3. 5. child ſhall behave p. againſt
  • PROVE them, Exod. 16. 4. Deut. 8. 16. Exod. 20. 20. God is come to p. you Deut. 13. 3. Lord p. you, 8. 2. 16. 33. 8. holy one thou didſt p. at Maſſah 1 Kings 10. 1. ſhe came to p. him with Job 9. 20. my mouth p. me perverſe Pſ. 17. 3. thou haſt p. my heart 26. 2. examine me O Lord and p. me 66. 10. thou O G. haſt p. us as ſilver 95. 9. they p. me and ſaw, Heb. 3. 9. Mal. 3. 10. p. me now herewith Rom. 12. 2. may p. what is will of God 2 Cor. 8. 8. to p. ſincerity of your love 13. 5. p. your own ſelves, know ye Gal. 6. 4. let every man p. his own word 1 Theſſ. 5. 21. p. all things hold faſt Acts 9. 22. proving, Eph. 5. [...]0.
  • PROVERB and a by-word, Deut. 28. 37. 1 Kings 9. 7. Jer. 24. 9. Ezek 14. 8. Pſ. 69. 11. I became a p. to them Eccl. 12. 9. he ſet in order many p. 1 Kings 4. 3 [...]. Prov. 1. 1. & 10. 1. & 25. [...] Iſ. 14. 4. take up this p. ag. Luke 4. 1 [...] John 16. 25. ſpoken in p. 29. no p. 2 Pet. 2. 2 [...]. happened accord. to true [...]
  • PROVIDE. Exod. 18. 21. Acts 23. 24. Gen. 22. 8. God will p. himſelf a Lamb 30. 30. when ſhall I p. for my own Job 38. 41. who p. for raven his food Pſ. 78. 20. can he p. fleſh for his people Prov. 6. 8. which p. her meat in ſumm [...] Mat. 10. 9. p. neither ſilver nor gold Luke 12. 33. p. bags wax not old Rom. 12. 17. p. the honeſt in ſight of 2 Cor. 12. 21. p. honeſt ſight of L. but 1 Tim. 5. 8. if any p. not for his own Pſ. 132. 15. proviſion, Rom. 13. 14.
  • PROVOKE him not, Exod. 23. 21. Numb. 14. 11. how long will ye p me Deut. 31. 20. p. me and break my [...] Job 12. 6. they that p. God are ſecure Pſ. 78 40. how oft did they p. him Iſ. 3. 8. to p. the eyes of his glory 69. 3. a people that p. me to anger [137] Jer. 7. 19. do they not p. themſelves to 44. 8. ye p. me to wrath with Luke 11. 33. to p. him to ſpeak many Rom. 10. 19. p. you to jealouſy, 11. 11. 14. 1 Cor. 10. 22. do we p. Lord to jealouſy Eph. 6. 4. fathers p. not your children to Heb. 3. 16. ſome when had heard did p. 10. 24. to p. to love and good works Numb. 16. 30. theſe have provoked Lord 14. 23. neither any which p. me Deut. 9. 8. ye p. Lord to wrath, 22. 2 Sam. 1. 6. her adverſary p. her 1 Kings 14. 22. p. him to jealouſy with 2 Kings 23. 26. Manaſſeth had p. him 1 Chron 21. 1. Satan p. David to number Ezra 5. 12. our fath. had p. G. of heaven Pſ. 78. 56. tempted and p. Moſt high God 105. 7. p. him at ſea, 43. p. with counſ. 33. becauſe they p. his Spirit he ſpake Zech. 8. 14. when your fathers p. me to 1 Cor. 13. 5. not eaſily p. thinks no ill 2 Cor. 2. 9. your zeal hath p. very many Deut. 32. 19. provoking, 1 Kings 14. 15. & 16. 7. Pſ. 78. 17. Gal. 5. 26.
  • PRUDENT in matters, 1 Sam. 16. 18. Prov. 12. 16. a p. man covers ſhame 23. a p. man conceals knowledge 13. 16. every p. man deals with knowl. 14. 18. wiſdom of p. is to underſtand 15. p. man looks well to his going 18. p. are crowned with knowledge 15. 5. that regards reproof is p. 16. 21. wiſe in heart is called p. 18. 15. heart of p. gets knowledge 19. 14. a p. wife is from the Lord 22. 3. p. man forſeeth evil, 27. 12. Iſ. 5. 21. wo to wiſe p. in own ſight 52. 13. my ſervant ſhall deal prudently Jer. 49. 7. is counſel periſhed from p. Hoſ. 14. 9. p. and he ſhall know them Am. 5. 17. p. ſhall keep ſilence in evil Mat. 11. 25. hide theſe th. from wiſe p. 1 Cor. 1. 19. to nothing underſtand. of p. 2 Chron. 2. 12. prudence underſtanding wiſdom, Prov. 8. 12. Eph. 1. 8.
  • PSALM, 1 Chron. 16. 7. Pſ. 81. 2. & 98. 5. Acts 13. 33. 1 Cor. 14. 26. 1 Chron. 16. 9. ſing pſalms unto him 95. 2. make joyful noiſe with p. 105. 2. ſing p. talk of wonderful works Eph. 5. 19. ſpeak to yourſelves in p. Col. 3. 16. admoniſh one another in p. James 5. 13. is any merry let him ſing p.
  • PUBLICAN, Mat. 18. 17. Luke 18. 13. Mat. 5. 46. do not even p. ſame, 47. 11. 19. friend of p. and ſinners 21. 31. p. go into kingd. of G. bef. you 32. p. and harlots believed him Luke 3. 12. p. baptized, 7. 29. p. juſt. G.
  • PUBLISH name of Lord, Deut. 32. 3. 2 Sam, 1. 20. p. it not in ſtreets of Pſ. 26. 7. p. with voice of thankſgiving Iſ. 52. 7. how beautiful feet of p. peace Jer. 4. 15. a voice p. affliction from Mark 13. 10. goſpel muſt firſt be p. Acts 13. 49. word of Lord was p. through
  • PUFFED up, 1 Cor. 4. 6. 19. & 5. 2. & 8. 1. & 13. 4. Col. 2. 18.
  • PULL out, Pſ. 31. 4. Jer. 12. 4. Mat. 7. 4. Luke 14. 5. Jude 23. Iſ. 22. 19. pull down, Jer. 1. 10. & 18. 7. & 24. 6. & 42. 10. Luke 12. 18. 2 Cor. 10. 4. Lam. 3. 11. pull in pieces, Acts 23. 10. Ezek. 17. 9. pull up, Amos 9. 15. Zech. 7. 11. they pulled away ſhoulder
  • PULPIT of wood, Neh. 8. 4.
  • PUNISH ſeven times, Lev. 26. 18. 24. Ezra 9. 13. haſt p. us leſs than iniquitie [...] Prov. 16. 26. to p. the juſt is not good Iſ. 10. 12. p. fruit of king of Aſſyria 13. 11. I'll p. world for their evil Jer. 9. 25. p. all circumciſed with Hoſ. 4. 14. I'll not p. your daught. when 22. 2. I'll p. Jacob accord, to his ways 2 Theſſ. 1. 9. ſhall be p. with everl. deſt. 2 Pet. 2. 9. to day of judgment to be p. Gen. 4. 13. my puniſhment is greater Lev. 26. 41. accept of p. of their iniq. 43. Job. 31. 3. a ſtrange p. to workers of Lam. 3. 39. a man for p. of his ſins Am. 1. 3. not turn away p. thereof, 13. Mat. 25. 46. go away into everlaſting p. 2 Cor. 2. 6. ſufficient to ſuch is this p. Heb. 10. 29. of how much ſorer p. 1 Pet. 2. 14. ſent by him for p. of evil
  • PURCHASED, Pſ. 74. 2. Acts 8. 20. & 20. 28. Eph. 1. 14. 1 Tim. 3. 13.
  • PURE, Exod. 27. 30. & 30. 23. 34. 2 Sam. 22. 27. with p. ſhew thyſelf p. Job 4. 17. man be more p. than his Maker 25. 5. ſtars are not p. in his ſight Pſ. 12. 6. words of Lord are p. words 19. 8. command of Lord is p. 119. 140. 24. 4. clean hands and p. heart Prov. 15. 20. words of p. are pleaſant wo. 20. 9. heart clean p. from my ſin 30. 5. every word of G. is p. Pſ. 119. 140. 12. generat. p. in own eyes not waſhed Zech. 3. 9. turn to people a p. language Acts 20. 26. I'm p. from blood of all men Rom. 14. 20. all things indeed are p. to Phil. 4. 8. whatſoever things are p. 1 Tim. 3. 9. myſt. of faith in p. conſcien. 5. 22. of other mens ſins keep thyſelf p. Tit. 1. 15. to the p. all things are p. Heb. 10. 22. body waſhed with p. water James 1. 27. p. religion and undefiled 3 7. wiſdom from above is firſt p. 2 Pet. 3. 1. ſtir up your p. minds by 1 John 3. 3. purifieth himſelf as he is p. Iſ. 1. 25. purely purge away droſs Job 22. 30. by pureneſs, 2 Cor. 6. 6. 1 Tim. 4. 12. purify, 5. 2. Hab. 1. 13. of purer eyes than to behold
  • PURGE me with hyſſop, Pſ. 51. 7. 65. 3. tranſgreſſions ſhalt p. them away 79. 9. p. away our ſins for names ſake Prov. 16. 6. by mercy and tr. iniquity is p. Iſ. 6. 7. iniquity is taken and ſin is p. 27. 9. by this ſh. iniquity of Jacob be p. Ezek. 24. 13. becauſe I p. and thou not p. ſhalt not be p. from 1 Sam. 3. 14. [138] Mal. 3. 3. he ſhall purify and p. as gold Mat. 3. 11. thoroughly p. his floor John 15. 2. h [...]p it to bring forth 1 Cor 5 7 p. out the old heaven 2 Tim. 2. 21 if man p. himſelf from Heb. 1 3. by himſelf p our ſins 9. 14. p conſcience from dead works 2 Pet. 1. 9. forgot he was purged [...] ſins
  • PURIFY ſons of Levi, Mal. 3. [...]. Pſ. 1 [...]. [...]. ſilver purified ſeven times Dan. 12. 10 many ſhall be p. Acts 15. 9. purifying their hearts by faith Tit. 2. 14. p. to himſ. a peculiar [...] Heb. 9 1 [...]. ſanctifieth to p of [...]he fleſh James 4. 8. p. hearts ye double minded 1 Pet. 1. 22. have p. your ſouls in obed. 1 John [...]. 3. p. himſelf as he is pure Mal. 3. 3. fit as purifier of ſilver
  • PURPOSE, [...]er 6 20. & [...]9 30. Job. 13. 17. withdraw man from p. Prov. 20. 18. every p. is eſtabliſhed by Eccl. 3. [...]7 time to every p 8 6. I [...] 14. 26. this is p purpoſed, 24. 27. Jer. 51. 20. every p. of Lord ſhall ſtand Acts 11. 22. with p. of heart cleave to L. Rom. 8. 28. called according to his p. Eph. 1. 11. according to p. of him works 9. myſtery which [...]e [...]p in himſelf 3. [...]1 eternal p. he p. in C. J. our Lord 2 Tim. 1. 9. acc to his own p. and grace 1 John 3. 8. for this p. Son of G. manif.
  • PURSE, Prov. 1. 14. Mat. 10. 9.
  • PURSUE, Gen. 35. 5. Deut. 28. 12. Exod. 15. 9. enemy ſaid I'll p. overtake Job 13. 25. wilt thou p. dry ſtubble Pſ 34. 14. ſeek peace and p. it Prov. 11. 19. he that p. evil p it to 28. 1. wicked flee when none p.
  • PUT, Gen. 2. 8. & 3. 15. 22. Neh. 2. 12. what God p. in my heart 7. 5. Ezra 7. 27. Rev. 17. 17. 3. 5. noble p. not necks to work of L. Job 4. 18. p. no truſt in his ſervants 38. 36. who p. wiſd. in inward parts Pſ. 4. 7. haſt p. gladneſs in my heart 8. 7. p. all things under his feet 9. 20. p. them in fear that they may Eccl. 10. 10. muſt p. to more ſtrength Song 5. 3 p. off coat how p. it on Iſ. 5. 20. wo to p. darkneſs for light 42. 1. I'll p. my ſpirit upon him 43. 26. p. me in remembr. let plead 53. 10. L. to bruiſe him p. him to grief 63. 11. who p. his holy ſpirit in him Jer. 31. 33. p. my law in inward parts 32 40. I'll p. my fear in their hearts Ezek. 11. 19. p. a new ſpirit within you 22. 26. p. no diff. betw. holy and profa. 36. 27. I'll p. my ſpirit within you, 26. Mic. 7. 5. put not confidence in guide Mat. 5. 15. p. it under a buſhel 19. 6. God hath joined let none p. aſu. Luke 1. 52. p. down mighty from ſeats Acts 1. 7. which F. p. in his own power 13. 46. ſeeing you p. goſpel from you [...]5. 9. p. no diff. between us and them Eph. 4. 22. p. off old man, Col. 3. 9. 2 Pet. 1. 14. I muſt p. off this my tabern. Gen. 28. 20. rain en [...] to [...] Job 29. 1 [...]. I—right and it clothed me Iſ. 51. 9. awake arm of Lord- ſtrength 59. [...]. he -righteouſn a [...] breaſt plate Mat 6. [...]5. drink nor what ye ſhall - Rom. 13. 12 — [...], 1 [...]. [...] L. [...]. C. Gal. 3. 7. baptized into Chr. [...]ave—Ch. Eph. 4. 25.— [...], Col. 3. 10. 6. 11.—whole armour of God Col. 3 12.—bowls of mercies 14. -chari. 1 Chron. 5. 20. put truſt in. Pſ. 4 5. & 7. 1. & 9. 10. & 56. 4. & 146. [...] Prov. 28. 25. & 29. 25. Iſ. 57. 13. Jer. 39. 18. Heb. 2 13. Numb. 22. 38. word that G. putteth Job 15. 15. he p. no truſt in ſaints Pſ. 15. 5. p. not out money to uſury 75. 7. G. p. down one and ſets up an. Song 2. 13. p. forth green figs Lam. 3. 29. he p. mouth in duſt if ſo Mic. 3. 5. that p. not into their mouth Mal. 2. 16. he hates putting away Eph. 4. 25. p. away lying ſpeak truth Col. 2. 11. in p. off body of ſins of fleſh 1 Theſſ. 5. 8. p. on breaſt-plate o [...] faith 2 Tim. 1. 6. given by p. on of my hands 1 Pet. 3. 3. gold or p. on of apparel 21. not p. away of filth of the fleſh
  • QUAILS, Exod. 16. 13. Numb. 11. 31.
  • QUAKE, Exod 19. 18 Mat. 27. 21. Ezek. 12. 18. quaking, Dan 10. 7.
  • QUARREL, Lev. 26. [...]5. Col. 3. 13.
  • QUEEN, 1 Kings 10. 1. & 15. 13. Pſ. 45. 9. Song 6. 8 Jer. 44. 17 2 [...]. Rev. 18. 7. Mat. 12 42 q. of ſouth riſe in judgment Iſ. 49. 23. their q. thy nurſing mother
  • QUENCH my coal, 2 Sam. 14. 7. 21. 17. that thou q. not light of Iſrael Song 8. 7. many waters cannot q. love Iſ. 42. 3. ſmoaking flax he'll not q. Mark 9. 43. fire never q. 44. 46. 48. Eph. 6. 16. to q. fiery darts of the devil 1 Theſſ. 5. 19. q. not ſpirit deſpiſe not
  • QUESTION, Mark 12. 34. 1 Cor. 10. 25. 1 Kings 10. 1. queſtions, Luke 2. 46. 1 Tim. 1. 4 & 6. 4. [...] Tim. 2 23.
  • QUICK, Numb. 16. 30. Pſ. 55. 15. Pſ. 124. 3. had ſwallowed us up q. Iſ. 11. 3. of q. underſtanding in fear Acts 10. 42. to be judge of q. and dead 2 Tim. 4. 1. who ſhall judge q. and dead Pſ. 71. 20. quicken me again 80. 18. q. us and we'll call on thy name 119. 25. q. me according to thy word 37. q. me in thy way, 40 —thy righte. 50. for thy word hath q. me 88. q. me after thy loving kindneſs 149. q. me according to thy judgment John 5. 21. Fa. q. Son q. whom he will 6. 63. it is the Spirit that q. Rom. 8. 11. q. your mortal bodies 1 Cor. 15. 45. laſt Adam made q. Spirit Eph. 2. 1. you hath he q. dead in ſins [139] 5. q. us together with C. Col. 2. 13. 1 Pet. 3. 18. but q. by the Spirit
  • QUICKLY, Exod. 32. 8. Deut. 11. 17. Eccl. 4. 12. threefold cord not q. broken Mat. 5. 25. agree with adverſary q. Rev. 3. 11. behold I come q. 12. 7. 8. 20.
  • QUIET, Judg. 18. 7. Job 3. 13. 26. Pſ. 131. 2. I've q myſelf as a child Eccl. 9. 17 words of wiſe heard in q. Iſ. 7. 4. take heed and be q. fear not 3 [...]. 20 ſhalt ſee Jeruſalem a q habitat. Lam 3. 26. it is good q. to wait for 1 Theſſ. 4. 11. ſtudy to be q. and work 1 Tim 1. 2. lead a q. and peaceable life 1 Pet 3. 4. ornam. of meek and q ſpirit 1 Chron. 22. 9 quietneſs. Job 20. 20. Job 34 29. when he giveth q. who Prov. 17. 1. better dry morſel q therew. Eccl. 4. 6. better is handful with q. Iſ. 30. 15. in q. and confidence ſhall be 32. 17. effect of right. q. and aſſurance 2 Theſſ. 3. 12. with q. they work and
  • QUIT like men, 1 Sam. 4. 9. 1 Cor. 16. 13.
  • QUIVER full of them, Pſ. 127. 5. Iſ. 49. 2. in his q. hath he hid me Jer 5. 16. their q. is an open ſepulchre
  • RABBI, Mat. 23. 7. 8. John 20. 16.
  • RACE, Pſ. 19. 5. Eccl. 9. 11. 1 Cor. 9. 24. Heb. 12. 1.
  • RAGE, 2 Kings 5. 12. 2 Chron. 16. 10. 2 Chron 28 9 ſlain them in a r. which Pſ. 2. 1. why do heathen r. and people 46. 6. heathen r. kingdoms were mov. 89. 9. ruleſt in the r. of the ſea Prov. 6. 31. jealouſy is the r. of a man 14. 16. fo [...]l r. and i [...] confident 20. 1. wine mocker ſtrong drink is r. 29. 9. whether he r. or laugh no reſt Jude 13. r. waves of ſea foaming
  • RAGS, Prov. 21. 21. Iſ. 64. 6.
  • RAILER or drunkard, 1 Cor. 5. 11. 1 Tim. 6. 4. railing, 1 Pet. 3. 9. 2 Pet. 2. 11. r. accuſation, Jude 9.
  • RAIMENT to put on, Gen. 28. 20. Exod. 21. 10. her food and r. not dimin. Deut. 8. 4. r. waxed not old nor 24. 17. not take widows r. to pledge Zech. 3. 4. clothe thee with change of r. Mat. 6. 26 body more than r. 28. 11. 18. man clothed in ſoft r. 17. 2. his r. was white as light 1 Tim. 6. 8. having food and r. let us be Rev. 3. 5. clothed in white r. 3. 18. & 4. 4.
  • RAIN in due ſeaſon, Lev. 26. 4. Deut. 11. 14. & 28 12. Deut. 32. 2. my doctrine drop as the r. 2 Sam. 23. 4. clear ſhining after r. 1 Kings 8. 35. no r. becauſe they ſinned 2 Chron 7. 13. that there be no r. Job. 5. 10. who giveth r. on the earth 28. 26. he made a decree for the r. 38. 28. hath the r. a father or who Pſ. 68. 9. didſt ſend a plentiful r. 72. 6. he ſhall come down like r. 147. 8. who prepares r. for the earth Prov. 16. 15. kings favour like latter r. 27. 15. continual dropping in rainy day Eccl. 12. 2. clouds return after the r. Song 2 11. winter paſt r. is over and Iſ. 4. 6. covert from ſtorm and from r. 5. 6. clouds that they r no r. on it 30. 23. ſhall give thee r of thy ſeed 55. 10. as r cometh down from heaven Jer. 5. 24. fear Lord who giveth r. 14. 22. can vanity of Gentiles [...] r. Amos 4. 7 withholding r. from you Zech. 10. 1. aſk of Lord r. in time later r. 14. 18. family of Egypt have no r. 17. Mat. 5. 45. ſends r. on juſt and unjuſt Heb. 6. 7. earth which drinketh in r. James 5. 18. prayed and heaven [...]ave r. Job 38. 26. cauſe it to r. on the earth Pſ. 11. 6. on the wicked he ſhall r. ſnares 78. 27. had r. down manna upon them Ezek. 22 24. land not r. upon in day of Hoſ. 10. 12. till he r. righteouſn. on you Amos 4. 7. to r. on one city and not on
  • RAISE, Deut. 18. 15. 18. 2 Sam. 12. 11. Exod. 9. 16. I r. thee up to ſhew my pow. 1 Sam. 2. 8. he r. up poor out of duſt Pſ. 113. 7. he r. up poor out of dunghill 145. 14 r. up th. that be bowed down Iſ. 44. 26. r. up decayed places 58. 12. r. up the foundations Hoſ. 6. 2. third day he w [...]ll r. us up Amos 9. 11. I'll r. up tabernacle of Day. Mat. 11. 5. deaf hear dead are raiſed up Luke 1. 69 r. up a horn of ſalvation John 6. 40. I'll r. him up at laſt day Rom. 6. 25. r. again for our juſtification 6. 4. as Ch. was r. by glory of P 8. 11. 1 Cor. 6. 14. God r. up L and will r. us 2 Cor. 4. 14. r. up L. J r us up alſo by J. Eph. 2. 6 r. us up together with him
  • RANSOM of life, Exod. 21. 30. 30. 12. give every man a r. for ſoul Job 33. 24. deliver I have found a r. 36. 18. great r. cannot deliver thee Pſ. 49. 7. nor give to God a r. for him Prov. 6. 35. he'll not regard any r. 13. 8. r. of mans life are his riches 21. 18. wicked are r. for righteous Iſ. 43. 3. I gave Egypt for thy r. Hoſ. 13. 14. r. them from power of grave Mat. 20. 28. to give his life a r. for many 1 Tim. 2. 6 gave himſelf a r. for all Iſ. 35. 10. ranſomed, 51. 10. Jer. 31. 11.
  • RASH, Eccl. 5. 2. Iſ. 32. 4.
  • RAVISHED, Prov. 5. 19. Song 4. 9.
  • REACH, Gen 11. 4. John 20. 27. Pſ. 30. 5. faithfulneſs r. up to heaven Phil. 3. 13. reaching forth to thoſe things
  • READ in audience of, Exod 24. 7. Deut. 17. 19. ſhall r. therein all life Neh 13. 1. r. in books of Moſes that Lu [...]e 4. 16. as cuſtom ſtood up to r. Acts 15. 21. r. in ſynag. every ſab. day 2 Cor. 3. 2. known and r. of all men 1 Theſſ. 5. 27 that this ep. be r. Col. 4. 16. Acts 3. 3 [...]. underſtand. thou what readeſt Rev. 1. 3. bleſſed is he that readeth [140] Neh. 8. 8. reading, 1 Tim. 4. 13.
  • G. READY to pardon, Neh. 9. 17. Pſ. 45. 1. tongue is as pen of r. writer 86. 5. Lord art good and r. to forgive Eccl. 5. 1. be more r. to hear than Mat. 24. 44. be ye r. alſo, Luke 12. 40. Mark 14. 38. ſpirit is r. fleſh weak Acts 21. 13. r. not to be bound only 1 Tim. 6. 18. r. to diſtribute willing 2 Tim. 4. 6. I am now r. to be offered Tit. 3. 1. r. to every good work 1 Pet. 5. 2. willingly of a r. mind Rev. 3. 2. ſtrengthen things r. to die Acts 17. 11. readineſs, 2 Cor. 10. 6.
  • REAP, Lev. 19. 9. SOW, Hoſ. 10. 13 plowed wickedn. r. iniquity John 4. 36. he that r. receiveth wages 1 Cor. 9. 11. great th. if we r. your car. Gal. 6. 9. in due ſeaſon we ſhall r. if we Rev. 14. 16. earth was r. 15. Mat. 13. 39. reapers are angels, 30.
  • REASON, Prov. 26. 16. Dan. 4. 36. Iſ. 41. 21. bring forth your ſtrong r. 1 Pet. 3. 15. aſketh a r. of hope in you Acts 24. 25. as he reaſoned of righteouſn. Rom. 12. 1. your reaſonable ſervice
  • REBEL not ag. L. Num. 14. 9. Joſh. 22. 19. Neh. 9. [...]6. they r. againſt thee, Pſ. 5. 10. Job 24. 13. of thoſe that r. ag. the light Iſ. 1. 20. if ye refuſe and r. ye ſhall be 63. 10. they r. and vexed his holy ſpirit 1 Sam. 15. 23. rebellion as witchcraft Num. 20. 10. hear now ye rebels Ezek. 20. 38. I'll purge out the r. from Deut. 9. 7. been rebellious ag. Lord, 24. Pſ. 68. 18. received gifts for men for r. Iſ. 30. 9. this is r. people lying childr. 1. 50. 5. I was not r. nor turned back 65. 2. ſpread hands to r. people, 1. 23. Jer. 4. 17. ſhe been r. 5. 23. r. heart Ezek. 2. 3. 5. 8. r. houſe, 3. 9. 26. & 12. 2. 3. & 17. 12. & 24. 3. & 44. 6.
  • REBUKE thy neighbour, Lev. 19. 17. 2 Kings 19. 3. a day of r. and blaſphemy Pſ. 6. 1. r. me not in anger nor 39. 11. when with r. doſt correct Prov. 9. 8. r. a wiſe man he'll love 13. 1. ſ [...]orner heareth not r. 27. 5. open r. better than ſecret love 28. 23. that r. afterward ſhall—favour Am. 5. 10. hate him that r. in gate Zech. 3. 2. L. ſaid to Satan Lord r. thee Mat. 16. 22. Peter began to r. him Luke 17. 3. if brother treſpaſs r. him Phil 2. 15. Sons of G. without r. in midſt 1 Tim. 5 1. r. not an elder but intreat 20. them that ſin r. before all Tit. 1. 13. r. them ſharply that they 2. 15. r. with all authority Heb. 12. 5. not faint when r. of him
  • RECEIVE good, r. evil, Job 2. 10. 22. 22. r. l [...]w at his mouth Pſ. 6. 9. L. heard, L. will r. my prayer 49. 15. G. will redeem, he ſhall r. me 73. 24 afterward r. me to glory 75. 2. when I r. congregation I'll judge Hoſ. 14. 2. take away iniq. r. us graciouſly Mat. 10. 41. ſhall r. a prophets reward 18. 5. r. one ſuch little child in my 19. 11. all men cannot r. this ſaying 21. 22. whatſo. aſk believ. ye ſhall r. Mark 4. 16. hear word r. it with gladneſs 11. 24. believe that ye r. and ye ſhall r. Luke 16. 9. may r. into everlaſt. habita. John 3. 27. man can r. nothing except 5. 44. which r. honour one of another 16. 24. aſk and ye ſhall r. that your joy Acts 2. 38. ye ſhall r. gift of the Holy G. 7. 59. Lord Jeſus r. my ſpirit 10. 43. that believeth ſhall r. remiſſion 20. 35 more bleſſed to give than to r. 26. 18. may r. forgivenneſs and inherit. Rom. 14. 1. him weak in faith r. but not 1 Cor. 3. 8. every man r. his own reward 2 Cor. 5. 10. may r. things done in body 6. 1. r. not grace of God in vain Gal. 3. 14. r. promiſe of ſpirit thro' faith 4. 5. we might r adoption of ſons Eph. 6. 8. ſame ſhall he r. of the Lord Col. 3. 24. r. the reward of inheritance Jam. 1. 21. r. with meekneſs ingrafted w. 3. 1. r. greater condemnation 1 Pet. 5. 4. ye ſhall r. a crown of glory 1 John 3. 22. whatſoever we aſk we r. 2 John 8. look that we r. full reward Job 4. 12. ear received a little of it Pſ. 68. 18. thou haſt r. gifts for men Jer. 2. 30. r. not correction, Zeph. 3. 2. Mat. 10. 8. freely ye r. freely give Luke 6. 24. have r. your conſolation 16. 25. haſt r. thy good things and Laz. John 1. 11. own r. him not, 12. many r. 16. out of his fulneſs we have all r. Acts 8. 17. they r. H. G. 17. 11. r. word 20 24. which I r. of Lord, 1 Cor. 11. 23. Rom. 5. 11. J. C. by whom r. atonement 8. 15. have r ſpirit of adoption 14. 3. judge not God hath r. him 15. 7. r. ye one another as Chriſt r. us 1 Tim. 3. 6. r. up into glory, Mark 16. 19. 4 3. meats created to be r. with thankſg. Heb. 1 [...]. 13 not having r. the promiſes Jer. 7. 28. obeys not nor receiveth correct. Mat. 7. 8. every one that aſketh r. 10. 40. he that r. you r. me r. ſent me 13. 20. hears word anon r. it with joy John 3. 32 no man r. his teſtimony 12. 48. rejects me r. not my words 1 Cor. 2 14. nat. man r. not things of ſp. Phil. 4. 15. giving and receiving but ye Heb. 12. 28 we r. a kingdom that cannot 1 Pet. 1. 9. r end of your faith ſalvation
  • RECKONED, Pſ. 40. 5. Iſ. 38. 13. Luke 22. 37. Rom 4. 4. 9. 10. & 6. 11. & 8. 18.
  • RECOMPENSE, Prov. 12. 14. Iſ. 35 4. Deut. 32. 35. to me belongs r. Heb. 10. 30. Job 15. 31. vanity ſhall be his r. Iſ. 34. 8. year of r. for controverſie of Z. 66. 6. render r. to his enemies, 59. 18. Jer. 51. 56. L. G. of r. ſhall ſurely requite Hoſ. 9. 7. the days of r. are come Luke 14. 12. left a r. be made thee, 14. [141] Heb. 2. 2. diſobe. received juſt r. of rew. 10. 35 confi [...] has greater of reward 11. 20. he had reſpect to r of reward Num. 5. 8. be recompenſed to L. even to 2 Sam. 22. 21. according to right. her me Prov. 11. 31 right. ſhall be r. i [...] the earth 20. 12 ſay not I'll r. evil but wait Jer. 18. 20. ſhall evil be r. for good 25. 14 I'll r. your iniq 16 1 [...]. [...]oſ. 12. 2. Luke 14. 14. they cannot r. thee Rom 11. 35. it ſhall be r. to him again 12. 17 r to no man evil for evil
  • RECONCILE with blood, Lev. 6 30. Mat. 5 24. firſt be r to thy brother Rom. 5. 10. when enemies we were r. 2 Cor 5. 18 he hath r us to himſelf 19. G. in C r world, 20. be ye r to G. Eph. 2. 10. r both to G in one body by Col. 1. 20. by him to r all th. to himſ. 21. Lev. 8. 15. to make reconciliation 2 Chr. 29. 24. Ezek. 45. 15. 17. Dan. 9. 24 Heb. 2. [...]7. 2 Cor. 5 8. to us the miniſtry of r. 19. to us the word of r.
  • RECORD my name, Exod. 20. 25. Deut. 30. 19. take h. and e. to r. 31. 28. Job 16. 19. my witn. in heaven r. on h [...]gh John 1. 32. bear r 8. 13. 14 & 12. 17. & 19. 35. Rom 10. 2. Gal. 4 15. 2 Cor. 1 23. I call God a r. Phil. 1. 8 1 John 5. 7. three that bear r. in heaven 1 [...]. this is the r. God hath given, to Rev. [...]. 2. [...]a [...]e r. of word of God and of
  • RECOVER ſtrength, Pſ. 39 13. Jer. 8. 22. why is not health of—r. Ho [...]. 2. 9. I'll r. my wool and my flax Luke 4. 18. r. of ſight to the blind 2 Tim. 2 26. may r themſelves out of
  • RED, Pſ. 75. 8. Iſa. 1 18. & 27. 2. & 63. 2 Ze [...]h. 1. 8 & 6. 2. Rev. 6. 4. & 12. 3.
  • REDEEM with outſtr. arm, Exod. 6 6. [...] Sam. 7. 23. whom God went to r. 1. Job 5. 20. in famine he ſhall r. thee Pſ. 34. 22. Lord r. ſoul of his ſervants 44. 26. r. us for thy mercies ſake 49. 7. none can r. his brother 15. God will r. my ſoul from power 103 4 who r thy life from deſtr 72. 14. 130. 8. ſhall r. Iſrael from all iniquities Hoſ 13. 14 I'll r. them from death Tit. 2. 14. might r us from all iniquity Gen. 48. 16. angel which redeemed me Exod. [...]5 13. people which haſt r. [...] Sam. 4. 9. hath r. my ſoul out of all Pſ. 136. 24. r. us from our enemies, 31. 5. [...]ſ. 1. 27. Zion ſhall be r. with judgment 51. 11. r. of L. ſhall return and come 52. 3. ye ſhall be r without money, 9. 63. 9. in his love and pity he r. them, 4. Luke 1. 68. viſited and r. his people 24. 21 he t [...]at ſhould have r. Iſrael Gal. 3. 13. Chriſt hath r. us from curſe of Pet. 1. 18. not r. with corrupt. things [...]ev. 5. 9. haſt r. us to God by thy blood 14. 4. theſe were r. from among men [...]ph. 5. 16. redeeming time, Col. 4. 5. Job 19. 25. I know my Redeemer liveth Pſ. 19 14. my ſtrength and my R 78. 35. that high God was their R. Prov. 23. [...]1. their R is mighty, plead Iſ. 63. 16. our Father and our R. 48. 17. Jer 50. 34. their R. is ſtrong, Iſ. 49. 26. Lev. 25. 24. redemption, Numb 3. 49. Pſ. 49. 8 r of ſoul is precious 1 [...]. 9. he ſent r. to his people 130 7. with him is plenteous r. Luke [...]. 38 looked for r in Jeruſalem 21. 28. your r. draweth nigh Rom. 3 24 through r in Chriſt Jeſus 8 23. adoption even r. of our body 1 Cor. 1. 30. C J. made wiſd. r [...]gh ſanct. r. Eph. 1. 7 in whom we have r. Col. 1. 14. 14 earneſt till r. of purchaſed poſſeſſion 4. 30. ſealed unto the day of r. Heb. 9. 12. having obtain. eter. r. for us
  • REFINE, Iſ 25. 6. & 48. 10. Zech. 13. 9. Mal. 3. 2 3.
  • REFORMATION, Heb. 9. 10.
  • REFRAIN, Prov. 1. 15. 1 Pet 3. 10. Prov. 10. 19. that r. his lips is wiſe
  • REFRESHING, Iſ. 28 12 Acts 3. 19.
  • REFUGE, Numb. 35. 13. Joſh. 20. 3. Deut. 33. 27. the eternal God is thy r. Pſ. 9. 9 L will be a r. for oppreſſed, 14. 6. Iſa. 4 6. & 25. 4. Pſ. 18. 2. God my r 57. 1. & 59. 16. & 6 [...]. 7. & 7. 7. & 142. 5. Jer. 16. 19. 46. 1. God is our r. 7. 11. & 62. 8. Iſ. 28. 15. made lies our r. 17. Heb 6. [...]8. fled for r. to lay hold on
  • REFUSE, Lam. 3. 45. Amos 8. 6 Neh. 9. 17. r. to obey, neither were Pſ. 77 2. my ſoul r. to be comforted 118. 22. ſtone which builders r. Prov. 1. 24. I have called and ye r. Jer. 3. 3. whores forehead r. to be ſhamed 5. 3. r. to receive correction 8. 5. r. to return, 11. 10. r. to hear 15. 18. r. to be heal. 31. 15. r. to be comf. Hoſ 11. 5. Aſſy. his k bec. r. to return 1 Tim. 4. 4 nothing to be r. if received 7. r. profane and old wives fables Heb. 12. 25. r. not him that ſpeaks
  • REGARD not works of Lord, Pſ. 28. 5. Pſ. 66. 18. if I r. iniquity in my heart 102. 17. he'll r. prayer of deſtitute Iſ. 5. 12. r not work of L. nor operation Prov. 1. 24. no man regarded Pſ. 106. 44. he r their affliction Luke 1. 48. r. low eſtate of handmaiden Heb. 8. 9. not in my cov. I r. them not Deut. 10. 17. regardeth not perſons Job 34. 19. nor r. rich more than poor Prov. 12. 10 righteous r. life of beaſt 13. 18. r. reproof ſhall be honoured 15. 5. he that r. reproof is prudent Eccl. 5. 8. higher than the higheſt r. Mat. 22. 16. thou r. not the perſon of any Rom 14. 6. he that r. a day, r. it to L.
  • REGENERATION, Mat. 19. 28. Tit. 3. 5.
  • REJECT, Mark 6. 26. Gal. 4. 14. 1 Sam. 8. 7. not r. thee, but have r. me [142] Iſ. 53. 3. deſpiſed and r. of men Jer. 2. 37. Lord hath r. thy confidences 6. 19. r. [...]y law, 8. 9. r. word of Lord 30. Lord r. them, 7. 29. & 14. 19. 2 Kings 17. 15. 20. Lam. 5. 22. Hoſ. 4. 6. haſt r. knowledge, I'll r. thee Mark 7. 9. ver. the commandment of G. Luke 7. 30. alway r. counſel of God John 12. 48. that r. me and receiveth not Tit. 3. 10. after firſt and 2d admonition r. Heb. 12. 17. when would bleſſing was r.
  • REIGN, Gen. 37. 8. Lev 26. 17. Exod. 15. 18. L. ſh. r. for ever, Pſ. 146. 10. 1 Chr. 29. 12. thou r. over all Pſ. 93. 1. Lord r. 97. 1. & 99. 1. Prov. 8. 14. by me kings r. and princes Iſ. 32. 1. a king ſhall r. in righteouſneſs 52. 7. ſay unto Zion thy God r. Jer. 23. 5. branch, king r. and proſper Luke 19. 14. not have this man to r. Rom. 5. 14 death r from Adam to Moſes 17. ſhall r. in life by one J. C. our L. 21. as ſin r. to death grace r. to eternal 1 Cor. 4. 8. would to God ye did r. 2 Tim. 2. 12. if we ſuffer we ſhall r. Rev. 5. 10. we ſhall r. on the earth 19. 6. Alleuja Lord God omnipotent r. 20 4. lived and r. with C. 1000 years, 6. 22. 5. they ſhall r. for ever and ever
  • REINS, Job 16. 13. & 19. 27. Pſ. 7. 9. God trieth hearts and r. 26. 2. Jer. 17. 10. & 20. 12. Rev. 2. 23. Pſ. 16. 7. my r. inſtruct me in the night 73. 21. I was pricked in my r. 139. 13. thou haſt poſſeſſed my r. Prov. 23 16. my r. ſhall rejoice Jer. 12. 2. thou'rt far from their r.
  • REJOICE, Exod. 18. 9. Deut. 12. 7. Deut. 28. 63. L. will r. over you to deſtr. 1 Sam. 2. 1. becauſe I r. in thy ſalvation 2 Chr. 6. 4 [...]. let thy ſaints r. in goodneſs 20. 27. L. made them to r. over enem. Neh. 12. 43. G. made them r. with gr. joy Pſ. 2. 11. ſe. ve G. r. with trembling 5. 11. let all put truſt in thee r. 9. 14. I will r. in thy ſalvation, 13. 5. 51. 8. bones thou haſt broken may r. 58. 10. right ſhall r. when ſeeth veng. 63. 7. in ſhadow of thy wings I'll r. 65. 8. outgoings of morn. and even. to r. 68. 3. let right. r. before G. exceed. r. 85. 6. that thy people may r. in thee 86. 4. r. the ſoul of thy ſervant 104. 31. Lord ſhall r. in his works 105 3. heart of them r. that ſeek L. 48. 11. 119. 162. I r. at thy word as find ſpoil Prov. 5. 18. r. with the wiſe of youth 24. 17. r not when enemy falls Eccl. 11. 9. r. O young man in way of Iſ. 29. 19. poor among men ſhall r. 62. 5. thy God ſhall r. over thee 65. 13 my ſervant ſhall r. but ye Jer. 32 41. I'll r over them to do good Zeph. 3. 17. he'll r. over thee with joy Luke 6. 2 [...]. r. ye in that day leap for [...]0. 20. father r. that names written John 5. 35. for a ſeaſon to r. in his light 14. 28. if loved me ye would r. [...] Rom. 5. 2. r. in hope of glory of God 12. 15. r. with them that do r. 1 Cor. 7. 30 they that r. as tho' not r Phil. 3. [...]3. r. in Chriſt [...]. and have no [...]. Col. 1. 24. r in my ſufferings for you 1 Theſſ. 5. 16. r. evermore Jam 1. 9. let brother of low degree r. 1 Pet. 1. 8. r. ye with joy unſpeakable Pſ. 33. 1. rejoice in the Lord. 97. 12. Iſ. 41. 16. & 61. 10. Joel 2. 23. Hab. 3. 18. Zech. 10. 7. Phil. 3. 1. & 4 [...]. Pſ. 119. 114. I've rejoiced in way of Luke 1. 4 [...]. my ſpirit r in G. my Saviour 10. 21 Jeſus r. in Spirit and ſaid John 8. 56. Abraham r to ſee my day 1 Cor. 7. 30. as though they r. not Pſ. 16. 9. my heart glad, glory [...] 28. 7. Lord my ſtr. heart greatly r. Prov. 13 9. light of righteous r. 15. 30. light of eyes r. the heart Iſ. 62. 5. as bridegroom r. over his bri [...]e 64. 5. [...]e [...]teſt him that r. and work [...] 1 Cor. 13. 6. r. not [...]n iniquity but r. in Jam. 2. 13. mercy r. againſt judgment Pſ. 19 8. ſtatutes of Lord rejoicing heart 119. 111. they are the r. of my heart Prov. 8. 31. r in habitable parts of earth Iſ 65. 18. I create Jeruſ. a r people a j [...] Jer. 15. 16. thy word found r of heart Acts 5. 41. r. that counted worthy 8. 39. Eunuch went on his way r. Rom. 12. 12. r. in hope, patient. 5. 2. 2. 2 Cor. 1. 12. our r. is this teſti. of con [...]. 6. 10. as ſorrowful yet always r. Gal. 6. 4. have r. in himſelf alone Heb. 3 6. the r. of the hope fit [...] to end
  • RELIEVE, Lev. 25. 35. Iſ. 1. 17. Pſ. 14. 9. Acts 11. 29. 1 Tim. 5. 16.
  • RELIGION, Acts 26. 5. Gal. 1. 13. 14. Jam. 1. 26. 27. Acts 13. 43. religious, Jam. 1. 26.
  • REMAINDER, 1 Theſſ. 4. 15 Rev. 3. 2. Eccl. 2. [...]. Lam. 5. 19 John 1. 33. John 9. 41 therefore your ſin remaind 2 Cor. 9. 9. his righteouſneſs r. for ever Heb. 4. 9. there r. a reſt for people of G [...] 10. 26. there r no more ſacrifice for [...] 1 John 3. 9. his ſeed r. in him Pſ. 76. 10. remainder of his wrath reſtra [...]
  • REMEDY, 2 Chr. 36. 16. Pr. 6. 15. & 29. 1
  • REMEMBER, Gen. 40. 23. Neh. 1. 8. Gen. 9. 16. look upon [...]t that I may r. Exod 13. 3. r. this day came out of Egy [...] Deut. 5. 15. r. that thou waſt a ſervant 7. 18. ſhalt well r. what the Lord did 8. 18. thou ſhalt r. the Lord thy God 9. 7. r. and forget not how provoked 32. 7. r. days of old conſider years 2 Kings 20. 3. r. how I walked before Pſ. 20. 7. we'll r. name of the Lord 22. 27. ſhall r. and turn to the Lord 25. 6. r. thy mercies, 7. r. not ſins 74. 2. r. thy congregation, 18. 79. 8. r. not againſt us former iniquit [...] [143] Iſ. 64. 9 Jer. 14. 10. Hoſ. 8. 13. Pſ. 89. 4 [...]. r. how ſhort my time is 119. 49. r. the word to thy ſervant 122. 1. r. David and all his afflictions Eccl. [...]2. 1. 1. thy Creator in the days Song 1. 4. we'll r. thy love more than Iſ. 43. 25. I will not r. thy ſins more 46 8. 1. this and ſhew yourſelves men Jer. 31. 20. I do earneſtly r. him ſtill Ezek. 60. 61. ſhall r. thy ways and be 63. mayſt r. and be c [...]n [...]ounded and 36. 3 [...]. ſhall r. your own evil ways Mic. 6. 5. r. what Balak conſulted Heb. 3. 2. make known in wrath r. mercy Luke 1. 72. to r. his holy covenant 16. 25. r. that thou in life time rec. 17. 32. r. Lot's wife, Gen. 19. 26. Gal. 2. 10 that we ſhould r. the poor Col. 4. 18. r. my bonds Heb. 8. 12. iniquity Pil r. no more 13. 3. r. them in bonds as bound with Neh. 13. 14. r. me, 22. 31. Pſ. 25. 7. & 106. 4. Luke 23. 43. Pſ. 63. 6. I remember, 143. 5. Jer. 2. 2. for I r. thee kindneſs of youth Lev. 26. 43. I will remember my covenant, 45. Ezek. 16. 6 [...]. Pſ. 79. 11.- the works of the Lord Jer. 31. 34.—their ſin no more, 43. 25. Gen 8. 1. God remembered Noah 19. 29. God r. Abraham and ſe [...]t Lot 30. 22. God r. Rachel, 1 Sam. 1. 9. Ex. 1. 24. G. r. his cov. with Abram, 6 5. Numb. 10 9 ſhall be r before the Lord Pſ. 77. 3. I r. God and was troubled [...]8. 39. he r. they were but fleſh 9 [...]. 3. he hath r. his mercy and truth 103. 14. he r. we are duſt 105. 8. he r. his covenant for ever, 42. 119. 52. I r. thy judgments of old 55. I have r thy name in night 136. 23. who r. us in our low ſtate 137. 1. we wept when we r. Zion [...]mes 1. [...]. ſhe r. not her laſt end [...]. 26 65. Peter r. the words of Jeſus Luke 2 [...]. [...]. they r. his words [...]ohn 2. 17. his diſciples r. that it was [...]ev. 18. 5. hath r. her iniquity [...]am. 3. 19. remembering, 1 Theſſ. 1. 3. Kings 17. 18. call my ſin to remembrance [...]. 6. 5. in death no r. of thee [...]. 26. 8. r. of thee, 42. 26. put me in r. [...]am. 2. 20. my ſoul hath them in r. [...]al. 3. 16. book of r was written [...]uke 1. 54. [...]olpen Iſrael in r of his mer. 22. 19. this do in r. of me, 1 Cor. 11. [...]4. 25. [...]hn 14. 26. bring all things to your r. [...] 1 [...]. 31. thy alms are [...]ad in r. Tim. 1. 6. put in r. 2. 14. 2 Pet. 1. 12. & 3. 1. Jude 5. [...]v. 16. 19. Babylon came in r. b [...]ſ. G.
  • [...]MIT ſins they ſhall, John 20. 23. [...]t. 26. 28. remiſſion of ſins, Mark 1. 4. Luke 17. 7. & 3. 3. & 24. 47. Acts 2. 38. & 10. 43. Rom 3. 25. Heb. 9. 22. & 10. 18.
  • REMNANT, Lev. 2. 3. Deut. 3. 11. 2 Kings 19. 4. lift up prayer for r. left Ezra 9. 8. leave us a r. to eſcape Iſ. 1. 1 9 except Lord left us a ſmall r. 10. 21. a r. ſhall return, 22. Jer. 15. 11. it ſhall be well with thy r. 23. 3. I'll gather r. of my flock Ezek. 6 8. I'll have a r. that eſcape Rom. 9. 27. a r. ſhall be ſaved, 11. 5.
  • REMOVE thy ſtroke from, Pſ. 39. 10. 103. 12. ſo far hath he r. our iniquity 119. 22. r from me repr. and contempt 29. r. from me the way of lying Prov. 4. 27. r. thy foot from evil 10. 30. righteouſneſs ſhall never be r. 23. 10. r. not old land marks which 30. 8. r. far from me vanity and Eccl. 11. 10. r. ſorrow from thy heart Iſ. 30. 20. teachers not be r. into cor. Ezek. 36. 17. as uncleanneſs of r. woman Mat. 17. 20. r. hence and it ſhall r. Luke 22. 42. if will. r. this cup from me Gal. 1. 6. ſo ſoon r. from him called you Rev. 2. 5. I'll r. thy candleſtick
  • RENDER vengeance, Deut. 32. 41. 43. 2 Chr. 6. 30 r. to ev. man acc. to deeds 32. 25. Hezekiah r. not again accord. Job 33. 26. he will r. to man his righte. 34. 11. work of a man he'll r. to him Pſ 116. 12. what ſhall I r. to the Lord Prov. 26. 16. that can r. a reaſon Hoſ. 14. 2. r. calves of our lips Mat. 22 21. r. to Ceſar the things which Rom. 13. 7. r. all their dues, cuſtom to 1 Theſſ. 5. 15. none r. evil for evil. 3. 9.
  • RENEW a right ſpirit, Pſ. 51. 10. 103. 3. thy youth is r. like eagles 104. 30. thou r. face of the earth Iſ. 40. 31. wait on Lord r. their ſtrength 2 Cor. 4. 16. inward man is r. day by Eph. 4. 23. be r. in ſpirit of mind Col 3. 10. r. in knowledge after image Heb 6. 6. to r. them again to repent. Rom. 12. 2. renewing, Tit. 3. 5.
  • RENOUNCED hidden, 2 Cor. 4. 2.
  • RENOWN, Ezek. 34. 29. & 39. 13. Iſ. 14. 20. renowned, Ezek. 23. 23.
  • RENT heavens and come, Iſ. 64. r. Joel 2. 13 r. hearts and not garmen [...] Jer. 4. 30. though thou r. thy face with
  • REPAIRER of breaches, Iſ. 58. 12.
  • REPAY, Job 21. 31. & 41. 11. Deut. 7. 10 r. him to his face Iſ. 59. 18. accordingly he'll r. r. recom. Rom. 12. 10. vengeance mine I'll r. it Prov. 13. 21. to righte. good be repayed
  • REPENT of this evil, Exod. 22. 12. Numb. 23. 19. ſon of man that ſhould r. Deut. 32. 36. Lord ſhall r himſ. [...] 1 Sam. 15. 29. G. is not a man that r. 1 Kings 8. 47. r. and make [...]pplication Job 42 6. I r. in duſt and aſhes Pſ. 90. 13. let it r. thee concern. thy ſerv. 135. 14. he'll r. himſ. conc. his ſervant Jer. 1 [...]. 8. I'll r. of evil that I though Ezek. [...]. r. and turn from, 18 [...]0 [144] Joel 2. 14. if he'll r. and leave a bleſſing Jonah [...]. 9. who tell if God turn and r. Mat 3. 2. r. for kingdom of heaven, 4. 17. Mark 1. 15. r. and believe goſpel 6. 12. preached that men ſhould r. Luke 13. 3. except ye r ye ſhall periſh. 5. 16. 30. if one from the dead they'll r. 17. 30. if he r. forgive him, 4. Acts 2 38. r. and be baptized every one 2. 19. r. and be converted that your 8. 22. r. of this thy wickedneſs 17. 30. commands all men to r. 26. 20. ſhould r and turn to God Rev. 2. 5 rememb whence fallen and r. 16. r. or elſe I will come unto thee 21. I gave her ſpace to r. and ſhe r. not 3. 19 I love I chaſten be zealous and r. Gen. 6. 6. repented Lord, 7. Exod. 32. 14. Judges 2. 18. 1 Sam. 15. 11. 2 Sam. 24. 16. Joel 2. 13. Jer. 1 [...]. 6. no man r. him of his wickedn. Mat. 21. 29. afterward he r and went 27. 3. Judas r. himſelf and brought Luke 15. 7. over one ſinner that r. Jer. 15. 6. repenting, Hoſ. 11 8. Hoſ. 13. [...]4 repentance hid from Mat. 3. 8. fruits meet for r. Luke 3. 8. 11. I baptized you with water unto r. [...]. 13. not call righteous but ſinners to r. Mark 1. 4. baptiſm of r. Luke 3. 3. Luke [...]5 7. juſt perſons need no r. 24. 17. that r. and remiſſion be granted Acts 5. 31. give r. to Iſrael and forgiven. 11. 18 G to Gentiles granted r. to life 13. 24. preached bapt. of r. to all peop. 20. 21. r. tow. G and faith in L. J Ch. Rom 2. 4. goodneſs of G. leads thee to r. 11. 29. gifts and call. of G. are with. r. 2 Cor. 7. 10. godly ſorrow works r. to life Heb. 6. 1. not lay foundation of r. from 12. [...]7. found no place of r. though he 2 Pet. 3. 9. but that all ſhould come to r.
  • REPETITIONS vain, Mat. 6. 8.
  • REPL [...]ST againſt God, Rom. 9. 20.
  • REPORT evil, Gen. 37. 2. Num. 13. 22. & 14. 37. Neh. 6. 13. Deut. 6 8. Exod. 23. 1. ſhould not raiſe a falſe r. Prov. 15. 30. good r. makes bones fat Iſ. 53. 1. who hath believed our r. John 12. 38. Rom. 10. 16. 2 Cor 6. 8. by evil r. and good r. 2 Tim. 3. 7. good r. of them without Heb. 11. 2. obtained a good r. 39.
  • REPROACH, Joſh. 5. 9. Neh. 1. 3. Pſ. 69. 7. Pr. 18. 3 Iſ. 54. 4. Jer. 31. 19. Heb. 13. 13. Gen. 30. 23. Luke 1. 25. 2 Cor. 12. 10. pleaſure in reproaches Job 27. 6. my heart ſhall not r. me [...]ſ. 15. 3. taketh up r. againſt neighbour 69. 9. r. of that r. thee are fallen on me 20. r. hath broken my heart, 119. 22. Prov. 14. 31. r. his Maker, 17. 5. 34. ſin is a r. to any people Iſ 51. 7. fear not r. of men nor Joel 2. 17. give not heritage to r. Zeph. 3. 18. to whom r. of it a burden Heb. 11. 26. eſteem r. of Ch. gre. 13. 1 [...]. 1 Pet 4. 14. if reproached for name of C.
  • REPROBATE, Jer. 6. 30. Rom. 1. 28. 2 Cor. 13. 5. 6. [...]. 2 Tim. 3. 8. Tit. 1. 16.
  • REPROOF aſtoniſhed at, Job 21 11. Prov. 1. 23. turn thou at my r. I'll pour 25. would none of my r. 30. 10. 17 he that refuſeth r erreth 1 [...]. 1 he that hateth r. is brutiſh 13. 18. regards r. ſhall be honoured 15. [...]. he that regards r. is prudent 10. he that hateth r ſhall die 31. heareth r. of life abideth am. wiſe 32. hears 1. gets underſtanding 17. 10. r. enters more into wiſe 29. 15 rod and r. give wiſdom 2 Tim. 3. 16. ſervant profitable for r. Pſ. 38. 14. reproofs, Prov. 6. 23. Pſ. 50. 21. I'll reprove thee and ſet 105. 14. he r. kings for their ſake 141. 5. let him r. me and it ſhall be Prov. 9. 7. he that r. a ſcorner gets 8. r. not a ſcorner leſt he hate thee 15 12. ſcorner love not that r. him 29. 1. he that being reproved hardens Iſ. 29. 21. hate him that r. in gate Hoſ. 4. 5. let no man r. another John 3. 20. leſt his deeds ſhould be r. 16. 8. r. word of ſing righteouſn. judgm. Eph. 5. 11 works of darkneſs r them 13. all things r. are made manifeſt by Prov. 25. 12. reprover, Ezek. 3. 26.
  • REPUTATION, Eccl. 10. 1. Acts 5. 34. Gal 2. 2. Phil. 2. 7 29.
  • REQUEST, Pſ. 106. 15 Phil. 4. 6.
  • REQUIRE, Gen. 9. 5. & 42. 22. Ezek. 3. 18. 20. & 33. 8. Deut. 10. 12. what doth L. r. Mic. 6. 8. 18. 19. if not hearken I'll r. it 1 Kings [...]. 59. as the matter ſhall r. Prov. 30. 7. two things have I r. of thee Iſ. 1. 12. who r. this at your hand Luke 12. 20. thy ſoul be r of thee 48. of him ſhall much be r. 1 Cor. 4. 2. r. of ſtewards be faithful
  • REQUITE, Gen. 50. 15. 2 Sam. 16. 12. Deut. 32. 6. do ye thus r. Lord O fooli [...] 1 Tim. 5. 4. learn to r. their parents 2 Chron. 6. 23. judge by requiting wick [...]
  • RERE-WARD, Iſ. 52. 12. & 58. 8.
  • RESERVE, Jer. 50. 20. 2 Pet. 2. 9. Job 21. 30. wicked is r. to day of deſtn. Jer. 3. 5. will he r. his anger for ever 5. 24. he r. appointed weeks of harve [...] Nah. 1. 2. he r. wrath for his enemies 1 Pet. 1. 4. inherit. r. in heaven for you Jude 6. r. in everlaſting chains to Judgm
  • RESIDE, Zeph. 2. 9. Mal. 2. 15.
  • RESIST not evil, Mat. 5. 39. Zech. 3. 1. Satan at right hand to r. his Acts 7. 51. ye alway r. the Holy Ghoſt 9. 19. who hath r. his will Rom. 13. 2. that r. ſhall receive damn [...] 2 Tim. 3. 8. ſo do theſe r. the truth Heb. 12. 4. have not yet r. to blood James 4. 6. God r. proud, 1 Pet. 5. 5. [145] 4. 7. r. the devil and he will fle [...] thee 1 Pet. 5. [...]. whom r ſtedfaſt [...]n faith
  • RESPECT L. had to Abel, Gen. 4. 4. Ex. 2. 25. Lev. 26 9 2 Kings 13. 23. Deut 1. 17. not r perſons, 16. 19 2 Chron. 19. 7. nor r. of perſons with G. Rom. 2. 11. Eph. 6. 9 Col. 3 25. Acts 10. 34. Job 37. 24. 1 Pet. 1. 17 Pſ. 40. 4. r. not proud, 138. 6. r. lowly 119. 6. I have r. to all thy commandm. Prov. 24 23. not good to have r. of per. 28. 21. Lev 19. 15 James 2. 1. & 3. 9. Heb 11. 26. he had r. to recomp. of re.
  • REST, Ex. 16. 23. & 33. 14. Deut. 12. 9. Pſ. 9 [...]. 11. not enter into my r. Heb. 3. 11. 16. 7. return to thy r O my ſoul 132. 14. this is my r here I'll dwell Iſ. 11 10. his r ſhall be glorious 28 12. this is the r. and the refreſhing 30. 15. in return and r. ſhould be ſaved 62. 7. give him no r. till he eſtabliſh Jer. 6. 16 ſhall find r. for your ſouls Mic. 2. 10. this is not your r it is poll. Mat. 22. 28. 29. I'll give you r to ſouls Acts 9 31. then had churches r. 2 Theſſ 1. 7. to you troubled r. with Heb. 4. 9. r. remains for people of God 10 entered into his r. 11. to enter r. Rev. 14. 11. no r. day nor night Pſ. 16. 9 my fleſh [...] all r. in hope 37. 7. r. in Lord and wait patiently 125. 3. rod of wicked ſhall not r. on Iſ. 57. 2. r on their beds each walking 20. wicked like troubled ſea cannot r Hab. 3. 16. I might r. in day of trouble Zeph 3. 17. he ſhall r in in his love Rev. 14. 13. dead in Lord r. from labours Rom. 2. 17. Jew and reſteſt in the law Job 24. 23. reſteth wiſdom, Prov. 14. 33. Eccl. 7. 9. anger r. in boſom of fools 1 Pet. 4. 14. ſpirit of God and glory r. on Numb. 10. 33. reſting place, 2 Chr 6. 41. Prov. 24 15. Iſ. 32. 18. Jer 50. 6.
  • RESTORE, Pſ. 51. 12. & 23. 3. & 69. 4. Luke 19. 8. Gal. 6. 1. Iſ. 58. 10. Exod. 22. 3. reſtitution, Acts 3. 21.
  • RESTRAIN, 1 Sam, 3. 13. Job 15. 4. Pſ. 76. 10. Iſ. 63 15.
  • RESURRECTION, Matth. 22. 23. 28. 30. Acts 23. 8. 1 Cor. 15. 12. Heb. 6. 2. Luke 20. 36. ch. of G. being childr. of r. John 5. 29. r. of life evil to r of damnat. 11. 25. I am the r. and the life he that Acts 17. 18. preached Jeſus and the r. 24. 15. there ſhall be a r. of the dead Rom. 6. 5. in likeneſs of his r. Phil. 3. 10. power of r. 11. attain r. 2 Tim. 2. [...]8. ſaying th [...]t the r. is paſt Heb. 11. 35. might obtain a better r. Rev. 20. 5. this is the firſt r. 6.
  • RETAIN, Job 2. 9. John 20. 23. Prov. 3. 18. & 11. 16. Eccl 8. 8. Rom. 1. 28. Mic 7. 18. retaineth not his anger for ev.
  • RETURN to ground duſt, Gen. 3. 19. 1 Kings 8. 48. r. to thee with all heart Job 1. 21. naked ſhall I r. thither Pſ. 35. 13. my prayer r. into own boſom 73. 10 his people r [...]her 78. 34. r and enqui [...]e early after God 90 3. r. ye children of men 116. 7. r to thy reſt O my ſoul for Lord Eccl 12 7. duſt ſhall r. to earth and Sp. Song 6. 13. r. O Shulamite r that we Iſ. 10. 21. remnant ſhall r. to God, 22. 2. 12. it enquire, enquire r. [...]me 30. 15. in r. and reſt ſhall ye be ſaved 35. 10. ranſomed of Lord ſhall r. 51. 11. 55. 11. word ſhall not r. void but ſhall Jer. 3. 12. r th [...] backſliding Iſ [...]. 14. 22. 4. 1. if thou w [...]lt r. r. unto me 15. 19. let them r. to thee r not thou Hoſ 2. 7. go and r. to my firſt huſband 5. 15. I will go and r. to my place 7. 16. they r. but not to the Moſt High 11. 9. I'll not r. to deſtroy Ephraim Amos 4. 6. ye r. not to me, 8.—11. Mal. 3. [...]. r to me and I'll r. to you 18 ye ſhall r. and diſcern between the 1 Pet 2. 25. are now r. to the ſhepherd Jer. 5. 3 they refuſed to return, 8. 5. Hoſ. 11. 5. Deut 30. 2. return to the Lord, 1 Sam 7. 3. Iſ. 55. 7. Hoſ. 6. 1. & 3. 5. & 7. 10. & 14. 1. 7.
  • REVEAL, Prov. 11. 13. Dan. 2. 19. Deut. 29. 29 thoſe things which are r. Job 2 [...] 27. heaven ſhall r. his iniquity Prov. 20. [...]9. tale-bearer r. ſecrets, 11. 13. Iſ. 22. 14. it was r. in mine ears 53. 1. to whom is arm of Lord r. Am. 3. 7. he r. his ſecrets to his ſervants Mat 10. [...]6. covered ſhall not be r. 11. 25 hid theſe fr. wi [...]e r. them to babes 16. 17 fleſh and blood hath not r. it to Rom. 1. 17. righteouſ. of G. r. from faith 8. 18. glory that ſhall be r. in us 1 Cor. 2. 10. God hath r. it to us Gal. 1. 16. pleaſed God to r. his Son in me Phil. 3. 15. God ſhall r. even this to you 2 Theſſ. 1. 7. when Lord Jeſus ſhall be r. 2. 3. falling away and man of ſin be r. Rom. 2. 5. revelation, 16. 25. Gal. 1. 12. Eph. 1. 17. & 3. 3. 1 Pet. 1. 13. 2 Cor. 12. 1. Rev. 1. 1.
  • [...]EVELLINGS, Gal. 5. 21. 1 Pet. 4. 3.
  • REVENGE, Jer 15. 15. 2 Cor. 7. 11. & 10. 6. Nah. 1. 2. Pſ. 79. 10. by revenging blood of ſervants Numb. 35. 10. revenger, Rom. 13. 4.
  • REVERENCE my ſanctuary, Lev. 19. 30. Pſ. 89. 7. to be had in r. of all about him Eph. 5. 33. wife ſee that r. her huſband Heb. 12. 28. ſerve G. acceptably with r. Pſ. 111. 9. holy and reverend is name
  • REVILE, Exod. 22. 2 [...]. Mat. 5. 11. 1 Cor. 5. 11. being reviled we bleſs being 1 Pet 2. 23. when r. r. not again 1 Cor. 4. [...]10. nor revilers inh. kingd. of G. Iſ. 51. 7. revilings, Zeph. 2. 8.
  • REVIVE us again, Pſ. 85. 6. I [...]. 57. 15 r. ſp. of humble r. heart of con. Hoſ. 6. 2. after two days he'll r. us [146] 14. 7. under his ſhadow r. as corn Hab 3. 2. r. thy work in midſt of Rom. 7. 9 ſin revived and I died 14. 9. Chriſt roſe and r. that might be Ezra 9 8. give us a little reviving, 9.
  • REVOLT more and more, Iſ. 1. 5. Iſ. 31. 6. childr. of Iſ [...]. have deeply r—ed Jer. 5. 23. this people a r. heart are r. 6. 28 revolters, H [...]ſ. 5. 2. & 9. 15.
  • REWARD exceeding great, Gen. 15. 1. Deut. 10. 17. takes not r Pſ. 15. 5. Pſ. 19. 11. in keeping them is great r. 58. 11. there is a r. for the righteous 127. 3. fruit of womb is his r. Pr. 11. 18. that ſoweth righte. ſure r. Iſ. 3. 11. woe to wick r. or hands given 5. 23. woe to juſtify wicked for r. Mic. 7. 3. judge aſketh for a r Mat. 5. 12. great is your r. in heaven 6. 2. hypocrites have their r. 10. 41. receive a prophets r. Rom. 4. 4. r. is not reckoned of grace 1 Cor. 3 8. receive his own r. according Col. 2. 18. none beguile you of your r. 3. 24. r. the r. of the inheritance 1 Tim. 5. 18. labourer is worthy of r. Heb. 2. 2. received juſt recompence of r. 11. 35. had reſpect to recompence of r. 2 John 8. we may receive a full r. Rev. 22. 21. I come my r. is with me Pſ. 31. 23. plentifully rewards proud 103. 10. nor r us according to iniquities Iſ. 3. 9. they have r. evil to themſelves Mat 6. 4. Father ſhall r. thee openly 2 Tim. 4. 14. L. r. him according to his Rev. 18. 6. r. her as ſhe r. you Heb. 11. 6. rewarder of dilig. ſeek him
  • RICH, Gen. 13. 2. & 14. 23 Exod. [...]0. 15. Prov. 10. 4. hand of diligent maketh r. 22. bleſſing of Lord makes r. and adds 13. 7. makes himſelf rich yet has noth. 14. 20. r. man has many friends but 18 11. r. man's wealth ſtr. city, 10. 15. 23. r. anſwers roughly but poor 22. 2. r. and poor meet together 23. 4. labour not to be r. ceaſe from 28. 11. r. man is wiſe in own conceit 20. haſteth to be r. falls into ſnare Eccl. 5. 12. abundance of r. will not ſuff. 10. 20 curſe not r. in bed chamber Jer. 9. 23. let not r. man glory in riches Mat. 19. 23. a r. man ſhall hardly enter Luke 1. 52. r. man he ſent empty away 6. 24. wo to you r. have receiv. conſol. 12. 11. lays up treaſu. not r. towards G. 16. 1. certain r. man which had ſteward 18. 23 ſorrowful for he was very r. 2 Cor. 6. 10. poor making many r. 8. 9. L. Jeſus tho' he was r. bee. poor Eph. 2. 4. God who is r. in mercy for 1 Tim. 6 9 they that will be r. fall 17 ch. r. in world, 18. r. in good works James 2. 5 poor in world r. in faith Rev. 2. 9. poverty but thou art r. 3. 17. ſayſt I anſ r. 18. mayſt be r. 1 Chron. 29. 12. riches and honour con. e Pſ. 39. 6. he heaps up r. and knows not 49. 6. beaſt themſ. in multitude of r. 52. 7. truſted in abundance of his r. 62. 10. [...]f r. increaſe ſet not heart 104. 24. earth is full of thy r. 112. 3. wealth and r. ſhall be in houſe 119 14. rejoic. in teſtim. as much as r. Prov. 3. 16. in her left hand r and honour 11. 2. r. profit not in day o [...] wrath 28. he that truſts in his [...]. ſhall fall 13 8. ranſom of man's l [...]fe are his r 24. crown of wiſe is their r. 23. 5. r make themſ. wings and fly 27. 24. r. are not for ever nor crown 30. 8. give me neither poverty nor r. Jer. 17. 11. ſo he that gets r and not by Mat. 13. 22. deceitfuln. of r. choke word Luke 16. 11. commit to your truſt true r. Rom. 2. 4. diſpoſeſt r. of his goodneſs 9. 23. make known r. of his glory 11. 12. infall of them be r of Gentiles 2 Cor. 8. [...]. abounded to r. of liberality Eph. 1. 7. according to r. of his grace 2. 7. might ſhew exceeding r. of grace Phil. 4. 19 according to his r. in glory Col. 2. 2. to all r. of the full aſſurance. 1. 27. 1 Tim. 6. 17. nor truſt in uncertain r. Heb. 11. 26. reproach of Chriſt greater r. James 5. 2. your r are corrupted Col. 3. 16. word of God dwell richly, 1. 27. 1 Tim. 6. 17. giveth us r. all things
  • RIDE, Pſ. 45. 4. & [...]6. [...]2. Hab. 3. 8. Deut. 33. 26 rideth, Pſ. 68 4. 33. Iſ. 19. 1.
  • RIGHT, Numb. 27. 7 Deut 21. 17. Gen. 18. 25. judge of the earth do r. Ezra 8. 21. ſeek of him a r. way Job 34. 23. not lay on more than r. Pſ. 13. 8. ſtatutes of Lord are r. 33. 4. 51. 10. renew a r. ſpirit within me 119. 128. I eſteem precepts to be r. Prov. 4. 11. I have led thee in r. paths 25. let eyes look r on before thee 8. 9. all r. to them that find knowledge 12. 5 thoughts of the righteous are r. 14. 12. way which ſeemeth r. but end 21. 2. way of man is r. in eyes, 12. 25. Iſ. 30. 10 propheſy not to us r. things Ezek. 18. 5. man be juſt do lawful and r. Hoſ. 14. 9. ways of Lord are r. the juſt Amos 3. 10. they know not to do r Mark 5. 15. clothed and in his r. mind Luke 12. 57. judge ye not what is r. Acts 4. 19. whether r. in ſight of God to 8. 21. thy heart is not r. in ſight of G. 13. 10 ceaſe to pervert r. ways of Lord Eph. 6. 1. children obey parents this is r. 2 Pet. 1. 15. forſaken r. way gone aſtray Rev. 22. 14. may have r to tree of life 2 Tim. 2. 15. rightly dividing word of Gen. 7. 1. ſeen thee righteous before me 18. 23. wilt deſtroy r with wick. 20. 4. Numb. 23. 10. let me die dea [...]h of r. Deut. 25. 1. juſtify r. and condemn wick. 1 Kings 8. 32 juſtifying r. [...]. wicked Job 4. 7. where were r. cut off 17. 9. r. ſhall hold on his way [147] Pſ 1. 6. Lord knoweth the way of r. 5. 12. wilt bleſs the r with [...] 7 11. God judgeth r God is angry 11. 5. Lord tri [...]ch r. [...] wick [...]d and 32. 11. rejoice in Lord ye r 33. 1. 34. 17. r. cry L. h [...] [...] delivers, 15. 19. many are [...] of r but [...] deliv. 3 [...]. [...] but the Lord upholds r. 25. I have not ſeen r [...] 20 1. ſhall inherit land and dwell 55. 22. never ſuffer r. to be moved 5 [...]. [...]1. verily there is reward for r. 64. 10 r. ſhall be glad in the Lord 68. 2. let r. be glad rejoice before God 9 [...]. 12. r. ſhall flouriſh like palm 97. 11. light is ſown for r. 112. 4. 112. 6 r. ſhall be in everlaſting remem. 125. 3. rod of wicked not r. on lot of r. 141. 5. let r. ſmite me and kindneſs 14 [...]. 17. L. is 1. Lam. 1. 18. Dan. 9. 14. 146 8 Lord opens, raiſeth, loveth r. Prov. 3. 32. his ſecret is with r. 10 3. not ſuffer ſoul of r to famiſh 16. labour of r tendeth to life 21. lips of r. feed many but fools 24. deſire of r ſhall be granted 25. r. is an everlaſting foundation 28. hope of r. ſhall be gladneſs 30. r ſhall never be removed 32. h [...]s of r. know what is acceptable 11. 8. r. are delivered out of trouble 21. ſeed of r. ſhall be delivered 28. r. ſhall flouriſh as a branch 30. fruit of r. is a tree of life 31. r. ſhall be recompenſed in earth 12. 3. root of r. ſhall not be moved 5. thoughts of the r. are right but 7. but the houſe of the r. ſhall ſtand 10. r man regardeth life of beaſt 12. root of r. yields fruit 26. r. is more excellent than his neigh. 13. 9. light of r. rejoiceth, but lamp of 25. r. eateth to the ſatisfying of his ſoul 14. 32. r. hath hope in his death 15. 6. in houſe of r. is much treaſure 19. way of the r. is made plain 29. L. heareth the prayer of the r. 18 10. r. runs into it and is ſafe 28. 1. r. are bold as a lion Eccl. 7. 16. he not r. overmuch 9. 2. one event to r. and wicked Iſ. 3. 10. ſay to r. it ſhall be well 41. 2. raiſed up the r. man from the eaſt 57. 1. r. periſheth, r. are taken away 60. 21. thy people ſhall be all r. Ezek. 18. 24. when the r. turneth away Mal. 3. 18. diſcern between r. and wicked Mat 9. 13. not come to call the r. but 10. 41. receive a r. mans reward 25. 46 theſe to ever [...]. p. r. into life eter. Luke 1. 6. both were r. before God 18. 9. that they were r. and deſpiſed Rom. 3. 10. none r. no not one 5. 7. ſcarcely for r. man will one die 19. by obedience of one many r. 2 Theſſ. 1. 5. it is a r. thing with God to 1 Tim. 1. 9. law is not made for r. man Jam. 5. 16. prayer of r man avails 1 Pet. 4 18 if r ſcarcely be ſaved 1 John 3. 7. he that doth right. is r. as r. Rev. 22 11. that is r. let him be r. ſtill Tit. 2. 12. live ſoberly righteouſly Deut. 6 25. ſhall be our righteouſneſs 33. 19 offer ſacrifice of r. Pſ. 4. 5. Job 9 14 I [...] r. and it clothed 36. 3 I'll aſcribe r. to my Maker Pſ. 11. 7 righteous Lord loves r. 45. 7. 15. 2. walketh uprightly works r. 85. 10. r. and peace have kiſſed 97 2. r. and judgment are habitation of 10 [...]. 3. that doth r. at all times Prov. 10. 2. r. delivers from death, 11. 4. 11. 5. r. of perfect ſhall direct 6. r. of upright ſhall deliver 18. to him that ſows r. be a ſure reward 19. as r. tendeth to life ſo purſue 12. 38. in way of r. is life, no death 13. 6. r. keeps upright in way 14. 34. r. exalts a nation, but ſin 15. 9. he loves him that follow after r. 16 8 better is a little with r. 12. his throne is eſtabliſhed by r. 31. hoary head found in way of r. Iſ. 11. 5. r. ſhall be girdle of loins 26. 9 inhabitants of world learn r. 28. 17. judgment to line r. to plummet 32. 17. work of r ſhall be peace 45. 24. in Lord have I r. and ſtrength 46. 12. far from r. 13. I bring near r. 54. 17 their r. is of me ſaith the Lord 61. 3. trees of r. planting of the Lord 10. covered me with robes of r. 62. 1. r. thereof go forth as brightneſs 64. 5. meeteſt him that works r. Jer. 23. 6. he called the L. our r. 33. 16. Dan. 4. 27. break off thy ſins by r. 9. 7. r. belongs to thee but to us 24. finiſh tranſgreſ bring in everl. r. 12. 3. that turn many to r. as ſtars Zeph 2. 3. ſeek r. ſeek meekneſs Mal. 4. 2. ſun of r. ariſe with healing Mat. 3. 15 becomes us to fulfill all r. 5. 6. hunger and thirſt after r. 20. except your r. exceed r. of Scribes 21. 32. John came in the way of r. Luke 1. 75. in holineſs and r. before him John 16. 8. reprove world of ſin r. judgm. Acts 10. 35. that works r. is accepted [...]3. 10. child of devil, enemy of all r. 24. 25. reaſoned of r. temperance Rom. 1. 17. therein is r. of God revealed 3. 22. even r. of G. by faith of J. Chr. 4. 6. to whom G. imputeth r. without 11. ſeal of the r. of faith which, 13. 5. 18. by r. of one free gift came, 17. 21. grace reign thro' r. to eternal life 6. 13. members as inſtruments of r. 18. became ſervants of r. to holineſs, 19. 8. 4. that r. of law might be fulfilled 9. 30. Gentiles who followed not after r. have attained to r. everl. r. of faith, 31. 10. 3. ign. of r. of G. eſtabliſh own r. r. [148] have not ſubmitted to r. of Chriſt 5. r. of law, r. which is of fa [...]th, 9. [...]1. 10. with heart man believes [...] r 14. 17. k. of G. is r. pe [...], joy in H G. 2 Cor. 1. 30. C. [...]. of [...]. made [...]o us r. 15. 34. wake to r. and ſin not 2 Cor 5. 21 made r. of God in him 6. 7. armour of r. 14. fellowſh [...]p r. 9. 10. increaſe fruits of your r. 9. 11. 15. his miniſter into min. of r. Gal. 2. 21. if r come by la [...] Chr. is dead Eph 6 14 having on breaſtplate of r. Phil. 1 [...]. filled with fruits of r. 3. 6. touching the r. of ſaw blameleſs 9. not own r. [...]ut r of God by faith 1 Tim. 6. 11. follow r. 2 Tim. 2 22. Tit. 3. 5. not by wor [...] of r. we done Heb. 12. 11. yields peaceable fruits of r Jam. 1. 20. wrath of in works not r. of G. 3. 18. fruit of r is ſown in peace 1 Pet. 3. 4 if ye ſuffer for r. happy 2 Pet. 1. 1. thro' r. of God our Saviour 2 5. Noah a preacher of r 3. 13. heaven and e. where dwelleth r. 1 John 2. 29. every that doth r is born 3 7. he that doth r is righteous Rev. 19. 8. fine linen is r. of ſaints Gen. 15. 6. counted to him for righteouſneſs, Pſ. 106. 31. Rom 4. 3. 5 9. 12. Gal. 3. 6. 1 Kings 8. 32. his righteouſneſs, Job 33. 26. Pſ. 50. 6. Ezek. 3. [...]0. Mat. 6. 33. Rom. 3 25. 2 Cor. [...]. [...]. Pſ. 17. [...]5. in righteouſneſs, Hoſ. 10. 12. Acts 17. 31. Pſ. 96. 13 & 98. 9. Eph. 4. 24. Rev. 19. 11. Deut. 9. 5 thy righteouſneſs, Job 35. 8 Pſ 35. 28. & [...]0. 10. & 51. 14. & 89. 16. & 119 142. [...]ſ. 57 12. & 58. 8. & [...]2. 2. Iſ. 64 6. all our righteouſneſſes Ezek. 33. 13. Dan. [...]. 18.
  • RIGOUR, Exod. 1. 13. Lev. 25. 43. 53.
  • RIOT, Tit. 1. 6. 1 Pet. 4. 4. 2 Pet 2. 13. rioting, Rom. 13. 13. Prov. 23. 20. riotous, 28. 7. Luke 15. 13.
  • RIPE fruit, Exod. 22. 29. Num. 18. 13. Mic. 7. 1. Jer. 24. 2. r. figs, Hoſ. 9. 10. Nah 3. 12. Gen. 40. 10. ripe grapes, Num. 13. 20. Iſ. [...]8. 5. Rev. 14. 5. Joel 3. 12. harveſt r. Rev. 14. 15.
  • RISE, Song 3. 2. Iſ. 14. 21. & 24. 20. & 26. 14. & 33. 10. & 43. 17. & 54. 17. & 58. 10. 1 Theſſ. 4. 16. Prov. 30. 31. riſing, Luke 2. 34.
  • RIVER, Exod. 1. 21. & 4. 9. Job 40. 23. Pſ. 26. 8. & 46. 4. & 65. 9. Iſ. 48. 18. & 66. 12. Rev. 22. 1. 2. Job 20. 17. rivers, 29. 6. Pſ. 119. 136. Prov. 5. 16. & 21. 1. Iſ. 32. 2. & 33. 21. Mic. 6. 7. John 7. 38.
  • ROAR, Iſ. 42. 13. Jer. 25. 30. Hoſ. 11. 10. Joel 3. 16. Amos 1. 2.
  • ROB, Lev. 19. 13. Prov. 22. 22. Mal. 3. 8. will a man r. God ye r. 9. Pſ. 42. 22. a people r. and ſpoiled 2 Cor. 11. 8 I r. other churches Job 5. 5. robber ſwalloweth up, 18. 9. John 10. 1 [...]mus up is a thief and a r. P [...] [...]. [...]0. robbery, Prov. 21. 7. Iſ. 61. 8. Amos 3 10. Phil 2. 6.
  • ROBE, Iſ 61 10. Rev. 7. 9. 13. 14.
  • ROCK, Exod. 17. 6 Numb 20. 8. 11. Deut. 32 4. 13. [...]5. 18. 30 [...]1. Pſ. 18. 2 L is my r and fortreſs, 92 15. 18. 31. who is a r. ſav [...] our God, 46. 31. 3 thou art my r. and fortreſs, 2. 61. 2. lead me to r. higher than I 62. 2. he only is my r. and ſalvation, 6. 71. 3. my ſtrong habit r. and fortreſs 89. 26. my Father and r. of my ſalva. 91. 22. God is the r. of my refuge Mat. 7. 24 like man built houſe on r 16. 18. on this r I'll build my church 1 Cor 10. 4 r. followed that r. was Chr. Rev 6. 16. ſaid to r. fall on us
  • ROD, Exod. 4. 4. 20. Numb. 7. 2. 8. Pſ. 23. 4 thy r. and ſtiff comfort me 125. [...]. r of wicked not reſt on lot Prov. 13. 24 ſpareth r. hates his ſon 22. 15. r. of correction drive it out 23. 14 ſhall beat him with the r. 29. 15. r. and reproof [...]ve wiſdom Iſ 10. 5. r. of my anger, ſtaff indignation [...]z. 20. 3 [...]. cauſe paſs under r. [...]e [...]. 27. 32. Mic. 6. 9. hear r. 7. 14. feed with r. Rev. [...]2. 5. rule with r. of iron, 19.
  • ROOM, Prov. 18 16. Luke 14 22.
  • ROOT, Job 5. 3 & 3 [...]. 12. Iſ. 52. 5. Deut. 29. 18. r. that bears gall and Job 19. 28. ſeeing r. of matter found Prov. 11. 10. r of righteous not moved Iſ. 1. 10. ſhall be a r. of [...]e [...]le his r. 37. 31. take r. downward, 7. 6. Mat. 3. 10. ax [...]s laid to r. of tree 13. 6. becauſe had no r. withered Luke 17. 6. be thou pluckt up by r. Rom. 11. 16 if r. be holy ſo ar [...] branches 1 Tim. 6. 10 l [...]ve of money is r. of evil Heb. 12. 15. leſt r. of bitterneſs ſpring Mat. 15. 13 not planted be rooted up Eph. 3. 17. bring r. and grounded in Col 2. 7 r and built up in him
  • ROSE, Song 2. 1. Iſ. 35. 1.
  • ROYAL di [...]dem in hand of God, Iſ. 62. 3. Jam. 2. 8. if ye fulfill r law according 1 Pet. 2. 9 ye are a r. prieſthood
  • RUBIES price of wiſdom above, Job 28. [...] Prov. 3 15. & 8. 12. & 31. 10.
  • RUDDY, Song 5. 10. Lam. 4. 7.
  • RUDIMENTS, Col. 2. 8. 20.
  • RULE, Eſt [...]er 9. 1. Prov. 17. 2. & 19. 10. Prov. 25. 28. has no r. over his own ſpirit Gal. 6. 16 walk according to this r. Phil. 3. 16. let us walk by the ſame r. Heb. 13. 7. remem have r. over you, [...]7. 2 Sam. 23. 3. ruleth over men muſt be juſt, ruling in the fear of God Pſ. 103. 19. his kingdom r. over all Prov. 16. 3 [...]. better that r. his ſpirit than Hoſ. 11. 12. Judah r. with G. is faithful Col. 3. 15. let peace of God r. in hearts [149] 1 Tim. 3. 5. how to r. his own houſe 5. 17. elders that r. well be counted Rev. 12. 5. child was to r. all nations Mic. 5. 2. is to be r [...]ler in Iſrael Mat. 25. 2 [...]. make thee r over many Acts 23. 5. not ſpeak evil of r. of people Rom. 13. 3. r. are not a terror to good Eph. 6 12. r. of darkneſs of this world
  • RUN, Gen. 49. 22. Lev. 15. 3. 1 Sam. 8. 11. Pſ. [...]9. [...]. Eccl. 1. 7. Heb. 6. 20. 2 Chr. 16. 9. eyes of L r. to and fro to ſhew Pſ. 129. 32. I'll r. way of thy command. Song 1. 4. draw me we'll r. after thee Iſ. 40. 31. r. and not be weary walk Dan. 12. 4. many ſhall r. to and fro 1 Cor. 9. 24. let us ſo r. that may obtain Gal. 2. 2. r. in vain. 5 7. ye did r. well Heb. 12. 1. let us r. with patience race 1 Pet. 4. 4. r not to ſame exceſs of riot Pſ 23. 5. my cup runneth over Prov. 18. 10. righte. r. into it and is ſafe Rom. 9. 16. it is not of him that r.
  • SABBATH holy, Exod. 16. 23. 29. & 20. 8.- 11. & 31. 14. Acts 13. 42. & 18. 4. Lev. 23. 3. ſeventh day is the ſ. of reſt Neh. 9. 14. madeſt known thy ſ. 13. 18. bring wrath by profaning ſ. Iſ. 56. 2. keeps ſ. from polluting it, 6. 58. 13. call ſ. a delight holy of Lord Mat 12. 5. prieſts profane ſ. and are 28. 1. in end of ſ. as it dawn towards Lev. 19. 3. my ſabbaths, 30. & 26. 2. Iſ. 56. 4. Ezek. 20. 12. 13. & 22. 8. 26. & 23. 38. & 44. 24. & 46. 3 Deut. 5. 1 [...]. ſabbath day, Neh. 13. 22. Jer. 17. 21. Acts 15. 21. Col. 2. 16.
  • SACKCLOTH, Gen. 37. 24. Job 16. 15. Pſ. 30. 11 & 35. 13. Iſ. 22. 12. Rev. 11. 3.
  • SACRIFICE, Gen 31. 54. Exod. 8 25. 1 Sam. 2. 29. wherefore kick ye at my ſ. 3. 14. iniq. of Eli's h. not purged with ſ. 15. 22. to obey is better than ſ. Pſ. 4. 5. offer ſ. of righteouſneſs 40. 6. ſ. and offering didſt not deſire 50 5. made a covenant with me by ſ. 51. 16. deſireſt not ſ. elſe I'd give it 17. ſ. of God are a broken ſpirit 107. 22. L. offer ſ. of thankſgiv. 116. 17. 141. 2. lifting up of hands as even. ſ. Prov. 15. 8. ſ. of wick. abom. to L. 27. 21. 3. to do juſtice more accep. than ſ. Eccl. 5. 1. than to give ſ. of fools Dan. 8. 11. daily ſ taken away 9. 27. cauſe ſ. and oblation to ceaſe 11. 31. take away daily ſ. 12. 11. Joſ. 6. 6. deſired mercy not ſ. Mat 9. 13. [...]rk 9. 49. every ſ. be ſalted with ſalt [...]om. 12. 1. preſent bodies living ſ. [...] Cor. 5. 7. Chriſt our paſſover is ſ for us [...]ph. 5. 2. ſ. to God for a ſweet ſmelling [...]hil. 2. 17. offered on ſ. of your faith 4. 18. ſweet ſmell ſ. acceptable to G. [...]b. 9. 26. put away ſin by ſ. of himſelf 13. 15. ſ. of praiſe. 16. with ſuch ſ. G. [...] Pet. 2. 5. prieſthood to offer ſpiritual ſ.
  • SACRILEGE commit, Rom. 2. 22.
  • SAD, 1 Sam. 1. 1 [...]. [...]z 13. 22. Mark 10. 22. Eccl. 7. 3. by ſadneſs of count. heart better
  • SAFE, Pſ. 119. 1 [...]7. Prov. 18. 10. & 29. 27. Job 5. 4. ſafety, 11. Pſ. 4 8. & 12. 5. & 33. 17. Prov. 11. 14. & 21. 31.
  • SAINTS, Pſ. 52. 9. & 79. 2. & 89. 5. Deut. 33. 2. come with 10,000 of his ſ. 3. all his ſ. are in thy hand 1 Sam. 2. 9 he keep-feet of his ſ. 2 Chr. 6. 41 let ſ. rejoice in goodneſs Job 15. 15. he puts no truſt in his ſ. Pſ. 16. 3. goodneſs extend. to ſ. on earth 37. 28. Lord forſaketh not his ſ. 50. 5. gather my ſ. together to me 97. 10. L. preſerves ſouls of his ſ. 106 16. envied Aaron ſ. of the Lord 116. 15. precious to L is death of ſ. 149. 9. this honour have all his ſ. Prov. 2. 8. preſerveth way of his ſ. [...]an. 7. 18. ſ. ſhall take kingdom, 25. 27. Hoſ. 11. 12. Judith is faithful with the ſ. Zech. 14. 5. God come, all ſ. with thee Rom. 1. 7. called to be ſ. 1 Cor. 1. 2. 2 Cor. 1. 1. Eph. 1. 1. Col. 1. 2. 4. 12. 26. Rom. 8. 27. interceſſion for ſ. Eph. 6. 18. 12. 13. neceſſity of ſ. 2 Cor. 9. 12. 15. 25. miniſter to ſ. 26. 31. 1 Cor. 16. 1. 2 Cor. 8. 4. & 9. 1. Heb. 6. 10. 1 Cor. 6. 2. ſ. ſhall judge the world Eph. 3. 3. I am leſs than the leaſt of all ſ. 4. 12. for perfecting ſ. for work of min. 1 Theſſ. 3. 13. coming of L. J. with all ſ. 2 Theſſ. 1. 10. come to be glorified in ſ. Jude 14. L. comes with 10,000 of his ſ. Rev. 5. 8. prayers of ſ. 8. 3. 4. 11. 18. reward of ſ 13. 7. war with ſ. 14. 12. patience of ſ. 15. 3. king of ſ. 16. 6. blood of ſ. 17. 6. & 18. 24. 19. 8. right. of ſ. 20. 9. camp of ſ.
  • SALT, Gen. 19. 26. Lev. 2. 13. Mat. 5. 13. Mark 9. 49. 50. Col. 4. 6.
  • SALVATION, Pſ. 14. 7. & 53. 6. Ex. 14. 13. ſtand, ſee ſ. of L. Chr. 20. 17. Pſ. 3. 8. ſ. belongs only to the Lord 37. 39. ſ. of righteous is of Lord 50. 23. I'll ſhew him ſ. of G. 96. 2. 68. 20. our God is the God of ſ. 65. 5. 85. 9. his s. is nigh them that fear him 98. 2. made known his s. 3. ſeen his s. 119. 155. s. is far from wicked 132. 16. I'll clothe her prieſts with s. 149. 4. L. will beautify meek with s. Iſ. 26. 1. s. will God appoint for walls 25. 9. we'll rejoice in his s. 12. 3. 33. 2. be our s. 6. ſtrength of s. 45. 17. Israel ſaved in L. with everl. s. 46. 13. I'll place s. in Zion for Israel 52. 7. publiſh s. 10. ends o [...] earth ſee s. 59. 16 own arm brought s. 63. 5. 17. helmet of s. Eph. 6. 18. 60. 18. call thy walls s. gates praise 61. 10. garm. of s. 62. 1. s. as lamp Jer. 3. 23. in vain is s. in Lord is s. of Lam. 3. 26. quietly wait for s. of Lord Jonah 2. 4. s. is of the Lord [150] Hab. 3. 8 ride on thy chariots of s. Zech. 9. 9. king comes juſt and having s. Luke 19. 9. s. is come to thy houſe John 4. 22. we know s. is of Jews Acts 4. 12. neither is s. in any other 12. 26 word of s. ſent, 47. be for s. Rom. 1. 16. gospel is power of God to s. 11. 11. thro' f [...]l s. is come to Gentiles 12. 11. now is our s. near than when 2 Cor. 1. 6. for your s. 6. 1. d [...]y of s. Eph. 1. 13. gospel of s. 6. 17. helmet of s. P [...]i [...]. 2. 12. work out your s. with fear 1 Theſſ 5. 8. hope of s. 9. to obtain s. 2 Theſſ. 2. 13. God has chosen you to s. 2 Tim. 2. 10. to obtain s. with etern. gl. 3. 15. ſcr. able to make thee wise [...]. s. Tit. 2. 11. grace of G. which bringeth s. Heb. 1. 12. that ſhall be heirs of s. 2. 3. how eſcape if neglect ſo great s. 20. captain of our s. perfect 5. 9. became author of eternal s. 9. 9 better things that a company s. 9. 28 ſecond time without in unto s. 1 Pet. 1. 5. kept through faith to s. 9. receiving end of faith s. of ſouls Jude 3. write to you of common s. Rev. 7. 10. s. to our G. 12. 10. & 1 [...]. 1. Exod. 15. 2. God is become my ſalvation Job 13. 16. Pſ. 18. 2. & 25. 5. & 27. 1. & 38. 22. & 51. 12. & 62. 7. & 88. 1. & 118. 14. Iſ. 12 2. Mic. 7 7. Hab. 3. 18. Pſ. 89. 26. rock of—140. 7. ſtrength of— 2 Sam. 23. 5. cov. is all—and deſire Iſ. 46. 13.—ſhall not tarry, 49. 6. & 51. 5. 6. 8. & 56. 1. Gen. 49. 18. thy ſalvation, 1 Sam. 2. 1. Pſ. 9. 14. & 13. 5 & 20. 5. & 18. 35. & 21. 1. 5. & 35. 3. & 40. 10. 16. & 51. 12. & 69. 13. 29. & 70. 4. & 71. 15. & 85. 7. & 106. 4. & 119. 41. 81. 123. 166. 174. Iſ. 17. 10. & 62. 1 [...]. Luke 2. 30.
  • SAME, Pſ. 102. 27. Heb. 13. 8. Rom. 10. 12. 1 Cor 12. 4. 5. 6. Eph. 4. 10.
  • SANCTIFY, Exod. 13. 2 & 19. 10. 31. 13. Lord which s. you, Lev. 20. 8. Lev. 20. 7. s. yourselves be holy Numb. 20. 1 [...]. [...]elieved not to s. me Iſ. 8. 13. s. Lord of hoſts himself and let Ezek. 38. 23. I'll s. myself, 44. 19. Joel [...]. 14. s. a faſt, s. congreg. 2. 15. 16. John 17. 17. s. them through thy truth 19. for their ſakes I s. myself they be s. Eph. 5. 26. might s and cleanse it by 1 Theſſ. 5. 23. s you wholly in body Heb. 13. 12. might s people ſuffered 1 Pet 3. 15. [...]. Lord God in your hearts Gen. 2. 3. bleſſed 7th day and ſanctified it Lev. 10. 3. I'll be s. in come [...]igh me Deut. 32. 51. ye s. me not in midſt of Job 1. 5. Job ſent and s them and offered Iſ. 5. 16. God holy ſhall be s. in right. 13. 3. I have commanded my s. ones Jer. 1. 5. I s. thee and ordain. thee a pro. Ezek. 20. 41. be s. in you before heathen 28. 22. 25. & 38. 16. & 39. 27. Mat. 23. 17. temple that s. the gift John 10. 36. him whom F. has s. and ſent Acts 20. 32 inherit. among [...]. 26. 18. Rom. 5. 16. offer. of Gentiles s. by H. G. 1 Cor. 1. 2. s. in C. [...]. 6. 11. but ye are s. 7. 14. unbelie [...]. huſband s by wiſe and 1 Tim. 4. 5. it is s. by word and prayer 2 Tim. 2. 21. s to the maſter's use Heb. 2. 11. who s and they s. are all one 10 14. perfected for ever them s. 10. 1 Cor. 1. 30 ſanctification. 1 Theſſ. 4. 3. 4. 2 Theſſ 2. 13. 1 Pet. 1. 2.
  • SANCTUARY, Pſ. 63. 2. & 73. 17. Isa. 8. [...] Ezek. [...]1. 16. Dan 9. 17. Heb 9. 2.
  • STAND, Gen. 22. 17. & 32. 13. Job 6. 3. & 29. [...]. 8. Iſ. 10. 22. Mat. 7. 26.
  • SATAN provoked David. 1 Chr. 21. 1. Job 1. 6 s came also among them, 2. 1. Pſ 109. 6. let s. ſtand at right hand Mat. 4. 10 get thee hence s. 16. 23. Luke 10. 18. I beheld s. as lightening 22. 31. s. has deſired to have you Acts 26. 18. from power of s. to God Rom. 16. 20 God bruise s under feet 1 Cor. 5. 5. to deliver ſuch one unto s. 7. [...]. that s. tempt not for incontinency 2 Cor. 2. 11 left s. get advant. aga. us 11. 14. s. is transformed into angel of 12. 7 meſſenger of s. to buffet me 1 Tim. 1. 20 I delivered to s. that Rev. 2. 9. ſynagogue of s. 24. depths of s.
  • SATIATE, Jer. 31. 14. 25. & 46. 10.
  • SATISFY, Job 38. 27. Prov. 6. 30. Pſ. 90 14. O s. us early with mercy 91. 16. with long life I will s. him 103. 5. who s. thy mouth with good 107. 9. he s. the longing ſoul, fills 132. 15. I'll s. her p [...]or with bread 145. 16. thou s deſire of every living Prov. 5. 19. breaſts s. thee at all times Iſ. 55. 2. labour for that which s. not Pſ. 17. 15. be ſatisfied with thy likeneſs 22. 26. meek ſhall eat and be s. 36. 8. abund. s. with fatneſs of house 63. 5. ſoul s. as with marrow and [...]at 65. 5. s. with goodneſs of thy houſe Prov. 14. 14. good man s. from him [...]elf 27. 20. eyes never s. Eccl. 1. 8. 30. 15. three things never s. Eccl. 5. 10. loveth ſilver not be s. Iſ. 9. 20. eat and not be s. Mic. 6. 14. 53. 11. ſee travel of his ſoul and be s. [...]6. 11. be s. with breaſts of consolat. [...] Jer. 31. 14. my people be s. with goodn [...] Ezek. 16. 28. not s. Am. 4. 8. Hab. 2. [...] Numb. 35. 31. ſatisfaction for, 32.
  • SAVE your lives by great, Gen. 45. 7. Gen. 50. 20. for good to s. much peopl [...] Job 22. 29. ſhall s. humble person Pſ. 18. 27. wilt s. afflicted people 28. 9. s. thy people, 37. 40. & 60. 5. 69. [...]5. G. will s Zion, 72. 4. s. childre [...] of needy, 13. s. ſouls of needy, 76. 9. [...] meek, 8 [...]. 2. s. ſer. 16. s. ſon of handr [...] 109. 31. poor s. him, 145. 19. s. the [...] 118. 25. s. now, ſend now prosperity Prov. 20. 22. wait on L. and he'll s. the [...] [151] Iſ. 35. 4. come and s. you, 49. 25. I'll s. 45. 20. cannot [...]. 59. 1. Jer 14. 9. Ezek. 18. 27. he ſhall s. his ſoul, 3. 18. 36. 29. I'll s. from all unclean 37. 23. Hoſ 1 7. I'll s them by Lord their God Zeph. 3. 17. he'll s. [...]. 9 s. her that halteth Zech. 8. 7. I s. my people, 9. 16. & 10. 6. Mat. 1. 21. s. his people from their ſins 16. 25. who'll s. his life ſhall lose it 18. 11. Son of man is come to s. that which was loſt, Luke 19. 10. Mark 3. 4. lawful to s. life or to kill John 12. 47. not to judge but to s world Acts 2. 40. s. your [...] from untow. gener. 1 Cor. 1. 21. by fooliſhn. of preach. to s. 9. 22. became all that I might s. ſome 1 Tim. 1 15. to s ſinners I am chief 4. 16. both s. thyself and those that Heb. 7. 25. able to s to the uttermoſt Jam. 1. 21. word able to s. 2. 11 ſaith s. 5. 15. prayer of the faithful s. the ſick 20. converts a ſinner s. ſoul from death Jude 23. others s. with fear pulling Pſ. 6. 4. ſave me, 55. 16. & 57. 3. & 119. 94. Jer. 17. 14. John 12. 27. Iſ. 25. [...]. ſave us, 33. 22. & 37. 20. Hoſ. 14. 3. Mat. 8. 25. 1 Pet. 3. 21. Pſ. 4 [...]. 7. thou haſt ſaved us from enem. 106. 8. he s. them for name ſake, 10. Iſ. 45. 22. look to me and be s. for I am G. Jer. 4. 14. mayſt be s. 8. 20. we not s. Mat. 19. 25. who then can be s. Luke 18. 29. Luke 1. 71. ſhould be s from our enem. 7. 50. thy faith hath s. thee. 18. 42. 13. 21. are few s 23. 35. be s. others John 3. 17. world thro' him be s. 5. 34. Acts 2. 47. added to ch. ſuch as ſh. be s. 4. 12. name whereby muſt be s. 16. 20. what muſt I do to be s. Rom. 8. 24. we are s. by hope; but 10. 1. prayer for Isr. is that may. be s. Cor. 1. 18 to us who are s. it is power 5. 5. ſpirit may be s. in day of Lord [...]ph. 2. 5. by grace ye are s. 8. Tim. 2. 4. we'll have all men [...]. [...]it. 3. 5. according to his mercy he s. us Pet. [...]. 18. if righteous ſcarcely be s. [...]ev. 21. 24. nations of them are s. [...]ſ. 80. 3. ſhall be ſaved, 7. 19. Iſ. 45. 17. & 64. 5. Jer. 23. 6. & 30. 7. Mat 10. 22. & 24. 13. Mark 16. 16. Acts 16. 31. Rom. 5. 10. 11. 26. 1 Tim. 2. 15. Sam. 22. 3. G. my refuge my Saviour Kings 13. 5. L. gave [...] a S. Neh. 9. 27. 106. 21. forgar G. their S. Iſ. 63. 8. 43. 3. I am thy S. 40. [...]6. & 60. 16. 11. beſides me no S. Hoſ. 13. 4. 15. 15. of Israel the S. 21. Jer. 14. 8. [...]ad. 21. 8. ſhall come on mount Zion [...]ke 1. 47. my ſp. rejoiced in G my S. [...]. 11. to you is born a S. who is C. the L. [...]s 5. 31. wh. G. exalted to be pr. and S. [...]. 5. 23. Chriſt is head and S. of body [...]im. 4. 10. who is S. of all especially [...]. 1. God our S. Tit. 1. 4. & 2. 10. 13. & 3. 4. 6. 2 Pet. 1. 1.11. Jude 25. 2 Pet. 2. 20. knowl. of L. S. J. C. 3. 18.
  • SAVOUR ſweet, Gen 8. 21. Exod. 29. 18. Lev. 1. 9. & 2. 9. & 3. 16. Song 1. 3. because of s of thy good oint. 2 Cor. 2. 14. make manifeſt s. of knowl. 15. we're to G. a ſweet s. of Chriſt 16. to one s. of death. to other s. of life Eph 5. 2. ſacr. to G. of ſweet ſmelling s. Mat. 16. 23. ſavoureſt not things of God
  • SAY, Mat. 3. 9. & 5. 22. 28. 32. 34. 39. 44. & 7. 23. & 23. 3. 1 Cor. 12. 3.
  • SCARCELY, Rom. 5. 7. 1 Pet. 4. 18.
  • SCATTER them in Israel, Gen. 49. 7. Num. 10. 35. rise up and let enem. be s. Prov. 11. 24. that s. and yet increaseth Mat. 9. 36. s. abroad as ſheep, Ez. 34. 5. Luke 1. 51. s. proud in imag. of hearts
  • SCEPTRE not dep. fr Judah, Gen 4 [...]. 10. Num. 24. 17. a s ſhall rise out of Israel Pſ. 45. 6 s. of kingdom right s. Heb. 1. 8. Zech 10. 11. s. of Egypt ſhall dep. away
  • SCHISM, 1 Cor. 1. 10. & 12. 25.
  • SCHOLAR, 1 Chr. 25. 8. Mal. 2. 12. Gal. 3. 24. ſchoolmaſter to bring
  • SCOFFERS, Hab. 1. 10. 2 Pet. 3. 3.
  • SCORN, Job 16 20. Pſ. 44. 13. Pr. 9. 12. if thou ſ-eſt alone ſhalt bear it Prov. 1 22. ſcorners delight in ſcorning 3. 34. he ſcorneth the s. but giveth 9 8. reprove not s. leſt he hate thee 13. 1. wise hears s. hears not rebuke 14 6. s ſeeks wisdom and finds it not 15. 12. s. loveth not one that reproves 19. 29 judgment are prepared for s. Pſ 1. 1. ſcornful, Prov. 29. 8. Iſ. 28. 14.
  • SCORPIONS, 2 Chr. 10. 11. Ezek. 2. 6.
  • SCOURGE of tongue, Job 5. 21. Iſ. 28. 15. overflowing s. 18. & 10. 26. Heb. 12. 6. Lord s. every ſon whom he
  • SCRIPTURE of truth, Dan. 10. 21. Mat. 22. 29. ye e [...]r not knowing s. John 5. 39. ſearch s. Acts 17 11. & 18. 24. Rom 15. 4. thro' comfort of s. might hope 2 Tim. 3. 15. from child known holy s. 16. all s. is given by inspiration of God 2 Pet. 1. 20. no proph of s. is of private 3 16. wreſt as do other s. to own deſtr.
  • SEA, Pſ. 33. 7. & 72. 8. Prov. 8. 20. Iſa. 48. 18. & 57. 20. Zech. 9. 10. Rev. 4. 6. & 10. 2. & 15. 2. & 21. 1.
  • SEAL ſet on heart, Song 8. 6. John 3. 33. ſet to his s. that God is true Rom. 4. 11. s. of righteousneſs of faith 1 Cor. 9. 2. s. of my apoſtleſhip ye in L. 2 Tim. 2. 19. have this s. Lord knows Rev. 7. 2. angel having s. of living God Deut. 32. 34. ſealed up among my treaſ. Job 14. 17. my transgr. is s. up in bag Song 4. 12. ſpring ſhur up fountain s. John 6. 27. him hath God the Father s. 2 Cor. 1. 22. who hath s. us and given Eph. 1. 13. ye s. with holy Spirit, 4. 30. Rev. 5. 1. a book s. with ſeven ſeals 7. 3. were s. 144,000 of the tribes, 4.
  • SEARCH reſting place, Num. 10. 33. 1 Chr. 28. 9. Lord s. all hearts and [152] Job 10. 6. that thou s. after my ſin Pſ. 139. 23. s. me O G. and know my heart Prov. 2. 4. s for her as for hid treasures 18. 17. neighbour comes and s. him out 25. 27. for men to s. own glory not gl. Jer. 17. 10. I the Lord s. the heart and 29. 1 [...]. when ye s. for me with all I am 3. 40. let us s. and try ways and Zeph. 1. 12. s. Jerusalem with candles Acts 17. 11. s. the ſcript. daily, John 5. 39. 1 Cor. 2. 10. ſp. s. all things deep of G. Rev. 2. 23. I am he that s. reins and h. Judg. 5 16. great ſearchings of heart
  • SEARED with hot iron, 1 Tim. 4. 2.
  • SEASON, Gen. 40 4. Exod. 13. 10. Pſ. 1. 3. brings forth fruit in his s. Eccl. 3. 1. to every thing a s. and time Iſ. 50. 4. tongue to ſpeak word in s. Luke 4. 13. departed from him for a s. John 5. 35. willing for a s. to rejoice in Acts 1. 7. to know times and s. which F. 14. 17. gave rain from heav. fruitful s. 1 Theſſ. 5. 1. of times and s. I've no need 2 Tim. 4. 2. be inſtant in s out of s. Heb. 11. 25. enjoy pleasures of ſin for a s. 1 Pet. 1. 6. for a s. ye are in heavineſs Col. 4. 6. let ſpeech be s with ſalt
  • SECRET, Gen. 49. 6. Job 40. 13. Job 11 6. ſhew thee the s. of wisdom 29. 4. s. of G. on my taberna 15. 18. Pſ. 25. 14. s. of L. with them that fear 27. 5. in s. of tabernacle he'll hide 31. 20. hide them in s. of thy presence 44. 21. he knows s. of hearts 139. 15. when I was made in s. Prov. 3. 32. his s. is with righteous 9. 17. bread eaten in s. is pleasant 11. 13. tale-bearer reveals s. 20. 19. 25. 9. discover not a s. to another Dan. 2. 28. a God that revealeth s. Amos 3. 7. reveals his s. to his ſervants Mat. 6. 4. a [...]ms in s. Father ſees in s. John 18. 20. in s. have I ſaid nothing 19. 38. disciple but s. for fear of Jews Rom. 2. 16. when G. ſhall judge s. of men
  • SECT, Acts 24. 5. & 26. 5. & 28. 22.
  • SEDUCE, Ezek. 13. 10. Mark 13. 22. 2 Tim. 3. 13. ſeducers, 1 Tim. 4. 1.
  • SEE, Pſ. 34. 8. Mat. 5. 8. John 16. 22. 1 John 3. 2. Rev. 1. 7. & 22. 4. Mat. 6. 1. do to be ſeen of men, 23. 5. 13. 17. deſired to ſee and have not s. John 1. 18. no man has s. G. at any time 20. 19. haſt s. and believ. not s. and bel. 2 Cor. 4. 18. look not at th. s. th. not s. 1 Tim. 6. 16. in light no man hath s. Heb. 11. 1. evidence of things not s. 1 Pet. 1. 8. whom having not s. ye love 1 John 1. 1. that which we have s. and heard 4. 12. no man hath s. God at any time Job 10. 4. ſeeſt thou as man ſeeth John 12 45. s me s. him that ſent me 14. 9. he that s. me hath s. the Father 17. world s. him not nor knows
  • SEED, Gen. 1. 11. & 17. 7. & 38. 9. [...] 1 [...]6. 6. weeping bearing precious s. Eccl. 11. 6. in the morning ſow thy s. Iſ. 55. 10. give s to ſower and bread Mat. 13. 38. good s. are children of king. Luke 8. 11. good s. is the word of God 1 Pet. 1. 23. born ag. not of corrupt. [...]. 1 John 3. 9. not ſin for his s. remains in Pſ. 37. 28. s. of wicked ſhall be cut off 69. 36. s of his ſervants ſhall inherit it Prov. 11. 21. s. of righteous ſhall be deliv. Iſ. 1. 4. ſinful nation s. of evil doers 14. 20. s. of evil doers never renowned 45. 25. all the s. of Israel be juſtified 53. 10. ſhall ſee his s. and be ſatisfied Mal. 2. 15. might ſeek a god [...]y s. Rom. 9. 8. childr. of prom. count. for s. 29. except L. of ſa [...]a [...]th had left a s. Gal. 3. 16 not to s. but to thy s. Chriſt
  • SEEK, Ezra 8. 21. Job 5. 8. Pſ. 10. 15. Deut 4. 29. if thou s. him with all heart 1 Chr. 28. 9 2 Chr. 15. 2. Jer. 29. 13. 2 Chr. 19. 3. prepared heart to s. G. 30. 19. Ezra 8. 22. on them for good that s. him Pſ. 9. 10. not forsake them that s. thee 27. 4. one th. I deſired and will s. after 63. 1. my God early will I s. thee 69. 32. hearts ſhall live that s. God 11 [...]. 2. bleſſed that s. him with whole [...]. 176. I gone aſtray s. thy ſervant Prov. 8. 17. s. me early ſhall find me Song 3. 2. s. him whom ſoul loveth Iſ. 26. 9. with ſp. w [...]ll I s. thee early 45. 19. I ſaid not s. me in vain Jer. 29. 13. ſhall s me and find me Lam. 3. 25. L. is good to ſoul that s him Amos 5. 4. s. me and ye ſhall live, 6. 8. 8. 12. s. word of L. and not find it Zeph. 2. 3. s. L. s. right. s. meekneſs Mal. 2. 7. s. law, 15. s godly ſeed Mat. 6. 33. s. firſt kingdom of God 7. 7. s. and ye ſhall find, 8. Deut. 4. [...]0. Luke 13. 24. will s. to enter in and not 19. 10. to s. and ſave loſt, Mat. 18. 11. John 4. 23. Father s. ſuch to worſhip him 8. 21. ye ſhall s. me and not find me Rom. 2. 7. s. glory, honour, immortality 1 Cor. 10. 24. let no man s. own wealth 13. 5. charity s. not her own is not Phil. 2. 21. all s. their own not of J. Ch [...] Col. 3. 1. s. things above where C. [...]its 1 Pet. 3. 11. let him s. peace and ensue 5. 8. ſeeking whom he may devour
  • SEEM, Gen. [...]7. 12. Deut. 25. 3. 1 Cor. 11. 16. if any s. contentious we H [...]b. 4. 1. leſt s. to come ſhort of it Jam. 1. 26. if any s. to be religious Luke 8. 18. that he ſeemeth to have 1 Cor. 3. 18. s. wise in this world let Heb. 12. 11. no chaſtening s. joyous
  • SELL me thy birth-right, Gen. 25. 31. Prov. 23. 23. buy truth and s. it not Mat. 13. 44. he ſ. all and buyeth that 19. 21. go ſ. all that thou haſt and 25. 9. go rather to them that ſ. and
  • SENATORS, Pſ. 105. 22.
  • SEND help from Sanctuary, Pſ. 20. 2. 43. 3. O ſ. out thy light and tru [...] [153] 57. 3. ſhall ſ. from heaven and ſave Mat. 9. 39. ſ. forth labourers into harveſt John 14. 26. F. will ſ. in my name, 16. 7. 2 Theſſ. 2. 11 ſ. them ſtrong deluſions
  • SENSE, Neh. 8. 8. Heb. 5. 14. James 3. 15. ſenſual, Jude 19.
  • SENTENCE, Deut. 17. 9. Dan. 5. 12. Prov. [...]6. 10. dreame ſ. is in lips of king Eccl. 8. 14. bec. ſ. is not [...]peedily exec. 2 Cor. 1. 9. had [...]. of death in ourſelves
  • SEPARATE, Gen. 13. 9. Exod. 33. 16. Gen. 49. 26. head of ſ. fr. br. Deut. 33 6. Deut. 29. 2. Lord ſhall ſ. him to evil Iſ. 59. 2. your iniquities have ſ. between Acts 13. 2. ſ. me Paul and Barnabas to 19. 9. he departed and ſ. the diſciples Rom. 8. 35. who ſ us from love of C. 39. 2 Cor. 6. 17. come out be ye ſ ſaith L. Gal. 1. 15. who ſ. me from moth. womb Heb. 7. 26. holy harmleſs ſ. from ſinners
  • SERAPHIMS, Iſ. 6. 2. 6.
  • SERPENT, Gen. 3. 1. 13. & 49. 17. Numb. 21. 6. Lord ſent fiery ſ 8. 9. Prov. 23. 32. bites like ſ. and ſtings like Eccl. 1 [...]. [...]. ſ. will bite without enchant. Mat. 7. 10. if he aſk fiſh will he give a ſ. 10. 16. be wiſe as ſ. harmleſs as doves John 3. 14. as Moſes lifted up ſ. in wild. 2 Cor. 11. 3. as ſ. beguiled Eve by his Rev. 12. 9. old ſ. called devil, Satan
  • SERVE Lord with all heart, Deut. 10. 11. 20. & 11. 13. Joſh. 22. 5. 1 Sam. 12. 20. 13. 4. ſhall ſ. him and cleave to him Joſh. 24. 14. ſ. him in ſincerity 15. chooſe this day whom you'll ſ. for I and my houſe will ſ. the Lord 1 Sam. 1 [...]. 24. ſ. him in truth with 1 Chron. 28. 9. ſ. him with perfect heart Job. 15. 15. what Alm. that we ſ. him Pſ. 2. 11. ſ. Lord in fear rejoice Iſ. 43. 24. made me to ſ. with your ſins Mat. 6. 24. no man can ſ. two maſters ye cannot ſ. God and mammon Luke 1. 74. ſ. him in holineſs and righte. 12. 38. come forth and ſ. him John 12. 20. if any ſ. me him will F. hon. Acts 6. 2. leave word of God and ſ. tables 27. 23. God whoſe I am and whom I ſ. Rom. 1. 9. ſ. in goſpel, 6. 6. not [...]. ſin 7. 6. ſ. in newn. of life, 25. ſ. law of G. 16. 18. ſ. not L. J. C. Col. 3. 24. ſ. L. C. Gal. 5. 13. by love ſ. one another 1 Theſſ. 1. 9. to ſ. living God, Heb. 9. 14. Heb. 12. 28. may ſ. G. acceptably with Rev. 7. 15. ſ. him day and night in temp. 22. 3. his ſervant ſhall ſ. him Prov. 25. 16. ſ. will not be corr. by words Iſ. 24. 2. as with ſ. ſo with maſter 42. 16. behold my ſ. 49. 3. & 52. 13. Mat. 10. 27. would be chief let be ſ 25. 21. well done good [...] 1. 23. John 8. 34. committeth ſin is [...]. or ſin 13. 1 [...]. ſ. not greater than L. 1 [...]. 20. 1 Cor. 7. 21. art thou called being a [...]. 9. 19. [...] I made myſelf ſ. to all Gal. 1. 1 [...]. [...] pleaſed [...] not ſ. of Chriſt [...]hil. 2. 7. took on him form of a ſ. 2 Tim. 2. 21. ſ. of Lord muſt not ſtrive Ezra [...]. 11. ſervants of G of heaven, Dan. 3. 2 [...]. Acts 16. 17. 1 Pet. 2 16. Rev. 7. 3. Rom. [...]. 16. yield ſ. to o [...]ey, 17 ſ. of ſin 1 Cor. 7. 23. y [...]re bought be not ſ of men Phil. 1. 1. ſ. of C. 2 Pet. 2. 19. ſ. of corr. Rom. 12. 11. is your reaſonable ſervice Jer. 22. 13. uſeth neighb ſ. wi [...]h. wages Luke 10. [...]0. cumb [...]ed about much ſerving Acts [...]0. 19. [...]. Lord with all humility of 26. 7. twelve tribes inſtantly ſ. God Rom 12. 11. ſervent in ſpirit ſ. the Lord Tit 3. 3. fooliſh [...]ed. ſ divers luſts
  • SET, Pſ. 2. 6. & 4. 3. & 12 5. & 16. 8. & 54. 3. & 75. 7. & 113. 8. Prov. 1. 25. Song 8. [...]. Rom. 3. 25. Col. 3. 1.
  • SETTLE, Luke 25. 14. 1 Pet. 5. 10. Col. 1. 23. continue in faith ſettled
  • SEVERITY and goodneſs, Rom. 11. 22.
  • SHADE Lord is thy, Pſ. 121. 5.
  • SHADOW our days are, 1 Chron 29. 15. Eccl. 8. 13. & 6. 12. Job 8. 9. Pſ. 102. 11. & 10 [...]. 23. & 144. 4. Pſ 17. 8. under ſ. of thy wings, 36. 7. & 57. 1. & 63. 7. & 91. 1. 3. Song 2. 3. I ſat under his ſ. with great del. 17. until day break and ſ. flee, 4. 6. Iſ. 4. 6. for a ſ. from, 25. 4 & 32. 2. 49. 2. in ſ. of his hand hath he hid me Jer. 6. 4. ſ. of evening ſtretched out Acts 5. 15. ſ. of Peter might overſ. them Col. 1. 17. ſ. of things to come, Heb. 10. 1. James 1. 17. no variableneſs or ſ. of turn.
  • SHAKE heaven and earth, Hag. 2 6. 21. 7 I'll ſ. all nations and deſire of Mat. 10. 14 ſ. off duſt of your feet for 11. 7. to ſee reed ſhaken with the wind Luke 6. 36. good meaſure ſ. together 2 Theſſ. 2. 2. be not ſoon ſ. in mind Heb. 12. 26. 27. ſhook-ſhake-ſhaken Pſ. 44. 14. ſhaking, Iſ. 17. 6. & 24. 13. & 30. 31. Ezek. 37. 7. & 38. 19.
  • SHAME, 1 Sam. 20. 34. 2 Sam. 13. 13. Exod. 32. 25. made naked to their ſ. Pſ. 119. 31. put me not to ſ. 69. 7. Prov. 3. 35. ſ. ſhall be promotion of fools 9. 7. & 10. 5. & 11. 2. & 13. 5. 18. & 14. 35. & 17. 2. & 19. 26. & 18. 13. & 25. 8. & 25. 15. Iſ. 22 18. Iſ. 50. 6. hide not face from ſ. and ſpitt. Dan. 12. 2. awake ſome to ſ. and cont. Hoſ. 4. 7. change glory into ſ. Pſ. 4. 2. Zeph. 2. 5. unjuſt knoweth no ſ. Acts 5. 41. worthy to ſuffer ſ. for his Phil. 3. 19. glory is in their ſ. who mind Heb. 12. 2. endured croſs deſpiſing the ſ. Rev. 3. 18. ſ. of thy nakedneſs do not app. 16. 15. walk naked and they ſee his ſ. 1 Tim. 2. 9. ſhame facedneſs
  • SHAPE, Luke [...]. 22. John 5. 37. Pſ. 51. 5.
  • SHARP, Iſ. 41. 15. & 40. 2. Rev. 1. 16. Job 16. [...]. ſharpeneth, Prov. 27. 17. M [...]c. 7. 14. [...]ha [...] than, Heb. 4. 12. Judges 8 1. ſharply, Tit. 1. 13. 2 Cor. 1 [...] [...]. ſhould [...] ſharpneſs
  • [154]SHED for many for remiſſion, Mat. 26. 28. Rom. 5. 5. love of God is ſ. abroad Tit. 3. 6. Holy Ghoſt he ſ. on us abund.
  • SHEEP, Pſ. 49. [...]4. [...] 74. 1. & 7 [...]. 52. 44. 22. as ſ. for ſlaughter, Rom. 8. 36. 79. 13. ſ o [...] paſture, 95 7 & 100. 3. 119. 176. gone aſtray like loſt ſ. Iſ. 53. 6. all we like loſt ſ are go [...] aſtray Zech. 13. 7. ſ [...]te ſheph. and ſ. ſcattered Mat. 9. 36. 24 ſ. having no ſhepherd 10. 6. to loſt ſ. of houſe of Iſrael, 15. 24. 18. 12. an 100 ſ and one be gone away 2 [...]. 32. divid. ſ. fr. goats ſ. right [...]a. d, 3 [...]. John 10. 2.—27. the ſ. my ſ other ſ. 21. 15—1 [...]. feed my lambs, feed my ſ. 1 Pet. 2. 25. as ſ. going aſtray but
  • SHEPHERD, Gen. 46 34. & 49 24. Numb. 27. 17. as ſheep that have no ſ. 1 Kings 22. 17 Mark 6. 34. Pſ. 23. 1. Lord is my ſ 80. [...] ſ. of Iſrael Song 1. 8. feed [...]ids beſide ſ tents Ezek. 34 2 propheſie againſt ſ. wo to ſ. 34. 23. ſet u [...] one ſ. over David ſ. 37. 24. Mic. 5. 5. we'll raiſe againſt them ſeven ſ. Zech. 13. 7. awake O ſword againſt my ſ John 10. 14. I am the good ſ. good ſ. giv. 16. one fold one ſ. Eccl. 12. 11. Heb. 13. 20. that great ſ. of ſheep 1 Pet. 2. 35. returned to ſ. of ſouls 5. 4. when chief ſ ſhall appear
  • SHEW, Pſ. 39. 6. Luke 20. 47. Col. 2. 23. Pſ. 4. 6. who will ſ us any good 16. 11. thou wilt ſ. me path of life 91. 16. I will ſ him my ſalvation 92. 15. to ſ. that Lord is upright John 5. 20. Fath loves Son and ſ. him all 1 Cor. 11. 26. do ſ. Lord death till come Tit. 2. 7. ſ. thy ſelf a pattern of good 1 Pet. 2. 9. ſhould ſ. forth praiſes of Rev. 22 6. ſent angel to ſ. to ſervants
  • SHIELD and exceed gr. rew. Gen. 15. 1. Deut. 33. 29. ſaved by Lord ſ. of help Pſ. [...]. 3. Lord is a ſ. for me, 18. 2. & 28. 7. & 119. 114. & 144. 2. 18. 35. given me ſ. of thy ſalvation 33. 2 [...]. Lord our ſ 59. 11. & 84. 9. 84. 11. God is a ſun and ſ 91. 2. 115. 9. he is their help and ſ. 10. 11. Prov. 30. 5. a ſ. to put truſt in him Eph 6. 16. ta [...]e ſ. of faith to quench
  • SHINE, Job 22. 28. & 36. 32. & 37. 15. Numb. 6. 25. L. make face to ſ. on thee Job 10. 3. why ſ. on coun [...]el of wicked Pſ. 31. 16. make face to ſ on, 67. 1. & 80 13. 7. 16. & 119. 135. Eccl. 8. 1. man's wiſdom makes face ſ. D [...]n. 1 [...]. 3. wiſe ſhall ſ. as firmament Mat. 5. 16. let light ſo ſ. before men 13. 43. ſhall righteous ſ. forth as ſun 2 Cor. 4 6. G. who commanded light to ſ. Phil. 2. 15. among whom ye ſ. as lights
  • SHIPWRACK, 1 Tim. 1. 19.
  • SHORT is L hand waxed, Numb. 11. 23. Pſ. 89. 47. remember how ſ. my time is Rom. 3. 23. ſinned come ſ. of gl. of God Pſ. 102. 23. he ſhortened my days, 89. 45. Iſ. 50. 2. is my hand ſ. 59. 1. Mat 24. 22. except days be ſ. Pr. 10. 27.
  • SHOUT, Numb. 23. 21. Iſ. 12. 6 & 42. 11. & 44. 23. Zeph. 3. 14. Zech. 9 9. Pſ 47 5. God is gone up with a ſ. 1 Theſſ 1. 10. Lord ſhall deſcend with ſ.
  • SHRINES, Acts 19. 24.
  • SHUT up or left. Deut. 32. 36. Mat. 23. 13. ye ſ up kindgom of heaven Gal 3. 23. ſ. up to the faith Rev 3 7. opens and no man ſ. Iſ. 22. 22.
  • SICK of love, Song 2 5. & 5. 8. Iſ. 1. 5. whole [...]ead is ſ and heart 1 Cor. 1 [...]. 30. many are weak and ſ. James 5. 14. is any ſ. call elders 15. pray [...]r of faith ſhall ſave ſ. Pſ. 41. 3. make bed in ſickneſs Exod. 23. 25. I'll take away s. from Mat. 8. 17. himſelf bare our ſ.
  • SIFT, Iſ. [...]0. 8. Amos 9. 9. Luke 22. 31.
  • SIGHT, Exod 3. 3. 2 Cor. 5. 7.
  • SIGN, Gen. 9. 12. 13. & 17. 11. Exod. 4. 17. Iſ. 8. 18. Rom. 1 [...]. 19. Rom. 4. 11. received s. of circumciſion Jer. 22. 24. ſignet, Hag. 2. 23.
  • SILENT in darkneſs, 1 Sam. 2. 9. Pſ. 28. 1. be n [...]t s. to me, [...]0. 12. Zech. 2. 13. be s O all fleſh before the L. Pſ. 31. 18. ſilence, 32. 3. & 35. 22. & 50. 3. 21. & 83. 1. & 94. 17. Jer. 8. 14. Am. 5. 13. & 8. 3. 1 Cor. 14. 34. 1 Tim. 2. 11. 12. 1 Pet. 2. 15. Rev. 8. 1.
  • SILLY, Job 5. 2. 2 Tim. 3. 6.
  • SIMPLE, Prov. 1. 4. 22. 32 & 7. 7. & 8. 5. & 9. 4. 13. & 19. 25. & 21. 11. Pſ. 19. 7. teſtimony of L. making wi [...]e s. 116. 16. Lord preſerveth the s. 119 130. giveth underſtanding to s. Prov. 14. 15. s. believeth eve [...]y word, 18. 22. 3. s. paſs on and are puniſh. 27. 12. Rom. 16 19. s concerning evil, 18.
  • SIN lieth at the door, Gen. 4. 7. Job 10. 6. why ſearcheſt after my s. Pſ. 4. 4. ſtand in awe and s. not 32. 1. bleſſed whoſe s. is covered 5. I acknowledge my s. unto thee 38. 18. I will be ſorry for my s. 51. 3. my s. is ever before me 5. in s. did my mother conceive me 119. 11. that I might not s. ag. thee Prov. 14. 34. s. is a reproach to people Iſ. 30. 1. take counſel to add s. to s. 53. 10. offer. for s. 12. bare s. of many John 1. 29. taketh away s. of world 5. 14. s. no more leſt worſe thing Rom. 5. 12. by one s. entered world 6. 14. s. ſhall not have dominion 7. 9. s. revived and I died 8, 11. 13. s. might appear s. 1 [...]. [...]old under s. 17. s. that dwelleth in me 25. law of s. and death, 8. 2. 1 Cor. 15. 34. awake to righteouſn. s. not 2 Cor. 5. 21. s. for us who knew no s. Eph. 4. [...]6. be angry and s not James 1. 15. s. and s when finiſhed brings 1 Pet. 2. 22. who did no s. neither [155] 1 John 1. 8. if any ſay we have [...] s. 2. 1. you s. not if any man s. we have 3. 9. he cannot [...]. bec [...]uſe ſeed of God 5. 16. there is a [...] unto death Pſ. 19. 13. keep from preſumptuous ſi [...]s 25. 7. remember not [...]g. me s. o [...] youth Iſ. 42. 25 not remember thy s. 44 22. Ezek. 23. 16. none of his s. [...] [...]e Dan. 9 24. finiſh tranſ [...] make end of s. 1 Tim 5. 2. not partaker of other mens s. 2 Tim. 3. 6 captive [...] women laden s. 1 John 2. 2. pr [...]p [...]t. for s. of whole world Pſ. 69. 5. my ſins, 5 [...]. 9. Iſ. [...]8. 17 Pſ. 79 9. our ſins, 90. 8. & 103. 10. Iſ. [...]9. 12. Dan. 9. 10. Gal. 1. 4. 1 Cor 15. 3. Hab. 1. 3. 1 Pet 2. 24. Rev. 1. 4. Mat. 1. 21. their ſins, Rom. 11. 28. Heb. 8. 12 & [...]. 17. Numb. 16. 26. Iſ. 59. 3. your ſins, Jer. 5. 25. John 8. 21 1 Cor. 15. 17. J [...]h. 21. 1 [...]. Exod. 32. 33. who hath ſinned I'll blot Job 1. 22. in all this Job s. not Lam. 1. 8. Jeruſalem hath grieveouſly s. 5. 7 our fathers have s. and are not Rom. 2. 12 as many as s. without law 3. 23. all have s. [...]nd [...] m [...] ſhort of gl. 1 John 1. 10. if we ſay we have not s. Exod. 9. 28. I have ſinned, Numb. 22. 34. Joſh. 7. 20. 1 Sam. 15. 24. 30. 2 Sam. 12. 13. & 24. 10 Job 7. [...]0. & 33. 27. Pſ. 41. 4. & 51. 4. Mic. 7. 9. Mat 27. 4. Luke 14. 18. 21. Judges 10. 10. we have ſinned, 1 Sam. 7. 6. Pſ. 106. 6. Iſ. 42. 24 & 64. 5. Jer. 3. 25. & 8. 14. & 14. 7. 20. Lam. 5. 16. Dan. 9. 5. 8. 11. 15. 1 Kings. 8. 46. no man ſinneth not Prov 8. 36. s ag. me wrongs own ſoul Eccl. 7. 20. no man doth good and s. not Ezek. 18. 4. ſoul that s. ſhall die 1 John 5. 18. he that is born of G. s. not Eccl 7. 26. ſinner ſhall be taken 9. 18. one s. deſtroyeth much good Iſ. 65. 25. s. 100 years old accurſed Luke 15 7 joy in heaven over one s. rep. 10. 13. God be merciful to me a s. James 5. 20. converts a s. [...]n error 1 Pet 4. 8 where ſhall s. appear Gen. 13. 13. ſinners before L. exceedingly Pſ. 1. 1. nor ſtands in way of s. 25. 8. Lord will teach s in the way 51. 13. s. ſhall be converted to thee Iſ. 33. 14. s. in Zion are [...] fearfulneſs Mat. 9. 13. came to ca [...] s. to repentance Luke 13. 2. s. above all Gal [...]leans, 4. John 9. 31. God heareth not s but if Rom. 5. 8. while we were yet s. 15. by one's [...] any made s. Gal 2. 15. Jews not s. of Gentiles 1 Tim. 1. 15 Chriſt came to ſave [...]. Heb. 7. 26. holy ſeparate from s. 12. 3 endured ſuch contradiction of s. James 4. 8. cleanſe hands ye s. purify Jude 15 which ungod [...]y s. have ſpoken Numb. 32. 14. [...], I [...]. 1. 4. Luke 5. [...]. Rom. 7. 13. & 8. [...].
  • SINCERE, Phil. 1. 10. 16. 1 Pet. 2. 2. Joſh 24 14. ſerve him in ſincerity 1 Cor. 5. 8 unleave [...]ed bread [...]f s. and 2 Cor. 1. [...]. in [...]dly s. we had our conv. 2. 17. as of s. in ſight of God 8. 18. to prove s. of y [...]ur love Eph. 6. 24. grace with all love L. J. in s. Tit 2 7. ſhewing gravity, s.
  • SINEW, Iſ 48. 4. Job 10 11.
  • SING to the Lord, Exod. 15. 21. 1 Chr. 16. 23. Pſ. 30. 4. & 65. 32. & 81. 1. & 9 [...]. 18. & 96. 1. 2. & 98. 1. & 147. 7. & 149. 1. Iſ. 12. 5. & 52. 9 Eph. 5. [...]9. Exod. 15. 1. I will s. Judges 5. 3. Pſ. 13. 6. & 57. 5. 9. & 59. 16. 27. & 101. 1. & 104. 34. & 144. 9. Iſ. 5 1 1 Cor. 14. 15. Job 2 [...]. 13. s. for joy, Iſ 65. 14. Pſ 9. 11. s. praiſe, 18. 49. & 27. 6. & 30. 12. & 47. 6. 7 & 68 4. & [...]5. 9. & 108. 1. 3. & 135. 3. & 147. 1. & 149. 3. & 14 [...]. 2. & 92. 1. 145. 7. ſhall s of thy righteouſneſs Prov. 29 6. righteous ſhall s. and rejoice Iſ. 35. 6. ſhall tongue of dumb s. 1 Cor. 14. 15. I will s with my ſpirit James 5. 13. merry let him s. pſalms
  • SINGLE eye, Mat. 6. 22. Luke 11. 34. Acts. 2. 46 ſingleneſs of heart, Eph. 6. 5. Col. 3. 22.
  • SINK, Pſ. 60. 2. 14. Luke 9. 44.
  • SISTER, Song 4. 9. & 5. 1. & 8. 8.
  • SITUATION, 2 Kings 2. 19. Pſ. 48. 2.
  • SKIN for ſkin, Job 2. 4. & 10. 11. & 19. 26. Jer. 1 [...]. 23. Heb. 11. 37.
  • SKIP, Pſ. 29. 6. & 114. 4. Song 2. 8.
  • SLACK, Deut. 7. [...]0. Prov. 10. 4. Hab. 1. 4. Zeph. 3. 16. 2 Pet. 3. 9.
  • SLAY, Job 13. 15. Pſ. 139. 13. Lev. 19. 17. Eph 2. 16. having ſlain emnity Rev. 5. 9. waſt s. and haſt redeemed 6. 9 ſouls of s. for word of God 13. 8. Lamb s. from foundat. of world
  • SLEEP deep, Gen. 2. 21. & 15. 12. 1 Sam. 20. 12. Job 4. 13. Pſ. 76. 6. Prov. 19. 15. Iſ 29. 10. Pſ. 90. 5. they are as a s. in the morning 127. 2. he giveth his beloved s. 132. 4. I will not give s. to mine eyes Prov. 3 24. thy s. ſhall be ſweet 6. 4. give not s. to eyes nor ſlumber to 6. 10. yet a little s. little ſlumber 24. 33. 20. 13 love not s. [...]eſt come to poverty Eccl. 5. 12. s. of labouring man is ſweet Jer. 31. 26. my s. was ſweet to me 51. 39. s. a perpetual s. 57. Luke 9. 32. were heavy with s. Rom. 13. 11 time to wake out of s. Eſth. 6. [...]. that night king could not s. Pſ. 3 5. laid me down and s. 4. 8. 76. 5. they have s. their s. Eccl. 5. 12. abundance of rich not ſuff. s. Song 5. 2. I s but my heart waketh 1 Cor. 11. 30. for this cauſe many s. 15. 20. firſt fruits of them that s. 51. we ſhall not all s. but ſhall all be Eph 5. 42. awake thou that s. and [156] 1 Theſſ. 4. 14. which s. in Jeſus, G. bring 5. 6. let us not s. as others but watch 7. they that s. s. in the night 10. whether we s. or wake ſhould live
  • SLIM, Deut. 32. 25 Pſ. 26. 1. & 37. [...]1. Jer. [...] 5. Hoſ. 4. 6.
  • SLI [...]TLY, Jer 6. 14. & 8. 11.
  • SLING, 1 Sam. 25. 29. Jer 10. 18.
  • SLIP, Pſ. 17 5. & 18. 36 & 38. 16. & 94. 1 [...]. Heb 2 1 Pſ 25 6. ſlippery, 73. 18 Jer. 23. 12.
  • SLOTHFUL under tribute, Prov. 12. [...]4. 27. s. [...]oa [...]eth not that took in hunting [...]5. 19. [...]ay of s is in hedge of thorns 18. 9. s. is brother to great waſter 19 1 [...] ſlothfulneſs caſts into deep ſleep 24. s. hides hand in boſom, 26. 15. 21. 25. deſire of s kill [...] him 22. 12. s. faith there s a lion, 26. 13. 24. 30. I went by the field of the s. 26. 14. as door on hinges ſo is s on bed Rom. 12. 11 not s. in buſineſs fervent Heb. 6. 12. be not s. but followers
  • SLOW to anger, Neh. 9. [...]7. Luke 4 24. ſouls s. of heart to believe James 1. [...]9 s. to ſpeak s. to wr. Pr. 14. 29.
  • SLUGGARD go to am, Prov. 6. 6. 9. [...]ow long ſleep O s. when wilt thou 13. 4. ſoul of s. deſires and hath not 20. 4. s. will not plow by reaſon of cold 26 16. s. is wiſer in own conceit
  • SLUMBER, Pſ. 131. 4. Rom. 11. 8. Pſ. 121. 3. he that keeps will not [...]. 4. Mat. 25 5. they all ſlumbered and ſlept 2 Pet. 2. 3. their damnat. slumbereth not
  • SMITE thee ſhall Lord, Deut. 28. 22. 141. 5. let righteous s [...]e it ſhall be Jer. 18. 18 let us s him with tongue Mat. 5. 39. ſhall s. thee on right che [...]k Iſ. 53. 4. eſteem him ſmitten of God and Hoſ. 6. 1. hath s. and he will bind us up
  • SMOKE, Gen. 19. 28. Exod. 19. 18. Deut. 29. 20. anger of Lord ſhall s. ag. Pſ. 74. 1. God why doth thine anger s. 102. 3. as s. Prov. 10. 26. Iſ. 65. 5. Iſ. 4 [...]. 3. ſmoking flax, Mat. 12. 20.
  • SMOOTH, Gen. 27. 11. 16. Iſ. 30. 10. Pſ. 55. 21. ſmoother, Prov. 5. 3.
  • SNARE, Exod. 23. 33. Judges 2. 3. Pſ. 11. 6. on wicked he'll rain s. 18. 5. s. of death prevented me 69. 22. let table become a s. Rom. 11. 9. 91. 3. deliver thee from s. of [...]owler 119. 110. wicked laid a s. for me 124. 7. s. is broken and we eſcape Prov. 13. 14. to depart from s. of death 27. 5. fear of man bringeth a s. 1 Tim. 6. 9. will be rich fall into s. 2 Tim. 2. 26. recover out of s. of devil Pſ. 9. 16. ſnared, Prov. 6. 2. & 12. 13. Eccl. 9. 12. Iſ 8. 15. & 28. 13. & 42. 22.
  • SNOW as, Pſ. 51. 7. Iſ. 1. 18. Pſ. 68. 14. Dan. 7. 9. Mat. 28. 3. Rev. 1. 14.
  • SNUFFED, Mal. 1. 13. Jer. 2. 24.
  • SOBER for your ſake, 2 Cor. 5. 13. 2 Theſſ 3. 6. let us watch and be [...]. 8. 1 Tim. 3. 2. biſhop muſt be vigilant s. 11. wives not ſlanderers s. in all Tit. 1. 8. s. juſt, holy, temperate 2. [...]. aged men be s. grave, temperate 4. teach young women to be s. 6. young men exhort to be s. minded 1 Pet. 1. 13. g [...]d up your [...] be s. 4 7. be s. and watch unto prayer 5 8. [...] be vigilant for adverſary Rom. 12. 3. not think highly but ſoberly Tit. 2. 12. teaching us to live s. Acts 26. 25. Speak words of ſoberneſs 1 Tim 2 9. ſob [...]r [...]y, 15.
  • SOFT my heart God makes, Job. 23. 16. Prov. 15. 1 s. anſwer turns away wrath 25. 15. s. tongue breaketh the bones Mat. 12. [...]. [...] in s raiment
  • SOJOURN, Gen. 13. 10. Pſ. 120. 5. Lev. 2 [...]. 23. ſojourners with me, 1 Chr. 29. 15. Pſ. 39. 12. Exod. 12. 40. ſojourning, 1 Pet. 1. 17.
  • SOLD thyſelf to work [...]ll, 1 Kings 2 [...]. 20. 2 Kings [...]7 17. ſold themſelves to do evil Rom. 7 14. I am [...]arnal s. under ſin
  • SON, 2 Sam. 18. 33. & 19 4. Pſ. 2. 12. kiſs ye the s. leſt he be angry 116 16. I am the s. of thy handmaid Pr. 10. 1. wiſe s. makes a glad [...]ath. 15. 2. Mal. 3. 17 as man ſpares own s. Mat. 11. 27. no man [...]nows S. but Father 17. 5. this is my beloved S. 3. 17. Luke 10. 6 if s. of peace be there John 1. 18. only begotten 8. 3. 16. [...]8. 35. 5. 21. as F. S. quickens whom he [...] 8. 23. honour S. as honour Father, 26 8. 35. s. abides ever, 36 s. [...] tree 17. 12. loſt none but the s. of perdition Rom. 8. 3. ſent own S. in likeneſs. 3 [...]. Gal. 4. 7. if s then an heir of God 2 Theſſ. 2. 3. man of ſin s. of perdition Heb. 5. 8. tho' a S. learned he obedience 1 John 2. 22. denieth S. denieth Father 5. 11. life in ſ. 12. hath S. hath life Mat. 21. 27. his ſon, Acts 3. 13. Rom. 1 3. 9. & 5 10 & 8. 29. 32. 1 Cor. 1. 9 Gal. 1. 16. & 4. 4. 6. 1 Theſſ. 1. 10. Heb 1. 1. 1 John 1. 7. & 2. 23. & 3. 23. & 4. 9. 10. 14. & 5. 9. 10. 11. 20. Luke 15. 19. thy ſon John 17. 1. 19. 26. Dan. 3. 25. the ſon of God, Mat. 4. 3. & [...] 16. and 41 other places Numb. 23 19. ſon of man, Job 25. 6. P [...] 8. 4. & 80. 17. & [...]43. 3. Dan. 7. 13. Ezekiel is ſo called about 90, and Chri [...] about 84 times, Pſ. 144. 12. our ſons may be as plants Song 2. 3. ſo is my beloved among s. Iſ. 60. 10. s. of ſtrangers, 61. 5. & 62. 8 Mal. 3. 3. purify s. of Levi, 6. s. of Jac [...] Mark. 3. 17. Boanerges s. of thunder 1 Cor. 4. 14. as my beloved s. I warn Gal. 4 6. bec. s. G. ſent forth Spirit of S Heb. 2. 10. bring many s. to glory 12. 7. G. deals with you as s. 8. not Gen. 6. 2 ſons of God, Job 1 6. & 2. 1. & [...]8. 7. Hoſ. 1. 10. John 1. 12. R [...] [157] 8 14. 19 Phil. 2. 15. 1 John 3. 1. 2.
  • SONG to Lord, Exod. 15. 1. Numb 21. 17. Ex. 15. 2. L is my s. Pſ. 118. 14. Iſ. 12. 2. Job 30. 9. I am their s. Pſ. 69. 12. Job. 35. 10. giveth s. in n [...]ght, Pſ. 42. 8. & 77 6. Iſ. 30. 29. Pſ. 32 7. compaſs with s. of deliverance 33. 3. ſing a new ſong, 40. 3. & 96. 1. & 144. 9. & 149 1. Iſ. 42 10. Rev. 5. 9. Pſ. 119. 54. been s. in houſe of my pilgr. 137. 3. required a s. one of the s. Zion Ezek. 33. 32. as a very lovely s. E [...]th. 5. 19. ſpeak to yourſ. in ſpiritual s. Rev. 14. 3. no man could learn that s. 15. 3. ſing s. of Moſes and of the Lamb
  • SOON as they be born, Pſ. 58. 3. Pſ. 106. 13. s. forgot his mighty works P [...]. 14. 17. s. angry not s. ang. Tit. 1. 7. Gal. 1. 6. s removed to another goſpel 2 Theſſ 2. 2. be not s. ſhaken in mind
  • SORE, Jer. 2 22. Mal. 3. 2.
  • SORCERER, Acts 3. 6. 8. & 8. 9. 11. Jer. 27. 9. ſ [...]rs, Mal. 3. 5. Rev. 21. 8.
  • SORE, 2 Chron. 6. 19. Job 52. 8. Heb. 10. 29 of how much s. puniſhment [...]. 1. 6 bruiſes and putrifying ſores
  • SORRY, Pſ. [...]8. 18. 2 Cor. 2. 2. & 7. 8. Pſ. [...]0. 10. ſtrength labour and ſorrow Prov. 15. 13. by s. of heart ſp. is broken Eccl. 1. 18 increaſeth knowl. increaſ. s. 7. 3. s. is better than [...]aughter Iſ. 35. 10. 5. and ſighing flee away, 51. 11. 50. 11. ye ſhall lie down in s. Lam. 1. 12. is any s like unto my s. John 16. 6. s. hath filled your hearts 20 your s. ſhall be turned into joy 2 Cor. 2. 7. ſwallowed of overmuch s. 7. 10. godly s. works repent. to ſalvation but s. of world worketh death, 9. Phil. 2. 27. ſhould have s. upon s. 1 Theſſ. 4. 13. s. not as oth. wh. have no Rev. 21. 4. no more death neither s. Pſ. 18. 5. s. of hell, 116. 3. s. of death 127. 2. it is vain to eat bread of s. Iſ. 53. 3. man of s. 4. carried our s. Mat. 24. 8. beginning of ſorrows 1 Tim. 6. 10. pierced thro' with many s. 1 Cor. 7. 9. ſorrowed, Jer. 31. 12. 1 Sam. 1. 15. woman of ſorrowful ſpirit Job. 6. 7. were as my s. meat Prov. 14. 13. in laughter heart is s. Jer. 31. 25. repleniſhed s. ſoul, Pſ. 69. 29. Zeph. 3. 13. s. for the ſolemn aſſemblies Mat. 19. 22. young man went away s. 26. 22. 38. ſoul is exceeding s. even to [...] Cor. 6. 10. as s. yet alway rejoicing Luke 2. 48. ſorrowing, Acts 20. 38.
  • [...]ORT godly, 2 Cor. 7. 11. 3 John 6.
  • [...]OUGHT Lord, Ex. 33. 7. 2 Chr. 14. 7. [...]ſ. 34. 4. I s. Lord and he heard me 111. 2. s. out of all that take pleaſure 119. 10. with whole heart I s. thee Eccl. 7. 29. s. out many inventions [...] 65. 1. I'm s [...]ound o [...] them s. me not 62. 12. be called s out city not for [...]ak. [...]om. 9. 32. s. it not by [...] but a [...] Heb. 12. 17. though he s. it carefully 1 Chr. 15. 63. ſought him, 2 Chr. 14. 7. & 15. 4. & 17. 4 Pſ. 78. 34. Song 3. 1. 2. & 5. 6. Jer. 8. 2. & 26. 21. 2 Chr. 16. 12. s. not Lord, Zeph. 1. 6.
  • SOLDIER of Jeſus Chriſt, 2 Tim. 2. 3. 4.
  • SOUL abhor my judgm. Lev. 26. 15. 43. Gen. 2. 7. man became a living s. Deut 11. 33. ſerve him with all your s. 13. 3. love Lord with all s. Joſh. 22. 5. 1 Kings 2. 4. Mark 12. 33. 1 Sam. 18. 1. s. of Jonat. knit to s. of Da. 1 Kings 8. 48. return with all their s. 1 Chron. 22. 19 ſet your s. to ſeek Lord Job 16. 4. if your s. in my s. ſtead Pſ. 19. 7. L. law perfect converting the s. 34. 22. Lord redeems s. of his ſervants 49. 8. redemption of s. is precious 74. 19. deliver not s. of thy turtle into 107. 9. fills hungry s. with goodneſs Pr. 10. 3. not ſuffer s. of righteous to fam. 19. 2. s be without knowl. not good 27. 7. full s. lotheth honey-comb Iſ. 55. 2. let your s. delight in fatneſs 3. hear and your s. ſhall live 58. 10. I'll ſatisfy afflicted s. Jer. 31. 25. ſatiated weary s. 12. 14. 38. 3. Lord made this s. Ezek. 18. 4. Ezek. 18. 4. s. that ſinneth ſhall die, 20. Mat. 10. 28. are not able to kill the s. Rom. 13. 1. let every s be ſubject to high. 1 Theſſ. 5. 23. ſpirit s. and body be pr [...]. Heb. 4. 12. piercing to the dividing of s. 10. 39. believe to ſaving of s. Exod. 30. 12. ranſom for his ſoul Judges 10. 16.—was grieved for miſery 2 Kings 23. 25. turned to Lord with all— Job 27. 8. when God takes away— Hab. 2. 4.—lifted up is not right in him Mat. 16 26. loſe his s. what exchange for s. Pſ. 16. 1 [...]. not leave my ſoul in hell 31. 7. haſt known—in adverſity 35. 3. ſay to—I'm thy ſalvation 9.—joyful in Lord rejoice in ſalvation 42. 5. 11. why, caſt down O—, 43. 5. 62. 1.—waiteth upon God, 5. 63. 1.—thirſteth for thee my fleſh long. 5.—ſhall be ſatisfied as with marrow 8.—follows hard after thee and Iſ. 26. 9. with—have I deſired thee, 8. 61. 10.—ſhall be joyful in my God Luke 1. 46.—doth magnify the Lord John 12. 27. now is—troubled, Mat 20. 38. Pſ. 33. 20. our ſoul, 44. 25. & 66. 9. & 12 [...]. 4. & 123. 4. 124. 4. Iſ. 26. 8. Deut. 13 6. own ſoul, 1 Sam. 18. 1. & 20. 11. Pſ 22. 29. Prov. 8. 36. & 1 [...]. 17. & 15. 3. & 9. 8. 16. & 6. 32. & 20. 2. & 29. 24. Mark 8. 36. Luke [...]. 35. Deut. 4. 9. with all thy ſoul, 6. 5. & 10. 12. & 30. 6 Mat. 22. 37. Ezek. 3. 19. deliv. thy ſoul, 21. & 33. 9. Luke 12. 20. this night—be required 3 John 2. proſper as proſpereth Pſ. 72. 13. ſave ſouls of needy, 97. 10. Prov. [...]1. 30. winneth s. [...] wiſe [158] Iſ 57. 15. ſpirit fail and s. which I made Ezek. 14. 14. ſhould but deliver own s. 18 4. all s [...] are mine s. of [...]at. s. of ſon Luke 21. 19. your ſ [...]ls, Joſh. 3. 14. Jer. 6 16. & 26. 19 Mat 11. 29 Heb. 13. 17. 1 Pet. 1. 9. 22. & [...]. 25 1 Pet. 3. 20. few, i e. 8 s. were ſaved by 4. 19. commit keeping of our s to 2 Pet. 2. 14. begu [...]ling the un [...]able s. Rev 6. 9 s. of ſlain and beheaded, 20. 4.
  • SOUND dreadful, Job 15. 21. Iſ. 47. 5. God gone up with s. of trumpet [...]9. 15. bleſſed people know joyful s. 119. 80. let heart be s. in thy ſtatutes Prov. 2. 7. s. wisdom, 3. 21 & 8 14. Eccl. 12. 4. s. of grinding is low 6 5. wo to chant to the s. of the [...]iol Rom. 10. 18 their s. went into all earth 1 Tim. 1. 10 contr. to s. doc. 2 Tim. 4. 3. 2 Tim. 1. 7. s mind, 13. of s. words Tit 1. 9. s. doctrine s. in faith. 2 [...] [...]. 2. 2. 8. s. ſpeech cannot be condemned Iſ. 63 15 ſounding of bowels, 16. 11. Pſ. [...]8 3. 7. no ſoundneſs. Iſ. 1. 6.
  • SOW waſhed to wallowing, 2 Pet. 2. 22.
  • SOW wickedneſs reap the ſame, Job 4. 8. Pſ. [...]6. 5 s in tears reap in j [...]y Eccl. 11 [...]. obſerveth wind ſhall not s. Iſ. 32. 20. bleſſed that s beſide all waters Jer. 4. 3 f [...]llow ground s. not am. thorns 31. 27. I'll s with ſeed of man and beaſt Hoſ. 10 12. s. in righteouſn. reap in mer. Mic. 6. 15. ſhall s. and not reap Mat 13. 3. ſower went out to s. Luke 12. 24. ravens neither s nor reap 19. 2 [...]. reaping what I did not s. Pſ. 97. 11. light is ſown for righteous Hoſ. 8. 7 s. wind and reap whirlwind 1 Cor. 9. 1. ha [...]e s. to you ſpiritual th. 15 42. s. in cu [...]. in diſh. in weakn. 43. 2 Cor. 9. 10. in [...]ply your [...]eed s. James 3. 18 fruit of [...]g [...]te. s. in peace Prov. 1 [...]. 1 [...]. ſoweth righteouſn. ſhall be 22. 8. s. iniquity ſhall reap vanity John 4. 37. one s. and another reaps 2 Cor. 9 6 s. ſparingly s. bountifully Gal. 6. 7. what a man s. that will he reap [...]8. s to fleſh ſhall of fleſh reap corrupt. Iſ 55. [...]0. ſeed to ſower, 2 Cor. 9. 10.
  • SPARE all the place, Gen. 18. [...]6 Neh. 13 22. s. me acco [...]ding to greatneſs Pſ. 39. 13 s. [...]e that I may recover Prov. 13. 24. he that s rod ha [...]s child 19. 18. let not thy ſoul s. for his crying Joel 2. 17. s thy people and give not Mal. 3. 17. I'll s. them as man s. his ſon Rom. 8. 3. that ſpared not his own ſon 11. 21 if G. s. not [...]ar bran. how s. th. 2 Pet. 2 4. God s not angels that ſinned
  • SPARKS, Job 5. 7. Iſ. 50 11.
  • SPARROW. Pſ. 0 [...]. 7. Mat 10. 29.
  • SPEAK againſt Moſes, Numb. 12. 8. Gen. 1 [...]. 25. taken on me to s. to the L. Ex. 4. 14 Aaron thy brother can s. well 34. 35. went in to s. to the Lord [...] Sam. 3. 9. s. Lord thy ſervant heareth Pſ. 85. 8. I'll hear what the L s h [...]' [...] Iſ. 8. 20. if s. not according to this w [...]r 50. 4. knoweth how to s. w [...]rd in [...] Jer 18. 7. a [...] what inſtant I s. concern [...] Hab. 2. 3. at end it ſhall s and not [...]ie Mat. 10. 19. how or what ye ſhall s. 12. 32 who s. againſt Son of man 34. how s. good of abund. of heart n Luke 6. 26. when al [...] s. well of you John 3. 11. we s. what we know Acts 4 20. cannot but s things we hav [...] 1 Cor. 1. 10. al [...] s the ſame thing 2. 6. we s. wiſdom among pe [...]fect Tit. 3. 2. to s evil of no man Heb. 11. 4. he being dead yet s. 12. 24. s. better things than blood of 2 [...] refuſe not I [...]m that s. from heav [...] 1 Pet. 2. 12. s againſt you is evil doers James 1. 19. [...]wi [...]t to h [...]r, [...]ow to s. 2 Pet. 2 16. s. evil of dignities, Jude S. Jude 10. s. evil of things they know [...] Iſ. 45. 19. I ſpeak, [...]3. 1. John 4. 6 & [...] 17 & 8. 20. 28. 38. & 1 [...]. 50. Rom. 3. & 6 9. 1 Tim. 2. 7. Iſ 58. 13. nor ſpeaking own words 65. 24. whiles are s. I'd hear. 58. [...]. Dan. [...]. 20. whiles I was s. and confeſſin [...] Mat. 6. 7. w [...]ll he heard for much s. Eph. 4. 15. s the truth in love 31. evil s he put away. 1 Pet. 2. 1. 5. 19 s. to your [...]. in pſalms and hymn 1 Tim. 4. 2. s. he [...] in hypocriſy. Pſ. 58. Rev. 13. 5. mouth s. great things Gen. 11. 1. whole earth of one ſpeech Deut. 32. [...]. my s. ſhall d [...]ſtill as dew Mat. 26. 73. thy s bewrayeth thee 1 Cor. 2. 1. no [...] with excellency of s. 2 Cor. 3. 12. uſe great plainneſs of s. 10. 10. bodily preſence weak s. cont. Col. 4. [...] let s. be always with grace Tit. 2. 8. ſi [...]ned s cannot be condemne Jude 15. of all their hard ſpeeches Rom. 16. 18. by fair s deceive ſimple Mat 22 12. he was ſpeechleſs
  • SPE [...]TACLE to angels, 2 Cor. 4. 9.
  • SPEED, Gen. 24. 12. 2 John 10. 11. Ezra 7. 21. ſpeedily, 26. Pſ. 31. 2. & 79. 8 Eccl. 8 11 Luke 18. 8.
  • SPEND days in wealth, Job 21. 13. Pſ. 90. 9. s. days as a tale that is told Iſ. 49. 4. have s. my ſtrength for noug [...] 55. 2. why s. money for not bread Rom. 13. 12. night is far s day is at han 2 Cor. 12. 15. I would ſpend and be s.
  • SPICES, Song 4. 10. 14. 16. & 8. 14.
  • SPIDER, Prov. 30. 28. Job 8. 14 Iſ. [...]9.
  • SPIKENARD, Song 1. 12. & 4. 13. 14.
  • SPIRIT made willing, Exod 35. 21. Num. 11. 7. take of s. on thee, 2 Kings 2. [...] 14. 24. Caleb had another s. and Ezra 1. 5. whole s. God raiſed to go Neh. 9. 20. good s to inſtruct them Job 26. 13. by his s. he garniſhed hea [...] 32. 8. there is a s. in man, 18. s. in m Pſ. 31. 5. into thine hand I commit my [...] 32. 2. and in who [...]e s. there is no gu [...] [159] 51. 10 renew right s. within me 11. take n [...]t away holy s. 12. free s. 17. a [...]roken and contrite s. 34. 18. Pr. 1 [...]. 13. & [...]7. 22. Iſ 7. 15 & 66. 2. Pſ [...]6 [...]2 he'll [...]ut of the s. of princes 78. 8. who [...]e s is not ſt [...]d [...]aſt with God 10 [...]. 30 ſend [...]ſt forth thy s Job 31. 14. 139. 7. whither ſhould I go from thy s. 142. 3. my [...]. ev [...]wh [...] [...]. 143 4. & 77. 3. 143 7 s. faileth, 1 [...]. thy s is good Prov. 14. 29. ha [...]ty of s. exalteth [...]olly 15. 13. by ſ [...]r [...]ow of heart s is broken 16. 18. haughty s before a fall 32. bett [...]r that ruleth his own s. 18 1 [...]. wounded s who can hear 20. 27. the s of man is candle of Lord Eccl. 3. 21. who [...]nows s. of a man [...]. [...]. power over s to reta [...]n it 11. 5 thou knoweſt not way of s. 12. 7. duſt to earth s ſhall return to G. Iſ. 32. 15 till s. be poured from on high 34. 16. his s. hath gathered them 57. 1 [...] for s. fi [...]ſt fall before me 61. 3. g [...]in [...] o [...] praiſe for s of heavin. Pro. 1. 12. walk in s and ſaithood Zech 12 [...]. for [...] [...]. of man within him 10 pour out s. of grace and ſupplicat. M [...]l. [...]. 15. take heed to your s. that Mat 22. [...]3. how David in s. call him L. 2 [...]. 41. s. is w [...]lling but fleſh weak Luke 1. 80. John [...] ſtrong in s. 2. [...]7. came by the [...] into the temple 8. 55 her s came again and ſhe roſe 9. 55. know not what kind of s. ye are 24. 39. a s. ha [...]h not fleſh and bones John 3 5 born of water and of the s. 6. that whic [...] is born of the s. is s. 34 God gi [...]eth not s by meaſure to 4. 21. G. as. worſhip in s. and truth, 23. 6. 63. s. quicken [...] words s. and li [...]e Acts 6. 10. not [...] to refill s. by 16 7. the s. ſuffered them not 17. 16. Paul s w [...]ſt [...]r [...]d in him 1 [...]. 5. Paul was pr [...]ſted in s and reſtified Rom. 8. [...]. not after fle [...]h but after s. 4. 2. [...]. of life in C. I [...]. made me free fr. law 9. if any have not the s of C he is none 13. [...]ve thro' s. mortify deeds of body 15. [...] of bondage S of ad [...]ption 16. 8. beareth witneſs with our s. 26. 8. helps infirmities makes interceſ. Cor. 2. 10. S. ſearcheth all; deep [...] G. 5. 3. preſent in s. & s. may be ſaved 6. 17 joined into the L. is one s 12. 3. Cor. 3. 3. written with s. of living God 6. not of letter but of S. S give it life 17. where S of Lord is there is liberty 7. 1. cleanſe from filth. of fleſh and s. Gal. 3. 3. begun in the S. are ye now 4. 6. ſent forth S of his Son into your 5. 17 fleſh [...]u [...]e [...]i [...]g. S and S. ag. fleſh 18. if [...]ed by the S. not under the law 22. fruit of S. is love, joy, and pe [...]ce 25. if live in the S. let us walk in the S. 6 18. grace be with your s. 2 Tim. 4. 22. [...]. 2. 15. feared with holy S. or prom. 4. 4. there is one body and one S. 23. be renewed in the s. of your mind 5. 9. fruit of S is in all goodneſs 18. not drunk but filled with the S. 6. 18. praying alway in S. Jude 20. Col 2 5. I am with you in the S. joying 1 Theſſ. 5. 23. wh [...]le s ſoul and body Heb 4. 12. dividing aſunder of ſoul and s. 9. 14. who through eternal S offered James 1. 5 s. that dwelleth in us luſteth 1 Pet. 3. 1. ornam. of a meek and quiet s. 18. to death in fleſh but quickened in S. 4. 6. might live accord. to S. in the S. 1 John 4. 1 believe not every s. try s. Jude 1 [...]. ſeparate, ſenſual not hav. the S. Rev. 1. 10. I was in S on t [...]e Lord's day 11. 11. S. of life from God entered 14. 13. yea ſaith S. that they may reſt 22. 17. S. and bride ſay come and let G [...]n. 6. 3 my ſpirit, Job. 10. 12. 31. 5. & 27. 6. Iſ. 38 16. Ezek. 36. 27. Zech. 4 6 Luke 1. 47. & [...]3. 46. Acts 7 59. Rom 1. 9. 1 Cor. 11 14 Gen 1 2 Spirit of God, Exod. 31. 3. 2 Chron. 15. 1. Job 33. 4. Ezek. 11. 24. Mat. 3. 16. & 2. [...]8 Rom 8. 9. 12. & 15. 19. 1 Cor. 2. 1 [...]. 14. & 3 16. & 6. 11. & 1 [...]. 3. 2 Cor. 3. 3. Eph. 4. 30. 1 Pet. 4. 14. 1 John 4. 2. Iſ. 11. 2. s. of wiſdom, Eph 1. 17. Zech. 13. 2. unclean s. Mat. 12. 43. Numb. [...]6. 22. G. of s. of all fleſh, 27. 16. Pſ. 104. 4. maketh his angels ſpirits Prov. 19. 2. Lord weigheth the s. Mat. 10. 1. unclean ſpirits, Acts 5 16. & 8. 7 Rev. 6. 13 14. Luke 10. 20. rejoi [...]e not s are ſubject 1 Cor 14. 32. s. of prophets are ſu [...]ject Heb 12. 23. to s. of juſt men made perfect 1 Pet. 3. 19. preac [...]ed to s. in priſon 1 John 4. 1. try s for many falſe proph. Hoſ. 9. 7. ſpiritual man is mad for iniq. Rom. 1. 11. impart ſome s. g [...]t 7. 14 law is s. out I am carnal 15. 27. partake s of their s. things 1 Cor. 2. 13. comparing s. things with s. 15. he that is s. judgeth all things 3. 1. ſpeak to you as s. but ha [...]es 9. 11 if we have ſown to you s things 10. 3. eat s. meat, 4. ſame s. drink 15. 44. it is raiſed a s. body Gal. 6. 1. ye who are s reſtore Eph. 1. 3. b [...]eſſed us with all s. bleſſings 5. 10 ſpeaking in s. ſongs, Co [...]. 3 16. 6. 12. wreſtle aga [...]nſt s. wickedneſſes in Col. 1. 9. filled with all s. underſtanding 1 Pet. 2. 5. built s. houſe s. ſacrifice Rom. 8. 6 to be ſpiritually minded is 1 Cor. 2. 14. of S. of God are s. diſcerned Rev. [...]1. 8. s. is cal [...]ed Sodom and Egypt
  • SPITE, Pſ. 10. 14. Mat. 22. 6
  • SPITTING. Iſ. 50. 6 Luke 18. 32.
  • SPOIL, Gen 4 [...]. 27. Pſ 68. 12. Exod. 12. 36. they s. the Egyptians Pſ. 119. 162. as one that fin [...]s great s. Iſ. 5 [...]. 12. ſhall divide s. with ſtrong [160] Mat. 12. 29. he will s. his houſe Col. 2. 8. leſt any s. you thro' philoſophy 15. having s. principalities and powers Heb. 10. 34. took joyfully ſpoiling of goods
  • SPOT without, Numb. 19. 2. & 28. 3. 9. Job. 11. 15. 1 Tim. 6. 14. Heb. 9. 14. 1 Pet. 1. 19 2 Pet. 3. 14. Deut. 32. 5. their s. not s. of children Song 4. 7. all fair there is no s. in thee Eph. 5. 27. not having s. nor wrinkle Jer. 13 23. ſpots, Jude 12. 23.
  • SPREAD, Job 9. 8. Iſ. 25. 11. & 37. 14. Jer 4. 3 Lam. 1. 17. Ezek. 16. 8.
  • SPRING, Pſ. 85. 11. Mat. 13. 5. 7. Pſ. 65. 10. ſpring, John 4. 14. Heb. 12. 15. Pſ. 8 [...]. 7. all my ſprings are in thee
  • SPRINKLE, Lev. 14. 7. & 16. 14 Pſ. 52 15. ſo ſhall he s. many nations Ezek. 6. 25. I'll s. clean water on you Heb. 10. 22. hearts s. from evil conſcience 12. 24. come to blood of ſprinkling 1 Pet 1. 2. through s. of blood of J. C.
  • SPU [...] out of mouth, Rev. 3. 16. Hab. 2. 16. Lev. 18. 28. Jer. 25. 27.
  • SPY. Numb. 13. 16. Gal 2. 4.
  • STABILITY of times, Iſ. 33. 6.
  • STATE, Gen. 32 10 Zech 11. 10. Pſ. 23. 4. thy rod and s. comfort me P [...]. 3. 1. take away ſtay s. of bread 9 4. broken s. of his burden, 14. 5. 10 5 s in their hand mine indignation
  • STAGGER, Pſ. 107. 27. Rom. 4. 20.
  • STAKES. Iſ. 33. 20. & 54. 2.
  • STAIN, Iſ. 23. 9. & 63. 3.
  • STAMMER, Iſ. 28. 11. & 33. 19. & 32. 4.
  • STAND, Ezek. 29. 7. Exod. 9 11. Job 19. 25. ſhall ſtand on earth at latter Pſ [...]6. [...]. who s. in thy fight if once angry 130 3. if mark iniquity L. who ſhall s. Iſ. [...]6. 10. my counſel ſhall s. Pr 19. 21. Mal. 3. 2. who ſhall s. when he appeareth Mat. 12. 25. divided ag. itſelf ſhall not s. Rom. 5. 2. this grace wherein we s. 1 [...]. 4. God is able to make him s. 2 Cor. 1. 24. by faith ye s. Rom. 11. 20. Eph. 6. 13. have done all to s. 14. s. 1 Pet. [...]. 12. true grace of G. wherein ye s. Rev. 3. 20. beh. I s. at the door and kn. Nah. 1. 6. ſtand before, 1 Sam. 6. 20. Luke 21. 36. Rom. 14. 10. Rev. 30. 12. 1 Cor. 16. 14. ſtand faſt in the faith Gal. 5. 1.—in the liberty wherewith Phil. 1. 27.—in one Spirit, 4. 1.—in Lord 1 Theſſ. 3. 8. we live if we—in the Lord 2 Theſſ. 2. 15.—and hold traditions Pſ. 1. 5. ſtand in, 4. 4. & 24. 3. Exod. 14. 13 ſtand ſtill ſee ſalvation, 2 Chr. 20. 17. Joſh. 10. 12. Zech. 11. 16. Pſ. 1. 1. ſtandeth, 26. 12. & 33. 11. Prov. 8. 2. Song 2. 9. Iſ. 3. 13. Pſ. 119. 161. my heart s in awe of Ro [...]. 14. 4. to own maſter s. or falleth 1 Cor. 10. 12. thinks he s. take heed 1 Tim. 2. 19. foundation of God s. ſure James 5. 9. behold judge s. at the door
  • STAR, Numb. 27. 17. Mat. 2. 2. Judges 5. 20. ſtars in courſes fought Job 25. 5. s. are not pure in his ſight 38. 7. when morning s. ſang together Dan. 12. 3. ſhall ſhine as s. together Jude 13. wandering s to whom is darkn. Rev. 12. 1. on head crown of [...]ve s.
  • STATURE, Mat 6. 27. Eph. 4 13.
  • STATUTES and laws, Neh. 9. 14. Pſ. 19. 8. s. of Lord are right rejoicing Ezek. 20. 25. s. not good. 33. 15. s of life Mic. 6. 16. s. of Om [...]i works of Aha [...] Exod. 15. 26. his ſtatutes, Deut. [...]. 17. 2 Kings 17. 15. Pſ. 18. 22. & 105. 45. 1 Chron. 29. 19. thy ſtatutes, Pſ. 119. 12. 16. 23. 26. 33. 51. 64. 68. 71. 117.
  • STAY, Pſ. 18. 18. Song 2. 5. Iſ. 10. 20. & 26. 3. & 27. 8. & 48 2. & 50. 10.
  • STEAD, Gen. 4. 25. & 22. 13. 30. 2. am I in G. s. who has withheld Job. 16. 4. if your ſoul in my ſoul s. Prov. 11. 8. wicked cometh in his s. 2 Cor. 5. 20. we pray you in Chriſt's s.
  • STEAL, Exod 20. 15. Lev. 19. 11. Prov. 6. 30. if he s. to ſatisfy his ſoul 30. 9. leſt I be poor and s. and take Jer. 23. 30. ag prophets that s. my word Mat. 6. 19. where thieve [...] br. thro' and [...]. Eph. 4. 28. that ſtole s. no more Prov. 9. 17. ſtolen waters are ſweet and
  • STEDFAST, Job 11. 15. Dan. 6. 26. Pſ. 78. 8. ſpirit was not s. with God, 37. Acts 2. 42 continued s. in apoſtles doctr. 1 Cor. 15. 58. be ye s. unmoveable Heb. 3. 14 if hold confidence s. till end 1 Pet. 5. 9 whom reſiſt s. in faith Col. 2. 5. ſtedfaſtneſs, 2 Pet. 3. 17.
  • STEPS, Exod. 0. 26. Pſ. 18. 36. Pſ. 37. 23. s. of good men ordered by L. 31. none of his s. ſhall ſlide 44. 18. neither our s declined from 119. 133. order my s in thy word Prov. 16. 9. but Lord directeth his s. Jer. 10. 23. not in man to direct his s. Rom. 4. 12. walk in s of that faith 1 Pet 2. 21. we ſhould follow his s.
  • STEWARD, Luke 12. 42. & 16. 2. 1 Cor. 4. 1. Tit. 1. 7. 1 Pet. 4. 10.
  • STIFF neck, Deut. 31. 27. Jer 17. 23. Exod. 32. 9. ſtiff necked people, 33. 3. 5. & 24. 9. Deut. 9. 6. 12. & 10. 16. Acts 7. 5.—ye alway reſiſt Holy Ghoſt 2 Chron. 36 13. he ſtiffened his neck
  • STILL, Exod. 15. 16. Pſ. 8. 2. & 139 18. Pſ. 4. 4. be s. Jer. 47. 6. Mark 4. 39. Pſ. 46. 10. be s. and know that I am God 83. 1. keep not ſilence be not s. O God Iſ. 30. 7. their ſtrength is to ſit s. Rev 22. 11. unjuſt s. filthy s. holy s. Pſ. 65. 7 ſtilleth noiſe, 89. 9.
  • STING, 1 Cor. 15. 55. 56. Rev 9. 10. Prov. 23. 32. it ſtings like an adder
  • STINKS Pſ. 38 5. Iſ 3. 24.
  • STIR up, Numb. 24. 9. Job 17. 8. Pſ. 35. 23. s. up thyſelf awake, 80. 2. 78. 38. did not s. up all his wrath Song 2. 7. ye s. not up nor, [...]. 5. & 8. 4. [161] 2 Tim. 1. 6. s. up gift of God in thee 2 Pet. 1. 13. meet to s. you up, mind, 3. 1. Prov. 9. 17. ſtolen waters are ſweet
  • STONE of Iſrael, Gen. 40. 24. Pſ. 118. 22. s. which builders refuſed Iſ. 8. 14. a s. of ſtumbling, Rom. 9. [...]2. 33. 28. 16. a tried s a precious corner s. Dan. 2. 3 [...]. a s. was cut out of moun. 45. H [...]b. 2. 11. s. ſhall cry out of the wall Zech 3. 9. on one s ſhall be ſeven eyes Mat 3. 9. of theſe s. to raiſe up children 7. 9. bread will he give him a s. Luke 1 [...]. 10. s would immediately cry out 1 Pet. 2. 4. living s. 6. chief corner s. 5. ye as lively s. are built a ſpir. houſe Ezek. 11. 19 ſtony, Mat. 13. 5.
  • STORE, 1 Cor. 16 2. 1 Tim. 6. 19. Luke 12. 24. ſtore-houſe, Pſ. 33. 7.
  • STORM, Pſ. [...]5 8 & 83. 15. Pſ. 107 20. he makes the s a calm 148. 8. s. wind fulfilling his word Iſ 4. 6. covert—25. 4. refuge from s. Nah. 1. 3. the L. hath his way in s. Mark 4. 37 aroſe a great s. Luke 8. 23.
  • STOO [...], Job 9. 13. Pr. 12. 25. Mark 1. 7.
  • STOUT hearted, Pſ. 76. 5. Iſ. 46. 12. Iſ 10. 12. puniſh fruit of s. heart of king Dan. 7. 20. look more s. than fellows Mal. 3 13. words have been s. againſt me [...]. 9. 9. ſay in pride and ſtoutneſs of heart
  • STRAIGHT, Joſh. 6. 5. Jer. 31. 9. Pſ. 5. 8. make thy ways s. before my face Eccl. 7. 13. who can make s. crook 1. 15. Iſ. 40. 3. make s. way, 4. crooked be s. 4 [...]. 16. & 45. 2. Mat. 3. 3. Luke 3. 4. 5. Heb. 12. 13. make s. paths for feet
  • STRAIN at gnat, Mat. 23. 24.
  • STRAIT, 2 Sam. 24. 14. Job 20. 22. & 36. 16. Iſ. 49. 20. Phil. 1. 23. Mat. 7. 13. enter in at s. gate, 14. Job 18. 7. ſteps ſtraitened, Prov. 4. 12. M [...]c. 2. 7. is the ſpirit of L. s are theſe Luke 12. 50. hapt. how am I s. till it be 2 Cor. 6. 12. not s. in us s. in yourſelves
  • STRANGE, Exod. 21. 8. & 30. 9. Lev. 10 1. Pſ 81. 9 Jer. 2. 21. Luke 5. 26. Heb. 11. 9. 1 Pet. 4. 12. Jude 7. Job 31. 3. is not a s. puniſh. to workers Iſ. 28. 21. his s. work his s. act Hoſ 8. 12 law counted as a s. thing Zeph. 1. 8. clothed with s. apparel Heb. 13. 9. carried about with s. doctr. 1 Pet. 4. 9. think it s. you run not Judg. 11. 2. ſtrange wom [...]n. Prov. 2. 16. & 5. 3. 20. & 6. 24. & 20 16. & 23. 27. & 27. 13. Ezra 1 [...]. 2. 11. Gen. 23. 4. ſtranger and ſojourner, Pſ. 39. 12. & 119. 19. 1 Chr. 29. 15. Prov. 14. 10 s. not intermeddle with joy Jer. 14. 8. why ſhould thou be as a s. Mat 25. 35. I was a s. and ye took me in Luke 1 [...]. 18. ret. to give G. gl. ſave this s. John 10. 5. a s. will they not follow Pſ. 105. 12 when ſtrangers in it 146 9. L. preſerves s. relieves widow Eph. 2. 12. s. from covenants of promiſe 19. ye are no more s. and foreigners Heb. 11. 13. confeſſed were s. on earth 13. 2. not forgetful to entertain s. 1 Pet. 2. 11. beſeech you as s. and pilg.
  • STRANGLED, Acts 15. 20. 29. & 21. 25. Job 7. 15. ſoul chooſeth ſtrangling
  • STREAM, Iſ. 30. 33. & 66 12. Dan. 7. 10. Amos 5. 24. Luke 6. 48. Pſ. 46. 4. ſtreams, 126. 4. Song 4. 15. Iſ. 30. 25. & 33. 21. & 35. 6.
  • STREET, Rev. 11. 8. & 21 22. & 22. 2. Pr. 1. 20. ſtreets, Song 3. 2. Luke 14. 21.
  • STRENGTH. Gen. 49. 24 Exod. 13. 3. Exod. 15. 2. L. is my s. and ſong, Pſ. 18. 2. & 28. 7 & 118. 1 [...] Iſ 12. 2. Judg. 5. 21. ſoul haſt troden down s. 1 Sam. 2. 9. by s. ſhall no man prevail 15. 29. the s. of Iſrael will not lie Job 9. 19. if I ſpeak of s. [...]o he is ſtrong 12. 13. with him is wiſdom and s. 16. Pſ. 18. 32 girded me with s. 39. 27. 1. L. is the s. of my life of whom 29. 11. Lord will give s. to his people 33. 16. mighty not delivered by s. 39. 13. ſpare me that I may recover s. 46. 1. G. is our refuge and our s. 81. 1. 68. 34. aſcribe s. to God, 35. gives s. 73. 26. G. is the s. of my heart, 43. 2. 84. 5. bleſſed whoſe s. is in thee 7. they go from s. to s. every one 93. 1. the Lord is clothed with s. 96. 6. aſcribe to Lord s. and beauty 138. 3. ſtrengthen me with s in ſoul 140. 7. Lord the s of my ſalvation Prov. 10. 29. way of L. is s. to upright Eccl. 9. 16. wiſdom is better than s. 10. 10. if blunt muſt put to more s. Iſ. 25. 4. s. to poor s. to needy 26. 4. in Lord Jehovah is everlaſt. s. 40. 29. to no might increaſeth s. 45. 24. in L. have I righteouſn. and s. Joel 3. 16. L. s. of children of Iſrael Luke 1. 51. ſhewed s. with his arm Rom. 5. 6. when yet without s. Ch [...]iſt 1 Cor. 15. 56. s. of ſin is the law 2 Cor. 1. 8. preſſed out of mea [...]. above s. Rev. 3. 8. op [...]n door haſt a little s. 5. 12. worthy is Lamb to receive s. [...] 12. 10. now is come ſalvation and s. 17. 13 give their s to beaſt 1 Chr. 16. 11. his ſtrength, Pſ. 33. 17. Iſ. [...]3. 1. Hoſ. 7. 9. & 12. 3. Gen. 49. 24. in ſtrength, Job 9. 4. & 36. 5. Pſ. 71. 16. & 103. 20. & 1 [...]7. 10. Iſ. 33. 6. Gen. [...]9. 3. my ſtrength, Ex. 15. [...]. 2 Sam. [...]2. 33 Job 6. 12. Pſ. 18. 1. 2. & 19 14. & 28. 7. & 38. 10. & 43. 2. & 5 [...]. 17. & 62. 7. & 71. 9. & 9 [...]. 4. & 102. 23. & 118. 14. & 144 1. Iſa. 12. 2 & 2 [...]. 5. & 49. 4. 5. Jer. 16. 19. Hab. 3. 19. 2 Cor. 12. [...]. Pſ. 37. 39. their ſtrength, 89. 17. Pr. 20. 29. Iſa. 30. 7. & 40. 3 [...]. Pſ. 8. [...] thy ſtrength, [...]6 [...]6. & 11 [...]. 2. Pſ. 22 10. & 3 [...]. [...] Iſa. 17. 10. & 6 [...]. 15. Mat. 14. 52. Deut. 53 25. [162] Neh. 8. 10. your ſtrength, Iſa. 23. 14. & 30. 13. Ezek. 24. 21. Lev. 26. 20. Pſ. 20. 2. Lord ſtrengthen thee out of Zion 27. 14. wait on L. he ſhall s. your heart 31. 24. be of good cour. [...]e ſhall s. your 41. 3. Lord s. him on bed of languiſh 119. 28. s. me according to thy word Iſ. 35. 3. s. ye the weak hands 41. 10. I'll s thee, [...]4. 2. s. ſtakes Dan. 11. 1. ſtood to confirm and s him Zech. 10. 12. I'll s. them in the land Luke 22. 32. when con [...]erted s. brethren 1 Pet. 5. 1 [...]. ſ [...]a [...]liſh s. ſettle you Rev. 3. 2. watchful and s. things that 1 Sam. 23. [...]6 ſtrengthened his hand in G. Ezek. 34. 4. di [...]e [...]ee have ye not s. Eph 3. 16. s. w [...]th m [...]ht, Col. 1. 11. 2 Tim. 4. [...]7. L ſtood with me and s. me Pſ. [...]04. 15. bread which s. [...]an [...] heart 130. 3. thou s. me with s. in my Phil. 4. 13. thro' Chriſt which s. me
  • STRETCH thy hands, Job 11. 13. Gen. 22. 10 s f [...]t [...]h ha [...]d to ſtay 1 Kings 17. 21 s. [...] [...]e [...]f upon the child 1 Chr. 21. 16. drawn ſw [...]rds. over [...]ert [...]ſ. Job 15. 25. he s out h [...]s [...]rd againſ [...] G. Prov. 31. 20. 1 [...] s. out her hand to [...]our Iſ. 5. 25. hand s. out [...]l, 9. 12. & 10. 4. 40. 22. s. out the heavens as a curtain, [...]2. 5. & 44. 24. & 45. 1 [...]. & 51. 13. Jer. 10 12. & 51. 15 Zech. 12. 1. Am. 6 4. s. them [...]elves on couches Mat. 12. 1 [...]. s. forth thy handle s it John 21. [...]. ſ [...] s forth hands and ano. Rom. 10. 21. [...] [...]ay I s forth hands
  • STRIFE between me Gen. 12. 7. 8. Pr. 80. 6. makeſt us a s. to neighbours Prov. 10. 12. hatred ſtirreth up s. 15. 1 [...]. wrathful man ſtirs up s. 16. 28. froward man ſoweth s. 20. 3. it is honour to ea [...]e off s. 26. 2 [...]. wherein [...]a [...]earer s. ceaſeth 28. 25. proud [...]ca [...] ſtirs up s. 29. 22. angry man ſtirs up s. 3 [...]. 33. forcing of w [...]t [...]rings s. Iſa. 56. 4. ye fa [...]t for s. a [...]d debate Jer. [...]5. 10 born [...]e man of s. and cont. Luke 22. 24. wa [...] a s among them who Rom. 13. 13. not in s. and envying 1 Cor. 3. 3. among you s and [...]nvying Gal. [...]. 20. wrath s. ſeditious hereſies Phil. 1. 15. preach Chr [...]ſt of s. and envy 2. 3. let nothing be done thro' s. 1 Tim. 6. 4. whereof cometh s. s. of words 2 T [...]m. 2 23. ge [...]der s. 2 Cor. 12. 20. Jam 2. 14. bitter envying and s. 16.
  • STRIKE [...], Job 17. 3. Prov. 6. 1. Prov 17 [...]6. not good to s princes for [...] 5. why [...]e s. any more. Jer 5. 3. 33. 4 we did eſteem him s. of God 1 T [...]. [...]. 3. [...] ſtriker, Tit. 1. 7.
  • ST [...]ES. Iſ 53. 5. 1 Pet. 2. [...]4. Prov. 17. 1 [...]. & 2 [...]. 3 [...]. Luke 12. 47. 48.
  • ST [...]IVE. Ex [...]d. 21 [...]8. 22. Jo [...] 33. 13. Gen. 6. 3. my ſpirit not alway s. Prov. 3. 30. [...]. not [...] Iſa. 45. 9. wo to him s. with his Maker Hoſ. 4. 4. let no man s as s. with prieſt Mat. 12. 19. he ſhall not s. nor cry nor Luke 13. 24. s. to enter at ſtrait gate 2 Tim. 2. 24. ſervant of L. muſt not s. Phil. 1. 27. ſtriving tog. for faith of goſ. Heb. 12. 4. unto blood s. againſt ſin
  • STRONG this day as, Joſh. 14. 11. Pſ. 24. 8. L. is s. and mighty in battle 30. 7. made my mountain to ſtand s. 31. 2. he thou my s. took for an houſe 71. 7. thou art my s. refuge, 3. Prov. 10. 1 [...]. rich m [...]ns wealth is his s. city 11. 16. s. men retain riches 14. 26. in f [...]ar of Lord s. confidence 18 10. name of Lord is a s tower 24. 25. a wiſe man is s. increaſeth ſtr. Eccl. 9 11. [...]att [...]e not to s. 12. [...]. s. men Song 8. 6. love is s. as death, jealouſy Iſa. 1. 3 [...]. s ſhall be as tow and 26. 1. we have s. city ſalvation, 60. 22. 35. 4. be s. fear not behold your God 53. 12. ſhall divide ſpoil with s. Jer. 50. 3 their Redeemer is s. Rev. 18. 8. Joel 3. 10. let the weak [...]ay I am s. Luke 11. 21. s. man armed keep houſe, [...]2. Rom. 4 20. s. in faith giving gl. to God 15. 1. we s. ought to bear infirmit [...]es 2 Cor. 12. 10. when weak then am I s. Heb. 1 [...]. 3 [...]. [...]out of weakneſs made s. 1 John 2. 14. ye are s. and the word of G. Iſ. 35. 4. be ſtrong, Hag. 2. 4. 1 Cor. 16. 13. Eph. 6. 10. 2 Tim. 2. 1. 1 Cor. 1. 25. ſtronger than, 10. 22. Job 1 [...]. 9. clean hands ſhall be s. and s. Jer. 20 7. t [...]ou art s than I
  • STUBBLE, Job 13. 25. & 21. 18. Pſ. 83. 1 [...]. Iſa. 33 11. Mal. 4. 1. 1 Cor. 3. 12.
  • STUBBORN, Deut. 21. 18. Pſ. 78. 8. 1 Sam. 15. 2 [...]. ſtubbornneſs, Deut. 9. 27.
  • STUDY, Eccl. 12 12. 1 Theſſ. 4. 11. 2 Tim. 2. 15. Prov. 15. 2 [...] & 24. 2.
  • STUMBLE ſhall not foot, Prov. 3. 23. [...]. 1 [...]. when runneſt ſhall not s. 19. wicked kn [...]w not at what they s. Iſa 5. 27. none ſhall be weary o [...] s. 8. 15. many ſhall s and f [...]ll and [...]e, 14. 28. 7. err [...] viſion s. in judgment Mal. 2. 8. cauſed many to s. with law John 11. 9. w [...]k in day he s. not Rom. 9. 32. they s. at that s. 1 Pet. 2. 8. 14. 21. whereby or s. [...]r is made weak Iſa. 8. 14. ſtumbling, 1 John 2. 10. Lev. 29. 14. ſtumbling block, Iſ. 8. 14. & 57. 14 Jer. 6. [...]1. Eze [...]. 3. 20. & 7. 19. & 14. 3. 4. 7. Rom 9. 32. 33. & 11. 9. & 14. 1 [...]. 1 Cor. 1. 23. & 8. 9. Rev. 2. 14.
  • SUBDUE our iniquities, Mic. 7. 19. Pſ. 81. 14. I'd ſoon s. their enemies Phil. 3. 21. able to s. all things to himſelf Heb. 11. 3 [...]. who thro' f [...]ith s kingdoms
  • SUBJECT devils are, Luke 10. 17. 20. Rom. 8. 7. not s. to law of G 20. s. to van. 13. 1. every [...]oul be s. to higher p. 5. 1 Cor. 14. 32. ſpirit of proph. s. to proph. 15. 2 [...]. Son himſ. ſhall be s. to [...]n that [163] Eph. 5. 24. as church is s. to Chriſt Tit. 3. 1 to be s. to princip. and powers Heb. 2. 15. all life time s to bonda [...]e Jam. 5. 17. Elias a man s. to l [...]ke paſſions 1 Pet. 2. 18. ſerv be [...]. to your maſters 3. [...]2. angels authorit [...]es s. to him 5. 5. all of you [...]e [...] to one another 1 Cor 9. 7. ſu [...]jection, 1 Tim. 2. 11. & 3 4. Heb. 2. 5. 8. & 12. 9. 1 Pet. 3. 1 5.
  • SUBMIT, Gen. 16. 9. Pſ. 18. 44. & 66. 3. & 68. 30. & 81. 15. 1 Cor. 16. 16. ſubmit yourſelv [...]s, Eph 5. 21. 22. Col. 3. 18. He [...]. 13. 17. Jam. 4. 7 1 Pet 2. 13. & 5. 5. Rom 10. 3. have not s to righte. of G.
  • SUBSCRIBE, Iſ. 44. 5. Jer. 33. 44.
  • SUBSTANCE, Gen. 7 4. & 15. 14. Deut. 33. 11. bleſs b [...] his s. and let hands Job 30. 22. thou diſſolveſt my s. Pſ. 139. 15. my s. was not hi [...] [...]r. thee, 16. Prov. 3. 9. honour L. with thy s. and with 8. 21. I'll cauſe th. love me to inherit s. H [...]ſ. 12. 8. I have found me out s. Luke 8. 3. miniſtred to him of their s. Heb. 10. 24. in heaven a more endur. s. 11. 1. faith is s. of things hoped for
  • SUBTIL, Gen. 3. 1. Prov. 7. 10. Acts 13. [...]0. ſubtilty, 2 Cor. 11. 3. Pr. 1. 4.
  • SUBVERT, [...]a [...]n. 3. 36. Tit. 1. 11. & 3. 11. Acts 15 24 ſubverting ſouls, 2 Tim. 1. 14.
  • SUCK, Gen. 21. 7. Deut 32. 13. & 33. 1 [...]. Job [...]0 16. s. poiſon of alps and vipers Iſ. 60. 1 [...]. s. milk of Gent. s. breaſts of k. 66. 11. s. and be ſat [...]fied, 12. Mat 24. 29. wo to that give s. in thoſe Luke 11. 27. bleſſed paps thou haſt s. 23 29. bleſſed are paps not gave s. Iſ. 11. 8. ſucking child, 49. 15. Pſ. 8. 2 ſuckling, Lam. 2. 11. & 4. 4.
  • SUDDEN, Prov. 3 25. 1 Theſſ. 5. 3.
  • SUFFER, Exod. 12 23 Lev. 19. 17. Pſ. 55. 22. never s. righte. to be moved 89. 33. nor s. my faithfulneſs to fail 121. 3. not s. thy foot to be moved Pſ. 10. 3 L. not s. ſoul of righte. to fam. Mat. 16. 21. he muſt s many things 17. 17. how long ſh [...]ll I s. you 19. 14. s little children to come to me Rom. 8. 17. if we s. with him we ſhall 1 Cor. 4 12. being pe [...]ſ [...]cuted we s. it 10. 13. G. will not s you to be tempted Phil 1. 29. but alſo to s. for his ſake 2 Tim. 2. 12. if we s we ſhall reign Heb. 11. 25. chooſing rath [...]r to s. affliction 13. 3. remember the [...] [...]ho s. adverſity 2 [...]. s. word of exhortation 1 Pet. 4. [...]5. let n [...]n [...] s as murderer 19 them that s [...]ccord. to will of God Pſ. 105. 14. he ſuffered no man to do Acts 14. 6. s all nations to walk in own 16. 7. the ſpirit s. them not Phil. 3. 8. for whom I s. loſs of all things Heb. 5 8 learned o [...]ed. by things he s. Pet. 2. 21. s f [...]r us leaving us an exam. 3. 18 C. s. once for ſin, juſt for unjuſt 5. 10. after ye have s. a while ſtabliſh Mat. 11. 12. ſuffereth, 1 Cor. 13. 4. Rom 8. 18. ſufferings, 2 Cor. 1. 5. 6. Phil. 3. 10. Col. 1. 2 [...]. Heb. 2. 10. 1 Pet. 1. 1. & 4. 13. & 5. 1.
  • SUFFI [...]E, 1 Pet. 4. 3. John 14. 8. Mat. 6. 24. ſufficient to day is evil 2 C [...]r. 2. 16. who is s. for there things 3 5. not s. of ourſ. our ſufficiency of G. 12. 9. my gra [...]e is s. for thee and Job [...]0. 22. ſufficiency, 2 Cor. 9 8.
  • SUM, Pſ. 139. 17. Ezek. 28 1 [...]. Heb. 8. 1.
  • SUMMER and winter not ceaſe, Gen. 8. 22. Pſ. 74 17. haſt made s. and winter Prov. 6. 8. provideth her meat in s. 1 [...]. 5 gathereth in s is a wiſe ſon Iſa 18. 6 fowls ſhall s. a [...]d winter on 'em Jer. 8. 22. harveſt paſt and s. is ended Zech. 14. 8. liv. waters in s. and winter
  • SUMPTUOUSLY fared, Luke 16. 19.
  • SUN ſtand tho I ſtill, Joſh. 10 12. Pſ. 19. 4. he ſet a tabernacle for s. 74. 16. prepared the light and s. 104. 19. s. knows his going down 121. 6. s not ſmite by day, Iſa. 49. 10. 130 8. s. to rule the day, Gen. 1. 16. Eccl. 12. 2 while s. or ſtars darkened Song 1. 6 becauſe s. hath looked on me 6. 10. fair as moon clear as the s. Iſ. 30. 26. light of s. ſhall be ſeven fold 38. [...]. s. returned ten degrees on 60. 19. s be no more thy light by day 20. thy s. ſhall no more go down nor Jer. 31. 35. gives s. for light by day Mat. 1. 2. to fear ſhall s. of righte. ariſe Mat. 5. 45. his s. to riſe on evil and 13 43. righte ſhall ſhine as s. in kingd. 1 Cor. 15. 4. one glory of s. another of Eph. 4. 26. let not s. go down on wrath Rev. 10. 1. his face as s. 1. 16. Mat. 17. 2. 7. 16. nor s. light on them nor any heat 21. 22. city had no need of s. 22. 5.
  • SUPERFLUITY of naughtin. Jam. 1. 21.
  • SUPERSTITION, Acts 25. 19. & 17. 22.
  • SUP, Luke 17. 8. Rev. 3. 20 Hag. 1. 9. Luke 14. 16. certain man made a great s. 1 Cor. 11. 20. to eat L. s. Luke 22. 20. Rev. [...]9. 9. to marriage s. 17. s. of gr. G.
  • SUPPLICATION, 1 Kings 8. 28. & 9. 5. Job 8. 5. & 9. 15. Pſ. 6. 9. & 30 8. & 55. 1. & 142. 1. & 119. 170. Dan. 6. 1. & 9. 20. Hoſ. 12. 4. Zech. 12. 10. Eph. 6. 18 Phil. 4. 6. 1 Tim. 2. 1. & 5. 5. Heb 5. 7.
  • SUPPLY of Spirit of Jeſus C. Phil. 1. 19. Phil 4. 19 my God ſhall s. all your need 2 Cor. 9. 12. ſupplieth, Eph 4 16.
  • SUPPORT weak, Acts 20. 34. 1 Theſſ. 5. 14.
  • SUPREME, 1 Pet. 2. 13.
  • SURE, Gen. 2 [...]. 17. 1 Sam. 25. 38. 2 Sam. 23. 5. cov. o [...]d in all th. and s. Ne 1. 9 38. we make a s. covenant Pſ. 19. 7. teſtim of L. is s. making wiſe 93. 5. thy teſtimonies are very s. 111. 7. all his commands are very s. Prov. 11. 15. hateth ſuretyſhip is s. 10. to ſows righte. ſhall be a s. reward [164] Iſ. 22. 23. 25. s. place, 28. 16. s. foundat. 32. 18. s. dwellings, 33. 16. water be s. 55. 3. s. mercies of David, Acts 13. 34. John 6. 69. we believe and are s. that thou art that C the Son of the living G. Rom. 4. 16. prom. might be s. to all ſeed 2 Tim. 2. 19. foundation of G. ſtands s. 2 Pet 1. 10 make calling and election s. 10. have a more s. word of prophecy
  • SURETY be for thy ſervant, Pſ. 119. 122. Heb 7. 22. Jeſus made s. of better teſta.
  • SURFEITING and drunken. Luke 21. 34.
  • SURPRISED hypocrites, Iſ. 33. 14.
  • SUSTAIN, Pſ. 55. 22 Prov. 18. 14. Pſ 3 5. ſuſtained, Iſ. 59. 16.
  • SWALLOW, Pſ. 84. 3. Jer. 8. 7. Exod. 15. 12. earth s. them, Num. 16. 32. Pſ. 124. 3. they had s. us up quick Iſ. 25. 8. s up death in vict. 2 Cor. 5 4. Mat. 23. 14. ſtrain at gnat and s. a camel 2 Cor. 2. 7. be s. up of overmuch ſorrow
  • SWEAR, Num. 30. 2. Deut. 6. 13. Iſ. 45. 23 to me every tongue ſhall s. 65. 16. ſhall s. by the God of truth Jer. 4. 2. ſhall s. L lives in truth, 12. 16. Zeph. 1. 5. s. by L. and s. by Malcham Mat. 5. 34. s. not at all, Jam. 5. 12. Pſ. 15. 4 ſwears to his own hurt Eccl. 9. 2. that s. as he that fears an oath Zech. 5. 3. every that s. ſhall be cut off Jer. 23. 10. bec. of ſwearing land mourn Hoſ. 4. 2. by s. and lying they break out 10 4. s. falſely in making a covenant Mal. 3. 5. I'll be a witneſs againſt falſe s.
  • SWEAT, Gen. 3. 19. Luke 12. 44.
  • SWEET, Job 20. 12 Pſ. 55. 14. Pſ. 104. 34. meditation of him ſhall be s. 119. 103. how s. are thy words to my Prov. 3. 21. ſleep ſhall be s. Jer. 31. 26. 9. 17. ſtolen waters are s. 20. 17. 13. 19. deſire accompliſhed is s. to ſoul 27. 7. to hungry every bitter is s. Eccl. 5. 12. ſleep of labouring man is s. 11. 7. light is s. and to behold the ſun Song 2. 3. his fruit was s. to my taſte 14. s. is thy voice and count. comely 5. 16. his mouth is moſt s. he is altog. Iſ. 5. 20. put bitter for s. and s. for bitter Phil. 4. 18. odour of a s. ſmell Rev. 10. 9. in mouth s. as honey, 10. Pſ. 19. 10. ſweeter than honey, 119. 101. Judg. 14. 14. ſweetneſs, Prov. 16. 21. & 27. 9.
  • SWELLING, Jer. 12. 5. 2 Pet. 2. 18.
  • SWIFT, Deut. 28. 49. Job 9. 26. Eccl. 9. 11. race is not to s. no [...] battle Rom. 3. 15. feet s. to ſhed blood, Pr. 6. 18. Jam. 1. 19. s. to hear ſlow to ſpeak 2 Pet. 2. 1. bring on themſ. s. deſtruction Job 7. 6. days ſwifter than ſhuttle, 9. 25. Pſ. 147. 15. ſwiftly, Joel 3. 4.
  • SWIM, 2 Kings 6. 6. Pſ. 6. 6. Ezek. 47. 5.
  • SWORD, Ex [...]d. 32. 27. Lev. 26. 25. Gen. 3. 24. cherubims and flaming s. Deut. 33. 29. s. of thy excellency Judg. 7. 20. s. of Lord and of G [...]on 2 Sam. 12. 10. s. ſhall never depart Pſ. 17. 13. from wicked which is thy s. 149. 6. two edged s. in their hands Song 3. 8. every one has s. on thigh Jer. 9. 16. I'll ſend a s. after them 15. 2 ſuch as for s. to s 43. 11. Ezek. 21. 13. what if s. contemn rod Zech. 11. 17. s. ſhall be on his arm 13. 7. awake O s. againſt my ſhepherd Mat. 10. 34. not to ſend peace but a s. Luke 2. 35. a s. ſhall pierce into thy Rom. 13. 4. he beareth not s. in vain Eph. 6. 17. s. of ſpirit is word of God Heb. 4. 12. word ſharper than two s. Rev. 1. 16 went ſharp two edged s. 19. [...]5. Pſ. 55. 21. ſwords, 59. 7. Prov. 30. 14. Iſ. 2. 4. Ezek. 32. 27. Joel 3. 10. Gen. 22. 16. by myſelf have I ſworn Pſ. 24. 4. nor s. deceitfully 119. 106. I have s. and will perform it
  • SYNAGOGUE, Pſ. 74. 8 Mat 6. 5. & 23. 6 Luke 7. 5. John 9. 22. & 1 [...], [...]0. Acts 15. 21. Rev. 2. 9. & 3. 9.
  • TABERNACLE, Exod. 26. 1. & 29. 43. Job 5. 24. thy t. ſhall be in peace Pſ. 15. 1. who ſhall abide in thy t. 27. 5. in ſecret of his t. ſhall hide Prov. 14. 11. t. of upright ſhall [...]ouriſh Iſ. 33. 20. t. that ſhall not [...]e taken down Am. 9. 15. raiſe up t. of David, Acts 15. 16. 2 Cor. 5. 1. if earthly houſe of this t. 4. we that are in this t do groan Heb. 8. 2. miniſter of the true t. 2 Pet. 1. 13. I'm in t. 14. put off t. Rev. 21. 3. t of God s w [...]th men on Job 12. 6. tabernacles of robbers proſp [...] Pſ. 84. 1 how a [...]e be are thy t. 18. 15. [...]vation is [...]n t. of righteous Heb. 11. 9. dwell. in t. with Iſaac and Jac.
  • TABLE, Exod. 25. 23. Job 36. 16. Pſ. 23. 5. prepared a t. before me 69. 22. let their t. become a ſnare 128. 3. olive p [...]ants round about thy t. Prov. 3. 3. write them on the t. of heart Song 1. 12. while king ſits at his t. Jer. 17. 1. ſin graven on t. of heart Mal. 1. 7. t. of the Lord is contemptible Mat. 15. 27. crumbs [...]a [...] from maſters t. 1 Cor. 10. 21. part. of L. t. and t. of devi [...] Deut. 10. 4. tables, 5. Heb. 9. 4. 2 Chr. 4. 8. 19. Iſ. 28. 8. Ezek. 40. 41. H [...]b. 2. 2. write make it plain on t. Acts 6. 2. leave word of God and ſerve t. 2 Cor. 3. 3 not [...]n t. o [...] ſt. but fleſh t. of [...].
  • TAKE you for a people, Exod 6. 7. Exod. [...]0. [...]. not t. name of the L. in vain 3 [...]. 9. pardon t. us for thy inheritance Pſ. 27. 10. when—L. will t me up 51. 11. t not holy ſpirit from me 116. 13. I'll t. cup of ſalvation and 119. 43. t. not word of truth out of Hoſ. 14. 2. t with you words and [...]ay t. Mat. 16. 24. t. up his croſs and follow me 18. 16 t. with thee [...] or two in t. 23. would t. [...]count of his [...] [165] 20. 14. t. that thine [...]s. and go thy way 26. 26 t eat, this my body, 1 Cor. 11. 24. Luke 1 [...]. 19. t. thy eaſe, eat, drink, and Eph. 6. 13. t. whole armour of God, 17. Rev 3. 11. that no man t. thy crown Exod 23. 25. take away, Joſh. 7. 13. 2 Sam. 24. 10. 1 Chr 17. 13. Job 7. 21. & 32. 22. & 36. 18 Pſ. 58. 9. Iſ. 58. 9. Jer. 15 15. Hoſ 1. 6. & 4. 11. & 14. 2. Am [...]s 4. 2. Mal. 2. 3. Luke 17. 31. John 1. 29. 1 John 3. 5 Rev. 22. 19. Deut. 4. 9. take heed, 11. 16. & 27. 9. 2 Chr. 19. 6. Pſ. 39 1. Iſ. 7. 4. Mal. 2. 15. Mat 6. 1. & 16. 6. & 18. 10. & 24. 4. Mark 4. 24. & 13. 33. Luke 8. 18. & 12. 15. 1 Cor. 10. 12. Col. 4. 17. Heb. 3. 12. 2 Pet. 1. 19. Deut. 32. 41. take hold, Pſ. 69. 24. Iſ. 27. 5. [...] 56. 4. & 64. 7. Zech. 1. 6 Pſ. 83. 3 taken crafty counſel againſt thy 119. 111 teſtim have It as my herit. Iſ. 53. 8. he was t. from priſ and judgm. Lam. 4. 20. anointed of L t. in their pits Mat 21. 43. kingdom of G. t. from you 24. 40. one ſhall be t. the other left Mark 4. 25 ſhall be t. that which he hath A [...]ts 1. 9. t. up into heaven 11. 22. 2 Tim. 2. 26. t captive by him Iſ. 6. 7. thy iniquity is taken away 16. 10. gladneſs. 57. [...]. merciful men— Luke 10. 42. part no [...] be—from her 2 Cor. 3. 16. vail when return to Lord Pſ. 40. 12 my iniq. taken hold of me 110. 143. trouble and ang. have—of me Prov. 1. 1 [...]. taketh away, John 1. 29. & 10. 18. & 15. 2 taketh from. 16. 22. Pſ. 119. 9. by taking heed thereto accord. Mat. 6. 27. who by t. thought can add Rom. 7. 8. ſin t. occaſion by com. 11. Eph. 6. 16. above all t. ſhield of faith
  • TALE, Pſ. 90. 9. Ez. 2 [...]. 29. Luke 24. 11. Lev. 19 16. t [...]le-b [...]arer, Prov. 11. 13. & 18 8 & 20. 19. & 26. 20. 22.
  • TALENTS, Mat. 18. 24. & 25. 15. 25.
  • TALK of them when ſitteſt, Deut. 6. 7. 1 Sam. 2. 3. t no more to exc. proudly Job 13. 7. for G t. deceitfully for him Pſ. 37 30. tongue t. of judgment 71. 24. tongue [...] of thy righteouſneſs 77. 12. m [...]di [...] of works, t. of thy doings 105. 2. t. ye of all his wondrous works 145. 1. ſhall ſp. of gl. t. of thy power Jer 12. 1. let [...]e t. with thee of judgm. John 14. 30. I'll not t much with you Eph. 5. 4. filthineſs, nor fooliſh talking Tit. [...]. 10. unruly and vain talkers
  • TAME, Mark 5. 4. Jam 3. 7. 8.
  • TARRY, 1 Chr 19 5. 2 Kings 14. 10. Pſ. [...]0 [...] 7. liar not t in my fight Prov. 23 30. that t long at wine Iſ. 46. 13. my ſalvation ſhall not t. Jer 14. 8. turns aſid [...] to t for a night H [...]b. 2. 3. tho' t. wait come. not t. Mat. 26. 3 [...]. t. h [...]re and watch with me John 2 [...]. 22. that he t. t [...]ll I come 1 Cor. 11. 33. to eat t. one for another Pſ. 68. 12. ſhe that tarried at home Mat. [...]5. 5. while bridegroom t all ſlum, Luke 2. 43. child J. t. behind in Jeruſal. Acts 22. 16. why t. thou? ariſe be bapt. Pſ. 40. 17. make no tarrying, 70. 5.
  • TASTE, Exod. 16. 31. 1 Sam. 14. 43. Job 6. 6. is any t. in white of an egg Pſ. 34 8 O t. and ſee that Lord is good 119. 103. ſweet are thy words to my t. Song 2. 3. his fruit was ſweet to my t. Jer. 48. 11. his t. remained in him Mat. 16. 28. ſome ſhall not t. of death Luke 14. 24. no [...]e bidden ſhall t. of my ſ. John 8. 52. keep my ſaying never t. death Col. 2. 21. touch not, t. not, handle not Heb. 2. 9. ſhould t. death for every man 6. 4. t. heav. gift, 5. t. good word of G. 1 Pet. 2. 3. if h [...]ve t. that L. is gracious
  • TATLERS, 1 Tim. 5. 1 [...].
  • TEACH, Exod. 4. 12. Lev. 10. 11. Deut. 4. 9. t them thy ſons, 6. 7. & 11. 19. 33. 10. they ſhall t. Jacob thy judgm. 1 Sam. 12. 23. t. good way, 1 Kings 8. 36. 2 Chr. 17. 7. to t. in the cities of Judah Job 21. 22. ſhall any t God wiſdom Pſ. 25. 8. t. ſinners in way, 9. meek t. 34. 11. I'll t. you the fear of L. 32. 8. 51. 13. I'll t. tranſgreſſors thy way 90. 12. ſo t. us to number our days Iſ. 2. 3. he'll t. of his ways. Mic. 4. 2. Jer. 31. 34. t. no more every man neighb. Mat 28. 19. go and t. all nations baptiz. John 9. 34. born in ſins doſt thou t. us 14. 26. 11. G. ſhall t. you all th. and br. 1 Cor. 4. 17. as I t. every where in c [...]u. 1 Tim. 2. 12. I ſuffer not woman to t. 3. 2. given to hoſpitality apt to t. 2 Tim. 2. 2. faithful men able to t. others Heb. 5. 12. teachers, need one to t. you 1 John 2. 27. need not any man t. you Job 34. 32. what I ſee not teach me Pſ. 25. 4.—thy paths 5, 27. 11.—thy way, 86. 11. & 119. 12.—thy ſtatutes, 26. 64. 68. 124. 135; 66.—good judgment 108.—thy judg. 143.—to do thy will 2 Chr. 30. 22. taught good knowl. of [...]. Pſ. 71. 17. thou haſt t. me from youth 119. 171. when haſt t. me thy ſtatutes Eccl. 12. 9 wiſe t people knowledge Iſ. 29. 13. fear of me t. by precepts of m. 54. 13 all thy children ſhall be t. of [...]. John 6. 45. they ſhall be all t. of God Acts 20. 20. t. you pu [...] and from houſe Gal. 6. 6. him t. in word commun. things 1 Theſſ. 4. 9. yourſ. are t. of G. to love Pſ. 94. 12. teacheſt him out of thy law Mat. 22. 16. t. way of God in truth Rom. 2. 21. t. another t. not ſelf Job 36. 22. who teacheth like him 35. 11. who t. us more than beaſts Pſ. 18. 34. t. my hands to war, 144. 1. 94. 10. he that t. man knowledge Iſ. 48 17. L. thy Red. t. thee to profit 1 Cor. 2. 13. words mans wiſd. t. H. G. t. 1 John 2. 27. anointing t. you all things H [...]b. [...]. 18. teacher, John 3. 2. Rom. [...]. [166] 20. 1 Tim. 2. 7. 2 Tim. 1. 11. Pſ. 119. 99. teachers, Iſ. 30. 20. 2 Tim. 4. 3. heap up to themſelves t. Tit. 2. 3. be t of good things Heb. 5. 12. ought to be t. of others 2 Chr. 15. 3. without teaching prieſt Mat. 15. 9. t. for doctr. command of men 28. 20. t. them to obſerve all things Col. 1. 28. t. every man in all wiſdom 3. 16. t. and admoniſhing one another Tit. 2. 12. t. us that denying ungodlineſs
  • TEAR, Pſ. 50. 22. Hoſ. 5. 14. Job 16. 9.
  • TEARS, Job 16. 20. Pſ. 6. 6. Iſ. 38. 5. Pſ. 56. 8. put my t. in thy bottle, 39. 12. 80. 5. feedeſt them with bread of t. 126. 5. ſow in t. ſhall reap in joy Iſ. 25. 8. wipe all t. from off faces Jer. 9. 1. my eyes a fountain of t. Luke 7. 38. waſh his feet with t. Acts 20. 19 with many t. and tempt. 31. 2 Cor. 2. 4 of anguiſh wrote with many t. 2 Tim. 1. 4. mindful of thy t. filled joy Heb. 5. 7. with ſtrong cry and t. to him 12. 17. tho' ſought it carefully with t. Rev. 7. 17. wipe all t. from eyes, 21. 4.
  • TEATS, Iſ. 32. 12 Ezek. 23. 3. 21.
  • TEETH white with milk, Gen. 49. 12. Job 4. 10. t. broken, Pſ 3. 7. & 58. 6. Song 4. 2. t. are like flock of ſheep, 6. 6. Jer. 31. 29 childr. t. ſet on edge, Ez. 18. 2. Amos 4. 6 cleanneſs of t. in all cities Mat. 8. 12. weeping and gnaſhing of t. 22. 13. & 24. 51. & 25. 30. Pſ. 112. 10.
  • TELL it not in Gath, 2 Sam. 1. 20. Pſ. 48. 13. t. it to generation following 56. 8. thou t all my wanderings Prov. 30. 4. what name if thou canſt t. Mat. 8. 4 ſee thou t. no man, 16. 20. 18. 15. t. him his fault, 17. t. church John 3. 8. canſt not t. whence it cometh 4. 25. Meſſiah cometh he'll t. us all th. 8. 14. ye cannot t. whence I come 2 Cor. 12. 2. in or out of body I cannot t. Gal. 4. 16. am I enemy bec. I t. you truth Phil. 3. 18. have told now t. you weeping
  • TEMPERANCE, Acts 24. 25. Gal. 5. 23. 2 Pet. 1. 6. 1 Cor. 9. 25. temperate, Tit. 1. 8. & 2. 2.
  • TEMPLE, 1 Sam. 1. 9. 1 Kings 6. 5. Pſ. 29. 9. in his t. ev. one ſpeak of glory Jer. 7. 4. t. of the L. t. of L are theſe Mal. 3. 1. L. ſuddenly come to his t. Mat. 12. 6. one greater than t. is here John 2. 19. deſtroy this t. and in 3 days 21. he ſpake of t. of his body Acts 7. 48. M. High dwells not in t. made 1 Cor. 3. 16. ye are t. of God if defile, [...]7. 6. 19. your bodies are t. of Holy Ghoſt 9. 13. live of things of t. 2 Cor. 6. 16. what agr. t. of G. with idols ye are the t. of the living God Rev. 7. 15. ſerve him day and n. in his t. 11. 19. t. of G. was opened in heaven 21. 22. ſaw no t. L. G. and Lamb are t. Song 4. 3. thy temples, 6. 7.
  • TEMPORAL, 2 Cor. 4. 18.
  • TEMPT Abraham God did, Gen. 22. 1. Exod. 17. 2. wherefore do ye t. the L. Deut. 6. 16. not to t. L. your God as t. Iſ. 7. 12. I'll not aſk nor will I t. the L. Mal. 3. 15. that t. God are delivered Mat. 4. 7. thou ſhalt not t. the L. thy G. 22. 18. why t. you me, ſhew me peny Acts 5. 9. agreed toge. to t. Spirit of God 15. 10. why t. ye God to put a yoke 1 Cor. 7. 5. that Satan t. not for incont. 10. 9. neither let us t. Chriſt as ſome t. Exod. 17. 7. becauſe they tempted the L. Numb. 14. 22. t. me now ten times Pſ. 78. 18. t. G. in their heart, 106. 14. 41. turned back and t. God 56. t. and provoked the Moſt High G. 95. 9. when fathers t. me, Hen. 3. 9. Mat. 4. 1. wilderneſs to be t. of the devil Luke 10. 25. lawyer t. him ſaying 1 Cor. 10. 13. not ſuffer you to be t. above Gal. 6. 1. leſt thou alſo he t. 1 Theſſ. 3. 5. tempter hath t. you Heb. 2. 18. ſuffered being t. ſuccour t. 4. 15. in all points t. as we are 11. 37. were ſawn aſunder were t. Jam. 1. 13 no man ſay when t. I'm t. of G. G. t. no man nor can be t. with evil 14. every man is t. when led away Mat. 16. 1. tempting him, 19. 3. & 22. 25. Luke 11. 16. John 8. 6. Pſ. 95. 8. as in day of temptation Mat. 6. 13. lead us not into t. Luke 11. 4. Luke 4. 13. had ended all the t. 8. 13. in time of t. fall away 1 Cor. 10. 13. not t. taken you but com. will with t. make a way to eſcape Gal. 4. 14. deſpiſed not my t. in fleſh 1 Tim. 6. 9. he rich fall into t. and Heb. 3. 8. in day of t. in wilderneſs Jam. 1. 12. bleſſed that endures t. Rev. 3. 10. keep thee from hour of t. Deut. 4. 34. temptations, 7. 19 Luke 22. 28. Acts 20. 19. Jam. 1. 2. 1 Pet. 1. 6. 2 Pet. 2. 9. Mat. 4. 3. tempter, 1 Theſſ 3. 5.
  • TENDER heart, 2 Kings 22. 19. Eph. 4. 32. Luke 1. 78. t. mercy, Jam. 5. 11.
  • TENDETH, Prov. 10. 16. & 11. 19. & 19. 23. & 11. 24. & 14. 23. & 21. 5.
  • TENTS of Shem dwell in, Gen. 9. 27. Num. 24. 5. how goodly thy t. O Jacob 1 Kings 12. 16. to your t. O Iſr. 2 Sam 20. 1. Pſ. 84. 10. them dwell in t. of wickedn. 120. 5. woes me dwell in t. of Kedar Song 1. 8. feed kids beſide ſhepherds t.
  • TERRESTRIAL celeſtial, 1 Cor. 15. 40.
  • TERRIBLE, Exod. 34. 10. Deut. 1. 19. Deut. 7. 21. a mighty G. and t. 10. 17. Neh. 1. 5. & 4. 14. & 9. 32. Jer. 20. 11. Deut. 10. 21. hath done t. th. 2 Sam. 7. 23. Job 37. 22. with God is t. majeſty Pſ. 45 4. right hand teach t. things 47. 2. Lord Moſt High is t. 68. 35. 65. 5. by t. things in righte. anſwer u [...] 66. 3. how t. in working doing, 5. 76. 12. he is t. to kings of earth [167] 99. 3. praiſe great and t. name for holy Song 6. 4. t. as army with banners Iſ. 64. 3. didſt t. things we looked not for Joel 2. 11. day of L. t. 31. Zeph. 2. 11. Heb. 12. 21. ſo t. was the ſight that Moſes 1 Chr. 17. 21. terribleneſs, Jer. 49. 16. Job 7. 14. terrify, Phil. 1. 28.
  • TERROR, Gen. 35. 5. Deut. 32. 25. Job 31. 23. deſtr. from G. was a t. to me Iſ. 33. 18. thy heart ſhall meditate t. Jer. 17. 17. be not a t. to me in day of 20. 4. a t. to ſelf and all, Ezek. 26. 21. Rom. 13. 3. rulers not t. to good works 2 Cor. 5. 11. knowing t. of L. we perſw. 1 Pet. 3. 14. be not afraid of their t. Job 6. 4. terrors, 18. 11. 14. & 27. 20. Pſ. 55. 4. & 73. 19. & 88. 15. 16.
  • TESTAMENT, Mat. 26. 28. Luke 22. 20. 1 Cor. 11. 25. 2 Cor. 3. 6. 14. Gal. 4. 15. Heb. 7. 22. & 9. 15. 16. 17. 18. Rev. 11. 19. Heb. 9. 16. death of teſtator, 17. t. liveth
  • TESTIFY, Deut. 8. 19. & 32. 46. Neh. 9. 26. 34. Pſ. 50. 7. & 81. 8. Num. 35. 30. one witneſs not t. ag. any Iſ. 59. 12. our ſins t. againſt us, Jer 14. 7. Hoſ. 5. 5. pride of Iſrael t to his [...]ace, 7. 10. John 3. 11. we t. what we have ſeen and 5. 39. ſearch ſcrip. they t. of me, 15. 26. Acts 20. 24. t. the goſpel of grace of G. 21. 1 John 4. 14. ſeen and t. that F. ſent Son 2 Chr. 24. 19. teſtified, Neh. 13. 15. Acts 23. 11. 1 Tim. 2. 6. 1 John 5. 9. Heb. 11. 4. teſtifying, 1 Pet. 5. 12. 2 Kings 11. 12. gave him the teſtimony Pſ. 78. 5. he eſtabliſhed a t. in Jacob Iſ. 8. 16. bind up t. ſeal law among 20. to law and t. if they ſpeak not Mat. 10. 18. for a t. againſt them John 3. 32. no man receiveth his t. Acts 14. 3. gave t. to word of his grace 2 Cor. 1. 12. the t. of our conſcience Heb. 11. 5 before tranſlation had this t. Rev. 1. 9. t. of Jeſus C. 12. 17. & 19. 10. 11. 7. when they ſhall have finiſh. th. t. Pſ. 25. 10. keep his teſtimonies, 119. 2. Pſ. 93. 5. thy teſtimonies, 119. 14. 24. 31. 46 59. 95. 111. 129. 144.
  • THANK, 1 Chr. 16. 4. & 29. 13. Mat. 11. 25. Luke 6. 31. 33. & 1 [...]. 9. & 18. 11. John 11. 41. Rom. 1. 8. & 7. 25. 1 Cor. 1. 4. 2 Theſſ. 2. 13. 1 Tim. 1. 12. Pſ. 100. 4. be thankful, Acts 24. 3. Rom. 1. 21. Col. 3. 15. 1 Pet. 2. 19. this is thank-worthy Dan. 6. 10. gave thanks, Mat. 26. 27. Mark 8. 6. Luke [...]2. 17. Rom. 14. 6. 2 Cor. 9. 15. t. to G. for unſpeakable gift 2. 14. & 8. 16 1 Cor. 15. 57. Eph. 5. 4. giving of thanks, 20. 1 Tim. 2. 1. Heb. 13. 5. 1 Theſſ. 3. 9. what t. can we render to G. Lev. 7. 12. thankſgiving, Neh. 11. 17. Pſ. 26. 7. & 50. 14. & 100. 4. & 107. 22. & 116. 17. Iſ. 51. 3. Phil. 4. 6. 1 Tim. 4. 3. Rev. 5. 12.
  • THEATRE, Acts 19. 29.
  • THINE is day, night, Pſ. 74. 16. Pſ. 119. 94 I am t. O ſave thou me Iſ. 63. 19. we are t. thou never bareſt Mat. 20. 14. take that t. is, and go way John 17. 6. t. they were and thou gaveſt 10. all mine are t. and t. are mine
  • THINK on me for good, Neh. 5 19. Job 3 [...]. 1. cov. with eyes why t. on a maid Jer. 29. 11. I know th. I t. toward you Rom. 12. 3. not t more highly t. ſoberly 1 Cor 8. 2. t that he knows any thing Gal 6. 3. t. himſelf ſomething is nothing Eph. 3. 20. above all we aſk or t. Phil. 4. 8. t. on theſe things Gen. 5. 20. ye thought evil againſt me Pſ. 48. 9. we t. of thy loving kindneſ [...] 50. 21. thou t I was like thyſelf 73. 16. when I t. to know this it 119. 59. I t. on my ways and turned Mal. 3. 16. for them that t. on his n [...]me Mark 14. 72. when he t. thereon he wept 1 Cor. 13. 11. I t. as a child ſpake as a ch. Phil. 2. 6. t. it no robbery to be equal G. Pſ. 139. 2. underſtandeſt my t. a far Prov. 24. 9. t. o [...] fooliſhneſs is ſin Eccl. 10. 20. curſe not king in thy t. Mat. 6. 25. take no t for life, Luke 12. 22. 34. take no t. for morrow t. ſufficient Mark 13. 11. take no t. before hand what 2 Cor. 10. 5. bring every t. into captivity Gen. 6. 5. imagina. of thoughts of heart Judg. 5. 15. there were great t. of heart 1 Chr. 28. 9. underſtand. all imagin. o [...] t. 29. 18. keep this in imagination of t. Pſ. 10. 4. God is not in all his t. 33. 11. t. of his heart to all generations 40. 5. many are thy t. to us ward 94. 11. L. knows t. of men are vain 19. in multitude of my t. within me 119. 113 I hate vain t but law I love 139 17. how precious are thy t. to me 23. try me and know my t. Prov. 12. 5. t. of the righteous are right 15. 26. t. of wicked are abomina. to L. 16. 3. thy t. ſhall be eſtabliſhed Iſ. 55. 7. unrighteous man forſaketh his t. 8. my t. are not your t. but, 9. 59. 7. their t. are t. of iniquity 66. 18. I know their works and t. Jer. 4. 14. how long ſhall vain t. lodge 29. 11. t. I think tow. you t. of peace Mic. 4. 12. know not t. of L. nor counſel Mat. 15. 19. out of heart proceeds evil t. Luke 2. 35. t. of many hearts be revealed 24. 38. why do t. ariſe in your hearts Rom. 2. 15. their t. accuſe or excuſe ano. 1 Cor. 3. 20 Lord knows t. of wiſe vain Heb. 4. 12. diſcerner of t. and intents of James 2. 4. become judges of evil t.
  • THIRST, Deut. 28. 48. & 29. 19. Pſ. 42. 2. my ſoul t. for G. the living G. 63. 1. ſoul t. for thee, 143. 6. Iſ. 49. 10. they ſhall not hunger nor t. 55. 1. ho every one that t. come ye to Mat. 5. 6. bleſſed which hunger and t. alt. [168] John 4. 14. ſhall never t. 6. 35. 7. 37. if any t. let him come and draw Rom. 12. 20 if he t. give him drink Rev. 7. 16. hunger nor t. no more
  • THORNS in your ſides, Numb. 33. 55. Judges 2. 3. Gen. 3. 18. Joſh. 23. 13. ſhall be t. in your eyes 2 Sam. 23. 6. all as t. thruſt away Jer. 4. 3. ſow not among t. 12. 13. ſown wheat, but ſhall reap t. Hoſ. 2. 6. hedge up thy way with t. Mat 7. 16. do men gather grapes of t. 13. 7. ſome fell among t. and t. 22. Heb. 6. 8. that which bears t. and briers
  • THREATNING, Eph. 6. 9. Acts 4. 29. & 9. 1. 1 Pet. 2. 23.
  • THREE, 2 Sam. 24. 12. Prov. 30. 15. 18. 21. 29. Amos 1. 3. 13. & 2 [...] 1. 1 Cor. 14. 27. 1 John 5. 7. 8 Rev. 16. 13.
  • THRESH, Iſ. 41. 15. Jer. 51. 33. Iſ. 21. 10. Mic. 4. 13. H [...]b. 3. 12. 1 Cor. 9. 10. Lev. 26. 5. threſhing teach to vintage
  • THROAT is open ſepul [...]hre, Pſ. 5. 9. 69. 3. my t. is dried eyes ſail Prov. 25. 2. put a knife to thy t. Jer. 2. 25. withhold t. from thirſt
  • L. THRONE is in heaven, Pſ. 11. 4. 94. 20. t. of iniquity have fellowſhip Prov. 25. 5. t. is eſtabliſhed by righteouſn. Iſ. 66. 1. heaven is my t. and earth footſt. Jer. 14. 21 do not diſgrace t. of thy gl. Lam. 5. 19. thy t. remains from generat. Dan. 7. 9. thy t. were caſt down Mat. 19. 28. when Son of man ſit on t. ye alſo ſhall ſit on twelve t judging 12. [...]r. 25. 31. ſhall ſit on t of his glory Col. 1. 16. whether they be t or domin. Heb. 4. 16. come holdly to t. of grace Rev. 3. 21. on my t. my F. in his t. 20. 11. a great white t. and he that fat 22. 3. t of G. and Lamb ſhall be in it Job 26. 9 his throne, Pſ. 89. 14. 29. 44. & 97. 2. & 103. 19. Prov. 20. [...]8. & 25. 5. Dan. 7. 9. Zech. 6. 13. Pſ. 45. 6. thy throne, 89. 4. Heb. 1. 8. Iſ. 22. 23. glorious throne, Jer. 17. 12.
  • THRUST, Exod. 11. 1. Job 32. 13. Luke 13. 28. John 20. 25. Acts 16. 37.
  • THUNDER, Job 26. 14. & 40. 9. Pſ. 29. 3. & 81. 7. Mark 3. 17. Rev. 4. 5. thunderings, 8. 5. & 10. 3. & 11. 19. & 16. 18. & 19 6.
  • TIDINGS evil, Exod. 33. 4. Pſ. 112. 7. Luke 1. 19 ſhew thee glad t. 8. 1. Acts 13. 32. Rom. 10. 15.
  • TIME mayeſt be found, Pſ. 36. 6. 37 19 evil t. 41. 1. t. of trouble 69. 13. accept. t. Iſ. 49. 8. 2 Cor. 6. 2. 8 [...]. 47. remem [...]er how ſhort my t. is Eccl. 3. 1.—8. a time to every purpoſe— to be born—die—plant—pluck up—kill —heal—break down—build up—weep— —laugh—mourn—dance—caſt away it. —gather—embrace—re [...]rain—get— [...]o [...]e —keep—caſt away— [...]ent— [...]ew—ſilence —ſpeak—love—hate—of war—of peace 9. 11. t. and chance happeneth to all Ezek. 16. 8. thy t. was a t. of love Dan. 7. 25. till a t. times and d [...]vid. of t. 12. 7. for a t. times and h [...]lf a t. Amos 5. 13. evil t Mic 2. 3. Luke 1 [...]. [...]4 kneweſt not t of thy viſitat. John 7 6. my t. is not yet come Acts 17. 21. ſpent time in nothing elſe Rom. 13. 11. high t. aw [...]ke out of ſleep 1 Cor. 7. 29. t. is ſhort have w [...]ves b [...] as 2 Cor. 6. 2. accepted t. day of ſalvation Eph. 5. 16. redeem the t Col. 1. 5. 1 Pet. 1. 17. paſs t. of ſojourning Rev. 10. 6. t. ſhall be no longer 12. 12. great wrath his ſhort t. 14. for a t. times and half a t. Pſ. 31. 15 my times are in thy hand Luke 21. 24. till t of Gentiles be fulfill. Acts 1. 7. not for you to know t. 3. 19. t. of refreſhing ſhall come, 21. 17. 26. determined t. before appointed 1 Tim. 4. 1. in latter t. ſome depart 2 Tim. 3. 1. in laſt days perilous t. come Pſ. 34. 1. bleſs Lord at all times 62. 8. truſt in—ye people pour out 106. 3. keep judgm. do righteouſn.— 119. 20. longing to thy judgment— Prov. 5. 1 [...]. her breaſts ſatisfy thee— 17. 17. a friend loveth—ſticketh
  • TIN, Num. 31. 22. Iſ. 1. 25. Ezek. 22. 18.
  • TITHES, Gen. 14. 20. Mal 3. 8. Amos 4. 4. Mat. 23. 23. Luke 18. 12.
  • TITLE or jot paſs from law, Mat. 5. 18.
  • TOGETHER, Pſ. 2. 2. Prov. 22. 2. Rom. 8. 28. all things work t for good 1 Cor. 3 9. labourers t. with God 2 Cor 6 1. workers t. with him beſeech Eph. 2. 5. quickened us t. with Chriſt 6 raiſed us up t. made us ſit t. in C. J.
  • TOKES of cov. Gen. 9. 12. 13. & 17. 11. Pſ. 86. 17 ſhew me a t. for good Phil. 1. 8. evident t. of perdition 2 Theſſ. 1. 5. manifeſt t. of [...]g [...]t judgm. Job 21. 29. do ye not know their t. Pſ 65. 8. afraid at thy t. 135 9. Iſ. 44. 25. fruſtrateth the t. of liars
  • TONGUE, Exod. 11 7. J [...]ſh. 10. 21. Job 5. 21. hide from ſcourge of t. 20. 12. hide wickedneſs under t. Pſ. [...]4. 13. I [...]ep thy t. from evil Prov. 10. 20. t. of juſt as choice ſilver 12. 18. t. of wife is health, 31. 26. 19. a lying t. is but for a moment 15. 4. whole ſome t. is tree of life 18. 21. death and life in power of t. 21. 23. keepeth t. keepeth ſoul 25. 15. ſoft t. breaketh bones Iſ. 30. 27. his lips t. a devouring fire 50. 4. Lord given me t. of learned Jer. 9. 5. taught t. to ſpeak lies 18. 18. let us ſmite him with t. James 1. 26 bridleth not t. religion vain 3. 8. t. can no man tame, 5. 1 Pet. 3. 10. refrain t. from evil lips 1 John 3. 18. not love. in t. but indeed Pſ. 35. 28. my tongue, 39. 1. & 45. 1. & [169] [...]1. 14. & 71. 24. & 119. 172. & 137. 6. & 139. 4. Acts 2. 26. Pſ. 31. 20. tongues, 55. 9. Mark 16. 17. Acts 19 6. 1 Cor. 12. 10. 28. & 14. 23.
  • TOOK me out of womb, Pſ. 22 9. Phil. 2. 7 t. on him form of ſervant Heb. 10. 34. t. joyfully ſpoiling of goods
  • TO HET, Iſ. 30. 33. Jer. 7. 31. 3.
  • TORCH, Zech. 12. 6. Neh. 2. [...]. 4.
  • TORMENT us before time, Mat. 8. 29. Luke 16. [...]8. leſt come to this place of t. Rev. 18. 7. ſo much t. and ſorrow her Luke 16. 24. I am tormented in th. flame 25. comforted and thou art t. Heb. 11. 37. deſt [...]ſtute afflicted t. Rev 14. 11. ſmoke of t. aſcends up
  • TORN, Hoſ. 6. 1. Mal. [...]. 13. Mark 1. 26.
  • TOSS, Iſ. 22. 18. Jer. 5. 22. James 1. 6. Pſ. 109. 23. I am toſſed up and down Prov. 21. 6 treaſ. by a lying is vanity t. Iſ. 54. 11. afflicted t. with tempeſts Eph. 4. [...]4. children t to and fro with
  • TOUCH not my anointed, Pſ 105. 15. Job 5. 19. in ſeven no evil t. thee Iſ 52. 11. t no un [...]lean thing Mat. 9. 21. if may but t his garments 14 36. only t. hem of garment Mark 10. 13 c [...]ildr. that he ſhould t th. Luke 11. 20. yourſelves t. not burdens John 20. 1 [...]. t. me not for I am not yet 1 Cor. 7. 1. good not to t a woman 2 Cor. 6 17. t not the uncle in thing Col. 2. 21. t. not taſte not handle not 1 Sam. 10. 26. hearts God hath touched Job 19 21. hand of God hath t. me Zech. 2. 8. that t. you t. apple of eye Luke 8. 45. who t. me, 46. t. me for virt. 1 John 5. 1 [...]. wicked one toucheth him not
  • TOWER high God is, Pſ. 18. 2. & 144. 2. Pſ. 61. 3. ſt [...]ong tower, Prov. 18. 10. Song 4. 4. t. of David, 7. 4 t. of iv. of Leb. Iſ. 5. 2. built a t. Mat. 21. 33.
  • TRADITION, Mat. 15. 3. Gal. 1. 14. Col. 2. 8. 2 Theſſ 2. 15. & 3. 6. 1 Pet. 1. 18.
  • TRAIN, Prov. 22 6 Iſ. 6 1.
  • TRAITOR, Luke 6. 16 2 Tim. 3. 4.
  • TRAMPLE, Iſ [...]3. 3. Mat. 7. 6.
  • TRANCE, Numb. 24. 4. Acts 10. 10. & 11. 5. & 22. 17. 2 Cor. 12. 2. 3. 4.
  • TRANQUILITY. Dan. 4. 27.
  • TRANSFIGURED, Mat. 17. 2. Mark 9 2.
  • TRANSFORMED, Rom. 12. 2. 2 Cor. 1 [...]. 14. 15.
  • TRANSGRESS comm. of L. Num. 14. 41. 1 Sam. 2. 24. ye make Lords people to t. 2 Chron. 24. 20. why t. ye command of Neh. 1. 8. if ye t. I will ſcatter you 1 [...]. 27. great evil to t. againſt our God Pſ. 17. 3. purpoſed that mouth ſhall not t. 25. 3. aſhamed that t. without cauſe Prov. 28 21. for piece of bread [...]an will t. Amos 4. 4. come to Beth [...]l and t. Mat. 15. 2. why do diſciples t. tradition 3 why t. comm. of G. by your tradition Rom. 2. 27. by [...]i [...]tion moſt t law Deut. [...]6. 13. not [...] [...]hy comm. Joſh. 7. 11. have t. my coven. Judg. 2. 20. Iſ. 43 27. teachers have t. againſt me Jer. 2. 8. paſtors alſo t. againſt me Lam. 3. 42. we have t. and rebelled Ezek. 2 3. they and their fathers have t. Dan. 9. 11. all Iſrael have t. thy law Ho [...]. 6. 7 they like [...]en have t coven. H [...]b 2. 5. he tranſgreſſeth by wine 1 John 3. 4. that commits ſin t. law Exod 34. 7 forgiving iniquity tranſgreſſion and ſin, Num. 14. 18. 1 Chron. 10. 13. Saul died for his t. Ezra. 10. 6 I mourned bec. of t. of them Job. 13 23. make me to know my t. Pſ. 19. 13. innocent from great t. 32. 1. bleſſed he whoſe t. is forgiven 89. 32. viſit them wit [...] [...]ods and iniq. 107. 17. [...]ools becauſe of t. [...]re afflicted Prov. 17. 9. he that covers t. ſeeks [...]ve Iſ. 53. 8 for t. of my people was [...]e ſtrick. 58. 1. ſhew my people the [...]r t. 59. 13. in t and lying againſt the Lord 20. to that turn f [...]om t. of [...]acob Dan 9 24. to finiſh t. make end of ſin Amos 4. 4 at G [...]gal multip [...]y t. Mic 3. 8 to de [...]lare to Jacob his t. 6. 7. give firſt [...]orn for my t. ſin 7 18. paſſeth by t. of remnant of Rom. 4. 15. where no law is no t. 1 John 3. 4 ſin is the t. of the law Exod. 23. 21 not pardon tranſgreſſions Lev. 16. 21. all their t. in all their ſins Joſh. 24. 19 he'll not forgive your t. Job 31. 33. I covered my t. as Adam 36. 9. ſhew them their t. wherein exc. Pſ 2 [...]. 7 remember not my t againſt me 32. 5. I aid I will confeſs my t. 39. 8. deliver me from all [...]y t. 51. 1. blot out my t. [...]. acknowl my t. 65 3. our t thou ſhalt purge them aw. 103 12. ſo far removed our t. Iſ. 4 [...]. 2 [...]. I am he that blotteth out thy t. 44. 22. blotted out as thick cloud thy t. 53. 5. he was w [...]unded for ou [...] t. 59. 1 [...]. out t. are multiplied before thee Ezek. 18. 31. caſt away all your t. Gal. 3. 19. law was [...]ded becauſe of t. Heb. 9. 15. for the redemption of the t. Pſ. 51. 13. teach tranſgreſſors thy way 59. 5. be not merciful to any wicked t. 119. 158. I beheld t. and w [...]s grieved Prov. 13. 15. the way of t. is ha [...]d Iſ. 48. 8. waſt called a t. from the womb 53. 12. he was numbered with t. and made interc [...]ſſion for t. Mark 15. 28. Hoſ. 14. 9. the t. ſha [...]l I fail therein James 2. 9. convinced of law as t. [...] if kill art become t. of the law
  • TRAVAIL, Iſ. 53. 11. Gal 4. [...]9. 27. Job. 15. 20. wi [...]ked t with pain Pſ 7. 14. he travaileth with inquity Iſ 6 [...] 7 bef ſhe t—et the brought forth, 8. Iſ. [...]2. 14. travailing woman, [...] 13. 13. Iſ. 13. 8. & 21. 3. Jer. 31. [...]. Rev. [...]2. [...].
  • TRAVEL, Eccl. 1. 13. & 2. 23. 26. & 4. 4. 6. 8. & 5. 14. 2 Theſſ. 3. 8. [170] Job 75. 20. travelleth, Pr. 6. 11. & 24. 34. Iſ. 21. 13. trave [...]ling, 63. 1.
  • TREACHEROUS, Iſ. 21. 2. & 24. 16. Jer. 9. 2. aſſembly of t. men Iſ. 21. 2. treacherouſly, 24. 16. & 33. 1. 48. 8. knew thou wouldſt deal t. Jer. 3. 20. as wife t departs from huſband to have ye dealt t. with me 12. 1. wherefore all happy that deal t. Hoſ. 3. 7. have dealt t. againſt Lord, 6. 7. Mal. 2. 15. let none deal t. againſt wiſe
  • TREAD wicked in place, Job 40. 12. Pſ. 7. 5 let him t down my life 44. 5. through thy name we'll t. down Iſ 1. 12. required this to t. my courts Iſ. 63. 3. I'll t. them in my anger, 6. Hoſ. 10. 11. Ephraim loves to t out corn Rev. 11. 2. holy city ſhall t. under foot Deut. 25. 4. not muzzle of ox that treads out corn. 1 Cor. 9. 9. 1 Tim. 5. 18. Iſ. 22. 5. treading, Amos 5. 11.
  • TREASURE, Prov. 15. 6. 16. & 21. 20. Deut. 28. 12. Lord open his good t. Exod. 19. 5. peculiar t. Pſ. 135. 4. Pſ. 17. 14. filleſt with thy hiding t. Iſ. 33. 6 fear of the Lord is his t. Mat. 6. 21. where your t. is there is heart 12. 35. good man out of good t. of heart 13. 52. brings forth out of his good t. 19. 21. ſhall have t. in heaven Luke 13. 21. lays up t. for himſelf and 2 Cor. 4. 7. have this t. in earthen veſſels Deut. 32. 24. ſealed up am. my treaſures Prov. 2. 4. ſearcheſt for as hid t. 10. 2. t of wickedneſs profit nothing 21. 6. getting t by a lying tongue Mat 6. 19. lay not up t. on earth 20. lay up for yourſelves t. in heaven Col. 2. 3. in whom hid all t. of wiſdom Heb. 11. 26. gr. riches than t. of Egypt Rom. 2. 5. treaſureſt up wrath
  • TREE, Gen. 2. 16. 17. & 3. 22. Pſ. 1. 3. like t. planted by rivers of wat. 37. 35. wick. ſpread himſelf like bay t. 52. 8. I'm like green olive t. in houſe Prov. 3. 18. ſhe is a t. of life to them 11. 30. fruit of righteouſneſs is t. of life Iſ. 6. 13. ſhall be eaten as a te [...]l t. 56. 3. let not eunuch ſay I'm a dry t. Jer. 17. 8. as a t. planted by waters Mat. 3. 10. t. that brings not forth good 7. 17. good t. brings forth good fruit 12. 33. make t. good; t. known by fr. 1 Pet. 2. 24. in his own body on the t. Rev. 2. 7. give to eat of t. of life 22. 2. t of life wh [...]ch bare twelve man. 14. may have right to t. of life Pſ. 104. 16. trees of Lord are full of fap Iſ 61. 3. called t. of righteouſneſs, 41. 19. Ezek. 47. 12. by river all t. for meat Mark 8. 24. I ſee men as t. walking Jude 12. t. whoſe fruit withereth
  • TREMBLE at comm. of God. Ezra 10. 3. Pſ 99. 1. Lord reigns let people t. Eccl. 12. 3 keepers of houſe t. Iſ. 66. 5. ye that t. at this word, 2. Jer. 5. 22. will ye not t. at my preſence 10. 10. at his wrath earth ſhall t. Dan. 6. 26. men t. and fear bef. G. of Dan. James 2. 19. devils believe and t. 1 Sam. 4. 13. heart trembled for ark of G. Ezra 9. 4. every one that t. at word of G. Acts 24. 25 Felix t. and anſwered Job 37. 1. trembleth, Pſ. 119. 10 Iſ. 66. 2. 1 Sam. 3. 17. people followed trembling Deut. 28. 65. L. ſhall give thee a t. heart Ezra 10. 9. t. becauſe of this matter Pſ. 2. 11. ſerve God rejoice with t. Ezek. 12. 18. drink water with t. 26. 16. Hoſ. 13. 1. when Ephraim ſpake t. Zech. 12. 2. make Jeruſalem a cup of t. 1 Cor. 2. 3. in fear and in much t. Eph. 6. 5. with fear t. and in ſingleneſs Phil. 2. 12. work out ſalvation with t.
  • TRESPASS, Lev. 26. 40 Ezra 9. 6. 1 Kings 8. 31. Mat 18. 15. Luke 17. 3. Ezra 9. 15. treſpaſſes, Ezek. 39. 26. Pſ. 68. 21. goeth on ſtill in his t. Mat. 6. 14. if ye forgive men their t. 18. 35. if forg. not every one his br. th. t. 2 Cor. 5. 19. not imputing their t. to th. Eph. 2. 1. dead in t. and ſins Col. 2. 18. hath forgiven you all t.
  • TRIAL, Job 9 23. Ezek. 21. 13. 2 Cor. 8. 2. Heb. 11. 36. 1 Pet. 1. 7. & 4. 12.
  • TRIBES, Numb. 24. 2. Pſ. 105. 37. not one feeble among their t. 122. 4. wh [...]ther t. go up to the t. of L. Hab. 3. 9. according to oaths of the t. Mat. 24. 30. ſhall t. of earth mourn Acts 26. 7. unto which promiſe our [...] t.
  • TRIBULATION, art in, Deut. 4. 30. Judges 10. 14. let them del. you in t. 1 Sam. 26. 24. deliver me out of all t. Mat. 13. 21. when t. or perſecut. ariſeth 24. 21. then ſhall be great t. ſuch as 29. immed after the t. Mark 13. 34. John 16. 33. in world ſhall have t. Acts 14. 22. muſt through much t. enter Rom. 2. 9. t. and anguiſh on every ſoul 5. 3. t. works patience experience 8. 35. ſeparate us from love ſhall t. 12. 12. rejoicing in hope patient in t. 2 Cor. 1. 4. comfort us in all our t. 7. 4. exceeding joyful in all our t. 1 Theſſ. 3. 4. that we ſhould ſuffer t. 2 Theſſ. 1. 6. recomp. t. to them that Rev. 1. 9. brother and companion in t. 2. 9. I know thy works and t. 10. ye ſhall have t. ten days 22. caſt into great t except repent 7. 14. have come out of great t. Rom. 5. 3. glory in tribulations 1 Sam. 10. 19. ſaved you out of all t. Eph. 3. 13. faint not at my t. 2 Theſſ. 1. 4. patience in all t. ye endure
  • TRIBUTE, Gen. 49. 15. Numb. 31. 28. Prov. 12. 24. ſlothful ſhall be under t. Mat. 17. 24. doth not your Maſter pay t. 22. 17. is it lawful to give t. to Ceſar Rom. 13. 7. t. to whom t. is due
  • TRIMMED, Mat. 25. 7. Jer. 2. 33.
  • [171]TRIUMPH, 2 Sam. 1. 20. Pſ. 25. 2. Pſ. 92. 4. I'll t. in works of hands 100. 47. give thanks t. in thy praiſe 2 Cor. 2. 14. alway cauſeth us to t. in C. Exod. 15. 1. L. hath triumphed glori. [...]1. Job 20. 5. triumphing, Col 2. 15.
  • TRODDEN down ſtrength, Judges 5. 21. Pſ. 119. 118. t. down all that err Iſ. 63. 3. I have t. wine preſs alone Luke 21. 24. Jeruſalem ſhall be t. down Heb. 10. 29. t. under foot Son of God
  • TROUBLE, 2 Chron. 15. 4. Neh. 9. 32. Job 5. 6. neither d [...]th t. ſpring out of 7. man is born to t as ſparks 14. 1. of few days and full of t. Pſ. 9. 9. Lord is a refuge in times of t. 22. 11. t. is near and none to help 27. 5 in time of t. he'll hide 37. 39. their ſtrength in time of t. 46. 1. God is a preſent help in t. 60. 11. giveth us help from t. 91. 15. I'll be with him in t. 119. 143. t. and anguiſh take hold 143. 11. bring my ſoul out of t. Prov. 11. 8. righteous is deliver. out of t. 12. 13. juſt ſhall come out of t. Iſ. 26. 1 [...]. in t. they have viſited thee 33. 2. be our ſalvation in time o [...] t. Jer. 8. 15. looked for health behold t. 14. 8. hope and Saviour thereof in t. 19. time of healing and behold t. 30. 7. even time of Jacob's t. D [...]n. 12. 1. ſhall be a time of t. ſuch 1 Cor. 7. 28. ſuch ſhall have t in the fleſh Pſ. 88. 3. my ſoul is full of troubles 25. 17. t. of my heart are enlarged 34 17. delivered them out of all their t. 71. 20. ſhewed me great and ſore t. Exod 14. 24. L. troubled hoſt of Egypt. Pſ. 30. 7. didſt hide thy face and I was t. 77. 3. I remembered God and was t. Iſ. 57. 20. wicked are like a t. ſea John 12. 27. now is my ſoul t. what ſhall 14. 1. let not your hearts be t. 27. 2 Cor. 4. 8. we are t. on every ſide, 7. 5. 2 Theſſ. 1. 7. to you who are t. reſt with Job 23. 16. Almighty troubleth me 1 Kings 18. 17. art thou he that t. Iſrael Prov. 11. 17. t. his own fleſh, 29 t. houſe Luke 18. 15. becauſe this widow t. me Gal. 5. 10. he that t. you ſhall bear judg. Job 5. 17. troubling, John 5. 4.
  • TRUCE breakers, 2 Tim. 3. 4.
  • TRUE, Gen. 42. 11. 2 Sam. 7. 28. Pſ. 19. 9 judgments of Lord t. Neh. 9. 13. 119. 160. thy word is t. from beginning Prov. 14. 25. t. witneſs, Jer. 42. 5. Ezek. 18. 8. t. judgment, Zech. 7. 9. Mat. 22. 16. we know thou art t. Luke 16. 11. t. r [...]ches, John 1. 9 t light John 4. 23. t. worſhippers, 6. 32. t. bread 7. 28. he that ſent me is t. 8. 14. record is t. 15. 1. t. vine 2 Cor. 1. 18. as God is t. our word was 6. 8. as deceivers and yet t. Phi [...] 4. 8. [...] things are t. 1 John 5. 10. may know him that is t. Rev. 3. 7. ſaith he that is t. 15. t. witn. 19. 11. was called faithful and t.
  • TRUTH, Gen. 24. 27 Exod. 18. 21. Exod. 34. 6. abundant in goodneſs and t. Deut. 32. 4. a God of t. without iniquity Pſ. 15. 2. ſpeaks t. in his heart 25. 18. all paths of L. are mercy and t. 51. 6. deſireſt t. in inward parts 91. 4. his t. is thy ſhield and buckler 117. 2. his t. endures for ever 119. 30. I have choſen way of t. 142. law is t. 151. commandm. are t. Prov. 12. 19. lips of t ſhall be eſtabliſhed 16. [...]. by mercy and t. iniquity is purg. 23. 23. buy the t. and [...]ell it not Iſ 59. 14 t. is fallen in the ſtreets Jer. 4. 2. ſwear in t. judgm. and righteouſ. 9. 3. they are not valiant for t. Dan. 4. 37 all whoſe ways are t. Zech. 8. 16. ſpeak ev. man t. to neighb. Mal. 2. 6. law of t. was in his mouth John 1. 14. full of grace and t. 17. 8. 32. know t and t ſhall make free 14 6. I am the way, t. and life 17. Spirit of t. 16. 13. guide into t. 17. 17. ſancti [...]y them through thy t. 19. 18. 37. bear witneſs to t. 38. what is t. Acts 20. 25. words of t. and ſoberneſs Rom. 1. 18. hold t. in unrighteouſneſs 25. changed the t. of God into a lie 2. 2. judgment of G. is according to t. 20. haſt form of t. in the law 1 Cor. 5 8. unleav. br. of ſincerity and t. 2 Cor. 13. 8 nothing againſt t. but [...]or t. Gal. 3. [...]. ſhould not obey the t. 5. 7. Eph. 4. 16. ſpeaking t. in love, 25. 21. taught by him as t. as in Jeſus 5. 9. fruit of the Spirit is in all t. 6 14. having [...]o [...]s gi [...]t about with t. 2 Theſſ. 2. 10. received not the love of t. 1 Tim. 3. 15. pillar and ground of t. 6. 5. corrupt deſtitute of the t. 2 Tim. 2. 18. concerning t. have erred 25. to the acknowledging of the t. 3. 7. never able to come to knowl. of t. 8. reſiſt t. reprobates concerning faith 4. 4. turn away their ears from t. James 3. 14. glory not nor lie ag. the t. 1 Pet 1. 22. purified ſouls in obeying t. 2 Pet. 1. 12. eſtabliſhed in the preſent t. 1 John 1. 8. t. not in us, 5. [...]. Spirit is t. Joſh. 24. 14. in truth. 1 Sam. 12. 24. Pſ. 145. 18. Jer. 4 2. John 4. 24. 1 Theſſ. 2. 13. 1 John 3. 18. 2 John 4. Pſ. 25. 5. thy t [...]uth, 26. 3. & 43. 3. & 108. 4. John 17. 17.
  • TRUMP, 1 Cor. 15. 52. 1 Theſſ 4. 16.
  • TRUMPET, Exod. 19. 10. Pſ. 81. 3. Jer. 27. 13. great t. ſhall be blown 58. 1. lift up thy voice like a t. Mat. [...] 2. do not ſound a t. when Numb. 10. 2. trumpets, Joſh. 6. 4. Pſ. 98. 6 Rev. viii. [...]x.
  • TRUST put in him, 1 Chron. 5. 20. J [...] 4. 1 [...]. put not t. in ſervants, 15. 15. [172] 8. 14. his t. is a ſpiders web Pſ. 4 5. put your t. in the Lord 9. 10. know thy name will put their t. 40. 4. bleſſed is man makes L. his t. 71. 5 thou art my t. from my youth 141. 8. in thee is my t leave not Prov. 22. 19. that thy t. may be in Lord 1 Tim. 6. 20. keep that comm. to thy t. Job 13. 15. tho' he ſlay I'll t in him Pſ. 37. 3. t in L. and do good. ſo dwell 5. t. in him and he'll bring to paſs 40. L. help, ſave, becauſe they t. in him 55. 23. bloody not live [...]I'll t. in thee 62. 8 t. in him at all times ye people 115. 8. 9. 10. 11. t. in L O Iſr. Aaron 118. 8 better t. in L. th [...]n put conſi. 9. 119. 142. for I t. in thy word 125. 1. they that t. in the L ſhall be Prov. 3. 5. t. in the L with all thy heart Iſ. 26. 4 t. in L. for ever for in Lord is 50. 10. let him t. in name of Lord Jer. 7. 4. t. not in lying words 9 4. t. not in brother, friend, Mi [...]. 7. 5. Mark 10. 22. hard for that t in riches 2 Cor. 1. [...]. ſhould not t. in ourſ. but in G. Phil. 3. 4. whereof to t. in fleſh, I more Pſ. 2 [...]. 4. our fathers truſted in thee 28. 7. my heart in him and I am 52. 7. t. in abundance of his riches Luke 18. 9 cert [...]in which t. in the [...]ſ. Eph 1. 12. who firſt t in Chriſt, 13. Pſ. 32. 10. that t [...]leth in the L. mercy 34. [...]. bleſſ [...]d is the man that t. in him 57. 1. be merciful my ſoul t in thee 84. 12. bleſſed is man th [...]t t in thee 86. [...]. ſave ſervant that t. in thee Jer. 17. [...]. curſed be man that t. in man [...]. bleſſed is man that t. in Lord 1 Tim. 1. 5. widow indeed t. in God Pſ. 112. 7. he [...]rt fixed truſting in Lord
  • TRY, judges 7. 4. Job 1 [...]. 11 Jer. 6. 26. 2 Chr. 32. 31. God left him to t. him Job 7. 18 t. them in every moment Pſ 2. 4. his eye-lids t. children of men 26. 2. t. my reins and heart 139. 23. t me and know my heart Jer. 9. 7. I'll melt and t. them 17. 10. I Lord ſearch heart and t. reins Lam. 3. 40. let us ſearch and t. our ways Dan. 11. 45 ſh [...]ll fall to t. them Zech. 13. 9. I'll t them as gold is t. 1 Cor. 3. 13. fire ſhall t. every mans work 1 Pet. 4. 12. firy trial which is to t you 1 John 4. 1. t. ſpirits for many falſe pro. Rev 3. 10. to t. them that dwell on earth 2 Sam. 22. 31. word L. is tried, Pſ. 18 30. Pſ. 12. 6. word of L. as ſilv. t. in furnace 17. 3 t. me, 66. 10 t us as ſilver is t. 105. 19. untill word of Lord t. him Jer. 12. 3. t. my heart toward thee Dan. 12. 10. many ſhall be purif and t. Heb. 11. 27. Abraham when he was t Jam. 11. 12 when he is t. he ſhall receive 1 Pet 1. 7 though it be t. with fire Rev. 2. 2. haſt t. them; found liars 10. caſt into priſon that they may be t. 3. 18. buy of me gold t in fire 1 Chr. 29. 17. know thou trieſt hearts Jer. 11. 2. thou t. reins and heart 20. 12. that t. righteous and ſe [...]ſt Pſ. 7. 9. righteous God triet [...] reins 11 5. his eyes ſee Lord t. righteous Prov. 17. 3. pot for ſilver Lord [...] hearts 1 Theſſ. 2. 4. but G who t our hearts Jam. 1 3 trying of our fait [...] works
  • TUMULT, Pſ. 65 7. 2 Cor. [...]2 20.
  • TURN from their ſin, 1 Kings 8. 35. 2 Kings 17. 13. t. from [...] evil ways Job 23. 13. who c [...]n [...]t him Prov. 1. 23. t. you at my reproof Song 2 17 t my well beloved be Iſ. 31. 6 t. to him from whom children Jer. 18. 8. t. from their evil I'll repent 31. 18. t. thou me and I ſhall be turned Lam. 5. 21. t. us unto thee O Lord Ezek. 3. 19. t. n [...]t from his wickedneſs 18. 30. t. yourſelves from your tranſgr. 32. t. yourſelves and live ye. 33. 9. 11. & 14. 6 Hoſ. 12. 6 Joel [...]. 12. Z [...]h. 9. 12. Zech. 1. 3. t. to me and I will t to you Mal. 4. 6. t. hearts of fathers to children Acts 26. 18. to t. the [...] from darkn. to l. o. repent t to G. do works meet for 2 Pet. 2. 21. to t. from holy commandm. 2 Chr. 30. 6. turn ag [...]in, Pſ. 60 1. & 80. 3. 7. 19. & 85. 8. Lam. 3. 40. Mic. 7. 19 Zech. 10 9. Gal 4. 9. 1 Sam. 12. 20. turn aſid., Pſ. 40. 4. Iſ. 30. 11. Lam 3. 35. A [...]. os 2 7. & 5. 12. Pſ. 119. 37. turn away, 39. Song 6. 5. Iſ. 58. 13. 1 Tim. 3. 5 Heb. 12. 25. Deut. 4 20. turn to the Lord, 20. 10. 2 Chron. 15. Pſ. 4. 22. 27. Lam. 3. 40. Hoſ. 14. [...]. Joel 2. 13. Luke 1. 10. 2 Cor 3 1 [...] Pſ 9 17. wicked ſhall be turned to hell 30. 11. t. my mourned into dancing 119 5. t. my feet to thy teſtimonies Iſ. [...]3. 6 t every one to his own ways 63. 10. t. to be their enemy fought Jer. 2 27. t their back to me. 32 33. 8. 6. every one t to his own courſe 31. 18 turn t [...]ou me and I ſhall be t. Hoſ. 7. 8. Ephraim is [...]ak [...] not t 11. 8. my heart is t within me John 16. 2 [...] your [...]orrow ſhall be t. to joy 1 Theſſ. 1 9 t from idols to living and James 4. 9. laughter be t into mourning 2 Pet. 2. 2. the d [...]g is t to his [...] Deut. 9. [...]2. turn [...]ſide, Pſ. 7 [...]. 57. [...] 44. 20 1 Tim. 1 6. & [...]. 15 1 Kings 11. 3 turned [...]way, Pſ. 66. 20. & 78. 38. Iſ. 5. 23. & 9. 12. & 10 4. Jer. 5 25. Pſ. 44 18. turned back, [...]. 9. 41. Iſ. 42. 17. Jer. 4 8. Zeph. 1. 6. Job 15. 13. turn [...]ſt, Pſ. 9. 3. Pſ. [...]6 9. way of wicked turneth upſide Prov. 15. [...]. fo [...]t anſwer t. away wrath 21. 1. Lord t. k [...]ngs he [...]rt as rivers Iſ. 9. 13. people t. not to him [...] 'em Jer. 14. 8. t. aſide to tarry for a night [173] James 1 17. with whom no ſhad. of [...]—ing Jude [...]. t. grace of God into laſciviouſn.
  • TURTLE, Lev. 1. 14. & 5. 7. 11. & 12. 6 Pſ. 74. 19. Song 2. 12. Jer. 8. 7.
  • TUTORS, Gal. 4. 2.
  • TWAIN, Mat. 5. 41. & 19. 5. Eph. 2. 15.
  • TWICE, Gen. 41. 32. Ex. 16. 22. Numb. 20 11. 1 Kings 11. 9. Job 33. 34. & 40. 5. Pſ. 62. 11. Mark 14. 30. Luke 18. 12. t. dead, Jude 12.
  • TWINKLING, 1 Cor. 15. 52.
  • VAIL, Gen. 24. 65. Song 5. 7. Iſ. 25 7. deſtroy v. ſpread over all nations Mat. 27. 51. v. was rent from top to bott. 2 Cor. 3. 13. Moſes put v. over his face 15. v. is on their heart, 14. 16. Heb. 6. 19. entereth within the v. 10 20 through the v. that is his
  • VAIN, Exod. 5. 7. & 20. 7. Deut. 32. 7. it is not v. thing for you 1 Sam. 12. 21. turn not after v. things Job 11. 12. v. man would be wiſe Pſ. 39 6 every man walks in v. ſhew 60. 11. v. is help of man, 108. 12. 119. 113. I hate v. thoughts but law 127. 2. it is vain to riſe up early and ſit Jer. 4. 14. how long v. thoughts lodge Mal. 3. 14. ſaid it is v. to ſerve God what Mat. 6. 7. uſe not v. repetitions Rom. 1. 21. became v. in their imaginat. 1 Cor. 3. 20. thoughts of wiſe are v. Eph. 5. 6. deceive you with v. words Col. 2 8. ſpo [...] you through vain philoſ. James 1. 26. this man's religion is v. 1 Pet. 1. 18. from your v. converſation Pſ. 73. 13. cleanſed heart in vain 89. 4 [...]. why made all men— 127. 1. labour—waketh— Iſ. 45. 19. I ſaid not ſeek me— 49. 4. laboured—ſpent ſtrength— Jer. 3. 23—is ſalvation hoped for from Mat. 15 9.—do they worſhp me Rom. 13. [...]. bears not ſword— 1 Cor. 15. 58. your labour is not— 2 Cor. 6. 1. receive not grace of God— Phil 2. 16. not run—nor laboured— James 4. 6. think you ſcripture ſaith— 2 Kings 17. 15. followed vanity became v. Job 7. 3. made to poſſeſs months of v. 16 I'd not li [...]e alway my days are v. Pſ. 12. 2. ſpeak v. every one to neighbour 24. 4. nor lift up his foul to v. 39. 5. man at beſt ſtate altogether v. 11. ſurely every man is v. 62. 9. men of low degree are v. 94 11. man's thoughts they are v. 119. 37. turn eyes from beholding v. 141. 4. man is like to v. his days as ſhad. 8. w [...]o [...]e mouth ſpeaketh v. 11. Prov. 22 8. ſow iniquity ſhall reap v. Eccl. 1. 2. v. of vanities all is v. 14. & 3. 19. & 2. 1. & 4. 8. & 12. 8. 11. 10. childhood and youth are v. Iſ. 5. 1 [...]. d [...]w iniquity with cords of v. 40. 17. leſs than nothing and v. 41. 29. are all v. wind confuſion Hab. 2. 11. weary themſelves for v. Rom. 8. 20. creature made ſubject to v. Eph. 4. 17. walk in the v. of their mind 2 Pet. 2. 18. ſpeak ſwelling words of v. Pſ. 31. 6. hate them regard lying vanitie. Jer. 10. 8. ſtock is a doctrine of v. 14. 22. can v. of Gentiles give rain Jonah 2. 8. that obſerve lying v. forſake Acts 14. 15. turn from theſe v. to God
  • VALIANT, Song 3. 7. Iſ. 10. 13. Jer. 9. 3. they are not v. for truth Heb 11. 34. thro' faith waxed v. in ſigh Pſ. 60. 12. valiantly, 108. 13. & 118. 15 16. Numb. 24. 18.
  • VALUE, Job 13. 4. Mat. 10. 31.
  • VAPOUR, Jer. 10. 13. Jam. 4. 14.
  • VARIABLENESS, Jam. 1. 17.
  • VARIANCE, Mat. 10. 35. Gal. 5. 20.
  • VAUNT, Judg. 7. 2. 1 Cor 13. 4.
  • VEHEMENT, Song 8. 6. 2 Cor. 7. 11.
  • VENGEANCE taken, Gen. 4. 15. Deut. 32. 37. to me belongs v. 41. 43. Pſ 94. 1. Rom 12. 19. Heb. 10. 30. Pſ. 58. 10. rejoice when he ſees the v. 99. 8. tookeſt v. of their inventions Iſ. 34. 8. day of L. v. 61. 2. Jer. 51. 6. 11 Jer. 11. 20. let me ſee thy v. on, 20. 12. Luke 21. 22. theſe be days of v. Iſ. 63. 4 2 Theſſ. 1. 8. in flaming fire taking v. Jude 7. ſuffering v. of eternal fire
  • VERILY, Gen. 42. 21. Jer. 15. 11. It i [...] often uſed by Chriſt as well as veril [...] verily, John 1. 51. & 3. 3. 5. 11. & 5 19 24. 25. &. 6. 26.
  • VERITY, Pſ. 111. 7. 1 Tim. 2. 7.
  • VERY, Prov. 17. 9. Mat. 4. 24. John 7 26. & 14. 11. 1 Theſſ. 5. 23.
  • VESSEL, Pſ. 2. 9. & 31. 12. Jer. 18. 4. Jer. 22. 28. v. where. no pleaſ. Hoſ. 8. 8 48. 11. not been emptied from v. to v Acts 9. 15. a choſen v. to me to bear Rom. 9. 21. one v. to honour and anoth 22. v. of wrath fitted to deſtruction 23. riches of glory on [...]. of mercy 2 Cor 4. 7. this treaſure in earthen v. 1 Theſſ. 4. 4. poſſeſs his v. in ſanctifica. 2 Tim. 2. 21. ſhall be a v. to honour 1 Pet. 3. 7. honour to wife as weaker v.
  • VEXED, Job 27 2. Pſ. 6. 2. 3. 10. Iſ. 63. 10. rebelled and v. his holy ſpirit 2 Pet. 2. 7. Lot v. with filthy converſa. 8
  • VIAL, Rev. 5. 8. & 16. 1. & 21. 9.
  • VICTORY thine O Lord, 1 Chr. 29 11. Pſ. 98. 1. hand and arm gotten him the v. Iſ. 25. 8. ſwallow up death in v. Mat. 12. 20. ſend forth judgment to v. 1 Cor. 15. 54. death is ſwallowed up in v. 55. death where ſting, grave where v. 5 [...]. thanks to God who giveth us v. 1 John 5. 4 this is the v. that overc. [...].
  • VIGILANT, 1 Tim. 3. 2. 1 Pet. 5. 8.
  • VILE thy brother ſeem, Deut. 25. 3. 1 Sam. 3. 13. ſons made themſ. v. and he 2 Sam. 6. 22. I'll yet be more v. than Job 40. 4. I am v. what ſhall I anſwer [174] Pſ. 15. 4. in whoſe eyes v. perſ. is cont. Iſ. 32. 6. v. perſon will ſpeak villany Jer. 15. 19. take forth precious from v. Rom. 1. 26. gave them up to v. affections Phil. 3. 21. who ſhall change our v. body
  • VINE, 1 Kings 4. 25. Mic. 4. 4. Deut. 32. 32. their v. is the v. of Sodom Pſ. 128. 3. wife ſhall be as a fruitful v. Jer. 2. 21. planted thee a noble v. Hoſ. 10. 1. Iſrael is an empty v. 14. 7. revive and grow as the v. Mat 26. 29. I'll not drink of fruit of v. John 15. 1. I am true v. F. huſbandman 5. I am the v. ye are the branches Pſ. 80. 15. vineyard, Prov. 24. 30. Song 1. 6. Iſa. 5. 1. 7. Mat. 20. 1. & 21. 33. Luke 13. 6. 1 Cor. 9. 7. Song 8. 11. 12.
  • VIOLENCE, Lev. 6. 2. 2 Sam. 22. 3. Gen. 6. 11. earth was filled with v 3. 12. Pſ. 72. 14. redeem their ſoul from v. 73. 6. v. covers them as garment Hab. 1. 12. cry out to thee of v. and ſpoil Mat. 11. 12. kingd. of heaven ſuffers v. Luke 3. 14. do v. to no man be content Heb. 11. 34. quenched v. of fire
  • VIRGIN, Iſa. 7. 14. 2 Cor. 11. 2. Song 1. 3. virgins, Rev. 14. 4.
  • VIRTUE, Mark 5. 30. Luke 6. 19. Phil. 4. 8. if any v. think on theſe 2 Pet. 1. 3 called us to glory and v. 5. add to faith v. and to v. knowledge Prov. 12. 4. virtuous woman, 30 10.
  • VISIBLE and inviſible, Col. 1. 16.
  • VISAGE, Iſ. 52. 14. Lam. 4. 8.
  • VISION, 1 Sam. 3. 1. Pſ. 89. 19. Mat. 17. 9. Acts 10. 19. & 16. 9. Prov. 29. 18. where no v. people periſh Hab. 2. 2. write v. 3. v. for app. time Ezek. 13. 16. ſee viſions of peace for Hoſ. [...]2. 10. I have multiplied v. Joel 2. 28. young men ſee v. Acts 2. 17. 2 Cor. 12. 1. I'll come to v. and revelati.
  • VISIT you, Gen. 5. 24. 35. Exod. 13. 19. Job 7. 18. ſhouldſt v. him every moment Pſ. 106. 4. v. me with thy ſalvation Jer. 5. 9. ſhall not I v. for theſe th. 9. 9. Lam. 4. 22. v. iniquity, Jer. 14. 10. & 23. 2. Hoſ. 2. 13. & 8. 13. Acts 7. 23. v. his brethren, 15. 36. 15. 14. pleaſed God to v. Gentiles Jam. 1. 27. to v. fatherleſs and widow Exod. 3. 16. I have viſited you and Pſ. 17. 3. thou haſt v. me Iſ. 26. 16. in trouble have they v. thee Mat. 25. 36. ſick and in priſon ye v. me, 43. Luke 1. 68. v. and redeemed his people 78. day-ſpring from high hath v. us Pſ. 8. 4. viſiteſt, 65. 9. Heb. 2. 8. Exod. 20. 5. viſiting, iniq. of fath. on [...]h. 34. 7. Numb. 14. 18. Deut. 5. 9.
  • UNACCUSTOMED, Jer. 31. 18.
  • UNADVISEDLY, Pſ. 106. 33.
  • UNAWARES, Deut. 4. 42. Pſ. 35. 8. Luke 21. 34. Heb. 13. 2. Jude 4.
  • UNBELIEVERS, Luke 12. 46. 2 Cor. 6. 14.
  • UNBELIEVING, Acts 14. 2. 1 Cor. 7. 1 [...]. 15. Tit. 1. 15. Rev. 21. 8. Mat. 13. 58. did not many mighty works becauſe of their UNBELIEF, 17. 20. Mark 6. 6. marvelled becauſe of their u. 9. 24. I believe help thou my u. 16. 14. upbraided them with their u. Rom. 4. 20. he ſtaggered not through u. 11. 20. becauſe of u. were broken off 32. G. hath concluded them all in u. 1 Tim. 1. 13 I did it ignorantly in u. Heb. 3. 12. leſt be in you evil heart of u. 19. could not enter in becauſe of u.
  • UNBLAMEABLE, Col. 1. 22. 1 Theſſ. 3. 13. 1 Theſſ. 2. 10. u. behaved ourſelves
  • UNCERTAIN, 1 Cor. 14. 8. 1 Tim. 6 17.
  • UNCIRCUMCISED, Exod 6. 12. 30. Jer. 8. 10. & 9. 25. 26. Acts 7. 51.
  • UNCIRCUMCISION, Rom. 2 25. 26. 27. & 3. 30. & 4. 10. 1 Cor. 7. 18. 19. Gal. 2 7. & 5. 6. & 6. 15. Col. 2. 13 & 3. 11.
  • UNCLEAN, Lev. v.xi.xiii.xv. Num. xix. Lev. 10. 10. put diff. between u. and clean Iſ. 6. 5. wo is me I am a man of u lips Lam. 4. 15. depart ye it is u. Ez. 22. 26. not diff. between u. and clean 44. 23. to diſcern between u. and clean Hag. 2. 13. if one u. by dead body touch Acts 10. 28. not call any common or u. Rom. 14. 14. nothing is u. of itſelf u. 1 Cor. 7. 14. el [...]e were your children u. Eph. 5. 5. nor u. perſon hath any inher. Num. 5. 19. uncleanneſs, Ezra 9. 11. Zech. 13. 1. fountain opened for ſin and u. Mat. 23. 27. are within full of u. Rom. 6. 19. members ſervants to u. Eph. 4. 19. to work all u. with greedineſs 5. 3 all u let it not once be named 1 Theſſ. 4. 7. G. hath not called us to u. Ezek. 36. 29. ſave you from all your u.
  • UNCLOTHED, 2 Cor. 5. 4.
  • UNCOMELY, 1 Cor. 7. 3 [...]. & 12. 23.
  • UNCONDEMNED, Acts 16. 37. & 22. 25.
  • UNCORRUPTNESS, Tit. 2. 7.
  • UNCOVER, Lev. xviii. 1 Cor. 11. 5. 13.
  • UNCTION, 1 John 2. 20. 27.
  • UNDEFILED in way, Pſ. 119. 1. Song 5. 2. my dove my u. 6. 9. Heb. 7. 26. holy harmleſs u. ſeparate 13. 4. marriage is honour. and bed u. Jam. 1. 27. pure religion u. before God 1 Pet. 1. 4. inheritance incorruptible u.
  • UNDER their God, Hoſ. 4. 12. Rom. 3. 9. all u. ſin, 7. 14. Gal. 3. 22. 6. 14. u. law, 15. 1 Cor. 9. 20. Gal. 3. [...]. & 4. 4. 1 Cor. 9. 27. I keep u. my body Gal. 3. 10. of works of law u. curſe
  • UNDERSTAND not ſpeech, Gen. 11. 7. Neh. 8 7. cau [...]ed people to u law, 13. Pſ. 19. 1 [...]. who can u. his errors 107. 43. ſhall u. loving kindneſs of L. 119. 100 I u. more than ancients Prov. 2. 5. ſhalt u. fear of the Lord, 9. 8 5. u. wiſdom, 14. 8. u. his way, 20. 24. 19. 25. u. knowl. 28. 5. u. all things Iſ. 32. 4. heart of raſh ſhall u. knowledge [175] Dan. 12. 10. wiſe ſhall u. wicked not u. 1 Cor. 13. [...]. knowl. and u. all myſteries Pſ. 139. 2. thou underſtandeſt my thoughts Acts 8. 30. u. thou what thou readeſt 1 Chr. 28. 9. underſtands all imaginations Pſ. 49. 20. in honour and u. not is like Prov. 8. 9. plain to him that u. 14. 6. Jer. 9. 24. glory in that he u. me Mat. 13. 19. hears word u. it not, 23. Rom. 3. 11. none that u. and ſeeks af. G. Exod. 31. 3. wiſdom and underſtanding Deut. 4. 6. this is your wiſdom and u. 1 Kings 3. 11. aſked for thyſelf u. 6. 24. G. gave Solomon wiſdom and u. 7. 14. was filled with wiſdom and u. 1 Chr. 12. 32. men that had u of times 2 Chr. 26. 5. had u. in viſions of God Job 12. 13. he hath counſel and u. 20. he taketh away the u. of aged 17. 4. hid their hearts from u. 28. 12. where is the place of u. 28. to depart from evil is u. 32. 8. Almighty gives them u. 38. 36. who hath given u. to heart 39. 17. imparted to her u. Pſ. 47. 7. ſing praiſes ſing praiſes with u. 49. 3. meditation of heart ſhall be of u. 119. 34. give me u and I ſhall keep 99. I have more u. than my teachers 104. through thy precepts I get u. 130. it gives u. to the ſimple 147. 5. his u. is infinite Prov. 2. 2. apply thy heart to u. 11. 4. u. ſhall keep thee 3. 5. lean not to thine own u. 13. happy that gets u. 4. 5. get u. 7. 8. 1. doth not u. 14. I am u. I am ſtr. 9. 6. go in the way of u. 10. knowledge of holy u. 14. 29. ſlow to wrath is of great u. 16. 2 [...]. u. is a well-ſpring of life 19. 8. that keeps u. ſhall find good 21. 30. no u. nor counſel againſt Lord 23. 23. buy truth and buy u 24. 3. by u. a houſe is eſtabliſhed 30. 2. I have not u of man nor knowl. Eccl. 9. 11. nor riches to men of u. Iſ. 11. 2. ſpirit of wiſdom and u. 3. make him of quick u. in fear of L. 27. 11. it is a people of no u. 40. 28. is no ſearching of his u. Jer. 51. 15. ſtretch. out heav. by his u. Mat. 15. 16. are ye alſo without u. Mark 12. 33. love him with all u. Luke 2. 47. aſtoniſhed at his u. 24. 45. then opened he their u. Rom. 1. 31. without u. unthankful 1 Cor. 1. 19. brings to nothing u. of prud. 14. 14. my u. unfruitf. 15. pray with u. 20. in malice children, in u. be men Eph. 1. 18. eyes of u. being enlightened 4. 18 having u. darkened alienated Phil. 4. 7. peace of G. paſſeth all u. Col. 1. 9. filled with all ſpiritual u. 2. 2. riches of full aſſurance of u. 2 Tim. 2. 7. give thee u. in all things 1 John 5. 20. given us an u. to know Pſ. 111. 10. good underſtanding, Prov. 3. 4. & 13. 15. Prov. 1. 5. a man of underſtanding, 10. 23. & 11. 12. & 15. 21. & 17. 27. Deut. 32. 29. O that they underſtood Pſ. 73. 17. then u. I their end Dan. 9. 2. u. by books number of years Mat. 13. 51. have ye u. all theſe things John 12. 16. theſe th. u. not his diſciples 1 Cor. 13. 11. when a child I u. as a child 2 Pet. 3. 16. ſomethings hard to be u.
  • UNDERTAKE for me, Iſ. 38. 14.
  • UNDONE, Iſ. 6. 5. Mat. 23. 23.
  • UNEQUAL your ways, Ezek. 18. 25. 2 Cor 6. 14. be not unequally yoked
  • UNFAITHFUL, Prov. 25. 19. Pſ. 78. 57.
  • UNFEIGNED, 2 Cor. 6. 6. 1 Tim. 1. 5. 2 Tim. 1. 5. 1 Pet. 1. 22.
  • UNFRUITFUL, Mat. 13. 22. 1 Cor. 14. 14. Eph. 5. 11. Tit. 3. 14. 2 Pet. 1. 8.
  • UNGODLY men, 2 Sam. 22. 5. 2 Chr. 19. 2. ſhouldſt help the u. Job 16. 11. G hath delivered me to u. 34. 18. not fit to ſay to princes ye u. Pſ. 1. 1. walketh not in counſel of u. 4. u. not ſo, 5. u. not ſtand in judgm. 6. way of u. men ſhall periſh 3 7. haſt broken teeth of the u. 43. 1. plead my cauſe againſt u. nation 73. 12. theſe are u. that proſper Prov. 16. 27. u. man digs up evil 19. 28. an u. witneſs ſcorns judgment Rom. 4. 5. God that juſtifies the u. 5. 6. in due time Chriſt died for the u. 1 Tim. 1. 9. law not for right. but for u. 1 Pet. 4. 18. where ſhall u. appear 2 Pet. 2. 5. flood on world of u. 6. example to them afterward live u. 3. 7. day of judg. and perdit. of u. men Jude 4. u. men turn grace of God 15. convince u. of their u deeds 18. ſcoffers walk after u. luſts Rom. 1. 18. wrath r. againſt all ungodlineſs 11. 26 turn away u. from Jacob 2 Tim. 2. 16. increaſe to more u. Tit. 2. 12. denying u. and worldly luſts
  • UNHOLY, Lev. 10. 10. 1 Tim. 1. 9. 2 Tim. 3 2. Heb. 10. 29.
  • UNITE, Pſ. 86 11. Gen. 49. 6. Pſ. 133. 1. brethr. to dwell tog. in unity Eph. 4. 3. endeav. to keep u. of ſpirit 13 till we all come to u. of faith
  • UNJUST deliver from, Pſ. 43. 1. Prov. 11. 7. hope of u. periſheth 28. 8. by uſury and u. gain incr. ſubſt. 29. 27. u. man is abomination to juſt Zeph. 3. 5. u. knoweth no ſhame Mat. 5. 45. rain on juſt and u. Luke 16. 8. Lord commended u. ſteward 10. u. in leaſt is u. in much 18. 6. hear what u. judge ſaith 11. I am not as extortioners u. Acts 24. 15. reſurrect. both of juſt and u. 1 Cor. 6. 1. go to law before u. 6. 1 Pet. 3. 18. once ſuffered juſt for u. [176] 2 Pet. 2. 9. reſerve u. to day of judgm. Rev. 22. 11. is u. let him be u. ſtill Pſ. 82. 2. will ye judge unjuſtly Iſ. 26. 10. in land of uprightneſs deal u.
  • UNKNOWN God, Acts 17. 23. Gal. 1. 22. 1 Cor. 14. 2. ſpeak in u. tongue, 4. 27. 2 Cor. 6 9 as u. and yet well known
  • UNLAWFUL, Acts 10. 28. 2 Pet. 2. 8.
  • UNLEARNED, Acts 4. 13. 1 Cor. 14. 16. 23. 24. 2 Tim. 2. 23. 2 Pet. 3. 16.
  • UNLEAVENED, Ex. 12. 39. 1 Cor. 5. 7.
  • UNMERCIFUL, Rom. 1. 31.
  • UNMINDFUL, Deut. 32. 18.
  • UNMOVEABLE, 1 Cor. 16. 58.
  • UNPERFECT, Pſ. 139. 16.
  • UNPREPARED, 2 Cor. 9. 4.
  • UNPROFITABLE talk, Job 15. 3. Mat. 25. 30. caſt u. ſervant into utter Luke 17. 10. we are u. ſervants Rom. 3. 12. are altogether become u. Tit. 3. 9. they are u. and vain Philem. 11. was to thee u. but now Heb. 13. 17. with grief is u. for you
  • UNPUNISHED, Prov. 11. 21. & 16. 5. & 17. 5. & 19. 5. 9. Jer. 25. 29. & 30. 11. & 46. 28. & 49. 12.
  • UNQUENCHABLE, Mat. 3. 12. Luke 3. 17.
  • UNREASONABLE, Acts 25. 27. 2 Th. 3. 2.
  • UNREBUKEABLE, 1 Tim. 6. 14.
  • UNREPROVEABLE, Col. 1. 22.
  • UNRIGHTEOUS decrees, Iſ. 10. 1. Iſ. 55. 7. the u. man his thoughts Luke 16. 11. not been faithf. in u. mam. Rom. 3. 5. is G. u. who takes vengeance 1 Cor. 6. 9. u. ſhall not inherit k. of G. Heb. 6. 10. G. is not u. to forget your w. Lev. 19. 15. ſhall do no unrighteouſneſs Pſ. 92. 15. L. is upright no u. in him Jer. 22. 13. wo to builds his houſe by u. Luke 16. 9. friends of mammon of u. John 7. 18. ſame is true no u. in him Rom. 1. 18. who hold the truth in u. 2. 8. obey not truth but obey u. 6. 13. yield members inſtruments of u. 9. 14. is there u. with God, God forbid 2 Cor. 6. 14. fellowſhip has right. with u. 2 Theſſ. 2. 10. deceiveableneſs of u. 12. belie. not truth but had pleaſ. in u. Heb. 8. 12. I'll be merciful to their u 2 Pet. 2. 15. Balaam loved wages of u. 1 John 1. 9. to cleanſe us from all u. 5. 17. all u. is ſin, ſin not to death
  • UNRULY, 1 Theſſ. 5. 14. Tit. 1. 6. 10. Jam. 3. 8.
  • UNSAVOURY, Job 6. 6. Jer. 23. 13.
  • UNSEARCHABLE things doth, Job 5. 9. Pſ. 145. 3. his greatneſs is u. Prov. 25. 3. heart of kings is u. Rom. 11. 33. how u. are his judgments Eph. 3. 8. preach u. riches of Chriſt
  • UNSEEMLY, Rom. 1. 27. 1 Cor. 13. 5.
  • UNSKILFUL in word of right. Heb. 5. 13.
  • UNSPEAKABLE, 2 Cor. 9. 15. & 12. 4. 1 Pet. 1. 8.
  • UNSPOTTED, Jam. 1. 27.
  • UNSTABLE, Gen. 49. 4. Jam. 1. 8. 2 Pet. 2. 4. u. ſouls, 3. 16. u. wreſt
  • UNTHANKFUL, Luke 6. 35. 2 Tim. 3. 2.
  • UNTOWARD generation, Acts 2. 40.
  • UNWASHEN, Mat. 15. 20. Mark 7 2. 5.
  • UNWISE, Deut. 32. 6. Hoſ. 13. 14. Rom. 11. 14. Eph. 5. 17.
  • UNWORTHY, Acts 13. 46. 1 Cor. 6. 2. 1 Cor. 11. 27. eats and drinks su—ly, 29.
  • VOCATION worthy of, Eph. 4. 1.
  • VOICE is v. of Jacob, Gen. 27. 22. Gen. 4. 10. v. of br. blood crieth to me Exod. 5. 2. who is L. I ſhould obey his v. Pſ. 5. 3. my v. ſhalt thou hear in morn. 18. 13. Higheſt gave his v. hailſtones 42. 4. to houſe of G. with v. of joy and 95. 7. to-day if you'll hear his v. 103. 20. hearkening to v. of his word Eccl. 12. 4. riſe up at the v. of the bird Song 2. 14. let me hear thy v. 8. 13. Iſ. 30. 19. gracious at v. of thy cry 50. 10. obeys v. of his ſervant, let truſ. Ezek. 33. 32. of one that has pleaſant v. John 5. 25. dead ſhall hear v. of Son, 2 [...]. 10. 3. ſheep hear his v. 4. 16. 27. Gal. 4. 20. I deſire to change my v. 1 Theſſ. 4. 16 deſcend with v. of archang. Rev. 3. 20. if any man hear my v. Acts 13. 27. voices, Rev. 4. 5. & 11. 19.
  • VOID of counſel, Deut. 32. 28. Pſ. 89. 39. made v. coven. of thy ſervant 119. 126. time to work made v. thy law Iſ. 55. 11. my word ſhall not return v. Acts 24. 18. conſcience v. of offence Rom. 3. 31. do we make v. law through 1 Cor. 9. 15. make my glorying v.
  • VOLUME, Pſ. 40. 7. Heb. 10. 7.
  • VOMIT, Job 20. 15. Prov. 23. 8. & 26. 11. Iſ. 19. 14. 2 Pet. 2. 22.
  • VOW Jacob vowed, Gen. 28. 20. & 31. 13. Num. 6. 2. & 21. 2. & xxx. 1 Sam. 1. 11. 2 Sam. 15. 7. 8. Pſ. 65. 1. to thee ſhall v. be performed 76. 11. v. and pay to L. Deut. 23. 21. 22. Eccl 5. 4. a v. defer not to pay, 5. Iſ. 19. 21. ſhall v. a v. to L. Pſ. 132. 2. Jonah 2. 9. I'll pay that I have vowed Job 22. 27. ſhalt pay thy vows Pſ. 22. 25. I'll pay my v. before them 50. 14. pay thy v. to Moſt High 56. 12. thy v. O God are upon me 61. 5. heard my v. 8. perform my v. Prov. 20. 25. after v. to make enquiry 31. 2. ſon of my v. 1 Sam. 1. 11. Jonah 1. 16. offered ſacrifice and made v.
  • UPBRAID, Judg. 8. 15. Mat. 11. 20. Mark 16. 14. Jam. 1. 5.
  • UPHOLD me with free ſpirit, Pſ 51. 12. Pſ. 119. 116. u. me according to thy word Prov. 29. 23. honour ſhall u. humble Iſ. 41. 10. I'll u. thee with right hand 42. 1. behold my ſervant whom I u. 63. 5. my fury it upheld me Pſ. 37. 17. Lord upholdeth the righteous 41. 12. thou u. me in my integrity 63. 8. thy right hand u. me 145. 14. Lord u. all that fall [177] Heb. 1. 3. upholding all by word of
  • UPRIGHT in heart, Pſ. 7. 10. Pſ. 11. 7. pleaſant count. doth behold u. 18. 23. I was u. before him 25. with u. wilt ſhew thyſelf u. 19. 13. I ſhall be u. and innocent 25. 8. good and u. is Lord he'll teach 37. 37. behold u. end of that man 64. 10. all u in heart ſhall glory 112. 2. generation of u. ſhall be bleſſed 4. to the u. light ariſeth in darkneſs 140. 13 u. ſhall dwell in thy preſence Prov. 2. 21. u. ſhall dwell in the land 10. 29. way of L. is ſtrength to u. 11. 3. integrity of u. ſhall guide them 6. righteouſneſs of u. ſhalt deliver them 20. u. in way are his delight 12. 6. mouth of u. ſhall deliver them 13. 6. righteouſneſs keeps u in the way 14. 11. tabernacle of u. ſhall flouriſh 15. 8. prayer of u. is his delight 28. 10. u. ſhall have good th in poſſeſ. Eccl. 7. 29. God made man u. but Song 1. 4. the u love thee Hab. 2. 4. his ſoul is not u. in him Pſ. 15. 2. that walks uprightly, 84. 11. Prov. 2. 7. & 10. 9. & 15. 21. & 28. 18. Mic. 2. 7. Gal. 2. 4. Pſ. 58. 1. judge uprightly, 75. 2. Iſ. 33. 15. ſpeaketh u. Amos 5. 10. Deut 9. 5. not for uprightneſs of heart 1 Chr. 29 17. thou haſt pleaſure in u. Job 33. 23 to ſhew to man his u. Pſ. 25. 21. let integr. and u. preſerve me 143. 10. lead me to the land of u. Iſ. 26. 7. way of juſt is u. 10. in land of u. he'll deal unjuſtly
  • URIM and Thummim, Exod. 28. 30. Lev. 8. 8. Num 27. 21. Deut. 33. 8. 1 Sam. 28. 6. Ezra 2. 63. Neh. 7. 65.
  • US, Gen. 1. 26. & 3. 22. & 11. 7. Iſ. 6. 8. & 9. 6. Rom 4. 24. 2 Cor. 5. 21. Gal. 3. 13. 1 Theſſ. 5. 10. Heb. 6. 20. 1 Pet. 2. 21. & 4. 1. 1 John 5. 11.
  • USE, Rom. 1. 26. Eph. 4. 29. Heb. 5. 14. 1 Cor. 7. 31. u. this world as not abuſing Gal. 5. 13. u. not liberty for cloke 1 Tim. 1. 8. law is good if u. it lawfully Tit. 3. 14. maintain good w. for neceſ. u. Pſ. 119. 132. as thou u. to do to them fear Jer. 22. 13. u neighb. ſerv. without wages 1 Cor. 9. 15. I have u. none of theſe th. Col. 2. 22. uſing, 1 Pet. 2. 16.
  • USURP. 1 Tim. 2. 12.
  • USURY, Exod. 22. 25. Lev. 25. 36. 37. Deut. 23. 19. 20. Neh. 5. 7 10. Pſ. 15. 5. Prov. 28. 8. Iſa. 24. 2. Jer. 15. 10. Ezek. 18. 8. 13. 17. & 22. 12. Mat. 25. 27. Luke 19. 23.
  • UTTER, Pſ. 78. 2. & 94. 4. Pſ. 106. 2. who can u. mighty acts of L. 2 Cor. 12. 4. words not lawful for me to u. Pſ. 19. 2. day unto day u. ſpeech Rom. 8. 26. groanings cannot be u. Heb. 5. 11. many things hard to be u. Acts 2. 4. as ſpirit gave them utterance Eph. 6. 19. that u. may be given me Col. 4. 3. God would open door of u to Deut. 7. 2. utterly, Pſ. 89. 33. & 119. 8. 4 [...]. Song 8. 7. Jer. 14. 19. 1 Theſſ. 2. 16. uttermoſt, Heb. 7. 25.
  • WAGES, Lev. 10. 13. Ezek. 29. 18. Jer. 22. 13. neighb. ſervice without w. Hag. 1. 6. earneth w. to put it into bag Mal. 3. 5. oppreſs hireling in his w. Luke 3. 14. be content with your w. Rom 6. 23. w. of ſin is death
  • WAIT till change come, Job 14. 14. Pſ. 25. 14. on thee I w. all the day 27. 14. w. on Lord w. I ſay on the Lord 37. 34. w. on Lord and keep his way 62. 5. w. thou only on G. my expect. 104. 27. theſe w. on thee that thou 13 [...]. 5. I w. for Lord my ſoul doth w. 145. 15. eyes of all w. upon thee Prov. 20. 22. w. on Lord and he'll ſave Iſ. 8. 17. I'll w. on L. that hideth his face 30. 18. will Lord w. to be gracious bleſſed are they that w. for him 40. 20. w. on Lord ſhall renew ſtrength Lam. 3. 25. good to them that w. for him 26. quietly w. for ſalvation of the Lord Hoſ. 12. 6. w. on thy God continually Mic. 7 7. I'll w. for God of my ſalvation Hab. 2. 3. w for it, it will ſurely come Zeph. 3. 8 w. on me till I riſe to prey Luke 12. 36. like men that w. for Lord Gal. 5. 5. through Spirit w. for hope of 1 Theſſ. 1. 10. w. for his Son from heaven Gen 49. 18. I w [...]tle [...] for thy ſalvation Pſ. 40. 1. I w. patiently for Lord my God Iſ. 25. 9. our God we have w. for him 26. 8. in way of thy judgm. we w. for 33. 2. he gracious to us we w. for thee Zech. 11. 11. poor of flock that w. on me Mark 15. 43. w. for kingdom of God 1 Pet. 3. 20. long-ſuffer. of G. w. in days Pſ. 33. 20. our ſoul waiteth for L. 40. 1. 65. 1. praiſe w. for thee in Zion 130. 6. my ſoul w. for Lord more than Iſ. 64. 4. prepared for him that w. for him Prov. 8. 34. waiting at poſts of my doors Luke 2. 25. w. for conſolation of Iſrael Rom. 8. 23 w. for the adoption redempt. 1 Cor. 1. 7. w. for coming of our L. J. C. 2 Theſſ. 3. 5. to a patient w for Chriſt
  • WAKETH. Pſ 127. 1. Song 5. 2. Pſ 77. 4. holdeſt mine eyes waking Iſ. 50. 4. wakeneth, Joel 3. 12.
  • WALK in my law, Exod. 16. 4. Gen. 24. 40. L. before whom I w. 48. 15. 17. 1. w. before me and be thou perfect Lev. 26. 12. I'll w. among you 21. if ye w. contr I w. contrary, 23. Deut. 5. 33. w. in ways of Lord, 8. 6. & 10. 12. & 11. 22. & 13. 5. & 28. 9. 18. 4 ye ſhall w. after Lord your God Pſ. 23. 4. though I w. through valley of 84. 11. no good thing [...]r. them th. w. upr. 116. 9. I'll w. before L. in land of living 119. 3. do no iniq they w. in his ways [178] Iſ. 2. 3. we'll w. in paths, 5. w. in light 40. 31. ſhall w. and not be faint 50. 11. w. in light of your fire and of Jer. 23. 14. they commit adult. and w in Dan. 4 37. w. in pride he is able to abaſe Hoſ. 14. 9. the juſt ſhall w in them Mic. 6. 8. w. humbly with thy God Amos 3. 3. can two w. together except Zech. 10. 12. w. up and down in his name Luke 13. [...]. I m [...]ſt w. to day and to-morr. John 8. 12. follows me not w. in darkn. [...]1. 9. w. in day he ſ [...]umbles not Rom. 4. 12. w. in ſteps of that faith 6. 4. w. in newneſs of life 8. 1. w. not after fleſh but after Spir. 4. 2 Cor. 5. 7. we w by faith not by ſight 10. 3. tho' w. in fleſh not war after fleſh Gal. 6. 16. as many as w. acc. to this rule Eph. 2. 10 good works that w. in them 4. 1. w. worthy of vocation - called 5. 15. wa [...]k circumſpectly not as fools Phil. 3. 17 mark them who w. ſo as ye Col. 1. 10. that ye might w. worthy of L. 1 Theſſ. 2. 1 [...]. ye wou [...]d w. worthy of G. 4. 1. how ye ought to w. and pleaſe G. 1 John 1. 7. if we w. in the light as he 2. 6. ought ſo to w. as he walked 3 John 4. that my childr. w. in truth, 3. Rev 3. 4. ſhall w. with me in white for 16. 15. leſt he w. naked and ſee ſhame 21. 24. nations of ſaved w in light Eccl. 11. 9. w in way of thy heart Iſ. 30. 21. this is the way w. in it John. 12. 35. w. in light while have light Rom. 13. 13. let us w. honeſtly as in day Gal. 5 16. w in Spirit and not fulfil luſt 25. it lived in Spirit let us w. in Spirit Eph. [...]. 2. w in love as Chriſt loved us 8. light in Lord w. as children of light Phil. 3 16. let us w. by ſame rule Col. 2. 6. as received Chriſt ſo w. in him 4. 5. w. in wiſdom tow them without Gen. 6 9. Noah wa [...]ked with God 5. 22. Enoch w. with G and was not, 24. Iſ. 55. 14 w. to houſe of G. in company 81. 12. w. after their own counſel 13. O that Iſrael had w. in my ways Iſ. 9. 2. people that w. in darkneſs 2 Cor. 10. 2. as if we w. according to fleſh 12. 18 w we not in the ſ [...]me Spirit Gal. 2. 14. ſaw they w. not uprightly Eph 2. 2. in time paſt we w Col. 3. 7. 1 Pet 4. 3. we w. in laſciviouſneſs Iſ. 43. 2. when thou walkeſt through fire Rom. 14. 15. now w thou not charitably Pſ. 15. 2. he that walketh uprightly [...]9 6. every man w. in vain ſhew Prov. 10. 9. w. uprightly w ſure [...]y 13. 20. w. with wiſe men ſhall be wiſe Iſ. 50. 10. w. in darkneſs and hath no light Jer. 10. 2 [...]. not in man that w. to direct Mic. 2. 7 words do good to w. uprightly 2 Th. 3. 6. [...] e [...] brother that w. diſord. 1 Pet 5. 8. w about ſeeking to devour Rev. 2. 1. w. in midſt of 7. golden ca [...]dleſt. Gen. 3. 8. voice of L. waiting in ga [...]den Iſ. 57. 2. each one w. in his own uprightn Jer 6. 28. grievous revolt. w. with ſ [...]and. Mic 2. 11. if man w. in Spir. and fal [...]h. lie Luke 1. 6. w. in all commandm. of Lord Acts 9. 31. w. in fear of L. and comf. of H G. 2 Cor. 4. 2. not w. in craftineſs 2 Pet. 3. 3. w. a [...]ter own luſts, Jude 16. [...] John 4. found thy children w. in truth
  • WALL, Pſ. 62. 3. Prov. 18. 11. Song 2. 9. & 8 9. 10. Iſ. 26. 1. & 60. 18.
  • WANDER, Numb. 14. 33. Pſ. 119. 10. Lam. 4. 14. wandered, Heb. 11. 37. Prov. 21. 16. wandereth, 27. 8. 1 Tim. 5. 13. wandering, Jude 13. Pſ. 56. 8. thou telleſt my wanderings
  • WANT, Deut. 28 48. Job 31. 19. Pſ. 23. 1. Lord is my ſhepherd I'll not w. 34. 9. no w. to them that fear him Prov. 6. 11. thy w. as armed man, 24. 34. 2 Cor. 8. 14. a ſupply for your w. Phil. 4. [...]11. not ſpeak in reſpect of w. James 1. 4. entire wanting nothing
  • WANTONNESS, Rom. 13. 13. 2 Pet. 2. 18.
  • WAR, Exod. 13. 7. & 17. 16 Pſ. 27. 3. Job 10. 17. changes and w. are againſt me Pſ. 18. 34. teach. my hands to w. 144. 1. 120. 7. I'm for peace they are for w. Prov. 20. 18. with good advice make w. Eccl. 8. 8. is no diſcharge in this w. Iſ. 2. 4. not learn w. any more, Mic. 4. 3. Mic. 3. 9. they prepare w. againſt him 2 Cor. 10. 3. we do not w. after fleſh 1 Tim. 1. 18. mightſt w. a good warfare 2 Tim. 2. 4. no man that w. entangleth 1 Pet. 2. 11. fleſhly luſts w. againſt ſoul Rev. 11. 7. beaſt ſhall make w. ag. them 1 [...]. 7. there was w in heaven Michael 17. 14. theſe make w. with the Lamb 19. 11. in right. doth judge make w. Numb. 21. 14. in book of wars of Lord Pſ. 46. 9. makes w. to ceaſe to ends of e. Mat. 24. 6. hear of w. and rumours of w. James 4. 1. whence come w. and fight. Iſ. 37. 8. warring, Rom. 7. 23.
  • WARFARE, Iſ. 40. 2. 1 Cor. 9. 7. 2 Cor. 10. 4. 1 Tim. 1. 18.
  • WARN, 2 Chron. 19. 10. Acts 10. 22. Pſ. 19. 11. by them is thy ſervant w. Ezek. 3. 19. if thou w. wick. he turn not 33. 3. blow trumpet and w peop. 9. 21. Mat. 3. 7. who hath w. you to flee Acts 20. 31. I ceaſed not to w. every one 1 Cor. 4. 14. as my beloved ſons I w. you 1 Theſſ 5. 14. w. them that are unruly Heb. 11. 7. Noah being warned of God Jer. 6. 10. to whom I give warning Col. 1. 28. teaching every man w. ev. m.
  • WASH, Lev. 6. 27. xiv.xv.xvi. Job 9. 30. If I w. myſelf in ſnow water Pſ. 26. 6 I'll w. my hands in innocence 51. 2. w. me thoroughly from iniquity 7. w. me and I ſhall be whiter than ſn. 58. 10. righteous w. his [...]e [...]t in blood Iſ. 1. 16. w. ye make you clean put on Jer. 2. 22. though thou w. with nitre and 4. 14. w. thy heart from wickedneſs [179] Luke 7. 38. w. his feet with tears John 13. 5. began to w. diſciples feet 8. if I w. thee not thou haſt no part 10. needeth not ſave to w. feet 14. ought to w. one anothers feet Acts 22. 16. be baptized and w. away ſins Job 9. 6. I waſhed ſteps with butter Song 5. 3 w. my feet how defile them Iſ. 4. 4. w. away filth of daughters of Ezek. 16. 4. neithe [...] waſt w. in water 9. I thoroughly w. away thy blood 1 Cor. 6. 11. ye are w. juſt fled ſanctified Heb. 10. 22. bodies w w [...]th pure water Rev. 1. 5. w. us from ſins in his blood 7. 14. w. robes and made white in bl. Eph. 5 [...]6 waſhing, Tit. 3. 5.
  • WASTE, Pſ. 80. 1 [...] Mat. [...]6. 8. Luke 15. 13. waſted, 16. 1. Gal. 1. 13. Job 14. 10. waſteth, Prov. 19 26. Prov. 18. 9. waſter, Iſ. 54. 16. Iſ 59. 7. waſting and deſtruction, 60. 18.
  • WATCH, Neh. 4. 9. Job 7. 12. Job 14. 16. doſt thou not w. over my ſin Pſ. 102. 7. I w and am as a ſparrow 130. 6. that w. for morn. w. for morn. 141. 3. ſe [...] a w. before my mouth Jer. 44. 27. I'll w. over them for evil Mat. 24. 42. w. for ye know not, 25. 13. 26. 41. w. and pray that ye enter not Mark 13. 33. take heed w. and pray, 37. 1 Cor. 16. 13. w. ye ſtand faſt in the faith Col. 4. 2. w in ſame with thankſgiving 1 Theſſ. 5 6 let us w. and be ſober 2 Tim. 4. 5. w. thou in all things Heb. 13. 17. they w. for your ſouls 1 Pet. 4. 7. be ſober w. unto prayer Rev. 3. 3. if ſhalt not w I'll come Jer. 31. [...]8. like as I watched over them 20. 10. my f [...]millars w. for my halting Mat. 24. 43. he would have w. and Pſ. 37. 22. wicked watcheth righteous Ezek. 7 6. the [...]nd w. for thee Rev. 16. 15. bleſſed he that w. and keeps D [...]n 4. 13. watcher and holy one, 17. 23. Pſ. 63. 6. watches, 119. 48. Lam. 2. 19. Rev. 3. 2. be watchful ſtrengthen things Prov. 8. 34. watching daily at my gates Luke 12. 37 bleſſed ſerv. L. ſhall find w. Eph. 6 18. praying alw. w. with all perſ. 2 Cor. 6 5. in watchings, 11. 27. Iſ. 21. 11. watchman, Ezek. 3. 17. & 33. 7. Song 3. 3 watchmen, 5. 7. Iſ. 22. 8. & 56. 10. & 62. 6. Jer. 31. 6.
  • WATER, Gen. 49. 4. Ex. 1 [...]. 9. & 17. 6. 2 Sam. 14. 14. we are as w. ſpilt on gr. Job 15. 16. drinks up iniquity like w. Pſ. 22. 14. I am poured out like w. [...]. 12. 3. draw w. out of wells of ſalvation 27. 3. I'll w. it every moment 30 20. though L. give you w of afflict. 41. 17. when poor ſeek w. and find none 44. 3. I'll pour w. on thirſty and floods 58. 11. thou ſhalt be like a ſpring of w. Lam. 1. 16. eye runs dow [...] with w. [...]28. Ezek. 36. 25. ſprink [...]e clean w. on you Amos 8. 11. not thirſt for w. but word Mat. 3. 11. I baptize you with w. 10. 42. cup of cold w. in name of diſc. Luke 16 24 dip [...]p of finger in w. and John 3. 5 except man be born of w. and 23. baptized becauſe of much w there 4. 14. it ſhall be in him a well of w. 7. 38 ſlow rivers of living w. 19 34. came out w. and blood Acts 8. 38. both went down into w. 10 47. can any forbid w. that Eph. 5. 26 cleanſe it with waſhing of w. 1 John [...]. 6. he that came by w and bl [...]od 8. three witneſs ſpirit w and blood Jude 12 clouds without w. carried Rev. 7. 17. lead them to living fount. of w. 21 6. of fountain of w. of life, 22 1. 22. 17. let him take w. of l [...]fe fre [...]ly Pſ. 23. 2. le [...]ds me beſide ſtill waters 69 1. w. are come into my ſoul, 2. 124. 4. w. had overwhelmed us, 5. Prov. 5. 15. draw w. out of own c [...]ſtern 9. 17. ſtolen w are ſweet, bread eaten Eccl. 11. 1. caſt bread on w. ſhalt find Song 4. 15. fount. of gard. well of liv. w. Iſ. 32. 2 [...]. bleſſed that ſow beſide all w. 33. 16. bread given him his w b [...] ſure 35. 6. in wilderneſs w. break out, 43. 20. 54. 9. this is as w. of Noah unto me 55. 1. come ye to the w. buy w [...]e Jer. 2. 13 fountain of living w. 17. 13. 9. 1. O that my head were w. Hab 2. 14. kn of L as w cov. ſea, Iſ. 11. 9. Zech. 14. 8. liv. w. go out of Jer. Ez. [...]7. 1. Rev. 1. 15. many w. 14 2. & 17. 1. 15. & 19. 6. Prov 11. 25. watereth ſhall be watered Iſ. 58. 11. ſoul like w garden, Jer. 31. 12. 1 Cor. 3 6 I planted, Apollos w. 7. Pſ. 42 7. at the noiſe of thy water-ſpo [...]ts
  • WAVERING, Heb. 20. 23. James [...]. 6.
  • W [...]X, Exod. 32. 10. 11. 22. Pſ [...]2. 14. & 68 2. & 97. 5 Mat. 24. [...]2. Luke 12. 35. 1 Tim. 5. 11. 2 Tim. 3. 13.
  • WAY, Exod 13. 21. & 23. 20 & 32. 8. 1 Sam 12. 23. teach you good and right w. 1 Kings 2. 2. I go the w. of all the earth Ezra 6 21. ſeek of him a right w. Pſ. 1. 6. Lord knoweth w of righteous 2. 14. le [...] ye periſh from the w. 49. 13. this their w. is their folly 67. 2. that thy w. may be known 78. 50. made a w. to his anger 119. 30 I have choſen the w. of truth 32. w. of command n. 104 hate evil w. Prov. 2. 8 Lord preſerves w. of his ſaints 10. 29. w. of L i [...] ſtrength to up [...]ight 14 12. a w ſeems right to man, 1 [...]. 25. 1 [...]. 9. w of wick. is [...]nati [...]n to L. 24. w. of li [...]e is above to wi [...]e Eccl. 11. 5. knoweſt [...]ot w of Spirit Iſ. 26 7. w. of juſt [...] [...]p [...]ghtneſs. 8. 30. 21. this is the w. w [...]lk ye in it 35. [...] high w and w. ca [...]l [...]d w. o [...] hol. 40 3. pr [...]p [...] w. [...] L. Luke 2. 4. Iſ. 43. 9 make w. in w [...]d [...]neſs, [...]. [...] [180] Jer 6. 16. where is good w. and walk 10. 23. w. of man is not in himſelf 21. 8. ſet bef. you w. of life w. of death 32. 39. give them one heart one w. 50. 5. aſk the w. to Zion with faces Amos 2. 7. turn aſide w. of meek Mal. 3. 1. he ſhall prepare w. before me Mat. 7. 13. broad is w. to deſtruction 14. narrow is w. that leadeth to life 22. 16. teacheſt w. of God in truth John 1. 23. make ſtraight w. of Lord 14. 4. w. ye kn. 6. I am the w. truth life Acts 16. 17. ſerv of G. ſhew us w. of ſalv. 18. 25. inſtructed in w of Lord, 26. 1 Cor. 10 13. with tempt. make w. to eſc. 12. 31. I'll ſhew more excellent w. 2 Pet. 2. 2. w. of truth evil ſpoken of 1 Kings 8. 32. bring his way on his head Job 17. 9. righteous ſhall hold on— Pſ. 18. 30. as for God—is perfect. 37. 23. delight in—34. on Lord keep— 119. 9. by what young man cleanſe— Pr. 14. 8. wiſd. of prudent to underſt.— 16. 9. man's heart deviſeth— Iſ. 55. 7. let wick forſake—and thoughts Pſ. 25. 8. teach ſinners in the way 119. 14. I rejoiced—of thy teſtimonies 139. 24. lead me—everl [...]ſting Iſ. 26. 8 —of thy judgments we waited Mat. 5. 25. agree with adverſary while— 21. 32. John came—of righteouſneſs Luke 1. 79. guide feet — of peace Jo [...] 40. 19 he is chief of ways of God Pſ. 84. 5. in whoſe heart are w. of them Prov. 3. 17. her w. are w. of pleaſantneſs 5. 21. w. of man are before eyes of L. 16. 2. w. of man are clean in own eyes 7. when a man's w. pleaſe the Lord Jer. 7. 3. amend your w. and doings Lam. 1. 4 w. of Zion mourn be [...]. none 3. 4. let us ſearch and try our w. Deut. 32. 4. his ways, Pſ. 145. 17. Iſ. 2. 3. Mic. 4. 2. Rom. 11. 33. Pſ. 119. 5. my ways, 15. 26. 59. 168. 139. & 39. 1. Pr. 23. 26 Iſ. 55. 8. & 49. 11. Prov. 14. 14. own ways, Iſ 53. 6. & 58. 13 & 66. 3. Ezek. 30. 31. 32. Job 21. 14. thy ways, Pſ. 25. 4. & 91. 11. Prov. 3. 0. & 4. 26. Iſ. 63. 17. Ezek. 16. 62. Dan. 5. 23. Rev. 15. 3. Iſ. 35. 8. way-faring, Jer. 14. 8.
  • WEAK, 2 Chron. 15. 7. Job 4. 3. Pſ 6. 2. Iſ. 3 [...]. 3. ſtrengthen ye the w. hands Ezek. 16. [...]0. how w. is thy heart Mat. 26. 41. ſpirit is willing fleſh is w. Rom. [...]. [...]9 Abram being not w. in faith 14. 1. that is w. in faith receive you 1 Cor 4 10. we are w. but ye ſtrong 9. 22. to the w. I became as w. 11. [...]0. f [...]r this cauſe many are w. 2 Cor. 11. 29. who is w. and I am not w. 12. 10. when I am w. then am I ſtrong 1 Theſſ 5. 14 ſupport the w. be patient Iſ. 14 12. weaken, Pſ. 10. 23. Job 12. 21. 2 Sam. 3. 1. weaker, 1 Pet. [...]. 7. 1 Cor. 1. 25. weakneſs, 3. 3. & 15. 43. 2 Cor. 12. 9. & 13. 4. Heb. 11. 43.
  • WEALTH, Gen. 34. 29. Deut. 8. 17. Deut. 8. 18. Lord gives power to get w. Job 21. 13. ſpend their days in w. and Pſ. 49. 6 that truſt in their w. 10. leave w. 112. 3. w. and riches are in his houſe Prov. 10. 15. r. m. w. his ſt [...]. city, [...]8. 11. 13. 11. w gotten by vanity ſhall be dim. 24. w. of ſinners is laid up for juſt 19. 4. w. maketh many friends 1 Cor. 10. 24. ſeek anothers w.
  • WEANED, Pſ. 131. 2. Iſ. 11. 8. & 28. 9.
  • WEAPON, Iſ. 13. 5. & 54 17. 2 Cor. 10 4.
  • WEAR, Deut. 22. 5. 11. Dan. 7. 25. Mat. 11. 8 Jam. 2. 3. 1 Pet. 3. [...]3.
  • WEARY of my life, Gen. 27. 46. Job 3. 17. there w. be at reſt 10. 1. my ſoul is w. of life, Jer. 4. 31. Prov. 3. 11. neither be w. of his correct. Iſ. 7. 13. w. men will ye w. my God 40. 28. the L. fainteth not neither is w. 31. wa [...]t on L. ſhall [...]un and not be w. 43. 22. haſt been w. of me O Iſrael 50. 4. to ſpeak word in ſeaſon to w. Jer. 6. 11. w. with holding in, 20 9. 9. 5. w. themſelves to commit iniquity 15. 6. I am w. with repenting 31. 25. I have ſatiated every w. ſoul Gal. 6. 9 not w. in well-doing, 2 Th 3. 13. Iſ. 43. 24. wearied, 57. 10 [...]er. 12. 5. Ezek. [...]4. 12. Mic. 6. 3. Mal. 2. 17. John 4. 6. Heb. 12. 3. Eccl. 12. 12. wearineſs, Mal. 1. 13. Job 7. 3. weariſome nights appointed
  • WEB, Job 8. 14. Iſ. 59. 5. 6.
  • WEDDING, Mat 22. [...]. 8. 11. Luke 14. 8.
  • WEEK, Dan. 9. 27. Mat. 28. 1. Luke 18. 12 Acts 20. 7 1 Cor. 10. 2. Jer. 5. [...]4. we [...]ks, Dan. 9. 24.—26 & 10. 2.
  • WEEP, Job 30. 25. Iſ. 30. 10. & 33. 7. Jer. 9. 1. & 13. 17. Joel 2. 17. Luke 6. 23. bleſſed ye that w. now 23. 28. w. not for me but w. for Acts 21. 13. what mean ye to w. and Rom. 12. 15. w. with them that w. 1 Cor. 7. 30. that w. as though w. not Jam. 5. 1. rich men w. and howl Pſ. 126. 6. weepeth, Lam. 1 2. 1 Sam. 1. 8. why weepeſt, John 20. 13. 15. Pſ. 30. 5. weeping may endure for a night Iſ. 22. 12. L call to w. mourning girding Jer. 31. 9. come with w. and [...]up. 50. [...]. Joel 2. 1 [...]. turn to me w [...]th w Mal. 2. 13. covering alt [...]r of [...]. with w. Mat. 8 12. w. and gnaſhing of teeth, 22. 13. & 24. 51. & 2 [...]. 30.
  • WEIGH the paths of the juſt, Iſ. 26. 7. Job 31. 6. let me be w. in even balances Prov. 16. 2. Lord weigheth the ſpirits Dan. 5. 27. thou art weighed in balances Prov. 11. 1. juſt weight is his delight, 16. 16. 11. juſt w. and balance are the L. 2 Cor. 4. 17. more exceed. eter. w. of gl. Heb. 12. 1. ſaying aſide every w. and ſin Lev. 19. 36. juſt balan [...]es juſt weights Deut. [...]5. 13. divers w. Prov. [...]0. [...]0. [...] [181] Mat. 23. 23. omitted weightier matters
  • WELL, Pſ. 84. 6. Prov. 5. 15. & 10. 11. Song 4. 15. Iſa. 12. 3. John 4. 14. 2 Pet. 2 17. G [...]n 4. 7. if doſt well be accepted, if not Ex [...]d. 1. 20. G. dealt w. with mid wives Pſ. 119 65 haſt dealt w with thy ſervant 128. 2. it ſhall be w. with thee Eccl. 8. 12. ſhall be w. with that fear G. Iſ. 3. 10. ſay to righte. it ſhall be w. with Rom. 2. 7. well-doing, Gal. 6. 9. 2 Theſſ. [...]3 13. 1 Pet. 2. 15. & 3. 17 & 4. 19.
  • WENT, Pſ. 42. 4 & 119. 67. Mat. 21. 30.
  • WEPT, Neh 1 4. Pſ. 69. 10. Hoſ. 12. 4. Mat. 26 75. Luke 19 41. John 11. 35.
  • WHEAT, Pſ. 81. 16. Pr. 27 22. Song 7. 2. Jer. 12. 13. f [...]wn w but reap thorns 23. 28. what is chaff to the w. Amos 8. 5. ſabbath gone, may ſet forth w. M [...]t. 3. 12. gather w. into ga [...]ner Luke 22. 31. may ſift you as w. John 12. 24. except corn of w. fall into
  • WHEEL, Pſ. 81. 13. Prov 20. 26. Ezek. 1. 16. w in midſt of w. 10. 10. 10. 13. it was cried to them O w Exod. 14. 25. wheels, Judg. 5. 28. Ezek. [...]1. & x. Dan. 7. 9. Nah. 3. 2.
  • WHET, Deut. 32. 41. Pſ. 7 12. & 64. 3.
  • WHISPERE [...] ſeparateth, Prov. 16. 28.
  • WHIT, John 7. 23. & 13. 10. 2 Cor. 11. 5.
  • WHITE, Lev 13. 3 4 Num. 12. 10. J [...]b 6. 6. is any taſte in w. of an egg Pſ. 68. 14. w as ſnow, Dan. 7. 9. Ec [...]l. 9 8 let garments be always w. Song 5. 10. my beloved is w. and ruddy Iſ. 1. 18. ſins ſhall be w. as ſnow Dan. 1 [...]. 35 ſhall fall to make them w. 12. 10. many purified and made w. Mat. 17. 2 his raiment was w. 28. 3. Rev. 2. 7. give him a w. ſtone 3. 4. walk with me in w. raim. 5. 18. & 4. 4. & 7. 9 13. & 15 16. & 19. 8. 14. Mat. 23. 27. whited, Acts 23. 3. Pſ. 51. 7. whiter than, Lam. 4. 7.
  • WHOLE, Pſ. [...]. 1. & 119. 10 Iſa. 54. 5. Mic. 4. 13. Zech. 4. 14. Mat. 16. 26. Eph 6 11. 1 John 1. 2. & 5. 19. Job 5 18. wounds and hands makes whole Mat. 9. 12. w. need not a phyſician Luke 5. 31. Mark 5. 34. faith made w. 10. 52. Luke 8. 48. & 17. 19. John 5. 4. made w. of whatſoever diſeaſe 6. wilt be made w. 14. art made w. Acts 9. 34. Jeſus Chriſt maketh thee w. Jer. 46. 28. wholly, 1 Theſſ. 5. 23. 1 Tim. 4. 15. Prov. 15. 4. wholeſome, 1 Tim. 6. 3.
  • WHORE, Lev. 19. 29. & 21. 7. 9 Deut. 22. 21. & 23. 17. 18 Prov. 23. 27. Ez. 16. 28 Rev. 17. 1. 16. Jer. 3. 9. whored [...]m, Ezek. xvi. Hoſ. 2. 2. 4. & 4 11. 12. & 5. 3. 4. Eph. 5. 5. whoremonger, 1 Tim. 1. 10. Heb 13. 4 Rev. 21. 8 & 23. 15.
  • WICKED, Exod. 2 [...]. 7 Deut. 15. 9. & 25. 1. Gen. 18. 25. wilt deſtroy righte. with w. 1 Sam. 2. 9. w. ſhall be ſilent in darkneſs Job 21. 30. w is reſerved to day of deſtr. 34. 18. is fit to ſay to a king thou art w. Pſ. 7. 11. G is angry with w every day 9. 17. w. ſhall be turned into hell 11. 6. on w. he'll rain ſnares 58. 3. w. are eſtranged from womb 119. 155. ſalvation is far from w. 145. 20. all w. ſhall be deſtr. 147. 6. Prov. 11. 5. w. ſhall fall by his own w. 21. w. ſhall not be unpuniſhed, 31. 21. 12. God ove [...]throws the w. 28. 1. w. flee when none purſueth Eccl. 7. 17. be not overmuch w. Iſ. 55. 7. let w forſake his way 57. 20 w. like troubled ſea Jer. 17. 9 heart is deſperately w. 25. 31. he'll give w. to ſword Ezek. 3. 18. warn the w. 33. 8. 9. 11. Dan. 12. 10. w. ſhall do wickedly Gen. 19. 7. do not ſo w. Neh. 9. 33. 1 Sam. 12. 3 [...]. if ye ſtill do w. Job 13 7. will ye ſpeak w. for God Pſ. 18. 21. not w. departed from God Gen. 6. 5. G. ſaw wickedneſs it was great 39. 9 how can I do this great w. 1 S [...]m. 24. 13. w. proceeds from wicked Job 4. 8. that ſow w. reap the ſame Pſ. 7. 9. let w. of wicked come to end 45. 7. lo [...]eſt righteouſn. and hateſt w. Prov. 8. 7. w. is an abomination to me 10. 2. treaſures of w. profit not in day 13. 6. w. overthroweth ſinners Eccl. 8. 8 neither ſhall w deliver thoſe Iſ. 9. 18. w. burns as fire ſhall devour Jer. 2. 19. own w. ſhall correct thee 4. 14. O Jeruſ. waſh thy heart from w. 14. 20. we acknowledge our w Hoſ. 10. 13. ye have plowed w. and Acts 8. 22. repent of this thy w. 1 John 5. 19 whole world lies in w.
  • WIDE, Deut. 15. 8. 11. Pſ. 35. 21. & 81. 10. Prov. 13. 3. Mat. 7. 13.
  • WIDOW, Mark 12. 4 [...]. 1 Tim. 5. 5. Deut. 10. 18. Pſ. 146. 9. Luke 18. 3 5. Pſ. 68. 5 widows, Jer. 49. 11. Mat. 23. 14. 1 Tim. 5. 3. Jam. 1. 27.
  • WIFE, Exod. 20. 17. Lev. 21. 13. Prov. 5. 18. rejoice with w. of youth 18. 22. that finds a w. finds good thing 19. 14 a prudent w. is from the Lord Eccl. 9. 9. live joyful with w. of youth Hoſ. 12. 12. I [...]rael ſerved for w. for w. he Mal. 2. 15. none deal treach. ag. the w. of Luke 17. 32. remember Lots w. Eph. 5. 33. every man love w as himſelf Rev. 19. 7. his w. made herſelf ready 21. 9 ſhew thee bride the Lamb's w. 1 Cor. 7. 29. wives, Eph. 5. 25. 28. 33. Col. 3. 18. 19. 1 Tim. 3. 11. 1 Pet. 3 1. 7.
  • WILDERNESS, Deut. 32. 10. Pr. 21. 19. Song 3. 6. & 8 5. Iſ. 35. 1. 6. & 41. 18. 19 & 42. 11. & 43. 19. 20. Rev. 12. 6.
  • WILES, Num. 25. 18. Eph. 6. 11.
  • [182]WILL, Lev. 1. 3. & 19. 5. & 22. 19. Deut. 33. 16. good w of dwelt in buſh Mat. 7. 21. doth w. of my Father, 12. 50. Luke 2. 14. good w. towards men John 1. 13. not of w. of man w. of fleſh 4. 34. my meat is to do the w. of him 6. 40. this is w. of Him that ſent me Acts 21. 14. we ceaſed ſaying w. of L. be Eph. 5. 17. underſtand what w. of L. is 6. 7. with good w. doing ſervice Acts 22. 14. his will, John 7. 17. Rom. 2. 18. Eph. 1. 5. 9. Col. 1. 9. 2 Tim. 2. 26. Heb. 13. 21. 1 John 5. 14. Rev. 17. 17. Luke 22. 42. my will, Acts 13. 22. John 5. 30. own will, 6. 38. Eph. 1. 11. Heb. 2. 4. Jam. 1. 18. Pſ. 40. 8. thy will, 143. 10. Mat. 6. 10. & 26. 42. Heb. 10. 7. 9. Ezra 7. 18. will of God, Mark 3. 35. Rom. 1. 10. & 8. 27. & 12. 2. 1 Cor. 1. 1. 2 Cor. 8. 5. Gal. 1 4. Eph. 1. 1. & 6. 6. Col. 1. 1. & 4. 12. 1 Theſſ. 4. 3. Heb. 10. 30. 1 Pet. 4. 2. 19. 1 John 2. 17. Mat. 26. 39 not as I will but as John 15. 7. aſk what ye w. and it ſhall 17. 24. I w. that thoſe haſt given me Rom. 7. 18. to w. is preſent with me 9. 18. on whom he w. have mercy Phil. 2. 13. works to w. and to do of Rev. 22. 17. whoſoever w. let him take of Rom. 9. 16. not of him that run. or willeth Heb. 10. 26. if ſin wilfully after Exod. 35. 5. whoſo is of willing heart 22. as many as were w. hearted 1 Chr. 28. 9. with perfect h. and w. mind Pſ. 110. 3. people ſhall be w. in day of Iſ. 1. 19. if ye be w. and obedient Mat. 26. 41. ſpirit is w. fleſh weak Luke 22. 42. if be w. remove this cup John 5. 35. w. for a ſeaſon to rejoice in his 2 Cor. 5. 8. w. rather to be abſent 1 Tim. 6. 18. w. to communicate Heb. 13. 18. w. in all to live honeſtly 2 Pet. 3. 9. not w. any ſhould periſh Judg. 5. 2. willingly offered themſ. 9. 1 Chr. 29. 9. with perf. heart offered w. Lam. 3. 33. Lord doth not afflict w. Hoſ. 5. 11. he w. walked after the com. 1 Pet. 5. 2. not by conſtraint but w. Col. 2. 23. wiſdom in will-worſhip
  • WILLOWS, Lev. 23. 40. Iſa. 44. 4.
  • WIN, Phil. 3. 8. winneth, Prov. 11. 30.
  • WIND, Job 7. 7. & 30. 15. Pſ. 103. 16. Prov. 11. 29. inherit w. 27. 16. hideth w. 30. 4. gathered the w. Pſ. 135. 7. Eccl. 11. 4. obſerves w. ſhall not ſow Iſa. 26. 18. have brought forth w. 27. 8. he ſtayeth his rough w. in day of Jer. 5. 13. prophets ſhall become w. 10. 13. brings w. out of treaſ. 51. 16. Hoſ. 8. 7. ſown w. 12. 1. feeds on w. John 3. 8. w. blows where it li [...]teth Eph. 4. 14. carried about with every w. 2 Kings 2. 11. whirlwind, Prov. 1. 27. & 10. 25. Iſ. 66. 15. Hoſ 8. 7. & 13. 3. Nah. 1. 3. Hab. 3. 14. Zech. 7. 14. & 9. 14. Ez. 37. 9. winds, Mat. 8. 27. Luke 8. 25.
  • WINDOWS, Gen. 7. 11. Eccl. 12. 3. Song 2. 9. Iſa. 60. 8. Jer. 9. 21.
  • WINE makes glad heart, Pſ. 104. 15. Prov. 20. 1. w. is a mocker and ſtr. dr. 21. 17. loveth w. and oil not be rich 23. 30. tarry long at w. ſeek mixt w. 31. look not upon w. when it is red 31. 6. give w. to thoſe of heavy heart Song 1. 2. thy love is better than w. 4. Iſ. 5. 11. continue till w. inflame them 12. pipe and w. are in th. feaſts, 22. 13, 25 6. w. on the lees well refined 28. 7. they have erred through w. 55. 1. buy w and milk, Song 5. 1. Hoſ. 2. 9. take away my w. in ſeaſon 3. 1. love flagons of w. 4. 11. w [...]and new w. take away heart Hab. 2. 5. he tranſgreſſeth by w. Eph. 5. 18. be not drunk with w. 1 Tim. 3. 3. not given to w. 8. Tit. 1. 7. 8. 5. 23. uſe a little w. for ſtomachs ſake Prov. 23. 20 wine bibber, Mat. 11. 19.
  • WINGS of God of Iſrael, Ruth 2. 12. Pſ. 17. 8. hide me under ſhadow of thy w. 36. 7. & 57. 1. & 61. 4. & 91. 4. 18. 10. on w. of the wind 2 Sam. 22. 11. Prov. 23. 5. riches make themſelves w. Iſ. 6. 2. each had ſix w. with twain Mal. 4. 2. ariſe with healing in his w.
  • WINK, Job 15. 12. Pſ. 35. 19. Prov. 6. 13. & 10. 10. Acts 17. 30.
  • WINTER, Song 2. 11. Zech. 14. 8.
  • WIPE, 2 Kings 21. 13. Neh. 13. 14. Prov. 6. 33. Iſ. 25. 8. Rev. 7. 17. & 21. 4.
  • WISE, Gen. 41. 39. Exod. 23. 8. Deut. 16. 19. Deut. 4. 6. this great nation is a w. peo. 32. 29. O that they were w. that they Job 5. 13. takes w. in own craftineſs 11. 12. vain man would be w. 32. 9. great men are not always w. Pſ. 2. 10. be w. O kings be taught 119. 7. making w. the ſimple 107. 43. whoſo is w. and will obſerve Prov. 3. 7. be not w. in thy own eyes 35. w. ſhall inherit glory but ſhame 9. 12. if thou be w. be w. for thyſelf 13. 20. walks with w. ſhall be w. 26. 12. ſeeſt thou in. w. in own conc. 16. Eccl. 7. 4. heart of w. is in houſe of mour. 9. 1. w. and their work in hand of G. Iſ. 5. 21. wo to w. in their own eyes Jer. 4. 22. they are w. to do evil but Dan. 12. 3. w. ſhall ſhine as ſtars for Hoſ. 14. 9. who is w. and he ſh [...] underſt. Mat. 10. 16. be ye w. as ſerpents and 11. 25. hid theſe th. from w. and prud. Rom. 1. 22. profeſſ. themſ. w. bec. fools 16. 19. w. to that which is good and 1 Cor. 3 18. ſeemeth w. in this world 4. 10. but ye are w. in Chriſt Eph. 5. 15. not as fools but as w. 2 Tim. 3. 15. able to make thee w. to Mat. 10. 42. in no wiſe loſe his reward Luke 18. 17. ſhall—enter therein [183] John 6. 37. cometh I'll—caſt out Rev. 21. 27. ſhall—enter into it Deut. 4. 6. this is your wiſdom 1 Kings 4. 26. G. gave Solomon w. 5. 12. Job 28. 28. [...]ear of Lord that is w. Prov 4. 5. get w. get underſtanding 7. w is the principal thing, viii. 16. 16 better to get w. than gold 19. 8. gets w. loves his own ſoul 23. 4. ceaſe from thine own w. 23. buy truth w. and inſtruction Eccl. 1. 1 [...]. in much w. is much grief 8. 1. a mans w. makes face to ſhine Mat. 11. 19. w is juſt [...]fied of her children 1 Cor. 1. 17. not wit [...] w. of words 24. Chriſt the w. of God, Luke 11. 49. 30. who of G. is made unto us w 2. 6 we ſpeak w. among them perfect 3. 19. w. of this world is fooliſhneſs 2 Cor. 1. 12. not with fleſhly w. Col. 1. 9. might be filled with all w. 4. 3. walk in w. toward them without Jam. 1. 5. if any lack w. aſk it of God 3. 17. w. from above is pure peace Rev. 5. 1 [...]. worthy is Lamb to receive w. 13. 18. here is w. let him that, 17 9. Pſ. 111. 10. of wiſd [...]m, Prov. 9. 10. & 10. 21. Mic. 6. 9. Col. 2. 3. Jam 3. 13. Pſ. 64. 9. wiſely, 101. 2. Eccl. 7. 10. 1 Kings 4. 31. wiſer, Job 35. 11. Pſ. 119. [...]8. Luke 16. 8. 1 Cor. 1. 25.
  • WITCH, Exod. 22. 1 [...]. Deut. 18. 10. 1 Sam. 15. 2 [...] witchcraft, Gal. 5. 20.
  • WITHDRAW, Job 9. 13. & 33. 17. Prov. 25. 17. Song 5. 6. 2 Th. 3. 6. 1 Tim. 6. 5.
  • WITHHOLD not mercies, Pſ. 40. 11. Pſ. 84. 11. no good th. will he w. from Prov. 3. 27. w. not good from to whom 23. 13. w. not correction from child Gen. 20. 6. withheld, 22. 12. Job 31. 16. Job 42. 5. withholden, Jer. 5. 25. Prov. 11. 24. withholdeth, 26. 2 Th. 2. 6.
  • WITHIN, Pſ 40. 8. & 45. 13. Mat. 3. 9. & 23. 26. Mark 7. 21. 2 Cor. 7. 5. Rev. 5. 1.
  • WITHOUT, Prov. 1. 20. & 24. 27. 1 Cor. 5. 12. 2 Cor. 7. 5. Col. 4 5. Rev. 22. 15.
  • WITHSTAND, Eccl. 4. 12. Eph. 6. 13. Acts 11. 17. what I that I could w. God Gal. 2. 11. withſtood, 2 Tim. 4. 15.
  • WITNESS, Gen. 31. 44. 48. Lev. 5. 1. Num. [...]5. 30. one w. not teſtify againſt Deut. 17. 6. & 19. 15. 2 Cor. 13. 1. Judg. 11. 10. L. be w. 1 Sam. 12. 5. Jer. 42. 5. & 29. 23. Mic. 1. 2. Mal. 2. 14. Job 19. 19. my w. is in heaven Pſ. 89. 37. as faithful w. in heaven Prov. 14. 5. faithful w. will not lie 25. a true w. delivereth ſouls 24. 28. be not w. againſt neighbour Iſ. 55. 4. given him for w. to people Mal. 3. 5. I'll be a ſwift w. againſt John [...]. 11. ye receive not our w. 5. 36. greater w. 37. F. born w. of me Acts 14. 17. left not himſelf without w. 1 John 5. 10. believes hath w. in himſelf Rev. 1. 5. is the faithful w. 3. 15. [...]0. 4. beheaded for w. of Jeſus Deut. 17. 6. two or three witneſſes, 19. 15. 2 Cor. 13. 1. Mat. 18. 16 Heb. 10. 28. 1 Tim. 5. 19 Num. 35. 30. Joſh 24. 22 w. ag yourſelves we're w. Iſ. 43 10. ye my w. ſaith L. 12. & 44. 8. 1 Theſſ. 2. 10. ye are w. and God alſo 1 Tim. 6. 12. bef. many w. witneſſed, 13. Heb 12. 1. ſo great a cloud of w. Rev. 11. 2. power to my two w. to
  • WIZZARDS, Lev. 19. 31. & 20. 6. Iſa. 8. 19.
  • WOLF, Iſ. 11. 6. & 65. 25. Jer. 5. 6. Ezek. 22. 27. wolves, Hab 1. 8. Zeph. 3. 3. Mat. 7. 15. & 10. 16 Acts 20. 29.
  • WOMAN, Gen. 2. 23. & 3. 15. Lev. 18. 22. 23. & 20. 13. Num. 30. 3. Pſ. 48. 6. pain as of w. in travail, Iſa. 13. 8. & 21. 3. & 26. 17. & 42. 14. & 66. 7. Jer. 4. 31. & 6. 24. & 13. 21. & 22. 23. & 30. 6. & 31. 8. & 48. 41. & 49. 22. 24 & 50. 43. Prov. 11. 16. gracious w. retains honour 12. 4. virtuous w. is crown to huſband 14. 1. wiſe w. builds her houſe but fool 31. 10. a virtuous w. who can find 30. w. that fears L. ſhall be praiſed Eccl. 7. 28. w. among all I not found, 26. Iſ. 49. 15. can w. forget her ſucking child 54. 6. called thee as w. forſaken Jer. 31. 22. a w. ſhall compaſs a man Mat. 5. 28. looks on a w. to luſt after 15. 28. O w. great is thy faith, be it 26. 13. that this w. hath done be told John 2. 4. w. what have I to do with thee 8. 3. bring a w. taken in adultery 19. 26. w. behold thy ſon Rom. 1. 27. leaving natural uſe of w. 1 Cor. 11. 7. w. is the glory of man Gal. 4. 4. God ſent his Son made of w. 1 Tim. 2. 11. I ſuffer not w. to teach 14. w. being deceived was in tranſgreſ. Rev. 12. 1. w. clothed with ſun, 6. 16. 17. 18. w. thou ſaw is great city Judg. 5. 24. bleſſed above women Jael Prov. 31. 3. give not thy ſtrength to w. Song 1. 8. faireſt among w. 5. 9. & 6. 1. Iſ. 3. 12. children oppreſſors w. rule over 32. 11. tremble ye w. at eaſe Jer. 9. 17. call for mourning w. Lam. 4. 10. w. had ſodden their children Mat. 11. 11. among them born of w. Luke 1. 28. bleſſed art thou among w. Rom. 1. 26. w. did leave natural uſe 1 Cor. 14. 34. let w. keep ſilence 1 Tim. 2. 9. that w. adorn themſelves 11. let w. learn in ſilence with 5. 14. that younger w. marry 2 Tim. 3. 6. lead captive ſilly w. 1 Pet. 3. 5. after this manner holy w. Rev. 14. 4. virgins not defiled with w.
  • WOMB, Gen. 25. 23. & 29. 31. Gen. 49. 25. bleſſings of w. and breaſt 1 Sam. 1. 5. the Lord had ſhut her w. Pſ. 22. 9. took me out of the w. [184] 10. I was caſt upon thee from w. 127. 3. fruit of w. is his reward 1 [...]9. 13. covered me in mothers w. Eccl. 11. 5. how bones grow in w. Iſ. 44. 2. L. that formed thee from w. 66. 9. cauſe bring forth and ſhut the w. Hoſ. 9. 14. give them miſcarrying w. Luke 1. 42. bleſſed is fruit of thy w. 11. 27. bleſſed is w. that bare thee 23. 29. bleſſed are w. never bare
  • WONDER, Deut. 13. 1. & 28. 46. Pſ. 71. 7. Iſa. 29 14. Rev. 12. 1. Acts 13. 41. w. and periſh, Hab. 1. 5. Exod. 3. 20. wonders, 7. 3. & 15. 11. [...] Chr. 16. 1 [...]. remember his w. Pſ. 105. 5. Job 9. 10. God doth w. Pſ. 77. 11. 14. Pſ. 78. 11. they forgat his w. Neh 9. 17. 88. 10. wilt thou ſhew w. to dead 136. 4. who alone doth great w. Dan. 12. 6. how long to end of theſe w. Joel 2. 30. ſhew w. in heaven, Acts 2. 19. John 8. 48. except ſee ſigns and w. Acts 2. 43. many w. were done, 6. 8. Rom. 15. 19. thro' mighty ſigns and w. 2 Theſſ. 2. 9. with power. ſigns, lying w. Rev. 13. 13. he doth great w. fire Zech. 3. 8. men wondered at Iſ. 59. 16. I w. was no interceſſor, 63. 3. Luke 4. 21. w at gracious words which Rev. 13. 3. all the world w. after the beaſt 17. 6 I w. with great admiration Job 37. 14. wondrous works, Pſ. 26. 7. & 75. 1. & 105. 2. & 119. 27. & 145. 5. & 71. 17. & 78. 32. & 106. 22. Pſ. 72. 18. w. things, 86. 10. & 119. 18. Judg. 13. 19. wond [...]rouſly, Joel 2. 16. Deut. 28. 59 plagues wonderful Job 42. 3. uttered things too w. for me Pſ. 119. 129. t [...]y teſtimonies are w. 139. 6. ſuch knowledge is too w. for me Prov. 30. 18. three things too w. for me Iſ. 9. 6. his name ſhall be called W. 25. 1. done w. t [...]. 2 [...]. 29. w. in counſel Jer. 5. 30. [...] w. thing is committed Pſ. 139. 14. wonderfully, Lam. 1. 9.
  • WOOD, h [...]y, ſtubble, 1 Cor. 3. 12. 2 Tim. 2. 20. alſo veſſels of w. and earth
  • WORD, Num. 25. 5. Deut. 4. 2. Deut. 8. 3. by every w. man [...]i [...]e, Mat. 4. 4. 30. 44. w. is very nigh, Rom. 10. 8. Pſ. 68. 11. L. gave w. and great company 119. 49. remember w. to thy ſervant Pr. 15. 23. w. ſpoken in due [...]ea [...]. how good 25. 11. w. fitly ſpoken is like apples Iſ. 29. 21. make man offender for a w. 30. 21. ſhall hear a w. behind thee 44. 26. confirm. the w. of his ſervants 50. 4. how to ſpeak a w. in [...]eaſon Jer. 5. 13. prophets w. is not in them 44. 16. w. thou'ſt ſpoken we'll not do Mat. 8. 8. ſpeak w. only my ſervant healed 12. 36. of every idle w. men ſpeak Luke 4. 36. what a w. is this for 24. 19. mighty in deed and in w. John 1. 1. in the beginning was the W. and the W. was with G. and W. was G. 14. W. was made fleſh and dwelt 15. 3. clean thro' w. I've ſpoken Acts 13. 15. if any have w. of exhortation 26. to you is w of ſalvation ſent 17. 11. received w. with all readineſs 20. 32. to G. and to W. of his grace 1 Cor. 4. 20 kingdom of G. not in w. but Gal 6. 6. taught in w. communicate Eph. 5. 26. waſhing of water by the w. Col. 3. 16. let w. of Chriſt dwell in you 17. whatſo. ye do in w. or deed do all 1 Theſſ. 1. 5. goſpel came not in w. only 2 Theſſ. 2. 17. ſtabliſh you in ev good w. 3. [...]4. if any obey not our w. note that 1 Tim. 5. 17. labour in w. and doctrine 2 Tim. 4. 2. preach w. be inſtant in ſeaſ. Tit. 1. 9. holding faſt the faithful w. Heb. 4. 2. w preached did not profit th. [...]5. 13. is unſkilful in w. of righteouſneſs 13. 22. ſuffer the w. of exhortation James 1. 21. receive with meekn. ingr. w. 22. be doers of w. 3. 2. offend not in w. 1 Pet. 3. 1. if any obey not w. be won by 2 Pet. 1. 19. more ſure w. of propheſy 1 John 1. 1. hands handled of w. of life 5. 7. Father W. and H. G. three are one Rev. 3. 10. haſt kept w. of my patience 12. 11. overcame by w. of their teſtim. Pſ. 130. 5. in his word do I hope, 119 81. 147. 19. ſheweth—to Jacob ſtatutes Jer 20. 9.—was in my heart as fire John 5. 38. [...]ave not—abiding in you Acts [...]. 41. gladly received—and baptiſm John 8. 37. my word, 43. Rev. 3. 8. Iſ. 8. 20. this word, Rom. 9. 9. Pſ. 119. 11. thy word have I hid in heart 50. for —hath quickned me, 105.—is a [...]a [...]p unto my feet 140.—is very pure, 160 —is true fr. beg. 138. 2. magnified—above all thy name Jer. 15. 16.—was joy and rej. of my heart John 17. 6. I ke [...]t —17.—is truth Pr. 30. 5. word of God, Iſ 40. 8. Mark 7. 13. Rom. 10. 17. 1 Th [...]ſſ. 2. 13 Heb. 4. 12 & 6. 5. [...] Pet. 1. 23. Rev. 19. 13. 2 Kings 20. 19. word of the Lord, Pſ. 18. 30. & 33. 4. 2 Theſſ. 2. 1. 1 Pet. 1. 25. Pſ. 119. 43. word of truth, [...] Cor. 6 7. Eph. 1. 13. Col. 1. 5. 2 Tim. 2. 15. James 1. 18. Job 23. 12. eſteemed words of his mouth Prov. 15. 26. w. of pure are pleaſant w. 19. 7. he purſueth them with w. 22. 17. bow down ear hear w. of wiſe Eccl. 10. 12. w. of wife are gracious 12. 10. to find out acceptable w. 11. w. of wiſe are as goads, and nails Jer. 7. 4. truſt ye not in lying w. 44. 28. know whoſe w. ſhall ſtand Dan. 7. 25. ſpeak great w. againſt M. H. Hoſ. 6. 5. ſlain them by w. of mouth 14 2 take with you w and ſay to him Zech. 1. 13. good w comfortable w. Mat. 26. 44. ſtrayed ſaying ſame w. Luke 4. 22. gracious w that proceed John 6. 63. w. I ſpeak are ſpirit and life [185] 68. thou haſt the w of eternal li [...]e 17. 8. I have given them w. th. gave me Acts 7. 22. Moſes mighty, in w. deeds 15. 24. troubled you with w. 18. 15. 20. 35. remember w. of Lord Jeſus 26. 25. ſpeak w of truth and ſoberneſs 1 Cor. 2. 4 not with inticing w. of man's 2 Tim. 1. 13. hold [...]aſt fo [...]m of ſound w. 2. 14. ſtrive not ab [...]ut w. t [...] no profit Rev. 1. 3. he [...]r w. of this prophecy, 22. [...]. Pſ. 50. 17. my words, Iſ. 51. 16. & 59. 21. Jer 5. 14. Mic. [...] 7. Mark 8. 38. & 13. 31. John 5. 47. & 15. 7. 1 Theſſ 4. 18. theſe words, Rev. 21. 5. Pſ. 119 103. thy words, 130. 1 [...]9. Prov. 23. 8. Eccl. [...]. 2. Ez [...]3. 3 [...]. Mat. [...]2. 37.
  • WORK, Gen. 2. 3 Ex 20. 10. & 31. 14. Deut. 33. 11. accept w. of his hands Job 1. 10 haſt bleſſed w. of his hands 10. 3. wilt deſpiſe w. of thy hands 14. 15. a deſire to w. of thy hands 36. 9. he ſhews them their w. Pſ. [...]. 3 heavens the w. of thy fingers 9. 16. wicked ſnared in w. of hi [...] hands 19. 1. firmament ſheweth his handy w. 101. 3. I hate w. of them that turn al. 143. 5. m [...]e on w. of thy hand Eccl. 8 14. according to w. of wicked [...]17 I beheld all the w of God 12. 14. G. bring every w. into judgm. Iſ. 10. 12 [...] performed his whole w. 28. 21. do his ſtrange w. ſtrange act 29. 16 ſhall w. [...]ay of him that made it 45. 11. concern. w. of my hands c [...]m. 49. 4. my w. is with my God 64. 8 we are called w. of thy hands Jer. 10. 15. idols vanity and w. of er [...]ors [...]18. 3. potter wrought a w. on wheels Hab. 1. 5 a w. in your days, Acts 13. 41. Mark 6. 5. could do no mighty w. t [...]ere John 17. 4. finiſhed w. gaveſt me to do Acts 5. 38. if this w. be of men it will 13. 2. for w. whereto I called them Rom. 2. 15. ſhew. w. of law. written 11. 6. otherwiſe w. is no more w. 1 Cor. 3. 13. every man's w. made man. 9. 1. are you not my w. in the Lord Eph. 4. 12. for w of miniſtry edifying 2 Theſſ. 1. 11. w. of faith with power 2. 17. ſtabliſh you in every good w. 2 Tim. 4. 5. do w. of evangel [...]ſt James 1. 4 let patience have perfect w. 25. doer of the w. ſhall be bleſſed 1 Pet. 1. 17. judgeth acc. to ev. man's w. Pſ. 104. 23. his work, 62. 12. & 111. 3. Prov. 24. 29. Iſ. 40. 10. Job 36. 24. Pſ. 90. 16. thy work, 92. 4. Prov. 24. 27. Jer. 31. 16. Heb. 3. 2. Ex. [...]2. 16. work of God, Pſ. 64. 9. Eccl. 7. 13. & 8. 17. John 6. 29. Rom. 14. 20. Pſ. 28 5. work of the Lord, Iſ. 5. 12. Jer. 48. 10. 1 Cor. 15. 58 & 16. 10. Pſ. 17. 4. concerning works of men 92. 4. triumph in w. of thy hands 111. 7 w. of his hands are verity 138. 8. forſake not w of thy hands Prov. 31. 31. let her own w. praiſe her Iſ. 26. 12. wrought all our w. in us Dan. 4. 37. all whoſe w. are truth John 5. 20. ſhew him greater w. 10. 32. for which of w. do ye ſtone me 38 believe the w. that Father is in the 14. 11. believe me for the w. ſake 12. greater w ſhall he do I g [...] to Father Acts 26. 20 w. me [...]t for repentance Rom. 3. [...]7. by what law? of w. nay but 4 6. G imputes righteouſn. with. w. 9. 11. not of w. but of him that calleth 32. ſought as by w. of the law 11 6. then it is no more of w. 13. 12. let us caſt off w. of darkneſs Gal. 2. 16. by w. of law no fleſh juſtified 3. 2. received ye Spirit by w. o [...] law [...]. as many as of w. of law are under 5. 19. w. of fleſh are manifeſt Eph. 2. 9 not of w. 10. to good w. 5. 11. with unfruitful w. of darkneſs Col. 1. 21. enem. in mind by wicked w. 1 Theſſ. 5. 13. in love for w. ſake 2 Tim. 1. 9. not according to our w. Tit. 1. 16 in w. they deny him 3 5. not by w. of righteouſneſs which Heb. 6. 1. repent. from dead w. and of 9. 14. purge conſcience from dead w. James 2. 14. and have not w can faith 20. faith without w. is dead, 17. 26. 21. juſtified by w. 24. 25. 22. by w. was faith made perfect 1 John 5. 8. Son of G. deſtroy w. of dev. Rev 9. 20. I repented not of the w of th. 18. according to her w. 20. 12. 13. Pſ. 33. 4. his works, 7 [...]. 11. & 103. 22. & 104 31. & 106. 13. & 107. 22. & 145 9. 17. Dan 9. 14 Acts 15. 18. Heb. 4. 10. Pſ. 1 [...]6 35. their wo [...]ks, Iſ. 66. 18. J [...]nah 3. 10. Mat. [...]3. 3. 5. 2 Cor. 11. 15. Rev. 14. 13. & 20. 12. 13. Deut. 15. 10. thy works, Pſ. 66. & 73. [...]8. & 92. 5. & 104. 24 & 143. 5. Prov. 16. 3. Eccl 9. 7. Rev. II; III. Pſ. 40 5. wonderful works, 78. 5. & 107. 8 & 111. 4. Mat. 7. 22. Acts 2. 11. Job [...] 37. 14. works of God, Pſ. 66. 5. & 78. 7. Eccl. 11. 5. John 6. 28 & 9. 3. Pſ. 46. 8. w. of the Lord, 111. 2. 1 Sam. 14. 6. may be Lord 'll work for us Pſ 119. 126. it is time for thee L. to w. Iſ. 43 13. I will w. and who ſhall let it Mat. 7. 23. depart ye that w. iniquity John 6. 28. might w. the works of God 9. 4. I muſt w. works of him that ſent Phil. 2. 12. w. out your own ſalvation 1 Theſſ. 4. 11. to w. with own hands 2 Theſſ. 2 7. myſtery of iniq. doth alr. w. 3. 10. if any w not neither ſhould he eat Prov. 11. 18. wick. work to deceitful w. Iſ [...]4. 5. meeteſt him that w. righteouſn. John 5. 17. my F. w. hitherto and I w. Acts [...]0. 35. that w. righteouſn. is accept. Rom. 4. 4. to him that w. is reward 1 Cor. 12 6. ſame G. who w. all in all 2 Cor. 4. 17. w. for us a far more exceed. [186] Gal. 5. 6. faith which w. by love Eph. 1. 11. who w. all things acc. to counſ. 2. [...]. ſpirit that now w. in childr. of diſ. Phil. 2. 13. it is God that w. in you both 1 Theſſ 2. 13. effectually w in you Iſ. 28. 20. excel [...]ent in working Mark 16. 20. L. w. with them and conſ. Rom. 7 13. ſin w. death in me by good 1 Cor 4. 12. w. with our own hands 9. 6. have not power to forbear w. Eph 1. 19 accord to w. of mighty [...]ow. 3. 7. by effectual w. of his power 4. 28. w. with ha [...]ds thing that is good Phil. 3. 21. according to the w. whereby 2 Theſſ. 3. [...]1. w. not at all [...]ut [...] Heb. 13. 21. w. in you that well pleaſing 2 Cor. 6. 1. workers, 11. 13 Ph [...]l 3. [...]. J [...]b 31. 3. workers of iniquity, 34. 8. 22. Pſ. 5. 5. & 6 8. & 28. 3. & 125. 5. & 141. 9. Prov. 10. 29. & 21 15. Mat. 10 10 workman. 2 Tim. 2. 15. Exod. 31. 3 workma [...]ſhip. Eph. 2. 10.
  • WORLD, 1 Sam. 2. 8 1 Chron 16. 30. Pſ. 17. 14. from men of w. which 21. 1. w. is the Lords, 9 8. Nah. 1. 5. 50. [...]2. w is mine and fulneſs of it Eccl. 3. 1 [...]. ſet w. in then heart Iſ. 26 9. in [...]bitants of w. learn righte. Jer. 10. 1 [...]. eſtabliſhed w. by his wiſdom 51. 15. Pſ. 93 1. & [...]6. 10 Mat. 16. 26. what pr [...]fit. if gain whole w. and loſe your own ſoul, Mark 8. 36. Mat. 18 7. wo to w becauſe of offences 24. 3. what ſhall be [...]nd of w. Mark 16. 15. go into all w and preach Luke 20. 35 worthy to obtain that w. John 1. 10 w. made by him kn. [...]im not 29. Lamb of God takes away ſin of w. 31. 6. G ſo loved w. he gave his only S. 17. that w. thro' him might be ſaved 7. 7. w. cannot hate you but me 12. 47. not to judge w. but ſave w. 14. 17. whom w. cannot receive 19. w. ſeeth me no more but ye 31. w. may know that I love Father 15 17. w. hate you love one anoth. 19. 16. 28. I leave w. and go to F. 17. 11. 17. 9. I pray not for w. but out of w. 16 are not of w. as I am not of w. 14. 23. w. may know thou haſt ſent me Rom. 8. 19. all w. becauſe guilty bef G. 1 Cor. 1. 21. w. by wiſdom knew not G. Gal 6. 14. w. is crucified and I to the w. Col. 1. 6. preaching as in all w. Rom. 1. 8. Tit 1. 2. promiſed before the w. began Heb. 2. 5. w. to come, 6 5. 11. 38. of whom w. was not worthy 1 John 2. 2. propitiation for ſins of all w. 15. love not w. nor the things in w. 16. all in w is luſt, luſt of eyes, pride of 17. w. pa [...]eth away and luſt of it 3. 1. ſo [...]s of G. w. knows us not 4. 5. of w. ſpeak of w. w. hears them [...]. 19. whole w. lieth in wickedneſs Rev. 3. 10. temptation come on all the w. 13. 3. all w. wondred after the beaſt Mat. 12. 32. this world, John 8. 23. & 18. 36. Rom. 12. 2. 1 Tim. 6. 7. Heb. 1. 2. worlds made, 11. 3.
  • WORM, Exod 16. 20 Iſ. 51. 8. Job 25 6. man that is a w. as a w. Pſ. 22. 6. I am a w. no man reproach Iſ. 41. 14 f [...]ar not thou w. Jacob 66. 24. w. ſhall not die. Mark 9. 44. 48. Job 19. 26. w. deſtroy body, Acts 12. 23. Deut. 29. 18. wormwood, Pr. 5. 4. Lam. 3 1 [...]. 10. Amos 5. 7. Rev. 8. 11.
  • WORSE, Mat. 12. 45. John 5. 14. 1 Cor. 8 8 & 11. 17. 2 Tim 3 [...]3 2 Pet. 2. 20.
  • WORSHIP L. in beauty of holineſs, 1 Chr. 16. 29. Pſ. 29. 2. & 6 [...]. [...]. & 96. 9. & 45. 11. & 95. 6. & 99. 5 Mat. 4. 10. 9 [...]. 7. w him all ye gods Mat. 15. 9. in vain do they w. me John 4. 24. they that w him muſt w. in Acts 17. 23. whom ye i [...]norantly w. 24. 14 ſo w. I the God of my fathers Phil. 3. 3. circumciſion w. God in ſpirit Rev. 3. 9 come and w before thy feet 13 12. the earth to w. the firſt beaſt 10. 10. to w God, 22. 9. Exod. 4. 31. worſhipped, 32. 8. Jer. 1. 16. 1 Chr. 29. 20. Rom. 1. 25. 2 Theſſ. 2. 4. Rev. 5. 14. & 7. 11. & 11. 16. & 13. 4.
  • WORTH, Job 24. 25. Prov 10. 20. Gen. 32. 10. I am not worthy of the leaſt Mat. 8. 8. I not w. thou ſhould come 10. 10 workman is w. of meat 13 [...] houſe be w. let peace reſt 37. more than me is not w. of me 22. 8. that were hidden we [...]e not w. Luke 3. 8. bring fruits w. of repentance 7. 4. he was w. for whom he ſhould do 10 7. [...]hou [...]er is w. of his hire 15. 19. no more w. to be called ſon, 21. 20. 35. counted w. to obtain reſurr. 21. 36. w. to eſcape all things Acts 5. 41. w. to ſuffer ſhame for Rom. 8. 18. not w. to be compared Eph. 4. 1. walk w. of vocation Col. 1. 10. walk w. of Lord fruitful in 1 Theſſ. 2. 12 walk w. of God who called 2 Theſſ. 1. 5. be counted w. of kingdom 11. God count you w. of this calling 1 Tim. 1. 15. w. of all acceptation, 4. 9. 5. 17. elders w. of double honour 18. labourer is w. of reward 6. [...] count maſters w of all honour Heb. 3. 3. w of more glory than Moſes 10. 29. puniſhm. ſhall he be thought w. 11. 38. of whom world was not w. Rev. 3. 4. in white for they're w. 5. 12. w. is Lamb ſlain to receive 16. 6. blood to drink for they're w.
  • WOULD God, Exod. 16. 3. Num. 11. 29. Acts 26. 29. 1 Cor. 4. 8. 2 Cor. 11. 1. Neh. 9 30. would not, Iſ. 30. 15. Mat. 18. 30. & 23. 30 37. Rom. 11. 25. Pſ 81. 11. Iſrael w. none of me Prov. 1. 25 w. none of my reproof 30. they w. none of my counſel [187] Mat. 7. 12. whatſoever ye w that men Rom. 7. 17. what I w that I do not, 19. Gal. 5. 18. cannot do things ye w. Rev. 3. 15. I w. thou wert cold or hot
  • WOUND, Exod. 21. 25. Prov. 6 3 Jer. 10. 19. & 15. 18. & 30. 12. 14. Mic. 1. 9. Prov. 27. 6. wounds, Iſ. 1. 6 Jer. 30. 17. Deut. 32. 39. I w. and I heal I kill and I 1 Cor. 8. 12. w. their weak conſcience Rev. 13 3. deadly w. was healed, 14. Pſ 69. 26. wounded, 109. 22. Song 3. 7. Prov. 18. 14. a w. ſpirit who can bear Iſ. 53. 5. he was w. for our tranſgreſſions Job 5. 18. he w. and hands make whole
  • WRATH, Gen. 49. 7. Exod. 32. 10. 11. Num 16. 46. w. gone out from Lord Deut. 32. 37. feared w of enemy Neh. 13. 18. bring more w. on Iſrael Job 5. 2. w kills fooliſh man and envy Pſ 76. 10 w. of man ſhall praiſe thee, the remainder of w. ſhalt thou reſtrain Pr. 16. [...]4 w of king as meſſenger of death Iſ. 54. 8. in a little w. I hid my face Hab. 3. 2. in w. remember mercy Mat. 3. 7. flee from w. to come Rom. 2. 5. treaſure up w. againſt day of 5. 9. ſaved from w. through him 12. 19. avenge not give place to w. 13 5. not only for w but conſcience Eph. 2. 3. by nature children of w. 4. 26 let not ſun go down on your w. 1 Theſſ 1. 10. delivered from w. to come 2. 16. w. is come on them to utmoſt 5. 9. not appointed us to w. but ſalvat. 1 Tim. 2. 8. holy hands without w. H [...]b. 11. 27. not fearing w. of king James 1. 19. ſlow to ſpeak ſlow to w. 20. w. of man works not righteouſn. of G. Rev. 6. 16 from w. of the Lamb 12. 12. having great w. becauſe 14. 8. wine of w. of her fornicat. 18 3. Ezra 8. 22 his wrath, Pſ. 2. 5. 12. & 78. 38. Jer. 7. 29. & 10. 10. Rev. 6. 17. Numb. 25. 11. my wrath, Pſ. 95. 11. Iſ. 10. 6. & 60. 10. Ezek. 7 14. Hoſ. 5. 10. Pſ. 38. 1. thy wrath, 85. 3. & 88. 7. 16. & 89 46. & [...]0. 9 11. & 102. 10. Pſ. 89. 38 wroth, Iſ. 54. 9. & 57. 17.
  • WREST, Exod. 23. 2. 2 Pet. 3. 16.
  • WRESTLE, Gen. 32. 24. 25. Eph. 6 12.
  • WRETCHED, Rom. 7. [...]7. Rev 3. 17.
  • WRINKLE, Job 16 8. Eph 5. 27.
  • WRIT [...], Exod. 34. 1 27. Deut. 27. 3. Iſ. 30. 3. Jer. 30. 2. Hab. 2. 2. Deut. 6. 9. w. them on poſts of houſe Pr 3. 31 w. them on table of heart, 7. 3. Jer. 31. 33. I'll w it in hearts, H [...]b. 8. 10. Pſ. 69. 28. not be written with righteous 102. 18. be w for generation to come Pr 22 10. have not I w. thee excell. th. Eccl. 12. 10. whi [...]h was w was upright D [...]n. 12. 1. delivered f [...]und w in book 1 Cor. 10. 11 are w. for our adm [...]nition 2 Cor. 3. 2. our epiſtle w. in our hearts 3. w. not with ink but [...] of [...] Heb. 12. 23 are w. in heav. Lu [...] [...]0. 20.
  • WRONG, Pſ. 105. 14. Jer. 22. 3. 13. Ma [...]. 20. 13. I do thee no w didſt I not 1 Cor. 6. 7. why not rather take w. 8. Col. 3. 25. that doth w. ſhall receive for 2 Cor 7. 2. wronged, Philem. 18. Prov. 8. 26. wrongeth his own ſoul
  • WROUGHT, 1 Sam. 6. 6 & 14. 45. Pſ. 139. 1 [...]. curiouſly w. in loweſt parts Iſ. 26. 12. w. all our works for us Ezek. 20. 9. I w for my name ſake, 22. John 2 21. his works are w. in God Rom. 7. 8. w. in me all manner of conc. 2 Cor. 5. 5. that hath w us for ſame Eph. 1. 20 which he w in Chriſt 1 Pet. 4. 3. to have w. will of Gentiles
  • YEA, yea, nay, nay, Mat. 5. 37. 2 Cor. 1. 18. y. and nay, 20 y. and amen
  • YEAR accept. of L. Iſ. 61. 2. Luke 4. 19. Iſ. 63. 4. y. of my redeemed is come Jer. 11. 23. y. of viſi [...]a [...]. 23. 12. & 48. 44. Job 10 5. yea [...]s as mans days, 15. 20 y. hid. Pſ 90. 4. 1000. y. 2 Pet 3. 8. Re [...]. 20. 2.
  • YESTERDAY, Job 8. [...]. Heb. 13 8
  • YIELD yourſelves to Lord, 2 Chr. 30. 8. Pſ. 67. [...]. land y. her increaſe, 85. 12. Rom. 6. 13 nor y. members inſtruments of unrighteouſneſs y. yourſelves to G. 16. yielded members as ſervants, 19. Heb. 12. 11. yield [...]th p [...]aceable fruits of
  • YOKE, Deut. 28. 48. 1 Kings 12 4. Iſ. 9. 4. broken yoke of his burden 10. 27. y. ſhall be deſtroyed becauſe of Lam. 1. 14. y. of my tranſgreſ. is bound 3 27. good a man to be [...]r y. in youth Mat. 11. 29. take my y. my y. eaſy, 30. Gal. 5. 1. y. of bondage, Acts 15. 10. 2 Cor. 6. 14. be not unequally yoked tog.
  • YOU only have I known, Amos 3. 2. Luke 10 16. that [...]eareth y. heareth me 13. 28. and y. yourſelves thruſt out 2 Cor. 12. 14. I ſeek not yours but y. Eph. 2. 1. y. hath he quickned who Col. 1. 21. y. ſometime alienated Luke 6. 20. yours is the kingdom of God 1 Cor. 3. 22. all are y. and ye Chriſts, 23.
  • YOUNG have I been, now old, Pſ. 37 25. Iſ. 4 [...]. 11. gently lead thoſe with y. 1 Tim. 5. 1. intreat younger men as br. 14. I will that y. women marry 1 Pet. 5. 5. ye y. ſubmit yourſelves to Gen. 8 21. every imag [...] [...] evil [...]r youth 1 Kings 18. 21. fear Lord from my y. Job 13. 26. poſſeſs iniquities of my y. Pſ. 25 7. remember not ſins of my y. 103 5. thy y. is renewed as eagles Eccl. 11. [...]. rejoice O young man in y. 10. childhood and y. are vanity Jer. 2. 2. I remember kindneſs of thy y. 1 Tim. 4. 12. let no man deſpiſe thy y. Prov. 7. 7. you [...]s, Iſ. 40. [...]0. 2 Tim. 2. 22. [...]ee y [...]uthful luſts
  • ZEAL for Lord of hoſts, 2 Kings to 16. Pſ. [...]9. 9 z. of thine houſe eaten me up [188] 119. 139. m [...] z. hath conſumed me Iſ. 9. 7. z. of L 'll perform this, 7 [...]. 59. 17 I was clad with z. as a cloke 63. 15. where is thy z. and ſounding of Rom. 10. 2. z. for G not according to kn. 2 Cor. 7. 11. what z. what revenge Phil 3. 6. concern z. perfec [...] the church Numb. 25. 13. he was zealous for his G. Acts 32. 3. I was z. towards God as ye Tit. 2. 14. people z. of good works Rev. 3. 19. I rebuke be z and repent Gal. 4. 18. good to be zealouſly affected in a good thing
  • ZION, 2 Sam. 5. 7. 1 Kings 8. 1. for Jeruſalem temple or church, 2 Kings [...]9. 31. Pſ. 2. 6 & 9. 11 & 14. 7. [...] 48. 2. 11. 12. & 116. 10. & 147. 12 Iſ. 1. 27. & 2. 3. & 6 [...]. 14. & 62. 1. and about ſeventy other places.
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Zitationsvorschlag für dieses Objekt
TextGrid Repository (2016). TEI. 5071 A brief concordance to the holy scriptures of the Old and New Testament By John Brown. . University of Oxford, License: Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/]. https://hdl.handle.net/11378/0000-0005-DAFA-C