


—Si quid noviſti rectius iſtis,
Candidus imperti: Si non, his utere mecum.
In the Fulneſs of his Sufficiency he ſhall be in Straits: Every Hand of the WICKED ſhall come upon him. JOB.

DUBLIN: Printed by S. POWELL, For WILLIAM SMITH at the Hercules, Bookſeller, in Dame-ſtreet, 1735.



UNDER Pretence of ſome Abuſes committed by Mathematicians, in Virtue of the Authority they derive from their Profeſſion, the Author of the Minute Philoſopher, in a Libel called the Analyſt, has declared 'em Infidels, Makers of Infidels, and Seducers of Mankind in Matters of the higheſt Concernment: This he profeſſes to have done, not from any real Knowlege of his own, but from the credible Information of others; but he has neither produc'd his Informers, nor proved the Accuſation in any one Inſtance; and therefore it is Defamatory.

[4] But they aſſume an Authority, it ſeems, in Things foreign to their Profeſſion, and undertake to decide in Matters whereof their Knowledge can by no Means qualify them to be competent Judges: And as this Practice, if not prevented, may be of dangerous Conſequence; he has undertaken to enquire into the Object, Principles and Method of Demonſtration, admitted by the Mathematicians of the preſent Age, with the ſame Freedom, he ſays, they preſume to treat the Principles and Myſteries of Religion, to the end, that all Men may ſee what Right they have to lead or what Encouragement others have to follow them.

And whereas Sir Iſaac Newton has preſum'd to interpoſe in Prophecies and Revelations, and to decide in religious Affairs, it has been thought proper to begin with his Method of Fluxions, and to try what cou'd be done with that Method, with the Inventor himſelf, and with his Followers: And what has been done with 'em every intelligent Reader is able to judge.

[5] If this Writer may be credited, the Objects about which the Method of Fluxions is converſant, are difficult to conceive or imagine diſtinctly; the Notions are moſt abſtracted incomprehenſible Metaphyſics, not to be admitted for the Foundations of clear and accurate Science; the Principles are obſcure, repugnant, precarious; the Arguments admitted in Proofs, are fallacious, indirect, illogical; and the Inferences and Concluſions not more juſt, than the Conceptions of the Principles are clear.

How far the Credulous and Injudicious may become infected by this uncommon Way of treating Mathematics and Mathematicians, is not eaſy to foreſee, and therefore it will be neceſſary to give a ſhort Account of the Nature of Fluxions, and of the Objects about which the Method is converſant; and when it ſhall be made apparent, that this Author has not underſtood the Metaphyſics he wou'd refute; it will not be difficult to defend the Principles and their Demonſtrations, from any Imputations of Fallacy or Repugnancy, [6] which have yet been pointed at by him or any other Writer.

‘In the Method of Fluxions, Sir Iſaac Newton conſiders mathematical Quantities, not as compoſed of the ſmalleſt Parts, but as deſcribed or generated by continual Motion. Lines are deſcribed, and by being deſcribed are generated, not by an Appoſition of Parts, but by the Motion of Points; Surfaces by the Motion of Lines, Solids by the Motion of Surfaces, Angles by the Rotation of their Sides, Times by a continual Flux, and ſo of the reſt. And by conſidering that Quantities, increaſing in equal Times, and generated by increaſing, become greater or leſs, according as the Velocity with which they increaſe, and are generated, is greater or leſs, he found a Method of determining the Quantities themſelves from the Velocities of the Motions, or of the Increments, with which they are generated; calling the Velocities of the Motions or of the Increments Fluxions, and the Quantities generated Fluents.

[7] The momentaneous Increments or Decrements of flowing Quantities, he elſewhere calls by the Name of Moments, and conſiders the Increments as added or affirmative Moments, and the Decrements as ſubducted or negative ones: By Moments we may underſtand the naſcent or evaneſcent Elements or Principles of finite Magnitudes, but not Particles of any determinate Size, or Increments actually generated; for all ſuch are Quantities themſelves, generated of Moments.

The Magnitudes of the momentaneous Increments or Decrements of Quantities are not regarded in the Method of Fluxions, but their firſt or laſt Proportions only; that is, the Proportions with which they begin or ceaſe to exiſt: Theſe are not their Proportions immediately before or after they begin or ceaſe to exiſt, but the Proportions with which they begin to exiſt, or with which they vaniſh. If the Lines AC and BE are ſuppoſed to be generated in the ſame Time, by the Motions of the Points A and B, to C and E; and if by continuing the Motions of [8] thoſe Points to D and F, they generate DC and EF, ſynchronal Increments of AC and BE;


it is evident that the Points D and F may flow back in the ſame Time to C and E, and by flowing back perpetually leſſen the Magnitudes of thoſe Increments till at laſt they vaniſh together, when the Points D and F come to coincide with C and E: Now the ultimate Ratio of thoſe Increments is that Ratio with which they vaniſh and become nothing; or the Ratio with which they ceaſe to be: And the firſt Ratio of them is the Ratio with which they begin to exiſt, at the very firſt ſetting out of the Points from C and E towards D and F.

Hence, if the deſcribing Points move back to C and E, in the ſame Time wherein by moving forward they generated the Increments DC and EF; and in returning have every where the ſame Velocities, at certain Diſtances from C and E, which they had at thoſe Diſtances [9] in going forward; the laſt and firſt Ratios of the Increments will be equal, or they will vaniſh, and become nothing, with the very ſame Ratio with which they began to exiſt.

Hence likewiſe it appears, that to obtain the laſt Ratio of ſynchronal Increments, the Magnitudes of thoſe Increcrements muſt be infinitely diminiſh'd. For their laſt Ratio is the Ratio with which they vaniſh or become nothing: But they cannot vaniſh or become nothing, by a conſtant Diminution, till they are infinitely diminiſh'd; for without an infinite Diminution they muſt have finite or aſſignable Magnitudes, and while they have finite or aſſignable Magnitudes they cannot vaniſh.

The ultimate Ratios with which ſynchronal Increments of Quantities vaniſh, are not the Ratios of finite Increments, but Limits which the Ratios of thoſe Increments attain, by having their Magnitudes infinitely diminiſh'd: The Proportions of Quantities which grow leſs and [10] leſs by Motion, and at laſt ceaſe to be, will continually change, and become different in every ſucceſſive Diminution of the Quantities themſelves: And there are certain determinate Limits to which all ſuch Proportions perpetually tend, and approach nearer than by any aſſignable Difference, but never attain before the Quantities themſelves are infinitely diminiſh'd; or till the inſtant they evaneſce and become nothing. Theſe Limits are the laſt Ratios with which ſuch Quantities or their Increments vaniſh or ceaſe to exiſt; and they are the firſt Ratios with which Quantities or the Increments of Quantities, begin to ariſe or come into being.

Quantities, and the Ratios of Quantities, which conſtantly tend to an Equality, by a Diminution of their Difference, and before the End of ſome finite Time approach nearer to an Equality than by any aſſignable Difference, at laſt become equal. For they become equal when the Difference between them vaniſhes or becomes nothing; and it will [11] vaniſh or become nothing by being infinitely diminiſhed: If the Quantities AC and AD perpetually tend to an Equality, either by the Motion of the Point D to C, or by that of C to D; they will become equal, and their Ratio a Ratio of Equality, when their Difference CD, by a conſtant Diminution, vaniſhes and becomes nothing, which it will do under a Coincidence of the two Points in C or D; and then either AD becomes AC, and ſo AD / AC or AC / AC is a Ratio of Equality, or elſe AC becomes AD and AD / AC becomes AD / AD; which is alſo a Ratio of Equality.

The Fluxions of Quantities are very nearly as the Increments of their Fluents generated in the leaſt equal Particles of Time: If CD and EF be Increments of the Fluents AC and BE, deſcribed in the leaſt equal Particles of Time; the Fluxions in the Points C and E will be nearly as the Increments DC and EF. For from the exceeding Smallneſs of the [12] Times it is evident that the Points D and F, muſt be extreamly near to C and E; and by Conſequence however the Velocities are accelerated or retarded thro' the Spaces CD and EF, they will be very nearly the ſame in D and F as they were in C and E: But Velocities which are very nearly uniform, will be very nearly proportional to the Spaces deſcribed by them in equal Times; and therefore the Velocities in the Points C and E, which are the Fluxions of AC and BE in thoſe Points, will be very nearly as the Increments DC and EF, deſcribed in the leaſt equal Particles of Time.

The Fluxions of Quantities are accurately in the firſt or laſt Proportions of their naſcent or evaneſcent Increments: Thus the Fluxions of AC and BE, in the Points C and E, are in the firſt or laſt Ratio of the Increments CD and EF. For the firſt or laſt Ratio of the Increments CD and EF, is the Ratio with which they begin or ceaſe to exiſt: But the Ratio with which they begin or ceaſe to exiſt, is the ſame with the Ratio of the [13] Velocities in C and E, which are the Fluxions in thoſe Points; and conſequently the Fluxions in C and E are in the firſt or laſt Ratio of the Increments CD and EF.

The Fluxions of Quantities are only the Velocities with which thoſe Quantities begin to be generated or increaſed; or the Velocities with which the generating Quantities begin to ſet out; not the Velocities they have after moving thro' Spaces of any finite or aſſignable Magnitudes: And therefore if two mathematical Quantities ſet out together, and begin to move with Velocities which are as a and b, they muſt begin to deſcribe Spaces in the ſame Proportion with a and b; or the Proportion with which the Spaces begin to exiſt or to be deſcribed, muſt be the ſame with that which the Velocities have at the very Beginning of the Motion. For in the very Beginning of the Motion there is neither any Change of Velocity from Acceleration or Retardation, nor Difference of Time.

[14] Hence it appears that to obtain the Ratios of Fluxions, the correſponding ſynchronal or iſochronal Increments muſt be leſſened in infinitum. For the Magnitudes of ſynchronal or iſochronal Increments muſt be infinitely diminiſhed and become evaneſcent, in order to obtain their firſt or laſt Ratios, to which Ratios the Ratios of their correſponding Fluxions are equal.

Hence likewiſe it appears that the Moments of like Quantities, compared with each other, are in Ratios compounded of the Ratios of the generating Quantities, taken when firſt they begin to move, and of the Velocities with which they ſet out: Or in Ratios compounded of the Ratios of the generating Quantities when firſt they begin to move, and of the firſt Ratios of their ſynchronal naſcent Increments. The Moments of Lines therefore are as the generating Points and as the Velocities with which they begin to move taken together: The Moments of Surfaces, which become greater or leſs by carrying of moveable Lines along immoveable [15] ones, are in Ratios compounded of the Ratios of the moving Lines, and of their firſt Velocities, or firſt Ratios of the Increments which begin to riſe with thoſe Velocities: And the whole Motion by which Squares or Rectangles begin to alter, either from an Augmentation or Diminution of their Sides, is the Sum of the naſcent Motions of thoſe Sides, or the Sum of the naſcent Increments ariſing with the firſt Motions of the Sides: For the Proportion of naſcent Increments is the ſame with that of the Motions with which they begin to be generated.

From this ſhort Account of the Nature of Fluxions, compared with the Analyſt, it appears that the Author of that Paper is greatly miſtaken in the Object of 'em; and he is alſo miſtaken in the Principles: For he thinks the Moment or Fluxion of a Rectangle, contain'd under two indeterminate Quantities A and B, from whence are deduc'd Rules for obtaining the Moments or Fluxions of all other Products or Powers whatever, is [16] no where truly determin'd by Sir Iſaac Newton: But he ought to have read Sir Iſaac with more Care and Attention than he ſeems to have done, before he ſet up to decide and dictate in Matters of this Nature; and he wou'd do well yet to read him with Attention.

If any Rectangle CK be increaſed from an Augmentation of its Sides by Motion, ſo as that DK becomes LG in the ſame Time that DC becomes EG; the Moment of that Rectangle is the Sum of the Rectangles of DK into the Moment of DC, and of DC into the Moment of DK: That is, putting A and B for the Sides DK and DC, and a and b for their reſpective Moments, the Moment of the Rectangle AB will be Ab + Ba.

For the Gnomon CGK in the Inſtant it begins or ceaſes to exiſt is the Moment of the Rectangle CK: But the firſt or laſt Ratio of that Gnomon to the Sum of the Rectangles LD and FC is a Ratio of Equality: For the Difference [17] between the Gnomon and the Sum of thoſe Rectangles perpetually leſſens, by a conſtant Diminution of the Increments FD and DH, or by an Approach of the Points F and H towards D;


as will be manifeſt on taking the Ratio between the ſaid Gnomon and the Sum of the Rectangles, at ſeveral Diſtances of the Points F and H from D: For whatever be the Magnitudes of a and b, when F and H firſt begin to move back towards D, the Gnomon CGK and Sum of the Rectangles LD and FC, will be as Ab + Ba + ba and Ab + Ba; when thoſe Points, by moving towards D, have leſſen'd the Increments of DK and DC to ½a and ½b, the Gnomon and Sum of the Rectangles will be as Ab + Ba + ½ba and Ab + Ba; when they have leſſen'd the Increments to ¼a and ¼b, the Gnomon and Sum of the Rectangles will be [18] as Ab + Ba + ¼ab and Ab + Ba; and as Ab + Ba + [...] ab and Ab + Ba, when they have leſſen'd thoſe Increments to [...] a and [...] b: Hence it appears, that under a conſtant Diminution of the Increments a and b, by the Motion of the Points F and H towards D, the Gnomon CGK and the Sum of the Rectangles CF and DL, conſtantly tend to an Equality by a continual Diminution of their Difference FH, and that they become equal, and their Ratio becomes a Ratio of Equality, in the Inſtant that Difference vaniſhes and the Points F and H coincide with D; or in other Words the Gnomon and Sum of the Rectangles LD and FC begin or ceaſe to be under a Ratio of Equality: And therefore the Sum of thoſe Rectangles, or Ab + Ba, is the Moment of AB.

Hence, the Gnomon CGK, or Ab + Ba + ab, found by taking the Difference between the Rectangles EL and CK, or by deducting the Rectangle AB from a Rectangle contain'd under the Sides A and B increaſed by their whole Increments, is not the Moment or Fluxion [19] of the Rectangle AB, except in the very Inſtant when it begins or ceaſes to exiſt: And this will alſo appear by conſidering it in another Light. For the Moment of the Rectangle CK, or the Motion with which it firſt begins to alter, either by increaſing or decreaſing, is the Sum of the naſcent Motions of its Sides; and the naſcent Motions of its Sides, are meaſur'd by their reſpective Magnitudes in the very Inſtant they firſt begin to change, and by the Velocities with which they begin to move taken together; and the Velocities with which the Sides begin to move being in the firſt Ratio of the momentaneous Spaces which ariſe with 'em; it follows that the Sum of the naſcent Motions of the Sides, is the Sum of DK multiply'd into DH in its naſcent State, and of CD multiply'd into DF in its naſcent State: But DH and DF in their naſcent States, are the Moments of DC and DK: And therefore the whole Moment of the Rectangle AB, is Ab + Ba.

[20] In determining the Moments of Quantities, Sir Iſaac Newton expreſly tells us, that we are only to conſider: the Ratios with which they begin or ceaſe to exiſt; and to obtain thoſe Ratios, it is not neceſſary that the inſochronal Increments ſhou'd have finite Magnitudes. ‘Cave tamen intellexeris particulas finitas, ſays he, Particulae finitae non ſunt Momenta, ſed Quantitates ipſae ex Momentis genitae. Intelligenda ſunt Principia jamjam naſcentia finitarum Magnitudinum. Neque enim ſpectatur in hoc Lemmate magnitudo Momentorum, ſed prima naſcentium proportio.’ And in another Place, ‘Fluxiones ſunt quam proximè ut Fluentium Augmenta aequalibus Temporis particulis quam minimis genita, et, ut accurate loquar, ſunt in primâ ratione Augmentorum naſcentium; exponi autem poſſunt per lineas quaſcunque, quae ſunt ipſis proportionales.’ And again, ‘Siquando facili rerum conceptui conſulens dixero Quantitates quam minimas, vel evaneſcentes, vel ultimas; cave [21] intelligas quantitates magnitudine determinatas. ſed cogita ſemper diminuendas ſine limite.’

From theſe Paſſages it appears, that the Gnomon CGK in its naſcent or evaneſcent State only, or in the Inſtant it begins or ceaſes to exiſt, is the Moment or Fluxion of the Rectangle CK; and in a naſcent or evaneſcent State, when only the Increments of Quantities become their Moments, its Ratio to Ab + Ba, which is the Sum of the Rectangles LD and FC, is a Ratio of Equality. By diminiſhing the Magnitudes of a and b, which are Increments of DK and DC, it is obvious that the Gnomon CGK diminiſhes faſter in Proportion, than the Sum of the Rectangles FC and DL does; and by diminiſhing faſter, it continually approaches to an Equality with that Sum, and attains the Equality only, when their Difference FH becomes evaneſcent, that is, when the Points F and H come to coincide with D; ſo that here is no Artifice or falſe Reaſoning uſed, to get rid of HF, or ab, that Term having no [22] Exiſtence at the very Beginning of the Motion, or in the naſcent State of the Augments.

After Sir Iſaac had ſo expreſly told us what he meant by Moments and Fluxions, and by naſcent or evaneſcent Quantities, one wou'd imagine it impoſſible to have miſtaken and miſrepreſented him in the Manner this Author has done. He ſeems indeed to have been lead, or rather to have been deceived, by an Opinion that there can be no firſt or laſt Ratios of mathematical Quantities or of their iſochronal Increments generated or deſtroy'd by Motion; imagining that no ſuch Quantities, by any Diviſion or Diminution whatever, can be exhauſted or reduc'd to nothing: But if Lines, Surfaces and Solids can be generated or augmented by the Motion of Points, Lines, and Surfaces, they may likewiſe be deſtroy'd or diminiſh'd by the Motion of the ſame Points, Lines and Surfaces, in returning to the Places from whence they firſt ſet out. While a generating Quantity moves back thro' the ſame [23] Space it before deſcribed in moving forward, the Quantity generated, or its Augment, continually leſſens; and by perſevering in a State of decreaſing, it muſt in ſome finite Time vaniſh and become nothing; and therefore mathematical Quantities, by a conſtant Diminution, may be reduc'd to nothing: And ſuch as are thus generated or deſtroy'd in equal Times by Motion, or which ariſe and vaniſh together, will ariſe or vaniſh under certain Ratios, which are their firſt or laſt Ratios; or the Ratios with which they begin or ceaſe to be: But it may be neceſſary to perſue this Caſe a little farther, and ſee whether Sir Iſaac Newton's Demonſtration of it cannot be defended, and proved to be geometrical.

‘Suppoſe any Rectangle AB augmented by continual Motion; and the momentaneous Increments of its Sides A and B to be denoted by a and b; the Moment of the generated Rectangle will be meaſured by Ab + Ba.

[24] For when the Sides A and B wanted half of their Moments, the Rectangle was [...] or AB − ½Ab − ½Ba + ¼ab: And as ſoon as the Sides A and B are augmented by the other halves of their Moments, it becomes [...], or AB + ½Ab + ½Ba + ¼ab: From this Rectangle deduct the former, and there will remain Ab + Ba: Therefore the Increment of the Rectangle AB, generated with a and b the whole Increments of the Sides, is Ab + Ba.

Now, in determining the Moment of a Rectangle, there is nothing to be conſidered, when it firſt begins to be augmented by the Motions of its Sides, but the Sides themſelves and the Velocities with which they begin to move; or the Sides and the firſt Ratio of the Spaces deſcribed by them. And therefore the true Moment of the Rectangle AB, or the Law according to which it begins to be augmented, on the Principles of Sir Iſaac Newton, will only be the Sum of [25] the Rectangles Ab and Ba; for the Sides A and B begin to move with Velocities which are as b and a: But this Moment Ab + Ba, is manifeſtly equal to the Difference between the Rectangles [...] and [...]; and therefore Sir Iſaac's determination of it is geometrical.

From the foregoing Principle ſo demonſtrated, the general Rule for finding the Moment or Fluxion of any Power of a flowing Quantity, is eaſily deduc'd: It is eaſy, from hence, to infer that the Moment or Fluxion of An is as nAn−1, or that the Fluxion of xn is as nxn−1: But becauſe this is alſo determined in a manner ſeemingly different, by Sir Iſaac, in his Introduction to the Quadrature of Curves, the Author of the Analyſt obſerves, ‘That there ſeems to have been ſome inward Scruple or Conſciouſneſs of Defect in the foregoing Demonſtration.’ And he repeats the ſame Reflection in another Place, adding withal, ‘That Sir Iſaac was not enough pleaſed with any one Notion ſteadily [26] to adhere to it:’ But Reflections of this Nature deſerve no Regard unleſs it be allowable, by way of Return, to obſerve that the Perſon who makes 'em has very often been guilty of like Practices himſelf.*

The Proof given in the Introduction to the Quadratures, is ſaid to be a moſt inconſiſtent way of arguing; as proceeding to a certain Point of the Demonſtration upon Suppoſition of an Increment, and then in a fallacious Manner, ſhifting the Suppoſition to that of no Increment; and to ſhew the Inconſiſteny with greater Force, a Lemma is premiſed by Way of Axiom; as if ſome very obvious and natural Application of an apparent Truth, wou'd at once overturn the Whole of Sir Iſaac's Demonſtration: But that Lemma, however true in it ſelf, is no Way pertinent to the Caſe for which it was intended; and [27] therefore ſuch Inferences as are made in Virtue of it, with relation to the Point in diſpute, are illegitimate, and inconſiſtent with the Rules of true reaſoning.

Nothing is more plain and obvious, than that Quantities which begin to exiſt together under certain Proportions, and with certain Velocities; may become evaneſcent and ceaſe to exiſt, under the ſame Proportions and with the ſame Velocities; and this is all Sir Iſaac ſuppoſes in that Determination of the Fluxion of xn; and it is not very obvious, that the Lemma which this Author has hit upon, is applicable to Caſes of ſuch a Nature.

That the Reader may ſee how ſtrictly Sir Iſaac Newton has kept to the ſame Principle in this Determination, how ſteadily he adheres to the ſame Method, and how ill the Author of the Analyſt has proved his Imputations; it will be neceſſary to perſue this Point, and conſider the Proof it ſelf.

[28] Let it be required to find the Fluxion of xn, ſuppoſing x to increaſe uniformly.

Suppoſe x in any finite Particle of Time, to become greater than before, by a finite Increment, whoſe Magnitude is expreſs'd by o. Then, in the ſame Time that x, by flowing becomes x + o, the n Power of x will become xn + noxn−1 + [...] o2 xn−2 + &c.. Conſequently the Magnitudes of the ſynchronal Increments of x and of xn, are to each other as 1 and nxn−1 + [...] oxn−2 + &c.. Now, let the Increments decreaſe by flowing back, in like Manner as they increas'd before by flowing forward, and continually grow leſs and leſs till they vaniſh; and their ultimate Ratio, that is, the Ratio with which they become evaneſcent, will be expreſs'd by 1 and nxn−1: But the Fluxions of Quantities are in the laſt Ratio of their evaneſcent Arguments; and by Conſequence the Fluxion of x is to that of xn, as 1 to nxn−1.

[29] In this Computation, Sir Iſaac endeavours to collect the Proportion with which the iſochronal Increments of x and of xn, begin or ceaſe to exiſt: Their Proportion obtain'd on Suppoſition that o is ſomething, is allowed to be the ſame with that of 1 and nxn−1 + [...] oxn−2 + &c.. And it muſt be acknowleg'd that this Ratio has a Limite dependent on the Magnitude of o, which Limite it cannot attain before the Increments are infinitely diminiſh'd and become evaneſcent; and when, by an infinite Diminution, they become evaneſcent, no other Terms of their Ratio will be affected, ſo as to vaniſh with 'em, but ſuch as are govern'd or regulated by them: In the Inſtant therefore that o vaniſhes, [...] oxn−2 + &c. and all enſuing Terms of the Series abſolutely vaniſh together; but the Terms 1 and nxn−1 remain invariable under all poſſible Changes of the Increments, from any finite Degrees of Magnitude whatever, even till they become [30] evaneſcent: They therefore expreſs the laſt Ratio, under which the iſochronal Increments of x and xn vaniſh, or the Proportion of the Velocities with which thoſe Increments ceaſe to exiſt: Sir Iſaac Newton then rightly retain'd 'em for the Meaſures of the Ratio of the Fluxions of x and xn, tho' got in Virtue of his firſt Suppoſition; and the Fallacy, the Inconſiſtency, lies on the Side of this Author; who wou'd have them rejected on the Authority of a Lemma not to the purpoſe.

To make this Point ſtill more plain and obvious, I ſhall propoſe the reaſoning in a ſtronger Light: It amounts therefore to this, or may in other Words, be thus expreſſed: If x be ſuppos'd to flow uniformly, the Fluxions of x and xn, will be as 1 and nxn−1. For in the ſame Time that x by flowing, becomes x + o, xn will become [...], which by the Method of infinite Series, is equal to xn + noxn−• + [...] o2 xn−2 + &c.. Conſequently [31] the Increments of x and xn, generated in the ſame Time, are o and noxn−1 + [...] o2 xn−2 + &c.. But the naſcent or evaneſcent Increment of xn, is as its Fluxion; and in either of theſe States the Ratio of noxn−1 + [...] o2 xn−2 + &c. to noxn−1 is a Ratio of Equality: For as the Magnitude of o becomes leſs and leſs, the Quantities noxn−1 + [...] o2 xn−2 + &c.. and noxn−1 conſtantly tend to an Equality, by a continual Diminution of their Difference; and they become equal, and their Ratio becomes a Ratio of Equality, when their Difference vaniſhes; that is, in the Inſtant o becomes evaneſcent, or in the Inſtant that the Increment of xn firſt begins to exiſt: For as they vaniſh together under a Ratio of Equality, ſo they begin to exiſt together under the ſame Ratio; and therefore in the naſcent or evaneſcent State of o, the Fluxions of x and xn, are as o and noxn−1, which are manifeſtly to each other as 1 and nxn−1.

[32] Hence it appears, that this Method of finding the Fluxion of xn, upon a Suppoſition that x flows uniformly, is the very ſame with that of finding the Fluxion of a Rectangle, as it is deſcribed in the ſecond Book of the mathematical Principles: For, as ab the Difference between Ab + Ba + ab and Ab + Ba grows leſs and leſs perpetually, by diminiſhing the ſynchronal Increments of the Sides of the Rectangle, and at laſt evaneſces, and in the Inſtant of its Evaneſcence, the Gnomon Ab + Ba + ab becomes equal to the Sum of the Rectangles Ab and Ba; ſo [...] o2 xn−2 + &c. the Difference between noxn−1 + [...] o2 xn−2 + &c. and noxn−1 grows leſs and leſs perpetually, by diminiſhing the Increment o, and at laſt evaneſces, and in the Inſtant of its Evaneſcence noxn−1 + [...] o2 xn−2 + &c. becomes equal to noxn−1: And as the Gnomon Ab + Ba + ab is not the Moment or Fluxion of the Rectangle AB, but in the Inſtant of its [33] becoming equal to Ab + Ba, ſo noxn−1 + [...] o2 xn−2 + &c.. is not the Moment or Fluxion of xn, but in the Inſtant of its becoming equal to noxn−1.

The Author of the Analyſt therefore, is greatly miſtaken, in thinking Sir Iſaac found the Fluxion of xn, by a Method different from that he uſed in finding the Fluxion of a Rectangle, contain'd under two flowing Quantities: He ſteadily adheres to one and the ſame Method; namely, that of taking the firſt or laſt Ratios of Quantities, or of their iſochronal Increments, for the Meaſures of the Ratios of their Fluxions; and uſes no illegitimate Artifice to obtain theſe firſt or laſt Ratios; unleſs it be accounted illegitimate to ſuppoſe that mathematical Quantities can be generated and deſtroyed by Motion.

It is pretended, ‘That the Method for finding the Fluxion of a Rectangle of two flowing Quantities, as it is ſet forth in the Treatiſe of Quadratures, [34] differs from that found in the ſecond Book of the Principles, and is in Effect the ſame with that uſed in the Calculus differentialis: For the ſuppoſing a Quantity infinitely diminiſh'd and therefore rejecting it, is in Effect the rejecting an Infiniteſimal.’ But if this Author deduces the Rule from the firſt Propoſition in the Treatiſe of Quadratures, and conſiders it ever ſo little, he will find it the very ſame with that ſet down in the ſecond Book of the Principles: And it is doubtleſs in Effect too the ſame with that uſed in the differential Calculus, ſo far as different Methods can effect the ſame Thing, but no farther: For Quantities are not rejected in the Method of Fluxions, as in the differential Calculus, on Account of their exceeding Smallneſs.

‘But according to the received Principles it is evident, ſays he, that no geometrical Quantity, by being infinitely diminiſh'd can ever be exhauſted or become nothing.’ Now, on the received Principles of Fluxions, this is [35] a direct Abſurdity. For theſe Principles ſuppoſe that mathematical Quantities can be generated by Motion, which he has not yet thought proper to contradict; and conſequently they may alſo by Motion be deſtroy'd: For Quantities, and the Augments of Quantities, which in ſome finite Time are produc'd by Motion, may perpetually grow leſs and leſs by reverting that Motion; and by conſtantly growing leſs and leſs, they may come to be infinitely diminiſhed, or to be leſs than any aſſignable Quantities; and from being leſs than any aſſignable Quantities, the Motion ſtill perſevering, they muſt at laſt vaniſh and become nothing; otherwiſe it might be contended that a Body ſetting out from any Place, and, in any finite Time, deſcribing a certain length, cou'd never by moving back and returning in the ſame Line, arrive at the Place from whence it firſt ſet out.

Upon the whole then it appears, that the Method of Fluxions, as deſcrib'd by Sir Iſaac Newton in his Introduction to the Quadrature of Curves, and in the [36] ſecond Book of his mathematical Principles, is not that wretched un-ſcientifical Knack ſet forth in the Analyſt; but a Method founded upon obvious, rational, accurate and demonſtrative Principles: It likewiſe appears, that the Concluſions do not ariſe from illegitimate tentative Ways or Inductions, but follow from ſuch Premiſes, and by ſuch Arguments, as are moſt conformable to the Rules of Logic and right Reaſon: All the Skill and Dexterity therefore by this Author ſhewn, in the Inveſtigation of contrary Errors correcting each other, are vain and impertinent. He has miſtaken the Doctrine of Fluxions, and by not rightly diſtinguiſhing its Principles from thoſe of the differential Calculus, has impoſed a falſe Meaſure of Moments upon his Readers, and arguing from that falſe Meaſure, has unjuſtly charg'd Sir Iſaac with Errors ariſing from it; and, to mend the Matter, has inſtituted Computations to ſhew how thoſe Errors redreſs one another, and how Mathematicians by Means of Errors bring forth Truth and Science.

[37] The Diſpute between the Followers of Sir Iſaac Newton, and the Author of the Analyſt, is not about the Principles of the differential Calculus, but about thoſe of Fluxions; and it is whether theſe Principles in themſelves are clear or obſcure, and whether the Inferences from them are juſt or unjuſt, true or falſeſcientific or otherwiſe: We are not concerned about Infiniteſimals or minute Differences, but about the Ratios with which mathematical Quantities begin or ceaſe to exiſt by Motion; and to conſider the firſt or laſt Proportions of Quantities does not imply that ſuch Quantities have any finite Magnitudes: They are not the Proportions of firſt or laſt Quantities, but Limits of Ratios; which Limits, the Ratios of Quantities attain only by an infinite Diminution of their Magnitudes, by which infinite Diminution of their Magnitudes they become evaneſcent and ceaſe to exiſt. If therefore Quantities may ceaſe to exiſt by Motion, and if the Ratios with which they become evaneſcent be truly determin'd, it will follow that there are no Errors, however [38] ſmall, admitted in the Principles of Fluxions; and if no Errors be admitted in the Principles; there can be none in the Concluſions, nor any to be accounted for in the Arguments by which thoſe Concluſions are deduc'd from their Premiſes: The Hints therefore, which this Author has condeſcended to give the Mathematicians for aſcertaining the Truth of their Concluſions, by means of contrary Errors deſtroying each other, will probably be left to be further extended and apply'd by himſelf, to all the good Purpoſes he pleaſes to extend and apply them; as having more Leiſure, and a Science more tranſcendental*, and perhaps a much greater Curioſity for ſuch Matters, than they have.

It has been obſerv'd before, that Fluxions may be expounded by any Lines which are proportional to them; and ſo the Analyſis may be inſtituted, by conſidering [39] the mutual Relations or Proportions of finite Quantities, as the Proportions of Fluxions themſelves. To this it is objected, ‘That if, in order to arrive at theſe finite Lines proportional to Fluxions, there be certain Steps made uſe of which are obſcure and inconceivable, it muſt be acknowleged, that the Proceeding is not clear, nor the Method ſcientific.’ But there may be many Steps obſcure and inconceivable to Perſons, who are unacquainted with Sir Iſaac Newton's Method of firſt and laſt Ratios, with his Doctrine of Fluxions, and with his Principles of Motion; and yet thoſe Steps may appear very different to others who have duly conſider'd 'em: And therefore, till it be made apparent from geometrical Principles that the fluxional Triangle, which evaneſces upon the returning of the Ordinate of any Curve to the Place from whence it firſt ſet out, cannot in its laſt Form, that is, in the Form it has at the Inſtant it becomes evaneſcent, be ſimilar to a Triangle contain'd between the Tangent, the Abſciſs extended and the Ordinate of the [40] ſame Curve; or till it be proved that no Triangle, which is capable of becoming evaneſcent by a Diminution of its Sides from Motion, can be ſimilar in its laſt Form to any plain Triangle whatſoever; we ſhall continue to expound Fluxions by ſuch Right Lines as are proportional to them; and do aſſert, that the Proceeding is clear, and the Method ſcientific.


Appendix A ERRATA.

PAGE 10. L. 2. r. will in moſt Caſes continually change. Page 14. L. 20. r. of the Spaces deſcribed by them in equal Times.

See his new Theory of Viſion; his Treatiſe on the Principles of Human Knowlege; and ſome later Undertakings of equal Importance.
A Philoſophia prima, a certain tranſcendental Science ſuperior to and more extenſive than Mathematics, which, he ſays, it might behove our modern Analyſts rather to learn than deſpiſe.
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Zitationsvorschlag für dieses Objekt
TextGrid Repository (2016). TEI. 4469 A vindication of Sir Isaac Newton s principles of fluxions against the objections contained in The analyst By J Walton. . University of Oxford, License: Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/]. https://hdl.handle.net/11378/0000-0005-D6B6-C