
AN ESSAY ON REGIMEN. TOGETHER WITH FIVE DISCOURSES, Medical, Moral, and Philoſophical: Serving to illuſtrate the PRINCIPLES and THEORY OF Philoſophical Medicin, And point out Some of its MORAL CONSEQUENCES.

By GEO. CHEYNE, M.D. C.R.Ed.S. and F.R.S.

Felix, qui potuit rerum congnoſcere cauſas. VIRG.
Inque domus Superûm ſcandere cura fuit. OVID.
1 Cor. xiii. 12. [...]

LONDON: Printed for C. RIVINGTON, in St. Paul's Church-yard; And J. LEAKE, Bookſeller in Bath. M.DCC.XL.



HAD I the Honour to be known to a Perſon of more Probity, Steadineſs, Love to his Country, and Benevolence to the whole. Race of Mankind: Had I known a truer Friend to Chriſtianity in General, or to the Church in Particular; your Lordſhip had not been troubled with this Addreſs, nor with the Protection of this Work; which is deſign'd for the Cure, Relief, or Entertainment, of the Valetudinary, Weak and Diſeas'd in Body or Mind. Your Lordſhip's natural and acquir'd Endowments enable [] You to judge ſolidly, how well it may be fitted for that End. Good Lady HUNTINGDON, I believe, has benefited by ſome of the Rules for Health laid down in this Treatiſe; as have ſome others of the Branches of your Noble Family. Lady Betty's eminent Chriſtian Virtues are not only univerſally admir'd, but felt. Theſe Conſiderations make this Work your Lordſhip's peculiar Property; and I am greatly pleaſed with an Opportunity, publickly to declare the Honour and Eſteem I have for the Family of the HASTEINGS, and, in particular, how deeply I am,

Your Lordſhip's moſt faithful humble Servant, GEO. CHEYNE.



1. THE following Eſſay was written to inſtruct all ſober and ſerious Perſons, how to preſerve, or regain their Health; but chiefly to direct and relieve my Fellow-ſufferers, the Scorbutic, Gouty, Conſumptive, or Nervous Valetudinarian-low-livers; to make them paſs their Lives the moſt comfortably, the Degree of their Diſtempers, the Time of Life, the Nature of Things, and the ſecret Orders of Providence, will permit. And ſince they muſt be deprived, in ſome Degree, of the groſſer ſenſual Pleaſures; ſince all ſentient and intelligent Beings are made for Happineſs, will by mere Inſtinct, ſeek it ſome-how, and ſome-where; ſince their neceſſary Low-living will naturally [ii] (in time at leaſt) make them high-ſpirited, and their intellectual Organs more acute, penetrating, and delicate; I have endeavour'd, by the following Diſcourſes, to ſupply them with ſome ſuitable Entertainments and Amuſements, ſuch as I have often agreeably diverted my leiſure Hours with.

2. True Philoſophy is the Science of living the moſt happily, through the whole Period of our Exiſtence, the Nature of things will permit; Phyſic is but one Branch of this Philoſophy, and regards but one part of our Compoſition, and but for a ſmall Period of our Duration. True Philoſophy takes in the whole Extent of our Being, from its moſt diſtant Beginning, to its moſt advanced Stages, poſſible or conceiveable. True Phyſic is that only which directs how the Body may be preſerved the moſt healthful, the intellectual Organs depending on the Body the moſt acute, the Senſes the moſt perfect, and the Limbs the moſt [iii] active; not for a while only, and by Fits and Starts, but uniformly, as long as they were made to laſt, and as the original Frame and Texture will permit: Any thing leſs than this, is but as a Part to the Whole; an imperfect and unfiniſh'd Sketch of ſuch a Philoſophy, and ſuch a Phyſic, their Theory and Principles, was intended by the following Eſſay and Diſcourſes.

3. They were compoſed at different Times, and on different Occaſions; but one general Scheme, and one manner of free philoſophizing, and eaſy Conjecturing, runs through them all; one, to wit, where the fundamental Truth, or Propoſition in general, is ſuppos'd either allow'd, reveal'd, or already demonſtrated. But the Why? the final Cauſes, the moral Conſequences, and the particular Detail, is only here conjectured about, from probable or philoſophic Principles. This neceſſarily makes them more looſe, unguarded, and immethodical, and the [iv] ſame things to be often repeated. But I had neither Leiſure, Reliſh, nor Strength of Application, to remedy theſe Faults; it would have coſt me more Trouble than the firſt Compoſure. All I could obtain of myſelf, was to make a ſhort, more diſtinct Abſtract of the whole, and join a few Explications, to prevent Cavil, and all Miſtakes not wilful and diſingenuous, if poſſible.

4. I am very ſenſible, by this Work, I ſhall make myſelf obnoxious to two very different kinds of Men, the Stiff, Rigid, and Preciſe; and the Licentious, Unguarded, Spurious, Free-Thinkers. The firſt, very probably, will cenſure my Conjectures and Sentiments, as dangerous, and preſumptuous, and myſelf, as being wiſe above what is written, and arrogantly prying into the Secrets of infinit Wiſdom. It is very poſſible I may have been faulty, in this particular. I am ſenſible, that ſome even undoubted Truths, that may hurt the Weak, ought to be concealed, [v] or enjoy'd only in ſecret; the ſame Degrees of Light not being equally luminous and perceptive to all Eyes. But ſince old Men, and Valetudinarians eſpecially, become, as it were, Children a ſecond time, and, in their ſecond Childhood, thoſe muſt have their Rattles as well as theſe; I thought it ſafer, as I am ſure it is much more entertaining, to play with Ideas, philoſophic Conjectures, and ſuch Amuſements, how weakly ſoever founded, as tend to make Virtue and its Source amiable, juſtify the Conduct of Providence, and mend and rejoice the Heart without hurting the Head, than to dwell on the dark Side of Things, that lead to Pyrrhoniſm, Fataliſm, Infidelity, and Deſpair. If I thought I had advanced any thing derogatory from the Amiableneſs of infinit Perfection, contrary to the Doctrine of the earlieſt and pureſt Times of Chriſtianity, contradictory to the Analogy of Faith, and the Form of ſound Words, I had committed theſe Sheets to the Flames, with the Hand of their Author, [vi] before I had publiſhed them. But, on the contrary, I hoped they might agreeably entertain my Valetudinarian, who being placed by his low Health, in the middle State, between both Worlds, the old and the new, muſt unavoidably, at ſome times, figure to himſelf ſome ſort of a Map of the next World. I was therefore willing to try to illuminat it, the beſt I could, and to trace ſome of the Out-lines of the Paſſages from this to that Manſion; by endeavouring to illuſtrat, from not ſo common a Set of Principles and Philoſophy, ſome great and fundamental Truths, eſtabliſh'd on more popular Proofs, viz. that there is no Poſſibility of Happineſs here or hereafter, without Purity of Heart and Life; and that the true Reaſon of the preſent Darkneſs, both in Providence and Revelation, is the Difficulty of recovering this Purity of Heart and Life, to its utmoſt Perfection, in free lapſed Intelligences, conſiſtent with their Liberty, and the Harmony of the Divine Attributes, [vii] which infinit Power and Wiſdom will not, I might ſay, cannot, counter act.

5. I apprehend leſs Quarter from the oppoſit Set of Men, who may honour me with Enthuſiaſm, Romanceing, and Caſtle-building, without any ſolid Foundation. All I have to ſay is, that perhaps my Manner of explaining ſome great and fundamental Truths, and a few of the Conſequences I draw by my Method, may be defective: And perhaps, from ſome of the Links being dropt, and from Faults in the wording, the Chain of the Reaſoning may not be always clear and ſtrong; but I am ſure the Foundation is ſolid and juſt, and allow'd to be ſuch by all true Philoſophers; and without it, all general and abſtracted Reaſoning (on theſe imperceptible Subjects) muſt be vain; I mean, without admitting Analogy: For without ſuppoſing the Evidence and Probability of it, (it being in Things only, what Proportion is in Numbers, and its Progreſſions being only [viii] like the higher and ſubſequent Terms of a Series in Algebra, from ſome of the firſt and ſimpleſt Terms being given) no general Laws, nor univerſal Propoſitions, can be found out, in Mathematicks, Philoſophy, or Morality. For Induction, either in Experiment, Obſervation, or Calculation, muſt be always particular and limited. Perhaps the Method, when managed by a clearer Head, and a more ſolid Judgment, may become a noble Source of divine Knowledge, and a ſublime Philoſophy. Mathematicians well know, that there are ſeveral different Methods of inveſtigating the ſame Propoſitions in Algebra and Geometry; and there is ſcarce a Geometer, but has his own Method of Inveſtigation. The ſame Concluſions, drawn from different demonſtrated Truths, give a ſenſible Pleaſure, and a ſtronger Conviction, to an honeſt Heart, and a Lover of Truth; and I could not but be delighted with the Univerſality, Simplicity, and Luminouſneſs of the Method of [ix] Analogy, and the other Principles I have laid down in the following Diſcourſes, not having met with an Objection, Difficulty, or even a Puzzle almoſt, in Nature, Providence, or Revelation, which had not an eaſy, conſequential or probable Solution from them, which is, at leaſt, a Prejudice in their Favour. I had nothing to do, but to try the Difficulty, in its moſt ſimple and obvious Caſes, (as I uſed to do in Algebra, to find out univerſal Canons) and attentively to obſerve the Conditions of the Progreſſion, till the higher Terms involved the Complication.

6. There are ſome Perſons made ſo by Nature, that they are ſlow, dark, gloomy, joyleſs, puzzling, and perplexing, and they paſs for the wiſe, prudent, guarded Men of the World: They may attack Error, but ſeldom find out Truth by themſelves; like the Scuttle-fiſh, they ſpout out their own black Liquor on the pellucid Element. If they are honeſt [x] and ſincere, they are much to be pitied, and are to be treated with Humanity and Charity, being in the State of thoſe born poor and blind, and ſo deſtitute of the Neceſſaries and Conveniencies of Life. They muſt do the beſt they can, and be charitably ſupplied, and with Docility be willing to be led by others; and thus, tho' their Trial might be hard and ſevere, yet their Victory would be meritorious and glorious. But, on the contrary, it often happens, that Licentiouſneſs, Self-ſufficiency, and a ſupercilious Contempt of others, are the true Cauſes of their Darkneſs and Indigence, and that they have themſelves, by wrong or no Culture, ſtunted the Organs of their Faculties, and by a perpetual Mal-regimen have diſtorted them.

7. I take common Happineſs, in our natural State at preſent, to lie in the Purſuit of the general Meaſures of Thinking, Acting and Living, follow'd by the greateſt part of the middling Rank of [xi] our Species (as it is in their Order in other Animals); and common Senſe (as it is diſtinguiſhed from cultivated and refin'd Senſe) to lie in aſſenting and conforming to the Truths and Manners, agreed upon explicitly or implicitly, in the Community where Providence has placed us, without ſome irreſiſtible, that is, miraculous Evidence, or a peaceable, ſilent, and not intermeddling Self-conviction to the contrary. And he who pretends to be happy, as to his outward Circumſtances, out of common Life, or wiſe as to intellectual Endowments, out of common Senſe, in Things on a Level with his Occupation and Education; I take him always to labour under ſome undiſcover'd chronical nervous Diſtemper, be the other Appearances what they will, and have been ſeldom miſtaken in a particular Caſe. For tho' a ſound Mind be not the only ſure Evidence of a ſound Body, yet it will always ſhew, that none of the great Organs of Life is intirely ſpoilt, or greatly damaged, however tender and [xii] delicate they may be. It is more difficult, than perhaps moſt Men are aware of, to determin, with any Degree of Exactneſs, the Limits that ſeparat Wiſdom from Folly, Wrong-headedneſs from intellectual Sanity; the moſt perfect Man here has a Mixture of both: Optimus ille, qui minimis urgetur. Certain it is, that true Wiſdom, and a ſound Mind, conſiſts in firſt pondering, and then doing, every thing as near as we can, with Order, Number, Weight and Meaſure: But ſince Preciſion is incompatible with Finitude, if we endeavour to be conſtantly progreſſive towards Perfection, tho' by gentle Steps, neither ſtopping nor turning aſide, but doing the beſt we can without Scrupuloſity, and generouſly hopeing and believeing, that infinit Wiſdom and Goodneſs has, or will ſupply the reſt, in his own Time and Manner, we cannot fail.

8. Were I to chooſe for myſelf, conſidering the many certain Miſeries and [xiii] Temptations of this State of Probation, the few uncertain Antidotes, and much fewer ſincere, durable, and real Pleaſures; I had much rather have the weaker, than the ſtronger Syſtem of Nerves, within the Extremes. I had rather chooſe to be contented with the ſlight and ſlender, than covet the ſtrong and pungent Pleaſures. I had rather be happy in a Dream, than miſerable awake. In a word, I had rather chooſe to be an innocent, benevolent, tho' weaker and more credulous Perſon, than a malicious, critical, ſpurious Free-thinker, even with regard to this Life only. They moſt certainly are, comparatively, unhappy and joyleſs in themſeves, and are unharmoniouſly fram'd, in Body as well as Mind, who can delight, and employ their Talents, on throwing Darkneſs and Doubts even on the imaginary Happineſs (ſuppoſe it ſuch) of their Fellow-Creatures: Nothing but Rancour, and acrid Juices, could be pleaſed with tearing and deſtroying Childrens [xiv] Play-things; and the wiſeſt Man here is comparatively but a Child.

9. As to myſelf, I can honeſtly affirm, I have had but one uniform manner of thinking in Philoſophy, Phyſic, and Divinity, in the main, ever ſince my Thoughts were fix'd, and my Principles eſtabliſh'd: They may have had Alternatives of greater Light and Darkneſs, occaſionally and tranſiently, according to the State of my Spirits, Knowledge, and Experience; but in the Heart of my Soul (ſo to ſpeak) I have been uniform, and under the ſame Convictions, as to the Fundamentals of theſe Sciences; and always thought ſpurious Free-Thinkers, active Latitudinarians, and Apoſtolic Infidels, (it being a Contradiction they can be certain in their Negative Opinions, or by them when propagated, ſhould do any Good to their Fellow-Creatures, but an infinit deal of Hurt) under ſome obſtinat bodily Diſtemper, and much more proper Subjects for Medicin [xv] than Argument; and that a low Diet, long and obſtinatly perſiſted in, would at laſt cure both their Body and their Mind, ſo far as it depends on the Body, eſpecially where Vice and Infidelity have not become habitual, as they certainly have in old Sinners: As I firmly believe, and am as much convinced as I am of any natural Effect, that Water-drinking only will preſerve all the Opulent healthy from every mortal Diſtemper, bateing Accidents, hereditary and epidemical Diſeaſes; and that a Diet of Milk and Seeds, with Water-drinking only, duly continued, and prudently managed, with proper Evacuation, Air and Exerciſe, is the moſt infallible Antidote for all the obſtinat Diſeaſes of the Body, and Diſtemperature of the Mind, ſo far as it depends on the Body, the preſent State of Things will permit; and that it will cure every Diſorder in the Body, cureable, and render the Diſtemperature of the Mind more tractable; and that, in all Events, it will make both [xvi] more tolerable, than they can poſſibly be otherwiſe. This Regimen I have for theſe twenty Years, firſt and laſt, purſued, and ſhall, with the Divine Aid, perſiſt in it to my laſt Moments; hitherto, I thank GOD, with as much Vivacity, Health and Activity, as can be expected at my time of Life, under ſuch a gouty, ſcorbutic and nervous Habit. The State of my Intellectuals will be beſt known by the following Diſcourſes, which were deſign'd to illuſtrate the Principles, Theory, and moral Uſes of philoſophical Medicin. The practical Inferences, and the Concluſions drawn from them in particular Caſes and Diſeaſes, confirm'd by forty Years Experience and Obſervation, will follow in due Time, in a Treatiſe intitled, The natural Method of Cure in the Diſeaſes of the Body, and Diſtempers of the Mind thereon depending; if GOD ſhall ſee fit, by the Preſervation of my Health and Faculties.


A Philoſophical and Practical Eſſay
on the general Method and Medicins, but particularly on the Regimen and Diet, its Quantity, Quality, Order and Choice, fitteſt to preſerve Health, prolong Life, and produce equal good Spirits, in Perſons of all Ages and Conſtitutions.
Philoſophical Conjectures about the Nature and Qualities of the original animal Body, and of its progreſſive State, in its ſeveral Stages of Exiſtence.
Philoſophical Conjectures about the preference of vegetable to animal Food, and of the End and Deſign of Providence, in appointing the Firſt, and, on Trial, permitting the Latter.
A Philoſophical Theory, founded on Experiments, of the Nature and Laws of minute inanimat Bodies, and their Syſtems in general.
Philoſophical Conjectures on ſpiritual Nature, the human Spirit, in particular.
Philoſophical Conjectures on Natural Analogy, its Laws, and ſome of their Conſequences.
[iv]An Abſtract,
or a brief, but diſtinct, Repreſentation of the Doctrines and Sentiments contained in the precedeing Diſcourſes.

N. B. This Abſtract is deſigned as an Index of the Contents of each particular Paragraph, with the Page where it is to be readily found.

A Philoſophical and Practical ESSAY ON THE GENERAL Method and Medicins, But particularly on the REGIMEN of DIET, ITS Quantity, Quality, Order and Choice, fitteſt to preſerve HEALTH, prolong LIFE, and produce equal good SPIRITS, in perſons of all Ages and Conſtitutions.
[i]A Philoſophical and Practical ESSAY ON THE General METHOD and MEDICINS;
But particularly on The REGIMEN of DIET, its Quantity, Quality, Order and Choice, fitteſt to preſerve HEALTH, prolong LIFE, and produce equal good SPIRITS, in Perſons of all Ages and Conſtitutions.

‘Vivere Naturoe, ſi convenienter, oportet. HOR.

§. 1. THERE is not a more pernicious Error in Phyſic, or one more oppoſit to the Expectation of Patients, (viz. the Preſervation or Recovery of their Health) than that very common and univerſally received Opinion, That there are Bodies in Nature, or in the Materia Medica, or ſuch as may be found out by Art, by dividing, compounding, or altering them by the Tortures of the Fire, which will ſuddenly, [ii] or in any great Degree, change or deſtroy the Malignity of the morbid Humors of animal Bodies; or will intirely alter the Nature, Qualities, Figure, Size and Laws of Coheſion of the Particles that compoſe their Fluids and Solids; from an unſound and unhealthy State, to one of a kindly and benign Nature (a wild Notion, at firſt introduc'd and propagated by enthuſiaſtical Chymiſts, Quacks and Symptom-Doctors). An animal Body is nothing but a Compages or Contexture of Pipes, an hydraulic Machin, fill'd with a Liquor of ſuch a Nature as was transfus'd into it by its Parents, or is changed into by the Nature of the Food it is nouriſh'd with, and is ever afterwards good, bad, or indifferent, as theſe two Sources have ſent it forth. The Primae Viae, or the alimentary Tube, is, as it were, a Common Sewer, may be foul'd or clean'd in various Manners, and with great Facility; it is wide, open, and reaſonably ſtrong, in moſt Animals: But from the Inteſtines into the Habit, (which only ought to be reckon'd the Body, or the Vehicle of the Soul) and into the ſanguiferous Tubes, into the Glands and Bowels, the Paſſages from thence are ſo ſtreight and narrow, that they are but infiniteſimal Pores, rather than Orifices, Strainers and Searches, rather than Mouths of Tubes, and are ſcarce ever viſible or perceptible in a healthy State; and the Supply and Nutriture of the Fluids and Solids muſt paſs under the [iii] Form of a Steam or Vapour through them, and not in the Form of a Liquor, either for Food or Phyſic, either to increaſe the Quantity, or alter the Quality of the Blood and Juices; and the Solids (which concentred, conſolidated and condens'd into their real or firſt Formation Size, would not equal a Grain of Sand) are permanent and dureable, and continue pretty much in that State of Elaſticity and Firmneſs, they were firſt created with; and they are ſtrong or weak, ſmall or coarſe, firm or lax, looſe or elaſtic, blunt or ſharp, as they were firſt made by the ſupreme Artificer, or are alter'd ſomewhat by the original Dyſcraſy or Diſtempers of the Parents, (the Mother can only mend or ſpoil their Juices, which might be eaſily perfected by long Continuance in a ſweetening Diet, during their younger Days; which if they ſurvive, they generally grow ſtronger as they grow older, become the Genii, and the Governors of the World, becauſe the Solids, thus purified, come from the Father alone) and continue much the ſame all the Time of their Duration on this Globe, except ſo far as the ſmall temporary and fugitive Alteration that Diet, Exerciſe, or Evacuation, or mild ponderous Medicines long continued, may make on them; ſo ſmall a Matter it really is, that Phyſic, or the Materia Medica, can perform on the Habit, on the Solids at leaſt; and yet it is only in and by them, that Health, long Life and Serenity are to be had: The moſt that Phyſic [iv] or Phyſicians can do, is in and by the Primae Viae, or alimentary Tube, through theſe fine lacteal Searches into the Habit.

§. 2. WHAT is it then, will it be ſaid, that Art, Phyſic or a philoſophic Phyſician, can truly do, to relieve the Miſeries, Pains and Diſeaſes of their Fellow-Creatures? A great deal, if judiciouſly and honeſtly directed, and obſtinatly and exactly purſued, viz. by mending the Juices in the Manner Nature, the Diſtemper, the Age, and the Habitudes of the Patient point out. Theſe (the Juices) are the only things in an animal Body, in the Power and under the Dominion of a Phyſician. If the principal Intentions of the Phyſician be to mend the Blood and Juices, they will in time, and by the wiſe Mechaniſm of Nature, rectify and confirm the Solids into their proper Situation and Tone; for it is out of, and by the Juices, that the Solids are nouriſh'd, figur'd and cloath'd. Air and Exerciſe will give them the proper Firmneſs and Degree of Elaſticity, and then the animal Functions will be perform'd with Facility and Pleaſure, and thereby the Perſon will enjoy Health and Serenity. Art can do nothing but remove Impediments, reſolve Obſtructions, cut off and tear away Excreſcences and Superfluities, and reduce Nature to its primitive Order; and this only can be done by a proper and ſpecific Regimen in Quantity and Quality, by Air and Exerciſe, and by welljudg'd and timeous Evacuation, and prepareing [v] the morbid Juices for eaſier Elimination, by Means which, I fear, lie in a narrow Compaſs, and depend moſtly on the mild mineral Medicins (which were never originally deſign'd by Nature to be introduc'd into an animal Body, and always rend, tear and wear them out faſter, like Spirits and chymical Medicins, but in bad Caſes are at firſt at leaſt neceſſary) judiciouſly managed with proper Dilution.

§. 3. PHLEBOTOMY will directly let out a Part of the bad and vicious Juices, to be immediatly ſupplied with good ones, from proper Regimen, by making the Veſſels more roomy, and thereby enabling the Circulation to make her fuller Rounds; for when the Blood-Veſſels are too turgid and full, or the Juices too thick, groſs, and ſizy, to tumify them, the natural Secretions and Diſcharges will be too ſmall to admit into them new, freſh, ſweet Juices, from Food or Phyſic, which well-tim'd, partial and frequent Phlebotomy, will much aſſiſt. Vomits drive forcibly out of the upper Part of the chyliferous Tube, not only its noxious Contents, but ſtrongly ſqueeze all the Glands (which are infinit) of the Abdomen, diſſolve and fuſe by its Convulſions, and internal Compreſſure, their Contents, (and that of the univerſal Maſs of the Fluids) and promote their Expulſion; and, frequently repeated, are of more Uſe and Efficacy than all the other Evacuations join'd together; for they not only truly [vi] reach the Habit, ſupply the Place of Exerciſe, cleanſe the internal Viſcera and Glands, (which can by no other means be reached) but compreſs, ſquecze and drive out the moſt diſtant Obſtructions, by ſetting the whole Syſtem, and the moſt remote Fibre, in violent Action and Play; and where the Solids and natural Strength will admit, are, I think, the moſt univerſal Remedy known to Art, if obſtinatly and long perſiſted in, in chronical and obſtinat Caſes eſpecially; for moſt infallibly they bring out all the latent moſt remote Morboſities in the Habit, diſſolve and fuſe them, and mix them with the univerſal Maſs of Fluids, in the Trunks of the great Veſſels, to be more readily and eaſily thrown out of the Habit: but they are a hard Work, and few can bear them. Purges clean and empty the lower Part of the chyliferous Tubes, leave the Glands ſituated there, more Freedom to part with their Obſtructions by ſubſequent Repetitions: but this Evacuation, tho' much eaſier, yet is a great way about, and of ſlow and ſmall Efficacy in great Diſeaſes, unleſs the Malady be ſituated in the lowermoſt Regions of the Body; and even then Vomits do it ſooner and more effectually: and in weak Habits, and nervous Diſtempers, Purges ruffle extremely. Diaphoretics, I think, do little in theſe our Northern Climats, unleſs they be very gentle, and are uſeful only in acute Caſes, where Nature tends towards a Criſe; in chronical Caſes, they heat and inflame, and only [vii] ſpend the thinneſt and moſt aqueous Parts of the Fluids, which are generally moſt innocent. Diuretics ſcour and clean the urinary Paſſages, and carry off ſcorbutic and nephritic Salts: but to be innocent or efficacious, they ought to conſiſt of the thinneſt, ſofteſt and cooleſt of all Liquors, that is, the pureſt Water, juſt ſoften'd and acuated by the Meal or Salt of ſome proper Vegetable. Bliſters are moſtly Topical, they melt, fuſe, and draw forth the viſcid Serum from the capillary Veſſels, and leave Room for a freer Circulation; and when promoted and effected by Cantharides, have a ſenſible Effect on the moſt diſtant Fluids and Solids; and in acute Caſes, they are indeed the greateſt and moſt effectual Remedy. Theſe are moſt and chiefeſt of the Evacuations uſed in the Practice of Phyſic, and, judiciouſly and properly purſued, are of the greateſt Conſequence to lay a ſolid Foundation for a Cure.

§. 4. MERCURY and Antimony alone, with their milder Preparations, judiciouſly managed, and united with the ſpecific Juice of Vegetables that Experience has determin'd proper for the Diſtemper, upon all the Reaſoning and Experience I have ever had, bids faireſt for attenuating the Juices, and opening the Obſtructions in the ſmall Veſſels and Glands, and ſo fitting the morbid Particles for Elimination; but they are a two-edged Sword, and deſtroy weak Perſons in unskilful Hands; but I have Occaſion to ſpeak more explicitly of [viii] their Nature and Effects in another Place. Nitre and its Preparations, eſpecially the animal Preparation of it, in Wood-lice, has been thought by all Antiquity, the moſt innocent and yet moſt effectual of all the ſaline Tribe of Medicins, to cool, deterge, and open Obſtructions; and its ſenſible Effect in dividing the Blood-Globules in the Lungs, and giving it thereby its Scarlet Colour, and its Efficacy in propagating and quickening Fire and Light, (in both which Effects it has undoubtedly a great Power, if not the greateſt) ſhew its Energy; and in febrile Exacerbations, eſpecially of the Symptomatic kind from malignant Ulcers, and an inflammatory State of the Blood, when plentifully diluted with pure Water, and long continued, I think, and have found it the beſt, if not the only Remedy, ſufficient to juſtify the great Encomium on the Natron of the Antients. When the Blood is ſufficiently fus'd, and the Glands made ſufficiently open and pervious, by Evacuation and Diet, then Steel, Bark and Bitters, judiciouſly prepared, and fitted to the original Strength of the Solids of the Patients, will be found the moſt effectual, to wind up the Springs of Life, and to give a Tenſion, due Tone, and proper Degree of Elaſticity to the Solids, the Fibres and Nerves, but eſpecially the Membranes, which, I think, are the true and only Seats of Spring and Elaſticity, and the proper immediat Inſtruments of Motion and the Functions in an animal Machin: Long and great Evacuation, and a thin cool Diet, while [ix] they are purſued to fuſe, thin, and attenuat the Juices, muſt of Neceſſity relax and let down the Spring of all the Solids; when the Juices are ſufficiently thin'd and attenuated, (which Blood-letting will always diſcover) then, to give Strength, Vigour and Activity to the Patient, that all the Secretions may be duely made; the ſole Intention to perfect the Cure, I ſay, is to wind up the Solids again, as far as Art can, which, I fear, is not far; at leaſt, I have never found it much, nor very dureable; for all Aſtringents are of the Nature, act by the ſame Laws, and have the Effect that Wine and ſpirituous Liquors have, and are not unlike the buckling upon Pipes and boiling ſoft broken Hair; they will give them a new Tenſion and proper Figure for a ſhort time, but their Efficacy and Relief is only fugitive and tranſient, and never dureable; and they effect at the ſame time a thickening, incraſſating and ſizeing on the Blood and Juices, while they are winding up, braceing and contracting the Solids; for the Effects of the Qualities and Powers of all Bodies, both Liquids and Solids, of Food and Phyſic, are always in a duplicat Proportion of the Diſtance from the Centre of their component Particles. There is indeed this Difference between Bark, Bitters and Steel, and that of ſtrong Liquors, that the Sides of the Veſſels, eſpecially their fine cloſe membranous Coats, imbibe, attract and preſerve the aſtringent Virtue and Qualities of Bark, Bitters and Steel, and ſuch Aſtringents and Bracers, longer, [x] by reaſon of their innate attractive Virtue on the Particles of ſuch Bodies, their greater Solidity, and cloſer Texture, than the Blood Globules and the circulating Fluids do, which are in a perpetual Flux; and ſpirituous Liquors mixing more immediatly, fully, and by cloſer and larger Contacts with the circulating Juices, ſpend their Efficacy on them, and thicken them faſter. For theſe Cauſes and Reaſons, I ſay, ſtrong Liquors muſt have a more immediat and ſtronger Effect on the Blood and Juices, for condenſing and thickening them, than Steel, Bitters and Bark, and ſuch-like Aſtringents can have; and ſo ſpirituous Liquors much indulged, muſt neceſſarily have a much quicker, and more deleterious Effect on animal Fluids, than Steel and Aſtringents can: but ſtill they both act in one Tenor, and by one general Law; and Steel, Bitters and Aſtringents, improperly and intemperatly us'd, and over-dos'd, will have the ſame kind of bad Effects, and produce the ſame Symptoms and Diſeaſes that Intemperance in ſtrong Liquors will; only they are ſooner felt, are leſs grateful and bewitching, are much leſs or not at all craved, and conſequently are ſooner given over.

§. 5. IT is Diet alone, proper and ſpecific Diet, in Quantity, Quality and Order, continued in till the Juices are ſufficiently thinn'd, to make the Functions regular and eaſy, which is the ſole univerſal Remedy, and the only Mean known to Art, or that an animal Machin, [xi] without being otherwiſe made than it is, can uſe with certain Benefit and Succeſs, which can give Health, long Life and Serenity. There is an innate Degree of Strength and Elaſticity in the Solids, to circulat the Liquors, and promote the Secretions, and carry on the vital Functions, with which one comes into the World, which they derive from their Birth and Parents, which is ever after but little alter'd even either by Art or Diet: Growth, Inlargement of the Body, and cruſting over the original Solids, and Maturation, only fills the linear and infiniteſimal original Tubes and Veſſels with a proper Liquor, to ſtretch, extend, and plump them, as a Sack is fill'd with Grain, or a Bladder with Air or Water; from that Liquor, their Coats, the fleſhy and nervous Fibres of the Muſcles, Tendons and Membrans, and other Solids of the Body, is thicken'd, cruſted over, and condens'd; the Spring, Elaſticity, and motive Power, lies ſolely and intirely in the original, primary, divinely organis'd linear Fibrils, and the Membrans made of them. The Incruſtration and Incraſſation from the Fluids, in the Tubes ſuperinduced on them, but weakens their original Spring and Elaſticity, both by its Weight and incommenſurat Vibrations, as we find by the Elaſticity of Twigs, the ſharp Notes of fine ſmall Hairs, and the Agility of young Animals. The Elaſticity conſiſts mainly in the original Degree of Attraction in the component [xii] elementary Particles of the linear Fibrils, primarily faſhion'd by the Author of Nature; and it is in this Elaſticity alone, the Force, Power and Pleaſure of Life, and of the animal Functions, conſiſts. If the Elaſticity of theſe Solids be ſuch, as eaſily, readily and pleaſantly to overcome and ſlide over all the Rubs, Impediments and Letts in the Functions, (whatever State the Fluids be in) then the Animal is healthy, active and gay; otherwiſe, if they are perform'd with Labour and Struggle, and from too great Efforts of the ſelf-motive Principle on the primarily divinely organis'd Vehicles, and its Load of Cruſt which is laid on it, to defend it from the Injuries of this Element, and ruinous Planet we are now confin'd to: For as a Surgeon lays a Plaiſter on a Sore, to defend it from the Air, and the Touch of hard rough Bodies; if this Plaiſter itſelf ſhould be hard, rough, corroſive, or ſtimulating, it would become a Pain and Incommodity, inſtead of a Pleaſure or Defence. It is out of the Juices that circulat in the Tubes, that this plaiſtering is made on the primitive ſenſible elaſtic Fibrils; and it is therefore of the laſt Conſequence, and indeed the One thing neceſſary, that theſe Juices be the ſweeteſt, lighteſt and moſt lenient poſſible; and this we can only bring about by Diet, ſoft, ſweet, cool, mild Diet.


§. 6. SOME Perſons have induſtriouſly and deſignedly ſpread it about, that I was of Opinion, that a ſole ſtrict Vegetable; or Milk and Seed Diet, was the beſt and fitteſt for all Perſons, Climats, and Ages, without Exception or Limitation, and the only one proper, approv'd by the Author of Nature, and ſpecific to cure all animal Diſtempers; adviſed my Patients no other, or pretended to cure them no other way, be their Diſtemper what it will. My Opinions are of little Conſequence to the World, and I hope I have too little Value or Regard for them, as they are mine, to be any Degree ſanguin or concern'd for their Reception. I have, and I hope have always expreſs'd, ſo great a Regard for the Wiſdom, Fitneſs, and Propriety of Things, as diſcover'd by Revelation, (from whence the Patent for animal Food is deriv'd) not to ſet up my Opinions or Ideas in Oppoſition to thoſe of holy Writ, and the Divine Spirit ſpeaking in it. The Wiſdom of Man, even that of the higheſt Cherubim, is but Fooliſhneſs, when compared with the Omniſcience of God, and his wiſe Providence. He that made us and ſent us here, knows beſt what is fitteſt for us, to anſwer and bring about his own Deſigns of Love and Mercy. But I am thoroughly convinced, from Reaſon, Experience, Philoſophy and Revelation, that in our preſent State, in this our probatory tranſitory Situation, on this ruinous Globe, (ſenſibly and [xiv] evidently ſpoil'd a ſecond time by the Deluge) on which we are now ſituated, that animal Food, their Juices, and integral Particles, are the fitteſt and moſt proper, to produce moſt quickly and more immediatly, the firmeſt hardeſt human Fleſh, and warmeſt ſtrongeſt Blood. There is a Similarity and Homogeneity between the muſcular Fleſh of tender ſweet Animals, and that of the human Body; the integral Particles of the Solids of the firſt, and the component Globules of their Juices, are ready form'd, figur'd and adjuſted to build up the Fleſh, and cloath the Solids, and furniſh out the Juices of the latter: they are at hand, adjuſted by Square and Compaſs, directly to be laid together, to rear the Solids; and their Juices are inur'd and familiaris'd to perform the Meanders of the Circulation, and with Facility to perform all the animal Functions, with the leaſt Labour or Struggle, leſs than thoſe of Vegetables in general; as a Maſon will ſooner and more ſtrongly build the Walls of a Houſe, who has hewn plain rectangular Stones at hand, than one who has rough Stones only, Sand and Mortar, all which muſt be firſt figur'd or prepar'd for a ſolid dureable Building. All this, I think, is true, juſt and philoſophical; and while Youth and tolerable Health continues, none ought to alter the common temperat Diet of the middling Rank of thoſe among whom he lives, for a particular or artificial one, without [xv] a particular Call, and the beſt Advice: Nay, I think ſuch a Change unnatural, out of the Order of Providence, and in ſome Degree immoral. When a Perſon is tolerably well, and not far advanced into Life, to change an animal for a vegetable Diet, to avoid mere Poſſibilities and future Contingencies, is arrogantly prying into the divine Decrees, and inſolently criticiſing the Conduct of his Providence. If God's Deſign is to purify us by Pains and Penalties here, ours ought not to be only the mere enjoying the Kingdoms of this World, and the Glories thereof. If his be to ſhorten the Time of our Sufferings, by rendering them more intenſe; ours ought to be to bear them as long as by his Aſſiſtance we poſſibly can, in the common Courſe of Nature and Providence; for if we cowardly fly from them on one Side, He has Power and Skill enough to double them in another; in this Particular, whatever is, is beſt: But if we ſhould find our Pains and Sufferings ſo intenſe, that they are no longer tolerable, but hinder, inſtead of promoting, what is our Duty and Vocation, and what we are convinced is beſt for us, then he has adviſed us, when perſecuted in one City, to flee to another: Then, and only then, when animal Food will no longer do, we are to try what Milk and Seeds can do to eaſe our Pain. It is only the Croſs of God's Appointment, and which he declares his, by natural Cauſes, and in the Courſe of his Providence, [xvi] unforeſeen and unavoidable, which we are to take up daily, and with all the Joy, Alacrity and Reſignation, that the Meaning of a Croſs can imply, that is, the beſt we can, with the Aid of his Grace. And if Suffering, Puniſhment, Pains and Penalties, and ſhortening the Duration of our Impriſonment here, be the very beſt for us in our preſent Situation and State; and if animal Food, and fermented Liquors, naturally, neceſſarily, and mechanically produce theſe Effects more readily than Vegetables, Milk and Seed Foods, and aqueous Liquors, then was it with infinit Wiſdom, Kindneſs and Fitneſs, that the Holy Spirit permitted animal Food, and inlarged the Materials of our Aliment, even tho' his firſt Intention for Man had been Vegetables only (which could only be in a paradiſaical State, or on a better unſpoil'd Planet). But the real Truth is, Nature, our Globe, the various unkindly Climats, the different Ages, States, Conditions and Circumſtances under which Man is at preſent, render it utterly impoſſible and impracticable, that Man ſhould be advis'd, order'd or commanded, by infinit Wiſdom, to live only on Vegetables. It is not, and it cannot be, by Bread alone that Man can live at preſent; it cannot anſwer the Ends, Uſes and Occaſions Men are now neceſſitated to purſue. Great and ſudden Efforts of Proweſs and Strength cannot be anſwer'd or executed by Vegetables and Water only; they are too thin, weak and poor. Youth-hood, Vigour, [xvii] Robuſtneſs, and great Action, would be tortur'd, and languiſh under Bread and Water in ever ſo great Plenty: Milk, Fruits, Seeds and Vegetables, in any Perfection, are of much greater Expence and Labour to procure, than that the Poor and Neceſſitous now can afford them, eſpecially in Northern Climats; they have loſt their Vigour, Energy and Balſam, ſince the Deluge. Milk is appropriated for Children, and not grown Men, to anſwer the Ends of Providence. But to explain my Thoughts on this Matter as a Phyſician only, as clearly and preciſely as I can, as they flow from natural Philoſophy, the animal Oeconomy, and my own Experience, I ſay, 1. That after a Fever, or any acute Diſtemper is over, and had its perfect Criſe, and the Perſon is not paſt the Meridian of Life, the Blood and Juices, by the ſtrong and violent Labour of the Solids, being ſufficiently ground, effete and languid, a Milk, Seed, or vegetable Diet, is by no means long and obſtinatly to be continued in; it would continue the Party too languid, the Juices too thin and vapid, and the Spirits too low; and therefore he ought abſolutely to be directed to an animal Diet, and temperatly ſtrong Liquors of the lighteſt, moſt nouriſhing and balſamic Nature, to be gradually and cautiouſly enter'd upon; eſpecially as he begins to be capable of Air and Exerciſe. 2. If upon takeing away a few Ounces of Blood only out of a large Orifice, the Curd is found too thin, tender, watery, and [xviii] too readily fuſible, or diſſolvible in warm Water, and the Serum too clear, whiteiſh, or in too great a Quantity; a Milk, Seed and vegetable Diet, is by no means to be longer continued in, but is to be altered gradually into light, ſweet and young animal Food, and temperat fermented Liquors. 3. If after two, three, four or five Years, the Diſorders for which a low cool Diet was advis'd and enter'd upon, with ſufficient Strictneſs and Preciſion, is not cured, or greatly reliev'd, the Party may conclude, that a low cool Diet will not make a perfect Cure, and muſt with Patience, and a general Regularity, enter on common Life, and not be longer ſcrupulous, or anxious about Regimen, in the Quality, but in the Quantity, and ſubmit to the Order of Providence, and uſe the Means that Experience or the beſt Advice ſuggeſts to alleviat the Symptoms, and do the beſt he can taliter qualiter, if he is under Fifty. 4. To ſuch as have an original hereditary weakly ſcorbutical or ſcrophulous Habit, and are far advanced in Life; who have meſenteric glandular Obſtructions, with feeble Solids, and little Strength and Vigour, a Milk, Seed and vegetable Diet, with aqueous Liquors, is by no means to be advis'd; for as the Caſe is abſolutely incureable, it were in vain to torment and reſtrain them, more cruelly than their Diſtemper itſelf does; they muſt not be forbid, but rather indulged the common Comforts and Gratifications of Life. It is to ſuch that St. Paul's Advice to Timothy [xix] is juſt, as well as kind, to drink a little Wine for their Stomachs ſake, and their often Infirmities: A general Moderation, and an Obſervation of the Juvantia and Laedentia, is only to be adviſed, and the Uſe of theſe Means known to Art, to alleviat Symptoms. 5. In all eruptive Caſes, in all acute and periodical cutaneous Caſes, in the actual Fits of the Gout, in the ſecond Fever of the Small-Pox, in Fevers verging towards a Criſe, to drive out from the Centre to the Circumference any changeable Diſorder, and univerſally in all Caſes where the vital Indications languiſh and labour, and Nature is in a Struggle to throw outward Morboſity; ſhe is moſt certainly to be aſſiſted by generous cordial and warmer Medicins, and higher Diet, to further the End Nature points at. Theſe are ſome of the Caſes where too low and cool a Regimen is by no means to be adviſed or purſued. 6. And laſtly, Whenever the End of a low Diet is obtained, viz. the ſweetning and thinning the Juices, and the Symptoms are abated or cured, the Diet is to be heighten'd, and gradually and cautiouſly rais'd, at leaſt if the Party be under Fifty. I will now ſuggeſt as plainly, in what Caſes I think it is to be adviſed and tried. As to the Healthy and Well, I have nothing here to ſay: Sufficient for the Day is the Evil thereof.

§. 7. IT is only to thoſe whoſe Stomach and Digeſtion is ſo weak and relax'd, that they [xx] cannot concoct without extreme Suffering, any ſuch Proportion even of tender animal Food and fermented Liquors, as may be ſufficient to nouriſh and ſupport them: To thoſe whoſe Blood and Juices are evidently ſo thick, groſs and viſcid, that it fills and obſtructs the Veſſels ſo tumidly, that they cannot receive a ſufficient Quantity of either Medicin or Food, to cure or preſerve them, the Circulation and Perſpiration being intirely at a ſtand: To thoſe who are ſubject to perpetual Haemorrhages, Inflammations, or conſtant ſmall acute Fevers: To thoſe who are after the great Meal towards Midnight, hectical or conſumptive: To thoſe labouring under a ſcorbutico-nervoſe Atrophy and waſting: To thoſe labouring under hereditary, early, knotted, diſabling and painful Gouts or Stone: To thoſe who are highly, hereditarily and early ſcrophulous or ſcorbutical: To thoſe who are leprous and univerſally cruſted over with cutaneous Blotches and Scabs: To thoſe who are epileptical early in Life, with a thin cacochymic Habit: To thoſe who are conſtantly hyſterical or hypocondriacal, with frequent Fits and Convulſions, under a weak thin Habit, which threaten a Conſumption; for I have always obſerved theſe obſtinat violent hyſteric and hypocondriac Fits in young ſlender Perſons, to be the firſt Stage of a real Phthiſis Pulmonum, or at leaſt of a nervous Atrophy; and if it was not cured or prevented in this its firſt [xxi] Stage, by the ſame Means and Regimen commonly the Refuge of the ſubſequent Stages, they were not to be ever after remedied, they being ſure Preſages of Tubercles in the Lungs: To thoſe that are plainly cancerous; in ſhort, to thoſe chiefly who after they have long and ſtrictly follow'd the beſt Advice, and the moſt effectual Remedies, ſtill labour under ſome atrocious, painful and dangerous Diſtemper; to ſuch, and ſuch only, have I ever adviſed a total rigid Milk and vegetable Diet, with aqueous Liquors; but no longer to be continued, than till the Symptoms were extremely mitigated, or intirely overcome; and then, if it was after the Meridian of Life, to be perſiſted in obſtinatly; if long before it, to be gradually and cautiouſly alter'd into common Life with great Temperance; and I know all honeſt and experienced Phyſicians, antient and modern, are and muſt be of the ſame Mind.

§. 8. THE great and eſſential Difference between animal and vegetable Food, is much the ſame as between Chemical and Galenical Medicins. Chemical Medicins are the ſuppos'd (at leaſt their moſt active) Virtues and Qualities of Plants, Metals and Minerals, contracted and concentred into a ſmall Volume, by the Tortures of the Fire; their uſeleſs or deſtructive Parts ſeparated and thrown away, and their uſeful and ſanative Qualities compacted and united into an immediat [xxii] Contact and condenſed. They would be of admirable Uſe and Convenience, if theſe ſuppos'd Facts, and ſuch mentioned Virtues, were juſt, ſolid and true, or if an animal Body could bear them without greater or more fatal future Injuries, than their preſent Benefit (how great ſoever) or Convenience can compenſat. But it is moſt certain, that ſuch Medicins, Drugs or Bodies, are the moſt deſtructive to animal Bodies, if long and in great Quantities thrown in, that Malice can invent, beyond Gunpowder itſelf and even ſpirituous Liquors; for not only Nature has provided none ſuch, but as Poiſons in venomous Creatures to kill their Enemies, or cook them for their Food: but that the Particles of Fire, the moſt deſtructive of any, are ſo cloſely impacted and tranſubſtantiated in, as never to be afterwards ſeparated from them, and that their component Particles are ſo minutely divided by the Tortures of the Fire, as to acquire ſuch a Force of Attraction towards the Particles of animal Bodies; ſuch a Polarity, (as Dr. Liſter obſerved, in all Calcinations, both of Vegetables and Minerals, ſo conſtantly to anſwer the Magnet) that they become Iron, Briſtles, Nails and Lancets, darting directly and perpendicularly into the Solids, ſo as quickly to tear, rend and deſtroy, or fix them, and ſo can never be proper for Food or Phyſic; whereas Galenical Medicins, conſiſting of the integral Particles of Vegetables, Metals or Minerals, [xxiii] diſſolved only by gentle Heat and Moiſture, in a watry Menſtruum, have none of theſe deleterious Qualities on animal Bodies, but become their Food as well as Phyſic, and naturally take the Places of the morbid Particles of animal Habits, which Time and the natural Functions mechanically throw off. Juſt ſo animal Food, and fermented Liquors, are the ſmalleſt, moſt elementary and attractive Particles, united and concenter'd like the Rays of the Sun in the Focus of a Burning-glaſs. Their delicious Flavour and Savour conſiſts in their greater abundance of Oil and Salts, which are the moſt active, and conſequently the moſt deſtructive to animal Bodies. If they are ſufficiently diluted, and their Volume and Quantity increas'd, by the more innocent and unactive Particles of fine Earth and Water, they may be ſafely uſed, approaching thereby very near to Vegetables. Juices and fermented Liquors, much diluted with Water, become the neareſt Approximation to pure Water, the only Beverage deſigned and fitted by Nature for long Life, Health and Serenity; and the whole Study of the Patient, and Intention of the Phyſician, ought to be to find out this juſt Mediocrity of animal and vegetable Food, when combin'd, for Aliment, and of fermented and aqueous Liquors mix'd for Beverage, which is the moſt proper for preſerving his Health, or curcing his Diſorders; for there is very little in the Specification of the Diet, whether it [xxiv] be all Vegetable, or partly Animal, partly Vegetable, ſome Vegetables being more deleterious to animal Conſtitutions than ſome animal Subſtances; and there is but a very little Difference between pure warm Water, and cold Water warm'd with a very little Wine; the juſt Mixture and Proportion ſuited to the Conſtitution and Diſtempers of the Patient, is by far the greateſt Affair; tho' in the Diſtempers by me juſt now ſpecified, that are painful and dangerous, too great Exactneſs, both in Quantity and Quality, is never to be ſlighted; for in a true ſtatical Balance, ſuch as the Conſtitutions under the mentioned Diſeaſes are, a few Grains or Spoonfuls thrown in, will deſtroy the Equilibrium of Health and Eaſe.

§. 9. THE Benefits a Perſon who deſires nothing but a clear Head and ſtrong intellectual Faculties, would reap by religiouſly drinking nothing but Water, (tepid or cold, as the Seaſon is) while he is yet young, and tolerably healthy, well educated, and of a ſober honeſt Diſpoſition, are innumerable: As, 1. That he would live probably till towards an hundred Years of Age, that being the Term of Life appointed by the Deſign of the Creator, even after the Deluge, and after that eating of animal Food was permitted, before (as it is believ'd) fermented Liquors were invented; at leaſt, if we have any regard for Moſes's Hiſtory, which yet cannot be denied to be one [xxv] of the juſteſt Accounts of theſe early Times. 2. That he would thereby conſtantly enjoy a clear Head, calm, at leaſt governable Paſſions, a Facility in intellectual Applications, and in the Acquiſition of Virtue; and ſo having a longer Duration ſecur'd to him, and all Impediments removed, he might make ſurprizing and wonderful Advances in both. 3. He would thereby be ſecur'd againſt all the great atrocious and frightful Diſtempers, ſuch as Melancholy, Lowneſs of Spirits, Wrong-headedneſs, Lunacy and Madneſs (the Bane of the fineſt, beſt and moſt penetrating Spirits in Great Britain). For I defy any Man to give an Inſtance of any furious Madneſs, or great and obſtinat Lunacy or Melancholy, in any one who ſoon after Twenty, enter'd on Water drinking only, let him eat what he can; for it is fermented Liquors only that inflame the Membrans and membranous Tubuli (the Nerves), which are the bodily Organs of intellectual Operations. It is the Fire, Sulphur and volatile Tartar of fermented Liquors, that inflame, corrugat and ſtimulat theſe Membranes, and their linear Threads, into violent Succuſſions, that break and tear them, which are the immediat Cauſe of theſe frightful and overwhelming Diſtempers, as they are of the painful tortureing ones, Gout, Stone, Cancer and Conſumption: For tho' Gluttony will thicken the Curd of the Blood, and thereby cauſe Obſtructions in the Glands and Capillaries, from whence many [xxvi] and various Diſtempers may ariſe, yet will they be of the obtuſe, ſlow, lingering Kind, and in which Nature will always give a timeous and early Warning, by Inappetency, Nauſea, Vomiting, Purging, Sweating, Spitting or Rheums, which will opportunely ſtop the Progreſs; and while Water is plentifully then craved and given, it will carry on, diſtance in the Circulation, and dilute this too viſcid Curd, to prevent an intire Obſtruction of the animal Functions, or deſtroy Life, and hinder the Generation of Gout, Stone, Cancer and Conſumption, which are ſolely produc'd by the hard ſalin Concretions of fermented Liquors. But, 4. The moſt ſignal Benefit a Man will reap from early Water-drinking ſolely, while as yet in tolerable Health, is being preſerv'd from the acute, ſudden and mortal Diſtempers, as Apoplexies, Suffocations, Fevers of all kinds, Peſtilences and Pleuriſies. It is to fermented, ſtrong, or ſpirituous Liquors ſolely, that theſe quick and deſtructive Diſtempers owe their true Cauſe, which give no Warning, and admit of no Cure: At leaſt, Water-drinking ſolely, is the only Preſervative, I am certain, known or knowable to Art. Accidents, epidemical Cauſes, a conſtant Neglect, or a total Inability to guard againſt the Dangers of the other Non-naturals, abſolutly neceſſary towards perfect Health and Life, may produce ſome Degrees of theſe mention'd grand Diſtempers; but then, under ſole Water-drinking, [xxvii] they will neither be ſo painful nor dangerous: For it is certain, Water-drinking, Dilution, and thin Diet, is the only Mean known to Art and Experience, to cure them, when Perſons are already ſeiz'd with theſe Diſtempers, join'd with ſtrong and proper Evacuations; and whatever will cure, will prevent; as Water pour'd on will extinguiſh Fire, ſo it will prevent its being kindled or beginning. If theſe frightful, painful and mortal Diſtempers happen ſometimes in Eaſtern or Southern Climats, where fermented Liquors are not much in Uſe, it is becauſe they wallow and indulge in ſome things almoſt equally as pernicious and inflammatory as theſe ſtrong Liquors, as high in Aromaticks, eaſtern Gums and Juices; Opiats, the volatile cepacious Roots, Fruits and Seeds, of the poiſonous, ſoporiferous or ſtimulating kind, with which thoſe Climats abound, which is the ſole Cauſe of all their inflammatory Diſtempers, and unnatural and diſſolveing Luſt; for theſe are all but dry Drams, of a more dureable and adheſive Nature than ſome of the liquid ones; for Fire is ſtill Fire, whether Solar or Culinary, Natural or Chemical; whether it is tranſubſtantiated into liquid or ſolider Matter; and Water is its only Extinguiſher.

§. 10. I HAVE ſaid, that the Quantity of Aliment (Meats and Drinks) is of much greater Conſequence in general, than the [xxviii] Quality, for the Preſervation of Life, Health and Serenity. If a Man ſtudy the leaſt, light or heavy will not ſo much incommode him. The great End and Uſe of a low Diet, or one of Milk, Seeds and Vegetables, is to mend the Juices, to cool, attenuat and ſweeten the circulating Fluids; whatever Diet does this, muſt mechanically relax, unbend, and let down the Spring of the Solids. It is true, the Superiority of the Force or Spring of the Solids, muſt be always greater than the Reſiſtance of the Fluids; elſe the Animal could not live at all; that is, the animal Functions could not be perform'd; and this Superiority muſt be continued in ſome Proportion, whatever Regimen the Animal uſes, ſo long as it lives. But it is certain, a cool, thin, ſweetning Diet, attenuats the Fluids in a greater Proportion than it relaxes and unbends the Solids; becauſe, 1. All the Secretions are from the Fluids, and not from the Solids; and they ſpending and waſting faſter, muſt be ſooner ſupply'd and alter'd by the proper Food. 2. Becauſe the immediat Action of Food and Phyſic is upon the Fluids, and they abſorb and conſume moſt of their Virtue and Efficacy; and the Solids are never acted upon by them, till the Fluids are fully ſaturated and tranſubſtantiated into their Subſtance. And, 3. Becauſe all Fluids by their Nature are ſooner and more readily acted upon, and alter'd into foreign Qualities, than any Solids poſſibly can; and [xxix] hence it comes to paſs, that a Perſon on the immediat Change, and for ſome conſiderable Time after, in paſſing from a high to a low Diet, will find his Health wonderfully mended for the better, becauſe the Reſiſtance of the Fluids is immediatly leſſen'd; which will again, even under the ſame Diet in Quantity and Quality, wonderfully, and, as it were, unaccountably totter, and alter for the worſe; which happens on the Deſpumation of the Glands, Capillaries and Solids, while they are ſpewing out and diſgorgeing their morbid Contents on the Primae Viae; but which, by proper and ſpecific Evacuations, Exerciſe and Aſtringents afterwards, will generally be ſet to rights again, if the Perſon be at a proper Time of Life, that is, under Fifty; for after that, there is little Encouragement from any Mean, but gentle Evacuation, and a Perſeverance in the regulated Regimen: Nay, even he muſt proceed, leſſening it in Quantity at leaſt, if not in Quality, by proper Degrees, and at proper Periods, deſcending out of Life, as one aſcends into it, viz. by Milk-Porridge, Water-Gruel, Panada, and the like. But the great Benefit and Advantage a Man reaps from a low, cool, thinning, ſweetning Regimen, of Milk, Seeds and Vegetables, above what he can have under any Diet of animal Food and fermented Liquors, is, that he can keep the ſtretched and extended Bowels, and Blood-Veſſels, always fuller and plumper, and in their [xxx] natural Tenſion and Situations; and conſequently will make the Secretions more plentifully, and all the Functions will be more natural, and eaſier, than under a ſpare, cautious and anxiouſly guarded ſtarving Regimen of ſo little animal Food as is abſolutly neceſſary; as a weak Perſon will walk more eaſily in Stays than looſe, ſome lame Perſons in a Boot than a Stocking; and a defenſive Plaiſter will keep a Sore eaſier, than when it is bare; and Exceſſes are neither ſo painful nor dangerous under the firſt as under the ſecond Regimen; and the ſame Perſon may ſafely venture on at leaſt four times as much Vegetable, Seed and Milk Food, as he dare of animal Food of any kind, at leaſt of denſe, hard, or full-grown animal Food.

§. 11. I THINK the natural Order and Progreſſion in Regimen, for thoſe who are ordain'd to, or for thoſe whoſe Vocation and Occupation is ſedentary and ſtudious, who by the Order of Providence, and Situation of Life, have been ſignatur'd to intellectual Profeſſions, and for all thoſe who would cultivat and maintain clear Heads and quick Senſes to the laſt, is from their Birth till Fifteen, to perſevere in a gradually increaſing temperat Diet, without fermented Liquors; from Fifteen to Fifty, to be only temperat in animal Foods and fermented Liquors; after Fifty to give up animal Food Suppers, and fermented Liquors; after Sixty to give up all animal Food; and [xxxi] then every ten Years after to leſſen about a quarter of the Quantity of their vegetable Food; and thus gradually deſcend out of Life as they aſcended into it. And that all Perſons ſubject to inflammatory Diſtempers, Gouts, Eriſipelas's, hot Scurvies, Leproſies, Aſthma's, Jaundices, Colicks, nervous Lowneſſes, violent Head-aches, Haemorrhages and Haemorrhoids, Anaſarca's, Ruptures, or white Swellings, tho' otherwiſe ſtrong, hearty, hale, and of a ſeeming ſound Conſtitution, ought to give up Meat Suppers, and all fermented Liquors; and that the Children of all Fathers (for Mothers are not here to be minded) who have died before Thirty-five, of any natural Diſtemper whatever, and all the Children begot of Fathers after Sixty, ought to live without Meat Suppers, or fermented Liquors; and that all Perſons whatever, whatever Age they be of, or of whatever Nature their Complaints and Diſorder may be, if, upon repeated ſmall Phlebotomies, and without tranſient Accidents, (as Colds, Damps, Blaſts, and Bruiſes) they conſtantly obſerve their Blood ſizy, viſcous and glutinous, ought directly to be put on a low Diet, either of Milk, Seeds and Vegetables only, or at leaſt of one, without Meat Suppers, and fermented Liquors; and this Regimen, with proper attenuant, alterative and ſweetning Medicines, (which, in the Nature of things, ought to be of the mild ponderous and mineral Tribe) to be continued [xxxii] till at leaſt this Size and Glew be broken and diſſolved; elſe they can never expect uniform and continued Health; for ſuch a Regimen, and ſuch Medicins, muſt do this in Time; elſe nothing in Nature poſſibly can.

§. 12. UNPHILOSOPHICAL and unexperienced Perſons, tho' they know and obſerve the great critical Alteration that happens in the Sex, in or about Fifty, and that without a ſpecial Care, both in the Regimen, proper Evacuation, and alterative Medicins, they are in great Danger, either of their Lives, or of ſome chronical and obſtinat Diſtempers, that make their Lives ever after miſerable and uncomfortable, after that Period; yet think this Misfortune peculiar to Females, and that the Males have a Privilege and Security to be luxurious and ſenſual to the laſt; which is the true Reaſon why ſo few die natural Deaths, and that moſt paſs as really and truly out of Life, in a violent untimely Manner, as a Felon, who ſuffers under public Juſtice. The Matter of Fact and Order of Nature is this: Fifty was deſign'd as the Meridian of Life, in this our lapſed; State and Duration, on this ruinous Planet; from this ſolſtitial Point it is a Deſcent out of Life. From the Birth upwards to this Point, the Solids were developeing, expanding, cruſting over, and hardening to their utmoſt Extenſion, Firmneſs and Denſity; and thereby their Elaſticity beginning [xxxiii] then at Fifty to weaken and unbend, and they to oſſify, the Digeſtions become groſſer and more imperfect, the Secretions leſſen, and all the animal Functions labour; and then, if due Care is not taken to obviat theſe Effects, the chronical Diſtempers naturally ariſing out of theſe Cauſes, and that lurked in the original Conſtitution, begin to emerge and ſprout out, the Viſcera to tumify and obſtruct, the Glands then ſwell and preſs on the circulating Blood-Veſſels, the Capillaries to coaleſce, become full and denſe, and the Nerves and Membranes are interrupted in their Play and Vibrations, and all the animal Machin labours, and the Functions are perform'd heavily, with Pain and Struggle. This is the true Time and Seaſon of Life, for Attention, Conſideration and Care of a wiſe Man and a Philoſopher. The Hyperbolic Curve of Life is at the Point of its Return downwards again; and if then proper Care be taken, by ſome few Evacuations, Alteratives, and a Regimen; to put a Drag on the Wheels of Life, that they may go down gently, calmly and ſerenely, theſe become more uſeful to themſelves and others, than in the firſt aſcending part of Life; and this happens equally to both the Sexes: for it is not from this Seaſon being the common Period of the Fertility of the Female Sex, that theſe Appearances happen; but is a general Law of Nature to both Sexes from the Cauſes aſſign'd; for all the Difference of the [xxxiv] Sexes lies in the different Configuration of the ſuperinduc'd Cruſt or Shell laid over the primitive aethereal Body, which in both is probably pretty near of the ſame Figure, Size and Materials, originally.

§. 13. IT is not an unpleaſant Speculation, to contemplat the Order of Nature in its Progreſſion towards reducing this our Tabernacle of Clay, into its original Duſt, from its Cradle to its Coffin, eſpecially in thoſe who live the whole Duration of the natural Life. The Diſeaſes of Infancy are generally Scabs, Blotches and Blains over the Face, Head, Eyes and Ears; ſometimes Fits and Convulſions, and ſuch Cephalic and Head Diſtempers; and theſe are certainly conſtitutional and parental Diſorders communicated by the morbid Juices of the Parents; the Colicks, Vomitings and Diarrhoea's ſucceeding, come from the improper Nouriſhment in Quantity or Quality of the Mothers or Nurſes; the Meaſles and Small-pox are alſo original and parental Impurities convey'd to the Blood and Juices in the Birth, from too high and too much animal Food, and are moſt of them the Diſeaſes of the upper Region of the Body. When Nature has ſtruggled by theſe to purify the Juices by ſuch Deſpumations, then come the Diſtempers of the Breaſt and Lungs, in Coughs, Catarrhs, Conſumptions, Aſthma's, Pleuriſies or Peripneumonies; after theſe come Pains in the Stomach, Heart-burnings, [xxxv] Colicks, bilious Vomitings, Jaundice and Diarrhoea's; then ſucceed Gouts, Stone and Gravel, Palſies, Rheumatiſms and fixing of the Joints; and very often Ruptures, Piles, or Mortifications in the Bowels, Feet, or Toes, the Diſeaſes of the lower Regions. All I would inſinuat by this Reflection, is, that Nature ſeems to aim, and would certainly, if not interrupted by Accidents, obtain and purſue a kind of a regular and uniform Progreſſion, in her Courſe of diſſolving and mouldering into Duſt, this Adamical Cruſt of Clay, by Diſtempers, topical and local, from the Head, through the Viſcera, to the Feet and Joints, till, like a dying Vegetable, ſhe has fix'd it in the Earth, from whence it ſprung. This is certainly her general Law, if not interrupted by original, parental Diſeaſes or Accidents hurting ſome of the Organs before it was born, or by Accidents proper and peculiar to the Party itſelf; or a general bad Regimen, which may quicken this Progreſs, or throw it out of its natural Progreſſion on a weaken'd Part, that may diſcompoſe the general Law of Nature.

§. 14. FOR Perſpicuity and Brevity, I diſtinguiſh four Orders and Degrees of Regimen of Diet, that is, of Meat and Drink; viz. 1. The common Diet of a reaſonable Proportion of animal Food and fermented Liquors, common to the middling Rank of the Healthy, [xxxvi] Temperat and Sober in every Climat or Country. 2. A Diet of plain freſh animal Food once a Day, without any fermented Liquor, only plain Water, or Toaſt and tepid Water for Beverage; or one of one Day Meat without Wine, and another Day a little Wine without Meat, which I would call the trimming Diet. 3. A Diet without any animal Food, but one of Milk, Seeds, Fruits and Vegetables, any thing where the Life of no Animal is wanted to compoſe or dreſs ſuch (as Eggs, Gravey, and the like). 4. A total ſtrict Milk and Seed Diet only, without any other Materials. Of theſe I intend to ſay ſomething in general, and in this Order, both as to their Times and Cookery. But firſt as to the Order, or Time of changeing any one of theſe different kinds of Regimen one for another.

§. 15. WHEN a Perſon is tolerably well, and is ſubject to no painful or dangerous Diſtemper, I think it his Duty, and the Order of God and Providence, to let Well alone; and with general Temperance, without Solicitude, Anxiety or Scrupuloſity, to perſevere in the common Regimen of the middling healthy temperat Order of Men, in the Country and Climat where he was born, or long habituated: To follow St. Paul's Advice in another Caſe, to ask no Queſtions about what he ſhould eat for Health's ſake; or rather our Saviour's Counſel, not to be ſolicitous, or take anxious [xxxvii] Care, about what he ſhould eat, or what he ſhould drink, or wherewithal he ſhould be cloathed; but without Curioſity or Nicety, take a Share of whatever is preſented: For to live at ſuch a Time, and in ſuch a Circumſtance, medically, is truly to live miſerably, and propter vitam vivendi perdere cauſas. It is enough, for a wiſe Man, and a Chriſtian Philoſopher, to ſtop, and attend to Diet and Regimen, when, by the Order of Providence, his natural and providential Courſe of common Regimen is barr'd up, by ſome Diſorder or Diſtemper; and then wiſe Nature will give him timeous Warning, by Inappetency, a Nauſea, Reaching, Vomiting, a Flatulence, Fulneſs or Pain in the Stomach; for all Diſtempers begin firſt at the Stomach or Bowels, and then aſcend to the Head, which is the Language of the God of Nature, ſaying to the Perſon, Man, take Care; and then, and only then, ought a Chriſtian Philoſopher mind his Regimen, and by Evacuation, moderat Faſting or Exerciſe, endeavour to relieve or remove the Grief, or apply to ſome honeſt experienced Phyſician for Advice.

§. 16. IF the Caſe is acute, the Party is not generally, at leaſt for any Time, in a Condition to obſerve or direct for himſelf: But ſeldom any notable Errors are committed in Regimen then; for on the ſlighteſt Attempts to any great Exceſs, either in Quantity or [xxxviii] Quality, Nature immediatly revolts, and the Party ſuffers to ſuch an Extremity, by the Exacerbations of his Symptoms, that any notable Progreſs in ſuch an unnatural Regimen cannot poſſibly be receiv'd or perſiſted in; and yet I have ſeen and felt, by the Indiſcretion of Friends, or the officious Sedulity of Nurſes, the poor Patient ſuffer to mortal Agonies, and ſometimes to Death, in acute Caſes, by improper Loads of high Foods, or liquid or ſolid Drams and Cordials; and many have ſuffer'd more from high and hot Drugs, than ever they could from the Diſtemper. In acute Caſes, ſeldom any thing that is given either for Food or Phyſic, paſſes the Primae Viae, unleſs it be extremely light and liquid. In ſuch, the wiſer Antients ſcarce ever adminiſtred (beſides proper Evacuation) any thing but tepid Water, ſimple Oxymel, or Water ſoften'd, or ſharpned by the Flour or Meal of ſome proper or ſpecific Vegetable. Long obſtinat Faſting, continued even ad Deliquium, with plentiful Dilution, and the Evacuation indicated by the Nature of the Diſtemper, was their moſt univerſal Remedy. But it is not of Regimen in acute Caſes that I here intend to ſpeak; my ſole Buſineſs is with chronical Caſes.

§. 17. BUT ſince chronical Caſes are only acute Caſes diluted, and drawn out into a longer Time, with weaker Paroxyſins, and a more protracted Criſe; ſince Nature has a [xxxix] general Law and Type, by which ſhe governs and ſignatures ſuch acute Diſtempers, eſpecially in thoſe who follow her Laws and Simplicity, and not diſturbed by ſpurious Art or Accidents; ſince Faſting, proper Evacuation, and Dilution, are the great Remedies indicated in acute Caſes; it is natural and highly probable to ſuppoſe, that proper Evacuation, Abſtinence, and thin cool ſoft Regimen longer perſiſted in, will be the ſingle Intention pointed out, and the great and cardinal Remedies in chronical Caſes; and therefore, when a Perſon, under common Life, is ſeized with a chronical Diſtemper, which by prudent Abſtinence, and leſſening the Quantity of this common Diet, is not remov'd, he ought to apply to the proper Directors of Health, and follow their Advice religiouſly, in the Uſe of Medicins and Regimen they order; and if in three Months time, in chronical Caſes, by rigorouſly purſuing the order'd Medicins and Regimen, their Symptoms are not totally remov'd, or greatly reliev'd and mitigated, he may, I think, fairly conclude the Regimen was not low, cool and thin enough, for the End propos'd; and therefore ought to reſolve to ſink his Regimen, both in Quantity and Quality, and enter upon what I call the trimming Diet.

§. 18. BUT before any Perſon reſolves to ſink or alter his Regimen of Diet, or any prudent Phyſician ought to adviſe ſuch an Alteration, [xl] he ought always to premiſe a gentle partial Phlebotomy out at the largeſt Vein, and from the largeſt Orifice commonly open'd; for a ſmall Trunk of a Vein will only ſend out ſuch Blood as is much different from the Craſe of the whole Maſs; the Circulation being ſlower in the ſmall Branches, the Viſcidity is generally impacted into the ſmalleſt in a greater Proportion, and the ſerous Part by the Slowneſs is perſpired or run off, by the Lymphatics, and lateral Branches; and a ſmall Orifice either compreſſes and breaks the Texture of the Curd of the Blood, diſunites and ſeparates the Globules, ſo that the Obſervation cannot be fairly or with any Degree of Accuracy made; but by comparing the Blood ſo let out, with other ſound healthy Blood, (for Example, that of a healthy Perſon, or of a Bullock or Sheep) if the Difference in Taſte, Colour, Coheſion of the Globules, and Curd, and the Proportion thereof to the Serum, be in all or moſt of theſe Diſtinctions, greatly different from thoſe of the ſound Blood, it may fairly be concluded that the Regimen of Diet, both in Quantity and Quality, is to be ſunk and leſſen'd, and that proper and ſpecific alterative Medicins, to thin and ſweeten the Blood, are indicated, (eſpecially thoſe of the mild ponderous Nature at firſt, with the Galenical Vegetables, which univerſal Experience has aſſign'd as ſpecific in a Diſtemper of ſuch a Denomination) and the Evacuations of the [xli] Primae Viae by gentle Vomits and domeſtic Cathartics, as the Symptoms exaſperat; for tho' a Perſon may ſtill ſuffer, even when the Blood thus let out for Experiment's ſake, moſtly appears, on ſuch groſs Experiments, tolerably good, and not differing greatly from ſound Blood in the Size, the bad Juices being confin'd to the Capillaries, Glands and great Viſcera; yet theſe will never be open'd and render'd pervious, till the Blood in the great Trunks of the Veſſels be firſt attenuated, thin'd and ſweeten'd: And he will never be long or uniformly well, who has bad Juices circulating, in theſe greater Veſſels; it is a certain Symptom, that it muſt be much worſe and more ſizy in the ſmall lateral Branches, the Capillaries, and the Glands of the Viſcera; and it is Diet alone, and it chiefly, join'd with mild ponderous Remedies at firſt, Evacuation, Air and Exerciſe, that can at laſt alter or antidote theſe morbific Symptoms. And if after three Months Uſe of the Medicins advis'd in chronical Caſes, by an honeſt experienced Phyſician, the Blood on ſuch a Trial continues bad, that is, ſizy, liveriſh, with either too little Serum tho' clear, or too much but muddy, then, I think, the trimming Diet ought to be tried, viz. one of white Meat in a moderat Quantity once a Day, with Milk, Seeds and Vegetables, for the other Meals, and aqueous Beverage; or one Day a little plain Meat of any kind once a Day, with [xlii] aqueous Beverage that Day, and the next Day only Milk, Seeds and Vegetables, with about a Gill of ſome ſound old Wine, with or without Water; and this Regimen, with a due Care of the other Non-naturals, proper Evacuation, and due Exerciſe, I think, ought to be continued for one whole Year or two, in obſtinat hereditary chronical Caſes; for, I think, acquir'd ones will ſcarce require ſo long Time, or ſuch Severity of Regimen, to be cured, or at leaſt greatly alleviated, unleſs their Exceſſes have been violent, or that they are far advanced in Life.

§. 19. BUT ſince ſuch Caſes do daily happen, both in hereditary Diſtempers, and thoſe acquir'd by an obſtinat Mal-regimen long continued in; that after a full Twelvemonth or more of a trimming Regimen of Diet, with proper Evacuation, and ſpecific Alteratives, the Blood, on makeing the Trial, as above deſcribed, continues ſtill bad and ſizy, then, I think, all Medicin (except domeſtic Evacuations or Alteratives) may be fairly caſhier'd and laid aſide, as of little or no Uſe, and the whole Streſs and Hope laid on Diet and Regimen only, by ſinking it in Quantity as well as Quality, and confineing one's ſelf to Milk, Seeds, Fruits and Vegetables, well dreſs'd, or much diſſolv'd by culinary Fire, to evaporat the Wind; and drinking only tepid Water, or ſome ſpecific mineral Water, as the Caſe requires, and Wine only [xliii] as other Perſons uſe Spirits, on dangerous Symptoms, as a Cordial, and on Extremities; and this Method and Regimen ought to be continued for two Years more at leaſt. And, I think, in Perſons of a tolerable Conſtitution, and where ſome of the great Viſcera are not intirely ſpoil'd and irremediably conſumed, this Method and Diet cannot fail of having ſalutary Effects of a perfect Cure, or a very conſiderable Relief; and then if the Party is not paſt the Meridian of Life, the Perſon may without Fear or Danger, gradually and by ſlow Degrees, riſe again to the trimming Diet, and from it return back again by the ſame Steps he deſcended into common Life; and only on Exacerbations, and ſtated Seaſons, ſink into his lower Regimen, for a Preſervative.

§. 20. BUT after all this Care and Perſeverance in a milk, ſeed and vegetable Diet, with aqueous Beverage, if on a Trial after the manner mentioned, the Blood be ſtill ſizy, as it often is in bad Conſtitutions, and obſtinat Caſes, and the Symptoms, ſtill ſevere and depreſſing; the only thing remaining for ſuch a Perſon with any Reaſon or Expectation of Succeſs of a total Cure, or any notable Alleviation of his Symptoms, is, for the Perſon to enter on a total rigid ſtrict milk and ſeed Diet only, without Butter, Eggs, or any other Vegetables, but Wheat, Barley, Rice, Oats, Sago, and the like ſeed Meats; and even to make his Milk the [xliv] thinneſt poſſible, skim'd Milk, ſweet Buttermilk, ſweet Whey, or the Whey made with a Mixture of ſour Milk, or Orange-Whey, or Whey made with the Juice of ſome ſpecific Vegetable, (eſpecially in ſcorbutic, gouty, pulmonic and icteric Caſes, which is the Baſe of moſt of the chronical Diſtempers in England) and Bread or Seeds dreſs'd made with Milk only; for Seeds are young Vegetables, and are neither ſo hard of Digeſtion, ſo windy, nor abound with the eſſential Salts of Plants, Roots and Fruits. And even the Quantity of the Regimen is to be minded; little at a time, but oftener, never either to load the Stomach, nor compreſs the Nerves, Membranes and Fibres; Fulneſs and Compreſſion, even by ſuch Foods, like Stops in muſical Chords, will interrupt their eaſy, regular and harmonious Vibrations and Play, and ſo will ſink the Spirits, and make the Functions labour. This Regimen ought at laſt to be tried, all other Methods not ſucceeding. One would not buy Gold too dear; but Health and free Spirits are more precious than Gold, and a wiſe Man would give up every thing elſe for them. This Regimen will infallibly have one of theſe two Effects; it will either totally cure him, if the great Viſcera are not quite conſumed; or make him lie down more eaſily, and will infallibly give him longer Time and better Spirits to ſettle his temporal Affairs, and give all the Attention to his future State, the Nature of Things will then admit.


§. 21. MOST People that enter on a low Diet for Health and Spirits, intirely counter act and defeat its beneficial Effects. I have known ſome Men of Quality, and Gentlemen of Fortune, who have been advis'd a low Diet, have their Vegetables of the higheſt and rankeſt Flavour, dreſs'd high with burnt Butter, hot Spices, Aromatics, Onions, Eggs and Salt; ſo that they were infinitly more deleterious and hurtful, than a moderat Quantity of plain animal Food once a Day could poſſibly be. The meager faſting and Lent Times among the Catholicks, in French, Italian and Spaniſh Cookery, with their high Fiſh Sauces, will much ſooner inflame the Blood, produce Gout, Stone and Fevers, than a Bit of Chicken, Veal, Lamb, or any white Meat plainly dreſs'd poſſibly can. All the beneficial and ſalutary Effects of a low and vegetable Diet, I have ever obſerv'd, have been owing in atrocious, obſtinat and painful Diſtempers, to Milk and Seeds only, and even theſe the thinneſt and the leaſt the Perſon could be tolerably eaſy under from the Pain of Hunger: And it is not eaſily to be credited what wonderful Effects, even in the moſt deſperat and univerſally condemn'd to Death Diſtempers, I have ſeen perform'd by ſuch a Regimen duly and obſtinatly perſiſted in, eſpecially in Perſons under Fifty; Epilepſies totally cured, hereditary Gouts almoſt eradicated, univerſal Lepers made clean, Stones [xlvi] in the Bladder and Kidnies laid quiet, Cancers healed or palliated, ulcerated Lungs made ſound, and ſchirrous Livers made pervious. But all this has been conſtantly brought about by a total, obſtinat and continued milk and ſeed Diet only; but in all ſuch incurable Caſes, the Diet is to be perſiſted in to the laſt Day of Life; for I have always obſerved, when ſuch return'd to a high or common Diet only, their Diſtempers always return'd with greater Violence, as in Reaſon and true Philoſophy muſt have been expected: For the Solids being brought down and relax'd to a Level and Equilibrium with ſuch a Diet, become infinitly ſenſible, delicat and tender; and ſuch ſtrong Aliment becomes an univerſal Stop and Obſtacle to their Play and Vibrations, (like ſticking down a muſical Chord all along with Pins) and interrupts, marrs and confounds the whole animal Functions and Oeconomy, and brings on all the old Symptoms enraged.

§. 22. IT is true, to live thus poorly, anxiouſly and attentively, is a moſt miſerable kind of Life, to which the Brave, the Bold, and the Unbeliever will brag he ſhould prefer Death itſelf: But I, who give little Credit to ſuch Bounces, know Self-preſervation to be the great Law in Nature, never met one but the true practical and habitual Chriſtian among my many Patients, and even ſcarce theſe, who was truly willing and pleas'd to ſtrip and lie [xlvii] down; and only him who was always reſign'd to the Order of Providence either in Life or Death; and even not Him at all Times, and in the dark Moments of Trial, or any but the extremely miſerable in Life. But here the Caſe is not mere dying, but living a dying Life, perhaps for many Years: Here it is in two Evils, (violent Pain, or extreme Lowneſs and Languiſhing, or tolerable good Spirits, and ſufferable Pain, at the Tax and Charge of a tranſient momentary ſenſual Gratification) chooſing the leaſt; on the other ſide, it is a voluntary and a reſolute withdrawing from the Orders and future unknown Deſigns of Providence over us, when a very certain Mean (at leaſt in due Time) of eſcaping, or at leaſt greatly diminiſhing theſe Miſeries is offer'd. In ſhort, not to take up with a low Regimen here, is a plain Rebellion againſt the Orders and Deſigns of Providence manifeſted by Nature, the Relations of Things, Philoſophy and Experience, for the mere Gratification of vitious morbid Appetites: In a word, it is deliberat Suicide, the greateſt of all Rebellion and Sin.

§. 23. IN Lowneſs of Spirits, want of natural Reſt, great Anxiety, involuntary dark and terrifying Thoughts, Ideas and Imaginations, there are but theſe three infallible immediat Reliefs or Remedies: 1. A Vomit, that can work briskly, quickly and ſafely, and Experience and Uſe can only determin what that [xlviii] one ſhall be; for it is not the Evacuation or Quantity of the Diſcharge, that is to be ſo much minded, as the internal Action, the ſtrong Convulſion, the internal Exerciſe, and the cleaning, ſqueezeing and compreſſing the knotted and tumified Glands of the Primae Viae, warm Water, Chamomile, or Carduus Tea; and without drinking any thing, I have often effected a preſent perfect Relief, by mere urging and tickling the Throat and Glands with the Finger or a Feather, by bringing the Muſcles of the Abdomen into repeated Efforts and Kecks; and ſo have frequently diſcharged Loads of Phlegm and thin Rheum, which always greatly reliev'd; and this Method frequently, nay ſometimes daily repeated, and with greater Safety and leſs Trouble purſued, will anſwer the Ends, in tender and delicat Conſtitutions, under a Regimen, of formal and artificial Vomits; and I earneſtly recommend the Trial and frequent Practice of it, to all tender low-living Valetudinarians, as what they will find infinit Benefit from, and much eaſier and ſafer than artificial Apothecary Vomits, when they have made the Practice of it eaſy and familiar: The Strong and Robuſt, whoſe Fibres are firm and callous, will require ſtronger for a preſent Relief, and they muſt be repeated whenever the Symptoms exaſperat. 2. Great, frequent and continued Exerciſe, eſpecially a Horſeback, becauſe this Exerciſe, by the frequent Succuſſions, opens all the Glands of the Abdomen, of the Meſentery and Liver, [xlix] where the Evil generally lies. Walking, becauſe of the univerſal Action of all the Solids, and its forceing the Perſpiration, is the beſt Exerciſe to preſerve Health and good Spirits; but Riding is beſt to recover them; to this the Fleſh-bruſh for half an Hour, Morning and Night, ought to be join'd, to uncork the Plugs, and concreted Recrements that ſtop the Mouths of the perſpiratory Glands; and then waſhing with tepid Water in Winter, and cold Water in Summer, the whole Skin, to ſcour off theſe Impurities; and drying well after: and having always a large broad ſoft Girdle of Leather, quilted with Cotton, to wear about the Loins, like a Stay or Swaith, to keep the Viſcera in their natural Situations, the Lacteals and Inteſtines in their natural Curvatures, and the Bowels from being too pendulous, eſpecially in thin and waſteing Perſons. 3. Religiouſly to ſtudy and practice the lighteſt and the leaſt of Food, they can be tolerably eaſy under: The leaſt unneceſſary Burthen, compreſſive Conſtriction or Ligature on the tender delicat Fibres, Nerves or Membranes, hinders their eaſy, pleaſant and natural Play and Vibrations, which is the immediat Cauſe of Lowneſs and Anxiety; it is like nailing or ſticking down with Pins or Stops, the Play of a muſical Chord, whence Diſcord muſt neceſſarily enſue. In ſhort, to preſerve or obtain good Spirits, in very low Caſes, a Man muſt be in a conſtant [l] Courſe of Self-denial as to Aliment, and make, as it were, Hunger his greateſt and only Pain; but nothing but Experience and conſtant Obſervation of the Juvantia and Laedentia, is ſufficient to determin, to each Individual reſpectively, how far this is to be carried. Prudence is the firſt of all Natural as well as Chriſtian Virtues; Gold may be bought too dear, but wiſe Nature always tells us how far this Method ought to be carried, by the Intenſeneſs of our Cravings, when gone too far; and then a Perſon under no unnatural or vitious Paſſion or Lunacy, will obey her Calls, by giving her what ſhe craves, ſo as to make her tolerably eaſy. But theſe are the moſt general certain Antidotes againſt extreme Lowneſs and Anxiety known to me; the Reliefs of Art and Medicin are not my Deſign at preſent here.

§. 24 SOME Perſons have found great Relief on Lowneſs, a bad Conſtitution, and nervous Diſtempers, on Change to a Southern and warmer Climat, from a Northern and colder. But I never obſerv'd that Benefit dureable, or in any Degree perfect, unleſs the Party continued all the reſt of his Days in that Climat and Country; and tho' proper Air and Warmth be a moſt comfortable and cheriſhing thing to animal Bodies, yet it is obſerving the Diet, liveing in the manner of the Country, that [li] contributes moſt to the Cure or Relief; for it is well known, that in warm Countries, and ſouthern Climats, the Diet there is not only exceeding ſpare and light, but almoſt altogether Vegetables: The Heat and Rarefaction of the Air, and conſtant Perſpiration, make a full high rank Diet certain Pain or Death: And even the Materials of their Food there, the Animals and Vegetables, are lighter and leſs rank and deſtructive in their Nature, and more ſtimulating; the Natives ſcarce ever taſte fermented or ſtrong Liquors, and indulging in them is the ſole notorious Cauſe of the ſudden Deaths of all our Soldiers, Seamen and Traders. It is true, eaſtern and ſouthern Nations uſe many and the higheſt Aromatics, with their Vegetables, and they are but dry Drams of as pernicious a Nature almoſt as our liquid ones; and this is the ſole Cauſe of their unnatural Luſt and Leachery, of their acute Diſtempers, and ſhort Lives. But when a valetudinary Perſon goes to a ſouthern Country for his Health, and lives as he uſed in his northern Country, he rather grows worſe for the Climat; and if recover'd by the Air and Traveling, and obſerving the Regimen peculiar to the Healthy in that Climat, if he returns, and does not continue the Regimen of Diet by which he was recover'd, he falls back again, and the ſecond Error is worſe than the firſt; and, in Truth, to travel through, or live even [lii] a few Months or Years in, a ſouthern Climat, and afterwards be obliged to paſs his Life at Home in a northern Climat, is but only roaſting at the Fire, or going ſtrait out of a very hot Room into the cold Air, to freeze and chill the faſter, and more intenſely; for Reaction is always equal to Action.

§. 25. As to the Quantity of Foods of any kind, ſtrong, middling or weak, fitteſt to prolong Life, and prevent or cure Diſeaſes; the moſt proper for each Individual, there is no poſſible way to determin it to any Preciſion; it muſt be different, according to the Size, Strength, Age, Conſtitution, Habitude, acquir'd or hereditary Diſtempers of each Particular, which are as various as their Faces. Wiſe Nature had ſo contriv'd us, had we follow'd her Simplicity and Order in our Diet, that our Appetites and Craveings ſhould be a ſufficient Rule; but having by long Habitudes and Example, ſpoil'd, corrupted and diſorder'd her Laws, Senſations and Order, ſhe is not now, in all Caſes, ſufficient to determin this Affair. The beſt Rules, I think, a wiſe Man can folfollow, are, 1. To uſe the plaineſt, moſt tender, leaſt poignant and ſavoury Meats, fully dreſs'd, he can find, and to abate in Quantity what he is forced to increaſe in the Quality of his Food. 2. To take the leaſt poſſible he can be tolerably eaſy under from the Pain of Hunger. [liii] 3. To obſerve for ſome Time, and with ſome Care, what Foods, in Quantity and Quality, he is eaſieſt under, and the natural Reſt, the natural Secretions, and the animal Functions labour leaſt, and are moſt pleaſantly perform'd under. 4. To obſerve the Quantity after the great Meal, he can apply his Head, his Attention, and his Body, to their proper Offices, with the greateſt Facility and Pleaſure under. 5. To follow the Quantity and Quality of thoſe Foods that give him regularly one figur'd Stool a Day only. 6. For one Month to try double the Quantity, or at leaſt one third, or leſs, more than he us'd of the ſame kinds of Food, and obſerve what Difference this makes in his Functions, Intellectual or Animal; and by ſome repeated Trials of this kind, ſumming up the whole, and takeing the half of this Quantity, divided by the Number of Days, as the Medium between the leaſt or greateſt Quantity. 7. To try, by a Sanctorian Chair, the Quantity and Quality of thoſe Foods that perſpire the moſt and ſooneſt, and reduce the Body to pretty near always the ſame Weight: Or, 8. Laſtly, Without Care, Anxiety or Perplexity, to ſtudy and purſue the lighteſt and leaſt of Food he can poſſibly be eaſy under; for, without all doubt, Nature will (to a Man of a ſober Mind, and in his right Senſes) by acute and intolerable Pains from Hunger, apprize him at leaſt in ſome time, if he has underdos'd [liv] her. So far may ſuffice to an honeſt prudent Perſon, as to the Quantity of Food, or the Materials of the Curd of the Blood: As to the Liquids, or the Materials of the Serum, I am perfectly convinced, Nature never intended any thing but pure Water; Water being ſignatur'd, by its greateſt Fluidity and Inſipidity, for carrying alimentary Particles readily and pleaſantly through all the ſtrait Meanders of animal Life; and having deſign'd fermented Liquors, and the Juices of Fruits and Vegetables, for Phyſic only, and they are, when us'd with Intemperance, or as common Beverage, the ſole univerſal and adequat natural Cauſe of moſt acquir'd Diſtempers; and Water-drinking only, the proper and adequat Antidote for ſuch. But if a Man will drink vinous and fermented Liquors, then the beſt are thoſe that are of a middling Strength, the lighteſt, oldeſt and ripeſt, which have ſpent or drop'd their ſaline, tartarous and groſſeſt Particles by Age and Maturity; on which Account the old Rheniſh or Hock, ripe Claret or Burgundy, neat old Port and Madera, will be preferable; and the rich, fat, fiery, oily and groſs Wines are only to be us'd as Cordials and Drams, on Neceſſity and Extremity. But always the leaſt is the very beſt of all fermented Liquors whatſoever.

§. 26. WHOEVER can reſolve in bad Spirits, a bad Conſtitution, and in advanced Life, [lv] to go into a Regimen, may, I think, fairly be manumitted from Drugs, that is, from any kind of Alteratives, even the Preparations of Mercury, Steel, Antimony, Sulphur, and all thoſe of the ponderous and mineral Kind, they will only tear and rend his tender Bowels and Veſſels; and even from every ſort of the violent and active kind; and truſt ſimply to Nature and domeſtic Evacuation, as the Symptoms exaſperat, viz. little Bleedings, gentle and weak Emetics, Stomach Purges, mineral Waters of a proper kind, gentle Air and Exerciſe, and a Regimen of the lighteſt and leaſt, no regular Meals, but a little at a time and oftner; for as Nature will not, now on its Decline, bear the violent and active Remedies, without being torn to pieces, ſo there is not ſufficient Time in Life remaining for ſtrong Health; and they muſt conſider what Nature can bear and do, and follow her by their Feelings rigidly, and treat themſelves as Children the ſecond time, by giving her barely the lighteſt and the leaſt ſhe can be tolerably eaſy under, and always endeavouring to leſſen the Quantity and Quality of the Diet, as her active and digeſtive Powers weaken and decreaſe; for one Day tolerably eaſy by the Strength of Nature only, will be better than two ſuch by the Help of Art, for her Recovery, and prolonging her Life.


§. 27. IN a low Regimen, even when upon Neceſſity, and under prudent Counſel and Advice, when a Perſon has enter'd upon it, and has continued in it for a long time, they may have many Plunges, Diſcouragements and Exacerbations; eſpecially as the peccant Matter becomes collected from the Maſs of Blood by the greater Glands, and is now ſoliciting to be pumped off, or driven out by the Commonſewer; beſides Accidents, the Inclemency and Alterations of the Seaſons, eſpecially Spring and Autumn, when animal as well as vegetable Nature undergoes ſome notable Alterations; none ought to be ſo ſcrupulouſly nice, as not, at ſuch a Time, to lay aſide their low Milk and Seed or vegetable Diet, and take to a little white Meat, and fermented Liquors, upon Nauſea, Inappetency, and tranſiently to brace the Solids, to get Strength to throw off the ſtill remaining Load of Morboſity and Viſcoſity; this is but like ſtanding to take a little Breath in aſcending a ſteep Mountain: But then they ought, as ſoon as this periodical Paroxyſm is remov'd, by proper Evacuation, and this temporary braceing Regimen, to return to their cooling, ſoft, ſweetning and thinning Diet, in order to purify the Juices totally. This Interruption will only retard the Cure a ſhort time, and will give Strength to perfect it at laſt, as far as the Nature of Things will permit: For it is to be believ'd [lvii] as a certain Truth, without which no Patient will be encouraged to proceed, that it is to a low, cool, thin Diet alone, with proper and indicated Evacuation, that the Blood is to be at laſt mended, and the higheſt Health the Conſtitution will permit is to be obtain'd.

§. 28. To conclude this tedious Detail, of the two, animal Food or fermented Liquors, either of any kind, that is in Uſe, if my Opinion were to be ask'd, Which of the two is moſt pernicious to animal Bodies, or, in which of the two, Miſtakes or Exceſſes are moſt pernicious, fatal, and moſt productive of the ſevere Diſtempers? I would not heſitate a Moment, to aſcribe to fermented or diſtill'd Liquors of any kind, the whole Blame of all or moſt of the painful and excruciating Diſtempers that afflict Mankind: It is to it alone all our Gouts, Stones, Cancers, Fevers, high Hyſterics, Lunacy and Madneſs, are principally owing: It is the true Pandora's Box. And he who would timeouſly give up, while he is tolerably well, fermented Liquors, and drink nothing but pure tepid Water, need never ſeek nor want any other Cure or Medicin, but gentle and proper Evacuation occaſionally, be his Diſtemper what it will: He may then freely give up any Concern about what he ſhould eat; let him, without Fear, follow Nature and his Appetite, in whatever plain Meat is preſented, [lviii] he can be in no Danger from any fatal or dangerous Diſtemper. Water-drinking to thoſe that are already tolerably well, begun early, at leaſt under Thirty-five, or after, when no chronical, hereditary, mortal Diſtemper is rooted, is the true and univerſal Panacea, and the Philoſopher's Stone. God has not only permitted, but by a wife Appointment of his Providence, has, in many Caſes, made animal Food abſolutely neceſſary and indiſpenſable; and for great high Health and Spirits, warm and ſtrong Blood, bodily Proweſs and great Labour, it is the only proper Food; but for fermented Liquors, I know no Command, Counſel, or Example. Certainly wiſe Nature, who has provided liberally Supplies for all our Wants, has furniſh'd us none of it; it is the Invention of ſpurious and luxurious Art, and it is preſent Death to many, and the natural Averſion of all Animals who follow pure Nature: It certainly ſhortens the Duration of Life to all that uſe it even with Moderation, and is the alone adequat Cauſe of all the mortal, painful and atrocious Diſtempers. As a Medicin, preſent Relief, and as a bitter Chalybeat Potion, on Occaſions and Extremities, it might be a tolerable Medicin; but as common Beverage, it is a ſlow but certain Poiſon.

FOR a Concluſion, I will, from the whole, ſet down a few Aphoriſms, that may perhaps [lix] inſtruct and eaſe the Memory of the Valetudinarian.

Aphoriſm 1. A CONSTANT Endeavour after the lighteſt and the leaſt of Meat and Drink a Man can be tolerably eaſy under, is the ſhorteſt and moſt infallible Mean to preſerve Life, Health and Serenity.

Aph. 2. HE that would preſerve a clear Head, and equal Spirits, muſt keep his Stomach clean, his Bowels moderatly empty and uncompreſt.

Aph. 3. ON bad Nights, Lowneſs, Flatulence and Oppreſſion of Spirits, of any Continuance, the only certain Reliefs are, a ſmall Phlebotomy, a gentle Vomit, a domeſtic Purge, rideing a Horſe-back, and a Regimen of the lighteſt and the leaſt perſiſted in.

Aph. 4. SMALL frequent Phlebotomies are the quickeſt and moſt effectual Mean to mend the Blood, and to cure Cacochymy, if a Regimen of the lighteſt and leaſt be joined.

Aph. 5. GENTLE and repeated Evacuation upwards and downwards, (eſpecially, and perhaps only, Vomits) by the Medicins moſt familiar and experienced, (the Action and Exerciſe of Vomiting is its chief Uſe) are the [lx] ſureſt, quickeſt, and moſt effectual Mean to prevent or remedy the ill Effects of Gluttony, Over-loading and Repletion, (that is, almoſt all chronical Diſtempers) provided the lighteſt and the leaſt be join'd afterwards.

Aph. 6. DISEASES are always to be cured by their Contraries, the high Diet by the low, the hot by the cool, the ſapid by the inſipid, the thick and groſs by the thin and poor, Repletion by Faſting, Inactivity by Exerciſe. Health acquir'd and poſſeſſed lies in the middle Regimen, between theſe two Extremes.

Aph. 7. PERFECT Health and good Spirits depend chiefly, if not only, on the eaſy and pleaſant Play or Performance of the Animal Functions, viz. the Digeſtion, Circulation, Reſpiration, Perſpiration, muſcular Motion, and the Secretions.

Aph. 8. HE that would be ſoon well, muſt be long ſick, that is, treat himſelf as a Valetudinarian in moſt things.

Aph. 9. EXERCISE and gentle Evacuation will ſupply the Place of Abſtinence, and Abſtinence will ſupply the Place of Evacuation; but the firſt two are ſtill preferable, becauſe they damage the Solids leaſt.

[lxi] Aph. 10. QUANTITY in Food will ſupply Quality, and Quality will ſupply the Place of Quantity; but in very bad Caſes it is moſt ſecure to join both.

Aph. 11. THERE is but little in a ſpecific Regimen of Diet to remedy or antidot a ſpecific Diſtemper; Abſtinence in general, or a conſtant Endeavour after the lighteſt and the leaſt, will conſtantly ſupply the Place of any ſpecific particular Regimen of Diet: But in very bad Caſes, a particular Choice of the moſt ſpecific Regimen that Art, Experience and Philoſophy ſhew to be moſt proper, is not to be neglected.

Aph. 12. THE Regimen of Diet by which one is cured of a particular Diſtemper, ought to be coninued, at leaſt in ſome Degree, eſpecially if the Perſon is not much under Fifty, elſe the Diſtemper will return with more ſevere and worſe Symptoms than at firſt, as Experience has conſtantly ſhew'd.

Aph. 13. Every wiſe Man, after Fifty, ought to begin to leſſen at leaſt the Quantity of his Aliment; and if he would continue free of great and dangerous Diſtempers, and preſerve his Senſes and Faculties clear to the laſt, he ought every ſeven Years go on, abateing [lxii] gradually and ſenſibly, and at laſt deſcend out of Life as he aſcended into it, even into the Child's Diet.

Aph. 14. He that is old when he is young, that is, treats himſelf as a wiſe old Man does, or ought to do, by great Temperance, Air and Exerciſe, if he lives paſt Thirty-five, will be young when he grows old in Years.

Aph. 15. No Perſon of any Fortune ever died, or ſuffer'd acute Pains, or mortal Diſtempers, by the too cool, too little, or too inſipid in Diet; all by the too hot, high and ſavoury: But Virtue and Health lie in the golden Mean, ſo difficult to be found, and only to be ſecur'd by the lighteſt and the leaſt a Man can be tolerably eaſy under.

Aph. 16. THE eternal Law of Nature, by intenſe Pain in Craveing and Hunger, will never ſuffer a Perſon in his right Senſes to go on long obſtinatly, and to his Hurt, in the too little.

Aph. 17. WATER pure, clear and inſipid, is the ſole Beverage that can procure or continue Health, and a clear Head, being the ſole Fluid that will paſs through the ſmalleſt animal Tubes without Reſiſtance; next to it are aqueous, or weak fermented Liquors.

[lxiii] Aph. 18. WATER tepid or cold, or impregnated with the ſpecific Vegetables, or Minerals, that Experience has found proper to antidot a given Diſtemper, is the true Panacea in both acute and chronical Diſtempers: Nature has prepared no other Medicin for us, but Water impregnated with Vegetables in their Juices, or natural Mineral Waters on the Surface of the Earth.

Aph. 19. MILK is the only Food prepared by Nature for young, that is, weak and tender animal Bodies; and there is no real Difference between a young, tender, animal Body, and a diſeaſed grown Animal, but that, of the two, the laſt is the worſt; but it will coſt Labour and Patience to make Milk agree in bilious Caſes.

Aph. 20. MILK and ſweet ſound Blood differ in nothing but in Colour: Milk is Blood, which almoſt directly comes from the Chyle into the Teats of the Animal; and Blood is Milk which has gone many Rounds in the Circulation, and is ground a little in the Lungs, where being mixt with the Nitre of the Air, it receives its Scarlet Colour; it is a Medium between animal and vegetable Food.

Aph. 21. WHEY ſweet, or medicated with the Juice of any ſpecific Plant, Sage, Balm, or [lxiv] Orange, or antiſcorbutic, vulnerary, or pulmonic Plants, will ſupply the Place, and are preferable to moſt Decoctions, of Plants, Infuſions, Apozems and Diet-Drinks whatſoever, except thoſe of the ſtrong Detergents, as Horſe-Radiſh, Muſtard-Seed, and the like, where neceſſary.

Aph. 22. GOATS Whey being a natural Infuſion from gentle Heat, and gentle Triture, of the fine aromatic and nitrous Vegetables on which Goats feed only, is one of the very beſt Diluents, Detergents, Cleanſers and Sweetners of ſcorbutic and ſalin Cacochymies.

Aph. 23. FRICTION Morning and Night, and in Winter Waſhing with warm, and Drying before a Fire, and in Summer with cold Water, is an excellent Mean to facilitat and promote the Perſpiration; to clean the Cuticle, and cure cutaneous Uncleanneſs and Defedations, cold Batheing is excellent, and preferable to every Waſhing in Caſes where the Blood is ſweet and thin, the Solids too lax only.

Aph. 24. CINCTURE with a broad quilted Belt about the Loins, to keep the Bowels in their natural Situations, and the chylous Veſſels in their beſt Locality, and in flabby Conſtitutions, weak Bowels and Atrophies, is of great Benefit.

[lxv] Aph. 25. RIDEING is the beſt of all Exerciſes to get Health, and to promote the Digeſtions, eſpecially in nervous Diſtempers, where the Abdomen and the Meſeraic Glands are principally affected: But Walking is beſt to preſerve Health already got, becauſe it is the moſt natural and the moſt univerſal Promoter of all the Excretions.

Aph. 26. IN Nature or Art there is no ſuch immediat Cure for low Spirits, Anxiety, and Want of Sleep, as rideing a Horſe-back, long Journies with Faſting, or rather a very ſoft light Feeding with warm thin Liquors at Reſting-Places, but that the leaſt poſſible that actual Fainting will permit.

Aph. 27. NEXT to Rideing, is either a Vomit, or Faſting almoſt to Faintneſs, and then only a little ſpiced Wine and Water warm, and a Mouthful or two of dry Bisket every 5th or 6th Hour, with continued Friction, with a coarſe Cloth, warm Flannel, or a Fleſh-Bruſh, eſpecially on the Spine, in Faintings and extreme Lowneſs.

Aph. 28. TO procure natural Reſt, nothing is like four or five middling Pills of true Aſſafoetida, with four or five Grains of pure ſuccatrine Aloe, taken going to Bed.

[lxvi] Aph. 29. THE only Way to ſecure tolerable Spirits in very low Caſes, is a conſtant Endeavour to make Hunger the greateſt Pain, and to cheat the Appetite and Craveing with little, warm, light Liquors at large Intervals.

Aph. 30. GOOD Hours will be always a moſt beneficial Mean to preſerve Health and Spirits, to go to Bed by Ten, and riſe by Six.

Aph. 31. WHOSOEVER would preſerve his Health and Spirits to the laſt, even when he is in Poſſeſſion of it, ought to paſs through the great Operations of Phyſick in the Spring, viz. To bleed, vomit and purge, whether he have apparent Neceſſity or not; for Seurvy, or ſcorbutick Juices, is the great chronical and fundamental Diſtemper of Britain; all the reſt are but Sprouts and Branches of it. And therefore,

Aph. 32. VOMITS often repeated, at leaſt as often as the Symptom of any Ail aggravats, increaſes or exaſperats, are the ſole univerſal Antidot and Panacea of Britain: an ailing Perſon cannot repeat them too often, they will always prove beneficial and ſalutary.

Aph. 33. IN cold Feet nothing like batheing them in tepid Water a little before going to Bed.

[lxvii] Aph. 34. A low Diet ſeldom extirpats, or totally eradicats, any hereditary chronical Diſtemper, unleſs it be in the young, the middling-aged, or the ſtrong and healthy, who have otherwiſe tolerable Stamina; in the very puny, delicat and ſlender, in the old, and far advanced in Life, even after Fifty, in the ſtrongeſt, it only abates the Violence of their Symptoms, makes them leſs ſevere, and the Returns ſeldomer, and only prolongs the Duration of their Lives.

Aph. 35. THE natural Diſeaſes of the Poor and Neceſſitous are generally owing to a bad, unwholeſome, unſound Diet, and the Want of due Care of the other Non-naturals, Cleanneſs and Shelter; and are generally cured by their Contraries, viz. a good, wholeſome, plain Diet, and a due Cleanneſs, Shelter from the Inclemency of Seaſons, and an eaſy Mind.

Aph. 36. IF it happen that the Poor, and thoſe having no Property of their own, by Stealth, Robbery, or unlawful Means, enter on and purſue the Luxury of the Rich and Opulent, not having the other Neceſſaries and Conveniencies of Life, neglecting, or not being able to afford, or being inured to want the neceſſary Care of the other Non-naturals, their Diſeaſes are then the moſt atrocious, [lxviii] painful and miſerable of any; which is the Reaſon that the acute and contagious Diſtempers begin firſt, ſpread faſter, and are more mortal among them, than thoſe of the better Sort.

Aph. 37. DIET; a proper well regulated and parſimonious, cool Diet, is the far greateſt Article of long Life and Health; but the other Non-naturals are to be carefully attended to, and guarded againſt, elſe it will not avail alone, which is the Caſe in Monaſteries, Deſarts, and long Sea Voyages.


1 Cor. xv. 44.‘There is a natural Body, and there is a ſpiritual Body.’

§. 1. THERE are Animalcules, which being endued with Life and Motion, muſt conſequently perform Animal Functions, that are leſs than any Object perceptible by our Senſes.

THIS is beyond all Doubt from Microſcopical Diſcoveries in Pepper Water, Spring Water, Vinegar, Sperm, the Urine and fluid Juices of almoſt all morbid Animals; and [2] Mr. Lewenhoeck has ſhewn, that there are Animals, many Thouſands of which would not equal a viſible Grain of Sand; and that there are Tubes in Animals, of which ſeveral Hundreds would not equal a common Hair; and the ſmalleſt Animals, to carry on Life, muſt neceſſarily have all the chief Organical Parts of the greateſt Animals, at leaſt analogically.

§. 2. An organized Animal Body could not poſſibly at firſt have been formed, nor can its Functions be now accounted for, or explained, by mere Mechaniſm, or the Laws of Motion which now obtain, without the Sagacity and Agency of a primary ſelf-exiſtent Cauſe; nor can the Functions be continued without the Superintendance and Influence of a ſelf-moving, ſelf-acting ſecondary Agent, informing and acting on it continually.

THIS is not only demonſtrable from the Inertia and Paſſivity of Matter, from the obvious Contradiction of a perpetual circular Motion, which is the Caſe of all Animals (the Motion of the Heart, and the Muſcular Force of the Blood-Veſſels, being the Cauſe of the Circulation, and the Circulation being the Cauſe (efficient or occaſional) of the Motion of the Heart, and of the Muſcular Fibres;) But that mere Mechaniſm acts only according to the Surfaces of Bodies; and yet it is probable, [3] that animated Bodies act according to their Solidities, and that every Atom of an animated Body is conſtantly in Action, for the Preſervation and Well-being of the whole Machin, and alſo for exerting that particular Animal Function, which its Figure, Situation and Uſe in the Animal requires. Beſides, natural and ſimple Mechaniſm can act only from One Centre of Motion or Impulſe, in One ſingle Direction only; whereas Curvature requires different Direction every Moment, and conſequently various Centres of Motion or Impulſe. Now, if we conſider the Varieties of Motions and Directions in the Joints and Muſcles of Animals, but eſpecially the infinite Variety of Curvatures in the Arteries, Veins, and Nerves, and particularly in the Glands, we will readily perceive it to be utterly impoſſible, and a Contradiction, that an Animal Body could have been at firſt formed without a Supra-mechanical Organiſation; or that it ſhould continue to live, and perform Animal Functions, without the continual Agency and Superintendance of a ſecondary ſelf-active, and ſelfmotive Principle.

§. 3. It is highly probable, that the firſt Elements of Bodies, or the leaſt and laſt Particles of Matter, are ſolid, hard, and indiviſible, by any finite Power, or Force whatever; becauſe by Friction, Colliſion, and Uſe, [4] they are not worn out, and loſe not their Original Figure and Size; ſince they are ſtill fit for the Ends and Purpoſes of their firſt Inſtitution.

§. 4. GOD and Nature do nothing in vain; and ſince Body muſt neceſſarily be always endued with ſome Figure, being neither infinitely ſmall, nor infinitely great (where Figure may poſſibly be thought to evaniſh) the three moſt ſimple Figures of all ſolid Bodies, viz. Spheres, Cubes, and equilateral triangular Priſms, might poſſibly at firſt have made all the Diverſities of the primitive original Particles of ſpecific Bodies. Theſe Figures, with the particular Laws of Attraction and Union thence ariſing, together with different Diameters, and various Combinations, may have made all the Differences of Bodies.

§. 5. THE ſeveral Elements, or the ſeveral Aggregats or Maſſes of the different original Particles, now commonly called Elements, as Water, Air, Light, Salt, and Earth, have each ſome ſpecifick Qualities, which diſtinguiſh them from each other, and which they never entirely loſe in any State whatſoever; but which may be ſwallowed up, and rendered unactive, when blended and combined with other Particles, as they are in the integral Particles of natural Bodies, as theſe are conſtituted in this our Syſtem.

[5]WATER has its Incompreſſibility, the Rotundity, or at leaſt the Spheroidity of its conſtituent Particles; its Tranſparency, or refractive Power, its Admiſſion of Salts into its Subſtance without greatly increaſing its Dimenſions, at leaſt in a certain Quantity and Proportion, nay ſometimes leſſening them.

AIR has its Elaſticity, its repulſive Force, its acid and nitrous Spirit, and its vivifying Quality to Fire, and Animal Life.

LIGHT has its Activity, Velocity, Tenuity of its Particles, and its Fitts of eaſy Tranſmiſſion and Reflection, and probably a greater Gravity or Byas, on one Side, than the other of its Particles.

SALT has its Solubility in Water only, its penetrating Virtue on Bodies, and its ſtimulating Quality on animal Fibres; A greater Degree, and particular Law of the attractive Force of its Particles on one another, whereby its Cluſters are generally of regular, and nearly ſimilar Figures terminated by plain Surfaces.

EARTH has its greater Gravity, looſe Connexion, and leſs Attraction of its Particles; its Friability, and irregular Figure, being probably the Ramenta or Abraſions of the other Elements.

[6]PERHAPS the primitive Animal Body might conſiſt of the Firſt pure ſpecific and ſublimed Elements, harmoniouſly combined, and elegantly ranged in their Original Natures, of which our preſent patch'd groſs Bodies, are only the confuſed denſe Kind; as our preſent Globe of Earth, its Water, Salt, Air, Light, and Earth, are but probably the putrified Carcaſe of the primitive Planet; but both may continue to have ſome remote Analogy to one another, as a Carcaſe hath to a living Beauty, or an Egyptian Mummy to a living Cleopatra.

ACCORDING to this Analogy then, may not the Matter and Subſtance of the original firſt-created Vehicle or Animal Body, be of ſuch Elements of the original Kind? of a celeſtial and ſpiritual Nature (ſo to ſpeak) infinitely more ſubtile and refined than the Matter of Light, more elaſtick than the fineſt Aether; and whoſe Particles might have had, as it were, an infinite Power of Attraction even at finite Diſtances, and conſequently might pervade all groſs Bodies of our Syſtem without Reſiſtance or Pain.

§. 6. On ſuch an analogous Suppoſition or Conjecture, the Fineneſs, Elaſticity and Law of Attraction in the Particles of ſuch a ſpiritual Animal Matter, might admit of Degrees [7] (as all Finites muſt neceſſarily do) and the Degree might be in Proportion to the natural and moral Powers of the Spirit conjunctly.

IT ſeems highly probable, that all finite created Spirits have, and muſt have material Vehicles, of Purity and Fineneſs in Proportion to their natural and moral Powers conjunctly, not only to limit and direct their Energy and Efficiency, but to commerciate with other Animals, and inanimat created Natures; none but the Supreme Spirit, the Father of Spirits, being abſolutely and entirely an infinitely pure immaterial Spirit, acting by his Power and Energy with equal Facility at all poſſible Diſtances. And the Vehicles, or original Bodies of all created Spirits might poſſibly be of ſome ſuch Nature, as this deſcribed Matter, which may be called ſpiritual Matter, or Element.

§. 7. This ſpiritual animal Body, at firſt divinely organized, may be rolled up, folded together and contracted in this preſent State of its Duration, into an infinitely ſmall Punctum Saliens, into a Miniature of a Miniature in infinitum, lodg'd in the Loins of the Male of all Animals, (for it is highly probable the Female was but a ſecondary Intention, or a Buttreſs to a falling Edifice) and proceeding in a diverging Series, and progreſſive Gradation, that in due Time it may be fit to be nouriſhed, [8] and increaſed by the Juices of the proper Female, and thereby enabled to bear the Coarſeneſs and Injuries of this ruinous Globe, and groſs Element, to which it is to be condemned for a certain Period.

§. 8. IT would ſeem that this ſpiritual Body, of this refin'd ſubtile Matter divinely organized, by an infinite Degree of Attraction to its particular informing Spirit, and by an individual Fitneſs and Congruity to the ſpecific immaterial Inhabitant, is ſo intimately united with it in its original Creation, that they are never after to be ſeparated, whatever future State they may go into, by any finite Power whatſoever; no more than the Firmneſs and Solidity of the primitive original Atoms of of Matter can be broken or divided by any natural Power. So that in whatever Afterſtates it may exiſt, or whatever Plaiſter or Vehicle of a denſer and coarſer Element may be ſuperinduced, the ſpiritual Inhabitant and the primitive Creation-Body go inſeparably together. And as this refined ſpiritual Body might have been the Creation primitive Body, ſo it may, purified, develop'd and mundify'd, become the laſt Reſurrection and glorify'd Body.

§. 9. It ſeems highly probable, analogous to the other Appearances of Nature, and congruous to rational Agency (if we ſuppoſe the firſt Being rational, intelligent and wiſe, acting [9] with Deſigns and Purpoſes) that the confining of intelligent or ſentient Beings, for ſo long a Time, to ſo dark and ſtrait a Priſon, in the Origin, Seeds and Eggs of Animals, on this ruinous Globe, muſt have been for ſome wiſe and good End and Purpoſe, in God's moral Government of his int ligent and ſentient Creatures; perhaps for Puniſhment, Correction, progreſſive Purification, and painful Senſation (A Body haſt thou given me, was ſaid of our Saviour, to make him paſſive); Feeling and Experience being the moſt effectual Mean to admoniſh and teach finite, wandering and heedleſs Beings; at leaſt this ſeems one Part of the Deſign.

§. 10. THAT in our preſent Scene of Exiſtence, our natural Powers are tied down, ſopited, and fettered by the Manner of our Origination, and coming into rational Life, is ſelf-evident: The wiſeſt and beſt Man on the Earth, as to rational and intelligent Living, was firſt like a mere Vegetable or Plant, afterward a mere Animal or Brute, and but at laſt, very late, and only for a ſhort Time, the rational and complete Man; and this Truth might be further illuſtrated, and even demonſtrated, from the Qualities of Matter, which are contrary to and deſtructive of the Qualities of Spirit. Now this Progreſſion muſt have ſome End and Purpoſe in the Intention of a wiſe and good Cauſe; and may ſuppoſe, that by the Abuſe of Liberty, and [10] idolatriſing the Creatures, the moral Powers (Juſtice, Goodneſs, and Truth) being eraſed and cancell'd in the Spirit, the moſt effectual Mean and Expedient to reſtore them, was to tye down, contract and ſopite the natural Powers of the Soul (Living, Perceiving, and Willing) to a Level and Equality with theſe defaced moral Powers, that by the Uſe of the proper Means, they might (without Letts or Obſtacles from theſe natural Powers) gradually improve and grow up together, in the ſame Degree and Order; at leaſt this may be One not improbable End and Deſign of Providence, in this progreſſive Growth of the natural Powers of the human Spirit; ſince it is evident in Fact, that where the natural and moral Powers of the Soul riſe to any Degree, this Progreſſion is obſerved.

§. 11. The Works of God are without Repentance, the true unbodied Spiritual Subſtance in intelligent and ſentient Natures, being an Emanation, Efflux, Ray, or Spark, or (if I durſt uſe ſuch figurative Language) an infiniteſimal Miniature of his Subſtance, (and of his living, perceiving and willing, or whole Nature) who is Self-exiſtent; After flowing from him, can no more periſh, or ceaſe to live, perceive and will, than neceſſary Self-exiſtence can ceaſe to be; ſo that Living, Perceiving and Willing, (i. e. Cogitation) can never be totally extinct in any intelligent and ſentient Being: Never in the Root, Faculty or Power, [11] tho' they may be, and often are, in the Acts; like Fire in Aſhes. Annihilation is contradictory to, and deſtructive of infinite Wiſdom and Power, and unworthy of infinite Perfection, requiring the ſame Omnipotence that Creation does; Reaction being always equal to Action. And Self-activity being an infiniteſimal Miniature of neceſſary Exiſtence and Omnipotence. The firſt Being might as juſtly be ſuppoſed capable of deſtroying Himſelf, as his Miniature Images: Beſides, it were neither wiſe nor good even in a Man, to ſuffer the Heir Apparent of a great Kingdom to deſtroy or annihilate himſelf, if it were poſſible by Correction, Reſtraints, Time, and due Culture, to fit him for the Poſſeſſion; and ſure every Thing that is wiſe and good is poſſible to the beſt of Beings. Theſe Natural Powers may be ſopited, contracted and hindred from iſſuing into Action, (as we ſee they are in ſound Sleep, in ſome Diſeaſes, Syncope's, and many other Caſes) by Obſtacles of, and Reſiſtances from groſs Matter, by Bonds, Fetters and Chains made of theſe our Elements; and the coarſer and ſtraiter theſe Fetters and Chains are, the ſtraiter and cloſer the Priſon may be, and the weaker and fewer may be the Acts of the natural Powers, till this Priſon become almoſt dead Matter, and a Dungeon, or a mere Point. Now infinite Wiſdom and Power, being, as it were, neceſſitated by the infinite Benevolence of his Nature, to lay out all the [12] Energy of his Omnipotence and Omniſcience, to recover and reſtore his Miniature Images, conſiſtent with the Harmony of his own Attributes, and with the Uſage of their natural Powers, (neither of which he could force, or offer Violence to,) ſeems to have contrived this wonderful Expedient, viz. to tye down, ſopite and reſtrain the Acts and Exertion of the natural Powers, of laps'd, ſentient and intelligent Beings, for a determin'd Space of Time, by Chains and Fetters made of the Elements of this ruinous Globe, in order to puniſh and purify them, and ſo to vindicate his Sovereignty, to repair the Indignity done to his Purity, to warn and deter the other Orders of his ſtanding Hierarchies, and at the ſame Time, by leſſening the Strength and Activity of the natural Powers in their full Vigour, to allow Freedom and Uninterruption from them, for the Reſtoration and Advancement of the moral Powers.

§. 12. WERE the natural Powers of a free, laps'd and intelligent Being, greatly and eminently higher than the moral Powers in the preſent State, they muſt neceſſarily claſh with, interrupt and greatly hinder the Acquiſition of the moral Powers. For Example, unerring Evidence, irrefragable Demonſtration, abſolute Certainty, muſt neceſſarily interfere with Humility, Dependence, Reſignation, Faith and Truſt, and conſequently with all Merit, Gratitude, [13] and Love. What Faith? What Reſignation? What Merit is there in believing the Propoſitions of Euclid? In this we are as much paſſive in our immaterial Principle, as in our Material. We truſt our Lives and Fortunes to a Seaman, or Coachman, not on Demonſtration and abſolute Certainty, but becauſe we believe them to be honeſt able Perſons in their ſeveral Vocations. Faith and Hope muſt eternally exclude Mathematical Certainty. Perfect Demonſtration and abſolute Certainty, would exclude Choice, Election and Preference, in finite dependent Creatures. It is Probability alone, Veriſimilitude, Analogy, and final Cauſes, or Revelation, that can be the proper Evidence to produce Faith, and to give Merit, Choice, Election and Preference to the Actions of finite, laps'd and dependent Creatures; and this whole preſent Scene of Providence, and the Darkneſs, Obſcurity and ſeeming Deformity on the Face of Nature, and the Works of an All-wiſe, All-good Being, ſeem only contrived and calculated, to preſerve the natural Powers of lapſed finite Intelligences inviolate, and at the ſame Time to harmoniſe with the Divine Attributes. For had the natural Powers continued in their Perfection and full Extent, while the moral Powers were cancell'd and extinguiſh'd, they could never have been reſtored conſiſtent with the Harmony of the Divine Attributes, and the natural, [14] unperiſhable and inviolable Powers of free Intelligences. Liberty to do Good or Evil, Pre-Exiſtence abus'd, univerſal Reſtoration, and final Confirmation, conſiſtent with the Harmony of the Divine Attributes, and the natural Powers of lapſed Intelligences, well explain'd, will remove all the poſſible Difficulties and Obſcurity, in Nature, Providence, and Revelation.

§. 13. To comprehend, aſcertain and demin with Preciſion, and Mathematical or Metaphyſical Certainty, the real Nature, or Subſtance of any thing, ſmall or great, is incompatible with Finitude, and the ſole incommunicable Attribute of the Deity; and if lapſed finite Creatures, ſuch as we of the human Race are ſuppoſed to be, could attain to it, it would deſtroy our Liberty to act, (whoſe very Eſſence conſiſts in doing any thing or its contrary) and determin us infallibly to one Tenour of Action, as certainly as one Impulſe, or one Centre of Motion in a Body, would determine it to one Direction, or in a Right Line, and conſequently would counteract our Recovery and Reſtoration, and render it impoſſible. And the moſt perfect Cherubim in Heaven, to perpetuate and eterniſe its Happineſs, muſt neceſſarily have made a ſurrendry and ſacrifice of its Will to infinite Goodneſs, and its Underſtanding to infinite Wiſdom; and tho' all that are admitted to the [15] Beatific Viſion, ſee God Face to Face, or ſee as they are ſeen, yet it can be only pro Modulo ſuo; and tho' the Faith and Truſt neceſſary to us here in our uncertain lapſed probatory State, when we come to Glory ſhall be done away, yet naked Faith, or a Faith founded ſolely on the Ipſe Dixit of infinite Perfection, as well as pure Love, or love of Infinite Perfection for itſelf, or for its own Amiability, is indiſpenſibly neceſſary even in Heaven, to perpetuate and eterniſe the Felicity of the moſt perfect Seraphim. As our bodily Eyes are utterly incapable of perceiving the real and poſitive Magnitude, Dimenſions and Diſtance of material Objects, nothing but their relative ones; ſo is the moſt ſublime and perfect created Underſtanding for ever incapable to diſcover, and comprehend the preciſe Nature, Eſſence or Qualities of the Firſt Being, or of any of his loweſt Works. Objects are perceiv'd or comprehended not according to their own abſolute preciſe and poſitive Nature, by created Underſtandings of any Order and Degree, but reſpectively and relatively, according to the Degree and Extent of their Faculties; and yet a Miniature may be truly a Picture, and as juſt an one in ſmall, as one at length, and between the Firſt Being, and the abſolute Nature of his Works, as conceiv'd and comprehended by creaturely Faculties, there will be allways the Proportion of Infinite to Finite. And when Jeſus Chriſt [16] ſaid he was the Truth, the abſolute Truth, he as really affirm'd his Divinity, as when he ſaid he that hath ſeen me, hath ſeen the Father, or I and the Father are one; for the abſolute preciſe Metaphyſical Truth of real poſitive Things is inſeparable from the Divine Nature; and he could not be honeſt and ſincere even as a Creature, if in ſuch a momentuous and and fundamental Point, he could lead Creatures into a Miſtake; an honeſt Perſon would have trembled to come ſo near plain Blaſphemy, and yet he ſays his Words are Spirit and Truth. But I beg Pardon for this Digreſſion out of the Sphere of Philoſophy.

§. 14. THE ſubjecting material Bodies, the outward Creation, and, perhaps, ſpiritual Natures, to general and invariable Laws, (the continuing theſe under the Lapſe, which were and muſt have been eſtabliſh'd in the State of Innocence, I ſay, the Continuance of theſe) ſeems to be another Expedient of infinite Wiſdom to preſerve Liberty in the Recovery of the moral Powers of lapſed Intelligences, and to conciliate the Harmony of the Divine Attributes. Without theſe general Laws, (diſcoverable only to any Degree, by juſt Obſervation, calm Attention, accurate Experiment, extenſive Induction and Calculation) there could be no Room for Correction, Amending, for Choice and Election, or for moral Good and Evil; but Things would happen in the [17] intellectual and moral Syſtem, as they are ſuppoſed to happen in the natural Syſtem on the Epicurean Scheme, by Chance, Caſualty, Fits and Starts, or fatal Neceſſity; which is abſolutely to deny the firſt Being to be a rational, intelligent and free Agent; for infinite Wiſdom can do nothing, but for wiſe Ends and Purpoſes; and muſt contrive Means, which have a natural and neceſſary Tendency and Fitneſs for theſe Ends. If theſe Means be not ſeen by us, or being in ſome meaſure ſeen, may ſeem not to attain their Ends, it is becauſe, being finite lapſed Creatures, our narrow Capacities cannot reach them, or becauſe all the Conditions requiſite to make them effectual, were not preſent in a particular Caſe; for infinite Wiſdom muſt act uniformly, with Order, Number, Weight and Meaſure; all which, nothing but general Laws and Canons can effect, as is well known to Geometers, and plainly exemplified in the univerſal Canons of Algebra. If theſe general Laws be duly inveſtigated, cautiouſly guarded, and all the neceſſary Conditions be taken in, they can never fail of obtaining their End and Effect; unleſs infinite Wiſdom and Power ſuſpend them for a limited Time, to manifeſt his Power, or for moral Ends and Purpoſes; or unleſs they are kept from attaining their natural Ends directly, by the voluntary and free Agency of imperfect human Intelligences.


§. 14. THE only Thing worthy of a true Philoſopher is, with Attention, to draw up and collect as many as he poſſibly can, of theſe general Laws of the Divine Agency in the natural, moral, and intellectual World, for his own Uſe, or that of his Fellow-Intelligences. For without all Doubt they muſt be ſome few of the moſt obvious of the Laws of infinite Wiſdom, laid down as the Plan, by which all his Works of Wonder were at firſt form'd, and are ſtill govern'd: And tho' in Him all this great Affair was but one ſingle Act of Wiſdom and Power, yet in regard to us his infiniteſimal Miniatures, now in a lapſed State, they muſt be conſider'd by Parts, in different Acts, and divided Sections, and view'd ſeparately, in Proportion to our weak and limited Faculties: For certainly general Laws, and univerſal Rules, are the Method of Divine Agency, and of his wiſe Providence.

§. 15. THE general Laws of Motion, the Laws of ſimple Mechaniſm, the Laws of Refraction and Reflection, and many more ſuch general Laws, both in natural Philoſophy, civil Society, and human Policy, are pretty well known and adjuſted, in all the poliſh'd Nations of the World; and it is not improbable ſuch general Laws may obtain in other Syſtems, at leaſt analogically: and they actually do ſo, as far as our Obſervation reaches. And it is very probable that ſimilar and analogous [19] general Laws, have place in the moral, ſpiritual and intellectual World. For God is the ſame Yeſterday, To-day, and for Ever; his Nature, Attributes, and Agency, uniform: And ſince he acts by general Laws in material Agency, it is highly probable, and conformable to his infinite Wiſdom, to act in the ſame uniform Manner in all his Operations, ad extra; and, as far as juſt Obſervations have been made, and well-grounded Concluſions drawn by Analogy, we ſhall find it ſo in all the Syſtems, Moral, Spiritual or Divine; tho' theſe laſt have been but little ſtudied, and timorouſly applied to, by Perſons of a proper Spirit and Genius, out of Dread of the odious Deſignation of Enthuſiaſm or Superſtition: but future Ages may perhaps get over this Terror; for the Method has a ſolid Foundation in the Nature of Things.

§. 16. THESE general Laws of the Divine Oeconomy in Creation and Providence, or the Rules of conſummate Wiſdom and Fitneſs, which the Supreme Being has chalk'd out and laid down, are, without all Doubt, inexhauſtible and incomprehenſible to ſuch an Order of Beings as we are in our preſent State, and undiſcoverable to any Degree of Perfection; for who can ſearch out the Almighty to Perfection? Perhaps the Diſcovery of them may be a Part of the Happineſs and Perfection of another State of Exiſtence, and ſome ſmall Portion of the [20] Employment of happy contemplative Spirits in other Regions; and there, The Works of the Lord will appear wonderful to them that delight therein. For if the Firſt Being be rational, intelligent, wiſe and good, as doubtleſs he is infinitely ſo, there muſt of Neceſſity be in all his Works, Conduct and Actions ad extra, one perpetual Analogy, and one continued Harmony through the Whole, and in every ſingle Part; each individual Organ and Law muſt be fitted to this great End, viz. the Perfection of the Whole, and of each Part; and he who conſiders the Oeconomy of Nature, Providence, and Reſtoration, with greateſt Attention and Humility, will moſt clearly diſcern this Wiſdom, Fitneſs, and Divine Order in them.

§. 17. SUPPOSE an infinitely wiſe, powerful and good Being, did intend to produce ſomething new, that he had no Pattern or Model of before Him, (as the firſt intelligent Cauſe could not poſſibly have in Creation) as an Artificer; for Example, (to deſcend the loweſt in a Similitude) he could only expreſs, in ſenſible Images, the Genius, Nature, and Ideas of his own Mind, and fit the Parts and Organs of ſuch a Machine to the End and Uſe for which it was deſigned, with Number, Weight and Meaſure; and ſo (to compare great Things with ſmall) Supreme Wiſdom, having nothing but Himſelf, his own beneficent Nature and Attributes [21] before Creation, to copy forth and repreſent, could, in all his Works of Wonder, delineate nothing but his own Subſtance, Nature, Wiſdom, Goodneſs, Juſtice and Truth. So that all Nature, all Creation, all the Worlds, the Material, Moral and Spiritual, can poſſibly be nothing elſe, but the ſupreme, immenſe and infinitely perfect Being, diſplay'd, pourtray'd, and made ſenſible and perceptible. Mundus univerſus nihil aliud eſt, quam Deus explicitus, ſaid a learned Man. To think otherwiſe, is a ſort of Blaſphemy, and degrading of infinite Wiſdom and Perfection below finite lapſed human Intelligences. For there is no poſſible Work of any Man, but which in ſome Degree is a Picture of himſelf, of his own Idea, or of the Conſtitution and Complexion of his Mind at that Time.

§. 18. IF then there be a perpetual Analogy running through all the Works of God, Natural, Moral and Spiritual; if all his Workings ad Extra, be Repreſentations, Pictures and Hieroglyphicks, ſtronger or weaker, more general or more particular, of his own Nature, Complexion and Attributes; if the material inanimated Syſtem of outward Things, being contrived with infinite Fitneſs, Juſtneſs, Propriety and Delicacy, do repreſent his infinite Wiſdom and Power, in a more ſenſible, yet in a darker and weaker Manner: and if the Oeconomy of his univerſal [22] and particular Providence, and the amazing Oeconomy of the Reſtoration of every individual lapſed Being, be ſtronger and more irreſiſtible Evidences and Repreſentations of his infinite Penetration, (ſo to ſpeak) Benevolence and Power; then it muſt be acknowledged; that, through all his Works, there runs one perpetual Progreſſion, one continual Analogy, and uninterrupted Harmony, of his own Nature, Wiſdom and Power; and that as Proportion is the Medium, and true Logic of material Natures and Beings, ſo Analogy is the true Key and Analyſis of ſpiritual Natures and Qualities; and as the Data of the firſt is in Senſation, or the Notices from our Senſes, or accurate Experiment: ſo the Data of the laſt is in Attention and Reflexion upon our own ſpiritual Natures, and their Operations, and Experience of the Qualities, Sentiments and Paſſions of our own Hearts and Souls; and carrying theſe to as great a Height as poſſible. For I can conceive no clearer or more diſtinct Manner to give a Child or an ignorant Perſon an Idea (tho' low and imperfect) of the firſt Being, than to tell him He is like the Soul or living Nature, of the beſt and moſt amiable Perſon he ever knew, infinitely exalted, without his Imperfections; but who has Life and Being from Himſelf only: whereas all his Creatures are Emanations from Him, and the Works of his Power: And what is this, but a true Analogy? Juſt ſuch a one, as [23] when we give an Infant or ignorant Perſon an Idea of the Sea, by ſhewing him the neareſt great Lake, and telling him that the Sea is of the ſame Nature, but vaſtly bigger.

§. 19. IT is plain from the natural, civil, and ſacred Hiſtory of the whole human Race, from the viſible and perceptible State of our Globe, its ſurrounding Atmoſphere, kindred Planets, and their Influences upon ours; that Pain, Suffering and Miſery, is as natural and neceſſary to us here in this preſent State, as Exiſtence is. It is utterly unavoidable but in Degree; none ever lived, but felt it it ſome Kind or Degree or other. The Extreme Tenderneſs and Delicacy of our lumbaginous and ſpermatic State, ſubject us to the Diſtempers and Sufferings ariſing from the Indiſcretions and bodily Diſeaſes of our Parents: The Weakneſs and Helpleſsneſs of Childhood and Infancy, expoſe us to innumerable Accidents and Diſtempers. The imprudent and improper Nouriſhment in Quantity or Quality, given us by our Mothers or Nurſes, bring naturally on us Suffering and Miſery: The Groſsneſs, Coarſeneſs, and Inclemency of the Element we live and breathe in, mechanically infects us with its noxious and deleterious Qualities: Ignorance, bad Example, contagious Cuſtom, and popular Errors and Prejudices continue the Hazards and Dangers of Childhood. Strong Paſſions and Appetites, a wrong [24] Turn of Head or Heart, a corrupt and degenerate Age, ſtrengthen and confirm our Miſeries and Misfortunes in Youthhood: Diſappointments, Misfortunes, Cares, Want of, or the bad Uſage of the Neceſſaries and Conveniencies of Life, Luxury or Intemperance, Famine or Scarcity, Epidemical Diſeaſes, or unforeſeen Accidents, one or other, or perhaps all together, make the Complexion of Manhood: And old Age (the Cardinal Diſeaſe of human Life) finiſhes the dark Scene of human Miſery with perpetual Aches, Sores and Infirmities of Body and Mind; a more ſenſible Dotage and Childhood, a Taedium Vitae, with a Deſire of Diſſolution, which is yet accompanied with a terrible Dread of it; all theſe conclude this Climax and Progreſſion of Miſery; through which the very beſt and wiſeſt, that laſts out the natural Duration of Life, muſt paſs, for his Puniſhment, Expiation, and Purification; not to mention the Remorſe and internal Crucifixion of thoſe who feel a Law in their Members warring againſt the Law of their Minds in a perpetual Strife and Conflict. It is only in and through the Oeconomy of the Reſtoration, by the Knowledge of the Goſpel, that theſe natural, neceſſary and unavoidable Pains, Puniſhments and Miſeries, can be turned, may be reckoned, and are really Mercies, Bleſſings, fatherly Corrections, loſe their Stings, and become Righteouſneſs, and Peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghoſt.


§. 20. PAIN, Puniſhment, and Suffering then would ſeem to be a natural, neceſſary and (as it were) a mechanical Mean of Expiation, Purification and Perfection, to all ſentient and intelligent Beings, in this preſent State of Exiſtence: which Virtue, Attention and Care can only leſſen, but which none can totally, but only in a ſmall Degree, avoid, if not by and through the Means juſt now mentioned. As rubbing hard Bodies againſt one another, is the only Method to poliſh and finiſh them; and the harder and longer the Friction, the finer the Poliſh, and the more perfect the Figure; ſo Pain, in ſentient and intelligent Beings, ariſes from Reſiſtance to Action, or from Re-action, which in ſpiritual as well as material Agency, is always equal and contrary to Action. Sentient Beings naturally, neceſſarily, and, as it were, mechanically, recede from, and exert a Principle of Reſiſtance and Re-action to the Cauſe of Pain; intelligent Beings, caeteris paribus, neceſſarily fly from it with greater Velocity, from the united Force of Senſation and Reflection. Senſation and Perception begin the Averſion and Reluctance to the Cauſe or Occaſion of Pain, and Reflection turns it into an Abhorrence and Deteſtation.

§. 21. CONSCIOUSNESS of the Reaſons and Effects, ſeems in no wiſe abſolutely neceſſary towards Purification in general, at leaſt towards [26] the firſt Degrees of it, as we ſee in Brutes, Children and Ideots. Pain and Puniſhment in ſuch a Degree, and often repeated, will naturally bring them to abſtain from that, for which they ſuffer. Conſciouſneſs of the End and Deſign of it ſeems only neceſſary to accelerate, perfect and turn into a Habit, the Averſion and Abhorrence of what has cauſed Pain, and to ſtrengthen that Habit into a ſecond Nature; as Wood is made ſtreight, firſt by ſoftening it by Fire, and then keeping it by Cords and Weights in a Situation contrary to its Curvature. Pain and Puniſhment ſoften and melt down the Subject, Conſciouſneſs fixes and hardens it, and gives it an habitual contrary Nature. Conſciouſneſs attends ſingle Acts only, and not Habits; when the Habit is perfected, Conſciouſneſs vaniſhes and dies away (as a perfect Muſician, while playing on an Inſtrument, reflects not on ſingle Strokes diſtinctly) ſo that Conſciouſneſs ſeems neceſſary as a Check or Bar, to prevent Relapſes; and ſeldom takes place till the End and Deſign of Puniſhment is in ſome Degree obtained.

§. 22. FROM what has been ſaid, it is evident that this our Planet and its Appendages, is really and literally a Priſon or Gaol, a Place of Baniſhment, of Pains and Puniſhment for a certain Period of Time, to lapſed ſentient and intelligent Beings: like Siberia among the Ruffians, the Baſtille or the Pierre inciſe [27] with the French, or the Plantations or Newgate among us. And the Inhabitants of both Kinds, ſentient and intelligent, are, without a Figure: Priſoners, Slaves, and Felons, under a State of Expiation and Purification. Our whole Creation, our intire Syſtem, in regard to our defaced and ſpoilt Planet, labours like Slaves at the Oar, is in Travail, in a perpetual Fermentation and Efferveſcence, as in a malignant Fever, working for a Criſe and Delivery. Some Individuals may be delivered ſooner, ſome later, according as their Expiation and Purification is perfected; and at laſt the whole Syſtem, and all its Inhabitants, muſt naturally and neceſſarily, but harmoniouſly or analogically, and according to general Laws, undergo ſome great and violent Criſe, and an univerſal Gaol-Delivery will be brought about; but when and how this will be accompliſhed, is beyond Conjecture; a Thouſand Years are but as a Day here, and the Ways of the Almighty are paſt finding out. It would ſeem as if the only Problem, or Difficulty, (to ſpeak ſo in regard to Omnipotence, where no real Difficulty can happen) worthy of infinite Wiſdom to ſolve, were to recover, perfect and eſtabliſh in perpetual and unrelapſing Order and Purity, free and lapſed intelligent Beings, conſiſtent with the Harmony of his own Attributes, and the natural Powers with which he has endued them. How infinite Wiſdom and Power will [28] bring this about, we can only conjecture in a few general Hints, from ſuch of his general Laws as are obvious, from final Cauſes, which are plain, and muſt include ſome Part of the Ends in rational Agency; and from dark Sketches of the Analogy of Things: not impoſſibly thus.

§. 23. AN infinitely wiſe, good and powerful Being having created this Syſtem, we cannot ſuppoſe, but it muſt have been as perfect and bliſsful, as its Nature could admit, and his ſentient, intelligent Creatures as happy, as their Natures and Order could allow; and that he muſt have furniſhed them with Means and Power to perpetuate, if not increaſe, this Perfection and Happineſs. But from the very Nature and Eſſence of Liberty; whoever has a Power to continue or increaſe in a State, muſt alſo have a Power to fall back or decreaſe; whatever is finite, muſt neceſſarily be fallible. Now ſuppoſe ſuch finite fallible Beings actually lapſed: the ſame wiſe and good Being muſt have ordered Things ſo, not only that they ſhould recover and riſe again, but that their Fall and Lapſe ſhould at laſt be a Mean, not only to ſtrengthen, confirm and fix them in Happineſs ever after, (and this ſeems the only Mean, by which fallible free lapſed Creatures, once actually fallen, could be brought to an illapſing State of Stability) but even to increaſe the Degree of their Happineſs and Perfection; and this, I think, would not only be the full and plenary [29] Solution of this infinitely difficult Problem, but one worthy of its all-wiſe and all-powerful Author only; and this he has effected, I think, by theſe three Expedients or Means. 1. By continuing general Laws of Agency in material, moral and ſpiritual Actions, plainly intimating, that the Concurrence of the ſame Cauſes and Conditions will always produce the ſame Effects; and ſo leaving Room for Conſideration, Amendment, Improvment, Choice, and the Diſcernment of moral Good and Evil, and thus ſecuring Liberty and the other natural Powers of lapſed Intelligences. 2. By tying down, ſopiting and ſuſpending the natural Powers of the Soul for ſo long a Time, as is its Duration from the firſt original Male, till the Bonds and Chains, by which their Exertion is reſtrained, be broken and untyed by Death. That during this Time, the Benefit acquired by the progreſſive Parentage (if they happen to return to Order and Habits of Virtue, or have their moral Powers recovered) may operate on theſe infiniteſimal Miniatures; by mending their Natures, that they themſelves may have time given to recover into Order; and that the Interruption from the natural Powers arrived at their Perfection, might not prevent the Acquiſition and Recovery of the Moral Powers. And, 3. By the Oeconomy of Redemption by a Saviour, which doubtleſs was projected before the Creation of the World, or this Syſtem, and when the proper [30] Diſpoſition to receive it, and to reap the Benefit of it, is acquired; and which may in ſome Time or Place, explicitly or implicitly, be revealed, to finiſh the Work of Reſtoration. But that not being my Province in a Philoſophical Diſquiſition, I proceed.

§. 24. IT is the groſſeſt Abſurdity and Contradiction to ſuppoſe, that an infinitely wiſe and beneficent Being would make either ſentient or intelligent Beings ſuffer, merely for Suffering's Sake. He muſt have had juſt, good and kind Reaſons for this his ſtrange Work. And ſince it is certain, that both ſentient and intelligent Beings do and muſt unavoidably ſuffer, and are in a State of Puniſhment, Miſery and Baniſhment here; it neceſſarily follows, that they are in a State of Expiation, Purification and progreſſive Perfection, in their reſpective Orders; and will at laſt be ſet free, made happy, and perfected, and confirmed in that State for ever. Omnipotence ſurely can, and infinite Goodneſs, I hope, will do all this.

§. 25. IF all is not Deceit and Illuſion, it muſt be evident to a Demonſtration, that nothing imperfect or unhappy in its Order can come out of the Hands of infinite Perfection; and yet it is Fact, that all ſentient and intelligent Beings here, are univerſally more or leſs, miſerable and imperfect; and that there never [31] was any human Creature, in his right Senſes, which in a whole Duration of human Life, felt not, and thought not himſelf unhappy, miſerable and imperfect, at leaſt, for ſome time, if not for the moſt of his rational Life: and wiſh'd not himſelf earneſtly, better, wiſer, more perfect, and happy. It is impoſſible, that infinite Wiſdom and Goodneſs, can puniſh ſentient and intelligent Creatures, or make them miſerable, but for ſome wiſe and beneficent End and Purpoſe; from whence it will be evident to a rational Perſon, that of neceſſity there muſt have been a State of Exiſtence prior to this preſent: wherein all thoſe ſentient and intelligent Beings, while in a collective Maſs, which have been, or ſhall be on this Globe, had misbehaved, rebell'd, and run into Diſorder, probably, by idolatriſing Creatures and Self, and preferring them to the Creator. And the Account of this Rebellion and Lapſe in Revelation, may refer only to the laſt Scene or Act in the Tragedy, or the new modelling this ſecondary State or partially lapſed Syſtem, when the ſlighteſt Trial of Faith and Obedience was made; for certainly Nemo repentè fit turpiſſimus; finite Creatures can naturally acquire Habits of Virtue and Vice, or indeed of any kind, only by Degrees, or ſingle Acts repeated. Certain Conſciouſneſs, or clear diſtinct Knowledge of this pre-exiſtent State, would only feed idle Curioſity; and might hinder and counter-act that implicit [32] Truſt, Dependence and abſolute Reſignation in every Thing, ſo abſolutely neceſſary to relative Perfection and Happineſs. For the Point in View of infinite Perfection, is to bring all the finite ſentient and intelligent Creatures to an abſolute voluntary Surrendry, and Truſt of themſelves, and every Thing relating to them in Time and Eternity, to his Will and Pleaſure implicitly; nothing leſs being ſufficient to eſtabliſh and perpetuate the Divine Sovereignty, harmoniſe his Attributes, and eterniſe the Peace, Happineſs and relative Perfection of univerſal Nature; which different Willing would eternally confound and perplex anew, and bring on a ſecond, or perpetuate the preſent Lapſe.

§. 26. IT is not impoſſible, that there are other States, Manſions, and probatory Celeſtial Regions, proper and peculiar to the ſeveral imperfect Degrees of the moral Faculties of ſpiritual Intelligences, with their Creation-Bodies or Vehicles, according to the ſeveral remaining Degrees of Imperfection, even almoſt in infinitum, in an aſcending or deſcending Progreſſion. Infinite Wiſdom and Goodneſs may have appointed, in general, a certain limited Period, beyond which the Incruſtation of their Creation-Bodies cannot laſt, things being in ſuch a State: But the actual Approach may be quicker or ſlower, according to certain Terms and Conditions: which we know to be the Caſe of our preſent mortal Tabernacles; [33] and according to the bad or good Uſage of our Liberties in the Uſe of the Means afforded us for acquiring the moral Virtues, and affixing the moral Powers in confirm'd Habits; we may aſcend into more pure, more happy, and more perfect Regions, or deſcend into more groſs, miſerable and dark Dungeons, almoſt in infinitum. But it would alſo ſeem, that ſentient and intelligent Creatures could ſuffer Pain and Miſery only to a certain finite and limited Degree, (tho' the Time may be eternal, all Spirits being immortal by Nature) all the Activities and Paſſivities of ſuch Beings being neceſſarily finite and limited; and when they come to that Point, they muſt neceſſarily return, wiſh for Deliverance, cry for Mercy, Pity and Freedom, and endeavour it with the whole natural Powers of their Spirits; and to this Point only, it would ſeem, an infinitely wiſe, beneficent and powerful Being can intend to bring his lapſed, wandering miniature Creatures now under the Goſpel; and that he ſhould be ready to receive them into Mercy, and allow them the Means for reſtoring and recovering their lapſed moral Powers. But how long Time it may require to bring them to this abſolutely neceſſary Point, no Reaſon or Philoſophy (whether an Indefinite, that is, a creaturely or relatively infinite Time) can determine; and Revelation has not made it plain and explicit, but on the contrary has left it not only dubious, but ſeems to point otherwiſe; to be ſure not before all are brought [34] to this indiſpenſable Point of Returning. The Oeconomy, Satisfaction and Sufferings of the God-Man Jeſus Chriſt, could be only ſufficient to render that Expiation, and Reſtoration of the moral Power in a finite Time, which, in its own Nature, and the Nature of God and of his Purity, muſt have been Infinite and Eternal. The repairing the Indignity and Affront done to his Sovereignty and Purity, and the deterring his other ſtanding Creatures from Lapſe and Rebellion, is not perhaps left in their Power to prevent; that may be done by the neceſſary and unavoidable Pains and Sufferings they muſt undergo, from the painful and leprous Incruſtation of the ſeveral Elements they muſt paſs through; their returning into Order, their Acquiſition of the moral Powers of the Soul, and fixing them in theſe, and conſequently in permanent Happineſs, intirely depends on themſelves, and the Uſe of the Means afforded.

§. 27. IT is no eaſy Matter to form any preciſe limited Idea or Notion of Subſtance either Material or Spiritual; all we certainly know of either, is, that they exiſt, are Realities, and are the Baſe or Subject of real Qualities. But we can no more penetrat into the Subſtratum or Support of theſe Qualities, by the natural Activity of our Spirits, than our Eyes can ſee Objects at a certain Diſtance; ſuch is the Nature, Frame and Limitation of our Order and Rank of natural Powers. [35] We certainly know that material Subſtance is the Subſtratum of Extenſion, Impenetrability, Paſſivity and Figure; and ſpiritual Subſtance, of living, perceiving and willing, that is, of Cogitation or Thinking, and alſo of beginning Motion in Bodies, and giving them a particular Direction. The Aggregate, or Sum of all theſe reſpective Qualities (moſt of which are contrary to the others) may be bound together or united by ſome Bond of Union, which we ſhall never have any direct or immediate Conception of, till we throw off this material Incruſtation, that intangles and fetters the full Exerciſe and Penetration of our natural Powers. And therefore, if we dropt both Subſtances, as unknown and unknowable Things at preſent, or rather, if we ſuppos'd both only mere Capacities, Recipients, Canals or paſſive Subjects of contrary Qualities, as they flow, or are deriv'd from the primary Source and ſelf-exiſtent Cauſe of all Activity, Qualities and Realities, whoſe whole End and Uſe (of theſe Capacities) was to receive and contain theſe Qualities, limiting, contrary, and deſtructive of each other reſpectively; or, laſtly, if, as Geometers uſe the Method, we make the one Poſitive, the other Negative; this way of conſidering this dark Subject might, perhaps, throw ſome Light on it: And then imagin'd that Matter or Body was analogous to (but yet no-wiſe the ſame with, but quite contrary, tho' not contradictory) to Spirit infinitely condens'd, [36] concentred or incraſſated: And that ſpiritual Subſtance was analogous to Matter infinitely rarefied, refin'd or ſublim'd: Then, in the Geometrical Manner of conſidering ſuch reſpective Qualities and their Subject, Body infinitely rarefied, refin'd and ſublim'd, would at laſt terminat in limited Space or Expanſion; and limited Space or Expanſion infinitely condens'd, contracted and inſpiſſated, would end in ſolid indiviſible Points or Monads, the common Idea of the component Particles of Body. And yet that Body ſhould be rarefied into Space, or Space condens'd into Body, is an abſolute Contradiction and Impoſſibility; only this Manner in which Geometers conſider infinitely little, or infinitely great Quantities, is here ſuggeſted, as an Illuſtration of material and ſpiritual Subſtance, ſo difficult to be explain'd. But we not being able to conceive or comprehend Infinitude, or infinite Agency, its Effects and Conſequences, it may, perhaps, be ſaid, that this is only explaining one Obſcurity by a greater. It may be ſo: All then we are abſolutely certain of is, that theſe eſſential Qualities of Matter and Spirit reſpectively, viz. in Matter, Extenſion, Impenetrability, Diviſibility, Mobility, Paſſivity and Figure; and in Spirit, Living, Perceiving, Willing, Self-activity, Self-mobility, and the Power of beginning Motion, and giving Direction to Bodies; muſt neceſſarily be uniform, and always the ſame in Degree, [37] whatever State or Circumſtances they may be in. Theſe reſpective Subſtances are always in their own Nature and Eſſence ſo contrary and deſtructive of one another in their Qualities, that they become a perpetual Bar, Obſtruction and Obſtacle to the Exertion of theſe their eſſential Qualities. They are not indeed contradictory or deſtructive of one another's Qualities in every Degree; they are not incompatible and unallyable (as we know by Fact); but they are contrary; and one Degree of the Qualities of the one, deſtroys a relative, equal or proportional Degree of the Qualities of the other; and the Sum total of theſe Qualities in the one, deſtroys the Sum total of the Qualities of the other, equally or proportionally, like Light and Darkneſs; and an infinite Degree of the one may ſopite or totally obſtruct the ſenſible Actions of the other, tho' not annihilat or abſolutely deſtroy the other in its Root or Nature. But Infinitude being above our Capacities, we can only ſpeak of the Effects of their Contrariety and Oppoſition in their finite Degrees, and pronounce nothing of the Effects of infinite Operations; only we are certain, that no leſs than an infinite Power and Operation in the one, can totally extinguiſh and annihilat the Nature and Operations of the other; Reaction being always contrary and equal to Action. We may have a fine Illuſtration and analogous Reſemblance of this infinite contrarv Action, from the Nature [38] of an infinite converging Series; in which from the next immediate Step in the Progreſſion, by paſſing through infinitely little of that Order, the Terms from poſitive become negative; and likewiſe, from ſome Particles of Matter, which after having got without their Sphere, from attractive become repulſive, in reſpect to a particular Centre; theſe Hints are far from an affirming, or any Endeavour to prove, that Matter is only infinitely condens'd Spirit, and Spirit only infinitely refin'd Matter, as to their ſeveral Subſtances: For the Fact I think falſe, impoſſible and contradictory; for Matter, however refin'd and ſublim'd, is ſtill Matter, and has the oppoſite Qualities to Spirit, and have their eſſential Qualities in direct Contrariety; and were it otherwiſe, in this Manner of illuſtrating the Subject, the Proof were abſolutely impoſſible; becauſe the Effects of infinite Power and Agency are known and knowable by Him only, whoſe Attributes are infinite Power and Might. If the Propoſition and Effect was true and real, no finite Agency could effect it, nor finite Underſtanding evince it: But theſe Inſtances are adduc'd only as an Illuſtration, to remove the ſeeming ſhocking Abſurdity and Terror, in moſt good Perſons Minds, from affirming any Reſemblance or Analogy between material and ſpiritual Subſtances; for theſe evidently ſhew, that ſimilar and analogous Effects are Realities in the Nature of Things, [39] tho' their Manner and Proceſs be inconceiveable to us finite Beings; and alſo, as much as in me lies, to take off any Miſtakes and Miſapprehenſion, as if I advanc'd any thing in the Philoſophic Explication of theſe Myſteries of Nature, inconſiſtent with Revelation or Religion, as the Reverend Dr. Brown Biſhop of Cork has done in his Divine Analogy; not fully having underſtood my Manner of explaining the Subject, or perhaps I had not made my Meaning ſufficiently clear and plain; as the Subject is in itſelf almoſt inexplicable, and ought to be guarded with all poſſible Preciſion, if at all handled.

§. 28. IN my poor Way of conceiving and conjecturing, from the obvious Appearances in Nature ſubjected to Senſe; from the final Cauſes the Supreme Rational Being may poſſibly have in ſuch external Operations; from the Analogy carried from the Things that are ſeen, to thoſe that are inviſible, and only intelligible; the moſt probable and ſatisfactory Account that can be found of the Oeconomy and Plan of the Reſtoration of finite lapſed Intelligences, ſeems to be this, at leaſt theſe may poſſibly be ſome of the prominent Lines of this Plan: Some finite free Intelligences of the ſeveral Orders in the living Hierarchies having by the Abuſe of their Liberty, and committing Idolatry, by too inordinate Commerce with the Creatures, and habitually turning [40] away from their Source the Creator, deſtroyed and cancell'd the moral Powers of their ſpiritual Natures: Infinite Wiſdom and Power, by the Neceſſity of his beneficent Nature, employing the whole Force of his Omnipotence and Omniſcience, to reſtore and recover them, without committing Violence on their natural Powers, or on the Harmony of his own Attributes; firſt ties down and contracts their natural Powers with Chains of groſs Matter, from a (purpoſely, or mechanically) ruin'd and defac'd Elementary Globe, ſuch as our preſent Habitation is; Chains, which the natural Powers of the Spirit are neceſſarily obliged to endeavour to be unlooſing all the Time, from the original Creation of this groſs Body; during which Time, Means, Opportunity and Leiſure is allow'd, for the Acquiſition and Reſtoration of the moral Powers: As Felons and Robbers are tam'd and mended by working in the Mines, and tugging at the Oar. By the Toil, Labour and Suffering, from this working off, and melting down the groſs and leprous Plaiſter, ſuperinduc'd on the primitive Creation-Body, by fileing, purifying and breaking theſe Chains which fetter the Activity and free Agency of the natural Powers of the Soul, on this Creation-Body. Firſt, Reparation, and an Amende honorable is made to infinite Purity and Sovereignty; and the bad Example to other Intelligences, remov'd: And in the mean time, outward and inward Means [41] may be offer'd and beſtow'd, by external Providences, ſuprahumane and imperceptible Aid and Grace, and the Light and internal Operation of the Divine Word and Reaſon, the Meſſiah, for recovering the defac'd moral Powers of the Soul. Some are under this Operation a ſhorter, ſome a longer Time, according to the Wiſdom and Deſigns of the Sovereign Reaſon, and the Manſion they are to fill in the new Jeruſalem, even till the laſt Scene, which in the Nature of groſs corruptible Matter can laſt but a finite Time, either in the Nature of the Elementary Planet itſelf, with its Appendages, or in the Incruſtation on the primitive Creation-Bodies made of this elementary Matter; which muſt crumble and diſſolve into Duſt within certain Limits of Time, by the eſtabliſh'd Law of Nature; the firſt, poſſibly, from the Expence and Fixation of Water, as Sir Iſaac Newton inſinuates, and the other neceſſary Fluids; the others for want of Nutrition and Chylification, and both by Natural and general Laws, but ſtill within certain Limits leſs than real infinite. But both muſt at laſt be perfectly purified; the Earth and its Appendages, poſſibly, by an univerſal Conflagration; the particular groſs Plaiſtering, by being diſſolv'd into its original Duſt, that the primitive Creation Body may be diſincumber'd, and made ſupple and pliable to obey the Dictates of the informing immaterial Spirit; and the Spirit, by the Acquiſition and habitual fixing of the Moral Powers. For there cannot be a more [42] certain and indubitable Truth, than that nothing imperfect in its Order could come out of the Hands of infinite Perfection; and that nothing impure or imperfect in its Order, can return to live and commerciate with, or be united to God perfectly, finally and immutably.

§. 29. This Infiniteſimal Particle of Celeſtial Matter, this Miniature of a Miniature in infinitum, decreaſing in a continued analogical Progreſs, and ſtor'd up in the Seeds of all Animals and Vegetables, from the firſt to the laſt Animal and Vegetable; this divinely organis'd Vehicle or Corpuſcle, in which the immaterial Principle was inſpir'd in its Creation, and to which it is ſo intimately united by a particular Law of Union, and an individual Fitneſs and Congruity, is inſeparable from it in all its future States and Circumſtances of Duration, at leaſt by any Degree of Force leſs than infinite. The immaterial Spirit, the Spiritual Inhabitant of this Celeſtial Vehicle, is in its own Nature immortal and imperiſhable, being an infiniteſimal Miniature of the Divine Nature and Subſtance, which is Self-exiſtent. I ſay then, the Spirit, the immaterial Subſtance, that informs this aethereal Creation Body, is of its own Nature immortal and imperiſhable; but the material Vehicle, tho' of a refin'd and aethereal Subſtance, is only eternal by the Divine Order and Appointment, and comparatively in reſpect of other groſſer and more denſe Compounds, of which Time and Uſe may alter the Form, tho' not [43] deſtroy the Subſtance; and perhaps their Perpetuity may be continued by a divine primary, or ſecondary ſpiritual Influence, from both theſe immortal Principles. I am ſenſible, theſe ſtrong Figures may be expos'd to Ridicule, and interpreted profanely, by light Perſons; but when they underſtand, and can explain with Preciſion, what the Force of Infinitude (ſmall or great) is, their Raillery and Levity may be tolerable; ſuch, of Neceſſity, muſt be the Language, when we attempt to expreſs perceptible only, and ſpiritual Things. I hope I have a due Senſe of the Purity and Perfection of the Divine Nature and Spiritual Things, not to expoſe them maliciouſly and deſignedly to Contempt and Ridicule. My whole Deſign is to help honeſt and ſincere Perſons to ſome Ideal Knowledge, (which at beſt is but a poor Affair) that may poſſibly comfort and mend the Heart, without hurting the Head.

§. 30. IF there is any Veriſimilitude or Conſiſtency in this Sketch, it will follow from it, that the lighter and thinner (while ſweet and healthy) the Cruſt and Plaiſter from this elementary Syſtem, that is laid over this Creation Body, the more the natural Powers of the Spirit will be at Liberty to exert their Functions, and acquire the moral ones; the Sufferings and Miſeries of the preſent State of our Exiſtence will be fewer and leſs intenſe, and [44] the total Diſengagement of the Spiritual Inhabitant from its Priſon and Load, will be more eaſy and perfect; and we ſhall ſhake off our Chains and Fetters, as we do our Cloaths to go to Bed. The univerſal Law of Nature, for every ſentient and intelligent Being, that is brought on this elementary Planet, is, firſt, to have its ſpiritual and its celeſtial Body tied down, and concentred by Chains and Fetters of this Element, into a Miniature of a Miniature, then into a Punctum Saliens, and at laſt into a ſenſible elementary Body: During all this Time, the ſpiritual Nature is working, like a Slave in the Mines, or at the Oar, to extend this celeſtial Body to its original analogous Figure and Dimenſions, by breaking all its elementary Fetters; while yet at the ſame time it is cruſting over more denſely the primitive celeſtial Body by Nutrition, and the animal Functions with a groſs leprous Plaiſter; when the Creation Body is intirely develop'd, by giving a Facility to its Organs of all kinds, by Culture and Uſe in their ſeveral Ways, its intellectual Faculties get Power and Liberty to exert themſelves; during which Time the Acquiſition of the moral Powers may and ought to take Place, and by Degrees, and in a nearly determinable Period, this Plaiſter dries, hardens, and at laſt crumbles into Duſt; and then the Spirit with the celeſtial Body, if but partially purified, paſſes into other States, Elements, and Manſions, as its Degree of moral [45] Virtue, or Acquiſition of moral Powers require.

§. 31. FROM this Repreſentation of the State and Progreſs of ſentient and intelligent Beings in Spirit and Body, during their Baniſhment to this ruinous Planet; it follows, that the Root, Faculty and Capacity of the Spirit, or its natural Powers, continue potentially and radically the ſame; or that living, perceiving, and willing, as to their Eſſence, Power and Capacity, are in all States radically and invariably the ſame; tho' their Exerciſe, Acts and Exertion be reſtrain'd and ſopited by groſs Matter. Whoever conſiders the invariable Nature of ſpirit, muſt be convinc'd, that its giving Motions, with their ſeveral Modifications, muſt always radically and potentially be the ſame, and uniform, however their Acts may be ſuſpended, ſopited, or deſtroyed by groſs Matter, and the Im-mechaniſm of Bodies; and that all the Functions of the Body, all its voluntary and involuntary Motions, all its living and vital Actions, all its internal and external Operations, all its Senſations, Paſſions and Willings, that depend on the Body, are all but Cogitation, or Thinking, in ſome Degree or other, and its ſeveral Modifications, as really, as intenſe, fullgrown Thinking, with Reflexion, or Meditation, is; in a Word, that the Soul, Spirit, or living Principle, is really the true and only intelligent Being, and the Body only is its Organ, Inſtrument [46] or Tool, and but a paſſive Adjunct of the living Intelligence; and conſequently, that, 1. our acquir'd Knowledge is but Remembrance; 2. that a moral Senſe and Faculty; 3. that innate Ideas of God and Virtue, of moral Good and Evil; That, 4. ſpiritual Senſation and ſpiritual Senſes; and that, 5. the Soul uſes material Organs (tho' not of groſs Matter only) in all its Operations, all theſe are as much Philoſophical Realities (however ridiculed and expoſed by ignorant Perſons) as the ſame Things are, when ſenſibly and outwardly tranſacted on our finiſh'd and perfect external Senſes; and that, 6. All our Culture, Study and Labour, to acquire Sciences and Knowledge, or to perfect our natural Powers, terminat only in fileing off, melting away, and ſcraping down, thoſe Chains, and Cruſt ſuperinduced upon them; and are only removing Superfluities, reducing Excreſcences, and rendering the groſs Patchwork ſuperinduced on our ſpiritual Body, pliant, ſupple and correſpondent, with the leaſt Reſiſtance to it; that the Creation Body may be at Liberty to extend and diſincumber itſelf: And, Laſtly, That the ſhorteſt and readieſt Way to true and ſolid Knowledge, is to endeavour with the utmoſt Vigour, and ſtrongeſt Effects of our ſpiritual Nature, to recover and acquire the moral Powers of the Soul defac'd and cancelled by the Lapſe, viz. Juſtice, Goodneſs and Truth; or, in the Revelation Language, Faith, Hope, [47] and Charity; to which theſe will be found, when juſtly explained, intirely analogous and conſonant; for it could only be to allow Time and Uninterruption from the natural Powers, had they been always in their full Extent and Force, that they have been thus ty'd down, and ſopited; ſo that now they can only riſe and extend in Proportion, as the moral Powers are acquired.

§. 32. THE Activity, Senſibility and Penetration, the voluntary and involuntary Motions of this our Elementary Body, the animal Functions, the more material Acts of Thinking and Cogitation, ſuch as Senſation, Memory, Imagination, Attention, &c. are all radically and primarily perform'd, by the Self-action and Self-motion of the immaterial Spirit, on this Creation-aethereal Body principally; as Sulphureous Inflammations raiſe Mountains, and as Springs, and Weights move Clock-works; with this notable Difference, that the firſt has an internal, immortal Spring of Self-action, the other only a temporary and tranſitory one. Perhaps, for Example, towards voluntary and involuntary Motion, or towards the Exertion of the animal Functions; I ſay, perhaps, there may not be wanted any foreign, independent and perplex'd ſubtile Fluid, of whatever Nature; if the animal Appearances and Functions can be more ſimply, as clearly and fully explained, by the Action of a ſelf-active and ſelf-motive ſpiritual [48] Subſtance, informing and influencing a fitly and divinely organized aethereal Body, and thereby immediately impreſſing its Action and Energy on the groſs earthly Plaiſter laid over it. A true ſpiritual Subſtance, of the very loweſt Order, muſt neceſſarily have in itſelf a Spring of Self-action, a Principle and Faculty of Self-motion, from its own internal Nature and Eſſence. I can have no Notion of a ſpiritual Subſtance, that has not a Power of beginning and impreſſing Motion on Matter or Body fitly diſpoſed; there ſeems no Diſtinction ſo eſſential between Spirit and Body, as Activity and Paſſivity; 'tis true this Activity in created ſpiritual Subſtances is finite and limited, and may be further reſtrained by groſs Matter to any Degree; but it will be always ſufficient to begin and impreſs Motion on Body, ſo long as the Inertia of Body is not greater, than the Self-activity of ſuch an Order of ſpiritual Subſtances, elſe it could not in any Senſe be called ſelf-active. And to produce muſcular Motion, and the animal Functions and Appearances, there may be nothing more neceſſary, than Self-activity, and Self-mobility, in a greater or leſſer Degree; and divine Organiſation, Fitneſs, and not inſuperable Reſiſtance, or rather a ready Facility, in the primitive aethereal Vehicle, which may overcome the Load of Plaiſter and Ruſt laid over it: I ſay, perhaps, this may be ſufficient to account fully for all the animal Appearances; a foreign ſubtile [49] Fluid may be neceſſary to explain the Appearances of inanimated Matter; but ſeems here ſuperfluous, and looks perplex'd and operoſe, and unlike the Operations of the God of Nature, which are always from eaſy and ſimple Cauſes, and by one ſuch Cauſe produce various and beautiful Effects. And I think there is ſcarce accounting for the infinitely different Degrees of Senſibility, the Degrees of Stature and Growth, and the Degrees of Penetration, and of quick and ſlow Thinking, Memory and Solidity, both in ſentient and intelligent Animals, without allowing the Plaiſtering and Soder, on the Creation aethereal Body to ſit lighter, thinner and leſs incumbring on ſome than on others, and the aethereal Organs to be more at Liberty in the vaſtly ſenſible and quick Thinkers and Feelers, than in the ſlow.

§. 33. IT would ſeem in this progreſſive State of Purification of lapſed ſentient and intelligent Beings, that when one Cruſt or Plaiſter from the Element to which they are confined, is worn off, another may grow on, of the Nature of the Celeſtial or Terreſtrial Manſion, which they inhabit, fitted to the Degree of the acquired moral Powers; and this in a continual Aſcent or Deſcent, till the moral Powers are perfected and confirmed into Habits, and the aethereal or ſpiritual Body is purified and refined from all the Droſs and Ruſt it had contracted; and then will be [50] accompliſhed their laſt permanent and eternal State, ſuited to their Order.

§. 34. THE ſpecific Law of Attraction, Fitneſs and Similarity of the Element or Planet, to the Degree of the moral Purity or Impurity in ſentient and intelligent Beings, may as naturally and neceſſarily determin and attract them to this their ſpecific Region or Manſion, as the Eggs of Inſects, and Seeds of Plants ſcattered and blown by the Wind, are directed, drawn and adhere, by Electricity, to the Leaves of thoſe Plants and Trees only, which are fitteſt and have the moſt proper Juices for their Adheſion, Incubation and Vivification, and for cruſting them over, to defend their Delicacy and Senſibility while young and tender, from ſuch Injuries as would put an End to Life. For a Law of Attraction, Fitneſs and Similarity will be found to hold good, either ſimply or in ſome kind of Proportion, or analogically, through all Creation, as well in Spirits, as in Bodies, in the natural, moral and celeſtial Worlds, till the firſt and ſupreme Being become locally and finally All in all, and that All be in him with Perfection and analogous Similarity in their ſeveral Natures, as the Fiſh, or Rivers are in the Sea, and that he acts and influences, and gives Perfection and Happineſs to all Things He has made.



THIS rude and unfiniſhed Sketch may poſſibly be thought by ſome, an imaginary and enthuſiaſtical Romance, and ſo perhaps it may be. It is innocent, if a Fable; and if thought otherwiſe, by proper and competent Judges, I ſhould renouce and diſclaim it. But on the moſt intenſe, anxious and mature Obſervations and Reflexions on univerſal Nature, on allowing the Supreme Being to be a wiſe, good, powerful and rational Agent, admitting final Cauſes when they are obvious, and Analogy when plain and ſimple; the Outlines, and Ground-work of this Syſtem may be juſt and ſolid, however faulty the Detail and Execution may be. I can be anſwerable for nothing, but the Honeſty of my Intention in it.


Philoſophical CONJECTURES ABOUT THE Preference of VEGETABLE TO ANIMAL FOOD: AND OF THE End and Deſign of PROVIDENCE, in Appointing the Firſt, and, on Trial, Permitting the Latter.

Gen. i. 29.‘And God ſaid, Behold, I have given you every Herb bearing Seed, which is upon the Face of all the Earth, and every Tree, in which is the Fruit of the Tree yielding Seed, to you it ſhall be given for Meat.’Gen. ix. 3.‘Every living thing that moveth, ſhall be Meat for you; even as the green Herb have I given you all things.’Ver. 4.‘But Fleſh with the Life thereof, which is the Blood thereof, you ſhall not eat.’

§. 1. IT is certain that by our Make, by the Frame of our Organs, we are now fitted as for Vegetable, ſo for Animal Food. The Form of ſome of our Teeth, the Liver, the Pancreas, and many other of our internal Bowels and conglomerate Glands, ſeem primarily and chiefly deſigned and fitted to antidote the Miſchiefs ariſing from animal Food, and fermented Liquors, at leaſt for ſome Time, and in the Days of our Youth [54] and Vigour: For certainly, a Part of the Deſigns of any intelligent Agent may be known by Analogy juſtly drawn, and by final Cauſes, and is the beſt Evidence finite and lapſed Creatures ſeem capable of receiving, in the Deſigns and Contrivances of the Creator, till they come to converſe with him Face to Face. They may be miſtaken in them, as well as in every other kind of Evidence, being finite, lapſed, and conſequently fallible Creatures: But this ſeems to be the only Evidence they are capable of at preſent in ſuch Matters; and may ſhew evidently the Deſign of the Author of Nature, as a convex Screw of any Number of Spires, ſhews, that it was deſign'd to fit ſome concave one of the ſame Number of Spires and Diameter. Chance is only a technical Word, to denote our Ignorance of the true and phyſical Cauſe of Order and Deſign; and yet admitting the Exiſtence of Chance, that through the whole human Race there ſhould have been, in the infinite Number of their Organs, a perfect Similarity by Chance only, and not Deſign, may, by a fair Calculation, be ſhewn to be as infinite to finite, that is mathematically impoſſible. But the Queſtion I deſign to treat of here, is, Whether Animal or Vegetable Food was, in the original Deſign of the Creator, intended for the Food of Animals, and particularly of the human Race? And I am almoſt convinced it [55] never was intended, but only permitted, as a Curſe or Puniſhment, and a Cure for a Malady, or (as the French term it) a pis-alle, and becauſe infinite Wiſdom and Power could make no more of his corrupted rebellious free Creatures in their preſent State; and for this infinitely wiſe and paternal End, He ſeems to have permitted it; 1. To let them feel and experience the natural and neceſſary Effects of their own Luſts and Concupiſcence, by painful and cruel Diſtempers: Feeling and Experience being the ſureſt Means by which a finite lapſed Creature can know and learn. 2. To ſhorten the Duration of their natural Lives, that Sin, Miſery, and Rebellion, might not increaſe infinitely. 3. To produce naturally, and in a Manner conſiſtent with Liberty, and the other natural Powers of the Soul, (which being deriv'd from Him, and being his Miniature Images, He neither could nor would force or deſtroy) thoſe Sufferings and Miſeries, and Diſlike of inordinate Luſts and Enjoyments, that might make them think, ponder, and return to Order, Love of Virtue, and its source and Original. And, 4. To ſink and contract the natural Powers of the Soul, (viz. Living, Underſtanding, and Will), by means of ſuch frail Bodies, into a Level with the decayed and lapſed moral Ones, (viz. Juſtice, Goodneſs, and Truth) which by this Rebellion were greatly corrupted and degraded. [56] The Reaſons that incline me to think in this Manner, are theſe following:

§. 2. 1. WHATEVER be the true, primogenial, and laſt Principle of Bodies, beyond which it is impoſſible to analyſe or divide them, theſe are inconteſtably found in all animal and vegetable Bodies, as has been before obſerv'd: 1. Sulphur, Oil or material Heat, from whence Spirit and Activity. 2. Salt, or hard angular Particles highly attractive, and diſſolvable in Water. 3. Air, or ſmall elaſtic Particles. 4. Water or Phlegm, from whence alone Fluidity: And, laſtly, Earth, the Baſe and Subſtratum of theſe others. In the due and proportional Union of theſe, do the Variety and Difference of animal Subſtances conſiſt. Now it is paſt all Doubt in Philoſophy, and in philoſophical Chemy, that animal Subſtances of moſt kinds, poſſeſs in a much greater Proportion the two firſt of theſe Principles, viz. Salts and Oils, than Vegetables, which partake more of the laſt, viz. Air, Water, and Earth. But from many undeniable Experiments, the two firſt Principles are known to be the moſt active, energic, and deleterious, and tend more, by their Activity, to the Diviſion, Diſſolution and Deſtruction of the Subject, than thoſe others, when they enter in any great Proportion. 2. The Jelly, the Juice or Chyle of animal Subſtances, is [57] infinitely more tenacious and glewy *, and its laſt Particles more cloſely united, and ſeparated with greater Difficulty, than thoſe of vegetable Subſtances. This is evident from the Experiments made with them in joining of Wood, and is known to all Artificers, and may be made manifeſt to the Senſes in the Difference between the Tenacity of Camp-jelly, or Fiſh-glew, and that of Paſte made of Flower or Barley; or from the Strength of Ropes or Cords made of Cat-gut or Leather, and thoſe made of Tow or Hemp, of the ſame Diameter: And therefore animal Food muſt much ſooner, more ſtrongly, and irremediably make Viſcidities in animal Fluids, and more ſchirrouſly obſtruct the Capillaries and Glands, than vegetable Subſtances. 3. But the far more pernicious and deſtructive Part, is the Salts, and Oil, abounding more in moſt animal than in vegetable Subſtances; of which there are ſo many and convincing Demonſtrations, that none can have any Doubt of it, that has the leaſt Acquaintance with natural Philoſophy: For our Blood and Juices being nouriſh'd and ſupply'd by ſuch Subſtances, as abound moſt with theſe active elementary Principles, muſt neceſſarily be ſtored and ſaturated with Salts and Sulphurs; and theſe, being always in a [58] State of Action, are the true, original, and the moſt adequate Cauſes of the moſt excruciating Diſtempers. 4. When to theſe, ſtrong, fermented and ſpirituous Liquors are added as a Vehicle, or diluting Mixture, and join to the Salts and Sulphurs of animal Subſtances, not only their inflammable Spirits and tartarous Salts, but their condenſing and hardening Quality on the Food in the Stomach, the Digeſtion is by that means hindered and ſtopped, and the Food not being ſufficiently divided and comminuted, but broken only into groſs Particles, does more quickly and obſtinately thicken the Juices, and obſtruct the Glands and Capillaries, than vegetable Subſtances. 5. Animal Juices and Subſtances, before they were turned into Fleſh, muſt have been ſtrain'd through infinitely ſmaller and more numerous Tubes, ſuch as the laſt and extreme Capillaries are (ſome of which are not bigger than the ſix hundredth part of an Hair); by which Means their Particles muſt be render'd extremely ſmaller and finer, and conſequently have a much greater Degree of Attraction, than thoſe of Vegetables, which paſs through fewer Strainers, and have no other motive Powers but the Heat of the Sun; whereas thoſe of animal Subſtances have, beſides the Sun, the Force of muſcular Digeſtion, and of the Motion of the Heart; the Fleſh of Animals, I ſay, muſt, upon this Account, neceſſarily conſiſt of ſmaller [59] Particles, and ſo be united with a greater Force, and endow'd with a greater Degree of Attraction, and conſequently muſt, with far greater Difficulty, be digeſted and ſeparated, than vegetable Subſtances poſſibly can. And hence it is that carnivorous Animals are much more deleterious Food, being endow'd with much finer and more pungent Salts and Sulphurs, than thoſe Animals that live on Vegetables only, as both the higher Savour and deleterious Effects of the firſt abundantly ſhew. From all which it is plain to a Demonſtration, that animal Subſtances muſt naturally and neceſſarily incraſſate the Juices, and produce Obſtructions in the Glands and Capillaries, and conſequently create Pains and Diſeaſes, much more readily than vegetable Subſtances. 6. It is plain by Weight, that the Subſtance of moſt animal Food is ſpecifically heavier than that of moſt Vegetables commonly uſed for Food, ſometimes in the Proportion of three to two. The Fibres and Juices of animal Bodies are not only more compact and cloſely united, and have fewer Vacuities than thoſe of Vegetables, whereby the digeſtive Powers have leſs Difficulty in concocting and grinding equal Quantities of Vegetable than animal Food; but by the leſs Flavour and Savour of vegetable than animal Food, the Appetite is ſooner ſatisfied, and is under leſs Temptation to Exceſs in the firſt than in the latter; and it [60] is conſequently better and ſooner digeſted, circulated and ſecreted, eſpecially by tender and delicate digeſtive Powers, and ſo cannot ſo readily cauſe Viſcidities and Obſtructions. Laſtly, Infinite Experiment, and the beſt natural Philoſophy, confirm to a Demonſtration, that thoſe Subſtances, which have leaſt of Salt and Sulphur, of Spirit, Oil, and hard pungent Particles, and moſt of ſoft Earth, Water and Air, are the fitteſt to circulate, and be ſecreted through animal Tubes, create leaſt Reſiſtance to the motive Powers, tear, rend, and wear out the Tubes themſelves leaſt, and form leſs obſtinate and powerful Obſtructions, in the ſmaller Veſſels; and conſequently, that vegetable Subſtances, which conſiſt of a leſs Proportion of Salts and Sulphurs, i. e. of pungent and fiery Particles, and of a greater Proportion of Earth, Water and Air, i. e. of leſs active and cooler Particles, will be leſs ready to create Diſeaſes, and ſhorten Life, than an equal Quantity of animal Subſtances, which have all theſe in an inverted Proportion. In a Word, vegetable Subſtances are more rare, leſs compact, leſs coherent, more eaſily diſſolvable and digeſtible, turn into a lighter Chyle, have leſs Salt, Oil, and Spirit, and conſequently are leſs heating and inflaming, than animal Subſtances, and ſo obſtruct and tear animal Tubes leſs.


§. 3. IF this Account be juſt and philoſophical, and if it be lawful at all to enquire into final Cauſes, (which, if the firſt Being be rational and intelligent, and acts with Deſign, and for ſome End, is not only lawful, but laudable, when done with Modeſty and Humility) then certainly one Part of his Deſign in permitting animal Food, muſt of Neceſſity have been to ſhorten the Duration of human Life, to create, or at leaſt to permit us by it, to multiply and enrage Diſeaſes, Miſery and Sufferings; ſince it is evident to a Demonſtration, that it muſt always produce this Effect, and will always have it preferable to vegetable Food; and whatever is, naturally and neceſſarily is, and is permitted by the firſt Being, we may with the utmoſt Certainty conclude, was at leaſt one Part of his Deſign; and if Suffering, Pain and Miſery here be neceſſary for our Purification and Recovery out of this degenerate State, then very probably that might be his Deſign in this Permiſſion. This Phaenomenon in Providence, (the Permiſſion and Uſe of animal Food) and Fact in Revelation, is not accountable any otherwiſe, than that Pain, Suffering and Diſeaſes, being a natural and neceſſary Mean of Expiation and Purification, in the Oeconomy of Reſtoration, Infinite Wiſdom permitted it, tho' unwillingly, as his ſtrange Work, againſt the Grain, as it were, for that End ſolely; as a kind Father [62] ſuffers his unnatural and perverſe Son to be carried to Gaol, to ſuffer Hunger, Cold, Pain and Confinement there, as the only Mean to make him ſober, conſiderate, wiſer and better. For that animal Food and fermented Liquors will more readily, certainly, and cruelly, create and exaſperate Diſeaſes, Pains, and Sufferings, and ſooner cut off Life than vegetable Food will, there can be no more Doubt than in any Propoſition of Euclid, if Reaſon, Philoſophy, the Natures of Things, or Experience, have Evidence, or Force in them; and it is very obſervable, that this Indulgence for animal Food was not granted, till the Aera of Longaevity was expir'd, or at leaſt they took place together; and not till the ſpiritual Corruptions of Pride, Tyranny, Malice, Revenge, Murder, and brutal Commerce, ſo univerſally raged, that infinite Wiſdom, to begin a new World, was forced to deſtroy, by a Deluge, the whole Race of Mankind, except a few of the moſt innocent and leaſt deprav'd Individuals, ſuch as they were, far from perfect, but the leaſt bad of the Race: this ſeems ſo, if any Credit be given to the Jewiſh Hiſtory of Nature.

§. 4. IT will be no Difficulty to one acquainted with Revelation, to find the like Permiſſions in the divine Oeconomy: Nothing is more plain and demonſtrable from Nature, and its eternal Laws, and from Juſtice and Equity, than that in the original Intention, [63] one Woman was deſign'd for one Man, and no more; for there being no Difference between the Sexes but in their outward Frame, and the Configuration of the Shell or Tabernacle; (their eſſential Nature and ſpiritual permanent Form being of the ſame Degree, conſtant and invariable; different Culture and Form makeing all the real Difference); infinite Wiſdom might then, with the ſame Wiſdom and Propriety, have given the Male, more Eyes, Stomachs or Heads, as more Wives; and yet, for the Hardneſs of their Hearts, God permitted Plurality of Women to the Jews. This ſame People, tho' they had not only God's general and imperceptible Providence, as we now have, for their Government and Direction, but his miraculous, ſenſible and viſible Preſence, to inſtruct and guide them, yet they wanted a King, as the other Nations had, and he gave them one in his Wrath. Infinite Goodneſs, intending always, by the whole Power of his Omnipotence and Omniſcience, to reſtore his lapſed and rebellious Creatures, conſiſtent with their Liberty, and the natural Powers he had given them, and the Harmony of his own Attributes, deſcends below his firſt Intention, and drops the primary and original Perfection of his Commands to them, for a Time, to condeſcend to their Weakneſs and Infirmity, in order afterwards to bring them up to it again. As a kind Father, who to wean his raſh and giddy Child from the [64] Fire, holds his Finger near a Candle, till he begets a ſenſible Fear and Dread in him of being too familiar with that dangerous Element.

§. 5. UPON the Foot of natural Religion only, and from the ſtrict Rules of natural Juſtice and Equity, how any one can juſtify the taking away the Life of a Fellow-Creature, out of Wantonneſs, Luxury and Riot, and not from Neceſſity and Self-defence, ſo long as there may be found ſufficient Store of vegetable Food to carry on the Expences of Living, and the more agreeable Performance of the animal Functions; to give a living Creature the greateſt Pain it can poſſibly receive, and take from it the only Happineſs it is capable of, viz. its Life, (which none can reſtore or recompenſe) merely to ſcratch callous Organs more ſenſibly; how, I ſay, to account for this barbarous and ſavage Wantonneſs on the foot of mere natural Religion and natural Equity only, without Revelation, I can by no means conceive. That the infinitely wiſe Author and Lawgiver of Nature, who ſees through the whole Syſtem of Intelligences at once, and perfectly knows for what Ends and Purpoſes he has made them, and ſent them here, and is the ſole Proprietor of Life and Happineſs, may diſpoſe of them how he pleaſes, knows when they have finiſh'd their probatory and expiatory Courſe, and is [65] able to recompenſe the Loſs of a lower Life, by the Gift of a higher; for it is not impoſſible, the Animals may have been a lower Order of rational Intelligences, who, lapſing leſs, are ſooner, and with leſs Suffering, recover'd; and ſince they ſuffer with us, they may be reſtor'd with us; the Apoſtle ſays, the whole Creation travelleth together; that is, probably, the whole Syſtem of Saturn, the Goal of God's Creation: For Him, I ſay, to give up the Lives of a lower Rank of Beings, for the Expiation, Inſtruction, or Admonition, or other Benefit of a higher, may be an Act of great Juſtice, Wiſdom and Goodneſs. And, if it might be allow'd us to conjecture, one wiſe End and Purpoſe in this Permiſſion of animal Food, might be to puniſh, admoniſh and correct us, by bodily Diſtempers, ſo as to bring us to reflect, repent and amend; or even, to ſhorten the Time of our Sufferings here, and by the Violence of our Diſeaſes, and a nearer Proſpect of Death, and a future Reckoning, to reclaim us ſooner and more effectually; and at the ſame Time to advance theſe Victims to a higher State of Being and Happineſs. Probably for theſe mention'd (but to be ſure for wiſe and good) Ends and Purpoſes, has God by Revelation given us a Permiſſion, or Patent, for the Uſe of animal Food: But for fermented Liquors, He has given us none, that I know of; neither are they natural, or proper; nor were they ever approv'd [66] or recommended for common Uſe, or as proper and ordinary Drink; but only as Phyſick, or a Cordial, on Feſtivals, or at Sacrifices, on Sickneſs, or in Extremities. In the early and innocent Ages of golden Simplicity, no Hint ſuppoſes them commonly known or tried. And if fermented and ſpirituous Liquors were uſed only as bitter Draughts, Cordials and chalybeat Medicines, to brace and wind up the Stomach, and alimentary Tubes and Solids tranſiently, for a ſhort Time; on Sickneſs, Lowneſs, Fainting, Fatigue, and inclement Seaſons, as they ſeem to be intended by the Author of Nature; they might be Bleſſings, and great temporary and tranſient Reliefs; but as they are now uſed conſtantly at Meals, as common Beverage to dilute ſolid Food, and to make Perſons eaſy under a Load of high rich animal Food, they become the efficient Cauſes of moſt Diſeaſes; and upon the moſt ſerious Enquiry, I could never find an adequate natural Cauſe, for the Frequency of nervous and atrocious chronical Diſtempers now, from what they were formerly, nor of the Stuntedneſs, Punyneſs and Feebleneſs, ſo conſpicuous among the better Sort, from what they were before the Conqueſt, and in our Gallic Wars; but the free and frequent Uſe of ſtrong and ſpirituous Liquors, and rich and high Foods, with foreign Cookery, at that Time introduced firſt; and living in great Towns, and uſing only Coaches and Chairs, [67] and ſedentary Employments and Diverſions. And drinking Water only, and living low, is the only adequate Antidote and Remedy for theſe Diſtempers thus produced; for no Axiom is ſo certain in Phyſick, as that Diſeaſes muſt be cured by their Contraries.

§. 6. THE Hurt and Damage all fermented Liquors do an animal Body, is evident from many Conſiderations; as, 1. That it hardens, conſtricts and binds up the Fibres, and ſtrongly unites the Particles of animal Subſtances, ſo that they are with much greater Difficulty ſeparated and divided, i. e. digeſted. A Piece of Meat will continue ſweet and ſound, for many Years in Wine or ſtrong Beer, or in any ſtrong fermented Liquor; the Liquor cementing and pinning together the Parts of the Meat; and the ſame happens when they are mixed in the Stomach; by which the Digeſtibility and eaſy Diſſolution of it, is obſtructed; ſo that in ſuch a Mixture Mutton is turned into Beef, and Beef into Shoe-Leather. 2. There is in ſtrong Liquors a criſping, corrugating, or cauſtic Quality workt on the Fibres, which burns and dries them up, and deſtroys their elaſtic and ductile Virtue, and conſequently renders them unfit to be broken and divided in the Stomach. This is evident from the Uſe commonly made of ſtrong Beer, as the beſt Plaiſter for Sprains, Relaxations and Strains; and that Brandy will really ſtop Haemorrhages and Ruptures in the Blood-Veſſels, [68] by burning and wrinkling the tender Fibres and Capillaries, and ſo by this criſping Quality muſt keep Food from being readily and perfectly digeſted. 3. The Fire and Heat in ſtrong Liquors, by ſtimulating and twitching the Fibres and Coats of the Blood-Veſſels and Nerves, and conſequently bringing them into quick and frequent Vibrations, and elaſtic Efforts, will break and tear the Fibres of the alimentary Tubes, and ſeparate their Union and Continuity, ſo as at laſt to wear out theſe Organs, at leaſt, much ſooner, and with greater Pain and Suffering, than Water or aqueous Liquors poſſibly can. Laſtly, It is a common and well-known Experiment, that to ſtunt the Growth of young Animals, as Dogs and Cats, they need only be frequently rubbed over with Brandy, Rum, or any Spirit. This ſtops the Ductility and Extenſion of the young animal Fibres, that they cannot be dilated and develop'd by the Force of the Circulation, and ſo ſtunts their Growth. From all which it is plain, that ſtrong, but eſpecially ſpirituous Liquors, are really Poiſon to an animal Conſtitution; and their ill Effects, not only in ſhortening the Lives, but in ſtunting the Growth and Stature of the lower Rank of People, from the late frequent Uſe of Gin, Punch, and other ſpirituous Liquors, have become ſo flagrant, as to call aloud for the juſt Indignation of the Legiſlature; and it is to be wiſhed, that an effectual Remedy may be found out for ſo [69] deſtructive an Evil. And I am fully convinced, that the primary and original Deſign of the Author of Nature for the ſolid Food of Animals, was nothing but earthy Particles mixed with Water and Air, finely divided and cemented only, with the leaſt Oil and Salt poſſible, as they are found in Seeds, Fruits, young Vegetables, and farinaceous or pulpous Roots, with Water only for Drink; which alone would make the Animal laſt the longeſt, and with the feweſt Pains and Diſeaſes. But this Diet muſt be only tried and begun with the Young, while their Fibres are tender and ſweet.

§. 7. THAT all ſenſitive, as well as intelligent Creatures, are in an expiatory, purifying and progreſſive State here, and going on to a greater Degree of Perfection, and a nobler State of Being in their ſeveral Orders, is demonſtrable from the utter Contradiction and Impoſſibility there muſt be, that an infinitely wiſe and good Being could create ſentient and intelligent Beings to ſuffer, for no other Reaſon but for the ſake of Suffering; or that he ſhould make Creatures to ſuffer for any other End or Purpoſe, but for Expiation, Purification and progreſſive Perfection of Being, and to eſtabliſh and confirm them in their acquired State of Perfection: Neque enim, ſub juſto Deo, miſer eſſe quiſquam, niſi mereatur, poſſit, ſays St. Auguſtin moſt divinely. Moſt of [70] the Animals are Martyrs for the human Species in Food or Sacrifice: Some of them are Food for one another; all of them are ſubject to epidemical Diſeaſes and caſual Misfortunes; a few of them paſs their Time much more comfortably than others; all of them but unhappily at beſt, and go through Death at laſt. All this muſt be for ſome wiſe Purpoſe, and none can be nobler, than that of Expiation, Purification and progreſſive Perfection of Being; and ſilent Admonition, and teaching us, their ſuperior Order of Beings. Conſciouſneſs of this End, either to them or us, might retard this Effect. Childhood, Idiotiſm, and many cephalic and nervous Diſtempers, can bring no Conſciouſneſs of the divine End and Deſign of this Oeconomy along with them, even to intelligent Beings; it is ſufficient, that Conſciouſneſs come when the End is accompliſhed, or the deſigned Perfection attained. At what Time animal Food came firſt in Uſe, is not certainly known. He was a bold Man who made the firſt Experiment; Illi robur et aes triplex circa pectus erat. To ſee the Convulſions, Agonies and Tortures of a poor Fellow-Creature, whom they cannot reſtore nor recompenſe, dying to gratify Luxury, and ſcratch callous and rank Organs, muſt require a rocky Heart, and a great Degree of Cruelty and Ferocity. I cannot find any great Difference on the Foot of natural Reaſon and Equity only, between feeding on [71] human Fleſh, and feeding on brute animal Fleſh, except Cuſtom and Example. I believe ſome rational Creatures would ſuffer leſs in being fairly butcher'd, than a ſtrong Ox, or red Deer; and in natural Morality and Juſtice, the Degrees of Pain here, make the eſſential Difference; for as to other Differences, they are relative only, and can be of no Weight with an infinitely perfect Being. Did not Uſe and Example weaken this Terror, and make the Difference, Reaſon alone could never do it. Perhaps it may be conjectur'd, that ſince Sacrifices were certainly an original, reveal'd or traditional Inſtitution, and that no Nation under the Sun, hitherto known, was without them, they being, it would ſeem, a chief Part in the grand Oeconomy of the Reſtoration; Sacrifice, I ſay, might have been originally inſtituted, 1. To admoniſh and inform the Sinner ſilently, and without committing Violence on his Liberty, what he deſerves; and implicitly to tell him, that he deſerves the ſame Death he makes the poor Brute undergo. For the Liberty of Mankind ſeems ſo precious, being the Root of Intelligence, that it is wonderful in how many Shapes infinite Wiſdom and Goodneſs, has put Himſelf, in the Conduct of Providence and Nature, to preſerve it inviolate; and at the ſame time to inſtruct and admoniſh his free lapſed Intelligences. I believe a good natural Philoſopher might ſhew with great [72] Reaſon and Probability, that there is ſcarce Beaſt, Bird, Reptile nor Inſect, that does not, in each particular Climat, inſtruct, and admoniſh Mankind of ſome neceſſary Truth, for their Happineſs either in Body or Mind. And, 2. To continue the Expectation of all Ages, of ſome more noble and meritorious Sacrifice, ſome time or other to be celebrated. And it is not impoſſible, that the rude and untaught Mob, who were employed in the lower ſervile Offices about Sacrifices, might have been the firſt who ventured on animal Food, (if it was not inſtituted afore as a Sacrament with the ſame Intention as the Euchariſt was afterwards) their Station habituating them to bear with leſs Pain, the Sufferings of their Fellow-Creatures while sacrificed; and they finding it palatable and luſcious, might recommend the Uſe of it to Others. Perhaps, I ſay, this might have been the Original Inſtitution of animal Food among all Nations. However, as this is only a remote Conjecture to account for the early Commencement of animal Food, ſo contrary to the original Nature of Man, and the Deſign of the Creator, and has no Regard to thoſe concern'd in our unbloody Sacrifice; I proceed now to obſerve how cautiouſly, and with what an evident Forbid, the Jewiſh Law directs this Permit of animal Food, viz. abſolutely and poſitively not to eat the Blood of the Animal (in which not only its Life, but its [73] moſt delicious Savour and moſt deleterious Qualities chiefly conſiſt, and becauſe Blood Globules, by their Rotundity, Volubility, and Elaſticity, reſiſt Trituration, that is, Digeſtion). Now this in Reality, and by Inſinuation and Moral, is to ſay, That ſince for the Hardneſs of your Hearts, and your preſent unconquerable Luſtings, you cannot be brought to abſtain altogether from animal Food; yet becauſe in the Blood is the Life thereof, and all its deleterious, morbific and noxious Qualities, you are to drain it as much as poſſible of all its Moiſture and Juice, (for the Serum as well as the Grume, moſtly conſiſts of globular Particles), and eat it plain, roaſted or boiled, to drain it ſtill more: By this Method, animal Food will be much leſs pernicious, and will approach very near to Vegetables. There is no underſtanding this Permiſſion any other Way, nor is it otherwiſe to be reconciled to common Senſe, or rational Conception, however both Jews and Chriſtians have at preſent dwindled and diluted its true Import, out of Luxury.

§. 8. THIS Doctrine is further confirm'd by this ſurpriſing Circumſtance in the Permiſſion, that there is a very particular and otherwiſe unintelligible Diſtinction made between clean and unclean Beaſts, either to be ſacrificed, or eaten for Food; and a diſtinguiſhing Mark aſſign'd how to know the laſt. And [74] ſince it comes from the ſame Source with the Permiſſion of animal Food, theſe two muſt have ſome material Difference in the Nature of Things; and that can be none other but that the Fleſh of theſe laſt cannot be ſo readily digeſted and ſqueezed from their Blood, but that it will have ſufficient remaining, of a more deleterious Nature, to inflame and mortify the Juices of thoſe who uſe it freely, and to enrage and madden their Paſſions; and he who is deeply acquainted with natural Philoſophy, and the Hiſtory of the unclean Animals, will be ſenſible of the Juſtneſs of this Prohibition and Obſervation. From whence it is natural to conclude, that tho' for the Hardneſs and Perverſeneſs of Mens Hearts, animal Food was permitted and indulged, yet it was with ſuch various Clogs and Exceptions, as might make it as little pernicious as poſſible. For the ſame Reaſon likewiſe was the Fat of the Sacrifice forbid to be eaten: And all this to ſhew that it was with great Reluctancy, and in mere Condeſcenſion, and contrary to the original Intention, it was thus permitted. And tho' under the new Diſpenſation, St. Peter was informed by a miraculous Viſion, that nothing was now common or unclean, yet it was not till Selfdenial, Poverty of Spirit and Mortification, or abſtaining from the Luſts of the Fleſh, were eſtabliſhed as the fundamental Doctrines of this new Syſtem; which when ſincerely believed and ſtrictly followed, would leave no [75] room for Difference of Food, or ceremonial Diſtinctions, which ſerved only as a Schoolmaſter, to bring them to theſe purer and more univerſal Doctrines of Chriſt. It is certain, at the Creation there could be no ſuch Thing as an Indulgence for animal Food, if only Pairs of each Animal were created at firſt.

§. 9. I MUST however own, that I think ſome vegetable Food, of much Salt, Oil, or luſcious Juice and Poignancy, as much or more deleterious, inflaming, and incraſſating, than ſome mild animal Subſtances: For Example, Onions, Shallot, Muſtard, Horſe-radiſh, all the Nut-kinds, Eaſtern Gums, Balſams, Raiſins, Pickles, Spices, Aromatics, ſtrong fermented Sours, rich and fat late Fruits, as dry yet plump Grapes, much Sugar, and the like; theſe are in ſome delicate Conſtitutions more poiſonous and hurtful to an human Body, than a Bit of the muſcular and lean Fleſh of Chicken, Veal, Lamb, Rabbit, Partridge, Turkey, and the like white and young animal Foods; whoſe Whiteneſs and Tenderneſs ſhews there is little or no red Blood Globules in them, and are conſequently more eaſily digeſtible, and leſs deleterious. Theſe Vegetables may be allowed in ſmall Quantities, as a Sauce or Reliſh to otherwiſe inſipid and unpalatable vegetable Food, to ſickly Appetites; but in great Quantities, and without Caution, they will hurt, heat and thicken the Blood and Juices of tender Conſtitutions; [76] which is the ſole Cauſe of the acute Diſtempers of all the Eaſtern and Southern Nations, who do not deal, or but very ſparingly, in ſtrong fermented Liquors. Without doubt, plain Milk (the genuine Soup prepar'd by the Author of Nature, and of a middle Nature between animal and vegetable Subſtances) boiled or raw, or prepared with Seeds, as Rice, Sago, Barley, Wheat, Millet, and the like, is the beſt and ſafeſt of all Foods for ſuch tender Conſtitutions, as being in itſelf Blood, that has not as yet often paſſed through the Lungs, to give it its ſcarlet Colour, and deleterious Qualities, but is drawn almoſt directly from the Stomach and Lacteals, from an Emulſion made there, and Cookery of Nature, of Graſs and Vegetables with pure Water, and deſigned by the Author of Nature, for the Cure and Nouriſhment of the Young, Tender and Delicate: And I can ſee no Difference between a young or tender and delicate Animal by Nature, and one made ſo by a Diſeaſe; but that ſuch a Diet is ſtill more neceſſary for the laſt than for the firſt. The mealy Roots and early Fruits are next to theſe; ſuch as Potatoes, Turnips, Carrots, Skirrets, and the like, Strawberries, Cherries, Currants, &c. and only in the laſt Place and Degree is the Saladin, Colworts, and latter and richer Fruitkinds, and Winter Vegetables, as containing too much Air or Wind. And the Author of Nature has with ſuch a Profuſion of Kindneſs [77] ſecured againſt Want or Famine, that in inclement Seaſons, and bad Years, if the Earth cannot produce Plenty above Ground, it ſecures it under Ground in bulbous, knotted, or mealy Roots, even in Snow or Froſt.

§. 10. AGAINST this Doctrine, that animal Food was permitted for a Puniſhment, and that fermented Liquors are not an Inſtitution of Nature and its Author; thoſe who have Regard for Revelation, whence the Patent for animal Food is drawn, may object, that our bleſſed Saviour, who was without Sin, eat and drank of what was ſet before him; that his firſt Miracle was ſupernaturally producing Wine, to celebrate the Marriage of Cana in Galilee; that he was accounted a Wine-biber; that he eat and drank with Publicans and Sinners; that he wrought other Miracles to produce animal Food to a Multitude; that St. Peter had a miraculous Viſion to inſtruct him, that no ſort of Food was unclean; that the Euchariſt is celebrated in Wine; and that St. Paul adviſes Timothy to drink Wine for his Infirmities. To all which I anſwer, 1. That the Queſtion is not what is, now, beſt and fitteſt in the preſent Ends of Providence, in order to reſtore and recover Man from his lapſed and fallen State; but what was probably the firſt Deſign of our Creator, in our primitive unlapſed State, before we and our Habitation (the Earth with its Atmoſphere and Appendages) [78] were thus ſpoilt and diſordered. 2. One ſort of Repair, Props, or Support, may be proper or neceſſary for a Habitation in one Degree of Ruin and Decay, that would by no Means be neceſſary or proper in another or lower Degree. 3. There is neither Virtue nor Vice in abſtaining from one ſort of Food more than another, but as it is commanded by lawful Superiors; all that is here conſidered, is, which of the two, vegetable or animal Food, in the Nature of Things, by the animal Oeconomy, and as human Creatures and their Food are now conſtituted, is phyſically and experimentally fitteſt to carry on and prolong Life, with the leaſt Pain, feweſt Diſeaſes, and for the longeſt Time. Virtue and Vice are of quite another Conſideration, and depend on the internal Principle and Diſpoſition; the Quantity, Manner and Order in which theſe neceſſary Supports are taken, not on the Things themſelves. But if it be asked, Which of the two Diets is moſt conducive to Virtue or Vice? Which of the two is moſt likely to facilitate the Acquiſition of Virtue? What is aboveſaid, plainly determines it in Favour of a low Diet; for by it the bodily Paſſions being made cooler and weaker, the Blood and Juices being ſweetened, the intellectual Organs thereby render'd cleaner, more agile and penetrating, Reaſon and the ſpiritual Nature of Man has more Liberty to act, and meets with leſs Difficulty and Reſiſtance in its Operations. 4. [79] As to our bleſſed Saviour, he having come to ſeek and to ſave what was loſt, was obliged to take the World as he found it, in order to raiſe it from that Degree of Perdition in which it was then plunged. He took upon him the Form of a Servant; he took not the Nature of Angels, but the Nature of the Seed of Abraham; he was in all things like unto us, Sin only excepted. Thoſe to whom he came, and among whom he dwelt and convers'd, could at firſt neither receive nor underſtand his ſublime Doctrines; he had many Things to ſay even to his Diſciples, which they could not then bear; and yet this Doctrine of the Preference and greater Advantages of vegetable than of animal Food, is virtually and implicitly contain'd in the general Doctrine of Self-denial and Poverty of Spirit, (in the Senſe of the Evangelic Counſels, that carry quickeſt into Perfection, where Celibacy is preferr'd to Marriage; for in the Kingdom of Glory, they are neither married nor given in Marriage, but are as the Angels of God) ſo ſtrongly and pre-eminently inculcated in the Goſpel, as any who reads and conſiders it, muſt plainly ſee. 5. I readily grant, and have given the Reaſons and Philoſophy of theſe Things, that in our preſent lapſed State, in the preſent Infertility, and inſufficiently nutritive Qualities of the Vegetables, in the preſent Curſe on the Earth, and the Neceſſity of Labour, Handicrafts, mechanical Force, and martial Proweſs, while Wickedneſs is ſo powerful, [80] and the Wicked ſo numerous, there is a Neceſſity for high animal Food, and fermented Liquors, in ſome Caſes, and to ſome Perſons, to ſecure againſt and remedy theſe Evils. But the ſole Queſtion here is, Whether this Diet will prevent Diſeaſes, or lengthen Life ſo effectually as the other? Or whether Providence has not deſigned and appointed vegetable Food for the Cure and Antidote of the Pains and Diſeaſes naturally and neceſſarily ariſing from animal Food, and fermented Liquors? Perhaps God, in his moral Government of the World, has deſign'd animal Food, more readily to puniſh thoſe who will not be drawn by Love and Beauty; i.e. to purify ſome ſorts of Men by Pains and Sufferings. 6. I willingly allow, that fermented and ſometimes ſpirituous Liquors, are excellent Remedies, temporary Filips, Whips or Spurs, in Faintneſs, Sickneſs, Labour, or feſtival Occaſions for Joy, and promoting of Friendſhip, and on Neceſſities and in Extremities: But I contend, then, and then only, they ought to be uſed; and that there is neither Precept, Example, nor Encouragement from Reaſon, Experience, or Revelation, to uſe them otherwiſe, or as they are now uſed for common Food, and daily Beverage; whence they become one Cauſe of all the great Diſeaſes of the preſent Age. From theſe general Conſiderations, all the mention'd Difficulties have an eaſy Solution to the Candid and Ingenuous: I am not fighting [81] Prizes, nor making Articles of a Creed. That infinite Wiſdom foreſaw, and laid in Proviſion and the neceſſary Precaution and Antidote, for the moſt deleterious Effects of animal Food and fermented Liquors, for a ſhort time, ſeems to me evident for theſe Reaſons, 1. In that He provided the Liver, (the Pancreas, and other internal Glands) in Animals, theſe vaſtly ſtrong, complicated and elabour'd Organs, to draw out the moſt poiſonous Parts of ſtrong Meats and Drinks: the ſtronger the Liver, and the larger that Organ grows, the more Bile it throws out on the Common-ſhoar, the Inteſtines, to deprive the Chyle of its churliſh Salts, and acrid Sulphurs, and thus makes the Liver an uſeful Medicine to promote the animal Functions, Digeſtion, Chylification, and the periſtaltic Motion, and then throw its uſeleſs Parts out of the Habit. 2. By the createing mineral and ponderous Medicines, (Mercury chiefly) to open Obſtructions, break ſaline Concretions, and diſſolve the Tenacity of the Globules and Serum. And, 3. In providing mineral Waters of ſo various and complicated Natures, for the ſame Ends and Purpoſes, which they will, well-choſen, effect at laſt, as certainly as thoſe formerly mentioned. Now it is plain to a Demonſtration, that under a vegetable Diet, all thoſe have little or no Uſe in Medicine; nay, any one who is acquainted with the Delicacy, Tenderneſs and Senſibility of the internal and infinitely minute Parts of [82] an animal Machine, muſt know that they are not only in a great Degree uſeleſs, but hurtful, and tend to tear, diſſolve and deſtroy the infinitely minute Fibrils, of which the Solids of an animal Machin are formed: So that their final End and Deſign in Providence muſt have been to antidote the ill Effects of animal Food and ſtrong fermented Liquors, to a certain Degree, and for a certain Time, probably till ſome time after the Meridian of Life, while the Organs had attained their utmoſt Extenſion and Firmneſs; for it is not improbable, that none of the Mineral Waters exiſted under the Form and in the Manner they now appear, till after the Deluge, the Aera of animal Food, fermented Liquors, and the ſhortneſs of Life.

§. 11. To the Appearance of the preſent State of Nature, that ſeems to claſh with this Doctrine, viz. the vaſt, nay infinite Maſs of Life, or living Creatures, generated by Heat and Moiſture, the many Millions of organiz'd Seeds of Plants and Animals deſtroyed every Seaſon, the Impoſſibility of having any Sort of Food, or even pure Water, without deſtroying and devouring Millions of Animaculs; that here almoſt each Animal devours and lives upon another; and that both in the ſentient and intelligent Creation, there ſeems to be a natural and unconquerable Appetite and craveing Deſire of animal Food, and an inſatiable [83] Thirſt of Blood: To theſe and ſuch-like Prejudices, (I cannot call them Objections) it may be anſwer'd, I. Firſt, That theſe Facts are not denied, but are of no Weight againſt the Propoſitions here chiefly aſſerted, viz. 1. That it is Philoſophically certain, that animal Food is in its own Nature more ready to produce Diſtempers than vegetable Food. 2. That it is therefore highly probable, that an infinitely good and wiſe Being would not appoint in his firſt Intention, animal but vegetable Food, at leaſt to his intelligent and rational Creation, and which accordingly is confirm'd from Revelation: And, 3. The chief Aſſertion here made, is, That in Conſequence of theſe two Propoſitions it follows, that vegetable Food, Seeds eſpecially, muſt be the proper Antidote, and Cure of the Diſeaſes brought on by animal Food. But, II. It may be conſider'd, as St. Paul aſſerts, that this whole Creation, the whole Syſtem, but chiefly this our Globe, with all its Inhabitants, labours, and is under a mortal Diſtemper, and in Travail, like a parturient Woman, to throw off this preſent Load of Corruption, Deteriority, and Lapſe, that it may regain its original Spirituality, Purity, and Liberty; it is at preſent in a State of Expiation, Purification, and progreſſive Perfection; every Thing is out of its natural Order, the Syſtem is, as it were, in a Fever, and every Part and Particle is in Action, (like the Body of a Man in a febrile Fermentation), to throw off its peccant Humours, [84] and to bring the whole Compound into Order, Regularity, and perfect Health. But, III. Theſe very Appearances on which the Objection is founded, confirm to a Demonſtration, what I aſſert, viz. That all animal Life here is in an expiatory, purifying, and progreſſive State, towards its original Perfection; for it would be the groſſeſt Contradiction, to ſuppoſe that an infinitely good and wiſe Being, ſhould give Pain to any of his Creatures, for any other End, but to reclaim and perfect them; that He alone knows when his Juſtice, Purity, and the Amende Honorable, and the Infection of Impurity, are perfectly anſwer'd and cancelled, in their preſent State of Melioration, and ſo knows when and how it is fitteſt to put an End to it by Death, that is, by the Rupture and Diſſolution of their groſs and earthy Priſon, form'd out of this our ruinous planetary Syſtem, now ſpoil'd and defac'd; to ſet the indwelling ſpiritual Inhabitant free into ſome more pure and refin'd Syſtem; and that animal Life of all Kinds and Degrees, does and muſt neceſſarily ſuffer here, by bodily Wants and Infirmities, by the Injuries and Inclemencies of Seaſons, by the Rapacity and Ferocity of their Fellow-Creatures, beſides a thouſand other Accidents, and at laſt moſt intenſely by their Death, and the Rupture of their outward Shell or Tabernacle; From all this is a plain Demonſtration, that they are in a State of Suffering, Expiation, and progreſſive Purification, and [85] that at laſt they will all be ſet at Liberty, and become the Sons and Children of God in ſome Degree or Order or other, according to his original Intention, and the Plan of this his univerſal Monarchy and Kingdom, laid before the Foundation of the World; and all this Darkneſs, Sufferings, and unintelligible Play, is only to ſave human Liberty, and produce at laſt pure Love and naked Faith. IV. No body ever denied, that Animals of all Kinds might be deſtroyed, even intelligent as well as ſentient, when it is done for ſome wiſe or uſeful Purpoſe, as in Self-defence, or even for moral Purpoſes, implicitly to admoniſh and teach others their Duty, what they deſerve, or what they are to believe and hope; theſe Purpoſes, with all their particular Circumſtances, are under the moral Government of an infinitely wiſe Being. The only Queſtion here is, Whether they may reaſonably and juſtly be put to Pain unneceſſarily and wantonly, or for no wiſe End or Purpoſe, but only to ſcratch callous Pallates, when other Means of Health may be had more effectual, and no leſs pleaſant. V. It is not altogether Fact, that Animals devour one another from any other Reaſon, but for Want of ſufficient Plenty of proper vegetable Food, as Seeds, tender Plants, mealy Roots, and the like, which even the moſt carnivorous Animals will brouze on, when they can meet with it in Plenty, as is well known in natural Hiſtory; and even the [86] Fiſh, which of all Animals are the moſt voracious, will readily feed on Balls of Meal and Milk, without offering to devour one another; as the ingenious Mr. Andrews of Norfolk has found by Experiment; for having put ſeveral Sorts of ſmall and great Fiſhes together into a large whiten'd Pond of clear Water, where they might all be eaſily ſeen and number'd, and feeding them with Balls made of Milk and Flower, (which were put into pervious Troughs) he found, at leaſt thought, that they did not offer the leaſt Violence to one another. VI. Allowing Animals to be actuated by a ſpiritual or immaterial Principle, of the ſame Nature with intelligent Creatures, yet they are not of the ſame Degree and Order with them; they may be intelligent Creatures of an inferior Order, beginning lower, and verging more ſlowly towards their intended Perfection; they may be under different Conditions of Purification, and may paſs the whole of their Duration here, in the State of Infants, who dye before they are born, or before they arrive at the Uſe of Reaſon, and yet in other States of Being may grow and advance to a much higher Perfection of Senſation and Intelligence than we can readily imagine. For to me it ſeems utterly incredible, that any Creature, whether ſentient or intelligent, ſhould come into this State of Being and Suffering, for no other Purpoſe than we ſee them attain here; and it is equally incredible, that any Creature ſhould [87] ſpontaneouſly exert animal and muſcular Function, i.e. ſhould live and feel, without ſome Degree of an immaterial, immortal, and ſelfactive Spirit. Matter and its Laws, can never account for ſuch Appearances. There muſt be ſome infinitely beautiful, wiſe and good Scene remaining for all ſentient and intelligent Beings, the Diſcovery of which will raviſh and aſtoniſh us one Day. Moderately wiſe Ends, Purpoſes, and Means, are unworthy of infinite Perfection; whatever God does muſt be every way worthy of Himſelf: His Working may ſerve many wiſe and good Ends and Purpoſes here, but the laſt and great End of all muſt be of Dignity and Majeſty worthy of Him, tho' we cannot yet a great while comprehend it.

§. 12. To conclude: 1. It is plain from Revelation, that animal Food was permitted, and fermented Liquors not forbidden; and conſequently, that there is neither Virtue nor Vice in the Uſe of them abſolutely, but in the Order, Time, Quantity, and other Circumſtances of their Uſage. 2. That in our preſent Situation, and under our preſent Circumſtances, for ſome Perſons, and in Order for ſome Purpoſes, a reaſonable Quantity of animal Food, and fermented Liquors, may be abſolutely neceſſary. 3. It is plain from Reaſon, Philoſophy, and Experience, that Exceſſes in high animal Food, and ſtrong fermented Liquors, [88] are the true efficient and moſt general Cauſe of moſt atrocious and dangerous Diſtempers; and conſequently, that vegetable Food, and unfermented Liquors, are the true and natural Antidote of ſuch Diſtempers. 4. That animal Food, and fermented Liquors, will more probably, and more naturally cauſe Diſtempers, and ſhorten Life, than vegetable Food, and unfermented Liquors. 5. That a moderate and ſmall Quantity of animal Food, and generous fermented Liquors, will naturally tighten, harden, and ſtrengthen, give Firmneſs and Force to animal Solids and Fibres, and enrich, warm, and invigorate the Blood and Juices; and conſequently, is ſafeſt to all ſubject to eruptive Diſtempers, as Gout, Eriſipelas, &c. in the Fits. But at the ſame time that it hardens and tightens the Solids, it condenſes and thickens the Juices, and renders the Animal of a ſhorter Duration of Life, and more ſubject to Diſeaſes. 6. Laſtly, That for bodily Strength, animal Food, and fermented Liquors, ſeem fitteſt; but for intellectual Exerciſes, vegetable Food, and unfermented Liquors, ſeem appropriated; and that conſequently, the beſt Way to ſecure the golden Mediocrity, between bodily Strength and ſpiritual Force, (the State fitteſt for the Generality of Mankind) is for the healthy to confine themſelves to about a Pound, at leaſt half a Pound, of animal Food, and a Pint, at leaſt half a Pint of fermented Liquors, [89] daily: But for the unhealthy, valetudinary, and ſtudious, to ſink below this Medium in both theſe, till, by Experience and Obſervation, they find that Quantity of either, they are eaſieſt under, and to ſtick to that, ſhould it even be to deſcend totally into Vegetables, Milk and Seeds, with unfermented Liquors.


A Philoſophical THEORY Founded on EXPERIMENTS, OF THE NATURE and LAWS of Minute INANIMAT BODIES, and their Syſtems, in general.

Rom. viii. 22.‘For we know that the whole Creation groaneth, and travaileth in Pain till now.’


THAT the Curious and Philoſophical Reader (who poſſibly may be entertain'd with ſuch Speculations) may have in one general View, what has been or will be incidentally hinted in my preceding and ſucceeding Works, concerning the Nature of Minute Bodies, their Syſtems and Laws, I have collected into a few Propoſitions, what I have found ſcatter'd in the [92] Works of Philoſophers and Mathematicians of moſt Note, on that Subject; particularly thoſe of Sir Iſaac Newton. Theſe I have connected the beſt I could, and in ſome Particulars have adventur'd to ſupply with Conjectures by Analogy, from their general Nature; leaving every one to judge for himſelf, according to his Taſte and Liking, there being nothing of what is here laid down very material to the practical Part of theſe Diſcourſes.


THE Elements, or leaſt and laſt Particles of Matter, are of various Sizes, Denſities and Figures. Thoſe of the firſt Order, or the very leaſt, are almoſt infinitely ſmall, hard and elaſtic, pervading all Bodies but pervious to none; ſuch as are probably the Particles of the Etherial or Newtonian Fluid. The Particles of the ſecond Order are compos'd of theſe, and conſequently are of a greater Size, but leſs denſe and elaſtic, being pervious to the Particles of the firſt Order, and themſelves pervading all others: Of this kind are probably the Particles of Light. The Particles of the third and laſt Order, are compos'd of thoſe of the ſecond Order, bearing ſuch Proportion to them in Size, Denſity and [93] Elaſticity, as they do to thoſe of the firſt Order.


IT is beyond all Doubt, that the Quantity of ſolid Matter in this material Syſtem is very ſmall, in reſpect of the interſpers'd Vacuities. It is demonſtrably certain, that a ſolid Cube or Sphere of a Mile or Furlong, or even a Yard in Diameter, being divided ſufficiently ſmall, and its Parts ranged in a proper Order, would furniſh Solidity enough to anſwer all Appearances. Suppoſe the Particles all Cubes, and to be ſo united by the Contact of their Angles as to make cubical Interſtices, then the Vacuity would be equal to the Solidity; and ſince Matter is diviſible in infinitum, this Vacuity may be encreas'd to any Proportion of Majority. We actually find that Water and Mercury will paſs through the Pores of Gold; and Sir Iſaac Newton has demonſtrated, that Gold muſt have many times more Pores than ſolid Parts, and yet it is the heavieſt of all Bodies. Light paſſes through the moſt opake Bodies, when ſhreded ſufficiently thin, it ſcarce meets with any Reſiſtance in its Paſſage through clear Glaſs; and Aether pervades all Bodies with very little or no Reſiſtance: From all which it manifeſtly appears, how ſmall a Proportion there is between the Solidity and Vacuities in our Syſtem.



THE Elements of Bodies, or the leaſt and laſt Particles of whatever Order, are ſolid, hard and indiviſible, at leaſt by natural and created Powers, elſe it would be in the Power of Natural Means and created Agents to alter the preſent Conſtitution and Nature of Things: For a World made up of Particles broken and worn out, would be quite different from what it now is, and altogether inſufficient to anſwer the Ends and Purpoſes of Nature.


Analogous to, of the ſame Nature, and probably from the ſame Cauſe, with Gravity in the great Bodies of Univerſe, (the Sun, Planets and Fixt Stars) which acts as the Squares of the Diſtance reciprocally, there is in the leaſt and elementary Particles of Matter, a Principle of Attraction and Repulſion, whereby they attract and repell one another, according to ſome conſtant and invariable Law, whatever that may be.


WHAT this Law is, by which the Particles of Matter attract and repel each other, no Obſervations or Experiments hitherto made have been ſufficient to determine; only thus much is certain, that in receding from the Point of Contact, it decreaſes in a greater Proportion [95] than that of the duplicate Ratio of the Diſtance reciprocally; for by that Law, the Force of Attraction at any ſmall aſſignable Diſtance, would be nearly the ſame; whereas it is manifeſt from Obſervation and Experience, that it is exerted only at or near the Point of Contact. Sir Iſaac Newton has calculated from the Inflection of the Rays of Light, that the attracting Force in the Point of Contact is 10000,0000,0000,0000 times greater than the Force of Gravity; and the ingenious Mr. Hales has ſhewn by a great Variety of Experiments, that the repulſive, or elaſtic Force, (which probably ariſe from one and the ſame Cauſe) in ſome ſorts of Particles, are likewiſe immenſly great.


IF Particles mutually attract each other as the Cubes of their Diſtances reciprocally, the Force of Attraction in the Point of Contact will be infinitely greater than at any aſſignable Diſtance. According to this Law, (which ſeems to obtain, at leaſt very nearly in the ſmalleſt Particles of Matter) if the Force of Attraction in the Point of Contact, be not infinitely greater than the Force of Gravity, it will be infinitely leſs than that Force of Gravity at any aſſignable Diſtance. But tho' the Force of Attraction in the Point of Contact is very great, yet it is not infinitely greater than the Force of Gravity, ſeeing the Parts of [96] any Body may be ſeparated by a finite aſſignable Force, and therefore at a given Diſtance it muſt vaniſh, or become infinitely ſmall.


REPULSION begins, and goes on, where Attraction ends, and o conſtitutes the middle Point in the Progreſſion between them, or o, i. e. infinitely ſmall of the ſame Order, is the laſt Term and Limit of Attraction, and the firſt of Repulſion; and they probably go on according to the ſame Law and Progreſſion, tho' with contrary Directions: For, as Sir Iſaac Newton obſerves, thoſe Particles which recede from one another with the greateſt repulſive Force, and are with the greateſt Difficulty brought together, cohere moſt ſtrongly when brought into Contact.


THE Coheſion of the ſmall Particles of Matter, is in the compound Proportion of the Quantity of their cohering Surfaces, and the Quantity of their attractive Powers; and their attractive Powers are, caeteris paribus, as their Denſities, or the Quantities of Matter they contain.


HENCE it follows, that the leſs the cohering Surfaces are, caeteris paribus, the leſs will be the Degree of Coheſion, and that the [97] leaſt Degree of Coheſion, is when the Surfaces touch in a Point only, or are Spheres or Spheroides.


THE Power or Force of Attraction, in ſmall Particles of Matter, increaſes as the Size of the Particles is diminiſh'd. For, as this Force acts only in or near the Point of Contact, it will be proportional to that Contact, or in the compound Ratio of the Denſity of the Particles and the Largeneſs of their Surfaces; but the Surfaces decreaſe as the Squares of the Diameters, while the Solidities decreaſe as their Cubes; and therefore, the ſmalleſt Particles of Matter, having the largeſt Surfaces in Proportion to their Solidities, and more of their Points coming into Contact, will have the greateſt attractive Force in Proportion to their Bulk.


THE Gravities of Particles decreaſe as the Cubes of their Diameters; for their Gravities are as their Quantities of Matter, which, in homogeneous Bodies, are as the Cubes of the Diameters.


HENCE it is, that Mercury, from the Smallneſs and Diviſibility of its Parts is ſo eaſily raiſed; and that Bodies may be ſuſpended in Fluids ſpecifically lighter than themſelves.



IF the Parts of a Body, immers'd in a Fluid, are more ſtrongly attracted by the Fluid, than they are by one another, they will mutually recede from each other, with a Force equal to the Exceſs of the one Attraction above the other, and will be equally diffus'd through the Fluid: And hence the Nature of Solution, Separation and Diffuſion.


IF Particles, ſuſpended in a Fluid and attracting each other, are elaſtic, after their Colliſion they will reſile from one another, and meeting with other Particles, they will be reflected, till by ſuch Actions and Re-actions, a Fermentation, Efferveſcence and Ebullition is produced.


IF Particles, ſuſpended in a Fluid and attracting each other, are not elaſtic, they will not be reflected from one another, but coaleſce into Maſſes, till their Gravity exceeding that of the Fluid, they will ſink, and be precipitated. The ſame thing will be produced by increaſing or diminiſhing the Gravity of the Menſtruum in which the Particles are ſuſpended.



THE Figures of the Elements of all pure unelaſtic and incompreſſible Fluids muſt neceſſarily be ſpherical, or at leaſt approaching thereto; for were they of any other Figure, their Surfaces would touch in more Points than one, and conſequently they would cohere. And the Elements of ſolid Bodies probably may be of the Figure of ſome one or other of the regular Solids, as Cubes, Triangles, Priſms, &c. ſo that, their Surfaces coming into Contact, they may attract each other with the greater Force.


WHAT may be the Figure of the Elements of elaſtic Fluids, as the Air, and the Newtonian Aethereal Fluid, is not material to enquire, ſince their Fluidity does not ariſe from the Figure, but the repulſive Force of their Particles.


THE Elaſticity of ſolid Bodies is the Effect of the attracting Force of their Particles; for when the ſmall contiguous and cohering Particles of a Body are, by a Stroke, or any external Violence, ſeparated from each other to extremely ſmall Diſtances, if this Force is taken off, the ſeparated Particles will, by the Force of Attraction, ruſh back into their Contacts [100] with an accelerated Velocity, and the Body will recover its priſtin Figure. But if the Particles are ſo far ſeparated as to be without their Spheres of Attraction, they will remain in that Disjunction, and the Body will be uncapable of recovering its former State.


THAT Bodies, under a Rotation, fly off in the Tangent, is only a Conſequence of that general Law, by which they perſevere in the ſame State of Reſt, or moving uniformly in a ſtreight Line, unleſs they are made to change that State by ſome external Force impreſſed; for the Direction of a Body moving in the Circumference of a Circle, is in the Tangent, and it is made to deſcribe the Circle only by the central Attraction, which ceaſing to act, the Body will proceed in its proper Direction, or will fly off in the Tangent.


THE Figures of Bodies, and their Actions on one another, ariſing from the Principles of Attraction and Repulſion, together with the Motions impreſſed on them by living and intelligent Agents, will probably account for moſt of the Appearances of the material World, if mechanically adjuſted, and treated according to theſe mentioned Laws.



AIR is a Syſtem of Particles endued with a repulſive Force, which being fixt in all animal, vegetable and mineral Subſtances, are by Fire, Fermentation, Putrefaction, Diſſolution, or any other inteſtine Action or Reaction, ſet at Liberty, and thrown off into an elaſtic State, and carrying along with them Ramenta or Abraſions of the Bodies they were fixt in, they compoſe our Atmoſphere; which is a Chaos of ſuch Particles of various Solidities, Gravities and attractive and repulſive Powers, acting by the eſtabliſh'd Laws of minute Bodies; and hence its Compreſſion, Weight, Elaſticity and various Degrees of Denſity.


THE Denſity of the Air is proportionate to its Compreſſion, and therefore the centrifugal, or expanſive Force by which its Particles endeavour to recede from one another, muſt be in the reciprocal Proportion of their Diſtances, or in the direct ſubtriplicate Ratio of their Denſities.


EARTH is only a looſe Collection of the different elementary Particles of Matter, of all the three Orders, thrown together without any regular Combination or Coheſion; as [102] Whiteneſs is a Blending and Mixture of all the differently-colour'd Rays of Light.


WATER is a Collection of the Solutions of taſteleſs and inſipid Salts, originally fixt, cryſtalis'd and diſpers'd quite through the Globe; but kept in Fluidity by Heat, like melted Lead. And different Salts are Water united with a little Air and ſome Earths, acid or ſulphureous, in a cryſtalis'd State; as Ice is Water congeal'd, and Water is Ice diſſolv'd. But this is not intended as a Definition, but only as an Illuſtration. All Salts are ſoluble by Water, and all Water evaporated; drops a ſaline Subſtance mixt with Earths.


ACIDS ſeem to be compos'd of ſuch elementary Particles as are endued with a very great attractive Power; whence, by inſinuating themſelves into the Pores of Bodies, and attracting their Particles more ſtrongly than theſe Particles attract one another, they thereby ſeparate and divide them.


POSSIBLY the Figures of Acids, may be triangular Priſms, or ſuch like, to facilitate their Entry into Bodies, and to ſeparate their Particles like Wedges; for all Matter muſt have ſome Figure.



HEAT, as it is a Property of Bodies, is only the brisk vibrating Action and Reaction of the elaſtic repelling Nitre of the Air, and the aethereal Fluid, with the ſtrongly attracting acid Sulphur; which Sulphur, by its Analyſis, is found to contain an inflammable Oil, an acid Salt, a very fixt Earth, and a little Metal.


HENCE the Affinity between Light and ſulphureous Bodies, and the true Nature of Oils and inflammable Spirits, which are nothing but a great deal of Sulphur, a fine or light acid Salt, a very little Water and Earth.


SINCE it has been found, that a Thermometer in an exhauſted Receiver, will riſe and fall as much, and almoſt as ſoon, as another Thermometer placed by it in the open Air, it ſeems to follow, that Heat is conveyed and propagated from one Body to another, by ſome ſubtle elaſtic Fluid, pervading all Bodies; and it is not improbable, that the Vibrations of this Medium in hot Bodies, contribute to the Intenſeneſs and Duration of their Heat. And ſince ſmooth poliſh'd Bodies, with plain Surfaces, cling together as ſtrongly in an exhauſted Receiver as in the [104] open Air, it is not improbable, that their Coheſion may be cauſed by this ſame Medium. Both Experiments go a great way to aſcertain the Exiſtence and Neceſſity of ſome ſuch aethereal Fluid.


LIGHT ſeems to be the vibrating Particles of a hot Body, driven off by the repelling Force, with an immenſe Velocity, which is continued and augmented by the aethereal Fluid, and the Attraction of the Bodies it meets with in its Progreſs.


SINCE, as Sir Iſaac Newton has obſerv'd, Light is convertible into Bodies, and Bodies into Light; and that it is probable, that Light is only the Particles of a hot Body, thrown off with an immenſe Velocity, it would ſeem, that theſe Particles which conſtitute Light are the elementary Particles of the ſecond Order, with which ſulphureous and oily Bodies, from the great Activity, Attraction and Elaſticity of their Parts, appear to be ſaturated and abound; for theſe being ſmaller and more elaſtic, than the Particles of the third Order, will be thrown off with a very great Velocity, which we know to be an eſſential Property of the Rays of Light; and they will likewiſe pervade all Bodies, which is alſo a Property belonging to the Rays of Light; [105] there being no Body, however denſe or cloſe in its Texture, which, by being ſhreded thin, does not become tranſparent.


THE Rays of Light ſeem to conſiſt of Particles of different Sizes, (that being neceſſary to produce the various Colours and different Degrees of Refrangibility) the leaſt of which make Violet, the weakeſt and darkeſt of the Colours, and are moſt eaſily diverted from the right Courſe, by refracting Surfaces; and the reſt, as they are bigger, make the ſtronger and more lucid Colours, as Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, and are with more and more Difficulty diverted.


THE Sun and fixt Stars, are immenſe Globes of Matter, ſaturated with theſe Particles of the ſecond Order, and ſo being heated red hot, are kept in Heat by their inteſtine Motion, and the Action and Re-action of their Parts with the aethereal Fluid; their denſe Atmoſpheres, by their Compreſſion, keeping their Parts from flying off, or conſuming too faſt.


IT is not impoſſible, that our Earth, with its Satellit the Moon, the other Planets in this our Syſtem, with their Satellites, but eſpecially [106] the Comets, ſhould be all of them Bettering-houſes, (according to the Dutch manner of ſpeaking) Priſons, Dungeons, and Places of Puniſhment, for Trial, Expiation, or progreſſive Purification of the ſeveral Sorts, Orders and Degrees of lapſed, ſentient and intelligent Beings. That they are not, and cannot be permanent or eternal, in their preſent State, Philoſophy and Aſtronomy furniſh innumerable Arguments, to convince any thinking Perſon. Moſt of their Orbits are elliptical, which certainly is not ſo ſimple or perfect a Figure as a Circle. The Planes of their Orbits cut one another at irregular various and vaſtly different Angles, which, at leaſt, in our preſent way of thinking, is not ſo harmonious. Beſides the unaccountable Oddneſſes in moſt of their diurnal and annual Revolutions, the Nutations of their Axes, their Rings, Spots and Girdles, which, at leaſt, ſavour not of that Simplicity, Perfection and Beauty conſpicuous in moſt of the other Works of the Author of Nature. Moreover, as to our Planet in particular, it has ſo many untoward Marks, and oblique Symptoms of a deſigned Deteriority, that it would require a Volume to enumerate thoſe daily obſerved by Aſtronomers and natural Philoſophers, beſides thoſe now mentioned, which are common to moſt of them. Our Earth has, in particular, barren and unfruitful Climates, unhoſpitable and uninhabited Regions, [107] unhealthy and mortal Seaſons, Tempeſts, Thunder and Lightning, Vulcanos, Plagues and epidemical or infectious Atmoſpheres: All which could never proceed from an infinitely good and wiſe Being, if his Deſign was not to puniſh and correct. But all theſe ſeeming Deformities are kind and fatherly Deſigns of Wiſdom, and have infinitely beautiful final Cauſes and Motives; and are ſtrong and amazing Inſtances of his Being, Love and Wiſdom, if they are reckon'd only Correction and Bettering Manſions, of no durable or permanent Stability, but verging and growing into ſome progreſſive, beautiful and final State, by general Laws, which State, in due Time, will appear and emerge, and then He may, as He did at firſt, ſay of all his Works, they were good and perfect in their Order. And then the Son ſhall give up the Dominion to his Father, in a much happier and more perfect Condition than it was at firſt made, as He ſaid of Himſelf, that He came, that all God's Creatures (Sentient and Intelligent, and conſequently their Habitations and Manſions) ſhould have Life, (that is, have Perfection and Happineſs) and have it more abundantly.


FLAME is the ſulphureous or oily Smoak of a hot Body, agitated to ſuch a Degree as to be ignited.



THOSE Bodies are tranſparent, whoſe Pores are ſufficiently ſmall to attract the Rays of Light, and rectilinear to tranſmit them: Thus Paper is made more tranſparent, by having its Pores fill'd or leſſen'd with Water or Oil.

THE following Propoſitions are manifeſt from Experiment*.

  • 1. MERCURY conſiſts of ſmaller Particles than any known Fluid, for it will paſs where no other Fluid can.
  • 2. THE Particles of Mercury, in all their Diviſions, preſerve a ſpherical Figure, from the ſtrong Attraction of their Parts; as is evident by fine Glaſſes: And the ſmaller the Particles, the more perfect the Spheres; as the ſame Glaſſes demonſtrate.
  • 3. MERCURY is the heavieſt of all natural Fluids, being 14 times heavier than Water.
  • 4. THE Particles of Mercury attract ſome Bodies the moſt of any, as Gold; and fly from [109] others the moſt, as Oil of Vitriol, and all Acids.


  • 1. THEREFORE the Particles of Mercury are the moſt eaſily rais'd by Heat, being diviſible into the ſmalleſt Parts; which, though not ſenſible, yet are known by their Effects in Silver Water, Mercurial Steams and Exhalations, and their ready paſſing through all animal Subſtances.
  • 2. THEREFORE the Particles of Mercury have the greateſt Momentum and Force, being the heavieſt of all natural Fluids.
  • 3. THEREFORE the Particles of Mercury, by their Smallneſs, Sphericity and Weight, being actuated and rais'd by Heat, readily pervade all animal fleſhy Subſtances, which are but Spunges with communicating Cells; as is evident from the Effects of Fumigations, and the Palſies of thoſe who ſilver Glaſs, or dig in the Mines of that Mineral.


  • 1. THEREFORE the Particles of Mercury are the fitteſt to break the Coheſion of all Viſcoſity, and divide its Subſtance by its Weight, in Animal Tubes; from which Viſcoſity [110] all the cold chronical Diſeaſes moſt probably proceed.
  • 2. THEREFORE the Particles of Mercury are fitteſt to open all Obſtructions in the ſmall Capillary or Lymphatic Veſſels, from their Smallneſs, Weight and Sphericity.
  • 3. THEREFORE the Particles of Mercury, from their Smallneſs, Weight and Sphericity, are fitteſt to make the Circulation whole and entire quite around.
  • 4. THEREFORE Mercury is the only proper Antidote for ſuch Palſies, whoſe Cauſe is the Tenacity of the Juices in the ſmall Blood-Veſſels, preſſing upon the Nerves and Fibres, and ſo interrupting their Vibrations and Actions.
  • 5. THEREFORE Mercury is the beſt Antidote for the Scurvy, in the firſt Intention, by its Smallneſs, its Weight and Sphericity, breaking the Salts and larger Concretions obſtructing the Lymphatics.
  • 6. THEREFORE Mercury is alſo the beſt Antidote for the Gout, in the firſt Intention, readily opening thoſe ſmall Veſſels which are the moſt difficult to be dilated by reaſon of their Compreſſion betwixt bony Articulations, even though their Smallneſs ſhould be ſuch, [111] that 200 of them can make up but the Thickneſs or Bulk of one Hair. But a thin cool Dyet muſt continue them pervious, when Mercury has made them ſo.
  • 7. THEREFORE Mercury, duly prepar'd, and judiciouſly manag'd, is the only proper Antidote for the Diſeaſes produced by Exceſſes of any kind, eſpecially of animal Food and fermented Liquors.
  • 8. MERCURY, by its Weight and Sphericity, will infallibly burſt thoſe Veſſels whoſe Obſtructions cannot be diſſolved or opened, driving the Subſtance of theſe Obſtructions through the Sides of the ſlender Lymphatic Veſſels; and will infallibly tear the ſmall Veſſels, whoſe Sides are very rare and ſlender, or whoſe Pores are made very large by Putrefaction.
  • 9. THEREFORE Mercury is a divine Antidote or real Poiſon, according to the Perſon preſcribing, or the Caſe it is preſcribed in.
  • 10. THE beſt Preparation of Mercury is that wherein its Particles are moſt minutely divided, and kept at the greateſt Diſtance from one another.
  • 11. THAT Preparation of Mercury is the beſt, where, after a due Diviſion into its ſmalleſt [112] Parts, the Mixture is made with that Body which has the moſt ſpecific Virtue againſt the Diſeaſe. Thus the Aethiops cum Sulph. is beſt for Inflammations, Piles, the Gout, the Eryſipelas, &c. and that with Antimony, againſt cutaneous Diſtempers; that with Volatiles and Foetids, in Nervous Caſes; that with Bark and Bitters, in Intermittents; and ſo in others.
  • 12. THEREFORE the Aqua Mercurialis is the very ſafeſt general Deobſtruent in very weak Perſons, did it not require too long time to produce any ſalutary Effect. Mercury alcaliſated, or kill'd with any calcin'd Body, given often and in ſmall Doſes, is the next; Cinnabar next to that, and then Aethiops, &c.
  • 13. ALL Mineral Medicines ought to be infinitely divided, before they are ſent into an Animal Body; they never having been intended by the Author of Nature to enter there, but in their minuteſt Particles and Diviſions; as we may ſee by Nature's preparing, in this Manner, Mineral Waters of all kinds, fitted for the Cure of almoſt all chronical Diſeaſes, if join'd with a proper Regimen; except, perhaps, ſome few of thoſe begot by unnatural cramming with Mixtures of Salts, Spices, Oils, and inflammable Spirits; [113] or thoſe begot by contagious venereal Diſeaſes.
  • 14. MERCURY, with the Salts, ſuch as Calomel, the Turbith, Sublimat, red, white and green Precipitate, are, of all Preparations, the moſt prejudicial and injurious to animal Habits; theſe ſaline Mixtures tearing the ſmall Veſſels, where Diſeaſes are moſtly generated, and in whoſe Integrity, all the Delicacy of Life conſiſts: But they are thereby of the quickeſt Effect in Caſes that depend on Expedition, as the Hydrophobia, inflammatory Rheumatiſm, and the like.


  • 1. As Water alone, Blood-warm, is the beſt Diluent, ſo Mercury is the beſt Deobſtruent; but as Water alone may be too ſluggiſh, ſo Mercury alone may be too active and ponderous, for tender and delicate Animal Solids, eſpecially in its fluid State, or mix'd with Salts, or too active Bodies; and therefore the abſolutely beſt Preparation of Mercury, is when, being divided by the utmoſt poſſible Art, it is join'd with the moſt ſpecific vegetable Medicines againſt the Diſtemper, that it can conveniently be united with, and fixt in.
  • [114]2. As the Fineneſs or Smallneſs of Particles, together with the Largeneſs of their Surfaces, make Hardneſs, or the greateſt Coheſion in Bodies, as has been ſhewn by Propoſition IV. and V. and may be ſeen in finewoven Cloth, Gold, Marble, Cryſtal, Shells, Salts and Diamonds; and as Earths, Water, Milk, watery Fluids, and vegetable Subſtances, conſiſt moſtly of Water and rare looſe fine Earths, with a little groſſer Salts and Sulphurs of ſmall or no Coheſion, it is evident, that ſuch Subſtances are fitteſt for weak, tender and valetudinary Perſons, as affording all the Materials of Nutrition, and being more eaſily reſolvible into their integral Particles; and are moſt proper Food for intellectual Purpoſes, which depend on the eaſy Performance of the animal Functions, as nervous Diſtempers ariſe chiefly from their labour'd Performance, compreſſing, by their Weight and Hardneſs, the too tender and delicate membranous Tubuli of the Nerves, and ſo ſtopping or retarding their Vibrations and Oſcillations, tho' they are not ſo proper for mechanical Strength and Force.


IN theſe few Propoſitions are contain'd the Principles of all the natural Philoſophy hinted at in my medical Treatiſes. If it is juſt, or [115] approaches the Truth, as I hope it does, then it muſt neceſſarily follow, 1. That ſoft, mild and cool Foods, are fitteſt to carry on the animal Functions the moſt readily, freely, naturally and laſtingly. 2. That Spirits, Salts, chymical Oils, (which are but Spirits condens'd) and every thing that has paſs'd the Tortures of the Fire, abounding with Particles ſmall, hard, cauſtic, (for calcin'd Antimony will be increas'd one fifth in its Weight) and highly attractive, are moſt pernicious to animal Habits; not only burning and tearing the delicate Fibres and Veſſels, like Cauſtics and Lancets, but by their attractive Powers, violently corrugating and contracting the Fibres; ſo that in habitual Drinkers, Drammers, and high Feeders, their Tone and Elaſticity is entirely deſtroy'd, by their ſudden and alternate Contractions and Relaxations *, while at the ſame time the Juices are thicken'd and coagulated by the ſpirituous Mixture, and ſo diſpos'd to form Obſtructions and Concretions in the ſmaller Veſſels: And therefore they ought never to be uſed, but as Spurs and Whips, to puſh on and ſtimulat the ſluggiſh Organs for a time, and make them carry off the Over-load with a ſhort Vigour; and ſo are only proper in Extremities, as a preſent Filip. 3. That animal Foods, whoſe Parts have been firſt divided [116] by animal Organs, and afterwards attenuated and refin'd by thoſe of other Animals, and mixed with great Quantities of animal Salts and Oils, when again taken into animal Habits for Food, where they undergo a third Subtilization or Milling; or the Fleſh of Animals that live on animal Food, are ſo minutely divided, as (by Propoſition IV.) to acquire the greateſt Degree of Attraction; and therefore, when introduc'd into the ſmall Tubes and capillary Veſſels, in great Quantities, they muſt form Obſtructions of the ſtrongeſt Coheſion and Tenacity. 4. That Mercury, in ſome Shape or other, is the only proper Deobſtruent and Diſſolvent, in all chronical Caſes, and in thoſe acute ones that come neareſt to them; eſpecially in thoſe who have fed much and long on animal Foods, and fermented or diſtill'd Liquors. 5. That Milk and Vegetables are not only the ſole rational and proper Food of tender or diſeaſed Animals, but, from the Groſſneſs of their Parts, and their ſmall Degree of Attraction and Coheſion conſequent thereupon, being diſſolv'd by a leſs Force than animal Food, are fitteſt to carry on, the moſt pleaſantly, all the Functions in which Health, Serenity and free Spirits conſiſt. 6. That therefore Milk, Seeds, Fruits, and mealy Vegetables, with Water-drinking, are undoubtedly the moſt infallible Means to preſerve the Faculties clear and acute, and to acquire Activity [117] and long Life, whatever mechanical Force and Strength may require for ſudden ſtrong Efforts. 7. On the whole, as Water, with a little fine vegetable Earth, Salt and Sulphur, ſeems to me, to be the proper Food intended by Nature for Animals; and as it is Water alone which conciliats that Fluidity abſolutely neceſſary to Juices circulating in Tubes; the more it partakes of this Element, the fitter it is for the animal Functions. Mercury ſeems to be the only other Fluid that has the Qualities fitted for circulating and deſtroying Viſcoſity; ſo that, in fine, the two proper Antidotes intended by Nature for chronical animal Diſeaſes, eſpecially thoſe of the worſt Kind, ſeem to be Mercury, ſome-how prepared, and Water, naturally or artificially impregnated, the one for animal, and the other for vegetable Feeders.


Gen. i. 26.‘And God ſaid, Let us make Man in our Image, after our Likeneſs.—’Ver. 27.‘So God created Man in his own Image, in the Image of God created He him.’

§. 1. THE natural Faculties, Properties or Attributes of all rational Spirits, and human Intelligences, (and indeed of all Intelligences of whatſoever Order or Degree) are inconteſtably theſe three: 1. Perception or Underſtanding. 2. Willing, Chuſing or Freedom. 3. Memory, Reflection or Attention. Out of theſe three all the Operations of a human Spirit may be deduced; and ſuppoſe living or actuating ſome Vehicle as their Baſe: and though they may be (and are juſtly) conſidered ſeparately, yet, in wellexerciſed and duly cultivated Spirits, they are ſometimes ſo inſtantaneous, as to ſeem one and the ſame Act of the Mind, and are called by [120] the general Name of Thinking or Cogitation, when either in ſeparate Acts, or inſtantaneous, and all Spirits differ chiefly in the Degrees of theſe natural Powers.

§. 2. HOWEVER uncommon the Expreſſion may ſeem, yet to thoſe who admit a Deity, or ſupreme Spirit, of infinite Perfection, the Author and firſt Cauſe of all Things, finite Spirits of all poſſible Orders can be conceived philoſophically, no otherwiſe than as Miniatures, Effluxes, Emanations, Infiniteſimals, or infinitely ſmall Sparkles, of this infinite Source of Living, Intelligence, Action, Perfection and Happineſs, voluntarily emitted, lighted up or created, by this infinitely perfect Being, and endow'd with his radical and eſſential Qualities and Attributes of Life, Activity and Intelligence; ſo that all Spirits are, in their own Natures, diminutive or infinitely ſmall Deities, and neceſſarily (now they are created, and have a derivative Exiſtence from Him) muſt partake of his Immortality, Intelligence and Freedom, or his Divine Nature and Image; and conſequently can never be annihilated, forced, or deprived of the Powers of Perception, Intelligence and Willing, no more He can.

§. 3. THESE Faculties and Powers of all Spirits are not only to be felt, but diſtinguiſhed in every human Mind, duly exerciſed [121] and cultivated, by attentively conſidering its Nature and Operations; but neceſſarily follow by Analogy, from the Nature of the firſt Cauſe, that Being of infinite Perfection, the Deity; who being of infinite Wiſdom and Power, could find nothing without Himſelf, before Creation, to be a Model or Pattern for his intelligent Creatures; and therefore ſtamp'd them with his own moſt glorious Image, creating them little Divinities, reſembling Himſelf in his radical and eſſential Attributes, ſo as at laſt to become ſimilar to Him in Perfection and Happineſs, in their ſeveral Orders, Gradations and Ranks. For infinite Perfection wanting nothing, and to whom no Happineſs nor Perfection could be added, could have no other End or View, in producing rational Intelligences into Being, but to make them happy, by partaking of his eſſential Happineſs, in their ſeveral Orders and Ranks; that is, in becoming ſimilar to him in his natural as well as moral Attributes; his natural ones (as has been ſaid) being Life, Intelligence and Activity; his moral ones, Juſtice, Goodneſs and Truth; in which two united conſiſts the Perfection and Happineſs of all intelligent Creatures.

§. 4. IN a mere Philoſophical Diſquiſition, though no Argument is to be taken from Revelation; yet to expreſs my Meaning ſo as to leave no room to be miſtaken by ſuch to whom [122] Revelation is familiar, I ſhall repreſent it in the Words of the Scriptures. It is ſaid in Geneſis, on the Deſign of the Creation of the human Soul, Let us make Man after our own Image; and again, in the Image of God created he him; and elſewhere, You are God's Images: And to ſhew the human Rank, David ſays, He was created a little lower than the Angels; and our Saviour, ſpeaking of Marriage, ſays, that in Heaven they are neither married, nor given in Marriage, but are like the Angels; and the ſame Manner of deſcribing the human Spirit frequently occurs in the Scriptures, both of the old and new Teſtament.

§. 5. IT is a frequent and common Opinion of all Pagan and Chriſtian Antiquity, that all created Intelligences have Bodies or Vehicles of one kind or another, fitted to their Order, Rank, Degree of Purity, Habitation and Situation. It is highly probable and philoſophical, to think there is no perfectly pure and immaterial Spirit, but the Supreme Spirit, the Father and Creator of all Spirits; and that all created Spirits, how high and ſublime ſoever, have proper and peculiar Bodies, and organiz'd Caſes, not only to circumſcribe and limit their Powers, and their Extenſion and Expanſion, but to enable them to communicat, and commerciat with, to contemplat and admire the Contrivance of the material World; [123] to converſe with the lower Ranks of Intelligences, that we certainly know, have material Vehicles, ſuch as we of the human Race are; but alſo to execute the Orders of the Divine Oeconomy and Providence, over the whole Syſtem of Intelligences, and material World. And accordingly we find Mention made in holy Writ, of a natural Body and a ſpiritual Body; and of the Sun and Planets having a particular Glory, in their Bodies, peculiar to themſelves; and of the glorious Appearance and Radiation of our Saviour's Body on the Mount. And it is very abſurd, and almoſt blaſphemous, to think theſe Myriads of Stars and Luminaries, that appear in a Winter Night, in the Heavens, and its milky Way, to be nothing but twinkling Tapers, uninhabited, and deſigned only to be ſtupidly and ignorantly gaz'd on by us.

§. 6. WHAT a ſpiritual Subſtance, or of what Nature the Subſtratum of theſe Faculties of Underſtanding and Will, or of Thinking, is, we ſhall never perfectly know, till we arrive at the World of Spirits, and drop this coarſe earthly Tabernacle. Indeed, we know nothing of the internal Subſtance of any Being; all we know or can know, is their ſenſible Qualities and the Effects of them on us; and ſomething in general we learn of inanimated Bodies, and their Laws, from the Uniformity of theſe Effects: And we may be certain, that ſpiritual [124] Subſtance is in moſt, if not all its Qualities, contradictory, at leaſt contrary, to Body or material Subſtance, and vice verſâ. For Example, we know that Matter is abſolutely paſſive, and equally ſuſceptible of Motion or Reſt; and that Spirit, or ſpiritual Subſtances, are ſelf-active and ſelf-motive, and the immediate productive Cauſe of all Motion in Body, and conſequently is endow'd with Freedom or Liberty. We know that Matter is impenetrable, and that two Bodies cannot poſſeſs the ſame Space at the ſame time; but Spirits may and can pervade and penetrat one another, at leaſt by their ſpiritual Virtue and Energy; as is evident from Perſuaſion, Conviction, Reaſoning and Compaſſion, and ſuch-like ſpiritual Actions. It is true, the Sphere of their Activities is limited and circumſcribed; but we alſo know, that the Spirit acts in every Point of that Circumſcription: as we find by our Bodies, every Part of which is more or leſs ſenſible, by the membranous Mouths of the nervous Tubuli being ſpread over all the ſolid Parts of an animal Body; and we know no Body, or mere Matter, that is ſo. Matter is certainly diviſible in infinitum, and may be actually divided into very ſmall Parts; but Spirit, having no ſenſible Parts, is neither diviſible nor diſcerptible. Perſons of light Underſtandings, and groſs Conceptions, may diſpute or ridicule theſe Truths; but they muſt be poor Philoſophers, who can think them not highly probable; and have a mean Notion of the Extent of Nature, and its Author. Four [125] of the greateſt Philoſophers of this or any other Age, to wit, Sir Iſaac Newton, Mr. Leibneitz, Mr. Hugens, and Mr. Fatio, when they deſcribe the Matter, which they ſuppoſe to be the Cauſe of Gravity, conſider it as infinitely ſmall in its Particles, infinitely rare, infinitely elaſtic, and moved with an infinite Velocity. And the firſt of theſe, by a very ſtrong Figure, calls it Spiritus quidam Subtiliſſimus. What theſe four Infinitudes may effect on Matter, to deſtroy at leaſt theſe groſs, palpable and ſenſible Qualities we obſerve in it, ſuch as ſenſible Extenſion, Impenetrability and Paſſivity, I will not take upon me to determine: But all the Notion we can now form of Spirit, is to divide, refine, ſublime and exalt Body and Matter ad infinitum, ſo that we be ſure it can have very little of the ſenſible Qualities; and this, I fear, is as far as Philoſophy can go, while we have only groſs and palpable Vehicles of Clay. For by Analogy to infinitely divided, ſubtiliz'd, ſublim'd and refin'd material subſtance, we form the only Idea, Notion or Perception, we can now frame of ſpiritual Subſtances, and that is but a groſs one, and neither juſt nor true.

§. 7. LIVING, Senſation or Actuation of Matter, is not eaſy to define or deſcribe. Exiſtence or Being belongs to Matter as well as Spirit; but Life, Senſation or Perception, and their Conſequences, belong only to ſome one Rank of Spirit or Mind; and I may defy all [126] the Philoſophers and Mathematicians, that ever have been, to explain conſiſtently, from Matter and Mechaniſm alone, as it now obtains, the Life, Growth and Fecundity of the loweſt Plant or Vegetable, at leaſt its Seed or Seeding, much leſs of the leaſt Inſect or Animal, and leaſt of all of a rational, ſentient and percipient Being: So that where-ever there is any Degree of Life, Vegetative, Senſitive or Rational, there is probably ſome Degree of a Soul or Spirit, immaterial, immortal and progreſſive; ſo that Life or Animation, in all Creatures in general, is indeed Matter organiz'd and actuated by a Spirit, or Soul, of ſome one Rank or Degree or other: I mean only created Life, or Life derivative, as it is in Creatures; for in the Creator, Life is without Matter, without Body or Vehicle, and without Limits, or Poſſibility of Non-exiſtence or not Living. The beſt Notion, Idea, or Perception, we can frame of created Life, is that of a nice, delicate, finely contriv'd Machine, of a vaſt Variety of Organs ſet in Motion by the firſt Cauſe, and continued by an internal ſelf-motive Spring, which Spring is this ſpiritual Subſtance.

§. 8. As we have ſome Notion of what Extent the beſt-form'd and moſt cultivated human Spirit is, there may be Myriads of a lower Rank of the ſame Species; and that as under the human Species, there is an almoſt [127] infinite Variety of the brutal and irrational Species, and under theſe, a like or greater Variety, of the vegetable Kind, from the Moſs on the Wall and the coralline Sea-plant, up to the higheſt Divine, Philoſopher or Mathematician of the human Race; and that all the ſeveral Species, from the higheſt to the loweſt, ſink ſo gradually into one another, that it is impoſſible to determine where one Degree ends, or the next begins: So it is alſo highly probable, that above the human Species there are Orders, Ranks and Hierarchies, riſing gradually and inſenſibly, without Limits and without End. This the Dignity, Power, Wiſdom and Goodneſs of the firſt infinitely perfect Being, and the Analogy of Things, ſeem to oblige us to conjecture or hope; and the infinite Variety of Syſtems, Fixt Stars, (which we known to be Suns, and very probably have primary and ſecondary Planets, analogous to ours) and the infinite Expanſion of Space, makes it probable and philoſophical. And as an Angel is only of a little higher and more noble Order than the human Race, and all created Intelligences have Vehicles or Bodies of an Order and Purity analogous to their Rank and Degree in the Scale of Intelligences; we may fairly and philoſophically define a pure original, not lapſed, Angel, of the loweſt Order, a ſpiritual Subſtance of the next immediat Order above the Human, actuating a divinely organiz'd Body, of a Purity [128] and Sublimity analogous to their Order, and the Perfection of his informing Spirit.

§. 9. WE have a pretty clear Perception of what the human Race is at preſent, both in their Body and Spirit. He that has a juſt, though not an adequate Idea of infinite Perfection, that is, of infinite Power, Wiſdom and Goodneſs, can find no poſſible Reaſon or Motive, why ſuch a Being ſhould create Intelligences, imperfect in their Order, unhappy and periſhing, when the ſame Power, Wiſdom and Goodneſs, could either have totally abſtain'd from creating them at all, or have made them to be at laſt happy in their Order and Rank, conſiſtent with their Natures and his own; Malice and Difficulty having no Place in ſuch a Being. But any one who conſiders this ruinous diſorder'd Globe, and the Miſeries, Darkneſs and Wretchedneſs of the whole Syſtem of Intelligences that inhabit it, cannot but conclude one of theſe two, either that their Author had not Power to make them otherwiſe, or that they have wilfully forfeited their Rank, and his Favour and Protection, by tranſgreſſing the Terms and Conditions on which they were intitled to it; and ſo being left to reap the Fruits of their own Labour, ſunk into a lapſed diſorderly Condition.


§. 10. INFINITE Power, Wiſdom and Goodneſs, could, primarily and originally, bring no Intelligence into Being, with rational and intelligent Spirits, actuating divinely organiz'd Bodies or Vehicles, but under theſe two Conditions: 1. That the organiz'd Body ſhould be ſupple, pliable, and joyfully obedient to all the Dictates and Commands of the free intelligent Spirit: And, 2. That the Spirit ſhould be ſupple, pliable, and obedient to the Dictates and Influences of the Eternal and infinitely perfect Spirit, its Author and Creator: And in theſe two, its original Innocence, Happineſs and Perfection, muſt neceſſarily have conſiſted. And this was and muſt have been the true original and paradiſaical State of both Body and Soul of the human Race; and muſt be the Conſtitution and Complexion of the unfallen angelical State, and of all the Hierarchies of unlapſed Spirits. Which two Conditions, I think, neceſſarily infer a preexiſtent State to our preſent one, ſince we do not find them in ourſelves now.

§. 11. ALL created Intelligences being free and finite, muſt of Conſequence be fallible, and liable to run into Diſorder, as well as capable of obeying Order: For they could not be free, unleſs they had the Power of chuſing either Side; Self-activity being of the Eſſence and Root of Intelligence, and perhaps the Source [130] from which it ſprings; ſo that all created finite free Intelligences were naturally capable of Falling, of Rebellion and Diſorder. An infinitely wiſe and intelligent Being, of ſufficient Power, could not make another intelligent Being with Deſires, Impreſſions and Pantings after a State which was according to Order, to his Nature, and the Nature of Things, unleſs at the ſame time He had appointed Means and proper Objects to ſatisfy theſe juſt and natural Deſires; no beneficent and good Being could act ſo. Now that we (at leaſt many of us of the human Race) have yet a Notion and Idea of a better State of Being and Acting, than we find ourſelves in, and wiſh and pant after it, is moſt certain and undeniable; every honeſt and thinking Perſon muſt find a Law in his Members, that wars againſt the Law of his Mind, and wiſhes and deſires to be freed from the one, that he may conform to the other. Now this is what is called the Lapſe or Fall; and if this State of Imperfection laſt for ever, ſo muſt the Fall; and till this Deſire or Panting be ſatisfied, the intelligent Creature cannot be completely happy; and for this End was the Oeconomy of Jeſus intended.

§. 12. How and by what Steps the Lapſe was brought on, is of no Conſequence for us preciſely to know. The Deſign and Point in View of all the Oeconomy of Providence, and [131] of Jeſus, is to reſtore us, with the Conſent, Concurrence and Integrity of our three radical Attributes, of Living, Activity or Freedom, and Intelligence, which He cannot do Violence to, they being immediately derived from Himſelf, whoſe Images and Miniatures all Intelligences are: And the Means that alone can effect this, without intrenching upon theſe eſſential and radical Qualities, are pure Love, naked Faith, and univerſal Reſignation; which Means we could not perfectly uſe, if preciſe Truths, particular and ſpecific Steps, and the naked Nature of Things, were always pointed out to us: This (at firſt at leaſt) would infallibly weaken our Faith and Truſt, counteract our Reſignation, and deſtroy our Liberty; and therefore all that is reveal'd concerning this, and the other Truths of paſt, future and inviſible States, is general, undetermin'd, and indefinite; and the Preciſion is promis'd only on our Advancement and Progreſs. He that doth the Will of my Father, ſhall know of the Doctrine: Our firſt Leſſon is juſt what is abſolutely neceſſary to begin our Return; the Knowledge of more Truths and greater Preciſion, is to reward our Progreſs. The next immediate Step, or what is to be done daily and hourly, we are never ignorant of in our Duty; and that is all that is neceſſary; the reſt are all wiſely put out of our Reach, and do not belong to us now, till we advance that Step; and when we [132] come into the proper Diſpoſition of Body and Mind, to benefit by the juſt and preciſe Knowledge of theſe mentioned and ſuch-like Divine Truths, (though abſolute Preciſion be inconſiſtent with Finitude) we ſhall admire and adore the Wiſdom of our Teacher, for having conceal'd from us what would then have hurt us, as much as for theſe general Truths, which ſerve ſufficiently to animate and encourage us in our now travelling and probatory State; for both are directed with equal Wiſdom. If we are ignorant, it is becauſe we are not come into the proper Diſpoſition to benefit by Knowledge, or that more preciſe Knowledge would hurt us, and draw us out of our Orbit, or ſhorteſt Road.

§. 13. IF we may be allow'd to conjecture with Humility and Modeſty, about ſuch unreveal'd and indefinite Truths and States, we may reaſonably think, that this Lapſe was not brought about all at once, but Step by Step, by many Machinations, Plots and Contrivances of the ſuperior lapſed Intelligences on the Inferior. Nemo repente fit optimus aut turpiſſimus. Finite Intelligences muſt form and acquire all their Habits by repeated Acts, and Step by Step: So that in all Probability, the Fall might have been a long time in bringing about; and innumerable Numbers of all the ſeveral Ranks and Orders, and ſome of all the different Hierarchies, might have been [133] brought into this general Rebellion, and have gradually departed from that pure Love, naked Faith and univerſal Reſignation, which alone made the Eſſence of their Perfection and Happineſs; though in the brief contracted Account we have of it in Revelation, it is compriz'd in a few general Words, which is all we in our preſent State, it ſeems, could bear, without Violence being committed on our Liberties, our univerſal Reſignation obſtructed, and the Merit of pure Love and a generous Truſt and Confidence in infinite Perfection deſtroy'd; more explicit and detail'd Accounts, might have nouriſhed Pride, Preſumption and Self-ſufficiency, and ſo ſunk us deeper.

§. 14. OUR Senſes were given us to commerciat with material Objects, and to perceive and enjoy the Beauties of the inanimate Creation, as well as to limit the Extenſion and Expanſion of our Powers and Faculties; and by them all our Senſations, Ideas and Pictures of Bodies and inanimate Creatures, are convey'd to the ſentient and intelligent Principle. The Key and Mean of all our natural Knowledge of them, is Experiment or Obſervation, perform'd by our Senſes ſimply, or improv'd by Art, and the Logic of all human and natural Knowledge about them, is Proportion juſtly apply'd: For Syllogiſm and formal Argument, is but Proportion expreſs'd in abſtracted Terms, or the Ideas meant by theſe [134] Terms; and this is the true and only Mean of natural Knowledge about Bodies and their natural Qualities and Laws. In ſpiritual Truths, imperceptible and immaterial Beings, (viz.) about their Nature, Qualities and Ranks, can know nothing naturally and humanly, (unleſs it be infus'd and impreſs'd by ſome other Spirit) but by Analogy, Similitude, Allegory, Trope, Metaphor, or Figure, referring them to, and comparing them with, our own intelligent and ſentient Spirit, and its Manner of Operation; and then cloathing them with ſuch Terms, or referring them to ſuch Knowledge, as we have receiv'd from Senſation, or from Proportion; and this is the only Mean and Inſtrument of human Knowledge we can poſſibly have, in the Nature, Qualities and moral Relations of Spirits, ſpiritual and moral Actions and Duties. The ſentient and intelligent Principle, or Soul, is the Spring or Source of both Keys or Kinds of Logic, without which both would be equally uſeleſs. Culture and Experience is in ſpiritual Knowledge, what Experiment and Obſervation is in ſenſitive Knowledge; Analogy is to the firſt, what Proportion is to the ſecond; Similitude, Allegory, Trope, Metaphor and Figure, (all the Appendages of Analogy, or a more diſtant or near Approximation to it) are what a more or leſs accurate, a general or more particular Experiment and Obſervation, or juſter and clearer Proportion [135] apply'd to material Objects, is in ſenſitive Knowledge; and a cloſe, ſimple, full and cogent Analogy, is as juſt and coercive a Demonſtration in ſpiritual Knowledge, as a Mathematical or Geometrical one is in ſenſitive Knowledge. Scripture, Revelation, and our own inward Feelings of the Operations of our Soul, give the Data, (viz. the general Propoſitions, the accurate Obſervations on them) analogous to Mr. Flamſtead's or Dr. Halley's Obſervations of the Appulſes of the Moon to the Fixed Stars, from ſufficient Numbers of which, the great Orbit of the Lunar Revolution is determin'd, by comparing them with the general Law of Attraction. Here Revelation gives us the Obſervations; the Knowledge we have of the Nature of the Operations of our own Spirits, gives us the general Law; and Analogy may anſwer to Algebra and Calculation in Aſtronomy and mix'd Mathematics; and we may err and blunder in the firſt for want of Care and Attention, as we may in the laſt, being ever finite, and conſequently fallible.

§. 15. THE Account we have in Revelation of the Lapſe, may have a literal, natural and material Meaning (as all the Words and Works of God have a natural or literal, ſpiritual and divine Meaning and Uſe, elſe he were not God, that is, a Being of infinite Perfection); and theſe Meanings may only develope [136] and unfold themſelves, and appear to different Perſons, according to their different Degrees of Purity and Perfection; the literal and cortical Meaning and Uſe, may be fitted to elementary and initiating Perſons, and be juſt and true in its Degree; and the others proper only for the more advanced; and this with infinite Variety, Juſtneſs and Property. Now in Moſes's Account of the Lapſe, the Tree of Life, of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the Serpent, Paradiſe, and all the Scene and Group of this myſterious Affair, was certainly literal, material and real, as there repreſented and deſcribed; but perhaps happen'd not till the laſt Act of this Tragedy. Paradiſe was certainly a moſt delicious and enchanting Place of material and bodily Delights; the Tree of Life and its Fruit was deſign'd to perpetuat the Life and Health of the then new-modell'd, though not perhaps Ethereal Vehicle; the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, certainly communicated by its Fruit, Pain, Diſeaſes and Death to this partially incruſted Body: The Serpent, no Doubt, was a lapſed Spirit, embodied in this then more beautiful Animal. Now as all this Scene, may have alſo ſpiritual Meaning as well as a literal and elementary one, of more Conſequence to our Happineſs and Perfection to be known and believ'd, as the Spirit is of more Value than the Body; why may not Paradiſe mean in this Senſe, the three original and fundamental Powers of [137] the Soul, Living, Activity or Liberty, and Intelligence, or its original and immutable Nature and Conſtitution, intruſted with us finite Intelligences, to cultivate, improve and exalt? The Tree of Life be Him, from whom all Life and Being proceeds, the Father of us all? The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the primary Image of the Deity, the Son of God, by whoſe Oeconomy Evil known and felt, could only be done away and eraz'd, or his divine Nature, Juſtice, Goodneſs and Truth, which Image was in the human Nature defac'd, by truſting it to his own Spirit and Liberty? The Serpent, the grand Deceiver, or lapſed ſpiritual Nature in General, or one of the higheſt Order of the lapſed Hierarchy? And ſo the whole Scene of the Lapſe may be more properly and feelingly allegoriz'd, or explain'd in plain Terms to an honeſt and ingenuous Heart, (viz.) thus: All created finite Intelligences being free, and conſequently fallible, innumerable Numbers of them, through Pride, Self-ſufficiency, and Deſire of Independence, truſting to, and conducting themſelves by their own natural Lights, as being made little Deities, and deriveing with their Being from their Author, a Ray, Efflux, or infiniteſimal Emanation of his Self-exiſtence, infinite Activity or Power, and infinite Wiſdom, that is, of his Nature and eſſential Attributes; deriving, I ſay, dependent and derivative Living, Freedom and Intelligence, [138] but affecting Independency, and departing from pure Love, naked Faith and univerſal Reſignation to infinite Perfection, they gradually ſunk into Selfiſhneſs, Propriety and inordinate Love of the Creatures; and inſtead of being govern'd abſolutely in all things by the Providence, Influences, Impulſes and Suggeſtions of the Eternal Spirit, they affected to be govern'd by their own natural Spirits, and ſelfiſh and narrow Views and Prejudices, and became, as it were, independent, unguarded, and unreſtrain'd Thinkers and Actors, prying into and determining in all Matters whatſoever; and inſtead of being reſign'd to the univerſal Reaſon and ſovereign Will and Order of Divine Providence, found Fault with, criticis'd, grumbled at, and blaſphem'd the Conduct and Oeconomy of infinite Wiſdom, and gradually departed from pure Love, naked Faith, and Truſt, and univerſal Reſignation, the ſole Means to preſerve them in the Perfection of their dependent State, and in Similarity to his moral Attributes; and ſo fell from the perfect Happineſs of their Rank and derivative Being; Self, ſpurious Self, became tranſubſtantiated into their thus deprav'd Natures.

§. 16. WHEN human Nature had thus lapſed, by affecting Independence, and deſireing to govern itſelf by its own natural Spirit ſolely, and wallowing in the Objects of Senſe, and ſwallow'd in Creature-pleaſures, it being [139] an eternal Law, eſtabliſh'd in Nature, (for many wiſe and great Ends) and, by Analogy, (as we find it) extending from material to ſpiritual Things, viz. that Like draws and is equally drawn to Like; or that Bodies and Spirits attract and unite with ſimilar Bodies and Spirits, from the univerſal Principle of Attraction and Union; the human Body did hence neceſſarily and mechanically (as it were) contract a Ruſt, Groſſneſs, Stupor and Inactivity, and became reſtive and diſobedient to the Commands of the natural Spirit, gradually degenerating into an earthly, groſs, material Priſon or Dungeon; and the Spirit was hereby more contracted, reſtrain'd and limited in its original and immutable Attributes of Liveing, Activity and Intelligence, as to their Extention, Purity, the Quickneſs and Exertion of their Acts, (for all Spirits are limited and tied down to the Nature, Order and Purity of their Vehicles, while their Union laſts, though their natural Powers in their Fund and Eſſence be immutable, and conſtantly the ſame) ſo that their natural Spirits now being aſſiſted by the ſupernatural Grace and Influence of the Eternal Spirit, procur'd by the Mediation of Jeſus, muſt work out their Recovery and Reſtoration by gradually returning to their original Order.

§. 17. PERHAPS, as all animated Beings, Sentient or Intelligent, muſt neceſſarily be [140] cloath'd with ſome Vehicle, purer or groſſer, ethereal or planetary, fitted to the Manſion they are confin'd to, and to their Degree of Purity in their moral Powers, and their Extention or Rank of natural Powers; ſo all created free Intelligences, of whatever Order or Degree, muſt neceſſarily paſs through ſome State of Probation, Apprenticeſhip and Trials, of their Love, Faith and Patience, before they can arrive at their final, immutable, and for ever permanent State, and the Manſion they are eternally to inhabit afterwards. That ſomething like this was the general Senſe of Mankind, ſeems to be hinted in all Pagan Antiquity that we have any Accounts of, Egyptian, Syrian, Grecian and Roman, by their Initiations into the Myſteries of their Gods; and this, chiefly, in order to produce an habitual Firmneſs, Force and Stability, on finite, free, labile Intelligences, in the different Inſtitutions. It would ſeem, as none but God is a pure Spirit in his Nature and Subſtance, none but God can be infallible and impeccable: And that all Creatures being finite and free, muſt neceſſarily, by their Nature, be labile, fallible and peccable; and that even infinite Wiſdom and Power could not make a Creature (for God cannot work Contradictions) that was of its own Nature, illabile, infallible and impeccable; but that before that ſecondary Nature of eternal Infallibility, Illability and Impeccability could be brought about, on the [141] moſt perfect of created Intelligences, it muſt neceſſarily be, by confirm'd Habits, produced by repeated Acts, and perfected into pure Love and naked Faith, or into an abſolute Surrendry of their natural and moral Powers, to infinite Perfection, which alone can produce derivative Infallibility and Illability on them, and ſo eternize Perfection and Happineſs, and which only can be produced by various Trials, Eſſays and Temptations to the contrary: He who never was tempted, what knoweth he? Thus the Son of God, as Man, was made perfect by Suffering: As a Potter gives Firmneſs and Impenetrability to his Earthen Ware, by keeping it in the Fire till it vitrifies. Had Lucretia lived to all Eternity, her Chaſtity would never have been doubted; whereas Cleopatra muſt not only firſt have made an Amende Honorable, but have paſs'd through ſeveral ſevere new Trials, before her's could have been believ'd. We plainly find by Revelation, that many of all the ſeveral Hierarchies fell on their Trial; for tried they muſt have been, elſe they could not have fallen; for Reaction always ſuppoſes Action. As it is the Nature of Pride and Malice, to be ſpiteful, infectious and tempting, (in Hopes that Numbers may make them overlook'd, or too powerful, and ſo ſecure) we find they, or their Leader, (ſuppoſe his Name Lucifer) had a great hand in the human Lapſe, as it is glanced at under the Serpent that tempted [142] Eve. And from this Fall of the Angels, the natural and plain Account of Daemonology, and the early impious Hereſy of the Manichaeans, (Lucifer and his Angels) is to be deriv'd. What the Trials of theſe fallen Angels were, and in what manner thoſe of the Angels in the ſeveral Hierarchies who ſtood, combated, kept firm and unſhaken, and thereby were for ever confirm'd, eſtabliſh'd and eterniz'd, and perhaps increas'd and inlarg'd in Purity, Luſtre and Glory, by their Victory; is not reveal'd, nor to be diſcover'd but by Analogy or Conjecture. The Hiſtory of the human Lapſe is ſo brief and obſcure in Moſes, (perhaps partly allegorical, partly literal) with a plain Deſign to damp idle or hurtful Curioſity, and ſo prevent our being hurt thereby, by withdrawing us from the one thing neceſſary, that it amounts almoſt to a total Forbidding, and a Warning from prying with too much Eagerneſs into this myſterious Affair; and to leave things ſecret (the Secreta Imperii Divini) to God. All that is certain is, that we are lapſed at preſent, or in a State of Trial and Probation, (we of the human Race on this ruinous Planet) and cannot poſſibly now be as we came out of the Hands of our infinitely wiſe, good and powerful Creator. Pre-exiſtence, the Manner of our Lapſe, the Duration of our Baniſhment, and the laſt Term and Limits of our Reſtoration, are, with infinite Wiſdom and Goodneſs, in their Detail conceal'd [143] from us, becauſe they would infallibly hurt us; if more preciſe, they might obſtruct the Merit of Faith, or draw us out of the ſhorteſt Way. Either of theſe two Manners of explaining the Lapſe, may ſuffice an honeſt modeſt Philoſopher, (who is ſenſible of his own limited Faculties) to make the Affair neither improbable nor impoſſible; eſpecially when he finds himſelf both imperfect, unhappy, and unfit to be finally united with a Being infinitely perfect and happy, as He now is. I chuſe the firſt, as more conformable to Revelation, and the Form of ſound Words; and every modeſt Chriſtian Philoſopher will be cautious not to be wiſe, above what is written.

§. 18. WHETHER this Globe of Earth, as we now inhabit it, was the original and primitive Seat of innocent and unlapſed human Spirits, and by the Energy and Force of the Lapſe, was gradually and neceſſarily, and, according to the preſent Laws of Bodies, turn'd into the ruinous, dark, diſmal State it is now in, and ſuch elementary and clayey Priſons made of it, as our preſent Vehicles, and the human Race, with all the Spirits concern'd in the Rebellion, thruſt down and confin'd upon it, is not material to be known, nor perhaps philoſophically to be determin'd: It ſeems moſt probable, and conformable to the Analogy of Things, and the common Laws of [144] Nature, that it gradually and naturally changed from its original Beauty and ſuperior Place among the Stars, into its preſent ruinous and decay'd State, from the natural Malignity, and deleterious Energy of the Rebellion in its primitive Inhabitants, which perhaps was gradual. What is certain is, that ſuch a Place as Paradiſe is deſcrib'd, is now no-where to be found on it; and that balancing the Inconveniencies with the Advantages, of want of Light and Sun, and of cold, uncertain and various Seaſons, of Barrenneſs, and Mountains cover'd with Ice and Snow, of the one Part, with the Hurricanes, Tempeſts, Volcano's, Earthquakes, Thunder and Lightning, poiſonous Inſects, and ravenous and ſavage Beaſts, ſcorching Heats, and peſtilential Winds, Blaſts or Damps, of the other, the whole Globe is pretty near equal in Conveniencies; and no particular Place without its Comforts and Inconveniencies. So that either Paradiſe was on ſome other Planet, or (which is moſt natural to ſuppoſe) Crime, Rebellion and Diſorder have had a phyſical and neceſſary Influence, on the Matter or Vehicle belonging to each human Spirit; and thus the whole Maſs of rebellious Intelligences, with the Globe they inhabited, was naturally and phyſically chang'd and diſorder'd. I ſay, it is moſt natural and philoſophical, and perhaps a neceſſary Conſequence of phyſical Efficiency and Energy, to conclude that the Spirit, according to its [145] Degree of Purity or Depravity, ſhould purify and ſublime, or corrupt and diſorder the elementary Vehicle, with which it is cloathed: as Fire turns Bodies into its own Nature, and Cold deadens and incraſſats them, according to the Degree of their Intenſeneſs. We ſee Luxury, inordinat Leachery, Riot and Lazineſs, firſt incraſſat, then inflame, and at laſt mortify and putrify human and animal Bodies; and Abſtinence, a low and cool Regimen, Exerciſe and Air, lighten, enliven and volatilize them. And it is not impoſſible, that a whole Race, and all the Inhabitant Maſs of ſuch corrupted and putrified Bodies, and deprav'd and degenerated Spirits, may have had ſuch an inſenſible and gradual Influence on a whole Globe, its Atmoſphere and different Regions, as quite to alter its original Nature; as we ſee Heaps of putrifying Fiſh, Inſects, and the Carcaſſes of Men, by the Fermentation and Volatilization of the animal Salts, (from intenſe Heat) produce an univerſal Plague and Peſtilence, as was that of Athens, and many others. Thus far the Change of our Planet might have been a natural and neceſſary Conſequence at leaſt, the Elements, or Beginning of ſuch a Depravation of the Bodies of its Inhabitants, and their Habitation: which, no doubt, infinite Wiſdom and Power, (who directs the natural and neceſſary Effects of his inanimat Creation, for the moral Purpoſes of his intelligent Creatures, ſupernaturally) and out of the general [146] Law eſtabliſh'd for material Bodies and ſpiritual Subſtances, may have heighten'd, exaſperated, or even quicken'd, according to his Pleaſure, for the wiſe Ends and Purpoſes of his Providence; and thus might have deſtroyed that Paradiſe, which by Rebellion and Diſorder had been abus'd, viz. ſupernaturally and contrary to the general Laws of the Celeſtial Motions, might have changed the Orbit, the Centre of Rotation, the Diſtance of the Earth from the Sun, and the Angle of the Ecliptic with the Equator; to reverſe the Elements, deſtroy its Figure and Structure, and thus to weaken the Fertility, and produce the reſt of the Appearances we now obſerve on our Planet, and throughout the whole Solar Syſtem, which have many evident Marks of Ruin and Deſolation; and this for a Puniſhment and expiatory Purification of the lapſed Inhabitants: And thus alſo the Deluge might have been brought on, after the Deſtruction of a paradiſaical Globe, by altering only its Centre of Gravity; and after the ſame Manner other Changes might have been produc'd.

§. 19. AN animal Body is nothing but a Syſtem or Aggregat of mere mechanical Powers, viz. of Ropes, Pullies, Levers, Tubes, Glands, Strainers, and the like; viz. One great Pipe with infinite Branches, (infinite in Number, Fitneſs and Delicacy;) ſecreting proper and ſpecific Liquors, to keep them (theſe Solids) in Repair, [147] and preſerve them in their due Tone, and a proper Degree of Elaſticity, thereby to ſerve the Intentions, and anſwer the Ends of the intelligent Spirit, while confin'd to this Planet. And as I have often uſed the Similitude, I ſtill find it the moſt proper, viz. that the Body, this earthly Vehicle and Machin, is, as it were, a curious finely contriv'd Organ, or muſical Inſtrument, whoſe Keys, Stops and Pipes were all originally, elegantly adjuſted and duly tun'd, for the Uſe of the Muſician, or indwelling Spirit. In this Fitneſs and Propriety to anſwer the Purpoſes of the Creator, does the Union conſiſt; if that is partly diſorder'd, this Union is partially diſſolv'd; while the great and neceſſary Parts are tolerably ſound, the Union will ſtill ſubſiſt, tho' imperfectly; but if theſe eſſential Organs are quite ſpoiled, the Union will be totally diſſolv'd, and the Inhabitants, by the eternal Laws of Spirits, muſt neceſſarily find out, and paſs into ſome other aſtral Vehicle, or muſical Organ, proper for its then Degree of Purity or Corruption; as an Inſect is, by the great Law of Inſtinct, directed to depoſit her Eggs on thoſe Leaves or Trees that are fitteſt to preſerve and vivify them; or a Bird ſeeks by Inſtinct, the Situation and Materials for her Neſt, that is moſt proper to ſhelter and accommodate her Young; and this perhaps in a continual Progreſſion, from aſtral Vehicle to Vehicle, perpetually refining, as the rational free Intelligence [148] purifies in its moral Capacity or Attributes.

§. 20. MATTER, or Body, is eſſentially incapable of any thing but Diviſion, Figure, Motion and Situation. It is naturally paſſive, and to make it active, or capable of Self-motion, is an abſolute Contradiction and Impoſſibility; for two oppoſite and contrary Principles can never ſubſiſt in the ſame Subject: and therefore it muſt be intirely inert and paſſive, and for ever continue in the State it is put in, unleſs it be chang'd by ſome external Force; and that can never be effected but by a Spirit, or ſpiritual Subſtance: which, on the contrary, is eſſentially ſelf-active and ſelf-motive, and by its Agency determines the Motion and Reſt, and different Directions and Actions of Bodies. It is true, this Agency is under certain Reſtrictions, being limited and ſubjected to the general Laws of the Nature of Bodies; but the Beginning, End and Degree of the Force and Motion, and all other Changes produc'd in Bodies, are from the Energy and Action of ſpiritual Subſtances, either primary or ſecondary, original or created; ſo that where Matter, Mechaniſm and its Powers and Laws end, there ſpiritual Agency and Energy begin. And therefore I fear, that Sir Iſaac Newton's Spiritus quidam ſubtiliſſimus, Deſcartes's and Leibnitz's [149] Vortices, Hugens's and Fatio's infinitely rare, rapid, ſubtil Matter, with the Qualities they muſt endow them, to ſolve Appearances, (I mean only in animated Bodies, for in Inanimat it may be required, nay ſome ſuch Fluid ſeems neceſſary, I think) is, I fear, imaginary and without Foundation, from ſufficient Experiment, or the Anology of Nature; unleſs by their infinitly ſubtil Matter, they mean real ſpiritual Subſtance, or elſe the firſt Elements of Bodies; for Matter muſt be extended, diviſible, inert, and gravitat, elſe it can be no longer Matter; and when ſuch immaterial, and, as it were, ſelf-moving Matter is granted, it will ſeparate us, but one Step further from ſpiritual Subſtance and Agency; or the perpetual Influence of the Firſt Cauſe, in whom all things live, move and have their Being. And, I fear, the whole of the Suppoſition, how mechanical and adequat ſoever, to anſwer Appearances in all animated Beings, and in all Accounts of it given by theſe great Men, has not that Simplicity and Beauty conſpicuous in, and eſſential and neceſſary to, all the Works of God, i. e. to infinit Wiſdom and Power. Of the ſame kind are animal Spirits, in the Account of muſcular Motion; and, on the whole, I can conceive Matter no otherwiſe, but as divided, extended, mov'd and figur'd, and actuated and directed by Spirit, which only can act on it, by its own ſelf-motive Energy, tho' that too is limited and circumſcrib'd by Matter, [150] in all created Spirits. If Experiment or repeated Obſervations ſhould aſcertain the Exiſtence of ſuch an infinitely rare and elaſtic Matter neceſſarily, (which I fear it will hardly do) then we muſt ſubmit to receive it; but, I think, ſince Reſiſtance will always neceſſarily accompany Matter in Motion, how ſmall, rare or elaſtic ſoever, it will of conſequence at laſt alter the Figure and Direction, and abate the Force and Figure of the Particles, ſo as to render them unfit to produce the Effect, and anſwer preſent Appearances; and perhaps this Syſtem may be ſo ordain'd at firſt thus to end. But ſtill, as we muſt ſtop ſomewhere at laſt, and admit of ſpiritual Agency to impreſs the firſt Motion, nothing but repeated and undeniable Experiment and Obſervation ſhould induce us to multiply Cauſes, and allow any ſuch Fluid intervening between animated Matter and the firſt or ſecondary Movers. This will be better underſtood by an Example: It is well known what Pains have been taken, and how many Hypotheſes have been fram'd, not only by Phyſicians, but Geometers of the firſt Rank, to explain muſcular Motion, and all, I think, hitherto in vain. This ſubtil Matter under the Name of animal Spirits, (or at leaſt in propagating them) and even Sir Iſaac's Spiritus ſubtiliſſimus, has been imploy'd for this Purpoſe, tho' with little Satisfaction to moſt attentive and qualify'd Judges. How much more natural, [151] philoſophical and ſimple is it, to ſuppoſe the Nerves to be infinitly delicat and mechanically adjuſted membranous Tubes, Twiſts or Ropes, whoſe Elaſticity and Mechaniſm is preſerv'd by an internal milky ſoft Pith, which Membranes receive their firſt Impreſſion and Impulſe from the ſelf-motive Principle within us, (for the ſelf-moveing Principle muſt communicat the firſt Impulſe either on this ſuppos'd intermediat Fluid, or on theſe Membranes, and either of them is equally unintelligible and explicable; but the laſt is the ſhorteſt way, and therefore likelieſt to be the Method of the Author of Nature, who always works the ſhorteſt Way, and after the ſimpleſt Manner, as may be mathematically demonſtrated in all his real and natural Workings) and communicat and propagat it by proper and harmonious Oſcillations to the Muſcles, by whoſe mechanical Structure thoſe harmonious Motions are excited into Action, by that admirable Mechaniſm ſo fully and juſtly explain'd, by the learned and ingenious Dr. Alexander Stewart! How much more ſimple and natural is it to conceive, that the Surfaces of Bodies, their Effluvia or repelling Steams, communicat certain juſtly proportion'd and commenſurable Undulations, Vibrations and Tremors to ſuch membranous Pipes, which the natural Sagacity of the intelligent Principle knows by its own innate Powers, to indicat the Preſence of ſuch and ſuch Bodies; in the [152] ſame Manner as the Governor of a beſieg'd Town, or the ſeveral Ships of a Fleet, underſtand what ſuch a Number of Guns, or ſuch a Flag, import and ſignify! Thus Things are eaſy, intelligible and ſimple. We daily ſee and hear, what fine Pieces of Muſic a skilful Muſician can fling off a well-tun'd Inſtrument, from the various Motions of his Fingers or Voice: But this I propoſe as a mere Illuſtration. If Experiment ſhould ſhew the Neceſſity of the mentioned ethereal Fluid, even then, I think, it will take Place only in unanimated Nature. And if there is any Regard to be had to ſuch an Hypotheſis, before it be abſolutely decided by Experiment, it muſt be, becauſe Nature and its Author never act by Starts, Fits, and Intervals, but by ſlow, uniform and imperceptible Degrees, tho' the Progreſſion is often not to be determin'd by finite Experiments, or finite Capacities. But even tho' the Organs of Senſe may and do want Media, the animal Functions are too intimat and neceſſary to Life to need ſuch.

§. 21. LIFE, Activity and Intelligence, are natural and neceſſary in ſome Degree to all ſpiritual Beings, as all the Conſequences and Combinations of them are; as being Miniatures, Sparkles or Infiniteſimals of the Deity. All of the ſame Order, Rank or Hierarchy, have theſe nearly in the ſame Degree; and theſe Hierarchies and Ranks, differ only in their [153] Degrees of theſe primary Attributes. What may make the moſt apparent Difference in this State of things, in the Individuals of the ſame Rank or Species, is, perhaps, the more coarſe or elegant Texture; or the Fitneſs or Unfitneſs of their ethereal Vehicles in their firſt Formation, as they primarily came out of the Hands of their Maker. All the radical Differences conſpicuous in the human Race now, are owing to the different Frame, Texture and Culture of their bodily Machin, and its ſpiritual Organs; ſo that originally there muſt have been no Difference of Sexes, becauſe at laſt, in their reſtor'd and recover'd State there will be none; they will, in that reſpect, be like the Angels, as Revelation expreſly aſſerts. Something analogous to Creative Fecundity, poſſibly, may be even in Angels, and primarily may have been too in the human Race, becauſe of their Similarity and Reſemblance to thoſe Angels, and to their grand Original the Deity; I ſay, ſome miniature Reſemblance of his Creative Power might have been in them. Beneficent Nature muſt be neceſſarily communicative, and earneſtly deſirous, there may be infinitly more Beings to contemplat, worſhip and adore the infinitly perfect Being, and admire the Operations of his Hands, to imitat Him, and partake of his Felicity. But how this Creative Power, or earneſt Deſire of more Intelligences, operated then, I will not take upon me to conjecture: But certain it is, that the Diviſion [154] of the Sexes was after the Lapſe was begun, and, perhaps, when it was far advanc'd; poſſibly to put a Drag on it, and prevent the final Degeneracy into Self-love, or an idolatrous and unnatural Commerce with the brute Creation.

§. 22. IT is both philoſophical and highly probable to ſuppoſe, that the Bodies as well as the Spirits of all the human Race were created at one and the ſame time; at leaſt were ſent into theſe Adamical Dungeons they now inhabit, at one and the ſame time. The Spirit endow'd with the three radical Qualities of Life, Activity and Intelligence, in the Perfection that belong'd to its Order and Species; and the Body, in the Perfection of their then Eſtate, at leaſt in the original and firſt Stock, in whoſe Loins were included in Miniatures and Infiniteſimals, in a perpetual Progreſſion deſcending, all the Race and Maſs that ſhould ever exiſt, of that Species. This will be no Difficulty to thoſe who know and underſtand, the infinit Diviſibility of Matter, and the Doctrine of firſt, ſecond, third and conſequent Fluxions or Differences, as they are now demonſtrated and explain'd. Theſe infiniteſimal Bodies have probably been animated, and growing in their own Manner, and according to their Laws, from their firſt Formation, and from the Time of the primary general Creation, till they arriv'd at their full Maturity. No doubt both theſe miniature and mature [155] Bodies, were vaſtly different from what we find our lapſed earthly Tabernacles now are. As the Spirit was perfect in its Kind, ſo was the Body: As the Spirit was pliant, ſupple, and chearfully obedient to the Influences of the Eternal Spirit, (which was breath'd into it by the Spirit of God, viz. pure diſintereſted Love) ſo was the Body pliant and obedient to the Commands of the human Spirit: All was Order, Peace, Love and Harmony; and probably the Frame and Figure of the Body might be in many Particulars different from what we now find it, as we have obſerv'd of the Difference of the Sexes in the former Section; and theſe Differences may be neceſſary in one State of the Progreſſion, and may naturally drop off, and decay, in another, when of no further Uſe: Inſtances of which we may ſee in the different Shapes of ſeminal Animalculs, Eggs, Nymphae and young Inſects, from what they have when arriv'd at Maturity; of a Chick in the Egg, from what it is when perfectly grown; in the ſeveral Stages of the Silk-worm, and moſt other animated Beings, Vegetables as well as Animals. And this is a juſt and wiſe Contrivance, and evidently demonſtrates Deſign in the Maker, to fit the living Creature for its ſeveral Situations. But what is moſt material, is, that even this now Adamical and groſs Tabernacle of ours, muſt neceſſarily contain under it, the Principles, Elements, Springs and linear Root of that ethereal [156] or paradiſaical Body it was created in, and of that perhaps glorious Body it will be reſtor'd to at laſt in the final Recovery (which perhaps are both the ſame). But this can be no Difficulty to thoſe who know that the Rays of the Sun are but Matter and Body, which may be contain'd in a Dungeon of Putrefaction, and in a Dunghil as well as in the azure Sky; and that the Particles of Matter attract and repel each other in different Circumſtances, and purify and ſublime as well as incraffat and condenſe, by the mere Force and Energy of the preſent Laws of Nature: And this Law, by which the whole Stock of ſuch an Order and Rank of Intelligences advances in a certain Progreſſion towards Happineſs and Perfection, (the Confirmation and Stability of which is only to be found in the laſt and moſt perfect State of Purity and Happineſs, as being free, but finite, and conſequently fallible Creatures) muſt abſolutly depend on and be brought about by Experience, confirm'd Habits, many appropriated Trials, and much gradual Labour; for nothing is more certain than the Axiom, Nemo repente fit turpiſſimus aut optimus. This Law, I ſay, of deriving the whole Race from ſuch a radical Stock in an increaſing Progreſſion, was a noble Deſign, and of infinite Love and Wiſdom, for rendering the ſucceeding and poſterior Generations Partakers of all the Acquiſitions of Wiſdom, Knowledge, and other Improvements of their Predeceſſors: But as Corruptio optimi eſt peſſima, [157] by the Lapſe all the contrary has happen'd, and

Aet as parentum pejor avis tulit
Nos nequiores, mox daturos
Progeniem vitioſiorem.

So that what infinit Love and Goodneſs could not effect, that is, render finite fallible Intelligences fixed, and eternally ſtable in Order and Purity: Puniſhment, Experience and Trial may at laſt effect, tho' in an unnatural and retrograde Manner: But for this Misfortune, infinit Wiſdom is no more to be blam'd, than a kind Father that leaves a comfortable Subſiſtence to a prodigal Son, is to be charg'd with the Miſeries and Diſeaſes he has contracted in ſquandering it.

§. 23. THERE may poſſibly be original Difference in the Complexion and Frame of the Spirits of the ſame Rank and Order of Intelligences: ſome have one or more of their natural and radical Attributes in a greater Degree of Perfection than others, which certainly are heighten'd by the different Degrees of Perfection and Improvement of their moral Qualities; it being ſufficient to conſtitute their Degree or Rank, that the Sum total of their Qualities, one to compenſat the other, be originally pretty near equal. But I ſhould think the greateſt Difference conſiſts in the Culture: The righteous Man is more excellent than his Neighbour, ſays the Royal Prophet; [158] which is only from his cultivating into higher Habits his moral Qualities; and it is the ſame with both Parts of the Compound, the Qualities of which, in all finite free Intelligences, muſt ever depend, to a certain Degree, on Culture and Improvement, in the Docility or Facility of the Spirit, and Pliancy of the Body. He that by Study, entering into his own Heart, thinking, reflecting, remembering, and acting, cultivats his Spirit, will continually acquire a Facility, Quickneſs and Penetration in intellectual Opperations; and he that by Air, Exerciſe, a low Diet, and proper and well-tim'd Remedies, improves and heightens his Health, and perfects his animal Functions, will be fitter and more capable to improve his intellectual Faculties. The bodily Machine, diſorder'd or ſpoil'd, will ſink, debaſe, blunt and confound the Operations of the Spirit; and the Spirit violently agitated, or too cloſely confin'd, will diſturb the Oeconomy of the bodily Functions: and the perfect State of Health, and the laſt Perfection of all intelligent Creatures, conſiſting of an intelligent Spirit and a material Machine, depends on the perfect Sanity and Harmony of both united, in their reſpective Order and Rank. A ſuperior Degree of Perfection in either, will conſiſt with an inferior Degree in the other; but when either the Spirit is quite uncultivated, or in an infiniteſimal Degree only, the radical Qualities of Living, Activity and Intelligence, [159] may be dwindled into that one of mere Living, as in Children and Ideots, perhaps Brutes; and when the Body is much in Diſorder, the ſpiritual Faculties, however cultivated, either wander at random, or act irregularly. But the Fund of the Spirit, or the radical Qualities, may be eternally the ſame, invariable and unalterable in their Order and Rank, whatever happens to the bodily Machine; only the ſenſible and elicited Acts will vary and alter; or, which is the ſame thing, the radical Qualities of Living, Activity and Intelligence, may be invariable in the Rank and Degree proper to ſuch a Species of ſpiritual Nature, whatever Machine or bodily Organ it be cloathed with; only it cannot exert its elicit or exterior Acts without a proper Machine: As a Muſician is ſtill in his Nature and Fund a good Muſician, whether he has an Organ or muſical Inſtrument to play on or not, or whatever ſort of muſical Inſtrument he has; but he never can perform an harmonious pleaſant Piece of Muſic, without having a perfect and proper muſical Inſtrument. An Angel is ſtill an Angel in his Nature, whatever Vehicle he appear in; but cannot perform his Office to the human Species, unleſs he appear in ſome Shape or Vehicle familiar and proper to his Commiſſion. So that as to the human Species, the preſent Body and Vehicle was deſign'd, and is neceſſary only to commerciat and communicat with the Syſtem of Bodies or Beings [160] cloathed with material and ſenſible Appearances and Qualities, as they now are in their ruinous State: For as to inviſible, imperceptible, and ſpiritual Objects and Beings, the firſt Elements of any Knowledge about them, muſt intirely and ſolely be deriv'd from Analogy, to the Ideas and Reſemblances of Things, convey'd to the ſentient Principle through the Senſes; and when theſe elementary Steps are gone through, and become familiar and eaſy, ſpiritual Agency and Operation (if ſuch be allow'd) may then begin its Influence and Effects: For when the Mind has been duly cultivated and habituated to a Faculty of Thinking, to abſtracted Sentiments, Reflections and Ideas, then rational, ſpiritual and cloſer Thinking, becomes familiar and eaſy: But the Rudiments, and initial Procedure, muſt be deriv'd through the Senſes, in Perceptions and Ideas excited by Matter and its Qualities, but improved by Analogy and its Appendages, Trope, Metaphor, Similitude and Hieroglyphic.

§. 24. THE natural Progreſſion and final Cauſe or Reaſon of this Oeconomy, as far as philoſophical Reaſoning may go in ſuch Matters, may be this: The original and radical Qualities of all ſpiritual Natures being (as has been often ſaid) Liveing, Activity and Intelligence, and theſe being unalterable and eternally the ſame, in the ſpecific Order and Rank, a vaſt Number (perhaps of all the ſeveral Orders [161] of the Hierarchies) lapſed and fell, and ran into Rebellion and Diſorder, (being finite and free) and ſo defac'd and loſt their moral Qualities of Juſtice, Goodneſs and Truth. Infinit Wiſdom and Love then, always intending to recover and reſtore his lapſed Creatures, muſt, by the eternal unalterable Laws of his Nature, bring it about in a Manner conſiſtent with their original and radical Qualities; that is, by preſerving their Life or Liveing, their Activity or Liberty, and their Intelligence or Underſtanding. In loſeing their moral Attributes, they perhaps loſt or ſpoil'd, their paradiſaical or glorious Body with which they were originally cloath'd, and were new-cloath'd over it, with a craſs, unactive Tabernacle or Priſon, ſuch as we find our preſent Adamical one now is; by which means our radical Qualities were greatly confin'd, and more narrowly circumſcrib'd, and we were reduc'd to a State of Annihilation and Extinction as to them (as it were) for a long Tract of Time: Our radical Qualities of Liveing, Activity and Intelligence being thus reduc'd to the ſingle one of Liveing; as the whole human Race actually once were in the Loins of their firſt Parent Adam, or whoever was the firſt of the human Race. From that time they have been developeing, extending and unfettering their Adamical Tabernacles (every one in his Order) thus ſpread over the internal ethereal Vehicle, till they came to a certain Degree of Maturity, and had [162] form'd the ſeveral new-cloath'd Organs, Pipes and Springs of this ſecond Adamical Machin, fit to perform the probatory and expiatory Harmony, in this Period of Duration, in order to acquire and regain their moral Attributes of Juſtice, Goodneſs and Truth, and to return into Order, and, conſequential, Happineſs: Finite Beings, are abſolutely uncapable to regain theſe moral Attributes conſiſtent with their natural and neceſſary ones, but by a gradual Progreſs, (viz.) by Labour, Patience, Experience and Trial, by which they may be gradually confirm'd into permanent Habits, and advanced to the Degree of their Order and Rank, or perhaps higher; and thus their natural Attributes being depreſs'd and ſunk into an Equality with their moral Ones, by being thus cloathed and circumſcrib'd with groſs Vehicles, their natural Powers are preſerv'd from Violence, and only ſopited for a time, till the moral Qualities begin to riſe; and then both may go on in the ſame Pace, which, it would ſeem, could, by no other poſſible or imaginable Means, be ſo conſiſtently brought about. For the natural Attributes of Liveing, Activity and Intelligence, preſerv'd at their utmoſt original Extent, muſt neceſſarily have counteracted and claſhed with the Acquiſition of the moral Attributes to any Degree of Perfection. For Example; innate, preciſe Knowledge, and a penetrating Underſtanding, in any thing, in this our lapſed Eſtate, would neceſſarily have counteracted [163] Dependence, Meekneſs, Poverty of Spirit, Humility, pure Love, and univerſal Charity; and unbounded Liberty muſt have claſh'd with Reſtraints, Submiſſion and Reſignation, now (at leaſt) ſo abſolutely neceſſary to the Acquiſition of the moral Powers to any Degree, and ſo of the reſt of the moral Attributes. But by thus depreſſing the natural Attributes to the Level of the moral ones, both may, without Violence, be in time reſtor'd to their appointed Order and Degree; that is, they gradually and Step by Step, may be turn'd into permanent Habits, by the Divine Grace, and the Oeconomy of Jeſus.

§. 25. HENCE, the moral Attributes being defac'd by the Lapſe, and the natural ones brought down to a Level with them, by confining them to groſs Vehicles or Priſons, the whole of the intellectual Operations muſt, in ſome meaſure, depend on the bodily Machin, as well, as the Degree and Perfection of the moral Attributes, in this preſent lapſed State, at leaſt in its firſt Steps and Initiation. The intellectual Operations can never be ſo regularly and perfectly exerted, while the Body is in Diſorder; a ſick and diſeaſed Perſon ſeldom perceives truly, nor reaſons juſtly; and a vicious Perſon never judges ſolidly, that is, by Number, Weight and Meaſure, nor acts perfectly. But that this may be more clearly underſtood, it may want a little further Detail. [164] I ſay nothing here of a poſſible paſſive State in advanced Chriſtianity, that being above Philoſophy or Conjecture, and perhaps the laſt Scene of the Drama of Reſtoration.

§. 26. WHAT Men call a Genius, or a Man of fine natural Parts, a Hero, or a Philoſopher, (before the Fund, the whole created ſpiritual Subſtance, or the moral as well as the natural Attributes, be acquir'd and cultivated into a Habit) is much owing to the Perfection of the Machin or Vehicle, and its ſpiritual or ethereal (now cloathed over with Clay) Organs. The intellectual Faculties require proper Organs, Springs, Ropes and Pipes, to perform their Operations by, as well as the Senſes; and theſe probably are the Arteriolae, Fibrils and membranous Tubuli prolong'd, of the cortical and glandular Parts of the Brain, which are diverſify'd and delicatly modify'd ad infinitum; the Detail and Mechaniſm of which never was, nor perhaps ever will be, philoſophically explain'd: But that the Perfection of the intellectual Operations in our preſent State, depends, in ſome meaſure, on the Soundneſs and Integrity of the Body, and theſe particular Organs, there are many undeniable Evidences to prove, as ſhall be afterwards ſhewn. What I would here inſinuat is, that the Delicacy, Fineneſs and Perfection of one Set of theſe intellectual Organs, beyond that of another Set, is that which makes the Genius, Hero or Philoſopher. [165] Thus the Health of the Body being good and ſound, if a Man has warm, but ſharp Blood, with very elaſtic and ſtrong pungent Nerves, but the particular Organs of Thinking, Attention and Reflection, indifferently agile only, he may make a Hero. If his Blood be cool, ſoft, mild and ſweet, and his intellectual Organs very elaſtic or agile, he may make a Philoſopher or Law-giver: And ſo of the other Differences of natural Spirits, among the human Race, in all of whom the Fund, or natural Attributes, may be pretty near equal. But whatever Equality there may be in the natural Qualities of ſuch Spirits, the Difference in the moral ones, makes the human Species to differ at laſt widely, even in the Exerciſe of natural ones. For the true Criterion of a right and ſound Underſtanding, and perfect Judgment, is to examin things by Number, Weight and Meaſure, according to their Nature and Relations, and then to eſtimat and prefer them, according to their intrinſic Worth and Importance thus determin'd; and in this Senſe it is true only, that the righteous Man is more excellent than his Neighbour: that is, wiſer as well as better. And that the Acquiſition and Culture of the moral Qualities, not only ſhew the Juſtneſs and Strength of the natural ones, but alſo inlarge, augment and perfect them, both as they neceſſarily mend and improve the bodily Health, by Temperance and Abſtinence, and conſequently rectify and [166] tune the Organs of the intellectual Faculties, but likewiſe as they cultivat and extend all the Powers of the Spirit, by Study, cloſe Thinking, by Actions, and Abſtraction, and other intellectual Operations, imploy'd in the Acquiſition and Exerciſe of theſe moral Qualities.

§. 27. THAT the Perfection, and full, free and juſt Uſe of the intellectual Faculties, depends, in a great meaſure, on the Soundneſs and Health of the bodily Machin, more particularly of the Organs of theſe intellectual Faculties, is evident from many Conſiderations: 1ſt, The Body was deſign'd to concentre and circumſcribe the ſpiritual Powers, to confine and impriſon them for a time, and fit them only groſly to commerciat with other Bodies on this preſent ruinous Planet, and muſt purify and refine, according to the Degree of the Acquiſition and Perfection of the moral Attributes, as has been explain'd; and every Step in this Acquiſition neceſſarily tends to develop and inlarge the natural and radical Attributes, as has likewiſe been hinted; from whence their mutual Dependence on each other becomes evident. In this our lapſed State, our groſs and earthly Priſons were deſign'd by infinit Wiſdom, to curb, concentre and reſtrain the exalted Functions of the radical and intellectual Faculties, in Proportion to the Defacement and Decay of the moral ones, that being both on a Level, they might riſe, advance and perfect by [167] equal Degrees, without Claſhing or Contradiction; without which our Ruin muſt have been eternal, our Lapſe perpetual, and our Recovery impoſſible; the natural and radical Qualities, in their utmoſt Extent, being evidently contradictory to, and deſtructive of, the Acquiſition and Improvement of the moral ones; and the whole Reſtoration muſt be brought about by the Culture of the moral Qualities, which perfect and develop the natural ones, and thereby purify and ſublime the Vehicle, extend and form the intellectual Organs: So that in the firſt Steps at leaſt of this Progreſſive Purification, the Perfection of the Acts of the intellectual Faculties depend on and are in proportion to the Perfection of their natural and bodily Organs. 2dly, We experimentally find, the intellectual Faculties and Operations depend on the Body, in all acute and chronical (eſpecially thoſe called nervous) Diſtempers; the Raveings, Incoherences and Diſtractions in the firſt, and the unaccountable Terrors, Panics, Inconſtancies, Diſpondence and Cowardice of the laſt, are ſufficient Proofs of this; and demonſtrat the Neceſſity of a proper Craſe in the Juices, and the Soundneſs and proper Elaſticity of the Solids and Organs, in all the intellectual Functions and Operations, but eminently ſo in the firſt Steps of our Renovation. 3dly, We actually find, and are ocularly ſenſible, in an Embryo, in Infancy, in ſeminal Miniatures, that the [168] whole of the natural Powers are concentred and impriſon'd; and that it is in their Growth only, and in the developing of their Organs, and in the Inlargement of the Doors, Windows and Aperture of the Senſes, that their intellectual Faculties ever inlarge themſelves to any Degree. 4thly, We find that Luxury, Leachery, Intemperance, Lazineſs, ſtrong and violent Paſſions, inclement and peſtilential Air, Bruiſes and Accidents, that injure the arterial, and nervous Syſtem, always hurt, and ſometimes deſtroy the free Exerciſe of theſe Faculties, and the Acquiſition of Virtue (at leaſt of ſome Virtues) as well as Science; and that proper Remedies, and due Management, recover and reſtore them again. 5thly, Abſtracting from the Probability and analogical Evidence, that the Bodies of the whole Race were actually form'd, liv'd, grew and extended in the Loins of the firſt original Pair, we ſee plainly, (as I have hinted) that every Individual begins with, as it were, a mere vegetable Life, while in Embryo, in ſeminal Miniature, and in the Mother's Womb; that when it is born, it has ſcarce more than an animal Life, in which it continues much longer than any other Animal we know; and that it riſes by ſlow and imperceptible Degrees into a rational Life: From which it is evident, that the Powers of the Soul are ſunk, concentred, impriſon'd and contracted by its unform'd Tabernacle or organical Vehicle, and cannot exert its intellectual Functions, but [169] gradually and inſenſibly, and as the bodily and intellectual Organs are form'd; and that for this wiſe and gracious End, That the moral Powers and Virtues of the Soul may have Time, Liberty and Leiſure, by repeated Acts, to turn into Habits, and ſo all three may equally develop and extend together, (viz.) the natural and radical Powers, (which in their Capacity, and original Energy, are invariable) and the moral Attributes of the Soul, and their mechanical and material Organs. 5thly, But what is in this Caſe a Demonſtration, is, that all the vital Functions and Senſations, are all perform'd by the Spirit, by the Intermediation only of Motions, Vibrations and Tremors, properly modify'd and impreſs'd by Bodies, or their Effluvia, on rightly diſpos'd membranous Tubuli, elaſtic Threads or Filaments; which Motions or Vibrations, the Soul naturally, and by its own innate and radical Powers and Sagacity, knows to denote the Preſence of ſuch and ſuch Bodies, and their Actions. Thus Seeing is perform'd by the Impreſſions of the Rays of Light, emitted or reflected by the Surfaces of Bodies, which by the Size of their component Particles, and other Circumſtances, exciteing particular Vibrations and Undulations on the elaſtic optic Nerves, point out to the ſagacious Spirit (innately and naturally endow'd with ſuch a Capacity of Perceiving and Judging) the Preſence of ſuch and ſuch Bodies: And in a Manner analogous to this, is Hearing, Feeling, and all the other [170] Senſes perform'd, and muſcular Motion may be perform'd much in the ſame way. 6thly, To confirm all this, and that Obſervations and Fact may juſtify and demonſtrat Speculation, it is certain, and almoſt infallible, that ponderous Medicines, duly and properly prepar'd and adjuſted, and a low, cool, thin Diet, perſiſted in, a due Time, and join'd with Air and Exerciſe, will generally reſtore the free and perfect Uſe of the intellectual Faculties, not only to thoſe who have deſtroy'd or hurt them by Luxury and Lazineſs, but even to ſuch as have deriv'd them with their Birth, or from Accidents or Parents, if the Organs themſelves be not intirely confounded or ſpoil'd; at leaſt in ſome Degree, ſufficient to demonſtrat the Propoſition; and every one knows that this Method, and theſe Medicines, only mend the Juices, and open Obſtructions. Of this I could give ſome ſuch Inſtances, having treated ſeveral ſuch Caſes, that I could venture my Reputation on ſome Degree of Succeſs of the Method, when apply'd early and in due Time, before the noble Organs be quite ſpoil'd. And if Philoſophy have any thing certain or true, it is this, that quo poſito ponitur, & quo ſublato tollitur, in eo conſiſtit ejus rei Eſſentia. A great deal more I could urge, but this muſt ſuffice to the honeſt Inquirer, and fair Philoſopher; elſe, nothing will.


§. 28. FROM all which it is evident, that it is to Experience, Culture and Probation, removing Obſtacles and Impediments, that we muſt apply both for the Extention and Improvement of the natural and moral Powers of the Soul, and for the Perfection of the intellectual Organs of the Body. All three, ſince the Lapſe, have been contracted, impriſon'd or concentred, as it were, to a Punctum Saliens, (as the Naturaliſts ſpeak of the beginning Incubation of a Chick from an Egg) to be extended and dilated to a given State of Maturity and Perfection, altogether proper for its Order and Rank, and alone and only to be brought about at firſt by the Culture of others (its Parents, Nurſes and Maſters) while under Age, and afterwards by its own Induſtry, Attention and Diligence, in a proper Method, when come to Maturity. So that the whole Perfection of Body, Soul and Spirit, (by Soul and Spirit I always mean the natural and moral Powers) depend on proper Culture, Experience and Trials; and our whole lapſed State is probatory, experimental and progreſſive, and from our vegetable, through our brutal and rational, up to our reſtored firſt paradiſaical and laſt divine, fix'd and immoveable State; the whole Progreſs is in a great meaſure our own Work, tho' under general Laws, both for Spirits and Bodies, but with ſupernatural (or if you pleaſe, miraculous) Aids and Aſſiſtances [172] from time to time, to be the Rewards and Motives of our Diligence and Zeal, tho' perhaps they are never to be felt or diſtinguiſh'd, till the whole Progreſſion is at an End; which Progreſſion might or may be much after this Manner, as far as can be conjectur'd from things as they now appear. The human Race was originally made in the Scale of Intelligences, and in that Cone of Creation (if I may be allow'd the Similitude without offending weak Minds, and low Philoſophers) which ſeems to aſcend, from inert and paſſive Matter through the human Species, to the Angels, and beyond the Cherubims and Seraphins, up to the utmoſt Extent that created finite free Intelligence reaches: (all which, in their natural Powers, are Infiniteſimals reſpectively and unalterably of their great Original, the Deity, but at an infinitly infinit Diſtance from Him, as they ought and muſt be, but in a verging Progreſſion of Similarity to him, in their natural as well as moral Powers) I ſay, the human Species, being made a little lower only than the Angels, with Bodies or earthly Machins, ſupple and pliant to their in dwelling ſpiritual Intelligences, and with Spirits ſupple and pliant to the Influences, Impulſes and Commands of the Father of Spirits (in which their Innocence and Felicity conſiſted); and being free, and conſequently capable of a progreſſive Procedure, from this original State of their Creation, either forward to Perfection and Happineſs to [173] a certain Degree, which probably might fix them in the Extention of their original Powers, (tho' not in the greateſt Perfection of their moral ones) and conſequently in their greateſt Happineſs; or a Departure backward into Diſorder, Rebellion, ſpurious Self-love, inordinat Love of the Creatures, Propriety, and conſequently Miſery; their Creator eternally deſigning to reſtore them to their firſt or perhaps a higher Rank, plac'd them firſt upon this Ball of Clay, (which had been either naturally and phyſically ruin'd and ſpoil'd, by their own immoral Taint and Corruption, or was by his own omnipotent Agency) and confin'd them to Priſons and Dungeons made of this Planet, tho' with infinit Wiſdom and Elegancy, and with a ſublime Delicacy adjuſted to the Nature of their Lapſe, or the Ends of their Probation and Purification; whereby their natural Powers being cramp'd and concentred to the Degree of the Decay of their moral Powers, they may by their own Labour and Culture (but ſupernaturally aſſiſted) advance proportionally in both, to the Stature and Degree appointed them in their original Formation, and perhaps higher; and in the mean time, perhaps dropping through many different Vehicles, and material Bodies, groſſer, or more ſublime, either Dungeons, or partially glorious Bodies, as they have advanced or gone backward in the Acquiſition of the moral Attributes, Juſtice, Goodneſs and Truth, or (which [174] is the ſame in the Chriſtian Language) of the Cardinal Virtues, Faith, Hope and Charity; which, juſtly explain'd, are of the ſame Import.

§. 29. THE human Soul, or intelligent Principle, has its radical Qualities and Faculties, that it was endow'd with in its firſt Creation, eſſentially inherent and innate in its Nature, and in their full Extent and Perfection, even now in this lapſed State, perhaps beyond the Vigour they can ever arrive at in this mortal Life, only cramp'd and ſopited by this groſs and earthly Priſon (like a Felon in a Dungeon or condemn'd Hole); and as it has the Power or Root of the Senſes of Seeing, Hearing and Feeling, almoſt the ſame as when at intire Liberty, in its ethereal Vehicle, tho' now confin'd to Darkneſs, Silence and Unactivity, and can only ſee and hear as through a Grate or narrow Chink; yet it has its natural Powers, and their bodily Organs, as vigorous and lively, as when it was at large, tho' it be not in a Capacity to exert them in the ſame Degree, by reaſon of its heavy clay Coverlet: And this groſs earthly Tabernacle actually contains under it, the organical Lines and Stamina of that glorious paradiſaical and firſt created Body it was endow'd with before the Lapſe, or of the more glorious one it will be ſolely cloath'd with in its final Perfection and Reſtoration, tho' both (for they are one and the ſame) now cover'd [175] over and encruſted with groſs mouldering Clay; and both Soul and Body, as they are now in this lapſed State, will gradually drop and put off this Adamical Tabernacle, and ſlide into another, and perhaps a third, according to the general Laws of Purification, and in Proportion as the ſpiritual Inhabitant advances in Perfection, till at laſt it arrive at that fix'd and permanent State, and the Place and Manſion it was deſign'd for in the univerſal Syſtem of Intelligences.

§. 30. FROM this Account, if agreeable with the univerſal Analogy of Things, and the general Laws of Providence relating to the Lapſe and Purification of Intelligences; it will follow, that intellectual Acts and Exerciſes are but Remembrance, and removeing Impediments, or but the Spirit's returning to its original and primitive State: That Culture, Study and Reflection, and all the Operations of the Mind, are really (and not figuratively) but lopping, pruning, dreſſing and removeing Obſtacles and Incumbrances, and forming the bodily Organs to a proper Suppleneſs and Facility, for the Performance of ſpiritual Exerciſes, and to produce Habits: That the Study of Arts and Sciences, and all other Knowledge, is but Remembrance and Recollection, opening Paſſages and Apertures, to admit more Light into the Priſon and Dungeon; which can only effectually be done by the Acquiſition [176] of the moral Powers of Juſtice, Goodneſs and Truth, or of Faith, Hope and Charity; and this not figuratively, but in Reality, and by fix'd Habits. In a word, the Soul has eſſentially and radically in its Fund and Nature, innate and permanent, all the natural Powers in their full Extent and Degree that ever it can poſſibly arrive at here, but they cover'd over, ſopited and concentred by the groſs Adamical Priſon; and is only depriv'd of its moral Powers in its preſent lapſed State, which moral Powers it is ſent here to recover.

§. 31. THE Exerciſe of the natural Powers of the Soul, (viz.) of Liveing, Activity and Intelligence, is the general State and Complexion of all ſpiritual Natures: Liveing means, ſuppoſes and implies the actuating, informing, directing and ſuperintending the ſeveral Motions and Functions of a divinely organiz'd Material, either Ethereal or Planetary, groſſer or more refin'd Vehicle, according to the Oeconomy of Providence in its Reſtoration, and in giving Motions and Directions to Bodies or Matter to a certain Degree. Memory is but an Affection or Modification of the Underſtanding, fixing it to a particular Object; as ſeeking any thing abſent or loſt, is but a particular Attention and Obſervation or Detention of the Eye on the different Objects preſented; and that the Underſtanding has proper Organs for the different Uſes and [177] Purpoſes of Perceiving, Conſidering, and fixing its Attention, as the Eye has various Muſcles, Tendons, Humours and Glands, for directing, fixing and perfecting its Sight; and Memory is juſt ſuch a Modification of the Underſtanding, as Searching or Seeking is of the Eye; and all is perform'd through the mechanical Powers and Organs of the Body, by the innate Sagacity of the Mind: and hence it comes to paſs, that when theſe mechanical Powers and Organs of the Body are quick and agile, to preſent Variety of Images, Pictures and Ideas with Readineſs, the Perſon is ingegious, fanciful, poetical, or of a quick and lively Imagination. If the Organs of the Imagination, the nervous Fibrillae, the membranous Tubuli, be ſtrong and firm, the Impreſſions or Ideas being dureable, the Memory becomes ſtrong. The Underſtanding is merely paſſive, it is like the Vis Inertiae of Matter, or Reflection and Refraction in it, of which it is the analogous Quality in the Soul; and this Vis Inertiae is one of the laſt Steps of the deſcending Miniature of the divine Original in his inanimat Creation. Truth is to the Underſtanding, what Light is in animal Life to the Eye; it muſt be receiv'd abſolutely, and only according to the then State of the Mind. It is the Will that is the ruling and directing Faculty of ſpiritual Nature, and its analogous Quality in inanimated [178] Matter, is Attraction and Repulſion: all depend on it; it rules abſolutely, and without Controul, even ſometimes over the Underſtanding, and every Faculty of the Soul. It is the ſelf-active and ſelf-motive Principle, acting above and beyond Matter, at a Diſtance, without the Intervention of a material Medium, by its own Energy, and after its ſpecific manner of Operation; as is evident from Inſtinct, Impulſe, Sympathy and Antipathy, Conſcience, natural Affection, and the like immechanical Affections of the Soul. Matter only limits and modifies its Operations, and renders it capable to commerciat and communicat with Bodies, by acting upon them, and being reacted upon by them. The Will may and can act without and contrary to the Judgment, Conviction and Approbation of the Underſtanding (Self-activity and Self-mobility neceſſarily ſecluding all foreign Aid); and from it the firſt Springs, Direction and Perfection of the Underſtanding, often take their Riſe; but generally they advance by the ſame Steps in their Purification; only the probatory and purifying Proceſs in the lapſed State, both in the Acquiſition of the moral Attributes, and in the Culture and Development of the bodily Organs, of the Faculties, gradually and by uniform Acceleration (like the Velocity of deſcending Bodies) receives its conſtant Impulſe from the Will.


§. 32. SOME have thought, that the Wills of all Intelligences were ſo order'd by the divine Decree and Appointment, that they ſhould be ſo abſolutely free, as to become even independent of his Influence and Preſcience, and that their Liberty ſhould be in a natural Equilibrium to do whatever their original Powers could poſſibly effect, and be determin'd by their own Strength only, and affirm'd that ſo much a ſelf-motive Power does neceſſarily imply; and that accordingly, God was not actually certified of the Lapſe, till it happen'd, in the Angelical Hierarchy. That the divine Nature may actually have arbitrary Ideas, they think, neceſſarily follows, from his natural infinit Liberty, which they ſuppoſe a Conſequence of the abſolute Infinitude of all his Attributes, and the Baſe and Root of his infinit Intelligence or Omniſcience. For no Creature is free, but muſt be at the ſame time intelligent, and all intelligent Creatures are naturally Images of Him; and ſince intelligent Creatures, ſuch as we are, have arbitrary Ideas, (as is evident from our being able to act contrary to our Judgment, and contrary to our preſent and future greater Good, were it but to ſhew the Nature of our Liberty, in any one Inſtance, for Example, to ſuffer preſent or future certain Pain, as in Suicide) therefore there muſt, by Analogy, be concluded [180] a correſpondent Power of infinitly more Force and Perfection in the divine Nature. It is true, Omniſcience could certainly foreknow whatever Omnipotence could effect; but both Omniſcience and Omnipotence being in the divine Nature infinitly free, they think it a higher Inſtance of Perfection and Power, for a free Omniſcience voluntarily to deſign not to know what his Omnipotence might effect on his free intelligent Creation; and that it implies not want of Perfection and Power, but, on the contrary, is a much higher Inſtance of Perfection and Power, for an infinitly perfect Being to create Intelligences, that ſhould be naturally in ſuch a Degree of Freedom, that even He Himſelf ſhould not foreknow what they were to do; but ſhould, as it were, voluntarily and arbitrarily ſuſpend (Jeſus Chriſt, ſay the Fathers, ſuſpended the Influence of his Divinity on his Humanity; He made Himſelf of no Report, He took upon Himſelf the Form of a Servant, the greateſt Inſtance of his Divinity poſſible) the Influence and Penetration of his Omniſcience, to magnify and manifeſt his Omnipotence. He might, no doubt, have foreknown every thing that ſhould ever be effected, or brought to paſs, by the ſelf-motive Powers of his created miniature Images; but He might alſo deſignedly and arbitrarily not foreſee or foreknow all this, to enoble his intelligent Creatures thereby, that [181] ſo they might be free even from his Eſpial and Obſervation, for a Trial of their Faith and Patience, (as a tender Mother tries her Fondlings Strength and Gait, by letting go the Leading-ſtring) and thus leave them a Poſſeſſion and Property, (that they might be fitter Objects of his Commerce and Glory) and that they might have ſomething in Dominion and Heritage, that in Gratitude they might render back to Him, which even He (now He had created them) could not force from them. Perhaps ſuch a Creature might become a nobler Inſtance of infinit Wiſdom and Power, than one, all whoſe future Thoughts and Actions were certainly foreknown even by Omniſcience: as a skilful Watch-maker might make a Watch or Clock, whoſe Time of Going or Striking he might not foreknow, or could not foretel, that abſolutly depending on the Length of the Chain tied to the Spring or Weight, which he had in his Power not to have meaſur'd. This bold and profane Suppoſition, of God's deſign'd and arbitrary Non-foreknowledge of his finite free Intelligences future Actions, would indeed intirely take off all the Difficulties and Objections againſt the Lapſe, about Liberty, Preſcience, and Predeſtination; and juſtify the Darkneſs and Diſtreſſes in Providence, Revelation, and the whole Oeconomy of the Reſtoration: but whether it is perfectly conſiſtent [182] with the Harmony and Simplicity, and abſolute Infinitude and Dignity of the divine Nature and Attributes, I dare not take upon me to determin. And ſince infinit Sagacity and Penetration (like that of a wiſe and good Miniſter of State) will account for Preſcience, without influencing or intrenching on Liberty, I am much rather inclin'd to ſubſcribe to it. Infinit Perfection can provide for the Perfection and Happineſs of his Creature, without any Prejudice to Himſelf.

§. 33. ALL intelligent Creatures being (as I have often ſaid) Effluxes, Emanations, and analogous Infiniteſimals of the Deity, muſt neceſſarily be impreſs'd with his Image; for though they be finite, dependent, and created, yet being free, ſo far they are little analogical Divinities; and though they flow'd from Him as their Source, yet by this their Liberty, they are able to hold, as it were, in Property, an infiniteſimal Portion of his ſpiritual Nature and Qualities, and thereby have ſomething of their own to give Him back, and thus to commerciat with Him, and at laſt to return to Him as their laſt End: juſt as the laſt and leaſt Particles of Water (being probably ſpherical or ſpheroidical) may retain their own Figure when receiv'd into the univerſal Volume of all Fluids of the Ocean, and are actuated by its Motions; or like the Fiſh, which though in the Sea, yet [183] all of them preſerve their own Forms; or rather like the Iron in the Oven, which being turn'd into liquified Fire, yet retains its own Shape. Juſt ſo, all created Intelligences may preſerve their own Principles of Individuation, when they are reſtor'd to the Rock out of which they were hewn. But theſe lame and unanimated Alluſions I adduce only as Illuſtrations of this incomprehenſible Subject; for Creation, though a neceſſary Article to be believ'd in all the Syſtems of Natural Religion, is as incomprehenſible and inexplicable as any Myſtery in Reveal'd, unleſs it be by Analogy; and it is no hard Matter then to conceive any thing is, that actually exiſts, eſpecially where infinit Power is ſuppos'd the Cauſe, and when it does not involve an abſolute Contradiction, as theſe analogical Alluſions ſhew this does not. However this Explication be receiv'd, I think it ſelf-evident, that in their Creation, or Emanation from the firſt Cauſe, all Intelligences have been impreſs'd with God's Image, and are really thereby infiniteſimal Deities: And that the natural Powers, Attributes and Faculties we feel in our own Souls, may fairly be carried up to abſolute Infinitude by Analogy, and in ſome imperfect and groſs manner, be ſo rais'd as to give a ſhadowy Glance, or faint Idea, of the ſupreme Being the Deity: And that our Liberty may not be violated, and our Reſtoration may be ſecur'd, I fear this is as [184] preciſe as we can reach in this our lapſed Eſtate, while we dwell in earthly Priſons, I mean by Philoſophy or mere Reaſoning only, without Revelation or divine Faith. And therefore, whatever natural Powers, Qualities or Faculties we find in our own Souls, (at leaſt in the beſt and moſt perfect of our Race) we may ſafely conclude, there are Powers, Qualities and Faculties, eminently correſpondent and analogous to them, in the divine Nature, with the Difference that abſolute Infinitude has to the loweſt Finite: and on the other hand, that there are miniature Reſemblances in all finite Intelligences, correſpondent and analogous to the eſſential and fundamental Attributes in the divine Nature; and conſequently that we may fairly reaſon and philoſophize (with the Modeſty and Humility that become the loweſt of Intelligences) from our own ſpiritual Nature, up to the Divine ſpiritual Nature, keeping within the Bounds and Proportion mentioned. For Example; we find and certainly know, that in our own ſpiritual Nature there are Liveing, Underſtanding and Will, and that all our intellectual Operations are but Modifications of theſe: Theſe then muſt be the natural Image of the divine Being originally impreſs'd on our Souls. We learn from Revelation, that in the divine Nature, there is a Trinity of Perſons, in Unity of Subſtance. We may then [185] fairly conclude, that, in ſome Manner or other, the three radical Powers of Liveing, Underſtanding and Will, are the natural miniature Image and Repreſentation of this Trinity in Unity. In the divine Nature, the three analogous and correſpondent Attributes are, Self-exiſtence, Omniſcience and Omnipotence; in other Words, Neceſſity of Being, infinit Wiſdom, and infinit Activity. In all created Intelligences, there are a deriv'd Being or Liveing, finite Underſtanding, and limited Will or Freedom. This Analogy or Correſpondence, I ſay, between the divine Nature, and the ſpiritual Nature of all finite Intelligences, may give us at leaſt ſome general Notion of the Trinity in Unity (for Preciſion is incompatible with Finitude, and all I pretend to here, is to remove Contradiction and Impoſſibility, from an uncomprehenſible and inexplicable Myſtery). Self-exiſtence, or Neceſſity of Being, is the proper Characteriſtic of the Father in Revelation. I am that I am, or I am the ſole Being, that is neceſſary Exiſtence. The Word, the Wiſdom, the Underſtanding of the Father, the expreſs Image of his intelligent Nature, the ſovereign Reaſon, is the Characteriſtic of the Son in Scripture. The Holy Ghoſt, or the Spirit of the Father and the Son, (viz.) their infinit Activity, Energy and Power, is repreſented there as a liveing, enlightening, actuating, comforting [186] and inſtructing intelligent Subſtance, and ſhadowed out to us by the moſt penetrating energic Things known, to wit, Wind, Light and Fire; and ſo may be explain'd by our ſelf-motive Power, our Liberty, the Spring of pure Love, naked Faith, and univerſal Reſignation. All theſe three (and I think the natural Attributes of the Deity are but Three) natural Powers and Faculties are comprehended in one ſpiritual Nature, in all created Intelligences: in them they are Modalities only, Powers or Faculties; but in the divine Nature, they are Realities, and active diſtinguiſh'd Subſiſtences, becauſe of its infinit Activity. For nothing is more certain in Philoſophy, than the metaphyſical and ſcholaſtic Axiom, that every thing in God, is God. I might, with a good deal of philoſophical Propriety, run this Analogy up to all the Qualities and Attributes aſcrib'd in Scripture to the Perſons of the holy Trinity; but I give it only as a philoſophical Emblem, Alluſion or Similitude, to reconcile that inexplicable Myſtery to modeſt, ſober and guarded Thinkers; for it is ſtill much better to adore and obey, and wiſh or pray, to believe as the Holy Spirit in Revelation intended, the beſt we can, in the holy Trinity, than to philoſophize about it. The two capital Errors in the Doctrine of the Trinity, (eſpecially of the Incarnation) and divine Nature of the [187] Perſons, (which is the Hinge of the Doctrine of the Trinity) is the Arian and Sabellian Hereſies; both which are of great Detriment to Chriſtian Perfection, and the Practice of its cardinal Virtues, Faith, Hope and Charity, or the Acquiſition of the moral Powers of the Soul; but with a very notable Difference, the Arian being of infinitly more Detriment to ſublime practical Chriſtianity, than the Sabellian Hereſy. The firſt dwindling and ſinking the Merit, Dignity and Love, his Sufferings and Satisfaction, and conſequently diſhonouring and debaſing the divine Nature, Purity, and the Merit of the common Saviour of the lapſed Mortals; and thereby the Motives and Neceſſity of pure Love, naked Faith and univerſal Reſignation, the ſole Means of our Recovery and Immobility: And perhaps among all the Apoſtles, Martyrs and Confeſſors, and univerſally acknowledg'd Saints, there will not be found one who notably lean'd to this Hereſy. The Sabellian, on the contrary, tho' certainly Heretical, too arrogantly departing from the Form of ſound Words, yet has preſerv'd the Dignity and Purity of all theſe Motives, the Greatneſs of the Love of God, the Sanctity of his Nature, and Heinouſneſs of Sin, and is only too philoſophically nice, out of a Dread of intrenching on the Unity of the divine Nature. I was the more willing to retouch this Speculation, [188] becauſe what I have advanc'd about it in my Philoſophical Principles of Reveal'd Religion has been miſunderſtood; elſe I had not meddled with it here, as being out of my preſent Province, for which I ought to beg the Reader's Pardon. This Myſtery was not reveal'd to puzzle our Reaſon, but for a Trial of our Faith, and a Motive to our Reſignation; and becauſe its Truth was neceſſary to the Conception of the general Plan of the Reſtoration, and the underſtanding, practiſeing and perfecting the Chriſtian Virtues and Morality.

§. 34. THE Soul and Body at firſt ſopited in a State of mere vegetable Life, (in the ſeminal Animalcul, and in Embryo) is there developing, vegetats, and lives, (perhaps for many Ages) according to their own general Laws, and the ſecret Deſigns of Providence; in Time, the Compound comes into the Light, and is born into the World; and then, from the Velocity of its Growth, and the Development of the Organs of its Faculties, (the nervous membranous Tubuli, and the glandular Machinulae, perhaps increaſing firſt) becomes ſenſitive, and enjoys animal Life: The Nature of groſs Matter, the Miſeries of this ruinous Globe, and the preſent dark State of Things, inclement or deleterious Air, Negligence and Ignorance, and many other Accidents, (all under the Direction [189] of an infinitly wiſe Being, for kind and gracious Purpoſes) make the ſlender Individual now become ſenſitive, and feel Pain, Miſery and Diſtreſs, even before it is conſcious or capable to know the Cauſe. Inſtinct, (a plain but innate Effect) Pains and Sufferings, make it mechanically (as it were) avoid the Approach of the Cauſes poſſible or probable, by which theſe Pains are produc'd. Hence natural Averſion, Reluctance, and ſome Endeavours to retire from Exceſs of Colds and Heats, improper or too much Nutriment, and all noxious Bodies and Animals. Theſe Senſations and Feelings lodg'd in the Memory, with the innate Inſtincts, Sympathies and Antipathies, grow ſtronger, till they are gradually confirm'd into Habits; and on theſe infant Habits and Ideas begin the Dawnings of Reaſon, Reflection, Memory and Will, and all the Play of the intellectual Faculties on their now developing Organs. If the Body is ſtrong, its Appetites and Paſſions are proportionally ſo, which inordinatly gratified, naturally and neceſſarily beget ſtrong and new Pains and Puniſhments; theſe, on Reflection and Remembrance, awaken Conſcience, ariſing from an innate Inſtinct radically implanted in ſpiritual Nature, to excite and encourage a Love of Order, and puniſh Diſorder; and Conſcience actuated and enliven'd by ſtill further Reflection on the neceſſary and natural Connexion [190] between Diſorder, Crime and Puniſhment; on the firſt Dawnings and Awakening into rational and conſcious Life, if Children were duely and ſtrenuouſly nurtur'd and cultivated by frequent Acts, as Occaſions offer, and ſupported by due Temperance, Air and Exerciſe, in the bodily and organical Powers, and by bringing the Appetites and Paſſions in Subjection to the Spirit, and thereby labouring to acquire a Facility and Readineſs in the Exerciſe of the moral Powers, as the natural ones advance; they would, in due Time, raiſe the Adamical Compound to all the Perfection and conſequent Happineſs this preſent State would admit, in the full and free Exerciſe of the natural Powers, and the Acquiſition of the moral ones; tho' not to the greateſt, yet to a competent Degree, and to the moſt perfect and orderly Condition this preſent probatory and expiatory State will admit. But the Nature of Things in and about us is ſuch, and the Miſeries and Sufferings are ſo conſtant, unavoidable and pungent, as will naturally and neceſſarily excite in a Mind cultivated after the Manner has been deſcrib'd, an anxious Deſire to inquire and examin if there be any poſſible Means to be freed from them at laſt; and if there can be any rational and probable Way to ſecure, at leaſt after this State is paſt, and this Adamical clay Tabernacle is laid down, ſome State of Being, at leaſt no worſe, and as much [191] better as may be, on our going into another Manſion: And this is the preciſe Condition of Mind infinit Love and Wiſdom intends to bring his rational lapſed Intelligences into, by this wiſe Oeconomy; for under ſuch a Diſpoſition, ſooner or later, they will be fitted to hearken to, to examin and ſeriouſly to inquire into the Truth of Revelation, and heartily to ſay, Lord! what ſhall I do to be ſaved?



1 Cor. xiii. 12.‘For now we ſee through a Glaſs darkley—’2 Cor. iv. 18.‘While we look not at the things which are ſeen, but at the things which are not ſeen: for the things which are ſeen, are Temporal; but the things which are not ſeen, are Eternal.’

THINGS may differ in the Degrees of the ſame Qualities, as well as in Kind; as in a Cube of Gold and one of Lead, in ſpiritual and material Subſtances, and the like.


DIFFERENCE in Degrees only, is where things having their eſſential Qualities common, admit in theſe Qualities, a More and a Leſs, or a Difference in their Degrees. For Example; A Miniature and a Picture to the Life; a Cube and a Parallelopipedon of the ſame Subſtance, and on the ſame Baſe; a Man and a Child.


DIFFERENCE in Kind, is only where ſome eſſential Qualities in the things [194] compar'd are common, ſome are different; as a Vegetable and an Animal, Matter and Spirit, a Cube of Gold and one of Lead.


BY Ratio, is here meant the Relation or Reference of any two things compar'd to one another, whoſe eſſential Qualities admit of Degrees, or of a More and a Leſs; as between a Brute and a Man, a Man and an Angel, and between different Bodies of the ſame Subſtance.


SIMILARITY, is where there is an Equality or Sameneſs of Ratio's in the Subſtance, and eſſential Qualities of things, differing only by a More and a Leſs. For Diſtinction's ſake, in abſtracted or ſimple Ideas, or in Qualities, I ſhould call this Sameneſs or Equality of Ratio's, a Similitude or Likeneſs; as in Problems of Arithmetic and Geometry, in Heat and Cold, in Light and Darkneſs, and the like. In Things, Subſtances or Aggregats of Qualities, I ſhould call it Similarity; as in all the Individuals of the human Species, in Animals and Vegetables of the ſame Tribe, and their Progreſs from the Embrio or Seed, to Maturity, I ſhould pronounce them, I ſay, in a Similarity of Ratio's.



THINGS, Subſtances, and Qualities, are meant to be progreſſive, or in a Progreſſion, which are conſtantly increaſing or decreaſing ſimilarly: For Example; The concave Surfaces that make a Globe, (as the Coats of an Onion, the Membrans of the Cornea of the Eye) the Puncta Salientia, that become Animals; the Mathematical Point, whoſe Fluxion deſcribes a Line; the Mathematical Line, whoſe Fluxion makes a Surface; and the Mathematical Surface, whoſe Fluxion makes a Solid.


SPACE and Time, Motion and its Velocity, ſeem to be no Realities, at leaſt no external Realities, but the mere Modifications, and different Circumſtances and Situations of Bodies or Matter, and ſo nothing but mere abſtracted Ideas, or an eaſier and clearer Manner for our finite Conceptions, which cannot comprehend any complicated Thing at once. A particular Space, or the Locality of a Body, ſeems to be a mere Mathematical abſtracted Solid, (ſo to ſpeak) or the laſt Limit or Term of a Mathematical Solid, or of Body evaniſhing; ſuch an one as a Point is of a Mathematical Line, a Line of a Mathematical Surface, and a Surface of a Mathematical Solid; only here the whole Content of the Mathematical Solid, or evaniſhing Body, is comprehended [196] in the Idea. The ſame way of Reaſoning may be applied to Time, Motion, and Velocity, which are but the Limits, Modifications, and particular Circumſtances of Body or Matter, and have no external Realities; but like the Shadow, that depends on the Light, ſhineing on the Body: they all admit of Degrees, or a More and a Leſs, as belonging to, and connected with, Matter and Bodies. A particular Space is to a particular Body, what o, or the relative Infiniteſimal is to a particular given Progreſſion; and an Infinit Body, like infinit Space, is a mere imaginary Idea, the laſt Term or Limit of an aſcending Progreſſion, as o is of a deſcending one. Suppoſe, for Example, a Progreſſion of the Powers of Natural Numbers, or their Coſſic Characters, deſcending, &c. + x4 + x3 + x2 + x + [...]xx2x3x4, &c. the middle Term, o or x/∞ will repreſent a Mathematical Point, and + ∞x will repreſent an infinit Body, and − ∞x infinit Space, + x a particular Body, and − x a particular Space; and ſubſtituteing for + ∞x, x + x + x + x + x, &c. and for − ∞x,xxxx, &c. (or what Number of unknown Quantities, or howſoever compounded, with their variable or conſtant Powers) and treating them according to the Nature of their Compoſition in a given Expreſſion, by the common Rules of Coſſic or Arabic Characters, and rejecting all the finite Terms, or thoſe of a lower Order of ſuch abſtracted Infinits, and reſerving only [197] the higheſt Terms of the Expreſſion; and you will readily and intelligibly have all the Myſteries, and ſolve all the Problems diſcovered by Fluxions, Differentials, and Series's, in Numbers, Space, Time, Motion, Velocity, and Bodies, and ſee that all this myſterious and admired Play of the Underſtanding, is wholly about abſtracted Ideas, and the Modifications of Body and Matter, which our narrow, limited and finite Faculties not being able to apprehend and conceive diſtinctly in the Complex, are forced to parcel out and divide thus into ſingle intelligible Parts, merely for their own Convenience; and ſo is a mere Technical Art of the Underſtanding and Imagination to aſſiſt the Memory.


RELATIVE Infinit, or Infinitude in Creatures, (whoſe Nature conſiſts in being more or leſs reſpectively than any aſſignable Quantity whatever) is ſuch as increaſes or decreaſes perpetually; yet by no finite Power can be actually brought to nothing, and no finite Faculty can actually aſſign its limiting Terms, viz. the greateſt and the leaſt. In this Senſe it is, that we ſuppoſe the leaſt Particles of Bodies to be hard and indiviſible; that Body or Matter cannot be infinit; that Matter is diviſible in Infinitum; that Attraction at a certain finite Diſtance becomes Repulſion; that poſitive Quantities become negative in convergent [198] Progreſſions, or from negative become poſitive in divergent Progreſſions; which Progreſſions may be infinitly varied, even to a created or relative Infinitude, as Mathematicians know.


ABSOLUTE Infinitude is the ſole Property or Attribute of the Deity, who is infinitly Infinit in all Excellencies and Realities, which, though infinitly various, are at the ſame time infinitly ſimple and one. This is evident from the Simplicity and Unity of his Nature, as a true Philoſopher muſt ſee.


THINGS are contradictory only, which abſolutley and totally deſtroy one another, and mutually annihilat their Subſtance, Subſiſtence, and Qualities Thus it is in things created, (if abſolute Contradiction can ſubſiſt in them) Heat and Cold in the ſame Degree, Light and Darkneſs in the ſame Degree, negative and poſitive Terms of the ſame Progreſſion, finite and infinit of the ſame Kind. But nothing ſeems to be ſo abſolute a Contradiction as neceſſary Exiſtence and Nonentity, abſolute Nothing and abſolute Infinitude.


IT is doubtful, whether or not there can be any real and complete Contradiction between [199] created Subſtances, Things and Qualities, ſince they muſt all neceſſarily be Pictures, Emblems or Miniatures of the Deity, and the divine Attributes, Subſtance or Nature. There ſeems to be neceſſary, an Energy, Action and Reaction in the contradictory or totally annihilating Subſtances, Things or Qualities; as that between the good and evil Principle in the Manichean Syſtem; between abſolute Nothing and abſolute Infinitude, in the true Philoſophical Syſtem; between Creation and Annihilation: For in all created Things, Subſtances and Qualities, there is Subſiſtence and Reality, (Spiritual, Intellectual or Material) which cannot be annihilated or render'd totally contradictory, but by the ſame abſolute Infinitude by which they were created or ordain'd; and infinit Perfection can at no future Time be contrary to itſelf; the Works of God are without Repentance; and Reaction always ſuppoſes Action. In created Subſtances, Things and Qualities, there ſeems only to be a Contrariety, that is, a Contradiction or Annihilation of ſome of the Qualities, and their reſpective Degrees. Thus material and ſpiritual Subſtances may be contrary to one another, but not contradictory; being actually united, and ſome-how ally'd, in all intelligent Beings; and having ſome Qualities common, as actual Exiſtence, and a Power of intending and remitting their Energy, or of Expanſion and Contraction in their Subſtances and [200] Powers, analogous to Elaſticity in Bodies. They muſt indeed have Limits and Bounds of their Activity and Self-mobility, beyond which they can do nothing, which Powers Matter ſeems deſign'd to terminat and counteract (as Shadows die away in thick Darkneſs). Matter may ſuſpend, contract and deſtroy the Action and Exertion of theſe ſpiritual Powers, but cannot annihilat their Subſtratum, nor deſtroy their Root or Fund; for after their Concentration by Matter or Body, they will ſtill ſubſiſt in the Subſtratum, either in Root or Act, in a finite Magnitude, or infiniteſimal Miniature.


ANALOGY is a Similarity in Subſtances and eſſential Qualities, differing only by a More or a Leſs, or in Degrees.


ANALOGY is of two kinds, ſimple and complex; that is, perfect and complete, or imperfect and incomplete.


SIMPLE Analogy, is where there is a perfect and total Similarity of Subſtances, and eſſential Qualities, differing only in Degrees. As that between a lumbaginous Animalcul, a ſeminal Embryo, a Child and a Man; that between a Seed and a Plant. Of this Nature are all the particular Anſwers to indetermin'd [201] Problems in Algebra, and all the particular Curves that anſwer the ſame Conditions in Geometry, of which there is an infinit Variety.


THERE are (I think) Subſtances, Things and Qualities of a middle Nature, between the Extremes, or the greateſt and leaſt of their Terms, in every created Reality; as between any two finite given Terms in Quantities, there is an Infinity of mean Proportionals, actual and aſſignable; as between x and y there is the Mean [...], and between x and [...] there is [...]; and in a Circle of an infinit Diameter, between any finite Part of the Diameter and the other infinit Segment, there is the Perpendicular, (a mean Proportional) which is neither infinitly Small nor infinitly Great, (I ſpeak only of relative Infinitude) and which I ſhould call Indefinit; ſo in Subſtances or Subſtrata of Qualities, whether Material or Spiritual, (the two Terms or Limits) ſome may approach or verge towards groſs indiſcerptible or imporoſe Matter, or pure Spirit, in all the Degrees of relative Infinitude, which never can by any Power leſs than abſolutely infinit, arrive at either of the Extremes. This in Algebra and Geometry is demonſtrated; and the abſolute Infinitude, Purity and Simplicity of the Divine Nature makes this Diſtinction neceſſary here.



HENCE it will be reaſonable to ſuppoſe, that as Matter, by its infinit poſſible Diviſion, Minuteneſs and Rarity, by its Elaſticity and Velocity, may be ſublim'd and refin'd into relative Infinitude, ſo as to become, as it were, Sir Iſaac Newton's Spiritus quidam Subtiliſſimus, and meet only with an infinitly ſmall Reſiſtance in paſſing through groſs and porous Bodies, ſuch as our Planet is; ſo ſpiritual Subſtance may be analogically ſuppoſed to be capable of all the relative Degrees of Purity and Sublimity, or Groſſneſs and Denſity, till it terminat in the loweſt or higheſt ſpiritual Subſtance, which yet will ever be contrary, though not contradictory, to material Subſtance.


HENCE it will follow, that this infinitly refin'd material Fluid, of indefinit Rarity and Elaſticity, will meet with no ſenſible Reſiſtance in paſſing through groſs planetary Bodies; yet its Parts being ſtill Material, and ſubject to the Laws of all material Bodies, muſt at leaſt meet with ſome infiniteſimal Reſiſtance, and have ſome Reaction; as the Rays of the Sun, being Oceans of material Particles, conſtantly emitted from his Body, muſt neceſſarily leſſen it, though inſenſibly and infinitly little, yet really; ſo that neither of them can be deſign'd to laſt to an actual [203] Eternity in their preſent State; they may be ſo alter'd on proper Occaſions, by the Power and Influence of Him who firſt created them, as to anſwer the Ends of his wiſe Providence, but cannot continue as they now are during all his Eternity.


COMPLEX or imperfect Analogy, is where there is only a Similarity between a certain Number of eſſential Qualities, that differ in Degrees, and are diverſified in other Qualities leſs eſſential; as that between a Man and an Angel, that between a Man and a Brute, or that between a Plant and a Brute; and the ſeveral Ranks and Orders of Being emerge as theſe Qualities increaſe and multiply.


ALL Creation, the whole Syſtem of the Univerſe, with all the particular Syſtems in Nature, all Beings animated and inanimat, all Subſtances, Qualities and Realities whatever, and every individual Circumſtance in Nature, is nothing, and neceſſarily can be nothing, but the Supreme Being, his Nature and Attributes, tranſubſtantiated into Being and Preceptibility, pourtray'd and ſhadow'd out and drawn forth ad extra. Mundus univerſus nihil eſt niſi Deus explicitus. But the Workman will eternally be different in Kind from his Work, the Cauſe from the Effect.



BEFORE Creation, Omnipotence itſelf could find no Pattern or Model for his Operations ad extra, but Himſelf, and his own Attributes, or the Ideas of his own Mind; which being infinitly perfect, muſt neceſſarily have been the beſt and moſt eligible to imitat and copy out in his Productions; and Perfection being ſimple and one, by the Neceſſity of his own perfect Nature, He could act outwardly no other way than by this Analyſis; and this is a Demonſtration a priori from the Cauſe to the Effect, if any thing can poſſibly be ſuch; and in fact, it holds equally ſtrong a poſteriori, ſo far as the wiſeſt and beſt-cultivated human Spirits can reach or inveſtigat, takeing in the neceſſary Conditions and Circumſtances, as far as Experiment and Obſervation can diſcover; which I intend to ſhew and illuſtrat in a few Inſtances.

§. 1. THE vegetable World, in its Variety, Elegance and final Cauſes, is a moſt aſtoniſhing Proof of God's geometrical Knowledge and Skill, (ſo to ſpeak) and fully ſhews what Matter, the groſſeſt and moſt unactive Subſtance, can do, when contriv'd and directed by his Wiſdom and Power. In Plants and Vegetables, there ſeems to be no ſpiritual or ſelf-motive Power; but only a material Spirit, or ſuch an one perhaps as Sir Iſaac Newton's [205] Spiritus quidam ſubtiliſſimus: Here, and in material Agency, that Fluid ſeems neceſſary; and the few Obſervations he has offer'd to infer its Neceſſity, (which the preſent Experiments and Diſcoveries about the Cauſe and Laws of Electricity and Magnetiſm wonderfully confirm) are ſupported by its Implication here in vegetable Nature, in order to explain the Actuation, Growth and Increaſe of Plants and Minerals; all which vegetat and increaſe according to general Laws, which no leſs Power than that of the Author of Nature could ſo wonderfully have contriv'd and perpetuated. For though by Heat, Moiſture and Attraction, from a ſupramechanical original Formation and Arrangement of the indiviſible Particles of Matter, or original Elements, their future Progreſſion, Development and Multiplication may be now, in the groſs, underſtood and explain'd; yet the Cauſe of Attraction and Elaſticity, the firſt Impulſe, and motive Energy, and the Continuance of theſe Powers and Activity, can ſo probably be accounted for from no other Principle, as this relatively infinitly rare and elaſtic Fluid, the Size, Figure and Laws of which could come only from this infinitly powerful and wiſe Geometer.

§. 2. THE totally inanimat Creation (conſiſting either in the Fragments of the animated Parts, or in the now aggregated or compounded Moleculae of the primary Elements) [206] ſhew and ſpeak the Wiſdom and Skill of their Artificer; but more eſpecially the Syſtems and Collections of theſe elementary original Particles, viz. Air, Water, Light, Salts, and Mercury; how proper their Size, Figure and Laws, for the Uſes and Ends propoſed? This Speculation would rapturouſly imploy the Eternity of a ſagacious natural Philoſopher. Sir Iſaac Newton has, with great Penetration, diſcover'd many hitherto unknown Myſteries and Miracles of Wiſdom, in the Theory of Light and Colours. I will only ſuggeſt on the Head of this and the former Propoſition, that had it not been for the firſt Contrivance in the Syſtems of minute Particles now mention'd, there could not poſſibly have been any proper Materials for the Food, Growth and Increaſe of the Vegetables, Minerals and Metals; and had it not been for the Combination and Arrangement of the Elements, into ſuch middling integral Particles, as are theſe of the Vegetables, there could have been no proper and peculiar Food for the Animals; the whole Syſtem being ſo diſpoſed in a perpetual Climax, that all its Parts mutually depend upon and are ſubſervient to one another; the Tubes of Vegetables being mechanically fitted and harmoniouſly adjuſted to mould the Form, the Size, and combine theſe Elements into the middling nouriſhing integral Particles, for the Food of Animals, by the Solar Heat, and the Laws of Attraction in minute Bodies.


§. 3. IN ſentient and intelligent Beings, from the brute Creation, through Men and Angels, up to the Seraphims and Cherubins, as far as Creation reaches, the Analogy is plain, ſimple and neceſſary. The three natural Powers of Liveing, Intelligence and Liberty, in their ſpiritual ſelf-active Principles, cloath'd and circumſcrib'd by aethereal Vehicles, ſeem to be there in a perpetual Climax, and differ only in Degrees. The eſſential Difference between this and the vegetable and mineral Creation, (which are both of the ſame Order and Tribe, and by the ſame vegetative Laws, diverſified under different Circumſtances, (like the initial Terms of an algebraic Canon converging into the higher and more advanc'd Terms) equally grow and increaſe) ſeems to conſiſt in the ſelf-motive and ſelf-active Powers of the former, of which the latter is intirely deſtitute. The vegetable Creation ſeems only to be actuated by the Powers of Matter, and is conſequently inert and paſſive, and continue for ever in their Place and Situation, unleſs forced from it by ſome external Impulſe; whereas the brute and animated Creation have a ſelf-motive Power; ſo that Vegetation intirely depends upon the Powers of Matter; and Animation, in all its Degrees, requires a ſpiritual Subſtance of ſome Rank or other: And here the eſſential Difference between vegetable and animal Nature lies, viz. [208] in the locomotive Power of the latter, of which the former is deſtitute intirely, and is merely paſſive. But ſince the brute Creation, in ſome Degree, plainly manifeſts all the Paſſions and Affections of Mind, that we of the human Race are capable of; ſince they live, or are actuated by a ſelf-motive, ſelf-active Principle; ſince they feel Pleaſure and Pain, and may be (at leaſt moſt of them that fall under our Obſervation) made to learn and underſtand ſome things (which is a Proof that they are endow'd even with Intelligence in a lower Degree); and ſince all of them, from the minuteſt microſcopical Animalcul up to the Elephant and Whale, ſuffer, and muſt neceſſarily ſuffer, a Million of different ways here, at laſt moſt intenſely by their Death and Diſſolution, it is highly probable that they are in a lapſed, expiatory and progreſſive State of Being, and may advance to higher Degrees of Perfection and Happineſs, like the initial Terms of a diverging Progreſſion: This the Analogy, perſpicuous and neceſſary in all the Works of infinit Wiſdom, and the various and manifold Operations of God's Power, makes highly probable, rational, and philoſophical. Infinit Benevolence admits of no Stop or Bounds in its Communication of Being, Happineſs and Perfection, but what ariſes from the Difference of the Order of Nature, or of Things.


§. 4. As to us of the human Race, our original Powers, the Order, Rank and preſent State of our ſpiritual Nature, and ſelf-motive Subſtance, with its original aethereal Vehicle, at preſent cover'd over with a Cruſt of the Subſtance of the groſs ruinous Planet we inhabit, ſo much has been already ſaid in the former Diſcourſes, that to avoid Tautology, (which I have perhaps run too much into), I ſhall not come over the ſame Subject here.

§. 5. THE angelic Hierarchy muſt, in its own Nature, and from our preſent lapſed State and Condition, be abſolutly unknown to us, but in ſo far as Revelation, or philoſophical Analogy, give us ſome dark Hints; but ſuch Hints they do give us, as imply no Contradiction, but on the contrary have a great Degree of Probability and Veriſimilitude, and naturally flow from the infinitly various Wiſdom of the great Author and Cauſe of Creation: We may err in the Detail, but not in the general Idea about them. We ſee what a Variety (an infinit Variety) of Vegetables and Animals, in their ſeveral Tribes and Species, He has produc'd; and if we could poſſibly obſerve and claſs them, taking in thoſe we cannot diſcover but by the Help of microſcopical Art, we ſhould find this Variety increaſe infinitly more in the animated, than in the vegetable Creation, riſing in a certain harmonious [210] Progreſſion and Variety, and which, no Doubt, is multiplied in the ſame Proportion in the angelical World. For, as things combin'd multiply or increaſe in the Number of their Qualities or their Degrees, ſo do the Combinations poſſible and actual, as is well known to Mathematicians. The Fixt Stars, with their analogous planetary aethereal pure and ſublime Syſtems and Apparatus, ſeem moſt probably to be the Seats of the unlapſed angelical Hierarchies; and he that knows, or has a dark Notion only, of the Number of thoſe already diſcover'd, the Number of thoſe hid in the Milky Way, as it is called, and the infinite Extenſion and Expanſion of Space, which, in order to preſerve the Situation, Diſtance and Equilibrium of theſe Orbs, muſt be filled with analogous Luminaries or Syſtems, may have ſome Idea of the infinit Number and Variety of theſe Hierarchies. They muſt all have ſome generical Nature, as well as ſpecific Differences: This generical Nature may probably be no other, than the fundamental and eſſential Attributes of the Deity, viz. Liveing, Underſtanding and Will, or Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as has been analogically illuſtrated, and which, in groſs ſolid Matter, are ſhadow'd out in the trine Dimenſions of Bodies. Their ſpecific Differences no finite Capacity can poſſibly aſſign or comprehend, but there are two very eminent, eſſential and luminous ones, ſuggeſted to us from Revelation, [211] and confirm'd by philoſophical Analogy, viz. thoſe of the diſtinguiſhing Characteriſtic of the Son and Holy Spirit. St. John ſays, God is Light, and in Him is no Darkneſs at all; and in another Place he ſays, God is Love, and he that dwelleth in God, dwelleth in Love: That is, the Divine Nature and Subſtance is Light and Love; and accordingly, the higheſt Orders of the celeſtial Hierarchies are eminently Light and Love, or they are infinitly Luminous, or infinitly Ardent; which two Qualities make the Characteriſtic of the Cherubims and Seraphims, as their Names import; and theſe two Attributes of the Divine Nature ſeem to paſs variouſly, and in different Degrees and Gradations, through all Creation down to inanimat Nature; and in each Individual, they are both radically and actually exiſtent, but in different Degrees, according to their ſeveral Orders. Exiſtence, or Liveing, is common to all created Beings, which is an analogous Participation, Picture or Image of the Father and Creator, by whom are all things. Some Bodies are nothing but light, luminous and tranſparent, as Fire, ſulphurous Bodies, and all minute Bodies, violently agitated, or put into brisk vibrating Motions; and every Body ſhredded ſufficiently thin, becomes diaphanous; and all Bodies whatever, reflect or refract Light. Some Bodies, again, are more or leſs attractive, as Salts, Oils and Sulphurs; and ſome at certain Diſtances leſs [212] than infinite, are repulſive (which is a flagrant Picture of Lapſe, Corruption and Rebellion in ſpiritual Nature). All theſe Qualities have their analogous and correſpondent Powers in ſpiritual Nature, which to a Philoſopher of any Penetration were ſuperfluous to detail. For in ſpiritual Beings and intelligent Natures, theſe two Qualities and their higher Degrees, in ſome more than in others, are ſo conſpicuous, that they cannot be over-looked. In all Founders of Republics, and Civil Societies, in all Law-givers and Philoſophers, in all Apoſtolical Men, in the Inventers of Arts and Sciences, even in the Broachers of Hereſies, this Quality of Light, however coarſe, turbid, and confin'd, ſeems to have been their Paſſion, their Fort, their Characteriſtic and over-ruling Byaſs; and in all the Hermetical Tribe, the Solitaries, the true contemplative Philoſophers, the Founders of Orders, Monaſteries and Collegiat Life, in true and zealous Patriots and Lovers of their Country and Species; in ſhort, in all the contemplative and abſtracted Perſons, Love ſeems to be the predominant Affection; and this Diviſion runs through all, even corrupt and lapſed Nature, and makes the great Diſtinction of Mankind, into the Governed and Governing; thoſe who defend Truth, and thoſe who attack Error; thoſe who thruſt, and hit the Mark beſt, i.e. the Law-givers, or their Makers; and thoſe who parry beſt, i.e. Politicians and honeſt Stateſmen; thoſe fitted by Nature to [213] command, and thoſe that are made only to be commanded and obedient; that is, all the active and ſocial, or the Children of Men; and the Sons of God, or the Thinking and Contemplative. But this Difference is with infinit Variety, great Imperfections, foreign Mixtures, and diabolical Influences in corrupt Nature; but never the one in any eminent Degree, without ſome Degree of the other, as they are both united to Infinitude, in their divine Original and Cauſe; and theſe Differences make up the Specification and Individuation of the ſeveral Particulars of lapſed, free and intelligent Nature, and the Difference of the Conduct of Divine Wiſdom, in their Purification and Reſtoration, who with infinit Wiſdom and Propriety, conducts all and each, without Violence on their Freedom and ſpecific Qualities, or Diſſonance to the Harmony of his own Attributes, to their great and final End of Being; which is the wonderful Oeconomy of the general and particular Reſtoration; and this Difference and Diſtinction of the original Qualities and Affections of the Soul, viz. Light and Love, and the different Manoeuvre and Conduct of Providence in this State towards them, is founded on the different Parts they might have acted in the general Lapſe of Mankind, and the different Offices, Seats and Manſions they are to be prepar'd for in the univerſal Monarchy of the Reſtoration; and may make the otherwiſe unaccountable Difference of the Bodies, Spirits, Tempers, [214] Capacities, and outward and inward Succeſs in this State, of two Children of the ſame Birth, as Twins, or two immediately ſucceeding one another of the ſame Parents, under the ſame Education and Beginnings in the World, and on the ſame Bottom; which every one muſt have obſerv'd to be as various, different and diſtant as the Poles, and in a manner diametrically oppoſite, even otherwiſe unaccountable and odd.

§. 6. THAT the fixt Stars, and their analogous planetary ſatellitious ſublimer aethereal Syſtems, may poſſibly be the Seats and Manſions of the unlapſed, tried and purified angelical Hierarchies, and of reſtor'd, purified and glorified ſentient and intelligent mortal Beings, ſeems not only probable, philoſophical, and according to the general Analogy of Things; but is ſtrongly and frequently hinted in Revelation, as every one who is familiarly acquainted with it muſt know. God's Throne, his Shechinah, the Heaven of Heavens, his Dwelling-place, is always repreſented above: Elijah went upwards, Chriſt aſcended, and the Seats of the bleſſed are always repreſented as among theſe celeſtial Orbits. And though Analogy may not apodeictically demonſtrate a Fact or Truth, eſpecially as to its preciſe and ſpecific Nature and ſecondary Qualities, in the Detail, about imperceptible and ſpiritual Beings (preciſe [215] Truth in theſe Matters being not only incompatible with Finitude, but counteracting Faith, Truſt and Reſignation, the ſole Means of our Recovery and progreſſive Purification, being abſolutely deſtructive of Liberty, and claſhing with the Divine Attributes of infinit Juſtice and Purity, and his abſolut Dominion over the Creation); yet when Analogy and Revelation concur in the ſame general Concluſion, it is ſo high a Preſumption and Probability as comes neareſt a Demonſtration; at leaſt to thoſe who have any Regard for Revelation; for to ſuch it will be ſelf-evident, that infinit Wiſdom, and abſolut Infallibility, will never make the moſt diſtinct Approach to any Alluſion or Similitude, that borders on things in no Degree of Alliance, Approximation or Neighbourhood, or where the Contact is not as near as Circumſtances will admit, or that is not as the firſt Terms of a convergeing Progreſſion, or one that will lead his low, wandering, blundering Creatures into groſs Miſtakes; that Bodies or Vehicles of ſpiritual Subſtances muſt have an Ubi, a local permanent Situation at laſt, is certain; that theſe numberleſs glorious Luminaries were lighted up with ſuch a Profuſion of Luſtre, only for us ſtupidly to gaze at, is ridiculous. That they muſt be infinit in their Number, (I mean always creaturely relative Infinitude) follows from the infinit Expanſion of Space, and the Equilibrium neceſſarily to be preſerved, in order to perpetuat the Situation, Diſtance and Relations of theſe glorious [216] Luminaries. That they may be of an infinitly purer, more refin'd and ſublim'd Matter than even that of our Sun, (who was deſign'd groſly only to picture out the Divine Nature to us lapſed Mortals, and to enlighten and cheriſh us a little, and our dark Priſon, during our Probation and Recovery, and not made for Perpetuity; and which is cover'd over and compreſs'd with a groſs denſe Atmoſphere, with Maculae and Spots, that poſſibly may hinder its too quick and violent Conſumption) is highly probable. Theſe fixt and permanent Luminaries, with their analogical planetary Apparatus, may be the Seats of the Bleſs'd, whoſe glorious Vehicles may be of the ſame Matter and Subſtance with their reſpective Manſions. Theſe aethereal Planets and fixt Stars, may be ſo ſituated, and ſo harmoniouſly plac'd in regard to one another, that the Rays, and, as it were, ſpiritual or aethereal Matter, which they perpetually pour forth and emit through the whole Expanſion of Space, may by a perpetual Flux and Reflux, and melodious Vibrations, be return'd back again upon one another, and ſo perpetuat and eterniſe their Luſtre and Glory. The Rays of our Sun have Fits of eaſy Tranſmiſſion, Refraction and Reflexion; according to Sir Iſaac Newton, its Particles have a greater Byaſs on the one Side than on the other; they attract one another in an infinitly greater Proportion than their Power of Gravity in general. Bodies may [217] be turn'd into Light, and Light into Bodies. Some Diamonds and precious Stones are luminous, emit Light, and ſhine in the Dark. Several Phoſphors (liquid and ſolid) emit Light at all Times, both in Air and Water; and the Asbeſtos and pureſt Gold bear all Degrees of Heat and Fire without much Alteration; and the pureſt Glaſs in the Focus of the ſtrongeſt Specula, only continues liquid without any other Change. Theſe Facts I ſuggeſt only to ſhew that Light, as well as other Bodies, may be various, of different Purity and Sublimity, differing in Degree, though not in Kind; and much more might be ſuggeſted here, to ſhew the various Nature and different Qualities of Light and luminous Bodies one from another, if neceſſary, to illuſtrat this perhaps imaginary Speculation, at leaſt ſave it free from Contradiction or Impoſſibility; but I propoſe in this mere Conjecture.

§. 7. THAT infinit Wiſdom, Power and Love, could produce no ſentient or intelligent Being ad extra, without impreſſing in the Fund and Eſſence of its Nature, an infinit Love to Him, an inſatiable and unextinguiſhable Deſire, Thirſt and Ardour to be reunited at laſt with Him, as its ſupreme Felicity, is as abſurd, and, I think, blaſphemous to doubt, as to doubt of his Being and Exiſtence. To think otherwiſe, is to queſtion his infinit Perfection; for infinit Perfection muſt be [218] ſingle and one; and ſentient and intelligent Beings, without this radical and innate Ardor for Happineſs, that is, to be at laſt united and to commerciat with infinit Perfection, ſeeing, by the Senſibility and Intelligence of their Nature, they are capable of it, in their Order, would be an Effect without a Cauſe, or an Action without an End or Purpoſe, at leaſt without intending the ſelf-evident beſt End, which is a Contradiction the moſt abſolut to infinit Perfection. No ſentient and intelligent Being ever was without an Ardor or Bent towards Happineſs; it is a radical Principle in their Nature, and never counteracted, though its Nature and true Cauſe is often miſtaken, may be unknown or forgot, yet it can finally conſiſt only in this Reunion. But Senſibility and Intelligence, being by their Nature and Eſſence free, muſt be labile, and by their Lability may actually lapſe, degenerat, and by Habit acquire a ſecond Nature, oppoſit and contrary to this implanted Braſs and Tendency towards a Reunion and permanent Commerce with their original and firſt Cauſe; and by Selfiſhneſs, inordinat Love and Idolatry of their Fellow-Creatures, ſopit and extinguiſh this central Byaſs, at leaſt as to elicit Acts, though not in the Root and Fund: And in this Contrariety, Diſtraction and tearing aſunder of theſe moral Powers in ſpiritual Nature, the Eſſence of Miſery and Hell itſelf chiefly conſiſts. So long as this contrary, habitual and foreign Byaſs laſts, ſo long muſt [219] the Unhappineſs and Tortures of ſuch ſentient and intelligent Creatures continue; like the Chill and Cold in the Comets, while in the Parts of their Orbit moſt diſtant from the Sun; or like the ſmall Particles of Matter, which out of the Sphere of their Attraction become repulſive, and by the Law of their Paſſivity continuing ever in the State into which they are put, muſt for ever proceed in this their repulſive Courſe. But this contrary Byaſs to Reunion with their infinitly perfect and happy Original, being adventitious only, and by Habit only confirm'd into a ſecond artificial Nature, the infinit Love, Wiſdom and Oeconomy of the Son of God was contriv'd and deſign'd to melt down, annihilat and deſtroy, that the original innate Byaſs might operate and take Place; and without this infinitly wiſe Oeconomy, to me it ſeems, the permanent Order, Peace and Harmony, and conſequent Felicity of univerſal ſentient and intelligent Nature, could no other poſſible way have been or be eſtabliſh'd at laſt.

§. 8. IT is not impoſſible, but extremely probable, and according to the univerſal Analogy of Nature, that our Planets and their Satellites, ſhould be the more tolerable Jails, Priſons and Dungeons of the ſeveral Orders and Degrees of lapſed, probationary, ſentient and intelligent Beings. That ſome of them are ſtraiter, leſs comfortable, more dark, diſmal [220] and unhappy than others, there is no doubt can be made. That they are not, nor cannot be deſign'd for an eternal Duration, in their preſent Condition, is highly probable. We ſee on this our Planet, that the Bodies, Tempers and Habitudes of ſentient and intelligent Beings, that continue long in ſuch particular Climats, and under ſuch Influences of the Celeſtial Bodies, alter, and take a Turn, according to the general Laws and Temperature of that Climat. The Planets and their Satellites have an infinit Propriety and Fitneſs for being more tolerable Bettering and Correction-Houſes and Priſons, for lapſed, ſentient and intelligent Beings: They are no ways, nor cannot become, in their preſent Situation, Pleaſure-Houſes, Paradiſes, and happy Manſions, nor permanent Dwelling-Places for perfect and glorified Intelligences. The natural Language of the Deity to us in our preſent Condition, can be no other but by Types, Similitudes, Alluſions, Parables, Allegories, Analogy, and final Cauſes, without Violence on our Liberty, our Acquiſition of Faith, Hope and Charity, or debaſing his own infinit Purity and Perfection; at leaſt about inviſible and imperceptible Beings and States under our preſent Lapſe; and therefore I conjecture, that our Planets, and their Satellites, are deſign'd by infinit Wiſdom for the temporary Jails and Correction-Houſes of lapſed, probationary, ſentient and intelligent Beings; and that their [221] ſuperinduc'd Vehicles, or other penal and penitential Habits, are of the ſame Subſtance and Materials with the reſpective Priſons they are confin'd to.

§. 9. THAT the Comets cannot be the Seats of bleſſed Spirits, I think, is ſelf-evident: That they are not made only to ſupply our Planet the Earth, or even all the other Planets with Moiſture and Humidity, only, is as evident. The Number of them (perhaps half a dozen in a Century) that have been obſerv'd and ſeen, and of which we have ſome Records, with their ſenſible Effects, Appearances and Periods, are abundantly too many for that far-fetch'd and precarious Purpoſe only. Our Water moſt certainly decreaſes, and muſt neceſſarily be exhauſted in time; as do the Heat and Rays of the Sun; but not ſo ſenſibly as to lay a Foundation for Experience and Obſervation by our Senſes or Art: But rather to increaſe our ſenſible Puniſhment, and natural Purification, at the laſt Stage. And it is highly reaſonable and philoſophical to ſuppoſe, that our whole Syſtem was deſign'd by our Creator to laſt in its preſent Situation, only ſo long as was requir'd for the Probation, Purification and Expiation of lapſed ſentient and intelligent Beings, which both Revelation and Philoſophy ſhew cannot be an infinit Duration; but that the whole planetary Syſtem, within the Orbit of Saturn, is progreſſively [222] and by general Laws verging towards ſome grand Cataſtrophe and Jail-Deliverance. The Elect ſeems to imply, the Officers and Governors of this new Jeruſalem, this political future State, this univerſal Reſtoration Monarchy of the Father of all; and the Period of the Duration of this preſent probatory State of the Syſtem of Saturn, ſeems confin'd and limited in Revelation, to the Number of the Elect's being accompliſhed, that is, to the Time when all the neceſſary Officers, Governors or Magiſtrates of this new univerſal Government is formed, finiſhed and accompleated, and then will be the End, Criſis and Period of this probatory State. I ſay then, the Comets cannot be the Seats of the Bleſs'd, if Alterations of Heat and Cold, Summer and Winter, in ſome more temperat and moderat Degree, be neceſſary for tolerable liveing, in Bodies cruſted over with the Subſtance of which the Habitation is made, (as it is philoſophical to think of the Inhabitants of the Comets) ſeeing their Orbits are ſo excentric to the Sun, the Foci of their Ellipſes ſo vaſtly diſtant, that they muſt paſs for Ages through both Extremes of Heat and Cold, and be perpetually involv'd either in Fire or Darkneſs, and ſo in extreme Miſery, as to their incruſted Machins; and conſequently they probably are the Priſons, Condemn'd-Holes and Dungeons of God's Kingdom, and univerſal Monarchy.


§. 10. IT is both rational and philoſophical, and according to the natural Analogy of Things, to ſuppoſe, that the next World, or its ſeveral Steps of Progreſſion, and its initial Steps or firſt Terms, and the inviſible impreceptible State of Things, in the other Life, has a great and near Similitude and Reſemblance to this preſent State; and that they differ chiefly in Degrees, the other World being of an infinitly greater Purity, Sublimity and Perfection only, without the Errors, Darkneſs or Miſeries of this Life. God is the ſame Yeſterday, To-day, and for Ever, immutable and invariable in his Nature and Attributes; and, as has been often hinted, all his Works ad extra, and the Operations of his Wiſdom and Power, have a perpetual aſcending Analogy and Progreſſion towards Him, his Nature and Felicity. It is true, Revelation informs, that Eye hath not ſeen, Ear hath not heard, nor hath it entered into the Heart of Man to conceive the Glory and Happineſs that God has reſerved in another Life for them that love Him. But as that refers chiefly to the inward Joy and Happineſs, Extaſies and Tranſports, that the conſummatly Bleſs'd feel in their Commerce and final Union with Him, their infinitly perfect Source and Original; ſo it does not affect their outward State, their Polity, external Order and Manſions, of which only I am here ſpeaking; and of which the Deſcription and Account [224] by Revelation, intimats plainly a great Affinity with the moſt perfect and happy Condition of our now World; and it is highly probable, they differ more in Degrees of Perfection than in Kind. The new Jeruſalem is liken'd to a City, a State and Republic; it has its People, Subjects and Officers; it has Temples, paradiſaical Gardens, Rivers of Pleaſure, a perpetual Spring, and all our beſt and moſt beatifying Delights and material Comforts here. I know all this Language and Deſcription is but Alluſion, Figure and Allegory, and muſt be underſtood chiefly of our Creation or glorified Bodies; but as every created Being, ſentient and intelligent, has a Body or Vehicle as well as Spirit, an aethereal, planetary, or a glorified Vehicle, the laſt inſeparable and immortal, as well as a ſpiritual ſelf-motive Subſtance, the Body or glorified Vehicle may have analogical Food, ſome Fruit of the Tree of Life, which in Paradiſe itſelf perpetuated the Immortality of, and would have eternis'd the Creation Vehicle; it must have an Ubi, a Manſion and Dwelling-Place; it must have analogous Pleaſures of an innocent, ſpiritual and ſublimer Nature, proper to its Order and Rank, and proportion'd to the Purity of its then Body and Soul; there muſt be different Orders, Ranks and Diſtinctions; ſuperior Officers and Subalterns, a Government and Polity in the new as well as in the old Jeruſalem: In ſhort, they will probably differ not [225]in Kind, or abſolute and total Contradiction, from the beſt and moſt perfect State of Things here, that can be imagin'd or deſcrib'd, at leaſt in the firſt Steps or Terms in the progreſſive Perfection and Happineſs; but in Degrees, and in Negation of all that is imperfect, diſſonant and diſorderly in this preſent State; but this in an infinit, that is, a relative or creaturely infinit ſuperior Degree; and into the final, conſummat and perfecteſt State, we muſt mount only by Degrees, and Steps, through many Manſions and progreſſive Order; and by acquireing an habitual Stability, by repeated Acts and Trials, be confirm'd in eternal Purity and Felicity at laſt; and one Stage of Being will be perhaps but an Apprenticeſhip and probatory Initiation for a higher and better, and this without Bounds and without Limits (I mean only as to the bodily Reſtoration Vehicle, its Manſion, Food, created Pleaſures and Enjoyments, which can only flow from the Fund, the ſpiritual Inhabitant's being reſtor'd and perfectly united with, and transform'd into the Divine Nature and Qualities). This Syſtem, modeſtly explain'd and cautiouſly guarded, in the Proportion of Perfect to Imperfect, Infinit to Finite, Innocent to Lapſed, would, I think, take off many Difficulties in Revelation, in the Oeconomy of Jeſus and the Reſtoration, the different Methods of Providence, and its preſent Appearances, and our Miſtakes [226] of the Sentiments and Writings of inſpir'd Authors. For it is impoſſible the Spirit of God ſhould inſinuat any Reſemblance, Alliance, or analogical Similitude between things that differ generically, were diſparata and incompatible; but between ſuch as were verging by Progreſſion, and in an Approximation to the real Perfection of their Natures. Lapſed Beings are infinitly diſtant at preſent from ſuch a final Union and relative Identity with their Source, and his Throne and Shechinah: But muſt be like the Aſſymptots of Hyperbola's and their Curves, eternally approaching to, but never able totally to coincide.

§. 11. ANALOGY, 'tis true, can never demonſtrat the actual Exiſtence and real Being of any thing to us: Senſation only and Experience can do that. It is only capable of explaining and illuſtrating the Nature, Subſtance and Qualities of Things already made and created. It is, as Quintilian very elegantly deſcribes Analogy, Ejus haec vis eſt, ut id quod dubium eſt, ad aliquod ſimile, de quo non quaeritur, referat, ut incerta certis probet. But then it takes off any Contradiction and Impoſſibility from its Exiſtence; makes it poſſible, probable and rational; and renders it a fit Subject for the ſupreme Reaſon and Power to work upon, if He pleaſes, and ſimilar to his other Operations; it clears all poſſible Objections, [227] and Difficulties, and makes it natural and intelligible; and that is preciſely what our preſent Condition and Situation requires, or will admit, for the Acquiſition of the moral Powers, Faith, Hope and Charity, to ſecure our Liberty from Violence, and the Divine Attributes from Diſſonance. And if the fundamental Propoſition be admitted, viz. that all the Works of infinit Wiſdom and Power ad extra, are and can be nothing but Pictures, Reſemblances and Signatures of God's Nature, Subſtance and Attributes, in Miniature, impreſs'd or prominent: In a word, if it be true, as has been ſaid, that Mundus univerſus nihil eſt niſi Deus explicitus; and, I think, nothing can be more ſelf-evident; then moſt of the Conſequences I have drawn from this great Truth are neceſſary, natural and obvious; eſpecially when Revelation ſuggeſts the ſame Truths and Concluſions, at leaſt in general. We may very readily err in the Detail, and in the Eliciting and Application of a particular Caſe; but not ſo readily in the general Law, as is common with Algebraiſts, they often blunder in the Application, who were in the Right in the Canon.

§. 12. WE may blunder and be miſtaken in our particular Concluſions and Deductions from this univerſal Analogy, I ſay, as well as in Geometry and Algebra, being weak, fallible, and imperfect Creatures: But our Errors and [228] Blunders in the firſt, will ſometimes proceed from a different Cauſe from our Miſtakes in the latter. A wrong Head, want of Culture, and Precipitation, are generally the Cauſe of our Miſtakes in Geometry and Algebra; but in Analogy, eſpecially that Analogy which concerns the moral Attributes of the Divine Nature, the human Soul, the holy Scriptures, and inviſible States, it is owing often to a wrong Heart, Pride, and Self-ſufficiency. We are afraid ſuch pure and ſublime Theorems ſhould be true; they hint the Neceſſity of a greater Purity in us than we are willing to cultivat at preſent. If we aſcribed all Perfection, every good Gift and perfect Donation, to the ſupreme Cauſe; and were at the ſame time humbled and contented even with our own Ignorance, Errors and Blunders of Love and Reſignation only; if our Sentiments and Ratiocination were intended for his Glory and Magnificence ſolely, and our own Humiliation, ſatisfied with this ſingle Truth alone, that God is God, that is infinitly perfect, they could neither hurt us nor others. But if our Heads muſt needs be at work (as mine has here); if, like Children, we muſt play with Ideas, and philoſophiſe about the Kingdom of Inviſibles and Imperceptibles, and the Arcana Imperii divini; if we cannot at firſt, at leaſt and in our Years of Probation or elementary State, arrive per ſaltum at pure Love, naked Faith, and univerſal Reſignation (the only ſolid Means of [229] Infallibility and Stability); then the beſt and ſureſt Method is to deal in Analogy, as the Mathematicians do in Algebra and Geometry, to acquire a Facility in ſolving difficult Problems with Readineſs and Accuracy; viz. by laying up in our Memory, or having ready at hand a Penus Analogica, as they have a Penus Analytica; in beginning with the moſt ſimple and leaſt complicated Analogies; in attentively obſerving the Ratio's, Relations and References of Things, Subſtances, their Qualities and probable final Cauſes, and finding out their Degrees and Progreſſion. The Aſtronomers had with Exactneſs and Accuracy diſcover'd and ſettled the Orbit, Period, Diſtance, and Laws of the Sun and Earth, before they attempted with any Succeſs that of the Moon; and Sir Iſaac Newton had ſettled and adjuſted the Laws, Motions and Appearances of the Solar Syſtem, before he attempted the Moon and Planets; and had for ſeven Years ſtudied experimental Chymiſtry, before he ſet about to inveſtigat the Nature and Laws of minute Bodies and their Syſtems; he had cultivated and made many and various Experiments, by ſeparating, combining and analyſing the Rays of Light, through many diaphanous Mediums, before he attempted to diſcover the Nature, Figure, and Laws of their component Particles. Analogy and its Appendages, Type, Alluſion, Similitude, Parable, Hieroglyphic and Allegory (all more remote or nearer Approaches to [230] Analogy) is the only natural Language the Deity can ſpeak to us at preſent, under our Degeneracy and Lapſe, conſiſtent with his Dignity and Purity, and the Preſervation of our Liberty. He may ſpeak to us mediatly by his Angels; He may ſpeak to the Wills by his Holy Spirit, and to our Underſtandings by his Word his only begotten Son, and in the holy Scriptures by his Prophets, Apoſtles, and Saints; but his ſole, natural, articulat, indelible and univerſal Language, can poſſibly be no other but his Works of Wonder ad extra. The Heavens declare the Glory of God: By the Characters and Hieroglyphics intimatly impreſs'd on them; and they can only be read or underſtood by Analogy to Him, to us, and to one another. If then we began with this inanimat World, in (which only true natural Philoſophy from final Cauſes can inſtruct us) thence proceeded to the vegetable World, then advanc'd to the brute Creation, (where natural Hiſtory and Chymiſtry will be of great Service) and at laſt aſcended to intelligent Beings, through the angelic Hierarchy, till by Analogy we arriv'd at the Supreme Cauſe; this Method would be the moſt natural and ſecure, in a natural Progreſſion by Analogy: And if with Humility, Modeſty, and begging the Direction of the uncreated Wiſdom, we perſever'd with Patience: this divine Philoſophy might, in time, (cultivated by different Hands) be of Service to the contemplative [231] Chriſtian Philoſopher himſelf, as well as to others. But my Meaning will be better underſtood by a ſhort Recapitalation of what has been ſaid, and an Illuſtration by an Example.

1. WHEN God intended to bring Creatures into Being, He could not chuſe but make them after the moſt perfect Pattern: He therefore ſtamp'd his own Image upon all his Works. Hence the Creatures, being all Miniatures of the Deity, muſt bear a mutual Reſemblance to Him and to one another. This Reſemblance is what we call Analogy, and runs through the whole Scale of Beings; every Being, beſides its peculiar and diſtinguiſhing Quality, whereby it is determin'd to this or that particular Order, and has the Pre-eminence of all below it; being alſo poſſeſs'd of all thoſe Qualities that are to be found in any of the inferior Orders. As a Curve of any of the Orders has all the Properties of the inferior Orders of Curves, beſides thoſe that belong to its own Claſs or Species.

2. THESE different Orders or Ranks of Beings, being diſtinguiſh'd by their reſpective Qualities, the firſt Term of this infinit Scale will be ſimple Exiſtence; the Addition of one Quality will conſtitute the ſecond Term or Order; of two, the third; and ſo of the reſt; whence the Number of Qualities with which [232] any Being is endow'd, will determin its Place in this Scale, and ſhew its Diſtance from the firſt Term. Beſides this Difference in the ſeveral Orders of Beings, there is alſo a Diverſity among thoſe of the ſame Order, which proceeds from their poſſeſſing ſome of the common Qualities in a more or leſs eminent Degree.

3. As God can have but one Model in all his Productions, every Syſtem of Beings will reſemble all the other Syſtems, and each will be a Copy of the whole Creation. The material World will be a Tranſcript of the ſpiritual; and the Laws and Oeconomy of the one will be analogous to and correſpond with thoſe of the other. Beſides this general Analogy, there will be a more immediat and flagrant Relation between each material Syſtem, and the Intelligences to which it belongs; the Structure of the Bodies and other material Organs of theſe Intelligences, together with the whole Frame and Contexture of the material Syſtem, being ſuch as will beſt ſuit the Nature, Rank and Order of theſe Intelligences. And this Relation probably will ſubſiſt and attend them in all the Changes and Periods through which they paſs; ſo that ſhould the intelligent Syſtem lapſe from its Purity and Perfection, the material Syſtem would fall into Diſorder likewiſe, and undergo ſome ſimilar and analogous Change.

[233]4. OF this general Analogy between the ſpiritual and material Syſtems, there are many Traces plainly to be diſcern'd by an acute and contemplative Philoſopher. To inſtance only in the Similitude which our ſolar Syſtem, as now diſorder'd, bears to the lapſed Intelligences that inhabit it. In the Centre of this Syſtem is plac'd the Sun, a bright and lively Image of the Deity, his material inanimat Miniature; the Planets and other celeſtial Orbs revolving about him at their reſpective Diſtances, and performing their Revolutions in different Periods of Time, will repreſent the ſeveral Orders of lapſed Intelligences, the different Degrees of their Lapſe, and the Duration and Continuance of their probatory State. This glorious Body, the Sun, infinitly ſurpaſſes all the other Orbs in Magnitude and Luſtre; they are no more, compar'd to him, than Points in the Circumference of a Circle. They have no Brightneſs of their own; it is all deriv'd by Reflection, and is more or leſs, according to their Diſtance from him.

5. THE chief Properties of the Sun are Attraction, Light and Heat. The Sun's Attraction extends to the remoteſt Parts of the Syſtem, acting at all Diſtances, with a Force increaſing in a certain Proportion as theſe Diſtances decreaſe. 'Tis by this Attraction [234] that the Planets are retain'd in their Orbits, and kept from flying off in the Tangent, to which their projectile Force gives them a conſtant Tendency. Should the Sun's Attraction ceaſe but a Moment, the whole Syſtem would fall into the utmoſt Diſorder, and be irrecoverably ruin'd. How like is this Attraction to the Love of God, continually operating upon all created Intelligences, and powerfully ſolliciting them to a nearer Approach and Reſemblance to Himſelf! Its Influence is conſtant and invariable; were it poſſible it ſhould have the leaſt Intermiſſion, the whole Creation would fall into utter Ruin and Deſtruction.

6. THE Light of the Sun is diffus'd throughout the whole Syſtem; no Celeſtial Body is endow'd with this Quality but himſelf. This is an Image of that Light which enlightens every Man that comes into the World; an Emblem of Him who came forth from the Father of Lights; the Light and Sun of the new Jeruſalem, and of ſpiritual Nature.

7. THE Sun's Light is always accompanied with Heat, the Principle of Life and Vegetation. In the other celeſtial Bodies there is ſome ſmall Degree of this Quality, but it is originally deriv'd from or produc'd in them by the ſolar Heat; without which they would be barren and inhoſpitable Deſarts. This [235] repreſents the Influences of the Holy Spirit, which are inſeparable from the Light of the Goſpel; and are the Principle of our ſpiritual Life, animating and cheriſhing every intelligent Being, and making it productive of all the Fruits of Righteouſneſs.

8. LET us next conſider the Properties of the Planets, and other Bodies that revolve about the Sun. Their various Magnitudes and Diſtances from the Sun, with the periodical Times of their Revolution, will expreſs the ſeveral Orders of lapſed Intelligences, the different Degrees of their Lapſe, and the particular Periods of Time allotted for their Trial and Probation. Some of theſe Bodies, as the Comets, move in Orbits that are very Ellyptical, going off to immenſe Diſtances from the Sun, where the Influence of his Heat and Light is almoſt inſenſible; but by the Force of his Attraction they are again drawn back, and brought even to a nearer Approach than other Bodies that move in narrower Orbits.

9. THE Planets are conſtantly acted upon by two different Forces, viz. Gravity or Attraction, and the projectile Force. Theſe are contrary to one another, and always act in oppoſite Directions; the projectile Force giveing the Planet a conſtant Tendency to recede from the Sun, and to fly off in the Tangent; [236] while the Force of Attraction, by drawing it the contrary way, prevents that Effect: So that by the joint Action of both, the Planet is kept in its Orbit. The attractive Force, though continually influencing the Planet, is not a Quality of it, but proceeds from the Sun; the only Quality belonging to the Planet is that of the projectile Force. This will ſhadow out the Lapſe, the Action of Selfiſhneſs, and the inordinate Love of the Creature, with their Oppoſition to the divine Love.

PHILOSOPHERS tell us, that the preſent State of our Syſtem cannot be of long Continuance; but that the ſolar Attraction muſt neceſſarily prevail over the projectile Force of the celeſtial Bodies; and all the Comets and Planets, with their Satellites, be at laſt abſorb'd and ſwallow'd up in the Sun.


AN ABSTRACT; Or, A Brief, but Diſtinct REPRESENTATION OF THE Doctrines and Sentiments Contained in the preceding DISCOURSES.


PHILOSOPHICAL CONJECTURES about the Nature and Qualities of the Original Animal Body, and of its Progreſſive State, in its ſeveral Stages of Exiſtence.

  • THAT there may be Animals, (and conſequently animal Organs) performing analogically, at leaſt, the animal Functions, leſs than our Senſes can diſcover, aſſiſted by our beſt Art, poſſibly leſs, than our Imagination can frame an Idea of Page 1
  • Several Demonſtrations, ſhewing the utter Impoſſibility, that an animal Body could be firſt form'd, or can be now continued, by [240] mere Mechaniſm, or the Laws of Nature now obtaining; but muſt be the immediat Work, continued and ſupported by the conſtant Influence of an omnipotent and omniſcient Firſt Cauſe 3
  • That the leaſt and laſt Particles of Matter can be divided by no finite Power whatever 4
  • That their Figures were probably at firſt only Spheres, Cubes, and equilateral triangular Priſms ibid.
  • That our now porous and confus'd Elements, Salts, Water, Light, Air, and Earth, ſtill have inherent Qualities, which diſtinguiſh them from each other, which they never totally loſe, tho' theſe may be ſwallow'd up, when combin'd unharmoniouſly, as they now are 5
  • That the original Creation, and the Reſurrection Body, might have been, and may be, of this firſt kind of ſimple Elements, harmoniouſly combin'd; but are now cruſted over, and diſcordantly blended with the groſs ſecondary Elements of this ruinous Planet we inhabit 6
  • That the Fineneſs of the original aethereal animal Body, may have been in Proportion to its Order, and the Perfection of the natural and moral Powers of the Soul conjunctly 7
  • That this analogically, ſpiritual (ſo to ſpeak) animal Body, might have been roll'd up, [241] and concentred, into a Miniature of a Miniature in Infinitum, in the Loins of the firſt Adamical Parent, till by its being ſufficiently plaiſter'd over with the Matter of this ruinous Planet, it became able to bear its now Inclemency, and be born into this World 8
  • That this primitive, aethereal, divinely organiz'd Body, by an individual Fitneſs and Congruity to the informing ſpiritual Subſtance, might have been thereby ſo intimatly and commenſuratly united with it, that they could never after be ſeparated by any finite Power, no more than the original Particles of Matter could be divided by ſuch a Power ibid.
  • That the confineing this original ſpiritual Body and Soul ſo long a Time to ſo dark a Priſon, as the Seeds and Eggs of Animals are now, might have been for progreſſive Purification, Correction and Puniſhment 9
  • That it is Fact, that the wiſeſt and beſt Men, have been at firſt mere Vegetables, afterwards mere Brutes, and but at laſt rational intelligent Beings 10
  • That ſentient and intelligent Beings are by their derivative Nature immortal and unannihilable, and becauſe God can never be contrary to Himſelf; but are in a progreſſive State towards Perfection and Happineſs in their Order, like the ſeveral Orders of Hyperboloids 12
  • [242]That the natural Powers being uniformly conſtant and invariable, and the moral Powers being cancell'd by the Lapſe, had not the natural Powers in their full Vigour been ſuſpended and fetter'd, they muſt have counteracted the Acquiſition of the moral Powers 13
  • That preciſe Knowledge, and mathematical Certainty, in the real Nature, and of the intimat Subſtance of any complex Thing, is incompatible with Finitude; and that the Degree of Certainty in Things, is only in Proportion to the Amplitude of the Faculty 16
  • That ſubjecting all Creation to general Laws, was one infinitly wiſe and effectual Mean to ſecure Liberty inviolate, and to harmonize the Divine Attributes, in the great Work of Reſtoration 17
  • That the only thing worthy of a Philoſopher, is, by Experiment, Attention and Induction, to collect as many of theſe general Laws, as he poſſibly can 18
  • That God being Simple, One, and always the ſame, muſt neceſſarily act by general Laws in all Creation; but that good and wiſe Men have been deterr'd from ſtudying them, in ſpiritual Nature, out of Dread of the odious Appellation of Enthuſiaſts 19
  • That the Study of theſe general Laws of infinit Wiſdom and Sagacity may be a Part [243] of the Employment of happy contemplative Spirits hereafter 20
  • That an infinitly rational and perfect Being could poſſibly have no other Pattern or Model for his Works of Creation at firſt, but himſelf, his own Subſtance, Nature and Attributes 21
  • That therefore there muſt be one perpetual Analogy and progreſſive Perfection running through all the Works of an infinitly rational Being; and that as Proportion is the Key of the material, Analogy is the Logic of the ſpiritual World 22
  • That Suffering is a mechanical and neceſſary Conſequence of our preſent Situation on this ruinous Globe, and that none ever could avoid it abſolutly, but in Degree, and that thro' the Merits and OEconomy of Jeſus only. Sufferings become Bleſſings becauſe Means of Reſtoration 24
  • That this Suffering is a natural and mechanical Purification and Perfection of the Subject 25
  • That Conſciouſneſs of the End or Occaſion of this Suffering is no way neceſſary towards the beneficial Effects of it: That Conſciouſneſs would be prejudicial in the firſt Steps of this Purification; and only when its End is obtain'd, can it be beneficial to clench its Effects 26
  • That the great Problem and Difficulty with the Beſt of Beings (ſo to ſpeak), and in the [244] Oeconomy of his Providence, and the Reaſon of the preſent Darkneſs in it, is to reſtore lapſed Creatures, in Conſiſtence with their Liberties, and the Harmony of his Divine Attributes 27
  • That the general Methods of Providence in reſtoreing lapſed Intelligences, are plainly, 1. The continuing general Laws. 2. The ſuſpending the elicit Acts of the natural Powers for a Time, by Ligatures of this ruinous Planet: And, 3. By the admireable and adoreable Oeconomy of Jeſus 30
  • That it is a Contradiction to ſuppoſe a beneficent Being would create ſentient or intelligent Beings, for Suffering, merely for Suffering's Sake ibid.
  • That the Sufferings of the ſentient and intelligent Creatures, in this preſent State, neceſſarily ſuppoſes a State of Pre-exiſtence and a future Lapſe, or a Courſe of Trial and Probation 32
  • That there may be other States and Manſions, in infinitum, of progreſſive Purification and Perfection; and that Suffering, which in the Divine Purity, and the Nature of Diſorder, muſt have been eternal, is made temporary only, by the Merit and Suffering of Jeſus 34
  • That ſpiritual Subſtance may be conceiv'd analogous to, and not contradictory to Matter ſublimed and refined by the Power of Omnipotence; but even this Idea is imperfect, [245] and not ſatisfactory, their Subſtances being naturally deſtructive of each other, and their Qualities in all their Modifications equidiſtant. 37
  • That the ſpiritual Body, and immaterial Spirit cruſted over with Clay, may for its Purification progreſſively be an infinit time in developeing theſe natural Powers, and in acquireing the moral Powers defaced by the Lapſe; but that now under the Oeconomy of Jeſus, this will be perfected in a finit Time, and even the whole Syſtem of Saturn is by general Laws vergeing to ſome great Cataſtrophe or Change 42
  • That the Spirit, as being a Ray of the Divine Subſtance, or a Power emitted from his neceſſarily exiſtent Nature, is immortal in its own Nature; but that the ſpiritual or aethereal Vehicle is only immortal by the Divine Order, and comparatively, as the firſt Particles of Matter are indiviſible 43
  • That the thinner and lighter the Cruſt on this aethereal Vehicle is, the natural Powers will be elicited more readily and freely, and the moral Powers acquir'd more eaſily and fully, and the neceſſary Sufferings thereby leſſen'd 44
  • That ſince the natural Powers of the Spirit are conſtant and always the ſame in their Root and Fund, it will follow, 1. That our acquir'd Knowledge is but Remembrance. 2. That there is in our ſpiritual Nature inherent and [246] innate a moral Senſe, and a natural Sagacity, as well as natural Senſations. 3. That there are innate Ideas of God and Virtue, and of moral Good and Evil in the Soul, tho' ſopited and unelicited, as well as a natural Power to perform the animal Functions. 4. That ſpiritual Senſation and Senſes (juſtly explain'd) are Realities, and not Figures. 5. That the Soul, in her Operations now, can only uſe and employ the material Organs of the aethereal Vehicle cruſted over as they are with planetary Clay, which ſhe muſt endeavour to extend, develope and mundify. 6. That Culture, Study and Labour in extending and perfecting the natural Powers, is but removeing Superfluities, cutting off Excreſcences, and rendering the aethereal Vehicles and their Organs pliant and ſupple, and for the which we are now condemn'd to labour for our Puniſhment and Purification. 7. That the ſhorteſt Way to perfect the natural Powers, is to labour at the recovering the moral Powers 46
  • That the Activity, Senſibility and Penetration, the animal Functions, the Paſſions, Sentiments, Memory, Imagination, and the other more material and leſs abſtracted Operations of the Soul, and even the involuntary Functions, the voluntary Motions of the Body, are more immediatly performed by the ſelf-moveing, immaterial, naturally ſagacious Spirit, on the primitive aethereal Vehicle [247] divinely organiſed, but now cruſted over with Clay, as Springs and Weights move Clock-works, the firſt tho' having an innate Principle of Self-action, the other only an extraneous and adventitious one 48
  • That in this progreſſive endleſs Purification and Perfection of an Animal in Body and Spirit, there may be many Steps, Stations and Manſions, and, one finiſhed, another may begin, till the final Completion 50
  • That in this endleſs progreſſive Purification towards conſummat Perfection and Happineſs, there may be a particular Law of Attraction, Fitneſs and Similarity, proportion'd to the Acquiſition of the moral Powers, and Extenſion of the natural Powers, that may draw and determine them to their ſeveral Stations and Manſions, as the Eggs of Inſects and Seeds of Plants are by Electricity drawn to their proper Nidus's and Leaves, till like the Aſymptots of Hyperbola's they come at laſt to meet in their Curve ibid.
  • That this Sketch of a Syſtem is innocent, tho' it ſhould be deem'd a Romance, which is all I am anſwerable for 51

PHILOSOPHICAL CONJECTURES about the Preference of Vegetable to Animal Food; and of the End and Deſign of Providence in Appointing the firſt, and, on Trial, Permitting the latter.

  • THAT by our preſent Frame, we are fitted as for Vegetable, ſo for Animal Food, at leaſt in the Days of our Vigour; but that Animal Food, on Trial, and conſequent Miſcarriage, under the firſt intended and appointed Vegetable Food, was permitted by the Author of Nature, as a pis alle, 1. To let us feel the natural and [249] neceſſary Effects of our own Luſts and Concupiſcence. 2. To produce naturally and mechanically thoſe Pains, Miſeries and Diſtempers, that might create a Horror of inordinat Luſts and Appetites, and afford Time and Opportunities to ponder and think, and thereby to return to Order, Love of Virtue, and its Source. 3. To ſhorten the Duration of our natural Lives, that Sin and Miſery might not increaſe, or laſt eternally. 4. To concentre our natural Powers to a Level with our defaced moral Powers, that, without claſhing, they might riſe, and be reſtored, in the ſame Progreſſion. And, 5. Perhaps to connive at what, without committing Violence on Liberty, could not at that Time be prevented. 55
  • That our preſent earthly Bodies being compos'd of the now ſecondary Sulphur, Salt, Air, Water and fine Earth, only, and it being certain, from chymical Experiments, that Sulphur and Salt are the two moſt active and deſtructive Elements, and that the three laſt, Air, Water and fine Earth, are more innocent, the leſs active and deleterious, and Animal Food abounding moſt in the two firſt, and Vegetable in the three laſt; conſequently Animal Food muſt be more deſtructive to Animal Bodies than Vegetable in the ſame Proportion. 2. Becauſe by Experiment the Juice and nouriſhing Extract of Animal Food is more tenacious [250] and glewy than that of Vegetable Food. 3. Becauſe Animal Food abounding more with Salts and Sulphurs, and they by their Nature being always in perpetual Motion and Action, muſt mechanically tear Animal Subſtances faſter than Vegetables, which abound moſt with the more paſſive and innocent Elements; eſpecially, 4. When fermented Liquors are join'd to them, as Dilution, which harden the ſolid Meat, and obſtruct its Solution and Digeſtibility. And laſtly, ſince, 5. the Particles of Animal Food being ſtrain'd through the finer Tubes, and ſtronger Organs, of Animal Digeſtion, muſt be more minutely divided than the Particles of Vegetables can, by their fewer and groſſer Tubes of Preparation, and being deſtitute of Animal Heat and Force, and having only the Solar Heat and univerſal Law of Attraction common and equal in both; on theſe Accounts, the Particles of Animal muſt be much finer than the Particles of Vegetable Food, and conſequently have a proportional much greater Degree of Attraction; muſt therefore be united with greater Force, and form ſtronger Obſtructions, and being more delicious, betray the Feeder more readily into Exceſſes. On all which Accounts, (I ſay) Animal Food muſt mechanically and neceſſarily create Diſeaſes, and ſhorten Life more readily than Vegetable 59
  • [251]That ſince what is, and neceſſarily is, muſt be a Part of the Intention of the Creator, and ſince Animal Food neceſſarily begets Diſeaſes and Pains more readily than Vegetable Food can, there is no accounting for the Permiſſion of Animal Food, but by ſuppoſing Pain and Suffering here a neceſſary Mean of Expiation and Purification, which GOD, on Trial, finding nothing elſe could reclaim his rebellious Creatures, unwillingly, as it were, permitted it, as a Father ſends his Son to the Correctionhouſe: And that, as when by Pride, Tyranny, Malice, Murder and Brutal Commerce, by the more luxuriant and delicious Vegetable Food, the Deluge came to its Pitch, he was forced to deſtroy both the People and their Food by this Deluge 62
  • That to thoſe to whom Revelation is familiar, the like Means of Correction will be evident from the Permiſſion of Plurality of Wives to the Jews; and that under his immediat and miraculous Government, he, on their Murmurs, indulged them in a Monarchical Government, as a kind Father admoniſhes his froward giddy Child to beware of too familiar Approaches to Fire, by burning his Fingers 64
  • That there is no accounting for the Permiſſion of Animal Food, on the Foot of Natural Religion, the wanton Murder of Animals for Food, when more ſalutary Vegetable [252] Food can be readily had, ſhowing a Cruelty and Ferocity inconſiſtent with beneficent Natures; but that the univerſal Proprietor of Life and Happineſs might, with great Wiſdom, Juſtice and Kindneſs, knowing when the Term of Expiation of a lower Claſs of probationary, progreſſive or lapſed Animals is accompliſh'd, give Leave, in the Courſe of his Providence, to put an End to their preſent Manner of Living, and advance them thereby ſooner to a higher State of Being and Felicity, and at the ſame time ſecretly, and in Conſiſtence with their Liberty, to admoniſh a higher Rank of Intelligences what they merited; for theſe (to be ſure for wiſe and beneficent) Ends, perhaps unknowable by us, GOD might have permitted the killing Animals for our Food, as he certainly did for Sacrifice; for this we have a Patent in Revelation, but none for fermented Liquors, but as Phyſic, Cordials and Stomachicks or Bitters, on Extremities, Sickneſs, inclement Seaſons, Fatigue or in Feſtivals 64
  • That fermented Liquors of any Kind can never, in their Nature, be proper, or the beſt, for Animal Health and Life; for they are the ſpurious Invention of Art, and the further Deviation from the Simplicity of Nature, which has given us no Intimation of any ſuch Kind of Beverage in the Preparations of pure Nature, and which the [253] Animals who follow the Laws of Nature, will not touch; they are properly Phyſic, bitter Draughts, and unnatural Cordials on Extremities, in Sickneſs and inclement Seaſons, and only deſign'd for a temporary Relief, and occaſionally. Fermentation concentres, condenſes and contracts, as it were, to a Point, at leaſt to a much ſmaller Volum, (like a Burning-glaſs, which condenſes the ſolar Rays, to make them more fierce) all the deleterious Particles of the Vegetables, that is, their Salts and Oils; and is the true and ſole Cauſe of all our great and atrocious Diſtempers, eſpecially of all the Train of the frightful nervous Diſeaſes which now rage univerſally in England, like a Plague; and have been increaſeing ſince the Conqueſt, and ſince Wine has been familiar to all Ranks; and Water-drinking only, timeouſly begun in Life, is the only ſufficient Antidote for theſe moſt wretched lunatick Diſtempers 46
  • That there are many Evidences of the Hurt fermented, but eſpecially ſpirituous Liquors, do an animal Body; as, 1. That they harden and deſtroy the Digeſtibility of animal Food, and indeed of all kinds of Food in the Stomach. 2. Becauſe they corrugat and contract the Fibres, and pin together the Particles of the Food, ſo that they cannot be ſo readily ſeparated and divided into their integral nouriſhing Parts. 3. Becauſe by [254] their Heat and Activity, they bring the Fibres and Membrans of the digeſtive Organs, and all the other Solids, into too violent and frequent Vibrations and Succuſſions, and thereby break the Tone, and deſtroy the Elaſticity, of theſe Organs, diſſolve their Continuity, and ſo wear them out much ſooner. And, 4. Becauſe they ſtunt the Ductility and Growth of the animal Organs themſelves, and thereby hinder their Developement, Extenſion, Elaſticity and natural Strength, by continuing their linear or ſuperficial Amplitude folded or rolled up 68
  • That all ſentient and intelligent Creatures are in an expiatory, perfectioning and progreſſive State, is evident, becauſe here they muſt neceſſarily ſuffer; and infinit Beneficence could not poſſibly create any ſentient or intelligent Being, merely to ſuffer; but chiefly, perhaps only, for Expiation, and conſequent progreſſive Perfection and Happineſs. That probably the early and univerſal Precept of Sacrifice, might firſt introduce animal Food; which Sacrificeing might have been intended, 1. Silently and kindly to admoniſh the Sinner to conſider what he deſerves: In this ſilent manner poſſibly, for the preſerving Liberty inviolate, all the Animals might, partly, be deſign'd to read us Lectures of Inſtruction in Morality, or of the Conveniencies of Life, in the ſame manner. 2. By a Prolepſis to [255] perpetuat the Expectation and Hope of ſome more noble Sacrifice, with ſuch a View as the Euchariſt was inſtituted after that Sacrifice had been accompliſhed. But yet this Permiſſion ſeems to have been againſt the Grain, as may be gather'd from the Caution not to eat the Animal's Blood, in which its Life and deleterious Qualities alone conſiſted 73
  • This Averſion in infinit Wiſdom and Goodneſs, to permit the Uſe of animal Food, which He condeſcended to, merely for the Hardneſs of the Hearts of his lapſed Creatures, kindly to give them a forced Permiſſion to do what He found they would preſumptuouſly do, is further ſhewn by the Diſtinction between clean and unclean Animals, which were not to be eaten; which in their Nature are more apt to madden the Paſſions, enrage Diſtempers, and produce an Averſion to Virtue. And tho' St. Peter had a miraculous Viſion, to tell him nothing was unclean under the Goſpel, yet that was not till the Doctrine of Self-denial and Mortification was eſtabliſh'd, as the Fundamental of Chriſtianity 74
  • That ſome Vegetables, as Eaſtern Gums, Spices, Aromaticks, pungent Foetids, and Onion Tribes, are more deſtructive to Animals, than young white animal Food 76
  • To the Difficulties, that our bleſſed Saviour eat and drank with Publicans and Sinners: [256] That he wrought his firſt Miracle to produce Wine: That he fed a Multitude by miraculous Animal Food: That St. Peter had a Viſion to inſtruct him, that all Food was equal: It is anſwer'd, 1. That the Queſtion only is, Which of the two Foods, Animal or Vegetable, was probably firſt intended by the Author of the Univerſe before the Lapſe, and the Ruin of the Planet we now inhabit? 2. That different Repairs are neceſſary to different Degrees of Ruin, even in material Habitations. 3. That there is neither Virtue nor Vice in either kinds of Food, but in their Quantity, or as they are commanded by lawful Superiors. But that a low or vegetable Diet is naturally and mechanically more productive of Health and long Life, and conſequently of Knowledge and Virtue, than a high animal Diet. 4. That our Saviour came to ſeek, to ſave thoſe who were loſt, and ſo was under a Neceſſity of converſeing with the Voluptuous and Sinners: But that the Preference he gave to a low Diet, was implicitly included in his grand Doctrine of Selfdenial, and takeing up the Croſs. 5. I grant, that in our preſent Situation on this ruinous Globe, it is impracticable and impoſſible, for Perſons of all Ranks, Conditions and Occupations, to live intirely on Vegetables: Their Uſe now, is only to cure, alleviat and leſſen the Diſtempers [257] generated neceſſarily by animal Food, and fermented Liquors: And, 6. Even theſe, and ſpirituous Liquors, are ſometimes neceſſary on Extremities, in ſome Diſeaſes, as Filips and Cordials for temporary Reliefs; and infinit Wiſdom foreſaw this Miſchief of theſe high Meats and Drinks, and provided an Antidote for them, at leaſt for a Time, 1. By makeing the great Bowel, the Liver, to draw off their Poiſon, and turn it into a ſalutary Medicin. 2. By forming mineral Waters of all kinds, with ſuch Profuſion and Variety, every-where on the Surface of the Globe: And, 3. By creating the Minerals themſelves, Mercury eſpecially, mechanically adjuſted for that Purpoſe, among many other Uſes and Utilities, of ponderous and mineral Medicins, which probably were not in the ſame Form, or ſo readily at Hand, before the Flood 81
  • That to the Appearances in the preſent State of Nature, that ſeem to claſh with this Doctrine (which conſiſts only in theſe three Propoſitions, 1. That animal Food, in its own Nature, is more ready to produce Diſtempers than vegetable Food. 2. That therefore infinit Wiſdom muſt have had wiſe and beneficent Ends in inſtituteing the firſt, and but probably permitting only the latter: And, 3. That therefore the latter muſt be the proper Antidote for Diſorders produc'd by the former); it is to be obſerved [258] further, that at preſent our whole Syſtem is in Diſorder, in a purifying, and, as it were, in a febrile State, labouring in a perfectionating Progreſſion by general Laws, under natural Liberty, and the Harmony of the Divine Attributes, which muſt at laſt terminate in relative Order, Perfection, and univerſal Happineſs. That now there is no ſuch thing as avoiding the deſtroying of animal Life abſolutly; but that it ſhould not be done out of mere Luxury, Wantonneſs and Ferocity, which even the rapacious Animals do not, but from want of any proper Food 86
  • That on the whole, it is plain from Revelation, that, 1. Animal Food was permitted, and fermented Liquors not abſolutly, but their Exceſſes, forbidden. 2. That in many Circumſtances and Situations, a reaſonable Quantity of animal Food and fermented Liquors is abſolutly neceſſary for a Time. 3. That it is plain from Philoſophy and Experience, that Exceſſes in high animal Food, and ſtrong fermented Liquors, are the true and adequat Cauſe of the great and atrocious Diſtempers. 4. That animal Food, and fermented Liquors, will neceſſarily ſhorten Life (perhaps one half) more readily than vegetable Food, and unfermented Liquors, and in the ſame Proportion cauſe Diſtempers. 5. That tho' a moderat Quantity of animal Food and fermented Liquors [259] will naturally warm and ſtrengthen the Blood, and tighten the Solids for a Time, and conſequently is neceſſary in all eruptive Diſtempers, yet they will ſhorten Life, and produce Diſtempers, much more readily than vegetable Food, and unfermented Liquors. 6. That for bodily and mechanical Strength dureing a Time, and for a tranſient Occaſion, tho' animal Food, and fermented Liquors, be the moſt effectual; yet for intellectual Purpoſes, vegetable Food, and unfermented Liquors, are certainly fitteſt. But to ſecure the golden Mediocrity between bodily Strength and clear penetrating Heads, about a half Pound of animal Food, and a half Pint of fermented Liquors, in the intirely Healthy and Young, or rather leſs, ſeems to bid faireſt in Quantity for that Purpoſe: The Valentudinary muſt gradually ſink below this healthy Standard, till, by Experience, they find their own proper Doſe 88

A PHILOSOPHICAL THEORY, founded on Experiments of the Nature and Laws of minute inanimat Bodies, and their Syſtems in general.

  • PROPOSITION I. THE leaſt Particles of Matter are of various Sizes, Denſities and Figures; the very leaſt are almoſt infinitly ſmall, hard and elaſtic, makeing the firſt Order; the ſecond Order are compos'd of thoſe; and theſe combin'd make the third Order 92
  • SCHOLIUM. The Quantity of ſolid Matter in the material Syſtem of the Univerſe, may be very ſmall; [261] and yet, if duely divided and arranged, might anſwer all the Appearances of material Worlds 93
  • PROP. II. The leaſt Particles of Bodies are indiviſible by any finite or created Powers 94
  • Analogous to Gravity in the great Bodies of the Univerſe, there is in the leaſt Particles of Matter, a Principle of Attraction and Repulſion ibid.
  • SCHOL. I. What the general Law of Attraction and Repulſion in the leaſt Particles of Matter preciſely is, has not yet been determin'd; only in receding from the Contact, it is demonſtrable that it is greater than the reciprocal Duplicat. 95
  • SCHOL. II. If Particles attracted each other in the reciprocal Triplicat in their Point of Contact, the Force of their Attraction would be infinitly greater, than at any aſſignable Diſtance; yet it would not be infinitly greater than the Force of Gravity, ſince any Body may be ſeparated by an aſſignable Force 96
  • SCHOL. III. Repulſion begins and goes on, where Attraction ends; and they probably go on according to the ſame Law and Progreſſion, but with contrary Directions ibid.
  • [262]PROP. IV. The Force of Coheſion in the ſmall Particles of Matter, is in a compound Proportion, of the Quantity of their cohering Surfaces, and the Quantity of their attractive Powers ibid.
  • COROL. Therefore the leſs the cohering Surfaces are, the leſs will be the Degree of Coheſion, and the leaſt of all will be in Spheres or Spheriods 97
  • PROP. V. The Force of Attraction in ſmall Particles increaſes, as the Size of the Particles is diminiſhed ibid.
  • PROP. VI. The Gravities of Particles decreaſe as the Cubes of their Diameters ibid.
  • COROL. Hence, from the Smallneſs and Diviſibility of its Parts, Mercury is ſo eaſily rais'd; and Bodies may be ſuſpended in Fluids ſpecifically lighter than themſelves ibid.
  • PROP. VII. If a Fluid attracts the Parts of an immers'd Body more ſtrongly than they do one another, they will be equally diffus'd through it 98
  • PROP. VIII. Elaſtic Particles ſuſpended in a Fluid after their Colliſion, will reſile, and by their Actions and Reactions, cauſe Fermentation and Efferveſcence ibid.
  • PROP. IX. Unelaſtic Particles ſuſpended in a Fluid attracting each other, will ſink and be precipitated; the ſame will be produc'd by diminiſhing the Gravity of the Menſtruum 98
  • [263]PROP. X. The Figures of the Particles of all unelaſtic Fluids muſt neceſſarily be Spherical; and the Elements of all Solids muſt be of ſome of the regular Solids, as Cubes, Triangles, Priſms, &c. 99
  • SCHOL. The Figure of the Particles of elaſtic Fluids is of no Conſideration, ſince their Elaſticity depends only on their repulſive Force ibid.
  • PROP. XI. The Elaſticity of ſolid Bodies is the Effect of the attracting Force of their Particles ibid.
  • PROP. XII. That Bodies under a Rotation fly off in the Tangent, is the Effect of the general Law, by which they continue in their State, whatever that be 100
  • PROP. XIII. The Figures of the Particles, and their Actions on one another, ariſing from the Principles of Attraction and Repulſion, together with the Motions impreſs'd on them by living and intelligent Agents, will probably account for the Appearances of the material World, if adjuſted according to their Laws ibid.
  • PROP. XIV. Air is a Syſtem of Particles endow'd with a repulſive Force, which being fix'd in all animal, vegetable and mineral Subſtances, are by Fire, Fermentation, Putrefaction, Diſſolution, or any other inteſtine Action and Reaction, ſet at Liberty, and compoſe our Atmoſphere; and hence [264] its Compreſſion, Weight, Elaſticity and Denſity ibid.
  • SCHOL. The Denſity of the Air is proportionat to its Compreſſion, and therefore its expanſive Force muſt be in the direct ſubtriplicat Ratio thereof 101
  • PROP. XV. Earth is a looſe Collection of the different elementary Particles of Matter, of all the three Orders, thrown together without any regular Combination ibid.
  • PROP. XVI. Water is a Collection of the Solution of taſteleſs Salts, originally cryſtalliz'd, but kept in Fuſion by Heat; and different Salts are different Combinations of theſe with the other Elements 102
  • PROP. XVII. Acids ſeem to be very attractive Particles of plain Surfaces, and angular Points ibid.
  • SCHOL. Poſſibly the Figures of Acids may be triangular Priſms; for all Matter muſt be figur'd ibid.
  • PROP. XVIII. Heat is the brisk vibrating Action and Reaction of the repelling Nitre of the Air, and the aethereal Fluid with an attractive acid Sulphur; which Sulphur yields an inflammable Oil, an acid Salt, a fix'd Earth, and a little Metal 163
  • COROL. Hence the Affinity between Light and ſulphureous Bodies, and the true Nature of inflammable Spirits ibid.
  • [265]SCHOL. Since a Thermometer in an exhauſted Receiver will riſe and fall in the ſame manner as in the open Air, and ſince poliſh'd Bodies in the ſame, cling together as ſtrongly as in the Air; it ſeems to follow, that there is ſome ſubtle elaſtic Fluid pervadeing all Bodies, to produce theſe Appearances 104
  • PROP. XIX. Light ſeems to be the vibrating Particles of hot Bodies, driven out by the repelling Force, with an immenſe Velocity; which is increas'd by the aethereal Fluid, and the Attraction of Bodies ibid.
  • SCHOL. I. Since Light is convertible into Bodies, and Bodies into Light; it would ſeem, that Light is only the Particles of a hot Body thrown off with an immenſe Velocity ibid.
  • SCHOL. II. The Rays of Light ſeem to conſiſt of Particles of different Sizes, and different Degrees of Refrangibility ibid.
  • SCHOL. III. The Sun and fixt Stars are immenſe Globes of Matter, ſaturated with the Particles of the ſecond Order, or of Light ibid.
  • SCHOL. IV. It is not impoſſible this Earth, with all the Planets and Comets, ſhould be intended as temporary Priſons, and Places of Correction, for the Trial, Expiation, or progreſſive Purification of the ſeveral Orders of lapſed, ſentient and intelligent Beings 106
  • [266]PROP. XX. Flame is the ſulphureous Smoak of a hot Body 107
  • PROP. XXI. Bodies are Tranſparent, whoſe Pores are ſufficiently ſmall and rectilinear ibid.
  • PROP. I. Mercury conſiſts of ſmaller Particles than any known Fluid. 2. The Particles of Mercury, the ſmaller they are, the more perfect Spheres they are. 3. Mercury is the heavieſt of all natural Fluids. 4. Mercurial Particles attract ſome Bodies moſt, and fly from others the moſt 108
  • Philoſophical Corollaries. 1. Therefore the Particles of Mercury are moſt eaſily rais'd by Heat. 2. Therefore they have the greateſt Momentum. 3. Therefore they will readily paſs through all animal Subſtances, which are lax and porous 109
  • Medical Corollaries. 1. Therefore the Particles of Mercury are fitteſt to break Viſcoſity. 2. Therefore they are the fitteſt Medicin to open the Obſtructions of the ſmall Veſſels. 3. Therefore they are fitteſt to cure Palſies. 4. Therefore they are fitteſt to antidot the Scurvy. 5. Therefore they are the beſt Antidot for the Gout. 6. Therefore they are the beſt Remedy for chronical Diſtempers caus'd by Exceſſes. 7. Therefore the Particles of Mercury duely prepared, are the moſt probable Mean to make the Circulation quite round and intire [267] through the whole Syſtem of the animal Tubes; that is, to thin the Juices 110
  • Medical Cautions. Mercury, however prepared, will infallibly burſt thoſe Veſſels, whoſe Obſtructions cannot be diſſolved, and break thoſe whoſe Sides are very ſlender, or which are putrified; and therefore Mercury is a divine Antidot, or real Poiſon, according as it is managed; neither it nor any mineral Medicin being ever deſign'd by the Creator to enter an animal Body, no more than animal Food, in his firſt Intention, at leaſt before the Lapſe, and perhaps not before the Deluge, the Minerals being probably then intended for other Uſes, and not being perhaps in the Form they are now, nor on the mountainous Surfaces of the Earth, nor diſſolv'd in Water, as we now find them 111
  • The Choice of mineral Medicins. The beſt Preparation of Mercury is that wherein its Particles are moſt minutely divided and ſeparated, and thereby fitted to pervade the ſmalleſt Tubes ibid.
  • That Preparation of Mercury is beſt, where its Particles being minutely divided, the Mixture is made with that Body of the moſt acknowledg'd ſpecific Virtue againſt the Diſeaſe 112
  • Therefore the Aqua Mercurialis is the beſt and moſt univerſal of all Deobſtruents in very weak Perſons; the Mercurius Alcaliſatus [268] next; then the Cinnabar, Aethiops, Quickſilver, purified with ſpecific Extracts, &c. ibid.
  • All mineral Medicins ought to be infinitly divided before they are ſent into an animal Body ibid.
  • Mercury, and the active Salts, are the very worſt and moſt prejudicial Preparations to animal Bodies, and are not to be us'd but in ſmall Doſes, and in Caſes that require Expedition 113
  • General medical Corollaries. As Water, Blood-warm, is the beſt Diluent, ſo purified Quickſilver is the beſt Deobſtruent. But as Water alone may be too ſluggiſh, ſo Mercury alone may be too active and ponderous in delicat Conſtitutions; therefore the very beſt Preparation is where Mercury, infinitly divided, is mix'd with the ſpecific Vegetable or Mineral againſt a given Diſtemper ibid.
  • Therefore a thin cool low Diet of vegetable, or very tender and looſe animal Subſtances, is the very beſt Food for delicat and waſted Conſtitutions 114
  • A general medical Scholium. From this Syſtem, or Philoſophical Explication, of the Nature and Laws of the minute Particles of Matter, it will follow, 1. That ſoft, mild, thin and cool Foods, are fitteſt to carry on and continue animal Life and Functions. 2. That Spirits, Salts, chymical Oils, and Medicins that have paſs'd through the Tortures [269] of the Fire, are moſt pernicious to animal Bodies. 3. That Food of Animals which live on Animals, are the worſt kind of animal Food for human Bodies. 4. That Mercury, duely prepared and combin'd with a ſpecific Alterative, is the beſt Deobſtruent and Diſſolvent. 5. That Milk and Vegetables are the proper Food for young and diſeaſed Animals, and tender Conſtitutions. 6. That Water Beverage is beſt for preſerving the Faculties clear, the Spirits free, and prolonging Life. 7. That, on the whole, Mercury, ſome-how prepared, and Water, naturally or artificially impregnated, are the two Antidots provided by Nature for animal Diſtempers in chronical Caſes 116

PHILOSOPHICAL CONJECTURES on Spiritual Nature, the Human Spirit in particular.

  • THAT the natural Powers of all Spirits are theſe two, Underſtanding and Willing, which ſuppoſe a third, viz. Living, as their Baſe 119
  • That all created Spirits naturally and philoſophically can be conceiv'd only as infiniteſimal Miniatures, Sparkles, Emanations, or, if I durſt uſe the Words, diminutive analogous Particles of that infinitly perfect ſpiritual Being, who is ſo intirely One, that He cannot have Parts; yet have theſe Miniatures of Him an infiniteſimal Portion of his ſpiritual Subſtance, endow'd with a proportional [271] Share of his natural Attributes of Living, Underſtanding and Willing; and ſo are therefore neceſſarily immortal, and cannot be annihilated 120
  • That theſe Faculties or Powers are felt ſenſibly and perceptibly by duely cultivated Spirits of all Orders, and follow by Analogy as to the Subſtance of the Soul, and theſe Faculties, from the neceſſary Nature and Attributes of the Deity 121
  • That this Meaning is evident in Revelation, which ſays, Men are God's Images, and they are there called Gods; that is, they were at firſt made infiniteſimal Divinities, endow'd with his natural and moral Attributes, in their Order 122
  • That all Pagan and Chriſtian Antiquity believ'd, that all created Spirits were cloath'd with ſome material Vehicle, and that God alone was pure, immaterial, infinit Spirit; and Revelation ſpeaks of a ſpiritual, that is, of an infinitly refin'd and ſublim'd Body 123
  • That neither material nor ſpiritual Subſtances are knowable by us at preſent, but by their ſenſible Effects and Acting: But that Matter and Spirit are contrary, tho' not contradictory, in their moſt eſſential and diſtinguiſhing Qualities; Matter being diviſible in infinitum, and Spirit indiviſible: But what infinit Diviſibility, Rarity, Elaſticity and Velocity in the Particles of Matter, might at [272] laſt effect on its Subſtance and Qualities, to give Matter a Nature different from groſs porous inert Bodies, none but the Author of Matter and Spirit can tell or comprehend: But they will eternally be even thus, like the Hyperbolic Curve and its Aſymptot, probably like parallel Right Lines 125
  • Living is probably actuating, governing and moveing a divinely organiz'd Vehicle, primitive, aethereal or planetary; and whereever there is any Degree of Life, vegetative (or divinely organiz'd Matter only) ſenſative or rational, there of Neceſlity muſt be a ſpiritual (ſo to ſpeak) Body, or an immaterial, immortal and progreſſive ſpiritual Subſtance, actuating, governing and moveing a divinely organiz'd Body of ſome Order or Nature or another, or both united 126
  • That there may poſſibly be Orders, Ranks and Species of animated Beings, with divinely organiz'd Vehicles of all Degrees, gradually riſing, from the Coralline to the higheſt Seraphim; and an Angel is only a ſpiritual Subſtance actuating a divinely organiz'd Body, of an Order and Purity a little higher than that of an unlapſed perfect human Being 127
  • That we plainly perceive how imperfect and unhappy Beings we are at preſent, we of the human Race; yet cannot poſſibly think [273] that we came thus out of the Hands of our Creator; but muſt conclude we have loſt our primitive Creation State by ſome wilful Miſmanagement of our own 128
  • That our primitive State muſt neceſſarily have been, 1. That our organis'd Vehicle was entirely ſupple and pliable to our Spirit; and, 2. That our Spirit was entirely pliable to the Divine Spirit 129
  • That all created Spirits being naturally free, muſt be neceſſarily fallible: That, on this Globe, there was never a thinking Being, come to any Degree of Maturity, who found not himſelf, at one time or another, miſerable, and wiſh'd not to be otherwiſe; this State is called the Lapſe 130
  • How this Lapſe was brought about, is not explicitly revealed, and is not knowable by mere Reaſon or Philoſophy; we feel that it is, and that is all we at firſt know certainly. GOD'S Deſign being to reſtore us, with the Conſent of our own Liberty, and the Harmony of his Attributes, diſcourages vain Curioſity in Particulars; all that is revealed to us is general and indefinit; we feel that we are imperfect and unhappy, and that is ſufficient to begin the firſt Steps of our Recovery into Order in Body and Soul; we are always certain in the Knowledge of our Recovery, of the ſecond Step when we have made the firſt, of the third when we have made the ſecond, and ſoon in infinitum; more previous Knowledge [274] would but perplex and confound us, and draw us out of the ſhorteſt Road of Reſtoration 132
  • That it is not improbable, that the Lapſe was brought about by Steps and Degrees, that Way of Lapſeing being moſt natural to finite Creatures, and many of the ſeveral Orders of Beings might have been concern'd in it 133
  • That our Senſes were given us to commerciat with material Objects, theſe of our preſent Syſtem eſpecially, or others we may paſs into; in which the Key and Logic of our Knowledge is Proportion. All we can poſſibly know of ſpiritual Natures muſt be from Analogy, without Violence on our Liberty, which make us mere Vegetables, and from comparing them with the Faculties and Operations of our own Spirits; and Analogy, duly cultivated and cautiouſly guarded in ſpiritual Nature, is anſwerable to Algebra, or Analyticks in Mathematicks 135
  • That ſince God is, ſpiritual Nature and material Nature is and exiſts: All GOD's Words and Works muſt therefore neceſſarily have a literal or material, ſpiritual and divine Meaning and Senſe; the literal for Beginners, the ſpiritual for the Advanced, and the divine for the Perfect. Perhaps it may be thus in the Account of the Lapſe, and all the Group of this Affair certainly were literal, Paradiſe a Place of material Delight, the Tree of Life a Food to perpetuat the [275] then material Vehicle in Health and Livelineſs; the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, quite the contrary; the Serpent, the higheſt fallen Angel. The ſpiritual Meaning may refer to the moral Powers of the Soul, as the literal did to the bodily; the Tree of Life may refer to the Source of the Divinity, the Father; the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, to the God-Man Jeſus Chriſt; the Serpent, the grand Deceiver; Paradiſe, the natural Powers of the Soul, which were contracted and ſopited by groſs Matter, upon the Lapſe, after the moral Powers were defac'd by Rebellion, Diſorder, Selfiſhneſs, and inordinat Love of the Creature 137
  • That by this Lapſe, from the Principle of Attraction eſtabliſh'd univerſally in the ſpiritual as well as material World, the primitive aethereal Vehicle was gradually turn'd to a planetary one, ſuch as we now live in; and thereby the Activity, Energy, and Extenſion of the natural Powers of the Soul were greatly confin'd and ſtunted, as to their elicited Acts, tho' they could not be ſo as to their Fund, and potential Nature; and now they muſt riſe to Perfection in proportion only to the acquir'd moral Powers, and by Labour and Culture, under the Oeconomy of Jeſus, and by the Aid of ſupranatural Grace, be develop'd, extended and purified 139
  • [276]That perhaps all ſentient and intelligent Beings, of all Ranks, muſt neceſſarily paſs through a State of Trial, Probation and Apprenticeſhip, before they can be, even by Omnipotence, confirm'd and eterniz'd in Illability and Impeccability, as a Potter vitrifies his Ware by Fire; or a Smith ſteels his Iron. All that is neceſſary or proper for us to know, or be certain of, in our preſent State, is, that we are lapſed Probationers, and progreſſive towards Perfection and Happineſs; more preciſe Knowledge of our pre-exiſtent or future State might only retard our Progreſs 143
  • Whether the ruinous Planet we now inhabit, was the primitive Seat of unlapſed human Spirits, and by their gradual Lapſe was inſenſibly turn'd into its preſent Condition, is impoſſible for us now to determin. Paradiſe, as deſcribed by Moſes, is now no-where to be found; and moſt Climats, on a Balance of Incommodities with Conveniencies, are pretty much upon an Equality to the Natives. We find Luxury deſtroys our planetary Vehicles, and Peſtilences infect the Atmoſphere and the Earth, as well as its Inbitants: But it is probable, the Divine Power might ſuſpend or accelerat the general Laws of Nature, to turn this Globe from its Paradiſiacal to its preſent State 145
  • An animal Body being a Syſtem only of mechanical Powers, compos'd of fine elaſtic infiniteſimal Lines, or Threads form'd into [277] various Webs or Membranes, and they into Tubes or ſolid Bundles, are, by proper Liquors, kept for a time in due Elaſticity, having under them the primitive aethereal Vehicle, which is the proper Covering of the Soul, and its immediat Inſtrument between it and the planetary Plaiſtering, which, when broken, drops, and perhaps they (Soul and aethereal Vehicle) paſs into others, till its progreſſive Purification be finiſh'd into Illability and Impeccability 147
  • Matter is capable only of Diviſion, Figure, Motion and Situation, and is paſſive and inert. Spirit is ſelf-motive and ſelfactive, and muſt be the Principle of Motion in Bodies, without which they would continue for ever inert, but ſo far as their Principle of Attraction or Repulſion, produc'd probably by ſome ſubtile univerſal Fluid, ſets them into Action: But this Fluid ſeems confin'd chiefly to inanimat Matter; and does nothing in particular or eminently in proper animal Functions, but as the general Laws of Nature operate and concur with all material Operations; and the Whole of animated Functions ſeem to be directly and eminently tranſacted by the actuating immaterial Principle on the divinely organiz'd aethereal Vehicle, which communicats its Energy to the planetary Plaiſtering. So that the material Spirit of Sir Iſaac, Hugens and Leibnitz's rapid Fluid, [278] and even our common animal Spirits, ſeem to be without any Uſe, but in inanimat Motions and Appearances: And perhaps animal Motions and Functions may be better underſtood and explain'd, by ſuppoſing what is Fact, that our Solids, the Nerves eſpecially, (which are the more immediat Inſtruments of animal Motions, and their Functions) are membraneous cellular Tubuli, preſerv'd in their proper Elaſticity and Tone, by a milky Oil contain'd in them; and are mechanically adjuſted at firſt by the immediat Hand of the Almighty, and fitted to convey, from the immaterial Spirit, a Beginning of proper harmonious Vibrations and Oſcillations (which may perhaps be promoted and forwarded by the correſpondent Undulations of an infinitly rare elaſtic Fluid, diſſeminated thro' univerſal Space); which being ſent, in a proper Direction, by the appropriated Nerves, to the peculiar Muſcles, and divinely organiz'd Inſtruments, conveys proper Action, Energy and Motion to them; and Bodies, and their Effluvia, (ſo and ſo vibrating) may to the ſame membranous Tubuli, communicat peculiar Vibrations, fitted to impreſs a Senſation of their Preſence, and of Bodies, and their Qualities, to the intelligent naturally ſagacious Spirit; ſo that the whole Work may be directly tranſacted between the Spirit and outward Bodies, by the divine Mechaniſm [279] of proper bodily Organs; and the aethereal Fluid may be to animated Bodies, in their Motions and Functions, not eſſential, but accidental or commodious, for a more convenient Propagation; as Air is to Animals, or Water to the Fiſh 151
  • That Living, Activity or Liberty, and Intelligence, in ſome Degree, and all their Modes, are neceſſary to all animated Beings, of all Orders; and the Difference in the Individuals of the ſame Order, depends on the Frame and Texture of their Vehicles in a great meaſure; ſo that probably at firſt there might have been no Difference of Sexes, that depending on a deſign'd different Configuration of this planetary Cruſting. That ſome Power analogous to the original creative Attributes in the Deity, ariſing from his infinite Self-activity, might be communicated to all ſentient and intelligent Beings, is not improbable. But how this infiniteſimal creative Power operated before the Lapſe, is not known: Perhaps by an intenſe Willing under the Influence of the Divine Spirit 153
  • It is highly probable, from the Neceſſity of Suffering, in the preſent State, that all the ſentient and intelligent Beings, that ſhall ever live or appear on this Globe, were all created at the ſame Inſtant, miſcarried in their Probation, and were all at the ſame time confin'd into infiniteſimal Priſons of [280] this ruinous Planet, in the Miniature, Seeds, Ova, and Animalculs of the primitive Pairs, or Stock, to be progreſſively propell'd into ſenſible Living on this Planet, all by general analogous Laws, in their Order; and this progreſſive Propagation was kindly deſign'd, as a Mean of recovering their moral Powers, by the Benefits ariſing from the Acquiſition of Virtue and Wiſdom in the Parents, tho' the contrary has fallen out 156
  • There may be original Differences in the Spirits of the Individuals of the ſame Order of Intelligences, ſome having one of the eſſential and natural Attributes of the Spirit in a higher Extent than the other, it may be ſufficient to conſtitute the ſame Order, that their Aggregats be equal: But the Perfection of the aethereal Vehicle, Culture, and the Acquiſition of the moral Attributes, makes the moſt ſignal Difference in this State; as Air, Exerciſe and Diet improve the Health, ſo does Culture in the Acquiſition of the moral Powers of the Mind. The natural Powers are conſtant and invariable, as to their Fund and Capacity; but are impeded from elicit Acts by the Clumſineſs and Want of due Culture of the animal and intellectual material Organs 159
  • The Mainoeuvre of Providence in the Reſtoration ſeems to be thus: The radical natural Powers being conſtant and invariable in their Fund and Capacity, but the moral [281] Powers being defac'd by the Lapſe; infinit Goodneſs, ever acting by his own beneficent Nature, deſigning to recover theſe moral Powers, tied down the Energy and Elicitation of the natural Powers, by Ligatures of this ruinous Planet, at firſt into that of mere Living; and included the whole Maſs of lapſed human Intelligences, in the Loins of One, or a Pair, who were to be the univerſal Parents, deſigning the ſelf-active and ſelf-motive Principle in each ſhould, under certain general Laws, break and work off theſe Ligatures, in their ſeveral Orders; while they, by other general Laws, relating to ſpiritual Nature, (Prophecy, to wit, Miracles, Apoſtolick Lawgivers, ſupernatural Influences and Graces, and at laſt by the overwhelming Light and Love of the Meſſiah, his only begotten Son) ſhould recover in them the defac'd moral Virtues 162
  • Hence it is evident, the firſt and initial Steps of this Reſtoration muſt, in a great meaſure, depend on the Sanity of the Adamical Machin; becauſe, when our earthly Tabernacle is greatly diſorder'd, theſe elementary Steps in the Developement of the natural, and the Acquiſition of the moral Powers, cannot be ſo readily brought about, which depends greatly on the Parentage; for the whole Aggregat of all that is connected with the [282] Parents, their Bodies, Humors, and material or ſpiritual Qualities, are transfus'd and tranſubſtantiated through the whole, and deſcend to Poſterity juſt as they poſſeſs them, and ſo the Children muſt fare accordingly 163
  • It may happen, by Accident, by Diſeaſe, by univerſal Cauſes, that one Set of nervous Glands in the Brain, one Set of membranous Tubuli (the material Organs of Cogitation) may be more ſpoil'd, broken, and worn out in ſome than the others, both in Parents and Children; which will make a great Difference in the elicit Acts of the natural Powers, and which will make the Difference between a Lawgiver, a Philoſopher, a Hero, and an Artiſan. But this whole Affair is more immediatly under God's ſpecial and particular moral Government of his World; tho' perhaps by general Laws, only occaſionally, and on great and worthy Motives, ſuſpended 165
  • That at preſent, the Perfection of intellectual Faculties depends, in a great meaſure, on the Sanity of the bodily Machin, ſeems evident, becauſe, 1. The Adamical Machin was intended only to ſuſpend the elicit Acts of the natural Powers in their moſt eminent Degree, to give us Fredom, by developeing and throwing off their Incruſtation, to acquire the moral Powers. 2. By Experience [283] we find, that in Diſorders and Diſtempers of the Body, the intellectual Operations are either inconſtantly, weakly, or unſteadily perform'd. 3. It is Fact, that in ſeminal Miniatures, in Embryo, and Childhood, and for a long time, the Soul does nothing but perform the living and animal Functions. 4. We find, that Luxury, Leachery, Lazineſs, ſtrong Paſſions, inclement Air, Bruiſes and Accidents, that injure the Body, hurt and deſtroy the free and eaſy Exerciſe of theſe Faculties, in the Acquiſition of Science and Virtue. 5. We actually ſee, that as the Body inlarges, and the Organs of the Senſes ſtrengthen, the intellectual Faculties and their elicit Acts grow ſtronger. 6. All intellectual as well as vital Operations, are perform'd by the Intermediation of modulated and harmonious Vibrations on membranous Tubuli, (the Nerves) and they abſolutly depend on the State of the Body. 7. As Luxury, Leachery, and Lazineſs, will ſpoil theſe intellectual Operations; ſo, on the other hand, a low cool Diet, Air and Exerciſe, proper Evacuation, and the mild ponderous Medicins, will cure and mend them, and bring them often to the ſame, ſometimes to a better State than they were before 169
  • From hence it is evident, that the whole Work of our Reſtoration, in ſome meaſure, depends [284] on ourſelves, in Co-operation with the Divine Aſſiſtance, under his Providence, and the Oeconomy of Jeſus; the whole Creation, from inert Matter, up to the higheſt Cherubim, being, as it were, an inverted Cone riſing from a Point, and made of infiniteſimal Surfaces, as it were, contitinually inlarging, (which makes their Order) being all Pictures, leſs or greater, of the radical or natural Attributes of their Creator; but Men having defac'd their moral Attributes, are impriſon'd in Gaols of this ruinous Planet, that by a progreſſive Expiation, Purification, and Labour, they may recover theſe, and ſo become again ſimilar to their Original, in their moral as well as natural Powers, and ſo become again infiniteſimal Divinities, in their Order, and perpetually happy 173
  • The human Soul has innate, conſtantly and invariably in it, all the natural Powers it was firſt created with, even now in its lapſed State, at leaſt in its Fund, Capacity, and Eſſence; only they are ſuſpended, chain'd down, and concentred, as to its elicit Acts, by the Adamical Tabernacle, like a Felon in a Dungeon, and will drop at laſt; and ſo perhaps paſſing through various planetary Gaols, will progreſſively recover the Uſe of their natural Powers, as they acquire the moral ones 175
  • [285]From whence it will follow, that the Culture of the natural Powers, the Acquiſition of Sciences, and all intellectual Exerciſes, are but Remembrance, cutting off Obſtacles, and removeing Impediments, opening Paſſages, and widening Apertures, through this Adamical Priſon, which is the moſt readily and effectually brought about by endeavouring to acquire the moral Powers 176
  • That Memory is but an Affection of the Underſtanding and Will, fixing the Attention and Reflection, like ſeeing in the Eye by the Effort of the Will. The Underſtanding is paſſive and inert, as every material Organ is. It is the Will that is the ruling and commanding Faculty, and Sovereign in the Soul. The Will is infinit and unlimited, and may act in Contradiction and Contrariety to the Underſtanding; is ſo abſolutly unlimited, infinit and unconfin'd, that it extends to all Diſtances, without the Intermediation of Body. Being a ſelf-motive and ſelf-active Principle, it is no leſs real in its Operations, tho' it do not always effect its Volitions. In it lies the true and eſſential natural miniature Image of the Deity 178
  • Some have thought, the Will of all free Agents ſo infinitly free in its own Nature, as it was deriv'd from the creative Source of Liberty and Power the Deity, that He [286] left it free, hid and imperceptible directly from his own Penetration, Eſpial and Influence; for ſo much they think a ſelfmotive Power neceſſarily implies, tho' but an infiniteſimal one; and that even Omniſcience knew not that the Angels had lapſed, till the Rebellion actually happen'd; but had, from all Eternity, provided for the Poſſibility of ſuch an Event: That to ennoble his Creatures, and make them fit to commerciat with Himſelf, He might ſuſpend his Omniſcience to magnify his Omnipotence; and might deſignedly and arbitrarily not foreſee (tho' He certainly always might) the contingent and natural Actions of his intelligent Creatures, to make them more worthy of Him. But this bold and unwarranted Suppoſition, tho' it might ſolve ſome Difficulties about the Lapſe, about Preſcience and Predeſtination, and in the Oeconomy of Revelation and the Reſtoration, is perhaps inconſiſtent with the Perfection of the Divine Nature; and ſince infinit Penetration and Sagacity will equally anſwer the ſame Difficulties, and is leſs derogatory from infinit Perfection, the former Suppoſition is untenable, I think 182
  • As the trine Dimenſions of Matter and Space, and their neceſſarily being neither fewer nor more, give us, in unanimated Nature, a lively Picture of the Trinity in Unity, in [287] the Divine Nature; ſo the three fundamental natural and eſſential Powers of all intelligent Creatures, carry up the analogical Picture higher; which perhaps paſſes through all the celeſtial Hierarchy, and all intelligent Nature, up to their Source the Creator, who is the laſt and higheſt Term of this Climax; as He is, ſo we are, in our ſpiritual Nature, with the uncomprehenſible Difference there is between the loweſt Finite and abſolute Infinitude. As in our Nature there is Living, Underſtanding and Willing; ſo in his there is Self-exiſtence, Omniſcience and Omnipotence; or, analogous to, in the Revelation Language, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But as Living, Underſtanding and Willing, in us and all Creatures, are but, as it were, Modalities, Qualities, Faculties and Powers; in the Divine Nature, on the contrary, they muſt be Realities, Subſiſtences and Beings; becauſe every eſſential and radical Attribute in God muſt be actually God, becauſe of his infinit Simplicity and Perfection. But this Repreſentation of the Divine Nature is here only alledg'd as an Alluſion and analogous Picture, to take off the Difficulties in this inexplicable Myſtery; and, in ſome Degree, to reconcile it to modeſt guarded Philoſophers, of honeſt Hearts, who are conſcious of their own low Rank in the Scale of Intelligence. The Arian and Sabellian [288] Hereſies being the two Extremes, are yet widely different in their Influence on Chriſtian Perfection: The firſt dwindling the Merit, Dignity, Example and Satiſfaction of the Saviour of Men, into a mean low human Tranſaction; the ſecond being only too philoſophically nice and punctilous about the Unity of the Divine Nature; which tho', I think, this emblematical miniature Repreſentation of it, actually exiſtent in all intellectual Nature, fairly reconciles, and makes as clear as our preſent State will admit 184
  • The immaterial Soul and aethereal Vehicle, ſopited in a State of mere vegetable Life, for perhaps many Ages, in the ſeminal Animalcul, by this planetary Incruſtation; in time appears on this Globe, becomes ſenſitive, feels Pain and Miſery; then begins Inſtinct and Remembrance from precedent Suffering, and ſtores the Mind with Ideas or Pictures of abſent Actions and Things, and on theſe the Underſtanding operats to produce a Facility and Habit of Reaſoning; as the material Organs and Inſtruments of theſe Operations develope and ſtrengthen, Reflection and Remembrance of preſent or paſt Suffering awakens Conſcience (an innate Faculty of the Soul); this Faculty, as the Ideas multiply, Senſations become more intenſe, Reflection more ſtrong and frequent, [289] and the intellectual Organs are diſpos'd, becomes more anxious and vehement; and providential diſpoſing Accidents, or natural Occurrences, incline us to provide for a durable future Happineſs, at leaſt when this Adamical Tabernacle ſhall crumble into Duſt; and then perhaps we come to a State to ſay in earneſt, Lord, what ſhall I do to be ſaved? which ſeems to be the preciſe Condition infinit Love and Goodneſs intends by this wonderful Oeconomy to bring us into 190

On NATURAL ANALOGY, its Laws, and ſome of its Conſequences.

  • THINGS may differ in Degree as well as in Kind 193
  • DEF. 1. Difference in Degrees is where things having their eſſential Qualities the ſame, admit in theſe Qualities a More and a Leſs ibid.
  • DEF. 2. Difference in Kind, is where ſome of the eſſential Qualities of things compar'd are common, ſome are different ibid.
  • DEF. 3. By Ratio, or Relation, is meant the Reference or Connexion any two things compar'd have with one another, whoſe eſſential Qualities common, admit of a More or Leſs ibid.
  • [291]DEF. 4. Similarity is where there is an Equality or Sameneſs of Relations: In the Subſtance and eſſential Qualities of things compar'd, differing only by a More or a Leſs: In abſtracted and ſimple Ideas, this Sameneſs is commonly called Similitude of Ratio's: In Things, Subſtances, or Aggregats of Qualities, it may be called Similarity of Relations 194
  • DEF. 5. Things, Subſtances, and Qualities, are meant to be progreſſive, which are conſtantly increaſing or decreaſing ſimilarly 195
  • SCHOL. Space, Time, Motion, and Velocity, ſeem to be no Realities, or external Things, but mere Modifications, different Situations and Circumſtances of Bodies or Matter; and are only our Manner of conceiveing or conſidering theſe. A particular Space, or the Locality of a particular Body, ſeems to be the Mathematical Term, or the Limits of the Three Dimenſions of a Body, (as a Point is of a Line) or a Body in the Inſtant of its Evaniſhing or Generating. And univerſal Space is juſt ſuch an Idea as infinit Number, or an infinitly great Body, or a mere Ens Rationis. And to ſhew that they are all but abſtracted Ideas, and our partial Manner of conceiveing Things, from our limited Capacity; if we perform actually the Arithmetical Operations, as the Expreſſion points them out, on proper infinit Series's, and throw away [292] all the leſſer Quantities, we ſhall come to all the Myſteries in Fluxions and Differentials, Ratio's, and Series, commonly known, which are acknowledg'd to be only abſtracted Ideas, and technical Arts, to ſupply the Defects of our Faculties, which are not intuitive, but progreſſive; they admit of Degrees, or a More and Leſs, only as belonging to and being connected with Body; viz. Space, Time, Motion, and Velocity, are Relations or Modifications only of Body or Matter 196
  • DEF. 6. Relative Infinit, is ſuch as is ſuppos'd to increaſe or decreaſe perpetually, yet by no finite Power can be brought to, and no finite Capacity can aſſign or conceive its limiting Terms, viz. the Greateſt or the Leaſt 197
  • DEF. 7. Abſolute Infinitude is the ſole Attribute of the Deity, who is infinitly infinit in all Perfections and Realities ibid.
  • DEF. 8. Things only are contradictory, which totally deſtroy one another, deſtroy their Subſiſtence, Subſtance, and Qualities ibid.
  • SCHOL. It is very doubtful, nay, I think, impoſſible, there can ſubſiſt a full Contradiction among created Things, Subſtances, or Qualities, ſince they muſt all be Effluxes of the Deity, in whom there can ſubſiſt no Contradiction. For in created Things, to become totally contradictory, there muſt be an equal Action and Reaction, to have produced [293] it; but in all Creatures there ſeems to be a Subſiſtence and Reality, which cannot be totally deſtroy'd by one another, but by a Power and Energy equal to that by which they were created, and infinit Perfection cannot be contrary to itſelf. There may therefore be a Contrariety among created Subſtances and Qualities, but not a full Contradiction, or total Annihilation of their Subſiſtence, Subſtance, and all their Qualities. For even between material and ſpiritual Subſtances, there will remain ſtill, Subſtance, Subſiſtence, a Relation, an Alliance, a Power of Expanſion and Remiſſion, both of their Subſtance and Qualities, which will make them alliable, and, as the Chymiſts ſpeak, will make them capable of an Amalgama, (like Quickſilver with Lead) tho' they will eternally act by Contrariety on one another's Subſtances and Qualities, and ever counteract one another 200
  • DEF. 9. Analogy, is a Similarity in Subſtances and eſſential Qualities, differing only by a More or a Leſs ibid.
  • SCHOL. Analogy is of two kinds, perfect and complete, and imperfect and incomplete ibid.
  • DEF. 10. Perfect Analogy is where there is a total Similarity of Subſtances, and eſſential Qualities, differing only in Degrees ibid.
  • SCHOL. There are, I think, Subſtances, as well as Things and Qualities, of a middle Nature, between the Extremes, in every [294] created Reality; and this ſeems to be neceſſary, from the Infinitude of the Divine Nature, as well as from the Nature of Finitude and Creature, which muſt be various and gradual. And as between any two given Terms, there are an Infinity of mean Proportionals aſſignable; and between an infinitly ſmall, and an infinitly great part of the Diameter of an infinit Circle, there is the Perpendicular neither infinitly ſmall nor great; ſo there muſt be material and ſpiritual Subſtances, of all Degrees of Sublimity, Purity, and Perfection, which, tho' ſimilar, may differ in Degrees 201
  • COROL. Hence it may be poſſible, there may exiſt material Subſtances, continually approaching to the Nature and Qualities of ſpiritual Subſtances, which yet they can never arrive at, like the Aſymptots of an Hyperbola 202
  • COROL. 2. Hence, there may poſſibly be material Fluids, ſo infinitly rare, ſpiritual, and elaſtic, that they may permit groſs, porous, planetary Bodies, with only an infinitly little Reſiſtance, tho' that Reſiſtance may be ſtill ſomewhat, and but as the Sun diminiſhes only infinitly little continually, in the Emiſſion of her Light; neither the ſpiritual Fluid, nor the Sun, can be deſign'd to laſt, in their preſent Condition, a Duration equal to GOD's Eternity 203
  • [295]DEF. 1. Complex Analogy is where there is only a Similarity between a certain Number of eſſential Qualities, common to the Things compared, which differ in Degrees; but are diverſified in other Qualities leſs eſſential ibid.
  • All Creation, the whole Syſtem of the Univerſe, with all the particular Syſtems in Nature, are or can be nothing, but the ſupreme Being and his Attributes, tranſubſtantiated into Being and Perceptibility; but the Cauſe will be always different from the Effect, the Artificer from the Work. This may be demonſtrated à priori, from the Nature and Attributes of the firſt Cauſe; but to illuſtrate it à poſteriori, ſome Inſtances may be proper 204
  • §. 1. In the vegetable World, to explain their Growth and Multiplication, the infinitly rare elaſtic material Fluid mention'd, judiciouſly applied, will be ſufficient, as alſo in the Vegetation and Growth of Minerals 205
  • §. 2. The totally inanimat Creation, eſpecially our now ſecondary Elements of Air, Water, Light, Salts, and Mercury, in the peculiar Fitneſs of the Size, Figure, Law of Attraction and Gravity, ſhew the infinit Wiſdom of their Contriver; for had they [296] not been figur'd, ſo as they are now in Nature, to fit the Tubes of Vegetables, and to combine them into their now integral Parts, they could not have been proper Materials for the Accretion of theſe Vegetables; and if they had not been ſo combin'd and moulded in the Vegetables, there had been no proper Food for Animals 206
  • The Difference between Vegetables and Animals lies in this, that for the Actuation, Growth and Multiplication of the firſt, there neither is, nor is wanted any other Power or Energy than what an infinitly rare and elaſtic material Fluid produces on a divinely organis'd material Machin; but in the latter, there is a ſelf-motive and ſelf-active ſpiritual Subſtance actuating and governing all their Functions, of ſome Order or Degree, even in the loweſt Brute and Inſect 208
  • §. 4. The human Powers, their Degree, Order, and the Nature of their primitive aethereal Vehicle, with its now Plaiſtering, have been ſufficiently explain'd 209
  • §. 5. The Angelic Hierarchies muſt be infinit in their Number, riſing in a harmonious Progreſſion and Variety, whoſe Seats may poſſibly be the Fixt Stars, and their analogous planetary aethereal Syſtems and Apparatus; and theſe muſt be infinit in Number likewiſe, to preſerve the Equilibrium in univerſal Space, and their original Diſtances from [297] each other; they muſt have one generical Nature, which muſt be that of the radical Attributes of the Deity, Living, Underſtanding and Willing; their ſpecific Differences may conſiſt in Light and Love, that ſome are more eminently luminous, others more ardently loving; and this Difference ſeems to take Place even on this ruinous Planet, in the different Complexions and Talents of Mind in the different Orders of Men, which can only account for the odd Diverſity in the Children of the ſame Parents, under the ſame Education and Example 213
  • The Fixt Stars, which muſt be infinit in Number, ſeem to be the material Manſions of unlapſed, tried and purified angelical Hierarchies, and of reſtor'd, ſentient and intelligent lapſed Creatures. God's Throne, his Shechina, is repreſented as above: Elijah went upwards, and Chriſt aſcended. Bodies of all Orders, or different Purity, muſt have an ubi, a local Situation, and a parmanent Manſion, at laſt: Theſe Fixt Stars, and their planetary Apparatus, may be the Seats of the Unlapſed and Reſtor'd, and their aethereal Vehicles may be of the ſame Matter with their Manſions; and the Matter of theſe luminous and glorious Seats, and the Vehicles made of them, may be eternis'd by harmonious Vibrations, [298] and a perpetual Flux and Reflux of their Rays 216
  • GOD being the Creator of all ſentient and intelligent Beings, the efficient Cauſe, and Object of perfect Felicity, it is a manifeſt Contradiction he ſhould creat any ſuch without impreſſing in the very Eſſence of their Nature an ardent and inſatiable Tendency and Ardor after Re-union with him; and accordingly the Deſire of Happineſs in all ſentient and intelligent Beings is invariable and unextinguiſhable, as we ſee, however they may miſtake the End or Means, by being labile, and placeing it in ſpurious Selfiſhneſs, and inordinat Love of the Creatures; and in the Diſtinction and Contrariety between this innate Byaſs and that adventitious one, does the Eſſence of Miſery and Hell, in all future States, conſiſt; but this laſt Byaſs being acquir'd only, and not innate and eſſential, the Love, Merits and Satisfaction of the Son of God, were contriv'd from all Eternity, to melt down and efface 219
  • Is it not highly probable that the Syſtem of Saturn, the Planets and their Satellits, may be the local Priſons and Dungeons, or Correction-houſes, of the ſeveral Orders of lapſed probationary and progreſſive ſentient and intelligent Beings? They differ vaſtly in their Accommodations; they ſeem to be [299] under ſome penitential Diſciplin from many obvious Imperfections and Oddities not eaſily otherwiſe accountable, or reconcileable to the Simplicity, Beauty, Harmony and regular Order of all the Works of an infinitly perfect and powerful Being; but, with infinit Propriety and Wiſdom, ſeem fitted for the Deſign of Penitence, Correction, and initial Purity and Perfection 220
  • The Comets cannot poſſibly be the Seats of the Bleſſed; they are too many to ſupply only our Decreaſe of Water; their Alternations of extreme Heat and Cold, Light and Darkneſs, are too violent for any animated Vehicle in a State of Happineſs: They ſeem more probably to be the Habitations of animated Beings under the Expectation of the laſt Sentence, or to be the Condemn'd Holds of GOD's Kingdom 222
  • The next immediat Manſions to this, or the ſeveral Stations and Manſions deſign'd for the reſpective Purification of Soul and Body of lapſed, ſentient and intelligent Beings, and all the ſeveral Steps, Stations or Manſions, in all Probability have a gradual Reſemblance or Analogy to one another and to this State here, and this Planet we now inhabit as the firſt or initial Term upwards or downwards reſpectively; in thoſe upwards all the Beauties, Comforts and pure Delights here increaſing ſimilarly in Degree, without their Deformity, [300] Miſeries or Pains; in thoſe downwards all the contrary: This Climax ſeems naturally to flow from the Simplicity and Immutability of the Divine Nature by Analogy, and is conform to Revelation. All Bodies or Vehicles, planetary and aethereal, muſt have an ubi, and a fixt Manſion at leaſt for a Time; and all ſentient and intelligent Beings muſt have a Polity, Order and Laws, be under a Government and Subordination; elſe it would not be a happy State, but conſummat Miſery. GOD is a God of Order, and all his Works are performed with Order, Number, Weight and Meaſure, and muſt have all a mutual Analogy, or as near a Reſemblance to one another, as the Nature of Things will admit 125
  • Analogy does not (at leaſt always directly and infallibly) demonſtrat the real Exiſtence and neceſſary Production of Things ad extra; but it ſtrongly illuſtrats, explains, and makes them conſiſtent with and conſonant to the Things that we know already, ſee and feel to exiſt; it makes them different Links only of the ſame Chain, of Effects, and ſimilar Terms of the ſame Progreſſion, removes Difficulties, and makes Things rational and fit Objects for a rational ſupreme Cauſe to work by; and this is the ſolid Foundation of all true Philoſophy, which can only gather Cauſes and general Laws by Induction from repeated ſingle Experiments, [301] and is as high an Evidence as the Nature of Finitude and our Rank of Intelligence will admit in imperceptible Things; and when confirm'd by Revelation, riſes to the Evidence of a Demonſtration in the ſtricteſt Senſe 127
  • We may err and blunder in it, as we may in Algebra and Geometry; but often our Errors in the laſt come but from Want of Culture, Precipitation, or a wrong Head only; but in the Analogy that leads us to the Knowledge of the Divine Purity and Nature, and the Neceſſity of our own Purification and Perfection for inviſible States, and the Nature of Spirits, our Blunders are often owing to a wrong Heart, Licentiouſneſs, Selfiſhneſs, and Independency. If we went on in natural Analogy as we do in natural Philoſophy and Geometry, by the ſimpleſt, plaineſt and moſt obvious Caſes, firſt collected by Induction, laid them up as a Store to proceed on to the higher Terms of the analogical Progreſſion, and with Attention and Humility went on, from inanimated Matter, and its Law [...] to Vegetation, Animation, Spiritual Being, up to the ſupreme Cauſe; perhaps great Proficience might be made in time by ſuch a Method. Analogy is the only Mean of Knowledge, that can ſecure Liberty in lapſed Intelligences. I will illuſtrate my Meaning by an Example in the Syſtem of Saturn 229
  • [302]1. GOD bringing Creatures into Exiſtence, muſt have made them after the moſt perfect Pattern, and therefore ſtampt them with his own Image, and ſo they muſt bear a Reſemblance to him, and to one another, which is Analogy. 2. The Number of Qualities added to Exiſtence, together with the Degrees of theſe Qualities, determin their Order. 3. The material World is a Tranſcript of the ſpiritual, and there is a more immediat Relation between each material Syſtem, and the Intelligences to which it belongs; and ſhould they lapſe and fall into Diſorder, their Manſion would make a ſimilar Change. 4. There are many Evidences of this Analogy between the material and ſpiritual Syſtems: The Sun is placed in the Centre of our Syſtem, the material Image of the Deity; the Planets revolve about him, in different Times and Periods, to repreſent the ſeveral Orders of lapſed Intelligences; theſe Planets have no Light in themſelves, it is all deriv'd by Reflection from him. 5. Heat, Light, and their Conſequence Attraction, are his chief Properties, and by this Attraction the Planets are kept in their Orbits, which ſtrongly pictures out the Love of God, continually ſoliciting all Intelligences to a nearer Approach to him. 6. The Light of the Sun is diffus'd through [303] the whole Syſtem, repreſenting that Light which enlightens every Man that comes into the World, an Emblem of him who came forth from the Father of Lights God-Man. 7. The Sun's Light is always accompanied with Heat, which repreſents the Holy Spirit the Principle of ſpiritual Life. 8. The various Magnitudes, their Diſtances from the Sun, with the periodical Times of the Revolutions of the Planets, will expreſs the different Degrees of the Lapſe, and the Times allotted for their firſt Trials and Probation. The Comets by their long elliptical Orbits are thrown off to the greateſt Diſtance, and again drawn back to the neareſt Approach to the Sun, to repreſent the Extremes of Love and Puniſhment to the ſame Intelligences, in order to purify them. 9. The Planets are acted upon by two different Forces, Attraction and the projectile Force, which are contrary to one another. The projectile Force makes the Planet recede perpetually from the Sun, while the Force of Attraction prevents this Effect; the projectile Force belongs to the Planet, the attractive to the Sun. How wonderfully does all this Oeconomy proclaim and ſpeak in a Language truly natural, and proper to the Majeſty and Wiſdom of the Deity, the Nature of the Lapſe, the Action of Selfiſhneſs, and inordinat [304] Love of Creatures, and the Force of the Divine Love in the Oeconomy of Jeſus! For it is ſuppos'd by the beſt Phīloſophers, that the ſolar Attraction will at laſt prevail over the projectile Force, and thereby both Planets and Comets will be ſwallowed up and transform'd into the Subſtance of the Sun.



§. 1. THERE ſeems to be ſomething ſolid, in one Obſervation Leibnitz makes, viz. the Mark or Criterion, between the Works and Operations of Nature, or the GOD of Nature; and the Works of Art, or of finite Power and Wiſdom, viz. That GOD, or Nature, works always by Organs infinit in Number, or in a perpetual convergent Progreſſion of Organs or Means towards ſome one or many wiſe Ends, or Art, by Organs finite in Number, or numerable (by Organs; Creature, Man is always meant a ſeparable diſtinct Part of a Machin). For Example; [306] we may be able to reckon the Wheels, Springs, Pullies, Chains, &c. of any Watch or Clock, or any Machin, how complicated ſoever, made by Art: But who can reckon the Fibres, Tubes, Membranes, Valves, Inoſculations, Ligatures, Degrees of Curvature, in the Tubes, &c. of a Pile of Graſs, or of a Feather of a Bird? The further we go by our Senſes, aſſiſted even by the moſt perfect Art, their Number multiplies on us; but then, if we could deſcend into the Figure, Number, and Law of Coheſion of their component Particles, we ſhould be intirely loſt, and all our Art or Management would leave us in thick Darkneſs, and utter Confuſion. In the Works of the GOD of Nature, there is no Maximum or Minimum aſſignable, or conceiveable by us. Sir Iſaac Newton has demonſtrated the infinit Tenuity of the Particles of Light; and the progreſſive Analogy of Nature ſhews it is poſſible, that there may be Fluids as much more rare, and of as much leſſer Particles, as thoſe of Sand are bigger than thoſe of Light. Leuvenhoeck's Diſcoveries of the Minuteneſs of ſome Animalculs, and of ſome Tubes of Animals, are ſcarce credible by any one who has not ſeen ſome of them, as I have. The ingenious Dr. Porterfeild has demonſtrated the extreme Tenuity of even an organiz'd and compounded nervous Fibre; and there is no Reaſon from the Nature of Matter, from the Laws of [307] Mechaniſm, or from the Divine Attributes, to ſtop there; we may deſcend ſtill lower, or higher in infinitum, and be warranted by Reaſon and Geometry. One great Fault in natural Philoſophers has been, that they have rejected every Account, as incredible, imaginary, and fictitious, which ſuppos'd Fluids extremely or infinitly rare, rapid, and elaſtic, as is that of Huygens's, Leibnitz, and Sir Iſaac Newton's; and yet ſome ſuch there muſt infallibly exiſt in Nature, as the Phaenomena ſhew: For if the natural Motions on our Earth, in Bodies, are perform'd by Air, Water, and Heat, ſince we know ſenſibly, theſe are Fluids of a finite and pretty near determinable Size, Figure, and Degree of Gravity in their Particles, the Analogy of Nature will make it as evident, that the other leſs known, ſecret, ſubtile, and unaccountable Appearances may be perform'd by ſome other properly condition'd Fluid, (I mean only in the Appearances of the material World) I ſay, as certainly, as if the firſt Terms of a Series x + x2 + x3 + x4, &c. were given, I ſhould certainly conclude the 10th, 11th and 12th Terms of ſuch a Series were x10 + x11 + x12.

§. 2. THE Threads, (the laſt and the leaſt) Fibres, or linear Filaments of all vegetable and animal Subſtances, are certainly infinitly ſmall, elaſtic and ductile; in ſeparateing and anatomiſeing them, we can never come to an [308] End; and fine Microſcopes will ſhew, that even the very leaſt our Senſes can perceive, or our Art divide, are ſtill Twiſts or Tubuli, and compounded of an infinit Number of leſſer and leſſer Threads. They are infinitly elaſtic, for we find no Limits in their Elaſticity; the ſmaller and finer they are, we find them growing ſtill more elaſtic in the ſame Proportion; and here alſo the Progreſſion is without Stop or Limit. Elaſticity depending on the Degree of Attraction, in the component Particles, the Elaſticity can never be ſtopt, till we arrive at Particles infinitly hard, indiviſible, and imporoſe, which no finite Power can produce, and no finite Intelligence conceive; and even in ſuch, there would be an infinitly ſmall Reniſus, or Reaction of their Particles when compreſs'd; ſo that all Fluids of whatever Nature, and of whatever Degree of Rarity, muſt have ſome Degree of Elaſticity or Reaction. Of ſuch Threads, the Membranes, and of theſe Membranes the Tubes, and Veſſels of all vegetable and animal Subſtances, ſeem compos'd. I ſay, not mechanically, and according to the Laws of Nature, that we ſee now they are govern'd by, and accounted from, but ſupra-mechanically compos'd, and by the immediat Hand and Power, or Influence, of an infinitly wiſe and powerful Firſt Cauſe. Of theſe again, I ſay, are the Tubuli, the Coats of the Pipes, and all the other vaſcular Apparatus, in fewer or more Pipes, [309] according to their Uſe and Neceſſity, compos'd. The Fluids are only deſign'd to keep them in a proper Degree of Moiſture and Glibneſs, to continue their neceſſary Tone, and due Degree of Elaſticity. All the pleaſant, eaſy, and healthful Senſations of Life, depend chiefly on theſe Fluids. Little can be effected by Art or Medicin, on the Solids, and their linear Fibres: A temporary Conſtriction only, a tranſient winding up, a Fit of tolerable Health, and Flow of Spirits, may be gain'd by aſtringent cordial Medicins; but it is Regimen alone, by rendering the Fluids ſweet, ſoft, cool and balſamic, that enable the Solids to play, according to their innate Powers, that can give dureable and uniform good Health, and keep theſe Solids as they were at firſt form'd, in a proper Tone, Glibneſs, and Elaſticity.

§. 3. WE are not to conceive, as if the Author of Nature created Things in the Order, and in the Manner we can only now apprehend or explain them: They were, in Him, but one ſingle Act of his Omnipotence and Omniſcience; for us, to underſtand them in any tolerable manner, if at all we can, we muſt divide them into different Parts and Parcels, and form an Idea of them by different Acts of our Imagination. For Example: Suppoſe Matter divided into ſolid, imporoſe, infinitly little Cubes, triangular equilateral [310] Priſms and Spheres, harmoniouſly rang'd and united at firſt, by ſome Law of Attraction, and fram'd by a Divine Mechaniſm, into organical Bodies, ſome-how analogous and ſimilar to thoſe, which ſentient and intelligent Beings are now cloathed with (with this only Difference, that beſides their being now cas'd over with the groſs porous Matter, of this ruinous Planet, ſeveral additional temporary Organs, to fit them for their changeing Situations, may be added, which in other Situations may drop off, and dry away; as we ſee in the Placenta and umbilical Veſſels of the Foetus, and the different temporary Apparatus of the Silk-worm, and other Inſects); into which the Firſt Cauſe inſpired an infiniteſimal Sparkle, and Miniature of his own Subſtance, and natural and moral Attributes, to actuate and govern this Microcoſm, in the ſame analogous, but in an infinitly lower manner, as He preſides over and actuates the Univerſe. This aethereal Body, being then ſupple and pliable to the actuating ſpiritual Subſtance, as it was to the Divine Influence; but being free and fallible, innumerable Multitudes of them, by ſpurious Self-love, and inordinat Love of the Creatures, and created Pleaſures, actually lapſed, fell into Rebellion and Diſorder, and ſo brought on the Neceſſity of this preſent State, and the groſs penitential Appearances of this ruinous Planet we now inhabit.


§ 4. BODY and Spirit, or material and ſpiritual Subſtances, will eternally be diſparata, if not contradictory, yet intirely diſſimilar and contrary, and at an infinit Diſtance, in their Natures and Subſtances. Body will be eternally paſſive and inert, Spirit eternally ſelf-active and ſelf-moveing, or endow'd with an internal Principle of acting on, or moveing Matter; all their Relation or Reference one towards another, can only be known by Analogy; and yet not being contradictory, they might poſſibly be conceived of the Nature of Hyperbola's, with their Aſſymptots: For tho' the Paſſivity of Body be in Proportion to its Denſity, yet ſince Body cannot be actually infinit in its Quantity or Extent, its Paſſivity or Inertia cannot be infinit, but leſſens as its Denſity does; but ſtill, if its Denſity was ſuppos'd even infinitly ſmall, that will not make it ſelf-active; it muſt actually become Spirit, and paſs thro' that Term Not-matter in its Progreſſion, before it can arrive at Self-activity, and then acquire the contrary Qualities, as the Series + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 0 − 1 − 2 − 3 − 4 does; and nothing leſs than infinit Power can reduce it to that State; that is, it muſt be actually brought to be Not-matter, or an immaterial Subſtance, before it can become active or ſpiritual Subſtance; and ſo is, as it were, in the State of parallel Lines, and not of an Hyperbola with [312] its Aſſymptot. But ſtill there is an Analogy between their Subſtances, ſuch an one tho's as is between finite and relative infinit, or between the leaſt and greateſt Term of an infinit convergent Series.

§ 5. THE Perſians, of all the Antients, ſeem to have had the leaſt intolerable Notion, Idea, or analogical Picture on their Imaginations of ſpiritual Nature, in conceiving it like Light or Fire. If we ſuppoſe an indiviſible, infinitly rare Subſtance, and endow it with infinit Elaſticity and Energy, with an internal Principle of Self-activity, or of Self-mobility, we have the eſſential Attribute of ſpiritual Subſtance; all its other Qualities will be as Modifications, flowing from that Root; for then Underſtanding or Conception will become only analogous to an intimat Union, Contact and Preſence to every individual Atom or component Particle as it were, of the Object conceived or underſtood. Reaſoning will be a progreſſive Performance of this intellectual Operation, and compareing the analogous Parts or component Particles to one another: Love or Deſire will be a continued Union or Contact with the Object; and ſo of the other Modifications of this internal Principle of Self-action in an infinitly rare and indiviſible ſentient or intelligent Subſtance: Fire or Light will then be the moſt luminous Reſemblance or analogical Picture of [313] ſpiritual Subſtance and Qualities; eſpecially if we take it as it is, in its uncreated Source, the Divine Nature, for an infinitly pure, perfect, ſimple and active, living and intelligent Subſtance, then it will become the beſt analogical Reſemblance of the Divine Subſtance (however faulty and deficient) we can frame, now as at preſent we are: And ſmall Lamps, Globes, or Sparkles of Light or Fire, kindled up, voluntarily emitted, or flowing, from this infinit Globe of Light and Love, will beſt repreſent particular ſpiritual Natures, whoſe Rays, tho' emitted with a relatively infinit Velocity, will weaken, and terminat in thicker and thicker Darkneſs, Shade, or Want of Fire and Light, which will beſt repreſent to us, and furniſh out the Idea of Body, but ſtill an imperfect one, Darkneſs being only a Negation of Light: But as the Rays of Millions of different Flambeaux may paſs really, tho' material, through the Eye of a Needle, without Reſiſtance or Interfereing; ſo ſpiritual Subſtances, by a proper Penetration, may conceive and comprehend, according to their Capacity and Power, their proper Objects; and in this analogical Senſe it may be underſtood, that univerſal Nature, or the created Univerſe, may repreſent GOD's Body, or his Senſorium, and he may be called the Soul of the Univerſe, as the Planets in our Syſtem may be term'd the Body, the Tabernacle and organical [314] Machin of the Sun; in all which tho' there will be eternal Impropriety and Diſparity: For the one is the Cauſe, the other the Effect only; the One is the Artificer, the other the Work; the one is a living, ſpiritual Subſtance, the other dead Matter; the one is ſelf-originated, and neceſſarily exiſtent, the other is created, deriv'd and dependent; the one is the firſt and leaſt Term, the other, as it were, the greateſt, and laſt Term, of an infinit divergeing Series, but at an infinitly infinit Diſtance. This is as far, it would ſeem, as our active Powers can go, in their preſent State, by themſelves, unleſs it be communicated and impreſt by the Source from above, by direct Senſation and Feeling on the Spirit.

§ 6. As the ſelf-motive, ſelf-active Power in ſpiritual Subſtance is the Source of Intelligence, by its intimat Penetration, Union, and Preſence with the whole internal Subſtance of its comprehended Object; ſo it is the ſole Principle of Liberty, and the true miniature Image of the Deity; in ſhort, it is the very Eſſence of ſpiritual Nature, and the Root of all its Qualities and Operations: It may be limited in its Extent, in its elicit Acts, and circumſcrib'd in its Energy; but in its Root, Faculty, and eſſential Nature, in its ſelf-active Baſe, it is infinit and unbounded. A Farthing Candle is as truly Light and Heat [315] as the Body of the Sun; and we may have vehement Willings, Longings, Volitions and Velleities, and have an innate, inherent Power to intend or remit our Wills in infinitum, which no other Power can deprive us of, but that which can annihilat us, or turn us into another Nature. It would ſeem to me, that created ſpiritual Subſtance of all Orders and Degrees, were analogous to the infinitly pure and perfect Divine ſpiritual Subſtance, infinitly diluted or rarefied, as it were, like the Light and Heat of the Sun reflected from the Moon; and this in an infinit ſimilar Progreſſion, becomeing rarer and more diluted, till it terminated in Darkneſs or Shade, thicker and groſſer till it becomes like Matter, which is analogous to Shade or Darkneſs, and which too goes on in infinitum, thickning and incraſſating, to become quite inert and paſſive; ſo that laying aſide created Subſtance, both material and ſpiritual, as quite unknown and unknowable, and of which we can have no Idea à priori, nor be certain of its Exiſtence but à poſteriori, and from its Effects, or the divine Veracity, if we conceive ſpiritual Subſtance analogous to Fire or Light, infinitly pure, rare, ſelf-active, and ſelf-motive, and material Subſtance analogous to Shade or Darkneſs, infinitly denſe, compact and concentred, we ſhall have all that I think can be made of either, in this our preſent State; and as Darkneſs contracts and limits [316] Light, extinguiſhes or imbibes its elicit Rays; ſo Body or Matter limits and ſtops the Selfactivity of ſpiritual Nature, and they are an eternal Bar and Obſtacle on one another; as Matter of a proper Figure and Contexture of Parts, condenſes and heightens the Action of Fire and Light; ſo divinely organis'd and harmoniouſly figur'd Vehicles may promote the elicit Acts of ſpiritual Natures; and the Analogy to Fire, Light and Darkneſs, will hold good then through all the Degrees of compareing. It may be ſaid, that all this is but Figure; but I think all true Figure is but remote Analogy, and all true Analogy is a diſtant progreſſive Approximation to Reality; and both are as real the one as the other, and differ only as the firſt and laſt Terms of a Series.

§ 7. THE Purification of the Soul is perfectly analogous to the Cure of the cacochymical and cadaverous State of the Body; and the Method of Cure of ſpiritual Nature, takeing in the different Subjects, Matter and Spirit, is perfectly ſimilar to the Methodus metaſyncriticus of the Ancients in the Cure of a Cachexy in the Body. The Analogy is here perfect and complete; they differ only, as the firſt and ſubſequent Terms of a geometrical divergent Progreſſion. Sin, Diſorder and Rebellion, is to the ſpiritual Nature of an intelligent Being, preciſely and really (as much [317] as they are both Realities) what a cancerous and malignant Ulcer is to an animal Body: The Cure of the laſt is by a low, ſweetning and thinning Dyet at firſt, to enable the Patient to bear the laſt Operation, which muſt be by Exciſion and Extirpation, and raiſeing new ſound Fleſh in its Place; Penitence, Selfdenial, calm Paſſions, a meek Spirit, and a conſtant patient Attendance to, and Dependence on, the Directions of the Phyſician of Souls, will anſwer the firſt Part; and I am of Opinion, he (the Divine Phyſician of Souls) by his omnipotent Power, and his being GOD, he, I ſay, muſt perform ſupernaturally and inſtanteouſly, as it were, (for a ſweetning Cure of ſuch inveterat Humours alone, would require infinit Time) ſome grand Operation, (in which the Creature is intirely paſſive) analogous to Exciſion and Extirpation, to divide between the Joints and Marrow, to cut out the Adamical Core in lapſed ſpiritual Nature, and to raiſe up, ingraft and implant his own Nature and Subſtance in its ſtead, to perpetuat and eterniſe its Soundneſs and Integrity, not in a Figure or Metaphor, as is commonly, tho' I think barbarouſly, philoſophiſed; but at laſt, and in the dernier Reſort, and before the hyperboloid Curve (to ſpeak ſo) can meet with its Aſſymptot, as really and truly as Matter and Spirit are Realities, tho' of different Natures. In the Day thou eateſt thereof, thou ſhalt ſurely die: In the [318] Senſe that Death came by Adam, Death ſpiritual was completed by one Action of the of the Parentage of Mankind, ſo by ſome one miraculous Operation eternal Life comes by Jeſus Chriſt. I can never apprehend, that the Oeconomy, the Operation, the Efficiency of Jeſus, terminats either in Example, Repair of the Indignity, confirming the ſtanding Hierarchies, cooperating with us in deſtroying bad Humours and Habits gradually, or makeing a ſufficient, free and full Atonement only; but that he muſt ſupernaturally and really cut out, burn away, and fill up, and ſupply, as it were, with his own ſpiritual Subſtance, the Adamical cadaverous Core out of lapſed ſpiritual Nature, to ſanctify and eterniſe its Purity, Perfection and Happineſs; and this as really, tho' not materially, but ſpiritually, I ſay, as really as Spirit is real, contradiſtinguiſh'd from Matter. I chooſe to ſpeak in the Mathematical and Medical Language, becauſe the Analogy, the Similarity, and the Preciſion, is here ſo juſt, ſo cloſe, and ſo luminous, that I think it muſt penetrat thoſe who can perfectly underſtand it, and may by a Dictionary be made plain to others, if they think it worth the while to deal in ſuch abſtracted Conjectures.

§ 8. THE human Spirit is literally, and not in a mere Figure, a Tabula raſa, a Sheet of white Paper, as it comes into the World at preſent, under its planetary Plaiſtering; and [319] it would ſeem, for this very End the Plaiſtering itſelf was deſign'd, and the groſs porous ſecondary Elements, of this ruinous Planet, were by infinit Wiſdom contriv'd; not but that ſpiritual Nature, in its Order, and in its natural and eſſential Powers, of living, underſtanding and willing, and all their Modifications of Sagacity, Penetration and Conduct, and a Capacity of perceiveing outward Things, and of gathering the Materials on which they work, of external Objects, Ideas, and Knowledge of Things, are not in their Fund, in the Faculty and Power, unalterably the ſame, and as it were engrav'd in their Subſtance according to their Order; for ſpiritual Nature cannot increaſe or diminiſh in its eſſential Powers and Capacity; but their elicit Acts, their Appearances ad extra, may be intercepted and reſtrained from iſſuing forth by the groſs planetary Plaiſtering; like Characters and Inſcriptions engrav'd in the Subſtance of Braſs or Marble, and filled up with Wax, Clay or Dirt: or like the imperceptible Ink, which leaves no Trace on the white Paper, but ſhews itſelf when rubb'd over with Juice of Lemon. Thus the immaterial thinking Subſtance is laid aſleep, becomes thoughtleſs, and as it were ſtupefied, a bare poliſht Plain, and a Sheet of clean Paper, (its three natural Powers of living, underſtanding and willing are ſunk in one of living only) a mere Recipient or Continent, and as it were (without Ridicule) [320] a dark Lanthorn, in the Loins of the Parent; and as it comes firſt into the World; but ſtill the ſelf-active and ſelf-motive Flame is alive within in its Seed, and its Punctum ſaliens. External Objects, Pain, natural Inſtincts and Neceſſities, rub off ſome of the improper Plaiſtering, and break ſome of the Ligatures; theſe repeated and increas'd, unlooſe more; and thus the Organs of Senſation, the Apertures of the Senſes, and the ſentient and inſtructive Powers, are gradually ſet free, and the Dirt pickt out of the ſpiritual Subſtance; then Memory and Attention awakens, and Ideas are form'd and retain'd by Time and Degrees. By the Animal Functions, which flow from living, more and more of the membranous Tubuli, and medullar and cortical Glands of the Brain, are develop'd; and the ſelf-motive Powers, by repeated Efforts, Strains, and Puſhes, (like a Spring in the Box of a Watch) ſet free more and more of aethereal Organs of Thinking, according to the Degree of Culture, Exerciſe, and Uſeage, they paſs under, and this by a quicker or ſlower Progreſſion and Velocity, as they are cultivated, uſed and exercis'd, till they come to the higheſt State they generally arrive at; and thus by Labour and Exerciſe of the Organs of the intellectual Faculties, they work off the Dirt, that fill'd up the ingrav'd Characters on their ſpiritual Subſtances, and make the imperceptible Writeing appearing legible merely [321] by fileing off and ſcrapeing away the Plaiſtering on the primitive aethereal Vehicle, whereby the ſpiritual Subſtance is ſet free directly to enjoy and uſe all its inbred Powers, and has Capacity to perceive all Things ad extra, know, underſtand and poſſeſs them; not as a blind Man reſtored to his Sight, or a deaf Man to his Hearing, or a dumb Man to his Speech, who were born ſo; but as a Man, for a ſhort time ſhut up in a Dungeon, and ſeparated from all things without, and again ſet at Liberty, knows and enjoys all again, as before. And the final Cauſe of this reduceing the ſpiritual Subſtance to a Tabula raſa, by a groſs Plaiſtering, and a temporary Impriſonment, in the dark, diſmal, cadaverous Dungeon of this Body, ſeems to be not only for Expiation and Puniſhment, but that the moral Powers of the Soul, Juſtice, Goodneſs and Truth, or Faith, Hope and Charity, might feel no Interruption from the Activity, Extent and Contrariety of theſe natural Powers; but that they might amicably, gradually, and, by mutual Aſſiſtance and Support, riſe and grow together in ſimilar Steps, and a regulated Progreſſion, till they were confirm'd into a Habit; like ſweetning the whole Maſs of the Fluids, by a milk or vegetable Diet; to fit the Subject for the laſt paſſive grand Operation in the Oeconomy of Jeſus, which may be to cut out, as it were, of our ſpiritual Subſtances, that Core, [322] ſchirrous or cancerous Gland, generated by the Lapſe, and from the Adamical Principle, and to heal and fill it up with his own immaculat Subſtance, perhaps really and truly (as the Liturgy of the Church of England expreſſes it) communicated to us in the worthy receiveing of the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Jeſus, or ſome-how we cannot explain.—This Effect will neither appear abſurd nor unphiloſophical to thoſe who believe Jeſus to be the Son of God, of the ſame Subſtance and equal Powers with the Father; the Manner how, is the proper Subject of Faith, unconceiveable to us, at leaſt as we are at preſent; but the Fact, in general, or ſomething of that kind, highly probable from Analogy, and evident from Revelation: For, I think, no truly humble Chriſtian, let him be in what State of Perfection he may, can think himſelf fit to be united and commerciat eternally with infinit Purity and Perfection, till ſome great Work be done in his Soul, more than he feels in himſelf then.

§. 9. MOST, Chriſtians, at leaſt, are agreed, that the Oeconomy of the Reſtoration, as contriv'd and executed by Jeſus Chriſt, (God-Man, the eternal Son of GOD) as far as it was poſſible on his Part, and as far as it was conſiſtent with Liberty, and the Harmony of the Divine Attributes; I ſay, all Chriſtians are agreed, that this was a Work of ſurprizeing Wiſdom, Beauty, Goodneſs, and worthy of [323] a GOD; having in it, to the greateſt Perfection, every thing that could moſt effectually anſwer the End propoſed: But I know not if many have endeavour'd to ſhew it to be the [...], and the only one, that could poſſibly anſwer that End, takeing in the whole Conditions; and yet I cannot help thinking, that this may be ſtrictly demonſtrated. A Sovereign may pardon, on his Repentance and Amendment, a rebellious Subject, and receive him into Grace and Favour; but it will be eternally true, he has been a Rebel, and that there remains the Cicatrice of that Sore in his Heart and Soul, which firſt produced his Rebellion. Now it is as certain, as that GOD is, that nothing impure and imperfect in its Order, can finally, invariably and eternally be united and commerciat with Him; that is, be permanently and eternally happy; becauſe of his infinit Purity, Dignity, and Sovereignty; and the receiveing an imperfect, intelligent Being into his Favour, Service, and deſign'd Poſt again permanently, (or one leſs ſimilar to Him in its Order) would not only ſully his Purity, but make Him cheaper, and leſs intenſely the ſovereign Felicity of the ſtanding Hierarchies, and make his Wrath leſs dreaded, and ſo not a ſufficient Bar on their Lapſe. Now every Truth, and every Fact, is in its own Nature as eternal, as it is real. It will be eternally true, I have been a Rebel, if I have been one; and GOD alone, who has the Power of Creation, [324] has the Power of Annihilation; and this Fact, as far as a Fact can be, at leaſt as to its Root, muſt be annihilated and done away ſome-how, before it can be creaturely and relatively true, that I was not a Rebel, or at leaſt that my Rebellion is really now, both as to Him and me, as it never had been; which can only be done, as far as I conceive, by annihilating, burning out, conſumeing, the rebellious Core of my ſpiritual Subſtance, and filling it up with ſomething analogous to his pure immaculat Divine Nature and Subſtance, or new createing; and nothing leſs than a GOD can do this: So that on Repentance and Amendment, Men might be in the Condition only of Rebels, whoſe Lives conquering Monarchs have ſaved, yet inſtead of continuing them Citizens, had tranſlated them into ſome remote Corner of an uncultivated Country, as a conquer'd Province, and made them a lower Order of Creatures. But as infinit Perfection is without any poſſible Change, in its firſt moſt perfect Intention, as to its Nature, but not as to its Degree; and can only bring it about leſs immediatly, and after a longer Time, (by reaſon of the Free-wills of his intelligent Creatures, on which He neither can nor will commit Violence) yet ſtill will effect it, with a Perfection at laſt, beyond even, as it were, the firſt Intention; accordingly Jeſus Chriſt came, to bring Life, and to bring it more abundantly; and by his infinit Power and Love, being GOD, to [325] annihilat, melt down, and burn away, the Adamical Lapſe, Core, and Cicatrice, of Sin and Rebellion, in ſpiritual Nature, and new create, and replace, his own Divine Subſtance and Nature in its ſtead; ſo that it may then be ſaid, with philoſophick Propriety, that a truly regenerat and ſanctified Perſon has the Divine Nature and Subſtance of Jeſus, GOD-Man, actuating and moving him, that is, living in him, as really and ſubſtantially as ever before his Adamical lapſed Spirit lived in him. This may ſound odd and particular to little Philoſophers, nay, even to many perhaps virtuous and good Perſons; but as I think it is the Language of St. Paul, and of Jeſus Chriſt himſelf, I think alſo, that if there is not ſome Reality, and philoſophic Propriety in it, as real as is the Diſtinction between material and ſpiritual Subſtance, and that it is not intirely all Figure, there is no forming any Idea, either of the [...] or [...] of it (and even Figure in philoſophic Propriety, is but the firſt Term of an infinit Series); nor why it ſhould have been revealed or mentioned: Nor will there be much Difficulty inſuperable in it, or unexplicable in Philoſophy, to thoſe who admit Jeſus to be GOD, and his Words to be Spirit and Truth, and GOD to be infinit in Power and Goodneſs; the End and Means of all whoſe Actings muſt be equally perfect in their Order, and who ſuppoſe that Matter and Spirit muſt be equal Realities. This laſt State I reſemble to the Hyperbolic Curve's meeting with [326] its Aſymptot (I hope I ſhall be forgiven the Particularity of the Expreſſion, becauſe of its Juſtneſs and Propriety); and it may be the finiſhing Operation, to eternize the Infallibility and Impeccability of all lapſed, ſentient and intelligent Beings, to which few arrive in this Life, and all muſt perhaps paſs through many Manſions, and various planetary Vehicles, before they can attain to it in its laſt Perfection, and to which ſome paſs with a quicker Velocity, and a faſter convergeing Progreſſion, like the ſeveral Orders of the Hyperloids, ſome of which meet the Aſymptot infinitly ſooner and faſter than others*, but through which all muſt paſs ſooner or later; for GOD's Ways muſt be equal, uniform and general, to all his Creatures of the ſame Order, with only the Difference their general or particular Wants or Diſtempers require; and as He treated the Manhood of Jeſus Chriſt, who was made perfect by Sufferings, and as He has treated all his Diſciples, ſo all lapſed intelligent Beings muſt paſs through Jeſus Chriſt, receive his Revelation, and go through his States, ſooner or later, or in ſome Manſion or another, before they arrive at perfect Infallibility and Illability; that is, they muſt firſt or laſt all be Jeſus Chriſt-like, before they can become permanently GOD-like, or ſimilar to Him in Perfection and Happineſs. This Progreſſion [327] and final Perfection, the Free-wills of intelligent Beings may retard a finite Time; and they might have retarded it from Eternity to Eternity, that is, for ever, both in the eternal Nature of Sin, and the infinit Purity of the Divine Nature, without this ſole and individual Mean, viz. the Merits, Power and Efficacy of the Oeconomy of Jeſus the GOD-Man; who uniteing human Nature to Himſelf, has actually, really, but ſpiritually, cut out the Core and Cicatrice of the Lapſe, and filled up the diſcontinuous Void with his own ſpiritual Subſtance and Nature, in all thoſe who ſhall be finally reſtored; for He is the Way, the Truth, and the LIFE.

§. 10. REASON and Faith, in their true philoſophic Natures, in their Source and Foundation, are ſo far from being contrary, much leſs contradictory, that they are intirely ſimilar and analogous, and differ only as the higher and loweſt Terms of a divergeing Series. Reaſon, in its Principle and Faculty, in the loweſt Intelligence, is like a Progreſſion, the firſt Term of which is the Root, or miniature Baſe, of all the higher ſubſequent Terms, which are all ſimilar and analogous to one another, how compounded and elevated ſoever they may be, and where the ſuperior Terms virtually include the inferior, and bring them down to the Simplicity and Plainneſs of the loweſt Term; but not without Labour, Attention, [328] and Reduction of the Conditions to their proper Limits. GOD is the Sovereign and Supreme Reaſon, involved in Clouds and Darkneſs, by reaſon of his infinit Splendor, and the infinit Diſproportion of our Faculties; and perhaps out of Deſigns of Love and Goodneſs, as we are at preſent in ſo unfit a State: Our Reaſon and Conception, tho' infinitly diſproportion'd to ſuch an Object, yet is of a ſimilar Nature with his Light, and natural Attributes: Our Reaſon, and intelligent Powers, are analogous to the loweſt and firſt Term of ſuch a Progreſſion; his Light and Splendor, to the higheſt and laſt great Term; which Term, in a Series, tho' comparatively infinit, yet is but a finite, compared with his abſolute Infinitude. The other Terms of ſuch a Series may be analogous to the natural Powers of the ſeveral different Orders of Intelligences, that may exiſt in external Nature; and all the ſeveral Orders of Intelligences, with their reſpective Powers, from the loweſt to the relative higheſt, may be continually approaching one another, yet never can reach the other Terms, much leſs the laſt Term relative infinit, and leaſt of all to abſolute Infinitude; for in abſolute Infinitude there is ſuch Variety of Objects, Manſions, Pleaſures, and Happineſs, as are boundleſs and without Number or Limits. GOD is the ſovereign and ſupreme Reaſon, I ſay, always conſiſtent, uniform, and invariable: He is pure, unſullied, [329] and unchangeable. Creatures, even the moſt ſublime and perfect, can only know Him by a progreſſive nearer Approach to Him in Similarity, which will be gradual, but endleſs. The Faculties, Powers, and Qualities, both Natural and Moral, of Creatures, are, as it were, but analogous (to ſpeak ſtill more plainly) to a Series, ſuch as 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5, &c. We of the human Race, at leaſt our Fellow Animals, of the only ſentient Race, may be as 1, or 2; the higher Orders may be as 10, 100, 1000, &c. to us. At what Term we began, or any Order begins, we cannot know, nor, did we know, could we alter it; that depends intirely on the good Pleaſure and Wiſdom of Him that made us: In this Point we cannot add a Cubit to our Stature, but we may all preſs forward to higher Terms and Degrees, and be continually progreſſive, tho' perhaps moſtly in our moral Powers, and conſequently in Perfection and Happineſs; which can be done by Faith only, that is, by truſting to, believing in, and acting according to the Direction given by one, whoſe natural and moral Powers are of a much higher Order, or in Proportion to a much higher Term than ours are: As if one, whoſe natural and moral Powers are as 1000, ſhould reveal to one whoſe natural and moral Powers are as 1 only, that in order to raiſe his natural and moral Powers to 2, he muſt truſt or believe, that is, take his Word for it, ſo and ſo, and do ſo and ſo in Conſequence, [330] and that this will lead him on gradually to the Term 2, and ſo in all the other Terms of the Progreſſion. This really ſeems to be ſomewhat like the Caſe of all ſentient and intelligent Beings, in order to advance in this eternal Progreſſion of Perfection; the only Method poſſible for them, is to truſt and act in Conſequence of this Truſt, and depend on the Veracity and Ability of the Informer; for this truſting is in order to the acting. In building, or working or ſailing a Ship to a certain Port, the Seaman muſt truſt and work, according to his Directions: In raiſing an Arch, or meaſuring a Diſtance, very few Operators underſtand the abſtract Geometry, on which the Directions are founded. In ſhort, in this our preſent expiatory and probatory State, in all we do to advance towards higher Terms of our progreſſive Perfection and Happineſs, we muſt abſolutely truſt and work, elſe we ſhall never advance in divine Faith, and in the progreſſive Perfection of our natural and moral Powers; and here we have not only infinit Power and Wiſdom for our Director, but infinit Goodneſs for our Aſſiſtant, who yet from the Purity and Perfection of his own Nature, cannot direct or aſſiſt us but in Conſiſtence with the Harmony of his own Attributes, and our own Free-wills, i. e. imperceptibly. Our intellectual Powers are analogous to our material Organs, our Senſes. One with a Teleſcope, or with very ſtrong [331] Eyes, might ſee a City, or a Dwelling, which another without it, or with weaker Eyes, could not perceive. If the weak-ſighted Perſon muſt needs go to this City or Dwelling, he could only take the Directions of the ſtronger-ſighted, on what Point of the Compaſs to direct his Courſe, what Hills, Dales, and Rivers to croſs, to walk on Truſt and Hope. Our truſting is in order to our travelling. Faith, or Truſt, that does not terminat in Action or Travelling, is mere Painting and dead Work. Revelation diſcovers the Being, Purity, and Perfection of the Firſt Cauſe, his internal Nature, and the Splendor He dwells in, what is his Society, and what their Occupation; that to be happy completely and permanently, we muſt get thither. We, while our Powers, natural and moral, are but as 1 or 2, cannot ſee or perceive the Beauty, Perfection of his Nature, and the Place He inhabits, nor the Propriety of the Directions and Advices He gives us, in order to get thither. The Nature of things will not admit of any other Evidence, but Faith and Truſt, and conſequent working, till our natural and moral Powers are thereby rais'd higher; and then we ſhall perfectly comprehend the Beauty, Propriety and Utility of theſe Directions, and advance gradually, by following the ſame Method, to higher Terms of Powers and Faculties, and higher Degrees of Glory and Felicity, in this infinit endleſs Progreſſion. From all [332] which it is evident, that Reaſon and Faith are ſo far from being contrary, much leſs contradictory, that Reaſon is the firſt Term given in this Progreſſion, of created Light or Powers: Faith or Truſt is, as it were, the Ratio of the ſeveral Terms, which goes through them all, that is, the Ground or Bottom of the ſubſequent Operation and Working. By the Directions given, and Working, we infallibly paſs to the ſecond, third, and higher Terms: Or, to expreſs it yet more ſtrongly and clearly, if poſſible, Faith or Truſt is proceeding as we do in Algebra, ſuppoſing the ſecond or higher Term, tho' unknown, yet as known; and then working according to the Conditions of the Queſtion, the Term unknown becomes thereby infallibly known. I cannot enlighten theſe Figures, and this Language here, they are ſo pertinent and cogent to thoſe who underſtand them.

§ 11. PURE and diſintereſted Love is Love of infinit Perfection for itſelf only, and for its own Amiableneſs, without any other Conſideration; but this, as every thing elſe, admits of infinit Degrees. The great Miſtake here, lies in Perſons pretending to get to the Top of the Ladder, without aſcending by all the Steps; and that ſome define the laſt Step as it were the firſt. All things belonging to Creatures muſt be progreſſive, and confirm'd Habits muſt be acquired by repeated perſevereing Acts. Naked, free and generous Faith, is truſting, confideing, [333] and believeing in Infallibility, and infinit Veracity, upon its own Word, its Nature only; and on the moſt ſlender Intimation of its Orders, the generous Believer is determin'd to venture his Whole on that Bottom: And from theſe two, flow abſolute Reſignation; and this alſo admits of Degrees: Both theſe are ſubject to Error, Miſtake and Deluſion, in feeble lapſed Mortals, ſuch as we are; and this cannot be prevented, from the very Nature of Things, as they are now, in our probatory and penitential State, conſtituted; but ſurely there is leſs Danger in the Exceſs, than the Defect: No good Maſter ever rejected or puniſhed his poor good-natur'd, weak Servant, for loveing and truſting him too much, or obeying him too preciſely or literally. I readily grant, Prudence, Order, Meaſure, Decency and Regularity, are the firſt of all the Moral and Chriſtian Virtues, and frightful Conſequences have enſued upon the Neglect of them; and both Enthuſiaſm and Infidelity, I think, equally imply a wrong Head, ſome nervous Diſorder, and Want of common Senſe; but both Exceſſes and Defects ſtrongly evidence, that there is a juſt Medium wherein true Virtue and ſole Right conſiſt: And ſtill of the two Evils, Infidelity and Tepidity is infinitly the worſt, not only in regard of the Infidels and Tepid themſelves, as it defeats the ſole Means Providence has, or, I think, can contrive, for their Recovery and Reſtoration; but as it deſtroys Numbers of weak Souls by its Influence [334] and Example, and as Infidelity ſaps the Foundations of all Morality, and conſequently of all civil Society; whereas Enthuſiaſm can but hurt chiefly the Bodies, or outward Fortunes of their Fellow Creatures, by diabolic and tyrannical Perſecution, unleſs Hypocriſy can be join'd to Enthuſiaſm, and then it becomes conſummat Infidelity. To me it would ſeem, the whole Conduct and Deſign of Providence, in this preſent probationary State, is to produce in the Hearts of his lapſed Creatures, pure Love and naked Faith only, and that this is the ſole Key of all the Incloſures of his Providence; and that this State of Mind muſt be that which alone is of any Value in the Sight of GOD, as being the only Means poſſible of begetting perfect Felicity, and eternizeing it; even ſo much, as that He in his Providence ſeems to neglect, or over-look and undervalue, as it were, any thing leſs than theſe, at leaſt any thing that might retard or interfere with theſe. An Inſtance or two will make this plain: We ſee that we, of the loweſt Rank of Intelligences, are endow'd with a Capacity and Power of communicating our Thoughts, Conceptions, Diſpoſitions, and Sentiments to one another, directly, plainly and intelligibly, by Language or Writeing, and by many other Signs, Symbols and Figures: Infinit Wiſdom and Power, without all Doubt, had he ſo pleaſed, might have contriv'd us ſo at preſent, that he might have been able ſome-how to communicat [335] himſelf directly, plainly, inſtantaneouſly and intelligibly, to all his intelligent Creatures, his Children, the Work of his own Hands, whom he cannot help loveing as a tender Father does his Children. But ſince this Method not only would have done us no Good, but on the contrary, a great deal of Hurt, by hindering and interfereing with our implicit Truſt, our Reliance, our Reſignation, our Faith, and abſolute Dependence on him, ſo neceſſary to the Production, and eternizeing of perfect Happineſs; we ſee he hides himſelf in Clouds and Darkneſs, and is literally a Deus abſconditus as to us, and does only approach to, or commerciat with us, in pure Love, naked Faith, and total Abnegation and Reſignation, ſo hard to be acquired. Again, how neceſſary, how indiſpenſable, would ſeem the preciſe, the limited, the unmiſtakeable Nature of natural and moral Good and Evil to us, in our preſent probatory State? and yet we are left for the Knowledge of them, to Feeling, to Obſervation, to Experience, to Culture, to Pain and Suffering. The wiſeſt of mere Men ſaid, That no Man knoweth Good or Evil by all that is before him: We naturally reckon Health, Wealth, Honour and Succeſs, the real, the only Goods of this Life; and yet, if Chriſtianity is not all a Farce, their Contraries are often, nay almoſt, always the moſt real, and the moſt perfect Goods, ſince they are [336] the ſhorteſt Road to abſolute Reſignation, the greateſt of all Goods, and the ſole Mean of perfect Happineſs. Once more; infinit Wiſdom and Power has, as it were, done nothing to gratify our Curioſity, to poliſh our Natures, to advance the Comforts and Gratifications, the Conveniencies, and the honeſt Improvements of Living: How many Nations, and Millions of our own Species, of the ſame Order and Rank of Intelligences, are left all their Lives in the utmoſt Brutality, Ignorance and Savageneſs, not only as to the Endowments of their Minds, but almoſt as to the abſolute, at leaſt decent Neceſſaries of Life! in which Cimmerian Darkneſs, and execrable bodily Impurity, or Filth, they wallow, live and die, even vaſtly below many of the Brute Species. The moſt uſeful, pleaſant and inſtructive Diſcoveries in Life, have, even among the moſt poliſht Nations, been diſcover'd late, by Chance, and with great Imperfections at firſt, I mean, Writeing, Printing, the Compaſs, and Glaſſes, and even Philoſophical Phyſic itſelf: All this cannot happen by Chance, Fatality, from Impotence, or without ſome infinitly wiſe and gracious Deſign, under the Oeconomy and Providence of an infinitly good, wiſe and powerful Governor, who alone knows beſt, how long, and what Kind of Trial and Probation is fitteſt for his lapſed intelligent Creatures, of ſuch Tribes, Nations and Climats; to what Degree [337] they have lapſed, what is their moſt proper Trial, how far Simplicity (and even actual Humiliation of this intelligent Creature, made a little lower than the Angels in his natural unalterable Powers, and as it were, to drench him in Dirt and Naſtineſs, even below the loweſt Brute, as Compoſt fructifies Vegetables) is the Via breviſſima, and Suffering, even unconſcious Suffering, is ſufficient; and knows beſt what Manſion they are deſign'd to inhabit hereafter; and has fitted outward Circumſtances accordingly: And as to what is commonly reckon'd poliſhing, and haveing the decent Neceſſaries and Conveniencies of Life, he leaves Men to their natural Liberty and Induſtry, to employ their natural Activity innocently and laudably thereby, which otherwiſe might run riot in Turpitude and Vice; and to general Laws, which, followed with Simplicity, Attention and Sincerity, would naturally bring them perhaps the ſhorteſt Way to diſintereſted Love, implicit Truſt and Reſignation; and this he does even with a ſeeming Neglect of thoſe other Things, as accounting them of no Value, when compar'd with this pure Love, and implicit Truſt, that Diſpoſition of Mind which alone can beget and eternize Happineſs. Further; of what great Conſequence to the Quickneſs of our Purification, and conſequently of our eternal Happineſs, it would appear to us, would be, the certain Knowledge of the preciſe Time of our Diſſolution and Death? Then, like true penitent and ſerious Felons, we ſhould employ all our laſt Moments intirely [338] in cleanſing our Veſſels, and trimming our Lamps; and yet all that is known in this weighty Affair is general, and that we once muſt all die: The Time, the Manner, and other Circumſtances, are all abſolutely unknown to us; and why this? but only becauſe infinit Purity and Perfection values nothing about us, but abſolute Truſt, Dependence, and Reſignation, even to venturing our very Lives; and, as our Saviour expreſſes it, if we do not hate, that is, undervalue, our own Life, in reſpect of him, or love it but in Subordination to our Love of Him, we cannot be his Diſciples. Again; the Providence of GOD ſeems to act here ſolely by ſecond Cauſes, and by general Laws only, and in ſuch a manner, that we but ſeldom perceptibly diſcern the Hand that diſpoſes of Events; tho' doubtleſs, as GOD is an infinitly free Agent, He governs by a particular, as well as a general Providence; on proper and particular Occaſions He diſpenſes with his own general Laws for a time, by a particular Interpoſition, both in material and ſpiritual Appearances: But in theſe particular Interpoſitions, we can have no phyſical, but only a moral Certainty, in order to raiſe and confirm our Truſt and Reſignation; for Faith, Truſt, and Reſignation, always ſuppoſe Uncertainty and Doubt; and ſome time or other, we ſhall admire and adore that Wiſdom and Goodneſs, who could in ſo delicat and kindly a manner conceal from us, and hide that Hand, which directs every Atom [339] of the Univerſe, and diſpoſes of every Hair of our Heads, in order to render our Truſt, Faith, and Reſignation, ſtronger and more firm: As the Darkneſs and Cool of the Autumn Nights are what harden and conſolidat the now refined and purified Juices, which the ſtronger Sun, and longer Day-light, had rais'd and ſublim'd into the Seeds and Fruits; for the ſame Reaſon, the Operations and Influences of the Divine Spirit, or Grace and ſpiritual Aid and Aſſiſtance, are ſecret and imperceptible; and are always to be ſuſpected, when they are impetuous, ſenſible, and acting only by Fits and Starts, as the groſs Machin is in or out of Tune, and as the animal Functions play eaſily or labour, eſpecially in young unexperienced Perſons, who have not been tried and purified in the School of the Croſs: For theſe uncommon and extraordinary, or even perceptible Operations of the Divine Spirit, ſeldom happen pure, ſincere, and unmixt; but to the long and ſeverely Tried and Purified, and when the Paſſions, Appetites, and ſpiritual Humours are moderated, calm'd, and ſubdued, on the Decline of a Life ſpent in due Retirement, and proper Silence; not in the Storm or Tempeſt, but in the ſtill calm Voice, does the Divine Spirit ſpeak; and a truly humble, and enlighten'd Perſon, ought to ſuſpect himſelf, get above, and paſs over every Impulſe, Sweetning, or Glance of Light that comes not thus accompanied. Children, Beginners, and Noviciats in the ſpiritual Life, are often gratified [340] with ſuch Sugarings for their Encouragement; but Bread is for grown Perſons, which is got by the Sweat of the Brow, and bearing the Croſs; and a prudent ſtaid Perſon will have too great a Regard for the Purity and Dignity of the Divine Spirit, to bring him down, to account for all the mechanical and animal Operations of his volatile and various Imagination. Nec Deus interſit, niſi ſit Deo dignus vindice nodus, & aquila non captat muſcas. But I beg Pardon for this Digreſſion out of my Sphere, Capacity and Experience, to treat juſtly. But all the Difficulties and Darkneſs in Providence, and in natural and revealed Religion, ſeem to be intended by infinit Wiſdom with ſurprizeing Juſtneſs, Propriety, and Delicacy, only as the moſt effectual Means to bring us to pure Love, and naked Faith, Truſt, and Reſignation; and are ſo far from being Objections againſt the Chriſtian Religion, or to weaken its Credibility, Dignity and Authority, that were there no ſuch Difficulties, Doubts, Uncertainties and Myſteries in Revelation, it would be a ſtrong Preſumption, and an undeniable Argument, that it came not from GOD, who being infinitly infinit in all Perfection, Wiſdom, Knowledge and Goodneſs, muſt be incomprehenſible to us in our preſent State, and ſo they could not be worthy, adequat and proper for ſuch a Being, who is equally above Perception, Feeling and Sentiment, as above Comprehenſion. Theſe may be good, uſeful and real, and his mediat, but ſeldom his immediat [341] Operation. This pure Love and naked Faith ſeems to be the only Point in View, of the great and wiſe Governor of the Univerſe, even to ſuch a Contempt of what we commonly think fine Endowments and Poliſhing, that in a great many Inſtances, in Nations, Tribes, and for Ages, he would ſeem, in the Conduct of his Providence, to prefer their Contraries, as the ſhorteſt Way to this End; tho' ſtill there is a Choice, Perfection, and Meliority, in the Honeſtum, Utile, and the Decorum; but he only can know when, where, and in what outward Circumſtances, lies the [...], quoad hos aut hunc.

§ 12. I TAKE it, in the firſt original Creation there was but one univerſal Salt, or one Kind of ſaline Particles, and that they were hard, imporoſe, triangular, equilateral Priſms. When Nature came to be confounded, jumbled, and unharmoniouſly combin'd, the other Elements of Air, Water, Sulphur and Earth, in forming ſecondary Elements, were incommenſuratly and diſcordantly mixt with theſe; but ſtill each preſerv'd ſome Degree of its primitive Nature, as the compounded Elements retain'd more or leſs of their primitive Particles in the Compoſition; hence our pureſt Elements that Art can elicit, are ſtill compounded, and inſeparable from the reſt; the pureſt, moſt ſimple, and moſt neceſſary of them all, ſeems to be our pure Nitre, or the univerſal Salt of the Air, the Mother of all Salts, ſo neceſſary to animal Life, Sanguification, the Stimulation of the animal Fibres, the Propagation and Action [342] of Heat and Fire, the Production of Cold and Freezeing, to animal Foecundity and Vegetation, and many other of the Appearances of Nature, to which it ſeems abſolutely neceſſary, and enters into their Subſtance and Compoſition. The other Salts, Acids and Alcalis, the eſſential, or lixivial Salts of Vegetables, Plants and Minerals, are only this primitive nitrous Salt combin'd with theſe other Elements, and as they predomine and exiſt in theſe particular Subjects: Theſe mention'd Salts in Animals, are Nitre mixt with animal Oils, Air, Water and Earth, ſuch as their Subſtances are compounded of; and it is in the ſame Manner in the Plants and Minerals. The greateſt ſpecific Difference among the Salts ſeems to ariſe from the Diſtinction of Acids and Alcalis; the firſt, both from Philoſophy and Experiment, ſeem to be of acute-angled, greatly attractive Particles; and the Degree of their Acidity ſeems to depend on the proportional Degree of the Sharpneſs of their Points, which now may be various, and their Degree of Attraction alſo: Alcalis ſeem to be porous calcarious fine Earths; the teſtaceous Powders are among the moſt ſimple and perfect of them, and the Model of all the reſt. and plainly ſhew the Nature of the whole Tribe. They are, as is evident from the Microſcope, nothing but Earths of an exceeding fine Grain, and of very ſmall Particles, full of large Pores and Cells, wherein an acid Water or Spirit has been contain'd, probably that of Nitre. Heat, ſolar or culinary, and Calcination, [343] throws off ſome Part of this acid Water, and leaves the Cells partially empty. Theſe empty Cells, upon being immerged in any acid Spirit or Water, ſuck it in again with Violence and Velocity, the remaining Part of the Acid in the Cells attracting the new Acid with additional Force; and hence Fermentation and Efferveſcence. All the Alcalis partake of this one general Nature, and differ only as they are more or leſs combin'd with the other Elements. Volatility ariſes from a light Oil united with either Kinds of Salts; and this ſeems to be the true philoſophic Nature of all Salts. Salts and Air ſeem abſolutely neceſſary to carry on animal Life and Functions; Air to rarefy the Juices, ſeparat the Globules, which might otherwiſe be too cloſely united and compreſs'd; for the Introduction of which into the Blood and Fluids, the Lungs of Animals ſeem chiefly deſign'd: Salts ſtimulat the Solids into Actions, Vibrations, and excite their clumſy elaſtic Force, in order to carry on the animal Functions, ſo abſolutely neceſſary to living. The juſt and proper Regulation of theſe two, Air and Salts, the ſo neceſſary Inſtruments of pleaſant and eaſy living, is as fit a Subject to be adjuſted by a wiſe and philoſophic Phyſician, (others are but Empyrics at the beſt) as Diet and Exerciſe. The Air we chooſe to live in ought to be rather dry and thin in the Medium; but even this muſt be proportion'd to the Nature of the Diſtemper, and the State of the Juices, if poſſible; and they who have acquir'd their [344] Diſorders by high Meats and Drinks, which abound in volatile Salts, muſt by inſipid Foods, and aqueous Liquors, leſſen the Abundance of ſuch Salts, which is the Caſe of all the Rich and Wealthy. They, on the contrary, who have acquir'd their Diſtempers by too poor and low a Manner of living, on vegetable, inſipid and inſtimulating Food only, which is the Caſe of moſt of the Poor or Indigent, muſt be cured by more generous Living, and more ſtimulating and ſapid Meats and Drinks, which excite their Solids into Action, and on which account all low Livers, who are driven into this Way of Living, by the Nature of their Diſtempers, require double the Exerciſe, of thoſe who can bear generous and active Foods; and without it Nature will ſtagnat and ſink; which is the Caſe of many of the Female Sex, and of Perſons in Gaols and Monaſteries: In a Word, where-ever a low or vegetable Diet is neceſſary, there Air and Exerciſe are in a much higher Degree neceſſary, than they are in a more generous Diet, to make a low Diet effectual. But then the high Feeders pay in the Shortneſs of their Lives, and the Sharpneſs of their Diſeaſes, for their preſent Pleaſure, and idle, indolent, healthy Life.


Appendix A ERRATA.

Page 13, Line 27, dele with. p. 13, l. 2, for gene, read general. p. 33, for affixing, r. of fixing. p. 65, from (higher, to—for Him) in a Parentheſis. p. 81, l. 16, for Liver, r. Bile. p. 84, l. 30, dele from. p. 95, l. 16, for are, r. is. p. 172, l. 20, for vergeing, r. divergeing. p. 176, l. 7, dele they. p. 177, for ingegious, r. ingenious. p. 196, l. 19, read the Series thus, x4 + x3 + x2 + x + xx2, &c. for o, r. i, and for x/∞ r. x/x. p. 241, l. 28. dele and. p. 294. l. 23. for permit, r. pervade. l. 28, for her, r. its. p. lxvi. (the reſt are) is tranſpos'd, and ſhould follow in the next Line after the Word Britain.

Vide Memoirs of the Academy Royal for 1729 and 1730.
Vide Boyle; the Philoſophical Tranſactions, and the Memoirs of the Academy Royal.
Vide Hales's Haemoſtaticks.
Vide Philoſophical Principles of Reveal'd Religion.
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TextGrid Repository (2016). TEI. 4645 An essay on regimen Together with five discourses medical moral and philosophical serving to illustrate the principles and theory of philosophical medicin By Geo Cheyne. . University of Oxford, License: Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/]. https://hdl.handle.net/11378/0000-0005-D7F2-7