



Sold by J. MASRHALL, PRINTER to the CHEAP REPOSITORY for Moral and Religious Tracts) No. 17, Queen-Street, Cheapſide, and No. 4, Aldermary Church-Yard. London.

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[Entered at Stationers' Hall.]


THE Devil, as the Scriptures ſhew,
Tempts ſinful mortals high and low;
And always acting well his part,
He ſuits his Bribes to every Heart:
See there the Prince of Darkneſs ſtands,
With Baits for ſouls in both his hands.
To one he offers Empires whole,
And gives a Sceptre for a Soul;
To one he freely gives in barter
A Peerage, or a Star and Garter;
To one he pays polite attention,
And begs him juſt to take a Penſion.
Some are ſo fir'd with love of Fame,
He bribes them by an empty name;
For Fame they toil, they preach, they write,
Give alms, or ſally forth and fight;
Prefer Man's praiſe to God's Salvation,
And ſell their Souls for Reputation.
But the great Gift, the mighty Bribe
Which Satan pours amid the Tribe,
Which thouſands ſeize with eager haſle,
And all deſire at leaſt to taſte,
Is—plodding Reader!—what d'ye think?
Alas!—'tis money—money—chink!
Round the wide World the Tempter flies,
Preſents to view the glittering prize;
See how he goes from ſhore to ſhore,
And how the nations all adore;
Souls flock by thouſands to be ſold
Smit with the love of filthy Gold.
See at yon needy Tradeſman's ſhop,
The univerſal Tempter ſtop;
"Wouldſt thou" he cries "encreaſe thy Treaſures,"
"Uſe lighter weights, and ſcantier meaſures,"
"Thus ſhalt thou thrive;" the Trader's willing,
And ſells his Soul to get a Shilling.
Next Satan to a Farmer hies,
"I ſcorn to cheat," the Farmer cries;
Yet his whole heart on Wealth was bent,
And ſo the Devil was content;
Now markets riſe and riches roll,
And Satan quite ſecures his ſoul.
Mark next yon cheerful youth ſo jolly,
So fond of laughter and of folly;
He hates a ſtingy griping Fellow,
But gets each day a little mellow;
To Satan too he ſells his ſoul
In barter for a flowing bowl.
But mark again yon Laſs a ſpinning,
See now the Tempter is beginning:
Some Buck preſents a top-knot nice,
She grants her Virtue as the price;
Yields to the Beau ſo ſmart and civil,
Her Soul ſhe renders to the Devil.
Thus Satan tries each different State,
With mighty Bribes he tempts the Great,
The Poor with equal Force he plies,
But wins them with an humbler Prize;
Has gentler Arts for young Beginners,
And fouler Sins for older Sinners.
Oft too he cheats our mortal eyes,
For Satan father is of lies;
A thouſand ſwindling tricks he plays us,
And promiſes but never pays us;
Thus we poor fools are ſtrangely caught,
And find we've ſold our ſouls for nought.
Nay oft, with quite a juggler's art,
He bids the proffer'd gift depart;
Sets ſome gay joy before our face,
Then claps a trouble in it's place;
Sends ſome huge loſs inſtead of gain,
And conjures pleaſure into pain.
Be wiſe then, Oh! ye worldly tribe,
Nor ſell your conſcience for a Bribe;
When Satan tempts you to begin,
Reſiſt him, and refuſe to Sin:
Bad is their Bargain on the whole,
Who gain the world and loſe a Soul.

Appendix A

  • On the 1ſt of June, 1795, was publiſhed, The Shepherd of Saliſbury Plain, Part II.—The Beggarly Boy, a Parable, —and Wild Robert, a Ballad.
  • On the 1ſt of July, Daniel in the Den of Lions.—The Good Mother's Legacy. —Patient Joc, a Ballad.
  • On the 1ſt of Auguſt, Hints to all Ranks of People.—The Happy Waterman.— The Riot, a Ballad.—The Plowboy's Dream, a Ballad.
  • On the 1ſt of September, Tom White, Part II.—Noah's Flood.—Dame Andrews Ballad.
  • On the 1ſt of October, Harveſt Home.—Two Farmers, Part I.—Honeſt Miller, a Ballad.
  • On the 1ſt of November, The Parable of the Vineyard.—The Two Farmers, Part II. The Sorrows of Yamba, a Ballad.
  • On the 1ſt of December, The Troubles of Life.—Sorrowful Sain.—Merry Chriſtmas Carol.
  • On the 1ſt of January, 1796. New Thoughts on the New Year.—The Hiſtory of Mary Wood, the Houſemaid.—Robert and Richard, a Ballad
  • On the 1ſt of February, The Touchſtone; or, the Way to know a good Chriſtian. —The Apprentice turned Maſter; or, the Two Shoemakers, [...]art II.—The Story of Sinful Sally. Told by herſelf, a Ballad,
  • On the 1ſt of March, Oneſimus; or, the Run away Servant converted.—Idle Jack Brown; or, the Two Shoemakers, Part III.—Shopkeeper, Part I.
  • On the 1ſt of April, Converſion of St. Paul.—Jack Brown in Priſon; or, the Two Shoemakers, Part IV.—Shopkeeper, Part II.
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University of Oxford, License: Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/]

Zitationsvorschlag für dieses Objekt
TextGrid Repository (2016). TEI. 3833 The bad bargain or the world set up to sale. . University of Oxford, License: Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/]. https://hdl.handle.net/11378/0000-0005-D390-9