
An die Harvard University

Thro' the Agency of Mr. J. G. Cogswell.

Goethe's Works Vol. I – XX.
Doctrine of the Colours Vol. I – II.
– Plates 4to.
The Propylaea Vol. I – III.
Life of J. G. Hackert.
Travels in Italy Vol. I – II.
Art and Antiquity Vol. I – II.
On Natural Science.
Bohemian Mountains (3 Copies).
[254] Iphigenia translated into Modern Greek (3 Copies).
Occasional Poems.

The above poetical and scientific works are presented to the library of the University of Cambridge in N. England, as a mark of deep Interest in its high literary Character, and in the successful Zeal it has displayed thro' so long a Course of Years for the promotion of solid and elegant education.

With the high respects of the Author

J. W. v. Goethe.

Weimar Aug. 11. 1819.

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Zitationsvorschlag für dieses Objekt
TextGrid Repository (2012). Goethe: Briefe. 1819. An die Harvard University. TextGrid Digitale Bibliothek. TextGrid. https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-1734-0000-0006-87F7-3