

LONDON, Printed for L. DAVIS and C. REYMERS againſ [...] Gray's-Inn, Holbourn. Printers to the ROYAL [...] MDCCXXIII.



SAUL, for his Diſobedience to Heaven, is afflicted with the Fiend of MELANCHOLY, p. 1. DAVID is ſent for, to cure him by the Power of Muſic, p. 2. He comes, attended with a Choir of Shepherds; and, as the means of diſpelling SAUL'S Deſpair, he ſings the Creation of the World, and the happy Eſtate of our firſt Parents in Paradiſe, p. 3 to 7. SAUL is moved by the Repreſentation; but expoſtulates with DAVID, "why, when others are happy, He ſhould be miſerable," p. 7. DAVID, to convince him that Guilt is the Source of Miſery, ſings the Fall of Man, and his Expulſion from Paradiſe, p. 8. This alarms the Monarch's Pride; and inſtead of reclaiming, provokes him to Reſentment and Rage, p. 9. DAVID, ſuperior to his Threats, awakens his Conſcience, and terrifies him, by ſinging the Fate and Puniſhment of Guilt, in the Deſtruction of the rebellious Tribe of CHORAH by an Earthquake, and of the guilty World by the general Deluge, p. 10. SAUL, ſtruck with Horror, attempts to kill himſelf, p. 13. But being prevented by his Friends, DAVID ſooths his Anguiſh, by invoking Repentance and divine Mercy to compoſe his Paſſions, [] p. 14. SAUL relents into virtuous Sorrow, p. 15. But his Deſpair returning, DAVID calls on his attendant Choir to raiſe a more ſublime and affecting Strain, p. 16. This hath its Effect; and SAUL melts into Tears of Penitence, ib. DAVID now comforts him with the Return of the divine Favour, p. 17. To baniſh the Remains of Pride, he then ſings his own Happineſs in the humble Station of a Shepherd, ib. Still farther to compoſe the Monarch's Griefs, by a Strain of ſoft Muſic he throws him into a gentle Slumber; invoking celeſtial Viſions to tranſport him to the Regions of the Bleſſed, and change his Anguiſh into Joy, p. 18. The deſired Effects appear in his Countenance: The Fiend departs: And SAUL awakes in perfect Tranquillity, p. 19. DAVID then concludes with a Song of Triumph on the Powers of Harmony, and the ſeraphic Hymn that attended her, as the Miniſter of Heaven, on the Creation of the World, p. 20.


"VENGEANCE, ariſe from thy infernal Bed;
"And pour thy Tempeſt on his Guilty Head!"
Thus Heav'n's Decree, in Thunder's Sound,
Shook the dark Abyſs profound.—
The unchain'd Furies come!
Pale Melancholy ſtalks from Hell:
Th' abortive Offspring of her Womb,
Deſpair and Anguiſh round her yell.
By ſleepleſs Terror SAUL poſſeſs'd,
Deep feels the Fiend within his tortur'd Breaſt.
Midnight Spectres round him howl:
Before his Eyes
In Troops they riſe;
And Seas of Horror overwhelm his Soul.
Haſte; to JESSE'S Son repair:
He beſt can ſweep the Lyre,
Wake the ſolemn ſounding Air,
And lead the vocal Choir:
On ev'ry String ſoft-breathing Raptures dwell,
To ſooth the Throbbings of the troubled Breaſt;
Whoſe magic Voice can bid the Tides of Paſſion ſwell,
Or lull the raging Storm to Reſt.
Sunk on his Couch, and loathing Day,
The heav'n-forſaken Monarch lay:
To the ſad Couch the Shepherd now drew near;
And, while th' obedient Choir ſtood round,
Prepar'd to catch the Soul commanding Sound,
He drop'd a gen'rous Tear.—
Thy pitying Aid, O GOD, impart!
For lo, thy poiſon'd Arrows drink his Heart!
The mighty Song from Chaos roſe.—
Aro [...]nd his Throne the formleſs Atoms ſleep,
And drowzy Darkneſs broods upon the Deep.—
Confuſion, wake!
Id the Realms of Chaos ſhake!
Rouſe him from [...]is dread Repoſe!—
[4] Hark! loud Diſcord breaks her Chain:
The hoſtile Atoms claſh with deafning Roar:
Her hoarſe Voice thunders through the drear Domain;
And kindles ev'ry Element to War.—
"Tumult ceaſe!
"Sink to Peace!
"Let there be Light!"—Th' Almighty ſaid:
And lo, the radiant Sun,
Flaming from his orient Bed,
His endleſs Courſe begun.
See, the twinkling Pleiads riſe:
Thy Star, Orion, reddens in the Skies:
While ſlow around the northern Plain,
Arcturus wheels his nightly Wane.
Thy Glories, too, refulgent Moon, he ſung;
Thy myſtic Mazes, and thy changeful Ray:
O faireſt of the ſtarry Throng!
Thy ſolemn Orb of Light
Guides the triumphant Carr of Night
O'er Silver Clouds, and ſheds a ſofter Day!
Ye Planets, and each circling Conſtellation,
In Songs harmonious tell your Generation!
Oh, while yon radiant Seraph turns the Spheres,
And on the ſtedfaſt Pole-Star ſtands ſublime;
Wheel your Rounds
To heav'nly Sounds;
And ſooth his Song-inchanted Ears,
With your celeſtial Chime.
[6] In dumb Surprize the liſt'ning Monarch lay;
(His Woe ſuſpended by ſweet Muſic's Sway)
And awe-ſtruck, with uplifted Eye
Mus'd on the new-born Wonders of the Sky.
Lead the ſoothing Verſe along:
He feels, he feels the Pow'r of Song.—
Ocean haſtens to his Bed:
The lab'ring Mountain rears his rock-encumber'd Head:
Down his ſteep and ſhaggy Side
The Torrent rolls his thund'ring Tide;
Then ſmooth and clear, along the fertile Plain
Winds his majeſtic Waters to the diſtant Main.
Flocks and Herds the Hills adorn:
The Lark, high-ſoaring, hails the Morn.
And while along yon crimſon-clouded Steep
The ſlow Sun ſteals into the golden Deep,
[7] Hark! the ſolemn Nightingale
Warbles to the woodland Dale.
See, deſcending Angels ſhow'r
Heav'n's own Bliſs on Eden's Bow'r:
Peace on Nature's Lap repoſes;
Pleaſure ſtrews her guiltleſs Roſes:
Joys divine in Circles move,
Link'd with Innocence and Love.
Hail, happy Love, with Innocence combin'd!
All hail, ye ſinleſs Parents of Mankind!
They paus'd:—the Monarch, proſtrate on his Bed,
Submiſſive bow'd his Head;
Ador'd the Works of boundleſs Pow'r divine:
Then, Anguiſh-ſtruck, he cry'd (and ſmote his Breaſt)
Why, why is Peace the welcome Gueſt
Of ev'ry Heart but Mine!
[8] Now let the ſolemn Numbers flow,
Till he feel that Guilt is Woe.
Heav'nly Harp, in mournful Strain
O'er yon weeping Bow'r complain:
What Sounds of bitter Pangs I hear!
What Lamentations wound mine Ear!
In vain, devoted Pair, theſe Tears ye ſhed:
Peace with Innocence is fled.
The Meſſengers of Grace depart:
Death glares, and ſhakes the dreadful Dart!
Ah, whither fly ye, by yourſelves abhor'd,
To ſhun that frowning Cherub's firey Sword?—
Hapleſs, hapleſs Pair,
Goaded by Deſpair,
Forlorn, thro' deſert Climes they go!
[9] Wake, my Lyre! can Pity ſleep,
When Heav'n is mov'd, and Angels weep!
Flow, ye melting Numbers, flow;
Till he feel, that Guilt is Woe.—
The King, with Pride, and Shame, and Anguiſh, torn,
Shot Fury from his Eyes, and Scorn.
The glowing Youth,
Bold in Truth,
(So ſtill ſhould Virtue guilty Pow'r engage)
With Brow undaunted met his Rage.
See, his Cheek kindles into generous Fire:
Stern, he bends him o'er his Lyre;
And, while the Doom of Guilt he ſings,
Shakes Horror from the tortur'd Strings.
[10] What Sounds of Terror and Diſtreſs
Rend yon howling Wilderneſs!
The dreadful Thunders ſound;
The forked Lightnings flaſh along the Ground.
Why yawns that deep'ning Gulph below?—
'Tis for Heav'n's rebellious Foe:—
Fly, ye Sons of ISRAEL, fly,
Who dwells in Korah's guilty Tents muſt die!—
They ſink!—Have Mercy, Lord!—Their Cries
In dreadful Tumult riſe!
Hark, from the Deep their loud Laments I hear!
They leſſen now, and leſſen on the Ear!
Now, Deſtruction's Striſe is o'er!
The countleſs Hoſt
For ever loſt!
The Gulph is clos'd!—Their Cries are heard no more!—
[11] But Oh, my Lyre, what Accents can relate
Sinful Man's appointed Fate!
He comes, he comes! th' avenging GOD!
Clouds and Darkneſs round him rowl:
Tremble, Earth! Ye Mountains, nod!
He bows the Skies, and ſhakes the Pole.
The gloomy Banners of his Wrath unfurl'd,
He calls the Floods, to drown a guilty World:
"Ruin, lift thy baleful Head;
"Rouze the guilty World from Sleep:
"Lead up thy Billows from their cavern'd Bed,
"And burſt the Rocks that chain thee in the Deep.—
Now, th'impetuous Torrents riſe;
The hoarſe-aſcending Deluge roars:
Down ruſh the Cataracts from the Skies;
The ſwelling Waves o'erwhelm the Shores.
[12] Juſt, O God, is thy Decree!
Shall guilty Man contend with Thee!
Lo, Hate and Envy, ſea-intomb'd,
And Rage with Luſt in Ruin ſleep;
And ſcoffing Luxury is doom'd
To glut the vaſt and rav'nous Deep!—
In vain from Fate th' aſtoniſh'd Remnant flies:—
"Shrink, ye Rocks! Ye Oceans, riſe!"—
The tottering Cliffs no more the Floods controul;
Sea following Sea ingulphs the Ball:
O'er the ſunk Hills the watry Mountains rowl,
And wide Deſtruction ſwallows all!—
Now fiercer let th'impaſſion'd Numbers glow:
Swell the Song, ye mighty Choir!
Wing your dreadful Darts with Fire!
Hear me, Monarch!—Guilt is Woe!—
[13] Thus while the frowning Shepherd pour'd along
The deep impetuous Torrent of his Song;
SAUL, ſtung by dire Deſpair,
Gnaſh'd his Teeth, and tore his Hair:
From his Blood, by Horror chill'd,
A cold and agonizing Sweat diſtill'd:
Then, foaming with unutterable Smart,
He aim'd a Dagger at his Heart.
His watchful Train prevent the Blow;
And call each lenient Balm, to ſooth his frantic Woe:
But pleas'd, the Shepherd now beheld
His Pride by Heav'n's own Terrors quell'd:
Then bade his potent Lyre controul
The mighty Storm that rent his Soul.
[14] Ceaſe your Cares: the Body's Pain
A ſweet Relief may find:
But Gums and lenient Balms are vain,
To heal the wounded Mind.
Come, fair Repentance, from the Skies
O ſainted Maid, with upcaſt Eyes!
Deſcend in thy celeſtial Shrowd,
Veſted in a weeping Cloud!
Holy Guide, deſcend, and bring
Mercy from th' eternal King!
To his Soul your Beams impart,
And whiſper Comfort to his Heart!—
They come: O King, thine Ear incline:
Liſten to their Voice divine:
[15] Their Voice ſhall every Pang compoſe,
To gentle Sorrow ſooth thy Woes;
Till each pure Wiſh to Heav'n ſhall ſoar,
And Peace return, to part no more!
Behold, obedient to their great Command,
The lifted Dagger quits his trembling Hand:
Smooth'd is his Brow, where ſullen Care
And furrow'd Horror couch'd with fell Deſpair:
No more his Eyes with Fury glow;
But heav'nly Grief ſucceeds to hell-born Woe,—
See, the Signs of Grace appear:
See the ſoft relenting Tear,
Trickling at ſweet Mercy's Call!
Catch it, Angels, ere it fall!
And let the heart-ſent Offering riſe,
Heav'n's beſt-accepted Sacrifice!—
[16] Yet, yet again?—Ah ſee, the Pang returns!
Again with inward Fire his heaving Boſom burns!
Now, Shepherds, wake a mightier Strain;
Search the deep, heart rending Pain;
Till the large Floods of Sorrow roll,
And quench the Tortures of his Soul.
Almighty LORD, accept his Pang ſincere!
Let heav'nly Hope diſpell each dark Temptation!
And, while he pours the penitential Tear,
O viſit him with thy Salvation!—
Stoop from Heav'n, ye raptur'd Throng:
Sink, ye ſwelling Tides of Song!
For lo, diſſolv'd by Muſic's melting Pow'r,
Celeſtial Sorrow rolls her plenteous Show'r.
O'er his wan Cheek the Colours riſe;
And Beams of Comfort brighten in his Eyes.
[17] Happy King, thy Woes are o'er!
Thy God ſhall wound thy Soul no more:
The pitying Father of Mankind
Meets the pure-returning Mind.
Now lowly let the ruſtic Meaſure glide,
To quell the dark Remains of ſelf-conſuming Pride;
Till Nature's home-ſprung Bleſſings he confeſs,
And own that calm Content is Happineſs.—
Ye Woods and Lakes, ye Cliffs and Mountains!
Haunted Grots, and living Fountains!
Liſten to your Shepherd's Lay,
Whoſe artleſs Carols cloſe the Day.
Bounding Kids around him throng;
The ſteep Rock echoes back his Song:
While all unſeen to mortal Eye,
Sliding down the evening Sky,
[18] Holy Peace, tho' born above,
Daughter of Innocence and Love,
Quits her Throne and Manſion bright,
Her Crown of Stars, and Robe of Light,
Serene, in gentle Smiles array'd,
To dwell beneath his Palm-Tree Shade.
Hail, meek Angel! awful Gueſt!
Still pour thy Radiance o'er my Breaſt!
Pride and Hate in Courts may ſhine:
The Shepherd's calm and blameleſs Tent is Thine!—
Softly, ſoftly breath your Numbers;
And wrap his weary'd Soul in Slumbers!
Gentle Sleep, becalm his Breaſt,
And cloſe his Eyes in healing Reſt!
Deſcend, celeſtial Viſions, ye who wait,
GOD'S miniſtring Pow'rs, at Heav'n's eternal Gate!
[19] Ye, who nightly Vigils keep,
And rule the ſilent Realms of Sleep,
Exalt the Juſt to Joys refin'd,
And plunge in Woe the guilty Mind,
Deſcend!—Oh, waſt him to the Skies,
And open all Heav'n's Glories to his Eyes!
Beyond yon ſtarry Roof, by Seraphs trod,
Where Light's unclouded Fountains blaze;
Where Choirs immortal hymn their GOD,
Intranc'd in Ecſtaſy of ceaſeleſs Praiſe.
Angels, heal his Anguiſh!
Your Harps and Voices joyn!
His Grief to Bliſs ſhall languiſh,
When ſooth'd by Sounds divine.
Behold, with dawning Joy each Feature glows!
See, the bliſsful Tear o'erflows!—
[20] The Fiend is fled!—Let Muſic's Rapture riſe:
Now Harmony, thy ev'ry Nerve employ:
Shake the Dome, and pierce the Skies:
Wake him, wake him into Joy.—
What Pow'r can ev'ry Paſſion's Throe controul?
What Pow'r can boaſt the Charm divine,
To ſtill the Tempeſt of the Soul?
Celeſtial Harmony, that mighty Charm is Thine!
She, heav'nly-born, came down to viſit Earth,
When from GOD'S eternal Throne
The Beam of all-creative Wiſdom ſhone,
And ſpake fair Order into Birth.
At Wiſdom's Call ſhe robed yon glittering Skies,
Attun'd the Spheres, and taught conſenting Orbs to riſe.
Angels wrapt in Wonder ſtood,
And ſaw that All was Fair, and All was Good.
[21] 'Twas then, ye Sons of GOD, in bright Array
Ye ſhouted o'er Creation's Day:
Then kindling into Joy,
The Morning Stars together ſung;
And thro' the vaſt etherial Sky
Seraphic Hymns and loud Hoſannahs rung.
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University of Oxford, License: Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/]

Zitationsvorschlag für dieses Objekt
TextGrid Repository (2016). TEI. 3960 The cure of Saul A sacred ode Written by Dr Brown. . University of Oxford, License: Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/]. https://hdl.handle.net/11378/0000-0005-D423-4