Abraham Delanoy, jun. just arrived from London: Takes this Opportunity to inform the Public, That he is now settled at Mr. Turner's, in New-Dutch Church Street, near the Colonel Robinson's; Where he intends to carry on Portrait Painting; Ladies and Gentlemen that Please to employ him, may depend on all the Justice in his Power, and he doubts not, but he shall give satisfaction.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, May 28, 1767.
Abraham Delanoy, Junior, Takes this Opportunity to inform those Ladies and Gentlemen that have proposed to favour him with their commands, that he intends for the West-Indies in the Spring; it is therefore necessary that they apply speedily; He expresses his Acknowledgement to those that have employed him hitherto. He continues to paint Portraits at his Room in the New Dutch-Church-street, near Col. Robinson's. His name over the Door.—The New-York Mercury, January 18, 1768.
Abraham Delanoy.—Likenesses Painted for a reasonable Price, by A. Delanoy, Jun. who has been Taught by the celebrated Mr. Benjamin West, in London. N.B. Is to be spoke with opposite Mr. Dirck Schuyler's, at his Fathers.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 7, 1771.
John Durand.—The Subscriber having from his Infancy endeavoured to qualify himself in the Art of historical Painting, humbly hopes for the Encouragement from the Gentlemen and Ladies of this City and Province, that so elegant and entertaining an Art, has always obtain'd from People of the most improved Minds, and best Taste and Judgement, in all polite Nations in every Age. And tho' he is sensible, that to excel (in this Branch of Painting, especially) requires a more ample Fund of universal and accurate Knowledge than he can pretend to, in Geometry, Geography, Perspective, Anatomy, Expression of Passions, ancient and modern History, &c. &c. Yet he hopes, from the good Nature and Indulgence of the Gentlemen and Ladies who employ him that his humble Attempts, in which his best Endeavours will not be wanting, will meet with Acceptance, and give Satisfaction; and he proposes to work at as cheap Rates as any Person in America.
To such Gentlemen and Ladies as have thought but little upon this Subject, and might only regard painting as a superfluous Ornament, I would just observe, that History-painting, besides being extremely ornamental, has many important uses. It presents to our View, some of the most interesting Scenes recorded in ancient or modern History; gives us more lively and perfect Ideas of the Things represented, than we could receive from an historical account of them; and frequently recals to our Memory, a long Train of Events, with which those Representations were connected. They shew us a proper Expression of the Passions excited by every Event, and have an Effect, the very same in Kind, (but stronger) than a fine historical Description of the same Passage would have upon a judicious Reader. Men who have distinguished themselves for the good of their Country and Mankind, may be set before our Eyes as Examples, and to give us their silent Lessons, and besides, every judicious Friend and Visitant shares with us in the Advantage and Improvement, and increases its Value to ourselves.
John Durand, near the City-Hall, Broad-street. The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, April 11, 1768.
Du Simitiere.—Mr. Du Simitiere, Miniature Painter, Intending shortly to leave this City, and it being uncertain whether he will return again, if any Gentlemen or Ladies should incline to employ him, he is to be found at his lodgings, in the House of Mrs. Ferrara, in Maiden Lane.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 31, 1769.
Stephen Dwight, Begs leave to acquaint the Publick, that he continues Portrait and History Painting, as usual; and begs such Gentlemen and Ladies who incline to employ him in the Portrait way, that they would be speedy in their Application, as the present Season is most suitable for that work. He likewise intends the ensuing Week to open a school for the Instruction of Youth in the several Branches of Drawing; the Hours of Drawing at School will be from 1 to 2, and from 5 to 6 in the Afternoon, at 6 Shillings per Week; if it should suit any Persons he will attend from 5 to 6 in the Morning, he proposes not to take above 6 or 8 Scholars.
N.B. Said Dwight also continues to Carve all Sorts of House, Ship and cabinet Work in the best Manner.—The New-York Mercury, May 2, 1763.
Lawrence Kilburn, Limner, just arrived from London with Capt. Miller, hereby acquaints all Gentlemen and Ladies inclined to favour him in having their Pictures drawn, that he don't doubt of pleasing them in taking a true Likeness, and finishing the Drapery in a proper Manner, as also in the Choice of Attitudes, suitable to each Person's Age and Sex, and giving agreeable Satisfaction, as he has heretofore done to Gentlemen and Ladies in London. He may at present be apply'd to at his Lodgings, at Mr. Bogart's, near the New Printing-Office in Beaver-Street.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, May 13, 1754.
Lawrence Kilburn, Limner, from London, who lately advertised in this paper; hereby acquaints all Gentlemen and Ladies, that are mindful to see some of his Performances.
That he has now several Pieces taken from the Life, finished in his Room; as also sundry other curious Pieces, scarcely to be met with at any other Place in this City, and hopes that Gentlemen and Ladies who have a Taste that Way, will favour him with their Companies; and doubts not but a View of his Performances will engage them to incourage him in this Branch of Business, as at present there is no other in Town who pretends thereto.
N.B. He lodges at Mr. Bogart's next Door to the late Domini Boel's near the New-Printing-Office in Beaver-Street.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, September 30, 1754.
Lawrence Kilburn, Limner, from London. Intends during the Winter Season, to instruct Gentlemen in the Art of drawing Landskips, Faces, Flowers, &c. on very reasonable Terms, and at such Hours as will be most suitable to those Gentlemen.
N.B. He lodges at Mr. Schuyler's, next Door to Mr. Henry Holland's near Coenties Market.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, October 13, 1755.
Lawrence Kilburnn, Limner from London Continues, as usual, to draw to the life. Ladies and gentlemen that have not as yet seen many of his performances, may now have an opportunity of viewing sundry pieces together, which he has drawn to the entire satisfaction of the persons for whom they were designed. He may be applied to at his lodgings, at the house of Mr. Peter Rosevelt, in Bayard's-street. He draws also in miniature.—The New-York Mercury, September 26, 1757.
Lawrence Kilbrunn.—As my Business calls me up to Albany in about three Weeks Time, I desire therefore all who are indebted to me, to settle with me; and all who hath any Demands on me, to send in their Accounts that they may be settled. And as my Affairs may Keep me in Albany all next Summer, I shall therefore be glad that if any Gentlemen or Ladies who might incline to have their Pictures drawn by me, to apply speedily, at my lodgings in Bayard-Street, at Mr. John Lansing's. Lawrence Kilbrunn.—The New-York Mercury, March 30, 1761.
Lawrence Kilburn, Intending to remove into the country, all persons having any demands on him, are desired to bring them in, and receive payment; and all who are indebted to him either on book, note, or bond, to discharge the same, within three months from the above date, to prevent trouble. As at present there is no other Portrait painter in thie city but himself; whoever inclines to have anything done of that kind, are desired to apply in time, as it may be long before they have another opportunity.
N.B. He hath yet some white lead, ground to dispose of.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, August 22, 1765.
Lawrence Kilburn.—Sells paints and painter's materials;........Portrait Painter's Colours; Canvas, Hair and Fitch Pencils, Tools, and gilt carv'd Frames for Portraits, Leaf-Gold, and Silver, Ditto, &c.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, April 26, 1764.
Lawrence Kilburn.—All persons indebted to the estate of Lawrence Killbrun, late of this city, deceased, are hereby requested to pay the same speedily to Judith Killbrun, or Abm. H. Van Vleck, Merchant, who are to be spoke with at the store of Henry Van Vleck and Son at which place is for sale the remaining assortment of all kinds of painters colours, and different sizes of glass, which will be sold low for cash only. And likewise to be let and entered upon immediately, the pleasant situated and convenient house which the said Killbrun occupied.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 17, 1775.
Thomas Milworth, Portrait Painter, Has removed to the House of Mr. Samuel Deall, in Broad-street, opposite to Beaver-street, His first Sett of Pictures are now finished: and as this is the most proper Season for Painting, he desires Gentlemen and Ladies that incline to any Thing done in his way, to be speedy in their application.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, August 21, 1758.
William Birchall Tetley, from London, Begs leave to acquaint the public, that he has taken a commodious house the Corner of Beaver-Street, and facing General Haldimand's, where he purposes Painting portraits in oil, or in a miniature for the bracelet, or so small as to be set in a ring. Those Ladies and Gentlemen who please to favour him with their commands, may depend on having them done in the best manner, and with the greatest expedition.—The New-York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, August 8, 1774.
William Birchall Tetley.—Dancing, Taught at Home and Abroad by Wm. Birchall Tetley. Late apprentice to Monsieur Gherarde, of London; He teaches on the usual terms the minuet, cottilions, Allemande, English Country dances; single double, and treble hornpipes, &c &c. as they are now danced at London and Paris, which last place he has lately visited. Those Gentlemen and Ladies who please to favour him with their commands, at the corner of Beaver-street, shall be duly attended. An Evening School at home, three times a week.
Continues painting Portraits in oyl or miniature, as usual, Teaches Ladies and Gentlemen drawing and painting in crayons or water colours.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, November 14, 1774.
William Williams, Painter, at Rembrandt's Head, in Batteaux-street, Undertakes painting in general, viz. History, Portraiture, landskip, sign painting, lettering, gilding, and stewing smalt. N.B. He cleans, repairs, and varnishes, any old pictures of value, and teaches the art of drawing. Those ladies or gentlemen who may be pleased to employ him, may depend on care and dispatch.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 8, 1769.
Painting on Glass.—By a Person lately arrived in this Town. Painting upon Glass (commonly call'd burning upon Glass) is performed in a neat and curious Manner so as never to change its Colour; Perspective Views neatly colour'd for the Camera Obscura. N.B. Young Gentlemen and Ladies are instructed in either of the above, so as to be capable to perform it themselves in a little Time, at a reasonable Rate. By the same Person, Land survey'd designs for Buildings, Plans and Maps neatly drawn. Enquire at Mr. John Ditcher's, Tallow-Chandler and Soap-Boiler in the Sloat. The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, July 9, 1753.
Paintings.—Twenty-four fruit and flower pieces, elegantly done by Jones, just imported, and to be sold, by John Wetherhead, at his store in King-street.....—The New-York Mercury, December 24, 1764.
Pictures.—For Sale, at Garrat Noel's, next Door to the Merchant's Coffee-House, a Great Variety of the most elegant Pictures, framed and glazed in America, which in Neatness of Workmanship, equal any imported from England, and will be Sold at a much lower Price.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 5, 1969 (Supplement).
—Adems—..N.B. Any Persons may have their Coats of Arms, or Names, to paste on the Inside of the Covers of Books; Shop Bills, with proper Figures and Designs, or any other engraving work, neatly executed by Adems, Schoolmaster and Engraver, on Golden Hill.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 23, 1763 (Supplement).
Dunlap Adems, writing master, Has lately open'd school in Queen-street, near the Fly, at half a guinea per month. Hours of teaching is from 10 to 12 in the forenoon. Those who can't spare time in the day time, may be taught at night.—New-York Mercury, January 10, 1763.
John Anthony Beau.—To The Public, John Anthony Beau, Engraver and chaser, Proposes to teach any Ladies or Gentlemen that incline to learn, the Art of Drawing, in all its Branches. He engraves and does all sorts of chasing Work, at the most reasonable Rates. Whoever will favour him with their Commands, are desired to apply to Mr. Lewis Fueter, Gold and Silver Smith, opposite the Coffee House.—New-York Journal or General Advertiser, December 20, 1770.
Isaac Clemens, Engraver, (who lately arrived with his Majesty's Fleet from Boston in New-England) Informs the Gentlemen of the Navy and Army, and Public in general, that he now carries on the Engraving Business, at his Shop, near the French Church, in King-street, New-York.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 21, 1776.
Henry Dawkins, engraver, who lately lived with Mr. Anthony Lamb, has now set up his business in the shop late Mr. Paiba's, opposite the Merchant's Coffee-House, in New York, where he engraves in all sorts of mettals. Gentlemen that will favour him with their work, may depend on having it done in the best manner, with expedition, and on the most reasonable terms.—The New-York Mercury, October 20, 1755.
Michael De Bruls.—Curious Chasing or other Raised Work, in general on Gold and Silver Watch-Cases, Snuff Boxes, &c. Engraving, Crests and Coats of Arms, &c. on Gold, Silver and Copperplate; Also, Engraving of Seals on Gold, Silver or Steel Done. By Michael De Bruss, At the House of Mr. Frederick Beckers, in Maiden-Lane, near the Fly-Market. N.B. He also doth draw Plans of Fortifications, &c.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, December 19, 1757.
Michael De Bruls.—By the Advice and Encouragement of several Gentlemen of this City, is published by Subscription, and curiously engraved on two large Copper Plates, by Michael De Bruls, Engraver and Inhabitant of this City, A plan of the Landing, Encampment and Attack against Fort Niagara, on Lake Ontario, reduced with the adjacent Country, by his Majesty's Forces under the Command of Sir William Johnson, Baronet; the Place of Engagement where the French Reinforcement was defeated. Also a Plan of Fort Niagara, on a large Scale, shewing its advantageous Situation and Harbour, its extraordinary Strength, fortified both by Art and Nature, with the required References, the whole laid down by an experienced Engineer.
Conditions of Subscription, viz.
I. This Plan, with Part of Lake Ontario, and the opposite Shore, over that River, which proceeds from over Niagara Falls, into said Lake, is beautifully engraved on two large Copper-Plates, as abovementioned, and almost ready for Printing; they are to be printed on the largest and best Paper, said Work will form a handsome Print of two Feet eleven Inches, by one Foot one Inch, exclusive of the margin.
II. Each Subscriber is desired to give in his Name and Place of Abode.
III. This Plan shall be delivered on, or before the last Day of June next ensuing, to the several Subscribers at their Places of Abode, at Eight Shillings, New-York Currency, one Half to be paid on Subscribing, the other Half on Delivery of the Plans.
IV. The Subscription will be closed on the 26th of June next, after which none will be sold for less than 16 Shillings New-York Currency, each Plan.
To deliver these Plans immediately after being printed, Notice shall be given by the New-York News-Papers on and from the 28th of June next ensuing.
Subscriptions are taken in by Messrs. Parker and Company, Mr. W. Weyman, and Samuel Farley, Printers in New-York, also by Michael De Bruhls, [sic] Engraver of the above Plan, in the Road beyond the New-Goal on the Hill, where the above engraved Plates may be seen.
Such Gentlemen and others, as shall please to encourage this Undertaking will great oblige their most obedient and obliging Servant, M. de Bruls.—The American Chronicle, April 19, 1762.
Michael De Bruls.—For publishing by Subscription, Two different water views, and two different land views, of this flourishing city of New-York. The editor and engraver, has taken great pains, and been very exact in laying down these four beautiful prospects, with which the city presents itself to the eye of every judicious Beholder. He hopes to meet with encouragement from all Gentlemen and Ladies, &c. especially, as nothing of this Kind ever has been undertaken before by any body in this part of the world.
Conditions of Subscription.
1. These above-mentioned four different views, with the respective references, in English, High Dutch and Low Dutch will be curiously engraved on a copper plate, of 21 by 12 inches each, and printed on best large paper.
2. A plan of the streets, &c. of this city, with their respective names, will also be neatly engraved on another copper plate, and printed on best large paper.
3. Each subscriber to sign his name, and give his quality and place of abode.
4. These four prints will be delivered on or before the last day of May next, to be several subscribers at their place of abode, at Twenty Shillings, New-York currency; one half to be paid on subscribing, the other half on the delivery of the five prints.
5. The subscription will be closed on the 28th day of May next, after which none will be sold or disposed of.
6. A separate Pamphlet will be published along with the prints, giving an exact account of the wholesome climate, pleasant situations, products, &c. of this province, for the benefit of the subscribers, which they may chuse, either in English, High Dutch, or Low Dutch.
7. The above plates are partly finished engraving. The editor and publisher has settled a correspondence in the most noted cities and towns in New-York government, New-England, the Jersies, and Pennsylvania, for to deliver the prints immediately after publication, whereof notice will be given in the public News-Papers in New-York, Boston, Philadelphia, &c.
Subscriptions are taken in by W. Weyman, Printer in Broad-street, Hugh Gaine, in Hanover-Square, John Holt at Burling's Slip, and Michael De Bruls, publisher and engraver of the above plates, at the lower end of New-Street, next door to Col. Thody.
P. S. The reason why these above-mentioned four views, with the plans of this city, have not been finished and delivered according to Advertisement, is, 1st. a great many Gentlemen and Ladies, having as yet only promised to subscribe; this my undertaking being of a very extraordinary charge to me. 2d. I find a great deal more land laid in lots additional to this city, than what I was acquainted with, consequently requires more expence and time to complete the same; particularly as I am desirous to give Satisfaction to all those that have, and may encourage the above undertaking, as well as for my recommendation and credit; therefore, all Gentlemen, and others are requested to be expeditious in subscribing, and giving in their names and places of abode as they are intended to be printed, and prefixed to the pamphlet.
And in complying with this request, they will greatly oblige their most obliged humble servant, Michael De Bruls.—The New-York Gazette, March 7, 1763.
Elisha Gallaudet, Engraver, is removed from the house where he lately lived in Smith-Street, to the house wherein Mr. Moran lived, in the Broad-Way near the Bowling-Green, where he carries on his business as usual.—The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, August 1, 1771.
John Hutt, From London, Engraver and Copper plate Printer Engraves Coats of Arms, Crests and Cyphers on Plate, Seals, &c. Likewise Bills on Parcels, Shop Bills, Card Plates, Bills of Exchange, Bills of Loading, Maps, Portraits, &c. All other Engraving and Printing performed in the neatest and most elegant taste.
Specimens of his Work to be seen at Mr. Rivington's.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, June 24, 1773.
John Hutt from London, Engraver in general, and copperplate Printer at Mr. Sickles's, next door to the Merchant's Coffee-House, New-York:
- Engraves all Architecture,
- sorts of Coats of arms,
- Crests,
- Seals and Cyphers,
- Shop Bills,
- Bills of Exchange,
- Bills of Lading,
- Bills of Parcels,
- Card Plates &c.
- Maps,
- Portraits,
- Frontispieces,
- Door Plates,
- Compliment Cards,
- Spoons & all sorts of plate marked and cypher'd,
- Dogs collars,
- Stamps, &c. &c.
Said John Hutt returns his most sincere thanks to his friends, for the favours already conferred on him, and assures the Public, that he intends carrying on the Engraving and Printing business in the most elegant manner, and with the greatest dispatch.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, January 20, 1774 (Supplement).
John Hutt, Engraver in General, and Copper Plate Printer, Directly opposite the coffee house, in Water-street, New-York. Performs every article in the different branches of engraving, with the utmost neatness and dispatch. N.B. Stamps cut for the news paper on the shortest notice; arms neatly painted on vellum.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, September 15, 1774.
John Lamb.—Engraving in gold, silver and copper and other metals by John Lamb, at Sir Isaac Newton's head on Hunter's-Key, New-York.—New-York Mercury, March 15, 1756.
Henry Purcell, Engraver, Begs leave to acquaint his friends in particular, and the public in general, that he has opened a shop in Broad-Way, nearly opposite Mr. Hull's Tavern, where he carries on the engraving business in different branches, and hopes he can give satisfaction to all gentlemen that may be pleased to favour him with their commands, as they may depend upon the greatest care and dispatch.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, September 15, 1774.
Joseph Simons, Seal-Cutter and Engraver, from Berlin, next Door to Mr. Edward Leight, Leather-Dresser, in the Fly, Cuts all sorts of Coats of Arms, Cyphers, & etc. in Stone, Steel, Silver, or any other Metal. Also engraves Coats of Arms, Crests, Cyphers, on the Plate, &c. Those Gentlemen and Ladies that please to send their Escutcheons, may depend upon having them done after the Manner of the Herald's office, and as neat as in any Part of England. N.B. He will wait on any Gentlemen or Ladies, on Notice being sent to him.—The New-York Gazette, May 9, 1763.
View of the City of Albany.—This is to give Notice, there is in Hand a view of the City of Albany which Design, (if a sufficient number of Subscribers come in) to engrave it on Copper, and print it on fine Paper, all Gentlemen that are willing to forward it, are Desired to Subscribe at Matthias Cregeer on the Dock, in New-York, and at Mr. Waters in Albany. (The price is three Shillings per Print).—The New-York Gazette, July 18-25, 1736.
Prints and Maps.—To be sold cheap by the Printer hereof, viz. A Map of the whole World; a Map of each Quarter of the World; a Map of England, a Plan of the City of London; a View of the City of New-York;—A View of the Battle of Culloden; a View of Captain Phillips's retaking the Solebay; two large Prints of Horses, one the Duke of Bolton's, the other the Earl of Portmore's; a beautiful small Print of Sir Philip Sidney; and several other small Prints.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Post-Boy, April 24, 1749.
Mr. Strange's Prints.—To the Curious. Lately published in England, and to be sold by Garrat Noel and Company, near the Meal-market, the celebrated Mr. Strange's Twelve very elegant Prints, consisting of, Le Retour du Marche, a Cupid, a Magdalane, a Cleopatra, a Headpiece from the Painting of Guido Rheni, a Virgin Mary from ditto, Liberality and Modesty from ditto, Apollo rewarding Merit and punishing Arrogance, Caesar putting away Pompey, and receiving his Wife; Charles Prince of Wales, James Duke of York, and Princess Mary, Children of King Charles 1st. These surprizing pieces are bound up on Boards to preserve them, but may be taken out to put into Frames. Likewise, the Heads of illustrious persons of Great Britain, on 180 Copper-Plates, engraved by Houbraken and Mr. Virtue, with their Lives and Characters, by Thomas Birch, D. D. Secretary to the Royal society. Done upon Imperial Paper, and curiously bound. N.B. Gentlemen of Taste that are willing to purchase either of these much esteemed Curiousities, are desired to apply in Time, as there are but very few Copies to dispose of.—The New-York Mercury, March 26, 1759.
View of Niagara.—Engraving, A View of the Cataract of Niagara, which will be published in June next. From this Representation of one of the most wonderful Aspects of Nature, designed as a Specimen of what the Publisher intends to do with many other great and stupendous Scenes throughout America, he has some Reason to hope, that a Work of such Elegance and Beauty, will meet with the Aid and Countenance, as may enable him to give these amazing Subjects every Help that Art can with Propriety bestow of, which this his first Essay he flatters himself will be judged a very striking Instance. After the Subscription shall be closed the Price will be raised. Proposals to be seen at Mr. Rivington's, Mr. Noel's, Mr. Dyckinck's, where Subscriptions are taken in.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 8, 1773.
Church-Music, Ready for engraving, and to be published by subscriptions,...—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, June 24, 1773.
American Magazine. Those gentlemen and ladies who incline to encourage the publication of the Royal American Magazine, are hereby informed, that the subscription papers will be returned to the intended publisher in a few days, in order that he may ascertain the number subscribed for. Subscriptions are taken in by Hugh Gaine. N.B. The introduction to the Royal American Magazine (or No. I to be ornamented with two elegant copper-plate prints) will be published on the first day of January next.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, November 15, 1773.
Mezzotint of Doctor Ogilvie.—A Mezzotinto Print of the Revd Doctor Ogilvie, (taken from an extraordinary likeness) is now in hand, and will be finished in a few weeks; the size of the plate is 15 inches by 11. As the Subscriber has done it solely at his own risque, and was the first person in this city, who proposed it, and was even promised the portrait, which is now to be sent to England, to take a sketch from: He is in hopes that all those who are inclined to promote arts and ingenuity in America, will make it a point to encourage the undertaking. Anthony Lam.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, January 26, 1775.
Mezzotint of John Hancock.—It is Proposed, To print in about Ten days, A Neat Mezzotinto Print, of the Hon. John Hancock, Esq; President of the Continental Congress. Subscriptions are taken in by Mr. Nicholas Brooks, in Philadelphia. Price, 3s. 9d. or in double-carv'd gilt frames, at 7s. 6d.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 9, 1775.
Engravings & Mezzotints.—Minshull's Looking Glass Store, Removed from Smith street to Hanover-square (opposite Mr. Goelet's the sign of the Golden Key,) has for sale, Engravings. By Strange, Wollet, Vivare's & other eminent masters. A pleasing variety of mezzotintos well chosen and beautifully coloured...—The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, March 15, 1775.
Map of the Five Great Lakes.—There is now in the Press, and will shortly be Published, The History of the Five Indian Nations depending on the Province of New-York, giving an Account of their Wars both with the Indians and Christians, from the first Settling of Canada and New York, as also their Treaties of Peace with several Governments in North America.
There is also a Map of the five great Lakes, Rivers and Indian Countries, shewing the Scituation of the several Indian Nations, from Canada to the Branches of Misissippi and the Upper Lake. Both printed and Sold by William Bradford in New-York.—The New-York Gazette, February 20-27, 1727.
Mercator Chart.—This is to give Notice, That the Mercator Chart Drawn by Philip Cockrem, extending from the Lat. of 9 Degrees to the Lat. of 43 Degrees North; Easterly to the Island of Barbados, Westerly to the Entrance of the Massisippi; is now entirely finished and printed on fine Royal Paper, and are to be seen and sold at the House of Philip Cockrem in Princess Street, near Smith Street, in New-York; the Price being Twenty Shillings each, New-York Money.—The New-York Gazette, September 21-28, 1730.
Plan of New York City.—Just Published, A Plan of the City of New-York, from an actual Survey made by James Lyne, being curiously, engraved on a Copper Plate and printed on a sheet of demy Royal Paper, wherein is laid down the situation of his Majesty's Fort and Chappel, all the Churches and Meeting-Houses, City-Hall, Custom-house, Weigh-house, Exchange, Market-houses & other Remarkable Places, shewing also the Names and Boundaries of the six Wards in said City, with all the Streets, Lanes and Allyes therein. The Names of the streets are as follow, viz.
Kings Street, Queens Street, Prince Street, Duke-Street, Hanover Square, Little Queen street, Broad street, Broad way, Dock-street, White-hall street, Pearl-street, Bridge-street, Market street, Mill street, Stone street, Wall street, Cherry street, Rutgers street, Garden street, Nassau street, John street, Anne street, Beekmans street, Gold street, Kips street, William street, Beaver street, Vandercliff street, Smiths street, Frankford street, Fair street, George street, Clfits street, Flatten barrack street, New street, Maiden Lane, Wind-Mill Lane, Hunters Key, Burnets Key, etc. Printed and Sold by William Bradford, Price 4s. 6d.—The New-York Gazette, August 30-September 6, 1731.
Chart of the New England Coast.—There is now Published, and to be Sold, The New-England Coasting Pilot, from Sandy-Point of New-York unto Cape Canso in Nova-Scotia, and part of the Island Breton; with Courses and Distances from Place to Place, and Towns on the sea-board; The harbours, Bays, Islands, Roads Rocks and Sands; The Setting and Flowing of Tydes and Currents, with Directions of great Advantage, to this part of Navigation in North-America. As also, the Soundings, Sands, Rocks and Harbours, with Distance of Places from New-York (between Long-Island the Main) to Rhode-Island by Capt. Cyprian Southack.
Which work being Presented to the King, and his Majesty taking into his gracious Consideration the Usefulness of the said Performance, was pleased to order the sum of Fifty Pounds to be paid to Capt. Southack for buying him a Gold Chain and Medal, as a mark of his Majesty's Royal Favour for his Labour and Palns [sic] in so useful a Work. To be Sold by William Bradford in the City of New-York.—The New-York Gazette, June 24-July 1, 1734.
Map of New York Harbor.—There is now Published a new Map of the Harbour of New-York, from a late Survey, containing the Soundings and setting of the Tydes, and the bearings of the most remarkable Places, with the Proper Places for Anchoring. To be Sold by the Printer hereof.—The New-York Gazette, March 24-31, 1735.
Map of the Five Nations of Indians.—On Monday next will be published a Map of the five Nations of Indians, with the Road from Albany to Oswego and the Situation of the Lakes.—The New-York Gazette, August 18-25, 1735.
Plan of Louisbourg.—Just published at Boston (Price 20 s. Old Tenor) A plan of the City and Fortress of Louisbourg; with a small Plan of the Harbour: Done in Metzotinto on Royal Paper, from the Original Drawing of Richard Gridley, Esq; Commander of the Train of Artillery at the Siege of Louisbourg. Sold by J. Smibert, in Queen-Street, Boston.—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, October 6, 1746.
Maps of Pennsylvania &c.—Just published (in Philadelphia) the Second Edition of a Map of Pennsilvania, New-Jersey, New York and the Three Lower Counties on Delaware, By Lewis Evans.
The Determination of the Bounds of Pennsilvania and Maryland, by a Decree in Chancery; a new Purchase made of the Indians and the Erecting of four new Counties in Pennsilvania, since the first Publication of the Map, have made this Edition necessary. And Care has been taken to supply the Omissions, and to rectify the Errors which have escaped in the former Impression; and the South Side of Lake Ontario is now added.
The several Provinces and Counties are distinguished in the plain Maps by Division of Lines, and in the Colour'd Ones, by different Colours.
Besides what are Common to other Maps, as the Sea-Coast, Rivers, Creeks, Mountains, Roads, intermediate Distances of Places, and the Situation of Cities, Towns, Villages, &c. there are inserted in this, how far the Tide runs up the Rivers, and the Time of the High-Water, full and Change, of the greatest Use in Commerce: the Variation of the Needle, by several accurate Observations, and the Rate of its Decrease, of Use in adjusting old Surveys of Land; the greatest Length of Days and Nights, a Table of the Distances between the most considerable Towns, besides Barometrical and Thermometrical Observations, Accounts of the Weather in this Climate, the Production of Lighting and Fogs accounted for: with several other Articles recommended by the Curious to the Enquiry of the Travellers.
The Smallness of this Map has been very often objected to the Author; but if Gentlemen would consider, that they seldom have seen Maps of any Parts of Europe to a larger Scale, and that there is not a City, Town, or even a Village of six Houses within the Compass of the Map, that there are not inserted in it, and that Pensilvania, as far as tolerably settled, which is between Delaware River, the Lower Counties, Mariland, and the Kittatinny Mountains, tho' now divided into eight Counties, is not of Extent equal to Yorkshire in South-Britain, they would be induced to think a larger Map impertinent; if they did not expect it for other Uses then Geography, Physics, History and Commerce.
The Price of the Plain Maps is One Spanish Dollar; of the colour'd Ones, on superfine Writing paper, Two Dollars; and there are a few on fine Calico, at a Dollar and a Half each.
In Justice to the Buyers of the former Impression, their colour'd Maps, tho torn or defaced will be exchanged for the new Edition at Five Shillings, and their plain Ones at two Shillings and Six-pence.
To be sold or exchanged by the Author in Philadelphia, and by the Printer hereof.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, August 24, 1752.
City of Philadelphia.—Proposals for publishing by Subscription, A Prospect of the City of Philadelphia. Taken from the East, by George Heap. Conditions. That the Print shall be seven Feet four Inches in Length, taking in the Extent of near a Mile and a Half.
That in order to have the Work executed in the best manner, the Plates shall be engraved in England, and well printed, on fine white and strong Paper.
That the Price of each Prospect be Twenty Shillings, Money of Pensilvania; one Half to be paid at the Time of Subscribing, the other on Delivery of the Prints.
That if a sufficient Number are not subscribed for before the first of December next, the Subscription shall be void, and the Money returned to the Subscribers again.
Subscriptions are taken in by Mr. Nicholas Scull, and the Author in Philadelphia, and by the Printer hereof...—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, November 20, 1752.
Plan of New York City.—To be sold by G. Duyckinck, The Plan of the City of New-York, shewing the several Wards, Streets, Lanes and Allies, Churches, Meeting Houses, Markets, Sugar and Distilling-Houses, Water Lots, with the additional New Lots &c. &c. to this present Year. Done from actual Survey. Also Window Glass, Oil and Painters Colours, Pictures of all sorts made and sold at a reasonable Price.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post Boy, February 24, 1755.
Map of the Middle British Colonies.—Proposals For publishing by Subscription, a general Map of the Middle British Colonies in America &c....—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, July 28, 1755.
Map of the Middle British Colonies.—Just published, a General Map of the Middle British Colonies in America, viz. Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsilvania, New-Jersey, New-York, Connecticut, and Rhode-Island; of the Country of the Confederate Indians; of the Lakes Erie, Ontario, and Champlain, and of the Port of New-France. By Lewis Evans. This Map includes the Ohio, and all the present Places of Action of the British, French, and Indians; and was composed with a particular View to the Connection our Colonies have with Canada, the Lakes, Ohio, and the Countries of the adjacent Indians.
The Price of the colour'd Maps, on superfine Writing-Paper, Two Pieces of Eight; and of the plain Ones, on printing Paper, One Piece of Eight each. With each colour'd Map is given a Pamphlet of four Large Sheets and a Half, containing an Analysis of the Map; a Discription of the Face of the Country. the Boundaries of the Confederate Indians, whereon the British Rights are founded, and the Maritime and Inland Navigation of the several Rivers and Lakes contained therein. To be Sold, in Philadelphia, by the Author in Arch-Street; at Carlisle, Trenton, Brunswick, New-York, New-Haven, New-London, Providence, and Boston Post-Offices: In Burlington, by Mr. Pere, and also in New-York, by Mr. Garrat Noel, Bookseller, in Dock-Street, near Coenties Market.
N.B. At the same Places are also sold, a few Copies of the Pamphlets separately; Price one Quarter of a Piece of Eight each.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, November 23, 1755.
Plan of Philadelphia.—Just published, and to be sold by Garret Noel, Bookseller, in Dock Street, A large, and very curious Plan of the City of Philadelphia, taken by George Heap, from the Jersey-Shore, under the direction of Nicholas Scull, surveyor general of the Province of Pennsylvania. This fine perspective contains four sheets, of imperial paper, price Three Dollars, in sheets.—The New-York Mercury, March 17, 1755.
Plan of the Battle Near Lake-George.—To be sold at the Bible and Crown, in Queen-street, Price, Four Shillings, A prospective Plan of the Battle near Lake-George, on the 8th Day of September, 1755. With an Explanation thereof, containing a full, tho' short, History of that Affair, By Samuel Blodget, occasionally at the Camp when the Battle was fought.—The New-York Mercury, March 8, 1756.
Map of Pennsylvania.—Just Published, And to be sold at the Printing-Office, at the Bible and Crown, in Hanover Square, Price 12 Shillings; A Map of the improved Part of the Province of Pennsylvania, wherein are laid down all the principal Rivers, Creeks, Mountains, Highways, Churches, Meeting-Houses, Merchant-Mills, Gentlemen's Seats, Houses of Entertainment, Situation of Iron Works, such as Furnaces, Forges, &c. all taken by actual Surveys, made by the Author, The Names of the Townships are also inserted nearly in the Places where they lie. There is also a Pamphlet given gratis with each Map, containing the Distances from Philadelphia, of all Places of Note within the Province, which makes this Work of real Use, not only to the People of Pennsylvania, but to the neighbouring Governments.—The New-York Mercury, July 9, 1759.
Map of Nova-Scotia.—Just published, and Sold at the Printing-Office in Beaver-Street. The second Edition (with very large Additions, Corrections and Improvements) of a Map of Nova-Scotia and Parts adjacent; wherein is accurately described, Part of New-England (from Boston Northeastward) Nova-Scotia, its true Extent, Boundaries, and Fishing Banks; the Islands of Cape-Breton, St. John's Anticosti, and New-foundland; the great River of Canada, or St. Lawrence, with Orleans, Coudre, and other Islands that lie in it. Shewing also, all the various Communications, by Means of the River Ristigochi, St. John's, Penobscot, Kenebeck, Chaudiere, &c. between Quebec, and other Places situate on St. Lawrence River, on the North, across the Lands with the Gulph of St. Lawrence on the East, the Bay of Fundy and the Atlantic Ocean on the South. The English Fort and Settlements, and the Seats of the (pretended Neutral) French Inhabitants in Nova-Scotia; with every thing else worthy of Notice, or that may serve to give a true Idea of the Situation, and connection of the several parts of that Country, and of the Advances and Operations of his Majesty's Troops that have been, or now are employed in those Parts. Also in a vacant Part of the Plate are inserted the following (more particular) Draughts of the principal Places, that are situate within the Bounds of the Map, viz. 1st the Situation of Halifax, Draught of Chebucto Harbour, &c. 2d. A Plan of the Town of Halifax. 3d. A Plan of Quebec. 4th a Plan of the Port and Fortress of Louisbourgh, with the English Works raised against it in 1745. 5th a neat View of the Town of Boston.
Price Half a Dollar plain, or a whole Dollar colour'd. Note, The Western Part of this Map contains the same Places that are contained in the Eastern Part of A general Map of the Middle British Colonies, published by the late ingenious and accurate Mr. Lewis Evans, and as this Map begins with the Eastern Limits of that, and proceeds Eastward from it, as far as to include the Streights of Belle Isle, it may serve a Supplement thereto; and those two Maps together afford an entire View of all the Places on this Continent, that have been, or now are the Objects, or Scenes of any military Operations.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, January 14, 1760.
A Map of New York.—A New Map of the Province of New-York and New Jersey, with Part of Pennsylvania, and the Government of Trois Rivieres and Montreal, drawn by Capt. Holland, engraved by Thomas Jefferies, Geographer to his Majesty; four and a half Feet high, Breadth 21 Inches: Also the Map of the Globe, and the four Quarters, in four Sheets, two sheets, and one Sheet—in Sheets or on Canvis and Rollers. Maps and Charts of different Sorts and Sizes. Variety of large and small Metzitinto and engraved Prints, Jappaners do. drawing and Copy Books, oil and Water Colours in Shells, Limners and Black Lead Pencils, red and black Chalk, and Variety of Limners and Jappaners Articles, with Varnish of all kinds, too tedious to mention; Sold by G. Duyckinck, at the Universal Store, at the Corner of the Old Slip-Market.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, May 5, 1768.
Map of North America.—Death Notice of Dr. Mitchell, maker of the map of North-America.—A news item from London, February 25, in The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, April 25, 1768.
Proposed Draughts.—Jonathan Carver, formerly a Captain in the Provincial Troops of the Massachusetts Bay, during the War in North-America, and lately employ'd as a Surveyor and Draughtsman, in exploring the interior and upper Parts of the Continent, adjoining to, and beyond the Lake Superior, and a Thousand Miles upwards, and Westward of the great River Missisippi; offers the following Proposals to the Public, viz. To publish, as soon as a proper Number of Subscribers encourage him in the Design, the exact and minute Journal of His Proceedings, and Remarks on the Nations and Countries he passed through, together with Draughts and Plans annexed, of these Countries, and of his recent Discoveries. Each Subscriber to pay the Sum of two Spanish Dollars, for every Copy of the proposed Work, and as soon as a sufficient Number have subscribed, (in order to indemnify the Expense of the Press, and Engraving) the Publication will immediately ensue. Subscriptions are taken in by Jonathan Carver, at Mr. Burns's, in the Broad-Way, and the Printer hereof.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 15, 1768.
Plan of New York City.—Just published, and to be sold by H. Gaine, (Price 16s. coloured, and 8s. plain) A Plan of the City of New-York, Dedicated to his Excellency Sir Henry Moore, Bart.
The above Plan is done on a Sheet of Imperial Paper, and Streets laid down very exact, with the Names of each, the Wards, Wharfs and all the publick Buildings in and about the City properly distinguished, and the whole carried considerably farther than Corlear's Hook.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 21, 1769.
Map of Virginia.—A Most accurate and excellent map of the colony of Virginia, taken from actual surveys, finely engraved and beautifully printed on 4 sheets of royal paper, price 30s. Virginia currency, each, (equal to 5 dollars) may be had on application to the printer, where one of the maps may be seen.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, September 13, 1770.
A Plan of New York City.—To be sold by the Printer hereof, A Plan of the City of New York, and its Invirons, surveyed and laid down in the years 1766, and 1767, with a South Prospect of the same, taken from the Governor's Island. In this Plan is taken in Powlis-Hook, Red-Hook, the Long Island Shore, and the Islands in our Bay &c. &c.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 15, 1770.
Map of the New Ceded Countries.—Three very elegant geographical maps of the new ceded countries, being by far the most extensive and accurate work of this nature that has yet been attempted in America, are offer'd for publication by subscription. Proposals to be seen, and subscriptions taken in, by the printer hereof.
The author offers himself for the establishing of any important lines in any part of America, either in the common or astronomical way, or for the survey of any estate, country, or province, that might want accuracy and neatness. He flatters himself that this work in any of the above branches will sufficiently recommend itself. He may be heard of at the printer's, or at the widow Blau's, near the exchange.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 5, 1773.
Bernard Romans.—Mr. Bernard Romans begs leave to inform the public, that his maps are now ready for publication, and the copper-plates being all done, and the paper which he was obliged to get manufactured on purpose, is likewise finished, but not yet received from Philadelphia, or else at least a great part would have been delivered before now: The subscribers may rest assured of receiving the copies within the time prescribed, which is the first day of January next.
As his edition is small, it is requested that such Gentlemen who incline to have copies may subscribe, as after publication none will be to be had for less than 16 Dollars.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, November 10, 1774.
Roman's Map of Boston, Is just printed, published, and sold by Richard Sauce, at his Store near the Fly-Market, Little Dock Street, Where Subscriptions are taken in for any number, This Map of Boston, &c. is one of the most correct that has ever been published. The draught was taken by the most skilful Draughtsman in all America, and who was on the spot at the engagements of Lexington and Bunker's-Hill. Every Well-wisher to this country cannot but delight in seeing a plan of the ground on which our brave American Army conquered the British ministerial forces. Price plain 5s. coloured 6s. and 6d. Pennsylvania currency.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 11, 1775.
Christmas Pieces.—Blank Copper-Plate Christmas Pieces for School-Boys, whole-sale or retail, to be Sold by the Printer hereof.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, November 20, 1752.
John Davis, Copper Plate Printer, lately from London; Neatly prints off Silver, Copper, Brass, or Pewter Plates; on Paper, Parchment, Vellum, Silk or Linen, in the neatest Manner, at Mr. William Post's Painter, at Burling's Slip, New-York.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 23, 1763 (Supplement).
John Hutt.—...Copper Plate Printing. Said Hutt having lately for the better accommodation of his customers, and the public in general, erected a press for that purpose, by which means he will be enabled to execute every piece of engraving he is favoured with, in a neater more expeditious, and reasonable manner than heretofore could be done, the printing branch being attended with great difficulty, and an expence rather extravagant.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, September 15, 1774.
John Archie.—Henry Clopper, Sadler, Is removed from the Corner of the Meal-Market, to the House where Mr. John Archie, Silver-Smith, formerly lived, in Dock-Street, opposite to Mr. Garrit Van Horne's, where he sells, Sadles, Bridles, Whips, and all Sorts of Sadlery Ware, cheap, wholesale or retail.—The New-York Mercury, June 4, 1759 (Supplement).
A. B.—This is to give Notice, That there is a Silver Spoon stopt on suspicion of being stolen; Silversmith's Stamp (A.B.) (A. B.). Whoever owns the said Spoon may apply to Samuel Sands, living in Ulster County, near New-Windsor, before whom they most prove their property and pay the Costs.—The New-York Gazette, July 23, 1764.
E. B.—Stolen last Wednesday a Silver Tankard, containing a Quart, the Tankard hath a new Lid lately put on, the Handle thereof is mark'd with Letters following, (to Wit)
- E V B
- E V B
- M B
The Stamp of the Silver-smith or Maker is with the letters E. B. Upon the Front of the Tankard is engraved a Coat of Arms. Whosoever shall bring the said Silver Tankard to the Printer hereof, (if found in this Country) shall have Forty Shillings, and if in this City, Thirty Shillings as a Reward for their Pains, and no Questions asked, how they came thereby.—The New-York Gazette, February 8-15, 1732.
I. B.—Stolen out of the House of the Subscriber, in Horse Neck, on the Morning of the 15th of this Instant April, a large Silver Tankard, that will contain three Pints, markt with the Letters C. I. B. and stampt I. B. or P. G. Whoever will bring said Tankard to me in Horse Neck, or to Alexander Montgomery, Tavern Keeper, near the Ship Yards in New-York, or will apprehend the Thief or Thieves, so that he or they may be Convicted, shall have a Reward of Five Dollars, and all reasonable Charges paid by Matthew Mead.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, April 20, 1769.
T. B.—Tuesday last, was stole out of a House in Maiden-Lane; two Silver Table Spoons, marked ITS. the Maker's Mark TB in one. If offer'd to be pawn'd or sold please to stop them, and give Notice to the Printing-Office in Beaver-street. A reasonable Reward, with Thanks will be given.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, January 15, 1759.
Adriaen Bancker. To Be Sold, By Flores Bancker, (At the House of Adriaen Bancker, Gold and Silver-Smith, in Bridge-Street, near the Exchange;) wholesale and retale; Sundry dry goods....—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, October 23, 1766.
Thauvet Besly, Gold-Smith, on Golden-hill in New-York, has at his House Peter Lorin, a Jeweller, from London who setts after the neatest & Newest Fashions, all sorts of Jewels, Rings, Ear-Rings, Solitairs, Lockets, Aigrettes, Stay-Hooks, Seals, as also Diamonds, Rubies, Emeralds, Saphires, or any other kind of stone to the best advantage, at very reasonable Rates.—The New-York Weekly Post Boy, November 10, 1746.
Thauvet Besly.—All Persons that have any Demands on the Estate of Mary Carter, late of this City deceased, are desired to bring their Account to Thauvet Besly, Gold smith on Golden-Hill, in order to their being satisfied; and all those indebted to the said Estate are desired to discharge it forthwith, that the legacies may be paid; and prevent more trouble from Thauvet Besly, Executor.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, January 30, 1749.
Jacob Boelen.—Stole at Flatbush on Long-Island, One Silver Tankerd, a piece of Money in the Led of King Charles II, and the Led all engraved, a Coat of Arms, before (in it Man on a Waggon with two Horses) mark'd on the Handle, L P A. One Silver Tankerd plain, with a Piece of Money in the Led, mark'd on the Handle A P or A L. One Cup with two twisted Ears chas'd with Skutchens, marked L P A. One Tumbler marked L P A. One Dutch Beker weighs about 28 Ounces, Engraved all around, marked L P A. All the above were made by Mr. Jacob Boele, [sic] Stamp'd IB. One large Cup with two cast Ears, with Heads upon them and a Coat of Arms, Engraved thereon, One Cup with two Ears, a small hole in the Bottom, One Pair of leather Women Gloves. One black Girdle lined with blue Callico. And two Pair Shoe Clasps new cleaned. Whoever can inform Peter Lefferts of Flatbush or Long-Island, or Abraham Lefferts in New-York, so that it may be had again, shall have Fifteen Pounds Reward and no Question asked.—The New-York Gazette, October 1-8, 1733.
Ephraim Brasher.—Stolen. On the nineteenth instant, out of Mr. John Tuttle's, near Powles Hook Ferry, New-York. A Silver mounted Hanger, with a Dog's Head, and green ivory grip, the grip rather small, the swell of which designed for the underside, is above; the Scabbard a little damaged, and cut through in one place. On one side of the Plate of the Scabbard, is engraved E— Brashier, New-York, Maker; and on the other side Isaac Morrison. Whoever secures said Sword, and Thief, so that the Owner may get the one, and the other be brought to justice, shall have for the Sword, three Dollars, and for the Sword and Thief, Seven Pounds Ten Shillings. New-York Currency, paid by John Tuttle.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, February 22, 1776.
John Brevoort.—Stolen on Sunday Night the 21st of September last, out of the House of Nicholas Burger, living in Queen-street, in this City, One Silver Tea Pot, and one Cream Pot, and six Silver Table Spoons, a Silver Sugar Tongs, and six Tea Spoons, Made by Mr. John Brevoort, stampt with his Stamp thus, I B V, in a Circle, and mark'd on the Bottom of the Tea Pot and Cream Pot thus, NBI and on the Handles of the Table Spoons the same; and on the Tea Spoons IVD. Whoever will give any Information about the said Things, so that they may be had again, or the Thief apprehended, shall have Five Pounds Reward, paid by Nicholas Burger.
N.B. If offer'd to be pawn'd, or sold, pray stop the same, and the Person who offers it.—The New-York Gazette, October 6, 1760.
Charles Oliver Bruff, Goldsmith and jeweller, at the sign of the Tea-pot and tankard, in Maiden-Lane, near the Fly-market, Having employed a jeweller from London, who understands making or mending any kind of diamond or enamel'd work in the jewellery way. Also makes and mends all manner of stone buckles, stone rings, ear-rings, broaches seals, solitairs, hair jewels, lockets, enamel'd. Makes all manner of sleeve buttons, mourning rings of all sorts, trinkets for Ladies, plats hair in a curious manner in true lovers knots, for buttons, rings or lockets, plain or enamel'd; gold necklaces or stone of all sorts. Said Bruff makes all sorts of silver smiths work, mends old work in that way, and has put himself to a great expense in sending to London for diamonds and all manner of precious stones, and he hopes for the encouragement of the gentlemen and ladies of this City, as he will study to use them well.—The New-York Mercury, January 3, 1763.
Charles Oliver Bruff, Goldsmith and Jeweller, at the Sign of the tea pot, and tankard, opposite the Fly-Market, next door to Mr. Laffar's, Is provided with jeweller's, one from London and another from France,...—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 9, 1763.
Charles Oliver Bruff.—...Whereas the said Bruff, has had his work undervalued by three different Silver-smiths of this city, by one I lost three pounds for workmanship, out of eleven pounds five shillings, workmanship; and by another I lost six shillings, on making a set of table-spoons; and the third tried to undervalue a piece of work of two pounds eight shillings, to one pound fifteen shillings, whereby I have hurted myself by keeping up the prices, which I know no reason I should hurt myself for others. He hopes for the encouragement of the Gentlemen and Ladies of this city and country, as he will study to use them well. Since those Gentlemen of the trade has brought the prices so low, I therefore give notice, that I will work for the following prices, viz.
For making silver tankard 3 s. per ounce. For making a silver tea-pot, £ 4. For making a Sugar-pot, 35 s. For making a milk-pot, 24 s. For making a Soop-spoon 20 s. For making six table-spoons 21 s. For making six tea-spoons 10 s. For making tea-tongs, bows or others, 10 s. For making a pair of carved silver buckles, 8 s. I design to put the stamp of my name, in full, on all my works; and will work as cheap as any in the city.—The New-York Mercury, April 20, 1767.
Charles Oliver Bruff, Goldsmith and Jeweller, at the sign of the Teapot, Tankard, and Ear-ring, has removed to the upper end of Maiden-Lane, near the Broadway, and near the Oswego Market, Where he makes or mends any kind of diamond or enamel'd work in the jewellery way; also all manner of stone buckles, stone rings, ear-rings, broaches, seals, solataires, hair jewels, lockets, plain and enamel'd sleeve buttons, mourning rings of all sorts, trinkets for Ladies, gold neck-laces or stone of all sorts. Likewise makes all sorts of silversmiths work, and mends old work in that way; Ladies fans mended in the neatest manner and at the lowest price; watch glasses put in for one shilling a piece. To all gentlemen merchants that travel the country, or pedlars, that please to favour me with their custom, may depend on being used well, and will make any kind of work cheaper than they can get it in the city elsewhere; I have finished some of the neatest dies for making sleeve buttons, with the neatest gold custs on them to stamp all sorts of gold buttons, silver pinchbeck, or brass, and will sell them cheaper than any in the city. Said Bruff has for sale, all sorts of earthen ware, and a few articles in the dry good way, also all sorts of buckles.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 25, 1772.
Charles Oliver Bruff—...He gives the highest price for old gold, silver, and jewels, rough crystals, paste, and all sorts of old stones, as he is fitting up a lapidary's mill, and is just ready to cut any kind of stones, &c. He has for sale, diamonds, rubies, emeralds, emathist, onyx and saphires, garnets of different sizes; also a neat onyx top, bottom and sides of a snuff box, and one of mother of pearl, fit to be set in gold; likewise stones and paste of all sizes, colours and sorts. Country jewellers can be supplied cheaper than at any other place in the city; and he makes it a point with those that bring him jobs from the country, to dispatch them with expedition.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 24, 1774.
Charles Oliver Bruff.—...N.B. I have Engaged a Stone Seal Engraver, who engraves arms, crests, cyphers, figures, heads and fancies, in the neatest manner and with the greatest expedition, with the heads of Shakespear, Milton, Newton, Pope, Homer, Socrates, Hannible, Mark Anthony, Caesar, Plato, Jupiter, Apollo, Neptune, Mars, Cleopatria, Diana, Flora, Venus, Marcellany, with the figures of most of the above, and others too tedious to mention. He makes it a point with those who bring him jobs from the country, to dispatch them with expedition. All country jewellers may have stone seals engraved in the neatest manner. Just bought some Egyptian pebbles, very curious for snuff boxes and seals.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 18, 1774.
Charles Oliver Bruff.—Those Gentlemen who are forming themselves into Companies, in Defence of their Liberties, and others, that are not provided with Swords, May be suited therewith by applying to Charles Oliver Bruff, in Maiden-Lane, near the Fly-Market. Small Swords Silver mounted, Cut-and-thrust and Cutteau De Chase, mounted with beautiful green Grips; and, Broad Swords with the Heads of Lord Chatham, and John Wilkes, Esq; with Shells pierced and ornamented with Mottoes,—for Pitt's Head, Magna Charta and Freedom, whatever Form Gentlemen may fancy, being a Collection of the most elegant Swords ever made in America, all manufactured by said Bruff. N.B. Best Small Arm and Pistol Oyl Flints.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 19, 1775.
Charles Oliver Bruff.—...Scabbards made for Swords, at the shortest Notice, at different Prices, Gun Screw Drivers and double Worms fit to draw a Ball, at 2s. All the Gentlemen of the American Army who are not supplied, may have them at the above shop.
N. B. Best Sword Belts, with or without Swivels. Wants to hire Silversmiths, a Cutler, Chape Forger, Filers, and Whitesmiths; if any in the Army good Wages will be given. Ready Money given for old Gold and Silver, Ivory and Sword Blades.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 8, 1776.
I. C.—Stolen, on the 21st of March last, at Night, out of the House of Jacob J. Lansing, of Albany, a Silver Tankard, weight 34 oz. and some Pennyweight, marked IHL the Maker's mark I.C. Whoever secures the Tankard, that the Owner may get the same again, shall have Forty Shillings Reward, and all reasonable Charges paid by Jacob Lansing.—The New-York Mercury, April 24, 1758.
—Carrol.—We hear from Shrewsbury, that about a Fortnight ago, one Carroll, of that Place, a Silver-Smith, was committed to Goal and still remains there, for debauching his own Daughter, a Girl not fifteen Years of Age, who has sworn that she is with Child by him, and that this detestable Commerce has subsisted for about two Years.—News item in The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 4, 1769.
Simeon and William Coley.—Notice is hereby given, that the partnerships between Simeon and William Coley, silver-smiths in New York, is now dissolv'd and ended, and all persons indebted to the said partnership, are hereby requested to make immediate payment to the same; and all persons having any demands are desired to bring in their accounts, that they may be satisfied, to Simeon Coley, at this house near the coffee-house, where he carries on the said business as usual, and takes this opportunity of returning his hearty Thanks to those gentlemen and ladies, who have been pleased to honour him with their commands, and hopes for a continuance of their favours, as he shall always make it his principal study to merit the same. He has now for sale, just imported a fresh and curious assortment of Jewellery, viz. garnet necklaces and ear rings, paste ditto, curious sets of paste buckles, corals and coral necklaces, for children, and various other articles.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, September 11, 1766.
Simeon Coley, Gold-Smith and Jeweller, from London, Has made several very neat Fancy-Rings, to be worn on the above happy occasion, which may be had at his Shop near the Merchants Coffee-House. Said Coley, makes all Sorts of large and small Plate, Mourning Rings, &c. &c.—The New-York Gazette, March 16-23, 1767.
Simeon Coley.—Just imported in the ships Edward and Hope, from London, and to be sold cheap by Simeon Coley, Silver-smith, near the Merchant's Coffee house;
A Large assortment of jewellery, diamond, garnet, and other rings; the neatest paste & stone buckels, garnet and paste necklaces, ear rings, egrets and solatiers, ditto neat etwe cases, silver-handle knives and forks in cases, ivory ditto, neat small swords, and cutteau de chase, and sword belts, great variety of pocket books for gentlemen and ladies, silver and other watches, ditto chains, neat clocks in mahogany cases, best gilt and other buckels, masons broaches and jewels, gold buttons and seals, silver ditto, neat tortise-shell snuff-boxes and smelling bottles, plated bits, and stirrups, best violins, german and common flutes, fifes, aeolus harps, hand organs, and a variety of other articles.—The New-York Mercury, October 5, 1767.
Simeon Cooley.—The Conduct of Simeon Cooley, in his daring Infractions of the Non-importation Agreement; his insolent and futile Defence of those inglorious Measures; with his avowed Resolution obstinately to persevere in counteracting the legal Efforts of a brave and free People in support of their inestimable Rights ‘alarmed and insenced’ the Inhabitants of this City, who dreading the destructive Consequence that might have ensued from so dangerous an Example, determined, at a General Meeting held on Friday Evening last, to call the said Cooley to Account; and prevail on him, If Possible, to desist from his vile Practices, and endeavour to bring him to such Concessions as should to them appear best calculated to attone for his repeated and unprecedented offences. Two Gentlemen were appointed to inform him of the Sentiments of the Inhabitants, who required his immediate Attendance at their Place of Meeting, and to assure him that no injury should be offered to his Person; (to prevent which, every imaginable Precaution was taken) but Cooley, (influenced perhaps by some ill-disposed and Stupid Adviser) refused to attend the Place appointed, and alledged in Excuse for his Non-attendance, ‘that he did not think it consistent with his personal Safety to meet them There’, at the same Time he expressed a Willingness to make the Concessions required, from his Parlour Window. When the Inhabitants received this disagreeable Intelligence, they immediately proceeded towards his House; but Cooley, apprized of their coming, thought proper to decamp, accompanied by a Military Gentleman, (who covered his Retreat) sought for a Sanctuary within the Fort Walls, which could afford him but an indifferent Protection against the keen Reproaches of a guilty Conscience, the only Punishment he had to dread. Whilst the Inhabitants were assembled in the Fields, M—r P—r ordered a File of Soldiers to guard his (Cooley's) House, who were accordingly drawn up before his Door, with their Musquets loaded, &c. Whether the Author of this unwarrantable Step, designed a compliment to the Magistracy and Inhabitants of this City, or to recommend himself to his Superiors by his officious and blundering Zeal, is unknown: but 'tis more than probable, that his precipitate Conduct was disapproved of by the latter,...
On Saturday Morning, Cooley consented to meet the Inhabitants; and Four in the Afternoon being the Time appointed, and the Merchants's Coffee-House the Place, they assembled in Expectation of this Important Event; but the Majority thinking it a very unsuitable Place for the Purpose, required his appearance in the Fields, where he attended, and publickly acknowledged his Crimes; implored the Pardon of his Fellow Citizens; engaged to store an equivalent to the Goods he had sold, together with all that he had in Possession that were imported contrary to Agreement; and so to conduct for the future as not to render himself obnoxious to the Contempt and just Resentment of an injured People.—News item in The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 24, 1769.
Simeon Coley, Silversmith and Jeweller Begs leave to inform the Public, that he intends to leave this City this Month, with his Family; humbly intreats all that stand indebted to him to settle their accounts directly; all those that have any Demands upon him are desired to call, and they shall be paid.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 4, 1769.
P.D.—Stolen on Friday Night, the 14th Instant, from me the subscriber in Sussex County, One Gold Chain of four Strings with a Locket marked E. G. Four Silver Spoons marked M. G. the Silversmith's mark PD. One ditto with the name Hannah Burges on the Handle; One ditto marked IBL. One ditto the Handle broke off marked SKC. One Child's Spoon marked M. G. One round Silver Salver with a round Foot; One Set of Woman's Breast Jewels for a Stomacher set in Silver wash'd with Gold, consisting of six different Pieces, the Uppermost and Largest with a large Chrystal Stone in the Middle, set round with small Stones of different Colours, the lowermost or Girdle Hook being set round with Emeralds and Pearl; a Silver Scissars Chain marked on a Heart M G. a Silver Watch Chain and Pincushion Chain...Shepard Kollock.—The New-York Journal, August 31, 1741.
John Dawson, Gold-Smith and Jeweler, Has open'd shop on Rotten-Row, where he carries on the said Business in their several branches, after the best Manner. Gentlemen and Ladies may have any piece of diamond work made in the genteelest taste, or repair'd in the best manner, at reasonable rates: He makes all sorts of curious enamel'd, mourning, fancy, or plain lockets; mourning or fancy enamel'd rings, cluster or fancy stone rings of all kinds; All other articles in the Jeweler's way likewise He also Plaits hair in the neatest manner to any size or shape, for rings or lockets, and forms it (after the new taste) to resemble Mocco. Also he makes and sells all sorts of silver work. As he is a stranger, and a young Beginner, can hope for encouragement only from the goodness of his work, and the reasonableness of his prices, which he hopes will entitle him to the favour and encouragement of the public. Said Dawson takes this opportunity to return his grateful thanks to those Gentlemen and Ladies who have been pleased to employ him since his arrival here; and from his desire to please, hopes for a continuance of their custom.—The New-York Mercury, May 4, 1767.
Cary Dunn.—Stopt last Week, a Gold Watch Case and one large Silver Spoon; Any Person proving their Property, paying Charges for the same, may have them by applying to the subscriber, Silver-Smith, living between the New Dutch Church and Fly-Market, Cary Dunn.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, March 19, 1770.
Cary Dunn.—Whereas one hundred and twenty four persons have lately arrived in this city, from the North of Scotland, in the brigantine Nancy, Capt. Smith, master consisting of men, women and children, with and without trades; they take this method to inform their benefactors, and all others, ladies and gentlemen, that want to employ any of the said persons, that they may be informed where to find them by applying to Mr. Cary Dunn, Gold and Silver Smith, near the New-Dutch Church, who has in his custody a true list of the names, ages, and places of residence.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, January 27, 1774.
Daniel Dupuy.—To be Sold, A Very good Plantation in the County of Orange...Enquire of Mrs. Ann Dupuy in New-York or Mr. Daniel Dupuy, Gold-Smith in Philadelphia.—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, March 31, 1746.
——Fielding.—Robert M'Alpine, Book-Binder, who lately lived in Hanover-Square is removed into the house where Mr. Fielding Gold-Smith, formerly lived, at the corner of Broad and Princes Streets,...—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, November 17, 1755.
Daniel Fueter, Gold and Silver-Smith, Lately arrived in the Snow Irene, Capt. Garrison from London, living back of Mr. Hendrick Van De Waters, Gun-Smith, near the Brew-House of the late Harmanus Rutgers, deceased, makes all sorts of Gold and Silver work, after the newest and neatest Fashion; He also gilds Silver and Metal, and refines Gold and Silver after the best Manner, and makes Essays on all sorts of Metal and Oar; all at a reasonable Rate. N.B. he buys old Gold and Silver Lace, and Gold-Smith's Sweeps.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, May 27, 1754.
Daniel Fueter, Silver Smith and Jeweller, next Door to Mr. Peter Curtenius, facing the Oswego Market, Has lately imported: A Beautiful Assortment of Jewellery, which for Elegance and Taste is greatly superior to any Thing hitherto brought to this Place; Consisting of a great Variety of Rings, set knot Fashion, Entourage, Cluster, &c. Viz. Brilliant Diamonds and Rose Diamonds of all Sizes, Rubies, Topazes, Emeralds, Saphirs, and all Kinds of Precious Stones, warranted. Ear-rings of all Sizes, Fashions and Prices; Paste Shoe and knee Buckles, fine Twezer Cases, and Snuff Boxes of curious Workmanship. Also a genteel Parcel of Silver Work, tea Pots, Milk Pots, Sauce Boats, Shoe and knee Buckles, and other Articles too numerous to mention, all extremely Cheap.
N.B. The said Daniel Fueter, importer of the above Goods, who was bred a Jeweller and Goldsmith, will give full Satisfaction to those Gentlemen and Ladies who will honour him with their Custom: and will undertake to execute on the shortest Notice, and as Cheap as may be done in London, any Orders he receives in the several Branches of Jewellery, and Gold or Silver Smith's Work; being furnished with the best of Workmen, and all Requisites for the purpose.
Also he will make exact Assays of all Sorts of Ores and Metals; and will perform Refining and Gilding in the neatest Manner. He gives ready money for old Gold and Silver.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, March 10, 1763.
Daniel Fueter, imports Blackwood's true cordial elixir, at 5s. per bottle, for all cold, coughs, sore throats,...—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, September 6, 1764.
Daniel Fueter, Silversmith, from London, Begs Leave to acquaint the Public, that he is removed into the House of Mrs. Pinto, between Mr Sherbroke's, and Mr. M'Cartney's, in Bayard Street, and Jewellery in all its Branches; also Gilding, assaying of Ores, and refining in the exactest Manner; and all at the most reasonable Prices. He also informs the Public that Mr. John Anthony Beau, Chaiser, from Geneva, works with him; where Chaising in general, viz. Snuff Boxes, Watch Cases, &c. &c. is done in the best and cheapest Manner...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 31, 1769.
Daniel & Lewis Fueter.—This serves to inform the Public, and our former kind Customers, that we the Subscribers, are return'd to this City, in the House we remov'd out, in Dock-Street, next to Mr. G. Dyckinck's, and purpose to carry on the Business of Gold, Silver-smith's and Jewelery Work, in all its Branches, as also gilding, assaying oar, refining, &c. at the most reasonable rates; and we return Thanks to our former Customers, and assure them and the Public that will be pleased to employ us, that they shall be serv'd with punctuality, and Honour, by their Very oblig'd and humble Servants, Daniel and Lewis Feuter.—The New York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 30, 1769.
Lewis Fueter, son of Mr. Daniel Fueter, late of Bayard-Street; Begs leave to inform the publick, that he is removed to the small house next door to Mr. Isaac Heron's Watch-maker, at the Coffee-House Bridge, where he makes and mends all kinds of work in the jewellers and goldsmith's business, as neat and cheap as can be done (he flatters himself) by any man in this City. He likewise tries ores of any kind, assaying, refining and guilding in all its branches, perform'd with the utmost accuracy and dispatch. He thinks himself obliged, in the name of his father, as well as for himself, to return thanks to the respectable publick for the many favours done, and to assure those who shall honour him with their commands, that he will make it his utmost endeavour to deserve their countenance and encouragement.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 21, 1770.
Lewis Fueter, Gold and Silver-Smith, Has removed his shop from the Coffee-House Bridge, to the house in Queen-street, lately occupied by Mr. Judah, Silver Smith, and opposite Robert G. Livingston, Esq; where he carries on his business as usual in all its branches, and hopes for the continuance of those gentlemen and ladies who have been so obliging as to favour with their custom: he will make it his constant study to merit their approbation. N.B. He gives the highest price for old gold and silver.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, May 12, 1774.
J. H.—Whereas on Tuesday the 29th of August last, a chest was broke open at my house, by persons unknown, out of which was taken four silver table spoons, marked M. C. M. maker's name J.H. in a heart; seven or eight silver tea spoons, the same mark and stamp, and one pair of silver tea tongs. If the same should be offered for sale, or pawned to any person or persons, they are desired to stop the same, and to secure the theif for which they shall have Four Dollars reward, paid by Mosses Clement. Queensbury, Orange-county.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 2, 1775.
——Gilbert.—Tuesday Night last some Villains broke into the Shop of Mr. Gilbert, Silver-Smith in the Broad Way, and robb'd the same of near two Hundred Pounds, in Plate, &c. Diligent Search has been made after the Thieves, but we have not heard of any Discovery being made.—News item in The New-York Gazette or Weekly Post-Boy, August 27, 1770.
T. H.—On Wednesday Evening last, about 6 o'Clock, a Silver Tankard was taken out of the Box of a Chaise standing at the Sign of the Dove, opposite to the Gate that opens to John Boss's House, in the Outward of this City. The Makers Mark T H, with a Cypher of the Letters J B on the Fore-Part of the Tankard. Whoever brings it to the Printer hereof, shall have Three Pounds Reward, and no Questions asked: If offer'd to be pawn'd or sold, pray stop it, and the same Reward will be given.—The New-York Gazette, October 31, 1763.
Benjamin Halsted.—A Premonition to those Gentlemen that may hereafter have an Occasion to employ a Silver-Smith, to beware of that Villain Benjamin Halsted; lest they be bit by him, as I have been. Andrew Bowne.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, August 16, 1764.
Benjamin Halsted.—Having been informed that a defamatory Advertisement, against me signed by one Andrew Bowne, of Shrewsbury, was intended to be published in the Thursday's Gazette; This is to desire the Public not to suffer themselves to be seduced by the Malice of the said Andrew Bowne, but to suspend their Judgement, until, either the Truth, or the Calumny of his Assertion, be properly determined by a due Course of Law; for I am resolved to sue him immediately for Scandal. Benjamin Halsted.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post Boy, August 23, 1764.
Benjamin Halsted.—The Subscriber finds himself obliged, with infinite Reluctance, to address the Public on Account of a surrilous Advertisement in the New-York Gazette of Thursday last Week, signed by one Andrew Bowne. The Character and Reputation of a Man in Trade, being of the most delicate and tender Nature, any Attempts to stigmatize it, not founded on Facts, or supported by Evidence, will never, I flatter myself, influence the impartial Part of Mankind, before the Truth has been scrutinized in a legal Manner. But, some Time must elapse before this can be done: And as the Audaciousness of the Advertisement may make impressions to my Prejudice, I shall endeavour to remove them, by laying all my Transactions with Bowne, open to the Public; where by it may easily be perceived the Means by which his Brain was so violently heated as to overcome his reason.
Andrew Bowne, of Shrewsbury, called on me last Summer, telling me Joseph Holmes, of this City, had recommended me to him as an honest Silversmith. He then bespoke a Set of Silver Buttons for a Suit of Clothes. They were made exactly to his Directions; and when he came to fetch them he seemed perfectly pleased with them. Three Weeks afterwards he called on me, and desired I would take them back. I represented to him how unsaleable Things made after another's Whim were; and that before I found a Person of his Taste, Years might elapse. He then offered me a Dollar; which I refusing he grew passionate, and went away in the greatest Anger. On his Return Home, he wrote me the Annexed Letter (No. 1) which I despised, and returned no answer to. Last May he wrote me another (No. 2) in both which he has been very lavish of Names that no honest Man can well brook. I returned him an Answer (No. 3) with a View to pass the Affair into Ridicule; but it had a contrary Effect; and the Advertisement in Question was produced by it.
Private Affairs, of a trivial and insignificant Nature, are unworthy of the Attention of the Public. But when malicious Defamation is allowed to blast Characters in a public Newspaper, a justification in the same public Manner becomes necessary; This Apology, I hope, will plead my Excuse. Benjamin Halsted.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, September 6, 1764.
Benjamin & Matthias Halsted, Gold and Silver-Smiths, Take this method to acquaint the public, that they have now set up their business in Elizabeth-Town (nearly opposite to Mr. Joseph Jelf's Merchant) where they propose to carry it on in all its branches, as the said Benjamin Halsted, has followed the business some time in New-York, to the satisfaction of his employers, he hopes his former customers there and in the country will not forget him, as he will now obey all orders for work from them and other gentlemen and ladies of the city or country, at the shortest notice and most reasonable prices, with the greatest care and exactness to their intire satisfaction; as we purpose to make work of all qualities (prices accordingly) we hope our employers will not expect the best of work for the meanest prices.
Any orders for work being left at Mr. Thomas Star Tredwell's, at Burling's-slip, New-York, will come safe to hand; or any gentlemen or ladies wanting work done, that are desirous to see one of us to deliver their orders to, if they will please to leave word at the above Mr. Tredwell's, one or the other will wait on them at a very short notice.
Said Matthias Halsted has for sale, a few silver-smiths tools, which he will sell cheap for cash, viz. Forging, planishing, hollowing, and bouge hammers, piercing, riffling and common files, fine Turkey oil stone slips, and Bohemia polishing stones, double aqua fortis, corn, half-corn and flour emery, borax and sandever. The above tools, &c. may be had of the above Mr. Tredwell, and likewise a few best steel top thimbles.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, September 25, 1766.
Charles Hambelton.—Run Away from his Bail, the 4th of this instant Charles Hambelton, by Trade a Silver Smith...—The New-York Gazette, January 7, 1760.
——Hamilton.—We hear from Poughkeepsie, that about a Fortnight since, one Hamilton, a Silversmith, was committed to Goal there on Suspicion of making Spanish milled Dollars; but in a few Days after he was put in, to save any further Trouble, he hang'd himself with his own Handkerchief, by making it fast to a Spike that was drove into the Goal Wall.—News item in The New-York Mercury, July 13, 1761.
Thomas Hammersley.—Run away, on friday the 20th inst. August, from Thomas Hammersley of the city of New-York, goldsmith, a negro fellow named Duke...—The New-York Mercury, August 30, 1756.
Thomas Hammersley, Gold-Smith, who lately lived near the Change in Dock Street has removed his Shop into Hanover-Square, next Door to Mr. John Waters, Merchant. Where he continues to carry on his Business, with the usual Expedition; and trusts he shall afford the same general Satisfaction as heretofore. N.B. Any Person well acquainted with the Gold Smith's Business, may meet with good Encouragement, by applying to the said Hamersley.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 27, 1757.
Thomas Hammersley.—Run-away, the 13th Instant, from Thomas Hamersly, of this City, Goldsmith, A negro Man...—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, February 23, 1764.
Thomas Hammersley.—Last Wednesday Night two Silver Spoons were offered to Sale to Thomas Hamersly, of the City, Goldsmith, which he stop'd on Suspicion of their being stole:...—The New-York Mercury, January 22, 1759.
John Hastier—Thomas Butwell, is parted Partners from James Munden, and Liveth in the House of Mr. John Heistier [sic] Gold-smith, opposite to Mr. Franks Merchant in Queen-Street...—The New-York Weekly Journal, March 10, 1735.
John Hastier.—This is to give Notice that I John Hastier, Gold Smith in this City, have at my House a Frenchman, who teaches to Read and Write French, as also Arithmetick in a very short Method. Whoever inclines to learn may apply to the said John Hastier at his House who will agree on reasonable Terms...—The New-York Weekly Journal, June 27, 1737.
John Hastier.— N. York, March 5, 1738/9 Mr. Bradford;
You are desired to publish the following account for the benefit of the Publick, as a Caution against Counterfeits. Yours, &c.
On Saturday the 24th of February ult. Samuel Flud, alias Flood came with one Joseph Steel to the House of John Hastier of this City, Gold-smith and desired to be with him in private, who accordingly went into a Room, and Flud produced to him a Five Shilling Bill of New Hampshire, and asked him if he could engrave a Copper-plate for him like that? who answered, That he could. Flud desired that he would be expeditious about it, and he would reward him handsomly; and said, he would call again on Monday Morning following, and so Flud & Steel departed. Whereupon Mr. Hastier went immediately to a Magistrate and acquainted him of the Case, who desired Hastier to give notice when Flud came to him again, that he might be apprehended. He accordingly came again, with the said Steel, to the Goldsmith on Monday Morning, and said, he was glad that he had met with a Workman for his Turn; He brought a Ten Shilling Rhode-Island Bill, and bespoke a Plate for that also, promising the Gold-smith, that he should be well rewarded, he should have Money enough, and he would supply him with those Bills. But the Goldsmith having given Notice to the Magistrate, that those Men were at his House, they were immediately apprehended; and upon Examination there were found in Steel's Possession eleven Counterfeit Five Pound Rhode Island Bills, and afterwards two more of the same sort were discovered, which Steel had passed & Changed that Morning....—The New-York Gazette, February 27-March 6, 1739.
John Hastier.—Run away on Monday last, from John Hastier, of this City, Goldsmith, a lusty well-set Negro Man named Jasper...—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, May 15, 1758.
John Heath.—To be Sold. The house on the corner of Van Gelder's alley in the Broadway...Any person inclining to purchase the same before the day of sale, may apply to John Heath, goldsmith, in Wall-street.—The New-York Mercury, January 3, 1763.
Henry Jenain.—To Be Sold. A parcel of very good Duck Trousers by Henry Jenain, Gold Smith; Enquire for him at the House of Capt. Britton, at the Corner of Stone Street near Fort George in New-York.—The New-York Journal, January 23, 1750.
Jacob Jennings.—Broke open on Wednesday the 6th Instant April, at Night, a Gold-smith's, joining the Thacher's mills, in Norwalk, and carried of the following Ware, a Cream Pot, large Spoons stampt I, Shoe and Knee-buckles flower'd and plain, some of them were without Flukes, Teaspoons and Tongs, Stone Buttons of different Sorts, Gold and Silver Sleeve Buttons, and several other Things of Value. Whoever takes up the Thief or Thieves, and secures the said Ware, so that the Owner may have them again, shall be rewarded, and all reasonable Charges paid by the Subscriber. Jacob Jennings. All Silversmiths are desired to stop the said Ware if offer'd for Sale.—The New-York Gazette, April 18, 1763.
William Kumbel, Clock and Watch-Maker, at the sign of the Dial, Near the Coenties Market, Begs leave to inform the public, that he carries on said business in all its branches; likewise the gold and silver smiths business. Any gentlemen or ladies who favours him with their work, may depend on its being done in the neatest manner, and at the most reasonable rate, with the quickest dispatch.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 24, 1775.
B. L. R.—Stolen out of the House of Mr. Jacob Franks, some Time last Sunday Night, two Pair of Silver Candlesticks, with the Cypher of J. A. F. on the Foot and the Mark B. L. R. the Makers Names stampt on the bottom, Weight of each Candlestick about 20 Ounces, a large chaced Salver wt. about 40 oz. one scollopt plain ditto, about 38 oz. a round Waiter, with the Arms of the late Sir Peter Warren, engraved in the middle wt. about 16 oz. a chaced Coffee-Pot wt. about 20 oz. All these are Sterling Plate, have a Lion Stampt on the Bottom...—The New-York Gazette, January 31, 1757.
John Burt Lyng.—To be sold, at private Sale, the House wherein John Burt Lying, Silver-Smith, now lives, in the Broad-Way, adjoining the House of Mr. George Harrison, and directly opposite the Lutheran Church. For further Particulars apply to said Lying, on the Premises. Good security will be taken for one Half. N.B. The Gold and Silver-Smith Business is carried on as usual, by the Public's very humble Servant, John Burt Lying.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, January 5, 1764.
John Burt Lying.—To be Sold, a Smart Wench about 23 years old; the reason for parting with her is, she does not understand country work: She can be as well recommended as any Black that ever was sold. For farther particulars enquire of John Burt Lying, Gold-smith, living in Great-George-Street.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, May 12, 1774.
Charles Le Roux.—Stolen early this Morning out of the House of Judah Hayes, in Broadstreet, the following Plate, viz. One plain Quart Silver Coffee Pot, made by Charles Le Roux; One large Soop Ladle; One Table Spoon; Three Tea ditto; One chased Milk Pot, English make; One Punch Strainer; One Small Silver Sauspan and Cover; And one Pepper Caster; all marked, except the Coffee Pot, thus IHR.—It is desired that they may be stopped if offer'd to be pawn'd or sold, and Notice given to the Subscriber; if the Things are recovered, Ten Pounds Reward will be given by Judah Hayes.—The New-York Gazette, August 16, 1762.
M. M.—Whereas the Dwelling House of Isaac Seixas, nigh the New Dutch Church, was last Night broken open, and sundry Things stolen therefrom; among which were two large Silver Table Spoons, mark'd with the Cypher I R S. Maker's name M M; six Tea Spoons, mark'd R L. and Sugar Tongs; a Silver Pepper Box, and a Salt-Cellar with the same Mark; a Pewter Ring Stand, two French Silver Candlesticks, and a Pair of Boys Silver Buckles...—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, March 18, 1754.
Samson Mears, Goldsmith, Has open'd his Shop in Pearl-street, in the house Mr. Andrew Breasted, formerly lived, where he intends to carry on the gold and silver-smith's business, after the newest and neatest Fashion; and all Commands he is favoured with, will be executed with the most thankful Dispatch.—The New-York Mercury, November 29, 1762.
Edmond Milne.—Run away from Edmond Milne, Goldsmith,...indented servant man...James Samuel Gordon, by trade a jeweller...Philadelphia.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 8, 1771.
John M'Intosh.—Deserted from His Majesty's 17th Regiment of Foot...John M'Intosh, aged 25 Years, 5 feet 8 Inches and an half high, he was born near Fort George, in Scotland, by Trade a Silver Smith, short neck'd, fresh complexion, large Eyes, well set, has a small stoop in his Shoulders and speaks Irse [sic] and English equally well...—The New-York Mercury, December 22, 1760 (Supplement).
Myers & Halsted, Gold Smiths, Have removed to the lower End of King-Street, at the House of Mr. John Bell, Where they continue to make, all kinds of work, in gold and silver, and have to sell, a neat assortment of ready made plate, chased and plain; diamond rings, garnet hoops, and broaches in gold, crystal buttons and earrings, in ditto, silver, ivory, and wood etwees, tooth pick cases, and smelling bottles; cases of silver handled knives and forks, best spare blades for ditto, glasses for silver salts, cut cruets for table equipages, and an assortment of tools, for watch and clock makers.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, November 10, 1763.
Myers & Halsted, Gold Smiths, have removed to the Store House of Mr. Elias Desbroses, where Messrs. Phenix and Brown lately kept Store, being the next Corner to Mr. Henry Cuyler...—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, July 5, 1764.
Myer Myers.—Run away...an English Servant Man, named Lewis Meares...a jeweller by Trade, and can engrave. Had on when he went away, a turn'd blue Cloth Coat with black Buttons half trim'd, small round Cuffs without Buttons, and old blue lapell'd Waistcoat with Brass Buttons, the Lappels lin'd with black Velvet, a Pair of black Leather Breeches with solid Silver Buttons, an old Hat and brown cut Wig; took with him four new Check Shirts, a new white one, and an old one mark'd M. M. Whoever takes up said Servant, and secures him, so that his Master may have him again, shall have Three Pounds Reward, and all reasonable Charges paid, by Myer Myers.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, April 9, 1753.
Myer Myers, is removed from his shop at the Meal-Market to the house in King-street, belonging to the widow of old Doctor Dupuy, opposite Mr. Lawrence Reade's; where he continues to follow the Goldsmith's business in all its branches.—The New-York Mercury, August 12, 1754.
Myer Myers.—New-York, March 27, 1767. Ten Pounds, Reward. Whereas the House of Mrs. Rebecca Hays, of this City was, last Thursday Night robbed of the following pieces of plate and Money, viz.
- 1 Two-Quart Silver Tankard, marked I, H, R.
- 1 Large Silver Punch Bowl, with two Handles.
- 3 Silver Porringers, marked M, M, K.
- 1 Silver Sugar Castor, marked M, M, K.
- 2 Pair of Round Silver Salts, with Feet, marked I, H, R. And one odd do. marked in the same Manner.
- 1 Small Silver Salver, without any Mark.
- 6 Table Spoons, marked B, H. Maker's Name Myers.
- 1 Pair of Diamond Rings, with Drops.
- 1 Silver Coffee-Pot, no Mark, Maker's Name I, P.
- And a Silver Tea-Pot...
'Tis Possible more of the Plate is marked, than what is mentioned above. Whoever takes up and secures any Person or Persons concerned in the above Robbery, so that they may be brought to Justice, shall have the above Reward, paid by me. Moses M. Hayes.—The New-York Gazette, April 6-13, 1767.
Myer Myers.—On Monday the third day of June next, between the hours of twelve and two, will be sold at public vendue, on the premises, a house and lot of ground, in Elbow-Street, Montgomery Ward; the buildings have seven fire-places; the lot in front and rear twenty two feet, length on the north side ninety six feet three inches, and on the fourth ninety three feet six inches. The conditions of sale will be made known on the day of the sale, and a sufficient title given to the purchaser, by Myer Myers.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 20, 1771.
Myer Myers.—To Be Sold, A House and lot of ground in King-Street, thirty four feet front and rear, and seventy eight feet deep, containing every convenience necessary to a family, for conditions of sale apply to Myer Myers.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, August 26, 1773.
E.P.—Taken out of a House about the Twenty-third of September last, in the Out ward, A Quart Silver Tankard, almost new; weight thirty three ounces, marked with the initial letters E.B. of the owner's name in a cypher, the makers name E.P....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 26, 1776.
Otto Parisien, Gold-Smith, from Berlin, Makes all Sorts of Plate Work, both plain and chas'd, in the neatest and most expeditious Manner; Likewise undertakes chasing any Piece of old Plate, at his House, the lower End of Batto Street.—The New-York Gazette, March 14, 1763.
Otto Parisien.—Five Pounds Reward. Stolen out of the Shop of Otto Parisien, Goldsmith, in Smith-street, on Friday last the 17th of May, in the Afternoon; A small four-square black Shagreen Box, containing the following Rings, viz. One Diamond Ring, middle Stone Shape of a Heart, set round with Sparks, one ditto with brown Stone, with a Roman Head cut on, set round with Sparks, one ditto, a Garnet Eight-square, one Spark each Side; one ditto, an Emerald, four-square, one Spark on each Side; one ditto set in the Form of a Flower-pot, the Middle a Diamond, two Sparks, three Rubies above, and an Emerald and a Topaz on each Side; one ditto, a Saphio, in the Shape of a Heart, with an Emerald and two Sparks above in the Form of a Crown; one ditto, a Moco the Middle, Garnets all round; one ditto, a Garnet, the Middle in Form of a Heart, very long, two Bristol Stones each Side; one ditto, four Garnets set across, a small white Stone in the Middle. Any Person or Persons that should offer any of the above Rings for Sale, or to pawn, it is desired they may be stopped, that they may be brought to Justice, and the above Reward will be given by Otto Parisien.—The New-York Mercury, May 20. 1765.
Otto Parisien, Silver-Smith, Living near Peck's-Slip, opposite to Mr. Vandervoort's, Returns Thanks to his Customers for past Favours, and hopes their Continuance; which he shall endeavour to deserve, by supplying those Gentlemen and Ladies who please to employ him, with all kinds of wrought Plate, either chased or plain, according to any Pattern they shall please to send or direct; and by doing the Work in the best and neatest Manner, and at the cheapest Rates.
N.B. The upper Part of his House to let.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, February 9, 1769.
Otto Parisien.—About six o'Clock last Friday Evening, the House of Mr. Otto Parisien, Silversmith, in the Fly, in this City, took Fire by Means of his Furnace....—News item in The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 25, 1774.
Otto Parisien, Silversmith, who was reduced by fire, is removed to Dock-street, opposite to Mr. Ward Hunt, Joiner, gives thanks to his former customers for their encouragement, and hopes for their continuance. Those gentlemen and ladies, who will favour him with their employ, will have their work done as reasonable as by any of the trade. He makes all sorts of plate, plain or chassed.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, May 12, 1774.
Ellias Pelletreau, Takes this method to inform the Merchants and the Public in general, That he has set up at his House on Golden-Hill, at the Sign of the Dish of Fry'd Oysters, a place for cutting of Whale Bone; those that will favour him with their Custom, may depend upon being served with care and expedition.
N.B. He has also for Sale, a parcel of Silver Smith's Tools, which he will sell cheap for cash.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 24, 1773.
Joseph Pinto.—To be Sold, by Joseph Pinto, Silver-Smith, in Bayard-Street, A very fine silver chass'd turene, dish and spoon; chass'd and plain stands, full furnished, chass'd candlesticks, coffee and tea pots, sugar dishes, slop bowls and sauce boats, chass'd and plain pint and half pint mugs, salvers of different sizes, and milk pots, salts and pepper casters, and marrow spoons, cases with silver handled knives and forks, silver watches, silver and plated spurs, chass'd and plain whistles, gold headed canes, locket buttons set in gold, shoe, knee, and girdle buckles, and a variety of stone rings.—The New-York Mercury, October 26, 1761.
P.Q.—Stolen, out of the House of Daniel Dunscomb, of this City, on Saturday last, the first Instant, a Silver Tankard, marked on the Bottom thus DMD, containing a Wine Quart. It had a large bruise on the side, the hinge pretty much wore, the Maker's Stamp p Q near the Handle. If it should be offered for Sale, or to be pawn'd, all Persons are desired to stop the same with the Vender, and they shall be well rewarded by Daniel Dunscomb.—The New-York Mercury, September 3, 1764.
Peter Quintard.—A Good house and Lot belonging to the Widdow Bellarow is to be Sold, whereon there is a good Stable and other out-Buildings, a good pump in the Yard, and a good Garden; There is also three other Lots adjoyning the same, which are situated in Queen-street over against the House of Mr. Benj. Peck...Whoever inclines to buy the same, may apply to Peter Quintard, Goldsmith, living near the New Dutch Church in the City of New-York...—The New-York Gazette, July 7-14, 1735.
N. R.—Stolen out of the House of Mr. Andrew Barclay, of this City, last Thursday Evening a Quart Silver Tankard marked on the handle IRC. with a Scratch from the Bottom of the Letter R. Maker's mark, on the Left Side of the Handle N. R. with a Scratch on the Letter R. also, and a Coat of Arms on the fore part of the Tankard. Whoever discovers the Thief so that the Tankard may be had again shall receive Five Pounds Reward, and no Questions asked, Paid by Andrew Barclay.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, November 4, 1771.
Stephen Reeves, Gold and Silver Smith, Living near the corner of Burling's Slip, in Queen-Street, opposite Mr. Benjamin Getfield's, Breeches-maker, New-York: Takes this method to inform his friends and customers, and the public in general, that he now carries on his business as usual, such as making and mending all kinds of gold and silver ware, mounting and mending swords, and making all sorts of jeweller's work, &c. &c
He returns his sincere thanks for all past favours, and hopes for a continuance of the same, as he flatters himself of giving general satisfaction to all who may be pleased to employ him. N.B. Ready money given for old gold and silver.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 7, 1776.
Paul Revere.—Thursday Morning last Mr. Paul Revere, an Express from Boston, passed through here, on his way to the Congress at Philadelphia.—News item in The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 19, 1774.
George Ridout.—Just imported from London, and to be Sold by George Ridout, Goldsmith, Near the Ferry-Stairs, Price four Shillings per box: The most fam'd and long-experience Powder for Preserving the Teeth and Gumms; which after two or three Times using makes the foulest Teeth white and beautiful, preserves them from growing rotten, and in a little Time removes the cause of an ill scented Breath. He likewise sells fine Hungary and Lavender Water; Harthshorn, Lavender and salvolatile Drops: also an Assortment of Diamond Rings and Earrings, Stone Solitairs, Stone Rings, with sundry other Goods at the most reasonable Rates.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, June 10, 1751.
Nicholas Roosevelt.—To be Let, and enter'd upon the 1st of May next, The house in which Nicholas Roosevelt now lives, at the lower end of Thames Street, on the wharf fronting the North-River: The conveniency and commodiousness of the situation excells any on the river; it fronts two slips, one of which is near 100 feet broad, and the greatest part of the year is fill'd with boats and crafts, from the Jersies and North-River. The house will suit a merchant or shopkeeper, and great quantities of rum, sugar, molasses, and salt, with all manner of dry goods, have a ready sale. Is a roomy and convenient house, with seven fire-places; a large yard, in which is a pump and cistern, and a garden and grass-plot. Likewise a silver-smith's shop to be let, and the tools of the trade to be sold. Also to be sold by said Roosevelt, a parcel of ready made silver, large and small, Viz. Silver teapots and tea-spoons, silver hilted swords, sauce-boats, salts and shovels, soup-spoons, both scollep'd and plain, table spoons, tea-tongs, punch ladles and strainers, milk-pots, snuff-boxes, and sundry other small articles, both gold and silver, as buckles, clasps, buttons, broaches, rings, and lockets, both plain and set with paste moco, &c. &c. which he will sell very reasonable, as he intends declining business, and to move in the Country in the spring.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 30, 1769.
S. S.—Lost a Silver Pepper Box, mark'd on the Side RTM and on the Bottom S.S, the Silver Smith's Mark, and somewhat bruis'd on the Top; Whoever brings it to the Printer hereof, or to the Cryer, shall receive its Weight in Silver as a Reward. If offer'd to be Sold or Pawn'd its desir'd to be stopt.—The New-York Weekly Journal, December 19, 1743.
S. S.—Three Pounds Reward. Whereas on Friday night last, the house of John Woods, attorney at law at the upper end of Queen-Street, was broke open, and the following articles were taken therefrom, viz. One silver tankard, marked J. W. M. in a cypher, upon the lid J. W. M. on the handle, maker's two first letters, S.S., five silver table spoons, mark'd J. W. M. maker's first two letters, S. S., one silver porringer marked J. W. M. makers two first letters, S.S. one silver milk pot, marked J. W. M. makers mark R. V. D. Whoever apprehends and secures the thief or thieves, so that they may be brought to justice, shall have the above reward. N.B. The Silver Smiths, as also all other persons are desired if either of the above articles should be offered for sale, to stop them; and they shall be handsomely reward.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 24, 1773.
Abraham Skinner.—Charles Morse, Attorney at Law and Conveyancer, &c. At the House of Mr. Abraham Skinner Silversmith, on the New-Dock between the Ferry Stairs and Rotten Row,...—The New-York Gazette, June 7, 1762.
William Smith, Gold and Silver-smith in Chapel-Street, Makes and mends all sorts of gold, silver and jewellery ware, in the best and neatest manner. N.B. He gives ready money for old gold and silver.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, November 5, 1770.
Simeon Soumain.—This is to give notice to All Gentlemen and others, That a Lottery is to be drawn at Mr. John Stevens, in Perth Amboy, for 501 L. of Silver & Gold Work, wrought by Simeon Soumain of New York, Gold-Smith, all of the newest Fashion. The highest Prize consists of an Eight square Tea-Pot, six Tea-Spoons, Skimmer and Tongs, Valued, at 18£ 3s 6d. The lowest Prize consists of Twelve Shillings Value. There is 278 Prizes in all and there is only five Blanks to each Prize.
Tickets are given out at Six Shilling York Mony or seven Shillings Jersey Mony for each Ticket, at the house of Mr. John Stevens in Amboy, at Mr. Andrew Bradfords in Philadelphia, at Mr. Lewis Carrees in Allens-Town, at Mr. Jolines in Elizabeth-Town, at Mr. Cortlands at Second River, at Mr. Samuel Clowse in Jamaica on Long-Island, and at Simeon Soumains in the City of N-York, which last place the good are to be seen.—The New-York Gazette, April 3-10, 1727.
Simeon Soumaine.—...To be Sold by the above said Gerard Beekman, two Lotts of Ground lying on the North-West Side of Beekmans-Swamp, commonly call'd and known by the name of Cripple-Bush, joining the upper Side of Mr. Simeon Soumaine's Garden,...—The New-York Weekly Journal, April 9, 1774.
Tobias Stoutenburgh.—To be Sold, Two good Dwelling-Houses of two Story each, in the Broad-Way, adjoining to the Lutheran Church; also three others near the French Church, of a Story and a half each, all belonging to the Estate of Tobias Stoutenburgh, late deceased. Enquire of Tobias Stoutenburgh, Gold-Smith, near the Spring Garden, New-York.—The New York Weekly Post Boy, October 22, 1744 (Supplement).
Samuel Tingley, Gold and Silver-Smith, Has removed from his Shop in the Fly, to the Rotten-Row, where he continues his Business. The Shop he left is to Let.—The New-York Mercury, May 11, 1767.
P. V. B.—Stolen, Out of a House near Ellis's Dock, on Friday Night being the 5th of February, one Diamond Ring with seven Diamonds, 3 large and four small, one Diamond in most the Shape of a Flower Pot, one Ring with four Diamonds and a flat Stone, with a little Hair under; one Diamond Girdle Buckle, with about 30 or 32 Stones; one plain Gold Ring, maker's Name PVB; also twelve Pound in Cash, mostly Jersey Money. If any Person or Persons shall offer any of the above Articles to Sale, stop them and give information to the Printer, who will reward them for their Pains.—The New-York Mercury, February 8, 1762.
P. V. D.—Last Saturday Night the House of James Mills in this City, Tavern Keeper, was broke open and rob'd by persons unknown, of sundry Things of Value, among which were one Silver Pint Mugg, mark'd A. M. Maker's Name P. V. D. one ditto English make old fashion'd; two old fashion'd Spoons, the Ends with Seals, English make; four ditto, mark'd J. M. C. Maker's Name TB. one ditto mark'd T. C. E. Makers Name P. V. D. one ditto mark'd W. T. A. six ditto mark'd B. T. S. Maker's Name P. V. D. one ditto mark'd W. B. S. Silver Marrow Scoup;...—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 16, 1755.
——Van Dyke.—Mr. Obadiah Wells living in the Sloat, in New York keeps a Shop of Dry Goods in Hanover-Square, next Door to Mr. Vandyke's Gold-Smith.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, March 28, 1748.
WBK.—Taken out of the House of Mr. Edward Fastham who keeps the Fighting Cocks-Inn, in New-York, a Silver Quart Tankard, marked on the Handle EES engraven, the Silversmiths Mark is WBK Punch'd and a Cypher on the Lid of E S. The Person who is suspected to have taken it is of midle Stature, wore his own dark coloured Hair or a natural Wig, and a brown Coat with a small Cape, very much worn, and out at the Elbows.
Three Pounds as a Reward to any one that shall bring the said Tankard home, and no Questions asked. If left in secure Hands, the Reward shall be paid on Receipt of the Tankard. If offered to be sold or pawn'd pray stop it. N.B. He passes by the Name of John Coffin.—The New-York Weekly Journal, May 24, 1736.
WCK.—Lost or Stolen a few Days ago, out of the House in this City, three Silver Spoons of Common Size, mark'd I.VD. I. with the Silver smith's mark wck. Whoever brings the said Spoons to the Printer hereof, shall have Fifteen Shillings Reward and no Questions ask'd: And all Persons, to whom they may be offer'd to be sold or Pawn'd are desired to stop them.—The New-York Weekly Post Boy, November 10, 1746.
John Wood.—To the Public. The subscriber begs leave to acquaint the publick in general, and his friends in particular, that he has taken the shop lately occupied by Mr. James Bennett, Jeweller, situated in the lower end of Maiden-lane, near the upper end of the Fly-Market, where he intends to carry on the gold and silver smith's work, in its different branches, at the most reasonable rates, and in the neatest manner, and hopes by the steady application of his business, to give all possible satisfaction to those who please to favour him with their commands, I am, Gentlemen and Ladies Your most obliged Servant, John Wood.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 30, 1770.
Jeremiah Andrews, Jeweller, from London, Takes this Method to inform the Public, That he has set up his Business on Gold-Hill-Street, at the House of Catherine Hubbs, opposite Mr. Scandaret's Beer and Oyster House. Ladies and Gentlemen who have not previously engaged with any Persons of the same Business, may rest assured they will be served to their Satisfaction, in every Branch of his Profession.
N.B. Gold and Silversmiths may have their Work done on reasonable Terms. Mourning Rings made in the newest Fashion, and with greatest Dispatch.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, September 15, 1774.
Jeremiah Andrews.—Hanover-Square, New-York. Jeremiah Andrews, Jeweller, Continuing his business still in the same place, thinks it proper to acquaint shop-keepers and traders who are under disadvantages by reason of the non-importation, that he is willing chearfully to bear his part; therefore, engages to make every article for such, pertaining to his branch, as cheap as they could be imported from London, and materials good. He returns thanks to his customers for their past, and hopes a continuance of their future favours, which he will always gratefully acknowldge. Also informs them and the public, that he hath a great variety of patterns of the newest fashions, which he received from London since his last advertisement.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, May 25, 1775.
Jeremiah Andrews, Jeweller in Hanover Square, New-York; Thinks proper to inform the Public, as he hath been absent from the city some time, (and understanding that many things have been called for, in his way, during his absence, that he is now returned to his former place of business; where he will gratefully receive the commands of his kind friends and customers, which shall be performed with faithfulness and dispatch.
N.B. Said Andrews will give a good price for old gold and silver.—The Constitutional Gazette, June 8, 1776.
William Bateman.—Stone Seals neatly engraved, by William Bateman, from London, At the House of Mr. Hopkins, Pilot, in Fair-Street, New-York. Engraves Coats of arms, Crests, Cyphers, figures, heads and fancies in the neatest fashion, arms neatly painted on vellum. N.B. Most money for broken, crack'd, or fould diamonds.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, October 20, 1774.
William Bateman, Stone Seal Engraver, Lapidary and Jeweller from London at the House of Mr. Hopkins, Pilot, in Fair-street, Golden-hill, New-York; Engraves on stone, steel, silver and copper plates, coats of arms, crests, cyphers, figures, heads and fancies in the neatest manner, and on the most reasonable terms. Cuts stones of all sorts, in the best manner for bracelets, pictures, lockets, rings, buckles and seals; makes or mends all kinds of jewellers work in the best manner, coats of arms neatly painted on vellum. He has had the honour to do work for the first nobility and gentry in London to their satisfaction; he flatters himself that he will meet the encouragement of the ladies, gentlemen and public in general, whom he will make his constant study to use in a manner which shall recommend him to their future favours.
N.B. Has a book of heraldry which contains some thousand of names, where gentlemen who want their coat of arms engraved by him, and do not know them, may search the book gratis.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, November 7, 1774.
William Bateman.—A Reward of Eight Dollars will be paid for taking up a servant man named William Bateman, about 25 years old, fair complexion, brown hair died behind: had on a brown surtout coat, a beaver hat with a large cut in the brim. He was born in England, and came from London to Philadelphia in the ship Minerva, Arthur Hill, master. The said Bateman is a jeweller and Lapidary by trade, has worked in this city with Charles Oliver Bruff, and left this town about three weeks ago, and was heard to say he would go to New-Haven, Rhode-Island or Boston, to try his business.
The above reward and all reasonable charges will be paid to any person that will bring the above servant to Peter Berton.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, March 6, 1775.
Frederick Becker.—Fine Indian-Jewels, made and sold by Frederick Becker, opposite to Capt. Thomas Ware, in Beekman street, in New-York, at reasonable Rates.—The New-York Weekly Journal, October 18, 1736.
James Bennet, Jeweller, lately arrived from London; Begs leave to acquaint Ladies, Gentlemen, and others, that he has open'd a Shop at the House of Thomas Griggs, Cabinet-Maker, the Bottom of the Fly-market, with an Assortment of all kinds of jewellers Goods of the newest Fashion, also Watches, trinkets, Mettle Buttons and Buckles of various kinds, very neat Fowling Pieces and Pistols, and different Sorts of hard Ware; likewise a very good Assortment of Mens and Womens Leather Gloves, Womens black and white Satten and Brocade Shoes, black Ruffel, do. velvet and silk Clogs, and sundry other Articles too tedious to mention; and is determined to sell as low as possible, for ready Money only. Those Gentlemen and Ladies, &c. that oblige him with their Comands, may depend on their being compleated in the neatest Manner, by their humble Servant. James Bennett. N.B. Great Allowance will be made to those who take large Quantities to sell again.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 3, 1768.
John Mecom.—To be Sold, by John Mecom, Opposite The Whitehall Tavern, in Albany-street, New-Brunswick...gives long list of a general assortment of hardware, sadlery, ironmongery and cutlery...Said Mecom makes and sells all sorts of jewelers and goldsmiths ware; those therefore that will favour him with their custom, may depend on being served on the most reasonable terms.—The New-York Mercury, April 29, 1765.
John Mecom.—This is to give Notice to the Creditors of John Mecom, Jeweller, who died on Sunday the 30th of September last, That Catharine Mecom, his Widow, declining the Administration, is ready to deliver the Effects and Estate he died possessed of, to the Creditors or to any one that shall administer on the same; and that she would be glad to hear from them soon. Catharine Mecom. New Brunswick.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, October 8, 1770.
Thomas Read.—Run away from the Subscriber, (John Inch) on Sunday the 3d. Instant, a Convict Servant Man, named Thomas Read, alias Culbert, by Trade, a Jeweller and Motto Ring Engraver;...—News item from Annapolis, Maryland, in The New-York Gazette, June 18, 1759.
Thomas Richardson, Jeweller, lately from London having brought with him, and introduced into this City, Jewellery, and materials for his Business, which he exposed to sale and refused to store altho' the Committee of Merchants generously offered to raise a sum of Money for him, adequate to the loss he might sustain by the temporary storage of his goods; he was upon Tuesday last conducted to Liberty Pole, where, upon a Scaffold raised for that purpose, he publickly begged pardon for his misconduct, and agreed to store his Goods, upon which the numerous Company assembled upon that occasion quietly dispersed.—News item in The New-York Chronicle, September 14-21, 1769.
Thomas Richardson, Jeweller and Silver Smith from London, Takes this opportunity to inform the publick in general, that he hath taken a shop of Mr. Gregg, at the Corner of the Fly-Market, in this City, where all sorts of jewellery and silver smith's work are made and sold wholesale and retail, considerable cheaper than hath been sold here; he likewise repairs jeweller and silver smith's work in the neatest manner; gives cash for old gold or silver, diamonds, or any curious stones. Mourning rings made on the shortest notice, and all favours gratefully acknowledged by your most humble Servant, Thomas Richardson.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 30, 1769.
Thomas Richardson, Jeweller and Silver-Smith, At the lower End of Wall-street in this City, Takes this opportunity to inform the publick in general, that he is just arrived from London, and has fresh imported a great assortment of all sorts of jewellery, plated buckles and spurs, pinchbeck buckles, great choice of curious snuff boxes, chapes, watch chains, Singleton's Cock spurs, and a great many other articles too tedious to mention, which he will sell wholesale and retail, on the most reasonable terms, Gives ready money for old gold and silver, and beeswax.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, November 12, 1770.
John Shaw.—The Subscriber would inform the Public, that he continues to teach the Languages; as also some Branches in the Sciences and Mathematicks; also the English Tongue gramatically; in the House of Mr. John Shaw, Jeweller, in Elbow-Street, on Golden-Hill....Thomas Ustick.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 20, 1776.
Whitehouse & Reeve, Jewellers from London, Beg leave to inform their friends and the public in general, that they have taken the shop lately kept by Messrs. Robinson and Price, in William-Street, commonly called Horse and Cart-Street, where they intend carrying on the above business in all its branches in the greatest perfection, which we flatter ourselves we shall be capable of doing, as we have had the honour to serve a number of the first families of distinction in London. Any ladies or gentlemen that please to favour them with their commands may depend upon having them punctually obeyed, as it will always be their study to merit the favours of the public.
N.B. We have lately imported from London, some of the most fashionable patterns for ladies paste shoe-buckles, which they may depend upon being made in the neatest manner. Any work we recommend we will engage to keep in repair two years free from expence.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, September 29, 1774.
Whitehouse & Reeve.—...have engaged a person from London, that understands the art of working hair in sprigs, birds, figures, cyphers, crests of arms, warranted equal to any done in London. Engraving in all its branches done in the neatest manner.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 2, 1775.
Whitehouse & Reeve.—Whereas a verbal agreement of partnership, has been carried on between John Whitehouse, and Mr. Reevs, [sic], jewellers of William Street, New York, this is to inform the public, that said partnership is dissolved; all persons indebted to said partnership, are desired to pay the same to John Whitehouse...—The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, May 4, 1775.
Girdle Buckle.—Lately lost a Gold Girdle Buckle, set round with small diamonds, whoever has found it, and will bring it to the Printer hereof shall be very well Rewarded. If it is sold or pawn'd the Money shall be returned. N.B. One of the Diamonds is lost.—The New-York Weekly Journal, April 15, 1734.
Masonic Emblems.—Taken Out of the House of Mr. Todd, a small Silver Square, a Level, a Plumb-Rule, and Silver Pen, and other Utensils belonging to the Lodge of Free Masons in New-York, Whoever brings them to the Printer hereof shall be handsomely rewarded, and no Questions ask'd.—The New-York Weekly Journal, November 14, 1737.
Snuff Box.—Lost or Stolen an Oval Snuff Box, with a Hinge, marked E P, Whoever brings it to the Printer shall be well rewarded and no Questions ask'd. If offered to be Sold or Pawn'd pray stop it.—The New-York Weekly Journal, January 2, 1738.
Snuff Mill.—Lost or Mislaid a Silver Snuff Mill whoever brings it to the Printer hereof shall be very well rewarded.—The New-York Weekly Journal, April 3, 1738.
Bowl.—Lost, or Taken from the House of Moses Taylor, at the Old-Slip, a few days ago, a Silver quart Bowl marked I. V. B....twenty shillings reward.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, August 12, 1751.
Sentence of Death for Stealing Silver (Philadelphia).—Friday last Trial of John Webster Came on, when he was indicted and found guilty of breaking open the Dwelling House of Mr. William Clemm of this City on the 24th of September 1750, in the Night; and taking from thence a Silver Tea-pot and tea-spoon; upon which he received the Sentence of Death.—News item from Philadelphia in The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, April 27, 1752.
Tankards.—Stolen, between the 24th and 25th inst. May, at Night, from John Pell, Esq; in the Manor of Pellham, in the Country of West-Chester, four Silver Tankards, one being mark'd T.A.P. one I.A.H. and two I.H.P. one Silver Mugg, mark'd I.R.P. one Silver Teapot, and one Silver Sword, to the Value of Ninety Pounds...Reward of Thirty Pounds paid by John Pell.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 6, 1757.
Coffee Pot.—Stolen out of the Dwelling House of John Tabor Kempe, of this City, Esq; A large Silver Coffee-Pot, holding about a Quart, but [sic] a Table Spoon; the Coffee-Pot had no other Mark but the Stamps, and had a Dent on the Back Part of the Lid, where the same had fallen back on the Handle in opening; The Spoon was marked with a Falcon standing on a Wheat-Sheaf; Any Person stopping the same, if offered for Sale, or apprehending, or discovering the Thief, so that he may be apprehended, shall be well rewarded by J. T. Kempe. N.B. It is imagined the same may be carried in the Country in order to be melted up.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, January 7, 1760.
Tankard.—Whereas a Three Pint Silver Tankard, marked on the Handle with the Letters E. L. and T. at Top, and having the Handle of the Lid, by which it is open'd formed in the Figure of a Lion was on Monday last, about Two o'clock in the Afternoon, in Smith-Street, near my Door, opposite to Messrs Lot and Low's Store, taken by Force from a Negro Girl...Five Pound York Money Reward by Edward Tittle.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, November 27, 1760.
Horse Race.—To be Run for, on Tuesday the first of June next, at the Beaver Pond, in Jamaica, A Silver Bowl, Value Twenty Pounds, free for any Horse, Mare, or Gelding, the best of Three two Mile Heats, Paying Two Dollars Entrance, or double at the Post...—The New-York Gazette, May 31, 1762.
Silver Plate (Philadelphia).—The Dwelling-House of Thomas Clifford was broke open last Night, from whence was stolen, and taken away, One Silver Tankard, One Ditto Tea Pot, one Ditto Quart Bowl, six Ditto Porringers, one Ditto Sugar Pot and Cover, one Ditto Water, one Ditto Pepper Box, two Ditto Salts, one Ditto Soup Ladle, two Ditto Half-pint Tumbelers, one Ditto Cream Pot, eight Ditto Table Spoons, one Pair Tea Tongs, and four Tea Spoons; all marked T.C.A. One large Silver Pint Can, one Table Spoon, six Tea Spoons, marked E.C. One Silver two handle Caudle Cup, marked T.G.R. One large Cream Pot, no Mark, two Table Spoons marked I.M.R. One Custard Spoon, marked E.G. One Pair of Mens Silver Shoe Buckles, and one Pair of Knee Ditto...Thomas Clifford.—News item from Philadelphia, February 28th, in The New-York Mercury, March 5, 1764.
Imported Silver Plate.—Just imported by Captain Jacobson, from London, and to be sold at the House of Francis Cooley, on Golden-Hill, a Variety of neat chas'd silver coffee pots with cases; tea cannisters with do. sugar or tea tongs, and spoons, great choice of silver shoe and knee and stock buckles; solid buttons, clasp and watch chains, chas'd corrals, christal shoe, knee and stock buckles, stay hooks, and buttons, do. gold buttons set with mocco and garnets, gold seals, shirt buckles, lockets mocco and enamel'd sleeve buttons, double gilt do. very best coat and breast buttons, gilt and plated; great variety of silver watches, rich chas'd and gilt pinch-beck do, with tortise and shagreen cases; a variety of cristal, garnet, and diamond rings, gilt buckles and common do. plated and steel spurs; neat temple spectacles, paper boxes, toothpick cases, steel chains and silk strings for watches; a small parcel of augers, by the best makers in Birmingham, warranted; watches glased inside, chains and springs, hands and keys, and enameled dial plates, a neat eight day clock, a neat japan'd case.—The New-York Mercury, April 29, 1765.
Tankard.—Stolen out of the House of the Subscriber, at the Ferry at Brooklyn, on Long-Island, the 9th Inst. a Three Pint Silver Tankard, with an English Half Guinea on the Lid. Whoever will return the Tankard, shall have Three Pounds Reward, and no Questions asked, paid by Francis Koffler.—The New-York Mercury, January 27, 1766.
Shooting Contest.—To the Lovers of Shooting. To be shot for at Mr. Miller's, at Corleir's Hook, on Shrove Tuesday next, Three Prizes, Viz. One Half-pint Silver Mug, Value 7 l Silver Shoe and Knee-buckles at 3 l. and one stone Ring at 2 l. Each Member paying One Dollar at signing his Name, and to have three Shots with Ball. The Articles to be seen at the aforesaid Mr. Miller's.
N.B. For Supper will be provided a Leg of Mutton and Turnips, boiled, out of Curiosity, in a Butter Firkin. To begin shooting exactly at One o'clock.—The New-York Mercury, February 3, 1766.
Snuff Box.—Lost, or left on one of the Pews in the Presbyterian Meeting House, an oval Silver Snuff-Box, with a Mother-o'pearl Top, mark'd with the letters T.G.C. Whoever has found it, and will bring it to the Printer hereof, shall have Five Shillings Reward. Also mist out of a House, a large Family Silver Spoon, marked C.M.C. The same Reward will be given for it as the Box, by bringing it to the Printer...—The New-York Mercury, March 3, 1766.
Mourning Ring.—Found in the Broad-Way...A Mourning Ring, with a stone in the Top in the Form of a Coffin...—The New-York Mercury, January 4, 1768.
Semi-Precious Stones.—We can assure the public, that Millstones and Grindstones equal if not superior to British, are now to be had among ourselves, in such quantities as will discourage any import of the latter; and that our Lappadaries may soon be supply'd with Berryl's, Topaz, Amethysts, Garnets, Christals, &c. found in New England; Samples of the several sorts in the Rough have been shewn upon Change, and several Rings imbellished with the same sorts cut here, have been sold to Gentlemen of taste, who esteem them not inferior to what is imported from England.
The present spirit of the people in the colonies to invent and promote manufactures, is such, and the late discoveries so many and important, as may lead into hope providence intends great things in some future time for this present distressed and burthened continent.—News item from Boston in The New York Gazette Extraordinary, February 4, 1768.
Silver Plate of Capt. Joseph Ryall.—To-morrow Morning, will be sold at Public Vendue, all the Household and Kitchen Furniture, Plate, and China of the late Capt. Joseph Ryall, deceased at his House, near the Merchant's Coffee-House; amongst which are...Silver Tankards, Sugar-cups, Sauce boats, Candlesticks, Spice-Box, Chafing-dishes, Castors, Sauce-boats, Spoons, Forks, Salts, China Tureens, Dishes, Plates, Bowls, Jarrs, Mugs, Cups and Saucers &c. &c. &c.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 11, 1768.
Jewelry.—Mr. Nicholas Guyon, Native of the Island of Rhe, near Rochelle, in Old France, proposes to follow the Business of a Broker, in French, Dutch and English: He lodges at Mr. Joseph Colley's, at the Edinburgh Castle, on the New-Dock and will transact all Business in his Way with the greatest Secrecy, Fidelity and Dispatch. He has to sell, a neat assortment of Jewellery, consisting of the neatest Pinchbeck Buckles, and other Buckles of different kinds, Trinkets for Ladies and Gentlemen, Watches, with Steel Seals, Pinchbeck Rings wash'd with Gold, of several Sizes, Pinchbeck compass Seals Sleeve Buttons, which will be sold at the lowest Prices.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 12, 1770.
Silversmith's Tools.—A Compleat Set of Silver Smith's Tools, to be sold by William Ustick At the Sign of the Lock and Key, between Burling's and Beekman's Slip.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 18, 1771.
Seal.—Dropt in the Street sometime in the Month of December, a Gold Seal, Cornelian Stone, with the two Letters C. A. engraved thereon. There was fasten to it, Part of a Steel Chain, and a Watch Key. Should it have been found by any honest Person it is hoped he will bring it to the Printer hereof, and a Reward of Three Dollars will be given to the Finder.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, March 25, 1771.
Silver Plate.—Stolen, Out of the House of Ennis Graham, One Silver Pint Mug, marked G. E. S. one Silver Porringer marked S. G. E. three Silver Table Spoons, one marked G. E. S. the other two Marks unknown. If any of the above Things are offered for Sale the Person to whom offered are desired to stop them.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, April 8, 1771.
Silver Plated Ware.—Sold very cheap, by Benjamin Davis, in Dock-Street, Consisting of tea kettles, coffee-pots, tankards, and mugs, pillar'd candlesticks, bottle stands, castors, salts, knives and forks, also japaned tea boards, and oval pewter dishes and tureens, and sundry cutlery ware...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 8, 1771.
Snuff Box.—Was lost out of a gentlemen's pocket some time ago, a leather japan'd snuff box, with a Scotch peble set in silver on the top. Whoever has found the same, and will deliver it to the printer hereof, shall receive Two Dollars reward, which is more than its value.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 8, 1771.
Punch Ladle.—Stolen On Wednesday the 21st Instant, (August) from Mary Airey, living at the Corner of King and Smith Streets, three Silver Table Spoons, and a Silver crooked handled Punch Ladle, the Bowl of which is in the Form of a Scallop Shell; one of the Spoons is marked M*W, the other two and the Ladle, with a Cock having a Spring in his Bill, on the back of the Handles. Any Person to whom the said Goods may be offered to Sale, or who may otherwise see or hear of them, are desired to stop them, and endeavour to secure the Thief, giving her Notice, who will make a thankful and proper Acknowledgment.—The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, August 22, 1771.
Horse Race.—To Be Run For, Round the course at Morris Town, and to be won by the best of three two mile heats; a Silver Tankard of Twenty Pounds value....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 7, 1771.
Mugs.—Ten Guineas Reward. Stolen from Fort-George, on Tuesday Evening, two Half Pint Silver Mugs with Handles, having his Excellency the Governor's Coat of Arms engraved on each. The above Reward will be given on recovering them, and conviction of the Offender.—The New-York Journal, June 17, 1773.
Silver Plate.—Ten Pound Reward. On Thursday the 25th ult. was broke open the house of Samuel Henry, in Trenton, New-Jersey, and sundry pieces of plate stolen out of the same, viz. One half gallon tankard, marked S. H. cypher; one quart do. one pint cann, marked as above; one tea pot and stand, marked I. O. cypher; two salt cellars; one large soup spoon, marked R.R.M. one punch ladle; and one punch strainer, marked S.H.M. Whoever secures the thief and plate, shall receive the above reward from the subscriber. Samuel Henry—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 10, 1774.
Tankard.—Five Pounds Reward. Taken away from a House in this city, a Silver Tankard, mark'd T. B. on the Handle, on the End of which is engraved the Head of a Man, with a Wig. Whoever will return the Tankard, shall have the above Reward paid by Hugh Gaine.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 8, 1774.
Jeweller's Materials.—John Richardson, At his store in Cortlandt-street, opposite Mr. John Leary's, Has just imported in the ship Samson, Capt. Coupar, (which he will dispose of on good terms) a large and neat assortment of jewellery, jeweller's materials, good choice of watch materials, seals, chains, silk strings, keys, an elegant assortment of plated shoe, knee, and stock buckles, on pinchbeck, copper and steel; steel, metal, and pinchbeck stone buckles, good scales and weights in neat japan'd boxes, cases with razors compleat, best shoe and knee chapes, plated snaffle and Pellom's bridle bitts, fine guns mounted with tooth and egg, silver mounted pistols, good choice of common sleeve buttons, steel cork screws, temple spectacles, polished steel spring snuffers, and jobo boxes, with several articles, wholesale and retail.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, November 7, 1774.
Sword.—Lost or Stolen. Some time since, a Silver Hilted Sword with Abraham Livingston's name cut on the blade. Any person that will return it to the Printer, shall receive Twenty Shillings reward.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, May 18, 1775.
Buckles.—On Sunday July 30th, the house of the subscriber was broken open and robbed of sundry articles, viz. a silver punch ladle with a mahogany handle, marked on the bottom R. C. a large table spoon, mark unknown; a pair of silver shoe buckles, 1 pair marked R. C. and 1 P. C. S., an odd ditto marked J. S., 2 pair of silver carved knee buckles, 6 silver tea spoons, 6 old do. do. one of them marked M. C. a stone box in the form of a prayer book....Richard Cornish.—The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, August 3, 1775.
Snuff Box.—Lost, Some Day this Week, a Snuff Box, Made of Paper Machee, lined with Tortoishell, had a Female Figure, and two Boys painted on the Lid: the Painting much abused; a neat Circle of pierced Work round the Picture. Whoever will bring it to the Quarter Master, or Assistant Quarter Master General's Office, shall receive Four Dollars for their Trouble.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 5, 1776.
Edward Annely.—Any Gentlemen or others, desirous of adorning their Gardens, Tops of their Houses, or Doors &c. with Flower Pots, Incense Pots, Urns, Vases or any other Ornament capable of being made with Clay, may be supplied by Edward Annely, near the Fly-Market, he having set up the Potter's Business, by Means of a Family of Germans he bought, supposed by their Work to be the most ingenious in that Trade, that ever arrived in America, at his Estate at Whitestone, where he has Clay capable of making eight different sorts of Earthen Ware, a large Quantity of various kinds being already made, fitting to be baked, which will be soon.—The New-York Gazette, Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, May 20, 1751.
John Campbell, Potter, At the upper end of the Broadway, opposite the Negroes Burying-Ground, Has set up the business of making pantile, and will warrant them to be better than any imported from England or Holland, at 21. 10s. per thousand; also continues making what is called Philadelphia earthen ware of the best quality, and will sell on the lowest terms for Cash, wholesale and retail. All Merchants and shopkeepers shall have their's delivered without any expence, to any part of the town.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, May 19, 1774.
Jonathan Durrell.—Philadelphia Earthern-Ware, Now manufacturing, and to be sold at that well known house, called Keechemet's mead-house, about mid-way between the New city-hall, and the Tea-water pump, on the left hand side of the road as you go out of the city; Where city and country store-keepers may be supplied with any quantity of said ware, at reasonable rates; the ware is far superior to generality, and equal to the best of any imported from Philadelphia, or elsewhere, and consists of butter, water, pickle, oyster and chamber pots, milk pans of several sizes; jugs of several sizes; quart and pint mugs, quart, pint and half pint bowls of various colours; porringers, and smaller cups of different shapes; striped and clouded dishes of divers colours, pudding and wash hand basons, with sauce pans, and a variety of other sorts of ware, too tedious to particularise, by the manufacturer late from Philadelphia. Jonathan Durell. The purchaser of twenty shillings or upwards, may depend on having it delivered to any part of this city without charge.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, March 15, 1773.
Samuel Hale.—Run away the 14th Day of June last from Samuel Hale of the City of Philadelphia, Potter a Servant man, Edward Pain by trade a potter...—The New-York Gazette, June 24-July 1, 1734.
Christopher Leffingwell & Thomas Williams.—Wanted at the new earthenware manufactory, in Norwich in Connecticut, New-England, two throwers, or wheelmen, for which good encouragement will be given by the proprietors. Christopher Leffingwell, Thomas Williams.
Said Leffingwell will also give good encouragement to one or more young men (paper makers) to work in his mill in said Norwich.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 10, 1771.
Potter.—Wanted, A Potter. A Sober well behaved Man, who understands the Potter's Business, may hear of good Encouragement by applying to the Printer at the Exchange.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, January 15, 1767.
James Byers.—Broken China and Glass, Riveted in the very neatest and best Manner, and warranted to hold, at the low Price of Nine-Pence per Rivet, by the Subscriber, living in Wall-street, opposite to Mr. Abraham Lynsen's. James Byers.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 14, 1771.
Jacob Da Costa, In Batteau-Street, a little above the Oswego-Market, Gives notice to all Gentlemen and Ladies in this city or country, who have, or may have in their houses any broken China or glass of any sort, that they may have it mended in the neatest manner ever seen in this City, either by riveting or a cement so strong and durable, that it may be used either in heat or cold without separating or loosening the joints. He also mends all sorts of marble or china furniture, such as is used for ornamenting Chimney pieces, chest of drawers, &c. He mends the necks of decanters that have been broken, and some of the pieces lost, cuts them even and makes them fit for use, likewise hoops glass and china mugs that have been cracked, and makes them as strong and useful as ever. He also mends Lady's fans.—The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, October 12, 1769.
Nathaniel Lane.—To the Public in general this Notice is given, That I Nathaniel Lane, at my House in Warren-street, undertake to mend all Kinds of broken china, Delft, Glass, &c. on the most reasonable Terms. It is likewise to be observ'd, that if his Work gives Way, he will as often mend gratis.—The New-York Gazette, January 31, 1763.
Nathaniel Lane.—Broken China & Glass, Mended and riveted in the neatest Manner and on the most reasonable Terms, by Nathaniel Lane, near Major James's. The Price of the Rivets, he finding the Silver is 2s. each if the Silver is found 1s. each Rivet, if Brass, is 1s. if white metal 6d.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, July 9, 1767.
James Walker, from London. To be heard of at the Sign of the Ship aground, near the White Hall Slip. Mends broken China in the neatest and strongest Manner, with Rivets and Cramps, and where Pieces are wanting in broken Bowls, supplies the Defects; and makes Spouts and Handles to Tea-pots, in the same Manner as done in the East-Indies. Likewise he has a new and neat Method of riming and Sewing China; All which he performs at the cheapest Rates.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, November 20, 1760.
Optic Glasses.—Notice is hereby given, that the Widow of Balthaser Sommer, late from Amsterdam, now lives next Door to Mr. Laffert's on Pot-Baker's Hill, in Smith-Street, New-York, Grinds all sorts of Optic Glasses to the greatest Perfection, such as Microscope Glasses, Spying Glasses of all Lengths, Spectacles, Reading-Glasses, for near-sighted People or others; Also, Spying-Glasses of three Feet long; which are to set on a common Walking-Cane, and yet be carried as a Pocket-Book; all at the most reasonable Rates.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, May 21, 1753.
Globe Lamps, to be sold cheap, At Capt. William Mercier's in French Church-Street next Door to Mr. Benjamin Jervis, Hatter.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, March 3, 1755.
Imported Glass.—Richard Smith...lately imported, a large Assortment of drinking Glasses, Pint and Quart Decanters, with sundry other sorts of Glasses, &c.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, June 8, 1747 (Supplement).
Apothecary's Furniture.—Gerardus Duyckinck at the sign of the Looking-Glass and Druggist-Pot, at the Corner of the Old Slip market...Has for sale among many other things...London and Bristol crown window glass of all sizes (Can be cut to any size required) White fine glass ware, plain, ornamented, cut ground and engraved suitable for families and apothecary's furniture. Optick glasses, as telescopes, reading, burning, visual, temple spectacles, and near-sighted glasses...—The New-York Mercury, October 6, 1766.
Plain & Flower'd Glass Ware.—George Ball being obliged to move until the Store in which ne now lives, in Bayard-Street, is rebuilt, will sell very low for Cash...
Plain Glass Ware
- Gallon Decanters,—3 Qu. do.
- 2 Quart do. 2 do. do.
- Wine and Water Glasses,
- Wash Hand Glasses with Plates,
- Beer Glasses,
- Common Wine do.
- Cruets,—Butter Tubs and Stands,
- Punch Glasses with Handles,
- Patty Pans, Sugar Dishes,
- Salt Sellers and Linings,
- Jelly and Bird Glasses.
Flower'd Glass
- Decanters, New Fashion,
- Wine and Water and Ale Glasses,
- Neat Cut Salts,
- Do. Cruets,
- Bowls with Covers, 2 Sizes,
- Odd Glasses with Silver Tops, or Cruet Stands,
- Cruet Stands from 12s to £3.
The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, May 24, 1770.
London and Bristol Glass.—George Ball, who has removed into Carman-street, next door to Alderman Gautier, has received by the last London and Bristol Vessels, a general assortment of glass ware, consisting of flower'd and cut pint, half, and quarter pint tumblers; plain pint, half and quarter pint tumblers; flower'd and cut pint and quart decanters; a variety of neat enamel'd cut wine glasses, chamber lamps, bird glasses and salt lining, &c. with an assortment of cheap glass fit for the country.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 15, 1771.
Glass Ware.—James and Arthur Jarvis, At their Glass and Earthen Store. Between Burling's and Beekman's Slips, in the Fly. Have just open'd a Variety of Glass, viz. Cut, plain, sprig'd and engrav'd quart decanters, a few plain 1/2 gallon do. cut enamel'd and plain wine glasses; quart, pint and 1/2 pint carrosts; root glasses; plain and with loops; blue and white soy crewets and stands, with gilt labels; common do. elegant cut sallad bowls and trifle dishes, elegant cut sweetmeat glasses, glass water cups, a variety of smelling bottles, cut and plain, with and without cases; sprig'd, cut and moulded milk-pot and jelly glasses; ribb'd, cut and scollop'd sullabub glasses and tumblers; a variety of ground shop bottles and phials, for doctors; ink and oyl squares, elegant cut salts, sugar-dishes, and butter tubs; genteel salvers, stands, scroles and baskets; breast pipes; with a variety of common tumblers, wine and drinking glasses...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, December 6, 1771.
London Glass Ware.—Davies and Minnett At their glass, china and earthen Ware store...imported from London...a very large and neat assortment of glass, china and earthen ware of all sorts, for city and country consumption, among which is elegant cut and sprig'd quart, pint, and half pint decanters; neat cut wines of the newest patterns in London, guglets, soy crewets, water cups and tumblers with covers, fine cut salts, sugar dishes and milk pots, and other glass ware;...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 4, 1772.
Bristol Glass Ware.—At Rhinelander's Store...A large assortment of Glass Ware, by the Ellen, Capt. Clarke, from Bristol, Decanters, cut, engraved and plain of all sizes: wine glasses ditto; tumblers of all sizes; quart, pint and half pint cans; caster frames and bottles; plain, engraved, cut and top'd with silver...—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, January 13, 1774.
Green Glass.—Imported by George Ball...
Green Glass
- Gallon square bottles,
- Two quart ditto,
- Pint ditto,
- Pint and half pint flasks,
- Ink bottles,
- Blue, oval and round salt lining,
- Ditto white ditto.
One penny per pound for broken white flint Glass.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, August 3, 1775.
Robert Boyle, Pewterer, At the sign of the Dish, next Door to Mr. Samuel Pell's; Makes and sells at the most reasonable rates, all sorts of pewter ware, wholesale or retail: He also makes worms for stills of all sizes, in a new and compleat way; likewise, hogshead, barrel or bottle cranes, with or without cocks; and the infusion pots, so much made use of in colds; as well as any uncommon thing in pewter, in any shape or form, that may be ordered; Likewise, all kinds of lead work for ships or houses, with due care and expedition.—The New-York Mercury, June 17, 1754.
Robert Boyle.—To Be Sold, by Robert Boyle, Pewterer, At the Sign of the Gilt Dish in Dock Street, between the Old-Slip and Coenties's Markets in New-York, Wholesale or Retail, at the most reasonable Rates, either in Exchange for old Pewter, or otherwise, all Sorts of Pewter Ware, viz.
Dishes and Plates of all Sorts, Basons, Tankards, and Porringers of all Sizes, Quart and Pint Mugs, Tea-Pots of all Sorts, Cullenders, Bed Pans, and Stool Pans of all Sizes, Infusion Pots so much approved of in Colds or Consumptions, Cups and Flaggons for Churches, Half-pint and jill Tumblers, Wine Measures from a Quart to a Half-jill, Salts, and Ink Stands, Spoons of all Sorts, Limbecks and cold Stills, Candle Molds of different Sizes. Hogshead, Barrel, and Bottle Cranes, Pewter or Block-Tin Worms of all Sizes, as shall be ordered, Funnels of all Sizes. Also any Thing relating to the Pewterer's or Plummer's Business; as leading of Houses or Ships, in any Way as required: Sash Leads, Deep Sea Leads, and Bullets of all Sizes, made for 3s. per Hundred, with the utmost Dispatch. Likewise the highest Prices in Cash, for old Pewter, Copper, Brass and Lead. All those that will favour him with their Custom, may depend on the best of Usage.—The New-York Gazette or The Weekly Post-Boy, December 22, 1755.
Cornelius Bradford.—To be Sold, By Cornelius Bradford, at his Father's House, in Hanover Square, Pig and Bar Iron, by the Ton, or otherwise; Iron Chimney Backs and Cart Boxes; iron Weights from 56 lb. to 7 lb fixed or unfixed. Pewter, by the wholesale or retail, to be sold at the above House; and ready Money given for old Pewter and Brass.—The New-York Mercury, November 13, 1752.
William Bradford.—To be Sold By William Bradford, Pewterer, in Hanover Square, in New-York; Cannon four Pounders, and Swivel Guns, Cannon Shot of all Sizes, Iron Pots and Kettles of all Sizes, Cart and Waggon Boxes, Backs for Chimneys, Fullers Plates, Pig and Bar iron, &c. &c. Where may be had Money for old Brass and Pewter.—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, August 13, 1744.
William Bradford.—All Persons indebted to the Estate of William Bradford, late of this City, Pewterer, deceased, are desired to make immediate Payment; and those that have any Demands against said Estate, are desired to send in their Accounts to William Merceir, at the late Dwelling House of said William Bradford, in Hanover Square.
N.B. To morrow at ten o'Clock will be sold by Vendue at said House, sundry Household furniture.—The New-York Mercury, April 21, 1760.
Bradford and Mc Euen, Beg leave to inform the Public in general, and their friends in particular, that they have lately set up the Pewterer's and Plummer's business, at their shop at Peck's-slip, where they make and have for sale on the most reasonable terms, all kinds of pewter ware, viz. Dishes, plates, basons, teapots, quart and pint mugs, tankards, porrengers, cream pots, sugar dishes, slop bowls, half pint and gill tumblers, cullenders, bed pans, chair pans, chamber pots, wine measures, table spoons and many other articles in the pewterer's way, Store keepers in town or country, may be supplied with any quantity of the above articles, on the shortest notice. They likewise make in the best and neatest manner, block tin and pewter worms for distilling, of any size; hogshead and bottle cranes, and candle moulds of different sizes. In the plummers way they make and fix hawse leads, and scuppers, or any other lead work necessary for shipping, in the best manner, also leaden trunks or pipes of any size, for houses, and laying of sheet lead, and solder the same upon either roofs or gutters. Ready money given for old pewter, brass, or lead, or the same taken in payment for work. They flatter themselves that from their experience in the business, and their having a complete set of tools, and every thing in order for carrying on the same extensively, it will be in their power to give satisfaction to those persons who please to employ them in the above branches.—The New York Journal or The General Advertiser, August 27, 1772.
Peter Karby.—Just Published, And to be Sold by the Printer hereof, or at Mr. Peter Karby, Pewterer near the North River. A Brief Vindication of the Purchasors against the Proprietors Price 7d.—The New-York Weekly Journal, April 28, 1746.
William Kirby, Pewterer, at the corner of Dock-street, near the Old Slip Market, and opposite the late corner-store of Gerardus Duyckinck, has just imported in the Earl of Dunmore, Capt. Lawrence, a large and general assortment of London pewter, which he will sell wholesale and retail, on the most reasonable terms, viz. Dishes, plates and basons; hard-metal water plates, tureens, tankards, quart and pint pots, teapots of different sorts and sizes; coffee, sugar, and milk pots; pint, 1/2 pint and gill porringers; soup, table and teaspoons; round-bowl spoons, soup ladles, quart and pint bowls, wash-hand basons, funnels, large chamber pots, close-stool and bed pans, measures from one gallon to half a gill, dram cups, round and square chest ink-stands, large and small crains.
Said Kirby has likewise just come to hand, a curious and general assortment of English and Dutch toys, which he will sell wholesale and retail, at a low advance, amongst which are, a few large humming tops, japan'd waiters, bread baskets, clothes and shoe brushes, hair brooms, hearth brushes, plated shoe and knee buckles, and a variety of other articles in the toy way, too tedious to mention.
He takes old pewter and bees-wax in exchange for new pewter.—The New-York Gazette and The Weekly Mercury, September 26, 1774.
Joseph Leddel.—To be Sold by Joseph Leddel, jun. at his House in Smith-Street, opposite to Mrs. Carpenter's, at the most reasonable Rates; all sorts of Pewter-ware by wholesale or retail, and makes Worms for Stills of all Sizes, by a compleat Way at the lowest Prices: Likewise, Makes Hogshead, Barrell, or Bottle Cranes, either with or without Cocks, and makes infusion-Pots, so much approv'd of in Colds, and any uncommon Thing in Pewter, in any Shape or Form as shall be order'd; likewise does all sorts of lead-work, either House or Ship-work.
He also Engraves on Steel, Iron, Gold, Silver, Copper, Brass, Pewter, Ivory or turtle-Shell in a neat Manner, and reasonably.—The New-York Gazette Revived in The Weekly Post-Boy, March 23, 1752.
Joseph Leddel.—All Persons who have any demands on the estate of Mr. Joseph Leddle, [sic] jun. late of this City, pewterer deceas'd, are desired to apply to Abraham De Lanoy, hatter, in Queen Street, near the Meal Market.—The New-York Mercury, June 24, 1754.
Henry Will.—To be Sold, The Glue-House, near Fresh-Water, with all the Utensils for Glue-making. It is also very convenient for the Soap and Candle making Business, which may be conveniently carried on, besides the Glue making. For further Particulars inquire of Henry Will, Pewterer, near the old Slip. Who makes, sells, and exchanges all Sorts of Pewter Ware, and gives Cash, for old Pewter.—The New-York Journal or The General Advertiser, March 15, 1770.
Henry Will, Begs leave to acquaint his friends and customers, that he is removed to the well known corner house at the Old-slip, where Mr. Gerardus Duyckinck kept his universal store, formerly known by the sign of the looking glass, and now by the sign of the blocktin teapot, where he continues to make, sell and exchange, wholesale and retail, all sorts of pewter ware, at the cheapest rate, and where he hopes for the favourable continuance of his friends and customers. He likewise gives ready money for old pewter.—New York Gazette and The Weekly Mercury, May 25, 1772.
Henry Will.—Notice of John Siemon, Furrier, mentions that he is at Mr. Henry Will's, Pewterer, the Corner of the Old Slip.—The New-York Gazette and The Weekly Mercury, November 9, 1772.
Henry Will, Pewterer, Acquaints, the public, that he is removed to Albany, where he intends to carry on the Pewterer's business in all its branches. As he has hitherto been favoured with the custom of many of his friends in and about Albany, so he hopes to merit their continuance;—an assortment of Pewter ware will be constantly kept by him; old pewter will be exchanged for new, or cash given for it.—The New-York Journal or The General Advertiser, April 11, 1776.
John Will.—To be Sold, by Johanes Will, Pewterer, living in Smith's-Fly, opposite Mr. Robert Livingston. A Parcel of the best New-York distill'd Rum, by the Hogshead, Barrel, or smaller in Quantity, not less than five Gallons; as also a variety of Glass Ware, manufactured at the Glass House in New-Windsor.
N.B. Said Johanes Will, gives ready money for good Wood Ashes, and broken Window and Bottle-Glass, as also old Pewter. Any Person wanting any Particulars of Glass Ware made, may apply to the said Will, and they shall be served with all possible Expedition.—The New-York Gazette or The Weekly Post-Boy, September 27, 1756.
John Will.—This is to give Notice, That John Will, Pewterer, from Germany, living in Smith's Fly, opposite to Mr. Robert Livingston, makes and sells all sorts of Pewter Ware, in the neatest and best Manner, and has also to sell, best Albany peas by the Bushel or quart, Oat Meal by the Hundred Weight or Quart, best London Mustard Seed by the Bushel, half Bushel, peck or Quart, buckweed by the Bushel, a small Parcel of Flax Seed; and sundry other Goods at a reasonable Rate for ready Cash.—The New-York Gazette or The Weekly Post-Boy, February 4, 1760.
Peter Young.—For the Benefit of the Public in general, I Peter Young, of the city of New York, Pewterer, living at Mr. Fisher's, Barber, in Sprint Garden, commonly called Chatham street, was afflicted with an imposthume or sore in my breast with such a violent cough, that I could not rest day or night, spitting and vomitting matter constantly for three months, that I thought I was in a consumption; I applied to several, and tried various kinds of Psysick, until I applied to the French Doctor Blouin, who advised me to make use of his Anti-Venereal Pills, so well known by the name of Keyser's Pills. I followed his advice, and by the use of those pills alone, in a short time I recovered my former health. Witness my hand, PETER YOUNG.—The Constitutional Gazette, December 13, 1775.
Pewter Dishes.—Among other items exposed to sale by way of Public Vendue are: one Brass Kittle, four pewter Dishes, eight Pewter Plates, one Iron Chafing Dish, one Brass snuffer, five Chairs and two tables, one Looking-Glass, one Spinning Wheel, one Chest, four Pewter Basons one Feather Bed and Furniture....—The New-York Weekly Journal, February 26, 1739.
Pewter Buttons.—Runaway from Johannes Bratt, a servant...‘He had on when he went away an old dark couler'd Coat, with Pewter Buttons, Leather Breeches, and a white shirt;...—New-York Weekly Journal, June 28, 1742.
Pewter.—Just imported from Liverpool, and to be sold on board the Snow Nancy, William Beekman Master, Several White Servants; also sundry sorts of Earthen Ware in Casks and Crates, Cheshire Cheese, Loaf Sugar, Cutlery Ware, Pewter, Grindstones, Coals, and sundry other Goods too tedious to mention: by Abraham Van Horne, Daniel & Isaac Gomez or said Master.—New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, June 25, 1751.
Pewter Ware.—Among other items for sale by Abraham Wilson, peruke maker, are: pewter plates, Dishes, basons and spoons, knives, and forks....—The New-York Gazette, November 3, 1760.
Pewter Buttons.—Runaway from Abigail Lord an Irish servant man...‘Had on when he went away, a light colour'd cloth jacket with home made pewter buttons....—The New-York Gazette and The Weekly Mercury, July 2, 1770.
London Pewter.—Cheaper than can be imported. Puffing, and a pompous Parade of cheap selling, is of late become so fashionable among us, that an Advertisement in common Form, no longer attracts the Attention of the Public, it therefore seems necessary to offer something more than the general Declaration of, as cheap as can be imported, or of because purchased at Vendue for less than a Cent, and therefore the Prices are annexed to the following Articles, which are sold by John Thurman, jun. at his Store in Wall-street, which must convince the Public that he not only sells Goods for less than a Cent, or as cheap as can be imported, but even cheaper than can be imported.
As by this kind of dealing the Poor will be enabled to cloath themselves, as it were, from the Hands of the Manufacturers; and it is evident no Profit can possibly arise to the Seller, it is hoped that kind Providence, or the Public will put all such generous Traders in some way of living with the Expence. Best London Pewter Dishes, at 1 shilling 5 per Pound....—The New-York Gazette and The Weekly Mercury, November 4, 1771.
Pewter Quart Pot.—Stopped a Pewter Quart Pot, mark'd in the inside I W, and at the Bottom of the Outside A D. Whoever owns the same, may know the person who defrauded them of it, by applying to the Printer.—The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, July 29, 1773.
Gilbert Ash.—For the Benefit of a Poor Widow. On Thursday the 18th Instant, will be open'd, at the City Hall, in the City of New-York, a New Organ, made by Gilbert Ash, where will be performed, A Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Musick....Tickets, at Five Shillings each, to be had at Mr. Cobham's in Hanover-Square, at the Gentleman's Coffee-House, at the King's Arms, at the Province Arms, at the Bible & Crown in Queen-street, and at Mr. Ash's joining Mr. Willet's in Wall-street; who continues the Business of Organ Building, by whom Gentlemen and Ladies, may be furnished with noble Instrument, in a convenient Time after it is bespoke.—The New-York Mercury, March 15, 1756.
Gilbert Ash.—At the Upper End of Wall-Street, near the City Hall, Carries on the Manufactory of hard Soap-boiling, and has now by him a Parcel of very good Soap to dispose of, both brown and white; and also a Parcel of Babary Wax mould Candles. The Shop-Joiner or Cabinet Business is carried on at the same Place, where may be had, all sorts of Work made in that Branch, Tables, Chairs, Desks, &c.—The New-York Mercury, October 22, 1759.
Gilbert Ash, in Wall-Street, near the City-Hall, has by him A Parcel of ready made Chairs, Mahogany and Black Walnut, Mahogany Tea Tables, and dining Tables, which he will sell, reasonably; Also a Parcel of hard Soap and Candles, which he will sell cheap.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, April 14, 1763.
Thomas Ash, Windsor Chair Maker, At the Corner below St. Paul's Church in the Broad-Way, Makes and sells all kinds of Windsor chairs, high and low backs, garden and settees ditto. As several hundred pounds have been sent out of this province for this article, he hopes the public will encourage the business, as they can be had as cheap and good, if not superior to any imported; he has now by him, and intends keeping always a large quantity, so that merchants, masters of vessels, and others may be supplied upon the shortest notice. N.B. Shop goods will be taken in pay.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, February 17, 1774.
John Brinner, Cabinet and Chair-Maker, from London; At the Sign of the Chair, opposite Flatten Barrack-Hill, in the Broad-Way, New York: Where every Article in the Cabinet, Chair-making, Carving and Gilding Business, is executed on the most reasonable Terms, with the utmost neatness and Punctuality. He carves all sorts of Architectural, Gothic and Chinese Chimney Pieces, Glass and Picture Frames, Slab Frames, Gerondoles, Chandaliers, and all kinds of Mouldings and Frontispieces, &c. &c. Desk and Book-Case, Library Book-Cases, Writing and Reading Tables, Commode and Bureau Dressing Tables, Study Tables, China Shelves and Cases, Commode and Plain Chest of Drawers, Gothic and Chinese Chairs; all Sorts of plain or ornamental Chairs, Sofa Beds, Sofa Settees, Couch and easy Chair Frames, all kinds of Field Bedsteads, &c. &c.
N.B. He has brought over from London six Artificers, well skill'd in the above Branches.—The New-York Mercury, May 31, 1762.
Thomas Burling.—Whereas the Co-partnership of John and Thomas Burling, expires the first of April next; all those who have any demands on them are desired to call for the same; and all those who are indebted to them are hereby requested to make immediate payment; The more so as one of them is going to live in the Country.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 17, 1772.
Thomas Burling, Cabinet and Chair-maker, in Chaple-street, New York, Has opened a yard of all kinds of stuff suitable for country Joiners, which he proposes to sell on reasonable terms.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 11, 1773.
Thomas Burling, Cabinet & Chair-Maker, At the Sign of the Chair, in Beekman-Street, commonly called Chapel-Street, New-York, Executes with neatness and dispatch the different articles in his branch, and will gratefully acknowledge all favours of his friends, and the public in general.
He has now made for sale sundry pieces of furniture, of the best mahogany, which he proposes to sell at the lowest rate good work sells at. Said Burling sells mahogany, ready sawed, fit for carpenters in stair case building and all other kind of stuff suitable for carrying on the most reasonable terms.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, September 2, 1774.
Henry Carmer.—Abraham Willson, Has removed his Furr Store from Little-Dock-street, to the upper end of Wynkoop-street, next to Henry Carmer's, cabinet-maker,...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 9, 1774.
John Clark, Shagreen and Mahogany Case-Maker, Now lies in the house lately occupied by Mr. Cowperthwait, next door to Mrs. Breese's near the Old Slip market, and carries on his business as usual. He returns his hearty thanks to the public in general, for their assistance at the late fire, in which he was a great sufferer.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 2, 1774.
John Cross.—Run away from his Bail, on Saturday the 4th June, Instant, a man named John Cross, by Trade a Cabinet maker: He is about 5 Feet 8 Inches high, of a pale Complexion, has black Hair, a long Nose, given much to Liquor, and is very quarelsome. Whoever takes up and secures said Fellow in New-York Gaol, shall have Ten Pounds Reward, and all reasonable Charges paid by Thomas Brookman. N.B. All Masters of Vessels are forbid to take him away.—The New-York Gazette, June 13, 1763.
Anthony Demelt.—To be Sold by Helena Mc. Pheadris, A House and Lot of Ground, next Door to Adolph Brass's on Golden Hill: It contains 25 Feet, Front and Rear, and 125 Feet in Length, is now occupied by Anthony Demelt, Chair-Maker.—The New-York Gazette, November 21, 1763.
Robert Dixson.—If Robert Dixson, Cabinet-maker, and Joiner, be in this Place, and will apply to John Utte, Breeches-maker living near the Fly Market, or to John Graham, at the Duke of York's Head, at Whitehall Slip, may hear of George Dixon his Brother.—The New-York Gazette, November 21, 1763.
Adam Galer, Windsor Chair-Maker, (lately from Philadelphia,) in Little Queen Street, next door to the Corner of Great George Street, opposite Hull's tavern, Makes and sells all kinds of Windsor Chairs, Any gentlemen or masters of vessels may be supplied with a neat assortment upon reasonable terms.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, August 25, 1774.
Andrew Gauteir.—To be Sold, by Andrew Gauteir, in Princes-Street, Opposite Mr. David Provoost's in Broad Street; A large and near Assortment of Windsor Chairs, made in the best and neatest Manner, and well painted, Viz. High back'd, low back'd and Sackback'd Chairs and Settees, or double seated, fit for Piazza or Gardens. Children's dining and low Chairs, &c.
N.B. As the above Gauteir intends constantly to keep a large Number of all Sorts of the above Chairs by him for Sale, all Persons wanting such, may depend on being supplied with any Quantity, Wholesale or Retail, at reasonable Rates.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, April 18, 1765.
Thomas Grigg, senior, joiner is lately moved to the Cart & Horse, where he continues to make house-chairs, couches, closestool chairs, seats for houses, and easy chairs, likewise all sorts of joiners and cabinet work, done in the best manner: he has to Lett, the stables belonging to the Cart & Horse, very reasonable, to any gentleman or others that may want them.—The New-York Mercury, April 15, 1754.
Thomas Grigg.—This is to acquaint the Public, that Thomas Grigg, Joiner and Cabinet-Maker, Has removed to the house where James Duane, Esq; lived, opposite the Fly-market, where he carries on his business in all its branches; he also has two pleasant rooms to lett, with or without a cellar, fit for a merchant, who may board in the said house, and may have the rooms furnished. It would have an excellent stand for a notary-public.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 30, 1768.
Charles Gullifer.—If Charles Gullifer, formerly of West Pennard, in Somerset, in England, by Trade a Cabinet maker, who came from England about 10 years ago, and followed the Profession of a Schoolmaster, since his Arrival, (as Mr. Williams has been inform'd) is living; and will apply to Mr. Williams, he will hear of something to his Advantage.—The New-York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, June 6, 1768.
Jonathan Hampton.—To be Sold, by Jonathan Hampton, in Chapel-Street, New York, Opposite Captain Andrew Law's, A large and neat Assortment of Windsor Chairs, made in the best and neatest Manner, & well painted, Viz. High Back'd, low back'd and Sack-back'd Chairs and Settees or double seated fit for Piazza or Gardens, Children's dining and low chairs, &c.
N.B. As the above Hampton intends constantly to keep a large Number of all Sorts of the above Chairs by him for Sale, all Persons wanting such, may depend on being supplied with any Quantity, wholesale or Retail at reasonable Rates.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, May 19, 1768.
John Hoffman.—All persons indebted to the estate of John Hoffman, late of this city, Cabinet-maker, deceased, are hereby desired immediately to settle and pay their accounts...—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, September 9, 1773.
Horner.—To be Sold, At Public Vendue, on the 4th of March, if not sold before at private Sale, The house in beaver-street, opposite Mr. Bayley's Stove-Grate Warehouse, now occupied by Mr. Horner, Cabinet-Maker,...—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, January 27, 1774.
Hubbell & Patterson.—The partnership of Hubbell and Patterson, Cabinet and Chair-Makers, was dissolved the 20th of June last, the above business is now carried on by Isaac Hubbel, at his shop in Little-Sock-Street, near the Coffee-House, where he will always endeavour to merit the favours of the public.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, September 15, 1774.
Thomas Jones.—Deserted from the Majesty's Army...Thomas Jones, cabinet maker;...Born in the Country of Tipperary, Ireland...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 30, 1771 (Supplement).
John Kelso, Windsor Chair-Maker, from Philadelphia, at Mr. Hyer's, in Broad-street, next door to the General's, makes and sells all kinds of windsor chairs, chairs for sulkies, &c. on the most reasonable terms; and as he served a regular apprenticeship in one of the first shops in that way in Philadelphia, he is persuaded he can supply those who may be kind enough to favour him with their custom, with as well-finish'd, strong, and neat work as ever appeared in this city; and as the laying-out as much of our money as possible at home, serves to keep the balance of trade in our favour, he therefore hopes for the encouragement of the respectable inhabitants of this city, as well as those trading to the same, whose favours by every way in his power to merit them, shall be gratefully acknowledged, by their Most Obedient Humble Servant, John Kelso.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 8, 1774.
William Norton.—To be sold at Mr. Skaates, near the Meal Market, very good Leather Chairs, by William Norton.—The New-York Weekly Journal, September 29, 1740.
John Parsons, joiner, has lately set up his business between the New and Fly-Markets, near his late master Joshua Delaplains, makes all sorts of cabinet work, sitting and easy chairs, closestool chairs, and all other kinds of household furniture in that way. Those who incline to favor him with their custom, may depend on having their work done in the neatest manner.—The New-York Mercury, April 22, 1754.
Samuel Prince.—John Sheiuble, Organ Builder may be spoke with at Mr. Samuel Prince's Cabinet maker, at the Sign of the Chest of Drawers, in New York...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, March 30, 1772.
Samuel Prince.—A partnership has lately commenced between Robert Robinson and Michael Price, who have for sale at their store next door to Mr. Samuel Prince, shop-joiner, in Horse and Cart-street; a general assortment of dry goods...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, November 1, 1773.
Samuel Prince, Cabinetmaker, At the Sign of the Chest of Drawers, in William-Street, near the North Church, in New York: Makes and sells all sorts of cabinet work in the neatest manner, and on the lowest terms. Orders for the West Indies, and elsewhere, compleated, on the shortest notice.
He has on hand, for sale, A parcel of the most elegant furniture, made of mahogany, of the very best quality, such as chest of drawers, chest upon chest, cloath presses, desks, desks and book cases of different sorts, chairs of many different and new patterns, beuro tables, dining tables, card tables, breakfast tables, tea tables, And many other sorts of Cabinet work, very cheap.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 6, 1775.
Daniel Shaw.—Whereas a Letter directed to Daniel Shaw, Cabinet-Maker, in this City of New York, was on Thursday last delivered by the Letter Carrier thro' mistake to a Person unknown: and as the Letter is supposed to be of some Consequence, it will be taken extremely kind of the Person who has it, if they will send it to the Printer hereof, in Broad Street—it can be of no Service to anyone but the Owner.—The New-York Gazette, February 2, 1761.
Charles Shipman, Ivory and Hardwood Turner, lately from England: Takes this Method to acquaint all ladies, gentlemen, &c. that having served a regular apprenticeship to a very considerable Turning Manufactory in Birmingham; he purposes carrying on that business here, in all the various undermentioned articles; Therefore, all those who please to favour him with their employ, may depend on being served with the strictest assiduity, and on the most reasonable terms. Mahogany waiters and bottle stands, billiard balls, bell handles, cups and balls, dice boxes, pack thread boxes, pepper boxes, soap boxes, washball boxes, patch boxes, raisin boxes, glove sticks, drum sticks and walking stick heads, paste rollers, round rulers and sugar hammers, tobacco sieves, sand dishes, ivory totums, tooth-pick-cases and eggs, nutmeg graters, pounce boxes and ivory thimbles, ivory netting, and knotting needles; tobacco stoppers, and cases for smelling boxes, counting-house seal handles, and steel seals cut with cyphers, ivory counters engraved with alphabets and figures (very popular for children) back gammons and chess men; Cruet frames repair'd and German flutes tip'd in the neatest manner, oval picture frames, and sundry other articles too tedious to mention.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, August 6, 1767.
William Tilou.—On Wednesday, at Noon, a Fire broke out in the Shop of William Tilou, a Turner and Chair maker in Maiden-Lane, which immediately burnt to the ground, destroying all his Tools and Stock in Trade, to the entire Ruin of an honest, sober, industrious Man, with a distressed Family. The unhappy person is reduced to a State of unspeakable Distress; and as he is an Object deserving the Charity of all the humane Citizens, a Subscription has been opened for his Relief. Any Contribution sent to the Printer, will be most thankfully received, and immediately applied to enable him to commence Business again.—News item in The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, March 27, 1775.
Peter Tilyou.—Whereas a Report hath been industriously propagated, That Peter Tilyou, Senior, of the City of New-York, Chair-maker, has been very ill-used by his Son Vincent, and Ann his Wife; and that the said Vincent and his Wife, dragged the said, Father through the Entry by the Hair of his Head; and that they have from Time to Time gave him great Provocation: Wherefore, in order to Undeceive the Public, the said Vincent Tilyou, and Ann his Wife, being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God, do depose and say, That the same is all false, scandalous and malicious Report, purely calculated, to injure the characters of the Deponents, they having always avoided, as much as possible, giving their said Father any Provocation. And Further these deponents say not
Sworn this 15th day of
March 1770 before me,
Andrew Gautier Aldm.
Vincent Tilyou Ann Tilyou
The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, March 26, 1770.
John Tremain, having declined the Stage, proposes to follow his Business of a cabinet-maker: and at the House of Mr. Norwood, near Long-Bridge, all Gentlemen and others may be supplied, at the Cheapest Rates, and in the neatest Manner, with all sorts of Cabinet-Work, such as Chest-of-Drawers, Desks, Book-Cases, Clock-Cases, Dining and Tea-Tables, plain or scollopt; tea-Chests, Tea-Boards, Dressing-Boxes, Bedsteads &c. Those who incline to find their own Stuff, may have it work'd up with Dispatch, Honesty, and Faithfulness.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, August 26, 1751.
Robert Wallace, Joyner, Living in Beaver Street, at the Corner of New-Street, makes all Sorts of Cabinets, Scrutores, Desks and Book Cases, Drawers, Tables either square, round oval or quadrile, and Chairs of any Fashion. Any Gentlemen or Ladies who will please to favour him with their Custom, may depend on having their Work done after the best Manner, and at the most reasonable Rates.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, May 28, 1753.
Willet & Pearsee, Cabinet and Chair-makers, at the Sign of the Clothes-Press, nearly opposite the New Oswego market, at the Upper-End of Maiden-Lane. Continues to make in the very best manner Cabinet and Chair-Work of every kind. As they are determined by being punctual in performing, and in finishing their work with the greatest neatness and care, to aim at giving general satisfaction. They humbly embrace this way of offering their service, and will with gratitude acknowledge the kindness of all such as please to favour them with their commands.
They have on hand at present made of the best Mahogany, and in the neatest manner,
- A very handsome Desk and Book-Case,
- A chest upon Chest,
- A Lady's Dressing-Chest and Book-Case,
- Three Desks, Three Sets of Chairs,
- A Pair of Card-Tables, and several Tea-Tables, Stands,
- Breakfast and China Tables, bureaus &c. &c.
N.B. Two Apprentices are wanting at the above place.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, April 22, 1773.
Marinus Willett, Has remov'd his Vendue Store to the house lately occupied by Waldron and Cornel, next door to Abraham Lotts, Esq; treasurer, and purposes to do all in his power to give satisfaction to whoever may be kind enough to employ him in that way; which he hopes, with the excellency of the situation, will be a sufficient inducement to those who have goods to dispose of by public auction, or on commissions at private sale.
Every article in the Cabinet and Chair way, May be had on the shortest notice, and executed in the best manner, by Willett and Pearsey, at the said vendue store, or at the sign of the clothes press near the Oswego-Market, at the upper end of Maiden-Lane, who will take dry goods in pay.
N.B. There is on hand at either of the above places an assortment of choice Mahogany furniture.—The New York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 9, 1774.
Marinus Willett.—Christian Stamler, Taylor and Habit Maker, from London, is removed from opposite the Coffee-House, Hunter's Quay, to the house that Mr. Marinus Willet lives in, in Queen Street near the Fly market....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 8, 1775.
Furniture of Governor Montgomery.—To Morrow being the twelfth day of this instant, at two o'clock in the afternoon, at the Fort, will be exposed to Sale by public Vendue the following Goods, belonging to the Estate of his late deceased Excellency Governor Montgomery, Viz.
A fine yallow Camblet Bed, lined with Silk & laced which came from London with Capt Downing, with the Bedding, one fine Field Bedstead and Curtains, some blew Cloth lately come from London, for Liveries; and some white Drap Cloth, with proper Triming. Some broad gold Lace. A very fine Medicine Chest with great variety of valuable Medicines. A parcel of Sweet Meat & Jelly Glasses. A Case with 12 knives and twelve forks with Silver Handles guilded. Some good Barbados Rum. A considerable Quantity of Cytorn Water, a Flack with fine jesseme Oyl. A fine jack with Chain and Pullies &c. A large fixt Copper Boyling Pot. A large lined Fire Skreen and Several other things All to be seen at the Fort...—The New-York Gazette, October 4-11, 1731.
Sacking-Bottom Bedstead.—To be sold on Wednesday the 16th of January next,...a Suit of red Chaney Curtains, a Sac-king-bottom Bedstead, 3 Feather Beds and Bolsters, 1 Black Walnut Table 1 large Bell-metal Morter...—The New-York Weekly Journal, December 31, 1733.
Household Furnishings.—On Wednesday the 16th Instant will be Sold by Auction...
- A Pair of large Gilt fram'd Sconces
- A Bean and Waits
- A Tea Table and China
- A corner Cubbard
- A Pair of brass andIrons
- A Pair of Iron do
- A Bed and Bedsted
- A Parcell of Chairs
- A Parcell of black fram'd Pictures
- Pewter and Brass
- A Chocolate stone and Rowler
- A Parcell of old Cordage
- And Kitchen Utensills
The New-York Weekly Journal, April 4, 1740.
Furniture of Anthony Byvanck.—Accounts settled for the estate of Anthony Byvanck...all those who have a mind to Buy a Choice Clock, Black Walnut-Cubbord, and other Furniture belonging to the aforesaid Estate, may apply to said Bancker, who is impowered to dispose of the same.—The New-York Weekly Journal, April 4, 1743.
House Furniture.—To be sold at Public Vendue...House Furniture, as Feather-Beds, Bolsters, Pillows Quilts, Blankets, Curtains and Bedsteads, green Damask seated, red leather and Cane Chairs, Looking-Glasses, dressing and other Tables, a Mahogany Desk and chest of Drawers, Carpets, China, Glasses, a clock, Kitchen Furniture, some Boxes of Candles and a Pair of Gloves.—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, June 16, 1746.
Stoves.—This Evening will be presented, A Comedy called, A Bold Stroke for a Wife. The House being new floor'd, is made warm and comfortable; besides which, Gentlemen and Ladies may cause their Stoves to be brought.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, November 19, 1750.
Cornish Bedstead.—To be Sold New Cornish Bedstead, together with the Bed, Bolster, and two Pillars, a Suit of fine Calico Curtains, and all the Furniture belonging to the same. Any Person that inclines to purchase the Bed and Furniture, may apply to the Printer hereof. N.B. It is all New.—The New-York Evening Post, April 8, 1751.
Messacipia Table.—To be Sold at publick Vendue on the 25th Day of March next, beginning at ten of the Clock in the Morning, at the House and Inn late of Jonathan Ogden, of the City of New-York, deceas'd,...The said House and Lot of Land, with Stables....Also, divers sorts of Furniture, household Goods, Utensils, one Cow, and a Table called a Messacipia-Table...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, February 26, 1753.
Mahogany Chest of Drawers.—To be Shot for, on Tuesday the 22d. of January next, a good Mahogany Chest of Drawers, with Eagle's Claw Feet, a Shell on each knee, and fluted Corners, with good Brass Work and Locks: Those that intend to try their Fortune for the same, may apply to Mr. George Peters, next door to Mr. Peter Marschalk's, in Broad-Street, at the Corner of Flatten-Barragh, where they may see the above: There will be Twenty Chances, at 14 Shillings each Chance.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, December 31, 1753.
Stoves.New-Invented Pennsylvania Stoves, both round and Square, to be sold by, Peter Clopper, opposite the Fly-Market. They are remarkable for making a Room Warm and comfortable with very little Wood.—The New-York Mercury, November 9, 1761.
House Furniture.—To be Sold this Day at Public Vendue...All the house Furniture; consisting of Feather Beds, Tables, Chairs, Pots, Pans and Kitchen Furniture; Silver Spoons and Silver Punch Bowls, some Liquors and sundry other things too numerous to mention.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, November 12, 1761.
Windsor Chairs.—To be Sold, by Thomas & James Franklin, At their Store facing Fly Market; Best Jamaica Spirits, West-India and New-England Rum...a parcel of low and high back Windsor Chairs...—The New-York Gazette, January 4, 1762.
Hangings.—Roper Dawson, has to sell among other things...a great variety of Paper Hangings and in Figures, Bass Relievo for Ceilings, &c. Marble Chimney Pieces; gilt Leather for hangings; Looking Glasses of neatest patterns...—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 3, 1762.
Settee.—On Wednesday last...the Steeple of Trinity-Church in this City was struck with Lightning,...Mr. Callow's House in Wall-Street, was struck much about the same Time, but sustained little or no damage. It came down the Chimney, and run along the Brass Nails that was in a Settee near the Hearth, blackening the Heads of all of them; it then entered the Settee, shivered it to Pieces, and took its course thro' the Hearth into the Cellar.—News item in The New-York Gazette, July 12, 1762.
Chest Upon Chest.—To be sold household goods belonging to a gentleman leaving the province....A book case, chest upon chest, mahogany tables, chairs &c. &c. looking-glasses, pictures, china...—The New-York Mercury, November 29, 1762.
Household Furniture.—To be Sold, by private Sale by John Martin, in Hanover Square. An exceeding neat Mahogany Clothes Press, Desk and Book-Case, in a new Taste, and executed in the neatest Manner a four posted Mahogany Bedstead, fluted Pillars, with Cotton check Furniture, fring'd and Tossels. A neat mahogany Field Bedstead, fluted Posts, with very fine printed Callico Furniture. A round Mahogany Pillar, and Claw Table. A Sett of fine Tea Table China...—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, January 27, 1763.
Mahogany Desk.—John Brinner, Cabinet and Chair maker...carves all kinds of bedsteads, with carved or plain cornishes...N. B. A neat mahogany desk and book case, in the Chinese taste to be sold.—The New-York Mercury, January 3, 1763.
Wall Paper.—James Walker...has to sell very cheap, the following goods, imported in the last vessels. Great variety of paper hangings, viz. Flock, or velvet, and mock chinese,...—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, May 5, 1763.
Mahogany Furniture.—To be Sold, at Vendue, Sundry pieces of neat mahogany furniture, lately imported from London by, and was the property of the deceased Mr. James Morison (one of the unfortunate Gentlemen, who lately perished in crosing this bay) viz. A mahogany book case and drawers, in the neatest taste, finely ornamented; a mahogany bed stead, a mahogany desk; genteel mirrors; mahogany chairs; tables; a curious sett of pictures; &c. &c. Also, a parcel of curious books.—The New-York Gazette, November 21, 1763.
Furniture of Joseph Haynes.—To be sold at publick Vendue, on Monday the 17th inst. the household and kitchen furniture, of the late Mr. Joseph Haynes, Consisting of a variety of chas'd and plain plate, mahogany dining, dressing, card, and tea tables, chairs and desks, pier, sconce, and dressing glasses, feather beds, bedsteads, chest of drawers, table cloths, napkins, sheets and pillow cases, with a variety of china tureen dishes; plates and bowls, cups and saucers, &c....—The New-York Mercury, March 10, 1766.
Side Tables.—A Few Crates of Stone Ware, with some choice Marble Slabs, for Side-Tables, to be sold cheap by Captain William Stewart, next Door to the Honourable Joseph Reade's, Esq; in King-Street.—The New-York Mercury, December 28, 1767.
A Billiard Table compleat, to be sold. Enquire of James Wessels, living in Fare-Street.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 18, 1771.
Windsor Chair.—A neat Windsor Chair to be sold. Enquire of J. Allen, near the Fly. Also An extraordinary good Saddle and Chair Horse.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 15, 1771.
Pine Chest.—Whereas the house of the subscriber was, on the night of the 18th inst. robbed of a pine chest painted prussian blue...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 13, 1772.
Furniture of Richard Vassal.—To be sold at public Vendue, on Tuesday the 7th July next, The sale to begin precisely at 10 o'clock in the afternoon. All the elegant and valuable household furniture of Richard Vassal, Esq; (who has lately embarked with his family for Jamaica), at his late dwelling-house in Wall-street, belonging to, and formerly occupied by Mr. William Kelly, consisting of handsome pier, and sconce glasses, pictures, china, mahogany four post bedsteads, bureaus, desks, tables, chairs, feather beds, Axminster and Scotch carpets, and a variety of kitchen furniture, the whole little, if any the worse for wear, being lately purchased new from the makers and importers.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 29, 1772.
Mahogany Furniture.—At publick Vendue, will positively be sold, to the highest Bidder, at Thomas Nixon's, at the Fly Market, on Tuesday the 4th day of May, a large quantity of new and second hand Mahogany Furniture, amongst which are two desks with book-cases, two chests of drawers, four desks, four bureau tables, four dining do. four card tables, four tea do. four setts of chairs, two arm'd do. and a variety of other articles.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 12, 1773.
Carpets.—To be sold at public vendue, on the Coffee-House Bridge, on Thursday next, the 26 inst. at XII o'clock: One very large Persian carpet; sic Scotch carpets, of different sizes, and three pieces of Scotch carpeting.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 12, 1773.
Carpets, Of the royal Manufactory at Challiott, which exceed every other kind of carpets for beauty, strength, and duration of colours, Likewise choice of Turky carpets to be seen at Christopher Miller's.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, September 15, 1774.
Nicholas Bernard, Carver, at Mr. Poree's, Surgeon and Operator for the Teeth, near the Exchange, Broad-street; Has for sale, a very neat Assortment of Looking Glasses, in the most elegant and newest Fashion, with carved, and carved and gilt Frames, do. Pediments and plain Mahogany and Walnut; also Dressing Glasses, Girondoles, chimney Pieces, Figures of Plaster of Paris, Brackets, &c. Paper Machine for ceilings, the King's Coat of Arms, neatly carved, fit for Church or public Building. N.B. The above Articles will be sold very cheap.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, June 1, 1769.
Stephen Dwight, late an apprentice to Henry Hardcastle, carver, has set up his business, between the Ferry Stairs and Burlington Slip, where he carves all sorts of ship and house work: also tables, chairs, picture and looking glass frames, and all kinds of work for cabinet makers, in the best manner and all reasonable terms.—The New-York Mercury, July 21, 1755.
Stephen Dwight, Takes this Opportunity to acquaint the Public, that he Intends to move the first of May, into the House of Mr. Johnston, Carpenter, and the Shop opposite, where Mr. Osborne, Cabinet Maker, now lives, near the Moravian Meeting, where he intends to follow Carving in general as usual, and also Portrait and History Painting. N.B. He also will teach drawing in Crayon, black and white chalk, Indian Ink, and black Lead Pencil, in the quickest and best Manner.—The New York Gazette, April 12, 1762.
Dwight & Davis.—To be sold a three story brick house...apply to subscriber Stephen Dwight. N.B. Said Dwight and Davis continue to carry on the business of carving and gilding as usual, where any ladies or gentlemen may be supplied with girandoles, looking-glasses, and picture frames, &—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, March 10, 1774.
Henry Hardcastle.—Run away from Henry Hardcastle, of the city of New York, carver, an apprentice lad...—The New-York Mercury, June 30, 1755.
John Gibbons.—Twenty Dollars Reward, Deserted from His Majesty's 29th regiment, 22nd of July last...John Gibbons, carver and gilder, aged 27 years, 5 feet 11 1/2 inches high, ruddy complexion, brown hair, light grey eyes, thin visage, and much carbuncled, straight and light made.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 30, 1771.
Minshall, Carver and Gilder, from London, lives in Dock-Street, Near opposite Bolton and Sigell's Tavern, Takes this Method of informing Ladies and Gentlemen, where they may have Carved Frames for Glasses, Picture Frames, Tables, Chairs, Girandoles, Chimney Pieces, Brackets, Candle Stands, Clock and Watch Cases, Bed and Window Cornicing: He makes Paper Ornaments for Ceilings and Stair Cases, in the present Mode.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, December 7, 1769.
James Strachan, Carver and Gilder, from London, in the Broadway near the Old English Church, in New York; Makes and sells all Sorts of Picture and Glass Frames, Tables, Gerendoles, Brackets; and Candle Stands, carved and gilt, in Oil or burnish'd Gold. Likewise all Sorts of House-Carvings, in Wood or Stone, at the lowest Prices.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, October 24, 1765.
James Strachan & David Davidson.—James Strachan, at the Cabinet-Warehouse, upper End of Wall-street, New-York, Begs leave to return his most hearty thanks to the ladies and gentlemen of this city, &c. for their favours during his co-partnership with Mr. D. Davidson, deceased, and hopes for their continuance. As he intends to carry on the business in its various branches, his Customers may depend on every order being fulfil'd with integrity and all possible dispatch, with the best work and materials, having imported by the ship Beulah, Capt. Henderson, an assortment of brass furniture, &c. of different kinds, and newest patterns; also looking glasses of different sizes, in carv'd and gilt frames, likewise glass without frames, so that his employers may chuse frames of any pattern or price, either in oyl or burnish'd gold. All sorts of picture frames, gerandoles, brackets, table frames, & House carving of every kind, gilding and all sorts of cabinet work, perform'd in the neatest manner and lowest prices. N.B.—He has also imported some elegant plaister busts.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 3, 1768.
James Strachan.—All persons who have any demands on the estate of James Strachan, late of this city, Carver and Cabinet-maker, deceased, are desired to bring in their accounts, in order for a settlement; and all those indebted to said estate, are requested to make speedy payment, to Jonathan Blake, Thomas Barrow, or James Barrow, who are empower'd to settle and receive the same, by Catharine Strachan, Administratrix.
N.B. The business of the late James Strachan, will be carried on in the same shop, as usual; and his widow hopes for the continuance of the favours of her late husband's friends, and the public in general, which will be thankfully acknowledged.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, February 9, 1769.
Gerardus Duyckinck.—Lookin-glasses new Silvered, and the Frames plaine Japan'd or Flowered, also all Sorts of Picktures, made and Sold, all manner of painting Work done. Likewise Lookinglasses, and all sorts of painting Coullers and Oyl sold at reasonable Rates, by Gerardus Duyckinck at the Sign of the two Cupids, near the Old Slip Market. N.B. Where you may have ready Money for old Lookinglasses.—The New-York Weekly Journal, January 6, 1735.
Gerardus Duyckinck, Living near the old Slip Market in New-York, continues to carry on the Business of his late Father deceas'd, Viz. Limning, Painting, Varnishing, Japanning, Gilding, Glasing, and Silvering of Looking-Glasses, all done in the best Manner.
He also will teach any young Gentleman the art of Drawing, with Painting on Glass; and sells all sorts of Window-Glasses, white lead, oil and Painter's Colours.—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, August 18, 1746.
Gerardus Duyckinck.—To Be Sold by Gerardus Duyckinck, on the Dock, between the Old Slip, and Coentjes Market. A very fine Assortment of Glass Pictures, Paintings of Glass, prospects, History, Sea Skips and Land Skips & large Assortment of Entry and Stair Case Pieces ready framed, With the Maps of the World: And in four Parts. London all on Rollers, Prints of Sundry Sorts, Do. ready Coloured for Jappanning;
Also a very good Assortment of Limners Colours, Japanners Do. with Gold Leaf, jappanners Gold Dust, Silver Lead and Silver Dust, Painted Colours, Glass of all Sizes, Linsead Oyl, and Sundry other Ship Chandlers Ware.
The said Gerardus Duyckinck, follow the Above Art of Painting, Gilding, Japanning &c. as usual at a Reasonable Rate.—The New-York Weekly Journal, March 19, 1750.
James Foddy Looking Glass-Maker, late from London Hath brought a Parcel of very fine Pier Glasses, Sconces with fine Brass Arms; Dressing-Glasses also of sundry sorts, in Glass-Frames, Glass and Gold Frames, Gold Frames Japann'd, Wallnut and Olive Wood Frames.
He is likewise in a readiness to new Quick-Silver and take the stains out of Old Looking-Glasses, which will render them as good as ever.
He also undertakes to square Diamond Cut and Polish Old Looking-Glasses, and converts them to the best Use.
All which he performs at reasonable Rates, at the House of Mr. Verplank in the City of New-York.—The New-York Gazette, October 6-13, 1729.
James Foddy, citizen and Glass-seller of London, who arrived here the latter End of last June and brought with him a Parcel of very fine Looking-Glasses of all Sorts, and likewise appeared several Times in this Paper, to acquaint the Publick, that he undertook to alter and amend Old Looking-Glasses but he not meeting suitable Encouragement, is shortly determined for the West-Indies: All Persons therefore who are inclin'd to have their Glasses repair'd or buy new, may apply to the James Foddy at Mr. Verplank's in New-York.—The New-York Gazette, April 21-27, 1730.
James Foddy.—To prevent the Publick from being further imposed upon James Foddy (after two years retirement) is again return'd to the old Bowling Green, where he Undertakes to remedy and put in order Looking-Glasses that have been injur'd or damaged by ignorant Pretenders to silvering likewise to square, Diamond Cut, Polish, and Silver old Looking-Glasses, and convert them to the best Use, which will be perform'd at Reasonable Rates and the Utmost Expedition. per James Foddy.—The New-York Weekly Journal, May 9, 1737.
Anthony Lamb.—Foliating, or Quick-Silvering all sorts of Looking-Glasses and Sconces, neatly done with care and expedition, by Anthony Lamb, mathematical instrument maker, living on Hunter's Key; where may be had Godfry's new invented quadrant, for taking the lattitude or other altitudes at sea, hydrometers for trying the exact strength of spirits, large surveying instruments in a more curious manner than usual; which may be used in any weather without exception, small ditto which may be fixed on the head of a walking stick, and lengthened to a commodious height, guaging instruments as now in use, according to an act of assembly with all other mathematical instruments for sea or land, by wholesale or retail, at reasonable rates.—The New-York Mercury, June 11, 1753.
John Miller.—All Persons indebted to the Estate of George Montgomerie, deceased, are hereby desired to pay the same to John Miller, Gardner, at the old Bowling Green...—N.B. You may be furnished with the best kind of Garden Seeds, of several Sorts, that have been abus'd or spoil'd by ignorant Pretenders, to Silvering may be rectified and put in Order.—The New-York Weekly Journal, February 17, 1735.
Minshull's Looking Glass Store, Removed from Smith street to Hanover-square (opposite Mr. Goelet's the sign of the Golden Key,) has for sale, an elegant assortment of Looking Glasses, in oval or square ornamental frames ditto mahogany. The greatest variety of girandoles ever imported to this city. Brackets for busts or lustres and ornaments for chimney pieces, as tablets, frieze's &c. Birds and baskets of flowers, for the top of book cases or glass frames, gilt bordering for rooms by the yard. Engravings by Strange, Wollet, Vivare's & other eminent masters. A pleasing variety of mezzotintos well chosen and beautifully coloured. Also, an elegant assortment of frames, without Glass. Any Lady or Gentleman that have Glass in old Fashioned frames, may have them cut to ovals or put in any pattern that pleases them best. The above frames may be finished white, or green and white, purple, or any colour that suits the furniture of the room, or gilt in oil or burnished gold equal to the best imported.
I flatter myself, from the assurance of my correspondent in London, that when the difference is settled between England and the Colonies, of having my store constantly supplied with the above articles, as will give a general satisfaction to those who please to favour me with their command.
N.B. An apprentice is wanted to the Carving and Gilding; none need apply but those who have a lad of a sober and promising genius, and are willing to give a Premium. Money for broken Looking Glass are taken in Exchange.—The New-York Journal, or the General Advertiser, March 16, 1775.
Looking Glasses.—To be Sold by Publick Vendue at the Old Slip-Market on Tuesday November 6th, five fine large looking-Glasses.—The New-York Gazette, October 15-22, 1733.
Looking Glass.—Among other things sold by the printer...Large Looking-Glass, six Foot long and two Foot and half broad.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, April 12, 1756.
Imported Looking Glasses.—Just imported from London by Sidney Breese...Looking Glasses, framed in the Newest Taste, from 8s to £30 a piece...—The New-York Mercury, June 1, 1761.
Looking Glasses, Sconce Glasses, Dressing Glasses, Undressing Glasses...imported by Sidney Breese from London.—The New-York Mercury, May 23, 1763.
A Looking Glass Grinder, and Polisher, is wanted for South-Carolina. If there be such an One at Hand, he may apply to the Printer hereof.—The New-York Gazette, January 5-12, 1767.
Looking Glasses.—Sold at Rhinelander's Store...Looking-Glasses of all sizes, from 2 l. to 14 l. each...—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, January 13, 1774.
Looking Glasses.—A Very elegant assortment of both oval and square, of various sizes, and Scotch carpets and carpeting, to be sold very low, by John Stites.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, May 12, 1774.
Richard Bird, Upholsterer, lately arrived from London, Takes this Method to acquaint those Gentlemen and Ladies who will Please to Honour him with their Commands, that he will execute his Business in the Most approved Manner now in Vogue: He is to be heard of (at present) in Cortland Street, opposite the late Alderman Cortland's. N.B. Paper hung on the most reasonable terms.—The New-York Mercury, June 15, 1761.
John Brower, Upholsterer, At the Crown and Cushion, in Broad-Street; Makes all kinds of Beds, Mattrasses, Festeen Window Curtains, stuffs and covers Sophas, Couches, Easy Chairs, French Chairs, back Stools, &c. Paper hangings put up in City or Country in the best Manner: said Brown [sic] makes Tents, Camp Equipage, and all Branches in that Business, performed in the best manner, and at reasonable Rates. It shall be my chief Care and Study, to use my best Endeavours to bring every Thing in the least Compass of Expence possible, to those who shall be pleased to employ me.—The New-York Mercury, May 20, 1765.
Stephen Callow, Upholsterer, from London, Now living at the lower End of Stone-Street, in New-York; Performs all Sorts of Upholsterers Work, Beds, Chairs, Seattees, &c. and likewise hangs Rooms with Paper or Stuff in the neatest Fashion. N.B. He also hangs Bells in the best Manner.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, November 6, 1749.
Stephen Callow.—All Persons having any Demands on Stephen Callow, of this City are desired to bring in their Accounts and they shall receive Payment; & all those indebted to the said Callow, are desired to discharge the same, by the first of March next, to prevent trouble, as he intends to leave the City in March.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, February 16, 1764.
Stephen Callow, Upholsterer, Is returned to this City, and lives at his own House in Wall-Street, being the Place he usually lived in; where he intends to carry on his Business in all its various Branches and will be much obliged to Gentlemen, Ladies, and others, who please to favour him with their Commands, which he will execute in the newest and genteelest Taste.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 6, 1768 (Supplement).
Christopher Thomas Clarke, In Broad-Street, Corner of Flattin-Burgh Hill, Intending to follow the Cabinet and Upholsterers Business, will sell at publick Sale all his remaining Store of Dry Goods and Jewellery; the Sale to begin this Morning and continue till all are sold.
Goods selling daily at Moore and Lynsens's Vendue; also a valuable Negro Wench, who is a good Cook, and well recommended, to be sold at private Sale.—The New-York Mercury, August 18, 1766.
Joseph Cox, Upholsterer, from London, now living in the house lately possessed by Charles Johnston, next door to Dr. William Brownjohn, in Hanover Square; Makes beds, Window Curtains, chairs, &c. and every other articles in the upholstery way, in the neatest and most genteel manner, and on the most reasonable terms; and will be much obliged to all gentlemen, Ladies and others, for their custom, whose work shall be finished with care and dispatch.—The New-York Mercury, July 19, 1756.
Joseph Cox.—Just imported in the Minerva, Capt. Tillet, from London, and to be sold very cheap, by Joseph Cox, Upholsterer, at the Royal-Bed and Star, in Wall-street, A Neat Assortment of very handsome Paper Hangings, and a great Variety of Furniture Checks of the newest-fashioned Colours, Worsted Damasks, Moreens, Harrateens, and Chineas, Lines and Tossels, Cotton Counterpaines, green Musqueto Neeting, super-fine Indian Chintz Counterpaines, with every other Article in the Upholstery Way, and all kinds of Work in that Branch, done as usual, at the lowest Rates.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 22, 1768.
Joseph Cox, Upholsterer, Cabinet and Chair Maker from London, at the royal Bed and Star, in Wall-street, New York, Makes all sorts of canopy festoon, field, and tent bedsteads and furniture; also every sort of drapery, window curtains; likewise sopha, settees, couches, burgairs, French elbow, easy and corner chairs; back stools, mewses, ribband back, gothic and rail back chair; ladies and gentlemens desk and book cases, cabinets, chest of drawers, commode dressing and toilet tables; writing, reading, side board, card, and night ditto, cloth presses, and chest China shelves, ecoinures, fire screens, voiders, brackets for lustres and busts: with every other article in the cabinet and upholstery branches: All finished in the newest Taste, and greatest dispatch.
Likewise just opened, a great variety of lines and tassels for bed and window curtains, of different colours; lines, and a few very handsome balance tassels for hall lanthorns; two sets of black silk tassels for palls, with a large assortment of bed laces, amongst which is some white cotton bed lace of a new manufactory; and white fringers for ditto.
N.B. All sorts of hangings put up in the best manner, camp equipage compleated, and matrasses of all sorts and prices.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, October 7, 1773.
John Davis, Takes this method to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has opened a Shop in the house formerly occupied by James and Arthur Jarvis, in Queen-street, between Beekman and Burling slips, where he proposes to carry on the Upholstery Business in its various branches; viz. tents, camp bedsteads, drums and colours, &c. &c. where all those who are pleased to favour him with their commands, shall meet with general satisfaction.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, December 9, 1776.
Elizabeth Evans, Takes this method to acquaint her friends and the public, that she is returned to this city, where she has been employed for several years, and given general satisfaction, in making up in the neatest manner and newest taste, all sorts of Upholstery work, such as festoon bed and window curtains, field or camp beds, Ketty fishers, wrought quilts, chair, sopha and settee cases; also ladies boned waiscoats and stays; all which she will execute with care and punctuality. Any commands for her, sent to Benjamin Getfield's, Breeches-maker, No. 198, in Queen-Street, opposite Burling's Slip, will be immediately attended to.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 26, 1776.
Theodosius Fowler, Upholsterer, Opposite the old English Church, Great George Street, Makes all sorts of Canopy, festoon, field bed, and window drapery curtains, also stuffed sofas, settees, couches, French, elbow, easy, corner and backstool chairs, with every other article in the upholstery branch, finished in the genteelest and newest taste with the greatest of dispatch. Also just imported, a great variety of lines and tassels for beds and window curtains of various colours, with an assortment of bed lace of different kinds.
N.B. All sorts of paper hangings put in the best and cheapest manner, and all sorts of mattrasses of sundry prices.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, June 2, 1774.
James Huthwaite, Upholsterer and Chair stuffer from London. Now living at Mr. M'Mullan's in Hanover Square, New-York; Makes up all Sorts of Beds and Window Curtains in the neatest Manner: Also Mattrasses and Beds for Sea: He likewise undertakes to destroy the Buggs entirely, without damaging the Furniture; And does all Sorts of Paper Hangings after the compleatest Manner.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, June 19, 1749.
George Richey, Upholsterer and Tent-Maker, from Great-Britain, at his Shop two Doors from the Merchant's-Coffee-House; Makes all sorts of Beds, Chairs and easy Chairs, Settees, Couch-Beds, Suppose; likewise Field and Tent Beds, fitting for Gentlemen of the Army; with all sorts of Tents and Markees fitting for the Campaign, and all sorts of Matrasses fitting for the Sea or Land Service.
N.B. He Likewise has a great Variety of Paper Hangings for Rooms of the newest Patterns. All Gentlemen, Ladies and others, that please to favour him with their Custom, may depend on having any of the above Articles on the most reasonable Rates.—The New-York Mercury, July 30, 1759.
George Richey, Upholsterer and tent-Maker, At the Sign of the Crown and Thistle at the Upper End of Bayard-Street. Takes this Method to inform the Public, that he makes all Sorts of Upholstery Work, in the newest and genteelest Fashions, practised in London; such as Beds, Window-Curtains, Chairs, Easy-Chairs, Couches, setees, Sofa's, Field and Tent Beds, Camp Tables and Stools, all Sorts of Tents & Markees, square and Horsemen's Tents, with Valeces for ditto, also Havarsacks, Kettle Bags, and Camp Colours. Paper hung, and all Sorts of Matrasses, proper for either Land or Sea Service, made and sold as above; likewise Tassels for Furniture and Chariots, as good and cheap, as can be imported from England. Any Ladies or Gentlemen, that pleased to favour him with their Employment, may depend upon being well served, and at the most reasonable Rates.—The New-York Chronicle, May 8-15, 1769.
John Taylor, Upholsterer and House-Broker from London...sells the following...Four Post, bureau, table, tent, field and turnup bedsteads, with silk and worsted damask, morine, harateen, china, printed cotton for check furnitures; festoon, venetian, and drapery window curtains, easy chairs, sophas, tent and camp equipages; floor and bed side carpets, feather beds, blankets, quilts and counterpains, sconce, chimney pier and dressing glasses in mahogany, carved and gilt frames, card, dining, tea, dressing and night tables; mahogany and other chairs, fire-irons, brass fenders, shovels, pokers, and tongs, copper tea-kettles sauce pans, and all manner of chamber, parlour and kitchen furniture too tedious to mention...Funerals decently performed.—The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, March 24, 1768.
John Taylor, Late of Cow-Foot-Hill in the City of New-York, Upholsterer, but now of the Glass-House, at Newfoundland, in the Out-Ward of the said City, Returns his most grateful Thanks to those Ladies and Gentlemen who were pleased to encourage him in that Business; but finding it not being possible to answer his Expectations, has declined the same, and removed to the aforementioned Place, commonly called or known by the Name of the Glass-House;...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 13, 1768 (Supplement).
John Taylor, Late of the Glass-House; Returns his most sincere thanks to the ladies and gentlemen of the city, and the public in general, for all the favour they have been pleased to confer on him, and begs leave to inform them he has remov'd into the house next to Mr. Ennis Graham's in Wall-street: where he intends carrying on the business of a cabinet maker, upholsterer, and auctioneer; such ladies, gentlemen, and merchants, who shall be pleased to honour him with their commands, may depend the greatest attention shall be paid to discharge all trusts reposed in him, in a most accurate and early manner. He also proposes buying and selling by public or private sale, estates, ships, stores, all manner of household furniture, linen, china, plate, jewels, books, and all sorts of wares and merchandise, &c. Also takes in exchange for new work executed by him any of the above articles.
The above information is with great deference offered, and humbly conceiv'd it may tend to some recommendation. The buying and selling all the above recited articles has been his sole study for seventeen years, viz. Eight of them under his father, and nine for himself; and farther is at this juncture a sworn exchange broker and appraisor, of the city of London.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 4, 1770.
Richard Wenman Upholsterer, near the Broad Way, in Little Queen Street, near the Scot's Meeting-House. Being inform'd by some of his good Friends, that it has been publickly reported he did not carry on the Upholsterer's Business: Takes this Method to inform the Gentlemen and Ladies of this City, that he Makes Beds and Furniture of all Sorts, Tents of all Sorts, Puts up Paper Linings of Rooms, and Performs all Parts of the Upholsterer's Business in the neatest Manner.
Has to sell, Lines and Tossels, Also a Negro Boy, about 15 or 16 Years old, who has had the small Pox.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post Boy, January 6, 1763.
Richard Wenman, Upholster, in Little Queen's-Street, opposite the New-York Arms, has to sell; A Parcel of live Feathers, very cheap for Cash or short Credit; likewise has to sell, all Sort of bed Binding, of different Colours; he has likewise to sell, Tossels and Line for Window Curtains; he likewise follows the Upholsterer's Business, and will do his Endeavour to satisfy those that is willing to employ him.—The New-York Mercury, March 17, 1766.
Richard Wenman, is once more obliged to acquaint the Public, that he still continues carrying on the Upholsterers Business as usual, altho' it has been reported by some malicious Person or Persons, that he had quitted his Business entirely; which Report, he hopes will be more to his Advantage than to his Disadvantage. He has to dispose of some Lines and Tussels of different Colours, for Window Curtains. The Person who borrowed the Key that he used to take down Bedsteads with, is desired to return it again.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 16, 1770.
Blanch White, Upholsterer from London, Two Doors above Mr. Parker's Printing-office Beaver Street: Makes all kinds of Bed Furniture, in the newest Fashion, and at the most reasonable Rates: also Tents, Drums, &c. &c.
N.B. The said Blanch White, has followed the Business for many Years past in Philadelphia, and must be known to some Gentlemen of the Military in this City, to which she is now removed; and will be very careful in executing any Orders with Punctuality and Dispatch.—The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, September 3, 1767.
Blanch White, Upholsterer and Undertaker, from London, on the New-Dock, next Door but one to Alderman Livingston's; Makes all kinds of Upholstery-Work, in the newest Fashion and on the most reasonable Terms; likewise all kinds of Field Equipage, Drums, &c. Funerals furnish'd with all Things necessary and proper Attendance as in England.
Mrs. White Begs leave to acquaint the Ladies and Gentlemen, that she washes all Sorts of Gauze Laces, caps, on the Wires; Silk Stockings, &c. in the neatest Manner, she having a proper Frame, and a Stove for bleaching. Flounces and Trimmings for Ladies Robes, neatly pinck'd; also Shrouds and Sheets.—The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, January 7, 1768.
Position Wanted.—A young man (an upholsterer) lately from London, would be glad of employment from any master upholsterer or cabinet maker, or from any gentleman either in town or country, to do any kind of that business, particularly stuffing chairs, soffas, making up bed hanging, window curtains of all sorts, Venetian window blinds, putting up paper hangings, &c. all which he will do in the best manner; and, as he is a stranger, and wishes for encouragement he will work on the lowest terms....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 8, 1774.
James Abbets.—This is to give Notice to the Publick, That James Abbets, Watch-Maker, in Albany, intends shortly to remove from said Place: all Persons therefore that have any Watches in his Hands, are desired to make speedy Application for them.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, March 11, 1760.
Benjamin Bagnel.—Run away from Joshua Delaplaine, of New-York Joyner, an Apprentice...Whoever shall take up said Apprentice and bring him to his Master; or secure and give Notice to his Master, or to Benjamin Bagnel Watch-maker in Boston...shall have Thirty Shilings as a Reward...—The New-York Gazette, July 30-August 6, 1733.
Bartholomew Barwell.—All Sorts of Clocks, Clean'd and mended in the best Manner, and at the most reasonable Rates, with Expedition, by Bartholomew Barwell, lately from the City of Bath: now living at the House of Rene Hett, in the Smith's Fly, near the Fly-Market, in New-York.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, August 21, 1749.
Bartholomew Barwell.—Whereas it has been falsly reported, That I Bartholomew Barwell, of the City of New-York, Clock-Maker, am entrusted with the Care of the Clock belonging to the New Dutch Church of this City, greatly to my Hurt and Prejudice: This is therefore to acquaint the Publick, that I am not in the least concerned with the Care of it, otherwise than when employed to clean it, as it is now, and for many years past has been, under the Care of Mr. Isaac Vanhook. Said Barwell continues his Business of Clock-Mending and Cleaning, at his House in the Fly and shall be glad to oblige all those who may think proper to employ their Very Humble Servant, Bartholomew Barwell.—The New-York Mercury, December 25, 1752.
Bartholomew Barwell, Living next Door to the Widow Derham's, between the Fly and Meal-markets, has just imported in the Brig Concord, Capt. Jacobson, from London. Some very neat Clocks; and likewise Childrens Leather Shoes, from three Years to fifteen, by the Groce, Dozen, or single pair.—The New-York Gazette, August 11, 1760.
Richard Breckell—A mechanical puppet show presented by Richard Breckell...who mends and cleans all sorts of clocks, reasonably—New-York Mercury, December 29, 1755.
Charles Oliver Bruff, Goldsmith and jeweller, At the Sign of the Tea-pot, Tankard, and Ear-ring, has removed his Shop from Rotten-Row, opposite to the Fly-Market, and but two Doors from the main Street;...he mends ladies fans in the neatest manner, and cleans watches, and puts glass in for one shilling a piece; and sells chains, seals, and keys...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 19, 1769.
James Bruff.—At the Sign of the Clock and two Watches, opposite to Mr. Roorback's, at the Fly-Market, is made and repaired at reasonable Rates, Clocks and Watches; will keep in Repair by the year, Clocks plain or musical; also is done at the said Shop, fine gilding with Gold, either Watch Cases, Cocks and Slides, Snuff Boxes, Ladies Equipage, &c. in the best Manner; China is also riveted at the said Shop three different Ways, and ornamented with Birds, Beasts, Fish, Flowers, or Piece of Masonry, by a curious and skilful Workman; great Care shall be taken to dispatch whatsoever is undertaken, and doubt not but to give general Satisfaction, to those Gentlemen and Ladies, who will be pleased to favour me with their Custom, and grateful Thanks from their humble Servant, James Bruff.—The New-York Mercury, February 3, 1766.
George Chester, Watch-Maker, from London, begs leave to inform, That he has just opened Shop at the Sign of the Dial, on the New-Dock, and next Door to Mr. Van Dyck, the Hatter's; where he intends to sell and repair all Sorts of Clocks and Watches. Those Gentlemen and Ladies who are pleased to honour him with their Employ, May depend on the greatest Care imaginable, and utmost Dispatch, at the most reasonable Prices now in London. Said Chester has a few second Hand Watches to dispose of reasonable, and a very good Eight-day Clock, which will come cheap.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, March 14, 1757.
Isaac Doolittle.—We are well assured, that Mr. Isaac Doolittle, Clock and Watch-Maker of New-Haven, has lately compleated a Mahogany Printing-Press on the most approved Construction, which, by some of the best Judges in the Printing Way is allowed to be the neatest ever made in America, and equal, if not superior to any imported from Great-Britain: This Press, we are told, is for the Use of Mr. William Goddard of Philadelphia, Printer of the Pennsylvania Chronicle.—News item from Newport in The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 21, 1769.
John Ent, Clock and Watch-maker, at the Sign of the Dial and Time, opposite the Old-Slip-Market, New-York, makes and mends all sorts of Clocks and Watches, in the neatest Manner, as cheap as in London: Likewise repairs and cleans all sorts of Clocks and Watches, with Care and Dispatch, at reasonable Rates.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, November 8, 1756.
Thomas Evans, Watch-Maker, from London, At his Shop opposite the Meal Market, and but two Doors from Mr. Malcom Campbells, Cleans and Repairs all Sorts of Watches, plain, repeating or horizontal Kind. Ladies and Gentlemen, that please to Favour him with their Custom, may depend upon having it performed with Dispatch, and on reasonable Terms, Said Evans cleans and repairs Clocks of all Kinds, and will undertake to look after them by the year.—The New-York Gazette, May 26, 1760.
Basil Francis, Watch-Maker, At the Dial, between the Dutch Church and the Market in Albany; Being regularly bred to the business in London, and having wrought for some of the most eminent masters of that art in said city, as an approved workman; and as he hath given satisfaction to those that have already favoured him with their custom, flatters himself, he shall meet with encouragement from the public, which he will ever endeavour to merit, by his assiduity to satisfy and oblige those who please to employ him. He repairs watches and clocks with accuracy and dispatch, and insures their performance for one year (accidents and mismanagement excepted) as cheap as is consistent with justice to himself and employer.
The great botch-work that is to be observed in many watches, is a convincing proof that there are many pretenders to the business who by their great ingeniuty have learnt to take (or rather break) a watch to pieces, and by their botch-work, before they can set them ticking, often render many good watches almost beyond the ability of the best workmen to rectify, being better skilled in the destruction than construction of the machine. Such must be acknowledged by all to be very dear to their employers, if they were to pay for being so employed.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 24, 1773.
Basil Francis.—Ten Dollars Reward. Whereas a certain William Hill, in the beginning of Sept. last, did in a fraudulent manner, obtain of the subscriber one pinch-hole where the key goes a little flowered. He is a well made man, about 5 feet 7 inches high, dark complexion, with short curl'd black hair, has an odd kind of speech, somewhat like the high Dutch accent, says he is an Englishman, and a gunsmith, but he has wrought at the silver-smith's business, and commonly wears blue cloaths. Whoever apprehends the said William Hill, so that he may be brought to justice and the watch obtained, shall be entitled to the above reward, or for either watch or man five dollars, paid by Basil Francis, Watch and clock-maker, in Albany, Who makes and repairs watches and clocks with accuracy; those who please to employ him, may depend on a full exertion of his abilities to give general satisfaction.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 3, 1774.
Charles Geddes, Watch-Maker and Finisher, from London, (late from Boston) Begs leave to acquaint his friends and customers, that he has opened shop in Queen-street, between Burling's and Beekman's-Slip, a little north of the Fly-Market; where he carries on his business as usual. He has for Sale, a variety of Watches, in silver and pinchbeck cases, chains, &c.
N.B. Merchants or Masters of vessels having watch materials to dispose of will meet with a purchaser, by apply to Geddes. Wanted a Journeyman, who understands his business, to whom good encouragement will be given.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 26, 1776.
Gladman & Williams.—Messrs. Gladman & Williams, Clock and Watchmakers, from the late Mr. G. Graham's, Take this method to acquaint Gentlemen, Merchants, and others, That they have opened a Shop next to St. Sepulchre's Church, on Snow Hill, London; where all Orders they may be favoured with in that Branch, from any of his Majesty's Colonies, shall be executed in the most masterly Manner and with the utmost Expedition.—The New-York Mercury, November 12, 1764.
Thomas Gordon, Watchmaker from London Who lately lived near the Merchant's Coffee-House in this City, is now moved into the Shop of Mr. Hastier, in Hanover Square, opposite to Doctor Brownjohn's, and next door to the Corner adjoining Wall-Street; where he repairs in the best Manner (as formerly) Repeating, Horizontal, and other kinds of Watches; musical, chyming, and other Clocks, at the most reasonable Prices.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 24, 1769.
Isaac Heron.—All sorts of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery and Plate, repair'd in the best manner and upon reasonable Terms, by Isaac Heron, in Bound-Brook, New Jersey. All Watches repair'd by him, he upholds and warrants their Performance for one Year: those he sells, he warrants for a Term of Years, according to their value, provided their failure proceed not from Accident or mismanagement.—The New-York Mercury, July 2, 1764.
Isaac Heron.—Repeating, Horizontal, and all Sorts of Watches repaired in the best Manner, on the most reasonable Terms, by Isaac Heron, Watch-Maker, at Mr. Stuyvesant's Vendue-House, opposite the Meal Market, New-York. He upholds and warrants their Performance for one Year, Provided they fail not through an Accident, or Mismanagement. Those he sells he warrants for a Term of Years, according to their Value.
Said Heron takes this public Method to return the Gentlemen of New-Jersey his sincere and grateful Thanks, for their kind Encouragement of him, whilst he resided at Boundbrook; and hopes that those he has been so happy to Please, will yet (when Convenient) continue to Favour him with their Employ; to Merit which, he is determined to exert himself; and if any of the Work he has done in the last Year should fail, he begs it may be sent to him being as earnest to Rectify that he is paid for, as to receive his Money when earn'd. Watches left for him, at Mr. Neilson's Store, or at Mr. Duffs' in New Brunswick, Mr. Hetfield's in Elizabeth-Town, Mr. Banks's in Newark, with Mr. Bryan Laverty at Amboy; at Mr. Mellen's in Millstone, Mr. Duyckinck's at the New Branch, at the Union Store; Mr. Stewart's at Hacket's-Town, and Mr. Kinney's in Morris-Town, may depend on their being carefully repair'd, justly charg'd for, and return'd with all possible Dispatch, By the Publick's humble Servant, Isaac Heron.—The New-York Gazette, May 5, 1766.
Isaac Heron.—Repeating and plain, gold, silver and pinchbeck watches; jewellery and plate of the newest taste, to be sold by Isaac Heron, watch-maker, at Mr. Stuyvesant's vendue-house, opposite the upper end of the coffee-house-bridge, New-York. N.B. He takes old gold, silver and lace, in exchange. Those watches he sells and repairs, he warrants as usual.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 2, 1768.
Isaac Heron.—A Musical Clock, noble and elegant, which cost in England £ 80. A Gold Repeating Watch neat and good, cost £ 50. both to be sold at (nearly) Currency for Sterling, by Isaac Heron, Watch Maker, facing the Coffee House Bridge.
A neat and extraordinary good chamber Repeating Clock, a few Silver and Pinchbeck Watches, Seals, chains, keys, and Trinkets; Earings of Paste and Marquisette, Enamell and ditto, and Mother O'pearl and ditto, some Wax and Jett ditto, Locket Buttons by the Card or pair, Etwees, Enamel'd Snuff Boxes, plated Buckles, etc. etc. All which he will sell at a very low rate. He humbly entreats those who are indebted to him to pay as soon as convenient, lest his Creditors should begin to think it inconvenient to trust him longer. Those who have Watches in his Care above six Months, are requested to call for them.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 23, 1770.
Isaac Heron.—At the Sign of the Arch'd Dial, by the upper End of the Coffee-House Bridge; Isaac Heron Watch-Maker, Has an Assortment of Watches, and the best, second, third, fourth, fifth, bad, and worse Sorts; some very neat, some very ugly, and others—so, so; most of them in plain, and a few in engrav'd, gold, silver, gilt, and shagreen'd, double and single Cases; some he warrants for a long Time, some for a shorter Time, and others for no Time at all....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 15, 1771.
Isaac Heron, Watch-Maker, at the corner by the Coffee-House, sign an arched Dial; has for sale, a Few very fashionable warranted watches, in gold, silver, gilt and green cases, which he will sell as low as they retailed in London. Also, Ladies elegant steel watch-chains; mens do. seals, trinkets, glasses, springs, strings, and keys by the dozen; enamelled-dials; elegant do. for the Craft, Ancient, and Modern. Elegant broach-jewels for their honest breasts; sword knots, sundries, &c. with Sprigs, which more beauteous makes the fair; and lockets, various, for the hair.
These watches he repairs, he does as well and charges as low for, as his neighbors, i.e. as near the London prices as possible. To say more, would neither be prudent nor honest. As usual, he warrants their performance—not for ever, but one year, and if they be not very bad, for ten; after the first, at 4s. per ann. for each, cleaning; accidents and mismanagement of them excepted; but,
He is extremely grateful to his friends, and the indulgent public for their smiles and favours, and really means to merit a continuance of them...—The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, December 24, 1772.
Isaac Heron.—The Inhabitants are desired to be careful of their Doors, Windows, &c. as there are a set of House breakers now in Town. Some of them broke off one of the Shutters, and a Pane of Isaac Heron's Shop Window, on Sunday the 27th ult. so early as 9 o'Clock in the Night. The Noise alarmed the Family, and the Villains made off.
Isaac Heron presents his Compliments to those Gentry, and congratulates them on their getting so clean off, on a Night so very dirty and wet, If they choose to return, during the cold Season, he will take care to provide them a warm Reception. And will endeavour to prevail upon them to leave behind e're they go, some Proof of their Identity; some as an amputated Limb, or, even a Snuff box full of Brains. The latter may be of Use to our very vigilant City Watch, though, it is thought they sleep pretty sound with the few they have got.—News item in The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, January 7, 1773.
Isaac Heron.—Choice and Cheap, or Union of the Good and Beautiful, exemplified in an assemblage of warranted Watches, Isaac Heron, near the Coffee-House, has received by the Rosamond, Also, a few for jockies, of that quality which a Frenchman would style patraques, to which a Dutchman would give the epithet Schlegt; a Scotchman that of littleguid-warth; and Irishman, neenshagamagh; an Englishman, poor-thing, runner, bauble, d—d bad, &c. Such to be sure he warrants—not, Patent Keys, trinkets, &c.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 18, 1774.
Isaac Heron.—...He earnestly, yet humbly entreats those indebted to him, that they will be as speedy as possible in discharging the same (however small the sum) and assist him, in his laudable exertions to crawl from under the debt he owes. Besides, he begs they will deign to consider he has a large family, and that market-money really becomes exceeding scarce.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, November 16, 1775.
Isaac Heron.—A Capp'd Silver Watch, H. Thomas, maker, No 5000, stolen. Isaac Heron will amply reward any person who shall produce it, or the thief. Said Heron wants journeymen and materials, such as sizeable springs, glasses, &c. Indeed, his case is pretty similar to that of their High and Mightinesses, the Congress, L—d d—them! (He hopes those three simple consonants won't offend them) who, before the extinction of their northern army, wanted, only men, money and cannon, to make a compleat conquest of All Canada. Coffee-House-Bridge; New-York.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 21, 1776.
Hurtin & Burgi, Watch makers and Silver-smiths, at Bound Brook, Repairs repeating horizontal, and all sorts of watches and clocks, in the best manner and at the Cheapest rates; Any gentlemen or ladies who are pleased to favour them with their custom, may depend on having their command executed with the greatest care and punctuality. They will exert themselves in the compliance with all reasonable commands that may be given both in the performance of the work and any other way which may have a tendency to merit the custom, favour, and good will of the publick &c. per the publick's humble servants, W. Hurtin and F. Burgi.—The New-York Mercury, May 19, 1766.
William Hurtin.—Left some parts of a clock, which the owner may have again, by applying to William Hurtin, Watch maker on Golden Hill, proving their property and paying charges.—The Constitutional Gazette, May 29, 1776.
Samuel Jefferys.—Ran away...an indented English servant man, named Jonathan Pinkard, by trade a Watch maker from Samuel Jefferys, Watch maker, in Philadelphia.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, April 8, 1773.
William Kumbel, Clock and Watch-Maker, at the sign of the Dial, near the Coenties Market, Begs leave to inform the public, that he carries on said business in all its branches; likewise the gold and silver smiths business. Any gentlemen or ladies who favours him with their work, may depend on its being done in the neatest manner, and at the most reasonable rate, with the quickest dispatch.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 24, 1775.
White Matlack.—In the advertisement of George Leedell, book binder, mention is made that he has removed to Peck's-slip, next door to Mr. White Matlack's, watch-maker,—The New-York Gazette and The Weekly Mercury, May 3, 1773.
White Matlack.—Lost. Among other things at the dreadful fire last Monday, a plain silver Watch, maker's name White Matlack, in New-York, no 12 or 123. Any person that has found it, and will please to bring it to the subscriber, will greatly oblige an unhappy and distressed sufferer. George Fisher.—The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, May 18, 1775.
White Matlack.—Lost between Beekman's Slip and the incampment of the first brigade. A Silver Watch, with a china face, steel chain, the swivel has been newly brazed in, and goes stiff, has been lately cleaned by White Matlack of this city, and has one of his papers in the case. Whoever has picked up said Watch, and will return it to the subscriber, in Col. Read's regiment, shall receive a handsome reward. George Whipple.—The Constitutional Gazette, May 11, 1776.
Aaron Miller, Clock-Maker, in Elizabeth Town, East New-Jersey; Makes and sells all Sorts of Clocks, after the best Manner, with expedition: He likewise makes Compasses and Chains for Surveyors; as also Church Bells of any size, he having a Foundry for that Purpose, and has cast several which have been approved to be good; and will supply any Persons on a Timely Notice, with any of the above Articles, at very reasonable Rates.—The New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, January 4, 1748.
Philip Miller.—Whereas on Monday night the 15 inst. the shop of Philip Miller, of this City, watchmaker, was robbed of the following articles, viz. 8 pair of solid shoe buckles, 6 pair of open work, ditto, 18 sorted hat buckles, 3 pair of carved knee buckles, 6 silver seals, 4 pair of clasps; 1 pair little paste buckles, 9 stone broaches, 15 pair of stone buttons, 2 tea spoons, 2 milk pots, one plain, the other chased, 3 punch ladles, 2 china snuff boxes, 1 coral, 2 pair of gold sleeve buttons, 6 heart, and 14 plain gold rings, 10 garnet, ditto, 4 white stone, ditto, 3 double heart and hand gold ditto, 2 garnet and white stone, ditto, 2 common, ditto, 5 men's ditto, and 1 rich stone ear-ring. Whoever apprehends the theif that stole the above mentioned goods, shall have Ten Pounds reward Paid by Philip Miller.—The New-York Gazette, August 29, 1763.
John Nixon, Musical, Repeating and Plain Clock and Watch-Maker, Periodical Titivator, the only regular Watch-Maker, (Not of the London Company thought) Opposite Hull's Tavern in the Broad-Way, New-York. Begs leave to inform the public, that he has set up his business, and intends to work as well and reasonably as any in the City; he also cleans and repairs clocks and watches by the year, and warrants them. Such gentlemen and ladies that choose to send their work to him, may depend upon being well served By their humble Servant, John Nixon.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, August 19, 1773.
Joseph and Thomas Pearsall, Watch-Makers, have removed from the Place where they formerly lived, to the House nearly opposite, (where Haddock and Browne lately lived) between Beekman and Burling's Slip; where they still continue their Business as usual.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, May 17, 1770.
Joseph and Thomas Pearsall.—The Copartnership of Joseph and Thomas Pearsall, watch Makers, being dissolved the first of May last, All Persons having any Demands, against said Copartnership, are desired to bring in their Accounts; and all those that are indebted to the aforesaid Copartnership are likewise desired to make speedy Payment.
Joseph Pearsall, has removed to the House lately occupied by Robert and John Murray, Merchants, between Burling's and Beekman's-Slip; where he carries on the business in the Watch and Clock Way as usual; and has imported in the last Vessels from London, Very neat Eight Day Clocks, in Mahogany and Japan Cases: Likewise a Parcel of very good Silver and Metal Watches, by the Dozens, or smaller quantity, which he will dispose of on the lowest Terms.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, June 17, 1773.
Joseph Pearsall, Watchmaker, Has removed from between Burling's and Beekman's slip, to the house lately occupied by Cornelius Clopper, merchant, opposite Hugh Gaine's, three doors below James Rivington's. Has imported in the Dunmore, Lawrence, and the Sampson, Coupar, very neat eight day clocks in mahogany cases, moon'd and plain; elegant spring do. black ebony cases, gold watches, capt and jewelled plain do. in shagreen cases, French do.
Likewise a very neat assortment of silver watches, day of the month, capt and plain do. which he will sell on the most reasonable terms, wholesale and retail. N.B. Mens and womens steel watch chains by the dozen.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, May 26, 1774.
Thomas Pearsall.—Left for Sale with Mr. Thomas Pearsal, [sic] at his Shop, between Beekman and Burling's Slip, in Queen Street, A very good Gold repeating Watch, which can be recommended by the Watch-Maker who examined it, as a Piece of extraordinary good workmanship, and will be disposed of at a very low Price.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, September 9, 1773.
Thomas Pearsall, Watch-Maker, Between Beekman and Burling-Slip, Has for Sale very neat Clocks in Mahogany Cases; moon'd and plain jappan'd and spring ditto; likewise a very good Assortment of new Watches, Day of the Month, capt and plain do. which he will sell at most reasonable Rates, for Cash or short Credit.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, February 3, 1774.
William Pearson, Jun. Clock and Watch-Maker, near the Coffee-House, in New-York, Begs leave to acquaint the Gentlemen and Ladies, that he makes, mends, and repairs all sorts of Clocks and Watches, after the best and cheapest Rates, and on the shortest Notice. Said Pearson, has for Sale, some very good neat silver and Pinchbeck Watches, which he will warrant for any reasonable Time. Likewise, a very neat Assortment of Chain and Seals. N.B. Gentlemen in the Country, that has Clocks out of Order, by sending a Line, will have their Orders punctually obeyed, on the shortest Notice.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 29, 1768.
William Pearson, Clock and Watch-Maker, near the Merchant's Coffee-House, Begs leave to inform the public, that he makes, mends, and repairs, all sorts of clocks and watches, after the best and cheapest rates, likewise has to sell, some very neat silver and pinchbeck watches, which he will warrant for any reasonable time; a very neat musical clock, a neat assortment of chains, seals, &c. All Gentlemen or Ladies, that choose to favour him with their commands, either in town or country, may depend on having them executed after the best manner, and on the shortest notice. By their humble servant. N.B. He cleans clocks by the year.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, February 23, 1769.
William Pearson.—Clocks. All Kinds of Clocks made, cleaned, and repaired, by William Pearson, Clock and Watch-Maker, at the Dial in Hanover-Square: Who likewise repairs watches at a moderate price, and will warrant their performance a twelve-month. He likewise teaches vocal and instrumental music; strings, quills, and tunes harpsicords, spinnets, claricords, and hand or barrel-organs, all at a reasonable rate....N.B. He begs the favour of his former customers (if any there be that move next May) to give timely notice, and he will remove their clocks gratis.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, April 14, 1774.
Thomas and Mervin Perry.—Just imported in the Ship Hope, Capt Benjamin Davies, from London, and to be sold cheap by Thomas and Mervin Perry, Watch Makers in the Fly; A Neat Assortment of Gold Watches, plain, silver, and Days of the Months; Gold, Silver and Metal Watch Seals; Silk Watch-strings neat watch Papers, and Materials in the Watch-Branch, necessary for the Business, Wholesale or retail. N.B. Said Mervin Perry, begs Leave to acquaint his Friends, That he likewise mends and repairs all Sorts of watches in the neatest Manner, and at the most reasonable Rates; as he has been over to London for Improvement, and has had Instructions from the most eminent Masters.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, October 15, 1767.
Mervin Perry, Watch-Maker, at the Sign of the Dial, Takes this Opportunity of informing the Publick, and his Friends in Particular, That he still continues carrying on the Business in the same Shop lately occupied by his Father Thomas Perry, between Mr. Noel's and Mr. Cooley's; Those Gentlemen who chuse to honour him with their Commands, may depend on having them executed with utmost Care, Attention, and Expedition. He has to dispose of some neat plain, Gold, Silver, Days of the Month, and Metal Watches; likewise Silver and Steel Chains, Silver Seals, Silk String, neat Watch Papers, with a variety of other Articles for Watch-Makers, too tedious to mention which he will sell at the lowest Rates.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, November 14, 1768.
Mervin Perry.—...All Clocks and Watches that he sells, With his own Name, he will keep in good Repair, and first three Years, Gratis; and will warrant to import and sell Watches and Clocks from the Price of four Guineas to a Hundred, cheaper than any private Gentleman can import them for their own Use. Any Gentlemen that wants to be supplied, are desired to send their Orders to said Shop, and they will be complied with as speedy as possible....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 21, 1776.
Thomas Perry. Watch and Clock-maker from London, Now living next Door to Mr. Depuyster, in Dock Street, near the Long-Bridge, in New-York; Makes, mends and cleans all Sorts of Clocks and Watches in the best Manner, with Expedition; and furnishes any Person with Chains, Seals, Chrystals, Keys, or any other Matters relating to that Business, at the most reasonable Rates.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, June 19, 1749.
Thomas Perry.—...He will import, if bespoke, good warranted clocks at £ 14 they paying freight and insurance, and clocks without cases for £ 10.—The New-York Mercury, May 3, 1756.
Thomas Perry.—All persons who are indebted to the estate of Thomas Perry, late of the city of New York, watch-maker, deceased, are hereby requested to made speedy payment thereof, to the subscriber, who is the Widow and executrix to the last will and testament of the deceased. Ruth Perry.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, February 24, 1774.
Ebenezer Smith Platt.—Watches of all Sorts, Viz. Plain, horizontal, repeating, and striking, sold and repaired in the cheapest and best manner: Likewise, clocks, musical and plain, equal in quality, and cheaper than can be imported from Europe, made and sold by Ebenezer Smith Platt, between Beekman's and Burling's Slip, in the lower street, New-York. The advertiser wants an apprentice about 14 years old, with a good character.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, May 26, 1774.
——Proctor.—Beatman drops sold at the shop of Mr. Proctor watchmaker, living in the Square, next door to Mr. John Waters Merchant.—The New-York Weekly Journal, April 1, 1734.
Carden Proctor.—Watches and Clocks, Carefully and Expeditiously, Made and Mended, by Carden Procter [sic] living in Smith-Street, in the House where Henry De Forest, Printer, lived in, removed from, opposite to Mr. James Daurcey's.—The New-York Weekly Journal, July 6, 1747.
Carden Proctor, Watch movement maker, and finisher, in Hanover-Square, between the fire-engine house, and the sign of the Unicorn & Mortar, sells and repairs, plain, repeating or horizontal watches: also clocks: He likewise gilds plain or chased cases, lady's chains, snuff boxes, buckles, sword hilts, &c. in the best and cheapest manner; where may be had, his opinion in an impartial manner, of watches to be sold or bought, with intent to put a stop to the many impositions this government labours under, for want of skill in that way.—The New-York Mercury, August 18, 1755.
Stephen Sands, Clock and Watch-maker, desires to inform the public in general, and his friends in particular, that he has opened shop at the house wherein Mr. Cornwell Sands now lives, in Peck's Slip, nearly opposite the market, where he proposes carrying on his business; those who please to favour him with their custom may depend upon having their work done with the utmost care and dispatch: Who has also to dispose of Watch Chains and Seals, and almost every article in his way.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 3, 1772.
Stephen Sands.—Wanted, As an apprentice to the Watch-Making business, A Sober ingenious Lad, of a good character, about 15 years of age. Such a one may hear of a place by enquiring of Stephen Sands, clock and watch-maker, nearly fronting Peck's Slip, New-York.
Stephen Sands has, to dispose of, a very neat assortment of mens steel watch chains; likewise Cornelian, Intaglio and common seals; gilt trinkets; joint and common sheet watch keys, and silk strings: also neat fancy and paste knee and stock buckles, &c.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, June 30, 1774.
Matthew Shepherd, Clock and Watch Maker from London. Has opened a shop in Rotten Row, late Mr. Lorain's, where he undertakes to rectify all sorts of plain repeating and horizontal watches; likewise, clocks on the most reasonable terms. He has by him a neat assortment of watches, and clocks in mahogany and wallnut tree cases, as also table spring pieces.
N.B. He particularly solicits the favour, if any persons having watches, which stop frequently, or perform meanly, to make tryals, which to convince the publick of his certainty in rectifing, he will undertake upon the terms of no cure no pay.—The New-York Gazette, January 21, 1760.
John Simnet.—Watches Repair'd in a perfect and durable manner, with expedition, at an easy expence, and kept in good order, for 2s 6 Sterling per year, by J. Simnett [sic] original maker from London, on the New-Dock, near Murray's Wharf, New-York.—New-York Journal or General Advertiser, August 23, 1770.
John Simnet.—Watches. This Advertiser will continue, (far as it may be put in his power) to prevent you being imposed on by appearance, inability, or covetousness, will labour to save his employers expence, and gain repute to himself, and the real makers in England, desires not to charge twice for mending the same watch,—having dwelt in this city near four years,—if any watch he has practiced on, requires alteration, it shall be done without further charge, whilst the materials it is composed of, can endure.
Price of each cleaning, two shillings currency, glasses fitted for one shilling each. The price of joining a broken main spring, or chain, two shillings, if a new one is requisite, eight shillings. All other repairs in proportion, at half what is usually charged, by John Simnet, watch-Finisher, of London, At the new Dial, the low shop beside the Coffee House Bridge, New-York.—Periodical Titivaters instructed by the year or quarter.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, December 23, 1771.
John Simnet.—Watches, Neat and Plain; Gold, Silver, Shagreen, and Metal. Some engraved and enamelled, with devices new and elegant; also the first in this country of the small new fashioned watches, the circumference of a British shilling.
Old work repaired and cleaned as usual, in the best and cheapest manner, by John Simnet, removed to the main-street (called the Fly) a low shop, next to the corner of Beekman's-Slip, New-York. The sign of a dial, against the wall.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, May 12, 1774.
John Simnet.—Watches. John Simnet, (one of the first in London, who brought this curious and useful manufacture to perfection) continues to repair and clean old watches much cheaper and better than is usual; and sells excellent new watches in gold, silver, metal &c. which will require no expence cleaning or repairing, except abus'd. Best glasses is 1 s.
Remov'd next to the white house, the lower corner of the Coffee-House bridge, New-York. The sign of the dial over the window.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 22, 1775.
Thomas Smart, Clock and watch File Maker, at the Sign of the File and Hammer, in Division-street, near St. Paul's Church, Makes and sells all sorts of clock and watch files and tools of several sorts. He has now for sale a good assortment of large files and draw-plates, such as round, half round, four-square, and oval.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 4, 1773.
Christian Syberberg, Watch-Maker, now living at the Dial, in the house of Mrs. Mary Kippen, near the Old-Slip Market: Repairs all sorts of clocks and watches, with the utmost expedition: He has lately imported from London, a parcel of very neat silver and pinchbeck watches, which he'll sell very reasonable for ready money, and will warrant to be good. N.B. He has a choice assortment of silver, pinchbeck seals, steel and pinchbeck chains, keys, leather and silk strings, &c. and gives good attendance to all his customers.—The New-York Mercury, August 2, 1756.
Christian Syberberg.—Whereas about six of the clock, in the night of Friday the 24th of this instant December, a villain run his hand through the shop window of Christian Syberberg; of this city, watch-maker, and took therefrom two watches, and escaped; one of which is pinchbeck, with a green shagreen case, the other a large old-fashioned silver one with a pendulum. All persons are desired to be catious in purchasing the above watches, if offered to sale; and whoever will discover the thief or thieves, so as they may be brought to justice, shall have Forty Shillings reward, paid by Christian Syberberg.—The New-York Mercury, December 27, 1756.
William Thompson, Clock and Watch-Maker, Lately arrived from Britain, Begs leave to acquaint the public, that he has taken a commodious shop in Fair-street, opposite to the North Church, where he intends carrying on his business, in making and repairing all kinds of Clocks and Watches. Those ladies and gentlemen who please to favour him with their work, may depend on having it done in the best manner, and most reasonable terms. He likewise makes those curious and useful instruments called Way Wiser.—The Constitutional Gazette, October 14, 1775.
John Vogt, Watch-maker, Now living in the House of Patrick Carryl, in Hanover Square, Makes, Cleans and repairs all kinds of Watches. Gentlemen that please to favour him with their Work, may depend on having it done to their Satisfaction, and on the lowest Terms, by their Very humble Servant, John Vogt.—The New-York Mercury, September 11, 1758.
Anthony Ward.—Several Bags of good new Hops to be Sold very reasonable for Money or Country Produce. Enquire of Anthony Ward, Watch-Maker in New-York, and know further.—The New-York Gazette, February 18-25, 1729.
John Wood.—Watch Main-Springs Made in Philadelphia, are sold by the manufacturer, Matthias Eyre. Spring-Maker, from London, at his house in Third-street, below South-street, and by John Wood, Watch-maker, in Front-street, and corner of Chestnut-street.
Where watch-makers and others may be supplied with any quantity of springs much cheaper than can be afforded when imported from England, from which circumstance, and the good quality of the Springs, the maker hopes for the encouragement of the watch-makers in this and the neighbouring provinces, whose orders will be gratefully received and faithfully executed. N.B. By the dozen thirty shillings, single spring, three shillings.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 27, 1775.
John Wright.—very good Cheshire-Cheese to be Sold by John Wright Watch-maker, at his House in Duke-street, for 8d. per pound by the Single Cheese, and for less if they take a large Quantity.—The New-York Gazette, January 2-16, 1739.
John Wright, Watch-Maker, being absolutely determined to leave this City in a Fortnight, or three Weeks at farthest, desires all Persons that have any Demands upon him, to bring in their Accounts, and receive Satisfaction: And all those that are indebted to him, are requested to pay off the same forthwith, and thereby prevent Trouble.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, October 1, 1753.
John Wright.—In a real estate notice mention is made of John Wright, late of the City of New-York, Watch-maker, deceased.—The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, September 23, 1768.
James Yeoman & John Collins, from London, Beg leave to acquaint the Ladies and Gentlemen of this City, that they have taken a Shop in Hanover-Square (lately occupied by Mr. Hammersley, and next Door but one to Mr. Charles M'Evers's,) for the carrying on the Watch and Clock Business, where all kinds of Clocks and Watches, will be clean'd and repair'd in a very careful and expeditious Manner. Likewise Gentlemen may have their guns new stock'd or repair'd, as neat as in England.
N.B. We have imported nothing new at present, nor do not intend to any Thing of the kind, until the Importation becomes general.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 18, 1769.
James Yeoman, Watch and Clock-Maker, from London; Begs leave to acquaint his Friends, and other Ladies and Gentlemen of this City, that he has removed from his late Dwelling on Hunter's-Quay, to the House of Mr. Mervin Perry, opposite the Merchant's Coffee-House, where every Branch relative to the above Business will be carefully and accurately performed. N.B. The said James Yeoman, will let Part of the House where he now lives; it is very convenient for a small Family, having a good Yard and Cistern for Water.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, October 31, 1771.
James Yeoman.—Watches, Horizontal, Repeating, or plain; Clocks Astronomical, Musical or Plain, with Weights, or Springs, repaired as cheap as by any Person in this City, by James Yeoman, (at the Sign of the White Dial, nearly opposite the Merchant's Coffee-House) who received his Instructions in the Business from the ingenious Mr. Neale, (whose great knowledge in Mechanics was well known) he can with propriety declare himself a real Manufacturer, having had the Government of a large Manufactory from its Infancy to its Maturity, one Hundred Miles from London.
The above is not the Result of Vanity or Parade, for, should it be doubted, proper Testimonials shall be produced, to prove the Assertion: As it is the sole wish of the said James Yeoman, to obtain Favours only proportioned to the knowledge he has, and the Satisfaction he affords in his Business, on those Foundations he submits his Reputation, as an Artificer, to the Judgment of the Impartial.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, March 12, 1772.
James Yeoman.—Death notice: a native of England; His father is the first of Mathematicians and a Fellow of the Royal Society, himself was an ingeneous Watch-maker. His song and story ever set the table in a roar, and the chearfulness excited by his comic powers, justly entitles his memory to this faithful record of his very pleasant and truly courteous disposition.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, May 20, 1773.
Watch To Be Mended.—Some years past there was a Watch sent from this Place to London, to be Mended. These are to give Notice, That if the Owner of said Watch will apply to the Printer hereof, tell the Marks and pay the Charges, he may have his Watch again.—The New-York Gazette, May 17-24, 1736.
The Principles of Mr. Harrison's Time-Keeper. In this Time-keeper there is the greatest Care taken to avoid Friction as much as can be, by the Wheels moving on small Pivots, and in Ruby-Holes, and high Numbers in the Wheels and Pinions.
The Part, which measures Time goes but the eighth part of a Minute without winding up; so that part is very simple, as this winding up is performed at the Wheel next to the Balance Wheel; by which Means there is always an equal Force acting at the Wheel, and all the rest of the Work has no more to do in measuring Time, than the Person that winds time up once a Day.
There is a Spring in the Inside of the Fusee, which I call a Secondary Main Spring; This Spring is always kept stretched to a certain Tension by the Main-spring, and during the Time of winding up The Time-Keeper, at which Time the Main-Spring is not suffered to act, this Secondary Spring Supplies its place...—The New York Journal or General Advertiser, June 11, 1767.
Musical Clock.—John Sebastian Stephany, Chymist, Has for Sale for Cash, a new and ingenious Clock Work, just imported from Germany, and made there by one of the most ingenious and celebrated Clock-makers in Germany: It plays nine different selected musical Tunes, and every one as exact as can be done on the best musical Instrument; and changes its Musick every Hour. It is done will 11 Clocks and 23 Hammers. It has an ingenious striking work for every Hour, and quarter of an Hour; it repeats 8 Days, Hours and Minutes, and shows the Months, and the Days of the Month.—June 6, 1768 (Supplement).
Punishment for Watch Stealing.—Richard Ely stole a silver watch out of the shop of Mr. Smith, Brazier...was exalted on a Wooden Horse in a Triumphal Carr and in that ignominious manner Rid round the City, with Labels on his Breast...after which he was conducted to the public Whipping Post, where he received the proper Chastisement.—News item in The New-York Chronicle, September 14-21, 1769.
A Musical Clock, plays 6 tunes, Viz. The rakes of Mallow, 2 minutes, symptoms of love, the miller's wedding and the miller of Mansfield: upon 10 bells, two hammers to each, besides the clock bell; plays every third hour a tune thrice over, and every part of the tune repeated; and when, or as often as you please besides. It tells the moon's age, by a beautiful moon, adorn'd with stars in the arch of the face; and the day of the month, as common clocks do. It stands in an elegant mahogany case, about 9 feet high, which cost ten guineas in Liverpool.
This very ornamental useful and entertaining piece of furniture, which should bring £ 120 currency is to be sold for £ 70.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 29, 1771.
Musical Clock.—...At public auction, To be viewed at the Coffee house. It plays six tunes four times in 12 hours, and at will: and is by far the most valuable and elegant time piece ever imported to America.—The New-York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, July 5, 1773.
Kitchen.—The Lotts and Houses next to the Custom House in New-York, wherein are 9 Fire Places, with a large Yard, a Stable, a Cestern, a Well, and a Pump, in the Kitchin, a Large Crane to the Chimney, with Stones, Dressers, and several other Things, that may be left for the use of a Tenant....—The New-York Weekly Journal, August 2, 1725.
Weather Vane.—...On the house of John Breese, Leather Dresser...is erected a Staff on which is a Blue Vane, with white Figures viz. 1741: which Vane is easily seen from the Ferry, from over the Fresh Water, from the North and East River, and very plain from the Commons.—The New-York Weekly Journal, August 10, 1741.
Fire Places.—Just published, and to be Sold by the Printer hereof, An Account of the New-invented Pensilvanian Fire Places: Wherein their Construction and manner of Operation is particularly explained; their Advantages above every other Method of warming Rooms demonstrated; and all Objections that have been raised against the Use of them, answered and obviated. With Directions for putting them up, and for using them to the best Advantage. And a Copper-plate, in which the several Parts of the Machine are exactly laid down, from a Scale of equal Parts, (Price 1s.). The above mentioned Fire-places are also to be sold at the Printer's hereof; where one of them just set up may be seen.—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, December 3, 1744.
Trinity Church.—Friday morning last about 4 o'clock, a violent Fire broke out in the new Free-School-House, kept by Mr. Joseph Hildreth, Clerk of Trinity-Church in this City; which got to such a Height before it was discovered, as to render it impossible to save it from being entirely destroyed; and tho' it stood at a considerable Distance from the Church, yet the Flames ascended so high, and carried with them such Abundance of live Coals, as to put the Church in imminent Danger, particularly the Steeple' which was set on Fire five several Times, almost at the Top, what little Wind there was setting directly on it; notwithstanding which, by the good Providence of God, and the Diligence and Activity of a few Persons within, who broke Holes through, it was happily extinguished, and preserved: There was scarce any Thing saved out of the House, from the Fury of the Fire; and we are assured, besides a great deal of Furniture and other Things, the Records of the Church are entirely consumed. The whole loss sustain'd, is supposed to be near Two Thousand Pounds Value.—News item in The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, February 26, 1750.
Dwelling House.—To be Sold, A very good Dwelling-House in the County of Bergen of Forty Eight Foot long and Twenty Four Foot broad, with a large Cellar Kitchen, a Dairy and Store-Cellar all joined together, the said Dwelling-House has two large Rooms and an Entry, with a large Flush Garret & Bolting House standing near the same & an old Store House Stable & Negroes Kitchen adjoining to each other, and a well Built Smoak House, with a Fowl House thereunto adjoining, with a very good Garden to the same,...—The New-York Weekly Journal, January 27, 1746.
Fire Places—Just arrived, A fresh Parcel of the New Fire-Places, Made by Robert Grace, in Pennsylvania, And Sold by the Printer hereof in New-York. A Pamphlet wrote by the Inventor, which describes the Use and Advantage of these Fire-Places, is given with them gratis.—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, September 8, 1746.
St. George's Chapel.—...Notice is hereby also Given, That a Committee of the Vestry of Trinity Church, will meet every Friday at 2 o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the House of William Cook, near the City Hall, to treat with such Workmen, Carpenters and Masons, as will undertake, the building and finishing the Galleries and Pews, and other inside Work of St. George's Chappel.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, January 14, 1751.
Presbyterian Church.—Monday last we had here a pretty hard Gale of Wind at N. E. which broke or bent down the Iron Work, Ball and Cock, on the Spire of the Presbyterian Church in this City: This had been often apprehended, tho' it has stood several harder Gales since it was put up; but 'tis believed, the Gale we had a few Weeks ago crack'd it, and so this last compleated it.—News item in The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, February 18, 1751.
Stone Wall.—Last Week as some Workmen were digging down the Bank of the North River, just back of the English Church, in order to build a Still House, a Stone Wall was discovered between four and five Feet thick, near eight Feet under Ground, and is suppos'd to have been the Breast-Work of a Battery, tho' we can't learn that the oldest Men living amongst us, know any Thing of such a Battery being there, which affords some Matter of Speculation to the Curious here.—News item in The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, May 6, 1751.
Lighthouse.—To Be Let. Bedloe's Island, alias Love Island, together with the Dwelling-House and Light-House, being finely situated for a Tavern, where all kind of Garden Stuff, Poultry, & may be easily raised for the Shipping, outward bound, and from whence any Quantity of pickled Oysters may be transported; it abounds with English Rabbits.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, July 2, 1753.
Snuff Mills.—To be Sold, or Lett, The Snuff Mills that formerly belonged to Mr. Francis Goelet, at New-Rochell, with 12 molds for snuff, a tobacco engine, with knives and sives, and all the other working utensils thereunto belonging. For further particulars, enquire of Mr. Anthony Lispenard, at New-Rochelle.—The New-York Mercury, October 14, 1754.
Lean-to.—To be Sold. A House with one Room, and Leanto, a good dry Cellar, and a good Store House 30 by 21 Feet, two Story High, and a Cellar under it,...—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, March 10, 1755.
Brick and Stone House.—To be Sold by Charles Arding, The Corner House, and 5 Lots of Ground near the Revd. Mr. Barclay, and Alderman Van Courtlandt, fronting to Nassau Street, 128 Feet some odd Inches; and runing along Fare Street 115 Feet or thereabouts; the House is new built, with Brick and Stone, 3 large Rooms on a Floor, a Cellar Kitchen, a good Cellar, and Large Garrets, seven Fire Places, and the House is two Story high, there may be 3 Lodgeing Rooms made in the Garrets, being half Stories. Sash Window is in all the House, a long Entery through the Middle of the House, with a handsome stare case well ballister'd with curled Maple. The House is built in the Form of a Square, with a large Store House on the back Part of said Lots, 42 Feet Long; the whole is in good Fence, with a long Grass Plat, and a fine Cistern, with several Fruit Trees already planted, which will make a very commodious Garden, and very pleasantly situated for any Gentleman, Merchant or any other person, having a fine Prospect over the Commons, and up the North River;...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, April 7, 1755.
Rent.—At the Merchants Coffee-House, will be sold, at publick Vendue...a Dwelling House and Lot of Ground, now in the Tenure of Mr. Abraham Abrahams, the lower end of Stone-Street; it is built of Brick, with Sash Windows in front, two Stories high, with several conveniences, it rents for Forty Pounds and the Taxes, per annum. Conditions will be made known at the place of sale.—The New-York Mercury, February 9, 1761.
Papered Rooms.—To be Sold...A New Well-built House and Lot of Ground, in Little Queen-Street....The House is 34 Feet 6 Inches front; has seven Fire-places; the Rooms all ceil'd and some of them neatly paper'd; three Feet Gang way; the yard pav'd; and Garden inclos'd with a good pail'd Fence; cistern in the same....—The New-York Mercury, January 11, 1762.
New Dutch Church.—On Wednesday last, near 6 o'clock in the Afternoon, the New Dutch Church in this City, was struck and set on Fire by Lightning, which happily was soon extinguished. It is remarkable that in the Course of a few Years, the same Accident has happened to this Church 3 or 4 times.—News item in The New-York Mercury, June 20, 1763.
Yellow Brick Front.—To be Sold, at private Sale, a Very Commodious new Dwelling-House and Lot of Ground, situated in Cherry-Street, and now in the Tenure of William Cobb, The House is three large Stories high, a yellow Brick Front, having eleven Rooms, Seven Fire Places, with a large Cellar Kitchen, and Store Cellar, and a fine Tea-Water Pump in the yard....—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, February 23, 1764.
New York Lighthouse.—On Monday Evening last, the New York Light-House, erected at Sandy Hook was lighted for the first Time. The House is of an Octagon Figure, having eight equal Sides; the Diameter at the Base 29 Feet; and at the Top of the Wall 15 Feet. The Lanthorn is seven Feet high; the Circumference 33 Feet. The whole Construction of the Lanthorn is Iron; the Top covered with Copper. There are 48 Oil Blazes. The Building from the Surface is Nine Stories high; the whole from Bottom to Top 103 Feet. This Structure was undertaken by Mr. Isaac Conro, of this City; and was carried on with all the Expedition that the Difficulty of passing to and fro on the Occasion could possibly admit of: it is judg'd to be a masterly Piece of Workmanship.—News item in The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 21, 1764.
Christ Church.—Extract of a letter from Great Barrington, in Connecticut [sic]. About three Weeks ago was laid the Corner Stone, and since is erected the Frame of an Episcopal Church by the Name of Christ Church in Great Barrington, 50 Feet by 40, about 26 Feet high besides the Roof and Underpining, with a handsome Chancel on the East End, and a Steeple 115 Feet high, on the West Side. The whole Building (but more especially the Steeple, Chancel and Roof) is excellent Workmanship. Mr. Kilbourn of Litchfield, was the Master Workman in the Frame; Mr. Easton of Pittsfield, Master Joiner...—News item in The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, July 12, 1764.
Lights of Glass.—Whereas the Subscriber proposes moving to New-York on the first of May 1766, he would at private Sale any Time before that Date, sell the following....Another Farm, about 6 Miles from New-Windsor, on the aforesaid Road, containing 150 Acres of Land, whereon is a good House 30 Feet by 32, Two Stories high, well painted and glazed, having between 2 and 300 Lights of Glass in it;...—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, april 25, 1765.
Bed Closet.—To be Let, A Very convenient First Floor, consisting of Four Rooms, with Fire-places, and a Bed Closet, situated on the New Dock, near the Coffee-House; it may be entered immediately. Inquire of Samuel Dobie, living on the New Dock.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, September 26, 1765 (Supplement).
A Proposal for Heating House of Public Worship.—A Proposal to the Publick. As there is at present a View for one or more Buildings going on for publick Worship, and as the Weather is so severe in the Winter Season, I wonder it has never been put in practice at the Beginning of such publick Buildings, (when it makes so little difference in the Expence) in making hollow Wells, or Flews with a Furnace, or Stoke-Hole at each Side of (Church or Meeting) at Entrance, when the Congregation by a small Subscription, or otherwise, at the severe Time of the Winter, might keep the Building to any degree of Heat, which would be found very agreeable to Persons of all Ranks, and with a small Quantity of Fuel, either Wood or Coals, properly apply'd; (the Trouble or Expence being a meer Trifle, by known Experience)....—The New-York Mercury, March 10, 1766.
Trinity Church Steeple.—A motion we are told is on the Point of being made for a compleat Set of 10 Bells to adorn Trinity Church Steeple, partly to be carried in Execution by Way of Subscription, and any Deficiency will no Doubt be made good by the Church. A noble Motion indeed, and if carried into Execution with any Spirit, will give an Ornament to the City few others can boast of; and 'tis surprizing a thing of the Kind has been so long neglected, unless, indeed they were frightned out of it by the loss of the first Set sent for, which Barbados now glories in; and which was taken by the Enemy, retaken, and sent in there. Philadelphia vaunts in theirs of a Ring of Eight, in a Steeple not so substantial, and it was chearfully carried through after the first Motion. It is doubted but the Generality of the People of all Denominations will approve of it here.—News item in The New-York Gazette, July 21, 1766.
Lightning Rod.—Mr. Holt; Sir, Having lately seen in one of the public Paper (but forgot which) an Account of the Light-House being struck by Lightning, I was induced to inquire after the particular Circumstances of that Affair; especially, as I knew it to have had a Metal-line Conductor, and that if it really was so, there would not be wanting those, who, for the Prejudice of Education, and their Non-Knowledge of the Efficacy of conducting Wires, would be ready to infer, and propagate the Inutility of them, for the Preservation of Edifices, &c. You will oblige the Public, and one of your constant Readers, by assuring them, that the Light-House at Sandy-Hook, has not been struck, so as to exhibit any Appearance, or Signs thereof whatsoever, and that the Veracity of the Informant is indisputable, as well as his Knowledge of the Premises, which he derives from his Proximity thereto. I am. &c.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, July 31, 1766.
Tavern.—To be sold, at public Vendue, on the 25th Day of January next, at Noon, at the Merchant's coffee-House; The noted tavern, having the Sign of the freemason's arms, on the west side of the Broad-way, fronting the great square; the house has twelve fire-places, two large dancing rooms, and eight other good rooms, with every conveniency for the reception of company, It was formerly kept by Samuel Francis, and since by the subscriber, and has rented at eighty pounds per annum, besides taxes. Any person inclining to purchase at private sale, may in the meantime inquire of John Jones.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, December 17, 1767.
Brick and Tile House.—To be Sold, or Lett, All that Dwelling-House situated in Stone-Street...the Dwelling-House is large and commodious, two Stories High, built of Holland Brick, and covered with Tiles, as is also the Kitchen behind said House; there is an excellent Pump and Cistern in the yard, and a spacious Gang-Way to it, the Lott is 45 Feet in Stone-Street, 75 Feet in Petticoat Lane, and above 200 Feet deep, running from street to street...—The New-York Gazette, March 16-23, 1767.
Wainscotting.—To be sold at Publick Vendue,...One house and lot of ground in possession of Mrs. Eary: The house consists of one large cellar, a cellar Kitchen fitted with dressers, drawers, shelves, and ovens, two pantries, and a closet; on the first floor, two large parlours with marble chimney pieces and hearths, and Wainscotted dado high. On the first story, two large genteel rooms, with marble chimney pieces and hearths; one neat bedchamber and dressing-room. On the second story, two rooms, with fire-places, and closets, and three bed-chambers; a large garret on the whole; In the yard is a wash-house and cistern; The passage from the street and the stair-case is light and large, and wainscotted dado high...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 29, 1768.
Long Room.—At Mr. Cox's Long-Room, near the Liberty pole, to-morrow Evening the 19th inst. will be exhibited, the celebrated Lecture on Heads with singing by the young man who has already been so justly admired. Tickets 5s. each.—The New York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 18, 1773.
Bath House.—Perth-Amboy, March, 1772. Lately Erected And as soon as the Season will permit, will be opened A New and Convenient Bath In which is a Room properly constructed to undress and dress in, with a Stair-Case leading into the Bathing Room, where Persons of either Sex may bath in Salt-Water, in the greatest Privacy; and for those that chuse to swim off into deeper Water, a Door is so placed in the Bath, that they can conveniently go out and return....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, March 9, 1772.
Vaux Hall.—To be Sold at public Vendue,...The large, commodious and well fitted House and Gardens, in the Out-Ward of this City, wherein Col. James formerly lived, and is known by the name of Vaux-Hall. The situation is extream healthy, and pleasant, commanding an extensive prospect up and down the North-River: The House has four large rooms on a floor, twelve fire-places, most excellent cellars, and adjoining the house is built a compleat room, 56 feet long and 26 wide, very neatly finished under which is a large convenient kitchen and other offices, with a coach-house and stables, a well of the very finest water, pumps, cistern, pigeon-house, &c.
The gardens are large, and laid out in a neat, genteel manner. The upper garden is planted with the very best fruit trees of different sorts; flowers and flowering shrubs all in great perfection: the lower garden is plentifully stocked with vegetables of every kind, sundry fruit trees, and every other necessary for the family use, great quantities of which might be sent to market...Until the Premises are sold, there will be the usual genteel accomodation, Tea, Coffee, Hot Rolls, &c. &c. and the elegant Wax-Work figures to be seen at all hours of the day.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 17, 1773.
Large Commodious Room.—Edward Barden, Intends on Saturday the 14th inst. opening the noted tavern the corner house in the fields,...where he intends keeping a good house as usual, (which is very well known in general) and will provide tea and coffee mornings and afternoons; dinners, suppers and entertainments provided at the shortest notice. He has a large commodious room fit for balls, concerts, or assemblys....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 9, 1774.
Windmill.—To Be Let, And enter'd on immediately, The Windmill, house and garden, situated in the Bowery-lane, containing six lots of ground, being a thriving neighbourhood and very advantageous for a corn or meal store. For further particulars enquire of the printer.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 18, 1775.
Windmill.—To The Public, William Davidson has opened the noted Wind-Mill, near the one Mile Stone in the Bowery-Lane, and will give constant Attendance; and will grind Wheat, Corn, Oats, Ginger, &c. at the lowest Price.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 5, 1776.
Dobie and Clow, Builders, in Division-Street, Take this Method of informing the Publick, that they undertake to build in Stone or Brick, Plaster and Stocco Work of all kinds, after the London Taste. Any Gentlemen who please to employ them may depend upon having their Work so done, as to bear the nicest Scrutiny. If required, they will also give Plans and Elevations, with Estimates of the Whole in Squares, Rods and Yards, together with the Quantity of Materials buildings of any Dimension will take, in such a Manner as any Gentleman may know his certain Cost before he begins to build.—The New-York Mercury, March 11, 1765.
Daniel Dood of Newark in New-Jersey Surveyor, designs to move to another Place and therefore gives publick Notice in his own Stile of Poetry, Viz.
—The New-York Gazette, December 30, 1729-January 6, 1730.
Theophilus Hardenbrook.—This is to give Notice, that Theophilus Hardenbrook, Surveyor, Designs all Sorts of Building, well suited to both Town and Country, Pavillions, Summer-Rooms, Seats for Gardens, all sorts of Rooms after the Taste of the Arabian, Chinese, Persian, Gothic, Muscovite, Paladian, Roman Vitruvian, and Egyptian; also Water-houses for Parks, Keepers Lodges, burying Places, Niches, Eye Traps to represent a Building terminating a Walk, or to hide some disagreeable Object, Rotundas, Colonades, Arcads, Studies on Parks or Gardens, Green Houses for the Preservation of Herbs, with winding Funnels through the Wall, so as to keep them warm, Farm-Houses, Town-Houses, Market-Houses, Churches, Altar Pieces: He also connects all sorts of Truss-Roofs, and prevents their separating, by a new Method; and also all sorts of Domes, Spires, Cupolos, both Pile and hanging Bridges. Note, He designs and executes beautiful Chimney Pieces, as any here yet executed. Said Hardenbrook has now open'd a School near the New-English-Church, where he teaches Architecture from 6 o'Clock in the Evening until Eight.—The New-York Mercury, October 2, 1758.
Willoughby Loftus.—The Subscriber takes this Method to inform the Public, that he has by a Number of Years Practice, acquired the Art of forming Designs for Buildings; any Gentlemen (either in Town or County) that pleases to favour me with their Employ, may depend on having their Buildings performed in the newest and neatest Manner now practised in or about London; I having work'd with the best Workmen on the best Buildings, either by the Lump, or Day; my Character and Abilities, may be well known by several Gentlemen in this City. Those Gentlemen who choose to favour me with their Commands, by leaving a Line or sending for me, opposite to Mr. Garret Noel, Bookseller, they shall be waited on immediately, by their Humble Servant, Willoughby Loftus. N.B. He likewise measures Carpenters, Painter, Masons, and Paviers Work.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 4, 1768.
Francis Marschalk.—To be Leased for a Term of Years. The Lots at the Rear of the College Ground....For Particulars Enquire of Francis Marschalk, City Surveyor.—The New-York Gazette, February 9-16, 1767,
Thomas Shaw and Nathaniel Sedgfield, lately arriv'd from England, takes this method of acquainting the public, that they are capable of building most sorts of mills, as grist-mills, paper, and oil-mills, Engines for rasping and cutting wood for dying with, Engines for raising water from mines, either by wind, water, or Horses, saw-mills for cutting wood, &c. Any person inclined to employ said Shaw and Sedgfield, by applying to the Printer, may be informed where to meet with them.
N.B. A plan will be drawn, if required, of any of the above works, by the publick's most humble Servants, Thomas Shaw and Nathaniel Sedgfield.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 15, 1768.
A Board Yard, Kept by Thomas Shreeve, House-Carpenter and Joiner, from Burlington, West-New-Jersey, living opposite to William Waltons, Esq; in Queen-Street, and has to dispose of, Pitch-Pine Duck Plank for Vessels, and sheathing Boards for ditto; Pitch-Pine and Cedar Boards of Inch, three Quarter, and half Inch; also Joices of Cedar and Pitch-Pine, of sundry Sizes; likewise Shingles of 3 Feet, and those of 18 Inches in Length; as also Cornish and Indian Gutters, and sundry other Sorts of Boards.
N.B. The Boards are on a Lot of Ground belonging to the Estate of the late Major Van Horne, next to the new Building of the said William Walton, Esq; from whence they may be taken by Water without the Help of a Cart.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 3, 1754.
Sawyer.—Edmund Banton, Sawyer, from Liverpool, having lately set up his Business at the House of Mr. Rosevelt, near the North-River, in this City, takes this Opportunity to acquaint all Cabinet-Makers, Joiners, and Carpenters, that will favour him with any Thing in his Way, that they may depend on having their Work done in the best Manner, with all due Care and Expedition; having every conveniency for carrying on that Business, and a good House for Keeping Timber from the Weather. Due Attendance will be given by him at his Saw-Pitt at the Place mentioned.
N.B. If he meets with any Encouragement from the several Tradesmen above mentioned, he purposes to stay in this Place, otherwise he must be obliged to remove for better Employ.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 3, 1754.
Lumber Yard.—John Blanck, Living at Ellis's-Slip, at the North-River, Has now by him, at his Lumber-Yard, (which was formerly kept by Alderman Roosevelt,) a choice parcel of shingles, gutter pieces and Cornishes, and all other sorts of timber for building, which he sells on the most reasonable terms.—The New York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 6, 1768.
Timber.—To be Sold by Stanton & Ten Brook, on Dey's Dock; at the small Profit, All kinds of Timber, Albany Boards, yellow Pine, red and white Cedar for Gutters, Mahogany of all Sorts for Joiners Work, Albany Pipe Staves, all Sorts of Shop Work by a Man who is to give good attendance to the Yard. Stanton and Ten Brook.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 30, 1770.
Lumber Inspected.—Whereas a Law of the Corporation of the City of New York, has lately passed, to ascertain the Size, Dimensions, and Quality of Staves, Heading, Hoops, Boards, Timber, Singles and Plank, which shall be brought to this City of New-York, for Sale, from and after the first Day of September, which will be in the Year 1770; Notice is hereby given, that we are appointed Measures and Inspectors of Timber, Plank, Boards, &c. and all Persons are desired to take Notice, that they are requir'd by the said Law, not to deliver to the Purchaser, any Plank, Timber, Boards or Shingles, before they are examined and measured. Isaac Chardavoyne, Francis Many, John Blank, Theop. Hardenbrook.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, September 13, 1770.
North American Lumber, Lumber of all kinds for European, West-India, and American Markets, to be sold by Abiel Wood, and Co. at Pownalboro, Sheepscut-River. For Particulars, Prices and Terms of Payment, apply to Robert Gould and Thomas Brown, in Back-Street, Boston, who are ready to treat for several Cargoes of any Kind of Dimensions; and will engage that the greatest Dispatch shall be given.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 8, 1771.
Mahogany.—A Cargo of 60,000 feet choice large bay mahogany, to be sold in lots from 5 to 10,000 in each lot; laying on the wharf between Burling's-slip and the Ferry Stairs; at public vendue, on Wednesday next, between 11 and 12 o'clock.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 28, 1772.
Lumber Yard.—To be Sold, At George Stanton's Lumber Yard, at Dye's Dock, near the North-River, All kinds of Albany board and planck, oak and Jersey pine, timber of all sorts, the best three feet or long shingles, lath, &c. by Philip Hone, who gives constant attendance, and will undertake all kinds of shop-work.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 5, 1773.
Board and Timber Yard.—Marsh and Trembly, Inform their Friends and the Public in general, That they have for Sale at their Board and Timber Yard, (That formerly kept by George Bell, at the North River) A Large Quantity of Lumber, among which is all kinds of Albany and Jersey Plank, with Timber and Boards of all Sorts and Dimensions commonly used in this city; cieling Laths, &c. Gentlemen or others will be supplied with any of the above Articles at the shortest Notice. They have also a Quantity of Shingles to dispose of. N.B. Daniel Marsh has for Sale, as usual, Bricks, Lime &c.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 5, 1774.
Lumber Yard.—To Be Sold, by Hardenbrook and Dominick, At their Lumber-Yard, in Water-Street, a little above Dover-Street: Timber, boards and plank of all sorts and sizes for building, red cedar logs, mahogany, red and Spanish Cedar boards and plank, mahogany and Spanish Cedar for stair cases. Likewise at their Lumber-Yard, in the Out-Ward, near the Ship-Yards, they have long and short shingles, hand sawed long oak and pine plank, from one and an half inch to four inches, for ship building, &c. round and square gutter pieces, square oak and pine logs, round and square logs for dock building. Also on the shortest notice can supply any person with large quantities of lumber for shipping.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, March 6, 1775.
Stone Lime.—All Persons who shall have occasion for good Stone-Lime next Spring or Summer, may be supplyed with what Quantity they have occasion for by Lewis Gomez in the City of New-York, at a reasonable Price.—The New-York Gazette, September 29-October 6, 1729.
Purple Stones.—To be Sold, Wrought or Unwrought, Curious fine flat purple Stones brought from Hide Park, for Tomb-Stones, Head-stones, Hearth-stones, Step-stones, Paving stones, &c. Whoever has occasion for any of the aforesaid Stones, may apply to John Norris, at the House of Mr. Edward Hicks, Merchant in New York.—The New-York Gazette, March 24-31, 1735.
Quarry Stones.—To be Sold, by James Banks, Tavern Keeper, at Newark. All Manner of the best Sorts of Quarry-Stones, as Tomb Stones, Platforms, Step-Stones of any Length, Paving Stones, Curbs for Wells, Rollers for Gardens, Building Stones, Hearth Stone, and Duck Puddles; any of which may be had, either rough, hewn or saw'd, at reasonable Rates.—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, June 16, 1746.
Street Paver.—George Hicks, Street-paver, from London, Advertises himself, as ready to serve any Gentlemen in that Way, either by the Day or by the Yard, at the most reasonable Rates. He may be spoke with at the house of Nicholas Killman, a little below Cortland's Sugar House, at the North River.—The New-York Gazette, June 23, 1760.
Tiles.—To be sold, by Robert Crommelin, living near the St. George's Chapel: a Parcel of Laths and glaz'd Tiles, for covering Houses.—The New-York Gazette, September 22, 1760.
Bricklayer.—Richard Weston, Bricklayer, from London, takes this Method to inform all Gentlemen and Ladies, and others that he has lately arrived at New-York, and intends to follow his Business in all its various Branches; as also causes Suction to Chimnies, to cure that obnoxious Suffocation that Families so frequently labour under; Likewise makes Backs, or Water Cisterns of Brick or Stone, plaister'd with durable Cement; as also stucco Frontis Pieces, and Arcadias, neatly performed in their true Orders, and the whole Entablature neatly performed in Brick Work. Those Gentlemen and Ladies that think proper to favour me with their Employ, may be waited on by directing only to my House, in King George Street, next Door to Mr. William Peck. Mean Time, I am Gent. and Ladies your most humble and Obedient Servant. Richard Weston.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, August 5, 1762.
Lime.—For White Washing, Exceeding fine unslack'd stone Lime, which by experience is found to stick best to the walls, and endure longest white; also, unslack'd Lime by the hogshead for plastering, or for building; which will be warranted better than any Rhode Island Lime; and common slack'd Lime, to be had on the most reasonable terms, by Ralph Thurman, at the North-River, near Alderman Roosevelt's.—The New-York Mercury, February 25, 1765.
Plain Tyles to Cover Buildings, made by Daniel Hendrickson, at Middletown Point, the same Sort as are made Use of in London, and most Parts of England, and are the soundest and most lasting Covering made use of (except the best light Sort of Slate) and are greatly preferable to the Boston Slate, being lighter and cheaper. No Weather can penetrate, if properly laid, and are the safest of any covering against Fire, being not subject to fly by any Heat. To be Sold by J. Edward Pryor, near the Commissary Lake's, at the North-River, New-York, or the above Maker. Where also may be had in the Spring, choice Rubbing Bricks for cutting Arches, or any Mouldings for Cornises, will also stand Fire for Ovens or Furnaces.
Best Providence Lime, to be sold by said Pryor, Also the noted North River Lime, branded J. M. W. for White-washing (lately advertised by Ralph Thurman.) And all kinds of Materials for Buildings provided on the least Notice, the lowest Rates, with Instructions what Scantlings are proper, or other Materials necessary, and their Quantities in any kind of House Building.
N.B. Said Pryor makes Plans and Estimates, directs or measures all Artificers Work, belonging to building in Wood, Brick, or Stone....—The New-York Mercury, December 2, 1765.
Bricklayer and Mason.—The subscriber (with his wife) lately from Kilkenny in Ireland, and just arrived with Capt. Gifford from Bristol, by trade a bricklayer and mason, being indebted for his passage, to Capt. Gifford, £ 26 current money of New-York, is willing to enter into contract with any person who will pay the said money,..Patrick Blanchville.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, June 2, 1768.
Bricklayer.—William Sawyer, Bricklayer and Plaister, late from London, informs the public, That he will execute his work upon as reasonable terms, and in as neat a manner as any man in this city. Likewise can set any kind of fire work in brick; such as coppers, stills, stoves, dyers kettles, whalebone boilers, tripe pans, tallow chandlers pans, soap boilers pans, smoke jacks, bakers oven, Dutch ovens, hatters kettles, muffin plates, &c. Gentlemen wanting any of the above work done, by sending a line to Mr. Robert Merrey, or Mr. Scandrett, near the Fly-market shall be waited on by their humble servant, William Sawyer.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 3, 1769.
Fire Brick, Isaac Conro, Near the Oswego-Market, Has for sale, best Yellow Stock Brick, which, on repeated trials at the air-furnaces in New-York and Newark have proved superior for standing an intense heat, to any bricks in America; and are equal, if not superior, to the best Windsor fire bricks: For the truth of this, please to enquire of Messrs Peter T. Curtenius, merchant, and William Lyle, founder, owners of the air-furnace, in New York, and Moses Ogden, manager of the air-furnace, at Newark. Those bricks make the best bottoms for bakers ovens, they are also the most lasting for flues in sugar and pot-ash works; in short, they exceed the Philadelphia soap stone, for standing fire, which has been proved in the steel-furnace in Connecticut; the above mentioned bricks make also beautiful fronts for buildings, nearly resembling in colour the Portland stone.
At the same place may be had, Fire Clay and Sand, of which the morter is made for building of any kind of work for standing fire: Of this sand and clay, crucibles have been made, which are as good as any that are imported. If any gentlemen in the West-Indies, should have occasion for it, for the use of their sugar works, it will be packt up in handy cask fit for exportation. Said Conro has also for sale, marble chimney pieces of the newest fashion, chimney tyle, iron backs, bottoms and side plates; brass wire wove fit for pantries and daries to keep out flies, stone lime. He also cures smooking chimnies: No cure, no pay, for this work.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 29, 1770.
Marble.—Several sets of very curious Italian, Derbyshire, and Kilkenny Marble for Fire-Places, Polished in the best Manner, just imported from England, and to sold by Walter Franklin, and Co.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 22, 1771.
Bricks.—To be sold, 15,000 Stock Brick, fit for Furnaces and Forges. The Quality of these Bricks, which were manufactured by Isaac Conro, deceased, is so well known in regard to their Quality for standing the most intense Heat, that it will be needless to say any thing more about them, than that they are well burnt and to be sold by the Subscriber, who will send them to New-York, agreeable to Directions, or will deliver them at the Kill, at Amboy. Stephen Skinner.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 16, 1771.
Law for Making Bricks.—We are desired to publish, the following extract of a law of this colony, relative to the making of Bricks, passed the 19th June, in the year 1703; the regulation thereby directed, it is said, not being duly attended to.
That no person or persons, shall make or suffer to made, in any place or places within this colony, any bricks, or kiln of bricks, but such as shall be well and thoroughly burnt, and of the size and dimension following. That is to say, every brick to be and contain nine inches in length, four inches and one quarter of an inch in breadth, and two inches and one half inch in the thickness thereof,...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 6, 1772.
French Burr Mill-Stones, Made of the first quality, lately imported from France, by the subscriber at his mill-stone-manufactory, at the lower end of Little Queen-Street, at the North-River;
Who will engage to compleat them in a masterly manner, either for merchant or other mills; He has been many years in the business of mill-stone making, And likewise the millers business in general; And as he has been at a very great expense in procuring the Burrs, plaister of Paris, and materials, and being the first person in promoting so useful a manufactory in this Province, hopes for the encouragement from the generality of the merchants, millers, &c. &c. as the Burr-Stones from repeated tryals have been found to exceed any other ever yet found out for grinding wheat, &c. And the public may be asured no pains or expence shall be spared to render them far superior to any ever imported into America, as none but prime stones shall be made use of for that purpose. And as the above stones are of the greatest utility to the colonies in general, he humbly hopes for that encouragement which the merit of his work may justly deserve; which favours shall be gratefully acknowledged by The Public's obedient, humble servant, James Webb. N.B. Any Gentleman may choose out the stones before made up, if he pleases.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 13, 1774.
Tiles.Weeks and Vallentine, Pan-tile-Makers, at Middletown; Make and sell pan-tiles of the best quality, at eleven Pounds per thousand for glaz'd and nine Pounds for unglaz'd. Gentlemen may be supplied with any quantity by applying to Mr. John Besnit, Bricklayer, opposite Mr. John Wiley's Distillery, New-York. N.B. They will warrant them to stand any weather.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, July 28, 1774.
Mason.—William Hunt, Mason, from England, Residing at Mrs. Wessels's, in Bridge-street, New-York. Takes this method of informing the respectable public, that he would be very desirous of serving them in any sort of mason work, such as setting of kettles, boilers, stills, stoves, cylinders, ovens, glass and iron furnaces, &c. He will effectually prevent smoaky chimneys or desire no pay. Those persons that please to employ him, are requested to send a line, post paid, and they will be immediately answer'd, or attendance given, by their humble servant. Wm. Hunt.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 10, 1775.
A Carpenter's Day Made Easy.—Mr. Zenger: I am a Carpenter by Trade and can read English, therefore I some Times borrow your paper. My fellow Trades Men say, that you are to print every Thing that is good and bad in the Country, and to reward all Men according to their Desserts. I hear that some Body has put a Clapper into the Fort Bell, and that it is to ring at Morning, Noon and Night, as in the Old Times. I am heartily glad of it. It will produce a great Reformation. We shall breakfast, dine, and sup, according to Rule and Compass, and know how to square our Work as in the Days of our Forefathers. I assure you, Mr. Zenger, that is a good deed, and ought not to be slighted: Therefore I and the Rest of the Day Labourers in Town, intend very speedily to pay our Thanks to that worthy Artist, in a very Handsome Address of which pray take Notice in your Papers. I am Bob Chizel.—The New-York Weekly Journal, January 7, 1733.
House Carpenter.—To Be Sold, By Peter Hendrick's House carpenter, near the new dutch Church, several sorts of Cordials which cures the Hestirk Fitts; Children of Worms; pangs in the stomach, chollick, and several other Ailments.—The New-York Evening Post, December 19, 1748.
Wage.—For the Encouragement of Ship-Carpenters, able Seamen, and Labourers, in the Country, and the neighboring Provinces, to repair to the City of New-York, The Merchants of this City have agreed to give to Ship-Carpenters, Eight shillings per Day, able Seamen, Five shillings; and Labourers Four shillings; with the usual Allowance of Provisions; and no other or greater Wages whatsoever. And all Persons liking the above Proposals, may be certain of constant Employment.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, September 18, 1758.
Carpenter.—Blake, Carpenter and Joiner, in John-Street near the Golden-Hill, Takes this Method of informing the Publick, that he undertakes Carpenter's & Joiner's Work by Measure, or makes Estimates before he begins to work; so that any Gentleman that pleases to employ him, may depend on having their Work done in the best Manner, and knowing their certain Cost.—The New-York Mercury, April 8, 1765.
House Carpenter.—This is to acquaint all Gentlemen that have any Buildings to undertake, or carry on that I John Glover, House-Carpenter from Edinburgh, will endeavour, if applied to, to accomplish the same in the most elegant, substantial and newest Fashion, that is at present in Great-Britain, as I am universally acquainted with the same, and I shall endeavour to use all Gentlemen that will employ me, with the utmost Veracity: I shall say no more, but I hope my Work and Performances will bear me witness of the Truth of the above asserted; I am to be found at the House of John Torry's, near the Scotch Meeting-House. John Glover.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, February 22, 1768.
House Carpenters.—The partnership of Joseph Peirson and Willoughby Loftus, House Carpenters, being now dissolved; the Business of House-carpenter and Ship-Joiner, is still carried on by Joseph Pierson on the New Dock, who hopes for the continuance of his Friends Custom, which will be gratefully acknowledged by their most obedient Servant. Joseph Peirson.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, February 26, 1770.
Society of House Carpenters.—To the Public, The Society of House Carpenters, in this City, having fixed on the House of Mr. David Philips, at which to hold their stated Meetings, and transact the Business of the Society, beg Leave to take this Method to acquaint the Public therewith, and to desire the favour of such Gentlemen who shall have Occasion to employ them, either in drawing Plans, Elevations, and Estimates, or to execute any Carpenters Work, that they would be pleased to apply to said Philip's, where they will meet with the Workmen, who will faithfully, and on reasonable Terms, perform the different Kinds of Work which they shall undertake; and will with Gratitude acknowledge any Favours received from their Employers.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, November 18, 1771.
James Byers, Brass-Founder, in Bayard Street, next to Mr. Levy's, Makes all sorts of Brass Work, Viz. Andirons, Tongs and Shovels, Fenders, Candlesticks, Buckles: Casts all sorts of Brases for Mills, Brass Chambers for Pumps, &c. &c. Also Makes Wire Cages for Parrots; hangs Bells, Rivets China &c. &c. with Care and Dispatch.—The New-York Gazette, December 13, 1762.
John Genter.—To be sold very cheap for ready Money by John Genter, Brasier, in Duke Street, who intends selling off his Shop, consisting of A Large Sortment of Brass and Copper Kettles, with Three large Soap Kettles, hard Metal, and Pewter of all Sorts, Shovels and Tongs, Hand Irons, Grid-Irons, and most kinds of Founder's, Brasier's and Hard Ware.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, March 12, 1750.
John Halden, Brasier from London, near the Old-Slip-Market in New-York; Makes and sells all sorts of copper and Brass Kettles, Tea-kettles, Coffee Potts, pye pans, Warming-pans, and all other Sorts of Copper and Brass Ware: He likewise mends and tins any sort of Copper and Brass, after the best Manner; at reasonable Rates; and gives Ready Money for Old Copper, Brass, Pewter or Lead.—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, November 19, 1774.
John Halden, Brasier from London, near the Old-Slip Market in New-York, Makes and sells all sorts of Copper and Brass Kettles, Tea-Kitchens, Tea-Kettles, Coffee Pots, Pye-Pans, Warming-Pans, Chafing-dishes, Candle-sticks, and all other sorts of Copper and Brass Ware; Also sells hard-metal Plates and Dishes, Tankards quart and pint Mugs, Cullenders, Tea-Pots, Salts, Cranes, Punch-Ladles, Tea Spoons; all sorts of London Pewter, black japan'd Mugs, Brass Cocks, knives and Forks, Shoe-buckles, Brass Wire and Hand-irons. Makes and mends Coppers and Stills; he likewise tins and mends any sort of Copper or Brass after the best Manner at reasonable Rates; and gives ready Money for old Copper, Brass, Pewter or Lead.—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, February 24, 1746.
Thomas Pugh, Brass and Bell-Founder, from Birmingham, at his Shop in Maiden-Lane, New-York. Makes and casts all sorts of Work in the Brass founding Way; also makes and sells all Sorts of soft and hard white Metal; likewise Pinchbeck, and Bath Metal, in all its kinds; He will make House Bells, Clock Bells, or Chiming Bells, for any that shall please to employ him, at the most reasonable Rates.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, May 2, 1768.
William Scandrett, Brass-Founder, living about the Center of the Fly-Market, opposite the Widow Tucker's, Makes and sells all Sorts of Brass and Iron Hand-Irons, and various other Articles in the Foundery Way; Likewise has imported in the Edward, Capt. Davis, and other Vessels from London, An Assortment of Hard-Ware, such as Brass Candlesticks, Shovels and Tongs, Chimney Hooks, Brass Cloke Pins, Brass Cocks, ditto Crane Cocks, best Wool Cards, London Pewter Plates, Dishes, Basons, Tankards and Spoons: Likewise Barbers Trimmings, Hones, Razors, Straps, Curling Irons, Scissars, Wig Cauls, Ribbon, Silk, &c. As Also Ivory and Horn Combs, with and without Cases; Shoe-Buckles and Sleeve-Buttons, of sundry kinds, Files, Borax, Shoe and Knee Chapes, Spelter and Spelter Sorters, Silversmiths binding Wire, Brass ditto, Pumis-stone, Rotten ditto, Argil, Sandever and Sand Paper, blue Melting Pots, Crucibles of all Sizes, which he will sell at the most reasonable Rates; likewise has to sell a Parcel of Men's Shoes, which he will sell very cheap; best Whit-Chapel Needles, four, and four and a half Pound Caulking Pins.—The New-York Gazette, April 16, 1764.
John Smith, Brasier and Copper-Smith, at the Sign of the Brass-Kettle, Tea Kettle, and Coffee-Pot, between the Dwelling-House of Capt. Isaac Sears and Beekman's Slip; begs Leave to acquaint the Public in general, and his Friends in Particular, that he has just open'd Shop at the above-mention'd Place, and proposes to carry on his Business in all its Branches. Those Persons who (willing to encourage a young Beginner) may favour him with their Commands, may depend on having them executed with Punctuality and Dispatch, at a reasonable Rate. N.B. He keeps a neat Assortment of ready made Articles for Sale.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 16, 1769.
John Smith.—On Saturday last, Richard Ely (pursuant to his sentence, for fraudulently Attempting to Cheat and Defraud Numbers of the Respectable Inhabitants of this City, and also for attempting to Steal a Silver Watch, out of the Shop of Mr. Smith, Brazier on the Dock) was exalted on a Wooden Horse in a Triumphal Carr, and in that ignominious manner Rid round the City, with Labels on his Breast...—News item in The New York Chronicle, September 14-21, 1769.
Richard Skellorn, Brass-Founder, in Beaver-Street, near the King's Statue, New-York, late from London: Makes the following articles from the newest patterns now in vogue in London. All sorts of fine and common candlesticks, brass and irons, fret fenders, coach and cabinet work, all sorts of brass weights, mortars, and mill work; bells cast, Likewise Clock, watch, and gun work in general.
N.B. The best allowance made in exchange for old metal. An Apprentice of credible parents will be acceptable for the above trade.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, May 18, 1775.
John Taylor.—...Campbell and Gault have their shop in Maiden Lane between the house of Mr. Jacob Allen's Gun-smith, and Mr. John Taylor, Brass-founder....—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, February 25, 1773.
Moses Taylor, removed from the Fly-market to the Old Slip market, makes and sells Brass and Copper Kettles, and most other kinds of Braisier's Goods. He gives ready money for old Brass and Copper.—The New-York Gazette, August 12, 1751.
Jacob Wilkins, Near the Old-Slip Market, at the Sign of the Brass Andiron and Candlestick, in New-York, Has for sale a neat and pretty assortment of brass andirons of the newest fashion, and a larger assortment of iron andirons with brass heads, (different sizes) from sixteen to fifty shillings per pair; also a few dozen of shovels and tongs, suitable to the above; a few brass fenders, also brass shovels and tongs, brass and pinchbeck knee buckles; makes all kinds of brass work, mill brass and pump chambers, also branding irons of metal that will not rust, also brass fenders, melting pots No. 15, No. 12....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 26, 1771. Also N.Y. Mercury, May 20, 1765.
Thomas Yates, Brass Founder, and Copper-Plate Printer, from Birmingham, living in Fincher's Alley, near the Bowling Green, New-York; Makes all Sorts of Hand Irons, Buckles, Buttons, &c. Likewise makes all sorts of small Steel and Iron Tools for Cabinet-Makers, Carvers, Silver Smiths, and Engravers, such as Chizzels, Gouges, Drills, Scorpers, Gravers, Punchers, &c. &c. Also, House Bells hung in the neatest and best Manner. N.B. He makes, mends and repairs all Sorts of Locks. The New-York Gazette, November 19, 1759.
Edward Andrews Cutler, who served an Apprenticeship to the famous Mr. Henry Jones of Sweething's Alley by the Royal Exchange London, arrived in this Place last Week in the Irene, Capt. Garrison, and has taken a Shop in the House, late in the Possession of Mrs. Easom, next Door to Mrs. Groesbeck's near the Merchants Coffee-House; where Gentlemen, Ladies, and others, may depend on having all kinds of Cutlery-Work done by him, in the newest and neatest Fashions now in Vogue at London, and at reasonable Rates. He has brought over with him a small but choice Assortment of Goods in his Way, such as Table-knives, Butchers-knives, and Pen-knives, Razors, Lancets, and Scissers; Buttons, Buckles, Cork-screws, Seals, and noted Constantinople Razors-Cases and Strops, &c. &c.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, Supplement, dated May 18, 1752.
John Aris at the Cross Guns in Market Field Street, near the N. E. Bastion of the Fort, Makes, Mends, and Grinds all Sorts of Cutlery Ware and Surgeon's Instruments. You may also have all sorts of White Smith's Work done by him, all at a very reasonable Rate.—The New-York Weekly Journal, January 11, 1742.
Bailey & Youle, Cutlers from Sheffield at Their Shop Near the Merchants Coffee-House, Makes all sorts of surgeons instruments, trusses, steel collars for children, irons for lame legs, and silversmiths tools; likewise grinds all sorts of knives, razors, shears, and scissars, to look as neat as when new; also fixes new blades into any kind of hafts; cut gentlemen and ladies names, with numbers for numbering linen, and books, wherewith they give either red or black ink which will not wash out, and may be used by any person without trouble or inconveniency.
They likewise have for Sale, Silk stockings, silver hafted knives and forks, ivory and ebony ditto, red wood, plain and silver ferrel'd ditto, stag, buck and bone ditto, carving knives and forks, pen-knives of all sorts, pocket, garden ditto, razors of all sorts, bones and razors straps, file cast steel scissars, common ditto of all sorts, taylors shears and thimbles, tortoiseshell combs, and common butchers knives, saws, steels and cleavers, shoemakers knives of all sorts, cock gaffs, netting and knitting needles, sword canes with cocks, plain ditto, silver seals and steel blocks, silver plated ditto, double and single plane irons, carving gouges and chissels of all sorts, watch crystals, and silver buckles of the newest fashions. N.B. They give the greatest price for old gold and silver lace, and old gold and silver.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, March 4, 1771.
Thomas Brown.—William Gale, who formerly lived in Duke-Street, next to Mr. Bayard, has imported Clothier's Shears, Cards &c. he is to be spoke with at the House of Thomas Brown, Cutler in Hanover-Square, in New-York.—The New-York Weekly Journal, November 30, 1741.
Thomas Brown, is removed to the Sign of the Cross-Daggers in Smiths-Fly, near the Fly-Market, and sells all Sorts of Ironmongery and Cutlery Ware, by Wholesale or retail; as Locks, Hinges, Gimblets, Bolts, Latches, Pullies and Sash Line, dripping and frying Pans, Carpenter's Hammers, Chizzels, compasses and Rules, Drawing Knives, Stone and Brick Trowels, London Glue, Wooll-Combs & Cards, Brass Handles & Escutcheons, and all other Material for Cabinet-Makers, Broad axes, Hand-saws & Iron Squares, and all sorts of Coopers Tools, all sorts of knives, Scissars, Lancets, Razors, Coat & Breast Buttons, Thimbles, Pins and Needles; all sorts of Shoemakers Tools, Smith's Anvils & Vises, German & English Steel, all sorts of London soft & hard Metal Pewter & all Sorts of sadlery Ware. He likewise grinds Razors, scissars & Lancets, as usual.—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, May 19, 1746.
John Flanner, Cutler, from London, now living near the Fly-Market in New-York; Makes and sells all sorts of Cutlery Ware, and Grinds scissars, Razors, Pen Knives, or any other sort of Instruments, after the best Manner, with Expedition.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, September 21, 1747.
William Jasper, cutler, Just arrived from England, is now settled in New York, near the Fly, Queen-Street, near the Burling's and Beekman's Slip, next Door to Mr. Murray's, takes this Method to acquaint the publick, That he makes all kinds of Surgeons instruments, and grinds and cleans them; makes Razors, Pen knives, scissars, and all kinds of Edge Tools, which he also grinds; nd makes Cutlery in general; makes Buckles of the best Block-Tin, wrought and plain Men's Gold and Silver Ware; Pinking-Irons of all Sorts; Sadlers Tools; Fret-Saws; Hatters knives; likewise draws Teeth with great Ease and Safety, being accustomed to it for many Years. He likewise has brought over a Quantity of Copper and Tin Hard-Ware. All Persons that please to favour him with their Custom, may depend upon being served in the best and cheapest Manner.—The New-York Gazette, August 29, 1763.
Lucas & Shepard, White-smiths and Cutlers, from Birmingham and Sheffield, At their shop at the Fly-market, near the Ferry-Stairs, make all sorts of surgeons instruments, all sorts of jointed irons for lame legs, steel trusses, and steel collars for children, all sorts of double jointed plyers, steel pads with sets of bits; silver-smiths, braziers, and tinners tools; turning lathes for any trade, tobacco engines, stove grates, iron bed steads, winding up and smoak jacks coat smith's work, new locks, and any sort of keys made to old ones, coopers vices, all sorts of gimlets, plane irons double and single center pins, cork screws, all sorts of carving tools and white smith's work. Likewise makes all sorts of knives and forks, pocket and pen knives, shoemaker knives, tobacco knives, razors, lancets, fleams, butcher's steels, knives and cleavers. Also grind all sorts of knives, razors, scissars, shears, fleams and lancets, and all parts of sword cutling; put new blades into any sort of hafts. We having wrought with Mr. Bailey for three years past, hope gentlemen and ladies will favour us with their custom, as they may depend upon being well used, and that the above articles are made here.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 20, 1771.
Lucas & Shepherd.—As the Co-Partnership of Lucas and Shepherd, expired the first of May last, Sebastian Lucas, Whitesmith and Cutler, from Birmingham, Takes this opportunity to acquaint the public in general, and those in particular whose friendship he has already experienced, that he still carries on the business, at his shop...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 13, 1773.
Richard Sause, Cutler, Has removed from the Corner of the Slote, in Smith-street, next door to Messrs Thompson's and Selby's Saddlers, near the coffee house, where he continues to carry on the cutlery business, in various branches, Viz—New works of various sorts, surgeons instruments of all sorts, ground, glazed, polished and set-swords, pistols, guns. &c. cleaned and polished, silver-smith's, brasier's and tinmen's tools of all sorts ground and polished; taylors, glovers, and all other shears; Choping knives, saddlers, shoe-makers and butcher knives; fleams, razors, scissars, pen knives, (and any other things to tedious to mention) ground and finished in a neat manner.
N.B. Said Sause, returns thanks to the Publick for their favours, and hopes by his care and assiduity for a continuance of the same.—The New-York Gazette, April 6-13, 1767.
John Sculthorpe.—Whereas John Sculthorpe, Peruke-maker, near the Fly Market, has, for several Years past, carried on the above said Branch, and Cutlery grinding, and intends now to decline one of them, as he cannot attend them with such Dispatch he would chuse. He therefore informs any Persons of either of the said Business, that they may enter into a good accustomed Shop, by applying to him, who will agree for the same on reasonable Terms.
N.B. As due Attendance cannot be given to both, he hopes to serve his Customers, in the continued one of Peruke-making, in a more regular and expeditious Manner. To be entered into on May Next.—The New-York Gazette, January 28, 1760.
Nicholas Vandyck, Cutler, Living on the Dock near the Ferry-Stairs in New-York. Grinds Razors, Scissars, Pen-knives, Lancets and all sorts of Instruments, after the best Manner with Expedition: He also grinds Fuller's Sheers, approved to be well done by Mr. Gale: Likewise makes or mends Bellowses for Goldsmith or Blacksmiths, after the newest Model. He makes and sells Brass Buckles, wholesale or retail, as also Brass Boxes for Mill Brushes, with sundry other Things in the Brass Foundry Way, all expeditiously, and at reasonable Rates.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, October 5, 1747.
John Wallace, who lately lived by the Old Slip Market, is Removed to the Sign of the Cross-Swords, next Door to Mrs. Byfield, near the Fly-Market, who makes, mends and grinds all sorts of Knives, Razors, Scizers, and Pen-knives. Surgeons may be supplied with very good Lancets and other Surgeons instruments. Gentlemen may be furnish'd with all sorts of Kitchen Furniture that belongs to a Smiths Trade. Barbers may have their Razors ground for four Pence a Piece. He puts up and mends all sorts of Jacks, Makes Multiplying Wheels for Jacks. He mends Locks and makes Keys, and Stillards also. He also sells all sorts of Cuttlery-Ware. And all at Reasonable Rates.—The New-York Gazette, June 12-20, 1737.
John Abeel.—Anchors, From two hundred to seven hundred two quarters made of the very best bar iron, by the best anchor-smith in America equal if not superior in Quality to any made in Europe, to be sold by John Abeel, near the Coenties-Market, who can supply any Gentleman on a short notice with Anchors from 1000 to 1500 Weight.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 18, 1768.
Robert Andrews, Air-Jack-Maker from England, living n the Hill commonly called Pot-Baker's Hill, next door to Mr. Roorbach's. Makes and mends all sorts of Jacks: Also makes scale-Beams, or hangs Bells in Gentlemen's Houses; and all sorts of White-Smith's work after the best Manner. The Air-Jacks are of great Service to Chimnies that don't draw the smoke well; several has been already prov'd in this City. Any Gentlemen or Ladies that will be pleased to favour him with their Custom, may depend upon being faithfully serv'd, by their Humble Servant, Robert Andrews.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, May 7, 1753.
Robert Andrews, White-Smith and Jack-Maker, in Wall-street, near Mr. Christopher Bancker's, Makes and sells, Irons Pales for Ashes, at 24 s. Tests for Stoves, at 2 s. Also Iron Scale Beams, and all other Sorts of Smith's Work, at a reasonable Rate.—The New-York Mercury, November 6, 1758.
Elias Bonnell & Robert Farris, in Wall-street, in the shop that Mr. Robert Andrews lately kept, next Door to Mr. Banker's, Makes, and sells smoak Jacks, in the best manner, with Care and Expedition; As also all sorts of White Work, together with ship and shop stoves; Ash-Pails; Stove Tests; horse shoeing, and Farriery; with all sorts of House Work; and Edge Tools done in the best manner, by Elias Bonnel, and Robert Farris.—The New-York Gazette, June 23, 1760.
John Burch, Tin-Plate Worker and Japanner, from London, Has removed from the Fly, to the house in Hanover-Square lately occupied by Mr. Lloyd Daubney, and opposite Mr. Gaine's printing-office, where he carries on both branches in the most extensive manner. He has by him a large collection of tin ware of all kinds, both plain and japan'd, which he will sell as cheap as they can be bought in London. Those who buy to sell again will have a large allowance made them. As several parts of his business are entirely new in this country, he hopes for such encouragement as will induce him to continue them.
N.B. Many block-tin articles for kitchen use, warranted to stand the fire, and not have any pernicious quality, as many other metals have.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 3, 1773.
John Balthus Dash, Tinman, from Germany; At his house near the Oswego Market, makes the best of French Horns, Philadelphia Buttons and Shoe Buckles, and will sell them very reasonably by wholesale or retail.—The New-York Mercury, March 18, 1765.
John Dies, of this City, Iron-Monger, intends, next May, to decline that Business:...N.B. Isaac Goelet and Peter Curtenius, in Partnership, intends to carry on the same Sort of Business, in the same House, at the Golden-Key, in Hanover-Square.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, February 4, 1754.
Nicholas Goddard.—Run Away...from William Puntiner...an English servant man, named Nicholas Goddard, by trade a tinman....—The New-York Gazette, January 14, 1760.
John Graham, Tinman, Informs his friends and customers, that he is removed from the house where Mr. Baltus Dash formerly lived to the next Door but one where Mr. Whiteman used to live, in the Broad-Way, near the lower end of the Oswego market, where he makes and mends all kinds of tin work as usual; he also does all kinds of copper-smith's and braziers work, and makes brass buckles, tins copper and brass in the best manner. All those that will favour him with their custom, will be served at the most reasonable rates, By their humble Servant, John Graham.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 23, 1770.
Samuel Kempton.—This is to acquaint the Publick, That Samuel Kempton, his Shop on Hunter's-Quay, near the Coffee-House: Makes and sells alls Sorts of Tin-Ware, fit for Shipping, or the Army: Any Gentlemen that please to favour him with their Custom, may depend upon being Expeditiously and Reasonably served, by their humble Servant, Samuel Kempton.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, October 30, 1758.
William Richardson, Lock Smith and Bell Hanger from the City of London. Makes all sorts of Iron-Work, scrole-works, Leafage or Foldage, all sorts of Doctors Instruments Capital or Pocket, Spring Trusses, Bag Trusses or Spring Bandages for Ruptures, all sorts of Jacks made and fixed Horisantical or Vertical, likewise makes secret Padlocks for secret Places, or Spanish ditto. Any Person may be supplyed at the cheapest Rate, at his House in the Broad-Way, New York.—The New-York Weekly Journal, May 22, 1749.
Riggs & Hadden.—Wanted, A Person that understands the nailing business in its different branches, or has been employed in that manufactory. Such a person bringing proper recommendations, will meet with good encouragement, by applying to Joseph Riggs, Esq; or Joseph Hadden, in Newark, New-Jersey, who are entring largely into that business.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 11, 1768.
Seager & Smith.—Whereas John Seager and Samuel Smith, Nail-Makers, of this City declared off Partnership the 10th Instant; and John Seager only, now carries on the Business as usual, on Mr. Brazier's Wharf, near the Ship-Yards, where all his old Customers may be supplied as formerly; assuring them and all others, they shall be served to the utmost Satisfaction of their humble Servant, John Seager.
N.B. It is desired that none of the Debtors to the Partnership will pay any Money to the said Samuel Smith.—The New-York Gazette, January 12-19, 1767.
Tin-Men wanted. Very good encouragement will be given to fifteen or twenty persons, who understand the working of flat-iron into kettles, if they apply to Samuel Ogden, at Boonetown, in Morris County, New Jersey; who hath rod and sheet iron of all sizes to dispose of. Apply to Josiah Shippey, at Mr. Isaac Roosevelt's, New-York.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 12, 1776.
Tin Plate Worker will have constant Employ & good Wages by applying to Smith at the Corner of Burling's Slip, in Queen's Street.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 12, 1776.
Henry Ustick.—Nails, Made and sold by Henry Ustick, At his Nailery in Smith-Street, on Pot-baker's-Hill, near Judge Horsmanden's Four-penny, 10, 12, 20, 24, and 30 d. Nails; sheathing, drawing, Jack and sugar cask nails; and spikes of all sorts, coppers rivets, &c. by the cask or lesser quantity. Orders for any sort of nails complied with on the shortest notice....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 17, 1772.
Journeymen Nail-makers, Are wanted immediately. —Such, properly qualified, will meet with good Encouragement, by applying to William Ustick, at the Sign of the Lock and Key, between Burling's and Beekman's slip, in New-York.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 12, 1768.
American Company's Iron Works, Notice is hereby given, to all those indebted to the American Company, by bond, note, book debt, or otherwise, at Ringwood, Long pond, and Charlotteburg works, or elsewhere, that Robert Erskine, the present manager, the company's agent in New York, or such person or persons as he or they shall appoint, are alone authorized to receive debts due to the company, and to give proper discharges for the same. Whoever therefore shall pay any debt or balance to any other person, will undoubtedly, be again sued for the same by Robert Erskine.—The New-York Journal or the Grand Advertiser, April 1, 1773.
Andover Pig-Metal, To be sold by the subscriber, at Elizabeth-Town. Gentlemen in New-York may be supplied with any quantity, on giving the shortest notice to John Blanchard.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 18, 1773
Charlotteburg Furnace.—Ore Carters for Charlotteburg Furnace. Notice is hereby given to those who usually carted ore from Hibernia mine to the above furnace, or others, that those who choose to commence carting on or before the 10th of October next, and who shall deliver a quantity not less than three tons a week, till it amounts to 30 tons, shall be paid as formerly, 10 s. 6d. New-York Money per ton; and for their further encouragement, they shall have the same price in sleighing time. Those who begin carting after the 10th of October, will receive 10 s. per ton, and if the quantity carted amounts to 20 tons, they shall receive 9s. per ton in sleighing time.
N.B. None except those who cart at the above rates, shall have the privilege to sleigh at the foregoing prices; all others who only sleigh, are desired to remember that no more than 8s. per ton will be given in sleighing time. If through unavoidable misfortune, the carters shall fall short of their stipulated quantity, they may depend on all reasonable indulgence from the manager. Robert Erskine.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, September 17, 1772.
Etna Furnace.—At Etna Furnace, in the County of Burlington, New-Jersey: Founders who can execute the moulding and casting of flasked and unflasked or open Iron ware, both hollow and flat, with neatness and Expedition: Any Person who can make Brass or mixed Metal Moulds for castings, and any Workman who well understands the making of such Moulds as are made of Wood and of Flasks, and can produce good Characters, may meet with extraordinary Encouragement. It is expected that the Mould should be finished with great Skill and Accuracy, and may be made at the Workman's place of Abode, if in this or the neighbouring Provinces...Good Colliers, Keepers and Stocktakers are wanted at two Furnaces and two Forges there lately erected...—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, January 25, 1768.
Forge.—Two thirds of a good Forge or Ironworks, with Hammers Anvils, Bellows, running Gear, &c. in good Order, and a new Grist-Mill, having one pair of Stones, and a Boulting-Mill, commodiously situated on Black-Creek, one half Mile from Borden-Town,...N.B. The Purchaser may buy the other third Part of the said Works upon reasonable Terms of William Yard, and the payment may be on the same conditions as above. He also may buy a parcel of Coal Wood already set in Pits to make Coal, so that he may soon begin to go to work.—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, July 18, 1748.
Forge.—To be Sold, or Let, for a Term, The Moiety, or one Half of a Forge for making Bar Iron, &c. with Carriages, Privileges of Land and Water, Houses, Coals Shreds, with the Appurtenances, situated at a place called Murders Creek, on the West Side of Hudson River, at the North Side of the High Lands, where the same Creek empties into the Hudson's River. Any Person inclining to purchase the same may apply to John Alsop, in Hanover Square in the City of New-York, and agree upon reasonable Terms, and receive a good Title. John Alsop.—The New-York Gazette, May 28, 1759.
Forge and Hammer Men.—Thirteen of the best Hammer-men and Forge-men in the Iron Manufactory have been engaged to come from Sheffield to America, for which a handsome premium is given them; and great wages for two years certain, and six shillings a week to each of their wives and families as stay behind for that time. They have also given one hundred guineas for each of the best Saw-makers, and the same money for their wives that stay. (If provisions are kept up at the rate they at, the Americans will soon have hands enough to carry on the manufactories, without giving premiums.—News item from London, July 13, in The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, October 8, 1767.
Forest of Dean Furnace.—To be Sold, A Lease, of which seven years are unexpired, from the 26th September next, of Forest of Dean Furnace, together with all the appurtenances and stock necessary to the well conducting thereof, situated in the Highlands of New-York....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 9, 1770.
Furnace.—To be sold, a new well-built furnace, good iron mines near the same, two forges, one with 3, and the other with 2 fires; a saw mill, several dwelling-houses and coal-houses, and several tracts of land adjoining;...The furnace and forges are situated on a good stream, 28 miles from Acquackanung landing, and 36 from Newark. Whoever inclines to purchase the same, may apply to Nicholas Gouverneur, in New-York, or two David Ogden, sen. Samuel Gouverneur, and David Ogden, jun. at Newark, who will agree for the same.—The New-York Mercury, March 5, 1764.
Furnace.—The Blast Furnace, with the coal houses and other appurtenances at Bloomingdale, near Pompton, late the property of John and Uzal Ogden, Esquires, will be sold at public vendue at the Coffee-House in the city of New-York....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 22, 1772.
William Hawxhurst.—William Hawxhurst, has lately erected a finery and great Hammer, for refining Sterling Pig Iron into Bar and takes this Method to acquaint his old Customers, and others that they may by applying to him in New-York, be supplyed with flat and square Bar Iron, Cart, Waggon, Chair, and Sleigh Tire-Mill Spindles; Wrines Cranks, and Iron Axletrees, Cast Mill Rounds, and Gudgeons. He continues to make Anchors as usual.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, October 2, 1766.
Hibernia Pig Iron (which is found to make as good Bar Iron as any in America) Plates for Chimney-Backs, Cart and Waggon-Boxes, West-India Bars, for Sugar Works, &c. to be sold by Gerard Bancker.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, June 11, 1767.
Hibernia Furnace, Morris-County, New-Jersey, The late Hibernia Company at this place is dissolved, and the works are now carried on for account of the right Honourable the Earl of Sterling, the present sole proprietor thereof. A number of wood-cutters are now wanted at these works, also some good miners. A plentiful supply of all kinds of necessaries for the workmen, is now laid in, and will constantly be kept up. Three shillings per cord will be allowed for wood-cutting: Whoever inclines to work at this place, may depend on meeting with civil treatment, honest dealing, and punctual pay, from Joseph Hoff, Manager.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, February 3, 1774.
Hibernia Furnace.—Wanted immediately, At the Hibernia Furnace, in Morris-County, New-Jersey, belonging to Messrs. Robert and John Murray, of New-York, a Number of Wood Cutters. Two Shillings and Nine-Pence per Cord will be given, and the Balance paid as soon as the Quantity agreed for is completed, by the subscriber living at the Works. Joseph Hoff.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 1776.
Iron Manufacture.—An Easie Way to get Money and be Rich, Just Published, A Scheme by striking Twenty Thousand Pounds Paper Money) to encourage the raising of Hemp, and the Manufacturing of Iron in the Province of New-York, with some Observations, shewing the Necessity and Advantages thereof. Sold by the Printer hereof, Price 6d.—The New-York Gazette, March 15-22, 1737.
Lead Mine.As we have but little material Intelligence to present our Readers with this Week; we hope it will not be disagreeable, to inform them, that we have been credibly assured that a valuable lead Mine was lately discovered in Dutchess County, in this Province; and that some of the Ore having been tried, yielded in the Proportion of three Quarters of a Pound of fine Lead, to a Pound of Ore: 'Tis said, it lies in great Quantities near the surface of the Earth, and that the Owners of the Land are resolved to set about the improving it with all possible Diligence; so we hope it may turn out to their, as well as the Country's Advantage.—News item in The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, March 26, 1750.
Livingston's Forge.—To be Sold by Robert Livingston, Junr. A Parcel of choice Pigg Iron, at Eight Pound per Tun. Ready Money, or Rum, Sugar, Molasses at Market Price. N.B. It's Manufactur'd at Ancram in Manner of Livingston.—The New-York Weekly Journal, April 2, 1744.
Livingston's Forge.—Wanted, at Robert Livingston's Junr. new Forge in Mannor Livingston, which will be ready in three Weeks Time; Three good Refiners, to make bar-iron, with each a good hand to work with them: Stock will never be wanting. Good encouragement will be given for refining and drawing bar-iron, with good accomodations. For further particulars, enquire of Peter R. Livingston, Merchant in New-York or Robert Livingston Junr. at his seat in said Mannor.—The New-York Mercury, October 27, 1760.
Mount Holly.—To be sold by the Subscriber, the Ironworks known by the Name of Mount Holly Iron-Works, Viz. One Forge or Finery, with three Fire Places, and three Pair of Bellows, and all the Utensils thereunto belonging: Also one other Forge or Chafery, with one Fire Place, and one Pair of Bellows, with all the Utensils belonging to it, built for the Conveniency of the hammer Man, where he meets with no Interruption from the Finers, both built upon the main Branch of Ranchocus Creek; Water Carriage from the Forges to Philadelphia;...Any Person inclinable to purchase, and will come and view the Premises, may be informed of the Price, and the Incumberances upon it, by Peter Bard.—The New-York Mercury, November 7, 1763.
Mount Hope, pig and bar iron, of as good a quality as any made in America, to be sold by Mr. Nicholas Hoffman, in New-York, Mr. John Blanchard, at Elizabeth Town, or by Messrs. Faish and Wrisberg, the proprietors, at Mount Hope, in New-Jersey, where particular drafts of iron will be drawn on the shortest notice, and executed in the neatest and best manner.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 5, 1773.
New Forest Pig Iron.—The best of New Forrest Pig Iron, by the Ton,...To be sold, by John Abeel.—The New-York Mercury, December 17, 1764.
New-York Air Furnace.—Gilbert Forbes, At the Sign of the Broad-Ax...sells Ironmongery, Cutlary, Sadlery, and Brass Furniture of all Sorts, Pots and Kettles, cast at the New-York Air Furnace, which are very thin and light, not inferior to the Holland, for Use or standing the Fire. Also, Iron Sauce Pans, Cart, Waggon, and Chair Boxes, Pot-Ash Kettles and Coolers, Chimney-backs and Plates of any Size; and many other Things in that Way.—The New-York Gazette, January 12-19, 1767.
New-York Air Furnace.—To the Public, the New-York Air Furnace Company, Have lately erected an Air Furnace near the City, which after a considerable Expence, they have now got in proper Order, for Casting in the neatest Manner, the under mentioned Goods, which are equal to any imported from England, Scotland, Ireland, or even Holland, either for Shape, Lightness, boiling white, or standing Fire: They therefore hope the Publick will encourage the Works, by giving the Preference to what is American Make, especially when the Price is full as low as any can be afforded for, that are imported from Europe. viz. Pots, Kettles, skillets, pot-ash kettles, and bottoms for calcining pot-ash, which they will warrant for three months, chimney backs, layers and jamb-plates, agreeable to any pattern that shall be sent, forge and fullers plates, hatters basons, forge hammers and anvils, sugar house boilers, stoves, pipes and grates, round and square stoves for work shops or house-use, ships cabooses, perpetual ovens, pye-pans,...—The New-York Gazette, August 17-24, 1767.
New-York Air Furnace.—Peter T Curtenius, At the Sign of the Golden Anvil and Hammer,...has also for Sale the following Goods, made at the New-York Air Furnace, viz. Best Pot-Ash Kettles and Coolers, Hearths, Bars and Doors for Pot-Ash Works, Forge Hammers and Anvils, Chimney Backs, Bottoms and Jamb Plates, Ship's Cabooses, Cart, Waggon, and Chair Boxes, Pots and Kettles, Pye-pans, Sugar-Boilers, Rollers and Gudgeons, Large Screws and Nuts for Spermactic Works, Fullers Screws and Plates; besides many other articles in the cast Iron Way: And if Persons want any new Article done in that Way, they may have it cast to any Pattern they shall leave at the Furnace, or at my House.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, February 4, 1771.
New-York Air Furnace.—Between 12 and 1 o'Clock last Friday Morning, a Fire broke out at the Air Furnace belonging to Messrs Sharp and Curtenius, in the West Ward of this City; Its Situation being pretty remote from the Town, and a Wooden Building, the same was almost consumed before the Inhabitants could be collected, notwithstanding which every Measure was pursued for the Preservation of the Materials belonging to the Furnace; though the loss 'tis said will amount to, at least 400£.—News item in The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, November 26, 1772.
New-York Air Furnace.—To the Public, Sharpe, Curtenius, and Lyle, Have rebuilt (at a considerable Expense) The New-York Air Furnace, In a much completer Manner than before it was burnt down; and as they provided themselves with a sufficient Stock of Pig-Metal, &c. they propose to carry on the Foundery Business in all its Branches with great Diligence, and flatter themselves that the Friends of America will encourage them, by preferring Goods manufactured in their own Country, especially when they are as good, and sold as cheap as they can be imported from Europe....—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, April 12, 1773.
Noble & Townsend's Forge.—A forge with Six Fires, to be built near Sterling, for Mess'rs Noble and Townsend, who will give Great Encouragement to any person that will erect and compleat the same. Anyone that inclines to undertake it, must give in their proposals before the 25th of January, as immediately after that, it is intended to set about cutting and drawing the timber. As the roughness of the country makes it necessary to collect the timber while the snow is on the ground, the person that applies ought to be strong handed. For further particulars apply to William Hawxhurst in New-York.
N. B. Good encouragement will be given to those who understand making steel from Pig metal, in the German method, as the above Forge is designed to be employed in that business.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, December 28, 1775.
North Carolina Forge.—Any persons that are well acquainted with the method of casting cannon, mortars, shells and shot, and also the common sorts of hollow ware, such as pots, kettles, &c. and are willing to go to North-Carolina, may have extraordinary encouragement, by applying to the Delegates of that state, in Philadelphia. The Expences of their removal will be defrayed by that state, and it is not doubted but such persons as may undertake to go will find it very easy to procure good land for themselves and families, as there are many thousand acres of vacant land convenient to the works.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 28, 1776.
Samuel Ogden's Iron Works.—Samuel Ogden, Manufactures in the best manner, at his works in Booneton; bar iron for rudders, grist-mills; share moulds, large and small, square and flat iron of all sizes; and also cart, and waggon and chair tire: Which he will deliver at New York on the most reasonable terms, drawn agreeable to any given directions, immediately after application made there fore, to him at said works, or to Mr. Nicholas Hoffman merchant, in New-York.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, December 21, 1772.
Principio Iron Works.—Run away the 15th of this instant August, 1728, from Stephen Onion, & Company, of Principio Iron-Works in Cæcil County in the Province of Maryland, two Servant Men....—The New-York Gazette, August 19-26, 1728.
Ringwood Iron Works.—Wanted, at Ringwood Iron-Works, in the Jersies, Sober Men, that understand driving a Horse Team, any such, of good character, will meet with Employment, in that way, by applying as above.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 12, 1768.
Salisbury Furnace.—To be Sold, At Salisbury Furnace, in Connecticut, For Cash, or Produce in Hand: A Pair of Hessian, or Wooden Furnace Bellows,...N.B. The Furnace at Salisbury, is now re-building, and will require larger Bellows than the above, which is the sole Reason of their being offered to Sale.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, July 2, 1770.
Salisbury Furnace.—To be Sold, and possession given in February next, or sooner, if required. The Furnace Situated in the town of Salisbury, and province of Connecticut in New-England, having been lately rebuilt on the most approved plan,...Also to be Sold a Compleat double Forge With four fires and two hammers (now at work) together with all necessary utensils; situated in Colebrook, in Connecticut, near the road from Hartford to the furnace; built in 1771...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, November 29, 1773.
Steel.—American Steel, Manufactured by John Zane, at Trentown, esteem'd quite equal, if not better in quality than what is imported from England, may be had of Browne and Rickman, at their Store in the house of Peter Clopper, facing the Fly-Market, on reasonable terms, in half faggots, or blister'd, by Ct. wt.
N.B. If on tryal any bar proves faulty, it will be received back, and the money return'd. They have an assortment of Dry Goods as usual.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 8, 1772.
Sterling Iron Works.—Good Encouragement given by Hawxhurst and Noble, at Sterling Iron Works, for Wood-cutters, Colliers, Refiners of Pig and Drawers of Bar Iron. Also a Person well recommended for driving a four Horse Stage, between the said Works and the Landing. N.B. Pig and Bar Iron, and sundry English Goods to be Sold by William Hawxhurst in New-York.—The New-York Mercury, October 29, 1759.
Sterling Iron Works.—Whereas the Copartnership, between Hawxhurst and Noble, in the Sterling Iron Works, expired on the 19th Day of October last; all Persons who have any Demands on the said Copartnership, are desired to bring in their Accounts to said Hawxhurst, at New-York, to receive Satisfaction. The Works are still carried on by said Hawxhurst, and the best Encouragement given for a Founder, Smith, Anchor Smiths, Miners, Carpenters, Colliers, Wood Cutters, Carters, and common Labourers: They will be paid ready Cash for their Labour, and be supplied with Provisions there upon the best Terms....—The New-York Mercury, September 28, 1761.
Sterling Iron Works.—W. Hawxhurst, Still carries on the Sterling iron works, and gives the best encouragement for founders, miners, mine burners, pounders, and furnace fillers, bank's-men, and stock takers, finers of pigg, and drawers of bar; smiths, and anchor smiths, carpenters, colliers, woodcutters, and common labourers; They will be paid ready cash for their labour, and will be supplied with provisions there, upon the best terms....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, Supplement for November 3, 1763, dated November 3, 1763.
The Sterling Anchory Which was burnt down in May, 1767, is rebuilt and carried on by Noble and Townsend; all Gentlemen, Merchants, and others, that will be kind enough to apply to William Hawxhurst, in New-York, may be supplied with Anchors warranted for a Year, made out of refin'd Iron wrought from the Sterling Pigs....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 17, 1769.
Tanton Forge.—A New Forge or Bloomery, called Tanton, is now finished on a Stream never failing nor subject to Back-Water or hasty Freshes, about sixteen Miles from Burlington, and the same Distance from Philadelphia, in a Country remarkably healthy, and has a good Stock of Coal housed.
Good sober Workmen are wanted to carry her on, and extraordinary Encouragement will be given to One who will have a more general Oversight, and shall come well recommended, with or without a Family.
Good Masters Colliers to Coal by the Load, bringing Recommendations with them, will be encouraged at Tanton and Atsion Forges, which are near to each other, and where the Business of Coaling has every Convenience possible. Wood Cutters are also wanted. For further Particulars, enquire of Charles Read, Esq; at Burlington.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, December 25, 1766.
Union Iron Works.—To be sold, two tracts of land, one of 750 acres, part in the county of Hunterdon, and part in the county of Morris, divided by a run called Spruce-Run (which run turns the Union-Iron-Works) is about 8 miles from said works, about the same distance from Johnson's furnace, and about 12 miles from Robinson's works....—The New-York Mercury, August 22, 1757.
Vesuvius Furnace, at Newark, in New-Jersey; A Single Man, well recommended, who understand moulding and casting of Iron Hollow Ware, in all its branches, may hear of good Encouragement, by applying to Mr. James Abeel, Merchant, in New-York, or to Moses Ogden, at said Furnace.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, March 28, 1768.
Vesuvius Furnace.—To Be Sold, By James Abeel, Near the Albany-Pier; Hollow-Ware of all kinds, made at Vesuvius Furnace, at New-Jersey, and allowed by the best Judges to be far preferable to any made in America. Likewise Old West-India and N. York Rum, and best Muscovado Sugar by the Hogshead.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 4, 1768.
Vesuvius Furnace.—Wanted immediately, At Vesuvius Air-Furnace, at Newark, East New-Jersey, two Persons who understand molding or Hollow Ware in Sand; such will meet with good Encouragement, by applying to Edward Laight and James Abeel, in New-York, or to Moses Ogden, at the said Furnace.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, March 12, 1770.
Vesuvius Furnace.—At Laight & Ogden's Air-Furnace, Are Made Iron Castings of every Kind, equal in Quality to any imported from Europe. They now have for Sale at the Store of Edward and Wm. Laight, Pot-Ash kettles, coolers, cauldrons of forty gallons; iron pots and kettles from 28 to 1 gallon, lighter than Holland or English: iron stoves of various sizes; plates for chimney backs and jambs; iron sash weights, by the use of which instead of lead, every purchaser saves two-pence per lb. ox-cart and waggon boxes; iron tea kettles and pye pans; griddles, swivel guns, &c. &c.
Any, or every part of the above enumerated articles are made at the shortest notice, agreeable to any pattern or dimensions, to be left at Mr. Moses Ogden's, at the furnace in Newark, or at the aforesaid store of Edw. and Wm. Laight, near Burling's-Slip, New-York, where may be had as usual on the lowest terms a universal Assortment of Ironmongery and Cutlery, Also Indigo, Oil & Blubber,&c.—Rivington's New-York Gazette, November 18, 1773.
Ironmongery.—Choice Bohea Tea, also Sheathing Duck Nails, and Spikes, and all Sorts of best London Nails, Long Scythes, Sicles, Dutch Scythes, Spades, Shod, Shovels, Iron Hoops, best London Steel long and short Handle Frying Pans, Anvils, and Vices, also Anchors and small Swivell Guns. And several other sorts of Iron Ware to be Sold by Jacob Franks.—The New-York Weekly Journal, April 23, 1739.
Brass Knockers.—Whereas some low-liv'd People have, on Saturday the 3d Instant, at Night, broken off and stolen the Brass Knockers of several Doors of Gentlemen's Houses, in this City: which vile and infamous Practice hath, for some Years past, been frequently repeated, not only to the Loss of the particular Persons suffering by such mean Practices, but also to the frequent Disturbance and Alarm of the Neighbourhood, wherein the said Villany has from time to time been perpetrated. This is therefore to give Notice, That if any Person or Persons shall discover the said Criminal or Criminals, to the Printer hereof, within Ten Days after this Date, and support his or their Accusation or Information, by Proof sufficient to convict the said Criminal or Criminals, in a Court of Justice; he or they so discovering shall be intituled to the Sum of Sixty Pounds, current Money of this Province, from the Persons whose Names are herewith given to the said Printer, subscribed to a Paper, whereby they bind themselves to pay the said Reward to such Informer or Informers; which Paper the said Printer will be ready to show the Person or persons so informing as aforesaid.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, March 12, 1750.
Bell.—To be Sold by John Dyer of the City of New-York, a very good Bell, of a very good Size and Sound, fit for any Country Church or Court-house, &c. being about 120 lb. Weight, and will be sold very Reasonable. Any Person inclined to purchase the said Bell may apply to the above said John Dyer, and agree on reasonable Terms, or to the Printer hereof.—The New-York Gazette, May 14-21, 1733.
Copper.—A very good Copper that hold 120 Gallons, being very strong and fit for any Use, to be Sold by John Dyer of the City, very Reasonable.—The New-York Gazette, September 10-17, 1733.
Metal Ware.—Lately imported, and to be sold very cheap, by Lodowick Bamper, at his House, in Beekman Street: A choice Assortment of Copper Tea Kettles, and Pye-Pans, Brass Candlesticks and Chafing-Dishes....The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, May 27, 1751.
Chimney Back.—Lately Stole out of a House rebuilding in Bever-Street a small Iron Chimney-back, with the Figures of a Parrot in a Ring on it: Also a pretty large Iron Hearth-Plate, plain: If any Person can give Intelligence of them, so that the Thief may have Justice done him, or the Plate got again, they shall have twenty shillings Reward, paid by the Printer hereof.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, July 1, 1751.
Ash Pails.—A Parcel of choice Iron Ash-Pails, proper for taking up hot Ashes from Hearths, to let them cool in; and are very useful as a Preservative against Fire; to be sold by Gerardus Beekman, opposite to the Fly Market.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, January 27, 1752.
Iron Ware.—Just imported, and to be sold very cheap for Ready Money, By Rip Van Dam, at his Store near the New-Dutch Church; A very good Assortment of Iron Ware, viz. Skillets, from one Pint to six Quarts, small French Lancaster Kettles, Iron Pots and Kettles by the Ton, Iron and Lead Weights from 1 Quarter to 56 lb. Iron Chimney Backs, Sash Weights, Cellar Window Bars, large and small Morters, Cart and Waggon Wheel Boxes, Iron Cyder Mills, and a Parcel of Iron Boilers of 50 Gallons to be set in Brick; also an Assortment of Cutlery, Snuff Boxes, Chalk Corks by the Gross, and single-refin'd Loaf Sugar, &c.—The New-York Mercury, August 31, 1752.
Tools.—Just imported in the last Vessels from England, and to be sold cheap by Joseph Hallet,...Long, midling, and short scythes, ivory, buck and horn handle knives and forks, cutteau, jack and pruning knives; large midling and small sicles; mill cross cut and hand saws, ship carpenter's axes, adzes and mauls, blacksmith's vizes, sledges and hammers, screw plates of several sizes, long and short handle frying pans, locks and hinges of all sorts, dripping pans, pie pans and tea-kettles, very neat branched and brass candlesticks, a large assortment of files and rasps, house carpenter's broad axes, adzes and chisels, brass kettles bail'd and unbail'd, a good assortment of pewter, watches, glasses, keys, springs, seals and chains.
N.B. Said Hallet sells refin'd and common iron pots, cart, waggon and chair boxes.—The New-York Mercury, June 8, 1761.
Bar Iron.—To Be Sold, by Ludlow and Hoffman, in Bayard-Street, Refin'd Bar-Iron, Wholesale and Retail, stamped with the Letters D O noted for its being of the best Quality, and well drawn; where all Smiths and others, that have Occasion for particular Drafts of Iron, may apply, and depend on having them drawn in the best and most expeditious Manner, and most reasonable Terms. Good Beef, Pork, and a Parcel of oats, with an Assortment of Dry Goods.—The New-York Gazette, April 4, 1763.
Hardware.—Peter Goelet, At the Sign of the Golden-Key, in Hanover-Square, sells Wholesale and Retail, the following Articles (Part of which is just imported per the William and Mary, from Bristol). All sorts of Ship and House-Carpenters Tools, Goldsmiths, Gunsmiths, Blacksmiths, Shoemakers, and Turners ditto, Brass & Iron Door Locks, Padlocks; Chest, Cupboard, Draw, Desks, Book-case, and Stock ditto: Hinges of all Sorts and Sizes; Brass Furniture for Desks and other Cabinet Work: a Variety of Cloak Pins; Glass Supports, all Sorts of Nails, Tacks and Brads, Pocket Pistols, neat Fowling Pieces, Gun-barrels and Locks, Chimney Hooks, Tongs and Shovels, Andirons, Garden Shears, Chafing-dishes, Scythes, and Sickles, Brass Cocks, Tea-Kettles, Crusibles and blue Melting Pots, Steel Plate Mill-Saws, Cross-cut Whip, and Frame ditto, Trace-Chain, Brass and Iron Knockers,...—The New-York Gazette, May 16, 1763.
Hardware.—Peter T. Curtenius, At the Sign of the Golden-Anvil and Hammer, opposite the Oswego-Market, has just imported for Sale in the Grace from Bristol, and in the other Vessels from Europe, Nails of all sizes, manufactured by the best makers in England; neat brass headed shovels and tongs, chamber and kitchen bellows, with all kinds of household furniture in the ironmongery way, locks and hinges of all sorts, together with all the necessaries for building; carpenters, joiners blacksmiths, and shoemakers tools of all sorts, besides a great variety of other articles, the whole making out a compleat assortment of ironmongery, cutlery, and brazery ware.—The New-York Mercury, November 7, 1763.
Iron Ware.—It is computed the demands from New England for iron ware have this year sunk upwards of ten thousand pounds; as the people of that province now fabricate the more common articles among themselves.—News item from London, October 19, 1764, in The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, January 3, 1765 (Supplement).
Metal Ware.—Henry Brevoort, At the sign of the Frying-Pan, in Queen's-street...Will sell on the lowest terms, wholesale and retail; A Neat and general assortment of ironmongery viz. iron pots kettles skillets, dogs, and cart boxes, brass kettles, Dutch and English tea kettles, copper, brass, and iron chafing dishes, chamber and common bellows, brass and iron candlesticks, brass and steel snuffers and stands, Dutch and English chimney backs, sheet iron, hearth tiles,...—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, December 10, 1767.
An Iron Chest, As good and safe, as almost any in the Province, with two Keys; to be sold cheap, the Owner having little Occasion for the same at present: It is three Feet long, 19 Inches deep, and 18 in Breadth. For further Information apply to H. Gaine.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 10, 1768 (Supplement).
Ironmongery.—John Morton, At his Store in Queen-Street, near the Fly-Market, Has for Sale, Forge Hammers of a superior quality, car and waggon boxes cast in flasks, backs for chimnies, cast iron dogs and stoves of different kinds; where forge-masters and ironmongers may be supplied with any quantity of those articles (warranted) on the most reasonable terms....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 15, 1770.
Mill Work.—To Be Sold, a Variety of Mill-Work, such as Cog Wheels, large and small, with and without Axle-trees; a different Assortment of Running-Gears for ditto, completely finished, with Iron Works, as Gudgeons, Bolts with Screws, Boxes and Hoops, &c. &c. may be made answerable for any kind of Mill Work, will be sold very reasonable: Inquire of the Printers.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, February 1, 1773.
Ironmongery and Cutlery.—Nicholas Carmer, Has for sale at his store at the sign of the cross hand-saws, at the lower end of Maiden-lane and near the Fly-market; A Large and compleat assortment of iron-mongery and cutlery ware, which he will sell both wholesale and retail, on the most reasonable terms, viz. Mill, cross-cut, hand tenant and sash-saws; carpenters tools of all sorts, shoemakers do. blacksmith do. spades and shovels, tongs and shovels, and files of all sorts, locks and hinges of all sorts, brick and plaistering trowels, frying pans and grid-irons, copper and iron tea-kettles, chafing-dishes both square and round, brass cocks of all sorts, best White-chapel darning and common needles, large and small scale beams and steel-yards, paper and brass ink-stands, brass and iron candlesticks of all sorts, with very large single and double branch sconces, iron, gilt and brass knockers, best ivory, buck and common handle knives and forks, best pen knives and carving do. common and best temple spectacles, fine do. with spare glasses, brass and iron wire, best holland quills,...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 21, 1774.
Andirons.—Jacob Wilkins, At the sign of the Gold Andiron and Candlestick,...Has for Sale, A Large quantity of brass and iron andirons, of the newest patterns, and of different sorts of sizes, and a few dozen of tongs and shovels, and fenders to suit the andirons. Also plated shoe, knee, and stock buckles, and very neat japanned waiters. The subscriber makes mill brasses, and pump chambers; also branding irons, and sundry sorts of brass work,&c....—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, August 11, 1774.
Iron Untensils.—..Said [George] Ball has likewise imported a large assortment of the useful and wholesome iron utensils, so much recommended by physicians for their safety, and so generally and justly prefered to copper, by all the house keepers in England, for two of the best reasons in the world, viz. That they are entirely free from that dangerous, poisonous property, from whence so many fatal accidents have been known to arise amongst those who use copper vessels, and because they never want tinning as copper vessels do.
Tea kettles from three quarts to six, Four gallon pots with covers, to five quarts, Pie pans, two gallon oval pots, Stew pans and covers, of several different sizes, Fish kettles of six different sizes, with strainers, Sauce pans, from six quarts to one pint. For cabin use on board of shipping, they are far preferable to copper, as no danger (however careless the cook, or long the voyage) can possibly happen from using them, as too often has through those causes, from the use of copper. They are all wrought according to the most approved patterns now used in London, and will be sold very low.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, August 3, 1775.
Candlesticks.—Fifes and Sword knots to be had at the Printers's: Also Handsome Brass Candlesticks at 22s. 18s. 6d and 16s. a pair.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, September 28, 1775.
Refined Bar Iron, Directly from the Works, Sold by Robert Erskine, Near Whitehall Ferry Stairs, New-York. N.B. Orders, for Iron drawn to any Size, from three Quarters to three Inches square, and from one and an Half to five Inches flat, executed with Punctuality and Dispatch. Mill Irons, Rudder Irons, &c. drawn to Patterns.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 26, 1776.
Charles Bromfield.—Liverpool, 1770. Charles Bromfield, Begs leave to acquaint his Friends and the Public, That he is establish'd in the Marble Trade, on a very extensive Plan, having a Large and curious Assortment of all the different Kind that is produced in Italy, and the valuable Sorts of other Countries: Any Gentlemen who are pleased to apply to him, at his Yard in Williamson's Square, for any kind of manufactured Goods, may depend on having their Orders executed with the greatest Punctuality, in the neatest and cheapest Manner, having ready made a Variety of Chimney Pieces, Statues, Busts, Urns, Vases, Tables, Water Closet Cisterns, Mortars, &c. &c. He makes Monuments, Fonts and Tombs.
N.B. He also will supply the Inland Manufacturers with Marble in the Block, on as good Terms as from any other Part of this Kingdom.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 5, 1770.
Thomas Brown, and Com. from London, Beg leave to inform the Publick, that they have open'd a Marble Quarry, in this Government, little inferior to the Italian, out of which will be made Chimney Pieces, Marble Tables, Monuments, Tombs, Head Stones for Graves, &c. in the compleatest Manner, and on the most reasonable Terms: As we shall make it our constant Endeavour to oblige all such as shall favour us with their Custom, we flatter ourselves no one will be backward to incourage a Business, which in Time may prove a Benefit to this Country. Likewise the useful and necessary Arts of Drawing, and Architecture will be taught, in the most methodical Manner, in Water-Street, on the upper Side of Peck-Slip.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, August 30, 1764.
Thomas Brown.—Italian, English, and Irish Marble for Chimney Pieces, &c. &c. To be sold as cheap as can be imported, By Thomas Brown, Marble Cutter, in Chapel-Street. Also Grave Stones and Jersey Stone Chimney Pieces, executed in the neatest Manner.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 26, 1773.
Anthony Dodane.—To the Public, That Anthony Dodane, Marble Cutter, has Chimney Pieces both of Marble and Red Stone, that will serve for Jams and Hearth Pieces of all Kind. He also furnishes Slabs, and mends those that are broken, (provided they are not in too many Pieces) at a reasonable Price. He may be spoke with at his Shop, behind the Old English Church, on the Dock. Those who please to favour him with their Commands, shall have them punctually observed, by their humble Servant, Anthony Dodane.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 4, 1768.
Anthony Dodane.—...Begs Leave to inform the Public, that he makes all Sorts of Chimney-Pieces in the most Elegant Manner, both of White and Vein'd, (Italian and American) Marble and Red Stone, he also cut Tomb and Head-stones....—The New-York Chronicle, September 14-21, 1769.
Anthony Engelbert.—Ran away the 30th of last Month, from Anthony Engelbert, of this city, Stone-Cutter, a High-Dutch Servant Man,...—The New-York Gazette, June 4-13, 1739.
William Grant, from Boston, makes all sorts of Tomb-Stones, Head Stones, and other Kind of Stone, Cutter's Work; He may be spoken with at the House of Mr. John Welsh, Sexton of Trinity Church, in New-York.—The New-York Weekly Journal, October 6, 1740.
William Grant and Samuel Hunterdon.—This is to give Notice to all Persons Whatsoever, That William Grant Stone-cutter, and Samuel Hunterdon, Quarrier of Newark lately arrived from England, carves and cuts all Manner of Stones in the neatest and most curious Fashions ever done in America. The said Grant is to be spoke with at Mr. Welsh's Sexton to Trinity Church, in New-York.—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, September 30, 1745.
Robert Hartley, Stone-cutter from Kingston upon Hull, at Hunter's-Quay, near the merchant's coffee-house, New-York; Acquaints the pubic that he executes stone work in general; and in the neatest and best manner, finishes all sorts of marble monuments, tombs, grave stones, head-stones, &c. makes and finishes in the newest and most genteel fashion, marble chimney pieces, and Bath stove grates. Also has brought with him for sale, a good assortment of Bath stoves of the newest patterns, marble slabs, marble for chimney pieces, near marble mortars, and stone slabs for hearths and chimney pieces. Also sells and fixes new invented perpetual ovens, which are constructed upon such a plan as has not yet been known in this city, having a contrivance for heating smoothing irons, without any obstruction to the ovens baking.
Any gentlemen who will favour him their orders, may depend upon the greatest dispatch in business, and of being served upon the most moderate terms.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 30, 1771.
George Hass, Stone Cutter, and Mason, Lately arrived in this City, Begs Leave to inform the Publick, that he has learn'd both the said Branches of Business in the best Manner; therefore, if any Gentlemen would please to favour him with Employment, in either of said Branches, they may depend on his rendering them entire Satisfaction. Inquire for him of Mr. Lodowick Bamper, near the New English Church,...—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, January 19, 1764.
Lindsay And Sharp, At the foot of Ellis's-Slip, takes this Method of informing the Public, that they carry on the Business of Stone-Cutting in its different Branches; they also undertake building of Stone-Cisterns, and will demand no pay unless they hold tight. Gentlemen favouring them with their Work, may firmly depend on having it done in such a Manner as will give them the utmost Satisfaction, and upon the most reasonable Terms.—The New-York Mercury, August 18, 1766.
John Norris.—On Tuesday last John Norris, a Stone-Cutter of this City and his Partner were, in eminent Danger of being smother'd under Ground; for as they were at Work in a Shaft to lay a Drain, about 15 foot below Surface of the Earth one of the Stanchions which Supported the Earth, on the Sides gave Way,...—News item in The New-York Weekly Journal, November 21, 1737.
Uzal Ward.—Newark Quarry Stone. Whereas many persons in New-York, who have had occasion for Newark quarry stone, have met with difficulty and disappointment in being supplied, not knowing where or to whom properly to apply. The public have therefore this notice, that I the subscriber, who have in my hands all the quarries lately belonging to Samuel Medlis, deceased, and keep a number of workmen constantly employed therein, will endeavour speedily and punctually to supply all demands for such stone; and that, for the greater conveniency of such persons who may want to be supplied, there are two boats constantly plying between New-York and Newark,...Uzal Ward.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 8, 1771.
James Wilson.—Run away on Wednesday last, the 24th Inst. from James Wilson, of this City, Stone-cutter, a Servant Boy....The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post Boy, April 29. 1754.
Hugh Gaine—Ready Money for Clean Linen Rags, May be had from H. Gaine. And for the further Encouragement of such poor Persons as are willing to employ themselves in procuring Rags, the following Premiums will be given.
To the Person that delivers the greatest Quantity of good clean dry Linen Rags to H. Gaine, in the Year 1765, not less than 1000 lb. Ten Dollars, besides being paid the full Value of the Rags.
To the Person that delivers the second greatest Quantity of good clean dry Linen Rags, of the same kind, not less than 800 lb. in the Year 1765 Eight Dollars.
To the Person that delivers the third great Quantity of Rags, of the same Kind likewise, in the Year 1765, Five Dollars.
A Book will be kept to enter the Names of all such Persons, as bring Rags and the Quantity the deliver; and the Premiums will be paid in the first Day of the Year 1766, by H. Gaine.—The New-York Mercury, December 17, 1764.
Hugh Gaine.—The printer of this paper, in conjunction with two of his friends, having lately erected a Paper-Mill at Hempstead Harbour, on Long-Island, at a very great expence, the existence of which entirely depends on a supply of Rags, which at present are very much wanted; He therefore most humbly intreats the assistance of the good people of this province, and city in particular, to assist him in this undertaking, which, if attended with success, will be a saving of some hundreds per annum to the colony, which has been constantly sent out of it for Paper of all sorts, the manufacturing of which has but very lately originated here; but should the publick countenance the same it is more than probable that branch will be brought to considerable perfection in this place. The highest price will therefore be given for sorts of Linen Rags, by the Public's Humble Servant, Hugh Gaine.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 11, 1773.
Hugh Gaine.—Linen Rags. The salutary Effects resulting from the Paper Manufactory lately erected in this Province, is very sensibly felt by the Inhabitants thereof, who consume many Thousand Reams of Paper annually, that for 40 years past were imported from a neighbouring Colony, to the very great Detriment of this, as the Cash transmitted from hence on that Account never returned again, the Ballance of Trade being so very great against us. And as no Manufactory can be carried on to any Purpose without a Sufficiency of rough Materials to work on, and as Rags is the Principal used in the Paper Branch, it may be necessary to inform the Publick, that the Paper-Mill at Hempstead-Harbour, on Long-Island, is now in great Want of a Quantity of that Commodity,...Hugh Gaine. N.B. Three Pence Per Pound will be given for the Best Rags, and in Proportion for those of an Inferior Sort.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 23, 1775.
John Keating.—Ready Money for clean Rags, May be had of John Keating, between Burling's-Slip and the Fly-Market, in Queen-Street. All those that really have the welfare of their country at Heart, are desired to consider seriously, the Importance of a Paper Manufactory in this Government, and how much Good they may do it by so small a Matter, as saving only the Linen Rags, especially the fine ones, that would be otherwise useless. This saving is recommended not so much for the Value of the Money that any one may immediately receive for the Rags, which can be a trifle at first, as for the Benefit the Public will receive, if the Manufactory is properly encouraged, so as to supply us without importing paper from Abroad....—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, February 18, 1768.
John Keating.—The New-York Paper Manufactory. John Keating, Takes this Method to inform the Public, that he manufacturers, and has for sale, Sheathing, packing, and several Sorts of printing Paper. Clean Linen Rags, are taken in (for which ready Money will be given) by said Keating, at his Store, between the Fly and Burling's-slip; and by Alexander and James Robertson, at their Printing-Office. A very curious Address to the Patriotic Ladies of New-York, upon the utility of preserving old Linen Rags, will make its appearance in the next Chronicle.—The New-York Chronicle, August 17-24, 1769.
John Keating.—Sixty Pounds per Year, with Meat, Drink, Washing and Lodging, will be given by John Keating, to a Man who understands the Paper-making Business well, in all its Branches, and good Encouragement for Journeymen Paper-makers; likewise ready Money for good clean Linen Rags.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 7, 1771.
John Keating, at his Paper Manufactories, At and near New-York, makes All sorts of Paper and paste board; viz.
- Paper
- Brown, whited brown
- Blue, and grey
- Purple sugar loaf,
- Cartridge and press
- Waste or wrapping, different sizes.
Printing and writing paper of various sorts and sizes Paste board of all qualities and sizes. Which are to sold at the lowest prices, at his store in Queen-street, near Burling's slip, where he gives the best prices for Linen Rags, according to their quality and fineness....—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, May 21, 1772.
John Keating.—The First Paper Manufactory Established in this City of New-York, by John Keating, is now removed to Peck's-Kill, and is in great want of a large quantity of fine and coarse Linen Rags,...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 11, 1774.
Samuel Loudon.—Parchment Manufactured in the Country, Sold by Samuel Loudon. As Latin and Greek School Books are much wanted, and as it is probable there are many families in this city, who have some of them useless, they would do the Public a benefit by sending them to Samuel Loudon, who will give ready Cash or new Books for them. Greek Lexicons, Greek Grammars, Virgils, and Cicero's Orations are most wanted.—The New-York Packet and the American Advertiser, May 16, 1776.
Samuel Loudon.—Three Pence per Pound Given by Samuel Loudon, for the best sort of clean, white linen Rags, and so in proportion for that of an inferior sort.—The New-York Packet and American Advertiser, May 9, 1776.
Paper Mill.—This is to give Notice, that there is come to the Place, last Month from England, a Person that knows the Preparation and making of all sorts of Paper, and it appearing to him that that Branch of Business will answer to good Profit in this Place; any Gentleman that has a good and constant Stream of fresh Water, and will erect a Paper-Mill thereon; that the Proposer will go half with him; the Gentleman to receive all the Profits, only subsistence Money, 'til the Proposer's Half of the Building shall be discharged, also an Allowance for the Water. He may be heard of at Mr. Anneyley's, Gun-Smith, in New-York.—The New-York Mercury, March 7, 1760.
Paper Hanging Manufactory.—A new Manufactory for Paper Hangings is set up at New-York, which is an article in great demand from the Spanish West Indies.—News item from London, April 10, The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 6, 1765. (Supplement).
A Paper Mill, To be Sold:...It is situated at Spotswood, in New-Jersey, about 10 miles from Amboy ferry, in very good order, 50 feet in length, and 30 in width....Whoever may be inclin'd to purchase said mill, are inform'd that the proprietor Frederick Roemer, will engage to instruct one or two persons in the business. For farther particulars, apply in New-York to John Klein, baker, or on the premises, to Frederick Roemer.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 18, 1772.
John Scully, Next Door to Alderman Roosevelt, at the Fresh-Water Manufactures all kind of Paper Hangings, of the newest Patterns, (to which Business he served a regular Apprenticeship,) and hangs the same in the neatest Manner with Borderings suitable to the Paper, which he also Manufactures himself.
N.B. The said Scully, hangs English Paper at Eighteen Pence per Piece, and will wait on any Gentleman, Lady or other, who may be pleased to favour him with their Commands, on the shortest Notice.—The New-York Gazette, November 23-30, 1767.
William Shafer.—Ready Money for all Sorts of clean Linen Rags, paid by William Shafer, Paper-maker, living at the Fresh-Water Pump, who likewise has for sale All Sorts of Paper, and will dispose of it cheaper than any imported from Europe. A Person that understands the Paper-making Business, and brings a good Recommendation, may have employ, by William Shafer, Paper-Maker.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, November 21, 1771.
Simson's.—Manufactured, and to be Sold at Simson's in Stone-Street, New-York, by Wholesale, cheap for Cash, Wrapping Paper, fit for Shopkeepers, Tobacconists, Chocolate-Makers, Tallow-chandlers, Hatters, &c. Blue Paper for Sugar-Bakers, Printers Paper &c. Where Orders for every Kind of Common Paper, Pasteboard, &c. may be comply'd with on proper Encouragement. Rags are taken in and paid for, by Frederick Ramer, at the Mill, in Spotswood, and by Michael Housewort, next Door to Weyman's Printing Office.—The New-York Gazette, September 24, 1764.
Robert Wood.—Parchment, which by those who have tried it, is esteemed superior to most imported from England, Made and sold at reasonable rates, by Robert Wood, in Fifth Street, a little below Walnut Street, in Philadelphia.
Sold also by Joseph Crukshank, Printer, in Market Street, between Second & Third Streets, and by Isaac Collins, Printer, in in Burlington, Hugh Gaine and John Holt, Printers, in New York, and by Joseph Dunkley, Painter and Glazier, opposite the Methodist Meeting House.
The Demand for this Parchment being much increased of late, has encouraged said Wood to extend his Works so that he now expects to be able to supply his Customers in a manner more satisfactory than heretofore, without Fear of a Disappointment.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, November 17, 1774.
John Anderson, Takes this Method to inform the Public in general, and his Friends in Particular, that he has removed his Printing-Office from Battoe-Street, to the lower Corner of Beekman's Slip, where he continues carrying on the Printing Business in all its Branches, with Neatness, Accuracy, and Dispatch, at the very lowest Prices; and hopes for a Continuance of the Favours of his former Friends and Customers, whose Kindness he will endeavour to merit, by his Assiduity to serve them with Punctuality and exactness.
Advertisements, Hand Bills, &c. (of a moderate Length) are printed at an Hour's Notice. Also, may be had at said Office, Bibles, Testaments, Spelling-Books and Primers, Blank Bonds, Powers of Attorney, Bills of Sale, Bills of Lading, Penal Bills, and all other kinds of Blanks used in this Province.
Said Anderson has likewise for Sale, Spiritous Liquors, Dry Goods, and Earthen Ware, with many other Articles as usual.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, October 12, 1772.
John Anderson & Samuel Parker.—To the respectable Publick, Samuel F. Parker, and John Anderson, Of this City, Printers, Have entered into Partnership together, for the carrying on that Business in all its Branches; and propose in August next, to publish the New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, which was published for many Years by said Parker's Father, and esteemed to be a Paper of as good Credit and Utility as any extant since the first Commencement thereof;...Printing in all its Branches will be carefully executed and further Particulars thereof published in due Time.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, April 8, 1773.
William Bradford.—Last Saturday Evening departed this Life, Mr. William Bradford, Printer, of this City, in the 94th Year of his Age: As the Printer of this Paper liv'd upwards of eight Years Apprentice to him, he may be presumed to know something of him: He came into America upwards of 70 Years ago, and landed at the Place where Philadelphia now stands, before that City was laid out, or a House built there: He was Printer to this Government upwards of 50 Years; and was a Man of great Sobriety and Industry;...—News item in The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, May 25, 1752.
Samuel Loudon's Circulating Library Will be opened the first day of January 1774; subscriptions for reading, are taken in at his house, at 20 shillings per annum, half to be paid at subscribing. Occasional readers to pay by the week, or volume; the prices for which, with rules for reading, will be particularly affixed to the catalogue, which is now printing, and will be ready to deliver to the subscribers, and other readers, next month.
The design is set on foot at the desire of several very respectable inhabitants, and shall be conducted with all possible fidelity and diligence, in providing books, both instructive and entertaining, and written by authors of the most established reputation. It is hoped that all who approve of the undertaking, will do their utmost to encourage it, and without delay, as every body may see that it's existence and perfection, depends on the encouragement it meets with, by enabling the undertakers to provide, and keep in order, a sufficient number of valuable books.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, December 30, 1773.
James Rivington.—Last Thursday was hung up by some of the lower class of inhabitants, at New-Brunswick, an effigy, representing the person of Mr. Rivington, the printer at New-York, merely for acting consistent with his profession as a free printer.—News item in Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, April 20, 1775.
James Rivington.—Thursday Morning about 12 o'Clock, a Party of Light Horse from Connecticut, amounting to about 100, entered this City, and in the utmost regularity proceeded to the House of Mr. James Rivington, Printer, and after surrounding the same, with bayonets fixed, a number alighted and placed three centinels at each door; when a few of the party entered the house, and demanded his types, which were accordingly surrendered, and put up in bags, then they destroyed the whole apparatus of the press. The business being thus finished without the least noise or opposition, the surrounding spectators consisting of about fifteen hundred inhabitants signified their approbation by three huzzas, and immediately the party went out of town with their booty, without offering the least insult to any of the inhabitants.—News item in The Constitutional Gazette, November 25, 1775.
John Peter Zenger.—The Printer [John Peter Zenger] now having got his Liberty again, designs God Willing to Finish and Publish the Charter of the City of New-York, Next Week.—The New-York Weekly Journal, August 11, 1735.
John Peter Zenger.—There is now in Press, and will be Published with all imaginable Speed, A brief Narative of the Case and Tryal of John Peter Zenger, Printer of the New-York Weekly Journal. Containing a brief Account of the Proceedings against him, and of this Tryal, for Printing his Journals, No 13 & 23 both before and during his 9 Months Imprisonment on that Pretence.—The New-York Weekly Journal, September 23, 1735.
John Peter Zenger.—There is now Published Remarks upon Mr. Hamilton's Arguments in the Tryal of J. P. Zenger, for Lybelling against the Government. To be Sold by the Printer hereof.—The New-York Gazette, October 17-23, 1737.
John Zenger.—Mr. John Zenger, Publisher in this City, being lately deceased, and having no Person qualified to carry on his Business: This is to give Notice, that the Printing Press and Materials lately occupied by him, will be exposed to Sale at publick Vendue, on Tuesday the 30th of this Instant July, at the Dwelling House of the Deceased: The Press is esteemed a good One; and much of the large Letter in good Order.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, July 1, 1751.
Robert Bell.—This Day is published, And now selling by Robert Bell, Printer, and Bookseller, next door to St. Paul's Church Third-Street, Philadelphia. Also in New-York by William Green, Bookseller and Bookbinder. Complete in three volumes, with neat bindings...Political Disquisitions;...By J. Burgh, Gent....—The Constitutional Gazette, November 22, 1775.
Benjamin Franklin.—Whereas on Saturday Night last, the House of Benjamin Franklin, of the City of Philadelphia, Printer was broke open,...—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, November 5, 1750.
Hodge & Shober.—...Printing, in all its different Branches, performed by said Hodge and Shober, in the neatest Manner, with Accuracy, Dispatch, and at the most reasonable Prices. As they are young Beginners, they earnestly request the Favour and Encouragement of the Public, which they will endeavour to merit, by their Assiduity to satisfy and oblige those who are pleased to employ them.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 25, 1773.
Mills, Hicks and Howe, Printers and stationers, Have just opened their Printing-Office and Shop in Queen-street, near the Fly-market, and Have for Sale, Stationary of all Kinds, Particularly a very fine Assortment of Writing Paper, viz. Atlas, Imperial, Royal, Super Royal, Medium, Demy, Thick and thin Post, Foolscap, gilt and plain,...N. B. The above assortment was ordered by the Stationers to the Hon. Board of Commissioners for their own use, previous to their leaving America, and is therefore very suitable for public offices, as well as gentlemen of the navy and army in general, being of the best quality.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Mercury, August 26, 1776.
T. Anderton.—Lately arrived from England...T. Anderton, Book-Binder, Letter Case, and Pocket Book-Maker; Makes and sells wholesale and retail, all sorts of letter cases, desk cases, travelling cases and travelling boxes either with or without shaving equipages; Ladies travelling writing desks, fishing cases, solo cases....
The said T. Anderton, performs book-binding in its full perfection, in all sorts of plain and rich bindings; marbles and gilds the edge of books, gilds and letters libraries, or parcels of books, and rules paper or bill books, day books, journals and leidgers, &c. (as exact to any pattern) but with greater ellegancy that if taken from copper plate, and binds in parchment, or vellum, either with our without Russia bands. Gentlemen and Ladies who please to try his abilities may always depend on being well used on the very lowest terms. New pocket books, made to old instruments.
At the same place may be had, when ready, a curious black writing ink improved from a prescription which the late right hon. Henry Pelham, esp; gave 36 guineas for; what is ramarkable in this ink is, time will not afface nor any spirit destroy it from the face of paper, or parchment, but it always remains a fine jett black: It flows finely from the pen, and never grows thick by the keeping....—The New-York Mercury, December 24, 1764.
Bookbinder.—A Journeyman Book Binder, May hear of Encouragement, according to his abilities, by applying to the Printer hereof.—The Constitutional Gazette, June 22, 1776.
Philip Brooks, Book Binder from Dublin, Carries on that business in all its branches, at his shop in Dock street, between the Coffee house and Old-slip bridge. New or old books lettered, gilt and rebound in the neatest manner; merchants and others supplied with blank books, either ruled or plain, on the shortest notice; pocket books, memorandum books, &c. He will study to give general satisfaction to his customers, and flatters himself the public will favour him with some encouragement....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 25, 1775.
Samuel Brown.—Charles Morse moves to the house...being the second House above Mr. Samuel Brown's, Printer and Book Binder,...—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 20, 1765.
Henry De Foreest.—Books neatly Bound, Gilded and Lettered, Account-Books Rul'd & Bound, in Vellum, Parchment, Calf, or Basil, by Henry De Foreest, enquire for him at the House of John Peter Zenger, or at his House opposite to the Sign of the Black Horse.—The New-York Weekly Journal, May 19, 1735.
Samuel evans, Book-Binder from London; Begs leave to inform the Gentlemen of this City, that he still carries on his Business, at his House, next Door to Mr. Doughty's Taylor, in Beaver-Street, where all Gentlemen and others may depend on having their Work done in the neatest and best Manner, either in Morocco, Calf, or Sheep-Skin, by their very humble Servant, Samuel Evans.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 11, 1761.
George Fisher.—Virginia, Williamsburg, August 2, 1765. Broke goal, last Saturday night a servant man, named George Fisher, by trade a book-binder....—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, September 19, 1765.
William Green.—Just published and to be sold by William Green, Bookbinder,...An Earnest Address to such of the people called Quakers,...—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, March 16, 1775.
John Hinshaw.—The Book of the Chronicles of His Royal Highness, William Duke of Cumberland...likewise to be had at Mr. John Hinshaw's, Book-Binder near the Old-slip Market.—The New-York Weekly Journal, July 28, 1746.
William Hough, Book-binder, at the House of Mr. William Milliner, at the Corner of Beaver-Street; Binds all sorts of Books, either printed or for Merchants and Shop-keepers Use, after the neatest and best Manner now in vogue in London: He likewise rules Musick to the greatest Perfection; and being but a Beginner, hopes to give entire Satisfaction to all Gentlemen and others, either in Town or Country, who shall please to favor him with their Custom.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, October 2, 1752.
Joseph Johnson of the City of New-York Bookbinder, is now set up Book-binding for himself as formerly, and lives in Duke-street (commonly called Bayards-street) near the Old-Slip Market, where all Persons in Town or Country, may have their Books carefully and neatly new Bound with Plain or Gilt, reasonable.—The New-York Gazette, September 23-30, 1734.
John Jones.—Book-Binding, in all its parts, performed by John Jones, in Elizabeth-Town, living near to Mrs. Cheetwood's mill.—The New-York Mercury, September 5, 1757.
George Leedell, Book-Binder, late of London, Begs leave to return his thanks to his friends and customers, and the publick in general, for their past favours, and hopes for the future continuance of them, which he will endeavour to deserve. He has removed to Peck's-slip, next door to Mr. White Matlack's, watch-maker, where he proposes to continue to carry on his business in all its different branches, as neat as can be done in London. Merchants and others, may be supplied at a very short notice, with all kinds of books (such as ledgers, journals, and waste books) as cheap as they can be imported. Where may be also had his much admired Black and Red Ink, and Hudson's Bay quills, so long wanted in this country; spelling books and primers, books marbled on the edges, as in London; and paper gilt and blackt.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 3, 1773.
Robert M'Alpine, Binds, Gilds, and Letters, all Sorts of Books, to Perfection; He may be spoke with at the dwelling House in Hanover Square, next Door to Dr. Nicolls, N.B. He also sells sundry Sorts of Books.—The New-York Weekly Journal, November 30, 1741.
Nutter and Evans, Book-Binders, acquaint their Friends and the Public in general. That they have opened a Shop on Rotton-Row, in the House of Mr. John Jones, where they may have all manner of Book-binding done in the neatest and most elegant taste (either in gilt or plain Covers) and on the shortest notice. Ruling (in whatever Form required) performed to Satisfaction; and all other the business of Book-Bindering done on reasonable Terms, and with great Accuracy. And earnestly sollicits for the Public's Favour, particularly those who are willing to encourage new Beginners, assuring them, that they will make it their unwearied Study to serve them to the utmost of their Abilities, whenever they shall please to favour them with their Commands. They have for Sale, Chapman's Books, Primmers, Almanacks, Paper, Quills, &c. and the best of both Red and Black Inks, made and sold by themselves. Likewise Phials of almost any Size, may be had at the said shop.—The New-York Chronicle, September 28-October 5, 1769.
Valentine Nutter.—Just published, and to sold by Valentine Nutter, Book Binder, opposite the Coffee-House. Josephus's Works, 4 Vols., octavo, neatly bound and lettered, much superior to any that have yet made their appearance, at the moderate price of 36 s. per set. He has likewise for sale, day books, all of his own manufacture. As he continues to carry on the book binding business in all its branches, he hopes for the continuance of his former customers, and the public in general, being determined to do his work as cheap and good as can be done in this city. Old books from the country will be done neatly, and returned immediately....—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, October 19, 1775.
Printer.—Blanck Book for Merchants, such as Day Books, Ledgres or Journal, made and sold by the Printer hereof, and old Books New Bound.—The New-York Gazette, September 24, 1744.
James Watt, Book-binder, Is removed into Broad-Street, next Door to William Alexander's where Book-binding, in general is neatly and expeditiously performed.—The New-York Mercury, May 8, 1758.
James Watt.—Best black and red Ink, made and sold by James Watt, Book-Binder, on Rotten-Row. The Red is made of the Best Brasiletto, Gum-Arabick, &c. and the Black of the best Aleppo Nut Galls, Gum Arabick, &c. estem'd by Experience, much better than any made of the best Ink Powder; Vials to be had from 1s 6 to 6d. Those that find Bottles at 3s. per Quart; and smaller Quantities in Proportion. N.B. The above Watt binds all Manner of old and new Books and sells all sorts of Blanks, Blank Books and other Stationary &c. &c.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, September 12, 1765.
Stewart Wilson, Bookbinder and Bookseller, opposite the Main Guard, in Albany; Has to dispose of, a great Variety of Books, upon every Subject, and more especially those suited to the Taste of America. Said Wilson binds all Kinds of Books in the newest and neatest Manner. Any Gentlemen in the Army or elsewhere, that please to favour him with their Orders for Books or Stationary of any kind, may depend on being punctually served.—The New-York Mercury, October 22, 1759 (Supplement).
Machines for Cleaning Flax Seed.—Machines for cleaning Flax Seed. James Parsons, In Queen Street, next Door to Wm. Walton, Esq, near Peck's Slip, Has to Sell, Brass Wire Machines, for cleaning flax Seed in the best Manner for shipping; likewise Cockie Skreens, very useful for Millers, and all Persons concern'd in Cleaning Grain.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 30, 1763.
Flax.—A Large quantity of good well drest spinning Flax, is wanted for the Factory in New-York: All Persons who have such to dispose of, at reasonable rate, by applying to Obadiah Wells, in Mullbery-Street, near the Fresh Water, may have ready Money for it. N.B. None but, the best sort will have the preference. Also the spinners in New-York, are hereby notified, that due Attendance will be given, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, in the Afternoon, to give out Flax and receive in Yarn; by said Wells, and to prevent Trouble, no Person who has not been an Inhabitant in this City every since May last, will be admitted as a Spinner in the Factory. Also the said Wells, still continues receiving and selling in the Market, all sorts of Country Manufactories, such as Linens and Woollen Cloth, Stockings &c. &c. at five per cent for Sales and Remittances.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, May 8, 1766 (Supplement).
Flax Dressing.—This is to acquaint the Publick, that George Robinson from England, carries on the Flax-Dressing, at his House next Door to the Sign of the Orange-Tree, near Golden-Hill, after the English Manner, and sells it either ruff, heckled, or hetcheled. Also dresses Flax for any Person that chuses to send it ruff, at the most Reasonable Rates (according to the Fineness ordered) by the Pound, and all possible Care will be taken to give content to all Persons that may be pleased to encourage this new Branch of Business.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 17, 1769 (Supplement).
Method of Preparing Flax.—The Method used in French Flanders, Of raising and preparing Fine Flax, For making the finest Hollands, Lawns, Cambricks and Laces, (Lately discovered in Great Britain, and much encouraged there) Being the most profitable article of agriculture that ever was produced in any country, both as it is a certain and inexhaustable source of wealth to the farmer, and of national advantage...
The whole process of raising and managing this flax is inserted in Freeman's New-York Almanack for the year 1770.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, December 14, 1769.
Flax Inspection.—An Act for the Inspection of Flax in the City of New-York Passed the 24th Day of March 1772. Whereas the cleaning of Flax in this Colony to prepare it for Spinning and Rope Making, has become an Object of some Importance, and as Abuses are committed in the Sale of Flax, altogether unfit for the said Purposes, to the great Damages of the Purchasers; for the Prevention thereof of the said Evil for the future...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 6, 1772.
Flax Swinglers.—Wanted immediately, seven or eight good flax swinglers, who understand that business well; they may have employment for some time, and shall be paid ready money for their work, Enquire of Comfort Sands, or Obadiah Wells. Said Sands has by him a choice parcel of inspected flax for sale.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 4, 1772.
Flax Heckled.—The public is hereby inform'd that all persons who chuse to send their flax to heckle, to George Robinson, in the Fly-Market, can have it done reasonable, and at any fineness as in England, with the utmost integrity. He has always an Assortment for sale.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 7, 1772.
Flax Dressing.—George Williams, Lately from Ireland, but last from Philadelphia, Hereby informs the public, that he has at a great expence furnished himself with all necessary utensils and conveniencies for dressing of Flax, according to the most approved method used in the linen manufactories in Europe; and has for sale at his shop in Fly-street, at the Corner of Queen-street, a great Variety of Dressed and Shoe Flax.
And as this kind of manufactory is become not only the grand interest of this province, but of importance to almost every Particular family in it, he hopes his endeavours (which so evidently tend to the public utility) will meet with general encouragement by all who are disposed to introduce a manufacture so necessary as is that of linen; all of whom may depend on being supplied with flax of the best quality, and dressed to as great perfection as any in the old countries.
Also tow of every quality, and undressed flax, may be bought at the lowest prices, at the same place.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 25, 1773.
Flax Dressing.—Allan Grant, Flax-Dresser, from Edinburgh, Informs the publick, that he has set up his business in Partition-street, formerly called Division-street, near St. Paul's Church; where he hatchels flax in the best manner, and sells the same together with tow; and he has brought with him a compleat set of tools to answer all sorts of flax, he humbly hopes for encouragement from all well wishers to this province. He also proposes to hatchel flax in the best manner for all persons who pleases to favour him with their custom.
N.B. Any person who has a parcel of well scutched and wholesome flax, may apply to said Grant for sale.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 8, 1774.
The Culture of Silk or, an Essay on its Rational Practice and Improvement....By the Rev. Samuel Pullein, M A....—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, January 8, 1767.
Silk Worms in South Carolina.—We have the pleasure to acquaint the public, that the successful introduction of the Silk Manufacture in this province bears a promising aspect, as we hear there are great quantities of Silk-Worms raised in almost every family in Purrysburg parish, and some by the French of Hillsborough, and the English and Germans near Long Canes, and that several gentlemen and ladies, near Charleston, will make the private amusement of raising Silk Worms, tend to the public benefit, by shewing how easy the knowledge thereof may be acquired,...Mr. John Lewis Gilbert, a native of France, who is employed by the gentlemen concerned on behalf of the public, in the encouragement of this manufacture, to wind, and teach the windings of silk, has now a considerable number of silk-worms, in the old school-house,...
Workmen are now employed in building an oven for curing the cocoons, erecting four machines, and all other necessaries for winding silk, with all expedition, in rooms adjoining Mr. Gilbert's, in order that the filature may be set to work as soon as the cocoons are fit, which may be in about three weeks.—News item from Charleston, S. C., May 8, in The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, May 28, 1767.
Silk.—Extract from letter from Leicester, June 14, 1771. The silk of your manufacture I exhibited to the best judges in London, and they unanimously pronounced it equal to any, except, China. There wants no improvement in it—there wants only quantity. I am now manufacturing it into stockings.—News item from Philadelphia, September 19, in The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 23, 1771.
Silk Worms.—It is said that a considerable number of French refugees, well skilled in the management of silk worms, and making of wines, have within these few days, engaged themselves on very advantageous terms to go to New-York, and South-Carolina, where the cultivation of these two lucrative branches is carrying on with great spirit.—News item from London, July 15, in The New-York Journal, September 23, 1773.
Silk Manufacture.—James Wallace, At the Sign of the Hood, In Water-street, opposite to Mr. Van Zandt's, near the Coffee-House, New-York, Begs leave to inform the Ladies and Gentry, that he makes and sells, black and white silk patent lace for ladies aprons, handkerchiefs &c. White thread do. for ladies and gentlemens ruffles; hoods, aprons, and tippets, and several other things in that way; silk and thread gloves and mitts, the silk of which is American produce: He therefore hopes to be honoured with the commands of those who wish to encourage their own manufacture. Stockings made in the best manner, for those that bring their own stuff.
N.B. Silk stockings drest in the neatest manner, as in London and Dublin, thereby preserving their gloss and colour to the last; stitches taken up in the best method, at the most reasonable rates.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, July 6, 1775.
Cards.—Any one may be furnished with good large Wool Cards at 32s. per Dos. Fine Cotton Cards at 34s. per Doz. likewise scribling and small Cards at very reasonable Rates by William House, the Maker, in William Street opposite to Mr. Witts's at the King's Head in New-York. Any Person bringing old Boards may have new Cards put on them, and be allowed.—The New-York Weekly Journal, July 31, 1738.
Foot Linen Wheels.—Good Foot Linnen Wheels made by William Stoddard, at Oysterbay and to be sold by Henry Chadeayne, in Beekman's-Street, near the New-English-Church, in New-York.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, March 11, 1751.
Needles.—John Ernst Juncken Needle-maker, living in Second-street, near the Dutch Vendue House, in Philadelphia: Hereby gives Notice to the Public, that he makes and hath to sell, at reasonable Rate the following Commodities, Viz. Test Hooks, washed over with Pewter, small Hooks and Eyes, fit for Regimentals, Worms for Gunns, Brass and Iron Chains, and Brushes for Musquets, Chains for squirrels, Cages for Parrots, and other Birds &c.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, January 1, 1759.
Spinning Wheels.—Wanted (by the Society for promoting Arts, &c.) 50 Spinning Wheels, Any Persons having it in their Power to furnish that Number immediately, are requested to apply to Messrs. Obadiah Wells, James Armstrong, and John Lamb, who will agree with them for the same.—The New-York Mercury, February 25, 1765.
Needles, Both White Chaple and common, and all kinds of Fish Hooks, made by William Sheward, in Pennsylvania, and sold on his Account by Watson and Murray, in New-York: They are equal if not superior in Quality to any imported from Europe; and always free from Rust, which by the frequent Damps in Vessels, European made are always liable to. As that laudable Disposition of encouraging Our American Manufactories, so much abounds in this Province, the Makers flatters himself of the Merchants here, favouring him with their Orders, by applying as above.—The New-York Mercury, September 2, 1765.
Cards.—Scribbling cards, stock cards, cotton and woollen do. sold by Mr. Mathew Paterson, in Horse and Cart Street; by Mr. Richard Minifie, shop-keeper, at the Fly-Market; by Mr. John Carns, Cooper and Shop-keeper, near Peck's Slip, and by the maker at Capt. Waller's in Broad Street, near the Bowling Green.
These cards are made of good calf-skin, and will stand re-setting, if kept dry; whereas the woollen cards imported are sheep-skin; the scriblers, &c. wore out, and the cotton old scriblers cut down and set again; therefore the maker hopes he will gain the approbation of all those who are friends to the prosperity of America.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, December 18, 1769.
Reed Making.—The subscriber willing to assist in promoting manufactures in America (especially at this critical and alarming juncture) has lately set up the business of Reed-Making, where all weavers and others, both in town and country, may be supplied with reeds of all kinds, as neat and good as any imported. Those persons who will be pleased to oblige him with their custom may depend upon being served with great exactness, and at the shortest notice, by applying at the subscribers house, in Wood-bridge, East New-Jersey, and their favours will be gratefully acknowledged by their humble servant, Nathaniel Pike.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, July 7, 1774.
Tambour Needles.—Tambour Silks, Needles, and Cases, Just imported per the ship of Lady Gage, a compleat assortment of Tambour Shades on Silk and Shaneil, with the best London made Tambour needles, and cases, to be had of William Long, in Great George-Street.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, July 7, 1774.
Pins.—Richard Lightfoot, from Dublin, at his Pin Manufactory at the Crown and Cushion, in Water-Street, near the Coffee-House in New York. Takes this method to inform the Ladies, and the Public in general, that he makes and sells all sorts of pins equal to any made in London or Dublin, and superior to any manufactured elsewhere; he likewise draws harpsichord, spinnet, forti-piano, dolsemor, and all other kinds of music wire; silver profile for gentlemens buttons and tambour works; brass and iron knitting needles, black and white hair pins, chains, brushes and pickers for solders firelocks, pins for linen printers and paper stampers; laying and sewing wire for paper makers, card makers wire, skeleton and pound wire for ladies caps, hackle teeth, and several other things in that way, and as he is the first that ever attempted any of said branches on this continent, he therefore hopes for the countenance of those who wish to encourage their own manufactures.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 10, 1775.
Flax Wheels.—Wright and M'Allister, Flax Wheel Makers, at the Spinning-Wheel, nearly opposite St. Paul's Church, Broad-Way, Offer their service to the encouragers of American Manufactories, who may be supplied on the shortest notice, with Wheels of different kinds, at reasonable prices: And, as their attention will be chiefly engaged in this branch of the turning business, they hope to merit the encouragement of the public, and answer any commissions they may be favoured with from the country.—The New-York Packet and the American Advertiser, June 13, 1776.
Knitting Needles.—Joseph Plowman, Pin-Maker in Water-Street, near the Coffee-House. Begs leave to inform the public, That he still continues carrying on that manufactory, and has now for sale the following goods: Pins, brass and iron knitting-needles, iron wire, binding and card ditto, hooks and eyes, fishing hooks, brass rings for buttons, priming brushes and wires for soldiers, files and knives &c. &c. He likewise makes moulds for paper makers with sewing wire.—The Constitutional Gazette, June 22, 1776.
Weaving Encouraged.—We hear from Maryland, that Subscriptions have been lately made among the Gentlemen there, for encouraging the Manufacture of Linen: The Mayor and Common Council of Annapolis, have promised to pay as a Reward the Sum of 5 £ to the Person that brings the finest Piece of Linen, of the Growth and Manufacture of Maryland, to the next September Fair; for the 2d. Piece in Fineness 3 £. and for the 3d, 40 s. the Linen to continue to be the Property of the Maker. Like Rewards are offered in Baltimore County, and 'tis thought the Example will be followed in all Counties in Maryland.—The New-York Gazette, May 3-10, 1731.
Stocking Weaving.—John George Cook, Stocking Weaver, Gives Notice, That every Body may be supply'd with all Sorts of Stockings, such as Worstead three threads, and Full'd Stockings, & Fine Cotton, and Linnen Stockings, living at the House of John Peter Zenger, Printer in Stone Street.—The New-York Weekly Journal, January 28, 1744.
Stocking Weaving.—This is to give Notice, that John George Cook, Stocking Weaver, has now three different Looms for either Country Yarn, Silk, Cotton, Worsted or Linnen....—The New-York Weekly Journal, July 14, 1746.
Spinners Employed.—St. Andrew's Society. Whereas the St. Andrew's Society, at New-York in the Province of New-York, are willing and desirous to employ, such poor scots Women, as are capable of working, and for want of employ, become the Objects of the Society's Charity. These are therefore to desire and advertise, all those who are able to spin, either Flax, Wool or Cotton, (but particularly Cotton Wick) that they shall be furnished with proper Materials to employ them, and sufficient Wages allowed them, by Messrs David Shaw, and David Milligan, Merchants in New-York, who are appointed by the said Society, as a Committee for that Purpose. David Milligan, Secry.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, February 18, 1762.
Linen Manufactory in Boston.—At the Linen Manufactory, in Boston, there has been made within the three last Months Four hundred Yards of Bengals, Lillepusias, and Broglios, which were bought off by some of the principal Ladies in this Town for their own and their Children's Winter Wear: And as the Ladies have set the Example, I hope the Gentlemen will follow this laudable Custom, as they may be supply'd in the Spring with several Sorts of Summer Wear.
Bridgewater Flax to be sold by 6s O. T. per Pound. John Brown.—News item from Boston, January 24, in The New-York Mercury, February 11, 1765.
Journeymen Weavers.—Five or Six good Journeymen Weavers, may have immediate Employment, by applying to John Woods, at the Factory, near Fresh Water, in New-York.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, October 17, 1765.
Society for Promoting Arts.—Whereas it has been found, that the Society for promoting Arts, &c. has answered great and valuable purposes, particularly in the Encouragement of raising Flax and manufactoring Linnen. And besides what has been done by them for that laudable Purpose, there was some Time since, put into the Hands of those Gentlemen and Trustees, the Sum of Six Hundred Pounds, to encourage the Linnen Manufactory in this City, which Sum they put into the Hands of Mr. Obadiah Wells, to employ Weavers and Spinners; which Trust, they believe, he has honestly and faithfully performed, by employing above Three Hundred poor and necessitous Persons for 18 Months past in this City, in the above Business. As the said Trustees have at present, to the Value of £ 600, in Linnens manufactored in this City and County, to dispose of, which while lying on Hand, disables them from farther prosecuting the benevolent Purposes; they intend therefore to send them about the City, to be sold and distributed, hoping that the good and charitable Inhabitants will purchase them; by this Means, the Linnen Manufactory may again be carried on, the publick Interest greatly promoted, many penurious Persons saved from Beggary, and great Expence to the Corporation, by relieving Numbers of distressed Women, now in the Poor-House. And the Public may be assured, that the said Linnens have been manufactured on as low Terms as possible, and there are now ordered to be sold without any Advance, with the Price of the Cost per Yard, marked on each Piece.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, December 31, 1767.
Family Weaving.—...Related at a Meeting of the Society of Arts in New-York City....As a farther Specimen of the Practicability of manufacturing our own Cloaths in this Country, We can assure the Public of the following Person in Woodbridge in New Jersey, making in their respective Families, within the Year past, both Woollen and Linnen of their own raising, the Quantities of following Viz. Mr. Isaac Freeman, 599 Yards, Mr. James Smith, 567 Yards and Mr. Nathaniel Heard, 414 Yards.—News item in The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, January 18, 1768.
Family Weaving in Newport, R. I.—Within Eighteen Months past 487 Yards of cloth and thirty six Pair of Stockings, have been spun and knit in the family of Mr. James Nixon of this Town.
Another Family in Town, within four Years past, hath manufactured 980 yards of Woollen and Linen Cloth, viz. in 1764, 340 Yards; in 1765 and 1766, 500 Yards; and in 1767, 140 Yards; besides two Coverlids and two Bedticks, and all the Stocking Yarn for the Family, Not a Skein was put out of the House to be spun, but the whole performed in the Family.
We are credibly informed, that many Families in this Colony, within this Years past, have each manufactured upwards of seven hundred Yards of Cloth, of different kinds.
These Instances of Industry are mentioned with a View to demonstrate how easily it will be for those Colonies, in a short Time, to be independent of any other Country, for Cloathing; and at the same Time to excite others to imitate Examples so highly beneficial to themselves and the community.—News item from Newport, R. I., January 18, in The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 1, 1768.
Journeymen Weavers.—We are told, that in the course of this week, upwards of 100 Journeyman weavers have engaged to go to New-York and Boston, where they are promised constant employment. (Doubtful).—New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, February 1, 1768.
Knitting.—I can with Pleasure inform you, that Industry is so prevalent in this Metropolis, that within six Months a Lady of Distinction, tho' infirm, and of a very delicate Constitution, has knit thirty-six Pairs of Stockings, besides having the Care of a large Family. Tea is much laid aside here by the first Families, and it is confidently asserted that another Lady being pregnant actually longed for Labrador Tea.—News item in The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, February 29, 1768.
Weaver.—John Woods, Weaver, the Factory, at Fresh-Water, and right back of Mr. Obadiah Well's Takes this Method of informing the publick, that he intends to dye Cotton and Linen Yarn, the best blues, as cheap as in Europe, he likewise, will supply any Person with the best Checks and linens, and on the most reasonable Price. N.B. Any Person wanting any Work done by applying as above, may have it done in the best Manner, and on the shortest Notice.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 18, 1768.
Woolen Manufactory.—Kelly & Culver, Beg Leave to inform their Friends, and the Public, That they have effectually established the New-York wollen manufactory, in Chapel-street, where is to be sold, wollen cloths of different kinds and prices, by wholesale and retail, executed in the best manner. A fulling mill, and all its apparatus, being compleatly finished, is ready to take in all country and other goods, where due care will be observed, to finish such in the neatest and most expeditious manner.
Kelly and Culver, express their highest sense of obligation, to the particular gentlemen who have so generously extended their encouragement from the infancy of this manufacture to its present perfection.—The New York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 6, 1769.
Weaving.—Such a spirit of Industry prevails among the Inhabitants of the Town of Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, that upwards of 27,739 Yards of Linens, stuff, &c. have been manufactured in that Town since the first of May 1769.—News item in The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, June 28, 1770.
Spinning.—We hear from New-Fairfield, in Connecticut, that the wife of Samuel Hungerford, of that Place, (who is 43 years of Age, and has now living 12 of her own children, and 5 Grand-children) on the 21st. Day of September last, spun by Day-light in about 12 Hours, on a common Spinning-Wheel, 126 Skeins of good fine Worsted Yarn, tho' under the Disadvantage of having a sucking Child to take care of. This can be attested by two young women who carefully reel'd the Yarn. The laudable Ambition of both Sexes, and all Degree of People in the British Colonies (notwithstanding the discouragement of some few among them) still increases, to encourage Industry, Frugality and Manufactories among ourselves, that we may not long depend on the Necessaries of Life, upon those who would ungratefully take Advantage of our Necessities to deprive us of our natural Rights and Liberties.—News item in The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 29, 1770.
Treatise on Weaving.—Proposals for printing by Subscription, A Treatise on Weaving. Consisting of near 300 different Draughts, with full and plain Directions of the Preparations of the Yarn, Warping, and Weaving of Barrogan, Tammy, Durant, Paragon, Duroys, Sergedenim, Grogram,...By David Valentine of Suffolk County, Long-Island....—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, January 6, 1772.
Weaver.—William Elliot, Weaver, Just arrived from Newcastle, Would be glad to serve any gentleman in that business; he has a very competent knowledge of the different branches of manufacturing linen, woollen and sail cloth to No. 1. For particulars enquire on board the ship Molly, Capt. Cowan, at Murray's Wharf.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, May 26, 1774.
Linens.—At Mr. Gouvernier's Storehouse on the Dock, near to Mr. John Reads there are all sorts of Course Kearseys and Course Linnens and several sorts of Merchandize, to be Sold by Allen Patchat, at very Reasonable Rates.—The New-York Gazette, December 30, 1729-January 6, 1730.
Calicoes.—John Brown at Mrs. Beurks over against the Market-house by Burgers Path sells all sorts of Linnens broad & narrow, striped & Flowered Muslings Callicoes, Alamodes, Diapers, Searsuckers, Linnen Checks, Fustians, Cambricks, Hankerchiefs and Ribbands &c. at reasonable Rates and takes in Pay, flour, Bisket, Beef, pork & Gammons.—The New-York Gazette, May 19-26, 1729.
European and East India Goods.—On the Monday the 17th of April, next at ten in the Morning there will be exposed to Sale at publick Vendue, on Credit, at the Store-house of David Clarkson over against the Fort, Sundry sorts of European and East India Goods, being the Remainders of several Cargoes, viz. Fine Spanish Cloths, Shaloons, Camblets, Camblet Stuffs, Callimincoes, Durants, English Damasks, Ditto India, China Tafities, plain, striped and flowered Persians, Cherry-derries, Gingrams, Grograms, Sattins, Cheerconnies, Sooseys, Atchabannies, Threads, Mohair, Buttons, Callicoes, Chints, Muslins, Garlicks, Hollands Linnen, Cambricks, Diapers, Books for Accounts, Indian Gunns, and Brush Ware, with several Parcels of Haberdashery, Cutlery, Iron Ware and other Goods.—The New-York Gazette, March 27-April 3, 1732.
Fabrics.—Just Imported from England, and to be Sold by whole sale at a Store in Duke-street, over against the House of Mr. Samuel Bayard, a large Sortment of Goods, viz. Broad Cloths, Druggets, Duroys, Shalloons broad and narrow plain and striped Tammys, ditto Callimancoes, silk and worsted Camblets Mourning Crapes, worsted and cotton Stockings ditto Caps, New-fashion Buttons and Mohair, Linnen of divers sorts, Muslins, Handkerchiefs of many sorts, Bed-ticks, Fustians colour'd & white, fine and coarse, Hats Ribbons plain and flowered, Fans and Girdles, sewing and stitching Silk, Cutlery Ware of all sorts, Nails Sadlers Iron-mongery, Lace for Caps, Silver Lace for Hats and shoes, Brass and Copper Ware, with Abundance of other Things too tedious here to incert.—The New-York Gazette, May 8-15, 1732.
Kersey.—At the House of John Bell, Carpenter, over against Capt. Garret Van Horne, there is to be Sold, Broad Cloths, Kersey's, Kersey Plains, Frize, Green Coloured Duffills, Druggets, Shalloons, Mimikin Blew Bases, Frize, and Plains, and some Ready made Cloaths, &c. By Wholesale and Retail at Reasonable Rates. Also, looking Glasses, and Eight Day Clocks with Japan Cases. N.B. And he will Truck for Beef, Pork, Bread, Flouer, and Gammons.—The New-York Gazette, Dec. 9-17, 1734.
Irish Linen.—To be sold, near the House of Mr. Lynch on the New Dock, sundry Sorts of Irish Linnen from 2s. to 7s. on the most reasonable Terms, for ready Money.—The New-York Weekly Journal, December 15, 1735.
Fabrics. Just Imported, And to be Sold at a New Store in Hanover-Square near the Old Slip Market, Several sorts of Goods entirely fresh, Viz. Kerseys, Broad Cloths of most Prices, Cloth Serges, Druggets, Plushes, striped Cottens, Mourning Capes, Plain & Flower'd Yard-wide Stuffs; Flower'd Damasks & Ruffels; Plain and Striped Callaminco's, and superfine Black Callaminco, Fine Worsted and Silk Camblets; best London & Bristol Shalloons; Mens Caps, Stockings, Persians, Taffetys, Silk Damasks, Sattins, Gressets; Silk Paplins, Shaggareen, black Mantua, Paduasoys, Lutestring & Velvet; Checks of several sorts, Striped Hollands, Bed-Ticks, Fustians and Dimety; Dutch Holland of several Prices; Cambricks, Chints, Callico's, Flower'd Linnens,...—The New-York Gazette, May 31-June 7, 1736.
Fulling Mill.—The Grist Mill, Fulling Mill, with all the Utensils belonging to each of them which lately belonged to Obadiah Williams. Absconded; are to be sold at Publick Vendue on the 10th Day of March next, The Mills are in good order, the Grist Mill having good new Boulting cloaths, and the fulling mill has two dying furnaces two Pair of Shears, a Press House, a Press Plate, Screw, and other necessary Tools,...—The New-York Weekly Journal, February 6, 1738.
European and East India Goods.—Sold at the Store house of David Clarkson...several sorts of European and East India goods...Cloths, Kersey's Druggets, Mohair, Buttons, Indian Damask, stript plain and Bird-Eye Taffeties, Strip't and plain Muslins, Callicoes, Chints, Romalls, Brawles, Guinea stuffs, Thread Laces, fine Cambricks, spotted Lawns, fine Laces and other Millanary's Hatts, Indian Guns and flower'd Brimston.—The New-York Gazette, September 18-25, 1738.
Fabrics.—To be Sold by Shefield Howard, At his House, opposite the Rev. Mr. Vesey's, for Ready Money; Cambricks, Muslins, Ginghams, Chelloes, Callicoes, Camblets, Cambletees, Ruffels, Callimancoes, Taffaties, Barcelona Handkerchiefs, Cotton Romalls, Scotch Handkerchiefs, Byjutaponts, Bed-Ticks, Double and Single Allopeens, Crapes, Duroys, Scarlet & Green Knaps, Cotton Caps, colour'd Threads, Mohair and Mettal Buttons, Felt Hats, Ozenbrigs...—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, May 12, 1746.
Lace.—Naphtaly Hart Meyers, Being removed opposite the Golden Key, in Hanover Square, continues to sell for ready Money or short Credit, the following Goods, Mechlin and Brussels Lace, Dresden Work, 12 yd. 16 yd. and 18 yd. Callicoes, English Chints, Persian white Padusoy, Ducape, white Satten, pink Persia, Silk Romals, spotted Bandanoes, Muslins, clear ditto, Lawn Handkerchiefs, flowered Minionet, 7-8, 3-4 Linnens, Russia ditto, Scotch Ozenbrigs, Ravens Duck, Broad Cloths and Shalloons, Barragons, corded Druggets, Sagathies, brown Fustians and Dimettes, Bombazeens, Women crape Hatbands, ditto Love for Hoods, Wool Cards,...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, May 5, 1755.
Manufacturer.—This Day is opened at Hammersley's in Hanover Square New-York, By the Manufacturer Thomas Fogg, from Wigan in Lancashire, The Check Warehouse. Where are sold a very great Variety of Checks, Strip'd Cottons and other Manufactured Goods, as made at Manchester and Wagan, for Ready Cash or short Credit. He is really the Manufacturer, and all Merchants and others may be assured of being dealt with him on the most reasonable Terms.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 16, 1763.
Shop Lifter.—Monday last a Woman lifted a couple of Pieces of Callico off of Mr. Milligan's Shop Window; but a Negro happily seeing it, immediately gave intelligence thereof; Whereupon Pursuit was made, the Woman overtaken, and the Callico found upon her: She was carried before an Alderman, who committed her to Jail; and 'tis said she is to have her Trial To-day.—News item in The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, February 19, 1767.
Linen.—Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman in London, to one of the Members of the Society for Arts in this City, dated July 22, 1767....The People of New-York, seem to me, to be too infatuated with a foreign Trade, ever to make any great Progress in Manufactures; and unless you sell your Linnen, at least as cheap as they can have it from Silesia, Austria, Bohemia, and Russia, thro' England, Holland or Hamburg, I fear you will not establish an extensive Manufactory:—You live in as plentiful a Country as any, and your People might work as cheap: I don't mean in the City of New-York; Cities are not calculated for Manufactures, since its always dearer living in them than in the Country.—News item in The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, October 15, 1767.
Linen.—Extract of a letter from a Gentleman in London, to one of the Society Manufactures in New-York August 26, 1767.
I received a Piece of Linnen from the Society:—it being brown, I desired my Linnen Draper to get it bleach'd; he told me, that during 45 Years that he has been a Draper, he had never seen such an excellent Piece of Linnen; that as he had got a Fortune out of North America, it gave him Pleasure to hear it was Manufactured there, but as a Linnen Draper he was sorry for it. It has been 6 weeks on the Grass, and the Bleacher says it must be in his Hands 6 more, before it will be well whiten'd; for that he never saw a Piece equal to it, and desired to know of what Fabrick it was. Such are the Praises of your Manufacture; I hope soon to see the Day, that we shall import great Quantities of Linnen from New-York, into this kingdom as well as from Ireland and Scotland, and that Germany shall be excluded.—News item in The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, November 5, 1767.
Shalloons and Serges.—By a Gentleman arrived in town from Perth Amboy, in America, we are informed, that a manufactory of Shaloons and serges, very good in quality, has lately been set on foot there; and at Staten-Island they make blankets, ticking, &c. sufficient to supply the Country round. (I don't remember that there is one weaver in the capital part of Perth-Amboy, neither have the whole corporation sheep for a manufactory.)—News item from London, December 29, 1767, in The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, March 21, 1768.
Broadcloth.—They write from Perth Amboy, in America, that many hundred yards of broad Cloth, lately manufactured there, had been sold at pubic vendue for 12 s. sterling per yard, esteemed little inferior to the best English drab.—News item from London, March 12, in The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 9, 1768.
Fulling Mill.—To Gentlemen, Farmers, &c. A Manufacturer, just arrived from England, has taken the Fulling-Mill of Mr. Polhemus, the South of Jamaica, on Long-Island, where all Sorts of Woollen Cloths, Serges, Linceys, &c. are completely dressed, and coloured in the English Manner; where all possible Care will be taken. Cloths, &c. is taken in at Mr. Richard Minifie's Shop-keeper, at the Fly-Market, at Mr. Samuel Casey's Silk Dyer, in Maiden-Lane; and at Mr. John Anderson's at the Ferry.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, December 4, 1769.
Laces.—Henry Wilmot, in Hanover Square, near the Old-Slip market, Has a quantity of Exceeding Good rice which he will sell very cheap for Cash, also a parcel of blond and thread laces, gold laces, Vellums, and gold Mecklenburgh bindings, plain and figured modes, variety of figured sarsenets....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 1, 1770.
Swanskin Blankets.—A Parcel of Swanskin Blankets, 9-4, and 10-4 wide, of the first Quality, to be sold at P. M'Davett's Store, near the Fly-Market. Also yellow and red Flannels, embossed Serges, Mens and Womens worsted Hose, with a few Pieces of superfine Cloths.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, December 20, 1770.
Woolen Cloths.—Stone and Price, Manufactures, Have imported in the Beaver, Captain Kemble, a large Assortment of Woolen Cloths, consisting of Broad-Cloths, German Serges, Bath Beaver, Naps, &c. &c. To be sold on the lowest Terms, for Cash for short Credit, at the Store of Mr. Ennis's opposite the Lutheran Church, Broad-Way.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, December 27, 1770.
Irish Linens, from 18 d. to 8 s. per Yard, Callicoes, Cottons and Chintzes, Tabborets, Moreens, &c. &c. to be sold upon very reasonable Terms, for Cash, three or six months Credit, by John Woodward, At his Store, near the Fly Market, who has also for Sale a Quanty of best New-York Rum.—The New-York Journal, December 23, 1773.
Abeel & Neil's Vendue House.—sells Irish linens—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 9, 1769.
Charles Arding.—Imports European materials.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, April 16, 1750.
Christopher Bancker.—Keeps store of materials.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 5, 1773.
Richard Bancker.—Imports materials from London at his Linen Drapery Store.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, January 2, 1766.
Sidney Breese.—Imports materials from London.—The New-York Mercury, June 1, 1761.
Samuel Broome & Co.—Imports materials from London and Bristol.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, January 21, 1771.
Samuel Browne.—Imports materials from London.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 3, 1751.
Campbell & Gault.—Sells materials at their store.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, March 1, 1773.
William Cobham.—Sells materials at the Sign of the Hand.—The New-York Mercury, February 13, 1758.
John Dalglish.—Sells materials at the Sign of the Royal-Bed.—The New-York Mercury, February 6, 1758.
Benjamin Davies.—Imports materials from London.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 29, 1771.
Mary Derham, Milliner, Imports materials from London.—The New-York Gazette, September 10, 1759.
Philip Doughty, Taylor at the Blue Ball imports materials from London.—The New-York Gazette, September 10, 1759.
Thomas Duncan.—Sells materials at his store in Wall Street.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, October 20, 1746.
Abraham Duryee.—Imports materials from Europe.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, March 6, 1769.
Susannah Faircloth.—Imports materials from London.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 10, 1772 (Supplement).
John Fell.—Imports materials from London.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, May 27, 1751.
Samuel Fourdet.—Imports materials from England.—The New-York Gazette, July 7-14, 1735.
Walter Franklin & Co. Imports silks from London.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 3, 1772.
Peter Gordon.—Sells materials at public vendue.—The New-York Mercury, April 1, 1765.
Ennis Graham.—Imports materials from London and Bristol.—The New-York Gazette, June 13, 1763.
Thomas Gumersall.—Imports woollen goods from the manufacturer from Leeds, in Yorkshire.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, February 6, 1772.
Hallett & Hazard.—Imports materials.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 29, 1771.
Nathaniel & Samuel Hazard.—Imports materials from England.—The New-York Gazette revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, November 2, 1747.
John Hunt.—Imports materials from London.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 19, 1772.
Robert Hyslop.—Imports materials.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 5, 1773.
John Lawrence, Jun.—Imports materials from London.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, June 20, 1748.
Robert G. Livingston, Jun.—Imports materials.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, January 7, 1771.
John R. Martin.—Imports materials from Bristol.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, August 29, 1748.
Patrick M'Davitt.—Vendue store sells assortment of Irish Linens.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, December 25, 1769.
William Neilson.—Imports materials from Liverpool and London.—The New-York Mercury, August 17, 1767 (Supplement).
John Merrett.—Imports materials from Europe.—The New-York Weekly Journal, November 10, 1740.
Eleazer Miller, Jun.—Imports materials from London.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 10, 1768.
John Milligan.—Imports materials.—The New-York Gazette, September 10, 1759.
Moore & Lynsen.—Materials sold at auction rooms.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 13, 1769.
John Morgan.—Imports materials from England.—The New-York Weekly Journal, November 8, 1742.
John Morton.—Sells the remains of his stock.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 30, 1769.
Murray & Pearsall.—Imports materials from London.—The New-York Gazette, September 10, 1759.
John R. Myer.—Imports materials from London.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, February 20, 1749.
John Reade.—Imports materials.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 8, 1771.
John Schuyler.—Imports materials from London and Bristol.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 7, 1771.
Templeton & Stewart.—Materials sold at the new auction rooms.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 17, 1769.
John Waddel.—Imports materials.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, October 22, 1750.
Charles Watkins.—Imports materials from London.—The New-York Evening Post, November 2, 1747.
Thomas Charles Willett.—Sells materials.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, October 5, 1769.
Thomas & John Willet.—Imports materials from London.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, September 12, 1748.
William Wilson.—Imports materials from London.—The New-York Gazette, February 7, 1763.
John Woodward.—Imports materials.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 25, 1774.
William Wright.—Imports materials from London.—The New-York Mercury, December 17, 1753.
Teaches Needlework.—Martha Gazley, late from Great Britain, now in the City of New-York, Makes and Teacheth the following Curious works, Viz. Artificial Fruit and Flowers, and Wax-work, Nuns-work, Philligree and Pencil Work upon Muslin, all sorts of Needle-Work, and Raising of Paste, as also to Paint upon Glass, and Transparant for Scones, with other Works....—The New-York Gazette, December 13-21, 1731.
Stockings.—All sorts of Stockings new grafted and run at the Heels, and footed; also Gloves, mittens and Children's Stockings made out of Stockings; Likewise plain work done by Elizabeth Boyd, at the Corner House opposite to Mr. Vallete's.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, September 26, 1748.
Plain Work.—Lately arriv'd in this city from Great Britain, Mrs. Mary Gray, who professes teaching all sorts of Plain Work in the Neatest manner, Dresden work in all its varieties; Ladies capuchins, and childrens frocks in the newest fashion. Ladies that have a desire of seeing any of her work, may see it at Capt. Heysham's, in the upper end of Broad-Street, near the City-Hall, where the said Mrs. Gray Teaches. Likewise teaches to work ladies gloves.—The New-York Mercury, October 8, 1753.
Gold Lace.—John Forrest, Taylor, is removed from Smith's Fly, to the Sign of the Gold-Lac'd Waistcoat, at the corner of the Moravian Church Street, being a few doors above the Horse and Cart; where gentlemen and others, may have either plain, gold or silver lace work, done in a plain, or full laced manner, as compleat, and as much to their satisfaction as in London.—The New-York Mercury, May 19, 1755.
Quilting.—Mrs. Carroll proposes teaching young Ladies plain work, Samplars, French Quilting, knoting for Bed Quills or Toilets, Dresden, flowering on Cat Gut, Shading (with Silk or Worsted on Cambrick, Lawn, or Holland.—The New-York Mercury, May 6, 1765.
Needlework.—...But my Wife's notion of education differ widely from mine. She is an irreconcileable enemy to Idleness, and considers every State of life as Idleness, in which the hands are not employed or some art acquired, by which she thinks money may be got or saved.
In pursuance of this principle, she calls up her Daughters at a certain hour, and appoints them a task of needle-work to be performed before breakfast....
By this continual exercise of their diligence, she has obtained a very considerable number of labourious performances. We have twice as many fire-skreens as chimneys and three flourished quilts for every bed. Half the rooms are adorned with a kind of futile pictures which imitate tapestry. But all their work is not set out to shew; she has boxes fill with knit garters and braided shoes. She has twenty coverns for side-saddles embroidered with silver flowers, and has curtains wrought with gold in various figures, which she resolves some time or other to hang up.
About a month ago, Tent and Turkey-stitch seemed at a stand; my Wife knew not what new Work to introduce; I ventured to propose that the Girls should now learn to read and write, and mentioned the necessity of a little arthmetick; but, unhappily, my Wife has discovered that linen wears out, and has bought the Girls three little wheels, that they may spin hukkaback for the servants table. I remonstrated, that with larger wheels they might dispatch in a hour, what must now cost them a day; but she told me, with irresistable authority, that any business is better than Idleness; that when these wheels are set upon a table, with mats under them, they will turn without noise, and keep the Girls upright; that great wheels are not fit for Gentlewomen; and that with these, small as they are, she does not doubt but that the three Girls, if they are kept close, will spin every year as much cloth as would cost five pounds, if one was to buy it.—A letter to the Printer in The New-York Mercury, October 16, 1758.
Embroiderer.—Levy Simons, Embroiderer from London, informs the Ladies and Gentlemen, That, besides Gold and Silver, he works in Silk and Worsted, Shading; likewise Robins and Facings, Shoes, &c. He Cleans Gold and Silver lace, takes Spots out of Silk and Cloths, &c. &c. to be heard of at I. Abrahams, near the Kings Arms.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, November 6, 1758.
Shading With Silk or Worsted.— Mary Bosworth, Lately from London, takes this method to inform the public, that she has opened a school in Cortlandt street, near Mr. John Lary's; wherein she teaches young masters and misses to read, and learn them all sorts of verse; she likewise learns young ladies plain work, samplairs, Dresden flowering on cat gut, shading with silk or worsted, on Cambrick, lawn, or Holland: she draws all sorts of lace in the genteelest manner. Those gentlemen and ladies that will be pleased to favour her with care of their Children, may be assured that she will make them her chief study to deserve their approbation.—The New-York Mercury, May 20, 1765.
Flowering.—I Take this Method to inform the Publick, that I intend keeping a Sewing-School, on Golden Hill, next Door to the Sign of the Harp and Crown, on the first day of May next, and will teach young Ladies to flower on Cambrick, Lawn, Gauze, or Muslin, scolloping of Catgut, crowning and flowering of Children's Caps, as also working of Samplers and sewing of plain work. Those Ladies who please to encourage me may depend on their being carefully instructed in the above mentioned, and several Pieces of Needle Work too tedious to mention. By their humble Servant. Isabella Jones.—The New-York Mercury, April 27, 1767.
Plain Work.—Mrs. Edwards, Lately from England, Begs Leave to acquaint the Public, that she proposes opening a School and Boarding, for young Ladies, on Monday the 9th of October 1768, opposite Mr. Benjamin Moore's Sail-maker, near Peck's-Slip where will be taught—
Reading, all kinds of plain Work, Samplers, Cat Gut, Dresden Work, imitation of Lace, Sprigging on Muslin and Lawn; likewise all kind of Needle Work most in Fashion in Europe; and she will instruct young Ladies to make up their own Things in the Millenary Way, &c. Ladies and Gentlemen, may depend on the greatest Care being taken for the Improvement of such Children as are under her tuition.
N.B. Young Ladies, either in Town or Country, may be boarded after the genteelest Manner and easiest Terms.—The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, October 13, 1768.
Needlework.—Clementina & Jane Ferguson move their school...teach...reading, writing, plain needle work, sampler, crowning, Dresden and catgut; shading in silk on holland or cambrick, and in silk or worsted on canvass; as also all sorts of needlework in use for dress or furniture...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 17, 1769.
Embroiderer.—Bernard Andrews, Embroiderer, in Broad-Street, at Michael Houseworth's, nearly opposite his Excellency General Gage's; Makes and mends all Sorts of Embroidery Work, in Gold, Silver, and Silk, for Ladies and Gentlemen, in the newest and neatest Fashion; likewise Pulpit Cloaths and Tossels. He likewise buys, cleans, and mends, old Gold and Silver Lace. Said Andrews makes and sells all kinds of Paper Work in the neatest Manner, as Hat, Patch, and Bonnet Boxes, at the most reasonable Rates.
If any Ladies should have an inclination to learn Embroidery, or any of the above-mentioned Work, he will attend them either at his Lodgings, or at their own Houses, as it shall best suit.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 16, 1770.
Work on Canvas.—Sarah Hay, Takes this method to inform the public, that she purposes to open a Boarding School, the first of May next, in the house where she formerly lived, in Smith-street. She undertakes to teach young Ladies reading English with the greatest correctness and propriety, both prose and verse; plain work, dresden, catgut, and all kinds of Collar'd work, on canvass and camblet; all in the neatest manner and newest taste. She instructs them in the strictest principles of religion and morality, and in the most polite behaviour, and takes the utmost care to instruct them in a perfect knowledge of the subjects they read, (as far as their capacity can take) and provides the principal part of the books proper for their improvement, at her own expence. She also takes day scholars, which will have the same improvement as the boarders. If any that board their children choose they should learn the French language, she will have a master attend at her house.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, March 29, 1773.
Worker in Tambour and Embroidery.—Mrs. Cole, from London, worker in Tambour and Embroidery, Has taken apartments at Mr. Matthew Ernest's, opposite the Mr. Andrew Hammersley's, near Coenties Market; where she works in Tambour ladies robes, ruffles, muffs, tippets, work bags, quadrille baskets, gentlemen's waiscoats, knee garters, sword knots, &c. Any Ladies and Gentlemen who favour her with their commands, may depend upon her best endeavours to please, particularly in propriety of shading elegance of design. N.B. She teaches Ladies the Tambour Work expeditiously, and on the most reasonable terms.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 6, 1773.
Tambour Work.—William and Sarah Long, from London, Have taken the house lately inhabited by Captain M'Donald in King-Street, and have opened a boarding and day School, for educating Young Ladies in reading, writing, arithmetic, needle work, &c. Also the Tambour completely taught in gold, silver, silk and cotton. The strictest attention is given to morals and behavior of the young ladies. Grown Ladies may be taught the tambour by lesson, as a room is set apart for that purpose. A Compleat assortment of the very best tambour silk for shading, are provided, with the best needles and cases, and will be sold at the lowest prices.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, March 7, 1774.
Prices Quoted.—Mrs. Cole, Tambour and Embroiderer, at Mr. Wilks's, near the Exchange, Begs leave to inform the public, that she continues to teach the tambour for a Half Johannes each person. Ladies will be waited on at their own houses, one hour in the day, for Five Pounds currency, each, or Five Shillings a lesson. Those who please to favour her with that honour, may depend on her utmost assiduity to instruct them in the tambour, in muslin, open work, the elegance of shading, to spangle and purl....
N.B. Ladies gown neatly work'd, silk and drawing, for Two Dollars per yard; suits of linen done very cheap, gentlemen's waistcoats done from 24 s. to 40 s. and in gold 3 £ to 5 £ ruffles, sword knots, &c. done on reasonable terms; and shoes work'd for One Dollar. Frames to be sold from 16 s. to 3 £.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 4, 1774.
Spots Removed.—Daniel Wright, now living in Mr. Pecks Slip near the Ship-Yard, in the City of New-York, can clean all sorts of Cloath's or Cloths, likewise Silks, Sattins, Velvet, Stuffs &c. And takes out all Manner of Spots or Stains whatsoever, and brings it to it's former Colour again; any Gentleman or Merchant, or others that have a mind to imploy him in any Thing above mentioned shall be serv'd at reasonable rate by Daniel Wright.—The New-York Evening Post, July 7, 1746.
Dry Scourer.—Thomas Davis, Dry-Scourer from London, now lives at the House of Mr. Benjamin Leigh, School-Master, in Bridge-street, near the Long Bridge, New-York; where he cleans all sorts of Gentlemen and Ladies Cloaths, Gold and Silver Lace, Brocades and imbroidered Work, Points d'Espagne, Cuffs and Robings, Wrought Beds, Hangings and Tapestry, flower'd Velvets and Chints, without hurting their Flowers, at a reasonable Rate.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the New-York Weekly Post-Boy, September 17, 1750.
Dry Scouring and Silk Dyeing.—Samuel & Marmaduke Foster, from Philadelphia, begs leave to acquaint the Publick, that they do carry on the Business of Dry-Scowring and Silk-Dying, at their House In Prince-Street, opposite Mr. Gautier, where they dye all Sorts of Silks and Broad-Cloths, takes Stains and Mildues out of all kinds of Stuffs, Silks, Broad-Cloths, Fustians, and Woollens they also dye the whole Pieces of Ribbons of any Colour, either for Merchants or Shopkeepers; they likewise cleans, and dyes all Sorts of Silk Gowns either plain or water'd, in the neatest Manner; they also clean long or short Scarlet, or other colour'd Clokes. These Gentlemen and Ladies that please to favour them with their Work, may depend on having it done in the best Manner and quickest Dispatch.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, August 9, 1756.
Silk Dyeing and Scouring.—John Hickey, Silk-Dyer and Scowerer, from Dublin, living in the House and Place of Mr. James Willson, (much known for the said Business) purposes to scower Men and Women's Garments, either wet or dry, to dye all Sorts of Colours on Silk, Cloth, Linnen, Cotton, Leather, &c. All Gentlemen, Ladies and others, willing to favour him with their Custom, may depend on being well served at the most reasonable Prices, by the Subscriber, living opposite to the late Alderman Cortlandt's.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, November 22, 1756.
Washing.—Silk Stockings washed and brought to a proper Colour, in the nicest and best Manner; at One Shilling a Pair by Mary Callander, in the Carter's-street, directly opposite to Colonel De Lancey's, in the Broad-Way.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, May 21, 1759.
Silk and Cloth Dyeing.—Moore and Collins, Silk and Cloth-Dyers from London, at Sign of the Two Blue Balls and Hand, in the Broad-Way, near Oswego Market, Scours and Dyes all kinds of Silks, Sattins, Cloths, Camblets, scarlet Cloaks, Stuffs, Brocades, Damasks, &c. with the utmost Dispatch, and as neat as in London.—The New-York Gazette, April 23, 1764.
Silk Dyer and Scourer.—Dallas, Silk Dyer and Scourer, from London, at the Sign of the Dove and Rainbow, in Chappel Street, New-York; Cleans and Dyes all Sorts of Silks, Satins, Velvets, Ducapes, Padusoys, Brocades, Bedhangings, &c. Scarlet and Camblet Cloth Cloaks and Cardinals, Clean'd or dyed. He will likewise engage to dye or take Spots out of Broad Cloth, or Silks, let them be ever so much damaged, that they shall look equal to any new imported. As he hath every necessary Dye-Stuff, and proper Utensils superior to any ever erected in America, and having served a regular Apprenticeship to the Business, he flatters himself he cannot fail of giving general Satisfaction. N.B. Gentlemen's Clothes, either laced or plain, cleaned to the greatest Perfection.—The New-York Gazette, June 23, 1766.
Silk Dyer and Scourer.—Samuel Casey, Silk Dyer and Scowerer, from London, Begs Leave to return Thanks to Ladies and Gentlemen, (those in particular who have favoured him with their Commands since his Commencement of Business in this City) and to the Public in general, for the Encouragement he has received; and informs them that he has set going a blue vat for dying any Sorts of blue, either Woollen, Silk or Linen, at his House in Maiden Lane, nigh the Fly-Market, where he continues to dye all Colours, as usual on the lowest Terms.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 21, 1769.
Silk Dyer and Scourer.—Henry Brabazon, Silk-dyer and Dry-scower, from Europe, late from Philadelphia, now residing at the Sign of the Two Dyers, in Mr. Brassier's House on Golden-Hill, near the Harp and Crown: Dyes Saxon greens and Saxon blues; also cotton and wollen or linen, dyes a good blue, and several other colours; and retrieves and re-dyes scarlets damaged at Sea or otherwise: He likewise cleans gentlemen and ladies clothes, scarlet roqueleaus, long and short cloaks, silver orris and brocades, without damaging the ground or flower, in as neat a manner as those done in London. He also dyes and cleans plain and flower'd velvets, and raises the pile again; takes mildews from goods damaged by salt water, or otherwise, and dyes cotton velvet as fine a black, and to as good perfection, as those in Manchester;...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 16, 1770.
Dyeing and Cleaning.—To the Gentlemen and Ladies of the City of New-York, and the Public in general, Dying, scouring, cleaning and pressing of coths, silks and clothes of every kind; as also stoving or whitening blankets, swanskins, silk stockings or silks of any kind; also damaged cloths of any colour, cleaned and pressed; and made equal to what they were at first by Thomas Rhodes, in Gold-Street, on Golden-Hill, New-York, who for many Years, followed the dying business in Great Britain and Ireland. Scarlet cloaks cleaned or dyed in the best manner, by said Rhodes.—The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, January 10, 1771.
Dyers.—These are to inform the Public, That the manufactory lately carried on by Washington and Gant, at Oyster-bay, on Long-Island, Queen's County, will still be carried on by Messrs Hunt and Chew, who having furnished themselves with all manner of utensils and proper ingredients from England, doth undertake to dye all manner of wooded blues and greens, Saxon green, fay and pay greens, and all sorts of ware Colours, and grain'd Colours, if required; also linen and cotton yarn dyed blue, so as it will be warranted to stand; and the pubic may depend on having their cloth finish'd off in the neatest manner; also shalloons, tammies, or camblets water'd or glaz'd in any colour, and at as reasonable a price as can be afforded; also they will take wool or yarn to make into cloth.
N.B. Said Washington having been at an immense expence to procure said workmen, can assure his customers that he hath had the pleasure to prove both said workmen, as they came from the west of England about two years ago, and find them men very capable of their business.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 23, 1771.
Dyeing and Scouring.—Baker and Yearsley, Silk Dyers and Scowerers from London, Beg leave to inform the public in general, that they have begun their business in all its various branches, at the upper end of Maiden-Lane, near Doctor Vanburen's; such as dying, scowering, and dressing all kinds of silk, in the piece or garment, &c. Gentlemen cloaths either wet or dry scowered. They likewise clean and dye scarlet cloaks, coats and jackets, or any kind of scarlet cloth, and make the colour fresh and beautiful. They dye and dress camblets, cambletees, and grograms; clean Turkey and wilton carpets, and make the colour quite fresh. As they have erected every thing convenient for carrying on their business, they hope to give satisfaction to all those that please to favour them with their commands, and may depend on having it perform'd as well as in London.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, December 23, 1771.
Calender.—To inform the Publick, That there is erected of the best construction, an elegant new Calender, for smoothing all sorts of linen and cotton cloaths; It is carried on in the same manner as in Great-Britain, where they are esteem'd greatly superior to smoothing-irons, both for beauty, advantage, and safety in preserving colours and making them look equally good as when new.
...Cloaths are taken in at Mrs. Jane Wilson's, the corner of the Fly-market, at the following prices viz. Sheets, 6d. each pair or 5s. per doz. window curtains 6d. per set, women gowns 6d. each, women's sack and pettycoat 6d. womens pettycoats 3d. each...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 3, 1772.
Washing of all kinds for Gentlemen and Ladies, Done in the best Manner, and on the most reasonable Terms, by Mary Campbell, (In Kings-Street, next Door to Mr. M'Ready, Shoemaker). Particularly silk stockings, chintzes &c. which she washes so as to preserve the gloss and colour, and make them look as well as when new—also linen of all kinds, laces &c.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, June 17, 1773 (Supplement).
Actors.—Last Week arrived here a Company of Comedians from Philadelphia, who we hear, have taken a convenient Room for their Purpose, in one of the Buildings lately belonging to the Hon. Rip Van Dam, Esq., deceased, in Nassau-street; where they intend to perform as long as the Season lasts, provided they meet with suitable Encouragement.—News item in The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, February 26, 1750.
Actor.—By advice of his Friends, Mr. Kean causes to be presented this evening, for his benefit, (instead of what was advertised in our last) a Comedy called the Busy Body, with the Virgin unmask'd; with singing by Mr. Woodham, particularly the celebrated Ode call'd Britain's Charter.
As this will positively be the last Time of Mr. Kean's appearing on the Stage, he humbly hopes all Gentlemen, Ladies, and others, who are his Well-wishers, will be as kind as to favour him with their Company. Tickets to be had at the Theatre, and at the New Printing Office in Bever-street.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, April 29, 1751.
Actor.—Lewis Hallam, Comedian, intending for Philadelphia, begs the favour of those that has any demands upon him, to bring in their accounts, and receive their money.—The New-York Mercury, March 18, 1754.
Actor.—Mr. Douglass, Who came here with a Company of Comedians, having apply'd to the Gentlemen in Power for Permission to Play, has (to his great Mortification) met with a positive and absolute Denial: He has in vain represented, that such are his Circumstances, and those of the other Members of the Company, that it is impossible for them to move to another Place; and tho' in the humblest Manner he begg'd the Magistrates would indulge him in acting as many Plays as would barely defray the Expences he and the Company have been at, in coming to this City, and enable them to proceed to another; he has been unfortunate enough to be peremptorily refused it. As he has given over all Thoughts of acting, he begs Leave to inform the Publick that in a few Days he will open An Histrionic Academy, of which proper Notice will be given in this Paper.—The New-York Mercury, November 6, 1758.
Actor.—The Mandolin. By Mr. Wall, Comedian. Those ladies and gentlemen who may think proper to employ him, by sending to his lodgings at Mr. Thomas Petit's, will be immediately waited on.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 19, 1773.
Actors.—By letters from Charlestown we are informed, that the Government of South-Carolina and Georgia, had prohibited all Trade and Intercourse with the Creek Indians. The Theatre in that City was closed, after performing fifty-one Plays; and that Mr. Lewis Hallam, and Mr. Woolls, were embarked for England. The Rest of the Company are expected very soon in this City.—News item in The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 27, 1774.
Anodyne Necklace.—Imported from London, and to be sold by the Printer hereof; (Price 16 s.) The famous Anodyne Necklace for Children's Teeth recommended in England by Dr. Chamberlen, with a Remedy to open and ease the sore Gums of toothing Children, and bring their Teeth safely out.
Children on the very Brink of the Grave, and thought past all Recovery with their Teeth, Fits, Fevers, Convulsions, Hooping and other violent Coughs, Grips, Loosenesses &c. all proceeding from their Teeth, who cannot tell what they suffer, nor make known their Pains, any other Way, but by their Cryings, and Moans; have almost miraculously recovered, after having worn the famous Anodyne Necklace but one Night's Time. A Mother, then, would never forgive herself whose Child should die, for Want of so very easy a Remedy, for its Teeth. And What is particularly remarkable of this Necklace, is this, that of those vast Numbers who have had this Necklace for their Children, none have made Complaints, but express how glad they have been, that their Children would have been in their Graves. All Means having been used in vain, till they had this Necklace.—The New-York Gazette revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, October 17, 1748.
Baker.—William Muckelvain, Baker, at the Sign of the Three Bisquets, on Pot-Baker Hill, will continue to heat his Oven at Ten o'Clock, every Day during the warm Weather, for baking Dishes of Meats, Pyes, &c. N.B. He likewise continues baking of Flour into Bread for Family Use, &c.—The New-York Gazette, April 18, 1763.
Baker.—Sarah Sells, Muffin-Maker, in Broad-Street: Takes this Method of informing her Friends, and the Publick in general, that she continues making Muffins and Crumpets hot twice every Day; humbly thanks her Friends for their former Favours, and intreats Continuance of them, which she will be ever gratefully acknowledged.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, February 29, 1768.
Balancing Exhibition.—The Noted Henry Hymes, Lately from Sadler's-Wells, begs Leave to acquaint the Public, that he has had the Honour to perform before most of the Nobility and Gentry in Europe and America, and will perform to-morrow Evening, and continue the same every other Evening, Sunday excepted, at the House of Mr. Miller, near the Oswego-Market as follows,
First, he balances a Ladder with four chairs upon his Chin, takes it off with one Hand and rises with it.
Second, He raises an Iron Bar 35 lb. Weight, and swings it on the out-side of his Thum, without the Help of his Fingers.
Third, He balances a Pyramid near six Feet high, with 12 Wine Glasses full of Liquor, on his Chin.
Fourth, He balances a number of naked Swords on his bare Fore-head.
Fifth, He balances a naked Sword, as a Needle, on the Edge of a Wine-Glass, and makes it spin as swift as the Wind. With several other curious and surprising Balances, such as Pipes, Tables, Plates, Hoops and Straw &c. &c,
With a curious Magick Lanthorn, which presents several images near six Feet high, &c. &c. with five Images dancing to a Piece of Musick in the Form of Clock-work.
Price for grown persons 2s. and 1s. for Children. Tickets to be had at the House of the Performance, with good Musick to entertain the Company, particularly by Mr. Hymes, on a new invented instrument made by himself.
Gentlemen and Ladies, who will please to favour him with their company, he makes no doubt of gaining their applause.—The New-York Mercury, April 13, 1767.
Balancing Exhibition.—By Permission of His Worship Whitehead Hicks, Esq; Mayor of New-York. Benjamin Abram, Who has had the honour of performing before the Kings of Prussia, and Denmark, &c. will, on Tuesday the 9th, and Thursday the 11th inst. at the house of Mr. Robert Hull, in the Broadway, at VI o'clock in the evening, Exhibit Balancing.
I. Sets a chair on his forehead, and balances it by musick.
II. Sets a wine glass to his mouth and puts the point of a sword on the edge of the glass, and lets the sword spin round.
III. Claps a plate on the top of the sword and lets it spin round on the edge of the glass.
IV. Takes a tobacco pipe of eight inches long and puts the end of it on the edge of the glass, and the sword in the bowl of the pipe.
V. Balances a peacock's feather and himself with one foot.
VI. Balances the peacock's feather upon his nose, lays down upon his back and gets up again by musick.
VII. Makes the feather jump from one part of his body to another, up and down.
VIII. Balances the feather streight forward.
XI. Balances 6 or 7 pipes one upon another....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, November 8, 1773.
Blacksmith.—George Abbleby, Black-smith, who lately lived on the New Dock, near the Major Vanhorne's is removed into the little Street near Mr. Harmanus Rutgers's, where he continues to make Axes after the best Fashion, which he warrants to be good: He likewise makes and sells all Sorts of Edge Tools, at reasonable Rates.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, March 14, 1748.
Bottling Beer.—Benjamin Williams, from Bristol, Begs leave to acquaint his friends, and the public in general, that he is remov'd...he intends carrying on the business of bottling beer as usual. Repeated trials have prov'd it will stand the West-Indies. Captains of vessels may be supplied with what quantity they please, on the shortest notice, at ten shillings per dozen; gentlemen in town (for present use) on the same terms, or seven shillings, if they return the bottles.
N.B. Fine cyder of a peculiar quality and flavour, per dozen as above. A good price will be given for empty quart bottles.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 23, 1774.
Bell Hanger.—Lately come to this City from Philadelphia, John Elliott, who hangs House and Cabin Bells, in the neatest and most convenient Manner, as done at London, with Cranks and Wires, which are not liable to be put out of Order, as those done with Pullies. He Also gives ready Money for broken Looking-Glasses; and may be heard of at John Haydock's, in the Fly, opposite Beekman's Slip. N. B. His Stay in Town will be but short.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, August 16, 1756.
Boat Builder.—Noah Toveker, shipwright at Saybrook, in Connecticut, will undertake to build vessels of any kind, for privateers, or merchantmen, on reasonable terms, he having all the materials and a sufficient number of hands ready to go to work immediately.—The New-York Mercury, November 29, 1756.
Boat Builder.—This is to give Notice, that John Stocker, Ship Wright, has set up a Yard to grave, mend, on new Plank any Vessels for any Ton, Boats, Sloops, or any, to one Hundred and Twenty Tons, and has got Plank, Oakum, Pitch, Turpentine, and all sorts of Necessaries, and can and will give good Attendance to any one that pleases to come to him. The said John Stocker lives on Long-Island, in the Township of Hempstead, on Cow-Neck, at the Mouth of Dogee's Creek, near Stephen Thorn's, about half way or better up Cow-Bay, on the North-East Shore, where there is a good Harbour, good Bottom and smooth Water.—The New-York Mercury, June 1, 1761.
Boat Builders.—This Day was launched the Ship Britannia, built by Messrs. Totten and Crosfield, for Captain Thomas Miller; supposed to excel in all Respects, any Ship heretofore built in this Continent.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, August 17, 1769.
Boat Builders.—City of New-York. Peter Arell, or said City, Boat Builder, being duly sworn upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, deposeth and saith, that the boat or barge which Mr. Henry Sheaf was lately building for his Majesty's ship Asia, and destroyed by some person or persons unknown to this deponent, and that he neither advised, aided, or abetted in destroying said boat, and this deponent further saith, that he hath not been in said Henry Sheaf's work-ship for four years last past, and further saith not. Peter Arell. Sworn the 2d day of October, 1775, before me Benjamin Blagge, Alderman.—The Constitutional Gazette, October 7, 1775.
Bookkeeper.—Any Merchant, or others, that wants a Book-Keeper, or their Accounts started after the best Methods, either in private Trade or Company, may hear of a Person Qualified. Enquire at the Post Office or Coffee-House.—The New-York Gazette, July 7-14, 1729.
Brush Maker.—Richard Fitzgerald, Brush-Maker from London, now living at the House of Mr. Taylor, Hatter, near the Old Slip Market, Makes and sells all sorts of Brushes and Mops, such as Painter's, Hatter's, Scowrers, Barber's, & Weaver's Brushes, Stair, House & Hearth Brushes of all kinds, Shoe and Buckles Brushes, Horse Brushes, Hair Brooms and Flesh Brushes; with all sorts of double & singled wired, besides several other sorts too tedious to mention. All Gentlemen and others who will please to favour him with their custom, may depend on meeting with civil Usage. N.B. Said Fitzgerald gives ready Money for any Quantity of Hog's Bristles.—The New-York Gazette, July 29, 1751.
Brush Maker.—This is to inform the public that John Facey, Brush-Maker, from Bristol, next Door to the Factory in Chapel-street, Makes and sells all kinds of Brushes, Viz.
Sweeping, scrubbing, scouring, cloth, hat, banisher, dusting, horse, painted hearth, fan, buckle, water, round table, and square curtain brushes.
Wheel and stove polishing, hard blacking, barbers, shaving, bonders, short and long white washing, all manner of painting, large clothier's, fuller's, weaver's, coach and harness, buckles and painters tool, and all manner of other brushes.
Likewise shoe-makers bristles to be had of the publick's very humble servant, John Facey. N.B. Ready money for hogs bristles one shilling a pound, long horse hair, woollen and worsted thrums. It is hoped the Gentlemen both in town and country will encourage the brush manufactory.—New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, September 8, 1768.
Button Maker.—Whereas I Henry Witeman having served my Apprenticeship with Casper Wister, Brass Button-Maker in Philadelphia, have now set up the same Business in New-York, where all Persons that shall please to favour me with their Custom, may depend on having the work done in the best Manner, and at reasonable Rates; at my Shop in Maiden-Lane, between the Fly-Market and the New Dutch Church.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, September 17, 1750.
Button Maker.—Henry Whiteman, At the Sign of Buttons and Buckles, near the Oswego Market, as usual, Makes Philadelphia Buttons and Buckles: Wholesale or Retail, as cheap and as good as can be purchased in Philadelphia. As there are a great many of the counterfeit Sort sold in this City, for Philadelphia Buttons, which, upon Trial, has been found to break very soon, and the Purchasers thereof considerably imposed upon; he gives this Notice to the Publick, that he calls those of his Make, New-York Buttons, which has been well tried amongst all his Customers, and from whom he has heard no Complaint.
The said Whiteman, likewise sells all Sorts of Buckles and Buttons Retail; and a fine Assortment of Tin Ware; black and China Jacks, and some fine Block-Tin Platters, fit for Officers of the Army, Copper Tea Kettles and Sauce pans; with a great many other Goods and reasonable. Also Brass and Steel Buts, Chapes and Tongues, in all sorts of Buckles.—The New-York Gazette, October 13, 1760.
Chandler.—All sorts of Sope and Candles, made and Sold by John Ditcher, Tallow-Chandler and Sope Boiler, late from London, now living in the House of Mr. Jacobus Roosevelt's, in the Slote; He makes Candles and Soap for those who are pleas'd to find their own Tallow at reasonable Rates: Said Ditcher has his Tools well fix'd after the London Manner. He would be glad of a Partner with a little Cash.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, January 28, 1754.
Chandler.—Abraham Bendix, Wax-Chandler, lately from London, at the House of Mr. Jonas Phillips, at the East Side of Pecks-slip, gives this public Notice, That he makes and sells the best Sort of Sealing-Wax and Wafers cheaper than they can be imported, of different Sorts and Prices: He likewise makes the best of black and red Lead Pencils, Prussian Blacking-Ball, and Wash-Ball, &c. Those that will be pleased to favour him with their Custom, may depend on being well served, and with the best Sort, at the lowest Prices.—The New-York Mercury, March 4, 1765.
Chandlers.—Spermacæti Candle Work. The Proprietors of the Spermacæti Work, in this City, beg leave to acquaint the Public, that they have erected this (the first of the Kind in the Province) Work at a considerable Expence, and having brought it to as great Perfection as any on the Continent, they flatter themselves their Candles and Oyl, will have the Preference with the Gentlemen of this City, while the Quality is as good and the Price the same as the best at Market. Those who shall please to favour us with their Orders, may be supply'd, by applying to Isaac Stoutenburgh, Senior, or Junior; William Heyer, in Smith-Street, or James Jarvis, Hatter in French Church-Street.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 16, 1768.
Chimney Sweeping.—Mr. Zedtwitz Acquaints his subscribers, and the public in general, that he has provided, agreeable to his printed proposals, hands to carry on the business of Chimney-Sweeping, and by sending to his office in New Dutch-street, near Mr. Leslie's, peruke-maker, his subscribers, and others, shall be duly served at any time; He gives this public notice that his subscribers should not employ any other hands to sweep in the interim, in order that he may perform agreeable to his proposals, and to avoid blunders. Should his people omit any house in its regular time, be indecent, or misbehave to any individual, he will take it extremely kind to acquaint him thereof, that he may give the injured full satisfaction, which is his wish and desire.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 2, 1774.
Chocolate Maker.—Made and Sold by Peter Swigard, Chocolate-Maker, in Bayard-street, opposite Mr. John Livingston's Store-House; Choice Chocolate, at the new current Price.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, September 18, 1758.
Chocolate Maker.—Peter Low, Living at the Upper End of Maiden-Lane, near the Broad-Way, and opposite of Lairy's-Street. Makes and sells Chocolate, Equal in Goodness to any made in this City, at the current Price; and hopes for the Favour and Encouragement of his old Customers and others. For the greater convenience of my Customers, I constantly keep a Parcel of Chocolate at Mr. Nicholas Low's on the Great Dock, near Coenties Market, where they can be supplied as well as by myself. Gentlemen who chuse to have any Quantity made, shall have it done at a reasonable Rate.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, October 23, 1769.
Chemist.—Richard Speaight, Chymist and Druggist, At the sign of the Elaboratory, between Burling's and Beekman's slip, Begs leave to inform the practitioners in town and country, that he has just imported,...a large assortment of Drugs and Medicines....Store keepers and apothecaries in the country may be supplied with the chymical and galenical preparations, as cheap and as good as they can import them from London; as he prepares most of them himself, can warrant the quality of them.
Patent medicines, hair powder, and ivory black, as usual. Likewise sells, wholesale and retail, West-India rum, Jamaica spirits, wine, Muscovado and loaf sugar, pepper, pimento, tea, coffee, and chocolate, with sundry other articles in the Grocery way, too tedious to mention; all of which will be sold as low as any in town.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, May 12, 1774.
City Sealer.—John Ide Myer, City Sealer. Begs Leave to acquaint the Publick, that he has lately removed from Little Dock Street, to the White Hall Slip, where he has erected a very good and commodious Hay Scale, and will give constant Attendance, and the strictest Care taken to do Justice to all who please to favour him with their Employ, as he can depend on the Exactness of his Beam (having spared no Cost to have it as good a one as could be made) doubts not of its giving general Satisfaction; to accomplish which, will be the constant Endeavour of the Publick's, Most obedient humble Servant, John Ide Myer. N.B. All Weights and Measures (as usual) regulated and adjusted in the carefullest Manner.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, July 25, 1768.
Comb Maker.—John Crosby, Comb-Maker, from London: Takes this Method to inform the Gentlemen and Ladies, that he makes all Sorts of Ladies Combs, Tortoiseshell and Horn, and dressing Combs of different Sorts; which may be had at his House in Horse and Cart-Street, near Chappel-Street, or at Mr. Deas's, Wig-Maker and Hair-Dresser, in Broad-Street, opposite to General Gage's. N.B. Any Gentlemen or Ladies, having Turtle-shell by them, may have it made up, on the most reasonable Terms.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, September 11, 1766.
Comb Maker.—Lately came from Dublin, a Person who hath had the Honour to serve most of the Nobility in that City, in turning Horn, Ivory, or Tortoiseshell, and makes all Sorts of Combs in the newest and neatest Manner; likewise gives ready Money for Horn, Ivory, or Tortoiseshell; but any Person having either Horn, Ivory or Tortoiseshell, and chuse it to be worked up in any Form relating to his Business, may depend on having their Orders complied and on the lowest Terms, with all convenient Speed, By their humble Servant, Thomas Dunn, Living on Cowfoot-Hill, near the Hay Scales.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 3, 1769.
Cork Cutter.—Jervis Robuck, Cork Cutter, from London; Cuts and sells all Sorts of Corks, all Sizes, Wholesale and Retail, at the Foot of Potbakers-Hill, near the new Low Dutch Church: Where may be had, at the lowest Prices, A good Assortment of China raild, Prussia, and Mosaick Soop Tureens; Dishes and Plates: Also Delph, Flint, and Stone Ware. An Assortment of Glass Decanters, Beer and Wine Glasses, Tumblers, &c. suitable for Town or Country Shops. Also, imported in the Snow King William, from London, A neat Assortment of Looking-Glasses: A Quantity of Iron Pots of different Sizes, Daffy's Elixer, Bateman's Drops, Hooper's Female Pills, a Parcel of Onions, Ginger, Pepper, Allspice, Coffee, white and brown Sugar, &c.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, February 12, 1759.
Cosmetics.—To be Sold, At Mr. Edwards next door to Mr. Jamison, opposite the Fort Garden, an admirable Beautifying Wash, for Hands, Face and Neck, it makes the Skin soft, smooth and plump, it likewise takes away Redness, Freckles, Sun-Burnings, or Pimples, and cures Postules, Itchings, Ring-Worms, Tetters: Scurf, Morphew and other like Deformities of the Face and Skin, (Intirely free form any Corroding Quality) and brings to an exquisite Beauty, with lip Salve and Tooth Powder, all sold very Cheap.—The New-York Weekly Journal, March 29, 1736.
Cosmetics.—The Venetian Paste, So well known to the Ladies for enameling the Hands, Neck and Face, of a lovely white: It renders the most rough Skin smooth and soft, as Velvet, and entirely eradicates Carbuncles and all other Heats in the Face, or Nose and cracking of the Lips at this Season of the Year. Sold only by Hugh Gaine, at 6s. per Pot.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 24, 1774.
Cosmetics.—Lady Molyneux's Italian Paste. So well known to the Ladies for enamelling the hands, neck, and face, of a lovely white; it renders the most rough skin smooth and soft as velvet. There is not the least grain of paint in it; and Ladies who use it cannot be tanned by the most scorching heat. If it is used to infants in the month, it secures them a delicate skin; nor can the most servere frost crack the skin. Sold by Hugh Gaine.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 9, 1774.
Dancing, is Taught by the Subscriber, in a genteel and easy Method; at the House in Chaple Street, next Door to the Play-House, and at Mrs. Demot's on Flatten-Barrack-Hill; He assures all Gentlemen and Ladies that please to Favour him with their Company, that they shall meet with Satisfaction, and that great Care and Due Attendance will be given, by their Humble Servant, John Trotter.—The New-York Mercury, June 30, 1766.
Dentist.—Teeth drawn, and old broken stumps taken out very safely and with much Ease by James Mills, who was Instructed in that Art by the late James Reading deceased, so fam'd for drawing of Teeth, he is to be spoke with at his Shop in the House of the Deceased, near the Old Slip Market.—The New-York Journal, January 6, 1735.
Distiller.—Joseph Greswold, Disteller from London, Selleth by wholesale or Retail, all sorts of Spirituous Liquors as Rum, Brandy, Geneva, Anniseed Water, Orange Water, Clove Water, Cenamon Water, and sundry other Liquors, at the Sign of the Lyon and Still, in Pearl-Street, New-York.—The New-York Weekly Journal, July 6, 1747.
Fencing.—These are to give Notice, To all Gentlemen who desire to learn the right Method and true Art of Defence, and Pursuit of the Small-Sword in its greatest Perfection, and extraordinary quick and speedy, with all the Guards, Parades, Thrusts and Lessons thereunto belonging, fully described, and the best Rule for Playing against Artists or Others with Blunts or Sharps; That they may be taught the same by Me Richard Lyneall, Professor and Master of the said Art, who is to be spoke with at the house of Mrs. Elizabeth Parmyter, in Beaver-Street.
Note, He teaches Gentlemen either Private or Publick, by the Month or by the Whole. Likewise, he has Commodious Lodging for Gentlemen or Ladies.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, June 22, 1752.
Fire Engine Maker.—A Fire-Engine that will deliver two Hogsheads of Water in a Minute, in a continual Stream, is to be Sold by Wiliam Lindsay, the Maker thereof. Enquire at Fighting Cocks, next Door to the Exchange-Coffee House, New-York.—The New-York Gazette, May 2-9, 1737.
Fire Engines.—Yesterday Capt. Knox arrived here in 15 Weeks from London, but last from Rhode Island: We are assured he has brought over with him two fine Fire-Engines, for the Use of this City, which were sent for by our Corporation; These, with the four already here in Possession of the Corporation, sufficiently prove the Care of our Magistrates for the Preservation of the City as far as lies in their Power.—News item in The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, February 5, 1750.
Fire Engine Maker.—Fire Engines. Whereas it has been the Custom for several Years past, for the Inhabitants of North-America to import Fire Engines from foreign Parts; this is to inform the Publick, that they are made in the City of New-York, as cheap and as good as any imported from England, by Davis Hunt.—The New-York Mercury, April 27, 1767.
Fire Engines.—To be Sold, Three small Fire-Engines. N.B. Are very fit for a small Town, or a Gentlemen's County-Seat. Inquire of Jacobus Stoutenburh, Over-seer of the Fire-Engines for the City of New-York.—The New York Journal or the General Advertiser, June 4, 1767.
Fire Engine.—To be sold by William Shipman, In Beaver-Street, opposite the New-Printing-Office, A Large Fire-Engine, which will with ease command the highest Dwelling-House in this City; she throws her water in a large Body, to a considerable Distance, and will discharge upwards of 200 Gallons in a Minute; is new and in good Order, and works with ease. Has for Sale likewise a few Pair of very elegant polished Steel Snuffers, with open Work Stands, and Ladies and Gentlemens Watch Chains, &c.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 10, 1769.
Fire Engine Maker.—Davis Hunt, Engine-maker, at the Fresh-Water, has for Sale, A complete Engine, which he will warrant, and can afford to let the Purchaser have much cheaper than any imported from England. His long Experience in that Branch, and the Number he has made for this City and Country in general, to the Satisfaction of the Buyer, has rendered his Character so far established, that he has no Occasion for a further Recommendation. Any Person, on the shortest Notice, can be supplied by said Hunt. He likewise makes Smiths Bellowses, in the best and cheapest Manner; begs the continuance of his Customers.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 5, 1770.
Fire Engine.—We can with Pleasure, assure the Public, that the Fire Engine of the Water Works was work'd many Days last week, greatly to the Satisfaction of vast Numbers of People who went to see it. This Engine carries a Pump of 11 inches in diameter, and 6 Feet Stroke, which contains
- Makes 10 Stroke a minute.........290 Galls
- In one Hour, 174 Hogsheads.......17400
- In 12 Hours, 2088 ditto..........208800
- In 24 Hours 4176 ditto...........417600
The Well is 30 Feet diameter, and 30 deep, contains 8 Feet depth of Water. The Water is inexhaustable, for the Pump, tho' continually work'd, cannot lower the Water more than two Feet. A Cord and 1/4 of wood will work the Engine for 24 Hours.
It is proposed to work the Engine for some Days longer, for the further Inspection of the Public, of which Notice will be given by hoisting a Flag.—News item in The New York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, March 11, 1776.
Fishery.—We have Advice from Halifax in Nova-Scotia, that there is such a Number of New-Yorkers got to that Place, since the first Settlement of it, as will nearly fill one of the Largest Streets in the Town, and that they are about to form themselves in one Street, into a Society of Company, by the Name of the Free New-York Fishery Company At Nova Scotia; and that all that shall hereafter come there from New-York, provided they come as one of King David's Soldiers, (see 1 Sam. XXII. Cap 2 Ver.) Shall be permitted to join them, and draw Shares according to the Stock they bring: some of these Gentlemen have wrote to their Friends here, that for their Encouragement to send Merchandize to them, they will engage that whatever they send, they will make it all Sterling.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, September 9, 1751.
Gardener.—Thomas Vallentine, Bred under the ablest Master in Ireland, who for some Years after his Apprenticeship conducted the Gardening Business for the Right Hon. The Earl of Belvedere, a Nobleman remarkable for elegant Taste, extensive Gardens and Plantations, the major Part of which were made immediately under said Gardner's Direction, during his Service with him; and has been afterwards employed by several of the Nobility and Gentry, to lay out their Gardens and Improvements. He also surveys Land, makes Copies and traces Maps, draws Designs for Gardens, Plantations, Stoves, green Houses, forcing Frames, &c. &c. and will execute the Plans if required. He is willing to attend any Gentleman's Gardens within ten or twelve Miles of this City, a Day or two in the Week, and give such Directions as are necessary for completing and keeping the same in proper Order. He has sufficient Certificates setting forth his Character and Abilities, and can be further recommended, if required, by a Gentleman near this City. Any Gentleman having Occasion to employ said Vallentine, may hear of him at the Printer's Exchange.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 8, 1768.
Glue Factory.—To encourage a Manufactory of Glue, in or near this City, (which is much wanted,) Any Person inclining setting up that Business here, (will by inquiring of the Printer) hear of a Person who will take of him Five Thousand Weight, yearly for Three Years, if his Price is approved of; and if his Glue is very good, will be further encouraged.—The New-York Gazette, February 17, 1766.
Grocer, Chandler and Soap Boiler.—John Richardson, Grocer, Chandler, and Sope-Boiler, from England; Takes this Opportunity to inform the Public, that he hath open'd Shop in the House where John Baster, Breeches-maker, lately lived near the Old-Slip-Market, in this City, where Groceries, Candles, and Soap are sold on the lowest Terms, and will be very glad to have the Pleasure of serving Captains and Masters of Vessels with Candles by the Box, &c. And all Favours most gratefully acknowledged, by your most obedient Servant to command, John Richardson.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 22, 1770.
Gunflint Cutter.—To the Society of Gentlemen for the Encouragement of Arts in the different Provinces of America. John Morris, Gunflint-Cutter to his Majesty's Board of Ordinance, in the Kingdom of Ireland, is willing to come and establish that Branch in any of his Majesty's Colonies or Plantations in America, if properly encouraged for establishing such an useful Branch, whereon depends the Safety and Protection of his Majesty's Royal Person, his Dominions and Subjects in general. It has always been my Study to propogate such useful Arts, as tends to the Public Good, therefore I earnestly entreat your Consideration on this Branch; likewise the Art of Mines, Minerals, and Mineral Waters, and refining Lead and Copper. I am Gentlemen, a Friend to Liberty and Freedom, John Morris. Dublin 20th Jan. 1768.
N.B. Please to send your proposals directed to me at William Gun's Esq; in Peter-Street, Dublin.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, May 5, 1768.
Gunsmith.—To be sold Cheap by Edward Annely, Gun Smith, at the Fly Market, A Large Assortment of Guns and Pistols all Tower proof; as also some Birding Pieces, with Bayonets in their Buts for Gentlemen's Use, and Guns with Bayonets fit either for Military Use or Fowling; long Pieces for shooting Geese, Ducks &c. The right sort of Indian Guns, with Gun Barrels and Locks of all Sorts; He likewise makes Guns and Pistols as any Gentleman shall like, and does all Things belonging to the Gun-Smith's Trade; and engraves Coats of Arms on Plate, &c.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, August 1, 1748.
Gunsmith.—Gilbert Forbes, Gun Maker. At the Sign of the Sportsman in the Broad Way, opposite Hull's Tavern in New-York. Makes and sells all sorts of guns, in the neatest and best manner; on the lowest terms; has for sale, silver and brass mounted pistols, rifle barrel guns, double swivel and double roller gun locks; common do. 50 ready made new bayonet guns, on all one size and pattern.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, March 16, 1775.
Hostler.—Waterman, At his repository for horses and carriages, at the New-York Arms, in the Broad-Way,...N.B. He also wants a good hostler, that will be (if requested) indulged to get drunk twelve times a year.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 23, 1771.
Inoculation.—Sutton and Latham, Have open'd Apartments for Innoculation, where Patients will be carefully attended, and every Thing necessary provided. Their Price for Innoculation, is Three Pounds Four Shillings, New-York Currency.
As there may be some Persons willing to be innoculated, but who cannot conveniently pay even so small a Sum as Half a Johannes, they are inform'd, that the Price shall be adapted to their Circumstances.
Mr. Latham innoculates from Six Weeks old; and every Month in the Year. For further Particulars, Application to be made to Mr. Latham, at his House in Broad-Street.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 7, 1771.
Insurance Office.—The Old Insurance-office Is kept at the Coffee-House, as usual; where all Risques whatsoever, are under wrote, at very moderate Premiums, and due Attendance given from Twelve to One, and from Six to Eight, by Keteltas & Sharp, Clerks of the Office.—The New-York Mercury, October 29, 1759.
Jack of All Trades.—John Julius Sorge. Very much noted among the Nobility in Germany, for divers curious Experiments, lately arrived in this City, hereby gives Notice, that he,
I. Makes All Sorts of Fruits, viz. Pruens, Cherries, Peaches, Grapes, Appricocks, &c. of the same natural Taste and Colour as those that grow, and as perfect, that no Distinction between them and the natural Ones can be perceived.
II. He also makes all the abovementioned Fruit, &c. to the same Perfection, without any Taste.
III. Makes all Sorts of Japan-Work, of divers fine Colours, to that Degree, that none heretofore hath ever exceeded him in that Art.
IV. Makes a Spirit which has the Quality to take out of Clothes and Hats, any Stain or Spot whatsoever, without taking away the Glaze.
V. He prepares a fine Water for Ladies to wash themselves with, in order to preserve their Beauty.
VI. Makes Muscadine Wine, and knows how to cure Wines if spoiled.
VII. Makes a Soap-Liquor, of which take 10 or 12 Drops, and put into a Cup of Water, and you will have sufficient Suds to wash or shave yourself.
VIII. He knows how to wash Gold and Silver Lace, in a very particular Manner.
IX> He makes a Sort of Candles, without any Wax, Tallow, or Fat whatsoever; which Candles are much finer, and gives more Light than any others; they make no Smoke, neither do they want snuffing.
X. He prepares a Spirit which destroys Bugs, and offers any some for Trial.
XI. He knows a special Remedy, to take out the Hair out of Ladies Foreheads and Hands, without any Pain.
XII. He has also knowledge of many other Experiments, too tedious to mention.
N.B. Said Sorge may be spoke with every Afternoon at the House of Mr. Edward Willet, Tavernkeeper, at the Sign of the New-York Arms in the Broad-Way, or at Mr. Koch's, where all Gentlemen and Ladies who will please to favour him with their Custom, may depend upon being duly satisfied.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 16, 1755.
Mathematical Instrument Maker.—All Sorts of Mathematical Instruments, either in Silver or Brass, are made or mended by Charles Walpole, Citzen of London, and most Sorts of other Work done at reasonable Rates at his Shop, at the Corner of Wall-Street, near the Meal Market. N.B. He also gives ready money for Old Copper or Brass.—The New-York Evening Post, May 26, 1746.
Mathematical Instrument Maker.—The late invented and most curious Instrument call'd an Octant, for taking the Latitude or other Altitudes at Sea, with all other Mathematical Instruments for Sea or Land, compleatly made by Anthony Lamb in New-York: where all Persons may be supply'd with German Flutes, and sundry other small Works in Wood, Ivory, or Brass, and Books of Navigation; and a proper Direction given with every Instrument. Ready Money for curious hard Wood, Ivory, Tortois-Shell, and old Brass.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, January 23, 1749.
Mathematical Instrument Maker.—James Ham, mathematical instrument-maker, at the house wherein the Widow Ratsey lately lived, near the Old-Dutch-Church, in Smith's Street, makes and sells all sorts of mathematical instruments, in wood, brass or ivory, as, Theodolite's circumferenter's, sectors parallel rulers, protractors, plain scales and dividers, the late instrument called an octant, Davis's quadrants, gauging rods, sliding and gunter's scales, amplitude wood box and hanging compasses, pocket, do. ship-wright draught bows, bevils, walking-sticks neatly mounted, surveying chains, japan'd telescopes, dice & dice boxes, quarto waggoners, Atkinson's epitomes, mariner's kalenders and compasses, and sundry other things, at the most reasonable rates.—The New-York Mercury, May 27, 1754.
Mathematical Instrument Maker.—William Hinton, Mathematical Instrument Maker, at Hadley's Quadrant, facing the East Side of the New Coffee House, Makes and sells all sorts of Mathematical Instruments, in Silver, Brass, Ivory, or Wood, viz. Hadley's Quadrants, Davis's do. Crostaf's Nocturnals, Gunters Scales, Plotting do. Cases of Instruments, Surveyors Chains, Dividers with and without Points, Protractors, paralelled Rulers, Rods for Guaging, Amplitude, hanging and common Wood Compasses, Pocket do. three Foot Telescopes, Pocket do. Backgammon Tables, Dice and Dice Boxes; Billiard Balls and Tacks, Violin Bows and Bridges; with a Variety of other Articles too tedious to mention: And as he is a young Beginner, he flatters himself, he shall meet with Encouragement; and all those who please to favour him with their Custom, may depend upon having their Work done in the neatest and best Manner, and at reasonable Rates.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 4, 1772.
Midwife.—Mrs. Ridgely, Midwife from London: Having practised for many Years that opulent City, with great Success; but some Affairs relative to the Death of her Husband, making it indispensibly necessary for her coming over to this City, she intends during her Stay to resume that Practice, on a proper Recommendation, from Gentlemen of the Faculty; and will most carefully tenderly and punctually attend those Ladies who may please to favour her with their Commands, on a firm Dependance of exerting her Ability and utmost Endeavours, not only to merit their Esteem, but to prove herself on all Occasions, the Publick's very respectful, and obedient humble Servant. Sarah Ridgely....—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 13, 1765.
Net Making.—This is to give Notice to all Gentlemen, That John Beals, intends to carry on the Business of Net Making, at the House of Mr. Samuel Foster, Silk-Dyer, in Prince-street; such as Horse Nets, to keep the Flies off them in Summer, Caston-Nets, Shuting Bages, Partridge, Pigeon, Clue, Tramel, and other Sorts of Nets made and mended by John Bales, These Gentlemen that please to favour me with their Work, may depend on having it done in the best Manner as in London. N.B. Said John Bales [sic] plays on the Violin and Hautboy, for Assemblies, at private Balls, or any other Entertainments.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 20, 1757.
Nuremburg Plaster.—The much famed Genuine Nuremburg Plaister, is made and prepared in this City, by G. Gyselbrecht, Surgeon and Practitioner in Physick, and to be sold at his House near Oswego Market, at 2s. and 3d. the largest Box; 1s 2. the second Sort, and 7d. the smallest; with Allowance to Shop-Keepers, who purchase a Quantity to sell again.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, March 23, 1752.
Oil Men.—Cressy and Drury, Oilmen, Lately from England, in Prince's Street Have to sell, wholesale or retail, genuine Linseed Oil, manufactured in this City, and refined in the best Manner, fit for the finest Painting; also inferior Oils, at different Prices, and Cakes, which is excellent Feed for Cattle, by the Thousand, Hundred, or single Cake. All Gentlemen, Painters, and others, that please to favour us with their custom, may depend on the best Usage, and their Favours gratefully acknowledged, by their Most humble Servants, James Cressy & Edward Drury....—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Mercury, March 12, 1770.
Machines for Dressing Wheat and Flour.—The Patent Machines (for dressing wheat and flour) of John Milne, and Sons, of Manchester, Are to be sold by Daniel Neil, near Acquakanack, New-Jersey; and by Templeton and Stewart, in New-York. To prevent trouble, the price of the flour machine is thirty three pounds, and the wheat machine twelve pounds, New-York currency....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, November 29, 1773.
Post Rider.—Too all those gentlemen beyond Albany and elsewhere, who receive this paper by the Albany Post-Rider:
These may serve to inform you, that I have faithfully served you by day and night, through cold and heat, near four years, and have now almost worn out myself and many good horses, in delivering your paper: some of you have paid me most honorably, others, perhaps for want of an opportunity have not. These are therefore to inform you, whenever you pay the Printers for their papers, to pay them also for the Rider, who have agreed to receive it for me. Your compliance, gentlemen, will greatly oblige, Your most humble Servant, The Albany Post Rider.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, November 17, 1774.
Public Whipper.—The Public Whipper of the City of New-York being lately dead: if any Person inclines to accept the Office with Twenty Pounds a Year, he may apply to the Mayor, and be entered.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, February 11, 1751.
Goose Quills.—Mr. Gaine: The following Method of Manufacturing our own Country Goose-Quills has been found to make them equal to any English or Holland Quills imported: And as it may be of Use to the Public, you will be pleased to insert it in your Paper.
First scrape gently the Outside of the Quill, make a Vent or cut off a small End of the Pith; then tye them up in a Bundle, and sink them down into a Kettle of Water, so that the Water may come just above the Pith, and boil them for about three Hours, or 'til they boil clear; then drain out the Water, and Bake them in an Oven at Pleasure.—The New-York Mercury, February 11, 1765.
School Master.—On the 15th of September next at the Custom-House, in this City (where a convenient Room is fitted up) James Lyne designs to Teach in the Evenings (during the Winter) Arithmetick in all its parts, Geometry, Trigonometry, Navigation, Surveying, Guaging, Algebra, and sundry other parts of Mathematical Learning. Whoever inclines to be instructed in any of the said Parts of Mathematical Knowledge, may agree with the said James Lyne at the House of William Bradford, in the City of New-York.—The New-York Gazette, August 31-September 7, 1730.
School Master.—These are To Give Notice, That Persons of both Sexes from Twelve years of Age to Fifty, who never wrote before, are taught to write a good legible Hand in five Weeks at an Hour per Day at home or abroad; and such as write but indifferently may have their Hands considerably improved by Mr. Elphinstone, living in the lowermost of Mr. Haines's New-Buildings in New-Dutch Church Street: where Specimens of Persons writing in the above time may be seen.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, October 15, 1753.
School Matron.—School for French and English. Maria Gibbon, Who was educated in France, and is lately arrived from London, proposes to open a School, on Monday the 7th of January where young Ladies may be taught to speak and read French and English. She likewise will teach fine and plain Work. More Particulars may be known of Mrs. Gibbon, at Mr. Dudley's, in Maiden-Lane, or she will do herself the Honour of waiting on those Ladies, who shall please to favour her with their Commands.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, January 14, 1771.
School Master.—To be Public. The Mattisonia Grammar-School in the lower-Freehold, is still continued under the Patronage of Rev. Messrs. William Tennent, Charles M'Knight and William Ayers, and Doct. Nathaniel Scudder, who purposes constantly to provide said school with an able Teacher, and visit as often as may be necessary.
The Gentleman who now presides in the School, and gives singular Satisfaction, is Mr. Moses Allen, late of Nassau-Hall.
He teaches the Latin and Greek Languages with Accuracy, and is particularly attentive to the Reading and Pronunciation of the English Tongue.
The Situation of the School is such, that the Pupils are perhaps as little exposed to Temptation, or any Thing that may corrupt their Morals, as in any Part of America.
N.B. Board, including Washing, Fire-Wood and Candles, is at present no higher than Seven Shillings and Six Pence Proclamation Money, per Week.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, January 30, 1772.
Shears Maker.—Cornelius Atherton, (of the Great Nine Partners in Dutchess County.) Begs leave to inform the public, particularly Clothiers, that he has set up the Business of making Clothier's Shears, which he warrants to be equal in Goodness to any imported, and are to be Sold upon as good Terms, which he hopes may be an Inducement for such as want to apply to him. He has made a considerable Improvement in the Construction of these Shears, so that they may be taken a part with a Screw, to be Ground without putting them out of the proper Order, which kind, on account of the additional Workmanship and their great Conveniency, come something higher than the Common. Any Person by applying to him as above, can be supplied on a short Notice.—The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, September 13, 1770.
Sleight of Hand Artist.—This is to give Notice to all Gentlemen Ladies and others, that on Monday the 18 of March at the House of Charles Sleigh, in Duke-Street is to be seen the famous German Artist, who is to perform the Wonders of the World by Dexterity of Hand: The Things he performs are too many to be enumerated here. He here with invites all to be Spectators of his Ingenuity, 1s. 9d. & 6d. is the Price for Admitance. He begins at 7 o'Clock in the Evening. To be continued every night in the Week. Saturday Nights excepted. To be performed by Joseph Broome.—The New-York Weekly Journal, March 25, 1734.
Sleight of Hand Artist.—This is to acquaint the Curious, That there is just arrived in this City, a famous Posture-Master, who transforms his Body into a various Postures, in a surprising and wonderful Manner, with many Curious Dancings and Tumblings, exceeding any thing of the kind ever seen here. He also Performs the Slight of Hand, with great Dexterity, and Art; and to make the entertainment more agreeable, the Company will be diverted with the Musick of a Dulcemer...exhibited by their very humble Servant, Richard Brickell.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, April 27, 1752.
Sleight of Hand Artist.—For the Benefit of Mr. Bayly, On Tuesday Evening the 14th of April, Inst. Will be presented, his uncommon Performances by Dexterity of Hand, in a Manner, different from all other Performers of that Art, without the use of Pockets, Bags, or Sleeves. When besides his usual, he will exhibit several Others never attempted before, particularly he will raise an Apple-Tree by Fire, which will bud, blossom, and bear Fruit, in presence of all the Company.
Mr. Punch begs leave to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen, that by him, his Merry Family, and Company of Comedians, will be presented several Drolls, Burlettas, &c. &c. Particularly a New Farce, call'd The enchanted Lady of the Grove. With a curious View of the Sea, in which are seen several Ships Engaging, Fish, Sea Monsters, &c. &c. Swimming: And the Men of War taking the Island of Goree.
End of Part the First, will be a Grotesque Interlude of Dancing, call'd The Drunken Peasant. The Peasant, by Mr. Tea. Clown, by Mr. Bayly. End of Part the Second, a Pantomine, call'd Harlequin and the Miller. The Miller, by Mr. Bayly. Harlequin, by Mr. Tea. End of Part the Third, a Negro Dance, In Character, by Mr. Tea.
Ladies and Gentlemen may be assured the strictest Regularity will be observed as Mr. Bayly has taken Care to remove every Obstacle that might tend to interrupt the Company, or, the Performance. Boxes 4s. Front Seats 3s. Second Seats 2s. The Door to be open'd at 5, and begin at 7 o'clock. Tickets to be had only of Mr. Bayly, at the Place of the Performance. Vivant Rex Et Regina.
To Conclude with an Hornpipe, by Mr. Tea. If Tuesday Evening proves bad Weather, it will be postponed till next Evening The Tuesday following will be for the Benefit of Mr. Tea.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, April 9, 1767.
Smelter and Refiner of Gold, Silver.—Chepman Ashers, Smelter and Refiner of Gold, Silver, Copper and Lead, is lately arrived from Germany where he has been employed as such, in several Smelting and Refining Works, and particularly those of the Elector of Saxony.
He proposes to smelt, separate, and refine, in this, or any of the neighbouring Colonies, the above mentioned Metals, from any Ore delivered to him for that purpose, and promises to save 50 per Cent. of the Expence usually paid by the Americans, who sent their Ore to England to be smelted or refined there. But then the Works must be erected near a navigable River, and in a Part of the Country where there is a great Plenty of Wood for making Charcoal. If any Gentlemen inclines to employ the said Ashers in that Capacity, he doubts not his giving full Satisfaction respecting his Abilities and Character. He is determine not to contract for a Salary, but a Share in the Produce of the Works, which if undertaken, will be first of the kind carried on in North-America, and must prove highly beneficial. For further Particulars inquire of himself, at Mr. Samuel Israel's in Little-Dock-Street.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, March 14, 1774.
Snuff Makers.—Maxwell and Williams From Bristol. Where they for many years carried on a large and extensive Trade in the Snuff and Tobacco Manufactories, Have erected in this City, a complete Apparatus for carrying on the said Business in all its Branches.
They have now ready for sale, at their Store, near the lower end of Wall-Street, All sorts of best Scotch and Rappee Snuff, Pigtail, Rag, and fine mild smoking Tobacco. The Public will find upon Trial, the Snuff manufactured by them, to be equal in Quality and Flavour to any imported from Great-Britain; being made of the best Materials, and in a Manner superior to any Thing of the kind yet attempted in the Country: And as an Encouragement to those who are inclined to countenance Manufactories set on Foot in America, purpose selling their Snuff on lower terms than can be imported....—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, May 13, 1773 (Supplement).
Splint Maker.—Lewis Nichols, At Newark, New-Jersey, Makes and Sells, Sharp Splints for Legs and Thighs, universally made use of by Surgeons. Doctor Treat of New-York has been supplied with a number of sets of his make, and he has left a set to be seen at Mr. James Thompson's, at the corner of Beekman's Slip, where a letter left for him will be forwarded, and a number of sets got ready at the shortest notice, and at a moderate price.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, May 2, 1776.
Split Peas Manufactured.—Split Pease, Manufactured in the best manner by John Arthur, near opposite Mr. William Walton's, above Peck's-slip; where any quantity may be had on the shortest notice, put up in bushel and half bushel kegs, or by measure. The said Arthur has likewise received per the last vessels from London, a variety of seasonable goods, amongst which are...Henry and Andrew playing cards,...barrel and square glass lanthorns, loose paper pins of all sizes, and a large assortment of Paper Hangings, in which are two elegant India patterns; has also for sale, coffee, loaf, lump and muscovado sugars, rice, chocolate, all-spice, &c.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, November 22, 1773.
Sugar Refining.—Publick Notice is hereby given, That Nicholas Bayard of the City of New-York has erected a Refining House for Refining all sorts of Sugar and Sugar-Candy, and has procured from Europe an experienced Artist in that Mystery. At which Refining House all Persons in the City and Country may be supplyed by Wholesale and Re-tale, with both double and single Refined Loaf-Sugar, as also Powder and Shop-Sugar-Candy, at Reasonable Rates.—The New-York Gazette, August 10-17, 1730.
Surgeon.—Elias Wollin of Bohemia, who has served in his Imperial Majesty's Army as Chirurgeon four Years infallibly and instantly Cures the Tooth Ach, Cups in the Like Manner, Wounds, Swellings, and Sores are also cured, wonderfully by him in a Short Time he has made sundry Cures of the Tooth Ach in the Presence of many. He is to be spoke with at the House in Stone Street lately Occupied by Mr. Soloman Myers, opposite to Mr. Lynsen, the Baker.—The New-York Weekly Journal, May 25, 1741.
Surgery.—To be Sold, Heister's Surgery, the whole illustrated with thirty eight Copper-plates, exhibiting all the Oparations, Instruments, Bandages, and Improvements, according to the modern and most approved Practice; Sharpe's Surgery, Smellie's Midwifery, Capital Instruments, in Cases, one lin'd with green Velvet, the other with Bays, the best were made by Stanton, all new; likewise a large Medicinal Chest fitted with large and small square Bottles, Wanting but very Trifles to make it compleat for Sea. Enquire of the Printer hereof.—The New-York Mercury, July 16, 1759.
Tannery.—Hugh Hughes Informs the Public that he has a Tan-Yard, and Currying Shop, in Ferry-Street, near Peck's Slip, where the Business is carryed on as usual. And (in a general Way) the following Sorts of Leather may be had, viz.
Harness, Skirting, Bridle, Stirrup, Covering, and Seat-Leather. Also: Soal and upper Leather, Calf Skins, and Sheep Skins, fit for Saddler's or Book Binder's Use, N.B. A good Price is given, by said Hughes, for good Hides, Bark, Oyl and Tallow.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, October 7, 1762.
Tobacco Pipes.—A very good dwelling house with a Kitchen and store House a good Stable, a pleasant Garden with an Orchard and about Twenty Acres of Clay ground fit for making Tobacco Pipes, with two Negro slaves, utensils and other conveniences to carry on that business. It lyes opposite to Froggs Point at White Stone in the Township of Flushing, in Queens County....—The New-York Gazette, March 24-March 31, 1735.
Tobacconist.—Whereas the Subscriber has followed the Business of a Tobacconist in this City for several Years past, and by his Care and Skill has acquired some Credit with his Tobacco, whose Papers are known by the Mark B. M. And some other Tobacconist envying his Success, or coveting to take away his Bread and Credit, have manufactured and sold their Tobacco, with the Marks M. B. and imposing it on the Publick for the Subscribers: This is therefore to notify to all concerned, that whatever Tobacco is sold by the subscriber, has only the Marks B. M. on the Papers, and any other Mark with a Pretence of its being the Subscriber's, is an Imposture. Blaze Moore.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, January 4, 1768.
Tobacconist.—Best Tobacco, manufactured by Stephen Hitchcock, a little below St. George's Chapel; Where the Publick will be supply'd with best Pigtail Tobacco, Cut Tobacco for chewing or smoaking, or the genuine Quality, clear of Sand or Dust, and fine Shag. As he is a new Beginner, he will strive to merit the Approbation of the Publick. N.B. Country Merchants and Seamen, supply'd at the cheapest Rate.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 17, 1771.
Tobacconist.—This is to inform the Publick, That the Tobacconist Business is carried on by the Widow Pell, and the Papers being formerly sign'd by Samuel Pell, are now stamp'd Widow Mary Pell.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 1, 1771.
Tobacconist.—Dennis MacReady Tobacconist. Begs leave to acquaint, friends and customers, and the publick in general, that he has removed his tobacco manufactory from horse and cart street, towards the lower end of Wall-street, at the sign of the bladder of snuff and roll tobacco, where he intends to carry on the business as usual, and has for sale best inspected leaf tobacco by the hhd or barrel fit for shipping &c. superfine pigtail, common do. hogtail and cut tobacco, scotch and rappee snuff....—Rivington's New-York Gazette, May 13, 1773.
Water Works.—Mr. Parker, As no doubt you'll advertise the Readers of your weekly Paper of the late Fire in the South Ward of this City; please to add those few Hints, for our future Safety.
It is well known, that the Fires in this Town of late, as that in Duke Street, the School House, and This, happen'd to be situate within Reach of the Rivers; by which Means, the engines could be supplied without great Difficulty; and thus, to our happy Deliverances, those raging Fires were extinguished.
But suppose a fire should come to a Head, as either of those did, in the Heart of our City, how should we master it?...I propose that a Drain, or Brick Channel, may be carried up at Low-Water Mark, from under the Long-Bridge, in Broad-Street;...Some may object perhaps, that such a Course of Salt Water will spoil the Wells near it, and make the Water brackish; even this I question, as it is confined in a Brick Channel; and if it should, Tea-Water is daily brought at the Doors, and the other will do to wash their Houses.—Letter to the printer in The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, November 5, 1750.
Water Works.—Stephen Hitchcock, Living near Peck's slip, on the dock below Mrs. Walton's, and opposite Capt. Rose, Has erected gutters from the well known pump of water of Mr. Van Horne, formerly occupied by Richard Cornwel. Which water is equal in goodness to any in this city; and which pump has supplied almost all the shipping in the harbour. The gutters extend down to the end of Capt. Rose, and Mr. Laight's new dock, and is so convenient that any vessel may be supplied with water much easier and with less trouble than any other place in the city, as it can be filled in the vessel or boat, as they lie along side of the dock.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 13, 1773.
Water Works.—Last Thursday sen'night the Corporation of this City met, and agreed to Mr. Christopher Colles's Proposal for supplying this City with fresh Water, by Means of a Steam Engine, Reservoir, and Conduit Pipes; and in order to carry the said useful and laudable Design into immediate execution, they resolved to issue Promissory notes as the Work shall advance.
According to this design, the Water will be conveyed through every Street and Lane in this City, with a perpendicular Conduit Pipe at every Hundred Yards, at which Water may be drawn at any Time of the Day or Night, and in case of Fire, each conduit Pipe will be so contrived as to communicate with the extinguishing Fire-Engines, whereby a speedy and plentiful Supply of Water may be had in that calamitous Situation.—News item in The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 1, 1774.
Water Works.—New-York Water Works. Notice is hereby given, that a large quantity of pitch pine logs will be wanting for the New-York Water Works; Such persons as are willing to engage to furnish the same, are desired to send their proposals, in writing, before the 20th of October next, to Christopher Colles, contractor for said Works.
These logs must be of good pitch pine, streight and free from large knots, and 20 feet long; one fourth of the number of logs to be 12 inches diameter, exclusive of sap, at the small end; and the remaining three fourths of 9 inches diameter, exclusive of sap, at the small end.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 5, 1774.
Whalebone Cutting, in all its parts out of the slabs, for stay or hoop-makers, performed by David Philips, at his house near the Widow of Harmanus Rutgers, opposite the Sign of the Three Pidgeons. All persons who may think proper to employ him in the above business, may depend on having their work done, with care and dispatch.—The New-York Mercury, February 10, 1755.
Wheelwright.—James Hallet, Wheel-Wright, on Golden Hill, in New-York, Makes and mends all sorts of Wheels or Carriages for Chaises, Chairs, Kittereens, Waggons or Carts, after the best Manner, with all Expedition, at the most reasonable Rates.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post Boy, February 13, 1749.
Wheelwright.—Dominicus Andler, Wheelwright, from Germany, Acquaints the public, That he can make most sorts of mills such as grist, oil, fulling, paper, and saw-mills; also forges and furnaces, to work either by water, wind or horses; likewise water engines, to take the water out of mines, or other places where water is to be taken out. He has practis'd for many years in Germany, and had the honour to be employed by most of the Princes. For further particulars, enquire of John Entrest, at the North River, where some of his drafts may be seen. Those Gentlemen who shall be pleased to employ him, may rely on having their work perform'd with the utmost accuracy and dispatch, by their humble Servant, Dominicus Andler.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 31, 1768.
Whip Maker.—John Amory, Whip-Maker, Manufactures and sells all sorts of the best and newest fashioned Horse-Whips, opposite the Old English Church Yard, and next Door to the Shop he formerly carried on that Business in, in Company with John Johnson; and as he is determined to manufacture the best Stuff, and in the newest Taste, he hopes for a Continuance of his Friends and the Public's Encouragement, whose past Favours he most gratefully acknowledges.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 25, 1772.
Wind Mill.—At the Wind Mill, near the Bull's Head Tavern, in the Bowery, All kinds of grain, ginger, &c. &c. with every thing that can be manufactured in a grist mill, done in the best manner by George Traile, who will take particular care that strictest justice be done, and all possible dispatch given, to those who may be pleased to favour him with their custom. And at the Snuff Mills, in the Bowery, said Traile manufactures as usual, Scots snuff, rappee of all kinds, and Irish high toasted, equal (baring prejudice) to any imported from Europe, choice pigtail, hogtail and cut tobacco.
For the conveniency of city customers, a small assortment of the above articles will be kept at Capt. Robert Sinclair's-store, on the Hunter's Quay, where orders for quantities will be taken, and executed with punctuality. N.B. It is requested that as much time as possible may be given.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 1, 1772.
Wearing Apparel.—Ran away on Sunday the 12th Instant July, from Phillip Livingston, two Irish Servants,...They have taken with them brown Frize close-body'd Coats, the Back lin'd with brown Flannel, narrow Sleeves, & Bath-mettle Buttons made after the French Fashion, two ditto Wastcoats, four pair Leather Breeches four pair Ozenbrigs ditto, five Guinea-Stuff Shirts, and four strong Holland-Linen ditto, five pair Stockings, two Felt Hats, two Silk-romal Handkerchiefs, two Cotton ditto, one Worsted Cap, a Bayonet, and Sundry other Things....—The New-York Gazette, July 13-20, 1730.
Stays.—James Munden, Partner with Thomas Butwell from London, Maketh Gentlewomens Stays and Childrens Coats in the Newest Fashion, and so that Crooked Women and Children will appear strait. By whom Gentlewomen and Ladies in City & Country may be faithfully served by the said James Munden and Thomas Butwell.—The New-York Gazette, January 28-February 4, 1735.
Brocade Gown.—Lost some Time last Week a Brocade Gown, white Ground, and red and Green Flowers, Wrapt up in a purple Calico Peticoat and half a yard of New Brocade of the same in it. Whoever brings it to the Printer hereof shall have Forty Shilling Reward, and no Questions asked.—The New-York Journal, April 11, 1737.
Great Coat.—Taken from John Croker at the Fighting Cocks New-York, in the Room of another a light coloured Cloth great Coat with Button Holes in the Inside under a Flap a Capt Cape and the Button Holes in threes down before. Whoever has got the Coat is desired to return it, and take their own, or whoever will inform the said Croker who has the coat, so as he may have it again, shall have Ten Shillings as a Reward paid by John Croker.—The New-York Weekly Journal, December 3, 1739.
Muffs.—Peter Ruston living near Mr. Anthony Rutgers, Brewer, Dresses all sorts of Furrs and makes Muffs for Men or Women.—The New-York Weekly Journal, November 22, 1742.
Wrapper.—Lost a Chocalat Colour'd Cambleteen Wraper, small white streeks running crossways, at an uncommon Distance, the Sleeves were not yet sew'd in. Whoever brings it to the Printer hereof, shall be well rewarded and no Questions ask'd.—The New-York Weekly Journal, February 4, 1745.
Garter.—Lost on Monday Night last, between the Fort and the Slip-Market, a black Silk Garter, lin'd with red, with a Stone Buckle set in Silver; Whoever finds it, and will bring it to Mrs. Hogg's in Broad-Street, or to the Printer hereof, shall receive half a Pistole Reward.—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, February 22, 1748.
Millinery.—Margaret St. Maurice, Lately from London, at Mr. Cook's on Bayard's Dock; Makes and Sells all sorts of Men's and Women's Jockey Caps, Men's Morning Caps, Masks for Ladies, Bath Bonnets, Bags and Roses for Gentlemen's Wigs, Palareens and Hooks, Silk Hats for Children; after the newest Fashions.—The New York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, May 8, 1749.
Wigs.—Alexander Lindsay and Robert Johnston, peruke makers....Where Gentlemen may be supplied with all kinds of Perukes, Tets and Fox-Tails, &c. after the most genteel Fashions now used in London; Ladies may also be furnished with Tets and Wigs in perfect Imitation of their own Hair. They also cut and dress Ladies and Gentlemen's Hair, in the London Mode. Orders from the Country shall be punctually complied with, as if given in Town....—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post Boy, May 7, 1750.
Wigs.—This is to acquaint the Publick, that there is lately arrived from London, the Wonder of the World, An honest Barber and Peruke-maker, who might have worked for the King, if his Majesty would have employed him; it was not for the Want of Money that he came here, for he had enough of that at Home; nor for the Want of Business that he advertised himself. But to acquaint the Gentlemen and Ladies, That Such a Person is now in Town, living near Rosemary-Lane, where Gentlemen and Ladies may be supplied with the Goods as follow, Viz. Tyes, Full-bottoms, Majors, Spencers, Fox-Tails, Ramalies, Tucks, cuts and bob Perukes; Also Ladies Tatematongues and Towers, after the Manner that is now wore at Court. By their humble and obedient Servant, John Still.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post Boy, May 21, 1750.
Stockings.—This is to give Notice, That Elizabeth Boyd, is going to remove next Door to the Widow Hog's in Broad Street, near the Long Bridge, and will continue, as usual, to graft Pieces in Knit Jackets and Breeches, not to be discern'd, also to graft and foot Stockings, and Gentlemen's Gloves, Mittens or Muffatees made out of old Stockings, or runs them in the Heels. She likewise makes Children's Stockings out of old ones; at a very reasonable Rate.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post Boy, April 1, 1751.
Cloak.—Lost last Wednesday, a blue Cloak, with two Capes, one of them Velvet, and under one of the Capes are three red Seals, with a Coat of Arms....—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, April 15, 1751.
Gentlemen Thief Attire.—Runaway thief from the house of Mrs. Mary Bradock...wore a Silver-lac'd Hat, a dark cut Pigtail Wig, a Cloth-colour'd Fustian Coat very short, with Velvet Cuffs and Collars, Breeches of the same with strings, a scarlet Vest, a light colour'd Duffle Great-Coat, a Pair of fine ribb'd worsted Stockings to roll over the knee, no Boots, a Pair of small Silver Buckles in his Shoes....—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, July 30, 1753.
Fashions from London.—Mary Wallace and Clementia Ferguson, Just arrived from the Kingdom of Ireland, intend to follow the business of mantua-making, and have furnished themselves from London, in patterns of the following kind of wear, for ladies and gentlemen, and have fixed a correspondence so as to have from thence and London, the earliest fashions in miniature: They live at Mr. Peter Clark's within two doors of William Walton's, Esq; in the Fly. Ladies and gentlewomen that will employ them, may depend on being expeditiously and reasonably served, in making the following articles, that is to say, Sacks, negligees, negligee-night-gowns, plain night-gowns, pattanlears, shepherdesses, roman-cloaks, cardinals, capuchins, dauphnesses, shades, lorrains, bonnet and hives.—The New-York Mercury, January 3, 1757.
Gold Laced Hat.—Lost, on Sunday the 6th instant, in the evening, between Blooming-Doll and New-York, a New Gold-Laced Hat. Whoever has found the same, and will bring it to the Printer hereof, shall be handsomely rewarded for his trouble.—The New-York Mercury, December 5, 1757.
Shoes.—Knight and Company, at the London Shoe Ware House, at Whitehall at the House of the late Captain Moore. Where is to be sold by wholesale or retail, on the most reasonable terms, a good assortment of London made men's single channel pumps, neat shoes and pumps, with strong double soal shoes for working men, all sorts and sizes of boys and girls leather shoes, also a compleat assortment of Women's Calimancoes, ever-lasting and damask shoes made in the newest taste; with women's strong toed clogs for the winter.
N.B. As they intend dealing only in the above articles; the publick may depend on being always supplied, as they will have a fresh assortment by every vessel from England.—The New-York Gazette, October 29, 1759.
Stays.—Clarke, Stay-Maker from London, makes Childrens Stays, Coats, Sullteens, Holhipt Stays, in the newest Fashions: Ladies that chuse to employ him, he is to be found the next Door to Mr. Roberts's in the Broad-Way, opposite the Bowling Green.—The New-York Mercury, June 30, 1760.
Breeches.—John Baster, Leather-Seller and Breeches Maker, from London, at the Sign of the Buck and Breeches, opposite the Old Slip Market, Where he makes all Sorts of Leather Breeches, such as Buck, Doe, Lamb and Black, in the neatest Manner. Such of the Nobility, Gentry, and others, who please to favour him with their Custom, may be supplied with the best in their Kind, By their most humble Servant, John Baster.—The New-York Gazette, October 5, 1761.
Furs.—Alexander Solomons, Skinker [sic] and Furrier from London, at his Store, opposite to Henry Holland, Esq; near the long-bridge, has just finished, and has for Sale, a fresh and genteel Assortment of the following Goods, viz. Muffs and Tippets, made of Ermine and Mock-Ermine, Sable and Mock-Sable, Squirrel and Mock-Squirrel, Superfine white Swanskin ditto, Furr Trimmings for Cloaks of all sorts to suite Muffs and Tippets; all manner of Cloath lined with Furr and Furr caps made after the neatest Manner; Skins dressed....—The New-York Gazette, October 26, 1761.
Shoes.—To be Sold, by Alexander Montgomery, At the Fly Market, next door to Mr. Brovort's, opposite Mrs. Rutgers's; A Parcel of greass'd leather, double and single channel'd pumps, stitch'd heel'd shoes and pumps, of the very best sort, from 14 to 26 s. per pair; women's leather shoes and goloshoes, also a few boots and women's stays, with a general assortment of dry goods of all sorts, which he sells cheap for cash, short credit, or Connecticut lawful money, as he is newly set up there.—The New-York Mercury, January 3, 1763.
Cloak.—Taken by mistake, from the King's arms tavern, last week, a Portugese cloak of brown camblet, lin'd with green baize, with a hood to it, mark'd on the inside W. The Gentleman who has it is desired to return it to the said tavern, which will oblige the owner.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post Boy, December 1, 1763.
Stockings (Annapolis, Maryland).—There has lately been made and sold at Mr. Beall's Stocking Manufactory in this City, a large Quantity of Thread Stockings with this Device in Place of the Clock, AMERICA.—News item from Annapolis, Maryland, August 16, in The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, August 30, 1764.
Dress Regulations in Boston, Massachusetts.—It is with Pleasure we hear some of the principal Merchants in Boston, have come into a Resolution to curtail many Superfluities in Dress; and that upwards of fifty have already signed a certain Agreement for that Purpose. Lace, Ruffles, &c. are to be entirely laid aside: No English cloths to be purchased but at a fixed Price; The usual Manner of expressing their Regard, and Sorrow for a deceased Friend, or Relation, by covering themselves in Black, is also in the List of Superfluities, and no Part thereof but the Cape [sic] in the Hat is retained; instead of which, a Piece of Crape is to be tied upon the Arm, after the Manner of the military Gentlemen.—News item from Newport, R.I., August 20, in The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, August 30, 1764.
Shoes.—Women's best Calemanco Shoes, Made in New-York, Equal, if not superior, to any made in England; sold near Coentus's-Market, by James Wells, Who has also, a great Quantity of Men's and Boys Shoes for Sale.—The New-York Mercury, June 10, 1765.
Hats.—Nesbett Deane, Hatter from Dublin, begs leave to acquaint the publick, that he has open'd shop in Broadstreet, near the Royal Exchange, in New-York, where he manufactures and sells, all kinds of hats, viz. Finest beaver hats for clergymen, or other gentlemen; beaveret and castor hats; black or white, plain or furr'd, riding hats for ladies; and black or white, plain or furr'd, hats for children....—The New-York Mercury, October 21, 1765.
Stays.—To be Sold by John M'Queen, At the Sign of the White Stays, in Smith-Street, near the Mayor's; A neat Assortment of Women and Maid's Stays, in the very newest Fashion, directly from London. Womens Pack-thread Jumps. New fashioned Crashets, fit for Ladies Morning Dress. Misses neat thin bound Stays of different Sorts and Sizes. Misses and Childrens Pack-thread Stays from one Month to seven Years old....—The New-York Gazette, February 24, 1766.
Artificial Hair.—..It is now the Mode to make the Lady's Head of twice the natural Size, by the Means of artificial Pads, Boulsters, or Rolls, over which their Hair is carefully combed, or frizzled to immitate the shock Head of a Negro. It would be ridiculous to endeavour to expose the Absurdity of Matters which would never bear reasoning about; but I have often wondered, since every Female Body is so disposed to enlarge their Stock of Hair, whence they procure a Sufficiency of Hair to cover the Rolls, of all Colours and Shades, which are exposed to Sale in every Milliner's Shop: And I cannot say but I was much diverted the other Day, when I was casually in a Harberdasher's Shop, where these Rolls were sold, and happened then to engage the Conversation of the Customers. This Question was started by a young Girl, Where the Hair came from which covered these Rolls? Which an old Woman undertook to answer from her own Knowledge. She said, that in the Hospitals, whatever Patients died, their Hair became the Perquisite of the Nurses, who carefully sheared them, to supply this great Demand for Human Hair. That both the Small Pox, and a Distemper still more disagreeable, supplied the greatest Part:...—Letter to the Printer in The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, November 26, 1767.
Dress Regulations in New London, Connecticut.—New London town meeting...And we further agree, That we will not, at any Funeral, use, any Gloves (black excepted) but what are manufactured here, nor procure any new Garments upon such Occasion, but what shall be absolutely necessary.—News item from New London in The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, February 11, 1768.
Spatterdashes.—Aaron Eaton (jointly with his Father) Spatterdash-maker to his Majesty, lately arrived from London, Begs Leave to inform the Publick, that he has opened his Store at Mr. Ettridge's, Sadler, near the Oswego-Market, where he has to sell, on the most reasonable Terms, a general Assortment of long and short Spatterdashes, the latter being much used at present by the Gentlemen of the Army in England,...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 23, 1768.
Wigs.—John Cadogan, Peruke maker, and Hair Dresser, Makes bold to acquaint the ladies, gentlemen, and others, that he keeps a shop next to John Cruger, Esqrs, near the Old Slip Market; where he makes all manner of wigs in the newest taste now in vogue; also side locks and crown sheads, ladies crape fronted French curls, newest crape or plain stuffed rolls or towers; the best roll and soft pomatum; royal, chymical, and marble wash balls and perfumed hair powder....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 1, 1770.
Umbrella.—Mary Morcomb, Mantua-Maker, from London; Living at Mr. Robert M' Alpine's, Book-Binder, in Beaver-Street; Makes all sorts of negligees, Brunswick dresses, gowns, and every other sort of lady's apparel; And also covers Umbrelloes in the neatest and most fashionable manner, at the lowest prices....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 7, 1770
American Manufacture.—Last Tuesday, Henry Lloyd, Esq; set out [from Boston] on a Journey to New-York, Philadelphia and the Southern Colonies. And it was observed that that Gentleman's whole Apparel and Horse Furniture were of American Manufacture. His Clothes, Linnen, Shoes, Stockings, Boots, Gloves, Hatt, Wigg, and even Wigg Call, were all manufactured and made up in New-England—An Example truly worthy of Imitation!—News item from Boston, March 26, in The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 2, 1770.
Fur Hats.—Nesbitt Deane, Hatter, Having lately returned from Montreal, in Canada, with a good assortment of different furs, for the carrying on his business in the city of New-York, takes this opportunity to acquaint the public, that he has opened shop opposite the Merchant's coffee-house, where he carries on his business as usual, by making the best of beaver hats, both for ladies and gentlemen, and children's ware, both ruff and plain, either black, white, blue, green or red: He also makes good castor ditto, for men or children....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 11, 1771.
Hats, Manufactured by the Advertiser, to exceed, in Fineness, Cut, Colour and Cock; and by a Method peculiar to himself, to turn rain, and prevent the Sweat of the Head damaging the Crown. Such Gentry and others, who have experienced his Ability, 'tis hoped will recommend. Encouragement to those who buy to sell again. Nesbitt Deane. Aside the Coffee-House Bridge, New-York.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 1, 1771.
Men's Apparel.—William Thorne, Taylor and Shop Keeper...will undertake to make middle sized men's cloths at the undermentioned prices, viz.
- A plain suite superfine cloth, £ 8 10 0
- Half trimmed, ditto, £ 9 0 0
- Full drest, ditto, £ 10 0 0
- Coat and waistcoat superfine cloth, £ 6 15 0
- A suit best velvet any colour, lined with satin, £ 38 0 0
- Suit figured Manchester velvet, £ 15 10 0
- Suit ratteen, trimmed with feather,
- velvet and gold buttons, £ 21 0 0
- Pair silk velveret breeches, £ 2 0 0
- Single coat superfine cloth, £ 5 0 0
- Plain suit second best cloth, £ 7 0 0
- Coat and waistcoat ditto, £ 5 5 0
- Surtout coat, best Bath beaver, £ 2 15 0
- Plain cloth suit livery, £ 5 16 0
- Ditto, with shag breeches, £ 7 0 0
- Thickset frock and waistcoat, £ 3 16 0
- Liver surtout coat, £ 3 16 0
Gentlemen who chuse to employ him, may depend on having their cloaths done in the genteelest manner. Good encouragement to Journeymen Taylors.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, March 2, 1775.
Stays.—John Jones, Stay-Maker, from London,...Takes this method to acquaint the ladies and gentry, that he makes all sorts of stays, both turn'd and single; pack thread or bone, whale, waist, or French hips, &c....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 11, 1773.
Wigs.—Rawdon, Peruke-maker, and operator for Ladies and Gentlemens Hair, Has the pleasure of informing the ladies, that he has acquir'd the true method of making the deservedly celebrated Hollow Toupees or Tates, which are held in such high estimation, that few ladies would choose to be without them. They are so light that they can scare be felt on the head, and may be worn with or without a hat, it being impossible (from their curious construction) for any pressure to injure them; they answer all the purposes of a hair dresser, never requiring any sort of repair from the time of their being made....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 2, 1773.
Umbrella.—A Scarlet Coloured Umbrella, considerably faded, but not half worn, left by a Lady about 4 weeks ago, at some house not recollected....Cath: Van Dyke.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, June 30, 1774.
Brush Maker.—William Fletcher, a bought Servant, is Run away from his Master....He had on, when he went away, a dark colour'd Kersey Coat with Brass Buttons, and lined with Duroy, has leather Breetches, Short dark Hair, by Trade a Brush maker, pretends to be a Turner, he makes Mops, makes and mends Bellows.—The New-York Gazette, April 11-18, 1726.
Blacksmith.—Run away...a Servant Man named William Gillam a Black smith by Trade....He was but indifferently Cloathed when he went away, having but Part of a Shirt to his Back and a yellow coloured Jacket with Pewter Buttons:...Forty Shillings Reward....—The New-York Gazette, December 30, 1729-January 6, 1730.
Man Servant.—Run away from Richard Bishop, a Servant Man named John Farrant, about nineteen years of Age,...he had on when he went away a brown livery Coat and Breeches, the Coat lined and cuffed with blue, a blue Shoulder knot a black Natural Wig, and a Pair of red Stockings. Whoever takes up the said Servant and bring him to Mr. Charles Robinson at Capt Courter's on the Dock shall have Five Pounds Reward.—The New-York Gazette, August 10-17, 1730.
Woman Servant.—Ran away from Joseph Reade of the City of New-York, Merchant the 14th of November 1732 a likely Mullatto Servant Woman, named Sarah, she is about 24 years of Age, and has taken with her a Callico Suit of Cloaths, a striped Satten Silk Wast-coat, Two Homespun Wast-coats and Petty-coats; she is a handy Wench, can do all sorts of House-work, speaks good English and some Dutch....Five Pounds as a Reward....—The New-York Gazette, November 13-20, 1732.
Brick Maker.—Runaway on Tuesday last from Nathaniel Hazard of New-York, a lusty lad about 18 or 19 Years of Age, named Robert Hill, a West Country Man...had on when he went away, a Cinnamon colour'd plain course Kersey Coat, with large flat metal Buttons, a pair of Tow Trowsers, thick Shoes, an old Felt Hat, a Brick-maker by Trade, and understands something of Farmers Work....Forty Shillings as a Reward....—The New-York Weekly Journal, December 31, 1733.
Joiner.—Run away from Thomas Rigby, of the City of New-York, Joyner, an indented Servant Man named John Howey, about 21 years of Age. He is an Irish Man, and a Joyner by Trade, of a middle Stature,...he wears a Wigg, had on when he went away a blew Duffels Coat, Ozenbrigs Wast-Coat, and a Pair of Buck-Skin Britches, a Speckl'd Shirt, a new Felt Hat, and a Pair of Yarn Stockings...5 Pounds as a Reward....—The New-York Weekly Journal, October 14, 1734.
Man Servant.—Run away from Hugh Waddell, of the City of New-York, Merchant, a Servant Man named Adam Gray, about 19 Years of Age, had on when he went away a blew Coat, edged with Red, and Yellow Metal Buttons, a red Wast-coat with yellow Metal Buttons, Leather Breeches very greasy, gray Stockings, a Pair of small steel Buckles in his Shoes and wears a black Wigg. He also took with him a Steel Gray Cloath Coat trim'd and lin'd with Black, and a Snuff coloured Wast-Coat...30 s. as a Reward....—The New-York Weekly Journal, October 14, 1734.
Man Servant.—Ran away from John Lester of Hempstead in Queens-County on Nassau Island, a Servant Man....He had on when he went away, a Red Duffi's Coat, a brown Broad cloth Wastcoat, a light Coloured Durois Coat, and a black Caliminco Wastcoat & Breeches. Twenty Shillings Reward....—The New-York Gazette, December 8-15, 1735.
Negro Man.—Ran away from John Wooly in the Township of Hempstead in Queens-County on Nassau Island, in the Province of New York, a Negro Man, about the Age of Twenty Three years; had on when he went away, a course Felt Hat, a grey Home-spun Drugget Coat, about half worn, a Vest of the same, short Toe-Oznabrig Trowzers, grey Yarn Stockins,...Forty Shillings as a Reward,...—The New-York Gazette, July 11-18, 1737.
Negro Woman.—Ran away from John Bell of the City of New-York, Carpenter, one Negro Woman, named Jenney,...had on when she went away, a Birds ey'd Waistcoat and Pettycoat of a darkish colour, and a Callico Waistcoat with a large red flower, and a broad stripe, a Callico Pettycoat with small red stripes, and small red flowers....Three Pounds as a Reward....—The New-York Gazette, December 12-19, 1737.
Maid Servant.—Run away from Capt. Langden of the City of New-York a Servant Maid...had on when she went away, a homespun striped wastcoat and Peticoat, blew-stockings and new Shoes, and with her a Calico Wraper, and a striped Calamanco Wrapper, besides other Claaths;...Twenty Shillings Reward...—The New-York Weekly Journal, January 22, 1739.
English Servant.—Run away from William Maugridge, of this City, Ship-Joiner, an English Servant,...Had on when he went away a Bever Hat, white linnen Cap, mixt Duroy Coat, ozenbrigs Trowsers, worsted Stockings, and new shoes....Forty Shillings Reward....—The New-York Weekly Journal, July 6, 1741.
Man Servant.—Run away a Servant Man named Francis Jones...had on when he went away a felt Hat, a new worsted Cap, a Surtute Frize Coat, a new Check'd Shirt, a pair of Silk Camblet Breeches, a pair of new homespun thread Stockings, a pair of Shoes, and sundry Old Cloaths....Twenty Shillings Reward...—The New-York Weekly Journal, July 20, 1741.
Fiddler.—Run away a Negro Man....He had on when he went away a brown Kersey Wast-coat lined with Red Penistone a Black Stock with a Silver Clasp a Pair of Osenbrigs Trowsers and Breeches and Osenbrigs Shirt, a strip'd Wollen Cap, square toed Shoes, and an old Hat, he took with him a red double Breasted Stroud Wast-coat, lined with blue Shallon and trim'd with Black, he is a Fidler....Reward of Three Pounds....—The New-York Weekly Journal, September 7, 1741.
Irish Servant.—Run away from his Master...an Irish Servant...had on when he went away a dark Drab Cloath Coat, red Shaloon Lining and large Brass Buttons;...—The New-York Weekly Journal, December 21, 1741.
Irish Servant.—Runaway from Samuel Brant...An Irish Servant Man...had on when he went away, a Felt Hat, a blue drab jacket, an outside Jacket black and white, homespun drugged shorter than the blue one, Buttons covered with the same, lin'd with blewish Yarn Stockings, and a pair of double Soal'd Shoes,...Forty Shillings as a Reward....—The New-York Weekly Journal, March 22, 1742.
English Servant.—Ran away on Wednesday the 25th of January last, from Thomas Stanaland, near Bristol, in Bucks County, and Province of Pensilvania, an English Servant Man...had on when he went away, a light-colour'd plain Duroys Coat with Mohair Buttons, one Button at each Pocket, a Pair of Breeches of the same, with three Buttons at each Pocket, and five at each Knee, two Jackets, one striped Linnen and the other brown Woollen, Woollen Stockings, good Shoes, and a good Felt Hat. He took with him a Bundle in which was an old Pair of Leather Breeches, Trousers, Shoes and Stockings, also some Knives, Razors and old Buckles....Three Pounds Reward....—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, February 6, 1744.
Man Servant.—Run away from Rice Williams of the City of New-York, a Servant Man....Had on when he went away a dark colour'd Coat, a Linnen Jacket, a Worsted Cap, two Ozenbrigs Shirts, a Pair of blew Cloath Breeches, a Pair of new Shoes with Brass Buckles, Yarn Stockings,...Forty Shillings as a Reward....—The New-York Gazette, August 13-20, 1744.
Woman Servant.—...Gone from her Lodgings at Long-Island Ferry,...had on when she went away a white Quilted Peticoat, a black and white Calicoat & Wraper and also a Stuff red and white striped Wraper....—The New-York Weekly Journal, October 15, 1744.
English Man Servant.—Run away the 16th Inst. from Peter Cochran, of the City of New-Brunswick, an English Servant Man....He had on when he went away, a red Cloath Coat with metal Buttons, slash Sleeves and striped homespun Lining, a blue Cloath Jacket, a check Shirt, Leather Breeches, light colour'd Worsted Stockings, new Shoes, a Felt Hat, and a Linnen Cap or a Wig:...Forty Shillings New-York Currency, Reward....—The New-York Weekly Post Boy, June 3, 1745.
Apprentice.—Runaway...Irish apprentice Lad....Had on when he went away, blue Drugget coat Jacket and Breeches check Trowsers, several check Shirts, black Worsted Stockings old Shoes with Brass Buckles, a Felt Hat and a Worsted Cap....—The New-York Weekly Journal, June 10, 1745.
Negro Man.—Run away...a Negro Man...had on, a darkish Colour'd Woolen Coat, Country Make, brown Jacket, old Buck-Skin Breeches, and an old Beaver-Hat...forty Shillings Reward....—The New-York Evening Post, February 10, 1746.
Negro Man.—Run away from Barent Van Deventer, of Flat-Bush,...a Negro Man...had on When he Went away a Linning striped, Jacket, a Pair of Homespun Breeches, a Blewish Pair of Stockings, and an old Pair of Shoes, a good Felt Hat...30 Shillings Reward....—The New-York Evening Post, November 24, 1746.
Irish Man Servant.—Run away...an Irish Servant named Cornelius Sullivan,...Had on when he went away, a Castor Hat almost new, a brown Broad Cloth Coat, Oznabrigs Shirt, petticoat Trowsers, yarn Stockings, Calf Skin Shoes with Buckles in them....
N.B. The above Fellow says that he work'd last winter at the Iron Works, above New-York, and since follow'd Boating to and from New-York, during which Time he had deserted his Masters Service, and on the 27th of August was brought home, and has again deserted.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the New-York Weekly Post-Boy, September 11, 1749.
Man Servant.—Run-away from Cornelius Vanhorne of the City of New-York, Merchant on or about the 22 of December last, a Servant Man,...Had on when he went away, a Cloth Jacket faced with Velvet, a dress'd Sheep-Skin Breeches, a pair of homespun Stockings, a Leather Jockey Cap, is a pretty talkative Fellow, pretends to be a Coachman, and brought up to attend a Table. Whoever takes up and secures said Servant, so that he may be had again, shall have a Pistole Reward and all reasonable Charges, paid by Cornelius Vanhorne.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, January 8, 1750.
Negro Wench.—Run away on the fourth of February last, from Robert James Livingston, a tall likely Negro Wench, named Nell, about 36 Years of Age: Had on when she went away, a blue Penniston Petticoat, a short blue and white homespun Gown, with a short blue Duffils Cloak and Straw Bonnet; she is mark'd with nine Spots on each Temple, and nine on her Forehead. Whoever takes up said Wench so that her Master may have her again, shall have Twenty Shillings Reward, and all reasonable Charges, paid by Robert Ja. Livingston.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, March 5, 1750.
Irish Maid Servant.—Run-away the 3d Inst. from Francis Dudley of this City, carpenter, an Irish Maid Servant....Had on when she went away, a brown and yellow strip'd Stuff Gown, fac'd and rob'd with green Silk, and has been since seen with a blue Gown on, and a blue Petticoat....Twenty Shillings Reward....—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, March 18, 1751.
Man Servant.—Run away yesterday, from Nicholas Bayard, a Bristol Servant Man named James Caselick....Had on when he went away an Ozenbrigs Coat, a green Ratteen Vest, new brown Cloth Breeches, new brown Wig, and a Beaver Hat about half worn; he also took with him a red Ratteen Coat with Brass Buttons one of the Sleeves having a long Cut in it, as also speckled Trowsers;...Three Pounds Reward....—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, October 8, 1750.
Man Servant.—Run away...man servant....Had on when he went away, a brown Jacket, Check Trowsers, Shoes and Stockings, an old Castor Hat, and a white Linnen shirt; he has stolen from his said Master, a dark grey Coat, a silk Jacket of orange and purple Colour, with the back Parts of light Colour'd Fustian, a scarlet Waistcoat, two grey wigs....Three Pounds Reward....—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, August 19, 1751.
Maid Servant.—Ran away last night from Moses Clement, in the Broadway, an Irish Servant Maid....Had on when she went away a light brown Camblet gown, a brown quilted Petticoat, a pair of Stays, white apron and white Handkerchief....—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, January 6, 1752.
Man Servant.—Runaway on Wednesday 22 of January last, from George Burns, Tavern-keeper in New York, near long-Bridge, a Servant Man, of about 23 years of age. Had on when he went away a Bearskin Coat made Frock Fashion, with a scarlet Jacket with green Velvet Lepells, and a strip'd Flannel Jacket under it, a check Shirt, and Buckskin Breeches, white or blue Worsted Stockings, a brown bob Wig, and a large brim'd Beaver Hat, round toe'd Shoes, with square Steel Buckles. Whoever takes up said Servant, so that his master may have him again, shall have Forty Shillings Reward, and all reasonable charges Paid by George Burns.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, February 17, 1752.
Chimney Sweeper.—Ran away...a chimney-Sweeper by trade. Had on when he went away, a new Homespun Kersey Coat, of a mix'd Colour and a jacket of the same kind somewhat worn, Leather Breeches, blue stockings, new shoes ty'd with Leather Strings, Oznabrigs Shirt, with a Linnen Handkerchief round his Neck, and an old Wool Hat, with a Tow String for a Hatband;...Forty Shillings Reward....—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, April 20, 1752.
Men Servants.—Runaway from Elias Degrushe, of this City, Rope-maker,...two Servant Men; one named Richard Poole, a West Countryman,...had on when he went away short black Hair, a new English Castor-Hat, a half-worn light-colour'd Frize Coat, scorch'd at the Bottom of the left Skirt, a blue Serge Jacket, and a red Cloth one without Sleeves, a Check Shirt, blue Camblet Breeches, brown Yarn Stockings, and new Shoes with broad rimm'd Brass Buckles in them. He may probably pass for a Rope-maker. The other named Thomas Jenkins,...had on when he went away, a half-worn Beaver-Hat, worsted Cap, a light-colour'd Cloth Coat, a blue Serge Waistcoat and a Flannel one, Check Shirt, light colour'd Dimity Breeches, Yarn Stockings and new Shoes...Three Pounds Reward for each,...—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, May 25, 1752.
Indian Wench and Child.—Runaway on the 4th of December last, from Peter Brouwer, of the City, an Indian wench named Mary, with her Child, named Hannah...had on when she run away, a purple Calico Wrapper, a homespun short Gown, homespun striped Petticoat, and a green Quilt; Her child had on, a double Stuff Gown and one Side a Bird Eye, and the other blue, a homespun Gown, blue Camblet Petticoat, and a striped Flannel one....Forty Shillings Reward....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, February 5, 1753.
Negro Wench.—Run away, from the subscriber, in New-York, on Friday the 6th Instant, a well-set negro wench, named Jane: Had on when she went away, a green waistcoat and blue pettycoat; and is supposed to be harbour'd by some of her own colour in or about this City. Whoever takes up and secures the said wench, so that her master may have her again, shall receive Twenty Shillings Reward, and all reasonable charges paid by Anthony Lamb.
N.B. Said Wench lately belonged to John Burling, who gave her a note or pass, to look for a master, which she may possibly make use of now, the better to go unmolested.—The New-York Mercury, April 30, 1753.
Negro Slave.—Run away...a Negroe Man Slave,...Had on when he went away, a course Linnen Jacket and Trowsers, old Shoes and Stockings, he has been formerly out of a Privateering with Capt. Tingley, and it is suppos'd he may attempt to get on board some Vessel to go out....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, July 30, 1753.
Coppersmith.—Run away on the 27th of February last, from Richard Kip, of this City, an Apprentice Lad....Had on when he went off, a green Jacket, with a green under One, blue Breeches, grey stockings, large Pewter Buckles, Castor Hat, has a check shirt, is a copper by trade,...three Dollars Reward....—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, April 10, 1758.
Woman Servant.—Run-away from Judah Hays, of this City of New-York, Merchant...a German Servant Woman....Had on when she went away, a striped linsey Josey, and a blue Half-thick Pettycoat, She has also taken with her, a striped Bird's-Eye Stuff Gown, one red Calico, do. a red Calico Josey and Pettycoat, and sundry other wearing apparel....Forty Shillings Reward....—The New-York Mercury, May 29, 1758.
Shoemaker.—Run away...an apprentice lad named George M'Clary, about nineteen years of age, by trade a shoemaker,...Had on when he went away, a blue cloth coat and breeches, the coat lined with white, two blue waistcoats, one pair of worsted stockings, one pair yarn ditto, both light blue, new shoes with odd buckles, and a half worn castor hat:...Thirty Shillings reward....—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, October 30, 1758.
Servant Man.—Three Pounds Reward, Run-away from the Subscriber in Trenton, a Servant Man, named Peter Marsh, about 30 Years of Age....Had on and took with him, an old Felt Hat, a Half worn blue Broadcloth Coat, with short close Cuffs, long Waiste, and short Skirts, blue Cloth Jacket, with brass Buttons and red lining; Ozenburgs Shirt, but probably may have other fine Shirts with him; a Pair of black Knit Breeches; brown ribbed and grey Yarn Stockings, and may also have some black Worsted ones; half worn Shoes, with plain Brass Buckles in them....Ralph Norton.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, April 5, 1764.
Apprentice Boy.—Run away...an Apprentice Boy....Had on when he went away a blue Cloth Coat, a striped Cotton Waistcoat, a brown Pair of Breeches, a narrow brim'd Hat, bound with Tape...40 s. Reward....—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, May 31, 1764.
Gunsmith.—Fifty Dollars Reward. Run-Away from the subscriber, an English convict servant man, named Benjamin Sagers, a blacksmith and gunsmith by trade,...Had on when he went away, a white shirt, blue coat, striped trowsers, spotted stockings, new pumps, and an old beaver hat cut in the fashion,...Whoever takes up and secures the said servant in any of his Majesty's gaols, so that his master may have him again, shall have, if twenty miles from home, Forty Shillings, if forty miles, Four Pound, if eighty miles, Eight Pounds, and if one hundred miles, the above reward, and reasonable charges, if brought home, paid by Aweray Richardson.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 16, 1775.
Negro Man.—Run away...a Negro man named Glasgow...had on and took with him a light grey home spun coat, very large and lined with striped linsy, a dark brown waistcoat, with white metal buttons and lined with the same cloth of his coat; buckskin breeches, mended in the seat, a narrow brimmed felt hat; two pair of grey stockings, one ditto worsted, and a pair of half worn shoes, with brass buckles...eight dollars reward,...—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, January 22, 1767.
Apprentice.—Five Pounds Reward. Run-away the 6th instant, July, from Joseph Wicks, of Huntington, on Long-Island, Copper, an apprentice named David Kelly, a lusty young man, of about 19 years of age,...had on when he went away, a blue broad cloth waistcoat, white shirt, whitish strip'd or tow trowsers, a felt hat, worsted stockings, and old shoes....—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, August 6, 1767.
Caulker.—Run-away from his Master, Caleb Cornwell, living in Hempstead,...a Negro Man named Shier, about 40 Years of Age...is by Trade a Caulker: Had on when he went away a Castor Hat, homespun Cloth Colour'd Jacket, Trowsers, blue rib'd Stockings, and Brass Buckles in his Shoes...Twenty Shillings Reward....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 27, 1768.
Man Servant.—Run-away...an Irish Servant Man....Had on when he went away, a white Jacket with Sleeves, a Pair of Long white Trowsers, Check Shirt, and a good Hat with a Large Brim...Fifty Shillings Reward....—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 25, 1770.
Negro Man.—Run away...a negro man named Bristol;...Had on, when he went away, a dark brown cloth coat, with pinchbeck buttons, Jacket of a lighter colour, with wooden buttons; a beaver hat, about two thirds worn, white shirt, white Jane Breeches, yarn or worsted hose, brown colour; thin shoes with buckles, and is very subject to drink...thirty shillings reward....—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, June 25, 1772.
Men Servants.—Eight Dollars Reward. Run away...John Brown...had on when he went away, a dark coloured Bear-Skin Jacket, blue Plush Breeches pieced behind with Buck-Skin, an old Felt Hat, blue Stockings, old ribbed leggings over them, old Shoes that have been soaled, the little Toe of his right Foot stands up. The other named David Smith,...had on when he went away, a dark Bear-Skin Jacket, a light coloured under ditto, the hind Part of which is of a darker colour, old Leather Breeches patched before, a half worn Wool Hat, coarse light coloured ribbed Stockings, old Shoes,...
Whoever takes up and secures said Servants, so that their Master may have them again, shall receive the above Reward, or five Dollars for Brown, and three for Smith,...—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, April 15, 1773.
Negro Man.—Twenty Shillings Reward, Ran-away...a negro man named Tom, had on when he went away, an old beaver hat, a blue homespun coat and jacket, greasy leather breeches, old grey stockings and half worn shoes, speaks Low Dutch and English.
Whoever apprehends him on this side of Kingsbridge, shall have the above reward, and if on the other side Forty Shillings paid by me. Daniel Enslee, Butcher in the Fly Market.—The Constitutional Gazette, April 27, 1776.
Thomas & James Barrow, Painters, in Broad-street, near the City-Hall, have for sale, Best London red lead, dry, at 40s. per C. wt. fine Ball Whiting for whitewashing, Lampblack by the Paper or small Barrel, Linseed Oyl, Window Glass and Putty, also Painters and Limners Colours of all sorts, prepared and sold at a reasonable Rate.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 7, 1772.
John Baldwin, Begs Leave to acquaint the Public, that he will perform House painting, gilding, glazing, &c. after the most accurate Method now followed in London, Viz. Dead White, and all Sorts of shining Colours, in the most beautiful and exquisite Manner; destroys the knots that defects the painting, likewise purifies and strengthens the Oyl, especially for out-side Work, which is greatly required being the Sun is so penetrating. Those Gentlemen that would be pleas'd to favour him with their Custom, may depend upon having it done efectually, after the cheapest and expeditious Manner, that shall bear the nicest Inspection. By the publick's most obedient humble Servant, John Baldwin. N.B. Please to enquire for said Baldwin, at Mr. John Edward Pryer's, Master Builder, in Oswego-Street.—The New-York Mercury, March 10, 1766.
John Delamontaine.—...Request to settle the estate of John Delamontaine, painter and glazier...Catherine Delamontaine, Executrix.—The New-York Journal and the General Advertiser, January 7, 1773.
Gerardus Duyckinck, Living near the old Slip Market in New-York, continues to carry on the Business of his late Father deceas'd, Viz. Limning, Painting, Varnishing, Japanning, Gilding, Glasing, and Silvering of Looking-Glasses, all done in the best Manner.
He also will teach any young Gentleman the art of Drawing, with Painting on Glass; and sells all sorts of Window-Glasses, white lead, oil and Painter's Colours.—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, August 18, 1746.
William Dowdall, Ship and house painting, glazing and graining mahogany, gilding on oyl, and distemper, with cleaning of pictures, in the neatest and best manner, by the subscriber, to be found at Capt. Doran's on the dock. William Dowdall.
Whoever chuses to employ the said William Dowdall, may depend on having their work done in such a manner, that if it does not please the employer, no reward will be required.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 1, 1772.
John Earl.— To be Sold. An assortment of Choice Window-Glass, by the Box, half Box or single Pane, of all Sizes, at reasonable Rates; As also Painting and Glazing Work is done after the best Manner with all Expedition, by John Earl, living at Beekman's Slip.—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, August 7, 1749.
Flagg & Searle, Glaiziers and Painters, in Broad-street, opposite Mr. William Gilliland's Store; Take this Method to inform the Publick, that they do all Sorts of Glaizing, House, Ship and Coach Painting; likewise Japanning, Lacquering, &c. &c. after the neatest Manner. Any Gentleman that please to favour them with their Custom (as they are young Beginners) may depend upon their Commands being executed with care and Dispatch. N.B. At the same Place may be had, a few Painter's Colours, Brushes, Tools, &c.—The New-York Mercury, July 1, 1765.
Sebastian Gueubel.—To the Nobility and Gentry, Sebastian Gueubel, Just arrived in this City, Has for sale, a quantity of beautiful Furniture, elegantly painted and varnished in the Japan Taste; he has some compleat Toilets, He also undertakes to paint and varnish coaches and chairs in the same manner; Hopes the gentlemen and ladies will favour him with their custom, at his lodgings at Mr. Cornelius Sebring's, in Wall-street, where his work may be seen.
N.B. Any Gentlemen and ladies desirous to learn painting and drawing will be carefully taught by their Most humble servant, Sebastian Gueubel.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 1, 1771.
——Gueubel, Coach Painter and Gilder, At the upper End of New-Street, near the City-Hall, Paints all Sorts of Flowers, Coats of Arms, etc. in the Neatest Manner.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 27, 1772.
John Haydock.—Run away the 26th of September last, from John Haydock, of this City, Painter, a German Woman...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, October 1, 1753.
John Humble.—Just imported from London, and to be sold by John Humble, Painter and Glazier, opposite the French Church in New-York. White lead, red lead, Spanish brown, spanish white, venetian red, English oker, spruce yellow, blue smalt, vermillion, prussian blue, india red, verdigrease, umber, white vitriol, gold and silver leaf, brushes, tools, pencils, oyl, and sundry other things relating to the business: As also all sorts of Crown window glass to be sold by the pane or box, at reasonable rates.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, September 26, 1748.
Peter Norie.—Sign, Ship, and House Painting, Performed in the neatest manner, and at the most reasonable rates, by Peter Norie, Living in Roosevelt-Street, opposite Mr. Sigard's Blacksmith.—The Constitutional Gazette, June 8, 1776.
Christian Livingston.—To be sold...A House and Lot of Ground on Cow-foot-Hill, near the New Sugar House, now occupied by Christian Livingston, Painter, being Part of the Estate of Peter Swigard, deceased....—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, October 26, 1772.
Joseph Northrup.—This is to give Notice, That Joseph Northrup is removed into the Sloot, behind Mr. Henry Cruger's, in the House Obadiah Wells, formerly liv'd, where he sells all Sorts of Paints made fine by Hundred or small Quantities, Dry or ground in Oyl Glazing Lead, Glass, Painting brushes, &c. and does all Sorts of Painting and Glazing Work at reasonable Rates. N.B. He gives ready money for Hogs Bristles.—The New-York Evening Post, June 12, 1748.
Jacobus Tiedeman.—To be Sold...two good Dwelling-Houses...lately in the Possession of Jacobus Tiedeman, Painter....—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, October 2, 1752.
John Watson.—In a real estate notice mention is made of a John Watson, painter.—The New-York Mercury, January 21, 1756.
Obadiah Wells.—To be sold by Obadiah Wells, living in the Sloot behind Mr. Henry Cruger's, Window-Glass of all Sizes with large Ball-Eyes for Sky lights, or small one for Dores; with Putty, Paints, and Oyl, drawn Lead, Chalk fine or corse, where Colours are made fine by the 100 or less Quantity, as also glazing or painting Work is done, and ready Mony for Hogs Bristles: A Parcel of good smook-dryed Bass to be sold.—The New-York Evening Post, March 31, 1746.
Obadiah Wells.—To be Sold, by Obadia Wells in the Sloat, window Glass, Glaizers Lead, Barrled, Sheat-lead, Paints dry or Ground in Oyl, by the Cask. Hundred or less Quantity, such as White lead, Red-lead, Indian red, spanish Brown, Oaker, Yallow, &c. also Coperas & Rossin, by the Cask or Hundred, Vermillion, Prutian-blue, Umber, Spruce-Oaker, an excellent Glazirs Vice, which draws two sorts of Lead; also a Band Vice with many things necessary for the Business mentioned.
Where all sorts of glazing and painting and Glazing Work is done and Glass Lantorns made and mended at reasonable Rates. N.B. Ready Money for Hogs Bristles.—The New-York Evening Post, January 11, 1748.
Joseph Woodruff.—All Persons that have any Demands on the Estate of Joseph Woodruff, Painter, deceas'd, are desired to pay their Accounts,...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, September 9, 1762.
Frederick Wotses.—The Estate of Frederick Wotses, painter and glazier late of this city, to be settled.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, February 12, 1776.
Window Glass.—Anne Vanderspiegel, Widow, gives her shop to her son John Vanderspiegel where all sorts of Window Glass is sold.—The New-York Gazette, February 17-22, 1737.
Window Glass.—John Vanderspiegel moves out of New-York City and wishes his debts cleared...customers that use to buy window glass from him to apply to Raphael Goelet.—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, February 3, 1746.
Diamond Glass.—Just imported, and to be Sold by Raphael Goelet in Maiden-Lane, near the late Mr. Anthony Rutgers, a New Supply of Window Crown-Glass of different Sizes, and Crates of Diamond Glass, also Barr and White Lead, Oyl, and all Sorts of Painting Colours.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, June 8, 1747.
Crown Window Glass.—To be sold by John Humble, Painter and Glazier, in Crown-Street, in one of Mr. Hayne's new Houses, near the New Dutch-Church, viz. Paints of all colours, and best Linseed Oyl, also best Crown Window Glass, viz. 6 by 4, 7 by 5, 6 by 8, 7 by 9, 8 by 10, 10 by 12, 11 by 13, 12 by 14, 13 by 17, 17 by 20, and Sheet Glass. Also a fine Glazier's Vice and several other Things belonging to the Business.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, April 30, 1750.
Glass Lamps.—At the last Session of Assembly, an Act was passed, to prevent the Breaking or injuring of Glass Lamps in the City of New-York; upon which several Gentlemen and others, have since put up Lamps in the Streets, at their Houses and many more design to do the same, to the great Ornament of the City, and Benefit of the Inhabitants.—News item in The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, December 23, 1751.
Glass Lamps.—Last Monday night several of the Glass-Lamps put up About this City, were taken down by Persons unknown, and left whole in the Meal-Market, all together: It s thought to be done by some daring Rakes in order to Convince the Owners, how easy those Lamps might be demolished without Discovery; but they would do well do reflect, that if the tastless Satisfaction and Meaness of such Action be not enough to deter them, yet that, however often the Pitcher may go safe to the Well, it comes home broke at last: And in particular in a Case, thought to be so much for the Good of the Publick, as to engage the immediate Attention of the Legislature; they would meet with little Mercy; besides stigmatized, with what ought to be the most odious of Names viz. Enemies of their Country.—News item in The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, February 3, 1752.
Paints.—Just imported in the last Ships from London by G. Duyckinck, at his House on the Dock, next Door to the Sign of the Prince of Orange, near the Old-Slip. White-Lead, Red-Lead, Spanish Brown, English, French, Spruce and Stone Oker, Indian and Venetian Red, Ivory, Frankford and Lamp-Black, Umber Cullin's Earth, Smalt's Prusian Blue, Vermillion, Verdigrase, the whole ground in Powder or in Oil, Limner's and Japanner's Colours, Gold, Silver and Brass Leaf, Painters Brushes and Pensils, Varnish of all sorts, cold drawing Oil, Linseed ditto, boilt ditto, Rape Seed ditto, Nut ditto, and Lamp Oil, Window Glass of all Sizes, Pictures glaz'd of sundry sorts, and sundry other Things too tedious to mention.
N.B. If any Gentleman inclines to have their own Colours in Powder, or ground in Oil, may have it done at a moderate Price, he having a convenient Mill for that Purpose.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, November 18, 1754.
Oyl of Turpentine, aetherial spirit of turpentine, best varnish for chair-makers, and the finest amber-coloured rosin, are made and sold by John Braser, living back of Trinity-Church burying ground, near the North-River, either large or small quantities; He assures those that may have occasion for any of the above articles, that he will afford them as cheap and good as any that have formerly been imported from the neighbouring colonies; and he hopes an encouragement will be given to our own manufactory.
N.B. The spirit of turpentine applied to bed-steads and those places where bugs breed, and lodge, effectually destroys them, and prevents them from harbouring those places where it is applied; especially if they should be fresh drawn, and a few drops will effectually take out greasy spots from cloaths, or on floor.—Also the best Pot-Ash.—The New-York Mercury, February 23, 1756.
American Window Glass.—Any quantity of American Window Glass of different Sizes, to be sold at a lower Rate than can be imported from Europe. Enquire of Caspar Wistar, at his Still-House near the Ship-Yards, where any Person may be supplied with York Distilled Rum.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, September 28, 1769.
Imported Window Glass and Paints.—Imported in the last vessels from Europe, and to be sold by John L. Roosevelt, in Maiden-Lane, Furniture paper, white lead ground in oil, in powder do. Spanish brown ground in oil, in powder do. yellow oaker ground in oil, in powder do. verdigrease ground in oil, red lead, vermilion, Prussian, blue, linseed oil, spirits of turpentine, painting brushes, whiting, blacking, 6 by 8, 7 by 9, 8 by 10, 11 by 9, 10 by 12, 11 by 13, 10 by 14, 13 by 16, best crown Window Glass, looking glasses, decanters of different sorts and sizes, wine glasses, ale glasses, salts, mustard pots, crewits, tumblers, cans, Bristol pipes, &c.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 15, 1771.
Paint Store.—L. Kilburn's Paint Store, At the White Hall, New York Hath for Sale,
- White Lead
- Spanish brown
- Yellow oaker
- Verdigrise
- Red lead
- Linseed oil
- White varnish
- Spirit of turpentine
- Vermillion
- Prussian blue
- White vitriol
- Spanish whiting'
- Paint brushes
- Window glass 6 by 8, 7 by 9, 8 by 10, 9 by 11, 10 by 12, 11 by 13, &c. &c.
As cheap as anybody sells in the place.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, June 11, 1772.
Nicholas Baily.—Shaes and Chears made and Repear'd by Nicholas Baily, in Duke Street, near the Long Bridge in New York:—The New-York Weekly Journal, March 10, 1740.
Robert Boyd.—To be Sold, by Robert Boyd, Blacksmith, at his Shop near the Old English Church, A Very neat Curricle with a Chaise Top, that has never been in use. N.B. Any Gentlemen who will favour him with their Custom, may depend upon being well used, and supplied at the most reasonable Rates.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, December 24, 1760.
Jonathan Brown, From Boston, Coach and Coach-Harness maker, having set up his Business at Hartford, in Connecticut, makes and repairs all Sorts of Harness, of every Kind, and in the neatest and newest Taste, all Sorts of Coaches, Chariots, Landaus, Phaetons, Post Chariots, Post Chaises, Curricles, Chairs, &c. and has provided himself with the best of Leather and Trimmings, of the newest and genteelest Sorts. Any Gentlemen and Ladies that will please to favour him with their Custom, may depend on being used int he best Manner, and they will much oblige their humble Servant, Jonathan Brown.—By the Bridge in Hartford.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, May 5, 1763.
William Cooper, from Long Acre, London, (Brother to Doct. Robert Cooper, or Hatton Garden) Coach and Coach Harness Maker, Having set up his Business in Elizabeth Town, in New-Jersey, Makes and repairs all Sorts of Harness Work of every kind, now used in England, in the neatest and genteelest Manner; finishes and trims, in the newest Taste now used in England, all Sorts of Coaches, Chariots, Landeaus, Landeaulets, Phaetons, Post Chariots, Post Chaises, Curricles, Chairs, and new fashioned light Waggons; and has provided himself with the best of Leather, and Trimmings of the newest Fashions...—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, April 21, 1763.
Gabriel Cox, Coach-Maker, Begs leave to acquaint his friends, and the public in general, that he hath now by him the very best of materials for carrying on the said business in the most extensive manner, at his shop opposite Trinity Church, in Great-George-Street, where coaches, landaus, chariots, phaetons, chairs, sulkeys, sedans &c. are made, and finished in the most neat and elegant manner, with the greatest expedition, and on the most reasonable charges, warranted equal in goodness to any imported: Also carriages of every sort with their harness, &c. compleatly repaired, painted, &c....—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, April 14, 1774.
Elkanah Deane.—The Coach-making Business is carried on in all its' Branches, in the most complete Manner, by Elkanah Deane, from Dublin, Who has opened Shop, next Door to Mr. William Gilliland, in Broad-Street, New-York, and proposes to make, trim, paint, gild and finish, in the most genteel and elegant Taste, all kinds of Coaches, Chariots, Landaus, Phaetons, Post Chaises, Curricles, Chairs, Sedans, and Sleighs, with their Harness; and as he is determined to make such Work as will give Satisfaction in every Particular, and to charge on the very lowest Terms, he hopes for the Favour and Encouragement of the Publick. Gentlemen residing in the Country, writing to him, may depend on having their Orders executed with punctuality.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, February 23, 1764.
Elkanah and William Deane.—To the Publick. We the Subscribers being determined to give all the Satisfaction in our Power to those Gentlemen and Ladies, who have or may employ us, for the Time to come, that they shall have their Work done in the best Manner, for the following Prices, Viz.
- A Plain Coach, and Harness for two horses, £165 0 0
- Ditto, with Livery Lace, and fringed Seat, Cloth and richly painted and finished, £200 0 0
- Chariots in Proportion, according to the Patron given.
- A Set of Coach Wheels, finished with iron Work, and painted, £ 13 0 0
- Chariot, or Post-Chaise, ditto £ 11 10 0
- A Chaise with Steel Springs, and Iron Axletree, completely finished, £ 65 0 0
- Ditto, with Wood Spring, Axletree, finished plain, £ 55 0 0
- A new Chair, with Steel Springs, and Iron Axletree, finished in the best Manner, £ 45 0 0
- One plain, ditto, £ 35 0 0
- A Pair of Chaise, or Chair Wheels compleatly finished, £ 6 0 0
- A new Chaise Harness, £ 6 0 0
- A pair of Coach Wheel Harness, plain, £ 13 0 0
- Chariot, or Post Chaise, ditto, £ 12 0 0
- The best hunting Saddle, wilted, with a Girth, Stirrups, and Cruper, £ 3 5 0
- Plain ditto, £ 2 12 0
- Pellam Bit Bridle, 8 0
- Snaffle do, 4 6
An all other Work relative to the Coach making or Saddlers Business on the most reasonable Terms, by Elkanah and William Deane,...—The New-York Mercury, September 28, 1767.
William Deane, Coach-maker, Informs the public in general and his customers in particular, that he carries on his business as usual in Broad-street where he makes all sorts of coaches, landaus, phætons, curricles, chairs and chaises; likewise all sorts of harness and saddlers work, as also painting, guilding and japanning, in the neatest and most elegant manner. And as he finishes all carriages whatever in his own shop without applying to any other, He is likewise determined to make them as good, sell them as cheap, and be as expeditious as there is a posibility. And to convince the public of the truth of what he asserts, he will make any piece of work that is required, equal to any imported from England, and will sell it at the prime cost of that imported, by which means those who are pleased to favour him with their custom will save the freight, insurance, and expences naturally attending in putting the carriages to rights after they arrive. And as a further inducement, he will engage his work for a year after it is delivered, that is, if any part gives way or fails by fair usage, he will make it good at his own expence. Those advantages cannot be obtained on carriages imported. He has now a considerable stock of the best of all materials fit for making carriages. For the above reasons, he most humbly requests the encouragement of the public, which will be most gratefully acknowledged by him.
Said Dean paints and repairs all manner of old work very reasonably, and has for sale just finished, a new phaeton, and four new chairs.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, June 4, 1772.
James Hallett.—Chaise-Boxes, Chair and Kittereen-Boxes, with all sorts of Wheels and Carriages for the same, are made by James Hallett, on Golden-Hill, at the Sign of the Chair-Wheel; at the most reasonable Rates, with all Expedition.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, January 22, 1750.
James Lawrence, living in the Broad-Way, at the Sign of the Riding Chair, between Oswego-Market, and the Old English Church opposite the Province Arms; Makes and Mends all Sorts of Carriages, such as Coaches, Chariots, Chaises, Chairs, Kittereens, Four-Wheel Chaise, Waggons, Carts, Sleds of all Sorts, and Wheels of all Sorts, likewise chair-Boxes and Kittereen-Boxes of any Form or Shape, after the best and neatest Manner, and newest Fashion, where all Gentlemen may depend on the best Usage, and quickest Dispatch.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, March 1, 1756.
Robert Manly, Coach and Chaise-Maker, almost opposite the Old English Church, in the Broad-Way; Makes, mends and repairs all sorts of carriages, in the best and most genteel manner. Gentlemen that chuse to employ me, may depend on having their work done with great care and expedition, by their humble servant, Robert Manly.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 6, 1768.
Noah Noble, Coach-Harness-Maker, from London; At the Lower End of the Broad-Way, near the Bowling-green: Begs Leave to acquaint the Public, That he makes and repairs all Kinds of Harness for Coaches, Chairs, Bridles, &c. Likewise Gears for Carts; Sleighs, after a much neater and better Manner than has ever been executed in this Country. Any Gentlemen who will be pleased to employ him, shall be served faithfully, and at the very lowest prices, and the favour of their Commands most gratefully acknowledge, by Their most humble Servant, Noah Noble.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, May 12, 1768.
Stephen Steel.—To be Sold, a second Hand Curricle with Harness complete, also a new Wiskey Chair with Harness for one Horse; inquire of Stephen Steel, Coach-Maker in King's Street, New-York.—The New-York Journal, September 5, 1771.
Col. Morris's Coach.—Mr. Zenger; Passing the other Day down the Broad Way I saw a Coach, upon which being a particular Coat of Arms, Crest and Motto, my Curiosity led me to enquire its Owner, which I found to be Coll. Morris, now in England....The Crest is a spacious Stone Castle, with several Divisions and Appartments, alluding as (I conjecture) to a Combination of Power and Strength; the little Turrets, Battlements, &c. may serve to illustrate the vain Attempts his Power has made use of, to have established it self triumphant; the Flames within seem to discover a Disunion of Councils, and their Bursting forth at Top, an Indication that their Chiefs or Heads, venting their unruly Passions, are accomplishing their own Destruction. The Motto being, Tandem vincitur, seems to declare the Virtue, Perseverance, Magnanimity and Success of the Morris Family, against all such combined Force;...—Letter to the printer in The New-York Weekly Journal, February 23, 1736.
Chariot.—To be Sold, A Chariot, constructed in the best manner, little worse for wear, with stell springs, fore and side glasses, blinds, and all appurtenances, the most compleat of their kind. The coach-box takes off, shafts fixes on, and it then becomes a genteel, light, easy, and strong post chaise. It cost originally 74 guineas; but being not now wanted by the owner, it is to be old, and to prevent fraud and trouble, the lowest price that will be taken is £110 currency. A set of harness will be given in, and a good coach horse may be had with or without the chariot. Mr. Field, coach maker, or Mr. Scot, Stabler, will show the chariot, and receive the money, or a good bill, for it, at six months date.—The New-York Mercury, October 11, 1762.
Coach.—To be Sold, A Second Hand Coach in very good Order, having an extraordinary front Glass. Enquire of James Hallet, at the Sign of the Coach in the Broad Way, opposite Battoe-Street.—New-York Gazette, March 12, 1764 (Supplement).
A Post Chaise, Built by one of the best Makers in London, in good condition, with Fore and Side Glasses, and Mahogany Blinds; the Sprints as good as new, and Wheels that have been but little used, with Harness for two Horses; to be sold. To prevent Trouble, the lowest Price is fixed at £65 Currency. Enquire of Hugh Gaine.—The New-York Mercury, November 3, 1766.
A New Model.—We hear from Burlington, that the new constructed light travelling waggon, contrived by Richard Wells, Esquire, on a full Trial last week, was found to answer its Design, to great Exactness. Among other Improvements, his invention to discharge the Horses, in case of their runing away is particularly worth Attention. This is done, at the expence of about a Pistole, by the Rider (in the Inside of the Carriage) only by pulling a String, when the Horses go off and leave the carriage standing. An Invention that bids fair to be of great Use and Safety to those who ride in close Carriages.—News item from Philadelphia in The New-York Gazette, November 16-23, 1767.
Public Coaches.—They write from New-York, that the roads at the back of that Province, New-England and Virginia, have been so greatly improved, that they had established public caravans and stage-coaches, for the accommodation of passengers.—New item from London, September 25, 1767, in The New-York Mercury, January 4, 1768.
A Caravan, Fit either for two or four horses, to be sold; it is very large, and will hold eight People. Whoever inclines to purchase the same, may apply to Abraham Van Dycke, near Peck's-slip.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, March 1, 1773.
Coach and Chariot.—To be Sold, a Coach and Chariot, Two of the most elegant carriages ever imported into America, and equal to any in London; both crane neck'd, and calculated for the climate, having the pannels to let down on all sides; they have their first set of wheels on, and are in high preservation. Enquire of Mr. Johnson, coach-maker, in high-street, Philadelphia.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 27, 1775.
Thomas Chadock, From London, Living near the Old English Church in Wall-Street. Makes and sells Italian spring collars travelling collars, &c. to fit any horse whatever in the most compleat and easy manner; likewise thong making, and piece master harness-maker, and trimmer; he hopes by his assiduity and diligence in his business to merit the continuance of the favours of all his customers. N.B. An Apprentice is wanting to the above Business.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, July 8, 1773.
Henry Clopper.—To be Sold by Henry Clopper, at the Corner of the Meal-Market, Near the Merchants Coffee House, All Sorts of Men's and Women's Saddles, Saddler's Ware, Breed, Fringe, Plush, Brass Furniture Brass Nails & Tacks, and a large Sortment of Horse Whips; He also has several riding Chairs and Kittereens ready made for Sale, after the newest Fashion; He also mends Coaches, Chaises, Chairs and Kittereens after the cheapest and best Manner.—The New-York Weekly Post-Boy, March 27, 1749.
James Ettridge.—This is to inform all Gentlemen, Ladies and others, that James Ettridge, Sadler, in the Broad-way, New-York late from London; Makes and sells all sorts of Sadels, bridles, and furniture, as neat as in London, viz. Ladies hunting side saddles, and all other sorts of side saddles, forest saddles without trees, demi peeks, hunter's, with doe skin seats, either welted or plain, portmantuas, leather bags, villeases for bedding....—The New-York Mercury, August 29, 1763.
Halsted and Thompson, Sadlers, Takes this Method to acquaint the Publick, that they have removed to the House of Mrs. Dawrsey, opposite William Walton, Esq; a few Doors from which they formerly lived, where they carry on their Business as formerly, makes and sells all sorts of Saddles, and Furnitures, in the neatest manner, viz. Ladies Hunting Side-Saddles, Demi Peaks, Kings Hunters, Forrest Saddles, without Trees, but Doe and Hogskin Seats, welted or plain, Portmantuas, Saddlebags, &c. N.B. Large Allowance will be made to any Person buying a Quantity.—The New-York Gazette, December 20, 1762.
Thomas Jackson, a Sadler and Cap-Maker, from London, Has opened a Shop in the Fly, between the Fly-market and Burling's-Slip. He Makes after the neatest Manner, all kinds of Ladies Hunting side Saddles, Men's Hunters, Demy Peeks and Kings Hunters, with all kinds of laced and plain furniture &c. &c....—The New-York Mercury, August 23, 1762.
Selby and Thomson Saddlers from London, Opposite the Meal-Market, New-York. Makes and sells all Sorts of Saddles, and Furniture, Viz. Lady's common and Hunting Saddles, Men's Forrest Saddles without Trees, Pistol Saddles, Demy Peaks, King's Hunters with Doe and Hogg Skin Seats, welted and Plain, Port Manteaus, &c. &c. N. B. Good Allowance will be made to Persons taking a Quantity.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, May 19, 1763.
Cornelius & Benjamin Wynkoop.—To be made, mended and Sold, by Cornelius & Benjamin Wynkoop, Saddlers, opposite the Oswego-Market; chaises, chairs, Kittereens, Men's and Women's Saddles, and Bridles, after the best and neatest Manner: Also a neat Assortment of Whips, and two Second-Hand Chairs, &c. at reasonable Rates.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, March 12, 1753.
Gilbert Ash.—For the Benefit of a Poor Widow, On Thursday the 18th Instant, will be open'd, at the City-Hall, in the City of New-York, A New Organ, made by Gilbert Ash....—The New-York Mercury, March 15, 1756.
Frederick Heyer, Organ Builder, in the Broad-Way, in the same House where Mr. George Cook, Saddler lives, near St. Paul's Church, Makes and repairs Harpsichords and Spinets in the neatest Manner, and with Dispatch, Has some new and very neat Harpsichords for Sale. Also a Chamber Organ, which may, in a short Time, be compleatly finished, and enlarged (if tho't necessary) so as to suit a Place of public Worship.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, November 11, 1773.
Robert Horne, Musical Instrument-Maker, from London, at Mr. Francis Cooley's, on Golden-Hill; Makes and repairs Violins, bass viols, tenor viols, Æolius harps, gauiters, German flutes, Kitts, violin bows, &c. in the neatest and compleatest manner. All orders punctually obey'd, with the quickest dispatch;: The favour of Gentlemen and Ladies shall be duly honour'd with their Commands. N.B. Merchants may be supplied with any of the above, cheaper than in London on proper notice given.—The New-York Mercury, September 14, 1767.
Robert Horne, Musical Instrument-Maker, from London, on Golden-Hill, near Burling's Slip, Makes and repairs musical instruments, viz. Violins, tennors, violon-cellos, guittars, kitts, aeolus harps, spinnets, and spinnets jacks, violin bows, tail-pieces, pins, bridges; bows hair'd, and the best Roman Strings, &c. N.B. Country stores supply'd on the shortest notice.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 6, 1772.
Daniel & Philip Pelton, Drums Made and sold by Phillip Pelton, upper end of Queen-street, and by Daniel Pelton, in Chappel street, now called Beekman street, equal to any that have been imported for sound or beauty. As said Persons have great variety on hand any gentlemen may be served at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. The purchaser may depend upon having their Drums tun'd to sound well.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, October 5, 1775.
John Sheiuble, Organ Builder, from Philadelphia, Makes and repairs all kinds of Organs, Harpsichords, Spinnets, and Piano, in the best Manner, and with the greatest Dispatch. Any Person that has any Thing to be come in the above Way, may depend on having it executed in the best Manner, and at the cheapest Rate. He is to be spoke with at Mr. Samuel Prince's Cabinet Maker, at the Sign of the Chest of Drawers, in New-York.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, March 30, 1772.
John Sheiuble....N.B. He has now ready for sale, one neat chamber organ, one hammer spinnet, one common spinnet.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 10, 1774.
Jacob Trippell, Musical Instrument Maker from London, at the House of Mr. John Ent, Watchmaker, opposite to, on the West Side of the Old Slip Market, a few Doors below Duyckinck's Corner, makes and repairs all sorts of Violins, Base and Tenor Viols; English and Spanish Guitters, Loutens, Mentelines, Madores, and Welsh Harps, at reasonable Rates, as neat as in Europe, Having work'd at the Business Nine Years, with the best Hands in London, since I left Germany; I shall Endeavour to Give Satisfaction to those Ladies and Gentlemen, that shall favour me with their Custom.—The New-York Gazette, August 24, 1767.
David Wolhaupter, Takes this method to inform his friends and customers, that he has removed from the place he formerly lived, to the house where Mr. Muller, leather breeches maker, formerly lived, nearly opposite the Flattenbarrack-Hill, in the Broadway; where he makes and mends all sorts of musical instruments, such as basoons, German flutes, Common do. hautboys, clarinets, fifes, bagpipes, &c. also makes and mends all sorts of mathematical instruments, and all sorts of tuning work done by said Wolhaupter. Any gentlemen that will please to favour him with their employ, may depend upon being served at the cheapest rate, by their humble servant.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, June 18, 1770.
David Woolhaupter, Instrument-Maker, In Fair street, opposite St. Paul's Church, New York, Makes and sells all sorts of Drums and Fifes. Drums made of Mahogany, curled maple, and Beech wood, in the best and neatest manner, and has now a quantity ready made for sale. He also makes Clarinets, Hautboys, German and common Flutes, and all sorts of Instruments &c.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, June 8, 1775.
Gottlieb Wolhaupter, living at the Sign of the Musical Instrument-Maker, opposite Mr. Adam Vanderberg's has just imported from London, a Choice Parcel of the best English Box-wood; Where he continues to make and mend, all Sorts of Musical Instruments, such as German Flutes, Hautboys, Clareonets, Flageolets, Bassoons, Fifes, and also Silver Tea-Pot Handles.—The New-York Gazette, November 16, 1761.
Nicholas Biferi.—Music. Mr. Biferi, Musician of Naples, being determined to stay in this city, informs the public, that he now teaches singing after the Italian way, also the harpsichord, and the composition of music, at one Guinea for twelve lessons, and one Guinea entrance, which entrance is to be paid only by those who never had a master before. Enquire of said Mr. Biferi, at Mr. Wilmot's Peck's-Slip—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, June 30, 1774.
Alexander Dienval.—This is to give Notice, That the Violin and German Flute, are taught in the Space of two or three Months each, by Alexander V. Dienval, at Mr. Elphinstone's House in the Slott.—The New-York Mercury, September 18, 1758.
William Charles Hulet.—This is to Give Notice, That the Violin is taught in so plain and easy a Method (that young Gentlemen of eight or nine years old may be capable of learning in a short Time) by W. C. Hulet, at the House of Robert Wallace, joiner, in the Broad-street, near the Corner of the Old-Dutch Church-street. Mr. Hulet takes this Method to acquaint the Gentlemen and Ladies of this City, that he cannot get a Room for a Dancing School this Winter, but will attend them at their own Houses if they honour him Commands.—The New-York Gazette, September 24, 1759.
William Charles Hulet.—The Guitar, Taught by W. C. Hulet, Dancing-Master, who has opened his Public Dancing-School, at his House in Broad-Street, near the Corner of Beaver-Street, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon; and an Evening School for such Ladies and Gentlemen, who cannot attend in Day-time. Likewise Hours set apart for such as would chuse to be taught in private. He flatters himself, that the Performance of several of his Scholars, has convinced the judicious and impartial, of his Abilities as a Master.
He teaches the Minuet and Country Dances, by the Whole, by the Month, or Quarter: And likewise the Violin, German-Flute, and Use of the Small-Sword.
N.B. The great Advantage that many Gentlemen have over others (that have not learn'd the Hornpipe) in Country Dancing, has induced Mr. Hulett to open a private School for such Gentlemen, who may chuse to attend.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Post-Boy, October 15, 1770.
James Leadbetter, Takes this method to acquaint the ladies and gentlemen, that he intends teaching the Organ and Harpsichord. He may be spoke with at the Widow Vandusen's, in Bayard-street.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, April 16, 1770.
James Leadbetter, Begs leave to acquaint the ladies and gentlemen of this city, that he intends teaching the Organ, Harpsichord, and Spinnet. Any person inclining to be instructed by him, by leaving a line at Mr. Rivington's will be waited upon.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, May 6, 1773.
Charles Love, Musician, from London, at his lodgings at the house of Mrs. George, in the first lane from the Bowling-Green, that leads to the North-River, proposes teaching gentlemen musick on the following instruments, Viz. Violin, Hautboy, German and Common Flutes, Bassoon, French Horn, Tenor, and Base Violin, if desired.
N.B. Said Love may be spoke with any time of the day, at his lodgings, where gentlemen who have a mind to be instructed on any of the above mentioned instruments, will be acquainted with his Conditions.—The New York Mercury, July 2, 1753.
D. Propert, Professor of Musick, Takes this method of acquainting the ladies and gentlemen of this city, that he teaches the organ, harpsichord, guittar, German flute, &c. and has a variety of new musick, Roman strings for violins, and musical instruments, among which is a very fine tone harpsichord and a forte piano, all which he disposes of at Mr. Phillip Kissick's wine merchant, the upper end of Queen-street. The above D. Propert gives out plans for organs, from 35 1. to 500 1. and every business in the musical way done with the greatest honour and expedition.—The New-York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, September 17, 1770.
——Wall, Comedian, Engages to teach Ladies and Gentlemen to Play on the Guitar to prevent Trouble, his terms are to such as chuse to be waited on at the Houses; One Guinea Entrance, and the same per Month for which he pays Attendance, Three Times a Week. Ladies and Gentlemen, who may think proper to honour him with their Commands, by sending to his lodgings, at Mr. Sproul's, in Depyster's-Street, will be immediately waited on.—The New-York Mercury, January 11, 1768.
——Winter.—This is to give Notice, that Mr. Winter keeps a Singing School of Psalmody, near the lower End of the Broad Way, and waits upon any at their own Houses at seasonable Hours.—The New-York Weekly Journal, January 7, 1740.
Herman Zedtwitz.—The Subscriber intending to settle in this city, proposes to teach a certain number of Gentlemen the Violin, in the present taste, Having been a pupil of several of the most eminent masters now in London and Germany. For further particulars, please to inquire of the subscriber at Mr. Buskerk's, nearly opposite the old Presbyterian Meeting. Herman Zedtwitz.—The New-York Journal, April 8, 1773.
Music.—Just Published, and to be Sold by the Printer hereof. Divine Songs, Attempted in Easy Language for the Use of Children. By I. Watts, D. D. Author of the Lyrick Poems.—The New-York Evening Post, March 30, 1747.
Music.—Just reprinted, and to be sold by the Printer hereof, Price 10 d. Or, cheaper by the Dozen; All the Twenty-four Songs of the famous English Archer, Bold Robin Hood.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, November 5, 1750.
Organ.—An Organ with three Stops, to be sold for 40 l. enquire of the Printer.—The New-York Mercury, December 4, 1758.
Imported Musical Instruments.—To be sold by a Gentleman who lodges at Widow Darcey's nigh the Ship-Yards, opposite to William Walton's, Esq; and who is to go soon out of Town; exceeding good German Flutes, for three Dollars each; likewise others with 2, 3, 4 or 5 middle pieces to change the Tones and Voice, do. likewise Base Viol Strings of all Sizes, and silvered Ones for Basses, Violins and Tenors. A great Collection of wrote and printed Musick from Italy and England. The newest Sets of Scotch and Irish Tunes, and Airs in Score, Base Viol and Fiddle Bridges, rulled Musick Paper in Sheets and in Books, German Flute Concertos, Sonatas, Duets and Solos, and a great many other Things in the musical Way, imported by himself from Naples and London. Likewise, two fine Violins, a Girls six-stringd Bass Viole, and a foreign Pocket Gun.—The New-York Mercury, August 13, 1759.
Music.—Just published, neatly Printed on fine Paper, and to be Sold by A. Throne, next Door to the Green-Dragon, near the Moravian Meeting-House, in New York, The Mock Bird; or New American Songster: Being a Collection of all the newest and most approved Songs. Designed for the Entertainment of the Ladies and Gentlemen of New-York, and other Parts of North-America.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, March 19, 1761.
Imported Musical Instruments.—Thomas Harrison, Organist of Trinity-Church, New-York, At his House in King-Street, near Mr. Reade's Church Warden, has imported in the Harriot Packet; Capt. Brayly, Spinnets, Violins, German Flutes, Musick Books, ruled Paper, Fiddle Strings, Bridges, Pins, Jacks for Spinnets, Hautboys and Hautboy Reeds at lowest Price.—The New-York Gazette, March 30, 1761 (Supplement).
Organ in Trinity Church.—To be Sold by the Church-Wardens, the Organ in Trinity-Church. The Instrument is large, consisting of 26 Stops, 10 in the Great Organ, 10 in the Choir Organ and 6 in the Swell, three Sets of Keys; with a Frontispiece of gilt Pipes, and otherwise neatly adorned. It may be inspected; will be sold cheap, and the Purchaser may remove it immediately, (another being expected from England next Spring) but if not disposed of, is, on the Arrival of the new Organ, intended to be shipt to England.—The New-York Gazette, November 15, 1762.
Chamber Organ.—To be Sold on Saturday next, for the want of Money, by James Fuller, Lately from London, at his House joining to Mr. Brazier's Lot, at the upper End of Cart and Horse-Street, Golden-Hill, A Very good and handsome Chamber Organ, which, with a few Minutes Instruction, any Person may play on: It has 6 Stops, 15 Mute Gilt Pipes in the Front, and a Set of Drawers at the Bottom; and will be sold cheap.—The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, November 13, 1766.
Imported Musical Instruments.—Simeon Coley imported among other things...The best Lind violins, German Flutes, tipt and plain, Fifes, Tabors and Pipes, with books of Instructions, Violin Bows, the Best Roman Strings, Pins Bridges, &c.—The New-York Gazette, June 8-15, 1767.
Harpsichord.—To be Sold, a Harpsichord, completely fitted, Maker's Name (Mahoon, London:) For Particulars inquire of W. Rice, Organist.—The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, March 2, 1769.
Imported Musical Instruments.—Peter Goelet at the Sign of the Golden-Key has to sell among other things...The best Roman and Common strings for Violins, and Sets of Strings for Base Violins, Guitar Strings, Harpsichord Wires, Violins, German and common Flutes, Violin Bridges and Bows...—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 2, 1769.
Harpsichord.—To be disposed of, a fine ton'd double key'd Harpsichord, with four Stops, as good as new, made by Hitchcock. Enquire of the Printer.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, September 18, 1769.
Drums of the best Quality manufactured in America, to be sold by the Printer.—The New-York Journal or General Advertiser, October 19, 1775.
Orrery.—At Boston, N England, they having procured that wonderful Machine or Instrument called the Orrery, Mr. Greenwood proposes to illustrate and confirm the Elements of Astronomy there from, by certain explanatory Lectures, which he has composed on the Orrery. The Orrery is a Machine of wonderful Contrivance brought to Perfection by that ingenious Mathematician and Artificer Mr. John Rowley, which Machine illustrates the Motion of the Sun, Moon and Earth to the meanest Capacity. That which is so difficult for many People to apprehend or believe (I mean the Motion of the Earth) and would have taken up a few years study to come to a familiar apprehension of it by this Machine is communicated in an hour....And therefore it is Hoped that in time not only each Province, but each principal Town in these parts will think it as necessary to have an Orrery, as a publick Town Clock, the one gives the Time of the Day and Night, the other presents to our View the Wonder Works of the Deity.—The New-York Gazette, July 1-8, 1734.
Musical Machine.—To be Seen, at Mr. Pacheco's Ware-House, in Market field-Street, commonly known by the Name of Petticoat-Lane, opposite the Cross Guns, near the Fort.
A curious Musical Machine, arriv'd from England, the third Day of May last, which performs several strange and diverting Motions to the Admiration of the Spectators, viz. The Doors fly open of their own accord, and there appears six Rangers in white Shirts all busy pulling Bell-Ropes, and playing several Tunes, Chimes, and changes; They first appear with black caps and black Beards at one Corner there is a Barbers Shop and a Barbers Pole hung out, and at the Shop Door stands the Barber's Boy, who, at the word of Command, gives three knocks at his Masters Door, out comes the Barber with his Rasor and Bason to shave the Ringers, then the Doors shut themselves whilst the Barber is Shaving them, then the Doors open themselves the second Time, and the Ringers appear all clean shaved and clean Caps put on; afterwards they ring a long Peal of Changes, and then fall the Bells to Admiration, after that the Barber walks into his Shop again, his Boy standing ready to open the Door for his Master and then shuts it after him; last of all the great Doors shut themselves again. All being performed entirely by Clock-Work in imitation of St. Brides Bells in London. There will be a small Entertainment of Slight of Hand, before the Clock-Work is seen. The Proprietor of it will wait on any Gentlemen or Ladies, at their own Houses.
The same will be shewn every Day in the Week, Sundays excepted at 4 o'clock in the Afternoon, and at 7 in the Evening. The Price for Grown Person's 1s and for Children 9 pence.—The New-York Weekly Journal, July 18, 1743.
Magic Lantern.—After the announcement of a performance of the Musical Machine is added the following notice: Where is also to be Seen, the Curious and Surprizing Magick Lanthorn, by which Friar Bacon, Doctor Faustus, and others, perform such wonderful Curiosities, representing upwards of 30 humourous and entertaining Figures, larger than Men or Women; as the Rising Sun, the Friendly Travellers, the Pot Companions, the blind Beggar of Gednal Green and his Boy, the merry Piper dancing a Jigg to his own dumb Musick, the courageous Fencing Master, the Italian Mountebank or famous infallible Quack, the Man riding on a Pig with his Face towards the Tail, the Dutchman scating on the Ice in the midst of Summer; with a great Variety of other Figures equally diverting and curious, too tedious here to mention.
N.B. To begin at 7 o'clock in the Evening.—The New-York Evening Post, September 8, 1746.
Moving Machine.—To all Gentlemen, ladies and others, of Curiosity. This is to give Notice, that at the House of Mr. John Hays at the Sign of St. Andrew's Cross, near the Fly-Market, is to be seen a large moving Mashene or Land and Water Skip, representing many Things moving nearly imitating Nature, beginning at Half an Hour after Six in the Evening precisely, Price 1s 6d.
N.B. If any Gentlemen or Ladies, hath a Mind to have a private View of the same, they may, by giving two Hours Warning before hand.—The New-York Evening Post, December 29, 1746.
Electrical Experiments.—For the Entertainment of the Curious. To Be Shown, The most surprising Effects or Phenominas on Electricity of Attracting, Repelling, & Flemmies Force, particular the New Way of Electrifing several Persons at the same Time, so that Fire shall Dart from all Parts of their Bodies; as has been Exhibited to the Satisfaction of the Curious, in all Parts of Europe: Electricity became all the subject in Vogue, Princes were will to see this New Fire which a Man produced from himself. And it's tho't to be of Service to many Ailments.
To be seen at any Time of the Day, from 8 o'clock in the Morning till 9 at Night provided the Weather proves Dry and no Damp Air, (a Company presenting) at the House of Mrs. Willson, near the Way House, in New York; where due Attendance is given by Mr. Richard Brickell.
As the stay of this Machine is but a short Time in this Town, those whose Curiosities excites them to behold those wonders are desired to give their speedy Attendance.—The New-York Weekly Journal, May 9, 1748.
Philosophical Optical Machine.—To the Publick in general here and hereabouts. Ladies, Gentlemen and every Body else, I am well enough know to all of you, for I am a New-Yorker. I don't pretend to be a fine Scribe; far from it. I have been otherwise employed all my Days, than to have any Time to learn a knack of writing well; but yet I think I am not quite so unlearned, but that I can write so as to be understood; and as I find myself under a Necessity of making my address to you, I hope you will make an Allowance for my manner and Stile.
You all know I lately purchased, and many of you have seen my Philosophical Optical Machine, lately invented in, and imported from London. I have hitherto shewed (out of near 100 Prospects) only two Setts, 8 in each of English Palaces, grand Building, and Gardens, &c. Every one who has seen them, has paid me Four Shillings a Piece for each Set; and I must say, they have gone from me well satisfied; their repeated Visits and constant Recommendations of the Machine, convince me of what I assert.
But tho' all my Customers seem well pleased (except a very few who can approve of Nothing they see others do, or with any Thing but what they say themselves or have a Hand in) yet as I understood, there were great Numbers who think much of Four Shillings, and knowing that there are others who really can't afford it, I began last week to show for Two Shillings only, the first eight English Prospects; and determined to have shewn them no more here. But last Week having been so bad weather, for the most Part, that few People cared to stir Abroad, I hereby give Notice, that none may miss an Opportunity of seeing the English Prospects, that every Morning this Week I will continue to shew the first 8, and every Afternoon and Evening, the other 8 of them, to no less than 6 Persons at a Time; but if a lesser Number should come, I will leave it to their own Generosity, according to the Satisfaction they think they receive. The next Monday I will begin to show, on the same easy Terms, nine of the French King's Palaces, and so every succeeding Week different Ones, in different Parts of the World, till the whole be gone through. After that, I intend to go to Philadelphia....Jo. Bonnin.
P.S. Any Body who has once paid for seeing a set, is always welcome to see the same again gratis, provided they bring, or come along with new Company, or when I am showing what they have seen before. Tickets at Two Shillings a Piece to be had, as usual, at Mr. Campbell's shop, at the Meal Market, The Tickets always mention the Prospects to be seen by them.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, December 19, 1748.
Philosophical Optical Machine.—To be Shewn all this Week at Mr. John Bonnin's, nine French Prospects, viz. 1. Veue du Chateau Roial de Seause; A Prospect of the Palace of Seause; 2. Veue du Chateau de Chantilli; A prospect of the Palace of Chantilli. 3. Veue du Thuilleries; A Prospect of the Royal Thuilleries 4. Veue du Chateau de Medon; A Prospect of the Palace of Medon. 5. Veue du Chateau de Luxembourg; A Prospect of the Palace of Luxembourg. 6. A View of the Flower Gardens, and Part of the Fountains of Fountain-Bleau. 7. A View of one Wing of Fountain-Bleau, taken from the Court of Fountains. 8. A View of the Canal of Fountain-Bleau, seven Miles long. 9. The Visto, between Chestnut Groves in the Gardens of Versailles, justly esteemed one of the most pleasant Parts in the Garden, because of its Serenity and Coolness in the most sultry Heats of Summer. The Groves are inclosed on each Side by a magnificent Net-Work, adorned with Bustos of Porphiry, and Statues of White Marble.
N.B. Six Persons comming at a Time together, to be admitted at Two Shillings each, (without Tickets;) but if a lesser Number of the Overplus to be left to their own Generosity. Any Body who pays once, may come again with a new Company, as often as they please gratis.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, December 26, 1748.
Philosophical Optical Machine.—Mr. Bonnin intended to have gone to-day to Long Island, with his Perspective Machine, according to a former Advertisement; but the People of all Ranks and Ages, having taken the alarm, crouded so fast to him, that he had more Company to visit him last Week, than he has had for any three Weeks together since he began to show, and which Encouragement, together with the Cries, Tears and Prayers of the Populace, as he passes along the Streets, to continue another Week longer in Town, have at last prevailed upon him to defer his Removal till next Week. Now this curious Show, is about leaving this City, it may with the strictest Justice be said, that there never was any Entertainment in it, of so pleasing or of so instructive a Nature; nor which met with so general an Approbation. There are such vast Varieties of delightful Prospects, that let a Man or Woman's Taste be what it will, thy cannot help meeting with something or another fitted to give them the most delightful Sensation.—News item in The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, January 30, 1749.
Philosophical Optical Machine.—Jamaica on Long Island, March 8th, 1748/9. The coming Topicks of Discourse in this Place, since the coming of Mr. Bonnin, are entirely changed; instead of the common Chat, there is nothing scarce mentioned now, but the most entertaining Parts of Europe, which are so lively represented in Mr. Bonnin's curious Prospects, who proposed to tarry here but one Week when he first came; but those several Prospects have been so universally satisfactory, that crowded Concourses of People are daily Spectators, whose Expectations have been so far exceeded, that he has been prevailed on to tarry here another Week, but designs for Flushing on Saturday next, and Hempsted the Saturday after.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, March 13, 1749.
Philosophical Optical Machine.—This is to inform the Curious of either Sex, That this Day John Bonnin begins to exhibit his Philosophical Optical Machine, which has given so much Satisfaction to all those that have already favoured him with their Company: He has sundry new Additions, which he designs to shew all the Winter Season; to begin at 8 o'clock in the Morning, and continue showing till 9 at night. To be seen at the House of Mr. Victor Becker, opposite to Mr. Haynes's New-Buildings, in Crown-Street. N.B. Price One Shilling for grown Persons, and Six Pence for children.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, December 11, 1749.
Philosophical Optical Machine.—John Bonin, [sic] Hereby gives Notice to his Friends and Well wishers, That, After having tried many different Ways to support himself and Family, tho' with the utmost Honesty and Care, yet now being attended with desired Success, has now, by the Assistance of some Merchants, opened a Shop in Crown-Street, in the House where Capt. Hewit lately lived, near Mr. Abraham Lott's; where may be had, Rum, Sugar, and most kinds of European Goods usually sold in Shops. As his Creditors, he is fully persuaded, are such from a sincere and hearty Disposition to serve him, and as therefore he has his Goods at the most easy Rates, his kind Customers may depend on buying of him at the lowest Prices; and for their Encouragement, they shall be wellcome to view his famous Optical Machine Gratis.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, May 14, 1750.
Diagonal Mirror.—Just imported in the Dover, from London, and to be shewn by James Shaw, at William Willson's on the Dock, near the Old Slip, Diagonal Mirrour, representing the following Prints, being a greater Variety than any Thing of the kind that has ever yet been exhibited to publick View, viz.
- 16 Perspective Views in and about London.
- 24 Curious Views in and about Venice.
- 12 Sea Prospects of Ships at Sea, &c.
- 4 Views of Fontainbleau.
- 6 Views of France Palaces.
- 7 Inside Cathedrals.
- 12 Views of Naples and Rome.
- 12 Views on the Canal at Venice.
- 1 Inside St. Paul's Church in London.
- 1 Inside St. Peter's at Rome.
A View of the great Fire Works on Account of the General Peace: exhibiting the curious Piece of Architecture erected on that Occasion. The three Fire Suns; the middlemost 22 Feet, the other 10 Feet in Diameter; 12 Fire Trees, and that particular grand Scene of the Fire works, called the Girandola, which is firing at once 6000 Rockets of half a Pound of Powder each.
N.B. This elegant Piece of Architecture is 410 Foot high, is imbellish'd with the Statues of Justice, Prudence, Fortitude, Clemency, Vigilance and Piety, on the Front; on the Top of the Building are 6 Statues, representing Jupiter, Bacchus, Cerres, Pomona, Vesta and Fidelity. Under the great Arch on a peddestal, is the Statue of Peace holding the Olive Branch over Neptune's Head. Over the Arch is painted in Basso Relievo, His Majesty presenting Peace to Britannia; the Basso Relievos on each Side of the Arch; one represents Neptune drawn by Sea Horses, the other the Triumph of Mars. This grand Fire Work will last about 3 Hours, and it is computed Twenty Five Tons Weight of Gun powder and Combustibles, will be consumed.
All, or any Part of the above curious Prints, will be shewn at very reasonable Rates, at any Hour of the Day; and in order that no Person's Curiosity may be disappointed, it will be shewn by Candle Light, to oblige those who cannot attend in the Day-Time.
Note, Any Ladies, or particularly Family, that have a Mind to see it at their own Houses, by applying to said Shaw, shall be waited on immediately.—The New-York Weekly Journal, June 19, 1749.
Athenian Temple of Arts and Sciences.—To Be Seen At A large Theatrical Room, next to the Sign of the Dolphin (built on Purpose) near the Work-House, in New-York, for the Entertainment of Gentlemen, Ladies, and Others, to-morrow Evening, and to continue with different Plays ever Week. Punch's Company Of Comedians...Likewise. The Athenien Temple of Arts and Sciences. This admirable Piece of Mechanism is entirely of a new Invention, and is now finish'd by some of the best Artists, after several Years and Study Application. It is embellish'd with Variety of Painting, Carving and Gilding, and is acknowledg'd by the Curious, to be one of the most accurate Pieces of Art ever exhibited to publick View There are sundry Histories beautifully represented by moving Figures, in a grand and magnificent Manner and adorn'd with all the Ornaments and Decorations that can fill the Mind with pleasing Ideas, and charm a judicious and curious Spectator.
Note, That the Doors are to be open'd at 6 and begin at 7 o'Clock. Price. Front Seats, two shillings. Middle Seats, one Shilling and six Pence. Back Seats, one Shilling.—The New-York Weekly Journal, August 28, 1749.
Rock and Shell Work.—To be Seen, next Door to the Play House. A most curious Piece of Rock and Shell-Work, superior to any Thing of the Kind in America; a lively Prospect of the memorable Battle of Culloden; with Views of several of the grandest Cities, Palaces, Hospitals, Water Works, &c. in Europe. The Rock and Shell Work, to be seen at One Shilling each Person, and the Prospects at One Shilling per Dozen; Children at half Price.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, June 25, 1750.
A Course of Natural Philosophy and Mechanics.—To be exhibited, at the House of the Rev. Mr. Ebenezer Pemberton in the Broad-way, in New-York. A Course of Natural Philosophy, and Mechanics, illustrated by Experiments, By Lewis Evans. This Course consists of 13 Lectures, treating of the nature of this World and its Parts. The Solar System is explained by a most curious Orrery, which represents the annual and diurnal Motions of all the Planets primary and secundary, the Causes of Day and Night, Winter and Summer Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, &c.
The Mathematical Terms, Figures and Proportions, necessary for the Understanding of these Lectures, are explained for the Sake of the Ladies and Gentlemen unskill'd in the Mathematics.
The Properties of Water, Air, Fire, Light, the Electrical Fluid, and Magnetism, are explained by the Help of the best Machines and Instruments hitherto invented; and the Methods of applying them to the Conveniences and Ornaments of Life, shall be directed on every Occasion.
The Light, that the late Discoveries in Electricity have thrown on Natural Philosophy, enables us to explain the Nature of Attraction and Repulsion, and of several other grand Phaenomena beyond any Thing heretofore imagined.
The Laws of the Electrical Fluid shall be expressly handled, and this we are enabled now to do, as we are become acquainted with more of its Laws than have yet been discovered of Air....—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, July 29, 1751.
Musical Machine.—Now to be seen by the Curious, at the house of Mr. Adam Vandenbergh, in the Broadway, to be seen any hour, a curious musical Machine, which represents the tragedy of Bateman, viz. First, Two folding doors fly open, a curtain draws itself up, and exhibits a company of gentlemen and ladies, with knives and forks in motion, sat down to a wedding-dinner. The bride having promised marriage to young Batemen proving false, and marrying old Jermain, Bateman hangs himself on her wedding day. Four cupids fly down, and carry Bateman away. The bride still enjoying herself at dinner, she at last falls from the table, dead and her rosy colour changes to a deadly paleness: After which the devil comes up, and carries her away. Here the curtain falls, and ends the first act. The curtain drawing up a Second time, instead of the wedding, exhibits young Bateman laid in state, with the mourners about him; dressed in black cloaks and white hatbands; the room hung with escutcheons, and six ringers, in their shirts; ringing the bells. The representation of a carpenters yard,with people at work, with several other moving figures. The whole represented by clock-work, per Richard Breckell.
Who mends and cleans all sorts of clocks, reasonably. N.B. Gentlemen and ladies will be waited upon at their houses, on timely notice give. Price One shilling, and for boys, six pence.—The New-York Mercury, December 29, 1755.
Microcosm.—We hear, That that elaborate and celebrated Piece of Mechanism, the Microcosm, now at Philadelphia, will speedily be here, and for a short Time exhibited to publick View. As this Piece is deservingly the Admiration of its Spectators, and universally esteem'd, as superior to any Thing of the Kind, 'twill doubtless meet in this, the same Applause, as it has, in every other Place where exhibited. N.B. This is that Machine which the late Prince of Wales offer'd the Author Three Thousand Guineas for, and Two Hundred Pound per Annum during his Life.—News item in The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, February 2, 1756.
Microcosm.—This Day arrived here from Philadelphia, the inimitable Piece of Mechansim the Microcosm, or, the World in Miniature, made by the late ingenious Henry Bridges, of London. This piece for the Magnificence of its structure, the Beauty of its Painting and Sculpture, the Excellency of its Music, with just Proportion of the Celestial Phaenomina, and the Variety of moving Figures, is esteem'd as the most instructive as well as entertaining Work of its kind that ever appear'd. We further hear, 'twill be exhibited in this City for a short time.—News item in The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, February 9, 1756.
Microcosm.—To be seen at the New-Exchange, That Elaborate and Celebrated Piece of Mechanism, called Microcosm, or, the World in Miniature, Built in the Form of a Roman Temple, after twenty-two Years close Study and Application, by the late ingenious Mr. Henry Bridges, of London; who, having received the Approbation and Applause of the Royal Society, &c. afterwards made considerable Additions and Improvements; so that the Whole, being now completely finished, is humbly offered to the curious of this City, as a Performance which has been the Admiration of every Spectator, and proved itself by its singular Perfections the most instructive as well as entertaining Piece or Work in Europe.
A Piece of such complicated Workmanship, and that affords such a Variety of Representation (tho' all upon the most simple Principle) can but very imperfectly be described in Words the best chosen; Therefore 'tis desired, what little is said, in this Advertisement may not pass for an Account of the Microscosm, but only what is thought meerly necessary in the Title of such an Account, &c.
Its outward Structure is a most beautiful Composition of Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting. The inward Contents are as judiciously adapted to gratify the Ear, the Eye, and the Understanding; for it plays with great Exactness several Pieces of Music, and exhibits, by an amazing Variety of moving Figures, Scenes diversified with Natural Beauties, Operations of Art, of human Employments and Diversions of passing as in real life, &c.
- 1 Shews all the celestial phaenomena
- 2 Nine Muses playing in concert
- 3 Orpheus in Forest
- 4 Carpenter's Yard
- 5 A delightful Grove
- 6 A fine Landskip, with a Prospect of the Sea,
- 7 And lastly, is shewn the whole Machine in Motion, when upwards of twelve Hundred Wheels and Pinnions are in Motion at once.
—The New-York Mercury, February 16, 1756.
Microcosm.—We, the proprietors of the Microcosm, beg leave to acquaint the publick that it will be shewn at the New-Exchange, (as usual) till Tuesday the 23 instant, and positively no longer, as a further grant cannot be obtained for the use of the Assembly-Room, it being engaged for that purpose: Therefore, 'tis hoped, all who may be desirous of seeing a piece so much superior to any thing of its kind, and so worthy the notice of the most judicious, will be as expeditious as convenient.
N.B. Tickets for Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights, to be had at the above place.—The New-York Mercury, March 8, 1756.
A Work in Miniature.—This is to inform the Curious, that at the House of Mr. Provost, Gun-Smith, opposite the Old-Slip, there is a most beautiful Piece of Work in Miniature, representing one Part of the City of Mallaga, Which is commodiously and regularly built; the Churches and other publick Edifices adorned with lofty Spires, which adds a great Grandeur to the whole. A large and well finished Monastry, with its Gardens decorated with flowers and Fruit Trees; A View of the Fryars Abess, and Nuns, inclosed within the Walls; Also a Battery of 12 Guns, well mounted, the Centinals properly placed and compleatly armed; the Streets paved and populated, with several other Embelishments, particularly a Prospect of green Mountains behind it, with a View of Creatures on them; a Water Scene, with a man'd Barge, a rural Spot, with a Sheepherd and Sheeperdess, their Dogs and Flock. To be disposed of by Way of drawing Billets; Any Gentlemen or Lady, not inclining to adventure, may satisfy their Curiosity by paying one Shilling. It is expected it will be disposed of in about 10 Days.—The New-York Mercury, August 29, 1763.
Electricity.—For the Entertainment of the Curious, At the Assembly Room, at the City Arms, in the Broad-Way, will be exhibited, A Course of Experiment in that curious and entertaining Branch of Natural Philosophy, called Electricity. To be accompanied with Lectures on the Nature and Properties of the Electric Fire, By William Johnson.
The Course to consist of Two Lectures: The first of which is generally taken up in explaining the Nature and Properties of that subtle Element,...
In the second Lecture, the Electric Fire is shewn to be the same with Lightning, the Cause and Effects of which are amply explained....—The New-York Gazette, October 31, 1763.
Jerusalem, A View of that famous City after the Work of 7 Years, To be seen at the House of Tho. Evans, Clock & Watch Maker (opposite the Honourable John Watts, Esq; and near the Exchange,) from Eight in the Morning till Seven in the Evening; and from Eight till ten at Night. One Shilling each person.
It represents Jerusalem, the Temple of Solomon, his Royal Throne, the noted Houses, Towers and Hills; likewise the Sufferings of our Saviour from the Garden of Gethsemane to the Cross on the Hill of Golgotha; an artful piece of Statuary, in which every Thing is exhibited in the most natural Manner, and worthy to be seen by the Curious. N.B. It will be in New-York three Months.—The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, May 10, 1764.
A Curious Machine, in Resemblance of a Boat, (to be taken out of a Man's Pocket, and exhibited to public View) that will carry one Person across a small River, as will be demonstrated at Mr. William Bull's, near Mr. Lispenard's Brewery, on Monday the 19th Day of October last at 3 o'Clock in the Afternoon, for the small Sum of Eighteen Pence for each Person. By James Foster.
Those who choose to see this curious Exhibition, will please to attend at the above Place. Mr. Foster intends soon to set out for Virginia.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, October 19, 1772.
Fire Works.—By Permission of his Excellency the Governor. On Saturday, July the 17, (If the Weather permits.) In the Bowery-Lane, will be exhibited a grand and curious Fire-Work, Divided into three Parts, consisting of the following Variation, Viz.
Part I
A Grand Pyramid turning with a Flower Pot on the Top, and two moving Globes on each Side.
A beautiful Prospect of a Sea-Fight, in which two Men of War will engage, and fire at each other in every Position of a real Battle.
Two capricious Wheels of a new Construction with great Variations of Fire.
Part II
A Large Tree illuminated, with several Birds flying out, and coming in again. A Piece representing a Wind-Mill. Two Perpendicular Wheels with Maroons.
Part II
Two Swarm Boxes; Chinese Fountains, and great variations of Fire.
Two Boxes, in which will be represented the Arms of this Province, in brilliant Fire, and several changes.
A fixed Sun of Brilliant, with a Piece representing the Sun and Moon in great Motion.
Two Girondoles, with several Sky Rockets, and Hand Grenadoes.
Also, a very large Variety of Fire not mention in this Advertisement.
To prevent Confusion, it is hoped none will take amiss, their not being admitted without a Ticket, which may be had of Mr. James Rivington, and at the Bull's-Head in the Bowery, the Place of Performance, at Five Shillings for the Front Part, and Two and Six-pence for the Yard.
Proper Seats will be made for Ladies and Gentlemen, and the greatest Care will be taken to render the Entertainment agreeable, by Their most obedient Servant, Peter Dumont.—Rivington's New-York Gazetteer, July 15, 1773.
Effigies of the Royal Family of England.—This is to acquaint the Curious. That there is just arriv'd from England and to be seen for a short Time in this Town, at The Sign of the Dolphin Privateer, near the Work-House, New-York. The Effigies of the Royal Family of England. In a Composition of Wax, exactly as big as Life.
I. His Majesty King George the Second.
II. His Royal Highness Frederick, Prince of Wales.
N.B. Both these Effigies are dressed in Royal Robes in the same Manner as when sitting in the Parliament-House.
III. Her Royal Highness Augusta, Princess of Wales.
I.V. His Royal Highness William Duke of Cumberland, in his Regimentals, as he appeared at the Head of the English Arms.
V. The Effigy of the Empress Queen of Hungary and Bohemia.
VI The Arch Duke, Joseph, her Son.
VII A Pandour mounting Guard.
N.B. These three Effigies are dressed in Hungarian Habits. With four curious Effigies, of the four Seasons of the Year,
A Fryar and a Nun in their proper Habits.
The Effigy of Miss Peggy Warfington the present Famous Actress now in England.
With a curious Philosophical, Optical Machine, properly adapted to the Philosophical System of Sir Isaac Newton's Opticks.
Constant Attendance is given from Seven in the Morning, till Six in the Evening; and to be seen by two or more, without loss of Times.
A curious Piece of Ordnance, Which Charges and Discharges both at one time, and times in a Minute. All the above shewn, by, Gentlemen & Ladies Your most humb. Servt. James Wyatt.—The New-York Weekly Journal, July 3, 1749.
Wax Work..—...N.B. On Thursday next I design to give a Benefit Night, and likewise the Day to see the Wax Work, for to relieve some of the poor Prisoners in the City Hall; Those Gentlemen and Ladies that will be so charitable to favour me with their good Company, will much oblige their humble Servant, James Wyatt. Tickets to be had at Mr. Ramsay's, at the Mr. Lepper's, and at Mr. Griswold's, Price Two Shillings each Ticket.—The New-York Gazette Revived in the Weekly Post-Boy, October 30, 1749.
Wax Figures.—Vaux-Hall Gardens. Mr. Francis begs Leave to acquaint the Ladies and Gentlemen of this City, and the Public in general; that from 9 in the Morning 'till 10 at Night, (at Four Shillings each Person) may be seen at the Gardens, in a large Commodious Room, genteelly fitted for the Purpose, a Group of magnificent Wax Figures, “Ten in Number,” rich and elegantly dressed, according to the ancient Roman, and present Mode; which Figures, bear the most striking Resemblance of real Life, and represent the great Roman General Publius Scipio, who conquered the City of Carthage, standing by his Tent pitch'd in a Grove of Trees, (among which are some of different Fruits, very natural) attended by his Guards; with the King, the young Prince, and Princess, and other great Personages brought before the General, who were taken Prisoners in the City. Also there are several very masterly Pieces of Grotto-Work, and Flowers, composed of various Shells, &c. The Whole affording a very agreeable Entertainment, and are declared by those who have seen Figures of the like kind, much admired in London and Paris, to be no Way inferior.
P.S. A more particular Description will be ready on Monday to be delivered at the Gardens. Tea, Coffee, Mead, &c. as usual.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 25, 1768.
Wax Work Artist.—On Monday Evening about 8 o'Clock, a Fire was discover'd in the House of Mrs. Wright, the ingenious Artist in Wax-Work, and Proprietor of Figures so nearly resembling the Life, which have for some Time past been exhibited in this City to general Satisfaction...tho' most of the Wax-Work was destroyed, together with some New Pieces which Mrs. Wells (Sister of Mrs. Wright) had lately brought from Charlestown: the whole amounting it is said to the Value of several Hundred Pounds; yet she was so fortunate as to save the curious Piece of the Rev. Mr. Whitefield, the Pennsylvania-Farmer and some others, which she continues to exhibit, and we hear that she proposes to repair the loss sustained by this Fire, as soon as possible, by making some new and curious Pieces.—News item in The New-York Gazette or the Weekly Post-Boy, June 10, 1771.
King George and Queen Charlotte.—Vaux Hall, Mr. Francis takes this method to acquaint the public, that he has just compleated a number of Wax Figures as large as life, drest in the newest and most elegant manner, representing their present Majesties, King George and Queen Charlotte, sitting on the throne, with their usual attendants, several of the nobility, &c. properly disposed in a large appartment genteely fitted for the purpose, and proper persons to shew the same, from eight in the morning till ten in the evening.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, July 6, 1772.
Banquet in Macbeth.—To the Encouragers of Ingenuity, and the Public in general. At Vaux-Hall in this City, there are to be seen at any Hour of the Day, a very great Variety of Wax Figures as large as Life, also entirely new dressed, and that in the most elegant as well as genteel Taste. Amongst other curious Representations, one Room contains that of the Banquet in Macbeth, with the Appearance of Banquo's Ghost, and a large Gallery filled with Spectators. Also Harlequin and Columbine, are finished in a very pleasing Manner, and have attracted much Notice; in fine, no Representation of the like Kind has ever been in this City, by any Means equal to the Grandeur and agreeable Entertainment of the present, which have been compleated with very great Trouble and Expence.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, August 17, 1772.
Wax Work Artist.—To the Printer, We hear from England, that the ingenious Mrs. Wright, whose surprising Imitations of Nature, in Wax Work, have been so much admired in America, by a diligent Application and Improvement in the same Employment, has recommended herself to the general Notice and Encouragement of Persons of the first Distinction in England, who have honoured her with peculiar Marks of their Favour; and as several eminent Personages, and even his Majesty himself, have condescended to sit several Times, for her to take their Likeness; it is probable that she will enrich her Collection, and oblige her Friends in America, with a View of the most remarkable Persons of the present Age, among which will be the immortal, inimitable Garrick, whom she had began; she has already compleated, and sent over to her House in this City, where they may be seen, the most striking Likeness of the celebrated Doctor Benjamin Franklin, of Philadelphia, now in London, and of Mrs. Catharine M'Cauley, so much admired for her great Learning, Writing and amiable Character.—Letter to the printer in The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, November 9, 1772.
Wax Work Artist.—We hear the ingenious Mrs. Wright from America, at No. 30, Great Suffolk-street, Strand, has lately sent over to New-York, two of her inimitable Wax Figures, representing Dr. Franklin and Mrs. Mackauley; and that she is now making, (to go by Capt. All for Philadelphia), another of a well known character in America, as a present to the America Philosophical Society.—News item from London, December 1, 1772, in The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, February 15, 1773.
Wax and Shell work.—This is to inform the Public, That at the House of Mr. M'Neill, at the Corner of Chapel-Street, opposite the new Brick Meeting-House, is to be seen, gratis, and disposed of publickly, by the 20th of May next; a most elegant Piece of Wax and Shell Work; the Scheme taken from Homer's Illiad. The Scene Hector and Andromache, with several other beautiful Figures, at the City Gate; the whole judged to be completely finished. The proprietors of this Work, beg leave to acquaint the Ladies, that as they intend continuing in New-York for a few Months they propose teaching, on the most reasonable Terms; the Wax and Shell in all its different Branches; and any Ladies inclining to be taught, by applying speedily, may have Time to be perfectly instructed, before their Departure from this Place. N.B. Ladies from the Country may be accommodated with Board at a moderate Price.—The New-York Journal or the General Advertiser, May 13, 1773 (Supplement).
Mr. Augustine, Painter and Designer, Having followed this business in several towns in Europe, offers his Services and talents to the public. He gives lessons in town, and at his house, in all the branches of drawing, whether figured, flowered or plain, architecture, fortification, geometric &c. He also takes portraits very exact, whether in miniature, in pencil-work or in oil. Enquire at No 24 Pearl street near the battery.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, April 27, 1797.
Henry Benbridge, Sen.—Portrait Painting. The subscriber having but lately arrived, solicits the patronage of the Ladies and Gentlemen of New York, in the above polite art. Some specimens may be seen at Mrs. Brasier's corner of Greenwich and Cortlandt streets, where he hopes he should be honored with their Company. Henry Benbridge, Sen.—Mercantile Advertiser, July 4, 1799.
B. Birch.—At Mr. Stites's, N. 178, Queen street, Likenesses (Simply imitative of the originals) are painted in crayons, at one Guinea each; with elegant oval gilt frames included. Seals and Copperplates, Cyphers, Crests, Toys, Trifles, &c. Engraved.
Hair Devices set in Rings, Lockets, &c. Watches repaired; and any Wheel, arbor, Pevot, Spring, Cock, Slide, Figure-piece, verge, &c. made new and fitted.
Watch Glasses fitted at one shilling each, and a quantity to be sold cheap for ready cash. Any curious Punch or Instrument made in steel, iron, brass, &c. By B. Birch, from London.—Loudon's New-York Packet, November 25, 1784.
Lewis Clephan, Portrait Painter, Begs Leave to acquaint the Ladies and Gentlemen, that he has removed from Chapel-Street to Crown-Street, No. 28, where he Paints Likenesses, whole, half and quarter Lengths, on the lowest and most reasonable Terms. He therefore returns his most gratefull acknowledgements for the Encouragement he has already received, and hopes a continuance of their Favours; he binds himself, if his Lieknesses are not Striking and Approved of, he requires no pay. Any Ladies or Gentlemen who please to favor him with their Employ, may depend upon the strictest Attention being paid to their Orders, and their Business done with the greatest Attention and Dispatch. N.B. Miniature Painting, Hair Work, &c. done in the neatest Manner.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, May 16, 1787.
John Colles.—Miniature Profiles, No. 20, Golden-Hill, opposite the Sign of the Unicorn; J. Colles, Having had the honour of taking off the Profiles of many of the Nobility in England and Ireland, begs leave to inform the ladies and gentlemen in New-York, that he takes the most striking Likeness in Miniature Profile, of any Size, at so low a price as Two Dollars each, framed and glazed: A specimen only (which may be seen at Hugh Gaine's) can furnish an idea of the execution. Hours of attendance from 10 o'clock in the morning till 4 in the afternoon. It requires only a moments setting.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, November 9, 1778.
John Colles.—... N.B. He has a few instruments made on an entire new plan, for reducing of likeness & which he will sell at two Guineas each, with which he will instruct the purchaser the use of them, and the whole act of reducing figures of any size; he will have in a few days a neat assortment of pattern ribbons and handkerchiefs, which will be worth the attention of the Ladies.
A curious Magic Lanthorn will be exhibited this and every evening this week at 7 o'clock precisely, at Mr. Luca's, almost opposite the Coffee-House. Tickets at two Shillings, to be had of John Colles at the above place.—Royal Gazette, May 10, 1780.
Mr. Demelliere [Auguste Demillière], Having arrived from Paris, Informs the public, that he takes the best Likeness in Miniature, Oil Colours, or Crayons. He also makes fancy Paintings of all kinds. He will give lessons in Painting and Drawing. His wife will instruct in Drawing and Painting. Those Ladies who would wish to acquire those talents; every thing necessary for Painting and Drawing are to be found at his house, viz. crayons, colours, pencils, port crayons, India ink, painting and drawing paper. Amateurs who wish to see his cabinet of paintings, composed of about one hundred papers of the best masters of Italy, Flanders and France, may see them every day from 3 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, at his house in Pearl-street, No. 24, near the Battery.—The Diary, January 28. 1797.
Ralph Earl.—Last Sunday arrived in town from England, by way of Boston, Mr. Ralph Earl, a native of Massachusetts; he has passed a number of years in London under those distinguished and most celebrated Masters in Painting, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Mr. West, and Mr. Copley. The gentleman now proposes to enter upon his profession in this city, where a specimen of his abilities may be seen on calling at Mr. Rivington's No. 1 Queen street.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, November 2, 1785 [news item].
William Franks, Miniature Painter, at No. 20, Broad Street. Intending shortly to go into the country for the season, wishes to serve as many of his friends as possible before he goes. All persons have any demands on him are desired to apply.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 20, 1797.
W. Franks Miniature Painter, at No. 167 William Street, near the North Church continues taking approved Likeness on the lowest terms, he engages to give satisfaction before he receives payment. Ladies and Gentlemen waited on.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser. May 15, 1798.
[Louis Matthieus] Girault, Painter and Limner, No. 77 Murray-Street, Respectfully offers his services to the public and connoisseurs. He paints Portraits and warrants the likeness; he also executes paintings of every discription; and teaches Drawing. Two front rooms, one of which is furnished, to be let.—French and American Gazette, November 18, 1795.
[Louis Matthieus] Girault, at 241 Broadway, Continues to take Miniature and Portrait Likenesses; where he will be thankful for the favor of his friends and the public—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 3, 1797.
Alexander Gowan.—Drawing taught at No 64 Maiden Lane. The utility and advantage of this polite branch of education is too well known to need any comment, it being the only means by which either the mechanic, artist, or engineer can form an exact idea of the methods by which their designs can be rendered easy or practicable. Landschapes [sic], Figures, Flowers, Architecture, with the theory and practice of perspective mad easy.
The methods of teaching are new and expeditious and according to the rules of the first masters in Europe. Striking likenesses painted in Miniature, Crayons, and in Oil, by A. Gowan, from London. Ladies or Gentlemen will be waited on at their own lodgings if required. The terms are moderate and may be known by applying at No 64 Maiden.—New-York Daily Advertiser. January 2, 1798 [Mrs. Gowan advertised the same year at the above address as a milliner and mantua maker.]
C[hristian] Gullager Portrait and theatrical Painter, No. 58 Maiden Lane, New York, executes Portraits, from whole lengths to busts, on any scale; Decorations for public and private buildings; Frontispieces of Vignets, for publications of history, allegory or sentiment; Painting on silk, for military standards, or other ornamental purposes.
N.B. He requests those who may honour him with their preference to call at his room from 10 to 12 A.M. and from 3 to 5 P.M. Should his talents and terms meet their approbation, he will with pleasure and punctually attend professional orders.—The Time Piece; and Literary Companion, June 23, 1797.
Peter Henri.—A Miniature Painter, Lately arrived from France, Presents his respects to his friends, and the public in general, and informs them that he draws Likenesses of Ladies and Gentlemen at the lowest price, and engages the painting to be equal to any in Europe. Should the Likenesses not be approved of after drawing, they will be taken back. Those ladies and gentlemen who will please to honor him with their command, will be so kind as to enquire at Mrs. Davis's, No 42, Hanover-square, opposite Mr. Peter Goelet's. Peter Henri.—New York Daily Advertiser, May 3, 1788.
Peter Henri.—Miniature Painting. Mr. Peter Henri begs leave to inform the public and his friends, that he lives No. 59 Pearl Street (formerly No 3, Great Dock Street.) The Ladies and Gentlemen who are desirous of being acquainted with the merit of his performances in painting, as well as Likenesses, are invited to call at his house above mentioned, where they may see some speciments of his abilities in Miniature Painting. N.B. Those who might wish to be drawn privately may depend upon an inviolable secrecy.—Weekly Museum, Septem ber 13, 1794.
John Lawrence, Drawing-Master, presents his respectful compliments to the Ladies, and Gentlemen of New-York, and its environs, begs leave to inform them that he purposes teaching Drawing. Those Ladies and Gentlemen that please to employ him may depend on his using his utmost assiduity... N.B. Specimens of his abilities may be seen by applying to said Lawrence.—Rivington's New-York Gazette, and Universal Advertiser, December 6, 1783.
Mr. Mack, Miniature painter, Whose performances have been so much admired by the lovers and promoters of the Fine Arts, returns his grateful thanks, for the very liberal encouragement he has received in this City, and begs a continuence of favors, which he hopes to merit, being so fortunate as never to fail taking the most striking likeness of every subject he attemps. New York Maiden Lane, No. 43.—The Weekly Museum, August 3, 1793.
J. Manly.—No 59 Wall street, near the Federal Hall. Miniature and Profile Painting and Hair work, The European Artist who takes the most correct likeness, in four minutes, and finished as miniatures in a masterly stile of painting, from two to ten guineas, and profiles at 6 dollars, is just returned from a tour thro' the Indies. The improvement he has made by the great practice he has had in the art, will be best seen in his works, which may be viewed every day, free of expence. His stay will not exceed 31 days, and therefore earnestly entreats Ladies and Gentlemen, who wish to employ him, or see his works to pay attention to Ladies and Gentlemen only, who sit for likeness, he will give an exhibition of some beautiful views and paintings in perspective gratis. J. Manly.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 15, 1793.
James Martin,—Portrait Painting pleaseng and striking likeness taken to any size in crayons or pestols [pastels] on moderate terms, at No 8, Wall-street, nearly opposite the presbyterian church, by Mr. Martin, from London. Profile shades taken at 1 dollar each, one minutes sitting only required. Miniatures neatly executed.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 12, 1797. [Also advertised in the New Jersey Journal, September 23, 1795, as `miniature painter from New York, late of Fleet Street, London.'
[Peter J.] Meance, Painter in miniature, pupil of the academy of Paintings of Paris, offers his services to the public. He adds to his pictures the natural colouring to the likenss. He will also teach drawing to scholars—the persons who desire to judge of his talents will see his works by favouring him in calling at No. 21 King George-street.—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 1, 1793. [Moved to the corner of Roosevelt and Chatham street, New-York Daily Advertiser, May 7, 1793.]
[Peter J.] Meance, Miniature Painter, No. 106, Maiden Lane, at Mr. Blemon's, French Druggist, Respectfully informs the Public that he keeps a drawing Academy, open every day (Saturday excepted) from eight till ten, and continues to take likeness to the satisfaction of all who favor him with their confidence.—French and American Gazette, December 16, 1795.
Peter J. Meance. Take Notice. M. Meance Miniature Painter, begs leave to inform such persons, as have left their portraits with him to come or send for them before saturday next, as he is going to Albany, and will not return till the month of September next.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 12, 1796.
Peter J. Meance.—Miniature and Crayon Painting, P.J. Meance has the honour to inform the public, that he has removed from his former residence to No. 62 Broadway, where he continues to take Likenesses in Miniatiure, and Portraits in oil and crayon, and executes painting upon silk in the meatest manner. He also solicits their patronage to an Academy, where drawing and painting are taught in their various branches, on reasonable terms. Those ladies and Gentlemen who may favor his exertions, he flatters himself will have reason to be well satisfied with the natural and elegant manner in which his works are finished.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 10, 1797.
J. Mitchell.—Portraits in Italian Crayons, and in Miniature, for Lockets, Bracelets, or Rings, are painted by J. Mitchell, No. 59, Cherry-Street. No picture will be delivered unless it is a likeness.—The Royal Gazette, May 5, 1779.
Francis Anderson Morris.—The subscriber... intends...to open School... in Spelling, Reading, writing and Arithmetic... Francis Anderson Morris. Profile Likeness Executed in the neatest and exact manner, at the reasonable price of, Half a Dollar each by said Morris. Ladies and Gentlemen will be waited on at their own houses if required.—The Daily Advertiser, August 18, 1787.
Philip Parisen.—Striking Likenesses. Philip Parnsei [Parisen], most respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has returned to this city; and that he takes the most correct likenesses in minuature [sic] and profile paintings, by a method entirely new he also executes in a very elegant stile mourning devices, fancy pieces, &c. in hair. Each likeness is given elegantly framed or reduced upon whitened Ivory to set in rings, lockets, &c. price from Two to Eight Dollars, and should any not be approved of it will be taken back and no payment required. From his late improvements, and highest estimation in which his likenesses are held, and the extensive patronage he has received in the fourteen states, he flatters himself, that the ladies and gentlemen of this city will honor him with their commands, to execute which to their perfect satisfaction, his unremitting endeavours will be directed. Speciment [sic] of his performance may be seen at his room No. 171, Queen-street, near Peck-slip, or at Mr. Cary Dunn's goldsmith, corner of Maiden-lane and William street. N.B. He likewise makes all kinds of gold lockets, bracelets, mourning rings, &c. on the very lowest terms. Wanted to purchase old gold, for which the utmost value will be given.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 15, 1791.
Philip Parisen.—Miniature Painting No 9 Smith-street street between Wall and Princess-street. Philip Parisen respectfully returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general for their patronage and begs leave to inform them that from his late improvements he takes the most correct likenesses, and makes all kinds of gold lockets, bracelets, mourning rings &c. on the very lowest terms, and on the shortest notice. Mr. Parisen will engage from this date to take back and demand no payment, for any of his performances, that should, not prove entirely satisfactory.—The Diary, February 16, 1792.
Philip Parisen.—Miniature Painting. P. Parisen, respectfully informs the public that he continues to take the most correct likenesses in Miniature, and executes all kinds of devices in hair, agreeable to any fancy, in the most elegant stile; he has a machine for taking perfect profile likenesses in black shades, which only requires one moment sitting, and finishes them at the moderate price of one dollar each; gold bracelets,lockets, etc. for Miniatures to be had on the lowest terms, at No. 15, William street, opposite Slote lane, where specimens of his performance may be seen, or at Mr. Cary Dunn's goldsmith, corner of Maiden lane and Liberty street.—Weekly Museum December 20, 1794.
Philip Parisen.—Miniature Painting. P. Parisen has removed to No. 252 William Street where he continues to take approved likenesses on reasonable terms. Profile shades at one dollar each, and all kinds of devices executed with hair. N.B. Specimens of his performance to be seen as above.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 25, 1798. [Notices of Parisen run through 1799.]
Parisen & Co..—Portrait and Miniature Painting. Mess. Parisen & Co. respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen, that they Paint Likeness in Portrait and Miniature, on very moderate terms, the Painting and Likeness will be warranted to please. N.B. Profile Shades taken at one dollar each. Specimens of their performances to be seen at their house, No 252 William Street.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, July 14, 1798. [Parisen advertised that he returned from the country, Daily Advertiser, November 13, 1798.]
Mr. [Charles Willson] Peale is much indebted to the very ingenious inventor of the new lamps, for the brillancy of his evening exhibitions. The first of this curious sort of lamps (which in burning consumes the smoke) was brought to this city by his excellency doctor Franklin from which Mr. Peale has lamps, made here, as follows, viz. eight lamps with treble tubes; three large single lamps, and two of a smaller size; which, at a very moderate calculation, give more light than 200 candles would. This may serve to shew the great utility of such lamps where much light is wanting.—Tjhe Daily Advertiser, January 5, 1786 [Philadelphia news item].
Charles Willson Peale.—We are informed by a correspondent, that Mr. Peale, the portrait Painter, from Philadelphia, will be in this city in a few days, to take the likeness of his Excellency the President of Congress, and some other public characters, in order to add to his gallery of pictures.—New-York Packet, August 28, 1786 [news item].
Mr. [Charles Willson] Peale has now preserved in his museum of curiosities, a gold Pheasant, one of those beautiful birds of China, which the Marquis de La Fayette presented to his excellency General Washington, and which it is said cost him 16 guineas.—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 12, 1787 [Philadelphia news item].
Peale's Museum.—The Bow. An African Prince subdued in battle, capitulated for his bow and quiver—a bauble bought his life. A British merchant sent him to South-Carolina, where he was used as a slave. A placid countenance, and submissive manners, marked his resignation; and preserved him in all situations, the possession of his arms—the only companions he had left—the sole objects of his affections. His stateliness and strength recommended him to Colonel Mott, a humane master, in whose service he died, in steadfast faith of a certain resurrection in his native state.
The bow and quiver were preserved as relics of a faithful slave, in the Colonel's family, who gratefully remember the services, the fortitude, and the fidelity of the trusty, the gentle Iambo.
In the campaign of 1781, the widow of Colonel Mott, (who died a patriot) was banished from her house, on the river Congaree, then fortified by a British garrison; the garrison was besieged by a small detachment from the American army, whose approaches were soon within bow-shot. The widow, who lived in a cottage in sight of the fort, was informed that the preservation of her house was the only impediment to its reduction—and she was informed of the expedients proposed. Here, said she, (presenting the African bow and quiveri) are the materials—Iambo never used these arrows and I fear they are poisoned; use them not, therefore, ever against your enemies—but take the bow, any arrow will waft the match. Spare not the house, so you expel the foe. The blazing roof prduced submission—the Britons dropped their arms—the Americans entered the house, and both joined to extinquish the flames.
The misfortunes of a Prince, and the heroism of a lady, are not uncommon—the novelty is the Bow—a stem of genuine bamboo—which, destined for the defence of Liberty in Africa, served the same cause in America, was preserved by an officer of the patriot army—presented to Mr. Peale and is not deposited in his museum.—Gazette of the United States, August 19, 1789 [Philadelphia news item].
Charles Willson Peale.—Museum. Mr. Peale is highly sensible of the obligations he is under to the gentlemen of several of the states distant, as well as near who have kindly assisted him with such curious articles as they possess'd for advancing his museum: and is not unmndful of what he owes to others, who would chearfully add their help if it were not for their doubts of what articles would be suitable. He however hopes they will no longer be discourage on his head when they are assured there is scarcely any thing altho otherwise seemingly insignificant, but what may be valuable to such a collection, from the smallest article to the greatest that is new uncommon or curious.
He especially wishes to collect into one view, specimens of various kinds of wood growing in America, they may be in cubes of two or three inches; all sort of fossils, minerals spares, stone, sand, clay, marble, and earthly substances; from a better knowledge whereof the arts will derive improvement, especially in the manufacturing of Porcelaine, earthen, and stone wares, and in the various useful metals.
It will always be acceptable to have some account (if known) where they grow, or where found and whether alone, or with but a few, or with appearances of their being in large quantities, and with any particular circumstances, that may attend them. Besides the above particular subjects, curiosities or rare things of every other kind are desirable: birds, beasts, reptiles, insects alive or dead, tools, dresses, utensils, or other articles heretofore, or at present in use among the Indians of America. One or more of their clay or stone pots are particularly desired.
If numbers of the articles are collected in the museum, a part of them will be exchanged with the proprietors of other Collections, for our information.
It will be obliging in the Printers, friends of science, in the other states as well as this, if they will give the above a place in their newspapers. Mr. Peale respectfully invites them to view his museum and will be happy to see them when they visit Philadelphia.—New-York Weekly Chronicle, March 5, 1795.
Charles Willson Peale and Rembrandt Peale.—The American Pantheon or Peale's Collection of Portraits of American Patriots will be exhibited [a long list follows of portraits of presidents of Congress, presidents of the State of Pennsylvania, general officers and miscellaneous persons]... Each visitor will be presented with an Historical Catalogue, which will be acceptable, though not designed to exhibit either a minute or circumstantial detail, concerning the characters forming this collection. Many of them are still living, and here delicacy enjoins reserve. All therefore now offered is a simple Biographical outline the colouring we leave to Posterity.
R. Peale offers his service to the Public, for a short time as a Portrait Painter.—The Diary and Mercantile Advertiser, May 8, 1798.
Titian R. Peale and Charles Willson Peale.—Died. of the prevailing Fever at the county seat of Nicholas Depeyster Esq. at Bloomingdale, on the night of the 19 inst. Titian R. Peale, son of Mr. Charles W. Peal Proprietor of the Philadelphia Museum, in the twentieth year of his age. America has cause to mourn her loss in the death of this amiable youth. His genius as a naturalist had already displayed itself in an eminent degree; he was preparing to explore our Western World and South America to collect and preserve subjects of natural history, and had it been the will of the Supreme Disposer of all things to have continued him on the theatre of action; there was every prospect of his having acted a part that would have done honor to himself and his country.—New-York Daily Advertiser, September 21, 1798.
Francis Rabineau, Limner, Respectfully informs the public, that he has lately removed to this city, and resides at the end of Greenwich street, opposite to the late Mr. Dean's dock. He carries on the business of a Limner in all its parts, particularly crayon, pastelle and miniature likeness; Hair Work and other Devices for Rings or Lockets. Being already employed by a number of the most respectable inhabitants of this city, he has been so fortunate as to give full satisfaction. He delivers Likeness as large as the life (when not exceeding twenty four inches in length) neatly framed, gilt and glazed, and in every respect completely finished, for the moderate price of eight dollars; and if no likeness, no pay.
Those who may please to encourage him in his profession, may have an opportunity of seeing some of his performances, by applying at his house, or, as he lives at a distance from the centre of the city, any lady or gentlemen, upon leaving their names at Mr. Fleming's, No 10 Broad street or at Mr. Hardie, corner of Crown and Lombard street, will be immediately waited on.—New-York Daily Gazette, June 6, 1791.
Frances Rabineau, [after giving his sincere thanks to the public, for their past favors,] Respectfully informs the public, that he has removed from Vesey street, to Murray-street, No. 8. He continues to Draw Likenesses in Miniature, and Crayon Painting, At the moderate price of 6 dollars per picture. Likenesses in crayon he completes in full bust, glazed and with elegant gilded frames, at the low price of Four Pounds. He also does all kinds of Hair-Work for Lockets and Rings, Both with natural and dissolved hair, at the shortest notice.
Those persons who live in the center of the city, will be pleased to leave their commands at Captain Robert Provoosts' at the above mentioned place, or at Mr. James Byrne's, Jeweller and Silversmith, No. 33 Fly Market. N.B. Ladies and Gentlemen will be waited on in their respective houses, at any hour or day they chuse to appoint, and no additional expence, by their humble servant.—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, December 3, 1792.
J[ohn]. Ramage, Miniature Painter, Chappel Street, No. 77, begs leave to acquaint his friends he has received by the last vessels from England, a large assortment of Ivory Chrystals, and Cases, with every other thing necessary in his branch of business.—Royal Gazette, November 15, 1780.
Mr. [John] Ramage, Miniature Painter, (at his house No. 25 William Street,) Whose likenesses have been so much approved of. Has received from London, by the Edward, Captain Coupar, The greatest variety of settings for pictures that ever appeared in America, viz. Plain gold, gold beaded, elegantly chased and engraved, enamelled, set round with pearl, paist and garnet, from One Guinea to twenty each; and as his curious Devices in Hair, have been so much admired, he has furnished himself with every article that its wore in, the greatest variety of Rings, plain, beaded, enamelled, and set; do. locket, handkerchief, and shirt pins; do Lockets for hair and pictures; do. Bracelets, Shirt Buckles, and Buffonts, etc. And as he has them directly from the manufacturers, he will dispose of them at 25 per cent less than any of the aritcles can be sold for in this City.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser January 24, 1784.
Archibald and Alexander Robertson.—Columbian Academy of Painting, No 90, William Street, New York, Archibald & Alexander Robertson, Limners, Paint portraits, miniatures, designs from nature and for engraving after, &c. At their Academy Ladies and Gentlemen are instructed in Drawing and Painting heads, figures, history pieces, landscapes, flowers, architecture, perspecptive, &c. in Indian ink, water colors, &c. Classes for ladies are opened (for the ensuing season) from three till five O'clock afternoon, on Tuesday's, Thursday's and Saturday's. And for gentlemen an evening class, from 7 till 9 o'clock on the same days of the week. Private tuition as usual.—The Diary; or Evening Register, November 1, 1794.
Archibald and Alexander Robertson, Limners, Beg leave to acquaint the ladies and gentlemen of New-York, that since being burnt out at No. 135 William Street, the Columbian Academy of Painting is kept at No. 79 Liberty Street, (late Crown) street, a few doors west of Broadway. Portraits and miniatures, &c. painted as usual, and ladies and gentlemen instructed in painting &c. in public and private classes.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 5, 1796.
Archibald and Alexander Robertson—Columbia Academy of Painting, No. 79 Liberty street, Archibald and Alexander Robertson, Limners, paints Portraits, Designs for Engraving, &c. Miniatures of all kinds of devices on ivory, &c. At the Academy, Ladies and Gentlemen are instructed in drawing and painting in water colours, chalks, &c., on paper, tiffany, silks, &c.; history devices, heads, figures, landscapes, flowers, patterns of all kinds for work, architecture and perspective, &c. Classes for the ensuing season are opened for Ladies from six till eight in the morning, on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays; and for Gentlemen on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at the same hours. N.B. Private tuition as usual.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 1, 1797.
William Rowand, Portrant-Painter, (Lately from Glasgow) Proposes at his lodgings, No. 59, Wall-Street, if encouragement offers soon, to begin painting in miniature, the weather not permitting painting in large, longer, and, to teach gentlemen and ladies the art of drawing. At his lodgings, now, the lovers of the fine arts, may see an original Painting in oil, by #imself, emblematic of the times.—The Royal Gazette, December 6, 1777.
Edward Savage.—Greenwich-street No. 222. The first proper Panorama ever seen in this city. A complete view of the magnificent cities of London, Westminster, and Borough of Southwark, is open every day from 10 o'clock in the morning until 3 in the afternoon; it can be seen to advantage in a cloudy as well as a clear day, owing to a late improvement in the method of lighting. It will also be open every pleasant evening, from early candle light, until half past 9 o'clock; and it is said that the view by night is greatly improved. This is the first proper Panorama ever exhibited in this city, because it is a compleat circle—the visitors are introduced on the top of the Albion Mills, in the centre of the building, where they find themselves entirely surrounded by the cities, at one end of Black Friars Bridge on the bank, of the Thames. This picture contains between 5 and 6 hundred square feet of painting more than the former which was exhibited in the same place, and is the production of Mr. E. Savage of Boston—everything that appeared in the view from the top of the Albion Mills as far as the eye can see, is visible in this painting in their proper places. It shews a circle of nearly 130 feet and 20 in height, exposing a surface of nearly 3000 square feet. A compleat ground plan of the whole of the view is at the Panorama, when the visitors will see where they are situated. The proprietor will attend to give such information as may be required respecting the noble bridges and principal edifices &c &c. C. Baker proprietor.
N.B. Transparent Lanthorn will be suspended at the door in the evenings. Admittance Half a Dollar.—Commercial Advertiser, October 4, 1797.
Edward Savage.—Washington family. This Print executed by E. Savage of Philadelphia is now ready for delivery to the subscribers, No. 66 Nassau Street, N. York.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 2, 1798.
James Sharples.—Removals. Mr. Sharples, Portrait Painter, No. 7 Upper Read Street, near the North East corner of Broadway.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, May 4, 1799. [Other removal notices: New-York Commercial Advertiser, December 14, 1797, and The Argus, May 11, 1799.]
Mrs. [James] Sharple's Collection of Portraits of distinquished characters, will be submitted to public inspection during the present month only at 104 Broadway, opposite Trinity Church. Admittance 1-4 of a dollar.—New-York Daily Advertiser, July 17, 1798.
Mr. [James] Sharple's Collection of original Portraits, Consisting of upwards of two hundred of the most distinquished characters in the United States may be seen, and copies obtained, at his house No 7 Read street, East of Broad-Way.—Aragus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, June 19, 1799.
Gilbert Stuart.—Anniversary Birth Day of General Washington At the New City Tavern Broad-way, Thursday next the 22 inst. being the birth-day of the great Gen. Washington, which compleats the period of his 66th year of age, his full length portrait (large as life) will be exhibited in the evening of that day to great advantage, the visitors in viewing this noble painting, will see the great patriot and lover of his country in the dignified attitiude of delivering his last farewell address (which has been so much admired) to his countrymen in the character of President of the United States, he is surrounded, with alegorical emblems characteristic of his valuable services to his country, the likeness is so perfect, that it will excite in the breast of every beholder admiration, and give the most unbounded pleasure. Mr. G. Stuart, was the painter who is an American, it is the general opinion that as a portrait, it is one of the most perfect that has ever been portraited on canvas, in any country or age, the picture will continue to be shewn every day for a short time, after which it will be removed from this city.
N.B. The visitors will please on this evening to enter at the south end of the building fronting Thomas Street, a transparent lanthern will shew the entrance. Admittance two shillings.—The Time Piece, February 19, 1798.
Gilbert Stuart.—General Washington, to be seen every day from 10 to 2, and from 3 to 5 O'clock, at the New City Tavern, in Broad Way, for one month. This painting is as large as life, was painted by Mr. Gilbert Stuart, an American the greatest painter of the age. The General is in the attitude of addressing Congress the last time, and does appear like life itself. the frame was made by Mr. Cumberland of this city, who is entitled to great merit for its richness and elegance. In the same room, there is for sale, the grand Concert Clock, which was lately shewn at the Panorama, its price is 1750 dollars. Also, ten full length original paintings, just arrived from France, of the following celebrated personages, viz. M.D. La Fayette, Robespierre, Petion, Rabaut St. Etunne, T. Paine, Clermont Tonnere, Mirabeau, Brissot, Gensonne, and Camille Des Maulins, all good likenesses. Admittance two Shillings.—Weekly Museum, February 17, 1798.
John Trumbull.—Interesting information for the Admirers and Patrons of the Fine Arts in America, respecting Mr. Trumbull's Historical Paintings.
Mr. Trumbull, who lately returned from Europe, proposes to describe in a series of Paintings, the most remarkable events of the late American Revolution. He has in contemplation the following subjects, viz.
The Portraits of the principal actors in these great scenes will be preserved; and Prints will be published of the whole. The two first of these Subjects are finished; and the Paintings in the hands of eminent Engravers in Europe. Four others are commenced some of which are half completed. These, with the remainder of the work, if prosecuted, will require many years of application, and a very considerable expence.—It is now to be decided, whether Mr. Trumbull will meet with such Patronage in America as will justify him in involving himself in such considerable expences of Time and Money; or whether he will be obliged to relinquish a favorite undertaking and return to Europe: where Subjects of a different nature and more interesting to the feelings of the People of that Continent, will ensure him employment in a more profitable, though less agreeable manner. We understand that the Engravings are to be published in numbers, containing two each: The price will be three Guineas for every Print; and, we are told, a subscription for the purpose is soon to be opened.—Gazette of the United States, January 23, 1790.
John Trumbull.—Extracts of a letter from New York, February 27. The justly celebrated Trumbull is now busily engaged in his great undertaking—the productions you may depend will be a most valuable acquisition to the world—to the American world in particular. I have seen some of the pieces in which a few heads and some portraits are finished—the likeness are perfect—the drawing, Nature Itself—and the designs sentimental, elevated and just. In short, here is no risque—the object is sure, and the mind is perfectly satisfied—it rests in the execution. (Mass. Gen.)
Barlow's Vision.—Gazette of the United States, March 17, 1790.
John Trumbull.—Portrait of the President. The corporation of this city having agreed that the portrait of the President of the United States, to be taken by Mr. Trumbull, should be deposited in the City Hall—yesterday, at their desire the Mayor waited on the President to request that he would permit Mr. Trumbull to attend on him for that purpose.—Gazette of the United States,, July 21, 1790.
John Trumbull.—The President's Portrait, Is finished by Trumbull and a fine thing it is; designed and executed in his superior style of excellence. It is full length, in his uniform of blue and buff—boots and spurs—head uncovered, most nobly relieved, in contrast with a luminous cloud and fine light sky—nearly a front psition, with his right hand and arm thrown on the saddle of an elegant white horse, with inimitable ease—the beast in the action of biting the middle joint of his near foreleg—this position of the horse shows his neck to great advantage, while it leave the President's head as it ought to be, the most conspicuous object in the picture. There are distant prospects of particular interesting scenes, as accompaniments. The whole piece is designed to convey to posterity an idea of The Man, at the most interesting period, when he finished his career of military glory—the evacuation of New York. It is therefore a warm, and highly animated business in every respect.—Gazette of the United States, September 18, 1790.
Mr. [William] Verstille Being determined to give the fullest satisfaction to the public whom he is devoted to serve proposes to take Likenesses in large and miniature, upon very moderate terms, his price for those in large are from three to twnety Guineas, and in miniature only three; and if the persons who may employ him should not be perfectly satisfied with the justness of the likeness he will demand nothing for the piece. He may be spoke with at Mrs. Sheldons in Queen-street no 224, opposite the Fly Market.—The Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, April 24, 1784.
Joseph Weaver.—Painted clock case. See `Museum', Columbian Gazetteer, October 16, 1794.
William Williams, Portrait Painter, acquaints the Ladies and Gentlemen that he has taken a room at Mr. Greswold's, No. 163, Queenm-Street, next door to Mr. Joseph Totten's.—TheRoyal Gazette, February 13, 1779.
William Winstanley—New Panorama, Belonging to G. Baker. On Monday next the 6th inst will be opened in Greenwich street, near the bottom of Barley-street, the Panorama, or a natural and original view of the beautiful city of Charleston, the Capital of South Carolina: it is 110 feet in length, and 20 feet in height, and contains upwards of 2000 sq feet of canvas a complete and accurate discription of the city will be handed the spectators at the time of visiting the Panorama. To be seen at the same time, a Grand automaton Birdcage clock, which cost 500 dollars, containing the Canary Bird and Bulfinch, preserved from the life, they sing as perfect as living birds, and shew all the motions of life.
At the Panorama is a Print Shop, well furnished with 200 different engravings, a number of fine Paintings, and a large collection of American Butterflies and other insects in frames. An elegant pair of large Glass Chandeliers, with burnished gold arms and candle sockets, price 100 dollars. The Panorama was painted by the celebrated Mr. Winstanluy. Panorama open every day from 10 to 4 o'clock, and visitors can be admitted at all times as a family lives in the house. Admittance 4s, children 2s. N.B. An automaton Bird-Cage Clock, of the above description, for sale, price 500 dollars.—Weekly Museum, February 4, 1797.
William Winstanley.—Exhibition of original Paintings, Executed by W. Winstanley, Esq. The public are respectfully acquainted that the large Historical painting of the Nativity of Christ is now removed from the court room of the Federal Hall to Mr. De La Croix's great room, opposite the New City Hotel, Broadway, where it will be exhibited, with a considerable number of pictures, on various subjects, every day, between the hours of ten in the morning and 5 in the afternoon, commencing on Thursday next the 5th inst. Tickets to be had at Mr. Drummonds Book-Store, corner of Water and Pine streets, at Gaine and Ten Eyck's Book store, Pearl street and at the front of the Exhibition Room. Price one dollar.
The value of the painting is 3000 dollars. As soon as a sufficient number of tickets are disposed of the pictures will become the property of the holders of the tickets, to be disposed of at their own discretion. N.B. A young man wanted to attend the Exhibition capable of writing, and who can be well recommended. Enquire of the Printer.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 3, 1798.
William Winstanley.—John Adams Esq. President of the United States, to be seen at the Museum for one week only an original full length portrait painting, of an excellent likeness, of his Excellency John Adams, Esq. President of the U.S. This beautiful painting was lately taken from life by Mr. Wm. Winstanley, now of this city. This, with the many late additions to the Museum, renders it much more pleasing and respectable. Also two very vigorus ad beautiful variegated living Rattle Snakes, will be seen at the Museum for one week only. N.B. The Museum has been much approved within the last six months.—New-York Daily Advertiser, August 21, 1798.
Joseph Wright.—It must give pleasure to the Citizens of this place to find that New-York bids fair to out vie the sister States in becoming the seat of Arts—To day we are informed of the arrival of Mr. Wright from Philadelphia, a gentlemen of abilities in Painting, and Son to the Celebrated Modellor and Patriotess Mrs. Wright, of London, from this place—as he means to follow his profession as a Limmer here, we are tempted to believe, every encouragement will be given to his Genius.—The Daily Advertiser, April 7, 1786.
Sale... will be sold at public vendue, at the house of Mr. Isaac Low in Dock-street, the fine old Paintings, Late the property of Mr. Cornelius Low, deceased.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, April 28, 1777.
Six Elegant Pictures of the following Dock-Yards for His Majesty's Navy, viz. Portsmouth, Plymouth, Chatham, Woolwich, Sheerness, Deptford. Illuminated with very elegant frames, they are very large, and may be thought proper furniture for the Halls of the first Personages in this city., Enquire of the Printer.—Royal Gazette, May 26, 1779.
Titian's Venus.—To the Dilletante, An elegant Painting, the Subject Titian's Venus, Bought by the present possessor, in the Gallery of Medicis at Florence. Price Twenty Guineas. Enguire of the Printer.—Royal Gazette, June 9, 1779.
King and Queen, a pair of Pictures of their Majesties, striking likeness, elegant furniture for a parlour, Price Sixteen Dollars. Enquire of the Printer.—Royal Gazette, November 10, 1779.
Transparent Paintings at the Theatre, last tuesday, on the celebration of our Independence, gave such infinite satisfaction, that a description of them, we apprehend, will be pleasing to many of our readers. On each side of the Gateway were two superb Pillars, twenty feet in height, adorned with wreaths of Flowers; on the Pedestal to the right were three Wheat Sheafs, emblematical of Plenty; on the left a ship under full sail, with Thirteen Stripes Flying, emblem of Commerce; a grand Obelisk in the Centre on the top of which burnt a lambent flame over the ever-to-be remembered Names of the Heroes who bravely fell in defence of their Country. Warren, Montgomery, Mercer, Wooster, &c. The names of living Worthies, Washington, Green, Wayne, Knox, &c. Graced the other part, under the Emblem of the Cincinnati, `The Bald Eagle', with the Sword of Justice in one Talon, and a Thunderbolt in the other; the words Independence and Liberty issuing from its Beak. This was supported by two Figures, representing Peace with the Insignia of a Plough and Liberty with her Cap. The whole ornamented with Trophies, &c. &c. in a most pleasing and elegant style, drew together an innumerable crowd of Citizens of all denominations, expressing the highest approbation.—The Independent Journal; or, General Advertiser, July 8, 1786 [New York news item].
Comic Illustrations.—To the Public At the Assembly Room, Broadway. Tomorrow Evening, precisely at Eight O'clock, will be delivered by Mrs. Kenna, A lecture on Hearts. The Paintings are done by an eminent Artist, and will be exhibited in the Course of the Lecture. Part First The Heart of an Honest Sailor, the Heart of a Bag Agent, the Heart of a Bully, The Heart of an Officer, The Heart of an Usurer, A sound Upright Heart, End of Part First to conclude with Shakespear's inimitable Description of Mercy.
Part Second, Female Hearts. The Heart of a Milliner, The Heart of an Old Maid, The Heart of an Amiable Woman. The whole to conclude with `Satan's Address to the Sun' from Milton, Admittance six shillings. Tickets to be had of Mrs. Kenna No. 62 William Street: Mr. Gaine, Hanover-Square, and at Mr. Corre's Tavern.—The Independent Journal; or the General Advertiser, July 26, 1786.
The Transparent Paintings exhibited in various parts of the city, on Thuirsday evening, were equal at least, to anything of the kind ever before seen in America.
That displayed before the Fort at the bottom of Broad-way, did great honor to its inventors and executors for the ingenuity of the design and goodnss of the workmanship; it was finely lighted and advantageously situated; the virtues Fortitude, Justice and Wisdom were judiciously applied; of the first, all America has had the fullest evidence; and with respect to the two others, who does not entertain the most pleasing anticipation. The President. The Senate. The Representatives of the United States.
His Excellency Don Gardoqui's residence next caught the eye and fixed it in pleasing contemplation: The Tout-ensemble here, formed a most brilliant front; the figures were fancied, The Graces, suggested the best ideas; and the pleasing variety of emblems, flowers, shrubery, arches &c. and above all the Moving Pictures, that figured in the windows, or as it were in the background, created by fixing the transparencies between the windows, afforded a new animated and enchanting spectacle.
The residence of his Excellency, Count Moustier, was illuminated in a stile of novel elegance; the splendid bordering of lamps round the windows; and above all the large designs in front, the allusions, of which we cannot at present particularly describe, did great honor to the taste and sentiment of the inventor.
The above two instances of attention to honor this great and important occasion, so highly interesting to our `dear country' evince the friendship, the delicacy and politeness of our illustrious allies.
The portrait of `The Father of His Country' exhibited in Broad-Street, was extremely well executed, and had a fine effect.
There was an excellent Transparency, also shewn at the Theatre, and at the corner, near the Fly-Market: In short, emulation and ingenuity were alive; but perhaps were in no instance exhibited to greater advantage than in the display of the Fire Works, which formed one novelty to another, continued for two hours, to surprize, by variety, taste and brilliancy.
The illumination of the Federal State House, was among the most agreeable of the exhibitions of the evening; and the ship Carolina formed a beautiful pyramid of stars: The evening was fine—the company innumerable—every one appeared to enjoy the scene, and no accident casts the smallest cloud upon the retrospect.—Gazette of the United States, May 2, 1789.
Paintings for Sale. A Collection consisting of upwards of fifty elegant Portrait Paintinigs (drawn from the life) and several fine historical subjects and fancy pieces have lately been deposited in the Museum, at the Exchange, New-York, and are now advantageously displayed in the centre of that spacious Hall; amongst which are the President of the United States, E. Randolph, present Secretary of the United States; C. Thompson, Secretary to the Continental Congress during the American War; T. Pinckney, present American Plenipotentiory at London; D. Humphreys present American Consul at Algiers; B. Hawkins, a present Senator in Congress from North Carolina, D. Caroll of Marylanad, General Milander of Pennsyulvania; H. Williamson of North Carolina; S. Chace of Maryland; J. Wilkes or Wilkes and Liberity, 1745; the late Duke of Norfolk; Alkderman Beckford of London; David Garrick; Vandike, an ancient celebrated painter, Phillis Wheatley, the celebrated African Poetess of Boston; that excellent and much admired painting of a mad woman in chains; Mrs. Howard of Maryland; Mr. S. Hacket of Baltimore; Miss Smith of Baltimore; Helena, the wife of Constantine; Mary Queen of Scots, Mrs. Rubens; Mrs. Prichard a late celebrated actress; the late Dutchess of York. The Dutchess of Devonshire; an Egyptian fortune-teller; a sleeping Venus; an original Drawing by Mr. Pine, of that celebrated and much admired print of America; an original drawing of Canute the great, reproving his courtiers; Time clipping cupids wing; Cupid and Somnus, Earl Warren, a fine historical subject; a Pastoral concert; Maternal instruction, a print of Belisarius, after he was reduced to a beggar, where he is seen receiving alms; several fruit pieces and landscapes &c. &c. any of which may be purchased separately, the prices are from one to one hundred dollars. N.B. A particular catalogue with the prices annexed, may be seen at the Museum, at all times when it is open.—Columbian Gazetteer, February 24, 1794.
Exhibition.—Miniature Painting. A specimen of the Artists's abilities may be seen at Messrs. Staples & Son [merchants], corner of Pearl and King street; The Likeness are warranted, and the quality of Painting will be equally attended to the same perfection upon every size, although the price be different from 15 to 30 and from 30 to 60 dollars, that difference proceeding only from a small size to a larger one.—The Diary; or Evening Register, July 17, 1794.
Panorama, Greenwich-Street, next door to Mr. Rhinelandus. The Public are Respectfully informed, that the Subject of the Panorama is a View of the Cities of London and Westminster; comprehending the 3 Bridges and represented by a Circular Painting containing upwards of 2400 square feet of canvas.
The Spectators are supposed to view the surrounding objects from the top of Albion Mills from whence the actual view was taken. It will be open for the public exhibition every day from 9 in the morning, until 2 o'clock and from 3 until 6 o'clock in the afternoon. Admittance Half a Dollar.—American Minerva; an Evening Advertiser, August 21, 1795.
Panorama... to be sold by private contract. The Panorama, the present subject of which is a view of the city and harbour of Charleston, South-Carolina, represented by a circular painting, containing upwards of two thousand feet of canvas... if not disposed of by private contract, it will be open for public exhibition the first of June.—New-York Daily Advertiser. May 24, 1796.
Anecdote.—A Bad Painter, who could never hit off a good likeness, and whose pictures were always returned upon his hands, went off to another country and turn'd physician. One who went that way knew him again, and asked him for what reason he went in the habit of a physician? `I have a mind (said he) to profess an art, where in all mistakes are covered by earth.—The Time Piece; and Literary Companion, May 26, 1796.
Four New Transparent Paintings, At the Museum, to be beautifully illuminated on tuesday, thursday and friday evenings. 1. Dr. B. Franklin, the great American Philosopher and friend of mankind. 2. The noble and generous friend of American Independence at the early age of nineteen Marquis De La Fayette, and some fragments of the Bastile. 3. Amphion riding the Dolphin `who according to the Poets, made the rocks, follow his music, and his harp, the stones of Thebia danced into wall and a regular city. 4. Venus rising from the sea.
All of the above figures are as large as life, and most excellent and well expressed paintings. The paintings will be lighted at 6 O'Clock, and remain for one hour, after which they will be obscured, and the museum be grandly lighted in all directions until 9 O'Clock, when the evenings amusement will close. The Museum will be illuminated during the winter on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings in ever week. Admittance, two Shillings, and the Grand Concert Clock Two Shillings more. Great additions of various kinds, have been lately made.
N.B. For sale at the Museum, the 7 Cardinal Virtues, engraved from Sir Joshua Reynolds paintings, the President of the United States, Dr. B. Franklin, the Surrender of Calais in 1347, Miranda and Ophelia, with a number more of good prints not framed. G. Baker, Proprietor.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, December 6, 1796.
Transparent Painting.—Admired Washington. On Wednesday the 22d inst. at the Museum, in honour of the Birth Day of our Beloved George Washinton, a very beautiful patriotic transparent Painting will be illuminated, in which the figure of our Hero is introduced; Fame in the attitude of flight is proclaiming his Virtues, and is ready to crown him with a wreath of Laurel, which is suspended over his head. Also as companions to the Virtuous Washington, the full length figures (in Transparent Paintings) of his friends and fellow Patriots Dr B. Franklin and the Marquis De La Fayette, most elegantly illuminated.
The doors will be opened at half past 6 o'clock and continue until 9. Admittance to the Museum, two Shillings, and to the concert clock, two shillings more. Tickets may be had at the Museum any time before the evening.—Weekly Museum, February 18, 1797.
Portable Camera obscura for sale. A Large Portable Camera obscura, fixed on a carriage with harness complete. It is impossible to conceive any just idea of the immense beauties and variety of this machine. For Particulars, apply at No. 66, Nassau-street.—Time Piece; and Literary Companion, April 19, 1797.
Portable Camera Obscura.—For Sale or to Let, A Portable Camera Obscura. This Machine represents all external surrounding object natural as well as artificial, to the utmost perfection and beauty, in miniature, such as beautiful lawns, standing groves, pleasing avenues, and animated nature in all her variegated colours and changing attitudes. It occasions the most pleasing astonishment to almost all classes of beholders, and it may be said, with truth and propriety, that all who have paid a visit to this elegant production of philosophy, have [been] highly entertained, and expressed a degree of the most enthusiastic satisfaction. As to the utility of this curious machine, it is allowed to exceed any other contrivance, hitherto invented for drawing of landscapes or plans of elegant buildings, with surprizing accuracy.
Such as are masters of drawing and painting will find this machine highly useful as a means of improving the rising genius of their pupils. It may, with ease and convenience be removed from place to place, or carried to any distance whatever without injury. Any person wishing to purchase, or hire, the above described machine, will apply to Mr. John Benson, at the Lapidary and optical store No. 106 Corner of Old-Slip and Pearl-street.—Time Piece; and Literary Companion, May 26, 1797.
The Panorama, in this city, is to be opened this evening, for the first time. This beautiful invention in optical philosophy has been so far improved by Mr. Baker as now to exhibit views by artificial light, the result of his own experience. Among other views in the Panorama, is one of an original Painting of the beautiful city and harbour of Charleston (S.C.) with James and Sullivan's Island, &c. &c.—Time Piece; and Literary Companion May 29, 1797 [news item].
Transparent Painting.—Independence, 4th July 1776 a new beautiful Transparent Painting will be exhibited at the Panorama in Greenwich street, on the evening of 4th July, the principal characters of which will be our late worthy President G. Washington, the present President Adams, and the Vice-President T. Jefferson, executed by a celebrated artist from original Paintings. The Museum will be illuminated on the same evening, and a patriotic Transparent Painting exhibited. and other decorations, admittance to the Panorama 2 s. to the Museum 2s G. Baker Proprietor.—Weekly Museum, July 1, 1797.
Transparent Paintings>, Full Lenth Figures, to be seen at the Menage... George Washington... John Adams... Thomas Jefferson... Also at the same place, a very beautiful Automaton Drummer, a charming little boy of 3 feet height; he beats different tunes as natural as life, and moves his head, during the time apparently looking at his admirer's. Admittance only One Shilling. N.B. The spectators view the painting from the summer house.—Weekly Museum, August 26, 1797.
Italian Paintings.—A. Casella and Corti. Italians, Just arrived from London, No. 146 Cherry street, Beg leave to inform the Ladies & Gentlemen of New-York, that they have brought to this city, a very large assortment of Italian Paintings and Drawings, superior in point of elegance to anything of the kind ever imported—among which are, some adapted for young Ladies and Genglemen for learning to copy, also, a Large and Elegant Collection of London Prints with and without Gilt Frames, a variety of Birds painted and dressed, with their natural Feathers; most elegant Landscapes for copying. Schools furnished with copies. N.B. Barometers, Thermometers, Spy Glasses, and Looking Glasses of all kinds, and of the best quality.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, November 17, 1797.
Panorama will be shut on Monday the 11th inst. The Panorama is at no 222 Greenwich-street, and is a complete view of the great cities of London, Westminster, and Borough of Southwark, with part of the surrounding country. Also, a most magnificent musical concert clock, is to be seen with the Panorama. This is for sale at seven Hundred Pounds; it was made in Amsterdam, by a German, has been in this city four weeks, for elegance to sight, it stands unrivalled as a piece of rich furniture, and its music, for softnss, sublimity, and perfect mechanism, will astonish all who hear it.
The Panorama will be opened every day, from 10 to 4 o'clock (and it can be seen at all times to advantage, from late improvements in the light) and every evening until 8 o'clock The proprietor will attend to answer all enquiries. Admittance half a dollar. G. Baker.—Weekly Museum, December 2, 1797. [See also: 44, 70]
Irish Painting.—[Description of an Irish painting, `Court of Justice.' The artists's name is not given but the item contains a very full and long description of the painting.]Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, June 20, 1798.
Paintings, an Elegant Collection, just imported from Europe, among which are the works of the most celebrated masters. The same are intended for private sale. To be seen at the Tontine City Tavern in Broad way, where catalogues may be had from ten to two o'clock.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, January 12, 1799.
Transparent Paintings.—Fourth of July. Columbia Garden. Grand Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, and Transparent Paintings, The order of the concert will be expressed in the bills of the day. The Garden will be handsomely Illuminated and decorated; the transparent paintings will be as follows;
The whole to be ornamented with allegorical Trophies. In the middle will be raised a pyramid of six feet, fronts of 18 feet high. The portraits of George Washington and John Admas, supported by Geniuses and surrounded by virtues. The whole painted in transparent colors.
- 1. The Portrait of Washington supported by Geniuses and ornamented with garlands of flowers; the Geniuses of Commerce, and the God of the Sea, on grouped Dolphins.
- 2. Wisdom under the shape of Minerva, holding an olive branch, that virtue promises us peace as well within ourselves as without.
- 3. Fidelity under the shape of a Woman, holding a basket of flowers and ears of corn, and a dog by her side, &c.
- 4. The portrait of the president John Adams, ornamented by Geniuses &c.
- 5. A Woman representing Plenty, covered with a veil, holding the Cornucopia in the right hand, and her left hand placed on the head of a Child.
- 6. Force, under the shape of Hercules, with a club and the lion, symbol of heroic virtue. The whole enriched with flags and war like trophies.
Tichets of Admittance for the day 2 shillings. At eight o'clock, for the Concert and Transparency, 4 s. Music in the afternoon. Allowance for the ticket as usual. The proprietor flatters himself that the superior elegance and style in which the Transparencies are executed and the well known abilities of the artist, cannot fail to secure the general approbation of the public.
N.B. Also a very elegant figure of Fame, carved by Mr. Train.—Commercial Advertiser, July 3, 1799.
Christian Gullager.—The Arts. Nothing gives us more satisfaction, than to note the happy advancement of the Arts and Science in our country. At present we have the peculiar pleasure of announcing to the citizens of America, the completion, by Mr. Gullager, of an elegant bust of The President of the United States, in Plaster of Paris, as large as the life in which the beholder at first view, recognizes the Great Deliverer of our country. The connoisseurs who has visited Mr. Gullager's room, to examine this beautiful piece of statuary, are unanimous in pronouncing its merits, and the merits of the ingenious artist who has produced it.—Gazette of the United States April 7, 1790.
[Jean Antoine] Houdon, A french sculptor of eminence, has lately finished a very fine bust of General Washington. To be enabled to execute the likeness, the artist went to Philadlephia, and lived six months in Washington's family. The character and attitude of the founder and defender of American liberty, of the representative of a happy and peaceful nation, of the protector of agriculture, that abundant source of national wealth, are happily imagined, and as happily executed in his performance. It was particularly this last mentioned character, the agriculture, that Houdon had in view. The simple costume of the figure, expressly chosen with view, has been much criticised in America, where taste is yet in its infancy. The Americans wished to contemplate a Roman hero decorated with all the attributes of a conqueror whereas Houdon, on the contrary, aimed to represent the protector of the arts, of peace and liberty. It was the interposition of Washington himself which decided in the general assembly the execution of the artists ideas. The figure is arrayed in the simple and noble dress of a man in rural life, a light plaited vest half buttoned, sandals on his feet, with a cloak, fastened on his breast, and flowing over his shoulders and back, suited to protect an agricultor from the inclemency of the weather. One hand is supported by a staff; the rest on the republican fasces crowned with a cap of liberty, At his feet is a plough.—The Spectator, January 16, 1799 [London news item].
John Christopher Rauschner.—Nature Imitated, John Christopher Rauschner artist, Member of the Imperial Academy of Sculpture at Vienna. Takes the liberty of informing the gentlemen and ladies of his Metropolis of his arrival in this country, that he makes Portraits, in coloured wax of every proportion, from the natural size down to the smallest miniature so perfectly resembling life, that could the power of speaking be given to these inanimated copies of the Supreme Beings works, the illusion would be perfect. A few pieces of his performance may be seen at Messres. J. & M. Paffs, 112 Broadway, opposite the city tavern, amongst which is a monument erected to the glory of the immortal Washington.
N.B. As Mr. Rauschner intends to stay in New York only until the later end of April next, he begs those who wish to have their likeness taken, to apply to him as soon as possible. A half hour's sitting only is required to enable him to give a striking likeness.—New-York Daily Advertiser, December 31, 1798. [Advertised through 1799.]
Peter Stagi.—Collection of Marbles For Sale. The subscriber, sculptor to the late King of Poland, will embark for Europe, with what property he may have on hand, as soon as the navigation will permit. In the meantime he offers for sale at prices considerably reduced and under prime cost, his elegant and superb collection of Marbles, which may be viewed at his warehouse in Penn street, the store adjoining the compting house of Mr. Swanwick. They consist principally of Chimney pieces, some of them plated with Spanish brocatel. Tables plated with ditto, Ditto of white marble, Ditto plated with the most beautiful modern and ancient stones. Beautiful pedestals for bust and figures, some of them plated with different colours, Vases of fine white marble for decorations.
White and brown marble slabs 18 inches square, for paving hall and other purposes. A variety of busts, figures, animals, &c. &c. All of the completest workmanship and finest marble and polish. Apply at the said store, or at his lodgings at Mr. Bosio's, corner of Lombard and Third street. Peter Stagi, Philadelphia.—New-York Daily Advertiser, February 8, 1797.
Mr. Daniel N. Train, a young gentleman of genius and abilities, late a pupil of Rush, the famous Carver of Philadelphia, some time since arrived in this City, has lately completed the ornaments of the Ship Adams', soon to be launched at the Walabought, Long Island.
The following is a sketch of these ornaments: On the head of the ship is a figure of the President, represented in the attitude of addressing both Houses of Congress. In his left hand is a scroll, supposed to be his address—his right is raised in a spirited position, as if in the act of bidding defiance to the enemies of America. At his side, is a branch of oak, springing from a rock, emblematic of his firmness and patriotic virtues, in support of the rights of his country. On the stern, in the center of the Taffrail, are the arms of the United States, supported by Sybele and Neptune—the latter with his left hand resting on his Trident, and his right extended over our `Infant Navy,' with some attributes of Commerce. The former reclining on a sheaf of wheat, with a Scepter in her right hand—in the left is the Key of the Earth and supporting a Cornucopia—At her side is a Youth with the Emblems of Agriculture, offering its productions for the support of the United States.
The ornamental part of this vessel exhibits a striking proof of Mr. Train's abilities. We wish him success in the Carvings for the `44,' now building at Corlaers Hook which we are told, he is engaged to execute.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, May 23, 1799 [news item].
Daniel N. Train, Carver, No. 144 Cherry-street, near the Ship Yards, offers his professional services to the citizens of New-York and others, particularly owners and builders of ships. Having studied Naval Sculpture under Mr. Wm. Rush, of Philadelphia, whose talents are extensively known, he hopes, from this advantage and his future exertion, to merit the patronage he now solicits. Heads and other ornamental parts of ships will be executed or prepared with neatness and dispatch.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, May 25, 1799.
Isaac Clements.—Mr. Humphreys Printer of the Nova-Scotia Packet brought charges of counterfeiting against....Isaac Clements, also of that place, by trade an engraver, stating that he the said Clements, had inveigled an apprentice boy of Mr. Humphreys, named William Leonard, and encouraged him to take types out of his printing-office, and fix them for the said Clements, in order to print counterfeit bills, of the present circulating Paper money of New-York....Clement was examined, who confessed that he had made the attempt, but had not succeeded in finishing any of the bills; that he had cut the bordering for the bills himself, and that he had a press at his own house to print them with....—The Daily Advertiser, June 18, 1787 [New York news item].
Robert Field.—Proposals, To publish by subscription, a Portrait of George Washington President of the United States; Also a Portrait of Alexander Hamilton, Late secretary of the Treasury; Engraved by Robert Field, late of London, from the original painting by Walter Robertson. The size, including an emblematical border, to be 11 by 13 inches; the price to subscribers to be five dollars each print; one half to be paid at the time of subscribing; the remainder on delivery. Also An Equestrian Portrait of the President, attended by Colonel Hamilton, as his aid-de-camp, painted and executed by the same artist: The size of the plate to be 26 inches by twenty. The price to subscribers to be ten dollars; one half to be paid at the time of delivery. Subscriptions in New-York will be received by Mr. Thomas Barrow, No 31, Willaim street; in Philadelphia, by Robert Field, and John James Barrelet, at Mrs. Clark's corner of Sixth street and Minor street.—American Minerva; an Evening Advertiser.—May 25, 1795.
John Fitch.—Just Published, and to be sold at the Printing-Office, No. 189, Water-street, A new Map of the Western Territory of the United States; by John Fitch, who is lately returned from that Country....For the advantage of his country, he wishes to have it universally circulated, and therefore they are disposed of at the very low price of Nine Shillings, having engraved and printed the work himself.—New-York Daily Advertiser, September 7, 1785.
Abrm Godwin Engraver. Has removed to the foot of Gold-street, next to the corner of Maiden-lane, in a house lately occupied by Mr. Morgan painter, where he carries on the Engraving and Seal Sinking, business in their various branches as usual.—The Daily Advertiser, March 18, 1786.
S. Green.—Emgraving done in the neatest manner by S. Green No. 46 Broad street.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, February 21, 1785.
Thomas Holloway.—Doctor Price. Thomas Holloway respectfully informs the citizens of the United States of America, that he is engraving a portrait of the late Dr. Price, that great friend of the human race.
Iit is presumed that his portrait will be peculiarly acceptable to all those who recollect the very eminent services that great champion of Liberty rendered to his American Brethren.
The engraving is from a painting by Benjamin West Esq
Size of the print 12-1/2 inches by 9-1/2 Price to subscribers, three dollars. Gentlemen who are desirous of early impressions, are requested to transmit their names to Messrs. Talbot, Allum and Lee No. 202 Queen-street, New York, or to Mr. Robert Campbell, No. 54 South Second street, Philadelphia.
N.B. The prints will probably be sent over in the course of two months. Newington-Green, Middlesex, near London.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 15, 1793.
Thomas Holloway.—Dr. Priestley. Thomas Holloway of London, is now engraving a portrait of Dr. Priestly, which will be published as soon as possible, from an approved likeness painted by Mr. Artaud. The size of the print to be the same as that of Dr. Price, to which it is intended as a companion. Price to subscribers half a guinea. Subscriptions taken by Talbot, Allum and Lee, at their wholesale store No. 241, Pearl-street, formerly Queen-street.—The Diary; or Evening Register, August 13, 1794.
Peter Maverick, Engraver, Takes this method to inform the public, that he takes in Engraving at No. 3, Crown-street, next to the old Quaker-Meeting, where gentlemen may have their coats of arms, crests or cyphers done in the neatest manner, Ladies may have their tea-table plate ornamented in the newest fashion, with elegance and dispatch, by applying to their humble servant. Peter Maverick.—New-York Packet, July 12, 1784.
Peter Maverick.—Engraving. Ladies and gentlemen who would be pleased to favour the subscriber with their custom, may depend on having their work well done. Gold watches, tea-table and other plate, ornamented in the newest fashion, with neatness and dispatch. Gentlemen, by sending a copy of any blanks, coats of arms, &c. may have them done in the best manner, by applying to their humble servant Peter Maverick, No. 3, Crown-street, Next door to the Quaker's old Meeting house.—New-York Gazetteer, and the Country Journal, May 27, 1785.
Peter Maverick.—The Subscriber, ever willing to serve the public, respectfully informs them, that he carries on the engraving seal sinking and copper plate printing, at No. 3, Crown-street, where ladies may have their tea-table plate engraved, in the most elegant manner, and in the newest fashion, resembling the flat chasing, as neat as in Europe. By their humble servant, Peter Maverick.—New-York Packet, June 1, 1786.
John Murray, Engraver, in the 52d regiment, from Edinburgh, takes this method to inform the Public, That he engraves all manner of silver plate, ornaments, gold and silver watch cases, cyphers upon silver and steel seals, ladies visiting and company cards, message cards, &c. Coats of arms upon copper, for gentlemens books, office seals, officers gorgets and sword-belt plates, neatly engraved, and the above John Murray promises to perform his work by the greatest dispatch, and also at the Old Country price.
N.B. He is to found at Mr. M'Kenzie's, Barrack-Master, Tryon Row, or at his own room in the 57 Regiment, back of the Provost, or at the Printer hereof.—The Royal Gazette, February 21, 1778.
[John Francis?] Renault, Senior.—Prospectus of an Allegorical Picture, or the Triumph of Liberty, This picture is proposed to be 21 inches by 16. In the right of the picture is ghe Goddess of Liberty rising to the skies on an Obelisk, presenting a crown, to which all the heroes filled with her sublime sentiments are worthy to aspire.
The Book of the Law is supported by a cube of the Obelisk pointing to the solididy of that moral, `The Rights of Man.'
On the side is little Genie presenting to view, the Marseilles Hymn: On one of the steps of this monument is an urn containing the ashes of John James Rousseau. At a little distance is the three Divinities accompanied by Liberty, (namely Justice, holding the Scales and Sword, Peace, presenting an olive branch, and plenty, with a horn full of fruit, an emblematical presage of the happiness of the people,) she burns crowns, sceptres, crosses of St. Louis spears and titles of nobility, cemented and writ with the blood of the human race.
On the other side of the Obelisk are the kings, who are inimical to Liberty; they have all a particular expression of countenance, that indicates the rage and despair that rankles in their hearts, one appears to be on the point of throwing himself headlong down a precipice, another on the earth, a third just going to stab himself, having the different passions of grief, rage and despair strongly depicted in his countenance; and near them is a Queen, who by the expression of her eyes visibly discovers the rage with which her spirits are agitated.
In the left is a grand tomb, enclosing the names of those American Heroes, who have served and died in defence of Liberty and their country, such as Franklin, Warren, Montgomery, Laurens, Sullivan, Putnam, Scamell, Barber, Mercer, Wooster, Poor and Lee, near which is the Genius of the country, in the habit and helmet of Minerva, bearing the colours of the Nation, and at her side an Eagle, emblematical of America; incense is continually burning at the foot of the tomb, where a Priest is discovered singing Hymns in praise of these illustrious Heroes, At the bottom of the picture is a seven headed Hydra, or Despotism tumbling into ruins.
Dedicated to the friends of Liberty, by Renault, sen. author of the Work.
I the undersigned having taken all the necessary steps for the engraving, paper and printing of the impression of the Picture of the Triumph of Liberty in conjunction with Mr. Renault, sen. Author of the above Work, we this day open a subscription at the rate of Three Dollars each copy; and we can with confidence assure the public, that we have spared neither trouble nor expence to procure the best paper and engraving. No money is required till the delivery of the Picture to the Subscriber. September 22, 1795 (signed D.F. Launy)
Any persons wishing to see the work, will please to apply at the Fixed Priced Store of David Frederick Launy, No. 141, Pearl Street.—French and American Gazette, October 21, 1795. [This picture may be seen in the Print Room of The New York Public Library, 42nd Street, New York City.]
[John Francis?] Renault & [Peter C.] Verger.—Triumph of Liberty. The subscribers of this superb tableau are informed, that the work is finished, and that those who would honour the artists with their presence, can view at the Engravers' No 62 Broad-way. This piece, specially dedicated to the Americans, will be a monument to immortalise the memories of those illustrious men who have employed their time, their virtues, and their talents in founding the liberties of their country, as well as those generous heroes who fell gloriously in the defence of them....We have had paper of the best quality manufactured at Messrs Kollock and Kinnan's Mills at Springfield expressly for this purpose; we have also procured the best copperplate printer on the Continent Mr. Kinnan. We have then every reason to hope, that our subscribers will be satisfied. The delivery of this work will be made according to the order of the subscription, at the subscribers, or at the Engraver's house. Renault—Verger.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, January 2, 1797.
Renault & Verger.—Citizen Renault Author of the Picture Triumph of Liberty, will set off for Boston in about eight days....But before his departure they both think it a duty to express their most sincere thanks to their patrons....Neither do we forget those French Gentlemen who, tho not rich, have greatly encouraged our work, and made great efforts in assisting us to give public satisfaction. Renault & Verger.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, January 20, 1797.
Thomas Reynold.—[Stone seal cutter and jeweler. See entries 238 and 239 under Jewelry.]
Charles-Balthazar-Julien Fevret de Saint-Mémin.—Likeness taken, with the physiognotrace. The subscriber intending shortly to leave this city, begs leave to return his thanks to the public and his friends in particular, for the liberal encouragement that he has received, and to inform them that he will continue to take Likenesses as usual, at No. 27 Pine street, until towards the 1st of May, at which time he expects to remove from New-York. A specimen of his works may be seen at Messrs. Stilwell and Deforest, No 169 Pearl street. St. Memin.—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 30, 1798.
St. Mémin & Valdenuit.—Physiognotrace. Likenesses Engraved. The subscribers beg leave to inform their Friends and the Public in general, that they take and engrave Portraits on an improved plan of the celebrated Physiognotrace of Paris, and in a style never introduced before in this country. From the expedition with which the work is done, and the moderation of the terms, they presume to hope that they will give satisfaction to those, who, protectors of the Arts, will please to encourage them with their commands.
An exhibition of their performance may be seen at Messrs. Jno. J. Stapples and Sons, No 169 Pearl-street, or by applying at their lodgings, No 11, Fair street. St. Memin & Valdenuit.—New-York Daily Advertiser, February 3. 1797.
John Scoles.—Proposals, By John Scoles, Engraver, No 6 Broad-street, New-York, for publishing by Subscription an Elegant Engraving, in the memory of Benjamin Franklin. Conditions. I. The size of the Plate to be 16 by 20 inches, and to be executed in the dotted or chalk state of engraving. II. It shall be printed on the best paper, and delivered in rotation to subscribers, at 2 dollars and 50 cents.
N.B. The drawing may be seen by applying at the Publishers' Prints, Drawings, Needlework, &c. Framed with elegance, and on the lowest terms.—New-York Weekly Museum, November 17, 1798.
George Smith.—Engraving Done in the neatest Manner, by George Smith, from London, at Capt. Smith's in Water-Street, or at Mr. Proctor's Watch-Maker, opposite the Coffee-House Bridge.—Royal Gazette, January 17, 1778.
James Smither, Engraver and Seal Cutter, Late of Philadelphia at the Golden-Head No. 923, in Water-Street, near the Coffee-House, and next door but one to Mr. Nutter's, where he engraves in the most elegant manner Coats of Arms, Seals, Maps, Copper Plates, and all other kind of engraving.—The Royal Gazette, May 22, 1779.
Cornelius Tiebout.—Proposals. By Cornelius and Alexander Tiebout, to publish by subscription, Two Portraits, George Clinton and John Jay. Engraved by Cornelius Tiebout, Citizen of New York, now resident in London. Taken from original paintings of our celebrated countrymen, Gabriel Stewart and the Late Joseph Wright.
The size of each print to be 10 by 13 inches printed on excellent paper. Price one dollar and an half, to subscribers; one third to be paid at the time of subscribing, and the remainder on delivery of the prints. Those who wish, may subscribe for either of the Portraits separate....—The Argus, July 27, 1795.
Cornelius Tiebout.—Proposals by Cornelius and Alexander Tiebout For publishing by subscription, The Columbian War....to be engraved by Cornelius Tiebout, Historical engraver &c. from the Original paintings and drawings....subscriptions are received by the publishers No. 29 Gold street and at Messrs Warner & Schuyler's No 70 Maiden Lane.—The Time Piece, May 3, 1797.
E. Tisdale.—Proposals by J. Buel Printer, and E. Tisdale Engraver, for printing by subscription a new and elegant edition of M'Fingal; An Epic Poem, in Four Cantos, by John Trumbull, esq. Illustrated with additional notes and explanations and ornamented with nine copper Plates....[Continues with a long description of the poem.]—Columbian Gazetteer, March 13, 1794.
[Peter C.] Verger, Artist from Paris, Intending to remain a short time in this city, offers his service to the Public. He carves figures in fine stone, in the antique manner, and warrants the Resemblance of the portrait; he also engraves Coats of Arms, and Cyphers for Seals, &c. and copper Plates with Embellishments proper for Bills of Exchange. He likewise draws Cyphers and Emblems in Hair. Impressions of his works, which he has executed in different capitals of Europe may be seen at his apartments, No. 148 Broad-Way, corner of Liberty-street.—French and American Gazette, November 6, 1795. [His advertisements still appeared in 1796.]
Counterfeits.—Persons, going into the other colonies, may be supplied with any number of counterfeited congress-notes, for the price of the paper per ream. They are so nearly and exactly executed, that there is no risque in getting them off, it being almost impossible to discover, that they are not genuine. This has been proved by bills to a very large amount, which have already been successfully circulated. Enquire for Q.E.D. at the Coffee-House, from 11 P.M. to 4 A.M. during the present month.—New-York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, April 14, 1777.
Counterfeits. The public are cautioned to beware of counterfeited notes in the form of those lately issued from the office of finance payable in six months after date...on holding the true notes up to the light there will appear in water marks U.S. National Debt. The false notes are printed on common paper without marks....—New-York Packet, July 31, 1783
Defaced Engraving.—In Sept. 1781 the picture of his Excellency General Washington and a curious engraving of a monument of the Immortal Montgomery, were torn and defaced by some royal incendiary, which gave rise to the following paragraph in the Freeman's Journal of Philadelphia. [Long paragraph stating the horror of the situation.]—New-York Journal, and the General Advertiser, May 26, 1785.
Certificates of the State of New-York, also, Continental Certificates of every species bought and sold at the office of John Delafield No. 28 Water-Street. Wanted, a large quantity of Certificates of this state, for which the most liberal price will be given in cash. Also, an abundance of old Continental money. Apply as above.—New-York Packet, April 13, 1786.
Art of Drawing.—By Subscription, price twenty-four Shillings, a useful necessary method to learn the Art of Drawing without a Master. Compiled from the first masters in this art, and adorned with 26 copper plates, engraved after the manner of Raphael, Rubens, and Julius Romain, &c. consisting of near 250 pages large quarto. By a Citizen of America who has studied this useful art in Europe....—The Daily Advertiser, February 21, 1787.
Counterfeiting.—The citizens are cautioned against the impositors of villains who are passing counterfeit Five Shillings Bills. The paper is of a darker colour than the true bills; The types are old, and not well printed. It is a misfortune that we have two kinds of genuine five shilling bills. The counterfeits are in imitation of those which have a heavy bordering. They may easily be detected, by observing that the eagle on the globe, in the state arms, in the counterfeits, is badly imitated, the wing extending towards the figure of liberty is too large; and the other very short and small: and the globe on which the eagle stands is too large and black. In the body of the true bills, in the words FIVE, the V is smaller than the other letters, and the word appears crooked. In the bordering of the true bills the FIVE SHILLINGS at the end to the right are irregular and incline to the left; in the counterfeits, these words are more erect, and the letters closer together, large and very pale. The signing is not well done, and the bad bills are something larger and wider than the true ones.—New-York Packet, May 1, 1787. [New York news item.]
Copper Plates.—To the Printers and Publishers of Periodical works, to be sold very cheap, a great variety of Copper plates, engraved by the best Artists, and in good condition, suitable to any periodical publication. N.B. These plates 124 in number, originally cost engraving, upwards of one thousand pounds sterling and may now be had at a very reduced price of Talbot, Allum & Lee. No 241 Pearl street.—The Diary; or Evening Register, July 18, 1794.
American Landscapes.—Proposals by James Harrison & G. Parkyns, For publishing in Aquatinta, Twenty-Four Views; Selected from some of the most striking and interesting prospects in the United States; each of which Views will be accompanied with a descriptive account of its local, Historical, and other incidental Peculiarities. By Mr. Parkyns, Author of the `Monastic Remains and Ancient Castles in Great Britain.'
Conditions: I. That the work shall be published by subscription; and that each subscriber shall engage to take the whole set of Views, and pay for each engraving, if black or brown 3 dollars; and if coloured, 5 dollars. II. That the dimensions of each engraving shall be 24 by 17 inches, executed in aquatinta and published upon paper of a superior quality. The publication to commence immediately and one engraving to be delivered to the subscribers, on the first Monday of each succeeding month, until the proposed series shall be finally completed.
III. That with the last View of the series, shall be delivered an engraved Title page; an elegant characteristic Vignette; a Map of the Route, connectewd with the prospects exhibited in the course of the work; and an alphabetical list of the subscribers.
Subscriptions are received by James Harrison, at his warehouse, Maiden lane, New York; and by all the principal Booksellers in the United States.—American Minerva, May 25, 1795.
American Landscapes.—The public are respectfully solicited to inspect the following drawings already executed for the above work.
Mount Vernon, Passaic Falls, Brandywine Mills, Federal City, Annapolis in Maryland. The three former at the Apollo Warehouse No 58 Maiden Lane, New York and the remaining at Mr. Parkyn's Brooklyn, Long Island.
The Proprietors take the earliest opportunity of announcing to the subscribers, that in consequence of a late necessary arrangement, the plate intended to have been delivered this day, will not appear until the third in succession. The plate of the Federal City, nearly completed, and from whence the descriptive tour commences, it is judged expedient should be first published. Although many circumstances inseparable from the establishment of so extensive an undertaking, the first of its kind in America, have unavoidably arisen, hitherto to retard its commencement; yet it is presumed the selection of objects, the attention bestowed in finishing the drawings with neatness, and accuracy, the tedious difficult executions of plates of such large dimensions together with an ardent desire to render the work compleat, will rescue the publishers from the censure of unnecessary delay; whose only wish is to gratify the admirers of picturesque nature and whose ultimate object will be, not only to interest the United States, but the European world, by a general display of those captivating, elegant scenes, which are so profusely distributed over the American continent. The following Drawings are in a state of forwardness. The City of New York, The City of Philadelphia. These are to be followed by Bethlehem in Pennsylvania, View of the North River, View in Connecticut, View in Rhode-Island the second selection of twelve, to compleat the series of twenty-four, will, amongst others contain, Port and town of Boston in Massachusetts, Charlestown South Carolina, &c. &c. Subscription continue to be received by James Harrison at the Apollo Warehouse.—The Diary, & Universal Advertiser, January 8, 1796.
Allegorical Picture.—Take Notice. That beautiful Alegorical Picture, interesting to all true Americans, which is a monument of the most distinquished heroes who fell victims for their country, as well as those who distinguished themselves in the magistracy, is to be seen, until Saturday the 19 inst. at the store of the subscriber, No. 14 Pearl street, who will continue to receive subscriptions until that day. After which it will be put into the hands of the most celebrated artist in the United States, for engraving. He can assure the public, that, after having seen many specimens of his talents, they will have reason to be satisfied of the engraving of the Plate. David F. Launy.
N.B. The price to subscribers is 3 dollars, to be paid on receiving the copy, and 5 dollars to non-subscribers, if there remain any after the subscription is filled.—Argus, March 14, 1796.
A large Plan of the City of New York, is now engraving for Longworth's American Almanac and New York Directory. Subscriptions for a few copies of said Plan, separate from the Directory, price only four shillings, will be received by the Editor, 66 Nassau Street.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 10, 1796.
Historical Engraving.—Proposals, For publishing by Subscription, an Emblematical and Historical Engraving, from an entire original drawing of the Independence and Establishment of the United States of America inscribed to Congress. A full length figure of the President of the United States is introduced in the design holding in the right hand his address of resignation. The other part of the piece portray the grand outline of our history. The above design will be established for one week at Charles Smith's Book-store no. 51 Maiden Lane.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, February 21, 1797.
Bank Notes.—Abraham Newland's name is now for the first time printed in copper plate in the Bank notes. The clerks could not write his name quick enough for the enormous issue of paper.—The Minerva, & Mercantile Evening Advertiser, May 10, 1797. [News item.]
A New Map of the State of Connecticut....The work is elegant, well printed and well coloured, on a good white paper and the whole is the manufacture of this town. Price 8s. plain, 12 s. coloured, 20 s. folding on cloth for pocket, 16 s. framed, 18 s. on rollers or in black and gilt frames....—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, June 19, 1777.
Maps and Prints.—The American Military Pocket Atlas being an approved collection of correct maps, both general and particular, of the British colonies...taken principally from the actual surveys of engineers De Brahm, Major Holland, Cols. Jackson, Collet &c. &c. employed in his Majesty's fleets and armies....—Rivington Gazette, October 4, 1777.
Cook's Voyage.—Capt. Cook's Entertaining Voyage round the world. With cuts, describing the manners, customs and dress of the inhabitants of the new discovered countries and an accurate map of the course of his Majesty's ship Endeavor in this dangerous circumnavigation. To be had at the Printer's Price Two Dollars, it is the most entertaining, and far the cheapest voyage ever printed.—Royal Gazette, November 7, 1778.
Maps & Charts.—The following charts and maps may be had of Hugh Gaine.
A Chart of the river St. Laurence, containing the islands of Newfoundland, Cape Briton, St. John's Anticosti, &c.
A new and corrected Chart of the River of St. Laurence, with part of the Island of Anticosti to Quebec.
A Chart of the Harbour of Gaspie, in the Gulf of St. Laurence.
A Chart of the Harbour of Halifax, in Nova-Scotia, with the Jebucto-Bay, Cape Sambro, &c.
A Plan of the City and Harbour of Louisburgh.
A Chart of the Province of North-Carolina.
A Draught of South-Carolina and Georgia, and Part of Florida from Sewee to St. Estaca.
A Draught of Part of the Spanish and Musketo Shore, and the Bay of Honduras.
A very accurate Dutch Chart of the West-Indies.
Orcades, or, a Geographic and Hydrographic Survey of the Orkney and Lewis Islands, in eight Maps.
The English Pilot for the Southern navigation. The English Pilot, Part III a very neat and correct Book of places of the different Bays, Roads, and Harbour in the Mediterranean Sea.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, April 12, 1779.
A Modern Atlas, consisting of twenty-seven Plans of actions, fought in the present War, Charts of Rivers, &c. &c. amongst which are the following. Boston Harbour, its works, and Environs, the plan of the Town of Boston, with the entrenchments. Plan of the action at Bunker-Hill. Rhode-Island with the Rebel works and Batteries raised against it, by M. Blaskowitz. Plan of Newport Town. Hudson's River from Sandy Hook, to Fort Chamblee in Canada with the Soundings. The Defeat of the Rebels under Mr. Arnold, 11th October 1776. The action and defeat of Mr. Washington at the White Plains, and all the other operations in New-York and Jerseys, from Oct 12 to Nov 28. The Battle of Brooklyn and Defeat of the Rebel army on Long Island August 28th, 1776. The forcing of Rebel Lines near Fort Knyphausen 10th November 1776. A Plan of the City of New York, and its Environs by Capt. Ratzer.—Royal Gazette, July 8, 1780.
A New Map of the Province of Jersey. The operations of Mr. Washinsgton against Co. Raalle at Trenton. Plan of Philadelphia and its Environs. Plan of the Battle of Brandywine. General Grey's attack and defeat the Rebels near the White Horse, Sept. 20, 1777. Attack of the Rebel works on Delaware. Chart of Delaware Bay and River. With many other Maps &c. bound in one very large volume, price 30 Dollars. Most of the above are to be purchased separate from the volume. Enquire of the Printer.—Royal Gazette, July 8, 1780.
Voyages & Travels.—The Work Displayed, is ten volumes of Voyages and ten volumes of Travels, a curious collection selected from the writers of all nations, and particularly describing the Spanish dominions in South America, now become the object of attack from the Island of Jamaica. There are about 160 beautiful maps and cuts describing the customs, manners, habits &c. of the inhabitants, and of a portable size. Six volumes may be carried on one pocket. Price of the 20 volumes, most elegantly bound and gilt, four guineas.—Royal Gazette, July 8, 1780.
A New Chart of the GULPH PASSAGE, from Cape Antonio in the Isle of Cuba, to the 30th Degree of North Latitude, in the Ocean, through the Gulph of Florida, or New Channel of Bahama, with an exact Delineation of the Islands, Shoals, and Reefs on the Coast of East Florida, as well as of the Northern Shores of Cuba, and the Bahama Banks and Islands; in which is also included, the Old Channel of Bahama, from the survey taken by the Order of Government, by R. Romans, compared with the Spanish Charts and Surveys, and ascertained by the astronomic Observations of W. Gerard De Brahm, Surveyor General for the Southern Districk of North-America, and others. Sold by H. Gaine.—New York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury., August 21, 1780.
Observations for Maps.—Any Mathematical Gentlemen who can furnish the subscriber with the correct variation of the needle, in any places in Connecticut, New-York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, shall have their services gratefully acknowledged; as many observations of this kind as can be collected will be of use in perfecting maps formed of those parts of the country, for His excellency General Washington. N.B. It will be necessary to mention the times and names of the places (also their latitude if ascertained) at which the observations were made. Simeon De Witt, Geographer to the United States of America.—New York Packet, and the American Advertiser, August 30, 1781.
Maps and Prints.—An elegant Map of the British Empire in America upon a very small scale. An accurate chart of the coast of North-America....A Plan of Lord Cornwallis's Route through the southern colonies...a view of the Battle of Saratoga...British Representation of the principal engagements in the present war, Highly coloured by eminent hands. These pieces are so ingeniously contrived that by reversing any one of them, it exhibits the American or French view of the same action uncoloured...James Rivington.—New York Packet, and the American Advertiser, November 22, 1781.
York & Gloucester.—Major Bauman, of the New York, or Second Regiment of Artillery, Has Drawn a Map of the Investment of York and Gloucester, in Virginia. Shewing how those posts were besieged in form, by the Allied army of America and France; the British lines of defence, and the American and French lines of approach, with part of York River, and the British ships as they then appeared sunk in it before York-Town; and the whole encompment in its vicinity.
This Map, by desire of many gentlemen, will shortly be published in Philadelphia, in order that the public may form an idea of that memorable siege. Those gentlemen who incline to become subscribers will apply to the printer hereof; where the conditions will be shewn, and subscription money be received.—New York Packet, and the American Advertiser, March 7, 1782.
Charts of the Harbour & Coast of North America.—For the Use of the Commanders in the Royal Navy, published under the Directions of the Lords of the Admiralty. Charts of the Harbour and Coast of North-America from Nova-Scotia to the Gulph of Mexico, with the most exact Soundings Composed and published by command of Government, for the use of the Royal Navy of England. By J.F.W. Des Barres, Esq; in two noble Volumes. They may be had of James Rivington.—The Royal Gazette, October 12, 1782.
Charts of this Coast, &c. to be sold by Valentine Nutter, No. 22 opposite the Coffee House; Banks of Newfoundland, Gulf of St. Lawrence, River St. Lawrence, Virginia and Maryland, Chesapeak Bay, River Delaware, South Carolina, Floridas, Windward Passage, Honduras and Virgin Isles. Sea books of all kinds, also a few books of large pale gold leaf.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, May 19, 1783.
A New Map of the United states of America, laid down from the best Authority agreeable to the Peace of 1783; an allegorical Print of the Independence of America, and the Portraits of Gen. Washington, Dr. Franklin and Mr. Laurens, sold by the Printer.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, June 9, 1783.
Thirteen States.—A new and accurate Map of the thirteen United States of America, agreeable to the boundaries settled by the late treaty of peace, is to be sold at the Printing-office.—New-York Packet, July 24, 1783.
The Map of the United-States, by William M' Murray, late Assistant Geographer, Is just published, and now issuing to the subscribers of this city, Newark, &c. from No. 6, Crown-street....—New-York Packet, January 27, 1785.
Globes.—A Pair of Twelve-Inch Globes, by Ferguson, with considerable improvement, to be Sold by S. Loudon.—New York Packet, April 28, 1785.
Maps of the Interior.—Just received, and to be sold at this Printing-office, No. 25 Water-street, (Price 5 Dollars) A few Maps of the interior Parts of North-America, including the Lands intended for New-States which will be shortly disposed of by Order of Congress....By Thomas Hutchins, Esq. Late Captain and Engineer in the British Army, and now Geographer General to the United States of America, with a plan of the several villages in the Illinois Country, a table of the Distances between Fort Pitt and the mouth of the Ohio, all engraved upon copper and an appendix containing Mr. Patrick Kennedy's Journal up the Illinois River and a correct List of the different Nations and Tribes of Indians...
N.B. The Plates of the above mentioned map were cut and the Impressions taken in London, at the particular Request and Solicitation of Lord George Germain, and were sold in London at one Guinea each. The above map and pamphlets may be had of Mr. Bradford at the Coffee-House.—New-York Journal (supplement), August 11, 1785.
Federal Territory.—A New Map of the Federal Territory, from western boundary of Pennsylvania to the Scioto River, and extending so far North as to comprehend a part of Lake Erie,...clearly points out the Indian Hunting Grounds, Connecticut lands, reserves made by Virginia for her military officers, and the situation of the ancient ruins at the mouth of the Muskingum River, where the Ohio Company propose building a city, a plan of which is also annexed....It is to be sold (price 9 s) by Thomas Allen, Bookseller and stationer....—The Daily Advertiser, April 10, 1788.
Western Territory.—Price only Two Dollars. Hutchin's Map of the Western-Territory, accompanied by a describing Pamphlet, containing 67 pages in 8 vo to be sold, by the printer hereof. The accuracy of this Map, in competition with the Pirated copy, is too well known to require encomiums at this late day. This Map was first sold at Five Dollars, but as they belong to the estate of Thomas Hutchins, Esq. late Geographer General to the United States, deceased, and as the Executor, of that estate wishes to facilitate a last settlement, they will now be sold at two Dollars only.—New-York Journal, & Patriotic Register, January 14, 1790.
Map of the United States.—Just published at Boston, and to be sold at Greenleaf's Printing Office, A Map of the U.S. of America, laid down from the best authorities agreeable to the peace of 1783. This map and chart is neither a plain, Mercator's, nor a globular projection, the author finding, that on a globular map, the superficies is contracted, on Mercator's it is in high latitude, protracted much beyond its true measure, and on the plain chart, distorted quite out of its true form; to avoid these false appearances as much as possible, he has aimed at a mean of the three; and on examining and comparing this with the latest surveys and best information that can be produced, I find it to be as correct and true a representation of the coast, rivers, lakes, mountains &c. as can be expected on so small a scale. Osgood Carleton, Teacher of Mathematics.—New-York Journal & Patriotic Register, July 20, 1791.
Fifteen United States.—Newest Map of the Fifteen United States together, with the lakes and Rivers between Lake Superior, Cook's River, Prince William's Sound, and the Great North Pacific Ocean; Also the New Townships, Army Grants, Ohio and Scioto Company, New Settlements in the Janassee Country, &c. &c. laid down from the latest and best Surveys, informations and authorities: by Osgood Carleton, Teacher of the Mathematics. Sold by James Rivington.—New-York Daily Gazette, July 22, 1791.
Vermont and Connecticut, Maps of these two states, from actual and very late surveys, by Major Blodget, are to be had of James Rivington. Who also has for Sale, A Map of all the fifteen United States, with the Lands of late sold to sundry purchasers. This map was first published last April.—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 7, 1793.
City of Washington.—Just Published, and to be sold by Roberwt Hodge, at Milton's Head, No 11 Water street and Samuel Campbell No 37 Hanover Square, an Elegant Plan of the City of Washington, in the territory of Columbia, ceded by the State of Virginia and Maryland to the United States of America, and by them established as the seat of their Government, after the year 1800. The Soundings of the Potomack River and Eastern Branch, are accurately described.—The Diary; or Loudon Register, March 20, 1793.
Plan of Cape Françoise (Haiti).—Music Just landed on board the Ellis, from London, by James Harrison, at his Store No 38 Maiden-Lane....Also this day is published by J. Harrison a very accurate Plan of Cape-Francoise, which will shew at one view, the present deplorable situation of that once Flourishing City (which for Beauty and Regularity was inferior to none) most accurately laid down, Revised and corrected by a number of French Gentlemen arrived in the latest vessels from that Port; this plan will not only show the ruins of the Town, but will point out every House or Building that still remain standing, (an object very desirable by all those who are any wise concerned in the Fate of that place. Those Gentlemen who wish to be supplied with early impressions are requested to favour the Publisher with their names as early as possible. Price 8 s and 12 coloured.—Columbian Gazetteer, September 12, 1793.
Geographical Cards.—Proposals for publishing by Subscription, a set of Geographical cards, designed particularly for the use of young ladies and gentlemen, to facilitate them in the knowledge of geography, a science, the usefulness of which is so well known, it needs not be expatiated upon.
Each set of these cards will contain fifty-two with the description and title cards. Price to subscribers for each pack 6 shillings. Subscriptions are taken in this Printing office, and at Mrs. Philips' Seminary, No. 101 Broadway. These cards will be published as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers appear to indemnify the publisher in the expence.—Weekly Museum, October 19, 1793.
Connecticut.—Just received, and for sale, by John Buel, No 7 Little Queen-street, Blodgett's new and elegant Map of Connecticut taken from actual survey.—Columbia Gazette, November 7, 1793.
Map of New York State.—The first Sheet of De Wit's State Map of New-York containing the Counties of Tioga, and part Herkemer & Otswego, is just published and to be sold by Hugh Gaine, at his Book-store and Printing-Office at the Bible in Hanover-Square. Price Twenty Shillings.—Columbian Gazetteer, March 20, 1794.
Universal Geography.—This day is published...Universal Geography made easy or a new Geographical Pocket Companion, comprehending a Description of the habitable world, with maps by Charles Smith. Printed for the author No. 51 Maiden Lane and L. Wayland, No 157 Water Street, and sold by the principal Book Sellers in this City and througout the United States.—The Argus, August 19, 1795.
Griffiths' Map of Maryland, Laid down from actual measurements, of all the principal waters, public roads, &c. and of the federal territory and city of Washington, to which is annexed a sketch of the state of Delaware, are now published and to be sold by Hugh Gaine, at his printing office and bookstore in Hanover Square. Price, Coloured, Varnished and Framed 7 dollars and 50 cents; in sheets 5 dollars.—The Argus, September 17, 1795.
Trumbull's History of Connecticut, Vol I embelished with a correct map of the State and portraits of some of the first settlers from original paintings to be sold by Gaine & Ten Eyck, at their Book-store in Pearl-street.—The Spectator, March 17, 1798.
John S. Hunn, Notary Public and Conveyancer....He also copies, reduces, enlarges and ornaments Maps and Drafts of Houses, Buildings or Lands, either from Original Plans, Maps, Fieldbooks, or Deeds, or from description; and in such a manner and at such prices as he trusts, will meet the approbation of those who are pleased to employ him.—The Time-Piece; and Literary Companion, March 21, 1798.
Geography.—This Day is published No. 1 of a new and universal Geography, accompanied with an elegant painted plate, and a chart elegantly engraved by Rollinson...by John Payne...subscription received by John Low, No. 332 Water-street, by William Willis, No 19 Cheapside, and the Printer No 358 Pearl-street.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, May 18, 1798.
Map of the Mediterranean.—In a few days will be published, (Price twenty-five cents) a correct map of the Mediterranean sea, showing the Landing of Buonaparte, and the Defeat of the French Fleet. To be sold by John Low 332 Water street.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, December 13, 1798.
Surveying Instruments.—The valuable and complete set of Surveying and other mathematical instruments, the property of the late Mr. T. C. Goerck, City Surveyor; consisting of a Surveying compass with sights staff, Telescope, and Level, a Protractor, with a Monius and index; 2 Qunter's chains, a case of mathematical Instruments for sale by R. Davis 77 Wall-street. These instruments are by the most celebrated makers, Dolland, Martin Nairne, and Blunt.—Mercantile Advertiser, January 5, 1799.
Map of Chesapeake Bay.—Proposals, By C. P. Hauducoeur Engineer, for Engraving a Map of the Head of Chesapeake Bay and Susquehannah River; with the Islands, Shoals, Passages, Channels, Beds, Narrows, Soundings, Canals, description of the country, the River traversed &c. particulars of which may be known at No. 141 Broadway.—Mercantile Advertiser, January 19, 1799.
Planetarium & Globes.—Just imported, and for sale at H. Caritat's store, No 153 Broadway. The Planispherical Planetarium. Being a graphical representation of the Earth, in twelve particular positions during its revolutionary course round the sun, as also of the Moons revolution round the Earth, accompanied with a literal description of their various parts and motions, and an elementary introduction to Astronomy and Geography, forming a preparatory guide to the study of the Globes. Also,
Carey's newly improved Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Profected with the utmost accuracy, and executed with particular taste; differing from all others in the omission of the Constellary Configurations, which are supplied by boundary lines, more congenial to their appearances in Heavens, and thence more easily reduced to comparative observation....—Commercial Advertiser (supplement), February 16, 1799.
Castor Land.—Just Published, An accurate Map of Castor Land, No. 4, McCombs purchase, Pennits' Square, Black River, Oneida County, State of New York, agreeable to actual survey by C. Broadhead, and for sale by Brown and Stansbury No. 114 Water Street, opposite the old Coffee House slip.—Daily Advertiser, May 2, 1799.
Alstine.—John J. Wilmurt, Watchmaker, Has removed from No. 133, Water St. to 84 Maiden Lane at the Shop of Mr. Alstine, Silversmith.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 18, 1796.
Banker.—Was taken out of the house of Captain Thomas Brown, of Pamroupough, on Saturday night the 11th instant, the following pieces of plate, viz. a silver tea pot, maker's name Banker; 6 Silver table spoons, marked T*A*B, 7 tea spoons, 4 of them marked T*M*B, the other three marked M*E*T, and the date of the year; sause cup with a mermaid engraved thereon; a bowl marked E. T. and half a dozen silver handled knives and forks. Should any of the said articles be offered for sale 'tis requested the owner may be made acquainted herewith.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, April 20, 1778.
I. B..—Stolen, on Sunday morning last, a Silver Cream Pot, with the letters P. M. D. on the side in a cypher and on the handle in plain letters I. B....two Dollars reward, and no questions asked.—Royal American Gazette, August 8, 1780.
S. A. Bayley, working Gold and Silver Smith, Has removed to No. 66, King-Street, where the Favours of his Friends will be gratefully acknowledged, and executed in the neatest manner.—Independent Journal; or, the General Advertiser, January 11, 1786.
Bayley and Douglas.—Coach Trimmings, Sadlers & Harness Furniture. Simon A. Bayley, Manufacturer in Gold, Silver and Jewellery, No. 102 Pearl-Street, near the Old-Slip, takes this method of returning his sincere acknowledgements to his friends and the public for the liberal encouragement he has received in the above business; and he respectfully informs them that he has taken into Partnership with him his son in law, James Douglas, and that in the future, the business, as usual, will be carried on under the firm of Bayley and Douglas and they respectfully inform the Coach Makers, Sadlers, Etc., of this City, and its vicinity, that they have imported from Europe, an elegant assortment of Coach Trimmings of the newest fashion, superb new invented plated Coach Harness...Saddle trees, Stirrup iron, Bridle bitts, Saddler's tools,...as the whole of these goods have been imported direct from the manufacturers, they are enabled to dispose of them on such liberal terms, as cannot fail of being acceptable to the purchasers.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, December 22, 1797.
Martin Brard.—If Martin Brard, (son of Catherine Halin) Silversmith by Trade, who came to America in 1767, as a Soldier in the French service at Canada, is still living and will apply to the Printer hereof, or at No. 72, Water-street, will hear of something to his advantage; said Martin Brard was married in this city to a French Woman from L'isle de Rhe, near La Rochel, in 1767.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, February 23, 1785.
E. Brasher.—A Robbery,...a generous reward for such of the goods as may be taken. One silver tankard, 3 pints in shape of a cann, with a coat of arms in front, maker's name E. Brasher; one do quart tankard without a cover marked M.B., 6 silver table-spoons marked W. D. M., 6 teaspoons marked S. D., 6 do. marked C. S. in a cypher; one silver pepper-box, one pair tea-tongs, one silver sugar-dish, one do-milk pot, two gold rings, one pair gold sleeve-buttons, C. S. in a cypher;...one small silver watch, French case, maker's name White Matlack, New-York...and a number of other articles, too tedious to enumerate. Comfort Sands.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, April 5, 1781.
Charles Oliver Bruff, Goldsmith and Jeweller, at the Sign of the Teapot, No. 196, Queen-street, at the corner of Golden-Hill. Those gentlemen of the navy and army and others, in want of swords, may be suited with all sorts, silver mounted; cut and thrust and cutteaux de chase, mounted with beautiful green grips, or whatever other forms gentlemen may chuse; and light horse swords with death's head and cross bones, all sorts of jewellery made and mended. Has for sale ladies paste buckles, stock and knee buckles, stone broaches, seals stone rings, ear rings, an excellent skelleton watch, a variety of stone sleeve buttons; black ebony, red wood and buck handle table and dessert knives; pen knives and scissars; plated shoe stock knee buckles. He has employed a cutler, who makes, grinds and polishes all sorts of work in his way, and forms scabbards of vellum, parchment, and calfskin. Wants to employ jewellers, silversmiths, chape forger and filers. Has for sale, screw drivers and double worms, fit for our army's use.—New-York Gazette: and the Weekly Mercury, October 20, 1777.
Charles Oliver Bruff.—Wanted immediately, A Lappedary, jeweller, silversmiths, sword cutlers, a blacksmith, three good hands at filing and two chape filers; The highest wages will be given by Charles Oliver Bruff, and a Quart of Grogg a day. The said Bruff in making the most elegant pattern that has ever made its appearance in America, his Majesty's likeness with a ornamented quard, letter'd all round, Success to the British arms, and a crown at the four corners; over the joints is the Old English Rose.—New-York Gazette: and the Weekly Mercury, June 29, 1778.
Charles Oliver Bruff.—Whereas many gentlemen of the army have pressed me to take a chance of chances for an elegant Diamond Ring, and a number of silver mounted cutteaux, and steel mounted swords, stone stock and knee Buckles, Gold Sleeve Buttons, Gold stone Rings....The whole shall be shot for at the Widow M'Alpine's at the Sign of the Bunch of Grapes...to be shot for with smooth bored guns, a proper target will be erected for the purpose....Charles Oliver Bruff. N.B. A number of Soldiers Belts may be had at the said Bruff, where all sorts of uniform swords are made, and steel hangers, as neat as in London.—Royal Gazette, December 25, 1779.
Charles Oliver Bruff, will be much obliged to any person that will inform him where his Sign of the Tea-Pot and Tankard may be had that was taken away a few nights ago. Whoever will return the same in good order, shall be thankfully rewarded.—New-York Gazette: and the Weekly Mercury, March 22, 1779.
Charles Oliver Bruff.—To be sold at public auction...House, Offices, Garden and Farm at Greenwich on the Island of New-York, by virtue of power and authority granted by Charles Oliver Bruff, the Mortgagor to Medcalf Eden.—New-York Gazette: and the Weekly Mercury, August 26, 1782.
John Burger, Gold and Silver-Smith, has again returned to this city to the house he formerly occupied No. 11, Hanover-Square; where he means to carry on his business in all its branches. As he carried on business but a few months before the evacuation in 1776, his friends and the public had not an opportunity of knowing his abilities; but he doubts not but he will be able to give general satisfaction, having since had five years experience with that noted and proficient mechanic Mr. Myer Myers. N.B. He regulates all gold coin, and gives cash for old gold and silver.—New-York Packet. And the American Advertiser, January 1, 1784.
John Burger—Gold. The subscriber having a demand for Old Gold, gives the highest price for any quantity of that article, provided it is brought to him in a few months....He will continue the ensuing year in the same house, No. 207, Queen-Street near the Burling-slip, where he will thankfully receive any orders from the public in the Gold and Silver-smith's Business, especially for large plate. He respectfully informs those who may be pleased to favour him with their custom, that any work which is not executed to their expectation either in goodness of metal, workmanship, or moderation of charge, he will not insist on them taking; and doubts not but those who favour him with their commands, will meet with general satisfaction. John Burger.—New-York Packet, April 13, 1786.
James Byrne, Silver-smith and Jeweler, No. 33 Fly-Market, Returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public; for the encouragement he has received during the time of his residence in this city, and begs leave to inform them, that he has in his employ, a number of the best workmen in the different branches of his business; he manufactures all kinds of Conque shell work, in the most fashionable and elegant manner and can supply quantities for exportation. He is determined to have all the work the very best and neatest manner, and hopes by his punctuality and moderate charges to merit a share of public favour. N.B. Devices in hair for lockets, rings, bracelets, etc. done on the shortest notice, and sett in gold on moderate terms. Two apprentices wanted.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 3, 1793.
E. C..—Stolen from 190 Pearl Street, Four large silver Tablespoons, marked E. C. maker's mark on the back of the handle. Whoever will return them to the above house will receive a very generous reward.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 16, 1797.
Samuel Cady.—Died on Sunday Mr. Samuel Cady, of this city, silver-smith—a man universally esteem'd by his acquaintance, and noted for sobriety and honesty in his dealings.—The Herald, September 30, 1795.
John Coburn.—On the night of the 17th of October, some villians entered the house of the Subscriber, and took out one silver cann, one porringer, and four table spoons, maker's name John Coburn, Marked A. L. one soup spoon, mark unknown. One Hundred Dollars will be given to any person that returns said plate, and in proportion for any part of it. Nathan Ker. Goshen.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, December 2, 1779.
Coley.—See Nos. 221-224.
Cox.—See No. 222.
Cary Dunn, Gold and Silver Smith, Begs leave to acquaint his friends and the public in general, that he is returned to this city from New Jersey, after a seven years exile—that he carries on his business as usual, at the old corner house, where he formerly lived, between the Fly Market and New-Dutch Church, No. 23 Crown-Street.—New-York Packet. And the American Advertiser, January 5, 1784.
L. F..—Stolen among other things...7 silver table spoons marked P DH G Note: H sits above D Maker'a name L. F....Peter Degroote.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, December 7, 1784.
Wm. G. Forbes.—Stolen, One dozen silver table Spoons engraved handles, marked S. A. F. 6 plain do. S. A. F. and S. F. 4 do. N. L. 3 do. H. W. M. a generous reward will be given to any person who will give information of them, by Wm. G. Forbes No. 90 Broadway.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, September 6, 1798.
Daniel Fuetter.—Notification for Daniel Fuetter. If Mr. Daniel Fuetter, goldsmith, will call at the office of the Daily Advertiser, he will hear of something to his advantage; and should he be dead, or have left the city, information will be thankfully received at the same office.—New-York Daily Advertiser, February 19, 1799.
L. Fueter.—Lost a Silver Table Spoon Marked I E R, maker's name L. Fueter. The Printer will reward any person who will send it to him.—Royal Gazette, November 11, 1778.
L. Fueter.—Stolen from the Subscriber...two Silver table spoons, one marked J. M. Maker L. Fueter, the other marked M....three dollars reward....John Minzies.—Royal Gazette, March 24, 1781.
J. G. & W. T..—Stolen,...out of the house of Mary Minshull, on Golden Hill, one case of silver handle knives and forks, some of them out. Six silver table spoons, old fashion, marked with the letters E. D. the maker's stamp J. G. One desert spoon, marked with a double cypher in a circle P. E. L. the maker's stamp W. T....—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, September 1, 1777.
William Grigg; Silversmith, No. 171, Queen-street, opposite Col. Clarke's, Has just imported a variety of Plate and Jewellery, consisting of the following articles. Cream pots, table and tea spoons, soup ladles, sugar tongs, boatswain's calls with chains, a variety of shoe knee and stock buckles of the newest fashion, garnet and paste shoe buckles and earings, gold nob do. gold wire, gold and garnet buckles with sundry other articles.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, August 2, 1779.
William Grant.—[Samuel Isreal gave notice of people he cured of deafness in Pennsylvania. Among the list was a William Grant of Philadelphia, goldsmith & jeweller.]—The Minerva, & Mercantile Evening Advertiser, August 4, 1796.
Henry Guest.—To Be Sold at Henry Guest's Silver Smith in Smith's-street, between Duke and Prince street, a very elegant pair of Double-Barrel Pistols, silver mounted, with gold pans and touch-holes, the locks made on the newest and best construction, quite new. Also, an exceeding good Violin, in a complete case. N.B. The gold smith's and jeweller's business done with the utmost punctuality and dispatch. Wanted to Hire, a small House, with two or three rooms and a kitchen. Enquire as above.—Royal Gazette, August 26, 1778.
Henry Guest.—Goldsmiwth and Jeweller, at No. 848, Hanover-Square, Has for sale a variety of Jewellery, Hardware, Toys &c. An elegant striking and repeating Watch. Also a very good violin in a complete Case.—New-York Gazzette, and the Weekly Mercury, May 17, 1779.
Drew Hall.—Taken out of the window of the Subscriber's shop yesterday afternoon, a pair of Pinch-back Watch Cases, Newly Gilt, of no service to any person but the owner. If they are returned, a generous reward will be given, and no questions asked. Drew Hall, No. 102 Pearl Street.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, August 2, 1799.
Benjamin Halsted, Gold and Silver-Smith, Respectfully acknowledges the favours of his friends and customers, and hereby informs them and the public in general, that he carries on his business as usual, at No. 18, Maiden-lane, where all orders will be duly acknowledged and faithfully executed on the shortest notice. N.B. He sells silver tea spoons for one shilling per doz.—New-York Packet, June 8, 1787.
Benjamin Halstead.—Thimble Manufactory, Benjamin Halstead Respectfully informs his Friends and the Public in general, that he still continues carrying on the Gold and Silversmith business No. 67 Broad street, he has brought the manufactory of Gold, Silver and Pinchbeck Thimbles with steel top to great perfection and thinks he could make a sufficient quantity to supply the United States. Citizens, consider your interest, and encourage American Manufactures.
Those imported are of the Slightest kind, I will engage that one of mine, will do more service than 3 of them, and I know by experience, that imported ones of the quality of mine cost 18 shillings per doz. and could not be sold by 25 percent, as low as mine. Every dealer in this article will soon find the advantage of keeping Halsted's Thimbles, and have the satisfaction of knowing that he does his customers justice. Silver and steel Bodkins, tooth and ear picks by the doz. or single.—Diary; or Evening Register, August 30, 1794.
Henry Hart.—Watch Chrystals, made and sold by Henry Hart, Gold smith and Jeweller, in Albany.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, April 23, 1778.
William Kimberly, No. 123 Fly-Market. Has for sale, Gold, Gilt and Silver Watches. Gold and Gilt Ear-Rings, Necklaces and Breast-Pins, Plain Gold and Garnet Rings for the finger, Silver and plated Shoe-Buckles, Silver and plated table and tea-spoons, Silver and Plated Sugar-tongs, Gold and Gilt Lockets and Breast-Pins, Watch chains, Seals and Keys, Pen knives and Scissors, Red and black Morocco Pocket-Books. N.B. A very fashionable assortment of American plated shoe buckles, of the newest pattern by the Dozen. He also carries on his business in all its Branches.—Columbian Gazetteer, September 11, 1794.
John Lent, Gold, Silver-Smith, and Jeweller, No. 61 Beekman-street, Begs leave to inform the public in general, and his friends in particular, that he carries on the above business in all its various branches, in the newest and most fashionable manner. Those who please to honor him with their commands, may depend upon being served in the neatest manner, and on the most reasonable terms. The highest price given for old Gold and Silver. Wanted—as an apprentice to the above business, a young Lad that can be well recommended.—Impartial Gazetteer, July 19, 1788.
Michael Letourneaux, Gold, Silver Smith and Jeweller; Begs leave to inform the public in general, that he carries on the above business, in all its branches, and hopes to give satisfaction to all persons that may favour him with their commands.
He informs all merchants, traders &c. to the interior of the United States of America, that having spent several years in Canada, he is perfectly acquainted with such ornamental manufactures in the above mentioned line, as are adapted to the modern taste of the Indian native of the various tribes; not only in a style to gratify their vanity, but to advance a more important object to those concerned in the fur skin trade. The subscriber is not without hopes that his care and attention, in expediting all orders that may be forwarded to him, will merit the encouragement of the public, who may depend upon their work being done at the most reasonable rates. Michael Letourneaux, oof against the offender, that he may be prosecuted to conviction. F. Babcock.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 11, 1796.
John Schenck, Gold, Silver Smith, and Jeweller; No. 133 Water Street, takes the liberty to inform the public in general and his friends in particular, that he carries on the above branches with elegance and dispatch.—Time Piece; and Literary Companion, March 22, 1797.
Joshua Slidell, Gold and Silversmith, is removed from the corner of Maiden-Lane to Crown-Street, opposite the New-Dutch Church belfry, and next door to Mr. Hubert Van Wagenen's; where he carries on the said business in all its branches. He returns thanks to all those that have been pleased to favour him with their custom, and hopes for a continuance, as he will use his endeavours to give satisfaction. N.B. Said Slidell gives cash for old gold and silver.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, June 16, 1777.
W. T.—Stolen...out of the house of Mary Minshull, on Golden Hill...one desert spoon, marked with a double cypher in a circle P. E. L. the maker's stamp W. T. ... — New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, September 1, 1777.
Van Voorhis, Bayley, and Coley.—Real Manufacturers in Gold, Silver, Jewellery, &c. at No. 27, Hanover-Square. Beg leave to inform the public in general, that they have commenced business very extensively in the above Branches. They have procured the best Workmen from Europe, and flatter themselves that the Goods they manufacture will be sold on much lower Terms than those imported, and will be found equal in point of Workmanship.
They have also imported directly from the Manufacturers, a great variety of Plated Goods and Hardware, which will be disposed of on very low Terms for Cash. Also, just arrived, Vestris' Girdles for ladies, elegantly ornamented. Cash, or Goods in exchange, given for Old Silver Lace &c. Hair Work executed in the neatest manner and Mourning Rings on the shortest notice. N.B. Country shop-keepers may be supplied with any Article in the above Branches on the most reasonable terms.—Independent Journal: or the General Advertiser, December 18, 1784.
Van Voorhis, Bayley, Coley and Cox.—The Subscribers beg leave to inform their Friends and the Public, that the Copartnership of Vanvoorhis, Bayley, Coley, and Cox, Jewellers and Silver-Smiths, No. 27 Hanover-Square, is dissolved by mutual consent; and that the Jewellery and Silver-Smith business will be carried on in the future by Van Voorhis, Bayley and Coley, at the above place....N.B.Country Shop-keepers that buy to sell again may depend upon being supplied with any articles in the above branches on the lowest terms. Gilding, Motto ring engraving, and hair work executed in the neatest manner. The highest price given for gold and silver.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, April 27, 1785.
Van Voorhis, Bayley and Coley.—The copartnership of Van Voorhis, Bayley and Coley, being by mutual consent dissolved, S. A. Bayley Returns his sincere Thanks to his Friends, and the Public in general, and begs leave to inform them, that he carries on his Manufactory of Gold, Silver, Jewellery, and Water-Gilding, at No. 237, Queen-Street, corner of King-street. Having procured the best Workmen from Europe, he flatters himself that the Goods he manufactures in any of the above Branches, will be sold on much lower Terms than those imported, and equally as good in point of Workmanship. He has imported, directly from the Manufacturers a great variety of Plated Goods and Hardware....—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, July 9, 1785.
Van Voorhis & Coley, Manufacturers in Gold, Silver and Jewellery, No. 27, Hanover-Square, two doors below Mr. Hugh Gaine's. Beg leave to return their sincere thanks to their friends and the public, for past favours; They Have For Sale, A most elegant assortment of every article in their line of business; which, for elegance and taste, are equal to any manufactured or imported in this city; all which they will sell on equitable terms; and flatter themselves the public will find their advantage to make trial, as it is a particular point with them to sell for the smallest profit which their constant attention to their business, and the number of workmen they employ, enable them to do.
Hair work in any device, and set in gold, mourning and other rings; paste buckles of any pattern &c. made in the best manner, having now a good lapidary in their employ enables them to repair paste buckles and every species of work in the Jewellery line. Jewellers and others may be supplied with any quantity, and all kinds of public securities taken in payment. The utmost value given for old gold, silver-lace, diamonds, &c. N.B. Country orders particularly executed. A good workman in the jewellery line, will meet with encouragement, by applying as above.—New-York Daily Advertiser, September 1, 1785.
Daniel Van Voorhis and Garret Schanck.—The Copartnership of Van Voorhis and Schanck having been dissolved by mutual consent such persons as are indebted to them are requested to make payment to Daniel Van Voorhis; and those who have any claims against said firm are desired to apply to him for a settlement thereof, he being authorized to settle the same. Daniel Van Voorhis, Garret Schanck.
Daniel Van Voorhis Continues to carry on the business in all its various branches at the same place, No. 7 Queen-Street, corner of King-Street. He begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general that he has received from Europe, by the latest vessels an entire new and fashionable assortment of every species of goods in his line, such as set knee buckles, necklases, ear drops, ladies and gentlemen's watch chains, seals, keys and trinkets, silver pencil cases, ladies and gentlemen's Morocco pocket books, and purses of all kinds, neat thread cases, thimbles, gilt cane heads, lockets, smelling-bottles, breast pins, fine steel hat-buckles...ponty pool, japanned, crimson, and gold-striped Roman tea urns, plated hollow patent cocks and others. Ponty pool japanned coffee jugs with gold ornaments and stands, elegant tea trays, Britannia metal coffee jugs,ears exile—that he carries on his business as usual, at the old corner house, where he formerly lived, between the Fly Market and New-Dutch Church, No. 23 Crown-Street.—New-York Packet. And the American Advertiser, January 5, 1784.
L. F..—Stolen among other things...7 silver table spoons marked P D G Maker'a name L. F....Peter Degroote.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, December 7, 1784.
Wm. G. Forbes.—Stolen, One dozen silver table Spoons engraved handles, marked S. A. F. 6 plain do. S. A. F. and S. F. 4 do. N. L. 3 do. H. W. M. a generous reward will be given to any person who will give information of them, by Wm. G. Forbes No. 90 Broadway.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, September 6, 1798.
Daniel Fuetter.—Notification for Daniel Fuetter. If Mr. Daniel Fuetter, goldsmith, will call at the office of the Daily Advertiser, he will hear of something to his advantage; and should he be dead, or have left the city, information will be thankfully received at the same office.—New-York Daily Advertiser, February 19, 1799.
L. Fueter.—Lost a Silver Table Spoon Marked I E R, maker's name L. Fueter. The Printer will reward any person who will send it to him.—Royal Gazette, November 11, 1778.
L. Fueter.—Stolen from the Subscriber...two Silver table spoons, one marked J. M. Maker L. Fueter, the other marked M....three dollars reward....John Minzies.—Royal Gazette, March 24, 1781.
J. G. & W. T..—Stolen,...out of the house of Mary Minshull, on Golden Hill, one case of silver handle knives and forks, some of them out. Six silver table spoons, old fashion, marked with the letters E. D. the maker's stamp J. G. One desert spoon, marked with a double cypher in a circle P. E. L. the maker's stamp W. T....—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, September 1, 1777.
William Grigg; Silversmith, No. 171, Queen-street, opposite Col. Clarke's, Has just imported a variety of Plate and Jewellery, consisting of the following articles. Cream pots, table and tea spoons, soup ladles, sugar tongs, boatswain's calls with chains, a variety of shoe knee and stock buckles of the newest fashion, garnet and paste shoe buckles and earings, gold nob do. gold wire, gold and garnet buckles with sundry other articles.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, August 2, 1779.
William Grant.—[Samuel Isreal gave notice of people he cured of deafness in Pennsylvania. Among the list was a William Grant of Philadelphia, goldsmith & jeweller.]—The Minerva, & Mercantile Evening Advertiser, August 4, 1796.
Henry Guest.—To Be Sold at Henry Guest's Silver Smith in Smith's-street, between Duke and Prince street, a very elegant pair of Double-Barrel Pistols, silver mounted, with gold pans and touch-holes, the locks made on the newest and best construction, quite new. Also, an exceeding good Violin, in a complete case. N.B. The gold smith's and jeweller's business done with the utmost punctuality and dispatch. Wanted to Hire, a small House, with two or three rooms and a kitchen. Enquire as above.—Royal Gazette, August 26, 1778.
Henry Guest.—Goldsmiwth and Jeweller, at No. 848, Hanover-Square, Has for sale a variety of Jewellery, Hardware, Toys &c. An elegant striking and repeating Watch. Also a very good violin in a complete Case.—New-York Gazzette, and the Weekly Mercury, May 17, 1779.
Drew Hall.—Taken out of the window of the Subscriber's shop yesterday afternoon, a pair of Pinch-back Watch Cases, Newly Gilt, of no service to any person but the owner. If they are returned, a generous reward will be given, and no questions asked. Drew Hall, No. 102 Pearl Street.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, August 2, 1799.
Benjamin Halsted, Gold and Silver-Smith, Respectfully acknowledges the favours of his friends and customers, and hereby informs them and the public in general, that he carries on his business as usual, at No. 18, Maiden-lane, where all orders will be duly acknowledged and faithfully executed on the shortest notice. N.B. He sells silver tea spoons for one shilling per doz.—New-York Packet, June 8, 1787.
Benjamin Halstead.—Thimble Manufactory, Benjamin Halstead Respectfully informs his Friends and the Public in general, that he still continues carrying on the Gold and Silversmith business No. 67 Broad street, he has brought the manufactory of Gold, Silver and Pinchbeck Thimbles with steel top to great perfection and thinks he could make a sufficient quantity to supply the United States. Citizens, consider your interest, and encourage American Manufactures.
Those imported are of the Slightest kind, I will engage that one of mine, will do more service than 3 of them, and I know by experience, that imported ones of the quality of mine cost 18 shillings per doz. and could not be sold by 25 percent, as low as mine. Every dealer in this article will soon find the advantage of keeping Halsted's Thimbles, and have the satisfaction of knowing that he does his customers justice. Silver and steel Bodkins, tooth and ear picks by the doz. or single.—Diary; or Evening Register, August 30, 1794.
Henry Hart.—Watch Chrystals, made and sold by Henry Hart, Gold smith and Jeweller, in Albany.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, April 23, 1778.
William Kimberly, No. 123 Fly-Market. Has for sale, Gold, Gilt and Silver Watches. Gold and Gilt Ear-Rings, Necklaces and Breast-Pins, Plain Gold and Garnet Rings for the finger, Silver and plated Shoe-Buckles, Silver and plated table and tea-spoons, Silver and Plated Sugar-tongs, Gold and Gilt Lockets and Breast-Pins, Watch chains, Seals and Keys, Pen knives and Scissors, Red and black Morocco Pocket-Books. N.B. A very fashionable assortment of American plated shoe buckles, of the newest pattern by the Dozen. He also carries on his business in all its Branches.—Columbian Gazetteer, September 11, 1794.
John Lent, Gold, Silver-Smith, and Jeweller, No. 61 Beekman-street, Begs leave to inform the public in general, and his friends in particular, that he carries on the above business in all its various branches, in the newest and most fashionable manner. Those who please to honor him with their commands, may depend upon being served in the neatest manner, and on the most reasonable terms. The highest price given for old Gold and Silver. Wanted—as an apprentice to the above business, a young Lad that can be well recommended.—Impartial Gazetteer, July 19, 1788.
Michael Letourneaux, Gold, Silver Smith and Jeweller; Begs leave to inform the public in general, that he carries on the above business, in all its branches, and hopes to give satisfaction to all persons that may favour him with their commands.
He informs all merchants, traders &c. to the interior of the United States of America, that having spent several years in Canada, he is perfectly acquainted with such ornamental manufactures in the above mentioned line, as are adapted to the modern taste of the Indian native of the various tribes; not only in a style to gratify their vanity, but to advance a more important object to those concerned in the fur skin trade. The subscriber is not without hopes that his care and attention, in expediting all orders that may be forwarded to him, will merit the encouragement of the public, who may depend upon their work being done at the most reasonable rates. Michael Letourneaux, oof against the offender, that he may be prosecuted to conviction. F. Babcock.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 11, 1796.
John Schenck, Gold, Silver Smith, and Jeweller; No. 133 Water Street, takes the liberty to inform the public in general and his friends in particular, that he carries on the above branches with elegance and dispatch.—Time Piece; and Literary Companion, March 22, 1797.
Joshua Slidell, Gold and Silversmith, is removed from the corner of Maiden-Lane to Crown-Street, opposite the New-Dutch Church belfry, and next door to Mr. Hubert Van Wagenen's; where he carries on the said business in all its branches. He returns thanks to all those that have been pleased to favour him with their custom, and hopes for a continuance, as he will use his endeavours to give satisfaction. N.B. Said Slidell gives cash for old gold and silver.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, June 16, 1777.
W. T.—Stolen...out of the house of Mary Minshull, on Golden Hill...One desert spoon, marked with a double cypher in a circle P. E. L., the maker's stamp W. T....—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, September 1, 1777.
T. V. & I. V.—Stolen among other silver...Two Tea Spoons, cut Handles, Maker's Name T. V. and I. V.—Independent Journal: or the General Advertiser, August 13, 1785.
Daniel Van Voorhis, Jeweller, Gold and Silver Smith, No. 168 Pearl Street Has received by the latest vessel from London a Handsome assortment of Jewellery, such as gold and gilt fancy ear rings, gold seals and watch keys and trinkets, lockets fauxmounts, necklaces, neck chains &c. Likewise, a very elegant and fashionable assortment of the best London plated ware, consisting chiefly of Tea and Coffee Urns, teapots, tea caddies, sugar and cream basons gilt inside. Salvers, teapot stands, pint and half pint mugs and tumblers, beer jugs, goblets, bottle stands, cruet frames, fish knives, bread and cake baskets, cheese toasters, toast racks, dish wedges, muffeneers, wax jacks, salts, mustard tankers, sauce boats, egg stands, tea and table spoons, soup ladles, sugar tongs, snuffers and trays, lyre candlesticks, do. brackets, do branches with three lights, very elegant, a variety of the most fashionable assorted patterns do. gold and silver epaulets, guns, pistols, gilt and steel mounted swords, sportmens, and pen knives, fine and common scissors, tweezers, bodkins, plated shoe and knee buckles of newest fashion, black ditto, boot pullers, razors, corkscrews, gun chargers, fruit knives, black lead pencils, and silver pencil cases, ladies and gentlemen's pocket books, morocco miniature cases, etwees, steel and gilt watch chains, smelling bottles, tooth brushes, court plaister, corrells and bells for children, shell combs, &c. Continues to manufacture silver and gold articles as usual. The highest price given for old gold and silver.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 21, 1797.
Daniel Van Voorhis has removed from No. 168 Pearl Street to No. 141 Broadway where he has taken into partnership and in the future will conduct business under the firm of Daniel Van Voorhis and Son. They have received by the last vessel from London, a Hand Some and very fashionable assortment of Jewellery....Likewise a very elegant assortment of the very best plated ware....Every article in the Gold and Silver line executed in the neatest and newest fashion.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 22, 1797.
Daniel Van Voorhis and Son.—All persons indebted to Daniel Van Voorhis or Daniel Van Voorhis and Son are request to make payment to the subscribers only, or to their order, they being duly authorized by assignment to receive the same. Thomas White, George Knox.—New-York Daily Advertiser, August 21, 1798.
Daniel Van Voorhis.—Thieves! Ten Dollars Reward. Stolen from No. 28 Vesey-Street, on Friday evening, Six large Silver Table Spoons, one desert do., marked I. R. H in a cypher, stampt Daniel Van Voorhis, on the back of the shank with an eagle...John Hutson....—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, December 4, 1797.
Daniel Van Voorhis, Jeweller, Gold and Silversmith Respectfully inform his friends and the Public that he has recommenced business at No. 88 Maiden Lane; Where articles in gold or silver will be manufactured after the most approved taste, and has also on commission an assortment of Jewellery, plated Ware, Cutlery....—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, July 6, 1799.
Van Voorhis, Bayley and Coley, Real Manufacturers in Gold, Silver, Jewellery, &c. at No. 27, Hanover-Square. Beg leave to inform the public in general, that they have commenced business very extensively in the above Branches. They have procured the best Workmen from Europe, and flatter themselves that the Goods they manufacture will be sold on much lower Terms than those imported, and will be found equal in point of Workmanship.
They have also imported directly from the Manufacturers, a great variety of Plated Goods and Hardware, which will be disposed of on very low Terms for Cash. Also, just arrived, Vestris' Girdles for ladies, elegantly ornamented. Cash, or Goods in exchange, given for Old Sil Mr. Montgomery, where a specimen of his performance may be seen, and their work executed and returned in eight days after application.
As Reynolds has had the honor of working for some of the first characters in America, and been happy enough to gain their approbation, he will therefore submit his pretensions to favor and encouragement to the taste and judgement of a discerning public.
Coat of Arms Being used to distinquish the different families of a country from one another, even when they are of the same name: it is obvious, that in this new and rising empire, they may be made subservient to the valuable purpose of ascertaining descents, perpetuating the memorial of kindred by marriage, and pointing to the various branches of the same family. To obviate the necessity gentlemen are frequently under in this country of sending to Europe for their family coats of arms, which is attended with considerable expence and trouble; the subscriber has been induced to provide himself, at much cost and pains, with a curious collection of books of heraldry, &c. containing upwards of seventy thousand coats of arms, he therefore proposes to furnish those who may be pleased to apply to him, with their arms truly blazoned, at two dollars each. The subscriber intends registering the names, places of residence, &c. of every person applying to him for his arms, together with the arms which shall appear to belong to such person, in a book that will be provided for that purpose, which shall be deposited in the library of this city, as public property. Gentlemen already in possession of their arms, may have them registered on paying one dollar. If the arms required should not be found nothing will be demanded for the search.
Coats of arms, crests, cyphers, and all sorts of devices cut on stone; likewise all sorts of state and public seals cut on brass &c. A generous price will be given for books of heraldry. Thomas Reynolds. Orders are also received by Mr. Lamont, at the Intelligence-Office, opposite the Coffee-House.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 2, 1786.
Thomas Reynold. Stone Seal-Cutter, from Philadelphia at Robert Montgomery's No. 33 Wall Street opposite the Coffee House Bridge. Informs the Public that he cuts Coats of Arms, Crests, Cyphers, Public and Office Seals, in the very newest style. Said Reynolds has a number of Blank Seals ready for Cutting, and Blank Cornelian Stones. Any Person wanting their Arms, can be furnished with a sketch of them at two Dollars.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, January 31, 1787.
John Shaw, jeweller, Having served his regular apprenticeship to one of the most eminent workmen of the above branch of business in the city of London, and has lived in the city of New York these thirteen years, where he has had the pleasure of giving general satisfaction to those who have favoured him with their kind commands, begs leave to inform the public in general, that he has moved from Nassau-streeet, To Mr. Parnissan's, silversmith, near the Coffee-house bridge, where he makes and mends in the neatest manner and at the lowest rates all sorts of Jewellers Work in its various Branches....—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, January 13, 1777.
John Wareham lately from Birmingham has for sale at No. 37 Maiden Lane...a fresh assortment of Iron Mongery, Cutlery, Hardware, Plated Goods, Jewellery & Perfumery; whosesale and retail....N.B. Gold Lockets, drops, made and repaired. Engraving of every sort executed with neatness and taste. Handirons made to any pattern, at the shortest notice, and Handiron Heads by any quantity. Old Gold, Silver, Brass, Tin, and Lead bought and a large price given. Country and town orders will be thankfully received and duly attended to.—Columbian Gazetteer, December 26, 1793.
Lemuel Wells.—...just received, and is now opening for sale, an assortment of Watches and Jewellery, Silver, plated, and Hardware....He manufactures, and now has for sale a variety of articles made of the beautiful cylindre-shell; Viz. Ladies bracelets, rosettees, hat and Cestus buckles and clasps, hat pins, sleeve buttons, coat and vest buttons....Orders strictly attended to and executed with dispatch.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 19, 1793.
Hardware and Jewelry Store.—To be sold at John Richardson's Hardware and Jewellery store, near Hull's Tavern, in the Broadway, viz. Set Shoe, knee and stock buckles, in silver, shirt broaches set in gold, ditto in silver and in metal; gold rings, ditto metal; gold jointed wires. Scotch pebble, moco, cornelian, christile, brilliant, paste and glass locket buttons, set in silver;...silver watches, watch main springs, fuzee chains, pendants and bows, dial plates, gilt hands, seals set in silver, ditto in metal, gilt watch chains, ditto plated, steel ditto, steel jointed and common watch keys, brass ditto. Shoe and knee chapes, gilt shoe and knee buckles, plated shoe buckles, metal ditto, plated spurs, japan'd trays and teaboards, gold scales and weights in japan'd boxes, brass candlesticks, temple spectacles, common sleeve buttons, hand vises, plyers, handles and escutcheons, brass hinges, some articles in the coach makers and saddlery way, steel cork screws, buckle patterns, mother of pearl tea tongs, ditto labels for bottles....—New-York Gazette: and the Weekly Mercury, January 6, 1777.
Opera Glass.—Lost, a single Opera Glass set in Horn, imitating tortoise-shell, with a silver hinge and clasp, the letters I. M. cut on one side. Whoever will bring said Glass to the Printer hereof shall receive one Dollar reward.—Royal American Gazette, May 15, 1777.
Table Spoon.—Lost or stolen some time ago, a Silver Table Spoon, marked W*P*M. Whoever delivers it to Hugh Gaine will receive One Guinea for the same: Any one producing the Thief shall receive Two Guineas more.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, May 19, 1777.
Scots Pebble.—Lost...a Scots Pebble, with a coat of arms engrav'd upon it, the crest a Highlander full arm'd, Motto Paratus Sum. Whoever bvrings it to the bar of the Coffee-House, or the printer, shall have Two Dollars reward.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, September 8, 1777.
Snuff Box.—Three Guineas Reward. Lost, a Papier Mache Snuff Box, Gold Rims, and a Lady's Picture in the Lid....—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, October 6, 1777.
Jewelry, Hardware & Cutlery Store.—At Sause's Jewellery, hardware and cutlery store, lower end of the Fly market, may be had a fresh assortment of goods, which he has just imported...from London...silver and metal watches; chains, seals, trinkets, and springs; princes metal, brass, japanned and common candlesticks;...plated and silver spurs with and without chains; plated Pelham bits and stirrup irons;...soup, table, and tea spoons...camp pierced cruet frames with silver tops....Cash for old gold, silver, tortoiseshell, and ivory.—Rivington's New York Loyal Gazzette, October 25, 1777.
Candlestick.—Lost, a Silver Candlestick marked Mr. Stevenson, of the 10th regt. of foot...two dollars reward.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, November 17, 1777.
Forks.—Silver Table Forks, with each four Prongs, three of the above are left for sale at the Printers. They are beautiful and quite new, price Three Dollars each.—Royal Gazette, September 2, 1778.
Seal Ring.—Lost...a small Seal Ring, set in gold; the stone red; the engraving a Satyr fighting with a Goat....Two Guineas Reward.—Royal Gazette, November 7, 1778.
Compass Seal.—Lost...a Compass seal set in gold and a small black composition seal, set in Pinchbeck....—Royal Gazette, November 7, 1778.
London Jewelry.—James Gautier, No. 324 Dock-Street has a small assortment of London made Jewellery consisting of the following articles, viz. Paste, shoe, knee stock, and shirt buckles, Garnet, fancy gold and metal lockets, Garnet hoop rings, Moco and garnet paste Chester ditto. Moco fancy ditto, five and three stone ditto, Garnet fancy and plain gold shirt buckles. Moco, pebble, cypher and chrystal sleeve buttons, with several sets of best silver buckles, which may be had on the most reasonable terms for cash. N.B. The whole are to be sold together.—Royal Gazette, November 7, 1778.
Parker's Manufactory.—
All of Parker's Manufactory, with the Honourable Mr. Hambleton's Gold Antique Figure from Herculaneum; to be sold at the Prime cost. Enquire of the Printer. A specimen of the above beautiful ware being seen by the Empress of Russia, her Majesty gave immediate orders for a Desert, &c. to the Amount of Fifteen Thousand Guineas.—Royal Gazette, January 30, 1779.
Snuff Box.—Lost, in this City, the 4th instant, a tortoise-shell Snuff Box. There is a piece of gold on the lid, and another on the bottom, and opens with a hinge. A reasonable reward will be given to any Person that will deliver the said box to H. Gaine.—New-York Gazette: and the Weekly Mercury, June 7, 1779.
Ring.—Lost...a miniature Picture of a Lady in a Ring set in Gold. Whoever will bring it to the Printer shall receive Three Guineas Reward.—Royal Gazette, August 18, 1779.
Mourning Ring.—Lost a mourning Ring,...with the representation of an urn or a tombstone, with a head above the ring was set with garnets. A guinea reward will be given on its delivery to the Printer.—New-York Gazette: and the Weekly Mercury.—May 29, 1780.
Silver.—Single and double inlaid cases, with fashionable silver handled knives, forks and spoons complete, several setts of the newest patterns, silver candlesticks, silver castors, tea caddy's, &c. diamond, and other rings, gold watches with a quantity of jewellery, which will be sold on terms as cheap as they can be imported, by W. Donaldson. Who has for sale port wine by the pipe or quarter cask, 2 masts, and 10 top-masts, lying at Totten and Crassfields, and a box patent medicines.—Royal Gazette, December 6, 1780.
Auction.—Sale by Auction by Bowman and Codner...a great variety of Jewellery, hard ware, &c. amongst which are Cases of silver handled knives and forks, some of which are very capital with desert and spoons,...tankards, candlesticks, cans, cream pots, pepper boxes, table and tea spoons,...tea urns with many artlcles mounted with gold and silver.—Royal Gazette, April 28, 1781.
Auction.—Sale by Auction by Duncan, Barcley & Co....Plate, Household furniture &c. of William Butler (who is gone to Europe)...consisting of silver tea urns, coffee and tea pots, sugar dishes, tureens, butter boats and chaffing dishes, porter mugs, tumblers and goblets, salvers, sets of casters, and salts, soup, table and tea spoons, cases of silver and ivory handled knives and forks....—New-York Gazette: and the Weekly Mercury, June 18, 1781.
Ring.—Lost ring...the device of the ring is two turtle Doves, and the True Lover's Knot done in hair, and set in gold. the initials E. H. on the innerside of the ring....—New-York Gazette: and the Weekly Mercury, October 15, 1781.
Antique Ring.—Two Guineas Reward. Lost...a small antique Ring (the stone a Sard Onyx) set in a Roman fashion of an oblong form....—Royal Gazette, October 17, 1781.
Silver Bowl.—Stolen out of the house of Mr. Augustus Van Horne, in Smith-Street a few days ago, an old fashioned silver bowl, with two handles, will hold a quart, marked A. M. B. If offered for sale, it is requested it may be stopt and a handsome reward will be given to any person who will return it to Augustus Van Horne.—New-York Gazette: and the Weekly Mercury, September 16, 1782.
Gold Broach.—Lost...a Gold Broach, worked with hair, and set round with small Pearls: the device is two Doves drinking out of an Urn, under a golden canopy....—TheRoyal Gazette, April 16, 1783.
Silver Plate.—Forty Dollars Reward. Last night the house of the subscriber was broke open, and the following articles stolen, viz. one silver tankard marked T*L*M, six silver table spoons, part marked C*L*E and part I*C*L....Christopher Leffingwell, Norwich, connecticut.—New-York Gazette: and the Weekly Mercury, October 6, 1783.
Direct Importation.—George Olive, No. 20 William-Street, near the North Church. Has imported...from Europe...Jewellery, Silver and Plated Goods, Cutlery, Hardware, &c. The whole being purchased directly from the manufacturers by the Importer, enables him to dispose of them on terms well worth the attention of the Public....N.B. Cash given for old Gold and Silver Lace.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, August 4, 1784.
Gold Locket.—Lost...A gold Locket, with the initials E. D. on the back of it. The device on the face of it, executed with hair representing a large tree and two doves flying in contrary directions, with a cord in each of their beaks so disposed in the middle as to form a knot, which as they separate unite still firmer: with this motto, Amor Sinceres....Half a Guineas Reward.—New-York Packet, February 21, 1785.
Silvermine.—We have the pleasure to inform the public, that six several mines, yielding silver and lead, have been discovered on the North-River; specimens are lately brought to this city, and the refiner to whose hands the ore is confided, has the satisfaction to find in his assay from one of them an uncommon produce of silver.—Independent Journal: or, General Advertiser, August 3, 1785.
Ores Assayed.—Ores containing Gold, Silver, Copper or Lead, Assayed and their exact value ascertained, at One Guinea each which is no more than the expence attending the trial. An opinion respecting the quality of any ore given gratis, or money advanced on shares to any person possessing a mine containing any of the above minerals by a person well skilled in the art of refining and smelting. Enquire of Printer.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, August 3, 1785.
Imported Jewelry.—Michael Roberts, No 32 Hanover Square, Has just imported in the latest vessels from London, A most elegant and choice assortment of fashionable Paste Shoe Buckles, and Patent Paste Knee Buckles, all of the latest taste, with rich Blue Stone, Enamelled and Gold Edges: and a variety of Gold Rings, Lockets, Pins, Ladies' Bracelets and Bracelet Buckles, with fine Paintings, Hair-Work and Pearl Devices. Elegant Gold Seals, Watch Chains, Keys and Silk Strings, Drop Earings, Trinkets, double Gilt Girdle Buckles, &c. &c. Likewise, a new and complete assortment of Gentlemen's plated Buckles, on Steel and Copper with patent Chaps, of the most elegant and approved Patterns. With a variety of Articles in addition to his usual assortment of Iron-mongery, plated Ware, Cutlery, &c. &c. Wholesale and Retail.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, October 7, 1786.
Plated Ware.—Shaler and Sebor No 27 Queen-Street, have for sale, A quantity of plated ware, consisting of Candlesticks, branches, tea caddies, snuffer pans, egg cups, goblets, coffee pots and muffineers, black table cases, with knives, forks and spoons compleat, cruit stands, paper bottle stands, japanned bread-trays, caddies and snuffer pans, plate warmers, brass chafing dishes, corkscrews, steelsnuffers, sadlery, brass rings, cloak pins, sleeve buttons....a variety of other articles will be disposed of for cash or shipping produces, at a price below the sterling cost.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 31, 1788.
A Silver Mine has not long since been discovered in Conway, in Massachusetts; the ore proves very good. The mine spreads over 30 acres of Land.—New-York Weekly Museum, October 11, 1788.
Handkerchief Pin.—Lost...an oval Hdks. Pin. The device (in hair work) two birds and a mount, a woman bending over, and encircling them with a wreath of flowers. Over her head the word 'Friendship' on the front of the mount, the initials C. H. K....five dollars reward.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 13, 1791.
London Plated Ware.—Thomas White, has received by the Montgomery from London...an elegant assortment of Plated Ware...consisting of 5, 7, and 8 Glass Castors with salts to match, oval fluted candlesticks, with branches to match, pedestal, bracket, and chambre, do. sugar and cream basons with ladles, dish crosses, oval and round waiters, bottle sliders, table & desert knives & forks, &c. &c.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 2, 1791.
Plated & Pontypool Ware.—Elegant and Substantial plated and Pontipool Dining and Tea Table Articles imported...from Bristol by Francis Child & Co. and will be opened for sale on Monday next, at their Store, corner of King-street in Water-street as one of the partners is just now in England, and purchased these articles on the spot himself, they are of the most fashionable kinds now in use, and being bought at low prices, can be sold on very reasonable terms.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 1, 1793.
Imported Ware.—John J. Staples, Jun. Has removed to 238 Queen Street, corner of King Street, where he has entered into partnership with his father, under the firm of John J. Staples & Son, who have imported, in the Factor from London, the Portland, the Mary and Severn from Bristol, the Alexander from Liverpool, and the Holderness from Hull. A very extensive assortment of the most fashionable silver plated, and Brittania metal wares, jewellery, cutlery, hardware and japannery, inlaid cabinet work, clocks and watches, watch materials, and tools of every description. With a large variety of articles in the fancy line, which they will open in a few days, and dispose of by wholesale or retail on very reasonable terms. Likewise, 50 Boxes of tin in Plates.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 9, 1793.
Imported Plated Ware, a small assortment of elegant Plated Ware, consisting of Bracket and Chamber Candlesticks, 1, 2, and 3 light sconces, small Coffee Urns, with lamps, Sugar and Cream ewers, Salts, gilt inside, Tea cadies and tea pots, Large and small spoons, fish knives, buckles, &c. Received by the latest vessels from Europe, and now selling at a moderate advance, by Joshua Edwards and Co. No. 12 Great Dock Street.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 14, 1793.
Plated Ware, a small consignment of well assorted plated ware, consisting of tea waiters, urns, tea pot, cadies, sugar and cream bason cheese roaster, fruit basket, dish ring, egg frame, toast rack, gilt salts, scallop shells, dish cross, soup ladle, branches, tankards, two ounce cannister, cream jug, candlesticks, &c. with a general assortment of plated buckles, gilt and plated buckles, received per the last arrivals from Bristol, to be sold at a reasonable advance by the case, for cash or approved notes, by john Hastier, No. 78 Water street opposite the Old Slip....—New-York Daily Advertiser, August 14, 1794.
Snuff Box.—Lost. A Snuff box of Gayac wood, adorned with four gold circles, of which one is lost, and bearing a women's picture....handsomely rewarded.—French and American Gazette, July 15, 1795.
Auction.—To be Sold at Auction, At the Stores of the Subscribers, 141 Pearl-Street...Silver and Plated Ware, All kinds of Jewellery, All sorts of Watches & Marble Time-Pieces, Cut-glass, Chandeliers, Japanned Wares....David launey and Co.—New-York Diary, January 6, 1797.
Tea Pot.—Stolen yesterday afternoon an elegant silver tea-pot with an ornamental lid, resembling a Pine-apple, and cyphered in an oval I E S D. Whoever will return it to No. 40 Pine Street, will be liberally rewarded and no questions asked.—Commercial Advertiser, October 10, 1797.
Elegant Jewellery just opened and for sale by Staples, Stilwell and Deforest, No. 167 Pearl street, in addition to the most fashionable gold-ear-rings and pins to match, enriched with real pearls, Gold necklaces and ear-rings, faux-montres, lockets, medallions and chains. Ladies and Gentlemen watch chains, seals, keys and trinkets, Pearl and enamelled border rings, bracelets etc.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 1, 1798.
Jewelry.—P. and G. Skidmore, Have for sale, at their London, Birmingham and Sheffield Warehouse, No. 222 Pearl street just imported in the Chesapeak, Severn and America; Jewellery, of the first quality and the newest London fashions—Consisting of enamel'd, gold and pearl rings and bracelets; Bugle necklaces, lockets, gold watch chains, seals and keys; sett knee buckles, glass beads, &c. a large and elegant assortment of plated ware; patent slideing and screw socket Candlesticks....—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 14, 1798.
Plate Powder. This Powder which has been universally approved of for cleaning, polishing, and beautifying of silver Plated Ware, or Britannia Mettel, continue to be sold at Wm. Husband's No 166 in William street; also, Furniture Balls, and Green famous spit Ball for cleaning, polishing and beautifying of shoes, Boots &c. which dont soil the stocking in the least, and the leather is preserved by the blacking alone.—Weekly Museum, November 10, 1798.
Seal.—Lost...a Cornelian Seal: on one side the arms, three fleur-de-lys, on the other, the crest, a wild boar, with an arrow stuck in his side and the Cypher C. P. Two dollars will be paid for it....—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, May 13, 1799.
Elegant French Jewellery Lately Imported and ready for Sale by John Cauchois No. 196 Broadway, consisting of Gold and Pearl Necklaces, Do. Ear Rings and Drops, do. Finger Rings, Do. Gentlemen's and Ladies Watch Chains, Seals and Keys, Medallions, Breast Pins, &c. &c. Those articles are well worth the attention of Merchants and Shippers, as they are mostly calculated for the French and Spanish Islands, the quality warranted, and the prices very reasonable. Also from England, Plated and Japan'd Wares, Cutlery of all kinds, different Perfumery, Hair Powder of his own manufacture by the box, Brass and Steel Andirons, Shovels and Tongs....—New-York Daily Advertiser, December 12, 1799.
Mr. Campbell.—Yesterday morning...a fire broke out in the building of Mr. Campbell, pot-baker in Broadway, near the Hospital; which in a little time nearly destroyed the same. The wells in the neighbourhood being exhausted in a few minutes of their water....—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 1, 1788.
A Pottery for Sale.—To Be Sold. A Pottery, for the Manufacture of Earthenware, situated about eight miles from Powles-Hook, and a few miles above New-Ark, on the banks of Passaic or Second River, where wood may be procured on reasonable terms, and from whence there is an easy water carriage of about 25 miles to New-York. For particulars enquire at No. 45, Broad-street, New-York: Or of Burnet Richards, at Mr. Kingston, New Barbadoes Neck.—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 3, 1787.
Tivoli Ware.—To the Public. A new Manufactory of yellow or cream Ware, such as never was made in this country before, has been established at Red Hook landing, on the east bank of the North River, under the name of Tivoli Ware, where any command for all sorts and shapes of ware, with different colored edges. Likewise compleat table and tea sets, strong pickle, pomatum and druggist pots, white varnished, will be executed; and merchants supplied by, post paid to Mr. J. Mouchet, at said factory.
N.B. The above Ware will be sold at a great deal cheaper than any imported for cash or approved notes. A few apprentices wanted, who will be taught by the most skillfull European hands, in that useful trade. Apply as above, or in New York to Mr. Samuel Hake, merchant, Coenties-slip.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, May 12, 1798.
Vauxhall Pottery.—Thomas Oakes, Begs leave to inform the public, that he has purchased the paint works, erected on part of his concerns at the Pottery Vauxhall by Mr. Davenport, where he shall at all times have for sale ground white lead, Spanish brown, yellow ochre, verdegrease, prussian blue and patent yellow, of the first quality and on the lowest terms. Orders recieved at the works, or by Wood and Dawson 44 front street, who will always have a constant supply of the same on hand, for sale either wholesale or retail. Merchants shipping paints to the Southward or the West Indies, can be supplyed with any quantity of the above in suitable packages.
The Pottery works carried on in the same extensive manner as usual.—New-York Daily Advertiser, July 17, 1798.
Vaux-Hall Pottery, Thos. Oakes, acquaints his customers and the public, that he continues his manufactory, of brown earthen ware at Vaux-Hall, the lower end of Warren street, where general assortment are always kept. A decided preference still holds to his ware, and hopes by every exertion to merit the approbation of his generous fellow citizens. Chymists, sugar bakers, refiners and all others, that may want any thing made out of common way, may be supplied at his manufactory, upon as low terms as upon the continent, country traders would do well to apply here.
Goods shipped and delivered in any part of the city free of expence.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 21, 1794.
Bremen Glass Manufactory.—Glass American Manufacture, May be had, from the New Bremen Glass Manufactory, near Baltimore; All sorts, sizes, and dimensions of window coach and hollow glass ware on as, or more reasonable terms than can be imported from Europe. Orders for any sort of glass from the above Manufactory are received and will be forwarded by David Grim No. 50 Water Street, where a few boxes of window and hollow glass are now for sale.
The above mentioned glass may be had, cut with letters, cyphers, crests, flowers, or devices agreeable to the fancy of the purchasers from 4d. 8d. 1s. 2s. 2s6. to 40s. a piece, besides the price of the glass.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 1, 1791.
Glass Factory.—Albany. As friends to the progress of America manufactories we congratulate the proprietors and the public, that the extensive Glass Factory in the neighborhood of this city, is now in full operation both at the old and new works. This valuable establishment has met with obstacles for this two months, partly owing to some bad materials. But at length, we are told, they are happily surmonted with a fair prospect of increasing prosperity.—The Harald, December 20, 1794.
Glass House.—Taken up by Isaac kip at the Glass-House, a pair of horses....—Royal American Gazette, August 8, 1780.
Glass House.—To be sold...The well known houses and lots of ground, with a large carpenter's and blacksmith shop of the late Lodwyk Bamper, deceased, No. 24 Beekman street New York...—New York Packet, January 26, 1787.
Glass Manufactures—Progress of Arts and Manufactures. At Albany they have established a glass manufactory, and at Boston is established another. The Albany glass is as cheap as that from Europe....—Gazette of the United States, August 15, 1789.
Upon the Manufacture of Glass. Bottles, black or green, are the most simple of all glass manufacture—the profits in making which depends upon the greatest number of workmen being employed at the smallest expense of fuel. From eight to sixteen blowers can work all at once, at one melting furnace, six feet diameter, which will take six cords of wood every twenty four hours. The best constructed green glass furnace in this country is in New Jersey—where the whole business of smelting, blowing, and cooling is done with one fire, by the particular construction of the furnace.
White glass may also be made in the same furnace: but it is much more curious in its composition; for to make it white, it must partake of all the colours—for this reason—in smelting the purest materials, they naturally have a greenish and purplish tinge; to dislodge which a blackish fossil substance is made use of—upon this principle, that one colour in glass making will destroy another; so that at last a beautiful glass is produced called white; but like the christaline humor of the eye, it partakes of all the colours, as may be seen in the best English white glass which has a changeableness like soap bubbles; but in the best London crown glass, or mirrours, you will not perceive any of that sparkling, changeable power, because it would destort the object seen through or reflected, on account of the refracting power of such glass; therefore this glass is made of pure salts and sands only and has a native greyish colour, as may be seen by the broken pieces that, like water, they may reflect the objects truly.
Crown glass may be made here to greater profit than any other glass—on account of the plenty and cheapness of materials—the quantity that can be made—and the great consumption of it—The method of making which—form and deimensions of the furnace—preparation of the materials—I shall waive for particular reasons. A Glass Maker.—Gazette of the United States, July 25, 1789.
Maryland Glass Factory.—American Glass. It is with pleasure we learn that the glass manufactory in Maryland, is thriving fast. The glass lately manufactured there is equal in quality to that imported frm Europe: when we consider the great expence and labour attending an undertaking of this kind, the advantage and benefits resulting from the establishment of manufactories in America, we cannot but hope that the encouragement of both the public and individuals, will be equally great. We learn that Looking Glasses will be manufactured at these works in the spring.—Gazette of the United States, April 7, 1790.
New Jersey Glass Manufactory. The proprietors of the New-Jersey Glass Manufactory have on hand for sale on reasonable terms, the following articles of Glass-Ware viz:
Retorts and receivers, tincture bottles, Snuff and mustard bottles, Pocket, quart and two quart farmers' bottles, Claret and lavender bottles, Vials assorted, from half ounce to 8 ounces. Order received for any of the above kinds of Glass, by Levi Garret, no 120, Fourth Front-street, Philadelphia, and the proprietors Woodbury, Gloucester county, N. Jersey. Heston & Carpenter.—Mercantile Advertiser, December 6, 1799.
John Black—For Sale, two hundred and eight Crates Staffordshire Earthenware, assorted, consisting of cream coloured, blue and white cups & saucers, bowls, plates, dishes, tureens, chambers, wash basons, teapots, mugs, jugs &c.: green edged table services compleat, suitable for genteel, private families. 7 hogsheads of glassware well assorted. John Black, 139 Front.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 11, 1796.
John Bleecker.—Glass and Earthen Ware just received a large and general assortment of Glass and Earthen Ware, by the subscriber at No. 28 Maiden Lane, and to be sold wholesale and retail, on the very lowest terms for cash or short credit. Any person inclining to purchase from 20 to 50 crates, may have them at a small advance from the sterling cost. John Bleecker.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 20, 1791.
Richard Capes.—Snuff Bottles...for sale by Richard Capes, at No. 159 Pearl street. Who has also on hand 2 crates of assorted fine cut glass, consisting of elegant blue quart wine decanters, cut tops and bottoms, blue finger cups tale mustard pots and tops, blue basons, cream jugs, tale salts, assorted smelling dram and pickle bottles, ink square, nipple shells and eye glasses....—The Daily Advertiser, January 5, 1797.
Delannoy & Goynard. No. 119 Pearl street, Have just received an assortment of blue and white, and painted China, in table and tea sets, Bowls, Cups and Saucers, a few French China table sets. Looking glasses with white and gilt frames. Clocks richly adorned. Gilt lamps, Shades and window glass, East India Table Cloths and a variety of French and English glasses of every description.—Argus. Greenleafs' New Daily Advertiser, August 9, 1796.
Samuel Dunlap & Son, No. 13 Queen St. Have for sale....an assortment of cut and plain glass, vase lamps, looking glasses, and an assortment of China, including table sets, tea sets, &c. An assortment of green and blue edged ware in sets or separate. Hyson & Sonchong Tea.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 1, 1791.
John Duryee, Jr.—For Sale, 100 crates Earthen ware, suited for the West-India Market, at a lower price than can be imported. Enquire of John Duryee Jun. No. 98 Maiden Lane.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, April 4, 1799.
Daniel Ebbets.—Just imported...from Liverpool and now opening for sale by Daniel Ebbets...a neat assortment of glass ware consisting of the following articles, viz. cut and plain quart and pint decanters, quart, pint, half pint and jill tumblers, flower'd wine glasses, Mason and common ditto &c.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, July 5, 1779.
Indian Glue. A very delicate and strong Cement always ready for use in perfectly mending Ladies Fans, ornamental china, carved works, trinkets, glass and even Basons for common use, and Furniture: It is a most useful article to be always kept ready in a family, as pieces are often lost for want of a proper Cement at hand. Price Four shillings a Stick. Enquire of the Printer.—The Royal Gazette, September 15, 1779.
William Laight & Co. Have for sale...China Ware elegant patterns, pencilled in gilt. Imported in the Experiment, Capt. Dean just arrived from China.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, May 2, 1787.
Maria S. Morton Has on hand a neat assortment of Dry Goods, suitable to the season. Oval and square gilt Looking Glasses. Oval and square gilt Mahogany Glasses. Oval and square gilt Dressing Glasses. China arrived from Canton, in the ship Empress of China. Table and tea table setts compleat, Blue and white and enamelled half pint basons and saucers. Blue and White and enamelled Breakfast and common cups and saucers. Blue and white and enamelled Bowls of different sizes...Two very curious small Tea Chests. All which will be sold low. Jersey currency taken as payment.—New-York Gazetteer, and the Country Journal, June 14, 1785.
Harry Peters.—China, Glass and Earthenware, wholesale and Retail by Harry Peters,...from England...complete dining table setts of brown, wine, blue, green edge ware, An elegant assortment of cut, engraved and plain glass ware, consisting of decanters, water carafes, vases, wine glasses, goblets, tumblers, lemonades, jelly glasses, sweetmeat glasses, parimids [sic] of salver, salad bowls, salts, mustard, &c. of various patterns, to make complete table setts. A few Pair chandaliers, glass lamps and shades for entries, Liquor cases with glasses and bottles for travelling, a variety of tea and breakfast china, in setts, by the box, gross or dozen, Blue & white china table and desert plates, also a good assortment of low-riced glass and earthen ware, by the crate or less quantity.—The Daily Advertiser April 14, 1796.
Rhinelander's Store.—China Ware just imported in the Hannah from London. A large and very general assortment among which are six complete blue and white table sets; bowls of all sizes, breakfast bowls and saucers, cups and saucers of different sizes and patterns, Looking-Glasses...to be sold at Rhinelander's Store, the corner of Burling's Slip.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, July 14, 1777.
Rhinelander.—Now selling off at a very low rate at Rhinelanders store...Elegant enameled and blue and white China bowls, from half pint to eight quarts, cups and saucers, bowls and saucers, compleat tea setts, mugs, dishes, tureens &c. Best cut and plain glass sallad bowls, fruit dishes, butter tubs, basons and plates, two quart, quart, pint and half pint decanters, water bottles, tumblers, pint and half pint glasses, claret and wine glasses, square flint bottles, from half pint to four quarts, Crewits and frames, phials &c. A large and general assortment of plain, enameled and blue and white earthen-ware...The store to be let from the first of May.—New-York Packet, April 17, 1786.
James I. Roosevelt.—Just arrived and for sale by James I. Roosevelt No. 42 Maiden Lane. A large and elegant assortment of Looking glasses, girandoles, patent lamps, paper hangings, wine glasses and decanters, tea and other articles.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 15, 1793.
Samuel Schuyler.—To be Sold by Samuel Schuyler, At his Store...a large assortment of paper hangings, elegant patterns; a great variety of handsome looking glasses, plain and ornamental; a quantity of neat blue and white China consisting of the following articles, viz. Tea cups and saucers, breakfast ditto, sugar cups and covers, soup and shallow plates, teapots, milkpots, pint bowls, quart and half gallon ditto. Likewise burnt china bowls, plates, &c....—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, February 3, 1777.
Wm. Drewet Smith.—White Flint Glass Bottles, now selling, By William Drewet Smith, No. 961 Burling-Slip. A great variety, from half a gallon to a gill, very proper for officers Canteens; they will likewise by useful for Grocers, Confectioners, Perfumers, &c. Shop boxes, nests of drawers, show glasses &c.—Royal Gazette, November 18, 1778.
William Stangman.—Glass Ware, wholesale and retail, at very reduced prices, William Stangman...assortment of white flint glass, of the best quality, both cut and plain, consisting of decanters, tumblers, wine glasses & a few table setts of elegant double flint, cut and engraved in a beautiful manner....
N.B. His connections with an extensive glass manufactory enables him to sell this article on the lowest terms, and wholesale dealers will find their advantage in viewing the quality and prices of his goods, before they purchase elsewhere.—New-York Packet, April 20, 1786.
William Van Beuren, Respectfully informs his friends, and the public in general, that he continues to solicit their friendship, and has opened a Wholesale and Retail Earthen & Glass Warehouse No. 72, New Albany Pier, N. River, He has received a Quantity directly from the Manufactures, which he intends to sell low for cash or a reasonable credit. Those who please to favor him with their orders shall be Punctually attended to, and gratefully acknowledged, by their humble servant, W. Van Beuren.—The Diary; or Evening Register, March 1, 1797.
William Williams.—China, Glass and Earthen Ware Store. William Williams, No. 46, Maiden-Lane, near Fly Market, has imported in the Mentor from London, the following Articles, which he has just opened, and is selling on the lowest Terms: Blue and Burnt China Cups and Saucers, all sizes, with Sugar Dishes, Slop Basons, and Milk Po library ditto; Upholstery work in the newest taste, such as state and canopy beds, Gothic and field ditto, soffa and settee ditto, tallboy and low ditto, to fold in twenty inch compass, parlour and fire screen, Venetian blinds, bed and window curtains, window cornishes in wood or paper mash mouldings gilt or plain, paper hung on the shortest notice, feather beds, mattrasses with sacking bottoms, and umbrellas made and repaired; Trunk work in all its branches, viz. Camp, coach, and portmantua trunks, ladies gilt ditto, fiddles and guitar cases, Plate and china ditto, hat and cap ditto, canteens and valeeses, furr caps and band boxes. He likewise is supplied with the best varnishes in oyl and spirits, gold lacker, fat oil, and drying ditto, that will dry in six hours, and if used on bedsteads will destroy any vermin; oyl cloths and paper for many uses, such as windows, floors &c. &c. that will not crack and is good for the sight; he will paint rooms in water or oil on the most reasonable terms, and hopes to meet that encouragement by his punctuality which will be his constant study to merit.
N.B. A few Chest of toys to be sold, and a Bird Organ with twenty tunes on two barrels.—New-York Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, February 2, 1785.
Joseph Fuller.—The subscriber takes this method of informing the public, that he carries on the Window-Blind Manufactory, at No 5 Robinson street, Having a large assortment of Blinds on hand at present, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms; he hopes, that his former customers will continue their favours; and any orders from the country shall be properly attended to, and executed with neatness and dispatch. N.B. Also, all kinds of cabinet work carried on as above. Joseph Fuller.—Argus, or Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, June 6, 1795.
Joseph Fuller.—Window Blinds. The subscriber returns his most sincere thanks to the public and his friends in particular for past favours and hopes for the continuation of the same, as he continues to carry on the Window Blind manufactory, No. 5 Robinson Street New York, where he has a large quantity on hand.
He also imported the best trimmings from Europe, and hopes to give general satisfaction, as he can answer any orders from city or country, at the shortest notice, with neatness, lower than the market price. N.B. An elegant assortment and fashionable Cabinet Furniture at the above Ware-Room. Joseph Fuller.—The Diary; or Evening Register, July 17, 1796.
Joseph Fuller.—Coffins of all sizes ready made, to be had at No. 5, Robertson-street, by J. Fuller, cabinet-maker, near the College.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, September 7, 1798.
Daniel Gautier.—The subscriber having administered to the estate of Mr. Daniel Gautier, of the City of New-York, Carpenter, deceased...Peter Webbers, Administrator.—Independent Gazette; or the New-York Journal Revived, January 10, 1784.
A. Gifford, Cabinet and Chair-Maker, Respectfully informs his Friends that he continues to carry on his Business in all its variosu Branches, at his Shop between No. 42, and No. 43, Maiden Lane.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, August 23, 1786.
Gifford & Scotland, Cabinet Makers, Have removed from Maiden Lane to John street, No 4 between William and Nassau street, Where they have for sale, and do intend to keep in their Ware Room, a good Assortment of Furniture Viz. Desk and book cases, scrutoire do. chest of drawers, wardrobes, dining tables, pembrook do. card do. dressing do. night do. writing do. sofas and chairs both Plain and Inlaid. Also Compting-house desks, travelling do. clock cases, knife do. tambours, looking glass frames, picture frames shaving stands, bason do. spinning jennies, carding engines, with every other article in their way. Also Funeral Work performed. And they expect that the quality of their work, and the reasonableness of their prices, will insure to them the attention of the public.
Orders from the country, and from the southern states (by whom they have been much favor'd) are duly attended to.
N.B. Mahogany, in Logs, Planks and Boards and country wood for sale. A large dry cellar to Let.—New-York Daily Gazette, April 29, 1791.
Gifford & Scotland.—For Sale by Gifford & Scotland, Cabinet Maker, No. 25 John street. One pair of very elegant Looking Glasses; the size of the plates, is 51 inches, by 33 just finished. I pair do, plate 48 in. by 26 in. imported from London. Also an assortment of smaller ones, down to 14 in. by 9; which they will sell on very low terms. N.B. As they have a variety of plates, frames may be made to suit the purchases of any description.—The Diary; or Evening Register. July 17, 1794.
Gifford & Scotland.—Mahogany Furniture and Looking Glasses at Reduced Prices. Gifford and Scotland No. 25 John street are selling off their large and elegant assortment of Mahogany Furniture and Looking Glasses of all sorts and sizes. Also Plate unframed of all dimension. N.B. Looking Glasses silvered.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, April 14, 1797.
Gifford & Scotland.—The Co-partnership of Gifford and Scotland is dissolved by mutual consent. All those to whom they are indebted, are desired to bring in their bills; and all those that are indebted to them, are desired to make immediate payment. Andrew Gifford, John Scotland. The business will be carried on by John Scotland.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, May 6, 1799.
James Hallet, Jun. Informs his friends and the public in general, that he carries on the Cabinet and Chair Making Business, at No. 20, Beekman Street, directly opposite the Chapel; Where they may be supplied with all kinds of Furniture in his line, at a short notice. For sale, all kinds of Mahogany, Cherry, Bilsted Whitewood Boards and Joice. He hopes the goodness of his work, & endeavors to give satisfaction, will ensure him encouragement.
All favors will be gratefully acknowledged. Likewise a few logs of choice St. Domingo Mahogany. One or two Journeymen wanted, who are good workmen. Also, one or two apprentices to the above business.—New-York Daily Gazette, March 26, 1794.
James Hallet, Junior Informs his friends and others that he has opened a new ware Room at 9 Beekman St. 4 doors from Pearl Street Where he has ready made all kinds of Mahogany furniture for sale on reasonable terms Having a large quantity of Choice mahogany, &c. has it in his power to supply with any thing in the Cabinet and Chair making business, at a short notice, and equal in quality to any made in this city.—The Daily Advertiser, April 5, 1796.
James Hallet, Jun. Informs his friends and the public in general, that he has ready made and for sale at his Ware Room, No. 9 Beekman Street, four doors from Pearl Street, a large and extensive assortment of Sophas, Chairs, Secretaries, tables, desks, wardrobes and sideboards of every description, as well as a variety of other articles. Orders for any article in the Cabinet line executed with elegance and dispatch. Also, for sale as above, mahogany in logs, planks and boards.—The Daily Advertiser, March 22, 1797.
John Hardie, No. 21 Crown street, near Smith street, Respectfully informs the public, That he has procured an Assortment of the best Mahogany, and that he carries on the Cabinet Making Business, in all its parts. Those who are pleased to favour him with their employment, may be assured that they will be served in the neatest and most fashionable manner, and on the most reasonable terms.
N.B. A journeyman wanted immediately, None but a good workman need apply.—New-York Daily Gazette, May 3, 1791.
George Harding.—By accounts from Philadelphia we are informed, that a very honest cabinet makewr, named George Harding, was last saturday reprieved under their gallows; he had been after long confinement condemned for genuine toryism, by that righteous judge, that second Daniel, Thomas M'Kean.—The Royal Gazette, May 8, 1779.
William Hedderly, Church, Ship and House Bell Founder, No 38, Nassau-street near John street, Begs leave to inform the citizens of New-York, that he also hangs house Bells on the latest English Patent construction, or on other new and improved principles. Bells, locks, and windup jacks, cleaned and repaired. Stair rods to any dimension. Any Lady or Gentlemen, favouring him with their orders may depend on having their work executaker's arms, a turning lath, and two windsor chairs properly emblazoned Motto: `Free Trade'. `The federal states in union bound, O'er all the world our chairs are found'...—The Impartial Gazetteer, August 9, 1788.
Abraham Alstine & Elam Williams.—The partnership of Alstine and Williams, cabinet-Makers, is this day by mutual consent dissolved. All persons indebted to the firm are requested to make payment to Elam Williams, No. 167 William street, where the books are kept. Abraham Alstine, Elam Williams, N.B. The business will in future be carried on by Abraham Alstine, No. 147 William street, where all orders will be punctually attended to, and every favor thankfully received.—Commercial Advertiser, May 1, 1798.
Thomas and William Ash, Windsor Chair Makers, No 17, John Street, Beg leave to return their sincere thanks to the Gentlemen of this city and state, and particularly to the Captains of Vessels, for the many favours they have received, and would beg the continuance of their commands. They have now ready at the Ware-House, a great number of very neat Chairs and Settees, some of which is very elegant, being stuffed in the seat and brass nailed, a mode peculiar to themselves, and never before executed in America, and is equal to any mahogany, and comes much cheaper.—The New-York Packet (supplement), March 3, 1785.
Thomas Ash.—Five dollars Reward. Ranaway yesterday morning from his master an apprentice named John Warner....Thomas Ash.—New-York Daily Advertiser, February 10, 1786.
Amos Broad, Cabinet-Maker, and Upholsterer, Informs his friends and the public, that he has for sale, three doors south of the City Hall, in Court St. a large and general assortment of Mahogany and Cherry Furniture. Sideboards, Secretaries, Desks, Book-Cases, Mahogany and cherry Tables of all kinds, Mahogany chairs, Bedsteads, Sophas, Mattresses and Beds of Different Kinds. The above articles will be sold lower than they can be purchased in New York.—Albany Register, March 8, 1799.
Thomas Burling, Cabinet and Chair Maker, Has returned to this city, and resumed his former calling, at the sign of the Chair, near the Chapel, in Beekman-street, formerly Chapel-street; Where he executes, with neatness and dispatch, the different articles in his branch; and will gratefully acknowledge all favours of his friends and the public in general.
He served his time with Samuel Prince, a conspicuous character in his way, and esteemed one of the first workmen in this city; and as he means to employ the best hands, flatters himself with encouragement from his former customers and fellow citizens.
He has now for sale, various kinds of Mahogany and other furniture. Said Burling sells mahogany for stair case work, and all kinds of stuff suitable for joiners.—New-York Packet, January 24, 1785.
Thomas Burling Cabinet and Chair maker, at the Sign of the Chair...has opened a Ware Room of Mahogany and other Furniture, on a more extensive plan than heretofore; and for the convenience of strangers and others, who may resort to or settle in this city, he means to keep an assortment where they may be supplied on the shortest notice; for it must hurt the feelings of every citizen to observe the daily imposition strangers are liable to, in purchasing new furniture at these public vendues.
He served his time with Samuel Prince, a conspicuous character in his way, and esteemed one of the best workmen in this city; and as he has laid in a stock of the best Mahogany and other wood, and means to employ the best hands...able to give satisfaction to his customers. Bed chairs for the sick having been much wanted in this city, said Burling has provided some te let.—Daily Advertiser, March 16, 1787.
Thomas Burling.—Friend M'Lean, Impressed with a sense of the obligation I am under to my fellow citizens for their peculiar exertions to save my House and property, which was recently threatened with inevitable destruction, by fire, that I feel a wish, through the medium of thy paper, to communicate to them, not only my acknowledgements, therefore, but to inform them, that altho I met with a loss, and was a few days deprived of pursuing my business, yet I suffered so little in my stock of Mahogany and Ready Made Furniture, that I am again enabled to resume my business as usual, and hope to merit a continuance of their favors by my endeavors to use them well. Thomas Burling Cabinet-Maker.—New-York Daily Gazette, January 26, 1789.
Thomas Burling Cabinet and Chair Maker, Has taken his son into partnership the business therefore in the future, will be carried on under the firm of Thomas Burling and Son, No. 36 next to the Chapple in Beekman street, New York....—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 17, 1791.
Thomas Burling & Son Cabinet & Chair Makers. Find it necessary to inform their friends and the public, that they have not dissolved partnership as some of their customers apprehend, the mistake has arisen from the dissolution of a partnership between Edward Burling and Son.
Thomas Burling & Son still continue the above bvusiness in a very extensive manner, at No 25 Beekman street (next to the Chapple) and at no other place. They have now on hand, a large assortment of the best Mahogany furniture (some of a very superior quality) which they mean to sell at the lowest prices, that work of equal goodness sells at.—Argus. Greenleaf New Daily Advertiser, September 5, 1796.
Carter & Burling.—...the Joiner's shop of Carter and Burling in Chapel street was plundered of all their working tools, &c. &c. by some Persons unknown.—New-York Gazette: and the Weekly Mercury, September 22, 1783.
Carter & Burling.—Just opened and for sale on the lowest terms by Carter and Burling at their Warehouse, No 65 Beekman street. A large and elegant assortment of looking glasses equal in quality to any in this city. A few pair handsome cut glass table and mantel lustres, and a good assortment of looking glass plates. They have also on hand a large quantity of Mahogany, sawed or in logs.—New-York Daily Advertiser, December 11, 1796.
William Challen, Fancy Chairmaker from London Begs leave to return thanks to his Friends, for the encouragement he has already met with, and informs them, that he is removed from Chatham Street (near the Tea Water Pump) to No. 129 William Street, between Fair and John Streets, where he manufactures all sorts of dyed, japanned, wangee and bamboo chairs, settees, etc. and every article in the fancy chair line, executed in the neatest manner, and after the newest and most approved London patterns.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, February 22, 1797.
Seabury Champlin & Edward Burling under the firm name of Champlin and Burling, No. 53 Beekman-street, Take the liberty of soliciting the favours of their particular friends, and the Public in general. They carry on the Cabinet Making business in all its branches, and have in their Ware Room, a variety of fashionable and well made Mahogany furniture, which they will sell on the most reasonable terms. N.B. Particular orders will be attended to in such a manner as to merit future favours.—Weekly Museum, June 22, 1793.
C. Christian, Cabinet-maker, No. 61, New Street. Respectfully informs the public, that he manufactures all sorts of Portable or gentlemens travelling Desks, on the newest and most approved methods at the most reduced prices.—The Time Piece; and Literary Companion, July 13, 1798.
Ebenezer Clark Takes this method to inform the public that he has removed to this city with a number of Journeymen and Apprentices, to carry on the House Carpenter and Joiners Business. Any gentlemen that will favor him with their custom may be assured that his closest application shall not be wanting, with his endeavours to please, and every possible means made use of in the compass of his art, to make their bills as light as possible.
N.B. Enquire in Cortland-street. almost opposite Paules Hook Ferry-stairs.—The Daily Advertiser, April 7, 1786.
James Cole.—The subscriber has opened a shop in this town where he carries on Cabinet & Chair making, and all the variety of Shop joinery. He hopes to gain, as he is determined (by a steady and punctual attention to business) to meet the favours and confidence of the public: such of whom as may wish to employ him in any of the above branches are assured, that their work shall be done in the most elegant manner on the shortest notice, and on very reasonable terms, by their humble servant. James Cole.—Catskill Packet, August 13, 1792.
Peter Colon.—..Whereas all the real Estate of which Peter Colon, late of the city of New-York, Chair maker, deceased, died seized in this state, has been sold by order of the Judge of the Court of Probate of this State....—New-York Packet, September 14, 1786.
Thomas Conrey, Cabinet and Chair Maker, Respectfully informs his friends in particular and the public in general that he has removed from Nassau-street to Chatham street, next door to Mr. Janeway's, where he carries on the above business in all its various branches. N.B. He also makes Venetian Blinds.—The Weekly Museum, March 22, 1794.
Thomas Connery, No. 90 Chatham street near the Tea-Water-pump, Respectfully informs the Public and his friends, that he has on hand a general assortment of fashionable Mahogany Furniture, which he will sell cheap for cash.
N.B. All orders attended to and compleated with dispatch. Venetian Blinds made and hung at the shortest notice.—weekly Museum, March 28, 1795.
Cooper. Trunk, Brush and Windsor Chair Manufacturer, No. 271 Pearl Street, formerly Queen Street, three doors above Beekman slip. Makes and sells whoesale and retail all kinds of trunks, Brushes and Windsor Chairs on the most reasonable terms. From the extensive manner in which he carries on the above branches, he flatters himself he will have it in his power to sell as low if not lower than any imported or manufactured in any of the United States.
N.B. Masters of vessels and others, may be supplied with Windsor chairs of all kinds at the shortest notice. Orders from town and country faithfully attended to, and strictly executed. Carolina Indigo by the cask or smaller quantity. Moroco leather of various colours sold very reasonable. Cash two shillings per pound given for clean combed Hogs Bristles.—The Diary; or Evening Register, August 30, 1794.
John De Witt & Co. Windsor Chair Makers, Begs leave to inform their friends and the public in general, that they continue to carry on the above business at No. 38 White Hall Street, near the battery; and at No 450 Pearl Street, (formerly Queen Street.)
Likewise, Windsor Chairs japann'd and neatly flowered. Also Settees of any size, made in the neatest manner. Masters of vessels or any other persons can be supplied with either of the above articles in large or small quantities, at the shortest notice. N.B. Punctuality and dispatch may be depended on.—New-York Weekly Chronicle, June 18, 1795.
John De Witt Windsor Chair Maker begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general that he continues to carry on the above business in all its different branches, at No. 47 Water-street, near Coenties slip, New York, Also garden settees made in the neatest manner.
Masters of vessels and others maybe supplied with either of the above articles in large or small quantities at the shortest notice. Punctuality and dispatch may be depended on.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 2, 1798.
John Dikeman Cabinet and Chair Maker, No. 48 Beekman street Respectfully informs his friends, and the public in general, that he is now ready to supply them with any articles in his way, at a short notice, he has also a handsome assortment of fashionable furniture which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms.—New-York Daily Advertiser, August 2, 1794.
Douglas and Smith, Cabinet and Chair-Makers, opposite the Chapel, Beekman Street. Beg leave to inform the Publis in general and their friends in particular, that they carry on their business in all its various branches, with neatness and dispatch. As they served their times with the best and most noted workmen in this City, they flatter themselves that they will give general satisfaction to those who may favor them with their commands. They have for sale at their ware room, a variety of neat and fashionable mahogany furniture as low as any in this City, and warranted as good. All favors gratefully acknowledged.—New-York Weekly Museum, May 22, 1790.
William Douglass. Cabinet and Chair-maker, opposite the Chapel, Beekman Street, Beg leave to inform the Public in general and his friends in particiular, that the partnership of Douglass and Smith is dissolved, and that the business will in future be carried on by William Douglass in all its various branches, with neatness and dispatch. He has for sale at his ware room, a variety of neat and fashionable mahogany furniture as low as any in this city, and warranted as good. All favors gratefully acknowledge.—New-York Weekly Museum, July 24, 1790.
William Dove, Cabinetmaker Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has opened a shop and ware room at No 161 William street, a few doors above the North Church where he makes every article in the Cabinet makery and upholstering line, in the neatest and most fashionable manner and on the lowest terms.
W. D. having been for several years in some of the first shops in London, and have in his employ several of the best workmen from that part flatters himself that he can execute every branch of the above business so as to give the utmost satisfaction. Orders punctually attended and executed with dispatch.—New-York Daily Advertiser, July 19, 1798.
John Faulkner.—A Chest of Carpenter's Tools, To be sold. Enquire of John Faulkner, cabinet-maker, in King's-street, near Broadway.—New York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury,May 12, 1777.
Joseph Adam Fleming, who for many years carried on the Harpischord Making, Cabinet, Upholstery, and Trunk work in Europe, begs leave to offer himself to the Gentry and Public in general, for their patronage and protection. He has taken the House, No. 27, Crown-Street, where he intends carrying on the above branches, viz. Harpsichords made, sold, bought exchanged, or lent out at quarterly payments; Cabinet work consisting of chairs, tables, desks, tallboys, shaving tables, soffas, wardrobes, clock cases, toilet tables, and library ditto; Upholstery work in the newest taste, such as state and canopy beds, Gothic and field ditto, soffa and settee ditto, tallboy and low ditto, to fold in twenty inch compass, parlour and fire screen, Venetian blinds, bed and window curtains, window cornishes in wood or paper mash mouldings gilt or plain, paper hung on the shortest notice, feather beds, mattrasses with sacking bottoms, and umbrellas made and repaired; Trunk work in all its branches, viz. Camp, coach, and portmantua trunks, ladies gilt ditto, fiddles and guitar cases, Plate and china ditto, hat and cap ditto, canteens and valeeses, furr caps and band boxes. He likewise is supplied with the best varnishes in oyl and spirits, gold lacker, fat oil, and drying ditto, that will dry in six hours, and if used on bedsteads will destroy any vermin; oyl cloths and paper for many uses, such as windows, floors &c. &c. that will not crack and is good for the sight; he will paint rooms in water or oil on the most reasonable terms, and hopes to meet that encouragement by his punctuality which will be his constant study to merit.
N.B. A few Chest of toys to be sold, and a Bird Organ with twenty tunes on two barrels.—New-York Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, February 2, 1785.
Joseph Fuller.—The subscriber takes this method of informing the public, that he carries on the Window-Blind Manufactory, at No 5 Robinson street, Having a large assortment of Blinds on hand at present, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms; he hopes, that his former customers will continue their favours; and any orders from the country shall be properly attended to, and executed with neatness and dispatch. N.B. Also, all kinds of cabinet work carried on as above. Joseph Fuller.—Argus, or Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, June 6, 1795.
Joseph Fuller.—Window Blinds. The subscriber returns his most sincere thanks to the public and his friends in particular for past favours and hopes for the continuation of the same, as he continues to carry on the Window Blind manufactory, No. 5 Robinson Street New York, where he has a large quantity on hand.
He also imported the best trimmings from Europe, and hopes to give general satisfaction, as he can answer any orders from city or country, at the shortest notice, with neatness, lower than the market price. N.B. An elegant assortment and fashionable Cabinet Furniture at the above Ware-Room. Joseph Fuller.—The Diary; or Evening Register, July 17, 1796.
Joseph Fuller.—Coffins of all sizes ready made, to be had at No. 5, Robertson-street, by J. Fuller, cabinet-maker, near the College.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, September 7, 1798.
Daniel Gautier.—The subscriber having administered to the estate of Mr. Daniel Gautier, of the City of New-York, Carpenter, deceased...Peter Webbers, Administrator.—Independent Gazette; or the New-York Journal Revived, January 10, 1784.
A. Gifford, Cabinet and Chair-Maker, Respectfully informs his Friends that he continues to carry on his Business in all its variosu Branches, at his Shop between No. 42, and No. 43, Maiden Lane.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, August 23, 1786.
Gifford & Scotland, Cabinet Makers, Have removed from Maiden Lane to John street, No 4 between William and Nassau street, Where they have for sale, and do intend to keep in their Ware Room, a good Assortment of Furniture Viz. Desk and book cases, scrutoire do. chest of drawers, wardrobes, dining tables, pembrook do. card do. dressing do. night do. writing do. sofas and chairs both Plain and Inlaid. Also Compting-house desks, travelling do. clock cases, knife do. tambours, looking glass frames, picture frames shaving stands, bason do. spinning jennies, carding engines, with every other article in their way. Also Funeral Work performed. And they expect that the quality of their work, and the reasonableness of their prices, will insure to them the attention of the public.
Orders from the country, and from the southern states (by whom they have been much favor'd) are duly attended to.
N.B. Mahogany, in Logs, Planks and Boards and country wood for sale. A large dry cellar to Let.—New-York Daily Gazette, April 29, 1791.
Gifford & Scotland.—For Sale by Gifford & Scotland, Cabinet Maker, No. 25 John street. One pair of very elegant Looking Glasses; the size of the plates, is 51 inches, by 33 just finished. I pair do, plate 48 in. by 26 in. imported from London. Also an assortment of smaller ones, down to 14 in. by 9; which they will sell on very low terms. N.B. As they have a variety of plates, frames may be made to suit the purchases of any description.—The Diary; or Evening Register. July 17, 1794.
Gifford & Scotland.—Mahogany Furniture and Looking Glasses at Reduced Prices. Gifford and Scotland No. 25 John street are selling off their large and elegant assortment of Mahogany Furniture and Looking Glasses of all sorts and sizes. Also Plate unframed of all dimension. N.B. Looking Glasses silvered.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, April 14, 1797.
Gifford & Scotland.—The Co-partnership of Gifford and Scotland is dissolved by mutual consent. All those to whom they are indebted, are desired to bring in their bills; and all those that are indebted to them, are desired to make immediate payment. Andrew Gifford, John Scotland. The business will be carried on by John Scotland.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, May 6, 1799.
James Hallet, Jun. Informs his friends and the public in general, that he carries on the Cabinet and Chair Making Business, at No. 20, Beekman Street, directly opposite the Chapel; Where they may be supplied with all kinds of Furniture in his line, at a short notice. For sale, all kinds of Mahogany, Cherry, Bilsted Whitewood Boards and Joice. He hopes the goodness of his work, & endeavors to give satisfaction, will ensure him encouragement.
All favors will be gratefully acknowledged. Likewise a few logs of choice St. Domingo Mahogany. One or two Journeymen wanted, who are good workmen. Also, one or two apprentices to the above business.—New-York Daily Gazette, March 26, 1794.
James Hallet, Junior Informs his friends and others that he has opened a new ware Room at 9 Beekman St. 4 doors from Pearl Street Where he has ready made all kinds of Mahogany furniture for sale on reasonable terms Having a large quantity of Choice mahogany, &c. has it in his power to supply with any thing in the Cabinet and Chair making business, at a short notice, and equal in quality to any made in this city.—The Daily Advertiser, April 5, 1796.
James Hallet, Jun. Informs his friends and the public in general, that he has ready made and for sale at his Ware Room, No. 9 Beekman Street, four doors from Pearl Street, a large and extensive assortment of Sophas, Chairs, Secretaries, tables, desks, wardrobes and sideboards of every description, as well as a variety of other articles. Orders for any article in the Cabinet line executed with elegance and dispatch. Also, for sale as above, mahogany in logs, planks and boards.—The Daily Advertiser, March 22, 1797.
John Hardie, No. 21 Crown street, near Smith street, Respectfully informs the public, That he has procured an Assortment of the best Mahogany, and that he carries on the Cabinet Making Business, in all its parts. Those who are pleased to favour him with their employment, may be assured that they will be served in the neatest and most fashionable manner, and on the most reasonable terms.
N.B. A journeyman wanted immediately, None but a good workman need apply.—New-York Daily Gazette, May 3, 1791.
George Harding.—By accounts from Philadelphia we are informed, that a very honest cabinet makewr, named George Harding, was last saturday reprieved under their gallows; he had been after long confinement condemned for genuine toryism, by that righteous judge, that second Daniel, Thomas M'Kean.—The Royal Gazette, May 8, 1779.
William Hedderly, Church, Ship and House Bell Founder, No 38, Nassau-street near John street, Begs leave to inform the citizens of New-York, that he also hangs house Bells on the latest English Patent construction, or on other new and improved principles. Bells, locks, and windup jacks, cleaned and repaired. Stair rods to any dimension. Any Lady or Gentlemen, favouring him with their orders may depend on having their work executed in the best manner.
All kinds of Cabinet work made and neatly repaired.—Mercantile Advertiser, December 6, 1799.
Thomas Hodgson.—Absconded....an apprentice...from Thomas Hodgson, Joiner No 76, Beekman-street.—Royal Gazette, January 25, 1783.
Karns and Hazlet, Windsor Chair makers, Respectfully inform friends and customers that they have opened a shop No. 46 Cliff-street, where they can be supplied with all kinds of Windsor Chairs, Settees, &c. of the newest fashion and best taste, warranted good. Old chairs repaired, painted and made like new. They likewise continue at their old shop no. 93 John-street Golden-Hill where they will thankfully receive all orders, and execute them with punctuality and dispatch.—Weekly Museum, May 12, 1798.
Karns and Hazlet Windsor Chair Makers, Respectfully inform their friends and the customers that they have opened a shop No. 46 Cliff-street where they can be supplied with all kinds of Windsor Chairs, settees, &c. of the newest fashion and best taste, warranted good. Old chairs repaired, painted, and made like new. They likewise continue at their old shop, no. 93 John-street Golden-Hill, where they will thankfully receive all orders and execute them with punctuality and dispatch.—Weekly Museum, January 5, 1799.
John Karnes.—Twelve Dollars Reward. Ran away from the subscriber about a week since, an apprentice named John Roach, by trade a Chair Maker...John Karnes.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, August 14, 1799.
William King, Ivory and Wood Turner, Informs the citizens of New-York, that he has commenced the turning business in Ivory, Wood, and Mettals, &c. &c. Said King solicits the patronage of Cabinet makers, and other citizens of New-York, so far as he shall merit it. Orders from cotton Manufactures for turned work, in wood or metal particularly attended to, Billiard Balls made at the shortest notice. Wanted two apprentices to the above business.—The Minerva & Mercantile Evening Advertiser, February 12, 1795.
Julien La Rosee, cabinetmaker, No. 31 Partition-street, offers his services to the public for every thing that belongs to his line. He has for sale bed frames furnished with matrasses, as well as furniture of every description. He takes boarders at a reasonable price.—American and French Gazette, February 5, 1796.
G. Leggett, Windsor Chair-maker. Takes this method of informing his friends and the public in general, that he is carrying on his business at Crugars-wharf, where all kind of windsor chairs, settees and garden chairs, are made in the neatest manner. Captains of vessels or other gentlemen inclining to purchase a number, may be supplied on very reasonable terms, for cash or produce.—The Daily Advertiser, March 20, 1786.
Fenwick Lyell Cabinet and Chair Maker informs the public that he carries on the above business in all its branches and has for sale at his Wareroon, No. 46 Beaver Street (formerly Princess) a large and elegant assortment of Furniture, made after the Newest and most approved fashions...As he employs a number of good workmen, and has on hand a large stock of well-seasoned Mahogany and other Stuff, he therefore hopes to give general satisfaction to those who will be pleased to favour him with their custom. Also for sale, Mahogany and other stuff, suitable for Cabinet-makers, and a few Mahogany plank for Stair rails. N.B. Knife cases made to contain any Number of Knives, forks, or spoons.—New-York Gazette and the General Advertiser, March 22, 1797.
Walter M'Bride Windsor Chair Maker continues to carry on the above business at No 63 Pearl-street, near the Exchange. Also chairs japanned any colour and neatly flowered. All orders from Town or Country punctually attended to and thankfully received.—Weekly Museum, July 18, 1795.
Alexander M'Kenzie, Cabinet Maker, at No 7 Maiden-Lane, Has for sale, New Household Furniture, such as Tables, Bedsteads, Chairs and Bottle cases, all of the best Mahogany.—Royal Gazette, August 19, 1778.
John Mitchell. Chair Maker, late from London, Wishes to inform the Citizens of New York, and the public in general, that he carries on his business at his shop, No 8 Anne Street, where he makes dyed and japanned Chairs in the most tasty manner, and in the now prevailing fashion in London, with hair or rush bottoms. He also manufactures a sort of mahogany chairs, suited either to parlours or drawing rooms; also kitchen chairs.—The Argus, March 4, 1796.
John Mowatt, Cabinet and Chair Maker, in William street, near Maiden-Lane, at the sign of the Chair, who carries on his business as usual, in its different branches, and has at present for sale, an assortment of ready made mahogany household furniture, which may be had on the shortest notice, viz. Dressing tables, one set of chair, dining tables, breakfast ditto, card ditto, tea tables and tea stands.—New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, January 20, 1777.
Isaac Nicholas, Joiner and Cabinet Maker, No. 36 Hanover square, Begs leave to return his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general, for past favours, and acquaints them that he still continues his business at said place he has a considerable assortment of furniture in his line on hand, made of the best materials and workmanship, which he will sell on low terms, for cash or approved credit, he will warrant his furniture to be as well made as in any shop in this city. N.B. A strong German made box for sale....—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, March 30, 1792.
Lewis Nicholas.—Public Auction...at the workshop of Mr. Lewis Nicholas, Cabinet Maker, near the white Conduit House, now retiring from business...Mahogany Furniture ever offered for sale in this city; Consisting of Breakfast, dining card side and toilet tables, feather, slat, rib and banister backed chairs, dining table frames, sofa do. high and low posted bedsteads, and bedstead posts in the rough &c. &c.
At the same time and place 3 lots of ground on which is built of the best materials a large and commodious joiners workshop, fit for a Manufactory on a lease of 21 years 17 of which are unexpired subject to the annual rent of &stlg.13 10.—The Daily Advertiser, May 26, 1791.
George Olive, and Andrew Gifford, No. 14, Fletcher-street, near the Fly-Market, with the greatest repect inform the Public, that they have begun a Furniture Manufactory, in all its various branches, viz. Cabriole Chairs, Soffas, Settees, Window Stools, Burjar Chairs, Libraries, Commodes, Toilets, Pembroke side-board Tables, Wine Keepers, Biddies &c. &c.
N.B. All kinds of Paintings and Prints framed, glazed and gilt. Whatever orders they may be favoured with will be finished in the neatest manner, and on such terms as they flatter themselves will ensure the approbation of the Public.—Independant Journal; or, General Advertiser, April 12, 1786.
Peter Shackerly, Cabinet and Chair maker, No. 7 Beaver-street, Returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the puiblic in general, for the very liberal encouragement they have afforded him since his commencement in business, and informs them that he is now ready to supply them with any articles in his way at a short notice. He hopes for a continuance of public favor, which he will endeavor to merit.
He has for sale 13 Logs St. Domingo Mahogany, superior in quality to any in this city. Carpenters and others may be supplied at all times with Mahogany ready seasoned, suitable for stair railing, bannisters, &c. Likewise boilstead [sic] sawed in setts for cradles, coffins &c.
N.B. Two Journeymen, who understand their business, will meet with good wages and constant employ. Likewise 3 apprentices wanted, apply as above.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 30, 1793.
Geo. Shipley, Cabinet Maker, Begs to return his sincere thanks to his friends and customers for the many favours he has received, and hopes by a steady attention to business to merit a continuance thereof. And as he has in employment a number of excellent workmen, he has no doubt of giving entire satisfaction to those that shall please to favour him with their commands. All articles in the above business made in the neatest and most fashionable manner and on very low terms, and will warrant his goods of a quality equal to any in the city, at No. 161 Water-street, between Beekman and Burling Slips. Likewise he has for sale at the retail Mahogany Yard, a large assortment of Mahogany of a superior quality, saw'd up for stair cases, and all other uses.—The New-York Daily Advertieser, March 18, 1791.
George Shipley.—Mahogany Logs. A large quantity of Plank and Boards for sale, the above is St. Domingo Mahogany of the first quality, and will be sold lower than usual. Also for sale, a large assortment of cabinet Furniture of the newest fashion and first quality as the subscriber is selling of his stock in trade, the whole will be sold very low. George Shipley No. 195 Water street, between Beckman and Burling slip.—The New-York Daily Advertiser, April 18, 1796.
George Shipley.—Mahogany. A Cargo of choice St. Domingos Mahogany, very suitable for the French or English Market, being of a superior quality and just landed on board the brig Lucy at Pollocks wharf, North river; to be sold together or in small lots as will best suit the purchaser, very low for cash or approved notes at a short date. Also seasoned Mahogany Boards and Planks, at reduced prices, and a few thousand feet of seasoned clear Pine Boards, wholesale or retail. Likewise, A neat assortment of Mahogany furniture, of the newest fashion and first quality, selling of very low by George Shipley, No. 195 Water street, between Beekman and Burling Slips.—New-York Daily Advertiser, November 16,1797.
George Shipley.—To Cabinet Makers. Anyone wishing to fix themselves into one of the first stands in the city, have now a opportunity by taking the subscribers business as he carried on the business so many years in the same house, that it is so well known that it needs very little recommendation, but he is certain it is well worth the attention of any one as wishes to follow the same, as there is always employment for about ten men, the situation being so near the shipping adds greatly to its advantage, any person wishing to take to the business, may come to it immediately, by taking the stock in trade at a fair valuation, which if not suited to take all, can be reduced to suit the purchaser.
Also. He has on hand some cabinet furniture, very fashionable and made by the best workmen, which he will sell lower than usual on account of disposing of his business. George Shipley No. 197. Water street Between beekman & Burling Slip.—New-York Daily Advertiser, July 9, 1798.
Albert Smith.—To be sold by Albert Smith, Turner, next door to Commissary General Chamier's, in Nassau street, Sundry Pieces of Household Goods, Such as mahogany chairs, black walnut ditto, Windsor ditto, a chest upon chest, with a cabinet in, two painted bed steads, a Card table, jelly glasses, wash-hand glasses with plates, two large looking glasses, two sconces, and sundry other articles.
He returns his sincere thanks to his former customers and hopes for a continuance of their favours.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, January 27, 1777.
Albert Smith.—Wanted to Purchase, a Pair of steady, well-broke horses for a carriage: Enquire of Albert Smwith, in Nassau street, No. 46, next door to, commissary Grants' office. The said Smith returns his sincere thanks to the public for their past favours, and acquaints them that he has on hand for sale, Household Furniture: and that he continues the turning business in all its branches; those therefore who may be pleased to favour him with their custom, will find him at the above place.—The New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 12, 1777.
Thomas Smith, Ship and House Joiner, from London, Northeast of Schuyler's sugar-house, on Cowfoot-Hill, King-George-Street, Will undertake to execute any branch whatever in the Ship or House Joiners business, having served a regular apprenticeship to that trade in Whitby, in Yorkshire. He also would undertake to do any kind of work in the Cabinet business, and flatters himself by his assiduity and dispatch of business, to merit employ.—The New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, April 20, 1778.
Hugh Spiers, Cabinet maker.—See advertisement of James Birmingham, upholsterer.
Asa Stanton, Cabinet and Chair maker wishes to acquaint his friends and the public in general, that he has commenced business at the corner of Cherry and Olive streets No. 50 between the New Slip, and N. Market, where he intends carrying on the business in all its various branches; having served a regular apprenticeship to said business and has taken particular pains to become acquainted with the latest and most approved methods of work by practising with some of the best workmen, intends paying attention to the occupation and hopes to merit the approbation of those that will favour him with their custom.
A lad wanted as apprentice to the above employment, that can be well recommended. None need apply but those of a good family.—New York Daily Advertiser, August 2, 1794.
Thomas Timpson Cabinet and Windsor Chair Maker, Begs leave to return his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general for the many favors which he has received from them, and informs them that he has removed from No. 16, Nassau-street to No. 39, Golden-hill, three doors from the corner of William-street, New-York where masters of vessels or others may be supplied with mahogany furniture or windsor chairs of any kind or number, on very low terms for cash or produce. Those who favor him with their custom may rest assured that they will be served to their satisfaction.—The Diary; or Loudon's Register.—May 11, 1792.
Thomas Timpson, Cabinet-Maker, No. 93, Pearl street, formerly Great Dock-Street, Begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general that the partnership of him and Gilmor, by mutual consent is dissolved, and that he continues to carry on the above business in the same place, in all its various branches. N.B. Two or three journeymen are wanted none need apply but good workmen.—The Diary; or Evening Register, July 19, 1794.
Thomas Timpson Cabinet maker Begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has removed from No. 92 Pearl Street to No. 20 John street, corner old Gold street, where he carries on his business as usual.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 10, 1798.
Timpson & Gillihen, Cabinet and Windsor chair-makers, No. 7, Goldenhill-street, at the Sign of the Chair, Beg leave to inform their friends, and the public in general, that they make and mend all kinds of Mahogany furniture, Windsor chairs, such as Settees and Garden chairs, some of which are very elegant, being stuffed over the seat, and brass nailed round the edge, is equal to any Mahogany chairs, and come much cheaper.—New-York Packet, July 11, 1785.
Timpson & Gilmor Cabinet and Chair Makers, No. 18 and 19 Great Dock Street, between Coenties and Old Slip, New York, Beg leave to inform their friends and the public in general, that they have commenced business together, to carry on the Cabinet and Chair making business in all its various branches.
They take this method of returning their sincere thanks to their friends and the public in general, for their generous encouragement, and hope a further continuance of their favor, as they shall endeavor to merit their approbation they likewise carry on the Windsor Chair Making in all its branches. Orders from the country will be carefully attended to and thankfully received.
N.B. Two or three journeymen are wanted at the above business. None need apply but good workmen.—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, June 17, 1793.
Isaac Van Dyke.—All persons having any just demands against the Estate of Isaac Van Dyke, Cabinet Maker, late deceased,...are requested to bring in their accounts...James Van Dyke, 38 Maiden-Lane, Cornelius Crygier, 84 Water-Street, Executors.—The New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, January 19, 1799.
Jacob Vander Pool, Windsor Chair Maker from Philadelphia, No. 67, Cherry street, takes this opportunity to acquaint his friends and the public in general, that they can be supplied on the shortest notice, with the most fashionable Chairs, Settees, Sulkies, &c. &c. excelling in workmanship any others made in this city. Captains of vessels, by leaving their orders shall have them executed with fidelity, and every favour gratefully acknowledged by the Public's humble Servant Jacob Vander Pool.—Town & Country Journal; or, the American Advertiser, December 11, 1783.
Charles Watts.—Wanted from 8 to 15 Journeymen Cabinet and Chair-Makers, to go to Charleston, South Carolina where they will receive generous encouragement for further particulars, apply to Captain Joseph Baker, on board the Sloop Romeo, laying at the Coffee House Slip.
I hereby oblige myself to pay to any good wkorkman, who is capable of doing the general run of Cabinet-work seventy-five percent advance on the New London book of Cabinet prices, published in 1793. I will also advance the passage money for whoever chuses to come in the above line; and find work for any, or all, of the above number, for 6, 9, or 12 months; board, or find them it at 3-1/2 dollars per week. The money for the work shall be paid weekly, or when each job is finished. Charles Watts, Cabinet-Maker, Charleston.—The Diary, January 28, 1797.
William Whitehead.—Died at Newark, on the 17 inst. of the prevailing Epidemic, Master Whitehead son of Mr. William Whitehead of this city, Cabinet Maker.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, September 23, 1799.
George Wilson, John Lindsay.—From the working Cabinet Makers of Philadelphia, to their mechanical Fellow Citizens...We hope and entreat that an union of the respective mechanical branches in this City, and throughout America, will immediately take place, in order to repel any attack that has or may be made on societies of this description...Hasten then, fellow citizens, to declare yourselves ready at any time to assist one another, in a cause which will determine the independence of so useful a body as the working Citizens of America. Signed by order of the Federal Society of Philadelphia Cabinet Makers. George Wilson, President. John Lindsay, Secretary.—The Argus, March 4, 1796.
Chimney Looking Glass.—Taken out of the house of Robert Crommeline, a Chimney looking glass, with an elegant carv'd frame, painted of a stone colour.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, April 14, 1777.
Publick Auction, At the house of the late Richard Colden, Esq., in Smith-Street, corner of King-Street,...the sale of all his neat and elegant household and kitchen furniture, consisting of mahogany desks and book cases, buroes, chest drawers, card, dining and dressing tables, beds and bedsteads, plate, china, an elegant Axminster carpet, etc. etc. A valuable iron chest, with a handy young negro girl, about 13 years old. Also a neat riding Chair and Horse, which can be viewed and will be sold at private Sale, by enquiring at John Taylor's Vendue House in Queen-street near the Fly-Market.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, October 6, 1777.
Black Walnut Bedstead.—A Good Blackwalnut Bedstead, with four posts, and a sacking bottom; to be sold cheap. Enquire of Mr. Johnston next door to the French Doctor's, Golden Hill.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, September 15, 1777.
A Wine Keeper, Accomodating and cooling seven Bottles; it is of handsome Mahogany, bound with brass Plates. Enquire of the Printer.—Royal Gazette, July 10, 1779.
Household Furniture.—To be Sold for Hard or Continental, by William Post Three Miles North of Poughkeepsie; A set of neat chairs, with red bottoms; a large spinet; a fire screen and stand, two neat looking-glasses, and five pictures; a large thermometer...a quantity of bull's eye glass for window...iron curtain rods...a set of fiddle back chairs, a warming pan. Pains of glass will be glazed for corn or butter.—New-York Journal and General Advertiser, January 31, 1780.
House Furnishings.—Sales by Auction by Bowman & Codner...House Furniture of a gentleman going to England, viz. a variety of plate, china and glass, mahogany chairs, tables, desks, burea, side board and celleret, mahogany bedsteads with rich damask haraeen [sic] and copper plate furniture, and window curtains to match, very best feather beds and bedding, elegant carpets, looking glasses, Cases of knives and forks, table linen, fuzee and bayonet, silver mounted pistols, handsome swords, perspective glasses, a prime violin of the softest tone, an iron chest, Madeira and claret wine, arrack, a number of books, brass andirons, and all kinds of kitchen articles. The whole may be viewed the day preceding the sale.—Royal Gazette, June 3, 1780.
Public Auction,...Furniture Belonging to Mr. Smith, at No. 35 Water-street, and known by the name of Smith's Tavern, Consisting of Mahogany Chairs, Tables, Desks, Looking Glasses, Beds, Bedstead, Plate, China, Cases of knives and forks, two Pair of very large dining Tables, a very handsome Dial clock, a Quantity of table Linen, and a good Smoak Jack, several Dozen of very excellent Madeira and Claret, a Milch Cow, &c. The whole to be viewed the Day before the sale. By Henry Guest.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, February 5, 1781.
Sale by Auction by Duncan, Barclay, and Co....Mahogany, Dining, Breakfast and card Tables, chairs and settees, bed-steads, desks and Looking Glass and Sconces, Wilton and Scotch carpets, elegant chintz funiture, compleat set of table desert, ornamental and tea china, with a great variety of elegant prints. &c.—Royal Gazette, April 28, 1781.
Furnishings.—To be sold at Public Vendue,...at the House of Capt. William Wade, in town of Jamaica, opposite Bett's tavern, he intending for Ireland per first fleet. All his household furniture, consisting of Mahogany chairs, breakfast dining and card tables; beds, bedsteads and furniture belonging to the same, carpets, looking-glasses, china, plate, and a Forte Piano, with a variety of kitchen furniture...—The Royal Gazette, August 21, 1782.
Sale By Auction, On Monday next, at No 12, Hanover-Square, The following articles belonging to an Officer going to England, viz. A Neat Mahogany Desk, with a dressing Table in it, and a Glass for copying Maps, Plans, &c. 1 Fusil, Bayonet and Cartouch Box, 1 Silver mounted Hanger and Belt, 1 Rifle barrel Gun, 1 Camp Bedstead, with a Box to contain it, Bed Screws, callico Curtains, and musquito ditto, Mattrass, Bolster, Pillow and Counterpane, 6 Pictures (sea Pieces in round gilt Frames) 1 Thermometer.—New-York Evening Post, March 21, 1783.
Furnishings.—Public Auction...at the House of William Bayard, Edq; next to the Sign of the Frying Pan, a quantity of elegant Furniture, consisting of tables, chairs, looking glasses, bedsteads and beds, table and tea china, curtains, desks, bureaus, toilet tables, pictures, girandoles, tea urns, knives and forks, carpets &c. with a large assortment of kitchen furniture.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, August 18, 1783.
Household Furniture.—To be sold at Public auction...the property of a gentleman going to Europe, consisting of Feather Beds, Mohogany and Windsor Chairs, fine Buroes, Chest Drawers, Mahogany Tables, Desks, Card and round Tables, four elegant Pier Glasses, &c. Pictures, several sets of China, and Queens' Ware, 15 large Chest, with a large Quantity of Kitchen Furniture. Huges and Montgomery.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, August 18, 1783.
Convertible Sofa.—For Sale A new, large, and elegant sofa, covered with crimson; so constructed, on a simple principle, as to be converted at once, if occasion require, into a commodious double bedstead. Enquire of the printer.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, March 12, 1785.
Mahogany Furniture.—Sales at Auction, by Frederick R. Jay this day ten o'clock at No 11 Queen Street, Very elegant Mahogany Bureas, A neat Commode Dressing Chest of Drawers, Mahogany dining Tables. Pembroke Tables with Drawers, A pair of handsome round Mahogany Card Tables, lined with Green Cloth, neatly ornamented, A neat Mahogany half Chest and Book Case with Writing drawers, very complete, Mahogany Chairs, &c. &c.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, October 8, 1785.
At Private Sale, At my Commission Store, No 14 Hanover-square, A Quantity of Household Furniture, consisting of beds, bed-steads, tables, chairs, desks, desk and book-cases, bureaus, Likewise a Chamber-organ, original cost 35 Quineas, will be disposed of greatly under value. Wanted, A quantity of lumber, for which dry goods at cash price, will be given in payment. James Barclay.—New-York Packet, May 29, 1786.
Furniture Polish.—James Anderson, No. 65 Broad Way Has imported...a few dozen of Sampson's furniture balls which give the highest polish and increase the beauty of mahogany and other furniture if clear from oil....—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 6, 1791.
Carpets & Carpeting, English ingrained, of superior quality, both black & green grounds; common Scotch do., just received by the last Spring vessels, and for sale by Manassah Salter, No. 34 Broad way, opposite the Oswego Market, also has a good variety of Table & Breakfast Cloths, Best London superfine Broad cloths, with rattinets to match, of the first quality. Likewise, a very pretty collection of cotton and chintz furnitures, together with a compleat assortment of almost every other article in the dry goods line.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 16, 1791.
Lamps.—A Cheap Light, Just unpacked an assortment of Genuine air-tight Agitable Lamps, for sale at No. 169, Pearl-street nearly opposite the U.S. Bank by John J. Staples & son.
These lamps are well worth the attention of every consumer of candles, as they give a much better light at less than half the expence.
The peculiar advantage of this invention is, that it entirely removes the original objection to lamps, which was the great inconvenience of spilling oil; but it is curious in these, that in the most violent motion held horizontal, or even inverted, the oil cannot escape, and by their being made air tight, the oil (like the quick-silver in a weather glass) is defended from the pressure of the atmosphere, which as well as preventing its coagulating, causes it to slip much lighter and further to the burners, burn brighter, and if properly trimmed with fresh cotton and fine oil, will not want snuffing while burning through twelve or fourteen hours continuance.
They will not only give as much clear light and less smoke than candles, but are cleaner and safer, which makes them fit for parlours, bed-chambers, halls, stair cases, and extremely useful for kitchens, stores manufactories, and on board ship. Their simplicity, and easy manner of trimming, and particularly the small quantity of oil they burn, renders it an object universally to be adopted for every place where light is required.—American Minerva, February 12, 1795.
Paris Furniture.—For Sale, by Guerlain & Co. No. 27 Stone-street, Paris furnitures...Looking Glasses, framed and in Plates...China figures for mantle pieces, Elegant Paris Clocks of different sizes, Window Glasses of all kinds, Glass ware of all kinds, a few boxes toys, and an assortment of English goods....—French and American Gazette, July 6, 1795.
Shells for Cabinet Work.—To Cabinet Makers. A Gentleman has just arrived from London with an Assortment of Shells for Cabinet work, which he will dispose of on reasonable terms, for cash. Enquire of C. Brenneysen No 263 Broadway.—The Argus, February 17, 1796.
Globes, Celestial and Terrestrial, to be had in sets, or qhe Terrestrial alone of James Rivington.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 14, 1796.
Rushes for Bottoming Chairs. The subscriber takes this method of informing the Rush bottom chair makers of this city, that he will have for sale the 1st and 2nd Thursdays in August a large quantity of Rushes in bundles on board of Captain Van Voorhis's sloop at Coenties slip. Any person wishing a large quantity may be supplied on inquiring as above. Abijah Coon.—Weekly Museum, July 22, 1797.
Public Sales By Isaac Moses & Sons Monday, at Mr. Gautier's Assembly Room William-Street for Cash on delivery. An extensive, elegant, and general assortment of China-Ware and Images from Paris, East India, Bedsteads richly decorated, mahogany furniture, Looking-Glasses, with and without frames; clocks, glass shades, a beautiful collection of prints of the best Italian and French mastery: Chandliers and lusters, with a quantity of glass-ware. N.B. The Sales will begin with the China. Also, a superb assortment of Plated Patent Lamps, one, two and three lights, 3 very elegant Looking-Glasses, framed 6 ft broad and 3 ft wide.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, November 18, 1797.
Windsor Chairs. A quantity ready made and finished in the best manner for sale, corner of Chamber and Chapple streets. Orders for any quantity of patterns received, will be punctually attended to.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 12, 1798.
Carpets and Carpeting of the very best Brussels quality, to the newest landscape and other elegant patterns, now opening and for sale at John Brower's.—Commercial Advertiser, June 21, 1798.
Japanned and Paper Ware.—By Arden and Close, Auctioneers, Thursday August 1st at X o'clock, at their auction-room, no. 161 Pearl street, the following assortment of Japanned and paper ware, all of the newest fashion—sold without reserve for cash.
150 most elegant Tea Boards and Salvers of various sizes. 12 doz. Tea Cannisters, with Gold Borders. 2 doz. Tea Caddies, with do. 2 doz. Black Jugs, with do. 3 doz. Bread Baskets, with do. 7 doz. Snuffer Stands, with do. 50 pair Superb Bottle stands, with do. 6 neat Composition Clocks, entire new fashion, 12 Coffee Biggins. Also a quantity of Plated Ware, consisting of Tea & Coffee Pots, Bridle Bits, Stirrup-irons, Spurs, &c. &c. With a small assortment of Ironmongery & Cutlery, 7 Mahogany Medicine Chests, 2 do. Gentlemen's Dressing Cases....—New York Gazette and General Advertiser, July 31, 1799.
Cheap Coffins. Such people as may not find it convenient to pay 4 or 5 dollars for a coffin, may find it their interest in applying to Thomas Byrne, No 257 Broad Way, opposite the Bridewell Gate, where they will be dealt with on more humane terms than any where besides in this city.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser. September 12, 1799.
John T. Barrow, No 5 New-Street, Acquaints his friends and the public that he still carries on the business of Painting, Gilding and Glazing. Also ornamental cornices done in the neatest manner, with dispatch.—Columbia Gazetteer, Novembver 11, 1793.
Samuel Dunlap, No 13 Queen-Street, an elegant assortment of Looking Glasses, burnished gold frames for pictures neatly carved, the newest fashion, tea urns, gold leaf, and tin foil. A single gentleman can be accommodated with a room.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 14, 1788.
Gerardus Duyckinck, Jun. At his Store, No. 13 Water Street between the Old Slip and the Coffee House has just received...a very large assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Looking Glasses, Dyers and Fuller's Articles, Painters' and Limners' colours &c....Ornamental Chimney Glasses, Do. Looking Glasses in gold, oval frames; Large and small Sconces; Dressing Glasses with and without drawers, Plate Looking Glasses....—New-York Journal, and the General Advertiser, February 24, 1785.
Freeman & Co.—To Carvers and Gilders. Wanted at the Manufactory of Freeman & Co. a number of good Workmen in the above line; those who are desirous of meeting with constant employment and generous wages, may apply at no. 196 Broadway.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 3, 1796.
Peter Goelet at the Golden-Key in Hanover-Square Has just imported...from London an assortment of very genteel looking glasses, in machee white and coloured, carv'd and gilt frames, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, January 12, 1778.
Harding & Kennedy.—Carving and Gilding Manufactory. Harding & Kennedy, No 9, Cross street, Inform the public, they have commenced a manufactory for Carving and Gilding pictures and Glass Frames, Girandoles, brackets, cornices for curtains, Bordering for rooms, and fancy ornaments, in burnished gold, framing of needle work, Prints, Drawings, and Paintings in a superior style. Old Picture and Glass frames regilted in burnished gold, equal to new.
N.B. Ladies and Gentlemen will be waited on, by sending their address, to the manufactory, or to Mr. Charles Smith's book store, No 51 Maiden Lane, where orders will be taken in.—The Argus, March 17, 1796.
James Harrison.—Burnish Gilding in all its Branches, carried on by James Harrison, No 24 Nassau Street where all orders will be punctually attended to, Prints and Drawings elegantly framed and glazed, and Frames made to any pattern. N.B. Two steady men will meet with constant employment by applying as above.—The Diary, & Universal Daily Advertiser, April 27, 1795.
<David Longworth.—Pictures Framed David Longworth, 66 Nassau street, informs the public that he continues framing Prints &c. in an elegant and neat manner. N.B. Information received for the New York Directory.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 12, 1798.
Lycett and Palmer, Japanners and Ornamental Painters, No 137, William-street. Japan all kinds of chairs, bed-pillows, wash-hand stands, toilet tables, bed and window cornices, neater and cheaper than paper. Paint all sorts of ornamental work. Burnished Gilding, on Glass, elegantly executed. N.B. Orders for the above articles from any part of the continent punctually attended to.—Weekly Museum, July 11, 1795.
William Palmer, Painter, Gilder, Varnisher & Japanner, No 2 Broad Street, Has for sale, a quantity of elegant Japan, Fancy Chairs, which he will sell upon the lowest possible terms. W. Palmer varnishes drawings, paper cornices, &c. &c. so as to heighten and preserve the spirit and brightness of the colours from all kind of dirt, and gives the piece an elegant beauty and durability. Cornices, walls, &c. which are thus varnished, may be washed with effect to any Japan ware. Oil and Burnished Gilding on Glass, neatly executed.
N.B. Orders from town or country in any of the above branches, will be gratefully received and punctually executed.—Weekly Museum, October 15, 1796.
W. Palmer, Japanner and Ornamental Painter, Has removed from the corner, opposite the Federal Hall to No. 106 Pearl-street, corner of the Old-slip where he continues to carry on the Fancy Chair, and Cornice Business. Has some of the newest London Patterns, also a number of Fancy Chairs upon hand, which he will sell on the lowest possible terms.
N.B. Gilding, varnishing and Sign painting executed in the neatest manner, and shortest notice.—Weekly Museum, January 6, 1798.
R. Phillips, Writer & Gilder in Burnish'd gold on Glass, has just received a striking Likeness of John Adams, President of the United States, and for sale by him at No.101 Maiden lane, being the only one published.—New-York Commercial Advertiser, October 4, 1797.
Anthony Renaud Jun. Painter Gilder and Varnisher from Paris. No 9 Courtland street. Respectfully informs the public in general, that he has left Mr. Harrison's Academy, where he has been working these fifteen months; and that he separately undertakes gildings of all kinds, frames for stamps and precious prints; he draws likewise all sorts of signs and ornaments: in a word he will do all that lies in his power to deserve the recommendation of such as may employ him.—French and American Gazette, July 24, 1795.
Anthony Renault. Gilder & Varnisher, No 73 Liberty Street, Begs leave to recall the recollection of the respectable public, and to solicit their continued patronage in his profession. He gilds in brown, or in any other fashion, and dare assure, that having acquired a certain perfection all kinds of works in this line, none need fear of being fully satisfied with the work which he shall deliver them. He makes all sorts of frames, rich and common, whether for pictures, engravings or looking-glasses. He also gilds, upon glass, and writes inscriptions upon it in such mode or taste as may be pointed out. He sells engravings, or pictures, and gilt frames of all sizes, at the lowest rates.—Argus. Greenleaf New Daily Advertiser, January 2, 1797.
J. H. Shackekly.—For Sale, cheap for cash or short credit, ten boxes of London Looking Glasses, consisting of mahogany frames with pediments, sham pediments, and mahogany plain frames with gilt birds. Inquire of J. H. Shackekly, No. 6 Liberty-street.—Argus, June 15, 1795.
Thomas Taylor, From London, Coffin-Plate Manufacturer, &c. No 2 Hanover-Square, Serves Joiners, Ironmongers &c. at reduced prices. Ornaments chas'd or engraved on tin, lead or Brass, Church Branches, and all sorts of Brass work finely cleaned, burnish'd and lacker'd, Clock Faces silver'd &c.
Has on sale, some very fashionable jewellery, saddles, Bridles, Whips, and Dry-goods at very low prices.—New-York Weekly Museum, May 22, 1790.
Thomas Taylor, From London, at his Manufactory, No. 2 Hanover-square, Makes the following articles in the most complete manner. Oval, round and square Picture Frames of any size, Oval looking glass frames, Mahogany do. square, Oval and round Tea Trays, &c. Turnery in general. Ovals turned in Ivory, Wood and Metals, Patent Coffin Furniture, being the only Manufactured in the United States. He likewise lackers and silvers Brass work. Gilds looking Glass Frames, &c. exceedingly reasonable. With a variety of articles not enumerated. The above are equal to any imported and much cheaper, as those who have favoured him with their commands can testify. Has for sale, a small quantity of fashionable Jewellery, Saddles, Bridles &c.—New-York Weekly Museum, August 14, 1790.
William Wilmerding corner of Broad Way and Dye-street Has for Sale, a large and elegant assortment of gilt and wooden framed Looking Glasses and a variety of other articles of the latest importation, which he is determined to sell on the lowest terms.—New-York Daily Gazette, August 13, 1789.
C. Alder, Upholsterer, from London, late from Philadelphia, Respectfully informs the inhabitants of New-York, he has opened an Upholstery and Paper-Hanging Warehouse at No. 102 Water-street, where he has for sale an extensive and elegant assortment of Imported paper-hangings, pannels and ornaments of the first quality and most approved patterns; likewise every article in the above branches. He flatters himself, from his experience in Europe, and his connexion with some of the first houses in his line there, he is enabled to give ample satisfaction, and entitles him to hope for a share of public favor. An apprentice wanted.—Commercial Advertiser, November 7, 1798.
C. Alder, upholsterer, Paper Hanger, and Venetian Shade Maker, Has removed from No. 102 Water-street, to No. 67 Maiden-Lane where he is now opening for Sale, a very elegant assortment of Paper Hangings English, French and American Manufacture, amongst which are, some of the latest importations and newest patterns. Also, a great variety of Fringe, Lines and Tassels, Carpeting, Mattrasses and Feather Beds, of the first quality, with every other article in the above branches, furnished ready made, or made to order, in the most modern style of European taste. Ship Cabbins fitted up on the shortest notice.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, May 13, 1799.
<James Birmingham, Upholsterer and sworn Appraiser, by Hutt, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London, Takes this opportunity of returning his humble thanks to the superior officers who have honoured him with their commands; and as he is thoroughly acquainted with the various branches of said business, officers, upon the shortest notice, can be supplied by their humble servant, by enquiring of Hugh Spiers, cabinet-maker, Golden-Hill.—New-York Gazette, and the weekly Mercury, March 31, 1777.
Josias Byles.—Died on Saturday evening last after a few days illness, Mr. Josias Byles, upholsterer of this city, formerly of Boston, age about thirty-three years.—Weekly Museum, November 12, 1791.
Stephen Callow.—To be sold for hard money by the widow Relay, at the house of Stephen Callow, three miles north of Poughkeepsie...a neat clock, a mahogany desk and bookcase, a desk, a tea-table, a large stand, a square table, 6 chairs, red bottoms; one large looking-glass, a small glass, a handsome silver mounted sword, 3 windsor chairs, 6 leather back chairs, 2 large china bowls, one warming-pan, a large copper kettle, a small kettle, a coffee-pot, a brass kettle, a quantity of pewter, and a variety of other articles.—New-York Journal and General Advertiser, March 6, 1780.
Grant Cottle.—Paper Hanging Manufactory. Grant Cottle, Upholsterer, Greenwich Street, between Barclay and Murray Street, Carries on the Manufactory of paper hangings, and as he has a number of the best workmen employed in that branch, his customers may expect to have paper hangings finished in the best manner, which he will sell on reasonable terms, with a good allowance to those that sell again. N.B. All the different branches of the upholstery business carried on as usual, and paper hangings put up with neatness and dispatch.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 2, 1793.
Crygier & Post.—The co-partnership of Crygier and Post was by mutual consent dissolved....—Weekly Museum, May 28, 1791.
Cornelius Crygier.—Just opened For Sale, by Cornelius Crygier, Jun. Upholsterer, No. 6, Water Street (Next to Mr. Loudon's Printing Office) Paper Hangings, From the different Manufactories in England, Holland, France and the United States; amongst which are a number of superb and elegant figures. Also, plain and striped hair Seating, for chairs and sofas. The Upholstery Business carried on as usual with neatness and expedition. An apprentice is wanted to the above business.—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, September 21, 1792.
Cornelius & John Crygier.—Paper Hangings. A large and elegant assortment, just imported by the ship Belvidere, Captain Ingraham, from London and late arrivals from France, and from their own manufactory in New-York, the whole comprising the completest assortment ever offered for sale in the city, opening for sale, wholesale and retail on reasonable terms, by Cornelius and John Grygier, Upholsterers and Undertakers, No. 84 Water-street, between the Coffee-House and Old-Slip, among which are the following viz. Plain green, plain blue, light and dark figured, suitable for rooms and entries, with an elegant assortment of rose and fruit borders of all kinds, to match, feather, festoon and common do. Also, to be had as above, Feather beds, hair, moss, and flock matrasses, sofas, dining and drawing room, easy and other chairs, fringes, laces, lines and tassels, cloak pins, and every other Article in the Upholstery line, on the most reasonable terms. Paper hangings put up with neatness and dispatch. Orders from any part of the Continent thankfully received, and punctually attended to.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, April 21, 1797.
John Davis.—Six-Pence per pound will be given for the best sort of good dry cattails. Enquire of John Davis, Upholsterer in Queen Street, between Beekman and Burling's Slip.—The New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, January 13, 1777.
John D. Grushe, Upholsterer, No. 20, William-Street, New-York; At the Sign of the State-Bed and Chairs, carries on the Upholstery Business in all its various Branches; Makes and sells the following articles, Viz. canopy; field, and four-post bed curtains; sofas, settees; easy and other chairs, feather beds; hair mattrasses; stock do. of all sizes; Venetian, and other blinds; ship cabbins furnished with curtains, mattrasses, &c. at the shortest notice.
Fringes, tassels, cord and laces, of all colours; a handsome assortment of paper hangings, paper and other hangings, put up with neatnes and dispatch.—New-York Journal, & Patriotic Register, July 6, 1790.
Johm DeGrushe, Upholsterer, Has just opened and for sale at his stores No. 63 Wall-Street, and No. 30 Broad-way a very handsome assortment of Upholstery Trimmings, consisting of best white lace, cotton and thread, do. tassels, fringes, cotton and thread, from 1-1/2 inch to 4-1/2 inches, chintz fringes, tassels, cords and laces of all colours, and the most fahionable figures, all different and superior to any of the kind in this city, viz.
—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, August 15, 1792.
Elizabeth Evans, Takes this method to acquaint her friends and the public, that she is returned to this city, where she has been employed for several years, and given general satisfaction, in making up in the neatest manner and newest taste, all sorts of upholstery work....—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, January 6, 1777.
Richard Kip. Jun.Upholsterer and Undertaker, Has removed from William street to No. 47, Smith-street, where he still carries on the Upholsterer business in all its branches viz.
Makes all sorts of festoon and drapery window curtains; also stuff sofas settees, couches, French backstool and other chairs; likewise makes feather beds, matrasses, church cushions, and puts up paper match ornaments, tapestry, India and paper-hangings with neatness and dispatch.
Has rich yellow silk and worsted damask, a set very neat India hall prints, satin hair seating, crimson, green, yellow and sky-blue and worsted fringes, tassels, lines and bindings, also white, scarlet and white, crimson and white, green and white, yellow and white and sky blue and white fringes, tassels, lines and bindings; an assortment of the newest fashion cloak pins, to dispose of on the lowest terms.
Also, a sofa, twelve chairs, and three window curtains of sky-blue silk and worsted damask, stuffs garnished and fringed.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, December 13, 1784.
Richard Loyd.—Upholstery, &c. Richard Loyd, No. 21 Great Dock-street, Returns his most grateful acknowledgement to his friends and the public, for their past favors, and begs leave to assure them that he keeps proper hands constantly employed to execute his business, in a workman like manner and with the utmost expedition. He has hair and other Mattrasses, seating and furniture trimmings of the best quality and fashion; choice paper for rooms, of the newest patterns; which he fixes up on the best manner. For sale by commission, bedsteads and furniture, Sophas, easy chairs, parlour ditto; and some cabinet goods. N.B. Lowest price is marked in each article.
Mrs. Loyd continues to carry on the Stay Mantua-making and Millinary business and store as usual. Wanted apprentices, both to Mr. & Mrs. Loyd. Furnished lodgings, for a genteel family and a large dry cellar, to lett, Also best Spanish Segars.—The Diary; or Loudon Register, June 10, 1793.
R. Loyd respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he continues to carry on the upholstery and Paper Hanging Business, in all its branches, at No. 101 Pearl street, where he hopes for a continuance of their favors, which by a strict attention to business he will endeavor to deserve. One or two youths of reputable parents, are wanted as apprentices.—The Weekly Museum, February 14, 1795.
William Mooney.—Paper Hangings; A Small but elegant assortment, among which are plain blue, ditto green, ditto straw colour, and some of the richest figured that has been imported into this city for many years. They are entire new patterns; also a number of patterns of an inferior kind, to be sold by William Mooney, Upholsterer, No. 466, William-Street. N.B. The above hangings are just landed from the Ship Kingston.—New-York Gazette: and the Weekly Mercury, July 31, 1780.
William Mooney.—Just Received general assortment of the most fashionable Paper Hangings for Halls, Entries, Rooms, and Ceilings, and are now selling by Wm. Mooney Upholsterer at his Furniture Ware-House, Nassau-Street, New York...He makes and sells the following articles, viz. Canopy, Dome, Field and four post Bed Curtains, Window ditto, Venetian Blinds, Feather Beds, Hair Mattrasses, Sofas Settees, Easy Chairs, French Elbow ditto, Backstool ditto, Common Mahogany ditto, Balloon ditto, Flock Matrasses, a large and beautiful assortment of Looking Glasses...Elegant Wilton Carpets and Carpeting...Furniture Trimmings....—New-York Journal, or the Weekly Register, October 27, 1785.
William Mooney, Upholsterer...Orders from any Part of the continent or the West-Indies, carefully and punctually executed.—New York Journal, or the Weekly Register, May 18, 1786.
William Mooney.—A fresh Assortment of the Following Goods...from London, for sale by William Mooney, Upholsterer, No. 23 Nassau St. Looking glasses in burnished gold frames, square and oval, with and without glass borders. Large Pier Do., with two plates. Mahogany frames; plain Mahogany and walnut tree framed; do. various sizes, dressing, do., Elegant Wilton carpets, Ingrain'd Carpeting and Scotch Carpets, Strip'd and plain Sattin hair cloth, also Paper hangings. English and American Furniture Trimmings &c....New-York Daily Advertiser, January 1, 1791.
William Mooney.—From Leghorn, The completest and most elegant assortment of Superb Looking Glasses, Ever imported into this city from that country, are now opened and for sale at 20 per cent, Less than English glass, although they are 40 per cent, more elegant, by William Mooney, Upholsterer, No. 23, Nassau-street, Who Has for Sale, Nine pieces superfine furniture chintzes, large noble figures, two sofas, twelve chairs and three window-curtains of crimson silk damask; the chairs and sofas are done in the most complete and best manner, in the present taste, suitable for a drawing room; ingrained carpets and carpeting, fine blankets, &c. The Upholstery business carried on as usual, where every article in that line may be procured at a short notice.—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, March 12, 1792.
William Mooney.—Feather Beds, and Baked hair Matrasses. A few of each may be had by applying to the subscriber. They are made of materials warranted pure and wholesome.
Every article in the upholstering line, in any fashion, and in the most extensive manner may be had as formerly by the public. Wm. Mooney, Upholsterer. New York, No. 31 Nassau street. A very large dry celler to let, it will store 5000 bushels salt.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, February 14, 1799.
Andrew S. Norwood Upholsterer, No. 13, William Street, New-York, Having commenced business in the above line, solicits the patronage of his Friends and the Public. He is determined that his assiduity and exertions to give satisfaction to his employers, will merit a continuance of their favours.
He makes Sofas, Settees, Easy and other chairs, Feather Beds, Hair mattrasses, Flock do. Venetian Blinds, Bed and Window curtains and Mattrasses &c. &c. &c. Paper Hangings put up with neatness and Dispatch.—Weekly Museum, May 25, 1793.
Norwood and Kant.—Looking Glasses. Norwood and Kant, Upholsterers, No. 35 Beekman street, Have received an assortment of the first quality Looking Glasses, which will be sold wholesale and Retail, N.B. The above Glasses will be sold ten per cent lower than any yet sold in this city.
Andrew S. Norwood, returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the Public in general, for the many favours he has received—As he is now taken in Partnership with him Godfrey Kant, which will be under the firm of Norwood and Kant, They make and sell sofas, settees, easy and other chairs, feather-beds, hair matrasses, flock do. venetian blinds, bed and window curtains, carpets, &c. Ships Cabins furnished with curtains, matrasses &c. Paper Hangings put up with neatness and dispatch.
N.B. Particular attention is paid to the various French, English and other fashion. The highest price given for any quantity of curled hair or feathers. Apprentices wanted to the above business. Orders from any part of the country or the West Indies, will be punctually attended to.—The Diary; or Evening Register, September 16, 1794.
Norwood and Kant.—No. 35 Beekman Street. Norwood and Kant, Upholsterers, Return their sincere thanks to the public in general for their past favors, and a continuance of the same is solicited....N.B. They have for sale, 300 Looking Glasses, which will be sold 15 per cent lower than any in the City. Cash given for any quantity of live geese feathers, and curled hair.—New-York Weekly Chronicle, January 8, 1795.
Andrew S. Norwood.—Cheap for Cash English ingrain and Brussels Carpeting. English, French and American Paper Hangings. Andrew S. Norwood, Upholsterer, at his furniture Ware House, No. 127, Wm. street, New-York. Continues to carry on the upholsterer's business, in all its various branches, makes and sells the following articles viz. Canopy, dome, field and four post bed Curtains, sophas, settees, couches, easy, dining, fancy, windsor, and drawing room chairs, carpets, church and other cushions, feather beds, hair, wool, and flock matrasses. Venetian and other blinds. India and other paper hangings, put up with neatness and dispatch.
Owners and masters of vessels may have their cabins furnished at short notice, and on the most reasonable terms. An elegant assortment of gilt frame looking glasses, best qaulity rose blankets, from 6-4 to 12-4, hair cloth, live geese feathers, an assortment of bed ticken, warranted not to shed the feathers.
N.B. Orders from any part of the continent thankfully reeived and punctually attended to.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, August 27, 1798.
A. S. Norwood.—Carpet Store. A. S. Norwood, impressed with a deep sense of gratitude for the may favours he has received in the line of Upholsterer, takes this method to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has now opened a Carpet Store, at No. 127 William Street, where he has just received from some of the first manufatories in Europe, an assortment of carpets and carpeting,...consisting of Brussels and Wilton Carpeting and carpets of all sizes from 3-2 by 4 up to 6 3-4 by 7 1-2 yds. striped Brussels carpeting for Stairs and Entries, 1-2 yd, 3-4 and 7-8 Venetian do. 7-8 & 4-4 pile coach do. for coach & chair makers 4-4 English ingrained do. 4-4 marble do. Scotch ingrained do. 4-4 common Scotch do. an assortment of hearth Rugs, a variety of Patent Oil Floor Cloths for rooms, 1-2 yd. 3-4 and 4-4 do. for Entries. English, French and American Paper Hangings, with Borders to suit. Bed ticken, of superior quality, Rose Blankets, from 6-4 to 12-4 Double and Single Hair Mattresses, Flock and Wool do., Feather Beds and Live Geese Feathers. He continues to carry on the Upholstery Business in all its various branches, in which he is determined to assiduity and exertions to please well given satisfaction to those who may favour him with their commands.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, May 22, 1799.
A. S. Norwood.—For the Southern Market, 4000 elegant Paper Hangings, with rich borders to suit, now landing, and entitled to drawback, for sale by A. S. Norwood, 127 William Street.—New-York Gazette the General Advertiser, February 15, 1799.
Pascal, French Upholsterer, George street, No. 8, near the Park. Makes and undertakes everything belonging to his line of business, as bed furniture, chairs, canopies; he makes new matrasses, and mends old ones; he has likewise an assortment of painted paper hangings, which he engages himself to hang in the newest fashion.—French and American Gazette, July 6, 1795.
John I. Post, upholsterer, Removed from No. 160 Water-street to No 225 corner of Crane Wharf where he carries on the upholsterers business in all its various branches. He has just received a few pieces of Scotch with an assortment of Brussels carpeting.—Weekly Museum, June 16, 1798.
John I. Post, Upholsterer, corner of Crane Wharf, No 225 Water-street. Has Received, a large assortment of coloured worsted and white cotton fringe tassels, Line and Binding suitable to the same which he will sell low also, a general assortment of Papper hangings with borders suited to the same.—Mercantile Advertiser, June 24, 1799.
George Richey, Upholsterer and Tent-Maker, Late from New-York. Takes this method to acquaint the public in general, and the gentlemen of the army in particular, that he makes all sorts of Upholstery work. Also, camp-equipage, such as tents, markees, bell-tents, square-tents, horsemen's tents, camp colours; mattresses made and repaired, haversacks for the men, field and tent beds, house beds, window curtains, French chairs, easy chairs, sofas, settees and couches. Likewise hangs paper with care and dispatch.
As he has been out of employ ever since the retreat in 1776, he will be much obliged to those who favour him with their commands, living at the house of Mr. William Van Wyck, on Fish-Kill Hook.—New-York Packet, June 11, 1778.
John Sanxay, Upholsterer, Begs leave to acquaint his friends and the public that he is removed from Wall-street, to No. 14, Fletcher-street, near the Fly-Market, where he continues to carry on his business as usual. Those Ladies and Gentlemen who choose to favour him with their commands, may depend on being served in the neatest and most expeditious manner. He has for sale a subaltern's new marquee, and a second hand ditto, very good.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, May 7, 1781.
John Birch.—One Hundred and Fifty Patterns Paper Hangings, Being a collection of the newest Fashions, with elegant Festoon Borders, just imported and now opening for sale at very low prices, by John Birch, at his Furniture Ware-Room, No. 68 Maiden-Lane, end of the Oswego Market. Mahogany and other furniture Plated and japaned Wares, and Dry Goods as usual. N.B. Paper Hanging put up with neatness and dispatch.—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 15, 1787.
John Birch.—Paper Hanging by John Birch. He returns his most respectful thanks to his friends and to the public in general; begs leave to inform them that he has reeived in addition from Europe and the United States the most general assortment of Paper Hangings with Bordering suitable—upwards of two Hundred patterns. He flatters himself the best assortment ever imported into this city; and he sells them on the most reasonable terms, at No. 38 corner of Broad and Duke streets.—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, August 15, 1792.
T. V. & I. V.—Stolen among other silver...Two Tea Spoons, cut Handles, Maker's Name T. V. and I. V.—Independent Journal: or the General Advertiser, August 13, 1785.
Daniel Van Voorhis, Jeweller, Gold and Silver Smith, No. 168 Pearl Street Has received by the latest vessel from London a Handsome assortment of Jewellery, such as gold and gilt fancy ear rings, gold seals and watch keys and trinkets, lockets fauxmounts, necklaces, neck chains, &c. Likewise, a very elegant and fashionable assortment of the best London plated ware, consisting chiefly of Tea and Coffee Urns, teapots, tea caddies, sugar and cream basons gilt inside. Salvers, teapot stands, pint and half pint mugs and tumblers, beer jugs, goblets, bottle stands, cruet frames, fish knives, bread and cake baskets, cheese toasters, toast racks, dish wedges, muffeneers, wax jacks, salts, mustard tankers, sauce boats, egg stands, tea and table spoons, soup ladles, sugar tongs, snuffers and trays, lyre candlesticks, do. brackets, do branches with three lights, very elegant, a variety of the most fashionable assorted patterns do. gold and silver epaulets, guns, pistols, gilt and steel mounted swords, sportmens, and pen knives, fine and commonm scissors, tweezers, bodkins, plated shoe and knee buckles of newest fashion, black ditto, boot pullers, razors, corkscrews, gun chargers, fruit knives, black lead pencils, and silver pencil cases, ladies and gentlemen's pocket books, morocco miniature cases, etwees, steel and gilt watch chains, smelling bottles, tooth brushes, court plaister, corrells and bells for children, shell combs, &c. Continues to manufacture silver and gold articles as usual. The highest price given for old gold and silver.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 21, 1797.
Daniel Van Voorhis has removed from No. 168 Pearl Street to No. 141 Broadway where he has taken into partnership and in the future will conduct business under the firm of Daniel Van Voorhis and Son. They have received by the last vessel from London, a Hand Some and very fashionable assortment of Jewellery...Likewise a very elegant assortment of the very best plated ware....Every article in the Gold and Silver line executed in the neatest and newest fashion.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 22, 1797.
Daniel Van Voorhis and Son.—All persons indebted to Daniel Van Voorhis or Daniel Van Voorhis and Son are request to make payment to the subscribers only, or to their order, they being duly authorized by assignment to receive the same. Thomas White, George Knox.—New-York Daily Advertiser, August 21, 1798.
Daniel Van Voorhis.—Thieves! Ten Dollars Reward. Stolen from No. 28 Vesey-Street, on Friday evening, Six large Silver Table Spoons, one desert do., marked I. R. H. in a cypher, stampt Daniel Van Voorhis, on the back of the shank with an eagle...John Hutson....—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, December 4, 1797.
Daniel Van Voorhis, Jeweller, Gold and Silversmith Respectfully informs his friends and the Public that he has re-commenced business at No. 88 Maiden Lane; Where articles in gold or silver will be manufactured after the most approved taste, and has also on commission an assortment of Jewellery, plated Ware, Cutlery....—New-York Gzette and General Advertiser, July 6, 1799.
John Colles.—Paper Hanging Manufatory. A large and elegant assortment of Paper hangings, with Festoon Borders is now finished for sale, at Gerardus Duyckinck's, jun. Store No. 30, Little-Dock-street, or at John Colles's at the Manufactory in the lower Barracks where orders and directions for Paper is received, the Public now can be supplied with any kind of Paper Hanging, agreeable to their fancy, plain, green, and blue verditer, or any other colour to suit their Furniture, may be had at a very short notice. One very great advantage will attend the purchasing of Paper Hanging manufactured here, is, that it can always be matched again; many Persons have been obliged to new paper their Rooms for want of a few yards of Paper Hanging that has been imported, being damaged on their walls, and another very great advantage is, they can be sold much cheaper than the imported Paper Hanging, and warranted to be equally as good. Cash given for old Rope, Linen and Cotton Rags.—Daily Advertiser, April 11, 1787.
Daniel Leeson.—Plain and printed Paper Hangings manufactured and sold by Daniel Leeson, Paper Stainer, No. 26 Wall Street opposite the Coffee House, Merchants, Shop-Keepers, and Upholsterers who buy to sell again, will find their advantage in dealing with him, as he proposes to make his goods in quality equal to any imported, plain rooms finished in the newest taste, and printed paper laid on in the most approved method, and at the lowest price.—Royal Gazette, November 11, 1780.
Daniel Leeson.—An assortment of English and American Made Plain and Printed Paper Hangings, from 6s. to 22s. 6d. per piece, and laid on in Country or City, at the usual price. Rooms, Halls, and St[a]ir-cases, Coloured any fancy colour, By Daniel Leeson, No. 25 Broad-Street. N.B. Any person wanting a quantity of low priced paper, may have it reasonable, by applying as above.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, March 3, 1783.
Prentiss and May.—American Manufactured Paper Hangings. Just received from the Manufactory of Prentiss and May, at Boston, and to be sold, at Greenleaf's Printing office, No 196, Water Street, New York. A large assortment of Paper Hangings, by wholesale and Retail, These paper hangings will be sold at a cheaper rate than the British manufacture; The figures are chosen from the newest European patterns, and are so various, both for rooms and entries, that the tastes and fancies of different purchasers may be easily suited.
Mr. Greenleaf, as agent to the firm, will pay the strictest attention to all orders he may receive from the several cities and towns in this & the neigbouring states. Persons who find it most convenient to send their orders, may rely on their being treated with the same faithfulness as though the applications were personal.
Should any one wish for a parcel from original or fancy patterns, by giving notice to Mr. Greenleaf they could be supplied in a short time.
The progress of manufactures, in our youthful country, affords a flattering presage of expeditious maturity—nothing is wanting but the encouragement of well wishers to their country, in promoting them; and it is in general conceeded, that they are at least as cheap, and equal in goodness to the foreign. The manufacture of Paper Hangings is brought to so great perfection, that should the manufactures meet with encouragement, they will soon be enabled to supply the United States entirely, and thus detain many thousands of pounds per annum within these boundaries which would otherwise be sent to Europe.—New-York Journal & Patriotic Register, July 20, 1790.
A. Prentiss.—Paper Hanging, of American Manufacture, to be Sold wholesale and Retail by T. Greenleaf, the Printer hereof, at a lower rate than those manufactured in Europe (Prices from 2s.to 20s the Piece.)
These hangings are manufactured by A. Prentiss and Co. at Boston, where they have established this business in a costly and extensive manner. They are judged to be quite equal, in goodness to the English; and it is to be hoped, as the encouragement of our own manufacturers is truly Patriotic, that those who use this neat, and greatly decorating article, will prefer these. It is found, by experience, that papering of rooms, both walls and ceilings, as well as entries, with this cheap paper, is far less costly, and much handsomer than white washing. Said Greenleaf is agent to the Manufacturers, and sells at the same rates as at the manufatory, he can always supply deficient pieces, when a purchasers quantity is too small, and will take back a piece or two, if whole or undamaged, where the quantity is too great. There are upwards of 60 different patterns from which every taste may be suited. Elegant plain, patch and festoon Borders.—New-York Journal & Patriotic Register, February 17, 1791.
Paper Hanging Manufactory.—Paper Hangings, a very elegant assortment of plain and printed, from 4 to 16s. per piece, may be had of the Paper Hanging Manufatory No. 23 Broad-street, nearly opposite the Post-office. Rooms Halls, and Stair Cases coloured in the neatest manner, and paper hangings laid on in the most approved method. and lowest price, by a person who served a regular time to that branch. N.B. Ladies and Gentlemen by sending their orders, shall be waited on with pattern at their house.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, May 7, 1781.
Paper Hangings, Uncommonly elegant Patterns, Thirteen pieces of Verditer palm, ten pieces of blue Jessamine palm, twelve pieces of yellow Stow paper the most modern patterns. The above are perhaps not to be equalled in beauty, on this side of the water. Enquire of the printer.—Royal Gazette, April 4, 1778.
P. Badollet, Watchmaker, Number 101 Pearl-Street, Has just received from Geneva a superb assortment of Watches, gold, polished, enamelled, and set in Pearls, of the most beautiful and modern fashions. As they are drawn directly from the manufatory, he is enabled to dispose of them at very moderate prices. He warrants all Watches sold or repaired by him for one year, especially Repeaters, which he has made his particular study; and hopes to give those who honour him with their confidence the most perfect satisfaction.—The Diary, July 11, 1796.
Paul Badollet, Pearl Street, No. 101 Has just received by the last arrivals from London, a large assortment of Watch Glasses, from no. 1 to no. 45, which he will sell wholesale or Retail.—New-York Daily Advertiser, August 4, 1797.
B. B. Barker.—Two Gold Watches. B. B. Barker, Watrch-Maker, Great-Queen-street, the corner of King-street, Hath to dispose of, remarkably cheap for cash, one elegant capp'd and jewell'd Lady's gold enamell'd Watch, and one double-cased Gentleman's plain gold Watch, jewell'd. These Watches are made by one of the best makers in London and will be Warranted.—New-York Daily Advertiser, July 21, 1787.
Brian B. Barker.—Stolen or taken by mistake out of the shop of the subscribed, some time since, a Plain Gilt watch, fashionable shape, remarkably plain dial plate, the hours being marked by figures instead of the usual way; the said watch when missing, had a black ribbon fastened to it, with a common brass key and seal. Whoever will return the above watch to the printers or to the subscriber, shall receive a reward of six Pounds, if stolen, and no questions asked. Brian B. Barker, Corner of Queen and king-street.—New-York Packet, April 10, 1787.
James Berry. Clock and Watchmaker, from Edinburg. Begs leave to inform his Friends and Customers, that he has removed from Chapel Street, to Beekman Slip No. 62, at the House of Mr. James Reid, Tavern-Keeper, where he carries on the Watchmaking Business in all its Branches, in the neatest and most expeditious Manner, and on the very lowest terms. N.B. Glasses put in at the shortest notice, and watches from the country will be taken particular care of and repaired with dispatch.—Royal Gazette, March 21, 1781.
James Berry, Watch and Clock-maker, Begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that he is removed to No. 5, Old-slip, where he carries on that business in all its branches. Those gentlemen who may please to favour him with their custom, may depend on their orders being attended to with accuracy and dispatch.—New-York Packet. May 9, 1785.
Bessonett and Merkler. F. P. Bessonett Clock and Watch-Maker, and F. Merkler, Gold, Silver-Smith and Jeweller. Clocks and Watches made and repaired in the best manner, Miniature Pictures set, Devices in Hair, Lockets, Mourning Rings, &c. made on the shortest notice, at the sign of the Dial, no. 32 Maiden lane, corner of Smith-street. With gratitude we aknowledge the past favors we have experienced from the respectable public, and our friends at large, and hope by our punctuality and attention to business, to attain a continuance of their patronage in the above branches. N.B. Orders from the country carefully attended to and punctually executed.—New-York Weekly Museum, June 13, 1789.
John P. Bessonett, watch and clock maker, has removed from No. 32, Maiden-lane, corner of Smith-street, to No 32, Fly-market; where he still continues to execute his profession.—Weekly Museum, June 19, 1790.
Joseph Burghell.—Two Dollars Reward. Stolen an old Silver Watch...whoever will stop the watch, and bring it to Joseph Burghell, watchmaker, No. 192, Water-street, shall receive the above reward.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 5, 1786.
John Calver.—One Guinea Reward. Lost, the 14th instant at Newtown, on Long Island, a Silver Watch, makers' name John Calver, at Woodbridge. Whoever will return the same to James Harper at Newtown, or Hugh Gaine, shall receive the above reward.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, February 1, 1779.
William Clark.—Lost last evening between the Fly Market and Oswego, a Pinchbeck Watch, a shagreen case, makers name Wm. Clark, No. 249, New York. Whoever has found the same, and will deliver it to the printer, shall be handsomely rewarded.—New-York Daily Advertiser, December 29, 1786.
John Dalzell.—Notice. All persons having any demands against the estate of John Dalzell, Watch and Clock Maker of New York, deceased; are requested to bring in their accounts for settlement, and those that are indebted to the deceased, to make payment to the subscriber, being duly authorised to receive the same. Thomas M'Cready. No. 68 Broad-Street. N.B. Any person having left watches in his charge, are requested to call and receive the same by proving the property, and those that have got the loan of Watches will please to return them to the above subscriber.—Commercial Advertiser, January 15, 1799 (supplement).
Henry M. Dobbs. Having conducted the Watch-making Business for John J. Staples, Jun. and his having now declined it, H. M. Dobbs has taken a shop No. 64 Wall-street, opposite the Tontine Coffee-House, where he carries on said Business. He pledges himself to those Gentlemen and Ladies that have estimable watches, to directly repair them himself, as he has with sincere regret known great abuses committed from the want of experience, in many who profess to know that most beautiful and curious art.
N.B. The watches that were sold by him while at Mr. Staples he continues to warrant. A few handsome English and French Silver warranted watches, on hand.—Weekly Museum, August 9, 1794.
H. M. Dobbs, Watch & Clock Maker, Respectfully informs the public, that he has removed his shop from opposite the Tontine Coffee-house 64 Wall-street to 149 Pearl-street, opposite Mr. Hugh Gaine's Book store, where the same punctual attendance will be observed to secure a continuance of that great share of attention that his friends in particular and the public in general have honoured him with. The conviction that must result from the reflection of good workmen being assisted by good tools has been forcibly impressed on the subscriber by several years experience. He therefore has made a collection of the best from London, Paris and Geneva. The assurance that has been given to the public is now repeated that any timepiece, however complicated will be as well done as in Europe. And if its construction is such as to destroy accuracy, it will be declared. Two apprentices are wanted. Enguire as above.—Mercantile Advertiser, May 4, 1799.
Effingham Embree.—Just come to hand, and for sale, By Effingham Embree, Clock and Watch Maker, No. 185, Queen Street, a few elegant gold and gilt watches, gold chains, seals and keys, ladies elegant beaded watch chains, and a few very highly finished men's steel, do. with a number of other articles. E. Embree has still on hand, a handsome assortment of clocks and watches, silver and plated ware, jewellery, &c.
N.B. a good journeyman and an apprentice wanted. None need apply but such as can bring unexceptional characters.—The Daily Advertiser, February 23, 1791.
Effingham Embree.—Lost, or left in some store in this city, an English Silver Watch, carrying the day of the month, maker Effingham Embree, with gilt chain, common seal and key. The finder, by leaving the watch, or information respecting it with Mr. Southworth, No. 135 Broadway, would much oblige their humble servant, John O'Brien.—New-York Daily Advertiser, December 5, 1799.
Peter Field. Watch-Maker. Informs his friends and customers, that he has removed from Quaker-Hill to Danbury, where he carries on his business as usual.—New-York Packet, November 9, 1780.
Basil Francis.—Horizontal, Repeating, and Plain Watches, made, sold, and repaired, with accuracy and dispatch by Basil Francis, who received his instructions in the business in London and has wrought for some of the most eminent masters of that art in said city, as an approved workman. Should this be doubted, proper testimonials will be produced, to prove the assertion; it being the sole wish of the said Basil Francis, only to obtain favour proportion'd to the knowledge he has, and the satisfaction he affords in his business: On those foundations, he hopes for the encouragement of the public, which he will ever endeavor to merit, by a full exertion of his abilities to please. Watches and Clocks repaired by him, he ensures to perform well for two years (accidents and mismanagement excepted) as cheap as any person in this city, at his shop, the sign of the dial and two watches, near the old-slip, in little Dock Street New York.—Royal Gazette, January 10, 1778.
Charles Geddes, Watch-Maker, from London, Takes this method of informing his customers and others, that he has removed from No. 34, Queen-street to Hanover-Square, opposite Mr. Gaine's Printing-Office, where he carries on his business as usual.—New-York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury, May 5, 1777.
Charles Geddes.—Watches. Just imported and to be sold by Charles Geddes, Watchmaker from London, at his shop in Hanover Square, an assortment of watches, sizeable glasses, springs, etc. etc. N.B. Watches repaired in the best manner on the most reasonable terms, and with the greatest dispatch.—Royal American Gazette, November 6, 1777.
Charles Geddes, Watch-Maker, from London, opposite Gaine's Printing-office, Hanover-square. Returns thanks to the gentlemen of the army, navy, and others, his customers, for their former favours, and begs leave to inform them, that a fresh supply from London enables him to furnish his customers with everything usually wanted in his way; A constant attention to business and the most sedulous endeavors to please, he hopes will recommend him to the favour of the public.—Royal American Gazette, June 18, 1778.
Charles Geddes.—Just imported in the Ship John, Capt. Peters, from London and to be sold by Charles Geddes, watch maker in Hanover-Square, opposite Gaines printing office. An elegant assortment of watches, in gold, silver and pinchbeck cases; gold, silver and pinchbeck seals; pinchbeck and steel keys and chains, of the newest patterns; springs, glasses &c. N.B. Watches cleaned and repaired in the best manner, and on the shortest notice.—Royal Gazette, February 7, 1778.
Charles Geddes.—Lost...a single case Pinchbeck Watch, Chas. Geddes, Maker, No 4050, with a pinchbeck chain and seal cypher, R. G....—Royal Gazette, February 2, 1780.
Charles Geddes, Watch-Maker, No. 21 Hanover-Square, intending shortly to leave this City, request all persons indebted to him to make speedy payments; and all those to whom he is indebted, are desired to apply for payment. His stock in trade, consisting of a very large assortment of gold and silver watches, laid in from the best hands, and well calculated for the country gentleman, he will dispose of wholesale and retail, on very low terms, for cash only. Any person inclining to purchase the whole, may have them for cost and charges.—Royal Gazette, April 19, 1783.
Thomas Gordon, Watchmaker, in Hanover-Square, Has removed his shop to the opposite side of the way, No. 519, directly facing his former situation; where he continues to perform all kinds of work in the various branches of his business in the best manner as usual.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, May 18, 1778.
Thomas Gordon.—Gold Watches, A Neat Assortment, plain and jewelled, warranted good, lately come to hand, to be sold by Thomas Gordon, Watchmaker, in Hanover-Square. Likewise, Gold Silver Watches at different Prices.—Royal Gazette, January 20, 1781.
Thomas Gordon.—Lost...a small Gold Watch with a second hand to it, and in a single case. It had a steel chain to it, with two pinchbeck seals...whoever brings it to Mr. Gordon's Watchmaker in Hanover Square, shall receive Five Guineas Reward. It was marked No. 386 and the maker's name John Dingwell, London.—Royal Gazette, July 27, 1782.
Henry Griffin.—Wanted immediately, A Person who can be well recommended for his honesty and sobriety, and is a thorough workman, at the business of clock and watch making, and understands the branch of a silver-smith; such a person will meet with good encouragement by applying to the subscriber, living in Fishkill, Dutchess county. N.B. None need apply unless well recommended. Henry Griffin.—New-York Packet, March 16, 1786.
Joseph Hall, Watch-Maker, Informs his Friends and the Public in general, that he has removed from Smith-street, to the corner of Little-Queen-street, in Broad-Way, nearly opposite Cape's Tavern, where he carries on the Watch-making Business in all its various branches. He returns his grateful Thanks to the Gentlemen and Ladies of the city, for their past favours, and solicits a continuation of them, assuring them; at the same time, that no endeavours on his part shall be wanting to give general satisfaction.
He has now on hand, for sale excellent new and second-hand Watches; silver and plated shoe and knee buckles, &c. &c.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, December 1, 1783.
Thomas Hatton.—To Clock and Watch Makers. An introduction to the Mechanical part of Clock and Watch Work; containing all the Arithmetic and Geometry neessary, with their particular application in the several branches,—A Work very useful for the working Mechanic, or the Gentleman mechanically inclined. Illustrated by eighteen Copperplates, geometrically drawn for the use of the Trade. By Thomas Hatton Watchmaker, and Teacher of the first Principles of Science for a Mechanic. The above Book may be had of James Rivington, Price 16 s.—New-York Daily Gazette, December 30, 1788.
Hayden & Freeman, Watch and Clock Makers, No. 47, Water-street, near the Fly-market, and adjoining Mr. Andrew Van Tuyl's Store, Beg leave to inform their Friends and the Public in general, that they carry on the business of Watch and Clock making; Gold and Silver work, Gilding and Engraving done in the neatest manner, and on the lowest terms. Cash will be given for old Gold and Silver.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 24, 1788.
Isaac Heron.—Stolen out of Isaac Heron's shop at different times since the rebel varlets meanly stole out of town; a silver watch, capp'd H. Thomas, London. No. 5000 shall receive 8 dollars; and for a disovery of each thief as much. Also, silver watch, of a poor sort, Edward Muddle, Chathem, 497. For this a reward of 4 dollars will be given and 8 for a discovery of the thief. Lost, a flat silver watch, capp'd and jeweled, Peacock, London; the diamond appears through the cap, on which, near the regulator, is engrav'd a hare and snail. A reward of two guineas awaits the restorer. Said Heron wants a quantity of sizeable watch glasses: buys and sells all sorts of watches: Has for sale an elegant gold repeater, richly ornamented with diamonds; a very neat, well finished table clock, &c. Wants an apprentice.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, February 3, 1777.
Isaac Heron, Coffee-House Bridge, A fresh importation of Watches, in silver, green skin, gray skin, blue-skin,* and tortoise shell cases, for either sex. Spring and house clocks, garnet hoop rings, broaches, ditto for the ancient sons of peace, laced hats, purses, pen knives, pocket books, pebble, crystal and cornelian sleeve buttons, chains, seals, &c.
*Ye Blue-skins! will you say I allude to you? Well you may, ye cursed varlets! Who can view the consequences of your baneful politicks, and not despise and detest you, But, vain Wretches! it is not to you I advertise.
Strangers should be informed, that in this province, the epithet Blue-skin was that by which, in the infancy of the rebellion those ingrates were distinguished from Royalists or real patriots.—The New-York Gazette, and Weekly Mercury, June 9, 1777.
Isaac Heron, wishes to be rid of a small pacrel of Gold Watches, a large one of silver ditto, and an assortment of silver Shoe-buckles, which he received from his friends on the Thames.—Rivington's New York Loyal Gazette, October 18, 1777.
Isaac Heron, Determines to embark in the first European fleet, and as he means to make a decent exit, he entreats those whom he has the honour to call his Debtors, that they enable him to put his creditors in good humour; by immediately discharging their several accounts. The few things remaining on hand, he will sell for first cost.—Royal Gazette, September 9, 1778.
T. Hilldrup.—To Be Had, (if applied for soon) Watch Chrystals of T. Hilldrup, in Hartford.—New-York Packet, Septem,ber 11, 1777.
Hildrup.—Some time in January last was sent from the post-office in this place, in the Hartford mail, an old silver Watch, directed to Mr. Hildrup, watch-maker and post-master there, to rectify it; which watch, Mr. Hildrup, informs never came to his hands...—New-York Packet, October 5, 1780.
Robert Joyce.—Watch & Clock-Maker, No. 4, Beaver Street, Takes the liberty of informing his friends and the public, that he has commenced business in this city. Having served his apprenticeship in London, and afterwards wrought with the most eminent in his line there, and in Dublin; and in the latter place for seven years carried on business on his own account, in the course of which he has been employed in making time pieces for astronomical observations, Airometers for shewing the point of the wind, and the Clocks for the principal part of all the public buildings; so that his experience gives him confidence to assert, that with his strict attention, he will execute every command in his line of business in the best and most satisfactory manner.
Wishing to be respectable, Joyce will not undertake the repairing or cleaning of any Watch or Clock, without being first permitted by the customer to make good the defective parts, which by having every necessary engine and tool for the purpose, he can do (however intricate the work) in a more reasonable and satisfactory manner than by half doing and often charging.
He has at present a variety of Clocks, which he will engage to the purchaser; also Gold, Silver, Enameled and Mettle Watches, of his own make, from two Guineas to fifty, with gold hands, keys, glasses, and every other article in his line of business of the best and cheapest kind.—The Diary; or Evening Register, January 8, 1794.
Robert Joyce.—Sign of the Eagle and Watch, next house to the corner of Wall street, in Pearl street, nearly opposite the Coffee house slip.
Robert Joyce, Watch and Clock-maker, having removed to the above situation, respectfully inform his friends and the public in general that he has considerably increased his Stock of Watches. He has a variety of gold, silver and metal cases; some in the English stile, and of the most superior workmanship: horizontal, capped and jewelled, in uncommon strong gold cases, made under his own immediate inspection; and having been regularly instructed under the most eminent in his line, in London, he with confidence asserts, that they cannot be excelled any where; and hopes, by his unremitting attention, and desire to perfect every piece of Mechanism that pases through his hands, to merit a continuance of that liberal encouragement which he has so amply experienced since his commencement in this city.
Such watches and clocks as he has occasion to import, are described according to his own ideas, and he trusts more for the advantage of his customers, than those imported by persons ignorant of the true principles and execution of such machine. Some of Litherland's patent watches with jewelled pallets and holes, marble and other clocks ready for sale. Also a variety of second-hand watches. Every description of watches and clocks cleaned and repaired; if ever so intricate, he will engage to perfect them. Any person wanting gold cases, can be immediately supplied with any pattern or strength. All kinds of gold bought.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 22, 1797.
David Frederick Launy.—Just opened, and Ready for Sale, by David Frederick Launy, At his Store No. 2, Maiden-Lane, near the Broadway, a handsome assortment of gold and silver Repeating, Horizontal, Hunting, and plain Watches...any sort of Clock and Watch work, made and repaired on the shortest notice, and warranted for one year or more. N.B. As he has all the necessary tools for cutting watch wheels and fusces, the makers can have them done on the lowest terms, and with expedition.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 16, 1793.
David F. Launey & Co.At their wholesale and retail store, No. 141 Pearl street, near the New-York Bank, Have just received, per late arrivals from Europe, an extensive variety of fashionable Jewellery, and fancy goods...also, an elegant assortment of silver and plated ware, with an extensive variety of ladies watches richly enameled and ornamented with fine pearls. Repeaters; horizontal, stop, and other plain Gold Watches; with two hundred English silver and gilt low-priced Watches, and a great assortment of the most elegant French Marble Clocks; Opitcal instruments, such as telescopes, microscopes, spectacles, opera, reading, and burning glasses...—The Diary, February 20, 1796.
A. W. Lay. Watchmaker and Jeweller, No. 85, Nassau-street, N.B. Watch cases of every kind neatly made.—Weekly Museum, July 30, 1796.
George Levely, Lost Last Monday Evening, about 3 or 4 miles on the Bloomingdale Road, a Pinchbeck Watch with a chain of the same metal, in the case were two Papers, the one with the Name of George Levely, Clock and Watch Maker, Baltimore. Whoever finds said Watch, and will bring it to the Printer hereof, shall receive One Guinea Reward.—Royal Gazette, May 9, 1778.
Alexander MacKenzie, Watch maker Having removed from No 180 Greenwich St. to No. 167 Broadway, has on hand a few fashionable Clocks made by one of the first manufacturers in the Clock line in Europe. Clocks and Watches repaired....—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 9, 1796.
Lost a Watch Case...a tortoise shell watch case, with a paper in the inside marked W. Rust Hull. Whoever hath found, the same, and will bring it to No 46 John street, or Mr. M'Kenzie, watch-maker, Broad-way, shall receive a reward, if required for their trouble.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 5, 1797.
Alexander Mac Kenzie, No. 187 Broadway, has imported and for sale, An eleganmt assortment of English Watches, gold and silver; seconds, capped and jewelled, stopped and day of the month. Also, eight day and Spring Clocks, Chains, Keys, Seals, and Materials.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 18, 1797.
Robert M'Hinch Watch maker, Respectfully informs, his friends and the public, that he has commenced business at no. 92, Water-street, where he has for sale, an assortment of useful watches, which shall be warranted to any purchaser in the most satisfactory manner. Watches left for repairing will be done with the utmost care and dispatch.—Mercantile Advertiser, January 19, 1799.
Edward Massey, Watch & Clock Maker, from Europe, Begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he has opened his store at No. 113 Pearl-Street near the Old Slip, New-York, where he intends carrying the above business; and flatters himself that from his long experiene in these arts to give full satisfaction to those who may favour him with their commands. He has now on sale an assortment of Patent, Repeating, Stop, and Plain Watches. Watches and Clocks repaired with the greatest accuracy and dispatch. He has also for sale 10 hds assorted Irish Glass.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, January 8, 1799.
White Matlack, Watch and Clock-Maker, lately from New-York, is removed to Philadelphia, the North side of Market-street, near Fourth-street, where he carries on his business as usual. Any person having any demands on him will do well to apply soon. Written orders will be duly attended to, and answered. A few watches yet on hand for sale.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, May 8, 1777.
Edward Meeks, Jun. Clock and Watch Maker, at No. 98, Maiden-Lane, where he executes the above business in its different branches and will make every exertion to give general satisfaction to those who please to favor him with their commands. All Clocks or Watches repaired by him warranted to perform with accuracy one year. N.B. He has just opened a handsome assortment of Watches, Chains, Seals and Keyes, which he will sell on reasonable terms.—The Herald, April 29, 1795.
Edward Meeks, Jr.—Patent Watches, curiously and elegantly constructed on the most improved plan, a large assortment of both Gold and Silver, just imported, and for sale at No. 114 Maiden Lane by Edward Meeks, Jun. Likewise an assortment of Eight Day clocks and Chimney timepiece.—The Argus, January 2, 1797.
Edward Meeks, Jr.—For Sale, one of the most valuable stands for Business in this City, together with the stock and trade of Edward Meeks, Jun. Clock and Watch-Maker, No 114, Maiden Lane, consisting of the following articles, viz. Clock and watches of the most fashionable desription, Chimney time Pieces, clock and watch Dial Plates, watch materials, watch and clock makers tools, Gold and Silver work plated ware together with a general assortment of Jewellery, Cutlery and Hardware.—The Argus, June 26, 1798.
Thomas Millington.—Clocks and Watches Of all sorts, cleaned and carefully repaired, by Thomas Millington, Watchmaker, lately arrived in the Ship Mentor, from London....He is regularly bred to the above branches of busines, and worked as a Finisher and a Repairer for several years in the employ of the best masters in England.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, August 3, 1785.
Mitchell and Mott.—Five Dollars Reward, Lost, yesterday morning, a Gold Block Chrystal Seal, with 3 sides, the impression a cypher, I. G. a wild man and a head. Apply to Mitchell and Mott, Watch makers, 247 Pearl Street.—New-York Daily Advertiser, October 3, 1797.
Robert Montgomery, Watch and Clock-Maker, and Engraver, opposite the Coffee-House Bridge, Informs his friends, and the public that he intends carrying on his business, in all its various branches. His serving a regular apprenticeship, with care and attention, to said business, will, he hopes gain him encouragement. He has now for Sale an elegant assortment of Jewellery, and watches of the best and newest fashions; and is determined to sell on the most reasonable terms, for ready money...he gives the highest price for old Gold and Silver.—New-York Packet, November 20, 1783.
Robert Montgomery, Clock and Watch-Maker, At the Gold Watch, No. 33, Wall Street, Begs leave to return his most sincere thanks to his Friends and Customers in general, for the many favours they have been pleased to confer on him, and hopes in the future to receive their commands, which he will always endeavor to merit. He has just received from London and Bristol a handsome assortment of Clocks....
N.B. Wanted a Journeyman, who is perfect in the Clock and Watchmaking Business, also an Apprentice of genteel connections.—New-York Morning Post, August 29, 1785.
Robert Montgomery, Clock and Watchmaker, at the Sign of the Gold Watch, No. 33, Wall street, opposite the Coffee-House Bridge, finds, from long experience, that people who keep Clocks in their houses often complain and with sufficient cause, of the annual expence attending them; for several housekeepers pay from one to four pounds yearly to keep them going. Therefore to remedy this grievance, said Montgomery intends to keep clocks in repair by the year, as is customary in Europe; for this purpose, every person leaving his address at Montgomery's shop, will have his clock wound up and regulated weekly—kept in constant good order—mended when necessary, with every other incidental charge, at so low a rate as Two Dollars per annum. No money required 'till the expiration of the year, and then not any if the clock does not go to liking.
Montgomery presumes that the advantages of his proposal are obvious; he therefore submits it to the indulgent public whom he shall endeavor to please, and whose favours he has so often experienced.—New-York Daily Advertiser, September 2, 1786.
John Nixon.—Watch Glasses, At the old accustomed price of Two Shillings, may be had of John Nixon, Watch maker, opposite Hull's tavern, in Broadway. He has received from Europe, a large quantity of Watch Materials, such as springs, chains, hands, dial plates, &c. which he will sell lower than any yet imported.—Royal American Gazette, December 18, 1777.
John Nixon.—Stopped. A Stone Seal set in gold, the owner proving his property, and paying charges, may apply for it to John Nixon, Watchmaker, No. 140, Queen Street.—Royal Gazette, October 24, 1778.
Pearsall and Embree, Watchmakers. Acquaint their Friends and Customers, that they have removed to the corner of Beekman's Slip, where they continue to repair Watches as usual. They have likewise for sale, a general assortment of Watches—gold, silver, metal, engraved, Tortoishell, &c. warranted good, and on the best terms. Also a large assortment of Silver Work, Watch Chains, Seals, Keys, &c.—Royal Gazette, March 28, 1781.
Pearsall and Embree.—The Co-partnership of Robert Van Wagenen and Son, being dissolved....The hardware business will be carried on at the same place in Beekman's slip as usual by said Gerrit H. Van Wagenen; and at the corner of Queen-street and Beekman's slip, the store formerly occupied by Pearsall and Embree watch makers....—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 20, 1791.
Pike and Co. Watch manufacturers, from London, at No. 10 Liberty street, where Watchmakers may be supplied and Watches made agreeable to any order. An assortment of Materials and Watchmakers tools &c. for sale. Also, a quantity of mathematical and and nautical instruments to be sold low for cash, oor approved notes.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 1, 1798.
Pike & Co. No. 71 Barclay Street, Have received per Ships Two Friends and Mary, from their Manufactory in London, cap't and jewelled Day-the-month and Seconds Watches, a large assortment of common watches which will be sold accommodating to purchases.—Commercial Advertiser, June 19, 1798.
Isaac Price.—Died...Mr. Isaac Price, Watchmaker in Market-street, Philadelphia.—Commercial Advertiser, September 19, 1798.
James Roy.—Found, on the morning of the 21st instant, by a negro fellow, upon one of the docks in this town, a silver watch. The owner by applying to James Roy, watchmaker, opposite to Mr. Rivington's and proving his property, may have her again, upon rewarding the negro and paying all expences.—New-York Gazette, and Weekly Mercury, December 22, 1777.
James Roy.—Lost...Wednesday between this city and Fort Kniphausen a silver watch....whoever may find the same, by delivering it to James Roy Watchmaker, opposite to Mr. Rivington in Queen-street, shall be handsomely rewarded.—Royal Gazette, April 18, 1778.
Stephen Sand.—Just imported and to be sold by Stephen Sand, Watch-Maker, No. 189, Queen-street, a variety of paste shoe knee, and stock buckles, newest fashioned...ditto in silver...common watch seals, steel, gilt, and mother of pearl watch chain, silk braid, gilt, steel, silver and brass watch keys, silver and metal pendants....leather and paper ink pots, looking glasses &c.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, September 20, 1779.
Stephen Sand.—Just imported, and to be sold by Stephen Sands, Clock and Watch Maker, No. 199, Queen-street, a neat assortment of warranted watches, with bar movements; common and low priced ditto, a few patterns of elegant stone shoe, knee and stock buckles; gold rings, ear rings, lockets, broaches and pins, together with a variety of jewellery, hardware &c. at the lowest prices.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, January 13, 1783.
Stephen Sands.—Whereas the subsriber by reason of ill state of health, which rendes him in great measure incapable of pursuing business, is under the necessity of calling upon all persons who stand indebted to him, either by bond, note or book debt, to call and discharge the same by the first day of April next, as longer time will not be given....His remaining stock on hand, consisting of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Hardware, Jewellery, Watches and Clocks, &c. will be disposed of at a very reasonable rate such as shall make it worth the attention of dealers in that way. Stephen Sands.—New-York Packet, March 16, 1786.
John Simnet.—Watches. John Simnet, Who first established that opulent Manufacture at Clerkwell (a suburb of London, which originally produced the Watches used in that and this country) arrived in this city A.D. 1764, to endeavor to raise his fame as a national undertaker, assisted by the exertion of every curious workman in the various branches of the Watch—but was at last driven by the tempest of war to Albany; and from being most out of employ for eight years, has reduced his circumstances to require the revival of his old advertisement, soliciting the favours of his curious surrounding neighbors, who will ever prove his performance excellent, and his charges very easy. at the Sign of the Dial, No. 199, next to the Coffee-House in Water-street, New-York.—Independent Journal and General Advertiser, March 24, 1784 (supplement).
J. Simnet.—To Let, The House, No. 198, Water-street, New-York, the Sign of the Dial, next door east of the Coffee-House, with an elegant projecting Window. The rent is forty pounds a year, and is the best stand in the city for that price; inhabited by J. Simnet, watch-maker, who will sell at prime cost, his Regulator, A Curious Dial, the Plate twenty inches diameter. Also some New Watches. Very best Glasses fitted at One Shilling each, best Main-Spring at One Dollar each, and other repairs in Proportion.—New-York Packet, May 19, 1785.
Staples & Dobbs.—The partnership of Stables and Dobbs being by mutual consent dissolved this day, all persons having any demands against said partnership, are requested to bring in their accounts immediately for settlement, and those indebted to the said firm, are requested to made immediate payment to the subsriber, who intends carrying on as usual; at No. 179 Water-street, near the Fly-market, watch making, Gilding, Engraving and silver work. He present his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general, for their patronising care, and hope to retain their favor by a strict attention to please those who may indulge him with their Custom. John J. Staples, Jun.
N.B. He has on hand an elegant assortment of Jewellery, Silver work and hard Ware, on the lowest terms for cash.—New-York Daily Advertiser, August 12, 1788.
John J. Staples, Jr.—English Patent watches, of superior elegance and neatness, in gold, silver and gilt cases, warranted to be accurate time-keepers, some of which peculiarly adapted for nautical gentlemen, sold by appointment of the patentee, by John J. Staples, Jun. Seventh door west Fly-market, No. 36 Water-street, who has received by the last arrivals from Europe, in addition to his former assortment....—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 7, 1793.
John Thompson.—Whereas the subscriber has in his possession a number of Watches, which were left to his care by Mr. Isaac Heron, late of this city, watchmaker, Public notice is hereby given to those gentlemen who put watches in his hands, and have not received them, that they will be pleased to call upon the subscriber at the house of Mr. William Thorne, in Hanover-square, where he is ready to deliver them to the several owners. The subscriber also carries on the Watch-making Business at said house, where the Public may supplied with all sorts of gold and silver watches, and watch chains of every kind. He particularly requests the favour of Mr. Heron's late customers, and assures the Public in general, that they shall be served with the greatest expedition and punctuality. John Thompson.—Royal Gazette, October 28, 1778.
John Thompson, Watch-Maker, In Hanover-Square, Has removed his shop to the corner of Wall-Street, near the Coffee-House Bridge, where he continues to perform all kinds of work in the various branches of his business in the best manner as usual. Gold and Silver Watches to be sold, chains, seals, trinkets, &c.—Royal Gazette, January 23, 1779.
Stephen Van Wyck.—Successor to Effingham Embree, No. 275 Pearl Street, Has received by the last vessels, and for sale wholesale and retail, a large and elegant assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, amongst which are:—Horizontal, Capt and jewell'd, plain capt and jewell'd; a large assortment of French fancy and plain gold watches; silver horizontal capt and jewell'd; patent watches; plain capt and jewell'd watches; a large parcel of plain and day of the month do, and a handsome assortment of clocks.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 26, 1797.
G. J. Warner, No. 10 Liberty-Street, Has just opened an elegant assortment of Gold, Silver and Gilt Watches, both French and English. Also two musical Chamber clocks, with moving figures, which play four tunes each on two setts of excellently well-toned bells, and shew the hour, minute, and day of the month.—The Argus, June 23, 1795.
Warner and Schuyler, No 70 Maiden Lane, next door to the corner of William street. Have just opened a large and elegant assortment of Watches; among which are gold and silver, horizontal, patent seconds, capt and jewelled. Gold and silver, plain, and day of the month, capt, jewelled, and common-chamber and hall common eight day clocks.—The Argus, July 12, 1796.
Warner & Schuyler. No 70 Maiden Lane. Have just received an extensive assortment of watches, among which are Gold horizontal, dead seconds, capped, jewelled, and plain vertical ditto, Silver horizontal, capped, jewelled, patent seconds stop and plain do. Also, a variety of tall eight day, and spring clocks; and some handsome chimney time pieces etc. etc.—The Time Piece, March 13, 1797.
Webster, Lost,...a plain horizontal Gold Watch capp'd and jewell'd, makers name Webster, with a steel chain, and two seals, the one a cornelian, the other an agat, with a coat of arms on one side, and a cypher and crest on the other...ten Pound reward.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, February 1, 1779.
John J. Wilmurt, Watch and Clock Maker, informs his friends and the public That he has removed from 84 Maiden-lane, to No. 133 Water-street, the corner of Pine street, next door to where he formerly carried on the above business, where he now continues it in its different branches.—New-York Daily Advertiser, December 2, 1796.
Francis Young, Watch-Maker. Who has served a regular apprenticeship in Perth, and has worked in some of the first houses in London and Edinburgh, begs leave to acquaint his Friends and the Public, that he has removed from his Shop No. 548, Hanover-Square, to No. 21, Wall-Street, next but one to Mr. Rivington's, formerly occupied by Mr. Isaac Heron, where he carries on his Business in all its Branches, and hopes by his Assiduity and Care to merit the Favour of the Gentlemen of the Navy and Army, and the respectable Inhabitant of this City.—Royal American Gazette, January 2, 1781.
Francis Young, Watch-Maker, Acquaints his friends, and the public, that from the accident of fire, which happened last Wednesday night, he was obliged to quit his former dwelling, in Water-Street, and has removed, for the present, to Mr. Lewis's, No. 17 Hanover Square.—New-York Evening Post, February 5, 1783.
Gold Watch.—Stolen, last Saturday, a Gold watch, with two Cases, on the outside one was engraved the Image of Hercules Spinning, and on his side a Woman with his Club in her Hand, and behind her is a Cupid: The maker's name, Charles Copenhagen. A Guinea Reward....—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, April 7, 1777.
Silver Watch.—Left...a silver watch, belonging to Thomas Howard, one of the waiters; remarkable with the huntsman and three hounds and hare, upon the dial plate; with a steel chain and two seals, one with a wild hog, the other with a head on it...Four Dollars reward.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, April 28, 1777.
Stolen Watch.—Stolen some time ago, a plain, small silver Watch, with an enamel'd dial plate, maker's name, Taylor Bristol, without number; annex'd to it a steel chain, composed of odd dog-couple links, a steel Key and hook in it, a steel seal with coat of arms cut. Whoever will bring said watch &c. to the Printer, shall receive Two Guineas, and no questions asked.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, May 5, 1777.
Lottery Prize.—To be Sold by way of Lottery a very beautiful Gold watch, the Dial the size of a British shilling set round with brilliant stones; as also, an elegant gold chain, both valued at 24 guineas....at the bar of the Coffee-House.—Royal American Gazette, November 6, 1777.
To Be Raffled for by Twenty Persons at Five Guineas each, a very elegant Gold Watch, Enamelled, and richly ornamented with jewels, not to be exceeded in America. The original Price was One Hundred Guineas. To be seen at the bar of Smith's Tavern, in Water-Street.—Royal Gazette, August 22, 1778.
Materials for Watches.—Watch Glasses, Springs, Chains, Dial Plates, and all materials in the Watch way, likwise a few Glasses of an uncommon bigness, and glasses put in any size; the best of double ground for an English Shilling, to be had at No. 140, the Sign of the Dial, opposite the Quakers New Meeting, the head of Queen-Street. N.B. Watches repaired in the best and cheapest manner, and warranted for a twelvemonth.—Royal Gazette, January 27, 1779.
To be Raffled for a beautiful Gold Repeating Watch, set with Gorgon Stones, and fine Topaz Ring set with 58 brilliants by 25 Persons at two Guineas each. Enquire of the Printer.—Royal Gazette, March 20, 1779.
Repeating Watch,—Twenty Guineas Reward. Taken on Thursday the 15th instant from the house of Mr. John Marston, a lady's gold repeating watch, maker's name Burges, the outside case is chaced gold with female figures, and open work, the inside Gold Case which contains the work is elegantly engraved and has open work, the striking part is remarkably loud, it was fixed to a Lady's steel chain, on which was a miniature picture of a Gentlemen dressed with Crimson velvet, and a wig, three gold seals, one a small red flat cornelian with a rose, one a white Cornelian with a motto `L'Envie,' the other a red Cornelian with a globe motto `La Veus,' a gold locket in the shape of a heart with dark hair plated, and a plain Gold Key.—Whoever brings the said watch to Mr. John Marston in Wall Street, shall receive the above reward.—Royal Gazette, November 17, 1781.
Gold Watch.—Lost near Flat-bush, a Gold Watch, maker's name Tomlin. Whoever beings it to the Printer, or to the adjutant of the 54th Regiment, shall have three Guineas Reward.—Royal Gazette, December 12, 1781.
Stolen Watch.—Newton Long Island...a sleigh was stopped by two men (supposed to be soldiers) on the road between the houses of Widow Burtis and Daniel Repalye, and the persons in it robbed of their money and a silver watch, maker's name R. Overingham, No. 37, 510....a reward of two Guineas. Geo. Rapalye, Capt. Queens county Militia.—Royal Gazette, January 4, 1783.
Stolen Watch.—Stolen, A Plain Silver Watch, Maker's name Ransom, No. 33694. Whoever stop the watch and delivers it to the Printers, shall be paid a generous reward.—New-York Packet, January 2, 1787.
Alarm Clock.—A Robbery. Stolen out of the dwelling house of the Subscriber, at Greenwich,...a small Clock or Time Piece, cased with Ebony. It has an alarm bell, and hand to show the day of the month and the Moon....P. J. Van Berckel.—New-York Journal & Patriotic Register, August 20, 1791.
Watches, a general assortment of Gold, Silver, Penchbeck [sic], and Repeating Watches, just received per ship Junter, from Hamburgh, and other late arrivals from Europe, For Sale by J. S. Delessert & Co. J. S. Delessert and Co. have removed their office to No. 83, Barclay-street, three doors below Greenwich-street.—The Diary, February 20, 1796.
Musical Clocks.—To the Admirers of Genius. Kirner and Paff Have just landed and exposed for view and sale at No. 245, Water street Those unrivalled and undescriable pieces of Machinery and Art. The Musical Clocks, and other curious pieces of Mechanism and Carving, such as were never exhibited in this country, among which are the following:
1 A Representation of a Prussian Grenadier on duty.
2 Representation of a Prussian Hussar on duty before the Castle of Potsdam.
3 A chimney sweeper, and his boy at the top of a Chimney, crying `Sweep! Sweep!' a most curious piece of machinery.
4 Another, with the representation of three figures, two striking the quarters, and a third the hours.
5 Another, with the butcher slaying an ox.
6 Another, which represents King Herod beheading John the Baptist, and his daughter holding the charger to receive the head.
7 Another with a canary bird, that beautifully sings several tunes.
8 Another, representing Mr. Hofmeister playing on an Organ and Mess. Millers playing on two Clarionets.
9 A ditto.
10 Another, with a surprizing imitation of a bullfinch and goldfinch singing several tunes. This surpasses anything of the kind ever before seen.
11 An elegant Clock, with a company of four figures dancing to the music of a harpsichord, which contains six changes. This machinery will surprize every spectator. Statuary. A great variety of carving in wood, of animal and human figures worthy the attention of the curious.
Violins, Clarionets, and other musical instruments sold and repaired. Musical Clocks, Alarm do. Cuckoo do. Kitchen and Workshop do. a variety. The whole may be viewed everyday, except Sunday at Two shillings, for grown persons, and one shilling for children.—The Argus, July 28, 1796.
Musical Clocks.—To the Admirers of Genius. To be seen or sold, at No. 245, Water-street, near Peck-slip, a curious Collection of Elegance and Art: The Harmonious Musical Clocks, and other Pieces of Machinery, with a beautiful Representation of Human and animal Automaton Figures. John Paff, Proprietor of those much admired Pieces, returns his most grateful thanks to those Ladies and Gentlemen who have honoured his exhibition....The Clocks play six tunes each, by the assistance of the Automatons....They are aknowledged by the first artists, to be far superior to anything ever exhibited in the United States....For Sale, a great variety of Carvings in wood; also Violins, Clarinets, German-Flutes, Fifes, and other Musical Instruments, a quantity of small useful House-Clocks, warranted to go well, from five to twenty dollars each....—The Diary, January 21, 1797.
The Musical Clocks, to be seen at 112 Broadway. John & M. Paff, respectfully inform their friends and the public in general, that they have received a beautiful and astonishing set of mechanism, far superior, to any ever exhibited in the United States, Amongst them are,
1. A superb Rastadt Clock, representing the treaty of Campo Formio, between Buonaparte and Price Charles in a tent: the Archduke Charles reading the treaty, and General Buonaparte drinking the health of the Emperor, and a grand band of Turkish music, composed of the Clarinet, trumpets, serpent bassons, cymbals, kettle and tabor drums, fifes, tamberines with bells and other instruments, in all fourteen automaton figures, as natural as life, marching round their tents, playing different pieces of music unconceivably beautiful. Likewise to be seen in the same room, the greatest collection of the most curious caricatures and drawings, &c.
2. A Bear dancing with Monkies, and performing at the command of his keeper all the different turns of a living one with such exactness, as to want nothing but animation. There are a couple dressed in the German fashion who dance with the Bear and Harlequin doing several tricks across an iron bar. Music accompanied with drums, fifes and clarinets. Also several other very curious clocks, too tedious to describe in an advertisement, they must be seen to be adequately conceived....They have also received from London, a great variety of musical instruments....—Commercial Advertiser, July 11, 1798.
<Rents.—A small house near the Quakers new Meeting-House, in Queen-street, to be rented for 16 £ annum, and two large cellars near the same at 12 £ each per annum.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, May 11, 1778.
Wind Mill.—Jehu Ogden, Has just taken the first Wind Mill, in the Bowery-lane, near the One Mile Stone, the 1st. which was in the Possession of Joshua Dickenson, proposes to grind all Sorts of Grain and Corn, likewise, Ginger, Pepper, and Mustard, and will be strickly careful in giving Satisfaction to his Employers, on the most reasonable terms.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, May 15, 1780.
Fraunces Tavern.—To be sold with or without the fixtures. An elegant three story and a half brick Dwelling House, situated in Great Dock street, at the corner of Broad-Street, the property of Mr. Samuel Fraunces, and for many years distinquished as the Queen's Head Tavern; in which are nine spacious rooms, besides fine Bed-Chambers, with thirteen Fire places, an excellent Garret in which are three Bed rooms well finished, an excellent good kitchen, and a spring of remarkable fine water therein; a most excellent cellar under the whole, divided into three commodious apartments; a convenient yard with a good cistern and pump and many other convenienes too tedious to mention...will upon a re-establishment of civil government be the most advantageous situation in this city, from its vicinity to the North River and New Jersey.
Proposals in writing will be received by John Kelly, Notary Public, No 28 Hanover-Square; as no preference is promised to any person the highest Bidder will be preferred.—Royal Gazette, March 17, 1781.
Billiard Room.—To be let a new house in an excellent stand for business, it has a good cellar, two rooms below, a large billiard room above, a bed chamber, a large garret a back kitchen, and a convenient back yard. For further particulars enquire on the Dock yard, between the King's yard, and Messrs; Totten and Crossfields Eastermost Slip.—Royal Gazette, October 24, 1781.
Grist Mill.—To be let...A large Grist Mill, three stories high, and near ninety feet long, together with a miller's house...on which Peter Ketteltas lives at Stony Creek...also, near the grist mill a large building designed for a distillery and brew-house, but not quite finished, with four large iron cast pot ash kettles....Inquire of the printer.—New-York Packet and American Advertiser, April 18, 1782.
The Oil Mill, near the Furnace, on the North River, with the press house, dwelling house and all the utensils thereunto belonging; the whole being in complete order, built on the lots, church ground, fifty years of the lease unexpired, the owner intending for Europe. James Barclay.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, July 28, 1783.
House & Shop.—To Be Let, A Small House, containing three rooms, with fire places, a cellar-kitchen, and a dry cellar which the severest frost never penetrates; there is a shop with a large bow-window, adjoining the house; a large garden and a grass plot in the rear....—New-York Gazetteer, December 17, 1784.
Saint Peter's Church, to be built by contract. Any master Carpenter or Mason willing to undertake the building of said Church, may see the proposals and plan, by applying to Lynch and Stoughton, No. 9, Princess-street, and deliver in their estimations sealed, on or before the 5th of June next, ensuing.—New-York Packet, May 29, 1786.
House Tax.—Every log house with two rooms in which there is a stove or fire place, to pay 2s. for each room. On every other dwelling house which shall contain two rooms as aforesaid, 2s on each room; if three rooms 3s on each room if four room 4s on each room....On every papered room 5s. if the fire place is tile 2s more; if common stone 2s. marble of American product 5s. foreign marble 12s if the cornice of the room is stucco work 10s. if the ceiling is stucco 20s. with a proviso that no house is to pay for having the cornice and ceiling both of stucco.
On every mahogany stair case 20s; and shops and store being part of a dwelling house, to be deemed taxable rooms. No house to pay any part of this tax unless tenanted or occupied by the owner. Every store house to pay six pence on the pound on the annual rent of the same.—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 13, 1787.
Rebuilding Trinity Church.—To all carpenters Proposals in writing will be received, for carpenters work and materials. For bringing under cover, inclosing and finishing the outside of Trinity Church, compleat, including the porch, in front, the columns and arch, within the church.
Also, for building the steeple, on a base of twenty-four feet square, as described in the plan, considered as a separate article.
Also, for cutting the stone that may be wanting for the above building.
A. Watts, M. Rogers, N. Crugar, N. Carmer, C. Dominmick Commisioners for rebuilding Trinity Church. A plan of the church, &c. may be seen by applying to Mr. Rogers, No 35 Queen-street.—New-York Daily Advertiser, August 12, 1788.
Tontine. The Subscribers to the Tontine Plan for building a new Coffee House, are requested to meet at the Long Room at the Coffee House, this Day, the 30th of March instant at twelve o'clock precisely, to chuse a Committee to carry the plan into effect.—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 30, 1791.
House.—For sale at the Coffee House...A Two Story House, At present occupied by the Rev. Mr. Collins, situated in Morris-Town, on a dry road in a wet season; the house in front is near 100 feet, including the wings of said building, a dry cellar under the whole, excepting under one wing; on the first floor is a large entry, and easy stair case and two large rooms, a pantry and store in one wing, and a kitchen in the other; on the second floor two large rooms, two bed rooms and a garret, a court yard in front of said building....—he Diary; or Loudon's Register, July 17, 1792.
Fire Places.—Observations on the effect of Close and of Open Fire Places.
It is said, that the inhabitants of cold climates are more liable to inflammatory and consumptive disorders than those of warm climates....and it is a question, whether close or open fire places are the wholesomest? Prejudice among the Americans is great against those that are close, such as stoves. Whether facts are prevalent in support of this bias, may be questions. Perhaps the Germans of Pennsylvania, who universally use stoves, are less liable to consumptions than people who are accustomed to the open chimney fires....The German may be as safe in his extremes, as the Indian who heats himself in his hovel by means of hot stoves till he drips with sweat, and then plunges into a river of cold water....a writer in a British periodical paper...is of the opinion, that the pulmonary consumption of Britain is chiefly caused by the unequal distribution of heat, by means of open coal fires.—The Diary; or Loudon Register, October 10, 1792.
Steeple for Church.—Proposals will be received 'till the first day of March for raising the tower and erecting a steeple for the new Brick Church of this city. A plan of the steeple may be seen, and further particulars made known, by applying to either of the subscribers, being a Committee appointed for that purpose. Samuel Osgood, Benj. Roberts, Ebenezer Stevens, Daniel Cotton.—New-York Daily Advertiser, February 15, 1793.
Fire Proof House.—For sale in Greenwich Street between Crown and Courtlandt street. Two new three story Brick Houses secure from fire by slate and tile roofs with fire walls, genteely finished with a cart way in the rear....—The Diary; or Evening Register, January 1, 1794.
Two-Story Brick House.—For Sale a very convenient two story brick House....it is 25 feet front, containing 6 rooms, a pantry and kitchen, a spacious garret with 2 fireplaces, in the whole 8 fireplaces. Said house is so constructed that it may be raised another story. It has a good cellar under the whole....There is on the premises a good cistern, neat garden and room for coach house, stable, etc....The above premises are subject to a rent of 14 £ per ann. 17 years of the lease unexpired. For terms Inquire of Lemuel Wells, No 2 Queen street.—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, March 5, 1794.
Snuff Mills.—Peter and George Lorillard, No 30 Chatham Street, near the Gaol, Take this method to inform their customers, that they have erected mills for the purpose of manufacturing Scotch and Rappe Snuffs, of which they have a large quantity ready for sale, warranted equal in quality to any on the continent.—The Diary; or Evening Register, August 29, 1794.
Brick Front House.—A new house with a Brick Front to be sold....Situate the lower end of Rutger's Street near the East River, and in an increasing part of the city. The house is calculated for an ironmonger and ship Chandlery,...being contiguous to the ship builders...The Building is 25 feet front, and rear 34 feet deep, contains six rooms, five of them with fireplaces, cellar and cellar kitchen; the latter is lathed and plastered. Three of the rooms stucco cornice, with a commodious garret, cistern and sink in the yard, with the privilege of a cart way, in the rear ten feet wide....Cash price is eight hundred and fifty pounds. For particulars enquire of Simon Van Antwerp, No 177, Corporation Dock, North River.—The Diary; or Evening Register, January 24, 1795.
Mansion House.—A large Grazing Farm...on the Hudson River, adjoining the estate of Mr. Henry G. Livingston, Red Hook Landing....The Mansion House is built of brick, inner and outer walls, is 58 feet front and rear, the cellar floor consists of 4 rooms, 20 feet each, one of which is a kitchen....an entry runs through the center of the cellar floor 14 feet wide; the second story three rooms, twenty feet square each and one room thirty four feet by twenty, and a hall 14 feet wide; and windows to the floors; the ceilings 12 and 13 feet high, and the whole house finished in the neatest modern style, with a handsome portico in front....—American Minerva, July 22, 1795.
Water Works.—Notification, for proposals to supply the City of New York with water. The Common Council, impressed with the great utility and comfort, which would arise from a supply of Fresh Water, in this city by means of Pipes or Aquaducts are very desirous of receiving Plans and Proposals, for that purpose; and have directed this further notice to be given, That it is their wish to treat with any persons who are disposed to contract or undertake the business: and to that end will receive Proposals, sealed, at the City-Clerk's office, in the City Hall, until the first day of May next. Robert Benson, Clerk.—The Diary, March 7, 1797.
Bathing Houses.—New Utrecht Bath. The subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he has, at a considerable expence, fitted up that Elegant Building for the accommodation of Company and Boarders. The Situation for beauty and prospect, is equal to any of the Continent, commanding an extensive view of the sea, from Sandy Hook up to the Narrows; and eastward of all the adjacent country, including the vilages of New Utrecht and Gravesend. The Bathing Houses are nearly complete, constructed on such a plan as to remove the water in five minutes from the sea. The rooms of the house will be let by the month, or longer terms. An excellent Carriage which will be run with four horses, has been provided by the subscriber, which will be started from Mr. Henry Dawson's, Brooklyn....A New Boat well sound, safe and convenient, has also been provided....N.B. The stables are well supplied, stage fare 5 sh. Timothy Titus.—The Daily Advertiser, June 13, 1797.
Public Store Houses.—To Builders. Proposals will be received at the office of subscriber....for erecting in this city two Public Store Houses of brick covered with slate or tile, one 150 by 40 feet, the other 50 by 30 feet. The designs may be seen at said office. John E. Coles.—Commercial Advertiser, July 12, 1798.
Light House.—Notice. Is hereby given to all Mariners and others whom it may concern, that the Light House lately erected by the Government of the United States at Eaton's Neck on Long Island, will be lighted on the evening of the tenth day of January inst. and will continue to be so lighted every succeeding evening thence after. Custom-house, New York.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 3, 1799.
Fire-Proof Store. The subscribers have taken a commodious Fire-proof store, No 94 Wall-street (Murray's Wharf) where they will receive storage...knowing their property is not exposed to being consumed by the flames during winter season. J. & B. Forbes.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, January 12, 1799.
The Water Works of the Manhattan Company progress with astonish rapidity. Pipes are already laid through Chapel Street, nearly down to Pearl Street, a distance of half a mile from the source and in a month hence, we may expect that Pearl, from Chapel Street down, will be completely supplied with pure water.—New-York Gazette, and General Advertiser, August 29, 1799.
Rent.—For Sale. The house and Lot, with Stables in the rear, No. 42 Broad Street, now in possesion of Mr. Michael Little, leased for 15 years from the first day of May last, at the annual rent of $1500 per year, to be paid quarterly. For particulars, enquire of John Smith, Harrison Street.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, October 18, 1799.
Salt Works, New York for sale,...about to be erected on this Island, for the purpose of supplying the City of New York with home made salt....for further particulars, apply to Fennel and Co. at their office (formerly the Pantheons).—Mercantile Advertiser, November 18, 1799.
Asher Benjamin.—Just Published, and for sale at J. Harrison's Book Store, No 3 Peck-slip The Country Buildler's Assistant, fully explaining, the best methods for striking regular and quirked mouldings: For Drawing and working Tuscan, Doric, Ionic and Corinthian Orders, with their Pedestals, Bases, Capitals and Entablatures
Architraves for doors, window and chimneys. Cornices, Bases and Surbase Mouldings for rooms. Chimney Pieces, Doors and Sashes with their mouldings. The construction of Stairs with their Ramp and twist Rails, Plan Elevation and section of a Meeting-House, with a Pulpit at large. Plans and Elevations of Houses, Fence Posts and Railings. The best method of finding the length and backing of Hip Rafters. The tracing of Groins, Angle Brackets, Circular Soffits in circular Walls, &c. Correctly engraved on thirty-seven copperplates with a printed explanation to each by Asher Benjamin.—Weekly Museum, May 5, 1798.
Richard Clarke, Architect and Builder, Begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has commenced Business at No 23, Bancker-street, where all orders in the Carpenter line, of every description will be thankfully received and done in first stile, with care and attention. Gentlemen wishing to build in the city or country can be accomodated with plans, estimates &c. &c. Measuring done in all the different branches to Building, after the most accurate and approved methods used in London.—Mercantile Advertiser, January 2, 1799.
Gasimir Th. Goerck.—The subscriber having been appointed by the Corporation of the city of New-York, one of the City-Surveyors; informs those who may have occasion for his services as a Surveyor, that he may be found at Mrs. Roosevelt's, NO. 20, at the lower end of Ferry-street. Gasimir Th. Goerck.—New-York Packet, May 26, 1785.
John Hills, Takes this method of acquainting the Public, that he has Surveys of almost all this State, and East Jersey, shewing every Lot and Patent of Land with the length and course of different boundaries, with marked trees and monuments....—New-York Morning Post, August 29, 1785.
James C. Laurence and T. Colbourne, Architects and Builders Respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have entered into partner-ship, and propose to design and execute such buildings, bridges, or improvements (public or private) as may be intrusted to their management. From the experience they have had in their posession in London and in this country, and by an assiduous attention to business, they hope to merit the patronage of a discerning public, and the approbation of their employers. office No 157 Pearl street, where specimens of plans, elevation &c. may be seen.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 5, 1796.
Longstreth.—I am informed that the Indians have routed one Mr. Longstreth, A surveyor and his party, on Little Sandy, and killed one Richard Burke, a chain carrier; they lost all their instruments, &c. I am in pain for another party who are out in that quarter.—New-York Packet, April 3, 1787.
Joseph Mangin & Brothers Late Engineers of the Fortifications acquaints their friends and the public in general, that the former has been appointed by the common council, Surveyor for the city of New-York, and has his Office in the house No 68 Chambers street. Both he and his brother carry on every kind of business related to Architecture, copy neatly maps and charts, give plans for private or public buildings, put them into execution by inspection, or undertaking, give directions for making or improving every kind of machinery, and shortly can do whatever depends on Surveying, Drawing and Arhitecture, civil, military & hydraulic.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 14, 1796.
Joseph Newton, Builder, carries on the building business in this city, in all its various branches, architecture both ancient and modern; gentlemen may be furnished with designs and estimates before they begin to build; Villas, mansions, green houses, hot houses, public buildings whatever, finished in the compleatest manner, inferior to none in Europe, with ornamented ceilings, painted or plain, plaistered cornices enriched or plain, composition stucco to elevation of houses, geometrical stair cases, wood or stone, with many other modern methods of building, which the above builder has for some years, practised and studied in London, with masons, Bricklayers, plaisterers, carpenters, painters, glaiziers, &c. all which artifices. he has and will build for gentlemen in any of the United States. All orders and messages left at No 2 Little-Queen-street, will be attended to with the greatest dispatch.
N.B. The many disputes that have arisen between the employer and the different artificers concerning day work, the above builder does no business by this method.—Loudon's New-York Packet, January 20, 1785.
Solomon Pendleton.—Died in this city...Captain Solomon Pendleton, late surveyor in Georgia. He arrived here from thence passenger with Captain Carpenter on the 21st of Nov. in a consumption.—New-York Journal, and Weekly Register, January 25, 1787.
Ebenezer Tucker.—The President of the United States has been pleased to nominate...Ebenezer Tucker, to be Surveyor of Little Egg Harbor, in the State of New-Jersey....—Gazette of the United States, August 22, 1789.
Vancouver & Hills.—Land Surveying, Architecture, Drafting, Levelling, and Drawing, Sections of Rivers, or Given Tracts of Country, Done by Messrs. Vancouver and Hills, in the most effectual Manner and on the most reasonable Terms....They consider it almost unnecessary to profess themselves qualified for the execution of such business, as the works of Mr. Hills in New-York and Jersey States, and those of Mr. Vancouver in Philadelphia, show such unquestionable testimonies of their abilities....Mr. Hills being at present employed in making a general survey of the Forfeited Estates in the Southern District of New-York Government informs the public...may be furnished with attested copies of most of the original Surveys in the states of New-York and East Jersey, shewing every lot and patent of land, with the length and course of the different boundaries, marked trees, and monuments.
Mr. Vancouver will attend in Market-street nine doors east of third street to receive instructions for the several purposes above mentioned, where any commands he may be favoured with, shall be executed with the utmost neatness, accuracy fidelity and dispatch.—Independent Journal: or, General Advertiser, September 7, 1785.
Colleen Williamson.—The subscriber takes this method of informing the public that he has opened an Evening School, where he proposes to teach the five orders of Architecture, by shewing plans of a great variety of Buildings. Those who wish to be regularly instructed in the science of Architecture may apply to the subscriber, No 2 Thames Street where regular attendance will be given from six till nine o'clock every evening by Colleen Williamson.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 4, 1791.
Southern Trade.—To the Gentlemen trading to the West-Indies. Notice is hereby Given, that there is lumber cut and cutting at Cypress Grove, six mile creek, river St. John's, East-Florida. Apply to Mr. William Alexander, of St. Augustine, or Mr. William Godfrey at Cypress Grove. N.B. There is 16 feet water on the bar of the river St. John's and the creek is navigable for vessels of a small draught of water, and only 12 miles distant by land from St. Augustine.—Royal American Gazette, September 18, 1777.
Price Control.—By Major General James Robertson, Comandant in the City of New-York. Whereas the generous price allowed for wood by the former proclamation for that purpose, and the plan that has been adopted for supplying the poor with that article....there shall not be demanded or received more than Four Pounds for a Cord of Walnutt Wood, nor more than Fifty-Five Shillings for a Cord of Oak, or any other wood....—Royal Gazette, January 3, 1778.
Public Auction...at the Albany Pier....Large Cargo of Timber...fine plank, from 1 to 4 Inches thick, and from 12 to 20 feet long. Extraordinary fine White Oak Plank, from 2 to 3 Inches thick and 12 to 30 Feet long and some very best 18 Inch Shingles....—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, July 26, 1779.
Wood-Cutters. Any person or persons inclinable to cut wood will meet with the best encouragement by applying to Mr. Jones on Golden-Hill New York, Messrs. Galbreath and Aitkins, smiths at Brooklyn Ferry, Mr. Polhemus, at New Lotts, or Mr. Bell, inn keeper, at Jamaica; at which places proper persons will attend to shew them the wood that is to be cut....accomodations and other necessaries requisite for persons employed in the above business will be provided for them at the place of cutting.—Royal Gazette, November 27, 1779.
Wood, wood, wood, the Citizens and Boatmen are hereby informed, that the inhabitants on the North-side of Long Island have engaged to deliver in the course of four weeks from this date, 1000 cords of Wood, at the landings to Little, Great and Cow Necks; 250 cords each week. The said wood is to be paid for at the different landings agreeable to the prices fixed by his Excellency Governor Robertson's proclamation, and such part of it as may be brought here for sale is to be disposed of at the price specified in the same Proclamation. Boats going for said wood, will meet with every protection they can desire.—Royal Gazette, December 5, 1781.
Pine and Ceder Boards. Carmen and Warner, Have for sale, at their yard in Queen-street, No. 83, a choice quantity of seasoned pine and ceder boards of an excellent quality, which they will sell by the quantity at 30 £ per thousand, and by the small parcels at reasonable rates.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, July 1, 1782.
Lumber Yard.—Francis and George Dominick, have for sale, at their lumber Yard, oak and pine plank of different dimension, timber for house and ship building, long and short shingles, ash oars of different lengths. Any merchant inclined to ship small frames for houses, may be supplied with the timber at the shortest notice and reasonable rates....—Royal Gazette, July 19, 1783.
Lumber Export.—Mr. Printer....White oak timber being in great plenty, the natural produce of this extensive state, very little of which has hitherto been made an export. The wood is valuable in Great Britain and Ireland, and the encouragement given by British to import lumber of all kinds from America is much greater than from any other country; that nothing is wanting but industry, and proper encouragement to British and American ships in that trade, and then no doubt but Lumber and Potash would be a staple article in remittance....all kinds of lumber, pot and pearlash, in British or Amerian ships, from America to Great Britain, duty free....—New-York Packet, May 19, 1785.
Saw Mill.—To be Let, A very excellent Saw-Mill, with a house and lot, and five acres of salt meadow, situated on Staten-Island, between the New Blazing-Star and Elizabeth-town Point; it is a fine stand for business, as there is plenty of timber near the mill, For particulars, enquire of the subscriber, on the premises. Richard Merrell.—New-York Packet, July 18, 1785.
Lumber Yard.—B. Swartout & Son...inform the Public That...The Lumber-Yard at the North-River, will be still continued by them, and where they have yet on hand a quantity of white and pitch-pine Plank and Boards; 27 inch Pine Shingles: and 400 Hickory Handspickes, for cash, or to be exchanged for West-Indies goods....—New-York Packet, February 27, 1786.
Framing Timber. F. and P:. Rhinelander have removed from Burling-slip, to the corner of Barclay and Greenwich-street North River, where they intend entering extensively in the Lumber Business having the direction of one of the best Saw Mills in the State, and a quantity of Northern White oak square timber, have it in their power to furnish House Frames of the best quality, and of any dimensions, on the shortest notice, and at very moderate prices. They have for sale, a general assortment of ironmongery and cutlery; earthen-ware, well assorted in crates. Old Madeira Wine, in pipes and quarter casks, Jamaica spirits &c.—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 7, 1787.
Cedar.—For Sale, by Joseph Betts. A quantity of Locust and Red-Cedar Posts, suitable for boarding or Paling Fences. The said timber is on Newton Creek, 6 miles from New York, and one mile below Newton Landing, which is a very convenient place for transportation.—The Diary, February 16, 1797.
Sawing Business.—The Subscribers take this method of informing their friends and the public in general, that they have commenced the sawing Business at Col. Rutgers on the East River, where they have a sufficient supply of timber to answer orders of any description in their line. Orders received at the corner of George and Henry Street. M'Bride and Blaire.—New-York Daily Advertiser, July 12, 1797.
New Invented Saw Mill, a patent having been obtained for a saw mill on a new construction, it is now offered for public inspection, and any person wishing to use the same may be supplied with a right on moderate terms.
The advantage of this mill over one constructed with a crank, arises from its working by means of a lever of an optional length, so applied as to create and up and down or circular motion, by this means it has the advantage of ten feet to two, of purchase; and the lever being on a balance, has thus a tendecy to throw off the friction from the wheels of the machinery; The lever runs but on third of the circumference with the strain of the saw when cutting, the other two thirds runs entirely clear, by which you regain the motion the stroke of the saw in some measure retards.
This is allowed to be the only construction which, after getting a certain motion also gains power, owing to its leaving the works so clear of friction.
The crank at one foot from the centre has to lift the saw and frame of perhaps 400 lb wt. before the works can be put in motion; when the lever at three feet has not to raise 5 lb.
Ii is supposed that one half of the head of water applied to crank mills will do the same execution if applied to one of their construction.
This mill will be found to be of great use in a flat country where there is no fall of water as it can be easily worked to great advantage by horses or oxen. It can also be sucessfully applied to the sawing of marble, pumping of water for breweries and several other purposes.
Any person wishing to see the nature and utility of the above invention, is referred to the saw mill at Corlears hook, or to James Hallet Jun. No 9 Beekman Street.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 14, 1798.
New Bricks. Any quantity of the best sort may be had by applying to Esau Cox and Co. at the Brick Kilns, White Stone, Long Island, or at Messrs Hall and Birks, Beekman-Slip, New York.—Royal Gazzette, June 21, 1780.
Plumbing.—Emery and Newman, from London, Beg leave to inform the public in general, and their friends in particular, that they have taken a store at No. 16 on the Dock, near the Fly market, where they propose forthwith to establish a Shot Manufatory, also the Plumbing Business in all its various branches, such as Water Pipe, with ornamented cisterns, in the newest London stile; which for use as well as ornament cannot be exceeded, and at a price (the durability considered) inferior to wood; water closets for ships, and from top to bottom of a house with pipes for conveying water, to keep them free from offensive smells, &c. Leaden pumps put down to any depth. They have also erected a Frame for casting sheet Lead, whereby they are able to serve the public with that article from 4lb. to 20lb. the square foot; and avoid the inconvenience of working up Lead too thin for a variety of uses which it has hitherto been applied.
Emerry and Newman having served a regular apprenticeship to eminent masters, flatter themselves that with the experience they have had, and their own assiduity to please, they shall give satisfaction to all who may honour them with their commands. The highest price will be given for old Pewter and Lead.—New-York Gazetteer, December 28, 1784.
Cistern Maker.—Gilbert Giles, No. 137, Water-street, Peck slip, Begs leave to inform hia ancient customers, and the Public in general, that he carries on the Cistern making for Dwelling Houses, and worm tubs and cisterns for Distilling, for foreign markets and domestic use; and other vessels of the same construction, for a brewery, and soap-boiling, &c. &c. which he will render compleat on the most reasonable terms.—New-York Packet, February 21, 1785.
Stone.—Thmas Brown In little Queen-Street, near the City Tavern, Thinks it neessary to inform his Friends, that he continues to carry on the Stone Business in all its Branches; and that the connection between him and G. Lindsay, as advertised last summer, is expired; flatters himself that those who have been formerly acquainted with his abilities, will confer their favours as they have occasion. And that he may participate the Public kindness, has provided a supply of the best Stone, with which he will execute as neat work, and on as reasonable terms as any. He acknowledges himself particularly obliged to those who have already honoured him with their commands, and will endeavor to give complete satisfaction to all. He has on hand a sample of English Marble, for fire places, which he will sell as low as can be imported; and if properly encouraged is in hopes of bringing marble of this country into repute.—Independent Journal and General Advertiser, June 25, 1785.
Dutch Pan Tiles just imported...from Amsterdam....a quantity of Red Pan Tiles, which will be sold on reasonable terms apply to the master on board. Murray, Sansom and Co.—New-York Packet, December 26, 1785.
Stone Cutter.—The subscriber, living on the North-river, joining Paules-Hook Ferry-House, carries on the Stone-cutting Business, in all its different branches. Likewise builds Stone Cisterns, in the most approved manner; finds all the materials for that purposes, and warrants them tight, and made at the cheapest rate. Should any gentleman want, the season for building cisterns will commence about the middle of April after that time, they may have them built on the shortest notice. William M'Kinny, Stone-cutter.—New-York Packet, April 10, 1786.
Rain-Water Cisterns, Made and compleatly finished of the best Albany pitch pine plank, and various other round or square vessles of any dimensions for mechanic uses, to be had, by applying to Gilbert Giles, an ancient cistern maker, in Dover-street, No. 2, near the Bank.—New-York Packet, May 1, 1786.
Marble.—...William Seton and Co. Have for sale at their store, in the Slote fronting Hanover-Square...Italian Marbles, exceedingly cheap and Elegant consisting of Chimney Pieces and Jambs, Elags and Slabs, mortars of all sizes, all of various dimensions....—Independent Journal and General Advertiser, September 2, 1786.
Composition Ornaments, Received by the last vessel from London. A large assortment of groups of figures, for tablets, figures in pairs for pilasters, mouldings, beads, patterns, &c. &c. of different kinds, proper for chimney pieces, and all other uses in the building line. Likewise, an elegant chimney piece, ready made up, tablet, Venus, and Doves, side, music and contemplation figures finished in party colours. For sale, by Dunlap & Woolsey, No. 13 Queen-street.—New-York Daily Advertiser, February 12, 1793.
Building Ornaments.—Samuel Brouwer Returns his sincere thanks to his former customers for the encouragement given him in making fan lights for front doors, composition for ornamenting fronts and chimneypieces, copper brands and drums; and begs leave to inform them and the public in general, that he has removed from No. 15 John Street, to No. 10 Chatham Street, near the Tea Water Pump, where he carries on said business in all its various branches.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 25, 1793.
Fire Control in Houses.—Fire. Mr. Taylor finding that there are many persons who doubt the possibility of securing houses, &c. from the ravages or accidental fires, and others who admit, yet imagine that a chemical preparation of some kind is necessary, think it proper to set the public (for whose benefit his inventions are intended) right, of informing them briefly,
1. That his method for preventing whole houses or a single room from being destroyed by fire, for which he obtained a patent, are simple, certain and permanent, and do not depend upon any chemical preparation whatever.
2. That he stops the spread of accidental fire, by rendering those parts of a house the most exposed to, and the least qualified for resisting the force of, fire, secure with solid materials, as any pavements.
3. Air being the active principle of fire, he hinders its admission and escape by closing the doors and windows and the chimney (if there be one in the room where the fire begins) by a valve, in consequence of which, any further progress of the fire is greatly retarded, if not wholly stopped, by the suffocating power of its own smoke.
This chimney valve is so contrived, that on the approach of any extraordinary degree of flame, it closes, by which means, if the chimney only happens to take fire, it will extinquish itself instantly, without giving trouble or alarm to anyone.
4. That it provides for the immediate Retention of the accidental fires; a reservoir under the floor of the house, to be filled with rain water, in which to augment its extenguishing power, he dissolves a quantity of pot ash. This water is to be conducted down the stair way, by a pipe, from whence it may on emergency be conveyed without loss of time to any part of the house where the fire may happen to begin.
5. These reservoirs will be found useful in preserving houses from accidental fires that may happen within but also a certain defence against the approach of any neighboring conflagration. They will also be found an effectual security to high and extensive ranges of warehouses, built wholly of timber, which on account of their situation on wharfs, &c. cannot always, in case of fire, be surrounded by men and engines, collected to extinquish the flames. Note. Those who secure their own workmen; his price for superintending the securing of a single room, in the city, is five dollars.
He also undertakes the remedying any imperfections in the ventilation of houses or chimnies, which occassions their smoaking. No. 13 Fair Street, New York.—The Diary; or Evening Register, July 11, 1794.
Plastering.—For Sale, Several thousand weight of hair, for plaistering, dry and in good order, at Agatheville Leather Manufactory, near Greenwich, 3 miles from New-York, on the north River road.—French and American Gazetter, September 21, 1795.
Burr Mill Stone Manufactory.—Samuel Wilson, Respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he carries on the Burr Mill Stone Manufactory, at No. 40 Cortland street, at the shop formerly occupied by M'Clung and Stevenson....—The Argus, March 7, 1796.
Marble & Stone Yard. Arthur and John Darley, from Dublin respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have opened a Marble and Stone Cutter's Yard....They are supplied from a quary up the North river with marble perfectly white, and superior to any yet discovered in America for outside work, viz. coins, cornices, window sills, window arches, facies and enriched designs for hall doors, &c. it is likewise peculiarly suitiable for head stones, tombs and monuments, & can be furnished at a more moderate price than imported marble. Having been instructed in the scientific as well as the practical part of their business, they hope to afford satisfaction where ornament and correct designing are required. Chimney pieces of the latest fashion either plain or enriched tombs, monuments and all other work in stone or marble furnished with punctuality.—New-York Daily Advertiser, July 12, 1796.
Slates, a large quantity of American Manufactured slate, is offered for sale, a part of which is now arrived and a very considerable parcel is daily expected; they are completely squared with holes punched in each slate, ready for covering houses, the handsome appearance they make and their security against fire, it is presumed will induce builders to purchase. Orders from any part of the continent will be strictly attended to, by applying to William Torrey, No. 77 Pearl street.—Minerva, & Mercantile Evening Advertiser, August 4, 1796.
Building Materials.—For Sale, at the dwelling house lately occupied by William Constable, Esq. corner of William and Watt Street, a considerable number of sashes, glazed, sash frames, window shutters &c. a variety of winscot [sic], doors, moulding, chimney pieces, &c. and several thousand tiles, plain and glazed....apply on premises, George Doolett.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 25, 1797.
Composition Ornaments, for Chimney Pieces, &c. A large assortment imported by Thomas Barrow, No. 16 Smith Street. Also, a great variety of mouldings and beads, for glass and picture frames, surpassing the best carving and as much below it in expense as it is excellent in neatness, which may be put on by a house joiner, or cabinet-maker without the least difficulty.—New-York Daily Advertiser, February 4, 1793.
Plaister of Paris for sale, A quantity now landing from the several vessels just arrived from Havre de Grace, also a large supply from Nova Scotia may be had of the subscriber No 13 Partition Street. Daniel Kemper.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 4, 1798.
Stucco Plasterers.—William and Alexander O'Brien, Stucco-plasterers, No. 33, Chapel-street (who executed the ornaments in the Branch Bank, under the inspection of Mr. John I Moore, likewise the ornament cieling in the York Bank, under the inspection of Mr. George Doolet) Begs leave to inform their friends in this city and the public in general, that they intend to supply all master-builders with different kinds of enrichments in Stucco, suitable for cornices for rooms of any sizes to be executed at the shortest notice. Likeewise ornament friezes of any design, and put up on moderate terms if required. They will also execute ornamental cielings, center pieces, flowers in halls, ornament niches, breast of chimnies &c. &c. on the most reasonable terms as ever offered in America, and in a manner as they trust will merit the approbation of those who are pleased to employ them.
N.B. Orders from the country executed on the shortest notice.—The Time Piece, April 11, 1798.
Statuary & Composition Manufacture.—George Andrews, Statuary & Composition Manufacture. Respectfully acquaints the builders and carpenters, that he has removed to No. 51, Barclay-street within two doors of Chapel-street, where he continues to manufacture Composition Ornaments for chimney-pieces, door-caps, frontispieces, base, surbase, architraves, and picture frames. his designs and Moulds being executed by himself, enables him to sell on the most moderate terms. He trusts on inspection his work will be found equal to any ever imported.—Diary and Mercantile Advertiser, May 8, 1798.
Cistern, Coolers, pails, tubs, and the tea-water kegs, made or mended in the completest manner, and sold wholesale and retail by James Sutton, No 80 Fair-street and corner of William and Cedar St.—Mercantile Advertiser, January 2, 1799.
Welsh Slates for covering Houses, Three hundred thousand of various sizes, of the best metal ever imported, and which for beauty, durability and cheapness, are superior to any other material in use for that purpose...for sale by Brown, Talbot Co., Murray's Wharf.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, May 28, 1799.
Door Springs.—William Carver, Horse Farrier and Shoeing Smith....he makes patent springs for palour doors which will cause the doors to clear, the carpets, and when shut prevent air drawing under the door into the room....it is presumed no genmtlemen will be without them that have valuable carpets on the floors, as they are far preferable to any thing offered of the kind in this country. They are not to be perceived when fixed to the doors. He will wait on the gentlemen to shew the springs if required.—Mercantile Advertiser, December 7, 1799.
J. Chapman, No. 15 Broad-Way, Carpenter and Sash Maker, from England, Respectfully informs the Public that he has found out a new method of executing work in his business, far superior to the common method, both for durableness and elegance, thirty per cent. cheaper than in the city. Chimney pieces, frontispieces of all kinds, shop fronts, &c. &c. done in the neatest and best manner. All orders for work in town or country, executed with greatest expedition.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 18, 1787.
John Glover.—This is to inform the public that John Glover, House Carpenter, has lately returned to this city, intends carrying on business in the Carpentry line, will undertake Building and Repairing. Any person having anything to do in this way by applying to him at No. 39 Nassau-street, may be supplied, and the greatest attention shall be paid by him to his employers interest in expedition or business and goodness of work.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, January 5, 1784.
Joseph Haight.—To be let or sold, House....For particulars enquire of Joseph Haight carpenter and Joiner No. 35 Crown street.—Royal Gazette, October 3, 1781.
Richard Lawrence.—I do hereby appoint Richard Lawrence, Master Carpenter in the Quarter Master General's Department, to superintend the Woods on the Widow Morris's Estate, at Morrissania....Wm. Tryon, Governor.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, May 17, 1779.
Robert Nixon.—This is to inform Robert Nixon, house carpenter formerly of Ireland and who served his apprenticeship to Thomas Samson, of Drogheda, in said Kingdom, that by giving information to Messrs Goodmans, in Philadelphia where he can be found, he will hear of something to his advantage.—Independent Gazette; or the New-York Journal Revived, January 29, 1784.
Thomas Randolph and Alex. Montgomery, House Carpenters and Ship Joiners, at No 95, the upper End of Queen-Street, would be glad to undertake any Buildings that can be carried on in this City at present, or any kind of Ship Joiners Work. They are to be found at their Lodgings at the Place above mentioned.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, June 14, 1779.
Samuel Smith.—Whereas Samuel Smith of the City and State of New York, house carpenter, being indebted to the subscriber Thomas Gardner...Merchant....—Time Piece; and Literary Companion, July 3, 1797.
Wages.—To the Public. A considerable Number of the principal Journeymen Carpenters in this City, think it incumbent on them to lay before the impartial Public, the following Impositions which the Masters have long practiced.
The Master Carpenters have long made it a pratice to employ Journeymen, (so very ignorant of their business, that even some of them have been at a loss to know the right end of their tools,) upon very low wages, while they charge the employer 12s. per day, the wages only paid to good workmen, and from which they have 1s. 6d. per day; for what reason? Because their ignorant Journeymen are taught by us, what the Masters ought to instruct them in.
About 12 of these Master Carpenters having agreed to reduce our Wages to 9s. per day, but still charging the employer 10s. 6d. and positively insist on having the above allowance made them, even should the wages be reduced to 6s. per day, we now submit our case to every candid Reader, who undoubtedly will justify our conduct in putting a stop to such iniquitous practices; therefore, in order to do justice to ourselves and the Public in general, we a select number of workmen, who know our Business, and are determined not to be imposed upon, will engage to finish any piece of work that Gentlemen may be pleased to employ us upon,...sending orders to Mr. Aaron Aarson's....The Journeymen Carpenters.
N.B. The Terms of Hire shall be made perfectly satisfactory, at the low charge of Nine Shillings per Day, as we should sooner receive our money from the Employer than from any of those Masters, whose ungenerous conduct justly merits our contempt.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, September 21, 1785.
Samuel Akerly, ship builder—estate settled.—New-York Gazette, and General Advertiser, August 27, 1798.
John Browne.—The Co-partnership of Thomas and John Browne, having been mutually dissolved one the first of May last...the subscriber...informs the public that he now carries on the Boat Building business on Mr. Samuel Ackerly's Wharf, between Pecks and New Slip in Water Street....John Browne.—New-York Journal, and Patriotic Register, June 18, 1791.
Bruster and Cheeseman.—The partnership of Bruster and Cheeseman, having been dissolved by mutual consent,...James Bruster intends continuing the Ship-Wright Business as usual, and may be found at Mr. Stephen Crossfield's house, opposite to Doctor M'Creas, and will give strict attention to serve his employers.—The Daily Aadvertiser, June 14, 1786.
George Buckmaster, Boat Builder, 101 Cherry street, opposite the Hay Scales, Ship Yards, New York, informs his friends and the public in general, that he has removed his Boat Shop from Water street to the above situation where he has on hand a number of Boats of every dimension....—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 30, 1798.
Jonathan Dickinson.—Boat Building. This is also to inform the Public, in connection with the former advertisement of Johnathan Dickinson and Co. that I have taken in a House Carpenter as a partner to be my head workman in the Boat Building business, having built during the last winter, some boats which I have now on hand, which being built in great haste as time would not permit to finish them better, in consequence of my building on said premises....I therefore offer as in the former publication, these boats which has been in storms and fair weather during the last winter at a reasonable price.
Whether this is owing to my man John, which I took in as partner (which was a House Carpenter, not knowing the trade of boat building) the public must determine.
But after I have built my House, I am determined not to build indifferent boats no more, but to finish them myself; and then I will have the price of well finished boats as usual, your supply may be had at No 112 Water Street, New-York.—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, March 13, 1793.
Robert Hill of the City of New-York, Ship Carpenter...attempt to set fire to Mr. Dunbar's shop...said charge was without foundation.—New-York Daily Advertiser, February 27, 1786.
Abednego Hudson, Sometimes of Newbern, North-Carolina, Ship builder, is desired immediately to apply to James Rivington...for a very considerable fortune devolves to him, his child or children, or next a-kin.—Royal Gazette, February 17, 1781.
Henry Thorne.—Lost a Ships' Long Boat, about 19 feet-long, with a stem and painted with a black streak round her, having the name of Henry Thorne, boat-builder branded on beam and stern....Smith & Wykoff.—Mercantile Advertiser, November 11, 1799.
Jacob Wichon, of this city, ship wright...determined to live separate from his wife.—New-York Packet, July 11, 1785.
Young.—On Tuesday was launched at Mr. Young's yard, a most elegant ship named the Flora. She was built by Mr. Young, and belongs to Messrs. M'Vickar and Hill, merchants in Maiden-Lane.—New-York Pachet, April 6, 1786.
Sail Maker.—Abel Hardenbrook, Sail Maker. Lately arrived in town, begs leave to acquaint the publick, his former friends and customers, that he proposes carrying his business in Chapel-Street....—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, September 8, 1777.
Ship `Cascoyne.'—To be Sold or Chartered, The Ship Cascoyne, Built in this city, burthen 180 tons, mounting 4 six pounders, 12 four pounders, and 6 swivels, with small arms and ammunition.
N.B. She has now about 30 hands on board, and all necessary provisions to carry her to Britain, For further particulars enquire of Messrs. Ward and Selkrig, No. 11 Queen Street.—Royal Gazette, December 27, 1777.
Sail Makers.—The Copartnership between J. DeForest and John Rote of the City sailmakers is now dissolved....—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, July 17, 1780.
Navigation School.—School House, Great-Dock Street No 18. M. Evans compliments, to those whom he has taught Navigation, and requests the favour of their company, from 6 to 7 o'clock, in the evenings during the winter having a few hints to give them in that art, particularly in finding the latitude by two altitudes of the sun, and the Longitude by the distance of the moon from the sun. &c. as exhibited in John Hamilton Moore's Navigation.—Royal Gazette, December 5, 1781.
Sail Maker.—To be sold...an excellent Brick House...in the tenture of Jr. James Leonard, Sail-maker.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, July 21, 1783.
Chimney Pieces.—To Be Sold, Two setts of Marble Chimney Pieces, and a quantity of Gilt Leather, well calculated for ornamenting a ship's cabbin. Inquire at No. 7, Queen street.—Independent Gazette; or the New-York Journal Revived, February 26, 1784.
Empress of China.—We have the satisfaction of announcing the arrival of the Ship Empress of China, Capt. Greene, Commander, from the East Indies, at this port, yesterday, after a voyage of fourteen months and twenty-four days. She sailed from this port about the 15th of February, 1784....We learn that Captain Greene met with polite usage during his stay in Canton. The British Commodore was the first who saluted his flag on his arrival there. Some years ago, when the advantages of trade and navigation were better studied and more valued than they are now, the arrival of a vessel after so prosperous a voyage, from so distant, a part of our globe would be announced by public thanksgiving and ringing of bells!—should not this be our practice now, since Providence is countenancing our navigation to this world? We hope in our next, to be able to give our readers a more perfect detail of this important voyage.—New-York Packet, May 12, 1785.
Nautical Protractor.—Navigation....The construction of globular maps, and mercator's charts, of any radius, with the use of them, for one dollar only; specimens of which (of his own construction) may be seen by applying at his school; as may his method of planning a ship's hold,...also may be had price One Shilling (and his scholars gratis) a nautical protractor of his own construction which being applied to the edge of a ruler, gives the course from one place to another without applying and damaging the chart with compasses....Till he is ready to publish to the world his intended treatise, he shall rest his credit on, and hope for encouragement only, in proportion to the improvement of his pupils. M. Morris.—Independent Journal or, the General Advertiser, May 25, 1785.
Wood for Boatbuilding.—To be Sold, as it now lays at a commodious shipyard on the Hudson River. A large Quantity of most excellent oak timber, cut for the purpose of building a vessel of three hundred tons burthen. It consists of crooked timber, logs and plank suitable thereto....The proprietor who have no objection to be interested in a vessel to be built on an eligible plan.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, June 18, 1785.
The Sloop Cato, for Sale, Lately arrived from Jamaica, Burthen about 80 tons, newly sheated, a strong good vessel, three years old, with a new suit of sails, one new cable, and can be sent to sea at a small expence. Three months credit will be given on the purchasers giving good security. For terms apply to Josiah Shippey and Co. No. 43 Corner of Coenties-slip, Little Dock-street, or to Caleb Frost, No 4, East side of Peck-slip.—New-York Packet, January 23, 1786.
Sail Maker.—...upon the petition of Nickolas Carmer, of the City of New-York, sail maker, an insolvent debtor....—New-York Paket, February 2, 1787.
A Diving Machine. Just constructed in this city, by Ambrose Williams, at Capt. Wade's, near the New-Market, a Diving Machine. By the assistance of this Machine Mr. Williams proposes to descend into the water from five to twenty fathom in order to take up whatever may be lost either by accident, or from the discharging vessels. Should any gentleman, in this manner, lose a watch, a purse of money, or any other article from this weight to the weight of a twenty-four pounder, the subscriber will engage to produce them from the bottom, for a reasonable consideration. Ambrose Williams.—New-York Journal, October 4, 1787.
President's Barge.—Thursday last, between 2 and 3 o'clock P. M. the Most Illustrious President of the U. S. arrived in this city. At Elizabethtown, he was received by a deputation of three Senators and five Representatives of the United States—..and three Officers of the State and Corporation—with whom he embarked on board the Barge, built for the purpose of wafting him across the Bay. Thirteen Pilots in white uniforms rowed this Barge, Thomas Randall, Esq., acting as Cockswain. It is impossible to do justice in an attempt to describe the scene exhibited on his Excellency's approach to the city. Innumerable multitudes thronged the shores, the wharves, and the shipping, waiting with pleasing anticipation his arrival. His Catholick Majesty's Sloop of War, the Galviston, the Ship North Carolina (Mr. Dohrman's) and other vessels were dressed, manned and highly decorated. His Excellency's Barge was accompanied by several other Barges, in one of which were the Hon. the Board of the Treasury, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Secretary of War, besides a long train of vessels and boats from New-Jersey and New-York. As he passed the Galviston, she fired a salute of 13 guns. The ship, North Carolina, and the Battery, also welcomed his approach with the same number. The whole water scene was highly animated—moving in regular order—the grand Gala formed an object the most interesting imaginable. On his Excellency's arrival at the stairs, prepared and ornamented, at Murray's Wharf, for his landing, he was saluted by Col. Bauman's artillery, and received and congratulated by his Excellency the Governour, and the Officers of the State and Corporation—from whence the procession moved in the following order....The procession moved through Queen Street to the House prepared for the reception of the President—from whence he was conducted, without form, to the Governour's where his Excellency dined.
This great occasion arrested the publick attention beyond all powers of description—the hand of industry was suspended—and the various pleasures of the Capital were concentrated to a single enjoyment. All ranks and professions expressed their feelings in loud acclamations, and with rapture hailed the arrival of the Father of His Country.—Gazette of the United States, April 25, 1789.
Ship Building. It is said that orders have been received here [Boston] for building several large ships. One merchant we hear, is now in treaty with the Ship Carpenters, for building a vessel of 900 tons. A merchant in Salem, we learn, is building a vessel of 1100 tons; and in Philadelphia accounts say, there are now twenty-two ships on the stocks, and all above 240 ton burthen.—Gazette of the United States, April 21, 1790.
Sale Makers.—John Smith & Peter Wendover, Sail-Makers, Begs leave to inform their Friends and the Public in general, that they have commenced business in copartnership in their line, under the Firm of Smith and Wendover, in the Sail-Loft on Van Zandt's Wharf (near the Coffee-House) formerly occupied by Carmer and Smith, and lately by John Smith. Those Gentlemen who will be pleased to favor him with their custom may depend upon having their work done in the best manner, and on as short notice as can be expected.—Gazette of the United States, May 1, 1790.
Sail Makers.—Partnership, George Warner respectfully informs the public, that he has taken Ebenezer Kilbourn and John P. Roome into partnership under firm of George Warner & Co. Sail-making carried on in all its various branches with punctuality and dispatch at their sail-room on Murray's wharf where merchants and traders will be supplied with Sail Cloth of the best qualities and on the lowest terms.—Argus, May 18, 1795.
Marine Ventilators invented by Mr. Benjamin Wynkoop, for ventilating ships, may justly be numbered with the most important nautical improvements. The simplicity, durability, and Compact structure of the machines, are peculiarly adapted to the purpose for which they were designed; and their constant vibration, produced by the motion of the ship alone, will keep the air in free circulation throughout the remotest parts of the ship. Those who are immediately acquainted with the injurious effects of foul air on the health of the persons on board ships, and on perishable Cargoes, as well as the frames of ships, will justly appreciate their worth. It excites astanishment that a subject of such magnitude should have been so long neglected, when we take into view, the still more important consideration of the fatal effects produced by the introduction of pestilential diseases into our ports. Those diseases in many instances are doubtless generated on board of ships (not ventilated) by the putrid exhalations from perishible materials on board, which are ultimately discharged on our shores, and like Pandora's box spread disease and desolation thro our flourishing Cities.
These remarks are a result of the beneficial effect experienced from two such ventilators on board the brig Benjamin Franklin, on her late passage from Bourdeaux. Her Cargo was altogether wines, near 800 HHDS. of which were Claret wines; it is liable to fermentation, and consequently very considerable loss; the Cargo was landed in the most perfect order perhaps ever witnessed on a similar Cargo, after filling up the Casks the loss did not exceed one and a half per cent.
By the operation of the ventilators the hold was kept perfectly cool, the bilge water free from smell, and the paint work not in the least discolored. On his voyage previous to the construction of the ventilators on board, the reverse of all this was the case, and only 90 HHDS. of wine on board.
Two ventilators which are amply sufficient for any ship, will not occupy the space of four barrels of flour.—The Spectator. April 11, 1798.
Ship `Unanimity'.—A handsome brig built of live oak and cedar, was lately launched at Charleston, S. C. She is calculated to carry 14 guns, 6 pounders, and is to be employed as the cutter for that port; she is called the Unanimity, and from report does great honor to the constructor of the port.The Spectator. June 6, 1798.
Ship `Merrimack'.—Newburyport. The Merrimack. Capt. Hoyt, concurs with letters from officers on board the Merrimack, in giving the most flattering accounts of that excellent Vessel. She is universally allowed in the West-Indies to be the most beautiful ship in the American navy. Commodore Barry acknowledged her to be the handsomest vessel he ever saw. She sails unommonly fast....It reflects the highest honor on the subscribers, contractors and architect to have furnished on loan, the first and best vessel of her size, at a much less expense than any other built by government. The officers and crew were in excellent health and spirits.—The Spectator, March 20, 1799.
Nautical Instrument.—Perpetual Log or Distance Clock. The proprietors by a Patent granted under the Seal of the United States of America, for the discovery of a nautical instrument called a perpetual Log, or Distance Clock, to find a ship's way at sea, take the liberty to inform the Public, that they have appointed Bulmain and Dennies, No 59 Water-street their sole agents, for vending of the above described instrument, in this State. By them alone subscriptions for the same will be taken, and information given respecting the terms. N.B. One of the above mentioned instruments may be seen at the Bar of the Tontine Coffee House.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, July 23, 1799.
John Bailey, Brass Founder, No 60 Water-street, Begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general that he has now on hand at his Store an elegant and extensive assortment of Hand Irons and other articles in the Brass Foundry, of his own manufactory. He has also imported by the latest arrivals an elegant assortment of the most fashionable patterns in the plated line viz. Tea and Coffee Urns, Pots, Cream Juggs, Cruet Frames, Tea and Table Candle Sticks, Bread Baskets, &c. together with every other article in the Ironmongery and Hard-Ware line as usual.—Commerciaal Advertiser, November 19, 1798.
J. Baker, from Birmingham has opened a manufactory of Brass works of every description, in Henry Street at the back of the ship yards, where ironmongers, coppersmith, brewers, distillers &c. may be served upon as low terms as imported, and far superior in quality as they are manufactured of the best metals, and warranted not to leak. Orders taken in, and sold retail by Mr. Benson optician, 100 Pearl Street, corner of the Old Slip. N.B. Old Brass cocks repaired.—The New-York Daily Advertiser, September 12, 1797.
William Hardenbrook, Brass Founder, No 22 Beekman-Street, opposite St. George's Chapel,, Informs his friends and the public in general that he carries on the above mentioned business in its various branches. Harness makers, Sadlers and others may be supplied with the different kinds of furniture at a short notice. N.B. Casting agreeable to any Pattern, and all orders from Town or Country thankfully received and attended to with dispatch.—Weekly Museum, May 26, 1798.
James Kip.—The Subscriber has opened Shop...one mile below Fish-Kill Town...where he carries on the Brass Foundry in all its various branches; such as Andirons, Candlesticks, Coach, Chair and Waggon Harness mounting, shoe and knee Buckles repairing, brass Cocks tinning, and repairing tin and wash Kettles, making Keys for door and chest Locks, Steel Chapes and Tongs....Cash, country produce, old brass, copper and pewter will be taken in payment by James Kip.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, November 21, 1782.
Richard Leaycraft.—Brass Foundry. The subscriber intending to carry on the Brass Foundry business, has just opened shop at the Barracks, Fish-Kill, opposite the Quarter-Master's office, where any person on the shortest notice, and as reasonable as the times will admit, may be supplied with a variety of articles in the Foundry way, such as all sorts of Phaeton, Chair and Waggon harness mounting, Andirons, Candlesticks, &c. &c....Richard Leaycraft.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, June 27, 1782.
Charles White.—To be sold by Jacobus L. Lefferts...next door to Charles White, brass founder.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, March 6, 1780.
James Anderson, Surgeon's instrument Maker and Cutler, No. 65 Cherry Street Has for sale, an assortment of Surgical instruments and Cutlery, warranted well made, Horsemens Swords, hangers, ship swords, fencing foils, guns and pistols: also elastic spring trusses, and bandages for ruptures, made on the most approved manner. Each of the above articles cleaned and repaired in the neatest and best manner, Orders taken from the country punctually attended to.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 10, 1798.
John Bailey, Cutler from New-York, is removed from Fredericksburgh to Fish-kill, where he intends to carry on his business extensively in its several branhes. Workman are much wanted, such as Cutlers, capable of making Surgeons instruments, who can file well, Silver Smiths, White and Blacksmiths, who will meet with the best encouragement.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, May 14, 1778.
David Dick from Glasgow, at the shop formerly possesed by Lawrence, Blacksmith, on the Dock, Rotten-Row; makes and adjusts all sorts of scale beams, and warrants them just for one year, without any expence to the purchaser. Likewise makes and mends all sorts of White Smith work, Gun Smith, Cutlery and Ship work. He hopes the gentlemen in the army and navy will favour him with their work, as he has given satisfaction to many of them formerly.—Royal Gazette, December 27, 1777.
W. Fosbrook, Surgeon's Instrument-Maker, and Cutler from London, Begs leave to inform the Gentlemen of the Faculty, and the Public in general, that he has removed from No. 45, near Beekman's Slip, to No. 58, near Peck's Slip, where he carries on his business as usual, viz. Surgeon's Instruments of all kinds, steel Elastic trusses for Ruptures; Bag and Bandages for ditto; Leg Irons for Children's crooked Feet, which seldom fail of having the desired effect; Steel Back-Stays and Collars for Young Ladies, which give them a graceful carriage; as they keep the body, as well as the head erect. He likewise makes, best polished and plain Razors; Penknives after the approved plan. Spring Fleams concealed in knives, or separate, the first of the kind ever made in America. Instruments for setting the teeth; Files for ditto. Stay and Reed makers tools, &c. The above Instruments carefully repaired. N.B. Scabbards for Swords, and all sorts of Fire-arms repaired and cleaned in the neatest manner. A few sets of capital Instruments to be sold cheap.—Independent Journal; or the General Advertiser, May 3, 1786.
W. Fosbrook.—Light, Horse Swords, of Potter's make, to be sold cheap by the quantity, by W. Fosbrook, Surgeon's instrument maker, No. 58 Queen Street, near Pecks' slip. N.B. Country Produce will be taken in payment.—New-York Daily Gazette, March 19, 1789.
Fosbrook and Smith.—Notice. The copartnership of Fosbrook and Smith dissolved....Ironmongery, cutlery, mechanic's tools, japanned ware, swords, do blades, fencing foils, single and double barrel fowling pieces, muskets, hostler and pocket pistols, &c. &c. Thomas R. Smith. For sale, at a very reduced price, 400 light horse & hanger blades.—Weekly Museum, August 13, 1796.
James Potter.—Wanted a Forger, that perfectly understands his Business, to whom good Wages will be given, also two or three Filers, who are well skilled in that Branch, they will meet with very generous encouragement, by applying to James Potter, Sword Cutler in Maiden-Lane.—Royal Gazette, June 13, 1778.
Richard Sause.—At Richard Sause's Hardware, Jewellery and Cutlery Store, the lower end of the Fly-Market, may be had the following Articles viz: Silver handled table and desert knives, and forks. Ivory, camwood, ebony, and bone knives. Polished and other razors and lancets, pocket, pruning and penknives, Mincing, chopping, oyster and butcher ditto. Silver mounted lancet cases and tooth drawers. Paste, Silver, pinchbeck, and common shoe, knee, stock, shirt and hat buckles; Necklaces, earings, and hair sprigs; Stone and plain gold rings, Sleeve buttons, Locket and common ditto. Gold and Silver Lace Sword knots and watch brades, watch seals. Silk brades, chains, Keys and trinkets. Plated brass and japanned candlesticks. Polished stands, neat and common snuffers, Razor cases complete, Plated and steel Spurs...Gold and common scales and weights...Ivory and horn combs,...marrow and mustard spoons. Apple scoops, Dram bottles...Pocket books with instruments...Gilt, ivory and wood smelling bottles and toothpick cases, Razor hones, oyl bottles, and razor straps, Elegant teatrays, waiters, and Crewit Stands, Ink stands...Horse and Chaise Whip. Gilt head canes, tucks and rattans, Silver tea tongs, Torishell inlaid and common ditto; Silver correls, rattles and cawls for children. Enamel'd and common nutmeg graters, paper, enamel'd steel and japanned Snuff and tobacco boxes, brass scones, marking instruments and spy glasses, Dog collars. Pinching irons and curling tongs, Pinking irons, jagging ditto, and turn screws,...silver, pinchbeck, brass, and taylors' thimbles, sugar knippers, key swivels, and boot picks. Fire irons, Brass Knob, chest and cupboard locks. Iron jacks, cleevers, gridirons, and stilliards,...Pistol and tin tinderboxes, Hand vises and bed screws. Steel collars for children, sand and pepper boxes, Drawing knives and mousetraps. N.B. At the above place is carried on the cutlery business, where Gentlemen may have their military weapons neatly repaired.—New-York Gazette and Weekly Mercury, January 6, 1777.
James Youle, cutler, informs his friends and the public in general, that he has removed from the Fly Market to No. 64, Water-street, corner of Beekman slip; where he carries on his business as usual; makes all sorts of surgeons instruments, trusses for ruptures, steel collars for children, irons for lame legs, silversmiths tools, swords, phlegms, razors, knives, skeates [sic], and all sorts of gunwork; likewise grinds all sorts of cutlery, cuts gentlemens and ladies names for printing linen and books, gives red or black ink, which will not wash out, and may be used by any person without inconviency; likewise cuts brands for branding of casks, &c. He has just imported for sale, a large and general assortment of hardware and cutlery, and a few pairs of the best blacksmiths and silversmiths bellows, which he will sell on the most moderate terms.—Loudon's New-York Packet, February 3, 1785.
James Youle.—Died on Wednesday last in the 46th year of his age Mr. James Youle, of this city. This melancholy event was occasioned by a sudden stroke he received on his breast from a grindstone that was turning in his work shop; which, as it was rapidly moving round suddenly split in four places and one of them happening to strike him....he was an ingenious mechanic, a peaceable honest and useful citizen and has left a widow and nine children to deplore their loss.—New-York Packet, February 27, 1786.
James Youle.—Any person having demands on the estate of James Youle, deceased, are requested to call on the subscriber...John Youle, Administrator No 64 Beekman-Slip who has just opened a fresh and general assortment of Hardware, Ironmongery, cutlery, which he will dispose of very reasonable by wholesale or retail.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 3, 1788.
James Youle, Cutler and Gun-Smith, No. 179, Water-street, near the Fly-market, At the Sign of the Cross-knives and Gun, Begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general that he carries on his business as usual; makes all kinds of Gun work, Swords, Pistols, Razors, Fleams, scissars, and all kinds of Edge Tools; cleans, grinds and repairs, the same. All kinds of Surgeon's Instruments, made, cleaned, ground and repaired; and all kind of copper work, made and repaired on reasonable terms. N.B. An apprentice wanted to the above Business.—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 27, 1788.
James Youle, Cutler and Gun-Smith, No. 50 Beekman-Street, near St. George's Chapel, Begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general, that he carries on the cutlery business in all its various branches, manufactures Surgeons instruments, razors, knives, scissors, bandages or trusses, for ruptures. All kinds of cutlery and gun work cleaned, ground and repaired on reasonable terms, with fidelity and dispatch. N.B. Swords for the army made of the cheapest and best terms by said Youle.—Weekly Museum, July 21, 1792.
John Youle.—Silver mounted Swords of all kinds, Made and Sold by John Youle, at No. 5, Corner Beekman-slip, particularly, Most Elegant Cutteaux, with Eagle, Lion or Dogs Heads, being superior in workmanship, and much cheaper than any that are imported. At the same place may be had a general assortment of Cutlery and Hard-ware, Likewise all sorts of Cutlery, Made and Repaired in the neatest manner, and at the lowest Prices.—New-York Daily Advertiser, February 8, 1787.
Steam Jack.—Bailey's New Invented American Patent Steam Jacks, for sale by Browne and Pearsall no. 248 Queen Street.—The Diary; or Evening Register, April 16, 1794.
Bailey & Hedderly, New York Bell Foundery. Geo. Hedderly from England, and John Bailey No. 20 Little Dock street, New-York begs leave to inform the citizens of United States, that they have established a bell foundery, in the Bowery, where they intend casting Bells, or peals of church bells set to music. Also plantation, turret, ship and hand bells, church turret, or house bells, hung on the most modern construction, bell mill, and other brasses cast, stocking frames made or repaired either with or without the twilled ribb'd or lace machines. G. Hedderly's ancestors, having been in the bell foundering, and bell hanging business, for upwards of three Centuries past and he having made it his study from his infancy, hopes that his abilities in the art of bell casting and hanging will merit the attention of the citizens of America.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 21, 1794.
George Carithers from Ireland, Returns his thanks to his customers for their former favours; and informs them and the public that he continues his manufactory of Spinning wheel Irons, No. 8 Warren-street, New York, where spinning-wheel makers in town or country may be supplied with any quantity on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Such as will please to favour him with their commands, may depend on being punctually served.—The Diary, July 11, 1796.
Higgins Conklin.—Nail Manufactory. Carried on by the Subscriber in Amenia Precinct near the steel works, within 5 miles of Sharon meeting house, on the main road to Fish-kill, where any person may be supplied with Nails, from a two-penny card tack to a twenty-penny, by wholesale or retail, at as cheap a rate as the time will admit of. Higgins Conklin. N.B. Journeymen Nailors will find employ by applying at the above place.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, May 9, 1782.
John Constantine, White-Smith & Bell-Hanger, from London, Has opened a Forge at No. 10 New street, near Wall street, where he executes every discription of Smith's work particularly Smoak and Wind up Jacks, on the most improved principle, Register and Bath Stoves made to any size. Iron Gates, Iron railings, Balconies or Window Guards, plain or with ornaments. All kinds of Iron work for cotton machinery, Laths for turning round or oval. Stamp and Presses of every sort. Silver Smith's Flatting mills &c. &c.—The Diary; or Evening Register, July 1, 1794.
Andrew Coughlan.—Now opened for Sale by Andrew Coughlan, Tin-Plate Worker, at the Foot of Golden-Hill, in Queen-street, No. 195.
Camp Plates, oval dishes, soup pots, stew-pans, tureens, soup ladles, japanned punch jugs, canteens, tumblers, tea pots, furnished candlesticks, tea urn, waiters, tea chest, cannisters and coffee jugs, India Patterns.
Copper tea kittles, coffee-pots, sauce-pans, scales of different sizes, brass weights and lock cocks; pewter basons, plates, and dishes; ship pumps, with suckers and spires; pursers measures and weights; horn lanthorns and tin speaking trumpets. And an assortment of common ware.—Royal Gazette, February 28, 1778.
D. Crawley, Tin Plate Worker, Returns his most grateful thanks to the Public, for the very liberal encouragement he has experienced during his residence in Maiden Lane; and presuming it might not be thought to intruding, solicits a continuance thereof, at No 28 Nassau street, one door from Maiden Lane, being determined that punctuality and integrity in all his dealings shall alone evince how sensible he is of the favors conferred on him.
The Conjurer. The subscriber at the same time takes the liberty to inform the public he has by him some of the Conjurers for sale, or a little cooking vehicle made exactly from the real and first inventor (viz. Lloyd, London). The properties of the conjurer are now sufficiently known, as not to need a repetition.
Curious wrought Iron Kitchen Furniture. The subscriber has also for sale some articles of curious wrought iron kitchen utensils, such as stew pans, sause pans, fish kettles, steam kettles, large pots &c. Those articles are tined on the inside in a peculiar manner, have bright iron covers, and otherwise constructed for use and ornament to the kitchen & are not to be equalled in this city, and are preferable as to wholesomeness, which no one will dispute who knows the distinct properties of copper and iron.
Improved Roasting Ovens. The subscriber has made a very capital improvement on the tin roasting ovens so universally in use, by making easy what was thought the most difficult task in using them, (the former mode of basting) which by the improvement is done on the top by means of a hopper and strainer, which causes, the fat to drip gradually on the victuals roasting, that thereby it may undergo with one quater of the fatigue much more basting, which of course is altogether requisite to heighten the flavor of it. Folding Fenders. Tin Ware of every description made to order with neatness and dispatch, on the most reasonable terms. No. 28 Nassau street.—New-York Daily Advertiser, October 6, 1797.
Arthur Cullum, Tyre-Smith, &c....apply to him for payment of their accounts....N.B. Good encouragement will be given to a Journyman Smith in forge and Chair Work.—Royal Gazette, September 5, 1781.
Richard Duff.—Tin Ware Manufactory. Richard Duff, respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has removed to No. 101 Pearl-street, near the Old Slip. A convenient first Floor to Let, and also a store, in Stone-street. Enquire as above.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, January 29, 1799.
Robert Easton, Tinman, Has opened store at No. 11, Hanover Square, between the Admiral's, and Messrs. Duncan, Barclay, and Co's. Where he sells all sorts of tin ware, at reasonable prices. At the said store may be had variety of articles in brass, iron, copper, block tin pewter, silver &c. upon easy terms. Orders in the tin manufactory will be executed, with propriety and dispatch.
To be had at the same place, the newly constructed Salisbury Kitchens for baking, boiling and roasting at the same time. A description of the convenience and utility of this curious patent invention, exceeds the bounds of a common advertisement. Such attention will be paid to the commands of pursers, masters of vessels, &c. as shall merit their favours, and induce future orders.—New-York Gazette: and the Weekly Mercury, September 3, 1781.
Robert Easton, Tin-Man, No 11 Hanover-Square, intending to leave the place very soon, returns his sincere thanks to his friends and customers....—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, April 21, 1783.
Jacob Foster Begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has removed from Roosevelt-street, No. 22, where he continues carrying on the Nailing Manufatory in all its various branches, from a track to a twelve inch spike; where city and country merchants, shopkeepers, ship and boat builders, joiners and house carpenters, can be supplied on short notice with any quantity. Likewise, Bar iron and nail rods for sale. Wanted a few Journeymen Nailers. Appy as above. Furthermore, he would inform the merchants, who would wish to contract for any ship work or smithwork to send abroad, that he will contract with them on reasonable terms for the same. Please apply as aforesaid.—New-York Packet, August 7, 1787.
Jacob Foster.—To be sold or Exchanged for property in the Country on advantageous terms, that well-known Nail Manufactory, and Smith Works, No 22 Cherry Street, now in complete Repair, with tools and implements, sufficient to employ 28 workmen. These works are to well known and established, that the proprietor may with propriety assert, that his nails have a more universal circulation than any others manufactured in America....As he wishes to enter into a line of business more retired, is his only motive for disposing of the same. For further particulars apply to the subscriber on the premises. Jacob Foster.—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 4, 1791.
Fritz & Eagles.—This Day is dissolved, By mutual consent the Co-Partnership of Fritz & Eagles, Tinplate workers. All persons indebted, or having any demands against said Co-Partnership, are requested to call on Thomas W. Eagles, No I, Dey street, by whom the above business will be carried on in future.—The Argus, July 2, 1796.
John Graham.—Chamber-Lamps. A New invented Chamber-Lamp with tapers, (a patented Lamp in London) very necessary for the chambers, being the most cleanly and saving Lamp which has hitherto been constructed; made and sold by the subscriber, living No. 16, corner of Nassau-street and Maiden-lane, where tin, copper and brass ware of all sorts, are made and sold on the most reasonable terms. John Graham.—New-York Packet, September 7, 1787.
Samuel Kempton, Tin-Plate Worker, Water Street, No. 197, near the Coffee-House, Informs his good old customers in town anad country, pursers and masters of vessels, &c. that he can supply them as usual with all sorts of iron, copper, tin, brass ware, upon the very lowest terms, and those who favour him with their Orders shall be duly attended to, and executed immediately. N.B. To be had at the same place the newly constructed Salisbury.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, September 3, 1781.
Samuel Kempton, Tin Plate Worker, copper and Iron Smith, No. 197 Water-Street, near the Coffee-House, where he executes with neatness and dispatch, the different articles in the above Branches; and will gratefully acknowledge all favours of his Friends and the Public in general.
He has made upon an improved plan, and has ready for sale, a few of those truly useful Machines, called Bidets, so much used in England and France, and so generally in all warm climates; their utility is not only in the personal cleanliness and comfort attending the use of them, but in the salutary invigorating and bracing effect, which the applicatioin of a partial cold Bath affords to both sexes. Particularly where the constitution is relaxed by nature or accident. The celebrated doctor Graham in his admired Lectures upon the preservation of Health and Vigour and on the renovating of constitutions injured by luxurious excesses, particularly recommends the daily use of Bidets filled with the coldest water, and has exhibited various proofs of their efficacy in removing imbecility and barreness, which the use of all the restorative medicines has failed to produce.
He also makes, on the most improved construction, a small convenient apparatus for the purpose of a Shower Bath, which from its size can be used in a dressing room or bedchamber without any detriment to the room and furniture; the use of the shower Bather is recommended by the most eminent physicians, particularly where violent shock is required to quicken the circulation of the blood, and to brace the constitution weakened and relaxed by climate or excess.
Many people who are sensible of the salutary effects of the Cold Bath, are prevented from the use of them, from situation and the inconvenient distance of a proper place for the purpose; this apparatus furnishes that convenience immediately and by the use of six or eight gallons of cold water the body is as much refreshed, and the diseases, for which bathing is a remedy are as effectually relieved by means of the simple machine, and by the use of an extensive Cold Bath.
He has also for sale, Willard's much esteemed patent clock Jacks, they are valuable above the other roast meat jacks, being moveable, and may be used in any room. They require less fire, and will roast meat in a shorter time than any other now in use. use.
He has on Hand, a very large and extensive assortment of all kinds of Tin, Copper, Brass and Japanned wares and as he manufactures the most of the articles in the different branches aforesaid, he is determined that none shall undersell him, either for cash or short credit.
Copper and Brass Utenils mended and tinned with neatness and dispatch.—The Morning Post, and Daily Advertiser, August 29, 1785.
Samuel Kempton.—...Said Kempton mounts all kinds of stoves...he has bro't to perfection a new invented portable and much approved kind of stoves, which can be applied to a variety of places, Particularly ship's cabbins, compting houses, small rooms, work-ships &c....—Morning Post, and Daily Advertiser, October 21, 1785.
Samuel Kempton.—Measures made according to a late Regulation, and to be had of Samuel Kempton, no. 197, Water-street, near the Coffee-House.—The Daily Advertiser, July 25, 1786.
Noble & Townsend.—Anchors made at Noble & Townsend's Anchory, of sterling refined iron, to be Sold by Salomon Townsend, No 2 Burling-Slip, at the following prices, All anchors from 2cwt up to 10 cwt, 7d per lb. Ditto between l and lcwt. 8d. Ditto, under 1 cwt. 9d. Also sterling refined iron, Swedes iron, Jersey refined and Bloomery iron, share moulds, Crowley's, German and blistered steel, anchors of any particular size, large iron drawn for any particular uses, such as saw-mill cranks, gudgeons, rudder irons, &c. may be had at a short notice, by applying as above. Who purchases all sorts of Jersey iron.—New-York Packet, April 3, 1786.
Sam. Ogden.—The Nail Manufactory is now carried on at Booneton, near Morris Town, in all its branches, where any quantity may be had at moderate terms, on the shortest notice; made in the neatest manner, of the following sizes, Crad Tacks, Saddlers Tacks, of all sizes; 3d. nails for Lathing, 4d. ditto, for shingling; and also, 6d. 8d. 10d. 12d. 20d. and 24d. Nails. Best Refined Rod-Iron, also to be sold. Sam Ogden.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, October 11, 1781.
Parise, tinner, No 249 Broad Way. Makes and sells economical Stoves which are used for cooking; he also keeps all kinds of articles belonging to his line.—The French and American Gazette, November 4, 1795.
August Parise.—Interesting Notification. The advantages which are derived by keeping the skin clean and the bowels open, to preserve health...Tin and Copper bathing conveniences made after the most approved manner. Also Bidets and syringes, with every apparatus belonging to them. He will execute punctually all such orders which he may be favoured with, from the neighboring states or the West Indies, at No. 249 Broadway, near the park. Aug. Parise.—New-York Daily Advertiser, July 29, 1799.
Josiah Pierson.—4d. Cut nails to be sold by the subscriber, by the cask or less quantity, from 30 to 40 percent cheaper than wrought ones, and warranted superior in quality for lathing, short shingling and nailing to hoops or casks. Also The New Invented Washing Mills. These machines will be warranted superior in point of model, materials and workmanship; to any yet introduced; they are attended with two and an half dollars more expence to the maker than those that have been heretofore introduced,...sold from 3 to 5 dollars cheaper than the other kind, which will bring them from 15 to 17 dollars.
These machines render every kind of garment, sheet, table linen, or any other article whiter and cleaner than any other made yet found out. Yet is is entirely free from friction and works by pressure only, and that in so equal and admirable a manner as not to wear the finest linen or muslin and are even so easy, as to wash bank bills without injury; so easy in the operation, that a child may work them with facility, and so expeditious as to wash the full quantity of linen &c. put into them, at the rate of sixty shirts an hour....Josiah G. Pierson, No 11 Albany Pier, or at his Factory No. White Hall-street, opposite the Government exchange.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 30, 1793.
Josiah G. Pierson.—To Master-Builder, merchants, and the public general, the subscriber most respectfully informs you that he has now in operation his newly-invented machines for manufacturing Floor Brads of different sizes, from 8d to 24 d. They are cut with a head complete, and are found superior to wrought ones for the following reasons:
That they will drive into more solid timber, are not so liable to split the board, will hold more firm, require no flatting of head, are sold for less per lb. and a number more in a lb they being much slimmer and lighter than wrought one....The subscriber still continues his manufactory of all sizes of cut nails....Josiah G. Pierson.—The Diary, July 11, 1796.
Pierson and Housman, continues to carry on the Wire Manufactory at the old place, viz. 93 Broad street, near the exchange, New-York, where they make and sell all kinds of Wire-Work such as Rolling Screens and Sifters, for cleaning flax-seed; double and single Rolling Screens, and standing do. for cleaning wheat and rice; Snuff and Indian meal bolts and sieves; short cloths reying sieves, and garlick riddles; screens and sieves for bricklayers, plaisterers, and cellar windows; wire-work for sashes and flax seed works, and washers, dusters &c. for paper mills.
All which are done in the neatest and most approved manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders by Post or otherwise, are carefully attended to.—The Argus, September 15, 1798.
Pierson and Vandevanter.—Manufactory of Wire-Work. Pierson and Vandevanter at their Wire Manufactory No. 39, Broad-Street, near the Exchange, New-York, make and sell all kinds of Wire work, such as Rolling Screens, and sifters, for cleaning flax seed, double and single rolling screens, and standing do. for cleaning wheat, snuff and Indian meal bolts and sieves, fan screens and riddles, rice, flax-seed and clover sieves, short cloths, reying sieves and garlick riddles, screens and sieves for bricklayers and plaisterers, paper moulds, spring-house and cellar window, wire-work for sases &c....Orders by post, or otherwise, are carefully attended to.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 30, 1791.
David Ross, Bell Founder at Elizabeth Town, Intends to erect a Furnace early in the spring, for making Bells from fifty to one thousand weight or upwards which he will warrant to be equal to any imported, he having followed the business previous. It is hoped those gentlemen who wish to see manufactories flourish here, will honour him with their commands, as they may depend on having their work done with the greatest dispatch, and at the most reasonable rate. He will take good old copper, hard pewter, block tin, or good bell metal in payment.—New-York Gazetteer, and the Country Journal, December 10, 1783.
Alexander Smith whitesmith, late of Philadelphia, At the Sign of the Lock, Jack and Bell, in Chatham-Street, at little above the Provost Guard, Makes, repairs and cleans Locks and Keys, and all sorts of Jacks and Hinges in the neatest manner, and at the lowest rates: He also hangs Bells after a new, best, and least expensive plan, never before made use of. As he has worked in some of the first shops in London, he flatters himself to give satisfaction to those who may be pleased to employ him in any of the aforesaid branches, as they may depend upon having their work done with fidelity and dispatch. N.B. As the making and mending of Jacks, and hanging Bells has yet been imperfectly performed in this place, he hopes that a little experience of his performance will entitle him to the friendship of his employers, which shall always be acknowledged with gratitude.—Royal Gazette, September 19, 1778.
Edward Smith.—Tin-Plate Workers, May have good wages and constant employ by applying to Edward Smith No. 30, the corner of Burling-Slip, Queen-street, where the Trade and others may be supplied with assortments of ready made Goods at very low rates. Likewise tin-plates, iron wire, Lanthorn leave &c. Also a few dozen of camp dishes and plates.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, September 8, 1777.
Thomas Smith, Iron Founder, Takes this method to inform the gentlemen of the city of New-York, that he is capable of giving instructions for an air furnace proper for casting pig iron or old guns, and making them into any sort of shot for privateers or others. Any person that may choose to employ him, may depend upon it that the works will be built with as little cost as possible, and carried on with as few hands as are able to manage the works. He does not intend to receive any wages until he has given his employers satisfaction, and finished some work. He is to be spoke with at Mr. Bonsal's, the back of the Fly-Market, at the sign of the Buck.—Royal American Gazette, March 23, 1779.
Thomas Thomas, Tinman, Coppersmith and Brass Founder No 206 Queen-street opposite Burling Slip, Begs leave to return his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general and informs them, that he has entered very extensively into the manufacturing part of the above Branches of Business, superior to any imported and equally as cheap. He has on hand a very large and extensive assortment of all kind of Tin, Copper, Brass, and Pewter Ware, which he intends selling on very low terms for cash. Copper and Brass Utensils mended and tinned with pure Grain tin. The highest price given for old Copper, Brass and Pewter.—Independent Journal, May 26, 1787.
Thomas Thomas, Tin-Man, Successor to the late Mr. Edward Smith, No. 30, Queen-Street, corner of Burling-Slip, Solicits the Favours of the late Mr. Smith's Customers, of the Public in general, having on hand a large and general Assortment of Tin, Copper, Pewter and Japanned Ware; such as Plate Warmers, Flemish Stewpans, do. tureens, Oval dish Covers, Pewter-water-plates, Signal Lanthorns, &c. and every other article Necessary for furnishing the Navy, Army, and private Families, which he intends selling on the most reasonable terms.—Royal Gazette, January 18, 1783.
Thomas Thomas, Tin Man, Coppersmith, and Sheet-Iron Manufactory, removed from No. 220 Queen Street, to No 7 Front Street, corner of King Street...has on hand a large and general assortment of Tin, Copper, and Japanned Ware, which he intends selling wholesale and retail...such as Double Tin Coffee biggins, Tortoise Japanned Coffee pots of superior quality, Japanned sugar chests. Do. waiters, Do. Water pitchers, Do. quart and pint mugs, Do. canisters; double tin steam boilers, double tin and copper fish kettles, copper tea kettles, Ditto pye pans, Hatters plank Kettles, Ditto dye kettles, Copper Stills, Ship Cabin Stoves, with a great number of articles too tedious to enumerate. N.B. Kitchen utensils tinned and repaired, and the highest price given for old Brass, Copper, Pewter, and Lead.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 11, 1793.
Solomon Townsend, No 225 Pearl-street near Burling-slip. Has for sale anchors of all sizes from 50 lbs to 40 cwt. of superior quality...a quantity of Pig-iron, and a large quantity of spike and nail rods of different sizes...Rolled iron...Crowley steel...and other kinds of Steel....Pork, Fish, Toco-cloth, Rye and Indian corn, Rye Meal Indian and Buckwheat Meal will be taken in payment....broken anchors mended at his Anchor-Shop in Ferry street....—Argus, Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, March 21, 1797.
William Ustick, Jr.—Nailers. Wanted immediately ten or twelve journeymen nailers who are good workmen; Good encouragement will be given to such by William Ustick, Jun. No 33 Queen Street.—New-York Packet, March 23, 1786.
William and Peter Ustick.—Nails and Spikes, manufactured in this city and for Sale by William and Peter Ustick, at their Factory in Catherine street; and William Ustick, Jun. No 33 Queen street. Viz. 2d, 3d, 4d, 6d, 8d, 10d, 12d, 20d, 24d, 30d, and 40d, Nails, Sheating and drawing nails 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 12 in. spikes. N.B. Orders for any kind of nails or spikes will be thankfully received and carefully executed at either of the above places.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 16, 1787.
Henry Wolfe, Returns his sincere thanks to his former customers, for the encouragement given him in the comb manufactory, and begs leave to inform them and the public in general, that he has removed from No 30 near the Fly-Market, to No 29 Old-Slip, corner of Little Dock Street, where he still carries on the copper-Sheet-Iron, and tin plate working business, in an extensive manner. He has also just received from Liverpool a large and general assortment of Japanned Ware, of every kind. Also a large assortment of high polished block tin ware, a few spades and frying pans....N.B. The highest price given for Lead, Pewter, Brass, Copper, Ox and Cow horn tips, by your most humble servant, Henry Wolfe.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 2, 1793.
Charles Wyatt.—New articles of Commerce. His Britannic Majesty having granted to Charles Wyatt, of Birmingham in Great Britain, by his royal letters, patent, and exclusive privelege of making and selling copper sheets and Pipes coated with a metallic composition, which prevents the corrosion of the copper and which are sold under the title of Tinned Copper Sheets and Pipes....Orders through the medium of John Warden and Co. Merchants, London will be punctually executed by the patentee Charles Wyatt, Birmingham, or by John Wyatt, at Church Lane London.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 30, 1793.
William Allen.—The Subscriber, a Gun-Smith, Discharged from the public Service, who by continuing too long in it, is now become the public's humble servant, Therefore as he still means to serve the public.
Begs leave to inform all those who please to Employ him, that they shall have their Guns and Pistols made and mended in the best manner; fowling pieces made, and bullet guns not much inferior to rifles that if well directed will shoot a considerable distance into a man's mouth; all sorts of chest and door locks repaired, coffee-mills, mill saws, and cross cut ditto, mended, and all kinds of jobbing in his branch of business.
As paper is scarce, honor declining, and almost everything that is and ought to be held sacred, violated now a days, the Subscriber thinks booking accounts, and taking notes needless, but dont mean to be over difficult to his employers, cash or good country produce is full good enough and will satisfy their humble servant, William Allen. Fish-kill, second door below Mr. Sleght's.—New-York Packet, April 25, 1782.
William Allen, Gun-Maker, after fleeing for freedom to serve his country, and enduring a seven years exile being now return to this city....—New-York Packet. And the American Advertiser, January 5, 1784.
William Allen, Gun Smith, No 38, Maiden-Lane, near the Fly-Market, or No. 23 Broadway, has a large number of French and English Muskets and Bayonets for Sale, ready made Houlsters and Pistols and Cartridge-boxes. Makes and repairs all kinds of fire arms, bullet-guns made with the greatest exactness, shot-guns assisted in shooting by boring—all cheap for cash.—New-York Packet, April 20, 1787.
Breweton.—The person who has bought or received on any other terms, of Jeremiah Jones, a screw barrel pocket pistol makers name Breweton, is requested to return it to the printer, or the subscriber....John Cooke.—New-York Journal, and the General Advertiser, May 17, 1779.
Columbell.—A Pair of silver-mounted Pistols, the property of an Officer of distinction. The locks are excellent, made by the famous Columbell. The lowest price is Eight Guineas. Enquire of the Printer.—Royal Gazette, September 9, 1778.
Robert Corbett Gunsmith from London...continues to make and repair Muskets, Fowling Pieces, Pistols and other articles in his line. Also cleans and polishes Guns on the lowest terms.—New-York Gazette, and the General Advertiser, August 29, 1798.
John Dobson, Gun Smith. Removed from Warren Street to No. 64 Cherry Street. Makes and repairs all sorts of Guns and Pistols, on the most reasonable terms. N.B. He will engage to stock double and single barrel guns, equal to any made in London or elsewhere.—The Herald, May 17, 1797.
Michael Genter.—...shop of Mr. Michael Genter, of this city, gun-smith, was broke open and robbed of five rifle guns, and two fuzees, some bayonets, and the lock of a gun, on which was the word king. Three Dollars reward will be given for apprehending the thief, so that the owner may get his property again, paid by Michael Genter.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, January 13, 1777.
Michael Genter.—All persons having any demands against estate of Michael Genter, late of the city of New-York, Gunsmith, deceased are desired to bring accounts to...Mary Magdalen Genter, executrix.—Royal Gazette, January 19, 1780.
John Martin, Gun and White Smith, returns his thanks to his friends and the public for the favors that have been shewn him. He intends moving, on the first of May, to the house, No. 207 Queen-street, next door but one to Golden-hill, and adjoining the tin Manufactory, lately Thomas's now Jeslop's; where he will carry on his busines as usual.
All kinds of brands, stamps and impressions made in copper, iron, brass, steel or wood, from two inches down to the common size of printers types, made in the neatest manner, and on the most reasonable terms.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 24, 1788.
David Provost.—Estate of Peter Provost black-smith settled....deceased[s] son, David Provost administrator, gunsmith of Long Island.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, October 8, 1781.
James Slater, Gunsmith, No 112 Chatham street, Respectfully acquaints his friends and the public, that he has removed from No 19 Ann-street to the above mentioned house, where he continues to execute the Gunsmiths business in all its various branches, and flatters himself by an unremitted attention ro the commands of his employers, to merit a repetition of their favours.
N.B. Several good second hand Guns to be disposed of, he has likewise received a stock of the very best London Black Gun Flints, for double and single guns,
The growing Crop of a kitchen garden to be sold.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 12, 1796.
Hendrick Van Dewater.—All persons indebted to the estate of Hendrick Van Dewater, late of the City of New-York, Gunsmith, deceased....—Independent Journal, February 23, 1785.
Andover Iron Works, to be sold or let on lease and entered upon immediately. They are situated in the counties of Sussex and Morris, in the state of New Jersey: The ore lays within the furnace; is esteemed of the first quality of any in America and particularly adapted for making steel. The furnace and forge (to which belong between 11 and 12, acres of land) will be sold or let, either separate or together. They are distant about seven miles from each other; the works, buildings &c. are in every respect commodious and now in excellent order and repair. For particulars apply to Benjamin Chew or John Lardenr [sic] in Philadelphia to Archibald Stewart Hacketts Town New Jersey.—The Daily Advertiser, December 20, 1786.
Atston Works.—Pot Ash Kettles, Kentledge and Anchors. The Subscribers have for sale a constant supply of Pot Ash Kettles, cast at the Atston Works, cast bottom down, of the best metal; also sugar kettles for the West Indies; and all other castings commonly made at a blast of air furnace....Blackwell & McFarlan, corner of Coenties slip and Water Street.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 26, 1799.
Batsto Iron Works.—Grist-Mills and other water works, on an extensive plan; one of the best situations in America, is offered for Sale, together with Batsto Iron Works, At the forks of little Egg-Harbour, in New Jersey....The furnace, which, by the lands annexed to it, is abundantly supplied with wood, and ore of the best quality is now in blast, and is noted for producing the best hollow ware in America; the metal being peculiarly well adapted to the making of castings, as well as excellent bar-iron. A forge nearly new with four fires and two Hammers....For particulars apply to William Richards at the said works, Samuel Ogden, in New York; or Charles Pettit, in Philadelphia.—New-York Packet, September 12, 1785.
Cannon Foundry.—Cannon of any size, of a good quality and neatly made to be delivered in a short time, may be contracted for, by applying to Rufus and Sylvanus Hopkins, at the Cannon Foundry in Scituate, near Providence, or to the other owners of the said Foundry, at Providence. A number of 3 pound cannon are now completed and ready for sale. 4 and 6 pounds cannon are now casting, and will be completed in a few days. Providence, State of R. I.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 10, 1798.
Carlisle Iron Works.—To be sold by Public Vendue at the Coffee-House in Philadelphia...a very valuable Iron-work, called Carlisle Iron-Works about five miles to the South east of the Town of Carlisle in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania....for further particulars enquire of John Morris, Jun. at Philadelphia or Wm Lyon, Esq at Carlisle.—New-York Packet, November 4, 1779.
Willaim Hawxhurst.—Anchors of all sizes, made of sterling refined iron warranted, also sterling refined Bar Iron neatly drawn and well assorted; ships windless Irons, Rudder Pintels and Bars, Spindles and Gudgeons for grist-mills, and saw-mill Cranks made agreeable to any given pattern, at the shortest notice; all to be sold by William Hawxhurst, No. 2 Burling-slip.
The following articles will be taken in payment, viz. Rum, sugar, molasses, beef, pork, butter, cheese, dried and pickled fish of all kinds, whale and liver oil, blubber, wool, home made flannel, flax, tow-cloth, soal-leather and every other article suitable for iron works, Ready Money given for Jersey Refined and Bloomery Iron.—New-York Packet, July 11, 1785.
Hibernia Furnace, is now in blast, where castings and hollow ware of all kinds are made, the quality of the metal is inferior to none in the Thirteen States. Those who wish to have patterns of any particular kind cast, may have them immediately finished on application at the Furnace. Messrs. Latta and Nesbit, merchants, New-Windsor will be constantly supplied with a large assortment of casting, from this furnace....Ross & Bird.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, June 27, 1782.
Hibernia Furnace, March 7, 1785. The subscribers inform their friends and the public in general, that their partnership is still continued. All kinds of casting supplied on the shortest notice, which shall make their study to compleat in the neatest manner; Also pig metal, the quality of which being so universally known, they flatter themselves requires no further recommendation...applying to them at their works, or to Murray, Sansom & Co. in New-York; to which strictest attention will be given by Bird and Ross.—New-York Packet, March 31, 1785.
Hibernia Iron.—Murray, Sansom and Co. have for sale at their store in Queen-street, a quantity of Hibernia Pig iron, a general assortment of very neat Hollow Ware, such as pots, kettles, skillets, pye pans &c. forge hammers, stoves of various kinds, and a variety of other articles in that line. Those who wish to be supplied with any kind of cast iron, may be furnished in a short time by giving proper directions.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, June 30, 1783.
Hibernia Iron Works.—Public notice is hereby given, that the iron works, called and known by the name of the Hibernia Iron Works, situated, lying and being in Morris county, in the state of New-Jersey, together with all the lands thereunto belonging, containing upwards of two thousand acres, be the same more or less, late the property of William, Earl of Stirling, deceased and others, will be sold at Public Vendue to the highest bidder,...agreeable to certain articles of agreement made between the said Lord Stirling and the subscribers, of which all persons concerned are desired to take notice. Murray, Sansom, & Co. N.B. A few articles remaining at said works, belonging to the personal estate of the said works, such as waggons, carts, and other utensils, will also be sold at the same time and place.—New-York Packet, January 2, 1786.
Whitehead Humphreys.—The best Steel-Plate Mill-Saws; and blistered Steel of the best Quality made and sold by Whitehead Humphreys, in Philadelphia, 7th Street—New-York Journal, and the General Advertiser, December 10, 1781.
Hunter's Iron Works.—For Sale The Iron Works Belonging to the Estate of James Hunter, deceased, pleasantly situated on the falls of Rappahannock River, within two miles of the Town of Fredericksburg, and one of Falmouth and Tide Water....—Gazette of the United States, July 21, 1790.
Furnace Independence. To be Sold one eighth part of Furnace Independence...also a forge, blacksmith shop, grist and saw mill...in the town of Winchester, State of New-Hampshire....the above will be sold on easy terms for the purchaser or exchanged for West India or dry goods, or property in or near the city of New York, wild lands on Mohawk or Hudson River, or public security. For further particulars apply to Murray, Mumford or Bowen, No 20 Peck slip or Benjamin Thurlar, Lansingborough, eight miles North of Albany, east side of Hudson River, at the Sign of the bunch of grapes.—New-York Packet, August 7, 1787.
Iron Works. The subscriber, who owns a Forge in Rutland County, in the State of Vermont, about 90 miles northeast of Albany, is now erecting a Slitting-Mill on the premises, and wishes to employ a few good hands, capable of working at the nailing business, as well as that of a cutter. Mathew Lyon.—New-York Packet, August 7, 1787.
Kane's Iron Works,—Anchors of all sizes from 100 lbs to three ton Weight, can be procured at a short notice from Charles Kane's Iron works Fort Ann delivered at Albany or New-York....a large stock of Mill Iron & Clothiers screws constantly on hand. Apply as above.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, December 24, 1798.
Mount Hope Furnace.—Whereas Mount-Hope Furnace is now in Blast, where all sorts of Hollow Ware and other Sand Castings are made; any Person wanting such Articles may apply to John Jacob Faesh. Owner of the said Furnace.—The New-York Journal and the General Advertiser, September 21, 1778.
Mount Hope Furnace.—To Be Sold, Wholesale and Retail; or exchanged for all sorts of Country produce, and other articles, necessary for carrying on Iron Works, by the subscriber at Mount-Hope Furnace, in Morris County. All Sorts of cast Iron kettles, pots, large and small tea-kettles, pye-pans, large and small skillets, small mortars, Griddles with and without legs, waggon, chair and cart boxes, close stoves, six and ten plate stoves, open fire-places, commonly called Franklin Stoves. Also refined Bar Iron, nail rods, nails, &c. &c.The New-York Journal, and the General Advertiser, September 24, 1781.
Mount Hope Furnace.—A Quantity of well assorted Bar Iron of the first quality, manufactured at Andover, Mount Hope and Booneton Works, always kept in readiness for sale, wholesale and retail by Samuel Ogden, No 14 Water-street, and Thomas Bridgen Attwood, No. 11, Great Dock-street, who buy refined and bloomery Bar Iron, or sell on commission.
The proprietor of Mount Hope Furnace, having engaged a person well skilled in the European method of casting, flatters himself he shall thereby be enabled to execute all kinds of hollow ware and castings equally light and neat as any imported; and afford them full as cheap, if not cheaper.
All orders either for wrought Iron or casting of any kind will be duly attended to, and completed to any given pattern, at a short notice, by leaving a line at either of the above houses.
English Forge Hammers, of the most excellent temper and approved make and size, just received by the Brig Lucy, from Liverpool.
N.B. They beg leave to caution the public against a counterfeit stamp of Andover Iron, and to assure them they are alone appointed agents of the Work.
An assortment of Sweed's kept for those who prejudice leads them to prefer the use of it to that of their own country.
Beef and Pork will be received in barter or ready cash given for those articles.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, June 18, 1785.
Nancarrow.—Yesterday the Steel Manufactory of Mr. Nancarrow, at the corner of Eighth and Walnut, street, took fire, which together with a small dwelling house adjoining, were entirely consumed.—New-York Packet, May 1, 1787.
Newark Air Furnace.—For Sale, on reasonable terms 50 to 150 tons of Hibernia pig iron of superior quality for the British market...large assortment of the neatest and best quality of Iron Hollow Ware and Castings. Consisting of Pots, Kettle, pye-pans, griddles, waggon, chair and cart boxes, chimney backs, jamb and bottoms plates, cast in sets with mitres or single, very neat Franklin Stoves, improved; Every kind of Iron Castings completed in the neatest manner at the Air Furnace at Newark....The neatness and superior quality of their Iron ware is owing to its being cast from Pig metal made of Bog ore which is refined in the Air-furnace from the dross or scoria, of the Pig iron. Also, a general assortment of refined and bloomery bar iron, and Dry Goods as usual. N.B. Dry Goods will be taken in barter for the oak, square timber and plank by Johnston & Ogden, No. 232 Queen st.—New-York Packet, August 24, 1786.
New Windsor Iron Works.—Rod Iron, warranted, made of the best refined Bar-Iron, to be sold, by the subscriber at New-Windsor. Robert Nesbitt N.B. A constant supply may be depended on.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, November 1, 1781.
New York Air Furnace, Peter T. Curtenius and Co. have repaired the New-York Air Furnace, and have procured the best workmen together with the necessary apparatus to carry on the Manufactory of Cast Iron in the completest and best manner. Castings made in an Air Furnace, are allowed by all who are acquainted with the nature of Founderies, to be better than what is made in a Blast Furnace; because, in an Air Furnace, the ware is made out of the softest and best Pig Metal, and, by its being melted a second time, the scoria, or dross, is expelled and nothing but the pure Metal remains. In a Blast Furnace, the castings are made out of the first smelting of the crude Ore, and are more or less mixt with dross, which subjects the ware to be rough and spongy, and often full of cold shuts; the difference, in short, is nearly the same as there is between refined and Bloomery Iron. The ware they have made is allowed, by good judges, to be as light, as smooth, and as good as any imported from Europe. This consideration alone, of the ware being as good as the foreign, is a sufficient inducement, for an American, to give the preference to the manufactures of his own country; but a more powerful argument for the purchaser to give it a preference is, that it can be afforded cheaper than the imported ware, chiefly owning to a duty of six pounds per ton being laid on foreign castings. The ware manufactured at this Furnace, consists of the following articles, viz.
Pots and kettles of various sizes from one to fifteen gallons, tea kettles, pye pans, skillets, griddles, potash kettles and coolers, whaling kettles, boilers for tallow chandlers and sugar works, stoves for sugar bakers, mill cases, cast bars for sugar works and distilleries, rollers and shears for slitting mills, chimney backs, hearth and jamb plates, cast agreeable to any pattern that may be sent; close stoves for work shops, Franklin stoves neatly decorated with carved work, Bath stoves grates elegantly ornamented with carvings, ship's cabouses of the new construction, with bake ovens in them, in which the same fire that roasts and boils the meat bakes the bread; mill rounds and gudgeons, saw mill Cranks, calcining plates for making pearlashes, cast iron screws for fulling and paper mills, fullers plates cast to any size that may be wanted, sash weights, forge hammers and anvils, plow plates, half hundreds, quarters, fourteen and elevn pound weights; cart waggon, coach, phaeton, chair and sulkey boxes, &c. &c. &c.
N.B. Persons who want any backs, or other ware, cast agreeable to particular patterns, will please to send their patterns and orders to the Furnace, near Mr. Atlee's Brewery or leave them at the house of Peter T. Curtenius No. 48, Great Dock street near the Exchange.—New-York Daily Advertiser, October 17, 1787.
New-York East-River Air Furnace. The Public are respectfully informed that John Youle & Co. have erected an air furnace on the banks of the East-River, near Corlears Hook, where all kinds of iron castings are done in the neatest manner. Ship cabouses, and stoves of all kinds, for hammers and anvils, waggon boxes, and sash weights, fifty-six twenty-eight and fourteen pound weights, backs and jamb-plates for chimnies of such metal as will stand fire without cracking, mill rounds, cogg wheels, gudgeons &c. and every other kind of castings, agreeable to any pattern. Orders left, or directed to John Youle, at no. 5 corner of Beekman Slip, at the sign of the Gilt Anvil, will be attended to John Youle.—New-York Weekly Museum, April 30, 1791.
New York East River Air Furnace. The subscriber has removed from his former residence at Beekman's slip, to nearly opposite his Furnace, at Corlaer Hook, just beyond the ship yards, where he carries on the Cast Iron Foundry, in its various branches, viz. Ship's cabouses of all sizes, open and close stoves, kettles, potash coolers, sugar boilers, &c. forge hammers and anvils, sash weights, 56, 28, 14, and 7 lb. wts. backs and jambs for chimnies, branding irons, cart and waggon boxes, hatters basons, fuller's plates, mill work &c. and all kinds of casting, agreeable to any pattern. Applications may be made at the Furnace, or at William V. Wagenen's hard-ware store No 43 corner of Queen-street and Beekman slip; where all orders will be received and attended to, with punctuality and dispatch. John Youle.
N.B. The public will be assured, that his castings are equal to any in America for softness, neatness and strength.—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, September 17, 1792.
New York East River Air Furnace.—Pig Iron. Two hundred tons for sale: likewise Patent Cabouses, close and open stoves; also, Casting done as usual. Apply at John Youle's Air Furnace, Corlear's Hook.—New-York Daily Advertiser, December 7, 1799.
Queensboro Iron Works For Sale. The subscriber desirous to withdraw from the bustle of business, offers his property for Sale....For further particulars apply to E. Luget, on the premises, or C. Lagarenne No 6 Duane Street.—The Spectator, December 25, 1799.
Salisbury Furnace.—A quantity of good edge tool Steel, to be sold for grain or money, at Salisbury furnace, by William Whiting.—The New-York Journal, and the General Advertiser, May 22, 1780.
Salisbury Furnace.—Cannon, of any size, from 4 to 18 pounders, cast at the Salisbury Foundries, will be delivered here on the Hudson, at a short notice. The superior quality of this metal and workmanship, gives them a preference to any other Guns made in the United States. A few pair of double fortified 4 pounders are now in Town for sale—they, and all cast at this Foundery, will be warranted applications may be made at the Furnace, or to W. Neilson and Co.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, January 12, 1799.
Salisbury Iron Works for sale, or to be Let for a term of years, all this property, consisting of a blast Furnace, three air Furnaces, with moulding and Casting-houses, and a Blacksmith Shop; a right in the ore bed not two miles from the Furnace; A Forge with two fires, nearly new and in compleat repair; a large Store-house, &c. &c....—The Spectator, March 9, 1799.
Copper, Brass and Iron Foundry at Second River, near Newark, New Jersey. Orders for all sorts of Copper, Spikes Bolts Rudder Braces, Sheathing Nails, &c. for ship work, or Brass castings for machinery, for iron cylinders, pumps, pipes, or any kind of common and loom castings; cannon of various caliber, shot, &c. will be executed at the shortest notice and in the best manner at the above place where the proprietors have engaged the most able workmen in the different branches. Any kind of casting will be bored at a reasonable price; the orders will specify the particular sizes, or be accompanied with accurate drawings of any articles wanted, and be directed to Nicholas J. Roosevelt, at the works or the J. Mark and Co. at New York.
N.B. Old copper and brass, copper ore and pig iron, will be received in payment, or purchased at the highest market price. apply as above.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 21, 1798.
Sharpsborough Iron Works. All persons who have demands against the late partnership of Sharp and Brown, of Sharpsborough Iron-works, in the county of Sussex, in the state of New New Jersey,...requested to discharge their respective debts.—New-York Packet, July 18, 1785.
Sharpsborough Iron Works.—To be Let, for a term of years, Sharpsborough Iron-works, situated in the county of sussex in the state of New-Jersey. Consisting of a furnace, a forge constructed for three fires, standing within a few rods of the furnace; also the half of a forge built with stone with four fires, standing two miles above the furnace. The whole works are erected on that known stream called the Wallkill, producing sufficient for the whole works the chief of the year....Any person inclining to rent the above premises, may know the terms by applying to Joseph Sharp, in the county of Salem in New Jersey, or to Colonel John Hathorn, living in Orange county in the State of New York.—New-York Packet, January 5, 1786.
Sterling Iron Works.—For Sale, At Chester, in Orange County, seventeen miles from New-Windsor, on the North-River, opposite the Fish-Kill Landing, at the Sterling Iron Works.
Sterling and Jersey refined Iron; likewise Steel, manufactured in the German way, from the Sterling pig, warranted to be good, that is, if it does not prove so, on trial, they will take it back and return the purchasers their money. Iron and Steel of the same make and quality has been formerly advertised for sale in New-York, by William Hauxhurst. Pork in barrel, live fat hogs, sheeps wool, good clean drest flax, New England Tow-cloth, white and checked flannel, and woolsey, and home spun woolen cloth, will be taken in payment. Noble & Townsend, Iron-masters at Sterling. N.B. The Sterling Company are building a furnace for manufacturing Blistered Steel, which will be soon completed.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, May 8, 1777.
Tuthill & Robins.—A Furnace. For all kinds of iron caastings is to be sold in the state of New -Jersey; it is well supplied with wood and ore; has very convenient buildings and is advantageously situated both for New-York and Philadelphia market, its metal being superior to that of most other works, and equal to any; being nearly provided with stock ready for a blast, the furnace will yield immediate proceeds to the purchaser to whom terms will be offered that are very easy. Apply to Messrs Morgan and Price, Philadelphia, or Tuthill & Robins, No. 74 Greenwich-street.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 9, 1795.
Ironmongery & Cutlery.—Half Johannesses and other foreign gold, at the rates formerly established by the New York Chamber of Commerce; also bills of credit emitted by the General Assembly of this province, will be received by Edward and William Laight, as payment for a quantity of Ironmongery and cutlary, Spanish brown and whiting, bar iron and steel, which they have for sale, at their store, No. 190 Queen Street, near Burling's slip. At the same place are to be disposed of Excellent Muscovado Sugar, in barrels and tierces, writing and printing paper, &c.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, February 17, 1777.
Ironmongery and Cutlery.—Hubert Van Wagenen Begs leave to inform the public in general, that he is removed from Crown-Street to his house in which he formerly liv'd, on Beekman's-Slip, and continues to carry on the Ironmongery and Cutlery business, as usual, and will sell as reasonable as the times will permit, mill, cross-cut, pit, fanearing, frame, hand tenent, pannel, dovetail, compass, and keyhole saws; locks and hinges; of various kinds and sizes; single and double branches, brass and iron cndlesticks and snuffers, bright and black augers from half inch to two inches rising one eighth...with many other articles too tedious to mention.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, September 15, 1777.
Cutlery and Hardware.—To Be Sold, By Peter Goelet, At the Golden-Key, in Hanover-Square. A large assortment of locks and hinges, brass furniture for cabinetmakers, carpenters, goldsmiths, blacksmiths, and shoe-makers tools, cutlery and hardware, tongs and shovels, large corn mills, brass candlesticks, double and single branches, japan'd tea boards, plate baskets, &c. &c.—Rivington's New-York Loyal Gazette, December 13, 1777.
Toys.—Christmas Presents for the young Folks, who have an affection for the Art Military, consisting of Horse, Foot, and Dragoons; Cast in Metal, in beautiful uniforms. Price 18 s. a dozen.—Royal Gazette, December 27, 1777.
Candlesticks.—To be sold, a few Compting House Candlesticks, with Shades, also a few Plate Warmers, Enquire of the Printer.—Royal Gazette, December 27, 1777.
Stew Pans, Lined with Silver, for the Banquet of Lucullus, The Turtle, Turbot, Lamphrey, with all kinds of Sweetmeats, Jellies, and Confectionary, should ever be simmered in these elegant Utensils; calculated for the Preservation of Health, and perfect accommodation of a complete Housewife; These are 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Inches in Breadth. Likewise, the Sause Pan lined with Silver, holding one Pint. Enquire of the Printer.—Royal Gazette. May 27, 1778.
Leaden Shot.—Samuel Brower. Makes all kinds of Leaden Shot such as Duck, Pigeon, Goose shot &c. If the customers find the lead, the shot will be so much the cheaper. Apply to him at his home at Depeyster's mills, in Fishkill.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, September 24, 1778.
Tin Ware.—Joseph Rose, at No 1046 Water-street...purchased a quantity of Tin Ware, amongst which are, a large parcel of Dispatches, very suitable for gentlemen of the Navy, or Army, and private families, they are worthy of the name of Dispatches, as they will cook a beef steak in about 4 minutes sufficiently to put on the table, having made the tryal myself. Enquire as above.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, January 4, 1779.
Camp Table Furniture Imported for an officer of Rank, gone to England, and to be sold for ten Guineas, enquire of the Printer; they are made of Block Tin, by the celebrated Mr. Dare, at Charing Cross, consisting of the following articles, and have never been taken out of the package since their arrival. 8 Soup Plates, 24 Table Plates, 4 Oval Dishes No. 2, 2 ditto No. 3, 4 ditto no 4, 2 ditto No. 5, 2 ditto No. 6, 1 Turene, 12 Spoons, 1 Soup Plate. A Field Officer's Tent and Marquee, perfectly new to be sold. Enquire of the Printer.—Royal Gazette, April 21, 1779.
Scythes. Grass and Cradle Scythes, made and sold by Lemuel Conklin, near Poughkeepsie.—The New-York Journal, and the General Advertiser, June 16, 1780.
Camp Kitchen.—To be Sold, A compleat camp kitchen, price Ten Guineas, made of double Block tin as wholesome as silver. The following are the particulars of the articles: A tea kettle, a coffee pot, a chocolate pot and mill, a butter saucepan, six sauce pans with a cover, four soup pots with covers, six spoons more durable and as wholesome as silver, a hash dish and lamp, a Spice box a bread grater, a Dutch oven, a cheese toaster, seven stew pans with covers, two fying pans, a gridiron, a large boiling pot, a tarbot [sic] kettle, a Carp or Fish kettle, a Dripping-pan and baster, a skimmer and a soup laddle, a slice and ragout spoon, a pepper and flour box, a cullender and two beer pots, twelve patty pans, and two tart pans. Enquire of the printer.Royal Gazette, January 10, 1781.
Ironmongery.—For Sale, by Hubert Van Wagenen, at No. 2 Beekman's slip, And-irons with brass heads, elegant shovels and tongs with do. butchers cleavers of different sizes, carpenters hammers, axes, and adzes, augers from 1-2 inches to 2 inches, rising by eights; firmers, chizels, gouges, squares, chalk lines, compasses, &c. coopers, axes, adzes, drawing knives, enshanes, howels, compasses, bits, &c. smith's bench, hand and standing vices, sledge and hand hammers, files, rasps &c. Masons brick and plaistering trowels, lathing and paving hammers &c. shoe makers hammers, pinchers, knippers, hats, shoes and heel knives, awls and tacks, machine &c. house, hand and sleigh bells, a great variety of locks and hinges, grid irons, chaffing dishes, oil stones and Hones, wire, brass desk furniture, saws of different sorts, brass cocks, nails, tacks, and brads tests for stones, knives and forks, cutteau knives, shears and scissars, shoe and knee buckles, slates and pencils, with many other articles too tedious to mention.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, November 26, 1781.
Counterfeit Coins.—Large number of counterfeit Dollars having lately been disovered in Boston and its neighbouring town, of the emission of 1778....The Letters and figures upon the Side on which the Head is, are raised too high, and are very coarsely made; The Rim above the word carolus is too narrow and the letter C of the same, too large, and the letters A and R too small; the Dot after carolus stands too near the III, and the Seams made to represent the Hair are very deep; the nostril is larger, and the mouth smaller in the counterfeit than in the True; in the words HISPAN and IND the letter I is too small; the plus ultra are not very legible, and the ringing when dropped upon a stone is much shriller and clearer than that of the true one; they are bright and have the appearance of good, but by rubbing they are found to be slightly washed.—The Royal Gazette. November 15, 1783.
Counterfeit Coins.—A number of artful villains, for some time past, have practised the business of coining base metals in imitation of English and French guineas, and Spanish dollars and quarter guineas.
Isaac Atwood and John Hambrow, from Birmingham in England, and several others are committed further offence, and it is hoped will soon be brought to trial, Some of the tools and instruments employed in counterfeiting have been found.
The counterfeit French guineas, which are the worst executed, may be known by the sound being flat. The hair of the head resembles balls or lumps, instead of natural curls, and is too great in breadth. These pieces weigh a little more than three penny weight, and are made of copper gilded. The counterfeit dollars are dated 1782, and to be distinquished by the out line of the back of the head, which is not sufficiently round; the nostril un-natural, and not enough raised on the outside; the III after carolus too small and crouded, and the face too long. Some are blanced copper, others of copper silvered, or, as the artists express it, boiled.
The counterfeit English guineas are dated 1784, the eye is too downcast, and the nose and forehead too erect; the eyebrow not raised; the nose too broad, the colour resembling brass, and the fleurs de lis in the crown, which they ought not. They seem to be a composition of gold, silver and copper, and want but a few grains of the English standard weight.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, April 23, 1785.
Armor.—Wanted, a number of regular bred armourers, to be employed at West Point, in repairing, cleaning and stamping the arms belonging to the public.
Any person disposed to engage, may know the terms by applying to the subscriber, at the War-Office or at No. 60 Cherry-street Samuel Hodgson, Commissary Military Stores.—New-York Gazetteer, and Country Journal, June 21, 1785.
Ironmongery.—John Byrne Still continues in Business, at his Store, No. 2, opposite Fly Market, where he has for sale an Assortment of goods,...Copper Tea Kettles, wash kettles, coffee and chocolate pots,...pestles and morters, powder and shot, bar lead, nails, anvils and vices....—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, November 9, 1785.
Iron Monger.—Samuel Ogden at his store no 14 Water street has for sale a very compleat assortment of the fololwing articles which he will sell low for cash or country produce, New-Jersey Money of the year 1783, and all kinds of Public Security at their value: Bar iron, Sweeds, Waggon, cart and sleigh tire,...Andover iron...Booneton and other refined iron...Bloomery Bar iron, Spike Rod Iron, Andover and Baststo Pig iron, as compleat an assortment of Hollow Ware as ever manufactured in America...also a most compleat assortment of stoves, Franklin, Rittenhouse's improvement on Franklin Ten plate, Six plate and close Sharp's new invented stove Grate, for the circulation of hot and cold air, on which an improvement is made that renders it fit for either wood or coal, and may be put in a room with or without a fireplace. A few of the Canada Stoves, much approved of for large rooms, gentlemens halls, or large stores; back plates, Gudgeons....All orders for wrought or cast iron, will be executed with neatness and dispatch.—New-York Packet, January 2, 1786.
Counterfeit Coins.—Considerable quantities of base coin are now in circulation—A copper one in imitation of French guineas, gilt are very current—they are dated 1782, are larger and thicker than the true one, a copper coin, washed with silver, are frequently passed for English six-pences, they are much larger than good one—these, with quantities of what are called coppers, but of a baser metal passing, should put people on their guard, not only to prevent being cheated, but to stop their circulation.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 2, 1786.
Skates for amusement on the ice. A large quantity of various patterns, with excellent leathers, may be had by the single pair, or by the dozen, on application to James Rivington. Any person desirous of purchasing the whole, may expect a profitable bargin.—Independent Journal: or the General Advertiser, January 11, 1786.
Ironmongery, Cutlery & Casting.—For sale, at the sign of the H. Hinge, No. 21 Queen-street, by Embree and Shotwell, a large and beautiful assortment of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Saddlery, &c. Also red clover-seed, best refined and bloomery bar-iron, casting of many kinds, such as ships and small vessel cabouses, Franklin's and Rittenhouse's stoves, ten and six plate do. chimney backs, a quantity of Albany boards, and plank, and a few barrels of pork. They likewise have on hand, St. Martin's, St. Ubes, Anguilla, Turk's Island, Lisbon, Liverpool, Venira and Lymmington salt; which with their other articles they will dispose of on reasonable terms for cash, rye and Indian-meal, middlings, common flour, and most other kinds of country produce.—New-York Packet, March 6, 1786.
Bar Iron, of all kinds to be sold by T. B. Atwood. (the corner of Coenties' Lane) No. 11 Great Dock-Street. An assortment of Sweeds iron, consisting of cart, waggon, sleigh, and chain tire, fresh arrived. Also square and round for bolts and spikes, from one half inch to two inches. Andover, Mount Hope, and Sterling Refined Bar Iron; and Bloomery of different drafts, always kept in readiness. All orders for casting, &c. will be received and duly executed, on the shortest notice.—Independent Journal, August 19, 1786.
Cock Cuffs of the most excellent steel, to be had of James Rivington.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, January 9, 1788.
Imported Metalware.—Anthony Ackley, At the Sign of the Golden Mill-Saw, No. 7 Broad Street, Has just imported Addition to his usual stock of Hardware, Iron mongery & Cutlery—consisting of the following articles, Window glass...brass and iron nose bellows, brass & iron Candlesticks,...ivory, & horn Combs, wood and bed screws, brass knobs, thumb latches...plated metal and steel knee & shoe buckles, gilt plated and metal coat and vest buttons, iron & brass mounting for all kinds of cabinet and Joiners work &c. &c. also an extensive assortment of Carpenters and Joiners planes.—New-York Journal, & Patriotic Register, November 12, 1791.
Chemical Fire, put up in oval pocket cases, highly necessary for all families, and very useful for those who travel either by land or water, and in cases of sudden indisposition or alarm, a light is procured in an instant, by applying a common match, and sold whoesale and retail by William Van Wagenen No 43 corner of Queen-street and Beekman-slip who has also for sale, A large Assortment of Ironmongery, cutlery, &c. together with a general assortment of tools for carpenters, joiners, masons, turners, taylors, shoe makers and coopers; with many other articles suitable for city or country. N.B. From one hundred to two or three thousand pair of negroe's brown and black shoes will be received in barter, on or before the last of September.—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, September 21, 1792.
Iron Mongery.—Nicholas Hoffman, Has received and for sale, at No 207 Water Street a general assortment of Fall goods, among which are Clothes of various colours....Also, Sweed Bar Iron suitable for any waggontire, pots and kettles, waggon and cart boxes, close and Franklin Stoves, tea kettles, bakepans, potash kettles, etc....Forge hammers and Anvils of the most approved quality, of the mark D. Orders for any kind of casting executed with neatness and dispatch.—The Daily Advertiser, January 2, 1793.
Ironware.—Peter Mackie, No 34 Little Dock-street Has for sale, warranted refined nail rods of all sizes, stamped on the bands B. Co. R. also blooming rods of different sizes, refined and blooming bar iron of different storts, share moulds, cart, waggon, and chair tire; mill spindles, gudgeons, cranks, rudder irons and axle trees, sheet iron, Crowley figure three steel, English and American Blistered steel, cart and waggon boxes, hollow ware and potash kettles, warranted good....all orders for any kind of wrought or cast iron, will be executed with neatness and dispatch on the most reasonable terms.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 2, 1793.
Black Lead Pots, equal to any imported and cheaper. Black lead both coarse and fine, for the purpose of blackening Franklin Stoves, and irons with brass heads, plains of various sorts, good Glue, Brands of copper or cast iron, of any description....Garret H. Van Wagenen, No. 2 Beekman-Slip.—New-York Weekly Museum, January 5, 1793.
Screw Augers manufactured and sold by John Hull, No. 97 Queen street, New York where his Friends and the Public, may be supplied with any Quantity or size of the best warranted augers.—Columbia Gazetteer, August 29, 1793.
Carpenter & Joiners Tools a general assortment of tools for carpenters, joiners &c. for sale by Jeremiah Hallett & Co. no 171 Water street between Burling slip and Fly market also white chapple needles of the best quality and all other kinds of needles being the best assortment of that article offered for sale in this city and a general assortment of goods in the hard ware line.—Weekly Museum, August 30, 1794.
Improved Surgical Apparatus. An elegant and complete set of Trapanning, dissecting, and amputating instruments improved. Splints, teeth instruments, and a variety of others for sale. They may be viewed at Bernard's Lodging House, Front street, 143. Any day from 6 to 2 o'clock.—The Argus, July 14, 1796.
Metal Ware.—Public Notice. On Wednesday next, March 22d. in the forenoon, will be sold at John Anderson's Vendue Store in Wall-street, sundry articles and furnitures from the French Hospital heretofore established on Bedlow's Island, viz. Kettles of different sizes, Andirons, Tongs, Shovels, a large Baker's Kneading-Trough, Oven, Iron Flour-Sieves, Chafing Dishes, Little Dalls [sic] Iron Wedges, large Saws, Chairs Benches, Tables, Matresses &c. and many other articles, too tedious to enumerate.—The Diary, March 18, 1797.
Iron Mongery &c.—Cairns, Frears, & Co. Have for sale at their wholesale Birmingham and Sheffield Store, No. 88 Front Street, a general assortment of ironmongery, cutlery, brass-foundery &c. viz....locks, bolts, hinges tacks and sparrow balls, steel yards, brass cocks, irons, japanned and plated candlesticks, patent lamps, shovels and tongs, tin, iron and tulania table and tea spoons, tea urns, tea trays, and waiters, brushes and spectacles, table and desert knives and forks, razors, shoe knives, drawing knives...watch chains, seals, keys, neck laces, lockets, buttons, buckles, &c. And of their own manufacture, an assortment of plated bitts, stirrups, buckle tips, and slides, spurs, coach and coach harness furniture, &c. &c.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, April 20, 1797.
The Patent Conjuror Being a very useful and valuable machine is recommended to the public as a cheaper and more expeditious way of cooking and boiling water than any before invented. It is particularly convenient for masters of vessels as it will enable them to cook in the cabbin, when the weather will not permit them on deck. It's great saving of fuel making it an object to those families or persons who wish to less the expence of that necessary & costly article, while for convenience it is useful to all, as a kettle of water for the tea may be boiled in 6 minutes, with a sheet of paper, a few shavings, or any combustible. It will cook a steak very nicely in 3 minutes, also veal cutlets, mutton chops fricasee, hash meats of any kind, boil eggs, etc. It is very convenient for gentlemen in Chambers as it quite precludes the necessity of lighting a fire in the chimney. It is likewise very convenient on fishing parties, as the fish may be boiled immediately as they are taken out of the water, in a vessel without a fireplace or caboose, come and see the Conjuror, it is perfectly innocent and harmless just received from the maker and for sale by Bailey and Bogert, No 106 Front Street 6 doors west of the Coffee House slip.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 12, 1797.
Ores, of every kind assayed and purchased. Also Leases of Mining Ground taken; Apply to Frederick Rhode, assayer at Schuyler's Copper Mine, New Jersey or J. Mark & Co. New York.—Spectator, October 4, 1797.
New Patent Water Wheel. the subscriber takes this method to inform the public that he has invented a new water wheel to work in the tide or other current, which may be fixed at the end of any dock where there is a good tide so as to go equally as well with ebb as flood....The shaft is fixed parallel with the water as it rises; the wheel is composed of a rim into which are fixed arms or levers, in length according to the raising and falling of the tide into which it is placed....This wheel may likewise be of great use in raising water out of large rivers for the use of watering towns and cities, especially in extinquishing fires and cleansing and cooling streets in dry warm weather. Any person wanting further information or satisfaction respecting the same may know every particular by applying to Elias Ring Greenwich Street.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, May 12, 1798.
Still for Rose Water.—Rose Leaves, distilled on shares. Goodwin and Clarke inform the public that they have a Still which will be only employed for the distilling of Rose Water, this season, they will receive the leaves either fresh or salted, as may be most convient to the friends and the greatest attention shall be paid to the distilation of them with an earthen head, which they propose using only for the distillery of Rose Water, this season. This kind of still must have evidently the advantage over the copper ones, commonly in use.—New-York Daily Advertiser, September 1, 1798.
Gun Flints. Eighty thousand oil'd and common Gun Flints, with a general assortment of English and American Nails, Hollow ware, Ironmongery, Cutlery, &c. for sale by Duryee & Heyer No. 48 Water Street.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, September 6, 1798.
Stoves just received by the ships Independence, and Nancy from London, and for Sale by P.&G. Skidmore, No 222 Pearl street, consisting of Elegant and common register stoves, Register Stoves on Count Rumfords principle, Pantheon bath and forest stoves, stove grates, brass and steel mounted cast iron, brass and steel hearths, for burning wood or coal. Urn and Pedestal close stoves, for stores, halls or churches. Kitchen ranges with or without ovens, Brass and steel andirons—shovels and tongs, Wire, brass and steel fenders, Japan ware, cutlery, jewellery &c. &c. N.B. The above are imported direct from their manufactory in London.—Commercial Advertiser, November 3, 1798.
Patent Spiral Tide Wheel....It is applicable to mills of every descrption, to Flax-Seed Works....For further particulars enquire at the office of this paper No. 68 Pine Street.—Mercantile Advertiser, January 2, 1799.
Copper Warehouse, Late Alexander Bilsland and Co., No 201 Market-street Philadelphia, Robert Kid, having purchased the stock of the above firm solicits the patronage of the public and former customers, where they can be supplied with a general assortment of the following Goods viz. Raised Copper Bottoms and Breasts from 16 inches to 60 Diameter and a general assortment of Copper for Copper Smiths and other purposes.—The Spectator, March 6, 1799.
Bar Iron, The Subscriber thanks his friends, and customers for their patronage and now begs leave to offer for sale on the most reasonable terms American & Swedes Iron, Spike deck and nail Rods 10d, 12d, and 20d cut and wrought nails, Franklin and close Stoves, an assortment of Hollow Ware, consisting of Potts, Kettles, Baking Pans &c. English, German and American Steel Screw Augurs and a few bls Cyder Brandy in good order. Joseph Lloyd, No 22 Moore-street near the Battery.—Commercial Advertiser, November 11, 1799.
Washington Pays for His Newspapers.—The printers who have furnished his Excellency General Washington with News-Papers during the War, having omited to transmit their accounts for payment, are requested to present them to the Quarter-Masters acting in their respective districts; who are hereby empowered to discharge the same. By order of his Excellency, Robert H. Harrison Sec'y. P.S. It is requested this advertisement may be inserted in all the newspapers. Head-Quarters, Fredericksburg.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, December 10, 1778.
Parchment; Made and Sold by Robert Wood, in Fifth-street, near the New Jail, Philadelphia; where conveyancers, Stationers, Store-keepers or others may be supplied in large or small quantities.—The New-York Journal, or the General Advertiser, April 19, 1779.
Scarcity of Paper.—As many of the customers for this Paper, are not acquainted with the real cause of their not being weekly supplied with the news for some time past, the Printer now informs them, that scarcity of printing paper, and frequent disappointments in his endeavors to obtain it, are the reasons. He early last Fall, sent cash to a friend in Philadelphia, where he was encouraged to hope for a constant supply; but was disappointed though he went there himself, owing to the great demand for paper by the printers in that city, who generally engross it at the paper mills. He had frequently before sent to Boston and Connecticut for paper, where he had received a few scatry supplies; and was encouraged last fall to expect a stock for winter from Connecticut, having sent value before-hand to purchase it: none, however was forwarded by land while the roads were passable, but delayed till January, when a number of reams were shipped, in order to be landed in Fairfield, which unhappily were taken by the enemy.
With much pains and cost, he has obtained a pretty considerable stock of paper; and at the request of many of his customers, he intends to publish his News-paper in a folio size. The price for the ensuing quarter, will be Six Dollars, as it cannot be afforded for less, while the necessaries of life continue so high; when they fall, the price of the Paper will be lowered accordingly. The money to be paid at entrance. If any or all of the subscribers for the Packet, would pay Four Shillings each, in country products, the old way it will be very agreeable. Those who choose to discontinue taking this paper, will be pleased to inform the Printer, by post, or otherwise. The first opportunity.—New-York Packet, and American Advertiser, April 29, 1779.
Wrapping Paper.—For the Grocers and Shopkeepers. Waste Paper, Large, fit to make bags, &c. to hold the several articles in the retail branches; to be Sold by the Rheam. Enquire of the Printer.—The Royal Gazette, April 15, 1780.
Paper Mill.—Paper Makers. Wanted to hire, two or three good sober Journeymen Paper Makers, who may have constant employ and Good Wages at the Paper Mill in Hartford.—New-York Packet, February 1, 1781.
Stationery.—Elizabeth Holt Has removed from No. 39 Hanover Square to No. 25 Water Street, Four doors from the Old Coffee House, where she has for sale an elegant assortment of Stationary, viz. Writing paper, Blossom Blotting paper, Foolscap Music paper, Copy books,...Writing Vellum, Excellent Parchment, Dutch Wax, Holland Quills and ready-made Pens,...Black and Red Ink Powder, Ivory folders...Morocco Etwees, with and without instruments, Pounce and Pounce Boxes....Likewise...Books....—New-York Journal or the Weekly Register, October 6, 1785.
Paper Manufacture.—Rags, the Printers, actuated by a desire to promote the manufacture of paper in America but particularly in this state, take in Linen Rags, either in large or small quantities, for the Paper Mills....Pennsylvania employ 18 or 20 Paper Mills, Jersey 2 or 3, and we have only one in our State; and though but one, it can scarcely be supported with a sufficient quantity of rags. The reason is obvious, viz. inattention in our grave old matrons, and carelessness in those of fewer years. It is therefore sincerely wished, that our citizens, but particularly the Ladies and Taylors, would be careful in reserving all their useless linen fragments for the above salutary purpose. And as a further inducement they will be pleased to recollect that they will, by so doing be instrumental in supporting a species of manufacture which can, with some degree of attention be easily brought to perfection in this country.—New-York Packet, September 25, 1786.
Parchment Manufactory. West and Bulger, Have erected a Parchment Manufactory in this City....—New-York Packet, August 31, 1787.
Paste Board, (very large) by the great, or small quantity For Sale at Greenleaf's Printing Office. Also, Fuller's Glazed Press or Bonnet Papers, and Hanging papers, for paper Staining.—New-York Journal, & Patriotic Register, October 12, 1791.
Parchment Manufactory. William Thompson, at the Sign of the Breeches and Star, No. 28, Dye street, near the North-River, manufactures and sells at a moderate price, the very best of Parchment, allowed by good judges to be equal in quality to any imported, and will be sold cheap. It is hoped that the gentlemen of the Law, and others using that article, will encourage so useful a Manufacture, made from the materials of our own country produce. He also makes vellum for book-binders, such as is fit for drum heads. N.B. He continues the Glove Manufactory as usual.—New-York Daily Advertiser, November 9, 1787.
Paper Mill.—Wanted 2 or 3 Journeymen Paper-Makers, at the Paper-Mill at Newburgh, where constant employ and generous wage will be given. Apply to James Craig at the Paper Mill or to S. Loudon New York.—The Diary; or Evening Register, July 18, 1794.
Paper Mill.—Lansingburg. It must give plesure to every wellwisher of America, to hear of the different manufactures setting up in the union. At Fairhaven, in Vermont, a Paper-Mill has been erected by Col. Lyon, at which, wrapping paper, not inferior to any has been made from the bark of the Bass Wood Tree.—The Herald, October 23, 1794.
Paper Mill.—For sale, a New one vatt paper mill, built on an improved plan lately from England, distant about 18 miles from the city where the manufacture of paper is carried on equal to any in America. Napthali Judah. 103 Pearl Street.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 5, 1796.
Imported Paper.—Imported...from London...and for sale at the store of the subscribers 1500 Reams writing and printing paper, viz. Elephant, fine and common, for paper stainers. Demy, Printing, Nos. 1, 2, 3, Thin Post, &c. Kersey Wove Felting and Paper Moulds of Royal, Demy and Foolscap sizes. One Box assorted and fashionable Ribbons. A small invoice of Earthenware in hogsheads. W. Holmes and Co. No 6 Fletcher street (late A. Van Tuyl).—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, April 14, 1797.
Paper Wanted. Any paper Maker willing to contract for about 300 rheams of fine Demy Printing Paper, or having on hand any quantity of said paper, will be treated with by Stokes and Co. No 25 Maiden-Lane.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, August 27, 1798.
Paper Mill.—Books & Stationary Imported...and for sale at the Book store of Napthali Judah No 47 Water-street....Paper made at the Waltham Mills to any size or pattern. Stamps of every kind. Wanted Linen and Cotton Rags, Old Sail Cloth and Junk.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, January 17, 1799.
Paper Mill.—Any person who can bring undoubted recommendations of his abilities to manage a Paper-Mill, and can advance about 2000 Dollars...willing to go to that healthy and pleasant part of South Carolina, Columbia, will be admitted on equal terms into a remarkable profitable concern. The particulars of which may be known by applying to Fortescue Cuming, or the printer of this paper in New York; or to Mr. Bunce, Paper-maker at New Haven.—The Spectator, March 9, 1799.
Stationery.—Gaine & Ten Eycks have just received from London and Dublin the following books, which they have for sale at their Book-Store No 148 Pearl-street....Stationary of all kinds such as paper of different sizes, quills, wax wafers, ink powder, India rubbers, parchments, pounce &c.—Mercantile Advertiser, April 20, 1799.
Origin of Newspapers. In the beginning of the sixteenth century, the Republic of Venice was distracted with dissensions between some of their principal families: at which time there were in Venice several men of distinquished abilities, who espoused different parties; but, being members of the church, close to combat their adversaries, and support their cause with their pen; and that their arguments might become universal, and fall into the hands of the meanest of the people, their productions were sold for the smallest piece of coin then in circulation at Venice, which was called a gazeta; and from this, newspapers have been named gazettes, and all writers of public intelligence gazetteers.—Weekly Museum, May 25, 1799.
Paper.—Cornelius Davis, No 94 Water Street, Has for Sale Printing and Writing paper, Bookbinder's Paasteboard & Scaleboard, Strong wrapping paper for the use of Ironmongers, Bonnet papers at various prices, Hanging paper. The following new and excellent books....—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser August 12, 1799.
Moses Abrahams.—Copperplate Printing, performed in the neatest manner by Moses Abrahams, No. 96 upper end of Queen-street. Any person that may please to favour him, may apply as above or to the printer hereof.—New-York Packet, November 20, 1783.
Benjamin Franklin Bache.—In consequence of an assault on Mr. Bache, printer of the Aurora, by Clement Humphreys, ship builder, on board the U.S. frigate, in August last while on the stocks at Philadelphia, an action was brought on the part of the commonwealth....—The Time Piece, December 13, 1787.
Buel & Knox.—Notice the partnership of Buel and knox was dissolved by mutual consent on the first instant. John Buel, has for sale at his Book store and Printing office no 74 William-street an assortment of Books and Stationary, Blanks, Blank Books, Parchment &c. Every kind of Printing expeditiously and carefully executed.—Weekly Museum, October 28, 1797.
John Burger, Jr..—Copperplate Printing. John Burger, Jun. returns his thanks to his friends and former customers, and takes this method to inform them that he has removed from Barclay-street to Maiden Lane....—Weekly Museum, August 17, 1793.
John Burger, Jr..—Bills of Exchange, Foreign and inland Bill of Exchange, elegantly engraved and printed on superfine bank post, may be had either bound or in sheets, or by the single set, by applying to John Burger, Jun. Copperplate Printer at 167 William street....Orders from any part of the United States in the above line will be executed with the strictest precision. N.B. An apprentice wanted to the above business.—Weekly Museum, August 13, 1796.
Burger & Tiebout.—Copper Plate Printing and Engraving, are performed at Mr. Burger's No 153 Water-street, near the Crane-Wharf. The engraving by Cornelius Tiebout, The printing by John Burger, Jun. A specimen of their abilities may be seen at their shop. It is persumed that this undertaking will meet with the encouragement of all those who wish the increase of the useful arts in this country.
N.B. Bills of exchange and lading, message and shop cards, large maps and music, are neatly executed and printed at a reasonable price and may be had at the shortest notice.—New-York Weekly Museum, June 18, 1790.
John Car.—On Wednesday evening departed this life, Mr. John Car, Printer....His remains...deposited in the Old Dutch Church yard.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, November 13, 1780.
George Carroll & John Patterson...take the liberty of acquanting the friends and the public that having purchased Mr. Kollocks interest in the printing apparatus &c. it is in their intention to continue business on their own account under the firm of Carrol & Patterson. They have accordingly reserved the former mode of publication....—New-York Packet, December 19, 1786.
Childs & Swaine.—For Sale, at the printing office of Childs and Swaine. A few copies of the system of Short Hand, used by Mr. Lloyd, in taking down the debates of Congress—a system, which is allowed by the best judges, to be the easiest and most simple ever yet published, and which on that account, has lately been introduced into some of the schools of Philadelphia; the whole art being comprised in eighteen characters, without any arbitrary marks whatever; so that any person of ordinary capacity, may, in a very short time, be able to practise it, without further instruction than what is contained in the book. Price, one dollar, in marbled covers—not bound, a French crown.—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 26, 1793.
William Clark.—This is to inform William Clark, Printer, who left New York about the end of June last....By directing to Ebenezer Clark, Coach maker he will give him further particulars.—The Time Piece, March 9, 1798.
Durell.—Hot Pressed Proposals for Publishing by subscription by David Longworth No 66 Nassau street and Adventures of Telemachus....Conditions of Publication....The paper on which the work is printed was made at Mr. Durell's mill at Mount Pleasant, in this state. The whole of the material entirely American. The hot press is done on a plan entirely new.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 1, 1798.
William Durell.—For sale by William Durell at his Book-store, Printing-office and Paper Ware-house, No 208 Pearl street formerly 19, Queen-street....Blank Books of all kinds made at the shortest notice agreeable to any pattern or quality of paper. Said Durell has now on hand, double and single ruled Ledgers, Journals, Waste and Receipt Books, Half bound Blank Books, ruled and unruled, of all sizes, suitable for country stores, by the dozen or single &c....—Argus. Greenleafs' New Daily Advertiser, May 26, 1795.
G. Duyckinck, Jr..—Copper Plate Printing. Executed with neatness and dispatch, and on reasonable terms at G. Duyckinck's, jun. No. Little Queen street between the Broadway and North River, where may be had Playing cards, at 14 s. per doz. Packs. Also visiting cards Printers Blanks per groce dozen. A generous deduction from the above prices of cards, to those that purchase by the quantity.—The Daily Advertiser, August 2, 1794.
George Forman.—The Bye Laws and Ordinances of the Corporation of this City, are now ready for sale at George Forman's printing office, at the corner of Wall and William Streets opposite the post office. The price is small and it is very necessary that every householder should be possessed of a copy.—New-York Daily Advertiser, July 12, 1797.
John Hamilton, Printing & Press-Maker. Informs the printers in this and the neighboring states, that they may be supplied with presses, made on an improved plan, after the best manner, and at three weeks notice. He has made presses for most of the printers in this state, New-York, and elsewhere; and has the happiness to find that his endeavors to give satisfaction have met their approbation. His price is seventy five Dollars, which considering the manner in which he finishes his presses, he flatters himself will be considered as a moderate compensation. Elizabeth Town, N.J.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 16, 1796.
James Harrison Begs leave most respectfully to inform the ladies and gentlemen of New-York and the public in general, that his musical circulating Library, is now open at his store Maiden-Lane, where subscriptions are received and catalogues delivered gratis, and where may be had every article in the musical line, as usual. Copper plate Printing and engraving carried on in all its various branches. N.B. Rolling press for sale.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 21, 1794.
Hopkins, Webb & Co.—Printing. Hopkins, Webb & Co. Have just received from Europe an extensive assortment of elegant new Printing Materials, which enables them to execute every kind of Printing in the neatest style. Blank Cards, Handbills &c. done with the utmost care and expedition. Circular-Letters on an elegant Scrip.—The Harald, June 29, 1796.
Samuel Horner.—Yesterday morning died, of a lingering consumption, Mr. Samuel Horner, Printer.—Of a much esteemed family in this City.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, January 11, 1786.
Louis Jones, No 54 Kind-street five doors from Queen street, Informs his friends and the public, that he carries on the Printing Business in all its branches. Those gentlemen who please to favor him with their commands, may depend on having their work executed with accuracy and dispatch.
Hand bills, shop bills, cards &c. Blanks used by Magistrates and Public Officers, printed with neatness, at the shortest notice, and on remarkable low terms.—Weekly Museum, September 10, 1791.
William Lewis at his Printing-Office and Stationary Store, No 19 Wall-Street, Has for Sale a general assortment of stationary....—New-York Mercury; or General Advertiser, April 28, 1780.
Donald M'Donald.—Last Saturday departed this life, at Newton on Long Island Mr. Donald M'Donald, printer....—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, October 7, 1782.
Mills and Hicks.—Writing Paper of all Sorts, Playing Cards, and the best Dutch Quills, to be sold at Mills and Hick's Printing-Office.—Royal American Gazette, April 10, 1777.
William Morton and Samuel Horner, of the city of New York, printers indicted and convicted of publishing a certain vile, wicked, impure and obscene pamphlet or libel, tending to corrupt and debauch the morals of the people of this state....were severely sentenced....—New-York Packet, September 19, 1785.
Alexander & James Robertson.—Copper-Plate Printing, Performed in an expeditious and neat Manner, At Alexander and James Robertson's Print-Office. For Sale, at said Office, Bills of Exchange, Bills of Lading, Letters of attorney, Arbitration and other Bonds, with most Kinds of Blanks used in this Province, neatly engraved and worked off on fine Paper. Also a Number of very curious Prints.—New-York Mercury; or General Advertiser, April 28, 1780.
James Robertson, Printer, Has for Sale, At his Shop, No. 857, Hanover-Square, Imperial medium and demy writing paper; thick and thin folio and quarto post do. gilt and plain: superfine foolscap and post do. with stationary of every kind, and a variety of other articles.—Royal American Gazette, September 10, 1778.
Talbot, Allum & Lee.—To the Printers and Publishers of Periodical Works. To be sold very cheap, a great variety of Copper Plates, engraved by the best artists, and in good condition, suitable to any periodical publication.
N.B. These plates 124 in number, originally cost engraving, upwards of one thousand pounds sterling, and may now be had at a very reduced price of. Talbot, Allum & Lee 241 Pearl Street.—The Diary; or Evening Register, July 17, 1794.
Tiebout and O'Brien.—For sale, by Tiebout & O'Brien No 358 Pearl-street 100 Reams fine printing paper 80 do. medium, 50 do. second quality also, writing and wrapping paper of every quality low for cash.—Weekly Museum, April 16, 1796.
Tiebout and O'Brien.—The partnership of Tiebout & O'Brien was dissolved by mutual consent on the 27th of May 1796. F. Tiebout continues Printing at 358 Pearl street.—The Diary, January 28, 1797.
Robert Wilson, Printer, Has removed his Office to 149 Pearl Street, near Wall Street; where the business will be carried on with accuracy and expedition and the favours of his friends and the public thankfully received. Cards, Hand-Bills, Blanks &c. Struck off at short notice, and all kinds of printing neatly executed. An apprentice wanted apply at the above.—New-York Daily Advertiser, August 4, 1797.
The Card Shop for King Henry's, the famous Thamas Kouli Kan's, generally stiled the Mogul Cards, which are allowed superior in quality to all others, and ever preferred by the first company; also the Valiant Highlander's and Merry Andre's Cards, of quality and price inferior to the former. These cards are sold by wholesale and retail.—Royal Gazette, December 20, 1777.
Ink Powder.—A new and Improved Ink-Powder For Records, Chemically improved by J. Crowther, Chemist. The convenient Portability of a Powder for the ready making of Ink speaks sufficiently for itself and needs no puffing encomiums on its utility to recommend it to Travellers, Merchants, etc. as the best form to have in readiness by them; whether this exceeds any other sort yet made; or whether it will be the admiration of the curious, must be determined by the experience of those who will honour it with a trial, to whose judgment it is respectfully submitted, time only can decide as to the durability of its excellence. Price one English Shilling each paper, with allowance taking a dozen. Sold whoesale and retail by James Rivington.—Royal Gazette, April 21, 1779.
Imported Prints.—Thomas Barrow, No. 58 Broad-Street,...received from London, a very elegant assortment of Prints, unframed, Taken from the Paintings of the most celebrated Artists, many of them entirely new, Watt's select views of Gentlemen's Seats, Bunbury's Caricaturas....—Royal Gazette, December 25, 1782.
Letter Founders.—Mr. John Baine & Grandson, Letter-Founders, lately from Edinburgh, Having concluded to establish their type-Foundery at Philadelphia, removed to that city, on the 18th inst. with their founding machinery, leaving at Mr. David Mitchelson's, corner of Fly-Market and Water-street the following Founts of Types, For Sale, at the annexed prices, sterling money. viz.
Ready Cash or no Purchase.—New-York Journal, August 23, 1787.
Prints by John Trumbull.—Proposals by John Trumbull, For publishing by subscription Two Prints, From Original Pictures painted by himself: Representing the Death of General Warren, at the Battle of Bunker's-Hill; and the Death of General Montgomery, In the attack of Quebec.
In the attack of Quebec, are seen General Montgomery, Colonel Thompson, Major Macpherson, Captain Cheesman.
Conditions of subscription. The prints will be engraved by two of the most eminent artists in Europe. The size will be 30 inches by 20. The price to subscribers, three quineas for each print, one half to be paid at the time of subscribing....Subscriptions are received in America, only by Mr. Trumbull. All subscription receipts will be signed by him, as well as by Mr. Poggi, of London; under whose direction the prints are engraving, and will be published. These are the first of a series....The subjects proposed to be represented, in addition to the two foregoing, of Bunker's Hill and Quebec, are *The Declaration of Independence, *Battle of Trenton, *Battle of Princeton, Surrender of General Burgoyne, Treaty with France, Battle of Eutaw Springs, *Surrender of York-Town, Treaty of Peace, Evacuation of New-York, Resignation of General Washington, The Arch at Trenton, Inauguration of the President of the United States. Each picture will contain Portraits of the principal characters, who were present at the scene represented. Those marked with stars, are considerably advanced—and the prints from the whole will be executed of the same size, and by the most eminent engravers.—Gazette of the United States, April 17, 1790.
Type Foundery.—A. G. Mappa, No 107 Queen Street, Has established his Type Foundery in this city, and is ready to fulfil any orders in this line. Types of every kind—viz.
Roman, Italic, Black letter, Script, German, Hebrew, Greek, Samaritan, Arabic, English Saxon, Siriac, &c. &c. Any decorations to embellish the print, will be attended to with accuracy, and executed on the most reasonable terms. The respective Printers can also be provided with proper Types in all the learned languages, so that they may satisfy the wishes of the seminaries of learning established throughout the Continent.
The reputation which this Foundery has acquired in Europe, particularly in Holland and England, flatters the proprietor to meet that encouragement and support which he expected from a judicious and discerning nation. Any journeyman acquainted with the business, or apprentices of the age of 15 years, who are desirous of being employed, and who can produce good characters, will be engaged on equitable terms.—New-York Journal, and Patriotic Register, July 16, 1790.
Origin of Cards. Cards were invented in the reign of Charles VI King of France, to amuse him during the intervals of that disorder which conducted him to the grave. The world would have suffered no loss, had his majesty been suffered to die in peace without this invention.—Gazette of the United States, September 4, 1790.
Books Wanted for the City Library. Those who have any odd volumess of the Gentleman's Magazine, published since 1763 or the London Magazine published since 1768 or of the Monthly Review, published since 1772, or of the Annual Register published since 1779, may find a purchaser by applying to Brockholst Livingston, No 99 Broadway.—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 23, 1791.
Law of New York. The Editor respectfully informs the patrons of Greenleaf's Edition of the Laws of New-York, that in consequence of the favourable reception his proposals met with, he engaged a new and elegant type to be made purposely for this work by Mr. Mappa, the type founder, in this city, to be of the same size of the specimen given. The paper on which the work is to be done, is from a manufacturer of this state, and thus the materials employed, as well as the matter itself will be the production of our own state only....—New-York Journal & Patriotic Register, July 23, 1791.
Printing, The first Printing Press in America was at Cambridge, by Mr. Samuel Green, in the year 1638. The first work printed was the Freeman's Oath the next an Almanack made for New England, by Mr. Pierce, Mariner, and then the Psalms newly turned into Metre.—New-York Journal & Patriotic Register, July 23, 1791.
Copperplate Prints.—For Sale at the Museum, a Large Collection of elegant Copperplate Prints, among which are a few of America; Garrick's Ode to Shakespear; Mrs. Siddons (in the Grecian Daughter); Ophelia (in Hamlet); Miranda (in the Tempest); and the celebrated contender of the equal `Rights of Man' Thomas Paine:—the only Prints of the kind in America for sale.—Columbia Gazetteer, October 10, 1793.
Print of Dr. Richard Price.—Newly imported by Talbot, Allum & Lee No 202 Queen Street, opposite Burling Slip, The literary Magazine and British Review from July 1788 to June 1793...where may be also had highly finished prints, of the late D. Richard Price of London. Price Three Dollars.—Weekly Museum, February 22, 1794.
Printers Ink Manufactured and sold by Jacob Fee No. 1, Magazine-street near the Tea-water Pump New-York.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 16, 1794.
Prints.—...James Harrison...at his store, No 108 Maiden Lane....Elegant Prints Amongst which are a few proof prints of the following public characters, viz. General Washington, Mezzitinto by Savage, General Knox, Mr. Russel of South Carolina, Banjamin Franklin, F. R. S. a fine print of Louis the 16th last interview with his family....—Columbian Gazetteer, July 31, 1794.
Elegant Prints a few elegant prints of the last interview, of the unfortunate Louis XVI with his family, are just come to hand for sale by T & J Swords No 167 William Street.—New-York Daily Advertiser, October 16, 1794.
Printing Types. The subscriber wishes to inform the Printers in the different States, that he can supply them with Printing Types of every desription from Fry's celebrated Foundery, London. The Types shall be delivered in New York at cost and charges free of any commission. The money to be paid at the Current Exchange at the time of delivery....Robert Browne.—The Herald, November 24, 1794.
French and English Prints. For Sale by the subscriber, at the Museum, in Colours and black—this is the largest collection ever exhibited to view in this country, and consists of near 500 different subjects; they are of all sizes and forms, there is a specimen of each subject bound in a book, and the prices affixed to each, the prices are from 2s. to 8 dollars. Gardiner Baker. N.B. Persons wishing to examine the Prints, will please to turn to the left hand at the head of the stairs in the front room.—French and American Gazette August 19, 1795.
Printing Types.—To the Printers. The following Printing types &c. may be purchased cheap for cash viz. a font of English (nearly new) 2s. 3d. 130 lbs. Pica, (not half worn) 1s. 9d. 170 lbs. Long Primer (half worn) 1s. 6d. 250 lbs. Great Primer, 1s. 70 lbs. With a number of useful articles in a Printing Office. Enquire of the Printer.—Weekly Museum, April 16, 1796.
Hot-Pressed Bible. This work may be seen at any of the Book-stores in this City, or by applying to Mr. Wm. Pardoe, No. 2 New Street, who intends offering it to the inspection of the inhabitants in general.
The Hot-pressing of printing is a late improvement, and by far the greatest which has ornamented the most useful of all Arts. The present is the first publication that has undgone this process in the U.S. Its plan is fully developed in the proposals which will be put into the hands of every house-keeper. The proprietors will only add here, that it is wholly American, and by much the cheapest hot-pressed Bible ever printed in any country.—The Diary, October 1, 1796.
Gen. Washington, Ten proof prints from a painting of Gen. Washington, John Trumbull, and 40 second rate do. to be sold at the store of Messrs. Todd and Seymour, corner of Pine and Water street.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 19, 1797.
Prints, David Longworth, No. 66 Nassau Street, New-York, Has imported from London, for sale, besides an elegant collection of the best English prints, a complete copy as far as is published, of Boydell's celebrated Shakespeare Gallery....He has likewise for sale, the best of the American artists's productions, a number of which do credit to this country, a collection of French prints, a correct likeness of the unfortunate Louis XVI in Meggotints [sic], Drawing and copperplate printing, paintings, prints &c. framed, Maps mounted and coloured....—New-York Daily Advertiser, July 14, 1797.
Christmas Pieces, Elegantly printed, and plain also large double royal prints, coloured and plain of the engagement between Admiral Jervis and the Spanish Fleet, the 14th Feb. 1794. Between Lord Howe and the French Fleet on the 1st of June. 1794, with a variety of other prints, books, stationary &c. For sale by John Harrisson, No 3 Peck Slip.—Weekly Museum, December 8, 1797.
Printing Office for Sale.—To Printers. A Printing office for Sale, consisting of the following material, viz.
1 fount of Long Primer 429 lb. 1 do of Pica 388 lb. 1 do of Great Primer 106 lb. 1 do of two-line English 66 lb. 1 do of French Cannon 80 lb. 1 do of two-line Pica Scrip 60/1/2 lb. 1 Press, 1 Imposing stone, composing sticks, Frames, Gollies, Letter Boards, Letter cases, Fount cases, and a variety of other articles that belong to an office. For further particulars enquire at No. 70 Vesey street.—Commercial Advertiser, February 5, 1798.
Mr. Trumbull's Prints. Mr. D. Penfield informs the subscribers for Mr. Trumbull's Prints, (the Battle of Bunker's Hill and Gen. Montgomery's Attack on Quebec) that this pair of Prints are arrived, and will be ready for delivery to the subscribers this day at Mr. Nathaniel Oliott's [sic] office No 133 Water street corner of Pine street. Subscribers will please to bring or send their receipts, given for payment made in part or in full. There are for sale at the same place, 50 pair of the above prints of an excellent impression, at eight guineas the pair. The American Citizen and lover of genius will find the highest pleasure in possessing such historical facts, united with this beautiful specimen of the genius of a real American.—The Daily Advertiser, November 28, 1798.
Elegant Prints, (painted and plain) for sale at J. Harrison's Book Store, No. 3 Peck-Slip. Frigate United States, completely manned and rigged, as she appeared when ready for sea. A Representation of Nelson's Brilliant Victory over the French Fleet, in the Bay of Rossetta, in Egypt.—Weekly Museum, January 19, 1799.
President Adams, and Lieutenant-General Washington. J. Hewitt Has received a few prints of President Adams, and Lieutenant-General Washington which are esteemed as very great likeness. To be had at the Musical Respository no 131 Watham street.—Mercantile Advertiser, February 2, 1799.
Thomas Allen, Book-Binder and Stationer, at J. M'Lean, and Co's Printing-Office, No 32 Maiden-Lane....Binds and Rules in the neatest and most accurate manner, all kinds of Account Books, viz. Ledgers double and single entry, Journals, Waste, Invoice, Sales and Letter Books....—Independent Journal: or the General Advertiser, December 22, 1784.
John Black.—Book-Binding, in all its branches, with neatness and dispatch, John Black....N.B. Public and private libraries cleaned and repaired. Author's and Editor's books, merchants account books, medical and Law, MSS. and music books, bound on the shortest notice....—The Diary; or Loudon Register, August 20, 1793.
Philip Brooks Book Binder, at No. 469 William Street Hereby acquaints his friends and the public in general, that he carries on his business in all its branches, and will accomodate Gentlemen with ledgers, journals, blank, orderly, memorandum books &c. upon the shortest notice, and most reasonable terms. Old books re-bound in the most elegant manner, and every other aplication relative to his business performed with dispatch.—Royal American Gazette, March 30, 1779.
Philip Brooks.—If Mr. Philip Brooks, book-binder, and a native of Dublin, who came to Philadelphia in the year 1773, and left New-York in the year 1780, and has never since been heard of, be living and will give information there of; or if heard, any person informing the printer of the same, will be thankfully acknowledged by his friends.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, November 3, 1783.
Peter Burtsell.—Book Binding in all its branches, by Peter Burtsell, Book-Binder, No. 95 Beekman-street, four doors east of the City Dispensary, all kinds of Books bound at the shortest notice in Morocco, calf or Sheep leather, gilt or plain. Merchants account books of every size, ruled and bound in the neatest manner. Ledgers ruled for double or single entry with or without Russia bands, port folios, and Merchants police and memorandum books made to any size or Pattern. N.B. All orders strictly attended to.—Weekly Museum, March 14, 1795.
Samuel Campbell Has opened a new Book Store, No. 41, Hanover-Square....Book Binding in gneral performed in the most elegant manner, and on reasonable terms.—New-York Packet, July 14, 1785.
Charles Cleland.—Book Binding Charles Cleland, respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has commenced business at No. 37, Maiden Lane....All sizes of blank paper ruled to any pattern; merchant-Taylor's Pattern Cards, handsomely made with engraven spaces; music bound in a manner particularly adapted for strength and laving [sic], with that ease necessary for the convenience of the performer. All other branches of the business carried on with neatness and dispatch. Commissions from the country thankfully received and carefully attended to. N.B. Two stout boys wanted as apprentices. Apply as above.—Weekly Museum, November 10, 1792.
T. Dunn.—Elegant anad cheap Books & Binding. T. Dunn, Book-seller and Stationer, No. 316 Pearl street, two doors from Peck-slip, Solicits the patronage of his friends and the public, informing them he has selected a new assortment of various articles in the above branches....—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 20, 1796.
Benjamin Gomez Bookbinder and Stationer, No 32 Maiden lane, near the Fly-Market, Has received by the late arrivals from Europe, a large assortment of Books and Stationary, in addition to his former stock....A great allowance will be made to those who buy to sell again: Binding of all kinds done with neatness, accuracy and dispatch.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 9, 1793.
Robert Hodge.—....No. 38, Maiden-Lane....Book Binding performed at the above store, with neatness and expedition. Good American Manufactured Spelling Books, cheaper than can be imported. Commissions from the country thankfully received and carefully attended to.—New-York Daily Advertiser, October 17, 1785.
Robert Hodge.—Just Published and to sold by Robert Hodge No. 38 Maiden-Lane, three doors from Queen-Street. The Constitutions of the Thirteen United States of America. Containing the forms of government, laws and regulations concerning the election of office bearers in Courts and Assemblies, and in the Continental Congress; together with the declaration of independence, the articles of confederation, treaties of amity and commerce &c. Published by order of Congress. These constitutions have no other plan nor aim, then this, the happiness of man....—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 8, 1786.
Naphtali Judah.—Books & Stationary Store, Naphtali Judah, Sign of the Paine's Head. Has removed...paper of all sort and sizes, made at the Waltham Paper-mills....Book Binding in all its different branches carried on with neatness, and at reasonable prices. Orders from the country executed with the utmost care and attention, and large discount made to those who purchase in quantities.—The Argus, January 16, 1797.
Henry Keatinge Inform his Friends and the Public that he has opened a Book Store....he carries on Book-Binding, any Gentlemen, Merchant or Bookseller, having a large quanttiy may have them bound on reasonable terms, with neatness and expedition. An apprentice wanted to the business of Book-Binding.
Mrs. Keatinge has opened a School for the instruction of Young Ladies in French, English, Geography, Drawing, Filligree Embroidery, and all kinds of Needle work.—Columbia Gazetteer, October 7, 1793.
Peter A. Mesier.—To merchants and others. Peter A. Mesier, at the Ledger, No. 107 Pearl-street corner of the Old-slip, Has procured a patent Ruling Machine, with which he rules paper to any pattern, much neater than it can possibly be done by hand. He also rules faint lines in imitation of pencil, with the reatest exactness, and on the most reasonable terms. The great advantage of this machine is its dispatch. Any person wishing a set of books ruled according to his own fancy, may be supplied on the shortest notice....Book-binding in all its branches, done with neatness and the greatest dispatch.—Commercial Advertiser, March 16, 1798.
Moreau de St. Mery and Co.—No 84 South Front Street, corner Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Respectfully inform the Public that they have just opened their Store of French, English, German and Latin Books, of Stationary of every kind, Engravings, Mathematical Instruments, Maps, Charts &c. &c....They have entered into this business (with which they intend to connect a printing office and bookbinding) through an earnest wish of suiting the taste for knowledge, study and arts so universally diffused over the vast extent of the United States and that they will zealously study to accomplish this and to approve themselves worthy the confidence of the public by punctually executing the orders they may be honored with. They purchase French book.—American Minerva, January 9, 1795.
Valentine Nutter Has just received a fresh assortment of Stationary, which he is now opening at his shop opposite the Coffee-House, the Sign of the Pope's Head where may be had Antiquarian paper for drawing of plans on, Best Royal paper,...Cartridge paper, Blotting paper, Wrapping paper, Bonnet paper, Best Dutch quills,...pens,...sealing wax...wafers, Patent ink cake,...Patent shoe black cakes, variety of neat pocket books,...bibles...testaments, spelling books, primers, a variety of little entertaining books for children, copy books, etc. At the above shop books are bound in the neatest manner, and with dispatch.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, June 23, 1777.
William Pemberton, Book Binder, No. 237 William-Street, above the German Church, New York. Having commenced business in the above line,...All kinds of Books Bound in morocco, calf, or sheep leather, gilt or plain. Merchants account books of every size ruled and bound in the neatest manner. Ledgers ruled for single or double entry, in ruff, sheep or calf skin, or in Russia binding, port folios and merchants Folios and memorandum books, made to any size or pattern, all on the shortest notice. All orders strictly attended to. N.B. One journeyman and two boys wanted to the above business.—New-York Weekly Chronicle, July 23, 1795.
Linen & Woolen Manufacture.—We learn from Boston, that the spirit of Linen and woolen manufacture has so encreased in that state, as to cause a great demand for the articles of wool and flax.—New-York Journal, and Weekly Register, May 24, 1787.
Spinning Machine.—American Machine. It is said that there is now in the possession of William Pollard Esq. of Philadelphia, a valuable spinning machine on a new construction, and far superior to anything of the kind, which has yet appeared in Pennsylvania. British emissaries have, on former occasions, purchased and sent off from this country, machines calculated to promote the manufactures of America. Doubtles the present proprietor of this machine will be sufficiently on his guard against negotiations so prejudicial to the United States.—Gazette of the United States, June 6, 1789.
Cotton Manufacture.—Progress of arts and manufactures....The cotton manufactory is established at Philadelphia and Beverly, and will be at Lancaster or York in Pennsylvania. The Boston assembly have granted 500 £ to the one in Beverly, as a gratuity for the advancement it has made. It is carried on with Arkwright's machines. Carding-machines are made as cheap and as well at Philadelphia, as in Europe.—Gazette of the United States, August 15, 1789.
New-York Factory.—For Sale, at the New-York Factory in Vesey Street, The following Articles of American Manufacture, the superior texture of which will no doubt render them preferable to any of the kind imported from Europe. Bleached and unbleached 5/4 and 9/8 Linen sheetings of different qualities. Do. Do. cotton and Linen do. yard wide linens of do. 3/4, 4/4, and 5/4 Diapers, Bagging, corded Dimities, Cotton thread 1 and 3 threaded for fringe, weaving, knitting and darning linen thread. Hatcheled Flax, tow and Backings.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 1, 1791.
American Manufactory. Smith & Moore, No 18, Maiden Lane, Have just received from New Haven, a fresh supply of white thread, Manufactured in that place, the quality of which is much approved of and deemed superior to that imported from Europe. N.B. Also, at the same place may be had almost every species of Dry Goods.—Weekly Museum, April 20, 1793.
A Manufacturing House, For Sale or to letXXX. Being property of the New York Manufacturing Society...every necessary apartment for carrying on the cotton and linen manufatory...apply to Mr. Gibson thereon or to James Nicholson, John Lawrence, or Jacob Hallett.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 9, 1793.
New York Cotton & Linen Manufactory.—Wanted Immediately, A man that is perfectly acquainted with the water spinning of a Cotton Mill, will meet with good encouragement. Likewise Weavers and Jenny Spinners, also a number of women, whether they have any knowledge in the cotton line or not, will be employed, and good wages given. Apprentices, either Girls, or Boys, ten years old and upwards; they will be found every thing during their apprenticeships, and taught the different branches belonging to the Cotton Business. Enquire at the New York Cotton and Linen Manufactory, about six miles from Town, on York Island, or of Andrew Stockholm No. 171 Queen Street. Candle Wick for sale.—Weekly Museum, February 8, 1794.
Cotton Machinist.—John Daniel Cotton Machinist New-Slip, New-York, Returns thanks to his customers for their attention to him since his commencement in business, informs them he is now fully able to underake and immediately execute any ommands to his line having given to a number of the best workmen the greatest enouragement, and hopes by his strict attention and propriety to merit future favours.
Wanting, a man who understands the carding of cotton, and a few jenny spinners that are perfect in the business.
Tallow Chandlers can be supplied with any quantity of candle wick on cheape terms and better quantity than ever offered to sale in New York. Also stockings.—The Diary; or Evening Register, July 1, 1794.
Cotton Machine. T. W. Wood of the town of Patterson state of New Jersey through this channel offers his services as a machine maker to those who may wish to be or are already engaged in the cotton business. He is prepared to execute with dispatch machines of the following discriptions, viz. carding engines for water, mule or jenney spinning, drawing and roveing frames, water frames, mules and jennys for spinning.
Any gentleman or company, wishing to contract will please to direct to T. W. Wood as above, to be left at Mr.Cummings, Wall Street, New York.—New-York Daily Advertiser, August 15, 1794.
American Manufactures, From the town of Patterson, the general seat of manufactures for sale by Sutton & Hardy, No 62 Wall Street an assortment of printed Cotton Goods, consisting of
Striped cotton for men's wear, etc. Which are offered to the public, and the friends of the rising manufactures of this country, on as advantageous terms, if not lower, than any goods of equal quality imported from Europe. Also a small supply from the factory, of Water and Mule Twist and West may be had as above.—The Diary; or Evening Register, September 16, 1794.
New York Manufactory.—American Manufactures, made at the New-York cotton and linen manufactory, and for sale by Andrew Stockholm...striped and plain nankeens...German stripes, thicksets, bridgetts, or rib deleurs sattinets, jeans, pillow fustians, dimities, cossoners, checks and bed ticken, stocking yarn of different qualities, and candle wick, Orders for cotton goods of any quality made to pattern, on the shortest notice....—Weekly Museum, January 3, 1795.
Print Cutter.—Wanted a Print Cutter, at the new Callico Manufactory in Boston, Any one being Master of the branch of business, may find encouragement by applying to Wm. Codman, No. 18 Pearl-Street, New York.—American Minerva; and Evening Advertiser, September 5, 1795.
Lace Manufacturer.—David de la Pierre, Fringe and Lace Manufacturer, from Amsterdam has removed to No. 64 Stone Street where he continues to make all sorts of coach laces, gold and silver do. hammer cloth fringe, cord fringe and tassels for furniture and trimmings of all sorts....—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 6, 1797.
Calico Manufactory.—William Combs and Company At their Calico manufactory, no 437 Pearl Street respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have now established their business on an extensive scale and solicit a share of the public patronage, flattering themselves that calicoes of their manufacture will be found to answer the expectation of those who may employ them, they have some of the best workmen from Europe in their line. Goods done to any pattern and warranted colours. They have put up one of the best callenders on the continent, hot and cold, for finishing calicoes, ginghams, nankeens, and fustians, or any kind of linen or cotton articles, silk stockings, etc. on moderate terms. Goods received at the above place or at No. 7 Water Street.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 13, 1797.
Cotton Manufactory, A large supply of Cotton wick, Spinning and knitting Cotton, and Bed Ticken, just received, very low, from the Manufactory, Milford, Newhaven, and for sale at No. 87 Wall Street, Jones's Wharf.—New-York Daily Advertiser, August 2, 1797.
Materials for Soldiers.—The following articles, calculated for the use of the Army many be had of Thomas Courtney and Son in Upper Dock-Street, (Cheap for Cash or short Credit). A large Quantity of red cloth for soldiers, ditto for serjeants, strong blue cloth excellent for leggins or trowsers;...sixty-eight pairs strong buckskin breeches, proper for dragoons; a fine assortment of shoes, and soldiers black stocks with buckles...—The Royal American Gazette, September 10, 1778.
Linen, (with thread suitable for it) American Manufacture; some of it fine enough for any gentleman's wear; to be sold by Samuel Loudon, at the Printing-Office.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, October 29, 1778.
Flax Seed.—John Keating Begs leave to inform the public that he has erected his Flax seed works on the wharf below the Coffee-House, next door to Cary, Williams, and Co's. store No 11, where Flaxseed is cleaned in the best manner, and on the lowest terms. Orders from abroad will be thankfully received and executed with the strictest punctuality and greatest dispatch. The highest price is given in cash for good clean Flax-seed, of this year's growth. None need apply unless they can give proper certificates.—New-York Packet, January 5, 1784.
Rugs and Blankets.—Spotted, and Green Rugs, and Striped Blankets. A few Bales of each, of the most substantial Fabrick, and latest Importation, to be sold Cheap for Cash by Edward and William Laight, No. 136, Water-Street.Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, October 5, 1785.
Flax-Seed Stored, Cleaned, Purchased and Sold, at Herttel and Woodward's Flax-seed Store, Lately occupied by Mr. Jacob Sary, last by Mr. Nash, between Van Zandt's and Murray's Wharves.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, November 7, 1787.
Culture of Silk. Perhaps among all the expedients for the promotion of public and Private wealth nothing appears more certain of success than a proper attention to the culture of silk....Mr. Nathaniel Aspinwall has a large and flourishing nursery of young mulberry trees in Brooklyne, directly opposite the City of New-York. Another in Princeton in New Jersey and two more within a mile of the city of Philadelphia....Too much praise cannot be given to Mr. Aspinwall, for his spirited and persevering endeavours to promote this useful and profitable business. He deserves at least the thanks of his country; he will receive the blessing of Posterity.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 4, 1791.
American Sail Cloth. Nathaniel Hazard, at No. 51, Water-street. Has for sale Fifty Bolts, no 1 to 4 which are assured by the maker to be equal to any Russia cloth and will be sold as cheap. It is stamped Z. Stebbins, whose manufatory is established at Springfield, in the State of Massachusetts, one of the most celebrated in the union for the excellence of its sail cloth....New-York Daily Advertiser, June 6, 1791.
Calico.—For Sale...in Pompton...New Jersey....there is on the premises a new wash-house, wash-wheels, calendar, copper sets, with a stove and other necessaries for the printing of calicoes &c.and a large well watered bleach ground actually laid out for that purpose....—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 11, 1796.
Flax Seed.—To Farmers—Flax-seed for Sale. The Subscriber has about 20 tierces of Flax-seed, which he has collected from different parts of the Country, and has carefully kept each parcel separate by itself, for the purpose of sowing; he is happy in having it in his power to supply any person with flax-seed raised one or two hundred miles distant from the place where they may wish to sow it, and of the best quality. John Rathbone, No. 33 Bowery Lane.—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 22, 1797.
Cotton, 10 bales of good Georgia Cotton, just arrived in the brig Bellona, from Savannah, and for sale by Richard Capes, No 26 Old Slip.—New-York Gazette, and General Advertiser, March 23, 1799.
Embroiderer.—Levy Simons, Embroiderer from London, in New Street, works all kinds of embroidery in gold, silver or silk, in the most elegant manner, for they may have any pattern they please, and their work performed with the greatest expedition and accuracy; likewise embroidered buttons of all fashion, also tambour work in the neatest manner.—Royal Gazette, January 3, 1778.
Embroiderer and Tambour Worker.—I. Watkins, Embroider and Tambour worker, from London. Begs leave to acquaint the Public that he carries on his business at Mr. Wileys, opposite the Dutch Church, Crown-Street, where he has for sale Gold and Silver Spangles, Pearl, &c. Young ladies taught tambour and Pattern Drawing either at home or abroad; in a very expeditious manner, on reasonable terms.—Royal Gazette, March 24, 1779.
St. George Crosses.—Mrs. Stuvang, at No. 320 Dock-Street, near the market Tree, Begs leave to acquaint the Pulbic that she has as usual provided a great number of St. George Crosses worked in a most eelgant manner, which she flatters herself that Ladies and Gentlement of every denomination and county, faithful subjects, will unite in shewing their attachment and loyalty to the most beloved of Sovereigns by doing honour to the Day of that year that will equal, if not exceed the glories of 1759.—Royal Gazette, April 21, 1779.
Stocking Loom.—To be sold on very low terms A Stocking Loom. For further particulars apply to the widow Frasier's in Roosevelt-Street, near the tea water pump.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, October 8, 1781.
Weavers' Reeds.—Weavers Reads [sic], By large or small Quantities, made in the neatest manner, and sold by Thomas Lowrey, at upper Salem, Westchester county, State of New York.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, October 18, 1781.
Spinners.—Wanted Six or Eight good cotton Spinners. Such as will spin agreeable to the directions given, will meet good encouragement and constant employ, by applying to John Goodeve, Tallow-Chandler, No 55 Broad-Street nearly opposite the War Office.—Independent Journal; or, the General Advertiser, January 11, 1786.
Reed Making. The Subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has opened a shop at Paterson, the seat of the National Manufacturers; where he makes and sells all kinds of weavers reeds, steel, brass or cane, to any dimensions, likewise cane reeds, selvaged with brass or steel. Those who please to favour him with their commands, may depend on being served upon the most reasonable terms, and with work superiorly executed to any that can be produced upon the continent. Letters or orders post paid will be punctually attended to. The public's most obedient and humble servant. Solomon Greer.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 30, 1793.
Knitting Cotton of Bethlehem Manufactory, just arrived and for sale by Robert M'Mennomy No. 82 William Street, who respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has purchased the store of Goods of Mr. Henry Ten Brook, and added there-to a general assortment of seasonable fancy articles....—The Weekly Museum, June 29, 1793.
Weaving. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has commenced the weaving business in Division Street (the number of the Insurance 1062, near the new Methodist Church) where he carries on the Weaving of linen, lawns, Diapers of different kinds, Bedticks of all kinds, flowered Bed-spreads of different kinds, carpeting of all kinds, from the highest to the lowest degree. Those who please to favor him with their Custom, may depend on having everything done in the best manner, as he will abide by the consequence, and upon as moderate terms as possible, or at the lowest rate. N.B. He keeps three looms now, and five with further encouragement. Joseph Cherry, from the White Plains.—The Herald, October 26. 1796.
Weaving.—Thomas Thompson respectfully informs the public that he has taken the shop of Mr. Ashel Coleman in Blooming Grove, where he intends to carry on the weaving of Carpets, double and single Coverlids of the newest fashion, and Diapers, his price for a double Coverlid is from twenty to Forty Shillings, according to the figure for a double coverlid it will take from 100 to 130 knots of yarn.—Goshen Repository, June 13, 1797.
Silk Dyer & Scourer.—S. Casey. Silk-Dyer and Scourer, from London, at No. 46 Crown Street, near the prison. Carries on the business of dying and scouring men and women's apparel, as usual, where store keepers and others may have damaged silks, cloths or stuffs, duroys, &c. newly dyed, or colours chang'd and neatly prest; or mildews taken out, &c. &c. And as several gentlemen have lately directed their cloths to my house, and through mistakes or neglect have been carried to another, 'tis requested gentlemen will give their servants proper directions where to come.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, September 15, 1777.
Cleaning Powder.—The genuine and inimitable composition for discharging Iron-Moulds, Ink-Spots, and Stains of every kind, out of table linen, hollands, lawns, muslins or laces, almost instantaneously, without the least hazard whatever of injuring the cloth; though it very frequently happens so, in making use of a liquid, or even powder, by people who are not possessed of the valuable and efficacious composition. The manner of apply it is described on a printed cover of the powder. Sold at A.J. Robertson's Printing Office, in Queen-street, price three shillings currency the paper; which exceeds greatly in quantity and surpasses every thing of the species in quality.—Royal American Gazette, July 13, 1779.
Laces and Embroidery Cleaned.—Gold and Silver lace, Buttons, and all kinds of Embroidery, are cleaned in the best manner, by Allan Meuross at Mrs. Bruce's, at the corner of Smith Street, Hanover Square. Where officers, Gentlemen, and Merchants may have old and new Lace or epaulets that have either been worn, damaged with salt water, or otherwise soiled or stained, cleaned and lightened to as great perfection, and with as much elegance as they are done in London or Paris.
He also makes and sells Gold, Silver, Silk & worsted trimmings, for Hats, Cords for ladies cloaks; likewise Gold, Silver and Silk watch and cane strings.
N.B. Said Meuross gives ready money for old Gold and Silver lace.—Royal Gazette, October 7, 1780.
Dyer & Scourer.—Benj. Brooks Silk dyer and scourer, at No. 46 in Crown-street, at the house formerly occupied by Mr. Casey, Silk dyer; Dyes all kinds of woolen cloths for Leggins, &c. likewise dyes Jeans and Fustians, scours cloaths, and dyes and cleans all manner of silks, Sattins &c. N.B. Any quantity of cloth can be dyed and pressed at the shortest notice.—Royal Gazette, July 19, 1783.
Scourer.—Henry Welch Scourer from London, No. 69 Queen-street near the Bank, takes in ladies habits and gentlemen's clothes, to scour and clean; he has a perfect method of taking spots and stains out of cloth, silk &c. He cleans lace of all sorts, and ladies and gentlemens silk stockings can be cleaned to great perfection, and all upon the most reasonable terms.—New-York Packet, February 3, 1785.
Silk-Dyer & Scourer.—Robert Dods, Silk Dyer and Scourer from London, near St. Paul's Church, Broad-Way. Cleans and Dyes all kinds of Silks and Sattins, Prints and Dyes Silk Handkerchiefs of any colours, faded Handkerchiefs dyed and reprinted.
Likewise, Gentlemen's Cloaths cleaned; Gold and Silver Lace, Chariot, Coach, and Chaise Linings, without taking it to pieces. All Orders which he may be favoured with will be punctually attended to.
Mantua-making done in the best manner, and newest taste, by Elizabeth Dods.—Independent Journal, February 15, 1785.
Washing done in the best Manner, Also Mending, and all kinds of Sewing Work, by the Widow, Keziah Parker. Mrs. Parker has particular Recommendations, from Persons of Character, as an honest, industrious woman, and as she has no other means of getting an honest livelihood for herself and family, begs Employment in this Line from such Ladies & Gentlemen as wish to have their work done reasonably and expeditiously, by the dozen or single piece.—New-York Journal, and Weekly Register, May 4, 1786.
A Calender, Mrs. Scotland, No 39 Nassau Street respectfully informs the Public that she has erected a Calender for smoothing of Cloaths, which gives them a Lustre, preserves the colours, and keeps them longer clean than any other method yet practised. It being an Engine universally adopted in Britain, she hopes its utility will soon be descovered.
She takes in and Calendars (upon moderate terms) bed Linen, bed and window curtains of all kinds, table Linens, Women's Gowns, Petticoats, men's and women's silk stockings & &c.
Silk Stockings wash'd, Smoak'd and Calender'd at Six-Pence per pair. All other Cloaths must be prepared the same as for Ironing before they are sent. N.B. All orders executed with dispatch. and carefully returned.—Independent Journal; or, the General Advertiser, April 28, 1787.
Bleach Ground.—The Directors of the New York Manufacturing Society give notice, that their Bleach Ground at Mall-Hall, Second River, New Jersey, is now ready. Linen Cloth and yarn will be taken in to bleach on the most reasonable terms, at the Factory, No. 21 Crown-street, New-York, or at the bleaching Ground.
N.B. Good weavers may be furnished with looms at their own houses by applying at the factory; two or three good hatchelers wanted.—New-York Daily Gazette, July 3, 1789.
Bleachfield.—The Purchasers of Damaged Linen and Cottons, will find it to their advantage, to send such goods immediately to the subscriber's Bleachfield in West Chester. The printed Callicoes will be scoured and callendered, and if the colours are not already injured, they will be made to look nearly as well as ever for 2d. per yd. and for the same price, the Linens and White Cottons will be restored to the same appearance, they had before they were wet. A Boat that attends the Bleachfield will be in New York everyday: the Boatman will be found by inquiring of Mr. Jacob Wilkins, at the Fly Market. Joseph Browne.—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 21, 1791.
Silk-Dyer and Gauze-Dresser.—Gold Fustic Wood, Spanish Floatong, Indigo and a few casks of good madder for sale by Benjamin Joyce, silk Dyer and Gauze Dresser, No 63 William Street. Where merchants and others can have silk goods of every description cleaned, and the colors refreshed or dyed to patterns, especially such goods as have been damaged by sea water. India, Persians, ribbons & Gauzes in particular, he dyes black and makes them appear as fresh goods....—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 21, 1791.
A Bleach-Field & Thread Manufactory. A compleat Bleach-field, having been prepared by Mr. Henry Rutgers, near his dwelling house at the ship-yards, with every apparatus necessary for carrying on the business in an extensive manner has let the same to the subscriber, who is now laying down cloth, &c. and bleaches on the most approved and satisfactory method (upon the Dutch plan) where dry bleaching, beetling, and rubbin boards are not used. The terms are as follow, viz. All plain linen and cotton cloths, yard wide and under, at 4d per yard. Plain muslins, cleared and dressed, at 2d per ditto. Figured ditto cleared and dressed at 2-1/2 d. per ditto. Book ditto cleared and dressed, at 4d. per do. Lawns, cleared, or dyed any colour and dressed, at 2-1/2 per ditto....Matthew Adam.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 13, 1791.
Fulling & Dying.—To the Public, the Subscribers hereby inform the Public, that they are determined to carry on the Fulling and Dieing business in the most extensive manner, especially the different kinds of dieing for which they are preparing vats and all other material in the best manner. They will engage to die the following colours viz. Deep and pale Blue; Bottle, grass, smoke and sage green; lead, plumb, garnet, dark olive, damson, slate, buff, claret, crow, and ash colours, London and Hartford smoke; London snuff, olive, madder, congress medeigner, and cinnamon brown, light orange, olive, lead, slate, and federal drab, Hartford mud, crow black....send...cloth the store of Remsen and Sleight No. 7 Little Water Street, near the Exchange, in New York. Those who send cloth in that way, are desired to send written directions signed by the owner describing their place of abode and sewed to the cloth. Moses Phillip & Son Walkill, Ulster county.—New-York Journal, & Patriotic Register, September 4, 1791.
Calico Printing and Dyeing. Stephen Addington. Respectfully informs the public he has established a manufactory at Springfield, Essex County, New Jersey, for Printing Muslins, Muslinetts, Dimities, Calicoes, Linen &c. Dyeing Twist, Thread and Piece Goods and Bleaching of Brown Cloth....—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, September 20, 1792.
Cleaning and Pressing.—Wm. Cooper, Cloth dresser, Presser, and Scowerer from London....he dresses and presses cloths that have by long storage become unsaleable, also damage cloths, and makes them to appear like fresh goods. He dries and wet scowers gentlemens apparel of all kinds, and ladies riding habits, all kinds of silks. Old damask curtains, cleaned and glazed, Ladies chintz gowns washed and glazed; also silk stockings, cleaned coloured, and glazed, to appear like new. Coats that are intended for turning, are dressed and pressed so that when made up not to be distinquished from new.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 5, 1793.
Silk Dying, merchants and others who may have on hand broad silks and sattins, ribbons and gauzes, blond and mock point lace, Italian crape &c. which require the colours refreshed, or dyed black are hereby informed that B. Joyce No. 25 William street, dyes to paterns of any colour, and dresses in the most suitable manner, silk of every description in its raw or manufactured state. N.B. Black and red ink powders, by the groce or dozen, and black writing ink in quart and pint bottles singly.—New-York Daily Advertiser, August 9, 1793.
Dyer and Cleaner.—Thomas Hardie....Sattins, Silks etc. that may have been injured by the salt water, or mildewed, can be brought to their colours, or dyed any colour which may be admitted of,in the best manner, and at the shortest notice. Broad Cloths that may heve been injured, dyed and pressed to look equally the same as when new. Gentlemen's Clothes scowered, dyed, and pressed; and silk stockings cleaned and callendered in the best manner.—The Diary, January 28, 1797.
Dyer, Cleaner & Glazier.—William Griffith No. 72 Broad street, Silk Dyer and Clothes Cleaner, and Calico Glazier, dyes and cleans all kinds of silks, sattins, lace, ribbons, crapes, gauzes, scarlet cloaks, fancy waistcoats, goats beard and white ermine muffs cleaned without wetting. All kinds of feathers cleaned, curled, and shaded, beufonts cleaned, dyed, and curled, in the neatest manner—gentlemen's coats scoured wet and dry.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, March 25, 1797.
Dyer.—George Gunn, Dyer No. 74 Gold-Street, a few doors above Beekman-Street. Returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public for past favours; and respectfully informs them that he continues as usual to carry on the dying business, in its great variety, extensively, as silks, cloths, stuffs, and cottons, of every description, new and old to any colour and pattern they will admit of. Also, Ladies' habits and Gentlemen's wearing apparel, scoured and neatly pressed; having every convenience that is neessary at the above place, and his own constant attention to business, he flatters himself to merit a continuance of the public favour....—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, April 17, 1797.
Glazing.—Scott and Co. No. 44 Barclay street. Respectfully inform the store-keepers and public in general, that they have erected at a considerable expence a Machine for glazing Muslins, Linen, Calicoes &c. which they engage to execute equal if not superior to any imported Goods that has sustained damage by salt water, washed out and restored to their former lustre. Hat linings dyed and glazed in the best manner.
N.B. Any commands directed to Scott and Co. as above will be thankfully received and duly attended to.—New-York Daily Advertiser, September 1, 1798.
Turmerick. A quantity of Turmerick for dying for sale by Wm. A. Livingston, No. 55 Beaver Street.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, July 26, 1799.
Actors.—Old Theatre. Mr. Hallam, jun. we understand at length makes his appearance, in the Belcour on the Philadelphia Stage; if a recollection of the upright character his Father has for years sustained; can give a double claim to success, he may expect it; we congratulate the company on the interesting spectacle of a Father and Son meeting in two characters so opposite as Belcour and Stockwell.—The Diary; or Evening Register, November 4, 1794.
Astronomer & Mathematician.—To Be Sold, A Pocket Microscope, It is an excellent one, and lately Doctor Ferguson's, the celebrated Astronomer and Mathematician. Enquire of the Printer.—Royal Gazette, February 24, 1779.
Barometer & Thermometer Maker.—Joseph Gatty, Artist from Italy, No 341 Pearl Street, makes and sells all kinds of simple and compound Barometers and thermometers and adjusts them to any scale; curious Glass Hydrometers for assaying spirits, which shew the actual strength with the greatest precision, and are not liable to be corroded; also several new Philosophical instruments of his own invention, and all sorts of artificial fire works.
N.B. Glass blown into any form according to fancy, and Barometers, &c. repaired in the neatest manner. Said Gatty is in want of an apprentice whom he will instruct in the above branches.—The Diary; or Evening Register, November 3, 1794.
Blacksmith.—Nathan Beers, Blacksmith, undertakes to make and finish most kinds of edge Tools, particularly Carpenters and Wood Axes, which he engages shall be equal to the best manufactured within the king's lines....—Royal Gazette, June 12, 1782.
Brush Manufactory.—Hogs Bristles....The Subscribers having erected a Brush Manufactory at No. 4, Peck's-slip, where they propose carrying on the brush making business in all its branches, Store-keepers and others may be furnished with all sorts on as low terms as any imported, to which they hope the preference will be given them, as the work is equally good if not better; and as they will warrant their work not to fail till worn out by use, they flatter themselves with expectation of getting a sufficient supply of this country bristles, that they may not be under the necessity of importing their stock from England; the farmers, by being careful in the season of killing, may have sufficient to supply them in this business. Country store-keepers would be the most proper persons to collect them. Ananias Cooper and Company.—New-York Daily Advertiser, December 26, 1787.
Brush Manufactory.—William Briscoa, Brush Manufacturer, No 95 corner of Gold Street in Maiden Lane, Respectfully informs his friends, and the public, that he continues the business on a more extensive scale than formerly, and begs leave to solicit a share of public patrontage, flattering himself that brushes of his manufacture, will be found to answer the expectations of his customers. N.B. Two shillings per pound given for clean combed Hogs bristles. Two or 3 apprentices wanted to the above business.—New-York, Daily Advertiser, April 20, 1796.
Candle Maker.—John Slidell, Late of the Broadway, but now of Duke-Street, Mould and dipt candles, hard and soft soap, as good as any in America, he being regular bred at the trade, and served his time with his father, an Englishman, and does not doubt but he can give general satisfaction to the public, and his Majesty's Pursers of the men of war; he will make any quantity of candles of any size at the shortest notice, as he is still serving at the trade, and was of great service to the men of war, and our good Governor Tryon, in the heat of the rebellion in this city, he taught himself to retain the birth right of an Englishman, by selling his goods to whom he pleased, as long as he did not sell them to any of the rebels. From the public's humble servant, John Slidell.—Rivington's New York Loyal Gazette, October 25, 1777.
Patent Candle Manufactory. The subscriber is possessed of an exclusive right of manufacturing candles, by the operation of two engines of machines by him invented. Every favor offered to promote the progress of this manufactory, will be gratefully acknowledged by the Public's most obedient, and very humble servant, Joseph S. Sampson. Boston.
`As the abridgement of labour by the improvement and use of machinery is highly favorable to the manufacturing interests of Amewrica,' it may not be amiss to observe the utility of the aforesaid machines, either of which is of but little consequence without the other, they are easily erected and without much expence.—New-York Journal, & Patriotic Register, August 24, 1791.
Candle Mould Manufactory.—Tallow Chandlers, and the Public in general, are respectfully informed, the subscriber has moved his Candlemould, etc. Manufactory from No. 98 Gold street in the swamp, to No. 7 Beekman street, between Pearl and Cliff streets, where he conducts it on the same principles which has given such general satisfaction to his numerous customers throughout the union for these fourteen years past. Geo. Coldwell.—The Daily Advertiser, October 26, 1799.
Circulating Library.—For Sale. The Circulating Library,, Wall-Street Number 60; Containing about two-thousand volumes in English and French. As this is the only library of the kind in this city, it may be considered an object worthy attention....—The Diary, March 18, 1797.
Comb Manufactory, Henry Wolfe, will supply the gentlemen of the Light Infantry and others, with Tortoise shell, Crooked and Horn Combs of all sorts, by wholesale or retail, at the very lowest prices, at his manufactory No 3, Crugar's.—New-York Packet, November 10, 1786.
Comb Manufactory. Abel Holbrook & George F. Dominick, Having commenced the Comb Making Business under the firm of Holbrook & Dominick, solicit the patronage of their Friends and the Public in General in the above line. They manufacture all kinds of Horn, Ivory and Tortoise Shell Combs....cash given for Ox and Cow Horns, Ivory and Tortoise Shell.—Weekly Museum, August 29, 1795.
Comb Manufactory.—Whitney West, having commenced the comb Manufactory in Harman street, solicits orders in his line from the merchants, and engages to supply them punctually, and on as good terms as can be procured; all orders strictly attended to.
NM.B. The highest price given for Cow and Ox horns, ivory and tortoise shell.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 14, 1796.
Commerce.—On the 9th instant arrived at Baltimore, directly from China, the ship Pallas Commanded by its owner, Captain O'Donnell. She has on board a most valuable cargo, consisting of an extensive variety of teas, china, silks, sattins, nankeens, &c. &c. We are exceedingly happy to find the commercial reputation of that town so far increased, as to attract the attention of gentlemen who are carrying on this distant but beneficial trade. It is no unpleasing sight to see the crew of this ship, Chinese, Malays, Japanese, and Moors, with a few Europeans, all habited according to the different Countries to which they belong, and employed together as brethren; it is thus commerce binds and unites all the nations of the globe with a golden chain.—Independent Journal, August 20, 1785.
Cork Cutting.—Alexander Ogsbury at the corner of Crown-Street and Smith-Street Begs leave to inform the public that he now carries on the Cork Cutting Business in all its Branches, where any person may be supplied at the most reasonable rates.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, February 3, 1777.
Dentist.—Live teeth wanted for which a Guinea each will be given, by J. Greenwood Surgeon dentist No 199, Water-street opposite the Coffee House.
Persons at any distance may be supplied with artificial teeth by sending an impression, taken in Wax, of the vacant place where wanted....He draws teeth and stumps and attends abroad on sending directions.—New-York Daily Advertiser, December 14, 1787.
Fire Engines. The Engine business, in all its various branches, is now carried on in Philadelphia, in the most extensive manner, by Mason and Gibbs. All orders from any part of the continent or elsewhere, shall be punctually attended to and the greatest care taken to give satisfaction with dispatch. All Fire companies may be furnished with Engines and old Engines repaired. They make Fire Buckets in the neatest and best manner; and can supply the public with any quantity, painted with any device that may be ordered.
Orders for the above concern are thankfully received in this City, by James Griffiths, No 201 Water-Street, where he still continues the Wine business....He has also on hand a small consignment of assorted English Garden seends, fresh and in good order.—Independent Journal, December 18, 1784.
Leather Manufactory.—George Ferguson and Co. Have for sale at their Leather manufactory No. 13 Vandewater street, a general assortment of Leather, viz. sole and upper Leather; calf, hare, seal, goat and sheep skins and boot legs all finished in the neatest manner, and will be sold wholesale and retail for cash or approved notes.
N.B. Orders from merchants for leather intended for exportation will be thankfully received, and supplied at a moderate rate. Also on hand, a quantity of salted hides.—New-York Daily Advertiser, September 1, 1798.
Leather & Glue.—John Dietz, Leather Dresser and Glue Manufactory No 7 Catherine street near the watch house, Informs his friends in the country and city that he has on hand for sale, in large or small quantities American glue, and neats foot oil; likewise, 30 barrels of liver oil, for cash or notes of short date.—Mercantile Advertiser, November 18, 1799.
Mask Making.—Mr. Partridge, who was employed last year at Boston, in making masks, is desired to leave word with the printer where he may be found.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, February 10, 1777.
Mathematical Instrument Maker.—For the information of such military gentlemen who are not supplied with the useful instrument call'd a Haviland, the subscriber executes them with neatness and dispatch, at his shop at the Sign of Hadley's Quadrant and Spy Glass, Beekman's Slip, New York; where he has to dispose of, a portable plain table compleat, a neat microscope, and pocket camera obscura. He also continues to make and repair Hadley's and Davis's quadrants, compasses, &c. on the shortest notice, and will gratefully acknowledge all favours of the public. William Hinton. N.B. There is a book of directions for sale with the haviland.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, May 5, 1777.
Mathematical Instrument Maker.—William Hinton, Mathematical Instrument Maker, at the Hadley's Quadrant, No. 970 Beekman's-Slip, Executes with neatness and dispatch, the different articles in his branch, and will gratefully acknowledge all favours of the public.
N.B. He has to dispose of, a neat Semecirclen [sic] and a Brass plain Table likewise, an excellent Turning Lathe.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, September 4, 1780.
Mathematical Instrument Maker.—Died, on Saturday last, the eleventh instant, after a short illness, in the eighty first year of his age, Mr. Anthony Lamb, a native of Old England. He was a respectful inhabitant of this city for near fifty years before the late war; and a steady friend to the liberties of America. In him, this country has lost one of the most ingenious Mathematical Instrument Makers, that this or any other nation could boast of....New-York Packet, December 13, 1784.
Pastry Cook.—Joseph Corre, Pastry Cook. Acquaints the ladies and gentlemen that he has moved to Little-Dock-Street, four doors from the bridge, where they may be supplied with all kinds of pastry, and meat pies. He will dress dinners abroad, if required.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, July 21, 1777.
Pencil Makers.—S & I. L. Henry, Pencil-Makers, No 20 William-street, nearly opposite the Post office. Returns thanks to their friends who have favoured them with commands, and informs them that they continually keep on hand, a general assortment of goods in the above line. Any orders sent will be executed with Punctuality and dipatch.
They have for sale, a few sets of the beautiful crayon colour pencils, of 36, 24, and 18 different shades, neatly made and put up in paper or wood cases, to be used as Swiss Crayons....—Mercantile Advertiser, July 29, 1799.
Pocket-Book Manufactory. T. Wigmore, No 46 Maiden-Lane, Has on hand an elegant assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's Morocco Pocket-Books of every description, equal in quality and 20 percent cheaper than what is imported. A generous credit will be given to those that purchase by the quantity.
N.B. Elastic and spring Trusses on an improved principle, that will answer the intended purpose without wearing an understrap.—The Spectator, November 9, 1799.
Segar Manufacture.—Mr. Fritot Manufacturer of Segars. Sells wholesale and retail the best kind of Segars of his own making. Mrs. Roma his sister, teaches the French and English language in the same house.
Mr. Roma, Machinist and House-Carpenter, undertakes every kind of buildings and work belonging to the machinery line.—French and American Gazette, January 6, 1796.
Shoe Polish.—National Smith. Begs leave to recommend his incomparable beautifying cakes for making shining Liquid Blacking, for carriages, chair bottoms, shoes, boots &c. or any kind of leather requiring a beautiful black-jet shining glass, made and sold, wholesale and retail, for exportation, by him at his Perfume Manufactory, from London, The Rose, No 42 Hanover-square, New York. (Price one shilling each cake)....—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 28, 1793.
Sugar Works.—For Sale, The best of double, single, loaf and lump refined Sugar, manufactured in John V. Cortlandt's Sugar-house, near the North River....for further particulars, apply to John V. Cortlandt, in Broadway, No 17, adjoining Trinity Churchyard, where all persons may be supplied with sugars, at the first notice, and of the best quality.—New-York Packet, March 13, 1786.
Sugar Work Manufactory. Joseph Delacroix No. 129 William street, has for sale, by wholesale or retail, all kinds of sweet meats, sugar work, sugar plums, cordials and a variety of other articles in the confectionary business. Merchants and masters of vessels may be supplied at all times with any quantity for exportation, at a very reasonable price....He intends to move.—New-York Daily Advertiser, April 11, 1796.
At The Tannery. Near the Fresh-Water Pond, May be had of the subscriber, a quantity of excellent soal and upper-Leather, tanned in the English mode, equal to any manufactured in America....He proposes, for country dealers to supply on terms that will enable them to make large profits;...for city consumption, such as will establish the Shoe Manufactories, and procure them a run of custom. for ships use, as good in quality, as that imported from England, and at a much less price. Cash, Bark, raw-Hides or Calve skins taken in exchange. Isaac Caulthard.—New-York Daily Advertiser, November 9, 1787.
Taxidermist.—A Naturalist, lately arrived from Europe, takes this method to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has brought with him, a large collection of birds, insects, butterflies, and several quadrupeds, from different parts of the world, which he will dispose of, either by large or small quantities.
He further informs, that he possesses entirely the art of stuffing animals, &c. so as to give them their natural appearance, as well as to preserve them from decay. Apply at no. 355 Broadway....—New-York Daily Advertiser, December 26, 1796.
<Telescopes.—Dolland's Telescopes, Now the Military Gentlemen have taken their several posts, those not possessed of a portable Spy-Glass, may be accommodated with this sine qua non in Reconnoitering the Foe, first invented by Mr. Dolland, a prime Optician. Please to apply to James Rivington; the prices from Seven to Sixteen Dollars each. Those of the supreme quality are fixed in strong cases, and slung over the shoulders, stand buff to all weather.—Royal Gazette, May 27, 1778.
Thermometer & Barometer Maker.—Joseph Donegany from Philadelphia, Begs leave to inform the Public, that he has taken a shop in Smith-Street, No. 54, where he intends carrying on the business of Thermometer and Barometer making, in all its various branches, during his stay....said Donegany makes and sells Hydostatical Glass Bubbles, and Hydrometers, for proving spirits; he has also for sale a variety of Glasses for making useful and entertaining experiments.—New-York-Daily Advertiser>, October 17, 1787.
Tobacco Manufactory.—Valck and Burger, Having enlarged their Tobacco Manufactory on a very extensive plan, are now able to supply their customers at any time with manufactured Tobacco, in all assortments and quantities required, at the following prices: Smoking Tobacco, varinas of the most excellent quality 8 s. 4 d. per lb. Ditto, second quality, L.A. 7 s. 6d. Ditto, B. 6s. Ditto, c.4s. 6d. Kitefoot, first quality 3s. Second, ditto No. 1 1s. 6d. No 2 1s. No. 3. 8 d. Snuff. Dunkird Rappee at 3s. 2s. 6d. and 2s. per lb. Scotch and other different sorts are all put up in half pound papers, printed with the name and Mark of the Manufactory. N.B. Liberal credit will be given to strangers who come well recommended, and purchase by quantity. Tobacco of the above Manufactory is to be had at Scriba, Schroeppel, and Starman's New York.—Independent Journal, April 12, 1786.
Trunk and Brush Manufactory.—Watson & Briskcoe at the old original Trunk & Brush Manufactory No. 95 Maiden Lane, corner of Gold street, makes and sells wholesale & retail, all kinds of Trunks and Brushes, on the most reasonable terms. They flatter themselves they have it in their power to sell as low, if not lower than any imported or manufactured in any of the United States—Cash—two shillings per pound given for clean comb'd Hogs Bristles. N.B. Brushes made to any particular orders for manufactories. Two apprentices wanted.—The Diary; or Evening Register, October 16, 1794.
Trunk & Plate Case Maker.—H. Miller Trunk & Plate Case Maker, From London, No 34 Pearl Street, New-York, Makes and sells all sorts of hair and brass mounted trevelling trunks, such as Post Chaise trunks, flat anad Spanish sumpters, hair and black leather portmanteaux, chaise set trunks, and small trunks to go under the seats of stage coaches. Merchants supplied with all sorts of nests of trunks, for the east and west India trade. Bottle cases, camp trunks, and travelling canteens; likewise light soal leather trunks to go behind a servant on horseback. Imperials made to fit on the top of coaches.
N.B. Cork jackets made for the saving the lives of seafaring people; in case of shipwreck, from the London patent.—New-York Daily Advertiser, December 2, 1796.
Patent Venetian Blind Manufactory. No. Maiden Lane. John Pitt late of the city of London, respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has lately arrived in this city, and manufactures Venetian and Spring Parlour Windor Blinds, on a superior construction to any ever before made in this city. His Spring Parlour Blinds are on a light, handsome, and easy principle, which gives a handsome appearance to the outside of windows, and forms, a complete piece of furniture within. His Patent Venetian Blinds are constructed to answer the purpose of a sunshade and parlour-blind in one, and are particularly adapted for offices.
Orders from any part of the Continent executed with the utmost dispatch. Good allowance to upholsterers, Builders &c. &c.—Diary and Mercantile Advertiser, May 8, 1798.
Wampum a quantity of black and white for sale by Abm. Van Boskerck No 191 Greenwich street.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 2, 1797.
Whip Maker.—John Amory manufactures and sells all sorts of best and newest faashioned Horsewhips, at No 316 opposite the New Bridewell, in Great-George's street, and for the greater convenience of his customers, keeps an assortment at Mr. Valentine Nutter's Stationary Store, opposite the Coffee-House.—New York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, May 15, 1780.
Furrier.—Lyon Jonas, Furrier from London Living in Broad Street opposite the Post-Office, has for sale a general and complete assortment of muffs and tippets in the newest taste, ermine, cloak linings, etc. Also a parcel of ground squirrel muffs and tippets: and the very best black martin, and throat ditto fit for exportation. He likewise manufactures and sells gentlemen's caps and gloves lined with fur, very useful for travelling. He also trims ladies robes and riding dresses, and faces and lappels gentlemen's coats and vests. He buys and sells all sorts of furs wholesale and retail. N.B. The highest price will be given by him for brey and ground squirrel skins.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, January 20, 1777.
Hatter.—John Stevens, Hatter, from Boston At his Shop, at the sign of the Gold Lac'd Hat, between the Fly Market and Beekman's Slip, in Water Street, Has for sale a number of neat cocked Beaver Hats, Round ditto, for gentlemen of the Navy and Army, men and boys wool Hats, by wholesale or retail. N.B. Hats laced, dressed and cocked in the best manner at said shop.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, February 24, 1777.
Hair Powder. Manufactured and sold wholesale and retail, by Richard Speight, Chymist, in Queen-street....—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, March 3, 1777.
Continental Uniform.—Deserted from Lieutenant Vonderburgh, in Colonel Duboise's regiment, the 22d of this instant Charles Ross....He carried off with him a suit of Continental Cloaths, red jacket, with sleeves, pewter buttons, flannel over-hauls, woolen hat. It is supposed he is gone to Albany....Henry Vonderburgh, Lieut.—New-York Packet, March 13, 1777.
Men's Stockings.—To be sold at James Rivington's Store...men's cotton and thread stockings at 10 s., 8s., 7s., 5s., per pair; men's shoes & pumps at 11 s. a pair....—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, June 23, 1777.
Shoes to be sold on reasonable terms by Daniel Wright, At his Store, No. 7, in Queen-street, at the foot of King-street. An assortment of callimanco shoes, many of which are large and of a steady heel; silk and satten, French heels; men's strong shoes suitable for the Army, gentlemen's shoes and pumps; loaf and brown sugar, bohea tea, English hard soap....—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, July 7, 1777.
Hair Dresser.—To all Ladies Curious in Hair Dressing. Guion, Ladies Hair Dresser from London, at his shop No. 31 Maiden Lane makes and has for sale various kinds of false hair made in the most fashionable manner to appear easy and elegant, consisting of tates, cushions, curls, braides, bows, pads. &c. Also perfumery of diffierent kinds such as French and English hair powder highly sented and plain....—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, December 29, 1777.
Gentlemens Dress Frocks, of Scarlet Cloth, quality supreme, with silk linings and capes, at Six Guineas; Do of various and most fashionable colours, at Five Guineas and an half; Do scarlet Frocks lappell'd at Five Guineas. The above are the workmanship of the most elegant operators in Leicester-Fields, the like in quality, and taste never yet imported. Jamais! Jamais! Jamais!
Also a few beautiful Tambour Waiscoats all to be seen at the Printer's Museum. Gentlemen who desire to send for the frocks to their lodgings, are requested to preserve them from injury.—Royal Gazette, February 7, 1778.
Regimental Buttons. An assortment of neat coat and Waistcoat Buttons for the following regiments, are to be sold enquire of the Printer, viz. for the IVth, Vth, Xth, XIVth, XXIIth, XXXIIId, XXXVIIth, XLth, XLIIId, XLIVth, XLVIIth, LXIId, LXIVth, XVIIth Light Dragoons and Marines.—Royal Gazette, August 22, 1778.
Oil Umbrellas. Protecting against the Sun, Rain, Snow, &c. About three dozen, part Lawn, part Sarsnet, of 3 and 4 feet long; they were imported in the last London vessels, and they have never been offered for sale. Enquire of the Printer.—Royal Gazette, October 7, 1778.
Breeches Maker & Glover.—Just Imported by William Johnson; Breeches Maker & Glover, between the King's Head Tavern and Water-Street, the first turning below the Fly-Market, A quantity of curious dyed Leather, equal in beauty to superfine cloth, of which he will make breeches from Four Dollars to one Guinea per pair. Where also may be had Buck and Doeskin Breeches, not inferior to what the principal shops in London can furnish, at the current prices. Together with a variety of Gloves such as Buck, Beaver, Rein Deer, Woodstocks, Ground Hog, Thread and Silk ditto. Also Bottwood's London buff Balls, Shammoys, Linining, and several other articles not mentioned.—Royal Gazette, October 31, 1778.
Surtout.—Lost, about six weeks or two months ago, a blue broad cloth close bodied Surtout, with scarlet cuffs and cape, and plain yellow metal buttons....—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, March 22, 1779.
Uniforms.—Samuel and John Kirk, Taylors from London at No. 385 William-Street, Take the liberty to acquaint the Public in general, that having now engaged some of the best workmen, are thereby enabled to perform all the several branches of the business, (especially Uniforms, Regimentals, etc.) with the utmost propriety and dispatch, on the most reasonable rates, for Ready Money.
N.B. Gentlemen of the Navy, Army, or others, may find their own cloth, lace, or the like. Also, a neat assortment of Dry Goods, suitable to the season.—Royal Gazette, May 22, 1779.
Lapelled Coat.—Stolen out of the house of the subscriber...a Blue Lapelled Coat, edged with red, continental buttons, set in wood, resembling silver; a good silver epaulet, lined with red; the said coat has been turned, and is lined with blue. Whoever will secure the Coat and Thief, shall receive One Hundred Dollars reward, or Twenty Dollars for the Coat alone. Leonard Chapin, Chapin Hall.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, October 14. 1779.
A New Hat. Cock'd a la Khevenhuller, lined with silk, and red leather over the forehead, was taken by mistake from Hick's on her Majesty's birth-night; it is requested to be left with the Printer.—Royal GazetteFebruary 2, 1780.
Beaver Hats. Manufactured and sold cheap for cash, by Uzel Ward, Hatter opposite Smith's Tavern Water-street, near the Fly-Market. N.B. A generous price will be given for all sorts of Furs.—Royal Gazette, July 26, 1780.
Hats. Of the first quality and newest fashion, gold and silver trimmings, feathers, &c. Imported in the Ship Jamaica, from London, and to be sold cheap for cash at Lynch's Hatter, No 28 Queen-street, nearly opposite Golden-Hill. N.B. Those persons that purchase to sell again, will be served on good terms at said shop.—Royal Gazette, July 26, 1780.
Hair Cutter.—Dyer, Lady's & Gentleman's Hair-Cutter, and Dresser, takes this opportunity to acquaint the Public that as he has had the honour of dressing the most genteel Ladies and gentlemen in England, being acting foreman to their Majesties Hair Dresser, flatters himself that he can give general satisfaction to any who may please to honour him with their orders. He may be heard of at present at No 69 Water street, near Beekman's Slip.
N.B. Ladies Braids', Curls, and cushions, on a new construction, Vandyke tops, and all kinds of false hair, made so as not to be discovered from natural hair.—Royal Gazette, June 9, 1781.
Furrier.—Daniel Hartung, Furrier from London, At the sign of the Cap and Muff, No 176 Queen-street near Peck's-slip. Has for sale, A general and complete assortment of Muffs and Tippets, the best of Martin and Martin throats, Russia Squirrel; and ground squirrel lining for cloaks, Trimmings for ladies riding dresses, and like Gentlemen's travelling caps, Gloves lined with fur, wholesale and retail. N.B. The highest price given for all sort of fur.—Royal Gazette, January 1, 1783.
Absconded.—Thirty Guineas Reward. Mr. John Christian, a native of Old England did on Friday receive from me, and on my account, two Hundred and Fifty-five Pounds New York Currency and has not been heard of since....Had on when he went away, a queued Wig, lightish Great Coat, Corduroy Breeches, and Boots....John Robertson. N.B. His head was shaved the day he went off.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, January 24, 1784.
Hats.—Fashions. Francis I'ans, at No. 51 Broad St. Respectfully informs his customers and the Ladies in general, that he has received by the last arrivals from London, Patterns of the newest fashioned Hats, Caps, etc. that is worn there at present and that Mrs. I'ans has it now in her power to supply them with all kinds of millinery, either in the Gay London or in the neat American taste. In future, the Ladies will have an opportunity twice every year, (at Spring and Fall,) of viewing both the London and Paris fashions.
He has for Sale on reasonable terms, a fashionable assortment of Ribbons, Gauzes, Flowers, etc. and a few Ladies elegant beaver riding Hats, fit for the season.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, December 13, 1784.
Tailor's Prices.—Lewis James, Taylor and Habit-Maker,...to make a plain suit £ 1.12.0 Ditto Ladies Habit £ 1. 12.0 Ditto coat only 16.0 Ditto Breeches or vest. 80.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, December 18, 1784.
Taylor.—John M'Queen Taylor and Habit maker....fashionable superfine cloths, India Sattins, Florentines &c. Cloths and Cassimers, suitable for the approaching season.
As he has laid in the above articles at first cost, it enables him to make and finish the same at the London charges. Gold and Silver Basket Buttons & lace for Gentlemens Vests, &c.
A suit if required will be made at a day's notice. From Ladies and Gentlemen who are strangers, ready money is required. Inhabitants may have three months credit if required.—Independent Journal, December 18, 1784 (supplement).
Buttons.—Riddell, Colquhoun & Co. No. 22 Queen Street, Having determined to wind up their business...have stock of goods on hand...amongst which are ...wire and mould shirt buttons...basket & death-head Buttons...—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, March 12, 1785.
Boot & Shoe Maker.—Noah Gardener, Boot and Shoe-Maker, No. 32 Maiden Lane, Has on hand, a large and general assortment of Boots and mens and Womens Shoes, which he will sell at the most reasonable prices for cash. He intends to be moderate in his charges, thereby endeavouring to encourage our own manufactories. N.B. He has also on hand, Childrens Red and Green Morocco Shoes, of the best quality.—New-York Packet, May 26, 1785.
The Ladies Dress varies from time to time; but, we are sorry to say, it seldom verges towards propriety, the beauty of women consists not in the face, or if it did, that is almost entirely hid, but in the shape and our modern dresses, whether introduced by fashion or fancy, are calculated to destroy shape altogether. A lady, dressed according to the height of the fashion, may be worshiped, without any breach of the second commandment, as she is the likeness of nothing in the heaven above, the earth beneath, or the water under the earth.—New-York Gazetteer, June 24, 1785.
Hat Manufactory. Joseph Lacoste and Co. Have the honor to inform the public, that they have lately set up a manufactory of all sorts of hats....The said manufactory is in Market-street between Seventh and Eighth street, and a Retail store is also kept by the said Lacoste & Co. in Front street, opposite to Mr. Oswald's Coffee-house in Philadelphia. The lowest prices will be written on pieces of paper pasted on the inside of each hat, and no abatement need be expected. A reasonable allowance will however be made to those who will purchase by the quantity.
Any customer may have his hat cocked, brushed or dressed up, at any time,,at the said retail store, gratis. Any person in this state desirous of purchasing hats of the above manufactory, may see samples of them, and know the terms by applying to Nicholas Low, No. 216 Water-street, New York.—New-York Packet, September 12, 1785.
Skeleton Wires. For the Hats most in Vogue at present in London and Paris, Black Leghorn Hats, with large Crowns for the present prevailing Shiptonian Fashion, to be sold singly or by the dozen, very cheap, by Francis I'ans....—New-York Morning Post, November 1, 1785.
Hair Dresser, Perfumer &c..—A Card to the Ladies. Elegance in Hair-Dressing is an Embellishment to Beauty. Nathaniel Smith, Ladies Hair-Dresser, Perfumer and Comb Maker, from London, at the New-York Hair Powder and Perfume Manufactory, the Rose, No. 185 Queen-Street. Most respectfully begs leave to inform the Gentlemen and Ladies &c. that he is the real manufacturer of the richest foreign and English Perfumery; he can warramt their virtues and innocence as to be with safety recommended for the use of the infant, from its earliest state, to the most delicate lady of any age;...also, a great assortment of the most fashionable Dress and Un-dress Cushions and Toupees, such as Vergette toupees and half dress surfrize ditto, much approved of by ladies of the first distinction and taste for head-dress, particularly made for ladies to dress their own hair when now going into company, with all kinds of fake Hair made in the newest fashion.
Ladies that please to honour him with their commands, will have their Hair cut and dresses in that elegant stile which gave the utmost satisfaction to the first ladies of taste in London. The variety of goods that he makes and sells in the Perfumery, and different ointments for the head dress, being too numerous to mention here, he has bills printed with the Virtues and price of each article which he gives gratis to those ladies who please to send for them.
Merchants and Captains of ships, and town and country shop keepers, are supplied with any quantity on the shortest notice, at the lowest wholesale price for ready money only.—New-York Packet, January 2, 1786.
Peruke-Maker and Hair Dresser.—Michael Tremper, Peruke-Maker and Hair Dresser, No 26 Little Dock-street, Returns his sincere thanks to the gentlemen who have favoured him with their custom, since his return to this city, and hopes a further continuance thereof. Gentlemen may be supplied with the most fashionable wigs, at the shortest notices, as he has a few very good ones on hand which will be disposed of cheap for cash.—New-York Packet, January 9, 1786.
Fashions. Before the Croisades cost the Christian world so many millions of subjects, there was a sort of uniform dress in Europe.—Those who returned from the ineffectual wars of Palestine, were the first to bring with them the fashions of the East, and the most remarkable of these was the long cloak, which in the 12th century reached only to the knee; but before the 15th century, the nobility assumed a long train, imagining that the abasement of the servant gave a greater appearance of dignity to the master. But knights and princes only were allowed to wear those cloaks, and their consorts the robe, sometimes with and without gold.
For the space of above three centuries, people had the appearance of quiet members of society; no such thing as a sword by way of dress; nobility was noted by a long purse hanging at the girdle, a custom maintained by the Highlanders at this day; whereas the piece of iron which our modern gentleman now sticks at his side, carries with it an air of suspicion and turbulency.
The covering for the head was a hood, with a roll or pad at top, and a tail hanging behind. This was worn by the Irish, even early in the present century, the peasantry of that nation being the last who retained it in Europe.
In Henry the 7th's time, and even in Henry the 8th's, emblazoned or party-coloured cloaths were worn, like our present heralds and pursuivants, quartered in patches of family arms, as were also the bipartite garments, half of one colour, and half of another. But things will change, and in the meridian of the latter Princes reign, Francis the first introduced the fashion of short clothes, like the pantaloon dress, being a doublet short skirted, and drawers and stockings all of a piece; this being close, and yielding to the body, caused many indecent appearances. Some serious people introduced the Swiss breeches, a sort of trunk hose, which came down only to the middle of the thighs, and over it a half petticoat. To this succeeded the exact dress of our running footmen.
As the ladies may be curious to know how their sex was dressed, they will be gratified in being told, that in 1409 the head dress was a high sugar-loaf bonnet, with a veil fastened to the top of it, and hanging down more or less, according to the persons rank. The veil of a citizens wife came only to the shoulders, that of a knight's lady swept the ground.—In Henry the VIIIth's time, the ladies wore little hats, with a feather; from that time to the year 1600, succeeded small caps, with aigrettes or pompoons.
In 1650, the men took it into their heads that a big belly had something majestic in it, on which the women (like the women of the present day) immediately fancied that prominent posteriors were equally ornamental; then appeared nothing but false big bellies, and false big bottoms; and ridiculous as this custom was, it lasted near four years. What is very odd, no sooner had it began, than the sex seemed to give themselves no farther concern about their faces; for they hid them under a mask, never failing to put it on when they went abroad; this continued down to the end of the last century. The masks were superceded by patches, used to such extravagance, as to make the face scarcely discernible. To this succeeded rouge, copied from the Roman Generals, who painted on public triumphs. This custom is still retained, with all the other pretty extravagancies introduced in the dresses of our modern daughters of Eve, who seem totally to forget the naked simplicity of their grand-dames.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, January 11, 1786.
Hair Dressers.—To the Ladies, L. Marey, Ladies' Hair Dresser begs leave to acquaint the Ladies that he has taken into partnership Mr. Derly, who is just arrived from Paris, where he has acquired, with proficiency, (from Mr. Leonard, Hair dresser to her Majesty and Queen of France) that elegant and fanciful manner which is so much celebrated, in setting off to the best advantage Jewels, Flowers, Feathers, &c. &c. and making with Ribbons and Gauze, all kinds of Chapeaux et poufs upon the French Tocque, in the elegant taste of the Court of France. They receive orders for all that belongs to Ladies Toilets, Dresses and Perfumeries....L. Marey and Derly, No 7 Beekman Street.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, February 8, 1786.
Fashions.—To the Ladies. A writer in a morning print observes, that neither religion nor morality are affected by the materials or ornaments of dress, a position which no man in his senses will contradict; but this writer will not maintain, that religion and morality are not affected by the fashion of dress. Every voluntary action must have an end in view.
When ladies bare their bosoms, there is an end in view. When ladies tuck up their petticoats and display their legs, there is an end in view. When ladies put on false rumps, there is an end in view.
And though this end may not immediately strike the eye corporeal, yet, it is evident in the minds eye of every man possessing sensibility.
Now my fair country women, will you not allow that when fashion tend to expose this end to the mind's eye, it warms the imagination?—And—
When the imagination is warmed, what becomes of morality?—And When morality flies, can religion make a stand? Then for the sake of morality and religion, up with your tuckers—down with your petticoats, and off with your rumps SQUIB.—New-York Advertiser, February 17, 1786.
Hatter.—Henry Lalor, Hatter No. 34 corner of Wall and Water streets opposite the Coffee house...removed from Philadelphia....and as he had the honor of being employed for many years past by his Excellency George Washington, and almost all the officers of the American Army, with most of the ladies and gentlemen of consequence in the United States, whom he flatters himself he gave general satisfaction, request their countenance, &c....Hats altered and cocked as usual, in the newest and most approved taste. A generous price given for beaver and all other furs.—New-York Packet, May 22, 1786.
Hair Dresser.—Connor, Ladies Hair-dresser from London, No. 217 Queen-street Informs the public, that he cuts, and dresses Hair, in the most approved and fashionable manner according to the present London taste. He begs leave to recommend to the ladies, his Artois Toupees, being the inventor of them in London...being made in such a manner as not to be distinquished from the hair in its natural and most elegant form of dress; for ladies who dress their own hair, nothing has ever been invented equal to it for lightness, elegance and conveniency. Price 4 dollars each. Ladies by sending patterns of their hair, may have them sent to any part. The most fashionable dress silk cushions 4s. each; combs and cushions for the back of the head 4s. ladies long brades 2 dollars, and curls 4 shillings a pair; the very best English hair powder 9s per doz. or 10 d. per lb; pink powder 1s per lb. powder sented with mareschall and of a mareschall colour 2s per lb. The Duchess of Devonshire and French mareschall 8s per lb. sweet scented pomatum 6d per lb or roll, Queen's royal being the only thing ever discovered for thickening and strengthening the hair 2s per pot; Conner's balsamic lipsalve of roses, he wishes to recommend for beautifying the lips, which has for a number of years been held in great estimation, it not only effectually prevents the lips from chapping, but giving them a beautiful coral red and renders them soft and smooth, and leaving a delightful oder, 1s per box. Conner's lineament for destroying nits and vermin in the hair, which is the most innocent thing ever offered to the public, as it may be used with the greatest safety to children. Children's hair cut after the royal fashion, to promote the growth of the hair in a regular form. Combs and black pins of all kinds.—New-York Packet, May 29, 1786.
Secondhand Clothes.—To the Public. The subscriber hereof, will buy all sorts of second hand clothes, or sell them at Public Vendue, or on commission. Enquire at No. 30, Little Dock street. Isaac Michaels.—New-York Packet, January 9, 1787.
Imported.—Frances Panton, No. 38 Wall Street, Has imported...Aberdeen knit under Waistcoates, without a seam, Ditto worsted and Lamb's Wool Stockings, White and Black Silk ditto with embroidered clocks. Silk, worsted, Buckskin, Shamoi, tanned Leather, Beaver, and fine dancing Gloves....A great variety of Canes & Sticks, Battledores and Shuttlecocks, Young Ladies' Steel Collars. Ladies' newest fashioned brades, Cushions and Curls, Gentlemen's Dress amd Undress Hair Bags. Silk, Velvet and Leather Stocks, with a great many other articles too tedious to mention. Naples, Windsor and Bailey's shaving Soap. Orange Flower, Rose and Lavender Water, Flesh Brushes.—Independent Journal: or the General Advertiser, January 27, 1787.
Silk Stockings.—Rachael Harden Living in Beaver-lane, No. 15, leading from Broadway to the North-river, Would inform gentlemen and ladies of this city, that she undertakes washing silk stockings, and engages them to be done in the neatest manner, and at a very reasonable price. Those gentlemen and ladies who choose to favor her with their custom, may depend on great punctuality in her business.—New-York Packet, September 11, 1787.
Imported.—Thomas Roberts, No 34 Hanover-Square...Has imported...the following articles Fancy Waistcoat patterns for the winter Callicoes and Chintzes of the newest fashion. Dunstable Hats, large and small sizes. Cane Hats of different kinds. Chip Hats to cover. New-Fashioned Bonnet Frames, White Flowers and Feathers, White and Coloured Tiffanies. The new Cambray Gauze, French Net ditto. Crape ditto, Best black lawn ditto. Silk spotted ditto...steel Hat Pins, Steel Clasps for Ladies and Gentlemen's Hats, Steel-Mounted Girdles. Morocco ditto...with a variety of other articles.—Independent Journal: or, the General dvertiser, September 22, 1787.
Waistcoat.—Thomas Roberts, at No 34 Hanover-Square, has received by the London Packet, Capt. Woolsey, just arrived from England, an assortment of the new invented Vegetable Waistcoat Patterns, vastly elegant, warm, and immediately adapted to Gentleman's wear in the winter season.—The Daily Advertiser, October 18, 1787.
Lady Barber.—Christian Edwards...in order to carry on the business of Barber and Hair-Dresser in all its branches, she has entered into partnership with David Grey at No 39 Golden Hill-Street; A person regularly bred and qualified for the purpose. She takes this opportunity of requesting the return, if convenient of the customers of her deceased husband, and recommending her endeavours to support her young family to patronage of the humane Public. N.B. They make and sell at lowest prices, Ladies Cushions, Braids, Curls, Powder, Pomatums &c.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, December 1, 1787.
Breeches Maker & Glover.—Isaac Hook, Breeches Maker and Glover from London, Begs leave to inform all Gentlemen, and the public in general, that he has now opened, a Shop at No 231 Queen-Street, New York, where he intends to carry on the Breeches making and Glove Manufactory, in all its branches, both common and elastic in a far superior manner to any yet manufactured in the country. All Gentlemen that please to favour him with their Orders, may depend upon being served on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable Terms.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, December 26, 1787.
On Female Dress. Every woman of taste who piques herself on being distinquished for her dress, is ready to pay the same attention to fashion as the Bastard in King Lear to nature, and adopting his spirited language to exclaim, `Thou, Fashion, art my goddess; to thy laws, my services are bound'.
Fashion is substituted here with particular propriety, as the fine ladies of the age, in opposition to the laws of nature, bind their services to her, and obey her capricious commands, however, ridiculous they may, secretly, think they are, with the most perfect submission, and would be shocked to death to appear in the politest circle, dressed like no other woman in the place, though in a manner not only suitable to her person, age, and situation in life but even elegant and becoming. Such is the sway of Fashion, such is her dispotic power.—Impartial Gazetteer, July 19, 1788.
Face Wash.—A most Excellent Wash for the Ladies. Take of fair clear water quantum sufficit, put it into a clean earthen or china bason; then take a clean linen cloth, dip it in the water, and apply it to the face night and morning or oftener, as occasion may require.
This lotion cannot be too strongly recommended to the fair-sex, on account of its purity and simplicity. It is free from all the inconveniences and nastiness of all other preparations of art whatsoever. It does not corrode the skin, as many others do; it does not destroy the eyes, nor rot the teeth, as many others do; and it does not communicate itself by collosion, nor betray the transfactions of a Tete a Tete, as most others do.—New-York Weekly Museum, September 20, 1788.
American Manufacture. The President of the United States, on the day of his inauguration, appeared dressed in a complete suit of homespun cloaths; but the cloth was of so fine a Fabric, and so Handsomely finished, that it was universally mistaken for a foreign manufactured superfine cloth. This fact, the Editor hopes, will apologize for his not having mentioned, in his last paper, a circumstance, which must be considered as not only flattering to our manufacturers in particular but interesting to our Countrymen in general.
His Excellency the Vice President, appears also in a suit of American Manufacture and several members of both Houses are distinguished by the same token of attention to the manufacturing interest of their country.—Gazette of the United States, May 6, 1789.
Umbrellas.—Hint to the Importers. A correspondent, who observed the citizens on Sunday last leaving the several churches after service, was extremely sorry to find the ladies so incommoded by the rain. This inconvenience was occasioned by the small size of most of the Umbrellas that are at present in use. In several instances he observed, that a considerable part of the hats and bonnets of the ladies were without any shelter against the rain, as the umbrellas from their smallness, were insufficient to cover them. It is therefore hoped that the next importation of Umbrellas will be of a larger size....—Gazette of the United States, May 16, 1789.
Stockings.—Domestic Intelligence. The season for summer goods being now at hand, it is hoped the friends of American manufacture will not forget the excellent brown and white thread and cotton hosiery made here, known by the name of Germantown Stockings. they are cheaper, and much more lasting than those of any nation in Europe.
The laudable example exhibited last year by persons of all circumstances, and in all situations, in wearing the twilled and plain Jeans and Fustians made at the Philadelphia Factory, we trust will be renewed this season....—Gazette of the United States, May 23, 1789.
The Side Curl. The side curl on the neck of beauty will again wanton with its usual pride; several ladies of the TON having appeared with that grateful disposition of the hair: this we hope will be generally adopted; for a little flowing lock on a pretty neck, gives it increased beauty; and is still more necessary to conceal the neck possessed of inferior charms.—New-York Weekly Museum, June 13, 1789.
In Honor of The President.—The Ladies, in honor of the President have agreed (a correspondent informs us) to wear the following Device in a sash—a broad white ribbon, with G. W. in gold letters (or spangles) encircled with a laurel wreath in front—on one end of the sash to be painted the American Eagle, and on the other a Fleur de lies.—Gazette of the United States, October 31, 1789.
Franklin's Cane.—From Philadelphia...I send you such particulars, as I have heard of his will....To President Washington, a cane, with the Figure of Liberty, merely to pay him a very handsome compliment, of leaving Liberty in charge of him....—Gazette of the United States, May 15, 1790.
Surtout.—Forty Shillings Reward. Taken...a Lady's Surtout Coat, made of dark green Broadcloth with yellow metal Buttons & edged with a yellow binding....—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 17, 1791.
Hair Dresser.—Charles McCann Ladies & Gentlemen's Hairdresser....He makes and sells braids, cushion, ringlets, &c. He engages to make ladies' full dress cushion to dress equal to their own hair, so natural as not to be perceived, for the moderate price of two dollars. Ladies' braids from 10 sh. to 40 sh. Ringlets at 7 sh. per pair. He dresses ladies everyday at 15 £ per year or 5sh. per time....—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 2, 1791.
Hat Manufacturer.—William Bond, Hat Manufacturer, from Leeds, No. 24 Beekman Street...has begun, and means to carry on, that business in an extensive manner in this City, and will sell...the following sorts of hats, viz. Ladies' black, drab, blue, green, white, and fancy edge beavers, the neatest and lighest article ever made in this country. Gentlemen's, of all sorts and qualities, from 1 to 7 dollars. Youth's, from 6 sh. to 4 dollars. Children's, of all sorts, sizes, and colors, from 4 sh. to 3 dollars. Light, fine articles, suitable for the West Indies, on advantageous terms to the purchaser, to sell again. Military coarse hats, strong and durable, Military fine hats, do. do. do. Orders from the country, for great and small quantities, duly attended to, and complete with neatness and dispatch. N.B. A generous price given for all hatting furs, such as Beaver, Musk rat, Rabbit, Fox, Racoon, Cat, Skunk, &c. Also, fallen Lamb skins, if not above 20 days old, the younger the better.—New-York Journal & Patriotic Register, October 5, 1791.
Hats.—White, Burr and Charnley are now manufacturing at their shop in Danbury, Connecticut, Youths' mens' and ladies Hats of various colours....Mr. Charnley is a master hatter, lately from Leeds, Yorkshire England.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 7, 1793.
A Lady's Hat. Lost on Sunday evening last, a lady's Light blue Beaver hat, with dark green spots, a blue feather and band, with four small buckles. Whoever has found the same, and will leave it at No 50 Wall-Street, shall be handsomely rewarded.—New-York Daily Advertiser, February 9, 1793.
Furrier.—Lot Merkel, Furrier No. 31 Hanover Square. Manufacturers, and has for sale, as usual, a complete and general assortment of various and every description of Furs, Muffs and Tippets, Fur linings for Ladies cloaks and habits, Fur trimmings and edgings for ditto, Great coats lined with fur, Gloves lined with ditto, Fur caps of all sorts and fashions....A generous price given at said store for all sorts of good Shipping Furs. He takes care of furs bought of him during the summer season, gratis.—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, February 26, 1793.
Shoe Prices.—Joseph King's Boot and Shoe Warehouse Removed from No. 1 Golden Hill to No. 158 Queen Street, next door to Isaac Roosevelt Esq., where his friends and the public may be supplied, wholesale and retail, on very low terms. Boots from 44s. to 56s. per pair. Bootees 40 s. Men's shoes from 6s. to 31 s. Ladies silk and morocco shoes, Stuff Shoes from 5s. 6s. to 11s. Leather do. 6s. to 8 s. Boys, girls and childrens black and morocco shoes of all sorts and sizes, English and American boot legs, Cordovan and calf skins, bend soles, morocco leather, silk binding &c. Merchants supplied with any quantity of coarse mens shoes. All orders from town or Country executed on shortest notice. Shopkeepers supplied with stuff shoes by the dozen or barrel, on shortest notice.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 13, 1793.
Button Manufactory.—Cornwell and Martin, from Birmingham, Respectfully inform their Friends and the public in general, they have established a manufactory, for gilt and plated Buttons, at Corlear's Hook, New-York, where they intend carrying on the business in all its branches. All orders will be punctually attended to, and executed with elegance and dispatch, upon the lowest terms.—The Weekly Museum, July 6, 1793.
Boot & Shoe Prices.—Oliver Vanderbilt, At his Boot and Shoe Manufactory No. 7, the corner of Smith and Princess Street, Takes this method, to return his thanks to his Customers, for their generous encouragement in the line of his business, and hopes by his steady attention and abilities to serve to merit the fame. He continues to make, and has for sale, the following articles, Wholesale and retail. viz.
English seal skin, Calf or goat skin, Men and boys strong shoes. Likewise, ladies silk Morocco stuff, and leather shoes; sandals and spring heel slippers, with children's of all kinds, on the most reasonable terms. Also Leather for sale, viz. English Calf and Cordiwan boot legs and vemps [sic]; American do. do. do. Buck skin, tanned brain or oil drest boot legs; Morocco, Engliish seal, calf and goat skin; neats and foal leather, by quantity, side or cut, to any dimensions; English bend soals by the dozen or pair. Orders from City or Country strictly attended to, on the most reasonable terms.
N.B. The above articles are warranted to be exceeded by none either for quality of stuff, goodness of work, or neatness of fitting.—The Diary; or Evening Register, March 14, 1794.
Button Manufactory. A person well acquainted with the manufactory of Mathewman's Hard Metal Buttons, will hear of a very advantageous offer, by making speedy application to Shotwell & James, No 214 Pearl Street.—The Diary; or Evening Register, August 30, 1794.
Under Clothing.—L. F. Le Vallain, Patent Fleecy hosiery manufacturer, No. 56 Maiden Lane. The manufactory advertised in April last, by Dehausey and Le Vallain, is now carried on by Le Vallain, and under his name only, at his manufactory aforesaid will be found the following articles in fleecy hosiery. A list of articles manufactured by L. F. Le Vallain, No 56 Maiden Lane, New York.
For gentlemen's under-clothing, from No 1 to 3, fleec'd. Shirts with and without sleeves, drawers, pantaloons, bosom friends, night caps, ancle socks, gloves, under stockings, stiff stockings, collars for sore throats, traveling caps.
Lady's under-clothing from No. 1 to No 3, fleec'd. Under vests with and without sleeves, sliders under coats, night caps, bosom friends, ancle socks, foot socks, long gloves, under stockings, stiff stockings, collars, knee caps.
From No 3 to No 5, for the rheumatism, gout, etc. stockings, foot socks, ancle socks, gloves and mitts, shoe and boot overalls, bootakins, etc.
No 6, for the gout etc. Gouty hose, great coats and cloaks, blankets, muff linings etc. etc. Fleece which is sold by the yard, manufactured into every different number of thickness, and orders executed to the most difficult patterns, on the shortest notice.
He flatters himself that the great utility of these articles, will want no recommendation, and his particular attention in fulfilling any orders that may be given, will plead for the patronage and encouragement of the public; Doctor Buchan, M.D. author of domestic medicine, a letter he wrote to the patentee upon the utility of fleecy hosiery may be had as above.—The Daily Advertiser, January 3, 1795.
Fleecy Hosiery Manufactory. L. F. Levallain, Begs leave to inform the Public that his Work-House being removed from New-York, to Jamaica, on Long Island, the Deposit of the goods manufactured by him shall be at M. Cauchois, No. 110, Maiden-Lane where the following articles for men may be had—undershirts, stockings, socks, ancle socks, drawers, night caps &c. For women, Vests, stockings, under stockings, socks &c. Gouty articles of every description.—French and American Gazette, November 2, 1795.
Breeches Maker.—S. Shepherd. Elastic Breeches Maker and Taylor, (from London). Returns his sincere thanks to his friends....business is still carried on at No. 63 Liberty Street where he continues to make all sorts of Leather, Silk, Cassimere, Thickset, and other Breeches, in the neatest manner and on the most approved London principles, both for ease and neatness, Likewise all sorts of Wearing Apparel, made in the neatest manner, and on the shortest notice. Likewise may be had, by the real maker, Shepherd's Improved Balls, so much esteemed in London, for cleaning leather Breeches, by dry rubbing them, price 1s. 6d.—The Diary, February 17, 1797.
Tailor's Prices.—Henry Sickles, Taylor, No. 57 Broad-Street Informs his friends and the public in general, that he carries on his business, as usual, with the strictest attention and most punctual dispatch. As he shall make it his study to merit their approbation, he has in employment some good workmen, and has no doubt of giving entire satisfaction to those that may please to favour him with their commands...and therefore offers the following reasonable terms...
—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, March 15, 1797.
Cheap Buttons. Direct from the manufactory, A large assortment of plain, fancy, gilt and plated coat and breast Buttons, in boxes of 331 Sterling each, which will be sold low for cash or approved notes, received per Orlando from Liverpool. By other late arrivals, 2 cases cotton stockings....John Cauldwell and Co. No 323 Pearl-street near Peck Slip.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 15, 1797.
Hats.—Ladies and Gentlemens Hats By the Swan, Franklin, and Carteret Packet. A most elegant assortment of the newest fashion trimmed in a very tasty and superb style—selected by the subscriber himself from some of the most fashionable manufacturing houses in England, consisting of Ladies beaver hats and bonnets of every description and colour, already trimmed, of the first quality; every variety of feathers, yellow, pink and other colours, sattin and gold bands, Gentlemen superfine drab, green and black hats of the plain and yeoman crown, childrens, boys, youths, and mens of every description....regular importation four times a year....—New York Daily Advertiser, June 6, 1797.
Ladies' Shoes.—James Trivett. Ladies' Shoe Manufacturer, no 81 William Street, late from London, Respectfully informs the Ladies of New York, that he continues to manufacture all kinds of Kid and Morocco slippers, made admirably to fit the foot, common leather shoes and slippers of all descriptions, Children Kid and Morocco of all sizes, &c. &c. N.B. The above he is determined to sell wholesale and retail on the most reasonable terms. Shoeshops, country Merchants, and captains of vessels, will find it to their advantage by applying as above. A few dozen of black, red and green morocco, black and red rouns, seal-skins, &c. all English of a superior quality, which will be sold by the dozen, or single skins. Ladies Brunswick ties of all colours, by the groce, dozen, or pair, &c.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 20, 1797.
Umbrella. Left at a house in the city, the beginning of the month of May. Small size, covered with Linen, Mahogany Stick. Supporters of Whalebone, and Copper bars, in perfect condition. Whoever will send it to 274 Water Street, will receive a generous reward.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 23, 1797.
Umbrellas. Peter Jaillet, No. 214 Queen-street, lately arrived in this City, Makes and mends Umbrellas, on reasonable terms.—The Diary; or, Evening Register, January 25, 1794.
Umbrellas and Parasols. Superior in quality and as low in price as those imported and warranted fast colour, made and sold by Philip Jones from Philadelphia....Umbrellas repaired and oiled—bespoke work done on the shortest notice. N.B. For sale a large assortment of trunks of all sizes. Merchants and others supplied with nests of trunks on reasonable terms.—New-York Daily Advertiser, September 16, 1797.
Cosmetics.—Harmless Paint for pretty faces is offered to toilet by many a perfumer. A gentleman with the liquid name of Courtenay thus puffs his lotion...`The bloom of imperial rose is the constant toilet companion of ladies of the first rank and fortune...giving to the cheek a rosy hue, perfectly resembling nature, from the palest to the deepest tint and giving to the whole countenance a beautiful and healthful appearance; it will not change or rub off by going into the air, or in the most crowded assemblies; and it is so truly innocent that it may be used on the delicate texture of an infants' skin without producing the least disagreeable effect.'—Weekly Museum, December 2, 1797.
Boot Maker.—W. Leaf, Book Maker. Respectfully begs leave to give information, that he finds it impossible for him to continue business by giving credit, as he has often (having large payments to make) been obliged to be three days a week out of business, to the disappointment of many of his good customers, who have kindly sanctioned and advised him to do business only for CASH, for which he offers an abatement of 5 per cent from his former price.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 4, 1799.
Hosiery Store. 118 Broadway. T. Waring respectfully informs his friends that he has received a large assortment of hosiery of the first quality by the late arrivals, in which gentlemen's fine milled lamb wool stockings, ribbed and plain with every other article in the hosiery line suitable for the season....—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 5, 1798.
Cheap Shoe Warehouse wholesale, Retail and for Exportation, No. 81, William-street, Ladies kid, colored and black Morocco, stuff, calf, seal and goat skin shoes and slippers, children's and Miss do. do. Men's and boy's coarse and fine shoes and slippers of all descriptions, &c. &c.
N.B. The above are admirably calculated for the Southern trade or West Indies market, and will be sold low for cash or good notes at a short date. Merchants, Captains of vessels, and others, will find it much to their advantage to apply as above. James Trivett.—Commercial Advertiser, May 29, 1798.
Shoe Maker's Wage.—Two hundred Journeymen Boot & Shoemakers will meet with encouragement in this City of Philadelphia. They will be paid, for making long boots, rans stitched, two dollars and fifty three cents, Extra work paid for as usual. For full-trimmed bootees two dollars and 25 cents and for shoes, one dollar.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, March 12, 1799.
Ladies' & Gentlemen's Hairdresser.—Frederick Lebanan, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Hair Dresser. Has removed from No. 239 Broadway to No. 19 Partitions street....he begs leave to inform he continues to make his elastic Perukes for ladies and gentlemen, on a principle entirely new in this country. They are extremely light, very cool, and well calculated for dispelling the perspiration from the Head, and therefore are conducive to Health and Cleanliness. For such as have little hair, and do not choose to wear a Peruke, he constructs Toupees, not to be distinquished from the natural hair, by the nicest inspection, and so fixed to the head...that the wearers of them, without any alteration may, for weeks together, sleep in them, and take their ordinary Exercise,...He dresses Ladies and Gentlemen, in the newest and most becoming fashion.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, May 6, 1799.
Boot and Woman's Shoe. To the craft in General May 1799, For inspection on Monday the 13th inst at Mr. William Jones, No 7 Church street opposite the Roman Chapel, Prize work of different sorts; First a shell-heel boot, with silver peggs, on a new construction, the first ever performed in this country. Second, a lady prize—shoe heel five inches high. Likewise a man prize shoe, all of which is of curious workmanship, and will doubtless give the greatest satisfaction of all who will favor with their company. Dinner on the table at 1 o'clock. Gentlemen who wish to attend will please to call on Wm. Jones to receive their ticket, so that he may know how many to provide for.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, May 11, 1799.
Umbrella.—A New Green Silk Umbrella, was left yesterday in the market. If the person who picked it up will leave it at this office he shall receive $2 dollars reward.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, May 29, 1799.
Long Waists.—A correspondent observes that long-waists are gaining ground in England, and recommends it to the American Fair, to declare independence, and resist the tyranny of fashion, as the patriots of the revolution did the right of taxation. No tax is more unreasonable and oppressive than that of Fashion...from short to long, from long to slender,...till the female health & beauty suffer all the pains and penalties of the whale-bone prison.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, August 9, 1799.
Benjamin Aycrigg.—House & Ship Painting and Glazing, By Benjamin Ayrigg, No 8 Dutch street.—New-York Weekly Chronicle, May 26, 1795.
Barrow & Ogilvie, No. 7 Wall Street, near Federal-Hall, Take this opportunity to acquaint their friends and the public, that they have entered into Copartnership to carry on the several branches of business, viz. Coach, House and Sign painting. Guilding and Glazing. All favours will be gratefully received, and duly attended to. They flatter themselves they are capable of giving full satisfaction to those who shall honor them with their custom.—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, April 2, 1792.
Thomas and James Barrow, in Broad Street, near the City-Hall, Have for Sale, Painters colours, yellow oaker, and ivory black in powder, putty, linseed oil and spirits of turpentine, window glass of all sizes. N.B. The said Barrows, cut glass for clock faces, pictures, hall lanthorns, &c. and carry on the painting business, as usual.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, January 27, 1777.
Eyre Blake.—Painting. House, ship and sign Painting, Gilding anad Glazing in all its various branches executed with neatness and dispatch by Eyre Blake. Also Fire Buckets finished with any devise, on moderate terms. Enquire of the Printer, or apply to said Blake at his house, No. 27, Little Dock Street.—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, December 4, 1792.
Bullock & Jones.—Notice, The Copartnership of Messrs Bullock & Jones, Painters & Glaziers, No. 10 Thames Street, was dissolved by mutual consent on the sixth of March last. Those who are indebted to the old firm are requested to make payment to William Bullock....who hopes to merit a continuance....—The Daily Advertiser, June 17, 1797.
Mr. Ciceti.—New Theatre. Wednesday evening was presented to one of the few full audiences which have graced our theatre this season, the tragedy of Hamlet....The display of Scenery throughout the evening was uncommonly elegant and gratifying and reflects the highest credit on the pencil of Mr. Ciceti.—The Spectator, March 3, 1798.
Emery and Newman, from London Plumbers, Painters, and Glaziers, At No. 16, on the Dock near the Fly Market, New York: Sheet Lead cast to any given weight, Lead Cisterns, Ditto pumps, put down any depth, Ditto Wall pipes with elegant ornamented cistern heads, for home use or exportation, so low as from 5 £ to 10 £ the stock, A choice and general assortment of paints and colours, which they are enabled to sell cheap for ready money or produce. Ditto Window Glass, &c. &c. House and ship work in the above branches executed in the compleatest manner and on the most reasonable terms. The highest price given for old Pewter and Lead.—New-York Gazetteer, May 31, 1785.
A. M. Gib, Formerly of the Firm of Green and Gib, Painters, No. 80, Broad Way, Informs his Friends and the Public that he continues to carry on the Business of Coach, Sign, House-Painting, Gilding & Glazing....In order to accommodate his friends and the inhabitants of Long-Island, he has taken the Shop next door to Mr. Seally, Saddler, at Brooklyne where their favours will be punctually attended to.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, October 1, 1785.
R. Green, Painter, Gilder, Japanner, Glazier and Colour Man, at his Colour Manufactory, No. 81 Broad-way, corner of King Street Prepares and sells, whole sale and Retail, the following Articles....London White, Lead ground in oil,...Fine yellow oker ground in oil...Spanish Brown Ground in oil...Fine Prussian Blue, Fine Purple Lake, Fine Crimson Lake,...Finest Dutch Pink, Bronzes of all kinds...Dragon's Blood...Best London Crown Glass....He has also for sale Fine Paper Hangings of the newest patterns just imported from London, Tea Urns & Trays, of the newest patterns...Elegant Looking Glasses, of the newest taste, in burnished Gold Frames, Burnished Gold Bordering for Rooms,...Window Curtains...Fine Mahogany Card Tables, Silver and Ivory handled Knives and Forks, neat mahogany wine keepers with Brass Hoops and Handles...&c.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, November 9, 1785.
Green and Jamieson, Painters, from London and Bath, Take the liberty to inform their Friends and the Public in general, that they have opened shop, No. 80 corner of King-street, Broad-Way, where they intend carrying on Coach, Sign, and House Painting; Gilding, Glazing, Japanning &c. with perspicuity and neatness equal to any yet done on this Continent, in all their different Branches. Those Gentlemen who are pleased to favour them with their employment, may depend upon elegance and dispatch, and upon as reasonable terms as any in Town. N.B. Orders from the country punctually attended to. Family Arms properly Blazoned.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, March 18, 1786.
Mathew Hawkins,— Sashes for sale, Mathew Hawkins, Sash-Maker and Glazier No 9, George Street, near the slip yards, has on hand and for sale, a large quantity of 24 light sashes, 8 by 6 which he will sell painted and Glazed at 6d per light 24 light ditto. 7 by 9, at 12 d. He has also on hand, a large stock of various other sizes, such as 10 by 8, 11 by 9, 12 by 10, 14 by 10, Show-windows, sliding glass. Cases for Stores, executed at the above place with accuracy and dispatch. N.B. Orders as usual, for town or country, performed at the shortest notice.—The Time Piece, March 26, 1798.
John Hibbard.—To Carpenters, waggon makers & wheel-rights to be sold a complete House, work-shop, out house, garden, &c....within 3 miles of the town of Hackinsack, N. J. The proprietor who died last week was plentifully supplied with business....for further particulars and terms apply to John Hibbard, coach painter, No 34 Chatham street.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 5, 1797.
Joseph King.—Painter and Glazier, from Europe. Begs leave to acquaint the gentlemen and master-builders of New-York, that he has taken the house No. 48 Cherry Street, where he will thankfully receive their commands and hopes from a long experience in business in principal cities in Europe, to give general satisfaction. Walls and ceilings of rooms neatly painted in oil or water colours.—The Daily Advertiser, June 13, 1797.
Peter La Cour and Issac Griffin, Painters, Gilders and Glaziers, No 84 Water-Street, Have the honor to inform the public in general, and their friends, in particular, that they have opened a shop at No 84 Water-Street, where they intend carrying on the Painting and Glazing business. They are furnished with every necessary article for carrying on the above business in an extensive manner, and on the most reasonable terms. Those who choose to honor them with their commands shall be punctually attended to. And their orders executed so as to render entire satisfaction. N.B. Masters of vessels may be supplied with colors, oil &c. at the shortest notice.—The Daily Advertiser, March 18, 1793.
Peter LaCoer Respectfully informs the public, that he keeps his Glass-Store at No. 32 Cedar-street where he sells all kinds of glasses from 7 by 9 to 18 by 24 inches. He likewise paints houses and sells all kinds of colors. He hopes that such persons as may favor him with their confidence will have every reason to be satisfied with him.—The French and American Gazette, January 27, 1796.
Hugh McDougal. Painter & Glazier No. 92 Broad-Way, opposite the Trinity Church takes the liberty of informing his friends, and the public that he has, in addition to his business, opened a store, consisting of all kinds of Paints, Oil, Window Glass, etc. He has now for sale 3000 feet 7 by 9. 3000 feet 6 by 8 and all other sizes suitable for Windows, Pictures, Coaches, &c. N.B. Orders from the country for any of the above articles shall receive the greatest care and attention, not only with respect to quantity, but a written direction given how to use them to the best advantage.—New-York Gazette, and the General Advertiser, December 8, 1797.
John Morgan, Painter and Glazier, At the bottom of Gold-Street, Maiden Lane...has, at a great expense, erected a Mill for the sole purpose of grinding Colours....Captains of Ships, Merchants, Painters, and others, may be supplied to their wishes....—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, April 20, 1785.
John Morgan At the Sign of the Free Mason's Arms, Tavern and Porter-House, Front Street, near the Ferry Stairs, New York Informs his Friends and the Public in general, that he has fitted up and made very commodious for the reception of Gentlemen masters of ships and others....he still carries on the Painting and Glazing Business in its various branches, at his old shop the corner of Gold Street, Maiden Lane, where he has erected a Mill for the Grinding of Colours.—The Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, May 20, 1786.
A. Ogilvie, Painter, Gilder & Glazier, No. 3 Peck Slip,...Has removed from No. 18 Little Dock Street to No. 3 Peck Slip, where he continues to carry on house and sign-painting, gilding, glazing, &c. He also paints mahogany, ebony, and all kinds of wood colours, marble, and stone, equal to the colour of stone, in the neatest manner. And he flatters himself, that he will give general satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. He has just received, and for sale wholesale and retail, white lead, Spanish brown, and yellow ochre, ground in oil, or dry, Prussion blue, patent yellow, glass, of all sizes 8 by 6, 9 by 7, 10 by 8, 12 by 10, 16 by 12, 18 by 14 &c.—New-York Journal, & Patriotic Register, June 4, 1791.
Anthony Ogilvie.—Painting Coach, House, Ship and Sign Painting, Gilding and Glazing in all its various branches executed with neatness and dispatch, by Anthony Ogilvie, No. 6 Wall street, Who has for sale, a very elegant Chaise, just finished which he will dispose of very low for cash.—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, June 10, 1793.
William Buyte Post, late from Holland. Takes this opportunity to acquaint his friends and the public in general that he has commenced business in the several branches of House, Coach, Ship and Sign Painting, Gilding and Glazing, &c. Also paints mahogany, ebony and all kinds of wood colours, marble and stone equal to the colour of stone, in the best and neatest manner. All favours in the above branches will be executed with neatness, and dispatch, in Berkly-street opposite the Roman Chapel. He flatters himself, he is capable of giving full satisfaction to those who shall honor him with their custom.—Weekly Museum, April 25, 1787.
Jacob Sherred. Begs leave to inform his customers, and the public in general, that he still carries on the business of Painting and Glazing, at his house No. 26, Great Dock-Street, and that on the first day of May next, he intends to remove to No. 14 Broad-Street, next door to Mr. Joshua Levy. He returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general, for the favours he has already received, and hopes by his assiduity to merit their future attention. N.B. He sells paints, oil and window glass.—New-York Packet, March 21, 1785.
Ignatius Shnydore Respectfully informs the public, that he has declined the business he has lately been employed in, as Scene-Painter to the Old American Company of Comedians.
Having his family in this city, he is desirous of becoming a Citizen, and to carry on the Painting business in all its branches. Coach and Sign Painting, Ship and House Painting, Gilding and Glazing, Rooms painted in the Italian mode, on canvas, Transparent Painting &c. &c.
N.B. Mr. Shnydore flatters himself he will give general satisfaction to all those, who may honor him with their commands. No. 65 Maiden-lane, next to the corner of Nassau-street.—The Daily Advertiser, June 6, 1788.
G. Speth.—French Burr Mill Stones, made of the best Burr stones, and to any dimensions required. Also Burr stones repaired, and all kinds of mill work performed in the best manner by G. Speth. Who grinds and sells all kinds of Painters colours, and of whom may be had Plaister of Paris, for manure, or calcined for plaistering; also lintseed oil, wholesale and retail. Applications made to the store of Mr. J. Blagge, for any of the above articles will be immediately attended to.—The Daily Advertiser, June 8, 1791.
John Vander Pool, Sign Painter, Gilder, &c. No 75 Pearl-Street, fronting Coenties-Slip. Has for sale, Window glass and putty, a general assortment of Paints, Linseed Oil, Paint Brushes, Limners tools, Gold and Silver Leaf, with a great variety of Camel's Hair Pencils, cheap for cash, or approved notes.—Weekly Museum, January 6, 1798.
John Vander Pool Painter, Gilder and Glazier, Has removed from No 2 Hanover-Square to No. 43, Smith-Street nearly opposite the Post Office.—The Weekly Museum, May 11, 1793.
Paints &c.—James Savage in Water-Street five doors above Dover-Street, has for sale, Hyson Tea, Cordage, Spermaceti oil, tallow, white lead, hard soap, linseed oyl, turpentine varnish, green paint ground in oyl, Prussian blue do., Venetian red do., yellow and red ochre, window glass 12 by 10, 10 by 8 and 9 by 7, mens and womens shoes &c.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, March 24, 1777.
Window Glass, By the Pane or Box, to be sold at Mr. Volkers Weedbeck's, near Red-Hook Church, Rhynebeck precinct, As Glass is much in Demand at present, and little for sale in this State, it is requisite that those who want a supply, apply soon. Part of the same will be for sale at Albany.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, May 14, 1778.
Varnishes. Common brown or Chair-Makers Varnish. White Varnish lacker for Clock Makers and Tinmens use. Shining Varnish, Hard brown and white spt. Varnish. Turpentine Varnish. Either of these varnishes may be had in any quantity on the shortest notice, by applying to the subscriber No. 315, Great-Dock street. William Drewit Smith. N.B. Blue Dye for colouring silks, feathers &c.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, April 3, 1780.
Whitewashing.—Paper Hangings, An elegant Assortment of the newest Patterns, to be sold by Thomas Barrow, in Broad-Street, Spanish Whiting, and oyster-shell White for white washing....—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, May 1, 1780.
Window Glass 8 by 6, 9 by 7, 10 by 8, 11 by 9, 12 by 10 and 14 by 10, 15 by 11, 16 by 12, 18 by 13...from Bristol for sale by William Cowley. No.207, Queen Street, near Golden Hill.—The Daily Aadvertiser, April 5, 1791.
Stewart & Jones Have for sale at their Store on Murrays's wharf. Best London white lead, dry and ground in oil, red lead, venetian red, Spanish brown, yellow, black, green and blue paint, Holland Paint oil....Pewter plates, basons, tea pots and spoons, tin in boxes, tin ware....Also a large quantity of Window glass of all sizes, and bunten for colours, together with a large assortment of Ship chandlery as usual.—The Daily Advertiser, June 21, 1791.
Glass Factory.—To the Public, the Proprietors of the Glass Factory, in the neighborhood of this city are happy to inform the public, that the succesful establishment of their extensive works they flatter themselves will enable them to meet the demands for window glass, in which they continue to improve in quality. All persons in this and the neighbouring States, disposed to favor them with their orders of glass of a large size, are requested to give at least, 6 weeks previous notice; as no pains will be spared to select the first quality, by having sufficient time, great care will also be taken in the packing, so as to insure little or no crackage. All order as usual to be left at the store of Rhodes & MacGregor, New York, or at the Glass Ware House in this City. Albany.—The Herald, February 28, 1795.
Boston Glass. The proprietors of the Boston Glass Manufactory, after great trouble and expence, have got their useful manufacture established, so as to be able to supply any quantity of Window Glass that may be wanted, and of any sizes from 6 by 8 to 19 by 13 of a quality superior to any ever imported into America: Therefore hope they shall meet the encouragement of their fellow citizens in this and the other states by having their orders for glass, which will be executed with care and dispatch, by Samuel Gridley, superentendant at the Manufacture, or by sending their orders to Messrs. Anthony and Son, merchants Philadelphia, or Mr. William Codman, merchant, New York.—The Herald, June 3, 1795.
Paint Works.—Thomas Oakes, Begs leave to inform the public, that he has purchased the paint works, erected on part of his concerns at the Pottery Vauxhall by Mr. Davenport, where he shall at all times have for sale ground white lead, Spanish brown, yellow ochre, verdegrease, prussian blue and patent yellow, of the first quality and on the lowest terms. Orders received at the works, or by Wood and Dawson 44 Front street, who will always have a constant supply of the same on hand for sale either wholesale or retail. Merchants shipping paints to the Southward or the West Indies, can be supplyed with any quantity of the above in suitable packages.
The Pottery works carried on in the same extensive manner as usual.—The Daily Advertiser, July 17, 1798.
Boston Window Glass. In every respect superior in quality to foreign—having a decided preference and a very extensive sale in the neighboring States where introduced—besides the pleasure of contributing to the encouragement of a domestic Manufacture of so much importance to the interest of the Country. Gentlemen erecting elegant buildings, will find their taste extremely gratified by making use of this Glass—a constant supply of which of all sizes may be had by application to Thaddeus Mayhew. No 7 Burling slip, Companys' agent for this state.—Commercial Advertiser, April 22, 1799.
Bennet & Smith.—Notice is hereby given, that the subscribers have opened a shop, between the Market-house and General Ten Broeck's, where they carry on the business of making and mending all sorts of carriages, viz. Coaches, Chariots, Phaetons, Chaises, Chairs, Waggons, and Carts, in the best manner, with the greatest dispatch, and at the most reasonable rates. Those who please to favour them with their custom, may depend upon the best usage from their humble servants, Bennet and Smith.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, June 8, 1780.
Boyle and Woodward, Coach and Chair Makers, No. 40, Broad-Way, In the Shop formerly occupied by Robert Manly, Inform their friends and the public that they have now under way, a general assortment of carriages, which they can finish-off at a moments notice, in the most approved manner on reasonable terms; having supplied themselves with good workmen, good material and so large and convenient a shop as any in the state; flatter themselves, by close application and attention to their business, to merit the approbation and patronage of their fellow citizens and indulgent public.
They respectfully assure those gentlemen who are pleased to honor them with their custom, that every exertion in their power shall be used to observe punctuality, and render their Carriages equal in strenth and elegance, to any built on this continent.—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, August 15, 1792.
Burtis and Woodward, Coach Makers, Take this method to inform their friends, and the public in general, that they have commenced business at No. 5 Fair street, at the shops formerly occupied bpy Caleb Boyle, coach maker, where they propose carrying on the business in all its various branches. Those gentlemen that may be pleased to favor them with their work, may rely on having it executed with neatness and dispatch, and all orders attended to with punctuality. They flatter themselves, from their experience in the business, to give general satisfaction to those who may be pleased to favour them with their work. Repairs done at the most reasonable terms. Carriages stored by the month or year.—The Argus, January 27, 1796.
Campbell & Clark, Coach-Makers No 202 Broad-Way, Respectfully inform their friends, and the public in general that they still continue to carry on the Coach-Making in all its various branches. N.B. They have on hand several boxes of Coach Glass, which they will sell low for cash or short credit.—New York Weekly Chronicle, January 1, 1795.
Ebenezer Clark, Coach Maker No 202, Broad-Way, New-York, Respectfully informs his friends and the public in general that he continues to carry on the business in all its various branches in the most approved manner and newest fashions, and he has employed European workmen, and is resolved to procure the best materials, likewise to execute with elegance, durability, moderation and dispatch, the orders committed to his trust, to engage their attention, also as nothing shall be wanting on his part to merit their favours, he hopes to be able to give all those who will please to favour him with their custom every satisfaction they can desire.
N.B. Crane necks, perch carriages, coaches, chariots, phaetons, coachees, chaises, gigs, whiskeys, panelled and caned, such as are adapted for the climate and the West-India market.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, March 18, 1797.
William Dean.—For Sale, an Elegant Phaeton upon a new construction:....Enquire of Mr. Deane, Coach maker, Broad-street.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 19, 1787.
William Dean, Coach-Maker, No. 52 Broad-Street, makes and repairs all kinds of Coaches, Chariots, Phaetons, Chairs, Sulkeys &c. &c....likewise all kinds of harness work, made or remended in the strongest and best manner.
He has now ready for sale, a great variety of handsome single horse chairs, four elegant new Phaetons, and two Chariots, with harness all complete. Likewise, coach glass of all sizes, and coach and harness furniture, bridles, bitts, stirrups, whips &c. &c. All which, he will sell on the most reasonable terms for cash....has a number of excellent workmen now engaged, it shall be his particular study, to give the utmost satisfaction.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 1, 1788.
Wm. DonaldsonCoachmaker, from Philadelphia Begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has purchased the stock in trade of James Hallett, who has resigned in his favour....From the great experience he has had in the line of his profession, and as he has finished some of the most superb carriages that has been finished on this Continent, he flatters himself, from his strict attention to business, to be able to give those gentlemen full satisfaction, that may please to call on him with their commands, with carriages of every description. Patent Axels will be procured at gentlemen's request, the utility of those axels has been much approved of....—New-York Gazette, and the General Advertiser, March 4, 1797.
William Donaldson.—Carriages for sale by the subscriber. One second hand coach English made, one ditto Chariot in good order, two Chariot, one Chariotee, one Phaeton for one horse, three chaises and one American made coach, and a handsome new English phaeton with harness finished in the best manner, full plated. All kinds of carriages made and repaired as usual by William Donaldson.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, January 24, 1799.
James Hallett, Coach and Chair Maker, No. 43 Broadway, and adjoining the theatre in John Street...Has now on hand...a large and general assortment of Carriages....Having now in employ a number of the best workmen at their various branches, and having every advantage that can arise from a large and convenient shop....—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 5, 1791.
Robert Manley, Coach-Maker, No 40 West side Broad-Way, nearly facing John-street, continues to carry on the Coach-making business in all its various branches as usual and has now on hand, a very elegant coach, chariot and Phaeton, and a number of carriages of various kinds, made upon the newest and most approved methods, which he will dispose of for cash or short credit....he has a number of workmen employed at the various branches and equal to any in this State....N.B. He has a very strong and genteel second coach for sale, and likewise a favour chair horse.—New-York Daily Advertiser, May 13, 1788.
Robert Manley, Coach Maker No. 40 Broadway, Carries on his business as usual in its various branches...has at this time a number of carriages, amongst which are a handsome Chariot, Phaeton, Sulkies, and Sulky Chaises, and sundry other carriages....Likewise, plated harness....—New-York Daily Advertiser, February 17, 1791.
Thomas Parsell.—The Subscriber hereby informs the Public, that he has opened his shop, between the Quarter Master's office, and Capt Isaac Van Wyck's where he intends to carry on the Coach and Chair making business, in all its branches. He likewise makes and repairs Waggons, Sleighs, and Carts, at the most reasonable rates. Those gentlemen who choose to favour him with their custom, may depend on having work done in the very best manner. Thomas Parsell.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, February 21, 1782.
Henry Pope, at his Fringe, Coach and Livery Lace Manufactory. No. 51 Maiden Lane, New York wishes to express his thanks for...encouragement he has experienced in his attempts to establish the above branches of business in this city; and having now ten looms in complete work he flatters himself he can execute any order, upon the shortest notice. Coach and Livery Lace made to match any pattern or colour. He has the following Goods, fresh from the looms:
And all kinds of Fancy Trimmings.—The Diary; or Evening Register, July 1, 1794.
Abraham Rapley & Jacob Warner.—Coach & Harness Making Executed with neatness and Dispatch by Abraham Rapley or Jacob Warner, No. 185 Broad-way formerly occupied by Mr. Nathaniel Woodward, where they will thankfully receive any commands in the above line. Repairing in any of the above branches, of wood, harness, trimming, painting or blacksmiths' work, instantly attended to.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, May 12, 1798.
Henry Stanton.—Henry Stanton begs Leave to inform his friends and the public in general that he has provided for the convenience of families, or parties of pleasure, for the ensuing season, a light covered Waggon, hung upon steel springs, equal, for ease, to any Coach. He has also to lett, good Horses and Chairs, and genteel saddle Horses. Those gentlemen who please to employ either of the above, may depend on being served by leaving a line one day beforehand with Mr. Cannon at the Ferry. N.B. He also begs to inform the public, that he carries on the Coach and Chair making business in all its various branches, in the best and cheapest manner. He returns his sincere thanks to his friends and customers for their former favors and hopes they will continue. Henry Stanton.—The Daily Advertiser, March 16, 1787.
David Titus.—Two or three journeymen Blacksmiths...will meet with encouragement and employ during the winter, by applying at David Titus's Coach Maker at Brooklyn Ferry....—Royal Gazette, October 21, 1780.
Alex Wiley.—For Sale, A handsome second-hand coach, in good condition, cheap for cash. Enquire of Alex Wiley, Coach-Maker, No. 3 Fair-Street, next to the corner of Broadway.—The Daily Advertiser, August 12, 1797.
Williamson.—Horse and Chair to be sold....the latter is the workmanship of the celebrated Williamson, (coach builder to the August Legislators on Delaware) as good as new, the harness perfectly so and quite complete, Mr. Haller of this city, its operator. For further particulars enquire of the printer.—Royal Gazette, August 18, 1779.
A Chaise was taken from the ferry near the bear market, about three weeks since, the body-carriage is painted cream colour, with flower pots on each side and back, in the latter is a cypher, O. T. steel springs, the inside light coloured cloth. Whoever gives information of said chaise, or will bring it to James Hallet, coach-maker in Broadway, will receive Five Dollars reward and no questions asked.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, January 13, 1777.
Chair.—To be Sold, a very neat one horse Chair upon steel springs, genteel harness; apron, box to take out, and otherwise every way compleat; was built this spring and has not been used more than three days. To prevent trouble the price is twenty-six guineas. Enquire of H. Gaine.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, June 30, 1777.
Waggon.—To Be Sold a Genteel-Waggon, lined inside, will carry four or five persons besides the driver, hung with good steel springs, a door on each side....Enquire of the Printer.—New-York Packet, and the American Advertiser, November 27, 1777.
London Coach.—To be Sold at the Coffee House Bridge, A very genteel London Built Coach, in excellent order, with plate glasses, seat-Boxes, Hammer-Cloth and compleat Harness for four Horses; this carriage has been but little used, the Wheels perfectly good. Inquire of the Printer.—Royal Gazette, November 21, 1778.
Lighting.—Flambeaux of white wax, necessary to all carriages in the evenings. They are useful to persons of fashion on a thousand occasions.—Royal Gazette, December 13, 1780.
Coach.—To Be Sold, a coach, the box moveable, with Venetian and common blinds, the wheels entirely new. Also, a pair of neat strong Coach horses, which are excellent either for the saddle or chaise, and have been used to the gun. For Particulars, enquire of Mr. Elsworth, Maiden Lane, where the carriage and horses may be seen.—The New-York Gazetteer, and the Country Journal, August 12, 1785.
American Chariot.—In England we build coaches for all parts of the world but a chariot was last week landed at the Custom-house, which was built in America, and sent over to an English family; this is the first instance of such an importation.—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, September 24, 1792.
John Barr, Saddler and Cap-maker, No. 54, Wall-street, Intends carrying on the saddlery business in all its branches; gentlemen of the army, and others, who please to favour him with their custom, may depend on being punctually served and at the lowest prices, having lately imported and has now for sale a general assortment of saddlery, consisting of mens anad womens saddles, saddle cloths, bridles with plated bitts, bridles with polish'd and tin'd ditto, stirrup leathers and girths, saddle bags, coat straps; buff, turkey, and black sword belts, shot bags and powder flasks, whips and fours, curry combs and brushes, &c. Also has for sale, best English made boots, best calf skin shoes, Coarse military and boys ditto, womens callimancoe and leather shoes, &c. N.B. Commissions to the country carefully attended to.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, July 1, 1782.
Bernard. Saddler from Cape Francois, Barclay Street No. 5 Makes all kinds of work that belongs to his line, Such as Saddles, Chairs, harness, holsters, Pistol-Bag Scabbard, &c. He likewise makes trunk matrasses and mends the old ones.—French and American Gazette, July 15, 1795.
Elias Botner, Sadler, From Philadelphia, No 85, Broad Way, opposite the Grand Parade, three Doors from the Corner of Wall Street. Begs leave to acquaint the Gentlemen of the Army and others, that he has upon Hand a few neat Gentlemen and Lady's Saddles, bridles, portmantuas, saddle bags, housings, and various kinds of saddlery, &c.—Royal Gazette, May 8, 1782.
D. B. Fletcher & Co. Sadlers, No. 185 Broadway opposite John Street Have for sale, a general assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's Saddles, patent spring and common, plated and common bridles, best plated coach and chaise harness, do, with brass furniture, common coach & waggon harness, horsedresses, etc. Officers, soldiers and servants furniture, firemen's caps and buckets, trunks of all descriptions, portmanteaus, etc., Manufactured by the best European workmen...Likewise a general assortment of Amory's warranted Horse-whips....—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, October 28, 1799.
James B. Patterson Saddler, Harness and Capmaker....He has received by the Union from Liverpool, and the late arrivals from London, a general assortment of the first quality plated and common Saddlery....A great variety of plated bridle bits, Portsmouth sharps, pelhams and snaps plated sunts, buckles, tips and slides to match; best plated stirrups of various patterns. A great variety of patent elastic steel springs and common spurs, ladies thread and worsted reins, an assortment of silver'd and tin'd wane whips, canes &c. &c. with a number of other articles in his line of business. N.B. Horses fitted, and saddles made at the shortest notice, of the best materials, and warranted to stand.—The Diary; or Evening Register, July 17, 1794.
Harman Rogers, Sadler, Bridle-Cutter and Harness Maker. Begs leave to inform the Inhabitants of this city, that he is now finishing a large quantity of Fire Buckets, that for strength and beauty shall equal, if not excell any hitherto made.
Said Rogers hopes, that from his knowledge of that business, having worked in the first shops in Dublin, and likewise carried on trade for himself, will induce his friends and the public in particular, to oblige him with their favours. A specimen of his performance may be seen at the Coffee-house, or at Mr. Murrays next door, where orders will be received and diligently executed.—Independent Gazette; or the New-York Journal Revived, January 29, 1784.
Sharwin, Saddler, Removed from Wall street, to No. 21, Hanover Square, opposite Hugh Gaine's; for sale at his store a large and general assortment of saddlery wholesale and retail, for cash only, consisting of a quantity of best London made welted hog-skin saddles, from 9 to 16 dollars, with furniture; a number of common plain saddles, with...girth, stirrups, and cruppers, from 4 to 8 dollars...; bridles with silver plated...a variety of common bridles with tin'd bitts, also saddlers hammers and knives, and blades, prick irons and punches. N.B. A few setts of the best London made Chair Harness.—New-York Gazette: and the Weekly Mercury, July 14, 1783.
Richard Sharwin.—To be Sold under Prime Cost, All the stock in trade of the late Richard Sharwin, Saddler, deceased....assortment of Saddlery, wholesale and retail for cash only, to wit; A quantity of best London-made welted hog-skin saddles, from eight to twelve dollars, with furniture; a number of common plain saddles, with bridles, girth stirrups, and cruppers, from four to eight dollars each; bridles with silver plated and steel bitts, of every sort and fashion made use of by gentlemen of taste; A variety of common bridles with tin'd bitts, also Saddlers hammers, knives, and blades, prick irons and punches. N.B. A few setts of the best London made Chair Harness....—Royal Gazette, October 22, 1783.
Archibald Somerville.—Saddlery. Archibald Somerville...begs leave to inform those gentlemen who wish to accomodate themselves with easy saddles, that he can supply them with spring saddles equal to Walker's without the inconvenience of steel or whale bone springs, made on the London trees, and executed as well as the best London saddles....Field officers' gold laced, leopard, and goat skin hussar furniture, made in the elegant and fashionable manner. Saddles for exportation, trunks of all kinds &c. &c.—Mercantile Advertiser, (supplement) May 9, 1799.
Stephens. Sadler & Harness maker from Gibson's, London, No 80 Broad Way, opposite Hunters' Hotel, Takes this method to solicit the patronage and countenace of the public, not doubting from his experience and knowledge in the business, that he will be enabled to merit a share of their favors being determined to exert himself to give all possible satisfaction. N.B. Two Gentlemen can be accommodated with Lodging and Board if required.—Commercial Advertiser, May 28, 1798.
Acem Willson. Takes this method to inform his friends and the public, that he has just received from England, a general assortment of Saddles and Sadlery Furniture of all kinds; Which he proposes to dispose of, wholesale and retail, at reasonable prices, at his shop in the bowery, near the sign of the Bull's Head, where he intends carrying on the sadlery business in all its branches, and engages to execute all commands he should be favoured with in that way faithfully and expeditiously. A Journeyman Sadler will meet with good encouragement, by applying to said Willson.—Royal Gazette, May 12, 1779.
Samuel S. Brouwer.—Drums. The subscriber having previous to the late war, carried on the drum-making business in this city; he, by the advice of his friends, again undertakes the same. The gentlemen of militia, can be supplied with Drums, on short notice and reasonable terms, by applying at No. 5, King George-street, nearly opposite the German Reformed Lutheran Church. Drums repaired with care and expedition. Samuel S. Brouwer.—New-York Packet, June 19, 1787.
Thomas Dobbs, Arrived in the last Ship from London, Organ Builder, Harpsichord, and Piano Forte Maker, begs leave to offer his best services to Ladies and Gentlemen, who may have occasion for the above-mentioned Instruments; specimens of his abilities in constructing which may be seen, and tried at his House, No. 74, in Queen-Street.
He humbly trusts from his regular education in these branches and having been employed upwards of twenty years in a very extensive line of business, he shall afford perfect satisfaction to all his employers.
He repairs and tunes the above-mentioned, and every other kind of Musical Instruments, and has for sale, Organs, Harpsichords, Piano Fortes, Violencellos, Violins, German Flutes, Hautboys, Clarinets, Bassoons, French Horns, Fifes, and most kind of Wires and Strings for Instruments, as Violin and Guitar Strings, Harpsichord and Piano Forte Wires, &c.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, August 13, 1785.
Dodds and Claus.—Musical Instrument Manufactory, No. 66, Queen-Street, New York. Messrs. Dodds and Claus beg leave to inform the public, that they have lately imported, and have for sale, a complete assortment of well finished violins and flutes with all the keys, voice flutes, concert flutes, clarinets, hautboys, bassoons, French-horns, trumpets, fifes proper for the field, stuado pastorellos, Eolian harps, books of instruments, and strings for every instrument, pitch-pipes, tuning-forks and hammers, ruling pens, mutes in brass and ivory screws, bridge, music desks &c.
The Forte-Piano is become so exceedingly fashionable in Europe that few polite families are without it. This much esteemed instrument forms an agreeable accompaniment for the female voice, takes up but little room, may be moved with ease, and consequently kept in tune with little attention—so that it is on that account supperior to the harpsi-chord. The improvements which Messrs. Dodds and Clause have made in the Forte-Piano, has rendered it much more acceptable than those imported. The introduction of their new invented hammers and dampers, is acknowledged to be a great improvement, as also the means they have taken to prepare their wood to stand the effect of our Climatte, which imported instruments never do, but are sure to suffer not only from the agitation of the vessel, but the saline qualities of the seas. One great advantage to the purchaser is, that Messrs. Dodds and Claus make it an invariable rule to repair any instrument that may prove defective in the workmanship, if applied to within 2 years after delivery. At this manufactory every kind of musical instruments are finished according to the present taste, and with the latest improvements, as good and cheap as in the City of London. Instruments sold on commission, taken in exchange, let out, repaired and tuned, in the best manner and on the most reasonable terms. N.B. A good allowance is made to dealers in these articles.—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, September 19, 1792.
Dodds & Claus....Mr. Claus wishes to inform the ladies that he intends to manufacture piano fortes and common guittars the same as he used to do in London....—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, June 10, 1793.
John Geib Organ builder, Grand and Small Piano Forte Materials (from London) most Respectfully informs the amateurs of music and the public in general, that the Organ, he is about building for the Lutheran Church in William and corner of Frankfort street, is nearly finished and will be opened the beginning of next month, when it will be exhibited to view for a few days; by the indulgence of the trustees of the said Church, for the benefit of the builder, and to shew the public what can be done in this part of the world, as nothing belonging to it has been imported from any foreign country.
The builder flatters himself that the fullness and melodiousness of its tone, together with the neatness and durability of the work, and particular new movement, which renders the touch so easy as to be playable by a child, cannot be excelled. The plain elegance of the outside of the case, will appear corresponding with the inward work. The framer will, for a few days, display the powers of this work with an intent, by this view, to lead Amateurs of this country to a judgment, now, taking this organ for a pattern, which has but 800 pipes on the same scale, harmony might be increased by 600 pipes and upwards, and some of which 37 feet in length. The builder does not think himself only satisfied in the business, but would wish to meet with the approbation of connoisseurs. Notice will be given in a few days of the time appointed for the opening of the Organ with the name of an eminent performer.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, December 27, 1798.
John Geib, most respectfully informs the amateurs of music,...the Organ built for the Lutheran Church, in William and corner of Frankfort street will be exhibited to view from 12 o'clock in the afternoon till 3; and the two eminent men, Mr. Rausch, and Mr. Moller will perform for the time; when also a few anthems will be sung by eminent singers....—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, January 8, 1799.
Natton's Musical Instrument Manufactory.—Sales by Gerard Steddiford....the lease of that extensive building called Hattons' Musical Instrument Manufactory, pleasantly situated at the upper end of Broad Way near the White Conduit House....—The Argus, July 14, 1795.
William Howe.—New Music and Piano Fortes of a superior quality, just received by the brig Mary, from London. William Howe No 320 Pearl street, late Mr. Dodd's, respectfully informs the ladies and gentlemen of New-York, that he is publishing all the Songs, Duets, &c. in the Comic opera of the Shipwreck performed with universal applause at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane.
W. H. has for sale, every article in the music line, wholesale, retail, and for exportation. Also a general assortment of umbrellas. N.B. Barrels for organs accurately set to music. Old instruments taken in exchange or repaired.—The Daily Advertiser, July 5, 1797.
Mrs. William Howe...still carries on the business at No 320 Pearl-Street, and has for sale, Barrel organs, Piano Fortes, fine tone peddle Harp trumpets, flutes, Fifes, Clarinets, French Horns, Bugle Horns, Hautboys, Basoons, Concert trumpets, &c. with a general assortment of all kinds of Musical Instruments, Fiddle strings, Wholesale or Retail, with a great variety of New Music, lately imported from London....Likewise, different kinds of working tools, Turning Takle [sic], Ivory, Ebony, Working benches, &c.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, January 19, 1799.
Charles Tawse.—Organs. Charles Tawse, Organ Builder, lately arrived in this City from Britain, builds and repairs finger and barrel organs. He also repairs and tunes spinnets, harpsicords, piano fortes and guitars. Order will be received at No. 68 Fair-street.—The Daily Advertiser, May 23, 1786.
Peter Velat, Has just arrived in this city where he intends to stay: respectfully informs the Public that he tunes organized and simple piano fortes; harpsichords, small large and organised spinnets. He likewise mends, puts in tune, and makes small and big organs, such as organs in cases or on tables, he puts organs to piano fortes.
He flatters himself that any ladies or gentlemen who may employ him, will have reason to be contented with his works. No. 83 Warren-street.—French and American Gazette, July 22, 1795.
C. Watts, Musical Instrument maker, at No. 29 Broad street corner of Princess street, Is just arrived from London, and has brought over for sale two small forte Pianos, one of them on a new construction, with brass dampers. Likewise makes, tunes, and repairs all kinds of Musical Instruments. Those who please to favor him with their orders, may depend on their being punctually attended to, on the most reasonable terms.
N.B. Cabinet work done in the newest fashion.—New-York Daily Gazette, June 23, 1789.
Thomas Western.—Piano Fortes. Thomas Western, from London, respectfully informs the public, that he is just arrived in this city, and intends to establish here a Manufactory of Piano Fortes, on the same extensive scale he carried it on in London. He likewise will repair regulate, tune, and take old instruments in exchange.
He has imported with him, a large assortment of Piano Fortes from his manufactory in London, which will be ready for inspection and sale, on Monday the 23d inst. at his house, No 11, Great-Dock street, where he hopes to be favoured with the company of the amateurs of these instruments and doubt not they will find them of a superior quality in touch and tone, to any yet offered to the public, except such as has been imported immediately from his manufactory.—The Diary; or Evening Register, January 2, 1794.
Thomas Western.—Patent Piano Fortes, American Manufacture. The subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he is carrying on the business in an extensive manner at No. 13 Wall street, New York, where he has for sale, a number of elegant instruments of various descriptions, and different prices. The reception his piano fortes has met with from the public, merits his grateful acknowledgement, and supercedes the necessity of any encomiums on their excellencies, and as they are all manufactured under his immediate inspection, and the most difficult parts by himself alone, he will at all times answer for their goodness. Permit him to say this much, that the most eminent artists and professors in music have affirmed after fair trial and deliberate examination, that they are inferior to none. Indeed they go so far as to say, that their uniform easy touch and melodious sweet tone, surpass any they have ever seen. Thomas Western.
Old instruments taken in exchange. An apprentice of creditable connections wanted, apply as above, if he has a taste for music he will be better approved of.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 6, 1795.
Thomas Western.—For Sale, at the store of the subscriber, 64 Maiden-lane. A full bodied mellow toned Organ, London built; it has power sufficient for a church or the tone may be reduced to suit a room at the pleasure of the performers; it contains six stops, with two pedals, exceeding well made, and in solid mahogany case. Also Piano Fortes of his manufacture, which he warrants sound and of the best quality & which is allowed by every impartial judge. Some second hand pianos of different makers', from 50 to 80 dollars, together with a general assortment of musical instruments and music. Thomas Western.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, May 11, 1799.
Archibald Whaites, Musical Instrument Maker, from London. Late apprentice to Mr. Thomas Dobbs. Respectfully informs the public in general that he makes tunes and repairs all kinds of musical Instruments in the best manner....his abilities with respect to the tuning part has been well known in this city for upwards of six years....His place of residence at present, is at No. 17, Frankfort street, nearly opposite the German Lutheran Church.—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, September 22, 1792.
Whaites & Chartes Musical instrument makers No. 19 Barclay-street, opposite the Roman Chapel, New York, Inform their Friends, and the public in general, that they have commenced Business together in that line and are in hopes to merit the patronage of the amateurs in music, as they are determined to exert the best of their abilities to make good instruments. They have for sale, Piano Fortes, equal in point of tone to any that are imported, and 25 per cent cheaper. Instruments lent on hire, tuned and repaired in the best manner, and on the most reasonable terms.—The Diary, & Universal Advertiser, January 8, 1796.
B. Bergman, Professor of Music, from London. Begs leave to acquaint the Public, that he teaches the Violin, tenor, and piano forte, ladies and gentlemen who may honour him with their commands, will be punctually attended. A line addressed to B. at Mr. Dodd's Music Shop No 66 Queen Street, will be immediately answerewd.—The Daily Advertiser, January 1, 1793.
Mr. Bingley.—German Flute and Violin, taught by Mr. Bingley who takes this method to inform his scholars and friends, that he has removed to No 115 William street, where he continues his instruction on said instruments.—Mercantile Advertiser, January 2, 1799.
Mr. Brown.—German Flute, Mr. Brown, from Philadelphia, proposes to accomplish a certain number of Gentlemen in playing well upon that Instrument....Mr. Brown humbly presumes the reputation his Performances have secured to him, in his profession, at Philadelphia, as well as at his several concerts in this city, will induce Gentlemen to become his pupils.—Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser, July 20, 1785.
John Fala, Musician, Respectfully informs his pupils and the Public, that he has removed to No. 11 George-street, near the Brick Meeting, where he continues to give instructions on the Piano Forte, Violin &c. Those Ladies and Gentlemen, who may please to favour him as pupils, may depend upon the greatest attention.
Piano Fortes &c tuned in the completest manner. Ladies and Gentlemen taught to tune Piano Fortes, Harpsichords, organs &c.—Mercantile Advertiser, May 24, 1799.
George Gilford, Organist, Lately arrived from Philadelphia, Begs leave to acquaint the respectable Public, that he strings and tunes piano fortes, harpichords, spinnets, etc. etc. He also instructs gentlemen and ladies in the art of music, on either of these instruments, at a very moderate rate, and is willing to attend at such hours as may be convenient, either at their own dwellings, or at his house, No. 64, Nassau-street, next to the German Reformed Church.—New-York Packet, July 18, 1785.
William Hoffmetster.—To the Publick the Subscriber respectfully informs the Publick, that he is lately removed from Nassau Street to Ritter-Street, a few doors from Mr. Eden's Brew-house; where he continues teaching the Violin, German Flute and Harpsichord, at a moderate Price. William Hoffmetster.—New-York Museum, August 15, 1788.
John L. Klipstein.—Instruction on the German Flute...by his instructions: and he has, by his experience, acquired the art of filling a flute so very easy, as to avoid every symptom of pain in the breast, which is occasioned by irregularly blowing, he flatters himself, his very moderate terms, attention and assiduity, cannot fail to merit the attention of those Gentlemen who may please to honor him with their commands, at No. 82, Nassau street nearly opposite the new jail. John L. Klipstein.—The Daily Advertiser, October 17, 1787.
Andrew Law.—A Singing School, by Andrew Law, is opened at a large and convenient room in Crown-street No 30....he will give lectures in his school as they advance in knowledge of the art, and shall be able to receive instruction in that way....—New-York Packet, January 27, 1785.
Andrew Law.—To the lovers of Church Music. Psalmody is generally confessed to be a sublime part of divine worship, and it is now as generally acknowledged by those, who have an ear and taste for church music that this is performed in a mean and wretched manner in many of our Churches in this city....Mr. Law, an approved instructor at present teaching private School, has offered to open a general one for the instruction of every person in the art of Church music....—The New-York Packet, January 2, 1786.
Mary Lodner.—I the subscriber is desirous and willing to attend in any decent family, from ten o'clock in the morning, till six in the afternoon, to play on the Guitar for amusement (holidays excepted) Enquire in Mulberry-street near Mr. Hezekiah Ivers' rope walk. Mary Lodner. N.B. At the Sign of the Vicar and Moses.—New-York Weekly Museum, June 1, 1793.
Alexander Ogsbury.—To be sold. An Excellent Piano-Forte. Enquire of Alexander Ogsbury, corner of Crown and Smith streets, where may also be had German Flutes, instructions for do. and Piano Forte and Violin: Fiddles and Fiddle strings; Brushes of all sizes and likewise a variety of Children's Books, wholesale and retail, and a variety of other articles.—New-York Packet, March 27, 1786.
Philip Phile.—Music. Philip Phile, most respectfully offers his service to the Lovers of Instrumental Musick in teaching the Violin and German Flute methodically. Attendance will be given at his lodgings, No. 82 Chatham Row near Van de Waters; He will also wait on such Gentlemen as would wish to take lessons at their Houses. N.B. Musick at the above mentioned place.—New-York Daily Advertiser, February 21, 1787.
Mr. Reinagle, Member of the Society of Musicians in London...gives lessons in Singing, on the Harpsichord, Piano Forte, and Violin. His terms may be known by enquiring at No 17 in Little Queen Street, and at Mr. Rivington's. He proposes to supply his Friends and Scholars with the best instruments and music printed from London....—New-York Packet, June 12, 1786.
George Saliment, Professor of Music, Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has removed for the convenience of his scholars, to No. 20 Wall-street, two doors North of the Tontine Coffee House, where he will continue to teach the German flute, violin, guitar, &c. Those ladies and gentlemen who wish to favour him with their commands, will be waited upon at their own houses, if most agreeable.—The Daily Advertiser, May 4, 1793.
John S. Slaiffer.—School for Music, Opened in the Maiden-Lane, by John S. Slaiffer, No 43, where gentlemen may be instructed to play on the violin, flute, and guitar, at one guinea per month....Few will pretend to contradict that the charm of music will sufficiently compensate for the trouble in the attainment of it. Music makes as great an impression on us as the bewitching charms of beauty; it humanizes the soul, and is in short the best companion for the gay, the wounded lover, or the drooping fair.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, August 18, 1777.
P. A. Van Hagen, Formerly Organist of the Principal Church and Director of the City-Concert at Zutphen, Respectfully informs the public that he has removed from No. 167 Barclay-Street to No 14 Dey-street and continues to teach the Organ, Harpsichord, Piano-Forte and Singing, likewise the theoretical knowledge of music. He has imported in the ship Lydia, Capt. Tobie, the latest publications of Music printed in Europe.—The Daily Advertiser, May 3, 1793.
Mrs. Van Hagen, Respectfully informs the Ladies that she has removed to No. 14 Dey-Street, and continues to teach the theory and practice of Music, on the Harpsichord and Piano Forte, with thorough bass (if desired). Also, the principles of vocal music and singing, according to the most approved method, and the present taste in Europe. As she has been several years Organist in the churches at Namur, Middleburgh, Vlissingen, and Bergen-op-Zoom, she also teaches on that instrument, as well as Church Music, as Lessons, Sonatas, Concerts, Etc. Mrs. Van Hagen hopes from her theoretic knowledge, and successful experience in the Science of Music, to be as fortunate in the progress of her pupils in this city, as she has been in some of the first families in Holland. As motives of delicacy may induce parents to commit the tuition of young Ladies in this branch of education, to one of their own sex and the female voice from its being in unison, is better adapted to teach them singing, than that of the other sex, which is an octave below, she flatters herself that she shall be indulged with their approbation and the protection of a respectable public. She has an excellent Piano-Forte, and will give lessons on that instrument at her own house, to such young Ladies to whom it may be most convenient.—The Daily Advertiser, May 14, 1793.
Mr.Webster best respects to those young Gentlemen who musical inclinations lead them to be taught the German Flute...to learn them to play a dozen or more tunes, with their proper flats and sharps, as the tunes may require, in the course of three months, otherwise he will forfeit the whole expence of teaching.—New-York Gazette, and the Weekly Mercury, May 28, 1781.
Musical Instruments...imported and sold by J. Rivington.
—Rivington's New York Loyal Gazette, November 22, 1777.
French Horns. A Pair of very fine toned Concert French Horns, with all the Crooks complete, made by the celebrated Hoffmaster. The death of Hoffmaster six years ago, has made his Horns invaluable. The lowest is twenty Five Pounds Sterling; they cost the owner that price. To be seen at the Printer's.—Royal Gazette, August 1, 1778.
Musicians wanted for a regiment, two good Horns, a Clarinet, a Bassoon, and a person capable of directing a band, to all of whom good encouragement will be given. Enquire of the Printer.—Royal Gazette, August 15, 1778.
Bassoon.—To Be Sold, A Bassoon, of an excellent and well approved Tone, formerly the Property of the famous Scammadine, who was acknowledged to be the First Performer in the Universe; the lowest Price is Fifteen Guineas. Enquire of the Printer.—Royal Gazette, August 19, 1778.
A Hand Organ, with two barrels, playing sixteen tunes, price Six Guineas, To be sold. Enquire of the Printer.—Royal Gazette, June 9, 1779.
Harpsichord, The best instrument in America, old and ever highly approved. The lowest Price is Sixty Guineas, a sum inferior to its cost. Enquire of the Printer.—Royal Gazette, September 15, 1779.
Guitar, of the finest tone, made by Preston, of his first quality and highly ornamented as a present to a lady, imported in the last London fleet, to be sold, price twelve Guineas, enquire of the Printer.—Royal Gazette, May 24, 1780.
A Song Book. This Day is published, a new and select collection of the best English, Scots, and Irish Songs, Catches, Duets, and Cantatas, In the true Spirt and Taste of the three different Nations. Being an attempt to improve upon others in the true Spirit of Social Mirth and good Fellowship. With a Collection of the various Sentiments and Hob Nobs in Vogue.
No pains has been spared to render this publication as complete as possible, by a judicious selection of the materials, thus furnishing novelty to gratify the taste of all sorts of readers; tis hoped the public will afford a favourable reception to the compiler's labours.
Price of these Three Hundred and Fifty Four Songs, neatly bound in red, only One Dollar. To be had of the Printer.—Royal Gazette, June 24, 1780.
Chamber Organ.—To be sold...a complete Chamber Organ consisting of the following stops, a Principal throughout, a do. fifteenth, do. Stop Diapason, an open Diapason treble, and two Row Sequialtra Bats, all its stops draw by halves, so that the bass or treble may be strengthened at pleasure; it has a Forte Piano, and may be blowed by the Performer in front, or by an indifferent person at one end.
The lowest price is One Hundred Guineas, the seller putting it up and tuning it. For further particulars enquire of the printer.—Royal Gazette, July 19, 1780.
Organ.—For Sale, a Beautiful, well-toned Chamber-Organ, plays an oratorio by the celebrated Handel, and forty of the most favorite tunes. Originally cost Fifty Guineas, and will be sold for Thirty.—Enquire of the Printer.—New-York Packet, October 20, 1785.
Music.—just received and to be sold by Samuel Campbell's New Book Store, at No. 44 Hanover Square, corner of the old slip, a collection of single songs set to music, instructions for the German flute, lessons for the harpsicord and piano forte.—New-York Packet, May 4, 1786.
Imported Instruments.—Jacob Astor, No. 81. Queen-street, two doors from the Friends Meeting-House, Has just imported from London, an elegant assortment of Musical instruments, such as piano forte, spinnets, piano-forte, guittars, the best of violins, German flutes, clarinets, hautboys, fifes, the best Roman violin strings; and all other kinds of strings, music books and paper, and every other article in the musical line, which he will dispose of on very low terms for cash.—New-York Packet, June 1, 1786.
Musical Society.—To all lovers of Music, whereas it is proposed by several musical amateurs, to establish a musical society, both vocal and instrumental, in this city, those gentlemen who wish to patronize and encourage this undertaking, are requested to meet at the Charity School room in John street, No 29 on Saturday evening, the 5th January, to consider and adopt some fundamental rules for said Society. N.B. Performers only are requested to attend.—The Daily Advertiser, January 3, 1788.
American Songster.—This day is published by S & R Campbell No. 44, Hanover-square, and T. Allen, No. 16, Queen-street, the American Songster—Price, neatly bound and lettered, Five Shillings. To the Lovers of music in the United States of America. Ladies and Gentlemen, It has been a subject of considerable regret, that a collection of the best Modern Songs, not only the production of America, but likewise those of Britain has never before appeared on this continent.
To remedy which the Editors have been at considerable labor in collecting from the most esteemed Song Books, published in Europe, a compilation, suitable in some degree to this country....But providing the present volume meets with encouragement from the Public, the Editors have it in contemplation to publish a second, when they flatter themselves they will be able to exhibit most of the principal songs wrote in the United States....The Publishers.—The Daily Advertiser, April 17, 1788.
Harmonia Celestia, This excellent and admired instrument, blended in sound between the grandeur of the Organ and the ravishing softness of the heart thrilling Lute, never before introduced in this Country, will be exhibited at Mrs. Amory's, in the Fields, this evening, between the hours of 6 and 8 o'clock. N.B. Tickets may be had at the place of performance, and of Louis Jones, No. 54 King Street.—The Daily Advertiser, January 23, 1793.
Piano Forte Music J. H. Smith. Before his arrival in this country, organist of the great Church of Schiedam in Holland, Informs his scholars and the public in this city, that he intends to have engraved, Lessons and favourite Songs, properly arranged for the Piano. He requests such ladies and gentlemen as will encourage him by ordering some copies, to send a card with their names for that purpose, to his house No 21 Princess Street, or at Mr. Dobb's Music shop. He has also for sale, one Piano Forte.—The Daily Advertiser, March 13, 1793.
Harpischord & Piano Forte Music.—Music. Fatter'd by the unbounded applause which the songs of the Primrose Girl, Jenny of the Glen, &c. have met with in this city and Philadelphia. M. A. Pownall and J. Hewett, are induced to publish them (with four other entirely new) arranged for the Harpsichord and Piano Forte....Conditions, this work will consist of the following pieces: 1st. Rossette's celebrated La Chasse 2nd. 7 Ballads composed by M. A. Pownall and J. Hewett, 3d. a Duett for two voices. Terms of subscription 12 shillings, one dollar to be paid at the time of subscribing, and the remainder on delivery of the work. Nonsubscribers sixteen shillings. Subscription received by J. Hewitt No 72 Courtland street.—The Daily Advertiser, June 15, 1793.
Musical Circulating Library. James Harrison, begs leave most respectfully to acquaint the Ladies and Gentlemen of New York in particular, and the public in general, that he has in preparation a very choice and extensive collection of the newest and most approved music of all kinds, which he proposes offering to the public upon the terms of a circulating library which will be extensively carried on both in town and country, correspondence with the first music warehousese in London, Paris and Amsterdam, will be constantly supplied with every new publication as soon as printed, which will be immediately added to the Library in the Collection of it he pledges himself to spare no pains or expense, by which means he hopes to merit the patronage anad support of a generous public. The library is now opened on the same low terms as in London. Subscriptions are received at his store, No 38 Maiden Lane, and good music taken in payment.—Weekly Museum, December 28, 1793.
French Yankee Doodle.—From the Independent Chronicle. Caire! or the New Yankee Doodle! Some persons object to the playing this republican tune at the New Theatre, because it is imported: Pray, let it ask are not the players, and pieces to be performed, imported also? Are not in fact the musicians imported? and shall we object to this tune, merely because it is of foreign growth? Certain No. Scarcely a tune that is played is manufactured in America; we must therefore have some imported tunes, and no one will so well please a republican ear as the French Yankee Doodle, alias CAIRE.—Columbian Gazetteer, February 6, 1794.
Music Engraving. William Priest, Musician of the New Theatre, Philadelphia, has lately imported from Europe a compleat apparatus for engraving, printing, and publishing music, in the modern stile, which is correctly executed under his immediate inspection, by workmen who have many years been employed in that line, in London. N.B. Letters post paid, directed as above will be duly attended to.—The Daily Advertiser, January 9, 1795.
Musical Repository.—Music. A Grand three unison Piano Forte, by Stoddart, with pedals, inside desk, &c. with a large assortment of grand Patent, square, portable, grand and small Pianofortes. By the most esteemed makers, just arrived with music and strings for every instrument, and the most fashionable songs, for sale at Carr's Musical Repository, William-street. N.B. An Elegant Pedal Harp, for sale, and some cheap Piano Fortes, as low as 60 dollars.—American Minerva; an Evening Advertiser, August 21, 1795.
Organ.—For Sale, a new constructed and very Elegant Organ, with 4 Barrels, and plays 40 tunes; has a harp on the back that plays with or without the organ tunes; also a drum on the side of the organ, to keep time in Dancing. The musick of this piece is very fine and soft, and yet it is sufficient for 24 couples to dance by—There is a great variety of tunes—some of which are excellent Psalm tunes. For particulars inquire at the office of the Minerva or at No. 4 Vandewater street, where it can be seen.—The Minerva, & Mercantile Evening Advertiser, May 22, 1797.
Imported.—Just received from London, and for sale at John Paff's Music and Toy store, No. 34 Maiden Lane, the corner of Nassau street. An elegant and most superb Organ in Mahogany case gilt frame, consisting of the following stops; Diapason, principal fifteenth open diapason and hautboys in swell, treble stop. The organ is worth mention and will be sold at a reasonable price. Also Bird organs and other musical instruments, a great variety of carvings in wood, with other curious articles. A quantity of small clocks, alarm and cuckoo clocks, warranted to go well, and will be sold from 4 to 20 dollars each.—The Daily Advertiser, February 10, 1798.
Musical Washing Machine. A Correspondent informs us, that a fertile genius, in the musico mechanic line, has invented a washing machine, which performs several favorite airs, during the operation of purifying the foul linen. This, one may suppose will prove a useful profection: as the persons so occupied, may be charmed with their work, by a succession of harmonious strains; and the sense of labor, through a repetition of 'Water parted from the Sea,' may be relieved by 'My Chloe left me in the suns.'—Weekly Museum, August 11, 1798.
New Music. Just published the New Patriotic Song, The Green Mountain Farmer, or, Adams, Law and Liberty. Sung with unbounded applause at the theatre by Mr. Barrett. Also Columbia and Liberty. Sung at the Theatre in Boston with great applause. To be had at J. Hewitt's Musical Repository, No 130 William Street, where may be had every article in the musical line on the most reasonable terms.—Commercial Advertiser, December 13, 1798.
Musical Instruments.—J. & M. Paffs No. 112 Broad-way, Opposite the City Tavern...Have received from London a great variety of Musical Instruments Viz: Violins, German and English Flutes, bassoons with and without the additional keys, clarinets, haubois, fifes, violincellos, flageolets, flutes, walking sticks, etc. Octave flutes, Potter's patent flutes with 1, 4, 6, keys, Astor's new patent clarinets, and patent barrel organs with drums and triangles. A street organ...and a variety of other bird and barrel organs, great and small Piano Fortes,...Guitars, Tambourines, and an elegant harp, a quantity of spring and wooden alarm clocks....N.B. The Street organ will be hired out upon good security.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, January 12, 1799.
Songs.—Raneleigh Garden, This Evening Act 1st Songs: Alone by the light of the Moon—Mr. Perkins, Sweet Nan of Hampton Green—Mrs. Mc Donald, The Highland Laddie—Mrs. Oldmixon, Nong Tong Paw—Mr. Jefferson, On the Lakes of Killarney—Mrs. Seymour, From Scenes of Love—Mr. Perkins, The Wedding Day—Mrs. Mc Donald, The Soldier Tir'd of Wars Alarms—Mr. Oldmixon, The Waiter—Mr. Jefferson, The Sailor Boy—Mrs. Seymour.—The New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, June 1, 1799.
Musical Magazine, No 209 Broad-way near St. Paul's Church. George Gilfert & Co, respectfully inform the Public, that they have received from London an elegant assortment of Musical Instruments....—The Argus, May 22, 1795.
An Air Balloon, thirty feet high, with a Gallery and a Boat, to be adorned in a beautiful manner, is at present constructing in the Academy of Polite Arts, which will be launched in the academy yard, as soon as four hundred subscribers at One Dollar each, can be procured, of which timely notice will be given.—Independent Journal, January 8, 1785.
Balloon.—Description of a Balloon 24 Feet high and 55 in circumference, exhibited on the 28th of September last in Philadelphia, by Mr. Busselot.
This balloon was in the form of a globe, divided into 18 ribs, between which was placed blue strips, elegantly adorned with 13 silver stars; the whole supported by a red crown, fixed in the interior part of the balloon, with a dark ground, that had the most agreeable effect. At six o'clock, P.M. Mr. Busselot began to fill the balloon, which exhibited the most beautiful appearance to a respectable and numerous company. It rose with some difficulty, on account of the breeze having entirely failed; it ascended most majestically about 3000 feet, which distance from the ground it constantly kept until its fall on the Jersey shore, having in the course of 35 minutes vaulted about six miles in the air without any breeze.—New-York Packet, October 10, 1785.
Aerostation—This morning Mr. Blanchard made his 45th ascension from the prison yard to the aerial regions....At last, everything being ready, Mr. Blanchard respectfully took his leave of the President, who gave him a folded paper, which we suppose to be a recommendation to the inhabitants of whatever place he may light upon. After he had taken his leave, the president called him back and said something to him that we did not hear. Then the aeronaut, having bowed to the Spectators, ascended his boat, which was printed blue, and spangled with stars on the outside and, holding in his hand a flag with the colours of the United States, he threw out part of his ballast, and precisely at 5 minutes past 10 o'clock, the balloon rose slowly and perpendicularly to soft music, amidst the shouts and burst of applause of all the Spectators. The President took off his hat, and bowed to him as he ascended....It was indeed a spectacle as magnificent as it was new to us, to see this intrepid aeronaut majestically rise from the earth without betraying the least symptom of fear on his countenance, but smiling on the astonished spectators whose hearts were filled with an anxiety he did not seem to partake. As he rose, he gracefully moved his flag, as taking an affectionate farewell of his friends. `Bon Voyage, God bless you, all', was reechoed from every mouth, hats waved, hands lifted up, all testified the interests that every beholder took in the success of this bold undertaking. For some minutes the shouts of applause were suspended, and an awful silence best expressed at this moment the feelings of the spectators....Indeed we are at a loss to account for the little encouragement that Mr. Blanchard has received in this city....We are credibly informed that the amount of Subscriptions will fall short by 400 £ of reimbursing his expences. Our credit as a liberal Nation is at stake....About half past 6 o'clock we were happy to see Mr. Blanchard again in this city....he informed us his aerial voyage lasted 46 minutes, in which time he ran over a space of more than 15 miles, and then descended a little to the eastward of Woodbury in the State of New Jersey where he took a carriage and returned to Cooper's ferry and was at the President's, as we have already mentioned at half past 6 o'clock in the evening.—New-York Daily Advertiser, January 12, 1793.
Forty-sixth Ascension.—The Celebrated aeronaut Blanchard, has opened a subscription to enable him to effect a forty sixth ascension. He is to have a fellow traveller, whose name has not yet trnspired. The car in which they are to be borne is to be octagonal, representing a fort and to be water proof.—The Herald, June 18, 1796.
Subscription for Flight of Balloon.—G. Baker, Having given Mr. Blanchard the fullest assurances, that the liberality of the Citizens of New York was such, that it would be easy to raise 3,000 by subscription, as a reward for his sublime aeriel flight. This liberality is daily becoming exemplified by the increased subscriptions, but the fatigues of waiting on the citizens at this very warm season, is very great. G. B. particularly solicits, that those liberal ladies and gentlemen, who wish to be partakers in the great expence that will attend the preparations of this very interesting scene, are requested to subscribe on some of the subscription papers which are left at the coffee houses and other public places, as soon as possible, which will very much fecilitate the undertaking.
It is expected, that the Balloon will be suspended to be seen by subscribers, in about two weeks, and the ascention will be made with all convenient speed, of which at least two weeks notice will be given, before the day fixed on for the Flight. Considerable more than one Thousand Dollars is already subscribed, and Three Thousand will secure the object, so as to place Messrs Blanchard and Baker in the Delightful aerial Regions.—The Argus, July 12, 1796.
Balloon. Messrs Blanchard & Baker have the pleasure to inform the subscribers, and other citizens of New-York, that the Balloon is arrived from Boston, and that it is at the house adjoining to where the ascension will take place; that the house will be erected to suspend the Balloon in with all speed, and the Amphitheatre will also be built as soon as possible; and that the tickets will be prepared and ready for delivery within a few days, when the subscribers will be waited on. It is hoped that no person will lose the present opportunity of purchasing a ticket to see the Balloon and all the apparatus for inflating it; as it must be expected that the present ascension will be the last in America, on account of the great expence attending this charming philosophical experiment.—The Diary, August 18, 1796.
Parachute.—Philosophical Experiment of a Parachute. Mr. Blanchard has just now made, with no small expence, a new solid Air Balloon, which neither stones or snow balls can destroy, as they did the former, at the moment of departure. This tri-coloured Balloon, loaded with a parachute, and several quadrupeds, will ascend from the Ball Alley, this Day, the 4th of March between 3 and 4 o'clock, P. M.—provided there is not wind or rain. The tickets of admission will cost but 4 shillings, and will be sold on the spot, Broadway, No. 247, this morning. P. S. The large Balloon of 1200 ells of Taffeta, destined to the 46th ascension of Mr. Blanchard, is likewise finished, and will be exposed to public view in a few days. The subscription will be continued at the house of a generally esteemed lawyer.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, March 4, 1797.
Wax Works. To Be Seen at No. 100, the upper end of Queen-Street, at the House formerly occupied by Mrs. Wright, the Story of Bell and the Dragon, as large as life, with several other curious Figures. Admittance from nine in the Morning till nine at Night. Money received at the door, price, three shillings.—New-York Packet, October 20, 1785.
Mrs. Patience Lovell Wright.—It is with the utmost regret that we acquaint the public with the death of the celebrated American, Mrs. Wright, occasioned by a fall in returning from a visit to our ambassador, Mr. Adams—America has lost in her a warm and sincere friend, as well as one of her first ornaments to the arts—Those brave fellows, who during the late war were fortunate enough to escape from the arms of tyranny and take sanctuary under her roof, will join us in lamenting her loss; whilst her attachment to America, and her generous and indefatigable attention to the prisoners in distress will render her regretted and her memory revered by her country.—The Daily Advertiser, May 16, 1786.
Wax Work. To be seen at No. 100 the Upper end of Queen-Street. The Portraits of Gen. Washington; the King, Queen, Prince of Wales, and Lord North, of Great Britain; an Indian Chief; A Nun at Confession. and a number of other curious Figures as large as life....Price 3s. Those who are desirous of seeing them are requested to come soon as the Exhibition will shortly be discontinued.—New-York Daily Advertiser, June 11, 1788.
Washington's Visit.—Monday evening last The President of the United States, his Lady and Family, and several other person of distinction, were pleased to honor Mr. Bowen's exhibition of Wax Work, with their company, at No. 74, Water-Street, and appeared exceedingly well pleased with the late improvement made by the proprietor.—Gazette of the United States, September 11, 1789.
Wax-Work, As Large as Life. The following Figures are exhibited at No 74, Water-street, opposite Crane-Wharf, viz. The President of the United States sitting under a canopy, in his military dress. Over the head of his Excellency a frame is suspended (also in wax) crowning him with a wreath of laurels.
The King, Queen, and Prince of Wales of Great-Britain, habited in cloaths which were presented by the King.
The Duchess of Orleans, of France, elegantly dressed. The Right Rev. Samuel Provoost, Bishop of New-York. The Rev. Dr. John Rodgers, of New York. The Rev. Dr. John Livingston, of New York. A Nun at confession; or Innocence and Beauty. A Friar in a Roman Catholic dress. A fine Woman asleep; or the Sleeping Beauty. Jack, just arrived from Sea, by the side of a country lass. An Indian Chief, painted and dressed in his War habit, holding a real scalp. An old hermit. Darby and Joan enjoying themselves over a basket of fruit, bottle of beer, pipe etc. Moll, a mad women.
Scripture Pieces. A Damsel presenting the head of John the Baptist, in a charger to Herodeas, wife of Herod, King of the Jews. Bell and the Dragon, King Cyrus, and the Prophet Daniel. Also, Several other Figures, some of which are constructed to turn their heads, open and shut their eyes, &c. to the admiration of the spectators. There are also a variety of curiosities.
Some of the above Figures have been exhibited in North and South Carolina, where they were universally allowed to be the most pleasing Curiosities ever exhibited on the Continent. The Proprietor has been at great expence in compleating this exhibition; he therefore hopes to entertain agreeably, all those who may please to honour it with their company.
Hours of admission will be from 6 until 8 o'clock, every evening, Sundays excepted. Tickets at 2s. 6d. for Ladies and Gentlemen, and 1s for Children, may be had at the door, at any hour of the day. Tickets may also be had at Greenleaf's Printing Office. The price will not be reduced in future.—New-York Weekly Museum, October 3, 1789.
Wax Work.Mr. Bowen respectfully informs the public, that he intends to remove the Wax-work from this city in the course of a few weeks. He returns his sincere thanks to those who have honored him with their company, and is happy that they have been pleased with his exhibition.—New-York Journal, and Weekly Register, January 7, 1790.
Wax Speaking Figure.—To be sold, That most pleasing and extraordinary phenomenon in art, the Wax Speaking Figure, with the likeness of Mrs. Siddons in the Character of a Grecian Daughter, and a number of other wax Figures, a brilliant Diamond Beetle, a paradox, and an alarm against House Breaking and Fire. Apply at No 7 Beekman street, where the same are exhibited as usual. Ladies and Gentlemen are admitted at 2s. each and children at 1s. each.—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 21, 1791.
Wax Speaking Figure.—To the Curious. Will be exhibited for an evenings' entertainment, at the corner of Beekman and Gold-street, that most pleasing and extraordinary phenomenon of art, The Wax Speaking Figure, which is suspended by a ribbon in the centre of a beautiful Temple, elegantly decorated, and is calculated to please, and surprise, by returning pertinent and agreeable answers to any questions proposed to it, whether spoken in a low whisper or in an audible voice. It will also ask questions which are always consistent with decency and propriety. The beholder may truly exclaim with the emphatic poet of nature, as though he had this very figure in his minds' eye. `It, tho inanimate, can hold discourse, and with the powers of reason seems inspir'd.'
In the same room is to be seen, other wax figures, a brilliant diamond Beetle, a small paradox, and alarm against House-Breaking and Fire. Admittance to Ladies and Gentlemen at 2s each, and Children 1s each, from 7 until 10 o'clock every evening (Sundays excepted.)—The Weekly Museum, January 5, 1793.
Museum & Wax Work.—At the Exhange, New York Museum and Wax Work. Mr. Bowen respectfully informs the Public, That he has added his Collection of Wax Work (never before exhibited in this city) to the Museum.
It is displayed in the centre of that spacious anad elegant Hall, surrounded by a very large Collection of Well-chosen Productions of Nature; which, together, now form one of the most pleasing and grand scenes ever offered to public view in America.
The following are the principal and most interesting Figures viz....Dr. Benjamin Franklin sitting at a table with an Electrical apparatus...John Hancock...Alexander Hamilton....Likeness of several beautiful young Ladies of different States. The Social Club, partaking of an Oyster Supper. A number of ugly female characters, in the School for Scandal—a laughable scene.
Mrs. Platt, the late Celebrated American Artist in Wax Work. The venerable John S. Hutton....Also, Two Mandarines, from the East Indies, dressed in the modern style of that country.
The Transparent Monument, erected by the Tammany Society...to the memory of that great and illustrious Man and Navigator, Christopher Columbus....On Saturday next being the anniversary of that great Event, this Monument which is placed in the centre of the Hall, (and surrounded with four beautiful Female Figures) will be elegantly illuminated, together with the Museum Wax work....The Doors will be opened at Candle light, and the Exhibition closed at Nine o'clock....tickets at two shillings to be had in the front room opposite the Door of the Museum without which no Person can be admitted. Tickets for Children, at one Shilling. Also annual tickets of Admission (not transferable) at one Dollar.—Columbian Gazetteer, October 10, 1793.
A New Exhibition of Wax-Work. Mr. Moulthrop informs the Public, that he has compleated a number of Wax Figures in large stature, among which are the followimg A likeness of the Rev. Ezra Stiles, President of Yale College, New Haven. A likeness of a young Lady of New Haven, Connecticut. Also a likeness of a young Lady of New York, one of the New York Beauties. With a variety of other figures. The Exhibition will be open every day and evening (Sundays excepted) at No. 406, Queen Street, near the Friends Meeting House Admittance one Shilling.—Weekly Museum, April 19, 1794.
Paintings and Waxwork.—A descriptive Catalogue of Bowen's New Exhibition of Paintings and Wax-Work. At Mrs. M'Euen's No. 75 Broad-Street, New-York.
1. An allegorical Painting, representing America:—On the appearance of Peace, she apppears in an extacy of gratitude to the Almighty.—Heroic virtue presents Liberty, attended by Concord—Industry followed by Plenty, and her train from a beautiful group expressive of population, and ships denote returning Commerce: This is a large and elegant Piece, valued at two hundred guineas.
2. David Garrick, Esq. Speaking an ode on the death of Shakespeare—On one side of the Statue of Shakespeare, is the tragic Muse, bringing forward King Lear, with the dead body of Cordelia, the Historic Muse, the Ghost of Hamlet, and Hercate by her magic power shewing the bloody dagger to Macbeth.—On the other side is the Sylvan God Pan, the comic muse inviting Falstaff, Prospero, Calliban, and the spirit Ariel, with the symbols of pastoral character behind; all uniting to express the extensive luxurious imagination of the great Shakespeare. Price three hundred guineas.
3. A scene in the third Act of King Lear. Characters present, Lear, Kent, and Fool.
4. Scene in the fourth Act of King Lear. Characters present, Cordelia, Kent, Physicians and attendants.
5. Media and Jason, a large and elegant Piece.
6. A scene in the fourth act of 'As You Like It.' Characters present, Rosalind, Celia, Sylvius, Phœbe, and Corin,
7. An excellent likeness of Mrs. Yates, in Media, Large as life: Valued at two hundred dollars.
8. A Scene in the fourth act of Hamlet, Characters present. King, Queen, Lacrtes. Ophelia distracted, and attendants. `I would give you some Violets, but they withered all when my father died,'
9. David Garrick, Esq. resigning the stage to the Dramatic Muses.
10. Henry the fifth, when going to France detecting a conspiracy against his life.
11. A beautiful painting of Mr. and Mrs. Lowndes &c. of Maryland.
12. Mr. Ridgeley and family of Maryland.
13. Mr. Hanson and family, of do.
14. Diana.
15. Melancholy.
16. Susannah.
17. Contemplation.
18. A handsome English Lady,
19. Distress.
20. One of the muses.
21. Canute the great, reproving his courtiers for their impious flattery.
22. Mrs. Yates, in Media.
23. Bachus, Ceres, and Cupid.
24. Mr. Henderson, in the character of Comus.
25. A Mad Woman.
26. The surrender of Calais to King Edward the third.
27. Mr. Smith of Baltimore.
28. Mrs. Smith of do.
29. A beautiful Grecian lady, large as life.
30. George the second.
31. Admiral Kepple.
32. Three beautiful young ladies of Philadelphia.
33. Fanny, in the Maid of the Mill.
34. Potona and Vertumnus.
35. A Roman matron, sacrificing to Jupiter.
36. Vandyke, a celebrated painter.
37. Mr. Sterret and family of Maryland.
38. Mrs. Erskine, a beautiful English Lady.
39. Venus chiding cupid.
40. An excellent likeness of the President of the United States.
41. Hanniman a celebrated Painter
42. Aurora, Nymphs dancing, &c.
43. Time clipping Cupid's wings.
44. An Indian Princess.
45. Indian chief, corn-planter.
46. Do. do. Brandt.
47. A lady unknown.
48. An old philosopher.
49. A gentleman unknown.
50. A lady unknown.
51. A Musical boy.
52. Boadicea, an ancient British Queen, inciting her troops to avenge the injuries she and her daughters had received from the licentious Roman soldiers.
53. Venus, Cupid, and Satyr.
54. Mrs. Prichard, a late celebrated actress.
55. David Garrick, Esq.
56. Somnus.
57. A Spaniard.
58. Cupid, with a mask.
59. Governor Paca, of Maryland.
60. Judge M'Kean, of Philadelphia,
61. Henry the fifth, (when Prince of Wales,) surrendering himself prisoner to the Chief Justice, whom he had insulted on the bench.
62. The Hon. Richard H. Lee, of Virginia.
63. Governor Spaight, of North Carolina.
64. Mr. F. L. Lee, of Virginia.
65. Mrs. Morris, of Philadelphia.
66. A school boy reading.
67. Mr. Hollingsworth, of Baltimore.
68. First Act in Macbeth:—Characters present, Macbeth, Banquo and Witches.
69. Nymphs bathing.
70. The Seasons, represented by children.
71. A lady unknown.
72. Two do. do.
Wax-Figures. Rev. President Stiles, of New-Haven.
A likeness of one of the beautiful young ladies, of New-York.
A likeness of a handsome young lady of New-Haven.
Humphreys and Mendoza, in an attitude of boxing.
An Indian behind a tree, throwing his tomahawk at a soldier.
The soldier presenting a pistol towards the Indian. &c. &c. &c.
The Exhibition is open every Day and Evening. (Sundays excepted.) Admittance, Two Shillings.—Columbian Gazetteer, June 9, 1794.
Paintings & Wax Work. The exhibition of Paintings and Wax Work at Mrs. M'Ewen's, No 75, Broad-street is continued open from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 in the Evening, everyday (Sunday excepted) after which time no admittance.—Weekly Museum, July 26, 1794.
Museum & Wax-Work. The public are informed that the Museum and Wax-Work lately received many additions—To the Wax-Work, a Sleeping Beauty of New-York—Two children, brother and sister; the boy is 4-1/2 years of age, and the infant 5-1/2 months; These are the likeness of two children of this city, and universally admired as two of the first specimens of his art. Two ancient Paintings 8 by 6 feet square. One represents the flight of the holy family of Joseph and Mary the mother of Christ with the infant in her arms. The other the Lion hunt, wherein the Lion appears in the midst of several furious dogs—these paintings are said to be some of the best in America.—Two very excellent and ancient Landscape Paintings, done in Germany—Chinese Lady Slippers—Mandarin Shoes and Boots—Malabar Shoes—A Boot without any seam—some Prize Shoes, men's and women's; some of the shoes have but one seam and that is closed inside, so that it appears impossible to have taken out the last. These shoes and the boot were made by a man in this city—with a number of valuable and artificial objects of various kinds: every day brings new additions of some kind—Such is the growing state of this collection.
The Museum and Wax-Work are open every day (Sundays excepted) from 10 to 1 o'clock in the forenoon, and from 3 to 5 in the afternoon; and on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings of each week, from candle light till 9 o'clock. Admittance Two Shillings, and children under 10 years, half price. Gardiner Baker Museum, in the Exchange.—Columbian Gazetteer, October 16, 1794.
Waxworks and Paintings.—Bowen's Exhibition of Wax-Work & Paintings, No. 75, Broad-Street, Is again opened for the entertainment of the Public, with a great variety of New Wax Figures, among which are the following: The unparalleled Murder of Marat, by Miss Charlotte Cordie, in France—a good likeness. Baron Trenck, in chains. Maternal affection, or a lady with two children. A Tea Party of little Misses. A Likeness of a beautiful young Lady of New-York, also, a large collection of elegant Chinese Paintings &c.
This Exhibition far exceeds anything of the kind ever offered to public view in America; and will be removed from this city the first day of May next. It will be open every day and evening from 9 o'clock in the morning until 9 at night. Admittance three shillings.—Mott and Hurtin's New-York Weekly Chronicle, April 16, 1795.
Wax Speaking Figure &c.—Great Secret Divulged and Exposed. The beautiful Wax-Figure, which has long been exhibited both in Europe and America as a Speaking Figure, and has caused so much conjecture respecting its principle of deception is now suspended in a beautiful temple in the museum. The principle, which is truly philosophical, may be discovered by two persons, who can hold a conversation through the figure by a whisper. The museum must be perfectly free from noise at the time the communication is made.
Amongst the many late additions to the museum, is an original portrait and very striking likeness of the late Governor Clinton, painted by Mr. Wright. A collection of mechanic Automatons Viz. 1. A cannon beating down the walls of a castle; 2. six stone cutters and four blacksmith's at work; 3. A pantomine, Harlequin, Punch &c. 4. Sportsman shooting a duck off a rock; 5. Chinese shoemakers; 6. Jealous miller and his wife &c. 7. Farm-yard, mill, miller, his wife &c. 8. Dance, by two soldiers and their girls to the beat of a drum under a cherry-tree; 9. Several Chinese tumblers—all of which imitated life, on mechanical principles....several warranted Electrical machines, with complete medical apparatus, for sale. At the Menage...largest collection of living animals, birds and serpents, ever seen together in America....G. Baker Proprietor.—The Minerva, & Mercantile Evening Advertiser, June 8, 1797.
Wax Work. Moulthrop and Street Respectfully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of New York that their New Exhibition of Wax Figures, is opened at the house of Mr. William Treadwell, No. 5 Cortland street, this exhibition consists of thirty-two figures, as large as life, among which are the following characters. 1. His excellency George Washington, late President of the United States. 2. His Excellency John Adams, now President of the United States. 3. Dr. Ezra Stiles, late President of Yale College. 4. King Saul, in his extremity, consulting with the witch of Endor, and Samiuel raised. 5. David going forth against Goliath, with a sling and stone; the figure of the giant is ten feet high, with his coat of mail and implements of war. This is allowed to be one of the greatest curiosities ever represented in wax. 6. the late Gen. Butler, who fell in St. Clair's defeat, represented as wounded in the leg and breast, and an Indian rushing on him with a tomahawk. 7. Charles Grandison and his lady with two beautiful children. 8. The Connecticut beauty 9. The Friends beauty. 10. Maternal affection, represented by a lady with two children. 11. The Prodigal in high life. 12. A musical card party. 13. An old woman whipping her negro girl, or domestic disciple. The Exhibition will be opened from 9 in the morning until 9 in the Evening. Admittance one quarter of a dollar for grown persons, children half price.—Weekly Museum, December 9, 1797.
Wax Figures From Paris.—Oudin & Co. Respectfully informs the Public and their friends they have just received from Paris a collection of Ten Wax Figures, Eight of which in Bust represent the true Likenesses of the French Generals, executed by the first artists of that Capital City. They dare hope that these figures will attract the notice of the greatest connoisseurs of this City, being the Master Pieces of that art, improved to the highest degree. 1. Buonaparte, this famous General, who won so many victories over his enemies. 2. Masiena, the Cherished Child of Victory. 3. Macdonald who was chosen by the Romans to be their Chief, and to lead them from Naples. 4. Moreau, now at the Army of Italy, known by his rare talents, when he made so fine a retreat in Germany. 5. Bournonville, now at the Army of Brabant. 6. Serurier, to that of Italy. 7. LeCourbe, now on the Rhine. 8. Hoche, who like a Mediator put an end to the War of Vendee, and engaged its inhabitants by his policy to lay down their arms.
They will see likewise an exact copy of a picture which Buonaparte sent to the Directory, representing the Conquest of Jerusalem in Asia, by general Kleber; the entrance of the troops into that famous city, and the flight of the Turks. And another representing also, the great Battle which took place under the Walls of Verona, under the command of general Moreau against the Austrians. 9 & 10 The two other, are the Sappers of a natural size, who saved Buonaparte's Life at the Battle of Ponte-de-Lody, after having had his horse killed under him.
The whole may be seen at No. 112 Broadway, opposite the New City Tavern, from 8 in the morning to 1 o'clock, and from 4 to 9 in the afternoon. If after these fixed hours, there are any persons who wish to see this collection in private, on signifying their intentions, their curiosity shall be immediately gratified. Price Four Shillings for each person.—Argus. Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser, August 27, 1799.
Electric Machines Of a new construction exceeding portable and convenient and which will operate in the most unfavorable state of the weather, made by Christopher Colles, at his Fig Blue manufactory, the Lower battery
He proposes to exhibit a variety of entertaining electrical experiments at his house on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at seven o'clock in the evening. Admittance two shillings.—The Daily Advertiser, May 1, 1786.
Slackwire Performer.—By Permission. At Mr. Corres' City Tavern, on Saturday, the 21st Inst. The surprising performances of the celebrated John Brenon from Dublin, In the curious and ingenious art of dancing on the Slack Wire, Balancing both on and off the wire, without the assistance of a balance pole as it is at present performed in London and Dublin.
The whole of his performance being Collected from the different parts of the globe, where such amusements are in repute, would be too long for this advertisement, his ground balancing being past description. Singing, by Mr. Brenon. Concludes with various Feats of the Dexterity of Hand.
To begin precisely at Eight O'clock. Tickets, first seat, four shillings, Second Ditto, two shillings to be had at the place of performance and at Mr. Mortons' printing office No. 22 Water-Street.
His performances will be continued on Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. Said Brenon cures the tooth ache without drawing. No cure, no pay, for the Poor. Gratis.—New-York Journal, & Weekly Register, July 19, 1787.
Philosophical Experiments.—Signor Falconi, at general request, will give another representation this evening, at the assembly Room. He will exert himself as much as lies in his power, to please the public. Amongst the several, a surprising natural philosophical experiments which will compose this exhibition, he will give The Chinese Talisman a piece which has been every where always admired. By the advice of some friends he has reduced his price to five shillings. Tickets to be had at Mr. Corre's and at Mr. Childs.—New-York Journal, &Weekly Register, July 19, 1787.
Speaking Figure. The proprietor respectfully informs the public that his exhibition is removed to No.7 Beekman, formerly called Chapel street, near the brick meeting house, where the curious may have an opportunity to gratify their curiosity for three or four weeks, after which time he intends to remove it to Boston. Ladies and gentlemen are admitted any time of the day at 2s. each, and children at 1s. each by the public's most obedient servant. Samuel Prince.—New-York Weekly Museum, May 22, 1790.
Rope Dancer.—...Hallam and Henry respectfully inform the Public, they have engaged for a few nights Monsieur Placide, first rope dancer to the King of France and his troop, lately arrived in America, who have been received with singular applause in the theatres royal of Dublin, Bath, Bristol and Norwich; also at Sadler Wells. Monsieur Placide has sent for his performers from the south-ward, who may be expected in the course of ten or twelve days....—Weekly Museum, January 28, 1792.
Air Gun.—To the Curious. An Air Gun, made by a young man, a native of Rhode-Island, but now residing in this city and which has been purchased by the subscriber, at a very considerable price, with a view eventually to make it the property of the American Museum, but wishes to reimburse himself in the following manner, viz.
He will exhibit it for exmination of all persons desirous of viewing it, and of discharging a shot for which they shall pay six-pence.
This Gun, when properly filled with air, will do execution twenty times, without renewing the charge, and for several times will send a ball through an inch board at the distance of sixty yards, to be seen at the subscriber's No 13, Maiden-Lane, every day in the week from 10 to 2 O'clock, in the forenoon and from 3 to 5 in the afternoon. Tuesday and Friday excepted, at which time it may be viewed at the museum. Gardiner Baker, Keeper of Museum.—The Diary; or Loudon's Register, February 16, 1792.
Rope Dancer.—Bennet, the Noted and Famous Rope Dancer from London, will perform this Evening at Mr. Waldron's Long Room in Great-George-Street various Feats of activity such as Leaping, Jumping, with Ballancing and Walking on wire, Dancing a Hornpipe on his Head, to conclude with a Humorous Song &c. the whole art of magnetism to begin at 7 o'clock price 2s. children 1s. If satisfaction is not given the money will be returned.—Weekly Museum, March 31, 1792.
Columbus Day Celebration.—At the Exchange, New York. Museum and Wax Works....The Transparent Monument, erected by the Tammany Society, on the Evening of the 12th of October last, to the Memory of that great and illustrious Man and Navigator, Christopher Columbus, who at a period of only 301 years past, made known to Man, a new World in the West, which we now inhabit: On Saturday next, being the Anniversary of that great Event, this Monument, which is placed in the centre of the Hall, (and surrounded with four beautiful Female Figures) will be elegantly Illuminated, together with the Museum and Wax Work, for the first Evening; after which it will be continued three Evenings in each week, viz. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays....—Columbian Gazetteer, October 10, 1793.
Jerusalem. A Model of the Ancient and Magnificent City of Jerusalem, as it stood when our Saviour was upon earth, made agreeable to the description of Josephus, is now ready for exhibition, for the entertainment of the Curious. It being famous in history for its superb and glorious temple, and other wonderful works, all which are elegantly carved out in miniature, and the mountains in and about the City, with a representation from where our Saviour was taken in the garden until his Crucifixion; all which is contained in the space of sixteen feet by nine.
Any time from ten o'clock in the morning until ten in the evening, it may be seen at the house of Mr. Lawrence Hyer, No 62 Chatham street. Admittance, two shillings. Children one shilling.—Columbia Gazetteer, November 18, 1793.
Telescope.—For Sale at the Museum, a good Reflecting Telescope made by an American Artist and magnifies 36 times.—Columbia Gazetteer, December 5, 1793.
Museum and Wax Work in the Exchange New York. For the gratification of the citizens during the holy day—The transparent paintings during this time will be illuminated; and the much admired American patent steam jack will be exhibited frequently in its real element. This elegant place of public resort, is allowed to be the compleatest and most beautiful in the United States; it contains several living animals and birds not to be met with in this country except in this place; also a great number of preserved animals and birds, amongst which are the male and female Ourang Outang, and a perfect Foetus of the same in the highest state of preservation. Here are upwards of 20 wax figures as large as life, and two mandarins from the East Indies. Here the art of man is much admired and astonished. The room is elegantly painted, exhibiting many of the most curious and singular animals, birds and plants in their proper colours; an arch has a fine effect, appearing like a sky, with clouds interspersed, and a thunder storm. This room is admired as the most proper and beautiful of its kind.—No person can be admitted without a ticket, which may be had in the front room opposite the door of the museum, at two shillings, and children one shilling. Also, annual tickets not transferable for one dollar. Gardiner Baker keeper.
N.B. The American Patent steam jacks may be had of Joseph Pearsall, No. 36 Queen-Street.—Weekly Museum, December 21, 1793.
Meteorological Obervation, Made from a Thermometer kept in the cupola of the Museum at the Exchange, in the city of New-York 1794. By Citizen G. Baker keeper of the museum....—Columbian Gazetteer, February 3, 1794.
Guillotine.—Late additions to the Museum. The Keeper of the Museum, respectfully informs the Public that from the late and many applications to see the Guillotine, there is a separate apartment provided in the building, and a complete Guillotine is erected, and a wax figure, which perfectly represents a man beheaded! This instrument will not be found on examination in miniature, but a complete Guillotine in every respect, and one capable of performing the part for which it was originally designed in France, being made after the modern ones, now in use in that great Republic....There is also a late addition of a most beautiful collection of painted Chinese Birds and Fishes, that were painted by the people of that country; in these paintings the beholder will discover the unrivaled imitative compacities of the Chinese in one of the finest arts of man, they are said to be equal to any thing of the kind, either in Europe or America; the collection consists of 19 Birds and 12 fish all the colours copied from the life.
Every visitor to the Museum, may if they wish, have access to the Guillotine, it may be seen with the beheaded figure, or by itself; when the machine is seen alone, nothing appears horrible. G. Baker Keeper.—Columbian Gazetteer, March 31, 1794.
Collection of Birds.—A new and Beautiful Museum. The subscriber informs the public, that there is contained in the front apartments, of the present Museum, the largest collection of Birds, Butterflies, Insects and Beatles in America; from Europe, Asia, Africa and America. The collection contains near 600 Birds, upwards of 2000 Insects, some most elegant Paintings, a ship of 14 guns completely rigged, made entirely of Glass, a Concert Musical Clock which plays five different instruments, the Harpsicord, Piano Forte, 2 flutes and the Organ; this Clock cost near 800 Dollars. Admittance into this Museum three shillings or four for inspecting both Museums. Gardiner Baker.—Weekly Museum, July 26, 1794.
New Museum. Contained in the Front Rooms opposite the entrance of the Museum & Wax-Work. Price of admittance Three Shillings—or Four Shillings for examining this collection with the Museum and Wax-Work.
Catalogue of articles contained in this Collection.
I. Musical Concert Eight day day Clock, shewing the Hour, Minutes, Second, and Day of the month.—Musical part.—Plays a number of tunes (and any number may be added to it) with five instruments viz. Harpsichord, Piana-Forte, a first and second Flute and organ; these instruments may all be played together, forming one of the most beautiful, sublime and soft concerts that the ear can wish: At any stage of the tune that it may be playing, the Flutes, may be stopped, and the Piano Forte and Harpsichord left to perform alone; or the Harpsichord and Piano may be stopped as the Flutes, and they may be left to perform alone; so that the instruments may be separated and united in any stage of the music, and it may be made to performed fast or slow, as required.
This Clock was designed and executed by Mr. Henry Moelsinger, Clock and Watchmaker, who arrived at Philadelphia in autumn last (from Manheim, in Germany) where he now follows his business, but expects shortly to reside in this city.
Description of the Case.
The case is made of the best Mahogany, by a most excellent workman. The architecture is of an entire new construction, and is of an irregular form very pleasing to the eye, having no analogy to the customary method of making clock cases; and will be found to form an elegant pattern. The cabinet-makers, Mess. Gifford and Scotland, will be intitled to much merit for this design and execution, with the Paintings and decoration—On the Pedestal appear two beautiful youths, represented playing upon flutes, very animated; above these appear a very handsome Lady, seated under a rich canopy, (beautifully decorated with drapery) playing the Piano-Forte; above, on the top of the canopy a small globe appears, surrounded by a beautiful sky with clouds interspersed. An Eagle hovering, suspending in its beak, a shield with the fifteen united stripes, in one talon an olive branch, in the other a bundle of arrows; above these is seen glittering rays with fifteen stars interspersed, and over this the eye of Providence. On the top of the Case, is seen, in burnished gold, in the centre, Fame, with his trumpet, in a handsome attitude; on his right, Justice, and on his left Liberty—very handsomely finished. The painting was executed by Mr. Joseph Weaver, and the gilding and carving by Mr. Harding, both of this city.
This Clock and Case cost upward of Eight Hundred Dollars.
II. A Glass Republican Ship.—This ship is ten inches in length, mounts fourteen guns, and with all the rigging is made entirely of glass, (the colors and figurehead excepted) all the ropes and rigging being very nicely proportioned.
III. A very fine Camera, for viewing prints; with fifty colored views of the most elegant buildings of ancient Rome, with some of it antiquities. Six very handsome paintings of the first kind, being views in France.
IV. Fifty eight cases with glass in front, containing near 600 Birds from Europe, Asia, Africa, and America; Here the book of nature is unfolded, the Gold and Silver Pheasants of China—and the following families amongst which are 6 Parrots of different species, 10 Parroquets, 9 Woodpeckers, 7 Cuckoos, 10 Pigeons, 5 Toucans or bill birds, 16 Humming birds, about 20 Hawks, birds of bray, 14 Starlings and black-birds, 11 Jays, 12 Robins, 12 Butcher birds of prey, 23 Nightingales, 21 Sparrows and Yellow-hammers 28 Widdow-birds, Canary birds, Sparrows, and Greenfinches, 16 Wood peckers, 19 Tangara, 27 Bullfinches, Goldfinches and Tomtits, 23 Linnets and Red throats, 9 Swallows, 11 Larks, 21 Sparrows, Greenfinches, Chaffinches and Linnets, 7 Owls, 12 black birds and Pratlers.—With a great number that are not classed in families.
And between 2 and 3000 insects, such as butterflies, stinging bees, Biting flies and Beetles—One box 26 by 18 inches, contains one thousand and forty-two different species of Beetles arranged in families.
This collection of birds and insects, for their state of preservation, classification, arrangement, and beautiful order, is said not to be excelled, at this time, in any part of the world. Gardiner Baker.
New-Museum, in the front rooms of the Exchange, October 16, 1794.—Columbian Gazetteer>, October 16, 1794.
American Pearl Mussel.—Original American Manufactory. The subscriber informs the public that he has manufactured several hundred paid of sleeve buttons. The substance is the Shell of the American Pearl Mussle, in its native unpolished state. It will be found on examination, to be plain and really beautiful, and is one of the most elegant natural substances for the manufacture of buttons ever discovered. (the richest and most valuable pearl is found in the shell of this mussle) these buttons are the first article that has ever been manufactured from the shell of this mussle, and is a most excellent proof that the fresh water brooks of our country afford a valuable article of convenience and ornament; the buttons are for sale at the Museum, and at the store of Messrs Staples & Sons, and Hawxharsts & Demilts, in Pearl Street. Gardiner Baker, Museum, in the Exchange.—The Herald, November 27, 1794.
Threshing Machine.—A model of a threshing machine on the plan recommended by Mr. Wright, has been presented to the agricultural Society of this state and examined. It remains in the Senate Chamber, for the inspection of the members of the Legislature; after which it is proposed to be deposited in Mr. Baker's Museum, for the benefit of the curious. It is said this machine is used in Scotland, and that it will thrash and winnow at the same time, 150 bushels of wheat in six hours. It is turned by a single horse.—The Herald, March 18, 1795.
Superb Obtique. A Beautiful Exhibition is just arrived from Paris, and to be seen at No. 62 Broad-Way. It is composed of an infinite number of the principal Views of all the towns and sea-ports of every country; of the Battles which have been fought in France; of the Cidevant Feasts given at Versailles and at Paris; the light of the houses will appear natural; the illuminations by the best materials. Also, may be seen the guillotine, the criminal executed, and the executioner holding up the head to the view of the people. This piece will not be shown but to those who demand it. The Cabinet will be opened from 9 in the morning until 9 in the evening in which time 10 pieces will be exhibited and 9 persons can be admitted at a time, at 2s per grown people and 1s for children, paid at the door. There is a decent apartment for the entertainment of the company. Broad-way No 62.—The Argus, August 25, 1795.
Self-Moving Carriage.—Amphitheatre, Broadway, this evening, Monday Jan 11. Self Moving Carriage. Mr. Perrette, Machinist from Paris, and other large towns in Europe, and Pensioner to the French Republic, has the pleasure of informing the public, that he has a self moving Carriage, which has been much applauded by the numerous spectators who have viewed it. An Eagle Automaton, suitably caparisoned draws the Carriage forward with as much rapidity as though it were drawn by horses; The driver seated in the Carriage, holds the reigns, and directs the course of this extraordinary Carriage.
Mr. Perette, intending to exhibit this wonderful piece of Mechanism, a few times in this city, respectfully invites the Ladies and Gentlemen to attend, and flatters himself they will be highly gratified. The Exhibition will be at the Amphitheatre, Broadway. Doors opened at 6 o'clock, and begins precisely at 7. Box 4s. Pit 2. Tickets to be had at the place of Performance.—The Argus, January 11, 1796.
Philosophical Experiment. Precisely at half past 4 O'clock on Monday afternoon, being the 8th inst. a very curious and extraordinary Philosophical Experiment will be shewn at the Museum. A small brass cannon will be charged in the presence of the audience apparently with nothing, the gun will then be conveyed to an elevated place above peoples heads, and discharge at command with a loud report, when no person will be near it, this is discharging a cannon without being loaded with powder or without its having a vent or without any fire being applied to the same. A candle will also be lighted instantly only by turning a screw. This beautiful experiment will, I flatter myself, please and astonish the audience, and I hope there will be many witness to approbate the same. Gardiner Baker Proprietor of Tammany Museum.—Weekly Museum, February 6, 1796.
Indian Dance. By request of several of the Indians to the interpreter, a dance by them will be performed at No. 5 Cortland street this evening at 7 o'clock. Price of admission for grown persons 2s. and 1s. for children.—The Argus, March 21, 1796.
The Automaton Writer, and Whispering Indian. The proprietor of the Writing Automaton, at the express desire of a number of Citizens, has, for their and the public gratification, taken a commodious room, No. 129 William Street, where he has made an addition of a figure called The Whispering Indian which will hear questions and return answers unknown to any other person if standing close by the figure. He will also exhibit other pieces of mechanism, well worth their attention.
The curious will here find ample scope for observation: and as no trouble or expence has been spared to render the Exhibition worthy of their patronage, the proprietor hopes for that generous support which has ever distinguished the citizens of New York. Admittance for Ladies and Gentlemen, 2 sh. Children, half price. The above curious pieces of Mechanism may be seen by any number of persons from ten o'clock in the morning till 12, and from two o'clock till 9 in the evening. It commenced on Wednesday last, and will continue every day, Sundays excepted.—The Diary, September 13, 1796.
Show Box.—Five Dollars Reward. A man...has gone off with a blue painted Show Box (which had a number of Pictures and a little Drummer on the top of it) 2 ft. and a half high....Whoever will take said thief shall have the above reward, by leaving the Show at the printing office. Samuel Luzerden.—New-York Gazette and General Advertiser, April 21, 1797.
Pleasing Exhibition. Curious Experiments by Mr. Salanka, He respectfully informs the ladies and gentlemen of New York that he will exhibit on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings at No 78 Wall Street, opposite the old Coffee house. The art of Legerdemain and slight of hand such as were never performed by any other person in America, but will highly gratify the spectators. Also the wonderful exploits of the Learned Dog....—New-York Daily Advertiser, March 16, 1799.
Tammany Museum and Wax-Work, Belonging to Mrs. Baker, Is removed to No. 212 Greenwich street, where the Panorama formerly was exhibited near the Bear Market, and will be opened on Monday the 20th instant, and every day in the week, Sundays excepted, and on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings until ten o'clock.
Where likewise is to be seen, that elegant and much admired Concert Musical Clock, which plays the piano forte and first and second flute, plays 8 pieces of music and 14 changes: which is now offered for sale. For further particulars enquire of Mrs. Baker, No. 40 Reed street, or at the Museum. Ladies and Gentlemen who favor it with their custom, may depend on polite attendance, as the greatest attendance will be given to all visitors by the keeper.—New-York Daily Advertiser, July 1, 1799.
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- TextGrid Repository (2016). TEI. 3151 New York newspaper advertisements and news items 1777 1779. . University of Oxford, License: Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/]. https://hdl.handle.net/11378/0000-0005-D040-7